cp03-09-2010 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — St. Anastasia Catholic Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2010 Action - Motion to approve as presented 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: onlyfor items requiringCouncil approval by external entities that would otherwise ave een e egate tot he City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed) (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0541 — AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF 5.65 ACRES OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 5, HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP, FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REQUESTED BY THE HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0542 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE (FORMER DASSEL MEDICAL CENTER) (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUPPORTING HUTCHINSON HUSKIES BASEBALL CLUB'S SUBMITTAL OF BID TO HOST THE 2015 MINNESOTA STATE AMATERUR BASEBALL TOURNAMENT (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR LAMPLIGHTER LOUNGE II, INC. (f) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE �. COMMUNICATIONS RE VESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise pot cy. A ways looking toward t e uture, not monitoring past) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA —MARCH 9, 2010 0 (a) PRESENTATION OF `BRING IT HOME" CAMPAIGN —BILL CORBY, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Action — 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF "HAHC ADDITION" LOCATED AT 355 AIRPORT ROAD SE WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13697) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF "HAHC ADDITION" SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 13701 —A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING SUPPORT AND PARTNERSHIP WITH THE 2010 CENSUS Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RELOCATION OF JOBZ ACRES (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13700) • Action — Motion to reject— Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR MARCH 23, 2010, AT 4:00 P.M. TO DISCUSS AMERESCO REPORT Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 11. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assesspcastorganizationalperfornnance, devel oppollcy that guides theorganizationand Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2010 (b) PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM JANUARY 25. 2010 (c) PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 1, 2010 (d) SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR FEBRUARY 2010 (e) CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY2010 (f) CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR JANUARY 2010 No action required for items 11(a) — I I (f). 12. MISCELLANEOUS 0 13. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Jim Haugen, Eric Yost and Chad Czmowski. Member absent was Bill Arndt. Others present were Jeremy Carter, Finance Director, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION — Tim Sepulvado, Bethlehem United Methodist Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 2010 Motion by Haugen, second by Czmowski, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiringCouncil approval by external entities that would otherwise are een e egatec tot e City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 0 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13696 — RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR SAFETY AND CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS ALONG TRUNK HIGHWAY 15 FROM ST. CLOUD TO FAIRMONT AND CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRUNK HIGHWAY 15 COALITION DUES 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13698 — RESOLUTION REVISING 2010 FEE SCHEDULE (LICENSES & PERMITS) 3. RESOLUTION NO. 13699 — RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF GRANT APPLICATION FOR CROW RIVER SNO PROS 4. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0540 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 90.03 — OBSTRUCTION S IN STREETS (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) 5. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0542 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE (FORMER DASSEL MEDICAL CENTER) - YVAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTIONFOR b1ARCA9. 2010 (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEM 1. CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF "HAHC ADDITION" LOCATED AT 355 AIRPORT ROAD SE WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13697) • CITY COUNCILMINUTES —FEBRUARY 22, 2010 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF "HAHC ADDITION" SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT TERM 3.2 MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR HUTCHINSON JAYCEES ON APRIL 17, 2010, AT HUTCHINSON CIVIC ARENA (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR 3M CLUB ON APRIL 30, 2010, AT 3M (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHOWS /EXHIBITIONS PERMIT TO GW EXOTIC ANIMAL PARK FROM FEBRUARY 24— 28, 2010, AT THE HUTCHINSON MALL (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 — LETTING NO. 10, PROJECT NO. 09 -11 ( HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT —T HANGAR) (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR MINNESOTA DEER HUNTERS ASSOCIATION ON APRIL 3, 2010 0) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF LETTER OF SUP PORT FOR ATV PARK GRANT APPLICATION AS REQUESTED BY THE CROW RIVER WHEELERS (k) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Items 6(c) L 6(d) and 6(e) were pulled for separate discussion. • Motion by Haugen. second by Czmowski, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 6(c)1 had further discussion. Mayor Cook noted that staff had suggested at the Planning Commission meeting that Outlot A, Lot 2, Block 1 be platted as part of the project. Kent Exner, City Engineer, explained that staff is recommending that the northerly lot be a platted lot versus an outlot. Mr. Exner believes that perhaps the property receives a tax benefit by having an outlet. Mr. Exner explained that City staff is recommending that future developments, as well as this one, do not include outlots due to various issues. These issues include ponding and environmental issues. Mayor Cook noted that he would like to approve this plat as past practice has been, which is excluding the outlot. This item, if approved, should be approved conditioned on approval of the subdivision agreement. Motion by Yost, second by Haugen, to table Item 6(c)1 to March 9, 2010. Mayor Cook noted that if there are time constraints with tabling this item, the Council could consider a special meeting to consider this item again. Motion carried unanimously. Item 6(d) had further discussion. Kent Exner, City Engineer, requested that this item be tabled to further work out the details of the agreement. Motion by Yost, second by Cook, to table Item 6(d) to March 9, 2010. Motion carried unanimously. Item 6(e) had further discussion. Mayor Cook noted that he wanted to ensure all bases were covered for the event, since this is a new event that the City is taking part in. Chief Dan Hatten agreed that this is a new venture, however his department is working closely with the Jaycees, the event organizers, on parking and neighborhood issues. 0 Motion by Czmowski, second Yost, to approve Item 6(e). Motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — FEBRUARY 22, 2010 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6:00 P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION OF ANNEXATION OF 5.65 ACRES OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 5, HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP, FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REQUESTED BY THE HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0541 FOR ,MARCH 9, 2010) Patrick Brama, EDA Intern, presented before the Council. The EDA is requesting that the southerly 5.65 acres located in the Indu Park be annexed into the City of Hutchinson. This is the former Hackbarth property located off of 5" Avenue. This property will be utilized to install a stormwater pipe extension to service the area. Motion by Haugen, second by Czmowski, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to annex 5.65 acres of city -owned property located in Section 5, Hassan Valley Township. Motion carried unanimously. 8. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t wise policy. Always looking toward the f tlure, not monitoring past) (a) DISCUSSION OF VARIANCE TO INCREASE MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE OF 25% IN THE SHORELAND AREA FROM THE EXISTING 32% TO 33% AT 915 LAKEWOOD DRIVE, SW REQUESTED BY JOEL AND JACKIE PENKE, PROPERTY OWNERS WITH UNFAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13649) • Marc Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora explained that last November the Council had considered the variance application to increase the impervious surface at the property which lies in the shoreland district. At the November 23, 2009, Council meeting, the applicants agreed to an extension of their application so the Council could review a potential shoreland ordinance being developed by the State of Minnesota. The applicants are now requesting that the Council make their decision at the March 23, 2010, Council meeting so that they can plan accordingly with the Spring building season. Staff is recommending, along with the DNR, to mitigate the lot coverage down to 25% on all nonconforming properties. John Paulson, Environmental Specialist, presented before the Council. Mr. Paulson noted that if the City should revise their ordinance, it would need to go through some DNR approvals. Additionally, the City cannot be less restrictive than the new shoreland ordinance. Council Member Yost expressed that he feels there is a hardship to the property owner that was not created by them, but rather the developer and the City had a role. General discussion was held as to what the hardship is on the property. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AIRPORT HANGAR LEASE POLICY John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson noted that the nonrefundable fee would be 525.00 as opposed to $50.00 as noted in the lease currently. Motion by Haugen, second by Cook, to approve airport hangar lease policy. Motion carried unanimously. 0 10. NEW BUSINESS r L CITY COUNCIL iVINUTES— FEBRUARY22, 2010 (a) DISCUSSION OF WATER METER READING ALTERNATIVES Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner provided background on an automatic meter reading system being installed by Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Sensus was awarded the contract for a complete automated metering infrastructure system with new electric meters. HUC has invested in the "backbone" of the system - towers, interface, software, etc. Due to the type of existing water meters in place and HUC's direction in utilizing Sensus to implement their AMI project, City staff believes that an AMR project for water metering is feasible. The City water department potentially has the opportunity to reduce costs if the City's AMR project occurs during the HUC project. The estimated cost to fund an AMR project is approximately $640,000. Paul Thome, HD Supply, presented before the Council on the Sensus automated meter reading product. Discussion was held as to how to prioritize capital improvement projects. Dick Nagy, Water Systems Supervisor, spoke about challenges manual meter reading processes face. Jeremy Carter, Finance Director, spoke about potential funding options for the project. Mavor Cook noted that his preference is to hold off on this project for a couple of years until the water /sewer fund is more stabilized. Other Council Members conceded in that now is not the most opportune time for this project. Kent Exner noted that this item will remain on the radar screen on an annual basis. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING COUNCIL WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO ADDRESS 5701,000 REDUCTION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID AND TO DISCUSS PARAMETERS FOR 2011 BUDGET • Motion by Czmowski, second by Haugen, to set March 2, 2010, at 4:00 p.m. for Council workshop. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 13D.05 TO DISCUSS PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS FOR SHERWOOD STREET SE EXTENSION PROJECT (LOT 14 EX S 34.048' OF El 111.20'& EX 4.68 AC, AUDITOR'S PLAT OF SECTION 07- 116 -29 39.13 AC (ROW — 3.50 AC) Motion by Yost, second by Czmowski, to convene into closed session at 7:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Yost, second by Haugen, to reconvene into open session at 8:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 11. GOVERNANCE (Pairpose: to assesspast organizational performance, develop policy that guides the organization and Council manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governarrce process items.) (a) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JANUARY 2010 (b) LIQUOR HUTCH FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY 2010 (c) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM JANUARY 19, 2010 (d) HUTCHINSON AREA JOINT PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 (e) HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 15, 2009 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES F'EBRUARY22, 2010 9 (f) CITY OF HUTCHINSON WEB SITE STATISTICS REPORT FOR JANUARY 2010 Mayor Cook noted that monthly reports are not necessary on the web site or the liquor store. The web site report could be annual and the liquor store could provide a quarterly summary. No action required for items 11(a) — I I (f). 12. MISCELLANEOUS Jim Haugen — Council Member Haugen asked about snow removal policy for sidewalk snow removal. Kent Exner clarified that if snow is not removed by the resident, the policy states city will remove and then charge the property owner. Chad Czmowski — Council Member Czmowski suggested having two Council Members meet with two HUC Commissioners to discuss funding options in light of the budget shortfall. Council Member Czmowski and Mayor Cook volunteered to meet with HUC representatives. Kent Exner — Mr. Exner noted that a total of 560,000 has been designated by three Mrn/DOT districts to conduct a corridor study along Hwy 15. Results from the study should come out in mid to late Summer. Mayor Cook— Mayor Cook had received an inquiry about how the average sewer rates are configured and how the formula could possibly be improved. 13. ADJOURN Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to adjourn at 8:01 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 11 • ���ei PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 10 - 0541 AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO INCLUDE CERTAIN LAND OWNED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUES 414.033, SUBDIVISION 2 (1) WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is requesting that certain land be annexed to the City of Hutchinson, as legally described below, and: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter with the south line of McLeod County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 47, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence southerly, along said east line 565.94 feet to the northerly line of the Railroad right of way in said West Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence westerly, along said northerly line of the Railroad right of way 445.13 feet to the centerline of Arch Street as shown on said McLeod County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 47 (formerly the Glencoe and Hutchinson Road); thence northwesterly, along said centerline 74.78 feet to the southeasterly comer of Hutchinson Fifth Avenue Industrial Park, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence northerly, along the east line of said Hutchinson Fifth Avenue Industrial Park 536.25 feet to said south line of McLeod County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 47; thence easterly, along said south line to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, said property is unincorporated and abuts the City of Hutchinson on its northern and western boundaries, is approximately 5.65 acres in size, and is not presently served by public water or • sewer facilities; and WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is the sole owner of the property, the property is not included within any other municipality, and is not included in any area that has already been designated for orderly annexation pursuant to Minnesota Statues 414.0325, and WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson held a public hearing on February 22, 2010, and NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota does hereby ordain: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby determines and finds that the property is owned by the municipality, that the area to be annexed is approximately 5.65 acres, that the property is not included in any area that has already been designated for orderly annexation pursuant to Minnesota Statues 414.0325, and that the request complies with all of the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 414.033 Subd. 2 (l). SECTION 2. The property abuts the city limits and is about to become urban or suburban in nature and that the property is about to be developed for industrial development, and SECTION'). The corporate limits of the City of Hutchinson are hereby extended to include the Property and the same is hereby annexed to and included within the City of Hutchinson as if the property had originally been part thereof. SECTION 4. The population of the area legally described within and hereby annexed is zero. SECTION 5. The City of Hutchinson, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 414.036. that with respect to the property taxes payable on the area legally described herein, hereby annexed. shall make a cash payment to Hassan Valley Township in accordance with the following schedule: a. In the first year following the year in which the City of Hutchinson could first levy on the annexed area, an amount equal to S 27.98 6 � `,�� Ordinance No. 10 -0541 EDA Annexation — 5.65 acres March 9, 2010 Page 2 • • b. In the second and final year, an amount equal to S 27.98 SECTION 6. That pursuant to Minn. Stat. 414.036 with respect to any special assessments assigned by the township to the annexed property and any portion of debt incurred by the township prior to the annexation and attributable to the property to be annexed, but for which no special assessments are outstanding, for the property legally described herein, there are no special assessments or debt incurred by the township on the subject area for which reimbursement is required. SECTION T The City Administrator is directed to file copies of this ordinance with the Office of Administrative Hearings - Municipal Boundary Adjustments, Hassan Valley Township, the McLeod County Auditor, and the Minnesota Secretary of State. SECTION 8. This ordinance takes effect upon its passage and publication and the filing of the copies as directed in Section 4 and approval of the Ordinance by the Office of Administrative Hearings - Municipal Boundary Adjustments. First Reading: February 22, 2010 Final Reading and ,Passed: March 9, 2010 Adopted by the City Council this 9` day of March, 2010. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor 6 fI `,D) ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0542 PUBLICATION NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. That the municipally owned real property legally described as follows: Lot 15 of Block 7, and the South 40' of Lot 16, City of Dassel, County of Meeker for good and valuable consideration is hereby transferred and conveyed to Hutchinson Health Care together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. Section 2. The City hereby waives any time period of notice and right of first refusal may have under its lease agreement with Hutchinson Health Care. Section 3. The City Administrator, Gary D. Plotz, or his designee is authorized to sign any and all documents on behalf of the City to effectuate the closing of this transaction. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. 40 Adopted by the City Council this 9` day of March, 2010, Steven W. Cook Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 11 February 24, 2010 Hutchinson Community Leaders: The Hutchinson Huskies Baseball Club is submitting a bid along with the communities of Dassel(DC Saints) and Litchfield(Litchfield Blues) for hosting the 2015 Minnesota State Amateur Baseball Tournament. It is our hope that you would write a letter of endorsement for hosting this tournament. There are a few examples of such letters that were used when we bid and won the opportunity to host the 2005 tournament. Any questions, please feel free to contact me at home rose\- ci ht uLhteLnet and 587 -4884. Bruce A. Rosenow, President Hutchinson Huskies Baseball Club 755 Neal Avenue SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 • CJ 6 cl) 0 • E TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Melissa Starke, Administrative Coordinator DATE: March 3, 2010 SUBJECT: License Renewals for 2010 -2011 The following establishments have applied for 2010 liquor license renewals. The appropriate paperwork has been submitted. Please approve the following licenses: On -Sale Intoxicating Gold Coin Lamplighter Lounge II, Inc. Little Crow Bowling Lanes Applebee's Fraternal Order of Eagles Club On -Sale Intoxicating V.F.W. Post 906 American Legion Post 96 Hutchinson Elks Lodge Wine /Strong Beer License Country Kitchen Coney Island Eatery Jake's Pizza Sundav Liquor License Gold Coin Jake's Pizza V.F.W. Post 906 American Legion Little Crow Bowling Lanes Country Kitchen Fraternal Order of Eagles Applebee's Hutchinson Elks Lodge Coney Island Eatery Mar 04 10 12:21p Lamplighter Bar & Grill Mar 04 2010 1:231"M O11`r ut - nulu ninaun l 320 -S87 -3091 p -2 Akaweewaa'al Minnesota Department of Public Safety Almhot and Gambling Eufofmllli Divisiou (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 222, M. Paul, MN 55101-5133 Telephone 651- 201 -7507 Fax 651 -297 -5259 TTY651- 262.6555 erHlltar3on of an Oo Sale Liauo L' ense 3 2'/ Lipvor license. or Snnday Lionor Lken Cities aad Coastics: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the fail owing liquor Iieettse types: 1) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 12% on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or County Issuing Liquor License A "to J l^ License Period From: {Nor To Y✓a /, Circle One: New License License Transfer Suspension Revocation Cancel (former7ianstt name) (Give dads) License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale Intoxicating Sunday Liquor 3,2% On sale 32 Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$ ��"" Sunday fee: 5 3.2% On Sale fee: $ 3.2% Off Sale fee: $_ Licensee Name: LkMpl'Fkkr �-t !JA f+ -fin(. DOB /0 ;1 SocialSecurity# y7T - �9�9 (co p�d'i0. L , or lndivtdaaT) Business Trade Name L AM/)�1 `Skfei Business Address A 211 Hwy S f City 17 Zi Code SS3SU County MtL <or� Business Phone a — Sa /G'U __Home Phone 3.7u r} - 3� 7 S _ Home Address 76() 4)A 1 rtlol - 11 City Licensee's MN Tax ff)# 17 t 1' y P 5 is I V (To Apply C411 651-296-6161) Licensee's Federal Tax ID # �r � - � � a U � I (to Vey wll M IOD- 829491]) If above named licensee is a corporatioo, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner /officer. 6"K �� G �cti/l cyl`�� �o - 3t -67 _ t t73 - - 7Y - 34 9 - 7 , D tv4)kL St, r �o A ,t partna,'uffim, Name (First Middle Lsv DOB Solo! Security ti Home Acidness 54, r-._ —L-,. - /_,, A ,•,. °1L /n- 71-'7/) /nU /41/ )q- _SrJ1 - U Name (First Middle last) DOB Social Security N Florne Addreu ParmalOrGm Nnmc (Fimt Mlddle Last) DOB Soda) Serenity 4 Hatne Addrean Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach acertificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: I) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, otc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license. Circle One: (Ye S ) During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Comperlsation insurance Company Name: C4rk414 y Policy# ewCOV00272 I Certify than this license(fi) has been approved in an official mooting by the governing body of the city or county. City Clerk or County Auditor Sig nature ( Datc (title) On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Relttiler Buyers Card. To obtain the applicatiott for the Buyers Card, please ca11 651-201-7504, or visit our website at www.dnsstate.mn . us . • (Font 9011- 111D9) Cr (C) RESOLUTION NO. 13697 RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT OF HAHC ADDITION Whereas, Hutchinson Area Health Care, property owner, has requested approval of a final plat of HAHC ADDITION with the following legal description: Legal Description: Beginning at the southeast corner of Section 7, Township 116, Range 29, thence west along the south line of said Section Seven (7), 2476 feet to a point marked by a stone set in the public road; which is 1376.2 feet east of the west line of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7; thence north 778.6 feet to a point marked by an iron pipet' 76.2 feet east of the west line of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 7; thence East parallel to the south line of said Section Seven (7) 2377.1 feet to the center line of a public highway, known as the Hutchinson and Glencoe road; thence southeasterly, along the center line of said road to the south line of Section Eight (8) Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty -nine (29); thence west along the south line of said Section Eight (8) 264 feet to the place of beginning, now known as Lot Twelve (12) of "AUDITOR'S PLAT OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 116N, RANGE 29W" AND Lot Two (2) of "AUDITOR'S PLAT OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 116 NORTH, RANGE 29 WEST ". EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING: That part of Lot I2 of "AUDITOR'S PLAT OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 116N, RANGE 29W" and that part of Lot 2 of "AUDITOR'S PLAT OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 116N RANGE 29W" described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Section 7; thence West, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Section 7, a distance of 475.56 feet; thence North 490.12 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing North 288.48 feet to the north line of said Lot 12; thence East, along said north line, 383.32 feet to the center line of County Highway No. 25; thence southeasterly, along said center line, 317.70 feet to a point bearing East from the point of beginning; thence West 516.38 feet to the point of beginning. Whereas, the Planning Commission met on February 16, 2010, and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request. The City Council has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the final plat subject to the following findings and conditions: L The Subdivision Agreement will address the future construction of the northern trail. 2. A Subdivision Agreement must be executed prior to filing of the final plat. 3. The bituminous trail along Airport Road (CSAH 115) shalt be constructed at the same time as the rest of the first phase of the development, with the trail connecting back to the main facility at its east termini. Resolution # 13697 Final Plat — HAHC ADDITION Page 2 . 4. All trails and sidewalks shall be ADA compliant and shall provide connections between public and private trails /sidewalks and parking areas. 5. The northeast staff parking lot must show required handicapped parking stalls and the sidewalk must be handicapped accessible. 6. The northeast turnaround will be constructed by the developer. The southeast parking lot may serve as the turnaround with modifications on the east end with further staff review 7. No parking will be allowed on any streets. 8. A parkland contribution fee will be collected with the building permit. Fee amount will be determined by staff and listed in the Subdivision Agreement. 9. Final utility, grading, and stormwater management plans are subject to approval of the City Engineer. Provide a letter addressing the attached City Engineer's memo dated 12/7/09. 10. Developers are to work with the City Forester, Environmentalist and City Engineer on a site soil plan that will provide suitable conditions for growth of trees and plants (helps mitigate added density as required as part of the Planned Development District). 11. Provide a snow storage plan to ensure parking is not lost and that landscaping and plants /trees are not damaged from snow storage. 12. Provide a photometric plan in addition to the lighting plan with cut off fixtures. 13. Verify parking stall sizes. Adopted by the City Council this 22 day of February, 2010. • ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor • `X 19 0 SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT HAHC Addition CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the day and year set forth hereinafter by and between Hutchinson Health Care, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, d /b /a Hutchinson Area Health Care, hereinafter called the "Subdivider"; and Hutchinson, a Municipal Corporation in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City'; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of property situated in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, which has been surveyed and preliminary platted as "HAHC Addition" and further described in the existing legal description as: Beginning at the southeast corner of Section 7, Township 116, Range 29, thence west along the south line of said Section Seven (7), 2476 feet to a point marked by a stone set in the public road; which is 1376.2 feet east of the west line of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 7; thence north 778.6 feet to a point marked by an iron pipe 1376.2 feet east ofthe west line of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 7; thence East paral lel to the south line of said Section Seven (7), 2377.1 feet to the center line of a public highway, known as the Hutchinson and Glencoe road; thence southeasterly, along the center line of said road to the south line of Section Eight (8), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty -nine (29); thence west along the south line of said Section Eight (8), 264 feet to the place of beginning, now known as Lot Twelve (12) of "AUDITOR'S PLAT OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 116N, RANGE 29W" LUM Lot Two (2) of "AUDITOR'S PLAT OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 116 NORTH, RANGE 29 WEST ". • HAHC Addition/Page I — 3/4/2010 EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING: That part of Lot 12 of "AUDITOR'S PLAT OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 116N, RANGE 29W" and that part of Lot 2 of "AUDITOR'S PLAT OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 116N, RANGE 29W" described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Section 7; thence West, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Section 7, a distance of 475.56 feet; thence North 490.12 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing North 288.48 feet to the north line of said Lot 12; thence East, along said north line, 383.32 feet to the center line of County Highway No. 25; thence southeasterly, along said center line, 317.70 feet to a point bearing East from the point of beginning; thence West 516.38 feet to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, City Ordinance No. 464 and 466 requires the Subdivider to make certain improvements in the subdivision; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING L It is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall be responsible for all work associated with site preparation and grading. All areas within the final plat, but outside of the rights -of -way, shall be graded to • within 0.5 feet of final grade to allow for proper drainage, and the installation of utilities. The entire right -of- way shall be graded to within 0.2 feet of final grade, as noted in the approved improvement plans for the project. Any and all unstable soil conditions or soils unsuitable for construction in the right -of -way shall be corrected and/or replaced by the Subdivider. The Subdivider shall clear trees and /or debris from utility easements and rights -of -way, as per the request of the City or utility, prior to installation ofthe improvements. All soils shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% Standard Proctor Density. All work shall conform to the approved Site Grading and Improvements Plan, and shall be completed prior to the commencement of building construction on the site. The construction may be completed in stages, as approved by the City. With the exception being that the City will administer, fund (including improvement assessments) and complete all construction (including grading and drainage outfalls) within the Sherwood Street SE right -of- way area of the plat. 2. The Subdivider shall complete all work noted in Paragraph No. I. and provide a written verification from a professional engineer or surveyor, prior to installation of utilities and /or issuance of building permits. This work must be approved by City staff and related utilities to allow for extension of utilities to serve the site. Any costs associated with these requirements shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider, and are not financed through the City. It shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider to assure that the Site Grading Plan and Final Plat are being conformed to during building and site infrastructure construction within this subdivision. This responsibility shall include the notification of contractors, builders, and property buyers as to the drainage and grading requirements, lowest floor elevation requirements, and building type /construction parameters. Site plans for all buildings and infrastructure must conform to the approved Site Grading Plan. It is essential that the vertical and horizontal locations of the structure are verified to avoid conflict with infrastructure and potential 0 HAHC Addition/Page 2 — 3/4/2010 . drainage issues. Any costs associated with correcting these conflicts and issues shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider. 4. The Subdivider shall provide all turf establishment and erosion control necessary to protect the utilities and street improvements on the entire site. The Subdivider shall also provide all erosion control during site grading and improvement work necessary to meet local, state and federal requirements. Any subdivision disturbing one acre or more of land needs to obtain an NPDES /SDS (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System) permit through the MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency). Information regarding the permitting process can be accessed at www.pca.state.mn.tis/ water /stonnwater /stormwater-e.html or by calling the City's Environmental Specialist at (320) 234 -5682. A copy of the submitted permit and associated Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) must be provided to the Environmental Specialist prior to construction commencing within the site. All disturbed areas shall be seeded, mulched, and disc anchored with MNDOT seed mix 250GR or other City- approved method within 48 hours after final grading is completed or within one week after rough grading is completed. Any areas disturbed adjacent to a stormwater pond, drainage ditch or existing wetland shall be seeded with MNDOT seed mixture 310 or other City- approved method and covered with erosion control blanket. Any corrective measures to address erosion control and turf establishment are at the expense of the Subdivider. In the case of the SWPPP not being administered appropriately, the City shall notify the Subdivider in writing of work needing completion. If no action is taken by the Subdivider within 10 days or sooner if determined necessary, the City reserves the right to complete this work and invoice or assess the Subdivider. 5. It is understood and agreed that it shall be the Subdivider's responsibility to provide survey control points for all infrastructure and site construction. 6. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for maintaining the condition of the infrastructure, mowing, weed control and other site maintenance issues during site and building construction. The Subdivider shall be required to maintain and clean the roadways and storm sewers /ponds on a regular basis, and shall repair or replace any street, storm sewer /ponds, sanitary sewer or watermain infrastructure damaged by operations related to site and building construction. The Subdivider hereby designates Cary Linder/HAHC Support Services Director at (320)- 234 -5121 as the person responsible for site issues. The City will not be responsible for any maintenance of the site other than as to the City's construction of Sherwood Street SE and related improvements. The City shall notify the Subdivider in writing, of work needing completion. If no action is taken by the Subdivider within 10 days or sooner if determined necessary, the City reserves the right to complete this work and invoice or assess the Subdivider. The Subdivider shall complete grading activities, possible turf establishment and necessary permanent /temporary erosion control measures on the site by October 31, 2010. The Subdivider shall complete final grading, final turf establishment and necessary permanent erosion control measures on the site by October 31, 2011. If the Subdivider fails to meet this completion date, the City reserves the right to hire a contractor to finish the remaining work and invoice or assess the Subdivider for the associated costs. II. ASSESSMENTS /IMPROVEMENTS I. The Subdivider hereby agrees to construct lateral and trunk sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances, lateral and trunk watermain and appurtenances, sanitary sewer service leads, water service leads, lateral and trunk storm sewer and appurtenances, curb and gutter, street grading, street base, street surfacing, trails /sidewalks, street signs and lighting, existing draintile connections /accommodations, and appurtenances to serve the entire 11 HAHC Addition/Page 3 — 3/4/2010 Ci (Ej • plat. All work shall be completed by forces employed by the Subdivider, and the work shall meet all applicable local, state and federal regulations and construction standards. The City shall approve all construction documents and shall have construction overview with final approval of all public infrastructure proposed to be honed over to the City. All roadway and utility improvements outside of established right -of- ways shall be considered private infrastructure with all associated maintenance activities including but not limited to pavement/curbing repairs, pavement surface treatments, snow removals, sweeping, water /sewer services, stormwater system/drainage maintenance (including facilities within Winnipeg Ave SE right -of- way), pond/wetland maintenance (including areas within Drainage & Utility Easements), etc. being the responsibility of the Subdivider. The City shall not be responsible in any manner for drainage, stormwater collection/treatment and /or existing draintile issues occurring as a result of the Subdivider's proposed infrastructure /ponding and associated utilization of an existing wetland area. In the future when roadway improvements occur, the City shall install appropriate stormwater collection /treatment measures (if hydraulically possible) to account for the drainage within the Airports Road (CSAH 115) right -of -way. If proper roadway or utility maintenance for areas outside established right -of -ways is not administered per the City's determination, the City reserves the right to address issues that impact emergency access, human health, environmental contamination, etc. and assess all associated costs to the Subdivider. 2. It is understood and agreed that the City shall collect a lump sum fee for services provided to the Subdivider. It is agreed that the Subdivider will have a consultant, MFRA Inc., complete the following at their own expense: project design (including plans and specifications), construction staking, general project administration, construction observation, and detailed as -built drawings in AutoCAD. The City shall complete the following at the noted percent of construction cost. It is agreed and understood that these costs will be paid prior to construction, and that rates are in consideration of work to be furnished and completed by the Subdivider's consultant. . HRA Affordable Housing Fund 1.0% Design Review /Preliminary Layout 2.5% Administrative /Prelim. Development 1.5% Comprehensive Planning 1.5% Legal/Fiscal/Financial 0.5% TOTAL CITY EXPENSE RATE 7.0 %* *The expense rate shall be applied against the total construction cost associated with the public infrastructure (excluding mass grading and restoration) that is established to be $223,364. The amount is based upon the City- approved Subdivider's construction cost estimate as provided on February 18, 2010. Thus, the City's lump sum fee based on 7% of the previously stated construction cost amount is determined to be $15,635. It is understood and agreed that the City of Hutchinson shall be responsible for the additional costs associated with the necessary oversizing of lateral mains required to install trunk sanitary sewer and trunk watermain that serve areas beyond the plat, as noted within City policy and agreed to by the City Engineer. This shall include the extension of approximately 1350 LF of 12" PVC watermain within Calgary Street/Winnipeg Avenue and approximately 1350 LF of 15" PVC sanitary sewer within Calgary Street/Winnipeg Avenue. Current City policy states that 100% of all lateral mains and services shall be assessed to the benefiting property owner. Thus, the City will reimburse the Subdivider for the difference between the construction cost (subjectto City approval) of the trunk utility sizes (accounting for additional sanitary sewer pipe depth) and 8" typical main installations (unit price to be determined reasonably by City). The costs of all appurtenances associated with normal utility installations such as hydrants, gate valves and manholes will be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider. Additional costs to upsize /deepen appurtenances on trunk mains such as gate valves and I� U HAHC Addition/Page 4— 3/4/2010 • manholes will be the City's responsibility based on the formulated bid price difference (subject to City approval). Per City and Subdivider calculations, the City will reimburse the Subdivider $57,671 after the work is completed and accepted by the City. This reimbursement will be from the City's Water/Wastewater Funds and distributed to the Subdivider via a City check. 4. The Subdivider hereby agrees to construct a 10' -wide bituminous trail along the northerly side of Winnipeg Avenue SE from Sherwood Street SE to Calgary Lane SE. All costs and coordination efforts associated with this trail construction will be the responsibility of the Subdivider. The trail construction and associated easement dedications shall occur by October 31, 2012. 5. It is understood that there are no current City improvement assessments against this plat for sanitary sewer installations within the Sherwood Street SE right -of -way. This non - assessable condition is based on the understanding that the Subdivider will install approximately 300 LF of 12" trunk sanitary sewer from the main building service extension to the easterly Sherwood St. SE right -of -way limits. Similar to all of the trunk sanitary sewer and watermain, the City will compensate the Subdivider for the construction costs associated with the upsizing and additional depth of these facilities (outlined above within Item No. 3). 6. It is understood and agreed that any agreements regarding the method and procedure for assessments from municipal improvements within the Sherwood Street SE and CSAH 115 (Airport Road) right -of -ways shall, at the sole option of the City, be in accordance with the below parameters: • City project improvement assessments (including potential property acquisition costs) for HAHC's property have been estimated to be $390,000. This assessment amount includes approximately $340,000 for street /stormwater improvements and $50,000 for watermain improvements. Please note . that no assessments for sanitary sewer improvements within Sherwood St. SE have been included as a benefit to your property per an earlier understanding (HAHC to extend sanitary sewer to the westerly limits of their property with the City compensating only for the trunk upsizing/depth). Due to the possible deferral of improvement assessments against other adjacent Sherwood St. property that potentially does not receive immediate benefit from the project being constructed at this time, HAHC (which does receive immediate project benefit) will temporarily incur the costs associated with any assessment deferrals. Thus, an additional estimated $290,000 of improvement assessments would be allocated to HAHC at the start of the project and will be paid in full (without any accrued interest) prior to November 1, 2010. Ultimately, the City will reimburse the estimated $290,000 with any accrued interest (accrued and paid to the City by the adjacent property owner over their respective assessment payment period) to HAHC beginning approximately ten years from the project start (when the deferred assessments will be collected) or prior to then if development is initiated on the adjacent property. • Term of all improvement assessments and repayments would be ten (10) years and accrue interest at the rate of the City bond issue rate plus I%. Estimated project improvement assessments and reimbursements were communicated to HAHC representatives within a letter dated February 8, 2010. • Actual amounts and associated interest rates of the project improvement assessments will be determined in the summer /fall of 2010 after the Sherwood Street SE Extension project (Letting No. 2/Project No. 10 -02) is awarded, the City bond funding is secured, and the administration of the public assessment HAHC Addition/Page 5 — 3/4/2010 • process pursuant to Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes and other applicable laws or City policies is completed. III. OTHER FEES, CHARGES AND DEDICATIONS 1. It is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall provide a surety in the form of a bond or letter of credit in favor of the City, in the amount of 100% of the City- approved Subdivider's public infrastructure construction cost of $223,364 as stated within the above section. The bond, cashier's check or letter of credit is due prior to the commencement of grading operations. 2. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay the Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Access Charges. This fee will compensate the City for improvements required to provide trunk sanitary sewer and watermain access to the plat property boundary. This fee shall be based on the most current fees being charged by the City and is due at the time of building permit issuance. These rates for the year 2010 are $2,125 per unit for sanitary sewer service and $1,615 per unit for water service_ Thus, based on the currently proposed building construction, the total SAC /WAC fees due at the time of building permit issuance is $172,040.00. 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall, prior to installation of utilities, pay connection fees and electric territory charges for Electric /Gas Service to Hutchinson Utilities for all units to be served in the final plat. These fees include the standard connection to each building including required meters. Services larger than the standard residential sizes will be at a higher cost. 4. It is understood and agreed that a Parks and Playground Contribution shall be made in the form of $215 per unit within this plat. Thus, the total fee for the proposed 130 units is $27,950. 5. The Subdivider will provide a soils placement/amendments plan to the City for approval prior to commencement of grading operations. This plan is required to address previous City staff feedback and the plat/zoning approval. IV. GENERAL 1. It is understood and agreed that no building certificates of occupancy will be issued for building construction prior to the public utility and street improvements being completed and accepted by the City. Any damage to surrounding private property or City infrastructure that occurs due to building construction shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider to correct. 2. It is understood and agreed that all local, state and federal permits required to be obtained for the development shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider. 3. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. 4. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall record this agreement at the McLeod County Recorder'sOffice or McLeod County Registrar of Titles Office, and that no Building Permits will be issued until said Agreement is recorded and a certified copy of this agreement is provided to the City. The Subdivider shall pay all costs associated with said recording. HAHC Addition/Page 6 — 3/4/2010 i . SIGNATURES HUTCHINSON HEALTH CARE (Subdivider): Signature Printed Name & Title STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this COUNTY OF day of 2010, by (title) of Hutchinson Health Care, a Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation. Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires APPROVED BY THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THE 22ND DAY OF FEBRUARY 2010. 0 i CITY OF HUTCHINSON (City): STEVEN W. COOK, MAYOR STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Kent Exner, DPW /City Engineer Marc Sebora, City Attorney Hutchinson City Center 1 1 I Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 GARY D. PLOTZ, CITY ADMINISTRATOR The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2010, by Steven W. Cook, Mayor and Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator of the City of Hutchinson. Notary Public, My Commission Expires HAHC Addition/Page 7 — 3/4/2010 County, Minnesota • RESOLUTION NO. 13701 RESOLUTION AFFIRMING SUPPORT AND PARTNERSHIP WITH THE 2010 CENSUS Whereas, the US Census bureau is required by the Constitution of the United States of America to conduct a count of the population which provides a historic opportunity for the City of Hutchinson to help shape the foundation of our society and play an active role in American democracy; and Whereas, the City of Hutchinson is committed to ensuring every resident is counted; and Whereas, more than $300 billion per year in federal and state funding is allocated to communities, and decisions are made on matters of national and local importance based on census data, including healthcare, community development, housing, education, transportation, social services, employment and much more; and Whereas, census data determines how many seats each state will have in the US House of Representatives as well as the redistricting of state legislatures, county and city council and voting districts; and Whereas, the 2010 census creates hundreds of thousands of jobs across the nation; and Whereas, every Census Bureau worker takes a lifetime oath to protect confidentiality and ensure that data identifying respondents or their household not be released or shared for 72 years; and Whereas, a united voice from businesses, government, community -based and faith -based organizations, educators, media and others will allow the 2010 Census message to reach a broader audience, providing trusted advocates who can spark positive conversations about the 2010 Census. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson as follows: L The this City Council does hereby support the goals and ideals for the 2010 Census and will disseminate 2010 Census information to encourage participation. 2. That this City Council asks local municipalities and organizations to partner together to achieve an accurate and complete count. 3. That this City Council encourages people in the City of Hutchinson to participate in events and initiatives that will raise overall awareness of the 2010 Census and increase participation among all population. 4. That this resolution shall be effective upon its adoption. Adopted by the City Council this 9 day of March, 2010. ATTEST: • Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor flm �?• .'S 4.. An Aurnor Ty Date: February 26, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council From: Miles R. Seppelt EDA Director RE: Resolution authorizing relocation of JOBZ acres I am writing to request City Council approval for the relocation of JOBZ acres from the City of Hutchinson to Hassan Valley Township. As you know, JOBZ is a state program that provides a number of tax incentives for companies that create jobs within a community. Companies become eligible for the program by physically locating on a • JOBZ parcel. The purpose of the transfer would be to support an economic development project in Hassan Valley Township that could potentially create up to 60 high - paying jobs and increase the tax base of the township, school district and the county. The City of Hutchinson will benefit significantly from this project, in terms of job creation, enhanced county tax base, promotion of bio- science & bio- energy, and with additional economic development opportunities. Hutchinson currently has about 42 acres of land designated as JOBZ. The EDA Board of Directors has reviewed this project carefully and it recommending that the City transfer 10 of those JOBZ acres to Hassan Valley Township in support of the project The state Department of Employment & Economic Development (DEED) authorizes all transfers of JOBZ acres, and one of their requirements is a resolution from the City Council approving the transfer. A resolution to this effect has been drafted and is attached for your review. My assistant, Patrick Brama, will be at the City Council meeting of March 9' to present this request in person and answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, if you have any questions or need additional information, please give me a call at 234- 4223. 0 Thank you for your time and consideration. • City of Hutchinson, MN RESOLUTION # 13700 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RELOCATION OF JOBZ ACRES WHEREAS, the Job Opportunity Building Zone (JOBZ) Program created in Minnesota Session Laws 2003, 1" Special Session, Chapter 21, Article I allows for the formation of tax free zones, and such zones were designated in the City of Hutchinson in 2005; and, WHEREAS, an opportunity has arisen for an out -of -state agricultural -based business to be located in Hassan Valley Township in McLeod County, and, WHEREAS, said business could potentially create up to 60 high - paying jobs and add to the tax base of the Township, School District and County, and, WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson will benefit significantly from this project, in terms of job creation, enhanced county tax base, promotion of bio- science and bio- energy, and with additional economic development opportunities; and, WHEREAS, JOBZ is a critical element needed to bring this opportunity to Minnesota and McLeod County, and, . WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) allows JOBZ boundary modifications to promote economic development; and, WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Economic Development Authority is recommending the transfer of 10 JOBZ acres from parcel number 23 -06- 005 -0600, containing 10.15 acres and designated as Hutchinson JOBZ sub -zone 194.1 to Hassan Valley Township; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson authorizes, supports and requests the boundary modification of Hutchinson JOBZ sub -zone 194.1 by transferring 10.00 acres from parcel number 23 -06- 005 -0600 to parcel number 23 -06- 036 -0100 in Hassan Valley Township, containing 10.00 acres, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson recommends the use of tax exemptions and tax credits within the designated zone and encourages the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development to approve this request. Adopted this gth day of March, 2010. ATTEST: . Steven W. Cook Mayor Gary D. Plotz City Administrator To: Citizens of the Hutchinson Fire District, Mayors, City Councils, and Town Board Supervisors From: Brad Emans, Fire Chief Date: 03/01/2010 Re: Monthly Update on Activities of the Fire Department Fire Department Response: The fire department responded to 30 calls for service in the month of February. Fire Officer Only Response: A "fire officer only" responded to 13 calls in February, saving the Hutchinson Fire District the cost of a "general' alarm estimated at $2,314.00 for the month, and just as important, kept our "paid -on -call' professional firefighters at their full -time job an additional 195 hours! Response Time (First Emergency Vehicle Out of the Door): February — 5 minutes 36 seconds • Example of a Few of the Calls: • The FD responded to a one vehicle rollover with two victims in the northwest part of our rural fire district, firefighters removed the victims and then assisted EMS. The FD responded to five vehicle rollovers in February, • The FD responded to seven possible gas leaks /carbon monoxide calls in February, considering the number residential gas explosions and people overcome by carbon monoxide, we take each call seriously, • The FD responded to a possible basement fire, the basement was filled with moderate level smoke. The FD used the newly acquired Thermal Imaging Camera to locate and solve the problem, • The FD responded to a residential DOA scene to determine if any hazardous material contributed to the death of the individual, Breakdown of the Calls for the Month: City: Residential 1 Commercial /Industrial 4 Multi - Family 0 School 0 Carbon Monoxide 3 Hazardous Material 3 Vehicle 0 Rescue 3 Medical 3 Grass 0 Sky -Warn 0 Mutual Aid 0 Structure Fires 0 Arson 0 40 Rural: • Rescue 5 Grass Type 0 Medical 5 Residential 0 Farm Building 0 Hazardous Material 0 Carbon Monoxide 3 Vehicle 0 Commercial /Industrial 0 Mutual Aid 0 Structure Fires 0 Arson 0 Training: Firefighters trained on the following topics /equipment in February. • High tech auto extrication, • Thermal Camera uses, • Ladder operations /safety during winter months, • Ice Rescue[Trail Rescue /Patient Assessment and Packaging, • Live structure fire training — Level I, II, & III with the Silver Lake FD in Silver Lake. Important: The 2009 Class of new firefighters completed Firefighter I and Hazardous Materials Operation and completed their required state certification test. Fire Prevention / Public Relations / Other Information: • The FD conducted the annual "Rural Fire District Budget Meeting" where they review the 2009 FD goals and objectives completed, 2009 expenditures, long range capital improvement plan, and • established the 2010 budget; • The FD provided safety /rescue /first aid for the 1� Annual Ice Racing at the Gopher Campfire, • The FD escorted the Girls Hockey Team on their trip to the state tournament; • The FD had five firefighters compete in a "statewide" fundraiser for the lung association where they had to race up 60 Bights of stairs in full turnout gear including SCBA. Congratulations to Lt Mark Alberts who finished 2" overall. Other Information: Number of calls that required more than one engine, one IC, and four firefighters for the month: 3 Estimated dollars lost to fire for the month: $0 Estimated dollars saved for the month. $0 • • Page 2 1 � `i Hutchinson Public Library Board Minutes January 25, 2010 Present: Janet Vacek, Guy Stone, Abby Dahlquist, Roger Vacek, and Mary Henke, Ex- Officio Absent: John Paulsen, Eric Yost, and Yvonne Johnson Guy Stone, Vice - President, called the meeting to order. The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. Janet made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, with Abby seconding the motion. The motion passed. Old Business: I. Lorna Londvik author visit Loma has previously committed to visit on Tuesday, April 13. Mary has emailed her now for biographical information and a picture for publicity. 2. Legacy Funds The Clean Water, Air and Legacy Amendment is funneling dollars to libraries. Funds can be used to pay for author visits and summer reading programs through an on -line application. Mary is meeting with the Glencoe /Brownton and Winsted librarians to promote a traveling Trunk Program with the McLeod History Society. She's also looking into a bus trip to view the Ben Franklin exhibit at the Minnesota History Center. New Business: 1. PLS Representative Herman Hannemann term expirinq Hutchinson gets 2 representatives. Bev Wangerin, the McLeod Co. representative, suggested leaving the position open with Jack Sandberg, the other Hutchinson representative being adequate. This would help address the large size of the board and save mileage expenses for attending meetings. The consensus of the library board was to recommend not filling the • position but retaining the possibility of filling it in the future. John Paulsen provided input agreeing with this and encouraging other cities in the same situation to do likewise. The final decision will be up to the City Council. Mary will talk to Eric Yost about this matter. 2. 2010 Budget Mary distributed the 2010 final budget and reviewed it with us. It was approved at the PLS January 21 meeting. 3. Local Board reappointments Abby and Guy terms expire April 2010 and are eligible to be reappointed for 2nd three year term. Both agreed to serve another term. Mary will take care of the paperwork. 4. Friends of the Library donation This group donated $6,112 to the library at their annual January meeting. They have also set aside funds to purchase a DVD display rack, computer station furniture and printers. 5. Year end donations The library received lots of donations in December. Often groups who use the meeting room will donate funds or a book. The Garden Club donates $100 each year for books on gardening. Next meeting: Monday, February 22 at 4:30 pm. Roger made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Abby seconded. Motion passed and meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Janet Vacek, Co- Secretary r1 U MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board February 1, 2010 Members present were Deane Dietel, Mike Retterath, Mary Christensen, Lora Muilenberg, Jay Bartholomew and Chad Czmowski. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm. A motion was made by Deane Dietel and seconded by Mary Christensen to approve the minutes dated December 7, 2009. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Luce Line Trail Update — There was a trail hearing with eight local people in attendance. Senator Dille and Representative Shimanski will author a bill requesting $2.375 million for trail improvements to the Luce Line Trail that will hopefully be voted on February 15 th . $ 39 million is typically requested through the process, and $10 million is generally approved. NEW BUSINESS Community Education Legislation — The group is not asking for money, but to raise awareness that Community Education is vital to communities. ABE and GED are programs for retraining adult citizens. Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) plays a huge role in children ages three, four and five providing parenting skills and preparation for kindergarten and after school enrichment programs. Dolf will be serving a three -year term with the group. Program Report —.The board received a report showing the current numbers of registered participants in Community Education and recreation activities and team leagues. Several programs will have increased numbers as the programs begin in April and May. Citv /School Advisory Committee — Applications from the community are being accepted for the City /School Advisory Committee. The function of the committee will be to review the city /school partnership to see if resources could be better shared. The committee will consist of the School Superintendent, City Administrator, CFO's from city and school, Brian Mohr and Dolf, City Council Representative; Chad Czmowski and Mayor Steve Cook, School Board representatives, Brian Pollmann and Mike McGraw and six community members. The first meeting will be March 17 "'. Annual Report March The PRCE staff will attend the March meeting to review each of their areas. The report will be mailed prior to the meeting. BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Jay inquired about the landscape projects coming up in 2010. Dolf told the board of two projects, the first with a community leadership group organized through the Chamber in Masonic /West River Park and Gopher Campfire Sanctuary. There's $25,000 funding to landscape the trail spur, the design is being developed at this time. The second project will be on Hutchinson Public Utilities property at n t►.J t ! i MINUTES PRCE Advisory Board February 1, 2010 Page two Hwy. 7 and 15. The vendor that got the bid in 2009 went out of business and Hutch Utilities asked if the city was interested in the planting project, they would pay for materials and city staff labor_ Chad talked to Carl at the Country Club; he was told that there would be a ski groomer machine for the 2010/11 season. Dolf told the board that he would be taking a group of students snowshoeing as part of the High School cabin fever event. Ten pair of snowshoes will be provided by REI through their outreach program. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 pm by a motion made by Lora Muilenberg and seconded by Mike Retterath. The Board unanimously agreed. n LJ r1 U Sidewalk Snow Removal Monthly Report February 2010 Monthly Summary of Sidewalk Snow Removal Noncompliance • • A summary of sidewalk snow removal notices left at properties not in compliance with Chapter 90.01 Ice and Snow on Public Sidewalks, of the Ilutchinson City Code of Ordinances can be found below. 24 hours were given to those receiving notice to remove snow deposited onto the public sidewalk. Number of properties that received snow removal notice 16 Number of properties cleared by City order 2 Number of properties pending compliance at month's end 0 Properties that were ordered to be cleared by the City House Street Quadrant Property Owner City PID Kenneth & Sherronda Moore 200 3,d Ave SE 1511th Ave NE 06- 116 -29 -06 -0270 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Kenneth & Shenonda Moore 200 3rd Ave SE 15 11th Ave NE 06- 116 -29 -06 -0270 Hutchinson, MN 55350 1 16 CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORTS (JANUARY 2010 AS OF 0310212010) DESCRIPTION as LICENSES PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES & FORFEITS INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS REIMBURSEMENTS TRANSFERS SURCHARGES FUND BALANCE TOTALREVENUES 2009 JANUARY YTD 2010 MONTH OF JANUARY 2010 JANUARY YTD 2010 ADOPTED BUDGET 2010 BALANCE REMAINI JANUARY PERCENT USED - - - 4,404,300.00 4,404,300.00 0% 180.00 254.54 254.54 58,281.00 58,026.46 0% 5,322.86 10,46437 10,464.87 297,596.00 287.13'.13 4% 871 -90 - - 2,164,24100 2,164,243.00 0% 83,923.81 85,951.55 85,951.55 1,767,647.00 1,681,695.45 5% - - - 45,000.00 45,00000 0% (53,094.31) 85.46 85.46 70,000.00 69,914.54 0% (1,349.68) 4,635.53 4,635.53 419,850.00 415,2214.47 1% 4,342.08 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,901,083.00 1,896,083.00 0% 121.25 381.25 381.25 1,000.00 618.75 38% - - - 10,000.00 10,000.00 0% $ 40,317.91 $ 106,773.20 $ 106,773.20 $ 11,139,000.00 $ 11,032,226.80 1 % 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 JANUARY EXPENDITURES BY JANUARY MONTH OF JANUARY ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENT DEPTARTMENT: YTD JANUARY YTD BUDGET REMAINING USED MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL 4,342.25 2,484.70 2,484.70 56,310.00 53,8225.30 4% ADMINISTRATION 29,614.98 32,476.94 32,476.94 408,020.00 375,543.06 8% ELECTIONS - - - 14,000.00 14,000.00 0% FINANCE DEPARTMENT 40,556.99 32,608.65 32,608.65 512,296.00 479,68735 6% MOTOR VEHICLE 21,312.35 23,162.35 23,162.35 234,028.00 210,865.65 10% ASSESSING - - - 61,911.00 61,911.00 0% LEGAL 10,702.68 13,018.98 13,018.98 230,363.00 217,344.02 6% PLANNING 11,387.09 6,261.11 6,261.11 152,746.00 146,484.89 4% INFORMATION SERVICES 20,416.83 25,269.22 25,269.22 283,083.00 257,81178 9% ICE DEPARTMENT 190,693.38 220,307.14 220,307.14 3,060,716.00 2,840,408.86 7% RGENCY MANAGEMENT 2,612.46 10874 108.74 18,000.00 17,891.26 1% STF ETY COMMITTEE 2,787.50 2,850.00 2,850.00 13,450.00 10,600.00 21% FIRE DEPARTMENT 22,782.53 34,848.11 34,848.11 437,194.00 402,345.89 8% PROTECTIVE SERVICES 16,556.53 15,935.53 15,935.53 268,773.00 252,837.47 6% ENGINEERING 37,936.85 32,634.00 32,634.00 462,781.00 430,147.00 7% STREETS & ALLEYS 64,687.65 75,680.89 75,680.89 1,416,898.00 1,341,217.11 5% CITY HALL BUILDING 10,109.66 9,430.77 9,43077 143,532.00 134,101.23 7% PARK /REC ADMINISTRATION 16,923.15 16,587.47 16,587.47 211,466.00 194,878.53 8% RECREATION 17,801.14 12,993.33 12,99333 219,566.00 206,572.67 6% SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER 4,436.37 4,977.58 4,977.58 81,783.00 76,805.42 6% CIVIC ARENA 37,932.99 39,832.05 39,832.05 326,489.00 286,656.95 12% PARK DEPARTMENT 50,100.46 43,286.40 43,286.40 728,460.00 685,173.60 6% RECREATION BLDG & POLL 13,827.19 14,531.17 14,531.17 141,716.00 127 10% EVENT CENTER 21,722.47 21,252.07 21,252.07 231.903.00 210,650.93 9% EVERGREEN BUILDING 1,279.53 1,222.19 1,22219 14,050.00 12,827.81 9% LIBRARY 3,333.51 3,484.65 3,484.65 189,454.00 185,969.35 2% CEMETERY 6,810.86 8,361.75 8.361.75 134,541.00 126,179.25 6% AIRPORT 5,67124 6,353.28 6,353.28 109,528.00 103,174.72 6% UNALLOCATED GENERAL EXP. 47,392.84 57 317.72 57,317.72 975,943.00 918,625.28 6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 713,731.48 $ 757,276.79 $ 757,276.79 $ 11,139,000.00 $ 10,381,723.21 7% 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 DECEMBER EXPENDITURES BY JANUARY MONTH OF JANUARY ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENT FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT: YTD JANUARY YTD BUDGET REMAINING USED GENERAL GOVERNMENT 148,442.83 144,712.72 144,712.72 2,096,289.00 1,951,576.28 7% S IC SAFETY 235,432.40 274,049.52 274,049.52 3,798,133.00 3,524,083.48 7% ETS & ALLEYS 102,624.50 108,314.89 108,314.89 1,879,679.00 1,771,364.11 6% PARKS & RECREATION 167,356.81 158,166.91 158,166.91 2,144,887.00 1,986,720.09 7% MISCELLANEOUS 59,874.94 72,032.75 72,032.75 1,220.012.00 1,147,979.25 6% $ 713,731.48 $ 757,276.79 $ 757,276.79 $ 11,139,000.00 $ 10,381,723.21 7% � 1 � • Institution Smith Barney Smith Barney Smith Barney Smith Barney Smith Barney Smith Barney Smith Barney Edward Jones Wells Fargo Wells Fargo • Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Wells Fargo M idCo u ntry MidCountry Description C D's FNMA - Step FHLB CD's CD's CD's CD's FHLB FHLM - Step FNMA - Step FHLM - Step FHLM - Step FNMA-Step FNMA - Step FHLB - Step CD's CD's CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT January 31, 2010 Date Date Interest of Rate Purchase 2.75 % -3.15% 5/20/2009 2.000% 2/26/2009 5.200% 10/15/2008 3.3 % -3.4% 6/10/2009 2.450% 7/22/2009 1.400% 1/27/2010 1.400% 1/22/2010 2.000% 3/26/2008 2.000% 6/25/2009 3.000% 12/28/2009 2.000% 1/29/2009 2.000% 4/9/2009 2.250% 8/20/2009 3.250% 1/20/2010 2.000% 1/13/2010 1.400% 10/21/2009 2.150% 3/16/2009 Date of Maturity Amount 5/29/2012 350,000.00 2/26/2014 350,000.00 10/15/2015 300,000.00 6/10/2013 300,000.00 7/23/2012 500,000.00 1/27/2012 248,000.00 1/23/2012 496,000.00 3/26/2012 500,000.00 6/25/2014 625,000.00 12/28/2016 500,000.00 1/29/2014 200,000.00 4/9/2014 600,000.00 8/20/2014 1,000,000.00 1/20/2017 500,000.00 1/13/2017 500,000.00 4/21/2010 500,000.00 3/16/2010 400,000.00 $ 7,869,000.00 C CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 9, 2010 0 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORT 0 R55CKREG . 00V CITY OF HOSON Council Check Register 3/3/2010 - 3/3/2010 3/014'.5032 Page- 1 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 159004 3/3/2010 101919 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 133.01 108925 0224101627474 9995.2038 ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE PAYROLL FUND B/S 133.01 159005 31312010 101872 H.A.R.T. 488.40 108922 0224101627471 9995.2036 ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP PAYROLL FUND B/S 488.40 159006 31312010 129064 HEALTH PARTNERS 416.50 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 2650 6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EVENTS CENTER ADM. 416.50 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 2725.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CEMETERY 416.50 Employer ConMbution 108991 20100301 2950.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT HCDC -EDA 499.80 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 4099.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT REFUSE& RECYCLING 520.62 Cobra -Winter 108991 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra - Gregor 108991 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra -Gray 108991 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra - Dascher 108991 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra -Karg 108991 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1110.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1125.6160 EMPL.HEALTH S INS. BENEFIT LEGAL 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1130.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS, BENEFIT PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1700.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1710.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1750.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 3450.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT HATS OPERATIONS 1,301.23 Cobra- Edandson 108991 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 1,301.23 Cobra- Haarslad 108991 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 2,081.96 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 2,081.96 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1850.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CIVIC ARENA 2,081.96 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1450.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 2,498.46 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1475.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT BUILDING INSPECTION 2,581.76 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 4100.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT WATERADM 2,914.96 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1900.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT PARK ADMINISTRATION 3,12194 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1030.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 3,122.94 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1060.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 4,018.42 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 3000.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 4,163.92 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 2855.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT HRA 4,580.42 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1510.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CITY ENGINEER 6,454.40 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1600.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT STREETS & ALLEYS 6,975.02 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 3150.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT COMPOST MANUFACTURING 7,786.66 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 4200.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 22,850.59 Employee Contrbution 108991 20100301 9995.2244 DUE TO EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PAYROLL FUND B/S R55CKREG HU20000V 120614 SPRINT CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/3/2010 14:50:32 33.96 FEB CELL SERVICE Council Check Register 114040361 -029 1177.6310 Page- 2 239.94 FEB CELL SERVICE 3/3/2010 — 3/3/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit FEB CELL 27,899.56 Employer Contribution 108991 20100301 1171.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT POLICE ADMINISTRATION 119,457.65 169007 31312010 102533 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITO 3,330.72 JAN LODGING TAX 108993 20100228 2850.6906 LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT UNALLOCATED GENERAL 3,330.72 159008 3/312010 102635 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 781.62 108929 0224101627478 9995.2244 DUE TO EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PAYROLL FUND B/S 781.62 169009 3/3/2010 128299 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 1,500.00 REPLENISH ATM CASH 108992 20100301 1116.6909 MISCELLANEOUS ATM MACHINE 1,500.00 159010 31312010 101873 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 2,116.15 108923 0224101627472 9995.2036 ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP PAYROLL FUND B/S 2,116.15 169011 3/312010 101876 ING LIFE & ANN CO. 1,709.60 108924 0224101627473 9995.2036 ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP PAYROLL FUND B/S 1,709.60 169012 3/3/2010 124292 ITASCA GREENHOUSE INC 437.43 SPRUCE, TAMARACK & PINE 108994 10697 1600.6235 LANDSCAPE MATERIALS STREETS & ALLEYS 437.43 169013 31312010 128004 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMER 50.07 108930 0224101627479 9995.2038 ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE PAYROLL FUND B/S 50.07 159014 313/2010 102409 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 149.51 108926 0224101627475 9995.2040 ACCRUED MAND. CHILD SUPPORT PAYROLL FUND B/S 222.88 108927 0224101627476 9995.2040 ACCRUED MAND. CHILD SUPPORT PAYROLL FUND B/S 242.27 108928 0224101627477 9995.2040 ACCRUED MAND. CHILD SUPPORT PAYROLL FUND B/S 169016 3/3/2010 120614 SPRINT 33.96 FEB CELL SERVICE 108995 114040361 -029 1177.6310 239.94 FEB CELL SERVICE 108996 238508813 -027 1172.6310 30.30 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 1030.6310 30.30 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 - 027.1850.6310 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS INVESTIGATION POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM CIVIC ARENA 0 RSSCKREG 0000V CITY OF HUTLTIINSON 3/314:50:32 Council Check Register Page- 3 3/3/2010 - 3/3/2010 Check p Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO p Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 30.30 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 1700.6310 COMMUNICATIONS CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 30.30 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 2725.6310 COMMUNICATIONS CEMETERY 30.30 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 2950.6310 COMMUNICATIONS HCDC -EDA 30.30 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 3000.6310 COMMUNICATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 55.87 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 1450.6310 COMMUNICATIONS FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 55.87 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 1475.6310 COMMUNICATIONS BUILDING INSPECTION 60.60 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813-027 1710.6310 COMMUNICATIONS PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 64.04 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 1060.6310 COMMUNICATIONS FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 90.83 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 4100.6310 COMMUNICATIONS WATERADM 90.89 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 19006310 COMMUNICATIONS PARK ADMINISTRATION 90.90 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 4200,6310 COMMUNICATIONS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 94.34 FEB CELL SERVICE 106997 868438813 -027 1125.6310 COMMUNICATIONS LEGAL 151.50 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 1600.6310 COMMUNICATIONS STREETS & ALLEYS 179.05 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 1171.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 180.51 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 1510.6310 COMMUNICATIONS CITY ENGINEER 207.37 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 3150.6310 COMMUNICATIONS COMPOST MANUFACTURING 210.50 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 1150.6310 COMMUNICATIONS INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 267.97 FEB CELL SERVICE 108997 868438813 -027 1172.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 2,255.94 132,875.25 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 132,875.25 Total Payments 132,875.25 • R55CKREG HU20000V Check# Date 159016 319/2010 159018 3/912010 Amount Supplier /Explanation 102759 AARP 298.00 MARCH INSTRUCTION 298.00 9.35 10.45 17.61 17.89 11.75 6.95 6.94 10.67 24.57 24.03 23.23 50.74 8.52 14.94 7.03 4.26 6.40 1.47 23.47 27.77 10.68 11.07 14.96 24.57 21.03 10.66 20.22 19.71 11.71 8.21 32.55 26.76 49.65 31 40 oui.zz 102126 ACE HARDWARE WESTARENA HEAT SUPPLIES WESTARENA HEAT SUPPLIES WESTARENA HEAT SUPPLIES SPLICE & CONNECTOR REPLACEMENT HANDLE NUTS BOLTS NAILS STENCIL CONNECTOR SHOVEL THERMOCOUPLER COUPLER POLY BEND UNIT FLAG & TERMOMETER TAPE & DE -ICER CAULK DE -ICER ANTIFREEZE TAPE TUBE BULB FILTER EPDXY R -8 GRASSUNIT PUMP R -B PUMP SKID MOUNT BOLTS HOSE FOR SHOP VAC THERMAL CAMER INSTALL STRAP BUCKLE NUTS BOLTS KEYS ELBOW & PIPE PIPE KNIFE COUPLER CLEANER SILICONE & GREASE FILTER & DOOR STOP Plug Ground PVC 15A Maintenanc Cord Extn YlwJKT12 /3 50' Maint Cord for Milwaukee Hand Grinds 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 109276 20100304 1825.6301 Subledger Account Description PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT PARTS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT PARTS EQUIPMENT PARTS BUILDING REPAIRS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 0 3/9/2010 13 44'.42 Page- 1 Business Unit SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER CIVIC ARENA CIVIC ARENA CIVIC ARENA WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WATERADM CIVIC ARENA CIVIC ARENA WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS CITY HALL MAINTENANCE PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER FIRE DEPT SHARED COST FIRE DEPT SHARED COST FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT FIRE DEPT SHARED COST POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIBRARY REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 159019 319/2010 122030 ALPHA WIRELESS 109046 1315- 198519 1850.6230 109047 1315- 198515 1850.6230 109048 1315 - 198516 1850.6230 109049 1315- 198906 4200.6230 109050 1315- 198903 4100.6245 109051 1315- 199049 1850.6230 109052 1315 - 199024 1850.6210 109053 1315- 199089 4200.6230 109054 1315 - 199086 4200.6245 109055 1315- 199066 1700.6230 109056 1315 - 199116 4200.6230 109057 1315- 199133 3450.6231 109058 1315- 199121 1700.6230 109059 1315- 199129 1900.6230 109060 1315- 199119 1510.6210 109061 1315- 199183 1900.6230 109062 1315 - 199256 1900.6230 109063 1315 - 199296 1900.6230 109064 1315- 199280 1900.6230 109065 1315- 199382 1900.6230 109066 1315- 199434 1510.6210 109080 1790- 198622 1452.6230 109081 1790 - 198738 1452.6230 109082 1790 - 199064 1453.6210 109083 1790- 199336 1452.6210 109084 1825 - 198660 1175.6231 109085 1825- 199141 1172.6231 109086 1825- 199143 1175.6233 109087 1825 - 199376 1175.6230 109123 1325 - 198867 3000.6205 109279 1315- 199584 2700.6210 00002280 109323 6762 - 199078 9442.2021 00002280 109324 6762. 199074 9442.2021 00002280 109326 6762- 199269 9442.2021 Subledger Account Description PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT PARTS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT PARTS EQUIPMENT PARTS BUILDING REPAIRS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 0 3/9/2010 13 44'.42 Page- 1 Business Unit SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER CIVIC ARENA CIVIC ARENA CIVIC ARENA WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WATERADM CIVIC ARENA CIVIC ARENA WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS CITY HALL MAINTENANCE PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER FIRE DEPT SHARED COST FIRE DEPT SHARED COST FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT FIRE DEPT SHARED COST POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIBRARY REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 159019 319/2010 122030 ALPHA WIRELESS R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/912010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page - 2 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subleoge Account Description Business Unit 53.44 MONTHLY UHF DISPATCH 109277 635909 3150.6310 COMMUNICATIONS COMPOST MANUFACTURING 53.44 159020 319/2010 102880 AMERICAN LEGION POST #96 50.00 ADVERTISING 109278 20100309 3000.6330 ADVERTISING LIQUOR OPERATIONS 50.00 159021 31912010 124950 AMERICAN MESSAGING 6.36 PAGER RENTAL 109275 D2080919KC 1403.6310 COMMUNICATIONS School Liaison Officer 12.72 PAGER RENTAL 109275 D2080919KC 1175.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 19.08 PAGER RENTAL 109275 02080919KC 1173.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 25.44 PAGER RENTAL 109275 D2080919KC 1171.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 28.57 PAGER RENTAL 109275 D2080919KC 1171.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 31.79 PAGER RENTAL 109275 D2080919KC 1177.6310 COMMUNICATIONS INVESTIGATION 44.51 PAGER RENTAL 109275 D2080919KC 1174.6310 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS- ADMINISTRATION 114.46 PAGER RENTAL 109275 D2080919KC 1172.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 18.20 109275 D2080919KC 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 264.73 159022 1/9/2010 101867 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSN 71.00 MEMBERSHIP R EBERT 109079 7000178340 4100.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS WATER ADM 71.00 159021 3/9/2010 102430 AMERIPRIOE LINEN & APPAREL 72.43 TOWELS MOPS MATS 109126 N589532 3000.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 72.43 TOWEL MOP MAT 109127 N593572 3000.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 144.86 169024 319/2010 126788 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE .49 TOWELS 109067 629 - 6909976 1600.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS .86 TOWELS 109067 629 - 6909976 1600.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP STREETS & ALLEYS 6.77 TOWELS 109067 629- 6909976 1600.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP STREETS &ALLEYS 6.41 MATS TOWELS 109068 629 - 6909975 3450.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 6.41 MATS TOWELS 109069 629 - 6929780 3450.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS .49 TOWELS 109070 629 - 6929781 1600.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS .86 TOWELS 109070 629. 6929781 1600.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP STREETS &ALLEYS 6.77 TOWELS 109070 629-6929781 1600.6214 SHOP MATERIALS STREETS &ALLEYS 26.51 MATS TOWELS MOPS 109071 629- 6935528 3450.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS .49 TOWELS 109072 629- 6935529 1600.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS .86 TOWELS 109072 629-6935529 1600.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP STREETS & ALLEYS 6.77 TOWELS 109072 629- 6935529 1600.6214 SHOP MATERIALS STREETS & ALLEYS 63.69 0 0 0 0 • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page - 3 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description Business Unit 159025 319/2010 105204 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC 78.31 ICE 109124 421004702 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 41.84 ICE 109125 421005404 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 120.15 159026 3/912010 111041 ARROW TERMINAL LLC 227.69 SUPPLIES 109078 0066022 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 227.69 159027 3/9/2010 124747 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE 288.24 SHOP SUPPLIES 109073 D206646 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 34.72 SHOP PARTS 109074 0206268 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 145.43 SHOP PARTS 109075 D206480 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 21.41 SHOPTOOL 109076 0206322 1600.6245 SMALL TOOLS STREETS &ALLEYS 138.07 LIGHTS SOLVENT POWER WASH 109077 D206452 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 627.87 159028 319/2010 105021 AUTOVALUE - NEWULM 273.39 SHOP SUPPLIES 109294 0206852 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 273.39 159029 319/2010 102367 BELLBOY CORP 1,532.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109094 52209700 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 98.80 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109095 52212600 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 324.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109095 52212600 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,954.80 159030 31912010 101846 BERGER PLUMBING HEATING AC 157.55 FLANGE SUPPLIES & LABOR 109096 954 1850.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA 157.55 159031 319/2010 101916 BERNICK'S 330.00 POP 109088 103446 2610.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 1,200.00 POP 109089 105960 2610.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 189.00 POP 109129 101720 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 66.13 POP 109130 104141 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,785.13 159032 31912010 123672 BLACK BOX CORPORATION 174.66 CORRECTION 109110 441254 2960.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 11.24- 109110 441254 9301.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS B/S R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 4 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No S ubledger Account Descnption Business Unit 45.80 CORRECTION 109111 441255 2960.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2.95 109111 441255 9301.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS B/S 206.27 159033 31912010 129154 BOLLMAN, DONALD 47.48 CLOSED ACCT REFUND 3- 840 -01004 109283 20100302 9444.2020.1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER FUND B/S 47.48 159034 31912010 101987 BRANDON TIRE CO 82.08 RIGHT FRONT TIRE REPAIR 109090 12334 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS &ALLEYS 49.17 DOCKTIRE 109091 12369 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 982.15 620 & 669 TIRES 109128 12302 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 1,113.40 159035 319/2010 103349 BRANDT GARMENT LETTERING 500.70 EMBROIDERY 109281 14188 1171.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP POLICE ADMINISTRATION 406.06 EMBROIDERY 109282 14186 1171.6909 MISCELLANEOUS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 906.76 159036 31912010 121089 BUSHMAN, RAQUEL 105.09 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 109280 20100304 2610.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 105.09 159037 31912010 102136 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS 273.31 PRINTER LABOR 109092 151631 3450.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 11.50 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 1125.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LEGAL 21.09 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 1600.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE STREETS & ALLEYS 24.53 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 2650.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE EVENTS CENTER ADM. 25.14 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 3150.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE COMPOST MANUFACTURING 30.40 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 1110.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 43.70 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WATER ADM 46.06 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 1030 6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 49.01 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 9001.1207 DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND 62.88 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 4200.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 63.03 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 1475,6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE BUILDING INSPECTION 63.03 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 1130.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 75.47 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 1450.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 106.51 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 2950.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE HCDC -EDA 112.41 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 1510.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CITY ENGINEER 132.60 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 1060.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 203.32 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 1710.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION • 414.02 FEB COST PER PRINT 109093 151504 •1171.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE ADMINISTRO R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 5 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date A mount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,758.01 _.._..._. _. 169038 31912010 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING 30.00- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109103 232296 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 19.15- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109103 232296 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109103 232296 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 82.30 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109103 232296 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 18.65- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109104 231663 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 228.90 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109104 231663 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 13,947.10 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109104 231663 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 120.00- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109105 231455 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 86.30- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109105 231455 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 60.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109105 231455 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 190.65 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109105 231455 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 14,264.85 159039 319/2010 104512 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIE 363.27 CORDLESS 109106 48642 1600.6245 SMALL TOOLS STREETS B ALLEYS 23.37 109106 48642 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 339.90 159040 31912010 102778 CARTER, JEREMY 120.00 MILEAGE 109100 20100226 10606320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 120.00 159041 3/912010 102096 CASHDRAWER#4 5.00 CHANGE DRAWER CASH 109358 20100308 1060.6909 MISCELLANEOUS FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 6.00 REPLACEMENT PLATE 109358 20100308 1600.6909 MISCELLANEOUS STREETS & ALLEYS 7.00 ANNUAL COMP EDA BOARD 109358 20100308 2950.6909 MISCELLANEOUS HCDC -EDA 10.00 TAB RENEWAL 109358 20100308 1900.6909 MISCELLANEOUS PARK ADMINISTRATION 13.50 LICENSE TAB RENEWAL 109358 20100308 1172.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 41.50 159042 3/9/2010 104391 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 35.55 GAUGE 109108 0014839 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 13.64 ELBOW 109109 0014871 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 558.49 AIR & OIL KIT 109297 0014993 3450.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS HATS OPERATIONS 132.38 Repaired Hydraulic Hose Grinds 00002300 109327 0014949 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 740.06 159043 319/2010 102143 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 50.00 SURVEY CREDIT STOCKMENS 109284 20100303 3150.4470 CASH DISCOUNTS COMPOST MANUFACTURING R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page - 6 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Su6ledger Account Description Business Unit 50.00 159044 3/9/2010 102263 CENTRALMCGOWAN 82.71 ACE OXY HAZ MAT 109099 00500063 3450.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS HATS OPERATIONS 72.72 OXY ACE HAZ MAT 109298 00503136 3450.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 56.56 HIGH PRESSURE CYL 109299 0027141 4200.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 79.60 HIGH PRESSURE CYL 109300 00027137 3450.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 7.18 HIGH PRESSURE CYL 109301 00027142 3450.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 68.69- Flap Disc, 4- 1/2xz40 Type 29 00002271 109328 00501162 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 91.99 Flowmeter, HRF 1425 -580 Whose 00002288 109329 00501161 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 322.07 169046 3/912010 103471 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST 16.22 CLOSED ACCT REFUND 28451 109286 20100302 9444.2020.1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER FUND B/S 16.22 169046 319/2010 102863 CITY ENGINEERS ASSN OF MINNESO 60.00 FULL MEMBERSHIP EXNER 109287 42907 1510.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CITY ENGINEER 60.00 159047 3/912010 128234 CMK SERVICES LLC 20.00 SNOW BLOWING 2003RD AVE 109102 86 1600.6387 SNOWREMOVAL STREETS &ALLEYS 20.00 169048 3/9/2010 103418 COALITION OF GREATER MN CITIES 90.00 LEGISLATIVE ACTION DAY 02 -17 109101 20100217 1030.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 90.00 159049 3/9/2010 124878 COMDATA CORPORATION 9.98 COOKIES 109231 HB469 -0210 2650.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION EVENTS CENTER ADM. 29.30 GROCERIES 109231 HB469 -0210 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 36.28 GROCERIES 109231 HB469 -0210 2610.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 41.87 GROCERIES 109231 HB469 -0210 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 46.09 GROCERIES 109231 HB469 -0210 2610.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 52.99 GROCERIES 109231 HB469 -0210 2610 6217 FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 80.10 GROCERIES 109231 HB469 -0210 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 139.72 POLICE CEREMONY 109231 H8469 -0210 1171.6325 MEETINGS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 30.52 CUPS 109295 20100226 3450.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 39.99 BREAK ROOM SUPPLIES 109296 20100226A 3450.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 506.84 169060 31912,0 102060 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR • • • 63.00 R55CKREG HU20000V 159051 3/9/2010 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register SENIOR NEWSLETTER 109131 28406 1825.6340 3/912010 — 3/9/2010 399.25 Check ;V Date Amount Supplier / Exp lanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 527.32 21.00 OILCHANGE 109097 39930 1172.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 319/2010 21.00 OIL CHANGE 109098 39934 1172.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 21.00 OIL CHANGE 109285 39986 1172.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR is 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 7 Business Unit POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION PRINTING & PUBLISHING SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S OFFICE SUPPLIES STREETS &ALLEYS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE EVERGREEN BLDG ADM FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION CIVIC ARENA LOAN Downtown Grant Program COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS WATER ADM 63.00 159051 3/9/2010 102220 CROW RIVER PRESS INC 128.07 SENIOR NEWSLETTER 109131 28406 1825.6340 399.25 Source Separated Tags 00002273 109330 28347 9443.2021 527.32 159052 319/2010 102178 CURTIS 1000 INC MN 228.84 ENVELOPES 109107 2506441 1600.6205 228.84 159053 3/9/2010 104469 CZECH, RANDY 15.00 MWOA CONFERENCE IN STILLWATER 109140 20100218 4200.6320 15.00 159054 319/2010 101864 DAAK REFRIGERATION 100.26 REPAIR RANGE 109135 4166 2698.6370 166.95 REPAIR POPCORN POPPER 109141 4142 1850.6217 267.21 159055 31912010 129150 DAVID LARSON FINANCIAL & INS S 1,920.41 SIGN & AWNING GRANT 109133 20100122 8000.6650 1,920.41 159056 3/912010 102488 DAY DISTRIBUTING 1,468.70 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109138 541065 3000.5102 236.75- CREDIT 109153 538372A 3000.5102 1,231.95 159057 31912010 105642 DEZURIK WATER CONTROLS 5,831.10 SWITCHES 109139 RPI/56002093 4200,6305 5,831.10 159058 319/2010 102710 DOMINO'S PIZZA 57.00 PIZZA 109132 20100220 2610.6217 57.00 159059 31912010 102276 DPC INDUSTRIES INC 205.04- CREDIT 108886 082700006 -10 4100.6215 is 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 7 Business Unit POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION PRINTING & PUBLISHING SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S OFFICE SUPPLIES STREETS &ALLEYS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE EVERGREEN BLDG ADM FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION CIVIC ARENA LOAN Downtown Grant Program COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS WATER ADM R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 8 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subleage Account Description Business Unit 86.21- CREDIT 108887 C82700007 -10 4100.6215 CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS WATER ADM 1,279.46 SODIUM HYPO 109136 82700172 -10 4100.6215 CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS WATER ADM 1,541.77 HYDROFLUOROSILICIC ACID 109137 82700171 -10 4100.6215 CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS WATER ADM 2,529.98 159060 31912010 113181 DROP -WGO SHIPPING, INC 9.05 SPEE DEE TO DULUTH MN 109142 75487 4200.6311 POSTAGE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 17.80 SPEE DEE TO ST PAUL MN 109143 75577 9001.1207 DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND 26.20 Manure & Cell 5 Sample to SCL 00002299 109331 75757 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 53.05 159061 319 12010 102647 DYNA SYSTEMS 57.98 SHOP TOOL IRON CLAW 109134 20338032 1600.6245 SMALL TOOLS STREETS &ALLEYS 57.98 159062 3/912010 102984 EBERT, DICK 125.00 SAFETY BOOTS 109152 20100225 4100.6216 SAFETY SUPPLIES WATERADM 125.00 159063 31912010 102354 ECONO FOODS 9.49 GROCERIES 109232 20-0210 1171.6325 MEETINGS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 9.98 GROCERIES 109232 20 -0210 1171.6325 MEETINGS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 10.47 GROCERIES 109232 20 -0210 1171.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 27.73 SUPPLIES 109232 20 -0210 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 39.25 PAPER PRODUCTS 109232 20 -0210 1175.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 106.71 SUPPLIES 109232 20 -0210 3000.6325 MEETINGS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 203.63 159064 3/912010 102326 ELECTRIC MOTOR CO 176.79 PUMP MOTOR 109144 1838 -3 1700.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 176.79 169066 319/2010 102356 ELECTRO WATCHMAN 301.39 SECURITY 109288 125605B 3000.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 301.39 169066 3/9/2010 128269 EPIC PRODUCTS INC 4.50- CREDIT 109145 0281260 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 176.27 MISC 109146 0280233 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 171.77 119067 319120 111134 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC • • i • • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 9 3/9/2010 — 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Su pplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 315.00 RED BULL 109147 17407 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 315.00 169068 319/2010 102223 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT 2,263.10 Replace Joysticks in Bobcat 00002278 109332 W0003967 9443.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 2,263.10 159069 3/912010 128584 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 165.00 COFFEE 109151 52651071 3450.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 165.00 159070 3/9/2010 104137 FASTENAL COMPANY 23.56 3/8 -16 Rev Lkfor Tumer 00002269 109333 MNHUT77205 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 23.56 159071 3/912010 102122 FEDERAL SIGNAL CORP 21,666.96 SIREN & RADIO SUPPLIES 109149 94046978 1420.7030 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 21,666.98 169072 3/9/2010 119856 FIELDSTONE VINEYARDS 214.56 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109150 10087 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WNE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 214.56 159073 3/9/2010 122696 FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE S 98.00 COFFEE 109148 4209 1700.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 98.00 159074 3/912010 121436 FOSTER'S INC. 1,600.00 BOOTH RESERVATION 109359 004523 3150.6330 ADVERTISING COMPOST MANUFACTURING 1,600.00 169075 3/9/2010 102526 G & K SERVICES 25.68 MATS TOWELS MOPS 109155 1043422118 4099.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES REFUSE& RECYCLING 21.83 MATS TOWELS 109290 1043427095 3150.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES COMPOST MANUFACTURING 32.58 MATS & SHOPTOWELS 109396 1043319606 4099.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES REFUSE& RECYCLING 80.09 159076 3/9/2010 122611 GARTNER REFRIGERATION & MFG,1 2,183.00 CONTRACT AGREEMENT 109158 12654 1850.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CIVIC ARENA 2,183.00 169077 3/912010 103340 GEB ELECTRICAL INC R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 10 3/9/2010 — 3/912010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 85.75 REPLACE PHOTO EYE 109154 4028 2610.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 9444.2020.1 1600.6388 4100.6210 3000.5102 3000.5102 1175.6370 4100.6230 0 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION SMALL TOOLS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES STREETS &ALLEYS SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER FUND B/S CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR OPERATING SUPPLIES COST OF SALES -BEER COST OF SALES -BEER STREETS & ALLEYS WATER ADM LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WATER ADM • 85.75 159081 159078 31912010 129155 GREENE, CHRISTOPHER 126140 GLACIAL RIDGE WINERY 62.33 CLOSED ACCT REFUND 3275576101 296.16 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109156 20100202 3000.5101 296.16 159082 31912010 102026 H &L MESABI 169079 3/9/2010 102087 GRAINGER 769.42 BLADES 109174 79869 18.98 TIMER FACE PLATE 109157 9181065187 1850.6230 159083 3/9/2010 184.43 CAP SCREWS & VESTS 109302 9190965914 4200.6230 1,089.62 286.16 MANUAL 109303 9189692446 4200.6245 1,089.62 489.57 159084 31912010 159080 31912010 128878 GREEN PROVENCE 632.50 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109183 73609 1,948.59 RUST CONVERTER 109304 0012550 - 0041002 1600.6230 73445 125. 2,506.00 109304 0012550 - 0041002 9001.2230 9444.2020.1 1600.6388 4100.6210 3000.5102 3000.5102 1175.6370 4100.6230 0 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION SMALL TOOLS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES STREETS &ALLEYS SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER FUND B/S CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR OPERATING SUPPLIES COST OF SALES -BEER COST OF SALES -BEER STREETS & ALLEYS WATER ADM LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WATER ADM • 1,623.24 159081 3/9/2010 129155 GREENE, CHRISTOPHER 62.33 CLOSED ACCT REFUND 3275576101 109289 20100302 62.33 159082 31912010 102026 H &L MESABI 769.42 BLADES 109174 79869 769.42 159083 3/9/2010 102629 HACH COMPANY 1,089.62 SUPPLIES 109182 6613884 1,089.62 159084 31912010 102461 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE 632.50 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109183 73609 1,873.50 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109184 73445 2,506.00 169086 31912010 109799 HARRIS SERVICE 1,273.67 CUSTOMIZED PROFESSIONAL MAINT 109164 027438 1,273.67 159086 3/9/2010 102701 HENRY'S WATERWORKS INC 168.66 CLAMP 109190 14027 • 168.66 9444.2020.1 1600.6388 4100.6210 3000.5102 3000.5102 1175.6370 4100.6230 0 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION SMALL TOOLS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES STREETS &ALLEYS SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER FUND B/S CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR OPERATING SUPPLIES COST OF SALES -BEER COST OF SALES -BEER STREETS & ALLEYS WATER ADM LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WATER ADM • 0 0 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/912010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page - 11 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 159087 319/2010 116866 HEWLETT - PACKARDCO 87.64 DOCK STATION & MONITOR 109175 47107930 9001.1207 DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND 1,758.09 COUCIL NETBOOKS 109176 47197254 1020.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY COUNCIL 351.62 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 109177 47231529 1030.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 43.82 PCI RISER CARD 109178 47190044 2960.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2,241.17 159088 3/9/2010 102518 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON 56.92 TISSUE 109160 6218803 1850.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA 118.64 TISSUE TOWEL LINERS 109161 6218800 2610.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 94.56 ASSURANCE & NAPKINS 109185 6213643 1850.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA 87.08 CLEANERS 109186 6212064 1453.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 154.09 CLEANER TOWELS LINERS 109192 6207610 1850.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA 153.85 TOWELS 109305 6223134 3450.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 34.24 CLEANER 109306 6218808 4200.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 699.40 169089 3/9/2010 123081 HJERPE CONTRACTING 2,030.11 REPAIR WATER LEAK ON 5TH AVE 109171 2560 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WATER ADM 2,316.50 WATERMAIN MERRILL/MILWAUKEE 109193 2544 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WATER ADM 975.00 SNOW HAULING 109308 2557 1600.6387 SNOW REMOVAL STREETS &ALLEYS 5,321.61 159090 31912010 102119 HOLT MOTORS INC 53.44- CREDIT 109172 51253 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS &ALLEYS 80.85 AIR VALVE 109173 52935 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 27.41 159091 3/912010 114928 HOLT TOUR & CHARTER 495.00 COACH BUS 03 -19 -10 109292 2618 1825.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 495.00 169092 3/912010 102961 HRA 40,000.00 INTERIM CONST REHAB LOAN 109291 20100304 8730.6651 HOUSING REHAB LOANS MHFA FIX UP LOAN FUND 200.00 PROCESS FEE - KLASSEN 109361 20100309 9117.6715 HRA TRANSFER SCDP HOUSING REHAB B/S 200.00 PROCESS FEE- PAULSON 109362 20100309A 9117.6715 HRA TRANSFER SCDP HOUSING REHAB B/S 200.00 PROCESS FEE -PAUL & JENSRUD 109363 201003098 9117.6715 HRA TRANSFER SCDP HOUSING REHAB B/S 40,600.00 169093 3/9/2010 122063 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE 2,144.00 COMMON AREA MAINT 109181 8550- 1- THUTCOM- 2650.6372 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE EVENTS CENTER ADM. R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 12 3/9/2010 - 3/912010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 0310 2,144.00 159094 31912010 102530 HUTCHINSON CO -OP 36.93 DIESEL 109166 201435 -0210 1900.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS PARK ADMINISTRATION 40.00 LP BOTTLE GAS 109167 201283 -0210 2725.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CEMETERY 338.40 LP BOTTLE GAS 109168 200766 -0210 1850.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS CIVIC ARENA 43.02 LP BOTTLE GAS 109169 349028 -0210 3450.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS HATS OPERATIONS 101.53 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109309 200765 -0210 3150.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS COMPOST MANUFACTURING 425.96 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109309 200765 -0210 4099.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS REFUSE& RECYCLING 1,703.85 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109309 200765 -0210 3150.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS COMPOST MANUFACTURING 2,689.69 169096 3/912010 129163 HUTCHINSON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY 740.00 STORE FRONT MATCHING GRANT 109189 20100219 8000.6650 LOAN Downtown Grant Program 740.00 169096 3/9/2010 102637 HUTCHINSON LEADER 2,291.24 ADVERTISING 109159 300205 -0210 3000.6330 ADVERTISING LIQUOR OPERATIONS 19.46 ADVERTISING 109170 300071 -0210 1825.6330 ADVERTISING SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 21.91 ADVERTISING 109170 300071 -0210 10306909 MISCELLANEOUS CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 37.66 ADVERTISING 109170 300071 -0210 1130.6330 ADVERTISING PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 61.06 ADVERTISING 109170 300071 -0210 2950.6330 ADVERTISING HCDC -EDA 80.00 ADVERTISING 109170 300071 -0210 2650.6330 ADVERTISING EVENTS CENTER ADM. 123.00 ADVERTISING 109170 300071 -0210 2650.6330 ADVERTISING EVENTS CENTER ADM. 301.44 ADVERTISING 109170 300071 -0210 1850.6330 ADVERTISING CIVIC ARENA 337.72 ADVERTISING 109170 300071 -0210 1130.6330 ADVERTISING PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 534.96 ADVERTISING 109170 300071 -0210 1850.6330 ADVERTISING CIVIC ARENA 3,808.45 169097 319/2010 102640 HUTCHINSON PLUMBING & HEATING 180.32 INSTALL VACUUM BREAKER 109191 102006777 1453.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 180.32 159098 31912010 121987 HUTCHINSON SENIOR ADVISORY BOA 1,210.00 SENIOR TOUR 02 -24 109163 20100225 1825.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 1,210.00 159099 3/912010 105161 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 62.39 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 1420.6360 UTILITIES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 113.80 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 4100.6308 ONE CALL SERVICE WATER ADM 316.83 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 4100.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WATER ADM R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 13 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 548.22 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 2725.6360 UTILITIES CEMETERY 1,019.30 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 1450.6360 UTILITIES FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 1,088.36 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 2698.6360 UTILITIES EVERGREEN BLDG ADM 1,532.87 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 2810.6360 UTILITIES AIRPORT 1,593.51 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 2700.6360 UTILITIES LIBRARY 2,119.21 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 3150.6360 UTILITIES COMPOST MANUFACTURING 2,817.41 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 1900.6360 UTILITIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 2,879.87 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 1700.6360 UTILITIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 3,084.96 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 3000.6360 UTILITIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3,425.62 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 2650.6360 UTILITIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. 3,426.90 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 4099.6360 UTILITIES REFUSE& RECYCLING 3,805.94 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 1175.6360 UTILITIES POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 3,974.45 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 2610.6360 UTILITIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 9,255.67 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 3450.6360 UTILITIES HATS OPERATIONS 17,076.98 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 1850.6360 UTILITIES CIVIC ARENA 20,035.09 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 4100.6360 UTILITIES WATERADM 40,629.29 FEBRUARY UTILITIES 109165 20100228 4200.6360 UTILITIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 118,806.67 169100 31912010 102543 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE 25.32 WIRE FOR THERMAL CAMERA 109179 066439 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 4.61 SUPPLIES 109180 064961 1452.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 51.04 BRAKE CLEANER 109187 065890 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS &ALLEYS 80.27 FILTER 109188 066278 42006230 REPAIR& MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 10.09 OIL FILTER 109307 022610 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 25.71 Brush 1 4 Shank Maintenance 00002268 109334 065177 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 10.68 Small Dia Cool Hose Forklift 00002268 109335 065681 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 85.26 Air Filter for Turner 00002268 109336 066779 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 8.83 Gauge for Maintenance 00002268 109337 066326 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 2.26- Oil Filter Wrench 00002268 109338 066859 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 14.27 FHP Powerated Belt Blend Line 00002268 109339 066986 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER S/S 3.08 HANGER 109364 067154 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS &ALLEYS 316.90 159101 3/9/2010 102635 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 31.12 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 2650.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EVENTS CENTER ADM. 31.12 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 2725.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT CEMETERY 31.12 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 2950.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT HCDC -EDA 38.90 Cobra - Dental -Haasl 109393 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 38.90 Cobra-Gray 109393 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 38.90 Cobra - Dental - Blackwell 109393 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 38.90 Cobra- Edandson 109393 20100301 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Page- 14 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 38.90 Cobra- Baasen 109393 20100301 9001.1160 71.12 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1110.6160 71.12 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1125.6160 71.12 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1130.6160 71.12 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1700.6160 71.12 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1710.6160 71.12 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1750.6160 71.12 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 3450.6160 88.90 Cobra - Barkeim 109393 20100301 9001.1160 93.34 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 4099.6160 142.24 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1850.6160 142.24 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1450.6160 173.36 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1475.6160 213.36 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1150.6160 213.36 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1030.6160 213.36 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1060.6160 235.58 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 4100.6160 284.48 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 2855.6160 292.27 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 3000.6160 355.60 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1510.6160 386.72 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1900.6160 476.75 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 $150.6160 480.06 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 4200.6160 600.08 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1600.6160 1,884.72 MARCH DENTAL INS 109393 20100301 1171.6160 7,062.12 169102 3!9/2010 103099 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 106.61 WATER & SEWER 109194 0151500509 -0210 2650.6360 978.11 WATER &SEWER 109195 0152040003 -0210 3450.6360 1,084.72 169103 3/9/2010 0 1456.6211 3150.6211 1700.6211 2950.6321 1177.6211 1451.6211 1150.6211 1171.6211 •1475.6211 Subledger Account Description ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT UTILITIES UTILITIES MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS CAR ALLOWANCE - TRAVEL MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS Business Unit GENERALFUND MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL PLANNING -ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL MAINTENANCE PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS GENERALFUND REFUSE& RECYCLING CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION WATERADM HRA LIQUOR OPERATIONS CITY ENGINEER PARK ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE ADMINISTRATION EVENTS CENTER ADM. HATS OPERATIONS RURAL FIREFIGHTERS COMPOST MANUFACTURING CITY HALL MAINTENANCE HCDC -EDA INVESTIGATION CITY FIRE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. POLICE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECT 103246 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 32.43 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 32.79 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 32.81 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 49.94 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 61.11 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 77.27 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 90.27 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 92.93 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 98.05 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 1456.6211 3150.6211 1700.6211 2950.6321 1177.6211 1451.6211 1150.6211 1171.6211 •1475.6211 Subledger Account Description ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT UTILITIES UTILITIES MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS CAR ALLOWANCE - TRAVEL MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS Business Unit GENERALFUND MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL PLANNING -ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL MAINTENANCE PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS GENERALFUND REFUSE& RECYCLING CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION WATERADM HRA LIQUOR OPERATIONS CITY ENGINEER PARK ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE ADMINISTRATION EVENTS CENTER ADM. HATS OPERATIONS RURAL FIREFIGHTERS COMPOST MANUFACTURING CITY HALL MAINTENANCE HCDC -EDA INVESTIGATION CITY FIRE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. POLICE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECT Subledger Account Description MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 0 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 15 MISCELLANEOUS Business Unit FIRE - ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WATERADM CEMETERY CITY ENGINEER FIRE DEPT SHARED COST AIRPORT PARK ADMINISTRATION POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS ATM MACHINE CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CITY HALL MAINTENANCE COMPOST BAGS REFUSE& RECYCLING RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT PARTS EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS STREETS & ALLEYS UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP SALES TAXES PAYABLE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION GENERALFUND RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No 120.90 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 1450.6211 261.39 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 4200.6211 309.51 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 4100.6211 310.76 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 2725.6211 311.80 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 1510.6211 313.27 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 1452.6211 532.10 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 2810.6211 832.11 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 19006211 1,724.79 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 1172.6211 6,834.07 FEB FUEL 109162 FUEL -0210 1600.6211 12,118.30 169104 31912010 128299 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 1,500.00 REPLENISH ATM CASH 109360 20100308 1116.6909 1,500.00 159105 3/912010 128357 IN SEASON MECHANICAL 1,462.79 REBUILT MAIN PUMP 109199 652 1700.6370 1,462.79 159106 31912010 129043 INDACO MANUFACTURING USA 28.72- 1.0 mil biobags 00002254 109340 8022 4099.6218 36,883.72 1.0 mil biobags 00002254 109340 8022 9443.2021 36,855.00 169107 3/9/2010 103061 INFRATECH 3,200.00 MATERIALS & INSTALL MANHOLE 109198 PR10073 4200.6370 3,200.00 159108 319/2010 103520 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINN 66.21 SHOP PARTS 109196 60021913 1600.6231 178.32 SHOP PARTS 109197 990026992 1600.6231 244.53 169109 31912010 102062 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT 85.33 FLASHLIGHT HOLDER 109230 20516A 1172.6213 5.49 109230 20516A 9001.2230 79.84 159110 319/2010 121990 JAY MALONE MOTORS 230.11 Repaired 1 Ton Truck 00002294 109341 38649 9442.2021 230.11 Subledger Account Description MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 0 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 15 MISCELLANEOUS Business Unit FIRE - ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WATERADM CEMETERY CITY ENGINEER FIRE DEPT SHARED COST AIRPORT PARK ADMINISTRATION POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS ATM MACHINE CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CITY HALL MAINTENANCE COMPOST BAGS REFUSE& RECYCLING RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT PARTS EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS STREETS & ALLEYS UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP SALES TAXES PAYABLE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION GENERALFUND RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 1344:42 Council Check Register Page- 16 3/9/2010 - 31912010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 159111 31912010 102208 JEFF'S ELECTRIC 1,003.85 MOVE & RECONNECT DRIVE MOTOR 109224 12886A 4200.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 23.85 AGC -3/10 Bussman Fuses Bagger 00002286 109342 12996 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 1,027.70 159112 31912010 124656 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN 6.30- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109206 975427 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109206 975427 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 845.10 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109206 975427 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 841.80 159113 319/2010 101938 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 5,059.26 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109203 1787410 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 258.16 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109204 1787409 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 22.75 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109205 1787411 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 5,173.14 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109207 1783714 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 14.49- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109208 449711 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 34.25- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109209 449714 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 39.49- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109210 449713 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 2.87- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109211 449717 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 6.50- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109212 449723 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -\MNE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 16.83- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109213 449719 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 18.92- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109214 449722 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 207.89- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109215 449718 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3.18- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109216 449715 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3.44- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109217 449712 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 7.63- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109218 449721 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS .96- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109218 449721 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 4.80- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109219 449720 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 6.67- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109220 449716 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 99.10 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109221 1783715 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 11,989.72 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109222 1783713 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 22,234.21 159114 3/912010 102045 JOHNSON, DOUGLAS W 410.18 MEALS MILEAGE LODGING 109201 20100225 4099.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE REFUSE& RECYCLING 410.18 169116 319/2010 105024 JORDAHL, JIM 200.00 ADAPTIVE REC DANCE FEB 109200 20100217 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER • 200.00 • • 0 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 17 3/9/2010 — 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 169116 3/912010 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 1,632.20 WATER LEAK STONEY PT RD 109223 09 -544 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WATER ADM 1,632.20 159117 319/2010 105430 KANDIYOHI COUNTY SHERIFF 38.00 SERVED #15549 MILEAGE 109000 SO.10- 000141 1125.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL LEGAL 38.00 159118 3/9/2010 126658 KASHUBA, ROBIN 40.80 ADAP RED SUPPLIES 109001 20100217 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 40.80 159119 319/2010 102558 KDUZ KARP RADIO 556.40 ADVERTISING 109225 0566 -0210 3000.6330 ADVERTISING LIQUOR OPERATIONS 556.40 159120 31912010 103181 KLASSEN, LINNEA 7,475.00 MHFA FIX -UP- KLASSEN 109365 20100309 8730.6651 HOUSING REHAB LOANS MHFA FIX UP LOAN FUND 7,475 00 159121 31912010 104575 KLITZKE, LUKE 165.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 109002 20100302 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 400.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 109002 20100302 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 565.00 159122 319/2010 113940 KLITZKE, RICHARD 176.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 109003 20100302 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 325.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 109003 20100302 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 501.00 169123 31912010 128866 L & J ENTERPRISE OF HUTCHINSON 247.50 SALES TAX FROM OPEN HOUSE 109004 0460703 4099.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES REFUSE& RECYCLING 247.50 159124 31912010 102561 L & P SUPPLY CO 206.70 OIL FILTERS 108931 286137 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 12.59 GAUGE WHEELS 106932 266139 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 833.52 NOVEA PRO SLIDE 109005 286191 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 1,052.81 159126 3/912010 129162 LAAKKONEN,CLIFF R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 18 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date 159126 31912010 159127 31912010 159128 319/2010 Amount Supplier/ Explanation 22.00 PIANO CLASS REFUND 22.00 101991 LAKES GAS CO. 1,070.36 BULK LP 271.00 BULK LP 1,341.36 101966 LARSON, QUENTIN 179.94 SEMINAR EXPENSES 179.94 PO # Doc No Inv No 109366 123546 108933 161727 108934 162080 109006 20100223 129163 LAURIE LEVASSEUR 22.00 PIANO CLASS REFUND 109367 123490 22.00 159129 1/912010 102563 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES COMPANY OF AMER 20.00 LOSS CONTROL WORKSHOP -OLSON 109007 138012 20.00 LOSS CONTROL WORKSHOP -MEHR 109007 138012 20.00 LOSS CONTROL WORKSHOP - PAULSON 109007 138012 60.00 109394 20100301 7.00 159130 31912010 G Account No 2610.4730 2810.6360 2810.6360 1510.6320 2610.4730 1600.6320 4200.6320 3500.6320 9001.1160 1130.6160 3450.6160 9001.1160 9001.1160 1700.6160 1750.6160 1710.6160 2725.6160 1110.6160 1125,6160 2950.6160 4099.6160 2650.6160 1850.6160 1450.6160 1475.6160 1030.6160 •1060.6160 Suble0ger Account Description OTHER REVENUES UTILITIES UTILITIES Business Unit RECREATION BLDG. & POOL AIRPORT AIRPORT TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY ENGINEER OTHER REVENUES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT ACCTS REC -COBRA ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLAEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT STREETS & ALLEYS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION GENERALFUND PLANNING -ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS GENERALFUND GENERALFUND CITY HALL MAINTENANCE RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION CEMETERY MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL HCDC -EDA REFUSE& RECYCLING EVENTS CENTER ADM. CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM FINANCE - ADMINIwN 128004 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMER 4.37 Cobra- Barkeim 109394 20100301 6.22 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 6.38 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 7.00 Cobra- Erlandson 109394 20100301 7.00 Cobra- DeVnes 109394 20100301 7.66 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 7.98 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 8.00 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 8.00 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 8.00 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 8.00 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 8.00 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 8.14 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 15.66 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 15.82 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 15.98 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 19.98 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 24.00 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 24.00 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 Account No 2610.4730 2810.6360 2810.6360 1510.6320 2610.4730 1600.6320 4200.6320 3500.6320 9001.1160 1130.6160 3450.6160 9001.1160 9001.1160 1700.6160 1750.6160 1710.6160 2725.6160 1110.6160 1125,6160 2950.6160 4099.6160 2650.6160 1850.6160 1450.6160 1475.6160 1030.6160 •1060.6160 Suble0ger Account Description OTHER REVENUES UTILITIES UTILITIES Business Unit RECREATION BLDG. & POOL AIRPORT AIRPORT TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY ENGINEER OTHER REVENUES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT ACCTS REC -COBRA ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLAEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT STREETS & ALLEYS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION GENERALFUND PLANNING -ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS GENERALFUND GENERALFUND CITY HALL MAINTENANCE RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION CEMETERY MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL HCDC -EDA REFUSE& RECYCLING EVENTS CENTER ADM. CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM FINANCE - ADMINIwN R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 19 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Su pplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description Business Unit 24.78 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 4100.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT WATER ADM 27.84 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 2855.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT HRA 29.90 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 1150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 38.44 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 3000.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 38.86 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 1900.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT PARK ADMINISTRATION 38.88 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 1510.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CITY ENGINEER 52.44 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 4200.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 65.12 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 3150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT COMPOST MANUFACTURING 72.90 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 1600.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT STREETS &ALLEYS 232.37 March Life Insurance 109394 20100301 1171.6160 EMPL.HEALTH S INS. BENEFIT POLICE ADMINISTRATION 831.72 159131 3/9/2010 101860 LINDER BUS COMPANY 1,650.00 JAN & FEB BUS TRIPS 109313 20100302 1768.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL YOUTH ACTIVITIES 1,650.00 159132 3/9/2010 101984 LOCHER BROTHERS INC 30.30- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109226 217537 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109226 217537 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 195.95 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109226 217537 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 4,331.25 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109226 217537 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109227 218832 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109227 218832 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 382.70 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109227 218832 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109228 218250 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 237.50 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109228 218250 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 9,248.35 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109228 218250 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 420.20 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109229 218074 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 14,725.65 159133 3/9/2010 102564 LOGIS 125.00 JAN SERVICE 109023 31777131805/317 1030.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 29 523.20 JAN SERVICE 109023 31777/31805/317 1710.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 29 523.20 JAN SERVICE 109023 31777/318051317 1510.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY ENGINEER 29 1,666.00 JAN SERVICE 109023 31777131805/317 2960.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE GENERAL GOVERNMENT 29 3,605.20 JAN SERVICE 109023 31777/31805/317 1475.6385 DATA FROG EQUIPMENT RENTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 29 5,059.10 JAN SERVICE 109023 31777/31805/317 4100.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL WATER ADM R55CKREG HU20000V Check Date Amount Supplier /Explanation 5,059.10 JAN SERVICE 6,378.00 JAN SERVICE 14,116.20 JAN SERVICE 15,380.00 JAN SERVICE 169134 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1,128.13 3/9/2010 1344:42 1600.6388 Council Check Register 159137 Page- 20 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 S -HALL OFFICIAL 109008 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 77.00 29 109023 31777/31805/317 4200.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 102146 M -R SIGN 29 102093 MANKATO MACK SALES 109023 31777/318051317 2850.6326 COMPUTER TRAINING UNALLOCATED GENERAL 109310 29 1600.6236 2083750P 109023 31777/31805/317 1171.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 108528 29 169136 3/912010 109023 31777/31805/317 1060.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 29 27.10 60.00 169134 31912010 1,128.13 126394 LOKENSGARD, THOMAS 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 159137 319/2010 77.00 S -HALL OFFICIAL 109008 20100302 1756.6305 150.00 ROYALTY ROOM 77.00 1966 150.00 159135 3/9/2010 102146 M -R SIGN 31912010 102093 MANKATO MACK SALES 309.73 SIGN 109310 160666 1600.6236 2083750P 309.73 283.22 MOTOR 108528 2083705P 169136 3/912010 33.77 102571 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC 108937 2084348P 27.10 60.00 VACTOR CLINIC 108935 VACTOR2010 4200.6320 60.87 60.00 PELICAN CLINIC 108936 SVVPR2010 3500.6320 124910 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH 1 008 ELBOW WvVfF 852 109321 2101317 4200.6388 3000.6325 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS STREETS & ALLEYS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION MEETINGS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS 1,128.13 EQUIPMENT PARTS 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 159137 319/2010 123417 MADINA HOSPITALITY GROUP LLC 150.00 ROYALTY ROOM 109233 1966 150.00 169138 31912010 102093 MANKATO MACK SALES 283.22- CREDIT 107829 2083750P 283.22 MOTOR 108528 2083705P 33.77 LENS & CAPS 108937 2084348P 27.10 LENS 108938 2084390P 60.87 169139 3/912010 124910 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH 200.02 FEB LINEN SERVICE 109112 0007606 200.02 159140 3/9/2010 101986 MCKAY, KAREN 3000.6325 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS SIGNS & STRIPPING MATERIALS STREETS & ALLEYS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION MEETINGS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 2650.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREETS & ALLEYS STREETS & ALLEYS STREETS & ALLEYS STREETS & ALLEYS EVENTS CENTER ADM. • 211.28 OFFICE SUPPLIES 109009 20100302 0 1710.6205 OFFICESUPPLIES PARK RECREATIOwISTRATION R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page - 21 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 211.28 159141 3/9/2010 102995 MCLEOD COUNTY ATTORNEY 96.20 CASH FORFEITURE 08 -2202 109368 20100304 1171.6920 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 96.20 159142 319/2010 102489 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 700.00 BAIL MONEY 109010 20100225 1171.4730 OTHER REVENUES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 700.00 169143 3/912010 103046 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER 46.00 WARRANTY DEED RECORDING 109113 201000016 2950.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HCDC -EDA 46.00 159144 319/2010 123014 MEHR, BRIAN 29.00 ST. CLOUD CONFERENCE 108939 20100225 4200.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 29.00 159145 31912010 112400 MENARDS HUTCHINSON 16.02 COMPOSITE SCREW 108940 84221 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 17.43 PAINT, CUPS, FORKS 108941 84263 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 47.74 PAINT, BRACE, HINGE, BOLTS 108942 81728 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 55.43 ORBIT KNOB, WIPER BLADES 108943 84407 1850.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA 50.28 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 109011 85320 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 121.23 VACUUM, DRAIN SPADE 109012 84229 4100.6245 SMALL TOOLS WATER ADM 18.76 DUST CONTROL, KNIFE 109114 85383 1850.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA 326.89 159146 31912010 119858 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF 79.00 DEC TRANSACTION FEES 108944 400413000545 1177.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL INVESTIGATION 81.00 JAN TRANSACTION FEES 109013 400413000771 1175.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 160.00 159147 3/9/2010 102578 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASS 445.00 CLEO -T. GIFFERSON 108945 2561 11716320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE POLICE ADMINISTRATION 445.00 159148 3/912010 123811 MINNESOTAGFOA 60.00 2010 MEMBERSHIPJ. CARTER 108947 20100226 1060.6901 DUES &SUBSCRIPTIONS FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 60.00 159149 31912010 121974 MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY A R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 1344:42 Council Check Register Page- 22 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description Business Unit 100.00 ANNEX FILING FEE- HACKBARTH 108946 20100223 1130.6909 MISCELLANEOUS PLANNING- ADMINISTRATION 100.00 159150 3/9/2010 121733 MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES 350.00 WORKSHOP 109315 35245 4200.6216 SAFETY SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 350.00 159151 1/912010 110869 MINNESOTA PETROLEUM SERVICE 140.33 AVIATION FILTERS 109322 34248 2810.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS AIRPORT 140.33 169162 3/9/2010 120800 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG 23.00 WW LICENSE RENEWAL -M. MIES 109369 20100127 4200.6902 LICENSES & TAXES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 23.00 159153 3/9/2010 105157 MINNESOTA SHREDDING 56.45 SHREDDING 109014 253610884 1030.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR B MAINTENANCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 56.45 159164 3/9/2010 102583 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB 46.80 SOD CARBONACEOUS 108948 485075 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 107.80 COLIFORM TESTING 109015 485007 4100.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WATER ADM 46.80 BOD CARBONACEOUS 109016 485229 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 46.80 BOD CARS TEST 109317 485509 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 1,638.40 VARIOUS TESTS 109318 485537 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 1,886.60 159166 31912010 124133 MODERN TOWING 74.81 TOWING 108949 1144 1172.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 74.81 169156 3/9/2010 129161 MURRAY, RICHARD 24.44 ACCT REFUND - MURRAY 109371 20100302 9444.2020.1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER FUND S/S 24.44 169167 319/2010 104384 NADEAU,GREG 34.88 OFFICERS CONFERENCE EXPENSES 108950 20100222 1177.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INVESTIGATION 34.88 159158 3/9/2010 122031 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES 181.31 LAB SUPPLIES 109017 565927 4200.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 181.31 ! 0 • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 23 319/2010 - 319/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO I # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 159159 3/9/2010 103014 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 47.17 SUPPLIES 109234 176810 -0 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 47.17 159160 31912010 102180 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY 775.56 POWER SUPPLY 108951 23458 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS &ALLEYS 775.56 159161 3/912010 120697 NORTHLAND INN 218.34 LODGING- E.MOORE 109372 20100201 4200.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 218.34 159162 3/9/2010 120697 NORTHLAND INN 218.34 LODGING -M. MIES 109373 20100201A 4200.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 218.34 159163 319/2010 129011 NU- TELECOM 1,861.84 MARCH PHONE SERVICE 109374 0146062 -0310 2850.6909 MISCELLANEOUS UNALLOCATED GENERAL 55.29 MARCH INTERNET SERVICE 109375 0148318 -0310 2810.6310 COMMUNICATIONS AIRPORT 1,917.13 159164 31912010 122214 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 151.95 SUPPLIES 108952 1522- 334502 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 28.38 SPARK PLUGS, BEARINGS 108953 1522 - 335267 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 12.80 CONNECTOR 108954 1522- 335095 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 209.76 ALTERNATOR 109018 1522- 330068 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS &ALLEYS 67.38- ALTERNATOR 109019 1522- 330213 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS &ALLEYS 14143 CORE 109115 1522- 334096 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS &ALLEYS 193.13 169166 3/9/2010 128936 OENOPHILIA 78.91 MISC 109235 1024066 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 78.91 169166 319/2010 122948 OFFICE DEPOT 55.13 FOLDERS 108955 509675777001 1600,6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS 71.78 OFFICE SUPPLIES 109320 510144981001 1600.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS 126.91 159167 3/912010 121932 OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE 40.00 REAPPOINTMENT -M. SEBORA 109376 20100304 1125.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LEGAL R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 3/9/2010 — 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description 109377 20100302 8274.6650 108956 5963 3450.6370 109378 20100309 8730.6651 109379 20100302 109380 20100309 109381 20100305 109381 20100305 9444.2020.1 8730.6651 1900.6210 1510.6210 LOAN Business Unit MARIA OMAN 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 24 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE HATS OPERATIONS HOUSING REHAB LOANS MHFA FIX UP LOAN FUND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER FUND B/S HOUSING REHAB LOANS OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES MHFA FIX UP LOAN FUND PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER 109236 3431988 40.00 COST 159168 3/912010 LIQUOR 129165 OMAN, MARIA 109237 3431987 14,857.00 ROOFING LOAN OF SALES -WINE 14,857.00 OPERATIONS 159169 31912010 3000.5101 123348 OPTIC FUEL CLEAN OF MN OF SALES -WINE 770.00 FUEL CLEAN & INSPECTED 109239 3431984 770.00 COST 159170 319/2010. LIQUOR 129164 PAUL &, JACKIE 109240 3431986 8,155.00 FIX UP FUND -PAUL & JENSRUD OF SALES -WINE 8,155.00 OPERATIONS 159171 3/912010 3000.5100 129152 PAUL, ANDREW OF SALES - LIQUOR 158.69 CLOSED ACCT REFUND -PAUL 109242 2875259 158.69 COST 159172 319/2010 LIQUOR 129166 PAULSON, JOHN & DEBRA 109242 2875259 10,462.23 FIX UP FUND - PAULSON OF SALES -WINE 10,462.23 OPERATIONS 169173 3/9/2010 3000.5101 111034 PENKE,JACKIE OF SALES -WINE 64.11 EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE 64.12 EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE 128.23 169174 31912010 101853 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 5.73- FEBRUARY CREDIT 52.44- FEBRUARY CREDIT 8.00- FEBRUARY CREDIT 8.25- FEBRUARY CREDIT 31.06- FEBRUARY CREDIT 2,679.55 FEBRUARY PURCHASES' 90.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 1,955.90 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 965.35 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 5,585.33 159175 319/2010 102693 PLOTZ, GARY D 8.93 TRIP TO IOWA • 8.93 109377 20100302 8274.6650 108956 5963 3450.6370 109378 20100309 8730.6651 109379 20100302 109380 20100309 109381 20100305 109381 20100305 9444.2020.1 8730.6651 1900.6210 1510.6210 LOAN Business Unit MARIA OMAN 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 24 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE HATS OPERATIONS HOUSING REHAB LOANS MHFA FIX UP LOAN FUND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MANUAL WATER FUND B/S HOUSING REHAB LOANS OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES MHFA FIX UP LOAN FUND PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER 109236 3431988 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 109237 3431987 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 109238 3431985 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 109239 3431984 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 109240 3431986 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 109241 2875258 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 109242 2875259 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 109242 2875259 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 109243 2872551 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 108957 1030.6909 1030.6909 0 MISCELLANEOUS CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM i 0 0 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 25 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Dale Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 159176 31912010 125733 POSITIVE ID INC 12.07 ID BADGES 109020 11050 1600.6909 MISCELLANEOUS STREETS &ALLEYS 12.07 ID BADGES 109020 11050 2700.6909 MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY 48.31 ID BADGES 109020 11050 9001.1210 DUE FROM UTILITIES GENERAL FUND 60.35 ID BADGES 109020 11050 1900.6909 MISCELLANEOUS PARK ADMINISTRATION 132.80 159177 3/912010 102446 POSTMASTER 350.00 UB BILLS POSTAGE 109382 20100303 4099.6311 POSTAGE REFUSE& RECYCLING 350.00 UB BILLS POSTAGE 109382 20100303 4100.6311 POSTAGE WATER ADM 350.00 US BILLS POSTAGE 109382 20100303 4200.6311 POSTAGE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 350.00 UB BILLS POSTAGE 109382 20100303 3500.6311 POSTAGE STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION 1,400.00 169178 31912010 102493 PREMIER TECH PACKAGING 78.33 Door Holder Rubber 00002287 109343 187365 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 1,132.10 Reflector 3" 00002248 109344 18770 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER 8/S 1,210.43 169179 31912010 126871 PRO CARE SERVICES INC 1,333.80 JANITORIAL SERVICE 108963 5728 3450.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE HATS OPERATIONS 1,333.80 159180 3/912010 102624 PRO -BUILD 92.50 PLYWOOD, CEDAR LUMBER 108958 198335 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 13.79 PINE QTR ROUND 108959 198345 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 9.49 4X4X8 STD 108960 198344 1700.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 37.03 PLYWOOD 108961 198222 1850.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA 33.11 TREATED LUMBER 108962 198245 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 37.03 PLYWOOD 109116 198300 1850.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA 222.95 159181 3/9/2010 125106 PROMAXX TRUCK PARTS 277.49 Air Valves for Walk Fir Trls 00002289 109345 6200540083 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 277.49 169182 3/9/2010 102698 QUADE ELECTRIC 38.36 LAMPS 109117 79674 1850.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CIVIC ARENA 38.36 169183 31912010 124766 QUALITY CONTROL & INTEGRATION R55CKREG HU20000V COST OF SALES -WINE 1,500.00 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 3000.5101 159184 Council Check Register COST OF SALES -WINE 102212 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS COST OF SALES - LIQUOR 3000.5100 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 3000.5100 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 750.00 FEB MAINT FEE FOR SCADA 108964 659 4100.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 750.00 FEB MAINT FEE FOR SCADA 108964 659 4200.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 26 Business Unit WATERADM WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 4200.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 1,500.00 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 3000.5101 159184 3/9/2010 COST OF SALES -WINE 102212 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS COST OF SALES - LIQUOR 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 570.00 SERVICE CALL PUMP 3000.5101 109316 22044 570.00 159185 3/9/2010 102052 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. 36.32- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109244 271716 21.25- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109244 271716 15.50- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109244 271716 183.79- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109245 271726 2,424.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109246 273064 6,290.27 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109247 273149 417.24- FEBRUARY CREDIT 109248 271503 4,465.43 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109249 269860 110.78 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109250 269847 553.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109251 269846 13,169.38 159186 3/9/2010 123956 QUIZNOS 64.00 TAKE OUT 109021 20100224 64.00 169187 3/9/2010 102604 R& R SPECIALTIES INC 55.00 BLADE SHARPENING 108965 0044751 -IN 55.00 169188 3/9/2010 102384 RDO EQUIPMENT CO. 220.87 Bearing for Turner 00002290 109346 P44547 269.50 Chain 3.075'K' for Turner 00002290 109347 P44526 89.00- Connector Link for Turner 00002290 109348 P44408 100.00 Connector Link for Turner 00002290 109349 P44240 501.37 159189 3/9/2010 121176 REINER ENTERPRISES, INC 228.56 TRUCKING 108966 943 470.04 TRUCKING 315110 109383 973 698.60 159110 3191210 114067 REVIER,SHANE 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 26 Business Unit WATERADM WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 4200.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 2950.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS HCDC -EDA 1850.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CIVIC ARENA 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 3150.5106 FREIGHT 3150.5106 FREIGHT • REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S COMPOST MANUFACTURING COMPOST MANUFACTURING 0 159192 3/912010 EQUIPMENT PARTS 119208 RUNKE, DOREEN • PARK ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG HU20000V GENERALFUND 75.00 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 109384 20100305 1756.6305 Council Check Register 169193 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check N Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO p Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 3.94 99.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 109022 20100302 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 99.00 1 B CHARGER 109025 950516 -0210 1452.6230 159191 3/912010 105048 RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CO JEANS 109026 950510 -0210 426.74 HELMETS 108998 92414702 1787.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 109027 27.45- 1850.6210 108998 92414702 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE 159192 3/912010 EQUIPMENT PARTS 119208 RUNKE, DOREEN MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS PARK ADMINISTRATION SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 75.00 CHEERLEADING INSTRUCTOR 109384 20100305 1756.6305 75.00 169193 319/2010 102226 RUNNING'S SUPPLY 3.94 CORNER IRONS 109024 950512 -0210 1110.6210 106.86 1 B CHARGER 109025 950516 -0210 1452.6230 45.98 JEANS 109026 950510 -0210 4100.6213 8.51 KEYS 109027 950509 -0210 1850.6210 9.64 HARDWARE 109027 950509 -0210 1850.6230 18.88 DRILL BITS 109027 950509 -0210 1850.6230 100.43 RECEIVER TUBES 109028 950505 -0210 1900.6230 27.00 SUPPLIES 109029 950507 -0210 2725.6210 146.23 Nozzle, Farm Auto ShutOff 00002274 109350 950514 -0210 9442.2021 467.47 169194 319/2010 126643 SAM'S CLUB 425.77 CONCESSION SUPPLIES 109030 0402439664624 -0 2610.6217 210 425.77 169196 31912010 105065 SCHIROO ELECTRICAL REBUILDING 315.28 SHOP PARTS 109319 74053 1600.6231 315.28 159196 31912010 102606 SCHMELING OIL CO 595.54 MICROBICIDE 106967 41674 3450.6211 10,412.19 CHEVRON 108968 41700 1600.6231 298.10 FUEL OIL 108999 41671 1900.6211 19.18 108999 41671 9001.2230 11,286.65 159197 319/2010 102211 SCHWEISS BI -FOLD DOORS 198.97 RUBBER SEAL 108969 23171 2810.6231 OTHER CONTRACTUAL OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP OPERATING SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED • 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page - 27 Business Unit TOURNAMENTS YOUTH TACKLE FOOTBALL GENERALFUND TOURNAMENTS MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION FIRE DEPT SHARED COST WATER ADM CIVIC ARENA CIVIC ARENA CIVIC ARENA PARK ADMINISTRATION CEMETERY REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS HATS OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS &ALLEYS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS PARK ADMINISTRATION SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND EQUIPMENT PARTS AIRPORT R65CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page - 28 319/2010 — 3/912010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 198.97 169198 3/9/2010 109801 SCOTT'S WINDOW CLEANING SERVIC 64.20 WINDOWS 109252 4807 -16 3000.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 64.20 169199 31912010 112366 SEBORA, MARC 94.84 COURT EXPENSES 109118 2010024 1125.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE LEGAL 94.84 159200 3/912010 101892 SEH 2,666.99 MISC ENG FEES 108970 227930 7718.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LET #210 -02 SHERWOOD EXTENSIO 2,666.99 159201 3 1912010 115821 SEPPELT, MILES 5.01 GAS FOR CITY VAN 109031 20100302 2950.6321 CAR ALLOWANCE- TRAVEL HCDC -EDA 5.01 159202 31912010 102609 SHOPKO 25.62 VHS TAPES 109032 51490 1177.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVESTIGATION 25.62 169203 3/9/2010 102610 SIMONSON LUMBER CO 164.32 DOCK REPAIR SCREWS 108971 905102 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 164.32 159204 31912010 128246 SOUTHERN MINNESOTA INSPECTION 157.50 ANNUAL AUTO -LIFT INSPECTIONS 108972 2838 1900.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PARK ADMINISTRATION 595.90 ANNUAL AUTO -LIFT INSPECTIONS 108972 2838 3450.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE HATS OPERATIONS 753.40 159205 3/9/2010 124004 SOUTHWEST INITIATIVE FOUNDATIO 5,000.00 2010 DONATION 109385 20100204 2950.6735 SOUTHWEST MN FOUNDATION HCDC -EDA 5,000.00 169206 31912010 102747 ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC 686.70 STARTING MO, SWITCH 108973 BI07717 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS &ALLEYS 419.33 Teeth for Turner 00002291 109351 5177150 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 1,106.03 159207 3/9/2010 102612 STANDARD PRINTING 0 1.90 CHINA MARKERS 108974 7625 •1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARE* 0 • 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 319/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 29 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1.90 169208 319/2010 102484 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 81.21 STORAGE BOXES 108975 100667534 1060.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 34.79 STAMP 108976 100712473 1125.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LEGAL 361.34 COPY PAPER 108977 100615429 1060.6206 COPY SUPPLIES & PAPER FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 74.66 DVD -RW, FOLDERS 108978 100713452 1177.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES INVESTIGATION 80.75 LINER BAGS, TISSUE 108979 100615431 1700.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 148.49 FOLDERS, PAPER 109033 100824124 1171.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 131.85 FOLDERS 109034 100824127 1030.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 72.60 CUPS, UTIL KNIFE 109119 100796508 1700.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 62.96 PENS,FOLDERS 109120 100881679 1060.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 8012 Label Maker Tape 00002284 109352 100740362 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 89.15 Pine Sol 00002284 109352 100740362 9443.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 43.31- Rolodex Rotating for Andy 00002284 109353 100793294 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 24.69 Orange Pumice GOJO 00002284 109354 100767776 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 34.19 Rolodex Rotating for Andy 00002284 109355 100767777 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 1,234.09 159209 3/912010 102744 STATE OF MINNESOTA 48.10 CASH FORFEITURE 08 -2202 109370 20100304 1171.6920 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 48.10 159210 3/912010 118862 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT 16.94 OP SUPPLIES 109253 1562733 3000.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 144.02- OP SUPPLIES 109254 106104 3000.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 296.46 OP SUPPLIES 109255 1560569 3000.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 172.13 OF SUPPLIES & MISC 109256 1546511 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 740.44 OP SUPPLIES & MISC 109256 1546511 3000.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,081.95 159211 31912010 103094 SUBWAY WEST 48.74 SANDWICH PLATTER 108980 20100203 2950.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES HCDC -EDA 48.74 159212 31912010 121615 SUN PATRIOT NEWSPAPERS 109.00 WEDDING GUIDE 109035 129213 -0210 2650.6330 ADVERTISING EVENTS CENTER ADM. 109.00 159213 31912010 121020 TAPS -LYLE SCHROEDER 20.00 CLEANED LINES & TAPS 109036 311983 2650.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION EVENTS CENTER ADM. 20.00 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No 159214 319/2010 127696 TASC 9.19 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 4099.6167 9.19 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 2650.6167 9.19 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 2725.6167 9.19 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 2950.6167 9.19 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 3450.6167 9.19 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1110.6167 9.19 2ND OTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1125.6167 9.19 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1130.6167 9.19 2ND OTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1700.6167 9.19 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1710.6167 9.19 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1750.6167 18.38 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1850.6167 18.38 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1450.6167 18.38 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1150.6167 27.57 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1030.6167 27.57 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1475.6167 27.57 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 4100.6167 36.76 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 2855.6167 36.76 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1900.6167 36.76 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1060.6167 45.95 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1510.6167 45.95 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 30006167 64.28 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1060.4266 82.70 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 3150,6167 82.70 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1600.6167 91.89 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 4200.6167 309.31 2ND QTR HRA FEES 109391 20100301 1171.6167 1,072.00 159215 31912010 127595 TASC 13.98 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1125.6169 13.98 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 2950.6169 13.98 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 4099.6169 13.98 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1700.6169 13.98 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1710.6169 13.98 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1850.6169 13.98 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1450.6169 13.98 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 2725.6169 27.96 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1900.6169 27.96 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A .4100.6169 Subleager Account Description HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRAADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRAADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE ADM FEE COBRA HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE HRA ADMINISTRATION FEE FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 30 Business Unit REFUSE &RECYCLING EVENTS CENTER ADM. CEMETERY HCDC -EDA HATS OPERATIONS MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL MAINTENANCE PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM BUILDING INSPECTION WATER ADM HRA PARK ADMINISTRATION FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING STREETS & ALLEYS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION LEGAL HCDC -EDA REFUSE& RECYCLING CITY HALL MAINTENANCE PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION CEMETERY PARK ADMINISTRATION WATERADM • R55CKREG HU20000V Check # Date 159216 319/2010 159217 3/912010 159218 319/2010 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 27.96 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1600.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 27.96 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1130.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 27.96 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1150.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 27.96 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1030.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 41.94 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1110.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 41.94 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 2855.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 41.94 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1475.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 55.92 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 3000.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 69.90 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1510.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 69.90 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1060.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 83.88 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 3150.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 125.82 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 4200.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 195.72 2ND QTR FLEX FEE 109392 20100301A 1171.6169 FLEX ADMINISTRATION FEE 1,006.56 1850.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 37.88 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 102659 TEKMECHANICAL 73.53 SUPPLIES 109325 30591 1900.6230 73.53 0 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 31 Business Unit STREETS & ALLEYS PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION HRA BUILDING INSPECTION LIQUOR OPERATIONS CITY ENGINEER FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS CITY HALL MAINTENANCE REFUSE& RECYCLING CEMETERY RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION HCDC -EDA PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION EVENTS CENTER ADM. LEGAL CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION WATER ADM HRA INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. PARK ADMINISTRATION 120834 TELEDYNE ISCO, INC. 90.84 SUCTION LINE 109037 917193 4200.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 90.84 128328 THE HARTFORD 10.83 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1130.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 11.09 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 3450.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 13.38 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1700.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 14.53 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 4099.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 14.87 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 2725.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 17.44 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1750.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 20.25 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1110.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 23.71 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 2950.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 27.38 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1710.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 28.10 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 2650.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 28.97 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1125.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 33.34 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1850.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 37.88 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1450.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 39.29 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1475.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 50.26 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 4100.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 59.36 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 2855.6160 EMPL.HEALTH S INS. BENEFIT 68.26 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 69.54 March LTD Insurance 109395 20100301 1900.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS CITY HALL MAINTENANCE REFUSE& RECYCLING CEMETERY RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION HCDC -EDA PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION EVENTS CENTER ADM. LEGAL CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION WATER ADM HRA INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. PARK ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG HU20000V Check# Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation 74.34 March LTD Insurance 78.34 March LTD Insurance 82.98 March LTD Insurance 89.71 March LTD Insurance 121.35 March LTD Insurance 141.80 March LTD Insurance 142.87 March LTD Insurance 453.83 March LTD Insurance 1,753.70 159219 3/912010 101843 TKDA 2,841.20 JANSERV- HANGAR 2,841.20 109038 000201000246 9305.6301 159220 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 103096 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEM Council Check Register 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 109395 20100301 1030.6160 109395 20100301 3000.6160 109395 20100301 1510.6160 109395 20100301 4200.6160 109395 20100301 3150.6160 109395 20100301 1060,6160 109395 20100301 1600.6160 109395 20100301 1171.6160 109038 000201000246 9305.6301 159220 319/2010 103096 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEM 187.50 COMPUTER REPAIR 109257 25065 3000.6370 187.50 169221 31912010 102464 TRI- COUNTY BEVERAGE & SUPPLY 123.00- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109258 229612 3000.5102 123.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109258 229612 30005102 123.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109259 229381 3000.5102 123.00 159222 31912010 102447 TRICO TCWIND, INC 1,271.44 BELL &GOSSET1 HP 108981 0021808 4200.6231 1,271.44 169223 31912010 102619 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC 19.24 BATTERIES 109039 6168 1452.6210 48.09 Mic for Dion's Radio 00002297 109356 20100228 9442.2021 135.00 Replaced PA, fuse, vol con0, 00002297 109357 6224 9442.2021 202.33 159224 319/2010 129147 U, INC. 2,300.00 MN POST SPECIAL 109040 14609 1172.6320 2,300.00 169226 31912010 120590 UNITED HARDWARE DISTRIBUTING C 50.00 SURVEY CREDIT - STERLING AUSTIN 108982 20100223 3150.4470 50.00 SURVEY CREDIT - STERLING FAIRMON 108983 20100223A 3150.4470 • 50.00 SURVEY CREDIT - STERLING WORTHIN 108984 201002238 0 150.4470 Su6ledger Account Description EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 32 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Business Unit CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM LIQUOR OPERATIONS CITY ENGINEER WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE ADMINISTRATION AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION B/S CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS COST OF SALES -BEER COST OF SALES -BEER COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT PARTS OPERATING SUPPLIES RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION FIRE DEPT SHARED COST REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION CASH DISCOUNTS CASH DISCOUNTS CASH DISCOUNTS COMPOST MANUFACTURING COMPOST MANUFACTURING COMPOST MANUF /NG 0 0 • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register 3/9/2010 - 3/912010 Page- 33 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 50.00 SURVEY CREDIT - STERLING HASTING 108985 20100223C 3150.4470 CASH DISCOUNTS COMPOST MANUFACTURING 200.00 159226 31912010 115389 US DISTRICT COURT CLERK 40.00 RE- REGISTRATION- M.SEBORA 108986 20100226 1125.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LEGAL 40.00 169227 319/2010 124019 USPS- HASLER .44 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1020.6311 POSTAGE CITY COUNCIL .44 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 2725.6311 POSTAGE CEMETERY .44 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 2950.6311 POSTAGE HCDC -EDA .44 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 4099.6311 POSTAGE REFUSE& RECYCLING 1.76 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1150.6311 POSTAGE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 3.56 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 2950.6311 POSTAGE HCDC -EDA 4.84 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 3450.6311 POSTAGE HATS OPERATIONS 7.48 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1825.6311 POSTAGE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 8.36 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1850.6311 POSTAGE CIVIC ARENA 9.41 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 2650.6311 POSTAGE EVENTS CENTER ADM. 9.68 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1900.6311 POSTAGE PARK ADMINISTRATION 10.23 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1510.6311 POSTAGE CITY ENGINEER 12.19 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 3450.6311 POSTAGE HATS OPERATIONS 12.56 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1458.6311 POSTAGE RENTAL UNIT REG. &INSP. 14.42 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 2810.6311 POSTAGE AIRPORT 16.08 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1450.6311 POSTAGE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 17.40 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 3450.6311 POSTAGE HATS OPERATIONS 18.49 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1600.6311 POSTAGE STREETS& ALLEYS 21.46 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1030.6311 POSTAGE CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 22.00 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 3000.6311 POSTAGE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 28.43 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 9001.1207 DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND 32.44 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1130.6311 POSTAGE PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 41.20 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1475.6311 POSTAGE BUILDING INSPECTION 43.64 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 3150.6311 POSTAGE COMPOST MANUFACTURING 45.22 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1125.6311 POSTAGE LEGAL 67.17 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1060.6311 POSTAGE FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 84.15 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1171.6311 POSTAGE POLICE ADMINISTRATION 87.99 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1750.6311 POSTAGE RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION 10193 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 3500.6311 POSTAGE STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION 103.94 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 4100.6311 POSTAGE WATER ADM 103.94 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 4200.6311 POSTAGE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 103.94 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 4099.6311 POSTAGE REFUSE &RECYCLING 240.65 FEBRUARY POSTAGE 109041 40237 1110.6311 POSTAGE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 1.278.32 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page - 34 3/9/2010 - 319/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description Business Unit 159228 31912010 104397 VACUUM GALLERY 28.80 VACUUM BAGS 109121 35186 2610.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 28.80 159229 31912010 129134 VEATCH, ROB 66.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 109042 20100302 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 66.00 159230 319/2010 121147 VERTECH SOLUTIONS & SERVICES 74.76 DISHWASHER RENTAL 109122 181284 2698.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE EVERGREEN BLDG ADM 74.76 169231 3/9/2010 128842 VFW 110.00 ADVERTISING 109267 20100118 3000.6330 ADVERTISING LIQUOR OPERATIONS 110.00 159232 319/2010 101974 VIKING BEER 154.20- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109262 48823 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 23.50- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109262 48823 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 23.50 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109262 48823 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3,382.40 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109262 48823 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 820.00- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109263 48781 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 620.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109264 48792 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 305.80- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109266 48781A 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 23.50 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109266 487&1A 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 4,728.60 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109266 48781A 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 7,674.50 159233 31912010 102132 VIKING COCA COLA 128.75 MISC SODA 109043 4344 2650.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION EVENTS CENTER ADM. 138.05 POP 109260 0023802087 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 103.50 POP 109261 0023802058 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 370.30 159234 31912010 102630 VIKING SIGN & GRAPHICS INC 562.53 ACRYLIC LETTERS, HOURS CHANGE 108987 3268 1700.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 562.53 159235 319/2010 128665 VINOCOPIA INC 18.00 NOVEMBER PURCHASES 109265 20583 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS • 337.00 NOVEMBER PURCHASES 109265 20583 0000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIOO 0 • 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Council Check Register Page- 35 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description Business Unit 566.67 NOVEMBER PURCHASES 109265 20583 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 921.67 159236 31912010 108598 WAL -MART COMMUNITY 9.43 CLIPBOARDS 108988 603220200088212 1450.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 7 -0210 21.31 TIMERS 108988 603220200088212 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 7 -0210 110.76 RURAL MTGS 108988 603220200088212 1456.6909 MISCELLANEOUS RURAL FIREFIGHTERS 7 -0210 141.50 169237 3/912010 128876 WASTE MANAGEMENT -TC WEST 89.25 MARCH SERVICE 109293 5337138- 1593 -4 3000.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING LIQUOR OPERATIONS 89.25 159238 319/2010 120852 WASTE MANAGEMENT -TC WEST 339.65 FEBRUARY SERVICE 109312 5337142- 1593 -6 3450.6360 UTILITIES HATS OPERATIONS 13.13 MARCH SERVICE 109386 5337140- 1593 -0 3450.6360 UTILITIES HATS OPERATIONS 22.23 MARCH SERVICE 109387 5337139- 1593 -2 2810.6360 UTILITIES AIRPORT 7.10 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137 - 1593 -6 2700.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING LIBRARY 14.20 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137- 1593 -6 2698.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING EVERGREEN BLDG ADM 14.20 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137- 1593 -6 1453.6363 REFUSE- RECYCLING FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 28.37 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137- 1593 -6 1175.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 42.56 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137 - 1593 -6 4200.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 56.75 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137 - 1593 -6 1850.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING CIVIC ARENA 56.75 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137 - 1593 -6 2610.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 56.75 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137 - 1593-6 1850.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING CIVIC ARENA 56.75 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137 -1593-6 1900.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING PARK ADMINISTRATION 56.75 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137- 1593-6 1700.6363 REFUSE- RECYCLING CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 85.12 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137- 1593 -6 4099.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING REFUSE &RECYCLING 170.23 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137 - 1593 -6 1900.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING PARK ADMINISTRATION 170.25 MARCH SERVICE 109388 5337137 - 1593 -6 4200.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 1,190.79 159239 31912010 126043 WELLS FARGO INSURANCE SERVICES 833.33 MARCH BENEFITS AGENCY FEE 109389 402363 2850.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UNALLOCATED GENERAL 833.33 159240 31912010 103452 WINECOMPANY,THE 2,276.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109268 237386 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 26.40 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109273 236775 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 3/9/2010 - 3/9/2010 Check # Dale Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No SuDledger Account Description 1399.60 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109273 236775 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -VNNE 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 3/912010 13:44:42 Page- 36 Business Unit LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5106 FREIGHT 3,702.00 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 159241 3/912010 LIQUOR OPERATIONS 102452 WINE MERCHANTS INC FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 1,000.20 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109274 307123 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 1,000.20 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 159242 319/2010 LIQUOR OPERATIONS 128866 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 22.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109269 364463 84.97 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109269 364463 2,494.10 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109269 364463 2.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109270 364464 127.90 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109270 364464 26.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109271 361569 36.34 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109271 361569 2,820.09 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109271 361569 4.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109272 361570 355.70 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 109272 361570 5,975.10 159243 3/912010 129148 WISCHMANN, DIANE 200.00 REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 109044 20100205 200.00 159244 3/9/2010 120807 WISCONSIN DEPT OF AGRICULTURE 171.25 TONNAGE REPORT & LICENSE APPL 108989 20100225 171.25 159245 31912010 122932 XEROX CORP 755.46 FEB SERVICE 109045 046339543 755.46 159246 31912010 129167 PIRA LAW OFFICE, LTD 1,894.80 WAGE GARNISHMENT 109390 20100308 1,894.80 169247 31912010 105671 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 366.32 ZEP SHOP SUPPLIES 108990 57369196 648.46 SHOP SUPPLIES 109311 57371387 1,014.78 566.241.48 Grand Total 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 3/912010 13:44:42 Page- 36 Business Unit LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 2650.4313 RENTS -BLDGS OTHER EVENTS CENTER ADM. 3150.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS COMPOST MANUFACTURING 1060.6207 COPY MACHINE FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 9995.2042 ACCURED GARISHMENTS PAYROLL FUND B/S 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS &ALLEYS menl Instrument Totals • ! R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 3/912010 — 3/912010 Check# Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO# D oc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Check Total 566,241.48 Total Payments 566,241.48 Business Unit is 3/9/2010 13:44:42 Page- 37 PAYROLL DATE: 2/26/2010 Period Ending Date: 2/20/2010 FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY - ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO STATE AND IRS DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PAGE AMOUNT ACCT# NAME DESCRIPTION $20,772.57 9995.2034 WITH. TAX Employee Contribution - Federal Tax 9995.2242 Employer Contribution - Medicare ACCOUNT $11,946.20 9995.2240 Employee Contribution - Soc. Security $3,513.89 9995.2242 Employee Contribution - Medicare $36,232.66 Sub -Total - Employee Contribution $11,946.20 9995.2240 Employer Contribution - Social Security $3,513.89 9995.2242 Employer Contribution - Medicare Per Journal Entries Fica $ 23,892.40 $15,460.09 Sub -Total - Employer Contribution Medicare $ 7,027.78 Withholding $ 20,772.57 $51,692.75 Grand Total - Withholding Tax Account Total $ 51,692.75 AM,996.29 9995.2035 MN DEPT OF REVENUE State Tax $ 9,996.29 $16,266.48 9995.2241 PERA Employee Contribution - Pension Plan $20,603.00 9995.2241 Employer Contribution - Pension Plan $36,869.48 Sub -Total - PERA $26.01 9995.2243 PERA -DCP Employee Contribution - Pension Plan $26.01 9995.2241 Employer Contribution - Pension Plan Pere $ 36,895.49 $52.02 Sub - Total - DCP DCP $ 26.01 $36,921.50 GRAND TOTAL -PERA Total $ 36,921.50 Finance Director Approval Difference $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 •