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cp09-14-1999 c
1 W SEPTEMBER MW MW SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1999 7 7 -12 -13- -14- 7:00 a.m.— Leadership Team HUTCHINSON 9:00 a.m. — Management Team CITY Meeting in Main Conf. CALENDAR Room WEEK OF 5:30 p.m. — City Council September 12 —18 8:00 p.m. — Fire Dept. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY -15- -16- -17- -18- CONFERENCE /SEMINAR/ TRAININGNACATION 10:00 a.m. — Employee Safety Committee ARTS AND CRAFTS IN 9/14 —15 Randy Vasko (T) LIBRARY SQUARE 2:00 p.m. — HATS Joint Powers Board 2:00 p.m. — Open RFP for C - Conference Community Conf. Center M= Meeting at City Council Chambers S = Seminar T =Training V =Vacation AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 1 2. INVOCATION - Rev. Greg Nelson, Bethlehem United Methodist Church 3. MINUTES - Bid Openings of August 23, 1999 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT FOR AUGUST 1999 2. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 26, 1999 3. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES OF JULY 20, 1999 4. SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1999 5. HUTCHINSON LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF AUGUST 30, 1999 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. LETTING NO. 5/PROJECT NO. 99-08 ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5025 - PETITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT a) RESOLUTION NO. 11317 - DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION b) RESOLUTION NO. 11318 - ADOPTING REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL (c) PUBLIC D N .. PERMITS Unfavorable Recommendations from Police Department: ➢ JESUS GARCIA FOR ARMORY ON SEPTEMBER 18, 1999 ➢ JOSE ANGEL LOPEZ FOR ARMORY ON SEPTEMBER 18, 1999 ➢ JOSE ANGEL LOPEZ FOR ARMORY ON OCTOBER 9. 1999 (d) APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO.2 - LETTING NO. 10/PROJECT NO. 99- 23 (e) APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - LETTING NO. 16/PROJECT NO. 99 -38 "ROLLING MEADOWS" (f) CONSIDERATION OF RAVENWOOD SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (g) CONSIDERATION OF OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL FOR RANDY DEVRIES AND GARY PLOTZ TO ATTEND THE INTERNATIONAL SOLID WASTE EXPOSITION IN RENO, NEVADA FROM OCTOBER 16-20,1999 (b) REQUEST T TO S HOMIER DISTRIBUTING COMPANY WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION BY POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 (i) REQUEST TO WAIVE BUILDING AND PLUMBING PERMIT FEES FOR CIVIL AIR PATROL BUILDING LOCATED ON AIRPORT PROPERTY Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 5. PUBLIC RIN . — 6:00 P.M. (a) CABLE FRANCHISE TRANSFER FROM TRIAX TO MEDIACOM (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 24, 1999) Motion to close hearing — Motion to reject — Motion to approve report and adopt Resolution (b) PUBLIC HEARING ON ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS TO FINANCE AN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY (SECOND CENTURY HOUSING PROJECT) Action — Motion to close hearing — Motion to reject — Motion to approve and adopt Resolution MIEEKKslkyjRrS RAN w commi RUAWYM4 N R w Do r v r OR (a) CONSIDERATION OF FUNDING REQUEST BY SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA FOUNDATION Action — (b) PRESENTATION BY MS. PAULA SCHOMAKER, SURVEY MANAGER, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CENTER FOR SURVEY RESEARCH, REGARDING COMMUNITY NEEDS SURVEY RESULTS Action- (c) UPDATE ON SLUDGE DRYING FACILITY BY SCOTT YOUNG, EARTH -TEC AND ED NEVERS, DONAHUE & ASSOCIATES 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF STATE HWY 22 CORRIDOR STUDY INTERIM ORDINANCE (MORATORIUM) /MMrm (b) CONSIDERATION OF FIRE DEPARTMENT MAJOR EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT AS DISCUSSED AT RECENT WORKSHOP Action — 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 (c) CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING INTO CONTRACT WITH MCLEOD COUNTY FOR ASSESSING SERVICE Action - (d) RESOLUTION SETTING DATE FOR TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING Action - (e) RESOLUTION SETTING PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY Action - (f) REQUEST WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS "FINANCING HUTCHINSON GROWTH" Action - (g) CONSIDERATION OF REVISED ROLLING MEADOWS FINAL PLAT Action - 9. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 10. CLAIMS APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Action — Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 11. ADJOURNMENT 3 • MINUTES BID OPENING AUGUST 23, 1999 Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill called the bid opening to order at 2:00 p.m. Also present was Administrative Secretary Marilyn J. Swanson. The reading of Publication No. 6049A, Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 16, Project No. 99- 38, was dispensed with. The following bids were opened and read: R & R Excavating Hutchinson, MN $389,857.54 Juul Contracting Company Hutchinson, MN 408,722.30 Duininck Bros., Inc. Prinsburg, MN 425,188.70 r - I L r1 LJ The reading of Publication No. 6057, Advertisement for Bids, Letting No. 17, Project No. 99- 40, was dispensed with. The following bids were opened and read: R & R Excavating Hutchinson, MN Juul Contracting Company Hutchinson, MN ACKNOWLEDGEI TOTAL RFD ADDENDI 91 $30,209.00 Yes 33,383.70 Yes The bids were referred to City staff for review and a recommendation The meeting adjourned at 2:05 p.m. . MINUTES BID OPENING AUGUST 23, 1999 Finance Director Kenneth B. Merrill called the bid opening to order at 4:00 p.m. Also present were Resource Recovery Coordinator Lawrence Winter and Administrative Secretary Marilyn J. Swanson. The reading of Publication No. 6055, Advertisement for Bids, One Used Tunnel Style Compost Turner, was dispensed with. The following bid was opened and read. SKB Environmental, Inc. St. Paul, MN 590,000.00 - Excluding Freight S 600.00 - Est. Freight Cost The bid was referred to City staff for review and a recommendation. The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m. • r\ LJ FOR YOUR INFORMAWN CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1 � 1 u • • Y BUILDING / PLANNING / ZONING DEPARTMENT M HASSAN STREET S.E -, HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 PHONE: 612 - 234.4216 FAX: 612.234.4240 Au NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED HOUSEKEEPING "am Number of Valuation of Number of Vatuatlan of BUILDINGS No. Bukilrps Housing con941uckon Buildings Housing construction Units Omit cents Units Omit cents (a) (b ) (c) ( (e) (� ) Singlafar houses, detached Erckce mc0ae /vn.. 101 3 3 476,000 Sirgla-family houses, attached -sepvmed by a0 0 roW aa4 +b vh Mme a 102 a nrrrrt Two-family bVildings 103 Three -end Imr-lan bulldi 104 Five-or -more fancy bWldin s TOTAL: Sum of 101 -105 108 00 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRNATELYOWNED PUBLICLY OWNED NONHOUSEKEEPING tram Number of Valuation of Number d Valuation of BUILDINGS No. construction Suadirgs Rooms ConstnudIon Buildings Rooms Omit cents OmR oenrs (a ) (b) (c) ( (e B (g) Hotels, motels, and tourist cabins (translenl accommodations 0Ny) 213 Other nonhousekeeping shelter 214 1 1,68 , 00 NEW PRIVATELYOWNED PUBLICLY OWNED NONRESIDENTIAL Item Number Valuation of Number of Valuation of BUILDINGS No. of constnrctlon Buildings canstruclon Bu Om/f cents Omit GIs a (C ) (d) (e Amusement, social, and recreatlonal 318 18r; non Churches and other rel4ous 318 Industrial 320 Parking garages (bulldl,gs 8 open decked) 321 Service stations and repair garages 322 Hospitals and Institutional 323 Offices, banks, and professional 324 Public works and Allies 325 Schools and other educatonsl 328 Stores and cxoRomer services 327 2 565,000 Other nonresidential buildings 328 9 35 Strudures other than buildings 329 ADDITIONS, PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED ALTERATIONS, Item Number Valuation of Number of Valuation of AND CONVERSIONS No. of conetnucaon Buildings c tructon Buildings Omit cents Omit cents (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Resoentol- Classify ad6ttons of 434 garages and carports m 11. 438 11 100,580 Nonresidentlal and neap usekeeplrg 437 Additions of resldentlel garages and 438 carports (attached and detached♦ 4 32.476 DEMOLITIONS PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED AND RAZING Item Number Number of Number of Number of OF BUILDINGS No. of Housing units Buildings Housing units Buildings a (c) (d) (e) Sirgo -famly louses (adad,ed and 645 dahua,etl) Two-lamlly bulldings 848 Throe- and lour -lamly twlldings 847 Five -or -mom family buildings 848 All other buddings and structures 649 RRR -15, RRS -6, RWR -5, FENCE -2, CURE-4, M - DEMU- IN Total permits 71 Total Inspection 257 q C^- (I ) 0 INDIVIDUAL PERMITS AUTHOR&10 CONSTRUCTION VALUED AT $60 AW OR MORE Please provide Ore forowirV irlonnnatlm for each pamtl eut oftrig cormbuckn vakad at $600.000 or more entered In arry cf tM above eactlons Item No - tram above sectbrr (a) Deecrpllm - (b) Name and address of owner or bulldar (c) Ow WSW Mark (X) one (d) Valu~ of ommtructim Orn t cam (a) Number of uNta (9 (9) 214 WhWkiving welcome to our Homp Is Private 13 PLdAc $1,686,000 42 1 addem 945 Century Ave P, 0. Rox 403 Redwood Falls FW 324 p q�p o � r " c NI Ryan Co. ❑ Private 51 P aIc 3 500,000 1 1 rwy 15 90f) Sprond 10nd of building D Private D Public $ Sh e awress KkW d bolding D Private ❑ Pubac $ Site addre6e Cernnnnrs Ate you avers of anl' new Penm-issu4q 7urimdctlorm4 D No ❑ Ve9 - P,lam" give ad"XW WO Uan N cnrr l . Name of panto to CWYW tagardng 0f repcn ' T6100 —e Arse code I Nu W E>armlan Tilt II I I NE IF "LED C ESSW Y IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL � r W.sero eoarcK� PMAW VVU W PAD BY ADDPAWEE F. W. Dodge eve a.mwu...ra� ACi,IS /1�,Y(YB•� Buddfrg 5faf at PO Box 609 LrxinglM MA 02420 -9536 . III, r., I. I. Ir rlrrlrlllr�, I. I.,rl,lr,rll„Il�rll „rl�l,.II. „I Fold - -- +HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION r'1 f�J July 26. 1999 5:30 p.m. Airport Lobby MINUTES Members present: Steve Crow, Jim Faber, and Dave Skaar, Members absent: Joe Dooley and Robert Hantge Others present: Mayor Martin Torgerson, Bernie Knutson, HCDC; Tom Parker, Airport F_B.O.; John Olson, Asst Pub Wks Dir. There was a quorum of members present. OLD BUSINESS Commission members discussed the progress of Phase 11 improvements. No major issues have been identified related to the project, and members are satisfied with progress. Members discussed using "drop -in" posts for the fueling system. These posts could be removed to clean snow around the fueling station. "Drop -in" style posts would allow for future expansion of the fueling area. The fueling system should be moved after the apron and pad is prepared, in order to maintain service to aircraft Commission members were concerned that if the fueling system were moved before completion of the apron, there could be a long period of time when the fuel tanks were inaccessible. Members discussed their concern that the current maintenance hangar not be remodeled until access is available to the new building. Civil Air Patrol members updated the commission regarding their building. The piers for the foundation were poured last week. Utilities should be dug in next week. The building could be placed as early as the week of August 2, 1999. Olson reported that Tom Kloss, the City's Information Systems Coordinator, would be checking the current fueling software. Early indications are that the software is compliant the Year 2000 computer problem and may not need replacement. All other airport systems are compliant. NEW BUSINESS Commission members will be seeking sponsors for furnishing the various rooms in the new amval/departure building. Dave Skaar indicated he had already contacted some local business regarding furnishings. Private hangar pads have been built as part of Phase 11. Therefore, the commission will be looking at policies regarding private hangars. Commission members discussed building a T- hangar. Of concern were which tenants would receive first priority, can current tenants upgrade and at what price, is the current waiting list an accurate list of potential customers, and what should the schedule be for building the new site? Upon a motion made by Jim Faber, seconded by Steve Crow, the meeting adjourned. Next Meeting: August 30, 1999 at 5:30 p.m. Location: Airport Lobby 4 4 --) -Z HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING — July 20, 1999 Hospital — Conference Room A,B — 5:30 PM Present Paulette Slanga. Chairperson; Bob Peterson, Vice Chairperson; Steven Snapp, Secretary; Tom Daggett, Trustee; Don Erickson, Trustee; Pastor Randy Chrissis, Trustee; Dr. Mark Matthias, Chief of Staff/Trustee Others Present Phil Graves, President; Robyn Erickson, Care and Program Support Division Director; Pat Halverson, Community Care Division Director; Jane Lien, Acute Care Division Director; Pam Larson, Finance, Information and Material Services Division Director; Tom O'Connor, Vice President, Allina Regional Health Services; Linda Krentz, Bums Manor Nursing Home Acting Administrator; Corrimte Schlueter, Recorder; Julie Thompson, Analyst; and Corrine Amundsen- LaBaw, HIS Manager. The meeting was begun with Thompson explaining the Medical Staff Credentialing process within HAHC. There are three topics of discussion: • Initial Appointment Process • Provisional Period • Reappointment Process An initial request from the applicant starts the process for application for membership and privilege to the medical staff. Following the receipt of the application document, the procedure is as follows. Initial Appointment Process HAHC's Verification • A phone call is made to the State of MN to verify license. • The National Data Bank is queried over the modem. • Allina receives information from MN Bd of Medical Practice. It is also shared with us. • Reference Questionnaires are sent to: - Medical School — Residency - Personal References - Past/Current Hospitals worked Service Chief Review - Depending on the privileges requested, the appropriate Service Chief will review the file. The following represents a listing of the committees of the Medical Staff. • Surgery and Anesthesia • Medicine (Long Term Care). • Maternal and Child Health Mental Health • Emergency 4 �Q> -,� (t ) Board of Directors Meeting — July 20, 1999 Page 2 Final Review and Approval • The file will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and signed off by the Chief of Staff. The Executive Committee then makes a recommendation to the Governing Board. The Board will either approve or deny privileges and/or Medical Staff Membership to provider. Provisional Period HAHC's Verification A review is conducted one year from the time of the initial appointment. • A phone call is made to the State of MN to verify license. • The National Data Bank is queried over the modem. • Allina receives information from MN Board of Medical Practice. It is also shared with us. Quality Management folder is established. • Physician Practice Profile • Customer Concerns • Peer/Indicator Reviews (if any) • DRG utilization Service Chief Review Depending on the privileges requested, the appropriate Service Chief will review the file. Final Review and Approval • The file will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and signed off by the Chief of Staff. The Executive Committee then makes a recommendation to the Governing Board. The Board will either approve or deny privileges and/or Medical Staff Membership to provider. Reappointment Process Information is sent to the provider 2 months prior to the reappointment due date. HAHC's Verification Process • A phone call is made to the State of MN to verify license. • The National Data Bank is queried over the modem. • Allina receives information from MN Board of Medical Practice. It is also shared with us. • Reference Questionnaires are sent to: - Medical School — Residency • - Personal References - Past/Current Hospitals worked Board of Directors Meeting — July 20, 1999 Page 3 Quality Management File • Physican Practice Profile • Customer Concerns • Peer/Indicator Reviews • DRG utilization Service Chief Review Depending on the Privileges requested, the appropriate Service Chief will review the various files. Final Review and Approval • The file will be reviewed by the Executive Committ ee and signed off by the Chief of Staff. • The Executive Committee then makes a recommendation to the Governing Board. The Board will either approve or deny privileges and/or Medical Staff Membership to provider. Chairperson Slanga called the meeting to order at 5:40 PM. I. Minutes of Past Meetings The minutes of the June 15, 1999, were presented and discussed. • Following discussion, motion was made by Daggett, seconded by Peterson, to approve the minutes of the June 15, 1999, meeting. All were in favor. Motion carried. II. Medical Staff Meeting Minutes and Credentialing. Matthias presented and discussed the July minutes of the Executive Committee meeting. Credentialing recommendations were made for the following practitioners; Reappointments: Linda Kelly CRNA Allied Health Dependent Barbara Strandell CRNA Allied Health Dependent Dr. Steven Sonnek Dr. Wesley Pederson Student: Janet Scharmer Extensions: Betsy Ellingson Psychiatry Active Cardiology Courtesy RN Nurse Practitioner CRNA 3 Board of Directors Meeting — July 20, 1999 M Page 4 Catherine Trimble PA -C Marge Werner CRNA Change of Staff Categorv: Trish Olson PA Allied Health Dependent to Independent III. Old Business. A. Computer Purchase. The rebid for the financing of our recent computer purchase was received and the results were discussed. Two additional bids from local lending institutions: Norwest Bank, and Marquette Bank, were received. Additionally a bid from Hewlett Packard Financing Service (H.P.) was also received. The lowest price was H.P. Financing Service with a 3.16 % compared to 5.14% from Norwest Bank and 5.24% from Marquette Bank. Following discussion, motion was made by Chrissis, seconded by Snapp to accept the H. P. Financing Lease as the lowest bid. All were in favor. Motion is carried. 0 W. New Business A. Strategic Plan Update. The second quarter strategic plan report was presented by Graves. Highlights consisted of discussion about the possible purchase of Plaza 15; Hutchinson Medical Center and their recruitment process for a Family Physician, and the Y2K plan. • Following discussion, a motion was made by Matthias, seconded by Peterson, to accept the Strategic Plan Report as presented. All were in favor. Motion carried. B. Coding and Education Agreement. Graves reported on a proposed Coding and Education Agreement with the Emergency Physicians Professional Association from the Metro Area. This will focus on documentation improvement and subsequent revenue capture with our Emergency Services Physicians. The key to the process is improvement in documentation within the medical record. • Following discussion, motion was made by Daggett, seconded by Chrissis to hire the services of the Emergency Physicians Professional Association to focus on training for documentation improvement. All were in favor. Motion is carried. • Board of Directors Meeting — July 20, 1999 Page 5 C. Purchase of Ultrasound Unit. Graves requested authority to bid a replacement ultra sound machine that is not Y2K compliant. There are other problems with the existing machine that will not allow the scanning of small body parts. It would provide additional capability to have two units with the same capacity. Following discussion, motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Snapp to authorize staff to bid a replacement Ultrasound unit that both units would have the same capability. All were in favor. Motion carried. V. Oreanizational Reports. President Graves reported Dr. Nakamura accepted ajob at Shakopee and will be leaving our ER. The Foundation has authorized the hiring of a half -time Director position, which will be funded entirely by the Foundation. The position will be placed on the HAHC payroll for salary and benefit administration. The negotiations with Dr. Winkelmann failed and he is currently working in Buffalo. Acute Care Programs and Services. Lien reported we have just hired the another full -time CRNA. At the present time we have four full -time CRNA's. • Care and Program Support Services. Erickson reported with the Workforce Planning Strategy, she has been meeting with all employees and received comments regarding pay, benefits, and work environment. The next issue of Airway is coming out on August 6` Steven Due, Manager of Diagnostics and Therapeutics, has resigned and is effective August 19` C ommunity Care Programs and Services. No additional information was reported. Finance, Information and Material Services No additional information was reported. Resident Care Report. Krentz reported on the repeat visit from the State Department of Health. The progress on the deficiency corrections was satisfactory. Krentz reported the Hill Rom bed is the one that has been chosen to be used in accordance with the "Foundation Bed and Room Furnishing Replacement Project." Quality Committee Report. Graves reported on the Quality Committee activities. LaBaw gave a Y2K Update. Contingency planning was discussed. All management staff will be present on critical dates and have their own back -up staff available. Each service area has been asked to • develop downtime routines. There was a team presentation on Informed Consent. The organizational team was assigned in late summer of 1996, and their charge was to 7 Board of Directors Meeting — July 20, 1999 • Page 6 develop an organizational multidisciplinary process for informed consent. Overheads were used to demonstrate that significant improvement has happened as a result of the efforts by the team. Allina Management Report. O'Connor reported on the activities of Allina Regional Hospitals. Accounts Payable. The accounts payable and cash disbursements were presented for pavment. • Following discussion, motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Erickson, to approve the accounts payable and cash disbursements as listed in the amount of $1,517,066.98. All were in favor. Motion carried. Statistical Report. The June statistics for admissions, newborns, emergency services, ambulance runs, radiology /mammograms, same day surgical visits, inpatient surgical, average length of stay and case mix were presented and discussed. Financial Report Larson reported the organization's financials for the month of June 1999, showed a loss of $(4,882) compared to a budget of $109,345. • Hospital Auxiliary Meeting Minutes. The hospital auxiliary meeting minutes were presented. No unusual comments were made. Adioumment There being nor further business, motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Daggett to adjourn. All were in favor. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Q , Corrinne 5. ;ter Steven Snapp Recorder Secretary U V Senior Advisorv_ Board Minutes Thursdav, June 17, 1999 Members Present: John Aul. Norm Hoefer, Lorin Polhnan, Bob Meyer, Harriet Wixcey Absent: Mary Brown, Ruth Higginbotham Staff Present: Barb Haugen Chair, Lorin Pollman called the meeting to order at 9:30am. The minutes of the May 17th meeting were read and approved. Aul/Hoefer The treasurer's report was approved. Hoefer /Aul A vendor provided a chair for us to consider as replacements for the chairs in the multi - purpose room. Cost is $32.00 per chair and a total of 90 chairs would be needed for a total cost of $2880.00. A motion was made and second to postpone the chair purchase until additional interest from the senior consumer was generated. Staff would use the Senior Newscaster to solicit financial support. Hoefer /Meyer The sub - committee of Pollman, Meyer and Hoefer will contact PRCE Director Dolf moon about the Center's needs and what options may available. Staff would also attend this meeting. It was also decided that the sub- commitee present the senior needs information to the Mayor, City Administrator, Gary Plotz and Finance Director, Ken Merrill. After that meeting, the sub - committee would then present it to the entire Council. Meyer suggested that the board consult with an architect at this point; the board agreed and Pollman volunteered to meet with Jim Haugen, local architect. Meeting adjourned at 10:45am. Respectfully submitted. • Harriet Wixcev y a o) Senior Advisory Board Minutes July 1, 1999 Members Present: John Aul, Mary Braun, Ruth Higginbotham, Norm Hoefer, Lorin Pollman, Bob Meyer, Harriet Wixcey Staff present: Barb Haugen Chair, Lorin Pollman called the meeting to order at 9:30am. Guest architect Jim Haugen was introduced. The board gave insight to Haugen as to what the current needs are for the senior community. Discussion took place regarding total square footage of a new senior center, required space and how the space would be utilized. Jim Haugen will get back to the board at the end of the month with his ideas and recommendations. Meeting adjourned at 10:30am. Respectfiilly submitted, Harriet Wixcey Secretary LA 0 • Hutchinson Public Library Board Meeting Monday, August 30, 1999 Members Present: Richard Peterson, Newton Potter, Delores Brunner, Mary Henke, Paul Wright, Connie Lambert and Lois Carlson Members Absent: Kay Peterson, Kay Johnson, and Sue Munz The June minutes were read and approved. Old Business: Mary Henke reported that the children's magazine shelves are completed and have been in use for three weeks. The addition worked out very well. In regard to the tree replacements by the library entrance. Mary reported that Mark Schnobrich hopes to take care of the plantings after Labor Day. Richard McClure received the bid for the workroom ceiling replacement and will be coming in September or October. New Business: Mary reported that Sue Munz's husband has accepted a position in Farmington but for the time being Sue will continue at her job in Hutchinson and may continue to be on the local board. Delores Brunner gave a complete report on the PLS meeting August 19. A fee schedule was passed out to the board with a strict fine system for overdue books. Discussions were held on E books or computer books, an offering in the future. Children's librarian, Linda Goetz reported on the children's Internet computer station. She reported that after careful study of the legal aspects, social issues, current practices of other libraries and evaluation of available software it was decided to give children another option for Internet access. They may choose to use the unfiltered Internet computer in the adult reference area or the filtered computer in the children's section. The filter on the children's computer will allow access only to preselected sites appropriate for children ages 12 and younger. This follows our collection philosophy and balances children's right to access information protected by the First Amendment with protecting them against harmful material. Yahooligans! has been selected as the browser and search engine for the children's computer. It's an index of the Internet designed for children ages 7 - 12. The technology of SurfWatch will be used to allow access only to these preselected sites. It will be piloted for 6 months. Yahooligans! is appealing and easy to use with a wide range of available topics, clear, colorful graphics and easy to read text. Time, manner and use were discussed. Linda Goetz also reported that the summer book clubs were very successful and worthwhile with lots of community involvement. The next meeting will be September 27, 1999 at 4:30 P.M. Lois Carlson, Secretary E L� au) PETITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT 0GQ% OF PROPERTY OWNERS) LETTING NO. 5 PROJECT NO. 99 -08 Dated: TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: Hutchinson, Minnesota We, all owners of real property known and described as: 20' S of N24' of Lot 3. Block 50, North 112 City, (City PID#31 -117 -29-14 -0530) (Address: 24 Main St N) hereby petition for improvement by construction of additional concrete parking and appurtenances as requested by owner, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and that the City assess the entire cost of the improvement against our property described below, and we hereby agreed to pay the entire cost as apportioned by the City. This petition shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. OWNERS SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1) 20' S of N24' of Lot 3, Block 50, N 1/2 City Bruce Christianson 24 Main St N Hutchinson MN 55350 • Examined, checked and found to be in proper form and to be signed by the required number of owners of property affected by the making of the improvement petitioned for. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator q J00 AGREEMENT OF ASSESSMENT, WAIVER OF HEARING AND WAIVER OF IRREGULARITY AND APPEAL LETTING NO. 5 PROJECT NO. 99 -08 This Agreement, is made this day of September, 1999 - , between the City of Hutchinson, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the City and Bruce Christianson of McLeod County, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as Owner. In consideration of the action of the City Council, at the owners' request, to cause the construction of additional sidewalk and appurtenances on real property described 20' S of N24' of Lot 3, Block 50, North 1/2 City. (City PID#31- 117 -29- 14-0530) (Address: 24 Main $t N) , thereby increasing the total assessment from $5,190.29 to $6,761.82 and to assess 100% of the cost of $6,761.82 to the Owner. Owner agrees to pay said percentage, as may be determined by the Council of the City to be a fair apportionment of the costs of said improvement not to exceed $6,761.82, plus interest, over a period ten years. Owner expressly waives hearing and objection to any irregularity with regard to the said improvement assessments and any claim that the amount thereof levied against owners property is excessive, together with all rights to appeal In the courts. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. In testimony, whereof, said Owner has hereunto set his hand, the day and year first above written. OWNERS SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY • 1) 20'S of N24' of Lot 3. Block 50, N 112 City Bruce Christianson 24 Main St N Hutchinson MN 55350 Approved by the City Council this 14th day of September, 1999. Mayor City Administrator PETITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT (100% OF PROPERTY OWNERS) • LETTING NO. 5 PROJECT NO. 9"8 Dated: 1) • TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: Hutchinson, Minnesota We, all owners of real property known and described as: N22' of Lot 2, Block 50, North 112 City. (City PID#31- 117 -29 -14 -0500) (Address: 36 Main St N) hereby petition for improvement by construction of additional sidewalk and appurtenances as requested by owner, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and that the City assess the entire cost of the improvement against our property described below, and we hereby agreed to pay the entire cost as apportioned by the City. This petition shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. OWNERS SIGNATURE: Durwood Lamprecht ADDRESS: 361 6th Ave S P O Box 143 Brownton MN 55312 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY N22' of Lot 2, Block 50, North 1/2 City 2) N22' of Lot 2, Block 50, North 1/2 City Doris Lamprecht 361 6th Ave S P O Box 143 Brownton MN 55312 Examined, checked and found to be in proper form and to be signed by the required number of owners of property affected by the making of the improvement petitioned for. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator 0 �6( Ii AGREEMENT OF ASSESSMENT, WAIVER OF HEARING AND WAIVER OF IRREGULARITY AND APPEAL • LETTING NO. 5 PROJECT NO. 99-08 This Agreement, is made this day of September, 1999, between the City of Hutchinson, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the City and Durwood Lamprecht and Doris Lamprecht of McLeod County, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as Owner. In consideration of the action of the City Council, at the owners' request, to cause the construction of additional sidewalk and appurtenances on real property described as N22' of Lot 2, Bkxk 50, North 112 City, (City PID#31- 117 -29 -14 -0500) (Address: 36 Main St N) . thereby increasing the total assessment from $2,675.42 to $3,067.76 and to assess 100% of the cost of $3,067.76 to the Owner. Owner agrees to pay said percentage, as may be determined by the Council of the City to be a fair apportionment of the costs of said improvement not to exceed $3,067.76, plus interest, over a period tan years. Owner expressly waives hearing and objection to any irregularity with regard to the said improvement assessments and any claim that the amount thereof levied against owner's property is excessive, together with all rights to appeal in the courts. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. In testimony, whereof, said Owner has hereunto set his hand, the day and year first above written. OWNERS SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1) N22' of Lot 2, Block 50, North 112 City • Durwood Lamprecht 361 6th Ave S P0 Box 143 Brownton MN 55312 2) N22' of Lot 2. Block 50, North 12 City Doris Lamprecht 361 6th Ave S P O Box 143 Brownton MN 55312 Approved by the City Council this 14th day of September, 1999. Mayor City Administrator RESOLULTION NO. 11317 • RESOLUTION DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT LETTING NO. 5 PROJECT NO. 99 -08 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA: 1. Certain petition requesting the improvement of 20' S of N24' of Lot 3, Block 50, North 1/2 City, (City PID#31- 117 -29 -14 -0530) (Address: 24 Main St N improvement by construction of additional concrete parking and appurtenances and : N22' of Lot 2. Block 50, North 1/2 City, (City PID #31- 117 -29 -14 -0500) (Address: 36 Main St N) improvement by construction of additional sidewalk and appurtenances filed with the council on September 14, 1999, is hereby declared to be signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected thereby. This declaration is made in conformity to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.035. 2. The petition is hereby referred to the Director of Engineering and that person is instructed to report to the council with all convenient speed advising the council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost - effective, and feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the council this 14th day of September 1999. r1 U Mayor City Administrator • COMPILED BY: C. RICE ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5025 LETTING NO. 5 /PROJECT NO. 99 -08 Alley in Block 50, North 1/2 City By Construction of Storm Sewer, Waterntain & Services, Grading, Gravel Base, Concrete Paving, Sidewalk & Appurtenances ADOPTED: 03/23/1999 REVISED ASSESSMENT ADOPTED: 09/14/1999 $878.00 1" WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH COMPUTED BY: C. RICE $1,460.72 4" WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH CHECKED BY: J. RODEBE $121.61 CONCRETE PAVING & STORM SEWER COST PER FRONT FOOT NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 BOND FUND: 1999 LUMPSU PRIVATE WORK COST - LUMP SUM INTEREST RATE ACCOUNT NO. CITY PID NO. NAME & ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FRONT FOOT WATER SERVICE CONCRETE PAVING & STORM SEWER PRIVATE DEFERRED ASSESSMENT TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT COUNTY PID NO. 01 31. 117 -29. 14-0480 Gary & Mary Lynne Cox Property Address: 46 Main St N 0 1075 Randall Rd SE 23.056.3560 Hutchinson MN 55350 N2/3 of Lot 1, Block 50, North 112 City 44.00 $0.00 55,350.84 $0.00 $0.00 $5,350.84 02 31- 117 -29 -14 -0490 Barbara Wendling Property Address: 40 Main St N 0 655 Southview Dr SW 23.056.3570 Hutchinson MN 55350 S 1/3 of Lot 1, Block 50, North 1/2 City 22.00 $0.00 $2,675.42 50.00 $0.00 $2,675.42 03 31- 117 -29- 14-0500 Durwood & Doris Lam recht Property Address: 36 Main St N 0 361 6th Ave S P O Box 143 23.056.3580 Brownton MN 55312 N22' of Lot 2, Block 50, North I12 City 22.00 $0.00 $2,675.42 $392.34 $0.00 $3,067.76 04 31- 117 -29- 14-0510 Mark & Linda Schmidt Property Address: 34 Main St N 1 68592 215th St Center 24' of Lot 2, 21056.3590 Darwin MN 55324 Block 50, North 1/2 City 24.00 $878.00 52,918.64 $799.57 50.00 $4,596.21 05 31- 117 -29 -14 -0520 Tammy Lauer Property Address: 28 Main St N 0 106 Griffen Ave NE S20' of Lot 2 & N24' of Lot 3 23.056.3600 Hutchinson MN 55350 Block 50, North 112 City 44.00 50.00 $5,350.84 $1,552.29 $0.00 $6,903.13 06 31- 117 -29 -14 -0530 Bruce Christianson Property Address: 24 Main St N 1 24 Main St N 20' S of N24' of Lot 3, 23.0563610 Hutchinson MN 55350 Block 50, North 1/2 City 20.00 $878.00 $2,432.20 53,451.62 $0.00 $6,761.82 07 31.117.29. 14-0540 Kerry Jensen Property Address: 22 Main St N 0 22M ain St N 23.056.3620 Hutchinson MN 55350 S22' of Lot 3, Block 50, North 1/2 City 22.00 $0.00 $2,675.42 S101.25 $0.00 $2,776.67 08 Main Street Sports Bar, Inc. Property Address: 18 Main St N 1 18 Main St N 23.056.3630 Hutchinson MN 55350 N 1/3 of Lot 4, Block 50, North 112 City 22.00 $878.00 $2,675.42 $1,883.51 $0.00 $5,436.93 09 31- 117 -29- 14-0560 Main Street Sports Bar, Inc. Property Address: 16 Main St N 1 18 Main St N Center 1/3 of Lot 4, 27.056.3640 Hutchinson MN 55350 Block 50, North 1/2 City 22.00 $878.00 $2,675.42 $0.00 $0.00 $7,553.42 AR5025 -PAGE 1 of 2 • • 0 A i A COMPILED BVINWRICE ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5025 1 W LETTING NO. 5 /PROJECT NO. 99 -08 Alley in Block 50, North 112 City By Construction of Storm Scorer, Waternnatin & Services, Grading, Gravel Base, Concrete Paving, Sidewalk & Appurtenances ADOPTED: 03/23/1999 REVISED ASSESSMENT ADOPTED: 09/14/1999 $878.00 1' WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH COMPUTED BY: C. RICE $1,460.72 4' WATER SERVICE COST PER EACH CHECKED BY: J. RODEBE $121.61 CONCRETE PAVING & STORM SEWER COST PER FRONT FOOT NUMBER OF YEARS: 10 BOND FUND: 1999 LUMP SU PRIVATE WORK COST - LUMP SUM INTEREST RATE ACCOUNT NO. CITY PID NO. NAME & ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNER LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITION OR SUBDIVISION FRONT FOOT WATER SERVICE CONCRETE PAVING & STORM SEWER PRIVATE DEFERRED ASSESSMENT TOTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT COUNTY PID NO. 10 31417 -29- 140570 Wayne & Geraldine Schwaru Property Address: 12 Main St N 1 9601 Major Ave 23.056.3650 Brownton MN 55312 S 1/3 of Lot 4, Block 50, North 1/3 City 22.00 $878.00 $2,675.42 $1,391.96 $0.00 $4,945.38 11 31- 117 -29- 14-0580 Jean M. Lundberg Property Address: 8 Main St N 0 8 Main St N D- 0563670 Hutchinson MN 55350 N 1/3 of I m 5. Block 50, North 1/2 City 22.00 $0.00 $2,675.42 $0.00 $0.00 $2,675.42 12 31- 117 -29_14 -0590 Murk W. Gieseke ProPerty Address: 6 Main St N 0 6 Main St N Center 22'4 Lot 5, 1 1.056.3680 Hutchinson MN 55350 Block 50, North 112 City 2_.00 $0.00 $2,675,42 $2,729.10 $0.00 $5,404.52 13 31- 11729 -14 -0600 Lorraine A, Meyer Trust Property Address, 2 Main St N 1 45 Jefferson St SE S22' of Lot 5 & 2.55' x 132' 23.056.3660 Hutchinson MN 55350 Block 50, North 1/2 City 22.00 $1,460.72 $2,675.42 $0.00 $0.00 $4,136,14 TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5025 $5,850.72 $40,131.30 $12,301.64 $0.00 $58,283.66 Cy -PAGE 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 11318 • RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISEDASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5025 LETTING NO. 51PROJECT NO. 99 -08 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and notice of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of Alley in Block 50, North 1/2 City between Main Street North and Franklin Street NW from Washington Avenue West to 1 st Avenue NW by construction of storm sewer, watennain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete paving, sidewalk and appurtenances. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2000, and shall bear interest at the rate of percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 1999, until the 31 st day of December, 2000. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 10 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 1999; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of September 1999. Mayor City Administrator 0 L1 b(l - b ) APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC DANCE PERMIT FEE $50.00 1. Name of Applicant c Address / ` //� / /� G �✓CaC /NN 2. Organization Address 3. Location & Time Pre 17 4. Date of Dance 99 5. Band Already Booked • 6. Name of Band 7. Have you run dances in Hutchinson before? e- Elsewhere? Signature of Applicant 8 Recommendation of Chief of Police: v 1 �'�c 9. Action of City Council: 10. Fees and Expenses of Police Officer Hired ($32/Hr.) *: *(Payable in Advance) 6/99 re &- A ccjl,v, r A p6u cl APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO HOLD PUBLIC DANCE FEE SM So -` 1. Name of Applicant Address 2. Organization Address / / J 3. Location & Time AJA 41o,✓ d� Lyyaad /1, w� �ul�y o��v, �sr, a 4. DateofDance EDTir, .K- /fi- 99 5. BandAlreadyBooked 6. Name of Band 7. Have you run dances in Hutchinson before? ES Elsewhere? 1 w.4r- /4 W , 4 r Co,+�di ev e / Np ✓s n J �M -+e �� o f e Sighat&e olAp lica& 0 • 8 R ecommendation of Chief of Police: le /ft.r�c�� IRto� Q r/ \ 7 rfs a�.� Cu 4 1 - I'C We-e / �WU✓t 9. Action of City 10. Fees and Expenses of Police Officer Hired *: *(Payable in Advance) P Wo • APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO HOLD PUBLIC DANCE 1. Name of Applicant y-losc> Address 2/ 2 /,J iln P- Si & 1e0en M.� s53�CA 2. Organization Address 3. Location & Time ,1l47r< 4. Date of Dance (O. FEE SM So a -' 5. 0 6. Band AlreadyBooked Name of Band 7. Have you run dances in Hutchinson before? GS Elsewhere? )4 14tr✓A 1.71L Coysi✓ �r 1 a `1 �'L ✓�c 2 11 �,vf(o.✓AC CyoAKf Aitma /y OF Q/r✓l -i, Sign tune of XMic6t 8 Recommendation of Chief of Police: y\ d�tr,.c, �S 4�� e2d.� -, bnol� - � � -c �t-..� dc�Q • ��� 9. Action of City Council: 10. Fees and Expenses of Police Officer Hired': • *(Payable in Advance) 2/96 / j� q j) U t Ge t (�� b1Jt,f1 ] d /��l/ —0—,f CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 CITY OF HUTCHINSON - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 (612) 234-4209 sn«t t of 1 TRACTOR: Wm Mueller & Sons, Inc. Letting No. 10 Project No. 99 -23 McDonald Dr SW, Barley St SW 831 Park Ave, P O Box 247, Hamburg MN 55339 Project Location: & Harvest St SW DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Patching which was to be done bv the City Street Dept., was done by Contractor. Item No. Spec. Ref. Item Name Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount INCREASE ITEMS: Non- Wearing Course Mixture Type LV t 42.216 $74.00 $3,123.98 Remove Bituminous Surfacing m2 144 $5.00 $720.00 TOTAL INCREASE ITEMS $3,843.98 DECREASE ITEMS: $0.00 TOTAL DECREASE ITEMS: $0.00 TOTAL INCREASE $3,843.98 NET INCREASE I F $3,843.98 In accordance with the Contract and Specifications, the contract amount shall be adjusted in the amount of $ 3,843.98 (add)(dedust). An extension of -0- days shall be allowed for completion. The original completion date of Augustj, shall not be change be adjusted to —,496& ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIOUS ADDITIONS1DEDUCTIONS THIS ADDITIONIOSDUCTIAN TOTAL $104,694.00 $2V67.28 $3,843.98 $135,305.24 APPROVED nI C ED: APPROVED: Mayor DATED: PPROVED: c r of Engin ring D to DATED: APPROVED: City Administrator DATE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CITY OF HUTCHINSON - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 (612) 2344209 sheet 1 of 1 WTRACTOR: R & R Excavating Letting No. 16 Project No. 99 -38 805 Hwy 7 West, Hutchinson MN 55350 Project Location: Rolling Meadows DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Delete trail and plant prairie grass/flower mix. Item No. Spec. Ref. Item Name Unk Quantity Unit Price Amount INCREASE ITEMS: Division IV- Street Construction and Restoration 18 Prairie Grass/Flowers Acre 4 $3,500.00 $14,000.00 TOTAL INCREASE ITEMS $14,000.00 DECREASE ITEMS 13 14 2575 2575 Division IV-Street Construction and Restoration Seeding Including Mulch and Fertilizer Bituminous Trail (6" Class 5 Aggregate, 2" Type GICS) Acre SY 3 1350 $500.00 $13.00 $1,250.00 $17,550.00 TOTAL DECREASE ITEMS $18,800.00 TOTAL DECREASE $4,800.00 NET DECREASE -------- - - - - -- In accordance with the Contract and Specifications, the contract amount shall be adjusted in the amount of $ ,800.00 ("d)i(deduct). An extension of -0- days shall be allowed for completion. The original completion date shall not be changed. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIOUS ADDITIONSIDEDUCTIONS THIS A9094GWDEDUCTION TOTAL $389,857.54 $0.00 $3,800.00 $385,057.54 APPROVED: Contractor ED: APPROVED: Mayor DATED: pp ROVED: Director of Engineering DATED: APPROVED: City Administrator DATED: i SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT Ravenwood CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the day and year set forth hereinafter, between Village Homes of Hutchinson, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, fee owner, hereinafter called the "Subdivider "; Victoria State Bank, a Minnesota corporation, mortgagee; and the City of Hutchinson, a Municipal Corporation in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City'; WITNESSETH: 0 WHEREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of property situated in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, which has been surveyed and platted as Ravenwood, and; WHEREAS, City Ordinance No. 464 and 466 requires the Subdivider to make certain improvements in the subdivision; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for all work associated with site preparation and grading. All areas within the final plat, but outside of the rights -of -way, shall be graded to within 0.5 feet of final grade to allow for proper drainage, and the installation of utilities. The rights -of -way and ponding area shall he constructed to within 0.2 feet of approved grades. All unsuitable soils shall be removed and the remaining soils shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% Standard Proctor Density. All work shall conform to the approved Site Grading Plan, and shall be completed prior to the commencement of construction on the site. The grading may be completed in stages, however all grading required to provide utility access to the site must be completed prior to construction on the site. Ponding and ditch construction/grading shall be completed prior to any development beyond the Phase 1 and Phase 2 construction proposed for the north portion of Block 1/Lot 1. 0 RawnwwdlPaW 1- dnhW M9 2. It is agreed and understood that natural gas or electric distribution mains and services will not be scheduled for installation until all provisions of paragraphs 1 of this section have been met. Staging of this work must be approved, and will only be allowed with the written approval from Hutchinson Utilities and Hutchinson Telephone. The Subdivider shall provide all turf establishment and erosion control necessary to protect the utilities, pond and ditch areas and street improvements beyond the boulevard areas. The Subdivider shall also complete all required permitting and provide all erosion control during site grading work, prior to infrastructure construction, necessary to meet local and state requirements. The entire site shall be planted with perennial rye grass, or other erosion control plantings, following completion of site grading. 4. It is understood and agreed that it shall be the Subdivider's responsibility to provide survey control points for all infrastructure and site construction. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for maintaining the condition of the infrastructure during building construction. The Subdivider shall be required to maintain and clean the roadways and storm sewers on a regular basis, and shall repair or replace any street, storm sewer, sanitary sewer or watermain infrastructure damaged by operations related to building construction on the site. The City reserves the right to complete this work and invoice the Subdivider after 10 days written notice of work to be completed. II. ASSESSMENTS/IMPROVEMENTS 0 The Subdivider hereby agrees to construct lateral sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances, lateral watermain and appurtenances, sanitary sewer service leads, water service leads, lateral and trunk storm sewer and appurtenances, curb and gutter, street grading, street base, street surfacing, street signs and lighting, and appurtenances to serve the entire plat, except for improvements within Century Avenue right -of -way. All work outside of Century Avenue shall be completed by forces employed by the Subdivider, and the work shall meet all applicable local, state and federal regulations and construction standards. The City shall approve all construction documents and shall have overview and final approval of all infrastructure proposed to be turned over to the City. 2. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay an engineering and administrative fee to the City to cover expenses related to review, inspection and acceptance of privately installed infrastructure that is proposed to be turned over to the City of Hutchinson. This rate shall be as noted in the approved City policy at the time of construction. The current rate is 6% of construction cost, which shall only apply to those infrastructure items to become the property of the City. 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay for improvements within Century Avenue adjacent to the plat, as previously approved by Council action. These assessments against the property shall be split based on the percentage of frontage along Century Avenue. This split shall be 54% to Block 1/Lot 1 and 46% to Block 2/Lot 1. R. Pn»oodrpege 2 - drafted 9999 4. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain connection fees. These fees will compensate the City for improvements required to provide Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain access to the plat property boundary. This fee shall be collected at the time of building permit issuance, and shall be at the rate in place at the time of permit issuance. The rates for 1999 will be $550 per unit for Sanitary Sewer and $325 per unit for Watermain. Ill. CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE OUTSIDE OF RIGHTS -OF -WAY AND EASEMENTS It is agreed and understood that lateral sanitary sewer and watermain 8" or greater in diameter, and storm sewer lines 12" in diameter or larger (but not including farm tile lines) located within easement areas shall be considered a portion of the municipal system. Blackhawk Drive and Bluejay Drive street improvements will also become a portion of the municipal street system. The Subdivider shall be responsible for assuring that all work meets these requirements. Work not meeting these specifications will require repair or replacement by the Developer prior to the City of Hutchinson taking jurisdiction over them. A "Letter of Acceptance" shall be prepared and signed by the City and the Developer at the time of City acceptance. 2. It is agreed and understood that there is a deadline for the first phase improvements. The base course bituminous for the first phase of construction must be installed by July 1, 2000. No certificates for occupancies for structures shall be issued until the base course has been approved by the City Engineer. The wear course shall be completed by August 1, 2000. 3. It is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall be responsible for assuring that building construction is completed in conformance with the preliminary plat and grading plan. It is essential that the vertical and horizontal locations of the structure are verified to avoid conflict with infrastructure and potential flood or drainage damage. Any costs associated with these conflicts and potential relocations of utilities and/or structures shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider. 4. It is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall supply the City with as -built drawings in AutoCad format after construction of the improvements have been approved and accepted by the City. IV. OTHER FEES, CHARGES AND DEDICATIONS It is understood and agreed, that a Parks and Playground Contribution will be made to the City. Current City policy calls for a contribution of $135 /unit for areas with R -3 or R4 zoning. It is recommended that this contribution may be made in a lump sum prior to construction at the current rate, which relates to a total cost of $3,240 for the fast 24 units proposed to be constructed. Future contributions will be made in lump sums based on rates in effect at the time of development 2. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall pay a fee of $800 per unit as a municipal electric service access charge, as noted by agreements with McLeod Cooperative Power Association (Coop). These fees shall be collected with the building permit for all properties, unless otherwise noted in the agreement with McLeod Cooperative Power Association. The checks shall be made out directly to • the AMcLeod Cooperative Power Association. Ramwo&Page 3 — drafted WN I 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall, prior to installation of utilities, pay connection fees for Electric and Gas Service to Hutchinson Utilities for all units to be served in the final plat. These costs for single- family home units are $150 for 100 -amp service or $200 /unit for 200 -amp Electric Service, and $150 /unit for Gas Service or as in effect with Hutchinson Utilities at the time of development. These fees include the standard connection to each house, and include required meters. Services larger than the standard residential sizes will be at an additional cost. 4. It is understood and agreed that all costs associated with installing street lights to serve the Subdivision shall be paid by the Subdivider. Street lights on public right -of -way will be installed by the City at current spacing standards and will be maintained and operated by the City after installation. The cost for this installation shall be invoiced to the Subdivider by the City based on the invoice from Hutchinson Utilities. Street lights serving private streets, outside of public street right -of -way, shall be installed, operated and maintained by the Subdivider, association or other assignee. The Subdivider may make provisions to purchase the materials through the Assistant Public Works Director if it is desired to utilize the same product within the private street areas. V. GENERAL 1. It is understood and agreed that all local, state and federal permits required to be obtained for the development shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider. 2. It is understood that any future phases, if not in conformance with the preliminary plat review must • be processed through an additional public hearing, per City Code. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. 4. It is understood and agreed that the City shall record this agreement at the McLeod County Recorder's Office or McLeod County Registrar of Titles Office, and that no Building Permits will be issued until said Agreement is recorded and a certified copy of this agreement is provided to the City. The Subdivider shall pay all costs associated with said recording. SUBDIVIDER: Village Homes of Hutchinson, Inc. Name (Print) Signature STATE OF NHNNESOTA COUNTY OF Title The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 1999, by of Village Homes Inc. of Hutchinson Notary Public, County, Minnesota . My Commission Expires RamwoodiPage 4 — drafted 9999 0 MORTAGEE: Victoria State Bank Signature Name (Print) Title STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1999, by of Victoria State Bank COUNTY OF Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires APPROVED BY THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THE _ DAY OF ' 19 CITY OF HUTCHINSON: MARLIN TORGERSON, MAYOR STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF GARY D. PLOTZ, CITY ADMINISTRATOR The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _day of 1999, by Marlin Torgerson, Mayor and Gary D. Plov, City Administrator of the City of Hutchinson. Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 320 - 2344209 E Revenxao6PsW 5 - drafted 91999 q 1 C Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Randy DeVries and Gary Plotz Date: 09/03/99 Re: Out of State travel to the International Solid Waste Exposition in Reno, Nevada Oct. 16 -20, 1999 Per Council policy we are requesting out of the state travel to Reno Nevada Oct. 16- 20,1999, for the International Solid Waste Exposition. We will be attending the exhibits, looking for dual - purpose garbage trucks with scanners. Visiting a large scale Compost facility, and taking a compost course, along with marketing sessions. This conference was budgeted for 1999, and there are funds available. We recommend approval. City Center III Hassan Street SE Hutchinson,,VIN 55350 -2522 (320) 587.5151 Fax (320) 234 -4240 Parks & Recreation 900 Harrington Street SW Hutchinson, HN 55350 -3097 (310) 587 -2975 Fax(320)234 -4240 Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2464 (310) 587.2242 Fax (320) 587 -6427 q q Q - Printed on recycled paper - HOMIER DISTRIBUTING Co., Inc. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS rcial Road • AnYV= IN 46750 356 -9477 • Fax: (219) 3564356 August 17,1999 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 111 HASSAN ST. SE HUTCHINSON, MN Attn: MS MARILYN SWANSON RE: CHUCK HOMH?R'S SALE 10/6/99 WEDNESDAY,NOON - 7PM NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY DRILL FLOOR 1200 HWY 22 S HUTCHINSON ND RECEIVED AUG 2 3 1949 CfTY OF HUTCHINSON Enclosed please find forms for permits or licenses that are necessary for the above listed sale, to comply with local regulations. Also, you will find a check in the amount listed below to cover the fee for the permit/license. Description A/P Date A/P Amt. Payable To Deposit Refund Check # CITY LICENCE 8/17/99 $25.00 CITY OF HUTCHINSON $0.00 $0.00 0 Totals $25.00 If anything has been on.itted, or additional infc. is required, please feel free to notify me at once. s ely, Tammy Kep�Eat235 / Legal Affairs Coordinator Homier Distributing Company Fax: 219-358-2452 • D000046128.DOC PLEASE RETURN THE LICENSE TO Homier Distributing Company 84 Commercial Road Huntington, IN 46750 Attn: TAMMY KEPLINGER # -4i 0 10-7 ©z rhe_k No. �. S ,19f9 nF HUTCHl -4SC)! Cheek Date U', 4].762 CITY INC. / H OMIER �STRIBLJ7INO, St '+'S O 25 .0 0 799 I 081799 ;heck Date 25. O g/19/99 ?5.0' Detach and Retain This Portion s • i HOMIER DISTRIBUTING, INC. PH. 219- 356 -9477 LPG 84 COMMERCIAL ROAD HUNTINGTON, IN 46750 Srwoas a6 I999 9rllswwpLw 500 asfw.y ?lreas H R 0 r c CTTY OF ■ THE � vnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvn _ nvn. nvnv vn_ n nvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvn�n nvnvnv_ nvnvnvnvnvnvnvnvn _ v vnvnvn Be sure to gWe address or lot and dock numbers C 0 C V � w 0 N V DAT RECEIVED OP,'!"` In (Full) (�) Payment of National Clr+ Bank of Indiana Huntington. Indiana C'@/j'9/ 0010278?. 41.76 2 0-6r 40 $ * * * ** ** *25 RECEIPT r' r . . I N2 100414 t� $ 0: z 6 - - City of Hutchinson By HWIER aSTRIBU77WG Ca Inc. • IN 84 TERNAT ION A HEADQU 21 Cd 9 -J56 - M9477 - Fair: 21.1 9-35 6 - r 435 IN 46750 219477 • Fair. wr or 4 h Aug-11-99 04:33P C i ty of ilutc h i r.,on 320 23 «240 P.O1 COOF"01 I= CRY CENTER I I I MSSAN STREET SE APPLICATION MTDWSKUN 55350'25?? FOR PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS 2" : 2" Picture required NAME and DRIVER'S LICENSE INFORMATION NAME: Charles F. Homier Jr. PERMANENT ADDRESS 601 Lamont Road Huntington, In. 46 750 PERMANENT TELEPHONE: (219) 356 -0146 TEMPORARY LOCAL ADDRESS: N/A TEMPORARY TELEPHONE ACCESS: N/A ' . IVER'S LICENSE NUMBER �TATf)Indiana 1 R DR HEIGH GEIGHT EYE COLO FEES d LENGTH OF PERMIT REQUESTED How many days? 1 day Months? X Or year? X LICENSE FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Application Fee of $25 applied towards the following permit fee(s) Solicitors, per day ......... ............................... S 25.00 Solicitors, per year ........ ............................... S2 0.00 — Transient Merchants, per day ....... S 25.0 Transient Merchants, per year 2 Peddlers, per day .. ............................... •....... S 25.00 Peddlers, per year .......... ............................... $200.00 BACKGROUND STATEMENT HAVE YOU BEEN CONVICTED OF ANY CRIME, MISDEMEANOR, OR VIOLATION OF ANY MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE, OTHER THAN TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS? YES NO X 0 IF YES, STATE NATURE OF OFFENSE AND PUNISHMENT OR PENALTY ASSESSED THEREFORE: Cifyc`"-1c 0Aln vv Gi 11416 7n PostdY Fax Note 7671 IPhon a L1M Aug -11 -99 04:33P City of Hutchinson 320 234 4240 P.02 • DESCRIBE NATURE OF BUSINESS AND DESCRIBE ITEM OFFERED: Direct retail sale of new 1st quality tools, home furnishings,housewares,seasonal and general merchadise, electronics. DESCRIBE METHOD OF DELIVERY: Customers take merchadise at tim of purchase. DESCRIBE YOUR SOURCE OF SUPPLY - NAME b ADDRESS OF SUPPLIER: Homier Distributing Company • merchadise from numerous su Merchadise in our warehouse weekly, and is manufactured in the orient. PROVIDE TWO (2) MCLEOD COUNTY PROPERTY OWNER! NAME S ADDRESS: See Enclosed purchases )pliers wee kly. is repleni domestical and FOR CHARACTER REFERENCES NAME & ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: STATE LAST CITY YOU CARRIED ON SAME ACTIVITY: CITY /STATE NAME: DATE OF ACTIVITY r1 L-A FROM: y -2- TO: b@06" L{ 4 Aug -11 -99 04 :34P C1 - of Hutchinson 320 2_:4 4240 P.03 I hereby cortify I have completely filled out the entire above applica- • tion and that the application is true, correct, and accurate.' I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchant Ordinance No. 673 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding $500 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. f 8/13/99 0ature of App icAnt Date Charles F. Homier Jr. • No application will be forwarded to the City Council unless received one week prior to the regular Council meeting completely filled out with required picture. OFFICE USE POLICE CHIEF RECOMMENDATION: . • -3- Aug -11 -99 04 :34P City of Hutchinson 320 234 4240 • RELEASE OF INFORMATION P.04 As an applicant for a PeddlersiSolicicors /Transient Merchants License from the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, I am required to furnish info raation wt:ich that a;enc =ay use in Beter..ining mv moral, physical, rreaca1 and f :nazc_al a _aafic;- tions. In this connection, I hereby emressly author'_ze release of any and all in- f . o r which you may have concerning me, including icc3r3arian of a coa`!'ent'_a- or privileged nature. I hereby release the agency with which I am seeking application for license, and any organization, company or person furnishing info ration to that agency as exvressly authorized above, from any liability for da=.age which may result from furnishiing the in£or tion reauested. 0 Applicant's Full Printed Vame: Charles Fre derick Homier Jr. (First) (>Uddle) (Last) Applicant's address: 601 East Lamont (Number) (Street) Huntingt Huntington IN 46750 (city) (County) (State b Zii) Applicant's Birth Date: December 25 1954 (Month) (Day) (gear) Applicant's Place of Birch: Huntington Indiana (City) (State) Applicant's Social Security No.: Applicant's Driver's License No.: • Dar =: 8/13/99 l/ Applic;.r.'s Si Charles F. Homier Jr. 4h 1V11N1Vr. Jlt1 AccoaW Numhcr 1 rr69 057 HOMIER DISTIZIBTNG CO INC 84 COMMERCIAL RD HUNTINGTON IN 46750 -0005 Name and Mailing Address Display at this Location The retailer named on this permit is registered for the purpose of collecling and remilling the Minnesota Soles and Use Tax to the Minne Department of Revenue. The permit is not lransferable and is valid only for the person in whose name it is issued and for the Ironsoclior business al the locolion stated on the permit. — Commissioner of Revenue nm 2/72 ' • • uepannle i i\t:vcrtuc Safes a,,d Use Tax Permit Permits valid until revoked or cancelled Diel..ed 03/26/93 HOMIER DISTRIOTNG CO INC • 04 COMMERCIAL RD HUNTINGTON IN 46750 -0005 lY • • uepannle i i\t:vcrtuc Safes a,,d Use Tax Permit Permits valid until revoked or cancelled Diel..ed 03/26/93 HOMIER DISTRIOTNG CO INC • 04 COMMERCIAL RD HUNTINGTON IN 46750 -0005 coPY D AT E ACORD,, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 12 /151 DlYY) 12/1 s/sa RODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE METTLER AGENCY INC. HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 316 N. JEFFERSON ST. ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE HU GTON, IN 46750 2100 /FAX 219J56 -2865 COW CITIZENS - HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANIES A JSURED COMPANY B HOMIER DISTRIBUTING CO.,INC. AND HOMIER TRANSPORT AND CHARLES F HOMIER JR COMP AND PAMELA HOMIER C 84 COMMERCIAL ROAD, HUNTINGTON, IN 46750 COMPS D - .�i _ °cl.r^ri'd u�'�Ecs :enP:lr�e°Jl•.%06tia ei€r -iizr .. ;OVERAGES - . - 9?eP LTi. -. .. .. ._.:,. _ = •�e]SIi�G1 Y' '6'� � ,1 ' S JIf;� 1: .. ... THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED B Y THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, UNITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAMS. TR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER PO LICY lTE ( EFFECT EXPUtATIOR roDATE " WDWM LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY CHIP -bon 01103/99 O1ro3ro0 GENERAL AGGREGATE s 2,000,000 X PRODUCTS - COMPIOPACC $ 2,000,000 COMMERCIALGENERALLIABRRY -030 CLAMS MADE lz OCCUR PERSONAL d AOV INJURY S 1 ,Doo.000 OWNER'S 6 CONTRACTORS PROT EACH OCCURRENCE s 1,000 FREDAMAGE (My" 4m) $ 1 MED EXP (Arty. pM ) S 5 000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CAP -030.8076 01/03/99 0 01/03100 W LIM COMBEDSINGLE s 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO BOGLY INJURY s X ALL OWNED AUTOS X SCHEDULED AUTOS Per � ) BODILY INJURY 3 X HIRED AUTOS WNED AUTOS (PIT wc`r q ON OWNED PHYSICAl PROPERTY DAMAGE s PHYSICAL DAMAGE GARAGE LUIBILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT s OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: ANY AUTO EACH ACGOENT S AGGREGATE S A EXCESS LIABILITY CU -030 -8078 01/03KJ9 01/03/00 EACH OCCURRENCE s 10 00 AGGREGATE s 10 X UMBRELLA FORM s OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM I A WORNEKSCO MPENSATN)NAND WK -030.8075 01/03199 01/03/00 X TO11Y T iw M rs �u EMPLOYERW LMILM EL EACH ACCIDENT S 500 , 000 EL DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT S 500 THE PRa Aln= INCL EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE s 500,000 PMTN[RS/ExE e OFFiCER9ME: EXCL OTHER A MOTOR TRUCK CARGO CMP- 030 -8077 01/03/99 01/03/00 5150,000 EACH VEHICLE ,ALL RISK $1,000 DEDUCTIBLE DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLES /SPECIAL ITEMS SALES OF TOOLS AND HARWARE, ALL LOCATIONS -PER SCHEDULE OCTOBER 6 ,1999 ALL VEHICLES ,250 DED. COMP /1000 DED. COLLISION ON RENTED OR LEASED VEHICLES $150,000 IN ANY ONE LOSS,DISASTER OR CASUALTY AS RESPECTS PROPERTY OF OTHERS IN INSUREDS CUSTODY CERTIFICATE HOLDER. .! f CANCELLATION .' -. NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY SNOULD ANY OF THE MOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE KXpMATM DATE THEREOF. THE =UDw COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL r 682 ENGINEER 10 DAYs WHTfTEN NOME TO THE O�TTIFIGATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. IGT FAILURE TO MA0. SUCH ROME O NALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LMILSTY 1 HWY 22 S F AMY KIND UlW&LgE CQV4AXY, RS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. RI ED REPRES HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 _ ,_ , • - - - �D CORPORATION 1986 'r ` First National 3 ti Huntington, nd Park Mall i° Huntington, Indiana -3100 10 %l � Bank of Huntington 219/356 -3100 To Whom it May Concern: Homier Distributing Company Inc. is a valued customer of First National Bank of Huntington. They are an excellent depositor and enjoy credit granted only to companies of high standing. Senior Vice President PITM n LJ C] - ontinm / Wnr Pn / RnRnnk P. TEtEPFIONE 219/356.5300 THE HUNTINGTON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 305 Warren Street Huntington, IN 46750 -2653 FAX 219/356 -5434 To Whom It May Concern: The Homier Distributing Company of 1806 North Jefferson Street and 84 Commercial Road is a member in good standing of the Huntington County Chamber of Commerce. The officers of this company are known personally by our staff and the firm has an excellent reputation locally. If you should have any other questions concerning Homier Distributing, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, Barbara B. Hancher President • 4h �ou jlj e � .fl ues 9 4213W BOON HUNTINGTON, INDIANA 46750 CALL - TOLL -FREE - 1- 800. 348 -5004 To Whom It May Concern: As a business associate of Charles F. Homier, Jr., I personally feel him to be an honest and trustworthy individual. His company has allowed me to sell merchandise relating to my business at his retail sales which are held all over the country. I have bee associated with Mr. Homier since 1983 and have found his organization to be both reputable and upstanding. I would highly recommend Charles F. Homier, Jr. and Homier Distributing Company. I would also be happy to answer further questions regarding his character, and the integrity of the company. Sincerely, Douglas Poe Doug Poe Antiques 4213 W 500 N Huntington, IN 46750 (219) 356 -4859 • HUTCHINSON COMPOSITE SQUADRON 21121 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY OF - 1TCLE N SON FROM: HUTCHINSON SQUADRON 21121 CIVIL AIR PATROL SUBJECT: Permit fees HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 10 September 1999 • The Hutchinson Squadron 21121 -Civil Air Patrol hereby requests that permit fees for the placement of the new Civil Air patrol headquarters building be waived. The City of Hutchinson will be using this building as a temporary Arrival/Departure Building during the construction of the new Arrival/Departure Building at the Hutchinson Municipal Airport- Butler Field. It is therefore expedient that the necessary utilities: sewer, water and electricity be available in the temporary A/D facility. This facility will continue to be at the disposal of the City of Hutchinson as an emergency services site following the completion of the new building. Thank you for your consideration. 4V4�_ David W. Skaar, Lt.Col., CAP Commander, Group 2 Minnesota Wing M ark ansen - Civil Air Patrol w ing Page From: To: Date: Subject: Mark Hansen John Rodeberg 9/10/99 8:39AM Civil Air Patrol Building I have completed the Building Permit Fees for the Civil Air Patrol building at the airport. Based on a construction value of $10,000, the permit fees are as follows, Building Permit 128.70 Plan Review 83.66 Excavation 30.00 State Surcharge 5.00 Plumbing Permit 100.00 Total $ 347.36 I understand that the Civil Air Patrol may request that the City Council waive the permit fees for this project The only fee that can not be waived is the State Surcharge. If City Council waives the remaining permit fees, the total cost of the building permit would be $ 5.00. Total permit fees waived would be $ 342.36. 1 believe the Civil Air Patrol will be paying for the $ 5.00 building permit fee. CC: Gary Plotz; Julie Wischnack; Ken Merrill r1 u 0 BERNICK AND LIFSON A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 1200, THE COLONNADE 5500 WAYZATA BOULEVARD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 58416 -1270 TELEPHONE I612I 596 -1200 FAC51MILE 16121 BAS -1003 August 26, 1999 'ALSO ADMITTED IN WISCONSIN 9LS0 CERTIFIED PVRLIC ACCOUNTANT ALSO ADMITTED I FLORIDA -REAL PFOPERTY LAW SPECIALIST TVSETTS Al---. IE. I ISSACM III TIE AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA LEGAL A551STANTS KATHRYN O. MASTERMAN NANCY L. WHAYLEN Mr. Gary Plotz Administrator City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St. S.E. Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 Re: Triax/Mediacom Transfer CITYurI1V.., QUN Dear Mr. Plotz: Thank you for asking our firm to review the Triax/Mediacom Cable Franchise Transfer. In that regard, enclosed you will find our firm's Report and proposed Resolution. Our firm has reviewed the Report and the Resolution with Mediacom's counsel, Jane Bremer, who has approved it. Mediacom has also agreed to pay our attorney's fees for the review of this matter. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, BERNICK AND LIFSON, P.A. Michael R. Bradley Enclosures cc: Mr. Marc A. Sebora, Esq. 0 r b 0- NEAL SHAPIRO A. BERN BERN SAUL CK I MARVIN A. LISZT THOMAS O. CREIGHTON SCOTT A. LIFSON DAVID K. NIOHTINOALE PAUL J. OUAST' WILLIAM S. FOR58ERG" MICHAEL R. BRADLEY STEPHEN J- GUZZETTA BERNICK AND LIFSON A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 1200, THE COLONNADE 5500 WAYZATA BOULEVARD MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 58416 -1270 TELEPHONE I612I 596 -1200 FAC51MILE 16121 BAS -1003 August 26, 1999 'ALSO ADMITTED IN WISCONSIN 9LS0 CERTIFIED PVRLIC ACCOUNTANT ALSO ADMITTED I FLORIDA -REAL PFOPERTY LAW SPECIALIST TVSETTS Al---. IE. I ISSACM III TIE AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA LEGAL A551STANTS KATHRYN O. MASTERMAN NANCY L. WHAYLEN Mr. Gary Plotz Administrator City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St. S.E. Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 Re: Triax/Mediacom Transfer CITYurI1V.., QUN Dear Mr. Plotz: Thank you for asking our firm to review the Triax/Mediacom Cable Franchise Transfer. In that regard, enclosed you will find our firm's Report and proposed Resolution. Our firm has reviewed the Report and the Resolution with Mediacom's counsel, Jane Bremer, who has approved it. Mediacom has also agreed to pay our attorney's fees for the review of this matter. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, BERNICK AND LIFSON, P.A. Michael R. Bradley Enclosures cc: Mr. Marc A. Sebora, Esq. 0 r b 0- BERNICK AND LIFSON, P.A. • TELECOMMUNICATIONS GROUP SUITE 1200. THE COLONNADE 5500 WAYZATA BOULEVARD MINNEAPOLIS. NIN 55416 TEL. (612) 546 -1200 FAX (612) 546 -1003 I D10 W " e � I1I TO: City of Hutchinson. Minnesota FROM: Thomas D. Creighton. Michael R. Bradley, and Stephen J. Guzzetta DATE: August 19, 1999 SUBJECT: Application for Franchise Authority Consent to Assignment or Transfer of Control from Triax Midwest Associates, L.P. to Mediacom LLC, or affiliates thereof REPORT, ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS I. INTRODUCTION This report is prepared on behalf of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota ( "City "). The City received a FCC 394 Application for Franchise Authority Consent to Assignment or Transfer of Control of Cable Television Franchise from Triax Midwest Associates, L.P. ( "Triax ") to Mediacom LLC ( "Mediacom "), or affiliates thereof ( "FCC 394 "). The transfer is proposed to be completed as follows: The current franchisee is Triax Midwest Associates, L.P. ( "Triax "). Triax has entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement with Mediacom, whereby Mediacom has agreed to purchase certain Triax assets for $740,000,000.00, including the franchise in question. Following the sale, Mediacom will hold the franchise for the system. r1 After receiving the FCC 394, the City retained our firm to conduct a review of the FCC 394. The local franchise. state law. federal law, and FCC rules all apply to this transfer. The franchise requires that the City review the transfer pursuant to the same standards used to award the original franchise. Pursuant to the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended by the Cable Protection and Competition Act of 1992 and the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ( "Cable Act'), a city has a 120 day review period from the date of receipt of FCC 394, together with all exhibits, and any additional information required by the terms of the Franchise Agreement or operative state and local law. 47 U.S.C. sec. 537; 47 C.F.R. 76.502. Federal law stipulates that the 120 day review period begins upon submission of all information required or requested pursuant to the franchise. Subsequent to the receipt of the FCC 394, additional information was required of Transferee. Our firm prepared a Request for Information and delivered it to Mediacom on July 2, 1999. Transferee responded to our request on July 26, 1999. Attached hereto and incorporated herewith as Exhibit 1 is a copy of Transferee's response to our request. • Since the City received the FCC 394 on or about May 24, 1999, the review period arguably ends on or about September 22, 1999. However since the Commission did not receive the response for additional information until July 26. the review period could arguably be extended. Absent Commission action, the transfer will be deemed approved by operation of federal law. The purpose of this report is to provide the City with an understanding of the transaction, the standard for review, our analysis and conclusions. II. STANDARD OF REVIEW At the time of awarding the original franchise and in subsequent transfers of the franchise, the City considered and approved the technical ability, financial capacity, legal qualifications and character of the original and subsequent owners of the cable systems, as well as other appropriate 2 0 factors. The same considerations apply to the current review. The sources of information used • in evaluating these factors included the FCC 394, its exhibits. the current franchise ordinance, various FCC rules and regulations regarding cable communications systems. state and federal law, and various subsequent written responses and responses to requests for documents from Mediacom reviewed in conjunction with parallel reviews from other jurisdictions. The City's task in this process is to review the information provided regarding the transfer and to approve or deny the transfer. The City has the express right to approve or disapprove this transfer. The standard of review is that the City's consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. For the purpose of determining whether it will consent to the transfer. the City must make inquiry into the legal, technical and financial qualifications and other appropriate factors regarding the party acquiring the franchise or a controlling interest in the franchisee. in this case Mediacom, is and its affiliates and agents where applicable, as well as other appropriate factors. In analyzing the transaction, the City must consider whether Mediacom and associated entities meet all of the criteria originally considered in the granting of the original franchise. Mote, however. that this analysis is not a comparison between Triax and Mediacom. Rather, this analysis is an application of factors to determine whether Mediacom and its affiliates satisfies the standards to the reasonable satisfaction of the City. The City should focus on the following factors in determining whether to approve or deny the transfer: Legal and character qualifications of Mediacom and its equity partners; 2. Technical ability of Mediacom and its operational staff: 3. Financial stability and qualifications of Mediacom and its equity partners; • 3 and 4. Other appropriate factors. • The City also must consider the following provision of the Cable Act: Any state or franchising authority may not prohibit the ownership or control of a cable system by any person because of such person's ownership or control of any other media of mass communications or other media interests. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any State or franchising authority from prohibiting the ownership or control of a cable system in a jurisdiction by any person (1) because of such person's ownership or control of any other cable system in such jurisdiction, or (2) in circumstances in which the State or franchising authority determines that the acquisition of such a cable system may eliminate or reduce competition in the delivery of cable service in such jurisdiction. 47 U.S.C. sec. 533(d). This office has conducted an extensive review of all relevant materials on behalf of the City. This report is a "shorthand" synthesis of that review in an attempt to fully inform the City without overwhelming the decision making body with detail and minutia. Obviously, our review • extended far beyond the summary of this report, and we will be available to further expand on this summary should the City have any questions. III. DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION It is necessary to understand the corporate structuring of the transaction to determine whether such structure is lawful, but also to understand the financing and to establish which entity's technical qualifications should be reviewed. The current franchisee is Triax Midwest Associates, L.P. ( "Triax "). Triax has entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement with Mediacom, whereby Mediacom has agreed to purchase certain Triax assets for $740,000,000.00, including the franchise in question. Following the sale, and assuming approval by the required local franchising authorities, Mediacom will hold the 4 0 franchise for the system. A diagram of the anticipated corporate structure after the transfer is attached hereto and incorporated herewith as Exhibit 2. Rocco B. Commisso is the Manager, Chairman and CEO of Mediacom. Under the terms of Mediacom's operating agreement. Mr. Commisso has overall management and control of the business and affairs of Mediacom and its subsidiaries with certain matters also requiring the approval of an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee consists of five members. including Mr. Commisso as Chairman, and two other representatives designated by Mr. Commisso. Except in limited circumstances, neither the members of Mediacom nor the Executive Committee have the power to remove or replace Mr. Commisso as Manager of Mediacom. The following is the background information on the significant members of Mediacom (other than Mr. Commisso): Morris Communications Corporation. Morris Communications Corporation ( "Morris "). with headquarters in Augusta, Georgia, is one of the largest privately held newspaper companies in the nation, operating over 35 daily and non -daily newspapers with circulation of approximately 1.000,000. Among its newspaper holdings, Morris publishes the leading daily newspapers in Jacksonville. Florida: Athens, Savannah and Augusta. Georgia; Lubbock and Amarillo. Texas: and Topeka. Kansas. Morris also owns outdoor advertising businesses and holds FCC licenses to operate radio stations in Topeka, Kansas; Amarillo. Texas; Anchorage, Alaska: the State of Washington and Palm Springs, California. Morris has been in operation since 1929 and has been under control of the Morris family since 1945. William S. Morris III, the current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Morris, and his family wholly own Morris. In 1998, Morris generated over $500 million in revenues. E 5 Chase Manhattan Capital. L.P. /CB Capital Investors L.P Chase Manhattan Capital L.P. and CB Capital Investors. L.P. are both directly -owned subsidiaries of The Chase Manhattan • Corporation, and together represent one of the largest bank - affiliated equity investment funds in the world with over $7.0 billion under management. The Chase Manhattan Corporation, with assets totaling $366 billion at the end of 1998, is one of the largest financial institutions in the United States and the global leader in financing companies in the cable and telecommunications industries. U.S Investor. Inc. U.S. Investor. Inc., with headquarters in Detroit. Michigan, is a wholly -owned subsidiary of Booth American Company ("Booth American"), which was founded in 1939 by John L. Booth. Mr. Booth's two sons, Ralph H. Booth 11. Chairman and CEO, and John L. Booth II, Vice Chairman, now manage the company. The Booth family owns 100% of the stock of Booth American. The Booth family has a long history of successful operations in the • communications industry, owning and operating newspapers, cable television systems and radio stations. Currently, Booth American's subsidiary, Booth English Cable, Inc., is engaged in the construction and operation of broadband communications systems in the United Kingdom. IV. LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS The legal qualifications standard relates primarily to the analysis of whether Mediacom and its affiliates are duly organized and authorized to own the cable system via the subsidiary structuring discussed above. As stated above, the ultimate ownership of the franchise rests in Mediacom. We have reviewed this corporate structuring and the necessary transactions related thereto. All necessary corporate entities are or will be duly organized. We have concluded that all of the entities necessary to be qualified to transact business in Minnesota are or will be so 6 0 qualified. 0 The legal analysis also involves an analysis of whether the overall transaction itself complies with federal, state and local law. We have reviewed the Purchase Agreement dated April 29, 1999 between Triax and Mediacom. Based upon our review of the Purchase Agreement, it is our opinion that the proposed transaction does not violate Federal, State or local law. The issue of Open Access or Mandatory Access to the Internet access potential of the system is also related to Transferee's legal qualifications to assume control of the City's franchise. See AT &T Corp. v. City of Portland XXX F. Supp.2d XXXX (D. Org. 1999). Attempting to impose a requirement of Open Access on the local cable system would create a situation whereby the local operator, usually through the proprietary Internet service provider of the parent of the local affiliate would be required to allow other Internet service providers (ISPs) not affiliated with the cable operator to connect their equipment directly to the cable provider's platform, by- passing the cable operator's proprietary cable ISP. A summary of the AT &T Corp. v. City of Portland case is attached hereto and incorporated herewith as Exhibit 3. In City of Portland the United States District Court upheld the City of Portland's denial of a cable franchise transfer between TCI and AT &T because AT &T refused to allow open access to other ISPs. Id. The Court held that the open access provision was related to AT &T's legal qualifications to assume control of TCI's cable franchises, although never really getting to the analvsis of the relevance of such a discussion in a transfer approval procedure. Instead, the court focused on a requirement of federal law that local franchise authorities must do all things necessary to encourage level playing field competitive environments. Id. This decision has been appealed to the United States Court of Appeals. 7 In Transferee's response to the City's Request for Additional Information. Transferee stated: 9 Federal law does not require Mediacom to provide such access to providers of Internet and on -line services (a conclusion in conflict with the Portland decision). The Transferee also stated cable modem services have not been deemed to be "cable services' as defined in federal law (a conclusion with which we do not concur). Additionally, Transferee stated that there are over 5,000 ISPs that can service the citizens of the City. It is assumed that none of the ISPs use Transferor's existing cable wiring. In refusing to open access to its lines and requiring that all ISPs go through Mediacom's proprietary ISP, while not completely eliminating ,ne competition from its system, it is effectively eliminating 5,000 competitors in the market place by charging subscribers both for its Internet service and the subscriber's desired ISP. These facts are nearly identical to the facts faced in the City of Portland matter. Therefore, the City has case law authority (albeit on appeal and also under consideration at the FCC) to withhold approval of 0 the application based upon the legal qualifications standard of review. That notwithstanding, our firm advises the City not to impose an Open Access requirement on Transferee at this time, but rather recommends that the City expressly reserve the right to require of Transferee such access in the future while in the meantime requiring that the Transferee offer access to unaffiliated ISPs through its proprietary or affiliated Internet service platform and for an additional fee if it so desires, unless otherwise required by applicable federal, state or local law. The City is reminded again that this could result in subscribers paying for both the cable operator's affiliated or proprietary Internet service and the ISP desired by the individual subscriber. This approach would result in a temporary pass on the issue by the City while the law 8 0 related to this complex issue shakes out in other jurisdictions, saving the City the expense of litigation in a legally unsure area. Additionally, approval of the application based upon the legal qualifications standard of review must also be conditioned upon Mediacom receiving all necessary state and federal approvals and authorizations. With the above conditions, the City would not have a reasonable legal basis to withhold approval of the proposed transaction. V. TECHNICAL ABILITY The technical ability factor relates to the technical expertise and experience of Mediacom and its affiliates in operating and maintaining a cable system. This analysis focuses on the current and former experience of the proposed owner. Mediacom, headquartered in Middletown, New York, is one of the fastest growing cable companies in the United States and one of the leading providers of cable television service to • non - metropolitan markets. Founded in 1995 by Rocco B. Commisso, a twenty- one -year industry veteran, the Company presently owns and operates cable systems serving over 370,000 cable and Internet customers across 14 states and in 313 franchise communities. Upon completion of the Triax acquisition. Mediacom will own and operate cable systems serving approximately 725.000 customers in 20 states and across approximately 930 franchise communities, positioning Mediacom among the industry's 10 largest independent cable operators. The Company has shown a deep commitment to deploy the latest in cable television technology, to provide first class customer service, and to foster strong community relations. Such commitment is best exemplified by the Company's decision last year to invest in excess of $125 million over a period of 2 '/2 years to upgrade cable systems serving approximately 75 `7 of 0 6J J 1 �" the Company's existing customers with state -of -the -art technology. Upon completion of this program in June 2000, Mediacom will become a technological leader among cable operators 0 serving primarily small and mid -size communities. The Company has established superb relationships with its customers in such a short period and has earned the respect of the local political and regulatory leaders in the communities Mediacom serves. In the FCC 394, Mediacom has provided representative comments from local leaders in communities where Mediacom provides service. While we have some concerns with Mediacom's ability to effectively handle the rapid rowth that they are experiencing, it has taken steps to organize its management structure. To manage and operate its existing cable television systems. Mediacom has established four operating regions: Southern. Mid - Atlantic. Central, and Western. With the exception of the Western Region, local technical service is complemented by service from regional customer service centers located in Gulf Breeze, Florida; Hendersonville, North Carolina; and Benton. Kentucky, that provide 24 hour, 7 day a week service. Each call center coordinates technical service, installation appointments and oversees prompt response time to customer inquiries. It is Mediacom's current intention to use at least the two regional centers located in Chillicothe, Illinois and Waseca. Minnesota to operate the Triax systems in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa. Michigan, Minnesota. Ohio and Wisconsin. Mediacom was founded by Rocco B. Commisso, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, who has over 21 years of experience with the cable television industry. Mr. Commisso has assembled a management team with significant business experience in acquiring, developing, operating and financing cable television operations. The eleven most senior executives and 10 0 managers of Mediacom have an average of over 17 years of experience with the cable television industry. Part of Mediacom's operating philosophy is to invest in state -of- the -art technology. The recent proliferation of niche programming services, the rapid change in computing technology, and the explosive growth of the Internet, underscore the increasing customer demand for bandwidth capacity and speed. Mediacom's past actions have demonstrated that it can deliver state -of -the art infrastructure improvements for the benefit of its residential customers as well as for the schools, local governments and businesses in the smaller communities. From its beginning, Mediacom embarked on a technology program to increase programming choices, provide new and improved services, and enhance overall customer satisfaction. In 1998, the Company accelerated the technology program's completion date from • a 5 -year term to a 2 'h year term. The Company also decided to increase its planned bandwidth expansion (i.e., channel capacity) so that upon completion over 85 % of its current customer base will be served by cable systems with at least 550MHz (78 analog channels) to 750MHz bandwidth capacity (78 analog channels with 200MHz reserved for digital cable television, high speed Internet access and other services). An integral part of the Company's technology program is the deployment of high capacity, hybrid -fiber coaxial ( "HFC ") architecture in the upgrade of its cable systems. In most of its cable systems affected by the program, the Company deploys optical fiber to individual nodes serving an average of 250 homes and coaxial cable from the node to the home. This HFC network design provides increased channel capacity, superior signal quality, improved reliability, reduced system maintenance costs and a platform to develop high -speed data services. Internet access and r1 LJ emerging telecommunication services to Mediacom's customers. In May 1999, the Company began introducing digital cable television technology in Gulf Breeze, Florida and by the end of the year it will be deployed in systems serving approximately 175.000 homes. High -speed Internet access plays an important role in Mediacom's near term plans. Mediacom currently has 5,200 customers subscribing to its Internet service through highspeed cable modems or through traditional telephone dial -up modems. Mediacom contributes to the communities it serves by providing free or heavily discounted traditional and high -speed Internet access to schools and other institutions. The Company is in active discussions with a number of service providers of high -speed Internet access and is also reviewing plans to launch its own high -speed Internet access in other markets. Over the next three years, the Company plans to launch high -speed Intemet access in its existing cable systems passing over 400,000 homes • through a combination of agreements with service providers and launches of its own Internet service. It is Mediacom's intention to retain local personnel whenever possible. This practice, which has been adopted by Mediacom in all of its acquisitions to date. has provided the community with the local familiarity and the necessary technical. marketing and customer service -x: ertise to ensure continued high quality customer service after the change in ownership Moreover, these management practices underscore Mediacom's strong commitment to the local community. Although Mediacom has indicated that it plans to retain most local management and staff, it is critical that the City aggressively scrutinize any attempts to eliminate local management, and 12 • if such does occur, the City should attend to details of customer service and technical upgrades to ensure franchise compliance and compliance with industry standards. In conclusion, we determine that Mediacom possesses the necessary technical abilities. Therefore, we conclude as to the technical ability of Mediacom, that the City would not have a reasonable basis to deny the transfer based on the technical ability of Mediacom. VI. FINANCIAL STABILITY The financial stability factor relates to whether Mediacom and its affiliates have the financial resources available or committed to not only acquire the systems, but also whether its financial plan. as presented, is reasonable and economically viable. In the past. cities have expended considerable resources in analyzing whether the acquiring entity had sufficient resources to acquire cable systems. Although some financial information was received, a detailed analysis of Transferee's ability to acquire and close this transaction was not undertaken. It is assumed that is if Transferee has the requisite financial resources to acquire and close the transaction, it will close. It is also assumed that Triax is a sophisticated commercial entity which has and will continue to engage in detailed evaluation and review of the financial ability of Transferee to close the transaction and, further, that Triax's review would be more thorough than that which the City could reasonably undertake. Accordingly, the City's consent should be conditioned primarily upon successful and lawful closing of the transaction consistent with the description of the transaction which was provided to the City. Of far greater concern is whether Transferee's financial plan, to the extent presented, is reasonable and economically viable. In other words. does Mediacom have adequate financial resources either currently or at its disposal to own and operate these cable systems and comply 0 13 with the City's franchise. Our firm has reviewed the financial documentation provided by Transferee, including their SEC Form 10 -K for the year ending December 31, 1998 and their SEC Form 10 -Q for the quarter ending March 31, 1999. The FCC 394 includes an advertisement from The Chase Manhattan Corporation setting forth the series of financing transactions Mediacom has completed through March 1998. Since that time, Mediacom has raised an additional $125.0 million in 12 year senior notes in the public bond market. Overall, as of March 31, 1999, Mediacom has raised $135.5 million of equity ^mmitments from its members, of which $125.0 million has been invested in Mediacom, and has issued $325.0 million of 10 and 12 year senior notes in the public bond market. In addition. Mediacom has established two subsidiary borrowing groups that have obtained in the aggregate $325.0 million of bank credit facilities with maturities of eight and one -half years. Under such bank facilities. Mediacom has available approximately $300.0 million in unused credit which can . be used for acquisitions (including the Triax systems), capital expenditures and general corporate purposes. Mediacom is highly confident that it can increase its unused credit facilities with additional financing sufficient to close the Triax transaction. The FCC 394 also included a letter from Chase Securities. Inc. indicating that institution's confidence in Mediacom's ability to consummate this transaction. It is clear from the information provided that Mediacom has adequate financial resources to acquire and own the cable system. There is some concern on our part that the transaction might be leveraged to the point of requiring an upward pressure on the rates charged by the cable system, however in an environment of unregulated cable rates, we did not pursue that analysis further, other than to mention our concern here. 14 Therefore, the financial plan. to the extent presented by Mediacom, is reasonable and economically viable and the City has a sufficient basis to approve Transferee's FCC 394. VII, OTHER RELEVANT FACTORS Other relevant factors which have been reviewed for the purpose of determining whether to approve or deny this transfer are contained in the information provided for our review. The most significant factor to be considered is whether the franchise will remain intact, and whether Transferee will agree to comply with all existing franchise requirements, promises and representations of its predecessors. Transferee has not proposed any modifications to the channel capacity or system design. Transferee has indicated that it will comply with all existing franchise requirements and obligations. Transferee plans to convert the system's customer service call center to answer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Transferee has agreed to comply with all existing requirements regarding public, education, and government access and will continue current channel designations for public, education and government access channels. There has been no adverse finding made or an adverse final action taken by any court or administrative body with respect to Transferee in a civil. criminal or administrative proceeding, brought under the provisions of any law or regulation related to the following: any felony; revocation, suspension or involuntary transfer or any authorization (including cable franchises) to provide video programming services; mass media related antitrust or unfair competition. fraudulent statements to another government unit; or employment discrimination Finally, on behalf of the Authority, our firm has demanded that Transferee pay all of the City's fees incurred as a result of the transfer application as required by the franchise. Any 15 resolutions regarding FCC 394 adopted by the City should include the requirement of reimbursement of all fees incurred by the City. 0 VIII. CONCLUSION As a result of the above analysis. we have concluded that with certain conditions, the City lacks any reasonable basis to withhold approval of the proposed transfer. Therefore, the City should approve the transfer conditioned upon: 1. Transferee's acceptance of the current cable franchise; 2. Receipt of any and all state and federal approvals and authorizations: 3. Actual closing of the transaction consistent with the transaction reported to the City; 4. Non - waiver by City of any unknown yet existing franchise non - compliance issues; 5. Non - waiver by City of any right to dispute here -to -date unaudited franchise fee payments; 6. Non - waiver by City of any right to require franchise fee payments on future services delivered by the Grantee via the cable system; 7. Non - waiver by City of any right to require Transferee to offer open access at any time in the future; and 8. Reimbursement by Transferee of all fees incurred by the Authority in reviewing this FCC 394. L: oble�Hurchia n 52801\Meducom Transfer Repon 99.wpd 16 0 0 JOINT RESPONSE OF TRIAX MIDWEST ASSOCIATES, L.P. AND MEDIACOM LLC TO THE MUNICIPAL REQUEST FOR INFORMATION REGARDING ASSIGNMENT OF FRANCHISE FROM TRIAX MIDWEST ASSOCIATES, L.P., DOING BUSINESS AS TRIAX CABLEVISION, OR AFFILIATES THEREOF, TO MEDIACOM, LLC, OR AFFILIATES THEREOF PREPARED BY: BERNICK & LIFSON, P.A. FOR: THE LAKE MINNETONKA CABLE COMMISSION COOK, MINNESOTA GRAND MARAIS, MINNESOTA HUTCH NSON, MINNESOTA MAPLE PLAIN, MINNESOTA MORRIS, MINNESOTA ST. CHARLES, MINNESOTA WASECA, MINNESOTA July 26, 1999 Submitted by: On behalf of Triax: Jane Bremer Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren 7900 Xerxes Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55431 (612) 896 -3297 On behalf of Mediacom: Eric E. Breisach Bienstock & Clark 5360 Holiday Terrace Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 353 -3900 SL INTRODUCTION Triax Midwest Associations, L.P. ( "Triax ") and Mediacom LLC ( "Mediacom ") provide this Joint Response to the Request for Information. In conjunction with preparing this response, Mediacom has reviewed the franchise issued by the Municipality and intends to fully comply with all legal requirements imposed by the franchise. Mediacom and Triax provide the following joint responses to the questions as they relate to the systems providing service to the Municipality. Capitalized terms not defined in this response shall have the same meaning as contained in the Request for Information. IDENTIFICATION OF TRANSFEROR Name of Transferor: Triax Midwest Associates, L.P. Address of Transferor Telephone: Fax: E -mail address: Date: 100 Fillmore Street, Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80206 (303) 333 -2424 (303) 333 -1110 chris_otoole@triaxcable.com July 26, 1999 Information for Principal to whom inquiries should be made: Name: Jane E. Bremer, Esq. Telephone: (612) 896 -3297 Fax: (612) 896 -1598 E -mail address: jbremer @lhdl.com Authorized Signature: Date: July 26, 1999 0 0 IDENTIFICATION OF TRANSFEREE 0 Name of Transferee: Mediacom LLC Address of Transferee: 100 Crystal Run Road Middletown, New York 10941 -9769 Telephone: (914) 695 -2650 Fax: (914) 695 -2639 E -mail address: mstephan@mediacomllc.com Date: July 26, 1999 Information for Principal to whom inquiries should be made: Name: Mark E. Stephan Telephone: (914) 695 -2675 Fax: (914) 695 -2639 E -mail address: mstephan@mediacomllc.com Authorized Signature:�� Date: July 26, 1999 2. 6-' FORM A OWNERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS OF TRANSFEREE Does the proposed ownership structure comply with any and all state and federal restrictions upon ownership of cable communications systems. (X) Yes O No The proposed ownership structure of the entities holding the systems willfully comply with any and all state and federal restrictions upon ownership of cable communication systems. • 0 3. FORM B • CHARACTER QUALIFICATIONS OF TRANSFEREE 1. Has the Transferee (including parent corporation or subsidiaries, if applicable) or any principal ever been convicted in a criminal proceeding (felonies or misdemeanors) in which any of the following offenses were charged? a. Fraud O Yes (X) No b. Embezzlement () Yes (X) No C. Tax evasion O Yes (X) No d. Bribery () Yes (X) No e. Extortion O Yes (X) No f. Obstruction of justice O Yes (X) No g. False /misleading advertising O Yes (X) No h. Perjury () Yes (X) No i. Anti -trust violations (state and federal) O Yes (X) No j. Violations of FCC regulations O Yes (X) No k. Conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing offenses {) Yes (7) No Mediacom has not and, to the best of Mediacom's knowledge, no principal has ever been convicted in a criminal proceeding of any of the listed offenses. 2. If "yes ", attach separate statement providing specifics such as date, court, sentence or fine, etc. " For purposes of this form, "principal" means any officer or director of Transferee, and any person, firm corporation, subsidiary, joint venture or other entity, who or which owns or controls five (5) percent or more of the voting stock (or any equivalent voting interest of a partnership or joint venture) of the Transferee. N /A. a. j 0..i FORM C CABLE HOLDINGS OWNED BY TRANSFEREE NOTE: It is presumed that some of the information traditionally requested in this form will be supplied in the Form FCC 394. However, the reviewing authorities reserve the right to further investigate individual cable holdings and to request additional information related thereto. Please respond to the following regarding systems" currently held by the Transferee, or as they may relate to systems which have been previously owned or operated by any principal* of the Transferee. 1. Has the Transferee or any principal thereof ever received a cable or telecommunications franchise violation notice or notice of franchise compliance? Has Transferee or any principal thereof ever been fined or otherwise sanctioned by the holder of a cable or telecommunications franchise. O Yes O See Below (X) No Mediacom has never received a notice of franchise non - compliance issued by the governing body of a franchise authority. It has from time to time received inquiries regarding franchise compliance. Most of these inquires occur immediately following acquisition of cable systems and pertain to compliance issues inherited from its predecessors. Mediacom has consistently and promptly remedied these occasional concerns to the full satisfaction of the franchising authorities. Neither Mediacom nor any of its principals have ever been fined or otherwise sanctioned by the holder of a cable or telecommunications franchise. 2. Has Transferee or any principal thereof ever filed suit or commenced any administrative or other adversarial legal proceeding against a franchising authority over issues related to a cable or telecommunications franchise or system? O Yes O See Below (X) No Neither Mediacom nor any of its principals have ever fled suit or commenced any administrative or other adversarial legal proceeding against a franchising authority over issues related to a cable or telecommunications franchise or system. 3. Do any of the systems ** identified in your Form FCC 394 filing have an institutional network? If yes, please identify those systems, the length in plant miles of the institutional network in that system, the services offered on that network, the network capacity (activated), and any rates charged and for what services. ()Yes ()No 5. Mediacom provides institutional networks for a number of its cities. These networks reflect individual franchise agreements with specific applications in each system, specific information on institutional networks is not germane to the financial, technical and legal qualifications of Mediacom in the context of this transfer. * For purposes of this form, "principal' means any officer or director of Transferee, and any person, firm, corporation, subsidiary, joint venture or other entity, who or which owns or controls five (5) percent or more of the voting stock (or any equivalent voting interest of a partnership or joint venture) of the Transferee * * Indicate all political subdivisions served by system (political subdivision and state). F - I L --J r� Q 5 C,- FORM D EXISTING SERVICE AREA AND LINE EXTENSION 0 1. Does Transferee agree to comply with all existing franchise requirements regarding the provision of cable television service to subscribers served by currently constructed cable television plant? (X) Yes O No 2. Does Transferee agree to comply with all existing franchise requirements regarding the expansion of cable television service to areas within the boundaries of the franchising authority which are not currently provided service by existing cable plant? (X) Yes O No If no, please explain your proposed line extension policy including rates, time table for offering services, and conditions. Show how your policies are based on the cost of the plant needed to reach the areas. 3. Please provide the identification of the system which is indicative of the most liberal and most conservative line extension policy in the systems Transferee currently owns or operates. What would Transferee estimate is its average line extension policy, i.e., how many homes per cable mile are required before Transferee will construct cable plant in that area? Mediacom has a uniform national line extension policy. Because it specializes in providing service to less densely populated areas, Mediacom is often willing to construct plant where others are not. Mediacom will build line extensions wherever it is commercially feasible. Generally, as a voluntary policy, Mediacom builds down to densities of 20 homes per mile that is contiguous with its existing plant and considers lower densities on a case by case basis. 4. Does the Transferee agree to offer those services and rates proposed for the existing service area to any area which reaches or exceeds an average density as set forth in the current line extension policy of the franchise? If no, please explain. O Yes (X) See Below ( ) No As a general policy and under normal operating conditions, Mediacom voluntarily provides uniform services and rates throughout franchise areas. Mediacom, however, retains its rights under federal law to tailor its rates and services from time to time to meet specific customer needs in portions of its service areas. • 7. 5. Has Transferee or any of its owners or principals ever been sanctioned or otherwise penalized by any level of government for failure to comply with construction standards applicable to any currently or formerly owned or operated cable system? ( ) Yes (X) No 6. With regard to individual residential subscriber installations, describe policies for placing cable in homes, including the ability of the subscriber to determine where the drop will enter the dwelling, restorations of property disturbed or damaged during the installation, etc. If any additional fees will be charged for other than standard installations, and such fees are different from those currently in existence in the franchise territory, please list such fees, policies, and procedures. (You may attach already prepared policy or fee statements). Mediacom seeks to provide maximum value to its customers. To the extent practical and feasible, Mediacom allows individual residential subscribers maximum input regarding the placement and methods of installing home wiring. Mediacom will provide nonstandard installations (including those over 150 feet in length from the distribution line) at cost to the requesting homeowner. 7. Has Transferee or any of its owners or partners ever been sanctioned or otherwise penalized by any level of government for failure to comply with subscriber installation standards applicable to any currently or formerly owned or operated cable systems? If yes, please explain in detail. ( ) Yes (X) No 8. Underground Policy a. Does Transferee agree to construct cable distribution plant underground in any areas where other utilities are now or hereafter underground? If no, please explain. ( ) Yes (X) See Below O No Mediacom will comply with all existing franchise requirements to locate facilities underground. Where not required by franchise, Mediacom generally voluntarily relocates aerial plant to underground when all other utilities relocate. b. Does Transferee agree to construct underground cable plant in newly platted areas at the time that electronic and telephone distribution plants are constructed underground? If no, please explain. ( ) Yes (7) See Below O No 8. 5A- Mediacom will comply with all existing franchise requirements to extend plant into newly platted areas. Where not required by franchise, Mediacom typically voluntarily places cable plant in newly platted areas contiguous to its existing plant when joint trenching by the utilities takes place. C. Please explain policies for the construction of underground subscriber drops during winter months or during otherwise inclement weather. Mediacom's drop construction policy includes preinstalling underground drops when subscriber densities make such installation feasible and particularly where open trenches are available. Therefore, Mediacom typically buries the drop before it provides service to the home. Where the drop is not buried in advance, Mediacom attempts to bury the drop within several days of its installation or as soon as reasonably allowed by weather. 9. Will Transferor agree to provide joint trenching of cable line extensions in new construction areas/developments? ( ) Yes (3) See Below ( ) No Mediacom will comply with all franchise requirements regarding providing joint trenching. Where not required, Mediacom typically participates in joint trenching but does not usually provide the joint trenching. Typically either the telephone or electric utility provides the trenching. 9 a FORM E 0 CHANNEL CAPACITY AND SYSTEM DESIGN 1. Does Transferee propose any modification of the existing cable communications system? Included in any proposed modification are there any electronics, converter, headend, etc. changes proposed? If yes, please explain. () Yes (3) No Mediacom does not propose any immediate modification of the cable system that is not currently required by a franchise. It continues to review plans to upgrade as many of the Triax systems as is commercially feasible over the next few years. 2. Transferee will control a considerable area of communications systems in the geographic area. Please explain any plans you may have to interconnect these systems or rebuild for the purpose of developing an area -wide telecommunications network. In your explanation, please include your corporate philosophy or past practice in the interconnection of adjoining systems you have owned or operated in other areas. Please also include a discussion of your current thinking regarding the future of area -wide communications systems future technologies related to such systems, and future services which could be offered by such systems. Please provide such a discussion and attach to your response hereto. (Should such a discussion require the disclosure of confidential or proprietary information, please so advise and the confidentiality of such information can be maintained.) Mediacom actively explores issues such as interconnection where it makes sense from a financial and technical point of view. 3. Performance Tests - Will Transferee agree to comply with all existing obligations regarding ongoing performance tests of the system as well as all existing reporting requirements related to such tests? (X) Yes O No 4. Customer Complaint Policies a. Will Transferee assume all current obligations applicable to and current procedures and policies undertaken by Transferor regarding responding to and resolving customer complaints? () Yes (X) See Below () No • ,Mediacom will comply with all franchise and ordinance requirements and voluntarily complies with the FCC customer service standards. Mediacom has on 50� stringent customer service policies and procedures that it believes are second to none in the cable industry. Consequently, Mediacom will follow its own rigorous policies and procedures. b. Will answering services or automatic answering machines be used at any time? If yes, please explain. (Include company maximum initial response time to such customer inquiries received via answering services.) O Yes O No Under normal operating conditions Mediacom does not plan to use these devices. Rather, soon after acquiring the systems, Mediacom plans to convert the call centers to 7 day per weep 24 hours per day operation. C. Will Transferee agree to not change the location of the area office and also agree not to modify the services currently offered at that office, the equivalent staff currently serving at each office, and the current office hours? O Yes O No Mediacom will maintain local office operations as required by each franchise. Mediacom does not currently have any plans to change the staffing, office locations or hours of operation of existing offices. • 0 11. FORM F • PROPOSED SIGNAL CARRIAGE AND CHANNEL ALLOCATIONS Does Transferee propose the addition or deletion of any progr services (including data, audio or video) in the first three (3) years of ownership? If yes, please explain. () Yes (X) No At this time, Mediacom has no plans to add or delete specific services. Mediacom does plan, however, to survey customers and realign program offerings, to the extent feasible, to meet customer preferences. 2. Will Transferee agree to keep any public, education or government access channels on their current cable channel location (number) designations for the term of the franchise or any renewals thereof and will you agree that any change in access channel location (number) designations is subject to the approval of the affected franchising authorities or their delegatee). If no, please explain. O Yes (X) See Below O No Mediacom will comply with all franchise requirements. Mediacom seeks to provide the services and the packaging of services in the manner most desirable to customers. To the extent that public, education and government access channels can remain unchanged as systems are rebuilt and new services added and others relocated, Mediacom will attempt to keep the channel positions of these services unchanged Where changes are required Mediacom will work with the affected community and seek to find mutually acceptable methods to relocate these channels. 3. Will transferee seek or allow public input on the addition or deletion of any programming services (including data, audio or video)? If yes, please explain. (X) Yes () No Mediacom routinely solicits the input of its customers and potential customers on an ongoing basis with respect to all services it offers. Before making major changes to its video programming line -up, Mediacom often surveys its customers to obtain representative and reliable information about customer preferences. 0 12. FORM G COMMUNITY ACCESS PROGRAMMING Does Transferee agree to assume any local programming/access (i.e., public, educational, government, etc.) commitments of Transferor, if any, (including franchise requirements and procedures, channel capacity, funding, channel designation, equipment, facilities and staff)? If no, please explain. (3) Yes ( ) No Mediacom will assume all legal obligations of Triax under the applicable franchises. 2. Please specify your allocation of charnel time and programming support to leased access users if different from current policies of Transferor (subscriber and institutional network). Regarding leased access, please explain Transferee's policies, rates and procedures for the leasing of channel time or entire channels by individuals, corporations (both for- and non - profit), associations, or the like. r - 1 LJ Mediacom will comply with all franchise requirements regarding the allocation of time and programming support to leased access users. Mediacom willfully comply with all requirements of federal law with respect to the operation and offering of leased access capacity. 0 n LJ 13. FORM H SUBSCRIBER RATES 1. Will Transferee assume all existing Transferor rates and charges? (X) Yes O No Please state the date of the next scheduled rate increase and the minimum anticipated increases in each category of rates. Mediacom's rates willfully comply with federal law. Mediacom has not yet developed a rate adjustment schedule and consequently cannot comment at this time about the timing or amount of any possible future rate adjustments. 2. Does Transferee plan to change the existing billing service? (X) Yes O No Mediacom uses a comparable billing service and will provide at least the same level of billing information and support services. Mediacom does not currently plan any significant change in the billing practices. If yes, please explain Transferee's billing practice which will differ from existing • practices. 3. Does Transferee agree to continue the timing of the charge for late payment of subscriber fees? If no, please explain. ( ) Yes (X) See Below ( ) No Mediacom has no current plans to modify the late fee structures of Triax. 4. Does Transferee agree to charge any late fees only to the extent of the company's actual expense related to late payments? O Yes (X) See Below ( ) No Mediacom plans to review the late fee structures of Triax and charge only those fees permitted by applicable law. 14. 5. Does Transferee agree to include in Gross Revenues the Franchise fees collected from subscribers and pay City five percent (5 %) thereon? 0 O Yes (X) See Below ( ) No Where franchises require inclusion of the amounts collected from subscribers, Mediacom will include such receipts in its computation of franchise fees. • • 15. FORM I EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES 1. Will Transferee comply with all federal, state and local laws pertaining to discrimination, equal opportunity employment programs and affirmative action programs? (3) Yes () No If no, please explain. 2. Will Transferee assume all existing staff position obligations of Transferor? (3) Yes () No If no, please explain. Please explain any proposed changes in management or staff positions of system. Mediacom plans to retain most local management and staff. Mediacom corporate and regional management will work closely with local management and staff to assure top quality service for its customers. 4 If no staff osn ition changes are proposed, please explain any plans you have for analysis of existing staff positions for the purpose of proposing such changes after the ownership is transferred. Mediacom regional management will review and evaluate the efficiency of existing positions after it acquires and has begun operating the system. 5. In all of the above regarding the management structure of the systems, will Transferee agree to its responses for the first three years of ownership of the systems? (3) Yes ( ) No If no, please explain. `J CU FORM J MISCELLANEOUS 1. Does Transferee agree to accept the existing Franchise and to comply with all terms and conditions of said Franchise? (X) Yes O No 2. Please list with all specificity any Franchise modifications Transferee will request of Franchise Authority. Please attach proposed Franchise language for any such requested modifications. If no such modifications are proposed at this time, it will be assumed that Transferee agrees to take the system "as is" with all attendant and associated responsibilities and obligations of previous Franchise holders and owners. None - Mediacom will assume all franchise obligations beginning on the date it acquires the system. Note: For the purposes of Forms A through J, inclusive, please note that the term "Franchise" shall include the Cable Communications Ordinance for the City which is the subject of this inquiry and any amendments and agreements between Franchisor and previous owners. • • 17. FORM K MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENTAL NARRATIVE QUESTIONS* The questions below are based on the following understanding: The current franchise is Triax Midwest Associates, L.P. ( "Triax "). Triax has entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement with Mediacom, whereby Mediacom has agreed to purchase certain Triax assets for $740,000,000.00, including the franchise in question. Following the sale, Mediacom will hold the franchise for the system. 1. Please forward all Schedules and Exhibits to the Asset Purchase Agreement dated April 29, 1999. We append all schedules and exhibits necessary to understand the transaction. 2. Please indicate whether Morris Communications Corporation ( "Morris Communications ") will financially guarantee the performance of the Mediacom cable system? No. Mediacom is a fiscally sound entity that has the financial qualifications to operate the cable system consistent with the requirements in each cable television franchise. Accordingly, there is no need for Morris Communications to financially guarantee the performance of Mediacom. 3. Please generally describe Morris Communications' history, primary businesses, parent or subsidiary corporations, principles, and technical ability in telecommunications, etc. A detailed description of Morris Communications' history, primary business, and related entity information can be found in Exhibit 9 of Form 394, Form 10K and Form 10Q previously filed with each community. Morris Communications' technical ability in telecommunications is not relevant to the current transfer as Morris Communications will not control Mediacom LLC Mediacom's cable operations and does not hold a cable television franchise. 4. Please indicate whether Morris Communications or any predecessor corporation has ever filed for bankruptcy. Any information on Morris Communications' financial stability may be found in the Form 10K and Form 10Q publicly available and currently on file with each franchise community. 0 18. 5. Please list all court actions and sanctions by any local franchise authority that Morris Communications has been a party to and a short description of the nature and outcome of the matter(s). :lforris Communications does not hold any cable television franchises, and therefore, has not been a party to any local franchise authority actions. 6. Will there be any management agreements? Please provide copies of all proposed or executed management agreements? No. Mediacom will manage all of the property that its owns. 7. Does transferee intend to provide non - disc access to its cable modem platform for providers of Internet and on -line services, whether or not such providers are affiliated with transferee? If the answer is no, please explain. No. Federal law does not require llfediacom to provide such access to providers of Internet and on -line services. Mediacom plans to provide the best Internet services available as part of the services provided in Mediacom's program line -up. 8. Does transferee intend, so long as cable modem services are deemed to be "cable services ", as provided under Title VI of the Communication Act of 1934, as amended, to comply with all requirements regarding such cable services, including, but not limiting to, the inclusion of revenues from cable modem services and access within the gross revenues of transferee's cable franchise, and commercial leased access requirements? If the answer is no, please explain. Cable modem services have not been deemed to be "cable services" as defined in federal law. Mediacom will comply with federal law as it relates to cable modem services. 9. Please list all of transferee's competitors within the franchise area that provide Internet access or cable modem service and that currently do not use the Transferor's cable wire. Over 5,000 Internet service providers compete with Mediacom. Most of these providers require dial -up telephony to access its services. Neither Triax nor Mediacom have the means to determine which providers compete or provide services to customers within a specific franchise community. 10. Please describe all services transferee plans to provide to subscribers in the future, and the time -line for rolling out such services. Mediacom does not currently have a plan specifying the time frame for the introduction of additional services to subscribers. Mediacom plans to provide the most advanced services to subscribers as the services become available and will comply with all franchise notice requirements prior to the roll out of new services. 19. * Any information required below which you deem protected from public disclosure under Minnesota law, please label such information accordingly and in each case, with specificity, explain the legal justification (including citations) for your claim of such privilege. 0508352.01 0 20. 6' 0 0 Ownership Structure Ro cco U, 9.7'4, Cuuunlffu 100% VIVO a ° o r p rn p ' U Iv 9 OJ .. .o o� I o� Medlacom Mnntgemod � �] Cory"araliun :' 1'Yr o _ m I ` 100% 1QU' /" TDD% lUD9n lUUYo IDD "/a IDU% 99 °/t 99% 1 --l- 1 - f°IVA LLC Illln°I"LLC r. Afedlacrnn II Mtdldt°m II Nledla coN II Zlblu II Bledletnm II Medlacon WI"eaw41 LLC Indltnp LlC Mllllw°4 LLC Conuu. Cngl, 9oulhewl LLC Ileltlftfe ll.0 1 nnata9a�.,.., •n III pledlt nrn Adsont LLC Ch f l p4din'vn l I Ctlllornla 1 LC U �_ I l ip to li 11 pledlt nrn Adsont LLC r p4din'vn l I Ctlllornla 1 LC n ,v I �_ I l ip .1� ro �' o V �n T •P o• r, w 'v I L BEIR-NZCK AND LIT-SON, P.A. K=E _00, 7 COLZ'NFL p1;F = 'OO'wAYZA a 30LZ-lA,RD =\ay20LIS, - (Y 554 L6 MEM0RktiDLtyt TO: FROM: DATE: S CT Be -. ck and Lifson, P.A. Telecommunications Clients and Other Interested Pa—,Les Nit. Thomas D. Creighton, Esc., ylr. YIr. StepheaJ. Gu�erm, Esq. EXHIBIT R. Bradley, _sa. and lure 2 ,7 , 1999 AT &T Con v Cirr of Pori �d LN'TRODUCTION ne 1, 1999, a landmark decision was issued by the United States Dlsu Court for the District e regon. In the matter of AT &T COIF v City of Portland AT &T and TCI chalensed a city ordinance and a coumY resolution requinng AT &T to allow intemet serrice providers (ISPs) not a=iiaced with AT &T to connect their ecuioment directly to AT&T's cable modem alai orm b gassing ®Dome, AT &T's proprie ary cable LSP. AT &T and TCI claimed that , the open access rr�uiremenr was pree by federal mm regulating cable television; violated the First ? mencimem: , Co **+**+em - Clause, and Contract Clause of the United Stares Consrinttion, and the Coffiact Clause of the O re gon Constitution; and breached the oardes' franc agrem.-me AT &T bro this action before the United States District Court for the District of Oregon for declaratory relief against the City of Portland and Multnomah Contay. The parties IIed cross Motions for Summary Judgment. The Court ruled in favor of the City of Pordaod and Mulinomah Cotnny. Mt U►11 / M• • • • •Ib p • / M •e 1 • .1/ •A /L11 Ylr /� 1 • \11 . 1 1 1 �: 1 .11• t1 /••\ • • !• •1 /1111 1 • 1 •' / MI 1 • 11 1 \ � • • .1• • .IIn 1.11• It I • 1111 ' r 1 .t1 • y .t / • 1 / ^ I ••111• 1!1 •,1.11•• til • 1 1 • • • 1 � •/1 .'1 • I• ' •• ! • 1 • r 4 • t1 • I. mot• 1 1 � • 111 • • • 1 111.11 %Y • 1 • /11 • 11 .1 • •• • • • • • 1.1• • • • 1 • ••C 1•Y.•l.fr • _ 1 r•1• IIIIwI •1 /•• • / 11.1• • 1 •1 1 ./1 • • 1111 • � • .11 • • • I Ill• J• • • / .•11•F. Y. Y 1 • • •I • • Yt •11 • W 4 •1• • M11 • . • ! • / ..y1• � • . • • •Inn 3 •INI 1 • • 1 • +•Ilnn . 1 • 1 b .� 1 • 1 • I • u u • 1 u1.a1 • . I • •• u•r. •• �. 6Y' u • . • S On December 17, 1998, the City and County adopted mandatory access provisions. On December 29, 1998, AT &T rejected the mandator, access provision. On January 7 and S. 1999. the Ciry and Ceunrr sated that AT &T's rejection "restlted in a denial, effective December 29, 1998, . of AT &T's request for a change of control in new TCI franchises." AT &T and TCI hen fled this ac:-on in United States District Court for the District of Oregon. THE 1996 TELECONE LZVICATIONS ACT DOES NOT PREEIiPT THE LOCAL ORDINANCE VD RESOLUTION The issue the Court decided was whether the City and County had the power to regsLe access to the cable modem platform as a condition of proving AT &T's takeover of the TCI cable franchises. In dete the issue the court first examined whether the Telecommunications Act of 1996 preempred the local ordinance and resolution. The Court held that Courts have long recognized the City's power to promote competition in the local economy and that if Congress intended to oreemnt a power traditionally held by state or local government, it must make its inte "ummistakably clear" in the statute's warding. Therefore, since Section 556 of the Telecommunications Act showed chat Congress intended to interfere as little as possible with existing local government authority to regulate cable franchises, the Court held the Telecommunications Act of 1996 did not preempt the City and County ordinances. The Court also held that the Telecommunications Act of 1996 did not preempt the local ordinances and resoiutions, because local fra.nchisina authorities have the power to determine whether a change A of ownership or control would "e li'mimu or reduce competition." 47 U.S.C. § 533(d)(2). The Court held that the franchising authorities' power to prohibit a change of control includes the lesser power to impose conditions under which it will permit a change of control. • The Court rejected AT &T and TCI's contention that the mandator✓ access provision was preempted because it attempted to regulate AT &T as a common carrier. 47 U.S.C. § 541(c). Likewise, the Court rejected the notion that the open access requirement imposed any technical conditions of AT &T's use of its cable modem platform. 47 U.S.C. § 544(e). It also rejected AT &T's argument that the open access requirement was preempted because it imposed requirements regarding the provision or content of cable services. 47 U.S.C. § 544(f)(1). The Court held that as applied, the open. access requirement is content neutral, affecting only economic a AT &T also argued that the open access provision would force AT &T to -carry particular programming. 47 U.S.C. §§ 531, 532, 534, 535. The Court rejected this argument, holding that the requirement did not force AT&T to carry any particular programming Instmd AT &T must allow unaifiliared ISPs physical access to its facilities. AT &T had accts to subscribers indirect altGady agreed C1>at It would allow cable competing M. . OPEN ACCESS REQUMM%IENT DOES NOT VIOLATE CONSTTIT]TIONAL LAW Second, AT &T argued that the open access requireme violated the First Am= men,, Commerce CIause and Contract Clause of the United States Constitution and the Contract Clause of the Oregon Constitution. The Court found that the oven access requ irement was an economic regulation and aid not farce AT &T to carry any particular spe -._h, and therefore, was not in violation of the f=irst :amendment. The Court went even further to hold that even if the open access requirement did vioiate • 2 AT &T's free speeca nahts. the requirement passed the Supreme Cour.'s rest for reasonableness 902 use the onep access provision was within the cpnsrru enal power of the City and State as it ers the subs anna governrnentai interest in prese ^; ing :-=erition, the gover:amentai interest cs unrelated to the suppression of free speech, and the incidental restriction on f ee spe ch is no greater than necessar+. Since the open access requirement would only affect cable se ^nce in the Portland metropolitan area only, the Court heid the provision did not violate the Commerce Clause of the Unired Sates Constitution. The Court also held rhat the open access requirement did not violate the Conrract Clause of the united States Constitution and the Oregon Constitution because the open access provision was related to AT &T's legal oualifications to assume control of TCI's cable franchises, and because the open access provision did not substantially impair AT &T's contractual rights under the franchise agreements. THE OPEN ACCESS REQLnRENIEN'T DOES NOT VIOLATE THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS Finally, the Cour addressed whether the open access provision consdruted a breach of the aancaise agreements. The Court held that the open access requirement did not conflict with the terms of the franchise agreements, and that AT &T had no contractual right under the franchise agreements to exclude competitors from the cable modem platform. The Courc reasoned that the franchise agreements did not Limi the factors that the City and County could consider in deciding whether to approve a change ir control of the cable franchises. Even assuming that the substitution of AT &T should be considered a transfer rather than a change in control, the Court found that the City and O mty may reasonably consider the affect of a transfer on competition. CONCLUSION For all of these reasons, the Court ruled in favor of the Ciry of Portland and tifulmcmah County. This is a landmark decision in support of a local franchise authority's right to require a cable operator, that is not subject to competition, to open access to its cable lines to ISPs. The decision however, has been annealed to the United States 9` Circuit Court of Appeals. In addition the e will likely be a petition for FCC preemption filed before the FCC. FCC Chairman, V illiatn Kennard, recently blasted the decision, stating, "we have to have a national standard in this area." Our firm will keep you advised of significant developments in this important case. _ UA=blcC ULMPORTL\ND v .{TAT ULMO.wal Resolution I�_ RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF AND CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS IN A CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE TO MEDIACOM LLC, OR AFFILIATES THEREOF WHEREAS, the cable television franchise ("Franchise ") of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota ( "Authority") is currently owned and operated by Triax Midwest Associates, L.P. ( "Triax "); and WHEREAS, Triax intends to transfer the Authority's cable system to Mediacom LLC ("Mediacom") pursuant to that certain Asset Purchase Agreement dated April 29, 1999 (the "Triax/Mediacom Agreement "); and WHEREAS, the Authority has received a request for consent to the transfer from Triax to Mediacom ( "Triax/Mediacom "); and WHEREAS, no notice of breach or default under the Franchise has been issued by Authority within the past 12 months and none is outstanding; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that subject to certain conditions which must be met, Mediacom possesses the requisite legal, technical and financial qualifications; • NOW, THEREF BE IT RESOLVED, that the Triax/Mediacom Transfer is hereby consented to by the Authority and permitted conditioned upon: 1. Securing all necessary federal, state, and local government waivers, authorizations, or approvals relating to Mediacom's acquisition and operation of the system and Franchise to the extent provided by law; 2. Reimbursement of all reasonable fees incurred in the Authority's review of the proposed transaction; 3. Agreement by Mediacom not to move the channel location of the public, education and government channels without Authority approval; 4. The successful closing of the Transaction described in the Triax/Mediacom Agreement; 5. Mediacom's acceptance of the current cable franchise; 6. Non - waiver by Authority of any unlmown yet existing franchise non -compliance issues; 7. Non- waiver by Authority of any right to dispute here- to-date unaudited franchise fee payments: 8. Non - waiver by Authority of any right to require franchise fee payments on future services delivered by Mediacom via the cable system; is BE TT RESOLVED FURTHER, that nothing herein shall be construed or interpreted to constitute any approval of, consent to or support for any proceeding currently pending before the FCC, or any other federal, state, or local government waivers, authorizations or approvals, other than that transaction described above. BE TT RESOLVED FURTHER, that nothing herein shall waive or diminish any lawful authority of Authority in the future to require Mediacom to offer nondiscriminatory open access subject to applicable law, nor shall anything herein diminish or waive any lawful rights of Mediacom regarding Authority's authority to impose such conditions. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that Mediacom may, from time to time, assign, grant or otherwise convey one or more liens or security interests in its assets, including its rights, obligations and benefits in and to the Franchise (the "Collateral ") to any lender providing financing to Mediacom ( "Secured Party"), from time to time. Secured Parry shall have no duty to preserve the confidentiality of the information provided in the Franchise with respect to any disclosure (a) to Secured Party's regulators, auditors or attorneys, (b) made pursuant to the order of any governmental authority, (c) consented to by the Authority or (d) any of such information which was, prior to the date of such disclosure, disclosed by the Authority to any third party and such party is not subject to any confidentiality or similar disclosure restriction with respect to such information subject, however, to each of the terms and conditions of the Franchise. ADOPTED this _ day of , 1999. loM'r UAcabfekHuW1 i 5MI\Mdi-- T'mQc R=6m— Wpd 2 rM Administrator A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS TO FINANCE AN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY (SECOND CENTURY HOUSING PROJECT) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the "City "), will meet in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall, l l l Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota, at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 14, 1 999, to consider giving host approval to the issuance of revenue bonds by the City of Le Center, Minnesota (the "Issuer") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C and pursuant to a joint powers agreement among the City, the Issuer and other municipalities to finance a project described below to be undertaken by Second Century Housing, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (the "Company'). Description of the Project: The project consists of the acquisition by the Company of the following assisted living housing facilities: 1. 175 East Denyane, Le Center, Minnesota 26 units 2. 945 century Avenue, Hutchinson, Minnesota 42 units 3. 511 West Blue Earth, Lake CrysW, Minnesota 24 units 4. 206 Third Avenue NE, Mapleton, Minnesota 18 units 5. 113 First Street SW, New Richland, Minnesota 19 units 6. 700 Knight Street, St. Peter, Minnesota 42 units The maximum aggregate estimated principal amount of bonds or other obligations to be issued to finance the Project will be 512,000,000. The Company will be the initial owner or operator of the Project The bonds or other obligations, as and when issued, will not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance upon any property of the City or the Issuer, except the Project and the revenues to be derived from the Project. Such bonds or obligations will not be a charge against the general credit or taxing powers of the City or the Issuer, but are payable from su ms to be paid by the Company pursuant to a revenue agreement. At the time and place fixed for the public hearing the City Council of the City will give all persons who appear at the hearing an opportunity to express their views with respect to the financing of the Project. Written comments will be considered if submitted at the above City office on or before the date of the hearing. Further information concerning the Project may be obtained from the City Administrat during normal business hours. Dated: August 10, 1999. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA By Its city Administrator . Extract of Minutes of a Meeting of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on Tuesday, the 14' day of September, 1999, at P.M. The following members were present: and the following were absent: Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION GIVING HOST APPROVAL TO THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (SECOND CENTURY HOUSING PROJECT) The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member , and after full discussion thereof and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 0 1073483.1 r-,b RESOLUTION GIVING HOST APPROVAL TO THE • ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (SECOND CENTURY HOUSING PROJECT) WHEREAS, Second Century Housing, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (the "Company"), desires to finance the acquisition of a total of 171 units of assisted living facilities located in six different Minnesota cities as described on Exhibit A including a 42 -unit facility located at 945 Century Avenue in the City of Hutchinson (collectively, the "Project "); and WHEREAS, the Company has proposed that the City of Le Center, Minnesota, issue tax exempt revenue bonds in the approximate aggregate principal amount of $12,000,000 (the 'Bonds ") to finance the Project pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C; and WHEREAS, in connection with the issuance of the Bonds it is proposed that a Joint Powers Agreement be entered into among the City and the Cities of Le Center, Lake Crystal, Mapleton, New Richland and St. Peter, Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59; and WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, requires that each governmental unit in which facilities to be financed by the Bonds are located must approve the issuance of the Bonds following a public hearing; and 0 WHEREAS, a public hearing on this matter was held by the City on the date hereof; and WHEREAS, the Bonds are payable solely from revenues of the Company, will not be a general or moral obligation of the City, the Cities of Le Center, Lake Crystal, Mapleton, New Richland and St. Peter, or any other political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, but will be payable solely from revenues of the Company, to the extent and in the manner provided in the documents executed in connection with the issuance of the Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The City hereby gives the host approval required under the Internal Revenue Code to the issuance of the Bonds and to housing program financing of the Project. 2. In no event shall the Bonds ever be payable from or charged upon any funds of the City; the City is not subject to any liability thereon; no owners of the Bonds shall ever have the right to compel the exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay any of the Bonds or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City; the Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the City; and the Bonds do not • 1073483. i • constitute an indebtedness of the City within the meaning of any constitutional, statutory, or charter limitation. • 3. The Joint Powers Agreement is hereby approved in substantially the form now on file in the office of the City; and the Mayor and Administrator of the City are authorized to execute the same in the name of and on behalf of the City. In the event of the disability or the resignation or other absence of the Mayor or Administrator of the City, such other officers of the City who may act in their behalf shall without further act or authorization of the City do all things and execute all instruments and documents required to be done or to be executed by such absent or disabled officials. The approval hereby given to the Joint Powers Agreement includes approval of such additional details therein as may be necessary and appropriate and such modifications thereof, deletions therefrom and additions thereto as may be necessary and appropriate and approved by the City Attorney and by the City officials authorized herein to execute the Joint Powers Agreement prior to their execution; and such City officials are hereby authorized to approve said changes on behalf of the City. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, this 14`" day of September, 1999. Mayor Attest: City Administrator • 1073483.1 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF MCLEOD CITY OF HUTCHINSON I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Administrator of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a full, true and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said City duly called and held on the date therein indicated, insofar as such minutes relate to a resolution giving host approval to the issuance of revenue bonds and authorizing execution of a Joint Powers Agreement (Second Century Housing Project). WITNESS my hand this _ day of 1999. City Administrator 1073483.1 0 • EXHIBIT A Description of Housing Program The following facilities will be acquired by Second Century Housing, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation: r1 �J Current Owner Welcome to Our Home, Inc. Country Neighbor's Home, Inc. Country Neighbor's Home, Inc. Country Neighbor's Home, Inc. Country Neighbor's Home, Inc. Welcome to Our Home, Inc. 1073483 -1 A -1 5 Ib Number of City in which Assisted the Development Living is located Units Addres Hutchinson 42 945 Century Avenue Lake Crystal 24 511 West Blue Earth Le Center 26 175 East Derryane Mapleton 18 206 Third Avenue NE New Richland 19 113 First Street SW St. Peter 42 700 Knight Street r1 �J Current Owner Welcome to Our Home, Inc. Country Neighbor's Home, Inc. Country Neighbor's Home, Inc. Country Neighbor's Home, Inc. Country Neighbor's Home, Inc. Welcome to Our Home, Inc. 1073483 -1 A -1 5 Ib SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA FOUNDATION 020) 587 -4948 The SWMF is a private, nonprofit regional foundation with a mission of supporting social, cultural, and economic growth in the eighteen counties of southwest Minnesota. Fxx Since our inception in 1986, we have invested over $19.5 million in our region through (320) 587.3838 our grant and loan programs. ,,, The enclosed fact sheet reveals that over the past 13 years we have invested $553,929 in Hutchinson, Minnesota This investment has been in the form of loans and grants to ewxnf®hutchtetnet worthy projects in your community, and a partial list of those who have received funding is on the reverse side of the fact sheet. cwnry Req TO: MARLIN TORGENSON - MAYOR GARY PLOTZ - CITY ADMINISTRATOR t02 Main St. So. COUNCIL MEMBERS Suite -208 challenge because they know that we are a permanent resource for southwest ch FROM: SHERRY RISTAU - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR F0 Box 428 Hutchinson DATE: SEPTEMBER 9, 1999 Minnesota $575,000 to the SWMF. We greatly appreciate this support and hope that it will RE: CONTRIBUTION REQUEST 55350 SWMF in your city budget for the next fiscal year. Lincdn As you may have been informed, I will be making a presentation at your upcoming Phone city council meeting to provide an update on the Southwest Minnesota Foundation (SN) 594 -9480 (SWMF) and answer questions regarding our request for a contribution. 020) 587 -4948 The SWMF is a private, nonprofit regional foundation with a mission of supporting social, cultural, and economic growth in the eighteen counties of southwest Minnesota. Fxx Since our inception in 1986, we have invested over $19.5 million in our region through (320) 587.3838 our grant and loan programs. ,,, The enclosed fact sheet reveals that over the past 13 years we have invested $553,929 in Hutchinson, Minnesota This investment has been in the form of loans and grants to ewxnf®hutchtetnet worthy projects in your community, and a partial list of those who have received funding is on the reverse side of the fact sheet. cwnry Req Last November, the SWMF received a challenge grant from The McKnight Foundation. For every financial contribution we receive, McKnight will contribute an equal amount, up to $3 million, to our general endowment. McKnight offered this 3,y J,nw challenge because they know that we are a permanent resource for southwest ch Minnesota, and they want to strengthen our ability to invest in our region. n Over the years, cities in southwest Minnesota have contributed more than $575,000 to the SWMF. We greatly appreciate this support and hope that it will continue. We hope that you will consider including a charitable contribution for the L Parle SWMF in your city budget for the next fiscal year. Lincdn t We are requesting that the City of Hutchinson considers $1 per capita to leverage >ietend McKnight Foundation dollars to build our permanent endowment. M,Ae Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to my meeting with a. you next Tuesday. \ f iDesume Rtdurx �mille R xk <„n 'm �,w Gledic e M FOUNDATION BUILDING THE FUTURE OF SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA The Southwest Minnesota Foundation was established in 1986 as the Southwest Minnesota Initiative Fund, one of The McKnight Foundation's six Minnesota Initiative Funds. Today we are the Southwest Minnesota Foundation, an independent, non - profit, regional foundation. We work in the eighteen counties of southwest Minnesota and believe that the people who live in our communities know our communities best. The Southwest Minnesota Foundation invests in projects and programs that will enrich our region. We enhance the cultural and social growth of southwest Minnesota, providing financial, technical, and administrative support to projects which strengthen our communities, youth, people of color, and the aging. We advance economic growth in our region by providing gap financing and business enhancement grants for new and expanding businesses. Regional Highlights Through June 1999 • Approved 692 grants totaling over $7.4 million • Disbursed 249 business loans totaling over $12 million • Created and retained over 3,600 jobs • Developed an endowment fund with assets over $13.9 million • Established the Paul & Alma Schwan Aging Trust Fund with assets over $3.7 million Investments in Hutchinson, Minnesota (see examples on reverse side) • 16 Grants totaling $ 153,929 • 4 Loans totaling $ 400,000 • Region -wide Grants over $1,200,000 The mission of the Southwest Minnesota Foundation is to be a catalyst, facilitating opportunities for economic, social, and cultural growth by promoting philanthropy, leadership, innovation, and collaboration for our eighteen county region. 102 Main Street South, Suite #208, PO Box 428, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone: (320) 5874848 or (800) 594 -9480 Biosolids Drying Facility Hutchinson, Minnesota Project History Iff.DONOHUE' Ra..t,o With b Concept Master Equipment Facility Project Driver Examination Planning Selection Equipment Conceptual Facility Final 1992 1994 1997 1999 Procurement Design Design Construction Equipment Facilities Conceptual Conceptual Layout Layout Class A Processes Drver Tvoes Lime Stabilization • Direct Project Composting Conceptual b • Indirect McCormick Bid Construction Cost 40 CFR Part 503 (180 days Drying Construction Cost (Equipment Only) $2,629,738 storage) Estimate $1,294,500 $1,999,300 Too High Class B Processes Project Format Notice to Proceed • Conventional Haul to MCES • Equipment August 26, 1999 b Cake Storage Liquid Storage Pre - purchase Re- Evaluate - Schedule b Approach - Equipment Variations • Scrubber/ Backwash Iff.DONOHUE' Ra..t,o With b CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT • To: Hutchinson City Council From: Julie Wischnack, AICP, Director of Planning/Zoning/Building Christie Rock, Director of Economic Development Date: September 9, 1999 — Meeting Date September 14, 1999 Re: Consideration of Interim Ordinance Support for Highway 22 Study There was a meeting held on August 3, 1999 between the County, City, Joint Planning Board and MNDOT. At that meeting, it was determined that there be a steering committee appointed to meet and discuss the Highway 22 Bypass study. The Steering Committee consists of: Tim Ulrich (HCDC), Sheldon Nies (County Board), Jeff Haag (City Council), Bob Anderson (Joint Planning Board) and Pat Weideman (MNDOT). The Steering Committee, Joint Planning Board, and the Economic Development Authority are in support of an interim ordinance, in some fashion. (See Attached Documents) In summary, all of the groups supported a moratorium which would last until January or February of 2000. The County Board representatives, who attended the August 3, 1999 meeting, requested support from other entities, if an interim ordinance (moratorium) would be adopted. Attached is a memorandum from Richard Schieffer, City Attorney, explaining an interim • ordinance. It should also be noted, that a public hearing at the County Board level is required. The tentative dates for consideration by the County Board would be: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 (discussion/information) and Tuesday, October 5, 1999 (public hearing). Staff is requesting the Council's direction. If the Council chooses to support adoption of an interim ordinance, the following items should be discussed: I . Length of moratorium 2. What types of permits /applications would be prohibited during that time? (i.e. rezoning, subdivisions, conditional use permits, variances, building permits, etc.) 3. The area to he included (staff will have a map of the areas suggested by the other entities). Cc: Larry Gasow, McLeod County Zoning Administrator LJ MOM Notes from Highway 22 Bypass Corridor Study August 3, 1999 • Persons attending included: Roger Berggren (McLeod County), Holly Kreft (McLeod County), Patrick Weidemann (MNDOT), David Rylee (MNDOT), Dave Johnston (MNDOT), Bill Arndt (JPB), Richard Schmidtbauer (JPB), John Rodeberg (City Engineer), Robert Anderson (JPB), Grant Knutson (McLeod County Commissioner), Timothy Ulrich (Hutchinson EDA), Don Erickson (City Council), Marlin Torgerson (Mayor), Sheldon Nies (McLeod County Commissioner), Melvin Dose (McLeod County Commissioner), Ray Bayerl (McLeod County Commissioner), Larry Glasow (McLeod County), Bob Windel (Hutchinson EDA), Dolf Moon (Hutchinson Parks Dept.), Steve Madson (Hutchinson Police Chief), Kay Peterson (City Council), Frank Fay (interested party), Christie Rock, Presenter (Director of Economic Development), and Julie Wischnack, Presenter (Director of Planning/Zoning/Building). The presenters asked the group positives and negatives regarding corridor development. The following were answers to the positive: more jobs available; decrease traffic downtown; can provide for proper planning; no spot zoning; quick way to flow traffic around the City; increase in property value; protects MNDOT's investment in highway development; fast part in the ring road concept; appeals to prospective businesses in the area; keeps the City thriving; opportunity to control development; opportunity to expand services; the corridor plans for safety enhancements; fast/efficient corridor; must have an orderly plan balanced with property ownership rights; 5" Avenue extension (coordinating); a plan would help facilitate development and people will not waste their time because they will have solid planning information. The following were answers to the negative: costs of infrastructure and availability; rapid growth; takes away from businesses within the City; adds traffic congestion and safety issues; access issues because of spacing, difficult to control; Main Street will be bypassed; agricultural uses are threatened or restricted; inefficient use of land; safety concerns; lose investment if development is not controlled; loss of topsoil from construction, is land still suitable for development; must be able to coordinate efforts with the desires of existing home owners. The presenters explained the objectives of conducting a corridor study: identifying property owners; redefine or provide a more definitive land use designation for the area; determine potential environmental impacts of development; discuss and consider orderly annexation policy; facilitate orderly and sequential growth; determine need and availability of infrastructure; review access management guidelines and policies. The presenters went on to explain the community involvement process, timeline and communication techniques. The presenters asked the group if they would consider a moratorium for this area. A majority of the group felt that a moratorium was necessary. The persons who were not comfortable with the moratorium idea were asked why. The answers included: concerns about property owners rights; what the time frame would be; and what the moratorium would prohibit. Discussions continued that the moratorium could go until the end of the study (January). The group thought the moratorium could include rezonmgs, land use applications, and industrial/commercial development. The persons who were uncomfortable felt that if a moratorium would be adopted, it would need support from all the different entities. The group also discussed having a steering committee instead of the larger group to have meetings. A majority felt that was appropriate. Although, there was discussion about possibly adding more representatives to the group (i.e. township board member, citizen, etc.). After the discussion it was decided that one representative from each of the following groups would make up the steering committee: County Board, City Council, EDA, Joint Planning Board, and MNDOT. The presenters concluded that the next step would be the steering committee would need to meet and discuss the moratorium issue and set up citizen meetings. • 0 0 r1 FBI ' September 8, 1999 McLeod County Commissioners McLeod County Courthouse 830 11'' Street East Glencoe MN 55336 Dear McLeod County Commissioners, This letter is to explain the discussions and recommendations of the Joint Planning Board regarding the Highway 22 Bypass Study. The Joint Planning Board members were in agreement that an interim ordinance (moratorium) should be passed by the County. The split vote, reflected in the attached minutes, was as a result of which applications should be excluded from the moratorium. The board recommended that a moratorium be adopted on the following applications: building permits, rezonings, and subdivisions. The Board would recommend excluding building permits for casualty loss situations, grain and feed storage buildings. They recommended the moratorium last until January of 2000, which is the anticipated date for the study's completion. If you have any questions or concerns about this correspondence you may contact us at the numbers provided Sincerely, Julie Wischnack, AICP Larry Gasow Hutchinson Director of Planning/Zoning/Building McLeod County Zoning Administrator 234 -4258 8641218 Hutchinson Community Development Corporation City Center Building Telephone (320) 587 -7500 Fax (320) 234 -4240 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 September 8, 1999 McLeod County Commissioners McLeod County Courthouse 830 1 V Street East Glencoe, MN 55336 Dear McLeod County Commissioners: On behalf of the Hutchinson Economic Development Authority Board of Commissioners, I am writing to express support for the enactment of an interim ordinance that would prohibit development along the new TH 22 bypass until the completion of the corridor study being conducted by City and County staff. As you are aware, the objective of the corridor study is to recommend more appropriate and definitive land uses than those outlined in the City of Hutchinson's Comprehensive Plan. We anticipate this area of the County will experience development pressures once the road opens in late fall. We want to be prepared for this growth. The corridor study will enable us to manage and plan for development more effectively. At its last meeting on August 27, 1999, members of the Hutchinson Economic Development Authority (EDA) recommended that a moratorium on development be issued for land adjacent to • the TH 22 bypass. More specifically, an area extending east of the city limits to include the west half of sections four and nine and one parcel ownership west of Omega Avenue and north of old TH 22 extending to one parcel ownership north of TH 7. The moratorium should also include the South side of TH 7 extending to the east line of section 33. The Hutchinson EDA recommended the moratorium include restrictions on most building permits, rezonings, conditional use permits, platting and land divisions. Exceptions include building permits for residential or agricultural accessory buildings, improvements to existing structures, replacement of structures due to fire or casualty loss, septic system repairs /replacement and variance requests. According to Director of Planning Julie Wischnack and Director of Economic Development Christie Rock, the corridor study should be completed by early January. Therefore, the Hutchinson EDA recommends that the moratorium be enacted for a period lasting no longer than six months. Thank you very much. Sinc 1 , Tim Uhich President, Hutchinson Economic Development Authority • Hutchinson jnrr ��rrMr+.�'hrp /J.: irrrrox � — . HIGHWAY 22 CORRIDOR STUDY Steering Committee Minutes August 30, 1999 Members: Tim Ulrich Sheldon Nies Jeff Haag Bob Anderson Guests: John Christianson Staff: Christie Rock, City of Hutchinson and Julie Wischnack, City of Hutchinson Roger Berggren, McLeod County Patrick Wiedemann, MNDOT The meeting was called to order at 4:40. 1. Welcome and Introductions Christie Rock welcomed and thanked everyone for coming to the first Highway 22 Corridor Study Steering Committee meeting. She then invited people to introduce themselves and identify which group they represented. 2. Appoint facilitator for Steering Committee meetings Christie and Julie Wischnack asked the group to consider appointing a facilitator for the Steering Committee. Both Christie and Julie felt that it would be more appropriate for one of the group members to facilitate discussion rather than a staff person. Bob Anderson recommended that Tim Ulrich be nominated to serve as facilitator. Tim accepted the nomination. The group agreed that Tim would serve as facilitator for Steering Committee meetings. 3. Review minutes from August 3, 1999 meeting The first order on the agenda was to review the minutes from the August 3 large group meeting. 4. Review update map Next, Julie presented the Steering Committee with an updated map of the property owners along the corridor, wetlands, county ditches and current zoning. She noted that the property owners along the north side of TH Highway 7 were added at the request of the large group. She invited the Steering Committee to identify discrepancies. ?ck-" 5. Moratorium (Temporary Interim Zoning Ordinance) discussion The most important item on the agenda was the moratorium discussion. Julie provided the group with a memo from the City's zoning and planning attorney Dick Shieffer. The memo outlines the legal requirements of placing a moratorium (temporary interim zoning ordinance) on development in the corridor. Mr. Shieffer refers to MN Statute 394.34. The Statute states that a temporary interim zoning ordinance can be put into effect for up to a period of one year and can be renewed for up to one -year thereafter. He also highlights what types of restrictions should be included in the ordinance. After significant discussion, the Steering Committee recommended that a moratorium on development be issued for land adjacent to the TH 22 bypass. More specifically, an area extending east of the city limits to include the west half of sections four and nine and one parcel ownership west of Omega Avenue and north of old TH 22 extending to one parcel ownership north of TH 7. The moratorium should also include the South side of TH 7 extending to the east line of section 33. As far as the length of time is concerned, both Julie and Christie are hopeful that the study can be completed by early January. The Steering Committee felt strongly that a moratorium is necessary for a successful study, but are concerned that it not be extended into next year's building season. The committee concluded that the moratorium be lifted by the last County Board meeting in February 2000. The lengthiest discussion took place regarding restrictions and/or exceptions to be included in the moratorium. Ultimately, the Steering Committee decided the following: Restrictions - • Most building permits (see exceptions); • Rezonings; • Conditional Use Permits; • Platting; and • Land divisions Exceptions — • Building permits for residential or agricultural accessory buildings; • Building permits for improvements to existing structures; • Building permits for the purpose of replacing structures due to fire or casualty loss; • Building permits for septic system repairs/replacement; and • Variance requests The moratorium request should go before the County Board on September 21, depending on whether a public hearing is needed. Julie will check with Dick Shieffer. Julie and Christie requested that several members of the Steering Committee attend the County Board meeting and be prepared to present the request and/or answer questions. • 0 6. Community involvement Following the moratorium discussion, the Steering Committee briefly discussed community involvement. The committee agreed that open houses held at a number of different times and possibly locations was the way to go. Julie and Christie indicated that they would prepare a number of options to be presented to the community for their review and consideration. The open houses will tentatively be scheduled for late October or early November. 7. Next meeting date and agenda Finally, the Steering Committee set its next meeting date and time for Tuesday, September 21, at 4:30 p.m. in the front conference room at City Center. The agenda will highlight the results of the County Board meeting and continued discussion regarding community involvement. 8. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Christie Rock LJ 7 w 06/30/99 10: 33 0612 542 9210 -------- -- - - - - -- MEMORANDUM To: Julie Wischnack, Planning Director, City of Hutchinson From: Richard J. Schieffer, City Attomey R) Subject: Adoption of Ordinances; Enabling Legislation Interim County Zoning Ordinance Date: August 27, 1999 ® 002 /004 You have requested information on methods available to prohibit development of the land adjacent to the portion of Minnesota Highway which is under construction and which lies outside the City of Hutchinson, but within the adjacent township and within the jurisdiction of the Hutchinson Joint Planning Area Board. McLeod Courtly, through its Board of Commissioners, has the authority to enact a Temporary Interim Zoning Ordinance under Minn. Stat. § 394.34 which has been in effect and has remained unchanged since it was enacted in 1959. A copy of that statute is attached. This statute provides, in part, that if a county intends to conduct a land use planning study to consider a comprehensive plan, or official controls, or any amendment to either, the county may enact a Temporary Interim Zoning Ordinance on an emergency basis to regulate uses of land within the area which is under study. This Temporary Interim Zoning Ordinance can be effective for up to a period of one year and can be renewed for up to one year thereafter. First, a couple of clarifications about the language of the statute. The statute says that the study can address changes to `officlat controls! The term "official controls' is not defined under the county enabling legislation, but it is defined under municipal enabling legislation. See Minn. Stat. § 462.352 Subd. 15. 'Official controls' specifically applies to counties, towns and cities under that statute and includes such things as zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, site plan regulations, sanitary oodes, building codes, official maps, and any other regulation which controls the physical development of the county, city or town. The county legislation at Minn. Stat § 394.34 describes the Temporary Interim Zoning Ordinance and then goes on to refer to it as an "interim resolution' My opinion is that it must be in the form of an ordinance and that a resolution would not be effective. 0 C� 08/10/99 10:11 $812 342 9210 ---------- - - - - -- ® 003 /001 Ll Julie Wixhasc -k, Planning Director, City of H=hinsm Page 2 August 27, 1999 In the event your committee would like to consider a request to the County Board to adopt a Temporary Interim Zoning Ordinance to halt development in the Highway 22 Corridor while the Hutchinson Joint Planning Area Board makes a study, the committee should consider whether all forms of development will be prohibited during this period of time. This includes a prohibition on the issuing of building permits, variances, rezonings, conditional use permits, platting, land divisions, septttr§ystems and other sewer installations, and any other development controls within the County Zoning Ordinance which apply to this area, such as driveway permits, curb alts and the like. In addition, your committee may want to consider how to handle the rebuilding of structures which may be destroyed by fire or other casualty, the construction or enlargement of agricultural buildings, the enlargement of homesteads, the construction of decks on homesteads, and other types of development, the prohibition of which may create some hardship to the owner in those instances in which the particular type of development would not be detrimental to the planning process. In the event any portion of the area to be studied lies within the city limits of the City of Hutchinson, a similar Interim Ordinance could be adopted by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson under authority granted to municipalities by Minn. Stat. § 462.355 Subd. 4. RJS /pb 8 -27 -99 Attachment 0 C ose30i99 10:34 V612 512 9210 Q004/004 1� § 394.33 Nob t Township zoning regulaaa protmdgand be- tore dw adtoi& of cmmg reptledom would continue m eflecdw only mute as Wxy ware not incoamumr whh the county rclule, time county after the adoption of the coty reguia- tlom. OpAuy.Gea, NTH. ftm4 5, 1963. z FaFaeemsa[ Comq board to required to enforre town �s or dwances only wbere the t own has and en[otcemeat S v°S oq counq S& of Cora'm 1979, 281 N.W.2d 659. Under This arcdon towue rauld ratan the pater to I M ppm eda and m6oree and dndo- board ordina a t and ma e b Arty.Gea. 4'tlh May ta.ra COUNTIES, COUNTY OFFICES, REGIONAL AUIIS 394.34. Iatarlm zoning 3 Peetlomri were entitled to preb Binary i unction resrrai" town hvm tavierneca pzoWiont of iu zoning ced_ce reciatdfyig n light Industrial Bias tuned in cotmry ordi dance as re identW and agriculnual, in view p likelihood of aroeew of pbauLb and r*la>ita hardships to tits park %- Berpgren V. Tawn d Da urh. 1961. 304 N.W2d 24. 4. Fese Tom evold retain park dedicaam few a , posed by 4 but comparable kw imposed b7 county .rubd1e61m room adopwd by rods tY puauaoi to 6LSA. ch 394 could ant be collected in conneedm with land wbdhirlen 1, taata. OPAUi,.Geo. No. 441-h. Sum 30, 1989. If a county is cooducdzk& or in good faith intends to conduct studies within a reasonable time, or has held or is holding a hearing for the purpose of considering a comprehensive plan or official controls or an amendment axtension, or addition to either, or in the event new territory for Which m zoning may have been adopted, may be annexed to a municipality, the board in order to protect the public health safety, and general welfare may adopt as an emergency measure a temporary interim zoning map or temporary interim. zoning ordinance, the purpose of which shall be to classify and regulate time and related matters as constitutes the emergency. Such interim resohvlon shall be limited to one year from the date it becomes effective and to one year to renewal thereafter. Laws 1959, c. 559, § 14. Law Review and Josernal Cesnmmmis Hold order, ere btdidang parmib, dtr*tim and validity . 49 tine a ate. 109 Nov. 1%4). L Effecthv dap 3 Yundc0abdue 2 Notes of Decisions 1. m gttatral Whet* an®rJtat dap ie tut ayaa&ble m estate lish a omtpnheative pun for mhOMLod ernes Of a county, the cotmq board rosy a nWigh 7uh 8. 1 ;; 0 06 cooaols. OPAM.Gem, 983-6. z sttmrlp P ut-- by of lesIzIanars,, alp general prtndpfes confemag broad pdim pow. am haw atnhairy to adopt: moratorium aadf - otdlasacw of a 4missd duration provided &k. are enacmd in good f&ah and wkhoot nation. MinquM v. Two of hbnban, 1970 308 bGna 52, 245 N.W 819. 342 Normally the Whctwe dap of an retains to county zoning is rot depen publiratim boer er where the ad¢ —, stand that a should be "fn full effect tram and after its paoage, apt publication u provided by law eb dam would M the ptrMlodou date_ Gen.. 125& -46, Nov. 26, 1965. • Hutchinson Fire Department A. Purchase '' /z ownership of the rural pumper, to better utilize this extremely expensive equipment. We recommend having this truck appraised. Sell one of the city pumpers; we will take the recommendation of the city mechanic and city Lieutenant on which one. Estimated total net cost of this project in the year 2000 $20,000 B. Purchase a new rescue truck with the townships we serve, then sell the 1985 truck we now use. Estimated total net cost of this project in the year 2000 $70,000 C. Purchase new aerial truck, then sell the 1975 truck we now use. Estimated total net cost of this project in the year 2001 $520,000 0 Finance Director, Ken Merrill will discuss funding these projects E • law Hutchinson Fire Department Aerial Equipment: -25 years of good service -In 1974 the council approved the need for aerial equipment / it is hard to take a service away -We have around 70 unsprinkled apartment buildings in this city; this is a life safety issue -Any block on Main Street, unsprinkled, the buildings are insured but our concern would be the people that live above them and the firefighters we put in the building and on the roof to rescue them -When the Aerial goes up the building comes down, defensive firefighting tool/rescue tool -We as a fire department are also concerned with public expectation The 1974 -75 100' Ladder truck We took it to every city call / maybe just to use the pump or the ground ladders Firefighter and public comment had us change call procedure / only respond to multi - family, commercial type calls Not user friendly: Hard to shift Hard to turn 49 mph on a long straight away Last ladder test, it twisted to the limit allowed Firefighter safety A new aerial will incorporate a new pumper into the system; we hopefully can get a few more years of service out of our other oldest pumper We feel we received our years of service out of this truck 0 Sketch' of Replacement Ve h AR Cost r� �� }t�0! ,000 i 5� .,.V 4 d i • .SS�m 1 .:! r a e L.• V p t � +a'p is t 4 ',�; a j �, 'r �,%�' 'r , y a m ' i i i �bx.� r r3 7 „r �_.. ;• . §�•, a ': ' f i �b Lx � •y r ��. CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1 61040 Finance Department September 4, 1998 McLeod County has submitted the contract for assessing service for 2000. The new contract is base upon 4,862 parcels with a per parcel charge of $6.80 for a total cost $33,062.00. i The per parcel charge has increased by $.20 or 3 %. For 1999 the contract was $31,310 based upon 4,744 parcels @ $6.60. H 1 \ \ ax,®rii. wno E f m ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN LOCAL UNIT AND COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the City Of Hutchinson and the County of McLeod State of Minnesota, this* 1st day of January , 2000 . WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson wishes to abolish the office of assessor for said City , under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.072, and enter into an agreement with the County of McLeod to provide for the assessment of the property in said City by the county assessor: and WHEREAS, it is the wish of said county to cooperate with said City to provide for a fair and equitable assessment of property; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS HEREIN CONTAINED, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: L. That the City of Hutchinson which lies within the County of McLeod and constitutes a separate assessment district, shall have its property assessed by the county assessor of McLeod County, beginning with the assessment of the year 2000 , providing this agreement is approved by the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota. 2. It is further agreed that the office of local assessor of the C Of Hutchinson is hereby abolished, pursuant to this agreement and the approval of the Commissioner of Revenue, and that such office shall cease to exist for the duration of this agreement, which shall be until DeCEmber 31, 2 000 3. In consideration for said assessment services, the City of Hutchinson hereby agrees to pay the County of McLeod the annual sum of t 00.00 such payment to be made to the county treasurer on or before December 1. 2000 4,862 parcels 8 $6.80 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement this day of , In Presence Of: For City or Township Signed: In Presence Of: By Attest For County: Signed: By Attest The above agreement is hereby approved by the Commissioner of Revenue this day of , Matt Smith, Commissioner of Revenue CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department September 10, 1999 The City Council must set a date for our Truth In Taxation hearing. The following legislative restrictions apply: *Date must be set by September 15, 1999 *Hearing cannot be any earlier than November 29, 1999 nor later than December 20, 1999. *McLeod County date is December 2. The City may not conflict with county dates. *Hutchinson School district 423 has been set for December 7 with a continuation date of December 14. City may not conflict with school district. *City may not adopt the budget and tax levy at hearing first hearing. With the above parameters it was suggested to have Monday, December 6, 1999 beginning at 5:30 p.m. we could then adopt the budget at the regular meeting of December 14, 1999. • M. CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. jj a RESOLUTION SETTING TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING DATE FOR TAXES PAYABLE 2000 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT a hearing a prescribed by State Law entitled Truth In Taxation is hereby established as follows: Monday, December 6, 1999; 5:30 p.m. Said meeting shall be convened at the Hutchinson City Center; 111 Hassan Street S.E; Hutchinson, Minnesota in the City Council Chambers Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of September 1999 Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator • CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 1132 2000 PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT a PRELIMINARY NET ( after HACA deductions) tax levy for the City of Hutch- inson for 2000 is hereby set in the amount of $3,269,023 The detail for this levy is as follows: Before After HACA HACA HACA General 2,387,426 Library Armory 7,000 Equipment 13,516 EDA Total General Fund 2,407,942 568,494 1,839,448 General Obligation Bond (17,700) Library 83,800 16,915 66,885 Recreation Building 53,000 10,698 42,302 H.A.T.S.Facility 156,400 31,569 124,831 Total Gen. Obligation Bond 293,200 59,181 216,319 Improvement Bonds 0 (25,000) 1989 74,500 74,500 15,038 59,462 1990 225,000 225,000 45,415 179,585 1991 180,000 180,000 36,332 143,668 1992 175,000 175,000 35,323 139,677 1993 150,000 150,000 30,277 119,723 1994 190,000 190,000 38,351 151,649 1995 269,400 269,400 54,377 215,023 1996 108,000 108,000 21,799 86,201 1997 167,700 167,700 33,850 133,850 1998 167,700 11,800 2,382 9,418 Total Improvement Bond 1,551,400 313,144 1,213,256 TOTAL TAX LEVY 4,252,542 940,819 3,269,023 Adopted by the City Council thisl4th day of September 1999 Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator M CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department September 10, 1999 John Rodeberg, Julie Wischknach and myself have been meeting with representatives from Ehlers & Associates to discuss future financial options for capital improvements of the city. A draft of the document is nearing completion and we would like to review it with the city council It would be requested to have a council workshop to discuss this document and if time permits budget issues prior to the city council meeting of September 28, 1999 beginning at 4 p.m. x, \ \pia. wen f 1 3T CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT N To: Hutchinson City Council From: Julie Wischnack, AICP, Director of Planning/Zoning/Building Date: September 9, 1999 — Meeting Date September 14, 1999 Re: Consideration of revised final plat — Rolling Meadows Consideration of revised subdivider's agreement — Rolling Meadows The applicants have requested a change to the final plat of Rolling Meadows. This plat was approved in July of 1999. The proposed revision is in the area of the storm water pond ( Outlot A). The developer wishes to reserve property to construct a trail ( Outlot E) at some point in the future, which would be owned by the Homeowners Association. The Homeowner's Association will also own Outlot B. The City would have an easement over Outlot E to access the stormwater outlot ( Outlot A). If the change on the plat is approved, the subdivider's agreement must be revised. A copy of the revised agreement is attached. Cc: Sorenson & Naustdal Properties, LLC • 0 IN n SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT ROLLING MEADOWS CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the day and year set forth hereinafter by Sorensen & Naustdal Properties, LLC, a limited liability company, Fee Owners, hereinafter called the "Subdivider "; Norwest Bank Minnesota South, N.A., hereinafter called the "Mortgagee; and the City of Hutchinson, a Municipal Corporation in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "City"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Subdivider is the owner and developer of property situated in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, which has been surveyed and platted as "Rolling Meadows ". WHEREAS, City Ordinance No. 464 and 466 requires the Subdivider to make certain improvements in the subdivision; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall be responsible for all work associated with site preparation and grading. All areas within the final plat, but outside of the rights -of -way, shall be graded to within 0.5 feet of final grade to allow for proper drainage and the installation of utilities. The entire right -of -way and the ponding area shall be graded to within 0.2 feet of final subgrade, as noted in the approved improvement plans for the project. Any and all unstable soil conditions or soils unsuitable for construction in the right -of -way shall be corrected and/or replaced. The ponding/drainage areas (Outlots A & B) shall have a minimum of 4" of topsoil placed in areas proposed for prairie grass /flowers. The Subdivider shall clear trees and/or debris from utility easements and rights -of -way, as per the request of the City or utility, prior to installation of the improvements. All soils shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% Standard Proctor Density. All work shall conform to the approved Site Grading Plan, and shall be completed prior to the commencement of construction on the site. r1 LJ Ro6'ing Meado*s age 1— Revised 8x% 2. Subdivider shall complete all work noted in Paragraph No. 1, and provide a written verification from a professional engineer or surveyor, prior to installation of utilities and/or issuance of building • permits. It is agreed and understood that this development will be constructed in stages, with the final grading of each stage completed in stages also. This work must be approved by City staff and related utilities to allow for extension of utilities to serve the site. Any costs associated with these requirements shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider, except as noted in paragraph I.3. below, and are not financed through the City. 3. It is understood and agreed that the City of Hutchinson shall contribute to the cost of constructing the storm water pond within Outlot A based on the percentage of area draining to the pond that is not within the plat of Rolling Meadows. This percentage has been calculated as being 31% City (non- Rolling Meadows) contribution and 69% Rolling Meadows. The City agrees to pay for 31% of the value of the land area, grading and landscaping cost within Outlot A. Landscaping work shall consist of low- maintenance plantings and/or native prairie grass. The Subdivider shall install and pay for all construction and landscaping costs in Outlot B. The City shall agree to accept the dedication of Outlot A with the understanding that all general maintenance of said Outlot shall be the responsibility of the City. The City shall have the right to cross Outlet E (trail property) by separate easement, for purposes of maintaining the pond. It is understood and agreed that this maintenance shall be limited to prescribed care of native prairie grass and shall not be deemed to mean mowing. Outlet B shall owned and maintained by the subdivider, their heirs, assigns or homeowners association. The City reserves the right to assess certain costs in the future if major improvements are needed that are beyond general maintenance. 4. It is agreed and understood that natural gas or electric distribution mains and services will not be scheduled for installation until all provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section have been met. Staging of this work has been discussed, and will be allowed pending written approval from Hutchinson Utilities and Hutchinson Telephone. 5. The Subdivider shall provide all turf establishment and erosion control necessary to protect the utilities and street improvements on the entire site. The Subdivider shall also provide all erosion control during site grading work, prior to infrastructure construction, necessary to meet local and state requirements. The entire site shall be planted with perennial rye grass or other erosion control plantings, following completion of site grading. 6. It is understood and agreed that it shall be the Subdivider's responsibility to provide survey control points for all infrastructure and site construction. 7. It is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall be responsible for assuring that building construction is completed in conformance with the preliminary plat and grading plan. It is essential that the vertical and horizontal locations of the structure are verified to avoid conflict with infrastructure and potential drainage damage. Any costs associated with correcting these conflicts shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider. II. ASSESSMENTS 1. The Subdivider hereby petitions the City to construct lateral and trunk sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances, lateral and trunk watermain and appurtenances, sanitary sewer service leads, water Rolling MeadawvPage 2 — Revised Mg OY service leads, lateral and trunk storm sewer and appurtenances. curb and gutter, street grading, street base, street surfacing, street signs and lighting, and appurtenances to serve the entire plat. • 2. It is understood and agreed that the City under one or more contracts will install the improvements in Paragraph No. 1. It is also agreed and understood that, at the City's discretion, bituminous wear course shall be constructed in Phase 1 and assessed after approximately 60% of all homes are constructed, but no later than the year 2003. These costs will be assessed at the time of the improvement, and are not included in the initial development project 3. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of said improvements in Paragraphs No. 1 and No. 2 shall include contracted costs, city administration and engineering costs and capitalized interest cost at the rate in -place at the time the improvement occurs. 4. It is understood and agreed that the total cost of said improvements in Paragraph No. 1 shall be assessed on a per unit basis for all costs associated with said plat. Due to the added cost to Phase 1 infrastructure due to construction of the pond and related storm sewer and other infrastructure development, it is agreed that a portion of the assessments may be spread as follows: Blocks 1 through 4: Active 69.0% of assessable costs, evenly divided among all lots Block 5: Deferred 2.5% of assessable costs, evenly divided among all lots Block 6: Deferred 7.5% of assessable costs, evenly divided among all lots Block 7: Deferred 9.0% of assessable costs, evenly divided among all lots Block 8: Deferred 6.0% of assessable costs, evenly divided among all lots Block 9 Deferred 6.0% of assessable costs, evenly divided among all lots 5. It is understood and agreed that Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Connection Fees will be • charged per current City Policy. These charges will be collected with building permits. Rates for 1999 are $550 /unit for sanitary sewer and $325 /unit for watermain. 6. It is understood and agreed that any agreements regarding the method and procedure for assessments from municipal improvements shall, at the sole option of the City, cease to be effective thirty-six months following approval of the Subdivision Agreement by the City. The City may exercise the option granted herein by giving written notice at any time, either before or after the expiration of the thirty six month period, of the City's intention to nullify the method and procedure for spreading assessments under the terms of the Subdivision Agreement. In the event the City so elects, all assessments subsequent to the notice shall be spread and imposed pursuant to Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes or other applicable laws. The written notice called for by this paragraph shall be given to the fee owner of the property as disclosed by the records of the McLeod County Recorder or Registrar of Titles. I11. OTHER FEES, CHARGES AND DEDICATIONS 1. It is understood and agreed that a Parks and Playground Contribution will be made to the City. Current City policy calls for a contribution of $135 /unit. This rate is subject to change, based on the rate in -place at the time of payment. The contribution, per unit, shall be remitted with the building permit at the rate in effect at the time of permit issuance. • Raft MeadowvPsge 3 — Remed 93499 2. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall dedicate a trail easement to the City of Hutchinson 7 feet in width, located between a point 33 feet from the centerline of Golf Course Road . and a point 40 feet from the centerline of Golf Course Road. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall, prior to installation of utilities, pay connection fees for Electric and Gas Service to Hutchinson Utilities for all units to be served in the final plat. These costs are $200 /unit for 200 -amp Electric Service, and $150 /unit for Gas Service or as in affect with Hutchinson Utilities at the time of development. These fees include the standard connection to each house, and include required meters. Services larger than the standard residential sizes will be at an additional cost. IV. GENERAL It is understood and agreed that all local, state and federal permits required to be obtained for the development shall be the responsibility of the Subdivider. 2. This agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the heirs, representatives, assigns and successors of the parties. 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall record this agreement at the McLeod County Recorder's Office or McLeod County Registrar of Titles Office, and that no Building Permits will be issued until said Agreement is recorded and a certified copy of this agreement is provided to the City. The Subdivider shall pay all costs associated with said recording. 0 • Sorensen & Naustdal Properties, LLC (Subdivider) Signature Bruce Naustdal Print Name Signature Denise L. Naustdal Print Name Title Signature Signature Kon R Sorensen Diane M. Sorensen Print Name Print Name Title Title STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 19� by Bruce Naustdal COUNTY OF Denise L. Naustdal Kon R. Sorensen and Diane M. Sorensen of Sorensen & Naustdal Properties, LLC Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires Rolling Mea bo sge I - Revised 9'M • , • Norwest Bank Minnesota South N.A. (Mortgagee) Signature STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Print Name & Title The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 19� by Notary Public, My Commission Expires County, Minnesota APPROVED BY THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THE _ DAY OF 19_ • CITY OF HUTCHINSON: MARLIN TORGERSON, MAYOR GARY D. PLOTZ, CITY ADMINISTRATOR STATE OF MINNESOTA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 19� by Marlin Torgerson, Mayor, COUNTY OF and Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator of the City of Hutchinson. Notary Public, My Commission Expires THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: John P. Rodeberg, Director of Engineering/Public Works Hutchinson City Center I I I Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 -2522 (320 - 234 -4209) County, Minnesota • • • Ro" Meacbws� ➢age 5 - Revised 9W PREVIOUS F I NAL PL ROLLING MEADOWS N Mt 1 7 - \�\i- •n.w r N / / 1 • LI • \ r if u / \• �\ 4• w ' rr 1 / • � • R{EPJ1�1'1{161Rls��t' + Y 'r�••/.•r. I • ul � .« '�w� I I I /1'•. � r r. wr . rr. w..r r /rr�r�_r. r.r IOOf• fj q � — ,rM .Mr.•��r..w. I 1 IYr « •��,, " � ""_ ai ' .�� ""V. � " I.IY. �:lY :. •I SIT AI �3:.'L.'I.wC i'L'i rw�'l'r- 'SY`•. w.r.rr�r_r. .t Insc:F _ J 'r ir.r. 1•Y.FTrr'Y..IY i r— �., � .r�.rr lrwrrw. Ar..w.Y...q.M —� MOpI T / ul .�. Y I � 1 t / � / / I I I / • rwor• •� �r..rs.r.YYr.... �. Y. w w..w w rr1`r: �r..�r:« tiT.iwl _ «w r..rrr rr,r w.� Iw.. t•O.l A Yi.... Yw1r• M r Yr4.wr.. w.wr•.r w w_ r Y -- yam• r. Y w • 6 •/A� Li{R r R�"j I = ..... w �_ ......,,... $ 111 TIIN a•N• �oorcw w/lo AOflb• .,•`w. / ..I +IYYti I I •�/,�A r. r. �...1 ..� r�r..w4 r...r Y..�ww lH..r I rl�I.wwY. +rr./I...Y.w...l.•1./. Y.I \I1M4 w.. w..YYt .Y.4• M.Y.. rw..rr.r A....\ w u.w •.wr.rw.r W ... �/..rwr•rr.n rrr J:,:. _ r r►r r.w.r•rr .1. r w•rrrrrrwr r..w _r. w• Irr w� Y I.w Y I` MM w.y.l •.r w.iY MA +YIYr ..M M.r.rr..i r��1w I� .Ywwrw +, �,'ir rrwr rw r • —� _ w.. rrr• �/� f rA IM.iY•'IY.I.w wr.r./r•rrl.r.r wY Y.Y.1 Y.w. rww Y w. M .w.'I /�.11�! \.rY YY Y•Y• Y ��/ w ���.MwVw M•...L Yr WMWw I�..�r4.. r1r .r..wM1Yw.MwY✓.ww./tirYMr.RYI.YY Yw Yrrrw.�r \I..Y ..IA• w IFw w /• W Y /.r.w �•lw....1. '�w� I I I /1'•. � r r. wr . rr. w..r r /rr�r�_r. r.r IOOf• fj q � — ,rM .Mr.•��r..w. I 1 IYr « •��,, " � ""_ ai ' .�� ""V. � " I.IY. �:lY :. •I i'L'i rw�'l'r- 'SY`•. w.r.rr�r_r. .t Y� J 'r ir.r. 1•Y.FTrr'Y..IY i �., � .r�.rr lrwrrw. Ar..w.Y...q.M —� • 6 •/A� Li{R r R�"j I = ..... w �_ ......,,... $ 111 TIIN a•N• �oorcw w/lo AOflb• .,•`w. / ..I +IYYti I I •�/,�A r. r. �...1 ..� r�r..w4 r...r Y..�ww lH..r I rl�I.wwY. +rr./I...Y.w...l.•1./. Y.I \I1M4 w.. w..YYt .Y.4• M.Y.. rw..rr.r A....\ w u.w •.wr.rw.r W ... �/..rwr•rr.n rrr J:,:. _ r r►r r.w.r•rr .1. r w•rrrrrrwr r..w _r. w• Irr w� Y I.w Y I` MM w.y.l •.r w.iY MA +YIYr ..M M.r.rr..i r��1w I� .Ywwrw +, �,'ir rrwr rw r • —� _ w.. rrr• �/� f rA IM.iY•'IY.I.w wr.r./r•rrl.r.r wY Y.Y.1 Y.w. rww Y w. M .w.'I /�.11�! \.rY YY Y•Y• Y ��/ w ���.MwVw M•...L Yr WMWw I�..�r4.. r1r .r..wM1Yw.MwY✓.ww./tirYMr.RYI.YY Yw Yrrrw.�r \I..Y ..IA• w IFw w /• W Y /.r.w �•lw....1. Z D Q A J J W 0 9 1211 OUTLOT A 6 L II le I SKETCH AND DESCRIP__- rN FOR r / SORENSEN NAUSTDAL PROPi !ATIES, LLC N OUTLOT A. ROLLING MEADOWS L -an 101 ouwr � ew r,ow\ 0 0 1 EIGHTH AVENUE NW ; N R- 15M '-- -- ----- M.M - - L•nx . p.Y•I I•Y• p.�•t 2 � b z PARCEL AREAS z 0 � N_ —.. 0 P>nl A 4291 Acres 0 q Pornl B nwe Acme 3 r W Z W X F - O..vWs. 0 Z D Q A J J W 0 9 1211 OUTLOT A 6 L II le I O r / L -an 101 'e 0 0 1 Z i 0 I � I i � io a 2 0 a = � N b b_ L -MID t - ' [.M, R. 2600 � NAW'00'C I ISW -�,` - -_� X•IS00 SEVENTH UE NW w,o..oe iel pt M]. KIiG kj.v►SEO V IWor L .V. L_A'r ^ tA • RESOLUTION NO. 11323 AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM FIRST FEDERAL FSB, HUTCHINSON, MN WHEREAS, First Federal fsb of Hutchinson, Minnesota, A city depository, has requested the following security to be released under the collateral agreement with the City of Hutchinson: FNMA 1993 -138F (930830K00004) 08 -25 -23 $1,000,000 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Finance Director be authorized to release the security. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of September 1999. is Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator • Z — • RESOLUTION NO. 11324 ACCEPTING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM FIRST MINNESOTA BANK Whereas, First Minnesota Bank has requested the following security be pledged to the under collateral agreement with the City of Hutchinson: FHLB 3133MOP21 $320,000 07 -02 -12 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Finance Director be authorized to accept the securities. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of September 1999. 0 Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator �— 1,4 OPEN -HOLA COUNCIL REPORT 24 -AUG -1999 (11:53) page 1 --- -- --- ------------------------- 1980 TIDS -------- -------- JOHNSON, LEONARD G. ------ - - ---- -__-_-___----_-- SEPTEMBER PAYMENT _- _____- $812.76 $812.76* 3 IMPR. CONST BRAUN INTERTEC CORP PROFESS SERV - CENTURY AVE EXT $9,780.00 JUUL CONTRACTING CO LABOR, BACKHOE, SKID, MATERIAL $3,496.00 SRF CONSULTING GROUP PROFESS SERV -TH 15 $69,195.19 WM MUELLER & SONS LABOR HOURS -LETT #11 $720.00 < *> $83,191.19* AIRPORT RENOVAT. TKDA PROFESS SERV- AIRPORT CONST $74,682.28 < *> $74,682.28* CAP.IMPRO.FUND UNITED BLDG CENTERS CREDIT ON ACCOUNT - $60.00 G * ' - $60.00* CENTRAL GARAGE ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO PARTS, LABOR -FUEL SYSTEM $1,193.70 BRANDON TIRE CO STEMS, SERVICE CALL $197.84 CENTURY COLLEGE REG FORKLIFT TRNG -K WICHTERMAN $110.00 DYNA SYSTEMS DRILL BITS $29.09 HARMON AUTOGLASS WINDSHIELD, LABOR, KIT $415.29 HOLT MOTORS INC PARTS $260.23 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE FILTERS $32.97 MANKATO MACK SALES PARTS $2.73 MTI DIST.CO BOLT, WHEEL $16.45 SORENSEN FARM SUPPLY HOLDERS $9,59 ST.JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC HOUSING, SHIPPING $131.40 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO FLASHERS, AUTO PARTS $89.39 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $76.63 < *> $2,565.31* GENERAL FUND AMERICAN BOTTLING CO, THE AUG POP $148.65 ANDERSON, JILL REFUND - CANCELLED SWIM LESSONS $22.00 ANDERSON, LOIS REFUND - CANCELLED SWIM LESSONS $20.00 AUTOMATION SUPPLY CO DISKS $33.74 B T & COMPANY LABOR- REPAIR LOUVER DAMPER $1,100.00 BARR ENGINEERING CO PROFESS SERV - SURFACE WATER $780.17 BAUERLY BROS INC. EXTERIOR SLAB $1,167.08 BENAGE, JODEE REFUND - CANCELLED SWIM LESSONS $22.00 BENNETT OFFICE SUP. TONER $306.29 BERGLUND, JAY UMPIRE GAMES $255.00 BERNICKS PEPSI COLA JULY POP $1,794.80 BETKER, PAUL REFUND LOT SPLIT APPLIC $50.00 BILLIET, BOB REFUND- CANCELLED GYMNASTICS $15.00 BRAND, JUDY T- BALL -11 DAYS $275.00 BRANDON TIRE CO TUBE, MOUNT /DISMNT $16.15 BRANDT GARMET LETTERING UNIFORMS $788.30 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS DRAGON NATURALLY SPKING $1,014.31 CADD /ENGINEERING SUPPLY SLUELINE PAPER $109.36 CAMERA SHOP DEVELOP & PRINT $9,76 CARR, KRISTIE REFUND - CANCELLED DANCE $19.50 CASH WISE PICNIC $307.33 CENTRAL GARAGE AUG VEHICLE RENT $14,600.00 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1999 MEMBERSHIP -STEVE MADSON $80.00 CHIEF SUPPLY CORP VHS TAPES $180.92 CHRIS HOFFMANN DRYWALL SHEETROCK, TAPING, ETC $468.50 CHRISTENSEN REPAIR SHARPEN CARBIDE BLADE $5.40 COAST TO COAST UPS $7.85 CROW RIVER PRESS INC NEWSLETTER PRINTING $1,869.69 CROW RIVER VET CLINIC JULY SERVICES $289.14 DALLMAN, ANITA REFUND SWIM LESSONS $20.00 DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DNR FEES TO STATE $820.00 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY EXEMPTION INVOICE $20.00 DJ'S MUNICIPAL SUPPLY LUTE RAKES $114.77 DOOR SERVICE OF ST. CLOUD ALLISTER TRANSMITTER $39.08 ECOLAB PEST ELIM AUG SERVICE $39.41 ELK'S 14 YEAR BASEBALL TEAM 20 WORKERS- KIDDIE CARNIVAL $200.00 FOOD -N -FUEL JULY CAR WASHES $30.69 FORCIER, GARY REIMS -SAW BLADE SHARPENING $2.40 GENERAL SECURITY SERVICES CORP REPAIR VCR, SHIPPING $301.20 GEORG MARTI SR TOUR -26 PEOPLE $52.00 HANCE UTILITY SERVICES LABOR- AIRPORT $45.00 /0 OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 24 -AUG -1999 (11:53) page 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL FUND HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT GROUP FLOW TUBE, METER GASKET $622.73 HEERBN, ELAINE REFUND- CANCELLED GYMNASTICS $5.00 HENRYS FOODS INC CANDY, POPCORN $218.40 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE / HUTCHINSON CLEANING SUPPLIES $1,145.94 • HUBLY, CHRIS REFUND- CANCELLED SKATE LESSONS $13.00 HUTCH CONVENTION & JULY LODGING TAX $7,991.67 HUTCH COOP CENEX CHEMICALS $1,103.22 HUTCH FIRE & SAFETY EXTING RECHARGE $39.80 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE MEDICAL SERVICES $376.00 HUTCHINSON TEL CO AUG CHARGES $1,087.14 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES JULY UTILITIES $12,562.61 ICE SKATING INSTITUTE OF AMERI SKATING PATCHES $226.50 IMPERIAL PORTA THRONES AUGUST SERVICE -HS BALL PARK $13.58 INTOXIMETERS INC CARRYING CASE TOP $7.00 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT UNIFORMS $522.02 JEFF'S ELECTRIC MATERIALS, LABOR- ROBERTS PARK $1,083.31 JERA13EK MACHINE SERV BASE ANCHORS $61.34 JOES SPORT SHOP TROPHIES, PLAQUES $266.25 JUUL CONTRACTING CO PVC $331.00 KOEPP, CINDY REFUND SWIM LESSONS $22.00 KRUSSOW, DON SECURITY 3M STEAKFRY $60.00 L & P SUPPLY CO BOLT $301.66 LAIDEMITT, CAROLA REFUND - CANCELLED ADV CAMP $29.00 LOGIS JULY SERVICE $13,602.21 LTP ENTERPRISES SHOP MATERIALS, CEMENT, LABOR $239.76 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER RECORDING FEES $5.00 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER STOP SIGNS $1,769.20 METRO SALES TONER $115.09 MID -MN HOT MIX INC 41 A WEAR $191.95 MIDWEST WIRELESS COMM. AUG SERVICE $1,606.21 MN PUBLIC TRANSIT ASSC REG- BRENDA EWING $130.00 MODERN MAZDA VEHICLE TOW $17.04 MONAHAN, DAN TOURNAMENT WORKER $52.50 NORTH STAR TURF INC GEN TURF MIXTURE, SHADY TURF $217.63 PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH REIMS- CONCRETE WORK $502.50 PETERSON BUS SERVICE MOTOR COACHES -JULY $623.80 PIONEER PAINT $1,193.16 QUADE ELECTRIC BOXES, WORK BOXES $63.49 QUADE, JON REFUND UNUSED LIQ LICENSE $1,166.66 RADIO SHACK STARTAC CLA ADAPT $149.06 RECREONICS PADDED HAND BARS $236.42 R03INSON APPRAISAL CO MARKET VALUE APPRAISAL $1,400.00 • SCHRADER, JEFF UMPIRE GAMES $340.00 SCHWANS SALES ENTERPRISES INC PURCHASE $31.96 SCHWEIZER, JAN REFUND- CANCELLED SWIM LESSONS 42.00 SEVEN WEST WASH & DRY JULY LAUNDRY 38.44 - SHARE CORP CLEANING SUPPLIES $292.64 SHOPKO PHOTO PROCESSING $117.08 SHRED -IT SHREDDING SERVICE $54.95 SIMONSON LUMBER CO SHEETROCK $446.10 SIRCHIE COMBINATION TAGS, RED TAPE $70.80 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING AS PEG & DUES -DAVE ERLANDSON $230.00 SPECTRUM SCREENPRINTING GARMETS $844.00 STANDARD PRINTING MANUALS $1,391.10 STAR TRIBUNE PAPER DELIVERY THRU 11/24/99 $235.71 STUBER, DANIEL REFUND SWIM LESSONS $17.60 SUPERIOR COFFEE & FOODS COFFEE $71.26 TACTICAL ALLIANCE RECONNAISSANCE& HOSTAGE COURSE $2,025.00 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO TIE RAP $84.67 TILTON, DAVID UMPIRE GAMES 153.00 TRI CO WATER COND WATER 150.58 TWO WAY COMM INC BATTERIES 697.53 1129.24 UNITED BLDG CENTERS CREDIT PAINT VIKING COCA COLA AUG POP 72.50 VOSS LIGHTING OPERATING SUPPLIES 93.63 WAL -MART BATTERIES $206.12 WAMBEKE, BEV REFUND- CANCELLED SWIM LESSONS 22. - 00 WANOUS, MELISSA REFUND- CANCELLED FOOTBALL 33.00 WESTERN AUTO FREEZER 212.99 WILSONS NORTH WEST NURSERY INC TREES /SHRUBS 405.77 WITTE SOD ROLLS SOD $32 40 WRIGHT, LEE UMPIRE GAMES $221.00 YERKS, JODI REFUND - CANCELLED SWIM LESSONS $22.00 < *> $87,618.41* OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT s 24 -AUG -1999 (11:53) page 3 ------------- ---- HUTCH COMM DEV.0 ------- ------- --- - - - - -- MIDWEST WIRELESS COMM. -_-----_-_ ____----- ____---- __----- CREDIT __ - - -__ - $98.36 -_- < *' - $98.36* *H TRANS FAC. ALLIED SERVICES OF HUTCHINSON TESS 2 RPZ'S $150.00 CASH WISE CUPS, PLATES $4.73 CITY OF HUTCHINSON JULY WATER /SEWER $344.64 QUADE ELECTRIC BALLAST $26.57 SORENSEN FARM SUPPLY ROLL PINS $1.49 SUPERIOR COFFEE & FOODS COFFEE $35.63 WITTE SANITATION JULY SERVICE $132.21 < *> $695.27* INSURANCE FUNDS HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE EAP SERVICES -QTR 2 $1,781.25 < *> $1,781.25* LIQUOR STORE BELLBOY CORP AUG MISC $1,163.44 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS TRAINING CENTER CLASS $75.00 C & L DISTRIBUTING AUG BEER $31,668.10 ED PHILLIPS & SONS CO. AUG LIQUOR $2,351.85 GRIGGS COOPER & CO AUG WINE $21,443.82 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE AUG BEER $4,212.00 HENRYS FOODS INC AUG MISC $973.44 HERMEL WHOLESALE AUG TOHACCO $373.09 HUTCHINSON CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO CIGAR STAND -SAT & SUN $50.00 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. AUG LIQUOR $12,289.50 JORDON BEVERAGE INC. AUG BEER $3,278.45 LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIST. INC AUG BEER $6,043.65 LEO'S TRANSFER JULY /AUG FREIGHT $931.12 LOCHER BROS INC AUG BEER $32,616.49 MARGRON- SKOGLUND WINE IMPORTS WINE $863.00 MIDWEST WIRELESS COMM. AUG SERVICE -$2.38 PAUSTIS & SONS AUG WINE CREDIT $39.17 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. AUG LIQUOR PURCHASE $566.26 TAI- COUNTY BEVERAGE & SUPPLY AUG BEER $112.75 < *> $119,048.75* Pjj@LIC SITES MCLEOD COOP POWER ELECTRICAL HOOKUPS $4,800.00 REINER IRRIGATION & SEPTIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM- ROBERTS PK $19,828.03 *' $24,628.03* WATER /SEWER FUND AG SYSTEMS MATERIALS $5.40 BAUERLY BROS INC. EXTERIOR SLAB, ECONO -NET FORTA $151.00 BRANDAU, JON � REFUND OVERPAYMENT $12.67 BURMEISTER, JEROME REIMS- MEALS, GAS $29.00 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS WINFAX PRO $116.09 CAMERA SHOP DEVELOP & PRINT $11.21 CASH WISE SOAP, PHOTOS $14.55 CONNELLY, BETSY REFUND OVERPAYMENT $57.34 CONVEYOR DESIGN CONSULTING WORK, MILEAGE $2,925.52 DAKOTA RAIL CROSSTIES $70.00 DETTMAN, EUGENE REFUND OVERPAYMENT $20.94 DEVRIES, RANDY REIMB -ROUND TRIP TICKETS $350.34 DIRECT SAFETY CO RAINJACKET, RESP WIPE $63.17 DYNA SYSTEMS WHEEL TRUST -X, CAP SCREW $378.43 EARTH TECH /RUST PROFESS SERV -HUTCH RMP /PSM $2,766.70 FASTENAL COMPANY SANDER $228.00 FIRST CHOICE LUMBER SPRING HINGES, HINGE $59.32 GOPHER STATE INC JULY CALLS $129.50 HANSEN GRAVEL KEYSTONE ROCK $32.58 HAWKINS WATER TREATMENT GROUP CHLORINE 765.92 HENRY & ASSOCIATES METER CONNECTIONS, GASKETS 118.69 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES .JULY UTILITIES 292.33 JEFF'S ELECTRIC MATERIALS, LABOR -WWTP /SHADY RD 703.49 JOHNSON, DOUGLAS REIMB- MEALS, LODGING, GAS 184.69 JUUL CONTRACTING CO BACKHOE, LABOR, MATERIALS $4,918.00 KOEPKE, JOSEPH REFUND OVERPAYMENT $39.63 KOHLS SWEEPING SERVICE HAULED BIOSOLIDS $2,016.00 KOTTEN, FRED REFIIPF OVERPAYMENT $35.93 KRUSSOW, DON REFUND DOUBLE PAYMENT $201.71 L & P SUPPLY CO LOW VISCOS $18.64 LOGIS JULY SERVICE $3,249.47 • OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 24 -AUG -1999 (11:53) paga 4 -_____ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER /SEWER FUND MACQUEEN EQUIP INC MOTOR $361.32 SALES TAX -JUNE MCCORMICK'S FAMILY RESTAURANT 7/6/99 MEAL $26.59 SALES TAX -JULY MIDWEST WIRELESS COMM. AUG SERVICE $183.75 SALES TAX MN VALLEY TESTING LAB WATER TESTS $98.00 • NAGY, RICHARD REIMB- SAFETY GLASSES $80.00 FUEL TAX NALCO CHEMICAL CO. NALCO FLOCCULANT $8,933.29 NORWEST MORTGAGE INC REFUND OVERPAYMENT $71.09 OLSONS LOCKSMITH REPAIR LOCK $87.50 PEARSON, WAYNE REFUND OVERPAYMENT $41.32 PRAIRIE COUNTRY RC & D COUNCIL PROFESS SERV $3,514.50 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS WARRICK CONTROLLER, MONITOR $598.47 SUPERIOR COFFEE & FOODS COFFEE $82.00 TELXON CORP ANNUAL MAINTENANCE $313.92 US FILTER /ENVIREX LABOR- REPAIR DAMAGED SKIMMER $2,251.87 USA WASTE SERVICES INC LOADS 7/19/99- 7/30/99 $9,616.40 WEF 1999 MEMBERSHIP $174.00 WELCOME NEIGHBOR JULY LISTING $60.00 WILLMERT, JOANN REFUND OVERPAYMENT $35.83 WM MUELLER & SONS CRUSHING BLACKTOP $93,412.80 YOUSEF, BISHARA REFUND OVERPAYMENT $23.34 c *> $139,934.25* $534,799.14* WIRE TRANSFERS 993 GO WATER REVENUE BONDS INTEREST PAYMENT $10,758.75 PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 35,000.00 992 GO REFUNDING REC. BONDS INTEREST PAYMENT 4,172.50 ,IQUOR FUND SALES TAX -JUNE 6,581.00 SALES TAX -JULY 27,232.00 !ATER/SEWER FUND SALES TAX 6,276.00 ;ENERAL FUND SALES TAX -CIVIC ARENA 1,280.00 I.A.T.S. FOND FUEL TAX 572.80 IMMHDIATE PAY COUNCIL REPORT ------------------------------------------ 3ENERAL FUND BCA /CJDN CONFERENCE • BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS CITY OF WHITE BEAR LAKE DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES HUTCHINSON TEL CO MCLEOD COOP POWER MN STATE FIRE MARSHAL DIV HOUSING REDEV PREFERRED LENDERS ----------------- - --- -- REG -JANET BROWN LASER PRINTER, TRAY, CF REG - KILLIAN DNR FEES TO STATE AUG CHARGES JULY UTILITIES REG -BRAD EMANS ECHO TRANSMITTAL 25 -AUG -1999 (08:26) page 1 $60.00 INET 55,858 $375 $919 $293 $461 $50 $8,017 HUTCH TRANS FAC. BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS LABOR, TRAVEL, PARTS < *> LIQUOR STORE CITY OF HUTCHINSON -GENERAL FUN PAYROLL 8/14/99 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. AUG LIQUOR PAYROLL FUND AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 H.R.L.A.P.R. EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 IC74A RETIREMENT TRUST EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTE EE CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT 7/24 PERA LIFE INS CO. EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 PERA- D.C.P. EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 PRUDENTIAL EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 TEMPLETON INC EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 • WADELL < *> & REED EE CONTRIB 7/24/99 SCDP 97 Hsg Reh FIX -IT PLUS GENERAL CARPENTRY WORK WATER /SEWER FUND BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS TONER, CARTRIDGE c *> 57 00 00 94 42 00 93* $1,040.00 $1,040.00* $203.86 $203.86* $8,159.31 $1,295.27 $9,454.58* $690.00 $27.88 $100.00 $177.74 $2,651.15 $162.89 $120.00 $52.02 $75.00 $30.00 $16,939.04 $250.00 $150.00 $21,425.72* $4,962.59 $4,962.59* $165.08 $165.08* $45,269.76* J OPEN-HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 14 -SEP -1999 (16:12) page 1 ______<*'_______________--____ _________________- _____________ _____________________________ ___ 1990 TIDS FIRSTAR BANK OF MINNESOTA INTEREST PAYMENT $2,550.00 $2,550.00* ,7 IMPR. CONST *> HUTCHINSON UTILITIES NEW LIGHTS TO ISLAND VIEW ADDT $857.08 < $857.08* 1998 IMPR. CONST *> REINER CONTRACTING L9/98 EST #1- AUGUST $89,478.67 < $89,478.67* 1999 IMPR. CONST DUININCK BROS INC. L7/99 EST #2 AUGUST $527,536.95 JUUL CONTRACTING CO L5/99 EST #4 AUGUST $6,716.25 < *> WM MUELLER & SONS L10/99 EST #3 AUGUST $137,910.68 $672,163.88* AIRPORT RENOVAT. AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING PROCTOR, AGGREGATE, TECH TIME $2,164.30 GOPHER STATE CONTRACTORS AIRPORT CONST #3 $49,202.40 MATHIOWETZ CONSTRUCTION AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION #3 $192,133.87 < *> TKDA PROFESS SERV- AIRPORT CONST $20,853.76 $264,354.33* CENTRAL GARAGE BRANDON TIRE CO TIRES, STEMS, MOUNT, BALANCE $297.21 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS PRESSURE PLATE, DISC $692.65 CITY OF HUTCHINSON SEPT MEDICAL $432.09 COAST TO COAST HDWE $15.34 FORTIS BENEFITS SEPT LTD $21.45 HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE FLEX PIPE, CLAMP $51.39 HARPER BROOMS MOP BUCKET, HANDLE $153.35 HUTCHINSON LEADER OIL CHANGE BIDS $82.58 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SHOP SUPPLIES $367.41 J CRAFT MUDFLAPS $44.83 M R SIGN MACQUEEN EQUIP INC PARKING SIGN BEARING TAKE UP, ROLL PIN $135.92 $384.98 MN MUTUAL LIFE SEPT LIFE $7.56 NO STATES SUPPLY INC PARTS FOR SHOP $107.70 PLOWMANS REPAIRS TO POLICE #3 $790.15 SCHMELING OIL CO AMOCO 303 15W30 $1,190.72 SCHRAMM IMPLEMENT ELEMENT $113.60 STEPP MFG CO INC HOSE $382.44 SWEENEY BROS TRACTOR SHOP SUPPLIES $1,017.95 TEPLY EQUIPMENT LABOR, MATERIALS -REBLD WTR PMP $398.28 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO BATTERY TERMINALS US POSTAL SERVICE AUG POSTAGE .$123.53 $7.92 WELDING SYSTEMS INC CARBON STEEL $112.94 *> ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS GUTTER BROOMS $745.50 < $7,677.49* GENERAL FUND AAGARD WEST SEPT PAPER RECYCLING $1,528.61 ABDO ABDO & EICK AUDITING SERVICES $5,860.00 AG SYSTEMS PARTS $52.62 ALLIED SERVICES OF HUTCHINSON LABOR -A /C $104.90 AMCON BLOCK CONCRETE BRICK, HALF SQ, SOLID $16.97 AM AMERICAN BOTTLING CO, THE SEPT POP $71.50 ARNDT, BILL SUPPLIES, LABOR, GRILL - PICNIC $120.00 ARNOLD & MCDOWELL AUGUST COMPENSATION $7,066.00 B T & COMPANY AIR EXCHANGE -FINAL PAYMENT $900..00 BAUERLY BROS INC. BCA /TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT VINYL TILE REG -SCOTT SCHUETTE $49.46 BENJAMIN, SHERI REFUND -TIGER KIDS CANCELLED $240.00 $40.00 BENNETT OFFICE SUP. BERNICKS PEPSI COLA SERV CONTRACT $196.65 BRANDT GARMET LETTERING POP PURCHASE POLOS $733.25 BROWNS FLORAL FLOWERS $229.60 BROWNS GREENHOUSE BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS BEDDING PLANTS, POTS $28.56 $61.70 CAMERA SHOP CD WRITER PICTURES $1,072.99 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS BATTERY, CORD $4.41 CARR FLOWERS CASH WISE PLANT, DELIVERY -S MOGARD $54.71 $33.64 CDI OFFICE PRODUCTS LTD CITY PICNIC TRANSP FILM $596.79 CENTRAL GARAGE AUG REPAIRS $138.59 $9,622.00 lo. -A, OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 14 -SEP -1999 (16:12) page 2 GENERAL FUND CENTURY LABS WASP SPRAY, CLEANER $325.90 CHRISTENSEN PIANO SERVICE PIANO TUNE $75.00 CITY OF HUTCHINSON AUG FUEL $35,253.51 CMI INC MOUTHPIECES $29.72 • COAST TO COAST LADDER, PAINT, ETC $881.24 CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN BIDS NOTICE $977.30 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP CR CONCENTRATE $160.26 CURTIS 1000 LETTERHEAD $654.62 DAAK REFRIGERATION REPAIR DISHWASHER $32.00 DANKS, SHERYL REFUND FLAG FOOTBALL $15.00 DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DNR FEES TO STATE $654.00 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY INSPECTION $10.00 DONALD SITZ CUSTOM FARMING SER AIRPORT MOWING $325.00 ELECTRO WATCHMAN QTR CHARGE $683.74 EMED COMPANY DECALS $268.80 EWING, BRENDA REFUND FLAG FOOTBALL- COACHING 15.00 FAMILY REXALL DRUG PHOTOS 54.64 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP SHIPPING CHARGES $18.75 FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSN OF MN 3RD ESSENTIALS -5 PARTICIPANTS $213.00 FORTIS BENEFITS SEPT LTD $1,751.71 GEB ELECTRICAL INC SERVICE CALL, MATERIALS $74.52 GENE'S TOWING TOWING 2 CARS $63.90 HANSEN GRAVEL GRAVEL, SAND $209.25 HANTGE, MARSHA REFUND FLAG FOOTBALL- COACHING $15.00 HARRIS COMPANIES LABOR, MATERIALS -A /C REPAIR $1,818.96 HAUS, SANDY REFUND - GYMNASTICS CANCELLED $13.00 HED, MARILYN REIMB-EE RECOGNITION $60.00 HEIMAN FIRE EQUIPMENT BARRICADE TAPE $1,034.17 HENRYS FOODS INC SLUSH BASE $37.64 HENSEN, MARK REIMB- MEALS, MILEAGE $49.52 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE / HUTCHINSON SQUEEGEE REPLACEMENT $195.98 HOEFT, JUDY REFUND - GYMNASTICS CANCELLED $10.00 HOUSKE- JACKLITCH, ANN REIMB - MEALS, MILEAGE $52.62 HUTCH BOWL BOWLING FOR MAY & JUNE $819.00 HUTCH COOP CENEX LV4 ESTER $886.39 HUTCH GRAPHICS ENGRAVED SIGNS $146.12 HUTCH MEDICAL CENTER HEP B SHOT $95.00 HUTCHINSON LEADER ADV $1,512.98 HUTCHINSON TEL CO WIRING IN BASEMENT & MAIN LVL HUTCHINSON UTILITIES AUG UTILITY $ $8,376.07 6,106.10 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE FHP BELT $100.36 IACP REG -DOUG JOHNSON $360.00 ICE SKATING INSTITUTE OF AMERI SHIPPING CHARGES $4.30 IGH FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER IMMUNIZ HEP B/G NADEAU $70.00 IMPERIAL PORTA THRONES UNIT RENTAL- ROTARY PARK $77.60 INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY CO SELF INKING STAMPS $100.20 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT ZERO GOLD LEVEL II W/ COVER $485.75 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 27" DONUTS, 15" PRINSCO $62.00 K MART FILM $21.06 KARG, LARRY REIMB- SAFETY GLASSES $80.00 KILIAN, AMY REIMB- MEALS, LODGING $103.43 L & P SUPPLY CO BLADES $105.25 LAUER, CYNDI REFUND FLAG FOOTBALL- COACHING $15.00 LEADER, THERESA REIMB - MEALS, MILEAGE $77.73 LORENCE & ASSC HAJICEK APPRAISAL $600.00 M R SIGN SIGNS $123.26 MADSON, LINDA REFUND FLAG FOOTBALL- COACHING $30.00 MCGRAW -HILL COMPANIES STANDARD HANDBOOK -CIVIL ENG $172.21 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER CITY PARCEL UPDATES $83.47 MEEKER SAND & GRAVEL SAND- AUGUST 5 & 6 DELIVERIES $380.49 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY PADS, STRAPS $296.92 MID -MN HOT MIX INC FINES $700.19 MIDWEST WIRELESS COMM. SEPT SERVICE $1,070.80 MINI BIFF UNIT RENTAL -PARK & ARMORY $79.88 MINNCOMM PAGING PAGER RENT SEPT -NOV $54.32 MINNESOTA LIBRARY CONFERENCE REG -MARY HENKE $92.50 MITCHELL, WILLIAM UMPIRE GAMES $371.00 MN COUNTY ATTORNEYS ASSC FORFEITURE FORMS $136.85 MN DEPT OF HEALTH REG FEE -STEVE MOGARD $25.00 MN MUTUAL LIFE SEPT LIFE - COBRA - DOSTAL $580.44 MN SPORTS FEDERATION 12 GIRLS FAST $100.00 MN STATE FIRE MARSHAL DIV REG -PAUL PHILLIPS $50.00 MNAPA REG -JULIE WISCHNACK $420.00 MODERN MAZDA VEHICLE TOW $178.92 MORE 4 CITY PICNIC $780.23 MR. MOVIES VIDEO RENTAL $3.18 OPENIHOLD COUNCIL REPORT 14 -SEP -1999 (16:12) page 3 _______ _______________________________ GENERAL FUND _ _______________________________ NATIONAL FULFILLMENT CENTER BICYCLE FACIL GUIDE _____ $30.00 __________ NO STATES SUPPLY INC SOC SET $280.84 OLSON, JOHN OLSONS LOCKSMITH REIMB- CLOTHING $72.58 • ORTLOFF, BRIAN KEYS, HOME ENTRY, REMOVE LOCK $175.45 P & H /HYDROLOGIC REFUND - SOCCER CANCELLED $20.00 PACK, BYRON RAIN BIRD HOSE REFUND TREE APPLICATION $33.75 $15.00 PARTIES PLUS TABLE ROLLS $62.30 PASCHKE, HOLLY REFUND- OVERPAID GYMNASTICS $9.00 PASCHKE, STEVE REIMB- MEALS, LODGING $105.17 PELLINEN, WILLARD PROFESS SERV - SCHOOL RD $2,740.00 PETERSON, JEFF REFUND CANCELLED GYMNASTICS $18.00 PINKERTON SERVICES GROUP DRUG TESTING $174.00 PIONEER STRIPE PAINT $151.77 PLOWMANS TOUCH UP, LATCH $40.49 POLK & CO,R.L. POLK DIRECTORY $707.16 PRINTS CHARMING YOUTH & ADULT T- SHIRTS $726.50 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLICATI SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL $230.00 QUADE ELECTRIC BULBS, SUPPLIES $7.37 QUAST, GENISE REIMB- POSTAGE $3.96 $3 REINHARD, WENDY REFUND - GYMNASTICS CANCELLED $10.00 RELIABLE HP LASER TONER CART $87.80 RICKEMAN, DONNA REFUND SWIM LESSONS -CLASS FULL $12.00 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE REG -JOHN OLSON $178.00 RUNNING'S SUPPLY LUMBER CRAYONS $411.30 SCHLUETER, HARRY REFUND - CANCEL TACKLE FOOTBALL $33.00 SCHREINER, VICKI REFUND - CANCEL TACKLE FOOTBALL $23.00 SCHUETTE, SCOTT REIMB- MEALS, LODGING, GAS $121.03 SCHWANS SALES ENTERPRISES INC SCHWANS BARS $31.96 SEVEN WEST WASH & DRY LAUNDRY $31.35 SHOPKO SHRED -IT VIDEO CASSETTES $276.47 SIMONSON LUMBER CO SHREDDING SERVICE BIRCH BOARDS, VARNISH SPRAY $114.90 $30.71 SORENSEN FARM SUPPLY EQUIP RENTAL /SAW $119.28 SPECIAL OPERATIONS TRAINING AS REG -THOR SKEIE $105.00 SR.CENTER ADVISORY BD REIMB SEPT NEWSLETTER POSTAGE $230.00 STAMER, BEATRICE REFUND -POOL RENTAL CANCELLED $40.00 STANDARD PRINTING DOT LABELS $88.05 STREICHERS TARGETS, NITRO POWDER $146.29 SUBWAY SUPERIOR COFFEE & FOODS SANDWICHES, CHIPS, DRINKS $38.71 • TEK MECHANICAL COFFEE DOOR LATCHES $180.40 $264.70 TEMPLETON INC AUGUST DEFERRED COMP CONTRIB $303.42 THUL, CURT REFUND FLAG FOOTBALL- COACHING $15.00 TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE BEND FENCE TUBING $105.60 TRI CO WATER COND COOLER RENTAL $104.94 TRI -CITY PAVING CALCIUM CHLORIDE APPLIED $472.50 TWO WAY COMM INC PAGER LEASE $518.66 UNITED BLDG CENTERS AC PLYWOOD $59.03 US OFFICE PRODUCTS OFFICE SUPPLIES $250.69 US POSTAL SERVICE AUG POSTAGE $903.10 US WEST COMMUN SEPT SERVICES $ 166.20 WAL -MART CALCULATOR $42.56 WALDO'S CUSTOM CARPETS MATERIALS, INSTALL, DISPOSAL $344.93 WM MUELLER & SONS BLACKTOP $ 57.83 �_, XEROX JULY COPIER LEASE Sl,2so.00 $114,271.45* HOSPITAL BONDS *> FIRSTAR BANK OF MINNESOTA INTEREST PAYMENT $148,301.25 < $148,301.25* HUTCH COMM DEV.0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON SEPT MEDICAL $432.09 CROW RIVER AREA QUALITY COUNCI REG - CHRISTIE ROCK DOMINO'S PIZZA 3 LARGE PIZZAS $20.00 FORTIS BENEFITS SEPT LTD $37.20 HUTCHINSON TEL CO SEPT SERVICE $27'24 MIDWEST WIRELESS COMM. SEPT CREDIT $136.97 MN BANKERS ASSOC MN MUTUAL LIFE REG - CHRISTIE ROCK -$50.00 $60.00 MNAPA SEPT LIFE $9.66 MORE 4 REG- CHRISTIE ROCK $160.00 PIZZA HUT OF AMERICA INC POP PIZZAS $3.48 49 SUBWAY TWO WAY COMM INC BOXED LUNCHES $44.71 $47.82 STAR TAC $106.45 OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 14- SEP- 1999 (16:12) page ______< #�___ HUTCH COMM DEV.0 __ _________ _____________________ US POSTAL SERVICE __ _________________ AUG POSTAGE $15.95 _____ $1,051.57* • CH TRANS FAC. AMCON BLOCK CONC SOLID, MIXED, PALLET $374.69 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS DT -8000 CARTRIDGE $550.62 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS HYD FITTINGS $329.30 COAST TO COAST LINE CORD, HDWE $82.01 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE / HUTCHINSON PUMP DRUM 8 OZ $95.04 HUTCH COOP CENEX FUEL $7,996.58 HUTCHINSON TEL CO SEPT SERVICE $606.18 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES AUG UTILITY $1,073.37 KLEESPIE MAG STRIPE CARDS $102.73 L & P SUPPLY CO LINE $30.73 PUMP & METER SERVICE REMOVE & REINSTALL REELS $3,000.00 QUADE ELECTRIC MATERIALS, LABOR -HATS BLDG $1,677.19 RUNNING'S SUPPLY PLBG, HDWE $119.75 SUPERIOR COFFEE & FOODS COFFEE $35.63 US POSTAL SERVICE - AUG POSTAGE $11.33 WITTE SANITATION AUGUST SERVICE $74.00 < *> $16,159.15* LIQUOR STORE AAGARD WEST SEPTEMBER SERVICE $46.80 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL TOWEL DELIVERY $169.35 BERNICKS PEPSI COLA ADDITIONAL PYMT #31150 $555.55 BUFFALO CREEK ENTERPRISES BLOODY MARY SEASONING $59.52 C & L DISTRIBUTING AUG BEER $30,591.05 CDI OFFICE PRODUCTS LTD RIBBON $158.83 CITY OF HUTCHINSON SEPT MEDICAL $934.72 CITY OF HUTCHINSON- GENERAL FUN PAYROLL 8/27/99 $7,994.04 DIAMOND CLEAR ICE 20 # ICE PAK $99.00 ED PHILLIPS & SONS CO. LIQUOR CREDIT $2,227.88 ELECPRO WATCHMAN QUARTERLY CHARGE $284.36 FORTIS BENEFITS SEPT LTD $40.41 GLENCOE ENTERPRISE AUGUST ADVERTISEMENTS $75.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO LIQUOR CREDIT $8,974.58 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE AUG BEER $1,869.90 HENRYS FOODS INC AUG TOBACCO $692.62 HERMEL WHOLESALE AUG MISC $15.03 HUTCH PLBG & HTG CO LABOR, PARTS -KEG COOLER $354.00 HUTCHINSON LEADER AUGUST ADVERTISEMENTS $877.41 HUTCHINSON TEL CO SEPT SERVICE $188,24 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES AUG UTILITY $1,234.22 INSURANCE PLANNERS LIQUOR LIABILITY $312.09 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. AUG WINE $8,552.95 JORDON BEVERAGE INC. AUG BEER $1,972.04 KKLN AUGUST ADVERTISEMENTS $110.00 LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIST. INC JULY BEER -3M STEAK FRY $2,258.70 LOCHER BROS INC AUG BEER $13,686.17 LUNDHOLM, LORI CLEAN WINDOWS $42.60 MIDWEST WIRELESS COMM. SEPT SERVICE $3.21 MN MUTUAL LIFE SEPT LIFE $14.49 MN NATIONAL GUARD ENLISTED ASS ADVERTISING $20.00 MORE 4 POP, SUPPLIES $114.86 PINNACLE DISTRIB AUG MISC $376.64 PLUNKETS PEST CONTROL CONTRACT 8/99 -7/00 $210.85 QUADE ELECTRIC BULBS $28.60 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. SEPT LIQUOR $495.31 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUPPLY AUG MISC $378.34 SUPERIOR COFFEE & FOODS COFFEE $33.25 TRI CO WATER COND COOLER RENTAL $99.37 US POSTAL SERVICE AUG POSTAGE $18.15 VIKING COCA COLA AUG POP $366.75 WINE SPECTATOR SUBSCRIPTION $105.00 $86,641.88* PAYROLL FUND AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 $690.00 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 $27.88 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 $100.00 A.P.R. EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 $177.74 ICMA ZCMA RETIREMENT TRUST EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 $2,651.15 MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTE CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT 9/4/99 162.89 PERA LIFE INS CO. EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 120.00 • PERA- D.C.P. EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 $52.02 OPEN. -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 14 -SEP -1999 (16:12) page ________ PAYROLL FUND ---------- ___________ - - _- - - PRUDENTIAL - -------- ------ ----- - -EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 ________________ PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 $75.00 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES TEMPLETON INC EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 $30.00 $16,657.40 WADELL & REED EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 EE CONTRIB 9/4/99 $250.00 < *> $150.00 $21,144.08* PUBLIC SITES *> CITY OF HUTCHINSON- GENERAL FUN PLBG PERMIT & SURCHARGE < $938.75 $938.75* RURAL F. D. *> CITY OF HUTCHINSON AUG FUEL < $57.90 $57.90* WATER /SEWER FUND AAGARD WEST AUGUST PICKUP AM.PAYMENT CENTERS SEPT -NOV BOX SERVICE $30,088.42 BENNETT OFFICE SUP. METER READINGS $76.00 BURMEISTER, JEROME BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS REIMB -STATE FAIR ADMISS, PARK $15.00 $10.00 C OFFICE PRODUCTS LTD MS PUBLISHER 2000 CALCULATORS, VIEW BINDERS $229.79 CENTRAL TRAL GARAGE AUG REPAIRS $578.35 CITY OF HUTCHINSON AUG FUEL $760.58 COAST TO COAST COAST CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES $5,672.53 $216.51 CULLIGAN WATER COND FREIGHT /COOLER SOFTNER RENTAL $ CURTIS R D ONOHUE , RANDY CREDIT WINDOW ENVELOPES $49.28 -$31.68 , DONOHUE & REIMB - MEALS, PARKING, GAS $1,532.34 MSSOC SYSTEMS PROFESS SERV- BIOSOLIDS DRYING HDWE, MISC $35,553.44 FISH FISHER SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIES LAB SUP PLIES $178.97 FORTIS BENEFITS SEPT LTD $360.58 GRAHAM MARION HA COMPANY REIMS- MEALS, LODGING $238.41 $30.43 HARRIS COMPANIES LAB SUPPLIES JULY SERVICE MAINT $161.24 HUTCHINSON LEADER TURNER PUB $1,.00 HUTCHINSON TEL CO UTILITIES INSTALL PHONE SYSTEM $99 $99.81 $6,656.36 IMPERIAL IMPERIAL PORTA THRONES AUG UTILITY UNIT RENTAL- COMPOST SITE $20,$54.36 I E F F'S EL JEFF'S ELECTRIC MARKING FLAGS $54.05 $45.40 MCKIMM MILK TRANSIT INC LABOR, MATERIALS -WWTP MOVE BOXES .23 $$45.00 M KEN REIMB- SAFETY BOOTS $45 IDWEST M MIDWEST WIRELESS COMM. SEPT SERVICE $40.00 MN MN DOTAL LIFE EALTH QTR 3 CONNECT FEES $5,071.00 MN VALLEY TESTING LAB SEPT LIFE TESTING $92.19 MUNITECH INC NALCO CHEMICAL CO. LABOR, MILEAGE, PARTS $2,117.00 $668.78 NCL NALCO CORROSION ZNHIB $6,024.96 PACE ANALYTICAL LAB SUPPLIES BIOSOLIDS TESTING $682.44 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS RUNNING'S SUPPLY LAB OR, MILEAGE - INSTALL CONTROL $376.40 $2,304.84 STAR TRIBUNE STARKE, RANDY GLOVES NEWSPAPER SERVICE THRU 12/13 $121.95 $26.00 TEK MECHANICAL REIMB -STATE FAIR ADMISS $6.00 TRI- COUNTY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERV BEARINGS, BLABORIPBLNCE ROTOR $6.71 US FILTER /WATERPRO METER & PARTS $3,219.09 US POSTAL SERVICE AUG AEG STAGE AUG POSTA $4,330.11 WINTER, LAWRENCE FUEL $1,131.55 < *> WOODS END RESEARCH LAB COMPOSTING MATURITY KITS $133.90 $638.$8 $131,733.39* $1,557,380.87* E IMMErDIATE PAY COUNCIL REPORT 14 -SEP -1999 (16:12) page 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1989 IMPROV. BDS FIRSTAR BANK OF MINNESOTA ADMIN FEES $268.38 <*' $268.38* ASRAL FUND ASSOC. PIPELINE CONTRACTORS LICENSE OVERCHARGE $97.00 BAUERLY BROS INC. SLAB WITH AIR $1,017.78 CAREERTRACK SEMINARS MS2 REG -SONJA PETERSON $179.00 CITY OF HUTCHINSON CASH SHORTAGE $50.00 COMM TRANSPORTATION HANGAR LOAN $700.00 DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DNR FEES TO STATE $1,259.00 HILARY, KRISTIN CPR CLASSES 300.00 HILLIARD FLOOR CARE /HUTCHINSON TOWELS, TOILET TISSUE, GEL 981.38 J.C.PENNEY CO 6 PANTS 200.60 1164.56 L & P SUPPLY CO DRAWBAR HITCH, CHUTE MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER STOP SIGNS - 40 $1,789.20 MDRA REG - MARILYN HID $20.00 MN FALL MAINTENANCE EXPO 10 REGISTRATIONS -FALL EXPO $300.00 PERSONNEL DECISIONS INC 6 TESTS $270.00 SERVICEMASTER MAY SERVICE $1,754.59 < > $9,083.11* HUTCH TRANS FAC. RCH INC DIESEL FUEL $5,263.88 < > $5,263.88* LIQUOR STORE QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. LIQUOR SALES $7,980.96 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUPPLY JUNE MISC $118.25 < > $8,099.21+ PAYROLL FUND AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. EE CONTRIB 8/21 $690.00 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. EE CONTRIB 8/21 $54.30 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. EE CONTRIB 8/21 $100.00 H.R.L.A.P.R. EE CONTRIB 8/21 $177.74 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST EE CONTRIB 8/21 $2,851.15 MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTE CHILD SUPPORT 8/21 $162.89 PERA LIFE INS CO. EE CONTRIB 8/21 $120.00 PERA- D.C.P. EE CONTRIB 8/21 ¢$52.02 PRUDENTIAL EE CONTRIB 8/21 $75.00 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS BE CONTRIS 8/21 $30.00 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES EE CONTRIB 8/21 $16,353.91 TEMPLETON INC EE CONTRIB 8/21 $250.00 WADELL & REED EE CONTRIB 8/21 $150.00 < *> $21,067.01* RURAL F. D. ENGLE FABRICATION TANK REPLACEMENT $29,225.86 < *' $29,225.86* WATER /SEWER FUND MN FALL MAINTENANCE EXPO 1 REGISTRATION -FALL EXPO $20.00 SKB ENVIRONMENTAL COMPOSTER WINDROW MACHINE $170,000.00 THOM, JOHN REG - RICHARD KOSEK $100.00 < *' $170,120.00* M *"S2wYCiah�yyae7 $243,127.45+ 993 GO Water Revenue Bonds- Interest Payment $10,758.75 - Principal Payment 35,000.00 _992 GO Refunding Recreation Bonds- Interest Payment 4,172.50 EMPLOYEE SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 19, 1999 Members present: Dick Ebert, Quentin Larson, John Olson, Brenda Ewing, Joleen Runke, Connie Maki, Mark Larson, John Adt, Mark Weis, Dave Telecky, Keith Messner, Brad Emans, Mary Haugen. Members absent: Randy Starke 1. July meeting minutes were approved. There were 3 injuries and 1 accident the past month. For the year, we are doing very well and there have been no lost time injuries. 3. The person at the Police Department who will be handling the safety badges will not be available for a couple of weeks yet. Hopefully the badges can be distributed before the end of the year. 4. The no smoking & wearing seat belts issue was discussed. In the City Policy book 3.15, it states "All city buildings and all city vehicles are smoke free." And it is the state law that everyone wears a seatbelt. Please discuss this at the department safety meetings. There are no exceptions. The offender can be subject to a fine by the Police Department or disciplinary action by the City of Hutchinson. 5. The League workshop held at the EOC for maintenance people was interesting. About 4 attended from the City, 7 from the County and 1 from another city. 6. CPR training will be held 2 sessions on Tuesday Sept. 21 & 1 session on Thursday Sept. 23. This training is recommended every year for any interested employees. Brad will be coordinating the instructors through the fire department. Sign up sheets have now been distributed to the departments. 7. John Olson will be setting up the forklift training in September. Ken Wichterman is a certified instructor and will be conducting the training. Any employee who operates a skidsteer or loader is required to take this training. The employee safety committee will again have a booth at the Health Fair in November. Blizzard buckets will probably be given away but if you have any other ideas for the booth or giveaways, bring them to the next meeting. Respond has been showing up at some of the sites. John O. will contact Respond to have the Fire Dept. on the route also. It seems to be a continuing battle to keep the service we would prefer. 8. Randy Stance will be the Chair for the Safety Committee in 2000. This year's alternates (you know who you are) will become members and will need to find new alternates. The chicken dinner pool side was very good except for the wasp that was doing the backstroke in Jo's pop bottle. Thanks to Mark Weis for organizing the food! FOR YOUR INEORMATION . Hutchinson Fire Department Monthly Council Update August 1999 The fire department responded to 32 calls for service in the month of August. This is a breakdown of the calls: City Calls: Residential 3 C ommercial/Industrial 10 Multi- Family 6 School Type 1 Haz -Mat 2 Vehicle 1 Rural Calls: Residential 1 Rescue 3 Medicals 3 Haz -Mat 1 Vehicle 1 Drill s/Meetings/Fire Prevention Fire prevention booth at the McLeod County Fair Provided rescue /first aid for the tractor pull and demolition derby at the fair Assisted the BCA with the arson class /we set the fires for investigation purpose Assisted the Stewart Fire Department with a live burn of a downtown store Attended a pipeline safety meeting/ because of the various pipelines in our or close to our fire district Drill on vehicle air bag safety for the rescuer Farm equipment rescue drill/harvest is around the corner Team building drill 0 Arl Office d10Fkh Street SW P.O. dox 327 Willmar, Minnesota 56201 -0327 ne: (320) 235 -6106 III. LIBRARY r LIBRARY SYSTEM Fax: (320) 214 -0187 plst7a pioneeHand.lib.mn.us w FOR YOUR INFORMATION PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM BOARD MEETING Mav 20, 1999 Meeting was called to order by Chair Harlan Madsen at 7:35 p.m. at the Lakeland Auditorium in Willmar. Roll call was taken with the addition of auditor Tom Eischens from Westherg. Eischens. Vanburen and Ruff of Willmar. Chair Madsen declared agenda accepted as printed Motion by Herb Rotunda, second by Amy Wilde to approve minutes of April 15, 1999 meeting. Passed. Committee Reports: A- Finance Committee report was given by Orville Rudningen. Mr. Rudningen made motion to approve revenue and expenditure report for April 1999. Second by LeRoy Sanders and passed. The finance committee recommends approval of the ECSU contract by board. Second by AI Clouse and passed. • Motion by Orville Rudningen to accept Learning Academv grant Second by LeRoy Sanders. Kathy Matson reported that grant was for S 14,300 to be used for equipment and resources for staff training. Discussion. Passed Each board member should pick up their county budget draft. PLS budget draft should be ready for board members for discussion at June meeting. Auditor Tom Eischens reviewed the 1998 audit. PLS assets increased 5500.000 over 1998. There was a grant from U.S. West and other big grants. Motion by Orville Rudningen to accept audit, second by LeRoy Sanders. Passed. B. Personnel Committee report given by Ivey Vonderharr. July 1. 1999 is deadline for insurance bids. Quotes so far were very high one was 110% higher. Committee will compare LMCIT renewal rates (available after Mav 27, 1999) with bids received Several companies did not submit bid because didn t have health histories of the employees. Discussion followed. Will be decided at June meeting. Survey of library staff indicates libraries are using regular staff and volunteers to enter patron data for the new patron cards. C. Technology Committee report given by Ramona Berg -Perry on the regional libmry w MnLINK Gateay resolutions #1 and #2. This resolution needs to be passed by July L 1999. Study at home and be prepared to vote for one of the resolutions at June meeting. D. Agreement Committee report was given by Chair Harlan Madsen on the agreement draft. Board members should discuss this draft with their city council. county boards. managers. attorneys. and • staff for their input. Discussion followed by Teresa Hoepner. Art Abel. Amy Wilde. Madsen. and Onille Rudningen. Old Business: Chair Madsen reported on proposed bylaws change. There can be no officers or member representing dry or musty represented by an officer on personnel committee. Ivry Vonderharr, representin personnel �- comnuttee, spoke on this bylaws change and recommended board pass this change. The committee feels there should be no problems. Discussion by Orville Rud aingen. Bill Knoflicek Darlene Kotdmck . Ivey Vonderharr, Harlan Madsen- Amy Wilde. Motion was made by Orville Rudningen to accept and go ahead with the change of Article V in bylaws Second by Ivey Vonderharr. Passed. Ivey Vonderharr as personnel committee chair asked to have Robin deCathelineau appointed to empty seat on personnel committee. New Business: Kathy Matson reported that the SAMMIE governing board is restructuring and only needs three members from PLS instead of the S members they now have. Chair Madsen feels the decision on pairing down to three should be made by the five on the board and John or Kathy notified of recommendation. John Houlahan talked bout the planning institute held July 14 -16, 1999 at St- Joseph. We can send two People- including one trustee to go with John or Kathy. Darlene Kotehticki could possibly attend John Houlahan gave the director's report on action taken by legislature this year. Chair Madsen introduced new board member Dolores Brunner from Hutchinso who replaces Larry Iadd She was on the board from 1990 -1994. Neel meeting is June 17, 1999. Main agenda items will be insuran and agreement. Adj at 8:40 p.m. Marleen Canfield Secretary 0 PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT HUTCHINSON MAY 31, 1999 • M -T -D Y -T -D % OF % OF REVENUE. AMOUNT AMOUNT BUDGET BUDGET YEAR RESERVE 0.00 75,860.70 75,863.00 100.00% 42% CITY OPERATING 0.00 41,826.00 83,652.00 50.00% 420t COUNTY OPERATING 0.00 22.873.82 45,530.00 50.24% 42% GIFTS 5.00 551.17 0.00 0.00% 42% CHARGES, FINES 25.44 165.12 500.00 33.02% 42% COPY MACHINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIVIO! 42% EQUIPMENT RENTALS 0.00 3.00 0.00 000% 42% BOCK SALES 0.00 1,700.00 3,000.00 56.67% 42% OTHER 0.00 165.43 250.00 0.00% 42% TOTAL REVENUES 30.44 143,145.24 208,795.00 68.55% 42% EXPENDITURES: SALARIES 7,180.81 - u,55115 - 92,500.00 37.35% 42% HEALTH INSURANCE -2.30 -11.50 -36.00 31.901 42% HEALTH INSURANCE- DEDUCTIBLE 0.00 0. GO -0.00 0.00% 42% • PAYROLL TAXES - 790.60 - 3,985.46 - 10,175.00 39.18:5 42% BOOKS - 317.76 - 6,489.18 - 26,288.00 24.68% 42% PERIODICALS - 372.80 - 3,096.49 - 4,000.00 77.41% 42% VIDEOS 0.00 - 386.00 - 401.00 96.26% 42% BINDINGS 0.00 0.00 -0.00 #CIVIOI 42% POSTAGE & SHIPPING -53.00 - 285.00 - 1,040.00 27 40 42"5 NEW EQUIPMENT 0.00 - 3.46472 - 13,119.00 0. Cc% 42% MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 0.00 0.00 - 1,580.00 0.00% 42% SUPPLIES - 102.97 - 447.55 3,120.00 14.34% 4N' PROMOTIONAL & PROGRAMS 0.00 -79.97 - 520.00 15. 42% INSURANCE 0.00 - 811.01 - 1,217.00 66.64% 42% ADS & LEGAL NOTICES O.GO 0.00 - 104.00 0.00% 42% AUDITING 0.00 -77.35 -7300 105.96% 42% BOOKKEEPING -36 33 -17166 -436 00 1937% 42% CONTINUING EDUCATION 0.00 0.00 - 335.00 0.00% 42% SALES TAX 0.00 -0.18 - 208.00 O.Oy% 42% TOTAL EXPENDITURES - 8,856.57 - 53,858.2-- 155,212.00 34.70% 42% FUNDS AVAILABLE - 8,826.13 89,287.02 53,583.00 - 166.63% 42% • Mate of Minnesota Board. of Government Innovation and Cooperation Ilyd Roor Centennial Rulldin9 • 668 Cedar Street • Saint Paul Mlnna to 66166 • 661/281-2390 • Fax 6611296 -3698 RECIEP!ZD +UG 7 = 1 999 CITY Or nu l L rjh 6QN Please Forward A Copy Of This Invitation To The Mayor, �J All City Council Members And Other Individuals Who May Have An Interest In Attending 11 Promoting Effective and Efficient Delivery of Public Services S tate of Minnesota Board. of Government Innovation and Cooperation r� Ird Flo Ce ntennial Building • 666 Cedar Street • Saint Paul, Minnesota 66766. 66 1/24 - 2390 • Fax 66'V August 27, 1999 FOR FOUR INFORMATION TO: All Elected and Senior Appointed Local Officials FROM: Senator Steve Dille Senator Dean Johnson Representative Al Juhnke Representative Tony Kielkucki Representative Gary Kubly Representative Bob Ness RE: PUBLIC SERVICES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM A State -Local Dialogue On Effective And Efficient Public Services As state legislators, we recognize your responsibilities have become increasingly difficult in recent years. While citizens continue to support state and local tax reductions, the demand for high quality public services continues to grow. In an effort to discuss opportunities for addressing the fiscal challenges we face, we would like to invite you and your colleagues to a public forum on Wednesday, September 22ndg1 The public forum will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Meel. _ County Courthouse. The Meeker County Courthouse is located at 325 North Sibley in Litchfield. The purpose of the regional forum is to bring together county, city, township and school district officials to discuss our common goals. Dean Barkley from Minnesota Planning plus Representatives of the Board of Government Innovation and Cooperation, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, the Department of Corrections, the Minnesota Historical Society, and other state agencies will also attend to hear your ideas as to how these agencies can work with you to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services. A portion of the public forum will focus on opportunities for intergovernmental cooperation and collaboration as a means of improving the efficiency of our public services. We will discuss grants that are available through the Board of Government Innovation and Cooperation to help fund pilot projects that may serve as models for more efficient and effective public services. This forum will also give local officials an opportunity to let us know what the state can do to assist you in your effort to improve the quality and efficiency of the services you deliver. The public forum will be facilitated by Jim Gelbmann, Executive Director of the Board of Government Innovation and Cooperation. This state Board was created by the 1993 Legislature to promote intergovernmental cooperation and innovation in the delivery of public services. Jim will be on hand to inform local officials about the various programs of the Board - programs that can be used by local officials to help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the services they deliver. The Board also has the ability to waive state administrative rules and procedural laws that may impair the ability of local officials to administer their programs in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Jim will share with us the results of several of the projects the Board has sponsored in other areas of the state. If you have questions about the forum, please feel free to contact Jim at (612) 282 -2390. 0 We have enclosed an agenda for your review. Please extend this invitation to all elected and senior administrative officials from your jurisdiction. We look forward to seeing you on September 22nd. enclosure Promoting Effective and Efficient Delivery of Public Services State of ?VLinnesota Board. of Government Innovation and Cooperation Ird Floor Centennial Building a 688 C Street • Saint Paul, Mlnnewta 6 6166 • e61/2 -2390 • Fax 6 61 /296-3698 LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS' REGIONAL FORUM Meeker County Courthouse Community Room Wednesday, September 22, 1999 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. • • 7:00 P.M. Welcome By Legislators 7:15 P.M. Introduction of All Attendees and Overview Of The Evening's Activities 7:25 P.M. Openning Comments By State Officials - What Resources Can State Agencies Make Available To Help Improve The Efficiency and Effectiveness Of Public Services? 7:50 P.M. Brainstorming Topics For Further Discussion - What are the major public policy issues in the local area? 8:00 P.M. Break 8:10 P.M. Discussion of Selected Issues: How can the State and local governments work together to address the issues identified prior to the break? 8:30 P.M. A Preview of the 2000 Legislative Session - What issues are likely to dominate? What issues are of most concern to local officials? 8:50 P.M. Closing comments by Legislators D romoring Effective and Efficient Delivery of Public Services FOR YOUR INEQRWmx CITY OF COKA TO �� RE7, > r7 l� W � �J �ptember 2, 1999 � `� '- 3999 �� Cfl r Ut• nu 1 1:nwjoUN Dear City Official: �,,.,,}� The City of Cokato is extremely pleased to b� the host for the October 28th Regional meeting of the League of Minnesota Cities. Enclosed is an agenda for the days activities. As you can see, the LMC will be covering a number of timely topics that are of critical importance to Minnesota cities. The City of Cokato and LMC hope that several council members and staff from your community can join us. In a practice that begun last year, the LMC is partnering with federal and State agencies to offer two (2) " optional" sessions, beginning at 1 p.m. The first session will feature representatives from the Minnesota Housing finance Agency discussing affordable housing strategies and programs. The second option will be with the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development Division dealing with water, wastewater, and other community facility improvements. The regular afternoon program will begin with the annual legislative update, and continue with a follow -up to last year's program on Y2K, covering what cities need to be doing during the remainder of 1999. The second afternoon topic will be to acquaint cities with the new employee health and benefit programs available through the League Insurance. After dinner, LMC President Susan Hoyt will describe the League's public relations initiative, " Shaping the Image of Minnesota Cities You'll team how your city can use this professionally developed message to better communicate the importance of city government to citizens and State officials. As usual, Mayor Buzz Olson and the other officials of "Mosquito Heights" will be with us via video. This years' message covers how to run an effective (and orderly!) Council meeting. The LMC video will have a special emphasis on those often contentious public hearings that surround land use issues. To make reservations for your city, please return the enclosed registration form As soon As Possible. In case of cancellations, please notify Peggy Carlson or LouAnn Worden at 320- 286 -5505. Unless registrations are canceled three (3)days in advance, it will be necessary to bill your city. If anyone from your city needs any special accommodations or dietary needs, please advise us early so arrangements can be made prior to the meeting. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, October 28th, in Cokato at the First Baptist Church located at 395 North Broadway ( vicinity of US Highway 12 & CSAH #3) Sincerely, X Bruce S. Johnson, or 255 Broadway Avenue South • P.O. Box 1030 • Cokato, MN 55321 • 320 - 286 -5505 1999 REGIONAL MEETING REGISTRATION FORM Please register the following people from the CITY OF REGISTRANTS NAME / TITLE: NAME / TITLE: NAME / TITLE: NAME / TITLE: NAME / TITLE: GRAND TOTAL $ CONTACT PPggy Carlson /LouAnn Worden CITY. Cokato PHONE: 320 - 286 -5505 Make check a able to City of Cok ato and return with registration form to: P Y 9 City of Cokato ( Regional Meeting 255 Broadway Ave. South P.O. Box 1030 X Registration must be recieved no later than Friday, OCTOBER 22nd, 1999 Cokato, Mn. 55321 $20,00 registration fee applies only to the first ten registrants. 11TH AND ADDITIONAL REGISTRANTS -- YOU PAY ONLY FOR COST OF DINNER COST TOTAL DINNER @ PER PERSON PER PERSON @ $20.00 No / Yes @ $ 13.00 $ (41$20.00 No / Yes @ $ $ @ $20.00 No / Yes @ $ $ @ $20.00 No / Yes @ $ $ @ $20.a0 No / Yes @ $ $ GRAND TOTAL $ CONTACT PPggy Carlson /LouAnn Worden CITY. Cokato PHONE: 320 - 286 -5505 Make check a able to City of Cok ato and return with registration form to: P Y 9 City of Cokato ( Regional Meeting 255 Broadway Ave. South P.O. Box 1030 X Registration must be recieved no later than Friday, OCTOBER 22nd, 1999 Cokato, Mn. 55321 $20,00 registration fee applies only to the first ten registrants. 11TH AND ADDITIONAL REGISTRANTS -- YOU PAY ONLY FOR COST OF DINNER AMC L ---J of mi"N"a a Gain pnnw(iwg �wa 145 University Avenue Wed, St Paul, MN 55103 -2044 Phone: (651) 281 -1200 • (8)0) 925 -1122 Fax: (65 1) 281 -1299 • TDD (651) 281 -1290 1999 REGIONAL MEETINGS PROGRAM • 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Optional Sessions 1) Housing Programs - MHFA 2) Water, Wastewater, Community Facilities USDA Rural Development 2:00 - 2:10 p.m. Welcome and Overview of Day League of Minnesota Cities Staff 2:10 - 2:45 p.m. Legislative update League of Minnesota Cities IGR Staff 2:45 - 3:15 p.m. Y2K Contingency Planning and Community Preparedness Kent Sulem, League of Minnesota Cities Staff 3:15 - 3:30 p.m. Break 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Employee Benefit Administration League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Staff 4:00 - 4:15 p.m. Introduction of Legislators 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. Open Discussion of Happenings in Area Cities 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. Social Time 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. Welcome from host mayor, LMC President Remarks League of Minnesota Cities new public relations message Shaping the Image 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. How to Run an Effective Council Meeting Focus on land use issue - Buzz Olson video — Part I — Doing it Wrong - Group Discussions - Buzz Olson video — Part II — Doing it Right 8:30 p.m. - Adjourn :\.V EQU_AI. )I'i'o R /AFFIRSIATI%'F. A 710N EMPLOYER OUR iNFORMiA i iCi 9 League of Minnesota Cities 1999 Regional Meetings • • 1999 Regional Meeting 1999 Regional Meeting Preliminary Program Dates and Sites DATE CITY 1 - 2 p.m. Optional Sessions • Housing Programs - MHFA September 16 Metro Site TBD • Water, Wastewater, Community Facilities September 28 Bemidji - USDA Rural Development September 29 Thief River Falls September 30 Hawley 2 - 2:10 p.m- Welcome and Overview of Day - -MC staff October 5 Leonidas October 6 Rutledge 2:10 - 2:45 p.m. Legislative update - IGR staff October 7 Swonville October 19 Milan 2:45 - 3:15 p.m. Y2K Contingency Planning and Community Preparedness October 20 Balaton Kent Sulam, League of Minnesota Cities October 21 Truman October 26 Houston 3:15 - 3:30 p.m. Break October 27 Lansdale October 28 Cokato 1 3:30 - 4 p.m. Employee Benefit Administration — LMCIT staff 4 - 4:15 p.m. Introduction of Legislators 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. Open Discussion of Happenings in Area Cities 1999 Regional Meeting 5:15 - 6 p.m. Social Time Information 6 - 7 p.m. Dinner Contact Cathy Dovidio �, League of Minnesota Cites 7 - 7:30 p.m. Welcome from host mayor 1651 281.1250 Remarks from LMC President Susan Hoyt 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. How to Run an Effective Council Meeting (video focusing on land use) Part I: Doing it Wrong Group Discussions Part II: Doing it Right LMC 8:30 p.m. Adjourn League of Mirtmaota Ga. Cities promoting escA 0 0 0 9 7/23/199 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION PAGE 1 BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 1999 C,k, r r r„ T nTA, r r r r ' ASSETS ' 1RI1_ITY PLANT - AT L OST 'r ' LAND 6 LAND RIGHTS 891,734.75 DEPRECIABLE UTILITY PLANT 56,617,961.57 " - _-.-- ...... -- - TGTA 1 rr ILI.T_Y- -P LANT _ .,,—. 5 7..589,645.32. -. - -- ° LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION .` (22,693,956.39) ° T ffrgu ON X22,693,056 -39) ,a _ CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 630,186.28 TnTAI MNSTRUCTION IN- PROGRESS ____._ ._ .x 30..186.28 ° TOTAL UTILITY PLANT DEPREC VALUE 35,446,826.21 RESTRICTED FUNDS & ACCOUNTS FUTURE EXPANSION 6 DEVELOPMENT 590 INVESTMENT _ GAA WgFct 544 .B33.73- i° MEDICAL INSURANCE 190,009.90 BOND 8 INTEREST PAYMENT 1993 ,'�;; .756,160.40 309 M2A.AA CATASTROPHIC FAILURE FUND 1,250,009.00 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS 8 ACCOUNTS 4,540,334.13 :' —" -- CURRENT 3 ACCRUED ASSET$ '• CASH IN BAN( •::'y`� -`�.� 3,219,383.29 - " TNVEA-TM0"Q A. SAVIblG8 M'C0UN!TS TQ 734.33 3° ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1,891,134.17 0. 1 ° OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - 3M INVENTORIFA 774,929.07 AA1 ASS. " PREPAID INSURANCE , -.__ 57,672.62 " " ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE t1EF� POIER CDBT - Z,89l.94 ' u Ae .. '• CLEARING ACCOUNT „1.06. 14,205.75 " ,e TOTAL CURRENT 8 ACCRUED ASSETS 6,940,302.76 '° DEFERRED CHARGE BOND DISCOUNT 1993 188,081.23 TWAI nFrylegFn CHARGE gas 98 73 TOTAL ASSETS 47,035,544.33 x31 BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 1999 '� - -- MUNICIPAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES M NII ap EQRTY — ._ A/ICIPAL EQUITY -- 34, 832, 108.36 U NAPPROFRIA7ED RETAINED F_ARNINl:B 720,801.36 ° TOTAI MUulr7PAl EQUITY 35 97 999 47 ° _ - LONG TERM LIABILITIES -PET OF CURRENT MATURITIPQ __ _ - iO 1993 BONDS 9,930,000.00 TOTAL LONG TERN LIABILITIES 9,930,000.00 CONSTR CONTRACTS i ACCTS PAY RETAIN 1J TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 8 ACCTS PAY - .00 - CURRENT 6 ACCRUED LIABILITIES -- - ''' ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTEREST_ ACCRU 1,163,924.17 42,391_77 - '° ACCRUED PAYROLL 68,381.57 x' ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE ACCRUED MEDICd_ FIiJD -, 142,204.23 (13 _6_'Y x: ACCRUED REC PAYMENT 340.24 n x. CUSTOMER DEPOSITS ArroLFn LI_AHILITIES 78,233.00 S TOTAL CURRENT 6 ACCRUED LIAB 1,312,354.84 xa :, n TOTAL _ -47.836, 544 - 33 ao a. v _ T w- as as ae au 41 •2 YY ae� a3 • i 7/23/1999. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION STATEMENT OF INCOME 8 EXPENSES JUNE 30, 1999 _ - -_ —PREVIIDIS ('JIRRFNT auDGE PAGE 0 BUDGET ANNI IAA YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE YEAR TO DATE DEVIATION BUDGET INCOME STATEMENT SALES — ELECTRIC ENERGY 6,270,321.73 6,781,836.14 6,057,500.00 724,336.14 12,830,000.00 ' SALES FOR RESALE 843,408.10 546,782.95 574,000.00 (27,217.03) 1,000,000.00 , NET INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES 47,850.46 48.461.10 38.620.00 $891.10— — 73.250.fX1 SECURITY LIGHTS 61198.00 5 6,630.00 (798.50) 13,000.00 ° POLE RENTAL 2,678.00 1,412.75 4,000.00 (2,567.25) 4,000.00 SALES — GAS — 3,108.091.37 3.588.889.23 3.588.600 00 (399 710 77) 6 a TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES 10,278,547.68 10,373,213.67 10, 269 ,350.00 303,863.67 20,142,750.00 i3 .e PRODUCTION OPERATION 695,480.73 581,040.57 576,517.44 (4,523.13) 1,191,394.00 " PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE 171,464.66 471,582.01 414,499.00 (57,053.01) 11150,800.00 PIJiCF1A8E71 POWER 1 387.363.28 1.671.354.38 1.290.300.00 (381.084.38) 2. L50. 500.QQ 2c TRANSMISSION OPERATION 609.18 .00 .00 .00 3,400.00 "' TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE 14,247.74 26,855.88 25,930.00 (925.88) 75,0(10.00 ELECTRIC', DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 133.670.25 147.137.39 _ 132.910.00 (14.227.39) 26- -S Qm.w ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 67,514.27 91,482.44 91,930.00 447.56 187,700.00 MFG GAS PRODUCTION OPERATION 288.34 334.02 312.50 (21.52) 1,230.00 2 . NM GAS PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE 250.30 815.24 1 043 2 29 . 7A A. ,e PURCHASED GAS EXPENSE 4,638,239.61 4,650,241.28 4,626,792.00 (23,449.28) 9,580,800.00 '° GAS DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 94,777.42 110,157.43 116,860.00 6,702.37 233,500.00 GAS _ DI$TRIBUT_IQN MAINTENANCE _ 351 _ 50.547.58 _ ._ 30.322.00 _. _(2Q�225.5fl)... 55.4f'LQ,4�.__ UN CUSTO ACCOUNTING 6 CO L LEC TIONS 112,057.13 53 123,6.58 114,675.50 <8, 978.08) 234,850.00 ' ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL EXPENSES 710,440.40 713,124.69 691,959.00 (21,165.69) 1,486,700.00 DEPRECIATION 7 41,270.00 874.999.92 851.900.00 (23.494.92 1.750. ft 0.00_ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 8,792,830.74 9,513,356.41 9,965,952.44 _ (547,463.97) —_ iS,37L,694.00 OPERATING INCOME 1 1.0 2,t)57.26 1.303.397,56 „ _4243,54Q.3 1 _Z31,QS6.QQ __ , OTHER INCOME -- OTHER — NET .43, 029.64 22,403.70 48.170.00 _i2 =,2 66.30) 9 2,444.x— •: INTEREST INCOME 153,705.34 145,766.59 158,750.00 (12,983.41) 317,500.00 MISC INCOME 168,162.10 20,861.05 40,326.50 (19,465.43) 275,500.00 GAIN ON DISPOSAL __ .00 .00 .00 _ -- ,QQ �_, 600, MISC INCOME — GAS WELL 109,232.06 119,135.98 124,950.00 (5,814.02) 2`.`5,00000 °D TOTAL. OTHER INCOME 480,129.16 308,167.32 372,!96.50 (64,029.18) 941,600..00 ;� OTHER EXPENSES DEPLETION — GAS WELLS .00 .00 .00 .00 85,000.00 MISC EXPENSES 64,463.46 36,483.98 50,280.00 _ 13.796.02 58.0 INTEREST EXPENSE 277,041.13 250,739.24 250,032.50 (706.74) 500,125.00 TOTAL. OTHER FMS 341,504.59 287,223.22 300,312.30 13,089.28 673,125.00 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY 347,580.00 360,000.00 360,000.00 .00 720,000.00 °' TOTAL CONTRIBUTION TO CITY 347,300.00 360,000.00 360,000.00 .00 720,000.00 a,', eon NOMFOPERATING INCOME (208,W ��.4333) (339,053.90) (288,116.00) (50,939.90) (451,525.00) MET INCOME 1-276,841.51 720 501 36 1,015.251.36 (294,480.20) 1 , 31 e^� ° DP,LPrICL SHFET JUt Y : , 1999 c- I , ASSETS _ UTILITY PLANT - AT GUST LAND 7. LAND RIGHTS DEPRECIABLE UTILITY PLANT TOTAL UTIL PLANT _ LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION _ � QTA6 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIA CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS T CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRFSS TOTAL UTILITY PLANT DEPREC VALUE ti 3r - 3 RESTRICTED FUNDS G ACCOUNTS FUTURE EXPANSION h DEVEL UPMIENT INVESTMENT - G AS RESERVES MEDICAL INSURANCE BOND 6 INTEREST PAYMENT 1993 _ BOND RESERVE - 1993 CATASTROPHIC FAILURE FUND TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS G ACCOUNTS 891,734.75 _ 56,617,961.57 57,5091696.32 (22,838,889.'71) 721,239.30 7221,239.38 35,392,045.99 ;00,000.00 544 853.73 100,000.00 099,820.82 1,389,320.00 1,250,000.00 4,683,994.55 CURRENT 6 ACCRUED ASSETS CASH IN BANK 3,135,226.64 I NVESTMENTS A SAVINGS ACC 75,952.20 _ ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 2,271,960.67 OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVAEQ k - 3M 748,207.30 INVENTORIES _ __ 862, 769.37 PREPAID INSURANCE 57,497.34 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 13.655.07 DEFERRED POWER COST - 19 186.00 CLEARING ACCOUNT 514,283.25 TOTAL CURRENT L ACCRUED ASSETS 7,698,737.92 DEFERRED CHARGE BOND DISCOUNT 1993 106,677.5^7 TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE 106,677.57 TOTAL ASSETS 47,881,456.03 * _!_ SHI El ;1, 1999 MINJICIPAL EQIJIIY N LIABILITIES MUNICIPAL EQUITY 34,852, UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED fiARNIN(,S 485,920.02 _TO IAI MUNTf TPAL EQUITY ' LONG TERM LIABILITIES —NET OF t - 1� oil CURRENT MAT]URTTTFS 1993 BONDS 9 TOTAL LONG TERM L.IABIL_ITIES 9,950,000.00 3 CONSTR CONTRACTS 6 ACCTS FAY RETAIN TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 6 ACCTS FAY � .00 61 CURRENT 8 ACCRUED LIABIL ITIF;S ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2,113,654.42 ACCTS PAYABLE TO CITY OF HUiCHINSON s;. 60,000.00 ACCRUED PAYROLL p` 92,949.19 ACCRUED VA PAYABLE _._ °' __. 162.204.25 _ -' ACCRUED MEDICAL FUND (50,142.85) ACCRUED RUC PAYMENT 642.16 C USSOISER DFF'f1SITS _ j$, 74`,00 OTHER CURRENT 6 ACCRUED LIABILITIES r' 56,303.96 'l TOTAL CURRENT & ACCRUED LIAB 2,593,339.90 e' TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 6 L,IAB 47,881,456.03 °.IAILME 0 1 L;F IN[ .ME S 11A V 2. , t99'� ' OPERATING XF'F'NB 5 - - - - - -- ' PRODUCTION OPERATION 919 ,293.40 705,146.61 702,524.86 (2,621.75) 1,191,394.00 - PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE 190,782.58 491,550.75 476,864.00 (14,686.75) 1,150,800.00 ' PU RCHASED POWER -. 1 463,660 2 1 2 ^06 192 3< 1 61? 875 00 (593 317.35) 2.150.500.00 TRANSMISSION OPERATION (09.18 .00 .00 .00 3,400.00 TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE ]E „!'16.`9 35,130.05 37,930.00 1,199.15 75,000.00 ELECLRIC_L FLITION OFTrg I ON 'IB. __ 1 ' "'.4'x"'.'19 -.. 1'5,7.740.00 - 5 14.732.59) 265.900.00 - ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 89,013.)6 104,333.02 113,760.00 11,426.98 187,700.00 MFG GAS PRODUCTION OPERATION 288.34 439.60 312.50 (127.10) 1,250.00 MET. _AS PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE __ _ _ 6, 45 __8 1'x '24 2 O60 00 1.244.76 4 500.00 - P'UR'CHASED GAS EXPENSE .: 64:!, 179 .'i8 5. 493,6B9.56 5, 66:5, 120.00 17i,430.44 9, 580, 800.00 - GAS DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 1.'v,Sr.1.h7 1 137,745.00 13,204.08 233,500.00 _.GAS. DISTRIBUTI MAINTENANCE 33 ,/1 - i6� 1 ',? 57 940. 39,476, 00 (18 464. 55.400.00 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING 6 COLLECTIONS 132,709.42 143,178.92 134,782.50 (8,39¢.42) 234,850.00 ADMINISTRATIVE Q GENERAL EXPENSES 832,278.Oi 849,728.97 820,306.00 (29,422.97) 1,486,700.00 _WPRECIATION 864 814 00 4 020 233.24 991.900-00 <28,933.24) 1 750.000.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 10,461.,9;8.04 11 412,593.33 10,895,395.86 (517,1.97.47) 18,371,694.00 OPERATING INCOME_ - _ L h @9 ' 40 891 490.78 1 24. ^..821.6-4 (351.380.86) 1 771,056.00 ` OTHER INCOME - _ OTHER - NET _ '.679.6° 72 789 2 S1' 45c) 00 21 239.22 92.000.DO -� INTEREST INCOME 100,596.27 174,2`.;5.02 184,150.00 (9,894.98) 317,500.00 MISC INCOME 17i,S65.]O 8,069.65 41,280.50 (33,210.65) 275,500.00 GA IMLON.])I SPOSAL __ .art) . 00 00 .00 1,600 MISC INCOME - GAS WELLS 128,483.93 122,777.73 147,900.00 (25,122.27) 2. TOTAL OTHER INCOME 533,524.95 377,891.82 424,880.50 (46,988 -68) 941,600.00 OTHER EXPENSES DEPLETION - GAS WELLS - (''O .00 .00 .00 8:i, 000.00 __ MIS' EXP ENSES _._. - __ -._11 -�1.]9 _ 71 088.:6 Eo 590.00 .. (1 ° 508.26) DB4O00,OQ - INTEREST EXPENSE 322,975.51 292,316.32 294,773.75 2,457 -43 500,125.00 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES 394,326.70 363,404.58 350,353.75 (13,058.83) 673,125.00 " CONTRIBUTION 10 CITY 40'.' „416.67 420,000.00 417,600.00 (2,400.00) 720,000.00 ' TOTAL CONTRIDUI30N TO CITY 405, 4] 6. 1"17 420,000.00 417,600.00 (2,400.00) 720,000.00 ' NON - OPERATING INCOME (266,218.42) ('- 405,512.76) (343,073.25) (62,439.51) (451,525.00) _- NET INCOME .._. ._ 1 34:' 113 90 4Lfil @. 87Y.748.3? (4 1 820.37) 1 319,531. z PI LVIiIUS_.- - - .F1.11 ilJ LNI __ _ _ FUDGE 1 F h _ ... I III Ill I.C1 ANNUAL- YEAR TO DATE ` `v, AR 'fU DATE Y YEAR 10 DATE D DEVIATION B BUDGET INCOME STATEMENT OPERATING RE VENUE_ - - - SALES - ELEC'1RIC ENERGY 7 7,5:5,',635.1.9 E E 028,409.30 7 7,320,150.00 7 708,339.30 1 12,850,000.00 SALES FOR RESALE 1 1,01:,194.5'2 3 307,262.02 8 850,000.00 ( (42,737.98) 1 1,000,000.00 NET TN(OMF FROM OTHER G G f1 94,g '71 4 43,747 50 1 11 099.71 7 73,250.00 SECURITY LIGHTS c 6,807.50 7 7,670.90 ( (86250) 1 13,000.00 POLE RENTAL 2 2,678.00 2 2,595.75 4 4,000.00 ( (1,404.25) 4 4, 408.00 SAI ER - GAS _ 3 :RR0,76.6.03 3 3 404 03 83 " "( 912 6"x0 00 ( (508 617 17) 6 6 20� 500 00 ' TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE i _ .. 3 12 304,034.1.1 1 12.138,217.50 1 165,816.61 2 20,142,730.00 OPERATING XF'F'NB 5 - - - - - -- ' PRODUCTION OPERATION 919 ,293.40 705,146.61 702,524.86 (2,621.75) 1,191,394.00 - PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE 190,782.58 491,550.75 476,864.00 (14,686.75) 1,150,800.00 ' PU RCHASED POWER -. 1 463,660 2 1 2 ^06 192 3< 1 61? 875 00 (593 317.35) 2.150.500.00 TRANSMISSION OPERATION (09.18 .00 .00 .00 3,400.00 TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE ]E „!'16.`9 35,130.05 37,930.00 1,199.15 75,000.00 ELECLRIC_L FLITION OFTrg I ON 'IB. __ 1 ' "'.4'x"'.'19 -.. 1'5,7.740.00 - 5 14.732.59) 265.900.00 - ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 89,013.)6 104,333.02 113,760.00 11,426.98 187,700.00 MFG GAS PRODUCTION OPERATION 288.34 439.60 312.50 (127.10) 1,250.00 MET. _AS PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE __ _ _ 6, 45 __8 1'x '24 2 O60 00 1.244.76 4 500.00 - P'UR'CHASED GAS EXPENSE .: 64:!, 179 .'i8 5. 493,6B9.56 5, 66:5, 120.00 17i,430.44 9, 580, 800.00 - GAS DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 1.'v,Sr.1.h7 1 137,745.00 13,204.08 233,500.00 _.GAS. DISTRIBUTI MAINTENANCE 33 ,/1 - i6� 1 ',? 57 940. 39,476, 00 (18 464. 55.400.00 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING 6 COLLECTIONS 132,709.42 143,178.92 134,782.50 (8,39¢.42) 234,850.00 ADMINISTRATIVE Q GENERAL EXPENSES 832,278.Oi 849,728.97 820,306.00 (29,422.97) 1,486,700.00 _WPRECIATION 864 814 00 4 020 233.24 991.900-00 <28,933.24) 1 750.000.00 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 10,461.,9;8.04 11 412,593.33 10,895,395.86 (517,1.97.47) 18,371,694.00 OPERATING INCOME_ - _ L h @9 ' 40 891 490.78 1 24. ^..821.6-4 (351.380.86) 1 771,056.00 ` OTHER INCOME - _ OTHER - NET _ '.679.6° 72 789 2 S1' 45c) 00 21 239.22 92.000.DO -� INTEREST INCOME 100,596.27 174,2`.;5.02 184,150.00 (9,894.98) 317,500.00 MISC INCOME 17i,S65.]O 8,069.65 41,280.50 (33,210.65) 275,500.00 GA IMLON.])I SPOSAL __ .art) . 00 00 .00 1,600 MISC INCOME - GAS WELLS 128,483.93 122,777.73 147,900.00 (25,122.27) 2. TOTAL OTHER INCOME 533,524.95 377,891.82 424,880.50 (46,988 -68) 941,600.00 OTHER EXPENSES DEPLETION - GAS WELLS - (''O .00 .00 .00 8:i, 000.00 __ MIS' EXP ENSES _._. - __ -._11 -�1.]9 _ 71 088.:6 Eo 590.00 .. (1 ° 508.26) DB4O00,OQ - INTEREST EXPENSE 322,975.51 292,316.32 294,773.75 2,457 -43 500,125.00 - TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES 394,326.70 363,404.58 350,353.75 (13,058.83) 673,125.00 " CONTRIBUTION 10 CITY 40'.' „416.67 420,000.00 417,600.00 (2,400.00) 720,000.00 ' TOTAL CONTRIDUI30N TO CITY 405, 4] 6. 1"17 420,000.00 417,600.00 (2,400.00) 720,000.00 ' NON - OPERATING INCOME (266,218.42) ('- 405,512.76) (343,073.25) (62,439.51) (451,525.00) _- NET INCOME .._. ._ 1 34:' 113 90 4Lfil @. 87Y.748.3? (4 1 820.37) 1 319,531. z