cp11-13-1990 cCITY Ci;LCiND, R VJELEK OF November 11 1 0 Novem 17 , SUNDAY -11- VETERANS DAY VIEDP'FDDAY -]4- 10:00 A.M. - Directors Meet at City Hall 11:30 A.M. - CAER Meeting at Police Dept. THURSDAY -ls- � r MONDAY -12- CITY OFFICES CLOSED FRIDAY -16- -13- :30 P.M. - City Council Meeting at City Hall -17- • AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1990 1. Call to Order - 7:30 P.M. 2. Invocation - Rev. Jim Hall, Word of Life 3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of October 23, 1990; Joint Meeting of City Council And Hutchinson Solid Waste Management Committee of October 23, 1990; Bid Opening of October 30, 1990 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. Routine Items (a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Building Official's Report - October 1990 2. Airport Commission Minutes of October 29, 1990 3. Park & Recreation Board Minutes of August 29, 1990 (b) Snow Removal Permits: 1. Richard Smykalski 2. Joseph Schulte 3. Eugene Carda 4. Juul Construction 5. Edwin Karg 6. Jerry Ebert (c) Christmas Tree Sales Permit - Charles Pulkrabek (d) Appointments: 1. Nursing Home Board 2. Park & Recreation Board r 1 LJ Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed, issue permits and ratify appointments 5. Public Hearing None. 6. Communications Requests And Petitions None 1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - NOVEMBER 13, 1990 7. Resolutions And Ordinances (a) Resolution No. 9354 - Resolution For Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (b) Resolution No. 9357 - Resolution Repealing Resolution No. 9210 Which Limited Parking On East Side Of Dale Street Between Linden Avenue And South Grade Road Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 8. Unfinished Business None. 9. New Business (a) Consideration of Renewing Preventive Maintenance Contract with Harris Mechanical for Wastewater Treatment Plant Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into contract (b) Consideration of Amending Charitable Gambling Ordinance Requested By Hutchinson Jaycees Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve- Motion to waive first reading of Ordinance Mo. 90- and set second reading November 27, 1990 (c) Consideration of New FAA Radar Tower And Effect On Local Weather Service Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 9353 (d) Consideration of Awarding Bid for Police Investigator Vehicle Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into contract F • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - NOVEMBER 13, 1990 (e) Consideration of Authorizing Paul E. Peterson And Charles A. Becker, Representatives of The Prudential Insurance Company, To Offer Section 457 And /Or 403(b) Plans As Voluntary City Employee Payroll Deduction Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (f) Consideration of Asbestos Removal Contract with EnviroNet, Inc. Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into contract (g) Consideration of Proposal From Charles Bailly & Company As 1990 Auditing Firm Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (h) Consideration of Agreement To Facilitate Police Chief • Attending FBI National Academy January - March, 1991 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into agreement (i) Consideration of Temporary Sign Permit Requested By Brown's Floral & Gift Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (j) Consideration of Revoking And Establishing Municipal State Aid Streets Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 9355 & 9356 (k) Consideration of Supplemental Agreement for Letting #3 for Work On T.H. 7 East Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (1) Discussion of Old Landfill Site Erosion And Repair/ Remediation Action - 0 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - NOVEMBER 13, 1990 11 (m) Discussion of Old Wastewater Treatment Plant And Administration Building Action - (n) Consideration of Temporary Sign Permit Requested By Charles Pulkrabek Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 10. Miscellaneous (a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims Appropriations And Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds CLOSED MEETING: Discussion of Junker Sanitation Litigation 12. Adjournment 4 . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1990 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Ackland. The following were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen John Mlinar, Craig Lenz, Marlin Torgerson and Don Erickson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer John Rodeberg and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Don Kinzer. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of October 9, 1990 and bid opening of October 16, 1990 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (c) REDUCED TRASH AND REFUSE RATE (d) GAMBLING LICENSE FOR HUTCHINSON JAYCEES AT UNDERGROUND BAR & GRILL (e) APPOINTMENTS: 1. LIBRARY BOARD - ROY THOMPSON 2. CABLE TV ADVISORY COMMITTEE - MARK GUGGEMOS The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to order re- port and minutes filed, issue permits, approve reduction 1 1. FINANCIAL REPORT - SEPTEMBER 1990 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 3. NURSING HOME BOARD MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1990 AND OCTOBER 4, 1990 4. TREE BOARD MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 26, 1990 (b) SNOW REMOVAL PERMITS: 1. GENE C. BETKER 3. DICK EWERT 2. RHONDA CROTTEAU 4. JOHN PRIEVE (c) REDUCED TRASH AND REFUSE RATE (d) GAMBLING LICENSE FOR HUTCHINSON JAYCEES AT UNDERGROUND BAR & GRILL (e) APPOINTMENTS: 1. LIBRARY BOARD - ROY THOMPSON 2. CABLE TV ADVISORY COMMITTEE - MARK GUGGEMOS The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to order re- port and minutes filed, issue permits, approve reduction 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 23, 1990 of rate, ratify appointments and defer item (d) until a later date. 5. PUBLIC HEARING None. 6. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) REPORT BY BOND CONSULTANT BILL FAHEY REGARDING REFINANCING OF CITY DEBT TO REDUCE TAX LEVIES Bond Consultant Bill Fahey reported the interest rates are high at this time. Therefore, it was his recommenda- tion to wait until spring to refinance the existing city debt. No action was taken. (b) REVIEW OF WATER AND SEWER RATES FOR COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE BY MANAGER BILL BLOCK Manager Bill Block discussed the method used by the city to charge the sewer fee and the present billing system. He stated there was a water leakage problem at the mobile home park which was causing the water bill to be high. Mr. Block suggested the park be allowed a 10 percent loss for sewage use going through the water meter and that in- dividual water meters be placed on each home in the park. Attorney Anderson stated that inasmuch as the land is owned by Block and the mobile homes are individually - owned, there should be a guarantee payment of bills to the city, and if not paid, the city would have the right to file a lien against the premises as it does with other utility bills. Director Randy DeVries stated he was opposed to the city reading 175 plus water meters when there is no meter that is presently accurate. There would also be problems of meters going off of trailers moving out of the park. He suggested the park put in its own meters, - maintain them and read them. Also, it was his recommendation that the sewer charge be figured on the winter quarter to conform with the rest of the city billing system. Director DeVries offered to check the park's water lines and find the leak, which would reduce the cost for loss. The re- pair cost would be Block's expense. is 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 23, 1990 Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to allow the installation of individual water meters to be read by the park's own staff and the bill to be from the master meter and total off of his meters will be billed for sewage charge. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. Attorney Anderson recommended drafting an agreement be- tween the City and Hutch, Inc. to put into record form that the mobile home park would be billed for the actual reading of each quarter. The sum of the individual meters would be used to determine the winter quarter sewer charge. The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to bill Country Club Terrace for the actual water reading of each quarter. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 9344 - RESOLUTION RELEASING PLEDGED SECURITIES TO MARQUETTE BANK OF HUTCHINSON, MN The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to waive read- ing and adopt. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 9345 - RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM MARQUETTE BANK OF HUTCHINSON, MN The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Lenz and unanimously carried, to waive read- ing and adopt. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 9350 - RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING $50,000 FROM LIQUOR STORE TO GENERAL FUND The motion was made by Alderman Lenz, seconded by Alder- man Mlinar and unanimously 'oarried, - =to waiva- -reading and =• adopt. (d) RESOLUTION NO. 9351 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The motion was made by Alderman Lenz, seconded by Alder- man Torgerson and unanimously carried, to waive reading 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 23, 1990 0 and adopt. (e) RESOLUTION NO. 9352 - RESOLUTION REDESIGNATING DALE STREET AND SECOND AVENUE SOUTHWEST The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to waive read- ing and adopt. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to authorize discontinuation of service unless other arrangements have been made. . (b) CONSIDERATION OF EXTENDING HOSPITAL BOND ISSUE SALE DATE FROM OCTOBER 23, 1990 TO NOVEMBER 13, 1990 Following discussion, Alderman Lenz moved to defer the bond sale to March to coincide with other - hospital bonds sale. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unani- mously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND UTILITY MANAGER TO ADOPT SECTION 125 PLAN, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1991 Administrator Plotz reported on the Section 125 Plan. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve the 125 Plan. (d) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR BUS It was reported that the low bidder did not meet all the specifications. Therefore, the recommendation was to award the bid to the next lowest bidder. Following discussion, Alderman Torgerson moved to enter 4 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 23, 1990 into contract with Minnesota Body & Equipment Co. in the amount of $35,474, next lowest bidder for the reasons specified. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unani- mously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF 1988 MN UNIFORM FIRE CODE AND STATE ADOPTED AMENDMENTS BY REFERENCE Following discussion of whether or not the City had to formally adopt the Uniform Fire Code, the motion was made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to defer to next meeting. (f) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR LANDSCAPING/ IRRIGATION WORK AT HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried, to approve and enter into contract with Midland Nursery, Inc. in the amount of $73,297. (g) CONSIDERATION OF REJECTING BIDS FOR WALL CONSTRUCTION WORK AT HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve the rejection of all —bids for wall construction work and obtain new bids based upon addi- tional information provided. - (h) CONSIDERATION OF SOLICITING REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PHASE II SHOPKO PROJECT HCDC Executive Director John Bernhagen reported on the Phase II of Shopko for proposals from a developer /owner for a downtown development project. The proposals would be due at City Hall on January 8, 1991. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman - Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimous carried, to approve solicitation for proposals. (i) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY TOM LUDOWESE, CAR WASH, WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION 0 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 23, 1990 0 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Lenz and unanimously carried, to approve permit and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 9346. (j) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY ARTHUR BENJAMIN WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Lenz and unanimously car- ried, to approve permit an waive adopt Res- olutlon No. 9347. reading ------ (k) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY ARTHUR BENJAMIN WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Lenz, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously car- ried, to approve variance and waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 9348. (1) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCH CO -OP WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion was 'Made by Alderman Lenz, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously car- ried, to approve permit and waive reading and- adopt Reso- lution No. 9349. (m) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY WARD HAUGEN WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried, to approve the lot split. Alderman Torgerson amended the motion to include the contingencies regarding the plat agreement. Amended motion seconded by Alderman Lenz and unanimously carried. _ (n) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY GALEN HOUK (TWO MILE RADIUS) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman 6 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 23, 1990 Lenz, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously car- ried, to approve the lot split. (o) CONSIDERATION OF MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS WITH MEEKER COUNTY FOR FIRE PROTECTION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to approve and enter into contract. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administrator Plotz commented that the Hutchinson Jaycees was requesting the City to amend the gambling ordinance to allow a license at more than one location. Mr. Plotz reported that Short - Elliott- Hendrickson had sent a letter stating it was their opinion that remodel - ing the second and third floor of the Hutch Hotel was not feasible. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN JOHN MLINAR Alderman Mlinar commented on the problems with the sod laid in Clifton Heights. Engineer Rodeberg stated the specifications were very specific about the requirements, and no payment would be made until the problems were cor- rected. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN DONALD Alderman Erickson inquired about the future site of the municipal liquor store. He also asked when Fifth Avenue Northeast would be completed. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Engineer Rodeberg reported the cracks in the dam had been sealed. This weekend there will be clean -up below the dam from Main Street to Second Avenue. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR PAUL L. ACKLAND . Mayor Ackland requested the Council members to give their 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 23, 1990 0 opinion to the City Attorney regarding Junker Sanitation litigation. Mayor Ackland commented that the signage regarding Les Kouba could not be posted along the state highway right - of -way. Today the Mayor was contacted by an individual who has a son stationed in Saudi Arabia. He requested that the community participate in a "ribbon campaign" to remember the armed forces in the Middle East by decorating a tree in Library Square with red ribbons. The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Ald- erman Lenz and unanimously carried, to approve the use of Library Square for a "ribbon campaign." 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion was made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried, to approve the claims and authorize payment from appropriate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:22 P.M. L 8 • MINUTES JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL AND HUTCHINSON SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1990 Mayor Ackland called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Present were: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen John Mlinar, Craig Lenz, Marlin Torgerson and Don Erickson, City Administrator Gary D. Plotz; County Commissioners Shirley Nowak, Grant Knutson, and Beverly Wangerin; Environmentalist Paul Melchior and Zoning Administrator Edwin E. Homan of McLeod County; Chairperson Mark Schnobrich and Solid Waste Management Committee members; and Janis Rannow of McLeod County Landfill. Discussion centered on the costs of recycling. It was pointed out that the drop boxes at the Civic Arena site were more frequently used than the ones located at the Super America site. Mayor Ackland questioned if money should be used for city -wide curbside recycling if there was no payback. He suggested that some of the funding be used for the city composting project. Mr. Paul Melchior stressed that a good education program was neces- sary to promote the use of recycling. Also, there will be a doubl- ing of use when containers are provided to the residents to hold the recyclables. It was suggested to have the recycling done the same day as refuse pickup. Mention was made that the cities of Stewart and Brownton are going to drop boxes, and therefore, there will be a 25 percent reduction in the county. Ms. Janis Rannow stated that recycling must meet the three "C's ": 1. Cost 2. Convenience 3. Conscience Commissioner Grant Knutson commented that they were one year ahead of themselves to go to curbside pickup. First there must be a market for the recyclables. Mr. Ed Homan reported the remainder of the program would be funded with the use of tip fee and SCORE money. However, if the money was not used, it could be taken back or given to another city. The county has already purchased the blue plastic boxes to be used for recycling, and they are available for Hutchinson residents. Mr. Mark Schnobrich commented that the city might wind up with the total cost for curbside pick -up on a city -wide basis at some future time if it declines the available SCORE funding. There would be a $32,000 cost difference. JOINT CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 23, 1990 . Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to have recycling on a city -wide basis for all precincts, with curbside pick -up. Motion seconded by Alderman Lenz and failed three to two upon roll call vote, with Aldermen Mlinar and Lenz voting aye and the Mayor and Aldermen Torgerson and Erickson voting nay. Alderman Mlinar moved to attempt curbside pick -up in three pre- cincts in Hutchinson. No second and the motion died. Alderman Torgerson moved that the city go to full curbside pick -up for precincts one and four for three months, with evaluation at the end of that time. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unani- mously carried. The joint meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M. 0 0 s MINUTES BID OPENING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 2:00 P.M. by Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill. Also present were Police Chief Steve Madson, Maintenance Operations Supervisor Doug Meier and Acting Secretary Hazel Sitz. The reading of Publication No. 4176, Invitation For Bids, Purchase Of One New Or Used, 1990 Or Newer, Mid -Sized Or Full -Size, 4 -Door Automobile, was dispensed with. The following bids were opened and read: Erickson's Auto Sales Hutchinson, MN Myron Wigen Motors Hutchinson, MN Plowman's Hutchinson, MN $12,968.00 - 1991 Ford Crown Victoria 11,835.06 - 1991 Chevrolet Lumina 4 -Door Sedan 199.00 - Option 12,647.00 - 1991 Ford Taurus The bids were referred to staff for review and a recommendation. The meeting adjourned at 2:15 P.M. 0. CSA1(" 1 ' 71 thf V hNc Kn - DA. r17.r`6{L- 4P PC nY AI rvrigrC 2107 i 0 0 ,...0 - 404 V4. DVMTMEN10f COMMEAa I issw' runuium "mars Pedodlnarhkh mlbleaued I � r l OCiO ?FR ISSN IPbs.a rorrsot mY Mws in nsm..n0 edba.s ncs.dir,g 2/P Cttd.1 5$� REPORT OF BUILDING OR ZONING PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 103500 27 F 9499 055 t 6 26 9999 —. -- - ':2730 JAA.ES KAkKA hLDE fFFICIAL - FnR CITY Of HUTCH14SON ityourbuildingpermitsystemhaschanged, mark fX) appropriate box below and explain CITY HALL 37 WASNINSTON AVE WEST In comments. WITCHINSON A 55'5; ❑ Discontinued issuing permits ❑ Merged with another system ❑ Split into two or more systems ❑ Annexed land Drees PLEASE COMPLETE AND MAIL ❑ Had other changes THIS FORM ON OR BEFORE NOVE -B ER 4 1077 If no permits were issued during Bureau of the Consus Instructions are included. For this period mad (X) in the box 1201 East Tmth Stal further assistance. call collect and return this form JsHarsonrllle, IN 47132 (3011 763 -7244. NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED HOUSEKEEPING Item Numbs, of Valuation of Number of valuation of BUILDINGS No. Housing construction Housing crosuucum Buildings Buildings units Omir cents units Omit cents W (61 Act Id) lei (f) Ali) Single family houses. detached Exclude mobile homes. 101 Single family houses, attached - Separated by ground to roof well, -No units above or below, and - Separate heating systems and utility motors. I Count each unit as a separate building) 102 Two family buildings 103 Threw and four - family buildings 104 Five-or-more family buildings 106 TOTAL - Sum of 701 -105 109 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED NONHOUSEKEEPING Item Number of Valuation of Number of Valuation of BUILDINGS construction Omit cents construction Buildings Rooms onsr cents No Buildups Rooms ,. I.) Ion Id Idl lei Ifl Ill Hotels, motels, and tounet cabins (transient accommodations onlyl 213 Other nonhousekeeping shelter 214 NEW PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNED Number Valuation of Number Valuation of NONRESIDENTIAL Item BUILDINGS No. of construction of construction buildings Oral cants buildings OmH cents la) Ibl (Cl (All lei Amusement, social, and recreational 318 Churches and other religious 319 Industrial 320 1 502,000 Parking garages (buildings and open dockedl 321 Service stations and repair garages 322 Hospitals and institutional 323 Offices, banks, and professional 324 Public works and utilities 325 Schools and other educational 326 Stores and customer services 327 Other nonresidential buildings 328 2 1-480 5,200 Structures other than buildings 329 ADDITIONS, PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNED ALTERATIONS, AND Item Number Valuation of Number Valuation of CONVERSIONS No. of constmction of construction buildings Omif cents buildings Omit Cana 1.1 Ibl W Idl NI Residential - Classify additions of garages and carports in item 438. 434 7 44..490 Nonresidential and nonhousekeeping 437 Additions of residential garages and carports (attached and detachedl 438 1 12, 000 .1 -nlgn 1 -HR5 s. I- ...— , .�.........._. 6- RRR 2 -FXf. Tntal Pprinit5 49 Total Valuatinn 19.551 7n1 DEMOLITIONSAND PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNEO RAZING OF tam Number of Number of BUILDINGS No. Buildings Housing Buildings Mont units o units lal lot Icl to) let Single 4amity houses (attached and detached) 845 Two - family buildings - 646 T hree and four- family buildings 647 - - - Fiveormorefamilybuildings 648 All other buedmas and strumures 16491 1 Unde round Fuel Till INDIVIDUAL PERMITS AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION VALUED AT $500,000 OR MORE Please provide the following information for each permit authorixiN construction valued at $500,000 or more entered in sections I through IV. Item Number of No. Name and a of Owner ship Valuation of from sec DesCnpbUn owner or r builder Mark IX) construction Omrr Mousing Buildings I —IV one cents units lal lbl Icl Idl lei Ifl it Kmd of bulldmg - C i ty -of .flutch inson ----------- ❑ Prvae Medical Center ---------------- seta eddies. _}IUtChinsOR.fit----------- .---- l public s 10,674,469 1 Kind of burl mg Industria _3M_Companp_ ..................... ❑Pima. SIB address _915_ Ai ghway 22 So,. --------- -- li Pod¢ 915 Highway 22 So. 5 502.000 Kind .1 building - - - - -- ❑Private Site address - --- - -- ❑public 5 Kind of building ❑Priwte Site address 5 Kind of build,, ------------------------------------ ❑p"veb -------------------------- Site re e addss _ ❑ Public Kab of building ❑ Privere _ -_ ---- _ -_ - - -- •amass _ ❑pubga 5 Kind of building ------------------------------------ ❑Private _________ "__ ____ ______________ Sib •dares• _ ❑PWlic 8 Kind of bugdim, - - - ------------------------------------ 1]Pnvate ____ _____________________ Site address - --- '-'------- ❑walla s toil o builmrtp ----------------------------------- Private Sirs addrna __ _________ _------------------- __ ❑Pudic 8 Comments Are you of any now permit- Issuing IN No ❑ Yes — Please paws additional information M comments. jurisdictiona? Name of person to contact regarding this report Telephone James G. Marka Arae bbd• Number lium mov, Title I Building Official - r.I.IseNl 0 0 i MINUTES • HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION MEETING Monday, October 29, 1990 Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m, by Dave Skaar. Members present: Mark Lopac, Dennis Kahl, Joe Dooley, Jim Faber, Dave Skaar, and Mayor Paul Ackland. Guests present: John Rodeberg and Rick Kjonaas. The topic of discussion was the South fringe road and how it would relate to the airport expansion program. Motion made by Paul Ackland, seconded by Joe Dooley, passed unanimously, to request that the City Council direct the City Administrator to advertise for bids to select a consulting engineering firm for the airport improvement project. Motion made by Joe Dooley, seconded by Mark Lopac, to allow Tom Parker to use the airport lobby area in common with all other users and that he be allowed to install a display counter, table, chair and desk behind the counter in the lobby area. The area behind the counter to be maintained by Tom Parker. The Commission requested a listing of all customers with gas keys for the next scheduled Commission meeting. The list to include names and addresses. Next scheduled meeting will be on November 26, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Report submitted by Doug Meier. 0 u 0 0 MINUTES Parka & Recreation Board August 29, 1990 Members Present were Roger Haggenmiller, Virgil Voigt, J.P Auer, John Mlinar, Mike Schall and Lee Cox. Also present were Dolf Moon, John Arlt and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 P.M. The Minutes dated July 25, 1990 were approved by a motion made by J.P. Auer and seconded by Mike Schall. The board unanimously agreed. Old Business 1991 Budget - J.P. questioned the increased fee in the summer baseball program from $8 to $10. The increase is to cover the position of site supervisor for the baseball program, it will improve the quality of the program. $300,000 needs to be cut from the proposed 1991 budget in all departments, the cuts will probably be in the capital outlay requests. Ma Plan_ - The board received a copy of the 1990 Inventory compiled by John Arlt. The inventory summarized all of the -parks in Hutchinson listing the current facilities and future improvements. New Business B - The Fall/Winter brochure was distributed through the Leader Shopper in August, the cover displays the new city logo. There have been many good comments regarding the brochure. Youth Center - Keith Bloomquist resigned and John Arlt is the new Dry Dock Manager. John has worked with the Parks and Recreation Department for the past five years. The lease on the Dry Dock is through 1990, the current rental fee is $2,400 per month. The attendance during the summer months at the Dry Dock has been poor. Project Status - Veterans Memorial Field has been reconditioned after the flood in June. The infield agregate has been replaced with a more absorbent material. The construction of a shelter will begin the week of September 4th in Elks Park. The Jaycees will begin to stain and assemble picnic tables starting in October. The Civic Arena's new entrance will be constructed before winter. The specs call for new dasher boards in 1991 and the floor will be addressed in the 5th year of the plan. Minutes Parks & Recreation Board August 29, 1990 Page two New Business coat. Bethany Baptist Church Request - The church is requesting the use of the bandshell in the Library Square for Thursday, October 11th for a musical concert. After a brief discussion Virgil made a motion to approve the request for the bandshell and forward the recommendation to the City Council. Lee Cox seconded the motion, and the board unanimously agreed. Crow River Arts Guild - The C.R.A.G. has made a request to use the Rec Center on Saturday, December 1st and Sunday, December 2nd for a display show. The board agreed that the Youth Basketball League and open gym should be cancelled to provide the facility. The rental rate will be determined, Dolf told that board that it should be in the range of $75 to $150, the board agreed. Board Items John Mlinar was concerned about the mosquito spraying program, there seems to be an abundance of mosquitos this year. Dolf reminded the board about the 1990 budget cuts, the 1991 request for chemicals will be doubled. Roger Haggenmiller told the board that it was his last meeting with the board, his term expired in August. The Mayor will be assigning a new board member. Adjo The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m. by a motion made by Mike Schall and seconded by J.P. Auer, the board agreed._ klm 0 I a th COLNC I L _— __.....__._.__ ... . ...... . ..... ....... .. . ..... of the _U.TY__. HUTCH I %SON .1 ..... . ......... . ... the county of state of xinfteoga: The undersigned owner who a dd rw j .... . ........ . PLOW AND hereby applies for a permit to --------- ,.. REMOVE SNOW WITH .____ P_ up-- that certain tract of land described as follows: Lot .. .... ...... . ...... ; Block plat or addition..... ........ ............ _ ..... . .. . .... . .. ...... ...... ; addrees__ . ..... which 4 0 1 the followinj six and area; width . .............. _..._......__......._._....feet; Unfth Jut; area __WITHUN THE CITY LIMITS . .......... .. . . . ........... . ........ — __ ...... and hereby affrea that, in case each permit U ifanted, that all work which shall be done and all materials which shall be used shall comply with the plane and sPecilZoatians therefor herewith submitted I and with all the ordinances of said... CITY OF HUTCHINSON appl"61& the .1 pp H-ant further afreu to pay fee, or a,je,,mntj at th time and in the arnownie specified a; /allows: $1.00 0 ___ To tee Cl F COUNCIL --- ... . ............. v/ the ........ UTY. ...... . HU T T - Cl i IN - S - ON in the County o f HC LEqQ - - — _- - . . ..... ............. State of Jf lnn.,ea: The undertifnzel owner whose addre 4-- -�� 2 - X__ -.- AZc-t2I, . ..... hereby applies for a permit ta PLOW AND REMOVE SNOW WI TTi ------- --- upon that certain tract of land described as follows: Black. ..__ .____..._ plat or addition _.__ . . . . ................. . ..... .. . .... ........ . ..... addrwj. .... .. which is of the following tix and area; width. area ._._WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS and hereby agree th i c ase such permit is granted, that a ll w o r k w hi c h s h a ll b d ome and all materials which shalt b w shall comply with the plane and spacifeatiOmS therefor herewith owt and with all the ordinances of s aid . CITY OF HUTCHINSON applicable thereto ,4ppl"nt further afreei to pay fea, or "jesenneonfe at the time and In the a,n,vunts spetifted a; follows: To Of the ji.U.TCHINSON In ON County Of RC The Un&r*lined owner whose d& j, w . 07/ 4 42 eblt dppri,, or e pr ,,u to PL A - ND — . — • REMOVE SNOW -7- .T l-JO 5 upon that certain tract o f La nd d f o ll ows: Lot Block­-- plat or addition. ._..____._...._ —._._ ........... ­ _­ ; address which to Of the following six and area; width.. . .. .._._.._._.._. ._. .. __..... / «t; Zenith feet; area ­ .�WITH IN THE CITY LIMITS and hereby airw that, in Coco such Permit I, fronted, that a ll work which h b done and all Mat , liaZ# which rhall b wed shall o ply with the plane and specif therefor, herewith submitt and with all the ordinance, of a ld ­­ CITY OF HUTCHINSON appli th "PPlica"I further agree to o pay fee, r ",� a t th ti an d i t h e d�_Z, speci �d $1.00 7, the. COUNCI .......... ............ ......... .. . .. . ...... ... ........ of the .—CUK ......... ...... .. .... .. . ............ —... of­M9T0� ­­----- ---. -- ­ - — in the Count o f . ....... ........ . NC­j1&.QA . ... ....... . ........ . .., State of The Underlitn4d owne jvh,,, 4 :W m - -- aAL U IL� ...... Ppti for a jocrmu go­AcO! AND ­ REMOVE SNOW WI TH uPon that certain tract at land described as follows: Lot...­ Black. _­­ plat or which I. of th foll j and area; width ..... area ­ !fLTHq . N THE CITY LIMIIS and hereby alree, th in ease rush Permit is granted, that all uark jjur,/e w hi c h h b do , a Material which shall be ued hall co�mpj w ith a peons and spwiflea none, r heo, wit h b .d all I ,tted and with all the ordinance o f said_ CITY OF HUTCHINSON applicable th 2plicant further -ire" to Pay for or " se � nt# at the "'no and in the d�ufttl vatilUd /011ows: as V61 4o * q 1 Owner To lhs . _CITY COLNCIL . ... . ...... of the County of . ... ..... . . ...... . sea to of Minnesota: The Undersigned owner whose address PLOW AND REMOVE SNOW W1,111 j A - hereby applies for a permite to ............... . . . upon that certain tract of land described " foMu, Lot ......_ . ....._. . . ...... ... ....... ; Block plat or addition.—___.� . . ...... ........... . .... address ....... . .... which is Of the 1 size and area; width . ........ ..... .... ... .............___.fast; UnjFth_._._. . ........... fact; area THE CITY LIMITS and hereby atreeai that, in case such Permit is grantad, that all work which shall be d one and all m which shall be used shall compl with W plane and rpaci/ therefor herewith submitted and with all the ordinan,,, / r CM OF HLUCHINSON applicable thereto. T t h e _C11T COUNC IL __ . . ..... ..... ............... - ... ... .... . ..... .. ..... ...... of the ------- CITY ......... . ...... o HUTCHINSON ............... ......... ...... ........ ...... .. ............ the County of .. ... ... ... — MC Sidi, Of X!, ncaofc: The undersigned owner whose address is --_.hereby applies for a permit REMOVE SNOW WITH . .... . ...... . ... 4 1 upon that certain tract of land de as fallouts: Lt Bloc* plat or addition. -- ---- .... .... .; oddraj_... . ..... which fj of the faltowinjf size and area; width .... .. ..... . .... .......... .... _.-fact; ...... fast; area NITNIN THE CITY LIMITS and hereby airce, that, in case such permit to granted, that all work which s hall be done and all materials which shall be used shall comply with the plane and epecifloations therefor herewith =bmilled and with all the ardEntances of CITY OF HUrCHINSON applicable thereto. 4PPUcanj fu a.4ren to pay face or assessmant, at 94 time and in the amounts specifled as follows! A to J 6�1 k 4% - 0 - wa - T - 0 '�z 'fPP f- ajea to pay f ace or a at the lima and In the amounts spetifi as follows.. El CHRISTMAS APPLICATION FORJEK_sL�� -- - - - - -- PERMIT To the ...... - CITY COUNCIL .. ............................... .. of the ............ G JTY ....... HUTCHINSON ............................................................ i the County of ..................................................... .. ........................ ............ ...... ­ .................................. State of Minnesota: I 7V The undersigned owner whose, address re .. ..... 1 ...... ...... . ......... Zk ...... . ........ ..... . . SELL ..................... . ............ ...... ................... .............................................. hereby applies for a permit ... ... .. ...... . . 0 ..................... ..... CHRI.STMAS ..TREES ........................... ... ............................................................... . ................................ ......... .. . .. ..... .... - upon that certain tract of land described as follows: Lot ...... . ............... Block. .._...._. ........................... plat addition ... ...... _ ................. ................ .......... .. _ ... .............. address .... ......................................... .............. ..... ........... ... which is of the following size and area; width_ ....... . .... __........._ length feet; area ..... - - _ . . . . ... ......... ..... .. .. ... . .... ..... and hereby agrees that, in case such permit is granted, that all work which shall he done and all materials which shall be used shall comply with the plans and specifications therefor herewith submitted andwith all the ordinances of said. ..__._....._ .... .. ....CITY .. . .. .... ... F .. H U T C H I N S 0 . N .................. ................................................. ........ ... appZi,cable thereto. .4pplie,ant further agrees t p fees or assessments at the time and in the amounts specified as follows: A<9_1_01 NOV 1990 0 ....... ... ............................. ................... o .... ......... FEE: $5.00 Z/ -2, • • 0 CHRISTMAS APPLICATION FOR2�L��Lt� -------- PERMIT To the .......... CITY COUNCIL . ............................... ........... . ............... ................ .... .... .. ........ . .......... . ...... ... .. . . ..... .......... ........... ....... ..... .. ... .... ... Z ....................... of the ............ QjT............ of .. . ....... .... ....... ��TCHINSON .......... in ihe County ....................... ............ ................ - ....................... ............. - ....... ........... . . ...... - ....... ........ .. State, of J1fnne8ota,. The a nd s igned owner whose address ts .......... 0.7--1 ... ... . ... 21U ...... A)e'�4� .................... . ......... .... .................. ...... ....... ..................... ....... ........ hereby applies for a permit to .. ... SELL ...................... CHRISTMAS ... TREES ................. ......... .................... .. ..... .. . ....... ........ .. . .. . ....... ... ........ ... . . .... ..... upon that certain tract of land described as follows: Lot .- - .... .. ..... .... .............. ......... f plat or addition .. ... ............ .... .. address... which is of the following size and area; width ..._... . . ..... ....feet; length . .... feet; area and hereby agrees that, in case such permit is granted, that all work which shall be done and all materials which shall be used shall comply with the plans and specifications therefor herewith submitted and with all the ordinances of said. ......_ ............ CITY OF HUTCHINSON ............ .. ................................. ........ ..... ............ I ...................... I .......... I ......... applicable thereto. ✓4pplicant further agrees to pay fees or assessments at the time and in the amounts specified as follows: ... ..... ---- - ..... ... ................. ...... ..... ....... . ............... I ..... ... ................ FEE: $5.00 .......... Owner L r1 L_J RESOLUTION NO. 9354 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR 152 Posts $ 1,192 Replacement & New Street Yes E. F. Anderson Transmission Installation Signs & Posts 2,495 New Area - 90 Projects Street Yes* Gopher Sign Co. Turf Supplies 2,610 Fertilizer & Growth Park ** Turf Care Supply Retardant Polymer 5,070 Wastewater Treatment WWTP Yes Nalco Chemical Co. *1990 Budgeted In Impro ement B nds * *1991 Budget - 1990 Price Billel 1991 & Delivery A The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Overland Engine & 7,500 Repair /Maintenance Street Yes Jerry's Transmissi Transmission Diesel Fuel 3,861 Operation Street Yes Schmeling Oil Co. Date Approved: Nvoember 13, 1990 Motion made by: Seconded by: Resolution submitted for Council action by: 7 --74 (612) 587 -5151 HUTCH CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 RESOLUTION NO. 9357 RESOLUTION REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 9210 WHICH LIMITED PARKING ON EAST SIDE OF DALE STREET BETWEEN LINDEN AVE. AND SOUTH GRADE ROAD WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson adopted Resolution No. 9210 on March 13, 1990, which limited parking on the east side of Dale Street between Linden Avenue and South Grade Road; and WHEREAS, the roadway was proposed to be built to State Aid Standards, and was classified as a minor arterial street; and WHEREAS, the roadway is not proposed to be a State Aid Route, and is proposed to be classified as a Collector Street; and WHEREAS, its 38 foot width meets City Standards for Collector Streets for parallel parking on both sides. i NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said City of Hutchinson repeals Resolution No. 9210 and allows parking on both sides of Dale Street between Linden Avenue and South Grade until such time as the roadway is designated a State Aid Route. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of November , 1990. Mayor City Administrator 0 7-9 (612) 587 -5151 • f1U1CH CITY OF HUTCHINSON P HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: October 29, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Randy DeVries, Director of Water and Wastewater SUBJECT: Service Contract with Harris Mechanical Our Service contract with Harris Mechanical is up for renewal. The cost of this contract is $7224.00 and it was included in the budget for the following year. I recommend approval of this contract. RD /sk 0 94- ERIS MECHANICAL CONTRACTING COMPANY Date:October 17,1990 Account Name:Hutchinson Wastewater Address:37 Washington Avenue Hutchinson,MN 55350 Attention:Randy DeVries Reference:Preventive Maintenance Contract Renewal Dear Mr. DeVries, Your Preventive Maintenance contract for the above referenced building is being renewed for the next service year. We have reviewed your file and found that an increase is required to offset increased labor and material costs. This increase is moderate and will enable us to provide you with the highest quality service possible. In order to maintain continuity in your service we will assume the next inspection with the new rates. We ar pleased to be of service to you and if you have any questions about our services, please feel free to call me. These are the new rates. New $ per inspection:$1204.00 New $ per year:$7224.00* New hourly rate for emergency service:$49.75 /HOUR Material markup: 30o above contractor cost *note: Yearly price includes 28.5 hours of non maintenance service. Any unused hours will be credited back to customer at year end. In order to maintain current files please sign the form below and return one copy to us and retain the second one for your files. Sincerely, HARRIS MECHANICAL CONTRACTING COMPANY Steven J. Peterson SERVICE MANAGER Accepted: Date: Name: Title: Signature: 9 -A TIT( RIS MECHANICAL CONTRACTING COMPANY PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE REVISED SCHEDULE EQUIPMENT # JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG !SEP OCT NOV DEC POILERS 2 1 X X I X X IRC. PUMPS 12 X X ONTROL PANELS 4 X X X X X X I RECOVERY UNIT , ,CHILLER 1 X X X X X X 1 X X I X i I I i I � I i i i I I i I' II �JQD PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICES INCLUDED IlT RIS MECHANICAL CUSTOMER CONTRACTING COMPANY Hutchinson Wastewater DATE:October 17,1 GENERAL SERVICES X Check operators log sheets _X_ Complete oper.& ins. reports Lubricate moving parts X Inspect motors & starters X Test amperages & voltages X Report unsafe conditions X Tighten electical connections X Check & cal. safety controls _ X_ Notify for needed repairs AIR HANDLING SYSTEMS Inspect fan pulleys & drives Adjust belt tension Replace belts as required Inspect vib. isolation mounts Inspect heat transfer surfaces Clean heat transfer surfaces Clean /inspect condensate pans Inspect fan wheels Check dampers & adjust Check filters COMPRESSOR /CONDENSOR SYSTEM X Spring start up X Fall shut down X Check oil pressure /level X Test oil(if required) X Check pressures X Check for oil /refrig. leaks _X_ Inspect air cooled condensers Clean air cooled condensers Inspect water cooled condensers Clean water cooled condensers _X Check superheat _X_ Check excessive comp.noise HEATING SYSTEM Clean & inspect heat exchanger Check for flame roll out Check temperature rise Check pilot & relight system_ Check limit control operation _X Check for fuel leaks _X_ Check venting system Check manifold pressure _X_ Check & clean burner ports Check power venter motor X Check flame safegaurd system _X_ C e k ignition system _X or proper combustion air _X_ Combustion test(when required) Change oil filter(when required) Check oil ressure BOILERS /PIPING SYSTEMS Open,clean & test(if required) Check relief valve Check low wtr. cutoff & clean X Check fire box and refractory _X Check expansion tank level _X_ Inspect piping,insul.& hangers PUMPS X Check for excessive noise X Check level controls Lubricate (if needed) _X Check coupler condition _X_ Check seal and bearing assembl TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM X Replace comp. oil(when needed) _X Clean & test air dryer _X_ Test and calibrate controls Lubricate all moving parts REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS Check defrost system Check operating temperatures Check condition of door seal OTHER SERVICES \�3 X89 f.� October 29, 1990 Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City Hall Hutchinson, Minnesota RE: Hutchinson Jaycees Charitable Gambling License Second Location Dear Gary, :4 1990 RECEIVED BY We, the Hutchinson Jaycees, are seeking an amendment to the ordinance (Sec. 6.26, Subd. 3 (D)) which limits organizations from operating charitable gambling in more than one location. In previous years, we have operated charitable gambling in two locations starting in 1986. The following schedule sets out our location history: Licen Date Location i September 16, 1986 O'Tooles September 24, 1986 Spanky's February 13, 1987 O'Tooles Spanky's May 14, 1987 Gold Coin December 16, 1987 O'Tooles Gold Coin January 4, 1989 O'Tooles Gold Coin January 19, 1990 Gold Coin The law did not prohibit multiple locations until the ordinances were codified on July 1, 1989. We, like many others, did not realize the law changed until we applied for a second location. We have a few committed members who spend a great deal of time complying with the rules governing this industry. In addition, many hours were spent to get the second location this far along in the process. With two locations operating simultaneously, hopefully enough money can be raised for charitable purposes to justify the time spent. Up to the present, our operations have not experienced any law enforcement issues or concerns. We believe that we can continue to operate in two locations in a successful manner. 9 -/e-, Mr. Gary Plotz Page 2 October 29, 1990 As you are aware, the Hutchinson Jaycees have attempted, to the best of its ability, to donate proceeds to various civic needs: the wading pool, new picnic tables, etc. We have and will continue to use the funds generated by charitable gambling to accomplish these donations. Finally, it is our understanding that the new ordinance prohibiting two locations was put into effect without any problems with the old ordinance. It seems that the language was changed for this matter without anybody knowing or realizing the effects. We are asking at this time that ordinance be revised to read "at more than two locations" in the second sentence, replacing "at more than one location ". Respectively, Hutchinson Jaycees Joy Beckman, President Pete Stellpflug, Gieliy Manager JCB:jls Enclosure cc: Barry Anderson i `J ARNOLD & MGDOWELL DAVID B. ARNOLD ATTORNEYS AT LAW CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL ** ICI PARK PLACE GARY D. MCDOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 G. HARRY ANDERSON' STEVEN S. HOGE LAURA K. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEGGEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD G. McGEE TIMOTHY W. FAPINSHI Mr. Gary D. Plotz 0 (612) 587 -7575 TELECOPIER (612) 587 -4006 RESIDENT ATTORNEY G. HARRY ANDERSON November 8, 1990 City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue Wes' Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Proposed Ordinance - Gambling Matter Our File No. 3188 -88 -0031- Dear Gary: OTCOUNSZL WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. HECKER 5661 CEDAR "RE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (512) 545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800 -343 -4545 TELEGOPIER(612) 545.1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 (612)389 -2214 TELECOPIER(012) 309.5506 Ji g.......... - ------- I am enclosing a proposed ordinance dealing with the gambling issue raised by the Hutchinson Jaycees. As I understand it, they wish to have a license for two places as opposed to one, which is the current limitation in our ordinance. It is my understanding that the police department does not object to this change. As near as I can tell, the only reason the one license limitation was included in our original ordinance was to keep a particular charitable organization from developing a strangle hold on charitable gambling revenues. It would appear to me that allowing a second location, which is consistent with past practice (pre code revision) would not violate that principle. I have also redrafted the pages of our Code Book to reflect the change in this ordinance. However, for that copy to be complete, I will need to know the publication dates and the ordinance number and I would appreciate it if you would provide that information to me at your convenience. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Best regards. CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE EAR ASSOCIATION (� _ e 'CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION / Enclosures CC John Beckman ORDINANCE NO. 90 -29 , 2ND SERIES PUBLICATION NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 6.26, SUED. 3 (D) GOVERNING GAMBLING REGULATIONS AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS: THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. City Code, Sec. 6.26, Subd. 3(D) entitled "Limitations on Licenses and Permits" is hereby amended to read: D. Limitations on Licenses and Permits. No organization shall hold more than one two (2) licenses from the Board, or permits from the City, which authorizes lawful gambling at more than ene two (2) locations, whether such locations within or without the City. Further, if a license from the Board is held by an organization, no permit shall be issued to it by the City, and if a permit from the City is held by an organization, any application to it for a license te it from the Board shall be disproved by the Council. Section 2. City Code Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including Penalty for Violation" and Section 2.99 entitled "Violation a Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety, by reference, as though repeated verbatim herein. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this _ day of November, 1990. L. Ackland, Mayor Attest: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator First reading: Second reading: Published in the Hutchinson Leader - on November _, 1990. 4 6 9- DAVID R. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL" GARY D. McDOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON' STEVEN S. RODE LAURA K. PRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEOOEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD O. McOEE TIMOTHY W. FAFINSKI October 23, 1990 J 9 ABNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW -101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (812) 587 -7575 TELECOPIER(012) 567 -4096 Mr. Gary D. Plot2 City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 RESIDENT ATTORNEY 0. BARRY ANDERSON III Re: Radar Interference Our File No. 3188 -87 -000 Dear Gary: / Enclosed please find a copy' County Attorney's office fa] newspaper article. / l' L Or covs.XL WILLIAM W CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. DECKER 5961 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55416 (612)545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800. 343.4543 TELECOPIER (a12) 545-1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389 -2214 TELECOPIER(612) 389 -5508 ^ <C1222 j3>, L �Utia � S. S of correspondence from the Chippewa onq with a copy of the relevant The Council may wish to to e an official position on this subject and I would suggest that r ther than having the City Attorney write the various governmental agencies involved, which will at most result in a polite reply, it would be appropriate to have the City Council adopt a resolution on t is su ]ec . Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Best personal rga.tds. Very t yo)Ars, "arry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosure 'CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION "CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION DAVID M. GILBERTSON CHIPP.�WA COUNTY ATTORNEY STEPHEN TORVIK DAVID MINGE KEVIN STROUP ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEYS MEMORANDUM TO: Other Interested Parties FROM: David Minge DATE: October 17, 1990 RE: Radar Interference 221 NORTH FIRST STREET P.O. BOX 656 MONTEVIDEO, MINNESOTA 56265 TELEPHONE: 612.269.7138 - a !`C�O8L3S 7�Z� Chippewa County is very concerned about this project. We feel that the gap in national weather service capabilities to identify and forecast severe weather is affected by this project. We note that your areas are similarly affected by this snafu. Perhaps if all of us protest the project, corrective steps can be taken without the need for litigation. Enclo • Enclosure M Ll CAVID M. GILBERTSON CHIPPEWA COUNTY ATTORNEY • STEPHE4 TCRVIK CAVID M.NGE KEVM S T RC'JP ASSISTA',T COUNTY AT,ORNEYS 221 NORTH FIRST STREET P.O. 20X 656 MONTEVIDEO, MINNESOTA 552E5 TELEPHONE: 612-269 -7139 October 17, 1990 Federal Aviation Agency Washington, D.C. 20553 Gentlemen: Chippewa County has learned to its great disappointment and concern that the new FAA radar tower being constructed at the Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport obstructs the weather service radar field in a portion of this county. It appears that the obstructed portion includes not only farm land but two of the cities in the county including the county seat. Based on information that has been supplied to the county, it appears that this FAA facility is being constructed without necessary permits and is therefore in violation of federal law. • On behalf of Chippewa County, we register a protest against this construction project, demand that it be halted if in fact it is obstructing weather service radar, and advise you that if appropriate corrective action is not taken by.the Federal Aviation Agency in this regard that this county will be• considering litigation in federal court against the Federal _ _ Aviation Agency for an injunction to halt construction of the facility- By copy of this letter we are also notifying the Congressmen whose districts are affected by this facility. We request the courtesy of a response from the Federal Aviation Agency with respect to this matter. Since ours, Dav Tinge Assistant Cou ty Attorney DM /bd CC. National Weather Service, Minneapolis FAA, Minneapolis Senator Rudy Boschwitz Senator David Durenberger Representative Vin Weber Representative Martin Olav Sabo Representative William Frenzel J i � r � ; '�� s1y4� a• t 1x Pjfsr�4• - >t � _ 3 .. `, 4 S �� ysrJA•. k ♦ y�5. •ir °� "r ss� + � tl ,+ -$�T� �y,ISt u n.' j,l Y 3'. +�f C � tY A. x 7`G .1�r f'q _. li- J'�1r ♦M+r^'t Y y ,'gI'Wy !a - , I �.r �1a♦FiRf l�- Y'S.iN T�,1R�- �_.i��Y }� °" 3 . ��. I - r ryry11 tg i f t r a �, �1 •I t - l - { Staff Photo by Jeff Wheeler A new Federal Aviation Administration tower, center, is blocking part of the signal from the National Weather Service radar, right. FAA tower crsfies gap in weather 1 By Jim Dawson The new tower, being installed by ity,° said Jim Campbell, head of the agency's national upradmg of i. Staff Writer the Federal Aviation Administra- _ local weather service office. - - air traffic control systcm, was ar lion (FAA), is only 900 feet from - ' thorized and built without ih A new radar tower being built at the Weather Service's main radar ; Discussions between Campbell and knowledge of the Weather Servict Minneapolis -St. Paul International unit and is blocking radar.signals : local - FAA officials have not Campbell alened lcderat otlicia! Airport may hinder the National beamed due west .. stopped construction of the tower, after he saw the new lower goir Weather Service's ability to see se- - - - - - which was topped with a radar dish up. -_ vere weather in parts of Minnesota, "The National Weather Service has Wednesday. The radar will not go including the city of Hutchinson, a responsibility for warning of se- into operation until February.. _ - Weather Service officials in \'.Fast: local weather service officials say. %ere weather and that (FAA) radar is interfering with our warning abil The new FAA radar„ part of the Tower continued on pace 711 0 t ` +r 1 -! : F _ t• c 1ihF .F 4. j s t J i � r � ; '�� s1y4� a• t 1x Pjfsr�4• - >t � _ 3 .. `, 4 S �� ysrJA•. k ♦ y�5. •ir °� "r ss� + � tl ,+ -$�T� �y,ISt u n.' j,l Y 3'. +�f C � tY A. x 7`G .1�r f'q _. li- J'�1r ♦M+r^'t Y y ,'gI'Wy !a - , I �.r �1a♦FiRf l�- Y'S.iN T�,1R�- �_.i��Y }� °" 3 . ��. I - r ryry11 tg i f t r a �, �1 •I t - l - { Staff Photo by Jeff Wheeler A new Federal Aviation Administration tower, center, is blocking part of the signal from the National Weather Service radar, right. FAA tower crsfies gap in weather 1 By Jim Dawson The new tower, being installed by ity,° said Jim Campbell, head of the agency's national upradmg of i. Staff Writer the Federal Aviation Administra- _ local weather service office. - - air traffic control systcm, was ar lion (FAA), is only 900 feet from - ' thorized and built without ih A new radar tower being built at the Weather Service's main radar ; Discussions between Campbell and knowledge of the Weather Servict Minneapolis -St. Paul International unit and is blocking radar.signals : local - FAA officials have not Campbell alened lcderat otlicia! Airport may hinder the National beamed due west .. stopped construction of the tower, after he saw the new lower goir Weather Service's ability to see se- - - - - - which was topped with a radar dish up. -_ vere weather in parts of Minnesota, "The National Weather Service has Wednesday. The radar will not go including the city of Hutchinson, a responsibility for warning of se- into operation until February.. _ - Weather Service officials in \'.Fast: local weather service officials say. %ere weather and that (FAA) radar is interfering with our warning abil The new FAA radar„ part of the Tower continued on pace 711 0 0 0 0 Star Tribune /Thursday /October 11 /1990 3B Tower Continued from page IB ington said they just learned of the tower Monday and are complaining to FAA officials. Walter Telesetsky, director of the Weather Service's systems engineer- ing office, said the concern is not only the physical interference caused by the tower, but potential for confu- sion resulting from two powerful ra- dars operating so close to one anoth- er. solve the problem then," he said. The new FAA radar tower, made of metal, is about 18 fact higher and straight west from the Weather Ser- vice radar. Campbell said that a gap is created when signals from the Weather Service radar hit the FAA tower and arc blocked. The gap is just a few feel wide at the tower, but widens steadily as the Weather Ser- vice beam moves out across Minne- sota. Unlike the older, lower - profile FAA radar at the airport, the new radar apparently cannot be synchronized to work with the Weather Service radar, Under the current system, the two radars never fire pulses at the same time. That coordination won't work when the new FAA radar is activat- ed, and no one is sure what, if any, problems will result. Campbell says his concern has grown as the tower has risen and that last week the interference from the tower appeared on Weather Service radar screens as he tracked a light rain west of the Twin Cities. He said that once the new FAA radar is up and the old one decommis- sioned, it will be difficult to have it moved. "I don't want to wait until the severe - weather season next spring and try to MIN ESOTA ."••- 3 -mile -wide area lost at 100 mlles'dis6rice t ;Twin Cities 25 SO 75 100 F • _�� ` Milos Milos moos mhos ` ll wedg ��.. _. blocked �- -- blocked to weather radar — 1.5 -mile -wide area lost at 50. miles distance � "At 50 miles out, there is a 1.5 - mile- wide area we can't see," he said. "At 100 miles, the (blacked -out) area is 3 miles; at 150 miles it's 4.5 miles and at 200 miles it's 6 miles across." In the worst case, if the signal is completely blocked, Campbell said, the Weather Service will be unable to see thunderstorms and other severe weather developing in one of the state's most active areas for severe weather. if the beam is partly blocked, major thunderstorms may appear to be less severe on Weather Service radar scopes, he said. The major town on the blacked-out track is Hutchinson, and Campbell said a storm developing near there might not appear at all on his radar screen. Other weather radars in the slate do not cover that part of the state, he said Telesetsky said there is a federal reg- ulation prohibiting a radar site with- in half a mile of a Weather Service radar. A waiver was obtained years Apo for the old FAA radar at the airport, allowing it to be built within about 1,000 feet of the-weather radar. The synchronization between the Iwo systems and the low, flat profile of the FAA radar kept it from being a problem. "The local FAA office prcwmed4he waiver applied (to the new radar) even though they were moving closer sear t noun@ map and there" is the synchronizatiq_n problem," he said. ., Glenn Beckman, facilities manager of the local FAA office, said the new radar system was "designed, engi- neered, funded and built," by federal FAA ollicials and the local 'o(lice wasn't involved. "We keep it on the air once it's up," he said. Campbell isn't blaming Beckman or other local FAA officials, but he wants the interference problem solved. "It's a safety issue," he said... RESOLUTION NO. 9353 0 Whereas, the new FAA radar tower being constructed at the Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport obstructs the monitoring of severe weather near the City of Hutchinson, a community of 11,441 residents, Whereas, the Hutchinson community has experienced a major tornado as recently as 1983, Whereas, Jim Campbell, head of the local weather service office has reported that a major storm near Hutchinson may not appear at all on his radar screen if the new radar facility becomes operational, Whereas, Jim Campbell stated that other weather radars in the state do not cover Hutchinson, Whereas, it appears from information that the facility is being constructed without necessary permits and is, therefore, in violation of federal law, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT neither the existing FAA be decommissioned nor the new radar facility become operational, until the "safety issue" is resolved and specifically there is no interference problem whatsoever for the proper monitoring of thunderstorms and other severe weather in the Hutchinson area. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of November, 1990. Paul L. Ackland Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 9_ e. F IN (612) 587.5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: November 5, 1990 L TO: — — MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: — — DOUG MEIER — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: PURCHASE RECOMMENDATION OF A VEHICLE FOR THE POLICE INVESTIGATOR — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — On October 30th, 1990, the City of Hutchinson opened bids for the purchase of one new or used, 1990 or newer, mid -sized or full sized automobile for the Police Investigator. The results of that bid opening are as follows: Myron Wigen Motor Company Hwy. 7 East P.O. Box 697 Hutchinson, MN 55350 One (1) new 1991 Chevrolet Lumina 4 door sedan $11,835.06 Optional split.60 /40 seat 199.00 TOTAL PRICE BID $12,034.06 Plowman's Inc. Hwy. 7 & 22 West Hutchinson, MN 55350 One (1) new 1991 Ford Taurus $12,647.00 4 door sedan Erickson Auto Sales Box 155 Hutchinson, MN 55350 One (1) new 1991 Ford Crown $12,968.00 Victorian (Police Pkg.) automobile L My recommendation to the City Council is that Wigen Chevrolet be awarded the contract to supply one (1) new 1991 Chevrolet Lumina automobile to the City of Hutchinson for the total bid price of $12,034.06 plus sales tax. EI D TABULAT10N CITY OF HUTCHINSON PF,0jECT Used 1990 or Newer Automobi (Investigator) DATE October - 30, 1990 Pub. 4176 =BIDDER SURETY AMOUNT DELII'ERY Erickson's Auto Sales 57 $12,968.00 1991 Ford Crown Victor' Myron Wigen Motors 5% ( +$199option 11,835.06 1991 Chevrol Lumina 4 dr. Plowman's, Inc. 59 12,647.00 1991 Ford Taurus 0 se 16 0 9- Z). Charles A. Becker, CLIJ Agent Emeritus Paul E. Peterson, CLU, ChFC ThePrudential Special Agent 0 i 9 101 Park Place, Hutchinson. MN 55350 612 587 -3207 r' Gary Plotz / City Administrator ,y City of Hutchinson C IYCY` 37 Washington Ave W \ Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz, October 29, 1990 As local representatives for The Prudential Insurance Company, and its subsidiaries, we would appreciate authorization to offer our products and services to the employees of the City of Hutchinson. The investment alternatives would be for the Section 457 and /or 4O3(b) plans available to the employees. We would provide over 45 years of experience in the financial services industry. We currently are servicing the Hutchinson Community Hospital for their 457 plan. Please call if you have any questions. �Sily, r Paul E. Peterson, CLU, ChFC Charles A. Becker, CLU 9-� DAVID B. R. AR CAR CHARLES R. CARMICHwP1" GARY D. MCDOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON' STEVEN S. HOGS LAURA E. PRETLAND DAVID A. BBUEGGEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD 0. MCGEE TIMOTHY W. PAPINSKI 11 October 26, 1990 AiFtNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARR PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (012) 587 -7575 TELEOOPIER (612) 567 -4006 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Administrater (R R c�n) N *+tlJ b 0 c' 1 C OF COUNSEL WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. BECKER 5661 CEDAR LEE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545 - 0000 MN TOLL FREE 600 343 - 4545 TELECOPIER (612) 545 -1703 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 369 -2214 TELECOPIER(012) 369 -5506 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: City of Hutchinson /Downtown Development (ShopKo) Asbestos Removal 1 Our File No. 3244 -89 -0031 ��y A Dear Gary:� I am enclosing and passing along to you three contracts, all ofF� them originals, for approval by the City Council at the next re- gularly scheduled City Council meeting. This contract is, of course, the contract between EnviroNet, Inc. and the City of Hutchinson. There are a couple elements of the contract that need clarification, but I do want this contract included in the next packet and hopefully my letter regarding clarificat'�n �f those items will also arrive in time for inclusion - i the p pack . Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions. Very truly yours, ARNOLD G. Bgrry Anderson GBA:mb N CERTIPIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION — CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 7 � /{'�• AiEtNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEXs AT LAw 101 PARR PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESoTA 55350 (912) 587 -7575 TELECOPIEB(612) 507 -4O25 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Gregory D. Scoville Project Manager PACE, Inc. 1710 Douglas Drive North Minneapolis, MN 55422 Re: PACE Project No. 900427.356 Asbestos Abatement Our File No. 3244 -89 -0031 or G UN5KL WILLIAM M. CAMEROII CHARLES CLAYTON GARY N. BECKER 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 05415 (812)545 -B000 MN TOLL "RE 800. 348 -4545 TELEGOPIEN (512) 545.1723 501 SOUTH POUBTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (512) 352.2214 TELECOPIEB(612) 382 -5505 Dear Mr. Scoville: As you know, an agreement has been reached by and between the City of Hutchinson and EnviroNet, Inc. for the removal of as- bestos from the project site. Your recommendation of EnviroNet, Inc. was appreciated and I believe the meetings with representa- tives of EnviroNet, Inc. went reasonably well. I am enclosing for your review and consideration the form of the contract sent to our office by EnviroNet, Inc.. I believe this form was either drafted by you or based on input with you and I have some questions regarding the form. First, the contract makes reference to completion of the work on a timely basis in accordance with Section C, Paragraph 1.2.2 of the contract documents. I do not have that information at my fingertips, but I assume that information is based on the original bidding information which has since been altered. I also note that Paragraph 3.1 calls for a final completion date that has not been filled in. If we fill in a date for June or July, will we conflict with the schedule set forth in Section C? I would be interested in your other comments regarding the agree- ment. i O CERTIPIED AS A GIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST RY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAN ASSOCIATToN . 'CEBTIPIED AS A UK" PROPERTY LAM SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAN ASSOCIATION DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES B. GARMIG HA6L R. CAR GASP D. MGDONELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOOK LAURA E. PHETLAND DAVID A.B&OSOOEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD O. McOEE TIMOTHY N. PAPINSEI October 26, 1990 AiEtNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEXs AT LAw 101 PARR PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESoTA 55350 (912) 587 -7575 TELECOPIEB(612) 507 -4O25 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Gregory D. Scoville Project Manager PACE, Inc. 1710 Douglas Drive North Minneapolis, MN 55422 Re: PACE Project No. 900427.356 Asbestos Abatement Our File No. 3244 -89 -0031 or G UN5KL WILLIAM M. CAMEROII CHARLES CLAYTON GARY N. BECKER 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 05415 (812)545 -B000 MN TOLL "RE 800. 348 -4545 TELEGOPIEN (512) 545.1723 501 SOUTH POUBTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (512) 352.2214 TELECOPIEB(612) 382 -5505 Dear Mr. Scoville: As you know, an agreement has been reached by and between the City of Hutchinson and EnviroNet, Inc. for the removal of as- bestos from the project site. Your recommendation of EnviroNet, Inc. was appreciated and I believe the meetings with representa- tives of EnviroNet, Inc. went reasonably well. I am enclosing for your review and consideration the form of the contract sent to our office by EnviroNet, Inc.. I believe this form was either drafted by you or based on input with you and I have some questions regarding the form. First, the contract makes reference to completion of the work on a timely basis in accordance with Section C, Paragraph 1.2.2 of the contract documents. I do not have that information at my fingertips, but I assume that information is based on the original bidding information which has since been altered. I also note that Paragraph 3.1 calls for a final completion date that has not been filled in. If we fill in a date for June or July, will we conflict with the schedule set forth in Section C? I would be interested in your other comments regarding the agree- ment. i O CERTIPIED AS A GIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST RY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAN ASSOCIATToN . 'CEBTIPIED AS A UK" PROPERTY LAM SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAN ASSOCIATION Greogory D. Scoville October 26, 1990 Page 2 Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Very truly yours, ARNOLD & McDOWELL G. Barry Anderson GBA:mb cc: Gary D. Plotz 0 0 SECTION F 0 STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR The following Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor will be utilized to enter formal agreement for the project. r] F -1 ��� SECTION F STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR ON THE BASIS OF A STIPULATED PRICE THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 27th day of September in the year 1990 by and between the City of Hutchinson (hereinafter called OWNER) and Environet, Inc. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1. WORK. CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: Asbestos removal. The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only part is generally described as follows: Asbestos Removal, Future Site of Shopko. Article 2. ENGINEER. The Project has been designed by PACE Incorporated who is hereinafter called CONSULTANT and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to CONSULTANT in the Contract Documents to connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Article 3. CONTRACT TIME. 3.1. The Asbestos Removal Work will be completed on or before in accordance with Section C, Paragraph 1.2.2 of the Contract Documents. The entire project shall be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions on or before 3.2. Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence in this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially complete within the time specified in paragraph 3.1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not substantially complete on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that Page 1 of 5 pages F -2 SECTION F 0 as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER at the rate of $500.00 per day for each day or fraction thereof that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion of either the Asbestos Removal work. Article 4. CONTRACT PRICE. 4.1. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents In current funds as follows: One hundred sixty five thousand dollars and 00 /100 ($165,000.00) (CONTRACTOR's Bid may be attached as exhibit to avoid lengthy retyping of unit price schedules, formulae for escalation of prices, information as to alternatives, etc.) 0 Article S. PAYMENT PROCEDURES. CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by CONSULTANT as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1. Progress Payments OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment as recommended by CONSULTANT, on or about the 25th day of each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values provided for in paragraph 14.1 of the General Conditions. 5.1 .1 Prior to Substantial Completion progress payments will be in an amount equal to 75% of the Work completed. 5.1. Final Payment Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.13. Article 6. INTEREST. (Deleted) Page 2 of 5 pages F -3 SECTION F Article 7. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS. In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 7.1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Work. 7.2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work which were relied upon by CONSULTANT in the preparation of the Drawings and Specifications and which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions. 7.3. CONTRACTOR has made or caused to be made examinations, investigations and tests and studies of such reports and related data in addition to those referred to in paragraph 7.2 as he deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations, tests, reports or similar data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 7.4. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 7.5. CONTRACTOR has given CONSULTANT written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. Article 8. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Contract Departments which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR are attached to this Agreement, made a part hereof and consists of the following: 8.1. This Agreement . 8.2. Project Specification Sections A through J. 8.3. Performance and other Bonds, identified in Section G. Page 3 of 5 pages CJ 0 F -4 0 SECTION F 8.4. Addenda number 01. 8.5. Documentation submitted by CONTRACTOR prior to Notice of Award. Bid Forms, Bid Bond, Unit Pricing Sheet, Certificated of Insurance and Bidder's Qualifications. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 8. The Contract Documents may only be altered, amended or repealed by a Modification (as defined in Section 1 of the General Conditions). Article 9. MISCELLANEOUS. 9.1. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 9.2. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests In the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but without limitation, moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 9.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds himself, his partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, his partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. Article 10. OTHER PROVISIONS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Agreement in triplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to OWNER, CONTRACTOR, and CONSULTANT. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by CONSULTANT on their behalf. 0 Page 4 of 5 pages F -5 SECTION F This Agreement will be effective on �v OWNER CONTRACTO i���"" By By [CORPORATE SEAL] Attes Address for giving notices [CORPORATE SEALY] Attest V Address for giving notices Minnesota Asbestos Abatement Contractor License No. ..?o z Page 5 of 5 pages 0 0 F -6 (612) 587 -5151 ;varw' C /TV OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN 55350 October 30, 1990 MEMO TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: 1990 AUDITORS We have received a quote from Charles Bailly & Co.the audit firm for 1990 year end work. They would like to begin preliminary field work the end of this month. The proposal is for the same amount as our 1989 audit a not to exceed amount of $18,000. There would be reduction in the fees if more of the work would be completed by City Staff. Charles Bailly, has been a good audit firm. The number of grants and special programs Hutchinson has it is important to have auditors who are familiar with government auditing. It would be requested to have Charles Bailly named as our auditors for 1990 year end. 9 -G CA -53970 3000 Piper Jaffray Too, Minneapolis. Minnesota 55403 7elephm a 16131334 AM Facsimile 16131338 -5463 Of ,es in Iowa, Minnesota, Montam, North Dakota and South Dakota Charles Bai l INT & Company Certified Public Accountants October 26, 1990 Mr. Kenneth Merrill Finance Director City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Ken: Associates in principal cities of the United States through The American Group of CPA Firms Office, wm1dxi& through Moore Stephens International We are pleased to serve as independent accountants for the City of Hutchinson. Auditing and reporting on your annual financial statements is to be our recurring basic assignment. We would like also to be helpful to you on current problems as they arise throughout the year. We hope you will call whenever you feel we can be of assistance. We will audit the general purpose financial statements of the City of Hutchinson as of and for the year ended December 31, 1990. Also, we will include in your report the following supplemental information that will be subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the general purpose financial statements: 1. Combining, Individual Fund and Account Group statements 2. Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance The statistical information to be- included in your comprehensive-- - annual financial report will ` not`be- -aubject to - the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements. 9 -r� -. City of Hutchinson October 26, 1990 Page 2 Our audit will be a Single Audit made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards; the standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the j Single Audit Act of 1984; the provisions of OMB Circular A -128, Audits of State and Local Governments and the provisions of the Minnesota Legal Compliance for Local Government Audit Guide pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, and will include tests of the accounting records of the City and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express an opinion that the financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and to report on the City's compliance with laws and regulations and its internal accounting controls as required for a Single Audit. If our opinion is other than unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you in advance. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected individuals, creditors, and financial institution. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclusion of our audit, we will also request certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. Also, we will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. However, because of the concept of reasonable assurance and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that - material err-ors - _ - -` irregularities, or illegal - acts; - including 'fraud or defalcations, may exist and not be detected - by us. We will- advise- you, however, of any matters of that nature that come to our attention. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to matters that might arise during any later periods for which were are not engaged as auditors. L I City of Hutchinson October 26, 1990 Page 3 As required by the Single Audit Act of 1984, our audit will include tests of transactions related to federal assistance programs for compliance with applicable laws and regulations. However, because of the concept of reasonable assurance and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material errors, irregularities, or illegal acts, including fraud or defalcations, may exist and not be detected by us. We will advise you, however, of any matters of that nature that come to our attention, and will include such matters in the reports required for a Single Audit. As required by government auditing standards, we agree that a representative of the cognizant agency or its designee, other governmental audit staff and GAO shall have access to the audit workpapers upon request. The workpapers shall be maintained for at least three years after the date of the report or longer if requested by the cognizant agency. 9 We understand that you will provide us with the basic information required for our audit and that you are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information. This will include the City having closed and balanced all accounts. Workpapers supporting financial statement amounts will be provided to the auditor. We will advise you about appropriate accounting - principles and their application and will assist in the preparation of your financial statements, but the responsibility for the financial statements remains with you. This responsibility includes the maintenance of adequate records and related internal control structure policies and procedures, the selection and application of accounting principles, and the safeguarding of assets. We understand that your employees will type all cash or other confirmations we request and will locate any invoices selected by us for testing. Our audit is not specifically_desigped and cannot be relied on to disclose reportable conditions, that is, significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control structure. However, during the audit, if we become aware of such reportable conditions or ways that we believe management practices can be improved, we will communicate them to you in a separate letter. We expect to begin our audit on a mutually agreed date with the City and to issue our report prior to June 30, 1991. City of Hutchinson October 26, 1990 Page 4 Our fees for these services will not exceed $18,000 which includes our fee reduction discount for your municipal organization. The fee arrangements for services requested outside the terms and conditions of this agreement will be arranged separately. If unusual problems or additional accounting assistance is required or requested it will be discussed prior to beginning work and fee arrangements will be agreed to at that time. Our fees for these services will be computed at our standard rates, plus out -of- pocket expenses and will be billed monthly as work progresses. Invoices are due upon receipt. A late payment charge of 1 -1/2% per month will be charged on all invoices not paid within 30 days from the date of the invoice. If financial statement with which we are associated, or any portion thereof, are to be published or otherwise reproduced, printer's proofs or masters are to be submitted to us for review before printing or other reproduction. This letter comprises the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between the parties, superseding all proposals oral or written and all other communications between the parties. If any provision of this letter is determined to be unenforceable, all other provisions shall remain in force. We shall be pleased to discuss this letter with you at any time. If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding, please sign the copy of this letter in the space provided and return it to us. We very much appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Sincerely, CHARLES BAI Y & COMPANY A i Siewert, CPA CITY OF HUTCHINSON Accepted: REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME AND TITLE DATE S. Oartment of Jusdce F al ureau of Investigation {� ,gyp ' Office of the Director J '� � J �1, Jar _ `Y Washingron. D.C. 10535 October 30, 1990 Honorable Gary A. Plotz C_ NCV City Administrator Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 2J2bZEZZZ�2p2 Re: Chief of Police Steven Craig Madson Candidate, 164th Session, FBI National Academy January 6 - March 22, 1991 Dear Mr. Plotz: I am indeed pleased to extend an invitation to the above -named candidate to attend the next session of the FBI National Academy. We look forward to having him in attendance. I would appreciate your informing me as soon as possible whether this invitation is accepted. Enclosed for review by you and your candidate is a set of general instructions which reflects pertinent information regarding the National Academy Program. Please insure that your candidate has registered for his courses through your local FBI representative. z K z aaeo� William S. Sessions Director Enclosure 9 FBI /Doi u s 0 A Y Brown's Floral & Sift t 15 • 2nd Avenue Southwest Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 y1 n} S /Yvo tv q >( I Ice Flowers for all occasions Cut Flowers — Potted Plants — Green Plants 9 -s( N n Sn N n An T n C n S i C N ► E R M I T A ►► L i C A T I O R _' I SIGN PERMIT FEE..S C T T O F N U T C M I N S 0 M M I N N l EXCAVATION PERMITS I SURCHARGE........ 5 . IL PERMIT NO. �)o -S DATE: 11 -30 -1989 -- - =.TOTAL . FEES ...... S 1. APPLICANT: Brown's Greenhouse /Jerry Brown ,TILE. f: 587 -8106 ADDRESS: 125 Michigan St.. H MN 55350 2. OWNER: Northland Beverage S Lucille Ulrich TILE. I: ADDRESS: _ 3. SITE ADDRESS: SW Corner Michigan & Hvv. 7 E. b SE Corner Adams & 2nd Ave. S .E LEGAL OESC.: LOT: BLOCK: ADDITION: 4. ELECTRICIAN: NA TELE. /: ADDRESS: ELECT. PERMIT M0. (Type of Bldg. Construction I Used As: Building: Bldg. Permit NA NA _ Old [3 Ne I NA TYPE OF SIGN: Wall 1:1 Roof 0 Projecting [3 Ground ® Marquee E] Temporary ® Portable ® Other: Max. Dimensions: Vertical: 4' / 4' Horizontal: g1 / V No. of Sides: 2 Sign Area: 9_ Sq. Ft. Zoning District: C -4/B-2 Distance from Ground to Sign Base: It Total Height of Sign: Distance from Sign to Face of Curb: Existing Signage: Sq. Ft. Setback of Sign from Property Line: 5' Illuminated: Yes No Allowable Sign Area on Premise: Sq. Ft. - lat. 8 Eat. APPROVED: 11 -30 -1989 REJECTION: (date) (date) IF REJECTED, REASON FOR REJECTION: :v SITE INSPECTION: BEFORE ERECTION: AiTEt c1`071: r (date) (date) S K E T C H O F 5 I 6 M 4 8' 41 41 j DESIGN COMMITTE OTE: SIGNS iN C -3 ZONING DISTRICTS REQUIRE APPROVAL OF OOWNTONN GN OF A l In.Mi,. J J! 1 lmho - 0 ZLN-%-� • SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT #a f BUILDING OFFICIAL W (612) 587.5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST CHINSON, MINN. 55350 rWW911 DATE: November 7th, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering RE: Resolutions Adding and Deleting State Aid Routes The following two resolutions are required in order to redesignate the State Aid Routes, as previously approved by the City Council on October 9, 1990. Century Avenue is being added to the system, and we propose to use State Aid Funds to reconstruct the section from Bradford Street (east of Greencastle) to T.H. 15 neat year. Final approval of the changes will be required from the Commissioner of Transportation. JPR /pv attachment 11 9- s RESOLUTION N0. 9355 City Administrator 0 9 -s RESOLUTION REVOKING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREETS WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the roads hereinafter described should be revoked as Municipal State Aid Streets under the provisions of Minnesota Laws; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, that the roads described as follows, to -wit, STREET CONTROL YEAR DELE TIONS TERMIN SECT SEGMENT CONST. MILEAGE Jefferson St - Washington Ave to 1st Ave NE 103 _ 020 1953 0.08 Linden Ave - Dale St to Harrington St 106 010 1970 0.23 Linden Ave - Harrington St to Merrill St 106 020 1970 0.10 Linden Ave - Merrill St to Lynn Road 106 030 1970 0.14 Linden Ave - Glen St to Main St 106 050 1900 0.14 2nd Ave SW - Lake St to Dale St 109 010 1962 0.22 1st Ave NE - Hassan St to Jefferson St 111 015 1900 0.07 1st Ave NE - Jefferson St to Adams St 111 020 1953 0.09 McLeod Ave NE - Main St (TH 15) to Prospect St 112 010 1963 0.21 6th Ave NE - Prospect St to Bluff St NE 112 020 1963 0.20 Lake St SW - Lewis Ave to 2nd Ave SW 113 010 1963 0.06 Lake St SW - Roberts Road to Osgood Ave 114 010 1963 0.13 Lake St SW - Osgood Ave to Lewis Ave 114 020 1963 0.13 TOTA MILEAGE 1.79 be, and hereby are, revoked as Municipal State Aid Streets of said City subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, THIS DAY OF 1990_ Mayor City Administrator 0 9 -s RESOLUTION NO. 9356 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREETS WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the roads hereinafter described should be designated Municipal State Aid Streets under the provisions of Minnesota Laws. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, that the roads described as follows, to -wit, STREET ADDITIONS TERMINI CONTROL SE SEGMENT MILEAGE Century Ave SE- TH 15 South to Bradford St 125 010 0.30 Century Ave SE- Bradford St to Jefferson St 125 020 0.34 Dale Street - Roberts Road to 2nd Ave SW 126 010 0.35 Roberts Rd SW - Lake St to Dale St 116 020 0.14 School Rd SW - Roberts Rd to South Grade Rd 117 005 0.50 2nd Ave SW - Dale St to Main St (TH 15) 127 010 0.58 TOTAL MILEAGE 2.21 be, and hereby are established, located and designated Municipal State Aid Streets of said City subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of said roads or portions thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as Municipal State Aid Streets of the City of Hutchinson, to be numbered and known as Municipal State Aid Streets as noted above. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, THIS _ DAY OF . 1990. Mayor City Administrator 0 9 -jT F (612) 587 -5151 C/TY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: November 8, 1990 TO: Mayor and Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering RE: Supplemental Agreement - Letting No. 3 for work completed by Juul Contracting on TH 7 East Attached is a letter to Ken Merrill, invoices from Juul Contracting, and the Supplemental Agreement noted above. The costs were related to deteriorating watermain, lowering existing watermain, and reconstructing services. A $10,000 - $12,000 expenditure was approved by the Council when these items originally came up earlier this year. Additional costs arose due to deficient 40 pipes and services. The Supplemental Agreement attached totals to $22,162.40. We expect to collect almost half of this cost in assessable benefits, so the final cost to the City should be close to the original estimate. I recommend approving Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to 1990 Letting No. 3 to Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $22,162.40. Attachments JPR: Letting No. 3, 1990 i 9-� (612) 587.5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHING TON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: September 21, 1990 TO: Kenneth B. Merrill, Finance Director FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering RE: Additional Work on T.H. 7 East Letting No. 8, Project No. 90 -16 As noted to you during construction, several deficiencies in the existing utilities along T.H. 7 East became apparent as construction occurred. In particular, the watermain on the north side of T.H. 7 between the old railroad crossing and the frontage road near East Highland Park Drive was deteriorating from the outside, and required replacement in places. In order to save money, several lots were provided water service from the south side of T.H. 7 so watermain did not have to be extended across all of the lots. Also, water and /or sewer services at Culligan, the Hutch Motel, Bremix, and several homes had to be constructed due to lack of proper service or unacceptable existing services. The attached billings reflect all work completed by Juul Contracting outside of the State Contract. The statements were reviewed by Quent and myself for accuracy and they do reflect work actually completed. The statements are as follows: Service Work at Culligan $ 887.00 Lower and Replace Watermain at Bremix $ 3,797.60 Exploration S Lowering of Watermain $ 2,437.00 Construct Services $13,985.45 Total of All Invoices $21,107.05 O-CZHk,AD Jab ^bW4 I 05f.7S Although this is over twice as much as originally'estllated ( ;10,000), additional assessments for service improvements are proposed, which will cover approximately half of the invoice cost. The final extra cost to the City will therefore be very close to the original estimate. I understand these costs will be paid from the 1990 Construction Bond Fund for Letting No. 8, Project No. 90-16: ^ + _. -- JPR /pv attachments cc: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Quentin Larson, Engineering Tech. file: 1990 Letting No. 8 G4' I • - 9 -14� CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENT TO CONTRACT NO. LETTING SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 SHEET 1 OF 3 (CONTRACTOR: IFEDERAL PROJECT ITTATE PROJECT ICITY PROJECT I I WM. MUELLER i SONS, INC. I NA I NA B O- 09,_10, -11, -12 ADDRESS: P.O. BOX Z41 ILOCATION: I HAMBURG, MN 55339 I T.H. 7 EAST (1990 LETTING NO. 3) I ITHIS CONTRACT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: - - - 1 11. DUE TO SEVERAL DEFICIENCIES IN EXISTING UTILITES ALONG T.H. 7 EAST, WHICH BECAME i APPARENT AS CONSTRUCTION OCCURRED, ADDITIONAL WORK BY JUUL CONTACTING WAS REQUIRED 1 ON THE T.H. 7 EAST CONTRACT. THIS EXTRA WORK ON THE T.H. 7 EAST PROJECT IS BEING 1 ADDED TO THIS CONTRACT, AS THE T.H. 7 EAST PROJECT WAS A STATE CONTRACT, THEREFORE 1 THERE WAS NO CITY CONTRACT. 12. THE ADDITIONAL WORK INCLUDED WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT ON THE NORTH SIDE OF T.H. 7 EAST 1 1 BETWEEN OLD RAILROAD CROSSING AND FRONTAGE ROAD NEAR EAST HIGHLAND PARK DRIVE, i WATER AND /OR SEWER SERVICES AT CULLIGAN, HUTCH MOTEL, BREMIX AND SEVERAL HOMES. I I 1 ADDITION � I ITEM UNIT QUANTI TY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 I I 1 T.H. 7 EAST 1 1 1 1" COPPER 1 L.F. 254 # 12.20 ; 3,098.80 1I " CORPORATION 1 EACH 3 # 27.20 i 81.60 1 1" CURB STOP & BOX EACH 3 # 54.50 1 # 163.50 1 4^ PVC (H2 L.F. 361 ; 1.00 i # 361.00 1 -1/2" COPPER L.F. 221 # 15.50 # 3,425.50 1 1 -1/2" CORPORATION b SADDLE . i 1 -1/2" CURB STOP s BOX EACH EACH 3 3 ; 48.00 ; 144.00 I # 91.00 ; 273.00 1 10 a 1 -1/2" SADDLE EACH 2 # 60.00 1 # 120.00 1 8 x 1 -1/2" SADDLE EACH 1 ; 55.00 # 55.00 1 10 a 4 SADDLE WYE EACH 1 # 62.00 ; 62.00 10 a 6 SADDLE WYE EACH 1 # 65.00 1 # 65.00 6" PVC L.F. 14 ; 14.20 # 198.80 ROCK 6" C.Y. 4 ; 18.00 # 72.00 D.I.P. L.F. 263 # 18.00 #. 4,734.00 FITTINGS LBS. 225 # 1.25 ; 281.25 4" PVC SEWER L.F. 10 ; 13.20 # 132.00 1 REMOVE 6 REPLACE SALVAGED HYDRANT EACH 1 # 175.00 # 175.00 DISCONNECT HUTCH MOTEL CORPS. LUMP 1 ; 351.00 i 351.00 POUR FLOOR SANITRY MANHOLE LUMP 1 ; 192.00 ; 192.00 1 1 I # 13,985.45 I (Original Contract Amount i 1 I ;313,166.80 (Dated: (Original Contract Date I - - I I _ " Director of Engineeri 8 n8 - 5 -22 -1990 IDated: /0 --ol? � 9� i I I Contractor 1 I IDated: 19 1 Mayor I IDated: 19 � _ I 1 I City Administrator - I CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENT TO CONTRACT NO.LETTM SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 SHBET 2 OF - r ICONTRACTORt (FEDERAL PROJECT (STATE PROJECT (CITY PROJBCT I 1 WM. MUELLER 5 SONS, INC. I NA 1 NA P 0- 09,- 10, -11, -12 ADDRESSs P.O. BOX 247 ILOCATION: 1 1 HAMBURG, MN 55339 1 T.H. 7 EAST (1990 LETTING NO. 3) I ITHIS CONTRACT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: 1 i i I ITEM UNIT DQ ANTITY UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT I 1 SERVICE TO CULLIGAN I 1 1 1 4" D.I.P. L.F. 15 ; 4.80 ; I 72.00 I 1 4" GATE VALVE 6 BD% EACH 1 $ 253.00 ; 253.00 I 1 22 -1/2" BEND EACH 2 ; 38.50 ; 77.00 I SHOT EACH 8 ; 3.30 ; 26.40 I 1 RODS & LUGS LUMP 1 ; 35.00 ; 35.00 I 1 4" RETAINERS EACH 2 ; 9.80 ; 19.60 1 1 EQUIPMENT - INSLEY HOUR 1 ; 74.00 ; 74.00 I 1 EQUIPMENT - UNIT HOUR 1 ; 70.00 ; 70.00 1 1 EQUIPMENT - FR 15 HOUR 1 ; 70.00 ; 70.00 1 1 LABOR I LUMP 1 ; 190.00 ; 190.00 1 SUB -TOTAL 1 ; 1 887.00 ( 1 LOWER WATERMAIN AND REDO WATERMAIN BY BREMIB I 1 I 1 6" D.I.P L.F. 43 ; 6.50 ; 279.50 j I 6" RETAIL EACH 1 ; 13.50 ; 13.5 6" 45 BEND EACH 2 ; 56.00 ; 112. 1 6" NJ PLUG EACH 1 ; 22.00 ; 22. I CASKETS EACH 7 ; 9.00 ; 63.00 1 1 BOLTS EACH 48 ; 2.25 ; 108.00 1 STRAPS AND SHOT EACH 12 ; 3.30 ; 39.60 1 RODS b LUBS LUMP 1 ; 56.00 ; 56.00 1 1 C.Y. 8 ; 18.00 ; 144.00 1 BLOCKING LUMP 1 ; 40.00 ; 40.00 1 1 EQUIPMENT - INSLEY HOUR 6 ; 74.00 ; 444.00 1 1 EQUIPMENT - UNIT HOUR 10 ; 70.00 ; 700.00 1 1 EQUIPMENT - FR 15 HOUR 8 ; 70.00 ; 560.00 1 1 LABOR LUMP 1 ; 1,216.00 ; 1,216.00 1 I SUB - TOTAL 1 1 I ; 3,797.60 1 1 (Original Contract Amount I 1 ;313,166.80 (Dated: 1 _ (Original Contract I -- - _. Director of Engineering °f = 1 5 -22 -1990 Dated: /D - /9 19 70 - j , 1 I Contractor 1 IDateds 19 -_ , I Mayor I IDateds _ I 119 I I City Administrator I I 9- CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENT TO CONTRACT N0. LBnI SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT N0. 1 SHEV 3 OF 3 ICONTRACTORs (FEDERAL PROJECT ISTATB PROJECT ICITT PROJECT I 1 WM. MIIELLER b SONS, INC. I NA 1 NA 1 90-09.- 10, -11, -12 ADDRESS: P.O. BO% 247 ILOCATIONs I HAMBURG, MN 55339 1 1 T.H. 7 EAST (1990 LETTING NO. 3) 1 ITHIS CONTRACT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: I I ITEM UNIT UQ ANTITY UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT I I EXPLORATION OF WATERMAIN I I EQUIPMENT — INSLEY BACBHOE HOAR 8 # 74.00 ; 592.00 I EQUIPMENT — UNIT COMPACTOR HOUR 8 # 70.00 ; 560.00 1 EQUIPMENT — FR15 HOUR 8 ; 70.00 ; 560.00 I LABOR LUMP 1 ; 475.00 ; 475.00 REMOVE AND REINSTALL 6" GATE VALVE & BO% EACH 1 # 100.00 # 100.00 ADJUST 4" GATE VALVE & BOX I EACH 1 ; 150.00 ; 1 150.00 1 SUB —TOTAL # 2,437.00 OVERHEAD AND BONDING ; 1,055.35 I TOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT N0. 1 ------------ # 22,162.40 I ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT ; 313,166.80 I 1 1 I SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 + ; 22,162.40 — INCREASE 1 I I TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT # 335,329.20 I i I i I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I i I I I 1 I I I I I I i Original Contract Amount i I I I I I I 1 I #313,166.80 1 lasted: ig_ 1 [Original Contract Date I I I , Director of Engineering 1 I 1 5 -22 -1990 (Dated: /D - iq , 1990 I 1 I I Contractor I . 1 I IDateds , 19 I 1 I 1 I I Mayor I 1 IDateds , 19_ I 1 I City Administrator I STATEMENT 19 qD HUTCHINSON, IAN 55350. ---�` i City o f Hutchinson IN kccouNT WITH JUUL CONTRACTING Co' P.O. BOX 184 wM July 7 Exporation of II $ `'qz }g17f Hr. @ 74.00 Insley W5 l Hr . @ 70.00 Unit lAr. @ 70.00 FR15 475 00 I$ 2,13 t Labor Gae Valve & Box � L° "' Remove &Reinstall 6 " 4' , —' tZ;p Ps,vsr A" G/sT: �a�w�So� ` 7 A 1 1 1 4 °/, finance charge ( 18 ° ` Annual percentage rate) will bedddAuehe unpaid I ' balance of Your account which is more than 30 days pas l r� u 9 -A! 0 • JUUL. CONTRACTING CO, WATER AND SEWER CONSTRVCTION Grt$ �7 O°na now ea,"" y �` J r HVTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 333150 7 /9a `y d° x ,,, 9 - ` �� r , eel f rCr ° July 27, 1990 a� 0 City of Hutchinson RE: T.H. Hwy. #7 East The following has been installed and completed: 1" Copper L.F. @ IZ -a $ 3,018. 80 1" Corporation 3 EA. @ 2 $ V. 60 1" Curb & Box �� EA. @ 55/s $ 1(03, -,56 4" PVC (H 3G/ L.F. @ /' -° $ 3l° /.0 11" Copper ZZ/ L.F. @ /S'S $ 1 d2SS0 ,11" Corporation & Se:, d1e EA. @ $ / 11" Curb & Box 3 EA. @ 9/'= $ 27300 10 x 1s Saddle _ EA. @ G O °= S Apo. go 8 x 11" Saddle / EA. @ 5S 6S 00 10 x 4 Saddle Wye / EA. @ G 2 °! $ 6Z.00 10 x 6 Saddle Wye / EA. @ GS °= $ (o S. 00 6" PVC / / L.F. @ /4/ Z $ /9s. 80 Rock �_ Cy. @ /a $ 92.00 6" DIP 2G,3 L.F. @ /e $ -/93el00 Fittings zz5 LBS. @ / 25 $ 28/, LS 4" DIP L.F. @ $ 4 "- Gate - Valve -&-Box EA. @ $ Connect -to- Existing -WM EA. @ $ 4" PVC Sewer /O L.F. @ /3 =° $ /3Z o0 Remove & Replace Salvaged Hyd. / EA. @ /95 /75.00 Exploration $ Disconnect Motel Corps. $ ,35100 Pour Floor Sanitary MH $ /92.00 TOTAL DUE $ /3 9VS. STATEMENT city HUTCHINSON,. MN 55350, Jul 26 Of Hutchinson ro IN ACCOUNT WITH JUUL CONTRACTING CO. P.O. BOX 189 July 7 I Service to Culligan 4" DIP 15 L.F. @ 4.80 4" Gate Valve & Box 221" Bend 2 EA @ 38.50 Shot 8 EA @ 3.30 Rods & Lugs 4" Retainers 2 EA @ 9.80 Insley 1 Hr. @ Unit 1 Hr. @ FR 15 1 Hr. @ Labor $ 72 253 77 26 35 19 74 70 70 1LI1; 0 A 11 6% finance charge (18% Annual percentage rate) will be added to the unpaid balance of your account which is more than 30 days past due. .: ;:'W STATEMENT City of Hutchinson HUTCHINSON MN 55350, July 26, 19 90 IN ACCOUNT WITH JUUL CONTRACTING CO. 0 0 P.O. BOX 189 July 7 I Lower WM and Redo WM by Bremix 6" DIP 43 L. F. @ 6.50 6" Retainer 1 EA $ 279 6" 45° Bend 2 EA @ 56.00 13 6" MJ Plug 112 Gaskets 7 EA @ 9.00 22 Bolts 48 EA @ 2.25 63 Straps and Shot 12 EA @ 3.30 108 Rods & Lugs 39 Rock 8 Cy @ 18.00 56 Blocking 144 40 Equipment & Labor . Insley 6 Hr. @ 74.00 Unit 10 Hr. @ 70.00 444 'FR 15 8 Hr. @ 70.00 700 Labor 560 1216 A I finance charge (18% Annual percentage rate) will be added to the unpaid balance of your account which is more than 30 days past due. 9�' (612) 587.5151 f1U1lH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST NUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMO TO: Mayor and Council FROM: John Rodeberg DATE: November 8, 1990 RE: Old Landfill Site Erosion and Repair /Remediation Roger Ramthun of the MPCA called to make sure our consultant, Gary Parker from the St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory, was working on the prob- lem at the old city landfill site behind the Street Department garage. Mr. Parker has a graduate student, Tom McDonald, working on the site. I've sent air photos to Mr. Parker. Since this problem first was noticed in the fall of 1988 several on -site reviews have taken place, but we have no recommendation yet from Mr. Parker, who was contacted in late 1989, and reviewed the site in July of this year. He is currently working on a recommendation with Mr. McDonald, and we hope to have it by the end of the year. Both Mr. Parker and Mr. Ramthun of the MPCA appear very committed to resolving this situation to everybody's best interest. They are working toward a long term solution that would correct the problem properly at the least cost to the City. I also emphasized the City's comnittment to resolve the situation. Attached for your information are related previous memorandums. John P. Rodeberg Director of Engine - n JPR /mms 0 (612) 587.5151 ya�cy CITY OF HUTCHINS0, 37 V'✓ASHINGTON AVENUE WEST �f ` HUTCH.NSON, MiN)V 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: July 17, 1990 TO: GARY PLOTZ AND JOHN RODEBERG FROM: LARRY KARL ------------------------------ SUBJECT: RIVER BANK EROSION — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — On Friday, July 13th, Roger Ranthum from the MN Pollution Control Agency and Gary Parker from the St. Anthony Falls Hydrology Lab and University of MN came out to inspect and evaluate our river bank erosion situation at the Street Department garage site. After 2� hours of inspection and discussion, Mr. Parker said he would add the Crow River at the Hutchinson site to a University backed grant to study river channel changes and effects on the surrounding environment. Mr. Parker felt the initial study would take approximately 3 months, after which he would submit to the City two or three plans for correction of our erosion situation. The first phase of this planning would be free.of charge to the City. After the proposals have been submitted and a plan is agreed upon, there would be a charge for his service. The St. Anthony Falls Lab is a non - profit organization but they must pay for the staff. It was indicated to me that Mr. Parker's recommendation on this problem will be received by the MPCA with favor. It is my feeling that Roger Ranthum with the MPCA is doing all he can for the City to get this problem cleared up with as low a cost as possible and with as little disturbance to the area as is absolutely necessary.- In - previous correspondence with the City, it was indicated that we may need to install monitoring wells and move part. of the old dump site out and haul it - to the McLeod Landfill site. As you can well imagine, this be very,' very expensive. None of these ideas are in the plans which were discussed Friday. Therefore, I am optimistic that working with these two people will be very beneficial to the City. I£ anyone would like more in -depth details on this subject, please call me. LK/ba a (612) 587.5151 H�rcy' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST s+ HUTCHINSON. P✓IWN. 55350 . MEMORANDUM DATE: August 30, 1989 TO: — — GARY PLOTZ, — CITY AD MINIST2ATQj2 — — — — — — — — — FROM: — — — LARRY KARG, STREET SUPERVISOR — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: RIVERBANK AT OLD CITY LANDFILL SITE Over the last few months, Roger Ramthun has been our new contact man at the MPCA and has been assigned our case and has visited the site. His feeling and opinions about our case are very interesting and I believe he is very serious with his intent to get this problem solved with the least cost to the city and to the satisfaction of the MPCA. . First of all, Roger pointed out that the MPCA did not order us to do testings or borings. I have circled in red on page 3 of the minutes that they sent back where the MPCA only recommended that we hire a consultant. In telephone conversations with Roger, he gave me the name of a professor of hydrology who works at the St. Anthony Falls hydrology lab. It is with strong recommendation that we contact this individual and meet with him. It is Roger's opinion that if this gentleman submitted a solution to our problem, the MPCA would most likely approve the plan. It was suggested to me that the solution would likely be far less costly than originally estimated and simpler to accomplish. Roger also said that this file will remain open. He will be calling me for updates on our progress. If no action is taken, then the MPCA would come in to correct the problem and bill the city. I could also explain much clearer other comments__R.oger has__made in regards.to._oursituation_ Cost estimates for test' - -- rnq =-and borfn��hould be on'�31e = in - Engineering. I also have one estimate for relocating the river or moving back the exposed bank and lining it. I would appreciate if we could set up a short meeting with all appropriate staff and the mayor to establish a plan of action MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY i. Route (1) (2) -_ (4) to: OFFICE MEMORANDUM File Location: Hutchinson, McLeod County, Minnesota �Ci-y, Village, Township, Sec-ion, ,Ra Hutchinson City Durp , �ounLy, etc. Subject: Meeting with Hutchinson City Engineer, City Maintenance Staff, and Department of atur Resources St By Whom: Michael Connolly Date: 10 -27 -88 u: i ice _nvestication — Conference Field Hearing Meeting X Phone Items to be Covered: (1) Those present and /or those i.^.terviewed (2) Situation (3) Further action, follow —up, recommendations nr •• :.••_ • 1.r• •• 1 u-� • u 1•�.• b •!1 •1 p ;N.:4 -,U •:aa- •,•L .O.M r• - Or. 111 "I J1 D•, • Me q of Hutch :1• w- rprbiq papartrm of Natu Resournpgq, Watp THvisi W. - R ■!•n of our Oa Id was • • A env ir onmental concerns \=.•O \• 1.• the thitrhinson A D ill• canoeist • 1 t he Saith Fork • 1; N.. : (" 1.• y,• •: Deparhn-nt nf Natii Rescmirres dal: -•_ of •.- n.a l: • 1 disposed • b thp to plant • 1 I •n IO aM the rit of 11 1 I •)I uere u • . r _• . • • t -q smebocby rut to i the •h ms arc. And exposed a' ? -2- bank. The 3M plant had their environmental staff review the information on their plant wastes that had gone into the Hutchinson City Dunp, and evidently none was known to be hazardous. The DNR reported the ca plaint to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) on 9- 28 -88. Mr. Jim Gaughan of the MPCA inspected the site on 10 -8 -88. The MPCA staff then decided it was necessary to hold a meeting and invite representatives frcFn the city, 3M, and DNR. The meeting was held on 10- 27 -88. Our meeting began by viewing the videotape which Mr. Jim Gaughan of the MPCA had made while inspecting the site on 10 -8 -88, and viewing photographs he obtained of Ure site. The videotape and photographs showed approximately thirty 55- gallon drum stored outside on the dump site, approximately fifty feet frvn the river. One of the barrels was marked Dursban (insecticide), and one was marked Prowl (herbicide) . Also visible were many paint cans stacked in a tueee -sided shed, and some half- buried paint cans on the northwest side of the shed. Mr. Larry Karg noted that the city maintenance department was responsible for the paint cans and barrels. The paint cans were all empty traffic paint cans, and were occasionally used to mix or store paint. Mr. Karg also noted that the 55 - gallon barrels were all empty, and the maintenance department used them for garbage barrels. The barrels were primarily containers for the flocculant material used by the municipal wastewater treatment plant, which is adjacent to the dump site. Mr. Karg noted that the barrels had been on the site for marry years. He also said that the Dursban and Prowl barrels probably did not care from city usage of those materials. The maintenance department picks up abandoned barrels, and Mr. Karg thought that was how the Dursban and Prowl barrels got to the site. At the meeting the MPCA staff asked the city staff to make an inventory of the barrels, with a listing of the number of bar els; what they had contained, and verification that all of then are empty. Mr. Jim Gaughan noted that if the barrels had contained any acutely hazardous substances, they would require special handling (including triple rinsing). Mr. Gaughan stated that the barrels need to be disposed of in a sanitary landfill, and would not be allowed to go into a demolition landfill as the city had suggeste At our meeting Mr. Larry Karg told of hauling 3M plant wastes to the dump, and described the material as 2" video recording tape, waste filament and masking tape, and food wastes from the 3M vending machines. Mr. Karg noted that the tape was not manufactured in the 3M Hutchinson plant, that it was manufactured elsewhere and brought to the Hutchinson plant in a finished state. Therefore, - 3M decided they had only: sent solid waste materials to the dump and did not - feel it necessary to. get involved in the discussions -tan the-dwngi "at t time. We then went on to talk in detail about the pr�il�l?�� .rh tis olcl dunq� itself, and the river eroding the edge of the dump and e>lnsina refuse on the river bank. Mr. Laity Barg, with his 20 years of work experience with the city, gave some information on the dump. He noted that the dump area is approximately 10 acres, and that the site was closed and covered with 2 -3 feet of clay in about 1970. The site was a °gravel pit before it became the city dwp. -- The clay- ° -_-- cover material was not available on site, but was obtained from a nearby farm. -3- Since closure of the dump, a National Guard Armory building and a target shooting facility have been placed on the former dump area. The building of the armory involved excavation of some of the dump material and replacement with clean fill. on the edge of the former dump area is the city street maintenance yard, with sand and gravel piles, fuel tanks, storage buildings, and maintenance equipment. A drinking crater well was put in near a maintenance department building in 1971, and continued to be used until about 5 or 6 years ago when city water was brought out to the armory. This well was not abandoned, and has a removable cement plug in the casing. Mr. Gene Anderson, Hutchinson City Engineer, brought some aerial photos and plat maps of the dump area to show how the river has changed course. The river formerly meandered out around a point or peninsula, and the dump area approached this peninsula. Sometime after closure of the dump the river began to change course, and essentially cut a new path across the peninsula. During certain periods of the year when the river level is higher, the river follows both the old and new paths and the former peninsula is an island. Mr. Larry Karg noted that some tall trees have fallen down upstream of the dump area and may have contributed to the change in course. At any rate, the new course has cut into the old dump material and foamed a fairly steep bank. There is an area approximately 75 feet long where refuse is visible. It did not appear that waste material had been washed away and deposited in or along the river. With regard to possible alternatives for correcting the situation with the eroded river bank, two options were discussed. The first was the idea of extending the river bank out into the river by the addition of fill material, covering it with a fabric, and then adding a layer of rip rap. This option has advantages because it would not disturb the dump refuse. However, building up the bank could cause problems with redirecting the river, fill material could wash away during times of peak flow, and there may be some problems with adjacent landowners. The second option discussed was that of cutting back and regrading the river bank to prevent further erosion. This plan has advantages because it would maintain the present course of the and not risk imposing on adjacent landowners. However, it would involve removing sore of the dump material, which. could be hazardous. Even if this material is not hazardous, MPCA guidelines would call for transporting this material to a permitted solid waste landfill. Before work on cutting back the bank could even begin, there would need to be a site investigation involving soil sampling of the waste material and possibly ground water sampling through the installation of monitoring wells. There was a general consensus in the meeting that the best solution to the river bank erosion problem would be to cut back into the dump material and provide a reasonable slope on the bank. This would be d epende nt on an examination of whether there are any hazardous constituents in the dup material. The MPCA staf recanrended that the ci*_•; h;.a:e a consultant to develop a work plan to inch soil borings and three nnnitoring wells. The MPCA staff would review and approve the work plan before the investigation would begin. It was noted that sometimes the work has had to be redone if a consultant's work was unsatisfactory. It was also brought up in the meeting that the existing well at the street maintenance building could serve as one of -4- the monitoring wells, depending on its depth and construction details. A consultant could evaluate this well to determine its suitability for sampling. At the meeting the MPCA provided the city with a list of consulting carpwues, and agreed to furnish a list of the parameters to analyze for in an investigation. Mr. Bruce Gerbig of the DNR provided the city with information on permitting requirements for altering a river bank. He said that a permit would be required for this situation, and noted the DM office in New Ulm as the proper recipient of a permit application. Mr. Gerbig mentioned that Mr. Skip Wright of the DNR office in Spicer would probably be the field inspector for this Project. L� Mr. Ron Swenson discussed the MPCA program to investigate potential hazardous waste sites. He noted that an MICA investigation, if determined to be necessary for the Hutchinson City Dimp, would likely include soil borings and monitoring wells. If the dump is found to be posing a hazard to human health or the environment, some cleanup work (e.g. ground water punpout wells) may be necessary. Mr. Swenson said that investigation and cleanup costs are initially paid out of Superfund monies, but that MICA later seeks to recover costs from responsible parties. He noted that the city would be a responsible remedial investigation and cleanup osts were Because party, if n co miitments, an MPCA investigation of the site could not begin until or 1990. One other topic discussed at the meeting was a small pile of dark brc%m material at the site. Mr. Barg stated that this material is dried sludge frcm the wastewater treatment plant. The city maintenance crews mix the sludge with leaves and wood chips to produce a compost for trees. Only one truck load of sludge per year is used. The MPCA staff saw no problem with this activity on the site. P W (612) 587 -5151 ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST CHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: November 7th, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering RE: Old Wastewater Treatment Plant and Administration Building No decision has yet been made on the future of the Old Wastewater Treatment Plant and Administration Building. We have talked about filling the holding tanks and demolishing the above ground concrete structures except for the Administration Building. There has also been some talk of providing outside access to the lower level of the Administration Building so it can be used for storage. Both 3M and DNR /Fish and Wildlife have expressed some interest in utilizing or buying the site. Currently, we are sitting in limbo until all considerations have been reviewed. 3M's interest appears related to using the site for future parking requirements, and thus may not be an immediate priority. DNR /Fish and Wildlife expressed some interest in the site for fish rearing, but its future potential financial involvement is questionable. The type, extent and cost of the demolition depends somewhat on its potential future use. If the elevations of the site must be raised or lowered to suit its potential uses, the level of demolition may vary. The Administration Building itself is in questionable shape. The roof appears to need extensive work and much of the structure has limited accessibility. In order to fully review the City's options, I recommend the following: 1. Contact the appropriate person at 3M to clarify interest in site. 2. Have DNR /Fish and Wildlife clarify their interest, (in process). 3. Obtain estimate from Diamond Five Wrecking for site demolition. 4. Obtain estimate from Rorngiebel Architects to remodel /repair the Administration Building. JPR /pv 9 -M. 0 0 To Mayor and City Council: Nov. 9, 1990 I request permission to place signs at 479 -2nd Avenue S.E. on the property of Louis Brunner (Saltman property) from November 14th, 1990 thru December 25th, 1990. The signs will be two 3' a 3' signs secured to the sides of 1/2 ton International Pickup. Mr. Brunner has given me permission to use his property and I will meet all setback requirements. Charles Pulkrabek 103 Erie St. Hutchinson, MN 55350 587 -3015 �-w is The Saltman, Inc. e 968 Hayden Ave. SW Hutchinson MN 55350 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Nov. 09,1990 As owner of Lease " 246,803, at 479 2nd Ave. SE. Hutchinson, MN, I hereby authorize Charles Pulkrabek, 103 Erie St. Hutchinson to park a vehicle on the property at 479 2nd Ave. SE from Nov. 9, 1990 to Jan. 1, 1991. To eliminate future confusion , we also continue this authorization for the same period of time for the following five (5) years. s 0 �U 'Y The Saltman, Inc.@ 968 Hayden Ave. SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 9 -A/ 7 ' (612) 587 -5151 reed l' - 1 1U 'e ° �l s+C, f/UTCH� a:. / �= �e� • 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST y' HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: November 13, 1990 TO: ,DMayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering RE: Traffic Control Additions Several complaints have been received in regards to unregulated intersections in Sunset Ridge and Hilltop Additions. Due to the level of traffic and the number of pedestrians in the area, it is recommended that the following traffic control signs be approved and directed to be installed by the Council: 1. "Stop' - Northbound Connecticut St. at Hilltop Lane 2. "Stop" - Southbound Connecticut St. at Hilltop Lane . 3. "Stop' - Northbound Connecticut St. at Campbell Lane 4. "Yield" - Westbound Westwood Road at Connecticut St. JPR /pv 0 cc: Steve Madson, Chief of Police Larry Rarg, Street Maint. Supv. file: Stop Streets /Intersections /j -74, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 1990 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- • WATER & SEWER FUND *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 686.52 *PERA employer contribution 400.35 *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 691.96 *US Postmaster water bills postage 161.43 Aagard West Oct drop boxes & apts 908.00 American Natl Bank agent fees & interest 190,193.75 APWA dues 125.00 Automation Supply ribbons 70.65 Barco plug 23.28 Barnstead /Thermolyne heating elements 242.28 Boustead Electric brake coil 186.96 City of Hutch Medical Nov - medical 2,745.77 Coast to Coast supplies 157.72 Com of Revenue Nov refuse & sales tax 3,504.04 County Market cups .87 Crow Chemical water wand & handles 31.10 Curtin Scientific lab supplies 68.53 Donohue Sept prof service 142.76 DPC cylinders 25.00 Electric Motor motor repairs 138.16 Fadden Pump gasket 23.43 Farm & Home supplies 36.51 Federal Express shipping 22.50 Feed Rite heater 48.62 Fischer & Porter contract & repair 1,239.68 Fitzloff Hdwe supplies 29.75 Floor Care cleaners 16.11 G & K Service uniforms 211.16 Gopher State 1 Call Oct service 165.00 Hach lab supplies 71.01 Hotsy Corp detergent 77.00 Hutch Telephone telephone 226.73 Hutch Cenex gasoline 2,395.36 Hutch Utilities electricity 12,977.18 Hutch Wholesale parts 125.53 ISD ##742 workstudy 33.97 Jerabek Machine thread nozzle 5.00 Junker Oct refuse service 55,487.52 Mid- America Plastics pvc pipes 102.22 MN Mutual Life Nov life ins 45.99 MN Valley Testing tests 400.00 :Mutual Benefit Life Nov -LTD 109.57 PERA employer contribution 397.24 Peterson- Paulson double payment 184.06 Quade Electric bulbs, timeclock 124.23 Safety Kleen machine service 82.00 is //- _�+ 2 Sioux Valley Enterprises Tri County Water Two Way Com United Lab US Postmaster VWR Water Products CENTRAL GARAGE • *Withhold Tax Acct *PERA *Withhold Tax Acct Allen Office Brandon Tire Carquest Auto City of Hutch Coast to Coast Cushman Motor G & K Services Hutch Cenex Hutch Wholesale MacQueen MN Mutual Life Mutual Benefit Life PERA Scenic Signs Sorensen Farm Tool Buggy US Postmaster W.D.Cooling Wigen Motor filters 96.62 salt 17.20 radios 1,330.20 solvent 186.06 meter postage 104.45 supplies 432.47 hydrant extension 378.00 TOTAL $277,686.50 employer contribution 96.50 employer contribution 56.51 employer contribution 96.49 pen & pencils 3.27 repairs & tires 408.89 supplies 469.56 Nov - medical 329.21 supplies 15.64 parts 219.15 uniforms 40.19 gasoline 57.80 supplies 218.49 dirt shoes & strip 115.26 Nov -life ins 5.46 Nof -LTD 12.87 employer contribution 56.51 city decals 849.59 bolts & keys 1.40 tools 34.70 meter postage 12.25 repairs 686.95 parts 45.36 TOTAL $3,832.05 0 3 • GENERAL FUND *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 5,117.07 *DNR registration fees 149.00 *US Postmaster Sr.Newsletter postage 186.16 *PERA employer contribution 5,259.41 *DNR registration fees 268.00 *New Ulm Noteables 40 admissions 485.00 *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 5,033.44 *A RP registration fees 217.00 *DNR registration fees 210.00 *DNR registration fees 161.00 A & B Electric quartz lights 75.54 Allen Office supplies 9.65 Allied Mech repair 81.30 Am Welding oxygen 15.95 Amer Cemetery 2 yr subscription 30.00 American Risk professional services 171.12 Amoco Oil fuel 239.55 Automation Supply paper 29.32 Beck, Virginia refund Gopher game 19.00 Bellkato flagging 42.95 Bennett Office repair & sery 109.04 Bennett Office service contract 38.47 Bernhagen, John comp & mileage expenses 2,105.29 Blevins Concession repair 89.01 Boy Scouts #246 2 wreaths 14.00 BRC election coding & sleeves 785.03 Bremix concrete 1,235.01 Brinkman supplies 37.94 Brinkman, Milt Nov rent 175.00 Burich, Harriet refund Gopher game 38.00 Butterworth manuals 42.00 Carney's paint 3.78 Carquest Auto belt 6.97 Cash Wise coffee 58.17 Chamber of Commerce office rent 484.71 City of Hutch Nov - medical 22,176.22 Clerk of Court record notary 5.00 Coast to Coast supplies 326.91 County Market groceries 35.73 County Recorder recording fees 69.00 County Treasurer machine rent 187.20 County Treasurer dl fees 100.00 Crow River Vet kennel fees & k -9 food 290.70 Culligan salt & service 57.15 Dept Labor & ind exemptions 60.00 Earl F. Andersen signs 113.07 Farm & Home tools 47.30 Farm & Home supplies 139.18 Fitzloff Hardwar supplies 527.09 . Floor Care supplies 347.46 Floor Care cleaners 52.36 G & K Services uniforms 644.09 G.A. Ernst energy audits 697.00 GAB claims 3,914.34 Uniforms alarm holder 54.95 • Glencoe Great Plains supplies 77.74 Greenbriar Floral plants 22.00 Grina, Lisa meeting expenses 68.37 Guardian Pest Oct service 61.50 Harris Mech installation 1,916.26 Heinen, Cheryl refund costume payment 15.00 Henning, James permit refund 50.00 Henry's Foods supplies 97.88 Holiday Inn lodging 69.85 Holmsten Ice Rink novus polish 95.08 Huhn, Larry license reimbursement 11.00 Hutch Utilities auction sales 908.41 Hutch Public Schools auction sales 141.34 Hutch Hospital laundry & blood tests 121.90 Hutch Hospital auction sales 114.08 Hutch Telephone telephone 3,491.46 Hutch Tech College auction sales 2,804.50 Hutch Cenex gasoline 3,744.45 Hutch Technology variance appl refund 45.00 Hutch Leader adv & publications 566.35 Hutch Utilites electricity 5,486.12 Hutch Conv & Visitor Bur Sept lodging tax 1,692.63 Hutch Plumbing fans & heater repair 439.95 Hutch Wholesale parts 34.41 Hutchland TV service 35.00 • Ink Spots paper 36.66 ISIA annual dues 55.00 Joe's Sport Shop plates 16.25 K -Mart supplies 40.56 Kern, Dewenter workshop- G.Plotz 50.00 L & P Supply supplies 77.32 Lake Jennie Repair lease 150.00 Lakes Gas propane 128.00 Linder Bus bus trips 215.00 Litchfield Ind Review 1 yr subscription 16.00 MacQueen equipment parts 491.66 MAPA reg- Larson, Huhn 200.00 Marx, Garfield refund Gopher game 19.00 McGarvey Coffee coffee 27.45 McLeod Coop Power electricity 354.25 Meeker Sand winter sand 307.32 Meier, Doug expenses 10.97 Memindex wall planner 49.35 MN Dept Public Safety services 240.00 MN Elevator Oct service 59.45 MN Mutual Life Nov -life ins 382.62 MN UC Fund 3rd quarter 299.85 MN Dept of Health food license 120.60 Moon, Dolf meeting expenses 19.09 Mutual Benefit Life Nov -LTD 907.66 • Natl Fire Protection annual dues 75.00 Northern States Supply parts 111.43 Northland Beverage leases & supplies 624.65 Old Log Theater 46 tickets 667.00 Olson, Joan refund Gopher game 38.00 Ruth refund Gopher game 19.00 . Pepple, PERA excess police aid 4,465.81 PERA employer contribution 4,750.92 Pizza Hut pizzas 26.49 Pro Maintenance carpet clean 55.00 Quade Electric light 40.00 Quade Electric services & bulbs 70.29 Radtke, Ray refund Gopher game 19.00 Radtke, Leander refund Gopher game 19.00 Rassmussen, Cliff refund Gopher game 19.00 Reynolds Fence wire ties 16.85 Schmeling Oil fuel oil 3,918.25 Secretarian services- M.Swanson 680.00 Security State Bank payment #7 230.71 Seeman, Clarence refund Gopher game 19.00 Seven West wash 6.50 Shepperd, Marlana comic act 30.00 Shopko photos 57.16 Sid's candy 11.14 Sid's Foods groceries 17.65 Simon, Andrew refund Gopher game 38.00 Simonson Lumber lumber 12.00 Smith Les refund Krumbee tour 8.00 Smith, Dorothy notary renewal 10.00 Snegoski, James refund driving class 7.00 • Sr. Advisory Board St. Cloud Restaurant concession hours hot cups 213.30 36.80 Standard Printing supplies 119.81 Star Cablevision Nov service 4.05 State of MN MN Statutes 165.00 Streichers batteries 33.45 Sunsdahl, Barb refund skating lessons 13.00 Telecky, David safety boots 30.00 Templeton employer contribution 182.13 Tipka, Delores refund Gopher game 19.00 TKDA prof services 566.27 Tri County Water salt & rent 53.00 Tri County salt 77.40 Tupa, Levi refund Gopher game 19.00 U of M landscape study 500.00 UBC supplies 232.59 UBC lumber & supplies 43.98 United Lab floor finish 139.85 Up & Away Balloons balloons 25.00 US Postmaster meter postage 595.30 VFW Post 906 Halloween dinner 702.50 Wendolek, Jim band for harvest dance 130.00 Whalen, Kathy 25 hours 175.00 Williams, Jay refund volleyball 21.00 Witte Sod sod 127.00 • Wm Mueller Xerox gravel contract pymt 740.00 452.80 Zahl Equip key switch 30.18 Zieman, Sharon supplies 19.86 Anderson, Nancy election judge 63.20 Brummond, Mary election judge 65.18 Charlotte election judge 67.15 . Bye, Clabo, Arliss election judge 63.20 Daggett, Doris election judge 63.20 Frank, Fern election judge 62.21 Gilhousen, Lillias election judge 63.20 Hagen, Ruth election judge 69.13 Johnson, Rosina election judge 69.13 Kadlec, Rose election judge 65.18 Knigge, Darleen election judge 59.25 Kottke, Grace election judge 65.18 Kreie, Irma election judge 65.18 Lickfett, Helen election judge 69.13 Maas, Eva election judge 69.13 Madson, Gladys election judge 63.20 Miller, Sedona election judge 67.15 Rolfe, DeLaine election judge 67.15 Schepers, Norma election judge 63.20 Schmidt, Harriet election judge 65.18 Seale, Pearl election judge 63.20 Totushek, Norma election judge 62.21 VanHale, Evelyn election judge 66.16 Wangerin, Mary election judge 69.13 Weseloh, Phyllis election judge 67.15 Wixcey, Harriet election judge 59.25 Young, Elsa election judge 67.15 TOTAL $102,647.68 r1 U • 7 . BOND FUNDS BURNS MANOR CONSTR Lundeen Floor 1990 TAX INC DEBT SERV American Natl Bank BONDS OF 1989 Hanson & Vasek Wm Mueller BONDS 1987 DEBT SERVICE Am Natl Bank BONDS OF 1979 Norwest Bank BONDS OF 1990 • Duininck Bros Hanson & Vasek Juul Contracting Wm Mueller 1990 IMPROV BONDS Ehlers & Assoc 1990 CONSTRU FUND Bonds 1990 Debt Sery 1990 TAX INC CONST McLeod Cty Recorder Jensen & Gordon Twin City Testing Merry Farbnbaugh Waltraud Heldt floor covering 18,000.00 agent fees & expenses 214.00 let #6 proj 89 -04 6,446.48 let #10 proj 89 -16 21,645.66 Total $28,092.14 interest 31,925.00 principal, interest & fees 108,061.25 let #5 Proj 90+ 4,327.06 let #11 Proj 90 -21 21,074.18 let #1 Proj 90 -04 587.14 let #2 & #3 115,756.82 TOTAL $141,745.20 prof fees 10,833.00 transfer of funds 130,000.00 abstract & record fees 295.00 title opinion 75.00 prof services 18,745.00 relocation benefits 4,545.46 relocation benefits 3,012.46 TOTAL $26,672.92 • N • YOUTH CENTER *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 58.20 *PERA employer contribution 34.08 *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 58.20 City of Hutch Nov - medical 147.10 Mutual Benefit Life Nov -LTD (•73) PERA employer contribution 34.08 MN Mutual Life Nov -life ins 7.77 Hutch Utilites electricity 89.75 Frito Lay supplies 35.55 Hutch Telephone phone 24.75 Henry's Foods supplies 117.79 Star Cablevision Nov service 24.30 Thomas Dolder I Nov rent 2,200.00 MN Dept of Health food license 50.25 Lenneman Bev TOTAL $2,881.09 LIOUOR FUND City of Hutch lottery sales 230.00 City of Hutch payroll 4,486.07 Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 333.21 City of Hutch lottery sales 550.00 PERA employer contribution 193.78 Hutch Telephone telephone 78.97 Am Linen towel service 31.80 A.H. Hermel supplies 26.50 Bernicks Pepsi supplies 50.40 Northland Bev supplies 76.20 Triple G beer 18,722.25 Friendly Bev beer 395.25 Locher Bros beer 8,444.85 City of Hutch empl ins,gen liab ins 3,474.98 Lenneman Bev beer 14,279.20 Coast to Coast vacuum bags 3.78 Coca Cola supplies 367.15 Henry's Candy supplies 1,390.33 Quality Wines wine & liquor 4,512.11 Ed Phillips wine & liquor 8,119.56 Johnson Bros wine & liquor 9,411.03 Griggs Cooper wine & liquor 3,521.27 TOTAL $78,698.69 FOR YOUR INFORMATION DAVID H. R. A CAR MICHAEL" R. CdRMIC AAEI" GARY D. McDOWELL STEVEN A ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOOK LAURA B. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEG08MANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD O. McOEE TIMOTHY w. FAFINSBI October 16, 1990 ARwOLD & MODOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LA 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (612) 587 -7575 TELECOPIER (612) 587 -4096 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSOK Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 t � Re: Complaint Concerning City Project No. 90 -10 Our File No. 3188 -90 -0173 OF COUNSEL WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. BECEER 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (812)545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343-4545 TELECOPIER (8l2) 545 -1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (812)389 -2214 TELECOPIER (612) 399 -5506 "£rEIVED Y 9,y Dear Gary: 0 I've reviewed the complaint from Mr. Anderson and Mr Annis. While I understand their concern, they will need to establish a "taking" by the City. As I understand it, the City is entirely within the right of way and essentially, the City is entitled to construct the roadway anywhere within that right of way. Had the City, for example, told the complaining parties exactly where it intended to build the road, despite their complaints, the City could have gone ahead and constructed the road as planned. Based on the facts in the letter of October 4, 1990, I think it is unlikely that any liability will be assessed against the City as a result of this project. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Very truly yours, ARNO DO LL Y ) G. B' ry Anderson GBA:mb cc: John Rodeberg CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION - "CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION October 4,1990 Parry Anderson City Attorney 101 Park: Place Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: City Project No. 90 -10 D Dear Parry, ale Street On December 12, 1989, I attended an informational meetinq regarding the above referenced Project. Because of the sidewalk being installed, I had asked if the location of the center line of the new road would be the same as the existing road, or would it be moved over to compensate for the new sidewalk. The answer I was given was 'no, the center line of the new road would be the same as what it is now, it would not be changed. Also at this time, I was informed that the road would be wider (44') than a normal street. On May 22, 1990, we attended an assessment hearing informational meeting. This meeting explained the cost appropriated to each . home owner. No mention was ever made of the width of the road being changed or location of center line being changed. After the surveyor stakes were put in (the end of July) I was reading the information on them. I did not totally understand what was written on the stakes. On August 2, 1990, I called. .the Assistant City Engineer, Cal Rice - and he tried to explain where the road was going and the reason for it. On August S. 1990, I talked with the City Engineer, John Rodeberg, to set up 'a meeting for a better understanding of what Cal Rice was trying to explain over the phone. After talking with City Hall, I also talked with the job superintendent of the Project. He further explained to me the meaning and the placement of the surveyor.'.s stakes. At this time, something did not seem right, so on August 22, 1990 I set up a meeting with the City Engineer to meet with me at my residence, 861 Dale Street South, The Assistant City- ,.Engineer was there also. They explained where the road was going to go and the size of the road and that it was too late to make any changes. If this information was given to us at the August 22nd meeting, or when the decision was made to change location and size of the 11 0 road, we could have expressed our disapproval of. the location _of S the road and the road would not be 5' from the easement on the east side (our side) and =-' on the west side. The City Engineer implied that he did not know there was a concern with the location of the road. Had he known of our concern the road would not have been located where it is. We now have less footage from our house (35') to the curb than our neighbors to the west (60' + / -). My neighbor to the south (Dale Annis) has less than 35'. As it stands now, the center line of the new road is e' to the east of the center of the old road, and in turn will make the curb 5' from the easement on the east side and ^<_' from the easement on the west side. Also, the road is 38' wide with parking on the west side only. This in turn will put the east side (our side). John wanted to, plant trees on the traffic. This is poor for me, a City tax payer; been avoided, if we would first place. flow of traffic along the curb on the also stated that the City could, if we the boulevard to buffer the sound of compensation for their lack of concern especially when all of this could have have been informed correctly in the This will only lower the value of our property because now our house is only 35' from the curb, compared to 43' to the edge of where the road used to be. • I'm asking for a dollar compensation because of the above facts and what it has done to the beauty of our homestead. The dollar figure we are asking for is, $7,200.00. You can reach me at 587 -2112 during the day and at 587 -6105 after 5:00 F.M. Having talked with my neighbor, Dale Annis, the following I'm quoting from him: "Having read the letter Mr. Anderson wrote we are in full agreement with it. We were there too, at the Council Meeting. We feel that the City in no way took the homeowners into consideration in the Project. With the road being this close, not only does it interfere with sleep, it has vibrated so bad that when they were working, it cracked the mortar around the stone on the front of our house. As far as trees or bushes to buffer the sound, we would need a block wall and we didn't build here to have a block wall - we had that in California. We want a country atmosphere, not cars in our bedroom. 2 It's hard to put a monetary value on the way you have lowered the value of our home. We have an apartment in the basement, but our own daughter doesn't want to live there because of the street. Our home is really built for families with children. We feel like Mr. Anderson, we're due dollar compensation" Sincerely, L) Dale Annis 871 Dale Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Sincerely,, Perc 861 Dale Street Hutchinson, MN 553511 cc: Dale Annis Mayor /City Council i ARLENE WITTE NOTARY PUBLIC — MINNESOTA MEEKER COUNTY MY Commission Expires Nov. 23, 1993 3 DAVID B. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL" CART D. MoDOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON C. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOOF LAURA R. PRETEND DAVID A. BRUROOEI4ANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JU A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD O. Xo RE TIMOTHY M. PAFINSEI October 16, 1990 ARNOLD & MCDOWELL ATT ORNEYS AT LA 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (912) 567 -7575 TELECOPIER(e12) 561-4006 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. HARRY ANDERSON Mr. Dale Annis 871 Dale Street Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Percy Anderson 861 Dale Street Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Complaint Concerning City Project No. 90 -10 Our File No. 3188 -90 -0173 Dear Mr. Annis and Mr. Anderson: Thank you for your letter of October 4, 1990. I would recommend that you take your complaint to the City Council. Thank you. Very truly yours, GAIWarry Anderson GB2Umb cc: Gary D. Plotz OF CCVWSSL �LLIAM M. CAMERON ' CHARLES CLAYTON OART N. DECEER Seel OSCAR LASE ROAD - - - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 5541e (612) 545 -2000 MN TOLL FREE 6O0- 040.4643 TELECOPIER(819) 343 -1723 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 05371 (ell) 362 -2214 TELEGOPIER(819) 362 -5508 Mr. Dale Annis 871 Dale Street Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Percy Anderson 861 Dale Street Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Complaint Concerning City Project No. 90 -10 Our File No. 3188 -90 -0173 Dear Mr. Annis and Mr. Anderson: Thank you for your letter of October 4, 1990. I would recommend that you take your complaint to the City Council. Thank you. Very truly yours, GAIWarry Anderson GB2Umb cc: Gary D. Plotz * CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION "CERTIFIED AS A REAL PEOPERT! LM SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAN ASSOCIATION ' 10/25!90 HUTCHINSON UT SCOMMI COMMISSION HUTCIiINSNNESOTA BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1990 • ELECTRIC GAS ASSETS UTILITY PLANT - AT COST LAND 8 LAND RIGHTS 770,754.68 13,978.10 DEPRECIABLE UTILITY PLANT 21,839,431.04 2,568,923.23 TOTAL UTILITY PLANT 22,610,105.72 2,582,901.33 LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION (12,229,291.15) (1,1.^0,615.38) TOTAL ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION (12,229,291,15) (1,120,615.38) CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 1,346,745.28 70,713.38 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 1,346.745.28 70,713.38 TOTAL UTILITY PLANT DEPREC VALUE 11,727,639.85 1,532,999.33 RESTRICTED FUNDS d ACCOUNTS FUTURE EXPANSION 6 DEVELOPMENT 2,800,000.00 .1,210,000.00 RESERVE FOR FUEL OIL 750,000.00 .00 MEDICAL INSURANCE 60,000.00 40,000.00 ITA - OPERATING d MAINT RESERVE 200,000.00 .00 INSURANCE LOSS 300,000.00 .00 BOND 6 INTEREST PAYMENT 1986 452,329.67 .00 1986 BOND RESERVE 392,000.00 .00 CATASTROPHIC FAILURE FUND 750,000.00 .00 FEDERAL INTERPRETATION .00 623,923.12 MAIN REPLACEMENT FUND .00 1,0001000.00 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS ! ACCOUNTS 5,704,329.67 2,873,923.12 CURRENT 6 ACCRUED ASSETS CASH IN BANK - 755,970.51 512,302.69 INVESTMENTS S SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 861,730.04 521,518.44 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1,124,071.33 280,844.65 INVENTORIES 479,583.63 59,301.14 PREPAID INSURANCE -. 55,019.49 26,407.49 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE _ 40,552.95 69,069.75 TREASURY BILL DISCOUNT (45,563.34) (34,807.50) TOTAL CURRENT &ACCRUED ASSETS 3,271,364.61 1,434,636.66 DEFERRED CHARGE BOND DISCOUNT 1986 - 72,999.95 .00 CLEARING ACCOUNT. 94.96 .00 TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE i 73,094.91 .00 PAGE 1 • +� ■ TOT "AL • w 784, 732. 78 24,408,354.27 25,193,087.05 (13,349,906.53) (13,349,906.53) 1,417,458.66 1,417,458.66 13,260,639.18 TOTAL ASSETS 20,776,429.04 5,841,559.11 4,010,000.00 750,000.00 -- 100,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.00 ' 452,329.67 392,000.00 - 750,000.00 623,923.12 __ ..... 11000,000.00 6,578,252.79 1,268,273.20 1,383,248.48 1,404,915.9B 538,884.77 81,426.98 109,622.70 (80,370.84) - 4,706,001.27 72,999,95 94.96 73,094.91 26,6]` 986.15 10/25/90 HUTCHINSON UTILITICS COMMISSION PAGE 2 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1990 w * ar ELECTRIC • + w r w GAS +f ie ■ t w w ■ TOTAL ■ ■ x it ' MUNICIPAL EQUITY 6 LIABILITIES MUNICIPAL EQUITY MUNICIPAL EQUITY 15,737,121.39 c ., 274,297.87 21,011,419.26 UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS 1,542,283.94 412,752.37 i,955,036.31 - -- CONTRIBUTION TO CITY (255,000.00) (165,000.00) (420,000.00) TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 17,024,405.33 5,522,050.24 22,546,455.57 LONG TERM LIABILITIES —NET OF CURRENT MATURITIES - 1986 BONDS 3,085,000.00 .00 31085,000.00 TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES 31085,000.00 .00 3,065,000.00 CONSTR CONTRACTS F ACCTS PAY RETAIN - - - -- -_ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 6 ACCTS PAY .00 .00 .00 - CURRENT 6 ACCRUED LIABILITIES NOTE PAYABLE — LEASE PAYABLE 3,007.66 .00 3,007.66 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE- 524,427.19 299,837.47 824,264.66 INTEREST ACCRUED 54,731.36 .00 54,731.36 _ - -. ACCT PAYABLE TO ASSOCIATED COMPANY (78,710.68) (100) (78,710.68) - ACCRUED PAYROLL 35,370.42 7,576.86 42,947.28 ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE 42,167.92 12,084.54 54,252.46 - -- ' CUSTOMER DEPOSITS 85,919.78 .00 85,919.78 OTHER CURRENT 6 ACCRUED LIABILITIES 110.06 10.00 120.06 ;. TOTAL CURRENT d ACCRUED LIAR 667,023.71 319,508.87 986,532.58 TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY d LIAR 20,776,429.04 - X 5,841,559.11 26,617,988.15 i 10/25/90 HUTCHINSON UAS COMMISSION PAGE 1 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ELECTRIC DIVISION STATEMENT OF INCOME 8 EXPENSES SEPTEMBER 30, 1990 PREVIOUS CURRENT BUDGETED BUDGET ANNUAL -. YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE DEVIATION BUDGET _ _____________ ______________ --------------- _____ --------- ------------- INCOME STATEMENT OPERATING REVENUE SALES — ELECTRIC ENERGY 6,816,325.29 7,104,325.55 7,110,565.35 (6,239.80) 9,361,665.00 " SALES FOR RESALE .00 3,267.26 .00 3,267.26 .00 NET INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES 18,936.46 25,567.63 16,940.75 8,626.68 _ 22,100.00 - \ SECURITY LIGHTS 9,620.00 10,110.50 11,100.00 (989.50) 15,000.00 POLE RENTAL 3,832.50 3,632.50 4,000.00 (167.50) 4,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 6,848,714.25 7,147,103.44 7,142,606.10 4.497.34 9,402,765.00 OPERATING EXPENSES PRODUCTION OPERATION 693,755.62 867,632.40 809,954.92 (57,677.48) 921,240.00 PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE 105,179.95 44,445.32 37,203.56 (7,241.76) 74,212.00 PURCHASED POWER 3,754,010.68 3,550,100.11 3,603,482.21 53,382.10 4,936,277.00 TRANSMISSION OPERATION 190.41 1,467.03 90.00 (1,377.03) 11600.00 TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE 1¢,309.83 28,155.54 11,000.00 (17,155.54) 11,000.00 DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 106,624.34 117,982 41 136,950.64 18,968.23 161,753.00 DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 73,287.61 75,476.04 81,032 97 5,556.93 _ 105,360.00 " CUSTOMER EXPENSES 56,490.86 57,117.33 57,761.44 644.11 77,179.80 CUSTOMER SERVICES 7,202.39 8,144.46 7,620.30 (524.10) 10,160.40 ' ADMINISTRATIVE G GENERAL EXPENSES 473,786.69 474,601.67 509,040.65 34,438.98 __- 617,109.25 DEPRECIATION 711,500.00 504,900.00 5iO,640.00 5,740.00 982,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 5,998,338.38 5,730,022.33 5,764,776.69 34,754.36 ._ 7,897,891._45 OPERATING INCOME 850,375.87 1,417,081.11 1,377,829.41 39,251.70 1,504,873.55 OTHER INCOME AND DED+.ICTIONS n OTHER — NET 4,215.41 (4,687.36) 4,820.00 (9,507.36) 3,600.00 .INTEREST INCOME 442,640.02 - 250,631.07 329,647.50 (79,016.43) 523,250.00 MISC INCOME /EXPENSE 7,998.18 2,364.27 4,050.00 (1,685.73) 4,500.00 ' ;NTEREST EXPENSE 137,864.58 123,105.15 120,003.12 (3,10203) 160,162.00 TOTAL OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 321,989.03 125,202 83 218,514.38 (93,311..55) 371,188.00 _ ' NET INCOME 1,178,364.90 1,542,283.94 1,596,343.79 (54,059.85) 1,876,061.55 - i i i i T a l 10/25/90 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION PAGE 2 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA GAS DIVISION STATEMENT OF INCOME 6 EXPENSES SEPTEMBER 30, 1990 PREVIOUS CURRENT BUDGETED BUDGET ANNUAL YEAR TO DATE - ---- ----- - - -- YEAR TO DATE -------------- YEAR TO DATE ------------- DEVIATION --------------- BUDGET ------------- INCOME STATEMENT OPERATING REVENUES SALES 3,006,670.26 3,303,823.30 3,259,250.00 44,573.30 4,400,000.00 FORFEITED DISCOUNTS 8,278.98 11,458.42 8,006.00 2,652.42 11,900.00 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 3,014,949.24 3,315,281.72 3,268,056.00 47,225.72 _ 4,411,900.00 OPERATING EXPENSE MFG GAS PRODUCTION OPERATION 1,580.31 1,421.74 1,249.00 (172.74) 2,800.00 MFG GAS PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE 116.73 .00 .00 .00 _ 13,000.00 PURCHASED GAS EXPENSE 2,397,283.56 2,626,920.56 2 , 592,000.00 (34,920.56) _ 3,600,000.00 DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 129,740.35 152,389.71 131,780.60 (20,609.11) 174,709.00 - DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 20,062.37 19,061.30 23,888.54 4,827.24 32,270.00 - CUSTOMER EXPENSES 36,849.83 36,652.02 37,593.28 941.26 51,4$3.20 CUSTOMER SERVICES 4,809.59 5,429.65 5,080.20 (349.45) _ 6,773.60 ADMINISTRATION 6 GENERAL 177,408.57 202,677.11 183,437.13 (19,239.98) 243,075.75 DEPRECIATION 63,900.00 68,400.00 62,440.00 (5,960.00) 89,200.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2,831,751.31 3,112,952 09 3,037,468.75 (75,483.34) _ 4,213,281.55 OPERATING INCOME 183,197.93 202,329.63 230,587.25 (28,257.62) 198,618.45 - OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS' OTHER - NET 816.35 2,560.89 1.984.00 576.89 1 2,400.00 INTEREST INCOME 194,221.86 171,350.62 - 188,772.50 (17,421.88) 2131,750.00 MISC INCOME /EXPENSE] 3,220.55 36,511.23 2,430.00 34,081.23 1 3,000.00 TOTAL OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 198,258.76 210,422.74 193,186.50 17,236.24 _ 287,15 NET INCOME j 381,456.69 412,752.37 423,773.75 (11,021.38) 4P5,768.45 '- 1 i I I _ , 1 1 V 1 �j HCDC Finance Committee t ` Tuesday, September 11, 1990, 11:30 am Y Chamber Office Meeting Room — DIRECTORS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT DuWayne Paterson Jim Bullard , Board Representative Richard Burgart John Bernhagen, Executive Director Gary Ellis Connie Mangan, SCDP Coordinator Gary Plotz Gregg Sainsbury Brent Schmeling Jim Young Meeting was called to order by Chairman Peterson. Motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve up to $150 for architect fees as a grant for design work pertaining to a building facade In conjunction with the Small Cities Development program for Main Street. Additional architect fees are program eligible if there is a project on that building, otherwise the amount over $150 would be the responsibility of the building owner. Motion by Burgart, seconded by Plotz and carried to recommend an amendment to the SCDP grant to retain up to $100,000 of the grant as set aside for the Hutch Hotel to be used to stabilize the building; the remaining amount of the total of $300,000 for the Hutch Hotel to be used for the rehabilitation of single family homes in an area on either side of Main Street from Glen Street East to the river and to provide sufficient funds from the entire grant for administration through December 31, 1991. Motion by Burgart, seconded by Young, and carried to deny the request by Korngiebel Architecture in the amount of $13,400 for work done in preparation of the grant for rehabilitation of the Hutch Hotel and subsequent work done by same of which actual project was not consummated upon the advice of architect's financial consultant. Motion by Burgart, seconded by Plotz and carried to recommend the following as financial incentives for the development of land and Improvements for industrial -purposes.__ ' Land to be appraised by certified appraiser The appraised value to be written down to 1/3 ' The amount of the write down would be a deferred loan for ten years at which time it would become a grant If property is sold during the ten year period, a pro rate amount of 1/10 of the total amount per year of the remaining years would be due - The write down would not include unpaid assessments Determination for the deferred loan would be given when the - _r_ estate Improvements _retu _a_ property tax Increase at least equal to or greater than the per year amount of deferred loan ' Deferred loan would come from either the Revolving Loan Fund or Economic Development Loan Fund ' Additional financial Incentives couid.be made available on a case by case basis for below market rate_. Interest loans Bernhagen presented a brief report on a meeting he attended with six start-up companies and their desire to locate in a Greater Minnesota community. A subcommittee consisting of Gary Ellis, Gregg Sainsbury, and John Bernhagen will Investigate this further and report back to the full committee. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. HCDC Board of Directors Wednesday, October 3, 1990, 7:00 am Chamber Office Meeting Room DIRECTORS PRESENT James Bullard, Chairman William Craig Larry Fraser Phil Graves Carol Haukos Keith Weber Meeting was called to order by Chairman Bullard. OTHERS PRESENT John Bernhagen, Exec. Dir. / u Motion by Haukos, seconded by Weber and carried to approve the minutes of September 5, the Reorganization Meeting of September 10, and the Special Meeting of September 21, 1990. The Annual Meeting minutes of September 10, 1990 were reviewed. Motion by Graves, seconded by Weber and carried to approve the Treasurer's Report. The board discussed the Annual Meeting. All agreed it was a very successful meeting and were pleased with the turn ouL The items presented were a good review of the year's activity. Chairman Bullard made the following Board of Director appointments as board representatives to the various committees: Business Location and Contact Committee Larry Fraser and Bill Craig Public Information Committee Carol Haukos Finance Committee Keith Weber Transportation Committee Phil Graves Real Estate Task Force Jim Bullard Larry Fraser, Chairman Connie Mangan John Mlinar Chad Piehl Jean Ward John Bernhagen 0 Bernhagen reported that Gary Ellis, Gregg Sainsbury, and he attended three presentations given by individuals wanting location and financial help in a start-up business. This was sponsored by Business Development Services, Inc. It was the group's decision to not pursue any of these businesses because they felt the needs did not most our guidelines. It was also felt we should not join the Venture network at this time. The cost proposed for membership is $4,750. The Shopko project update was presented by Bernhagen. Everything is very much on schedule with some demolition to take place after the first of the year- and the largest part to be done 4n.-early May 1991. Land will be . turned over to Shopko ready for construction on August 15, 1991. Larry Fraser and John Bernhagen will work on the Business Expansion and Retention Surveys. Glenn Matejka and Bernhagen reviewed the last draft of the City's Comprehensive Plan and found several Items of minor corrections. These changes were forwarded to the City. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM Meeting of the Executive Committee October 8, 1990 Present: B Willmar Bill Scherer, Hutchinson FOR YOUR IhFORi,iRifJPd. Carol Conradi, Willmar Lorna Carlson, Swift County Arlen Lacombe, Big Stone County Jan Kreie, McLeod County Stan Jacobson, Chippewa County Marie Schoener, Meeker County Also Present: Burton Sundberg, Director Kathy Matson, Associate Director Visitor: David Lauritsen, Chippewa County Librarian The Pioneerland Library System Executive Committee met October 8, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. Vice President Scherer called the meeting to order. A motion was passed to approve the September 10 meeting minutes (Jacobson /Lacombe). It was suggested vote totals be recorded in future minutes. A motion was passed for the approval of the September Financial report (Conradi /Kreie). B. Sundberg evaluated the September Financial Report in that it also is the third quarterly report for the year. He felt we were pretty much on target. At this point, President Emery arrived to chair the meeting. K. Matson reported an increase in librar% use over one year ago. She distributed copies of the Public Library Newsletter and newspaper clippings from recent area newspapers. She also reported on preliminary plans for a new library building in Dawson and that Fairfax may apply for a library construction grant. She informed the board that four -staff people had recently attended a national conference in Omaha and invited board members to attend the PLS Fall workshop October 10 in Granite Falls. She also encouraged members to attend the MLA Conference in St. Cloud November 7 -9, especially Friday, November 9. A motion was passed to pay all bills (LaCombe /Scherer). Ric Emery reported from SAMMIE and also on the Governor's Pre -White House Conference on Libraries. K. Matson suggested that the board send thank -yous to those who attended. A motion was passed to do so (Kreie /Conradi). The board was asked to study the MLA Proposed Legislative Platform. K. Matson reported on the $2,000 grant received from SMAHC that funded summer programing which was attended by 1,196 people. A motion was passed to accept and file the grant report prepared by K. Matson (Schoener /Conradi). c B. Sundberg suggested the board send letters to political candidates asking their support of the MLA platform. He reported on two letters received from LDS and that Nancy Aaseth is the new board member representing Bird Island. R. Emery reported regarding the negative public perception of "alleged" unfair representation proposals. The new Ad Hoc Committee members were announced. Discussion followed concerning any directives to be given them. A motion was passed to place on the November agenda the consideration of payment approval to MLA for lobbyist services (Kreie /LaCombe). The Executive Committee discussed staff attendance at library board meetings. A motion was passed to continue inviting various PLS librarians to board meetings and to reimburse them for their time and mileage (Jacobson /Kreie). November 12 will be a full board meeting. Mileage vouchers were completed and the meeting was adjourned. Lorna Carlson WZ /01 ANNE PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SY• COUNTY 34 OCTOBER 1990 10/06/90 INTEGRATED FINANCIAL-SYSTEM IFSL63 PAGE ' 15:15:46 01 FUND EXPENDITURE GUIDELINE AS OF 10/90 TOO: 10 /00/90 19:12:05 LIBRARY ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION __ _ _ -_ _ CURREN BUDGET .._99.__ - LIBRARY - _ -_ -.- 9,000.00 . 1.000.00 12.715.00 22,71S.00 • 1D0 PERSONAL SERVICES - -- - - - 6105 SALARIES AND VALES 795,000.00 66,305.22 671.142.51 123.6ST.49 N - ALTO HEALTH INSURANCE _ - 2L.000.00---1.726-63 71 : 7.419.2 4 A.3A0_rA Al 6120 HEALTH INSURANCE - DEDUCTIBLE 3,600.00 416.78 1.600.65 6.65- 100 5130 RETIRE4E4T INSURANCE 80,724.00 6 65,153.76 15.570.24 61 - -•- -. TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES _ -_. 900 .324.00 - __4,964. f2.737.3N16 2-2 o99_u u _ -.I -110-MATERIALS 5.613.39 186.61 94 _ _.DO -_ __-- 565.0 415-06 S7 6205 BOOKS - ADULT 120,000.00 16,929.81 84,929.22 35.070.78 71 6210 BOOKS - CHILDREN 36.000.00 8,136.86 32.662.11 3,337.89 91 _6215 GE4ERAL REFERENCE _.16 .000.00 -_ ._1.622.57- _19.728.5 3 .72A.A 1- 179 6220 PERIODICALS 26.750.00 $44.53 29.890.01 3,140.01- 112 622i PAMPHLETS )00.00 .00 13.76 286.24 5 6239 .BENSON LIBRARY MATERIALS _ - - -_ 1.576.00 1 1.79 347 -A2 79 6235 CHIPPEWA COUNTY LIBRARY MATERIALS 19.255.00 2,447.13 12.872.39 6.362.61 67 6240 404FEVIDEO MATERIALS 15.101.00 1.561.25 9.625.72 5.475.28 64 6245 16KR FILMS 4,000.00 1 .00 ___._ 1,600.00 �- 200 .0➢. a3 6250 VIDEO TAPES 5.000.00 413.26 4.424.33 575.67 06 6255 AUDIO DISCS A40 TAPES 400.00 171.32 - 1,267.80 667.80- 317 _6260 SLIDES AND FILM STRIPS 250.00- --- _00 750_00 a 6265 MICRFURMS 300.00 35.00 313.95 13.95- 105 6270 9140ING 1,000.00 .00 448.21 SSI.79 45 .. -- • TOTAL MATER!ALS 245,932-00 -_. ._32,086.27_.199.226.29 4 6,5 0 9 _ 71 Al -- 1 _ -120 CATALOGING - 6313 OCLC AND OTHER CHARGES 16.60B.DO .00 16,803.47 195.47- 101 6120 C04 VENDOR CHARGES 24.000.00 4.295.52 21.922.41 2.077.59 91 _- • -__ _70TAL -- CATALOGING _ - _ _ 50,606.04- 6.2853 1 6.725.A A 1-A 2-17 ITS -•- -.130 VEHICLES _ __.-- _____.__ -_ 6350 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 14.600.00 1 6360 INSURANCE 3.415.00 .00 ._ 6330 AMORTIZATION 8,000.DO _ - -.00 • TOTAL VEHICLES 26.015.00 1.176.96 • 140 04NUNI CAT [ON 64110 TELEPHONE AND LINE CHARGES 6420 TERMINAL MAINTENAN 6430 POSTAGE AND SH(PPI4G VG • TOTAL COMMUNICATION • 150 EQUIPMENT ._ &IS$ NEW EQUIPMENT - _ - -__._ .6460 A/V LQULPMENT 6470 MAINTENANCE AND CONTRACTS • TOTAL EQUIPMENT • 160 OTHER - -_ - 6505 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT 6510 SUPPLIES AND PRINTING 6515 PROMOTIONAL AND PROGRAMMING 6520 MILEAGE AND MEETINGS - STAFF 6525 MILEAGE A40 MEETINGS - TRUSTEES 6550 PROF. MEMBERSHIPS (TRUSTEES) 6535 ENSJKANCE 6540 ADS AND LEGAL NOTICES 6547 AuOIT!NG -_ _..6550 BOOKKEEPING -_ 6555 CONTINUING EDUCATION 6556 SC43L.ARSHIP FUND 6560 EXTENSION CONTRACTS • TOTAL OTHER PERCENT OF YEAR l3E ACTUA ACTU A DS ] - ACT THIS -MONTH YEAR -TO -GATE DIFFERENCE ICI L:.063.47 2.531.53 93 2.192.09 1.222.91 64 .D 8 .000.0 0 ft - 14.260.54 12-, JS4.N 55 761.92 5.613.39 186.61 94 _ _.DO -_ __-- 565.0 415-06 S7 626.94 6,694.01 3,820.99 TO - 1.566.86 18.272.50 4.442.60 60 2.655.00_ ._._- .170.00 . - I .3A4. 0A 1„765.94 60 -.- 1.000.00--- 171-n A7e_77 17 15,000.00 1.106.50 21.356.65 6.356.65 -__ 142 16.655.00 1,276.50 23,117.44 4.46Z.44 - -- 124 • 170 SPECIAL -- 2.490.00 3.630.3 21.196.52 2.297.53 92 1.000.00 .00 1.012.02 12.02- 16 .000.00 - 1.316.1 -Tw 787_93. 195 4 4 a, 000.00 593.10 3.617.05 182.33 95 _ 000.00 •00 285.00 (12.00 92 6660 FAMILY TIES FUND -_- 16.050.00 k s�ao 3.bU.H 1_"2-22 72 100.00 . 00 .00 20.00 so-on soon 2 2 3,;00.00 _ .00 1.500-0 1.500-0 , . .40 lw - 3..00 27 5.00 7- 750_71 744_40 ]5 500.00 SOO 210.71 915.51 413.41- 103 1,000.00 .DO 145.52 014.46 __ Ys__ - 10,560.D0 _ --- _370.OII 4.130.0 S: v]e -so u 66,494.00 6.609.11 61.618.93 6,675.07 90 • 170 SPECIAL - -- 6610 GLENCOE FRIENDS. 1963 1.390.00 .00 .00 1,390.00 _ _0, _ -- 6620 KCWL 2 - ' _. .__ -__ .00 - - _ :__ = - := .50.00 =_ 2.A6I.0 2 6630 LOCAL EQUIPMENT 1.000.00 .00 4,130.54 _2.130.57 207 6650 STATE SALES TAR 2.000.00 303.75 1,749.16 251.04 87 6660 FAMILY TIES FUND 5.042.00 19.62-- 3.bU.H 1_"2-22 72 6670 LARGE PRINT FUND 1.999.00 16.10 2.217.29 216.29- 111 6680 SUMMER READING 2.060.00 .00 2.008.25 _ 11.75. _ _99 _. • TOTAL SPECIAL 17,228.00 ._541.70 - 13.855.02- 3 .369df as •• TOLL LIBRARY 1.339,971.00 -__ -- 122.011.74 -_- _1,126,403.68 279- R 67.32 _N_ - •999 111 .36?-3z a FINAL TOLLS 49 ACCOUNTS 1.379.971.00. 122.011.74 - .1.126.403.68 -- - BALANCE LEFT ON NAND - - . - .. _ -- 3347.822.28_. _.. - WZ /UTANNE 11/05/90 15:20:04 01 FUND PIU4CFBLA40 Llu4A •YSICN INTEGKATEU FINANCIAL SYSTtM REVENUE GUIDELINE .CAROL_CUNRADI, TRFASURER.PL9 PERCENT OF YEAR 835 BOLT - ACT DIFFERENCE PCT CARRIED FORWARD l U U U 1� 5920 KCWL 3923 LOCAL__tGUIPMENT C. MISCELLANEOUS _ 5930 FAMILY TIES FUND 5940 LARCE PRINT FUND TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 99 TOTAL LIBRARY M0 FINAL TOTALS 43 ACCOUNTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE 2,958.00 2,956.00 1J3041Y 34 1"v. 1FS161 PAGE 1 AS OF 10/90 EJD: 11 /05 /90 15:18 =47 CURRENT_ ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THIS-MONTH YEAR -TO -DATE $111,419.05 $143,296.48 1,390.00 2,717.00 2.000.00 5,047.Ov 1.9Y9.n0 2,nU0.0U 2.000.00 17,228.00 1,341,970.00 1,341.970,00 12S.95 010 RECEIPTS 2,744.05- 193 125.95 5.702.05 2.744.05- 193 3101 BASIC STATE /FEDERAL AID 331,000.00 136,762.00 390,669.00 59,469.00- 1IB 737.00 73 22,Od9.00 5,522.25 22.306.97 .03 100 .00 5115 CHIPPEWA COUNTY 74,322,90 1d.580.50 74,122.00 .00 100 .00 5120 KANDIYOHI COUNTY 112,454.00 27,163.50 110,754.00 1,700.00 98 71 5122_LAC OUI PARLE COUNTY 30,455.nU 7,613.75 30,455.00 .00 100 3125 NC LE00 COUNTY 72,237.03 18, 059.25 72, ;37,00 .UO 1 G 5130 MEEKER COUNTY 68,244.00 17,071.00 68,284.00 .UO 100 S j)1_jiENY[LLE_COUI( TY _ 7,185.50 29.142.00 26,196.00 53 5135 SWIFT CUUNTV 34,560,00 6.640.00 34,460.00 .UO Lou T137 YELLOW MEDICINE COUNTY 34,911,00 6,301.00 25,204.00 9.607.00 72 5140 9,1US.nO 1,326.25 9,305.00 .00 100 5145 BENSON 18,609,00 4,652.25 18,609.00 .00 100 5148 FAIRFAK .00 .00 4.427.00 4,427.00- 0 515.� GLEM69 E Z6.415.OU _ 6,606.25 26,425.00 .00 100__ 5155 GRACEVILLE 3,875.00 968.75 3,875.00 .00 100' 5157 GRANITE FALLS 21,1Y5,00 5.298.75 21.195,00 .UO LOU 5160 HUTCHINSO 57,696.OU 14,424.00 57,696.00 .UO 100 5165 KERKHDVEN 3,985.OU 991.00 3,988.00 .00 100 5170 LITCHFIELD 41,852.00 10,463.00 41,852.00 .00 100 5l_7Z_OLIVIA __ 4,900.50 19,922.00 .00 100 5175 OR T ONVILLE 12,788.00 3,197.00 1;,786.00 .00 100 5180 WILL MAR 47.050,00 23,U12.50 92.050.00 .00 100 5105 BIRD ISLA 8,954,00 2,113.50 8,054.00 .00 100 3190 DAYSON 12,642.03 3,160.50 12.642.00 .00 100) 5195 HECTOR 7,747,00 1.Y36.75 7.747.00 .00 100 5200_MAOISON 14.365.00 3,591.25 14,365.00 .00 100 5205 RENVILLE 9,961.Ou 1,490.25 9,961.00 .uO 100 5410 CASH RECEIPTS C SALES TAX 46,500,00 i.428.18 39,632.23 6,867.77 85 54Z0 .UO 3,446.00 2.446.00- 345 _GIFTS._ _ _ __. .__.... 5430 INTEREST ,1,000,00 7.500,00 736.59 5,321.73 2.178.27 71 •�: TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,251,824.00 349,562.02 1.271.616.93 19,792.93- 102 • 020 REINBUSEMENTS (LOCAL GOVERNMENT) 5801 REIMBURSEMENTS_ - CHIPPEWA COUNTY _. 32,028.00 0.007.00 32.028.00 .00 100 5825 REIMBURSEMENTS - OLIVIA (MATERIALS ONLY) 2,000.00 .00 .00 2.000.00 0 5830 REIMBURSEMENTS - BENSON (MATERIALS ONLY) 1.576.00 .00 1.500.00 76.00 95 5 840_REIMB_SMIPPENA GOUNTY_(MATERTALS ONLY)__ _ 19.255.00 .00 10,000.00 9.255.00 52 $850 REIMS - MONTEVIDEO (MATERIALS ONLY) 15,101.00 .00 6,502.50 8.596.50 43 • TOTAL REIMBUSEMENTS (LOCAL GOVERNMENT) 69.960.00 8,007.00 50.030.$0 19.929.50 72 • D30 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS 5920 KCWL 3923 LOCAL__tGUIPMENT C. MISCELLANEOUS _ 5930 FAMILY TIES FUND 5940 LARCE PRINT FUND TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 99 TOTAL LIBRARY M0 FINAL TOTALS 43 ACCOUNTS TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE 2,958.00 2,956.00 1J3041Y 34 1"v. 1FS161 PAGE 1 AS OF 10/90 EJD: 11 /05 /90 15:18 =47 CURRENT_ ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET THIS-MONTH YEAR -TO -DATE $111,419.05 $143,296.48 1,390.00 2,717.00 2.000.00 5,047.Ov 1.9Y9.n0 2,nU0.0U 2.000.00 17,228.00 1,341,970.00 1,341.970,00 12S.95 5,702.05 2,744.05- 193 125.95 5.702.05 2.744.05- 193 .v0 .00 1.39D.On 0 1,500.00 1.980.00 737.00 73 .00 .00 2,000.00 0 .00 .00 5.042.00 0 .00 .00 1,999.00 0 .00 .00 2,000.00 0 .00 1,600.00 460.00 71 1.500.00 3.SSO.00 13.640.00 21 359,214.97 359.214.97 $470,634.02 1.330,929.48 1,330,929.48 $1,474,225.96 11.040.52 99 11.040.52 99