cp09-23-1997 c• 0 SEPTEMBER 1997 SUNDAY I MONDAY -21- -22- TUESDAY -23- HUTCHINSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF September 21 to September 27 9:00 am.- Directors Budget Meeting 4:30 p.m. - Library Board Meeting at Library 4:30 p.m. - City Council Workshop re. "The Meadows" Develop- ment in City Center Main Conference Room 5:30 p.m. - City Council Meeting in Council Chambers WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY -24- -25- -26- Lary Huhn (C) -27- 10:00 a.m. - Directors Meeting in Staff Conference Room 5:30 p.m. - Tree Board Meeting at Marquette Bank Conference Room CONFERENCE /SEMINAR/ VACATION 9/23 -26 Randy DeVries (C) 9/23 -26 Dick Nagy (C) 9/23 -25 Lary Huhn (C) C = Conference S = Seminar V = Vacation 0 71 " AJ4 o eo n E �7c�✓ ,S E.• ,�� -- �v �s n.v c �1 lr/o�c�rs,s�.oP Rc��.e.c C- , /vlrn .v� SLAT ?3, / 9 7 . — ! S mot/ o u� B i4—T 'Y• 3c7 S-E Ao �c/ � � 0 43 e T LL 4 /��Do �✓s !�c>7ic�r��.y��✓T' 7 Sacpr MA 0 0 AGENDA • REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 • l ; i .' u • • Y •► PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES: ► LINDA MARTIN ► JAMES MILLS ulllu 11►1 MINUTES OF AUGUST 12, 1997, AUGUST 26, 1997, SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 AND SEPTEMBER 19, 1997; BID OPENINGS OF JULY 29, 1997, JULY 29, 1997 AND SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 Action - Approve as presented - approve as amended 4. CONSENT AGENDA • (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - AUGUST 1997 2. FINANCIAL/INVESTMENT REPORT - AUGUST 1997 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 19, 1997 4. PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF AUGUST 7, 1997 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 97 -208 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 7.07, SUBD. 5(A) ENTITLED "PLACING SNOW OR ICE IN A ROADWAY OR ON A SIDEWALK" BY ADDING LANGUAGE AND BY ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS (SET SECOND READING AND ADOPT) (c) DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS (d) PRELIMINARY PLAT KNOWN AS' TIED MEADOWS" LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF COURSE ROAD NW REQUESTED BY SCOTT AND BART BRADFORD, JBS INC. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10903) CITY COUNCII. AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 • (e) REZONE PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE PLATTED'"I'HE MEADOWS" FROM R -1 TO R -2 REQUESTED BY SCOTT BRADFORD, JBS INC. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AND SET SECOND READING FOR OCTOBER 14, 1997) (f) PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT /CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JBS TO CONSTRUCT 19 TWIN HOME BUILDINGS IN R -2 DISTRICT LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF COURSE ROAD NW ( "THE MEADOWS ") WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10904) (g) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR TWO POLE -TYPE BUILDINGS AND ADDITION TO OFFICE AND MANUFACTURING BUILDING REQUESTED BY HUTCH MANUFACTURING WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10905) (h) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO MOVE IN 22'X 24' TWO CARGARAGE LOCATED AT 441 MONROE STREET REQUESTED BY JASON STURGES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10906) (1) BUILDING ON HIGH SCHOOL PROPERTY REQUESTED BY INDEPENDENT • SCHOOL DISTRICT '#423 WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10907) (j) REZONING FROM C-4 TO UC PORTIONS OF TEMPLIN AND BRANDON PROPERTIES LOCATED NORTH OF HWY. 7 WEST REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSONPLANNING STAFF WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AND SET SECOND READING FOR OCTOBER 14, 1997) (k) AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 8.18, SUBD. 2, REGARDING FLOOD INSURANCE AND BOUNDARY MAP DATES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AND SET SECOND READING FOR OCTOBER 14, 1997) (1) VARIANCE TO REDUCE AVERAGE SETBACK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING LOCATED AT 441 MAIN STREET N. REQUESTED BY GARY DOBMEIER, MAILBOXES INC. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10908) • 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 (m) LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY JAY BEYTIEN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 740 AND 730 HARMONY LANE WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (n) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY CRAIG REINER TO CONTINUE GRAVEL MINING OPERATION IN ACOMA TOWNSHIP (URBAN BOUNDARY DISTRICT) WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Action - Motion to approve consent agenda 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 6:00 P.M. (a) LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO. 97 -25, 97-27,97-30,97-31; ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and adopt Resolution(s) 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) PRESENTATION BY HCDC ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY • Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize financial analysis for future report (b) PRESENTATION BY FINANCE DIRECTOR REGARDING LEVY LIMITS AND TAX IMPACT Action - (a) UPDATE ON FLOOD ASSISTANCE GRANT APPLICATION BY DIRECTOR JIM MARKA Action - (b) MAIL BALLOT REFERENDUM PROPOSAL BY MICHAEL RIBICH AND MICHAEL CAMPA, REPRESENTING "PEOPLE ADVOCATING RESPONSIBLE TAXATION" (DEFERRED SEPTEMBER 9, 1997) Action - 8. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO MANAGE WATER DRAINAGE PROBLEMS AT BURNS MANOR NURSING HOME Action - • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 • (b) CONSIDERATION OF CITY CHARTER CHANGES REGARDING PETITIONS ( SECTION 5.02) AND INITIATIVE (SECTION 5.06) BY MICHAEL RIBICH AND MICHAEL CAMPA, REPRESENTING "PEOPLE ADVOCATING RESPONSIBLE TAXATION" Action - (c) CONSIDERATION OF LUCE LINE TRAIL ISSUE Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve acquisition of 20' of railroad right -of -way 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 1 �!._ ' ' t 1 ' .C..:. _ . 1 �. JII 93 DUI \� (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds • 1 1 �l.lul • • 4 MINUTES • REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Torgerson. Present: Mayor Marlin Torgerson, Council Members John Mlinar, Kay Peterson and Don Erickson. Absent: Council Member Bill Craig. Also present: Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill, City Engineer John Rodeberg and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. 2. The invocation was given by the Reverend Max Myers. 3. MINUTES -- None 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF MAY 19, 1997 2. HUTCHINSON LIGHT TRAFFIC ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JUNE 2, 1997 AND JULY 21, 1997 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 10872 -RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES • 2. RESOLUTION NO. 10873 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBSTITUTION OF PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO., HUTCHINSON, MN 3. RESOLUTION NO. 10851 - RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT, LETTING NO. I I/PROJECT NO. 97 -29 4. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -201 - AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO INCLUDE CERTAIN LAND OWNED BY MAE A. JENSEN AND JULIE M. JENSEN TO AND ABUTTING THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 414.033, SUBDIVISION 2(2) , 2(B) (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 5. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -202 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 1, CAMPBELL LAKE ADDITION (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 6. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -203 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO AL AND VIRGINIA KRAMER AND ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99, WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) (c) EXTENSION OF THREE YEAR CONTRACT WITH CITY AUDITING FIRM, • ABDO ABDO EICK & MEYERS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 12, 1997 (d) GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE FOR HUTCHINSON HOCKEY ASSOCIATION • AT JONNY'S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Mlinar, to approve the consent agenda. Motion unanimously carried. U 17- rl s : l► � 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) UPDATE ON OSGOOD/HAYDEN PROJECT BY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Rodeberg reported that general contractor Bauerly Bros. Inc. is working on the paving improvements for the Osgood/Hayden project. Repairs will be made to substandard areas of the first coat of asphalt, and the final layer may be completed by next month. (b) STAFF COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING STATUS OF ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR POSITION It was reported that John Olson has been hired for the position of Assistant Public Works Director. He will begin work on September 2, 1997, taking over many of Doug Meier's previous responsibilities at the HATS Facility. STATUS OF TRANSPORTATION PLAN AND OPEN HOUSE • Rodeberg noted that the transportation plan has been completed, and an open house will be scheduled. He will keep the Council updated. DISCUSSION OF CITY STAFF STATUS AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIR The City Enjoncer stated that issues in the past concerned compensation for different entities involved in the McLeod County Fair. While other groups have been paid, the City crew has done voluntary work. However, this year City workers will be paid for work performed. Rodeberg reported that there will be a meeting after the Fair is over to discuss costs involved. (c) PRESENTATION REGARDING REFERENDUM PROPOSAL BY MICHAEL RIBICH AND MICHAEL CA M PA, REPRESENTING `PEOPLE ADVOCATING RESPONSIBLE TAXATION" Messrs. Ribich and Campa explained the need for a public citizen advocacy group and its purpose. They then presented two resolutions for consideration by the Council. The first resolution would require mail ballots for future referendums. The second resolution would place a cap on the size of City supported infrastructure and economic development projects that could be considered without direct voter approval. Following discussion, motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to defer further action until the August 26, 1997 City Council meeting. Motion unanimously carried. • 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 12, 1997 • 1 \1 1►I.....1 � 1 \I.. • (a) CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING PROCEDURAL GUIDE FOR ADAMS STREET NEIGHBORHOOD REHABILITATION PROJECT Motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Mlinar, to approve the procedural guide and adopt Resolution No. 10874. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF 1998 MEMBERSHIP IN COALITION OF GREATER MINNESOTA CITIES Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to consider 1999 membership. Motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF BUS PURCHASE FOR USE AS TACTICAL OPERATIONS CENTER IN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Police Chief Madson recommended the purchase and renovation of a 1989 Ford El Dorado bus at a total project cost of $16,304.37. Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Peterson, to approve the bus purchase and renovation for a tactical operations center. Motion unanimously carried. • (d) CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL PAVING FOR CEMETERY Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to approve the additional funding to increase the amount to $13,000.00 for 1997 cemetery paving. Motion unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF PROPERTY ACQUISITION FOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FIFTH AVENUE SE BRIDGE AND ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS (LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 97 -08) NORTH - CENTRAL TRUNK SANITARY SEWER Rodeberg reported that it was necessary to have the purchase options in place prior to moving forward with the bridge project. He noted that a public hearing would also be required for the City to acquire property. The City Engineer stated that the acquisition of needed easements for the future construction of the North - Central trunk sanitary sewer would cost approximately $3,200.00. Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Peterson, to approve proceeding with the two projects and to adopt Resolutions No. 10875 and No. 10876 setting a public hearing for August 26, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. Motion unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS SECOND ADDITION (SCENIC • HEIGHTS INVESTMENTS) (LETTING NO. I O/PROJECT NO. 97 -28) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 12, 1997 • Developer Bill Gilk reported that Island View Heights Second Addition would be built in two phases. He expressed concern regarding the cost of the storm sewer to be installed and requested deferral on assessments. Also, he wondered if engineering and other costs could be reduced to make the project feasible. Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to defer action on the subdivision agreement until after the bids are opened and awarded to determine actual project cost; then City staff should come back to the City Council with a recommendation. Motion unanimously carried. Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to waive readings and adopt Resolutions No. 10877 - No. 10880. Motion unanimously carried. (g) DISCUSSION OF ADOPTING "MODEL RIGHT -OF -WAY ORDINANCE" Rodeberg reported that the "Model Right -of -Way Ordinance" presented to the City Council was prepared jointly by the Minnesota City Engineers' Association and the League of Minnesota Cities. City staff will be working with Hutchinson Utilities and Hutchinson Telephone Company to revise the ordinance to meet community The be distributed to the City Council later date. needs. revised ordinance will at a (h) CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR BUDGET DISCUSSION ON AUGUST 26, 1997 AT 4:00 P.M. Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Erickson, to approve a budget workshop on August 26, 1997 at 4:00 p.m. Motion unanimously carried. • (i) CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING COMMISSION TO RETURN TO SEVEN MEMBER BOARD Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Peterson, to approve a seven member board and to waive first reading of Ordinance No. 97 -204 and set second reading for August 26, 1997. Motion unanimously carried. 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATION FROM CITY ATTORNEY The City Attorney stated that Triax Cable has filed a bond with the City and will begin fiber optics construction in September. (b) COMMUNICATION FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Rodeberg commented on the need for a four -way stop at Oakland Avenue and Jefferson Street and possibly at the Jefferson Street and Century Avenue intersection. He will submit a Resolution for traffic control at the next City Council meeting. (c) COMMUNICATION FROM MAYOR MARLIN TORGERSON The Mayor reported that a group is working on turning the Miller Woods Park into an "oak savanna." The DNR is covering the majority of the project cost, with the City paying for transportation and maintenance of saws and chains. • 4 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 12, 1997 r1 LJ � ...•.: •►. • • .. (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to approve the claims and authorize payment from appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. • • MINUTES • REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Torgerson. Present: Mayor Marlin Torgerson, Council Members Bill Craig, John Mlinar, Kay Peterson and Don Erickson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer John Rodeberg and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. The invocation was given by the Reverend Don Prewitt. MINUTES -- None 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - JULY 1997 2. FINANCIAL /INVESTMENT REPORT - JULY 1997 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 15, 1997 4. PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JUNE 5, 1997 • 5. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 24, 1997, APRIL 28, 1997 AND JUNE 30, 1997 6. LIGHT TRAFFIC ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JULY 21, 1997, AND AUGUST 11, 1997 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 97-204 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2.51 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE ENTITLED "PLANNING COMMISSION' BY CHANGING CERTAIN LANGUAGE THERETO AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -205 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, ADDING SECTION 8.12 ENTITLED "USE OF BICYCLES, ROLLER OR IN-LINE SKATES AND SKATEBOARDS IN DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT" AND BY ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS (FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 1997) 3. RESOLUTIONS - LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO. 97 -13, 97 -16, 97 -25, 97 -26, 97 -27, 97 -30, 97 -31 • (a) RESOLUTION NO. 10886 - RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT, ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 26, 1997 (b) RESOLUTION NO. 10887 - RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON • PROPOSED ASSESSMENT, ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 4. RESOLUTION NO. 10888 -- RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MnDOT TO PROVIDE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICE 5. RESOLUTION NO. 10889 -- RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (JEFFERSON STREET AT OAKLAND AVENUE AND CENTURY AVENUE) (c) APPOINTMENT OF JOE DRAHOS TO PLANNING COMMISSION (d) APPOINTMENT OF CHUCK DEHLER TO HRA BOARD (e) OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL FOR GARY D. PLOTZ AND LAWRENCE WINTER TO ATTEND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES MIDWEST CONFERENCE IN DES MOINES, IOWA ON SEPTEMBER 14-16,1997 (f) LOCATION CHANGE FOR FARMERS MARKET ON SEPTEMBER 13, 1997 (g) SHORT -TERM GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE FOR HUTCH WRESTLING CLUB INC (h) APPOINTMENTS TO SALES TAX TASK FORCE: ► CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS -- JIM FAHEY • ► HCDC MEMBER -- RICH WESTLUND ► 2 RETAIL OWNERS -- DUANE HOVERSTEN MARK MITTELSTEADT ► MEMBER OF PLANNING COMMISSION -- NONE ► CITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE -- ► CITY STAFF (FACILITATOR) -- ► 5 MEMBERS AT LARGE -- MICHAEL RIBICH -- JUDY SIMONS (i) PERMISSION TO COMMENCE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS REGARDING FIFTH AVENUE BRIDGE 0) DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS (k) GRANT OF EASEMENT TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON BY HUTCHINSON HUSKI LIMITED (1) LOT SPLIT AND REZONING FROM C -2 AND R -2 TO R -3 REQUESTED BY RAY TERSTEEG ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 436 PROSPECT ST. N.E. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 97 -206 AND SET SECOND READING FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 1997) (m) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RAY TERSTEEG TO CONSTRUCT 4-PLEX BUILDING LOCATED IN PROPOSED R -3 DISTRICT AT 436 PROSPECT STREET N.E. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT • 2 CITY COUNCIL MINT ITES - AUGUST 26, 1997 • RESOLUTION NO. 10 881) (n) REZONE PROPERTY FROM C -4 TO I/C LOCATED AT 845 HWY 7 WEST REQUESTED BY OTTO TEMPLIN, E &T CONTRACTING WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 97 -207 AND SET SECOND READING FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 1997) (o) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY OTTO TEMPLIN, E &T CONTRACTING TO CONSTRUCT A 24'X 60' ADDITION ONTO EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED AT 845 HWY 7 WEST WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10882) (p) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY STATE OF MINNESOTA FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 90' RADIO TOWER TO BE LOCATED AT H.A.T.S. FACILITY ON HWY 22 SOUTH WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10883) (q) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MICHAEL OLSON TO CONSTRUCT ADDITION ONTO NON - CONFORMING GARAGE LOCATED AT 15 ' 11TH AVENUE N.E. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10884) (r) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RICK LINDER TO REMOVE • EXISTING NON - CONFORMING GARAGE AND CONSTRUCT A 24'X 28' GARAGE TO BE LOCATED AT 435 FRANKLIN STREET WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 10885) (s) VACATION OF PARK LANE LOCATED IN ROLLING OAKS FOURTH ADDITION REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION (t) VARIANCE REQUESTED BY DOUG INSELMAN TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK TO CONSTRUCT ADDITION ONTO NON - CONFORMING HOUSE LOCATED AT 1010 DALE STREET IN LYNN TOWNSHIP WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (u) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY DARYL LUTHENS TO OPERATE 1,620 ANIMAL UNIT FAMILY DAIRY OPERATION IN SECTION 3 OF HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP WITH NO RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION (v) APPROVAL TO INVEST CITY FUNDS The Mayor requested that item 4 -(h) be deferred to a future date. Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Mlinar, to approve the consent agenda with the exception of items 4-(s) and 4 -(u) and to defer item 4 -(h). Motion • unanimously carried. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 26, 1997 Item 4- (s) - -The Mayor presented a background explanation of the drainage and • utility easement located on Lot 1, Block 1, Campbell Lake Addition. Following discussion, the motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Erickson, to approve the Planning Commission's recommendation not to vacate the existing easement. Motion unanimously carried. Item 4 -(u)- -Craig reported that since the Luthens' property is located in the urban boundary and is under County jurisdiction, the Planning Commission made no recommendation. Following discussion, motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Craig, to approve the no recommendation and support the Planning Commission. Motion unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - 6:00 P.M. (a) LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 97 -08 (FIFTH AVENUE SE) The Mayor called the hearing to order at 6:12 p.m. and read the Notice of Hearing on the proposed improvement located on Fifth Avenue SE. The City Engineer reported there were no assessments for the bridge since it has state aid and federal funding. The roadway will be assessed to benefitted property owners. He then reviewed the costs and area involved. Rodeberg stated the project would be bid in approximately one month and work would begin in 1998. Dick McClure, 945 Fifth Avenue SE, inquired about the footage of his property. He then asked about the difference in the assessment amount listed for Allied Mechanical • and his property. Rodeberg explained that Allied Mechanical had an assessment on Michigan and a 150' credit because it was a comer lot. However, McClure's property had no corner lot credit. Also, there was an irregular lot adjustment for an odd shaped lot. Motion by Erickson, seconded by Craig, to close the hearing at 6:30 p.m. Motion unanimously carried. Motion by Erickson, seconded by Craig, to approve the project and to adopt Resolutions No. 10890 and No. 10891. Motion unanimously carried. 6. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) PRESENTATION BY BUILDING/PLANNING /ZONING DIRECTOR JIM MARKA REGARDING JEFFERSON STREET ANNEXATION AND CONSIDERATION OF FIVE YEAR ANNEXATION STAGING PLAN Director Marka stated that previously the City did not have a five -year annexation plan. Therefore, the Engineering/Planning staff is developing a five year capital outlay program which would forecast annexations and infrastructure improvement projects. He reported there is a 1999 staging plan for the Industrial Park, but staff needs directive from the City Council regarding the Jefferson Street area which is adjacent to the City. During discussion it was the consensus of the Council that there be no cost, or very minimal cost, to the City for the Jefferson Street annexation. 40 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 26, 1997 • Motion was made by Mlinar to approve the proposed plan. There was no second; motion was withdrawn. Motion was made by Craig, seconded by Mlinar, to continue the concept to the next City Council meeting. Motion unanimously carried. (b) PRESENTATION OF FLOOD GRANT UPDATE Director Marka reported that four property owners have volunteered to sell their property under the flood plain buy -out program. Rob Collett, DNR hydrologist, informed the Council that the flood assistance program is designed to remove buildings in the 100 -year flood plain. The City's grant application for $700,000 in state and federal funding could be used to buy up to 14 flood -prone properties in the flood plain east of Adams Street. He discussed the flood plain management and stated applicants would have to follow FEMA and State rules. The DNR would fund 50% of the buy -out, and the Department of Trade and Economic Development might be willing to contribute 50 %, which would amount to 100% funding. After the structure meets the criteria, the money would become available. He suggested that the City remove the homes built prior to the flood plain management. The City Administrator commented on the relocation and inquired if the funding would cover the Federal Relocation Act and the consultant costs. Also, he asked if the City could amend the grant application and resubmit it. • Collett suggested that the City amend its grant application for inclusion of relocation costs and the consultant, as well as to ask for staff help, and resubmit it. The motion was made by Craig, seconded by Erickson, to approve participation in the program with the understanding that the grant application would be amended for proper capture of any benefits that might be available for relocation. Motion unanimously carried. (c) DISCUSSION OF COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN OPEN HOUSE (Council: September 8, 1997, 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Public: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) Following discussion, motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Erickson, to approve the SRF Consulting and MnDOT open house to review the Hutchinson Transportation Study. Motion unanimously carried. (d) DISCUSSION OF STREET LIGHT INSTALLATION STAGING PLAN Rodeberg reported that the Hutchinson Utilities has developed a staging plan for street lights to be installed within the municipality. A map of the actual proposed locations has also been prepared. (e) DISCUSSION OF TRIAX CABLEVISION FIBER OPTIC EXPANSION PLAN It was reported that a ground breaking ceremony was held on August 21, 1997 for Phase H of the Hutchinson rebuild plan. Triax plans to construct the Hybrid Fiber Coaxial "HFC" Plant which includes fiber optic cable construction and amplifier • cascade reduction. This addition is intended to allow the system to be enhanced and CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 26, 1997 channel capacity to be increased to produce a more efficient operation. Triax has • hired a full -time project manager to be on -site. 7. (a) PRESENTATION REGARDING REFERENDUM PROPOSAL BY MICHAEL RIBICH AND MICHAEL CAM PA, REPRESENTING "PEOPLE ADVOCATING RESPONSIBLE TAXATION" (DEFERRED AUGUST 12, 1997) Ribich and Campa stated that they presented two issues at the last meeting. However, tonight they were addressing only the mail ballot issue. It was their opinion that a mail ballot included more voters than any other method, and their goal was to get as many voters involved in elections as possible. The City Attorney recommended that the Council not adopt a position calling for a mail ballot. The State Statute does not prohibit a mail ballot, but the City cannot hold a mail ballot on regular City elections. Therefore, it would require special elections which involves special referendum issues. Duane Hoversten, Chamber of Commerce Chair, stated he represented the 375 members of the Chamber, and it was their recommendation to oppose the mail ballot. The City Finance Director commented that the City structures are voted on by the tax payers/voters, and absentee ballots are available for those who cannot vote in person. Paul Ackland stated that the mail ballot was a very important issue. It goes against the present form of City policy. City officials are elected by the voters, and it would • be giving up some of their responsibilities if mail ballot was approved. He was opposed to this method and suggested that those who are concerned get involved in local government. Dick Lennes stated that it is logical to have a mail ballot on a case by case issue but not on every issue. Council Member Erickson noted that after the last Council meeting, he assumed there would be citizens contacting him or other Council Members. However, this was not the case. He spent the day making survey phone calls regarding the issue. Of those contacted, he received a 20% positive response. The residents he conversed with expressed a lack of knowledge or a lack of interest and were not prepared to make a decision. Ribich referred to an article on mail ballot voting written by Secretary of State Joan Growe in which she promoted it. He also alluded to an article written by the Oregon Secretary of State praising the mail ballot. Ribich also mentioned that Ramsey, MN uses the mail ballot. He requested that the mail ballot referendum be placed on the ballot this fall for the voters to determine if they want a mail ballot. The Mayor stated that the residents have a personal responsibility to learn about the issues and vote on them. If people are made to vote, it becomes mandatory. A gentleman questioned why the mail ballot wouldn't work in Hutchinson when he used it while in the military. Motion was made by Craig, seconded by Peterson, to reject the proposal as presented. • 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 26. 1997 • Motion unanimously carried. Motion was made by Craig to introduce the option on the fall general election ballot to ask the voters to develop procedures for the mail ballot. The motion was withdrawn. The City Attorney stated that the advisory vote from citizens for procedures would be put in place for mail ballot. Motion was made by Craig, seconded by Erickson, that the City staff and the Ribich group put together for action at the next City Council meeting the language which will go to the voters in the fall election. The motion carried upon roll call vote with Council Members Craig, Mlinar and Erickson voting aye, Council Member Peterson voting nay, and the Mayor abstaining. A (a) CONSIDERATION OF WAIVING BUILDING PERMIT FEE FOR ADAMS STREET REHAB PROJECT Following discussion, motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Peterson, to approve waiving the building permit fee for the Adams Street rehab project. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR BUDGET DISCUSSION ON SEPTEMBER 9, 1997, AT 4:00 P.M. i Motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Mlinar, to hold a Council workshop at 3:30 p.m. on September 9, 1997. Motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTED BY JBS INC. The City Engineer and Building/Planning/Zoning Director commented on some of the issues to be addressed regarding the JBS sketch plan and platting. During discussion, it was the consensus of the Council Members that the City staff should be involved in the initial planning, but there should be no City costs. The Mayor appointed Council Member Peterson and himself to meet with Rodeberg and Marka to review the issues involved with the JBS sketch plan. 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE The Hutchinson Area Health Care Board requested approval of two capital expenditure items: 1.) Replacement of Five Patient Beds -- Purchase from Hill Rom in the amount of $25,543.00, including mattresses. 2.) Electronic Timekeeping System -- Purchase Meditech System in the amount of $42,529.47. Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to approve the two capital • expenditures. Motion unanimously carried. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGUST 26, 1997 (b). COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCIL MEMBER KAY PETERSON • Peterson reported that the library roof has a leakage problem so it will be looked at and repaired. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Plotz noted that filing for the November City Council election opened this morning. 'C /' /►. .UI / 1 (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to approve the claims and authorize payment from appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. 0 MINUTES • REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1997 The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Torgerson. Present: Mayor Marlin Torgerson, Council Members Bill Craig, John Mlinar, Kay Peterson and Don Erickson. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer John Rodeberg and City Attorney G. Barry Anderson. INVOCATION There was no invocation in the absence of a pastor. MINUTES The minutes of August 26, 1997 and bid opening of August 25, 1997 were approved as presented. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF MAY 1, 1997 2. LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF AUGUST 25, 1997 . 3. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 25, 1997 4. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES OF JULY 15, 1997 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 97 -205 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, ADDING SECTION 8.12 ENTITLED "USE OF BICYCLES, ROLLER OR IN-LINE SKATES AND SKATEBOARDS IN DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT" AND BY ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -206 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 3. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -207 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 4. ORDINANCE NO. 97 -208 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 7.07, SUBD. 5(A) ENTITLED "PLACING SNOW OR ICE IN A • ROADWAY OR ON A SIDEWALK" BY ADDING LANGUAGE AND BY ADOPTING, BY REFERENCE, CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN CITY COUNCIL MINU'T'ES - SEPTEMBER 9.1997 PENALTY PROVISIONS (FIRST READING AND SET SECOND • READING FOR SEPTEMBER 23, 1997) (c) TEMPORARY SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR AMERICAN LEGION ON OCTOBER 5, 1997 (d) APPOINTMENTS TO PARKS/RECREATION /COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD: • Reverend Todd Ertsgaard • Debbie Koglin • Peggy Westlund Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Peterson, to approve the consent agenda- PUBLIC HEARING - NONE COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS - NONE UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) MAIL BALLOT REFERENDUM PROPOSAL BY MICHAEL RIBICH AND MICHAEL CAMI'A, REPRESENTING `TEOPLE ADVOCATING RESPONSIBLE TAXATION (DEFERRED AUGUST 26, 1997) Michael Ribich commented that at a previous meeting the question was raised on the legality of the issue and mail ballot voting being susceptible to fraud. He stated that his purpose is to convince people that there is a need for a mail ballot. Ribich then • posed the following question with two multiple choice answers: "If the citizens had two methods of choice in those instances where the City Council is already required to bring the vote to the people, which method is best ?" (a) The standard voter booth location which is inconvenient, has low turn-out and costs more; or (b) the mail ballot method which increases voter participation, is convenient, costs less and is easier to administer. Ribich reported that since he was unable to obtain any legal help in wording the mail ballot statement for the people's vote, he had contacted the Minnesota Bar Association, the Attorney General's Office, a New Ulm firm, and Senator Steve Dille. It was Dille who gave him directive to contact the Republican Senate Caucus Group and the Legislative Analyst. He read a letter received from Secretary of State Joan Growe which addressed mail ballot elections. It was reported that "PART ' had amended the wording of the issue. The mail ballot would be used only in instances in which the City is already required to go to the taxpayer on an issue. They were not petitioning on financial matters and not intruding on government or inhibiting the City Council in any way on how it operates or runs its business. It was their opinion that the compromise language should be agreeable for voters to determine what they want. Duane Hoversten, Chamber of Commerce Chair, stated that he was not opposed to letting informed, interested voters vote, and there are a lot of possibilities available to voters. However, what is being discussed tonight is different than what was presented two weeks ago. Hoversten commented that he had done research on direct voting in Switzerland where they have the mail ballot, the televoting by phone done in Colorado, and internet voting. Tonight the City Council is looking at a mail • CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 9, 1997 • ballot, but the City needs to go through a process to determine what the voters want and need by reviewing the technologies available. He thought the mail ballot had a slow turn- around time and was more costly. Therefore, Hoversten stated he was not in favor of the mail ballot, but he suggested that a task force be created to review all the technology available for various voting methods. Bill Schneider stated he has lived in Hutchinson 36 years, and he found the mail ballot issue interesting. He noted that the proposal presented tonight is different from what was presented two weeks ago. He commented that his son moved to Portland, Oregon in 1991 where the city conducts mail balloting One year ago there was an article in the Oregon paper which pointed out the infinitive referendum and recall process was getting expensive and costing tax payers a lot of money. Schneider thought the mail ballot was a laborious process. If voters are involved and have a strong opinion on an issue, they will vote. If they are not informed about an issue, they will vote "no." He did not believe the City needed a mail ballot. Mark Hueble, a new resident to the community, stated that he had received direct mail in the former town where he lived. The City Council person had sent mail for informational purposes and to get ballots on important issues. He found it a useful method to send the information by mail since not everyone is home to receive telephone calls, and not everyone has internet access. It allowed him time to study the issue and to discuss it with others before forming an opinion and voting. He further commented that most people are not well informed on the issues. The City Attorney stated he disagreed with several statements made by Ribich and Campa. In reviewing the City Charter, legal counsel found that the document may • not allow the City Council to put the issue on the November ballot. It would be in the jurisdiction of the Council to decide whether or not it wishes to have the mail ballot since the opinion of the Attorney General is not law but advisory. It was his legal opinion that the City Council had the authority to adopt a position with respect to the mail ballot. Through the process of referendum, the "PART" group could submit a petition for referendum. Motion was made by Craig to accept the wording of the mail ballot ordinance and direct the City Attorney and City staff to formulate a resolution which would incorporate the text of the petition presented. Motion failed for lack of a second. Discussion followed regarding the meaning of certain words. It was also noted by the Mayor and Council Members Erickson and Peterson that they had received telephone calls from residents concerning the mail ballot, and all were unfavorable. Ribich commented that people had contacted him on the issue, and they were in favor of what the group was doing. The motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Mlinar, to adopt the Resolution prepared by the City Attorney. The motion and second were withdrawn upon the recommendation of the City Attorney to defer action to the next Council meeting. Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Mlinar, to defer action on the mail ballot to the September 23, 1997 City Council meeting. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF FIVE YEAR ANNEXATION STAGING PLAN (DEFERRED AUGUST 26, 1997) I1 U CITY COUNCIL MINIPPES - SEPTEMBER 9.1997 The City Engineer briefly covered the staging plan and mentioned that it would become part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. He suggested that Director Marka do a presentation at the next Council meeting. Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Erickson, to defer until staff has a proposal ready. Motion unanimously carried. (a) CONSIDERATION OF HUTCHINSON MOTOR VEHICLE DEPARTMENT SELLING DNR LICENSES Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to approve selling DNR licenses. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING DATE Motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Erickson, to approve setting a Truth In Taxation hearing date for December 2, 1997 at 5:30 p.m. and to adopt Resolution No. 10892. Motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING 1998 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY Motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Erickson, to approve and adopt revised Resolution No. 10893. Upon roll call vote, the motion carried three to one, with Craig, Peterson and Erickson voting aye and Mlinar voting nay. The Mayor abstained from voting. • (d) CONSIDERATION OF TERMINATION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 9 It was reported that there was no longer a need for tax increment dollars. Therefore, the property located in tax increment financing District No. 9 would be put back on the general tax base. Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Mlinar, to approve termination of District No. 9 and to adopt Resolution No. 10894. Motion unanimously carved. (e) CONSIDERATION OF CALLING FOR SALE OF 1997 IMPROVEMENT BONDS Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Mlinar, to approve the bond sale and to adopt Resolution No. 10901. Motion unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to set a budget workshop for October 7, 1997 at 5:30 p.m. Motion unanimously carved. (g) CONSIDERATION OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS SECOND ADDITION (DEFERRED AUGUST 12, 1997) Rodeberg reviewed the services to the area and the proposed assessments. He also presented a revised copy of the subdivision agreement for Island View Heights Second Addition. • CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTENMER 9, 1997 Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Peterson, to approve the assessment calculations for option 2 and to adopt Resolutions No. 10896- 10898 for adoption of Assessment Roll No. 5016. Motion unanimously carried. Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to approve the revised subdivision agreement. Motion unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION Of AWARDING CONTRACT FOR LETTING NO. 10, PROJECT NO. 97 -28 (ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS SECOND ADDITION) Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Peterson, to approve awarding the contract to Kuechle Underground, Inc. in the amount of 5574,644.80, contingent upon receiving the necessary documents, and to adopt Resolution No. 10895. Motion unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING CONTRACT FOR LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO. 97 -13, 97 -26, 97 -27, 97 -31 The City Engineer reported that project 97 -27 had been dropped from the letting. Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to approve awarding the contract to Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. in the amount of 5157,464.40 and to adopt revised Resolutions No. 10899 & No. 10900. Motion unanimously carried. Rodeberg requested adoption of a Resolution setting a public hearing for Letting No. 7, Project Nos. 97 -25, 97 -27 and 97 -30 on September 23, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. • Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to adopt Resolution for public hearing. Motion unanimously carried. NOTE: Resolutions No. 10886 and No. 10887 adopted on August 26, 1997, set a public hearing on the above -named projects for September 23, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) INITIATIVE PETITION FOR SUNDAY LIQUOR JoAnne Steams presented the City Council with an Initiative Petition to place a Sunday liquor referendum on the ballot for the November election. Mayor Torgerson accepted the petitions and referred them to the City Administrator to verify the signatures as registered voters to meet the required threshold of the last Mayoral position election. Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to hold a special City Council meeting on September 19, 1997 at 7:30 am. to verify the petition and adopt a Resolution to place the referendum on the November ballot. Motion unanimously carried. (b) COMMUNICATIONS BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR OF SECOND QUARTER REPORTS FOR 1997 DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES Plou reviewed the 1997 departmental objectives for Administration, Public Works, • Planning, Police, Water/Wastewater/Resource Recovery, Civic Arena/ Parks/ CITY COUNCM MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 9.1997 Recreation, Industrial Development, and Finance. The City Administrator reported that three individuals had filed for Mayor and three had filed for Council Member. (c) TEMPORARY SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR CROW RIVER COUNTRY CLUB ON SEPTEMBER 21, 1997 Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Peterson, to approve and issue the temporary Sunday liquor license. Motion unanimously carried. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Rodeberg stated that the delay on the installation of the Main Street left -hand turn signals has been caused by a back -order on the unit heads. There will be a special meeting held on September 11 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. regarding the design. (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to approve the claims and authorize payment from appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m. • 0 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1997 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Mayor Torgerson. Present: Mayor Marlin Torgerson, Council Members John Mlinar, Kay Peterson and Don Erickson. Absent: Council Member Bill Craig. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and Administrative Secretary Marilyn J. Swanson. The Mayor stated the special meeting was for the purpose of verifying the petition received for a Sunday liquor referendum. He reported that Administrator Plotz had provided a memorandum stating that the necessary number of signatures (158) on the petition had been verified as registered voters and met the minimum threshold of 20% of those who voted in the last municipal official election and for the Mayoral election position. Torgerson then read Resolution No. 10902 which established an election date for the Sunday liquor referendum to be placed on the November 4, 1997 ballot. Motion was made by Mlinar, seconded by Peterson, to adopt Resolution No. 10902. Motion • unanimously carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:35 a.m. • • MINUTES BID OPENING JULY 29, 1997 City Administrator Gary D. Plotz called the bid opening to order at 3:00 p.m. Also present were City Engineer John Rodeberg, Director Randy DeVries and Secretary Bonnie Baumetz. Administrator Plotz dispensed with the reading of Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 11, Project No. 97 -29; North High Drive/T.H. 15 Lift Station Renovation. The following bids were opened and read: The bids were referred to staff for review and a recommendation. The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m. LUMP SUM BID LIFT PUMP ALTERNATE Allied Mechanical Systems Hutchinson, MN 577,991.00 No No Juul Contracting Company Hutchinson, MN 55,586.00 No No Great Western Corp. Forest Lake, MN 99,000.00 No No The bids were referred to staff for review and a recommendation. The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m. MINUTES BID OPENING SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 City Administrator Gary D. Plotz called the bid opening to order at 1:30 p.m. Also present were Assistant Engineer Cal Rice and Administrative Secretary Marilyn J. Swanson. Administrator Plotz read the Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 10, Project No. 97 -28 and made reference to Addendums No. 1 and No. 2. The following bids were opened and read: Northdale Construction Rogers, MN $595,323.21 Kuechle Underground, Inc. Kimball, MN 569,245.00* The bids were referred to staff for review and a recommendation. The meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m. *It is noted that staff found a mathematical error in the bid submitted. The corrected bid was $574, 644.80. 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 0 • BUILDING / PLANNING / ZONING DEPARTMENT I I I HASSAN STREET S.E.. HITTCFDNSON. MN 55350 PHONE: 612- 234A216 FAA: 612. 234 -4240 A ugus t NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED HOUSEKEEPING Item Number a valuation a I Number of Vaauetbn a Buildings Hopmrng BUILDINGS No. Buildings Houatng dormtrapbon cansImi ton Unite Orin cards Units Orin cents (a) (b) (c) Id) (e) (0 I Sirgle -famiry houses. detacned E¢iIW matW name tot S4g1949mfy houses, attarlred S.auaeal M aravra m roar veX, .ky rim �°°`• °°su". ana 102 .Sa�vW naaa�q Mrem 4 - maims Two-family buidl 103 Threb end tour -famly buildings 104 R -more famiy buildings 1Ds TOTAL• Sue of 101 -105- 109 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED NONHOUSEKEEPING Item Number a vahlaban a Number a Vak n a to BUILDINGS No. uildinga Dome conaruption Bullaffigs Hoome camaucson Onvt cents Ommciantr (a) (b) I (c) id) (e) if) (g) Halele, MOMS. and munst cabins (wrarnreawmndebona only) 213 Other nanhousekeepng shelter 214 NEW PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED NONRESIDENTIAL Item Number Valuation of NumbersValuatldnat BUILDINGS No. of rpmbuceOn BulldIngs cammrJim Bukkup OmdC Omermntr (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) Amueemem. social. and recreauonal 316 Chu.ci andotherreiglous 319 Industnal 320 Park" garages iotiwings 8 open decked) 321 Service stations and reoarr garages = -, Hospdals and mstainional 323 Offices banns. and prores9onal 321 Public woks and uwmes 325 1 j Schools and diner eoucanona 329 1 Stdres and ,usiomer seN s 327 Ofher nonresiaential burkhngs 326 1 2 2.200 Structures other than buildings 329 ADDITIONS, i PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED ALTERATIONS, Item Number valuelwn of Number of VakU not AND CONVERSIONS No. of conebucmn BuilCings canem idon Buildings Om cents OmT Cams (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) Reeidenaal - C'as fy adoi Its of 434 gargw a tarpons in Iran, 438 1 113.14 Nonremdenbal and nonnousekeaping 437 9 140,954 AddNons of residential garages anti 43a tarpons (attached and detacnadl 5 51 , 880 DEMOLITIONS PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED AND RAZING Item Number Number of Number of Numberdf OF BUILDINGS No. of Houvng units 1 Buildings Hou ng units Buildings (a) (b) icl rd) la) Single- lanuly houses ianached and 815 delawedl Tw --army owlmngs 646 1 Three - and four-family buildings 647 I Five- or- moreiamlly bmiainw 649 1 All timer duiiaings and structures 649 -13N -3. )1HI -2, FENCE -2. MUVE -2. EXC -1. -'EMU -1, iWR -1 TOTAL PERMITS u0 'VALUATION 5737,182 16-Sep-97 • poo1336914 Institution Description TREAS BONDS 644136 TREAS BONDS 644137 Smith Barney GNMA 865M7 Smith Barney 313400 S H 7 Prudentlal poo1336914 Smith Barney Fed Home Loan Prudentail pod 336399 Citizens, Marquette Firstate, First Minnesota Prudential Fed Home Leon Smith Barney FNMA Smith Barney FNMA pass thru CITY OF HUTCHINSON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT SEPTEMBER 1997 Firstate Date Date Interest Of Of Rate Purchase Maturity 7.18% 12112/91 2/15/2001 7.13% 12/12/91 10/15/98 7.000% 2115193 8/12/2002 5.00% 12/30/93 03/10/00 7.226% 1231 96 02 01 2026 01/16/98 Expected life 6.2 years 6.750% 01 0397 01 0302 7.270% 12 31 96 02 01 2026 05/15/97 Expected Ilfe 4.1 years 4.00% 04 /25196 06/01/2001 7.50% 10/31/95' 11/06/00 6.09% 12/19/95 12/19/00 7.50% 12/20/95 06/01/02 06/13/97 REPAYMENT Cittzens Firstate 1847000000566 5.90% 12/12/96 12/11/97 Cltlzens Bank 29810 5.620% 03 13 97 11 2697 •Citizens Bank 29809 5.640% 03 1397 10 16 97 Citizens Bank 29811 5.900% 03 28 97 11 20 97 Firstate 411241884 5.90% 04/10/97 01/16/98 Firstate 411235266 6.30% 05/15/97 05/14/98 Firstate 411243807 6.20% 05/15/97 11/13/97 First American B 85577 6.00% 05/30/97 03/26/98 Citizens 29820 5.75% 05 30 97 1211 97 Cltlzens 29823 5.75% 06/13/97 11/13/97 Cittzens 29822 5.60% 06/13/97 10/16/97 Citizens 29824 5.85% 06/13/97 12/11/97 First Federal 411239045 5.650% 06/27/97 10/23/97 - First American 85577 6.000% 05 30 97 032698 'CMO purchase anticapted payback is 4.332 years with a yield of 7.328% This instrument receives payments monthly and depending on speed of payment of mortgagages the yield could increase or decrease A GNMA with fixed maturity but has a call date of 8/12197 `^ Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp wl floating rate (floor of 5.0 %) • (1) CMO has been repaid In full 6!1/95 (2) Value Is as of 6/30/96 Amount 367,500.00 302,437.50 197,000.00 300,071.92 168,935.62 (6,037.12) 300,000.00 161,617.93 (5,176.02) 100,000.00 200,000.00 5DO,000.00 206,371.04 (48,418.97) 500,000.00 200,000.00 400,000.00 600,000.00 500,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 200,000.00 400,000.00 200,000.00 400,000.00 ao „rw,av 1.av AUGUST 1997 CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUGUST 199 REVENUE REPORT - GENERAL AUGUST YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCE PERCENTAG AXES ACTUAL DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED 0.00 709,462.03 1,485,086.00 775,623.97 4777% LICENSES 200.00 18,320.00 25,200.00 6,880.00 72.70% PERMITS AND FEES 8,479.26 124,480.13 169,800.00 45,319.87 73.31% INTERGOVERNMENT REVENUE 18,075.55 1,149,740.42 2,421,661.00 1,271,920.58 47.48% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 62,406.84 555,705.81 1,063,409.00 507,703.19 52.26% FINES & FORFEITS 5,019.93 34,149.44 72,000.00 37,850.56 47.43% INTEREST 11,423.01 158,975.22 155,000.00 (3,975.22) 102.56% SURCHARGES - BLDG PERMITS 336.59 1,106.42 1,000.00 (106.42) 110.64% CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUND 295.25 361,775.13 1,037,000.00 675,224.87 34.89% REIMBURSEMENTS 16,881.57 39,792.51 32,050.00 (7,742.51) 124.16% SALES 0.00 500.00 8,300.00 7,800.00 6.02% TOTAL 123,118.00 3,154,007.11 6,470,506.00 3,316,498.89 48.7% EXPENSE REPORT GENERALFUND MAYOR & COUNCIL 4,535.10 28,532.72 49,589.00 21,056.28 57.5% CITY ADMINISTRATOR 13,497.70 127,575.94 180,046.00 52,470.06 70.9% ELECTIONS 67.60 1,405.19 4,300.00 2,894.81 32.7% FINANCE 20,521.60 188,654.08 311,242.00 122,587.92 60.6% MOTOR VEHICE 9,506.50 78,472.76 122,655.00 44,182.24 64.0% ASSESSING 0.00 0.00 29,000.00 29,000.00 0.0% LEGAL 6,999.50 68,421.73 85,900.00 17,478.27 79.7% PLANNING 3,971.20 36,168.10 86,455.00 50,286.90 41.8% POLICE DEPARTMENT 137,167.40 1,113,719.09 1,517,177.00 403,457.91 73.4% SCHOOL LIAISON OFFICER 6,485.50 65,534.48 100,425.00 34,890.52 65.3% 0-MERGENCY MANAGEMENT 496.50 571.25 3,484.00 2,912.75 16.4% SAFETY COUNCIL 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.0% FIRE DEPARTMENT 3,383.30 78,685.13 169,682.00 90,996.87 46.4% FIRE MARSHAL 1,756.50 15,978.14 25,531.00 9,552.86 62.6% PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 11,478.00 99,661.39 145,196.00 45,534.61 68.6% ENGINEERING 32,744.60 243,207.69 354,236.00 111,028.31 68.7% STREETS & ALLEYS 46,581.20 443,949.79 530,389.00 86,439.21 83.7% STREET MAINTENANCE A/C 4,348.30 90,044.73 82,600.00 (7,444.73) 109.0% CITY HALL 6,794.80 63,593.89 82,951.00 19,357.11 76.7% PARK/RECADMIN. 9,075.20 88,456.11 132,183.00 43,726.89 66.9% RECREATION 29,592.90 189,790.00 230,106.00 40,316.00 82.5% SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 5,692.20 60,110.48 102,566.00 42,455.52 58.6% CIVIC ARENA 10,490.50 114,376.09 181,081.00 66,704.91 63.2% PARK DEPARTMENT 52,045.40 432,422.90 584,508.00 152,085.10 74.0% RECREATION BUILDING & POOL 4,681.80 64,499.78 78,744.00 14,244.22 81.9% LIBRARY 9,364.30 81,351.65 110,649.00 29,297.35 73.5% CEMETERY 9,489.20 66,369.77 89,662.00 23,292.23 74.0% DEBT SERVICE 230.00 13,740.00 103,252.00 89,512.00 13.3% AIRPORT 13,474.90 136,421.65 80,860.00 (55,561.65) 168.7% TRANSIT 9,380.40 79,490.66 156,476.00 76,985.34 50.8% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 6,994.30 51,989.69 79,937.00 27,947.31 65.0% UNALLOCATED 34,349.40 395,012.40 659,374.00 264,361.60 59.9% TOTAL 505,195.80 4,518,207.28 6,470,506.00 1,952,298.72 69.8% • ,� - ( 2) AUGUST 1997 CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT - 1997 AUGUST 1 ENTERPRISE FUNDS REVENUE REPORT - LIQUOR FUND AUGUST YEAR TO ADOPTED BALANCEPERCENTA ACTUAL DATE ACTUAL BUDGET REMAINING USED • LIQUOR SALES 71,035.62 493,897.63 770,000.00 276,102.37 64.1% WINE SALES 23,957.95 169,059.62 290,000.00 120,940.38 58.3% BEER SALES 139,974.93 875,326.38 1,380,000.00 504,673.62 63.4% BEER DEPOSIT 211.92 (283.72) 0.00 283.72 0.0% MISC. SALES 15,160.36 82,127.59 118,000.00 35,872.41 69.6% LOTTERY SALES 1,952.00 (1,159.90) 2,800.00 3,959.90 -41.4% REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 0.00 975.00 0.00 (975.00) 0.0% CASH DISCOUNTS (2,480.60) (15,194.72) (20,500.00) (5,305.28) 74.1% INTEREST 730.47 5,315.51 5,500.00 184.49 96.6% TOTAL 250,542.65 1,610,063.39 2,545,800.00 935,736.61 63.2% EXPENSE REPORT LIQUOR FUND PERSONEL SERVICES 15,453.56 127,275.71 172,488.00 45,212.29 73.8% REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 986.78 7,820.89 10,300.00 2,479.11 75.9% CONSULTING 0.00 78.52 4,000.00 3,921.48 2.0% OTHER SERVICE & CHARGES 3,052.97 44,567.45 55,750.00 11,182.55 79.9% DEPRECIATION 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.0% DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 37,180.00 37,180.00 0.0% TRANSFERS 0.00 144,345.85 150,000.00 5,654.15 96.2% COST OF SALES 201,401.88 1,244,357.10 1,968,575.00 724,217.90 63.2% MISCELLANEOUS 282.00 1,629.92 7,600.00 5,970.08 21.4% CAPITAL OUTLAY 922.83 11,079.86 3,600.00 (7,479.86) 0.0% TOTAL 222,100.02 1,581,135.30 2,434,493.00 853,337.70 64.9% • REVENUE REPORT - WATER SEWER/FUND SCORE 0.00 59,307.60 138,828.00 79,520.40 42.7% LICENSES 0.00 0.00 GRANT 75,000.00 100,000.00 25,000.00 75.0% WATER SALES 74,329.90 493,012.70 700,000.00 206,987.30 70.4% WATER TREATMENT SURCHARGE (8,249.40) (2,015.81) 0.00 WATER METER 280.00 3,810.00 14,000.00 10,190.00 27.2% REFUSE SERVICES 46,497.50 305,524.66 460,000.00 154,475.34 66.4% REFUSE SURCHARGE 5,041.10 33,545.69 0.00 (33,545.69) RECYCLE BAGS 0.00 249.59 0.00 (249.59) 0.0% REFUSE STICKER SALES 194.00 876.95 0.00 (876.95) 0.0% REFUSE RECYCLING (6,160.00) (37,830.00) 0.00 37,830.00 0.0% COMPOST CREDIT (1,031.80) (5,986.19) (10,000.00) (4,013.81) 0.0% COMPOST & RECYCLE SALES 383.00 8,971.02 5,000.00 (3,971.02) 0.0% SEWER SERVICES 152,955.90 1,207,848.44 1,900,000.00 692,151.56 63.6% PENALTY CHARGES 849.50 10,607.30 18,000.00 7,392.70 58.9% INTEREST EARNED 18,277.10 70,709.18 130,000.00 59,290.82 54.4% LOAN REPAYMENT 411.80 3,294.21 38,630.00 35,335.79 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 398.20 2,341.69 3,000.00 658.31 78.1% OTHER 263.20 3,682.56 6,000.00 2,317.44 61.4% CONNECTION CHARGES 0.00 3.00 (3.00) TOTAL 284,440.00 2,232,952.59 3,503,458.00 1,268,489.60 63.7% EXPENSE REPORT - WATER SEWER/FUND REFUSE 43,010.11 326,720.04 504,855.00 178,134.96 64.7% • WATER 40,143.36 529,647.74 1,121,746.00 592,098.26 47.2% WASTEWATER 60,401.72 1,185,843.22 2,440,080.00 1,254,236.78 48.6% TOTAL 143,555.19 2,042,211.00 4,066,681.00 2,024,470.00 50.2% MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 19, 1997 • 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Wood at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Bill Craig, Bill Arndt, Dave Westlund, Jim Haugen, Jeff Haag, and Chairman Wood. Also present. Jim Marka, Director of Building, Planning and Zoning; Bonnie Baumetz, Planning and Zoning; Barry Anderson, City Attomey; and Ken Merrill, Finance Director. Mr. Amdt made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting dated July 15, 1997 seconded by Mr. Haag the motion carried unanimously. a) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT AND REZONING FROM C -2 AND R -2 TO R -3 REQUESTED BY RAY TERSTEEG ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 436 PROSPECT ST. N.E. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:35p.m. with the reading of publication #5063 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a lot split and rezoning from C -2 and R -2 to R -3 located at 436 Prospect Street N.E. requested by Mr. Ray Tersteeg Jim Marka, Director of Planning and Zoning explained the property location and transitional zoning. He said there is enough area for a seven -plex. The lot split will separate the existing house from the remainder of the lot. • The commission said the utility easement should be shown on the registered land survey. Mr. Craig made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 5:43 p.m. Mr. Craig moved to approve request with staff recommendations, seconded by Mr. Westlund the motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RAY TERSTEEG TO CONSTRUCT A 4 -PLEX BUILDING LOCATED IN THE PROPOSED R -3 DISTRICT AT 436 PROSPECT ST. N.E. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:44 p.m. with the reading of publication #5064 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit to construct a 4 -plex in a proposed R -3 District at 436 Prospect Street N.E. by Ray Tersteeg. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund the hearing closed at 5:44 p.m. Mr. Westlund made a motion to recommend approval of the request noting that the owner submit a registered land survey showing the utility easement, seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carved unanimously. C) CONSIDERATION TO REZONE FROM C-4 TO I/C PROPERTY LOCATED AT 845 HWY 7 REQUESTED BY OTTO TEMPLIN, E &T CONTRACTING Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:45p.m. with the reading of publication #5065 as • published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997 The request is for the purpose of rezoning from C-4 to I/C property located at 845 Hwy 7 requested by Otto Templin, E &T Contracting. Bonnie Baumetz, Planning and Zoning explained Mr. Templin's request and said staff recommended approval. Mr. Marka said we are correcting a possible draftman's error on our zoning map. The Commissioners concluded that the adjoining northerly portion of the adjacent easterly lot owned by Howard Brandon be published for rezoning. Mr. Westlund moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Amdt the hearing closed at 5:55 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the request, seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. d) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY OTTO TEMPLIN, E &T CONTRACTING TO CONSTRUCT A 24'X 60' ADDITION ONTO THE EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED AT 845 HWY 7 W. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:55p.m. with the reading of publication #5066 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997 The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Otto Templin, E &T Contracting, to construct a 24' x 60' addition onto the existing building. Ms. Baumetz explained request and setbacks. Leo Sand, owner of the property adjoining to the north of Mr. Templin's lot had concerns on the outdoor storage and piling of black dirt up to the property line. Mr. Marka said Mr. Sand should file a complaint with his office on the stock piling of dirt and outdoor storage. Mr. Marka suggested Mr. Sand and Mr. Templin work out a compromise. Mr. Templin said the dirt pile has been removed. Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund the hearing closed at 5:56p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval of the request, seconded by Mr. Westlund the motion carried unanimously. e) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY THE STATE OF MN • FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 90' RADIO TOWER TO BE LOCATED AT THE HATS FACILITY ON 1400 Hwy 22 S. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:04 p.m. with the reading of publication #5067 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit for the construction of a 90' radio tower to be located at the HATS facility at 1400 Hwy 22. Ms. Baumetz explained City ordinance provides for a 75' tower. MnDOT is proposing a 90' tower. Planning staff has recommended approval of the application. Bob Prudhomme, Mn /DOT said the tower would provide radio coverage for the dispatch trucks . Mr. Prudhomme said with the state system there is space on tower for the city also. Mr. Haugen moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Craig the hearing closed at 6:08 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Westlund the motion carried unanimously. f) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY MICHAEL OLSON TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION ONTO A NON - CONFORMING GARAGE LOCATED AT 15 -11TH AVE. N.E. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:09p.m. with the reading of publication #5068 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Michael Olson to construct an • addition onto a non - conforming garage located at 15 -11th Ave. N. E. Ms. Baumetz explained the request stating the planning staff recommended approval. Michael Olson. owner, explained the placement of the existing garage, placement of addition, and driveway entrances. Mr. Olson said the existing utility can be moved if necessary. • Mr. Westlund moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haag the hearing closed at 6:14 p.m. Mr. Haag made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously. g) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY RICK LINDER TO REMOVE EXISTING NON - CONFORMING GARAGE AND CONSTRUCT A 24' X 28' GARAGE TO BE LOCATED AT 435 FRANKLIN ST. S.W. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:14p.m. with the reading of publication #5069 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit to remove an existing non - conforming garage and construct a 24'x 28' garage to be located at 435 Franklin St. S.W. Ms. Baumetz explained the request, and said the Planning Staff recommends approval. Mr. Marka said the existing garage and proposed garage are S from the rear property on an alley. Staff and Street Dept. have no objections. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund the hearing closed at 6:18p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve with staff recommendations, seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously. h) CONSIDERATION OF PETITION FOR A VACATION OF PARK LANE LOCATED IN ROLLING OAKS 4TH ADDITION REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF • Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:18p.m. with the reading of publication #5073 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, August 7, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a vacation of Park Lane located in Rolling Oaks 4th Addition. Mr. Marka explained Planning Staff, Park & Rec. Director, City Engineer, and Barry Anderson recommended the vacation of Park Lane but City maintain the 10' easement. The access appears to be unused and is unmarked. John Miller, dedicator of the woods, explained there are other accesses to the Miller's woods. Mr. Miller said the time has come for City of Hutchinson to maintain the woods. Mr. Marka asked to table the request because of issues City was not aware of. Barry Anderson suggested the issue be deferred. Ed Doring, 1282 Rolling Oaks Lane, read a statement giving statics on Miller's woods. He said there are 24 residence propertys abutting Miller's woods only six knew the access was there. Paul Haag, 1288 Rolling Oaks Lane, said he was on the council when the land was donated to City. His personal feeling is that the lane should be left as it is, and have it marked as lane. Dale Smith, 1280 Rolling Oaks Lane, didn't know lane was there and is in favor of leaving as it is. Mane Langholtz, 1200 Rolling Oaks Lane, didn't know path was there would like it to stay as • it is. Mike Yerks, 1275 Rolling Oaks Lane, would like it to stay as is. Mark Krueger, 1265 Rolling Oaks Lane, didn't realize a path was there, and is in favor of leaving it as is. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Westlund the hearing closed at 6:40 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to deny the request, seconded by Mr. Westlund the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS • a) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY DOUG INSELMAN TO REDUCE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 130' TO 85 TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION ONTO A NON - CONFORMING HOUSE LOCATED AT 1010 DALE STREET IN LYNN TOWNSHIP. (This property is in the urban boundary district). Mr. Marka said the City is in the process of holding an informational meeting for annexation of this area. The Planning staff recommended Mr. Inselman postpone upgrading septic system. If Mr. Inselman's septic system failed before completion of the city improvement project in his area, he would put in a holding tank or mound system. Doug Inselman has been approved by township, and is looking for approval from the City. He is also looking forward to annexation into the City. Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the request for a variance, noting if City does not extend sewer and water services in 1999, Mr. Inselman upgrade his system.with in 12 months, seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion passed unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY DARYL LUTHENS TO OPERATE A 1,620 ANIMAL UNIT FAMILY DAIRY OPERATION IN SECTION 3 OF HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP, Mr. Marka explained this is a sensitive issue. The Directors felt the feedlot would have an • insignificant impact on city residents. In the City's comprehensive plan for the next 20 years this area is zoned agricultural. Growth on the City's east side is projected as industrial and commercial. The city will support township and county decisions. Mr. Marka said the city's role would be advisory Daryl Luthens explained his land use and current animal units. The permit would allow him to increase up to 900 animal units. Mr. Arndt asked where will animal wastes would be applied. Mr. Luthens said on 720 acres. Mr. Luthens said they have MPCA permit. Wanda Heinecke, representative from Hassan Valley Township, said the township had concerns regarding odor, waste management, wear and tear on the roads, setbacks, and public nuisance. Wanda Heinecke said they may have a stipulation to incorporate the manure in the ground. Lynn Jacobson, resident on Nicole Ave., has noticed the odor this summer, and is also concerned about setbacks . Gamette Marvan. 829 Hilltop Dr. N. E., is concerned about odor Rich Reznechek. 14485 - 180th St. said Mr. Luthens has been stock piling 300' from his property. • Cindy Kramer said she is concerned about odors Wanda Heinecke. resident at 18682 Nickel Avenue, is concerned about saturation of the land that is now infringing on her land. odor within cars, and she cannot have open windows in the summer. Jim Heikes, 15873 Hwy 7, is concemed that Mr. Luthens may no longer have adequate land • for manure disposal. Dean Heinecke. 18682 Nickel Avenue, is concerned about ground water contamination, and the size of Mr. Luthens operation. he feels it cannot be considered a family farm. June Redman, 255 Hwy 7 E., said the odor is excessive. Mr. Craig, said he would be concerned not having adequate "owned" land by the farmer to spread manure. Mr. Haag's concern was significant density. Mr. Arndt said it is difficult being a good neighbor and disposing of the manure. Mr. Marka said he would like a list defining criteria to be met for a conditional use permit from the township and county. Mr. Craig made a motion for a favorable recommendation to the county. There being no second the motion failed. Mr. Westlund made motion to recommend no recommendation to county, seconded by Mr. Haag. Roll call vote taken Mr. Westlund, Mr. Haag, Mr. Haugen, and Mr. Wood in favor and Mr. Craig and Mr. Arndt opposing. C) DISCUSSION OF ADDING A SEVENTH MEMBER TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. • Mr. Marka said planning staff recommended commission going back to seven members. Ms. Baumetz said this will be an item on the City Council agenda. d) PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT TO THE SALES TAX TASK FORCE. Ken Merrill explained the sales tax task force. It will be a 12- member task force. A member is needed from Planning Commission. There were no volunteers. e) DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT REQUESTED BY JBS INC .(BRADFORDS) Marty Campion, civil engineer for JBS described the townhome and golf course project. They plan to be under construction this fall with town homes and driving range. JBS intends to dedicate the city with a 100 -foot wide strip of land along the west side for an extension of School Road North. Mr. Marka said there should be research of future frontage vs. future assessable infrastrusture costs, change of the comprehensive plan from mid density to low density, planned development district ownership, confirmation of city's position of public ownership vs. private ownership, discussion of utility services, i_e., water consumption including: perpetual cost such as infrastructure maintenance, Flow of hydrants, and long term utility repair_ Mr. Marka said we should move forward cautiously because this is a new non - typical • development. Council needs to look closely at potential nonassessable costs. Mr. Marka suggested that JBS make a preliminary presentation to the council at the August 26 meeting. Mr. Craig said JBS would be receiving free advertising as the council would not take action on the request. Ms. Baumetz said she would contact the mayor as he ultimately sets the agenda. 5. OLD BUSINESS • a) Update on the Doug Rettke property located at 184 -4th Avenue N.W. Mr. Marka said Mr. Rettke is making progress and recommended no action be taken. b) Review of section 7 of the Zoning Ordinance Review was postponed to the September meeting. •� •2 121 LVA Mr. Marka said staff would like a five -year annexation staging plan along with a five -year improvement plan. Both should be driven by sanitary sewer installation. Mr. Baumetz explained the possibility of joint planning funding. Ed Homan, county zoning administrator, will work on getting grant money. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. • • 6 MINUTES • Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board August 7, 1997 Members present were Linda Martin, Mike Schall, John Mlinar, Loretta Pishney and J.P. Auer. Also present were Dolf Moon, John Arlt and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:17 p.m. The minutes dated June 5, 1997 were approved by a motion made by Mike Schall and seconded by John Mlinar, the board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Luce Line Trail - Work along the Luce Line Trail continues, there was a delay due to high water, the new completion date is set for August 15th. Rollerblade and bicycle use has increased with the paving of the trail. The City Council approved the construction of a 12 foot wide bridge at the point of the low rise dam. This will create fishing areas and picnic tables may also be set out in the area along with signage. Summer Projects Turf Issues - The seeding at Roberts Park did not get a good start, it will be seeded again in the fall. The football program will be moved to Linden and Masonic[West River Parks. Approximately 60 1 /6 of the • outfield at Veteran's Memorial Field was lost due to flooding. It too will be seeded, with the irrigation system it should be fine by spring. There needs to be some restorative work done on the berm at VMF. Community Trails - The City Council approved the recommendations from the Light Traffic Task Force to add striping for bike lane/walkways along Jefferson Street and Linden Avenue. The cost of the project was minimal including paint and signage. Playgrounds - VFW Park will be getting a modular unit at a cost of $8,000, the old pieces were taken out for safety reasons. A new playground piece will be installed at Northwoods Park, with the Junior League Baseball providing a portion of the cost. Rec Center Roof - The contractors are putting the rock on the Rec Center roof at this time. The bid came in for the roof $10,000 under budget. NEW BUSINESS SleddinQ(Skating Request - John Arlt presented a proposal to the Board regarding cutting back on the staff hours at the Northwoods Park outdoor skating rink and increasing the staff hours at Kiwanis Park at the sliding hill. J.P. Auer made a motion to approve the recommendation presented to the Board providing that the fights would be on at the Northwoods warming house, but signs be posted stating that the building would be closed except for Friday nights, weekends and non - school days. Loretta Pishney seconded the • motion and the Board unanimously agreed. Survey Results - This item will be tabled for the September meeting while information continues to be gathered. MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board August 7, 1997 • Page three Program Totals - Playground participation increased for a total of 216, there were 520 participants in camps including swisher basketball, sports camp, football camp and cheerleading camp. The total number of T- ball/softball players increased slightly with 654 enrolled. There were 1,500 participants in the swimming lessons with 440 family open swim passes sold, 86 individual and 12 senior citizen passes sold. The total number of hours sold during the summer ice session was up by 10 over last year. There were 210 participants in the figure skating lessons. It appears the Middle School pool may be ready as soon as January 1 st to accommodate more swimming lessons. CDC Grant - Hutchinson will be applying for a grant from Minnesota Public Health, Center for Disease Control to support the work that is being done for head injury prevention. Hutchinson is a favored recipient for it's previous efforts though it's Bike Bonanza helmet program. Special Olympics - Dolf has volunteered to coordinate the events for one year. We will do registrations for athletes in the area with schools and group homes also involved. BOARD MEMBER ITEMS J.P. Auer mentioned that the baseball fields at Northwoods Park need to be checked for pitching and base • distances. The field at Elks Park also needs to be looked at. Linda Martin requested an update on the Figure Skating Program. Dolf told the Board that the City will be offering group lessons through Freestyle four. Coaches will be hired by the Figure Skating Association to teach lessons for Freestyle 5 thru 8 and the precision teams. Board Member Terms - Linda Martin's term on the Board expires in August and she has served two terms. Rev. Brian Brosz's term expires and he is done. Theresa Sweeney will return to the Board to finish her term and there will be two appointments made. The Parks, Recreation and Community Education Department hired a new secretary, Sonja Peterson, who will begin September 2nd. Karen McKay has decided to take the part-time receptionist position that has been vacated since early June. ADJOiTRNME 1�T - The meeting was adjourned at 6:14 p.m. by a motion made by Mike Schall and seconded by J.P. Auer. The Board unanimously agreed. klm • • ORDINANCE NO. -208 2`'' SERIES PUBLICATION NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 7.07, SUBD. 5(A) ENTITLED "PLACING SNOW OR ICE IN A ROADWAY OR ON A SIDEWALK" BY ADDING LANGUAGE AND BY ADOPTING, BY REFERE CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 2.99 WHICH, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CONTAIN PENALTY PROVISIONS. THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: Section 1. City Code, Sec. 7.07, Subd. 5(A) is hereby amended as follows: Subd. 5. Placing Snow or Ice on a Roadway or on a Sidewalk. A. It is a misdemeanor for any person, not acting under a specific contract with the City or without special permission from the City Administrator, to remove snow or ice from private property . .._.......... and place the same in anv roadwav or on a sidewalk tip on attv.i t6lie tnxrnerte or riitltt of The Section 2. City Code Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to • the Entire City Code Including Penalty for Violation" and Section 2.909 entitled "Violation a Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety, by reference, as though repeated verbatim herein. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of September, 1997. Mayor Attest: City Administrator Published in the Hutchinson Leader: First reading: August 26, 1997 Second reading: September 9, 1997 • 0 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Water Billing Department SUBJECT: Delinquent water & sewer accounts for the month of Sept Attached is a listing of the delinquent water and sewer accounts • for the month of Sept. Recommend service be discontinued on Tuesday, Sept 30th,1997 at Noon. r1 L J 1- 005- 0022 -0704 1- 295- 0026 -0202 • A & K Properties Melvin Rothstein 22 1st Ave NE 26 Century Ave Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 22 1 st Ave NE 26 Century Ave 105.38 143.25 CC: Peterson & Paulson PROMISES 9 -26 -97 1- 090 - 0226 -0705 1 -300- 0820 -0302 Ed Wachtel Julie Melberg 1768 Kirwood La N 105 2nd Ave SW Apt 3 Plymouth MN 55441 Hutchinson MN 55350 226 5th Ave SW 820 Century Ave 197.12 Total Due 361.40 178.64 CC: Peterson & Paulson CC: Mcleod County Box 296 Box 142 Hutchinson MN 55350 Glencoe MN 55336 1- 090 - 0317 -0701 1- 395- 0316 -0003 Cliff Roiger Heather Graf 317 5th Ave SW 316 Franklin St S Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 • 317 5th Ave SW 316 Franklin St S 129.18 165.30 PROMISES 9 -30 -97 1- 100 - 0136 -0404 Joel Goldschmidt 1- 395- 0587 -0201 21086 Walden Ave David Jenson Hutchinson MN 55350 587 Franklin St S 136 6th Ave SE Hutchinson MN 55350 117.33 ]587 Franklin St S 111.02 1 1 1 IL151ITITI? David Jahn 1- 395- 0606 -0902 706 Brown St Noell Laabs Hutchinson MN 55350 606 Franklin St S 706 Brown St Hutchinson MN 55350 96.05 606 Franklin St S 128.81 • 1- 395- 0646 -0101 Sam Flom 1- 480 - 0545 -0901 Darwin Maus 646 Franklin St S 545 Hassan St S Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 646 Franklin St S 545 Hassan St S 75.27 182.49 113.64 PROMISES 9 -26 -97 1- 415- 0045 -0408 Brian Jensen 1480- 0830 -0304 45 Glen St S Tom Moses Hutchinson MN 55350 830 Hassan St S 45 Glen St S Hutchinson MN 55350 82.09 830 Hassan St S 37.88 1455- 0316 -0701 1 -570- 0234 -0601 Gary Piehl 1- 480 - 0976 -0703 316 Grove St S Louis McLain Hutchinson MN 55350 976 Hassan St S 316 Grove St S Hutchinson MN 55350 113.64 976 Hassan St S PROMISES 9 -29 -97 186.51 Litchfield MN 55355 PROMISES 10 -3 -97 . 1- 455- 0546 -0902 Mane Plamann Lori Reynolds 1 -570- 0015 -0102 546 Grove St S Lee/Mary A Cheney Hutchinson MN 55350 15 Jefferson St S 546 Grove St S Hutchinson MN 55350 99.20 15 Jefferson St S 37.20 1-455- 0845 -0705 Debbie Hickler 1 -570- 0234 -0601 845 Grove St S Mabel Baseman Hutchinson MN 55350 234 Jefferson St S 845 Grove St S Hutchinson MN 55350 145.30 234 Jefferson St S CC: Duane Hickler 138.00 153 E Butler Litchfield MN 55355 1 -570- 0586 -0004 Mane Plamann 586 Jefferson St S Hutchinson MN 55350 586 Jefferson St S 104.29 • 1- 685- 0725 -0401 Pearl Westlund 3 -275- 0435 -1512 • Laurie Jenson 725 Main St S 999 Main St N Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 725 Main St S 435 California ST #1 37.26 260.65 PROMISES 10 -2 -97 CC: Wayne Kenning 705 Milwaukee Ave 1- 725- 0148 -0502 Hutchinson MN 55350 Betty De Witte 148 Milwaukee Ave Hutchinson MN 55350 148 Milwaukee Ave 149.13 1- 770 -0100 -0502 Beth Wolner 100 Oakland Ave Hutchinson MN 55350 100 Oakland Ave 177.85 PROMISES 9 -25 -97 2- 035- 0503 -0702 Shelli Amelsberg 105 Adams St Hutchinson MN 55350 503 2nd Ave SW 107.72 CC: Mike Mooney 65 Game Farm Rd Maple Plain MN 55339 2- 350- 0460 -0506 Henry Reiner 16828 150th St Hutchinson MN 55350 460 Dale St 77.41 • A wait FROM SUBJECT: Pursuant to Section 3.20 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a preliminary plat. On July 30, 1997, J.B.S. INC., submitted a preliminary plat of THE MEADOWS located in the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 36, Township 117, notch of Golf Course Road N.W. A public • hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, at which time there were no neighboring property owners objecting to the request. 1►L� • The required application and plat maps were submitted the appropriate fee paid. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. Director of Engineering, John Rodeberg, will submit certification that the proposed preliminary plat meets all the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance as per Preliminary Plat Data. It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned preliminary plat be approved subject to attached staff recommendations. Respectfully submitted, •c•.r DATE: September 18, 1997 Dean Wood. Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission • City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SIV Hutchinson, bfN 55350 -3 09 7 (320) 587 -2975 Fax(320)234 -4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320)587.2241 Fax(320)587 -6427 Hutchinson, AfN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 234 -4240 Printed on recycled paper - + LA!'' MN MEMORANDUM TO: Hutchinson Planning Commission FROM: Hutchinson Planning Staff SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS "THE MEADOWS." REZONING FROM R -1 TO R -2 AND PDD /CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY SCOTTAND BART BRADFORD, JBS, INC. LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF COURSE ROAD N.W. The Planning Staff recommends approval of the plat contingent upon the following: 1. Developer to submit letter of credit to city finance director Merrill. 2. Design standards of private road and infrastructure shall be to city engineer standards to accommodate garbageirecycling vehicles, etc. 3. Submittal and recording of covenants shall include the attachment of the subdivision • agreement. This document shall be recorded. 4. Parkland contribution to be per ordinance. Because the golf course is "for profit," we do not recommend the park board consider the golf course as contributory. 5. Submit forecasted water consumption estimates to VWVTF director DeVnes. If a private well is requested, submit request through Mr. DeVries. 6. Subdivision agreement to reference the dedication of right -of -way along the easterly portion of the parcel (see driving range ghost plat) 7. Submit information on the design of the golf course referencing who is the professional designer, which design standards are being utilized. We are concerned about golf balls encroaching onto private property and into cars along School Road. 8. Covenants /Subdivision agreement to reference future infrastructure maintenance is: snow plowing, flowing hydrants, etc. This is a policy procedure for the City Council to determine. cc: Scott Bradford Bart Bradford Martin Campion DATE: September 5, 1997 H: \PLANNINGUBS.WPD Citv Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, 61N 55350 -2522 1320)587.5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SIV Hutchinson, MN 55350.3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 234 -4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson „11N 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -1242 Fax(320)587 -6427 Printed on recycled paper - (3 b) 1 n u .. .... oN ..... x ..w ii.. .... m. T1lICK ILf DIIBIQIOMQ �� .'' i I Q I Q '•4 \ �' 8 / .wn O( WRIeMI ��A` ; ° eRi:.n:i:m. y %/ � o� t I Q L M \ nt NO • m. • m ; \ m on,... w on , i. �m�• 1 o r e r 0 c r - PRELIMINARY PLAT OF- THE MEADOWS \ C tlm 110V INIIIIIIQ) _ __6 __ 8 f� i 0 CITY OF HUTCH W$O ' I Scale 1" 100' x \�\\ ,I I � I � v DIVFLOPER: U55 Of3E10PU[NT PO, wx I30 WTOHN50R. w 553]0 (3n)5a7 -2720 T L 0 T 1 A Wt a.m u....x . omd rwa �� .1 c w u ,en a.wom n Of Iw I - 0 U T.0 TF'ANG.EO e I I it - i F� = Lm .W � - -- ;�; - i _y - ✓u. � L , ./. / rya THE MEADOWS PRELIMINARY PLAT 87278 JB8 DEVELOPMENT �_ HHTCHINSON. MN CNFLT ! I f A qwm � 71"167 i C x c E 4 1 1 0 N i' - PRELIMINARY GRADING, DRAINAGE, & EROSION CONTROL PLAN OF -� THE MEADOWS scale r = 100' oucna a w.aT nw w � ; SILT FENCE DETAIL � b w. l£wLM eon / r .0 a.ac Try rwc Nc u.o.onAS r¢.ui j wa su O I I I Awrpn • w. Y/r THE MEADOWS J&4 DEVELOPMENT MUTCMINSON. MN ::..�,•.:..,,ND' DMA:Ywac. 97278 V 0 / I } � r / c i GD�F© c � G9 S ,-.�urwn ors cowtt � ni nr� yl r a.n s .maurt .rs TYPICAL STREET SECTION , l . t / K� 4 is 3 44 �5 � a Z 1 2 > p 2 0 — ��— W �e 9 10 11 12 �7 8 � 10 _ � I 3 V - - - -� I «a 12 I I a �� 7 t I I I I I I I I I I f4 I I I I -- I III III scale I' a so' Hi I THE MEADOWS PRELIMINARY UnLITY AS DEVELOPMENT 8 STREET PLAN Y727B HITCHINSON. W 1 CIJCCT Nn 9 nC Y C.ICGTC T.n,o RESOLUTION NO. 10903 RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS THE MEADOWS • WHERE AS, JBS Inc., has submitted an application for approval of a preliminary plat to be known as THE MEADOWS of said subdivision in the manner required for platting of land under the Hutchinson Ordinance Code, and all proceedings have been duly had thereunder, and WHEREAS, said plat is in all respects consistent with the City Plan and the regulations and requirements of the laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordinance of the City of Hutchinson and WHEREAS, said plat is situated upon the following described land in McLeod County, to- wit; Legal Description: All that part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 117, Range 30, McLeod County, Minnesota, lying northerly of the centerline of Golf Course Road Northwest, and EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described tract of land: Part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 117, Range 30, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36; thence on an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 42 minutes 42 seconds West along the East line of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter 1657.60 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continuing South 00 degrees 42 minutes 42 seconds West along said East line 530.47 feet to the centerline of the existing Road; thence North 56 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds West along said centerline 247.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said centerline along a tangential curve that is concave to the southwest, said curve having a central angle of 07 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a radius length • of 3596.97 feet, an are length of 439.50 feet: thence North 03 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East, not tangent to the last described curve, 384.08 feet; thence South 69 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds East 608.00 feet to the point of beginning and EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that part of the Golf Course Road Northwest right - of -way lying in the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36. This tract contains 48.46 acres of land and is subject to any and all easements of record. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That said preliminary plat of THE MEADOWS is hereby approved and accepted by the City as being in accord and conformity with all ordinances, City plans and regulations of the City of Hutchinson and the laws of the State of Minnesota, subject to the attached staff recommendations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT such execution of the certification upon said plat by Mayor and City Administrator, as required, shall be conclusive showing of proper compliance therewith by the subdivider and City Officials charged with duties above described and shall entitle such plat to be placed on record forthwith without further formality. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of September, 1997. • ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin Torgerson Mayor C. MEMORANDUM TO: Hutchinson Planning Commission FROM: Hutchinson Planning Staff DATE: September 5, 1997 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS "THE MEADOWS," REZONING FROM R -1 TO R -2 AND PDD /CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY SCOTT AND BART BRADFORD, JBS, INC. LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF COURSE ROAD N.W. The Planning Staff recommends approval of the plat contingent upon the following: Developer to submit letter of credit to city finance director Merrill. 2. Design standards of private road and infrastructure shall be to city engineer standards to accommodate garbage /recycling vehicles, etc. 3. Submittal and recording of covenants shall include the attachment of the subdivision agreement. This document shall be recorded. 4. Parkland contribution to be per ordinance. Because the golf course is "for profit," we do not recommend the park board consider the golf course as contributory. 5. Submit forecasted water consumption estimates to WWTF director DeVries. If a private well is requested, submit request through Mr. DeVries. 6. Subdivision agreement to reference the dedication of right -of -way along the easterly portion of the parcel (see driving range ghost plat) 7. Submit information on the design of the golf course referencing who is the professional designer, which design standards are being utilized. We are concerned about golf balls encroaching onto private property and into cars along School Road. 8. Covenants /Subdivision agreement to reference future infrastructure maintenance ie: snow plowing, flowing hydrants, etc. This is a policy procedure for the City Council to determine. cc: Scott Bradford Bart Bradford Martin Campion H:\PLANNINGUBS.WPD City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street S W Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3 09 7 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 2344240 Printed on recycled paper - Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 587.6427 • • C DATE: September 17, 1997 '• .. .� t �� .wn .t. I in IOU 11mKi Pursuant to Section 6.05, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for rezoning. HISTORY • On July 29, 1997, J.B.S. Inc. submitted a request to rezone property from R -1 (Single Family Residence) to R -2 (Multiple Family Residence -Low Density) located in the west half of the northwest quarter of Section 36, Township 117, north of Golf Course Road NW. A hearing was held at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, at that time there were no neighboring property owners present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. 3. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the request be granted. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request to rezone be approved. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission City Center Parks & Recreation Police Services III Hassan Street SE 900 Harrington Street SIV 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 2344240 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 2344140 (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 - Printed on recycled paper - 0 / R -2 1 R -1 CRO RryE9 COLT'RV CLJB � 1 I -24 0 Blow R -5 �. R -4 �- R -1 \I, I � 4 E�, 9 0 1 ,' 0 / R -2 1 R -1 CRO RryE9 COLT'RV CLJB � 1 I -24 0 Blow R -5 �. R -4 �- R -1 \I, I � 4 E�, 9 0 C TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission DATE: September 17, 1997 Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY • On July 29, 1997, J.B.S. Inc. submitted an application for a Planned Development District/Conditional Use permit to construct 19 structures (38 twin home units) in a R -2 District located in the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 36, Township 117, north of Golf Course Road NW. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above, noting the following: 1. Developer to submit letter of credit to city finance director Merrill. 2. Design standards of private road and infrastructure shall be to city engineer standards to accommodate garbage /recycling vehicles, etc. 3. Submittal and recording of covenants shall include the attachment of the subdivision agreement. This document shall be recorded. 4. Parkland contribution to be per ordinance. Because the golf course is "for profit," we do not recommend the park board consider the golf course as contributory. City Center Parks & Recreation Police Services • Ill Hassan Street SE 900 Harrington Street SW 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, 61N 55350 -2522 Hutchinson, NIN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -5151 (320) 587 -2975 _ J� Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587.2242 Fax (320) 2344240 Fax (320) 234 -4240 #t F f Fax (320) 587 -6427 - Printed on recycled paper - Page 2 J.B.S. memo September 17, 1997 5. Submit forecasted water consumption estimates to WWTF director DeVries. If a private well is requested, submit request through Mr. DeVries. 6. Subdivision agreement to reference the dedication of right -of -way along the easterly portion of the parcel (see driving range ghost plat) 7. Submit information on the design of the golf course referencing who is the professional designer, which design standards are being utilized. We are concerned about golf balls encroaching onto private property and into cars along School Road. 8. Covenants/Subdivision agreement to reference future infrastructure maintenance ie: snow Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission • 40 RESOLUTION NO. 10904 RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT /CONDITIONAL • USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 8.17 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 REQUESTED BY JBS INC. FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEADOWS PLAT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. JBS Inc. has made application to the City Council for a Planned Development District/Conditional Use Permit under Section 8.17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 for development of The Meadows plat with the following legal description: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 117, Range 30, McLeod County, Minnesota, lying northerly of the centerline of Golf Course Road Northwest, and EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described tract of land: Part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 117, Range 30, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast comer of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36; thence on an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 42 minutes 42 seconds West along the East line of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter 1657.60 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continuing South 00 degrees 42 minutes 42 seconds West along said East line 530.47 feet to the centerline of the existing Road; thence North 56 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds West along said centerline 247.00 feet; thence northwesterly along said centerline along a tangential curve that is concave to the southwest, said curve having a central angle of 07 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a radius length of 3596.97 feet, an arc length of 439.50 feet; thence North 03 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East, not tangent to the last described curve, 384.08 feet; thence South 69 degrees 57 minutes • 00 seconds East 608.00 feet to the point of beginning and EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that part of the Golf Course Road Northwest right -of -way lying in the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36. This tract contains 48.46 acres of land and is subject to any and all easements of record. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is not in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. The application for the Planned Development District/ Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above noting attached staff recommendations. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of September, 1997. ATTEST: • Gary D. Plotz Marlin D. Torgerson City Administrator Mayor / � — 11, C MEMORANDUM DATE: September 5, 1997 TO: Hutchinson Planning Commission FROM: Hutchinson Planning Staff SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS "THE MEADOWS, - REZONING FROM R -1 TO R -2 AND PDD /CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY SCOTT AND BART BRADFORD, JBS, INC. LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF COURSE ROAD N.W. The Planning Staff recommends approval of the plat contingent upon the following: 1. Developer to submit letter of credit to city finance director Merrill. 2. Design standards of private road and infrastructure shall be to city engineer standards to accommodate garbage /recycling vehicles, etc. 3. Submittal and recording of covenants shall include the attachment of the subdivision agreement. This document shall be recorded. 4. Parkland contribution to be per ordinance. Because the golf course is "for profit," we do not recommend the park board consider the golf course as contributory. 5. Submit forecasted water consumption estimates to WWTF director DeVries. If a private well is requested, submit request through Mr. DeVries. 6. Subdivision agreement to reference the dedication of right -of -way along the easterly portion of the parcel (see driving range ghost plat) 7. Submit information on the design of the golf course referencing who is the professional designer, which design standards are being utilized. We are concerned about golf balls encroaching onto private property and into cars along School Road. B. Covenants/Subdivision agreement to reference future infrastructure maintenance ie: snow plowing, flowing hydrants, etc. This is a policy procedure for the City Council to determine. cc: Scott Bradford Bart Bradford Martin Campion WPLANNINGUBS.WPD City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax(320)234.4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hulchinson,hfN 55350.3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 234.4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SIV Hutchinson, bfN 55350 -1464 (320) 587.2142 Fax (320) 587 -6427 • • - Printed on recycled paper - C DATE: September 18, 1997 ' • .. tltiRial� •_iFRdriFl . u n . :.il: a ;i • •. ; r.. r• �r •i. :u•:.:•. r• •all &2 u 09M UN III e 409MM ; • . M,u Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On August 26, 1997, Hutchinson Manufacturing submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct two pole type storage buildings and an addition onto an existing building for office and manufacturing space in the VC District located at 720 Hwy 7 West. • FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. - 2- Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above, noting a task force will be established to address screening issues. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission • City Center III Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax(320)234 -4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350.3097 (320) 587.2975 Fax (320) 2344240 Printed on recycled paper Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587.2242 Fax (310) 587 -6427 ielmp soot ele Mtlw • I' q contours 252 00- HIGHWAY NO ? _= 1 ST AT 3 � O rn! N I v o' 3 o n ® - n W - N N S I N � d WIN N °j C' / / o N m N i M m N O N8'9' 51 T B M sew __fs o M / N .T-' 3 _ F - - -el - - - -- - 18.00 252.00- 240 EXISTING BUILDING W .eof rc z7c75 ��'" N89 °51 J - •- 146 r ,..0 - W .am / 273 To IA remorea m [ 80 !. 58 u Y 108.8. Y / n r12' PROPOSED I �BUILDING L 1 tl / 2 ` PIW.YJ 11.o. a sl ox 0- E %ISTWG BLDG / sa.. m ..Ia1Ny om'. noo. W .eof rc rn t ti , J - •- 146 r ,..0 - W .am m / / - - - - -- 1 2 o r l I S ' 1 1 .t n ql I I 1 / 1 EXISTING BUILDING w N / N / PROPOSED B' / hqp N; II°Or .I 60 / 94 122 a - O - - - �Cen let line of TIM.r rto ul rJ E 862. '- -- _= o _ /- - N78 Z7 02 _•s -' _ _— -' l' _''Genre+ l,m al n , o ro trod` p Uj �dll that part of the nest 77o.00 feet of the Southeast Ouarter of tl'. of Section 30, - fownshlp 117 North, panze 30 I of the 5th Princlpa sured along the north line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southea - , - . //'��H nor thor lc nF rh, , .,c . - - I n.,r_._ ,- :, .__ - rn t ti , - •- 146 r ,..0 - RESOLUTION NO. 10905 RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER • SECTION 8.13 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON MANUFACTURING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POLE TYPE BUILDINGS AND ADDITION TO OFFICE AND MFG PLANT LOCATED AT 720 HWY 7 W. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: � 1. Hutchinson Manufacturing has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 8.13 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 for construction of 2 pole type buildings and addition to office and manufacturing plant in the UC district located at 720 Hwy 7 West with the following legal description: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that part of the west 778.00 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 117 North, Range 30 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, as measured along the north line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, lying northerly of the right of way of Dakota Rail, Inc. Except the west 252.00 feet of the north 345.70 feet thereof as measured along the north and west lines of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. Also that part of the east 66.00 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 36 lying northerly of the former right of way of the Minnesota Western Railway Company. Except the north 345.70 feet thereof as measured along the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter. And also: • West 252 feet of North 345.70 feet of Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter north of railroad and south of TH 7 West except the west 11.12 acres and except the east 66 feet north of the railroad right of way except northerly 345.70 feet. (4.85 acres) 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is not in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The application for the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above, noting a task force will be established to address screening issues. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of September, 1997. ATTEST: C� Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mavor �•�: RS�tlfili�SL•1[�[•ISRtT�II DATE: September 17, 1997 C ONSIDERAT I ON • •v 1• NAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JASON DA S TURGES TO u• 1 TWO C Vt GAZAGE LOC �• • '• S Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On August 29, 1997, Mr. Jason Sturges submitted an application for a conditional use permit to move a 22'x 24' garage to 441 Monroe Street. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, at which time there was no one present objecting to the request. • FINDINGS OF FACT I. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is eranted based on the findings set forth above Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood. Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission • City Center Ill Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Far(320)234 -4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, SIN 55350.3097 (310) 587 -2975 Fax(320)234-4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 7 (320) 587 -2242 — t' Fax (320) 587.6427 Printed on recycled paper - Jo--an 5 AA gcls p rrlanuy /f�eYr 4H! r*�an, -ate scree / t fh, �h,'nso� r1..v 5S3S9 S < i� A/ E r 3)' Sb�o- �1 + ✓ ;le m �r y4�e Ive,w 6�rvc- z�' 0 0 11 0 RESOLUTION NO. 10906 RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 8.05 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 t REQUESTED BY JASON STURGES TO REMOVE EXISTING GARAGE AND MOVE IN A 22'X 24' GARAGE TO BE LOCATED AT 441 MONROE STREET BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCFU NSON, MN: 1 � 1► 1. Mr. Jason Sturges has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 8.05 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to move a 22'x 24' garage onto property located at 441 Monroe Street with the following legal description: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 7, Block 46, South 1/2 City 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use is not in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The application for the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above . Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of September, 1997. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor i • i1fRi.TL•7(3IlmMI MIM MILMANURMU DATE: September 17, 1997 Pursuant to Section 6.07, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its fmdings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On August 29, 1997, Independent School District i#423 submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct a 24'x 98' metal storage building located at 1200 Roberts Road. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, at which time there was no one present objecting to the request. • FINDINGS OF FACT I. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission • City Center III Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587.5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587.2975 Fax (320) 234 -4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350.2464 (320) 587 -2242 —T Fax (320) 587 -6427 - Printed on recycled paper - a J O O U Vl ROBERTS RD SW HIGH SCHOOL n �N sal"- I" aDo S 1TE ,-� P e, C) csE p S roRAG 13i 1 JG • 1 I 11 • RESOLUTION NO. 10907 RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER • SECTION 8.05 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON SCHOOL DISTRICT TO CONSTRUCT A 24'X 98' METAL STORAGE BUILDING TO BE LOCATED AT THE HIGH SCHOOL, 1200 ROBERTS RD SW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN: FINDINGS 1. Mr. Jason Sturges has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 8.05 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to construct a 24'x 98' metal storage building to be located at the High School, 1200 Roberts Rd. SW, with the following legal description: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section One (1) Township One Hundred Sixteen (116) North Range Thirty (30) West 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. The Council has determined that the proposed use is not in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. 0 CONCLUSION The application for the Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of September, 1997- ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgerson Mayor • C DATE: September 18, 1997 TO: Hutchinson City Council Pursuant to Section 6.05, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for rezoning. HISTORY On September 3, 1997, the City Staff submitted a request to rezone property from C -4 to I/C the northerly portions of 786 Hwy. 7 West and 805 Hwy. 7 West. A hearing was held at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, at that time there were no neighboring property owners • present objecting to the request. FINDINGS OF FACT Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the request be granted. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request to rezone be approved. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission City Center III Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320)587.5151 Fax(320)234-4240 Parks & Recreation Police Services 900 Harrington Street SW 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -2975 T (320) 587 -2242 Fax (320) 234 -4240 t Far (320) 587.6427 Printed on recycled paper - W I ` K r C .. l a I S E .. . i i \ -s\, a "R . 4, 0: ; — o 2. .2 o 7 E LL • J S E _ e• Eis AvC.uE n al0 5P '.• 0 0 l J ` f - �= AI '... I �� I •i N yI P 1 l�� 1 PARK R I I ! GOPHER CAMPFIRE WILDLIFE SANCTUARY / AT 2 I P AT OF OT LTN ADP C DATE: September 17, 1997 F11 1111111 ' 111g1pligil Pursuant to Section 6.05, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request to amend City Zoning Ordinance Section 10. HISTORY On September 3, 1997, Hutchinson Planning Staff requested an amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance Section 8.18, Subd. 2, flood insurance and boundary map dates. Subd. 2. Establishment of Official Zoning Map. The Official Zoning Map together with all materials attached thereto is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this Chapter. The • attached material shall include the Flood Insurance Study for the City of Hutchinson prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration dated August 18, 1992, and the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map dated August 18, 1992, and Flood Insurance Rate Map dated August 18, 1992. The Official Zoning Map shall be on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator and the Clerk. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. All procedural requirements for amendments to the Ordinance have been complied with. 2. Notice was published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. The hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, at which time there was no one present objecting to the request. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request to amend the Ordinance be approved as set forth above. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission • City Center Parks & Recreation Police Services 111 Hassan Street SE 900 Harrington Street SW 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -5151 (320) 587 -2975 (320) 587.2241 Fax (320) 134 -4240 Fax (320) 2344240 /C. Fax (320) 587.6427 - Printed on recycled paper - 0 PUBLICATION NO. 5090 PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER: Thursday, September 4, 1997 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall for the purpose of considering an amendment to City Code Chapter 11, Zoning Ordinance #464, Section 8.18, subdivision 2, Flood Plain Management, regarding the flood insurance and boundary map dates. Section 8.18 Flood Plains Section 8.18.2 GENERAL PROVISIONS. Subd. 2. Establishment of Official Zoning Map. The Official Zoning Map together with all materials attached thereto is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this Chapter. The attached material shall include the Flood Insurance Study for the • City of Hutchinson prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration dated May, 1988, August 18. 1992 and the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map dated Nevembef 5, 19 , August 18. 1992. and Flood Insurance Rate Map dated NevernbeF ` ' ^ °^ August 18, 1992, The Official Zoning Map shall be on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator and the Clerk. This hearing will be held by the Planning commission of the City of Hutchinson. At such hearing, all interested persons may be heard. If you would desire to appeal the Planning Commission's recommendation, you can take your request to the City Council, which has the power to overrule the decision of the Planning Commission. City Administrator .. n .. .. D. -. • C MEMORANDUM DATE: September 17, 1997 TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED BY MR. GARY DOBMEIER- MAILBOXES F.TC. TO REDIJCE T14F. AVF,RAGE SETBACK ON PROPERTY Pursuant to Section 6.04, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its findings of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a variance. HISTORY On September 8, 1997, Mr. Dobmeier, submitted an application for a variance to reduce the average • setback on property located on Main Street North. A hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 16, 1997, at which time there was no one present objecting to the request. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997 . i. OV10 �. ��► It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the variance be granted based on the findings set forth above. Respectfully submitted, Dean Wood, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission • City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 234 -4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street S W Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 75 Fax (320) ) 234 234 -0240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350.2464 (320) 587 -2242 Fax(320)587 -6427 Printed on recycled paper- _ Lor n 6 _ 0. I '� `• / J l +i o 2 r � Rtr . •. A I - At d V •.rq Me ttmv p We p Ij / --- ---- ---- w s -/ . e.. ------ / w � • i l, pp LOT 8 OESCRWTN S TOM Lot I. Blen 13. NORTH HKf Of HUTCHM' pkl IM/.of. SW." 4 on w..vmnr f« &o ona .. IM MRM/II 10.00 feet. ..I. 1600 Mr one 1M .wM«ry ° yyy Lot 7, � 0. 13. - HA f V 1MOYN 170.00 / IW.f. up.p, IM UWwly ° / SIfS ct t. en .°..^`•"M �M w Nu o lee'. u L .I f«4 Lo, toed TM. 6w tn.f f I'MW 4.1 of Let T. Bleol \ \ HlITC1Y M' ecc «Mp to tM r.c«a.G p to m .pf«n.n1 f« lM ... 1.1I 10.004. IM• 1600 f.., of fa1G Let I. RESOLUTION NO. 10908 RESOLUTION GRANTING VARIANCE FROM SECTION 6.04 OF • ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO ALLOW A VARIANCE REQUESTED BY MR GARY DOBMEIER, MAILBOXES ETC., TO REDUCE AVERAGE SETBACK ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 441 MAIN ST NORTH BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Mr. Gary Dobmeier, Mailboxes Etc., has applied for a variance from Section 6.04 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to reduce average setback on property located at 441 Main St. North, with the following legal description: Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 13, North Half of Hutchinson, according to the recorded plat thereof, except the southerly 170 feet of said Lot 7. 2. The Planning Commission has reviewed the application for a variance and has recommended to the City Council that the application for variance be approved as set forth above. 3. The Council has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, and the values of property in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance upon the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible • to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals, or in any other aspect be contrary to the intent of the ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The special conditions applying to the structure or land in question are peculiar to such property or immediately adjoining property and do not apply generally to other land or structures in the district in which such land is located. 6. The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. It will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but is necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship or difficulty. CK9]`►[y 1CIL. above. The application for the variance for the purpose designated is granted based on the findings set forth Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of September, 1997. ATTEST: C� Gary D. Plotz, City Adm. Marlin D. Torgerson, Mayor 4 / C DATE: September 17, 1997 TO: FROM: SUBJECT • Mayor and City Council Hutchinson Planning Commission CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY JAY BEYTIEN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 740 AND 730 HARMONY LANE Planning Commission recommends approval of the lot split noting that there appears to be only one shut off valve for water connection. The owner has been notified for future connection and fees to consult the city engineer's office. cc: Jay Beytien • City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Printed on recycled paper - Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson,,NN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Far (320) 234.4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350.2464 (320) 587 -2242 —P. Fax (320) 587 -6427 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR JAY BEYTIEN TOTAL DESCIIP m• Wal S10D feet •f Lai 22. LYNN AppfTpN, a cordW Io M. record" Innis he reof, • eep$ IM Sawn 114M his, of add Lei 22. All@. IM Cost, 62410 1..1 of Let 23. LYlel EDOI" accrellq la IM recorded MW rhoresl, uc•pl tM South 1 IS.D fur of sole Let 23. Ph: AREA OF SOUTHERLY 't .. r of Me EEast 1•« of steel Thar ps1 el M• We S }DD feel of artl part 2 dl In he o l " o f. as be v pel m Ms o i l M of 1n. atawdr b M • sealed .lop h o a ho t a r, l norM v M.ore as eeelrMne . 55O f I M Well fee, of into Let 22 a decants of 99.419 feel nwln of the nenMa., cwnor, OI the S d l.not, f of ,b Wol 03 .0 M.' and M1« of into Lot 22: Mince u,i «ry, lv a ulo, en In. • ll And of IN Cnu 52.90 fe,I er sold t ?, r.3 n dnarNe or n.r41 to., norm el m. nann..n colorer er me So lnn 14.5 set at the Fan 62.90 Pa. of add Lot 23. and sold or 57. 1lne inate nrllvmnno- a Is 30 6D _ 3011TIQ.RY PARCEL e c.I. In I..r 11he1 Isre1 of IM Wo1 S10D b•I of Let 22 dM Ihal pol of ,n• East 62.90 feet of Let 2.3. W In LYNN "IrIDN, • n .n• of the described a. •lwue if d peMl an Ill. .a wewdlrre to M. recorded Pont, ltl.r•a1, I" ...h of a M u Wel 6J.W fur .f .410 L.I 22 v deforc. of 55.416 feel rorlh of In. rerlh•olf e.m of IM S• 111 I PAM feel of IM • Dine, Men Inalumenl found We 63 w bet el aald L. 22: IMnte . Wr. la a Palo, el the ..11 I'll. of Ih• Fill 62-00 f e, el sold Let 23 e d,ndln al 57. T4 Fee, nwin .11M north— ai cwv« of tI.. SeuM 114.0 Intel of the Fan 152.90 feet of said Lai 25, / and add IIIw ,nor. t•rmYioNn1. O Denote, bon nienumnnl .c, 1 n.r•F) ter 1 :y Ida, In 1.,41. Plan •r N•o•.1 . e 5..5...41 It, the er under m alr.al .up•rv. fen and In al I am a out, • Ilc•ee•d Lane S.,u• trader In. 1... of IM Side. of Ml .isms era. 4# 4 l e 1 .1c. No. 25UjLx . Dole! 9 MLrC1MISM LW .1(00 W. 9 m P -202 Pa I • • • _. - -'t 2wei+lr -Ire• .. ...n._. -.... .... �... AREA OF NORIMRLY PARCEL - 10481 Square Feet AREA OF SOUTHERLY PARCEL - 5224 SgWPS Feet / KLAMMERS ADDITION 3 / f m 1 I ) 62.50 se dl fi2�Ll lM -- l -- , S2m Ill I nr3o 2 � Ld 370 I g � 6 � I 1140 Y v z I 0 n ' �.r 52. s.w..n .... .]1 IMws.l 92 3 W 1 l �N,d.... w r s«. ram tr .r I Len V.aO r.n w fv L,Iw eaNrw .~.00 F:,".. °i ime Ln v. \[M..Pd,PI r .e ism R .. w i awlo. ( LYNN .r W..... new a., l M W f[.lA. IRIlI1Pr I .- ADDITION �.. r l I LAlo/WIIPpa er La. .na. fib i LTLr RaItO. 1 I I - SECOND AVENUE SW 1 n.r•F) ter 1 :y Ida, In 1.,41. Plan •r N•o•.1 . e 5..5...41 It, the er under m alr.al .up•rv. fen and In al I am a out, • Ilc•ee•d Lane S.,u• trader In. 1... of IM Side. of Ml .isms era. 4# 4 l e 1 .1c. No. 25UjLx . Dole! 9 MLrC1MISM LW .1(00 W. 9 m P -202 Pa I • • • _. - -'t 2wei+lr -Ire• .. ...n._. -.... .... �... N DATE: September 17, 1997 • TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY CRAIG REINER TO CONTINUE A GRAVEL MINING OPERATION IN SECTION 34, ACOMA TOWNSHIP (WITHIN THE URBAN BOUNDARY DISTRICT). Planning Commission recommends approval of the request. cc: Craig Reiner • City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350.2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 2344240 Printed on recycled paper Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350.2464 (320) 587 -2242 _�� Fax (320) 587 -6427 C PLAYINI •tT — .° J IANCY .. AI r �l .. '. ** ANCY �e moss; I a ae.. w 8 ei • A e' ! Y I rYi X•.OLb] ; .+ OR - B STEVEN I e.TS V .L.TI' v.• I J\ I,DFF EOM �� ♦'.a N•. EE]O- \ s Imo.: J -[ .s -N •.. I S .x [ ( 1 1CTI0IC MLSEMI POPP .. (TE a.. ] ♦FRENCH FERRILLS LAKE ti A .[.- `f` "' r RE [ERVIN I Z.�3 ff�ol 1 / 1 ]1J• + T RHE i JIOILS En Wt; TYNE r Y • \- r 7 / .II 19 -"" � I ® I USCH 1 ' { M Y so L {y)a VIX IR cr IJARY '1; wJ.Nf xf L I R I C r INA Y RR.WT UIS FF�ETAI.al xo. AR[ L!Q p a w AGE ETUx I 9EMAI ES B { L [yq LRL[B If n - E v.•a -f •r ~ u RFF NE a •DUN{ A iP„ TER J CD ] ` ] 2 I .K F PC a t • �U�1E EVANS •xlw.Ar .J9 l m 1 , 1 T I {S Ap.r AIt [ =n) RANGE 30 WES CO _ n 1 c II•{f -• ^�" PONALD I RAOUNL IS e0 09 f GEORGE J r.m[ PRI �C . K 1 �� " I {r b.we LAI, Ell EV I xn.X, HLUETER AjDf JD[L e RIE`.E LUEDT e"T, rIl ANR E KI• XrtL R EOWIN TETIS CORM i« In I Q r Q FABIAN SO [ iRED N \ TEW9 n I ELD ' D I T E T L Ta\ . loom (1) N `� O 0 m NAR'/E'/ ® q•wt IZ ��-\ L\ i ° E L 8''.6O.I �^/IENLELL - I HARLAR A E.Zp TEWS ' J DLENN a (FERN B. AN )�SDN. Apa E ((''I''���� ZJMMACN:' SHERWOO� \'(^ CE TEWS HOFF BERI"� - ' -! _ - [ w ao 4r- AYANE'm -,I DWYER . 'm N :. Im.X .: �rt.o REA A. f '� Q ® LWS . iQ I Ot ® I 1 CH4 FfkE9 RA NZ ! DLL WILLARO ii K • 14 •'aI HOEN EMANN VIERRNN] RIVE t QEN [ - \\ ICET RY aNN y RNFE T N 2 RAY .DbT C BdJO +]]I i � 6T 9B I4RVILLA IAR 0 • a LFRED L. DE LF RED OUA E Y ©Y OEMYING BERGNU19 ED RY 9 • ((pp�� • ] T ` JWaf w.1E EN so LUTHEps DEO� a DEL BERT B ©� uii •• •1• 1 ' \ BEATRICE WRY ENJAMI% JM 07 CHA ry a YN TN L YM- 1 31 TIN MIN FINtr[ 'f J FIG � • 3 DELVER 'RHO++ u '\ Q INXL 9TE\£N Ls [ STITEi = o LI HANN M.IV w r,8ia ` .YO DALE VII [ L TKE RUSCH {B tt" Q M Y u • - HANN LYNN (k) 9) TWP ACOMA CODE- I ')WNSHIP 117 NORTH C MEEKER Q I IR.�H 00. Y Y -� ,L GARY BALLARD � �(,®. F BELLE L LAKE [ T•X. CEDAR • • �"[" A ArM[ ]AN T w mx T T r A .On 0 HARQJJ ± J J . l LEN ILLS GLEN MILLS J r Igo- ALD r O RA9Y- J ^L� AYES a I IZ9I ` ` I I FTX FLOO ` 1 O ��. t L IA OEL R'e DORBE s sa]+� - . ` 199E N NA9l s OG I " 1 - TEE" . I WAITER U .I~s. U ! _ 19e 11 . RANGE 30 WES CO _ n 1 c II•{f -• ^�" PONALD I RAOUNL IS e0 09 f GEORGE J r.m[ PRI �C . K 1 �� " I {r b.we LAI, Ell EV I xn.X, HLUETER AjDf JD[L e RIE`.E LUEDT e"T, rIl ANR E KI• XrtL R EOWIN TETIS CORM i« In I Q r Q FABIAN SO [ iRED N \ TEW9 n I ELD ' D I T E T L Ta\ . loom (1) N `� O 0 m NAR'/E'/ ® q•wt IZ ��-\ L\ i ° E L 8''.6O.I �^/IENLELL - I HARLAR A E.Zp TEWS ' J DLENN a (FERN B. AN )�SDN. Apa E ((''I''���� ZJMMACN:' SHERWOO� \'(^ CE TEWS HOFF BERI"� - ' -! _ - [ w ao 4r- AYANE'm -,I DWYER . 'm N :. Im.X .: �rt.o REA A. f '� Q ® LWS . iQ I Ot ® I 1 CH4 FfkE9 RA NZ ! DLL WILLARO ii K • 14 •'aI HOEN EMANN VIERRNN] RIVE t QEN [ - \\ ICET RY aNN y RNFE T N 2 RAY .DbT C BdJO +]]I i � 6T 9B I4RVILLA IAR 0 • a LFRED L. DE LF RED OUA E Y ©Y OEMYING BERGNU19 ED RY 9 • ((pp�� • ] T ` JWaf w.1E EN so LUTHEps DEO� a DEL BERT B ©� uii •• •1• 1 ' \ BEATRICE WRY ENJAMI% JM 07 CHA ry a YN TN L YM- 1 31 TIN MIN FINtr[ 'f J FIG � • 3 DELVER 'RHO++ u '\ Q INXL 9TE\£N Ls [ STITEi = o LI HANN M.IV w r,8ia ` .YO DALE VII [ L TKE RUSCH {B tt" Q M Y u • - HANN LYNN (k) 9) TWP ' D I T E T L Ta\ . loom (1) N `� O 0 m NAR'/E'/ ® q•wt IZ ��-\ L\ i ° E L 8''.6O.I �^/IENLELL - I HARLAR A E.Zp TEWS ' J DLENN a (FERN B. AN )�SDN. Apa E ((''I''���� ZJMMACN:' SHERWOO� \'(^ CE TEWS HOFF BERI"� - ' -! _ - [ w ao 4r- AYANE'm -,I DWYER . 'm N :. Im.X .: �rt.o REA A. f '� Q ® LWS . iQ I Ot ® I 1 CH4 FfkE9 RA NZ ! DLL WILLARO ii K • 14 •'aI HOEN EMANN VIERRNN] RIVE t QEN [ - \\ ICET RY aNN y RNFE T N 2 RAY .DbT C BdJO +]]I i � 6T 9B I4RVILLA IAR 0 • a LFRED L. DE LF RED OUA E Y ©Y OEMYING BERGNU19 ED RY 9 • ((pp�� • ] T ` JWaf w.1E EN so LUTHEps DEO� a DEL BERT B ©� uii •• •1• 1 ' \ BEATRICE WRY ENJAMI% JM 07 CHA ry a YN TN L YM- 1 31 TIN MIN FINtr[ 'f J FIG � • 3 DELVER 'RHO++ u '\ Q INXL 9TE\£N Ls [ STITEi = o LI HANN M.IV w r,8ia ` .YO DALE VII [ L TKE RUSCH {B tt" Q M Y u • - HANN LYNN (k) 9) TWP MINUTES HUTCHINSON LANNIING COMMISSION � FOR YOU • r 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Wood at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Bill Craig, Bill Arndt, Jim Haugen, Joe Drahos, and Chairman Wood. Absent: Jeff Haag and Dave Westlund. Also present: Jim Marka, Director of Building, Planning and Zoning, Bonnie Baumetz, Planning and Zoning. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting dated August 19, 1997, seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously. a) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY AUGUSTA HOUSING TO CONSTRUCT FIVE 8 -PLEX BUILDINGS IN THE R -3 DISTRICT. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:32 p.m. with the reading of publication # 5082 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit to construct five 8 -plex buildings in the R -3 District located in Century Court Addition. • Mr. Marka said Brian Solsrud would like his request continued next month. All the information is not available at this time. Mr. Craig made a motion to continue the hearing next month, seconded by Mr. Amdt the motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS "THE MEADOWS" REQUESTED BY SCOTT AND BART BRADFORD, J.B.S. INC., LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF COURSE RD. N.W. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:35 p.m. with the reading of publication #5083 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a preliminary plat to be known as "The Meadows" requested by Scott and Bart Bradford, J.B.S. Inc. located north of Golf Course Rd. N.W. Bart and Scott Bradford and Marty Campion were present to explain their development. The first phase will be 38 houses and a nine -hole golf course. Mr. Marka read the list of recommendations from the planning staff. There was discussion regarding the value of a subdivision agreement, and • should this land be put to lower density use and have infrastructure costs spread among fewer property owners. Mark Bullert, spoke explaining his father owns property adjoining the Bradford property on the northwest side. He asked the time line of the acquisition for School Rd. NW, and how the right -of -way would affect their property. Mr. Marka said infrastructure would be accessed from Golf Course Rd. Mr. Marka recommended Mr. Bullert talk to the City engineer regarding development of his property. Mr. Bullert said he is in favor of a golf course adjoining his property. Carol Van Ort, 930 Luedke Lane asked how the proposed road would line up to Luedke Lane, and how utilities would be accessed. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 5:55 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the request noting staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. c) CONSIDERATION TO REZONE FROM R -1 TO R -2 THE PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE PLATTED THE MEADOWS REQUESTED BY SCOTT BRADFORD, J.B.S. INC. LOCATED NORTH OF GOLF COURSE ROAD NW. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:55 p.m. with the reading of publication #5084 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a request by J.B.S. Inc., 75 Hassan St. SE, to rezone property from R -1 to R -2 located north of Goff Course Road. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing dosed at 5:56 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the request, seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. d) CONSIDERATION OF A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT /CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST BY J.B.S. INC., 75 HASSAN ST. SE, TO CONSTRUCT 19 STRUCTURES (38 TWIN HOME UNITS) IN A R -2 DISTRICT LOCATED • NORTH OF GOLF COURSE ROAD NW. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 5:56 p.m. with the reading of publication #5085 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a Planned development district/conditional use permit request by J.B.S. Inc., 75 Hassan St. S.E., to construct 19 structures (38 twin home units) in a R -2 District located north of Goff Course Road. Mr. Arndt moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Craig the hearing closed at 5:56 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations and the golf course infrastructure be designed by a registered engineer noting safe location of the holes adjacent to the road. Seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. e) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCH MFG. & SALES TO CONSTRUCT TWO POLE TYPE BUILDINGS AND AN ADDITION ONTO EXISTING OFFICE AND MFG. BUILDING LOCATED AT 720 HWY. 7 WEST. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:07 p.m. with the reading of publication #5086 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Hutchinson Manufacturing to construct two pole type storage buildings and an • addition onto existing building for office and manufacturing space in the I/C District located at 720 Hwy. 7 West. Mr. Marka explained staff recommendations, and said he had spoke with Mr. Daggett regarding the screening. A task force will be established to work on the screening. • Mr. Greg Jenum, Hutchinson Manufacturing, explained the type of buildings to be constructed. Mr. Arndt moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing dosed at 6:08 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Arndt the motion carried unanimously. f) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY JASON STURGES TO REMOVE EXISTING GARAGE AND MOVE IN A 22'X 24' GARAGE TO BE LOCATED AT 441 MONROE ST. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:11 p.m. with the reading of publication #5087 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit request by Jason Sturges to remove the existing garage and move in a 22' x 24' two car garage located at 441 Monroe Street SE. Ms. Baumetz explained the placement of garage and staff recommendations. Jason Sturges said he is meeting ordinance requirements. Mr. Craig moved to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing closed at 6:15 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously. • g) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY HUTCHINSON SCHOOL DISTRICT TO CONSTRUCT A 24'X 98' METAL STORAGE BUILDING TO BE LOCATED ON THE HIGH SCHOOL PROPERTY AT 1200 ROBERTS ROAD. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:45 p.m. with the reading of publication #5088 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. The request is for the purpose of considering a conditional use permit requested by Independent School District #423 to construct a 24' x 98' metal storage building located at 1200 Roberts Road. Ms. Baumetz explained the request and staff recommendations. Mr. Craig made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Arndt the hearing dosed at 6:46 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously h) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM C-4 TO I/C REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF PORTIONS OF TEMPLIN AND BRANDON PROPERTIES LOCATED NORTH OF HWY 7. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:46 p.m. with the reading of publication #5089 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. • The request by city staff is for the purpose of considering to rezone from C-4 to I/C northerly portions of 786 Hwy. 7 West and 805 Hwy. 7 West. Ms. Baumetz explained the request and staff recommendations. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Craig the hearing closed at 6:46 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carved unanimously. CONSIDERATION TO AMEND CITY CODE CHAPTER 11, ZONING ORDINANCE -. - • #464, SECTION 8.18, SUBDIVISION 2, FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT, REGARDING THE FLOOD INSURANCE AND BOUNDARY MAP DATES. Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:47 p.m. with the reading of publication #5090 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. The request by city staff is for the consideration of Amendment to Zoning Ordinance SECTION 8.18, Subd. 2, regarding the flood insurance and boundary map. Mr. Craig made a motion to dose the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 6:48 p.m. Mr. Craig made a motion to approve the amendment, seconded by Mr. Haugen the motion carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY GARY DOBMEIER, MAILBOXES, ETC. TO REDUCE AVERAGE SETBACK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A BUILDING AT 441 MAIN ST. NORTH, Chairman Wood opened the hearing at 6:15 p.m. with the reading of publication #5091 as published in The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, September 4, 1997. The request by Gary Dobmeier, Mailboxes, Etc. to reduce the average setback on property located on Main St. North. Mr. Marka said Mail Boxes Etc. will meet all the setbacks required by ordinance, but not the average setback. . Gary Dobmeier explained Mail Boxes Etc. and the structure of the building. There was discussion concerning exiting onto Hwy 15. Mr. Dobmeier they will not have spot lights and lighting will be directed down and away from neighboring homes. Mrs. Arnold Piepenberg, 13-4th Ave. NE said she isopposed to the development of this property. She is concerned what will happen to her property. She has access to her property between the Amoco and Erickson property. Mrs. Piepenberg said her property is zoned R -C. The planning commissioners assured her this development should not affect her property. The planning commission asked staff to do research on this property, contact Ron McGraw who handled the easement of the driveway, and send a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Piepenberg with explanations. Amold Piepenberg said the R -C zoning is in his abstract, and he was asking how it could be changed. Chairman Wood abstained from voting on this request. Mr. Arndt made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing • closed at 6:42 p.m. Mr. Arndt made a motion to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried with four votes being cast in favor. 4. OLD BUSINESS a) REVIEW OF SECTION 7 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE The review was forwarded to next month. • 5. NEW BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY JAY BEYTIEN ON 740 AND 730 HARMONY LANE Mr. Amdt moved to approve the lot split, seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. b) CONSIDERATION OF RENEWAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST BY CRAIG REINER TO CONTINUE GRAVEL MINING OPERATION IN SECTION 34, ACOMA TWP. (WITHIN THE URBAN BOUNDARY DISTRICT). Mr. Haugen made a motion to approve request, seconded by Mr. Craig the motion carried unanimously. ��uu ►C�iC�► '� Ms. Baumetz updated the commission on the joint planning process. Ed Homan's office, McLeod County, will be applying for a grant for joint planning. The joint planning task force has received a letter of intent from all four townships. rP3 1*1WkV1 q • There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. • PUBLICATION NO. 5092 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 LETTING NO. 7 /PROJECT NO. 97 -25, 97-27,97-30,97-31 • TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council will meet at 6:00 P.M. on the 23rd day of September, 1997, in the Council Chambers at City Hall at Hutchinson, Minnesota, to pass upon the proposed assessment for the improvement of: Project No. 97 -25 Maple Street NE from 10th Avenue NE to North High Drive by construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, grading, gravel base, curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous wear course and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -27 Bradford Street SE south of Orchard Avenue SE by construction of sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, curb and gutter, bituminous base, and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -30 Otter Street SW (Ulm Avenue) from South Grade Road to North Termini by construction of grading, bituminous base, bituminous wear course and appurtenances, and Project No. 97 -31 Municipal Parking Lot in Block 8, South 'h City by construction of storm sewer, grading, gravel base, curb & gutter, bituminous surfacing & appurtenances; • You may at anytime prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the entire assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Administrator. No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by November 15th, 1997. You may, at anytime thereafter, pay to the City Administrator the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31st of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15th or interest will be charged through December 31st of the succeeding year. If you decide not to prepay the assessment before the date given above, the rate of interest that will apply is 10 percent (plus or minus) per year. The right to partially prepay the assessment shall be until November 15th, 1997. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at the City Administrator's Office. The total amount of the proposed assessment is $162,312.81. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of an assessment unless a signed, written objection is filed with the City Administrator prior to the hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. The Council may, upon such notice, consider any objection to the amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. If an assessment is contested or there is an adjourned hearing, the following procedure will be followed: 1. The City will present its case first by calling witnesses who may testify by narratives or by examination, and by the introduction of exhibits. After each witness has testified, the contesting party will be allowed to ask questions. This procedure will be repeated with each witness until neither side has further questions. _ PUBLICATION NO. 5092 PAGE 2. After the City has presented all its evidence, the objector may call witnesses or present such testimony as the objector desires. The same procedure for questioning of the City's witnesses will be followed with the objector's witnesses. 3. The objector may be represented by counsel. 4. Minnesota rules of evidence will not be strictly applied, however, they may be considered and argued to the Council as to the weight of items of evidence or testimony presented to the Council. 5. The entire proceedings will be tape recorded. 6. At the close of presentation of evidence, the objector may make a final presentation to the Council based on the evidence and the law. No new evidence may be presented at this point. An owner may appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Administrator within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or City Administrator. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 435.193 to 435.195, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law, all amount accumulated, plus applicable interest, become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of the law and the resolution adopted under it, may within 30 days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk, for the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his property. Gary D. P18L strator City of Hutchinson, Minnesota • • PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1997 AND TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, 1997. C September 9, 1997 RE: Maple Street Improvements Letting No. 7, No. 97 -25 Dear Property Owner: Attached please find the Assessment Hearing Notice regarding the proposed improvements adjacent to your property. Please note the following issues: At the Public Hearing, it was noted that comer lots would be credited for previous assessments. Since our records indicate that most lots had no previous assessments, and some had previous assessments for curb and gutter only, assessments to some lots may be higher than expected. Comer lots are assessed at the footage of their shortest side. Widths for the east side of Maple Street were based on our records. However, some dimensions were confusing. If a property owner has a question about the width calculation for their lot, please contact us. The cost was in the mid -range of what we expected. Please note that there are three options for this project, all of which would be acceptable to the City: 1. Approve the assessment roll, award the project, complete the improvement. 2. Do not award the project, and rebid in the spring to try to lower the price (although there is no guarantee the cost will be lower). 3. Do not award the project. Leave the road gravel for the immediate future. We would like to know your thoughts on this project. Please contact Assistant City Engineer Cal Rice (234 -4212) or myself. send us a letter at City Center. and/or plan on attending the Assessment Hearing to let us know your opinion. Thank you for your consideration! Sinabre i ohn P. Rodeberg, .E. f D rector of Engineering/Public Works cc: Gan' Plou- City Administmtor Cal Rice. Assistant Citc_ En_eineer file: 978,7 City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, bfN 55350.2522 (310) 587.5151 Fax (320) 234-4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, AIN 55350.3097 (320) 587.2975 Fax (320) 234 -0240 �, - Printed on recycled paper - Police Services 10 Franklin Street STV Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587 -1242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 L September 9. 1 RE: Orchard Street Improvements Letting No. 7/Project No. 97 -27 Dear Property Owner: Attached please find the Assessment Hearing Notice regarding the proposed improvements adjacent to your property. Please note the following issues: ► Final costs were at the low end of expected. ► Assessments to Tract B & C of Registered Land Survey No. 28 (except for the Prairie Senior Cottages parcel) are proposed to be deferred until development or platting occurs. It is proposed to award this project at the Council Meeting on September 23 if there are no objections. We would like to know your thoughts on this project. Please contact Assistant City Engineer Cal Rice (234 -4212) or myself, send us a letter at City Center, and/or plan on attending the Assessment Hearing to let us know your opinion. Thank you for your consideration! Sincerely. i John P. Rodeberg, P.E. Director of Engineering/Public Works cc: Gary Plou - City Administrator Cal Rice. Assistant Cih Engineer file: 9711,7 City Center III Hassan Street SE Hutchinson—VIN 55350 -2522 (320)587.5151 Fax (320) 2344240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street S W Hutchinson,:UN 55350.3097 (320) 587.2975 Fax (320) 2344240 Printed on recycled paper - is Police Services 10 Franklin Street STY Hutchinson. 31N 55350 -2464 1320) 587 -2242 Fax r320)587.6427 C September 9, 1997 RE: Otter Street (Ulm Avenue) Improvements Letting No. 7/Project No. 97 -30 Dear Property Owner: Attached please find the Assessment Hearing Notice regarding the proposed improvements adjacent to your property. Please note the following issues: ► The bids received for this project were 30% higher than expected. We assume that this was due to potential issues regarding the lateness in the year and/or Contractors having enough work to finish the season. ► Based on these costs. we would recommend = awarding this project. We will recommend to the Council that this project be rebid in the spring. ► The City will complete repairs to the street to allow for better ride and maintenance • through next spring. We would like to know your thoughts on this project. Please contact Assistant City Engineer Cal Rice (234 -4212) or myself, send us a letter at City Center, and/or plan on attending the Assessment Hearing to let us know your opinion. Thank you for your consideration! Si Jo'hh P. Rodeberg, P.E. Director of EngineeringiPublic Works cc: Gary Plotz - City Administrator Cal Rice. Assistant City Engineer Lynn Township file: 97/L7 • City Center 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, 51N 55350.2522 (320) 587 -5151 Fax(320)234 -4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SIV Hutchinson. MN 55350 -3097 (320) 587 -2975 Fax (320) 234 -4240 i - Primed on recycled paper - Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (320) 587.2242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 pEce!VE .�r CC�'t Of ttJTGtitNSON Westridge Shores • September 12, 1997 Re: Letting No. 7 /Project 97 -30 John P. Rodeberg 111 Hassan St. S. E. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear John: This letter is to acknowledge receipt of the Assessment Hearing Notice and recommendation from your office. As the owners of the majority of the property, cost is naturally important to us. A bid on the project which is 30% higher than ex- pected is cause for concern. We question if a'delay until Spring 1998 would result in a lower bid, or if it might be even higher then. It seems Hutchinson is growing so rapidly the construction companies may be as busy next spring as they are now. • There has been interest in the properties still available for sale, however, the gravel road is a definite deterrant to development. All things considered, we would prefer to go ahead with the improvements this year at the bid submitted. Sincerely yours, Sally Cowg er Daniel B. Cowger ��r � AR5007 -PAGE 1 Par'A (deferred) TOTAL PROJECT NO. 97-25 WATER 5 SEWER S1 CURB & I STREET - IN ERFS FRONT FEET IN 125 105 79.3 79.2 78.9 0 eRV ICE - COS RV10E - COS"I ;UTTER - CO! I:OST PER FR C RATE.: WATER SERVICE 5000 $0.00 30.00 $000 I $0.00 8000 30.00 169 $875.00 No $875.00 r PER EACH: PER EACH: T PER FRON 3NTFOOT: SEWER SERVICE $0.m $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 30.00 $0.00 $765.00 $765.00 r FOOT: CURB & GUTTER f 1,"0 00 31 ,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $1.00 $2.366.00 32,520.00 STREET $4,371.50 ".96875 ".173.75 $3,152.18 33.148 20 33,136.28 30.00 $671775 $7,155.00 DEFERRED TOTAL A(,I IVI SSESSMEN ASSESSMENT' $0.00 1 35,v1! .0 $0.00 I $6,118.75 $0.00 _ I ",173.75 30.00 I 33,152.IM $0.00 1 33,14810 $0.00 j $1,116.28 30.00 I 5000 31017Z3J5 I $0,00 $11,315.00 I $0.00 $22,038 75 1 $26,24165 $48,280.10 • COMPILED BY: CICE ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 COMPUTED BY: C. RICE LETTING NO. 7JPROJECT NOS. 97 -25, 97 -27, 97-30, 97-31 CHECKED BY: J. RODPBFAG PROJECT NO. 97-25 NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 Maple St NE from 10th Ave NE to North High Or by Conrtroctim of Sanitary Sew ", Ort"main, ADOPTED: Grading, Gravd Bast. Club & Gutl". Bituminous Base, Bit urinous Wear Coupe & App — ACCOUNI CITY PID NO. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION - NO. ( COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION 01 31117 -29 -01-0010 Ss even &C),ahw Zirn,vr 1095 A1ydr 4 NR 'b' x 1 W'& 20'a M',4 Lw 6 F. 51„rt, A,diu ✓r 23.239.0010 I Iwch..., MN 55350 PLi S 112 Saim M & N 112 Scion 31- 117 -29 02 31- 117 -29 -01-0011 Trrcu Sturges 1105 Mapk St NE I 125' a 130' of Ia 6, Auditor's Plat S 112 Se lion 2 23.238.0020 I sut<hiroan MN 55350 & N 1/2 Se t. 31 -117 -29 .37 Arrn 1 101 31117 -ri -03 0200 5tevrn & J., Kilun j 156 Nunh High Dr NE E27.7' of Lot 6 & All of Lot 7, Blaek 2, (21.106.0200 Hutcheson MN 55350 [Unsen's Nonh High Addition - 04 136 117 -29 -02 -0210 Mig o uel Diaz Vilemin & SA.. Dux Y pkiu 1104 Maple St NE I.ut 9, Block 2, ,21.106.0210 I lmchinsan AN 55350 I luuan's North High Addition 1 1 05 'J I- 117 -29-02 -0340 jCarh Rcinore4i 166. 1 hh Ave NE LN 7, Bhw k 3, +21.106.0310 I Imchimm. MN 55350 if m n's North High Addition 06 31 I17 .29.02 -0350 Da, Lne(N+u)'niuun 165 -fah Ave NE Lot e, Bl,.k 3, 23.106.0050 I[wchinvu, MN 55350 (]man's Nonh I ligh AAdhiou 07 31117 -29 -02-0470 Kaynumd & I.oaillc Krueger 166. 10th Ave NE La 1, BL, k 5, 23.106.0470 I lutchinsoo MN 55350 11.', Nonh high Addition 08 I North 1'a r..4 � AR5007 -PAGE 1 Par'A (deferred) TOTAL PROJECT NO. 97-25 WATER 5 SEWER S1 CURB & I STREET - IN ERFS FRONT FEET IN 125 105 79.3 79.2 78.9 0 eRV ICE - COS RV10E - COS"I ;UTTER - CO! I:OST PER FR C RATE.: WATER SERVICE 5000 $0.00 30.00 $000 I $0.00 8000 30.00 169 $875.00 No $875.00 r PER EACH: PER EACH: T PER FRON 3NTFOOT: SEWER SERVICE $0.m $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 30.00 $0.00 $765.00 $765.00 r FOOT: CURB & GUTTER f 1,"0 00 31 ,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $1.00 $2.366.00 32,520.00 STREET $4,371.50 ".96875 ".173.75 $3,152.18 33.148 20 33,136.28 30.00 $671775 $7,155.00 DEFERRED TOTAL A(,I IVI SSESSMEN ASSESSMENT' $0.00 1 35,v1! .0 $0.00 I $6,118.75 $0.00 _ I ",173.75 30.00 I 33,152.IM $0.00 1 33,14810 $0.00 j $1,116.28 30.00 I 5000 31017Z3J5 I $0,00 $11,315.00 I $0.00 $22,038 75 1 $26,24165 $48,280.10 TOTAL PROJECT NO. 97-27 WATERMAIN- COST PER FRONT FOOT FRONT PEST 250 150 50 WATER SERVICE SEWER SERVICE STREET ASSESSMENT $23,390.00 $15,234.00 $5,078.00 CURB B GLITTER $lot D EFERRED TOTAL AC IVI COMPILED BY: C. RICE ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 COMPUTED BY: G RICE LETTING NO. 71MOJECT NOS. 97-25,97-27,97-30,97-31 CHECKED BY: J. RODFRF.RG PROJECT NO. 97 -27 NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 Bradford St SE South of Orchard Av SE by Construction of Sankary Sean, Watamsin, ADOPTED- Grading, Gravel Box, Curb k Gunn. Bituminous Bat., Bdumcrous WQ Came k Apprt ACCOUNT I CRY PID NO. NAME 6 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION NO. COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION 10 07 11629-06 Prairie Serum Cin gn - 16605It" 100, Suit. 122 21. St Look Park MN 55916 _- 11 07- 11679-060610 David W. Broil - Daninion Best Choice Realty ZIB Main St 5 P O Box 2% 21- 405.0020 1 MN 55150 'True B. Reginrml band Survey No 21 (55.17 Aoes) 12 07- 11629-06-0620 Y�pp National Bank, Truster - m.'m I Ineme ran'I'run P O Box 887 (60 Or.hard Ave SE) 23.405.0010 54 Cloud MN 56702-0887 Tract C, R%iaered land Survey No. 21 (219 A.) TOTAL PROJECT NO. 97-27 WATERMAIN- COST PER FRONT FOOT FRONT PEST 250 150 50 WATER SERVICE SEWER SERVICE STREET ASSESSMENT $23,390.00 $15,234.00 $5,078.00 CURB B GLITTER $lot D EFERRED TOTAL AC IVI SSFSTMEN ASSESSMENT _ -- - _ - -- $25,1900( 315 ,234.00 $00( $5,071.00 so a $20 ,312.00 525,390.00 $+5,702.00 AR5007 -PAGE 2 pq L_j COMPILED BY: C. RICE COMPUTED BY: C- RICE G IECRED BY: J. RODEBERG NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 ADOPTED ACCOUNT I CITY PID NO. NO. COUNTY PID NO. 14 1 02 11630- 13-0110 23.419.0010 15 02 116 W 13-0120 IFIMNG NO. 7 /PROJECT NOS. 97-25, 97-27,97-30,97-31 21 419 0020 16 02- 11610.11 -0130 419 ONO 11"10 -11 -01♦ 419.0040 1 I6 W I1 -0150 119.0050 19 1163613 -0180 119,0080 II&.10-13-0190 pq L-j ASSESSMENT ROLL. NO. 5015 COST PEI - - IFIMNG NO. 7 /PROJECT NOS. 97-25, 97-27,97-30,97-31 PROJECT NO. 97 -30 Otter SO SW (fornurly Ulm Ave) from South Grads to North Termini by Cm wction of Gedin`, Bitumimw Base, Bituminous Wes Coupe h Appuee BJIERES' NAME k ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION FROM' OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDMSION FEET ;illy J. Cowper 735 Oster S SW Lm 1, Black 1, iulchimon MN 55350 Wemridge Shorm 110 ;ally J. Cowgcr 135 Uter St SW La 2, Blob 1, Wichinson MN 55350 Wenridgc Shores 110 011y J. Cnwger 1 35 0 A SW I o1 3, Black I, Imchlmun MN 55350 Wenridge Sboro 110 Al' J. tbwg,� 75 (filer St SW 1,4 4, BI,.k 1, lumhimun MN 55350 Wemdge Shox. 110 ully J. Cuwgar 75 O ter St SW Lut 5, Bock I, lutch,man MN 55350 Weandge Shores 110 Irucc Nauadal 3521 leringe Ave NW Los 6, Black I, im hinmo MIN 55350 Weandip Shore, 110 Ily J. Cowger 35 Oucr Sr SW Lot 7, Block 1, iutchiruon MN 55350 Wesrridle Sboru 110 >amel K Karleen Cowger 25 Tyler St SW Isa 9, Blob I, Imchimon MN 55350 Westridge Shores 140 ally J. (:owger Trust - 35 fetter St SW - Las 9, Bh�k 1, bnchmum MN 55350 Weseridge Shorn 1X0 V,,, SiA- pwnridr shy) &6,r J 1190 PROJECT NO. 9730 HON 'I FOOT E EATER ERVICE SEWER SERVICE STREET ASSESSMENT 52,934.80 $2,934.00 $2,931.80 52,934.80 12,934.90 12,934.90 $2,934.80 13,73510 $4,902.10 531,749.20 CURB N GUTTER $26.68 D EFERRED OTAL ACTT SSESSMEN ASSFSSMEr $2,914 $2,'914 $2,y 4 52,9H.tl0 $31)49.10 $31,749.21 329,081 $6,830 AR5007 -PAGE 3 0 COMPILED BY: C. RICE COMPUTED BY: C. RICE CHECKED BY: J. RODEBFRG NUMBFROFYFARS: 10 Ottw ADOPTFD-. ACCOUNT CITY PID NO. NO. COUNTY PID NO. N 0411679-01-0060 Ste Flin 197- in A_ 27.050.070 Hutchinmo CJ ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 LETTING NO. IIPROJECT NOS. 97-25,97-27.97-30,97-31 PROJECT NO. 97 -10 mw St SW (forly Ulm Ave) from Sowh Gradc to North Termini by Cmrtru[tion of GndmB. Bltuminow B Bituminou oupe s Wcr C & APPurt. NAME & ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION n A" SW E 1/7 of Lot 5, Black 9, MN 55150 Sourh VI City TOTAL PROJECT NO. 97 -31 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 COST PER PARKING LOT COST PER EACH: INIERM RAIL: FRONT WATER SEWER PARKING FEET SERVICE SERVICE LOT $7,50,00 $7,500.00 CURB& DEFERRED OTALACTIV' GUTTER SSESSMEN I ASSESSMENT 57,5000 $7,50.0 $167,717.90 AR5007 -PAGE 4 • ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER LATERAL & SERVICES, WATERMAIN LATERAL & SERVICES, SIDEWALK, STORM SEWER, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE AND WEAR COURSE SURFACING AND APPURTENANCES 97 -25 Maple Street (North High Drive /CSAH 12 to 10th Avenue NE) Utility and service extension and street construction 97 -27 Bradford Street (Orchard Street to south termini) Complete utility and street construction 97 -30 Otter Street (a.k.a Ulm Avenue, from S. Grade Road to City limits) Bituminous base and wear course construction Maple Street PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN $ 22,038.75 $125,904.64 Construction Cost Project Expenses TOTAL COST Maple Street $101,536.00 $ 24,368.64 $125,904.64 Bradford St. $ 41,714.40 $ 10,011.46 $ 51,725.86 Otter Street $ 51 200.80 $ 12 288.19 $ 63 488.99 TOTAL $ 194,451.20 $ 46,668.29 $241,119.49 Maple Street $ 77,624.23 $ 26,241.66 $ 22,038.75 $125,904.64 Bradford St. $ 6,023.86 $ 25,390.00 $ 20,312.00 $ 51,725.86 Otter Street $ 2,658.59 $ 29 081.20 $ 31 749.20 $ 63.488.99 TOTAL $ 86,306.68 $ 80,712.86 S 74,099.95 $241,119.49 ASSESSMENTS Maple Street: Water Service $875 /each Sewer Service $765 /each Street Improvements $39.75 /front foot Curb & Gutter $14.00 /front foot Bradford St: Prairie Senior Cottages $25,390.00 Tract B (Broll) $15,234.00 Hoernemann Trust $ 5,078.00 Otter Street: City Lot $ 2,668.00 110 Foot Lot $ 2,934.80 140 Foot Lot $ 3,735.20 180 Foot Lot $ 4,802.40 Deferred $31,749.20 ($800 -900 estimated) ($600 -800 estimated) ($ 35 - 42 estimated) ($ 13 - 15 estimated) ($27,500- 32,500 est.) ($16,500- 19,500 est.) ($5,500 - 6,500 est.) ($1,700 - 1,900 est.) ($1,870 - 2,090 est.) ($2,380 - 2,660 est.) ($3,060 - 3,420 est.) ($20,000- 23,000 est.) RESOLUTION NO. 10909 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO. 7 /PROJECT NOS. 97 -25, 97 -27, 97 -30 • Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the following improvements: Project No. 97 -25 Maple Street NE from 10th Avenue NE to North High Drive by construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, grading, gravel base, curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous wear course and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -27 Bradford Street SE south of Orchard Avenue SE by construction of sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, curb and gutter, bituminous base, and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -30 Otter Street SW (Ulm Avenue) from South Grade Road to North Termini by construction of grading, bituminous base, bituminous wear course and appurtenances, and and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Amount Bid Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. of Hamburg MN S 194,451.20 and whereas, it appears that Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. of Hamburg, MN is the lowest responsible bidder;; • NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF I iUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. of Hamburg MN, in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the Director of Engineering. 2. The Director of Engineering is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained until satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 9th day of September, 1997. City Administrator Mayor • RESOLUTION NO. 1o910 - RESOLLMON ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 LETTING NO. 7 /PROJECT NO. 97 -13, 97 -25, 97 -26, 97-27,97-30,97-31 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the council has met and heard and passed upon all objectioins to the proposed assessment for the improvement of: Project No. 97 -13 Sidewalk Improvements City Wide; and Project No. 97 -25 Maple Street NE from 10th Avenue NE to North High Drive by construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, grading, gravel base, curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous wear course and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -26 Industrial District Storm Sewer from Solitra Lot to Hands Lot with Connection to Industrial Boulevard SE by construction of storm sewer, ponding and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -27 Bradford Street SE south of Orchard Avenue SE by construction of sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, curb and gutter, bituminous base, and appurtenances; and Project No. 97 -30 Otter Street SW (Ulm Avenue) from South Grade Road to North Termini by construction of grading, bituminous base, bituminous wear course and appurtenances, and Project No. 97 -31 Municipal Parking Lot in Block 8, South �i City by construction of storm sewer, grading, gravel base, curb & gutter, bituminous surfacing & appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF • HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 1997, and shall bear interest at the rate of _ percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 15, 1997, until the 31st day of December, 1998. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 1997; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. • Adopted by the Council this 23rd day of September, 1997. Mayor City Administrator 1- 117 -29 -02-0210 Migwd Diaz V,demm & Sabi= Diaz Yifcupicio • law 8, )Rock 2, $3,152.18 $3,14810 _ $3,13628 1.106.0210 COMPSSED BY: ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5 075 WATER SERVICE - COST PER EACH: 1- 117 -29 -02 -0340 CSrla Reinovski COMPUTED BY: C. RICE LETTING NO. 7/PROJECT NOS. 97 -25, 97-27.97-30.97-31 SEWER SERVICE - COST PER EACH: 166.1h6 Ave NE - - - -- - - Lot 7, Block 3, CHECKED BY: J. RODEBERG PROJECT NO. 97.25 CURB _& GU TTER. COST PE R FRONT FOOT: Hanvn's North High Addition NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 Migde St NE frown 10th Ave NEW North High Dt by Cotutructlan of Sanitary Serer, Watera , ST COS PER FR OM FOOT ADOPTER 09 /23/97 Grading. Gravel Bare, Curb & Gmter, Bituminous Base, Bituminous Wear Coume It Appurt. INTEREST RATE 3.106.0350 H. -" hod 55350 ACCOUNT CITY Pm NO. NAME &ADDRESS IPGAL DESCRIPTION FROM WATER SEWER CURB & NO. COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FEE SERV SERVICE GUTTER STREET )1 31- 117 -29 -01-0010 51tvm & Cynwhia Lerner Hnu®'a Nanh High Addition _ 0 2d 17 -29- 01-0001 _ V, .nant & Fbrcnu Dooley 1095 Maple St NE 90'. 130'& 20' a 204' of law 6 Ea Street, Audi w'a - - $0.00 212 Nonh Hiig6 Dr NE 23.238.0010 Hmchi. MN 55350 Plat S 1/2 Section 30 &N I/2 Semon 31 -117 -29 110 $0.00 $1,540.00 $4,37250 )2 31- 117 - 29-01-0011 Teresa Stuwges 1105 Mapk St NE TR 125'. 130'.f La 6, Auditor's I'lu 5 1/2 Section 21218.0020 Hutchimon MN 55750 & N I/2 Section 31. V -2 9 J7 A. 125 $0.00 $0.00 $1,MDD $4,96875 )3 31- 117 - 29-02 -0200 Sw. & Janet Kilian _ - - 156 North Dt NE _.. _ _ E277' of Lot 6& All of Las 7, Block 2 - - _ 1 27.106. H MN 55350 _ _ IluuciisNort hb Addtion_ ________ _ 105 30,00__ _ $0.00 _ $0.0 51,17775 1- 117 -29 -02-0210 Migwd Diaz V,demm & Sabi= Diaz Yifcupicio ,v la O Boa 400 furwut AZ 85001 of law 6 E% V13Y & E %20' a 204', Aud. 1Mat S 4 . 30 & N 1/7 Swim 71. 117.29 {17 A, ro 1 180 TOTAL PROJECT NO. 97.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 I IN Maple Sr NE law 8, )Rock 2, $3,152.18 $3,14810 _ $3,13628 1.106.0210 Hutchitmn MN 55350 Haven's Nonh FEgh Adcluion 793 1- 117 -29 -02 -0340 CSrla Reinovski _ - - - 166.1h6 Ave NE - - - -- - - Lot 7, Block 3, 3.106.0340 Hvchi, MN55350 Hanvn's North High Addition 1- 117 - 29-02 -0750 Dulme (Na_a)_Thulun 165. 10th Ave NE Lot 8 Block 3, 3.106.0350 H. -" hod 55350 Haven's North High Addition 78.9 1- 117 -29 -02-0470 Raymond & Lucille Krueger 166. 10th Ave NE Lot 3, Block 5, 3.106.0470 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hnu®'a Nanh High Addition _ 0 2d 17 -29- 01-0001 _ V, .nant & Fbrcnu Dooley 212 Nonh Hiig6 Dr NE N169' of W3 $4 of law 6, Aud. Flu S 1/2 Section 3 N 112 Section 31- 117 -29 (IM Ao* ___ _ __ _ 1.051.0120 Hutchinson MN 55350 _ 169 ,v la O Boa 400 furwut AZ 85001 of law 6 E% V13Y & E %20' a 204', Aud. 1Mat S 4 . 30 & N 1/7 Swim 71. 117.29 {17 A, ro 1 180 TOTAL PROJECT NO. 97.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 30.00 -_- 50.00 $3,152.18 $3,14810 _ $3,13628 . 30.00 30.00 -_ -- _ - 50.00 $0.00 $0.00_ $0.00 $0.00 $875.00 $765.00 $2,366.00 � - $6717.75 3875.00 5765.00 IMtPHIRFD L%TSSMEN1' �,. 5875.00 $765.00 $14.00 $39.75 4 . OTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT $5,91250 $6,71975 $4,177.75 $0.00 _ $0_00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,152,18 $3,148.20 $3,13628 30.00 $0.00 $0.00 _ $0_00 50.00 $10j23.73 72,520= $7,155.00 S1Y15m _ $0.00 -_ -_ -_ 522038]5 S26,241.65 $46180.40 AR5016 -PAGE 1 w w► -- - w S1 -- AMP1 Pn BY: C. RICE ASSESSMENT' ROLL N0.5015 TAUNR - WATERMAfN •COST PER FROM FOOT 510156 �OMPUITD BY: C. RICE LETTING NO. ]/PROJECT NOS. 97-M 97-27,97-30,97-31 affiC BY: J. R_OD_ERERG PROJECT NO. 97-27 VUMBER OF YEARS: 10 Bradford St SE South of Ordwd Av SE by Comtrnctlon of Sankary Serer, Watnmain, 09/73/97 Grading, Gravd B ase. Curb & Gutter, Bituminous Base, B4untimmus Wear Course & Appurt. INTd_ RATE NAME &ADDRESS -- - LEGAL DESCRIPTION forrAL ACTIVE ACCOUNT C PID NO. FRONT WATER SEWER STRFE7 cu" & DEFERRED NO. CO PID N O. OF PROPERTY OWN ADDITION OR SUB DIVISIO N FEET SERVICE SERVICE ASSESSMENT GUTTER ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT - -- _- 0 077 - 116-M 29-0b -0621 7.pP Nu_oual Bank._Trur{ee M. Htermman Trw[ _ - P O Bo: E37 130 Acres of Tray GRerme land Surv_cy No. ?a 11.105.0075 _ 4Cloud MN 56J02A897 _ _ 250 _ — _ .._$75,790.00 $25,790.00 I 07- 11629960610 David W. Broll f3 otwnio v lfes[ChviceRd� 2 Mai St PO.Box 196 ._.._ —. Troa,l4,Rgirwered laid No. 781119 Aa aa 27.105.0020 Hu[dunwn MN 55750 150 f15�}I.00 15 .00 _ $0.00 2 07- 11629460670 Tapp National Bank, Tr Mar vin Hoern Tnu[ _._ - - -- -___ -__ - _ PO Boa eel_ - ___ Tr CFa 1.30 Ac Rg�vd land _. _ __._ _._ _ . __.. 21.105.0030 S[ Cloud MN 56.W2-0887 Survey No. 29 (53.93 Acres) 50 55,078.00 53,078.00 $0,00 TOTAL PROJECT NO -9727 310,71206 $75,790_00_ $45,707.00 AR5015 -PAGE 2 COMPILED COh1PLrIED CHECKED B Y: NUM� OP ADOPTED ACCOUNT NO. 13 14 15 16 17 Is l9 N # U _ - - BY-ACE BY: C- RICE J_RODEBERG _ Y EARS: 10 09/23 CI PID _NO. _ COUNTY PI NO. 02- 1143}13-0110 23.419,0010 02 -I I&M-13 -0120 21.419.0020 02- 116301 }9130 23.419.0030 02.1147617 -0140 23.419,0040 0211430-13 -0150 23,419.0050 02- 1163613-0160 ASSESSMENT LETTING NO. 71PROJE-CI' PROJECT O re.. St SW (formerly Ulm Ave) from South Graders, Bituminous Bm Brtunrinow NAME &ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER 735 Otter St SW _ Hwahinsoo MN 553 -50 Sally J. C.vXer 775 (titer Se SW H urchi aoo - MN 55350 _ -- - Sally J. Cower 735 Otter St SW _ liwcbi MN 55150 Sally J. Cover 7 Otter St SW _ Hwchitpon MN 55350 _ Sally J. Cower 735 Otter St SW HmcFutuon NON 55350 Bmcr Naundd 1 352 Heritase Ave NW ROLL NO. SOTS • NOS. 97-23.97-27.97-30.17-31 NO. 97.30 Grade to North Termini by CoMru<tion of Wear Cw ure & Apptict. _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION Lot 1, Block 1, WenrWge Shorn Lot 2, &,zk 1, _ W e5horn ______ _ Lor 3, Block 1, Sbores -__ —. _.__. _- .__ _ Lot 4, Block t, Wntridse Shores - -- -- Lot 5, Block 1, WeuAe Shores Lot Block I COST PER - -- I NTERES T FRONT FOOT R ATE: STREET ASSESSMENT CURB& GUTTER 176.68 - TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT $2,93 -80 f2,934.80 f1,934,8O - $2,934.10 $2,93.80 52,93,80 $2,93.10 f373510 54$02.40 $29,081.20 $60,00.40 FROM FEE 110 110 — 110 — _ 110 110 110 140 - WATER SER VICE SEWER SERVICE DEPERM AssEssM0YT - _ _. -. - - ...... 52,93.10 53934.5 $293.50 52,9310 $2,934.9D - _ _ _ -_ 23,4 19.0060 02- 11430. 21,419,0070 02- 11630 - 13-0110 _ 23.119.0080 02- 1 1436174190 _ - _ 27.419.0090 011143PI6-0001 _ _ 09.003.0500 - _ ___ - Hwch iowo MN 55350 Wenridge Shores $193.10 sally 1. Co e r ns Otter s<sW _ _ Hwchinwn MN 55750 Dmpl & Kuleen Cowper 625 Tyler St SW _ - Hutchinson MN 55750 Sally J. Cov¢cr True f2,934.80 _ S) 7, 3 510 - _ iat, Block 1, Westridse Shores Lot B Block L ®e¢ri&e Shores _ _ - I-a9 Block 1, W.".* Sborn -- -- S32 Aan in N 1/2 $E 114 51/2 SE 1/4 Section 03-11711730 (113 Aver _ _ _ Igo � - $4,M.40 $31,71930 _ _ — 735 Ott St _SW_— _ _... .: Hwcbirtson MN 55350 Chula P. Johnron P0Boa45 Rio Vmt CA 94571-0045 _ _ _ _ -- _- _ _ .. „_.... _ 1190 -_ - _ - _ _ _ _ $31 ,74920 TOTAL PROJECT NO.97.30 jJ 1 ,7191 0 AR5015 -PAGE 3 !COST PE PARKING LOT COST PER EACH: • $7,500.00( INTEREST RATE: FRONT WATER SEWER PARKING CURB✓Y D EFPRRPn OTAL ACTIVE FEET SERVICE SERVICE LOT GITITER ASSESSMENT I ASSESSMENT $7,500.00 _ _.. $7,500.001, $7,500.00 $162,312.80 AR5015 -PAGE 4 f COMPILED BY: C. RICE ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. M15 COMPUTED BY: C. RICE LETTING NO. 71PROJECT NOS. 97-25,97-27,97-30,97-31 'CHECKED BY: J. RODEBERG PROJECT NO. 97-31 NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 Municipal Parkin Lot in Block 8, South 1/2 City byComtruction of Storm Sewer, ADOPTER 09_ / Grading, Gravel Base, Curb K Gutt_n, Bituminous Surfxing_ Uurtenan ACCOUNT CI TY PID NO _ NAME R ADDRESS �, LEGAL DESCRIPTION NO. COUNTY PID NO. OF PROPERTY OWNER ADDITION OR SUB �24 0611629O4 Sieven Flinn 107 - tg Ave SW iE 1/2 of Lor 5, Bluek 9, 13.050.0760 Hutchinson MN 55350 (South 1/2 Ciry TOTAL PROJECT NO. 97 -31 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5015 !COST PE PARKING LOT COST PER EACH: • $7,500.00( INTEREST RATE: FRONT WATER SEWER PARKING CURB✓Y D EFPRRPn OTAL ACTIVE FEET SERVICE SERVICE LOT GITITER ASSESSMENT I ASSESSMENT $7,500.00 _ _.. $7,500.001, $7,500.00 $162,312.80 AR5015 -PAGE 4 E CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1997 TAX STATEMENTS • For Every $100 of Real Estate Taxes Paid City Receives $25.00 H.\B EP,199E \TAXES \TA V WPD 11 09- 23 -'97 15:19 '1C--EOL COUNTY -- 320 234 4240 "IC:LEOD COUNTY '+UTCHINSON CITY REAL ESTATE ?A VATq& 1:597 PAO E OESC41pT10N.LOP rp%pyapp5a5 cu<. THE LEGAL OESCAPITQN OF vCUR PROPERTv MAY DiipEal CISGOOD ' S ADD LOT cS 3 W 10' OF LOT 7 1, Use This arrounl on Form A41 PR !O see d yeu'la glga,Ie for 5 propsrl,• a. refund �.� Fop by Aogvp 1S IF BOX IS CHECKED, YOU OWE DELINQUENT TAXES AND ARE NOT ELIGIBLE -- 2- Use this a rnp e n t 1 W the S al mm*l W refund on sdedda I Of Foan a YOUR PROPERTY TAX AND NOW IT IS REDUCED BY THE STATE 3. Yaur Pcpeny let before reo=wm by ulla•oL0 LOS en0 asdID d. Aid paid by the State 01 Minna M M reduce yew property caz 5. A. Homestead and Aanwrlwal Credo paid by Me Stale 01 MinneecM M reduce Vote prpgry las . B. Other credlb PM by the Slete OI MMnesma 10,04uss your pmpany W B. YOU, property tat after roOvwn by Slalefvo atde arM a edh9 ....... ___– ...�... __— WHERE YOUR PROPERTY TAX DOLLARS GO A ('.hvm — N0. 020 D02 PRCL$ R Z_.180.0060 ID# 77 °7 TAX BILL0 HSTD S. HSTD 98,00 98,00 98:00 ZOO 113)Spm. awassme.'s coot AIIWM IN i 3. School dr.6120423 A. F�ourc iay rMereroA W ..._•.....,– ..._..__._._._.__ NEW IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE TAXABLE MARKET VALUE 1 997 1, Use This arrounl on Form A41 PR !O see d yeu'la glga,Ie for 5 propsrl,• a. refund �.� Fop by Aogvp 1S IF BOX IS CHECKED, YOU OWE DELINQUENT TAXES AND ARE NOT ELIGIBLE -- 2- Use this a rnp e n t 1 W the S al mm*l W refund on sdedda I Of Foan a YOUR PROPERTY TAX AND NOW IT IS REDUCED BY THE STATE 3. Yaur Pcpeny let before reo=wm by ulla•oL0 LOS en0 asdID d. Aid paid by the State 01 Minna M M reduce yew property caz 5. A. Homestead and Aanwrlwal Credo paid by Me Stale 01 MinneecM M reduce Vote prpgry las . B. Other credlb PM by the Slete OI MMnesma 10,04uss your pmpany W B. YOU, property tat after roOvwn by Slalefvo atde arM a edh9 ....... ___– ...�... __— WHERE YOUR PROPERTY TAX DOLLARS GO A ('.hvm — N0. 020 D02 PRCL$ R Z_.180.0060 ID# 77 °7 TAX BILL0 HSTD S. HSTD 98,00 98,00 98:00 ZOO 113)Spm. awassme.'s coot AIIWM IN i 3. School dr.6120423 A. F�ourc iay rMereroA W ..._•.....,– ..._..__._._._.__ 10, speaal san dis"ota A- C —WIDE a c r. 11. Nomschocl venal approved mlerenda 12. TOIL property w before special eaveeaments — 1 e'� - t 13. SpeCel iSSa Ats wim t0 this OrOpenY W bdl 14 . YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAXAND P ALASSESSMENTS NO RECEIVT SENT UNLESS REQUESTED. TAXES OF $50-60 OR LESS MUST BE PAID F IRST HALF YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT. IN FULL. IF YOU PAY YOUR TAXES LATE MAY 15 YOUR CHECK IS NOT VALID UNTIL IT YOU WILL BE CHARGED A PENALTY. 1 I C CLEARS THE BANK. SEE BACK FOR RATE PENALTY You mar be eligible for one p eaen Mo rehnds ro roduee your property fats Read the book of this slatemenl to f/nG oW Row to apply, s TEAR HERE % TOTAL 09095 -0 349.c 1 0.3 . 4,823.7 1,7d5.6 1-,236.7 . 1,820.3 ; 534.8 - -'467 815.8 ,2.5 1,826.3' 349.6. P TOTAL LINDA J. RADTKE McLEOD COUNTY TREASURER 330 11TH ST. E.. STE. 103 GLENCOE• MN 55336 PROPERTY City of Hutchinson 1997 Real Estate Taxes r% A. .00 McLeod Cour $30.00 ngion 6E $1.00 Every $100 of taxes paid $44.00 School District 0 PRELIMINARY 1 I • 9 0 0 Tax Levy Limit - 1998 $1,518,031 Adjusted for 1998 By Price Deflator 2,2 0 Additional Housing Units 1.1% r-� 0 ALLOWABLE SPECIAL LEVIES Bonded Indebtedness General Obligation Bonds - Library Park and Recreation Building Hutchinson Area Transportation Building Improvement Bonds - 1987 to 1996 Bonds Portion of city improvement projects which were not assessed • Certificates of Indebtedness - Purchase of Payloader Principal and Interest on Armory Bonds Matching Fund Program Requirements State or Federal Programs 1 0 0 1998 Increase Tax Dollar Requested GENERAL FUND $53 GENERAL OBLIGATION $27 IMPROVEMENT BONDS $138 TOTAL ADDITIONAL LEVY $219 0 • 0 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR EVERY $100 CITY RECEIVES GENERAL FUND GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE IMPROVEMENT BONDS $36.00 $55.00 $9.00 City of Hutchinson 1998 PRELIMINARY City Tax Expenditure General Fund $55.00 General Obligation $9.00 For Every $100 collected Improvement Bonds STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 130 STATE CAPITOL 7 1 5 1 j97 SAINT PAUL 55155 -UTCi . 'ON ARNE H. CARLSON GOVERNOR September 10, 1997 The Honorable Marlin Torgerson Mayor, City of Hutchinson City Hall, 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Flood Assistance Application, City of Hutchinson Dear Mayor Torgerson: The "Mumesota Recovers" Disaster Task Force has received, reviewed and presented your application to a multi - agency review committee comprised of staff members from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Economic Development Administration, U.S. Rural Development, Natural Resources • Conservation Service and the Minnesota Departments of Natural Resources, Trade and Economic Development, Public Safety, Health, Economic Security, the Housing Finance Agency, the Pollution Control Agency, the Board of Water and Soil Resources, and other federal and state agencies. that In order to reduce the administrative burden associated with completing project planning, staff representing the "Minnesota Recovers" Disaster Task Force will continue to be available to assist you with the preparation of all application materials and, if necessary, the implementation of the projects. These staff people are financed by HUD, EDA and FEMA. Please call Kit Hadley, Commissioner of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, at 612/296- 5738. She can provide additional information and answer any questions you may have. Warmest regards, . ARNE H. CARLSON Governor (612) 296 -3391 - Voice (800) 657 -3717 - voice AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CONTAINING 15% POST CONSUMER MATERIAL Seas 7-Al (612) 296 -0075 - TDD (900) 657 -3598 - TDD IS L�, No',S S T, - �ANb Vv 1 ♦ �2rlb� u - t>sc1r ��.ao� la�f �Loo �l�0 1v.:1 `mss ST. �bsk rL-oorz P IoA. 0 4 . ok 1 7- 7- RA`,,q �- �J�DF_ ANTo� Ko E M A; rl c�T. �— �i��z 1cJrE2�oiZ s - rt-00 z /0 39.37 t1a bs�rT� Z/ d MA; rq cal , l Y. A f46 �EivGi — t o bstA-rr- e 1315 — r(Z.AtA -( ST . M- LEO� G, / zcS 4 Pa az> b�SM �cooiZ /o3 �a, FV q• AriA - L r/ S% H TG," /lzA b, "N6 1-0 z /o �a (N �s c r r � 1. 20V3.7s � �✓ �s�-rt oyi a.y J17 )IAL.4 131 13 12 E t,E � AZT �T, P/ 1 L 1�LO o Z O di L31� �c,00 t 0 G, 3 'bs -t c` L b � L-5M T � CoOeZ �aZg. S Loo�Z �LJ6 HodSE <N/ES U Z. SS J� �Loo� (ill r rJTEZ L�dS6 C�'AST 0 YZ, ( r 3,_ September 3, 1997 FIELD(NAME) FIELD(ADDRESS) Dear FIELD(GREETING). On July 28, 1997, you should have received a letter (copy enclosed) regarding the City of Hutchinson's intentions to apply for a flood damage reduction grant. We are pleased to announce that the City has received verbal commitment for this program and it is apparent the buy -out process will soon begin. In an effort to explain the program. City staff is requesting your attendance at an informational meeting to be held at the Hutchinson City Center. located at 111 Hassan St. S.E., Hutchinson, on Wednesday, September 10, 1997, at 5:30 p.m. Please note DNR Hydrologist Mr. Rob Collett will be present to explain the program as well as the objectives of the grant. In closing, we would like to encourage your attendance and participation with this grant program. This is an unprecedented opportunity to utilize funds resulting from President Clinton's Federal Disaster declaration to mitigate and remove flood prone structures in a proactive manner. Enclosed is a copy of the proposed agenda. Please make every effort to attend so we all may cooperate /coordinate our efforts and proceed in an orderly fashion that accomplishes all of our objectives. • Best regards, Jim Marka Director of Building, Planning and Zoning City of Hutchinson 1- 320 - 234 -4210 cc: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Ken Merrill, Director of Finance Mayor and Council H- TLANNINGFLOODIN F. F RM 0 Julv 28. 1997 FIELD(NAME) FIELD(ADDRESS) Dear FIELD(GREETING), The intent of this letter is to inform you that the City of Hutchinson has applied to the Federal and State Governments for a Flood Damage Reduction/Disaster relief grant. This grant proposal is premised on a VOLUNTEER buv -out program, prioritizing homes below the ten year flood plain. These homes are identified as "high priority" on the enclosed assessment worksheet. In an effort to inform all potential parties, we are also mailing this letter to high and medium priority owners. Should we be successful in our application, we will hold an informational meeting for all potential parties and request permission to conduct a physical building inspection of your structure/home. During this waiting period we are simply requesting that you consider participating in the grant application process and be patient with us. During the interim, if you are classified as "high priority" and interested in participating in this program, please submit a "letter of intent" to: City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St. S.E. Hutchinson, MN 55350 ATTN: Gary Plotz, City Administrator We recommend that you include the asking price, date of availability, rental status and other pertinent information. In closing, we would like to re- emphasize that this is a volunteer program designed to help persons who are in a difficult position caused by historical flood damage and flood plain regulations. The final funding limitations will be determined by the City Council based on City staff recommendations. available funds. benefit and reduction of exposure to floods. Again, thank you for your patience and consideration. Best regards, Jim Marka Director of Building, Planning and Zoning cc: Gary Plotz. City Administrator Ken Merrill, Director of Finance Mayor and Council i 7 -A C Sept 10,1997 Hutchinson City Center 111 -Hassan St Hutchinson Mn Introductions- Gary Plotz/Jim Marka/John Rodeberg/Mark HenseniJim Popp, Bonnie Baumetz, Marilyn Swanson City of Hutchinson, Rob Collett-DNR Review of Flood Plain OIdinance/FEMA map- Jim/John is ReviewiHistory of Flood grant application -Jim Review of grant funding program criteria/objectives- Rob Open Questions/Discussion period Scheduling of inspections - Mark. Jim. City Center 111 Hassan Street SC Hutchinson. MN 55350.2522 (310)587 -515I Fax (320) 234 -4240 Parks & Recreation Police Services 900 Harrington Street SW 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, JIN 55350 -3097 Hutchinson, :NN 55350.2464 (320(587 -2975 (320)587.2242 A Fax(320)234 -4240 Fax(320)587 -6427 - Printed on recycled paper - 3shua Henry and Carmen Bruggcr Roger and Donna Dummer Victoria Weishert 21 - 151 Ave. SE 703 Shady Ridge Rd cJo Victoria Klabunde lu[chir¢on MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 10956 Sunset Dr. S. Bmsvmon MN 55312 :m Rischmillcr Grace Shoen Jav Freedland 590 Vega Ave. 1130 Arch St. S.E. dontrose MN 55363 615 -3rd Ave. S.E. Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 ;ladys Erickson Paul and Janc[ Becker James J. Blommer 03 Eire St. S.E. 500 Hidden Circle 126 Erie St. S.E. lutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 2ichard and Linda Carlson O. Roger Quasi Phillip and Mona Johnson 3350 -140th Ave. 126 Huron SL S.E. 224 Huron St. S.E. - orest Lake MN 55025 Hutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 ohn Reynolds Rmdv and Kim Arndt Robert Sandstede .40111 inois SL 155 Illinois St. 70978 CASH IS iutchinson MN 55350 Hutchinson MN 55350 Dassel MN 55325 ?app National Bank Attn Darrel Moritko Scott A. Hanson Dorothy Schramm Trust 336 Ontario Sd S.E. ?.O. Box 887 Hutchinson MN 55350 . it. Cloud MN 56302 • / 7qr 1 6 ID) 9 3-WI-P O TIMM111H No Lives at Risk Educational Process Procedure VS. VS. Organized, User Friendly Buyout VS Grant Funds Available VS. • Difficult VS. 0 Lives at Risk Fighting Floods Reactive Uncoordinated Decisions - During a Crisis Displaced Owners/Renters No Funding Source Hardships/Displacement 7"/� Hutchinson Cin_ Code Chapter I I Section 8.18 Flood Plains B. Limitations on period of use, occupancy, and operation. C. Imposition of operational controls. sureties, and deed restrictions. D. Requirements for construction of channel modifications, compensatory storage, dikes, levees, and other protective measures. E. Flood Proofing Measures in Accordance With the State Building Code and this Chapter. The applicant shall submit a plan or document certified by a registered professional engineer or architect that the flood proofing measures are consistent with the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation and associated flood factors for the particular area. 8.18.12 NON - CONFORMING USES. Subd. 1. A structure or the use of a structure or premises which w lawful before th e effective date of this Chapt but which is not in conformity with the provisions of this Chapter m ay be continued subject to the following condition A. No such use shall be expanded, changed, enlarged, or altered in a way w hich increases its non - conformi B. Any alteration or a ddition t o a non-co struc or non - conf use be protected to the Regul Flood Protection Elevat in accordance with any of the elevation on fill or flood proofing techniques (i.e., FP -1 through FP-4 flood proofing classifications) allowable in the State Building Code, except as further restricted in Subparagraph C, below. C. The structural alterations or additions to t_ur shall not s tructure unless the conditions of this Section are satisfied The cost of all structural alterations and additions constructed since the adoption of the City's initial flood plain controls must be calculated into today's current cost which will include all costs such as construction materials and a reasonable cost placed an all manpower or labor. If the current cost of all previous and proposed alterations and additions exceeds 50 percent of the current market value of the structure, then the structure must meet the standards of Sections 14.11 or 14.12 for new structures depending upon whether the structure is in the Floodway or Flood Fringe District, respectively. D. If any non- conforming use is discontinued for twelve (12) consecutive months, any future use of the building premises shall conform to this Chapter. The assessor shall notify i 8 -73 7-n I fLooip GF#+-rr q - I o - R 7 mT& 1 N -.MI5 - Teje -0. K1 t095lo S -S\AA .t p �V�`(,C i�Es(c30 9 Ales• g�DWP\tUR� 553�a 3a� 3a$ -6144 Also 10v5 3L Rw sc h 32�o a3�t �4d �• �� , s Z-�3 ��a w 1'kiv P, � ek,e.wQ � C.� Na�4 l.0 ► - �s..� S'3 �v Jyark�, V a na W "N x. G/a - y (O's - s03 'J :, 5 - ,r •aJ, Q,x a� tea c ze, JJYO 3b +l Cnry .-Cprr yC blj�der H2J - 151 &C T S9 - 1 - S6 Y .336 ONiwti: -s-f, Sa -o7e1 0 • RESOLUTION THIS RESOLUTION is made and entered into this _ day of September, 1997 by the Hutchinson City Council. RECITALS: WHEREAS, residents of the City of Hutchinson have the right to initiative and referendum by virtue of the Hutchinson City Charter, as amended by the voters in November, 1987; WHEREAS, there are no plans presently to hold any referenda on any particular issue but because a referendum is possible under either the City Charter or State law under particular circumstances; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson wishes to encourage voter participation in any such referenda whenever held and desires to have a fully informed electorate; W HEREAS , the City of Hutchinson presently has no formal plan in place to deal with providing information to potential voters and encouraging informed voters to participate in any particular referendum and desires to put such a plan in place; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson, by virtue of action by • the City Council for the City of Hutchinson, hereby commits the City to use municipal resources to assist in providing information to the public regarding referenda and to encourage informed voters to participate in any referendum in such amounts as appear prudent and wise to the City Council, in its sole discretion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council for the City of Hutchinson hereby creates an informal advisory referendum committee which shall meet at the call of the Council to consider what action, if any, should be taken to provide information to voters about any particular upcoming referendum and to discuss procedures and techniques for providing information to residents of the City of Hutchinson about any such referendum. The advisory committee shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council and shall report back to the Council when it duties are completed- Adopted this _ day of September, 1997. CITY OF HUTCHINSON Its Mayor Attest: • City Administrator / ` /,-�' 0 MEMORANDUM September 19, 1997 To: Mayor & City Council From: Marilyn J. Swanson, Administrative Secretary Subject: AGENDA ITEM 84a) Phil Graves advised me on September 18, 1997 that he needed to confer with Barry Anderson prior to submitting the letter for this particular item. Therefore, there will be a hand -out at the City Council meeting. 0 • K_4� Hutchinson Area Health Care Hutcbinson Community Hospital Burns Manor Nursing Home • Dassel Medical Center • l�insted Family Practice Clinic �IWW 1095 Highway 15 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 234 -5000 September 19, 1997 The Honorable Mayor Marlin Torgerson and City Council Members 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Recommendation for Bid Award —Water Drainage Correction for Burns Manor Nursing Home Dear Mayor Torgerson and City Council Members: At their regular meeting on September 16, the Hutchinson Area Health Care board of directors considered results of a bid for repairs of water damage that occurred to Bums Manor Nursing Home this summer. The following, for your consideration, is an excerpt from the minutes of that meeting: " Bums Manor Water Damage The board heard a report of activities at the nursing home to repair damage caused by heavy rainfall this summer. Moldy wallboard and carpeting on the lower level of the building, which had caused illness in three employees, have been removed and are in the process of being replaced. "A plan to correct water problems on the outside of the building, developed with the assistance of City Engineer John Rodeberg, was reviewed by the group. The repairs proposed include tiling the exterior of the nursing home to draw excess water away from the building and routing roof drains to appropriate areas. Also included is placing additional soil under the settled landscape rock around the building to help divert water away from the walls and examination /repair (if needed) of the existing storm sewer to ensure efficiency in operation. A holding pond is also proposed, between the nursing home and the KDUZ radio station, to help contain heavy rainfall or snow melt in the future. "The results of bids received for correcting the water problems were discussed. Two bids were received. The low bidder for both the tiling and the other exterior work was Rickert Excavation of Brownton. (See attached.) It was noted that Rickert Excavation could begin the project within the next few weeks. E F- Letter to Mayor Torgerson and City Council Members September 19, 1997 Page Two "Following discussion, motion was made by Mills, seconded by Black, to recommend to the City Council that the bid for water drainage correction at Bums Manor Nursing Home be awarded to the low bidder, Rickert Excavation, of Brownton, at a bid cost of $32,970. All were in favor. Motion carried." Thank you, in advance, for consideration of this request. I will be out of the office during the next week but any questions can be addressed to Don Erickson or John Rodeberg. Sincerely, HU INS AREA HEALTH CARE Philip G. Graves President it PGG:lh Encl. Tiling Basement Exterior Dick Hopp $ 11,250.00 Juul Contracting 15,400.00 Rickert Excavating 10,325.00 Pond, Storm Sewer and Roof Drainage Juul Contracting 26,425.00 Rickert Excavating 22,645.05 0 0 ' ESTIMATE FOR BURNS MANOR SEP 8, 1997 Item No_ 1 21 - 31 5 6 7 81 9 10 1 11 12 -- — 13 14 15I 16 17 18 Spec. , Ref. I Item _ REMOVE CONCRETE PIPE REMOVE CATCH BASIN REMOVE CURB & GUTTER _ REMOVE 2 BI 375mm PE PIPE SMOOTH _ ROOF DRAW CONNECTION _ 200mm PVC WYE 200mm PVC BEND CONSTRUCT MANHOLE DESIGN 1200 -4020 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN DESIGN_ A, 1 DEEP_ CONNECT TO EXISTING MA_ NH_O CONST CURB & GUTTER - _ POND EXCAVATION (LV) _- _ BITUMINOUS SURFACING TYPE 31B SODDING_ _ SEEDING _- SEED MIXTURE 500 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 1, DIS AN CHO R ED Unit METER _ EACH METER METER METER EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH METER m3 Quantity 4 _ 3 12 1 48.5 58 4 11 1 2 2 _ 12 1000 _ 18 _2220 _ 0.5 9 Unit Price Amount - -- — - - -- - _ -- - t m ha _ t 0.4 _[.v indo_��a1Js rtszf��_�L,�d t 0Z SCALE #is& NORTH HIGH DRIVE V -A I P 0 CONST. 12m 375mm PE PIPE mTH APRON AND TRASH GUARD 1 r — � scams .al#se ?- -�3 9 • About a month ago Michael Campa and myself, representing the taxpayer advocacy group called People Advocating Responsible Taxation (PART), first appeared before this council, One of the first things we did was to read a short paragraph, which in our opinion, conveys the fundamental criteria of good citizenship. I will read it again. "As informed citizens there are things we should not delude ourselves about, things we should not ignore, things we must be brave enough to challenge and if necessary decisive enough to change. We realize h is easier to stand for nothing, safer to involve ourselves in other matters, less at risk being critical of others without offering our own suggestions, easier to complain without attempting to implement change. We're no longer going to delude ourselves, were not going to sit at the sidelines as passive observers and hope others will carry the ball for us." We are resolved to work for a better Hutchinson. This should be everyone's duty. It is this commitment to citizenship, and our recent efforts to bring greater citizen participation to Hutchinson, with our mail ballot proposal and in the future our city infrastructure and development spending cap, that brings us here again. Tonight we feel compelled to speak about the repressive nature of our present city charter. In our attempt to make a good faith effort at finding legal language that would satisfy this council on the merits of the mail ballot proposal, we continually ran up against that section of our charter that should spell out our freedoms, chapter 5, the section that refers to initiative, petition, and recall. This is local governments so called checks and balances. But instead of protecting our rights and freedoms to counteract or balance the excesses of our local government, should the need arise, the revisions made to section 5 during the charter • revision of 1987, impedes the citizens right to influence or to interact with the city council on financial matters. In fact, because of this change, the citizens of Hutchinson have lost the ability to influence the council on financial matters because, simply, we have lost the basic right to petition. It appears this was done to constrict our freedoms and allow the council absolute authority in financial matters. 1) Chapter 5 states: Any ordinance, except an ordinance relating to the budget, or capital program, the appropriation of money, the levy of taxes or the salaries of city officers or employees may be proposed by petition, etc, etc. 2) The charter change also moved the number of signatures needed on a petition from 10 to 20 making it more difficult for the citizen to petition their government. 3) The previous charter also had a method by which 15% the citizen could force council ordinances to be submitted to the vote of the people thereby preventing it from going into operation. There is no provision in our present charter for such a citizen action. I hope everyone is beginning to see the pattern that is developing. Only an informed voter who laid the two charters side by side would recognize the huge loss of freedoms, or an informed voter who was educated by a concerned and caring city council. The city charter change of 1987 was necessary because we were changing our form of local government. But we can find no good reason why the charter commission invaded what should be our basic rights section, Chapter 5, to add such restrictive and • repressive language. It appears this was done only to strengthen the hand of city council$it the expense of this communities citizens. Absolute financial authority has since resided NO • within the council, the citizen lacking any means to influence them, or the ability to change financial policy between elections. This supreme financial authority may yet even prevent the citizen the right to select the method in which they elect to approve financial questions put to them in special elections. This power in the hands of only a few people goes way beyond what most consider good government. It is because we refuse to ignore matters of such gravity, we are here tonight. This city charter problem, for freedom loving citizens, can lead to many questions. Did the citizen in 1987 really understand what they were giving up when this charter was adopted? Does this council befieve the citizen made an informed choice? Did the council at that time make every effort to educate the citizen and warn them of the dangers? Does the present city council believe this restriction of our freedoms is good law and representative of their vision of how our citizen should be allowed to interact with their government? The list of questions, of course, continues. 1) What prompted the charter commission to add this restrictive language to the charter when this chapter, Chapter 5, had nothing to do with the changes being made to our local government at that time? 2) Did they do this on their own or were they doing at someone else's behest? 3) If they were requested to do it by someone else who requested it? 4) Did they add this language in consultation with the full council or at the request of individual council members? 5) Was the council aware of this destruction to our freedoms? 6) Did the council favor this charter revision? . 7) Did it vote to advance this charter revision to the public? 8) If it didn't vote to advance the charter to the citizen for a vote, did it warn the citizen about this loss in freedoms? If they didn't, why didn't they? 9) Should it have warned the citizen of the language even if they favored the changes? 10) Shouldn't trust and protection of the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Hutchinson be our council's greatest responsibility? 11) Because that council did not protect our rights shouldn't it be the obligation of the present council to correct the wrongs of 1987 and restore the freedoms that were lost? All of us can and should ponder these questions. What has been the role of our elected city council in terms of advancing citizen participation and its role in protecting our rights and freedoms? When we come to grips with the realities of their roles in the past years we will recognize that it is time we should correct the wrongs and be resolved never to let something like this happen again. We can begin that process here tonight. Because the majority of this council was party to the charter revision of 1987 we feel it would be particularly meaningful if it were they who moved to correct this loss of freedom. We are asking the council to simply, vote to repeal our present City Charter Chapter Number 5, adopted Nov. 3, 1987 and vote to replace it with the previous City Charter Chapter Number 5, adopted July 11, 1967. CX,�rYer- 6?11V Ch191) t• *s �a.�Q �hft f� Ph l' T o U v D P Tc Tz� �y Pn ao�7S• THANK Y 1 1] CHAPTERS Initiative, Referendum, and Recall Section SAI. GENERAL VOTER AUTHORITY. The voters of the city shall have the right, in accordance with this charter, to propose ordinances, to require ordinances to be submitted to a vote, and to recall elected public officials by processes known respectively as the initiative, referendum and recall. Section 5.02. PETITIONS. An initiative, referendum or recall, shall be initiated by a petition signed by registered voters of the city equal in number to 20 percent of those who voted for mayor in the last preceding — city election. Each petition shall be sponsored by a committee of five registered voters whose names and addresses shall appear on the petition. A petition may consist of one or more papers, but each paper circulated separately shall contain at its head or attached to it the statement required by Sections 5.06, 5.07 or 5.08, as the case may be. Each • signer shell sign his name and give his street address. Each separate page of the petition shall have appended to it a certificate, verified by oath, that each signature is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. The person making the certificate shall be a resident of the city. Any person whose name appears on a petition may withdraw his name by a statement in writing filed with the city administator before the city administator advises the council of the sufficiency of the petition. - Section 5.03. DETERMINATION OF SUFFICIENCY. Imnediately upon receipt of the petition, the city administrator shall examine the petition as to its sufficiency and report to the council within 20 days. Upon receiving the report, the council shall determine by resolution the sufficiency of the petition. • FA Section 5.04. FURTHER REGULATIONS. The council may provide by ordinance such further regulations for the initiative, referendum, and recall, not inconsistent with this charter, as it deems necessary. Section 5.05. DISPOSITION OF INSUFFICIENT PETITION. If the council determines that the petition is insufficient or irregular, the city administrator shall deliver a copy of the petition, together with a written statement of its defects, to the sponsoring committee. The commit- tee shall have 30 days in which to file additional signature papers and to correct the petition in all other particulars. If at the end of that period the council finds that the petition is still insufficient or irregular, the city adminis- trator shall file the petition in his office and notify the sponsoring committee. The final finding that the petition is insufficient or irregular shall not prejudice the filing of a new petition for the same purpose nor shall it prevent the council from referring the ordinance to the voters at the next regular or special election at its option. Section 5.06. INITIATIVE. Any ordinance, except an ordinance relating to the budget or capital program, the appropriation of money, the levy of taxes, or the salaries of city officers or employees, may be proposed by a petition which shall state at the head of each page or attached thereto the exact text of the proposed ordinance. If the council passes the proposed ordinance with amendments and a 415 majority of the sponsoring committee do not disapprove the amended form by a statement filed with the city administrator within 10 days of its passage by the council, the ordinance need not be submitted to the voters. If the council fails to enact the ordinance in a acceptable form within 60 days after the final determination of sufficiency of the petition, the ordinance shall be placed on the ballot at the next election occurring in the city. If no elec- �r ■ tion is to occur within 120 days after the filing of the petition, the council sha11 call A special election on the ordinance to be held within such period. If a majority of those voting on the ordinance vote in its favor, it shall become effective 30 days after adoption unless the ordinance specifies a later effective date. Section 5.07. REFERENONN. Any ordinance subject to the initiative may be subjected to referendum by a petition which shall state, at the head of each page or on an attached paper, a description of the ordinance. Any ordinance upon which a petition is filed, other than an emergency ordinance, shall be suspended in its operation as soon as the petition is found- sufficient. If the ordinance is not thereafter entirely repealed, it shall be placed on the ballot at the next election or at a special election called for that purpose, as the council determines. If a majority of the voters voting thereon favors the ordinance, it shall go into effect immediately or on the date specified in the ordinance; if - a majority of the electors voting thereon votes against the ordinance, it shall be considered repealed upon certification of the election results. If a peti- tion is filed against an emergency ordinance, the ordinance shall remain in effect but shall be repealed if a majority of the voters voting on the ordinance vote against it. Section 5.08 THE RECALL. In the recall petition of any elected official of the city the committee shall certify to the city administrat the name of the officer whose removal is sought ,I statement of the grounds for removal in not more than 250 words, and their intention to bring about his recall. A copy of this certificate shall be attached to each signature paper and no signature paper shall be put into circulation previous to such certification. Section 5.09 RECALL ELECTION. If the petition or amended petition is found sufficient, the city administrator shall transit it to the council without delay, and shall also officially notify the person sought to be recalled of the sufficiency of the petition and of the pending action. The council shall at its next meeting, by resolution, provide for the holding of a special recall election not Tess than 30 nor more than 45 days after such meeting, but if any other electi Is to occur within 60 days after such meeting, ti council may in its discretion provide for the holding of the recall election at that time. ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE PROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP • DAVID B. ARNOLD STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON LAURA K. FRETLANO PAUL D. DOVE' JANE VAN VALKENBURG RICHARD G. MCGEE CATHRYN D. REHER WALTER P. MICHELS. III ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 -2563 (320) 587 -7575 FAX (320) 587 -4096 ALSO ADMITTED IN TCxAS AND NEW YORI( Mr. Gary D. Plotz Hutchinson City Center 11I Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Luce Line Trail Our File No. 3188 -95294 Dear Gary: RESIDENT ATTORNEY G. BARRY ANDERSON September 18, 1997 'EP 1 8 1997 ^;- = HUTCH:. -'ON OF COUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN TERRI A. BLOMFELT 5881 CEDAR LAKE ROAD MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55416 (612) 545 -9000 FAX (612) 545 -1793 FAX (612) 542 -9210 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389 -2214 FAX (612) 389 -5506 I write to you today for the purpose of requesting that the above referenced matter be placed on the • City Council Agenda for Tuesday evening's meeting. As you know, the City has been involved in long and challenging negotiations with Dakota Rail, Inc. regarding recreational trail issues involving the Luce Line Trail as it runs through the eastern portion of the community. Dakota Rail, Inc. had significant concerns regarding liability issues only partially alleviated by the fact that the line where the trail is to run is only rarely used. Originally the City had proposed an easement acquisition. Dakota Rail felt that this did not deal adequately with liability concerns. After some discussion, I believe a tentative agreement has now been reached wherein the City will acquire the fee interest for the 20 most southerly feet of the railroad right of way running essentially from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Service Road up to and including Art Street. The City would be responsible for securing all necessary approvals and ultimately responsible for constructing a fence to keep trespassers off the railroad right of way. One of the reasons why this arrangement is attractive to Dakota Rail, Inc. is that they presently have no way of controlling access to their property and the railroad right of way is already used for snowmobile purposes. With any luck at all this transaction will actually mean that usage of railroad right of way for non - permitted purposes in this area should drop to zero or very close to that level because there will be more patrolling in the area, access will be easier, ultimately a fence will be used and, quite frankly, for much of this territory, the actual railroad trackage is higher than the proposed trail area. This should be an arrangement that is a favorable one for all concerned. • t-, 4 , 'CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 'CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Mr. Gary Plotz September 18, 1997 page 2 Ultimately the State of Minnesota has agreed to reimburse the City for trail acquisition costs. The only real issue is the cost of the acquisition. If the City follows the normal State of Minnesota procedures, it will take many weeks and perhaps several months for the appraisal process to be completed which will delay the transaction substantially. Instead, the City has proposed to pay Dakota Rail, Inc. and then to apply for reimbursement from the State of Minnesota The only real risk here is if the appraisal of the property is substantially different than the agreed upon price between Dakota Rail, Inc. and the City. The City has been using appraisals conducted a couple of years ago for the purpose of calculating bare land prices. Those appraisals yield a cost of approximately $28,000 for the slightly more than 1 acre to be acquired as part of this transaction. The agreed upon price with Dakota Rail is $30,000. Arguments can be both ways regarding valuation; some of the property clearly has less value than the bare land cost analysis used by the City (presumably adjacent to Art Street). Other portions of the property may have significantly higher value (adjacent to the Industrial Park). It seems to me that the negotiated price is a fair and reasonable one and it would appear likely that the State Appraisal would come in somewhere around that figure. It should be noted that the appraisals used by the City to arrive at its bare land purchase figure were prepared by an appraiser who is on the approved list of appraisers for the State of Minnesota (James Robinson of the Robinson Appraisal Company). • Accordingly, in the interests of moving this transaction along, I would respectfully request that the City Council approve, at Tuesday night's meeting, the proposed acquisition of 20 feet of railroad right of was subject to the acquisition of all necessary approvals, pursuant to t e trail map which was prepared by the City of Hutchinson. If the City has the ability to make photocopies of larger engineering documents, you might want to include a copy of the trail map with the Council packet so that everyone will know the topic of discussion. Also enclosed, for your information, is a copy of my correspondence to Joe Dejaeghere which is self explanatory. Thank you for your time and attention to these matters. Best regards. Very truly yours, ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE, PLLP G. Barry Anderson GBH cc: Dolf Moon Sheldon Nies Joe DeJaegh ere John Rodeberg • ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE SROFESSIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP ;HP 1 81997 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 101 PARK PLACE HUTC~ ' ON DAVID B. ARNOLD' HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 -2563 OF COUNSEL ARTHUR L. DOTEN STEVEN A. ANDERSON G. BARRY ANDERSON* (320) SB7 -7575 TERRI A. BLOMFELT LAURA K. FRETLAND FAX (320) 5874096 PAUL D. DOVE'* SBBI CEDAR LAKE ROAD JANE VAN VALKENBVRG RESIDENT ATTORNEY MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 554 (612) 545 -9000 RICHARD G. MCGEE G. BARRY ANDERSON CATHRYN D. REFER FAX (612) 545-1793 FAX (612) 542 -9210 WALTER P. MICHELS, III 501 SOUTH FOURTH STREET ALSO ADMITTED IN 71uS AND N1w Y.aH n September 18, 1997 PRINCETON, MINNESOTA 55371 (612) 389 -2214 FAX(612)389 -5506 Mr. Joe DeJaeghere Department of Natural Resources 20596 Highway 7 Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Re: Luce Line Trail Our File No. 3188 -95294 Dear Joe: • Enclosed please find a copy of my correspondence to Gary Plotz regarding the above referenced matter. I did discuss, before he left for his conference, the possibility of adding a fence between the Dakota Rail, Inc. property and the property to be conveyed to the City in connection with the trail. John felt that this was not a problem and I assume, although we didn't discuss it specifically, that it could be part of the improvement project for this portion of the trail. I write to you today on a couple of related matters. First, I would ask that you review my letter to Gary carefully to see if it accurately reports what you and I have discussed regarding appraisals. I understand the State has not made a specific commitment to any particular figure but that sufficient funds are available if the appraisal should justify the acquisition price. Please advise if this is not the case. Second, the thought occurs to me that Jim Robinson has already done a fair amount of work in Hutchinson and will not have to reinvent the wheel to prepare an appraisal according to specifications as required by the State of Minnesota. Accordingly, since Mr. Robinson is an approved appraiser for the State of Minnesota, I am wondering whether or not we could simply retain him for the purpose of conducting this appraisal? I recognize that the State appraisal would presumably be at no cost to the City and the State may or may not reimburse the City for the cost of the appraisal in this case, but this might speed up the process substantially and in light of the foregoing, the City might be willing to bear the appraisal costs. Obviously, the City would prefer to have that cost reimbursed by the State and I presume there are some rules that set out whether not that can happen. Initially, however, is CERTIFIED AS A CIVIL TRIAL SPECIALIST BYTHE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION CERTIFIED AS A REAL PROPERTY LAW SPECIALIST BY THE MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Mr. Joe DeJaeghere September 18, 1997 do page 2 I do think we need to determine whether or not Mr. Robinson would be satisfactory for these purposes. The City Council will be considering these issues at its Tuesday meeting. I don't need a formal written response but if you could give me a call it would be much appreciated. Thank you. Best regards. Very truly yours, ARNOLD, ANDERSON & DOVE, PLLP G. Ba Anderson GBAJ cc: Gary Plotz John Rodeberg • • Minnesota Department of Public Safety LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION 444 Cedar St. /Suite I OOL 3F_ St. Paul, MN 55101 -2156 `_0 (612)296 -6439 TDD (612)282 -6555 0 Mmnp APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION NAME OF ORGANI�A N Joc�t. s c5�cvra�r� DATE ORGANIZED Aeril l TAX EXEMPT NUMBER STREET ADDRESS l01 Par Qbc� Skz \o5" CITY'`` Clt1"�nso(1 STATE ZIP CODE v�trl SS350 NAME OF PERSO MAKING APPLICATION Jan ,c de BUSINESS PHONE SSl -Olo\ HOME PHONE 2-34 -7955 DATES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD (I to 4 days) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION IO Z(. I9 ❑ CLUB ❑CHARITABLE ❑ RELIGIOUS ❑ OTHER NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ' 34a JaS-� ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS Location where iicense be used. If an outdoor area, describe AA eat onn�4 'S e+r. ,Jccan} d n�n P,00, r Will the applicant contract for intoxicating liquor services? If so, give the name and address of the Liquor license provid the service. `fey, jo t 5 Irlt_ Will the applicant carry liquor liability insurance? If so, the carrier's name and amount of coverage. (NOTE: Insurance is not mandatory) �I 1 Na :,p n , t)dd E -r 1, n c e- V Vr. yt r n APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO LIQUOR CONTROL CITY /COUNTY DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID SIGNATURE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED LIQUOR CONTROL DIRECTOR NOTE: Do not separate these two parts, send both parts to the address above and the original signed by this division will be returned as the license. Submit to the City or County at least 30 days before the event. PS-09079(8t95) 7 4 9-A- IMMEDIATE PAY COUNCIL REPORT HATS FUEL TAX 23- SEP- 1997nage 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTRAL GARAGE US POSTAL SERVICE AUG POSTAGE — -----_--------- $11.52 $1.60 < *> < > $11.52* $69.34* LIQUOR STORE METRO SALES RICOH COPIER $1,747.66 AL L FUND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REG - MARILYN J. SWANSON $80.00 $306.13 CROW RIVER AREA QUALITY COUNCI REG- BRENDA EWING $40.00 $47.41 DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DNR FEES TO STATE $723.00 $2,332.46 MCLEOD COOP POWER AUG ELEC $470.69 $17.60 MEDICAL PRIORITY CONSULTANTS REG -ROSA DOSTAL $25C.00 $4,451.26* MN COMMUNITY POLICING INSTITUT REGISTRATION $406.00 $875.00 MN PUBLIC TRANSIT ASSC REG- BRENDA EWING $130.00 $76.80 OLD LOG THEATRE MATINEE & LUNCH 44 SENIORS $814.00 $100.00 UNIVERSITY OF MN REG -JOHN RODEBERG $40.00 $164.00 US POSTAL SERVICE AUG POSTAGE $1,218.18 $2,655.38 < *> • PERA LIFE INS CO. $4,165.87* $118.50 HOUSING REDEV ALSLEBEN - DRAEGER CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY WORK DENNIN, STEVE INTERIOR WORK OLSON, ARNIE & CARPENTRY WORK $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $1,000.00 $21,000.00* HUTCH TRANS FAC. MN DEPT OF REVENUE HATS FUEL TAX $67.74 US POSTAL SERVICE AUG POSTAGE $1.60 < > $69.34* LIQUOR STORE METRO SALES RICOH COPIER $1,747.66 MIRAGE CIGAR DISTR. CIGAR PURCHASE $306.13 MN DEPT OF REVENUE TOBACCO TAX $47.41 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. SEPT WINE PURCHASE $2,332.46 US POSTAL SERVICE AUG POSTAGE $17.60 < > $4,451.26* PAYROLL FUND AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. EE CONTRIB $875.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS EE CONTRIB $76.80 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. EE CONTRIB $100.00 H.R.L.A.P.R. EE CONTRIB $164.00 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST EE CONTRIB $2,655.38 • PERA LIFE INS CO. EE CONTRIB $118.50 PERA- D.C.P. EE CONTRIB $205.02 PRUDENTIAL EE CONTRIB $180.00 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS EE CONTRIB $30.00 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES EE CONTRIB $15,334.32 TEMPLETON INC EE CONTRIB $458.46 WADELL & REED EE CONTRIB $150.00 < > $20,347.48* WATER /SEWER FUND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REG - MARION GRAHAM $20.00 MN DEPT OF REVENUE GENERAL & WASTE COLLECT TAX $4,182.00 US POSTAL SERVICE AUG POSTAGE $538.10 < *> $4,740.10* • $54,785.57* /o -A) OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 23- SEP- 1997page 1 1980 TIDS ELKS LODGE 42427 OCTOBER 1997 PAYMENT $10,000.00 BOYER FORD TRUCKS 1998 FORD TRUCK JOHNSON, LEONARD G. OCTOBER PAYMENT $812.75 BRANDON TIRE CO • < *> $10,812.76* AIR FILTER 1961 PARKING BDS BAILEY NURSERIES TREES /SHRUBS $1,259.15 $911.49 < > HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE STARTER $1,259.15* 1984 PARKING BDS MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER 2ND HALF PROPERTY TAX $353.00 INTERSTATE BATTERIES BATTERIES $113.80 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC 1988 IMPROV. BDS FIRSTAR BANK OF MINNESOTA PAYING AGENT FEES 1994 TAX INC D S PRINCE OF PEACE SENIOR APT. IN INC CAP DIST 47 1995 IMPROV D S COUNTY RECORDER 1996 T I CONSTR. AUGUSTA BUILDING CORP MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER 1997 IMPR. CONST WATER STREET ELECTRIC FILING FEES INC CAP DIST #8 2ND HALF PROPERTY TAX TH 15 SIGNAL REVISIONS $298.50 $298.50* $13,004.98 $13,004.98+ $19.50 $19.50* $22,256.24 $1,115.00 $23,371.24* $20,663.74 $20,663.74* CENTRAL GARAGE ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO SHARPENING $42.00 BOYER FORD TRUCKS 1998 FORD TRUCK $25,400.85 BRANDON TIRE CO TIRES, VALVES, MOUNT /DISMNT $295.66 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS AIR FILTER $20.70 GRAFIX SHOPPE GRAPHIC KIT, LABOR $911.49 HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE STARTER $219.70 • HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE FLASHER $5.13 INTERSTATE BATTERIES BATTERIES $113.80 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC FIBRE GUARD END PL $259.48 MID CON SYSTEMS INC CLEANER, MECHANICS FRIEND PLUS $132.36 SCHRAMM IMPLEMENT BELTS $118.90 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO DRILLS $94.27 WAL -MART DURA LUKE, PHONE $89.39 WIGEN CHEVROLET CO PARTS $5.45 c > $27,709.18+ CITY HALL CONST. BACHMAN'S PLANTS $396.51 4 c > $396.51+ ENERGY LOAN FD COUNTY RECORDER FILING FEES $19.50 < *> $19.50* GENERAL FUND A.J.SCHAAKE CO. AWARD, ENGRAVING & LOGO $79.78 ALLIED SERVICES OF HUTCHINSON LABOR $45.00 AMERICAN RED CROSS RED CROSS INSTRUCTION $264.00 BAILEY NURSERIES SHRUBS /TREES $3,332.11 BAUMETZ, BONNIE REIMB- MEALS, MILEAGE $104.39 BAUMETZ, KAY REIMB- NON - RESIDENT FEES $10.00 BENNETT OFFICE SUP. COPIER MAINTENANCE $320.10 BERKLEY RISK SERVICES PROFESS CONSULTING -SEPT $1,569.45 BIG BEAR FLTWD 180 $27.67 BROCK WHITE CO ROADSAVER SEALANT $596.40 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS PRINT CARTDGE, COLOR PRINT CRT $299.36 CADD /ENGINEERING SUPPLY TAPE, REFILL $134.67 CARTER, RANDY REPLACE BROKEN SAFETY GLASSES $28.46 CASH WISE BOX LUNCHES $110.17 CELLULAR 2000 SEPT SERVICE $812.13 CENTRAL GARAGE AUG REPAIRS $22,704.59 CENTURY LABS LINERS $351.67 r� OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 23- SEP- 1997page 2 ------------------------------------------------ GENERAL FUND CITY OF HUTCHINSON - ____--_-----_------ AUGUST LODGING TAX $10,066.94 --- - - COMM TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL, MATERIALS, ETC $892.43 COPY EQUIPMENT INC SHOP SUPPLIES, LABOR $164.11 COUNTY RECORDER • FILING FEES $267.50 COUNTY TREASURER SPECIAL ASSESS PARCEL UPDATE $281.50 DAAK REFRIGERATION ASSEMBLY, LABOR $103.14 DARK, JEFF LEAGUE CHAMPION REFUND $100.00 DAAK, SCOTT LEAGUE CHAMPION REFUND $100.00 DAHL, GWEN REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED $12.00 DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DNR FEES TO STATE $1,351.00 ECOLAB PEST ELIM SEPT SERVICES $22.37 ENGELMANN, ESTHER REFUND SENIOR TOUR $35.00 ERICKSON OIL PROD OIL $4.24 FAMILY REXALL DRUG PHOTOS $32.00 FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS MARKING PAINT $101.57 FRATZKE, MARK REFUND DUPLICATE BLDG PERMIT $20.50 GABRELCIK, CHARLIE REFUND- VOLLEYBALL CANCELLED $25.00 GAME TIME PLAYGROUND EQUIP $1,679.39 GEHRKE, LEROY TEXTURE CEILING $100.00 GENERAL OFFICE PRODUCTS CO LABELS $3.93 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION REPAIR CURB & GUTTER, SIDEWALK $3,346.00 HENSEN, MARK REIMB -MEALS $6.49 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE /HUTCHINSON SUPER SHINE, TOWELS, GEL CORM $344.74 HOLIDAY INN- EXPRESS HOTEL CHARGES $124.30 HUTCH COMM HOSPITAL HEP VACCINES $448.00 HUTCH FIRE & SAFETY EXTING INSPECT $20.00 HUTCHINSON TEL CO SEPT SERVICES $455.27 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES FLEX DUCT, PVC, LABOR $17,122.48 ICBO MEMBERSHIP DUES $85.00 INK SPOTS GREEN PAPER -PURCH REQ $63.44 JEFF'S ELECTRIC INSTALL SERVICE & FLOOD LAMPS $534.74 JENSEN &, NEIL J. OCTOBER PAYMENT $230.00 K MART FOOTBALLS $22.13 L & P SUPPLY CO SHARPENING $289.20 LAMPLIGHTER II LUNCH MEETING $54.91 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES QTR 1 & 2 LIABILITY $97,414.60 LENNES, RICHARD REIMB- SOFTWARE PURCHASE $284.06 LINDER BUS COMPANY BUS TRIPS FOR YOUTH BALL $819.16 LOGIS AUG SERVICE $6,290.20 MAKI, CONNIE REIMB- MILEAGE $41.85 MARKA, JAMES REIMB -MEALS $6.34 • MCGARVEY COFFEE INC COFFEE $35.63 MCGRAW, LINDA REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED $30.00 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER 2ND HALF PROPERTY TAX $1,440.00 MEEKER SAND & GRAVEL SAND $586.53 MID -MN HOT MIX INC FINES $118.86 MN SPORTS FEDERATION SANCTIONING FEES $74.00 MORE 4 POP - $13.07 MRPA SANCTIONING FEES $77.00 NO STATES SUPPLY INC HX LAGSCREW $22.67 PADRNOS, JOAN REIMB -NON RESIDENT FEE $5.00 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM QTR 4 PAYMENT $19,335.25 PITNEY BOWES CREDIT CORP POSTAGE METER RENTAL $339.21 PLATISHA, BRIAN SCOREKEEPER $60.00 PLOTZ, GARY D. REIMB MEALS $12.76 PRECISION MEASURING SYSTEMS 16' TAPE $20,83 PRINTS CHARMING JERSEYS $854.75 PRO COMMUNIQUE NEWSLETTER $100.00 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLICATI SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL $230.00 QUADE ELECTRIC FROSTED BULBS, BALLAST $79.67 ROTO ROOTER LABOR- REPAIR TOILET $75.00 SCHMELING, RENEE REIMB- VACUUM CLEANER BAGS $6.36 SCHRAMM. VIOLET REFUND SENIOR TOUR $35.00 SCHWANS SALES ENTERPRISES INC ICE CREAM TREATS $129.35 SEBESTA, JAN REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED $12.00 SHOPKO PICTURE FRAMES $9.55 SIMONSON LUMBER CO NAILS $1.68 SR.CENTER ADVISORY BD REC CTR CONCESS STAND WORKERS $1,805.00 SRF CONSULTING GROUP PROFESS SERV -SW BIKE STUDY $4,086.51 STANDARD PRINTING NEWSLETTER $4,784.93 STAR TRIBUNE ADS- POLICE PATROL $693.90 STATE MINNESOTA STATE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY $17.86 STREICHERS TARGETS $39.03 THEIS & LONG PROFESS SERV $74.00 TKDA PROFESS SERV- AIRPORT PHASE II $46,676.81 TREASURE ISLAND MOTOR COACHES TO CASINO $300.00 r U OPEN -HO'LD COUNCIL REPORT SEPT LIQUOR PURCHASE SEPT TOBACCO PURCHASE SEPT WINE PURCHASE FILTERS TISSUE SEPT LIQUOR PURCHASE SEPT BEER PURCHASE REIMB -SHELF COVERS QTR 1 & 2 LIABILITY SEPT BEER PURCHASE FREIGHT SEPT BEER PURCHASE CLEAN WINDOWS FILM SEPT LIQUOR PURCHASE CORDLESS BATTERY SEPT BEER PURCHASE GENERAL FUND _ ---------------------------- TROLL HUS CAFE - - -- -- - DINNER FEE -SR TOUR --- - - - --' $411.70 $531.59 TURF SUPPLY COMPANY TURF MIX $635.58 REIMB MILEAGE, MEALS, LODGING $299.39 TURNQUIST INC PAPER $1,189.73 PAYING AGENT FEES TWO WAY COMM INC RADIO $1,029.60 $487.61 UNITED BLDG CENTERS TREATED PINE $613.81 TOWELS $449.28 US POSTAL SERVICE NEWSLETTER POSTAGE $305.00 AUG ELEC VIKING SIGNS TRAIL SIGNS $437.62 $130.45 WAL -MART MUMS $100.30 PHONE JACK, PHONE WIRE $7.43 WESTERN AUTO OPERATING SUPPLIES $63.89 QTR 1 & 2 LIABILITY WESTPHAL, DARLENE REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED $30.00 $2,373.69 XEROX COPIER LEASE- AUGUST $685.00 8" TEST BALL, MUNI BALL 30' c > WATER TESTS $261,841.92* HUTCH TRANS FAC. ALLIED SERVICES OF HUTCHINSON LABOR CHARGES $67.50 $228.26 CASH WISE RETIREMENT PARTY SUPPLIES $25.48 DOUBLE PYMT OF CLOSING BILL $80.33 HUTCH COOP CENEX SUPER NO -LEAD $8,117.50 SHELVING MCGARVEY COFFEE INC COFFEE $35.63 $1,423.93 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER 2ND HALF PROPERTY TAXES $7,192.89 MID CON SYSTEMS INC AIR FRESHENERS $193.19 WITTE SANITATION AUGUST SERVICE $63.37 r c > $15,695.56* LIQUOR STORE CITY OF HUTCHINSON- GENERAL FUN ED PHILLIPS & SONS CO. EL QUEENO CIGAR CO GRIGGS COOPER & CO HAROLD SANDGREN ICE SERV HILLYARD FLOOR CARE/HUTCHINSON JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. JORDON BEVERAGE INC. KOEHLER,LYLE LEAGUE OF MN CITIES LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIST. INC LEO'S TRANSFER LOCHER BROS INC LUNDHOLM, LORI MORE 4 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. SHOPKO TRIPLE G DISTRIBUTING INC PAYROLL 9/12/97 $7,399 $3,756 $516 $18,439 $120 $44 $7,845 $913 $2 $1,016 $2,122 $635 $17,923 $44 $1,968 $10 $14,957 $77,760 83 31 44 68 80 73 24 75 00 79 20 95 45 60 41 86 64 14 82* c *> PUBLIC SITES c *> WATER /SEWER FUND MCLEOD COOP POWER CELLULAR 2000 CENTRAL GARAGE D.P.C.IND.INC DEVRIES, RANDY EBERT, DICK FIRST TRUST NATIONAL ASSC FISHER SCIENTIFIC GOPHER STATE INC HILLYARD FLOOR CARE / HUTCHINSON HONERMANN, ALAN HUTCHINSON UTILITIES INDUSTRIAL MAINT SUPPLIES JEFF'S ELECTRIC K MART LAKELAND LEAGUE OF MN CITIES LOGIS MCGARVEY COFFEE INC MN DEPT OF REVENUE MN VALLEY TESTING LAB NCL PAPER SERVICE CO PLOTZ, GARY D. PRUDENTIAL RELOCATION SERCO LABORATORIES UNITED BLDG CENTERS US FILTER /WATERPRO ELEC HOOKUPS -AUG 23- SEP- 1997page 3 $800.00 $800.00* SEPT SERVICE $27.27 AUG REPAIRS $531.59 CONTAINER, CYL DPC INDUST $75.00 REIMB MILEAGE, MEALS, LODGING $299.39 REIMB - LUNCH, REGISTRATION $24.89 PAYING AGENT FEES $347.88 BOD PROBE -SELF STIRRING $487.61 AUGUST SERVICE $133.00 TOWELS $449.28 NEUTRA PLUS $22.18 AUG ELEC $362.26 NUTS, WASHER, DRILL BITS $130.45 LABBR, MATERIALS $254.76 PHONE JACK, PHONE WIRE $7.43 VALVES $502.29 QTR 1 & 2 LIABILITY $11,401.61 AUG SERVICE $2,373.69 COFFEE $4.21 8" TEST BALL, MUNI BALL 30' $12.68 WATER TESTS $94.00 LAB SUPPLIES $221.64 ALUM MEAT LOAF PAN $228.26 REIMB - MILEAGE $243.97 DOUBLE PYMT OF CLOSING BILL $80.33 WATER TESTS $88.00 SHELVING $5.75 METERS, FLG KIT $1,423.93 40 OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT -------------------------------------------- — __-------------------------- WATER /SEWER FUND USA BLUE BOOK 8" TEST BALL, MUNI BALL 30 USA WASTE SERVICES INC LOADS 8/25 - 6/29 VESSCO INC CALIBRATE STRANTROL 190 WAL -MART SLIDE FILM WELCOME NEIGHBOR AUGUST LISTING WESTERN AUTO HATCHET WINTER, LAWRENCE REIMS- MEALS, LODGING WITTE SANITATION TRUCK TIME & LABOR 23- SEP- 1997page 4 ------------------------- $207.64 $4,760.62 $200.93 $45.59 $60.00 $21.29 $390.39 $100.00 $25,639.81* $479,646.28* WIRE TRANSFERS LIQUOR FUND MN Dept of Revenue - Liquor Sales Tax HATS OPERATION FUND MN Dept of Revenue -Fuel Tax PAYROLL FUND MN Dept of Revenue - Payroll Tax $21,824.00 479.60 6,956.18 PAYROLL FUND Internal Revenue Service - Withholding Tax 34,531.84 0 I Ull I 1 1 11 u • Post -W Fax Note 7671 Dat ! _� { a To -- =« E+ From au e Do.lDept. Phone Phone# ��4 Fax p VVerbage for Intent- The intent of this document is to serve as an educationallinformationaVbudgetary tool for those persons potentially affected by annexation. These parties include property owners, developers, governing bodies including the City of Hutchinson. McLeod County, Lynn Twn, Hassan Valley Twn, Acoma Twn. and Hutchinson Twn. This document shall also serve as the driving force for public ROW improvements of which the City of Hutchinson has prioritized, and are willing to participate in via municipal bonding of infrastructure The City Engineers proposed five year capital improvement plan shall serve as an attachment for purposes of staging of infrastructure and the feasibility of such. The critical municipal service determining the feasibility of extending municipal services is sanitary sewer. The City has completed an extensive comprehensive sanitary sewer plan. This document is to be utilized for consideration when unscheduled annexation proposals are submitted. the 5 year annexation staging map FOR YOUR NFORMAT/p Proposed unscheduled annexations shall be considered only when economical for the City, when matters such as environmental concerns arise, or when development is financed privately_ All developments shall make every effort to be sequential to the City boundary to reduce unnecessary deferred assessments or other premature development costs Annexations of existing developments adjacent to the City shall be considered only if sequential to the City and the extension of Municipal services are at or near 100% assessable, including municipal electricity. The City can consider providing connections for County and Township sewage districts. The City shall annually review this document as a working document within the Comprehensive Plan and the City s Excellence Plus objectives. The City shall prioritize annexations based on a needs assessment. Tools such as infrastructure feasibility maps, housing studies, traffic studies and the like shall keep the City focused on "quality growth" vs "growth ". Quality growth shall be defined as " annexation objectives which improve the quality of life for the community by providing primary employment providing wages substantial enough to support families, housing, schools, churches etc. Staging- 1 99 711 998 proposes annexation of the area located at the SW quadrant of the City which will connect Century Ave to Dale St to School Rd S. This annexation will provide for the feasibility of extending a sanitary sewer lateral to the most southwesterly quadrant of the City near Lakewood Drive. Additionally, it will open up land for mid - density housing, a possible municipal ball park near the airport and the natural extension of Century Ave for improved traffic flow. Much of the area must remain open due to the airport flight restrictions, wetlands, and low drainage areas. Should the City consider a regional pond in this area? The second area of consideration is expansion of the industrial park. This is priority to accommodate the 5th Ave bridge connection to the proposed Hwy 22 by -pass. Both are scheduled for improvement in 1998. 1999/2000 The annexation proposed is directly south of Orchard Ave The primary landowner is in the Hoerneman estate trust To serve this area with municipal sanitary sewer a river crossing is necessary - Jefferson St annexation should be considered at that time, if it is cost effective for the City. Otherwise a sewer district should be developed jointly by McLeod County and Hassan Valley Twn. The Hoerneman annexation will provide for the natural sequential extension of municipal • services westerly towards Hwy 15S. 20001beyond - Reserve discussion for 1998- Annexation such as the Seltz request : • should be considered only after the Hwy 22 by pass contracts are awarded and the project is conclusive. 0 • • 0 1 LJ MAIL BALLOT PROPOSAL 1 ' 11� Proposing an ordinance to require the City of Hutchinson in those instances where it is required to seek the approval offimcW maum by vote of the cilium, that vote shall be a mail ballot Approval of the questions submitted ,ball be by asimple majority vote of the ballots retuned on the question The mail ballot shall not begin sooner that thirty days or later than ei#y days following the city council's recommendation oa such a vote. This ordinance is sponsored by the following ca ®tree ofelectm: 1. Michael Cava, 879 Oak St NE, Hatchi MN 55350. 2 Michel Rbich, 1350 Campbell Late, Fhdcbi w MN 55350. 3. Robert Rochelesu, 1055 Goebel St SW, Hutchinson, MN 55350. 4, Dan Olinger, 478 Shady Ridge Road NW, Hutchinson, MN 55350. 5. Patsy M Sims, 144 5th Avenue NW, Httchiman, MN 55350. The undersigned electors, undmtenditg the Derma and the nature of the ordinance hereto attached, petition the coancil for its adoption, or in lieu thereat for its submission to the elector Inc their approval. State ofMinuesota County of McLeod Befars me. the undersigned notary, personally came and appeared who, being sworn deposed and said that: He is, and while soliciting rigoaaaes for the above petition sues, a qualified and registered elector of the City of Futon that he circulated the above section of the initiative petition and solicited the sigrstures to this section, that all of the rignaNes to the attached section were made in his pretence; that to the best of his knowledge and belie£ each signatu is the genuine signature of the person whose frame it purports to be; that the sigom are gwlded and registered elecort of the City of Hutchinson. whose resideac , addresses have been correctly given, Subscribed and sworn m before me this dry of 1997. Notary Public AFFIDAVIT OF CIRCULATOR 'i MAIL BALLOT ORDINANCE In those instances where the city council is required to seek the approval of financial matters, by a vote of its citizens, that vote shall be by mail ballot Approval of the question submitted, shall be by a simple majority vote of the ballots returned on the question. The mail ballot shall not begin sooner than thirty days or later than sixty days following the city council's recommendation on such a vote. 0 0 State Representative L Bob Nos —, 289 State Office Building, 100 Constitution Ave., St Paul, MN 55155 (612) 296 4344 NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release SAP 19 1997 September 18, 1997 C7 JF HUTCH. ..'ON NESS KEY LEGISLATOR ON EDUCATION TELECOMMUNICATIONS Appointed to Serve on Statewide Council ST. Paul - Leaders in the State Legislature recently put their confidence in Representative Bob Ness (District 20A- Dassel) to represent them on the Minnesota Education Telecommunications Council (METC). "I look forward to serving on this important council as I have followed the educational technology debate from the beginning and have been the chief author of the Governor's technology initiatives," said Ness. • "While we have set up a blueprint for all school districts, libraries, the technical colleges and the state's universities to have access to technology resources, there is still a great deal of work to be accomplished." The Minnesota Legislature established the METC in 1993 and it is made up of twenty-two members representing school districts, libraries, state agencies and institutes of higher education, with two senators and two representatives. In 1998 -99, $23 million in METC grants will be provided to increase access and telecommunications for K -12 and $11 million will be provided for the state's colleges and universities. METC's goal is to leverage additional funding from all possible sources including regional, multi - state, federal, state, and local governments; foundations; and the private sector. Further, priority is given to schools that are not yet at established minimum standards. "This Council is about creating access for all students, ranging from young children to graduate students, and generating learning opportunities. There is an abundance of information that can be reached or relayed via computers and digital technology and it's important that Minnesota's educational system is keeping up with the telecommunications revolution," Ness said. The vision statement of METC says that it will: ♦ Support learning opportunities that are responsive to learners' locations, schedules, and learning styles; ♦ Provide support services and information for learners' ♦ Encourage support services and professional development for faculty, administrators and other • providers; ♦ Use technology that is adaptable, expandable, and compatible with national and international standards; ♦ Be coordinated, responsible, and efficient; ♦ Collaborate with other public and private entities in providing learning Asa member of the council. Representative Ness hopes to focus his attention on ensuring the entire state has equal access to technology, applications and the intemet equitably to all regions of the state. He said that it is important that there is coordination between both the public and private sectors to optimize access at a lower cost. "We can't afford two parallel systems - we need the private business partnership to accomplish this huge investment in infrastructure and anticipated need to continue investing in emerging new technologies," Ness said. `By the next decade, everyone will be using some form of applied technology - we need to provide opportunities for everyone to not only have access, but knowledge on how to use a computer and apply the technology." If you would like more information about the Minnesota Educational Telecommunications Council and its grant programs, please contact Rep. Ness at 289 State Office Building, 100 Constitution Avenue, St. Paul, _ MN 55155-1298; tel: (612) 296 -4344. #94 A •