cp07-08-1997 cAGENDA • REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1997 CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION - Rev. Larry Johnson, Calvary Wesleyan Church GiT•. i•. • : r •. • „u�yr MINUTES OF JUNE 24, 1997 AND BID OPENING OF JUNE 26, 1997 Action - approve as presented - approve as amended MEMEL •.► ►r : ► • . (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - JUNE 1997 2. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 2, 1997 3. LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF JUNE 23, 1997 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -197 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION • 3.20, SUBD. 6 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE ENTITLED "PROHIBITED USES OR - RESTRICTED HOURS" BY ADDING LANGUAGE THERETO AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99, WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -198 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 3. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -199 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED BETWEEN LOTS 14 AND 15 IN BLOCK ONE, STONEY POINT ADDITION 4. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -200 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464, SECTIONS 8.06, 8.07 AND 9, PROVIDING FOR THREE -PLEX UNITS IN R -3 AND R-4 DISTRICTS (c) "ON SALE" NON - INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR HUTCHINSON JAYCEES FOR CRAZY DAYS DANCE ON JULY 19, 1997 (d) REVISED $11,000 COMMERCIAL LOAN FOR MILTON BRINKMAN (e) RATIFY APPOINTMENTS TO BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS • • JIM HAUGEN, CHAIRPERSON • BRUCE NAUSTDAHL • KEVIN COMPTON 0 MARK HENSEN, EX- OFFICIO AND SECRETARY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JULY 8, 1997 • (f) ANAS SIA CHURCH FORCSEPTEMBM MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR ST. 6 & 7, 99 (g) BINGO LICENSE FOR ST. ANASTASIA CHURCH FOR SEPTEMBER 7, 1997 (h) RECOMMENDATION TO CHANGE CITY APPRECIATION PICNIC DATE TO AUGUST 27, 1997 (i) FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH AL AND VIRGINIA KRAMER FOR COAST TO COAST BUILDING ENCROACHMENT ON CITY RIGHT -OF -WAY Action - Motion to approve consent agenda 5. PUBLIC HE - NONE 6. C OMMUNICATIONS, R• J AND PET • ► • 7. UNFINISHED BUSIN (a) CONSIDERATION OF FLOOD PLAIN REDUCTION GRANT APPLICATION (CONTINUED FROM JUNE 24, 1997 MEETING) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 8. NEW BUSINESS • (a) CONSIDERATION OF NORTH HIGH DRIVE LIFT STATION RENOVATION AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING INTO AGREEMENT WITH MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR AIRPORT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION STATE AID Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into agreement (c) CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR 1996 AUDIT REPORT ON JULY 22, 1997 AT 4:00 P.M. Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve workshop 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 10. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds • 11. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES • REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Torgerson. Present: Mayor Marlin Torgerson, Council Members Bill Craig, John Mlinar, Kay Peterson and Don Erickson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Assistant to City Engineer Cal Rice, and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. The invocation was given by the Reverend Jim Hall. 3. MINUTES The minutes of June 9, 1997 and bid opening of June 18, 1997 were approved as presented. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. FINANCIAL NVESTMENT REPORT - MAY 1997 2. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 20, 1997 3. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES OF MAY 20, 1997 • (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 10859 - RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM FIRST AMERICAN BANK, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA (c) REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHTING IN SOUTHVIEW COURT SUBDIVISION (d) REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHTING ON RANDALL ROAD (e) REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHTING ON SHERWOOD STREET (f) REQUEST FROM MCLEOD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION TO INCLUDE LIGHTPOLE FLAGS AND BANNERS DOWN CENTURY AVENUE TO BOSTON STREET FOR 125TH ANNUAL MCLEOD COUNTY FAIR (g) DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS (h) AMENDED REASSESSMENT AGREEMENTS FOR PLAZA HEIGHTS (i) LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO. 97 -13, 97 -16, 97 -25, 97 -26, 97 -27, 97 -30, 97 -31 (ADOPT RESOLUTIONS NO. 10854 & NO. 10855) (j) LETTING NO. 11, PROJECT NO. 97 -29; NORTH HIGH DRIVE SANITARY SEWER LIFT STATION UPGRADE (ADOPT RESOLUTIONS NO. 10856 & NO. 10857) • (k) TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR CROW RIVER COUNTRY CLUB FOR DATES OF JULY 13, 1997 AND AUGUST 17, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 24, 1997 i (1) 24 -MONTH LEASE BETWEEN MINNESOTA TECHNOLOGY AND CITY OF HUTCHINSON FOR CITY CENTER OFFICE SPACE (DEFERRED JUNE 9,1997) (m) WAIVE BUILDING PERMIT FEE FOR CROW RIVER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY (n) SET DATE OF AUGUST 20,1997 FOR ANNUAL CITY APPRECIATION PICNIC (o) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL VICE- PRESIDENT TO SIGN LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID APPLICATION (p) COMMERCIAL LOAN APPROVAL FORM FOR MILTON BRINKMAN (q) PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR PRAIRIE SENIOR COTTAGES SUBMITTED BY MICHAEL DEMMER WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10861) (r) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PRAIRIE SENIOR COTTAGES REQUESTED BY MICHAEL DEMMER TO CONSTRUCT TWIN HOME STRUCTURE FACILITY WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10860) (s) REZONING FROM R -1 TO R -3 FOR PRAIRIE SENIOR COTTAGES REQUESTED BY MICHAEL DEMMER WITH FAVORABLE • RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 97 -198 AND SET SECOND READING FOR JULY 8, 1997) (t) LOT SPLIT AND VACATION OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AT 1204 LEWIS AVENUE SUBMITTED BY DR. CHRISTOPHER WALLYN WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 97 -199 AND SET SECOND READING FOR JULY 8, 1997) (u) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT POLE -TYPE BUILDING IN UC DISTRICT REQUESTED BY BRENT RERMR WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10862) (v) AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464, CHAPTER 11, SECTIONS 8.06, 8.07 AND 9 TO ADDRESS THREE -PLEX UNITS IN R -3 AND R-4 DISTRICTS WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (WAIVE FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 97 -200 AND SET SECOND READING FOR JULY 8, 1997) (w) LOT SPLIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN 12TH AVENUE AND 13TH AVENUE ALONG GOLF COURSE ROAD SUBMITTED BY HAZEL DANIELS WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS • CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 24, 1997 (x) LOT SPLIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF HWY. 7 EAST SUBMITTED BY ROBERT BARWICK WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (y) SIX MONTH EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT 20 -UNIT RESIDENT ELDERLY ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY AT 850 CLEVELAND AVENUE SW REQUESTED BY NEVAC INC. WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Motion was made by Craig, seconded by Mlinar, to approve the consent agenda with the exception of item 4-(w). Motion unanim ously carried. Item 4- (w)- -Craig stated that the Planning Commission approved the lot split for Hazel Daniels, but staff had been directed to report to the City Council how the assessments were assigned to the affected properties. Following discussion, motion was made by Craig, seconded by Mlinar, to approve the lot split but have discussion regarding the assessments at the next Council meeting. Motion unanimously carried. It was noted that prior to the meeting a hand -out was distributed in which the City Engineer addressed the assessment issues of Lot 1, Block 2 in Krsiean Acres. • 5. PUBLIC HEAR IN -- 6:00 P.M. (a) LETTING NO. 6, PROJECT NO. 97 -22 (CONTINUED FROM JUNE 9, 1997) The Mayor called the continued hearing to order at 6:00 p.m. Dawn Anderson,, 560 Brown Street, presented a petition with seven signatures of residents who were opposed to project No. 97 -22. Following discussion, motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Erickson, to close the hearing at 6:10 p.m. Motion unanimously carried. Motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Mlinar, to reject the alley improvement, Letting No. 6, Project No. 97 -22 and to adopt Resolution No. 10858. Motion unanim ously carried. 6. COMMUNICAILONS, REOLMSTS AND PETITIONS (a) PRESENTATION BY COALITION OF GREATER MINNESOTA CITIES REPRESENTATIVE Mr. Jim Asplin, policy analyst for Flaherty & Koebele, P.A., presented the services available from the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities and its political activity on behalf of the constituents. Willmar Mayor, Lester Heitke, addressed the City Council regarding the strong points of the CGMC, including issues pertaining to annexation, water and labor relations. • He stated that Willmar could not afford to hire a lobbyist, but the Coalition represents CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 24, 1997 C] its members to the Legislature. Heitke invited the Hutchinson City Council to join the Coalition. The membership cost is based on the per capita of City property tax. Torgerson stated the Council would take membership under advisement. (b) PRESENTATION BY LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE ISSUES WITH TRIAX CABLEVISION Attorney Robert Vose of Bernick & Lifson stated he was involved with the cable franchise and in the merger with DD Cable Partners. He then commented on the issue of potential franchise violations by the franchise holder. First, Triax is required to rebuild the cable system by 1998. At this point it has not occurred, and there is no progress in that direction. Failure to rebuild the system could be grounds to deny the franchise. Second, there are serious problems with customer service obligations. The company does not answer telephone calls and deal with customer complaints. The City can create new customer service requirements or additional requirements. Third, the company is required to pay the City a franchise fee of five percent of gross revenues. Vose stated it is common for cable companies to misreport their revenues so this area should be checked. It was suggested that the City obtain a copy of the revenues and hire a CPA to audit the cable company's books. Fourth, Vose covered the three possible remedies if violations occur, namely: (1) • During rebuild construction Triax must post an additional bond up to $70,000.00. The City should make sure it is in place. If the City determines there is a specific franchise violation, it should proceed to submit a written notice of violation to the cable company that it occurred. (2) Triax was required to establish a Letter of Credit in the City's name for $2,000.00. Triax has 15 days to replenish the account after it has been drawn on. Each day after April 1, 1998, the City can take money out of the account for failure to comply with franchise agreement if the terms and conditions are met. (3) The City has the right to seek another operator of the cable service or another cable company.. Vose commented on the Cable Television Communications Act which clarifies a City's right to regulate the right -of -way. (c) HCDC PRESENTATION BY BUSINESS PARK TEAM DICK LENNES AND CARY LINDER ON BUSINESS PARK CONCEPT IN INDUSTRIAL PARK Dick Lennes and Cary Linder, representatives of the HCDC Business Park Team, reported on the Business Park concept to expand the Industrial Park 40 acres by December 31, 1998 and to plan and develop a 15 -acre site for a Business Park by December 31, 1998. LIMPO4`lI.7HI�ti�:1•I.1 L.. • 8. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR SMALL -SIZE BUS A CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - JUNE 24, 1997 It was recommended to award the bid to MN Body & Equipment Company per option #1 for a total purchase price of $39,979.00 plus tax. It was noted that the City pays 20% of the vehicle cost and the State of MN/Transit Administration pays 80% under the terms of the transit grant. Motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Craig, to approve the recommended bid by MN Body & Equipment Company. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF 1997 PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE RENEWAL Insurance consultants Mark Flaten and Dennis Potter reviewed the 1997 property and casualty insurance renewal proposals. It was their recommendations to establish a deductible fund to cover future claim payments and to select the $25,000.00 deductible for July 1, 1997. Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Erickson, to approve the $25,000.00 deductible. Motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF WATERING RESTRICTION The City Attorney recommended that the City Council be responsible for enforcing the watering restriction ordinance. • Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Peterson, to approve the watering restriction and to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 97 -197 and set second reading for July 8, 1997. Motion unanimously carried. 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS CITY ADMINISTRATOR Plotz reported that the City and County have been designated to receive 90% funding for flood fringe properties. The City's 10% match would come from the capital improvements fund, public utility fund or another source, but not from the general fund. He suggested that the staff pursue the potential purchase of three or four homes west of Tartan Park and provide additional information at the next City Council meeting. (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Mlinar, to approve the claims and authorize payment from appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. 49 n u • • MINUTES BID OPENING JUNE 26, 1997 City Administrator Gary D. Plotz called the bid opening to order at 1:00 p.m. Also present were Lawrence Winter and Administrative Secretary Marilyn J. Swanson. Administrator Plotz opened and read the following proposals for organics/paper pick -up in the City of Hutchinson: COMNIERCIAL RESIDENTIAL TRUCK/DRIVER • • VOL. DRIVE-BY a AG4V.GE CARTCHARGE CHARQF AW Disposal Inc. Norwood, MN None $1.50 $ .99 Witte Sanitation, Inc. Glencoe, MN $75.00 2.25 2.45 AW Disposal Inc. Witte Sanitation, Inc. • NJ ; • Yes QUESTION #2 No Yes Yes Yes The bids were referred to staff for review and a recommendation. The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m. N CITY OF HUTCHINSON • BUILDING / PLANNING / ZONING DEPARTMENT 111 HASSAN STREET S.E., HUICHINSON. MN 55350 PHONE: 612834.4216 EAJE 612. 234-4240 June 1997 • NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED - HOUSEKEEPING h m NurroerOf vakmmof Nunberof Vill 101 BUILDINGS No. &ildrga Hou•iig mrwbuNm BiildAp HowkV corwb d UnM chW cures Units Omit ca ma 6k,gle -1°miy hauw°, tl•bd,ed ErzMlannbWdma, 101 4 Sirgla4am•y house,, •mdi°d ' S4•'•ad 6Y ma/b b /td a W, as uw seorevtrbw, end 102 s a mwws Two4wn 103 Thrae-end fow-larnily buildings 104 Flvoramna 105 TOTAL: Sun of 101.105 � 109 4 4 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLYOWNED NONHOUSEKEEPING dam Nur bend Valuatlond Nurb•rd Valnnaamd BUILDINGS No. BLAId a Roane canslr ion &4ldlrgs Rowm oonstructlm On* ends On* was ° h c e Halals, mottle, and cab * 5" trywl•ntsmantnd•tbns ) 213 OONw rorioueek•pi,B Wwhw 214 NEW PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED NONRESIDENTIAL Rom Numbw VWwuanof Numberd V°lubmof BUILDINGS No. of amsbualon BW6ng, wlwbuction &Akvs OrrW tuner Oa* errs ° c Amusamem, social, wd reaewwW 318 C7urdm and other ralfplo , 319 Industrial M Pwldng garages (aelbtps 4 open dadud( 321 Swvics sts!" aW rWw gwagas 372 Hospltels and insihardanal 323 Offs , banks, end prot•ssimal 324 Pubic works and unifies 325 Schools and other eduoado nod 325 Smr•s and cusmm•r ssricss 327 OVwr ronresidwdal b46ngs 376 5 4,427 Sbuchres othw Nan h AMngs 3M ADDITIONS, PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED ALTERATIONS, hen Number VWmtlm of Nutber d Valuaban of AND CONVERSIONS No. Of comndw Mkiinp, conavuctia, 13Wdngs Clm cards char cants (a) (b) (c) (Co ( R°sM°rnuel-ClanlN adsabro of 434 g•wga, •rd cwp" in am tae 10 106 467 NaresideMel and ncnhuusekssping 437 7 59,450 Addhlarw of resld°mial gwapas aM cwporm 436 (a0ached and deledwd) DEMOUT NS PR TEL PUBLICLY OWNED AND RAZING hem Nunbw Nunberof Nunbwd Number of OF BUILDINGS No, d Housag units Buidlrg• Had n9 urns ° c Slrgle -fwriy heroes (wmdrd and d°mdwd) 645 Ter -fan* buidings 616 Thraa- wd far- famlty bugtligs 647 Fivearmaa fam9y buildings fi46 NI of w hulldings and eanctusa 4N RRR -16. RRS -4- RWR -4_ Fpwr & MT -1 crre_s Total Valuation 1804,176 ,1r.� 01 • 4-A (1) • HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION Minutes of the June 2, 1997 meeting Meeting called to order by chairman David Skaar Members present: Skaar, Koenig, Dooley Guests: John Rodeberg, Jerry Peterson(TKDA), Ken Merrill, Tom Parker, Doug McGraw Review of the last meeting - distribution of drawing, etc, to those not in attendance at the last meeting. Review of drawings, specifications. New Business: Jerry Peterson of TKDA gave a report of meeting in John Rodeberg's office on May 13, 1997 regarding change in entrance road. He has been in contact with MnDOT and MnDOT will provide a right -turn lane as part -of the trade -off for moving the new entrance road. Ken Merrill and John Rodeberg updated the commission on City of Hutchinson position on Phase II of the airport. Discussion followed regarding suggested changes in the Arrival/Departure Building (Shower and sink change in Maintenance Hangar). M/S/P that approval be given to Dooley Air Shows for wavers, etc, for air show during • McLeod County Fair August 19, 1997. Chairman to draft letter to this effect and send to Robert Hantge of the Fair Board. M/S/P to put into motion Phase I of Parker fuel agreement. This will put Tom Parker in charge of a/c fuel operation and enable Parker to purchase fuel at a lower rate in exchange for maintaining the system. Phase II will establish a Visa/Master Card system for fuel purchases by transient aircraft in the absence of the FBO. Current fuel charge cards used by local a/c owners will still be able to be used. Billing will be through Parker. Next meeting to be held June 30, 1997 in the Airport Lobby, Hutchinson Municipal Airport. Motion for adjournment. Mmutes submitted by Chairman David Skaar Hutchinson Public Library Board.Meeting • Monday, June 23, 1997 Members Present: Mary Henke, Paul Wright, Kay Peterson, Larry Ladd (PLS Bd.) Connie Lambert (H. P. L. B and PLS Bd.) Lois Carlson, Richard Peterson, Joe Schulte,Joyce Beytien Members Absent: Sue Munz The meeting was called to order by Paul Wright, Chair. The minutes from the April 28,1997 meeting were read and accepted. Old Business: Mary reported on the Internet use in these few months it has been installed. She has estimated, according to the sign -up booklet, that in the first month it was used about 97 hours with 118 people; 108 hours with 204 people the second month and about 9 hours use by the staff each month. Users now have the option to use it one hour instead of the previous 1/2 hour allotment. Discussion followed on kid's use of the Internet and Mary will be working on this at a meeting on July 7. The response letter to a patron concerning distribution of free materials at the library was shared with the board. There is a sign by these materials stating the information . displayed is provided by individuals and groups in the community and the library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints expressed. New Business: The roof leaks close to the circulation desk and in the outer foyer are being 'watched' and Mr. Kucera has made some repairs. AnneHL Koch le, Mary outlined the MN Voluntary Certification Program for library staff. She and Sherry Lund are participating in Level One. The 1998 Budget drafts for PLS and the city were circulated , explained and discussed. Reports: L. Ladd and C. Lambert reported on the PLS Board meeting where a facility study will take place with the Willmar Public Library. L Ladd also presented information about the Personnel Committee's work on administrative contracts. The next meeting will be on Monday, July 28, 1997 at 4:30 P.M. The meeting was adjourned. (R. Peterson, L. Carlson, MMP) Joyce Beytien, Secretary • I 4 A (�> ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE PROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP • ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE DAVID S. ARNOLD' HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350-2563 STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON' (320) 587 -7575 LAURA K. FRETLAND FAX (320) 587 -4096 PAUL D. DOVE" JANE VAN VALKENBURG RESIDENT ATTORNEY RICHARD G. McGEE G. BARRY ANDERSON CATHRYN D. REHER WALTER P. MICHELS, III 'ALSO ADMITTED IN TEXAS AND NEW YORK (y� July 2, 1997 Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street S.E. Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Codification Issues Our File No. 3188-87031 Dear Gary: JUL 9 - 1997 C!T`.' jF HUTCHIF!SON OF COUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN TERRI A. BLOMFELT 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545 -9000 FAX (612) 545 -1793 FAX (612) 542 -9210 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389 -2214 FAX IS 12) 389 -5506 • At the last City Council meeting I was requested by the water department to draft a watering restriction ordinance. I recalled, from our ordinance codification process of approximately a decade ago, some vague memory that we already had such an ordinance and indeed I found at Ordinance Code Section 3.20, Subd. 6 authority for the City to limit the use of municipal water. A copy of the ordinance is enclosed I do think some greater clarity regarding who has the authority to declare a water emergency would be helpful and I am enclosing herewith a proposed ordinance for the Council to consider on the consent agenda at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. By carbon copy of this correspondence to Randy DeVnes and Dick Nagy, I am providing them with a copy of the existing ordinance and my proposed ordinance so that any changes or suggestions they might have can be incorporated in time for the second reading. Thank you. Best regards. Very truly yours, ARNOLD, ANDE ON & DOVE, PLLP G. B I Ander on GBA:lm Enclosure CC Randy DeVries • Dick Nagy - ,��_Z) 'CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION — CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION r` 9 3.20 copper tubing shall be flared or compression- fitted, and kept to a . minimum. Not more than one joint shall be used for a service up to seventy feet in length. All joints shall be left uncovered until inspected. Minimum size connection with the water mains shall be one (1) inch in diameter. Subd. 5. Private Water Supplies. No water pipe of the City water system shall be connected with any pump, well, pipe, tank or any device that is connected with any other source of water supply and when such are found, the City shall notify the owner or occupant to disconnect the same and, if not immediately done, the City water shall be turned off. Before any new connections to the City system are permitted, the City shall ascertain that no cross - connections will exist when the new connection is made. When a building is connected to "City Water" the private water supply may be used only for such purposes as the City may allow. Subd. 6. Prohibited Uses or Restricted Hours. Whenever the City shall determine that a shortage of water threatens the City, it may entirely prohibit water use or limit the times and hours during which water may be used from the City water system for lawn and garden sprinkling, irrigation, car washing, air conditioning, and other uses, or either or any of them. It is unlawful for any water consumer to cause or permit water to be used in violation of such determination after public announcement . thereof has been made through the news media specifically indicating the - restrictions thereof. Subd. 7. Private Fire Hose Connections. Owners of structures with self- contained fire protection systems may apply for and obtain permission to connect the street mains with hydrants, large pipes, and hose couplings, for use in case of fire only, at their own installation expense and at such rates as the Council may adopt by resolution as herein provided. Subd. 8. Opening Hydrants. It is unlawful for any person, other than members of the Fire Department or other person duly authorized by the City, in pursuance of lawful purpose, to open any fire hydrant or attempt to draw water from the same or in any manner interfere therewith. It is also unlawful for any person so authorized to deliver or suffer to be delivered to any other person any hydrant key or wrench, except for the purposes strictly pertaining to their lawful use. Subd. 9. Unmetered Service. Unmetered service may be provided for construction, flooding skating rinks, and any other purpose. Such service shall be at a duly adopted rate. where it is difficult or impossible to accurately measure the amount of water taken, unmetered service may be provided and the unmetered rate applied; provided, however, that by acceptance thereof the consumer agrees to have the City estimate the water used. In so • estimating the City shall consider the use to which the water is put and the length of time of unmetered service. 58 (7 -1 -89) �Z - ,;e ,(-z) • ORDINANCE NO. 97 -197 , 2 ND SERIES PUBLICATION NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.20, SUBD. 6 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE ENTITLED "PROHIBITED USES OR RESTRICTED HOURS" BY ADDING LANGUAGE THERETO AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99, WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS. THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. City Code Section 3.20, Subd. 6 "Prohibited Uses or Restricted Hours" is hereby amended to include the following language at the end of said Section: The City Administrator or his designee shall have the authority to declare the terms and conditions of such water use restrictions and said restrictions shall become effective immediately following public announcement of the same. Said restrictions shall be confirmed by the City Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting thereof. Section 2. City Code Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including Penalty for Violation" and section 2.99 entitled "Violation a • Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety, by reference, as though repeated verbatim herein. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this _ day of 1 1997. Marlin Torgerson, Mayor Attest: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Published in the Hutchinson Leader: First reading: Second reading: • 4 9, (2) • ORDINANCE NO. 97 -198 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: The following described real property is hereby rezoned from R -1 (Single Family) to R -3 (Multiple Family Residence) District, platted as Prairie Senior Cottages, with the following legal description: That part of Tract C of REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 28, Mcleod County, Minnesota, described as follows: - Beginning at the northwest comer of said Track C; thence east, assumed bearing, along the north line of said Tract C to the northwest comer of Tract A of said REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 28; thence south, along the west line of said Tract A 50.000 feet to the southwest corner of said Tract A; thence east, along the south line of said Tract A 60.000 feet to the northwest comer of • TRACT B of said REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 28; thence south, along the west line of said Tract B and its southerly prolongation 200.00 feet; thence west, parallel with the north line of said Tract C to the west line of said Tract C; thence north 0 degrees 15 minutes 55 seconds west, along said west line to the point of beginning. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 1997. Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator • /f ,9, l �/ • ORDINANCE NO. 97 -199 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED BETWEEN LOTS 14 AND 15 IN BLOCK ONE, STONEY POINT ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Se ction . Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City council that it would be in the best interests of the City to vacate the drainage and utility easement located between Lots 14 and 15 in Block One, Stoney Point Addition. _ Sect ion 2. That the drainage and utility easement to be vacated are described as follows: The easement lying Southeasterly of the Northeasterly line of Lot 14, Block 1, Stoney Point Addition and the easement lying Northwesterly of the Southeasterly line of Lot 15, Block 1, Stoney Point Addition • Section This ordinance shall take effect from and after.passage and publication. -- Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 1997. Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator • 4- .I(�) 0 ORDINANCE NO. 97 -200 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464, SECTIONS 8.06, 8.07 AND 9, PROVIDING FOR THREE -PLEX UNITS IN R -3 AND R -4 DISTRICTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. That notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and it was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interest of the City to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 464. SECTION 2. That Sections 8.06, 8.07 and 9 are amended as follows: Section 8.06 R -3 District • DIMENSIONAL REGULATIONS (1) Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions: • Use Minimum Lot Minimum Minimum Area per Lot Width Lot Depth Dwelling Unit Single- family 7,200 60 120 residence Corner: 80 Two-family residence 5,000(5197) 80(sr97) 12515197► Max. ground coverage 35 %(s197) Three Feat or 4,200 None None more family (4/93) building Townhouses 4,200' None None (4/93) ' Does not count area set aside for surface water ponding or wetland protection. (2) Setbacks and Heights: Use Front Corner Side Interior Side Rear Height Single- family 25 25 8 25 35 Two-family 25 25 10 25 25 J-Q 8- family 30 25 20* 40 35 Townhouses 30 25 20* 40 35 Accessory Buildings 30 25 6 6 16 * Add 6 inches for each foot the average height of the building exceeds 20 feet. • The minimum distance between townhouse or three fear- to eight- family buildings when the exterior walls are parallel shall be equal to the height of the exterior wall or 15 feet, whichever is greater. Townhouse or three feat- to eight - family buildings shall be no closer to one another at any point than 15 feet. Section 8.07 • R -4 District DIMENSIONAL REGULATIONS (1) Minimum Lot Area, Width, and Depth: In determining minimum lot area and minimum lot dimensions, the following table shall be used. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit may be adjusted using the schedule of allowances, also below. Use Minimum Lot Minimum Minimum Area per Dwelling Lot Width Lot Depth Unit 3-to 8- family 4,000 * None None building Townhouse 4,000 * None None • (2) Setbacks and Heights: • Use Front Corner Interior Rear Height R-5 Side Side 8,400 7,200 3-to 8- family 30 25 20' 40 35 buildin — Max. ground coverage 5,000 5,000 Townhouses 30 25 20' 40 35 Apartments No less than 35 feet or the average 35 — height of the building, whichever is 4,200 4,000 rester. Townhouses Accessory 30 25 6 6 16 structures — — — 0 BR/DU ` Add 6 inches for each foot the average height of the building exceeds 20 feet. SECTION 9: TABULATION OF DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ZONING DISTRICTS is • Minimum Lot Area per Dwelling Unit: Zoning Districts R -1 R -2 R4 R-4 R-5 Single-Family 10,400 8,400 7,200 — — Two-Family — — — Max. ground coverage 5,000 5,000 35%(6197) (5197 ) (5197) 8- Family — — 4,200 4,000 Townhouses — — 4,200 4,000 — Apartment Building — — — — 0 BR/DU 2,500` 1 BR/DU 3,000` 2 BR/DU 3,000` 3 BR/DU 3,500` Elderly Apartments — — — — Efficiency 1,000 1 BR/DU 1,500 2 BR/DU 2,000 Mobile Homes — — — Determined by setbacks ` These minimum lot areas may be adjusted as follows: (1) for each parking space within or under an apartment building, subtract 400 square feet from the total minimum lot area, (2) for each unit with a balcony of not less than 45 square feet, subtract 200 square feet form the total minimum lot area. Minimum Lot Wldths: SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 1997. Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator A • • Zoning Districts R -1 R -2 R -3 R-4 R-5 Lot Width: Single 80/110 70190 60/80 None 100 Double 80 80 115 Townhouse None 3- to 8 None Apartment — Lot Depth: 130 Single 120 120 None 50 Double 120 120 65 Townhouse None 3-to 8 - None rtment — SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of July, 1997. Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator A • • bHURI-ik�KK 45u.uu RETAII, "ON SALE" • jotate of Ainnegota, couxTr OF. Hutchinson To the ... City Council , - ......... ...... the ..... CitY . ........................... Hu tSh:iPPM ............ ... ...................._....I........ ... ......... ........................ I ........ I.. I... State of Minnesota: hereby appt.AQ.9.for a litanies for the tern* of— frans the ----- -- __...19.01 . .......... ......... . . ...... day . .... . ... 18.81 , to sell At Retail Onl3r, Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors, as the same are defined by law, for ex%ramption "Or' Owso certain premises, In utl ............. doseribed as foUawe, to Crazy Days Dance at McLeod County Fairgrounds 8:00 P.M. - Midnight at which Place &Wd applioang.--OP0,24s _.9ho business 11 and to that end represe" and stafe__.as foUsnes: That said applicant. 19... ...... af the United Stales; of pod nwra& character and repute; and ha ... ........ atilaiaed the ate of ill years; the establishment for which the license will be issued if Am application is jraAW. That no manufacturer of such non malt Uquore h" any ownership, m w" or in part, in said business of said applicant. _or any inisrs,4 therein; That *aid applwant..._.nzake ..... this application pursuant and sabjod to &U OW laws of the State of Minnesota and the crdinanaes and rejulatione of applicable thereto, which are hereby made a pan hereof; and hereby airso.-Ap absewce and obey the 41 rw r n.e� wsw. a n Recomend approval with restrictions and requirements as in the past. Driver's License I.D. to be required for purchas Chi Each applicant further states that —he is not row the holder of, nor has one made application for, nor does —he intend to make application for a Federal Retail Dealer's Special tax stamp for the sale of intoxicaling liquor. =9 JUN 2 7 1997 CftyotHWchftw • Dated 19 -?2 P. 0. 4 _(1, • DATE: June 27, 1997 TO: Mayor Marlin Torgerson and City Council Members, HCDC Board Members, and HCDC Finance Team Members FROM: Mary Beth Schaufler - HCDC Coordinator M RE: Commercial Loan for Milton Brinkman Mr. Brinkman has been approved for a commercial loan to repair the roofs on his downtown build- ings; 12 and 14 Main Street South, Hutchinson, MN 55350. The loan amount is $11,000.00. Brinkman originally asked for 2% interest for ten years, however, today he has changed his request to 4% interest for fifteen years. I do not see any problems with this. He is in good standing with his current loan with the City, and has a loan to market value ratio of 33% with good financial state- ments. I will need approval to continue with the loan and the new terms of 4% interest for fifteen years. If you have questions or object to these terms please contact me at 587 -7500 before the next City Council meeting on July 8th, otherwise I will assume that the new terms are alright and move forward with the loan process. Thank you! • NOTE: This revised loan request will be on the consent agenda for the City Council meeting on July 8, 1997. U 4 • Memo 6 -24 -97 To: Mayor and City Council From: Jim Marka, Director of Planning and Zoning, Building Re: Appointment to Building Code Board of Appeals The Insurance Service Office (ISO) building department grading program requires a "Building Code Board of Appeals ". I am recommending that the following individuals be appointed as members: Jim Haugen/Architect- Chairman _ Bruce Naustdahl/Contractor and Developer Kevin Compton/Contractor and Developer Mark Hensen, Ex -Officio and secretary • T _ ZE�7' (612) 587.5151 • f/UTlH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E N 0 R A N D U N DATE: April 8, 1986 T0: City Council ----------------------- - - - - - -- FROM: Mayor Paul L. Ackland - ------- ---- ------------ - - - - -- SU&TECT: Appointments to Building Code Board of Appeals ----- ---------- -- ----- -- - - - --- Sim Haugen - Chairman Charles Brill Robert Causman Homer Pittman, Bx- Officio & Secretary Cl 4 -Z:F It is my recommendation to appoint the following individuals to the • Building Code Board of Appeals: Sim Haugen - Chairman Charles Brill Robert Causman Homer Pittman, Bx- Officio & Secretary Cl 4 -Z:F ' (612) 587 -5151 iyUTl// CITY OF HUTCHINSON r_ 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 April 30, 1986 Mr. James Haugen 420 Grove South Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr. Haugen: The City Council at its regi(lar meeting of April 8, 1986 created a new Building Code Board of Appeal's. The following individuals were appointed to serve on the Board: • James Haugen, Chairman Charles Brill Robert Gausman Homer Pittman, Ex- Officio 6 Secretary The first meeting of the Board will be held in the near future, and Homer Pittman will advise you of the date. I apologize for the delay in notifying you of the appointment, but I have just returned from vacation. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSO Marilyn Swanson Administrative Secretary • 4 -ze� TU - _S_D .y, FLD'UARY L8, L980 • PUBLICATION NO. 3520 ORDINANCE NO. 7 31 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A "BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS" AND TO DEFINE ITS DUTIES AND MEMBERSHIP THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: Section I. Section 300:OOA There is hereby established an advisory board to be known as the `Building Code Board of Appeals." Section 300:05 Appointment Said consist of three members who shall be with the consent of the Council. appointments from among individuals experience and training to pass upon building construction. Board of Appeals shall appointed by the Mayor The Mayor may make who are qualified by matters pertaining to Section 300:10 . Terms The members shall hold office at the pleasure of the Council for a term of two years. • Section 300:15 Vacagciea. Any vacancy in the appointive membership shall be fil edby appointment by the Mayor, with the consent of said Council, and such appointee shall serve for the unexpired term so filled. Section 300:20 Board Officers The Mayor shall appoint a Chairman, who shall serve for such terms and shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed in the rules of said Board. Said Board shall elect from its membership a Vice- Chairman who shall serve for such term and shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed in the rules of said Board. Section 300:25 Meetings Meetings of the Board shall be held at such times and places as may be prescribed in the rules of the Board or as may be fixed by the Chairman, consistent with such rules. Section 300:30 , Quorum At least two members of the Board present at a meeting of said Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 300:35 Duties The duties of the Board shall be as follows: Subd. 1. Conduct investigations into the • appropriateness of decisions rendered by the building official as to the suitability of alternate materials 4- E? and methods of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the State Building Code. Subd. 2. To adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations. Subd. 3. Rendering all decisions and findings based upon such investigations in writing to the building official with a duplicate copy to the party requesting such investigation and to the State Building Inspector within 15 days of such decision. Section 300:40 Ex- Officio Members The Building Official shall be an ex- officio member and shall act as secretary of the board. Section II. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS 1986. 11th DAY OF February , I1 u ATTEST: Gary D. Rjotz CUy Clerk Paul Ackland, Mayor 0 • 0 3 2.50 SEC. 2.50. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS GENERALLY. All Board and Commission appointments authorized by ordinance or resolution shall be made by the Mayor, and such appointment confirmed by the Council. The term of each appointee shall be established and stated at the time of his appointment, and terms of present Board and Commission members may be reestablished and changed so as to give effect to this Section. No Board or Commission member shall be appointed to more than two full consecutive terms or for a period to exceed ten years, whichever is lesser. New "appointees shall assume office on the first day of the first month following their appointment and qualification, or on the first day of the first month following the expiration of the prior term and qualifi- cation, whichever shall occur last. Provided, however, that all appointees to Board and Commissions shall hold office until their successor is appointed and qualified. All vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as for an expired term, but the appoint- ment shall be only for the unexpired term. All appointed Board and I Wwlu J=Aull WCWUCLb 511cl" reimbursed for out -of -pock of their duties when sucl Council before they were i shall be chosen from and annually to serve for or Chairman shall be elected as a member of the Board member may be removed by a misfeasance, malfeasance o filled as any other vacanc; its regular meeting at a otherwise provided, this Commissions. serve wLtnout remuneration, out may oe at expenses incurred in the performance i expenses have been authorized by the zcurred. The Chairman and the Secretary by the Board or Commission membership e year. Provided, however, that no who has not completed at least one year )r Commission. Any Board or Commission 4 /5ths majority vote of the Council for non- feasance in office and his position �. Each Board and Commission shall hold time established by it. Except as Section shall apply to all Boards and SEC. 2.51. PLANNING COMMISSION. Subd. 1. Establishment and Composition. A Planning Commis ereby established. The Planning Commiss be composed of seven m f which five sha esidents of the City but not members of a pu o shall serve staggered five -year terms, and one of the Coun one member of the Public Utilit mission shall be appointed by t to serve xpiring on March 31 of each year. The Mayor and the City Attorney shall be ex officio members. Subd. 2. Powers and Duties. The Planning Commission shall have all the powers and duties defined or granted in the Statutes and the City Code relating to planning, zoning and subdivision regulation and shall act in an advisory capacity to the Council in all of such areas. • SEC. 2.52. BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS. A Building Code Board is hereby established for the purpose of determining the suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction, and to provide for reasonable interpretations of the 14 (7 -1 -89) _ 2�� S 2.52 • provisions of the State Building Code. The Building Code board of Appeals shall consist of three members who are qualified by experience and training to determine matters relating to building construction, and shall be appointed for two -year terms except that initial appointments shall be for such period so as to provide for staggered (insofar as possible) terms. The Building Official shall be an ex officio member and act as Secretary of the Board. The Board shall conduct investigations and inquiry into matters brought before it and shall make all decisions and findings in writing to the Building official with a duplicate copy to the appellant, and may recommend to the council such new legislature as is consistent therewith. SEC. 2.53. HOUSING ADVISORY AND APPEALS BOARD. Subd. 1. Establishment and Composition. A Housing Advisory and Appeals, Board, composed of five members who are not employees of the City, and who shall serve staggered three year terms, is hereby established. The Building Official shall be an ex- officio member and shall act as Secretary of the Board. Subd. 2. Powers and Duties. The Board shall have all of the powers and duties set forth in the Uniform Housing Code. SEC. 2.54. PARRS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY • BOARD. Subd. 1. Establishment and Composition. A Parks, Recreation and Community Education Advisory Board is hereby established under the Joint Powers Agreement entered into on September 1, 1993, between the City of Hutchinson and the Independent School District No. 423, McLeod County. The Board shall be composed of thirteen (13) representatives consisting of ten (10) positions from the community at large, one representative from the School Board, one representative from the Hutchinson City Council, and one youth representative who serves a two year term. With the exception of the School Board and City Council representative, all members shall be jointly appointed by the Mayor and the School Board President, with the consent of "the respective boards and Council, and shall serve staggered three year terms. The terms of the members first appointed to the Board shall be for one, two, or three years as designated in the appointment. 15 (2 -1 -94) is RETAEL "ON SALE" • Rotate of Affinezota, COUYTr Op � .. ....... n.L. e.o. a ------ _��Iy ... tc��inso. ...... _Op To the ... C4Y.-Council . .. .......... of the.. ... C.��Y of �F:�Appm ..... 1-1 ...... ................ .................... ..... I ....... ............. .. ... State of Minnesota: hereby applies. - _ for a licens for the ter o f . . ... ..... . . ..... .. from the ... ........ 5-1-Y--r ,14.., . - ---- ---------- ..... . .... day of-3E,12 19-`2Z to sell At Retail Only, Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquors, as the Mme are defined by law, fo e wyuraptjo, -0y- a une to d, pmm in desoribed as foUo,,, t PA4ZtSti 4 /6 1 0 4 -41<F-Ws 4 J at whiah place said dppU a g --.VpOpa j s .... t h e b ujsess of and to that and represent and state--as foUamsr • That Said aPPIuaMt - L4. e - ..... - of the United SWw o f lood maraZohmot,, and repute; and ha_9 _.... attained the && o f 21 —Of the establ for which the 1i will b u_ if this application is franted. That no manufacturer of such n ntaxwatixj matt Uquarw has any monership, m whole or L,% part, in said business of said applicant or any interest therein; That said applicant Make.... this application pursua a m bj e a t a U the taus of as Sta" of Afixawaota and the ondinanzes, and rejutations of said . ........ . ..... applicable thereto, whi are hereby ma a par hereof, and hereby a0w...Ao observe and obey the same; — r ,w�sy W., a1 Recommend approval with restrictions and requirements as in the past. Driver's License I.D. to be required for purchase. Steve Kadson, Police Chief Each applicant further states that --he is not now the holder of, "r has —he made application for, nor does --he intend to make application for a Federal Retail Dealer's Special tax stamp for the sale of intoxicating Liquor. ll; JUL I -1997 C4yo(HUWMw 0 Dated., .dppuoa"— P. 0. City of Hutchinson r= • Fee: APPLICATION FOR BINGO LICENSE Approved by: Building Fire _ Application shall be submitted at least Police _ days prior to the bingo occasion I, 4)ENNIS f_ ECKrc-. rZ- AND I, ' EEW- k1RN1J E �- MILL Name of Authorized Officer Name of Designated Bingo Manager Hereby submit in duplicate this application for a license to conduct the game of bingo in accordance with the provisions of City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 for the license year ending n a to Aut orize ficer of Organization Designated Bingo Manager A. The following is to be completed by the duly authorized officer of the organization: 1. True Name: �j[(Ir <�r- //G/VIV t� • last first middle 2. Residence Address: Z "r- Sty��f INSpN, /n�/ S'S3 (street (city) state zip code) 3. Date of Birth: 0 Off — 4. Place of Birth ,v3o.v /AAA (mo. ) (day ear) city & state 5. Have you ever been conv cted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes _ NO If yes, explain B. The following is to be completed by the designated bingo manager of organization: n 1. True Name: IAILL 'etE- NN last first middle 2. Residence Address: /tfgSS QD lk�lrCH iU N .s - 7 street city state zip code) 3. Date of Birth: 0 ?- //- 4. Place of Birth: V on Mn/ (Mo., day & year) city & state 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes _ NO If yes, explain 6. How long have you been a member of the organization? 0 � • 7. Attach a copy of the official resolution or official action designating you bingo manager. PAID AL 1 - 1997 City of Hutchinson C. Game Information: 1. Place where bingo games will be played �LI]NRS ?ftS I/� �42( 2. Date or dates bingo will be played SxA Ai (date and/or days ) of week) 3. Hours of the day bingo will played: From uZA—M: to S. Uri A;M 4. ! "aximum number of players 15 5. Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? 0 NE 6. Will refreshments be served during the time the games are being conducted? Yes No If so, will a charge be made for such refres ments? Yes NO D. Organization Information: 1. Address where regular meetings are held Vi�90 Lf}K sT. -f/G/ FL //k5oi 2. Day and time of meetings ;2ZLO Z2ZFF G"// z� r,-), _ 7 oue� 3. Is the applicant organization organized under the laws of the state of Minnesota? Yes No 4. H6w long has the organization been in existence? 11 y2S 4a. How many members in the organization ? ����d0 5. What is the purpose of the organization? /?Falllo�s fFDu nrio v9� 6. Officers of the Organization: N ame Address Title • J� i1[U(5 F 'C .e F ✓L 4/&j L.4KF S� SCc1 � 0Z /' -.SZ2 JArn�S Ind 0F ;y CAA sral 7. Give names of officers or any other persons paid for services to the organization: Name Address Title A E U Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public on this Day of , 19_. Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on D. Organization Information: (Continued) 8. In whose custody will organization records be kept? Name A-o i(� NN e - Address y/oU 9. If the organization carries sufficient insurance to compensate the players in the event any injury is sustained by players whil participating in the bingo game, or while on the licensed premises, please state the fries c.4r/lc�i� i,,uru�c. Name of Insurer and Policy No. C /c/7 ooel Sll p <3 _5&k Oi/IH / /VE 10. Have you (Manager & Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of bingo games? 11. Attach a list of all active members of the organization. E. The following information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given by the bingo manager in favor of the organization: 1. Name of bonding company T4L CArH -o - IQ All urc,+4c- (occocc 2. Address of bonding company 0,6wTC-W Sf - IV/c 1C.S 3. Amount and duration of bond UN boo /NG Ll//7T1 PGiC'u 4. Application is hereby made for waiver of the bonding requirements. Yes No I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance NO. 655 relating to bingo, and I will familiarize _m if wit4 - contents A hereof. Yg6„ io_ __ i L - gnaLUre of authorize Date: O Co Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary Day of , 19 cer of organization public on this Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on 40 C MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Brenda Ewing;, uman Resources Coordinator SUBJECT: City Appreciation Picnic Date DATE: July 2, 1997 At your last meeting, you set the picnic date for Wednesday, August 20, 1997. The Recreation Center, the preferred location for the picnic, is not available on that date. It is available for Thursday, August 21 and for Wednesday, August 27, 1997. Your direction is requested to do one of the following: 1. Hold the picnic on August 20 at an alternate, outdoor, location. 2. Hold the picnic on August 21 at the Recreation Center. 3. Hold the picnic on August 27 at the Recreation Center. It may be easiest to move the date to August 27. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. • City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, AIN 55350 -2512 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 234 -4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, ,NN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 2344240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587.1242 —� Fax (320) 587 -6427 - Printed on recycled paper - 0 DAVID B. ARNOLD STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON LAURA K. FRETLANO PAUL D. DOVE ** JANE VAN VALKENBURG RICHARD G. MaGEE CATHRYN D. REHER WALTER P. MICHELS, III 'ALSO ADMITTED IN TEXAS AND NEW YORK Mr. Gary D. Plou City Administrator Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street S. E. Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Ordinance Codification Issues Our File No. 3188-87031 • Dear Gary: I received a request from Diane Gordon, who examined the Abstract of Title to property owned by A] & Virginia Kramer (the Coast to Coast Store) regarding an encroachment on City right of way. I am enclosing a copy of a survey prepared by Jeffrey R_ Rauch and I direct your attention to paragraph 3 of the survey notes which specifically sets forth the following: The south line of the Coast to Coast building encroaches into the street right of way of Washington Avenue by 1.06 feet at the southwest comer of the building and by .76 feet at the southeast comer of the building. The west line of the Coast to Coast building is on the west line of the subject property. I did indicate to Diane that there are similar encroachments in the downtown area, largely because many of the buildings are zero lot fine arrangements and were constructed many years ago, and I had reason to believe that the City Council would likely be willing to grant a 20 year franchise as the City has done on other occasions with similar encroachments. I would appreciate it if you would place this matter on the consent agenda for the City Council along with this correspondence which will also serve as my recommendation for approval of the request for a franchise agreement. • CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION (4 "CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE PROFE55IONAL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP -JUL ^ _ X997 ATTORNEYS AT LAW SIT ) F HUTCHj VV �l ll ()N 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 -2563 OF COUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN (320) 567 -7575 TERRI A. BLOMFELT FAX (320) 567 -4096 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD RESIDENT ATTORNEY MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 G. BARRY ANDERSON (612) 545 -9000 FAX (612) 545 -1793 FAX IS 12) 542 -9210 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 July 1, 1997 (612) 369 -2214 FAX 1612) 369 -5506 Re: Ordinance Codification Issues Our File No. 3188-87031 • Dear Gary: I received a request from Diane Gordon, who examined the Abstract of Title to property owned by A] & Virginia Kramer (the Coast to Coast Store) regarding an encroachment on City right of way. I am enclosing a copy of a survey prepared by Jeffrey R_ Rauch and I direct your attention to paragraph 3 of the survey notes which specifically sets forth the following: The south line of the Coast to Coast building encroaches into the street right of way of Washington Avenue by 1.06 feet at the southwest comer of the building and by .76 feet at the southeast comer of the building. The west line of the Coast to Coast building is on the west line of the subject property. I did indicate to Diane that there are similar encroachments in the downtown area, largely because many of the buildings are zero lot fine arrangements and were constructed many years ago, and I had reason to believe that the City Council would likely be willing to grant a 20 year franchise as the City has done on other occasions with similar encroachments. I would appreciate it if you would place this matter on the consent agenda for the City Council along with this correspondence which will also serve as my recommendation for approval of the request for a franchise agreement. • CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION (4 "CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Mr. Gary D. Plotz July 1, 1997 Page 2 A public hearing is, of course, required and as I understand it there is no particular rush about completing the franchise agreement. I would suggest that the public hearing be set for the first meeting in August followed by the second reading of the ordinance at the City Council's last meeting in August. We do need a better legal description from the surveyor anyway and this will allow time to get that information. Thank you for your time and attention to these matters. Best regards. Very trull ARNOLI G. Barry GBA:lm Enclosures LP A ALTA /ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR MAROUETTE BANK PARCEL AREAS • PARCEL A s 2690 square feet PARCEL B • 13200 square feel PARCEL C • 3607 square feel N� C SORkEY NOTES I, TM stews OW calls then tlw fast aMS of Low 6 and T. Bley b, TowNNe of NufCNew, NeM Ikdf far Pece A and Gem 111e well Rm of Lm 6, Bbcit 48, Taweu of Wichemw, Nosh Hatt far Para N C ar-at ewe avelap of 0.07 few al Cp the north W+-e of Parcel A and Parent C and oa Wo,,wl of 0.11 Net ding the pain * lines of Pcrcd A and 2. The dimmwnal calls hem IN saulh aN of Lot 6. Black 40. Townahe of Hurohlnwn Nar,h Half for the mnh kmn of Peel A and Parcel C Maw o gp of 1 107 bee at the nerlbnl carne of Po l C and 0.08 feet at the northeast m iw of Parcel A between IN north HMS of Parcfl A ant Parcel C ant IM south Ilse Of Parcel B (South 4N of Let 2, BIOCk I. 111TrMIM011 DOWNTOWN RED Ofl PUT NM 2). This M Ns an area 10.5 OMoo feet. 3. The seulh IIM of IM Comt In Coast b-RdWM wereacMS knw the M,rwr rNhl of wy, of Wmhleglon Awnw by 1.06 V 'I" of the welwen nes u co el IM 6uYd61p uM by M76 h ww et an IM mah a.., of IN bullcl The weal li of N Cwst w COW "AV 4 . the net IMN of IN si*00 preperry. 4. TN "*at preferry Is "Na C -3. Acm'&V Ie IN City of I6HChemea 2atlYp Ordina rwry l adapted Fob 1982, Me bWelnp eekeehs an 0 feet how a sweet right el ray, O feet heel m IM~ of IIM one 10 het floe It ReeldenlM [edrp bwesory. 1. J Ift R. Raaech. a 9censed bed swayer under IN bests Of tN State of Mhewsero, st Nnby celly ro Me"". 6aM. HA ant FMeI Maerlcen TIN M-eeroe Umpe, mat fS slelwy of IN feleenhe eowWes wpfny: • TN %Nmw o describes wph to-W. BfpNdne w o pant an ft eoul6 0 Lot 6 M 9" 4e N IN Taw 1W slle of HuMen Her h Hoff. Twlwy -M (22) feel weal than ewe wW6ee•t C~ 01 syd Let 6h (Sr. Ilwhao ." Nash 1we Hv drea TwmY (In) Nit M a IM Woeta T " the Own bbl t of We SIa (6) awe 6ewe (7) M fed Bbri Ferry - alga (48): ewMM{a.1 w a Ilse eaft, to IN wulh M M fall Let SIe (6), Twm- -M (22) feet Ie IN es-t AN of Let 6aen (7) M cold BIOd Ferry -eyhf I"); Chace Seeh 0101 IN Mme AN of Let, SMVMn (7) nM 3e (6) M Maid Spey Ferry -flghl (N). ON HuNred Twmy (120) fee, t ewe sOWlo al CWw of Let 211 (6) In sale ll d FIM -elgm (48): ThemO West dap IN wWh yle a Lot Sle (6) M Vold Bbah Ferry -0qh, (46). Twehty (22) fHt to IN abet Of b**Wg -. b0n a Oor, of Left 6 ees T M Broey 4e M IN TOwN6e of Ibeclemars WMh Haff, fccardlM to IN apt ,hereof an 6w h Me eMkf Of IN RMdnw of DeMst of hfrLSes County, 141mmma. pmca B TN Bouts 40.00 feet of Lei Two (2) In Blank Ono (1) *1emnsen Nwnlewn RMdMVebpmm, pbl W. 2. ant PARM cc 8-*-" a IN SOalNeet ce,wr of Let 6 M Beek b In the Tewmae o1 Ihr Nftbn, Na„h Ies1, ewe tNnef Co.,-" alone IN 3oWh WIe of 0 aw Lst, 50 Net 6 Mahe'; notow" fe"Nfy On a 'IN Wool with IN West 'In. of sap Lot, 120 fat'. tNMM Wse1MrtY en a AN poraeOl wIIh Inc Z wM lane Of Maw Let. 50 ha 5 IMNS and mane- 6oWney aloes Me W-11 iw of We Lot. 120 %ef IO IN Petit of beginning. AND Y_60. bplmlN an a mint 50 feet 6 Meese wet of IN eauthww Come Of Black 48 M IN Nonh half of IN Clty of HpIClhMep: IN. -esr an I N sehnh MO e1 91aft 46 a dletaea- of 58 Net 5 MNwe; then. Ranh 120 feet', then. West 58 feet S INhes; tff. South 120 fee, ro the place of b- dnMhp. wee "OPiwed by me W undor My dlrpr w.Mapn, Ihut IN oreperty and -aeenenl staerlptlom wire lakes ham Fl... onoe k.a 71111 no,w n e Coweanj a c— IaMMn, I- Meur- Apallcetbn NO. 2015 -R acted January 17, IBBT. not INe --Y •e, aware an IN araand ant H a tree and b acatwate IpntwlYdOn at sew wed flrpMrty, III , tald eewy canscl Y -hews IM lcw'W Of Oa bdldinge, Meter Nm 7hlree bad mgr Mrweeenfe on web started "berty: Iha, tNre are M NeWw Man" of oay OW,ente an add dewMes property acpt as shown an sold ""Or' One INf the- are he party -Me W N16p .l Ioa Ynesw an saw d-se•bd araeely by bu8dleaa, savehwes a o Nr Im"oe -nts snuawU an espyWw wtOwy, acwt an eh non on caw plat a eewy. and ewer We sewY was Most M aacardelcf with ' Ilblaara Stabled Detd1 R-aubenenw far ALTAi W LaN TIN Surveys' )olnty MetaD4Me oN astalee by ILTA and ACSAI In 1982, and ..ft me xcuacy '~'Mont far an LFban -e Y. m deRMd IMNM. Dees ws 9 Day of 1887. ,Mf{ R Rwah M4MIeso1e Lkwe NO. 2YD29 • PELL➢EN LAD SUIVEYNO p O Box 35 la4a6 202nd CYcp IylrtAlmpn. MlnNseta 33330 , /7 / /• PNM (320) 587 -4768 N • Donow ken ndnunMll found O Mnalo kon lnommonl w 0 10 w CO HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN ' P, m ..r w w F- H (n Z Q N U) a x r }L •� I LOT I LOT 7 �i EIIUmNOUe .urfaca cl • I I � � I PARCEL C COAST TO COAST BU0.DING 103 WASHINGTON AVENUE SOUTH LOT 6 I I � I LOT 2 I i � I an wl N88 * E 140.19 REDEVE w � I 1 � & Q I d gl U PARCEL B 6� I s4 Q W PLAT E q IA I d3 I 4 1 wro,ea oo.nanr a� rur w . . I �• ••• .... _ I N89'30'31'E 140.18 22M e •� I LOT I LOT 7 �i EIIUmNOUe .urfaca cl • I I � � I PARCEL C COAST TO COAST BU0.DING 103 WASHINGTON AVENUE SOUTH LOT 6 I N89'31'14'E 131.88 — WASHINGTON AVENUE 0 ! C /I 1 � & Q d I U �I 6� I s4 Q PLAT E q IA I d3 I 4 1 I 22M N89'31'14'E 131.88 — WASHINGTON AVENUE 0 ! C /I 6 -26 -97 - REVISED COPY • Minnesota Recovers Disaster Task Force c/o Dept of Trade & Economic Development 500 Metro Square 121 7th Place East St Paul, MN 55101 -2146 1- 800 - 657 -3858 1- 612- 296 -5287 fax MN DNR 20596 Hwy 7 West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Attn: Mr. Rob Collett 1- 320 -587 -2594 Dear Recovery Task Force Members and Mr Collett, The City of Hutchinson, MN respectfully requests your consideration for funding of a voluntee acquisition, relocation, and razing project of structures/ parcels located below the 100 year flood plain. We submit these applications under consult and guidance of DNR hydrologists Mr. Rob Collett, and his predecessor Mr. Skip Wright. Upon consultation with them, you will • recognize the City has a proven flood plain compliance record, of which, we are proud of When _ considering this application please consider the facts that we are proposing a total buyout, and, also that we proactively via city funding redeveloped, razed structures and elevated the majority of flood vulnerable structures. We did this utilizing Tax Increment Financing as a funding tool. Also, please consider additional City expenditures incurred for reconstructing the Crow River Dam, the Super fund clean -up of the Shopko TIT project, the volunteer river clean up project, and our regulatory recertification process /enforcement of Hutchinsons Shoreland and Flood Plain ordinances. Presently, the primary reservations the City has is the difficulty of funding the 10% City share and the reality that the project is not financially feasible without 90% grant funding. This proposed projects general location is along the Crow River in the SE quadrant of the City between the Main St bridge and the Hwy 22 bridge. If this project were 100% successful, Hutchinson 100 year flood vulnerability will essentially be eliminated, with exception of open spaces. The City is willing to maintain these green areas for perpetuity. The enclosed mitigation assessment report was based from the McLeod County assessors records and at -grade elevation shot by the City of Hutchinsons survey crew. The LFE (lowest floor elevation) is estimated from the adjacent surveyed grade elevations. The structures ages range from the early 1900's to the 1960's, all of which are prior the 1965,1969,1993,1997 flood and floodpWn ordinance adoption. The report also identifies the structures as being in poor /fair category , however, compared against present day building codes and ordinances the area can easily be determined as • blighted. The City will have two State of MN and ICBO certified Building Officials provide a complete inspection report based on minimum housing code standards and flood damage '7- A, determinations. This report shall also identify failed structural elements, habitability, and the • 50 threshold to elevate/raze recommendations. Project implementation would be during calender year 1997/1998 or as outlined within the grant parameters. Estimated costs based on 14 parcels is $669,000. Razing of the structures is estimated at $7000.00 /unit x 14= $98,000. Appraisals, attorney fees, $10,000. Relocation is exempt, as the program is volunteer. Total estimated cost is $777,000.00 If only high priority properties are used or the total improvement is based on City funding sources, City staff will prioritize those homes below the 10 year storm elevation of 1034.00, flood damage exposurelhistory, benefit, and volunteerism. In closing, we feel now is the appropriate time to mitigate this ongoing flood potential exposure. On 7 -1 -97, the Crow River again reached the 10 year storm elevations inundating homes and causing damage as well as hardship. Historically, these homeowner; have not been willing to sell. Given the recent circumstances we have three written offers to sell and 4 -5 verbal understandings. This is encouraging as the City is not formally on record for considering a buyout program. Please review the enclosed 1998 Flood mitigation assessment report, the assessors reports, the property inspection report checklist, the aerials and the survey crew worksheets. We hope, pray and trust you will give the City of Hutchinson due consideration on this matter and we look forward to hearing from you. Hutchinson City Administrator, Mr. Gary Plotz 1- 320 - 234 -4201 0 • 6 -26 -97 • Minnesota Recovers Disaster Task Force c/o Dept of Trade & Economic Developement 500 Metro Square 121 7th Place East St Paul, Mn 55101-2146 1- 800 - 657 -3858 1- 612 - 296 -5287 fax 3 MN DNR address phone Dear The City of Hutchinson, Mn respectfully requests your consideration for funding of a volunteer acquisition, relocation, and razing project of structures/ parcels located below the 100 year flood plain. We submit these applications under consult and guidance of DNR hydrologists Mr. Rob Collett, and his predessesor Mr. Skip Wright. Upon consultation with them, you will recognize the City has a proven flood plain compliance record, of which, we are proud o£ When considering this application please consider the facts that we are proposing a total buyout, and, also that we proactively and self funded, redeveloped, razed structures and elevated the majority • of flood vulnerable structures. We did this utilizing Tax Increment Financing as a funding tool. Also, please consider additional City expenditures incurred for reconstructing the Crow River Dam, the Super fund clean-up of the Shopko TIF project, the volunteer river clean up project, and our regulatory recertification process/enforcement of Hutchinsons Shoreland and Flood Plain ordinances. Presently, the primary reservations the City has is the difficulty of funding the 10% City share and the reality that the project is not financially feasable without both grants. This proposed projects general location is along the Crow River in the SE quadrant of the City between the Main St bridge and the Hwy 22 bridge. If this project were 100% successful, Hutchinson 100 year flood vulnerability will essentially be eliminated, with exception of open spaces. The City is willing to maintain these green areas for perpetuity. The enclosed mitigation assessment report was based from the assesors records and at -grade elevation shot by the City of Hutchinson survey crew.The LFE is estimated from the grade elevations. The structures ages range from the 1900's to the 1960's, all of which are prior the 1965,1969,1993,1997 flood and floodplain ordinance adoption. The report also identifies the structures as being in poor /fair category, however, compared against present day building codes and ordinances the area can easily be determined as blighted. The City will have two State of Mn and ICBO certified Building Officials provide a complete inspection report based on minimum housing code standards and flood damage determinations. This report shall also identify failed structural elements, habitability, and the 50% threshold elevate /raze recommendations. Project implementation would be during calender year 1997/1998 or as outlined within the grants. • Estimated costs based on 14 parcels is $669,000. Razing of the structures is estimated at q_ A1 $7000.00 /unit x 14= $98,000. Appraisals, attorney fees, $10,000. Relocation is exempt, as the program is volunteer. Total estimated cost is $777,000.00 • If only high priority properties are used or the total improvement is based on City funding sources, staff will define specifics prior to application based on elevation, flood damage reduction, benefit, volunteerism. • • 0 • • To: Gary D. Plotz - City Administrator r �W±' From: Richard K. Carlson - (612) 464 -5363 Subject: Letter of Intent for-116 Huron Street flood plain property JUN 3 0 1997 Date: June 26, 1997 CITY JF HUTCHVSON Gary, I spoke with you about a month ago and have since spoken with your City Engineer, John Rodeberg and today, Jim Marka with Building And Zoning concerning the above mentioned 116 Huron street property. I understand that a voluntary purchase program for properties subject to flood damage may occur, pending city council approval, Federal grant approval, and State grant approval. Jim has advised me to send you a letter of intent to participate in this program should it occur. He further advised me to provide the dollar amount desired for the property. That amount is $60,000.00. Jim also informed me that the current tax assessment value is 548,900.00 with $7,300.00 for the land and 541,600.00 for the property which is in agreement with my records. John informed me that the process of finalizing property purchases could take approximately six months once the program is approved I have halted repairs -to the property (scraping and painting which makes it easy to stop) and would appreciate being notified once the program is approved or disapproved so I may complete these repairs if necessary before winter. Thank you, Richard IC Carlson 8350 140th Ave, Forest Lake, MN 55025 612464 -5363. / -A- MARILYN J SWANSON From: • GARY D PLOTZ To: JAMES MARKA Cc: DOLF N MOON; Barry Anderson; JOHN V ARLT; JIM POPP; JOHN RODEBERG; KENNETH B MERRILL; MARK HENSEN; MARILYN J SWANSON; STEVEN C MADSON Subject: City News -RE: Request for direction -Flood Plain buyout, 10% City share (approx) Date: Thursday, June 26, 1997 5:21PM Priority: High When I checked the 1996 draft year end audit there was about $107,000 left in the Public Sites Trust Fund, of which $70,000(plus two years of interest) should be reserved for the pedestrian bridge. As you may recall these monies were donated by 3M for this specific bridge project. According to Ken the remaining monies are uncommitted. Although the pedestrian bridge is over cost estimates, it still may leave $15,000 or more for the 10% match needed for the Flood Grant Acquisition Project. I would suggest Dolf and Jim look this over, and memo in with Jim's materiels that he is submitting at the next council meeting. From: JAMES MARKA To: GARY D PLOTZ Cc: DOLF N MOON; Barry Anderson; JIM POPP; JOHN RODE-BERG; MARK HENSEN; MARILYN J SWANSON; STEVEN C MADSON Subject: Request for direction -Flood Plain buyout, 10% City share (approx) Date: Wednesday, June 25, 1997 3:10PM Per your request, we have put together a chart for the Mayor and City Councils reviewal and consideration. This chart summarizes the assesors valuations and flood plain data information they will need to'decide if the City wants to apply to paticipate in the Federal /State disaster assistance application (75/25 share) and the MN Flood Hazard mitigation grant assistance program (50/50). Local hydrologist Rob Collett is encouraging us to participate and will personally support and oversee our request. Noting that these funds are prioritized relative to flood damage potential, needs assesment, and receit date of • application etc, Rob feels we will be selected as our proposal is based on a buyout eliminating future flood damage potential expenditures. The difficult question at hand to be decided is the 10% funding source. • Page 1 Q 1998 FLOOD MITIGATION ASSESSMENT Address P.I.D. Owner Substantial Owner Oct. Assessor's Assessor's Assessor's Total Structure LFE 100 -Year Prioruy NamdAddress Damage or Rental Housing General Land Building Value Demo Flood Plain High/ Voluntary Commercial Desir- Value Value Estimate Elevation Medium/ Industrial ability Plus 1'0' Low 421 -1st Ave SE 06- 116-29 -02-0080 Joshua Henry & Carmen Bmgger Roger & Donna Dummcr 421 -19 Ave SE Priority Hutchinson, MN 55350 Homestead Poor 8300 37600 45900 7000/unit 1033.5 1041.2 High 630 &6462nd Ave SE 06. 116 -29-01 -0190 Vittoria D. W6hen RI 1, Box 9 priority Glencoe, MN 55776 Non- Homettwd Fair 7600 77100 44700 7000/unit 1029.3 1040,5 High 603 -3rd Ave SE 06- 116.29 -01-0230 Kurt W. Rischmlller 403 Franklin St SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 Non -IJomrstend Fair 7900 35500 43400 7000/unit 1030.0 1040.5 High 615.3rd Ave SE 0611629-01 -0230 Gate $horn 615 -3rd Ave SE Hwchinsoq MN 55350 Homestead Fair 6600 17700 24300 7000/unit 1037.89 1040.5 Medium 304 -19 ave SE 06.116. 29-02 -0160 Jay Freeland 1130 -5th Ave SE Salvage Priority Hutchinson, MN 55350 Non - Homestead Yard 5100 5100 7000/unit 1036,63 10412 High 103 Erie St SE 06116.29-02-0410 Gladys Erickson 103 Erie St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Homestead Fair 7600 4d500 48100 7000 /unit 1034.5 1041.2 High 116 Erie Si SE 0611629 -02 -0270 Paul & Janet Betker 500 Hidden Circle Hutchinson, MN 55350 Homesead Fair 8100 62000 70100 7000/mit 1035,5 1041.2 High 126 Erie Si SE 06- 116-29-02 -0280 James J. Blommn 126 Erie St SE Hutahi v , MN 55350 Hom9cad Fur 4700 27100 31800 7000/unit 1035.5 1041.2 High 116 Hum St SE 06- 11629-02 -0330 Richard & Linde Carlson Non - Homestead Fair _ 13941 Furman SI NE Priority Forest lake, MN 55350 7300 41600 48900 7000/unit 1034.82 1040.5 High 126 Huron Si SE 0611629 -02 -0340 O. Roger Quasi 126 Huron SI SE Priority Hutchinson, MN 5350 Ilome9ead Fav 7300 19700 27000 7000/unit 1071.82 1040.5 High a Address P.I.D. Owner Substantial Oxmer Occ. Assessor's Assessor's Asscssois Total Structure LIFE 100 -Year Priority NameiAddress Damage or Rental Housing General Land Building Value Demo Flood Plain High/ Voluntary Commercial Desir- Value Value Estimate Elevation Medium/ Industrial ability Plus I'O" Low 224 Huron St SE 06116.29 -01-0250 Phillip O. & Mona Johnson 224 Huron St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Homestead Fur 14100 48600 62700 7000/unh 1032.0 1040.5 High 118 Ontario Si. SE 06- 116-29-01 -0200 Robert Sendstede & 126 Ontario St SE 70978 CASH 18 Priority Dasse4 MN 55325 Non- Homesled Fair 15200 34800 5000D 70Munit 1031.0 1040.3 High 136 Ontario St. SE 0&11629 -0I -0210 Tapp National Bank, trustee - Dorothy Schraaun St. Cloud, MN Priority AM: Darrel Moritko Noo- Homested Fair 7600 14000 21600 70D0 /unit 1030.0 1040.3 High 336 Ontario St SE 06 11629. 08-0020 Scon A. Hanson 336 Ontario St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 HomcC®d Fair 9900 24000 33900 700/unit 1032.0 1040.5 High 337,500 H:iCORRESUIMWMA-WPD X20% 111,500 TOTAL 5669,000 ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE 0 Date: July 2, 1997 To: Randy DeVries Director of Water/Wastewater Operations Hutchinson, MN From: John Lapointe, Rust E &I Re: Renovation of North High Drive Lift Station} Randy: Attached please find an Official Notice To Bidders for the North High Drive Lift Station Renovation Project. We request that the City Council authorize the advertisement of this • project and approve July 29, 1997 as the date for receiving bids. We anticipate the Council will award a contract on the project at its meeting on August 5, 1997. Allowing 10 -12 weeks for delivery of equipment and controls, and 3 weeks for construction, we expect the project to be completed by November 28, 1997. Please contact me with any comments or questions. • Quality through teamwork 0 F— r OFFICIAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS NORTH HIGH DRIVE LIFT STATION RENOVATION CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA OWNER: The city of Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereby gives notice that sealed lump sum Bids will be received for the renovation of the North High Drive Lift Station. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Work involves installing new submersible wastewater pumps in an existing wet well, new control panels, and a new valve vault. TIME AND PLACE OF BID OPENING: Sealed Bids will be received until 3:00 p.m., Local Time on the 29th day of July, 1997, in the office of the City Administrator, 111 Hassan Street, SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota. After the official Bid closing time, the Bids will be moved to the Council Chambers, to be publicly opened and read aloud. BIDDING DOCUMENTS: The Bidding Documents are on file for inspection at the office of the City Administrator, City Hall, Hutchinson, Minnesota, and the offices of Rust Environment & Infrastructure Inc., 3033 Campus Drive, Suite 175, Minneapolis, MN 55441. Copies may be obtained by applying to the Rust Environment & Infrastructure Inc., office indicated above. RUuests shall include street address for delivery of documents A $25.00 non - refundable payment will be charged for each set of Bidding Documents. BID SECURITY: Bid Security in the amount of not less than 5% of the Bid shall accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. 0 CONTRACT SECURITY: The Bidder to whom a Contract is awarded shall furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment • Bond each in an amount equal to the Contract Price. BID REJECTION /ACCEPTANCE: OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, waive informalities in bidding or to accept the Bid, which best serve the interests of OWNER- BID WITHDRAWAL: No Bid shall be withdrawn for a period of 35 days after the opening of the Bids without the consent of OWNER- Published by authority of the city of Hutchinson, Minnesota Lo John Rodeberg, City Administrator Published in the Hutchinson Leader on July 17 and 24, 1997. Published in the Construction Bulletin on July 19 and 25, 1997. W \SPECS 101 a59\OFF -NOT. Affil f A.• ON -1 NOIUGHLS- 101459 RESOLUTION NO. 10863 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT • AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS LETTING NO. 11 PROJECT NO. 97 -29 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 8th day of April, 1997, fixed a date for a Council Hearing on the improvement of North High Drive NW /TH 15 by construction of Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Upgrade and appurtenances. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 24th day of June, 1997. 2. John P. Rodeberg is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the snaking of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of July, 1997. Mayor C� • City Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 10864 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 11 PROJECT NOS. 97 -29 WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering has prepared plans and specifications for North High Drive NW/TH 15 by construction of Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Upgrade and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. • 2. The Director of Engineering shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for ten days, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, July 29, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center by the City Administrator and/or Director of Engineering, will then be tabulated, and will be considered by the Council on August 12th, 1997, in the Staff Conference Room of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed • with the Director of Engineering and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 8th day of June, 1997. Mayor City Administrator • 11 Minnesota Department of Transportation Office of Aeronautics Mail Stop 410 222 East Plato Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55107 -1618 June 30, 1997 The Honorable Marlin Torgerson Mayor of Hutchinson Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 Dear Mayor Torgerson: Subject: State Aid for Airport Maintenance and Operation Phone 612/296 -8202 Phone: 612,r297 -1600 Fax: 612/ 297 -5643 Fax 612/296 -1828 .JUL 2 - 1'397 C: ^. )F HUTCHi : -ON Enclosed are three copies of the agreement for requesting state aid for maintaining your airport during all seasons of the year for the biennium July I, 1997 through June 30, 1999, along with a proposed form of resolution. For maintenance and operation during the year, the state will participate on a percentage basis, not to exceed the base amount of state aid as set forth in the agreement for the cost of snowplowing, mowing, fertilizing, re- seeding, rehabilitating runway lights, landing strip markers, and drainage systems, and general maintenance of the runways, taxiways, and apron areas. We are pleased to . announce that the base amounts for all categories of airports have been increased 10%. A separate supplement amount that is over and above the base amount is available exclusively for requesting reimbursement of expenses for airport maintenance training activities. This would include attendance at the Minnesota Airport Symposium by any individual having operational involvement with your airport. Reimbursement will be based on actual time and cost records kept by the municipality. Prior to any reimbursement being made by the state, the municipality must have a zoning authority established, and such authority must have adopted or be in the process of adopting an airport zoning ordinance in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 360.061 to 360.074. Reimbursement may be denied entirely or in -part if the airport is not properly maintained. If you desire state assistance and agree to comply with the requirements of the agreement, please complete and submit three copies of the agreement and three copies of the resolution to this office for the encumbrance of state funds. (A mailing label is enclosed for your convenience.) An approved copy will be returned for your records. It is particularly important during the winter and spring seasons, or when hazardous conditions may exist, to keep the air - traveling public informed of the status or condition of your airport. This is accomplished by notifying the nearest Federal Aviation Administration Flight Service Station and this department. SinS4fVly, • Raymond J Rought Director Enclosure An equal opportunity employer ✓l Y- TYPICAL RESOLUTION Authorization to Execute Mn /DOT Agreement • for Maintenance and Operation Be it resolved by the (City /County /Airport Commission) as follows: 1. That the State of Minnesota Agreement No. " 71a,3 55 , "Agreement for State Aid for Airport Maintenance and Operation at the Airport" is hereby accepted. 2. That the and (Mayor /Chairperson) (Clerk /Secretary) are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement No. / � 5 on behalf of the and to execute and affix their signatures to any and all further required documents pertinent hereto, and all amendments thereof. of the do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and exact copy (Corporate Seal as duly passed by the or Notary) of and recorded in the minutes of a meeting held on the day of , 19_, at which meeting there was present a quorum of the council. Signature: (Clerk or Equivalent) • • Agreement No. `Z635`5 • AGREEMENT FOR STATE AID FOR AIRPORT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION AT THE AIRPORT The State of Minnesota and agree as follows: (Name of Municipality) 1. The Municipality will keep at least one paved runway, associated taxiway, and apron area cleared of snow and ice for safe use of aircraft using wheels. The paved runway shall be kept clear for its full length and width, and snowbanks kept down so that aircraft wings will clear them, and runway and threshold lights will remain visible. 2. The Municipality will maintain the runways in good order by performing maintenance work, including, but not limited to, the following: a. Crack filling and patching of surfaced runways, taxiways, and aprons. b. Mowing grass on landing strips and around lights. The grass must be mowed at least 7 feet beyond the lights, and at no time may the grass exceed 6 inches in height on landing areas. C. Maintain beacon and runway lights or markers, and rehabilitate them when necessary. d. Fertilizing and seeding as necessary to prevent erosion. • e. Maintain clearance in approach zones in conformance with Chapter 8800.1200 of the Department of Transportation, Transportation Research and Investment Management (TRIM) Division, Office of Aeronautics, "Minnesota Rules." f. Replacing windsock when necessary. g. Maintain the drainage and fencing systems. 3. The Municipality shall provide at least two yard -type lights in the building /aircraft tie down area and shall keep the area lighted from dusk to dawn. The Municipality shall also keep the airport property clear and free of debris. At airports where aviation fuel is dispensed, at least one 20- pound, dry - powder fire extinguisher shall be available in the vicinity of the fuel pump. 4. The airport must pass periodic inspections performed by a representative of the Office of Aeronautics for compliance with the rules of the Department of Transportation and for compliance with this Agreement. If the airport is not so maintained, then no reimbursement shall be made hereunder. The State will reimburse the Municipality for 2/3 of the direct, actual maintenance and operation costs not reimbursed by any other source, not to exceed a base amount of $13,500 of State aid for each State fiscal year. • (s -A 6. The State will reimburse the Municipality for 2/3 of all expenses associated with registration and attendance to maintenance training . functions, including the Minnesota Airport Symposium, not to exceed a supplemental amount of $300 of State aid for each State fiscal year. 7. The Municipality shall submit a breakdown of its costs incurred hereunder to the Director, Office of Aeronautics, on forms supplied by him. In any and all events, costs must be submitted to the Director, Office of Aeronautics, on or before August 1 for each State fiscal year ending June 30. No requests received after August 1 for the preceding State fiscal year will be honored by the Director, Office of Aeronautics. The Director, Office of Aeronautics, reserves the right to reject items that may not be eligible for reimbursement, and reimbursement may be denied entirely if the airport is not properly maintained in accordance with this Agreement. 8. The Municipality has established a zoning authority for the airport, and such authority has completed, or is in the process of and will complete, with due diligence, an airport - zoning ordinance in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 360.061 to 360.074. 9. This Agreement is in effect for the State fiscal years 1998 and 1999. It may be terminated at any time upon 30 days' written notice by either party. APPROVED: 1. MUNICIPALITY By: Title: By: Title: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OFFICE OF AERONAUTICS By: Director Date: 3. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION• Assistant Attorney General 4. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE By: Authorized Signature Date: • 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department July 2, 1997 SUBJECT: 1996 AUDIT REPORT Our audit for 1996 has been completed. I have tentatively scheduled Jerry Eick, Partner from Abdo Abdo and Eick, to meet with the City . Council on Tuesday July 22. Last year the council met in a workshop setting beginning at 4 p.m. for an extended review of the audit. The auditor then gave a recap of the 1996 report during the regular meeting of the council. If the council is in agreement with this arrangement it would be requested to set a workshop meeting for Tuesday July 22 at 4 p.m.. Hilo[ \caenll.vpd 11 P ! ' H OP:--,J-HOLD COUNCIL REPORT TUE, JUL 8, 1997, 1:20 PM HELMETS page 1 _ 1989 IMPROV. BDS FIRSTAR < *> -------------- ---- BANK OF MINNESOTA -- ------ -- - - - --- INTEREST - ___------___--__----_-___---- $11,718.75 $11,718.75* JULY MEDICAL 10 IMPR. CONST OSM < *> CAP.IMPRO.FUND LOGIS PRO MAINTENANCE RUNNING'S SUPPLY CENTRAL GARAGE • CITY HALL CONST <*> PROF SERV -5TH BRDG -ADDL PYMT $378.64 $378.64* MAY COMP CHARGES $3,033.51 EPDXY FLOOR COATING- BANDSHELL $300.00 GLOVES $22 $3,355.98* BRANDON TIRE CO VALVE STEM, MOUNT /DISMNT $53.93 HELMETS CARQUEST AUTO PARTS FILTERS $714.34 $151.38 CITY OF HUTCHINSON JULY MEDICAL $432.09 COAST TO COAST SUPPLIES $50.31 PAINT, ROLLER CROW RIVER AUTO FUEL PUMP $284.22 $6,866.00 DEVOE & RAYNOLDS CABLE $148.44 FORTIS BENEFITS JULY LTD $20.36 BLACK TONER G & K SERVICES UNIFORMS $60.88 $57.27 HART'S AUTO SUPPLY PFC PADS $659.15 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE LAMP, FLUID $259.42 TONER CART INTERSTATE BATTERIES BATTERIES $57.45 $39.35 L & P SUPPLY CO BEARINGS, GASKETS, SEAL $269.33 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQUIP OIL _ $21.14 JULY COBRA MN DEPT OF REVENUE PFC PADS $94.72 $10.00 MN MUTUAL LIFE JULY LIFE INS $7.14 NATL BUSINESS FURNITURE INC MARKERBOARD FRAME $176.90 KIDDIE CARNIVAL NO STATES SUPPLY INC HX CAP $25.87 $68.16 PLOWMANS R&R TRANSMISSION SLIPS $1,238.03 RUNNING'S SUPPLY HOOK $9.57 SCHRAMM IMPLEMENT BOLT $28.12 SNAP ON TOOLS CORP HEX DRIVE SET, SCREWDRIVER SET $162.70 SORENSEN FARM SUPPLY CHAIN $221,09 ST.JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC COUPLER $2,291.43 STEWARD ENTERPRISES CASE 5E -100 TUBES $427.46 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO TT- 211681 -AMB $89.78 TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE TIRE DISPOSAL, MOUNT & BALANCE $2C.80 TWO WAY COMM INC RADIO, CELL PHONE, LABOR $637.75 US POSTAL - SERVICE JUNE POSTAGE $8.87 WAHL REBUILD & REPAIR INC TRUCK HOIST, LABOR $964.56 WIGEN CHEVROLET CO RELAY ASM $7.09 $9,442.94* P & H WAREHOUSE SALES GENERAL FUND AAGARD WEST ACCU FINANCIAL SERVICES ALLEN OFFICE PROD AMERICAN RED CROSS AMERICINN MOTEL ANDERSON'S DECORATING CENTER • COUNT ON PROFESSIONAL SERVICE COUNTY TREASURER CROW RIVER PRESS INC ARNOLD & MCDOWELL B & B SPORTS BARKEIM, ELDEN BENNETT OFFICE SUP. BIG BEAR BJERKEN, ART BRIEST, KIM BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS CARR FLOWERS CDI OFFICE PRODUCTS LTD CENTRAL GARAGE CITY OF HUTCHINSON COALITION OF GREATER MN CITIES COAST TO COAST COMM TRANSPORTATION COMPTON, KELLI HOSE PARTS $262.36 $262.36* JULY PICKUP $933.29 HELMETS $130.85 REPAIR TYPEWRITER $151.38 WADDLES $74.23 LODGING -APW CANDIDATE $110.18 PAINT, ROLLER $43.89 JUNE COMPENSATION $6,866.00 MARINE ACCESSORIES $119.07 SAFETY GLASSES $80.00 BLACK TONER $214.90 POST $57.27 REIMB SHELTER RESERV $15.00 SWIM CLASS REFUND $36.00 TONER CART $209.56 GREEN PLANTS -J MCRAITH $39.35 INDEX BINDER $735.47 JUNE REPAIRS $12,816.90 JULY COBRA $31,136.86 ATTEND MEETING -GARY PLOTZ $10.00 PAINT, KEYS $918.74 JULY LOAN PYMT $700.00 KIDDIE CARNIVAL $19.00 CLEAN RUGS $68.16 PARCEL PRINTOUT $215.00 ANNUAL REPORT COVERS $653.93 i,- -A OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT TUE, JUL 8, 1997, 1:20 PM page 2 __ ------------- -------- GENERAL FUND DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES -- - - - - -- _ :----------------------------- DNR REG FEES $468.&0 DETTMAN, KAREN SWIM CLASS CANCELLED $15.00 DUSTCOATING CHLORIDE $864.00 EARL ANDERSON ASSOC • WHITE ACRY PAINT $868.82 FEED RITE CONTROLS RUST -GO, STABILIZER $815.38 FIX -IT PLUS CLEAN CARPETS & WINDOWS $510.00 FORTIS BENEFITS JULY LTD $1,610.02 G & K SERVICES UNIFORMS $747.10 GREAT PLAINS SUPPLY DEALBOLT, ADJUST DEADBOLT $63.31 HENRYS FOODS INC CANDY, POPCORN $1,116.63 HIGGINBOTHAM, RUTH SR CTR BLDG SUPERVISOR $50.00 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE / HUTCHINSON TOWELS, LATEX GLOVE $525.10 HOLIDAY INN ST.CLOUD LODGING- LEAGUE CONF $853.13 HUTCH COOP CENEX FERTILIZER, SALT $1,013.67 HUTCH FIRE & SAFETY EXTING INSPEC, RECHARGE $198.74 HUTCH PLBG & HTG CO MATERIALS, LABOR- REPAIR FAUCET $145.29 HUTCHINSON LEADER NOTICES $1,540.53 HUTCHINSON TEL CO JULY SERVICE $5,380.12 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES PHOTO EYES $31,177.02 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE ANTIFREEZE $29.89 INSURANCE PLANNERS BUTLER FIELD RENEWAL $5,650.00 JEFF'S ELECTRIC TROUBLE SHOOT SCOREBOARD $112.00 JERABEK MACHINE SERV BASE ANCHORS $17.57 JOES SPORT SHOP PLAQUES, TROPHY, MEDALS & RBNS $269.98 JUUL CONTRACTING CO BLACK PLASTIC, CONNECTOR $5,833.60 L & P SUPPLY CO FUEL FILT, GARB KIT, PLUG, LBR $198.34 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES WORK COMP DEDUCTIBLE BILLINGS $2,023.63 LENNES, RICHARD JUNE COMPENSATION $2,407.42 LOGIS MAY COMP CHARGES $9,880.63 MANTHEI, LINDSEY KIDDIE CARNIVAL $19.00 MCGARVEY COFFEE INC COFFEE $35.63 MEAD, RENEE DANCE INSTRUCTOR 26.5 HOURS $159.00 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY BATS, BASBALLS $456.36 MID -MN HOT MIX INC LOADS 6/2 - 6/5 $1,228.82 MN ASSOC OF SMALL CITIES REG -DICK LENNES $25.00 MN DEPT OF REVENUE DOGWOOD $80.68 MN ELEVATOR INC. ELEVATOR SERVICE $67.90 MN MUTUAL LIFE LIFE MATTSFIELD $565.95 MN SPORTS FEDERATION TOURNAMENT ENTRY $800.00 MN ZOO ARK PRESENTATION $225.00 • MOGARD, STEVE FOOD FOR FISHING TRIP $101.93 MORE 4 SUPPLIES $208.64 NORTH STAR TURF TURF MIXTURE $74.23 OLSON, BRAM CARNIVAL HELP 4.5 HOURS $25.88 PARTIES PLUS POM POM'S FOR CHEERLEADING $106.50 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM QTR 3 PAYMENT $19,335.25 PITNEY BOWES INC 3 MOS METER RENTAL $329.71 QUADE ELECTRIC SPT PHOTOCELL $15.81 READ, PEGGY SUMMER DISCOVERY REFUND $20.00 RECREONICS DPD REAGENT $56.80 RUNNING'S SUPPLY SUPPLIES $382.34 SALLY DISTRIBUTORS MISC PRIZES $298.49 SCHMIDT, BECKY GYMNASTICS REFUND $8.00 SEVERIN, SUE SHELTER REFUND $15.00 SLYTER, LINDA SWIM CLASS REFUND $20.00 SORENSEN FARM SUPPLY CLAMPS, CABLE, HOOKS $71.28 STATE TREASURER 2ND QTR BLDG PERMIT SURCHARGE $3,767.16 SWANSON, MARILYN INTERNET, WIND 95 $156.12 THE SALTMAN SOFTNER SALT $142.76 TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE REPAIR RUBBER BOOT $5.25 TRI CO WATER COND SALT $5.33 UNITED BLDG CENTERS LUMBER $90.35 US POSTAL SERVICE JUNE POSTAGE $995.85 VAN KLEY, ALICIA DANCE INSTRUCTOR 22.5 HOURS $112.50 VICTORIAN INN LOUNG $89.60 VIKING COCA COLA POP $279.10 VIKING SIGNS RELETTER AIRPORT SIGNS $155.94 WAGNER, CHERYL DANCELINE REFUND $13.00 WAHL REBUILD & REPAIR INC BRACKETS FOR SHELVES $42.60 WAL -MART CUP HOOK, BAND -AIDS $2,98 WENDLING, KYLE UMPIRE 2 HOURS $10.00 WESELOH, HAROLD SLO -PITCH SOFTBALL GAMES $48.00 WITTE SOD ROLL SOD $1.50 WOLLER, CINDY REFUND - CANCEL DISCOVERY PGM $30.00 < *> $161,421.41* u OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT TUE, JUL 8, 1997, 1:20 PM 3 page --- _-- < -;___ HAT-FAC. CONST. ___ -_ - ------- ------- MCLEOD COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT. --- - - -- -- ____-----_--------_---__------- HATS STUDY & LOT SURVEY $12,309.60 $12,309.00* HCONG REDEV KRASEAN, TIM & CARPENTRY WORK $9,200.00 < *' $9,200.00* HUTCH TRANS FAC ALLIED SERVICES OF HUTCHINSON MATERIALS, LABOR $336.78 DOOR SERVICE OF ST. CLOUD SERVICE & ADJUST DOORS $165.00 G & K SERVICES MATS, MOPS $218.96 GENERAL OFFICE PRODUCTS CO MAT. CHAIR $193.83 HUTCH COOP CENEX WEED SPRAY $51.13 HUTCHINSON TEL CO JULY SERVICE $234.34 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES JUNE GAS & ELEC $1,315.63 KLEESPIE REPAIR HOSE RETRACTOR $161.30 MCGARVEY COFFEE INC COFFEE $35.63 MN DEPT OF REVENUE PADS $6.41 MORE 4 BAKERY $10.20 QUADE ELECTRIC CLAMP $1.60 RUNNING'S SUPPLY HAND CLEANER $20.58 THE SALTMAN SOFTNER SALT $24.98 US POSTAL SERVICE JUNE POSTAGE $0.32 < *' $2,776.69* LIQUOR STORE AAGARD WEST JULY PICKUP $45.20 AM.LINEN SUPPLY CO REG DELIVERY JUNE $171.00 BERNICKS PEPSI COLA POP $912.38 CDI OFFICE PRODUCTS LTD JUNE PURCHASE $76.81 CITY OF HUTCHINSON JULY MEDICAL $864.18 COAST TO COAST AIR FILTER, ETC $34.21 CROW RIVER GLASS GLASS DOOR $46.45 DIAMOND CLEAR ICE 15 BAGS ICE $29.95 ED PHILLIPS & SONS CO. JUNE LIQUOR PURCHASE $7,407.49 FORTIS BENEFITS JULY LTD $39.70 GRIGGS COOPER & CO JUNE LIQUOR PURCHASE $20,175.38 HENRYS FOODS INC JUNE SUPPLIES $2,759.72 HERMEL WHOLESALE TOBACCO, CAN COOLERS $224.10 HUTCH PLBG & HTG CO COOLER REPAIR $289.66 • HUTCHINSON LEADER ADVERTISING $570.86 HUTCHINSON TEL CO JULY ADVERTISING $137.10 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES JUNE GAS & ELEC $884.42 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. JUNE WINE PURCHASE $12,454.82 JORDON BEVERAGE INC. JUNE BEER PURCHASE $1,525.35 KARP RADIO ADVERTISING $61.00 LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIST. INC JUNE BEER PURCHASE $5,501.55 LOCHER BROS INC JUNE BEER PURCHASE $18,291.30 MCGARVEY COFFEE INC COFFEE $33.25 MCLEOD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL ASS FAIR CONTRIBUTION $35 .00 MN MUTUAL LIFE JULY LIFE INS MORE 4 PHOTOS $ $14.07 44 PINNACLE DISTRIB JUNE MISC PURCHASE $769.40 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. LIQUOR SALES $478.13 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUPPLY BAGS $223.78 TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE REPAIR LEAK $3.00 TRI CO WATER COND BOTTLED WATER DEL $42.16 TRIPLE G DISTRIBUTING INC JUNE BEER PURCHASE $29,805.70 US POSTAL SERVICE JUNE POSTAGE $21.08 VIKING COCA COLA POP & MIX $367.55 WINE COMPANY, THE WINE SALES $328.00 < *> $104,668.69* PAYROLL FUND AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $725.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $459.46 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $100.00 H.R.L.A.P.R. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $164.00 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $2,691.92 PERA LIFE INS CO. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $130.50 PERA- D.C.P. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $52.02 PRUDENTIAL EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $180.00 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $30.00 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $16,115.84 TEMPLETON INC EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $458.46 WADELL & REED EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -28 $150.00 r 1 LJ OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT TUE, JUL 8, 1997, 1:20 PM page 4 ________ ___ -___ _ _______________ < *> $21,257.20'* .� F. D. HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE BATTERY $253.42 < *> $253.42* WATER /SEWER FUND 0 AAGARD WEST ABLE HOSE & RUBBER INC BRANDON TIRE CO CAMERA SHOP CDI OFFICE PRODUCTS LTD CENTRAL GARAGE CITY OF HUTCHINSON COAST TO COAST CULLIGAN WATER COND D.P.C.IND.INC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FORTIS BENEFITS G & K SERVICES HILLYARD FLOOR CARE / HUTCHINSON HOLIDAY INN ST.CLOUD HUTCH COOP CENEX HUTCHINSON LEADER HUTCHINSON TEL CO HUTCHINSON UTILITIES HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE IMPERIAL PORTA THRONES JEFF'S ELECTRIC JERABEK MACHINE SERV JUUL CONTRACTING CO LAKELAND ENGINEERING EQUIP LANZ, JERRY LOGIS MN DEPT OF REVENUE MN MUTUAL LIFE MN VALLEY TESTING LAB MORE 4 MWOA PAPER SERVICE CO PRIEVE LANDSCAPING QUADE ELECTRIC R A K INDUSTRIES RUNNING'S SUPPLY RUST ENVIRONMENT SHARE CORP SOUTHERN MN CONSTRUCTION CO STATE TREASURER TRI CO WATER COND TWO WAY COMM INC UNITED BLDG CENTERS US FILTER /WATERPRO US POSTAL SERVICE USA WASTE SERVICES INC WAHL REBUILD & REPAIR INC WITTE SANITATION JUNE SERVICE STEEL MENDER, BANDING TOOL PATCH TIRE, MOUNT /DISMNT PRINT /SLIDES, DEVELOP & PRINT LABELS, HON ARM JUNE REPAIRS OVERPYMT OF NSF CHECK FEE MULCH BLADE REFUND JULY RENTAL SULFAR DIOXIDE, CHLORINE AMMONIA, BTL DILUTION, GLOVES, JULY LTD UNIFORMS URINAL BLOCK LODGING - LEAGUE CONF TIRE REPAIR HELP WANTED JULY SERVICE JUNE GAS & ELEC FILTERS UNIT RENTAL VENTS, LABOR -WELL #6 MAKE ADJUSTERS MATERIALS, BACKHOE, LABOR 2 WAY VALVE SEMINAR EXPENSE MAY COMP CHARGES SEAL JULY LIFE INS WATER TESTS FILM REG- M.GRAHAM ROLL TOWEL APPLICATION 2 WIRE - RAINSUIT SHELVING, STEEL BOX LABOR -NORTH HIGH DRIVE STATION POLYMER CLEANER TUB GRINDER CERTIFICATION FEE -SCOTT HANSON SALT FILTER MORTAR MIX METER, FLG KIT JUNE POSTAGE LOADS 6/9 THRU 6/13 LABOR, MATERIALS TRUCK TIME & LABOR $27,370 $225 $30 $113 $1,527 $4,283 $494 $14 $944 $1,171 $214 $326 $11 $136 $16 $32 $625 $16,898 $920 $49 $64 $18 $3,543 $310 $7 $6,257 $78 $74 $194 $30 $300 $29 $190 $216 $275 $7,458 $200 $250 $46 $15 $61 $18 $1,095 $632 $6,472 $151 $100 $83,575 $420,620 72 33 96 36 41 09 71 43 00 65 39 16 04 58 24 65 73 37 76 78 53 00 00 00 01 26 16 16 97 00 82 00 30 64 30 80 66 35 83 00 00 98 48 58 33 88 08 33 00 81* 89* • IMftDIATE PAY COUNCIL REPORT TUE, JUL 8, 1997, 1:20 PM page 1 -- --- ------- ---- -- — -- -- ---------------- --- -- --------------- -- ------- CENTRAL GARAGE ST.JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC FRONT END LOADER -1ST PYMT $26,823.25" < *> - $26- ,823.25* Gam. RAL FUND LIQUOR STORE c *> AV FUEL CORPORATION DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES HUTCHINSON TEL CO HUTCHINSON UTILITIES MUSEUM AND TOURIST CENTER PRIEVE LANDSCAPING US POSTAL SERVICE WILDER PAGENT COMMITTEE CITY OF HUTCHINSON QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO AV FUEL DNR FEES TO STATE JUNE SERVICE MAY GAS & ELEC SR TOUR -30 TICKETS SHADE TREES, SPRUCE TREES SR NEWSLETTER POSTAGE -JULY SR TOUR -30 TICKETS LOTTERY PAYMENT JUNE LIQUOR PURCHASE WATER /SEWER FUND COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SO ECO -BAGS HUTCHINSON UTILITIES MAY ELEC PLOWMANS 1997 FORD F150 4X4 WIRE TRANSFERS Withholding Taxes - Payroll MN Dept of Revenue - Payroll $11,003 $599 $458 $8,291 $60 $11,840 $432 $180 $32,865 72 00 43 89 00 00 56 00 60* 3,225.00 3,748.09 $6,973.09* $537.60 $353.14 $18,953.60 19,844.34* 86,506.28* $37,801.17 $7,682.71 • Minutes Hutchinson Employee Safety Committee June 19,1997 Present: Dick Nagy, John Arlt, Jim Ford, Mark Weiss, Tom Kloss, Eldon Barkeim, Myron Johnson Absent: Floyd Groehler, Brenda Ewing, Marilyn J. Swanson, Scott Hanson The committee discussed CPR training and refresher for city employees with Myron Johnson. He indicated that he would provide a 2 hour Red Cross refresher course and a 4 hour course for the new, initial training. The cost would be Myron regular wage plus $1.00 dollar per employee. There would also be an additional $1.00 per employee for supplies. Pending approval of the cost the safety committee will schedule the training with Myron in the fall. Myron also indicated that he could teach employee first aid. This was tabled to be discussed later for the winter months. There were no accidents or injuries to report for the month of May. There was discussion about the dates of the committee meetings. The committee agreed to stay with the 3rd Thursday of every month, allowing the last Thursday for a make up day if needed. • Stocking of first aid supplies in first aid kits was discussed. John Arlt suggested that the relocation of the supplies could discussed. The committee will look into possibility of locating the supplies at the rec center. There will be a memo going to the different work areas reminding them that they will be responsible for maintaining there own first aid kits. An employee had a concern about the quality of the band aids in the first aid kits. Nobody at the meeting indicated that they had any problems. The committee indicated that the supplies in the kits are standard stock items and if a department felt they needed any thing of higher quality or different items that they are free to purchase them. John Arlt reported that a number of employees in the Park department have become State certified in pesticide application. Adjourned at 11:00. Next meeting will be July 17th, 10:00 a.m. at City Center. • • 0 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON LIQUOR STORE COMPARISON JUNE 1996 JUNE 1996 LIQUOR BEER WINE MISC. 1 3,251 8,249 1,296 999 3 2,311 2,748 594 297 4 1,530 3,001 416 183 5 1,727 2,857 478 284 6 2,221 4,812 781 260 7 3,506 7,899 1,263 769 8 3,526 10,691 1,467 2,346 10 1.425 3,246 494 299 11 1,902 3,501 530 316 12 1,668 3,735 478 349 13 2,332 5,077 841 484 14 3,320 9,899 1,747 682 15 3,796 10,389 1,526 1,103 17 1,373 2,196 327 168 18 1,397 2,374 468 202 19 1,698 3,037 612 299 20 1,676 4,105 529 298 21 3,129 7,299 1,030 728 22 3,097 7,141 1,086 647 24 1,556 2,789 482 166 25 1,554 3,145 533 247 26 1,774 4,250 580 251 27 2,198 5,564 961 416 28 4,141 8,556 1,200 628 29 3,794 9,007 1,192 924 TOTAL TOTAL BY WEEK 13,795 13,795 5,950 1,651 5,130 626 5,326 5,699 8,074 2,030 13,437 466 18,030 6,418 4 55,947 5,464 612 6,249 7,523 6,230 2,302 8,734 855 15.648 9,604 16,814 3,608 8,873 59,139 4,064 14,909 4,441 3,959 5,846 1.253 6,608 17,287 12,186 2,692 11,971 344 377 44,916 4,993 1,719 5,479 533 6,855 5,625 9,139 1,894 14,525 699 14,917 6,804 12 55,908 CITY OF HUTCHINSON LIQUOR STORE COMPARISON JUNE 1997 TOTAL LIQUOR BEER WINE MISC. TOTAL BY WEEK 2 1,651 3,132 626 290 5,699 3 2,030 3,584 466 338 6,418 4 2,171 4,307 612 433 7,523 5 2,302 6,050 855 397 9,604 6 3,608 8,873 1,457 971 14,909 7 3,959 8,861 1.253 3.214 17,287 9 2,692 3,375 344 377 6,788 10 1,719 3,122 533 251 5,625 11 1,894 3,894 699 317 6,804 12 1,819 5,170 793 553 8,335 13 4,819 9,024 1,359 1,436 18,638 14 4,105 12,430 1,845 1,243 19,623 16 1,354 3,512 1,023 238 6,127 17 1,582 3,190 427 284 5,483 18 1,785 3,208 529 284 5,806 19 2,156 4,201 1,280 316 7.953 20 3,752 7,734 1,314 632 13,432 21 3,421 7,696 1 1,289 867 13,273 23 1,803 3,269 479 320 5,871 24 1,287 2,778 329 271 4,665 25 1,398 3,424 499 414 5,735 26 2,526 4,528 756 489 8,299 27 3,850 9,159 1,051 764 14,834 28 3,214 7,078 1,217 894 12,203 30 1,974 3,898 581 360 6,803 TOTAL 62,881 135,497 TOTAL 59,902 135,567 20,911 13,325 229,705 98 TOTALS 59,902 135,567 95 TOTAL 58,786 125,729 20,146 11,350 216,011 % OF SALE 27 57 % OF SAL 26 59 9 6 100 SALES INC OR DEC SALES INC OR DEC 13094 6 % 21,616 20,911 9 8,032 15,743 13,325 7 3% 61,440 63,813 52,074 51,607 6,803 235,737 229,705 100