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cp08-26-1997 c
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1997 1 CALL TO ORDER - 5.30 P.M, 2. INVOCATION - Rev. Don Prewitt, Riverside Assembly of God Church 3. CONSIDERATION OF MMJTFS MINUTES OF AUGUST 12, 1997 Action - approve as presented - approve as amended 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - JULY 1997 2. FINANCIAL /INVESTMENT REPORT - JULY 1997 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 15, 1997 4. PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JUNE 5, 1997 5. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 24, 1997, APRIL 28, 1997 AND JUNE 30, 1997 • 6. LIGHT TRAFFIC ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JULY 21, 1997, AND AUGUST 11, 1997 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 97 -204 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.51 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE ENTITLED "PLANNING COMMISSION " BY CHANGING CERTAIN LANGUAGE THERETO AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -205 - AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO USE OF BICYCLES, ROLLER/IN -LINE SKATES AND SKATEBOARDS IN DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT (FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 1997) 3. RESOLUTIONS - LETTING NO, 7, PROJECT NO. 97 -13, 97 -25, 97 -26, 97 -27, 97 -30, 97 -31 (a) RESOLUTION NO. 10886 - ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL (b) RESOLUTION NO. 10887 - ACCEPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL AND CALLING FOR HEARING 4. RESOLUTION NO. 10888 TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MNDOT TO PROVIDE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICE 5. RESOLUTION NO. 10889 ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AT JEFFERSON STREET AND OAKLAND AVENUE AND JEFFERSON STREET AND CENTURY AVENUE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 26, 1997 (c) APPOINTMENT OF JOE DRAHOS TO PLANNING COMMISSION 10 (d) APPOINTMENT OF CHUCK DEHLER TO HRA BOARD (to replace John Paulson) (e) OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL FOR GARY D. PLOTZ AND LAWRENCE WINTER TO ATTEND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES MIDWEST CONFERENCE IN DES MOINES, IOWA ON SEPTEMBER 14-16,1997 (fl LOCATION CHANGE FOR FARMERS MARKET ON SEPTEMBER 13, 1997 (g) SHORT -TERM GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE FOR HUTCH WRESTLING CLUB INC (h) APPOINTMENTS TO SALES TAX TASK FORCE: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS -- JIM FAHEY HCDC MEMBER -- RICH WESTLUND 2 RETAIL OWNERS -- DUANE HOVERSTEN -- MARK MTTTELSTEADT MEMBER OF PLANNING COMMISSION -- NONE CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE -- CITY STAFF (FACILITATOR) -- 5 MEMBERS AT LARGE -- MICHAEL RIBICH JUDY SIMONS (i) PERMISSION TO COMMENCE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS REGARDING 5TH AVENUE BRIDGE 0) DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS (k) GRANT OF EASEMENT TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON BY HUTCHINSON HUSKI LIMITED (1). LOT SPLIT AND REZONING FROM C -2 AND R -2 TO R -3 REQUESTED BY RAY TERSTEEG ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 436 PROSPECT ST. N.E. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AND SET SECOND READING FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 1997) (m) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RAY TERSTEEG TO CONSTRUCT ON 4 -PLEX BUILDING LOCATED IN THE PROPOSED R -3 DISTRICT AT 436 PROSPECT ST. N.E. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10881) (n) REZONE PROPERTY FROM C-4 (FRINGE COMMERCIAL) TO UC (INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL) LOCATED AT 845 HWY 7 WEST REQUESTED BY OTTO TEMPLIN, E &T CONTRACTING WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AND SET SECOND READING FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 1997) (o) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY OTTO TEMPLIN, E&T CONTRACTING TO CONSTRUCT A 24'X 60' ADDITION ONTO THE EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED AT 845 HWY 7 WEST WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 26, 1997 • RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10882) (p) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY THE STATE OF MN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 90' RADIO TOWER TO BE LOCATED AT THE H.A.T.S. FACILITY ON HWY 22 SOUTH WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10883) (q) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MICHAEL OLSON TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION ONTO NON - CONFORMING GARAGE LOCATED AT 15 -11TH AVE. N.E. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10884) (r) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RICK LINDER TO REMOVE EXISTING NON - CONFORMING GARAGE AND CONSTRUCT A 24'X 28' GARAGE TO BE LOCATED AT 435 FRANKLIN ST. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10885) (S) VACATION OF PARK LANE LOCATED IN ROLLING OAKS 4TH ADDITION REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION (t) VARIANCE REQUESTED BY DOUG INSELMAN TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK TO CONSTRUCT ADDITION ONTO NON - CONFORMING HOUSE LOCATED AT 1010 DALE STREET LOCATED IN LYNN TWP. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (u) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY DARYL LUTHENS TO OPERATED AT 1,620 ANIMAL UNIT FAMILY DAIRY OPERATION IN SECTION 3 OF HASSAN VALLEY TWP. WITH NO RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION (v) APPROVAL TO INVEST FUNDS Action - Motion to approve consent agenda 5. PUBLIC A IN . - 6:00 P.M. (a) LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 97 -07 and 97 -08 (FIFER AVENUE SE) Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and adopt Resolution(s) 6. CO TN[ CATIONS. FO TF T AND PETITIONS (a) PRESENTATION BY BUILDING/PLANNING /ZONING DIRECTOR JIM MARKA REGARDING JEFFERSON STREET ANNEXATION AND CONSIDERATION OF 5 YEAR ANNEXATION STAGING PLAN Action - (b) PRESENTATION OF FLOOD GRANT UPDATE (c) DISCUSSION OF COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN OPEN HOUSE (September 8, 1997, 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Council) 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Public) (d) DISCUSSION OF STREET LIGHT INSTALLATION STAGING PLAN • (e) DISCUSSION OF TRIAX CABLEVISION FIBER OPTIC EXPANSION PLAN CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 26, 1997 7. 0 4 (a) PRESENTATION REGARDING REFERENDUM PROPOSAL BY MICHAEL RIBICH AND MICHAEL CAMPA, REPRESENTING "PEOPLE ADVOCATING RESPONSIBLE TAXATION" (DEFERRED AUGUST 12, 1997) Action - 8. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF WAIVING BUILDING PERMIT FEE FOR ADAMS STREET REHAB PROJECT Action - (b) CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP FORBUDGET DISCUSSION ON SEPTEMBER 9, 1997, AT 4:00 P.M. Action - (c) CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY JBS INC. Action - 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 10. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS • (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 11. ADJOURNMENT 4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON U • BUILDING / PLANNING / ZONING DEPARTMENT 1 I I HASSAN STREET S.E., HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 PHONE: 612. 234.4216 FAX: 612.234 -4240 Julv 1997 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED HOUSEKEEPING hem Numbw of valuamn of Numbw of vakmonof Bulcl Houaig Buildwge Housng BUILDINGS No. mnelnmmn mnstnxoon thr4s CYrut coon Units Ortwcoms a b c e e ,e�.o. l me� ho detedred 101 3 3 292,000 Single -famy fnusas, attached 54e +leO M PmM b rmI weY. .ao Pw.r almror oeb.. Ne ne nrm a u9s mw.s 102 Two-farm ly buildengm 103 Three -and far- build 104 Fiver -more Wdly buildings 105 TOTAL: Sum of 107405 0 109 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED NONHOUSEKEEPING nem Number of Valuabon of Number of valuation of Biil6ngs Rooms Buil6ngs Rooms BUILDINGS No, mnstrumon mnstnxUOn Orn cams awl cans a c e Hotels. molels, and tourist cabirn Y nsiorl aavmnaaems an 213 Othw mnho seekeepng she6w 214 EMESO FN — EW PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED NONRESIDENTIAL gam Number vduaeon of Numbw of veWeuond BUILDINGS No. of mnstn on Buildings oorlsin Ilion Buildrgs Ommr coma Ow came e c e AmuswnertL eDctak aid recreational 316 Clurrdwa and othw raliglous 319 lndusttial 310 1 5 Parking gwages (buidngs A open daded) 321 Service waoons and repair gwages 322 HospiW s and irnohmonal 323 Offices. banks. and prolessional 324 Pubic works and ufilnies 325 Schods and othw educatimd 326 Stares and cuatomw services 327 Odlw non esdensal buildings 729 3 2,236 Stnxlures othw buldFg. 729 . than DITIONS, PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED ALTERATIONS, Nam Number vahmtion of Number of Valuaboo of AND CONVERSIONS No, of mmbumon Buildrgs conntrucbon Buil*vs Or w cams Omat crone (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Residen1W - ClavAy rrddisore of 434 gwegas and Corp" in hem 435 9 19,820 No resid,amal mid nonhn ekeepirg 437 13 164,24 Additions of residenbaf gwages and carports 436 (eaached wd detached) I ii non DEMOLITIONS PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED AND RAZING hem Numbw Numbw of Number of Number of OF BUILDINGS No. of Housmg urwa Buildings Housing utws Bul6ngs a b c tl e Single family houses lane h cl and detached) 646 Two -lamely buildings 616 Ttvee- and lam -family buldngs 647 Fivearmae lamy bWdinga 646 All othw laAdngs and sbucbrss 649 • RRR -Z2, RRS -5, R11R -4, SIGN -4, FENCE -3, MHI -5 Permits 74 $1,071,300 �// -14 (?) 21- Aug -97 0 Date Institutlon Description TREAS BONDS 644136 TREAS BONDS 644137 Smith Barney GNMA 865M7 Smith Barney 313400 S H 7 Prudential pod 336914 Smith Barney Fed Home Loan Pmdentail poo1336399 Citizens, Marquette Firstate, First Minnesota Prudential Fed Home Leon Smith Barney FNMA Smith Barney FNMA pass thru Firstate Citizens Bank Citizens Bank l lllzens Bank Firstate Firstate Rrstate First American B Citizens Citizens Citzens Citizens First Federal First American CITY OF HUTCHINSON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT AUGUST 1997 1847000000566 Date Date Interest Of Of Rate Purchase Maturity 7.18% 12/12/91 2/15/2001 7.13% 12/12/91 10/15/98 7.000% 2 /15/93 8/12/2002 5.00% 12!30/93 03/10/00 7.226% 1231 96 0201 2026 .411243807 Expected life 6.2 years 6.750% 01 0397 01 03 02 7.270% 12 31 96 02 01 2026 5.75% Expected life 4.1 years 4.00% 04/25/96 06/01/2001 7.50% 10/31/95 11/06/00 6.09% 12119/95 12/19/00 7.50% 12/20/95 06/01/02 411239045 REPAYMENT 06/27/97 1847000000566 5.90% 12112196 12/11!97 29810 5.620% 03 13 97 11 26 97 29809 5.640% 03 1397 10 16 97 29811 5.900% 03 28 97 11 20 97 411241884 5.90% 04/10/97 01/16/98 411235266 6.30% 05/15/97 05/14/98 .411243807 6.20% 05/15/97 11/13/97 85577 6.00% 05/30/97 03/26/98 29820 5.75% 05 30 97 12 11 97 29823 5.75% 06/13/97 11/13/97 29822 5.60% 06/13/97 10/16/97 29824 5.85% 06/13/97 12/11/97 411239045 5.650% 06/27/97 10/23/97 85577 6.000% 05 30 97 03 26 98 'CMO purchase anticapted payback is 4.332 years with a yield of 7.328% This instrument receives payments monthly and depending on speed of payment of mortgagages the yield could increase or decrease A GNMA with fixed maturity but has a call date of 8/12197 — Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp w/ floating rate (floor of 5.0 %) 1) CMO has been repaid in full 8/7/95 0 (2) Value Is as of 6130/96 Amount 367,500.00 302,437.50 197,000.00 300,071.92 168,935.62 (6,037.12) 300,000.00 161,617.93 (5,176.02) 100,000.00 200,000.00 500,000.00 206,371.04 (48,418.97) 500,000.00 200,000.00 400,000.00 600,000.00 500,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 200,000.00 400,000.00 200,000.00 400,000.00 $8,344,301.90 11At -)) JULY 1997 CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 23,997.62 JULY 1997 REVENUE REPORT - GENERAL JULY YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENTAG 65,967.76 ACTUAL DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED 2,962.41 31.1% FINANCE 30,459.60 168,132.48 • TAXES 109,462.03 709,462.03 1,485,086.00 775,623.97 47.77% LICENSES 285.00 18,120.00 25,200.00 7,080.00 71.90% PERMITS AND FEES 11,768.42 116,000.87 169,800.00 53,799.13 68.32% INTERGOVERNMENT REVENUE 69,085.31 1,131,664.87 2,421,661.00 1,289,996.13 46.73% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 68,446.78 493,298.97 1,063,409.00 570,110.03 46.39% FINES & FORFEITS 5,647.39 29,129.51 72,000.00 42,870.49 40.46% INTEREST 1,548.64 147,552.21 155,000.00 7,447.79 95.19% SURCHARGES - BLDG PERMITS 565.11 769.83 1,000.00 230.17 76.98% CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUND 177,414.44 361,479.88 1,037,000.00 675,520.12 34.86% REIMBURSEMENTS 8,349.14 22,910.94 32,050.00 9,139.06 71.48% SALES 0.00 500.00 8,300.00 7,800.00 6.02% TOTAL 452,572.26 3,030,889.11 6,470,506.00 3,439,616.89 46.8% EXPENSE REPORT GENERALFUND MAYOR & COUNCIL 2,654.40 23,997.62 49,589.00 25,591.38 48.4% CITY ADMINISTRATOR 13,843.80 114,078.24 180,046.00 65,967.76 63.4% ELECTIONS 0.60 1,337.59 4,300.00 2,962.41 31.1% FINANCE 30,459.60 168,132.48 311,242.00 143,109.52 54.0% MOTOR VEHICE 8,508.70 68,966.26 122,655.00 53,688.74 56.2% ASSESSING 0.00 0.00 29,000.00 29,000.00 0.0% LEGAL 12,646.30 61,422.23 85,900.00 24,477.77 71.5% PLANNING 3,929.70 32,196.90 86,455.00 54,258.10 37.2% POLICE DEPARTMENT 137,092.40 976,551.69 1,517,177.00 540,625.31 64.4% SCHOOL LIAISON OFFICER 8,105.60 59,048.98 100,425.00 41,376.02 58.8% EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 10.70 74.75 3,484.00 3,409.25 2.1% SAFETY COUNCIL 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.0% FIRE DEPARTMENT 29,620.90 75,301.83 169,682.00 94,380.17 44.4% FIRE MARSHAL 1,774.70 14,221.64 25.531.00 11,309.36 55.7% PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 11,714.30 88,183.39 145,196.00 57,012.61 60.7% ENGINEERING 30,325.90 210,463.09 354,236.00 143,772.91 59.4% STREETS & ALLEYS 68,547.90 397,368.59 530,389.00 133,020.41 74.9% STREET MAINTENANCE A/C 7,214.60 85,696.43 82,600.00 (3,096.43) 103.7% CITY HALL 7,761.60 56,799.09 82,951.00 26,151.91 68.5% PARK/RECADMIN. 9,753.50 79,380.91 132,183.00 52,802.09 60.1% RECREATION 36,806.80 160,197.10 230,106.00 69,908.90 69.6% SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 7,157.30 54,418.28 102,566.00 48,147.72 53.1% CIVIC ARENA 4,587.30 103,885.59 181,081.00 77,195.41 57.4% PARK DEPARTMENT 56,148.70 380,377.50 584,508.00 204,130.50 65.1% RECREATION BUILDING & POOL 13,667.10 59,817.98 78,744.00 18,926.02 76.0% LIBRARY 1,693.40 71,987.35 110,649.00 38,661.65 65.1% CEMETERY 11,338.20 56,880.57 89,662.00 32,781.43 63.4% DEBT SERVICE 930.00 13,510.00 103,252.00 89,742.00 13.1% AIRPORT 52,926.70 122,946.75 80,860.00 (42,086.75) 152.0% TRANSIT 9,020.50 70,110.26 156,476.00 86,365.74 44.8% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 8,737.80 44,995.39 79,937.00 34,941.61 56.3% UNALLOCATED 83,702.20 360,663.00 659,374.00 298,711.00 54.7% TOTAL 670,681.20 4,013,011.48 6,470,506.00 2,457,494.52 62.0% 4 -A() JULY 1997 CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT - 1997 JULY 1997 ENTERPRISE FUNDS REVENUE REPORT - LIQUOR FUND CURRENT YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCEPERCENTA JULY DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED IQUOR SALES 70,182.14 422,862.01 770,000.00 347,137.99 54.9% WINE SALES 21,689.62 145,101.67 290,000.00 144,898.33 50.0% BEER SALES 131,563.95 735,351.45 1,380,000.00 644,648.55 53.3% BEER DEPOSIT 35.12 (495.64) 0.00 495.64 0.0% MISC. SALES 12,863.79 66,967.23 118,000.00 51,032.77 56.8% LOTTERY SALES 1,555.00 (3,111.90) 2,800.00 5,911.90 - 111.1% REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 0.00 975.00 0.00 (975.00) 0.0% CASH DISCOUNTS (1,901.77) (12,714.12) (20,500.00) (7,785.88) 62.0% INTEREST 627.13 4,585.04 5,500.00 914.96 83.4% TOTAL 236,614.98 1,359,520.74 2,545,800.00 1,186,279.26 53.4% EXPENSE REPORT LIQUOR FUND PERSONEL SERVICES 15,862.55 111,822.15 172,488.00 60,665.85 64.8% REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 763.50 6,834.11 10,300.00 3,465.89 66.4% CONSULTING 78.52 78.52 4,000.00 3,921.48 2.0% OTHER SERVICE & CHARGES 2,955.64 41,514.48 55,750.00 14,235.52 74.5% DEPRECIATION 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.0% DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 37,180.00 37,180.00 0.0% TRANSFERS 0.00 144,345.85 150,000.00 5,654.15 96.2% COST OF SALES 150,489.56 1,042,955.22 1,968,575.00 925,619.78 53.0% MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 1,347.92 7,600.00 6,252.08 17.7% CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 10,157.03 3,600.00 (6,557.03) 0.0% TOTAL 170,149.77 1,359,035.28 2,434,493.00 1,075,437.72 55.8% W ENUE REPORT - WATER SEWER/FUND SCORE 59,307.60 138,828.00 79,520.40 42.7% LICENSES 0.00 0.00 GRANT 75,000.00 75,000.00 100,000.00 25,000.00 75.0% WATER SALES 64,819.50 418,682.80 700,000.00 281,317.20 59.8% WATER TREATMENT SURCHARGE 1,296.50 6,233.59 0.00 WATER METER 370.00 3,530.00 14,000.00 10,470.00 25.2% REFUSE SERVICES 27,056.80 259,027.16 460,000.00 200,972.84 56.3% REFUSE SURCHARGE 2,940.80 28,504.59 0.00 (28,504.59) RECYCLE BAGS (17.80) 249.59 0.00 (249.59) 0.0% REFUSE STICKER SALES 59.50 682.95 0.00 (662.95) 0.0% REFUSE RECYCLING (3,206.00) (31,670.00) 0.00 31,670.00 0.0% COMPOST CREDIT (475.50) (4,954.39) (10,000.00) (5,045.61) 0.0% COMPOST & RECYCLE SALES 256.70 8,588.02 5,000.00 (3,588.02) 0.0% SEWER SERVICES 160,324.80 1,054,892.54 1,900,000.00 845,107.46 55.5% PENALTY CHARGES 2,084.70 9,757.80 18,000.00 8,242.20 54.2% INTEREST EARNED 10,125.00 52,432.08 130,000.00 77,567.92 40.3% LOAN REPAYMENT 411.80 2,882.41 38,630.00 35,747.59 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 595.80 1,943.49 3,000.00 1,056.51 64.8% OTHER 2,637.90 3,419.36 6,000.00 2,580.64 57.0% CONNECTION CHARGES 3.00 3.00 (3.00) TOTAL 344,283.50 1,948,512.59 3,503,458.00 1,561,179.00 55.6% EXPENSE REPORT - WATER SEWER/FUND ,,,REFUSE 39,191.86 283,709.93 504,855.00 221,145.07 56.2% ATER 48,056.92 489,504.38 1,121,746.00 632,241.62 43.6% ASTEWATER 75,774.26 1,125,441.50 2,440,080.00 1,314,638.50 46.1% TOTAL 163,023.04 1,898,655.81 4,066,681.00 2,168,025.19 46.7% Ada) MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, JULY 15, 1997 • 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Wood at 5:40 p.m. with the following members present: Bill Arndt, Jim Haugen and Jeff Haag. Absent: Bill Craig and Dave Westlund. Also Present: Jim Marka, Director of Building, Planning and Zoning; Bonnie Baumetz, Planning and Zoning, and G. Barry Anderson, City Attorney. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting dated June 17, 1997, seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously. a) CONSIDERATION OF PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF 28.56 ACRES LOCATED AT 715 HWY. 7 EAST SUBMITTED BY MAE AND JULIE JENSEN. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:44 p.m. with the reading of publication #5045 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, July 3, 1997 and July 8, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a petition for annexation of 28.56 acres located at 715 Hwy. 7 East submitted by Mae and Julie Jensen. Ms. Baumetz explained the Jensens were asking to be annexed into the city because the septic system on their property has failed, and city service runs in front . of their property. Also, their property is completely surrounded by city limits. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 5:45 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval with staff recommendations, seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PORTABLE SIGN LOCATED AT DALE'S AUTO ON HWY. 7 AND 22 Chairman Woods opened the hearing at 5:46 p.m. with the reading of publication #5046 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, July 3, 1997. The request is for a conditional use permit for a portable, off - premise sign located at Dale's Auto on Hwy. 7 and 22. Ms. Baumetz explained Mr. Harbarth has submitted a request for a conditional use permit for a portable sign. Planning staff has recommend denial of the request referencing City Zoning Ordinance and MN Statutes 173.01 and 173.02. A letter from Mr. Al Rice MNDot D8 Pre - Operations Supervisor, was referenced advising that state statutes govem all signs visible from the state highways, and any sign that is not on- premise is required to have a permit before being constructed. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haag the hearing closed at 5:52 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to disapprove the request as planning staff recommended, seconded by Mr. Haag the motion passed unanimously. C) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JOHN RIGGS, CELLULAR ONE FOR TOWER ANTENNA TO BE LOCATED AT 904 LYNN RD SW (FORMER FARM AND HOME BUILDING). Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:53 p.m. with the reading of publication #5047 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, July 3, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by John Riggs, Cellular One, to remove existing tower from building and erect a monopole tower adjacent to the building located in a C-4 district at 904 Lynn Rd. SW (former Farm and Home building). Mr. Marka described the height of the tower and explained the two aerial community needs to be protected are the airport and hospital helipath. Mr. John Riggs from Cellular One handed out maps of the licensed area in SW Minnesota. He has a license to serve this area from the FCC. He would like to take down the existing tower and construct a monopole tower at the rear of the building. There will be an antenna and microware dish at the top of the tower. There are no guide wires. It is a single, self - supporting pole structure. Mr. Marka explained the telecommunications building at the base of the structure is considered an accessory building and will be required to be 6 feet off property line. Mr. Riggs said the building will be 10.5' off the property line. Barry Anderson, city attorney stated it should be noted that the structure is for mechanical equipment only. There will be light on the top of the tower Barry Anderson would like a confirmation from the hospital that the tower will not interfere with the helipad. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haag the hearing closed at 6:10 p.m. Mr. Haag made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendations, seconded by Mr. Haugen themotion passed unanimously. d) CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF EASEMENT LOCATED IN CAMPBELL LAKE ADDITION REQUESTED BY TOM AND CAROL DOLDER Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:12 p.m. with the reading of publication #5048 published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, July 3 and Tuesday, July 8, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a vacation of the southerty 15' of the 30' easement along the northerly line of Lot 1, Block 1, Campbell Lake Addition requested by Tom and Carol Dolder. Mr. Marka explained the request and said planning staff recommended approval. Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haag the hearing closed at 6:14 p.m. Mr. Haag made a motion to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion passed unanimously. • • 2 e) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY ST ANASTASIA CHURCH TO MOVE A 24'X 24' GARAGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON LAKE ST. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:15 p.m. with the reading of publication #5049 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, July 3, 1997. The request is for a conditional use permit to move in a 24'x 24' storage garage at 460 Lake St. SW requested by St. Anastasia Church. Ms. Baumetz explained the request. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haag the hearing closed at 6:17 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendations, seconded by Mr. Haag the motion passed unanimously. f) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO REPLACE EXISTING BUILDING IN THE I/C DISTRICT REQUESTED BY THOMPSON TRUCKING. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:18 p.m. with the reading of publication #5050 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on July 3, 1997. The request is for a conditional use permit to remove existing warehouse and construct a new storage facility at 206 Erie Street SE. Mr. Marka explained this will be a dramatic improvement to this property. Mr. Marka said the structure is to be 6' off alley line and no easement will be vacated. Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 6:19 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendations, seconded by Mr. Haag the motion passed unanimously. g) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO MOVE A MODULAR OFFICE STRUCTURE TO BE LOCATED AT MCGOWAN MFG., 25 MICHIGAN STREET. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:20 p.m. with the reading of publication #5051 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on July 3, 1997. The request is for a conditional use permit to move in a modular building for office space in a 1 -1 District at 25 Michigan Street SE requested by McGowan Manufacturing Co. Mr. Marka explained the structure is not new and is semi permanent. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haag the hearing closed at 6:22 p.m. Mr. Haag made a motion to approve the request with staff recommendations, seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion passed unanimously. 11 a) b) C) d) CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR GRAVEL MINING OPERATION LOCATED IN SECTION 28, ACOMA TWP. Ms. Baumetz explained the operation is located outside of urban boundary area, and that planning staff has no recommendation Mr. Arndt made a motion to forward with no recommendation, seconded by Mr. Haag the motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED GARAGE TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT 465 MAIN STREET N. REQUESTED BY JIM AND PAT RILEY Mr. Marka explained Mr. Riley would like to build a detached garage but has an existing barn on his lot, however Mr. Riley has a large lot. Planning staff denied the request because the existing barn could be remodeled into a garage. The barn is 19'x 26' Mr. Jim Riley, 465 Main Street N. said access to the building is too low and shallow, and not practical. He would place the garage south of drive where there is plenty room. It was the consensus of the commission that the barn could be considered a non - conforming accessory building, and Mr. Riley could build a detached garage. DISCUSSION OF CONSTRUCTION LOCATED AT 1335 BIRDIE COURT IN FAIRWAY ESTATES PLAT Mr. Marka explained the building permit has lapsed and the structure has been wrapped in plastic, rotted, and considered a public nuisance. Jim Marka and Mark Hensen will make an inspection to determine if structure should be razed to the foundation. Sam Montgomery will be notified that the building permit is null and void. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY MARVIN HAWKER TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SET BACK 10' LOCATED IN SECTION 10 LYNN TOWNSHIP Ms. Baumetz explained this property is located in the urban boundary district. Mr. Marka said when this property becomes urban Mr. Hawker would comply and would not need approval. Mr. Hawker said they are asking for 10' but will use 6' to 8'. Mr. Arndt made a motion to recommend approval of request, seconded by Mr. Haag motion carried unanimously. 4 Mr. Marka instructed the recommendation be faxed to the county. e) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PROFESSIONAL • OFFICE BUILDINGS AT 203RD STREET AND HWY. 15 LOCATED ON LOTS 13 AND 14 AUDITOR'S PLAT, SECTION 30, HUTCHINSON TOWNSHIP REQUESTED BY BRUCE PETTERSON Ms Baumetz explained Mr. Petterson needed a conditional use permit because the property is located in an I/C district. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Haag the motion carried unanimously. f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY BRUCE PETTERSON TO REZONE LOTS 13 AND 14 AUDITOR'S PLAT, SECTION 30, HUTCHINSON TOWNSHIP B -1, HIGHWAY BUSINESS TO 1 -1 INDUSTRIAL Bruce Petterson said because he is using part of building for his contracting business he needs to rezone as industrial. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Haag the motion carried unanimously. 9111 a) REVIEW SECTIONS 3 -6 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE C J a) UPDATE ON JOINT PLANNING ORDINANCE Ms. Baumetz said they have held a public informational meeting. They a trying to make the procedure less cumbersome for the public. There will be a public hearing on September 8, 1997. Being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 11 5 MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board June 5, 1997 Members present were Linda Martin, Dave Heidebrink, Rev. Brian Brosz, Mike Schall, Mark Erickson and Peggy Westlund. Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:17 p.m. The minutes-dated May 1, 1997 were approved by a motion made by Mike Schall and seconded by Mark Erickson. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Luce Line Trail - Work may begin on the trail pavement project as soon as Monday. The paved portion of the trail will be 10' wide with a 12" gravel shoulder extending from Delaware Street to culverts across Arch Street. Summer Projects Turf Issues - Roberts Park has been seeded, but with no rain there has been no change in the situation, it will be reseeded in August. The football program will need to be relocated this • fall. Community Trails -The City Council will be considering bikeway /walkways through the neighborhoods along Linden Avenue, Jefferson Street and Craig Avenue/Dale Street at their June 9th meeting. The city has solicited comments from the neighbors along the proposed routes. Shared Services - The school may contract the city to do some of their turf maintenance rather than having both city and school purchase and maintaining equipment. They may also consider buying chemicals bulk. Rec Center Roof Repair - The bids have been opened and bids came in at $28,000 for the replacement of the Rec Center roof. Schweikert of Mankato got the bid. PRCE Registration - Dolf thanked the board for their help. The editorial column in the newspaper gave some unfavorable comments regarding the registration process. Having the pool at the Middle School next year will ease the demand for swimming lessons. Figure Skating UpAaLe - There has been a meeting of the parents and city staff. About half the parents of the skaters were present at the meeting. The city will hire the pro for group lessons. • � -)q (4) Minutes • Parks, Recreation &Community Education Advisory Board June 5, 1997 Page two NEW BUSINESS Survey Results - The board reviewed the survey results in the different programs. Miller's Woods Oak Savannah - The management plan will include Phase I pulling out the volunteer trees to help manage the undergrowth in the park, a service group from Nicollet will be doing this. Phase II will be introducing native grasses into the park. July Meeting - In July the board typically tours the parks and see the progress of the summer projects in the park. Anyone interested should be at the Rec Center July 3rd at 5:15 p.m. PRCE Budget - City staff have worksheets for the 1998 budget. Community Education's budget is due July 11 -12. Introductions - Cory Carlson a student at St. Cloud State University started his internship with the city on Monday, June 2nd. He the sixth person to come to the city from their intern program. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. by a motion made by Peggy • Westlund and seconded by Mike Schall. The board unanimously agreed. klm 40 HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION • Meeting Minutes February 24, 1997 7:30 P.M. Airport Lobby Meeting called to order at 7:55 p.m. by Chairman Dave Skaar (No Quorum). Members present: Dave Skaar, A] Koenig Members Absent: Joe Dooley, Dennis Kahl, Robert Hantge, Mayor Torderson Guests: Tim Miller, Tom Parker, Bernie Knutson City Staff. Doug Meier 1. Discussion of hangar rent for Tim Miller - should he be classified as resident or out - of -town? 2. What is the Commission's recommendation regarding building of private hangars? No action taken. Date of next meeting set for March 31, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hutchinson Municipal Airport Lobby. • Report submitted by Doug Meier C J y /(S) HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION Meeting Minutes April 28, 1997 Hutchinson Municipal Airport 7:30 p.m. Meeting called to order by Chairman David Skaar Members present: Dave Skaar, AI Koenig, Joe Dooley Members Absent: Dennis Kahl, Robert Hantge, Mayor Torgerson Guests: Kaaren Rodricks, Jerry Peterson of TKDA, Tom Parker, Bernie Knutson Old Business: review of prices for repainting airport sign - too high lobby update - how much will be lost as part of Phase II? New Business: presentation of revised hangar roster. Phase II update by Jerry Peterson and Kaaren Rodricks. Discussion as to placement of shower and sink for FBO hangar. TKDA will revise drawings. Next meeting will be June 2, 1997 (Memorial day falls on Monday, May 26 -also there are 5 Mondays in the month of June. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Minutes submitted by Chairman David Skaar 0 • HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION Meeting Minutes June 30, 1997 Hutchinson Municipal Airport 7:30 P.M. Meeting called to order by Chairman David Skaar Members present: Skaar, Koenig Guests: Tom Parker, Jerry Peterson -TKDA Review of last meeting's minutes. Review of revised drawings of Phase II, part I with modifications recommended at the June 2 meeting. Full set of drawings were left w /Chairman to be delivered to John Rodeberg, City Engineer. Since there was not a quorum present, the meeting was very brief. It was decided that in view of the items to be considered a July meeting was unnecessary . The next meeting will be held on August 25 at 7:30 P.M. at the Hutchinson Municipal Airport lobby. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M. Minutes submitted by Chairman David Skaar HUTCHINSON LIGHT TRAFFIC ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES Monday, July 21, 1997 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Dave Conrad, Rick Larson, Lucille Smith, Ed Doring, Kay Peterson Archie Woodworth Members Absent: Richard Paxton, Dave Radloff, Les Smith, Brian Bonte Staff Present: John Rodeberg, Dolf Moon. Dave Mueller, Bonnie Baumetz I. COMMENTS FROM RESIDENTS ON THE STRIPING PROJECT PROPOSED FOR JEFFERSON ST. John Rodeberg commented on the revised proposal for striping of bike lanes on Jefferson St. with no parking proposed for the west side of Jefferson St. from Washington Ave. to 5th Ave. and no parking on the east side of Jefferson St. from 5th Ave. to Century Ave. He also commented on the concerns expressed by 4 residents on Jefferson explaining their concerns can be dealt with satisfactorily. John asked the Light Traffic Advisory Board to give a recommendation of support for the bike lane to the City Council. Ed Doring made a motion to recommend approval of the proposal, seconded by Lucille Smith the motion carried unanimously. II. REVIEW THE BHCE/PED PATH TO CRAIG AVE. DISCUSSED ON JUNE 2ND Rick Larson commented on the informational meeting held on June 2nd and the emotions that surfaced. John Rodeberg stated SRF Consultants have been hired to review the route and will initiate suggestions as to the most appropriate placement of a route crossing Dale. SRF Consultants will be in Hutchinson to review their findings with the Board on August 5th at 5:00 p.m. III. REVIEW THE STANDARD AND POLICY REGARDING IN-LINE SKATING Dave Mueller distributed a draft ordinance created with input by the downtown business owners. He stated State Law is to ban bicycling and in -line skating on downtown sidewalks. Discussion followed on the draft. The Board asked for a better definition of "Downtown Business District" and to simplify the definition of "bicycle ". Thev also discussed Subdivision 2 to add permitting of walking bicycles on the downtown sidewalks. Dave will make the changes and bring the draft back to the board next month. He stated beginning next Spring there will be media coverage, education in the classrooms and signs to educate the community on the ordinance and also the crosswalk laws. Discussion followed on the crosswalk laws and Dave will contact the newspaper to do an article on the new ordinance, bike patrol and crosswalks. • In -line skates will follow the bicycle rules and regulations also. q 1 4C &) Dave stated the Downtown Business owners will provide bike racks and better lighting in the back of their businesses. • IV. OTHER ITEMS A. TOM GOTTFRIED PRESENTATION WILL BE ON AUGUST 11, 1997 Tom will be present on August 11, 1997, for a 45 minute presentation on transit. V. NEXT MEETING Tuesday, August 5th, 1997, 5:00 p.m. a special meeting with SRF Consulting. Monday, August 11, 1997, 5:30 p.m. regular Light Traffic Advisory Board. Agenda items will include: 1) Presentation by Mr. Tom Gottfried, 2) Review of SRF recommendations and 3) Ordinance review. VL ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. cc: Dolf Moon John Rodeberg Dave Mueller Brenda Ewing • HUTCHINSON LIGHT TRAFFIC ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Monday, August 11, 1997 5:30 p.m. Members present: Ed Doring, Les Smith, Lucille Smith, Richard Paxton, Archie Woodworth, Rick Larson, Kay Peterson, Dave Conrad and Brian Bonne Staff present: Dolf Moon, John Rodeberg, Dave Mueller, Brenda Ewing and Bonnie Baumetz Also present: Barry Warner, SRF Consulting Group I. REVIEW OF SRF RECOMMENDATIONS Mr. Barry Warner, SRF Consulting Group, presented an objective and technical opinion from SRF Consulting regarding the most appropriate connecting bike route from the public schools to the recreation center. He presented three concepts with various options included in each concept. Mr. Warner stated paths funded by ISTEA would require adhering to MnDot guidelines which are very strict. In concept A, Mr. Warner explained the 5' sidewalk along the West side of Dale Street is not wide enough for bike and pedestrian use and it would be necessary to widen the sidewalk to 8' or 10' in the event the route would be placed along the west side of Dale to Linden. He also presented the options of crossing Dale Street with the path crossing private property to Laura Ave. or Craig Ave. Concept B would also cross private property by Ron Hansen's Trucking and would require right -of- way easements. This route would be south of the options in Concept A. Mr. Warner stated alignment to the north at 8th Ave. would be the best placement. Concept C would move the route south to South Grade Rd. which is a high volume road and Mr. Warner stated the best connection would be closer to the heart of the school complex. He stated after review of all options, SRF Consulting would suggest the Craig Ave. route assuming there is bike traffic between the school complex and the recreation center. Mr. Warner commented on three different types of bike lanes which are: Share the Road, No Parking on One Side of the Street and No Parking on Both Sides of the Street. Discussion followed on the suggestion of the Craig Ave. route and no parking on the south side of Craig Ave. It was suggested a possibility would be to have seasonal parking with parking on both sides of the street from Nov. l to April 1 and no parking on the north side from April I to Oct. 31. There will be more discussion on this item when a decision has been made as to the placement of the route. 11 q .4�4, ) Light Traffic Advisory Board Minutes 8 -11 -97 Mr. Warner will present the SRF findings to the Craig Ave. residents on Monday, August 25, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Discussion followed regarding the questions the residents have asked such as liability, State Statutes, decreased property values, vandalism, etc. City Attorney G. Barry Anderson will be asked to comment on the question of liability. H. UPDATE ON THE STATUS OF COUNTY -WIDE TRANSIT BY BRENDA EWING Brenda Ewing reported Mid MN Development will spearhead a county -wide transit task force to meet the end of August and again in October. III. REVIEW POLICY REGARDING IN-LINE SKATING After discussion, Lucille Smith made a motion to recommend approval to present the in -line skating ordinance to the City Council on their August 26th agenda, seconded by Archie Woodworth the motion carried unanimously. IV. OTHER ITEMS A. TOM GOTTFRIED PRESENTATION WILL BE ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 Mr. Gottfried will be available for a 45 minute presentation on September 8th B. GRANT AVAILABLE BY THE CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL Dolf Moon commented on the availability of a grant offered by the MN Center for Disease Control which could amount to $50,000. C. NEW MEMBER TO REPLACE RICHARD PAXTON Richard Parton stated he will be moving. He stated he will be at the meeting in September. V. NEXT MEETING Monday, August 25, 1997, 5:30 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Informational meeting SRF recommendation Monday, September 8, 1997, 5:30 p.m. ._ t • 1L►lul � The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. THE HUTCHINSON LIGHT TRAFFIC ADVISORY BOARD August 13, 1997 Dear Craig Avenue Resident: Please note that an Informational Meeting will be held on Monday, August 25, 1997 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to discuss the findings of a study completed by SRF Consulting Group regarding bike /pedestrian routes to serve and connect the Public School campus and the Recreation Center /Civic Arena area. Barry Warner, Principle of the Landscape & Architecture Group of SRF, will present the findings. Members of the Light Traffic Advisory Board will be on hand to facilitate the meeting. The meeting will be held in the City Center Council Chambers. Sincerely, �mnn -t.c. c�0_wrn� •. Light Traffic Advisory Board Bonnie Baumetz, Secretary cc: Dolf Moon John Rodeberg Barry Warner, SRF Consulting Group ,/Mayor and Council 11 • PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -204 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.51 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE ENTITLED "PLANNING COMMISSION" BY CHANGING CERTAIN LANGUAGE THERETO AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. City Code Section 2.51, Subd. 1, entitled "Establishment and Composition" is hereby amended as follows: SEC. 2.51 Subd. 1 "Establishment and Composition." A Planning Commission is hereby established. The Planning Commission shall be composed of seven si* members of which -�j&€rve shall be residents of the City, but not members of a public body who shall serve staggered 5 -year terms, and one member of the Council shall be appointed by the Mayor to serve terms expiring on March 31 of each year. The Mayor and the City Attorney shall be ex- officio members. Section 2. City Code Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including Penalty for Violation" and Section 2.99 entitled "Violation a Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety, by reference, as though repeated verbatim herein. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 1997. Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator 40 ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE PROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP DAVID B. ARNOLD' STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON" LAURA K. FRETLAND PAUL D. DOVE JANE VAN VALKENBURG RICHARD G. McGEE CATHRYN D. REHER WALTER P. MICHELS. III 1 AL50 ADMITTED IN TE% E ANO NEW YORK Mr. Gary D. Plots City Administrator Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street S.E. Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Bicycle Ordinance Our File No. 3188 -96334 (320) 587 -7575 FAX (320) 567 -4096 RESIDENT ATTORNEY G. BARRY ANDERSON August 22, 1997 OF COUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN TERRI A. BLOMFELT 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545 -9000 FAX (612) 545 -1793 FAX (612) 542 -9210 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 3832214 FAX (612) 389 -5506 Dear Gary: • I am enclosing herewith a proposed ordinance, the rough draft of which was received from the Light Traffic Task Force for consideration by the City Council at this coming Tuesday evenings meeting. I do want to make a couple of comments about this ordinance. The draft received from the Task Force specifically referenced local authorities permitting operation on sidewalks, but I have deleted this reference. The reference from the Task Force, I believe, comes from Minnesota Statutes Section 169.222 which simply authorizes local authorities to permit sidewalk operation of motorcycles. The statute does allow local authorities to "prohibit the operation of bicycles on any sidewalk or cross walk under their jurisdiction." This ordinance accomplishes that task In case anyone is interested, I have enclosed for review by the Council a copy of the statutory language that deals with motorcycles found in Minn. Star. Section 169.222. If you have any questions regarding this proposed ordinance, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Best regards. Very truly yours, D, A:o' pO� N &DONE, PLLP A , . �k""- r 1�� �"G. Barry And GBA:lm . Enclosures CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION "CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION oh ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 -2563 OgpINANCE NO. `17- 2°-z2` SERIES PUBLICATION NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, ADDING SECTION 8.12 ENTITLED "USE OF BICYCLES, ROLLER OR IN-LINE SKATES AND SKATEBOARDS IN DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT" AND BY ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS. THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. Sec. 8.12 of the City Code entitled "Use of Bicycles, Roller or In -Line Skates and Skateboards in Downtown Business District" is hereby added and shall read as follows: SECTION 8.12 USE OF BICYCLES, ROLLER OR IN -LINE SKATES AND SKATEBOARDS IN DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT. Subd. 1 Definitions. For purposes of this section the following terms are defined: "Bicycle" means a vehicle propelled through pedaling; "Roller/In -Lune Skates" means a skate with wheels for movement across a hard surface; "Skateboard" means a hard board or flame with wheels attached for movement; propelled through leg movement; "Downtown Business District" means all sidewalks adjacent to Main Street within the City limits of the City of Hutchinson, on both the west and east sides of Main Street, from Second Avenue North to Fourth Avenue South, excluding alleys. Subd. 2 Unlawful Acts. No person shall ride a bicycle, roller skates or in -line skates or skateboard upon a sidewalk within the downtown business district provided, however, that bicycles, roller skates, in -line skates or skateboards may be walked or carved on said sidewalks. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit or in any way limit bicycles operated by peace officers or agents working under their direction while performing official duties. Section 2 City Code Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including Penalty for Violation" and Section 2.99 entitled "Violation, a Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety, by reference, as though repeated verbatim herein. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this _ day of August, 1997. Mayor City Administrator Published in the Hutchinson Leader First reading: Second reading: is • • J • 169.222 TRAFFIC REGULAnONS `34 169.221 [Repealed, 1978 c 739 s 15] BICYCLES AND MOTORIZED BICYCLES 169.222 OPERATION OF BICYCLES. Subdivision 1. Traffic laws apply. Every person operating a bicycle shall have all of the rights and duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle by this chapter, except in respect to those provisions in this chapter relating expressly to bicycles and in respect to those provi- sions of this chapter which by their nature cannot reasonably be applied to bicycles. Subd. 2. Manner and number riding. No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped, except (a) on a baby seal attached to the bicycle, provided that the baby seat is equipped with a harness to hold the child securely in the seat and that protection is provided against the child's feet hitting the spokes of the wheel or (b) in a seat attached to the bicycle operator. Subd. 3. Clinging to vehicles. Persons riding upon any bicycle, coaster, roller skates, toboggan, sled, skateboard, or toy vehicle shall not attach the same or themselves to any street car or vehicle upon a roadway. Subd. 4. Riding on roadways or shoulders. (a) Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as close as practicable to the right —hand curb or edge of the roadway except under any of the following situations: (i) when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction; (ii) when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway; (iii) when reasonably necessary to avoid conditions. including fixed or moving objects, vehicles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards, or narrow width lanes, that make it unsafe to continue along the right —hand curb or edge. (b) If a bicycle is traveling on a shoulder of a roadway, the bicycle shall (ravel in the same direction as adjacent vehicular traffic. (c) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway or shoulder shall not ride more than two abreast and shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic and. on a laved roadway, shall ride within a single lane. (d) A person operating a bicycle upon a sidewalk, or across a roadway or shoulder on a crosswalk, shall yield the right -0f - -way to any pedestrian and shall give an audible signal when necessary before overtaking and passing any pedestrian. No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business district unless permitted by local authorities. Local author- ities may prohibit the operation of bicycles on any sidewalk or crosswalk under theirjurisdic- tion. (e) An individual operating a bicycle or other vehicle on a bikeway shall leave a safe distance when overtaking a bicycle or individual proceeding in the same direction on the bikeway, and shall maintain clearance until safety past the overtaken bicycle or individual. A person lawfully operating a bicycle on a sidewalk. or across a roadway or shoulder on a crosswalk, shall have all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same cir- cumstances. Subd. 5. Carrying articles. No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle, or article which prevents the driver from keeping at least one hand upon the handle bars or from properly operating the brakes of the bicycle. Subd. 6. Bicycle equipment. (a) No person shall operate a bicycle at nighttime unless the bicycle or its operator is equipped with a lamp which shall emit a white light visible from-, a distance of at least 500 feet to the front and with a red reflector of a type approved by the department of public safety which is visible from all distances from 100 feet to 600 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful lower beams of head lamps on a motor vehicle. No per son may operate a bicycle at any time when there is not sufficient light to render persons and vehicles on the highway clearly discernible at a distance of 500 feet ahead unless the bicycle or its operator is equipped with reflective surfaces that shall be visible during the hours of darkness from 600 feet when viewed in front of lawful lower beams of head lamps on a mot vehicle. j_5 The reflective surfaces shall include indicate their presence from the front or ti reflective material on each side of the bicr reflectors as required by regulations for n sumer Product Safety Commission shall I flectorization contained in this subdivisic A bicycle may be equipped with a r( (b) No person shall operate a bicycle The operator to make the braked wheels s� (c) No person shall operate upon a It raised that the operator must elevate the t grasp the normal steering grip area. (d) No person shall operate upon a h prevent the operator from stopping the bi highway surface and restarting in a safe n Subd. 7. Sale with reflectors and of sale any new bicycle unless it is equipped N subdivision 6, clauses (a) and (b) and by 11 United States Consumer Product Safety C Subd. 8. 11urning and lane changes. continuously during the last 100 feet travel needed to control the bicycle, and shall be Subd. 9. Bicycle parking. (a) A perso ited or restricted by local authorities. A bi normal and reasonable movement of pede! (b) A bicycle may be parked on a road isparked in such a manner that it does not vehicle. Subd. 10. Bicycle events. (a) Bicycle shall not be unlawful when approved by stagy highway. Approval shall be granted only on ill participants, spectators and other high, Terence with traffic flow which would Seri, (b) By agreement with the approvine highway event may be exempted from coml thereto. provided that traffic control is ade, Subd. 11. Peace officers operating bi. Operation of bicycles do not apply to bicyci their duties. History: 1978 c 739 s 12; 1986 c 444 2; 1995c72s2 169.223 MOTORIZED BICYCLES. Subdivision 1. Safety equipment; par !iO4 section 169.974 relating to motorcycles 1) protective headgear includes headg 6r Pr Headgear for Bicyclists, ANS t 6onaI Standards Institute, Inc.; Y (2) a motorized bicycle equipped with heats of lighting for motorcycles may be of (3) except as provided in clause (5), pro: learn of age or older: (4) the provisions of section 169.222 go bicycles; q- Bp f ? =5 TRAFFIC REGl1LATTONS 169.223 The reflective surfaces shall include reflective materials on each side of each pedal to indicate their presence from the front or the rear and with a minimum of 20 square inches of reflective material on each side of the bicycle or its operator. Any bicycle equipped with side reflectors as required by regulations for new bicycles prescribed by the United Stales Con- sumer Product Safety Commission shall be considered to meet the requirements for side re- I 1 } flectorization contained in this subdivision. A bicycle may be equipped with a rear lamp that emits a red flashing signal. (b) No person shall operate a bicycle unless it is equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement. (c) No person shall operate upon a highway any bicycle equipped with handlebars so t raised that the operator must elevate the hands above the level of the shoulders in order to 1 grasp the normal steering grip area. (d) No person shall operate upon a highway any bicycle which is of such a size as to prevent the operator from stopping the bicycle, supporting it with at least one foot on the highway surface and restarting in a safe manner. Subd. 7. Sale with reflectors and other equipment. No person shall sell or offer for sale any new bicycle unless it is equipped with reflectors and other equipment as required by subdivision 6, clauses (a) and (b) and by the regulations for new bicycles prescribed by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. Subd. 8. Turning and lane changes. An arm signal to turn right or left shall be given continuously during the last 100 feet traveled by the bicycle before turning, unless the arm is needed to control the bicycle, and shall be given while the bicycle is stopped waiting to turn. Subd. 9. Bicycle parking. (a) A person may park a bicycle on a sidewalk unless prohib- ited or restricted by local authorities. A bicycle parked on 'a sidewalk shall not impede the - normal and reasonable movement of pedestrian or other traffic. (b) A bicycle may be parked on a roadway at any location where parking is allowed if it is parked in such a manner that it does not obstruct the movement of a legally parked motor vehicle. Subd. 10. Bicycle events. (a) Bicycle events, parades, contests, or racing on a highway shall not be unlawful when approved by state or local authorities having jurisdiction over that highway. Approval shall be granted only under conditions which assure reasonable safety for all participants, spectators and other highway users, and which prevent unreasonable inter- ference with traffic flow which would seriously inconvenience other highway users. (b) By agreement with the approving authority, participants in an approved bicycle - highway event may be exempted from compliance with any traffic laws otherwise applicable thereto, provided that traffic control is adequate to assure the safety of all highway users. Subd. 11. Peace officers operating bicycles. The provisions of this section governing 'operation of bicycles do not apply to bicycles operated by peace officers while performing ;their duties. History: 1978 c 739 s 12; 1986 c 444,: c 255 s 14; 1993 c 326 art 4 s 2; art 7 s 7995c 72s2 '-223 MOTORIZED BICYCLES. Subdivision 1. Safety equipment; parking. Except as otherwise provided in this sec - 4 section 169.974 relating to motorcycles is applicable to motorized bicycles, except that: (1) protective headgear includes headgear that meets the American National Standard Protective Headgear for Bicyclists, ANSI Z90.4 -1984, approved by the American Na- no Standards Institute, Inc.; (2) a motorized bicycle equipped with a headlight and taillight meeting the require - ' of lighting for motorcycles may be operated during nighttime hours; in ( except as provided clause (5), protective headgear is not required for operators 18 93 of age or older; d r ( the provisions of section 169.222 governing the parking of bicycles apply to motor - h:...._1-- SAMPLE ORDINANCE SEC. XX USE OF BICYCLES, ROLLERAN -LINE SKATES AND SKATEBOARDS IN DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT. Subd. 1 Definitions. For the purpose of this section: A. "Bicycle" means a vehicle propelled through pedaling. B. "Roller/In -line Skate" means a skate with wheels for movement across a hard surface. C. "Skateboard" means a hard board or frame with wheels attached for movement; propelled through leg movement. D. "Downtown Business District' means Main Street sidewalks, west and east sides, including sidewalks .� attached to adjacent businesses, from the seu #a- side -of tbaQmmdftmr to 4th Avenue South, excluding alleys. Subd. 2 Unlawful Acts. . A. No person shall ride a bicycle, rollerfin -line skate or skateboard upon a sidewalk within the downtown business district unless permitted by local authorities. Bicycles, Roller /In -line skates or skateboards may be walked or carried in this prohibRod area. Subd. 3 Peace Officers Operating Bicycles. A The provisions of this section governing operation of bicycles do not apply to bicycles operated by peace officers or agents working under their direction, while performing their duties. 1 7 1 -1,6(2-) SEC SAMPLE ORDINANCE XX OPERATION Of ROLLER IN- LINE/SKATES Subd. 1 Traffic Laws Apply. A. Every person operating in -line /skates shall have all of the rights and duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle, including those provisions relating expressly to bicycles as defined by Minnesota Statute 169.222. • I� U r1 U RESOLU'T'ION NO. 10886 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND • ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 LETTING NO. 7/PROJECT NOS. 97 -13, 97 -16, 97 -25, 97 -16, 97 -27, 97 -30, 97 -31 WHEREAS, cost has been determined for the improvement of: Project No. 97 -13 Sidewalk Improvements City Wide; and Project No. 97 -25 Maple Street NE from 10th Avenue NE to North High Drive by construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, grading, gravel base, curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous wear course and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -26 Industrial District Storm Sewer from Solitra Lot to Hands Lot with Connection to Industrial Boulevard SE by construction of storm sewer, ponding and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -27 Bradford Street SE south of Orchard Avenue SE by construction of sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, curb and gutter, bituminous base, and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -30 Otter Street SW (Ulm Avenue) from South Grade Road to North Termini by construction of grading, bituminous base, bituminous wear course and appurtenances, and • Project No. 97 -31 Municipal Parking Lot in Block 8, South 1 .4 City by construction of storm sewer, grading, gravel base, curb & gutter, bituminous surfacing & appurtenances; and the bid price for such improvement is $310,201.20 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $72,288.28 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $373,489.48. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1998, and shall bear interest at the rate of 10 percent (plus or minus) per annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 2. The City Administrator, with the assistance of the Director of Engineering, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The City Administrator shall, upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. • Adopted by the Council this 26th day of August, 1997. City Administrator Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 10887 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT • ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 LETTING NO. 7/PROJECT NOS. 97 -13, 97.16, 97 -25, 97 -26, 97 -27, 97.30, 97 -31 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on the 26th day of August, 1997, the Director of Engineering was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving: Project No. 97 -13 Sidewalk Improvements City Wide; and Project No. 97 -25 Maple Street NE from 10th Avenue NE to North High Drive by construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, grading, gravel base, curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous wear course and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -26 Industrial District Storm Sewer from Solitra Lot to Hands Lot with Connection to Industrial Boulevard SE by construction of storm sewer, ponding and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -27 Bradford Street SE south of Orchard Avenue SE by construction of sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, curb and gutter, bituminous base, and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -30 Otter Street SW (Ulm Avenue) from South Grade Road to North Termini by construction of grading, bituminous base, bituminous wear course and appurtenances, and Project No. 97 -31 Municipal Parking Lot in Block 8, South 1 h City by construction of storm sewer, grading, gravel base, curb & gutter, bituminous surfacing & appurtenances; WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been • completed and filed in his office for public inspection; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 23rd day of September, 1997, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 6:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Administrator is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearing. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15th, 1997. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Administrator, the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Council this 26th day of August, 1997. 0 Mayor City Administrator • RESOLUTION NO. 10888 Resolved that the City of Hutchinson enter into Contract Number With the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, to provide public transportation service in the City of Hutchinson. Further resolved that the City of Hutchinson agrees to provide 40 percent of the total operating cost from local funds and 20% of the total capital costs. Further resolved that authorization to execute the aforementioned Contract and any amendments thereto is hereby given to the Mayor or the City Administrator. Further resolved that the City Administrator or the Finance Director is hereby authorized to execute requests for reimbursement from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. • Marlin Torgerson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by the Hutchinson City Council at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 26th day of August, 1997, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. 11 "11 • Title q- a( q), C M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works Steve Madson, Director of Police/Emergency Management Services RE: Consideration of Traffic Control Revisions DATE: August 21, 1997 Attached please find a Resolution calling for installation of stop signs on Jefferson Street at • Oakland Avenue SE and Century Avenue SE. The intersection at Oakland has the highest non -state highway accident rate in the City. The intersection at Century Avenue has increased traffic and poor sight distance. We recommend that stop signs be installed at both sites. cc: Larry Karg file: Traffic Control • City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street S W Hutchinson,.NN 55350 -3097 (320)587.2975 Fax (320) 2344240 - Printed on recycled paper - Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson,:NN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 '-/- l3. (5j RESOLUTION NO. 10889 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION • FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering/Public Works and the Police Chief agree that the following areas have traffic control concerns which warrant traffic control devices, and; WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Council has the authority to establish locations as points where traffic control devices shall be erected, pursuant to Section 7.04, Subdivision 1 of the Hutchinson City Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: That the Council hereby establishes that a traffic control device known as a "STOP" sign shall be erected at the following locations: 1. On Jefferson Street at Oakland Avenue SE (2 signs) • 2. On Jefferson Street at Century Avenue SE (2 signs) Adopted this 26th day of August, 1997 by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Mayor - Marlin Torgerson City Administrator - Gary D. Plotz H: \RESOLInnTRAFROTRAFCO20RES • y- 3( .MARILYN J SWANSON From: BONNIE J BAUMETZ To: MARILYN J SWANSON Cc: GARY D PLOTZ; JAMES MARKA Subject: ADDING A 7TH MEMBER ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION Date: Thursday, July 17, 1997 11:45AM The Planning Staff is recommending that the planning commission return to a 7 member board. Jim has discussed this with Marlin and was directed to ask you to begin the process of changing the ordinance to a 7 member board. We also would recommend that Joe Drahos be appointed to fill that position Call me if you have questions. Thanks. i s 0 Page 1 C M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 14, 1997 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Gary Plotz and Randy DeVries SUBJECT: Sustainable Communities Midwest Conference on September 14,15 and 16th in Des Moines Iowa Per City policy, we are requesting approval of Gary Plotz and Lawrence Winter to attend the Sustainable Communities Midwest Conference on September 14,15, and 16th in Des Moines Iowa. We are hoping to use grant dollars for this conference so the cost to the City would be minimal, if anything. We recommend approval of the conference. RD /ds City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson. MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax(320)234 -4240 Parks & Recreation Police Services 900 Harrington Street SW 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, HN 55350.3097 Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -2975 — (320) 587.2242 Fax (320) 234.4240 Fax (320) 587 -6427 Printed on recycled paper - L THE JG PRESS, INC., 419 STATE AVENUE, EMMAUS, PENNSYLVANIA 18049, (610) 967 -4135 0 August 5, 1997 To: Lawrence Winters, City Center From: Jerome Goldstein, Editor /Publisher, In Business /BioCycle Following our phone conversation, enclosed are three programs for the Sustainable Communities Midwest Conference to give you an idea of the topics to be covered. As we discussed. we are hooina that you could participate as The One of our editors will call you shortly to develop an article on your organics recycling program — as well as other developments. I'm sure that your present projects and future developments will be of interest to readers of BioCycle as well as In Business (latest issue enclosed). Best regards, and look forward to seeing you in September in Des Moines. 0 0 y- E aUG ; 4 ;997 HUTCH!- .,nN August 14, 1997 Hutchinson City Council City Center 111 Hassan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: The Farmers Market Dear Council Members: We are requesting that the location of the Farmers Market be changed for Saturday, Sept. 13, 1997. The present location of the Farmers Market is at 1st Ave. SE (between Main Street and Hassan Street). We are requesting that it be changed to 1st Ave. SW between Main Street and the alley by the Citizens Bank building for September 13, 1997 only. This change is requested because of the Arts and Crafts in the Park on Saturday, Sept. 13th. The time of the Saturday's Farmers Market is 8:00 am to 11:00 am. Please add this request to the agenda of the August 26, 1997 council meeting. Please contact me if you have questions. Sincerely, �yy� Bonnie J. Westmiller Mainstreet Board Member M Z/— / VS h or+ HUTCH WRESTLING CLUB INC. City of Hutchinson FEE: $25.00 APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE Approved by: Building _ Fire _ Application shall be submitted at Police _ least _ days prior to the Gambling occasion I • ?i1T Qrk< N(\rk AND I. _ 1 Fr�v� {N\_ �(l , Tcame of Authorizeld Officer of Name of Designated Gambling Organization Manager Hereby submit in duplicate this application for a license to conduct the game ofgamblingin accordance with the provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance NO. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 for the license year endin Signatures: 1� Authorized Officer of Organization Designate Ga li g Manager of organization A. The following is to be completed by the duly authorized officer of the organization: • 1. True Name: fn (las ) (first) (middle) 2. Residence Address: Gy5 C -len 34- S kt.jll s..., m s s rAc) (street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Date of Birth: 0 - -2s- •5 - ? 4. Place of Birth ILLLS;� (mo /day /year) (city /state) 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No If Yes, explain B. The following is to be completed by the designated gambling manager of organization: 1. True Name: 111wer r , �1�g (last) (first) (middle) 2. Residence Address: aYlro N9o � \'tic h Mr. n3S0 (street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Date of Birth: a- 11—( 4. Place of Birth: 4 0tu-h" ►7 �� (mo /day /year) (city /state) 't - 5. Have you ever been ccnvicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No _! . If yes, explain 6. How long have you been a member of the organization 7. Attach a copy of the official resolution or official action designating you gambling manager. C. Game Information: 1. Place where gambling devices will be used fflo 5CkoOi 2. Date or dates gambling devices will be used Ifa;�r — 9.0 -d A (date and /or day(s) 3. Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: of week) From A.M. To A.M. /1- 0 — c iq P.M. P.M. 4. Maximum number of players 5. Will prizes be paid in money or P d' 6. Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? Yes X No . If so, will a charge be made for such refreshments? Yes NO i xOr� U, \ca4o \�C D. Organization Information: 1. Address where regular meetings are held 5A-,S(3. NyI 2. Day and time of meetings I rY\o� V ec�h���.�\L. T•OOp 3. Is the applicant organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Yes �_ No 4. How long has the organization been in existence? 4a. How many members in the organization? 96 5. What is the purpose of the organization? 1 0 �ec. &1 6. Officers of the Organization: � Name Address Title e V(xkC\k � f' CA i 6y 6k.- N Lc\ r�Scti Qres�c�,� 5CN"� \\cr 7ss Clkev e� S* t�v.. 1r^ �4a s-� 7. Give names of officers or any other persons paid for services to the organization: Name Address Title IYU� D. Organization Information: (Continued) 8. In whose custody custo�dy will organization records be kept? Name -4.Q /� ti /! : r ✓' Address 7Z/yd )WD 5 9. If the organizatio carries sufficient insurance to compensate the players in the event any injury is sustained by players while gambling devices are used, or while on the licensed premises, please state the Name of Insurer and Policy No. 10. Have you (Manager & Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices? 11. Attach a list of all active members of the organization. E. The following information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization. 1. Name of bonding company Try {�� t SUr��w Ck, jj 2. Address of bonding company Z;,.u,,n'( r- 3. Amount and duration of bond /0,000 4. Application is hereby made for waiver of the bonding requirements. Yes No I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 655 relating to gambling, and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. Signature of g4thoT ze officer of organiczation Date: p' 13 C 5� Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public on this day of 19 � Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public on this day of 19 Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on Social Security Number MN Business ID Number: ARNOLD. ANDERSON & DOVE PROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP 4OG 1 4 1907 DAVID S. ARNOLD' STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON LAURA K. FRETLAND PAUL D. DOVE ** JANE VAN VALKENBURG RICHARD G. McGEE CATHRYN D. REHER WALTER P. MICHELS, III ALSO ADMITTED IN TEXAS AND NEW YORK Ms. Marilyn Swanson Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: 5"' Avenue Bridge Our File No. 3188 -97355 RESIDENT ATTORNEY G. BARRY ANDERSON August 13, 1997 = HUTCF. oN OF COUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN TERRI A. BLOMFELT SBBI CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545 -9000 FAX (612) 545 -1793 FAX (612)542 -9210 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 369 -2214 FAX (612) 389 -5506 Dear Marilyn: 0 0 I write to you today with the request that the above referenced matter be placed on the agenda forthe next City Council Meeting for the purposes of considering whether or not condemnation will a necessary with regard to the a e ed parcels. I have discussed with John Rodeberg the process for securing executed Purchase Agreements from the various property owners and we are hoping that process will be completed by a week from Friday. In the event that it is not, in order to proceed forward with the project and to remain a qualifying recipient of appropriate state and federal money, the governmental agencies involved require some assurance that property acquisition issues will be completed. Accordingly, with regard to property owners with whom an agreement cannot be reached, a condemnation proceeding could then take place. I am hopeful that this actually will not be necessary and that we will reach agreement with all property owners. Because it will take virtually until the next City Council Meeting to discover whether or not negotiations have been successful, there will be no formal resolution included in the council packet. I would simply ask that this be placed on the consent agenda for permission to begin condemnation proceedings regarding the 5' Avenue Bridge and a copy of this correspondence a inc u e rn e Should you have any questions regarding any of the foregoing, please advise. Thank you. Very G. P4" Anderson GBA:jm cc: John Rodeberg Gary Plotz ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350-2563 (320) SB7 -7575 FAX (320) 587 -4096 DOVE, PLLP CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION "CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION • C M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 26, 1997 003A FROM: Water Billing Department SUBJECT: Delinquent water & sewer accounts for the month of Aug Attached is a listing of the delinquent water and sewer accounts • for the month of Aug. Recommend service be discontinued on Tuesday, Sept 2nd,1997 at Noon. • City Center Parks & Recreation Police Services 111 Hassan Street SE 900 Harrington Street SW 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -1522 Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -5151 (320) 587 -2975 Fax 2344240 (320) 587 -2242 _ I Fax (320) 587 Fax (320) 2344240 (320) • -6427 - Printed on recycled paper - 3- 045- 0607 -0810 • 3- 030 -0646 -0802 3- 210 -0595 -0103 Jack Krippner David Hickle 646 2nd Ave SE 595 Adams St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 646 2nd Ave SE 595 Adams St SE 120.73 162.89 CC: Vicky Klabunde CC: Janet Valen Rt 1 Box 218 35 Main St N Brownton, MN 55312 Hutchinson MN 55350 3- 045- 0607 -0810 3- 210 - 0631 -0704 Ralph Benton Tammy Barnes 607 3rd Ave SE 631 Adams St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 607 3rd Ave SE 631 Adams St SE 119.31 118.86 CC: Kurt Rischmiller CC: Janet Valen 1590 Vegas Ave 35 Main St N Montrose, MN 55363 Hutchinson MN 55350 PROMISES 8 -29 -97 3- 227 - 0731 -0701 • 3- 060 -0244 -0701 Richard Block H J Jones 731 Arizona St 244 4th Ave NW Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 731 Arizona St 244 4th Ave NW 65.51 84.36 3- 275- 0510 -0506 3- 210 - 0551 -0303 Jason Knacke Michael Keeler 510 California St 551 Adams St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 510 California St 551 Adams St SE 161.05 160.55 • 3- 275- 0482 -0907 3- 080 - 0250 -0401 Pedro Trevino Vance Haugen 482 California St 250 5th Ave NW Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 482 California St 250 5th Ave NW 112.54 94.10 3- 275- 0510 -0506 3- 210 - 0551 -0303 Jason Knacke Michael Keeler 510 California St 551 Adams St SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 510 California St 551 Adams St SE 161.05 160.55 • • 3 -285- 0594 -0202 3- 505- 0251 -0002 Deb Bondhus Diane Berry 594 Carlisle St 251 Hwy 7 E Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 594 Carlisle St 251 Hwy 7 E 121.31 131.66 3- 380 - 0446 -0603 3 -505- 0780 -0004 Christine Fox Jerome Peterson 446 Erie St 780 Hwy 7 W Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson Mn 55350 446 Erie St 780 Hwy 7 W 152.93 100.92 3- 380 - 0525 -0005 3 -530- 0712 -0201 Roy Bohning Vince Jahner 525 Erie St 712 Hilltop Dr Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 525 Erie St 712 Hilltop Dr 225.55 336.09 PROMISES 8 -29 -97 CC: James Schlagel 656 Juul Rd • 3-435- 0920 -0602 Hutchinson MN 55350 Jeff Borkenhagen 920 Golf Course Rd 3- 655- 0680 -0902 Hutchinson MN 55350 Joseph Jorgenson 920 Golf Course Rd 680 Lindy La 119.94 Hutchinson MN 55350 680 Lindy La 3- 445- 0315 -0706 139.97 Quentin Gruis PROMISES 9 -5 -97 315 Griffin Ave Hutchinson Mn 55350 3- 655- 0805 -0902 315 Griffin Ave Jennifer Wilson 111.28 805 Lindy La CC: Gordon Braun Hutchinson MN 55350 119 Coronado Ave 805 Lindy La Los Altos CA 94022 -2222 89.43 PROMISES 9 -2 -97 • 3- 705- 0046 -1613 3- 955- 0605 -0801 • Kim Thompson Michael Mortenson 46 #2 McLeod Ave 605 Waller Dr Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 46 #2 McLeod Ave 605 Waller Dr 63.00 105.66 CC: Carl Beatrez 18967 Nickel Ave 3- 980 - 1359 -0301 Hutchinson MN 55350 Greg Hanson PROMISES 9 -2 -97 1359 Westwood Rd Hutchinson MN 55350 3 -735- 0336 -0101 1359 Westwood Rd Dale Schlueter 185.78 336 Monroe St Hutchinson MN 55350 336 Monroe St 127.85 PRO MISES 9 -3 -97 3- 765- 0810 -0902 David Laine 810 Oak St S Hutchinson MN 55350 810 Oak St 123.72 3 -800- 0575 -0102 Rodney Markgraf 575 Peterson Cir Hutchinson MN 55350 575 Peterson Cir 227.73 3- 870- 0707 -0701 Jeff Hart 707 Shady Ridge Rd Hutchinson MN 55350 707 Shady Ridge Rd 191.46 0 ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE PROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP DAVID B. ARNOLD STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON LAURA K- FRETLAND PAUL D. DOVE JANE VAN VALKENBURG RICHARD G. MEGEE CATHRYN D. REHER WALTER P. MICHELS, III ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 -2563 (320) 507 -7575 FAX (320) 587 -4096 ' ALSO ADMITTED IN TEAS AND NEW YOIM Mr. Clarence Kadrmas Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan Street Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 RESIDENT ATTORNEY G. BARRY ANDERSON July 15, 1997 Re: Utility Easement - Huski Townhomes Our File No. 9558 -96001 Dear Clarence: 3 1997 OF COUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN TERRI A. BLOMFELT 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545 -9000 FAX (612) 545 -1793 FAX (612) 542 -9210 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389-2214 FAX (612) 389 -5506 I am enclosing herewith a copy of correspondence received from Jamie J. Thelen along with a copy of the revised Grant of Easement. Technically speaking, I do not believe the signature of either representatives of the Utilities Commission or the City should be required, but at this point I would like to get the easement recorded and I would like to do so as soon as possible. Accordingly, I would appreciate it if you would arrange to have the Easement executed by the Utilities Commission and then forward the original Easement to Marilyn Swanson for inclusion with the next City Council packet as a consent agenda item Marilyn can thereafter have the document recorded and return a copy of the recorded document to my attention. For some reason, this document was set up by the grantor to have the signature of the natural gas department. A better practice would be to have you sign the document as the general manager. Since there is a space for two signatures, I would suggest that both you and John should sign and that will eliminate any future concerns about the document. By carbon copy of this correspondence to Marilyn Swanson, I am notifying her that this should be a consent agenda item, presumably either for the last meeting in July or the first meeting in August. Thank you. Best regards. Very truly yours, / ! ANDE bN & DOVE, PLLP G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosure CC Marilyn Swanson J� _K `CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION - CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION GRANT OF EASEMENT HUTCHINSON HUSKI LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Minnesota Limited Partnership, of Waite Park, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), owner of the following described land, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by it, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION, NATURAL GAS DEPARTMENT AND THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, A MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION of Hutchinson, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee "), its heirs, successors, and assigns, a permanent easement 25 feet in width over and across the following described tract: That part of Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Huski Addition, according to the plat and survey thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: 0 Commencing at the Southeast comer of Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Huski Addition; thence continue West along the South boundary line for a distance of 200 feet to the point of beginning; thence North at a right angle for a distance of 25 feet; thence continue West parallel to the South boundary line of Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Huski Addition until it intersects with the current ten foot (10') easement located on the south boundary line of Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Huski Addition and dedicated with the plat and there terminating. This easement shall be perpetual and run with the land, and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, its heirs, successors and assigns. This easement is for general municipal utility purposes and for access use with the right of ingress to and egress from and is for the benefit of and appurtenant to, that land or any portion thereof owned by the Grantee and described as follows: Lot One (1), Block Two (2), Huski Addition, according to the plat and survey thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for McLeod County, Minnesota; which tract is the dominant estate created hereby. 11 q - k- C, DATE: August 22, 1997 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY RAY P. TERSTEEG ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 436 PROSPECT STREET N.E. Planning Commission recommends approval of the request for a lot split on the property located at 436 Prospect Street N.E. City Center III Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350.3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (310) 2344240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587.2242 Fax (320) 587.6427 - Printed on recycled paper - q -L SKETCH OF PROPOSED LOT SPLIT FOR RAY TERSTEEG TOTAL DESCRIPTION The North 199.5 feet of Lot 12 and the East Half of Lot 11, except the south 132 feet Of sold Lot 1 I, all In Block 13, TOWNSRE OF HUTCHINSON, NORTH HALF, accordlnq to the recorded plat thereof. h V 2 h 2.00 C. 6363 \ M yr~ l�I,' l � 4 ., / n CO 2 rr PARCEL B oESCItPTIOx vnRCa A TM Harm 129.70 Mr of let 12 Obch 13, NORTH 11N.P OF IIUILZ@lSW, according ro IN rwerdM plot merwf. / ANe, are Eau 11e1f of Lot I I, of Bald Block 13, except the South I32.W feet nw.wl. Mw eacepl tM East U10 M M I of IN flatrlY 68.50 ha of the South 200.70 het of ,old Lot II. / DESCRIPTION PARCEL B / TM South TQW Mt of the Ibnh 199.70 Mt of Lot 12, Blocs 13, tIWN HALF OF IMCIY/SON, euodhq to IN recorded plot thereof. Nee IN East 2.W Iwl of IM Nwm.ri/ 60.70 lael of IM 8euth 200.70 leer of Lot I I of feW Block 13. I M1oeeJ car tlfY Char fhli Sur wl• Plan or Roper was pr oPar ad by Per or under eh direct supervision and that I am a dull Ilcene ed Land Surveyor undo the lev of the h Q�- Q 0 2 . O \ _ N a IS 30 60 scale In leer AREAS / Total 39640 Sq. Ft. PARCEL A 30320 Sq. Ft. / PARCEL D 9 3 20 Sq. Ft. / SOT /\ \ / PARCEL A p, I- PR / ' \ Yi.e 9r�a�t`.fM'(lnn.a�oJr a. J /��� v � "Cidcs� uc. Be.2731? Darr. �u1s.30 i9F7 h Q�- Q 0 2 . O \ _ N a IS 30 60 scale In leer AREAS / Total 39640 Sq. Ft. PARCEL A 30320 Sq. Ft. / PARCEL D 9 3 20 Sq. Ft. / SOT /\ \ / PARCEL A p, I- PR / ' \ Yi.e C DATE: August 20, 1997 • M u ;: r.• • • ; 1 011 ; r • ; •u Pursuant to Section 6.05, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for rezoning. • HISTORY On July 27, 1997, Mr. Ray P. Tersteeg, submitted a request to rezone property from C -2 and R -2 to R -3 located at 436 Prospect Street N.E. A hearing was held at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, August 19, 1997, at that time there were no neighboring property owners present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. 3. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the request be granted. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request to rezone be approved. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission • City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, AIN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 234 -4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 587.6417 Printed on recycled paper - q -L Publication #5063 and 5064 i 1 w p ie re r le , r q rcf 17 . 1 I • r • T �� T le !+ 1 MAIL= AVENUE r ' • j Y f • �I ( + ' I) to ! d Ar � / 1,{ � IN �` • 88 u u . I 9 •r ,. a / ervb • r a - T �J • ] - 10 0 •� S Far • a v '• �• ' • '+ 'K'F,ypE j 4 / • I /• • c 11 • I NpN� I E u w • "T • cY r A, A ` N • of le F • • r Fp UNrN • . ! -�• • NORTHWEST a ` to / e a NE rAnN 1 u 1 +'r AVENUE PAPOK VMIf V. CROP D, 1 � DAVE NW � • T •mevaencn rt•r 1 3 _J • 1 ;• ) • s ; e Z t FIRST A`IEAOEr NORTHEAST ^ \ t5T AVE NORTHWEST; I a NTONM I I )� + +9+ e. \ • \ ftA I 1 AVENUE ''\ T • ° ■ Ie I 1 •• + �'♦r g I � I SOUTHEAST L AN 1 I l 7 AVE. a SpUTN ST ,. + '. • ��-+� .vr NUC SOUTHEAST n ��— 1� ee - Y I RESOLUTION NO. 10881 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 • REQUESTED BY RAY P. TERSTEEG TO CONSTRUCT A 4 -PLEX IN A R -3 DISTRICT AT 436 PROSPECT STREET N.E. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: 1. Mr. Ray P. Tersteeg, has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to construct a 4 -plex in a R -3 District at 436 Prospect Street N.E. with the following legal description: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North 199.5 feet of Lot 12 and the East Half of Lot 11, except the south 132 feet of said Lot 11, all in Block 13, Townsite of Hutchinson, North half, according to the recorded plat thereof. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use' on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, . or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. The application for Conditional Use Pemtit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above, also represent, and record the utility easement and common driveway easement on the registered land survey. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 1997. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor C Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On July 25, 1997, Mr. Ray P. Tersteeg submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct a 4 -plex in a R -3 District at 436 Prospect Street N.E. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, August 19, 1997, at which time there was no one present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. 4. The revised site was approved including a 3 -plex unit for future development RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above, also represent, and record the utility easement and common driveway easement on the registered land survey. Respectfully submitted, DATE: August 21, 1997 Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission City Center II I Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax(320)234.4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 2344240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 Printed on recycled paper - q -n 0 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR RAY TERSTEEG DESCRIPTION PA 11 A TM Houlh 1249O Net of Lot Iz. Dloch 13. Patin 111 Pulls 0i t"roli naaNdhlp to IN reeerded plot MNeot . t Mae. fart, Huff of Lot I I. at told BU South thereof. lo, escape Me South I�.W fear f. Nee sacpt the East 2.W Mr .f the Ilw Mani %70 foal et the South '1 50 hat el bald UM 11. "did to OR eeaoNnt M trabaaa and .101, pot"'.. seer aul Under nil ebaes Ole narMarl) ILW hat of .aW Lot 12. Mae. aUmp , tom aeeresnt far trM.a) Patna. aw and .rota pal of safe Let 12 The aouthYl) M of add forth Is described as 1WNea: Baahnua at Me 1"Invll" goner of raid NWM 12470 feat of Lot 12: Mmes eesior11. off" the aarsth Ate of sad NerM 12470 feel of Lot 12 to a Pohl, 40.W hall vastoly, as Meeeasd Jana sold aeelh M. WeaMry of IN a PPIN.1 arly garter of told North 129.W Mt of Lea 12: Marco eerMaeeaNN, to a eehil an IM aaat M of aC1J Let I2 a defame Of 40.W feel nerelaety, a. aseesaad alosa bald wet 1., of IM MuMeaafartl Carter of 'Old North 12490 feel oral to t er LOP 12 old Me than arinetoa p. e t The env o wli end Wtarpr I= of sold aaae seril least IN eau bed vest Iltes of pole Lot 12. R. l IT w _ \ e 8 � 0 oa 7 G� / yu .Me i C l Ir Ca63.63 y rA. lr ® ' /Ja , ti t ^c 2.00 lie P n1�. ►1 O 17 JO F.0 .Cale In feet • Dmalas hm ttettomaa IPaod 0 N.M. km ---1 fat Datums asHlNp okw11an ( 1 Dmows Proposed clovean 40 R. �A4j) \SFr 3q'6J / u rT a.p� \ rr.` t Bhl T \ 1 D •- \ / r J O a 7 y {, Q° cd \ �4 pJ' sole e� <oT h ' U, ; jb 4./ ' /e' a PARCEL B PARCEL 9 • 9320 5a. Ff. p ", ast DESCRIPTION PN EL B M T Sturm TOM fee UM t of Mto N IWM real of Let 12, Bloch I3. NORTH HALF OF 1aROM901f, .oardhlp It to rpardad plot Marldf. M30 rho Emil 2.00 Mt of the Naetherlf M50 feel of IM Saulh 200.70 Nail or Lail 11 N said Bled 13. Toffm~ With do easternmost far trlUevay purposes aw ollo dero s pal of IM Marts 124D0 feel of sold LOP IL TM ."thsry M of Wahl waemenl h desoWd as homer.: 0 90 na a IM eeuMWe +nrry cww of sold North 129.70 fief of Lot IL'Mtelf saslarll, alone rho "art N of sold Noun 129M feu of Let 12 w a Iwhtl 40M fast Weafoll• as nssafaM dap add sash M. Weahrly of Me soulltoaelNH Cermr of add thrth 129.70 Mt of Let IZ: Mesa as narflNasileHJ• le a m Me eau Into of sold Let 12 a aatmco ,� stn 1 .70 nlel Lei I2 and Pa tii fhw. Me. of wnM .I Carne et arts c th soar and career of ) Ms of sold a .al bohrp Nto east and .sail Ms of sold Lai IL 9 Te.a. Z 7 G�J °w 0 :r BE110 Wddf 7" of rte p" at mrlMaar earner of Lei 1. BNQ 13. Ehvatlon - 1077.71 I hereby Cathy that 1hla Survey. Plan or Roper was proper ad b tae of undo ey direct supervision and that I as a duly licensed Land Surveyor under the IaWe of ,he st Sllaate of Minnesota. 'a�.-vl Lie. Ne.L'f3L9 . Date: F' PELLMEN LAID Stomy O HUTCkWeA 1 L01 .ICE N0. 97131 q -m C; DATE: August 20, 1997 • �. r• • ; • '21 i6il M IWAIMM x_ Pursuant to Section 6.05, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for rezoning. HISTORY On July 25, 1997, Mr. Otto Templin, submitted a request to rezone property from C -4 to I -C located at 845 Hwy. 7 West. A hearing was held at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, August 19, 1997, at that time there were no neighboring property owners present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. 3. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the request be granted. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request to rezone be approved. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320)587.5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350.3097 (320) 587.2975 Far (320) 234 -4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350.2464 (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 Printed on recycled paper - q -N e N w[eoQ f \ ! 1 Publication # 5065 and 5066 a1 � �— * sq L W . � N � r � L 1 1 K 4 s:' 1 e a I L I � N R _ 3 ; r 1 _ x t r GOPHER CAMPFIRE WILDLIFE G SA XXX �• ` � I S N /CT /OG /RY ^- e i 3'- PARK l I F lI t t r .r OP r T :•, ai —a Lp x LYN ILO •' 27 jJ -- It f _ SECOND I A RLar a o � /U • vL V. SEC rt ne ]0� I4 a !i M e I y vr� I �r L T LT.. T i J spva i fi-N n n It n 1T rs ~ r T e N I! M N M II 10 I a _ 1 1 .Ilp • L T" J F 1 �W 1 2 N z z 4� ...eM s Drt RESOLUTION NO. 10882 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 REQUESTED BY OTTO TEMPLIN, E &T CONTRACTING TO CONSTRUCT A 24'X 60' ADDITION ONTO THE PRESENT BUILDING LOCATED IN A I -C DISTRICT AT 845 HWY. 7 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Mr. Otto Templin, E &T Contracting has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to construct a 24'x 60' addition onto the present building in a I -C District at 845 Hwy. 7 West with the following legal description: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 36; Township 117 North, Range 30 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the West line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 117, Range 30, 1323 feet south of the Northwest comer thereof; thence East along the north line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 36 for 353.00 feet to the point of beginning of the tract herein described; thence deflect right at an angle of 67 degrees 30 min. for 128 feet more or less to the Northerly right -of -way line of old Trunk Highway No. 22; thence Northeasterly along said right - of -way line to a point on the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, said point lying 496.00 feet East of the point of beginning; thence West along said North line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, Section 36 for 496.00 feet to the point of beginning. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use' on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above, noting the following. 1. A registered land survey is submitted identifying setbacks, right -of -way, and 20' easement. 2. The rear yard drainage is addressed. 3. Within three years the parking lot is hard surfaced and an 8' opaque fence surrounding the outdoor storage is in place. 4. The City requires a 10' easement along the east property line to serve this building. An additional 10' (20' total) utility easement is necessary to service properties to the north of this site. Please negotiate with City Engineering on this matter regarding payment. 5. Provide handicap parking. 6. Minimum setbacks of 30' in front and 20' on the sides are provided. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 1997. ATTEST: • Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor `T - v C DATE: August 21, 1997 171;T•7u�aiR.7rTt1'{rTi13 ,.r r r • run r r . :r•u: . r; .vr� Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On July 24, 1997, Mr. Otto Templin, E&T Contracting submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct a 24'x 60' addition onto the present building in a I -C District at 845 Hwy. 7 West. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, August 19, 1997, at which time there was no one present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above noting the following requirements. 1. A registered land survey is submitted identifying setbacks, right -of -way, and 20' easement. 2. The rear yard drainage is addressed. 3. Within three years the parking lot is hard surfaced and an 8' opaque fence surrounding the outdoor storage is in place. 4. The City requires a 10' easement along the east property line to serve this building. An additional 10' (20' total) utility easement is necessary to service properties to the north of this site. Please negotiate with City Engineering on this matter regarding payment. 5. Provide handicap parking. 6. Minimum setbacks of 30' in front and 20' on the sides are provided. Respectfully submitted, City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, AIN 55350.2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 234.4240 LJ Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission Parks & Recreation Police Services 900 Harrington Street SW 10 Franklin Street SW • Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 Hutchinson, MN 55350 -1464 (310) 587.2975 (320) 587.2242 Fax (320) 2344240 Fax (320) 587 -6427 - Printed on recycled paper - q —V rw;! `� ` Publication # 5065 and 5066 • i f G J ;.. R_4 , . -; r R -3 o 11 �� 1 i / ` r ' I GOPNEF CP MPE IPE I WILDLIFE 31NGN >Av V � I � i PL11R I I l 1 � 3 1 / ..T 0! JT AT LO 2 I _ LI AM ' � -rt 2 SECOND - • AT • a • Pu�✓Fr 'v gc ?— rt II• So� it i 1 : L . L � •i� r r .... �• .r la oo I J I � Seve � + I♦ n c u ro � —r a la If M • ♦ r O • J N I a •YY • L T L • ._ 7 t t 7 1 NT ` 2 r L --A i 1 < � 5 n U i n u q _C) RESOLUTION NO, 10883 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER • SECTION 6.07 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 REQUESTED BY MN/DOT TO CONSTRUCT A 90' RADIO ROWER NEST TO THE HUTCHINSON AREA TRANSPORTATION SERVICES BUILDING LOCATED AT 1400 HWY 22 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS I . MN/DOT has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to construct a 90' tower next to the Hutchinson Area Transportaion Services Building located 1400 Hwy. 22 South with the following legal description: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 29 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 51 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northwest Quarter a distance of 943.56 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence'North 0 degrees 00 minutes 53 seconds West 1105.75 feet to the southwesterly line of the former right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad; thence southeasterly, along said southwesterly line, 1835.44 feet to said south line of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 28 minutes 51 seconds West, along said south line, 1454.22 feet to the point of beginning. Also that part of the former right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad lying in the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 29 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 51 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Northwest Quarter a distance of 943.56 feet; thence North 0 degrees 00 minutes 53 seconds West 1105.75 feet to the southwesterly line of said former railroad right of way and the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing North 0 degrees 00 minutes 53 seconds West 93.54 feet to the southwesterly right of way line of State Highway No. 22; thence southeasterly, along said highway right of way line. 1994.73 feet to said south line of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 28 minutes 51 seconds West, along said south line, 126.80 feet to said southwesterly line of the former railroad right of way; thence northwesterly, along said southwesterly line. 1835.44 feet to the point of beginning. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use' on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. • l -P Page 2 Resolution No. 10883 CONCLUSION The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above, • noting that the tower is placed outside the heliport and airport flight zone. Also the plans are submitted and approved by the FCC and FAA. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 1997. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor • 7 C • .. II.' . HISTORY On July 22, 1997, Mn/DOT(Robert Prudhomme) submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct a 90' radio tower next to the Hutchinson Area Transportation Services Building located at 1400 Hwy. 22 South. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, August 19, 1997, at which time there was no one present objecting to the request r; y::t:.:.• •.ta ;� a •r.l .1 . 1 M 13 113 MEN On M MEN IN r•. •1 6 . ttJ • r. Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. DATE: August 20, 1997 FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above noting that the tower is placed outside the heliport and airport flight zone. Also the plans are submitted and approved by the FCC and FAA. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, :NN 55350 -2522 (320) 587.5151 Fax (320) 234-4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, ,V1N 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 234 -4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350.2464 (320) 587 -2141 Fax (320) 587 -6427 Printed on recycled paper - q -? \ to _ '-- 1 _ - __-� __ ___�_._....., - _``T� ` �� _ '° 3 -I- CULVERTS\ \ \ \ /NIC I \ 1C\�.,9�, < •n \ ` \ f , NIC 9 -4 - STORAGE 1 NIC OF , FFE 1040.0' -'i b z I� `•� - ST -5 \ 1 I WATER- HOUNNG 'TANKS POND NIC ,� z , .__ ! I \ �� \ , soh - I'1 .BONE YARD N 89'2 it "\ _ r' 4 CONCRETE .SO= 1➢ff, OF NR 1/4 F �' 0. 7. 116 N,' R 2Y W'. . MN AND'FOOTING APRON r? pp• .. E STRUCTURAL PARK" :1 LOT AND ORNEWAY RCOTION BY SEPERATE 1 1 SLOPE _ _ MINIMUM 4 FT DEPTH _ - OF:E$ISTING GROUND SELECT GRANULAR BORROW TOP SEE - .BQIEATI CONCRETE APRONS' EL'.EVATON' VARIES - - . CONTOURS ON SITE PLAN RESOLUTION NO. 10884 RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 REQUESTED BY MICHAEL OLSON TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION ONTO A NONCONFORMING GARAGE LOCATED IN A R -3 DISTRICT AT 15 -11TH AVENUE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: 1. Michael Olson has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to construct an addition onto a nonconforming garage located in a R -3 District at 15 -11th Avenue N.E. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 and 14, Block 1, Hansen's NorthHigh Addition. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use' on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 1997. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 0 Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor `i-(� C, • .. 0.4 .e .► 9 1 DATE: August 20, 1997 Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On July 29, 1997, Mr. Michael Olson submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct an addition onto a nonconforming garage located in a R -3 District at 15 -11 th Avenue N.E. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, August 19, 1997, at which time there was no one present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission City Center III Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -1512 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350.3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax(320)234-4240 - Printed on recycled paper - 0 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587.2242 Fax (320) 587 -6417 Lots I and la, Block 1, Iq North High Drive AOpITION U] 0 HANSEN S NORTH HIGH hereby garlify that this seraey vols Moperea by by m@ or a,der my dirtel raPareieien aM that 1 am a dell Licensee Land SW"701 ender the ..Is lain of the start of Minnesota, 0 10 M e0 _....__Ap � 4 ;iIard Pe Ninsn, LIC11150 Na. $626. Scott in fen 38.3 -- August 6,1966. / f AREA OF LOTS 1 AND 15 a 24,940 SO. PT. ..r, N nLAVEL PARKING LOT-5470 SO. PT 11 !n O Z � 8 V) 31.3 b s �� a � * o t G S fr A c GARAGE N r F ri � - e a `C Z pi tJ T a . ir 3 Pea w L IT o I Q _ a a r � 8 V) 31.3 b s �� a � * o t G S fr A c GARAGE N r F ri .r P � ' O � Eleventh Avenue a Ps Nlnen Lond Surveying Boot P 44 Pope 65 Filt No. 66132 A ' a 3/ -1 17- Z 4 -oZ — oo / o 0 t LE. O � - Z ir w ir _ a o_ 0 E i r4 e J I ^ t w Q � �. a :. I I .r P � ' O � Eleventh Avenue a Ps Nlnen Lond Surveying Boot P 44 Pope 65 Filt No. 66132 A ' a 3/ -1 17- Z 4 -oZ — oo / o 0 t LE. O IN ;� I r = I 4 - 2 a I NOR?H — - 'HIGH — so w s MANOR Publication #5068 eo o Rrf+ I 2 3 4 '. S 6 7 I 2 3 4 w goo e 0 1 e0 J " H I i 12 11 10 9 8 j1 13 12 II �-o I NCO goo goo 90C Goo I goo ELEVENTH s AVENUE I 8 7 to $ LA i I 9 _ 6 xoo 1) ec Oc 1 I go, 2 3 4 A J4 13 3 12 II Am- KIM xoo 1) ec Oc 1 I go, 2 3 4 A J4 13 3 12 II I TENTH AVENUE i `• ec on a s: '5 4 3 2 I 1 2 3 . - - x u , . 0 in'o9•i 2 02 o I 3 $ 22 § o NINTH oz's AVENUE a L 4 — 6 RESOLUTION NO. 10885 • RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 REQUESTED BY RICHARD M. LINDER TO REMOVE EXISTING NONCONFORMING GARAGE AND REPLACE WITH A 24'X 28' GARAGE 3 FEET FROM THE ALLEY LOCATED IN A R -2 DISTRICT AT 435 FRANKLIN STREET S.W. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON. MN: 1. Richard Linder has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to remove existing nonconforming garage and replace with a 24' x 28' garage 3 feet from the alley located in a R -2 District at 435 Franklin Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 7, Block 51, South 1 /2 City 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use' on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning • Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of August, 1997. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor `J 7 - �� C DATE: August 20, 1997 r: Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On July 29, 1997, Mr. Richard Linder submitted an application for a conditional use permit to remove existing nonconforming garage and replace with a 24' x 28' garage 3 feet from the alley located in a R -2 at 435 Franklin Street S.W. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, August 19, 1997, at which time there was no one present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT I. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320)587.5151 Fax (320) 234 -4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 2344240 Printed on recycled paper - • Police Services IO Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -1242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 Qp Publication 45069 U y_h I �1 ,o � L to r I 10 2 2 9 2 9 2 9 3 6 3 6 3 6 , - -3' 4 7 4 - -7 4. 7 ..r. ivtw S 6 5 6 a I : AVENUE �E SOUTHW ,,. I to , 2 2 9 2 3 3 g 6 3 N 4 4 7 4 S 11 11 g 5 ME SOUTHWEST FIFTH AVENUE _ 0 ix I n = 10 I ix 10 1 S Z 10 I . N it Z 9 2 Z 9 2 y 9 2 W IWi. —a = 3 6 3 W " Cr 6 3 g 3 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 g S 6 5 S U y_h I/ r I LJ W i i ! ` lip w 0 4 -R C DATE: August 20, 1997 '• e � • ��'�.��..•• gnu �i r: • ..:: •. • iin I V 111111 .: 11 1111111110 r 1111 : •; Pursuant to Section 5.972 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planing Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for vacation of drainage and utility easement located on Lot 1, Block 1, Campbell Lake Addition. On July, 1997, City Staff submitted a petition for the vacation of Park Lane located between Lot 5, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2, Rolling Oaks 4th Addition. The public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, August 19, 1997, at which time there were no neighboring property owners objecting to the request. [1 1MAJIMIMMMEW1 Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997, and Tuesday, August 12, 1997. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the vacation be denied. Respectfully Submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission City Center Parks & Recreation Police Services 111 Hassan Street SE 900 Harrington Street SW 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, .MN 55350 -2522 Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 Hutchinson, MN 55350.2464 (320) 587 -5151 (320) 587 -2975 (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 2344240 Fax (320) 2344240 Fax (320) 587 -6427 - Printed on recycled paper - HUTCHINSON MINNLSU I A Publication #5073 y 5 89'-44'W GO Ve 0 9 T to —LO ONE BLOCK W WEST vo z 5 4 4 ; d L 2 5 4 Cr 11 x - id 16 BLOC C 1- LANE IF Q 39 0 0 12 ISIS 3 1 1 11 V) EAST 13 o I TWO Go 10 vo 40230'. "99 E \13 SIC ' DASHED LINES SH THUS DENOTE UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, SAID EASEMENTS BEING 6 FEET ON EA S OF LOT LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN C DATE: August 21, 1997 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY DOUG INSELMAN TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 130' TO 85' TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION ONTO A NONCONFORMING HOUSE LOCATED AT 1010 DALE STREET IN LYNN TWP. (This property is in the urban boundary, district.) Planning Commission recommends approval of the request for a variance, noting if the City /owner does not extend sewer and water services by August 15, 1999, Mr. Inselman is to upgrade his septic system. cc: Shawn Mortenson, McLeod County City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street S W Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 2344240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 587.6427 - Printed on recycled paper - qT LYNN )WNSHIP 116 NORTH CODE-5 RANGE 30 WEST ACOIA [PAGE 11 TWP. 4 � , A 13 4 39A I A 511 L[4 �"m IY4) )a41 . )a)4 MNL$5.mm MT .•7 13 1 > M O ILr i Mr � ER I 1 AFE59710H I_ _ 1 [ p Ra i T R"EHL HFHL � 4p 162 � ' {T � � a 46Tp� 15674 T 79 ZCl11A01 KACEL [rL44w i i• 3 GEORGE P a ,) 6[ HENRY �EFFEN 8 F B •4LU OTTER L IREP% 1 EMM4 VICIA LLEOTKE GLBERT 58 ��� SCOTT I > ), 4ETTMAN ® 708 154 ® 2025 AGREY _ T �\ I ROBERT p GLORIA JOHNSON LAME I"* ;� s PUlFANL 140 160 [ 15450 Irw 16075 124 I "I .0 VI ��� GGG.IFI CEBO]4H: �SCN I p LYE! OL, I Q f�ETITJfJ1• LfpfARO 91O.�ON WA'� _ I ( 4 TFWES •8 JOAN I (�l 120 NENCORf 1 ~I41elti I CUilTg4 0 JlA c 4IMT I RKNAFO CAAL 14074 �s� I Il1•�IDfR .MT2AI Iq I 1 BN1MEi2 � R 160 5 0 r 158 6667 525 120/. 60 11]OKH4I1 A C i LARRY a ELIZA A&33 •K T. DYGM N CFROAMIF TAI.ER I C F E ✓W L ARLEOI REO J 8 A IY[4 IKN LJX IER SG9PLl.EN Q ANNE 4 0 AT ) 156 2B0 ppAAlLppXn 262 200 a •, HIE? 1aT•IOf10T11 RAN 0 40 H A( FEABnUGH '� I.MAIMC �[wy p BE f Ty p Lao G O L 4 CITY Of GO I R//IIIICC O BD fI KEEEFE N CP U (� DEWS Rw ftKm AID CJ ON 1 � �E 6 (� N 6 1 OLIVER a VN ® ALBERTSON A•MwA MARTENS AIRPORT cl '. L R 9 W DER ® JOAM ) ' -mm l 200 60 ISO O a I MERLYN 6 JOHN 8 RUTH 0 = T 119. ) 420 _60 160 160 n, fP SHIRLEY df.5TEP1 'LEA ' ��w) MILLER U F) (D TTAIAN LEI I i r' IVY[IlD U (I(l f�li 'K" A Plitt I �) ^ I © OfH.N fLL �•1L-�.[ �! ('+ 1j LOLM. •`" DC SON 6D "LN 65AS0 `ISp r9 17850 LeH 240.75 MTL `� ` ]'•• Y T I� 207 y 4 Va RECKCW aL0. IDAA _ 80160 , eo !I ■ Iy• GET B }DONALD 0 NNI R1lll N �� ® 'M )[M wT�TEPETURNG I� TOONEM DALE B ® RECNY4 TJLOI PLNSANCE GCRHI J. 8 T S, 40 40 DELORES GEROME a 70 CARLENE ROBE LSONY DUESTERHOEFT ' q[ RNER n I [ ZM A ERWIN OLD RAYMOND A.p O �� RET NArJ PLATH POF FRANCES EARL 8 DLAIA A MC MA NCK 7 ` J J9 � 60 r ' 12D 140 D6 E 220 N OLSON CIA I 11940 �' r 0.NER 8 ALLEN S 11 (D 1.1 EDWARD J I 340 22!25 " BO 90WIDT 120 CARL h 79 30 RIa.L 4 6WIX - ? n I a 0 _IQQ1 a b 179 [.Iwa fAnv HER CRT E. JbG RVIN 4 D0 II 0 a TO I T J OTTO SHIRLEY JLYW E 0 = jl f MA1L0W BEN N 5 HARh*r OTTO ALUM 8 11 a T IQ fJ! 60 •w. 6� (y 120 (4) 159 50 0 off HT ` LAR111, e ` re JOANNE 60 BALI y I T IY SC HE� N J. 6 r C4). EUGENE a NALO O DO MARTENS R4RK IMME BO QS SCIYIDT I JUDITH 1 J,-� l fIW[[a ') 1. SCre40T 1!�C OTTO V '.'RE I4�i7�i -I iyb -1 C 4 aTL I• 05 BO ` 60 .� 11750 . 210!`7 10750 124.25 lire w w C 5 8 146.50 160 EMIT 9 y HERMAN 21PF • DIJESTERMOEFT I ,1\ TANRf�MENS 'ROEDAG LAJIf 1 1 - 9 ' TE 1 1 1 �•, LE VERN J M ',� 540 110 \ i [ ✓ (6 . 80 1 Ito JENSEN NO ELMER 0 ! ya...�. BROS- ®'. ® CAROL OTTO S JpMON 1 ED 411` RICHARD B 3 Ito DONLAILD 40 =9.60 rj-� S• 14040 ego AO 160 60 1p 121 NENfY Xi D12fL 5L OT rO [ Or TO . WILLIAy sa DES 0 .F 3 EN ®LYLE 0 EL EI[ H 60 I C L Ifl C71E[' y BERTHA ._ © Ifet KEO . . OL.ESON N `'. J. BO RANIJOW 1gWF t Q) ]j L is SO 49 L M 6 CSi ('A, n173A3 125 O(/ 200 TRETiM IBO '� " "-•Y 160 6MITSON1 Irk ' • ELMER 'i 120 56 1 -9 255.11 a c .� 1 4 GRANT DanWA D an fi G r M.R CAROL STATE OFD � NNUrSON L. J. 9A AO INEA EE a OT TO STATE OF MN �e l` f T 761 60' 40 :Ei1CH , TTO • 0 MI3150TA iS34�i' ` T Sff �OEAN ADOLPH B �4'I I 1. XNE Eq r x.06 OL ESON LYDIA 11465 �IL6M1 [w[T 7504 60 79 ]5 `1 K6 NO BENT2 90 . © L A2" xm•[ KR .� COLLINS (RAGE 9) TYTP. - T SMALL TRACT OWNERS �� I — � - - - Rc RGCT 0..41 •Cn Mc w.cr a.•• .cn TIC Iwcl awl .L•. v.�� �• �... .M1G14 •AFy. ]IJI I] • .�IIY• ..� • n •. �M1 6.. a as r• . • 4V •GrFY GYYr •r.�••.ST I I Ii1N•uwl•I.Y 1% �al.r l.�� .._. G r. _ _. 1 ___ _ —_ -__ c �rr L �• wlr iw G`G` y ]• � °""' � w.0.� v 1b zo JAMES MARKA From: JOHN RODEBERG To: JAMES MARKA Cc: CALMER A RICE Subject: Doug Inselmann (1010 Dale Street) Sanitary Sewer Service Date: Wednesday, August 06, 1997 10:15AM From our discussions, it appears as if the septic system at the Inselmann residence needs to be replaced. Since we are working on annexing this area, and serving it with sanitary sewer service within the next two years, it has been the city's recommendation that they hook up to city services. Based on review of the parcel, a sanitary sewer manhole and lateral is located at the intersection of South Grade Road and Dale Street, and appears to be at an elevation (1062 invert) to serve this property. It would be my recommendation to hook up the property to this service contingent on agreeing to annex. It is understood that initial costs of service extension and street repair would be at his expense, but some credit would be given for future improvements. Page 1 H- I DATE: August 21, 1997 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY DARYL LUTHENS TO OPERATE A 1,620 ANIMAL UNIT FAMILY DAIRY OPERATION IN SECTION 3 OF HASSAN VALLEY u Planning Commission recommends forwarding the request for a conditional use permit to McLeod County with no recommendation. The City respectfully requests McLeod County provide the City with a summary of conditions for the conditional use and findings of fact upon completion of the public hearing for future use, and joint planning ordinance language. cc: Ed Homan, McLeod County City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, AIN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street S W Hutchinson, MN 55350.3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (310) 2344240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 Printed on recycled paper - `T —U HASSAN VALLEY CODE 6 r � - OWNSHIP 116 NORTH 7 RANGE 29 NE° HUTCHNSON (PAGE TWv NUJ W RY T I .0 .0 .I .[ .n s I . I ^ �• X 21 wxl�� • B ♦ (v • a. +a I JOSEFl4 .a ' AAA wa�11n63 N r m[L P vac K - 1 _ . lam K0.•u c1BRET'LC 1 • I v.ai ,.+1 =L s.0 -4 w fl� 1.. , KUIg RG / 1 n I o [FRO) 0 B LIB^ `OC [Ml MUR N. mn x,•,� PICHA ll UGKA GR 72 . : EST HNSD z MRS. AI EEN MARLOW FRATZKE .... [ R LEY 8 MARY D D[csP T STANLEY MOSEL AI M JETTE LUTHENS L �� EsT E5D Mn p GREGOR IYLE TATE OFF I 'J VOIETTE A SEX O�� O mDWN, °�.•OT NNESOM I n, V •• DD ll [ ® NGIK MR WHL TURGES NACK �® ST C, VV u �wn W O N HdN a 9- IOfA I scl.o� loa .•. ® YLE B B B EST e k ST ANLE Y' g • N• KK C9 :II ;JNDA I jam 11 + 35 IL I TQY6 REBECC_ 4 F (Abaw 5 1 %ALVIN ww a 'CNN B REBECA SELLERS p ALD CRBERT MEK clTr Or wTCxwfow" T ROBERT ELLA MYRON F KNECHI K' ?RIEVE ♦) luA ARAL W _ ITZ [wuw e ' J. F ry / y) •N F4 K EJf r rr 1\ q EK DO ` � EA �AanKK. p HELEN � BfpNK ED q NE p `'�• CDR"" C p FAT B O HOWARD H E1D EID OL R08C NE C.� UT HE N9 DUMME OAS ETAL 1 ELD uu R ' I [T FR P. p RIS TCH B ul.R •' VIOLA GAUGER RD B O[ f . a ` ® D&ULD ID N SAMETZ M ARIAN F,. B RAT MYRDN • IP OLD Vy _ J CAUL R CARTER -r JERGETfS. ® At," BD ASORIS5 r Toi woL1f �'.�. WOmOW p We ..• MIL ANNA a - M. n O WRIGHT (r H RGE CN F WILLI p R ,r. RGENS •® A © IS ,� E PIEII IRK )=" • u ISIS EE I ' r I N 1 LES B AN B AT�Q� TER R SB AR K;H SAN KEN NE]L' I L RElaBR ` JERGENS �JCHN I ILL B m BALL BEEN P1� JAMES RLEY - - *- 107 •' 7 EOER 7 m 160 203 Ui18AH IAA IAIENKE ,};( 420 E EN'E EDW IN ° ' STEVEN 8 E (Z EDWA rn1 a EOW0.fIO J e ` n'L ^ '• OWN DEpORAH "r D KAYp SK ' BIRK FRED L. TUM4N IDE s . SO j � ^ NO ESEST. B • RANC 15 DIRK a: A IT H EIT D TERSON s m DRACHEK' 2RROLD e q1� �� IDA An u• • N p Kuf D B. tit j. IO ,AAXZAL GHT J. R FARMS i' AREH N I ADELp401 I _ B r l V KE W ••• LAZY t ERWIN VERNON GRESSEL fOR. vn•R WMREN 1 PETERS .: �. '1 ALL IN S. p BARBARA PLAiH p F� OB�IEp I� Lz �NEINITZ e0 la>. tRL k HARLES L. ° Z L pop N p •p. ^ fl I p HILDA H V AH Y' FRED{LlA • RA mlax•t SCHW0.RZE POTTELE• ELE M4KE •�& B ®01 MR4Z FRAN C€9$EL -' ® X T. T. CNF B VV M. R O RWIM URIERN •L I CHARLES �3 ,IT TAN .A. _ SCMARZE - DALE w JOHrySCN II< _ gGIE R4NN.➢W NA(p PETERS 1 T TAL. MMAAiNN ETAL LORRAINE NO.FJ ^ I XRHt.uI IIR _ 9.O KC EPS �� R. rKTOR . I OLIVER EARL W. 54NKEN C r • 6 C••. ! 1 EOLBO xr �• I p • g�i[g 0 ® �BRECHT WO SUMTER (PAGE 101 TBP, SMALL TRACT OWNERS '•rC. - war K�1 LC •q NCt OYM. D Dy.l�� K \1 N 1 D Or M. KK1 +a. D •Y�ir •r .v V N^I� M f1. • •�. !q •�N Nq L= m• s. �r� .ter r- m.• rn A% 4- I °w�Lr -r s •1�r u.� )D '1 0.r !. - . �.•�l�u. a. VW 1Y� NJI ( _4 �.rw �n • win OIL Ilq V Iw vlr � Inb a0 1 C 4w 4 �FrF Ill • 4f r n •. • i w4Y ! ftl N 1 w., ••4r.rr ��D I • .• a -r n. pmeYG Lurwws 9 vrck,qsv, AA 4 moo•' a� ese' /a; +a•_ &s,�o k� v OC no Ile' 200' = Ba S 1 pop qo fso• (2) 7" �. 1. 17 d C3) 99' 42' �:itc,yo.� TRAUCS ,� 33 ; 100' X85' 9 0 MINUTES "„ R—M MMATIQN HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSIO Tuesday, August 19, 1997 • 1. CALL TO ORDER 5M P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Wood at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Bill Craig, Bill Arndt, Dave Westlund, Jim Haugen, Jeff Haag, and Chairman Wood. Also present: Jim Marka, Director of Building, Planning and Zoning; Bonnie Baumetz, Planning and Zoning; Barry Anderson, City Attorney; and Ken Merrill, Finance Director. 541612MIDURICT11 0=0 Mr. Amdt made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting dated July 15, 1997 seconded by Mr. Haag the motion carried unanimously. a) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT AND REZONING FROM C -2 AND R -2 TO R -3 REQUESTED BY RAY TERSTEEG ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 436 PROSPECT ST. N.E. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:35p.m. with the reading of publication #5063 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a lot split and rezoning from C -2 and R -2 to R -3 located at 436 Prospect Street N.E. requested by Mr. Ray Tersteeg • Jim Marka, Director of Planning and Zoning explained the property location and transitional zoning. He said there is enough area for a seven -plex. The lot split will separate the existing house from the rest of the lot. The commission said the utility easement should be shown on the registered land survey. Mr. Craig made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 5:43 p.m. Mr. Craig moved to approve request with staff recommendations, seconded by Mr. Westlund the motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RAY TERSTEEG TO CONSTRUCT A 4-PLEX BUILDING LOCATED IN THE PROPOSED R -3 DISTRICT AT 436 PROSPECT ST. N.E. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:44 p.m. with the reading of publication #5064 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit to construct a 4- plex in a proposed R -3 District at 436 Prospect Street N.E. by Ray Tersteeg. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund the hearing closed at 5:44 p.m. Mr. Westlund made a motion to recommend approval of the request noting that the owner submit a registered land survey showing the utility • easement, seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. C) CONSIDERATION TO REZONE FROM C-4 TO I/C PROPERTY LOCATED AT 845 HWY 7 REQUESTED BY OTTO TEMPLIN, E &T CONTRACTING Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:45p.m. with the reading of publication #5065as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997 The request is for the purpose of rezoning from C-4 to I/C property located at 845 Hwy 7 requested by Otto Templin, E &T Contracting. Bonnie Baumetz, Planning and Zoning explained Mr. Templin's request and • said staff recommended approval. Mr. Marka said we are correcting a possible draftman's error on our zoning map. The Commissioners concluded that the adjoining northerly portion of the adjacent easterly lot owned by Howard Brandon be published for rezoning. Mr. Westlund moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 5:55 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the request, seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. d) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY OTTO TEMPLIN, E &T CONTRACTING TO CONSTRUCT A 24'X 60' ADDITION ONTO THE EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED AT 845 HWY 7 W. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:55p.m. with the reading of publication #5066 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997 The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Otto Templin, E &T Contracting, to construct a 24' x 60' addition onto the existing building. Ms. Baumetz explained request and setbacks Leo Sand, owner of the property adjoining to the north of Mr. Templin's lot had • concerns on the outdoor storage and piling of black dirt up to the property line. Mr. Marka said Mr. Sand should file a complaint with his office on the stock piling of dirt and outdoor storage. Mr. Marka suggested Mr. Sand and Mr. Templin work out a compromise. Mr. Templin said the dirt pile has been removed. Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund the hearing closed at 5:56p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request, seconded by Mr. Westlund the motion carried unanimously. e) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY THE STATE OF MN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 90' RADIO TOWER TO BE LOCATED AT THE HATS FACILITY ON 1400 Hwy 22 S. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:04 p.m. with the reading of publication #5067 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit for the construction of a 90' radio tower to be located at the HATS facility at 1400 Hwy 22 Ms. Baumetz explained City ordinance provides for a 75' tower. MnDOT is • proposing a 90' tower. Planning staff has recommended approval application. Bob Prudhomme, Mn /DOT said the tower would provide radio coverage for the dispatch trucks . Mr. Prudhomme said with the state system there is space on tower for the city also. Mr. Haugen moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Craig the hearing closed at 6:08 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Westlund the motion carried unanimously. f) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MICHAEL OLSON TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION ONTO A NON - CONFORMING GARAGE LOCATED AT 15 -11TH AVE. N.E. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:09p.m. with the reading of publication #5068 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Michael Olson to construct an addition onto a non - conforming garage located at 15- 11th Ave. N. E. Ms. Baumetz explained the request stating the planning staff recommended approval. Michael Olson, owner, explained the placement of the existing garage, placement of addition, and driveway entrances. Mr. Olson said the existing utility can be moved if necessary. Mr. Westlund moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haag the hearing closed at 6:14 p.m. Mr. Haag made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously. is g) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RICK CINDER TO REMOVE EXISTING NON - CONFORMING GARAGE AND CONSTRUCT A 24'X 28' GARAGE TO BE LOCATED AT 435 FRANKLIN ST. S.W. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:14p.m. with the reading of publication #5069 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997- The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit to remove an existing non - conforming garage and construct a 24' x 28' garage to be located at 435 Franklin St. S.W. Ms. Baumetz explained the request, and said the Planning Staff recommends approval. Mr. Marka said the existing garage and proposed garage are 3' from the rear property on a alley. Staff and Street Dept. have no objections. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund the hearing closed at 6:18p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve with staff recommendations, seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously. h) CONSIDERATION OF PETITION FOR A VACATION OF PARK LANE LOCATED IN ROLLING OAKS 4TH ADDITION REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:18p.m. with the reading of publication #5073 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The 3 request is for the purpose of considering a vacation of Park Lane located in Rolling Oaks 4th Addition. Mr. Marka explained Planning Staff, Park & Rec. Director, City Engineer, and Barry Anderson recommended the vacation of Paris Lane but City maintain the easement. The access appears to be unused and is unmarked. John Miller, dedicator of the woods, explained there are other accesses to the Miller's woods. Mr. Miller said the time has come for City of Hutchinson to maintain the woods. Mr. Marka asked to table the request because of issues City was not aware of. Barry Anderson suggested the issue be deferred. Ed Doring, 1282 Rolling Oaks Lane, read a statement giving statics on Millers woods. He said there are 24 residence property abutting Miller's woods only six knew the access was there. Paul Haag, 1288 Rolling Oaks Lane, said he was on the council when the land was donated to City. His personal feeling is that the lane should be left as it is, and have it marked as lane. Dale Smith, 1280 Rolling Oaks Lane, didn't know lane was there and is in favor of leaving as it is. Marie Langholtz, 1200 Rolling Oaks Lane, didn't know path was there would like it to stay as it is. 0 Mike Yerks, 1275 Rolling Oaks Lane, would like it to stay as is. Mark Krueger, 1265 Rolling Oaks Lane, didn't realize was there in favor of leaving it as is. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund the hearing closed at 6:40 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to deny the request, seconded by Mr. Westlund the motion carried unanimously. 4. a) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY DOUG INSELMAN TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 130' TO 85' TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION ONTO A NON - CONFORMING HOUSE LOCATED AT 1010 DALE STREET IN LYNN TOWNSHIP. (This property is in the urban boundary district). Mr. Marka said the City is in the process of holding an informational meeting for annexation of this area. The Planning staff recommended Mr. Inselman postpone upgrading septic system. If Mr. Inselman's septic system failed before completion of the city improvement project in his area, he would put in a holding tank or mound system. Doug Inselman has been approved by township, and is looking for approval from the City. He is also looking forward to annexation into the City. 4 Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the request for a variance, noting if City does not extend sewer and water services in 1999, Mr. Inselman upgrade his system.with in 12 months, seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion passed unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY DARYL LUTHENS TO OPERATE A 1,620 ANIMAL UNIT FAMILY DAIRY OPERATION IN SECTION 3 OF HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr. Marka explained this is a sensitive issue. The Directors felt the feed lot would have an insignificant impact on city residents. In the City's comprehensive plan for the next 20 years this area is zoned agricultural. Growth on the City's east side is projected as industrial and commercial. The city will support townships and county decisions. Mr. Marka said the city's role would be advisory. Daryl Luthens explained his land use and current animal units. The permit would allow him to increase up to 900 animal units. Mr. Arndt asked where will animal wastes would be applied. Mr. Luthens said on 720 acres. Mr. Luthens said they have MPCA permit. Wanda Heinecke, representative from Hassan Valley Township, said the township had concerns regarding odor, waste management, wear and tear on the roads, setbacks, and public nuisance. Wanda Heinecke said they may have a stipulation to incorporate the manure in the ground. Lynn Jacobson, resident on Nicole Ave., has noticed the odor this summer, and is also concerned about setbacks. Garnette Marvan, 829 Hilltop Dr. N.E., is concerned about odor. Rich Reznechek, 14485 - 180th St. said Mr. Luthens has been stock piling 300' from his property. Cindy Kramer said she is concerned about odors Wanda Heinecke, resident at 18682 Nickel Avenue, is concerned about saturation of the land that is now infringing on her land, odor within cars, and she cannot have open windows in the summer. Jim Heikes, 15873 Hwy 7, is concerned that Mr. Luthens may no longer have adequate land for manure disposal. Dean Heinecke, 18682 Nickel Avenue, is concerned about ground water contamination, and the size of Mr. Luthens operation, he feels it cannot be considered a family farm. June Redman, 255 Hwy 7 E., said the odor is excessive. Mr. Craig, said he would be concerned not having adequate "owned" land by the farmer to spread manure. 3 Mr. Haag's concern was significant density. C) d) e) Mr. Arndt said it is difficult being a good neighbor and disposing of the manure. Mr. Marka said he would like a list defining criteria to be met for a conditional use permit from the township and county. Mr. Craig made a motion for a favorable recommendation to the county. Mr. Westlund made motion to recommend no recommendation to county, seconded by Mr. Haag. Roll call vote taken Mr. Westlund, Mr. Haag, Mr. Haugen, and Mr. Wood in favor and Mr. Craig and Mr. Arndt opposing. DISCUSSION OF ADDING A SEVENTH MEMBER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Mr. Marka said planning staff recommended commission going back to seven members. Ms. Baumetz said this will be an item on the City Council agenda. PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT TO THE SALES TAX TASK FORCE. Ken Merrill explained the sales tax task force. It will be a 12- member task force. A member is needed from Planning Commission. There were no volunteers. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT REQUESTED BY JBS INC. (BRADFORDS) Marty Campion, civil engineer for JBS described the townhome and golf course project. They plan to be under construction this fall with town homes and driving range. JBS intend to dedicate the city with a 100 -foot wide strip of land along the west side for an extension of School Road North. Mr. Marka said there should be research of future frontage vs. future assessable infrastructure costs, change of the comprehensive plan from mid density to low density, planned development district ownership, confirmation of city's position of public ownership vs. private ownership, discussion of utility services, i.e., water consumption including: perpetual cost such as infrastructure maintenance, flow of hydrants, and long term utility repair. Mr. Marka said we should move forward cautiously because this is a new non - typical development. Council needs to look closely at potential nonassessable costs. Mr. Marka suggested that JBS make a preliminary presentation to the council at the August 26 meeting. Mr. Craig said JBS would be getting free advertising as the council didn't have anything to act on. Ms. Baumetz said she would contact the mayor because he ultimately sets the agenda. 151 a) Update on the Doug Rettke property located at 184 -4th Avenue N.W. Mr. Marka said Mr. Rettke is making progress and recommended no action be taken. b) Review of section 7 of the Zoning Ordinance Review was postponed to the September meeting. Mr. Marka said staff would like a five -year annexation staging plan along with a five -year improvement plan. Both should be driven by sanitary sewer installation. Mr. Baumetz explained the joint planning funding. Ed Homan will work on getting grant money. WN • ;►u ► There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. C.� J 7 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department August 21, 1997 TO: MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERRILL FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO INVEST FUNDS The city's $200,000 FNMA @7% investment has been called by the issuer. I would request authorization to invest the $200,000 in a Fed Home Loan Bank yielding 6.7% due 9/4/02 with a 18 month call feature. e:da\c�11.,,,d 0 `4 • PUBLICATION NO. 5075 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO.3 PROJECT NO. 97 -08 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN, at 6:00 P.M. on the 26th day of August, 1997, to consider the making of an improvement of: 97 -08: 5th Avenue SE by construction of storm sewer, watermain and services, sanitary sewer and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, • bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk and appurtenances;, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is the benefitted property, for which property owners shall • receive mailed notice. The estimated City Cost of said improvement is $114,000.00, with an Assessable Cost of $110,000.00, and an estimate State Cost of $280,000.00, for the total estimated cost of $ 504,000.00. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: August 12, 1997 D. Plotz/ City Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 14TH, 1997 AND THURSDAY, AUGUST 21ST, 1997. • RESOLUTION NO. 10891 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Letting No. 3/Project No. 97-07 and 97-08 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of 5th Avenue SE by construction of storm sewer, watermain and services, sanitary sewer and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk and appurtenances and construction of bridge and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The State of Minnesota shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 pm on Monday, October 27th, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center by the City Administrator and/or Director of Engineering, will then be tabulated, and will be considered by the Council on October 28th, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Director of Engineering and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of • Hutchinson for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 26th day of August, 1997. Mayor City Administrator • s � RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Letting No. 3/Project No. 97 -07 and 97 -08 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 12th day of August, 1997, fixed a date for a Council Hearing on the improvement of 5th Avenue SE by construction of storm sewer, watermain and services, sanitary sewer and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk and appurtenances and construction of bridge and appurtenances. AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 26th day of August, 1997, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 12th day of August, 1997. 2. The State of Minnesota is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement and shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 26th day of August, 1997. Mayor City Administrator TT RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Letting No. 3/Project No. 97 -07 and 97 -08 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of 5th Avenue SE by construction of storm sewer, watermain and services, sanitary sewer and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk and appurtenances and construction of bridge and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The State of Minnesota shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened at on 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center by the City Administrator and/or Director of Engineering, will then be tabulated, and will be considered by the Council on , 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Director of Engineering and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 26th day of August, 1997. Mayor City Administrator F 1 1 L. J s�1c �n.cr C July 30, 1997 McLeod County Commissioners 830 -11th St. East Glencoe, MN 55336 Hassan Valley Township Board c/o Mr. Willard Reiner, Chairperson 15161 Page Ave. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Ms. Wanda Heinecke, Clerk 18682 Nickel Ave. Hutchinson, MN 55350 City of Hutchinson Mayor and City Council 111 Hassan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Board and Council Members: • The intent of this letter is to inform you that the Engineering(Planning staff for the City of Hutchinson is in the process of developing a five year capital outlay program. To fulfill our budgetary commitments, we must forecast annexations and infrastructure improvement projects. One area in question, of which we would like direction/commitment from you, is the jurisdictional status of the Jefferson Street area, adjacent to the City of Hutchinson. Enclosed is a copy of informationihistory taken from our files to update you on this matter. Referencing the September 12, 1996 informational meeting, held with the affected residences, the annexation was to remain status quo, unless the residences petitioned the City. Despite a recent flurry of inquiries, the City remains consistent with that arrangement. However, we should note that much of the property adjacent to the City is prime for future mid - density development within the next five years, and other proposed development needs may require infrastructure expansion. In closing, we trust you will review this matter and reach a consensus so all three agencies are consistent. The development and environmental concerns that have been raised over the last couple of years need to be addressed in a comprehensive and timely manner. It is our intent to update the residences of your decision so they may move forward with their private matters regarding environmental law compliance issues. g Sincerely, �''t r ame ' sG 'ka Director of Building/Planning/Zoning City Center 111 Hassan Street SE �tchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320)587.5151 Fax(320)234-4240 1 Rer odeb of Engineering Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street S W Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (310) 234 -4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -1464 (310) 587 -2242 Far(320)587.6427 - Printed on recycled paper - (�O—N June 2, 1993 McLeod County, Hassan Valley carbon copied and memo'd fecal test results. June 9, 1993 Developer Naustdal submits letter to the City of Hutchinson requesting • investigation of fecal resulting from excavations and odors he encountered. July 8, 1993 Developer Naustdal is notified of fecal test results. July 12, 1993 City of Hutchinson sent memo's to Hassan Valley and McLeod County notifying results of fecal testing in catch basins and sedimentation. Results are positive. July 9, 1996 City of Hutchinson writes letter to Hassan Valley offering access to municipal sewer. Sept. 12, 1996 Informational meeting is held jointly by McLeod County/City of Hutchinson staff. Approximately 40 people in attendance. Many issues discussed (See agenda.) Oct. 9, 1996 City Attorney submits letter to Jim Marka clarifying that full payment for buy out between Hutchinson Utilities and McLeod County is due at the time of transfer. This fee is estimated at $3,000 to $5,000 per home. Mailed HRA - City conducts survey to research grant possibilities. Results of survey March 20, 1997 show that majority of parties surveyed are over the income limits for grant Returned application. April 10, 1997 July 30, 1997 City staff sends letter to Hassan Valley, McLeod County and City Council requesting direction regarding Jefferson Street annexation. w: City Council Agenda . Reguest for Direction City Administrator All City Directors Ed Homan, McLeod County Planning & Zoning Bonnie Baumetz Mark Hensen Jim Popp . MNPCA 0 m JEFFERSON S2'RELT INFORMA2 IZE97XNG A6 A 0 5:30 f1DTMINSON CITY CZYM 0 5:35 2WURSDAY, SEPrMWER 12, 1996 Introduction -- Ed Homan Rules and Regulations of septic Systems -- Roger Berggren 5:45 Extending City Sewer services -- John Rodeberg 6:00 Public Health and Safety Concerns -- John Rodeberg 6:15 Taxes and Benefits -- Jim Marka 6:30 Discussion -- Jim Marka, John Rodeberg, Ed Homan, and Roger Berggren M LJ 15 YEA91��� � AGING 3m + mo:am + 1 , Pr JAMES MARKA • From: JAMES MARKA To: Barry Anderson; BRAD EMANS; DOLF N MOON; DICK LENNES; GARY D PLOTZ; JIM POPP; JEAN WARD; JOHN RODEBERG; KENNETH B MERRILL; MARK HENSEN; STEVEN C MADSON Cc: BONNIE J BAUMETZ Subject: Flood Grant update Date: Thursday, August 21, 1997 8:42AM It would appear this buyout program will become a reality. Rob Collett will be here Monday August 25th, at 11 :am, in the front conference to explain the program and to prep us for Tuesdays Council presentation. Please note the volunteerism and the relocation rules are changing. The funding is likely to be better than our original information . In any event, this is a big /good undertaking for Hutchinson and Gary will need to give some clear direction on the priority level of this and who will be the champion(s) of the program. I am willing to stay actively involved contingent this is a top priority for Gary and the Council and another part ner /champion comes forward. Sorry, about the short notice, please make every effort to attend. Thanks. Jim cc:Bonnie- For Council presentation /agenda u • Page 1 l0 —B C M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works RE: Discussion of Comprehensive Transportation Plan Open House DATE: August 20, 1997 SRF Consulting and Mn/DOT will be holding an Open House on Monday, September 8, 1997 to review the Transportation Study for the Hutchinson. The Public Open House will run from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., but there will be an Open House for staff and Council from 5 to 6 p.m. The Transportation Study will review potential upgrades, safety improvements, routing of state and local roads and highways, and other traffic related improvements. It is the intent of the Open House to present the information and recommendations that have been developed so far, and get input and feedback. The future direction of this process is dependent on the feedback received at this forum. We would appreciate your help in reviewing this information and giving us your thoughts. THANKS!!! City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 134 -4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 234 -1240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street S W Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587.2242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 f Co -C Printed on recycled paper - C M E M O R A TO: Mayor and City Council N D U M FROM: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works RE: Discussion of Street Light Installation Staging Plan DATE: August 21, 1997 Attached please find a copy of the staging plan for street lights developed by Don Nelson (Electric Distribution Superintendent) and myself. I also have maps of actual proposed locations if you would like a copy. In addition to the new development areas noted in Don's letter, the following petitioned lights will be installed in the order of request: Orchard Avenue SE Bradford Street SE Cleveland Avenue SE Southview Court SW and Sunset Street SE Randall Road SE Sherwood Street SE Hassan Street SE (6th Ave. to Selchow Ave.) Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. cc: Don Nelson - HutchUtiI. file: Street Lights City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Far (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 234 -4240 - Printed on recycled paper_ Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 &—b August 21, 1997 John Rodeberg Hutchinson Director of Engineering/Public Works Utilities 111 Hassan St SE Commission Hutchinson MN 55350 - LItchinson. Minnesota Dear John 7 -25 Michigan Street 5535o Based on the information I received from you, and upon researching our records, I have found approximately 60 street lights to be installed at various areas in the City of Hutchinson. Those areas are as follows: Walnut Ridge - completed 1994 Lakewood Drive - (South Half) Island View Heights 1°` Addition McDonald's Drive (Jackson Street to Park Island Drive) Schmidtbauers 4 - completed 1997 Hunters Ridge Fairway Estates : *,'� Westridge Shores (Otter Street Southwest) Bridge Water Estates (Roberts Street Southwest, 8 Avenue Southwest) it : • D The construction has begun and will continue until freeze -up. Our o =- schedule will address the oldest bond years first. We will be adding about 20 lights in the areas that were petitioned in 1997. ( - 0 13' Avenue Northwest zoger Gilmer ,i ce Preslcem 1997 BONDS Mike Carly -?C reiB r`; _ Huski Addition - Parking Lot �ommissicner The construction has begun and will continue until freeze -up. Our o =- schedule will address the oldest bond years first. We will be adding about 20 lights in the areas that were petitioned in 1997. ( - 0 0 0 n John Rodeberg August 21, 1997 page 2 If you have any questions, let me know. Sincerely, HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Donald P. Nelson/ / Electric Distribution Supt. cc: Clarence L Kadrmas Enclosure L - u 4 • SAUL L A J , SHAPI . SCAM C NICK, BAU A •CRNIK THOMAS D- CREIOHTON SCOTT A. LIFSON DAVID R. NIGHTINGALE' PAUL J. OUAST' ROBERT J. V. 108E BERNICK AND LIFSON A RROf[SSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 1200, THE COLONNADE 6600 WAYZATA BOULEVARD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416-1270 TELEPHONE (6121 5AS -1200 FACSIMILE (612) 646 -1009 August 19, 1997 Ms. Marilyn J. Swanson Administrative Secretary City of Hutchinson City CrIN - 2 111 Hassan Street S. E. Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 Re: Performance Bond; System Rebuild Dear Ms. Swanson: FOR YOUR NVANK 1AL80 ADMITTSO IN WISCONSIN , ALSO CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOVNTANT LEOAL ASSISTANT KATHRYN O. MA6TERMAN wG 2 1 1997 In response to your letter of August 13, 1997, I have reviewed the "contract" bond from Triax • Midwest Associates L.P. regarding upgrade of the cable system. As you know, the cable system must be rebuilt on or before April 25, 1998. Except as indicated below, the bond meets the franchise requirements. My review indicates that the bond misidentifies the City's address and the name of the City Administrator. Because the bond can be canceled by the surety giving thirty (30) days written notice to the City, this information is important and must be corrected In addition, Section 8.1 (B) of the renewed Franchise requires that Triax provide a bond related to the rebuild in an amount equal to 15% of the total projected construction costs. By procuring a bond for $60,000.00, Triax implicitly indicates that the total rebuild construction costs will not exceed $400,000.00. 'this is a relatively low projected cost for a complete rebuild of the system. I would recommend that the City require Triax to identify with specificity the nature and total cost of the rebuild to be undertaken. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Yours truly, BERNICK AND LIFSON, P.A. �r �r • Robert J. V. Vose cc: Mr. G. Barry Anderson, City Attorney G 1 Mr. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator CACABLE\HUTCHINS6WANS0N.818 212 1 5TH AVE. NE SUITE 2010 WASECA. MN 58083 PHONE (5071 835 -8820 FAX (507) 835 -7877 TR IAX CABLEVISION FOR YOUR INFORMATION Mayor Marlin Torgerson 111 Hassen St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 August 15, 1997 Dear Mayor Torgerson: Triax Cablevision is now entering Phase II of our rebuild plan in Hutchinson. Phase II is the actual construction of the Hybrid Fiber Coaxial "HFC" Plant which includes fiber optic cable construction and amplifier cascade reduction. This addition will allow the system to be enhanced and channel capacity to be increased, while at the same time operating more efficiently and reliably. Construction will begin in the next • few days. In order to inform the community and our customers about this project, we are placing an informational ad in the Hutchinson Leader. In addition, we would like to mark this important phase of the project with a " groundbreaking" ceremony to be held next Thursday, August 21 st, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. near our cable storage area at 10 Michigan Ave South We hope you would join us for this brief and informal kick off of the construction effort. Triax Cablevision's partnership with the City of Hutchinson is important to us, and we are greatful for the cooperation we have received in moving our $1.3 million reinvestment project forward. We look forward to continuing our efforts to provide Hutchinson customers with advanced services and products. Sincerely, Paul Pecora, Regional Manager 0 MAIL BALLOT PROPOSAL "THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON SHALL USE A MAIL BALLOT REFERENDUM IN ANY AND ALL CITY REFERE QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER, SO THAT THE APPROVAL OF A SIMPLE MAJORITY OF THE VOTES CAST ON THE QUESTION, IN A BALLOT QUESTION WILL REFLECT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. THE MAIL BALLOT REFERENDUM SHALL NOT BEGIN UNTIL EIGHT WEEKS FOLLOWING THE DATE OF THE CITY COUNCILS RECOMMENDATION ON SUCH A VOTE, SO AS TO ALLOW SUFFICIENT TIME FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION AND DEBATE." NEW INFRASTRUCTURE AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CAP PROPOSAL "THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, THE HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OR ANY CITY DEPARTMENT, AGENCY, COMMISSION, OR BOARD, SHALL TRANSFER OR USE NO CITY RESOURCES OVER $XXX,XXX DOLLARS FOR THE FINANCING OF NEW BUSINESS OR NEW INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENTS OR PROJECTS WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF A SIMPLE MAJORITY OF THE VOTES CAST, ON THE QUESTION, IN A BALLOT QUESTION, PUT TO THE PUBLIC IN THE FORM OF A MAIL BALLOT REFERENDUM. CITY RESOURCES ARE DEFINED AS: TAX INCREMENT FINANCING, BONDS, LOANS, LAND PURCHASE OR PROCUREMENT, LAND OR SITE PREPARATION, INCLUDING NECESSARY INFRASTRUCTURE SUCH AS ROADS, PARKING DEVELOPMENT, SEWER, WATER, OR OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT, GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES, ENTERPRISE FUNDS, SALES TAX OR OTHER TAXES, D EFERRED PAYMENT, INTEREST FREE OR BELOW MARKET INTEREST RATE LOANS, THE DONATION OR BELOW MARKET VALUE SALE OF ANY CITY RESOURCES OR HOLDINGS OR ANY OTHER FREE OR BELOW COST CITY SERVICES. / A' ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE PROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP DAVID B. ARNOLD' STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON LAURA K. FRETLAND PAUL D. DOVE ** JANE VAN VALKENBURG RICHARD G. McGEE CATHRYN D. REHER WALTER P. MICHELS, III ALSO ADMITTED IN TC %AS AND NEW YORK Ms. Marilyn Swanson Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street S. Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Mail Balloting Issues Our File No. 3188 -97001 Dear Marilyn: (320) 587-7 57 5 FAX (320) 567 -4096 G. BARRY ANDERSON August 22, 1997 OF COUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN TERRI A. BLOMFELT 5601 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55416 1 612) 545 -9000 FAX (612) 545 -1793 FAX (612)542 -9210 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389 -2214 FAX (612) 3835506 I ran into some unexpected complications with respect to the written opinion regarding above and I will be preparing an opinion which may or may not get to you in time for inclusion in the packet. I do not expect it to be lengthy. However, since I will be out of the office on both Friday and Monday it may not be possible to get it to Council members in advance of Tuesday night's meeting. I am waiting for some additional information from the Secretary of State which has not yet been received. I will be prepared to address this issue at the City Council meeting on Tuesday evening, however. Thank you. Best regards. Very truly yours, ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE, PLLP t G. Barry Anderson am u 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 -2563 CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 1 ��CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST By THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION • DAVID S. ARNOLD' STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON' LAURA K. FRETLAND PAUL D. DOVE" JANE VAN VALKENBURG RICHARD G. MCGEE CATHRYN D. REHER WALTER P. MICHELS. III 'ALSO ADMITTM IN TEXAS AND NEW YORK Mr. Gary Plotz Hutchinson City Center I I I Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Mail Balloting Issues Our File No. 3188-97358 Dear Gary: August 26, 1997 BUG X99 F HUTCH :.. _ON OF COUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN TERRI A. BLOMFELT 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 161 21 545 -9000 FAX (612) 545 -1793 FAX(612)542 -9210 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 16121389 -2214 FAX (612) 389 -5506 At the request of the Council, I have prepared this opinion regarding the issue of whether or not the • City of Hutchinson can or should adopt the proposal suggested by one resident who would like to see a mail ballot used on all referenda. This question is complicated somewhat by the fact that there are two different types of elections involved and the legislature has adopted two different sets of regulations. It is now clear that as a result of the application of Minn. Stat. §204B.45, neither Hutchinson nor any other city that has more than 400 registered voters may use a mail ballot when there are candidates for election on the ballot. That statute provides specifically "any statutory or home rule charter city or town having fewer than 400 registered voters_ may provide balloting by mail at any city, county or state election with no polling place other than the office of the Auditor or Clerk." By implication it is clear that larger communities are not so empowered to hold such elections. On the other hand, Minn. Stat. §204B.46 does provide that "a... municipality... submitting questions to the voters at a special election may apply to the County Auditor for approval of an election by mail with no polling place other than the office of the Auditor or Clerk. No more than two questions may be submitted at a mail election and no offices may be voted on." The statute requires six weeks notice with regard to any such mail elections. Thus, if the City wishes to engage in the expense of a special election, as opposed to holding a particular referendum at the time of the primary or general election, the City may do so. l� U ARNOLD. ANDERSON & DOVE DROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY RARTNERSHIP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 -2563 (320) 5B7 -7575 FAX 13201 567 -4096 RESIDENT ATTORNE" G. BARRY ANDERSON 'CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION - CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION -A Mr. Gary Plotz August 26, 1997 page 2 I would certainly not argue for a blanket ban on such elections. However, it is my opinion, based on nearly 20 years of experience in the legal field with 30 years or more of political experience, that the Council would be remiss if it adopted a requirement that all elections on referendum questions be conducted by mail. The problems with mail ballots fall into three general categories. First, cost is an issue. The U.S. Postal Service does not recognize any special rates for mail ballots. The cost alone to simply mail out 7500 ballots, for example, would be approximately $2,500 with an equivalent amount in return postage. This does not take into account the staff time to prepare the ballots, organize them, mail them out, count them when they return and so forth. It is pretty easy to see that every such referendum is likely to be a $10,000 adventure. The second set of concerns with mail ballots involves the practical problems of voter registration and the use of the postal service. Inevitably, addresses, while complete enough for registration purposes, may not be complete enough for mailing purposes. An address that contains typographical errors or is incomplete may nonetheless be recognized by an election judge as adequate and it is not unusual for an election judge to know the individual as a party residing at that address. In fact, that is one of • the reasons that election judges are appointed to serve from their particular precincts. However, the postal service may very well reject ballots mailed to addresses that are not recognized, or are incomplete and thus deny residents their right to vote on particular issues. In fact, the school district had exactly this problem with their recent experience with a mail ballot and received numerous complaints from residents who did not receive ballots and who might have been entitled to them. The instructions for handling mail ballots are also complex and this results in the possibility of a much higher failure rate or, to put it bluntly, more spoiled ballots. The present arrangement allows a ballot rejected because of a problem with it to be revoted by an election judge who spots the problem or by a computer monitor that determines the ballot as spoiled. Part of my background with election law involves in participating in recounts. I can tell you that electronically counted ballots using the optical scanning system that the City of Hutchinson presently uses, results in fewer spoiled ballots because the spoiled ballots are caught before the voter leaves the polling place. Moving to a mail balloting system will eliminate this advantage and disenfranchise significant numbers of voters. I believe the reasons advanced above are more than enough to abandon any further consideration, in any significant way, of use of mail ballots. However, there is a third, and more serious problem, with the use of mail ballots. It encourages fraud and discourages attempts to prevent fraud. • Mr. Gary Plotz August 26, 1997 page 3 Ultimately, with a mailed ballot, there is no way to determine who voted. True, signatures are placed on the document, generally an outside envelope, but there is no way to verify that the person who claimed to have voted did in fact vote. This is already a problem with absentee ballots, which under Minnesota law are generally available only when the voter is able to certify that he or she will not be available on election day to vote, in that we have no way to control for the problem of spouses casting ballots for spouses and no way to ensure that the party who receives the absentee ballot does in fact cast his or her own ballot. As it stands right now, a voter who reports to the voting booth has some reasonable assuran of anonymity and security that his or her ballot will remain inviolate and that his or her secret ballot (the so called "Australian" ballot) will be case anonymously. That is not true with a mail ballot system. The sad fact is that not all households operate as democratic institutions and parties in various households may be succeptible to demands regarding how particular individuals vote. This becomes a serious problem with issues which generate a great deal of emotion and strong feeling. There is also the related matter of ballot destruction. I do also want to point out that our present system of poll watching and the use of election judges is not something that was created because we wanted to provide jobs for people. The fact of the matter is that dishonest elections are not an unknown phenomenon in this country. A review of • American history reveals wholesale election theft and even as recently as 1994 at least one senatorial election and one congressional election have resulted in allegations of significant fraud. A mail ballot means that no one is attending to the issue of whether or not a voter is, in fact, registered to vote, is who he or she claims to be, and, in fact, is eligible to vote (is not a convicted felon and is a U.S. citizen). Part of the reason for setting the highest possible standard for ballot integrity is to assure people that votes will be honestly cast and honestly counted. Once the public loses faith that the system has integrity, recapturing it becomes impossible. (I have no idea whether Chicago, for example, has honest elections but even today, nearly 40 years after the very close Nixon/Kennedy Election, most people would site Chicago as an example for election fraud. True or not, deserved or not, that reputation continues to haunt Chicago and to call into doubt every election held there). Ballot integrity and the prevention of fraud is not something to be taken lightly. Two remaining points must be made. The articulated basis for the use of mail ballots is that 12 hour shifts make it difficult for people to vote. State law requires that employers give employees time off to cast ballots. One of the proponents spoke of the Oregon experience indicating that it was favorable. My admittedly review of Oregon newspapers reflects that this is not entirely accurate. I am enclosing a copy of an article written by Jim Camden of the Spokane Newspaper dealing with a mail -in • referendum on a proposal to build a football stadium in Seattle which outlines some of his concerns. Mr. Gary Plotz August 26, 1997 page 4 I am also enclosing a copy of an article I received from the League of NEnnesota Cities dealing with a Plymouth mail -in referendum. The City may wish to consider the use of mail -in ballots on a case by case basis. In any event, the City should give careful thought to practical as well as phillisophical considerations before adopting a universal rule. I hope this correspondence is responsive to your concerns. Best personal regards. Very truly yours, ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE, PLLP a 1 G. Barry Andersefff GBAjm • enc. s this a ballot or an IQ test? http:// www. virzuallyno ...1997/Jun/6/S240199.htm Home Top stories 1 Consents I Help Fridav June 6. 1997 SPOKANE E There are mpUn RELATED SECTIONS: o Spokane Is this a ballot or an IQ test? Voting on football stadium may be a challenge for some voters Jim Camdew Spokesman- Review Spokane County voters have nearly two weeks to ponder their decision on Referendum 48, the proposal to build a football stadium in Seattle. Some voters may need that long to figure out when to fold, when not to fold and what to do about "CHAD" for their vote -by -mail ballots. It may be tempting to blame the confusing instructions on the person who sent you the ballot. But Spokane County Elections Superintendent Tom Wilbur said the wording is set in the Washington Administrative Code, appropriately known as "the WACs." These are the standard instructions for absentee ballots, said Wilbur. Although absentee balloting has been common for years, most Spokane County voters are accustomed to voting the old- fashioned way: at polling places, where cheerful poll workers hand out ballots, direct voters to booths, take the finished ballots after they have been punched and remain nearby to answer any questions. But in this election, Spokane County voters are on their own. Note Instruction No. 5 on Page 1: "Your ballot must be marked in secret." In secret, there is no one -available to explain the instructions, which seem to have been written by the same wordsmiths who write computer software manuals or the directions for toy assembly. There's no one to ask, "Who is this ' CHAD' who must be detached from the back of my ballot, and how did he get there in the first place?" In the official instructions, "CHAD" CHAD" seems to be a person of substance. He's always mentioned in capital letters set off by quotation marks. • He is, in fact, a substance, not a person. Punching a hole in the computer card dislodges a small rectangle. If the rectangle does not come completely off, it is called "CHAD," which seems to be an Is this a ballot or an IQ test? http: //w virtuallyno ... 1997 /Jun /6/5240199.hti acronym for something like "cardboard hunk adverse to detachment." If that happens, don't panic. Just flick "CHAD" off with an available finger. Wilbur's office has received a steady stream of calls from voters who have questions or complaints about the first -ever countywide vote by mail. Some complain that requiring a stamp is illegal because that means the election isn't free. Sorry, the post office doesn't deliver mail without a stamp. Voters who want to save a few dimes can drop off their ballots on Election Day at four locations around the county. One caller didn't want to sign the envelope because that would violate the secrecy of the ballot. The law requires election workers to verify signatures on every envelope with the computerized voter lists. Wilbur assures voters his staff really is much too busy to keep track of how each one of the tens of thousands of voters decided to punch his or her ballot. Some homes are receiving ballots addressed to former residents. • That's because they're still on the county's voter rolls at that address, Wilbur said. Do write "No longer lives at this address" on the envelope and drop it back in the mail. Do not attempt to cast extra ballots to help or hurt the stadium proposal. Remember that the signatures on each envelope will be checked, and as the instructions note, the penalty for casting someone else's ballot is up-to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Mail -in balloting made easy Simplified instructions for casting a ballot by mail: • Find something to punch a small hole. For previous elections, the county sent hole - punchers, but this year, it is asking voters to fashion one themselves from any handy pencil, ballpoint or paper clip. • Punch the card to register your vote: into. 10 for "yes," No. 12 for no." • Punch the wrong hole? Tear the ballot? Take it to the county • courthouse and exchange it for another one. T this a ballot or an IQ test? http:// www. virtuallyno ...1997/Jun/6/5240199.htm • Don't fold the ballot, but do fold the flap over the ballot so it fits into the gold envelope. Seal the ballot in the gold envelope, then seal • the gold envelope in the green envelope. • Sign the green envelope in the appropriate spot, put a 32 -cent stamp on it and drop it in the mail. Or take it to one of the places listed on Page 1 of the instructions. Coo1nehr What are your thoughts on Is this a ballot or an IQ test? ? If you have a comment or reply to this story that you'd like to share, fill in the form and click submit. Your comment: • Your Email Address: Return to to • PUG -23 -1997 1E :14 LEAGUE OF !N CITIES P.02/15 TTY CLERK DFTAR1V -E`YM, FiWQ+ RV "!ESL LAZZ= SPB71AL F1= OK" DBCE= 1989 T_ocal History The Citv Council established an ad hoc task force to review the Rice Memorial Hospital Ownership structure to determine if an alternative ownership arrangement might better serve the citizens in the Future. The Citv (haser details the ownership structure and it was determined a referendum wXmld be needed to amend the charter. Following nearly three years of scnztiny and Etnalvsis. A local task force and private consu ltants determined that a Not for Profit 501 (3) C Corporation would provide the better crmesshio structure to conduct future hospital business in a more efficient and corn— titivR manner. This final determimition by the study qroup, and subsequently the Charter Commission, necessitated action by the City Council to put the question to the vote of the people. City Clerk staff comriiled preliminary cost estimates and an election prison between a regular precinct polling election and the new.iv authorized mail ballot election adopted by Minnesota Legislators in May of 1989. on June 28, 1989, City Clerk staff uresented to the Fincu ce Committee • their recc mendation to conduct the mail ballot referendum to asstLrp grpater voter participation at a moderately hiqher price (see exhibit A) . The Finruhrf-- Ccrmittee made their recormendation to budget 46,000 For the election exD-.nses and to nrocexl with efforts to conduct a mail ballot special election. Develo of a ti.netable of tasks and deadlines was c =fled (see exhibit K) -. Mail ballotinq procedures as detailed in Minnesota Statutes 2048 and !•T= nnssota Election laws 8210.3000 provided the majority of the actions to I conducted. However, clarity of. some items was clearly receSSarV and telephone calls were made. to the Secretary of State, Flection Division. One o5 the initial procedures requires_ governinq body authorization by resolution to conduct mai.1 ballotinq no later than 90 days prior to the first election at which mail balloting will Yxe used. fie Willmar City Council adopted such a resolution on ALvmst 16, 1989 callinq for a Movember 14, 1989 election date (see. exhibit B) . The following day a certified copy of the resolution was mailed to the Kandivohi County Auditor with a letter reeuestip_q his app*_oval of the conducting of the mail ballot election. Printing The mail ballot packet to be mailed to each registered voter in the municipality consisted of five Darts: 1) the blue colored ballot, 7) a buff oolered "Ballot Secrecy Envelope ", 3) a whit(. colored instruction sheet, 4) x white colored return enveione with the "Mail Voters Certificate ", and 5) a 40 white colored mailing envelope. The ballot color of blue is mandated in MS 205.17 Subd. 4 reg n questions relating to charter amendmPnts. The ballot form is detailed in MS 2048.36 calling for black ink and uniformity in style of printing, size and thickness of paper. MS 204B.36 subd. 3 details the placement of the "YES" and "NO" to the left of the question with the gquare box to the left of each word (see exhibit C). The back of the ballot as detailed in MS 2048.37 recmires the words " Official Ballot ", the date of the election and lines for the initials of at least t election ;udges (see exhibit D) . ?he buff. colored Ballot Secrpcv �velone (Minnesota Election laws 8210.3000 Subpart 4) was printed in a standard size envelope (see exhibit R). Instructions to Mail Ballot Voters is detailed in Minnesota Election Taws 8210.3010 (see exhibit F) . These instructions appearincr relatively Plenentarr to the municipal employee, probably accmmts for most of the confusion to the average voter. Stan 1 calls for a witness who is an eligible voter of the county where the voter resides, and in doing so, also alludes to "an eligible family member ". Unfortunately, the vast majority of phone calls directed to the Citv C1Prk's Office requested clarity as to whether a spouse can witness the other spouses vote when both are registered voters. Even thcmc?h - this information was clarified through the cooperative efforts of our local m°dia, we recmmnd adding a phrase descrihing the "spouse" as an eligible witness. The instructions clearly indicated that a witness must sign the return Pxroelope certificate, yet over 4% of the returned votes were without a witness or without an eiiaible witness. This clearly indicates that additional warding is needed or additional hold print indicating that failure is comlete • step 6 correctly will he a cause to reject the ballot. Prior to the printing of the mail ballot return envelope and the official mail ballot envelope, a visit was made to the local Postmaster to foster an effort of cooperation on this venture and to complete the necessary Federal forms for the mailing permits. Postman Richard KlAberg assisted City staff with the Pnvelooe design and lecral place Tent of the mailing envelopes. The mail ballot return envelope was printed on a nu+d�er 11 white envelope. '^he envelope included the desired return address, the words "'fail Ballot RatL Fhvelope ", a business reolv mail permit number, the words "Postage Will Be Paid By addressee ", a statement in the upper right hand corner noting that no postaqe is necessary if mailed in the United States and the appropriate bar codes on the right side and top right oornPr (see exhibit G). Since all the return envelopes were comizq from the same 56201 zip code, no additional bar code printing was necessary to satisfy postal regulations. (This would not he true in a municipality with more than one zip code) . Pri^_ted on the reverse side of the return envelope was the Mail voters Certificate as required in Minnesota Election Laws 8210.301.5 (see exhibit H). on the left siOp of the reverse side of the return envelope we printed the words accented and rejected 7'hrx check boxes offered a clear marki_*ng methrxi for the election judges to accept or reject a vote. It appears 15 to 70 voters marked one of - the. boxes as their vote of the referendum question. However, the Ballot r' AUG -20 -1597 16 15 LEAGUE OF NN CITES P.04i15 SeCreCy Erroelope could not be opened to verifv our assmT)tion. we can only recommend that additional clarity ne-P& to be added either to the instruction_ sheet informing the voter not to mark either box or by printing worft "Do Not Check The Above Boxes" (or "For Election J�idges only "). The "Official 2+ Iai1 Ballot Material Enclosed" envelope was printed on a number 12 white envelope. This envelope simply required a return address in the upper left hand corner, a presorted, first class mail permit notifiration in the upper right hand corner and the words "Do tZot Forward" on the left side printed in at least 8 point printed letters. This envelope was designed for ccrputex printed mailing labels (see ext hit 11. The printing companv requested City staff review and sign off the proofs of the official election material. Proofreadinq the proof layout was an integral part of the preparation process vet a grammatical rrrror went unnoticed or. the ballot question, future suggestions are to have at least two people review the proofs to attest to catch all errors. Election Judges Twelve election ludces were contacted regarding participation in the mail ballot preparation orecess along with one additional juudge to act as a chairman. All election judges were trained in the immediate past election of November 1988 and qualified a per MS 204B.19. • On September 25, 1989, the judges convened at the City Office tniilding for the Purpose of assembling the various parts of the official hallot supplies. Mailing labels were rum by the County staff for every voter registered on September 15, 1989. Citv staff typed labels for all newly registered voters through the mailing date of October 25, 1989. The election judges initialed ballots and then continued to assemble mailing mateexial for three days, totall`_ng 120.5 hours. To reduce folding time, the full page instruction sheet eras 5olded at a local bank using their bank statement folding machine. Mailinq As the official election material was compiled and the envelopes sealed, postal department ;,mil trays were loaded and covered with the tray protection sleeve. The trays of envelopes w.pxk? delivered to the willmar Post Office for the October 25th mail date. Federal form 3602 - Statement of Mailing with Permit Imprints was aanpleted and acccmmanied with a check for ?1C per enrelopn. Each envelope weighed slightly less than one ounce which, if it were exceeded, would significantly increase the costs. Additional ?unds were deposited the same day in the Bus iness Reply Mail Permit No 2287 account. This alleged the postal staff to draw down funds daily for all hallots returned. This account rn_s monitored to assure that adequate postage remained each day and was replenished once in early NnverthPr with an additional t500.00 pavrrrent . HAG 4U - 1997 1b; lb LEAD-1 CF 19N CITIES P. 05/15 The mailed ballots were re.turned almost ismediately. Sam individuals 'nand delivered their ballot by noon the following day. overall, an estimated. 95% were received by U.S. Postal service delivery. The chart on pave 4A shows the percent of votes cast 1 ,7v date. Ballot Pnvelopes (marked "Do Not Forward ") were returned earlv with the irajority caning within two days of deliverv. of the 1703 returned ballots, 28 were noted as deceased voters, 1618 were noted as moved or just marked "return to sender" and 57 had no labels, an apparent oversite in ballot preparation. On Novrrnbes 15, 1989, the day after the Plection, twenty -line voter; ballots wem returned plus one returned election envelope marked "return to sender ". Staff made every effort to cooperate with postal authorities to retrieve ballots mailed on election day and we can cm).v cnnclude that these ballots were mailed shortly hefore 8 :00 paq. or thereafter on election night. *-T=ON DAY ACTIVITIES The thirteen election judges convened at the City Office Building at o'clock p.m. to ccxmv- -nce preparatory work prior to poll closing as detailed in Minnesota Flection Laws 8210.3000, Subd. 10 "Receiving and Counting Ballots ". The election judges worked in a group of two and e xamin ed the return emvelorxas by precinct. The envelopes were checked "accepted" or "reie_cted" on the reverse side of the Mail Ballot Return Envelorm. A11 emwelopes marked "rejected" were handed to the Election .?edge Chairman for a follow -up scrutiny to assure that the voter was not on another precinct computer listing or that the witness certification was truly am pleted . incorrectly. All "accepted" PJrvelopes were checked for names against the voter registration computer precinct listing and subsequently opened. The Ballot Secrecy Envelope was removed and placed in the lockP4 precinct box until the Polls closed at 8:00 p.m. After the polls were officially closed and all P it Ballot Return Fnvelopes were opened, the C.ainnan unlocked the precinct boxes to allow the judges to begin counting the ballots. The judges opened the Ballot Secrecy- envelopes and stacked the blue ballots in piles of "Yes" and "No ". The piles were later handed in getups of 25 and counted. ?ndividual precinct cxttlts were totalled showinq the total - elected envelopes, "ves" votes, "no" voter, total blank votes, total defective votes and the total votes cast per precinct. These totals wrre provided to the Chairman and added to the Surnory Sh "-t. City Clerk staff owas present during the vote counting and re]avee om mts to our upstairs conference roan (using hand held radios) . The conference room was opered for public gathering to ease the anticipated congestion in the ballot counting area. Refreshrrmts were served to mrntivate interested citizens to stav in the upstairs conference rcxan, however, a few citizens meandered through the ballot counting area which is allowable according to M.S. 204C.19. 4 0 9 0 Date October Novmber Post Election 15 Nud)er Eligible to Vote from Mailings New Registrations Nivaber of after Initial Returned Total Votes Mailing Mail Ballots Cast to Date Percent of Eligible VotPS Retun!acl 14 7,625 7 71 5,132 67.9% S(RMIA-TRY • The Fospital Ownership Special Mail Fallrrt Election successfurlly produced a voter turnout that pleased municipal nfficials and it can generally be stated that the voice of the people was renuresented. The election results roted a resounding "h *o" vote, he Sumnary Sheet totals note 503 "Yes" votes to 4385 "No" votes (see exhibit J). The arpealinc7 attribute of the ,,ai_l ballot election was clearly voter turnout. of the 7561 net total of voters eligible to cast ballots, 5126 were returned for a 67,798 return. A disappointinq factor of the election would Yme the 233 rejected ballots Which was 4.545% of returned ballots. The causes for the rejected ballots ; as follows: Cause Number Rejected Voter Not Registered 20 No Witness 156 Witness Not a Registered Voter 9 Witness Omitted Signature 2 Witness Signed With Cut of County Address 8 Witness Listed No Address 5 Voter pied Before Election oav 1 Voter Voted Twice 2 Voter Omitted Signature & Printed Name 30 233 It is difficult to reccznnend further in prove nets on the instructions to • voters detailing the need for a witness because the local media increased its efforts to info*m citizens on the election process and our instruction sheet appears to be so clear. Voters will inevitably not follow instructions and rejected ballots will always he a part of the mail ballot election. Although the 233 rejected ballots were c'_earIv erroneously cvapleted by the voter, there were sevexal hundred ballots that ware accepted upon election Judge review of a signed wltnPss with a 5andivohi County address. 71 witnesses o-ere not verified as County registered voters l�.ause the Countv was not asked to supply a printout of the 1 7,000 countvwide registered voters. The Citv does Nava direct caTnputer access to the county voter registration files but ar".ngerrents were not made to have access past the County business hour closinq at 4:30 um on election day. For absolute proof of the witnPSs as a registered voter in the County, direct cxrPut, -r access will be arranged in the future. ThF cost of the election was $6513,68. The breakdown is as follows: Postage 3993.09 Election Judges 1027,50 Rental of Foldinq Machine 25.00 Publication of Special Election Notice 46.80 Ballots - Printing 74.79 Election Frvelopes 1111.00 Instructions to Voters - Printing 235.50 • $6513.68 ALG 2G -1997 " " -5 :17 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES P.08i15 • As the Special Flectien Activities came to a close, it was a aPneral consensus of the C1tV staff that the cost and effectiveness of a nail ballot election is �,rrthwhile on referendum questions anal that if election laws remain =han the mail ballot election will he conducted again in the City of Wil lmar if the opportunity presants itself. AnV municipality or other interested party may direct questions or rPMive information by rnntactinq any of the followinq staff members at the Willmar City Office Auildi.rg, P6 Ftox ?55, Willmar, YN 56201 or by callinq (612) 235 -4913. Michael C. schmit Kevin J. Hallidav Audrey F. Peterson Citv Clerk - Treasurer Deputy CitV Clerk Administrative Secretaxv • • 6 FARIBIT A • 3.989 PpalwoZY 1989 HOSPITAL O mm -%ilP F .FCTION COSTS 1� (Actual) (Estimated) Supplies: $ 70.00 S 70.00 Postage Voter Peg. Cars: $ 583.43 20.00 Mailing Ballots: 75.00 5,000.00 Voting Machine Supplies: 191.16 0 ^bving Machires: 364.00 0 Printing_ 695.44 400.00 Fl.ection Judges: 4,375.00 183.00 2C7PALS • 56,354.03 $5,673.00 • RUG -20 -1597 16 19 LEgGUE OF MN CITIES P.10 /15 EXHIBIT i • SUMMARY SHEET SPECIAL ELECTION - HOSPITAL OWNERSHIP November 14, 1989 Number of Voters Hailed Election Materials on October 25, 1989 ............ 9,174 Number of Election Material Envelopes Returned from October 25, 1989, Through November 14, 1989 ................ ............................... 1,703 Number of New Registrations After October 25, 1989, Mailing of Election Materials ............................................................... 90 Net Total of Voters Eligible to Cast Ballots .............................. 7,561 WARD PRECINCT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL VOTES REJECTED "YES" "NO" BLANK DEFECTIVE CAST PER VOTES VOTES PRECINCT 1 1 16 3 114 133 2 42 54 370 466 3 4 34 200 1 239 1 22 38 470 530 2 26 73 516 1 616 3 21 96 520 637 3 1 19 16 460 525 2 19 22 428 1 470 3 10 30 251 291 4 1 8 48 349 - 1 406 2 20 33 376 1 430 3 26 26 331 383 TOTAL: 233 503 4385 3 2 5126 CERTIFICATION The undersigned do hereby certify that the national flag was displayed during voting :iours; that all of the ballots cast were properly piled, checked and counted; and that the numbers entered en the summary statement correctly show the number of votes cast for and a st the question; and further that thev have read and understand the election officer o as follows: Rock Co. JUL 2 3 1987 L Luverne t 40a= 'Ili 5 < Secretary of State Joan Anderson Growe announced that Minnesota's first all-mail election will be conducted by the City of Luverne. The city is proposing a charter change to the voters in a special eleo- Lion scheduled for September i and will use new ail -mail procedures enacted in the 1987 legislative session. • Growe said that the new law, authored by Rep. Andy Steensma of Luverne and Sen. Jerome Hughes of Maplewood, gives Minnesota voters an opportunity to try mail voting. a procedure that has been used in several other states. She explained that Laws of 1987, Chapter 213 allows the Secretary of State to approve experimental mail election procedures for ques- tions submitted to the voters by a Minnesota city or county between August 1, 1987 and o Hold First Minnesota Mail • March 30, 1989. Luverne, a Rock County city with ap- proximately 3,000 registered voters, is the first Minnesota election jurisdiction to re- quest approval for a mail elec- tion. The mayor of Luverne is Gordon Gitz and the city ad- ministrator is Steven Perkins. Growe said that mail elec- tion procedures have been very well received in states such as Oregon, Washington, California and Montana- "All reports that we have heard in- dicate that voters like this form of voting and find it a convenient way to participate in the democratic process. Typically, voter participation is higher in elections con- ducted by mail, particularly in comparison with other special elections not held on the day of a state -wide elect tiom" She said she was very pleased that the Minnesota The ballot in the signed return envelope must be returned prior to election day. The: voter. can .return the ballot by mail or in person. Return Postage on ballots sent back by mail will be paid by the city. The ballot must be mailed in time so that it will be received no later than the last mail delivery on election day. Ballots returned in per- son can be deposited in a lock- ed ballot boa at the city office during regular business hours any day prior to September 1. The Luverne city office will be open until 7:00 p.m. on August 31 for last minute return of ballots. The list of registered voters maintained by the county will be used for mailing the ballots. Growe encouraged any eligible voter who is not registered or who needs to re- register because of change of Elect on Legislature had approved trv- will be mailed out between ing this process. August 12 and 14. Growe The new law requires the.. believes that voters will find Secretary of State to report to the mail ballot procedures, the legislature on any ex- very simple and similar to; perimental mail elections. those for absentee voting at: Growe indicated that a staff any other election. After! person from her office will be receiving the ballot, the voter: in Luverne to observe the: will mark it, seal it in a ballot counting and that her; secrecy envelope, and then office would be seeking com- i place the secrecy envelope in- ments from voters ink side a larger return envelope Luverne. "As the first Nlin -{ with a voter's certificate on nesota voters to participate in the back. a mail election, the comments I The voter will sign the cer- of Luverne voters a-ll be of tificate which includes an great interest. I hope thevi oath stating that the person is will let us know how they like an eligible voter. The cer- voting by mail and if they' tificate must also be signed by have suggestions for making a witness. Growe said the the process as effective as witness can be any eligible Possible." " voter of the county. If the A mail ballot election is con -' voter does not have an eligible ducted by mailing each; family member or neighbor to registered voter, by non - °._ witness the ballot, the ball forwardable mail, a ballots can be returned in person Ballots for Luverne voters;', the city office where a city t staff person can serve as the y witness. Other persons eligi- ble to witness a ballot are , notaries public and postal of- ficials. :address or change of name to register now so the voter's name will be on the registra- '2 tion rolls at the correct ad- rtlress when the ballots are ° out. Registered voters k?who will b away from home rshould advise the city in "writing of the alternate ad- 16 q `dress to which the ballots should be sent. [ r Any eligible voter who is not registered and does not receive a ballot may apply for i a ballot and registration by f `using an absentee application form available from the city. Ballots for registered voters who reside in nursing homes Rill be delivered to them in accordance with Afmnesota laws for voting by residents Of hospitals and health care fariliticc i On September 1, all ballots will be processed and counted by Luverne election judges in the same manner as absentee ballots at a regular election. Minnesota election laws for I the counting of ballots will apply. Growe said that Min- nesota law requires the count. ing of ballots to be open to m biic observation. Vote Sotals will be available as soon as vote counting is completed, rand the results will become ''official when the governing body of the city meets to can- vass the results and declare the outcome o f the election. • INFORMATION SERVICES League of Minnesota Cities 183 University Avenue East St. Paul, MN 55101-2526 • MNA ClNM"a iE11VICE PLYMOUTkt SUIVSAtLOR Hanepu Co. Classification # J PA Date Subject Municipality Ply ynU4 OCT 91991 0 0 Cost for�mail-in referendum: $32,414 It cost 532,014 to run Plymouth's Sept. 3 muff -in referendum, I ac cording to a report written by Plymouth City Clerk Laurie When costs are spread among the 13,982 residents who remm- ed ballots, each vote cost $2,29 in election materials, supplies and pew, Rauenharst said in the report. Plymouth L cond electson le ounty's fast, and the state's ballots 14 Sept. � 3 tymu� out a total of 34,007 registered voters in the city. B a 68 patent — 31 per- cent vote, residents elected to keep their municipal elections in odd - numbered years. As a result, a Nov. 5, 1891 city election re- mains scheduled to fill the expring seats of three Plymouth City Council members. Postage of $32,745 accounted for 40 percent of the total election casts, Rauenhorst said. The city paid 31 cents in postage for each feed el she said. Another $8,W7 was spent to employ and Ndgns- A total of 5,196 ballots were returned to the city as tirdelivesable," the report said The most common reason? Orders directing the US. Post Office to forward mail to a new ad- dress had expired in more than 550 cases, the report said. Prior to the election, city staff members were asked at least 800 Questions about the mail -in election process, according to the report. More than 400 of these comments and questions were 4- 94 RauembOrst said. Tyee most commonly asked question was: "l an my spouse serve as may witn ess ?" If they are a registered voter in Hennepin County the answer is "yes " In a sumnmary statement Rauenhorst described the mail ballot election as "extremely labor intensive for a larger community. "In a regular election, preparation is spread over several mon- ths, with one very long hectic day — electim day. During the mad -ballot election, staff members and I felt as though we were conducting an election every day for the month prior to the elec- tion. Each voters' ballot was handled at least 11 times," she said. 4 15:19 LEACLE CF MN CITIES Balloting By Mail In 1983, the Kansas legislature passed an innovative law making it possible to con- duct special elections through the use of mailed ballots. Since its first use by the city of Protection on August 25, ISM, through August 15 of i9m, 46 local units have used mail ballots with no reported significant dif- ficulties, The mail ballot election act, K.S.A, SUpp, 25-431 to 24 -441, is an attempt to increase voter participation while curtailing the costs of conducting certain elections. Originally sunset to expire at the end of 1985, a repealer provision was removed in 1994. This action placed the mail ballot election act on the statute books as a per. manent part of the state's election laws, and permitted Kansas to remain as one of a handful of states labout five) to provide for voting by mail. This article reviews the statutory re- quirements of the mail ballot election act and reviews various practices. A summary of the mail elections held In Kansas is also included. Potential Uses Under Kansas law, voting by mail is not permissible in every election. The mail ballot election act limits the use of mail ballots to an election that is: (11 nonparr. risen; (2) not one at which any candidate is elected, retained or recalled; (3) a ques- tion submitted election at which all of the qualified electors of the governmental sub. division holding the election are the only electors eligible to vote; and 14) not held on the same date as another election. K.S.A. Supp. 45 -432, If these statutory re. quirements are satisifed, the county elec- tion officer responsible for the conduct of ;he election may authorize the use of mailed ballots. Plan Required Prior to the sate of the mail ballot elec- tion, the county ek3ction officer must Prepare and submit to the secretary of state for approval, a written plan outlining oer- lain measures and steps for the conduct of the election. Some of the requirements for inclusion in this written plan are a timetable or election calendar; the names Of all individuals responsible for the elec- tion; samples of all printed materials and the names of persons responsible for their reproduction; a brief narrative of the agree- ment reached with the local postal official regarding delivery of the mailed ballots; copies Of all resolutions, ordinances or other documents passed by the political or taxing subdivision which mandates the "calling" Of the election; and any other re- quirements as may be requested by the =_eeretary of state. Mailing Ballots Under the act, the county election officer is required to mail all official ballots by first class mail with a "return identification envelope" and instructions sufficient to describe the voting process to each elec- tor emnled to vote. The official ballots must be mailed on a date not sooner than the 201h day nor later than the 10th day before the date of the election. Ballots mailed by the county election officer must be ad- dressed to each eiector appearing in the ' egistration records, and placed In an envelope which is prominently marked "Do Not Forward." K.S.A. Supp. 25-433(a). -he names of voters whose mail ballot envelopes are returned to the county elec• non officer as "undeliverable" are subject to removal from the voter registration book and party affiliation list in accordance with KANSA5 GOVERNMENT JOURNAL, AUGUST 193= P.13 /15 /Jv / 7rl �xC existing state law — which requires a fur - ther attempt to contact the unfound voter by mail. (See subsection (d) of K.S.A. 25- 2316c). However, even if the name of the voter is actually removed from the voter registration book, state law allows such a voter to use a "challenged" vote under K.S.A. 25 -1136. The mail ballot election act prohibits the county election officer from mailing a ballot TO those electors who are not registered 30 days prior to the date of the election. Elec- tors registered subsequent to this date, but Prior to the closing of the registration books, may apply for a "replacement" ballot which is discussed below. K.S.A. Supp. 25 -436. Returning Ballots Upon receiving the mailed ballot, the elector marks it and signs the return iden- tification envelope supplied with the ballot. Under K.S.A. Supp- 25- 433(b) the elector has two options in returning the ballot. Th marked ballot may be returned to the county election officer by mail in the ret identification envelope. The county elec- tion officer must receive the mailed ballot by the date of the election. If the elector mails the ballot, he or she must sign the "declaration of the voter" printed on the return identification envelope. By signing the envelope the voter declares: (1) to be a resident and qualified voter for this elec- tion as shown on voter regisyatbn records; (2) to have voted the enclosed ballot and returned it in compliance with state law; and (31 to have not and will not vote more than one batiot in this election, K.S.A. Supp. 25- 433(c). The elector's failure to provide his or her signature and residence address on the envelope invalidates the ballot- As an alternative to mailing the ballot, the elector may personnally deliver it to the office of the county election officer before noon on the date of the election. Replacement Ballot The act permits an elector to obtain a replacement ballot from the county elec- tion officer if the original ballot was "destroyed, spoiled, lost or not received by the elector." K.S.A. Supp. 25- 433(d). An elector seeking a replacement ballot is re- quired to sign a statement declaring that the original ballot was damaged or never received. The statement, which appears on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, must be verified by oath or affirmation. As noted earlier, a replacement ballot may also be obtained by electors registering late. The application for a replacement ballot must be delivered before noon on the date of the election to the county election of- ficer who, in turn, is required to present the applicant with a replacement baflot. In the alternative, the applicant may mail in the application. However, it must be received by the county election officer before the close of business on the second day prior 221 is U r 1 LJ RUG -201 - 1997 16:20 LEAGUE OF h11-1 CITIES I • P. 14/15 Mail Ballot Elections Presented below is a summary of the 46 mail ballot elec- State. For Unified School Districts (USO), the home city is :ions held through August 15, 1986, in the order held. Most given_ of the information comes from a report of the Secretary of Governmental Unit Question Outcome Voter and Date """"on Outcome Turnout 1. Cry of Protealon. Sale Of ellarac Pa y �.04a, 9.1333 distribution Failed 84% 9. U.S.D. 400 - system Failed 75.7% 2- U.S.D. 233 - Bond issue of Passed 73.07% Olathe, 101-83 $15.3 million - Failed E2.45% 3. U.S.D. 229 - Blue Bond issue of $15 Passed 73,95% Valley, 12-M million Passed 79% -. 4. Linn County, One mill Lail' for Passed 70.33% 1 -31-84 services for the Passed 66% Aubum•Washbum, eldedy 5. City of Coffeyville, Sales tax increase Passed 81 -05% 2 -734 of .5% Passed 75% 6. U.S.D. 200 - Budget increase- Failed 83.48% Tribune, 4-3-84 for teachers' Passed 67% 5 -14-85 salaries - - - 7. U.S.O. 262 -_ _ Bond issue of . Passed 70.23% Valley Center, $12 r iar - - - d-10-84 Question Outcome Voter Turnout 8. U.S.D. 392 - Four mill levy for . - Failed 93 -01% Osborne, 4 -17-8 caonal - . . - - - 24. U.S.D. 466 - Scott improvements Failed 84% 9. U.S.D. 400 - Close attendance I Failed 75.7% Lindsborg, 6 -19.84 center Passed 7596';:, i0. U,S.D. 400 _ Bond issue of - Failed E2.45% ! wdsborg, 1-ius $2.9 mlGon - 1 1. City of Arkansas Saks tax increase - Passed 79% -. City, 1.22-85 of .5% !2. U.S.D. 437 - Bond issue of Passed 66% Aubum•Washbum, $4,9 million 1.30$5 Close a junior Fated _ 3. U.S.D. 465 - Bond issue of Passed 75% Wrfield, 1 -31 $1.9 million _ - '.4. Chy of Ckarxeter, Bond issue of Passed 67% 5 -14-85 $250,000 - !5. U.S.D. 417 - Bond issue of Passed 74:30% Council Grove, 31.5 million - - 6_18-85 '.5% increase in Passed 66.1 %.:.: - 16. Cty of Halstead, Swimming pod Passed 71% 7-1585 bond issue of -- Passed 72.0 %.�. Ottawa; 3 -2586: $75,000 t/. U.S.D. 413 - Bond issue of -' Failed 86,8895 Chanute, 7 -3045 $5.9 million nr, Sedgwfck County, 1 % coumywlde Passed 75,02% 730-85 Wars tax - - - - " U.S.D. 461 -- Bond issue of Passed 76% Neodesha, 10-M $2.5 million ��j. U.S.D. 257 - Ida, Bond issue of Faded 90.55% 10 -15.85 45.9 ndllon - i'l City of Liberal. .5% sales tax for Failed 86.01% 10.3035 civic center - .- (/ City of .5% increase in Passed 73.30% �ntleoendence, Walas tax .... 113-85 . Failed - 70-6 : Governmental Unit and Date Question Outcome Voter Turnout 23. City of Eastborough, Bond issue of Passed 70% 11 -5-85 $150,000 24. U.S.D. 466 - Scott Bond issue of Failed 84% City, 11 -12-95 92.7 million ' 25. U.S,D. 362 - Bond issue Passed 7596';:, Prairie View, 1d -29$ 26. U.S.D. 229 - Blue Bond issue of $27 Passed 641A," Valley, 12.1035 mfObn 27. U.S-D. 431 - Bond issue of Passed B7 ; -, Hoisington, 12- 10.85' 533 million 23- U S D 512:. - Close a junior Fated 69,3% r Shawnee-_ Mission, '. high- st<hod c v: 2% U S D 215 - - Four rrunitl tax 'increase- fated 80% ti ', Lakin,- 2.2586 - 30. U.S.D:260 Band,asve of S13 Faded.. h. .74:6 %`.`?a. million - 31, Clty:of.Fairway . '.5% increase in Passed 66.1 %.:.: 3.25-86. " sales tax 32. U S:6:-290:= Band issue of Passed 72.0 %.�. Ottawa; 3 -2586: 33. Sedgvnck County 324 million bond Failed 410.86._: .:ISMAfornrw 34. Harvey County, 1% oovntywide Passed 64A°Y' s7 441-86 ,' .. '. sales - tar - - - - 35. City of Parsons,. .....5 caAt ase incre Passed - 80% - 5.13.86 : in salestax - _Bond rsv , of . Passed a Maize - $2.5 mlHon - 37. U.S.D. - 263 - ,Bond iswe of $2 passed - MuMSne - million.:. - .- 38. U.S.D. 364 - Bond issue of Failed 74% MarMile, 5.20 -86 $1.475 million - - :.. .... 39. Scon.Couhty, - .. Liquor. . Failed - 70-6 : 520 -86 corsumption . - -- charter resolution -. 40. City of Anthony, 5% sales tax _ Failed 81% 527M 47. U.S.D. 400 - Special Capital Failed 71% ' Undsborg Outlay Election 42 City of Overland Park bond issue Failed 60% Park, 6-3-86 of 718 million - - 43. Cry of Leawood, 10 mill tax lid Failed 50% 6-3.86 Incrosse 44 - Cry of Countryside, Tax lid Passed _ 81% 6-3 -86 suspension 45. U.S.D. 200 - Bond issue of Passed 78 %. Tribune, 51386 $2.5 million - 46. Edwards County, Tax levy Passed 100% South Brown Township, 6 -10.86 KANSAS GCVERN,.MENT JOURNAL, AUGUST 1986 RUG -20 -1997 _-:21 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES tc election. If so received, the coup election officer must promptly transmit t ballot by mail t0 the voter at the addre contained in the 8PPlie8tion. The COun election officer is required to keep a recto of each replacement ballot provided and the act. Absentee Voting The mail ballot election act allows f absentee voting in accordance with K. S. 25- 1101 et seq. However, the act prohib the county election officer from acceptin any application for an absentee ballot late than the 21st day Prior to the election K.S.A. 1983 Supp. 26 -435. Canvass of Voters The act requires the county election Of ficer of each county to appoint a specaa election board in accordance with the re m quireents of K.S.A, 25 - 2801. The boat must consist of at least three members who shall make the original canvass of all ballots ow. For the purpose of any canvass under the act, the electoral district within that county shall constitute one voting area. Moreover, ballots canvassed may not be sorted acoordinq to precinct or ward. K.S.A. Supp. 25 -437. Counting Ballots A ballot may be counted only if; (1) it is returned in the return identification en- velope; (2) the envelope is signed by the elector to whom the ballot 18 issued; and (3) the signature has been verified by The county election officer. K.S.A. Supp. 25- 433(e). Verification of the signature on the return identification envelope is achieved by comparing it with the signature On the elector's registration records. The county election officer may commence verification at any time prior to the canvass of the election. If the county election of. , car determines that an elector to whom a replacement ballot has been issued has voted more than once, the county election officer is prohibited from counting any ballot cast by that elector. Secret Ballot A concern may arise that because mail ballot elections contain certain procedures requiring every voter To sign and address the return identification envelope, such an election ceases to be by secret ballot. The Kansas Constitution does not expressly provide for a secret ballot, only that "all elections by the People shall be by ballot..."' Kansas Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. 1. How- ever, subsection If) of K.S.A. Supp. 25 -433 of the mail ballot election act addresses the secrecy issue. It provide. that "the county election officer shall supervise the pro. cedures for the handling and canvassing of ballots to insure the Safely and confiden- tiality of all ballots properly cast." Moreover, K. S.A. 25.2422 soecrficai y for- TY tads any unauthorized voting disclosure by he any individual charged with an election ss duty. Violation of this criminal statute ty amounts to a felony, Finally, the written rd plan submitted to the secretary of state for er approval, discussed earlier, must include provisions insuring that security for the ballots, upon receipt by the office of the county election officer, will be maintained or in such a manner as to preclude unauthor- A, ized access to the mailed ballots. Thus, rra arguably, the secret ballot is preserved 9 under the act. r In a recent California case upholding the secrecy of mail ballot elections in that state, The California Supreme Court noted; "The fundamental importance Of the right to vote persuades us that reasonable efforts by the legislature to facilitate and Increase I its exercise must be upheld. Too often citizens faced with numerous pressures on d their time and with The inconvenience of o appearing at the polling place have chosen to forego exercise of this precious right. Reducing Or eliminating the burdens and inconvenience of voting and thereby in- creasing voter participation is not only a Proper subject of legislation but also fun- damental to the maintenance of our rely resentative government. We are satisfied that the secrecy provision of our Constitu- tion was never intended to preclude rea- sonable measures to facilitate and increase exercise of the right to vote such as absentee and mail ballot voting -" Peterson v. City of San Diego, 34 Cal. 3d225 1191M). The Califomia court concluded that an election conducted by mad ballot did not violate the state's consthufional provision that "voting shall be secret." The District Court of Sedgwick County, on May 12, 1986, upheld the constitu- tionality of the Kansas mail ballot election act. The issue is now on appeal to the Kan- sas Supreme Court. The office of Attorney General filed a brief on August 18 in sup- port of the law's corlatitutionahty. The Coffeyville Experience Following is an example of a mail ballot experience. On February 7, 1984, the city Of Coffeyville submitted to the voters a question as to whether The city should levy a retailer's sales tax in the amount of .5 per- cent. The election was declared a success and the voters approved the sales tax. A similar sales tax proposal put to Coffeyville voters was defeated in a conventional elec- tion held in the city in August of 1982. In that election, 805 voters voted for the measure and 2,119 opposed the tax, whereas in the mail ballot election 2,683 voters voted in favor of the tax while 1,626 were opposed. Ballots were mailed by the county elec- tion officer to eligible voters on January 19, 1984. The number of mail ballots originally issued totalled 6,8,04. There were 37 re- placement ballots issued to replace those ballots that were ether destroyed, spoiled, P. 15 /15 lost or never received. This brought the total number of ballots issued in the elec- tion to 6,861, Ballots returned as undeliv- erable numbered 1,215. Thus, the number of undeliverable ballots subtracted from the total number of ballots issued meant that ballots were received by 5,625 electors. The county election officer invalidated 157 ballots and the special election board voldod 80. There were no challenged votes cast In the election. The number of voted mail ballots re- sumed to the county election officer and tabulated totaled 4,559. This resulted in a voter turnotn of 81.05 percent. In the 19B2 general election held in Coffeyville, 56 per. cent of the electors eligible to vote par- ticipated. In a 1974 bond election held In Coffeyville only 31 percent of the electors cast their vote. Voter Turnout As was true in Coffeyville, voter turnout at mad ballot elections have typically been much higher than at traditional, ballot booth elections. The accompanying table of mail ballot elections held in Kansas show$ a low of 64 percent turnout and a high of 100 percent. Voter participation in the 70 to So percent range are most com- mon, which is much higher than normally occurs in special question -only elections or when officer elections are involved. ail Cost of M Elections Although the cost of conducting The 1984 Coffeyville mail ballot election dis- cussed above — $.92 per vote — equaled that of a 1974 conventional special bond election held in that city, most mail ballot elections result In cm-per-vote savings. For example, in the city of Protection, the cost - per -vote of that city's mail ballot elec- tion amounted to 51.68 as opposed to 52.27 per vote in a 1975 city special tax election. in a mall ballot election held on October 4, 1963, in USE) 233, Johnson county, involving a $15.35 million school bond issue, the cost per vote was 0.76 as compered to $2.22 per vote in a 1982 school bond issue. The largest vote -by -mail elections in Kansas have been held in Sedgwick county. The cost of the June 30, 1985, election, where the Sedgwick county voters approved the levying a one percent countywide Sales tax, was in the range of 65 to 70 cents per vote. Voter Predisposition Are special question elections more likely to be approved by the voters when mail ballots are used? Some experiences in Kan. Sea indicate a probable but qualified yes, but there is insufficient data to really know. Of the 46 mail elections held to date, 28 were passed and 18 failed. When high voter participation tends to favor the prop. osition, mail ballots would seem to help in obtaining voter approval. KANSAS GOVERNMENT ,;OURNAL. AUGUST 1485 223 TOTAL P.15 • Pi 0 HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 111 Hassan St. SE Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 (320)234 - 4251•(320)234 -4235 FAX: 320-234-4240 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Memo To: Mayor and City Council 64 4c 1 Memo From: Jim Marka and Jean Ward ) � Memo Re: Consideration of recommen ation to waive the permit fee and inspection by City staff in the Adams Street Neighborhood Rehab Project Date: August 20, 1997 As you know, the Adams Street Project will consist of the rehab of approximately forty homes at an anticipated average rehab cost of about $16,000 per home. The program requires at least three inspections including a final completion inspection by the HRA contracted Housing Inspector. The HRA Board at their August 19, 1997 Board meeting recommended that the City Council consider waiving the permit fee and inspections by the City Building Inspector for the Adams Street project because inspections are already being done for this project. We appreciate your consideration and support of this recommendation. • • i A FOR YOUR INFORMATION City of 7k 8 -22 -97 JBS Agenda Purpose: It is staffs intent to disclose requirements upfront to all developers and builders as a policy of quality customer service. This project proposes amenities and a layout supprted by city staff, but contrary to the mid density expectation of the comprehensive plan. In general city staff feels the project should move forward provided the following issues are addressed and acceptable to the City Council withour unreasonable risk to our constituents. Rezoning from R -1 to PDD/RI The ordinance addressses many issues which will be required as part of the platting procedures. Suggested items for this discussion include: 1) Financing method, 2) Status o f existing infrastructure risks both present and future, review the assesable frontage 3) Revision to the Comprehensive Plan from mid to low density and it relationship to the Maxfield housing study, 4) Future roadway and traffic layout 5) Golf course ownership- private vs public, HCDC's • role, 6) Water consumption, are private wells requested? What impact to the City potable water system? 7) Electric service territory impact 8) Developer expectations of the City 9) Regional pond proposal 10) Review of proposed parkland dedication 11) PDD maintenance ie: flow hydrants, water main breaks in January, snow plowing services etc City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -1522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax(320)234.4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 2344240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street S W Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -2242 _ Fax (320) 587 -6427 Printed on recycled paper - FOR YOUR NMRMAWO i EXCEPTION 04 � \O r� ^ - PRELIMINARY PLAT OF- THE MEADOWS - _ _ InU fmrLm B ✓v LOT 5 n CITY OF HUI CHINSO Scale 1 = 100' I v / I / % I j I I'. 1 / l 1 1 I� � I 1 1 I I • -I • • � Y Y r - � I • � IYICI � till IN 0_11 d NEW -- I THE MEADOWS JBS DEVELOPMENT HUTCKINSON. MI I a O OI .es DEVELOPNIVIT P.O. Box 130 HUTCHMS W 55350 (340)557-7720 .? a r�..m FN.ef• eV.LI C.O Y IYn fARW .I m.Yl C m.m c rnw• Lela ..n r: IV® aMn. r ,.r.a. .P �w .ia N".i ai PRELIMINARY PLAT 1 97278 1 1 �u rune m mn > . •en• mni♦ I. IV 1. iiii.. Y4r�r +..1„ w�rr Y+ s Imp am.. i rwi v e i EXCEPTION 04 � \O r� ^ - PRELIMINARY PLAT OF- THE MEADOWS - _ _ InU fmrLm B ✓v LOT 5 n CITY OF HUI CHINSO Scale 1 = 100' I v / I / % I j I I'. 1 / l 1 1 I� � I 1 1 I I • -I • • � Y Y r - � I • � IYICI � till IN 0_11 d NEW -- I THE MEADOWS JBS DEVELOPMENT HUTCKINSON. MI I a O OI .es DEVELOPNIVIT P.O. Box 130 HUTCHMS W 55350 (340)557-7720 .? a r�..m FN.ef• eV.LI C.O Y IYn fARW .I m.Yl C m.m c rnw• Lela ..n r: IV® aMn. r ,.r.a. .P �w .ia N".i ai PRELIMINARY PLAT 1 97278 1 1 �u rune m mn > . •en• mni♦ I. IV 1. iiii.. s Imp am.. i rwi v e LO� rm I MN en i c .' � b i EXCEPTION 04 � \O r� ^ - PRELIMINARY PLAT OF- THE MEADOWS - _ _ InU fmrLm B ✓v LOT 5 n CITY OF HUI CHINSO Scale 1 = 100' I v / I / % I j I I'. 1 / l 1 1 I� � I 1 1 I I • -I • • � Y Y r - � I • � IYICI � till IN 0_11 d NEW -- I THE MEADOWS JBS DEVELOPMENT HUTCKINSON. MI I a O OI .es DEVELOPNIVIT P.O. Box 130 HUTCHMS W 55350 (340)557-7720 .? a r�..m FN.ef• eV.LI C.O Y IYn fARW .I m.Yl C m.m c rnw• Lela ..n r: IV® aMn. r ,.r.a. .P �w .ia N".i ai PRELIMINARY PLAT 1 97278 1 FOR YOUR INFORMATION CITY OF HUTCHINSON BUILDING / PLANNING / ZONING DEPARTMENT 111 HASSAN STREET S.E., HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 PH 320.234 -4216 FAX: 320 -234 -4240 MINUTES ONE STOP SHOP MEETING FOR JBS, INC. August 12, 1997 The name of the plat will be "The Meadows" zoned a PDD (Planned Development District). Scott Bradford described the development saying there is a need for homes and a nine -hole golf course. The homes would be twin homes in the $120,000 - $130,000 range with golf course frontage. Each unit will be 1500 sq. ft. The streets and utilities within the development will be private. JBS would like to break ground this fall on Outlot "A" They would like to start with five units. Curt Bradford said there will be a blanket easement on the property. Marty Campion, Otto Associates, said the curb and gutter on the private streets will be similar to the typical City streets Jean Ward, d of HRA, said the housing need report says there is a need for $130,000 - $140,000 range housing and there is a need for a golf course. Bonnie Baumetz, City Planning and Zoning Department, said the JBS, Inc. proposal will be on the August 19, i Planning Commission agenda for discussion. The public hearing for the preliminary plat will be September 16. Possibly the final plat can be passed at the same time, if not the public hearing for the final plat will be'October 21. The streets need to named for the fmal plat. The covenants should be completed before the final plat. Sewer & Water John Rodeberg said the City will be able to serve with water and sewer. Water will enter property off of North High Dr. Marty Campien said there will be separate water meters on each unit. The sanitary sewer will be private. The City will bring lines up to outside of the property. Mr. Rodeberg said there are field tiles along the north right - of -way near Luedtke Lane. Mr. Rodeberg suggested a holding tank or septic system to service the golf course shack. It is recommended a 35' easement by shown on the eastern side of the property for a street. The comprehensive plan does show a street along the east side of the property. Telephone Roger Janousek, Telephone Co., said grade on site must be within 6" prior to request for service. Telephone Co. will install sufficient lines for the entire development. Electric Site must be within 6" of grade. The north end of the property is within the REA charge area requiring $800.00 per meter paid with the building permit. Work with Don Nelson on layout of meters. There is a $200.00 electric fee per unit paid to the Utilities. Power will enter the property on the northwest corner along School Rd. S -c. Page 2 Minutes for JBS, Inc. August 12, 1997 Nate Smutka, Hutchinson Utilities said each unit will have to be metered separately. They will need house numbers before extending service. Private lighting will be metered separately. (im John Webster said the water, sewer, and sanitary including curb should be installed before laying gas lines. There will be a $150.00 per unit charge paid in advance before installation of service. Utililities will enter with service from the intersection of Golf Course Rd. and School Rd. Cable Dennis Albin said they have the same installation requirements as the Utilities. He will need service requirements. Cable will be laid in the same trench as electricity and telephone. Fire Deot. Access Jim Popp, fire marshal, said the 60' outside radius in the cul -de -sac for fire truck turn around is satisfactory. He will check on the inside radius. Mark Hansen, building inspector said a certificate of occupancy can be issued with the completion of Class 5 bituminous on the street. Mr. Campion said the minimum distance between buildings will be 10'. There will be no accessory buildings. Mail delivery will be on a central pedestal box. JBS, Inc. is to discuss parkland dedication fee with Dolf Moon. Mr. Rodeberg said no lift stations will be needed. School Rd. will be completed in 1998 or no later than 1999. The earliest grading can start is after City Council approval on September23, 1997 at JBS's own risk. 0 �,C1 1 w Hutchinson Area Health Care Hutchinson Conn. unity Hospital Burns Manor Nursing Home • Dassel Medical Center • Winsted Family Practice Clinic •� 1095 Highway 15 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 234 -5000 AUG 2 5 1997 CIT! , 7F HUTCH; :20N August 21, 1997 The Honorable Mayor Marlin Torgerson and Members of the City Council Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street South Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor Torgerson and City Council Members: The Board of Directors of Hutchinson Area Health Care (HAHC), as part of their regular meeting on August 19, 1997, considered a capital expenditure request from staff. The following is an excerpt from the minutes of that meeting. " Capital Expenditure for Patient Beds. The Board reviewed the request for the replacement of five (5) Advance Series retractable beds from Hill Rom. We currently have electric beds which are 15 to30 years old and are no longer able to get parts for some of the older beds. We have had a plan in place for the past few years which calls for replacement of 5 beds per year. After this year we will have 10 beds to supplant. Following discussion, a motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Myers to request authority from the City Council to purchase, from Hill Rom, five Advance Series retractable beds, in the amount of $25,543.00 (including mattresses). All were in favor. Motion carried." Also considered at the meeting was a capital expenditure request for the purchase of an Electronic Timekeeping System. The following is an excerpt from the minutes: "Capital Expenditure for Electonic Timekeeping System The Board reviewed the request to upgrade the outdated electronic timekeeper at BMNH, install electronic timekeepers in all other HAHC facilities and purchase software so electronic timekeepers can communicate with new • Meditech software. This item was planned for but not specifically identified at the time the original budget of $1,500,000 worth of / JA t r The Honorable Mayor Marlin Torgerson and • Members of the City Council Page 2 August 21, 1997 Hardware, Software, and installation of the new Meditech system was approved. Following discussion, a motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Slanga to request authority from the City Council to purchase the Electronic Timekeeping System in the amount of $42,529.47. All were in favor. Motion carried." Thank you, in advance, for your consideration of these requests. Don Erickson will be able to address any questions you may have regarding these items. Sincerely, CHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE 4Graves Plu ip • President PGG:cs • IMMEDIATE PAY COUNCIL REPORT 1989 IMPROV. BDS FIRSTAR BANK OF MINNESOTA PAYING AGENT FEES c *> A RAL FUND CITY OF HUTCHINSON JULY LODGING TAX DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DNR FEES TO STATE HUTCH CONVENTION & JUNE LODGING TAX MCLEOD COOP POWER ELECTRICITY MDRA REG -GARY PLOTZ RADISSON ARROWWOOD LODGING- K.MERRILL TRICK & SHEER CONSTRUCTION ROLLOUT SHELVES, CABINET TALLR <*> HOUSING REDEV LITCHFIELD LUMBER CO. CARPENTRY /ELEC HUTCH TRANS FAC. MN DEPT OF REVENUE JULY USE TAX SCHMELING OIL CO UNLEADED 8203 GALS LIQUOR STORE CITY OF HUTCHINSON- GENERAL FUN PAYROLL 8 -15 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. AUG LIQUOR PURCHASE PAYROLL FUND AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 8 -9 AMERICAN EXPRESS EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 8 -9 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 8 -9 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 8 -9 H.R.L.A.P.R. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 8 -9 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 8 -9 PERA LIFE INS CO. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 8 -9 PERA - D.C.P. EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 8 -9 PRUDENTIAL EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -9 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 8 -9 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 8 -9 • TEMPLETON INC WADELL & REED EMPLOYEE CONTRIB EMPLOYEE CONTRIB 6 -9 8 -9 WATER /SEWER FUND MN DEPT OF REVENUE c *> JULY TAX r1 26- AUG- 1997page 1 $239.00 $239.00* $53.42 $409.00 $5,777.48 $415.57 $20.00 $178.92 $304.00 $7,158.39* $10,000.00 $10,000.00* $76.54 $7,159.99 $7,236.53* $7,109.24 $1,878.68 $8,987.92* $850.00 $904.71 $89.16 $100.00 $164.00 $2,680.38 $118.50 $52.02 $180.00 $30.00 $15,135.00 $458.46 $150.00 $20,912.23* $3,700.00 $3,700.00* $58,234.07* /e� A OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 26- AUG- 1997page 1 1980 TIDS JOHNSON, LEONARD G. SEPTEMBER PAYMENT $812.76 c *> $812.76* CAPIMPRO.FUND SCHWICKERT CO REROOF -PER CONTRACT $22,950.00 < *> $22,950.00* CENTRAL GARAGE BRANDON TIRE CO TIRES, MOUNT /DISMNT, PATCH $286.10 COAST TO COAST NUMBERS $2.04 CROW RIVER AUTO REPAIR 1990 CHEV TRUCK $293.52 E & K ENTERPRISES INC MATERIALS, LABOR -RPR FUEL TANK $190.00 HARP'S AUTO SUPPLY REAR PADS, REAR ROTOR $182.06 HOLT MOTORS INC PARTS, FREIGHT $4.50 INK SPOTS DAILY REPORT $49.85 L & P SUPPLY CO OIL, GREASE, FILTER $130.13 LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQUIP OIL $23.65 MN DEPT OF REVENUE REAR PADS, REAR ROTOR $11.32 PLOWMANS KIT $20.82 SHOE INN, THE SEW TARP FOR BLACKTOP TRUCK $12.00 SORENSEN FARM SUPPLY SNAP RINGS $3.20 ST.JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC PUMP, BELT, O -RING $140.86 STEPP MFG CO INC NOZZLE $120.51 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO FUSE $14.46 TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE EXHAUST WORK $114.09 TWO WAY COMM INC 1/4 WAVE COAX $76.63 UNITED BLDG CENTERS PLYWOOD $9.10 W.D. COOLING CLINIC MATERIALS, LABOR -REP GAS TANK $53.10 < -> $1,737.94* GENERAL FUND A -1 BIKE SHOP BIKE REPAIRS $17.15 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY SIGN POST PULLER $1,571.94 ALLEN OFFICE PROD STAMPERS, COPY SKA -1359 $120.24 ALLEN, JEAN SR TOUR REFUND $20.00 AMERICAN RED CROSS VIDEO, CPR PROF $112.35 AMERICAN TEST CENTER LADDER TEST - $545.00 ASPLUND, BURNETTE SR TOUR REFUND $24.00 BACH, HARVEY & LAVRA SR TOUR REFUND $40.00 BACKEN, JACKIE REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED $12.00 • BENNETT OFFICE SUP. COPIER MAINT $200.22 BLACK, JOANN SR TOUR REFUND $40.00 BREEZY POINT RESORT REG -FLOYE GROEHLER 160.00 BRIAN RICK PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLIES, LABOR- AIRPORT 289.95 BRIESE, LORRAINE SR TOUR REFUND 20.00 BRINKMAN STUDIO FILM 55.09 BRINKMAN, NATE BASEBALL INVENTORY 38.50 BROWN, JANET MILEAGE & REGISTRATION $132.00 BURICH, HARRIET SR TOUR REFUND $40.00 BUS. RECORDS CORP. CANIDATE RCPT FILING $13.23 BUSINESS ADVANTAGE INC BOOK $8.62 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS SOUND KIT, SPEAKERS, LABOR $1,795.42 CARLSON EQUIPMENT CO RENTALS $526.11 CARLSON, CORY SOFTBALL SUPV $40.00 CARLSON, IRENE SR TOUR REFUND $40.00 CELLULAR 2000 AUG SERVICE $924.40 CENTRAL GARAGE AUG VEHICLE RENT $11,833.00 CHALUPSKY, VIRGINIA SR TOUR REFUND $40.00 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STEVE MADSON- MBRSHIP THRU 7/98 $80.00 CHEMSEARCH FRESH SENSE, TEL -X PLUS $360.69 CITY OF HUTCHINSON JULY FUEL $4,947.43 COAST TO COAST STIX ALL $167.73 COOK, STEVE REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED $12.00 CROW RIVER GLASS WOOD & GLASS UNIT $289.00 CROWN FLORAL SHOP PLANT- HANNAH STULEN $27.80 DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DNR REG FEES $832.00 DUESTERHOEFT, ALVINA SR TOUR REFUND $40.00 DUESTERHOEFT, DELORES SR TOUR REFUND $40.00 EARL ANDERSON ASSOC SIGNS, POSTS $3,354.48 ECOLAB PEST ELIM AUG SERVICE $22.37 ELECTRO WATCHMAN QUARTERLY CHARGE $603.86 EXECUTIVE EXCELLENCE EXECUTIVE EXCELLENCE $179.00 FLAHERTY & KOEBELE P.A. REG - BONNIE BAUMETZ $150.00 • GLENCOE UNIFORMS UNIFORMS $72.00 HAARSTAD, EARL REIMB - SAFETY BOOTS $60.00 HAASL, SANDRA SR TOUR REFUND $40.00 OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 26- AUG- 1997page 2 ----------- ------ GENERAL FUND --------------- - -- - -- ________ HCVN -TV - ___----- -_____ COPY TAPES $20.00 -_____ HENRYS FOODS INC CANDY, SLUSH BASE $804.93 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE / HUTCHINSON LINERS $507.13 • HOMAN, DIANE REFUND - CANCEL SWIM LESSONS $10.50 HUTCH CONVENTION & JULY LODGING TAX $6,445.70 HUTCH COOP CENEX FUEL $307.74 HUTCH MEDICAL CENTER BLOOD TESTS $33.00 HUTCH PLBG & HTG CO REPLACE WATER LINE $220.63 HUTCHINSON CELLULAR CELL PHONE REPAIR $50.00 HUTCHINSON TEL CO AUG SERVICE $455.27 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES JULY GAS & ELEC $10,611.17 INK SPOTS RECEIPT BOOKS $329.45 INTOXIMETERS INC MOUTHPIECES $127.97 JAHNKE, SANDY REFUND - CANCEL SWIM LESSONS $26.00 JEFF'S ELECTRIC SCOREBOARD REPAIR $172.58 JENSEN &, NEIL J. SEPTEMBER PAYMENT $230.00 JESSEN, GAIL REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED $12.00 JOES SPORT SHOP RIBBONS, TROPHIES $1,037.60 K MART FILM $59.60 KARSTENS, GERALD & ILA SR TOUR REFUND $80.00 KASTENS, FLOYD REFUND- CANCEL FIELD RESERV $10.00 KELLY, LEROY UMPIRE GAMES $64.00 KLAUSTERMEIER, BERYL SR TOUR REFUND $20.00 KOLLER, MARION SR TOUR REFUND $36.00 KUIKEN, HARRIET SR TOUR REFUND 40.00 L & P SUPPLY CO LINE 26.19 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES DEDUCTIBLE PAYMENT $25,047.68 LEMKE, DONNA SR TOUR REFUND $20.00 LINDER, NIKI SKATING INSTRUCTOR $77.00 LOGIS JULY SERVICE $6,520.06 MANKATO MOBILE RADIO ANNUAL MAINT ON RADIOS $6,041.04 MARCO BUS.PRODUCTS TONER $138.45 MCGARVEY COFFEE INC COFFEE $143.89 MCLEOD COUNTY - SHERIFF'S OFFI SAFE & SOBER GRANT ,5819.52 MCLEOD COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES REIMB -CLASS CANCELLED $25.00 MDRA MAPS $80.00 MID -MN HOT MIX INC A WEAR, FINES $404.99 MINNESOTA ASSOC OF CEMETERIES REG -FLOYD GROEHLER $95.00 MN DEPT OF REVENUE BOOK $0.56 MN SPORTS FEDERATION DONATION PER CONTRACT 100.00 • MODERN MAZDA TOW HONDA CIVIC 102.24 MORE 4 LAUNDRY SOAP 42.65 NELSON, RUTH SR TOUR REFUND 40.00 NEMITZ, LILLIAN SR TOUR REFUND $120.00 NO STATES SUPPLY INC CABLE TIES, CLIPS, WASHERS $58.40 OTTO, LYLA SR TOUR REFUND $24.50 PEARCE, LORRAINE REFUND SR ACTIVITY FEE $4.50 PETERSON BUS SERVICE 3 COACH TOURS $1,115.00 PIEHL, HELEN SR TOUR REFUND $40.00 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM PLS ONLINE 2000 PROJECT $6,985.00 PIZZA HUT PIZZAS, POP $72.41 PIZZA HUT OF AMERICA INC 12 PIZZAS $89.46 POPP, GAIL SR TOUR REFUND $40.00 PRO MAINTENANCE CARPET CLEANING $50.27 QUADE ELECTRIC F32T8/TL735 $264.97 R &R SPECIALTIES INC ICE BLADE GRIND $108.50 RDO EQUIPMENT WINDOW SET $2,473.00 REINER, MAUREEN SR TOUR REFUND $4.50 RIDER BENNETT EGAN & ARUNDEL EXPENSES $7.42 SEVEN WEST WASH & DRY LAUNDRY $8.79 SHOPKO CLEANER, BATTERIES, PINE SOL $342.22 STANDARD PRINTING AUGUST NEWSLETTER $234.30 STARKE, RANDY UMPIRE GAMES $32.00 STURGES, MARGARET SR ACTIVITY FEE REFUND $4.50 THOVSON, ERIC GAMES UMPIRED $336.00 TOPEREZER, DENISE REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED $12.00 TRANSICARD AMOCO CARD PAYMENT $17.00 TRIPLE G DISTRIBUTING INC POP $36.00 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY ATHLETIC BAGS $458.58 TWO WAY COMM INC CELL PHONE, CONNECTOR $339.03 UNITED BLDG CENTERS TRIM NAILS $517.52 US CAVALRY SHORTS $32.90 • US POSTAL SERVICE VIKING COCA COLA NEWSLETTER POSTAGE POP $305.00 $268.25 WA' - MART SURF LAUNDRY, SOAP $162.42 WENDLING, ROSS BASEBALL INVENTORY $19.25 OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT --------------------------------------------- GENERAL FUND WINZER CORP • R, MILDRED XEROX XEAOX --------------------------- HDWE, ADHESIVE SR TOUR REFUND COPIER LEASE -JUNE 26- AUG- 1997page 3 --------------- --------- $254.42 $40.00 $985.00 $107,236.23* HUTCH TRANS FAC. ALLIED SERVICES OF HUTCHINSON LABOR, MATERIALS -AIR EXCHANGER $326.93 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS HP SYSTEM, MOUSE PAD $1,319.54 ED PHILLIPS & SONS CO. COAST TO COAST KEY $44.13 AUG LIQUOR PURCHASE SCHMELING OIL CO DIESEL FUEL $5,039.55 UNITED BLDG CENTERS ANCHORS, PN PH SMS $1.60 LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIST. INC < > 6,731.75* JULY & AUG FREIGHT LIQUOR STORE CITIES COMMUNICATIONS INC SUPPLIES, LABOR -FIBER CABLE DIAMOND CLEAR ICE PARTY PAX ED PHILLIPS & SONS CO. AUG LIQUOR PURCHASE GRIGGS COOPER & CO AUG LIQUOR PURCHASE HUTCH MEDICAL CENTER EXAMS JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. AUG WINE PURCHASE LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIST. INC AUG BEER PURCHASE LEO'S TRANSFER JULY & AUG FREIGHT LOCHER BROS INC AUG BEER PURCHASE LOGIS JULY SERVICE LUNDHOLM, LORI CLEAN WINDOWS PINNACLE DISTRIB AUG PURCHASE QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. AUG WINE PURCHASE TRIPLE G DISTRIBUTING INC AUG BEER PURCHASE WINE COMPANY, THE AUG WINE PURCHASE RURAL F. D. CITY OF HUTCHINSON JULY FUEL WATER /SEWER FUND B.A. LIESCH ASSOCIATES PROFESS SERV - COMPOST APPLIC BETKER, PAUL REFUND- DOUBLE PYMT CAMERA SHOP DEVELOP & PRINT • CELLULAR 2000 CITY OF HUTCHINSON AUG SERVICE JULY FUEL COAST TO COAST HDWE, TAPE, BATTERIES D.P.C.IND.INC CHLORINE GRAHAM, MARION REIMB- MEALS, LODGING, GAS HILLYARD FLOOR CARE /HUTCHINSON SLIM JIM, TOP HUTCHINSON UTILITIES JULY ELEC ISAKSON, CHUCK REFUND DOUBLE PYMT -WATER BILL JOHNSON, DOUG L. REIMB- MEALS, MILEAGE, LODGING JONNY'S RESTAURANT LUNCH MEETING K MART LABTEC KOHN, SUE REIMB- MEALS, MILEAGE -USER MTG LANZ, JERRY REIMB- LODGING, MEALS, MILEAGE LOGIS JULY SERVICE NALCO CHEMICAL CO. WATER STABI US FILTER /WATERPRO METERS USA WASTE SERVICES INC MAY 30 LOAD $912.48 $58.50 $4,573.99 $22,908.21 $182.00 $18,496.81 $8,311.25 $1,270.56 $26,826.59 $578.41 $42.60 $1,531.40 $94.05 $36,359.10 $668.87 $122,814.82* $102.74 $102.74* $195.00 $78.51 $5.63 $44.36 $663.98 $833.61 $496.10 $31.16 $35.41 $390.08 $70.63 $310.47 $30.00 $42.59 $43.40 $258.90 $2,373.69 $5,327.66 $4,270.45 $4,861.36 $20,362.99* $282,749.23* WIRE TRANSFERS H.A.T.S FUND MN Dept of Revenue - Special Fuel Tax LIQUOR FUND MN Dept of Revenue -June Liquor Tax MN Dept of Revenue -July Liquor Tax 5143W 4,876.00 20,720.00 ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE PROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP DAVID B. ARNOLD' STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON LAURA K. FRETLAND PAUL D. DOVE ** JANE VAN VALKENBURG RICHARD G. McGEE CATHRYN D. REHER WALTER P. MICHELS, III 'ALSO ADMITTED IN TC% S AXO n ro Frc ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 -2563 (320) 567-7 57 5 FAX (320) 587 -4096 RESIDENT ATTORNEY G. BARRY ANDERSON August 8, 1997 Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street S.E. Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Cable TV Issues Our File No. 3244 -94054 Dear Gary: ii 2 Mll nuILh D OF COUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN TERRI A. SLOMFELT 5681 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545 -9000 FAX (612) 545 -1793 FAX (612) 542 -9210 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389 -2214 FAX (612) 389 -5506 FOR YOUR INFORMATION I am enclosing herewith a copy of correspondence from Robert T Vose which should be included in the next Council packet. I do want to bring to the Council's attention that I have heard from several individuals that there is "talk" of Triax beginning its improvement process. As of the date of this dictation, Thursday, August 7, 1997, I have seen no indication that a building permit has been applied for, or that an excavation permit has been applied for, or that there is any actual construction beginning. If you have any questions in connection with any of the foregoing, please advise. Very truly yours, ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE, PLLP G. Barry Anderson GBA:lm Enclosure 0 CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION — CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION August 5, 1997 Mr. G. Barry Anderson, Esq. Arnold, Anderson & Dove 101 Park Place Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 Re: City of Hutchinson - System Upgrade; Franchise Compliance Dear Barry Tom Creighton and I met with Ms. Jane Bremer last week and the issue of the Hutchinson rebuild came up. Jane assured me that construction would be undertaken this season and that the rebuild would be completed in a timely fashion. Jane also indicated that she would formally respond to my letter of May 29, 1997, which was copied to you, in which I indicate that the City is very concerned that the upgrade be timely completed. I will forward her response upon receipt. I also let Jane know that I had attended a recent City Council meeting to discuss the City's remedies in the event of franchise violations. Jane seemed keenly interested in this information and I expect that her responsive letter will be forthcoming in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Yours truly, BERNICK AND LIFFSON,, P.A. Robert J. V. Vose RJVV:smp C: TABMHUTCHINSIANDERSON.904 is BERNICK AND LIFSON A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW NEAL J. SHAPIRO SUITE 1200, THE COLONNADE TAL50 ADMITTED IN WISCON51N SAUL A. BERNICK' ALSO CERTIFIED PDBLIC ACCOVNTANT $900 WAYZATA BOULEVARD THOMAS D. CREIGHTON MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416-1270 SCOTT A. LIFSON LEGAL ASSISTANT DAVID K. NIGHTINGALE' TELEPHONE 16121 546 -1200 KATHRYN G. MA5TERMAN PAUL J. OUA$T' FACSIMILE 16121 54E -1003 R09ERT J. V. VOSE August 5, 1997 Mr. G. Barry Anderson, Esq. Arnold, Anderson & Dove 101 Park Place Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 Re: City of Hutchinson - System Upgrade; Franchise Compliance Dear Barry Tom Creighton and I met with Ms. Jane Bremer last week and the issue of the Hutchinson rebuild came up. Jane assured me that construction would be undertaken this season and that the rebuild would be completed in a timely fashion. Jane also indicated that she would formally respond to my letter of May 29, 1997, which was copied to you, in which I indicate that the City is very concerned that the upgrade be timely completed. I will forward her response upon receipt. I also let Jane know that I had attended a recent City Council meeting to discuss the City's remedies in the event of franchise violations. Jane seemed keenly interested in this information and I expect that her responsive letter will be forthcoming in the near future. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Yours truly, BERNICK AND LIFFSON,, P.A. Robert J. V. Vose RJVV:smp C: TABMHUTCHINSIANDERSON.904 is EDR YOUR INFORMATION • DAVID B. ARNOLD' STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON LAURA K. FRETLAND PAUL D. DOVE ** JANE VAN VALKENBURG RICHARD G. McGEE CATHRYN D. REHER WALTER P. MICHELS, III 'ALSO ADMITTED IN TExA AND New Yo RM ARNOLD. ANDERSON & DOVE ?ROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 -2563 (320) 587 -7575 FAX (320) 587 -4096 RESIDENT ATTORNEY r�=nI i — 2 11��b4 ]�I August 18, 1997 OF CCUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN TERRI A. BLOMFELT 5861 CCOAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545 -9000 FAX (612) 545 -1793 - FAX (612) 542 -9210 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389 -2214 FAX (612) 389 -5506 Mr. Michael Ribich 1350 Campbell Lane N.W. Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Initiative, Referendum & Recall Provisions Dear Mike: • You called our office, as City attorneys for the City of Hutchinson, with regard to certain issues involving initiative and referendum. Section 5.02 provides "an initiative, referendum or recall, shall be initiated by a petition signed by registered voters of the City equal in number to twenty percent (20%) of those who voted for mayor in the last preceding city election. Each petition shall be sponsored by a committee of five (5) registered voters whose names and addresses shall appear on the petition." I am enclosing a copy of Chapter 5 of the City Charter which should help you understand some of these provisions. You raised a question of whether or not it was still timely to get a petition or initiative on the fall ballot. It is possible that an initiative filed with the City Council at this point, if the Council takes the full sixty (60) days allowed for by Section 5.06 might not make the fall ballot in which case, if the measure otherwise qualifies, a special election must be held. The question of when the election will be held is a policy decision to be made by the Council within the perimeters set by the Charter. I do want to bring to your attention that as to initiatives there are some limitations which provide that initiatives are not appropriate as to any ordinance "relating to the budget or capital program, the appropriation of money, the levy of taxes or the salaries of city officers or employees." Thus, if your intent is to commence an initiative relating to mail ballots and that initiative is not otherwise prohibited by State law, a subject about which I express no opinion presently, then, in that event, such an initiative if it is otherwise procedural correct, would appear to be legal. CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION — CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Mr. Michael Ribich August 18, 1997 Page 2 In any event, please find enclosed pages 7 and 8 of the Hutchinson City Charter which you should review carefully in terms of preparing your petitions and related matters. Thank you._ Best regards. VE, PLLP i 0 Enclosure CC Honorable Marlin Torgerson Gary Plotz HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE ComparMWe Balance Sheet As of July 31, 1997 ASSETS Current Assets 1 Cal A and Investments - Operations, 2 Cash and Investments - SaO- insu 3 Subtotal cash 8lnmbrlents 4 Patlent,Resldent receivables 5 Allowantea for bad debts 0 Advances and contractual allowances 7 Net patlenbresldent and third -party s payor receivables 9 10 Other receivables - net 11 Inventories 12 Prepaid expernes 13 Total Current Assets 14 Board Desl9naledTunded Degredetio n Inves 15 Imrestnent N Joint Ventures (B) Plaid Assets 16 Land 17 Buildings 18 Accrarallated depredation 19 Busdlnpa Was depredation 20 Equlgnenl 21 Aodsnrrlaled depredation 22 Equipment less depredation 23 Cashrmnstnldbn & equipment 24 Constmc6m In progress 25 Total Plant Assets $3,956,477 Other Assets 26 Deferred 8nandng costs 27 Total Funds (A) 8,804,576 (B) (A) -(B) ' JULY JUNE JULY Charge 1997 1997 1998 CY"PY 541,261 656,751 757,640 (226,378) $2,908,822 $2,510,207 $3,443,655 (534,833) 1,047,654 1,077.642 1,098,346 (50,692) $3,956,477 $3,587,850 $4,542,001 (585.524) 8,760,083 8,804,576 6,103,217 656,866 (1,087,479) (1,103,338) (661 93() (228.541) (2,007,280) (1957,273) (1,549.504) (457.776) 541,261 656,751 757,640 (226,378) $3665,324 $3,743,966 $3,891,775 ($26,450) 5,990 7,177 109,418 (103,429) 460,272 428,827 493,568 (33,298) 62,293 94,376 27,064 35,229 $8,150,356 $7,660,196 $8,883,826 ($713,470) $6,1511,574 $6,109,085 $4,727,251 $1,431,323 $10804 3108,984 $100,000 $0,984 $165,698 $165,696 $165,695 $0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION (A) JULY LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Current Liabilities Current meturl8es of Log term debt Accounts payable - trade Estirnalad contractual settlements net Accrued expenses - Salarles PTO Interest Self- Insured programs MN Care tax payable Deferred Rablitles Deferred revenue Total Current Llablaees 16,132,365 18,104,719 17,718923 415,441 , (6,683.076) (6,625 612) (8 002 068) (681,068) Long -term Debt (less current $11.449.288 $11,479,107 $11.714,915 ($265,827) maturMlee) 9,798,919 9,753,098 8,898,846 900,073 (6,854,223) (6,820,029) (0 (701 $2,944,699 $2,933,088 $2,745,740 $198,955 9 0 0 0 381,623 328,236 168,746 212.877 $14,941,303 , $14,904,108 $14,795.098 $148,205 Fund balance $232,471 $234,280 $280,099 ($27,628) $29.591,687 $29,218,652 $28.746,273 $ 9 4 5,414 Total Funds JUNE 1997 8 34 PM � 12:34 PM Final (B) (A) {B) JULY Charge 1996 CY vs PY $520,707 $520,596 $507,145 (966,436) 1,446,524 1.330,040 1,045,515 401,000 1,043.781 1.095,261 1,288,476 (244,715) 507,838 394,556 437,605 70,153 071,453 929,908 812,755 04,698 412,979 334,312 412,960 20 541,261 656,751 757,640 (226,378) 60,437 64,123 79,801 (19,444) 51,230 51,230 77,246 (26,016) 12,456 3,678 0 12,456 $5.474,646 $5,280,462 $5,509,303 ($34,657) $11,829.777 $11,829,0B7 $12,87a,118 ($1.046,642) $12,287,264 $12,107,123 $10,3511,551 $1,928,713 $29.591,6111 $29,216,652 $28 ,746,27 3 $ 045,414 Ffrletnad Pam I armn 30 Parent days 31 Resident days 32 Out patient services 33 Percent ocagancy - budget beds - HGspkal 34 Percent oxngancy-budget beds - Nur6Fg Home 35 FTE's 36 Admissions (a*steM - I-Implal only 37 BTensea (nep per adn slon (ar$usted) - Hospital only 3a Revenue Per admission (adjueled) - Hosp@d only 39 Net Revenue per a*rbW n (ad)usteM - Hospital only 40 Dleenunb as a percent of revenues 41 FTE's per 100 admissions (ed)us%M - Hospital only 42 Days in Net Accounts; Receivable 43 Case Mbn - Home only 44 Case nth- Hospital PanfV§Krn HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE Statement of Revenues and Hgenses MonM and Period Ended July 31, 1997 CURRENTMONTH Revenue 1 • In patient revenue 2 Aticlisary serNces 3 Total N patient revenue 4 Out patent revenue 5 Resident Revenue e Total patlentoresldet revenue (18.41412) Dlsmunts 7 Governmental 8 POUcy DWmnt 8 Free Care 9 Total deduction from revenue 10 Net patierMesldent revenue 11 Other operating revenues 12 Net operating revenue $3,524.791 Expenses 13 Salaries 14 Employee Bane% 15 Professional Fees 16 Medical Fees 17 Unities, Mince Contiacls 8 Repairs 18 Food, Drugs It Supplies 19 Ober expense 20 Minnesota Care 21 Bad debt 22 Interest 23 Depreciation 24 Total expenses $15,766,950 Excess of nct operalep revenue 25 over (under) operaft expenses $14,748,227 Nonoperating Revenues 29 Investrnerl 0lcorne 27 Other nonopendirg revenue (net) 28 Total noo0pera8np revenue 29 Net Income 30 Parent days 31 Resident days 32 Out patient services 33 Percent ocagancy - budget beds - HGspkal 34 Percent oxngancy-budget beds - Nur6Fg Home 35 FTE's 36 Admissions (a*steM - I-Implal only 37 BTensea (nep per adn slon (ar$usted) - Hospital only 3a Revenue Per admission (adjueled) - Hosp@d only 39 Net Revenue per a*rbW n (ad)usteM - Hospital only 40 Dleenunb as a percent of revenues 41 FTE's per 100 admissions (ed)us%M - Hospital only 42 Days in Net Accounts; Receivable 43 Case Mbn - Home only 44 Case nth- Hospital PanfV§Krn HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE Statement of Revenues and Hgenses MonM and Period Ended July 31, 1997 CURRENTMONTH YEAR- TO-OATE VARIANCE % Over (Under) Budget Actual Budget Dolars Pemm 1487,304 $519.933 ($32,829) -03% ' 798,590 817,031 (18.41412) .2.3% $1.205,894 $1,336,964 ($51,070) -38% 1,813J17 1864022 279,205 170% 395,e70 398,081 (411) -0.1% $3,524.791 17,297,067 $227,723 6.9 6 . YEAR- TO-OATE 8119197 .:38 PM I" YEAR -TO -DATE VARIANCE % Ova (Under) Budget 1997 vs 1900 Actual Budget Dolan Percent $3.715.374 $3,963,096 (6247,692) -8.3% 5,688,808 6,125,757 (438949) -7.2-1. $9,402,182 $10,088,823 (5688,841) -0.8% 11,961,308 11.420,508 540,798 4.7% 2,664,843 2,709,122 (44,279) -16% $24,028,331 $24,218,453 (6190,122) -0.8% 8119197 .:38 PM I" YEAR -TO -DATE 1,139,807 VARIANCE % Jul -96 1997 vs 1900 $3,437,482 8.1% 5,133,203 10.8% $8,570,885 9.7% 10,080,263 18.7% 2,594.446 2.7% $21,245,394 13.1% 1,139,807 1,126,435 13,372 1.2% 8,350,538 6,346,842 3,696 00% 6,582,828 26.9% 0 8,333 (8,333) - 100.0% _ 4.805 58,333 t53,528) - 91.8% 10,466 -542% $1.139,607 $1,134,768 $5,038 04% _ $8,355,343 16,405,175 ($49,832) -91 -7% $0,593,314 26.7% $2,384.904 $2,162,299 $222,665 10.3% $15,672,988 $15,613,278 ($140,290) 49 6 . $14,652,060 7,0% 12,933 13,992 (1,059) -76% 93,962 97,942 (3979) -4, 1% 98,147 -2.3% $2,397,917 $2,176,291 $221,628 10.2% $15,766,950 $15,911,219 ($144269) -0.9% $14,748,227 6,9% $1,020,029 $997,945 $22,081 2.2% 229,850 208,669 21,181 10.2% 158,867 107,411 51,255 47.7% 131,487 136.641 (5,174) -3.8% 132,299 122,399 9.901 8.1% 333,728 294,931 38,797 13.2% 70,207 83,763 (13,556) -182% 20,235 23.083 (2,848) -12.3% 23.543 33,631 (10,088) -30.0% 58,235 91,275 (3,040) -5.0% _ 113,331 126,520 (13,189) -10.4% $2,291,591 $2,196,269 $95,322 4.3% $7,134,922 $7,237,276 (1102,354) -1.4% 1,511,127 1,512,857 (1,730) 41% 854,194 828,585 25.609 3.1% 087,313 977,793 9,521 1.0% 765,348 921,495 (56,146) -0.8% 2.120,317 2,118,141 8,178 0,4% 534,024 598,520 (64,490) -101% 147,341 161,581 (14,240) 46% 207,731 247,445 (39,714) -18.0% 454,383 434,296 20,006 4.6% _ 714,591 786,443 (11,851) .1.5% $15,497,290 $15,724,430 (1227,140) -1.4% $8,573,264 8.5% 1,419,625 6.4% 684,833 24.7% 779,653 26.6% 673,536 13.5% 1,883,032 12.9% 488,833 9.7% 124,871 18.0% 222,333 -8.6% 450,816 0,8% 774,291 0.0% $14,072,887 10,1% 1108,325 ($19,979) $126,304 - 832.2% $269,660 $188769 $82,871 44,4% $675.340 -60 -1% 469,794 $37,463 $32,331 80.3% $321,620 $202,242 $59.379 226% $174,261 8415% (2,123) (3,499) 1,376 -39,3% (17,909) (25,052) 7,153 -26.5% (61,823) -71.0% $67,670 $33,964 $33,708 99.2% $303,712 $237,180 $68,532 28.1% $112,438 170,1% $173,996 $ 13,986 $ 160,010 1144 $573,37 $423,969 $ 149,403 35. $ 787,778 -27,2% 699 645 54 8,4% 5,307 5,155 152 29 1 /6 5,226 1.5% 3,748 3,780 (32) -0.8% 25,797 25,848 (51) -0,2% 28,035 -0.9% 4,001 3,875 126 3.3% 29,488 27,288 2,202 6.1% 27,048 9.0% 37.6% 347% 2.9% 84% 41.7% 40,5% 1.2% 3.0% 40.9% 2.0% 95.2% 98.0% -0.8% -0-08% 95 8% 1 96.0% -0.2% -02% 96.2% -0.4% 392.6 379,4 13.2 3.5% 382,9 379A 3.5 0.9% 362.3 6.7% 417 414 2a 7.0% 3,209 3.010 199 6.6% 3,012 b.e% 4,075 4,173 (a8) -2.3% 3,794 4,129 (335) 4.1% 3,832 4.5% 6,913 6,855 57 0.6% 6,525 7,001 (477) -6.8% 6,057 71% 4,404 4,175 228 5.5% 3,973 4,206 (293) -0.9% 3,915 1.5% 32.3% 34,4% -2.1% -0.0% 34.8% 34.7% 0.1% 0.2% 31.0% 12.0% 5.0 5.2 -0.2 -4.1% 47 6.0 -03 -0A% 4.7 -1.1% 48.2 55.0 -0.8 - 12.4% 60.9 -5.3% 2.47 2.40 0.07 2.9% 2.44 2.40 0,04 1.7% 2.44 0.0% 0.89 0 0.85 •