cp11-27-1990 ci IJ TC H I N ::-) 0 N-1 CITY CALEND iR. VJ EEi'C 0f" Novemb 25_ T Decem 1 SUNDAY -25- V!EDNE DAY -28- 10:00 A.M. - Directors Meeting at City Hall 5:00 P.M. - Park & Recreation Board Meeting at Library Conference Room THURSDAY -29- 3:30 P.M. - Nursing Home Board Meeting at Burns Manor MONDAY -26- Noon - Safety Council Meeting at Heritage Center 1:00 P.M.- Utilities Commission Meeting at Utilities 7:30 P.M.- Airport Commission Meeting at City Hall TUE� A 2i N 61 rnnd D 5:30 P.M. - Joint City Council & Various Committees Meeting at City Hall 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meeting at City Hall FRIDAY -30- SATURDAY -1- 24 SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS -ate (6 12) 537 -5757 37iVAS,HLti'GM'JA VENUE WEST NUTCHINSON, NINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: November 15, 1990 FROM: Marilyn Swanson, Admin. Secretary TO: Mayor & City Council Chairman Lee Cox, Park & Recreation Board Director Dolf Moon, Park & Recreation Dept. MAINSTREET -- Chairman Skip Quade Kay Johnson, Downtown Coordinator Chairman Skip Quade, Downtown Design Review Committee Downtown Landscape a Committee Chairman Bud Daggett, Crow River Task Force 0 As requested, there will be a joint meeting of the above -named committees with the City Council on Tuesday, November 27, 1990 at 6:30 P.M. in City Hall. If you are unable to attend, perhaps you will want to send a rep- resentative from the committee. AGENDA • REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1990 1. Call to Order - 7:30 P.M. 2. Invocation - Rev. Jim Hall, Word of Life 3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of November 13, 1990 Action - Approve as distributed - Approve as amended 4. Routine Items (a) Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions 1. Financial Report - October 1990 2. Planning Commission Minutes of October 16, 1990 (b) Charitable Gambling License for Hutchinson Jaycees At Underground Bar & Grill (c) Christmas Tree Sales Permit - Heather Reilein (d) Reduced Trash And Refuse Rate (e) Snow Removal Permit - Craig Johnson & Roland Ebent Action - Motion to order report and minutes filed, approve reduced rate and issue license /permits 5. Public Hearing None. 6. Communications, Requests And Petitions None 1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - NOVEMBER 27, 1990 7. Resolutions And Ordinances (a) Ordinance No. 90 -29 - An Ordinance Of The City Of Hutchinson, Minnesota, Amending City Code Section 6.26, Subd. 3 (D) Governing Gambling Regulations And Adopting By Reference, City Code Chapter 1 And Section 2.99 Which, Among Other Things, Contain Penalty Provisions Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt (b) Resolution No. 9359 - Transferring $20,581 From The 1980 Tax Increment Debt Service Fund To 1982 Tax Increment Debt Service Fund Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (c) Resolution No. 9360 - Transferring $19,737 From The 1985 Tax Increment Construction Fund To 1985 Tax Increment Debt Service Fund 0 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt (d) Resolution No. 9361 - Transferring $163,169 From 1990 Special Assessment Bond Fund To General Fund For Engineering And Administration Fees Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 8. Unfinished Business (a) Consideration of Revoking And Establishing Municipal State Aid Streets (DEFERRED NOVEMBER 13, 1990) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 9355 & 9356 9. New Business (a) Consideration of Delinquent Water And Sewer Accounts Action - Motion to authorize extension of payment period - Motion to authorize discontinuation of service 2 0 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - NOVEMBER 27, 1990 (b) Consideration of Lease Agreement for Heartland Community Action Agency Senior Nutrition Program At Hutchinson Senior Center Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into agreement (c) Consideration of 1990 Building Department Budget Review Action - (d) Consideration of Renewal for Long -Term Disability And Group Insurance Agreement with Mutual Benefit Company Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into agreement (e) Consideration of Gasoline Usage For 1990 Action - (f) Review Budgets of Water /Sewer Fund, Liquor Store Fund And Central Garage Fund Action - (g) Consideration of Change Order Request for Police Investigator Vehicle Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (h) Consideration of 1991 Recycling Budget Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 10. Miscellaneous (a) - Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations And Contract Payments (a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 0 12. Adjournment 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - NOVEMBER 27, 1990 0 CLOSED MEETING - Junker Sanitation Litigation REMINDER: There will be a Public Hearing on Monday, December 3 at 7:30 P.M. regarding Truth In Taxation 1991 City Tax Levy. 0 4 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1990 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ackland. The following were present: Mayor Paul L. Ackland, Aldermen John Mlinar, Marlin Torgerson and Don Erickson. Absent: Ald- erman Craig Lenz. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer John Rodeberg and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Jim Hall 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of October 23, 1990, joint meeting of City Council and Hutchinson Solid Waste Management Committee of October 23, 1990 and bid opening of October 30, 1990 were approved as distributed. 4. ROUTINE ITEMS (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - OCTOBER 1990 2. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 29, 1990 3. PARK & RECREATION BOARD MINUTES OF AUGUST 29, 1990 (b) SNOW REMOVAL PERMITS: 1. RICHARD SMYKALSKI 4. JUUL CONSTRUCTION 2. JOSEPH SCHULTE 5. EDWIN KARG 3. EUGENE CARDA 6. JERRY EBERT (c) CHRISTMAS TREE SALES PERMIT - CHARLES PULKRABEK - HOWARD BRANDON (d) APPOINTMENTS: 1. NURSING HOME BOARD - MIKE CARLS 2. PARK & RECREATION BOARD - MIKE CANNON The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson, to order report and minutes filed, issue permits and ratify appointments. Alderman Torger- son amended the motion to include a Christmas tree sales 1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 13, 1990 0 permit for Howard Brar Ion. Amended motion seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried. Main motion unanimously carried. (e) PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE TO ROGER HAGGENMILLER Mayor Ackland presented a plaque of appreciation to Roger Haggenmiller for serving on a board. 5. PUBLIC HEARING None. 6. COMMUNICATIONS REQUESTS AND PETITIONS None. 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 9354 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to waive read- ing and adopt. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 9357 - RESOLUTION REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 9210 WHICH.LIMITED PARKING ON EAST SIDE OF DALE STREET BETWEEN LINDEN AVENUE AND SOUTH GRADE ROAD The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to waive read- ing and adopt. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 9358 - RESOLUTION LIMITING PARKING ON DALE STREET NORTH OF SOUTH GRADE ROAD FROM NOVEMBER 1 - MAY 1 The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to waive read- ing and adopt. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 9. NEW BUSINESS 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 13, 1990 0 (a) CONSIDERATION OF RENEWING PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT WITH HARRIS MECHANICAL FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve and enter into contract. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING CHARITABLE GAMBLING ORDINANCE REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON JAYCEES Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to approve and amend the ordinance, waive first reading of Ordinance No. 90 -29 and set second reading for November 27, 1990. (c) CONSIDERATION OF NEW FAA RADAR TOWER AND EFFECT ON LOCAL WEATHER SERVICE Following discussion, Alderman Erickson moved to approve • waiving reading and adopting Resolution No. 9353. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimiously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR POLICE INVESTIGATOR VEHICLE Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar moved to approve and award contract to Myron Wigen Motor Company for a new 1991 Chevrolet Lumina, four -door sedan, to include the $200 option for a split seat and an additional $200 for a four -speed overdrive transmission, for a total price of $12,234.06. Motion seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried. Police Chief Steve Madson requested authorization to lease a car for two months until the new vehicle was de- livered. Alderman Torgerson moved to approve the car lease for two months at $250 per month, with a limit of 500 miles per month. Motion seconded by Alderman Erickson and unani- mously carried. u 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 13, 1990 (e) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING PAUL E. PETERSON AND CHARLES A. BECKER, REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, TO OFFER SECTION 457 AND /OR 403(B) PLANS AS VOLUNTARY CITY EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to approve. (f) CONSIDERATION OF ASBESTOS REMOVAL CONTRACT WITH ENVIRONET, INC. Following a report by the City Attorney, Alderman Erick- son moved to approve and enter into contract. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL FROM CHARLES BAILLY & COMPANY AS 1990 AUDITING FIRM Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve auditing proposal. (h) CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT TO FACILITATE POLICE CHIEF ATTENDING FBI NATIONAL ACADEMY JANUARY - MARCH 1991 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve and enter into agreement. (i) CONSIDERATION OF TEMPORARY SIGN PERMIT REQUESTED BY BROWN'S FLORAL & GIFT Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimous- ly carried, to approve temporary sign permit. (j) CONSIDERATION OF REVOKING AND ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREETS Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Torgerson and unanimously carried, to defer. 11 (k) CONSIDERATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR LETTING #3 FOR WORK ON T.H. 7 EAST • 4 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 13, 1990 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve supplemental agreement. (1) DISCUSSION OF OLD LANDFILL SITE EROSION AND REPAIR/ REMEDIATION Engineer Rodeberg reported the MPCA was concerned about the delay in the work on the old landfill site. An esti- mate of costs to stabilize a portion of the river bank will be available next month. No action taken. (m) DISCUSSION OF OLD WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT AND ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Engineer Rodeberg discussed the old wastewater treatment plant and building and presented four recommendations. The direction of the Council was to pursue the first three suggestions and to obtain a demolition estimate from Don Rettman of Darwin. No action taken. (n) CONSIDERATION OF TEMPORARY SIGN PERMIT REQUESTED BY CHARLES PULKRABEK The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to approve the temporary sign permit. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported on five requests for Phase II of the Shopko project. Mr. Plotz stated that the Motor Vehicle Department will be computerized by the end of the year. Also, a Clerks Indexing System will be put into effect by the end of the year. Following discussion regarding the scheduled December 25 Council meeting date, the motion was made by Alderman Torgerson that there would be no second meeting for the City Council on December 25, 1990. Motion seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. A CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 13, 1990 It was mentioned that a joint meeting of the Council with various Downtown committees would be set up for 6:30 P.I. on November 27, 1990. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN JOHN MLINAR Alderman Mlinar commented on the good response to the blue plastic recycling containers in precincts one and four. Mention was made that there may be a 50 percent federal mandate on recycling. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY Attorney Anderson stated that the closed meeting regard- ing Junker Sanitation litigation would be held immediate- ly after this meeting, although a representative from the Marshall law office was not present for the meeting. He would update the Council on the latest events regarding the case. 0 (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Engineer Rodeberg reported that T. H. 15 North would be opened to traffic on Friday noon, November 16, following a ribbon cutting ceremony. It was requested by the City Engineer that four addi- tional traffic signs be installed for traffic control. The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Erickson and unanimously carried, to approve the signs. Engineer Rodeberg stated that MN /DoT was opposed to the Les Kouba sign. 11. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a). VERIFIED CLAIMS The motion was made by Alderman Torgerson, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried, to approve the claims and authorize payment from appropriate funds. 12. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:17 P.M. • 6 OCTOBER CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT 36,378.75 OCTOBER *FNUE REPORT - GENERAL FUND OCT. YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENTAGE 18,406.05 ACTUAL DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED TAXES 450,000.00 948,101.73 1,518,179.00 570,077.27 62.4% LICENSES 2,494.00 14,847.51 18,950.00 4,102.49 78.4% PERMITS AND FEES 62,535.36 150,982.40 91,300.00 159,682.40) 165.4% INTER - GOVERNMENT REVENUE 2,034.19 1,301,947.12 1,476,380.00 174,432.88 88.2% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 28,664.49 394,895.27 532,699.00 137,803.73 74.1% FINES & FORFEITS 3,985.27 38,206.65 45,500.00 7,293.35 84.0% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 17,288.57 167,928.57 122,600.00 (45,328.57) 137.0% CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUNDS 4,000.00 251,990.00 426,000.00 174,010.00 59.2% REVENUE FOR OTHER AGENCIES 2,963.59 2,936.96 250.00 (2,686.96) 1174.8% TOTAL 573,965.47 3,271,836.21 4,231,858.00 960,021.79 77.3% EXPENSE REPORT GENERAL FUND MAYOR & COUNCIL 2,342.95 36,378.75 36,476.00 97.25 99.7% CITY ADM. /CITY CLERK 11,989.37 135,793.95 154,200.00 18,406.05 88.1% ELECTIONS 2,626.49 7,421.24 7,230.00 (191.24) 102.6% FINANCE 13,053.08 203,570.59 237,955.00 34,384.41 85.6% MOTOR VEHICLE 6,758.17 65,809.57 70,835.00 5,025.43 92.9% 0.00 0.00 20,700.00 20,700.00 0.0% i cESSING AL 3,009.00 32,171.03 41,000.00 8,828.97 78.5% PLANNING 330.45 5,758.01 7,800.00 2,041.99 73.8% CITY HALL 2,925.85 32,893.55 43,021.00 10,127.45 76.5% RECREATION BUILDING 1,274.89 40,349.95 58,382.00 18,032.05 69.1% POLICE DEPARTMENT 89,257.79 896,325.28 914,916.00 18,590.72 98.0% FIRE DEPARTMENT 1,965.42 110,093.26 109,560.00 (533.26) 100.5% SCHOOL LIAISON OFFICER 2,251.82 17,530.34 25,213.00 7,682.66 69.5% BUILDING INSPECTION 6,204.92 60,762.08 64,493.00 3,730.92 94.2% EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 0.00 517.66 7,698.00 7,180.34 6.7% SAFETY COUNCIL 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.0% FIRE MARSHALL 4,490.62 41,262.27 47,965.00 6,702.73 86.0% ENGINEERING 19,763.76 199,167.42 234,057.00 34,889.58 85.1% STREETS & ALLEYS 58,131.03 349,563.01 399,123.00 49,559.99 87.6% STREET MAINTENANCE A/C 4,101.86 56,608.27 73,100.00 16,491.73 77.4% LIBRARY 952.35 66,134.43 68,996.00 2,861.57 95.9% SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER 7,812.14 69,162.80 81,291.00 12,128.20 85.1% PARK /REC. ADMIN. 7,239.52 88,715.71 99,496.00 10,780.29 89.2% RECREATION 6,649.13 130,392.67 159,947.00 29,554.33 81.5% CIVIC ARENA 11,359.76 105,663.16 109,153.00 4,089.84 96.3% PARK DEPARTMENT 49,064.46 378,748.76 428,262.00 49,513.24 88.4% CF.MEil-RY 6,239.47 42,593.03 51,703.00 9,114.91 82.4% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2,625.48 31,956.62 32,170.00 213.38 99.3% OELFPRATE 19'70 GRANT 0.00 456.30 0.00 (456.30) ERR DEBT SERVICE 1,500.00 22,000.00 53,287.00 31,281.00 41.3% 8,147.98 201,358.23 53,387.00 (147,971.23) 377.2% I RPORT NSIT 9,825.47 90,092.98 129,784.00 39,691.02 69.4% ENERGY COUNCIL 765.77 4,112.73 14,642.00 10,529.27 28.1% S.C.D.P. COORDINATRO 5,103.06 224,084.04 33,589.00 (190,495.04) 0.0% UNALLOCATED 35,144.36 246,524.00 361,570.00 115,046.00 68.2% TOTAL 382,906.42 3,993,971.69 4,231,856.00 237,884.31 "94.4% OCTOBER CITY OF HUTCHINSON OCTOBER ENTERPRISE FUNDS RFNUE REPORT - LIQUOR FUND OCT. YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENTAGE ACTUAL DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED LIQUOR SALES 35,466.14 342,320.68 435,000.00 92,679.32 78.7% WINE SALES 8,865.37 93,628.43 151,000.00 57,371.57 62.0% TEFER cr.rES 50,504.49 591,484.89 701,400.00 109,915.11 84.3% BEER DEPOSITS (176.72) (1,883.44) 0.00 1,883.44 MISC. SALES 4,287.15 38,532.21 40,895.00 2,362.79 INTEREST 894.74 6,599.67 6,500.00 (99.67) 101.5% REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 0.00 (483.85) 0.00 483.85 CASH DISCOUNTS (81.04) (917.31) (2,100.00) (1,182.69) TOTAL 99,760.13 1,069,281.28 1,332,695.00 263,413.72 80.2% EXPENSE REPORT LIQUOR FUND PERSONEL SERVICES 13,201.65 125,593.01 140,959.00 15,365.99 89.1% SUPPLIES, REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 72.17 2,428.70 2,800.00 371.30 86.7% OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 490.18 28,714.47 37,200.00 8,485.53 77.2% MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 702.59 6,000.00 5,297.41 11.7% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 208.00 0.00 (208.00) 0.0% TRANSFERS 0.00 0.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 0.0% T OF SALES 90,038.34 830,503.29 1,017,400.00 186,896.71 81.6% ER 0.00 0.00 (3,200.00) (3,200.00) 0.0% TOTAL 103,802.34 988,150.06 1,311,159.00 323,008.94 75.4% REVENUE REPORT - WATER SEWER /FUND FEDERAL GRANTS 0.00 260,221.00 0.00 (260,221.00) 0.0% WATER SALES 42,561.22 437,663.17 516,400.00 78,736.83 84.8% WATER METER SALES 1,462.00 4,101.00 6,500.00 2,399.00 63.1% REFUSE SERVICES 41,492.27 403,436.51 441,203.00 37,766.49 91.4% REFUSE SURCHARGE 3,648.45 29,495.97 0.00 (29,495.97) SEWER SERVICES 124,425.83 1,249,806.42 1,388,400.00 138,593.58 90.0% PENALTY CHARGES 1,188.80 12,909.81 11,000.00 (1,909.81) 0.0% INTEREST EARNED 8,336.79 93,879.89 160,000.00 66,120.11 58.7% S C O R E 0.00 34,020.00 0.00 (34,020.00) REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 878.98 2,866.62 8,000.00 5,133.38 0.0% OTHER 240.00 10,007.88 2,000.00 (8,007.88) 500.4% TOTAL 224,234.34 2,538,408.27 2,533,503.00 (4,905.27) 100.2% EXPENSE REPORT - WATER SEWER /FUND *FUSE 58,328.62 481,952.60 452,300.00 (29,652.60) 106.6% WATER 17,369.70 621,737.39 1,019,479.00 397,741.61 61.0% SEWER 229,533.31 1,102,286.75 1,658,117.00 555,830.25 66.5% WASTE TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCT. 0.00 1,989.84 0.00 (1,989.84) TOTAL 305,231.63 2,207,966.58 3,129,896.00 921,929.42 70.5% OCTOBER 9 REVENUE REPORT MEMBERSHIPS ADMISSIONS VIDEO GAMES POP CANDY CHIPS, ETC. INTEREST BLDG RENTS FUND RAISERS CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL EXPENSE REPORT PERSONEL SERVICES OPERATING SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS • CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL YOUTHCTR 10 DATES CITY" OF HUTCHINSON 79.7% 3,801.05 OCTOBER YOUTH CENTER "DRY DOCK" 82.6% 1,192.72 20.5% OCT. YEAR TO 15,852.60 BALANCE PERCENTAGE ACTUAL DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED 210.00 570.00 2,000.00 1,430.00 28.5% 882.00 4,035.00 7,200.00 3,165.00 56.0% 800.00 800.00 0.0% 186.75 1,237.29 3,600.00 2,362.71 34.4% 151.10 803.72 3,600.00 2,796.28 22.3% 316.84 2,458.63 1,200.00 (1,258.63) 204.9% 382.03 1,000.00 617.97 38.2% 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 46,550.00 48,000.00 1,450.00 97.0% 1,796.69 56,141.67 67,400.00 11,258.33 83.3% 1,860.30 245.61 2,351.00 50.25 0.00 4,507.16 22,162.61 2,998.95 27,489.96 307.28 591.60 53,550.40 27,803.00 6,800.00 33,300.00 1,500.00 69,403.00 5,640.39 79.7% 3,801.05 44.1% 5,810.04 82.6% 1,192.72 20.5% (591.60) 15,852.60 77.2% ATTENDANCE Y.T.D 1,161 6,974 i MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 16, 1990 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Craig at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Roland Ebent, Clint Gruett, Craig Lenz, Tom Lyke and Chairman Bill Craig. Members absent: Dean Wood and E1Roy Dobratz. Also Present: Building Official Jim Marka. 2. MINUTES Mr. Ebent made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, September 18, 1990. Seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY TOM LUDOWESE, CARWASH Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:32 p.m. with the reading of publication #4170 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 4, 1990. The request is for the purpose of considering a request for a conditional use permit to allow the owner to tear down the old carwash building and construct a new carwash building on property located at 355 James St. Mr. Tom Ludowese commented on his proposal to tear down the present metal building and reconstruct the building with block. Discussion followed on staff recommendations. Mr. Ludowese stated he would comply with staff recommendations and would begin possibly this fall. Mr. Lyke commented on moving of electric and gas lines. Mr. Mike Collis, Manager of Taco Johns, requested that the carwash install their own water and sewer lines. Now the water loops through Taco Johns which creates water pressure problems at Taco Johns. Mr. Ebent made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Lyke the hearing closed at 7:40 p.m. Mr. Ebent made a motion to recommend approval subject to staff recommendation as follows: Area must be hardsurfaced, finished floor elevation must comply with flood elevation of 1046.4 flammable waste trap will be 1 / R HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 10/16/90 0 required, and fire wall on the North property line must be maintained. Also, there is to be a separate water line for this property and the property to the North. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R -2 TO C -4 REQUESTED ON THE WALMART PROPERTY CONTINGENT ON APPROVAL OF WALMART SUBDIVISION PLAT The public hearing for the request is to be continued to the November meeting. (c) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF WALMART SUBDIVISION The public hearing for the request is to be continued to the November meeting. (d) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY ARTHUR BENJAMIN Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:44 p.m. with the reading of publication #4173 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 4, 1990. The request is for the purpose of considering a request for a conditional use permit to construct an addition unto a nonconforming garage located at 108 Grove St. S. Building Official Jim Marka stated the garage was too small for a full size vehicle. Mr. Lenz made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Gruett the hearing closed at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Lenz moved to recommend approval subject to staff recommendation that the whole north wall is to be fire wall. Seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY ARTHUR BENJAMIN Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:47 p.m. with the reading of publication #4174 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 4, 1990. The request is for the purpose of considering a request for a 4' variance to allow the owner to construct an addition unto a nonconforming garage located at 108 Grove St. S. • 2 0 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 10/16/90 Mr. Lenz made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Ebent the hearing closed at 7:48 p.m. Mr. Ebent made a motion to recommend approval subject to staff recommendation that the whole north wall is to be fire wall. The hardship being the garage is too small for a full size vehicle. Seconded by Mr. Lenz the motion carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCH CO -OP Chairman Craig opened the hearing at 7:52 p.m. with the reading of publication #4175 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 4, 1990. The request is for the purpose of considering a request for • conditional use permit to allow the owner to construct • dry bulk bin and cement pad on property for resale of products located at Hutchinson Co -op located at 200 - 3rd Ave. and Water St. Mr. Mark Jaskowiak, Plant Manager, commented on the proposal. Mr. Keith Bromley, Representative for Monsanto, explained the process and the use of storage and the bins. He commented on the process of loading and unloading and also stated that the State requires concrete or asphalt as a pad to clean up spills. Discussion on the clean storage. Building Official Marka commented on his inspection with Fire Marshal George Field. Their concerns would be the flooding possibility. Mr. Bromley stated the tank is water tight and 3' off the ground. Mr. Lenz moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Ebent the hearing closed at 7:58 p.m. Mr. Lenz made a motion to approve the request. Seconded by Mr. Lyke the motion carried unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY WARD HAUGEN Mr. Bob Peterson explained the proposal for the auto parts store. Building Official Marka commented on staff concerns with access and issues being addressed: 1) access to property 2) possible easements for future road 3) grade problems need to be resolved \J [93 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 10/16/90 0 Mr. Peterson commented on the construction plans. Discussion followed on the legal control of subdivision agreement and future platting. The City Attorney will review the subdivision agreement and in his correspondence recommends future platting. Mr. Lenz made a motion to approve contingent to platting procedures as stated in the letter by City Attorney Barry Anderson, seconded by Mr. Lyke the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY GALEN HOUK (2 MILE RADIUS) Mr. Galen Houk commented on the purpose of the split being separated by a ditch. He stated it is a buildable lot. Building Official Marka commented that the East /West roads are off the County Rd 89. Mr. Ebent made a motion to recommend approval with no objection, seconded by Mr. Gruett the motion carried unanimously. 5. OLD BUSINESS (a) UPDATE OF ZONING ORDINANCE Building Official Marka commented on the scheduling of staff review. 6. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. 0 4 A =� OGT 1990 a� N E E City of Hutchinson FEE: $25.00 APPLICATION FOR CAMEBLING DEVICE S Approved by: • AGOG Building Fire Application shall be submitted at Police _ least _ days prior to the Gambling occasion r I. C, AND I. —PPkv Name of Authorized Officer of Nace of Designated ambl�.g Organization Manager Hereby submit in duplicate this application for a license to conduct the game of gamblingin accordance with the provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance NO. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 for the license year ending qo X Signatures: Auth rized Officer of Organization Designated Gambling Man ger _ organization A. The following is to be completed by the duly authorized officer of the organization: 1. True Name: eC kw4H ,r, (last) (first) (middle) 2. Residence Address: G5 3S0 (street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Date of Birth: 4. Place of Birth (..-Eck,e�� � (mo /day /year) (city state) 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No If Yes, explain B. The following is to be completed by the designated gambling manager of organization: C 4 r 1. True Name: (last) j (first) (middle) 2. Residence Address: (� o W. (street) 3. Date of Birth: s (mo /day /year) (city) ' (state) 4. Place of Birth: to -V (, (city /state) � --? 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No –)<–. If yes, explain — 6. How long have you been a member of the organization ?, 7, Attach a copy of the official resolution or official action• designating you gambling manager. C. Game Information: 1. Place where gambling devices will be used 2. Date or dates gambling devices will be used (date and /or day(sj 3. flours of the ay gambling devices will be used: of weed) From . To 2 P.MM . N. - 4. Maximum number of players 5. Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? -' 6. Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? Yes -�< No If so, will a charge be made for such refreshments? Yes_ NO D. Organization Information: n 1. Address where regular meetings are held C vb.A - �XIfv (V"rw v C ,b b r 2. Day and time of meetings 4 �v Back r" –'-4%' a'k 3. Is the applicant organization organized under the laws of tr• State of Minnesota? Yes No 4. How long has the organization been inexistence ? 4a. How many members in the organization? L.3 5. What is the purpose of the organization? C 6. Officers of the Organization: NamP Address Title 7. Give names of officers or any other persons paid for services to the organization: Name Address Title ���� ltkeov i 61 - 1�' k �kc C- 'Secre }a V, D. Organization Information: (Continued) 8. In whose custody will organization records be }:ept ? • Name C)V, - "6 Address ( r bi�A FZ �c�i�� YU 9. If the organization carries sufficient insurance to cemper.sate the players in the event any injury is sustained by players while gambling devices are used, or while on the licensed premises, please state the ,.k Name of Insurer � -k� -�e and Policy No. 10. Have you (Manager E Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices: �e5 11. Attach a list of all active members of the organization. E. The following information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization. 1. Name of bonding company 2. Address of bonding company 3. Amount and duration of bond 4. Application is hereby made for waiver of the bonding . requirements. Yes No I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 655 relating to gambling, and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. ,r CONNIE M. LAMBERT �t NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA S T McLEOD COUNTY Signatur of authorized officer of organization '`ti�•' My Commws n Expires Mar rZ 1595 Date: 15 — YL Subscribed and sworn to before p a no ary public on this 15 day of Cube c- , 19 � �I Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public on this 19 Signature of Notary.Public Commission expires on Social Security Number: day of • I[N Business ID Number: CHP,ISTMAS APPLICATION FoIUEE - LES - _ PERMIT CITY COUNCIL of the _........._ C, ITY. ..... __.._ ...................................... ..of..._...........HUTC . ........... ....... . .... - .................... .... _, State of Minnesota: n o ' of_3� The undersigned Owner whose addresa !a ... .............. ......................_........................................................... ..... ............... ................hereby applies for a permit to ......_SELL ............. ............. CHRI STMAS .. TREES_ ...... ...... ..... ...... .... ........... . ............ - ................................................................................... .......................... .... .... upon that certain tract of land described as follows: Lot ...... ........... .._.. ................... ; Block ......... ............... -- ........ .. plator addition ... ........ .......... _ ...... _... ......... ......... .... .. ...... _. ............ ; address................................................ .............; :................ y . -.. which is of the following size and area; width .... ._._.... .. __ ..... .............feet; length ...... .... .._.. ... ... ..__ feet; area .... _...._._........ ............ .. ... ....... .... ....... ....._.. ....... ....... .......... .... ..... ....._.............._._._.............................................. ......... :......._.._........ .. _ .. ... ; and hereby agrees that, in case such permit is granted, that all work which shall be done and ali materials which shall be used shall comply with the plans and specifications therefor hereurth submitted andwith all the ordinances of sald ......... ................. CITY ......... OF ..... .... ._... HUTCHINSON ............._.. ...... .................. ................ _............. ............................... applicable thereto. .4pplicant further agrees to pay fees or assessments at the time and in the amounts specified as • followa: .... .... ............. -- ......._.........._... ............................ -.. � ... .. ..... .. .. � ... .. ... .. ......_ -_ ................_.............. _..... ............................... FEE: $5.00 _...... :.J...d," r�!'�'..... E L. E 1 , .. Owner _...._............ PeATyE£ kFIL nJ • - � l (- 4 , EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1989 J AFFIDAVIT I XXIL12 -,�) ��z ���_ _ :� AM OVER 65 YEARS OF AGE, OR I AM ON DISABILITY AS DEFINED BY THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION, AND MY INCOME PER YEAR IS LESS THAN: Family Size 2 Income $7,560 $9,180 THE STANDARD CHARGE OF $12.05 /MONTH FOR TRASH AND REFUSE SERVICE WOULD IMPOSE A FINANCIAL HARDSHIP ON ME AND I THEREFORE ASK REDUCTION OF THE CHARGE TO $1.50 /MONTH. Signature Street Address FOR OFFICE USE ONLY To: WATER DEPARTMENT Date: Account Number Data Change To: CITY COUNCIL Council Action : Date Approved Disapproved _ -P EFFECTIVE APRIL 1 AFFIDAVIT :.. Mary Postal AM 65, OVER YEARS OF AGE, OF T AM ON DISABILITY AS DEFINED BY THE SOCIAL SECURITY :'ADMINISTRATION, AND MY INCOME PER YEAR IS LESS THAN: Family Size Income $7,560 2 $9,180 SHE STANDARD CHARGE OF $12.05 /MONTH FOR TRASH AND REFUSE SERV- 'COLD IMPOSE A FINANCIAL HARDSHIP ON ME AND I THEREFORE ,..` :EDUCTION OF THE CHARGE TO $1.50 /MONTH. Signature X Street Address 559 Fourth Av Sty' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY To: WATER DEPARTMENT Date: Data Change Account Number 0 0 To: CITY COUNCIL Council Action : Date Approved Disapproved To the .......CITY COUNCIL ........... ....................... ...................................................... ............ ....................... . - ................................. . ...•--- _........_.__ of the .......... CITY ........... ........ ....... . ..... . ........ . ...... o f ... HUTCHINSON ................................ . ....... ...... ... . ..................................... ....... ... .... fit the county of ................ ............... ... ................................ . State Of Xirnuota: • The Undersigned Owner whose address ij ........ ... . .... ...... ............ . ............... her PLOW AND REMOVE SNOW WITH . . ................ . ..... reby applies for a permit to_ ............... . .......... . .............. . ........ • Upon that certain tract of land described as follows: Lot ...................... ....................... ; Block .. . ..... . ...... . . .. ...... . ... plator addition_ .................._... - . .. _. ...._......... .. . .. ............ ............. ; addreja .................... . .... which is of the following size and area; width, ..................... ............ ....... ........ feet; length _...._....— .____.._.......... feet; area ...... WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS . ............... ... .. . ............. ___ . .. . ......... I ........... ............. ................................. . .. . .......... . ... and hereby agrees that, in case such permit is granted, that all work which shall be done and all materials which shall be used shall comply with the plans and d sPecift-calicni therefor herewith submitted and with all the ordinances of said..._.._ CITY OF HUTCHINSON applicable thereto. .4pplizant further agrees to pay fees or assessments at the time and in the amounts 8pecifted 42; follows.. $1.00 C J 'A 12131, 106 ti Owner • . To the ......... C. I ... T ... Y...-COUNCIL -.--. ... ... of the.......... CITY .......... HUTCHINS ............................ ...... .......... I.0 ... LEOD ............. .......... .. -- ........................... Stl( The undersigned owner whos addr ........ ......... .... applies for a permit REMOVE SNOW W I III Z=> ............................. ...... ...... . ........ ............ Y)1/ . ..... I - 90-co upon that certain tract of land described as follows: the County of so x PLOW AND Block .._......__...__.__.__......._. plator addition.,, ....................... ................................... . ............ ............. ; address ..................._._.. - which is of the following size and area; width ................... ._........_........_._.....feet length......_....._._ ... . ... feet, area . . .... WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS --- -------- - .... . ............... ... . ......... .... and hereby agrees th in case such permit is gr that all work which shall be done and all materials which shall be used shall comply with the plans and specifications therefor herewith submitted and wUh all the ordinances of said-.-OF OF HUTCHINSON applicable thereto. ... ...... . .......... .... .. -4pplicant further agrees M pay fees or assessments at the time and in the amounts specified aj * follows: $1.00 n. • Ll ORDINANCE NO. 90 -29 , 2ND SERIES PUBLICATION NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 6.26, SUED. 3 (D) GOVERNING GAMBLING REGULATIONS AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS: THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. City Code, Sec. 6.26, Subd. 3(D) entitled "Limitations on Licenses and Permits" is hereby amended to read: D. Limitations on Licenses and Permits. No organization shall hold more than erne two (2) licenses from the Board, or permits from the City, which authorizes lawful gambling at more than ene two (2) locations, whether such locations within or without the City. Further, if a license from the Board is held by an organization, no permit shall be issued to it by the City, and if a permit from the City is held by an organization, any application to it for a license t it from the Board shall be disproved by the Council. Section 2. City Code Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including Penalty for Violation" and Section 2.99 entitled "Violation a • Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety, by reference, as though repeated verbatim herein. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this _ day of November, 1990. Paul L. Ackland, Mayor Attest: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator First reading: Second reading: Published in the Hutchinson Leader on November _, 1990. u 17,/ CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 9359 TRANSFERRING $20,581 FROM THE 1980 TAX INCREMENT DEBT SERVICE FUND TO 1982 TAX INCREMENT DEBT SERVICE FUND BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT $20,581 is hereby transferred from the 1980 Tax Increment Debt Service Fund to the 1982 Tax Increment Debt Service Fund for the payment of bonds'and interest due in 1990. Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of November 1990 Paul L. Ackland Mayor • ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator • 7-b. CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 9360 TRANSFERRING $19,737 FROM THE 1985 TAX INCREMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND TO 1985 TAX INCREMENT DEBT SERVICE FUND BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT $19,737 is hereby transferred from the 1985 Tax Increment Construction Fund to the 1985 Tax Increment Debt Service Fund for the payment of bonds and interest due in 1990 Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of November 1990 Paul L. Ackland Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator U 7—Li- RESOLUTION 9361 TRANSFERRING $163,169 FROM 1990 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BOND FUND TO GENERAL FUND FOR ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION FEES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, $163,169 is hereby transferred by the 1990 Special Assessment Construction Bond Fund to the General Fund for project administration and engineer fees. Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of November, 1990. Paul L. Ackland Mayor 9 ATTEST: Gary D. Plot2 Administrator 0 7 --P (612) 587 -5151 € HU7CH CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN, 55350 H E M 0 DATE: November 7th, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering RE: Resolutions Adding and Deleting State Aid Routes The following two resolutions are required in order to redesignate the State Aid Routes, as previously approved by the City Council on October 9, 1990. Century Avenue is being added to the system, and we propose to use State Aid Funds to reconstruct the section from Bradford Street (east of Greencastle) to T.H. 15 nest year. Final approval of the changes will be required from the Commissioner of Transportation. JPR /pv attachment 6� 4. RESOLUTION NO. 9355 RESOLUTION REVOKING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREETS WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, . Minnesota, that the roads hereinafter described should be revoked as Municipal State'Aid Streets under the provisions of Minnesota Laws; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, that the roads described as follows, to -wit: STREET CONTROL YEAR DELETIONS TERMINI SECTION SEGMENT CONST. MILEAGE Jefferson St - Washington Ave to 1st Ave NE 103 020 1953 0.08 Linden Ave - Dale St to Harrington St 106 010 1970 0.23 Linden Ave - Harrington St to Merrill St 106 020 1970 0.10 Linden Ave - Merrill St to Lynn Road 106 030 1970 0.14 Linden Ave - Glen St to Main St 106 050 1900 0.14 2nd Ave SW - Lake St to Dale St 109 010 1962 0.22 lst Ave NE - Hassan St to Jefferson St 111 015 1900 0.07 1st Ave NE - Jefferson St to Adams St ill 020 1953 0.09 McLeod Ave NE - Main St (TH 15) to Prospect St 112 010 1963 0.21 6th Ave NE - Prospect St to Bluff St NE 112 020 1963 0.20 Lake St SW - Lewis Ave to 2nd Ave SW 113 010 1963 0.06 Lake St SW - Roberts Road to Osgood Ave 114 010 1963 0.13 Lake St SW - Osgood Ave to Lewis Ave 114 020 1963 0.13 TOTAL MILEAGE 1.79 be, and hereby are, revoked as Municipal State Aid Streets of said City subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, THIS DAY OF , 1990. Mayor City Administrator 0 yL_'I RESOLUTION NO. 9356 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREETS WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, . Minnesota, that the roads hereinafter described should be designated Municipal State Aid Streets under the provisions of Minnesota Laws. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, that the roads described as follows, to -wit: STREET CONTROL ADDITIONS TERMINI SECTION SEGMENT MILEAGE Century Ave SE- TH 15 South to Bradford St 125 010 0.30 Century Ave SE- Bradford St to Jefferson St 125 020 0.34 Dale Street - Roberts Road to 2nd Ave SW 126 010 0.35 Roberts Rd SW - Lake St to Dale St , 116 020 0.14 School Rd SW - Roberts Rd to South Grade Rd 117 005 0.50 2nd Ave SW - Dale St to Main St (TH 15) 127 010 0.58 TOTAL MILEAGE 2.21 be, and hereby are established, located and designated Municipal State Aid Streets of said City subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of said roads or portions thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as Municipal State Aid Streets of the City of Hutchinson, to be numbered and known as Municipal State Aid Streets as noted above. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, THIS DAY OF , 1990. Mayor City Administrator r' "7', 537.5151 . R ° 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE Ih HUTCHI SON, PtINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U id DATE: Nov 27,1990 TO: Mavcr & City Council FROM: Water Billing Departrent SUBJECT: Delinquent water & sewer accounts for the month of Nov Attached is a listing of the delinquent water and sewer accounts for the month of November. Recommend service be discontinued on Monday, December 3rd, 1990 at Noon. • 3- 060- 0109 -017 Jerry Rogers 109 Fourth AV NW Hutchinson MN 55350 109 Fourth AV NW 117.52 cc: Donald Anderson 904 Merrill St Hutchinson MN 55350 • 3- 060 - 0244 -071 3- 335 - 0795 -091 H J Jones Mark Betker 244 Fourth Av NW 795 Colorado St Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 244 Fourth Av NW 795 Colorado St 46.69 182.89 Promises 11 -29 -90 3- 500 - 0316 -082 3- 075 - 0194 -003 Tammy Olson Carol Rosch 316 Hwy 7 East 194 Fifth Av NE Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 316 Hwy 7 East 194 Fifth Av NE 91.28 158.00 Promises 11 -30 -90 3- 505 - 0840 -083 Mark Hlavka 3- 130 - 0136 -041 840 Hwy 7 West Miles Willhite Hutchinson M11 55350 136 11th Av NE 840 Hwy 7 West Hutchinson MN 55350 51.23 136 11th Av NE cc: Hutch Mfg Co 174.58 720 Hwy 7 West Promises $25 /wk Begin 12 -07 Hutchinson MN 55350 3- 275 -0460 -132 3- 530 - 0712 -021 Country Club Ter Vince Jahner Hutch Inc 712 Hilltop Dr • 369 E Kellogg Blvd Hutchinson MN 55350 St Paul MN 55101 712 Hilltop Dr 460 California St 351.94 4373.92 cc: James Schlagel 656 Juul Rd 3- 275- 0486 -053 Hutchinson MN 55350 Vance Woller 486 California St 3- 535 - 0425 -051 Hutchinson MN 55350 Judy Kopesky 486 California St Box 606 116.53 Hutchinson MN 55350 425 Huron St 3- 275 - 0721 -001 25.05 Shelia Jaster 721 California St 3- 655 - 0823 -071 Hutchinson MN 55350 Jan Schmidt 721 California St 823 Lindy Ln 44.22 Hutchinson MN 55350 823 Lindy Ln 3- 320 - 0481 -052 126.19 James Reilein . Clark S 5 - 3- 680 - 0625 -041 Hutchinson MN 55350 Alex Saloum 481 Clark St 825 Main St N 143.09 Hutchinson MN 55350 • 825 Main St N 166.53 3- 680 -0873 -056 Keith Rademacher 873 Main St N Hutchinson MN 5350 873 Main St N 138.05 cc: John Brinkman 1585 Homer Rd Winona MN 55987 Promises 1/2 11 -30 -90 12 -90 3- 680 - 0875 -034 Joel Ringeisen 875 Main St N Hutchinson MN 55350 875 Main St N 43.77 cc: John Brinkman 1585 Homer Rd Winona MN 55987 3- 815 - 0531 -071 Martin Koepp Jr 531 Prospect St Hutchinson MN 55350 531 Prospect St 101.09 3- 815 - 0577 -027 Bal 12- Pedro Trivino 577 Prospect St Hutchinson MN 55350 577 Prospect St 90.15 cc: Mrs Dan Carrigan 530 Larson St Hutchinson MN 55350 Promises 11 -29 -90 3- 680 -0877 -011 Sharon Sauter 877 Main St N Hutchinson MN 55350 877 Main St N 95.21 cc: Bruce Crosby 879 Main St N Hutchinson MN 55350 Promises 11 -30 -90 3 -705- 0083 -021 Susan Griep 83 McLeod Av Hutchinson MN 55350 83 McLeod Av 42.88 Promises 11 -30 -90 3- 735- 0540 -031 James Deragon 540 Monroe St S Hutchinson NN 55350 540 Monroe St S 213.02 3 -0000- 0575 -012 Rodney Markgraf 575 Peterson Circle Hutchinson MN 55350 575 Peterson Circle 209.35 3- 870 -0478 -041 Alvin Baune 478 Shady Ridge Rd Hutchinson MN 55350 478 Shady Ridge Rd 135.53 Promises 11 -30 -90 3- 870- 0707 -071 Jeff Hart 707 Shady Ridge Rd Hutchinson MN 5550 707 Shady Ridge Rd 180.05 2- 050 - 0635 -083 Karna Robinson 635 Third Av SW Hutchinson MN 55350 635 Third Av SW 177.29 Promises 11 -30 -90 2-470- 0715 -031 E Duesterhoeft 715 Harrington St Hutchinson MN 55350 715 Harrington St 319.00 Promises $100 12 -15 -90 Bal 12- 28-90 • • V ilk community action agency, inc. - 1 Mid -Town Plaza 310 South First Street Box 1359 Willmar, Minnesota 56201 \ , (612) 235 -0850 1 -800- 992 -1710 (Tall Free) (� Fax No. 1- 612 - 235 - 7703 \ l To: Citv c* Hutchinson From Lynn Peterson. Senior Nutrition Procram Cocr„inator Subject: 1991 Lease Date: November 8th, 1990 Enclosed you will find two conies of the 1991 lease. 67 �10r 2 NOI/J990 > p� The utility reimbursement is determined by the number of meals we oroect we will be preoaring in the Hutchinson kitchen in 1991. 1 am increasirfg the reimbursement per meal over the 1990 lease from $.06 for meals prepared and served in Hutchinson and $.10 for meals tran,soortod t•) other communities, to $.065 for meats served in Hutchinson and $.110 for meals transoorted to other communities with $.095 paid fcr . ai.. meals served to home bound persons. Cormurities such as Hutchinson that are willing to act as hosts for our cao` kitchens are very important to tre success of our programs. We are most willing to cooperate in any wav that we can. I have signed one cony of the lease for your file and will need the other coov signed anc returnee. Thank Ycu. Please tail me if you have any c :jestions. 0 Heartland Community Action Agency is an Equal Opportunity Employer V, PARKS RECREATION • FORESTRY 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 (612) 587-2975 SENIOR CENTER CIVIC ARENA :_ _ Ma 587.6564 587 -4279 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Dolf Moon and Barb Haugen DATE: November 20, 1990 RE: 1991 Lease Agreement with Senior Nutrition Program We recommend that the City Council enter into agreement with the Heartland Community Action Agency for the agreed sum of $860 per quarter which represents a $24 increase over the 1990 Lease Agree- ment. We also recommend to include the following attachment to the 1991 Agreement to better address what the City of Hutchinson and the Heartland Agency are responsible for concerning repair /maintenance/ Utilities. Under "Repair /Maintenance /Utilities ": ... The Lessor will be responsible for major housekeeping chores: cleaning bathrooms, washing windows, scrubbing kitchen floors and shoveling snow. The Lessee will conduct daily light housekeeping as follows: daily sweeping of floor, wiping down cupboards, shelves, countertops, dishwasher, freezers, refrigerators, keeping stoves and ovens in clean order (inside and out) keeping items off the floor space, keeping kitchen in generally good appearence and in neat order. 51. �1 �.7 THIS AGREEHFNT, signed and dated below, specifies the terms and conditions as agreed by the City of Hutchinson (Lessor) and Heartland Community Action Agency Senior Nutrition Program (Lessee) for Lessee to use the premises described as: Hutchinson Senior Center, 115 Jefferson Street, Hutchinson, MN 55350. BOTH PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 'BERM This lease shall be in effect for the calendar year 1991 and renewable annually thereafter until either party provides 60 days written notice of intent to terminate. REIMBURSEMENT The quarterly payments of $860.00 dollars each shall be paid to the Lessor for reimbursement of utility and maintenance expenses directly associated with Lessee's use of the premises. This amount shall be reduced in any month on a prorated basis if the Lessee's use is terminated or less than the usage at the beginning of the term. U SE OF PREMISES Lessee shall have the right to use the kitchen from 5:00 AM to 2:00 PM and dining /common area from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM daily, Monday through Friday, to provide meals and social services to senior citizens. In the event the Lessor must unavoidably use the premises during these hours the Lessee shall be notified two weeks in advance and provided with an acceptable alternate option or receive a prorated credit toward reimbursement owed Lessor. REPAIR /MAINTENANCE /UTILITIES Lessor agrees to maintain the premises including sidewalks and parking lots in good order to insure safe, sanitary, and habitable occupancy by Lessee. Lessor agrees to maintain all Lessor owned equipment and fixtures included in the leased premises in safe and good working order. Lessor agrees to maintain all structural components (including but not limited to: mechanical, plumbing, electrical, all surfaces including glass, etc.) in safe and good condition. All such repair and maintenance is at Lessor's expense. The Lessor will be responsible for major housekeeping chores, (i.e. cleaning bathrooms, cleaning carpet, washing windows, and shoveling snow.) The Lessee will conduct daily light housekeeping. Utility payments to the vendors shall be the responsibility of the Lessor. LESSEE PROPERTY All goods, foodstuffs, fixtures, equipment and personal property of the Lessee shall remain the property of and reserved for the Lessee at all times. Any damage /disappearance mysterious or otherwise, during the Lessor's use of the premises shall be the Lessor's responsibility to reimburse Heartland Community Action Agency for replacement cost. 9- LESSOR PROVIDED TRADE FIXTURES The Lessor shall provide refrigeration, oven, washing and storage fixtures as- well -as place settings, tables and chairs, and cleaning utensils for mealsite operation at the level described in "special conditions ". This property remains the Lessor's if provided at the Lessor's expense. INSURANCE The Lessee agrees to carry personal property insurance to cover all its contents and personal property on the leased premises. ASSIGNS The terms and agreements of this lease shall extend to and bind the heirs, assigns, and executors of both parties. FOOD LICENSE The Lessee will maintain a Minnesota Food License for Program_ operations only. The Lessor is responsible to ensure that any other food preparation activities in the facility are in compliance with Minnesota State Law. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. The Lessee will maintain telephone service for program use only. B. The Lessor will provide adequate place settings and other fixtures for an average meal service capacity of 80 persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF both parties have executed this agreement with their signature below as dated. LESSEE LESSOR Heartland Community Action Agency City of Hutchinson Senior_Nutrit;iOn Program V 1e-. ' Program Coordinator Date Titl E'1 Tit (leases) 11/90 W 37 (612) 587.5151 C/TY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST TCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O 0 0 DATE: October 23, 1990 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: James C. Marks, Building Official RE: 1990 Building Department Budget Review As of 9 -30 -1990, the Building Department Revenues were $88,447. The budgeted revenues for 1990 are $91,300.00. The following permit fees remaining to be collected include: 1990 has been very active and I an requesting approval to continue working Mark Hensen up to three day per week until January 1, 1990 and Marilyn M. Swanson two days per week until January 1, 1991. All part time staff hours will remain below the insurance benefit limit. JGM /pv Approximate Fee 1) Car Quest /Ward Haugen's Building $ 2,500 ? 2) Hutchinson Hospital $ 46,000 C<,e0e 3) Mike's Mobil $ 1,200 - c„ +'c c+ (q 4) Approximately 10 -12 Homes (I estimate $ 10,800 c dcc cam �P> 47 -50 new homes this year) 5) 3M Material Handling - Mag Plant $ 3,600 cddccito 6) 3M Shipping Consolidation $ 2,200 7) 3M Solvent Recovery Tape Plant $ 2,600 $ 68,900 1990 has been very active and I an requesting approval to continue working Mark Hensen up to three day per week until January 1, 1990 and Marilyn M. Swanson two days per week until January 1, 1991. All part time staff hours will remain below the insurance benefit limit. JGM /pv a ?'_k (612) 587 -5151 .�i 37 t" f ^ oN!NGT ONAVENUE WEST , H�'7C+ Mi;VN. 55350 November 20, 1990 MEMO TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LTD INSURANCE RENEWAL We have received the renewal rates for 1991 on our group employee insurance for Long Term Disability. The original quote from the company was for .0065 of covered payroll. This represented an increase from our current level of .0061 of cover payroll or 6.5 percent. Dennis Potter, Agent for Mutual Benefit Companies reviewed the rate increase. After his discussion with Mutual Benefit Companies we have received a letter with a renewal rate of .0061 of covered • payroll, or our current rate. It would be the recommendation to agree to the new policy with Mutual Benefit Companies with no rate change for the policy period January 1 to December 31, 1991. �f� (572) 587 -5151 q r} I ! y W OF ?$ S� VIASH1vG7OdAVEN"r j7 H1;r ;,1SON Ili '`N �r35C November 21, 1990 MEMO TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GASOLINE USAGE FOR 1990 I have asked the Directors to review the motor fuel and lubricant line in each of the respective budget for 1990. As we are aware fuel costs have been increasing rapidly over the past months. Presently the City is paying $1.279 on our last billing from Cennex. Needless to say this is significant over our 99 cents per gallon we were paying at the beginning of the year. This leads to the fact some of the department's budgets have spent or are coming very close to spending their budget dollars before • reaching the month of December. Each Director who sees a problem has responded with a memo which I have attached. For some adjustments can be made within their budgets and will be able to handle the problem internally. (This is assuming no serve weather.) In the case of our police department the problem is not easily solved as reported by Chief Madson in his memo. As of October 1990 we have spent, for the entire General Fund budget, $70,378 of the $71,350 budgeted. We would ask City Council authorization of up to $10,000 from contingency dollars. We will ask each department to implement what energy savings they can employ to save on fuel costs. We will, however, for the remainder of this year provide the same service level. Needless to say the 1991 budget may be impacted if fuel prices continue remain at there current high levels. All.directors will be reviewing their respective budgets and looking at alternatives. • TO: Ken Merrill FROM: Dolf Moon RE: Status 4211 -46 r DATE: November 20, 1990 Through October 31, 1990, $8364.07 has been expended for motor fuels and lubricants, leaving a balance of $135.93 for the year 1990, with expenditures of $1650.04 for November and December in the 1989 budget, much of which can be attributed to Celebrate Minnesota costs. I would anticipate over running the account by $1000 - $1400 this year, based on previous years experiences and of course weather will be the unknown factor. I feel there will be room to absorb these costs within the current budget based on the October 31, 1990 report. As a short term solution, the department will double up on vehicle usage whenever possible. 11 • City Hail Parks & Recreation 37 Washington Avenue blest 900 Harrington Street (612) 557 -5151 (612) 557 -2975 Hutchinson, Alimicsota 55350 - Printed orr recvcied rarer - Police Department 10 Franklin Street South (612) 157 -2242 • MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Steve Madson, Chief of PolicN DATE: November 20, 1990 RE: Motor Vehicle Fuel As you are aware, the Middle East crisis has caused a dramatic increase in the cost of gasoline. The police department budget line item, "Motor Fuels and Lubricants ", object code 4211, is currently $1,585.44 over budget. The original budgeted amount was 11,000.00. As of October 31, 1990, the amount expended is $12,585.44. With the increase in fuel costs and with no foreseeable relief from the high costs I am requesting guidance on how you wish the police department to proceed. I believe there are three alternatives that can be utilized to deal with this problem. . The first idea is to restrict the number of miles driven by the officers. This will reduce the fuel consumption but will also reduce the ability of the department to deal with certain types of criminal activity as well as traffic enforcement. The second idea is to "double up" the officers into one patrol car. This situation would keep two officers on the street however we would significantly reduce visibility and patrol penetration. The third idea is to utilize contingency funds to pay for the increased gasoline costs thereby not affecting police department operation. I request guidance as to what alternative I should use, not only for the balance of 1990 but also 1991. If you have any questions or concerns about this memorandum, please do not hesitate to contact me. /lkg 90 -01 -0011 g 25-, / (612) 587.5151 ;mnl ,i CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTONAVENUE WEST HUTCRINSON, MiNN 5535C H E M 0 DATE: November 21, 1990 TO: Kenneth B. Merrill, Finance Director FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering RE: 1990 Budget Balance Division 18 - Engineering "Motor Fuels and Lubricants" (Object #4211) is currently 50% over the budgeted amount, and could go as high as another 25% before the end of the year. This is based on several reasons: 1. There was a significant increase in projects and inspectors covering various projects. An extra vehicle was utilized much of the year. 2. The Fairmont was utilized by several departments for travel to other cities for conferences and meetings. I don't know what, if anything, • was budgeted for this. 3. Gas prices increased significantly. 4. The item was underbudgeted to begin with. I believe that another $750.00 will be needed to meet this budget. Other Considerations: "Machinery and Equipment" (Object #4530) is not credited for State -Aid rebates. The actual total spent should be $3,325.20, not $8,313.00. "Moving and Relocation" (Object #4377) was not included in the budget and adds almost $2,900.00 to the expenditures. This should be considered as an unforeseen cost, or else $2,900.00 would have to be cut somewhere to make up for it. "Printing and Publishing" (Object #4340) was proposed to be cut $1,000 - $2,000 as part of the budget cutback proposals related to the loss of State -Aid Funds. It looks like we will be approximately $2,000.00 below the budgeted amount. All things considered, our final numbers should be very close to the proposed 1990 Budget. • JPR /pv CC: Mayor and City Council 05 / (612) 587 -5151 � C/TY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 R A P! D U M DATE: November 19, 1990 TO: JOHN RODEBERG — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: DEPARTMENTS OF STREET, CEMETERY AND AIRPORT — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: FUEL SUPPLY — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — This is just a note to inform you that there is sufficient funding in the Budget to cover expenses for the rest of 1990's fuel supply. • L 11 9 -TF, CITY OF HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DISPENSARY 1989 1991 SALES PRO -FORMA LIQUOR 430111 435000 WINE 132706 151000 BEER & MISC. 685216 701400 MISCELLANEOUS 38245 40895 QUANTITY DISCOUNTS -1380 -1500 TOTAL 1284898 1326795 COST OF SALES 981860 1039400 GROSS PROFIT 303038 287395 OPERATING EXPENSE SALARIES 114190 105279 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 31219 27902 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2248 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 73 300 CLOTHING & PERSONAL EQUIP. 0 400 LOGIS - COMPUTER OPERATIONS 8164 7000 MAINTENANCE- SUPPLIES 9413 4000 SMALL TOOLS 0 0 DEPRECIATION 5500 7100 . COMMUNICATIONS 1053 1150 UTILITIES 8511 9000 PRINTING & PUBL. 0 400 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 8176 14000 TRAVEL, SCHOOL, & CONFERENCES 230 300 ADVERTISING 3833 3500 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 586 500 RENTALS 21000 MISC. 1309 1000 TOTAL OPERATING EXP. 194505 204831 OPERATING INCOME 108533 82564 OTHER REVENUES / EXPENSES MISC. 0 0 INTEREST 7686 7500 TOTAL OTHER 7686 7500 NET INCOME 116219 90064 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 110000 110000 9 -TF, 80 LIQUOR W INE BEER MISCELLANEOUS DISCOUNTS INTEREST TOTAL SALES I 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON LIQUOR STORE SALES (-?-F PROPOSED 1988 1989 1990 1991 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET --------------------------------------------- $430,681 $430,111 $435,000 $435,000 $149,608 $132,706 $151,000 $151,000 $694,432 $685,216 $701,400 $701,400 $40,490 $38,245 $40,895 $40,895 ($1,999) ($1,380) ($2,100) ($1,500) $6,963 $7,686 $6,500 $7,500 --------------------------------------------- $1,320,175 $1 $1,332,695 $1,334,295 (-?-F 1990 CITY #HUTCHINSON (OPTION 02) DIVISION-- BUDOWORKSHEET -BY OBJECT AS OF 10 -12 -90 . PAGE 8 41 LIQUOR STORE DIV 90 OPERATIONS OBJECT DESCRIPTION 1990 1991 1991 1991' ' 1988 1989 1990 Y -T -D EST ;' DEPT MGR COUNCIL ' ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -90 ACTUAL' REQUEST RECOMMD ADOPTED 4100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAGES- REG.EMPLOYEES 76242 70604 88401 40556 I 78283 I I I 4112 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 T REG EMPLOYEES 458 I I I I 4120 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------•-•-----------------------------"---------------------- WAGES- TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 20778 27759 23540 12921 I 21996 I I I 4121 --------------------------- OVERTIME WAGE - TEMPORARY 13 I I I I 4131 ------------------------------ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VACATION PAY 3737 6012 1473 I I ---..._-__----------------------- I I ______. 4132 -------------------------------------------- HOLIDAY PAY _ ----------------------------- 3043 3257 _ ----------------- 1681 _ ---------------------------------------------- I I I I 4133 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SICK PAY 2071 _----- - -------------------------- 6099 492 897 - ----------------------------------------------------- I 375 I I I 4141 -- PERA (COORDINATED) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4494 6370 5029 2387 I 4621 I I I 4144 ----------------------------------------------- FICA - CITY PORTION 7937 9758 8601 4098 I 7671 I I I 4145 MEDICARE 105 ------------------------- 143 -----" 57 ---------------------------------------------------- I I I I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4150 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LMPL HEALTH & INS BENEF 13274 13919 17600 8822 I 14035 I I I 4154 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORKMENS COMP. INSURANCE 717 853 1000 58 I 1000 I I I 4155 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 176 100 12 I 200 I I I " "A• --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-------------- TOTAL PERS SERVICES 132398 145408 144763 72975 I 128181 I I I 4200 --------------------------- OFFICE SUPPLIES 180 73 300 78 I 300 I I I 4210 - ----------------------------------- OPERATING SUPPLIES 959 1962 1500 • ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1870 I 2000 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------ 4213 CLOTHING & PERS.EQUIP 287 - ----------------------------------------- I 400 I - ---------------------------- I I ---- - --------------- ----------------------------------------------- 4220 REPAIR & MAINT.SUPPLIES 975 - ------------------------------------ 526 1000 12 I r-------------------------- 1000 I . I - I - ------ "-' ------------------------------------------------ **" TOTAL SUPPLIES.REP.MAINT 2114 - ---------------------------------------------------- 2848 2800 1960 I 3700 I ------------------ I I ------------------------ 4309 - --------------------------------------------------- OTHER CONTRACTUAL 426 333 500 222 ------------------------------------------------------ I 500 I I -------------- I _------- ------------------------------------ 4310 COMMUNICATIONS _ ------ 944 _ ------------------------- 1053 1000 •---------------- 461 I - --------------------- 1050 I . I I --' -------------------------------- 4311 POSTAGE - ------------- 93 - --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- I 100 I I ----- -- - -- -- I ----------- ------ -, ------------------ 4320 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 210 230 500 142 I 300 I 1 I 1 ----------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------- _ --------------------------- ----- 4330 ADVERTISING 2848 3552 3000 1379 I 3500 I I I ----------------------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------------------------------- 4340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING 280 100 419 I 400 I I I -- ------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------- h - --------------------------------------- 41 LIQUOR STORE DV 90 OPERATIONS C.1 1970 CITY OF OCHINSON 41 LIQUOR STORE OBJECT DESCRIPTION (OPTION 02) DIVISION-- BUDGET SKSHEET -BY OBJECT DIV 90 OPERATIONS AS OF 10 -12-90 1991 1988 1989 1990 Y -T -D 1990 199 EST DEPT 1 MGR COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30-90 ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMD ADOPTED • PAGE S2 4351 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENL LIAR.- INSURANCE 14514 8176 14000 11514 I 14000 I I I 43G0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UTILITIES 8605 8511 9000 3882 I 9000 I I I 4370 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACT REPAIR &MAINT. 2002 2700 2500 494 I 2500 I I ----- I 4380 RENTALS 500 I 21000 I ---- I ---------------------- I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4385 ------------------------------------ DATA PROC.EQUIP.RENTAL 5078 8164 6100 1753 I 7000 I --------- --- ----- I ------ ----- ------ - ----- 'I --- ----- - -- --- AAAA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------"--------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 0TH SERV AND CHARGE - ------------------------------------------------------- 34720 32999 37200 20266 I 59350 I ------ I --- -------- I 4401 -------------------------------------------- DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 843 586 500 310 I 500 I I I 4405 DEPRECIATION 3965 ------- ----------------------'^ 5500 5000 -----------------------'-------------------------------- I 7100 I I I - ------ ---------------- 4409 --- ----------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS 1132 637 --^------------------------------------------------------------- 500 393 I 1000 I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'--------------------------------- - -A- TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 5990 6723 6000 703 I 8600 I I I ----------------------- 4510 - ---------------- BUILDINGS ------------- - ------------- - ------------ -__ I --------------------------------- I I ---------------- I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4530 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 338 208 I 500 I I I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'------------------- ^•^" TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 338 208 I 500 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4700 PERMANENT TRANSFERS 110000 110000 110000 I 110000 I I I -------------------------- - -A - ------------------- TOTAL TRANSFER 110000 - -------------------- 110000 110000 --- ------ ----' ----------------- I 110000 I - --------------------------------- I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4803 CASH SHORTAGE 74 86 100 59 I 100 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4810 COST OF SALES- LIQOUR 325431 324137 328900 158163 I 328900 I I I ---------------------------- 4811 - ------------------------------------------ COST OF SALES -WINE 93655 85211 95400 -__--'----- 48928 ' I ------------------------------------------------- 95400 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4812 COST OF SALES -BEER &.ALE 553199 546500 559300 267269 I 559300 I I --------------------------- I -------------------------------------------------- 4813 COST OF MI% & SOFT DRINKS 33655 - ------------------------------------------------------ 32553 33700 13107 I 33700 I I I ____________________________-----__--___-__-_---__---___-_-_-----___-_.----------_-__--__---------_------_----__----_----__---__--_- A A " TOTAL OTHER DISBURSEMENTS 1006014 988487 1017400 487526 I 1017400 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4815 CASE DEPOSITS 14630- 13075- 15000 5275- I 15000 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4816 FREIGHT 6743 6448 6800 3177 I 7000 I I I --------------------------------------------------------- - ----------- ' ------------------ -----------L--------------------------- 4995 CONTINGENCY 5000 I 5000 I I I - ------- ----------------------------------------- AA•- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL OTHER - 7887- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6627- 26800 2098- I 27000 I I ----------------'-- I ------------ 41 LIQUOR STORE DV 90 OPERATIONS 82 I 3L 41 LIQUOR STORE DV 90 OPERATIONS s' 1930 CITY OF HUTCHINSON (OPTION 02) DIVISION-- BUDGET WORKSHEET -BY OBJECT AS OF 30 -12-70 PAGE 83 41 LIQUOR STORE DIV 70 OPERATIONS OBJECT DESCRIPTION 1990 1991 1991 1991 1988 1989 1990 Y -T -D EST DEPT MGR COUNCIL ' ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -90 ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMD ADOPTED TOTAL AMOUNTS THIS DIVISION 1283349 1280176 1344963 581540 I 1354731 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-___---_-___--____-_----_----_.-_--_--___- TOTAL AMOUNTS THIS FUND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1283349 1280176 1344963 581540 I 1354731 I I I ------- ----- --------- --- ------- I 3L 41 LIQUOR STORE DV 90 OPERATIONS s' • CITY OF HUTCHINSON ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT NO. Liquor Store Operations 90 REGULAR PERSONAL SERVICES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES Number of 1990 Employees Salary Revised 1991 Classification Grade Budget 1990 1991 Proposed Reaular Employees Manager 1 1 F S 31,443 $ 31,445 Sales Clerk 3 2 V 56,958 38,232 Clerk P.P.T. 1 IV 8,606 4 4 S 88,401 $ 78,283 • Capital Outlay Building Interior Remodeling $ 10,000 machinery & Equipment S 500 84 • r I ", OPERATING REVENUES CITY OF HUTCHINSON INCOME STATEMENT WATER SEWER REFUSE FUND - 1991 PRO -FORMA WATER SEWER REFUSE CHARGES FOR SERVICES 531,800 1,504,000 666,000 METER SALES 8,000 FEDERAL GRANT 0 MISCELLANEOUS 10,000 10,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 549,800 1,514,000 666,000 OPERATING EXPENSES PERSONAL SERVICES 117,511 230,696 SUPPLIES, REPAIRS & MAINT. 48,700 71,100 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 129,850 203,495 687,850 DEPRECIATION 145,000 570,000 MISCELLANEOUS 16,400 16,200 TOTAL -- - - - - -- -- 457,461 - - - - -- 1 -- - - - - -- 687,850 NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) INTEREST INCOME 80,000 80,000 INTEREST & PAYING AGENT (129,275) (404,094) TOTAL -- - - - - -- -- (49,275) - - - - -- (324,094) -- - -- - -- 0 NET INCOME 43,064 98,415 (21,850) TOTAL 2,701,800 8,000 0 20,000 2,729,800 348,207 119,800, 1,021,195 715,000 0 2,236,802 160,000 (533,369) 0 (373,369) 0 119,629 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WATER AND SEWER FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS FUND EQUITY YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1989 OPERATING REVENUES Charges for services Meter sales and water testing Penalties Total operating revenues OPERATING EXPENSES Personal services Supplies, repairs and maintenance Other services and charges Depreciation Miscellaneous Total operating expenses OPERATING INCOME NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Interest income Miscellaneous Interest expense Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) NET INCOME REI -AINED EARNINGS /FUND EQUITY - BE E GINNING OF YEAR CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL RETAINED EARNINGS /FUND EQUITY - END OF YEAR Water Sewer Refuse Total $521,539 $1,443,200 $446,604 $ 2,411,343 8,993 8,993 7,992 _ 7,992 _ 15,984 538,524 1,451,192 446,604 2,436,320 95,712 192,401 288,113 45,588 61,790 107,378 104,770 313,030 493,482 911,282 178,901 566,572 745,473 _12,953 15,224 _ 28,177 437,924 1,149,017 493,482 2,080,423 100,600 302,175 (46,878 355,897 56,304 56,304 112,608 16,583 16,583 33,166 ( 141,113 ) (440,710 (581,823 (68,226 (367,823 f436,049 $ 32,374 $ _ (65,648 $ (46,878 ) (80,152) 12,814,517 1,108,968 $ 13,843,333 -67- 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON WATER SEWER REFUSE REVENUE • F. 1988 1989 1990 1991 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED WATER --------------------------------------------- $542,351 $521,539 $516,400 $531,800 SEWER $684,188 $1,443,200 $1,388,400 $1,504,000 E.P.A. SEWER CHARGES $435,374 REFUSE $407,039 $446,604 $441,203 $582,000 ETER SALES $12,979 $8,993 $6,500 $8,000 FEDERAL GRANT REIMBURSEMENT $1,897,103 $1,108,968 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENT $8,103 $0 $8,000 $3,000 INTEREST $191,793 $112,608 $160,000 $160,000 PENALITIES $12,724 $15,984 $11,000 $15,000 MISC. ($891) $33,166 $2,000 $2,000 TOTAL REVENUE -------------------------------------------- $4,190,763 $3,691,062 $2,533,503 $2,805,800 • F. 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DV 61 OPERATIONS 84 n r 1590 - CITY OF HUTCHINSON (OPTION 021 DIVISION -- BUDGET WORKSHEET -BY OBJECT AS OF 10-12 -90 PAGE n X 84 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DIV 81 Refuses - OBJECT DESCRIPTION 1990 1991 1991 1991 1988 1989 1990 Y -T -D EST DEPT MGR COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -90 ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMD ADOPTED 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 12932 I 1 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4309 OTHER CONTRACTUAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 367300 480150 452300 246973 I 665850 I I I 4363 REFUSE RECYLING '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4927 I 22000 I I I 4380 RENTALS 400 I I I 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------_--------------------_-------------_------------------------- " •' TOTAL 0TH SERV AND CHARGE 367300 493482 452300 251900 I 687850 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL AMOUNTS THIS DIVISION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 367300 493482 452300 251900 I 687850 I I ----+--- -------- I --------------- 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DV 61 OPERATIONS 84 n r f � • 1990 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES OBJECT DESCRIPTION (OPTION 02) DIVISION-- BUDGET WORKSHEET -BY OBJECT AS OF 10 -12 -90 PAGE DIV 82 WATER 1990 1991 1991 1991 1988 1989 1990 Y -T -D EST DEPT MGR COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -90 ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMD ADOPTED BS ;- 4100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAGES- REG.EMPLOY£ES 57605 59733 69204 28365 I 73216 I I I 4112 0 T REG EMPLOYEES 3688 1108 2000 1306 I 2000 I -- I ---- -- -- --- -- --- --- -- -- - -:. I . -. -- 4120 WAGES - TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 2163 2375 8000 1963 I 6000 I I I ----------------------------------- _ _------ _-- -_ - -_. -- _--------- _--- _----- - - - - -- _ -__ ------ . ----------- - ------------------------------------------ 4131 VACATION PAY 5242 5055 2273 I I I T ..-•----------------•---.- -- ------ -- `-- `- _.------ .• --- -- . »:. 4132 HOLIDAY PAY 2900 3403 1757 I I I I `----------- --- ---`- -`------- - -` --- - --------- - 2618 `-- `-`_------ --- --- - - -` •_------------__------------- `-------- `-`- `- `_•------- - -- - -- 4133 SICK PAY 3135 691 4549 I 366 I I I --------------------------------- 4141 PERA (COORDINATED] ` ------------------------------------------------------------ 2957 2940 3577 1685 I 3467 ----------------------- I I --`-------------- `-------------- I --------- -------------------------`--------`---------------`---------`--------------`-----_-•---------------`-- 4144 -------------`----------------------`---------------------------------.----.----------------------`------------------------`---`---- FICA - CITY PORTION 5225 5220 6112 2926 I 6241 I -- I +- I 4145 MEDICARE 31 34 28 I I I I ---------------------- 4150 _ ------------------------------------------- EMPL HEALTH & INS BENEF 8100 11977 15070 _ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8927 I 16221 I I I ----------------------------------------------------------•----.-_-._---------_------`--`------------------`------------------`----- 4154 WORKMENS COMP. INSURANCE 802 724 852 I 1000 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------- .. "A TOTAL PERS SERVICES 91331 95704 ` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 104654 54631 I 10851l I I I -------------------------------------------------------------- 4200 OFFICE SUPPLIES 242 176 - 300 ---------------------- 41 I - ---------------------------------------------- 300 I I I --------------------------`--`-------`-----------------------`--------------------------------`---------------------`--------------- 4210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 13011 30994 26000 3656 I 26000 I I I ---------------------- 4211 I -------------------------------- MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 1163 1197 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2500 768 I 2000 I I I `-------`--------`---`--`----------`----`-`------------------`--------`---------------`-----`----`-----------`-`-----`--`---------`- 4212 CLEANING SUPPLIES 57 126 200 90 I 200 I I I ---------------------------`-----------------------`--`-------------------------------------`------`----------------------_--------- 4213 CLOTHING & PERS.EQUIP 619 585 800 383 I 700 I I I -----------------------------`------------------------`--------------------------------`----`--------------------------------------- 4216 SAFETY SUPPLIES 30 67 300 I 300 I I ' I - --------- 4220 - ------------ `----------------------------------------------- REPAIR & MAINT.SUPPLIES 2403 2068 2500 - -------------------------- 5897 I 2500 _ ---------------------------------- I I _------------------------------ I ---------------------------- 4221 •------- EQUIPMENT PARTS _ ------------------------------------- 3565 1311 4500 - 335 -------------------------- I 4500 I I I ------------------------------------`------`----------------`_---_-------`--`-_--_-__--------`----_-`-----------`--------------_-.--- 4223 METERS & METER PARTS 16392 8888 16000 3708 I 12000 I I I -----------------------------------------------'_---_------_----_--_-__-----_-.--_-.-`._-____.-_--_-----`------------`---------.---- 4230 SMALL TOOLS 186 177 200 3 I 200 I I I - - --- ----- `- ` - - -- -` - -` -`---`-`---`--- `--- `---- `----- `------------------------------------------------------------ •__•-- -- - - -- -- ­AA SUPPLIES REP,MAINT 37668 45589 53300 14881 I 48700 I 1 I I ----`----------`-`---------------------`----------`---------••---^.-`-------`-----------------`=----------------------------------- 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11076 27917 15000 84 I 35000 I I I ------------------------------------- 4300 OTHER CONTRACTUAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10936 2902 12000 1015 I 10000 I 1 I -------`-----------------`-----------`--------------- ---- --- ------------------ ------ -----`---`-------------------`-'---'"-`--"--- 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DV 82 WATER 85 1900 OF HUTCHINSON (OPTION 021 DIVISION -- BUDGET WORKSHEET -BY OBJECT AS OF 10 -12-90 .PAGE ,t 80 42 WATER 6 SEWER UTILITIES DIV 82 WATER`'. OBJECT DESCRIPTION 1990 1991 1991 1991 1988 1989 1990 Y -T -D EST DEPT MGR COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -90 ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMD ADOPTED 4310 COMMUNICATIONS 219961- 1218 1100 726 I 1100 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------`----------------------------------------------- 4311 POSTAGE 1363 1419 2200 1528 I 1500 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-•--------------------------------------------------- 4320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 643 943 1450 305 I 1450 I I 1 ---------------------------•.__---_____----"'----------------------------------------•_-'_----------------------------------------- 4340 PRINTING S PUBLISHING 396 315 600 20 I 400 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------•------___.-....----------------------------------------___.------------ 4351 GENL LIAR.- INSURANCE 11G59 9392 14000 6445 I 13000 I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------__.------------------------------------------------------------- 4360 UTILITIES 50175 41905 52000 20443 I 50000 I I I ---- ------ -'- -------------------------------------------------------------- 4370 CONTRACT REPAIR 4 MAINT. 9725 12659 15000 ' ------------------------------------------------------ 2719 I 12000 I I - ---------------------------------- 1 ' -------------------------------------------- 4380 RENTALS 138 -- --------- 142 - ----------------------------- 900 88 I - ---------- 800 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4385 DATA PROC.EQUIP.RENTAL 2794 4734 4000 2965 I 4000 I I - ------------------------------------ I ---------------------------- 4388 ----------------------- CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 658 - 1224 ------------------------------------------- 500 445 I 600 I I I ---------------------------- ^AAA ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 0TH SERV AND CHARGE 12039 104770 118750 36783 I 129850 I --------------------------------------- I I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'__.__--------------------- 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 367 224 400 105 I 400 I I I -------------------------------- 4405 DEPRECIATION _ ----------------------------------- 103781 178901 163000 _ ---------------------------------- I 145000 I I ' ---------------------------- I '-' ------------------------ 4409 - --------------------- MISCELLANEOUS 380 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 455 500 930 I 1000 I I - ------------------------------ I ----------------------------------------------- A -AA TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 104528 ---- ------------------------------------------ 179580 163900 1035 I 146400 I - ------- I I `---------------------------------------------------'-------------------"'--------------------------------------------------------- 4510 BUILDINGS I -0- I 1 I -------------------------------------------------- 4520 IMPROV.OTHER THAN CLOGS. 221216 -' ------- ----- 3000 ----------- 2204 ---- - -- I --s.._ ----------------------------------------- I 1 I ------------------------------------ 4530 ----------------- ------------------------------- MACHINERY S EQUMENT IP EQIP ------------- -- - - 236178 -- 1111 - ------------ '---------------- 2 11181I I ft 111812 - ----------- -- fr --------------------------------- II 1111- --- ---- - - - - - -'---- 1111-- -- ------ AAAA ---------- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -- -------------- 221216 ----- ' 239178 ------ --- 111------ 114016 I 1111 -'--- 6 5 90 I ------ I ----- -- I --------- -------- ------- -'- 4600 PRINCIPAL 175000 25000 I 175000 I I I ----------------------------------------------------------- 4610 INTEREST 150339 141113 -------- 138100 --- ----- 69650 --------------- I 128475 '-----------------_------_--....------- I ' I --------------------------------------- I -------------------------------- 4620 PAYING AGENT FEES ' ----------------------------------------------------------- 625 654 750 304 I 800 I 1 I I ------------'-- ------._________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. .. TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 150964 141767 313850 94954 I 304275 I I I ---------------------------------------------------- ----- --- ----------------- - - - - -_ -_------------ -11----- ------ ---- -- -- --- - --- -' _ 4900 REFUNDS d REIMBURSEMENTS 21653 11622 15000 I 15000 I I -----------'-------------- 1 -'--' ------------------=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4995 ---------------------------------------------------------'----------------•-•-----------------'------ CONTINGENCY 8000 I 9000 I I -----"----- I -`----------------- 42 WATER 4 SEWER UTILITIES DV 32 WATER 8G 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DV 82 WATER 87 i 1990 CITY OF HUTCHINSON (OPTION 02) DIVISION-- BUDGET WORKSHEET -BY OBJECT AS OF 10 -12 -90 PAGE 87 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DIV 82 WATER OBJECT DESCRIPTION 1990 1991 1991 1991 1988 1989 1990 Y —T —D EST DEPT MGR COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -90 ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMD ADOPTED a *AAA TOTAL OTHER 21653 11622 23000 I 24000I I I ------------------------------------------------------------^-------------•-------------------------------------------------------- .TOTAL AMOUNTS THIS DIVISION ---------------------------•-•__ 506962 _.__.— _-------- 579032 ---•- 1016632 __- -------- 316300----------- ...... I-805, 536I.....___.I__.— _-- ._I... --------- -------- 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DV 82 WATER 87 i 87a CITY OF HUTCHINSON ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT Water/Sewer Water DIVISION ACCOUNT NO. 82 REGULAR PERSONAL SERVICES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES Number of 1990 Employees Salary Revised 1991 Classification Grade - Budget 1990 1991 Proposed Reaular Employees Water Systems Supv. 1 1 Maintence Techn. 1 1/2 1 1/2 Account Technician 1/2. 1/2 3 3 Capital Outlay Water Dept. Machinery & Equipment Filter /Control -Reh Touch Pad Condersion Hydrant Maint. Software Desk Filter Rehab. Chlorine Monitor Portable Radio (2) Improvements Other Than Building Water & Sewer Install.- Garage Building Floor : Plant s XI $ 27,412 $ 28,877 VIII 31,921 34,171 VI 9,871 10,168 $ 69,204 $ 73,216 118,678 54,000 55,000 500 300 7,000 2,500 600 $236,178 $ 65,400. 3,000 S 3,000 4,000 -0-- $ 4,000 $ -0- 0 4300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7435 22415 8000 1 10000 I 1 I ---------------------------- - --------------------- --"'-------------------- " ------------------------- ---------- _--- -- ------• ------ 4309 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 9500 5050 10000 3890 1 9000 1 I I --- ----------------------------------- ' --- ' ------------ --'--- --------------------- - ------------------------------------------------ - 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DV 83 SEWER Be 1990 C CITY OF HUTCHINSON ( (OPTION 021 D DIVISION -- BUDGET WORKSHEET - -BY OBJECT A AS O OF 10 -12 - -90 P PAGE ,'88 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES D DIV 83 SEWER OCJECT DESCRIPTION 1 1990 1 1991 1 1991 1 1991 1988 1 1989 1 1990 Y Y -T -D E EST D DEPT M MGR C COUNCIL ACTUAL A ACTUAL A APPROP 0 06 -30 -90 A ACTUAL R REQUEST R RECOMMD A ADOPTED 4100 W WAGES- REG.EMPLOYEES 1 106259 1 121931 1 143927 6 67473 1 1 1 149923 1 1 I I I I 4112 0 0 T RIG EMPLOYEES 8 8402 2 2620 3 3000 1 1008 1 1 3 3000 I I I I I I 4120 W WAGES - TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 8 8077 1 12992 1 17000 3 3243 1 1 1 18000 I I I I I I 4121 O OVERTIME WAGE-TEMPORARY 1 10 I '--"'---------------------------------- - I 1 1 1 ----------------- - 1 ---------------- 4131 V VACATION PAY 3 3733 8 _ -------------- _ _------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1076 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 4132 H HOLIDAY PAY 3 3550 4 4702 2 2356 1 1 I I I I I I 4133 S - - 820 1 1671 4 466 1 1705 I I 5 525 I I I I I I ----------------------------------- - PERA (COORDINATED) 5 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6617 7 7365 3 3277 I I 7 7286 I I I I 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4144 F FICA - CITY PORTION 9 9883 1 10759 1 12576 5 5631 1 1 1 13116 1 1 I I I I 4145 M MEDICARE 5 55 1 145 4 45 1 1 I I I I I I --------------------------------------------------------____----___-_-____--___-._____--_--_---_-__--__-____._-_--_-_-_------_---__- 4150 E EMPL HEALTH & INS BENEF 1 12791 1 19547 1 19723 1 11601 I I 2 20346 I I I I 1 1 --------- - ---- -- 4154 W WORKMENS COMP, INSURANCE 2 2874 3 3410 6 6500 3 3578 1 1 5 5500 1 1 I ---- - I " "•" T TOTAL PERS SERVICES 1 162.051 1 192402 2 210557 1 100993 I I 2 217696 1 1 1 1 I I 4200 O OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 1002 8 895 7 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 132 1 1 7 700 1 1 I I 1 1 w ---------- -'-- - -------------------------------------------------- - OPERATING SUPPLIES 4 40759 3 - ------------------------------ 45000 1 14910 I --------------------------------- w 40000 I I 1 1 1 1 ------------------ - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6759 6 6684 6 6000 3 3052 1 1 6 6000_I I I I I - ----------- - -------- ----- - - ----- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 974 1 1000 1 1052 I I 1 1200 I I I I 1 1 - ------- -'-_' --------------------------------------------------------------- ' CLOTHING & PERS.EQUIP 1 1532 1 1814 1 1800 1 ' ------ ---------------------- - I 1 1900 I - -------------------------- - 1 1 1 ----------------------------------------- - SAFETY SUPPLIES 2 - ---------------------------- - 428 6 600 1 --------------------------------- - 1 6 600 1 1 I I I ------------_-------_"'---- ------------------------------ - REPAIR & MAINT.SUPPLIES 3 - ------ '-------------------------------- - 9536 5 5000 7 ------------------------------ - 1 1 10000 I I I - -------- ' ' ---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - EQUIPMENT PARTS 3 3733 8 8789 1 10000 9 9342 1 1 1 10000 I I I ----- - ------ -- --- - ------- --- - ---- --------------------------- - - --------------------------------------------------- - 1117 6 607 7 700 1 134 I ---- - ------------------------------------------------- I 1 1 I 1 1 ---------------------- - - ------------------------------- - 59883 6 61788 7 -- ------------------------ - 37369 I -- --- - ------- - --- - ------------- - ----------------------------------- _ _ ----- _ --------------------------------------------------------- _ _ - ____- ____ - -___-------------- 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DV 83 SEWER Be 1990 CITY OF HUTCHINSON (OPTION 02) DIVISION-- BUDGET WORKSHEET -BY OBJECT AS OF 10 -12 -90 PAGE _ 89 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DIV 83 SEWER OBJECT DESCRIPTION 1990 1991 1991 1991 1988 1989 1990 Y -T -D EST DEPT MGR COUNCIL ' ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06 -30 -90 ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMD ADOPTED 4310 COMMUNICATIONS 1972 2303 2000 1283 I 2000 I I I ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4311 POSTAGE 1400 1777 1600 1908 I 2000 I I - I _______________________________________________________________________________^__--•-----__--__---_^-----------------`----`--^----- 4320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 2177 3247 2485 1911 I 2495 I I ------------------------ I ------------------------------------ 4340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING ---------------------------------- 975 306 600 - -------- 50 ..... I . --------------------- 400 I - I I w -------------- - ------------------------------------------ 4351 GENL LIAR.- INSURANCE - 10068 ------- - ------------------------- 29228 35000 11091 ---^---------------------- I 22000 I - ------------- I I __________________________________________• 4356 INSVR - DEDUCTIBLE COST 134 1000 I 1000 I I -- I ^-_ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43GO UTILITIES 985,66 121510 130000 64236 I 116000 I -`------ I ----------------^- I _______ --------- 4370 - --------- - -------- _ CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINT. ----- _ --------- 7019 - --------------- 18671 ----------------------- 10900 13286 I _ ---------------------------------------- 22400 I I I ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4371 AUTOMATIVE REPAIR 4500 I I ___ __ __ I ____ ___ ___ ___ ________ I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^------------^-----`-- 43&0 RENTALS 1004 1393 2000 621 I 1500 I I I -------------------------------------------------- 43&5 DATA PROC.EQUIP.RENTAL 2794 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5282 4000 2965 I 4700 I I Y ------------------------------------------- 43S& CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 10818 - ------------------------------- 10353 9000 4934 -•___--_-^--------------------- I 10000 I - ------------------------- I I -----------`--------------------------------------------------^-----------------^--------------------------------------------------- * """ TOTAL OTH SERV AND CHARGE 153728 226169 216585 106175 I 203495 I I I -----------------------------^---`-------------------------------------------^--------------^--^^---------------------------^------- 4401 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 369 831 600 277 I 600 I I I --------------------------- 4402 -'-^-----'------------------------------------ LICENSES G TAXES 2030 137 -------^------^-`-----^--------------------------------- --- I - - -- I I I :^^-------- -------------------------- 4405 -`-^^-------------------------------- DEPRECIATION 417666 566572 450000 ------------------------------ I 570000 ------'--------------------- I I I ----------------------- 4409 -------•___------- MISCELLANEOUS ----`------------------- 1715 1182 1500 ----------------------------- 869 I 1600 I ------------------------------------- I I ------- -------^ -----------------------------------------------------------------------^---------------------------- " " ^• TOTAL M- 421780 568722 452100 1146 I 572200 I ----- ----- ------ I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^____-_-_-_-_-_._---__---_-_------ 4520 IMPROV.OTHER THAN BLDGS. 2837 I - I I `- ------------------------ 1 ------------------------------------ 4530 ------------------------------------------------- MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ^ --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -----^-^------------------------------------ 310 I 1450. 1 `--------- I - I _____---------- ____ *" "" ---- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY _----- _------- _------ ___________---- 2837 _______^_____--___--_-_------- 310 ----__-_^_--^. I Q�Q�_______._-- I I I ______-._- ___- ^ ^___________.__: 4600 PRINCIPAL 265000 265000 I 290000 I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- -----� J--------------------------- 4610 INTEREST 253514 440710 418575 213056 I 402294 I I I - ------- -------------------------------- 4620 - PAYING AGENT FEES -------------------- 1130 1336 ^ ^- ^--- - - -• 1500 --_---•-_--`___ 1000 ---------- I - 1800 ---------------------------------- I I I ---------------------------------------------------------^------------------^------------^------^-----^------------------------- * """ ----------------------------- TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 254644 ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 442046 685075 479056 I 694094 I I _---------------------------- I 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DV 83 SEWER &� Vin 1090 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES (OPTION 02) DIV 83 SEWER DIVISION -- BUDGET WORKSHEET -BY OBJECT AS OF 10 -12-90 .{'AGE '. ^9U OBJECT DESCRIPTION 1990 1991 1991 1991 1988 1989 1990 Y—T —D EST DEPT MGR COUNCIL ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROP 06-30 -90 ACTUAL REQUEST RECOMMD ADOPTED 4700 PERMANENT TRANSFERS -------------------------------------------------------••----...--...—.--.....—...-.--...—.--•----...-----------...—...---....-...-- 583384 I I 1 I ^"• TOTAL TRANSFER ------------------------------------------------------•--.------.-.-------------------.------.--.-.---...---...--------------------- 583384 I 1 I I 4980 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 15716 11739 11000 I 14000 I I I ----------------------------------------------------------------•-----------•------••----------------------------------------------- 4995 CONTINGENCY 12000 I 13000 I I I -------------------- - --------- - `••` TOTAL OTHER --------------------------------- 15716 11739 23000 -------------------------------------------------------------------- I 27000 I 1 I --------------------------------------- TOTAL AMOUNTS THIS DIVISION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"'---"...---'------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1654023 1502866 1658117 725049 I 1787035 I I I ------------------ ---.•..... n 42 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES DV 83 SEWER PI El C" z CITY OF HUTCHINSON ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT NO. Water /Sewer Waste Water 83 REGULAR PERSONAL SERVICES AND CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES Number of 1990 Employees Salary Revised 1991 Classification Grade Budget 1990 1991 Proposed . z Regular Employees Dir.of W/W Water OP 1 1 E $ 33,014 $ 34,285 Sr. Waste Water 1 1 X 26,152 23,406 Op. Waste Water Plant 2 1 IX 44,403 21,005 Op. Maintenance Techn. 2 1/2 2 1/2 VIII 34,666 53,609 Account Technician 1/2 1/2 VI 9,871 10,168 Custodian P.P.T 1/2 1/2 T3 6,560 7,450 T - 1/2 T - 1/2 $154,666 $149,923 Capital Outlay Machinery & Equip.,, 750 Portable Radio 700 Hi Pressure Washer $ 1,450. • MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Steve Madson, Chief of Polic DATE: November 20, 1990 illrll RE: Change Order Request ----------------------------------------------------------------- This memorandum will serve as a change order request to add the option of electric door locks to the vehicle ordered for Investigator Waage. The electric door locks were inadvertently left off during the bidding process and were not discussed at the November 13, 1990, council meeting. The options of the four speed transmission and split seat were approved. The cost of the electric door locks is $230.00 which will still be under the next highest bid and there is an adequate balance in the vehicle replacement fund to retire this obligation. I believe that electric door locks are essential for police vehicles, especially when responding to calls for service where the officer needs to exit his vehicle quickly. Additionally, Investigator Waage carries extremely sensitive material in his vehicle. With electric door locks he can lock all doors as he exits his vehicle and locks the driver side door. I request approval of this change order request. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. /lkg 90 -01 -0010 i �G PARKS 0 RECREATION a FORESTRY 900 Harrington Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 (612) 587.2975 SENIOR CENTER CIVIC ARENA 587 -6564 587.4279 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Hutchinson Solid Waste Management Committee DATE: November 21, 1990 RE: 1991 Recycling Budget By request of the McLeod County Solid Waste Advisory Committee, a proposed 1991 Recycling Budget is being submitted for your approval. Along with the budget is a budget outlining expenditures for the last quarter of 1990. The county has requested approved budgets be submitted by December 10, 1990. klm fib 1990 RECYCLING EXPENDITURES . October, 1990 through December 31, 1990 Drop Boxes Approximately 24 pulls /month X $35 = $40 per month X 3 = $2,520 Curbside 589 + 61 = 650 X $1.10 /each Precinct #1 = $715 /month X 3 = $2,145.00 533 X 1.10 each Precinct #4 = $586.30 /month X 3 = $1,758.90 Apartments (Precinct #1) 140 units X $1 /each - $140 X 3 = $ - 420_00 $4,323.90 Compost Site 192 monitor hours X $4.10 = $ 787.20 Advertising "Leader Ad" $ 67.20 $ 854.40 Site Maintenance May - December (rate $825 /month) (Not previously reported) 70 loader hours (2 hours /week) X $85 /hour = $5,950.00 70 loader hours X $12 = $ 840.00 $6,790.00 Total Composting Site $7,644.40 GRAND TOTAL $14,488.30 0 9-71-/ 1991 RECYCLING BUDGET Two Dropboxes - Civic Arena and Super America Station Curbside Pickup - Precincts #1 & #4 - Januury Curbside Pickup - Precincts #1, #2, #3, #4 & #5 February through December Compost Site - April 15 to November 15 Dropboxes - (rate $70 per pull) two boxes 24 pulls /month X 12 $20,160.00 /year Curbside - (rate $1.45 /household and $1.05 /apartment unit /month) 1,183 households X $1.45 /month = $1,715.35 (January) _ $ 1,715.35 140 apartment units X $1.05 /month = $147 (January) _ $ 147.00 3,500 households X$1.45 /month = 5,075 X 11 (Feb. -Dec.) $55,825.00 1,410 apartments X $1.05 /month = $1,480.50 X 11 (Feb. -Dec.) $16,285.50 $73,972.85 Compo Site Personnel 954 monitor hours (April 15 to November 15) X $4.20 /hour = $4,006.80 /year Maintenance at Site 104 Loader hours /year (2 hours /week) X $85 /hour = $ 8,840.00 104 Loader operator /year X $12 /hour = $ 1,248.00 52 Site supervisor hours /year (1 hour /week) X $13.50 /hour = $ 702.00 $14,796.80 Adver tisin g In centives $ 5,000.00 $ 1,800.00 GRAND TOTAL $115,729.65 0 0 DAVID R. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL" GARY D. M-DOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. HARRY ANDERSON' STEVEN S. HOOK LAURA K. PRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEGOEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD 0. M.OEE TIMOTHY W. FAFINSKI November 27, 1990 A RNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAw 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55050 (812) 587 -757 TELECOPIEN (612) 581 -4090 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON 0 O f tii'L.f T � 4 O OF COUNSEL WILLIAM W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. DECKER 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (812) 845 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4848 TELECOPIER (612) 545 -1703 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389 -2214 TELECOPIER (812) 389 -5506 Gary D. Plotz FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: J & J of Mankato, Inc. (Relocation Issues) Our File No.: 3244 -89 -0031 Dear Gary: • This letter is a follow up to our telephone conversation yester- day on the J & J of Mankato, Inc. relocation issues. I have dis- cussed this matter at some length with Dan Wilson who has been very helpful. It is very clear that J & J of Mankato, Inc. is eligible for a $20,000 in lieu of actual moving cost expense payment except for a statutory restriction on the number of individual businesses that the recipient may own in order to be eligible for that pay- ment. In J & J's case, they exceed that statutory maximum by one or two units. It is equally clear that the City has the authority to waive that requirement and to make the payment in any event. There are several issues involved in this case including a question regarding improvements that were made to the structure. J & J of Mankato, Inc. insists that these improvements were paid for by J & J, and at least as to their depreciated value, the City should pay for them. I have taken the position that since the lease is silent on this issue, the improvements (other than trade fixtures) belong to the landlord and, in turn, to the City. The lease is absolutely silent on this issue. • Two other tenants are affected by this question (Dr. Rannow and Town & Country Tire). In order to get the matter resolved, J & J CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION "CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Gary D. Plotz November 27, 1990 Page 2 of Mankato, Inc. is willing to accept the $20,000 in lieu of expense payment and move to their new location almost immedi- ately. It would be my advice to the City to make the payment and not debate the issue further. We would then be in a position of treating J & J equally with respect to all other businesses and we would also avoid any adverse determination on the leasehold issue that might affect us with respect to the other tenants. While I regard that as unlikely, given the fact that we are going to owe J & J of Mankato, Inc. a minimum of $13,000 anyway (under current calculations), the concession is minimal and the benefit gained by the City is substantial. I have conferred with Dan Wilson on this issue and he has no objection to the above procedure. Thank you for your time and attention. Best personal regards. • : • G. Barry Anderson GBA:mb cc: Dan Wilson Ai?NOLD & MGDOWELL DAVID B. ARNOLD ATTORNEYS AT LAW or covNSa>_ • CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL" 101 PARK PLACE WILLLA -M W. CAMERON GARY D. MCDOWELL CHARLES CLAYTON STEVEN A. ANDERSON HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 GARY W. DECKER O. BARRY ANDERSON' (812) 587 -7575 STEVEN S. HOOF 5681 CEDAR LAKE ROAD LAURA K. FRETLAND TELECOPIER(612) 587 -4096 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55418 DAVID A. BRUBGGEMANN RESIDENT ATTORNEY (612) 545 -9000 MN TOLL FREE 800- 343 -4545 PAUL D. DOVE G. BARRY ANDERSON TELEOOPI ER (612) 545 -1793 JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET JULIA A. CHRISTIANS PRINCETON. MINNESOTA 55371 RICHARD G. MOGEE (612) 389 -2214 TIMOTHY W. FAFINSKI TELECOPIER (e12)380 -5506 November 27, 1990 2S 2J�� Mr. Gary D. Plotz � City Administrator °J 37 Washington Avenue West P 'aile 1 , c V Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: ShopKo Project Our File No. 3244 -89 -0031 Dear Gary: I am enclosing a Purchase Agreement with attachments that should • be approved by the City Council tonight. Mills originally calculated the square footage of the "triangle" area as something in excess of 10,000 square feet. (Please see his letter of September 21, 1990 which I have also enclosed). I have had John Rodeberg recalculate it and he shows square footage of 8,184 square feet. Based on the angles involves, Mills has recalculated the area as 8,745 square feet, a figure that I am prepared to recommend to the City and the figure as set forth in the proposed Purchase Agreement. The Regional Rail Authority will be required to join in this deed prior to closing. If you have any questions with regard to this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Very truly ours, ARNOLD DOWE L G. B rry Anderson • GBA:lm Enclosure CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION ** GERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION / — 1 Mkota --now—Rail, W Inc. FLORIDA OFFICE: 801 West Bay Drive, Suite 800, Largo, FL 34640 FAX: (813) 585-7781 `Route of the Charging Buffalo" September 21, 1990 Mr. G. Barry Anderson Arnold & McDowell Attorneys At Law 101 Park Place Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Shopko Property Dear Barry: (813) 585 -4727 • I am holding off executing the option based on our telephone discussion pertaining to the pledge I made with respect to Disposition of Property I made in the Bankruptcy proceedings before Judge Dreher. When you have this cleared up, we can execute the appropriate documents very quickly. For your review the following is my calculations of the square footage and the dollars that the City of Hutchinson will owe Dakota Rail on the Shopko property: 4 Lots (66' x 132' = 8,712 square feet each) "Triangle" (Square Feet) Total Square Footage X $.90 Per Square Foot Very truly yours a.. Elli M. A. Mills President 34,848 10.032 44,880 $40,3912 CORPORATE OFFICE: 25 Adams St. No., Hutchinson, MN 55350, (612) 587 -4018 1 1 FAX: (612) 587-0875 DAVID S. ARNOLD CHARLES R. CARMICHAEL GARY D. MCDOWELL STEVEN A. ANDERSON O. BARRY ANDERSON STEVEN S. HOGE LAURA E. FRETLAND DAVID A. BRUEOGEMANN PAUL D. DOVE JOSEPH M. PAIEMENT JAMES UTLEY JULIA A. CHRISTIANS RICHARD G. MOOEE TIMOTHY W. FAYINSNI November 27, 1990 ARNOLD & MGDOWELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARE PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 (612) 587 -7575 TELECOPIER(012) 587 -4000 RESIDENT ATTORNEY O. BARRY ANDERSON Mr. Elli M.A. Mills The Mills Group, Inc. 801 West Bay Drive Suite 800 Largo, Florida 34640 Re: ShopKo Project Our File No. 3244 -89 -0031 Dear Elli: • I am enclosing the following for your execution as an officer of Dakota Rail, Inc.: 1. Standard Purchase Agreement dated November 26, 1990 with three attachments; 2. original Quit Claim Deed for your signature; 3. Proposed closing statement showing distribution of funds. Since this transaction was never ever reduced to writing, although the parties reached an oral agreement quite sometime ago, it is necessary to have a Purchase Agreement. The Purchase Agreement will need to be approved by the City Council which will meet this Tuesday. I will have the City Council approve the Purchase Agreement as drafted unless you call me and advise me that you have a problem with one of the terms or conditions. I am providing a copy of all of these documents to your attorney, Mike Long, so that if he has any questions or problems, he can contact me as well. Please return all of the executed documents to our office. We will hold them in trust pending receipt from the City of a check in the amount as agreed. We will forward the check to your attorney, or such other party as you may direct, and thereafter record the deed. • OF COUNSEL wILLIAN W. CAMERON CHARLES CLAYTON GARY W. BECEER 5881 CEDAR LANE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55416 (812)545 -9000 MN TOLL PRE 800 343 -4545 TE LECOPI EN(812) 545 -1793 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612)369 -2214 TELECOPIER (612) 389 -5508 * CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION * * CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST ST THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Mr. Elli M.A. Mills November 27, 1990 • Page 2 I believe the language in the Quit Claim Deed will dispose of any easements, whether recorded or unrecorded, that may exist within the ShopKo property. It is possible that subsequent examination may turn up additional easements and I have included language in the Purchase Agreement to require conveyance of those easements at that time. I have prepared an identical Quit Claim Deed for the signature of the McLeod County Regional Rail Authority, as they need to join in this transfer as well. The Purchase Agreement calls for a closing no later than next Tuesday, unless the parties otherwise agree. Please contact me with any questions. Best personal regards. Very truly.y rs, / • G. /Barry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosure CC Gary Plotz Ken Merrill John Bernhagen • STANDARD 1 "i NOi t'ol'x (.PEY:N SINi,tbay PURCHASEAGREEMENT PINPP• y.,ak.viat — Hutchins ,M;mesola for, vnmhe,25_ RECEIVEDOF the C ity of N -tchin son _ • Ihl sum of One Dollar and no /100----- _ ---------------- Duexsla 1.00 1 +� by _Cd$h _� M aMMef ,mr,ey b W depwiN01M MN ana "Into II1Y aaM aawpranae M "wt 4a4a�dn N IMrMa Ywr (unless otherwise specified in writing) and in part payment for IM purchase of the prstreses legally described as • _See_ attached .F,2chibiL= A."..,__proy 0u it_ claim Deed +_nior noratad as if fully set out localedat(Sveel Addmssl- ChppK,, _tax- .iacxeMant-- AiaitziC a s __• out 4 A r - "8" Gtyol _Hl1tCI1iDSOR__ —_ Counhol _McLeo • Slate N Minnescla. all of which property Seller has this day sold to Bayer for the sum of 5 39370 Thirty nine Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Three and 70 /100------ - - - - -- Dollars, which Buyer agrees to pay in the following manner. Earnest money of S 1 .00 and a 39,233.70 cash on or before December 4, 1990 ,t he dale of closing, and the balance of s by financing as follows: Attached ere 3_. _ addendums which are made a Part of this agreement. Qu Claim SUBJECT TO performance by Buyer. Seller agrees to execute and deliver a jNpggruytDeed. to be joined in by spouse. if any, conveying marketable title to the premises subject only to the following exceptions'. 11) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, State and Federal regulations. (2) Restrictions relating to use or improvement of the premises withopI eflecavefonfeiloreprov ;sion.(3) Reservation of any minerals or mineral rights to the State of Mmnesma 14) Utility and drainage easements which ha Trot interfere with present improvements. 15) Rights of tenants. if any REAL ESTATE TAXES Seller agrees to pay _12 / 12ths and Buyer agrees to pay n / 121hs of taxes due and payable in IM year • 1919 Seller agrees to pay 12 / 121hs and Buyer agrees to pay 0 / 121hs of annual ;nstsament of special asessSments due and payable in the year 19 80. — Seale agrees to pay on the date of closing all special assessments levied and Pending Buyer shall pay taxes due and payable in the year 199E and any unpaid installments of special assessments payable therewith and thereafter Seller warrants that taxes due and payable in the year 19 9 .0_ will be non homeste homestead classification Neither Seller nor Seller's Agent makes any representation concerning the amount of future real estate taxes . TITLE & EXAMINATION Seller shall within a reasonable time alter acceptance of this agreement, furnish an Abstract of 14k. or a Registered Property Abstract. certified to dale to include proper searches covering bankruptcies. Slate and Federal judgments andirons Bwer shall be allowed 10 business days alter receipt for examination of title and making arty objections, which shall be made in writing or deemed waived Il any objection is so made, Seller shall be allowed 120 days to make title marketable. Pending correction of title, payments hereunder required shall be postponed, but upon connection of Idle and within 10 days after wrilten nice to Buyer, IM padres shall perform this agreement according 10 As terms. If filters not cotrected within 120 days from the dale of written objeclaat, this agreement shall be null and vend. at option of Buyer, neither party shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other, and earnest money shall be refunded to Buyer. DEFAULT If tide is mxrkemhle m,1 rn leered within xavl rime and Rover rlplaulls in anv of the ameerarmis herein. Seller may lFmlndte this such ndhtolaCtionarhes In the event Buyer defaults in his performance of the terms of Ibis Agreement. and Notice of Cancellation is served upon the Buyer pursuant o MSA 559 21, the termination period shall be thirty (301 days as permitted by Subdivision 4 of MSA t • 55921 • ACCEPTANCE Buyer understands and agrees that this "leis subject to acceptance bySellw in writing. Agent is nor liable or responsible An account of this agreement except to return or account for the earnest money. I, the owner of the premises. accept this agreement and l agree b purchase the premises lot the price and on the terms and the sale hereby made. conditions set forth above. SELLER DAKOTA RAIT.. INC_ BUYER SELLER Rr BUYER _fly Elli M. A. Mills, President Paul Ackland, Mayor • Delivery of all papers and monies shall be made at the office of: Company Selling Agent Address City Zip T HIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT UNDERSTOOD, SEEK COMPETENT ADVICE. TITLE & EXAMINATION Seller shall within a reasonable time alter acceptance of this agreement, furnish an Abstract of 14k. or a Registered Property Abstract. certified to dale to include proper searches covering bankruptcies. Slate and Federal judgments andirons Bwer shall be allowed 10 business days alter receipt for examination of title and making arty objections, which shall be made in writing or deemed waived Il any objection is so made, Seller shall be allowed 120 days to make title marketable. Pending correction of title, payments hereunder required shall be postponed, but upon connection of Idle and within 10 days after wrilten nice to Buyer, IM padres shall perform this agreement according 10 As terms. If filters not cotrected within 120 days from the dale of written objeclaat, this agreement shall be null and vend. at option of Buyer, neither party shall be liable for damages hereunder to the other, and earnest money shall be refunded to Buyer. DEFAULT If tide is mxrkemhle m,1 rn leered within xavl rime and Rover rlplaulls in anv of the ameerarmis herein. Seller may lFmlndte this LulPwil... OI P,IIM/Nq 10 CO'achat .. cx Poonnum W No delinquent faxes and transfer entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value ( 1 file! ( ) not required Certificate of Real Estate Value No. ' 19— County Auditor by STATE. DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ Date: November 27 ,1990 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Da kota Rail, Inc. X.--- ___ _ ___ , a _co rporation under thin laws of —'ouch aknt , Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to City of Hutchinson ,Grantee, a mu nicipal corporation under the laws of Minnesota ,real property in _ M County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lots One (1) , Two (2) , Three (3) , and Four (4) in Block Forty -four (44) and Lot Four (4) in Block Forty -six (46) and Lots One I1), Two (2), Three 13) Four (4), Five (5), Nine (9), and Ten (10) in Block Forty -seven (47) and Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Forty -five (45), excepting from said Lots 7 and 8 that portion thereof lying Easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point in the North line of said Lot 7 distant 20 feet easterly from the northwest corner thereof; thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point in the south line of said Lot 8 distant 28 feet westerly from the southeast corner thereof all being in the Townsite of Hutchinson, North Half. (Continued on reverse side) Subject to easements, restrictions, covenants and conditions of record, if any. lit n ,aF wrt, if nominal, cuminle, on Bart? together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. 0 DAKOTA RAIL, INC. • By lts President STATE OF MINNESOTA } bs. COUNTY OF Mcleod By Its The foregoing was acknowledged before me this 77th day of November by alt; M_ Mills and , the VrcniAant and of _ ❑ aknta Rail Tru ,■ crrpei tion under the laws of _ oath Dak , on behalf of the corporation NOTARIAL STASIP OR SEAL (OR IITIIER TITLE OR RANK) SIGNATURE OF PERSON TAKING ACKNOWLEDGMENT Tax eentlo (include lot the and Wallace; of Gunlnt: NY MNrvsNI loWa an City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West. Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (NAME AND ADDRESS) G. Barry Anderson ARNOLD &McDowell 101 Park Place Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Telephone (612) 567 -7575 Attorney I.D. No. 196X J Also, all easements and other property rights granted under City of Hutchinson ordinance No. 107, granting to Minnesota Western Railway Company permission, authority, license, right and privilege to lay, ' maintain, renew, repair and operate a single railroad track for railroad purposes across parts of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 19, the alley in Block 45, ?ownsite of Mutchinson, North Mal[ and on and •sang IwewaY Avanra • North, between Main Street and the intersection of Jefferson Street with said Second Avenue North at its easterly terminus on or near the south bank of the Crow River, specifically including that easement granted by the Hutchinson Produce Company to the Minnesota Western Railway Company which easement is recorded in Miscellaneous Record No. 19, page 444 and is dated May 27, 1942. The Seller certifies that Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. • • • F O If FIRST AVENUE NORTHEAST CROW I. .% F,c 132 0 EXHIBIT "C" This Addendum is expressly made part of that Purchase Agreement by and between the City of Hutchinson and Dakota Rail, Inc. dated November 26, 1990. The parties additionally agree as follows: Dakota Rail, Inc. agrees to convey all property interests, whether those property interests are fee, easement or of some other kind, to the City of Hutchinson, which are located in the ShopKo Tax Increment District, Phase I, as shown in the drawing marked and incorporated in this agreement as Exhibit "B ". To the extent additional quit claim deeds are needed to accomplish the transfer, Dakota Rail, Inc. agrees to execute such quit claim deeds. • 2. Dakota Rail, Inc. has made disclosure to the City of Hutchinson about an above ground fuel storage tank previously located on the property adjoining Jefferson Street. The City of Hutchinson agrees to purchase the property notwithstanding the disclosure and to assume any responsibility for expenses associated with the cleaning up of the site, as required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or other environmental agency. 3. The terms. of this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing of the transaction between the parties. Dated: Dated: CITY OF HUTCHINSON By: Elli M.A. Mills, President By: Paul L. Ackland, Mayor • DAKOTA RAIL, INC. CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SUPPLEMENT TO CONTRACT NO. LETTING SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. _1_ SHEET 1 OF 1 (CONTRACTOR: (FEDERAL PROJECT (STATE PROJECT ICITY PROJECT I I Hanson S Vasek Construction, Inc. I I I 89-04 1 ADDRESS: 1040 Hwy. 22 So., P.O. Boa 3531LOCATION: I I Hutchinson, MN 55350 1 South Grade Road Sidewalk I I I (THIS CONTRACT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: 1 I I 1 Due to the numerous options discussed as to location and the extent of sidewalk to be I I constructed, several plans were developed. The final plan covered parts of several of I the options. 3300 S.F. of 4" concrete walk (Item No. 2521.501) was inadvertently I omitted: 1 I I 1 Add to Contract: I I I Item Bid Bid Additional Additional I No. Item Unit Quantit Unit Price Units Contract Cost 1 i I 2521.501 4" Concrete Walk L.F. 11,300 $2.20 2,700 $ 5,940.00 I I I I I I i I I I I I I 1 I I I I I � 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I (Original Contract Amount I I i 1 $36,195.00 (Dated: (Original Contract Date I I I 1 7 -25 -1989 IDated: I I I I I IDated: I IDated: I I I I , 19_ Director of En ineering /1), c 7 , 19 4 o tractor , 19_ , 19_ Mayor City Administrator /D - -A , 1 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 27, 1990 • WATER & SEWER FUND *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 653.62 Aagard West Nov curbside & apts 1,397.10 AI�A4A dues 31.00 Cuncral Garage Oct repairs 531.80 City of Hutch Nov dental 337.81 Crow Chemical cleaners 82.75 Curtin Scientific lab supplies 193.23 DPC chlorine 388.30 Dyna Systems supplies 46.76 Family Rexall film & batteries 7.01 Feed Rite supplies 1,320.42 Graham, Marion safety glasses 80.00 Hach Co. lab supplies 73.13 Harris Mechanical Sept Maintenance 1,150.00 Hutch Leader recycling ads 67.20 Hutch Medical Center Ladd 12.00 Hutch Utilities electricity 137.85 Logis Sept service 842.84 MN Dept of Health lab certification 500.00 MN Valley Testing tests 440.00 Nalco Chemical inhibitor 6,630.00 Olson's Locksmith lock repair 100.00 employer contribution 378.21 • PERA SVEN carbon 618.24 TOTAL $16,019.27 CENTRAL GARAGE *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 96.50 City of Hutch Nov dental 43.79 Cron River Glass repair windshield 30.00 Motor Vehicle excise tax & title 1,064.62 FERA employer contribution 56.51 Plaza Hardware supplies 3.60 Plowman's 1991 Ford 13,961.00 Sam Bloom Iron iron 684.62 Sweeney springs 51.01 TOTAL $15,991.65 • // -A' Ia GENERAL FUND . *Blue Heron's Daughter 3 tickets 13.50 *DNR registration fees 156.00 *Chamber of Commerce 4 registrations 4.00 *Commissioner of Revenue Oct sales tax -arena 74.85 *Withhold Tax Acct employer contribution 4,338.17 *DNR registration fees 200.00 A & 8 Llectric repair 482.16 Abeln, Rick volleyball refund 7.00 Albinson leg clamps 37.87 Allan, Shirley refund Stars on Ice 40.00 Allen Precision parts 22.39 Allied Mechanical repair 232.35 AmeriData repair 409.20 Amoco fuel 292.41 Amoco fuel 19.50 Arnold & McDowell Nov services 3,000.00 Automation Supply ribbons 56.00 Baasen, Eugene license reimburse 11.00 Barkeim, Eldon license reimburse 11.00 Beck, Virginia refund Stars on Ice 20.00 Becker, Virginia refund Stars on Ice 20.00 Blevins Concession supplies 27.27 Bloedel Mon reset monuments 1,775.00 Bos, Karen refund Stars on Ice 20.00 BRC register & rolls 804.76 film 19.92 • Brinkman Brinkman & Marty's Roof small cities loan 2,936.25 Brynildson, Peter performance 85.00 Buytaert, Patty costumes 2,505.00 Camera Shop developing 26.73 Cargill salt 803.25 Carter, Ron safety boots 30.00 Cash Drawer #4 supplies 72.53 Central Garage Oct repairs 6,422.36 Chamber of Commerce office rent 386.59 Christensen, Cindy refund Stars on Ice 40.00 City of Hutch Nov dental 2,746.26 Clarey's Equip smoke fluid 28.65 Coast to Coast supplies 12.24 Com of Transportation hangar loan 700.00 County Treasurer DL fees 149.00 Dascher, Duane license reimburse 11.00 Display Sales miniature light sets 518.32 DNR permit addendum 75.00 Eileen Goeders Estate contract payment 1,500.00 Electro Watchman annual charge 144.00 Emans, Brad conference expenses 432.40 uric }_son Oil film 144.76 Erickson's More 4 groceries 19.33 Fahey Sales & Miller Bldg small cities loan 2,857.98 Rexall supplies 178.83 • Family Feed Rite demurrage 40.00 Felska, Beth refund -Stars on Ice 20.00 Fire Engineering subscription 21.95 3 Fitzloff Hardware supplies 102.19 F14AI4 reservation- G.Field 11.00 • Glas, Jacque refund -Stars on Ice 40.00 Gregor, John expenses 36.06 Harrington House 41 tours 399.75 HCVN cable 750.00 Henry's Foods supplies 525.50 Hensen, Mark expenses 65.35 EciZ, Randy volleyball refund 7.00 Holmsten Ice Rinks acrylic 282.01 Home Bakery pastries 5.85 HTC repair motor casing 20.00 Huhn, Larry safety boots 30.00 Hutch Wholesale supplies 113.34 Hutch Rec Center rec rental 19,240.00 Hutch Jaycees officiating 400.00 Hutch Fire & Safety maintenance 75.70 Hutch Lions river cleanup food 377.00 Hutch Medical Center phys -Runke & Huhn 230.00 Hutch. Utilities electricity 11,489.57 Hutch Public Schools gym classes 85.50 Hutch Telephone telephone 68.14 Hutch Conv & Visitor July lodging tax 1,995.82 Hutch Plbg & Htg diswasher leak 26.00 ICMA books 62.25 ISIA stds,fee & patches 109.34 Jones, Charles mileage 13.94 -Mart tapes 14.68 Karg, Larry • K license reimburse 19.00 Killian, Erik coaching 126.00 Klawitter, Judy refund Stars on Ice 60.00 Kokesh volleyball nets 155.11 Kramer, David volleyball refund 7.00 Kuiken, Orville refund -Stars on Ice 40.00 L & P Supply repair & weather enclosure 661.64 Lenneman, Tom trees 660.00 Logis Sept service 4,937.99 Loveland, Sharon refund Stars on Ice 20.00 Madson, Steve expenses 39.96 Mankato Mobile Radio repair & parts 172.16 Marka, Jim meeting expense 14.79 McGarvey Coffee coffee 27.45 McLeod Cty Treasurer 1990 assessing 20,700.00 Meier, Doug- license reimburse 11.00 Memindex wall planners 39.12 Mini Biff rental 120.00 MN Commerce Dept notary- R.Bentz 10.00 MN Comm Paging 2 months 43.10 MN Mtce Supply supplies 442.50 MIT historical Society microfilm 2,010.GO MPA member dues 100.00 Northern States Supply parts 73.34 Bev supplies 85.60 • Northland Olson's Locksmith keys 10.50 Otto, Lila refund- Sr.Ball 7.00 Pamp, Melanie refund skating 38.00 4 • • PERA employer contribution 6,757.10 Peterson Bus bus trip 200.00 Peterson, Bill volleyball refund 7.00 Phillips 66 fuel 52.80 Pishney, Loretta refund Stars on Ice 20.00 Plaza Hdwe supplies 158.28 Plotz, Gary meal expense 5.83 Plotz, Gary mileage 6.97 Qaade Elactric repair 129.00 Quantum Labs latex gloves 68.18 Redman, Randy conference expenses 443.49 Rossell, Robert Star Tribune 12.00 Schramm, Steve conference expenses 337.76 Shopko supplies 10.39 Simon, Andrew refund - shopping trip 7.00 Sondergaard, Luella refund Stars on Ice 20.00 Strack, Gerald license reimburse 11.00 Strei, Traci volleyball refund 7.00 Streichers equipment 199.95 Swanson, Marilyn notary renewal 10.00 Swenson Nursery maple tree 185.00 Telecky, David license reimburse 24.00 Templeton employer contribution 273.20 Tepley Equip parts 10.02 Tom Thumb gatorade 28.70 Two Way Com radio repairs 219.70 Uniforms Unlimited jacket 119.95 United Lab degreaser 95.22 University of MN reg- Hensen & Marka 180.00 US West Nov service 98.54 Viking International can liner 80.19 Wakefield & Allied Mech small cities loan 10,140.58 Winter, Jo refund -Old Log Theatre 7.00 Xerox Oct usage 296.98 Zee Medical supplies 107.95 Zee Medical burn kit 159.95 Zieman, Darvin tranq. raccoon 25.00 TOTAL $122,724.76 • 5 0 BOND FUNDS RURAL FIRE DEPARTMENT Thomas Pessek Hansen Truck Service Zee Medical mileage repair supplies TOTAL YOUTH CENTER *Withhold Tax Acct City of Hutch PERA Allen Office A & B Electric employer contribution Nov dental employer contribution supplies fix fixture TOTAL 1980 TAX INC DEBT SERV Hutch Public Schools reimbursement Brinkman /Marty's Roofing 8% HCDC loan Fahey Sales /Miller Bldg 8% HCDC loan Wakefield /Allied Mechanical 8% HCDC loan TOTAL 1990 TAX INC CONST FUND Mark Magoon & Scott Stuber J & J Nelson & L.Morse James & Jerry Nelson Michael Commerford J & J of Mankato Twin City Testing Angela Hanson Wilson Development Angela Hanson relocation benefits replacement housing moving expenses business fixed payment business fixed payment partial services relocation benefits prof services moving expenses TOTAL LIQUOR FUND City of Hutchinson City of Hutchinson Withhold Tax Acct PERA City of Hutchinson MN Dept Public Safety Junker Sanitation Hutch Utilities Bernicks Pepsi Cola Sprengler Trucking Com of Revenue City of Hutchinson Withhold Tax Acct City of Hutchinson lottery sales payroll 11 -2 employer contribution employer contribution lottery sales buyer's card refuse pickup electricity supplies freight Oct sales tax lottery sales employer contribution payroll 11 -16 TOTAL raw -Me 4,185.95 371.00 $4,630.75 58.20 15.64 34.08 14.00 32.00 $153.92 19,090.00 1,113.75 1,084.03 3,846.42 $25,134.20 2,039.78 4,158.00 1,050.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 6,270.10 12,846.54 2,097.66 750.00 $69,212.28 697.00 4,542.75 337.54 196.32 594.00 12.00 121.28 531.25 33.60 564.29 8,230.56 694.00 329.85 4,693.98 $21,578.42 FOR YOUR ' MINUTES 'Y • HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 20, 1990 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Craig at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Roland Ebent, Clint Gruett, Dean Wood, E1Roy Dobratz, Tom Lyke and Chairman Bill Craig. Members absent: Craig Lenz. Also Present: Building Official Jim Marka, City Engineer John Rodeberg and City Attorney Barry Anderson. 2. MINUTES Mr. Gruett made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting dated Tuesday, October 16, 1990. Seconded by Mr. Dobratz the motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONTINUATION OF CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R -2 TO C -4 REQUESTED ON THE WALMART PROPERTY CONTINGENT ON APPROVAL OF WALMART SUBDIVISION PLAT The public hearing for the request is to be continued • to the December meeting. (b) CONTINUATION OF CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF WALMART SUBDIVISION The public hearing for the request is to be continued to the December meeting. 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF $5000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FOR DETENTION PONDS Building Official Jim Marka commented on the intent of $5000 budgeted for the Comprehensive Plan. The staff discussed using the money to possibly purchase land for detention ponds to develop the Comprehensive Plan. Building Official Jim Marka commented on a low area on Loretta McDonalds land of approximately 5 acres and explained ponding development. Discussion followed on liability of ponds with City Attorney Anderson commenting on the possibilities. Discussion followed on other possibilities pertaining to • 1 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 11/20/90 drainage problems in the North end of the city. (b) REVIEW WARD HAUGEN SITE PLAN AND PARKING Mr. Ebent asked to abstain from discussion as a Planning Commissioner. Mr. Ward Haugen, owner of CarQuest, commented on the proposed parking and explained the use of the building at this point. He stated the site will be curbed around the entire site for drainage purposes. Discussion followed on the storm sewers available for drainage and the roof drainage to the South. Building Official commented on the calculation of parking spaces with is determined by use of the building. He stated the building could be a three function building thus making the calculating more difficult. Mr. Roland Ebent, neighboring property owner, voiced his concern as not being with the development of the property but how the development is being accomplished. He stated the property should be platted as suggested by the city • attorney's letter of October 11, 1990, and the recommendation of the Planning Commission and City Council. Mr. Ebent sited other concerns as follows: * there is no city sewer in the area at this time * easements should be provided for services * subdivision ordinance section regarding conveyance of property * neighboring property owners may sue to stop construction and platting City Attorney Barry Anderson commented on the concerns of Mr. Ebent as follows: * drainage concerns should be addressed before a Certificate of Occupancy is given * City Attorney Anderson addressed the platting concerns and stated the property owners very possibly will begin platting procedures in the near future. However, he explained in his opinion there is not an urgent need to rush into platting since the developers are not ready to sell all the property for a particular use. Building Official Marka stated the Haugen building complies with the zoning ordinance. Platting is for the street right -of -way not the building, he also presented a sketch plan which was completed many years ago. • City Attorney Anderson2explained the building and use of lot is legal and Mr. Ebent's concerns regarding roadway HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES • 11/20/90 and utility easements should be addressed with a binding agreement between the affected property owners and brought to a public hearing. Building Official Marka explained staff indicated a public hearing on a sketch plan regarding roadway and utility easements but the building is not an issue, it is in compliance to code. Mr. Lyndon Gernand, neighboring property owner, asked where the road is to be. Discussion followed on platting procedures to service the adjacent property. There should be an understanding with the developer and property owners for the road and utility easements. Mr. Ebent stated he is concerned with the absence of the platting procedure and the drainage. City Attorney Anderson commented the roadway and utility easements are to be resolved before the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Mr. Haugen stated he is working with the city and adjacent property owner. Mr. Marka stated the city is • working with the developer and the project is moving in the right direction. Mr. Haugen stated there would be no problem with platting and will work with the city. Chairman Craig stated his understanding of the problem being as follows: 1) The building is in conformance 2) The procedural problems 3) Supply of essential utilities City Attorney Anderson stated the critical issue is to sure that access and utilities are provided. Chairman Craig commented the commission must abide by the recommendation of the City Attorney that there is no violation of procedure and it is important to make progress with the issues. City Attorney Anderson suggests he will present an outline of the formal agreement to address concerns at the December Planning Commission meeting to avoid misunderstanding of previous development. Mr. Ebent commented the agreement should address road and utility easements. 0 3 HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 11/20/90 5. OLD BUSINESS (a) UPDATE OF ZONING ORDINANCE Building Official Jim Marka commented on the status of the Zoning Ordinance stating staff will bring back for Planning Commission review in December. (b) COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Mr. Marka commented on the Comprehensive Plan update. Some discussion followed on the drainage petition regarding McCuen Creek. (c) HWY 7 ADDRESSING (PARK AND 4TH AVE) Building Official Marka commented on staff discussion regarding the addressing system on Hwy 7. Mr. Wood suggested if a change is to be made it would be best changing at the time the county is updating their addressing system. 6. ADJOURNMENT • There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. 0 4 FOR YOUR INFORMATION ` --' J wti 8ZLZ9 • _:}-QiLY -cCC — L.4lQJ -. A L LZ- �YYICL�LU�U1 _ U U _ _ CL �' ,n J_tl.� tt..�_itic�'c�s]✓ �ac� :�- 3 c.� 'f c�ic.,r�' - -- ----.. ctr .- 1.c s.__C'��ct.t c� -r�_C J .irr..c:.er� a.o _.�L�� .Rte. • _ . _,u Ca^{�f 1 1 -– �fG..f J t J- < D Li J' L,J ' 1.2 � '1J.— ( S 1 � 1_ct,L .— t 1 - �.rcJ.'orapA.u_� 4 /Jd9 Vli�tll` ° "PI�i�WVi�Y�II�V�IR'�rd�id FOR YOUR INFORMATION 14y._ 0�__..f1.uch1N c,EJ IWIYW ru. a+. e+ /,:r 5111 IV WY; ]111 LREf H. f51e WXI1E VRI. 11lV :u V S A PI ..', III 1li' 1 ��IIfmI1R�i NRi�lll I'l I I II IAI 117,1,7r('411II�i1'T11 11 II AI II � I E / �p1117��I��g °iT; �'1 1 I77 �1711�w771`li7 `fir. - ' "6,6zz a �3r6c_ �/73c _,� }mac t3y Ll ua� -��_ B<rr _aJ,uc_ nlEsc_._ Tat,94 g _ cJfiL -- MP9 /ueu 1990 L 7 -7 — 1L... —. 1` — I� J- - 1 ._ ZS - -1401 40_ _ Id F�.. .�'EY— -- _n ~ — Tr s 13 111 0. 15 I 19 _j y I 3 — ' _ :__ 1 16 6 _ _ 1 147 _ 8 _ _ 60 .?,6 ] -. - � I - - - ID� _ y . 1 7y 1630 - 31 _ 6i . 3 29 ry1 s - z .. ♦ _ _♦ J 1 OC III - _j B. �i _ I . 2 2 e E 7 O 3,29 54 $_ I 6 Y _ i3 z 1. ) it 1 1�9. _. _ 7. sss {{ lll - I I 8 1a ,a 6 1. -- 12 '_87 "' 3 -JW LU --- " li ''- -- - --. 11 _._.1155 - - ---1 13- --._ 5 1 _J 80 1 - ..._._3 77._. 47 • ._. 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There were 13 members present , Dolph Moon Dreelcr of Hutchinson F,rks & Recreation gave the program for the month, regardinq safety in the city departments that he manages. This was inducting the full time, and part time employees. Also the concern for general safety for the public. in play ground equipment care and maintenance, and for partiapants of an activities. Ofd Business 1. Road construction was discussed, and an update was oven by John Rodeberg City F_nOw. All roads to be open very soon. Wghvray 15 So. turn lane to Lynn Rd. project was explained, and how the change should improve the safety in that area. 2. The skateboard and roller blade issue was discussed, Jean Ward has contacted the Minnesota Safety Council for information and handouts, nothing is available on the su*cts at ttus time Correspondence. A letter regarding the river cleanup was discussed. Saturday October 27 and November 3 the • volunteers from local groups were involved, with about 90 workers helping. John Rodeberg estimated that 40 to 50 ton of waste material was removed the frst day. from the dam to Pure Culture Products. Members were asked to help if they coudd the next weekend. New Busyness 1. Concern for a four way stop at Jefferson and Oakland was dseussed. Jefferson is a county road, and the stop would have to be approved by the county engineer. John Rodeberg wi l take Mis up with the county. 2 A motion was made and passed to give a $20.00 oft certificate to Betty Johnson for the fine work she does in providing meals for the council. 3. A concern was expressed about parking on the right-of-way and sidewalk on lid. Av. SE between Jetters • St. and Adams St. causing pedestian traffic to use the roadway for wakirng 4 A hV of canddates for the election in December, is to be available for the November meeting. Keep your mind open if your called to serve. The next meeting will be November 26, 1990 at the Heritage Center. There being no further business President Field dedaed the meeting adtourned. Submitted by: George Field for Jean Ward, Secretary. I— L-1