cp08-11-1987 c."a 411 " _k HUTCHINSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF August 9 To August 15 .1997 WEDNESDAY -12- 10:00 A.M. - Directors Meet- ing at City Hall SUNDAY MONDAY TUE,►Y -9- -10- -11- .•7/A THURSDAY -13- FRIDAY -14- 10:00 A.M. - WWTP Staff Meet- ing at Project Site Office 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meeting at City Hall SATURDAY -15- VACATION: BONNIE BAUMETZ - Aug. 10-14 MARILYN SWANSON - Aug. 12-24 HAZEL SITZ - Aug. 10 AGEND REGULAR MBHTIIG - HUTCHI HUTCHIISOI CITY CODICIL 0 TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1987 1. Call to Order - 7:30 P.I. 2. Invocation - Rev. Manley Swarthout, Wesleyan Church 3. Consideration of Minutes - Special Meeting of July 23, 1987; Regular Meeting of July 28, 1987 and Bid Opening of August 6, 1987 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. Routine Items (a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Building Official's Report - July 1987 2. Airport Commission Minutes of July 20, 1987 3. Parks & Recreation Board Minutes of July 1, 1987 (b) Gambling License for Hutchinson Chapter Ducks Unlimited at Crow River Country Club Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed and issue license 5. Public Hearing -�00 P.X. (a) Assessment Roll No. 235 - Letting Io. 16, Project No. 87-36 Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and adopt roll and award contract for improvement - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions Mo. 8587 and No. 8588 6. Communications. Recuests and Petitions (a) Presentation By MPGA of Minnesota Class B Operator of the Year Award to Henry Heinecke Action - (b) Presentation By Terry Larson of Donohue & Associates Regarding Staffing for New Wastewater Treatment Plant Action - (c) Consideration of Request to Close A Portion of Third Avenue Southeast At for Fire Station Open House On September 26, 1987 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 11, 1987 th (d) Consideration of Requests from Chamber of Commerce for Arts And Crafts Festival September 18 h 19, 1987 Action - ]lotion to reject - Motion to approve requests (e) Consideration of Request for Street Lights On Hwy. 7 Vest Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and refer to Utilities (a) Resolution No. 8589 - Resolution for Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (b) Resolution No. 8591 - Resolution Accepting Pledged Security From First State Federal Savings A Loan Association Action - Motion to reject - ]lotion to waive reading and adopt (c) Ordinance No. 6/87 - An Ordinance Extending The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Hutchinson To Include Certain Unincorporated Territory Bordered By Land Within The City Limits And Abutting Thereon Is Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive first reading and set second reading August 25, 1987 8. Unfinished Business (a) Consideration of Appointing A Council Representative To HCDC Board (DEFERRED JULY 28, 1987) Action - Motion to ratify appointment (b) Consideration of Enclosed Hangar for C.A.P. Plane (DEFERRED JULY 28, 1987) Action - (c) Consideration of Awarding Bid for High Service Booster Pump No. 4 (DEFERRED AUGUST 6, 1987) Action - Motion to reject - ]lotion to approve and award bid - ]lotion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) Consideration of Appointment of Dorothy Smith As Assistant Deputy Is Registrar of Motor Vehicle Department Action - Motion to refect - Motion to approve appointment F 0 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 11, 1987 (b) Consideration of Amendment to Senior Nutrition Program Lease with City Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve amendment (c) Consideration of Selecting A Consulting Firm for Traffic Sign Inventory Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve selection process and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8590 Consideration of Curb And Sidewalk Reconstruction On Hain Street Between Third Avenue Northwest And Fourth Avenue Northwest Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve project ( ) Consideration of Request By Dobratz Hantge Chapel to Remove City Boulevard And Replace with Angle Parking Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve and waive first reading of ordinance and set second reading August 25, 1987 (f) Consideration of Policy Recommendations from Airport Commission Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve policy(s) (g) Consideration of Carpentry Contract for Hutchinson Police Station Action - Notion to reject - Notion to approve second bidder (h) Consideration of Levy Limits And Appeals to Department of Revenue Action - 10. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Aonronriations and Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adiournnent • 3 LA • t NINUTBS SPECIAL IHETIX - HUTCHIVSOI CITY COUSCIL THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1987 1. CALL TO ORDER The special meeting was called to order by Hayor Ackland at 5:30 P.H. the following were present: Aldermen like Carls, John lunar, Pat likulecky and layor Paul L. Ackland. Absent: Alderman Harlin Torgerson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson (ar- rived at 6:30 PX). 2. PRESENTATION BY HUTCHIIS01 COIDIUIITY DEVBIAPMM CORP. BOARD OF DIRECTORS T.A. Buzz Burich and John Bernbagen represented the HCDC Board of Directors. They reviewed the 1987 goals and work plan objectives of the organization and the highlights of committee activities. They also discussed the pre- liminary findings of the S.Y.O.T. analysis of downtown and the possibility of applying for a :hall Cities Grant to revitalize lain Street. A VCR presentation on promoting Hutchinson was shown to the Council. Also promotional ads about the city have been placed in two magazines. An update report on the revolving loan funds was presented. President Buricb requested the appointment of a Council member as a repre- sentative to the Board of Directors. Director Bernhagen reviewed the procedure for Energy Conservation Loans. He requested authorization from the Council to delegate the HCDC Board to make the decision on approving the loans. Authorization was requested for HCDC to install an "Industrial Park Hast" sign on either State right-of-way or City boulevard on Highway 7 Hast. President Burich addressed Council commitment to revitalization of the down- town area. He stated the improvements would require money and time from the Council members. There is a need for change in mix downtown. It was pointed out that sprinkling might be a part of the revolving loan fund pro- gram. Another grant option might be the hotel project or some other down- town project. 3. REVIEW OF REVISED CITY CHARTER BY CHARTER Chairman Charles Carlson stated the revised City Charter represented one and a half year's work of the Charter Commission. The three major changes were: 1) a change in the form of government from Commission to Hayor-Council; 2) expansion of the responsibilities of the City Administrator; and 3) expan- sion of the Utilities Commission from three members on the Board to five members. There was considerable discussion regarding the name for the new form of government. In addition, Council members raised questions concerning other 1 �. sections of the revised Charter. The Xayor pointed out that two legisla- tive changes will need to be addressed in the new Charter. Chairman Carlson commented that the proposed City Charter was being sub- mitted to the Council for action to establish a referendum or special elec- tion for the vote of residents. Following discussion on how to promote the revised Charter, the date of September 17 was suggested for a special elec- tion. Appreciation was expressed to the Charter Commission members for their input and bard work in preparing the revised Charter, as well as the thorough job done. 4. REIIIBY OF PAR%IIG BOLD APPEALS N. City Attorney Anderson stated he had met with Attorney Bill Baas who repre- sented the 13 appellants. Previously the Council had rejected an offer to pay 40% of $108,000 or approximately $43,000. Therefore, it was Attorney Anderson's suggestion to authorize a third appraisal and average the amounts or offer a payment of 45%. Following discussion, it was determined to put this item on the agenda for the next Council meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.X. Is Is . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHICHINSOi CITY COUNCIL TURSDAY, JULY 28, 1987 1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 7:30 P.X. The follow- ing were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Mike Carle, Marlin Tor- gerson, and Pat Mikulecky. Absent: Alderman John Mlinar. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Director of Engineering Eugene Anderson and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Gerrit Molenaar, Jr. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the special meeting of June 26, 1987, bid opening of July 7, 1987 and regular meeting of July 14, 1987 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FINANCIAL REPORT - JUNE 1987 2. NURSING HOME BOARD MINUTES OF JUNE 25, 1987 3. TREE BOARD MINUTES OF MAY 6, 1987 4. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 16, 1987 (b) LICENSES: 1. ELKS - GAMBLING LICENSE FOR NCL80D COUNTY FAIR 2, PAPA VERMIS NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL - CIGARETTE LICENSE (c) APPOINTMENT: 1. MCLEOD COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - EUGENE ANDERSON The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to order the report and minutes filed, issue the licenses and ratify the appointment. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING None. 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF OPTIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 1987 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP REGARDING PAY PLAN/NERIT SYSTEM Following a review of the options offered to the Council, Alderman Nikulecky moved to select option three for the workshop meeting. Ald- erman Torgerson seconded the motion and carried unanimously. 1 G� • CITY COUNCIL NINUTBS - JULY 289 1987 Is (b) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR I01-I1TOYICATING HALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR SPANYY'S ON AUGUST 21 1987 During discussion Alderman Carie moved to amend the rule to add an agenda item. Notion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. Alderman Torgerson moved to recommend approval of the license with the restrictions as made by the Police Chief. Notion seconded by Alderman Nikulecky and carried unanimously. (a) RESOLUTION 110. 8571 - DESIGNATION OF ADDITIONAL DEPOSITORIES OF CITY FUNDS FOR 1987 (DEFERRED JULY 14, 1987) Following discussion, Alderman Carla moved to waive reading and adopt amended Resolution No. 8571 which would allow the deposit of City funds in the depositories mentioned only if the interest rate was in excess of .005 of the City financial institutions and only for those monies from proceeds of bond sales not yet expended or grant reimbursement monies. Notion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 8576 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RELEASE AND SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITIES TO CITIZENS RANK b TRUST CO. OF HUTCHINSON, NINNESOTA It was reported that Citizens Bank 3 Trust bad requested an additional release and substitution of pledged securities totaling 93 million. The notion was made by Alderman Torgerson to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8576 with the changes as presented. Notion seconded by Alderman Nikulecky and carried unanimously. (c) RESOLUTION 10. 8577 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE Alderman Carla moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8577 to approve the purchase of water meters. Notion seconded by Alderman Tor- gerson and unanimously carried. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) PETITION TO REOPEN HURON STREET AT RAILROAD CROSSING FOR THROUGH TRAFFIC (DEFERRED JULY 14, 1987) Engineer Anderson reported that the owner of Dakota Rail was willing to absorb the $3,000 cost to reopen the railroad track. The City cost would be approximately $2,000 to pave across the railroad track cross- ing. If gravel were put across the track, there would be an additional cost to the railroad for required planking. Following discussion, Alderman Carla moved for the City to provide up to $1,000 toward the cost of planking for gravel across the railroad 2 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 289 1987 track. Motion seconded by Alderman Xikulecky and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED USE FOR REAR OVERHEAD DOOR AT TOWN & COUNTRY TIRES LOCATED AT 31 FIRST AVENUE NORTHEAST (DEFERRED JULY 14, 1987) City Attorney Anderson commented on the City's ordinance regarding parking lots and their use. No action was taken. (c) CONSIDERATION OF PHP INSURANCE RENEWAL (DEFERRED JULY 14, 1987) During discussion, the City Attorney was directed to obtain a legal opinion frau the Attorney General regarding State Statute. The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to approve renewal and enter into a contract with PHP. Alderman Xikulecky seconded the motion and carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL FOR LUND EASEMENT TO FACILITATE HIGHWAY 15 SOUTH PROJECT (DEFERRED JULY 14, 1987) Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to authorize administra- tion to acquire the Lund property through direct negotiations or emi- neat domain and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8586. Notion seconded by Alderman Carla and carried three to one, with Aldermen Carla, Torgerson and Mayor Ackland voting aye and Alderman Xikulecky voting nay. (e) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING SETTLEMENT ON PARKING ASSESSMENT APPEALS After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to author- ize the City Attorney to negotiate a settlement. Notion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky. Alderman Carla amended the motion for a 50 percent settlement level. Amended motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. The main motion carried unanimously. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS Alderman Torgerson moved to approve discontinuation of service unless other arrangements had been made. Notion seconded by Alderman Xiku- lecky and carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the recommen- dation of the time line for selection process of a police chief. No- tion seconded by Alderman Carla and unanimously carried. it Alderman Carla moved to approve the job description and qualifications for the police chief. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and car- ried unanimously. 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 28, 1987 Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the final plat and to waive reading and adopt Resolution Io. 8582. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REGISTERED LAND SURVEY 110. 20 SUBMITTED BY LARRY BETHKE FOR TOWNHOUSES ON PUD WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION The motion was made by Alderman Carla, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to approve the Registered Land Survey No. 20. Notion carried unani- mously. Alderman Carla moved to approve the 10 -week leave of absence for Peter Fiucke. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF DOBRATZ ADDITION SUBMITTED BY DONALD DOBRATZ WITH FAVORABLE RBCOIOMATIOI OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Carla moved to approve the preliminary plat and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8579. Notion seconded by Alderman Nikulecky and unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY THOMAS DAGGETT, HUTCH MANUFACTURIIG, WITH FAVORABLE RHCOXMR1DATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Nikulecky moved to approve the condi- tional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution Io. 8580. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY VIRGIL VOIGHT, CROW RIVER VETERINARY CLINIC, WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Carla moved to approve the conditional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8581. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R-1 TO R-3 OI GOLF COURSE PROPERTY ABUTTING HELLAND'S FIRST ADDITION SUBMITTED BY TERRY NIC$ AND DAN FENEIS, WITH UNFAVORABLE RBC(HD03ID1TIO1 OF PLANNING COMMISSION Terry Nick and Dan Feneis presented drawings of the proposed apartment building. Following discussion, Alderman Carla moved to uphold the Planning Commission's recommendation and refect the request. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT SUBMITTED BY LARRY BETHKE FOR TOWNHOUSES ON PUD WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the final plat and to waive reading and adopt Resolution Io. 8582. Motion sec- onded by Alderman Mikulecky and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REGISTERED LAND SURVEY 110. 20 SUBMITTED BY LARRY BETHKE FOR TOWNHOUSES ON PUD WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION The motion was made by Alderman Carla, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to approve the Registered Land Survey No. 20. Notion carried unani- mously. 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 28, 1987 (1) CONSIDBRATION OF LOT SPLIT OH CARLISLE STREET REQUESTED BY JOHN CBEFE JR. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the lot split. Notion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. (j) CONSIDERATION OF SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY LOWELL BRECHT WITHIN TWO NILE RADIUS Alderman Torgerson moved to refer the sketch plan to the County with no objection. Notion seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. (k) CONSIDERATION OF RENEWALS OF LONG -TERN[ DISABILITY AND LIFE INSURANCE Following discussion, Alderman Carls moved to approve the renewals and accept the proposals. Notion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and car- ried unanimously. RECESS: The City Council adjourned at 9:16 P.N. for a 10 -minute recess. (1) CONSIDERATION OF 1988 BUDGET DATES AND GUIDELINES The following dates were established for budget meetings. August 31. . . . 8:00 P.N. September 2. . . 6:00 P.N. September 9. . . 7:00 P.X. September 22 . . 8:00 P.N. (Public Hearing) (m) CONSIDERATION OF REVISED SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR SUNSET RIDGE ADDITION Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the subdi- vision agreement. Notion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and carried unanimously. (n) CONSIDERATION OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR FIFTH ADDITION TO LAKEWOOD TERRACE Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the subdi- vision agreement. Notion seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. (o) CONSIDERATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT 110. 2 FOR LETTING 110. 5, PROJECT 10. 87-17 Following discussion, Alderman Carls moved to approve and enter into supplemental agreement. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and car- ried unanimously. 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 28, 1987 (p) CONSIDERATION OF FUTURE LAND SALE ADJACENT TO WATER TREATMENT PLANT SITE Following discussion, Alderman Carle moved to approve the land sale. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. The motion was made by Alderman Carle, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to direct the City Administrator to contact the developers of Burger King and the apartment building units regarding the sale of City prop- erty. Notion unanimously carried. (q) CONSIDERATION OF ENCLOSED HANGAR FOR CIVIL AIR PATROL PLANE This item was withdrawn from the agenda until the August 11, 1987 meet- ing. (r) CONSIDERATION OF DELEGATING AUTHORIZATION FOR LOAN COMMITMENTS FOR REVOLVING LOAN FUND TO HCDC FOR LOANS $5,000 OR LESS Following discussion, Alderman Carle moved to approve and waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 8583. Motion seconded by Alderman Torger- son and carried unanimously. (s) CONSIDERATION OF ERECTING "INDUSTRIAL PARK EAST" SIGN ON CITY OR STATE PROPERTY Following discussion, Alderman Mikulecky moved to approve the sign. Motion seconded by Alderman Carle and unanimously carried. (t) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. TO PROCEED WITH PREPARATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FOR DOWNTOWN RENOVAT I ONS Following discussion, Alderman Carle moved to approve preparation of the grant and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 8584. Motion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and carried unanimously. (u) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING A COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE TO HCDC BOARD Alderman Carle moved to defer. Motion seconded by Alderman Nikulecky and unanimously carried. (v) CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING FINAL OPERATION PLAN FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY The motion was made by Alderman Carle, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to approve the plan. Motion carried unanimously. (w) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO PUBLICIZE PROPOSED CITY CHARTER Following discussion, Alderman Carle moved to authorize publication 2 0 CITY CODICIL MINUTES - JULY 28, 1987 with the two changes authorized. Notion seconded by Alderman Torger- son and unanimously carried. (x) CONSIDERATION OF SCHEDULING ELECTION DATE OI CITY CHARTER CHANGES Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Torgerson, to set the special election for the City Char- ter for September 17, 1987. Notion unanimously carried. Alderman Torgerson moved to authorize the City Attorney to draw up the question on the ballot. Notion seconded by Alderman Mikulecky and car- ried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administrator Plotz consented on the memorandums from the Motor Pool which clarified the engine overhaul of the Terex front-end loader and from the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding the policy and dress code in the swimming pool area and $150 cost to move the fence. It was reported there was a letter to the editor in today's edition of the Leader regarding playing ball while it was lightning outside. The Recreation Director will be sending a memo to those involved regarding the policy. An audit report on the wastewater treatment plant project will be pre- sented Thursday morning, July 30, at 10:00 A.M. A joint -opting of City staff and township representatives will be held on July 30 to discuss a joint orderly annexation agreement and joint planning board. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN MIKE CARLS Alderman Carls inquired about the status of the police station project. He was informed by the City Engineer that one tree at the site would have to be removed. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN MARLIN TORGERSON Alderman Torgerson reported a neighbor on Fifth Avenue had complained about the weeds going to seed on adjacent property. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Anderson commented that the Midwest Trailer Court had been tax -forfeited to the State in July for three years of delinquent taxes amounting to $10,000. The City could have the option to purchase the property for a public purpose. Attorney Anderson had been in touch r] CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 28, 1987 Is with the Minnesota Department of Health regarding the conditions in the trailer park, and he was hoping for some action from thea. It was reported the "answer" had been filed by Junker Sanitation re- garding the pending lawsuit against the City. It will be September or October before any depositions will be available. The real estate contract and closing statement for purchase of property at 325 Adams Street was sent to the Fannie Hae office in Chicago. At- torney Anderson was waiting to receive the quick claim deed. Upon its receipt, the building could be demolished. (e) COMMUNICATIOIS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Engineer Anderson reported that on Thursday of this week the sewer and storm sewer project would be in operation at the new elementary school. The City Engineer commented that for his 1988 budget, be may need to obtain some figures from RCI[ regarding the water plant project. 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS !gyp CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The notion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Carls, to approve and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. 12. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. 0 Is it s MINIIT&S BID OPRNING THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1987 City Administrator Plotz called the bid opening to order at 2:00 P.H. The fol- lowing were present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Charles Barger of RCM, Supervisor Dick Nagy, and Administrative Secretary Marilyn Swanson. After the reading of Publication for Bids, High Service Booster Pump No. 4, the following bids were opened and read: Northwest Mechanical Inc. Long Lake, MN $31,495.00 Richmar Construction Co. Fridley, MN 30,340.00 Gridor Construction Inc. Plymouth, MN 37,140.00 Moorhead Construction Co. Moorhead, MN 36,745.00 The bids were referred to RCM for review and a recommendation for the City Coun- cil meeting of August 11, 1987. The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 P.M. t nnunvl.dnra rte nA07.OD0/e uoIOVAL EXPIRES 6199 roar C-404 u.a. baaaa wuw awo PrN/ Yt ~ pwmko MwR I sasu JOLT 1967 Moving - 1 IPMar aenaet wry aser h once ossslw Yrekrslg Dl Cads) REPORT OF BUILDING OR ZONING PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 103500 27 8 9999 065 1 0 26 9999 02730 HONER PITTMAN BLDG OFF If your building permit system has changed, mark IX) appropLn box below and explabn CITY HALL 37 WASHINGTON AVE NEST N cosmtrasr. HUTCHINSON MN 55350 ❑ Discontinued issuing permits Q Merged with another system ❑ Split into two or more systems ❑ Annexed lend weas PLEASE COMPLETE AND MAIL THIS FORM ON OR BEFORE AUGUST 4, 1967 ❑ Had other changes If no permits want Issued during Bureau of the Cawr Instructions we included. For this period, mark (X) in the box. ❑ c 1201 Feet Tenth Server hrther assistance, can collect and return this toren JefhnoovMN. IN 47132 (301)793-7214. NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNED of Valuation of Number Of Valuation of HOUSEKEEPING Number tem No. Shcdi�s Housing Buildups BUILDINGS construction Housing construction units Omit cane spin Omit cants Lal lot Id (di lei 11) (a) Single-nmily houses, detached Exclude mobile homes. 101 2 2 106,933 Singlsfamily houses, attached -Saperared by ground No roof wag. -No units above or below, and -Separate heating systems and utility motion. (Count each unit as a"parets budding) 102 Two-family buildings 103 Three -and four -family buildings 104 five -or -more family buildings 108 TOTAL- Sumot 101-106 -► 109 2 2 106.933 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLTOWNED Vokasdon of Number of Valuation of NONHOUSEKEEPING Number of IMm No. Bui:w Rooms Buildings Rooms BUILDINGS construction Omh tamer construction Omit cents la) Ibl let Id) lel (f) 101 Hotels, motels, and tourist cabins (transient accommodations onlyl 213 Other nonhousekeeptng shelter 214 EMMU NEW PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNED Item Number Valuation of Number Valuation of NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS No. of construction of construction buildings Oto cents buildings Omit cents lel Ibl let Id) tel Amusement, social, and recreational 318 Churches and Other religious 319 Industrial 320 Parking garages (buildings and open decked) 321 Service stations and repair garages 322 Hospitals end institutional 323 Offices, banks, and professional 324 Public works and utilities 325 Schools and other educational 326 Stores and customer services 327 Other nonresidential buildings 328 3 1.830 Structures other than buildings 329 ADIONS, PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNEDALTERDITATIONS, Number Valuation of AND Item Number valuation of CONVERSIONS No. of construction of construction buildings Omir cents buildings Omit cents bl IN) Ice to) lel Residential - Classify additions of garages and carports in item 438. 434 16 31,664 Nonresidential and nonhousekeeping 437 7 260,317 Additions of residential garages and carports (attached and delachedl 438 4 25,898 llfg. Home - 3 PLEASE CONTINUE ON REVERSE SIDE Moving - 1 37 Permits - $426,642.00 Total Valuation 1 DEMOLITIONSAND ►RIVAT LT OWNED ► BLICLV OWNED RAZING OP Number of Number of t" BUILDINGS No. HousingMousing Suildi gs units ftllldbtfe units Isl lb) lel (dl Iel Sbgle-family ha s IenseMd end ONacMdI Mf wo-1 bu6d� s Throe -and four -family, bulldl • M7 Fivsor-more NmilY WNdin • fLf Ag atMr Duildin send structures fe0 INDIVIDUAL PERMITS AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION VALUED AT 0600,000 OR MORE Please provide the following information lar each permit audtnrizeq construction valued at $600.000 or mac emoted in sections I through IV. Number of Item Owner- Valuation of No. from Description Nares and oavrlar p btiltNr ship Mrn 1X1Buis construction H.."logs est. OM DMtcenb wits I—IV 1.1 lb) Id Idl 1.1 I0 1 I Kid of building --------------------------------- Slu edam$. ----------------------------------- ❑Nlse $ Kind of bedding ___________________________________ ❑P,b,•N _______________________ Sm• address -------------------------- ________ �Inbso $ Kind of building -------------- _--------- _---------- Qplvea ________________________________ Sib eddrp ______________— ---------------- __ oNibMt $ Kind of building ---------------------------- _------ ❑fMvsb ___________________________ Sb addrp• ___________________________________ oPabb a Kind of building _____________________ ___ oPihat• _________________________________ Sib address ----- _----------------------------- opitic s Kind of Wooing __________------------------------ $ Kind of Wilding _____ ------------------------------ OPmsts _______________________ Sita •dya ___________________________________ OPiNk a Kind of building ___________________________________ 0Pm•u _______________________ 8 Kind of Wilding ________addre_________________________ Sale ss ---------------- — ------------- _--- opubk B comments Are you swan of any new permit-bsuing ®No ❑ Yes — Please give additional information in comments. JuNWlotlonsl Name of person to contact regarding this report Telephone Mn code b]? Number Enanaion 56'-5151 :10 James �lark- Title Building Official ages c ap 11 5en i7 Is Is MINUTES jAIRPORT COMMISSION Monday, July 20, 1987 Members Present: Chairman Doug McGraw, Ed Connelly, Don Pankake and Pat Mikulecky. Members Absent: John Miller and Randy Buboltz Guests: Bernie Knutson, Dennis Kahl and Erlin Hanson Meeting was called to order by chairman Doug McGraw at 8:50 p.m. and the following matters were discussed. Bernie Knutson appeared before the commission on behalf of the Civil Air Patrol (C.A.P.) and discussed the need for an enclosed hangar for the C.A.P. plane. C.A.P. will be considered as a City Resident concerning the hangar rental waiting list. Motion was made by Ed Connelly, seconded by Don Pankake which passed unanimously to have the City of Hutchinson contact each city resident on the enclosed hangar list and inquire if they would object if C.A.P. went in front of them on hangar waiting list, and if no response by July 28, 1987, reply will be considered a no vote. Pat Mikulecky requested Barry Anderson respond to the Private Hangar Lease Program. The commission discussed Jim Weckman's status in the hangar and they feel Jim's status will remain as is. A motion was made by Don Pankake, seconded by Ed Connelly and pass unanimously to have Bernie Knutson, a representative of C.A.P. or the current operations officer recieve a notice of Airport Commission meetings. The next commission meeting is to be held on August 3, 1987, at 8:30 p.m. at the airport. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Submitted by Doug Meier. 8 MINUTES Parks & Recreation Board July 1, 1987 Members Present: Lyle Block, Roger Haggenmiller, Lee Cox, Pat Mikulecky, Kathy McGraw and Barry Anderson. Also present were Bruce Ericson, John McRaith, Mark Schnobrich, Mary Haugen, Tracy Flucke and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 4:34 p.m. Guests present were Don Schumacher and Elsa Young. Don Schumacher was representing Aid Association for Lutherans. He told the board that there was money left from the landscaping and painting project around library square. He thought that perhaps the lighting around the bandstand could be placed on a timer, construct a wooden stockade around the historical marker. Pat Mikulecky made a motion that a timer be installed on the lighting around the bandstand. Roger Haggenmiller seconded the motion, and the board unanimously agreed. Pat Mikulecky made a motion to recommend the Parks and Recreation Department acquire four old style street lights to put on each spoke in Library Square Kathy McGraw seconded the motion. The board unanimously agreed. The board gave there approval to A.A.L. to cost estimates for the stockade. Senior Citizen Building Fund Elsa Young was present representing the Senior Center. Barry Anderson, City Attorney, meet with Ron McGraw, under the terms of the will there are two beneficiaries, the City of Hutchinson and Gopher Campfire. If a senior citizen building isn't constructed in a certain number of years, the Gopher Campfire will benefit. A building fund has been established according to Elsa Young. Pat Mikulecky made a motion stating that the terms of the will have been met and feels that the Senior Center should benefit. Roger Haggenmiller seconded the motion. The board agreed unanimously. Senior Newsletter In the past the Senior Newsletter has been sponsored by 11 local merchants each paying $100/year. Firstate Federal has made an offer to pay for printing the letter and mailing it out. They are offering to sponsor the project for $3,500 per year for three years. The Senior Citizen Advisory Board decided in favor of the change. The Parks and Recreation Board also approved the decision. Tennis Court Lights Bruce reported to the board that the City Council voted not to use the park dedication fund for the replacement lights at the North Park tennis courts. The council felt the money in the fund should be used for new development in parks, and that the lighting should be budgeted for in 1988. rel i„ Minutes Parks & Recreation Board July 1, 1987 Page two Girl Scout Park The Ambassadors have requested that "Welcome to Hutchinson" signs be placed in Girl Scout Park and the triangle park near NAPA Auto Parts. The signs are 10 feet by 14 feet in size. Barry Anderson made a motion of approval to mount the signs. The motion lacked a second, and failed. Review of Comprehensive Plan There have been no recommendations from engineering, if development takes off at North Jaycee Park the park will have to expand. Barry Anderson made a motion that the city check into the Country Club Terrace trailer park to see if sufficient park land is appropriated in regard to the zoning of the park. Jim Marks's engineering report should be referred to. Lee Cox seconded the motion, and the board unanimously agreed. The Clifton Heights park is not accessible at this time, but grading and mowing will take place as soon as it is. 1988 Sponsorships Sponsorship fees are being raised to $65 per team, soccer will remain at $50 because the teams have fewer players. Sponsors will be contacted soon for the upcoming year. Improvements at West River Park Bruce told the board that additional camping sites would be a possibility. It would also be nice to create a campground area in the park. At the present time cars speed through the park creating a lot of dust for the campers. Bruce felt a culde sac could be developed. Board members felt it may be a problem with the Fire and Police Departments. It was also recommended that an estimate be gotten for a tar road. Craft Show Pat Mikulecky made a motion to deny a request for a craft show in the Recreation Center in early November. Barry Anderson seconded the motion, and the board unanimosly agreed. Is Miscellanous Brinkman Studio is offering a picture package to participants. If this type of award system is used, not all particpants will be receiving the same thing. Is Barry Anderson made a motion that we not approve soliting pictures. Roger Haggenmiller seconded the motion, the board unanimously agreed. Minutes Parks & Recreation Board July 1, 1987 Page three The board felt a response to the "Jeers" letter be drafted. The next meeting will be Wednesday, July 29th at Fireman's Park at 4:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. by a motion made by Barry Anderson, and seconded by Roger Raggenmiller. 0 • Hutchinson Chapter Ducks ��2345 Unlimited �p9" she (Crow River Country Club) AUG 1987 9g City of Hutchinson "r FEEPPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE Approved by: �y BuildinFire gs},__ Application shall be submitted at Police least _ days prior to the Gambling oc6asionJ Ze ///Z'e7A/ Z., AND I.lrJe= SR.2, Name of Authorized Officer of Name of Designated Gambling Organization Manager Hereby submit in duplicate this application for a license to conduct the game of bingo in accordance With the provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance NO. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 344 for the license year ending /9 r% . Signatures: Authorized Officer or Organization Designated Gambl ng Manager of organization A. The following is to be completed by the duly authorized officer of the organization: / j1. True Name: �FA12 (last) (first") (middle) 2. Residence Address: ee4ll/, 5% AXN°• Sfr j -U (street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Date of Birth: ?3 ,f�� 4. Place of Birth ej�r�/ivsr�J�Mlou, (mo/day/year) (city/state) 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No 72"� . If Yes, explain B. The following is to be completed by the designated gambling manager of organization: / 1. True Name: (last) (fir t) (middle) / 2. Residence Address: X13 Lrr�/! �jZ/ii�r/SltJ7 �'/✓. S3"3��J (street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Date of Birth: % a --/ 4. Place of Birth: fii a% p4A.) (mo/day/year) (city/state) 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No If yes, explain 6. How long have you been a member of the organization? / 7. Attach a copy of the official resolution or official action designating you gambling manager. C. Game Information: 1. Place where gambling devices will be used EoWT a�ac/d 2. Date or dates gambling devices will be used y s=�j (date and/or day(s) 3. Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: of week) From A.M. To A.M. 6:' oc P.M. P.M. 4. Maximum number of players ,?So 5. Will pr;zes be paid in money or merchandise? �nsE�tHttcJAitc= 6. Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? Yes _ No If"so, will a charge be made for such refreshments? Yes NO D. Organization Information: 1. Address where regular meetings are held A40 ^5,o44�o_' 2. Day and time of meetings 3. Is the applicant organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Yes X No 4. How long has the organization been in existence? -5-0 ALS A4"' - 4a. How many members in the organization? .7 yet c:ca�. a7.so L.c.�u 5. What is the purpose of the organization?HSG 1VhCV Fca. 6. Officers of the Organization: ,ecce_ s r>e✓ Name Address Title / y lo"93 S% /�yTc/fiti�rtai /frame'.-'/�%'�//CM/h�/ 7. Give names of officers or any other persons paid for services to the organization: Name Address Title D. Organization Information: (Continued) 8. In whose custody will organization records be kept? ',✓,). s :. 64 Name JMOW /.oAWcuy Address �� �..� 9. If the organization carries sufficient insurance to compensate the players in the event any injury is sustained by players while gambling devices are used, or while on the licensed premises, please state the Name of Insurer and Policy No. t 10. Have you (Manager & Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices? _YES 11. Attach a list of all active members of the organization. E. The following information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization. 1. Name of bonding company 2. Address of bonding company 3. 4• Amount and duration of bond Application is hereby made for waiver of the bonding requirements. Yes ?C No I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 655 relating to gambling, and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. Subscrib d and sworn 191. Signature of authbrized off Date: to �bUfore m9 a rrot ry public Signat a of Notary Pub is Commission expires on cer or organiczation on this0� day of Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public on this day of 19 Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on Social Security Number: LFIERYL A. L 1HRENZ Y1 �.!✓''1 AlY ,Ui IC - ml"SOTA hL` Business ID Number: ' _ 1AC110D coUNry my commissor. exprtee 8-11-92 PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, ON TUESDAY, JULY 21ST, 19879 AND ON TUESDAY, JULY 28TH, 1987. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PUBLICATION NO. 3721 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 235 Letting No. 16, Project No. 87-36 Hutchinson, Minnesota July 16th, 1987 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE is hereby given, that the Council will meet at 8:00 P.M. on the 11th day of August, 1987, in the Council Chambers of City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to pass upon the proposed assessment against affected property for the improvement of Easterly Side of Golf Course Road (C.S.A.H. 12) from 30V.. South of County Road 76 to Oakwood Lane by the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances. You may, at anytime prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the entire assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Clerk. No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by September 30th, 1987. You may, at anytime thereafter, pay to the City Clerk the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31st of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15th or interest will be charged through December 31st of the succeeding year. If you decide not to prepay the assessment before the date given above, the rate of interest that will apply is 7 percent per year. The right to partially prepay the assessment shall be until September 30th, 1987. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the City Clerk's Office. The total amount of the proposed assessment is $47,156.05. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of an assessment unless a signed, written objection is filed with the Clerk prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. The Council may, upon such notice, consider any =- objection to the amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. If an assessment is contested or there is an adjourned hearing, the following procedure will be followed: 1. The City will present its case first by calling witnesses who may testify by narrative or by examination, and by the introduction of exhibits. After each witness has testified, the contesting party will be allowed to ask questions. This procedure will be repeated with each witness until neither side has further questions. At 2. After the City has presented all its evidence, the objector may call witnesses or present such testimony as the objector desires. The same procedure for questioning of the City's witnesses will be followed with the objector's witnesses. PUBLICATION N0. IM PAGE 2 3. The objector may be represented by counsel. 4. Minnesota rules of evidence will not be strictly applied; however, they may be considered and agrued to the Council as to the weight of items of evidence or testimony presented to the Council. 5. The entire proceedings will be tape recorded. 6. At the close of presentation of evidence, the objector may make a final presentation to the Council based on the evidence and the law. No new evidence may be presented at this point. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amounts accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and the resolution adopted under it, may, within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to is the City Clerk for the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his property. Gar. Plhilz,City Administrator Hutchinson, Minnesota s (612) 587.5151 !/UTCN" CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 30, 1987 TO: ✓Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Assessment Hearing for Oakwood Lane Sanitary Sewer Improvements The referenced public hearing is scheduled for the August lith Council Meeting. The accompanying Resolution Adopting Assessment and Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract are for the Council's consideration following the hearing. EA/pv attachments 8 Respectfully submitted,a"A^ " 1 Eugen� on Director of Engineering RESOLUTION ADOPTING AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 235 Letting No. 16 - Project No. 87-36 Resolution No. 8587 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of the Easterly Side of Golf Course Road (C.S.A.H. 12) from 300' South of County Road 76 to Oakwood Lane by the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included in hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1988, and shall bear interest at the rate of 6.63 percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from October 19 1987, until the 31st day of December, 1988. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. fA 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 13t day of October, 1987; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before October 10, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 11th day of August, 1987. Mayor City Administrator RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO. 16 PROJECT NO. 87-36 Resolution No. 8588 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of the Easterly Side of Golf Course Road (C.S.A.H. 12) from 300, South of County Road 76 to Oakwood Lane by the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Rickert Excavating, Inc. $382652.50 Juul Contracting Company $46,319.50 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Rickert Excavating, Inc. of Brownton, Minnesota, is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHNSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with Rickert Excavating, Inc. of Brownton, Minnesota, in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement of the Easterly Side of Golf Course Road (C.S.A.H. 12) from 300' South of County Road 76 to Oakwood Lane by the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the Office of the City Administrator. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of August, 1987. City Administrator it Mayor S -a' AUGUST 4, !?87 � A 19&) FE71-10IN a; THIS PETITION I3 IN REGARDS TO THE LETTER THAT WE HAVE RECEIk)ED FROM THE "CITY OF HU-C4iiISCN", DATED JULY 24, 1987. THE LETTER STATES IT IS A "PRELIMINARY NOTICE, 1987 IMPROVEMENTS, LETTING NO.'16 — PROJECT NO. 87-36", AND IT SH04,1S THE "TOTAL DEFERRED ASStSS,MEt'1 PER EACH PROPERTY _E=" 0 R 1 FTI0i,1. THE S7 Pr'"TURES LISTED SELOW ARE IN PROTEST OF THIS LETTER.: %1,ME ADDRESS r2,..4 ; �` t R3 Tp`yG C3) s- � v �l Qi ?0 0At1fw0Ott �j L-7 0 On I COrpl By( f(IGI'NP ANDIRti(IN 1.117ING NO, lo, PRI-IIICT NO. 87-3o COST PER UNIT t S561 3.4 COMPUtad By1 PIII1rNt ANDI RSON SANITARY SEWER 6 APPIIR7T:NANCI:S SERVICE LEAD t Chaoaad !y( rki RTrr OAKWOOD ADDITION ARCA NO. TRS. SPREAD t IU UNIT USED o 11. P. IN I1 A 4iaS']lRYT ani I. wn_ -I3C ACCT. PARCEL NAME A ADDRESS ADDITION OR ON IT SERVICE TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK NRONTA9E LINE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT 25-117-30-14-0010 Dale 6 Kathleen Strain 1.107 Oakwood Lane 326-001 Hutchinson MN 55350 Oakwood Addition 1 1 1 `61_3R 25-117-30-14-0020 Robert A Kathryn Beeler 120S Oakwood Lane 2 326-0020 Hutchinson, M4 55350 Oakwood Addition i 1 561.38 7--30-14-0030 .John E Ruth Bergerson 1203 Oakwood Lane 3 326-0030 Hutchinson MN 55350 Oakwood Addition 3 1 1 561.38 Ts -117-30-14-0040 Timothy 6 Janet Krasen 1200 Oakwood Lane 4 326-0040 Ilutchinson MN 55350 Oakwood Addition 4 1 1 5e' 1 38 - 4-0050 Lyndon A Donna Gernand 1200 Oakwood Lane 5 326-0050 Hutchinson, Ml 55350 Oakwood Addition 5 1 1 561.38 - 7-30-14-0060 T. Scott A Judith Plowman 1204 Oakwood Lane 6 326-0060 Ilutchinson, MN 55350 Oakwood Addition 6 l I 561. Robb 5 Mary Totushek 120A Oakwood Lane 7 376-n0'o Ilutchinson, JL4 55350 Oakwood Addition 7 1 1 t I 1.38 Total Principal... Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... r CoppllW Bye EUGENE ANDERSON LETTING N0, 16, PROJECT NO. 87-36 COST PER UNIT : �sbl.38 Computad !J: EUGENE ANDERSON SANITARY SEWER 4 APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD : ChaoaaA Bye CAL RICE OAKWOOD ADDITION AREA NO. TRS. SPREAD : 1 BLOCK PlIMU B LINE COST UNIT USED : PER UNIT •aQ/e MYT YMI tlfl JSC ASSESSMENT ACCT. PARCEL NAME A ADDRESS ADDITION OR IIN I'I SERVICE TOTAL NO. OF SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK PlIMU B LINE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT Howard L. Jr. E K. Haugen 1212 Oakwood Lane 8 326-008 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Oakwood Addition 8 1 1 561.38 25-11-30- -00 Daniel L.6 Pamela A. Holy 1216 Oakwood Lane 9 326-009 Hutchinson MN 55350 Oakwood Addition 9 1 1 561.38 25- 17-30-14-0100 James 8 Peggy Swanke 1220 Oakwood Lane 10 325-010 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Oakwood Addition 10 1 1 561.38 Federal Land Bank of St. Paul NOT IN CITY c/o Farm Credit Services 212 W. Main, P.O. Box 178 DEFERRED 11 Waconia MN 55387 Tract in SW 114 Sec. 25-117-30 32 17.964.16 25-117-30-14-0001 NOT IN CITY Gary 8 Sharon Daniels Rt. 3 DEFERRED 12 Hutchinson, MV 55350 Krsiean Acres S61 1A 25-117-30-14-0003 NOT IN CITY Myron Daniels Rt. 3 DEFF:RRI:D 13 Hutchinson MN 55350 Krsiean Acres 2 1 1. 12 n-117--30-13-0010 Crow RiVer Country Club 1 42 Acres in SN 1/4 S of Road UP:FIIRRCD Hutchinson MN 55350 Sec. 25-117-30 1 2.24 . S.S2 Total rrinCIP&a... Total Interest.... Grand Totals...... _ r f • AMENDED 7/31/1987 Slll:tl 3 ul• 4 Caples BFI FirENP ANnL'RSn.4 LETTING NO. 16, PROJECT NO, 87-36 COST PER UNIT s $561.38 Computed BYl FDGFNe Nn RSON SANITARY SEWER 6 APPURTENANCES SERVICE LEAD Cheoked BY: CAL RICE OAKWOOD ADDITION AREA NO. YRS. SPREAD : .12 UNIT USED PER IYA r .e secuewr e ACCT. PARCEL NAME A ADDRESS ADDITION OR UNITS SERVICE TOTAL NO. NO. OF OWNED SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK PWYY M LINE COST LEAD COST CREDITS ASSESSMENT NOT IN CITY Anna Krsiean Rt. 3 DLFI RRI 11 $ S61.38 NOT IN CITY 'Robert Baseman Rt. 3 OLFFRRED 16 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Krsiean Acres 2 2 2 1 122.76 NOT IN CITY Courtney Eck Rt. 3 DEFFRRIIU 17 .Hutchinson, MN 55350 Krsiean Acres 3 2 2 1122..76 NOT IN CITY Lila Hormann etal Rt. 3 S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 INFERRED 18 Hutchinson. MN 55350 Sec. 25-117-30 8 4 J NOT IN CITY 18dward 6 Emmet McCormick N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 6 S 'rS12 Kay St. 440.34' of NW 1/4 SE 1/4 DEFERRED g Hutchinson, MN S53SO Sec. 25-117-30 11 NOT IN CITY Charles Bullert Rt. 3 NE 1/4 NW 1/4 E of Mcleod Count DITIRRItn 20 Hutchinson. MN 55350 x12 2S-117-30 Frank 6 Norman Johnson NOT IN CITY L.E. Elsie Johnson Rt. 3 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. DRFFRRIi1) 21 Hutchinson, NN 55350 36-117-30 3 1 684,14 Total Interest.... Grano Totals...... AMI MDI' '1311111H7 SIIF1,'14 01 •1 Campilood BTt EuGr,.E ?9L1LPSoN LETTING NO. 16, PROJFCT NO. 87-36 COST PER UNIT t tu., 1A ComPuwd Ort ELIGP4E kNQLRS0X SANITARY SEWER AND APPURT'I:NANCFS SERVICE LEAD t Cha,olud BTI CAI. RI r, OAKWOOD ADDITION AREA NO. TRS. SPREAD t 10 UNIT USED t Plat IIV11 .^ eOYY O YN ACCT. PARCEL NO. N0. NAME A ADDRESS ADDITION OR OF OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK UNI IS PADNIA49 LINE COST SERVICE LEAD COST CREDITS TOTAL ASSESSMENT 36-117-30-03-0140 22 Ron Ilorswell Rt. 3 Part of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Iln WN SS.1502 D111 HRPD R06.90 23 City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. West Hutchinson, MN SS350 U.13 4' 5S n CONSTRUCTION COST 438,652.S0 Total Intermt.... CITY I-XPFNSF. (211) . $ 8,503.55 7DT'A1. COSI $47,IS9.05 0 0 0 (612) 587-5151, CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST Hy/TCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: August 5, 1987 TO: , Mayor and City Council FROM: George F. Field, Chairperson, Fire Prevention Committee RE: Closing a Portion of Third Avenue S.E. For the purpose of furthering Fire Prevention in our Community, the Hutchinson Fire Department is planning an Open House, September 26th, 1987, from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. This Open House, would be more dynamic, if we could close Third Avenue S.E. for 6 hours, (noon until 6:00 P.M.), for the purpose of some of the planned demonstrations, such as: 1. 20 minute movie (Fire Power) inside. 2. Extrication - 2 cars. Demonstrations at 2:15 P.M. and 3:45 P.M. 3. Repelling. 4. Fire Extinguisher Demonstration. 5. Pumper Demonstration. 6. Kitchen Stove Fire. 7. Get Out Alive. House/Bedroom Exit Test. 8. Demonstration of Fire Fighter Protective Equipment. 9. Demonstration - Stop, Drop and Roll, if your clothing is on fire and why you need to crawl low if you encounter smoke. 10. Pluggy the Fire Hydrant will talk to everyone. 11. Wood Stove safety. 12. Electrical use the right way and the wrong way. it13. A - B - C First Aid. Request Council approval to close Third Avenue S.E. from 12:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. d?� George F. Field GFF/pv Fire Marshal • • • SOhr o v v LLIo —4f� R OF GO 45 Washington Avenue East 9 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 • (612) 587.5252 July 29, 1987 Hutcht noon qty Council City Hell 37 Washingtan Ave. W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Deer qty Council Members: The Hutchinson Ares Chamber of Commerce is organizing the 13th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival. It is scheduled for two days, September 18 & 19. We are aski ng the following items to be approved: A. Permission to use Li brary Square as the festivals location. B. Request the perking apron on the East side of Libery Square be blocked off on the of September 17th thru the 19th. This area will be used for additional restroom facilities and loading/unloading of exhi Wars supplies. C. All food concession rights in the Park be granted to the Hutchinson Ambassadors. We are looking forward to another successful community event. Your cooperation and assistonce is certai my appreciated. Should you have any questions, plow contact the Chamber's office. Sincerely, Gory Blythe Executive Yice President GB/nb • • it (612) 587-5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON VASHINGTON AVENUE WEST ;HINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 31, 1987 TO: i Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Request for Street Lighting The attached request for street lighting on Trunk Highway 7, was submitted to this office. More precisely, presently there are no street lights along Trunk Highway 7 from Kouwe Street to California Street. For safety reasons, I recommend that luminaires be installed, and that the request be referred to the Utilities Commission. EA/pv attachment Respectfully Submitted, r Eugen Anderson Director of Engineering � -G �aaBe a Aato Sated JCT. HWY. 7 i 15 • HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 - %12) 567.266.9 July 22, 1987 Hutchinson, Mn City Engineer Mr . ene Amderson Lear Gene; I am writing this letter to request,that the City of Hutchinson to consider putting up Street lights along ?Hwy 7 blest. Between the areas of Hutchinson Manufacturing and the Tom Thumb intersection. I feel this is very important due to safety. I drive home along that stretch of road each night after dark, and have a hard time seeing walkers, joggers and bicycleist. Many of the people may be going to or from work. I believe many of the people are living in the area of Country Club Terrace area, and maybe California Street. Some are just walking to and from the bowling alley. Yours Truly Dale varbarth s i Hutchinson Utilities Commission Hutchinson, Minnesota 21. m,cnigan street 55350 E.Buc" Daggett Resident Thecdore Beatty 7,ce President "t,)mas 6 Lyke Secretary Ruth Hage General Manager August 7, 1987 Gene Anderson City Engineer City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Subject: Street lights on Highway 7 west from Highway 15 west to California Street Dear Mr. Anderson: The following is for your information: 24 each - Street lights - wood poles - 200 feet spacing 250 watt high pressure sodium fixtures This would include replacing the existing street lights most of which should be replaced anyway. Estimated cost: $825.00 each, installed TOTAL: $19,800.00 is Sincerely, HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION M. D. "Butch" Wentworth Electric Superintendent 'e! 612,587-4746 r w' RESOLUTION NO. 8589 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE I DEPT BUDGET VENDOR 7139 Polymer 7,812.00 Sludge Treatment Sewer Yes Nalco Chemical Co. The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Date Approved: Motion made by: Seconded by: August 11, 1987 Resolution submitted for Council action by: 0 • 1 RESOLUTION NO. 8591 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITY FROM FIRST STATE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the First State Federal Savings & Loan Association, Hutchinson, Minnesota, a duly designated depository of the City, has pledged the follow- ing security: GNMA Pool #50819 17.00% $ 119,516.00 FHLMC Guaranteed Cert. 10.25% 247,000.00 FHLMC Pool #17035 12.5 % 366,629.00 FHLMC Pool #310001 Floating Rate 873,990.40 FHLMC Pool #160031 8.25% 1,353,637.17 FHLMC Pool 200061 8.50% 999,036.20 GNMA Pool #138273 11.00% 1,015,853.89 FHLMC Pool #160020 7.75% 1,100,701.92 GNMA Pool #183524 7.50% 1,000,000.00 GNMA Pool #204743 7.50% 1,000,000.00 FHLMC Pool #288822 7.75% 648,835.00 $8,725,199.58 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to accept said pledged security being held at First State Federal Savings & Loan Association. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of August, 1987. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk Paul L. Ackland Mayor y �;. (612) 587-5151 Harp- CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHING TON AVENUE WEST _ HUTCHINSON, P✓JINN, 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 7, 1987 TO Mayor and City Council FROM: Marilyn Swanson, Administrative Secretary ------------------------------ SUBJECT: Annexation Request by Frank Fay ------------------------------ 8 The 90 -day waiting period has elapsed since Frank Fay submitted his request for annexation of property located across from the West Ele- mentary School and Vineyard Methodist Church. There have been no objections to the annexation. Therefore, the pro- posed Ordinance No. 6/87 is being presented at this time for approval of the annexation. Attachment 8 TCH FOR FRANK FAY - PROPOSED ANNEXA INTO CITY OF HUTCHINSON O[SCN1►I10N • ..LAST P *T[11 OF Iw[ SOUTIAST M S[C11011 Z. 10vY5111P 117 0001-, _ BEST M THE STN P41NUP1l .yc WHIM too 00 T[91 0 TN[ RSI _T. T T11C11[Ot 0 49 ss scHmt FNOPE8IT 1. n1E TNOG'�1 �F.grp I o$I Or Wa W4t, 0 49 ss scHmt FNOPE8IT 1. n1E TNOG'�1 �F.grp • ORDINANCE NO. 6/87 AN ORDINANCE EYTENDING THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO INCLUDE CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY BORDERED BY LAND WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND ABUTTING THEREON VHERE AS, certain territory described below is not presently included within the corporate limits of any incorporated city or burrough; and WHEREAS, sixty (60) percent or more of the perimeter of this territory is bordered by lands already included within the corporate limits of the city and is daemed to be urban or suburban in character; and WHEREAS, the above-described land is unplatted, does not exceed 200 acres in area, and 100% of the owners of said land have petitioned the City Council of the City of Hutchinson for annexation; THEREFORE, the City Council of Hutchinson does ordain: Section 1. Territory Annexed. The corporate limits of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota are hereby extended to include the unplatted territory described as follows, sixty (60) percent or more of the perimeter of which territory is bordered by territory already included within the city limits: The Vest Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (W 1/2, SE 1/4, SE 1/4) of Section Two (2), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Thirty (30), and the Vest Half of the East Half (V 1/2, E 1/2) of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4, SE 1/4) of Section Two (2), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Thirty (30), excepting therefrom the following described real property: The North 700.00 feet of the Vest 373.37 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4, SE 1/4) of Section Two (2), Township 116 North, Range 30 Vest. and The East Half of the East Half (E 1/2, E 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4, SE 1/4) of Section Two (2) in Town- ship One Hundred Sixteen (116) North of Range Thirty (30) Vest. Containing 34 acres. Section 2. Filing. The City Clerk is directed to file certified copies of this ordinance with the Secretary of State, the County Auditor and County Recorder of McLeod County, the Town Clerk of the effective township and the Minnesota Municipal Board. ORDINANCE 10. 6/87 Section 3. Effective Date of Annexation. This ordinance takes effect upon passage and publication and the filing of certified copies as directed in Section 2 and approval by the Xinnesota Xunicipai Board. Adopted by the City Council this 25tb day of August, 1987. ATTEST: Paul L. Ackland Mayor Gary D. Plotz City Clerk Is p Hutchinson Police Department DRAM M. O'SONINCT. C IW a roux SI WASHINGTON AVENUE WEFT HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55950 MKINE NEW4242 July 31, 1987 Bernie Knutson Sioux Hills Road Hutchinson, MN Dear Bernie, After reading your letter noting your concern for an enclosed hanger for the Civil Air Patrol Airplane, I am in complete agreement that the City of Hutchinson can and will utilize the service of the Civil Air Patrol. Some of the areas that the Civil Air Patrol might be used in the City of Hutchinson is to aid the Police Department in the location of any miss- ing juveniles that might have wandered away from their parents residence. The area of criminal apprehension can also be addressed in aiding the Police Department in the apprehension of a fleeing suspect, and last and hopefully would never need, but if a boating accident should occur in the Crow River, the utilization of air observation would be essential in the recovery of persons who may have drowned. I hope that the Airport Commission sees fit to grant your request as I see the Civil Air Patrol as an asset to the community itself. Sin rely, "V Ron/(/Kirrch(,o(ffff� V RK:lja cc: Hutchinson Airport Commission f WU (612) 587.5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST CHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: August 5, 1987 T0: w Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Bids for High Service Booster Pump Bids are scheduled to be opened on Thursday, August 6th, for a high service booster pump to be installed in the Water Treatment Plant. Included in the Treatment Plant Budget for 1987, was $50,000 for the booster pump. If bids appear to be reasonable, a resolution awarding a contract will be presented for adoption at the August 11th Council Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering • 1-0 rieke carroll uller sociates, inc. chitects engineers land surveyors • 10901 red circie drive box 130 minnelonka. minnesota 55343 612-935-6901 10 11 Atl G 1987 RECEIVED BY August 7, 1987 City Council City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: High Service Pump No. 4 RCM Project No. 871903-0 Gentlemen: Bids were received and opened Thursday afternoon, August 6, 1987 for the furnishing and installing of high service booster pump No. 4 at the water treatment facilities. This pump will be installed inside the present pumping station as provided by previous construction. Four proposals were received as follows: Richmar Construction, Inc., Fridley, MN $30,340.00 Northwest Mechanical, Inc., Long Lake, Mn $31,495.00 Moorhead Construction Co., Inc., Moorhead, MN $36,745.00 Gridor Construction, Inc., Plymouth, MN $37,140.00 Each proposal was accompanied by a five percent bid bond and attached power of attorney. These contractors are all qualified to do this work and each listed Quade Electric as the proposed electrical subcontractor. Based on the information provided, our knowledge of the bidder, the proposed pump manufacture and the listed electrical subcontractor, RCM recommends the award of the contract to the low bidder Richmar Construction, Inc. in the amount of $30,340.00. Following Council action we will prepare the necessary Notice of Award and prepare the necessary agreement forms. 1_I Charles S. Barger, P.E. RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. CSB:jj Enclosure �—e, HUTCHINS MINNESOTA HIGH SERVICE PUMP #4 RIEKE-CA-MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. Mt YABULA-I fC7t 0 PROJECT: 871903-04ft DATE: Aug. 6, 1987 - 2:00 p.m. CONTRACTOR Richmar Const. North wes- Mech. Moorhead Const. Gridor C t. y ADDRESS Fridley, MN Long Lake, MN Moorhead, MN Plymouth, MN CORP. -PART. -IND. MN Corp. MN Corp. MN Corp. MN Corp. SIGNED BY R.H.Netz P.T. Ogland A.K. Shiers H. Theisen TITLE President President CEO Secy-Treas. President BID SECURITY BB BB BB BB ADDENDAS 1 #1 1 ITEMS BID PRICE 30,240.00 31,495.00 36,745.00 37.140.00 SUBCONTRACTORS ANISUP IERS PUMP Layne Bowler Ingersoll Rat Ingersoll Ran n erso7?1 Ran ELECTRICAL Quade Quade ade ade COMPLETION TIME START 10 10 120 1 SUB. COMPLETION 100 140 150 210 120 150 160 240 E UAL EMPLOYMENT Have Have Have Have . CERTIFICATE i 1 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT HIGH SERVICE BOOSTER PUMP NO. 4 • WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES Resolution No. 8592 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of the City of Hutchinson Water Treatment Facilities by the furnishing and installation of High Service Booster Pump No. 4 and Appurtenances, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Northwest Mechanical, Inc. $31,495.00 Long Lake, Minnesota Richmar Construction Company $30,340.00 Fridley, Minnesota Gridor Construction Company $37,140.00 Plymouth, Minnesota Moorhead Construction Company $36,745.00 Moorhead, Minnesota AND WHEREAS, it appears that Richmar Construction Company of Fridley, • Minnesota, is the lowest responsible bidder: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with Richmar Construction Company of Fridley, Minnesota, in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement of the Water Treatment Facilities by the furnishing and installation of High Service Booster Pump No. 4 and Appurtenances, according to the plans and specifications therefore apnroved by the City Council and on file in the Office of the City Administrator. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of August, 1987. Mayor City Administrator (672) 587.5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON VASHING TON AVENUE WEST ANSON, MINN. 55350 August 3, 1987 Mrs. Eileen Torry 559 Hassan St. So. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Eileen: Subject: Voluntary Employment Termination This letter is to confirm our conversation of your voluntary verbal resignation of your position as Motor Vehicle Deputy Registrar. we regret you are experiencing this long -tern medical illness and we will assist you in any way possible to obtain disability under PERA, Long Tenn Disability and/or Social Security. The city needs to formally put someone in charge of the Motor Vehicle operations. I will be recommending Dorothy Smith to fill your position with council action scheduled for August 11, 1987. Secondly, the city has advertised and interviewed for two additional part-time employees at approximately 20 hours each per week. Interviews were concluded Thursday, July 30, 1987, and the individuals will be started shortly. If you have any questions on how we are proceeding, please respond directly to me at 587-5151, ext. 201, prior to August 11, 1987. Thank you again for your many years of employment with the City of Hutchinson. Sincerely, Cary CL qeJ City Administrator cc: `Mayor & Council Ken Merrill it Hazel Sitz PARKS a RECREATION a FORESTRY 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 (612) 587-2975 SENIOR CENTER CIVIC ARENA 587-6564 587-4279 TO: Gary Plotz FROM: Bruce Ericson DATE: July 27, 1987 SUBJECT: Nutrition Contract at Senior Center Barb Haugen and myself met with Marilyn Hall to discuss the proposed addition to the current contract. Her proposal includes preparation of 47 additional meals at the Senior Center kitchen for Brownton. It also included the addition of $467 to the current contract of $2483 to bring the total to $2950. This additional amount is based on .10( per meal which is the figure used when the original contract was determined for out of town meals. This would also require additional staff for the Hutchinson site. Mainly, a six hour position will become a full-time position, and two part-time positions will be added; one six hours, and one four hours per day. In order that she could proceed with her plans, I indicated that I thought this was a good proposal since it is based on the approved contract and would get back to her as soon as possible if any problems arise. She will be forwarding this proposal in writing for consideration along with an amended contract. cc. Ken Merrill Community Action Agency Inc. Byron Zuidema - Executive Director Mid -Town Plaza (612) 235-0850 310 South First Street ID 1-800-992-1710 (toll-free) Box 1359 _ Willmar, Minnesota 56201 July 27, 1987 Bruce Erickson City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. W. Hutchinson, MAI 55350 Dear Mr. Erickson: This is an amendment to lease signed between the City of Hutchinson and the Senior i on Program for 19#7. The Senior Nutrition Program agrees to increase its utility payment for the use of the kitchen located in Evergreen Apartments in the amount of $467.00 for a total of $2,950.00 for 1987. In return the Senior Nutrition Program will have the right to prepare additional meals in this kitchen which will be transported to the community of Brownton. This arrangement to be effective Anguot 1, 1987. Sincerely. Lynn Peterson (�1! S .� . L0� Field son Senior Nutrition Program r �� ��lggq Ail erickson.ltr t s Helping people in need and assisting them in their effortto become self-sufficient. _✓ 8 it it (612)587-5151 F CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: July 31, 1987 TO: -Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Traffic Sign Inventory The Council does, by resolution dated June 23, 1987, intend for the City to participate in the traffic sign inventory and replacement program being funded in part by Federal Safety Funds. The entire project will be administered by McLeod County. A federal grant has been secured by the County that will fund 90% of the cost of preparing an inventory of existing signs, obtaing new signs and placing new signs. The remaining 10% of the cost must be borne by the County, or since the City will participate, by the City for its share of the cost. The next step to be taken in the procedure is that of the sign inventory. It appears that the most cost effective way of obtaining the inventory is by retaining a consulting firm to do so. The selection process, in which the County and various townships will participate, should begin in the very near future. A resolution authorizing the City to participate in the process is attached. EA/pv attachment Respectfully submitted, Eugen An erson Director of Engineering RESOLUTION NO. 8590 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION Is IN SELECTING A FIRM FOR TRAFFIC SIGN INVENTORY WHEREAS, Resolution No. 8585, adopted by the City Council June 23, 1987, authorizing participation in the Traffic Sign Replacement Project; and WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering recommends that a firm be retained for the purpose of conducting a Traffic Sign Inventory; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the Director of Engineering is authorized to participate in the selection of a firm to conduct a Traffic Sign Inventory. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of August, 1987. Mayor City Administrator Is Is (612) 587-5151 f1UIlN' Cl T Y OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HTCHINSON. MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: August 4, 1987 TO: -Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Curb and Sidewalk Reconstruction on Main Street between 3rd Avenue N.W. and 4th Avenue N.W. This department has obtained quotations for sidewalk and curb repair on the West side of Main Street from 3rd Ave. N.W. to 4th Ave. N.W., the sidewalk being in a state of disrepair, is a safety hazard and the adjacent property owner has agreed to pay for its removal and replacement. In conjunction with replacing the sidewalk, the abutting curb has settled and should be it replaced. Two quotations were received for the work as follows: J. W. Hanson Construction Company $2,466.00 Miller, Miller $ Mac, Inc. $2,829.35 The City's portion of the project, which includes removal and replacement of the curb and appurtenant work, will cost $1,150.00. We request authorization to proceed with construction on the project and to reimburse J. W. Hanson Construction Company for the City's share. EA/pv it Respectfully submitted, Eugene Anderson Director of Engineering C] 8 D04rah jft7nlg,e f7-5)-3'? 400 c3oulii 91en c5/wee/ Xu1cknlon, IXnneio/a JJJJO G�QP eL 7e%pAone 611-JJ7 212. aeit4t July 30, 1987 Hutchcnbon City Counci.t 6 Hanning Commission Re: AngCe PaAaing Ca Vobratz-Hantge My bu6ine66 as Located at 400 South Gien Street. This tocati.on has been a 6unenaZ chapet since 1942. My Aeque6t .is to Remove the boutevaAd on .the east side o6 my bu6ine6s at 400 6. Glen Street, at mY expense and reptace it with a hard 6uA6ace 6or awe pparai.ng, instead o6 paraZet parking: Ln most instances, this would aUow emotionat 6amce.i.e6 o6 the deceased to park cto.seA to the 6Aont door and the most obvkou6 p4u6 is the additEonaL parking 6Aom seven packing spaces to 6i6teen spaces. This project woutd be 6imitiaA to what the city has atAeady compteted at two 6ides o6 the poAk accAo66 the 6treet. Gun. tong flange ptan6 ace to update the 6aei-Zity. The updating woutd include, handicapped entrance, bathnoom6 upstaiA6, expanding 6oyeA, additionat garage apace and expanded basement. My only request at this time is L appreciate youA con6ideAati.on. Everett Hantge VobAatz-Hantge 6or the angle parking. 0 40 40 S wl XA (612) 587.5151 flUTCN' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, M/NN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: August 6, 1987 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Request for Angle Parking The Dobratz-Hantge Funeral Chapel has requested that angle parking be allowed on the west side of Glen Street from 4th Avenue S.W. to the alley South of 4th Avenue S.W. They have proposed to remove the existing boulevard and construct a paved parking area in the boulevard area similar to previous construction by the City adjacent to the park between 2nd Avenue S.W. and 4th Avenue S.W. A drawing of the proposal is attached. They have agreed to pay the entire cost of the construction. Angle parking will increase to 15, the number of available parking spaces immediately adjacent to the chapel. The principal problem of diagonal or angle parking when compared to parallel parking is the lack of adequate visibility for the driver during the back -out manuever. But the problem is alleviated due to the low traffic volumes on Glen Street. Due to overhang of the front bumper, we recommend that the property owner be required to widen the sidewalk from 5 feet to 7 feet adjacent to the area of the diagonal parking, should the Council grant this request. If diagonal parking is allowed, the property owner should be made aware that in so doing, the City is under no obligation to grant a Variance or a Conditional Use Permit for the planned future building expansion. Attached for the Council's consideration is a proposed ordinance permitting angle parking, Respectfully submitted, 1..i0 n Eugene. Anderson Director of Engineering EA/pv attachments • ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 715:10, SUBDIVISION 1 OF THE 1974 ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON RELATING TO ANGLE PARKING AREAS THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 715:10, Subdivision 1 of the Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, entitled "Angle Parking Areas" is hereby amended to require angle parking on the West side of Glen Street between Fourth Avenue Southwest and the alley South of Fourth Avenue Southwest, said alley being Nirth of Fifth Avenue Southwest. It Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this _ day of , 1987. Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Is 9-E, it IRUTES A 8 HUTCHIRSOF AIRPORT COMMISSIOR Monday, August 3, 1987 Members present: Chairman Doug McGraw, Don Pankake, John Miller, Randy Buboltz and Pat Mikulecky. Member absent: Ed Connelly Guests: Bernie Knutson, Vern Youngclaus, Earling Hanson, Denny Kalb, Jim Hamilton Meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m. and the following business matters were discussed. Doug Meier informed the commission as to the results of the letter sent to people on the enclosed hangar waiting list. Mr. Hanson and Mr. Kerkvliet replied in writing that they didn't want anyone moving ahead of them on the list. Mr. Oleson and Mr. Goehing didn't reply so they were contacted by phone and Mr. Goehing generally felt his reply was a no with Mr. Oleson indicating he didn't care one way or the other. Bernie Knutson indicated that C.A.P. required an enclosed hangar mainly for sacurity reasons. The commission discussed the airports needs and indicated the first priority is to have more enclosed hangars. Motion make by Randy Buboltz, seconded by Don Pankake, passed unanimously. Airplane must be registered in the State of Minnesota to qualify for hangar at Hutchinson Municipal Airport, Butler field, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Motion make by Don Pankake, seconded by John Miller passed unanimously. That applicant for hangar who is on the head of the hangar list may decline the hangar to be assigned twice before reverting to bottom of list. Motion make by John Miller, seconded by Don Pankake passed unanimously. Applicant for hangar waiting list will be required to deposit $50.00 advanced payment to be placed on or maintain current status. Motion made by John Miller, seconded by Pat Mikulecky passed 4 to 1 with Doug McGraw voting no, that when the CAP does qualify for a hangar. the hangar will be rent free. A request was made by the commission to have Gary Plotz send a letter to Mr. Clayton Peterson informing him he has until September 1, 1987 to vacate his hangar S5. Motion make by Randy Boboltz, seconded by John Miller passed unanimously that a letter be written by Gary Plotz to Mr. Leander Henning that he has until Septec6er 1, 1987 to vacate his hangar and pay his past due rent. 0Motion made by Randy Buboltz, seconded by Pat Mikulecky, passed unanimously that Gary Plotz send each person on hangar rental waiting list a notice of deposit �" 1 due of $50.00 to remain on list. (includes open and enclosed hangar list) Motion made by John Miller, seconded by Doug McGraw, passed unanimously that the Airport Commission meet monthly at City Hail the last Monday of the month starting in August 1987. -F MIBUTBS - AIRPORT COMMISSION 8/3/87 Bernie Knutson indicated he will be sponsoring a flight to a number of airports in the vicinity of Hutchinson to show Commission and Council members who would be interested in taking this flight as to what type of progress is taking place at other airports. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Submitted by Doug Meier l� • t i i M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 6, 1987 T0: Mayor and City Council ------------------------------ FROM: Jim Perras, C.A.M. ------------------------------ SUBJECT: Recommendation ReyardinB CaLpentry Contract_ Police Station The apparent low carpentry contractor, Gopher State, has now confirmed to C.A.M. that they are not willing to accept a contract on the police station. C.A.M. has consulted with the City Attorney regarding this situation and have been advised of the following options: 1. Reject all bids and re -bid this section of work by legal advertisement and public letting. 2. Go to the second bidder, if they will take the project at bid price. C.A.M. has estimated the value of this package to be approximately $50,000 (using Twin City wage rates). The second and third bids are at $41,247 (Schatz Construction) and $43,450 (Damman's Construction). Both of these bids are competitive, in our opinion, and we do not feel that any better prices will be obtained in a re -bid. At the time of this writing, C.A.M. is verifying that the second bidder would be willing to take the job, if they City so desired. It is our hope to obtain a direction at the August 11, 1987 Council meeting. /ms cc: Vergil Florhaug, C.A.M. Barry Anderson, City Atty. q -G (612) 587-5151 r CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 August 7, 1987 Mr. Vergil M. Florhaug, President Construction Analysis S Management Inc. 7401 Central Avenue East Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 SUBJECT: Confirmation of Responsibility Assumed On Carpentry Contract 1110 Dear Vergil: This is to confirm my personal conversation with Jim Perras on August 6, 1987 regarding CAM's request to be on the Council agenda Tuesday, Aug- ust 11, 1987 at 7:30 P.M. regarding the carpentry package (1110). I did ask Jim Perras who was going to be financially responsible for pay- ing for a higher bid than the $24,015, which was originally bid. He re- plied he thought the City would be responsible, and that it would probably come from a contingency account. I thought there may have been a commit- ment otherwise, and stated so. The commitment I am referring to is in the June 1, 1987 letter to Mayor Ackland (page 2, last paragraph), which reads as follows: "We also stated that we felt the only potential was Bid Package 1110 (Carpentry Installation). Gopher Construction was 100% low from the next two bids. They have now informed us that they will require an extra $10,000 to accept their contract. As I feel the loophole that they are referencing may have been caused by our firm, we are assuring you that this problem is the responsibility of CAM, and will not affect your budget. We will attempt to negotiate this matter and pay any difference between those negotiations and the bid price of $24,015 or we will staff the project and perform the work for a euaranteed cost to the city of $24,015." I hope this underscores the earlier commitment that is in question. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON GD.�P1©t(� City Administrator It cc: ayor & Council Jim Marks, Bldg. Off. G. Barry Anderson, City Att, Ken Merrill, Finance Dir. Ron Kirchoff, Police Chief Dick Burgart, Chm. of Comm. (612) 587.5151 yu�cH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 AUGUST S. 1987 TO: GARY D. PLOTZ, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LEVY LIMITS & APPEALS TO DEPT. OF REVENUE In 1987 the State of Minnesota Legislature chnaged the number and amount of dollars and special levies a city may have. This adjustment took all the dollars levied last year removed any debt service and pension levies to arrive at a base levy for 1988. An inflation factor of 3% was added to this base plus any increase _j in population. For the City of Hutchinson the results are as 4 follows: 1987 total tax levy $2,132,100 Less bonds, & pensions 886,296 Net levy 1,245,804 !Y E v' K� \� 1988 Maximum ta>; levy authorized t1,347,237 C �•� J v, SA total of $100.006 is authorized as an increase. Added to this are for debt. payments and pension requirements. There are no C� provisions for any other- special levies. \` 4y �• 7 At the League of Minnesota Cities conference on new levy limits it was pointed out the only chance for an increase is by appeal. �S Representatives from the LMC indicated if the cities do not. voice their concern, while the law presently allows a return to the old levy limits Computation, this could be easily changed. \-4 Under- the appeals Hutchinson has one or possible two appeals. l They are: 1. necessary expenditures in 1988 not required i.n 1987, 2. Federal Revenue Sharing Revenue discontinued. There is cont.roversv over this being allowed and perhaps at least it intially the department of revenue is not allowing this. (The LMC is saving there maybe some actions taken by the Dept. of Revenue which could cause this ruling to be reversed.) - (OVER) 9 J g There is no requirement of city council action. The deadline Tor s��bmi ttal of this a eaI i s Au4��st 21 . Fi.il l assistance 3 s available from }he LMC 3-t we desire. In the interest of protecting the ability to make decisions which properly belong to the local elected officials it maybe wise to file an appeal. We are also asked to give notice to our local legislative representatives to mal::e them aware of the process. • • s druriab (nuunty Edward Ide 26272829 ounty Auditor w P" aut 1987 P fes' ti: LENCOE �� i r. _ ..�.0� IJ MINNESOTA 55336 • Phone [612] 864-5551 ext. 210 July 28, 1987 FOR YOUR INFORMATION I am hereby notifying the City of Hutchinson that Parcel #23-056-0840 described as "Lot 12 except S h Sh, Block 10, North Half of Hutchinson" and Parcel #23-056-0990 described as "South 198' of Lot 6, Block 11, North Half of Hutchinson" have been forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of real estate taxes. The parcels have been classified by the Board as non -conservation property. As outlined in the statute below, I await the city's actions. In accordance with Minnesota Statute 282.01 Subd. 1: "If any such lands are located within the boundaries of any organized town, with taxable valuation in excess of $20,000, or incorporated municipality, the classification or reclassification and sale shall first be approved by the town board of such town or the governing body of such municipality insofar as the lands located therein are concerned. The town board of the town or the governing body of the municipality will be deemed to have approved the classification or reclassification and sale if the county board is not notified of the disapproval of the classification or reclassification and sale within 90 days of the date the request for approval was transmitted to the town board of town or governing body of the municipality. If the town board or governing body desires to acquire any parcel lying in the town or municipality by procedures authorized in this subdivision, it shall, within 90 days of the request for classification or reclassification and sale, file a written application with the county board to withhold the parcel from public sale. The county board shall then withhold the parcel from public sale for one year. Any tax -forfeited lands may be sold by the county board to any organized or incorporated governmental subdivision of the state for any public purpose for which such subdivision is authorized to acquire property or may be released from the trust in favor of the taxing districts upon application of any state agency for any authorized use at not less than their value as determined by the county board. The commissioner of revenue shall have power to convey by deed in the name of the state any tract of tax -forfeited land held in trust in favor of the taxing districts, to any governmental subdivision for any authorized public use, provided that an application therefor shall be submitted to the commissioner with a statement of facts as to the use to be made of such tract and the need therefor and the recommendation of the it county board. The deed of conveyance shall be upon a form approved by the attorney general and shall be conditioned upon continued use for the purpose stated in the application, provided, however, that if the governing body of such governmental sub -division by resolution determines that some other public use shall be made of such lands, and such change of use is approved McLeod County Equal Opportunity Employer by the county board and an application for such change of use is made to the commissioner, and approved by him, such changed use may be made of such lands without the necessity of the governing body conveying the lands back to the state and securing a new conveyance from the state to the governmental subdivision for such new public use" Sincerely, Edward Ide McLeod County Auditor EI/bw Is Form No. 440A—LAND CLASSIFICATION.—} Conwr Vale m Yon.Coa+en,acion CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY BOARD OF CLASSIFICATION OF FORFEITED LANDS AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 386, LAWS 1935 AS AMENDED. 'M#X To the VNMVe Board of the City of _ Hutchinson City We, the members of the County Board of the County of McLeod Minnesota, do hereby certify that the parcels of land hereinafter listed are all of the lands which have been classified by us asnonconservation lands, from the list of lands forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes for the year or years 1983-1986 as provided by Minnesota Statutes 1945, Section 282.01 as amended. TaxarCel SUBDIVISION Sec. or I Twp. or I Range I Appraised Value I Appraised Value nuieLot Block of Land or Timber 23-056-0840 Lot 12 except S12 S-� North Half of Hutchinson 23-056-0990 South 198' of Lot 6 North Half of Hutchinson 10 11 0 btote of Siimtooto, �tY.......................af. ........... H.. County of ...... ...... McLeod_ .... ............................. ..... ..... .� ✓lpplication No............... Application for License to Sell Cigarettes at The undersi�ncd resident...... of the........................ City .......... ........................ ....of_ ........ Hutchinson................ in the county of.. ... ....... _.McLe.od.......................... State of Minnesota, IIEIZBBY M.4KE,....4PPLk.i- .......C TIOJ' FOR LICENSE to be issued to ...... Ci........................ 2...._1.'jS .....�..1c?. ........... 41 ....... ..................... to scZl ri f'arettes and cigarette papers anted+ wrappers at retail at ..... I LEaa.... ca..,.... 4..t.l.r............. ..... ._.. ...._. ._C" c�.....-....................:....'........C.5...7............................ _........ ... .................................................................................................... in the... ...,City f Hutchinson .......................in said county and state for the terns. of • __...... .....one ... Y.ear................................. beffinninj with the........ xs.t..... ......... day o January.. I9..... subject to the latus of the State of Minnesota and the ordinances and regalations of said City f .Hutchinson pertaining thereto, and herewith deposit ......................................o ................ ........... $ -.. .....................in payment of the fee therefor. Dated..........................n............................................. 19............ x... ........ ......... ..............._....w.. �.. . ........................................................................................................ . 0 • RESOLUTION NO. 8593 RESOLUTION SETTING ELECTION, TIME, PLACE LOCATIONS OF PRECINCTS, AND APPOINTING OF JUDGES FOR THE CITY SPECIAL AND GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS, Chapter 205, Section 205.175, Subd. 1 of the Laws of Minnesota, states that the governing body of any municipality, by resolution adopted prior to the giving of notice of the election, may designate the time during which the polls shall remain open for the City Special and General Elections, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That the polls shall be open from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. for the City Special Election of September 17, 1987 and the General Election of November 3, 1987, and the City Clerk shall give such notice of these election hours as is required by law. 2. That the polling place to be used during this Special and General Election for all precints will be in the Recreation Center located at 900 Har- rington Street. . 3. That the Election Judges are hereby appointed in accordance with the attached list. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of August, 1987. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk • Paul L. Ackland Mayor ELECTION JUDGES Cii'Y OF HUTCHINSON PRECINCT JULIE FLAA Chairperson 534 BLUFF VERNA ANDERSON 765 SFRUCE EVA MAAS 332 HWY 7 E. ROSINA JOHNSON 456 ROS.E LANE MARY WANGERIN 7 NO. WOODS AVE. PRECINCT 2 SEDONA MILLER Chairperson 713 SHADY RIDGE MARGARET SORENSON 94 CENTURY AVE. DELAIN ROLFE 844 SECOND AVE PHYILLIS WESELOH 1109 LEWIS AVE. EVELYN PROCHNOW 10 NO. GLENN ST. PRECINCT 3 DORIS DAGGETT Chairperson 440 DALE PAT KUESTER 545 GRAHAM LA VERNE MILLER 505 LARSON ST. TESI ANTONY 3335 CHARLES DARLENE KNIGGE 674 HARRINGTON PRECINCT 4 JO GILHOUSEN Chairperson 621 FOURTH AVE SW. NORMA SCHEPERS 305 PISHNEY LANE GERALDINE JOHNSON 555 JUERGENS RD. ROSEMARY SANTLEMAN 527 JUERGENS RD. GLADYS MADSON 528 KAY STREET PRECINCT 5 MILDRED NELSON Chairperson 316 HASSEN GRACE KOTTKE 1028 JEFFERSON ROSE KADLEC 3325 JEFFERSON NARY J. BRUMMOND 716 HASSAN ST. IRMA KREIE 55 SHERWOOD CIRCLE REGISTRAION TABLE ----------------- FERN FRANK 595 LYNN ROAD NORMA TOTUSHEK 515 LARSON 0 0 s • t (612) 687.5151 .%fl/%�:i � / - - , � ✓ f4UTCNlNSON. f.V1JN 35� M E M 0 DATE: August 4, 1987 TO: 'Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Barry Anderson, City Attorney FROM: Eugene Anderson, Director of Engineering FOR YOUR INFORMATION RE: Northeast Storm Sewer Improvements as they Relate to County Ditch No. 18 This morning Cal Rice and I met with the McLeod County Attorney, Highway Engineer, Auditor and a Commissioner to discuss our preliminary concepts for a storm sewer project in the northeast part of the City. Such a project would be intended to alleviate drainage problems on the north portion of the Maplewood Academy property, intercept drainage so as to increase capacity of the inplace storm sewer system, and cross connect with existing County Ditch pipes to eliminate drainage pipes beneath homes within the City. The County is aware of some of the drainage problems in the area and the likelihood that the County pipe on the east side of T.H. 15 between Northwoods Avenue and 9th Avenue has been severed. At the present time, the only possibility for County participation in storm sewer costs would apparently be for a pipe on Bluff Street that would intercept and replace the existing County pipe from the river to beyond 6th Avenue N.E. But the impression was left that even such funding is a remote possibility at best. Furthermore, the Attorney said that the City has no legal right to intercept, cross -connect, replace, or otherwise interfere or change County Ditch Pipes, even though they are causing a hardship to certain home owners. In fact, evidently, homes that were built upon the pipe could be required to be moved off of the pipe. The facts, as I currently know them, are as follows: 1. according to present day design standards, the City's storm sewer system is undersized, as evidenced by frequent localized flooding. 2. A report prepared by Toltz, Kind, Duvall and Anderson in 1986, states that the County's Ditch -Pipe System is undersized by present day standards. It has from 12% to 22% of the capacity required to drain agricultural areas. NE Storm Sewer Improvements as They Relate to County Ditch No. 18 August 4, 1987 Page 2 3. Several areas excavated adjacent to County pipes this year and in the past have shown joints between pipe sections that are opened in some cases up to 2" and more. Soil surrounding the opened joints has in most cases been eroded into the pipe and carried away by the flow, resulting in a cavity around the pipe, which in time will be reflected in the surface. 4. Much of the County pipe on Bluff Street beneath of and south of T.H. 7 is in poor structural condition. The TKDA report states that the entire County system is in disrepair. S. There are several homes that, legally or otherwise, have been built upon County pipes. Many of these homes have basement flooding during heavier rains caused by excessive flows in the combined City/County System and the likelihood that pipe joints beneath the homes are opened, as has been witnessed elsewhere. 6. The City's Storm Sewer System has, legally or otherwise, been cross -connected to the County pipe in numerous areas, and certain areas within the City drain either directly or via City storm sewers into the County pipe. The result is that when the City's pipes surcharge and back-up during a heavier rainfall, the County's pipes will likewise surcharge and back-up, possibly into agricultural land upstream in the ditch system. It The County Attorney did say that a ditch improvement could be initiated by petition, possibly by the City. I request that the City Attorney review this matter to determine how a project can be legally constructed that would eliminate, by cross -connections to the County system, pines beneath homes that carry water. Also, any efforts toward future meetings with County Officials for further discussions of this project will be appreciated, because the logical way to solve both the City's and the County's problems is by installation of a joint cross -connected system funded by both the City and the County. )Meanwhile, this department will consider a permanent storm sewer system design in this area of the City a high priority project, with no specific schedule at this time. Hopefully by the end of the ,year, a preliminary design, complete with a cost estimate, can be completed. ugene Anderson Director of Engineering EA/pv cc: Cal Rice r (612) 587.5151 f/UTCN' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTOHINSON, MINN. 55350 August 6th, 1987 Mr. Gene Setrum, P.E. Engineering Specialist Minnesota Dept. of Transportation 2505 Transportation Road P. 0. Box 768 Willmar, MN 56201 RE: S.P. 4304-30 T.H. 15 - 5th Ave. S. to South Corporate Limits Dear Mr. Setrum: FOR YOUR INFORMATION With reference to my letter dated July 16, 1987, the City will revise is procedure for winter maintenance of the proposed sidewalk along T.H. 15 and now concurs with the sidewalk width of 5 feet as designed. The City still does suggest that sidewalk be constructed on the right side of T.H. 15 from Century Avenue to the sidewalk on Oakland Avenue to provide for safe passage of pedestrians to adjacent pedestrian traffic generators, such as the Vocational School, the hospital, shopping centers, residences and apartments. Please inform me as to the feasibility of sidewalk on the right side of highway and to what extent MN/DOT would participate. As for the right-of-way on the South side of South Grade Road needed for the reconstruction of that roadway on the West approach to the intersection with T.H. 15, the City has initiated eminent domain proceedings to obtain the right-of-way easement and construction easement. We expect to have a right of entry on or about November 5, 1987. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON � ,� C1.j Eugen Anderson Director of Engineering EA/pv cc: -Mayor and City Council it F (612)587.5151 /TY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 July 31, 1987 SuperAmerica Mr. Bud Kaupp 1240 W. 98th St. Bloomington, MN 55431 SUBJECT: RECORDING OF VARIANCE AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PRIOR TO ISSUING BUILDING PERMIT Dear Mr. Kaupp; Please review the attached correspondence dated July 30, 1987 from the Mcleod County Recorder's office, Deputy Phillis Sopkowiak. As you can see the County will not record the variance or conditional use permit without the it original Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title. We cannot proceed with this project until such time that the County requirements are met and,therefore, I have notified the City Building Official of the problem. Sincerely, '`ry DelotzG � Gary L City Administrator CITY OF HUTCHINSON cc: Mayor and Council Jim Marka, Building Official Eugene Anderson, City Engineer it Ashland Oil Co. GP/bb McLEOD COUNTY RECORDER ABSTRACTERS PhOh k DM4 P.O. Boz 127 Phone 612 864.5551 Glencoe. Minnesota 55336 Eat. 216 July 30, 1987 Re: City of Hutchinson - Ashland Oil, Inc. Variance Order Conditional Use Permit The Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title is necessary in order for the enclosed documents to be filed in our office. The photo copy which was submitted to our office is not sufficient. I. Deputy Registrar s s HUTCHINSON DEPARTMENT 205 Third Avenue South East HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 Orlin "Butch" Henke 29, 1987 AV, le--� The Hutchinson Fire Department is planning on refurbishing our I971 Ward LaFrance pumper in 1988. We presented the idea in 1986 for 1988. The pumper is a 1250 GPM pumper built in 1971 at a cost of $37,500, today,to replace this truck would cost $180,000.00. Our plan is to replace the cab, body and water tank, have the transmission checked and the pump itself split and repaired as needed. It is our opinion that we will then get another 15 to 20 years of service out of this truck. I would estimate the cost of this refurbish to be between $70,000 to $90,000. 60 If you have any questions feel free to contact me, we will make a full presentation to you at a later date. Sincerely, Brad T. Emans Asst. Chief 8 CITY COUNCIL EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION CRY OF NUTCIIO M DATE August 3, 1987 NAME ADDRESS Susan Linden 8 355 Shady Ridge Road, Hutchinson Patricia Lenz a 557 Lynn Road, Hutchinson Motor Vehicle Clerks - Part time JOB TITLE SUPERVISED BY Dorothy Smith Ga*v Plotz EMPLOYMENT STATUS X NEW EMPLOYEE OTHER: FULL TIME x_PART TIME OR SEASONAL 2 appradmately half-time positions PAY RATE Grade III COMMENTS Filling vacancy created by Eileen Torry's not retnrn;nn THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS, DEPARTMENT HEAD AtPERSONNEL COORDINATOR X711 a .t &j Qt 'y CITY AOINItTOTOR Cm OF HMIN" NAME Jean Balke EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Is FOR YOUR INFORMATION DATE July 28, 1987 ADDRESS 940 Goebel Circle, Hutchinson JOB TITLE Recreation Tem - Concessions SUPERVISED BY Bruce Ericson EMPLOYMENT STATUS NEW EMPLOYEE X OTHER: Retunling TeM FULL TIME x_PART TIME OR SEASONAL PAY RATE T-1 COMMENTS Replacing another tem THE ABOVE PERSONNEL ACTION CONFORMS TO ADOPTED PERSONNEL POLICY AND TO THE COUNCIL APPROVED SELECTION PROCESS, DEPARTMENT AHEAD Ita.."J 1 PERSONNEL C06RDINATOR CITY ADryINIST TOR r� FOR YOUR INFORMATION THE HUTCHINSON SAFETY COUNCIL tThe Hutchinson Safety Council met on June 22, 1987 at the' Fire Hall at 12:00 noon. There were 13 members present. Prior to the meeting George Field gave an interesting and informative presentation on fire wisdom in home fire situations. The meeting was called to order by President Warren Kempfert. We observed a moment of silent prayer. Larry Karg, City of Hutchinson Street Department Supervisor will now be taking Ralph Neumann's place on the Safety Council. Ralph will be retiring in 6 days from city employment. For old business, Myron Johnson reported on the County Fair booth. Les Smith commented that space wars available as of today. Myron has been researching visual aids such as a seatbelt demonstration trailer, but the trailer and other visual'aids were being utilized by other Safety Councils and would not be available for our fair. It was moved and seconded that we forgo the booth in 1987 and that Myron and Les have the authority to search for a display unit for the 1988 County Fair and that they also be allowed to spend the needed funds to secure such a display should they find it. For new business Larry Ladd reported that: 1) shrubs and other plant materials at Hardees and Pizza Hut are blocking visibility, 2) People congregating along Main Street are causing a potentially dangerous situation by standing on the drivers side of their cars while traffic is passing, 3) drivers are not stopping at alley/ sidewalk intersections, expecially downtown. George Field stated that the Kiwanas Club of Hutchinson would like to assist people across Main Street as a reminder to motorists to stop. This one day project would take place at Main St. S. and 3rd Ave S.E. Larry Wendorff stated that the sale of cracker -pop devises during the Water Carnival parade be discontinued. This request follows an incident that occurred during this year's Water Carnival Parade where a horse drawn wagon went out of control after the horses were frightened by the cracker -pop devises. The horses bolted to the ground striking a child and injuring him. Hutchinson Safety Council Minutes of June 22, 1987 meeting Page 2 Warren Kemfert commented on candy also being thrown from the parade entrants to small children and this should be looked into for future parades. The meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be July 27, 1987 at 12:00 noon at the Fire Hall. Submitted by: Mark Schnobrich, acting secretary TREASURER'S REPORT: Balance on hand 6/22/87 $152.81 Current balance as of 7/27/87 $152.81 Savings balance as of 7/27/87 $155.75 s FIRE PREVENTION COMMITTEE JULY 289 1987 Open House Fire Department September 69 1987 Saturday, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Close 3rd Ave. from noon to 6:00 p.m. and Jefferson St. to Adams St. Sub Committees 1. Advertizing a. Public Access TV b. Posters c. KDGZ (Radio and Round Table?) Broadcasting fifty 60 second spots and 3 hr. on the scene. Cost: $500.00 d. Marquees 1. Firstate Federal 2. Viotorian Inn 3. Butch Motel 4. Country Kitchen 5. Hutchinson Mall 6. Hardee's 7. Taco John's e. Hutch Shopper f. Hutchinson Leader Three ads for both a and f Cost: $123.36 g. Notice to schools with poster contest rules. (School Announcements) 2. Registration and "Give away" Stickers: 2 rolls -1,000 per roll $29.00 per roll Cost: $58.00 Message a. If clothes catch on fire, Stop, Drop and Roll! b. Smoke Alarms Save Lives! Balloons: 1,000 - 11" balloons (with above message) plus imprint Hutch Fire Department. Get Out Alivel Cost $110.00 $18.00 per 1,000 plastic clips. Helium $75.00 will fill approx. 700 balloons. 4 Smoke Detectors one each hour. Give away. 3. Food Committee Pop and Pork producers Rib sandwich to be sold. Frozen Pork 10 boxes at $19.00@ 2 gal Ken Davis BO sauce $6.50@ 3 bags charcoal ? buns ? Sell at $1.00 each. Pop sell at ? Recommend this item, food profit is recommended to go toward purchase of a Pluggy Fire Hydrant and should be advertized as such. 4. Demonstrations and activities a. Movie 20 minutes. FIRE POWER b. Extrication - 2 cars at 14:15 and 15:45 C. Repelling d. Fire Extinguisher Demo - pan fire - (? hands on) e. Pumper Demo - 1 112" hose line (hands on with firefighter) f. Stove Fire - using pan cover g. River Falls Wise. House - (Get our alive) bedroom exiting test; or use conference room for the same. River Falls house Cost $300 appox. Page 2 h. Complete turnout gear. The well dressed firefighter (let them see the adverse conditions we have to deal with). A scale to show the weight of protective equipment. i. Stop -drop and roll, and the telephone. Crawl low in smoke. J. Pluggy the Fire Hydrant. k. Wood stove hand out display the right way. 1. Electrical - octapus outlets the wrong way and the right way. Other items will need to be done for Fire Prevention Week. Poster fudging - prizest Ribbons, Buttons, Fire Helmets. We would like to also work on a Sr. High School program or lyoeum program. Second Grade tours of Fire Station Truck #231 to R-1 School McDonalds, Get Out Alive, Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Week One day at the Hutchinson Mall Same as last year. Promotion (with ladder truck) Is GF/bb s Is 8 Present: t LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD MEETING July 13, 1987 James Phalen, Graceville Paula Gilsrud, Montevideo Stan Jacobson, Granite Falls Orlynn Mankell, New London Lilah Buhr, Stewart Kathleen Kubasch, Winsted Howard Turck, Litchfield John Langan, Danvers Curtis Johnson, Appleton Jeff France, Benson Rose Engebretson, Bird Island John Nevins, Dawson Lionel Barker, Glencoe Delores Condon, Litchfield Judy Oestreich, Litchfield Anne Maguire, Madison Oladys Nelson, Ortonville Linda Ulrich, Renville Jeanette Buchanan, Willmar Richard Finery, Willmar Richard Poet, Prinsburg Burton Sundberg, Director Katherine Matson, Associate Director David Lauritsen, Chippewa County Librarian Milo Kubasch Robert Furan, Graceville Repreaenting: N ,EOR ,YOUR )I ORMAj1ON Big Stone County Chippewa County Chippewa County Kandiyohi County McLeod County McLeod County Meeker County Swift County " Appleton " Benson " Bird Island • Dawson " Glencoe • Litchfield " Litchfield " Madison " Ortouville • Renville • Willmar " Willmar " Kandiyohi County Absent: Steve Boehlke, Montevideo* Representing: Chippewa County Rebecca Huseby, Pennock * " Kandiyohi County Peg Moasberg, Spicer* " Kandiyohi County Shirley Nowak, Silver Lake* " McLeod County Marian Miller, Grove City" " Meeker County Jerome Waters, Litchfield* " Meeker County Kay Frederickson, Murdock " Swift County " Graceville Adelle Jacoby, Hector " Hector Albert Linde, Hutchinson* " Hutchinson Linda Willasen, Hutchinson* " Hutchinson Shirley Schutt, Karkhoven* " Kerkhoven Carol Conradi, Willmar* " Willmar * Excused absence The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Vice Chairman Ulrich. Buchanan/Kubasch moved approval of the June 8 Executive Committee minutes. Carried. Johnson/Buhr moved approval of thetreasurer's report. Carried, irector's report: Review of the 1987 expenditures showed 48.82% of the budgeted funds was spent in the irst six months of 1987. 2. The PLS newsletter and clippings were passed around. 3. Statistics for May, 19879 showed a decrease in circulation from May of 1986. 4. Viking Library System card holders borrowed 214 item during the second quarter of 1987 under the Minnesota reciprocal borrowing compact. Traverse des Sio= patrons borrowed 83. Is 5. The Minnesota Library Association is meeting at Madden's in October. Mels o✓Buchenan moved payment of the bills. Carried. Committee reports: 1. The Personnel Committee made recommendations to the Finance Committee concerning pay schedules for the 1988 budget. The Technical Service Director position is still unfilled. The person selected by the comtittee accepted another job. 2. The Finance Commdttee's budget proposals will be discussed at the time the budget for 1988 is presented. Commmications: 1. The Office of Library Development and Services has received and approved the 1988 application of PIS for $129,000 in state aid. 2. LDS suggested that PIS appoint a committee to work of the addition of the counties of Lac Qui Parle, Renville and Yellow Medicine to the system in 1990 as mandated by the extension of access law. 3. All governing units have signed the revised agreement. Turek/Jacobson moved that the agreement be effective as of July 13, 1987. Carried. The Finance Committee presented the first draft of the 1988 operational budget. Increases suggested include $29,000 for salaries, $18,000 for books, and $1,100 for insurance. This proposal would need an increase of about 34 in local taxes in addition to a project& increase in State/Federal aid. The full board will meet August 10. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Lilah Buhr Secretary Is July 1987 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM Treasurer's Report Curtis Johnson, Treasurer BUDGET INCOME BUDGET INCOME MTD YTD BUDGET once $ 75,567.54 $ 70,282.39 Receipts: Basic State/Federal Aid 100,537.00 205,000.00 Big Stone County 5,484.25 16,452.75 21,937.00 *Chippewa County 18,461.25 55,383.75 *73,845.00 Kandiyohi County 24,542.00 73,626.00 98,168.00 McLeod County 15,748.75 47,245.50 62,995.00 Meeker County 15,556.75 46,670.25 62,227.00 Swift County 8,640.00 25,920.00 34,560.00 Appleton 2,326.25 6,978.75 9,305.00 Benson 4,652.25 13,956.75 18,609.00 Glencoe 5,761.00 17,283.00 23,044.00 Graceville 892.00 2,676.00 3,568.00 Hutchinson 12,578.50 37,735.50 50,314.00 Kerkhoven 997.00 2,991.00 3,988.00 Litchfield 9,534.75 28,604.25 38,139.00 Ortonville 2,943.25 8,829.75 11,773.00 Willmar 20,080.00 60,240.00 80,320.00 Bird Island 1,664.75 4,994.25 6,659.00 *Dawson 2,306.75 6,920.25 * 9,227.00 ector 1,519.25 4,557.75 6,077.00 Madison 2,684.00 8,052.00 *10,736.00 Renville 1,811.50 5,434.50 7,246.00 Cash Receipts 3,627.38 24,244.38 48,000.00 Gifts (Incl. Benson) 316.37 3,307.17 2,171.37 Interest (Not avail.) 3,063.05 8,000.00 Reimbursements (local gov't) *Chippewa County 8,007.00 24,021.00 *32,026.00 *Dawson 1,368.00 4,104.00 * 5,472.00 *Madison 875.00 2,625.00 * 3,500.00 Benson (materials only) 1,500.00 1,500.00 Chippewa Co. (materials only) 3,000.00 3,000.00 Other Reimbursements 876.73 2,469.69 5,401.00 Other Total Receipts 173,254.73 643,423.29 946,809.37 Other funds Glencoe Fund 3,742.00 KCWL 1,786.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS & BALANCE: $248,822.27 $713,705.68 $952,337.37 Page 1 (OVER) July 1967 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM TREASURER'S REPORT (Continued) 31PBUDITURE3I MTD VTO ACCT GA^UP... .00 OF EXP .00 .004 .00 PERS.^.MAL SEtVICES SALARIES AMO 64 -;ES 49,X 8.54 3529600.26 56.30% 626.294.00 rtcw fS--i'�UFiT•l c -- - _ - _i rDa .6. -_ - �T�-__---ir:7II� 19.46% 1.403.40 MEALTr4 I`IaJR%,ICE - DEUUCT13LS 215.15 19285.92 40.194 3.200.00 RETI9 M¢NT 14sta%NCE 7.0^3.37 349792.22 62.134 569000.00 -AL L1 {sKiV�... ar1090 6'..._.. 76.4C4 - lGOiiT.•.VV PATERIALS 54.34% - 29000.00 SirT7Jl"P'?':T"---�0--- SODAS - AOULT .99354.53 42.614.95 74.334 579333.00 HUVR]--Lm_---_-__ _ _- _. 3iV3J•Zti_- _-TI93 ACCT ;it:UP... 6°1.53 GENERAL REFERENCE 37.00 79217.85 120.3C% 6.000.30 PERIOOICALS 8,8^1.45 10.733.97 51.114 219000.00 493.79 •UV - _ _. -l7.0V - -- TI•Si4-- aww.VV-- SIFT COUATY ,MATERIALS .00 367.26 .Oct .00 BE'ISOh LIBRARY MATERIALS 116.41 633.59 38.284 19655.00 ---_-Li,1 rT'c�9A LL'U'I3T LL-iKAKT"9A1 CS T-115 --- 11Y.Y9 LVV.l M;l ct 3c 4A, ArET1ICS - IIUSTE_S 64.37 e14% E l6"M FIL"S .00 2.606.00 66.674 39900.00 VIOCC DISCS t TAPES 2.14 3.233.13 67.294 49800.00 --Aaajf,-IIZTL-5-A:IU 45 30 09.98 07.96%0T00- .00 SLIJFS A% FI." STRIPS 2172.55 292.55 117.02: 259.00 MICROFOK'SS .00 142.50 142.50'1 100.00 26,065.97 La - 09V.4� i•0TZ ACCT SAIL,... 219834.06 8J919G.74 69.5C% 1159388.00 CATALl.k VIL uLLL A L uTm-In-X�-U.KG4D 7rsas.v7._ a9sD S.JV COQ VEtlU^-K CMARI;E) 207.L2 9073.13 85.034 10.671.00 ACCT ,RCDP... 5.892.12 17.959.13 62.64% 25,E 00 CPE.k*TIG'. A,40 MAI:,TENANCE ImSJCAYCE 651.76 . 8,197.59 54.58% 159 .0^ 535.44 35.70E 19 ACCT 1910P... 655.76 8.7?3.02 42.54% 23.500.00 COMMUillCAT lot. 4flL=il9Ii.7 R;GJ L- ITC 7#i77iVJ -0v90'4 ��1JV�V": -" T_RM1.9iL MAIMFENA..CE .GO 272.59 19.46% 1.403.40 PJ.TA;,= A:.O SIIPPIN:, 657.95 4.699.02 56.754 89000.00 tT�'R?Os:--273'4:9C-- I C *-127 rr-? '94 17i9ffJ..-*c EJUI P.tE qT NEN E6'J;PAct.T 10.0: 19086.73 54.34% - 29000.00 SirT7Jl"P'?':T"---�0--- '1 M.85 -102:!4: TCO�D*J _. PAI'.TCIL`,LE 4..0 CJ•ITRACTS o7l.53 LG902U.94 83.51% 12.300.00 ACCT ;it:UP... 6°1.53 11.527.39 80.464 149709.:,C --- D 19EY --- C.USICJSAL SDPPLIFS ANC ECUIP'4EMT 12.36 493.79 49.694 19003.09 SJPPLiES ANJ P2.14TIi:G 1,731.49 109551.56 52.754 ZG •000.00 PA7iUii L -'SAL -3-:T oK7G••�i'11. d: -. -.. .07. _. S ;Lcty? A.') •4cETT'.GS - STArF L4;,. 11 1#b9u.76 34.344 5.500.00 M;l ct 3c 4A, ArET1ICS - IIUSTE_S 64.37 1.512.42 47.265 39X..00 PRDF. •Ey3E::Sr,1PS (TRUSTEES) .00 373.00 15L.204 250.00- AJS Au0 LEGAL 43TICES .CO 374.61 416.231 90.00_ _ AUDIT PIG .00 1,400.00 116.67% 1#204.00 .1 COk TIN'JING E74jCAT10a .00 50.00 25.004 270.00 ACCT GR900 ... 29177.33 26,065.97 65.511 42,840.00 GL£hC3E FRIENOSr 1963 .00 .00 000: 3#742.00 KCNL .00 .00 .00% 1,700 GRG. TOTAL... ENDING CASH BALANCE 9U.798.60 $158,033.67 Page 2 555,672.31 $158,033.67 56.35'. 952 0 E August 7, 1987 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Minnesota Pollution Control Agency City Council, c/o City Administrator Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Hall 37 Washington Ave. West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz: Re: Final Plan of Operation Hutchinson, Minnesota A271363-02 ��61g910111:� JV 4 ' IN -IN, Ar t r_tao-t 1, RECEIVED � U The enclosed final plan of operation has been found to be satisfactory and is hereby approved. The plan of operation is a management tool for the municipality which outlines specific actions and related completion dates in chronological order to assure that your treatment project and associated personnel are properly prepared for start-up and continued operation. It is your responsibility to ensure that the appropriate dates are adhered to. If you have any questions on this matter, please let us know or call Gene Erickson at (612) 296-7296. Sincerely, Richard J! Sandberg, of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Section Division of Water Quality R,S:jae Enclosure cc: Mr. Terry Larson, Donohue and Associates, Inc., Maple Grove, MN Mr. Rick Rothbauer, U.S. Corps of Engineers, 1135 U.S. Post Office and Custom House, St. Paul, MN 55101 (w/enclosure) 520 Lafayette Road. St. Paul. Minnesota 55155 Regional Offices • Duluth Brainerd. Detroit LaKes.tMarshalllRochester Equal Opportunity Employer Mayor Paul Ackland City Hall 37 Washington Ave. W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor Ackland: FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Barbara L. Thompson 1096 Jorgenson St. Hutchinson, MN 55350 - August 9. 1987 REC�G 1987 8� vzD Enclosed is an article from the Minneapolip Star and Tribune which I thought might be of interest to yourself and the people on the City Council. Perhaps the local authorities could participate in finding out what *he accessibility situation is in our community by being in wheelchairs for a portion of the day and learning first-hand what problems still exist. I know some progress has been made in the area of accessibility in our community but a lot remains to be accomplished. This is especially true when a person is in a wheelchair and has nobody to help him/her to get in and out of buildings. The newly remodeled theatre in the local theatre and Jonathan's Diner are but two of many examples of the above mentioned situation. What is the law concerning the installation of sprinkler systems in new and remodeled buildings in Hutchinson? Yours truly,Is n/ G W z_r, ( �c Barbara h. Thompson %t. Paul council members try wheelchairs Staff Photo by Charles Bjorgen First Ward Coun0':9ember Bill Wilson strugy_d theough a do - ,r of the Amhoist Tower in downtown St. Paul Tuesday. By Larry Oakes =,t Staff Writer Four St. Paul City Council members climbed into wheelchairs Tuesday and rolled and bumped their way through the city's down- town area to find out how accom- modating the city is to handicapped people. Long before the three-hour tour of buildings, streets and skyways was over; some jostled and winded council members were sizing up itic situation with words such as "terri- ble," "awful" and "bummer." "It would avid three hours to your day, just trying to figure out how to get some place in a safe way," said First Ward Council Member Bill Wilson. Eileen Weida, the Seventh Ward council member, lost control of her wheelchair on an incline and bumped into a bystander who turned oct to be Deputy Mayor LeeAnn Turchin. Wilson risked life and limb to find an accessible place to mount the curb while crossing St. Peter Street. Later, he ucarly top- pled forward when his front wheels struck a door -sill at the Wabasha St. entrance of Daytun's. Some of the politicians said the. tour confirmed their suspicions that legal codes need fine-tuning and that, more importantly, the codes aren't strictly enforced. "There have been too many com- promises in the name of cost or aesthetics," said Janice Rettman, to use a wheelchair since his neck was broken in a car accident in 1960. Second Ward Council Member James Scheibe], the fourth council member to take the ride, said he realized ".how much little things make a difference, like a quarter of an inch in a curb or on a slant. It's the difference between it going smooth and not being able." Wilson found out that a push-but- ton door installed especially for the handicapped on the Amhoist Tow- er was awkward and difficult to operate, even with two able arms, because it opened into his legs and the doorway was narrow. Wilson said he also discovered that life on the street is more frightening when viewed from the height of a wheelchair. "When you're crossing - the street you're below the (car) drivers sight line," he said. "You wonder if they see )on." Weida said getting lunch from a wheelchair in a Town Square sub- marine sandwich shop was an eye- ' opening experience. "I couldn't car- -. ry a sandwich and coffee and •till use my arnl� to move the chair," she said. "So they gave me this box. The stuff fit in it fine but the Lox was too big to fit on my lap." Though the council is not empow- ered to enlbree ordinances and laws governing access to the handi- capped, it can ensure greater access on future projects by threatening to withhold funds on city -subsidized projects, said Rehman. '- Fifth Ward council member who -- —__ helped organize the tour with the Wilson said he also is in favor of help of Rick Cardenas, an advocate adopting a penalty against govern - for the disabled. ment officials who waive cert`am ac see stbUtty-requirements to please "I think they developed some awareness of the everyday obstacles you face (as a handicapped per- son)," said Cardenas, who has had devetaT-Fss a"—ndTuiIders. To: From: Date: Re: IP 1-' � 4 n �;- ,, E league of minnesota cities City Clerks FOR YOUR INFORMATION Ann Houle, Research Assistant July 31, 1987 Telephone Sales Tax; Levy Certification Date Northwestern Bell and AT&T are including an amount for state sales tax on telephone bills now being received by cities. Both companies interpreted a provision in the 1987 tax law as requiring municipalities to pay sales tax on their telephone bills. This interpretation is incorrect. According to the Minnesota Revenue Department, cities do not have to pay the sales tax on their telephone bills. The Revenue Department advises that the city send a note with the telephone bill payment, stating that the tax is not being paid because the city is exempt. That should solve the problem, but if not, the Northwestern Bell or AT&T representative should be told to call the Revenue Department for clarification - 296-6181. The last day to certify city levies and special assessments to county auditors in 1987 is not the statutory date of October 10, because that date is on a Saturday this year. According to the Minnesota Revenue Department, the last day to certify levies or special assessments will be either Monday, October 12, or Tuesday, October 13, depending on whether the county observes Columbus Day as a holiday. If the county observes Columbus Day as a holiday, the last day to make the certifications to the county auditor will be October 13. If the county does not observe Columbus Day as a holiday, October 12 is the last day. The county auditor will be able to tell you which date applies for your city. If the city observes Monday, October 12, as the Columbus Day holiday, the city council should avoid holding a meeting on that day to set the tax levy for 1988. July 29, 1987 league of minnesota cities FOR YOUR INFORMATION T0: Mayor, Managers, Clerks, and Finance Officers FROM: Donald A. Slater, Executive Director Laurie Fiori Hacking, Legislative Representative RE: Appeals of the 1988 Levy Limits All cities have now received notification of their 1988 Local Government Aid and 1988 levy limit from the Department of Revenue. You have also been notified of the new levy limit appeals process. Note that the original deadline for appeals has been pushed back one week, to August 21. The appeals process does allow a city to provide additional information concerning their situation and to answer any questions raised by the Department during the process, but this initial deadline will be strictly adhered to by the Revenue Department. FACING FINANCING PROBLEMS TO APPEAL ITS If your city is appealing the Department of Revenue's levy limitation, be sure to send a copy of your appeal to the League. in addition, BE SURE .20 INFORM YOUR LEGISLATORS OF YOUR APPEAL. Legislators must hear from city officials about the specific impact of the three percent levy limit on t eir constituents. it is sossible that the Legislature will .-pose even mora harsh and less realistic limits on 1989 levies. Now is the tire to personally co tact your representative and senator arc -.2t tais policy. Legislators will be making decisions Jased on actual examples of the ill effects of the three percent levy limit on cities. if some cities were unable to attend our recent "Levy Li.it Se:rinars", please contact as to receive detailed information about the 196:1 levy limit ar.d appeals process. c] 227-5600 1 2345x\ IJ A11G 79137 ,''ll�ll V N �LIS BY � 1111 league of minnesota cities FOR YOUR INFORMATION August 3, 1987 TO: Managers, Clerks, and Finance Officers FROM: Stan Peskar, General Counsel RE: Levy Limits For 1987 levies only, the three percent levy limit applies. The old mill and per capita limits are temporarily superseded. Despite rumored statements from the Minnesota Department of Revenue to the contrary, county auditors should not be concerned with the limits in M.S. 412.251, 275.11 or 426.04. The 1987 tax law, Laws 1987 Ch. 268, Article V, Section 12, Subdivision 1 provides: "Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, for taxes levied in 1987, payable in 1988 only, the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 275.50 to 275.56, shall not apply, and the provisions of thi= section shall govern the levies for all counties and all cities regardless of population." M.S. 275.56 provides: "All special and eereral laws and charter provisions establishing per capita, mill, or other general limitations on tax levies of governmental subdivisions are hereby superseded to the extent that they authorize property taxation in excess of the limitations established by sections 275.50 to 275.56, but otherwise such levv limitations and those established for special purposes are in no wav affected by sections 275.50 to 275.56." 1. The first above quoted language, added in 198-, negatives the pre-existing language in M.S. 275.56 which provides that other charter and statutory limits (besides the three percent limit) shall apply. The obvious' conclusion is that now there is no currently effective, recently enacted statutory statement that the old per capita and miilage limits are to remain effective. Thus, arguable they are superseded by the later inconsistent provisions of Laws 1987, Ch. 268, Article V, Section 12. 2. An even stronger argument for a single limit for one year is the Is "Notwithstanding any other law" language. This language must have been meant to describe the application of Section 12 since to apply it only to Sections 275.50 to 275.56 would be redundant and that part of the statute would be ineffective, and not in keeping with the dictates of M.S. 645.17(2). The common definition of "govern" is "to control the workings or operation of" (in this case) levies. It connotes a complete or whole system of constraints. Further, it is obvious that Section 12 was intended by the Legislature to be :he law and apply to levies of cities and counties in 1987. If sec -:ions other than Section 12 were intended to apply, than the words "No -:withstanding any other law" is again useless and ineffective. Again M.S. 645.17(2) does not permit such an interpretation. CONCLUSION When the Legislature said that notwithstanding any other law [section 121 governs the levies for all cities and counties for 1987 levies, they clearly suspend application of other levy limits. Your county auditor may be confused about the temporary suspension of the old redundant limits. If that turns out to be the case, this explanation may help clear up the difficulties. SP:rmm 1 Is 18.1 University Ave. E., St. Azul, MN 55101-2526 (612) 127-5600 July 30, 1987 FOR YOUR INFORMATION TO: Mayors, Managers, and Clerks FROM: Joel Jamnik, Legislative Counsel RE: New laws effective August 1, 1987; other issues. Several laws of importance to cities will go into effect on Saturday, August 1. Additionally, city officials should be familiar with several other items which have developed this summer. Enforcement of Ordinances, Codes, etc. Your city's police chief has already received notice of the effect of Chapter 334, 1987 Session Laws, which is commonly referred to as the unauthorized practice legislation. The League has also provided a detailed summary of the new law in our annual summary in the July issue of Minnesota Cities. One section of the new law, effective August 1, 1987, deserves special attention. That section provides that, except as specifically provided by statute, only a peace officer, constable, or part-time peace officer may: 1) issue a citation in lieu of arrest or continued detention unless specifically authorized by ordinance; 2) ask a person receiving a citation to give a written promise to appear in court; or 3) take a person into custody. Many cities have authorized non -peace officer licensed employees to issue citations for building, fire, and housing code violations, animal and noise control ordinances, and zoning and other land use ordinances, among others. Under the new law, the city must now make this authorization explicit. Cities which fail to amend particular enforcement sections in their ordinances or to adopt a broader ordinance granting citation writing authority to non -peace officer licensed employees run the risk of having these citations dismissed in court. The dismissal would not prohibit re -filing the charges, but would make enforcement more costly and burdensome. in the meantime, to be on the safe side, cities can have their licensed peace officers write citations for ordinance and statute violations. The League urges city officials to discuss this issue with their city attorney and police chief. Notice Requirements for Meetings Effective August 1, cities must comply with new notice requirements for meetings. The League's summary in the July Minnesota Cities provides a fairly detailed description of the new law. Additionally, the "Did you know?" column in the August Minnesota Cities magazine will address this issue as well. Please refer to those issues for more information regarding the new notice provisions. In the meantime, cities should fill out and keep a schedule at their main city offices of their regularly scheduled council, planning commission, park board, or other commission or board meetings. Special meetings must be preceded by three-day posted notice as well as three-day mailed notice to any person requesting particular notice of special meetings. As an alternative to posted and mailed notice for special meetings, cities may provide three-day published notice of their special meetings. I Emergency meetings may be called on less than three days notice for any matter which, in the judgment of the public body, requires immediate consideration. The only requirement for calling emergency meetings is to make good faith efforts to provide notice to any news medium (newpapers, radio, television, etc.) that has requested notification. No posting or publication is necessary. Again, this is just a brief review of the new law, further information will be in the August "Did you know?" column. City Eligibility for Energy Conservation Investment Loans The 1987 Legislature broadened eligibility for energy conservation investment loans to include cities. This state program, previously limited to schools only, offers low or no -interest loans for energy saving improvements to public buildings. Additionally, since this legislation was adopted after the tax bill, city levies to repay these loans are outside the three percent levy limit. Eligibility requirements and application information is available from the Energy Division, Department of Public Service, 900 American Center Building, 150 East Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55101; (612) 297-1221. Sales Tax Loophole? As you know, the 1987 Legislature took action to make local governments subject to the motor vehicle excise tax. Chapter 268, Article 4, section 21, amended M.S. 297B.03 (1) to eliminate a specific exemption from the imposition of the MVET for vehicles purchased by -)ersons described in section 297A. 25, subd'_visions 11 and 16. Subdivision 11 exempts sales to governments and subdivision 16 exempts sales to nonprofit groups. Therefore, the elimination of the exemption should arguably make cities and other local governments subject to the motor vehicle excise tax. i • 8 However, the definition of motor vehicles subject to the MVET is limited to those vehicles "for which registration is required by Chapter 168" (see M.S. 2978.01, subd. 5). Chapter 168.012 provides that "vehicles owned by the federal government, municipal fire apparatus, police patrols and ambulances, the general appearance of which is unmistakable, shall not be required to register or display number plates". Since these special vehicles need not be registered under Chapter 168 they do not meet the definition of "motor vehicles" in Chapter 297B and thus are not subject to the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax. At least that's how the argument goes. While the law is clear that cities would have to pay the tax on a regularly registered truck, cities may be able to save a substantial amount of money on the purchase of expensive special purpose vehicles if our interpretation is correct. Dates and Places for PCA _Hearings on Permit Fees In an earlier mailing we informed city officials of the Pollution Control Agency's intent to raise water and air quality permit fees as required by the Legislature. The agency has recently released date, time, and location information for public hearings on the proposed fee increases. The meetings will be: Date August 21, 1987 August 24, 1987 August 26, 1987 Time 9:30 a.m. Lncatinn Board Room MPCA 520 Lafayette St. Paul, MN Road North 1:30 p.m. Meeting Room New Ulm Public Library 17 North Broadway New Ulm, MN 1:30 p.m. County Board Room Itasca County Courthouse Highway 2 East Grand Rapids, MN n Residents . urged not to bag lawn clippings Easing of pressure on landfills cited By E. Denise Bell McNeal Staff Writer About thou grass clippings You know, the ones that lie on top of the grass after you're done mowing and that turn brown and ugly in a day or two. Just so there's no mistake, we're talk- ing here about the same clippings you spent two blistering hours raking and carefully bagging last Saturday. You don't have to do that stuff any- more. In fact, the state Department ofs ronment and Energy would justst as as soon you left thou grass clippings right where they fall. That way, they won't take up room in landfills. The department estimates that yard waste such as grass clippings com- prises 16 to 30 percent of the volume of residential solid waste collected during the growing season. The department plans to distribute brochures throughout Hennepin County urging resiu_nts to leave their grass clippings on the ground. The department has distributed the brochures to about 1,500 people in a nonh Minneapolis neighborhood. But wide -scale distribution isn't planned until later this month, when 100.000 brochures are expected to be sent out with Minneapolis water bills, according to Mike Trdan. Min- neapolis recycling coordinator. Dan Huschke, county recycling coor- dinator, said the grass clippings actu- ally are fine if left on the lawn. "The motivating factor was waste abatement, but as we looked into it we saw other advantages." He said that turf experts from the University of Minnesota say leaving grass clippings on the lawn can pro- duce a more healthv and durable lawn. The clippings decompose and give nutrients back to the soil. Huschke said there are tentative plans for a mond brochure that will MINNEAPOLIS STAR & TRIBUNE THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1987 tell people how to use the clippings to make compost, decomposed organic material that can be used as fertilizer. St. Louis Park now is collecting yard waste and turning it into compost in an experiment. Willy Wysopai, administrative assis- tant in St. Louis Park said the pro- gram has been going on since May and is working efketively. Residents bag lawn waste separately, and a refuse hanker delivers it to the city's compost pile. Wysopal said residents can collect the material from the site and use it as fertilizer. St. Louis Park expects to collect 16,000 tons of yard waste this year, which accounts for 13 percent of the total waste collected in the city, he said. 0 0 SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION HOURS PER WEEK 1. REVIEW PROCESS CONTROL DATA 2. SCHEDULING AND REVIEWING STAFF NEEDS 2.5 2.5 3. INSPECTION OF PLANT AND PERSONNEL 2.5 ACTIVITES 4. _ REVIEW LABORATORY PROCEDURES, PLANT RECORDS, SAFETY, OPERATING PROCEDURES, 5.0 MAINTENANCE - OPERATOR TRAINING 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND DISCUSSIONS WITH REGULATORY AGENCIES, CITY OFFICIALS 5.0 AND SUPPLIERS 40 6. .PUBLIC RELATIONS 2.0 TOTAL 19.5 0 PLANT RECORDS HOURS PER WEEK 1. DAILY RECORDING OF LABORATORY DATA ON RECORD SHEETS 2.5 2. FILLING OUT REPORT FORM 2.5 3. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ENTRIES 2.0 INCLUDES SCHEDULING, ORDERING SPARE PARTS, LUBRICANTS, INVENTORY 4. OTHER SAFETY, INJURY, ETC. 1.0 • TOTAL 8.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS • INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT BOD SS pH C12 NH3- N DO FECAL COLIFORM HOURS PER WEEK 3.5 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 TOTAL 19.5 PROCESS CONTROL REQUIREMENTS . BOD (2 xWEEIQ 2.0 MLSS & VSS (3 x WEEK) 2.75 RAS,TSS,&VSS (3 x WEEK) 2.75 T.S. AEROBIC STORAGE TANK (3 x WEEK) 1.25 DO (7 x WEEK) 1.75 SETTLED VOLUME (7 x WEEK) 1.75 MICRO ANALYSIS (2 x WEEK) 1.0 pH (5 x WEEK) 1.25 CLEAN UP, REAGENT PREP. 6.0 ORDERING TOTAL 40.0 PLANT ROUNDS HOURS PER WEEK 1. OBSERVE EQUIPMENT OPERATION AND 14.0 RECORD RUN TIME AND FLOW DATA 2. RECORDING OBSERVATIONS IN PLANT LOG 2.0 TOTAL 16.0 0 i i i MAINTENANCE/INSPECTION EQUIPMENT 1. BAR SCREENS 2. RAW WASTEWATER PUMPS 3. FLOW METERS 4. GRIT REMOVAL/FINE SCREENS 5. AERATION BASINS 6. AIR SUPPLY 7. POLYMER PUMPS 8. POLYMER MIXERS 9. SLUDGE PUMPS 10. AIR COMPRESSORS 11. BELT PRESS HOURS PER WEEK 12. SLUDGE HAUL VEHICLE 13. VALVES & GATES 14. CHLORINATION & DECHLORINATION 15. SAMPLERS 16. PLUMBING SYSTEM 17. HVAC SYSTEM 18. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TOTAL 3.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 28.0 L� HOUSEKEEPING HOURS PER WEEK 1. CLEANING ACTIVITES AND MAINTENANCE 10.0 2. LAWN CARE AND SNOW REMOVAL 12.0 TOTAL 22.0 0 0 SOLIDS HANDLING HOURS PER WEEK OBSERVATION, SLUDGE HAULING POLYMER MAKE-UP, OPTIMIZATION 0 34.0 Ll 0 MISCELLANEOUS PROCESS CALCULATIONS OPERATIONAL MONITORING PROCESS ADJUSTMENTS COLLECTION SYSTEM INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE HOURS PER WEEK TOTAL 14.0 20.0 20.0 54.0 0 SUMMARY OF OPERATION TIME HOURS PER WEEK 1. SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION 19.5 2. PLANT RECORDS 8.0 3. LABORATORY 40.0 • 4. PLANT ROUNDS 16.0 5. MAINTENANCE 28.0 6. HOUSEKEEPING 22.0 7. SOLIDS HANDLING 34.0 8. MISCELLANEOUS 54.0 TOTAL 221.5 • 221.5 x 52 = 11,518 HRS/YR REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 11, 1987 e r1 u1 .x �1: y nil *Withholding Tax Account Employer Contribution $ 512.97 *U.S.Post Office Postage - July Water. Bills 137.90 Albrecht Oil Gasoline 394.16 BioCycle 10 issues 29.00 General Repair Service Pressure Gauge 20.08 Bach Operating Supplies 46.09 Visu-Sewer Clean & Seal 'IV Inspection 5,003.84 First Trust of Mpls. Interest 19,300.00 Merle Meece MWOA Conference 110.48 Chapin Publishing Co. Publication Costs 217.62 Carr Flowers Plant 9.95 Cmmissioner of Revenue July Sales Tax 974.28 County Market Dry Milk 8.78 Electro Watchmen, Inc. Ouarterly Charge 198.00 Farm and Home July Invoices 133.96 Feed -Rite Controls Operating Supplies 24.24 Fitzloff Hardware July Invoices 95.73 G & K Services Uniform Rental 189.40 Hutch Plumbing & Heating Repair Supplies 12.05 Hutch Wholesale Operating Supplies 6.71 Hutchinson Utilities July - Gas and Electric 13,130.49 Junker Sanitation Refuse Charges 27,521.65 McLeod Co. Sanitary Landfill Refuse dining 16.80 �IN Valley Testing Professional Services 1.50 Schramm Implement Operating Supplies 10.55 Plaza Hardware Operating Supplies 93.62 Water Products Repair Supplies 830.59 Coast to Coast July Invoices 83.90 Big Bear July Invoices 12.78 Miller, Miller and Mac Install Equipment 2,859.00 Juul Contracting Repairs 2,224.26 Xerox Papel 89.75 LOGIS June Billing 551.37 PERA Dnployer Contribution 277.05 Insurance Planners 1st Payment Agent Fees 440.00 L.M.C.I.T. Quarterly Payment 4,404.00 L.M.C.I.T. Quarterly Payment -Workmen's Comp 876.00 80,848.55 • REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING — 2 — AL= 11, 1987 ��ur.: • • • ho � sur, *Withholding Tax Account P.E.R.A. Brandon Tire Farm and home Carquest Auto Parts Fitzloff Hardware Hutch Wholesale MPI Dist. Co. Plowman's Sorenson Farm Supply Swanke Motors Town and Country Tires Wigen Chevrolet Employer Contribution Ih4)Ioyer Contribution Repairs and Maintenance July Invoices July Invoices Operating Supplies July Invoices Repair Supplies Repair Supplies Operating Supplies Repair Parts Repairs Repair Parts 78.10 43.69 19.50 6.26 912.00 3.56 561.76 437.94 193.76 1.30 11.35 23.00 3.00 $2,295.22 Bonds of 1987 Application #1 9,270.00 Atkinson Blacktop Est. 1 Letting No. 4 5,720.00 Juul Contracting Est. 2 Letting No. 9 1,159.15 Juul Contracting Est. 1 Letting No. 15 49,654.79 Juul Contracting Est. 3 Letting No. 3 5,515.90 &uul Contracting Est. 2 Letting No. 10 57,887.44 Juul Contracting Valve Box 92.00 $' 120,029.28 Bonds of 1985 lst Trust Bank of Mpls Interest $ 44,906.25 1985 Tax Increment Debt Service 1st Trust Bank of Mpls Interest $5,312.50 Library Construction Fund Baker and Taylor Books 487.22 Childrens Press Books 777.40 AN State Hoticultural Society Educational Supplies 30.00 AM National Bank of St. Paul Adm. Fees 108.90 $1,403.52 Police Building Construction Fund Peter's Construction Application #1 9,270.00 McNerney Industries Application #1 16,311.60 E & T Contracting Application #1 3,461.55 lied Mechanical Application #1 5,842.00 $ 34,885.15 REGULAR COUNCIL METING _ 3 _ AUGUST 11, 1987 ha k, 101 mg Ina 61 g u *Withholding Tax Account *First Bank of MN *ICt7A Retirement Corporation *Department of Natural Resources *Department of Natural Resources *Department of Natural Resources *Department of Natural Resources Becky Leske Jodi Galles Amy Rannow Andrea Bussler Judy Jensen Judy Thul Darlene Systma John Riebe Oliver Wittenberg Jim Weckman Joe Paffel 1987 Star Cities Conference Ranlee Pub Inc. AMI Roto Rooter Corporate Report General Enterprise . Hutch Basketball Assn. Landcare Equipment Co. National Police Supply Milt Sparks Patco Companies Somers Uniforms Allen Office Supply Allen Precision Equipment Anderson Interiors Automation Supplies Brunner Sales Brinkman Studios John Bernhagen Co. Treasurer Cash Wise County Market Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Crow River Vet Clinic Copy Equipment Culligan Water Cond. Crow River Glass Co. Ed Davis Bus. Machines Family Rexall Drug Farmer's Elevator .Farm and Hone Floor Care Supply Fitzloff Hardware Carquest Auto Parts Guardian Pest Control Employer Contribution Deposit Slips Employer Contribution Snowmobile Registration Boat Registration Fees Boat Registration Fees Snowmobile Registration Fees Fees Empire Umpire Umpire Umpire Gymnastic Program Swimming Lesson Refund Open Swimming Refund Subpoena Fee Transcript of Proceedings Pumping Cas Mowing Reg. Fee Posters Open Line Classifed Display Police Ads Refund Repair Supplies Operating Supplies Operating Supplies Cleaning Supplies Operating Equipment Operating Supplies Repair Parts Paint Office Supplies Salt Photo Finishing and Folders August Compensation Del. Real Estate Taxes Supplies Supplies Office & Copier Rental Budgeted Items July Services Office Supplies Monthly Service Fee and Salt Repair Supplies Mailing Labels Supplies Grass Seed July Invoices Maintenance Supplies July Invoices July Invoices Spraying Offices 3,636.33 66.93 243.91 18.00 25.00 45.00 18.00 42.00 56.00 10.50 2.50 192.00 10.00 15.00 10.20 16.73 5.39 69.00 75.00 295.00 38.00 255.00 34.70 60.00 37.60 163.77 33.92 39.00 60.00 356.90 8.35 46.65 44.66 44.20 362.08 1,750.67 351.56 151.39 176.71 393.42 2,500.00 175.50 4,762.82 61.20 30.00 45.64 132.70 142.50 274.24 599.01 145.15 10.40 39.85 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 - AUGUST 11, 1987 GENERAL FUND (CONTINUED) Kock Materials Co. Hutch Area VoTech Hager Jewelry Hutch Fire Department Hutch Utilities Hutch Wholesale Hutch Fire and Safety HCVN Johnson Radio Comm. Juul Contracting Juul Contracting Joe's Sports Shop Kokesh Athletic L & P Supply Marco Business Mid -Central Midcontinent Theatre MN Playground Mpls. Star and Tribune McGarvey Coffee Northern States Supply No. American Cable Olson Locksmith Plaza Hardware �tockmount Research Schlueter Ref. Shopko Shopko Simonson Lumber Co. Standard Printing Traf-O-Teria System Tri -County Water Cond. Xerox Corporation 7ahl Equipment G & K Service Insurance Planners LICIT LICIT Allied Mechanical Systems American Red Cross Arnold and McDowell Bennett Office Supplies Big Bear Carney's Coast to Coast Commissioner of Transportation Commissioner of Transportation Conmications Auditors Drummnd American Corp. •Iarvin Haugen asphalt work study students UPS Chages Registration Fees Gas and Electric July Invoices Maintenance & Repairs Franchise payment Repairs Pipes and Rings Rings Ribbons and Trophies Operating Supplies Repair and Maintenance Mini -Recorder Repair Supplies August Rental Operating Supplies Subscription Office Supplies Operating Supplies Basic Cable Service Repairs July Invoices Operating Supplies Repairs Operating Supplies Operating Supplies Operating Supplies Printing Envelopes. 3 -Mo. Rental Contract Payment Maintenance & Repairs Uniform Rental Supplies Ist Payment - Agent Fees Endorsements & Qtr. Payment Qtr. Payment - Workmen's Comp Repairs Swinming Texts Professional Services Service Contract July Invoices Operating Supplies July Invoices Airport Appraisals Book Repair Pages Operating Supplies Registration Fee 4,351.94 197.82 5.87 400.00 8,742.52 168.43 438.70 750.00 35.00 43.00 109.00 790.00 751.41 134.41 293.00 585.00 350.00 163.98 40.30 165.60 167.36 5.46 33.50 226.46 94.33 27.95 401.34 57.41 72.10 169.85 83.15 28.50 270.92 402.17 620.64 6,822.20 83,741.00 36,574.00 2,472.96 65.50 189.26 68.61 25.97 5.00 114.02 1,141.36 21.80 157.44 105.16 10.00 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 5 - AUGUST 11, 1987 •(,'E[MRAT FUND (CONTINUED) Warren Hoernenann Hutchinson Drug Johnson Radio Communications Kaye Link LOGIS McLeod County Aud. McLeod Coop Power Assn. NN Ice Manager's Assn. NK Sales Northwestern Bell P.E.R.A. Red Owl Red Owl Science Museun of MN 7 West Wash and Dry Sibley House Assn Dorothy Smith Xerox Douglas Yost • 0 Swimming Lesson Refund Operating Supplies Repair Radio Unit Drama. Class June Billing Drivers License Fees Utilities Registration Fee Professional Services Monthly Fees Employer Contribution Senior Fishing Trip Operating Supplies Registration Fee Towels Registration Fee Mileage Paper Professional Services 10.00 1.49 52.50 390.00 11,910.89 60.50 154.51 180.00 441.80 326.50 3,703.34 32.84 58.51 161.00 26.40 92.00 9.84 890.10 904.02 $ 190,278.02 REGULAR COUNCIL MING - 6 - AUGUST 11, 1987 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Lenneman Beverage Inc. Beer $10,000.00 Insurance Planners Liquor Liability 8,871.00 • Quality Wine $ Spirits Wine $ Liquor 1,213.40 Ed Phillips & Sons - Wine & Liquor 937.42 Griggs Cooper & Co. Wine $ Liquor 886.66 Municipal Utilities Gas $ Electricity 855.00 United Building Center Remodel Cooler 198.97 Coast to Coast June Invoice 72.72 City of Hutch Water, Sewer, Refuse 69.41 Hutchinson Leader June Advertising 164.00 Henry's Candy Co. June Invoice 1,232.08 Nationwide Paper bags 117.87 Tombstone Pizza Beef Stick 8.00 MN Municipal Liquor Stores Assn. Annual dues 300.00 Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce Mystery Shopper 10.00 P.E.R.A. Employer share 171.97 Withholding tax Acct Employer Cont. 294.77 City of Hutch Payroll 7/17/87 4,563.38 P.E.R.A. Employer Cont 174.00 City of Hutch Payroll 7/3/87 4,553.57 Withholding Tax Employer Share 297.28 Quality Wine B, Spirits Co. Wine $ Liquor 2,013.74 Johnson Brothers Wholesale Wine $ Liquor 291.27 Griggs Cooper $ Co. Wine E, Liquor 2,640.12 Ed Phillips $ Sons Wine $ Liquor 2,004.38 Ed Phillips $ Sons Wine $ Liquor 1,526.31 Griggs Cooper $ Co. Wine $ Liquor 2,129.91 • Quality Wine $ Spirits Co. Wine $ Liquor 1,859.12 Johnson Brothers Wholesale Wine $ Liquor 2,083.23 Withholding Tax Employer Contrib 301.38 Quality Wine $ Spirits Co. Wine $ Liquor 882.98 Griggs Cooper $ Co. Wine P, Liquor 2,082.59 Ed Phillips $ Sons Wine & Liquor 2,553.30 Johnson Brothers Wholesale Wine $ Liquor 3,529.86 Griggs Cooper €. Co. Inv 65324 24.94 Ed Phillips Inv 558000 11.88 P.E.R.A. Employer Cont 164.45 Friendly Beverage Inc. Beer 1,935.15 City of Hutch July Insurance 961.99 V.F.W. Post 950 Fall Converence 37.50 Hutchinson Utilities Gas $ Electricity 741.13 Hutch Area Vo -Tech May Workstudy 36.96 Hutchinson Plumbing & Heating.Co. Replace furnace blower 211.00 Allen Office Products Cal. Tape 49.00 Coca Cola Bottling Co. July Inv. 1,033.10 American Linen Supply July Towel Service 21.86 Bernicks Pepsi Cala Co. Inv. 39606 $ 47982 120.00 Tombstone Pizza Corp. Inv. 8767276 19.75 Andy Lundholm July Inv. 268.00 Hutchinson Telephone Co. July Inv. 74.73 Sprengler Trucking Co. June Freight 428.29 • Northland Beverages Inc. Triple G. Distributing July Inv. July Inv. 331.30 204.75 Triple G. Distributing Beer 16,256.10 Locher Bros. Inc. Beer 13,561.15 Locher Bros. Inc. Misc. $ Mix 36.00 Lenneman Beverage Dist. Beer 17,048.80 Lenneman Beverage Dist. Misc. & Mix 217.:25 $ 112,864.77