cp08-14-1990 cSUNDAY -12- t MONDAY -13- M &Abc Tr1 ' CITY CALEfdDArl `EK% OF August 12 August 18 enrr- a rdr}I,�• -15 10:00 A.M. - Directors Meeting at City Hall j 10:00 A.M. - Sr. Advisory Board Meeting at Sr. Center THURSDAY -16- MC LEOD COUNTY FAIR 8:00 P.M. - Airport Commission Meeting at City Hall FRIDAY -17- "i' UESw%;Y 1 3:30 P.M. - Open Bids for 1990 Improvement Bonds & Hospital Project at City Hall 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meeting at City Hall. SATURDAY -18- VACATION: BONNIE BAUMETZ - Aug. 13 -17 GARY D. PLOTZ - Aug. 13 -17 MARILYN SWANSON- Aug. 13 -17 T N A AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1990 1. Call to Order - 7:30 P.M. 2. Invocation - Rev. Dan Cloeter, Our Savior's Lutheran Church 3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of July 24, 1990 and Amended Minutes of December 28, 1989 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. Routine Items (a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Building Official's Report - July 1990 2. Park & Recreation Board Minutes - May 30, 1990 3. Hospital Board Minutes - June 19 & July 10, 1990; Joint Board Minutes of July 11, 1990 (b) Gambling Devices License for Military Order of the Cooties (V.F.W.) (c) Appointments to Boards: 1. H.R.A. - Shirley Wass 2. Library Board - Paul Berg Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed, issue license and ratify appointments 5. Public Hearing - 8:00 P.M. (a) Intoxicating Liquor License for Ghassan ( "Gus ") Mazaid Khwice at 101 Park Place, dba The Underground Bar & Grill Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license 1 1 AUGUST 14, 1990 El 6. Communications, Requests And Petitions (a) Consideration of Request By Hutchinson Ambassadors For All Concession Rights In Downtown Area September4 14 -15 For Arts And Crafts Festival Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (b) Consideration of Request To Use Library Square, First Avenue Between Hassan And Main, And Parking Lot Behind 101 Park Place For Arts And Crafts Festival Sept. 14 -15 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (c) Discussion By John Reynolds Regarding Cruising Ordinance Action - (d) Discussion of Transit vehicle Action - (e) Request for Sidewalk Improvement On North Main Street Action - 7. Resolutions And Ordinances (a) Ordinance No. 90 -23 - Ordinance for Removal of Dangerous Buildings And Housing Code Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt amended Ordinance (b) Ordinance No. 90 -24 - Standards for Temporary Location Recyclable Material Collection Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Waive first reading and set second reading August 28, 1990 (c) Resolution No. 9305 - Resolution For Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution is 2 AUGUST 14, 1990 0 (d) Resolution No. 9306 - Resolution Setting Election, Locations Of Precincts, And Appointing Of Judges For The State Primary And General Election Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution (e) Resolution No. 9307 - Resolution Setting Interest Rate For Assessment Rolls Adopted In 1990 Action - Reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 8. Unfinished Business None 9. New Business (a) Consideration of Hiring B.R.A. & A. Engineering Firm To Replace Front Entrance At Civic Arena Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 0 (b) Consideration of Increase of BOD Allotment To 3M Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (c) Consideration of Change Order Request for Hospital Project Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 9308 (d) Consideration of Vehicle Replacement For Police Department Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and advertise for bids (e) Consideration of Request From Hassan Valley Lodge To Have Loading And Unloading Zone Spot On Side Of Building At Second Avenue S.W. Action - i K, AUGUST 14, 1990 0 (f) Consideration of Addendum No. 1 To Subdivision Agreement for Wagner Development Corporation Plat In Regards To Plat No. 2 (Replat) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (g) Consideration of Awarding Bid(s) For 1990 G.O. Improvement Bonds And G.O. Medical Facilities Bonds Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and adopt Resolution (h) Consideration of Proposed Letter for Execution Dated August 2, 1990 Regarding Shopko Site Purchase Agreement Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve letter (i) Consideration of Proposed 1991 Improvement Projects Action - (j) Consideration of Ordering Preparation of Assessment Roll And Setting Assessment Hearing for Letting No. 14, Project No. 90 -24 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve roll preparation and hold hearing - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution (k) Consideration of Goals for Crow River Task Force And Appointment of Task Force Members Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and ratify appointments (1) Consideration of Supplemental Agreement for Phase I Project Between Shopko Stores, Twin City Corp. And City of Hutchinson Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into contract (m) Consideration of I -C1 Zoning Along Hwy. 22 for Lots 16, 17 & 18 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and refer to Planning Commission for public hearing is 9 AUGUST 14, 1990 (n) Consideration of Supplemental Agreement for Letting No. 5, Project 90 -07, In Clifton Heights Area Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 10. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations And Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adiournment Ll 5 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1990 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ackland. The following were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Craig Lenz, John Mlinar, Marlin Torgerson and Don Erickson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer John Rodeberg and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Randy Chrissis. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meetings of June 26, 1990 and July 10, 1990 and bid openings of July 9, 1990 and July 16, 1990 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 0 1. FINANCIAL REPORT - JUNE 1990 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 19, 1990 3. CAER COMMITTEE MINUTES - JUNE 13 & JULY 11, 1990 A UUUL wrae * OR NURSING HOME BOARD MINUTES - JUNE 1990 (b) ON- SZCATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE - HUTCH HUSKIES BASEBALr ASSOC. AT ROBERTS PARK FOR THREE DATES (c) ON -SALE NON - INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE - MCLEOD COUNTY AGRICULTURE ASSOC. FOR COUNTY FAIR (d) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS: 1. PARK & RECREATION BOARD - J. P. AUER 2. HOSPITAL BOARD - KEITH WEBER The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to order the report and minutes filed, issue licenses and ratify ap- pointments. u 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 24, 1990 5 6. 7. PUBLIC HEARING None. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS None. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 9298 - RESOLUTION FOR CONTRACT WITH MN /DOT TO PROVIDE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICE IN CITY OF HUTCHINSON The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 90 -24 - STANDARDS FOR TEMPORARY LOCATION RECYCLABLE MATERIAL COLLECTION Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to table until next meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 9299 - RESOLUTION TO PURCHASE 9 The motion was made by Alderman Lenz, econded by A1,��jpU >� erman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt. -- E:: 9 UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to dis- continue service at noon on July 30 unless other ar- rangements had been made. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 0 2 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 24, 1990 (b) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR ON -SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE AND ON -SALE NON - INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR MIDWEST CONSUMER SERVICES AT 101 PARK PLACE The motion was made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried, to set a public hearing for August 14, 1990 at 8:00 P.M. (c) CONSIDERATION OF NON - INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR MIDWEST CONSUMER SERVICES AT 101 PARK PLACE The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried, to approve and issue license. (d) CONSIDERATION OF LETTING NO. 2, PROJECT 9008, SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT #1 Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve. Motion seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried. (e) DISCUSSION REGARDING REMUNERATION OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS During discussion it was pointed out the City Charter and City Code Book would have to be revised if remuner- ation was given to board and commission members. The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alder- man Erickson and unanimously carried, to leave the policy as it is at the present time. (f) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SCHMIDTBAUER'S FOURTH ADDITION WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve the preliminary plat. Motion seconded by Alderman Lenz and unanimously carried. 0 (g) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JUNE REDMAN, HWY. 7 EAST, WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to ap- prove the conditional use permit and to waive reading 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 24, 1990 0 and adopt Resolution No. 9300. Motion seconded by Ald- erman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT AND FINAL PLAT OF REPLAT OF WAGNER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NO. 2 WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Lenz moved to approve the plats and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 9301. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unan- imously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY SHERMAN BUSCHOW, SEVENTH AVENUE AND SHADY RIDGE ROAD, WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION (SPLIT VOTE) Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the variance request for 23.5 feet and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 9303. Motion seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried. (j) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY TOM DAGGETT, HUTCHINSON MANUFACTURING, WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Lenz and unanimously car- ried, to approve the conditional use permit and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 9302. (k) CONSIDERATION OF ANNUAL REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR DANCE STUDIO ON HWY. 7 WEST REQUESTED BY JEFF MUNSELL WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Lenz and unanimously carried, to approve the conditional use permit, contin- gent on providing parking as recommended by the Plan- ning Commission. (1) CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PUD OF MILLER TOWNHOUSES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Lenz, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously car - 4 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 24, 1990 ried, to approve the final PUD. (m) RESOLUTION, BOND COUNSEL, RELATED TO HOSPITAL BONDING Bond Consultant Bill Fahey reported the bids for the bond sale was cancelled for this afternoon, and a new date would be set for August 14, 1990. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to ap- prove the hospital's financing resolution and to amend Resolutions No. 9276 & No. 9277 adopted June 11, 1990 and adopt Resolution No. 9304, setting the bonds sale for August 14, 1990. Motion seconded by Alderman Lenz and unanimously carried. (n) CONSIDERATION OF HOSPITAL BUILDING PROJECT GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE It was reported that the guaranteed maximum price from M. A. Mortenson for the construction costs of the hos- pital building project was $7,871,911. Following dis- cussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the guar- anteed maximum price. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. Attorney Anderson requested awarding the following four Phase I contracts submitted by M. A. Mortenson Company for the hospital project: Contract No. 5 - Cast In Place Concrete Terwisscha Construction Co. Contract No. 6 - Structural Precast Concrete Bladholm Brothers Co. Contract No. 7 - Masonry & Architectural Precast Donlar Construction Co. Contract No. 8 - Structural Steel The Hustad Company Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve and award Contracts No. 5, 6, 7 & 8 as presented. Mo- tion seconded by Alderman Lenz and unanimously carried. • Attorney Anderson presented the bid specifications pre- 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 24, 1990 0 pared by M. A. Mortenson Company and requested approv- al. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the bid specifications. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (o) CONSIDERATION OF MCLEOD COUNTY MUTUAL AID CONTRACT FOR FIRE PROTECTION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimous- ly carried, to approve and enter into contract. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported on a meeting regard- ing the Shopko project and stated everything was going well. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN JOHN MLINAR Alderman Mlinar reported he was contacted by a resident who was concerned about the ditch height in the area of Hwy. 15 N. and Ninth Avenue N.E. Alderman Mlinar commented that traffic was still going fast through the Clifton Heights area. It was his recommendation to move the stop sign from Garden Road to Hilltop Drive for west -bound traffic. There was discussion regarding the Ludtke Lane sewer improvement project. It was the consensus of the Coun- cil that a 429 public hearing should be held on the project and obtain a 100% petition from affected par- ties. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY Attorney Anderson stated that he had presented the pro- posed settlement to Sam Ulland. Mr. Ulland would like to meet individually with each Council member. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Engineer Rodeberg presented an update report on the 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 24, 1990 Crow River dam. Also, he reported the consultant had given the "go ahead" on the airport project. 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. 12. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:26 P.M. 0 7 (612) 587 -5151 JW37 ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST CHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 10, 1990 T0: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, Finance Director SUBJECT: Amended City Council Minutes for December 28 1989 While Atty. Jerry Gilligan, Dorsey & Whitney Law Firm, was reviewing the City's 1990 bonds, he noticed that Alderman John Mlinar's name was inad- vertently omitted from those present at the December 28, 1989 City Council meeting. It was obvious, however, that he was present since he made several motions during the meeting. It is requested that the Council approve the amended Minutes for December 28, 1989 which reflect Alderman John Mlinar being present at the meeting. A copy of the signed copy will be forwarded to Atty. Gilligan. /ms 9 0 170 MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1989 NOTE: *Amended Minutes approved at 8 -14 -90 Council Meeting. City Administrator The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Ackland at 9:00 A.M. The fol- lowing were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen Marlin Torgerson, John Mlinar* Pat Mikulecky. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill, Assistant Engineer Cal Rice and County Engineer Richard B. Kjonaas. 1. IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS NO. 90 -01 - NO. 90 -18 (a) CONTINUED HEARING ON PROJECT NO. 90 -01 Engineer Kjonaas reported on the current status of the project and stated the County will be working with MN /DOT to see if they can en- croach on the State highway frontage. It was pointed out that Atty. Dan Prochnow had requested, on behalf of Hutchinson Manufacturing & Sales, Inc., to continue the hearing until all questions had been answered regarding the project. Following discussion of whether or not to close the hearing, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to continue the hearing on project No. 90 -01. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 11 (b) CONTINUED HEARING ON PROJECT NO. 90 -17 Engineer Kjonaas recommended that the land owners meet to decide on what they want from the City. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson to close the hearing on project No. 90 -17. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. Alderman Mlinar moved to set a new public hearing for project No. 90 -17 on February 13, 1990 at 8:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Alderman Tor- gerson and unanimously carried. (c) ACTION ON 1990 IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried, to approve projects No. 90 -02 - 90 -16 and 90 -18 and to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 9151 - No. 9166. q 1] CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY JUNKER SANITATION FOR TAX INCREASE ON MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (TABLED DECEMBER 12, 1989) During discussion it was determined that the increase would begin with the February billing, and a letter of explanation for the cost increase would be sent to refuse users. Junker will be contacted to find out if the cost of dumpsters will also increase. Alderman Torgerson moved to grant the increase of $1.00 corresponding to the N 171 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER 28, 1989 formulation of the past for landfill increase, effective January 1, 1990. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried, to put all funds on hold. 5. CONSIDERATION OF SNOW REMOVAL PERMITS The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to approve and issue snow removal permits. Alderman Torgerson seconded the motion and unanimously carried. 6. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MCLEOD COUNTY REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY PLAN Item withdrawn from agenda. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M. Attest: My Admim, tr to V Mayor 3. CONSIDERATION OF RENEWING LEASE AGREEMENT WITH TOM DOLDER FOR DRY DOCK FOR ONE -YEAR PERIOD WITH SAME TERMS (TABLED DECEMBER 12, 1989) Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to defer to the January 2, 1990 special meeting. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and O unanimously carried. 4. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGARDING TAX I� INCREMENT DISTRICT FUNDS M City Administrator Plotz reported on the formula used for tax increment dis- Q tricts. He stated that the School District had requested the City to put all funds on hold until the end of 1990, which would require Council action to defer the formula. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried, to put all funds on hold. 5. CONSIDERATION OF SNOW REMOVAL PERMITS The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to approve and issue snow removal permits. Alderman Torgerson seconded the motion and unanimously carried. 6. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING MCLEOD COUNTY REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY PLAN Item withdrawn from agenda. 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M. Attest: My Admim, tr to V Mayor °.i "�21lx tk,' 60. Le 1' t.; spr'PaA ETPt :I;- C •,11 •• -ioA in vAdchf .-d t.lam:d — 1 Sign - 2 r.E ^o11T n. 11Vrr_ ^,1�?c as "' ISLUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 103500 27 8 9999 085 1 D Z6 9999 0272C JA,fS I•Ags'A OLDC CITIC:AL If Your huddinp permit s ysrem has changed. mark fX) sppropdate box below and axpfaM CITY HALL 37 VA £R INET OV AVE YE57 M comma[". E3 Discontinued fasting permits NUTCHINSON AN 55350 ❑ Merged with another system n U aD"n ono two or Tara sYa/mms _ ❑ A ... ad land areas ❑Had athar changes PLEASE COMPLETE AND MAIL l 9 THIS FORM ON OR BEFORE A GU T 4 1990 If m permits were rested dwing easNU of t caeca I Instructions are Included. For this period, mark fX) in the box ❑ a 1201 Ease Tenth Boers turtle✓ ess"tanw, rail be3act and retum this form JelfesaamrNle, IN 47122 1301) 763 -7241. NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED NOUSEREEPING Nu I BUILDINGS lea Valuation of Vehatlon of g s Haling eonatnretlan Noy construct kn um" OMt citrus BniilnNrlge Ilnite Dart! N UI Ibl (Cl let "1 11 11 ily houses. Mached F b)" homes. 101 4 4 345, 466 ily houses. attached Y by ground to roof wes. bove a below, and heating system and ut fitymstas. h unit U e ate buldl 1 102 Two-femly buildings 103 Three- and four -family buildings 101 F'M-or -more family buildings 08 TOTAL — Sian ef fps— f08 108 4 4 345,486 NEW RESIDENTIAL I PRIVATELY OWNED ►YBLIq.YOWNEO NONNOUSEREEPINO BUILDINGS Ite Number of Valusben of Number of VektWon of BnMdinpa Rooms eauvuetion Omit tans one eaetructien OmN man" Ill Ibl lei Id) Ill Ifl cap slutels, notals, and tourist cebrns Iua sism accommodations only) 213 1 tithe mnhousskeaping sbeher 214 NEW PRIVATELY NONRESIDENTIAL OWNED S Y NED tam Number SUIIDINGi No, Valuation M Number Valustlon of of eoisirurl1on of e O Waterloo OfnN carts bulldMpa cattle I.1 la Amusement, social. and re estiona ale lei al ler Churcbes and omen rei' loud 810 Industrial 3p Park' are es Ibuildin s and o decked) 821 stations ations and repair gangue 822 Hos hale and institutional ONIMS, banks, and Professional 821 Pyblic works and utilities 828 Sc eat otlna etlueeti m` 338 Stall and cuatairwr fus 827 Odtar nonresidential builanps 328 2 572 muetures other tier, buildings 320 ADDITIONS, PRIVATELY OWNED PUB LICLYOWNE ALTERATIONS, AND CONYERSN)NS hem Number Valwtlon of Number Valwtion of No c onstruction of Construction Grtkoens "nil&" Orair let cal In 4411 Is) ResidamW— Ck iadtgdmw of end caporta M hem 438. 434 11 105.92 Nonresidential and nonhousekeepirng !H 6 109,256 1 60,640 Atldhlaa of resklaMlal geragee Wall Carper" fattadwd and detected) 481 Exe. - I Reside - 4 TOTAL.VALUATiON - (1.166.909.00 � rmwowamnwwm ~ ' Sign - 2 t 'MUK,I DEMOLI TI DNS AND PRIVAtELY OWNED PU..ICLY OWNED RAZV' G CF BVILCINGS Bcil: n -+ Notiv g efam�ly housesta0ached a-d detached) - 646 l l re ^ "h lmldin9s 646 :Three - and four - family bund s 647 or - ^we 1 3"Iv 1,01 ncs 648 +n other bwldmOS end 111.1 res 648 INDIVIDUAL PERMITS AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION VALUED AT 1500,000 OR MORE Phase Provide the following information for each permit authorizing conspuetlon Yafuad et a 500.000 or more entered in sections l through IV. Item No. Owner' Number of hawing sec. Jeaurdtior. ...- .: owner or budder Mark lX) vehietlrm of construction I -IV One omit GNU sidle BuilGngs it Ibl (cl (it) W Ifl I Kind! of Ouildinp 329 l ank Farm Foundation & Wall =M- - "Y--------------- - - - --- upritate st..em--- - ----- ---- -- ----- --- - -- 915 flwy _ 22 South - -- --------- - - - - -- ❑naffs 15 Hw 22 South Hutchinson NN 55350 x583,035 -- 1 Kind of bukd -------------------------------- Sha •dMeu ___ 1 King oleWrfuN ____ ________ _______________________ Siu etld au 4 Kind of building ------ ----------------------- o►rivap ---------------------------- male Kind of bolding -------- - ------------------------- 6111 adbap - oPnaIIL' 1 fund of building ________ --------------- - o t.14 _ 6na adMu 4 Z ia! of bWdng ------------------------------------ oPmw SO• am w 4 Kkn of bW V oPdYp. Kind e -------------------- - -------- - ---- o pmewty ------------- — --- — ------- —' -- ❑weld ' Onwnants live urYA tYen ~7 Natq hew p ❑Ne Ora -Phase ghv edd uenel kdorntedpn kn Ooer ume of POapn to Contact regarding this report James G. Marko Telephone itM Ana cads lNuenew F "woon Building Official 612 '587 -5151 1 210 u 0 • MINUTES Parks & Recreation Board May 30, 1990 Members Present: Roger Haggenmiller; chairman, Mike Schall, Virgil Voigt and Linda Martin. Also present were Ray Wight, Ron McGraw, Neil Jensen, Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The minutes - dated April 25, 1990 were approved by a motion made by Mike Schall and seconded by Virgil Voigt. The board unanimously agreed. Tennis Association - Neil Jensen and Ron McGraw were present representing the Tennis Association. They were requesting that the tennis rental fees be waived during the court construction at the High School. They will need the courts for approximately three evenings a week, two to three hours per session through July 8th. The fee of $8 per hour was determined by Gary Plotz and Dolf Moon based on similar circumstances that occurred in 1989 with the Swim Club during the High School Pool construction. The Association reminded the board that they have made some generous donations to the tennis court areas in Hutchinson. After a brief discussion by the board, Mike Schall made a motion to recommend to the City Council that the rental fees for 1990 be waived considering the past donations of the Tennis Association and in accordance with the Rec Center schedule, using the Tennis Association Staff for court set up and building lock up. Linda Martin seconded the motion, and the board agreed unanimously. Baseball Association - Ray Wight, representing the Huskies Amateur Baseball Association was present proposing that the Baseball Association be allowed to operate a beer concession at Robert's Park staffed by adult association members. The proposal stated that profits of 30% would be turned over to the City, and Huskies share of the profits would be used for capital improvements and to fund their baseball program. Dolf questions the one requirement in the proposal regarding "the addition to league rules that it be illegal for any team member to bring alcohol into the park. Disciplinary action would be revocation of the league membership and forfeiting of the fees." Ray told the board that the wording would be changed to "could be revocation of league membership, etc. ". Virgil Voigt made a motion to recommend that the City Council allow the Hutchinson Husky Amateur Baseball Association to conduct beer sales at Roberts Park during the softball season as the proposal reads. Mike Schall seconded the motion, and the board unanimously agreed. L J Minutes Parks & Recreation Board May 30, 1990 Page two Skateboard Park Petition - The board reviewed a petition requesting a skateboard park in Hutchinson. After checking with the Chief of Police in Litchfield, Dolf reportea to the boars taut there is no skateboard park in town, contrary to rumors. The League of Minnesota Cities recommends that communities considering a skateboard park form a fact- finding committee to research the cost of staff and maintenance in a skateboard park. After a brief discussion, Virgil Voigt made a motion to recommend to the City Council that, because of the expense in maintenance and staffing of a skateboard park according to the League of Minnesota Cities guidelines,the Hutchinson Park Board would like to prohibit the construction of a skateboard park within a city park in Hutchinson. Linda Martin seconded the motion, and the board unanimously agreed. Celebrate Minnesota Torch Run - Dolf extended an invitation to all the Parks and Recreation Board member to the Celebrate Minnesota Torch Run, Friday, June 22nd. i s AdiO - The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. by a motion made by Mike Schall and seconded by Virgil Voigt. The board agreed unanimously. klm 1 _J 1 HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS - June I9, 1990 Large Conference Room - 6:35 P.M. Pre:ent from Hospital: Dori Johnson, President; Rich Myers, Vice President; Diane Gilmer, Secretary; Rev. Thor Skeie, Trustee; Or. Dean Nissen, Trustee; Marlin Torgerson, Trustee Others Present: Philip G. Graves, Administrator; Frank Seivert, Director of Finance; Jane Lien, Director of Nursing Services; Robyn Erickson, Director of Marketing; Gib Lehman, Director of Plant Operations; Alan Nordby, LifeSpan; Leo Monster, Horty Elving & Associates; Peter Worthington, M.A. Mortenson Co.; Cathy Nevanen, Hutchinson Leader; Laurie Hulkonen, Recording Secretary Prior to the meeting, the group participated in groundbreaking festivities for the new expansion /remodeling project. Approximately 60 people attended, including representatives from the Hutchinson Ambassadors, City Council members, physicians and employees from HCH and the Hutchinson Medical Center. After opening remarks by Graves, Johnson, Dr. Bob Hegrenes and Mr Bob Thompson of LifeSpan, the group proceeded to the building site for the ceremonial groundbreaking. HCH representatives included Verona Schmidt, whose name was drawn in a contest to represent HCH employees in the actual ceremony. 1 Following the groundbreaking, the group returned to the conference room where Worthington informed them that the first bid pack (including earthwork, site utilities and paving) was opened today. The bids will be reviewed in detail and contractors interviewed to confirm the low bids in each area. Selection criteria, besides lowest bidder, is also based on 100% performance payment bond required to ensure the firms meet HCH criteria and are bondable. The Board thanked Worthington for his presentation, and he then left the meeting. The meeting was called to order by President Johnson at 6:59 p.m. Minutes of Past Meetings The minutes of the May 15 regular and June 7 special board meetings were presented. Request was made to change the May 15 minutes to reflect that Johnson is President, not Vice President; and the CEO performance review committee consisted of Skeie, Gilmer and Johnson, who met with Sprenger before Gilmer presented the information to the Board. Also, Johnson requested that the minutes of the June 7 meeting be changed to reflect the congratulations expressed to Dr. Nissen for being cited, in a recent letter to the editor of the local paper. As a participant in the University of Minnesota - Duluth's Family Practice Preceptorship program, Nissen was recently honored by the National Rural Health Association. Following discussion: Motion was made by Myers, seconded by Gilmer to accept the minutes of �! the May 15 and June 7 Board of Directors meetings as amended. All were in favor. Motion carried. Regular Board of Directors Meeting - 6/19/90 Page Two Medical Staff Meeting Minutes The minutes of the June, 1990, Medical Staff meetings were presented. No unusual comments were made. Old Business Project Spending Authority Suggestion was made to change the spending authority of the Hospital for the duration of the building project. This item was tabled because a legal opinion was not received from the City Attorney prior to the meeting. Further discussion will take place at the City Council level. New Business A. Risk Management Plan A new Risk Management Plan, developed by Linda Fairchild, was presented for review. Following discussion: Motion was made by Skeie, seconded by Gilmer, to approve the Risk Management Plan as presented. All were in favor. Motion carried. Graves told those present that Jan Conner will now be in charge of risk management; her position as Medical Records department director has expanded dramatically in recent years and is now being divided. (She will also be responsible for Q.A., JCAHO and Medical Staff Coordinator activities.) Recruitment for a Medical Records department director is now underway. Burns Manor Nursing Home Consolidation Johnson stated her feeling that the whole community is excited about the possible consolidation of the Hospital and Burns Manor Nursing Home. Graves explained that a feasibility study will need to be done to study the potential impact of the proposed consolidation of the Hospital and Nursing Home. Such a study is expected to cost between $4,000 - $10,000, and it was suggested that the Hospital and Nursing Home boards request funding of the study from the City Council at a joint meeting. Wednesday, July 11, was suggested as the joint meeting date. Culture of the two facilities will be considered in the proposed merger. It was recognized that managing a hospital is much different than managing a nursing home. HCH wants to make sure that both facilities remain strong, and good business sense will be used in studying incentives for both facilities. Durfee Resignation Formal resignation from trustee duties was received from Bob Durfee, who is moving to St. Paul. A recognition dinner will be planned after consulting with the Durfees for a suitable date. X02 Regular Board of Directors Meeting - 6/19/90 Page Three (C.) Discussion turned to nomination of a replacement for Durfee. Past practice has been for the City to publicly advertise vacancies cn boards and for the HCH Board to forward suggestions for a trustee replacement to :he Mayor, who is not bound to accept the HCH suggestions. The names of Gaylen Britz and Keith Weber were suggested by those present to continue representation of a major employer on the HCH Board. Suggestion was made to have the officers be a contingent to meet with the mayor to discuss trustee selection. Johnson volunteered to set that meeting. D. Ultrasound Bids A capital expenditure request and accompanying rationale for purchase of ultrasound equipment for the Radiology department were presented. This equipment will enable the Hospital to improve present radiology services and provide more services to communities served. Since the lowest bid is not recommended for purchase, a legal opinion was sought from the City Attorney, and his opinion was favorable for purchasing the recommended equipment. Following discussion: �) Motion was made by Gilmer, seconded by Skeie, to requires authority from the City to accept the bid for ultrasound equipment from Advanced Technology Laboratories in the amount of $194,176. All were in favor. Motion carried. E. Anesthesia Bids A capital expenditure request and accompanying rationale for purchase of anesthesia gas machines and anesthesia and post- anesthesia recovery (PAR) patient monitoring systems. This equipment is needed to provide state -of- the -art anesthesia services to patients utilizing HCH. The bids include a five -year service contract, as well, to ensure reliable service and cap the cost of repairs during this period. Again, since the lowest bid is not recommended for purchase, a legal opinion was sought from the City Attorney, and his opinion was favorable for purchasing the recommended equipment. Following discussion: Motion was made by Torgerson, seconded by Nissen, to request authority from the City Council to accept the bid for anesthesia gas machines and service contract from Ohmeda in the amount of $255,711.25, and to request authority to accept the bid for anesthesia and post- anesthesia recovery (PAR) patient monitoring systems from SpaceLabs at a cost of 562,635.30. All were in favor. Motion carried. F. Medical Staff Applications Recommendations from the Medical Staff Executive Committee for physician privileges were next considered. Following discussion: Regular Board of Directors Meeting - 6/19/90 Page Four (F.) Motion was made by Gilmer, seconded by Myers, to grant the following Medical Staff privileges as outlined in their applications: Active Staff Dr. Michael Merck, Ophthalmology Dr. Christopher Wallyn, Ophthalmology Consulting Staff Dr. Steven LeBow, Neurology Dr. John Floberg, Neurology Dr. Thomas Wittkopp, Psychiatry Dr. Max Corndorf, Ophthalmology Courtesy Dental John Gillard, D.D.S. F.H. Neufeld, D.D.S. Lester Schuft, D.D.S. Joseph Wang, D.D.S. Robert Prochnow, D.D.S. Allied Health Staff James P. Felling, Ph.D. Sam Scholl, L.P. Mark Smith, Ph.D. Emergency Room M.D. James Gloor, M.D. John Hann, M.D. Frank Rimell, M.D. Burke Robinson, M.D. James Mortinsen, M.D. Scott Loessin, M.D. Randall Millikan, M.D. Allied Health -CRNA Jerold Mullins, CRNA Bradley Culver, CRNA Jay Loepke, CRNA Phil Powers, CRNA All were in favor. Motion carried. G. Recent Surveys Graves informed the Board of a recent survey of the MHU by Medicare. There has been a history of overpayment to providers, so they audited HCH. Positive marks were given on mental health charting, and staff learned from them that HCH can go back and collect some charges recently written off. Following discussion: Motion was made by Skeie, seconded by Torgerson, to send a complimentary letter from the governing board to Mental Health Unit staff regarding the favorable Medicare survey. All were in favor.. Motion carried. Regular Board of Directors Meeting - 6/19/90 Page Five Personnel Policy Review Linda Ziemer, Personnel Director, appeared before the Board to present an updated version of the employee handbook. Included in the handbook is a revised employee grievance policy which was changed to leave final authority for grievance resolution with the administrator, rather than advancing them to the Board. Those present agreed that the Board's function is to make policy and not implement it. Following discussion: Motion was made by Skeie, seconded by Myers, to adopt the revised employee grievance policy to leave final authority with the administrator for grievance resolution. All were in favor. Motion carried. Joint Commission The group briefly discussed the JCAHO survey taking place on July 24 -25, 1990. J. LifeSpan Board Meeting Report Myers presented a recap of the recent LifeSpan Board meeting. CEOs and board member appointments from all hospitals were ratified. Consolidation of the accounts receivable system was discussed. Myers stated that comparisons of all accounts receivable functions in LifeSpan hospitals showed that HCH has the lowest cost per bill prepared. The purpose in comparing these functions and others is to give people an opportunity to network and learn how other hospitals might improve their function. Other 1. Annual Board Planning Retreat Erickson informed the Board that September 12 and 13 had been set for the annual Board planning retreat, at the Victorian. These dates were chosen so that more Medical Staff members could attend. An agenda will be forthcoming. 2. Policy on E.R. Acceptance of Patients The Board learned that a new "anti- dumping" policy has gone into effect for Minnesota hospitals preventing medical facilities from transferring patients for other than non - medical reasons (e.g., inability to pay their bills) without the patient's permission. 3. Board Compensation Gilmer raised the question of compensation for Board members. In the last couple of months, some of the Board members have considered that again. Policy may be set by City ordinance. It may require more than a motion from the HCH Board. It was the desire of the Board to bring this to the City Council for their consideration. Torgerson will forward this concern to the City Council at their next meeting. Accounts Payable The accounts payable were presented. Following discussion: Motion was made by Myers, seconded by Gilmer, to approve for payment the attached listing of accounts payable and cash disbursements in the amount of 51,131,481.30. All were in favor. Motion carried. ( I� Regular Board of Directors Meeting - 6/19/90 Page Six Statistical Report The statistical report for May, 1990, was presented. Declining use of routine service areas was noted, and decreased admissions to the MHU due to absence of staff psychiatrists were discussed. Recent research of area hospital trends in admissions showed their admissions weren't coming from our area and were up to budget but not unusually high. Financial Statements Seivert presented the financial statements for May. Net revenues are up 1.7 %; however, operating expenses are 3.2% greater than budget. Increases have been experienced in salaries, supplies, other expenses and discounts, thus posting net income at $249,077, or $99,000 less than budget. Assets continue to grow and are 29.4% greater than on December 31, 1989. Auxiliary Meeting Minutes The minutes of the May meeting of the HCH Auxiliary were presented. No unusual comments were made. Patient Satisfaction Surveys Surveys received since the last meeting were reviewed by those present. No unusual comments were made. Adiournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. by President Johnson. Respectfully submitted, Laurie Hulkonen Diane Gilmer Recording Secretary Secretary LH I HU CHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 1 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING - July 10, 1990 Small Conference Room - 7:30 AM Present: Dori Johnson, President; Diane Gilmer, Secretary Absent: Rich Myers, Vice President Others Present: Philip G. Graves, Administrator; Frank Seivert, Director of Finance; Barry Anderson, Hospital Attorney; La Mae Maiers, Recording Secretary The officers of the Governing Board met in special session to hear . information on the lease agreement reached recently with the physicians for the new Medical Center. An overhead showing the analysis of the Hutchinson Medical Center debt /lease was presented by Graves. The total project cost of the Medical Center is budgeted at $3.2 million, currently the cost is at $3,256,000. The annual rental for the new Medical Center is based on 15 doctors, with a graduated increase to 20 doctors within the next five years. The rent would be $252,000 annually the first two years, graduating to a maximum annual payment of $336,000 by year six and remaining at that amount for the balance of the life of the bond issue. The life of the bond issue is 21 years. Graves explained the annual rent by the Hutchinson Medical Center, however, will not meet the annual payments on the bond issue. The Hospital, therefore, will need to subsidize the annual payment in order to meet the shortfall. Over the life of the bond issue, the hospital will invest $727,200. In order for the Hospital to recover their direct cash outlay, the lease will be extended an additional 2.16 years, for a total of 23.16 years. If the cost of the Medical Center remains at $3,256,000, I t will take an additional 2.56 years to recover the direct cash outlay by the Hospital. The hospital's loss of interest on this $727,000 subsidy is viewed as an investment into the future of the Hospital, as well as the community of Hutchinson. (Figures were presented that showed if the money used to subsidize the Medical Center were to be invested at 7.5% interest, the Hospital would earn a total of $2,262,695 over 23.16 years) Inquiry was made about the legality of this arrangement. Graves stated that safe harbors and medicare fraud and abuse was a concern. However, the Hospital sought and received an opinion by LifeSpan's attorney Jay Christensen of Faegre and Benson. It was Christensen's opinion that there is always a concern when a subsidy is given doctors, but it's not likely a problem would result (see attached); city attorney Anderson concurred. Discussion was held on the language in the proposed lease. Graves noted the doctors had originally wanted a statement in the lease which would • ! prevent the Hospital from placing "competition" in the old facility. The Hospital was advised against this as it would become an antitrust issue. Johnson asked if language could be incorporated into the contract to hold ,4 (3) rte. Executive Committee Meeting - 7/10/9C Page Two the physicians personally responsible for the rent for the length of the bond issue, in the event the corporation's circumstances change and they dissolve, divide, or merge. Anderson explained that within a corporation, as this, the physicians cannot be held personally responsible for any losses /changes; however, there is some anti- merging language in the contract. Other than a few exceptions, the proposed lease appears to be very similar to the current one. Jonnson inquired about the balance remaining on the existing lease of the Medical Center. Graves stated the Medical Center will not be required to fulfill the terms of the lease on the present facility, as the Hospital will be utilizing the space, and it becomes the Hospital's responsibility. A balance of 2585,000 remains on the bonds for the present Medical Center and will need to be paid off within eight years. Graves noted a couple of "glitches " - -if the project is completed for less than $3.2 million, or if the interest rate is lower than anticipated, the Medical Center will want an adjustment on the terms. It was generally agreed that the HCH is not in a position to alter payments at this time, and recommendation was made to keep the current annual rental rate until HCH's subsidy is paid off, and then make adjustments, if necessary. An alternative proposal for financing HCH's portion of the HMC project was . also discussed. HCH would not bond for the entire cost of the project, but put up $250,000 to reduce the amount of required borrowing, which would reduce the annual payments on the bond issue (for HCH) throughout the schedule. Seivert will continue to explore this possibility. Graves stated approval of the lease by Thursday, July 12, was necessary. Seivert explained that Arthur Anderson will not sign -off on their feasibility study until the lease is finalized; the official statement is scheduled to be released on July 12. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 a.m. Respectfully submitted, La Mae J. Maiers Diane Gilmer Recording Secretary Secretary Iy !g HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL JOINT MEETING OF HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL AND BURNS MANOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND CITY COUNCIL - July 11, 1990 Large Conference Room - 12:00 Noon 'resent from Hutchinson Community Hospital: Dori Johnson, Board President; Rich Myers, Vice President; Diane Gilmer, Secretary; Rev. Thor Skeie, Trustee; Rich Myers, Trustee; Philip G. Graves, Administrator; Francis P. Seivert, Director of Finance; Jane Lien, Director of Nursing Services; Robyn Erickson, Director of Education and Marketing; La Mae Maiers, Recording Secretary Present from Burns Manor: Jim Mills, Board Chairman; Kay Peterson, . Director; Marge Putney, Director; Roger Gilmer, Director; Robert Koepcke, Administrator; Linda Nelson, Administrative Consultant, Good Neighbor Present from City Council: Mayor Paul Ackland; Marlin Torgerson, City Council Representative to the Hospital Board; Don Erickson, City Council Representative to the Burns Manor Board; Gary Plotz, City Administrator; Ken Merrill, City Finance Director Others Present: Robin Shoen, Hutchinson Leader; Jeni Ingebrigtsen, KDUZ /KKJR Radio Prior to the start of the meeting, a light lunch was served in the Large Conference Room of the Hospital. The meeting was called to discuss the probability of a merger between Burns Manor and Hutchinson Community Hospital. The meeting began at 12:20 p.m., with opening remarks by Burns Manor Board Chairman Jim Mills. Mills thanked the Hospital for hosting the joint meeting and also reflected on the expansion of both Burns Manor and the Hospital, and the importance of looking at future plans together. Koepcke addressed the group next. He described the possibility of Burns Manor and Hutchinson Community Hospital working together, either through a merger and becoming a convalescent and nursing care (C &NC) facility or cooperating with services, as an exciting opportunity for both facilities. Koepcke stated that following some preliminary studies on a possible merger, the financial benefits appear to be more conservative then initially estimated. As an alternative to a merger, he felt there would still be advantages in cooperating in some various service areas of the two organizations. It was suggested that an accounting study would need to be completed before any decisions could be made. Myers proposed that a marketing analysis be done before completing financial study to check the pulse of the consumers in the area. -11-41 «) Joint Meeting - 1/11/90 Page Two Graves inquired as to the reaction of the public after reading and hearing about the possible merger. Mills responded by saying he had received both negative and positive comments. Overall, however, the majority of the comments were positive. He felt the negative comments were from Individuals who did not understand what a merger would mean for the two organizations. He also said some expressed concern that the hospital would absorb Burns Manor. Ackland noted, along with several others, that they had not received any reaction from people in the community. Johnson added she had talked to a number of people about this and had received very positive comments. It was agreed that a task force should be formed to further investigate a potential merger and /or sharing of services in greater detail. It was suggested, also, that Good Neighbor, consultant for Burns Manor, and LifeSpan, on behalf of Hutchinson Community Hospital, be involved in the feasibility study. Appointed to the task force were Jim Mills and Kay Peterson from the Burns Manor board; Dori Johnson and Rich Myers from the Hospital board, and Don Erickson and Marlin Torgerson from City Council. Koepcke and Graves will also be attending the meetings, along with the finance directors, if necessary. The first responsibility of the task force will be to meet with several organizations willing to do an accounting study. The group would also seek alternatives to the merger, if it was determined that a merger would not be beneficial. Koepcke requested that the task force meet briefly (following the meeting) to plan for their first meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, La Mae J. Maiers Diane Gilmer Recording Secretary Secretary LM r) By HUTCHINSON HOSPITAL Ircowe Stoteient for Months Erded June 30, 1990 and 1989 MONTHLY ANALYSIS CURRENT MONTH - ACTUAL TO BIAGET i> REVENUE i EXPENSE ..... ............ TOTAL REVENUE Policy Discounts and Free Care Governmental Discounts NET OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries Benefits Supplies and other expenses Depreciation Interest Total Operating Expense OPERATING MARGIN TOTAL OTHER REVENUE (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (LOSS) Juse 90 %of June 90 Actual Total Budget .. ............................... 1,023,470 100.00% 1,021,557 (10,716) -1.05% (9,205) (111,773) - 10.92% (171,124) ------------ ------------ 900,981 88.03% 641,228 ............ ............ 451,825 102,848 343, D99 38,791 15,094 951,657 (50,676) 30,735 (19,941) EE) %of Increase Percent Total (Decrease) variance ............................... 100.00% 1,913 0.19% -0.90% (1,511 ) 16.41% - 16.75% 59,351 - 34.68% 82.35% 59,753 • 7.10% ...... .......... . .... 41.09% 32,080 7.64% 9.17% 9,188 9.81% 28.59% 51,017 17.47% 3.94% (1,454) -3.61% 1.13% 3,591 31.22% ..... 83.91. ................ 94,422 11.01% -1.57% (34,669) 216.59% 2.60% 4,157 15.64% 1.03% (30,512) - 288.64% 44.15% 419,745 10.05% 93,660 33.52% 292,082 3.79% 40,245 1.47% 11,503 92.98% 857,235 -4.952; (16,007) 3.00% 26,578 -1.95% 10,571 CURRENT MONTH - ACTUAL TO ACTUAL 9) REVENUE 8 EXPENSE ----------------- TOTAL REVENUE Policy Discounts and Free Care Governmental Discounts NET OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries Benefits Supplies and other expenses Depreciation Interest Total Operating Expens e OPERATING MARGIN TOTAL OTHER REVENUE (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (LOSS) June 90 %f June 89 %of Increase Percent Actual ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Actual Total (Decrease) Variance 1,023,470 100.00% 884,127 100.00% 139,343 15.76% (10,716) -1.05% (27,266) -3.D8% 16,550 - 60.70% (111,773) ------------ - 10.92% ------ (73,945) -8.36% (37,828) 51.16% 900,981 ............ 88.03% --- - - - - -- 782,916 ------- -- --------------- 88.55% ..................... 118,065 -- - - -- 15.08% 451,825 64.15% 412,823 46.69% 39,002 9.45% 102,848 10.05% 87,923 9.94% 14,925 16.98% 343, D99 33.52% 260,700 29.49% 82,399 31.61% 38,791 3.79% 30,426 3.44% 8,365 27.49% 15,094 ............ 1.47% ............ 4,189 0.47% 10,905 260.32% 951,657 92.98% 796,061 ..................... 90.04% 155,596 19.55% (50,676) -4.95% (13,145) -1.49% (37,531) 285.52% 30,735 ............ 3.00% ............ 30,530 3.45% 205 0.67% (19,941) -1.95% 17,385 ..................... 1.97% (37,326) - 214.70% 11- (,3) NUTCHINSON HOSPITAL Income Statement for Periods Ended June 30, 1990 and 1989 YTD ANALYSIS TTD ACTUAL TO BUDGET YTD ACTUAL TO ACTUAL YYD June 90 %of YTD June 90 %of Increase Percent REVEMUf A EXPENSE ----------- - - ---- Actual .............--........... Total Budget Total (Decrease) Variance TOTAL REVENUE 6,887,535 100.00% .................................... 6,722,109 100.00% 165,426 -- 2.46% Policy Discounts and Free Care (74,300) -1.08% (71,479) -1.06% (2,821) 3.95% Governaental Discounts (1,065,205) -15.47% (1,044,992) -15.55% (20,213) 1.93% NET OPERATING REVENUE ............ 5,748,030 83.46% ............ 5,605,638 ................... 83.39% 142,392 .. . 2.54% OPERATING EXPENSES: ............ ------------ ..................... Salaries Salaries 2,745,975 39.87% 2,729,390 40.60% 16,585 0.61% Benefits 664,630 9.65% 606,992 9.03% 57,638 9.50% Supplies and other expenses 1,981,532 28.77% 1,807,650 26.89% 173,882 9.62% Depreciation 212,737 3.D9% 241,470 3.59% (28,733) - 11.90% Interest 40,047 0.58% 69,018 1.03% (28,971) - 41.98% Total Operating Expense - ....- -..... 5,644,921 81.96% ............ 5,454,520 ..................... 81.14% 190,401 3.49% OPERATING MARGIN 103,109 1.50% 151,118 2.25% (48,009) - 31.77% TOTAL OTHER REVENUE (EXPENSE) 126,027 ............ 1.83% ............ 158,182 2.35% --------------- (32,155) - 20.33% NET INCOME (LOSS) 229,136 ........... 3.33% 309,300 ............ 4.60% (80,164) ................. ------ - 25.92% YTD ACTUAL TO ACTUAL J YTD June 90 %of YTD June 89 %of Increase Percent REVENUE L EXPENSE ----- ------ - - - - -- Actual Total Actual Total (Decrease) Variance TOTAL REVENUE ---------.---.-.......--------......------------------------------ 6,887,535 100.00% 5,909,089 100.00% 978,446 16.56% Policy Discounts and Free Care (74,300) -1.08% (111,539) -1.89% 37,239 - 33.39% Governaaental Discounts (1,065,205) ------------ - 15.47% (669,486) - 11.33% (395,719) 59.11% NET OPERATING REVENUE 5,748,030 ............ ............ 83.46% ............ 5,128,064 86.78% .. ................... 619,966 12.09% OPERATING EXPENSES: ..................... Salaries 2,745,975 39.87% 2,406,307 40.72% 339,668 14.12% Benefits 664,630 9.65% 475,785 8.05% 188,845 39.69% Supplies and other expenses 1,981,532 28.77% 1,603, BIT 27.14% 377,731 23.55% Depreciation 212,737 3.09% 173,630 2.94% 39,107 22.52% Interest 40,047 0.58% 17,691 0.30% 22,356 126.37% Total Operating Expense ............ 5,6",921 ............ 81.96% 4,677,214 ....... 79.15% .............. 967,707 20.69% OPERATING MARGIN 103,109 ............ 1.50% 450,850 --------------- 7.63% (347,741) - - -- -- 77.13% TOTAL OTHER REVENUE (EXPENSE) 126,027 - 1.83% 152,747 2.58% (26,720) - 17.49% NET INCOME (LOSS) ........... 229,136 ............ 3.33% 603,597 ...... 10.21% ............... (374,461) - 62.04% ............ ............ .............. =...... J PUBLICATION NO. 4146 PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER: Thursday, July 26, 1990 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday. August 14 1990 at the hour of a:oo P.M. in the Council Chamber of City Hall for the purpose of: This hearing will be held by the Citv Council of the City of Hutchinson. At such hearing, all persons interested may be heard. — Ci*'' Ac.ministracor July 23, 1990 Dated 0 issuing an intoxicating liquor license to Ghassan Mazaid Khwice, operator of restaurant and lounge at 101 Park Place, Hutchinson. This hearing will be held by the Citv Council of the City of Hutchinson. At such hearing, all persons interested may be heard. — Ci*'' Ac.ministracor July 23, 1990 Dated 0 RELEASE OF INFORMATION 0 As an applicant for an On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License with the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Minnesota, I am required to furnish information whica that agency may use in determining my moral, physical, mental and financial qualifica- tions. In this connection, I hereby expressly authorize release of any and all in- formation which you may have concerning me, including'information of a confidential or privileged nature. I hereby release the agency with which I am seeking application for license, and any organization, company or person furnishing information to that agency as expressly authorized above, from any liability for damage which may result from furnishing the information requested. Applicant's Full Printed Name: Applicant's Address: treet rate & Zip Applicant's Birth Date: it 16 (i n th) (Day) Applicant's Place of Birth: �i¢yA,„nwn in n/1 (City) (State) Applicant's Social Security No.: Applicant's Driver's License No.: Date: ADplic 's Signature 11 r� Nw Ok BMW Vr 1w'IrN MI.{" tMwNr In INNMNYI( 14ew YtlMAW cw. nlewyJY .— - -� I "ON SALE" Otate of Ainnegota, � COU.YTi'OF ...._McLeod..._ __._ _1 dIU.%'ICIP.4LITI' Of Hutchinson. .. TO THE G0l'F.B.Y/.VG BODY OF THE dBOPE 1'rn•murnt to Chapter 46 of the of dlinnenotri. l Srmion of ( Specia Ma N OS , 4 Ct 1 � f' It -f Iti r�U Y]od71 Ou $ I v7c . hrrrhll nppl for n lireaae, for the term of seven 1110i'dis roar the �✓ •„ (` - f day of __ _, C ¢ t _.... _. 19 j y , to sell iataxieating liquors a± it, lined by lain nt retail only for consumption "O.V'THE PRE.11)SE.S'•' dearriAwl as follows: (,l�e/Pre�rVkYl`�.lY l(if 14sslC I Ileirh inson tIN Si3511 in said municipality, on which premises control and operate a • I That said municipality is a.. __ city . -..... - .... __ .. . which has a population of - ...._ and nlrrch does not mofntarn an exclusrM Ggnar [tare; That said.._ Te taurant lounge __.. ........ _......... __........ is an establishment baring a resident i proprietor and manager and the following equipment and facilities, i I I That said applicant is 3 citizen of the United States, ._.. is or,r twentyro" i yrnrs of age..... is of good moral character and repute, .vat, since the enactment o/ the net above sperilied. been convicted of any win frl violation of any law of the United States, or of the state of 3linneaol¢, or of any local ordinance, with regard to the manufacture, sale, distribution, or /ro...vrx.ioa for distribution or sale, of ia/ositating liglwrs, and that no license issued to under said act has ever been revoked: That no manufacturer or wholesaler will own or contra! c has any finaneial interest in, the busiars.v of selling intoxicating liquors at retail on said premises, nor power to exact or require, by con- . ' No r. i,whr,tandinp or otherwise, said applicant _.... to handle or Belt only Hu produets of such mane- i jn rhrrrr or uholea¢ r: 77 .rsf ao other retailer's license has been issued, directly or indirectly, to mid applicant _ or for said prrneisrx; that no license of a class other than herrby applied for hat been issued to any person at said prrniisvx: and that said premises air neither owned a• controlled by any person to u'hons no license meld be issued: That snid premises are mat within any area within which the sale of intoxicating liquors is pro- i hibilyd by the lows of the State of Jlinnesota, the provisions of any charter, ordinance ar special law, or through wining ordinances, proceediagt or legal process regularly held far that pwrpan: Thar said applicant ..hereby agree that any license granted pursuant hereto shall be non- . trmrxjrrable uritiumt consent of the authority issuing the come; that said license skate not be effeetim uutil a peradt shall be issued under the laws of the United states in case such permit is required under j s,Jd lmrs; and that ioill keep said license posted in a conspfeisous place in mid premises: Thnt this application is made pursuant and subject to all the laws of Minaesota, the laws of the twea t V,,ited States, the ordinances and regulations of my W rnaniriprlity, and the mgu of the Liquor !'uu7rnl !'mu nuixxianer of Minnesota, relating to the wile and places of sale of intoxicating liquor', all n/ which are hereby read, a mr•t hereof and which hereby agree to observe and obey. i r� / /lnv al.rlr Mhrr rcgr.irrrnr air nf 'nea[red.aafinrt, if any/ E Oufed _18 � polern4a .�rnr�'u A t•K . Otate of Ainne5ota use. COUXTf' OF - - -. ._ being duly ni»rn, On oath my that the within applimut that .. he ha full and fime hand knowled le of the fact, dated in the within application and of the buaineaa of acid applicant....._.., the location thereof, and the contents Of file within application; and that the atatementa made in mid application am true of , own Aaweledle. Subscribed and Su»rn to Before .Ifethit Ij-Ff4 da,yof. J(Aly... _.._ . 19 l�f``. � -y d2k-rO R �. VV JOIEEN R. RUNKE WTMY PUWCI UINNF9aiA h',+ .V'atnry Public r'.1JLR.C,L1 County,.Vinn Il C MEEKER COUNTY mil.= tryOnxnwan Eayusnm. U. p . Xy Conerai „ion Expire, 1 _.__.�� - �9 - 9 e In W II j ► a w � c 2 _C ro N 10 FRANKLIN STREET SOUTH CITY OF HUTCHINSON POLICE DEPARTMENT HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 • PHONE (612) 587.2242 July 16, 1990 i� Gary Plotz, City Administrator City of Hutchinson !� 31 Washington Avenue W Hutchinson, MN 55350 d Re: Background Investigation for Applicant to On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License Applicant: Ghassan Mazaid Khwice Dear Gary: While checking the background information with name and date of birth provided by the release of information I was unable to detect any criminal records that may have been generated by the name Ghassan M. Khwice with an address of 685 Excelsior Boulevard, Excelsior, MN. Investigation into the background revealed that applicant is presently a manager at the Minnetonka Yacht Club. Investigation into both Hennepin County and Minnetonka records revealed no criminal activity. Investigation into applicants driving background revealed only petty and misdemeanor speed and signed violations. No attempt was made to investigate moral, physical or financial qualifications of applicant. Based on the criminal background investigation it would be my recommendation that the applicant be granted a limited on sale intoxicating liquor license to be reviewed at the end of six months. Respectfully, HU ' HINS N POLIC DEPARTMENT h� Ron Kirchof Sergeant RK /lg HUTCHINSON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 45 'Yl�iash ng'on Av =anue East 35G (612)587 -52:2 -1 July 26, 1990 Mr. Gary Piotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue Hutchinson, MN 55350 F, Dear Gary: 4 VZD �r The 16th Annual Arts and Crafts Festival will be held September 14 and 15 this year. Exhibitor spaces in the Library Square park have all been assigned, and the exhibitors will now be moving into the newly expanded area on 1st Avenue between Hassan and Main, and the parking lot behind 101 Park Place. So this year's event is sure to be another success! 0 As in previous years, we would like to request assistance during the Festival from the Hutchinson Police Department, the Park and Rec Department, and the Street Department. I will contact them early September to make the arrangements. If you have any questions before that time, please do not hesitate to call me at 587 -3751. The Hutchinson Ambassadors also wish to resenre I C on ces sion rig hts in the downtown area as well as the control of any and all food exhibitors for the Ta utc� I hinson/Arts & Crafts Festival. (This does not include the corner popcorn stand In Ubrary Square.) i Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, {ceay�c k' Cheryl Suchy Task Force Chair It� —9- (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John Rodeberg, Director of Engineering �� DATE: August 9, 1990 RE: Main Street Traffic Counts /Accident Reports The Street Department conducted a traffic count survey on two consecutive Thursday through Saturday evenings, from 9 pm to 1 am. Traffic counters were set at four locations along Main Street. The following is a tabulation of the results. TH F S TH F S AVERAGE 7/26 7/27 7/28 8/2 8/3 8/4 LOCATION: 1 1485 2218 2484 1835 1881 2089 1999 2 1863 3638 1988 2570 3060 2581 2617 3 1878 4065 3560 2826 3334 2701 3061 4 1820 2565 2997 1631 1652 1514 2030 LOCATION DESCRIPTION ON HAIN STREET 1. Crow River Bridge 2. Liquor Store (Between 1st & 2nd Ave. N) 3. Dominoes Pizza (Between 1st & 2nd Ave. S) 4. Faith Lutheran Church (South of 3rd Ave. S) The Street Department employee noted that 3rd Ave. SW and 1st Ave. NW were used extensively for turning around to proceed back along Main Street. Also attached is a Traffic Accident Survey from MnDOT. MnDOT pre- viously detailed their District Accident Rate Report which noted that four locations on Main Street (TH 15, including the intersection with 7), are among the top ten accident locations in the District. JPR /mms CC: Steve Madson - Police Chief file: Traffic Counts 0 0 0 ACCIDENTS FRO!! 1 -1 -86 TO 12 -31 -88 f �' RAIN STREET IN HUTCHINSON 3rd 2nd 1st Wash. 1st Accident type Ave S Ave S Ave S Ave Ave N Rear End 10 4 4 8 5 Lt Turn Side St 4 3 2 2 2 Lt Turn Hain St 2 5 1 4 1 Right Angle 5 3 2 0 1 Parking 3 3 0 0 1 Changing Lanes 1 3 0 1 3 Right Turn 1 2 0 0 0 Pedestrian 0 2 1 1 0 Backing 1 0 0 0 0 Total 27 25 10 16 13 0 k y c n 9 I I O-_z -7 -8P y O E- a -z6 -a 7 O F O C I - l7- 9(; F - 0'E 7 - P - 67 O<- 4 -4 -Pb y 0 R-- ul 0 U 4 t U) --i z 0 9 0 4L 1 P6 J F -- Qt -- Q -- O � 9 - 9 -bc� ( - P - � p y�1 V y � ^e w c J 0 a c S.l --)0- z N C 1 0 p 'CJ OF-- 11 I - kC- t- r - r -Yr -0-�- 1 -23 -8P 9 -I1 7 c 8-7.F7 t1� �T 2 i i i A In V' i A 23 U 1 U I 1 -17- P(. -I,)Io 1 2 - 2 7-P u_-`-'lJ 8 bb O T -c ao 1 11 -1 O� w J n S - 7i - 88 Y7 --OF- 12 -72 -m 0 0 E a c n z 9 9 Z r y z (612) 587 -5151 iv�rcy' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HU CHINSON, MINN, 55350 August 9, 1990 M E M 0 R A N D U M TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM HAZEL SITZ, TRANSIT COORDINATOR DOUG MEIER, MAINT. OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR RE TRANSIT VEHICLE We received the attached communication from our MN /DOT transit project manager this week concerning the specifications for the vehicle we plan to purchase in 1990. Our original specifications were for a van accommodating 13 passengers and without a wheelchair lift. With the more stringent federal laws going into effect, it is our project manager's advice that any new vehicle we purchase should be handicapped accessible. In the case of a van, this would reduce available seating to 9 passengers plus wheelchair. Recently, on our busiest shuttle routes, we have carried up to 15 passengers per route on a number of occasions: July IB 3:30 p.m. shuttle 15 passengers (preschool group) July 19 2:30 p.m. shuttle 13 passengers July 23 10:30 a.m. shuttle 10 passengers August 3 10:30 a.m. shuttle 9 passengers August 6 2:30 p.m. shuttle 11 passengers August 7 2:30 p.m. shuttle 9 passengers August 7 3:30 p.m. shuttle 13 passengers (preschool group) This means a van, with or without wheelchair lift, would not have been able to comfortably accommodate the needs of all those shuttles. With the type of driving required for the city bus service, there is very little if any savings in fuel consumption by using a van rather than a larger vehicle. Elderly and frail passengers need wide aisles and leg room in the seating space which is probably better provided by a bus than a van. It can be argued that one receives more vehicle for the money with a bus than with a van. Since MN /DOT is willing to our recommendation that we wheelchair, similar to our serve the city's long-term from $38,000 to $40,000 (1 percent of the cost. grant sufficient aid for a larger vehicle, it is purchase a bus seating 17 passengers plus present vehicles, in order to most adequately transit needs. Such a vehicle would probably cost ?ss trade-in). The city would be responsible for 20 0% "NESOT 4 '� y o . a a �r F tiT OF TRPa9 August 6, 1990 Hazel Sitz Transit Coordinator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Ms. Sitz: (612) 296 -7052 As a result of my review of the specifications for your new transit vehicle, along with our telephone conversations, I am writing to express concern about the nature of the vehicle you wish to purchase. Specifically, you have described a van without a wheelchair lift meaning the vehicle would not be accessible to people with certain disabilities. Congress has recently enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which provides for a broad range of access in accomodations for people with disabilities. Anticipating new requirements for transit services receiving federal funds, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued proposed rules on March 26, 1990. I am enclosing a copy for your review. The final rule is expected to be promulgated by mid September, 1990. According to the proposed rule, Section 18 recipients like the City of Hutchinson, would not be required to have a lift on every vehicle; however, the transit system would have to demonstrate to Mn /DOT that its program "when viewed in its entirety, provides a level of service to passengers with disabilities equivalent to that provided other persons." You have indicated that the new vehicle would be used in the fixed route portion of your service. Since the buses alternate on routes, people with disabilities would only have access every other hour while the general public would have access every hour. Minnesota Department of Transportation Transportation Building, St Paul, MN 55155 Ain EVuur pppnnuni n' EmEp�ce� ( D. Hazel Sitz i August 6, 1990 Page 2 You have asked if Mn /DOT would share in the cost of a larger lift - equipped vehicle. Although transit funds are limited due to a $300,000 reduction in state fiscal year funding, we are prepared to make an exception in this case if the total cost of the vehicle with radio and farebox does not exceed $40,000. I'm certain that Hutchinson will want to ensure that all residents are treated equally in the provision of public services. Please let me know how you would like to proceed. Sincerely, - - Donna W. Allan Principal Project Manager Enclosure i 0 so G N `n s} itJ J � 6 /Vo jh 5�(o )Yo. )tiles ;k? At0.,� Y/ l c.' n , AUG IM nY _.........._ ... TIM OTYY - FAEINI I 19 9 0 AIiNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (612) 587 -7575 TELEGOPIER(612) 587 -4090 RESIDENT ATTORNEY G. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Recyclable Ordinance Our File No. 3188 -90 -0158 Dear Gary: OF COUNSEL WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. DECKER 5601 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55410 (612)545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800 -343 -4545 TELECOPIER(612) 545 -1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 369 -2214 TELECOPIER(612) 389 -5506 I am enclosing herewith the revised recycling ordinance which will be codified with all of our other zoning ordinances at the time those zoning ordinances are adopted and incorporated into our existing City Code. The ordinance will become effective, however, upon publication. The only aspect of this ordinance that is controversial, as far as I know, is the requirement that all equipment be contained in the recycling vehicle, other than a scale. I have been contacted by Sherrie Henning of Henning Metal Company, who claims that that requirement is unnecessary. The position of the City is that the requirement is included because of safety considerations as there have been instances in which persons have been injured by moving parts of equipment located outside of the recycling vehicle. The ordinance as drafted contains the provisions as set forth in the Mankato ordinance. If you have any questions with regard to this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Best personal regards. Very truly yours, ARNO Mc WEL G. B ry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosures CC Sherrie Henning Henning M e t al Company ��� JJJ 1 R.R. . S JRTIt,�IF,IYEDXAS CC?�1I1..IVII11L TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION / / C�aiA�IPIE6II9 A M&2 iROPENTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION / DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL" OARY D. M- DOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON' STEVEN S. HOOF LAURA E. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEGGEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD G. McOEE TIM OTYY - FAEINI I 19 9 0 AIiNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (612) 587 -7575 TELEGOPIER(612) 587 -4090 RESIDENT ATTORNEY G. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Recyclable Ordinance Our File No. 3188 -90 -0158 Dear Gary: OF COUNSEL WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. DECKER 5601 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55410 (612)545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800 -343 -4545 TELECOPIER(612) 545 -1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 369 -2214 TELECOPIER(612) 389 -5506 I am enclosing herewith the revised recycling ordinance which will be codified with all of our other zoning ordinances at the time those zoning ordinances are adopted and incorporated into our existing City Code. The ordinance will become effective, however, upon publication. The only aspect of this ordinance that is controversial, as far as I know, is the requirement that all equipment be contained in the recycling vehicle, other than a scale. I have been contacted by Sherrie Henning of Henning Metal Company, who claims that that requirement is unnecessary. The position of the City is that the requirement is included because of safety considerations as there have been instances in which persons have been injured by moving parts of equipment located outside of the recycling vehicle. The ordinance as drafted contains the provisions as set forth in the Mankato ordinance. If you have any questions with regard to this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Best personal regards. Very truly yours, ARNO Mc WEL G. B ry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosures CC Sherrie Henning Henning M e t al Company ��� JJJ 1 R.R. . S JRTIt,�IF,IYEDXAS CC?�1I1..IVII11L TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION / / C�aiA�IPIE6II9 A M&2 iROPENTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION / . PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 90 -24 , SECOND SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AMENDING SECTION 10 OF THE HUTCHINSON ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 10.06 DEALING WITH STANDARDS FOR TEMPORARY LOCATION RECYCLABLE MATERIAL COLLECTION SITES AND BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 IN SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS. THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: SECTION 1: Chapter 10 of the Hutchinson City Ordinance entitled "special provisions" is hereby amended by adding section 10.06, to read: 10.06. Standards for temporary location recyclable material collection. Subd. 1. Temporary collection permitted. The temporary location of mobile recycling renters within zoning districts I -1, IC -1, C -3 and C -4 shall be permitted, however, that a license is issued and the fee for the license is paid by the applicant. Subd. 2. Requirements for licensure. A license may be issued only when the applicant has submitted an application a form approved by the City Administrator and has met the following requirements: (a) the applicant must specify the location sought for a temporary recycling site. (b) collection activities shall be allowed at specified location no more than one (1) day per week. (c) collection may occur only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (d) applicant shall be limited to no more than one vehicle per site. No shredding of material shall occur at the collection site. No stock piling is permitted. The only piece of equipment permitted outside of the recycling vehicle is a scale. (e) a metal separator and compactor may be used for the purpose of collection of aluminum material but only if the equipment is totally contained within the collection vehicle. Subd. 3. A collection vehicle may be located on a site only if it does not impede access to the site, hinder normal vehicular flow on the site or use excessive parking area. Subd. 4. A collection vehicle shall not be located within 200 feet of a commercial facility or 300 feet of a residence. Subd. 5. All garbage and debris must be removed from the area in which the collection activity was collected prior to departing. Subd. 6. Any vehicles used in collection shall be clean and otherwise comply with all traffic regulations. Subd. 7. No signs promoting the recycling activity may be posted anywhere other than directly affixed to the collection vehicle. Subd. 8. Only household recyclables may be collected at a temporary site. Household recyclables include newspapers, plastic, glass, and metal cans. Subd. 9. The applicant shall submit a schedule of dates for a one year calendar period at the time of application and a supplemental list, in the case of mid -year applicants, shall be submitted by December 31 of the year of application for the following year. Subd. 10. Municipal sponsored recycling activities are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance. Non profit organizations shall apply for a license to conduct recycling activities at a temporary location but shall be exempt from the requirements of this ordinance. Each non - profit organization may sponsor no more than four (4) temporary location recycling projects in any one calendar year. SECTION 2. City code, chapter 1, entitled "general provisions and definitions applicable to the entire city code (including penalty for violation) and Section 2.99 entitled "violation a misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety, by reference, as though repeated verbatim herein. SECTION 3. The ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication. Adopted by the city council for the City of Hutchinson this day of August, 1990. Paul L. Ackland, Mayor Attest: Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Administrator First reading: Section reading: Published in Hutchinson on • RESOLUTION NO. 9305 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITFJ( Ci_`ST P "P.POSE I Ur�T. nCDGET �'l• - ��R Letterhead /Envelopes $ 1,291.0 Office Supplies All Yes I I Crow River Press Park Shelter Materials 2,762.65 Park Shelter Constructioi Park Great Plains /Bremi Brochure 2,200.CD Information for Fall Pro ram ** Standard Parintin€ Airpor Yes Jayco Aviation Rec. * Donation by Elks Club ** Donation by Firstate ederal o- Sponsor to Offset Expens The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Sewer Line Repair $ 4,900. 0 Maintenance Waste- Yes Juul Contracting water Aviation Fuel 8,482. 0 Resale Airpor Yes Jayco Aviation i August 14, 1990 "otion made b.:: Resolution submitted for Council action by: Se,icnded bv: 0 RESOLUTION NO. 9306 RESOLUTION SETTING ELECTION, LOCATIONS OF PRECINCTS, AND APPOINTING OF JUDGES FOR THE STATE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS, Chapter 204B, Section 204B.16, Subd. 1 and Section 204B.21, Subd. 2 of the Laws of Minnesota states that the governing body of any municipality, by resolution adopted prior to the giving of notice of the election, may designate the location of polling place and naming of judges for the State Primary and General Elections, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That the polling place to be used during the 1990 State Primary and General Election for all precincts will be in the Recreation Center located at 900 Harrington Street. 2. That the Election Judges are hereby appointed in accordance with the attached list. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of August, 1990. Paul L. Ackland Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator E 7—D. ELECTION JUDGES CITY OF HUTCHINSON PRECINCT 1 EVA AAAS ROSINA JOP -NSON RUTH HAGEN MARY WANCERIN HELEN LICKFELT PRECIN - CT 2 SEDONA MILLER DELAIN ROLFE PHYILLIS h - ESELOH EVELYN PROCHNOW CHARLOTTE BYE PRECINCT 3 DORIS DAGGETT EVELYN VANH.ALE DARLENE LNIGGE NANCY ANDERSON GLADYS M.ADSON PRECINCT 4 JO GILHOUSEN NORIMA SCi.PERS HARRIET WIXCEY PEARL SEALE VIRGINA BECK PRECINCT S GRACE KOTTKE HARRIET SC'.-04IDT ROSE KADL =C MARY J. BRUM! -IOND IRZ•LA KREIE REGISTRATION TABLE FERN FRANK NORMA TOT'JSHEK MA RLENE KRUEGER PRI'•LARY ELECTION - SEPTEMBER 11, 1990 GENERAL EL= CTIC.': - NOVEMBER 6, 1990 332 HitiY 7 EAST BOX 172 554 CLARK ST. 1210 BRADFORD APT 545 MAIN NO. 714 SHADY RIDGE 844 SECOND AVE. 1109 LEWIS AVE 10 NO. GLEN 515 LINCOLN AVE. 440 DALE 91S THOMAS AVE. BOX 243 1055 GOEBEL S28 KAY 621 FOURTH AVE. S.W. 305 PISHNEY LANE E. 360 W. PISHNEY 569 MILLER 570 MERRILL 1028 JEFFERSON 45 %iERWOOD CIRCLE 325 JEFFERSON #11 716 HASSAN ST. 55 SEERWOOD CIRCLE 595 L%7:N ROAD 537 GR.Ai-L M 825 SRC:SN RESOLUTION NO. 9307 RESOLUTION SETTING INTEREST RATE FOR ASSESSMENT ROLLS ADOPTED IN 1990 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT all assessment rolls which have been adopted are hereby changed to read an interest rate of 7. This rate is the net interest rate of the 1990 improvement bonds. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of August, 1990. L. Ackland Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 7- � V, PARKS a RECREATION a FORESTRY 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 (612) 587 -2975 SENIOR CENTER CIVIC ARENA Li _ 587.6564 587 -4279 Date: July 27, 1990 To: Mayor & City Council From: Mary and Dolf Re: Arena Improvements Cost estimates to replace the front entrance at the Civic Arena have been received from the engineering firm of B.R.A.& A. The total est. project cost is $42,000 (See attached letter) . This project represents the improvements scheduled for year #2 according to the Park Board recommended 5 year plan. (See attached.) Again, this assumes $150,000 being available over the five years of 1989 -1993. A total of approximately $21600 was spent during year #1 (1989); $13,400 towards the new ice resurfacer and $8,200 on compressor rebuilding. Other items listed under year #1, such as site drainage, mat repair and building shell repairs have and will continue to be funded through the arena's operating budget. We are asking the Council's approval to hire the engineering firm to begin work on this phase of the project. This firm prepared the report on the Civic Arena retrofit and are very familiar with our building. They specialize in the design and building of indoor ice arenas, as well as, retro- fitting and updating existing buildings such as ours. Robert Rosene was the principal engineer overseeing the construction of the outdoor pool, and his expertise in the field is highly regarded. We are hopeful that we can proceed with this project and have it completed in 1990. Following its comple- tion, we will begin preliminary work on the projects scheduled for year #3 (1991). 9 -1_q City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, MN June 29, 1990 0 11 Re: File No. 23304 • Fee depends on degree of inspection services requested by owner and con- struction problems encountered. It is our understanding that the new entry vestibule is desired for the upcom- ing ice rental season while the ice rink floor will be budgeted for in the near future. A proposed schedule to complete the construction of the entry vestibule is as follows: Design Month of July Complete plan E specification July 30, 1990 Bidding 2 weeks Bid Date August 15, 1990 Start Construction September 1, 1990 Complete Construction November 1, 1990 Please contact me with any questions you may have. We will wait for your further direction relative to proceeding with the work. Yours very truly, BONESTR00, ROSENE, ANDERLIR 5 ASSOCIATES, INC. T s R. Naland :li Page 2. 30 City of Hutchinson 950 Harrington Hutchinson, MN 55350 Attn: Mr. Mary Haugen Civic Arena Manager Re: Civic Arena Modifications File No. 23304 Dear Marv, Based on our discussions on 5/14/90, I have updated the 1989 Hutchinson Civic Arena Retrofit report costs for the new entry vestibule as well as inculded another option for the ice floor replacement. These cost breakdowns include the construction costs along with our architectural /engineering fees for design, shop drawing review and inspection services for a total project cost. Cost estimates are as follows: NEW ENTRY VESTIBULE Remove existing vestibule and sidewalk; install new entry vestibule, drain tile, sidewalk and necessary slab modifi- Om, G. loneIDOn PE. rzer A. Gormk PE larsses R. MaMM. RE. Thmaa !. A,en>ort AlA B ones t roo � W. ffin . RE 0H W. Fm RE Ftrweh R Mekapn. PE. "Y F kUr,OIT. ►E. Sub -Total M¢yh C. AnO W RE. Donee C. •Awt PE. Mark R. ft ft PE. hun a JtlrwVl ►E. J" Rosene � L 5�. RE, Je" A. @M1dWt RE. WbM C. AJE. L. C. GrM a /E. MEIN by E T1 .. IE. Mark A Hanson P.E. Thp EAR Mg PE. C. AJA Anderlik & James . tras RE C O . Gk R Coale RE A rl ke. PE. K. F MkNaH T Raq,WY,. PE Howse] A. Witold P1. Daretl I EOpNmn, PE. A¢sn µ Pky AIrJ! Ag 01% Jerry D ft=KK RE. A ssociates Thomas E. No^ RE. R� G. xhewm RE. OML R. Pk1AOk. PE, DW OO LOOM. RE Mart A. Sep RE. Phlp I CWMI, R.E Caclb OIM1kI. PE. Char*, A Erkk= Modifications to existing refrigeration plant Susan M. Eber*x C.IA. Thomas W Fek RE, Wnw Martk i P.E. Ito M. Pa eOky Engineers Fe Architects $365,000 MK C. Lrxh. RE Mxk D Waft P.E. Henan M. okon June 29, 1990 $383,000 A/E Design Fee 26,800 City of Hutchinson 950 Harrington Hutchinson, MN 55350 Attn: Mr. Mary Haugen Civic Arena Manager Re: Civic Arena Modifications File No. 23304 Dear Marv, Based on our discussions on 5/14/90, I have updated the 1989 Hutchinson Civic Arena Retrofit report costs for the new entry vestibule as well as inculded another option for the ice floor replacement. These cost breakdowns include the construction costs along with our architectural /engineering fees for design, shop drawing review and inspection services for a total project cost. Cost estimates are as follows: Page 1. 30 '-A, 2335 West Highway 36 • 5t. Paui, Minnesota 55113 • 612 - 636 -4600 NEW ENTRY VESTIBULE Remove existing vestibule and sidewalk; install new entry vestibule, drain tile, sidewalk and necessary slab modifi- cations to existing floor slab. Total Estimated Construction $ 33,300 5Z Contingency 1,700 Sub -Total $ 35,000 A/E Design Fee 5,000 A/E Shop Drawing & Construction Inspection Fee (Per Diem not -to- exceed) 2,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST ............ $ 42,000 ICE FLOOR AND EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION Demolition of existing ice slab and select perimeter area. $ 80,000 New concrete ice floor with plastic refrigeration piping and select perimeter slab replacement 200,000 New subsoil heat piping 15,000 Modifications to existing refrigeration plant 20,000 New equipment building 50,000 Total Estimated Construction $365,000 5Z Contingency 18,000 Sub -Total $383,000 A/E Design Fee 26,800 A/E Shop Drawing & Construction Inspection Fee (Per Diem) $7,700 - $11,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST ........$417,500 - $421,300 Page 1. 30 '-A, 2335 West Highway 36 • 5t. Paui, Minnesota 55113 • 612 - 636 -4600 0 The majority of the less expensive improvements could be paid for with the $160,000, leaving the new floor and the upper deck /heated lobby projects to seek funding from other sources. This plan is to be used as a guideline, subject to change depending upon availability of funds. At this point, we need to address immediate concerns. Your approval is requested for the items listed under year gl. We would like to begin work on those items and to receive bids on such items as the resurfaces replacement, compressor rebuild, and'mat repair. Year 41 -1989 Note: The present resurfaces needs approximately $3000 in updates to make it comply to present standards of air - quality and and other general updates. 1) Resurfacer replacement List price $ 41,500 Trade in allowance - 13.000 28,500 Citizen's Bank advertising payment - 14 Balance $ 14,250 2) Mat repair 2,000 3) Rebuild compressors 6 -8,000 4) Site drainage (prtl.) 1,000 5) Building &hell repairs 500 $ 26,750 s Year g2 -1990 Year i3 and #4 -1991 & 1992 Replace front entrance 1) Replace hockey boards $ 60,000 2) Remodel bathrooms 19.700 $ 36,600 $ 69,700 Year #5 -1993 1) Install arena ventilation system 2) Replace light fixtures 3) Build new heated lobby /team roosts and enclosed upper deck 4) Locker rooms remodeled and ventilation 5) Replace arena floor and refrigeration system = 57,000 26,800 128,900 39,100 588.000 $816,800 Y, Y , PARKS • RECREATION 4 F owe 900 Harrington Street Hulc *mm, Minnow% onso (612) 547.2975 SENIOR CENTER CIVIC F �� 587 -6564 T0: Mayor and Council FROM: Mery Raugen, Civic Arena/Pool Manager DATE: August 15, 1989 SUBJECT: Civic Arena Retro -fit d The following 6 -year plan reflects the priorities for Civic Arena isprovements as presented to and discussed by the Parks and Recreation Board mad the P0ci11q," Improvement Board. These decisions are based on the assumption of $150,000 being available over tivq, Years. Some very basic items need to be addressed immediately. These items om listed under year #1 and year #2. Years #3 and #4 are grouped together as oaa qf• these projects will cost nearly $50,000. Many of the dollar mgtts shomq AW different than these listed in the engineer's report. This 14 based assumption that city labor would be utilized in some instances, wxd Year #6 and beyond shows the big ticket item of the new refrigeration system Fmi" the enclosed upper deck /heated lobby. The largest single item, the new refrigarat - V system, is listed at $588,000. Another less expensive approach is aw follows: - Rebuild existing compressors (as shown in year #1.) - Replace concrete floor with new "brine" floor with city to do removal of old floor. This would result in a savings of approximately 50%. We would then "' eD bo utilize our existing refrigeration equipment, ble to ice' pment, rebuilt and remixed to fit the men: floor piping system, p The enclosed u T pper deck has been a request from arena user groups fora msWbas' 4#,'_ years. A primary function of the Facility Improvement Board was to help is the planning and design of such a project. Now they are in the proceae of funds to help construct such an addition. gttl Based on the uncertainty of funding for both of these large projects, tbey are af:Kal� "r7 as happening in year #5 and beyond. The replacement of the refrigeration aywtgt" should be considered within five years as the existing equipment, aaialy the pl4Wt*& matting, simply wasn't designed to last longer than fifteen years. Enclosing the lobby and building an enclosed upper deck would be on outstamdif addition to the arena, but basic needs such as replacement of the refri ` system must first be addressed.i_.•.rw,, t ti-r�r xr ^r, (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON ?? , , 4SHfNG TON A VENUE WES' M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 2, 1990 TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Randy De Vries and John Rodeberg SUBJECT: BOD Loading from 3 -M 3 -Pi has requested an increase of BOD to their wastewater permit. This request is being made because of the addition of a solvent recovery system that will be placed into service, in the fall of 1990. We have reviewed this request and recommend approval at 75 lbs. /day. • RD /ds 3M Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control PO Box 33331 St. Paul, MN 55133 -3331 612/778 4335 June 8, 1990 Subject: Ethanol Discharge from Consumer Products Plant Solvent Recovery Mr. Randy DeVries Superintendent, Wastewater Treatment City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr. DeVries: A solvent recovery system scheduled to be installed on the 5L coating line at the Consumer Products Plant will generate a wastewater stream consisting of steam condensate and ethanol. This stream will be air stripped to remove 90% of the ethanol. We propose to discharge the resulting wastewater to the sanitary sewer. This discharge will have the following characteristics: Flow Rate = 17 gpm Ethanol Concentration = 180 mg /1 BOD Loading (Assuming 2.1 lb BOD /lb Ethanol) = 75 lb /day We anticipate the discharge of this wastewater to begin during 4th quarter, 1990. We hereby request sufficient additional BOD allocation to cover the loading in this discharge. Please call me at (612)778 -5583 with any questions pertaining to this project. Sincerely, David J. Schutt cc: Mr. Rick Ford Donahue 7200 Hemlock Lane North Suite 200 Maple Grove, MN 55369 (W isez o `�� 99201 cG soy yR,� c�n 0 July 24, 1990 City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS Attn: Randy DeVries SCIENTISTS Re: Industrial Pretreatment Program Donohue Project No. 42416.000 Dear Randy: 9 We reviewed the June 8, 1990, letter from 3M Company regarding their request for discharging an additional 75 pounds per day of BOD into the wastewater treatment plant. Since the municipal wastewater treatment plant is only at 60 to 70 percent capacity for BOD, the additional HOD loading to be supplied by 3M Company should not be a problem. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. Very truly yours, DONOHUE 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. Jam�agle�r JEH /bam cc: Ed Nevers Rick Ford TR /L /AB9 0 ■ 4738 Ab * 40th Street SlxbM=, IVLxo sin 53083 RO. Bar 1067 Aebnyavh, WiwonOn 53082 -1067 414.4588711 (0.c 414.4580537 9 -� DAVID B. ARNOLD . CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL GARY D. MCDOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. HARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOLE LAURA K. PRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEOGEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD 0. McGEE IIMOTHY W. FAPINSKI August 10, 1990 AR NOLD & MGDOW ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (812) 587 -7575 TELECOPIER (012) 581 -4098 RESIDENT ATTORNEY 0. BARRY ANDERSON Ms. Marilyn Swanson Administrative Assistant City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 At 1C, i99 RECEIVM BY..__._ -_ Re: Hutchinson Community Hospital Remodeling Project Our File No. 3750 -88 -0004 Dear Marilyn: I am advised by Peter Worthington, Project Manager on the Hutchinson Community Hospital remodeling project that he will be recommending to the City Council the following: 1. Approval and awarding of the glass glazing contract (Contract No. 12) to Harmon Glass Company; 2. Rejection of all bids for general construction (Contract No. 11) . The general construction work will be folded into the Phase II specifications and bid at that time. The Harmon Glass bid is projected; it appears that internally in preparing the proceed ahead with the bid, they are the low bidder. recommends that the bid be a significantly less than originally Harmon may have bade some - a,�e:7 bid, but they nonetheless desire to their bid is in acceptable form and Accordingly, the project manager warded to Harmon. If you have any questions with regard to this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Very truly yours, ARNOLD C OWE r L G. Barry Anderson BY THE MINNESOTA STATE GBA 1 ' AS A REAL I PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE ASS E BAR ASSOCIATION q OF COONSEL WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON OARY W. BECKER 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55418 (812) 545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 TELEOOPIER(612) 545 -193 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 (012) 389 -2214 TELECOPIER(612) 3CO -5500 RECITALS: RESOLUTION NO. 9308 1. The City of Hutchinson is currently involved in a major remodeling project at the Hutchinson Community Hospital; 2. Construction of the project is now underway; 3. A procedure is needed to award contracts and authorize routine change orders that accommodate the needs of the project and the orderly approval of changes and contracts; 4. The City has a duly appointed and functioning Hospital Board knowledgeable about the project; 5. The project cost has been set at NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: i 1. The award of all contracts concerning the project which are consistent with and do not exceed the project budget, shall be considered first by the Hospital Board. 2. Action taken by the Hospital Board shall be ratified or rejected by the City Council at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. 3. A "construction change order" board shall be created composed of the Hutchinson Community Hospital Director of Operations (or a representative designated by the Hospital Administrator) , the Project Architect and Project Manager. Change orders which, if approved, do not increase the cost of the project by more than Fifteen Thousand and no /100 Dollars ($15,000.00), shall be considered first by the Construction Change Order Board. If unanimously approved by the Construction Change Order Board, a notice to proceed may be issued by Hospital administration. The change order shall thereafter be approved by the Hospital Board and City Council. 4. Change orders which increase the cost of the project by Fifteen Thousand and no /100 Dollars ($15,000.00) to Fifty Thousand and no /100 Dollars ($50,000.00) shall be approved by the Hospital Board and thereafter by the City Council. A notice to proceed may be issued by the administration after Hospital Board approval. 5. Change orders which increase the cost of the project by Fifty Thousand and no /100 Dollars ($50,000.00) or more shall be approved by the City Council with the advice and recommendation of the Hospital Board. A notice to proceed may be issued after City Council approval. This Resolution shall expire and be of no further force and effect on December 31, 1993. Dated: August 14, 1990 CITY OF HUTCHINSON By: Paul L. Ackland, Mayor Attest: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION A iRNOLD & McDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (912) 587 -7575 TELECOPIER (812) 587 -4008 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Or cOU S.L WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. BECKER 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55418 (612) 545 -0000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 TELECOPIER (612) 545 -1703 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 309 -2214 TELECOPIER (612) 389 -5506 Re: Hutchinson Community Hospital Remodeling Project Our File No. 3750 -88 -0004 D tit � • U � 5Z Dear Gary: As you may recall, sometime ago, Marlin Torgerson forwarded a request from the Hospital Board for adoption of a procedure to deal with the awarding of contracts and approval of change orders for the Hutchinson Community Hospital remodeling project. Peter Worthington, Project Manager for M.A. Mortenson Company, Phil Graves and myself have been discussing this subject on and off since sometime in late April. The issue is further complicated by basic principles that apply to municipal government in Minnesota. Generally, the final source of all authority in municipal law is the city council. There is some question, as a base line rule, as to what extent a city council can delegate its authority in order to accomplish administrative tasks. Carried to its extreme, of course, this principle results in the inability to get anything done because city councils are not intended to be administrative bodies. The situation with respect to the Hospital is further complicated not so much by the size of the project, but by its complexity involving ongoing construction while utilizing an existing facility and competing interests all attempting to accomplish goals that occasionally conflict with each other. My initial thought was that we could simply have the City Council approve contracts as for the most part that is a routine matter. Unfortunately, this results in a situation where the body that knows the most about the project, the Hospital Board, is not initially acting on the contracts. 'CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION — CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION �� DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R.CARMICHAEL GARY D. M�DOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON' STEVEN S. HOGE LAURA R. PRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEGGEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD 0. M.GEE TIMOTHY W. PAPINSKI August 10, 1990 A iRNOLD & McDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (912) 587 -7575 TELECOPIER (812) 587 -4008 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Or cOU S.L WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. BECKER 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55418 (612) 545 -0000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 TELECOPIER (612) 545 -1703 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 309 -2214 TELECOPIER (612) 389 -5506 Re: Hutchinson Community Hospital Remodeling Project Our File No. 3750 -88 -0004 D tit � • U � 5Z Dear Gary: As you may recall, sometime ago, Marlin Torgerson forwarded a request from the Hospital Board for adoption of a procedure to deal with the awarding of contracts and approval of change orders for the Hutchinson Community Hospital remodeling project. Peter Worthington, Project Manager for M.A. Mortenson Company, Phil Graves and myself have been discussing this subject on and off since sometime in late April. The issue is further complicated by basic principles that apply to municipal government in Minnesota. Generally, the final source of all authority in municipal law is the city council. There is some question, as a base line rule, as to what extent a city council can delegate its authority in order to accomplish administrative tasks. Carried to its extreme, of course, this principle results in the inability to get anything done because city councils are not intended to be administrative bodies. The situation with respect to the Hospital is further complicated not so much by the size of the project, but by its complexity involving ongoing construction while utilizing an existing facility and competing interests all attempting to accomplish goals that occasionally conflict with each other. My initial thought was that we could simply have the City Council approve contracts as for the most part that is a routine matter. Unfortunately, this results in a situation where the body that knows the most about the project, the Hospital Board, is not initially acting on the contracts. 'CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION — CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION �� Mr. Gary D. Plotz August 10, 1990 Page 2 Therefore, I have put together the enclosed resolution which I would offer to both the City Council and the Hospital Board as a means to get contracts awarded and change orders approved, where necessary. A couple of comments are in order. First, as to minor change orders, the program outlined in the enclosed resolution anticipates that most of these change orders will be handled administratively and that by the time the City Council acts on these change orders, the work will be largely completed. Second, all contracts, change orders and related documents ultimately need approval of the City Council even if, as will be true in most of the cases, the approval is essentially a formality. Third, "budget busting" items will need to come to the City Council for initial approval. Fourth, since this resolution is designed to deal with a specific problem, I have provided that it will expire on its own terms when it is no longer needed to useful. This is an interesting philosophical problem and I spent sometime discussing it with Stan Peskar, who, as you know, is general counsel for the League of Minnesota Cities. Among other things, he pointed out that at least one other community that he knows of (Minneapolis) has struggled with a similar problem and used a similar procedure in working with the convention center. If you have any questions with regard to this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Best personal regards. Very truly yours ARNOLD & " aL G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosure 0 MEMORANDUM TO: Gary Plotz, City Administrat°t�� , FROM: Steve Madson, Chief of Police DATE: August 9, 1990 ��II RE: Vehicle Purchases This memorandum will serve as a request for authority to proceed with the letting of bids for the replacement for Squad No. 4 in the police fleet. Squad No. 4 is due for replacement in the 1991 budget year and is so reflected in the motor pool budget. The reason that I am asking at this time to allow bids to be let is because the Ford Motor Company, as of August 31, 1990, will no longer receive orders for 1991 models. In fact, following the production of the 1991 Ford Police Package Vehicles, Ford Motor Company will be closing its assembly line for this particular package and will not reopen until sometime in calendar year 1992. If we do not move at this time to obtain a bid from Ford Motor Company the only possible bidder would be Chevrolet for a police package rear wheel drive vehicle. If we bid a vehicle in August and order same in August there is a good possibility that that vehicle would be delivered prior to the termination of the 1990 budget year. This same situation occurred when the two 1990 Chevrolet squad cars were ordered and they were delivered in early December in lieu of after the beginning of the 1990 budget period. As a result, it may require paying for the vehicle in the 1990 budget year. Additionally, Investigator Dick Waage's 1984 Citation (Squad No. 3) is also due for replacement. This vehicle was originally scheduled to be replaced in 1992, however, due to the high mileage (approximately 90,000) and due to the condition of the suspension, it has been recommended by Doug Meier that this vehicle be replaced in 1991. Because of this I am proposing that Squad No. 3 be replaced now with the purchase of a vehicle for Investigator Waage. The Citation could then be utilized as a vehicle for the School Liaison Officer. However, Doug Meier believes that we should not keep the Citation in the fleet which posses the problem of what to do to provide a vehicle for the School Liaison Officer. Doug Meier has recommended that perhaps the purchase of two good used cars would be more advantageous to the needs of the police department than to purchase a new vehicle to replace Squad No. 3 and then utilize the old Squad No. 3 for the School Liaison Officer. It should be pointed out that there is currently adequate money in the . motor vehicle replacement fund to cover the purchase of either one or two vehicles. Gary Plotz, City Administrator August 9, 1990 Page 2 I would appreciate having this situation brought to the attention of the City Council for their review. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this memorandum please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. 90 -02 -0041 /lkg 9 E ul 2 v E v (Lv (c4JrIV) 40gdYN4 Z TEN'J JELLr:- NF� 0 9 9- ADDENDUM 1• SUBDIVISION AGREDENT WAGNER DEVELOPKWr CORPORATION IN REGARDS TO PLAT NO. 2 (REPIAT) CITY OF HuTac"N, MINNESOTA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the day and year set forth hereinafter, by and between Wagner Development Corporation, a corporation in the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "Subdivider ", and the City of Hutchinson, a Municipal Corporation in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City "; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1 and part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1, all in Township 116 North, Range 30 West, and also of part of Lot 93, Lynn Addition to Hutchinson, Minnesota, all of which is located in the City of Hutchinson, McLeod County, Minnesota, and; WHEREAS, City Ordinance No. 464 and 466 require subdividers to make certain improvements in the subdivision, and; WHEREAS, a Subdivision Agreement for the Wagner Development Corporation Plat was recorded on November 14, 1988 at 9:00 am at McLeod County by Carmen . Ostlie, the County Recorder, and is recorded as agreement No. 225532 in Book 112 of Misc. on page 447 -459, and; WHEREAS, the Subdivider has replatted a portion of the property as Plat No. 2 in which Lots 1 through 8 of Block No. 7, Lots 16 through 23 of Block 7, and Lots 1 through 7 of Block 8 of the original Plat are vacated and replatted, respectively, as Lots 1 through 7 of Block 1, Lots 1 through 7 of Block 2, and Lots 1 through 6 of Block 3 of Plat No. 2, and; WHEREAS, the original Subdivision Agreement apportions cost on a per lot basis, and: WHEREAS, three lots are being displaced as part of the replatting; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Under the original Subdivision Agreement all references to Lots 1 through 8 of Block 7, Sections 3A, 4, 5, 6, BIh, BIj, 8IIId, 8IIIg, 8IVd, and 8IVf shall be deleted. In their place, Lots 1 through 7 of Block 1 of Plat No. 2 shall be assessed as 1 and 1/7 units each. 2. Under the original Subdivision Agreement, all references to Lots 16 through 23 of Block 7, in particular Sections 3A, 4, 5, 6, 8Ic, 8Id, SIe, 8If, 8IIa, 8IIIb, 8IVa, and 81Vb, shall be deleted. In their place, Lots 1 through 7 of Block 2 of Plat No. 2 shall be assessed as 1 and 1/7 units each. R SUBDMSION AGREEMENT, ADDENDUM NO. 1 WAGNER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FIAT (PLAT NO. 2) PAGE 2 3. Under the original Subdivision Agreement, all references to Lots 1 through 7 of Block 8, in particular Sections 3A, 4, 5, 6, 8Ic, 81d, BIe, 8If, BIIa, 8111b, BIVa, and BIVb, shall be deleted. In their place, Lots 1 through 6 of Block 3 of Plat No. 2 shall be assessed at 1 and 1/6 units each. 4. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. 5. It is understood and agreed that it is the responsibility of the City to record this agreement at the County Recorder's Office subsequent to execution by the parties hereto, and that the Subdivider will pay to the City $13.00 for the recording fee prior to signing of the Final Plat by City Officials. IN WITNESS THEREOF, said Wagner Development Corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this _ day of 19_ 9 SIGNED: WAGNER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Roxanne Wagner, Its President Alma Jean Wagner, Its Vice - President (Corporate Seal) STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before COUNTY OF me this day of , 19_, by Alma Jean Wagner, Vice President, and Roxanne Wagner, President, of Wagner Development Corporation, a Minnesota Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires E • SUBDMSION AGREEMENT, ADDENDUM N0. 1 WAGNER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PLAT (PLAT NO. 2) PAGE 3 Approved by the City Council on the _ day of 19_ CITY OF HUTCHINSON Paul L. Ackland, Its Mayor Gary D. Plotz, Its City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing instrument Was acknowledged before COUNTY OF me this day of 19_, by Paul L. Ackland, Mayor and Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator for the City of Hutchinson. Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: John Rodeberg, Director of Engineering City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Telephone: (612) 587 -5151, Ext. 208 0 0 0 PU Ni. C - r -I fo . NOTICE OF BOND SALE $2.110000 GENERAL OBLIGATION II.:PROVEMENT BONDS C; 19-0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 6+I11`;'JESCTA %3TICE OF HEREBY GIVEN that the C:y of H� = :� son. V r- s -c;a. wd: receive s _ - bids for the purchase of 52.110.000 General Ca ,_at cn I- :•ovemer: Eoncs of 1 of the City (the (the Bonds), at the o of me Gry Adminatrator in the Gy Hall in H :_:chinson. Minnesota, until 30 m. on Tuesda A,; ust 14, 1950 at wn;ch ume the bids will beooened and to uated. a iry ounce wlilmeet at :o p m. thatsame date to consider the bids and award the sale of the Bonds. The Bonds w:ll be issued for the pe'cose of financing local improvements within the City. The Bonds will be issuable as fc:,y registered bonds of single maturities, in denominations of $5000 or any integral mu..:iple thereof, will be dated, as originally issued, as of August 1, 1990, and will mature on February 1 in the following years and amounts: Year Amount 1992 $160.000 1993 175.000 1994 175,000 1995 200,000 1996 200,000 1997 225,000 1998 225.000 1999 250.000 2000 250.000 2001 250,000 The Bonds will be issued only in fully registered form and when issued, will be issued in the name of Cede 8 Co., as nominee for Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, which will act as securities depository for the Bonds. Interest will be payable on each February 1 and August 1, commencing February 1, 1991. Bonds having stated maturities in 1997 and later years are each subject to redemption, at the option of the City and in whole or in part, and if in part, in inverse order of maturities, and in $5,000 principal amounts selected by lot within a maturity, on February 1. 1996, and on any in- terest payment date thereafter at a price equal to the principal amount thereof to be re- deemed plus interest accrued to the date of redemption. A legal opinion will be furnished by Dorsey 8 Whitney, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Copies of a statement of Terms and Conditions of Sale and additional information may be obtained from the undersigned or from Ehlers and Associates, Inc.. 2950 Norwest Center, 90 South 7th Street, Minneapo- lis. Minnesota 55402, telephone 612- 339 -8291, financial consultants to the City, .Dated June 11. 1990, BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Gary D. Plotz City Adm, istrator City of Hutchinson, Nnnesota 62 0 q -G L n •1 NOTICE OF BOND SALE $3,125,000 GENEHAL OBLIGATION MEDICAL FACILITIES REVENUE. BONDS SERIES 1990A CITY OF HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HERFBY GIVEN that the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Will receive sea . kid bids for the purchase of $3,125,000 Genord Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Bonds, Sorios 1990A, (it o Bonds) of Ore City, at the office of the City Administrator in the City Hall in Hutchinson, Minnesota, until 3:30 .m. on Tuesda August 14 1990, at which timo tile bids will be opened and tabulated. hty ouncrwr meota p.m. That same date to cony -ider the bids and award Moselle of the Bonds. The Bordswill be issued for the purposo of financing the cost of improvements to Hutchinson Community Hospital, The Moods will be issuabfo ns fully iegistofed bonds of single maturities, in de- nominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple therool, will bo dated, as originally issued, as of August 1, 1990, and will be payable on August 1 in the following years and amounts: Year Amount Year Amount 1992 $00.000 2003 .$135.000 1993 05.000 2004 145,000 1994 70.000 2005 155,000 1995 75,000 2006 165,000 1990 60.000 2007 175,000 1997 05.000 2008 190,000 1998 95.000 2009 205,000 1999 100.000 2010 220,000 2000 110,000 2011 235,000 2001 115,000 2012 250,000 2002 125,000 2013 270,000 Bids for the Bonds may contain a maturity schedule providing for any combination of social bonds and term bonds, subject to mandatory redemption, so long as the amounts of principal maturing or subject to mandatory redemption in each year conforms to the maturity schedule set lop th above. The Bonds will be issued only in fully registered form and when issued, will he issued in the Warne of Cede 8 Co., as nominee for Desposilory Trust Company, New York, New York, which will act as securities depository for the Bonds. Interest will ho payable on each August 1 and February 1, commencing Febru- ary 1, 1991. Bonds having stated maturities in 2000 and later years are each subject to redemption at the option of the City in whole or m part, and if in part, in invrse order of ma- turifies, and in $5,000 principal amounts selected by tot within a maturity, on August 1, 1999, and any interest paymont date Thorealter, at a price equal to the principal amount thereof to be rudoemad plus interest accrued to the date of redemption. A legal opinion will be furnished by Dorsey d Whitney, of lAmicapolis, Minnesota. Copies of a state - mont of Terms and Conditions of Salo and additional information may be obtained from The undersigned or hem Ehkvrs and Associates, Inc.. 2950 Norwest Center, 90 South 70 Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402; lelephone 612.339 -8291, financial consul- tants to the City. Dated: July 24, 19%O BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Grey D. Plotz City Adnhinistralur City of Hutchinson, htovcrsola 61 NOTICE OF BOND SALE $3,150,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TAXABLE MEDICAL FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1990 CITY OF HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tine City of Hutchinson, Minnesota will mreivo sea led bids for the purchase of $3,150,000 Gunoml Obligation Taxable PAidical Faellnies Revenue Bonds, Series 1990, (the Bonds) of the City, at the office of the City Admini- strator In The City Hal in Hutchinson, Minnesota, until 330 in on Tuesday Au ust 14 1990, atwhich time the bids will be opened and tabulitod lhout Council will moot at 7:30 p.m. that same date to consider the bids arid award the stifle of Tie Bonds The Bonds will be issued for the purpose of financing tiro cost of improvements to Hutchin son Community Hospital. The Bonds will be issuable as fully registered bonds of single maturities, in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, will be dated, as originally issued, as of August 1, 1990, andwill be payable on February 1 in the following years and amounts: Year Amount Year Amount 1993 $50.000 2004 $140.000 1994 55,000 2005 155.000 1995 60,000 2006 170,000 1996 70,000 2007 185,()00 1997 75,000 2008 205,000 1998 80,000 2009 225.000 1999 90,000 2010 245.000 2000 100,000 2011 270,000 2001 110,000 2U12 295.000 2002 120,000 2013 320,()(r0 2003 130,000 Bids for The Bonds may contain a maturity schedule providing for any combination of serial bonds and term bonds, subject to mandatory redemption, so long as the amounts of principal maturing or subject to mandatory redemption in each year conforms to the maturity schedule set forth above. The Bonds will be issued only in fully registered form and when issued, will be issued in the name of Cede b Co., as nominoo for Despository Trust Company, New York. New York, which will act as securities depository for the Bonds. Interestwill be payable on each August 1 and February 1, commencing Febru. ary 1, 1991. Bonds having stated maturities in 2000 and later years are eachh subject to redemption at the option of the City in whole or in part, and if in part, in inverse order of maturities, and in $5,000 principal amounts selected by lot within a maturity, on Febru- ary 1, 1999, and any Interest payment dale thereafter, at a price equal to the principal amount thereof to be redeemed plus interest accrued to the date of redemption. A legal opinion will be furnished by Dorsey 8 Whitney, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Copies of a statement of Terms and Conditions of Salo and additional infonnation may be obtained from the undersigned or from Ehlers and Associaos, Inc , 2950 Norwest Center, 90 South 7th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402; telephone 612 339.8291, financial consultants to The City. Dated: July 24, 1990. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Gary D. Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson, Minnesota 61 DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL GARY D. McDOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON' STEVEN S. HOLE LAURA E. PRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEOOEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD G. M.OEE TIMOTHY W. PAFINSEI August 8, 1990 ARNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARR PLACE HCTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (612) 587 -7575 TELECOPIER (012) 587 -4098 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Hutchinson Downtown Redevelopment Project Our File No. 3244 -89 -0031 Dear Gary: or- -U.SZL WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON OARY W. BECEER 5881 CEDAR LEE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55410 (812) 545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 TELECOPIER (012) 545 -1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 (012) 389 -2214 TELECOPIER (612) 309 -5500 �� 010 t17� J: R1\C �q�G I am enclosing a copy of correspondence from Jerry Gilligan dated August 2, 1990 as well as a proposed letter for execution by you dated August 2, 1990. I suggest that the City Council authorize your execution of this letter at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Jerry did contact me a couple of weeks ago to tell me that Dorsey & Whitney provides outside legal advice to Super Valu. Obviously, Dorsey & Whitney also provides the City of Hutchinson with legal advice on matters relating to bond issues and tax increment financing and the like. They have not advised the City on environmental issues, to the best of my knowledge. I see no reason to require Super Valu to seek other counsel as the conflict, if there is any, is relatively minimal. I am also not aware of any secrets we have that might be somehow impaired by this conflict (this point does become important in some matters because an attorney /client privilege might attach and an attorney would be ethically bound to refuse to disclose certain information). As a public body, basically all of the transactions in which the City of Hutchinson is ultimately involved in are conducted in an open forum. Under the circumstances, I see no reason not to execute the correspondence as requested by Dorsey & Whitney and I am passing along the original of the letter to you for execution and delivery to Dorsey & Whitney at the earliest possible opportunity. CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION — CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION ( / /i/•l Mr. Gary D. Plotz August 8, 1990 Page 2 Thank you. Very true v vcwrc _ ARNOLD G. Barry GBA:lm Enclosure CC Jerry Gilligan 0 36, RUE TRONCRET T"" PAXIR, n RCR Ot- �a- ee -3D -AD !AB EAST PIRATICE CENTXR RUNG XONO 8e2-3- 8618333 DoR SEY & WHITNEY A t.. PNOre�N, ®u CdR��no„� 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 (612) 340-2600 TELEX 20-0003 FAX (am) 040 -iNlee Mr. G. Barry Anderson Arnold & McDowell 101 Park Place Huthcinson, Minnesota 55350 Re: Shopko Project 0 Dear Barry: JEROME P. GUJ.WAA (614 946298? August 2, 1990 Y k Enclosed is the conflicts letter we have prepared and would like signed by the City and returned to us. If the letter appears satisfactory to you, please forward it to the appropriate person at the City. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Yours truly, AU ro a P. G n 0 JPG:cmn Enclosure 340 nRST NAMG] L EANX DOILDINO ROCREOTR2,■1NNRROTA 31100E am nRST NAnONA1 RANK BUIlDINO EATEATA,XIRRROOTA 333M (etRJ03 -0070 IROO nRST INTERXTATX CAITRR RII.LIXOR, MORTARA sows (ion) -aboo Rol DAVID3011 SMLDINO GREAT FA , EORTARA 39 (AOe)M -GSGs UP R ! newrt STREET RYsoO , XOX A 3,009 (AGel Tat -eons q,#, 330 PAY[ AVENUE ■NR TORE, NEW LORE !0000 (atR)m3 -aaoo 0330 CONNECTICUT AVRXUE, N. v. R UWGlOE, D. C. 80006 (RUG)R3T -OT00 3 ORACRCBVRCR STREET LONDON ACRV OAT, ENOLAND w -3 aaA 36, RUE TRONCRET T"" PAXIR, n RCR Ot- �a- ee -3D -AD !AB EAST PIRATICE CENTXR RUNG XONO 8e2-3- 8618333 DoR SEY & WHITNEY A t.. PNOre�N, ®u CdR��no„� 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 (612) 340-2600 TELEX 20-0003 FAX (am) 040 -iNlee Mr. G. Barry Anderson Arnold & McDowell 101 Park Place Huthcinson, Minnesota 55350 Re: Shopko Project 0 Dear Barry: JEROME P. GUJ.WAA (614 946298? August 2, 1990 Y k Enclosed is the conflicts letter we have prepared and would like signed by the City and returned to us. If the letter appears satisfactory to you, please forward it to the appropriate person at the City. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Yours truly, AU ro a P. G n 0 JPG:cmn Enclosure 340 nRST NAMG] L EANX DOILDINO ROCREOTR2,■1NNRROTA 31100E am nRST NAnONA1 RANK BUIlDINO EATEATA,XIRRROOTA 333M (etRJ03 -0070 IROO nRST INTERXTATX CAITRR RII.LIXOR, MORTARA sows (ion) -aboo Rol DAVID3011 SMLDINO GREAT FA , EORTARA 39 (AOe)M -GSGs UP R ! newrt STREET RYsoO , XOX A 3,009 (AGel Tat -eons q,#, 0 350 PARK AVENGE NEW TOE[, NaO YORK 10022 (P1¢)ua - 9eoo CO; - NE aroX' C' aGoa ia9 20 0TOE, B. 7 90036 (2021 a17 -ww 3 ORACECHCNCH STREET LONDON NC3V "T, ENGLAND OI`929.3 35, RUE TRONCHET 75009 PARIS, PI CB OI- 6::- 86-19-J9 PAR ELST PINANCE CENTER BONO KONG S32- a- 6612333 Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Mr. Jeff Carlson Super Valu Stores, Inc. P.O. Box 990 Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55440 JEROME P. GILLIGAN (6121340-2962 August 2, 1990 o MRST NATIONAL BANx BUILD (O ROCHEHTE E. MLNNB9O7A 51903 (30f I � W36 311 nBST NATIONAL BANN 6I'ILDI \'o RATLTA.YINNEHOTA 55391 (X12) 475 -0373 12tH EIHST INfEESTATE CENTER D1 L 3091 MONTANA 191011 (JG61232 -3e3G 201 OAIIDSON BCSLDI90 ORBAT PA . MONTA A 54401 (J/M:721 -3632 MH EAST rBONT STREET WOHOOLA, MOMTA.NA 39802 (4001721-6023 w A 6y �.:_ Re: Site Purchase Agreement, dated as of April 25, 1990 (the Site Purchase Agreement), between ShopKo Stores, Inc. (ShopKo), a subsidiary of Super Valu Stores, Inc., and the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (Hutchinson) Gentlemen: Super Valu has asked this firm to advise it in connection with certain environmental matters relating to the land described in the Site Purchase Agreement, including a review of an Environmental Indemnity Agreement dated May 24, 1990 (the Agreement) executed by Hutchinson in favor of Shopko. We are general counsel to Super Valu, the parent corporation of ShopKo, and are bond counsel to Hutchinson, although we are not advising Hutchinson with respect to this matter. As we have previously discussed with each of you, the interests of ShopKo and Hutchinson are potentially adverse. 0 If a dispute should develop between ShopKo and Hutchinson with respect to this matter, ethical considerations would probably preclude us from representing either Super Valu, ShopKo or Hutchinson in connection with any such dispute. In that situation, the normal attorney - client privilege may have been lost and a lawyer in this firm, as a witness, may be required to provide testimony that would be privileged if we were not representing each of you. DORSEY & WHIT\EY w P.mx..xv Iwavnua P.or.•. C9.wuno.a 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST MIYNEAPOLIS, MIDINESOTA 55402 (612) 340 -2600 TELEX 29 -0601 P6.X (612) 640-2868 7 / DORSEY & WHIT\EY Mr. Gary Plotz Mr. Jeff Carlson August 2, 1990 Page 2 Each of you agrees that if, in the course of this transaction, either of you retains separate legal counsel, as is your option at any time, we may continue to represent the other. We have consulted with each of you and have provided an explanation of the implications of this representation and the advantages and risks involved. Based upon our consultation with each of you, it is our understanding that both of you consent to our representation of each of you in this transaction. Please indicate your consent by signing the enclosed counterpart of this letter and returning it to the undersigned. Yours very truly, B ark A. Jarboe L P. Gilligan `_ MAJ:stl SUPER VALU STORES, INC. In CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA B Its (612) 587 -5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON 1ASK%GTON AVENUE WEST 'H/NSC,V, .',4 ',N. 55350 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering DATE: August 9, 1990 RE: Proposed 1991 Improvement Projects Attached is a very preliminary list of improvement projects proposed to be completed within the next few years. The first 9 items are fairly high priority. The other potential projects are not considered as much of an immediate need. The list was compiled based on review by the Engineering and Street Departments, and discussions with the Council, Staff, and the county or state. Please review projects are Projects. 0 the list so we can get a better idea of which desired to be considered for 1991 Improvement P1oPOlID IIPIOTIIIIT 1107NCTI 1991 111 111811 Inteoinsem, liueaota 1 GLEN STREET i IS? AVE SW (lashingtoo to 2od Ave ON) Complete Utility i Street Reconstruction with Sidewalk Include alley behind police building i school parking Lot Should project extend north of lamhington Aveaue? 2 GOLF COURSE ROADICSAH 12 (Fifth Avenue 11) Truck Storm Sewer and Utility Improvements with County Project Track watermain proposed, check sanitary serer Track storm sewer route? Connection to county tile? Detection pond /Borrow site for coaaty 3 OSGOOD- BI1011- LACE- TBOMAS IPIIII Storm Sewer and Street Improvements Check for previous assessments Review existing road section for areas which meet requirements 4 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS Lynn Road from Madson Avenue to South Grade Road, fiaish 11 15 forth, motto of Fifth lvemae S STOPLIGHT (At 2od Avenue and Hain StreetlTH 15122) Coordinate witk ImDOT project 6 FRANILIN - lot AID 2ID AVENUE IK (from lashiogton to Maio Street) Storm Sewer and Street Improvements Storm sever layout from lot Avenue to river? Additional R -O -W or modified design required at Franklin and 2nd Ave Include hookups to alley storm sever 7 1.6. AREA TRUNK STORM SEVER INPROVIRRITS Trunk Storm Sever, Funding Improvements Maplewood Academy, discussion of pond construction Gateway North Apartments storm sever improvements Are additional sever improvements between TB 15 1 Bluff warranted? 8 TO 7 WEST SERVICE ROAD COMPLETION Utility and Street Construction NnDOT has implied they will pay most of cost if done with State Project later i sewer needed for expansion of Hutchinson Manufacturing i Sales Limited funding available, large city cost. Check MSA coverage? 9 4TH AVENUE SV (Lynn Road to Dale Street) Street and related improvements 10 OTHER POTENTIAL PROJECTS HASSAN STREET 6TH AVENUE SW 61H AVENUE RE 51H AVENUE NE IVY LAZE MAPLE STREET PROSPECT STREET CEDAR AVENUE Sth Are to Oakland Hassan Street to Jefferson Bast of Bluff Street (Toward Rockite) TO 15 to Bluff Street or TH 7 forth High Drive to end TO 7 to 6th Avenue I � f.J (612) 587 -5151 Almn , CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 ✓VASHING7ON AVENUE WES i __ HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM T0: Mayor & City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering DATE: August 9, 1990 v RE: Ludtke Lane Sanitary Sewer Letting No. 14, Project No. 90 -24 I talked with Don Gilbertson regarding obtaining waivers of hearing from the other involved property owners for the above referenced project. Mr. Gilbertson indicated that he misunderstood our last discussion and assumed that the costs to other owners would be deferred. He believed that he could not get all the owners to waive the hearing and agree to the project. He requested that we just set a date for a Public and /or Assessment Hearing. He would like the hearing scheduled for September 11 since he is not available on August 28. He is concerned about the time the process has taken, and his options if the project is rejected. Attached for your information is the proposed assessment roll and letter of information for the project. JPR /mms A from 0 9--s PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 263 LETTING NO. 14, PROJECT NO. 90 -24 COMPILED BY: JOHN P. ROOEBERG SANITARY SEWER 8 APPURTENANCES COMPUTED BY: JOHN P. ROOEBERG LUDTKE LANE CHECKED BY: CAL RICE ACCT. CITY PIO NUMBER NO. COUNTY PID NUMBER NAME 6 ADDRESS OF OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION A-SANITARY SEWER COST TO PROPERTY L E /F.F. t .x.24 B- SANITARY SEWER ACCESS COST /F.F. i 11.39 UNIT USED I'RUN1 001 NUMBER OF YEARS SPREAD 10 LOT BLOCK A - SANITARY SEWER TO B - Sf41TAR' SEWER IOTAI NO. NO. PROPERTY LINE - F.F. ACCESS - F. ASSFSSM'9T 01 36- 117 -30 -07 -0010 Danny d Jill Schrader 910 Golf Course Road 23- 322 -0080 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Johnson's Court 18 193 15 5 2,0 , . 83 02 36- 117 -30 -07 -0020 Danny 6 Jill Schrader 910 Golf Course Road 23- 322 -0070 Hutchinson, NN 55350 Johnson's Court 17 lot 00 f 1,011.00 '. 03 36- 117 -30 -07 -0030 Eugene a A. Cox 920 Golf Course Road Lots 1, 2, 3 a 4 EX W'ly 55', 23- 322 -0010 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Johnson's Court 171 40 t 1,711 04 36- 117 -30 -07 -0040 LeRoy d Janice Hlavka 925 Ludtke Lane M'ly 55' Lot 4 A E50' Lot S. j 23- 322 -0020 Hutchinson. MN $5350 Johnson's Court 103 90 S 1,0%'1.52 05 36 -117- 30-07 -0050 Richard 8 P. Krueger 935 Ludtke Lane Lot 6 8 W25' Lot 5 A E 23- 322 -0030 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Part Lot 7, Johnson's Court 130 00 3 1,350.70 06 36- 117-30 -07 -0060 Robert B Joyce] Williams 945 Ludtke Lane Lot 8 8 W'ly Part Lot 7, 23- 322 -0040 Hutchinson, NN 55350 Johnson's Court 156 46 S 1,62',.62 07 36- 117 -30 -07 -0070 George E Nancy Geuerth 955 Ludtke Lane Lots 9 6 10. ,23 -322 -0050 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Johnson's Court 180.00 S 4,721.20 08 36- 117 -30 -07 -0080 Donald C. 8 S. Gilbertson 950 Ludtke Lane Lots 11 8 12, 23- 322 -0060 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Johnson's Court 153.20 $ 4,01 09 36-117 - 30-07-0110 Michael 0. 6 M. C. Vanort 930 Ludtke Lane Lots 1 B 2, First Addition 23- 323.0010 Hutchinson, MN 55350 to Johnson's Court 193 14 S 2.00,.69 i s1 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 263 S 19,631.37 (612) 587 -5151 kmnl' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WES T HUTCh'IfvSON, MiNN. 55350 FOR YOUR INFORMATION RE: Ludtke Lane Sanitary Sewer Letting No. 14, Project 90 -24 Dear Two Property owners on Ludtke Lane have septic systems which are operating poorly or not at all. MPCA Regulations require homes to be hooked up to sanitary sewer within the City Limits if septic systems become inoperable and sewer is available. A project was proposed to serve these two properties from a line extending from California Street to Ludtke Lane. The assessment cost apportion- . ment was based on the 1988 Assessment Roll, with the two lots to be immediately served paying a full assessment of $26.24/FF, and the remainder of the lots paying the remainder of the cost, as per City policy, as a sanitary sewer access cost based on their front footage, or $10.39/FF. When the Sanitary sewer is completed at some time in the future, those additional costs would then be assessed also. The total of the two assessments is predicted to be in the $26 to $28 /FF range, similar to the previously proposed assessment. A Public Hearing will be set for September 11, 1990 at 8:00 pm. Your Assessment is proposed to be S If you have any questions please call. Sincerely yours, John P. Rodeberg Director of Engineering JPR /mms 0 enc. A • RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 14 PROJECT NO. 90 -24 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve Ludtke Lane by the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances, WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefitted property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to John P. Rodeberg for study and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of August, 1990. J Mayor • City Administrator RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 14 PROJECT NO. 90 -24 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Council adopted August 14th, 1990, a report has been prepared by John P. Rodeberg with reference to the improvement of Ludtke Lane by the construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances., said report was received by the Council on August 14th, 1990. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council has considered the improvement of such streets in accordance with the reports and the assessment of benefitted property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of f 19,631.37. 2. A Public Hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 11th day of September, 1990, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M., and the City Administrator shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of August, 1990. • yor City Administrator 0 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 263 LETTING NO. 14 PROJECT NO. 90 -24 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of Ludtke Lane by the Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances, and the bid price for such improvement is $16,498.30. and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $3,133.07, so that the total cost of the improvement will be $19,631.37. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $0.00, and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefitted property owners is declared to be $19,631.37. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1991, and shall bear interest at the rate of 9 per cent per annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the Director of Engineering, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially • assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. - Adopted by the Council this 14th day of August, 1990. Mayor City Administrator 0 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 263 LETTING NO. 14 PROJECT NO. 90 -24 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 14th day of August, 1990, the City Administrator was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the improvement of Ludtke Lane by the Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, the City Administrator has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing .shall be held on the 11th day of September, 1990, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 8:30 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official . newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid October 1st, 1990. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Administrator, the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding .year. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of August, 1990. Mayor City Administrator 0 The "row River Task Force is being formed to improve the quality of the enviroment of the Crow River thru Hutchinson. The task force will advise the City of Hutchinson, and the County of McLeod, on short -term and long -term goals to improve the quality of the water, stabilize the shoreline, improve flood control, and improve recreational use of the river. The task force will organ- ize a plan so that these goals can be implemented there -by making the Crow River a resource that will be a continuing asset to the 31ty of Hutchinson, and County of Mcleod. 0 I* /' ` ' CROW RIFER TASK FO:^.C Paul Ackland 6 -'6 Bluff Hutchinson, Pti 55350 Eugene "Bud" Daggett - Chm. 978 Rolling Greens Lane Hutchinson, Y\ 55350 Jam:_ Haag 6�:,) Lakewood Drive Hctc`Lin_on, 5535) Robert Peterson 16 Grove Street S. Hutchinson, 55350 Don Erickson 731 Shady Ri dge Road Hutchinson, YN 55350 Everett Hantge 955 Second Avenue S.W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Howard "Skip" Quade Sioux Hills Hutchinson, MN 55350 Ken Schumann 975 Milwaukee Avenue Hutchinson, KN 55350 Dclf Moon Park /Rec. Dept. 900 Harrington Hutchinson, MN 55350 Mark Gaarder Rt. 1 - Box 124 Darwin, F^ 55324 Randy Schuetz Rt. 2 - Jefferson S. Hutchinson, ','IN 55350 Dr. George Smith Rt. 3 - Belle Lake Hutchinson, MN 55350 Bill Arndt Rt. 4 Hutchinson, M-N 55350 Rich Westlund 1213 Lewis Avenue Hutchinson, MN 55350 Clarence Kadrmas 455 Shady Ridge Road Home: 587 -6_30 Work: 527 -7210 Home: 587 -2382 Work: 5:7 -4653 :7 -3077 Work: 5 Home: 5:7 -238 Wort:: 587 Home: 587 -2959 Work: 587 -6115 Home: 587 -2274 Work: 587 -2128 Home: 587 -4570 Work: 587 -3030 Home: 587 -6773 Work: 587 -2717 Home: 587 -6602 Work: 587 -2975 Home: 275 -3188 Work: 448 -5151 Home: 537 -6056 Work: 587 -3600 Home: 587 -2774 Home: 537 -6882 Work: '537 -3626 Home: 5:7 -989S Work: :.7-2272 0 • Home: 587 -3450 Work: 587 -4746 ARNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (812) 587 -7575 TELECOPIER(612) 587 -4096 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Hutchinson Downtown Redevelopment Our File No. 3244 -89 -0031 Dear Gary: or Cp SEL WILT LAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. BECEER 5881 CEDAR LASE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55418 (81 Y) 543 - 8000 MN TOLL FREE BOO -343 -4545 TELECOPIER(612) 545 -1783 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (812)388 -2214 TELECOPIER(612) 389 -5506 6 g9 ���� 2j %sz �S AUG199G RECF. ' oY.......-- n I am enclosing the Supplemental Agreement between ShopKo Stores, Twin City Corporation and the City of Hutchinson. This Supplemental Agreement relates to the Phase I project, which has now been completed. At my suggestion, the contract was amended so that the City could rely on the test results, as well as allow ShopKo to rely on the test results. ShopKo's attorney and Twin City Testing's attorney had to approve the Supplement and apparently that was the cause for the delay in getting the agreement approved and sent to you. In any event, please have all four copies approved by the City Council, executed by the appropriate officials and returned to my office and I will see that they are forwarded for execution by Twin City Testing. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Best personal regards. Very truly yours, ARNOL cD0 EL G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosures 'CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 'CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION , DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL" GARY D. M�DO[ ELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. HARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOOF LAURA E. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEGGEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD O. McCXE TIMOTHY W. FAPINSEI August 8, 1990 ARNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (812) 587 -7575 TELECOPIER(612) 587 -4096 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Hutchinson Downtown Redevelopment Our File No. 3244 -89 -0031 Dear Gary: or Cp SEL WILT LAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. BECEER 5881 CEDAR LASE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55418 (81 Y) 543 - 8000 MN TOLL FREE BOO -343 -4545 TELECOPIER(612) 545 -1783 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (812)388 -2214 TELECOPIER(612) 389 -5506 6 g9 ���� 2j %sz �S AUG199G RECF. ' oY.......-- n I am enclosing the Supplemental Agreement between ShopKo Stores, Twin City Corporation and the City of Hutchinson. This Supplemental Agreement relates to the Phase I project, which has now been completed. At my suggestion, the contract was amended so that the City could rely on the test results, as well as allow ShopKo to rely on the test results. ShopKo's attorney and Twin City Testing's attorney had to approve the Supplement and apparently that was the cause for the delay in getting the agreement approved and sent to you. In any event, please have all four copies approved by the City Council, executed by the appropriate officials and returned to my office and I will see that they are forwarded for execution by Twin City Testing. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Best personal regards. Very truly yours, ARNOL cD0 EL G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosures 'CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 'CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION , SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SHOPKO STORES INC • TWIN CITY TESTING CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF HUTCHI - N; a This Agreement is entered into this 4th day of June, 1990, by and between. ShopKo Stores, Inc., a Minnesota corporation 700 Pilgrim. Way, P.O. Box 19060, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54307 -9060 ("ShopKoll) and the City of Hutchinson, 37 Washington Avenue West, Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 ("City ") and Twin City Testing Corporation, 662 Cromwell Avenue, St. Paul, Mn. 55114 ( "Consultant "). WHEREAS, the parties hereto have entered into an independent contractor agreement ( "Agreement") setting forth the duties and responsibilities of the respective parties; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to provide further definition to the rights and responsibilities of the parties; and WHEREAS, the City expects to acquire the real estate upon which the Consultant is performing services; and WHEREAS, the City will of necessity rely upon the work performed by the Consultant in acquiring, improving, correcting and otherwise working with the subject property; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES as follows: 1. Relationship of the Parties. It is expressly agreed by and between the Consultant on the one hand and ShopKo and the City on the other hand that all representations, warranties and agreements by the Consultant under and in accordance with the terms and limitations of the Agreement shall extend not only to ShcpKO, but also to the City, and that to the extent that ShopKo can and 9�� does rely on the work under and in accordance with the terms and limitations of the Agreement performed by the Consultant, the City may also so rely on the work performed by the Consultant. 2. Original Agreement Unaffected. Except as noted in item 1, the terms, conditions and language cf t.-.e Agree -ent shall not be affected cr altered by this Supplemental Agreement. 3. Cooperation. Consultant agrees to cooperate with and assist the City in any application for reimbursement from the State of Minnesota for services performed by Consultant pursuant to this Supplemental Agreement, at such fee(s) mutually agreed upon by City and Consultant. 4. Payment. This City may, at its option, compensate the Consultant directly subject to the limitations and conditions of the Agreement. 0 Dated: . - YC SHOPKO STORES, INC. By t �a—' ' �C�L d2X Its U P Dated: TWIN CITY TESTING CORPORATION Its Dated: CITY OF HUTCHINSON By Mayor Attest: City Administrator DAVID B. ARNOLD . CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL ** GARY D. M�DOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON' STEVEN S. HOGE LAURA R. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEGGEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD G. McGEE TIMOTHY W. FAFINSEI July 24, 1990 ARNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 -1492 FOR YOUR INFORMATION OP COCFSCL WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. DECKER (612) 545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 CABLE MCLAW MINNEAPOLIS TELEOOPIER (612)545 -1783 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55391 (812) 388.2214 TELECOPIER(812) 389 -5506 ICI PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (812) 5E7-7575 TELECOPIER(Ol2) 587 -4090 Mr. Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: ShopKo Downtown Redevelopment Project Our File #: 3244 -89 -0031 o ` tXLi99 0 ° w v w Dear Gary: In reviewing the above - referenced file, it's not clear to me that the city council ever had a chance to review the estimate for demolition prepared by Diamond 5 Wrecking, Inc. I am enclosing a copy of that estimate which should probably b p -ed-aignq to the council for their information only. The matter of demolition wi 1 - ally bid at the appropriate time, which is probably 1 coming sooner rather than later. If you have any questions or problems in connection with the foregoing, you certainly should feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL /s/ G. BARRY ANDERSON G. Barry Anderson GBA /lls Enclosure CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION — CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION DIAMOND 5 WRECKING, INC. R2 Box 179 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 612- 327 -3133 � �_�_ J ;LA ` Nj 1. Ave., N. E i S+61 e PPy016V.e 171c�>>{{tn�ii J tot flvu -s � • !1 0 tj S t° >4 Oa 0 a G A Go►i s - l A B . . . fo, - .l - J 1; Sr�s I n Irmb a G A Go►i s �. A B . . . fo, - .l - J 1; Sr�s I n Irmb J ' Pa vial .0 K N dUs e�4 Q � 0 Pf, era viv 1 4. 45tr,vfs,A P40kir+ 1 0 (612) 587 -5151 8175 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUT CHINSON. MINN, 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 10, 1990 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator SUBJECT: Rezoning from I -1 to I -C1 Along West Side of Hwy. 22 from the Bridge North (Lots 16, 17 & 18) Within the Shopko development site we have an owner /occuppied building known as the Electric Motor Shop (Gary Mickel). We have been looking for a location for him to build a 30' wide X 50' deep building. The City owns some property along Hwy. 22 near the entrance of the Crow River Auto and Truck Repair. It is the 100' wide strip parallel to Hwy. 22. John Rodeberg reported we had previously sold a portion of this 100' strip to Juul Contracting. We still own the balance of this strip. It appears that the land use of an electric motor shop would be compatible with other adjacent businesses /buildings. To develop this three -lot strip, an I -C1 zoning would be most appropriate. This would be consistent with the other I -C1 zoning in the community (example: south side of Hwy. 7 West). To facilitate the use of this property, it is recommended that the City Council request the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing to rezone the three lots to I -C1. /ms ?-In' ' • -- e 11 s 7 " AVE 50 18 r AIR N \ AIR- ]5 zC n�E�.E '�• ' K N OP tr y • ` ' L ,0 IF x A mot, c[vnd. r sc fcq�r. �1T e ,•. x r � T f � i.1�u b3W • , • ��_ n � - ¢ x it n S _• ^• �♦ // T / ` SELCNOw 1p B 5 /fp O r no CIRCLE '{ ♦e •9 tl 1 -- F All _ 7 5 _ c r \ \\ 6 om.. z] n ,CI � a s� �P . •♦ s .{ Y x6 4' Uq ♦] z ze m,n n zo. q Y , j.. � I 6 ' 3 R4N04LL • $9 I=I O 9 f • O ]o e p 8 ... A e4 E ] ]e ] 9 ` zz non > m R. q09 fz a Tf ` . A zf ,, s z - \�•� 1 y Q 2 x . n] - s. " u °• C —/ /' /� Sr�.� pi9p° '° $CM X019 ,w, E. I a y P \ .,w� J. v Z 'I ,- , r / V/ ` g6 I 2 1 3 :] 9 8 t. , 4 3 ` ,N `} � s 9 9 ° 10 II 14 r \ 22 p. 6 INN o 12 V 1 9 lu 0 A e +i •I 200 SCALE IN FEET PELLINEN LAND SURVEYING HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Book P102 Page 1 8 job No 90139 Dale Auqust I1, 1990 • 2 0 ts") � tl i AR - A OF LOT 16 =1'152 SQUARE FEET AR 'A OF LOT 17 = I 515 SQUARE FEET 0 denotes power pole • denotes Iron monument found o denotes Iron monument set (; Inch by 14 Inch Iron pipe, unless otherwl: noted) hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct super- CERTIFICATE O F ' SURVEY for is lon and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the lays of the Late of Minnesota. lij '° Aeg yLca. CITY OF HUTC H I NSON Willard Pellinen, Minnesota Reg. No. 9626. y1 G ti* 4j. LOTS 16 < ND 17 PARK SUEDIVISION • 2 � CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 1990 SUPPLEMENT TO CONTRACT NO. L ETTING 5 SHEET 1 OF 2 (CONTRACTOR: IFEDERAL PROJECT ISTATE PROJECT (CITY PROJECT I I Duininck Bros., Inc. I NA I NA 1 90-07 1 . ADDRESS: ILOCATION: I P.O. Box 208, Prinsburg, MN 56281 I Clifton Heights Area I I ITHIS CONTRACT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: I 1. Due to right -of -way, sight line and other construction constraints, Lindy Lane will 1 be constructed 30 feet wide instead of 35 feet. Two catch basins will need to be reconstructed. All changes are based on Bid Prices: I I DELETE: I I ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT UQ ANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT I I 14 -3733 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE V S.Y. 282 $ 1.00 $ 282.00 23 -2105 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) C.Y. 94 $ 4.00 $ 376.00 1 27 -2211 AGGREGATE BASE PLACED CLASS 5 (CV) C.Y. 94 $ 8.60 $ 808.40 1 34 -2331 BITUMINOUS RASE COURSE TON 35 $ 19.00 $ 665.00 36 -2331 BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE TON 9 $ 30.00 $ 270.00 I I ( $ 2,402.40 1 I I ADD: I I I ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT • 11 -2506 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN (B) EACH 2 $ 515.00 $ 1,030.00 21 -2104 REMOVE CATCH BASIN, SALVAGE EACH 2 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 22 -2104 REMOVE STORM SEWER PIPE L.P. 12 $ 1.00 $ 12.00 32 -2531 CONCRETE DRIVEWAY S.Y. 13.2 $ 20.00 $ 264.00 I I I $ 1,506.00 I I I 2. Due to discussion at the Assessment Hearing, the section of Hilltop Drive through 1 Santelman's Addition will be reduced slightly due to the deferred status of the assessments, as noted in the Subdivision Agreement, and the undeveloped state of the plat. Additional blacktop will be required when the property is subdivided and platted. Additional grading is proposed to improve the maintenance of the side 1 slopes. Bid Prices will be utilized. DELETE: I I ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT IIQ ANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 34 -2331 BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE TON 160 $ 19.00 ($ 3,040.00) (original Contract Amount I I $384,7 IDated: , 19_ I (Original Contract Date Director of Engineering I 1 6 -26 -1990 I I I IDated: 19_ I I. Contractor I • I I I 1 IDated: 19_ I I I Mayor I I I I I IDated: 19_ I 1 I City Administrator I 1990 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENT TO CONTRACT NO. LETTIN SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 SHEET 2 OF 2 l l (CONTRACTOR: IFEDERAL PROJECT ISTATE PROJECT ICITY PROJECT I I Duininck Bros., Inc. I NA I NA 1 90-07 I ADDRESS: ILOCATION: I I P.O. Box 208, Prinsburg, MN 56281 I Clifton Heights Area I I I (THIS CONTRACT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: I I 1 I ADD: 1 I I ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT I I 23 -2105 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) C.Y. 400 $ 4.00 $ 1,600.00 I I 1 3. The lowering of Hilltop Drive at Paul's Road for sight /safety purposes has created a steep slope on the northeastern lot on the corner. Landscaping, and deck and retain- ing wall construction make it impossible to slope the property to allow for proper maintenance. A small retaining wall is proposed to make the slope more manageable. Several options, including cast -in- place, block and timber walls were considered. 1 The cast -in -place was chosen as the best, least -cost alternative. I I ADD: i I i ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT IIQ ANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT I I RETAINING WALL: 1 CONCRETE LUMP SUM 1 $ 960.00 $ 960.00 STEEL REINFORCEMENT LUMP SUM 1 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 I PROFIT /OVERHEAD LUMP SUM 1 $ 160.00 $ 160.00 i 1 TOTAL I $ I 1,220.00 SUB -TOTAL OF CHANGE IN BID ITEMS ( #LAND #2) I DECREASE -( I 2,335.40 SUB -TOTAL OF ADDITIONAL NEW ITEMS ( 13) INCREASE $ I 1,220.00 I TOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 I DECREASE -( I 1,115.40 I I 1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $384,797.00 I 1 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 -( 1,115.40 DECREASE I 1 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT I $383,681.60 I I I I I I 10riginal Contract Amount I I I 1 $384,797.00 (Dated: (Original Contract Date I I , 19 Director of Engineering I I I I 1 6 -26 -1990 (Dated: I I 19 Contractor I I � I I I IDated: 19 _ I I I I I Mayor I I IDated: I I 19 City Administrator I I y a Barr_ Engincering Company 7803 Glenroy Road Minneapolis, MN 55439-3123 6121830 -0555 6121835-0186 (Facsimile) August 10, 1990 Mr. John Rodeberg Director of Engineering City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear John, Enclosed is a revised cost estimate and work schedule for engineering services for Phase II: Final Design, Plans and Specifications, and Construction Services for the Hutchinson Dam. The scope of work has changed from the work originally anticipated and proposed in February of 1990. Design and construction work for correction of ice damage and stability problems has since been divided into distinct phases. In addition, design • work not originally included has been added to correct problems in the gate areas. All of the design work is to be completed this year, while only a portion of the actual construction will be completed this year. The Department of Natural Resources has firmly requested that repair work to the damaged crest of the dam be repaired this year. The DNR has also expressed a strong desire to have the stability problems of the dam corrected in the near future (within the next few years), and wants the design for this work to be performed this year. The present conditions of the dam which require urgent action should be completed this year (Construction Phase A). The long term problems are proposed to be constructed in 1992 (Construction Phase B). The gate work will be performed as a part of either Construction Phase A or Construction B. This phased construction allows the City to more easily budget the total construction work required. However, the two distinct phases require additional costs to prepare two sets of construction designs, plans and specifications. All design work included in the Phase II services is to be completed this year and each phase will be designed to accommodate the work in the other phase. The design work included in Phase II consists of final analysis and design for remedial work relating to the ice damage to the dam, preparing plans, specifications and contract documents for the repairs and /or modifications, and engineering services during construction activities. The • final design, plans and specifications for Phase II engineering services will be divided into distinct separate phases for construction; Construction Phase A and Construction Phase B. The proposed design for Construction 167-,4, Mr. John Rodeberg August 10, .199Q Page 2 Phase A is to replace the existing overflow crest with a new concrete crest, and provide operating measures to prevent formation of ice along the overflow crest and the gate faces. The proposed design for Construction Phase B is to install a mass concrete ogee shaped spillway. Phase II engineering work also consists of analysis and design for repair and modification of work relating to the tainter gates and slide gate, and preparation of plans and specifications and engineering services during construction. This work will be included in Construction Phase A and /or Construction Phase B, and will include automated gate operation, raising operator's bridge elevation, replacing gate seals, replacing slide gate sill, and repairing the skin plate on the tainter gates. The proposed engineering services will begin promptly after receiving a signed agreement from the City. All work . included in Phase II, with the exception of construction services, will be performed within 45 days. In order to complete construction yet this year, it is important that the design begin as soon as possible. If the proposed scope of work, cost estimate, and schedule are acceptable and meet the needs of the City of Hutchinson, we will prepare a contract form for Phase II so that we may begin work as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact John Larson or me. L J WJF /ymh Enclosure 0003090 /PHASEII.DOC �� SRI R • • 0 Task CONSTRUCTION PHASE A Design Drawings Spec's & Contract Doc's Meetings Construction Services CONSTRUCTION PHASE B Design Drawings Spec's & Contract Doc's Meetings Construction Services GATE WORK Design Drawings Spec's & Contract Doc's Meetings Construction Services Hutchinson Dam Estimated Engineering Costs Phase II Project Personnel Hours Expenses Total -- ---------- ---------- - - ---- Cost Project Principal Manager Technician --- - -- - -- - - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- -- - - - --- - - - -- 2 16 950 16 16 320 1,600 16 2 25 885 4 8 75 775 20 20 450 2,050 Subtotal $6,260 6 40 2,450 20 20 400 2,000 8 1 25 455 8 8 75 1,075 20 20 450 2,050 Subtotal $8,030 1 16 875 12 12 240 1,200 *Incidental to Phase A or B Work *Incidental to Phase A or B Work *Incidental to Phase A or B Work Subtotal $2,075 TOTAL $16,365 0 0 0 DESIGN TASKS CONSTRUCTION PHASE A Design Drawings . . . . . . . . Specifications and Contract Documents. Construction Services CONSTRUCTION PHASE B Design. . . . . . Drawings Specifications and Contract Documents. Construction Services GATE WORK Design Drawings. . . . . . . Specifications and Contract Documents. Construction Services. . Hutchinson Dam Design Task Schedule Phase 11 0 Ln c0 n 00 m a) s' ) .Y a a a a a a v a a a a a a a a a a a a a 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING W ATER & SEWER FUND *P.E.R.A. *Withhold Tax Acct *US Postmaster Automation Supply Central Garage City of Hutch City of Hutch Coast to Coast Com of Revenue County Market Curtin Scientific DPC Ebert, Richard Electronic Center Family Rexall Farm & Home First Trust Fischer & Porter Fitzloff Hardware Floor Care G & K Service Gopher State 1 Call � Grainger Graybow Daniels Hach Co. Harris Mech Hutch Wholesale Hutch Utilities Hutch Telephone Hutch Cenex Insurance Planners Isco Junker Juul Contracting L & P Supply Labconco Lanz, Gerald League of MN Cities Logis MN Valley MN Mutual MPCA Mutual Benefit Notch, Eric Quade Electric RCM Schmeling Oil Sorensen Farm Standard Printing State Treasurer TEK Mech Town & Country Tire . AUGUST 14, 1990 ---- --------- --- -- -- -- employer contribution 383.42 employer contribution 678.37 water bills postage 164.23 inkjet cartridge 10.19 June repairs 1892 August Medical 2,566.13 August Dental 337.81 supplies 113.E July sales tax 2,821.72 bleach 9,.31 lab supplies 102.m chemicals 948.( class B license 11.03 relay 32A7 supplies 44 .33 supplies 23.43 interest 15,450.0) charts & pens 318.63 supplies 67.5 supplies 83a uniforms 248.9) July service 190.0) vent 263.9) regulators 139.5 lab supplies 144.81 July inspection 1,150.m fitting 4 0 electricity & gas 12,732.87 telephone 251.15 gasoline 684.72 boiler renewal 5,244.0) sampler module 122.E July service 55,48783 repair water leak 1,004.W blade & oil 39.7E valve 4.45 license & room tax 141D multi peril renewal 8,246.2 June computer sery 82671 testing 80 .OD August Life 4535 seminar- D.Smoger 60.0) August LTD 106.74 safety boots 30.07 repairs & supplies 596.67 ; professional services 44.E grease 45.41) washer rent 42X paper 86 .OD exam fee- D.Smoger 15.m `fittings 10-M tire repair 6.H) 2 Tri County Water salt 17.2) BC band 2.T US Postmaster meter postge 11715 VWR Scientific supplies 422.E Waldor Pump pump return 52859 Water Prod meters 3,301.07 Wm Mueller gravel 280.07 Zee Medical supplies 21 S Zurn parts 48.M TOTAL $117,064.43 CENTRAL GARAGE *P.E.R.A. employer contribution 53.1 *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 90.T Boyer Truck disc pad 124.53 Brandon Tire tire repairs 3352) Carquest Auto supplies 1,041.0) City of Hutch August Dental 43.'9 City of Hutch August Medical 307.67 G & K Service uniforms 39a W-utch Cenex gasoline & tires 420.'9 Hutch Wholesale supplies 262.13 Jungclaus Impl filters 8A MN Mutual August Life 5 A6 Mutual Benefit August LTD 12.57 Plowmans brake linings 20 X Town & Country Tire alignment 32.T US Postmaster meter postage 5.T Wigen Chev police car & repairs 15,180.% TOTAL $17,985.9? 3 . GENERAL FUND *Creative River Tours *Field's Hydraulic Calc *MN Chiefs of Police *Steve & Larson *US Postmaster *DNR *Arroww000d Radisson *Withhold Tax Acct *DNR *P.E.R.A. *Mark Shoutz *DNR *Domino's Pizza Ackland, Paul Akron Brass Albinson Allen Office Allied Mechanical Am Welding Am Red Cross American Risk American Lafrance AmericInn Anderson Interiors rlt, John W Arlt, Vic Automation Supply Badge A Minit Bavier, Anita Bennett Office Bernhagen, John Big Bear Bremix Concrete Brenhaug, Jeff Brinkman /Freund Stucco Brinkman, Milt Camera Shop Carquest Cash Wise Central Garage Chamber of Commerce City of Hutch City - of Hutch City of Hutch Clarey's Safety Coast to Coast Coca Cola Copy Equip Country Kitchen 0 ounty Recorder ounty Treasurer County Treasurer Cox, Ryan river cruise 150.OD 2 calculators 28.GD reg- S.Madson 250.0) option 500.03 Aug newsletter 180.(D registration fees 146.OD res- K.Merrill 75.CD employer contribution 4,364.73 registration fees 196.03 employer contribution 4,88237 K -9 trails 300.CD registration fees 120.0) 42 pizzas 266.T meeting expense 51.43 parts 12 81 supplies 360.24 supplies 47.M repairs 229.31 rent 182.R) manuals 141.0D professional services 199.61 kit 105.74 rooms for Cole trial 440.8) paint 119-T. umpire 13 .OD umpire 91.0) ribbons,paper & cartridges 7531 badge parts 77A refund swimming 8.OD service contract 114.43 compensation 1,960.00 tools 30.71 concrete 80.4) cond use refund 45.0) small cities loan 3,335.(D August rent 175.(D film 39.61 bulb 131 supplies 2485) June repairs 7,466.81 office & equip rent 3863) July lodging tax 1732 _ -- August Medical 20,077 Z August Dental 2,862.W equipment parts 112.E supplies 231.87 beverage cooler 99.S5 paper 13633 prisoner meal 5.14 recording fees 150.0) print out 4.00 DL fees 201.0) umpire 3 6.(D • Crow River Vet Crow River Glass Culligan Dassel P.D. Dept of Public Safety Derifield, Del Dimberg, Sharon Dobier, Diane Dostal, Mary Draeger,Chuck Ericksons More 4 Erlandson, Kris Family Rexall Farm & Home Field, George Fitzloff Hardware Floor Care Fratzke, Cindy G & K Service Galles, James Giersdorf, Brian Great Plains Greenbriar Floral Gregor, John Guardian Pest W aasl, James ammond, Michelle Hazelden Services HCI Heilman, Deborah Henry's Candy Holtz, Don Home Bakery Home Bakery Hoversten, Kim HTC Hutch Wholesale Hutch Travelers Hutch Leader Hutch Telephone Hutch Cenex Hutch Wholesale Hutch Fire & Safety Hutch Fire & Safety Hutch Com Hospital Hutch Med Center Hutch Convention Bureau Hutch Telephone Hutch Utilities Ink Spots � Insurance Planners ntertechnologies Jack's Uniform Joe's Sport Shop Johnson, Doug kennel fees & food glass salt used siren license plates refund My Fair Lady refund swimming refund swimming garden damage umpire supplies refund swimming supplies supplies UPS supplies supplies refund swimming uniforms umpire umpire lumber plants - Wendorf & Schumann expenses service reimbursement counteract seminar reg- M.Hammond printer refund swimming supplies refund for park shelter donuts pies & donuts umpire Haz Mat class supplies candy bars printing telephone gasoline parts inspection inspections laundry physical- S.Madson June lodging tax vibratory plow rent electricity paper boiler renewal video pouches & holders plaques & trophies class expense 4 263.T 14.19 45.0) 5 0 .0) 12 CO . 33 .0) 80 8 .OD 50.(D 156 OD 18.42 8 .OD 96 .65 118.93 3. 446.S9 915a 16.0) 699a 20.0) 143.(1) 36a 28 5 56.T 615) 8 a9 225.0) 475 OD 475 8.a) 1,474.33 10 .(D 34.(1) 150 20.0) 252A) 19152 14.'b 2,268.31 3,392.97 4,519.87 25.E5 20.07 147.71 2 4.Z 207.6) 2, 117.81 2975) 2,8425? 154.a 5, 982.OD 2 5.0) 168 .S) 956.W 7.77 9 uul Contracting repairs K -Mart supplies Kalenberg, Peter refund softball King, Louis umpire Kirchoff, Ron trial expenses Knick, Dave refund tournament Koch Materials asphalt Kokesh equipment bag Krueger, Sharla carnival services Kurth, Gladys refund My Fair Lady L & P Supply supplies L & P Supply belt Lakes Gas fuel Lasting Woodlands contribution Law Enforcement Equip name bars League of MN Cities multi peril renewal Lee Collins lettering tape Leske, Kurt umpire Logis June computer service Madson, Steve trial expenses Malin, Lori refund swimming Manthei, Howard umpire May, Ed safety boots McGarvey Coffe coffee McLeod Coop Power electricity 4V errill, Ken meeting expenses IAMA Reg- M.Haugen Mid Central tape Mike's Mobil gripper Miner, Bernie refund tournament MN Rec & Park dues MN Gov Finance Off conference- K.Merrill MN Elevator July elevator service MN CLE reg-S.Madson MN UC Fund 2nd quarter MN Mutual August Life MN Playground spine board Moon, Dolf meeting expenses Mutual Benefit August LTD Napa oxygen Nelson,Jack river boat refund NK Sales stump removal Northern States Supply batting cage parts Northland Beverage supplies Olson's Locksmith lock repair Pan o Gold buns Perry's Tree Service tree removal Pikal Music cord repair Pioneer Mfg paint Plaza OK supplies laza Hardware supplies lotz, Gary trial expenses Plowmans car rent Quade Electric repairs & parts Quade Electric door switch repair 703 E5 10815 2 5.0D 260.0) 2 5 3.85 8 0.C() 4,2823 3 7 .03 2 0 .OD 3 3 .07 198.13 8.79 177.97 10 .03 3.E) 47,540.9) 793 143.0) 5,205 3 108.% 20.OD 169.(1) 3 0 O 54 3 265. 36.65 225.OD 66.OD 14 3 80.01 55.([) 140.OD 5 9 . 165.(D 1,873 % 389.EB 187.67 43.OD 938.' 10 .m 6 .OD 1, 370.2) 245.77 509.`_D 38.0) 38.T 2�3 5.0) z 43 372.OD 70.S2 23.21 63.12 214 M 117 56.01 i • i 6 Quades Sport Shop supplies 36.83 Randy's Tree Service tree removal 260.0) Rannow Electric AC check 38.8) Regions VI Chief's Assc dues 30.07 Rumrill, Burton umpire 195.OD Runke, Reinhold umpire 91.07 Rutz Plumbing labor 7437 Sally Dist carnival prizes 3772 Santelman, Ben umpire 20.0) Schiller, Mike refund Aqua nuts 8.OD Schmeling Oil gasoline 25.8) Schwans Sales supplies 805) Secretarian service -Lamp & Swanson 909.`.D Seven West Wash mophead cleaning 20-M Sewing Basket repair jacket 9.07 Shaw, Stacee danceline instructor 48.0) Shaw, Karen danceline instructor 160.0] Shopko supplies & photos 834.36 Sid's Foods groceries 158.87 Simonson Lumber ceiling tile 63a Standard Printing supplies 7612 Standard Printing paper 834.07 Star Cable August service 4.(5 Streichers pistols, holsters 12,180-97 Sustacek, Steve umpire 20.07 epley Equip parts 10281 W he Saltman salt 65.0) TKDA professional services 594.(B Torgerson, Marlin LMC expense 104 Tri County Water softener rent 31-M Two Way Com install radios 496.M UBC tile 8 91 UBC lumber 89.(1 Up & Away Balloons carnival balloons 16.CD US West Aug service 9864 US Postmaster meter postage 605.70 Viking Signs signs 159.(D Waage, Richard trial expenses 574.43 Walsh, Deb refund swimming 20.07 Wesley's Pharmacy film 32.17 West Metro Prof 2 directories 63a) West Publishing updates 129 5) Whalen, Kathy 43 hours worked 301.OD Wieland, Bruce umpire 169.07 Wm Mueller gravel 1,820.W Xerox contract payment 329. Zieman, Sharon tape reimbursement 5.® TOTAL $170, 521.73 • i W BOND FUNDS RURAL FIRE DEPARTMENT Hutch Wholesale supplies 32.5 Two Way Com radio installation 436.5 Hansen Truck Service repair .634.5 TOTAL $1,103.16 BURNS MANOR CONST FUND Advance Transp freight charges 78.31 Deming Const appl #1 60,741.OD TOTAL $60,819.31 YOUTH CENTER *P.E.R.A. employer contribution 36;5 *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 62s2 Hutch Telephone telephone 24.75 Thomas Dolder August rent 2,200.CD Hutch Utilities electricity 73.41 Mutual Benefit August LTD 1012 MN Mutual August Life 7.77 City of Hutch August Medical 137 .8 City of Hutch August Dental 15.61 • TOTAL $2,568.E5 1987 CONST BONDS Hanson & Vasek Const let 11 proj 89 -17 2,314.817 BONDS OF 1990 CONST Wm Mueller let 3 proj 90 -09 -12 3,558.43 Wm Mueller let 2 proj 90 -08 98,46937 TOTAL $102,028:17 BONDS OF 1989 CONST Wm Mueller let 10 23,243..17 1980 TAX INC DEBT SERVICE Milt Brinkman /Freund Stucco 8% loan 1,265.OD 1988 DEBT SERVICE Am Natl Bank interest 57,500.CD REC & POOL DEBT SERVICE American Natl Bank interest 18,625.0) BONDS OF 1985 First Trust 1985 TAX INC DEBT SERVICE First Trust 1990 TAX INC DEBT SERVICE County Recorder LIQUOR FUND Johnson Brothers Ed Phillips Griggs Cooper Quality Wine City of Hutch Withhold Tax Acct Am Linen Coast to Coast Family Rexall Hutch Telephone Hutch Utilites Hutch Leader KDUZ Quade Electric A.H.Hermel Candy Coca Cola Henry's Candy Northland Bev Peterson Rodeo Sprengler Trucking City of Hutch City of Hutch interest interest abstract costs wine & liquor wine & liquor wine & liquor wine & liquor lottery sales employer contribution towel service supplies cash reg tapes telephone electricity ads ads lamps supplies supplies supplies supplies ads trucking workmens comp & Logis July employee ins TOTAL 8 32, 785.(1] 4, 350.03 383 .OD 2,49112 4, 544.23 1, 285.83 2,203 21 503 CD 314 .82 2134 17:8 3X 79.a) 881.8 125.07 120.0) 17a 16A 297.C5 1,332-9) 169.5 5 0 .(D 510.0 2, 380.07 1,469.5 $18,834.5 !' ! �M 8/6/90 Sir; 71closee yo- will find information and correspondence, concerning McLeod Landfills annlicatior, to P:]`i.i to have the flood plain area s ur rounding the land"111 removed from .-iaps. (Letter of Map Revision) To accom ^lisp this, a le:'ee is ^ro7osed to protect the area from -flooding. This sho '_d be of interest to you, as the levee would be built on the north side of the South Fork of the Crow River. As you can see from the news article enclosed, there was a substantial flooding of property i.. the Landfill area, and back (upstream) toward Hutchinson. As a forner me7z7cer of the Minn, Highway Dept. Survey Crew (Construction), I would like to point out, that the buildin^ of "I.— levee, and fill` -ng of wetlands north of tide grow River, would most certainly force the water south, and west, back upstream during a high water situation. his would of course lead to more flooding in the County Rd Y 71 and Minn. Hy 22 area, (note t:ne.7ictLL^e) and as previously stated, cause more flooding back I:pe area ^;, (towards rutchin son.), doe to higher water levels. If this situation concerns you, please make your feelings known, to the D:3, St. Paul District Corps of ingireers, and probably the Ian_.. Highway Dent. (Willmar Office). I an sending a letter to the Minn. Highway Dept. today. I am opposed to the entire project. The entire McLeod Landfill and its —oposed expansion are in the flood plain. It is against i,innesota Pollu- ±ion Control Agency regulations, to have a landfill in a flood plain. why = ,:— ies water to t:C i:ity of Glencoe, r"S under the landfill. Since the landfill is located in a nighwater situation, -_,� ^d has no col ^lion syste it will most certainly pollj.te the underground water at some stage. Thank you, for you' tiTq and consideration. Gi P.Ce AlLLer.:ar. Liason to the ",later Dept. Candidate for cl,eod County Commissioner, 2nd District 207 11_th St. E. Glencoe, Mn. 5533 <&- * _•a, Q:t�9ggG �tE% Pr4 Vrr 0 I I 11 1 0 11 1 " Am r l 1� .5r i o f' DEPAR THE ARMY ST PAVE OISTNICT, COMPS OF EM01NEEgS IATI U.S. POST OFFICE E CUSTOU"OUSE ST PAM. W WWESOTA MI01 -1479 June 25, 1990 RRV Tp �TiENlpn Os Construction- Operations Regulatory Branch (90- 4485 -54).. SUBJECT: Dike Construction and Placement of Fill Material Located in Section 31; T. 116N, R. 28W; McLeod County, Minnesota Phil Schweitzer McLeod Landfill, Inc. Glencoe, MN 55336 Having reviewed the information we have received concerning your project, we believe that you will need a Department of the Army permit for the activity referenced above. We are enclosing application materials. The orange booklet C (EP- 1145 -2 -1) gives background about our program and instructions for preparing the application. 0 Because we must provide notice of your project to certain other agencies, and provide then a reasonable opportunity to comment on your proposal, our public interest review for most projects may take at least 60 days- You can help us to review your application as quickly as possible if you - * Fill out the application completely and specifically. Note the instructions on pages 10 and 11 of the orange booklet. * Send accurate drawings. See the check list on pages 14 and 15 and the examples on pages 16 and 17 of the booklet. Following these examples will help ensure that your drawings will be accurate and usable. Please describe any alternatives to the project as planned that you have considered. This consideration should include other potential sites and other methods of accomplishing the desired result. Feder laws and rules often prevent issuance of permits where there are less environmentally - damaging alternatives available. For instance, if the project involves placing fill in a water or wetland, there may be alternatives that would accomplish the project purpose but would not require filling, or would not require as much fill in as large an area i\ v 1 0 If your project will include any temporary placement of excavated or fill material into a waterbody or wetland, you may also need authorization for that work. Be sure to include that,information in your permit application. You may also need staCe, county, and /or city permits. It's a good idea to make inquiries of other agencies early in your planning process. If you have any questions, write or call Paul Richert at (612) 220 -0372 SinceWo Ben Vopat Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures Construction- Operations Division E 0 le X OF ( CT U V U V LS � 0 U [.=� DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ONR INFORMATION 500 LAFAYETTE ROAD • ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA • 55155 -40 (612) 296-6157 May 25, 1990 Mr. Orville O. Mackenthun 207 11th Street E. Glencoe, MN 55336 Dear Mr. Mackenthun: v�o , Thank you for your letter concerning the proposed expansion of the McLeod County Landfill. The flood plain information which you requested follows. But first, I would like to note that the DNR does not have any authority, or the expertise to address the pollution concerns for this landfill proposal. We have simply been asked by the Pollution Control Agency to determine if the area where the landfill will be expanded is located in the flood plain. The PCA will address the pollution concerns, and take action on the expansion proposal. A consultant hired by the landfill operator has determined that the 100 year flood elevation at the site is 1006.8 feet at the downstream end of the property, and 1010.4 feet at the upstream end of the property. We have reviewed this flood study and concur with these findings. Site inspection, and survey information submitted by the consultant show that the area of the proposed expansion would be subject to flooding at these elevations. Therefore, the proposed expansion area is located in the flood plain. It is our understanding that the landfill operator is going to apply to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) to have the area removed from the flood plain. To accomplish this, a levee is proposed to protect the area from flooding. The LOMR will require a resolution from McLeod County supporting the revision of the flood plain designation. The LOMR will also require approval by the DNR. If the landfill is extended as proposed, it would fill a water body created by gravel mining. This water body is not a designated protected water or wetland, and no permit is required from the DNR to fill it. A Chapter 404 permit may - _ =PORTL. tiITY E%IoLOt"eR Oville Mackenthun • May 25, 1990 Page 2 be required by the U.S. Corps of Engineers to fill this area if it is considered to be a wetland by the Corps. In your letter, you express concern about water pollution resulting from the proposed expansion. If the expansion is permitted, the PCA will address pollution abatement procedures such as clay liners and leachate collection systems. Should you have any further ques =ions about flood plain management at this site, please contact me at (612) 296- 0522. Sincerely, - 6; %kt Bill Huber, Hydrologist Floodplain Management Program . BH cc: Skip Wright, Area Hydrologist Ray Nyberg, Regional Hydrologist Joe Gibson, Supervisor James Warner, PCA -St. Paul 0 `The Window People" w7 August 7, 1990 CUSTOM WINDOWS by Richard Larson Builders Business Phone: 587 -5555 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 FOR YOUR INFORMATION City Council ATTN: John Rodeberg City of Hutchinson 37 Washington AVE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Sirs: We will be replacing the windows in the 1001? Lodge building both upstairs and down between August 20th and August 27th. It will be necessary to erect scaffolding on the sidewalk on both the east and south sides of building on Main Street and Second Avenue. We request the sidewalk be closed between August 20th and August 24th. The pedestrian traffic can be routed to the sidewalk on the south side of Second Avenue. We will supply a sign indicating a closed sidewalk. Sincerely, C e ' ic � hard Z Larson RL /bl 0 (612) 587 -5151 ff ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST CHINSON, MINN. 55350 July 20th, 1990 Mr. Robert Hornick 15214 Excelsior Blvd. Minnetonka, MN 55345 Dear Mr. Hornick: FOR YOUR INFORMATION Please provide a complete Site Plan, including setbacks, drainage contours, etc. The documents forwarded to my office are insufficient for site approval. Best regards, r ., t ¢o 21 MCJ� Jame G. Malt- Building Official JGM /pv cc: John Rodeberg, Dir. of ngineering Mayor and Council HWY 7 & 15 DEVELOPMENT Robert Hornick Project Background As a result of losing the prospective tenant on the adjacent property it is necessary to scale back the proposed development of the gas, grocery & car wash project. Proposal PHASE ONE Build a new car wash building. Add two pump islands Erect a new canopy. Remodel present building -- inside and out. PHASE TWO Option to expand present store building. Building Department Considerations Convert present manhole cover south of the present store to a drainage cover. Car Wash elevation to allow for lot drainage to flow along northwest side of curb to west side of store to the existing drainage grate on west side of existing store. Continue to sheet drain as per existing lot. This proposal will enable us to retain existing parking lot hard cover. New improved hard cover will be added on west side of building for parking. Your approval to these considerations is necessary so that we can proceed with architectural drawings. Thank You. L� r ,,, _ S _ g n T! f E 1�_ f;-, L l,/ rn 0 �oTI-� t� Cc O ` I P _ W ASN OQT{0 Z F._ a xp/yySieN l op "t OF s Toa� v If &SC I le 5r I .J 4 y 'I Exl` 1 1 C Kn(3� - s�(Krio6 EK Lsri.rL B � p„aa CuT 0 CITY OF 9UTCRI8S08 NAY 17, 1990 The follsoing are rater useage in thousands of gallons frog sale sasples or Nutchiason businesses. FOR YOUR INFORMATION LIQUOR WIFE'S RAYEWEIER AC GRAN KEEBE RAGIR CAROLS id1:8SO4 W.W.WRRC PRAIRIE STORE WOBLIE ACCOUNT 'G INSURARCE LAWYERS JEWELRY CAPE FOODS DENTIST ROUSE WINTER QUARTER ENDING WONTR DEC, DEC DEC DEC BEC DEC Dill 0E'1 DEC DEC WINTER QUARTEE 1989/1990 1 73 12 2S 26 3 70 81 19 223 3 7 200 17 26 18 3 64 64 16 249 2 14 142 I2 23 16 3 73 121 21 237 1 18 221 14 22 17 2 84 60 17 190 ANNUAL TOTAL 47 636 SS 96 TT 11 291 326 73 B95 WINTER QUARTER 1988/1989 6 262 11 23 IS 4 124 SO IB 240 3 6 285 12 24 11 2 106 44 1S 237 2 27 290 14 29 13 4 144 S9 25 223 1 7 221 18 88 15 3 87 39 21 147 ANNUAL TOTAL 46 1,065 55 164 54 13 461 192 79 847 9 • THE PIONEER, BIG RAPIDS, All Wednesday, July 18 19 FAR y�UR /*F ON City regulating use of wheeled devices BIG RAPIDS — Teens and their sk, boards may become part of the ; zst— at Icast in downtown Big Rapids. City commission members un- animously approved an ordinance regulating the use of skateboards and other wheeled devices within the Central Business District Mon- day night during a regular meeung. The regulations apply to skateboards, roller skates, coasters, scooters and "similar contrivances" in th. district, which spans an area from Hemlock to Linden, and War- ren to State streets. Wheeichain and ether modes of transportation for the handicapped are not covered t y the regulations. It's a civil infraction for violating the ordinance. Those who violate the ordinance will be committing a civil infrac. tion subject to a fine of no more than S 50. The city's Department of ^iN , Snfetc may a'so impound tt_ =e t `oard er other device for no more than 60 days. The or- dinance will qo into effect 20 days afl:.r it has been published in the Pioneer. According to portions of the ordinance, the use of the wheeled devices is prohibited: — "On any sidewalk, pub;. parking area, roadway, alley, street or other area open to the general public in the Central Business Dis- trict, C -2 zoning district, as iden- tified in the Big Rapids Zoning Or- dinance. The zoning map depicting the district shall be available for in- spection in the office of the city clerk." --0n benches, tables, planters, walls or other "fixtures" located in or along areas open ID the general public including public roadways, streets, alleys, sidewalks and park- ing lots. —On areas open to the general public — roadways, streets etc. — when it "hinders, impedes or otherwise interferes with the pas- sage of pedestrians or vehicles." Those using the devices rnist also yield right of way to pedestrians on all public roadways, streets, allies, sidewalks and parking tots. Also, no "vehicle, motorcycle or bicycle" can be used to tow another person on any "skateboard, roller skates, coaster, scooter or similar wheeled device." In other action Monday night, the commission approved a resolu- tion for pavement improvements and subsequent preparation of a special assessment roll for residents of Harding Drive. The total estimated cost for im- provements to the 3,400 linear fact of road is $18,266 and will cover grading, - gravel, bituminous material and centerline striping. The city will pay 20 percent of the total cost or 51.07 per linear foot while property owners in the city will be asxssed 80 percent for the imp rovements or $4.30 per linear Objections to the special assess- ment will be heard at a public hear- ing c: Aug. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the commission meeting room. 0 THE PIONEER BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Wednesday, July 18, 1990 Fopy 9T14 New logos & ty was the. major reason for changing logos said. The logos are larger and madeivith re Bec- r `wr Big Rapids city police cars earlier this lorhted tape making the cars easier to see the ! th, according to Big, Rapids Public Safety dark and from long distancem hiattioli said he j ii, - c +.or Jerry Nfattioii. Three accidents over has received many postitit comments about the =t '�Zr involving squad cars Rere the change,#... r - ; ur their pour visibility to other drivers, he - - Y , Fopy 9T14 New logos & ty was the. major reason for changing logos said. The logos are larger and madeivith re Bec- r `wr Big Rapids city police cars earlier this lorhted tape making the cars easier to see the ! th, according to Big, Rapids Public Safety dark and from long distancem hiattioli said he j ii, - c +.or Jerry Nfattioii. Three accidents over has received many postitit comments about the =t '�Zr involving squad cars Rere the change,#... r - ; ur their pour visibility to other drivers, he - - 7/26190 HUTCHINSON U7'I S COMMISSION PAGE 1 C HUTCHINOON, INNESOTA "JUNE 3 0, 1990 SHEET JUNE 3 FOR YOUR INFORMATION r w w ELECTRIC w w w w w x w x GAS w w w w x x x x x TOTAL x w x x r ASSETS — - -- - — UTILITY PLANT – AT COST LAND b LAND RIGHTS 770,754.63 13,970.10 784,732.73, _ DEPRECIABLE Ul'ILI7Y_PLANT 21,035,731.04 _2,568,923.23 4,404,654.27 TOTAL UTILITY PLANT 22,606,405.72 2,582,901.33 25 C _ __ LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION_ (12,060,991.15) -_.. (1,097,615.38)__._.._ _- _.(13,158.806.53) 70TAL ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION (12,060,991,15) (1,097,815.38) _ __ (13,iS9,aO6.53) CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS _. ... -- 1,242.112.`,0 _ - - -_- _ 60,439.56 - .___._.. .,,._1,302,552.06 _ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 1,242,112.50 60,439.36 1,302,552.06 , 1 TOTAL UTILITY PLANT DEPREC VALUE -., 11,787,607.07 _ 1.545,525.31 _.. -- .... 13,333,132,88 - RESTRICTED FUNDS b ACCOUNTS 6� is, C FUTURE EXPANSION b DEVELOPMENT 2,800,000.00 1,210,000. 00 4,010,000.00__ RESERVE FOR FUEL OIL _ 750 000 00 .00 750,000 00 MEDICAL INSURANCE 60,000.09 40,000.00 500,000 00 _- ^ C ITA – OPERATING b_M_A_INT_RESERVE 2 00' 0 00.00 _. _— .___ -.___ 200,000. INSURANCE L033 3001000.00 .00 300,000.00 BOND b INTEREST PAYMENT 1986 294,737.73 .00 294,737.73 1986 BOND_ RESERVE ._._. _.... 392,000.00_ 00 ..392,000.00__ -. __..... CATASTROPHIC FAILURE FUND 750 000.00 : 00 750,000.00 FEDERAL INTERPRETATION .00 623,825.27 623,825.27 MAIN FUND .5 _.. 000.000.2,973,825.27 i 000, 000. 44 c FUNDS RESTRICTED FU b ACCOUNTS TOTAL RESTRICTED 5, 54673773 , ,. -�. _. _ 8,420 „63.00 f =� CURRENT b ACCRUED ASSETS CASH IN BANK _ ..__.. 704,662.11 737,710.99 1,442,373.10 INVESTMENTS 8 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 554,344.57 320,502.28 874,846.85 _ .ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE _. _._ ...AMA70.10_ .i _.._._. — 303-,506..2L_.. __ --- -- _1.328-976.37. INVENTORIES 465,856.47 59,004.30 524,860.77 V4 ` PREPAID INSURANCE 42,030.33 549.55 42,579.88 C' ACCRUED, INTEREST RECEIVABLE _ - . .__ 88, 108.37 4�, 453..64 136.562.06. ^� TREASUkY HILL DISCOUNT (43,563.34) - (34,807.50) (80,370.84) a TOTAL CURRENT b ACCRUED AS SETS 2,834 908.61 ;. 1,434,919.58 4,269,828.19 DEFERRED CHARGE ' BOND DISCOUNT 1986 72,999.95 00 72,999.95 ' CLEARING ACCOUNT ....._____..- 644.91._ .._ .___._.x.00 __..r_ . - 644.91._ __ TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE 73, 614.86 .00 73,644.86 %. s C TOTAL ASSETS 0 2 0, 2 42 ,8 98.27 ' 5,854,..70.36 26,097,168.63 b� _ i'N 1/26/90 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION PAGE ^_ C HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 1990 C ELECTRIC x rt R x x R x x GAS x R x R R rt x w R TOTAL w w x x MUNICIPAL EQUITY 6 LIABILITIES _ -- MUNICIFAL EQUITY MUNICIPAL EQUITY 15,737 ,274,297.87 21,011,419.6 UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS _ 873,327.33 375,30@ -69 ". 1,248,678.0 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY (165,000.00) (SSO,000.00) (_75,000.00) TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 16,445,448.72 5,539,598.56 21,985,047.28 LONG TERM LIAHILITIE5-NEi OF ' CURRENT MATURITIES NDS __ -- ____ 1986 BO TOTAL - LONG TERM - I.IABILTTIES 31085,000.00 .00 3.085,000.00 ' ' CON5TR CONTRACTS 6 ACCTS PAY RETAIN TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 6 ACCTS PAY .00 .00 .00 C CURRENT 6 ACCRUED LIABILITIES i - NOT PAYABLE -LEASE PAYABLE 3.314.16 00 3,314.16 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 540,045.7-5 293,201.08 833,246.83 ,. C INTEREST ACCRUED_ 15 261.05 @�__.. i __ _. _. _..... _.__ __ _ ACCT PAYABLE TO ASSOCIATED COMPANY .. _._...- ____._._. (20,962.49) __•00_.__. ______. _ (.00) _ ____14.261. _.______ (20,962.49) ._F ACCRUED PAYROLL 43,325.57 9,379 18 52,704.75 ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE ___ 421167.92 _ __,__ _____ 12,.0134.54. __ _ _ ___ _ "." 54,252.46 CU8TOMER DEPOSITS 88,220.59 00 88,220.5T OTHER CURRENT 6 ACCRUED LIABILITIES 77.00 700 84.00 �C TOTAL 6 ACCRUED LIAB 712,449.35_. B @____._ ^ . ._ . -. _ _ _3�4�471 _1.027.122.35 =i TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY A LIAR 20,242,898 27 5,854,270.,3(L_ .__,26.097,168,63 C�JC h1 f L® �8 }126/90 HUTCHINSON U1 S COMMISSION HUTCHINSO INNESOTA ELECTRIC DIVISION STATEMENTf OF INCOME 6 EXPENSES JUNE 30, 1990 PREVIOUS CURRENT BUDGETED YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE INCOME STATEMENT OPERATING REVENUE PAGE I 9 . FOR YOUR INFORMATI ' SUE-GET DEVIATION ANNUAL PUL)CET (51,900.32) r SALES —ELECTRIC ENERGY 4,380,010.91 4,509 032.18 4,560 932 50 (51,900.32) 9 'ir 1,665.00 NET INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES 13 285.i8 19,286.80 12 157.75 7,129.05 2 2,100.00 -, [ SECURITY LIGHTS - - - ,,. 6 393.00... 6,735.50 7,350,00 (614,50) _ 55.000,00 POLE RENTAL 3,832.50 3,832.50 4,000.00 (167.50) 4,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 4,403,521.59 4,538,886.98 4,584,440.25 (45,553. 27) 9,402,765.00 ol OPERATING EXPENSES - - -- L PRODUCTION OPERATION 328 548.62 456 739.19 446.675.04 (10,064.15) 921,240.69 _ PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE 58. _ 23,017.5 ,_ 22,741.56 (276.01).____ 74,212.00 _ PURCHASED POWER 2,502 580.25 2,394 59 2,412 301.34 18 055.75 4 936,277.00 TRANSMISSION OPERATION 80.65 1,212.27 65.00 (1,147.27) i 1 600.00 TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE �! _ 16 309.83 26,371.42 _ ii 000.00 (15,371..42) 11 000.00__(. DISTRIPUTION OPERATION 77 389.03 BS 441 09 100 458.25 15 ,017.16 161 753.00 R DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 51 001.88 - 53 127.09 58,528.65 3,401.56 103 360.00 k r CUSTOMER EXPENSES________._._.....___ 39,743.79_ ... _ 36, 448 .62.40 822.48 4 073.66.___.___. CUSTOMER SERVICES 4,948.36 5,256.85 5,181.90 (75.05) 10 160.40 ADMINISTRATIVE 6 GENERAL EXPENSES 324,666.48 308 196.09 294 460.65 (13,735.44) 617 109.25 DEPRECIATION__ _ 467 . __336 600_00" ___ 343. 700.00._.____ ". ..._7,100.00_982,000, AL TOT OPERATING EXPENSES 3 870,347.35 3,728,655.78 3,735,634.77 6,978.99 "03 7,897,891.45 j OPERATING INCOME _ ,_ ___ 533,174.24 __.__ _.. L%9,, 2 31_,.2 0 _____ 138..374.2@L____ _.. 1.544.873.55 i OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS i _ OTHER — NET _ ' —..._ (4,443.53) _..__ T _(7. 470.89) (4,892.00) (2.578.89) 3,1,00.0@ INTEREST INCOME 203,650.18 151,693.47 151,742.50 (49.03) 523,250.00 MISC INCOME /EXPENSE 7,113.38 1,943.70 3,600.00 (1 4,500.96 �. INTEREST EXPENSE ._._._ -- —_.—__... 92, 864.58 ._._ L... 83,070.1'.L____:�. —_ 81400 .12.._..______11,670.03.L__.__ - -_166.162.09._ 'i TOTAL OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 113,455.45 63,096.13 69,050.38 (5,954.25) 371,188.00 •.1._i_NET INCOME_:. 646,629.,69_.__.._ 873, 27,'{„'x91.7, 855..86._._(44. 528_53)..___._.1.876.961..53___ e 4.. 7/26/90 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION PAGE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA GAS DIVISION STATEMENT OF INCOME 6 EXPENSES JUNE 30, 1990 PREVIOUS CURRENT BUDGETED BUDGET YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE DEVIAfION INCOME STATEMENT n C. c OPERATING REVENUES BUDGET .00 13,0tl0.00 - _ SALES 2 _ ,297,596.88 _. ..__ 2,402 013 .23 2 _ -_.._ ,483 250.U0 FORFEITED DISCOUNTS 6,428.13 8,907.86 6,783.00 ­TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE - 2,304,025.01 _ .2,4.11.321.09_... 2,490.033.00 OPERATING EXPENSE ___ (50.03)_ 6,773.60_.. MFG GAS PRODUCTION OPERATION ,1,374.96 _ _ 1,.113.53. .. _. 1, 052. 00 MFG GAS PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE 116.73 ° .00 .00 PURCHASED GAS EXPENSE 1,684,631.50 1,854,934.39 1,800,000.00 DISTRIBUTION OPERATION _- _.. _. -_ _ 91,862.53 _._ 101,892.96 _94,755.86 DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 12,071.05 14,119.34 13,068.54 - CUSTOMER EXPENSES 25,685.13 24,231.73 25,092.81 CUSTOMER SERVICES _,... , 3.298.90 _ ._. _ 3.454.54 ADMINISTRATION 6 GENERAL 123 ,543.33 140,024.6@ 1 ^8,238.88 DEPRECIATION 42,600.00 45,600.00 41 924.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1A"6 184.15 2,185,421.1 _ _7,_10 8,386 63. OPERATING INCOME 318,840.86 226,299.97 381,646.37 OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS - _ OTHER - NET 566.46 240.86 1,152.00 INTEREST INCOME ...__._.. _.__.—.__ ._128,815.90...... 333 i26,M7.50 _ MISC INCOME/EXPENSE 2,193.27 3! 426.44 1,650.00 TOTAL OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 131,575.63 149,000.72 129,589.50 NET INCOME - 450,416.49 375 511,235.87 (80,4-76.77) 2,124.86 (78,311.91) n C. c ANNUAL BUDGET .00 13,0tl0.00 (5J 4,934.39) 3,600,000.00 4,400,000.00, _ (7,137.10). _..._ 11,900.00 4,451.900.00. 32,270.00 C. (61_53? _. 2,800.00 .. .00 13,0tl0.00 (5J 4,934.39) 3,600,000.00 � _ (7,137.10). _..._ .174 „09.00... (1,050.80) 32,270.00 1,661.08 51,453.20 ' ___ (50.03)_ 6,773.60_.. (11,785.72) 243,075.75 (3,676.00) 89,200.00 et ____(77J)34.49) 4.2L3,2Sl.55 (155,346.40) 198,618.45 (� (911.14) 2,400.00 �� _,.__(9.454.08) 281.750.00 _' .. 2 9,776.44 ... _.. 3,000.00 11 P 19,411.22 287,150.00 E Y (135,933.10) 403,768.45 ;, Q ' BURNS MANOR STATEMENTS JF FOR YOUR INFORMATION PAGE: 1 IACJME - - - 90107 - 90106 90107 - 90111 ACTdAL SUDGET DIFFERENCE OPERATING REVENUE - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- ' RESIDENT CARE SERVICES - ' ___ PRIVATE & 3RD PARTY PAYERS $451,670.48 $631,948.00_ 180,277.52.__ MEDICAID $b52,691.96 $564.716.00 87,975.96 MEDICARE _______ $111,333.41 ______ ________________ 5147.901.00 - 36,568.59 ___ $7,215,695.85 91.344,566.00 _____ _________ - 728,870.15 ANCILLARY SERVICES REVENVF __._. _ $17,.984.46 _$0.00_. _ __ 17.984.,66.___.___.. DRUGS AND SUPPLIES $34,476.10 $0.00 34,476.10 + .c. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $1,268,156.61 $1,744,566.00 - 76,409.39 z: OPERATING EXPENSES - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- -- _ - -- ��-- - NURSING SERVICES $663.484.46 $657,404.00 6,080.46 OT14ER CARE RELATED SERVICES $66,482.00 _. - 14.&43_08 '?? DIETARY SERVICES $160,751.42 $166,104.00 - 5,452.58 - s` LAUNDRY AND LINEN SERVICES $33,016.47 $31,297.00 719.47 p^ HOUSEKEEPING _SERVICES .$57,886..4.9_- .$61.286.00_.- -_...- 3,399.51___ PLANT OPERATIONS $76,069.91 $80,149.00 - 4,079.09 - TAX ASSESSMENTS & LICENSES $8,736.49 $6,881.00 1,854.49 as PAYROLL TAXES _AND _ BENEFIT -$ -- .._. $145..323.26 $ 140 ,956..00._._.. 4.361.16__._.__ ?' INTEREST EXPENSE $601.67 $600.00 1.67 ?�! DEPRECIATION EXPENSE $32,156.00 $25,700.00 6,456.00 LEASES AND RENTALS __. _. - -.... $1.583._1.9 $840.00. _..___._ 743..1.9_______.. _ GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE $102,274.61 $87,266.00 15,008.62 161 NUN - REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES $587.16 $0.00 587.16 - Ol: TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $1,334,510.06 $1,326,466.00 8,044.06 - n+i - INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS ( $66.353.45) $18,100.00 - 84,453.45 _ OTHER INCLINE AND EXPENSES - INTEREST INCOME $9,419.96 $0.00 9,419.96 • +` ____ VENDING INCOME_. _..._. --$0.00 - __ - 0..00._____.______ RENT INCOME $0.00 $0.00 0.00' a . MISCELLANEOUS INCOME $1,630.95 $0.00 1,630.95 obi GAIN .(LOSS) ON SALE OF_AS$ET __... .__$0_,-00_... $0.00__._._ __.. 0. 0Q __________ TOTAL OTHER INCOME _._. _._.. ______ _____ $11,050.91 _________ __ $0.00 __ ____________ 11,050.91 ________________ NET INCOME (LOSS) ____________ $55,302.541 ____ $18,;00.00 ______________ - 73,402.54 HCDC Board of Directors Wednesday, June 6, 1990, 7:00 am Hutchinson Public School Central Office DIRE CTORS PRESENT Glenn Matejka, Chairman Keith Weber Don Erickson Carol Haukos Phil Graves John Mlinar Meeting was called to order by Chairman Matejka. OTHERS PRESENT John Bernhagen, Exec. Dir. Motion by Erickson, seconded by Weber, and carried to approve the Minutes of May 2, 1990 Motion by Graves, seconded by Haukos, and carried to approve the Treasurer's report. Bernhagen reported the city had requested each city division give them suggested budget cuts for this year due to reduced amount of Local Governmental Aid from the state. The following reductions were suggested to the city: office supplies $200; postage $100; travel, school, conferences $150; advertising $150. Motion by Mlinar, seconded by Weber and carried to approve furnishing the heading for directional signs for the businesses along Highway 7 in the construction area. Chairman Matejka appointed the following committees: Nomination Committee - Keith Weber, Carol Haukos, John Bernhagen; Distinguished Service Award Committee - Glenn Matejka and Don Erickson; Budget Committee - Phil Graves, Jim Bullard, and John Bernhagen. Motion by Haukos, seconded by Mlinar and carried to authorize the Budget Committee to submit their report directly to the City of Hutchinson because the report will be due prior to our next board meeting. The board indicated their desire to have the September 10, 1990 annual meeting at the Victorian Inn and have Phil Graves give a report and program on the hospital. Bernhagen reported on the various meetings with Minnesota Housing Finance and HUD regarding housing in Hutchinson. These meetings were held to determine alternative uses for the $300,000 originally planned for the Hutch Hotel. The Department of Trade & Economic Development has indicated they would approve using the funds for upgrading our housing stock on existing housing in identified areas of town adjacent to the Main Street project approximately two blocks west and east to the river and fair grounds area. The Real Property Task Force has also met and considered these alternatives. Jim Bullard will be meeting with the hotel owner and inform him of the changes. Erickson and Bernhagen gave a Shopko project update and indicated all property owners had been contacted and meetings have gone well. Shopko has signed off on all their contingencies with the provision the city can deliver a clear title to the land by October 15, 1990. Motion by Haukos, seconded by Weber and carried to have an HCDC quarterly meeting on Wednesday, June 13 at 5:15 p.m. starting with light hors d'oeuvres at 5:00 p.m. Meeting Is to conclude by 7:00 p.m. The chairman asked Bernhagen to review the energy grant to the city and determine the necessary paperwork for close out. Motion by Haukos, seconded by Mlinar and carried to have the chairman and Executive Director meet with various fair board people regarding a potential relocation of the fair grounds. There will be no Julv meeting but a possible special board meeting regarding contracts on the Shopko project. The next board meeting will be the second Wednesday, August 8. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. HCDC Board of Directors Friday, July 6, 1990, 9:30 am Hutchinson Public School Central Office MINUTES DIRECTORS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT Glenn Matejka, Chairman John Bernhagen, Exec. Dir. Jim Bullard, Vice Chairman Barry Anderson, City Attorney Don Erickson, Secretary/Treasurer Phil Graves Meeting was called to order by Chairman Matejka. Barry Anderson explained various aspects of the Option to Purchase agreements being forwarded to the property owners on blocks 43 and 44 North, commonly referred to as the downtown Shopko project. He indicated these documents are not public documents at this time and that it would be appropriate to have HCDC sign these agreements and have them assignable to the City of Hutchinson. Bernhagen discussed other procedures with the project including the negotiations with the property owners, petroleum clean -up, asbestos removal, and Shopko's desire to proceed. A motion was made by Bullard, seconded by Graves, and carried to authorize the President or Vice President to sign Option to Purchase agreements that are fully assignable from Hutchinson Community Development Corporation to the City of Hutchinson and /or to any redevelopment authority established by the City of Hutchinson for property located in the City of Hutchinson in Blocks 43, 44, 45, 48 and 49 North. Bernhagen reported on the ad being placed in the Hutchinson Leader. This ad is a map showing access to the businesses on Highway 7 East. It was by request of the business owners and agreed to by the parties working with the businesses. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 0 Positions vacant: Bird Island, Fairfax, Lac Qui Parle County *Excused absence Also Present: Burton Sundberg, Director; Kathy Matson, Associate Director; David Lauritsen, Chippewa County Librarian; Pat Cina, Benson Librarian; Norma Wojtalewicz, Appleton Librarian The Pioneerland Library System Board meeting was held July 9, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. in the Willmar Public Library basement. The meeting was called to order by presi- dent, Ric Emery. Roll call was taken using a pass around sheet. A motion was passed for the approval of the Executive Committee meeting minutes held June 11 (Schoener /oestreich). K. Matson drew the board's attention to the statistical report and monthly news clippings and also to the "Wheelin thru Summer" program schedule and the library staff tour. The board heard talks from two Swift County librarians, Pat Cina from Benson and Norma Wojtalewicz from Appleton. FOR YOUR INFORMATli PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD July 9, 1990 Present: Arlen Lacombe Representing: Big Stone County Judy Bohm Chippewa County Dorothy Tebben Chippewa County Stan Jacobson Chippewa County Dean Aarvig Kandiyohi County Peg Mossberg Kandiyohi County LeRoy Jans Lac Qui Parle County Jan Kreie McLeod County Joanne Sneer McLeod County Shirley Nowak McLeod County Marie Schoener Meeker County Howard Turck " Meeker County John Miller Meeker County Gale Dahlager Renville County Lorna Carlson " Swift County Lois Anderson Yellow Medicine Count Richard Baysinger Benson John Nevins Dawson William Scherer Hutchinson Delores Brunner " Hutchinson Nancy Alsop Litchfield Judy Oestreich Litchfield John Schulstad Madison Helen Mahnke Olivia Monte Matheson Ortonville Carol Conradi Willmar Ric Emery 11 Willmar Absent: Howard Christiansen Representing: Kandiyohi County Nancy Dickson* Renville County John Langan* Swift County Myron Hagelstrom Yellow Medicine Count Elizabeth Erickson* Appleton Noel Phifer* " Glencoe Sandy Casper* Graceville Maxine Weinrich* " Granite Falls Marcia Maus* Hector Howard Tengwall* Kerkhoven Kevin Mulder* Renville Jeanette Buchanan* Willmar Positions vacant: Bird Island, Fairfax, Lac Qui Parle County *Excused absence Also Present: Burton Sundberg, Director; Kathy Matson, Associate Director; David Lauritsen, Chippewa County Librarian; Pat Cina, Benson Librarian; Norma Wojtalewicz, Appleton Librarian The Pioneerland Library System Board meeting was held July 9, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. in the Willmar Public Library basement. The meeting was called to order by presi- dent, Ric Emery. Roll call was taken using a pass around sheet. A motion was passed for the approval of the Executive Committee meeting minutes held June 11 (Schoener /oestreich). K. Matson drew the board's attention to the statistical report and monthly news clippings and also to the "Wheelin thru Summer" program schedule and the library staff tour. The board heard talks from two Swift County librarians, Pat Cina from Benson and Norma Wojtalewicz from Appleton. -2- A motion was passed to approve the bills (LaCombe /Jacobson). K. Matson provided a copy of the long range plan for each board member and reported on the convention she attended in Chicago. Mr. Sundberg reported an update on the Kandiyohi County budget shortfall, stating services will not be cut due to transfer of funds which comes from within the county. PLS is to ask for an additional $1,700 in the 1991 budget request. Mr. Turck reported from the Ad Hoc Committee with a vote value proposal which cuts the number of board members to 27 (one for each jurisdiction). The board is to study the proposal and discuss it with their own governing units. Questions arose and were answered by the committee and a straw ballot vote was taken which was incon- clusive. A copy of the vote /value proposal is attached to the original minutes. K. Matson is a mentor for the Pre -White House Conference delegates. A sign -up sheet was made available to anyone wishing to serve on the PLS Public Relations Committee. Mr. Sundberg reported on LDS communication. Mr. LaCombe gave the finance committee report. Mr. Sundberg presented the 1991 proposed budget and a recommendation regarding requests from the local governing units. A motion was passed to adopt these (LaCombe /Kreie). A motion was passed that each governing unit pay a 4% increase (Scherer / Turck). Copies of the 1991 budget and the 4% proposal are attached to the official minutes. August 13 will be an Executive Committee meeting. Mileage vouchers were completed and the meeting was adjourned. Lorna Carlson Secretary LJ 0 WL/ V.IF U /J1 /90 JIOMEEKLANJ 091k4PY SYSTEI+ INTEGA41FD FINANCIAL Sy$ ,;]�VTY A. JULY 1990 IF,I.I P,,:_ 15:>0:4: nl RFVFNUE GULDLLIML AS OF 7/90 cJ^: N /n3 /11 LIRMA - LAAOL- CONAADIr TLMiAuWtGA -- ---- _ PC0.LFnT — OY YEAR ,Nti ACTUAL ACTUAL 606T - ACT _ BU06FT THIS -MONTH YkAR- 10-DATE UIFFLRC4LF PCI BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD $ 43,668.84 $143,296.48 •• O1 LIP KARY ___ __. -• 010 IECElPTS '.a 5101 BASIC S1ATE/FE)L AID 331 .Un b2.Ov5.00 ,40.90%.UO 2} S 1(.V_01G_51ON9_CVUNTV 0,04 .00 16,546.71 ,,,26.6 7, 5115 CHIPPCWA LOU41Y 74,112.nJ -u0 37,151.0J )I.16,.Jn 5, 5170 KA4UIY3At COUNTY IL),4.4.(IU '7,:63.50 91,4,0.50 7J,IS3.>n 15, S 7, LAC OJ I,., OARLF :JUNTY_ 37.4-,•.n0 7.613.7 L 041. 1 , 7.,.If.7 7 , 5125 MC LE00 COUNTY -_ - 12.2a7.OJ 1J.J 59. 25 54,117.7> I0,u5V.1 75 513J 4 LEKF.R COU41Y b5.704.00 17,u71.u0 5, 17,071.4- 7S 5 01. I ENV.ILLL. S DONVY > 1,20h70 11,956.5u )f,49a.o0 1; 5115, SWIFT CJUNTI J4,5Vn,nJ 5,64U.60 L J,444.Vn T5 %III 1't LLD. MFOTCLIF CUIINT( 34.Pf1.n4 6,301.01 V /,n J1. ^u 15.1 `♦ 51 40 .— A+ePLFTnN _.. 9, \ 5. - 2.3 S,nl5. 15 L,f7b., 1, 5145 BENSON 1 %,652.15 11,954.1, %.6 7, SLOW FAIKFAX .01 .u0 4,4L7,0J w,471.Un- J 4 1-54 -- q LFMCUE 16,4.5.00 6,600.65 1 V.V ^ 4.15 75 SIS> GRALEVILLL ?.575.011 96d.75 7.95,6.2, 160. +5 75 5157 GKANITF FALLS Ll,iv'. ^U 5.190.75 .5,996.75 75 S jS U 411 "M14j 9.V 6 >7.6Y. ^J 14,474.un 41. 1 12. J4 1w..7v.U0 7> 5165 RERKHOYt4 3,90P.Ou 997.110 1 .941.00 991.00 77 5170 LITCHFILLO .1,9,7.011 lu..43.J0 31, 39 CIO 14,463.00 7, S IT[ QLIVIA 19,912.nu 4.984.50 14,9%1.51 4.v5u.}0 75 .SL90 5175 ORTJ4VILLE V.IUR.O4 f 641.40 7. AU ,,191. JO 75 %1 RJ W/LLMAR v7,0>1.nJ 23,u) A. 50 u7,03 73,01[.}) 75 s1 ^.LR.) ISL91^____._.. ...__. 4.A54.1J 2.213. >0 5.64-).50 [,tlf. 5n 75 DAWSON 17,647.OU 3,1611.50 9.401.50 b.:6J.>0 75 5195 HECIOR 7,7%1.Ou .,936.75 S,513.2> 1,91b•IS 7> 901) —MADISON 14,365,00 3.5 10,713,75 1,596.:5 75 5175 RENV LILE 0 ,961.nu 1,%9u.15 7,410.7, 1.490,15 7 S41U CASH KFCEIPTS C SAL,S TAX .6045.90 A J.BIY.47 2 10 %, S%7 JS+ IFIS —__. . —._.. .__. 1.000.04 LOU.00 1,155.0) L,15a.4 ]- 316 T 5430 TNTERLSI 7,5u0 -.nU 311.57 1. 9 b0,Otl 3.519.02 53 • TOTAL RECEtITS 1,751,814.00 18d,784.54 723,742.95 526.061.US SB • 1120 RCIMAU%L4E4TS (Ln.AL 4 -)VFn49'NT) Sy01, R c I MSUR5 c MFNT$. - _ LdIPPF.4 CJIINTY J7, 0 .V9 15.0.4,011 Ib.414.Un 53 S63J REIMBURSEMENTS - BENSON (MATFAIAL1 UNLY) 1, .UO 1,500.00 7a.J0 95 I' $840 Rk IMR - CHIPPtWA LOUWIY (MATFKTAL4 JN,Y) 19,75500 UO 10.0un.nU 4,1S5.u0 12 ___'sd50_ RESMB - RJ4TEVIDFU (WATLRIALS 'INLY) 15.IJ1.n0 .110 5. 0.}90.5" 43 • TOTAL REIMRUSEMtNIS (LOCAL (;0VER4MFNT) 67,960.OU .00 $4.016.50 33.941.50 SO • 030 OI4ER RLIM0.JR5FMFNT6 5574 OF4cR RETKBU 7.900.00 L "9.13 4.n37.47 1.07.•49- 13b • TO AL._O,T+IEI. REIMBURSEMENTS 2.958.00 206.13 4.032.49 1.074..49- 136 5J 1141 • c 'IJS 4 J —_ - -_O F �9IJ OI F I:J c JVJ 1 ,1,0,00 .01 .nJ 1 100. "J 1.411.0 5025, LJCAL EiUIPMENT C M1 ^JS 7, nun. n0 .u0 .01 C.O9u.un 4 SY1J FAMILY FILS FUNU 5,147.0.1 .u0 no 5.04L.0n u LARDS PKLYT FUND 1.9Y .un .911 1.+7'1.0 4 _S94u S /5J SnLL% TAX 1,00%.00 .ul nJ ,,Onv.,^ 5 0S 5J4MTA AI4]146 1 .'16'1, 0 4 On I.6J1.nu •94.0" 11 • TIT 91_44R 17,22 104.00 1.7110.011 15.52tl.00 IJ ••.. T31AL LIBRARY 1.39,970.00 763.491.94 576.47W.06 57 it ••• FINAL TOTALS 47 ACCOUNTS 1.139.970.00 199,090.67 763.491.94 576.47,1.06 S7 TOTAT Pl'rTnm4 AND nnIAM �l • 150 FOUf •KENT 6470 NAINTENANOE AND CONFRACTS • MAL EQUIPMENT • ISO 3T4ER 1,O - -._ -1J A3. 14 _ . 1.043.10 __ -Go- _ 1410 -73. -_ ._426- ,21__ -11 13. D1,D. OY 922.54 1 d .347.39- Ito 18.639.00 922.54 14.431.02 176.02- 101 65 n. - rt /JI 644E PI.NIF6LAVU LIJRAAV 115TEV 0UV7Y 34 SUPPLIES 440 PRINTING 21,494.00 1 /u• /90 6515 INT[9AAIFJ FIN44CI&L 6T2TEM 1.000.00 .70 IFS163 PAGE 14-37446 �19...r OL FUND ENP- MOITURE GUIDELINE 6525 AS OF 1/90 E201 T /0r /90 194 y): S1 263.[1 4537 PAOF. :IEM9EAs4zPs (r•USTFES) 4UO. 0J .01 FERCENT OF YEAR SeA Arrnu•r nc er6r PjlpN _. -.. CLeiENT -_ _ ACTUAL ACTUAL .. ED6T - ACT 6545 11) D[TJ 4G 1,503.0' BUDGET THIS -MONTH SEAN -TO -DATE DIFFERENCE Oct • NL 019.0 -. •• 120 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTINUING COUCATION 509.00 .07 - SC40LARSHIP FU4D 6105 SALARIES AND 646F. 795.000.00 67.1,7F.u6 4 61,50.0S 131.462.95 Sd 4 110- ._AEALIAt_1NSUAANCE 21.000.00 1,649.17 12.203.19 ♦,799.41 S0 61ZU HEALTH INSUAANCE - JEOUCTIPL• 1,600.0. 240.76 ?,721.79 676.21 1 5130 4ETLMEME4F 14344ANCc i0.T24.OU 6,470..6 ♦5,116.20 31,a20.d0 56 LEFT ON NAND 900,324.00- ___._11,696 -05 ._321,647.23 - - -- -STA,646.31--Si-- 4225 9J7AS - ADULT I.O, 020007 I2, 741. 1i 32,759.50 1 67,247.1. to 6217 - CHIL90.F4 " AAL2EFsAE'L'.E - 46.000.07 1,1'0.70 17.952.17 10.247.6) SO t 44 _ __. - 2 94..24 &. 234.4 6221, PERIODICALS [6,?SO.Ow 0 21.713.26 983.24- 104 622, PAMPHLETS 3.0.00 .40 13.70 290.24 5 `e Ri"ON. 1 14RARY AAIERIALS 1,516.00 - 319.92 835.37 - 143.43 6235 CHIPPEWA COUNTY 1.I9RARY %ATER14US 19,275.74 1.719.71 9.41M.44 9,036.36 _._ -53.- 44 -- 6240 1).,c M04TEVIDOL MAFEwIALS 15,1.1.0. 34..57 4,%J. 75 0,200.25 46 I'm _ITI ., DuIl.Du. .. -S' - - '-00 _ E40..1' 7.__ - -�. 6250 VIDEO TAPES 5.000.00 .00 ).901.16 1.394.d4 5255 AJ 01] 2[5;5 147 TAPCf 400.30 ,47.26 520.16 124.16- 177 33 -.___ 6250 _.Sl1JEi AND FILM S)RlPS - 250.00 .00 .00 2S7.00 4 5265 MICRFORMS 1.0.00 IS.. YO 253.95 46.OS 85 527u BIN7ING I,OJ0.0u .U0 21S.S1 18L.49 22 • .nrAl MATC.L _ 245 _ -- 14,743 -41 _ 132 106.907.68 4__120 - IATA. 024". 6J1J DLL. A40 JTHEA CHARMS 14.606.00 9,99/.47 16,1101.47 - - - 1.5.47- 101 5320 CO VE400A .CHARGES 24,n.0.Ou 2SJ.61 1I,594.M6 12,4SS.14 Ad •- __yl0_YSr1CLEi -- - 1 3SO OPERATIJ4 AND MAIVTE4A4CE 14.500.00 1,342.37 8,621.62 5.976.18 54 5360 INSUAAKF 3.415.00 •09.64 2.142.09 1,222.91 64 • TOTAL VEHICLES -S,D OJ -- 26.015.00 -00 1,552.02 ..00 -_ -_ 10.813.91 4,402 -40 15,201.09 0 42 • L40 C34MU41CATIO4 641J `•' TELEPHONE 440 LINE C44R6F$ 9. O.-). 04 0 ?1.37 4,269.99 [.730.21 7J -- "'All' - J141NIFNAI4E - - -____. _. ___ -. 1 -40 - _ __ __ -00 - -- -1545-00 -- .._ 43a.o0 6417 PJSTAOE AND SHIPPIN7 12,719.02 922.47 S.Id2.75 6.512.25 -_57 49 • TOTAL COMMUNICATION 22,715.00 1.745.dD 13,017.74 9.697.26 57 • 150 FOUf •KENT 6470 NAINTENANOE AND CONFRACTS • MAL EQUIPMENT • ISO 3T4ER 1,O - -._ -1J A3. 14 _ . 1.043.10 __ -Go- _ 1410 -73. -_ ._426- ,21__ -11 13. D1,D. OY 922.54 1 d .347.39- Ito 18.639.00 922.54 14.431.02 176.02- 101 65 n. r .r0rru SLR2l1E5 - Ay0 L00EEYELL __ - -__- .1,500 - - -191-33 6517 SUPPLIES 440 PRINTING 21,494.00 2.916.97 6515 PROMOTIONAL 440 ►0.D6RAMMING 1.000.00 .70 "Ow 1NGS - STAFF _ 6.000.00 6.'5.37 6525 MILEAGE AND MEFTIMSS - TAUSTEES 4.040.00 263.[1 4537 PAOF. :IEM9EAs4zPs (r•USTFES) 4UO. 0J .01 AS74_ -A.9^E -.- - -_ - _11,500.00 -___ ._.- .GO 6540 ADS AND LEGAL MJTICES 100.00 .00 6545 11) D[TJ 4G 1,503.0' .,0 --ASS ylpn.rce llNO -- -_. _ _ _ _ _ .__. 3,03O.Ou - 225.00 6595 CONTINUING COUCATION 509.00 .07 6556 SC40LARSHIP FU4D 1,]40.06 165. a2 ,k,) F.T[M, -l. rn - -.4 SJ-4j3 • TOTAL OTHER 66.494.00 5.26S.74 • 17o svFtu ►L _ - e.4 _ .192.5✓ -16 1.390.0, 71 .6 6 6,622.32 69 9 1 1,012.02 32.02- 101 4.242.66 1.752.34 74 2,414.53 l.Se5.37 SO z9e.D1, n c. on 7c - 19.891.07 -- •T3 -00 - -!4 _ _ .DJ 154.00 0 1.530.00 .00 lOJ 1.379.00 1.424-00 - SS 73%.00 2 141 10%.S2 014.48 19 ..- _- 6,16] -SD A02.69- 104 49.269.05 20.224.95 7o S61J GLEVCJE FR/cVJS. 1963 1.390.0, an .00 ..39J.Jo U 6010 LOCAL EQUIPMENT 2,0.0.00 .40 644.VO - 90.07 _ 2.791.45 2,667 -70 171.45- 139 6650 ST4rE SALES TAB 2.000.Ou 5n3.96 1.242.41 757.59 62 - -- ` -' ]. FAM41.1 SJF S.F UNJ 5,042.04 11).27 3.646.26 1.412.72 71- 6674 LAR.E PRINT FU40 1,949.03 172.70 2,171.69 A02.69- 104 $690 SUMMEA AEA01N. 2.000.04 2.uSd.cM 2,066.25 11.75 99 1T,228.OQ _ __ 3,404 -13 __. _11,836.Dd - - 5.389 -92 ._ _.69 ` -43TAL LI9AAAT 1,139,971.00 117.77,.77 791,799.68 548,171.32 59 • cI TOTALS - 49JCCJUNTS - 1,339,97L.3,1 - 117,774 -77 - _191,799.66 __ 544,171.32 _ -59 - -- BALANCE LEFT ON NAND $114,988.74 8114,988.74 HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 7, 1990 The meeting opened at 8:30. The Investigating Committee reported on'Dan Steele: He will be'checked out during the month. Bob Vierya reported that the open house will be attended by other local agencies. Butch reported that the By -Law Committee has set a time frame for changing By -Laws and Constitution for December 1, 1990. The following bills and runs were read: BILLS City Crow River Press 93.87 Floor Care Supply 57.98 Brinkman Studio 23.52 Hutch Wholesale 9.44 Hutch Wholesale 25.50 Hutch Wholesale 9.59 Hutch Wholesale 3.23 Wesley Pharmacy 2.29 Clarey's Safety Equip. 512.50 Two -Way Communications 20.00 Two -Way Communications 67.50 Two -Way Communications 42.50 Hansen Truck Service 655.92 Allied Mechanical 262.50 Hutch Tech College 36.00 Hutch Tech College 320.00 Two Way Communications 92.50 Hutch Wholesale 3.99 Hutch Wholesale 12.95 Hutch Wholesale 2.19 Hutch Fire & Safety 92.31 Hutch Fire & Safety 18.05 Hutch Fire & Safety 4.75 Rutz Plb & Htg 259.25 Popp Electric 112.58 Allen Office 8.18 Clarey's Safety Equip. 261.50 3010.59 f >^ GENERAL Golden Rule Creations 100.00 Hager Jewelry 169.50 US Postmaster 25.00 CR Country Club 1749.25 Browns Floral 9.54 P HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT MINUTES MAY 7, 1 -990 GENERAL BILLS (Cont.) Gov't Training Service 45.00 Plato Fire Dept. 10.00 Northland Beverage 75.25 Sewing Basket 14.00 Brinkman Studio 134.99 TOTAL 2=77 ,. RUNS 4/1 High School 4/2 Alrick 4/4 Hutch Utilities 4/5 Bell 4/6 Park Elementary 4/6 Reiland 4/6 Luce Line 4/7 Dick 4/7 Ag Systems 4/8 Evergreen 4/6 Hwy 7 4/15 Peterson 4/15 Nieman 4/18 Bollard 4/19 Burns Manor 4/18 10 -52 4/20 Cenex 4/20 Hogan 4/20 Crop Production 4/20 Joecks 4/25 10 -52 4/26 Hogan 4/27 Aubony 4/27 Bremix 4/30 Pizza Hut Motion was made and seconded to accept bills and runs - motion passed. Larry Thompson's resignation was read and accepted with regrets. Motion passed. Minnesota State Fire conference is June 7 -10 in Bemidji. Brad reported on a request he and Duane Hoescens to get a gamma goat. Brian Brown was voted on to the regular department. Steve reported on the new gas fans we can buy two of them for about $1,190.00. Motion was made and seconded to purchase two fans from Conway. Motion passed. L� 0 y. HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT MINUTES MAY 7, 1990 Page 3 Steve also reported that lights for George's new car was about $670. Motion was made and seconded to purchase light bar and letter the car. Motion passed. Motion was made and seconded to buy a box of Boggle. Motion passed. A lengthy discussion about credit for calls -the chiefs will decide on the procedure. Brad reported on starting a committee to make up a booklet on helping fire victims recover. Brad reported that he would like to start an Engineer Group on just pumping a truck. Meeting adjourned 10:00 p.m. Jamie Emans, Secretary f ... rp x, r* . i 9 HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1990 The meeting opened at 8:00 p.m. George Field reported some of the materials have been ordered for the Fire Prevention committee. The following bills and runs were read: CITY Two Way Communication Mid Central Olson's Locksmith Hutch Fire & Safety Coast to Coast Sears Coast to Coast Coast to Coast Fitzloff Hardware Sids Foods State of Minnesota Hutch Tech College Access Rentals Kelly Goranson Craig Powell Mike Schmidt Brian Brown Wesley Pharmacy Allen Office Products Allen Office Products Allen Office Products Drummond American Corp Hutch Fire & Safety $ 92.95 890.00 5.00 104.65 4.38 99.00 17.99 4.95 9.99 15.12 50.00 125.00 39.72 45.00 206,56 173.76 45.00 2,29 32.75 ?9.95 1 5,,97 179.6 r,3 55 'k 0 Hutch Fire & Safety Wilmar Tech College Allen Office Products Hutch Wholesale Hutch Wholesale Hutch Wholesale Family Rexall Drug Rigs & Squads TOTAL Northland Beverage Hager Jewelry Sids Foods Hutch Fire & Safety State Surety Co. Smoke Eaten HFD Relief Assn Sids Foods TOTAL 5/1 Martin 5/3 Hardees 5/4 Billet 5/4 Hwy 7 5/7 Loncorich 5/7 Mutual Aide 5/8 HTI 5/9 St. John's School 5/9 St. John's School 5/10 Bono 5/26 10 -52 5/30 10 -52 19.00 237.40 18.79 272.38 9.53 9.32 25.00 52.00 $2,896.00 41.25 13.50 8.27 122.75 5.00 215.50 200.00 12.33 $618.60 0 I * Motion was made and seconded to accept bills and runs. Motion passed. r . e Jerry Prieve's application was read. He will be investigated during the next month. Dan Steele was voted on to his one year probation period. Motions was made and seconded to keep 232 in station. Motion passed. Craig Powell resigned as mechanic. Mike Schmidt is the new mechanic. Motion was made and seconded to keep all the tools and vacuum in the station. Randy reported an NFPA. workshop is on for June " = Butch Henke is new Fire Police. It was decided that the way Randy gives paid hrs `,. drill hrs will stay the same. Brad reported that we will be participating in the torch lighting for the Olympics on June 22. Brad reported that oi.lr computer memory is full. A motion was made and seconded to buy 4 times our memory for a price of $839.30. Motion passed. Brad brought up the suggestion n. f having a family pirnir with the retired firemen Brad reported that McLeod County has radios for sale. We are checking into it. Motion was made and seconded to buy the 6 radios if they are good. Motion passed. 9 Motion was made and seconded to give the old radios away. Motion CJ passed. Motion was made and seconded to try a 1 year, probation period for using Engineers. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Jamie Emans, Secretary 0 9 N HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT MINUTES REGULAR MEETING ` MONDAY, JULY 2, 1990 The meet i i.a opened at ,.00 p.m. Jim 6rod,a reported or, tee Engin -�r_• Committee. Their goal for the Ist four mont`a is basic i .,Wiping. anyone car, join at anytime. It was ais: deci.�Ied t.r;,: if an Engineer cone_ to the fire, he will have the authority tc drive the ..ropers. Jini re,iorte:a that the ; =rA committee we, a ser iirnar and learned .a . ,,aar,a ,. The following bi and runs were read. BILLS RURAL & C ITY Hanson Truc. S1ervice $3,301.94 Hutch Center 200.00 Coast to Coast 4.38 Coast to Coast 1.10 Coast to Coast 2.79 Coast to Coast 3.42 Mid Central Inc. 185.00 11d Central inc. 320.00 Mid Central Inc. 257A0 Mid Central Inc. 185.00 Allen Office 1.05 Sids Foods 15.53 Two Way Cornn unicatior ; 20.00 Hager Jewel y i ZSQ r — HCI Connecting Point 75.00 Clarey's Sal Equipment 19175 Coast to Coast i238 _Vast to LV<1 _,t 13.30 Coast to Coast 2.98 Coast to Coast 1,44 Sears 1^ Wesley Pharmacy 29 Sids Foods ^9,94 Brinkman _Studio 21.91 Brinkman Studio Hutch Fire c Safety o9.00 Hutch Fire Safety 52.81 Hutch Fire w Safety 9.65 Hutch Fire Safety 9.65 Coast to Coast 1,44 Coast to Coast .55 Jim Brodd 31.00 Brad Emans 40.25 Gary Forcier 15.00 Orlin Henke 825 Ed Homan 23.00 Jim Popp 2.50 r _ Bruce Precht 34.75 Randy Redman 13.25 Craig Reiner 24.25 John Reynolds 1 1.25 r � ve C h . J ICVt JC�I� �fliil IO.S� Larry Thompson 10 00 Tom Glaesen 5 ; 1 HFD Relief Assn 10,501 0.00 HFD Relief Ass'r, 2,9 45.00 Jim Brodd l5 00 Gary Forcier 15.00 Joe Drahos 15.00 Steve Scarr 3irrim 15.00 TOTAL $ 18,809.55 0 i s r1 �J Motion was made and seconded to allow bills and runs. Plotion passed. Brad read a letter from Litch11eId tharlk:ing 1j for ou r1 t!ICir" show. Reaional rrle°tiriq at Silver Lake or .Jul, 23 at 7.'.r; i p.r'r1. 6/2 High school 6/2 HTI 6/ 22 HTI 6/2 Rettmarl 612 Hutch Police 6/5 Hutch Utilities 6/7 Goebels 6/9 Citizens Flank 6 %9 Heritage Center 6/'; 1 Twin yaks 6/1 i Henke 6/11 Hospital 6/11 Evergreen 6/11 HTC 6 /: I West Elementary �- 6/i3 Dahirnar 6/.-; 14 Leader Park. Tower'_ 6/ 15 Gehr'he 6/16 3M 6/17 I IUL _ I A 4 6/1 Mud vo i yba 6/18 State Theatre 6/19 City of Hutch 6/19 Hutch Leader 6/220 Larson 6/2 1 + River Ridge Apt. 6/25 Wegseid 6/26 Evergreen 6/26 Hospital 6 / ., V HT I Motion was made and seconded to allow bills and runs. Plotion passed. Brad read a letter from Litch11eId tharlk:ing 1j for ou r1 t!ICir" show. Reaional rrle°tiriq at Silver Lake or .Jul, 23 at 7.'.r; i p.r'r1. ' 0 Marshall is having a centennial on July 14. We will beat tending- Jon Burks will be on a' month leave of absence starting July 2 to October 2, 1990. Motion wa; blade d ll ti � ailu SeCuni,cd sir accept Kelly vvranSGn'S reslgna�IGn regrets. Motion passed. Steve reported that the new radios will be installed tills ,reek in the trucks. Randy reported that we will be Having a house bl,rrri orJu:, 16. Brad reported that we will be havinq an ambulance dispatched to all working fires. Brad reported that Lyle LaBraaterl received his plaques and he thanks us for it. l' lotion was made and SeconC'ed to Oppose the Farmer iiarke. t rilo'v'inq to r:... .. n. -..�, nn. ': - i rll CIIICII J r-al F. 11000 i prJJ CCU. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jarnie Err1ans. Secretary 0 Lql 9 League of Minnesota Cities 183 University Ave. East St. Paul, MN 55101.2526 (612)227- 5600(FAX:221.0986) FOR YOUR INFORMATI( 4 GG1199 0 >� August 10, f990 TO: Mayors, Managers, and Clerks ( Pleas e share with your councilmembers) FROM: Bob Benke, President, League of Minnesota Cities and Mayor, City of New Brighton SUBJECT: LMC 1990 Regional Meetings Please accept this invitation to join us at one of the League of Minnesota Cities 1990 regional meetings. I would particularly like to draw your attention to the League's afternoon program. For the first time at a regional meeting, we are devoting a substantial amount of time to youth programs and youth involvement in local communities. I hope that all elected officials, police officers, and park and recreational employees, will be able to attend the afternoon program. The program begins at 2:30 p.m. with an update on underground storage tanks and the small cities and towns accounting systems. Truth in taxation follows with a brief review of the rules associated with implementing the truth in taxation law. Next, the topics focus on issues associated with our youth of today; tobacco, drugs and getting and keeping our youth involved in the community. This is a wonderful opportunity for cities to learn how, through community programs, to keep youth involved and how they can avoid many financial and social burdens that result from drug use, crime, teen pregnancy and so on. Come prepared to share your community's successes, failures and needs. To complete the afternoon program, there will be a roundtable discussion focusing on recycling and waste reduction programs. If you feel your city has a recycling program in place that would serve as a good model for other cities to follow, I hope you would be willing to share your ideas with others. Dinner will be served at 6:15 p.m. Following dinner, the League will preview its new video, "Cities and the State: A Mixed Perspective." The video focuses on the fiscal relations between state and local 9 -- OVER -- Mayor, Managers, and Clerks Page 2 August 6, 1990 leaders. Legislators such as Rep. Paul Ogren, Senator Doug Johnson, and Speaker Robert Vanasek, to name a few, were asked about their attitudes toward cities. dity officials who have witnessed the change in state's perspective concerning the role cities play in governing Minnesota, were also asked to share their opinion on this important issue for this video. As a followup to the video, the League will discuss its plans to enhance Minnesota cities' stature at the Legislature and what your city can do to assist the League's efforts. I hope you will contact your legislators and invite them to attend the regional meeting and join in the discussions. To register for a regional meeting, please contact the host city contact listed on the attached regional meeting schedule. I look forward to seeing you and hearing your ideas. E J League of Minnesota Cities 183 University Ave. East St Paul, MN 55101.2526 (612) 227.5600 (FAX: 221.0986) League of Minnesota Cities 1990 Regional Meeting Schedule i Date City Location /Contact Person Tuesday, September 4 Crookston Northland Lodge Highway 75 North Raymond E. Ecklund (218) 281 -1232 Wednesday, September 5 Detroit Lakes Holiday Inn Highway 10 East Lynne Nietzke (218) 847 -5658 Thursday, September 6 Long Prairie American Lutheran Church 215 Ninth St. SE Dave Venekamp (612) 732 -2167 Wednesday, September 12 Stillwater oak Glen Country Club 1559 McKusick Road Nile Kriesel (612) 439 -6121 Thursday, September 13 Maple Lake American Legion Club 220 First St. W. Sharon Leintz (612) 963 -3611 Monday, September 17 Morris Sunwood Inn East Highway 28 Edward R. Larson (612) 589 -3141 Tuesday, September 18 Marshall Best Western, Marshall Inn East College Drive Duane D. Aden (507) 537 -6760 Wednesday, September 19 St. Peter Trinity Lutheran Church 511 S. Fifth St. Barbara Gaddo (507) 931 -4840 League of Minnesota Cities 1990 Regional Meeting Schedule (cont.) Date City Location /Contact Person Thursday, September 20 Byron American Legion 505 NW Frontage Road Elsie Mae Holm (507) 775 -2550 Tuesday, September 25 Virginia Coates Plaza Hotel Chestnut St. at 5th Ave. Patricia Stark (218) 741 -3890 Wednesday, September 26 Hill City Quadna 4 Seasons Resort 100 Quadna Road Mary Lou Kimball (218) 697 -2301 Thursday, September 27 Onamia Izatys Golf & Yacht Club Highway 27 East Susan Strelow (612) 532 -3311 0 WEEKLY MARKET RATES - AS OF CLOSE: FRIDAY AUGUST 10.1990 U. S MAT MO 6 MO 1 YR YR 5 YR 7 YR 10 YR 70 YR 3.57 +.21 8.67 +.21 3. 79 +.2_ ECONOMIC DATA: M1 ... +2. i1 BLN CONSUMER CREDIT (JUNE) .... $467 MLN PPI (JULY) ... -0.17 CORPORATES REPRESENTATIVE YIELDS A 90 HIGH 90 LOW YEAR TREASURIES 8 TAX -FREE MUNICIPALS YEAR 8 .3/8 WKLY CHG MAT AAA AA A BAA 7.6 +.10 1991 5.75 5. 90 6.00 8.35 7.67 +.16 1995 u 6.15 6.30 6.50 6.75 .65 +.Oe 2000 6.511 s 6.70 6.90 7. 00 .94 +.14 2005 6.60 7.10 7.201 7.50 8.34 +.22 2010 6.95., 7.15 7.75 7.65 3.57 +.21 8.67 +.21 3. 79 +.2_ ECONOMIC DATA: M1 ... +2. i1 BLN CONSUMER CREDIT (JUNE) .... $467 MLN PPI (JULY) ... -0.17 CORPORATES SELECTED INTEREST RATES MAT AA A 90 HIGH 90 LOW YEAR 8 1/6 8 1/4 5 YEAR 8 .3/8 8 1/2 7 YEAR G 7/8 9. 0l 10 YEAR 9.00 9 1/8 30 YEAR 9 3/8 9 1/2 SELECTED INTEREST RATES THIS WEEK LAST WEEK 90 HIGH 90 LOW YEAR AGO PRIME RATE 10.00 10.00 10.50 10.00 10.50 FED FUNDS 8.00 7 15/16 8 5/16 7 1/2 9.00 DISCOUNT RATE 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 DBI 20 BOND /10 YRS 6.60 6.55 6.92 6.55 6.65 BBI 20 BOND /20 YRS 7.22 7.118 7.54 7.07 7.02 RBI 25 BOND /70 YRS 7.51 7.13 7.79 7.77 7.71 BLUE LIST /MILLS 1140.2 1062.8 1714.8 964.5 1625.1 30 DAY VISIBLE SUPPLY /MILL£ 1798.9 1850.5 7047.3 983.6 3833.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 DAY COMMERCIAL PAPER 7.70 1 YEAR CD 7.60 7 YEAR CD 8.10 5 YEAR CD 8.70 15 YR GNMA 9.00% * * * * * *# 9.11 MY 8.94 BEY 70 YR GNMA 9.00% COUPONS 9.49 MY 9.68 BEY 70 YR GNMA 9.50% CHANGED TO 9.55 MY 9.75 BEY 30 YR GNMA 10.00% CURRENT ** 9.58 MY 9.77 BEY