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cp11-09-1999 c
NOVEMBER SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1999 -7- -8- -9- 7:00 a.m. — Leadership Team HUTCHINSON Meeting in City Center Library Conf. Room CITY CALENDAR 9:00 a.m. — Management Team Meeting in Main Con[. Room 5:30 p.m. — Light Traffic Advisory WEEK OF Board Meeting in Main Conf. Room 5:30 p.m. —City Council Meeting November 7 -13 in Council Chambers WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY -10- -11- -12- -13- CONFERENCE /SEMINAR/ TRAINING/VACATION VETERANS DAY All City Offices RFP Due Im Liquor Hutch 9 (Aft.) Tom Moss (V) 7:00 p.m. — Community Needs Closed (Expansion or Additional Store) 8&12 Ken Merrill (V) Task Force Meeting in 12 Jo Runke (V) Council Chambers Annual Membership Meeting of C -Conference HCDC at Peace Center M = Meeting S = Seminar T = Training V —Vacation AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1999 1 INVOCATION —Rev. Jim Hall. `,Nord of Life Church 3. MINUTES — Regular Meeting of October 26, 1999 and Special Meeting of November 3, 1999 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT FOR OCTOBER 1999 2. LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES OF OCTOBER 25, 1999 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 99 -265 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING REGULATIOINS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL • ZONING MAP (SECOND READING AND ADOPT) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 11353 — RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES RESOLUTION NO. 11354 — RESOLL`IION TO SELL AT AUCTION SURPLUS PROPERTY (POLICE DEPARTMENT) 4. RESOLUTION NO. 11355 — RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY (POLICE DEPARTMENT) (c) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE COMPANY TO ERECT A 300 FOOT COMMUNICATION TOWER LOCATED AT 345 MICHIGAN STREET SE (DEFERRED OCTOBER 26, 1999) (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11356) (d) SNOWMOBILE ROUTE PERMIT FOR CROW RIVER SNO PRO'S PUBLIC HEARING - NONE 0u0lKI 1 (a) PRESENTATION ON JOINT CITY AND COUNTY TRANSIT SYSTEM BY GARY LUDWIG AND BRENDA EWING Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve transit agreement CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — NOVEMBER 9, 1999 0 (b) PRESENTATION BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JEAN WARD ON SMALL CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR SINGLE FAMILY EQIUITY GAP ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND IMPLEMENTATION OF HUTCHINSON HOME PURCHASE OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve and adopt Resolution No. 11357 (a) CONSIDERATION OF OPTION AGREEMENT WITH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION OF ADVERTISING FOR PROPOSALS ON CAR IMPOUNDING CONTRACT Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION OF ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR A RESOURCE RECOVERY OPERATIONS VEHICLE FOR COMPOST FACILITY Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (d) CONSIDERATION OF CITY STREET RIGHT -OF -WAY PLAT NO. 6 Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (e) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING WORKSHOP DATE FOR 2000 BUDGET REVIEW Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (a) COMMUNICATIONS 3 • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — NOVEMBER 9, 1999 (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Action — Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds � 1 ;►ul 0 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCMNSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1999 Mayor Torgerson called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Present: Mayor Marlin Torgerson, Council Members John Mlinar, Kay Peterson and Don Erickson. Absent: Council Member Jeff Haag. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, Acting City Engineer Richard "Rick" Kjonaas and City Attorney Marc A. Sebora. ?. The Reverend Don Urbach ¢ave the invocation. _. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of October 12, 1999 were approved as presented. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 2. AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 27.1999 3. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1999 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES L RESOLUTION NO. 11343 — CERTIFYING ASSESSMENTS OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO THE COUNTY OF MCLEOD 2. RESOLUTION NO. 11344 — RESOLUTION FOR DEFERRAL OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS AND DISABLED 3. RESOLUTION NO. 11345 — RESOLUTION DONATING COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 423 4. RESOLUTION NO. 11346 — RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PARTICIPATION IN SOUTHWEST METRO DRUG TASK FORCE (c) CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT FOR SEPTEMBER 1999 AND FINANCIAL REPORT (d) PROCLAMATION FOR BIBLE WEEK, NOVEMBER 21-28,1999 (e) TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR HUTCHINSON HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ON NOVEMBER 19, 1999 (f) RECONFIRMATION OF GAMBLING LICENSE FOR HUTCHINSON HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (g) APPOINTMENT OF JOHN PORTZ TO HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — OCTOBER 26, 1999 (h) BROLL'S THIRD ADDITION SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (i) LETTING NO.4/PROJECT NO.99 -03 (CENTURY AVENUE); CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 AND NO. 2 (j) LETTING NO. TTROJECT NO. 99 -10 (TH 15, DENVER AVENUE); CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 elel Q19KKONA 05 1 M Effles u CONDITIONAL USE AND PARKING REQUIREMENT VARIANCE REQUESTED BY FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH TO ALLOW USE OF CHURCH IN PREVIOUS BETHANY BAPTIST CHURCH BUILDING LOCATED AT 800 GROVE STREET SOUTH IN R -2 DISTRICT AND REDUCE PARKING REQUIREMENTS FROM 20 -25 SPACES TO 17 SPACES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11348) 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW GRADING WITHIN FLOOD FRINGE REQUESTED BY CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO CONSTRUCT COMPOST FACILITY ALONG HWY. 22 SOUTH WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11349) 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE COMPANY TO ERECT A 300 FOOT COMMUNICATION TOWER LOCATED AT 345 MICHIGAN STREET SE (TABLED TO OCTOBER 25, 1999 SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING) 4. VARIANCE REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON UTILITIES TO REDUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 20' TO 14.5' TO CONSTRUCT .ADDITION TO PRESENT BUILDING LOCATED AT 225 MICHIGAN STREET WITH WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11350) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A POLE TYPE BUILDING FOR STORAGE LOCATED AT 522 HWY. 7 EAST REQUESTED BY JON OTTESON/HAWAIIAN SHAVED ICE WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION /STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 11351) 6. REZONING FROM R -2 TO I -2 AND I -C FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 99 -265 AND SET SECOND READING FOR NOVEMBER 9, 1999) Motion by Erickson, second by Peterson, to approve the consent agenda, with the exception of items 4-(e), 4 -(k) -1 & 4 -(k) -3 to be pulled for discussion. Motion unanim ously carried. Item 4 -(e) -- Motion by Erickson, second by Peterson, to defer item 4-(e) to the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES – OCTOBER 26, 1999 November 9, 1999 City Council meeting. Motion unanimously carried. Item 4- (kl -1 —It was reported that Faith Lutheran Church and the property owners of 800 Grove Street applied for a conditional use permit to operate a church at a building previously utilized for a church. The applicants also applied for a 3 to 5 space variance from the parking requirements. The required number of spaces for the church use is 20 -25 spaces if 80 -100 persons attended the church, but the proposed number of spaces is 17 spaces. Dwayne Peterson stated the purchase of the building and closing was based upon an agreement for approval of a variance. He reported that when the variance application was submitted, it was anticipated there might be 80 members present. The plans are for parking on the south side of the church with a one -way street. The traffic would turn and go north. Peterson thought 17 parking spaces would be adequate for Sunday morning services and any additional services. He stated that the School District was renting the property until June. It was in the church's plan to grade and blacktop the parking lot, put down rock. and to install a catch basin to comply with the property requirements. Peterson reported he was aware of the issues being addressed City Attorney Richard Schieffer reported that the property was developed in such a way that it was difficult to meet the City's code. Since standard parking spaces could not be configured, there was a problem in making good use of the available space. The property previously had additional land, but the prior owner sold some of it and cheated the existing problem. . Rick Kjonaas, Acting City Engineer, pointed out there were some drainage problems on the south end of the property that the City should review. Motion by Mlinar, second by Erickson, to approve the conditional use permit and variance. Motion carved with a roll call vote of Council Members Mlinar, Erickson and Torgerson voting aye and Peterson voting nay. Item 4- (kl -3 —It was noted that the conditional use permit was approved at the Planning Commission's special meeting held on October 25; however, the material was not ready for presentation. Motion by Erickson, second by Peterson, to defer to the November 9, 1999 City Council meeting. Motion unanimously carried. Item 44i) Kjonaas reported that Change Order No. 1 for Century Avenue, Project No. 99 -03, was added to agenda item 4-(i). Since the required 525 mm PVC pipe sewer SDR 26 was unavailable, the City had to change to 525 mm PVC pipe sewer SDR 35 which amounted to a $2,683.54 net decrease in the contract amount with Duininck Bros., Inc. Motion by Erickson, second by Peterson, to approve Change Order No. 1. Motion unanimously carried. 5. PUBLIC HEARING - NONE 6. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS - NONE 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — OCTOBER 26, 1999 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE S. NFW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5027, LETTING NO, 9/PROJECT NO. 99 -13, 99 -15, 99 -17. 99 -20. 99 -29, 99 -30, 99 -31 Motion by Peterson, second by Erickson, to approve the revised assessment roll No. 5027 and to adopt Resolution No. 11347. Motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE TO PURCHASE ATL ULTRASOUND MACHINE Motion by Mlinar, second by Peterson, to approve the purchase of an ATL HDI 5000 ultrasound machine at a purchase price of 5193,750.00 from VHA. Motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON 1999 ANNUAL WAGE ADJUSTMENT POLICY Motion by Erickson, second by Mlinar, to approve the amended policy. Motion unanimously carried. (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM FINANCE DIRECTOR Kenneth B. Merrill requested the City Council to set a date and time to canvass the election results of the November 2, 1999 City Council and School Board election. Motion by Erickson, second by Peterson, to canvass the City election results at 7:30 a.m. on November 3, 1999. Motion unanimously carried. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Plotz reported that the workshop scheduled for today was canceled, but a new date will be set for a future budget 2000 workshop. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ACTING DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING Rick Kjonaas stated he was in touch with the City staff, and the current engineering projects will be completed in November. 0 4 • CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — OCTOBER 26, 1999 (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS Motion by Peterson. second by Erickson, to approve the claims and authorize payment from appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. [ 11011j l l u 1 There being no further business. the meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. 0 rI L_ MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER'). 1999 The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Torgerson at 7:30 a.m. The following were present: Mayor Marlin Toreerson and Council Members Kay Peterson and Don Erickson. Absent: Council Members Jeff Haag and John Mlinar. Also present: City .Administrator Gary D. Plotz and Election Clerk Kenneth B. Merrill. Election Clerk Merrill presented the Council with the sealed envelopes containing the count of ballots by precinct. The Council Members then proceeded to canvass the election returns of November 2, 1999. The Motion was made by Erickson. seconded by Peterson. to certify the election results as submitted and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 11352. Motion unanimously carried. Merrill suggested that the City Council consider realigning the three precincts since Precinct No. 3 is considerably larger than the other two. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:43 a.m. o�� CITY OF HUTCHINSON BUILDING / PLANNING / ZONING DEPARTMENT 11 I HASSAN STREET S.L. HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 PHONE- 612.2344216 FAX 612. 2344240 October 1999 — _ NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED HOUSEKEEPING Item Nurralora Valuabobd Number of ,attapon of BUILDINGS No. Bud&w HQ-.n cdnsnucdon euudin9e Hwsm9 smlctton us omfrxnn Ualt rn :ma 001"m (a) (E) (c) (d) fel (� (g) Sw9e -tamry nouaaa. aaudna Eaaar oee4.hm,a. 101 5 6 84 S09164arr* ncuaen, atrachM saO...d ar ara,aalmlaa a.A wu.r.soe ar e.aw..a 102 ners,e .s.Oas a aavmwv. � Te famry but 103 TNwe- and tour- temily bu' 104 Frva.a-mae family 105 TOTAL gun W lomo5 105 NEW RESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED NONHOUSEKEEPING ttem Number Valueaon pf Number 'taluabpnd BUILDINGS NO. cor,atructlon Bu,klu,9e Roofes =51=Uon 9u,loigs ROarrla omit dwelt Crrvt oem,n (a) Ib) (cl (d) (e) (� (9) Hotab. motW. aM tpurml Cabello (taroam acmmm0etbr say) 213 Omer na,rqusekeep" y+adbr 214 NEW - _ __ —_ __. PM/ATIELY OWNED - - __ — .__PUBLICLY OYIMBD — _ — NONRESIDENTIAL n«n Nurlber Vaelaea,d NtanWr of Vawlaaand BUILDINGS No. of Oal sawbon Bu Otlings =Nwu Apo &nk Omtf coon Oma Cattle (a) 1lliga (c) (d) e) Amusenlon4 social. aM reaeatlonal 315 Ohurrnes and other religkxa 319 l Induatnal 320 PeM1mg garagea (buildings a open de&.*M 321 Sarms stations and rettaw geratles I 322 HoeptW end el,wtttullonN 323 Omcea, banks, and Pfoleasv,ei 324 Public works and utilaua 325 S&4013 aM other ed"doral 325 Stores aM arer services 327 OOar nonrasidentlal buildings 325 Slot . oher man b .kWga 329 ADDITIONS, PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED — of ALTERATIONS, Item Number VaWPOn of Number Of Vazup AND CONVERSIONS No, of mtubucdm. Bltitlhga rnna0ucapn aukkgs dM dwelt Ortkfdan ( ( b) (p) (d) lei Rasldendal - C PMY ad6dn,s of 434 Porto" aM oarporu M Item 435 NonresAennal and nonhousekeepmg 437 6 67 9 Ad6dms of rasManmi garages end 435 carports (attached arid detedMd) inA Awn DEMOLITIONS PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED AND RAZING Item Nt Nrmberd Numbers N,meet of OF BUILDINGS No. d Halomg ur,he BuiWelga HOUSng ualo (e) I (c) (d) rel SPgbfamily houses (attached arld dafaC,edl 615 Te family bullrings 615 TNSS- eM lour- temdly bull" $47 Fivsa -maw tartlYy bWlrirgs 6N AI ouar btit3n9s aM abucitim 645 KKK -41, Rkb -I, KFIK -4, lo6-1, SURb - C, ttN6C. -4, MI-4, UtM -I, IMINC Oiun -c Total Permits 72 Total Valuation $1,375,580 Total Inspections 250 EIOIVIDUAL PErAmm AUTROR mm commUCTIDN VALUED AT - !00,000 OR YORE PIrO PoNd-r klI wlwalrlan kf aSO p•rrNt wrwnnq om�wr v�Ywd r - 000.000 or mar. WNWMn IWMN d-w•Ow•wcllww Awn NO bas aOOY� MaYmm w Dk-wgwr (b) Nrlr rW kd*M d O w widw ca om p Mrk (l) arr a Yak"m d owwv cYon 0mt awlr •) Numav d HOLM" udb m oullkw (9) Kid d arise o rmr. D Ptla - Iar av (3, PrMr Cl. POIe s KM of WG*V D P wkr D Ptle - s" makellill IOM d IWA" D P Mir D Pm - Dammewill. Am yw w d wry n pwm 4nL*V Mrrdcomm? ❑ NO O YM - Pkwr yN adSOMW IMwnwlarr w comma Nwnk at pwkon to awYCl Igrinq aY npon Tr•pharr AM cods I Nt m Ebrwlon Two BUSINESS REPLY MAIL nwraur wa re... MO. wra w•rwawrouirn IWPM rI PAD r .DDB®® IF. W. D•dr rrrrd.ir.�.a..r Buldbw Rama PO Bm Gov Lmnrm MA 02420 -9536 ND POBTADE NECEMWY IF WLLED IN THE UNRED STATES III�r���I�I�I��I��I�III�I�I�I�r�Irlr�rlll�IlIrlllrrlrlrrllr��l 3Yv1/i9vu Hutchinson Public Library Board Meeting Monday October 25, 1 :999 Members Present; Richard Peterson, Paul Wright, Newton Potter, Larry Ladd, Connie Lambert, Mary Henke, Kay Peterson, Jan Crow, Lois Carlson Members Absent; Kay Johnson, Delores Brunner The September minutes were read and approved. President Paul Wright 'Introduced and welcomed Janice Crow as a new member of the PLS Board, and Larry Ladd as a member of the local board. Planters; It was decided to check futher on costs and specifics before voting on the purchase of planters for the front of the library. Mary updated the board on the children's internet station. It was set up last week. Mary will get back to the board after a trial period. Automation update; November 16 -17 is the date for set up. Training will be done in two groups with 4 to 5 people in each session. Bar coding is near completion. A library picture plate will be given to Sue Munz in recognition of her service on the library board. Mary reported that a meeting with County Commissioner Grant Knutson and Bev Wangerin will be held in November. A check for $250.00 was received from First Federal to be used for Christmas decorations at the library. A letter of thanks was sent to First Federal. Mary reported on PLS. PLS is revising its bylaws. In the future PLS will look into local focus groups to help the libraries improve services. The next board meeting will be November 22, 1 999. The meeting was adjourned. Lois Carlson, Secretary 40 4,4-+ 0 PUBLICATION NO. ORDIN.-�-NCE NO. 99 -265 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON -CND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: The following described real property is hereby rezoned from R -2 to I -2 and I -C with the following legal description: Legal Description: Lots 9 and 14 of auditor' plat of the South Half of Section 8, Township 116 North, Range 29 West, of the 5m Principal Meridian, and that part of the former Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company right of way ad)'oinmg said Lot 14 in the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of sand Section 8. Except that part thereof described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of said South Half of Section 8 with a line parallel with and 50.00 feet southwesterly of the center line of State Highway No. 22; thence southeasterly, along said parallel line. a distance of 1053.5 feet; thence southwesterly, deflecting to the right 95 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds a distance of 184.06 feet; thence westerly, deflecting to the right 39 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 249.32 feet; thence northwester) deflecting to the right 45 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 760.86 feet thence northeasterly, deflecting to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a dismace of 60.00 feet; thence northwesterly, deflecting to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds. to said north line of the South Half of Section 8; thence easterly, along said north line, to the point of beginning. Also all that part of the Northwest Quarter of�e Northeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 116 North, Range 29 West of the 5 Principal Meridian, lying north of the Crow River. Adopted by the City Council this 9 day of November, 1999. Marlin Torgerson, Mavor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator LXIIIBI I L Proposed Rezoning Area Compost Facility 10/15/99 Ked . Ilei n, v t Ditch Line�l - ,r�TTrTmTt �� � 1TTT � rrrrr I lun.an Anderso I -2 1 Fri T?TTTTTVM �TTTTT Tf, l c.S.A.B. NO. i -- y � F rwi;TTRTin ITT, m im IIIi OIivA_ 1 ��V RESOLUTION NO. 11353 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, The Director of Engineering and the Police Chief agree that the following areas have traffic control concerns which warrant traffic control devices, and: WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Council has the authority to establish locations as points where traffic control devices shall be erected. pursuant to Section 7.04, Subdivision 1 of the Hutchinson City Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: That the Council hereby establishes a traffic control device known as: "No Parking: 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.; November 1 to May 1" • and signs shall be erected at the following locations: 1) On the west side of Glen Street NW between Washington Avenue W. and First Avenue NW 2) On both sides of First Avenue SW between Glen Street SW and Franklin Street SW Adopted by the City Council this 9 1h day of November, 1999. Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: . Gary D. Plotz City Administrator • RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION SURPLUS PROPERTY Resolution No. 11354 WHEREAS. the Hutchinson Police Department has accumulated surplus proceny. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Section 270. Subdivision 3, Paragraph C for the sale at auction of surplus property, AND WHEREAS, the police department has determined that it is in possession of surplus property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale at auction of surplus rems identified on Attachment A. Adopted by the City Council this • day of November, 1999 Mayor City Administrator Attachment A Inside doors 4 desks Metal exhaust hood Natural gas ceiling mount furnace unit — Trane brand 0 RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY Resolution No. 11355 0 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Department has accumulated various unclaimed items. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Section 2.70, Subdivision 2. Paragraph C for the sale at auction of unclaimed property. AND WHEREAS, the unclaimed property has been in the possession of the police department for more than sixty (60) days; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the sale at auction of unclaimed items identified on Attachment A. Adopted by the City Council this day of November, 1999. Mayor City Administrator Attachment A Case Number Bicycle Descnption 98 -2055 Mens - Silver Redline 99 -384 Huffv Durasport 99 -527 Womens- Huffv Mohave Gulch 99 -564 Mens - Dvno 99 -594 Mens - Huffv Mohave Gulch 99-658 Womens - Huffv Roadmaster 99-671 Mens — unknown brand 99 -764 Womens - Columbia 12 speed 99 -796 Womens — 20 inch — unknown brand 99 -796 Mens — Huffv Concept 99 -796 Womens — Huffv Dash 26" 99 -855 Womens Galaw Precision 99 -995 Huffv Strider 99 -1070 Childrens — unknown brand 99 -5881 Womens — Huffv Coral Wave 99 -5962 Mens — Roadmaster 99 -6439 Mens — Huffv Mohave Gulch 99 -6449 Womens — Huffv Pikes Peak 99 -6451 Mens — Murrav _ 99 -6595 Mens — Panasonic 99 -6740 �' Mens — Huffy Blade 99 -6776 Mens — unknown brand 99 -7372 Mens — Roadmaster 99 -7371 Mens — u nknown brand 99-7411 Mens — Schwinn 99 -7561 Womens — Huffv Dvnamo 99 -7666 Mens — Huffv 99 -8929 Mens — Roadmaster 99 -9148 Mens — Murrav — Streetran er 99 -91.19 1 Mens — Huf , Mohave Gulch � 0 Hutchinson Citv Center MEMORANDUM 111 11 r Street SE Hutchir NIN 553547522 324 587- 5151lFse 320-2144210 TO: Hutchinson Ciry Council FROM: Hutchinson Planning Commission SUBJECT: CONTINL - ED CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HL'TCHINSON TELPHONE COMPANY TO ERECT A 300 FOOT COMMUNICATION TOWER LOCATED AT 315 MICHIGAN STREET SOUTHEAST Pursuant to Section 6.07 of Zoning. Ordinance. Chapter 11. Hutchinson City Code. the Hutchinson Planning Commission is herebv submutin¢ its di nines of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On September 14. 1999, the Hutchinson Telephone Company applied for a conditional use permit to erect a 300 foot tower at 345 Michigan Street Southeast. On October 19. 1999, the Planning. Commission reviewed the application and tabled the request until October 225. 1999. FINDINGS OF FACT I . The required aomicauon was submitted. -. Notices were maiiea to the surrounams! property owners as weii as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursdav, October i. 1999_ 3. The proposal is in conformance with the requirements of a conditional use permit. 4. The proposed communications tower exceeds 75 feet in height and therefore requires a conditional use permit under Section 10.08 of the zoning code -. The proposed communications tower conforms to the Uniform Building Code and National Electrical Code as required by Section 10.08 of the code: 6. The proposed communications tower goes not present a hazard to air navieation if constructed subject to all of the conditions set forth in FAA Aeronautical Studv_ No. 98- AGL- X295 -OE which is on file with the City Administrator: -. The proposed communications tower will be constructed in accordance with the National Tower Code but will be constructed to exceed the code reouimments for local wina steed and ice conditions: S. The strength and the location of the guy wires of the proposed communications tower ensure that a tower collapse would limit the debris field to the general area of the base of the tower; 9. In the event of a severe ice and wind storm such as Duluth experienced in April of 1999. during which power lines and trees were brought down by the combined weight of ice and the force of winds, falling ice could present a hazard to employees and pedestrians in the vicinity of the proposed communications tower: 10. The base and Puy wire anchor locations of the proposed communications tower. and the equipment buildine, will be protected by a security fence not less than six feet in height: 1 L The proposed communications tower will provide needed telecommunications services to the citizens of Hutchinson: 12. While the proposed communications tower will adversely impact neighboring property in the immediate vicinity of its location in the event of a severe iceand wind storm. this impact will not be substantial or create an undue hardship; 13. The proposed communications tower will be designed. constructed and operated so as to permit neighboring property to be developed in accordance with existing zoning regulations. 0 Findings of Fact— Hutchinson Telelphone Company CUP Planning Commission November 3, 1999 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. The rower MUSE be constructed as provided in the plans- 2. A building permit is required for the footings and foundation of the anchor. tower and building. �. The conditional use permit expires 6 months from the date of approval. If the tower has not been construction within that time period. the owners would be required to reapply for the conditional use permit. TERMS: City reserves the right to review all conditional use permits at their discretion. Respectfullv submitted. William Amdt_ Actma Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission Cc: Tom DahifWalt Clay, Hutchinson Telephone Company, Box 279.235 Franklin Street SW. Hutchinson MN Bernie Knutson. Lynn Card. 335 Michigan Street SE. Hutchinson MN 55350 • RESOLUTION NO. 11356 RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ERECT A 300 FOOT TOWER AT 345 MICHIGAN STREET SOUTHEAST AS REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE COMPANY 'ATIEREAS. on September 14. 1 999. the Hutchinson Telephone Company made application for a conditional use permit to erect a communications tower. 300 feet in height at 345 Michigan Street Southeast: and WHEREAS. the subject property. Lot 2 and Lot 3. Block 1. l st Addition to Hutchinson Industrial District is zoned 1 -2. Hea Industry District: and WHEREAS. on October 19. 1999 the Hutchinson Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and reviewed the application. tabling the request until October 25. ;999 to gather further information: and VVHEREAS. on October 25. 1999 the Hutchinson Planning Commission held a continued public heating and made its hnaine5 and recommendations. NOW THEREFORE. rHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA MAKES THE FOLLOtbTNG FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The required application was submitted. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 7, 1999. The proposed communications tower exceeds 75 feet in height and therefore requires a conditional use permit under Section i 0.08 of the zoning code. 4. The proposed communications tower conforms to the Uniform Building Code and National Electrical Code as required by Section 10.08 of the code. 5. The proposed communications tower does not present a hazard to air navigation if constructed subject to all of the conditions set forth in FAA Aeronautical Study No. 98- AGL- 5295 -OE which is on file with the City Administrator. 6. The proposed communications tower will be constructed in accordance with the National Tower Code but will be constructed to exceed the code requirements for local wind speed and ice conditions. 7. The strength and the location of the guy wires of the proposed communications tower ensure that a tower collapse would limit the debris field to the general area of the base of the tower. 8. In the event of a severe ice and wind storm such as Duluth experienced in April of 1999, during which power lines and trees were brought down by the combined weight of ice and the force of winds. falling ice could present a hazard to employees and pedesoians in the vicinity of the proposed communications tower. Hutchinson Telephone Company CUP November 9. 1999 Page 2 9. The base and guy wire anchor locations of the proposed communications tower, and he equipment building, will be protected by a security fence not less than six feet in height. UPON THE FOREGOING FINDINGS OF FACT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON CONCLUDES AS FOLLOWS: The proposed communications tower will provide needed telecommunications services to the citizens of Hutchinson. While the proposed communications tower will adversely impact neighboring property in the immediate vicinity of its location in the event of a severe ice and wind storm. this impact will not be substantial or create an undue hardship. 3. The proposed communications tower will be designed. constructed and operated so as to permit neighboring property to be developed in accordance with existing zoning regulations. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA: That the proposal of the Hutchinson Telephone Company to erect a communications tower. 300 feet in height at 345 Michigan Street Southeast in the City of Hutchinson. on property legally described as Lot 2 and Lot 3. Block I. 1st Addition to Hutchinson Industrial District McLeod County, is in conformance with the requirements for a conditional use permit pursuant to Hutchinson City Code. Chapter 1 1. and a conditional use permit is hereby issued subject to the following conditions: A. The communications tower shall be constructed in strict conformance with the approved plans and in conformance with the findings as stated in this Resolution; 0 B. Building permits and all other required permits for the proposed construction. including footings, foundations. anchors, tower base and building shall be obtained prior to commencement of construction: C. In the event construction of the communications tower has not been substantially commenced within six months of the date of this Resolution. this conditional use permit expires without notice and without further action of the City Council; D. The construction and operation of the communications tower is subject to inspection and review by the City Council for compliance with this conditional use permit at the discretion of the City Council, without notice to the applicant. Adopted by the City Council this 9 111 day of November. 1999. Martin Torgerson, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plots Citv Administrator CITY OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING STAFF REPORT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission • Prepared By: Planning Staff: Brad Emans. Dick Schieffer, Dolf Moon. Don Nelson, Gary Plotz, Jean Ward. John Rodeberg, John Olson. John Webster, Mark Hensen. Mark Schnobrich, Steve Madson, Dick Nagy, Christie Rock and Julie Wischnack Date: October', 1999 - Meeting date October 19, 1999 Applicant: Hutchinson Telephone Company (property owner) Property Location: 345 Michigan Street SE Brief Description The property is located on the northeastern comer of 5' Avenue and Michigan Street - The parcel where the tower is proposed is zoned. I -2. Whereas. the property where the existing telephone company building is located is zoned I -1. Section 10.08. Subdivision 1. requires all antennas exceeding i= to obtain a conditional use permit. The proposea structure would have guide anchors. The proposed tower is 300 feet in height. This conditional use permit was issued once. in November of 1998. but the structure was never built. Cellular One. near Highway 15. was granted a conditional use permit for a 150 foot tower. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: [ -2 Lot Size: 106 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: Industrial Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Industrial Zoning History: A conditional use permit was issued in November of 1998. Conditional Use Permits expire after 6 months if the project has not been undertaken. -applicable Regulations: Section 10.08— Television and Radio Antennas • Hutchinson Telephone — Conditional Use Permit Planning Commission Review — October 19, 1999 Page 2 SPECIAL INFORMATION Transportation: NA Parking: NA Analysis: The proposed tower location is within property owned by the applicant. There will be an equipment building (350 square feet) near the base of the tower. There will be a security fence installed around the base of the tower and the building. The tower will be lighted_ as required to meet airport safety regulations. The tower may not be located closer to the street than the principal building location and may not encroach in the required setback areas. The plan meets these criteria. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. The tower must be constructed as provided in the plans. 3. A building permit is required for the footings and foundation of the anchor. tower and buildine. 3. The conditional use permit expires 6 months from the date of approval. If the tower has not been construction within that time period, the owners would be required to reapply for the conditional use permit. Cc: Hutchinson Telephone Company, Box 1 -79. 235 Franklin Street SW. Hutchinson NfN I IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII! II IIIII I IIII111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 E l E P ly O N E .. O M P a V November 1, 1999 Mayor Marlin C. Torgerson & Hutchinson City Council Members 111 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson MN 55350 Re: Conditional Use Permit for HTC Tower Industrial Park, Hutchinson Dear Mayor Torgerson and City Council Members: The matter referenced above is on the November 9, 1999, meeting agenda. Unfortunately, I will not be able to appear in person; I have a prior commitment out -of -state on that date. I did appear before the Hutchinson Planning Commission and was granted their unanimous approval to move forward. • Representing me at the meeting will be Tom Dahl, General Manager of Hutchinson Telephone Company, and Jim Costello, Director of Special Services. These gentlemen will answer any questions that may arise. If needed, I will be available to take a telephone call for any concerns that require my input. Feel free to call me during the meeting at (320) 9794040. Thank you for your consideration of this project Si rely, Walter Chairman, President, & CEO • 235 FRANKLIN STREET SW - P.O. 90x 279 H U T c R I N 5 o N M N 5 5 3 5 0 - 0 2 7 9 PHONE( 320) 587 -2323 • FAx13201567 -5211 Sniff recommends conditional approval o th ditional use permit to grade areas within the flood hinge: 1 . The fl000 oiain elevations must be p ed by the Feaeral Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as amcussea in the letter from the N Area Hydrologist. 2. The wetland mitigation or pu f its must be clarified. City to follow State Wetland banking process. 3. The composting run-off may not directly enter protected waterway; as the drainage will be dwec& the sanitary sewer system. 4. The existing berm areas on the northeastern portion of the property should not be graded. Addidormlly, more plantings should be added to increase the screening for the proposed facility. 5. Sit fencing must be utilized throughout construction to ensure no extra sediment enters the river or non - impacted wetland areas. Mr. Kirchoff moved to close the nearing, seconded by Mr. Jones the hearing closed at 5:55 p.m. Mr. Kirrhoff made a motion to recommend approval of the request for conditional use permit with staff reconxriendations and noting State standards for wetlands are to be followed. Seconded by Mr. Jones. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Kirchoff made a motion to recommend approval of rezoning to I-C and 1 -2 as shown on exhibit with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Jones. The motion carried unanimously. C) ` CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE COMPANY TO ERECT A 300 FOOT COMMUNICATION TOWER LOCATED AT 345 MICHIGAN STREET S.E Vice Chairman Arndt Opened the hearing at 5:57 p.m. with the reading of publication 116071 as published in the The Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, October 7, 1999. Ms Wlschnack explained the six month expiration on a previous conditional use permit has lapsed. The conditional use permit was issued in November of 1998. but the structure was never built. The proposed tower with guide lines location is within property owned by the applicant There will be an equipment building (350 square feet) near the base of the tower. There will be a security fence installed around the base of the tower and the building. The tower will be lighted, as required to meet airport safety regulations. The tower may not be located closer to the street than the pnnclpal building klcation and may not encrV the required setback areas. The plan meets these criteria. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit with the following conditions: 1. The tower must be constructed as provided in the plans. 2. A building permit is required for the footings and foundation of the anchor, tower, and building. 3. The conditional use permit expires 6 months from the date of approval. If the tower has not been constructed within that time period, the owners would be required to reapply for the conditional use permit Bennie Knutson, neighboring property owner said the tower will be 8 — 10 feet from his property. Issues concerning him were property value. safety, and ice storms creating ice buildup on the tower. A 300' tower should be 300' from his property line. Mr. Knutson recommended denial of the request. Jim Costello. Hutchinson Telephone representative, said the tower is designed to with stand high winds. The guide lines are well over rated, and the anchors are extensive. The tower will be well lit per FCC requirements. The tower to be installed by Dec 1, 1999 Bernie Knutson would approve free standing away from his property line. Mr. Jones said he would like information from the Pyrod Company, the company building the tower, with the pro and cons for a tower with guide lines and free standing tower. Mr. Costello said the lights on the tower would be similar to lights on the elevator. Rick Kjonnas recommended fencing around guide wires for protection. Staff to notify adjoining property owners of public hearing date of October 25, 1999. Mr. Jones made a motion to recommend table of the request until October 25. 1999 at 5:30 p.m. art� Telephone Company to obtain information on the history, towers in other communities, safety and ice differences between freestanding and guide line towers, and have information available to Mr. Knrtbm Seconded by Mr. Haugen. The motion canned unanimously. MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Monoay, October 25, 1999 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. FOR YOUR INICVRMON The special meeting was called to order by Chair Dean Wood. Other members present were: Vice Chairman Bill Arndt; Jim Haugen. Jeff Jones. Dave Westlund. and Dean Kirchoff .Absent: Jeff Haag,. Staff members present Julie Wischnack, Director of Planning and Zoning, and Richard Schieffer, City Legal Counsel. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON TELPHONE COMPANY TO ERECT A 300 FOOT COMMUNICATION TOWER LOCATED AT 345 MICHIGAN STREET SOUTHEAST Wischnack explained the meeting that had taken place between the Telephone Company and the neighboring property owners. Wischnack stated the neighbors had concerns about safety, aesthetics and property values. Walt Clay, President of the Hutchinson Telephone Company was present. Tom Dahl, General Manager for the Telephone Company was also present. Dahl spoke about the supporting neighboring property owners who do not object to the tower being sited on the property. Dahl submitted the letters for the record. Dahl also spoke to Jim Fahey, who was not opposed to the tower. Dahl explained that the costs of buying land, electrical connections and the added costs of monopole construction were reasons that the company did not investigate other sites. Dahl explained that Pyrod Company, the engineers for the tower, had submitted a letter regarding safety issues. Wood asked if he had any information on ice and the number of times ice issues apse on a tower such as this. Dahl stated that no specific information on numbers is available, but the tower has been reviewed by the F.A.A. and the F.C.C. Dahl stated the F.C.C. had approved the tower, although they don't have the final report at this time. Haugen asked about the previous application and why had the company let the approval run out Dahl stated they were busy with other priorities and did not have time to renew the permit. Westlund asked about tower codes. Dahl stated 0 they would be fencing the guide wires and the buildingitower area for safety reasons Bernie Knutson, Lynn Card Company, stated he was not in support of a 300' self - supporting tower. Knutson stated that the company maintains the property well. Knutson stated there has been some reference to legal issues for cities where the city can not deny certain permits. Knutson explained he had plans to expand to the south of the existing building and is very concerned about ice issues. Knutson presented a graphics about how a 1 pound ice chunk could drop from a tower and its landing point. Knutson stated that the approval of the airport (F.A.A.) only means they have posted the notice, but there has been little research. Knutson was also concemed with the aesthetic qualities bf the tower, flashing lights, and visibility from all areas of the City. Mike Gavin, an Attorney from Glencoe, provided information about preemption of local ordinances and some court decisions. Gavin suggested determining the availability of other sites. Gavin was concerned if the airport wanted to put in a cross runway and the effect this tower would have on that. Gavin also mentioned concerns about emissions from the transmissions of towers may affect employee recruitment for neighboring businesses. Clay discussed the fact that other sites were considered, but this was in an industrial area. Discussion between the applicant and neighboring property owner continued Jones asked if the other tower in the area affected the airport. Dave Skar, Chair of the Airports Commission, stated he is requesting that the FAA's decision be followed as far as setting heights and distances. Schieffer stated that zoning codes are not prempted by federal statutes. Schieffer explained that by local ordinance, a tower exceeding 75 feed requires a conditional use permit He went to explain the 3 standards for issuing conditional use permits. Schieffer stated that Minnesota case law states that a conditional use permit are allowed uses, but subject to certain conditions. Schieffer stated the following are not issues: placing the tower somewhere else; aesthetics - can not be the only issue. but can be a portion of the consideration; radio transmission waves - it must be found to be a fact; and property devaluation - must be a proven fact. Schieffer reiterated that the true test is whether the use meets the criteria. Planning Commission Minutes October 25, 1999 Page 2 Jones asked Shieffer if there was not substantial evidence, what should they do? Schieffer stated that was for the commission to decide. Arndt moved to close the hearing. Jones seconded the motion. Motion carried Ayes 6 N 0. Westlund stated he thinks industrial areas are a better place for these towers. Westlund also stated that the Telephone Company has based some of their plans on an earlier decision by the City to approve the use. Jones stated his major concern is safety because he feels it is a potential danger. Jones does not know if it is, statistically, an issue. Haugen stated that he had dealt with a tower in Alexandria and they had not had an ice problem with a tower located 12 -20 feet from an employee entrance. Haugen also asked the company about other towers they owned and they have not have safety issues. Haugen stated that there are ice issues in downtown area, trees fall in ice storms, etc. Haugen asked if the Telephone Company would remove the tower if there were issues. Jones asked if they put their tower in the rural area could it serve the area. Clay stated, no, if located M mile east. Kirkoff moved to approve the conditional use permit with staff conditions (1. The tower must be constructed as provided in the plans; 2. a building permit is required for the footings and foundation of the anchor, tower and building; 3. the conditional use permit expires 6 months from the date of approval. If the tower has not been construction within that time period, the owners would be required to reapply for the conditional use permit.) Westlund seconded the motion. Motion carried Ayes 6 Nays 0. Jones requested staff review the ordinances regarding communications towers. ADJOURNMENT Haugen moved to adjourn the meeting. Arndt seconded. Motion camel Ayes 6 Nays 0. Meeting adjourned 7:40 p.m ii :aide Anan -- h i ; 7 I I j Mme Hire :Radius; I I I � I ?Idg. l n a I Z I I I 'II Elevation 1070' CLr 1'I c cement _ - ------ -'oodsea: .__.. - 00' 'over -aura. i _ !Base \ Budding once I I Aaard[. 250 sa- 't. � i I I III �i it I /2 �I Guido Ananar I � III it =a1.2 -m-u. I • - 0.0• `_2h Ave. SE le- 20' HI GI F E Foll C ID A MmIF: a NOTES 1. tkawiffp Not To Scds. 2. Trianputar eyed tower, 38' face. 3. 24U guy aid radius. A. - QW4rtdwrs rot Whom. <-- VFW Poo Pub" C4*Aw �-- FuWre PCs F— Future VHF, FuWm CoUdw �— CATV Off -" PACOMs F— UHF Pephp E --. UHF Poong CAN Off-Air Receive Future PCS re�err.rare�.�ow� proposed 300' Tower Hubddi m n WN .2000 W ��o Federal zviaticn Administration Great lakes Region, AGL -5 2300 East Devon Avenue Des Plaines, IL 60018 ISSUED DATE: 04/19/99 HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE COMPANY P. 0. BOX 279, 235 FRANKLIN ST SW HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 ..ERONAUT=AL STUDY No: 1 8- AGL - 5295 -OE t" DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION *• The Federal Aviation Administration has completed an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and, if applicable, Title 14 of the Code of Federal :Regulations, part 77, concerning: Description: COMMUNICATION TOWER /152.600,806- 960MHZ @0.50KW /450 MHZ ®0.30KW /1800- 2000MHZ ®0.20KW Location: HUTCHINSON MN Latitude: 44 -53 -13.86 NAD 83 Longitude: 094 -21 -06.93 Heights: 320 feet above ground level (AGL) � 1390 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) 67 a This aeronautical study revealed that the structure would have no substant -a1 adverse effect on the safe and efficient utilization of the navicable airspace by aircraft or on the operation of air navigation facilities. Therefore, pursuant to the authority delegated to me, it is hereby determined that the structure would not be a hazard to air .,av at- 1. PzLv: - u83 the fpilcrwing cc=diticr. bE/ -..1, -9( -^) =ct: -As a condition to this determination, the structure should be marked and /or lighted in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 70/7460 -1J, Obstruction Marking and Lighting, Chapters 4, 8(M- Dual), & 13. -It is required that the enclosed FAA Form 7460 -2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, be completed and returned to this office any time the project is abandoned or: At least 10 days prior to start of construction (7460 -2, Part I) Within 5 days after construction reaches its greatest height (7460 -2, Part II) -See attachment for additional condition(s) or information. This determination expires on 11/29/00 unless: (a) extended, revised or terminated by the issuing office or (b) the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction or on the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE POSTMARKED OR DELIVERED TO THIS OFFICE AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. 4 — ,! ATTACHMENT TO AERONAUTICAL STUDY 98 -AGL- 5295 -0E The proposed structure would be located approximately 2.12 nautical miles northeast of the Hutchinson Mumcinal Airport. Hutchinson, MN. It would exceed the obstruction standards of the Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 77 as follows: Section 77.23(a)(2) by 120 ft. - a height above AGL exceeding 200 ft. within 2.12 nautical miles as applied to Hutchinson Municipal Airport. The proposal was circularized for public comment by letter dated March 12. 1999. No letters of objection were received as a result of circularization. Aeronautical study disclosed the proposal would have no effect on any existing or planned instrument flight rules (IFR) operations. procedures. minimum flight altitudes or air navigation and communications facilities. Study for visual flight rules (VFR) effect disclosed the proposal would be beyond all known public - use airport traffic pattern airspace areas and at 320 feet above ground level the proposal would not penetrate attitudes considered available for VFR enroute operations. The structure will be appropriately marked and lighted to assure aeronautical conspicuity. Therefore. it is determined the proposed structure would have no substantial adverse effect on the safe and efficient utilization of the navigable airspace by aircraft or on the operation of air navigation or communication facilities and could not be a hazarc to air navigation. Page 3 of 3 Pages Aeronautical Study No 98- AGL - 5295 -OE anon 106o October 22, 1999 Mr. Jim Costello Hutchinson Telephone Co. 235 Franklin Street S.W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: #48M x,300' Guyed Tower, Hutchinson, MN P99 -09-1 WB Deer Mr. Costello: 1545 Pt(= ORME P.OI BOX 128 PLYMOUTH. INOLVAR Q65"128 (219) 91&4221 SALES FAX WS) 9364796 ENG. FAX (219) 836 -4M ACCOUNTING FAX. (219) 93&4W PURCHASING FAX: (2111) 936.836! Thank you for your inquiry concerning tower design codes and practices as they relate to your tower designs in Hutchinson. Minnesota. PIROD has been designing and building guyed and self - supporting towers since the early 1950's. During this time, we have sold thousands of guyed towers ranging in height from • as lNe as 50' high to in excess of 1400'. These bowers were individually engineered to accommodate the loading requirements imparted by the design windspeed, ice considerations, antenna loading, and other factors dictated by the national code requirements existing at the time the tower was built The present national tower code, ANSUEIAMA -222= F" represents the latest refinement of specific minimum requirements for tower engineers and manufacturers to follow to help assure that the tower structure, guy system and guy anchors are designed to meet the most reafiatic conditions for local weather while assuring that the tower is designed to stringent factors of safety. In the case of the tower under consideration, the owner has elected to exceed the stipulated code requirements for windspeed and has also requested that 112' ice be included in the analysis. Ice is considered on all tower members. guy system, antennas. and lines and results in a substantially heavier tower design than one considered without ice. The "F" version of the code incorporates an escalating wind factor based on tower height Thus 80 MPH is the basic design windspeed at the 10 meter height. This speed is then increased in stages up the tower. "Meeting the code' Implies that the design quoted has all of the code requirements for safety factors intact at the windspeed specified . Thus, the ultimate survival speed would be considerably higher. Again, adding ice to the design 0 loading also adds a further safety factor, in effect, to the final tower strength. bT/£T'd 1T29LBSWZT6 01 6998 6T2 7 7N1 God Id dA £S:00 966 S2 170 The national design code (EIA Standard RS- 222 - "F") requires that the factor of safety present in the guy cables on towers below 900' at the design bad condition be 2.0. This means that the tension in these wires cannot exceed 50% for a factor cf safety of 2.0. By wntrast, the safety factor in the tower structure itself varies from 1.33 to 1.67. The purpose of this disparity is to insure that failure of the structure is predicted before failure of the wires. Structural failure would therefore be predicted to result in collapse of the tower like a "carpenters rule" in the general area of the base of the tower. This would occur because the still- intact guy system would tend to hold the tower column in the vertical orientation during column collapse, The foregoing is with specific reference to tower failures induced by extreme weather conditions. However, tower failure can also result from human mtsadvenWre or vandalism. Therefore, security fencing is advisable to protect against accident or vandalism. Needless to say, the engineering codes which govern tower designs are extremely conservative. Tourers are designed for extreme wind conditions. and even under these extreme conditiorm stringent factors of safety are required. As Chief Engineer of the company and a registered P.E. in 42 states, I oversee all engineering and application of our towers. I am a graduate engineer from Purdue Jnivefsity and have been Chief Engineer of the company since 1995. 1 am assisted by two other registered professional engineers, Mr. John Erichsen who has been with PROD, Inc., since 1984 and Mr. Myron Noble who has been President of PROD, Inc., since 1973. Four other qualified engineers are also on our staff. All PROD welders are qualified to the high standards of AWS 01.1 or are in the process of becoming qualified. Mathematical and physical tests are perforrned routinely on tower sections and designs as required. Our total design, engineer and build process has been quality audited by our customers incluaing public utdities, telephone companies and 90vernMWA a8ertaes- We trust the above and the attached will be helpful to you. If you should need anything else, please let us know at your convenience. Sincerely, William 13. Rettig Chief Engineer Extension #6231 1 hereby certify that this plan, spect- Rcatton, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervimon and that I am a Uuly Regis!ereo Engineer under the laws of th ' 5 "4wnesota. Dste1QZ7- 39- Reeistratlon N0 -41i&7 ® MM MM P.O. BOX 125 • PLYMOUTN, INDIANA 411563-112 (2119) 9354 0 bT /VT'd TTZ94,8502£16 01 69% 6T2 T 7NI God id ad b5:00 8%T Q iW 0 s - IBG' O N u p O r w O n N a m r 19 O II pl i a X y L I Q O r n 0 1 � z •_ M r tie w � — - A (PALL 2) B (PAGE IJ I T I a � 700' N4BU SCCI IUNS -ILO' I � 13l u Rtrs HIPS •SEE PACE 3 FOR ACNAI. BISi.ANCES 10 aWhORS. 10'AER ELEVATION O m _ I ' ou I I n,• ,.f rv,.ei „y I I I 2 R II I� _ I I Full., o.w.oa i I I i MMY1'/ 211.24 i i I ` I 1 I. bLul h, d � wMl �- ar1 , I i / i I I I Y i , 1M .v Item FIFTH AVENUE SE wul.6an fw ( i r 'r' 3 I , I I I \ I I % I I \ I I I I i I I i I I 1M .v Item FIFTH AVENUE SE wul.6an fw ( i rx/unxxnx un) anal) iniuiu) niiiuiuninuuuinniiiiuiiniiiiiiinniiuniniuninnninunnnnn ))nu)uuun Octooer 28, 1999 Ms. Julie Wischnack City of Hutchinson Planning and Zoning Commission Dear Julie: Enclosed are letters from all the property owners in the Industrial Park except Lynn Card Company. Could you pass this information to the Planning and Zoning Commission? These owners have no objection to the placement of a tower on our property. In addition, a copy of a letter from Mr. Jim Fahey is enclosed. Jim has a tower on his property and has had no problems or complaints associated with the tower. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Sincerely, Thomas M. Dahl General Manager Hutchinson Telephone Company TMD:gs Enclosures Letters from Industrial Park property owners Letter from Mr. Jim Fahey 0 235 F94NRLIN ST-"ET SW P p. (3 279 H" r= w N s o .+ M N 5 5 3 5 0 0 2 7 9 P.NONE1320)597 -2323 • F- x1320)587 -�2- i 0 OCTOBER 29, i999 TO WHOM TC MAY CONCERN: LET IT HE KNOWN THAT HANDS, INC HAS NO OHIECIION TO THE PLACEMENT OF TELEPHONE COMPANY TOWER IN THE TNDUSTRIAL PARK OF HUTCSMN. THANK YOU. Main O los: East First 3b • VVIMU p. MN 55M • P.O. Box 432 • Phor» 507- 847 -5388, FAX: 507- 647-WO • /L� - Is - y r ev 73 ° a ¢-� � � � -e- -. elL 0 4-,1, OCT -27 -99 0t:27 PM MAC CONSTRUCT70H 320 387 x460 P.Ot RrUmwd McOum 384 SO41OW Road South Hutchinson, MN 55350 To: Walt Clav Hutchinson Telephone Company From: Dick McClure Date: October 27. 1999 Subject: Industrial Park Towcr Just a note to let YOU know that I have no objection to your proposed tower erection on your property in the industrial park. POSWI` brand fax rransaimal rnomo 1671 .or oapw . O<9r � ►IIOnr r Fu 0 _ uCi- X1`."35 j7 :12 rt4-Ef z. L-0 rai&C ,:c0 ter? — at FAHEY SALF-s AGENCY. INC. F64SOMAUOrtNORG AND APPRA66ta Pa ttarsro• Wom".. to a =0107ae0 October 27, 1999 w wait Clay r/o Htschboon TeJapbonO Company 235 Fraddin St SW Hutchnam MN 55350 near .W. Clay: I am writing to follow up on a conversation i bad with Mr. Tom Dahl of your otgmWition on Monday, October 25. I felt it mccomy to put in writing what we discussed about your pending tower m the i dusaial park in Hutchinson. 1 fr. Dahl ingauod wbetha we had experienced any falling we from the rover located just a few rhea from our building. We bbven't. Thtre is no evwcwc of OW roof dan qp on our building previous to us occupytag this location_ I spccificaAY asked MMe of F & W Roofing to double cbcck that during our temodeting- The portion of our building next to the tower has a standing seam too£ and the balance of the building has a rubber mctnbranc roof, neither of which would tolerate any falling ice without cxte"mye damage that would be evident. I lava never bed any complaints as to the tower being an aYesore. and I have . never fah that my bttUms or my smff or tenants have been in any danger. Ibe portion of our builder closest to tits tower houses a daycare with small children, the tower was Never an issue for them as renters, fnr me as landlord, or for the stale in licensing the daycare. The location of the tower on my property is somewhat unusual as it was a cons aunicaUm tower that was grandf tthered in. That's the reason it couid be coverructed on its site It's unlikely that 7m would ever construct awther tower on our sine as I would ass=* my ftadwr construction of towers within the city limits would take plane m the industrial park. I wish you well in your endeavor to wastrtxx a tower in the industrial Park wberc it beiongs. Best ngards to you and your staff' 'tAMan you're sa" a NIRW ! - donl sent it shat - Cal FahayV • TOTRL P.01 ,4 — ? ' October 25, 19% Walt Clay Hutchinson Telephone Company 235 Franklin St SW Hutchinson MN 55350 To Whom It May Concern: Hutchinson Utilities Commission has no objections to the Hutchinson Telephone Company resurrecting a communications tower adjacent to the property of Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Yours truly, 0 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Daui �«iana Clarence Kadnnas, P.E. Ice Pic - = - =m General Manager rz! M-587-= - 146 Fax 32 5E 7-4':1 i 11-2 0 Goebel Fixture Company Retail and Archaectarai lntenors 528 Dale Street, Hutchinson Vinwrota 55350 320687 -2112 FAX 3101587 -2378 10.25.99 Tom Dahl Hutchinson Telephone Co. 235 Franklin St Hutchinson MN 55350 Dear Tom, In regard to the new tower you plan to erect ai your 5"' Ave. garage location, we, as adjacent property owners, have no objection as long as all safety concerns are satisfied. Sincerely, Dick Goebel VP 0 nt..r 1t..rr wdad"rkft Eme" teee Sinee 1935 cWt stat�rol vme�wr �rri S -2- , 7C o7y v aa � - al-. ti. ' ca COMPANY P O. Sax 47 - 4utchinson. MN 55350 =hone: X3201 587 -6120 =AX: x,3201 2346337 Subject: Hutchinson Telephone's Proposed ?00 Foot Tower To: Hutchinson Planning Staff and City Council Members On November 1 ". 1999 1 contacted Mayor Torgerson and Don Erickson to request that the approval of the conditional use permit for Hutchinson Telephone's 300 foot tower be removed from the consent agenda and addressed as a separate issue. Don agreed he would do this at the Citv_ Council Meeting scheduled on November 9°. 1999. it is our opinion that this issue should be of utmost concern to the City Council and the Communitv of Hutchinson. We would like the opportunity to present the FACTS on this issue to enable you to make an informed decision. These facts include. but are not limited to. a serious concern over the safety of those working in the shadows of this tower. We have attached a few .iocuments and amcles that address some of our safety concerns. We look forward to the opportunity to make a brief presentation to the City Council at the meeting scheduled for November 9 1999. BERNIE KNUTSON Lynn Card Company 9 Hutchinson City Code Chapter 11, Section 6.07B I A conditional use permit for the uses listed in Section 8 of this Ordinance shall be granted only if evidence is presented to establish: (a) That the proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) That the proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safetv and general welfare; and (c) That the proposed building or use will be designed, arranged, and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property accordance with the applicable district regulations. r Ue �r 1 14 4 q caret aanra i San Ice storm gusts t rough `'win Ports People In parts of Duluth awoke to an unwelcome surprise on Raster morning, blanks to a combination of treating rein and high winds. Later in the day, ice and winds combined to knock KBJR- TV and four ", kW radio eta - bona off the air. Icy roads restdfed in numer- ous accidents In the Duluth area Saturday nigbl, mine of brem se. rlous, the Duluth once of the State Patrol reported. Ice and wind felled trees In several hill- top n■ytht>taih«ds. The'Natlonal Westtrer Service recorded s wind gust of 61 mph at 63(1 p.m. Saturray, before its equipment iced up. Nearly are Inch of rain fell on We area. The Ice storm also Inter- rupted electrical service to thou - sanda of Minnesota Power customers. Mhutosotr Power apakesman Warren Huddleson said, "Ice on trees and power fines caused a rash W locidind power outsgas on uhe brow of the Lake Superior hWalde exlpnding hvm use Proc- for area on over toward Island Lake" begtnning around a p.m. Saturday. 'Ill's a real patchwork of problems. It's caused a lot of damage and requlr'ee a )01 of work on the part of our crews," Crews from as far away as Park Rapids, Mlnn., wore work- Ing Sunday to repair the damage. Huddlsson� said the company hoped to have power rt,lly re s(uredearly title mornh,g, w n ggi ll ol, l�re trading from ro ugh �r —roof L- MW trout fb rani of re I a on s transinitfor build- ad the building, knocMag the station off the air, The problems with KHJII's tower and tramunittrr building also knocked radio stations ROWS, WSCN, KDW and KDNW ob'the air. KUWS eoglnear raw G ebb w�e�d lu�s�t f� a__ggI__ngg sow 9msde t loo as •__ e p o g 3jMgy n B11YOLS, dull{) NA Surds; suale liga tdbulty hundreds of lihouaand Sava redtgs", sun that if would lwgln massive alras of Its history to brb�rgg In and take oat ablias People to temporary a the United Slates and On the other end has hscoras a twoh Wcl between N a slavis, bill rules a We advantage of a the weather by our the bombardarer,t. TO awed air amults on Ila has dramatic crossed In The last after an Initial phase only 1s petcsnl of tb lllgbta were W0,11 runs. With the dual of exceadulf; 3M.esu r bombing began, au U.N. 09UMI, NATO emergency relief Macedonia and caber a the f ldu of it daspersto reluyew whelmsd ald works The alliance we B to 8.000 tr.,„ps Dim to help w t W raft Plsa,s M 111111% l Congre is topsides ni��� ax code `marriag u hills clay fn Dulluth Heights offer an Ice storm that left 7 gains wilhout Pawn. .r Carl assn.. Auvrrmd Mss WASHINGTON -- Most Amxicur have never heard of Vlvka Hell But if they are alorried and sub apouae sar'a roughly tim game salary, they should keep her In mind when filling out tl+nlr income tax to. "bled Conlinal In 19ua to change the tax code so it would not dbcrimloahe against unmr. rled adults. 8 le had bean at ■ tax dioadvaruge tq married uoupsn shins Lft. / BW wborl one groyp from ttnitring with the prow give tax cede, aawHrr i0aef. Such Is the case with the "inrrlsge .- - ,M .M4." of , nfflinn e welxhbrg at least one pr to help SOWS mr• rl tples, to tap the surplus In the fm* danced revenue. Kwooss, of fast H Conn., was a manufaclaw tabM grips who founded War Widowo at America with surgu OlwU Swanson and catnlpol>tood rrstInst unfair tax h•eatatstt far rued because of a poet -World War U shortage of potential husbaods. "What do you do If you can't gel a husband? Sbould you be t mad for tiwti" she beatlMed be- a co halal commlttss, to •°fba Deablts land hBT) of tie lnroms Tax" by tidy & Mw ptaMaser M1cbMl Throe decadge later, 4nizr" While House Ary,ub vow to and the fag cot flags poluity," other are on Main way b OF marAags reaatl. Las p wadd g ive a price to UU+ y todgt'/gp u ba viarlial tx)wwoi 7 nnV lrlgln inks AVAbr of Duludh takes a phutottiraph of the damaged car parked outslds We tome on Tertace tilreat as Doug Evans, of Cottage Grove, Mlm., lakes a closer ". The tree in Miller's Iron) yod spat in two; aria part landed on the car, U* other on his roof. looking at how bW sidemUs are um. tn, t Safety concerns arise over tower School officials worried about ice falling from higher tower h lease Wa sad Caer.1 twasrlala Nees TW ee dd wriferr Some parents and teachers at Duluth's Central High School fear failing tee from a sew radio lower could Injure students and damage thetr cars. There also are accusations that city councllors and planning commissioners ignored Duluth Fire Marshal John Strongt- tharm's concerns about the new tower. At 789 feel tall, the new tower will holster the signal from HQD&FM 94 e, a rock 'n' roll radio slsllon, while allowing MD-TV Channel 21 to begin broadcasting Fox network pro gramming In the Duluth area for the first lima, perhaps as early as this summer. It will replace an existing tower that Is nearly JOO feet shorter. During construction, the In other tower - related news. Northland viewers tnaj be able to find KBJR -TV Channel 6 on the airwaves ton4hi. more than two west,& after an ice storm caused towel trou- bles that knocked the station off the air April 4. Bee story, Page ZB. existing "toot lower will con- to be built nearby — possibly tinue to be used- closer to Central Nigh School, its That means the now tower can't be Will on the salne point l�ewr as i flNt[t ►eaa 2g as the existi one. H will have ftd Gnaw, 11e a stu- dent at Woodland MW dle School, welts as Edgardo Carranra Iles on a traditional Ecuw dorshstyle mask. Rad made the mask out of paper Tuesday morn - Inil at a cWlurat arts event at Wsahiroon WW The of if [sl&rtd A pm 3128 a I A gle R A Be the sit It ha day wl Preset wildlb swath Itu eb It ar forefa on III roust loam could thing TH You Dora Pi nt state "*I fib A new antenna tower mrlaa'ry ba buW closer to Central High edgd paparly tlwn tM existing one. tiolrre puenU tp oortwrnad 1ha new tower m W a danger 10 WRAMS from ks. PEEKING INTO U ITIER CULTMES • • • has given KBJR permission to hang a standby Imtanna about eoo feet up WDIUs 800IIM -tepee. :II -A-Wd 4• :Col falling Off nJR's tower pounded the sw bon's Winnow a build- m& lmocldng the Tv statim and three radio statims ed the Sir. The radio stations have stns re turned to the airwaves and for Bresnan Commu nations able Y Iroff Iner 4-T1 nnc E Law tee ttss best rim was I Safetv concerns arise over tower near school ett fox Pe ME dif co an add 901 sir Hut tiot has aw a w seen pan nev age pub disc legit T don my Chn read shot alit P.O: d* surd. and v rev i oat_ Ak%m Dew. ;s 71 ske w A 7OM f asaaaelfffln page IB student lot and its Piano" new athletic flelds That's the fear of I mb and teachers of the school's Pitrast Teacher Student Asadr ciatiam On Tuesday, they drafted a letter to Ihtluth Mayor Gan Dory, detailing their concerns. "I would hate to see a kid gut hurt just because things aren't thought out well." PISA Ptesxdent Mary dim Harsh said - We're fearta The Uds' parking lot is right than. A special -use permit allow- ing construction of the tower Was adopted unanim ously by the City Council on Nov. 10, 1897. The Duhth Plannma Coto- mfs3iba recommended the ap- proval. deswe an Oanber K 191". e-mail it® Stroup- that= Be WeUM "1 haw coo- cnaa abort we fallmg in the winter time. It appears that we will fall outside the pro- posed property and may e& danger vehicks and people in the nearby parking lot ... Has anyone looked at the 'dan- per zone•for ftHing "r Sttongitharm said Tuesday that the fire department's ob- Jecarms be" always had to do with bDmg ios_ "Thars an - ongoing con - esta' its said "We got fns eeeoetas about two to six times a year Where ics falls off the tower Even smaller thumbs, ftOm that height it can be dev- aseat ng• " Ia this use, we were look- ing out for public safety.° strongltherm said "!bar's mlbing in our (Div) code shunt arwomm *erns or tae "roes in SOON Ca110Em W! Pt ICs Stn - about to tO sk al s yw "hN o I" fob alt to bw mmkffw Ch ix *= }hit ksWik It cm be rip - dig. In sk cas we we POW smW Fve Ma.sra! JOkx .Sbevukam sioa "They wudd haw been nodfled — char's a rule dues followed reli<ioualy." be said Documents indicate the school was notified Not good ezvouO. said Ha- tala. Neither she. Central Mgh School Pr incipai Fred Tarnowsid twr school district officials w'ae aware of the tawe'S IIpoMing "mS tim "Whwe did that notification go" EWraie asked BfIItngmn said he did not m call my public %=y wham the vadanra to build the tower was granted Howeser. Billington said the variance was granted under the parameters for the an- tenaa farm sat forth a decade or mite ago. me was not on the P]mning Coming0ke at the time. 'TO armad m this PtoV Clinic to of by aley Thoopm ,Vsr" wur.saYwwr turd Swk>as had no Am ber daubter was to the eab stacgas of a pmnd Mai wli® parmnedia )lonely into an "Fled a ciddc beilaimart ao tessitde. I 't hAq bed to make trip." said who is kill paymgtbs bills fi= MoBY' ettM911 d7c AM 'They should ban neigh- borhood dmtes eveywb@m" Lincoln Park adsookhUdren. jam Molly win soon haw a hesith clink- and atxawBoys and Gh Club. hound in a A2 m2mm building that will be tas veiled Thursday at 4 pm The building was fbndd with a SU milllm state grunt fw after-Schad programs in btw-ixe wine neigbbacksoodn. [Ys allwri da 1rc4R �rtts [fl In let he bE in iIWR's entire coverage area — iana ,wgeiL wh o lives On about s 6S•m3le raams from the FUth Avemue West new i WWS 4 Twin Pore — either dieing b roadcast miser. has DPW 5MY- prnma rite, tomehi or on Thuxra- Qng ,n hate! OJR r day. the site ?.pre °- 'Tbe pgmal will not be as _?vecnmeu had il and os at the Holiday Ian s ' st Strang as pr to our toot tray ., • H nett! aprH 13. hies p said g am= the maned them m a weir operating on a standby SLtiies� br transmitter and a standby X tenna. people to out v ma as "we're doing OR." ,unroll * might notice a picture that's a said. "We miss being nome s lot has given KBJR permission to hang a standby Imtanna about eoo feet up WDIUs 800IIM -tepee. :II -A-Wd 4• :Col falling Off nJR's tower pounded the sw bon's Winnow a build- m& lmocldng the Tv statim and three radio statims ed the Sir. The radio stations have stns re turned to the airwaves and for Bresnan Commu nations able Y Iroff Iner 4-T1 nnc E Law tee ttss best rim was I Safetv concerns arise over tower near school ett fox Pe ME dif co an add 901 sir Hut tiot has aw a w seen pan nev age pub disc legit T don my Chn read shot alit P.O: d* surd. and v rev i oat_ Ak%m Dew. ;s 71 ske w A 7OM f asaaaelfffln page IB student lot and its Piano" new athletic flelds That's the fear of I mb and teachers of the school's Pitrast Teacher Student Asadr ciatiam On Tuesday, they drafted a letter to Ihtluth Mayor Gan Dory, detailing their concerns. "I would hate to see a kid gut hurt just because things aren't thought out well." PISA Ptesxdent Mary dim Harsh said - We're fearta The Uds' parking lot is right than. A special -use permit allow- ing construction of the tower Was adopted unanim ously by the City Council on Nov. 10, 1897. The Duhth Plannma Coto- mfs3iba recommended the ap- proval. deswe an Oanber K 191". e-mail it® Stroup- that= Be WeUM "1 haw coo- cnaa abort we fallmg in the winter time. It appears that we will fall outside the pro- posed property and may e& danger vehicks and people in the nearby parking lot ... Has anyone looked at the 'dan- per zone•for ftHing "r Sttongitharm said Tuesday that the fire department's ob- Jecarms be" always had to do with bDmg ios_ "Thars an - ongoing con - esta' its said "We got fns eeeoetas about two to six times a year Where ics falls off the tower Even smaller thumbs, ftOm that height it can be dev- aseat ng• " Ia this use, we were look- ing out for public safety.° strongltherm said "!bar's mlbing in our (Div) code shunt arwomm *erns or tae "roes in SOON Ca110Em W! Pt ICs Stn - about to tO sk al s yw "hN o I" fob alt to bw mmkffw Ch ix *= }hit ksWik It cm be rip - dig. In sk cas we we POW smW Fve Ma.sra! JOkx .Sbevukam sioa "They wudd haw been nodfled — char's a rule dues followed reli<ioualy." be said Documents indicate the school was notified Not good ezvouO. said Ha- tala. Neither she. Central Mgh School Pr incipai Fred Tarnowsid twr school district officials w'ae aware of the tawe'S IIpoMing "mS tim "Whwe did that notification go" EWraie asked BfIItngmn said he did not m call my public %=y wham the vadanra to build the tower was granted Howeser. Billington said the variance was granted under the parameters for the an- tenaa farm sat forth a decade or mite ago. me was not on the P]mning Coming0ke at the time. 'TO armad m this PtoV Clinic to of by aley Thoopm ,Vsr" wur.saYwwr turd Swk>as had no Am ber daubter was to the eab stacgas of a pmnd Mai wli® parmnedia )lonely into an "Fled a ciddc beilaimart ao tessitde. I 't hAq bed to make trip." said who is kill paymgtbs bills fi= MoBY' ettM911 d7c AM 'They should ban neigh- borhood dmtes eveywb@m" Lincoln Park adsookhUdren. jam Molly win soon haw a hesith clink- and atxawBoys and Gh Club. hound in a A2 m2mm building that will be tas veiled Thursday at 4 pm The building was fbndd with a SU milllm state grunt fw after-Schad programs in btw-ixe wine neigbbacksoodn. [Ys allwri da 1rc4R �rtts [fl In let he bE in e faniug is the taD� i11lT : "be said winter time appears that trmeats Endicste the ice win Pall otaaede the pro school was notllied, ?dad MVPUW and may en- Not entd moom sad Fla. ianow-ehir)es and people in rzla. 'neither ohs, .�euaal the 301wby Parking Iat ... anima look Hull schooi - Fred '�rmwetl t h e at e �datr not achod district ter zone' for suing loci+` officials were A. of the said y upcoming �snvo• that s oa =moms ]actions have atw" had to do '"Where did that notification With LLU t 10L got' Harala asked 'Thars an ongoing coo- Billing= said he did not re- can." he said. "We get Ice call arty Public ou¢y when storms about two to six dates the variance to build the a Year where ice falls off the tower was granted turrets Even smaller drmtla, However. Billing m sad the from that baciht it can be derv- 7et7ance was granted antler astaving. "Ill this can we ran look- the paramete for the an- team farm set forth a decade 1 ST safety." or more ago. He was not oft There's the Plaamng Gaming L n at nothing in our (11m) case the ame about amnia burins or tea falling However. this was a – rb investigate this prop. erly, you have to go back to case where we were looking at day one to determine wpat the common sen se public safety. It was too dole m the building.- original program was for ��m Bmmgt°n City Com ilor Greg t s� Who wasn't on the council when the www wet given the BllllmCbm said once the city wants a variance allowing a f orwa r d, is cisionshould reconsideewd~ diffieultto dt�e any it anything hi It appears that (Strongi- tharm's) recommendations "They've g permission n to area the Were ignored by the Planning Commisslon antenna within the Prescribed rules and on and the cotmciL" Gilbert said It doesn t ap- that Prtupertv." he std "rm not sure what Jurisdiction we been that suffiClem isssMd has might have (to reverse the do- But just last week, cots ina inu [Ste depart- �� csicn)." schoolowned property near the new antenna is �� endations when targeted for parking, a running cracli they bac they who called o dead and then athletic upprove- end on Lakeview Ave Part of a layear Dian- Tarnowski said Gilbert said while he rewg- "If that type of thing hap. aces it is unlikely the coun- a]'s rariier Pens (ice falling). there could approval of the tower can be reversed, er d, it do warrant be dangot: ' Tarmwski said Thy "We don't have all revw . ie . I think the City cu®cil the and we are cm«ried that me were never should open the issue up again and investigate the even noaffed about this tower -" safety of the tower. and maybe It isn't dear Precisely where work with the company in- stallmg the tower to ensiup, ere the new tower will be built 01 TIC1213 dose as we can, the danger at KQDS referred questions to Ro Gritpton, pros. 8om falling ice has been mint " ident of Red River Broadcast mized Gilbert said "And Corp. The Fargo, ND.. com- maybe that already Us been done," he said. wrbe Pany recently purchased KQDS and KNLD. Point is. we don't know." Grignon was unavailable for According to documents fiom the c1tVs Planning De- comment, a company em- POnm the Property on wh the ane PLOY Said. Sch" district OMCJALS mm will be bolit Is ow=e by Ht�DB and also had trouble reaching m owriers of the radio not the distr= which station and say they are now having is one of several adjacent =roub m le r property own ers, b Whenever sta a variance ally v r�t the tell what the is coostderK all adjacent ito Pacts will be. We are Property owners are notified, concerned," said Pat Flattery, the school disalcrs business of DUkgWs Phnom C mmmwm 1v when Mal smm. am states ata Rand sha was sent hnme sb*ften, xhoot Iasi September Party -five - Mi nutes Inter. Swumer watched paramedics pat 1- yearohd MOW into an ambulance. "Had a clinic begin more ac- casswilL I woaltm't have bad to stake that trip," said Switzer. who is still Paying the medical bills tom Molly's emergency visit " fhey should have neigh. berhood clinks everywhem I WCOIn schoolchildren like Molly will have a liealth clinic affi a 13oys and Gk-L (:. housed 1112 minim builditrg that will be veiled Thursday et 4 pica a SU m state tram c ome ne gla r m c m- come It's all part of a effort to keep Lincoln Park kids in school and out of troabl& The K-a school is located in a neighbor- hood where mom than 7o percent of hnuUm qualify flu [tee or re- duced-prim school bindles The low building room >or the 30" � C� of Dntuth. which has provided after - school programs at Lincoln Park School for the past five Yeats. More than Soo of the school's 80 children use the program during the schoig year, and the club's 17 employee wart with Mo children each day. Hide whowm into tha arhaatl Ot �tawrm me ogee err .. Their *Assi�o thearr coaktog ty.nee in" Thenew a secondho4e F duiioho new - a aim- m B g: haw alot dpwrii wo rt no a p„pa. s o this is hains AV" ftm ham Of kids.° sold l9d cola PEJt Its a*M01200an" eglart gang amRi St. I0 Cw exampis, aewmoo &,-. park tied to payltw he boobs in the am Thu adEetlaehctd p� - wiII tab pmt dtle; the aeditlon but a Small - has beenresarvtsiardw and mum ay St fggrY Dnfuth cmtde 13eeitls By= Officials a pproached , open two yaws aft gaiter muse Cathy Ceitdrley mi. was see more than fim , didnl have haehh regular ti0eta a w time cm l2htgpen�v� DEDA pledge boost MW Cae IB whether to have a bond issue that would include those M030 s Until simmers at the eazlfest County A Julie Bz,mner ¢�iA The County Board unanimously last ]nmib t elude the 3883,000 m the 1999 capital tmptoveme plan the c ou [his proceeds a bond 3efzm any money I�ded a� for e sate needs dock that the Depot hn raised SU million in a 2- 2r -1 march agreement said Lee Mehrkens, the capital budget cuordiiator for the state Flnanee Department "Really, the bad is in the cotn't of the grantee (St LOUIS County) to request lbndmg dam the st*tm �.w grant 88redumm W said wart], It alto county a tionzon the tins sDAL'4 commitma heft nail down component —sins ntrew, this overall toeL The UM m 900 is a funding Package uwoWv county, stage and D. . tftrbndma the Ilse= DA on a esgod a ow Gar m n Depot proJacss DBDA's n is oontlnI n' an a Dec. 31 The daft Wit: wants the rmoetefee� by Dec- 32,200L 1 W Bousb setld steer waf— eaeR 0 m w w r- N 0 N h w N 0 A N N 0 I A1109A compsc cerlsln c.aano Alai % 9' W M.nr MTeA� A dO W AwPW! okra, Uwirw N%a" MOM, — to mie cna kl Aslan IIKYUE WWII" tow Ilk uw NW ton vole%, anew Yes x. TT Y no Friday, May 21, 1999 • F7 L O G A L A S T A T E N E W S Tower near Central High to be moved Neu% r11b"M* The location of a proposed am leans tower near Duluth Central Nigh School has been moved far• ther away from a student' park• ing lot following safely concerns. Red River Broadcasting Cap. teas agreed to nave Ilse planned tower after parents, teacbers and city oalcials worded about the dangers of telling Ice. Mayor Gary IAdy sent a letter Monday thanking those Involved In teaching the compromise. "We're llhsl really happy with the decision to make sure that the kids are safe," said Mary Ann Haiala, president of Cen- frolb Patent Teacher Student As wclallun. "I'tlat Ice - Yuji Jum don't Iuu1w what's guiug to hap - pen" Under osrtWn conulllhons. Ice can form on the broadcast lowers and break olf and rail as lempers- lures rife. An Ice storm In April damaged a nearby lower slid sent many large chlud4s of Ice to the ground. The now 769fuut tower will carry the 819"ls of KQDS FM 0411 11191 Ills ulaiatt KNIA TV CJatatel 21, which Ropes to be come a Pots Nelwoik aniate. It will replace the exlsliog Mfohl tower- The lower will be 660 feet nom Cenrra)% parking !d ennl- pared to the 440 feet previously approved. The lower area also will he secured with a Ib bol chelu link fence. Two womided in Dtduth stabbing Nero ];Yore A man and women were slabbed late Thursday during an alleged conk ontallon In a Duluth East Hillside apartment with an- other roan, wino 16 in police tart - lady. Police responded to 1407 B. Second Sc shortly before 10 p.m. An tuddenfffted woman was found slabbed cutslde the apart- maw Nelgblxrrs t Seeing the woman oLI Je. irdured 29year -old man waS tty corner, at 1328 B. Second St. unklenlifk:d maa was Itehbed the abdomen, The Co ditions of the o vic lions were 1101 oval tram St. Dike's Hospital at s time. Alter a 36• ute search, k9r lice an•esled than identified as Josh Utllcwolf at 1211 R Pifth St. In connection with the staubint;x. FIfUllwk eW cars particl poked In us Ill lion and search, whlcb without in. cident. Donald Johnson Jr. sod Tim audig came across the stabbed mail un the sloop of the apart meat at 1328 t:. 5ocoud St. A parr of blood followed him from the apartment across Ilia Interaer tion of East Second Street and 14th Avenue Lasl. "tie was laying there on I side, asking as to call oil." Jai,. sun said. "He looked like he halt Four or five slab holes In his chest " The two frleuds flagged duwu a squad car In the area. Mother struggles to unders "d son's killing As wsdd r BROWNSVIl". Minn. The mother of 3 yaw -old Kenny Kremer can't believe her son Is dead. Sarah Tolomel, 22, also is struggling to understand bow hPr former wyfi lend Kenny's to- Kenny bona Kroner's parcolk hoano the night of May 10 and kaving hbn In Ilia woods, Dous- I" Counly Attorney Jsrow Fy blan said. / Kenny's body was found Tuns day afternoon near Ile holne north of Brownsville. In the far sntdhcaslcrn tip of MIFIRIP fA. and Kranur's parents In eta. "I'm, not ready to 3feld possible suS- last seen by witnesses the front door W 1407 B. St., according to a police 1 repots, loot' owls face lo-htx. 1 dldn I '1 ll could do 11, out 11b', hlttg 4 to Howb, and the cop sold ruffled 7loletnel whL The boy had been flaying with his �rldpwents, Harold eial times end became Increasln ly frustrated by changes Invls story. When Investigators wouki talk to hits, sometbries he would be remorsdul and other Ifotes be would be Aing aroued, taiktng about other g," thin tae laid. 'He never once went out looking for his am." r ICE DAMAGE THREAT Pta -W Fax Note 7671 UN CARD //� / 7 B10} r i t N [ Q S rf ocw n 350 4- a- I I II I 81aq. /Z M AN. SE Wind Speed Horizontal Distance Speed Energy (m.p.h.) (feet) (m.p.h.) (Joules) 0 0 94.45 1111.44 10 63.52 94.98 1600.47 20 127.05 96.55 2178.42 7 30 190.57 99.10 2845.28 40 254.09 102.57 3601.06 50 317.61 106.87 4445.75 4 -0- ; PERMIT 0 THIS PERMIT, is granted this by day of 19 Permitters to the Crow River Sno Pro's Premittee, to establish and maintain on the hereinafter described land a snowmobile route. That , the (record owners contract for deed purchasers, lessees) in consideration of Crow River Sno Pro's, grants this permit over and upon the following described premises situated in the County of McLeod. State of Minnesota, to wit: • - SUBJECT TO: 1. This permit shall terminate upon sale of the land or upon notification in writing to the State six months prior to termination by the Permitters. 2. The right -of -way snowmobile route shall be open to the general public for snowmobile use. 3. The Permitters shall at all times have the right to enter upon said right -of -way for any purpose necessary to the performance of lawful powers and duties. 4.The Permitters shall have the right to choose said right -of -way during arty emergency, W101 the approval of the Permittee. 5. The permit is for a 10 foot width over the route to be used. DATED: lu i Landowner Signature) !Club Representative SignatuOl r I 33 1 4 5 6 8 E 10 1 II 1 13 I IA 1 15 I} l I 16 17 I 0 1 i . I i 4 I ' Il Memorandum TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Brenda Ewing, Human Resources/ Transit Coordinator RE: Transit Issues Formal Letter of Understanding DATE: November 3. 1999 Attached is the draft of the Transit Issues Formal Letter of Understanding between the City of Hutchinson and McLeod County. This agreement has been reviewed jointly by staff member from both entities and has been reviewed by the legal counsel for the City and County. The Letter of Understanding seeks to set in place a formal agreement with the City and County to address any service issues that arise as the Hutchmobile transit operation is incorporated into the Trailblazer Transit operation. As you know, this transition is scheduled to take place on January 1, 2000. It is requested that you review the attached agreement and consider approval of the agreement at the November 9 Council meeting. If you have any questions, please contact me at City Center. Enc. cc: Gary Plotz, City Administrator 4P City of Hutchinson & McLeod County Transit Issues Formal Letter of Understanding Resolution No. 111234, adopted by the Hutchinson City Council on June 8, 1999, states that a formal agreement between the City and McLeod County will be in place to address transportation issues and expectations that include. but are not limited to, hours of service, levels of service, response times, passenger ride times, dedication of buses to Hutchinson, housing of buses, and employment of existing Hutchinson transit staff. Trailblazer Transit will strive to maintain and enhance the level of transit service currently being provided to the citizens of Hutchinson. The current hours of service at a minimum will be maintained subject to continued review based upon demand and economics. A communication link between consumers and bus drivers will be provided. Holiday service is expected on Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Friday. Holiday service is not expected on New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day. 2. It is expected that a dial -a -ride, demand responsive service will continue to or from any point within the City. Service provided shall be curb to curb, except that upon special application, door -to -door service will be considered based on customer need. One -time ride reservations and standing reservations will continue to be allowed to be made in advance and will be encouraged. Twenty-four hour advance reservations will receive preference for scheduling. Same -day service will also be allowed and accommodated as the daily schedule permits. The transit system will provide safe and reliable transportation service to the residents of the City of Hutchinson. Certified and trained drivers will treat passengers in a courteous and pleasant manner and communicate in a cordial way regarding fares, schedules, service policies and other necessary matters. Drivers shall assist all wheelchair riders on to the elevator, into and out of the bus and properly secure wheelchairs in the vehicle before proceeding on the route. Dispatchers will respond to all customers in a cordial manner, giving complete information and confirming that the customer understands the information provided by dispatch. The transit system will provide timely response to customer requests for service. Specific service guidelines such as pick -up waiting time and dispatch contact to drivers will be established by Trailblazer Transit policy. Regular periodic reports will be furnished in a mutually agreed upon format reporting information such as cost per mile, passengers per mile, and passengers per hour to evaluate the efficiency of the transit system. C , 4 4. Within the City of Hutchinson passengers should generally expect to ride no more than 30 • minutes to reach their intended and scheduled destination. In the event the schedule is very heavy, ride times may increase but should at no time exceed 45 minutes in length. These standards are subject to change. The goal of the transit system is to balance efficiency with ride time. 5. The service and operations plans will be designed by the implementation team or a future transoortanon advisory committee includine Hutchinson representation and approved by the Trailblazer Joint Powers Board. For the efficient operation of the Trailblazer Transit system, resources will be shared between cities and for counties within the defined Trailblazer system FYY&WONRI 1:1 6. Storage of the buses that service the City of Hutchinson shall be within the City of Hutchinson or at a reasonable distance to allow for expected service. It is preferred that the buses be housed inside a garage to prevent potential problems with weather related issues (cold weather starts, rust or hail damage, etc.) and vandalism. The Trailblazer Transit vehicles currently assigned to Hutchinson may remain housed at the current garage location at 1100 Hwy 22 South through March 31, 2000. '. All position openings /vacancies with the newly formed entity Trailblazer Joint Powers Board will be advertised locally in publications to include the Hutchinson Leader /Shopper. Any interested prospective employees, including ail existing Hutchinson transit staff, shall be required to apply for positions if so interested. No individual shall receive preferential treatment during the hiring process. The recruitment processes shall meet all legal requirements. The terms and conditions of this agreement are subject to the approval of MnDOT and Trailblazer Joint Powers Board. The City of Hutchinson and McLeod County hereby enter this agreement this day of 1999, which will be effective through Dec. 31. 2000. Any revisions to this agreement as proposed by either party shall be considered by the other party within 30 days of receipt of the proposed changes. City of Hutchinson McLeod County Date Date '0 E= i `_ - quite 106 '.enme. MN 5336 ?hone u201 864-1324 Fu i 32018643410 1. i7 9 I NU October 26. 1999 Hutchinson City Administrator 111 Hassen St. SE Hutchinson. MN 55350 Dear Gary Plotz: The attached agreement related to transit issues is being forwarded to you for consideranon by the Hutchinson City Council. Staff members at McLeod County have been involved with developing the language which has also been reviewed by County Attorney Michael lunge. The agreement was reviewed yesterdav with Brenda Ewing as transit director. If this can be considered at the Nov, 9 council meeting, we will bring it for county board approval Nov. 16. Please contact me if you have any quesnons. Sincerelv, Nan Crary County Administrator [Ckk lum and type slog=] C�1 To: Mayor & City Council CC: Ken Merrill, Finance Director Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator • From: Marilyn J. Swanson, Administrative Secretary Date: November 8, 1999 Re: AGENDA ITEM 8 -(b) – PRESENTATION BY JEAN WARD Today Jean Ward received the news that her brother had unexpectedly passed away. Therefore, she will not be able to attend the November 9 City Council meeting to do a presentation. Jean has requested that this item be deferred to the November 23, 1999 City Council meeting. 6—A Memo TO: Mayor and City Council Frmm Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director ` CC: HRA Board of Commissioners DatK 11/04/99 Ito Approval of the Small Cities Deveopment Program (SCDP) Procedural Guidelines for Single Family Equity Gap Assistance Program and implementation of the Hutchinson Home Purchase Opportunity Program. ( HHPOP) Today, the Department of Trade and Economic Development informed us that the Procedural Guidelines for the Single Family Equity Gap Assistance Program have been approved and the contract conditions for the grant have been Geared. Enclosed please fins the Single Family Equity Gap Assistance Program Procedural Guidelines. The Hutchinson HRA is asking for your approval ano adoption of this Procedural Guide. Upon your approval of the Procedural Guide. the Hutchinson Home Purchase Opportunity Program will commence after a final meeting with the participating HHPOP lenders. We anticipate around 30 —50 homes will be assisted with the HHPOP funds in the two targeted areas for new construction, Rolling Meadows and Islandview Heights. u • Page 1 O � RESOLUTION NO. 11357 • RESOLUTION TO ADOPT CITY OF HUTCHINSON SMALL CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SINGLE FAMILY EQUITY GAP ASSISTANCE PROGAM PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES Be it resolved that the City of Hutchinson adopts the aforementioned Procedural Guide and ail the conditions contained within the Guide for the Single Family Equity Gap Assistance Program. I hereby certify that this resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson on November 9. 1999 SIGNED: WITNESSED: Signature Signature Title Date Title Date • WHRM1999 SWRProcedural Guidelines - October 19, 1999 CITY OF HUTCHINSON SMALL CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SINGLE FAMILY EQUITY GAP ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. FEDERAL OBJECTIVE: The primary objective is to provide financial assistance to low to moderate-income individuals who are ready to purchase new single family housing. 2. SECONDARY IMPACTS: Secondary impact is to encourage the development of modest single family homes within the City of Hutchinson. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 1. GENERAL ADMINISTRATOR: The City of Hutchinson is contracting with the Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA). The Hutchinson HRA is responsible for all phases of the administration of this Small Cities Development single purpose program. The City of Hutchinson will be the Fiscal Agent and responsible for all financial and progress reports. The Hutchinson HRA will have principle responsibility for completion of the Environmental Assessment and development/submission of all required policies and procedures prior to commencement of program delivery. 2. FIELD ADMINISTRATOR: The Hutchinson HRA will be providing the field administration services. The Hutchinson HRA is responsible for program delivery including; determination of household eligibility, application completion and loan approval, assistance with mortgage financing, closing representation. 3. FEDERAL COMPLIANCE: The City and the Hutchinson HRA will share responsibility to comply with Federal Regulations regarding the implementation and administration of this Small Cities Development Project. 4. DATA PRIVACY: Information on program Applicants shall be gathered and released in accordance with the Minnesota Data Practices Act. All information including names, addresses, income and income sources, assets and assets sources, credit reports and financial reports will not be released without prior, written consent of the Applicant as specified by the ACT. The Data Release Form will be signed by the Applicant(s) and will inform the Applicant of what information will be released and to whom. Information will only be gathered and released for solely administrative purposes such as eligibility determination, administrative review, coordination and securing of leverage funds. Private information may be released to the following agencies or organizations: City Council of Hutchinson, the Hutchinson EDA, the Hutchinson HRA, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, Rural Development, Lending Institutions, DTED, and HUD. 5. EVIDENCE OF FRAUD: Any administering party participating in the Program shall refer evidence of fraud, misrepresentation, collusion or other misconduct on the part of the Applicant • or contractors in connection with the operation of the Program to the State of Minnesota • Attorney General for investigation and possible legal action. CONFLICT OF INTEREST GENERAL CONDITIONS: No member of the governing body of the locality and no official, employee. or agent of the loc ,I government. nor the Hutchinson HRA. who exercises policy decision - making function or responsibilities in connection with the planning and implementation of the program shall directly or indirectly benefit from this program. This prohibition shall continue for one year after an individual's relationship with the Local Government or the Hutchinson HRA ceases. Specific prohibitions are as follows: a. Program Participation: No member of the governing body of the locality, no official, employee, or agent of the local unit of government or the Hutchinson HRA, as defined above, shall accrue direct or indirect program benefits. b. Contractual Relationships: No member of the governing body of the locality, no official, employee, or agent of the local unit of government or the Hutchinson HRA, as defined above, shall obtain direct or indirect interest in any contract, subcontract, or agreement in any activity in this program that provides financial compensation for services. C. Prohibition Extensions: This prohibition extends to contracts or direct benefits in which a spouse, minor child or business partner may have personal or financial interest. 2. DETERMINATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST: When questions arise or a situation is • unclear an initial Opinion of Conflict of Interest shall be sought from the City Attorney. That Attomey's Opinion will outline areas that the situation is within or outside applicable Federal Regulations 24 CFR 570, Uniform Administration Requirements and State Statutes 412.311 or 471 -87 through 471.89. The Attorney's Opinion shall be forwarded to DTED Staff, and at DTED's discretion, shall be forwarded to the Minnesota Attorney General for the State's Legal Opinion. HOUSEHOLD ELIGIBILITY INCOME ELIGIBILITY: The single family development program is designed to be of 100% benefit to households of low to moderate incomes. This target will be achieved by following the gross income limits as set by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Section 8 Existing Housing Program. Updated income limits, adjusted for family size, shall be used as HUD produces them. A current income guideline, demonstrating the effective date, shall be retained within the Hutchinson HRA files. One hundred percent of the homes receiving the affordability gap assistance will be below 80% AMI. 2. GROSS ANNUAL INCOME: Income for the purposes of this program shall be defined as gross annual income. Income includes, but is not limited to the following sources: a. Salary, commissions, bonuses and tips; b. Interest earned and dividends C. Annuities and pension payments; d. Rental property income (gross rents received minus mortgage interest, insurance, property taxes, maintenance and utilities paid by the landlord); e. Estate or trust income; f. Gross annual income from self -employment shall be deemed to be the net profit from said self- employment. Income will be declared by the Applicant in Schedule C. F. D. or E, Part III. as appropriate, of the United States Internal Revenue Service form 1040. or any other such schedule as may be hereafter promulgated, and will be averaged over two full years; g. Any public assistance including, but not limited to, GA, MFIP, SSI and Unemployment Compensation for all household residents: h. Social Security, including survivor benefits: Child support payments; j. Workers Compensation which replaces salary or wage; k. Capital gains will be averaged over a two -year period as per the IRS Federal 1040 form. 3. EXCLUDED INCOME: Temporary, non-recurring or sporadic income shall not be considered as part of a household's annual income. That income will be as defined below, but is not limited to this list: a. A one time or sporadic gift. b. Income earned by children under 18 years of age. C. Payments for foster children. d. Medical expense reimbursements. e. Educational scholarships or student loans used for housing, tuition, fees, or books. f. Insurance lump sum payments or judgments for health, accident, worker's compensation and personal or property losses. Any interest income derived from such sources will be viewed as annual income. g. Hazard duty pay to a household member in the Armed Forces. In. A capital gain from the sale of a home. i A capital gain from the sell off of inventory from a business. j. Reimbursements for expenses. k. One time cash in on retirement benefits. 4. INCOME VERIFICATION: Income shall be verified in writing by a third party and for self employed applicants, the review of two years IRS Federal 1040 income tax forms. The following verification examples listed below are considered acceptable. a. An income verification sheet which is signed by a third party at the source of income; b. The previous two years, signed, tax returns shall be placed in the file for all self employed Applicants, or when determined necessary to calculate income from business assets. Tax returns will used to calculate income under those conditions referenced above. All applicable schedules and attachments are necessary; C. Signed third party verifications from banks, savings and loans, insurance companies, and etc.; d. Such other written /printed verifications as deemed appropriate by Hutchinson HRA. e. Income documentation supplied by lender will be sufficient for application. Income verification information that is more than one year old will not be considered current or valid and must be reverified. 5. ASSETS: There will be no fixed asset limitation associated with SCDP loans. There will be a liquid asset exemption of $5,000 per household. Any liquid assets in excess of $5,000 per household will be required to be used as defined below in 5(a). The area is primarily rural with the population being generally asset rich /income poor. Liquid assets shall be viewed as a potential loan leverage source. Asset information supplied by Lender will be sufficient for application. Assets shall be defined as falling into the following two separate categories for the purposes of this program: a. Liquid assets are those defined as cash on hand, deposits in savings or checking accounts (including joint accounts with children), money market accounts, cash value of securities which are not retirement based such as stocks, shares in mutual funds, U.S. Savings Bonds, etc Applicants selling a home in conjunction with the construction of a single family home under the SCDP will be required to use the sale proceeds for one or more of the following in order the qualify for the program: 1. Cash Equity into the purchase of the new home 2. Payments to creditors to lessen debt load 3. Payments for judgement, collections, etc. b. Fixed assets are those that are vehicles, or any other material possession including real property, or any parcel of land not exceeding five acres. Other assets, which are defined as fixed solely for the purpose of the Program, include, but not limited to, farm equipment, boats, snowmobiles, all terrain vehicles, motorcycles, automobiles INCLUDING all household furnishings, and personal effects. 6. HOME STRETCH CERTIFICATION: Each household using the SCDP must have one Applicant complete Home Stretch, homebuyer training program, prior to making application to the Program. The Applicant must produce a certificate of completion. DEMONSTRATION OF NEED: The Applicant must demonstrate a need for the SCDP financing. The Applicant must secure a primary, permanent mortgage for the maximum amount allowed for the underwriting criteria set forth for the mortgage product. The Applicant must next apply all other assets required by the Program, before accessing the SCDP funds, not exceeding the maximum loan limit. ELIGIBLE PROPERTIES LOT SELECTION: Applicants may select a spec house or a lot from the targeted areas identified in the SCDP application i.e. Island View Heights Second, Third, and Fourth Additions and Rolling Meadows. 2. HOME CONSTRUCTION: Applicants are not limited to the size of the home to be constructed other than local zoning ordinances, lot size, affordability restrict, and maximum price limit restrictions. The Applicant may access any building method, such as modular or stick built, which is not limited by local zoning ordinances. Homes constructed must meet all local building and fire codes in addition to those set forth by the State of Minnesota. 3. SPECULATIVE HOMES: The Applicant may purchase a speculative home constructed by a Developer. To be determined a speculative home, the home must be of new construction and never been occupied by a renter or homeowner in the past. The home must meet the . maximum price limit set below. 4. MAXIMUM PRICE LIMIT: The total cost of construction (hard and soft costs) or the sales price of the home may not exceed $112,500. 40 5. DEVELOPER/GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Applicants may select either targeted site, Rolling Meadows or Island View Heights. The Applicant will be solely responsible for researching the reputation and dependability of the Developer they choose. The Applicant is responsible for assessing the financial arrangement put forth in a contract with a Developer and is solely responsible for the contractuai arrangement between themselves and the Developer. The Developer must hold a MN Contractor's License. 6. TARGET AREA: The location for construction must be located within the target areas, which for the purposes of this Program, will be Island View Heights Second.Third, and Fourth Additions and Rolling Meadows. 7. ELIGIBLE STRUCTURES: The property must be a single family home, single family detached or twin homes. 8. OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: It is expected that the Applicant will own the home either as sole ownership, tenants in common or in joint tenancy. 9. OCCUPANCY STANDARDS: The newly constructed home shall be the principal place of residence of the Applicant. The Applicant will make the property their primary residence within 60 days of completion. Failure to meet occupancy standards will result in denial of application or repayment of the SCDP loan. 10. HOMEOWNER'S INSURANCE: The Applicant must carry current homeowner's insurance at the time of closing on the SCDP loan with replacement cost insurance coverage required. 11. DEFAULT AND BANKRUPTCY: Applicants shall not be eligible to receive SCDP funding if they are currently involved in foreclosure or bankruptcy proceedings. 12. FLOOD PLAIN: No housing units may be constructed within a 100 year flood plain. PROJECT FUNDING OWNER OCCUPIED PROGRAM DESIGN: The SCDP project shall have three funding thresholds based on income. Threshold #1 Household Income Average SCDP Loan Anticipated Maximum SCDP Loan Below 50% AMI $28,000 $30,000 0 Threshold #2 2. 3. Household Income 50% to 60% AM[ Average SCDP Loan Anticipated 518,000 Maximum SCDP Loan $20,000 Threshold #3 Household Income Average SCDP Loan Anticipated Maximum SCDP Loan 60% to 80% AMI MAXIMUM FINANCING $10.000 $18,000 The maximum SCDP loan amount extended to any Applicant shall not exceed the limit set forth above for a dwelling unit. FINANCING DEFINITIONS/REQUIREMENTS: The Hutchinson Smail Cities Development Program (SCDP) Single Family Construction Program will entail a subordinate mortgage and note securing the amount of the SCDP funds. a. Deferred Loans: The mortgage used to secure the SCDP funds will be a 0% deferred loan. This loan is defined as a loan without interest or periodic payments which must be repaid in the event the property is sold, transferred, conveyed or ceases to be the borrower's principal place of residence, or repaid upon full payment of the first, and second if appropriate, mortgage (s) established to purchase the property. b. Construction Financing: The Applicant must negotiate and secure their own construction financing to cover all costs of construction and soft costs during the construction phase. The construction financing can be rolled over into permanent mortgage financing. As a matter of course, the Applicant will need to cover the costs of transferring the lot into their name prior to executing the construction financing. C. Leverage Funds: Leveraged funds under the SCDP will have five definitions; Liquid Assets Applicants exceeding the liquid asset limit will be required to apply the assets in excess of $5,000 as equity into the home purchase as defined under Section 5.A. Liquid Assets. These liquid assets must be verifiable and available at time of closing. Mortgage Financing Applicants will be required to secure permanent mortgage financing from a participating HHPOP lender; generally a first. and possibly, second mortgage. Applicants will be required to secure the maximum limit of financing allowed under the ratios established by the mortgage product. Cash Equity Applicants may at any time contribute cash equity into the project. However, if cash equity from the Applicant is required to meet financing totals, the cash must be escrowed with the permanent financing institution before construction can begin. All Applicants who receive proceeds from the sale of their current home and have elected to put the equity in the home (see Household Eligibility 5.a.1.) must escrow the funds with the lender before construction can begin. • Land: Applicants who purchase their own lot within the target area will be able to apply the equity towards the purchase as allowed by the mortgage product. HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEW SHPO REV N: All lots to be developed in Rolling Meadows and Island View Heights. Second, Third, and Fourth Additions have been reviewed by the Minnesota Historical Society to determine if the land is historically significant. Per correspondence dated April 2, 1999, it was concluded that no properties eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places are within the project's area of effect. Therefore. a copy of the above letter placed in each applicant file will suffice as to SHPO clearance. MARKETING GENERAL MARKETING: a. Eligible Applicants will be placed on a waiting list/reservation of funds list on a first come first serve basis, upon receipt of a reservation letter by a participating lender. b. Conduct community meeting(s) to inform Hutchinson residents of the availability of and application process for the Program. C. Issue press releases advertising community meetings and /or information on SCDP grant application both to local newspapers and to local radio stations. d. Make direct mailing of program information to the employers within or nearby the community if necessary to generate additional Applicants. e. Develop brochures. Send the brochures out in the billing statements of our local utility vendors, if needed. f. Develop posters and post them in prominent areas in the communities. 2. FAIR HOUSING /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: It is the policy of the City of Hutchinson to work affirmatively to ensure that all persons regardless of race, creed, national origin, sex, martial status, age, handicap or reliance on public assistance shall be treated equally and fairly for purposes of this SCDP Single Family Development Program. Program promotion conducted by Hutchinson HRA and /or the Hutchinson EDA shall be inclusive and will exercise care to avoid promotion methods that exclude eligible Applicants. b. Hutchinson HRA will provide all Applicants with printed information on Fair Housing at the time of application. C. Affirmative promotion shall actively pursue methods of reaching potential Applicants that are difficult to reach. 0 1. Non - English Language flyers, brochures. etc. will be provided 2. Translation will be used for Applicants in all phases of the program process if needed/requested by the Applicant. 40 APPLICATION AND APPLICANT SELECTION PROCEDURES APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applicants will be selected for participation of the SCDP based upon 1) completion and acceptance of their application in accordance with program guidelines and 2) ability to secure the necessary leverage funds to finance the home. Applications will be placed on a waiting list on a first come, first served basis. The Hutchinson HRA begins accepting applications and asses the preliminary eligibility of the Applicant upon receipt of the following information from the lender. a. Income eligibility of the Applicant for a SCDP loan. b. Home Stretch certificate verifying completion of the Home Stretch program C. Submit a purchase agreement or construction contract demonstrating the total purchase price not to exceed $112,500 and that the home is located within Rolling Meadows or Island View Heights d. Completed Homebuyer Qualifier Worksheet, which shows the applicant is mortgage ready. e. Reservation letter by lender APPLICATION PROCEDURE FOR HUTCHINSON HOME PURCHASE OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM HH( POP) Upon initial call -in or contact, homebuyers are mailed a Hutchinson Homebuyer Opportunity Program Information sheet, map of the targeted areas, and a Home Stretch schedule. Interested homebuyers of the two targeted areas are also instructed by the HRA to take the next Home Stretch class and to obtain a copy of their credit report to bring to the class. Interested homebuyers may order a copy of their credit report for $8.00 per person. Include: Full name; spouse's name (if marred); addresses from the past 5 years including zip codes: Social Security Number: birthdate; name and address of your current employer. Credit reports may be ordered from the following: Equifax Information Service Center Experian National Consumer Assistance Center PO Box 740241 PO Box 949 Atlanta, GA 30374 -0241 Allen, TX 75013 -0949 1- 800 -685 -1111 1 -888- 397 -3742 www.eouifax.com www.exi>erian.com • Homebuyer is instructed to meet with realtor /developer at targeted site(s) and with participating HHOP lender. • Lender will review HHPOP information including: ✓ Synopsis.of Homebuyer Assistance Program ✓ Loan Product Sheet ✓ Authorization to Release Information between lenders, HRA and Homebuyer Counselors • Lender will pre - qualify homebuyer for a specific first mortgage product and maximum loan amount and complete the Homebuyer Qualifier Worksheet. In addition, if the homebuyer qualifies for the any of the following HHOP programs. ECHO program. Affordability gap. or HRA down payment assistance, the lender will request a reservation of funds from the HRA. .A letter will be sent from the lender to the HRA requesting a reservation. Upon receipt of the reservation letter by the HRA, the homebuyer will be placed on a waiting list/reservation of funds list, where funds will be reserved for up to 90 days. Homebuyer sets up an appointment with the HRA to complete application for assistance programs. Homebuyer will complete an application for the SCDP and other assistance programs. HRA will request income information from the lender. Upon verification of income eligibility for the program and review and approval by HRA loan committee, a letter of reservation confirmation will be issued by the HRA to the lender with a copy of the letter being sent to the Homebuyer. (Example; John Doe is authorized and approved for $ . Terms and conditions of the loan will be outlined). Closing date set for (date) and (time) at (location). CONTRACTING PROCEDURES The contracting procedures defined below pertain to projects where the Applicant solicits a Developer to build a home to their own specifications. The use of the SCDP funds is also eligible for speculative homes already built within the target area. Applicants purchasing speculative homes do not need to provide the following documentation: 1. PARTICIPATING CONTRACTORS: All contractors participating in the SCDP must have a Contractor's Application on file at the Hutchinson HRA office. The Developer must provide documentation of its Minnesota Contractors License. 2. NEW CONSTRUCTION PURCHASE AGREEMENT: The Applicant must provide the Hutchinson HRA a copy of a signed contract with the Developer for the entire cost of the project. The contract will be a form approved by the Minnesota Association of REALTORS which will outline the terms for construction of the home. 3. CONTRACTOR NOTIFICATION: Upon construction financing closing, it is the responsibility of the Applicant to provide the Developer the issuance of a Notice to Proceed. 4. FAILURE TO START /COMPLETE PROJECT: Upon notification of final acceptance into the SCDP Program or closing on the construction financing, whichever is later, the Applicant will have 45 days to submit a project start date to the HRA. If work has not begun within the time allotted, the Hutchinson HRA retains the right to withdraw the SCDP funds and apply the funds to the next Applicant. LOAN PACKAGES 1. PROJECT PACKAGING AND LOCAL REVIEW /APPROVAL: Upon completion of the full application and stabilization of project financing, the lenders will present the following information to Hutchinson HRA: a. Location of lot for construction or spec home (Purchase Agreement) • b. Purchase once ( Purchase Agreement) and /or Construction Contract C, Eligibility status of Applicant ( Homebuyer Qualifier Worksheet) d. Projected acquisition, closing costs and total acquisition + closing costs (Homebuyer Qualifier Worksheet) e. SCDP loan amount/Affordability gap request (Homebuyer Qualifier Worksheet) f. Leveraged funds (Homebuyer Qualifier Worksheet) g. Lender letter of reservation of funds h. Miscellaneous information pertinent to the approval and completion of the project. 2. LOAN FILES: Hutchinson HRA, as the Field Administrator, shall maintain files on each Applicant throughout the duration of the program. Each Applicant's file shall include the following: a. SCDP Loan Application; This form will provide information relative to family size and composition, employment information, household income and assets, and Applicant affordability. Verification of all income/assets. The Lead Paint Warning and Data Privacy Statement will be included in the application. The Lead Paint Warning will be signed by the Applicant attesting that they have read and understand the dangers associated with lead based paint. b. Third Party Income Verification; This form provides third party verification of an Applicants income. These forms shall be signed by a representative from the source of income; C. Income Tax Statements: Copies of the Applicant's income tax returns for the two preceding years, including all schedules for all self employed individuals or as needed for clarification of income. Leverage Funds Documentation; Escrow deposits, financing letters, etc.; will be retained in the file. e. SHPO Response; A copy of letter from SHPO indicating that no properties eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places are within the project's area of effect. f. Repayment Agreement; This form is the legal mechanism by which a Lien is placed against the improved property until the loan is repaid, with no interest, at the time of property ownership transfer; g. Evidence of homeowners insurance h. Purchase agreement Photograph of property Other Pertinent Information; Other information important to the approval and completion of the project; LOAN REPAYMENT & PROGRAM INCOME REPAYMENT PROCEDURES: In accordance with the mortgage document, the SCDP funds borrowed by the Applicant must be repaid in full if at any time: a. The property no longer is maintained as the Applicant's primary residence. • b. Title to the property is transferred or conveyed to another party. E c. The Applicant pays in full the first, or second if applicable, permanent mortgage. . 2. PROGRAM INCOME: The City of Hutchinson will use the repaid funds during the active phase of the project to finance eligible housenolds in the same manner as detailed above. After project nose -out the City will use repaid funds to nelp address the future housing neeas within the City of Hutchinson for the same purpose as outlined in the preceding procedures. DENIAL/COMPLAINT /APPEALS PROCEDURES APPLICANT DENIAL PROCEDURE: If a household's application is denied for any reason, a letter of denial will be sent to the household within 10 working aays. The denial letter will clearly outline the reason for denial and inform the Applicant that an appeals procedure is avaiiable. 2. APPLICANT APPEAL PROCEDURE: The appeals procedure is as follows: A. In the event of denial or a complaint, the applicant/complaint: 1. Will be informed of the appeal process. 2. Will be given a copy of the appeal process. 3. Will be given a written notice clearly stating under what condition that the applicant was denied. B. The Acoeal Process: 1. The applicant who wishes to appeal the denial of benefits must submit their appeal within 14 days of receipt of denial in writing to the Hutchinson HRA, Housing Loan • Coordinator. That appeal must state: a. The reason(s) for the appeal. b. Information that the applicant believes is pertinent to the appeal. 2. If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the Hutchinson HRA Housing Loan Coordinator, the Hutchinson HRA Housing Loan Coordinator may make an appeal in writing to the Project Director. within 14 days of decision. The Project Director shall review all written appeals with the Hutchinson HRA Loan Review Committee. 3. Further appeal may be made to the Hutchinson HRA Loan Review Committee by appearing in person before the committee. The Project Director shall respond to the applicant in writing within 15 working days of appearing before the committee: a. The results of the review In. An explanation of the findings c. The next step the applicant can take if not satisfied with the response 4. If the applicant is denied assistance by the Hutchinson HRA Loan Review Committee, final appeal may be made to: Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development 500 Metro Square 121 East Seventh Place St. Paul, MN 55116 0 AMENDMENTS. DIRECTIVES These procedural guidelines may be amended or supplemented by the Hutchinson HRA in coordination with the City of Hutchinson. Amendments or changes must be approved by the Department of Economic Development. 12 0 To: Mayor & City Council CC: Crary D. Plotz, City Administrator Christie Rock From: Marilyn J. Swanson, Administrative Secretary Date: October 8, 1999 Re: AGENDA ITEM 8-(a) — Option Agreement with Economic Development Authority T have been notified by Christie Rock that she has not received the material which . pertains to this item. Therefore, the option agreement should be pulled from the November 9, 1999 agenda. 1 PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1999 PUBLICATION NO. 6086 NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS ON CAR IMPOUNDING CONTRACT The City Council of the City of Hutchinson will receive written proposals in the office of the City Administrator until 1:30 p.m., November 23, 1999 for services commonly (mown as "car impounding." Specifications are on file and available from the office of the City Administrator, 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350. Proposals will be opened at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Hutchinson City Center on Tuesday, November 30, 1999. 0 The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all ptopoaal(s) or any portion thereof. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Dated: November 11, 1999 I 0 '{utchinson rea Transnortation �emces 1 HATS) Facility 1400 H10wav 22 SE Hutchinson. SIN 55350-7010 320- 2344287/Fm 320 -234 -6971 November 2, 1999 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: John Olson, Asst. Public Works Dir. Subject: Resource Recovery Operations (Composting) Vehicle A tandem axle truck capable of both hauling and towing solid waste containers will be needed in the operation of the composting facility. The departments have investigated options and found that a used truck, capable of both hauling and towing waste containers, equipped with a hook -lift system would best fit the needs of Resource Recovery. The advantage of the used chassis is cost. In the beginning of composting operations. more will be expected of this truck. As operations continue, however, use of the truck is expected to decline. Because of these facts, a used chassis is feasible and is recommended. The advantage of the hook -lift system is the ability to use the truck for several functions. The hook -lift system allows boxes or platforms to be mounted on the chassis in less than 10 minutes. These boxes can be used for a variety of activities. For example, a flatbed. dump box, and water tank could be fashioned for use with this truck. The hook -lift allows utilization of the truck for activities other than just composting. We are anticipating that bids will be accepted for this vehicle until November 15, 1999- As always, the City Council reserves the right to reject any, all, or parts of proposals or request immaterial modifications to them. You are the final purchasing authonty. No contract exists until you accept a bid. 11 Pnnted on=vclN p�r- Y 1 b CITY OF HUTCHINSON STREET RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 6 CENTURY AVENUE SOUTHWEST N �3 I I NW 1/4 OF NW I/4 ' NE IF4 OF NW 1 i4 � rC r.r..ww wrw,nw / / raLcart TO OUR Na+rt molrrtn. 7 c 1 1 // e`" ..r. .f r� �'4rt� •� ' -. '-- -resew+ w�----- ..." ;. [' .-rte' ' _..w= � rn�. /_�.. I —T` -• �-a—�, ' 1A LwT `1�IM1ja SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 i, i °� SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 Iwi wr 100t11w t �M w9 .Mn tl. � ^ cwm n w w.rw it nwiw lirw�. iotw�r, w w � �. w�u t � � w � a 1 `1� qn >.nwiltslnw.Irww.rirrww.raww.lA w.wsw rw�.�w 4wwr � I V `� rnrl... u[ rn <�wftAltwiLr b+w rrwwwarc..m. awr.xx...r \v\ / \ \ \ � /tl111.r .lwr.wlrw.n n � rw I...r.nM1 wnrPww.- Fww.+w.nrrwwr r.wr -r Mtr.lw wr.n.r ..lw.w ! uw t� rrw L �. Ix. erw w r.wwn ..r }rw rywLw.– IG In w.rn M r rw twl.r..M Yrnr NteL Y lrT ti.ww r.4.Tr�L..wrn rnw IN rn M._r ° � – .rf �YTis.— �M1 M [ ties _ YrF r.!rw M ww v. n L1Y I.M .C.wN Mr.r.Y-. Gxrl...w. 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department October 26, 1999 The preliminary budget has been completed and we would like to review the general fund with the council • It would be requested to have a workshop possibly a late afternoon early evening meeting that will not conflict with a council meeting. If that does not work, we could start prior to the regular meeting and conclude following the regular meeting. H. \C AN I_WM 0 —E 5. It is understood and agreed that any agreements regarding the method and procedure for assessments • from municipal improvements shall, at the sole option of the City, cease to be effective thirty-six months following approval of the Subdivision Agreement by the City. The City may exercise the option granted herein by giving written notice at any time, either before or after the expiration of the thirty six month period, of the City's intention to nullify the method and procedure for spreading assessments under the terms of the Subdivision Agreement. In the event the City so elects, all assessments subsequent to the notice shall be spread and imposed pursuant to Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes or other applicable laws. The written notice called for by this paragraph shall be given to the fee owner of the property as disclosed by the records of the McLeod County Recorder or Registrar of Titles. III. CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE OUTSIDE OF RIGHTS -OF -WAY AND EASEMENTS It is agreed and understood that lateral sanitary sewer and watermain 8" or greater in diameter, and storm sewer lines 12" in diameter or larger(but not including farm tile lines) located within easement areas shall be considered a portion of the municipal system 2. It is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall be responsible for assuring that building construction is completed in conformance with the preliminary plat and grading plan. It is essential that the vertical and horizontal locations of the structure are verified to avoid conflict with infrastructure and potential flood or drainage damage. Any costs associated with these conflicts and potential relocations of utilities and/or structures shall be the sole responsibility of the Subdivider. is 3. It is agreed and understood that the Subdivider shall supply the City with as -built drawings after construction of the improvements have been approved and accepted by the City. IV. OTHER FEES, CHARGES AND DEDICATIONS It is understood and agreed, that a Parks and Playground Contribution will be made to the City. Current City policy calls for a contribution of $135 /unit for the Apartment ($5,670), and $215 /lot for each the 9 single - family lots ($1.935). This rate is subject to change, based on the rate in -place at the time of payment. The contribution may be made in a lump sum prior to construction at the current rate, or per unit with the building permit at the rate in effect at the time of permit issuance. L It is understood and agreed that in compensation for dedicating additional right- of- way,for trail development, the Subdivider shall be credited for the cost of 7 feet of right -of -way along Century enue. .11 Avenue. This value shall be determined to be 0 ode 6 =.071ong) at $17,123 /acre . —� ' m _. or $1,815. This amount will be credited against the assessiii V parcel. 3. It is understood and agreed that the Subdivider shall, prior to installation of utilities, pay connection fees for Electric and Gas Service to Hutchinson Utilities for all units to be served in the final plat. These costs for single - family home units are $150 for 100 -amp service or $200 /unit for 200 -amp Electric Service, and $150 /unit for Gas Service or as in effect with Hutchinson Utilities at the time of development. These fees include the standard connection to each house, and include required meters. Services larger than the standard residential sizes will be at an additional cost. • Wok" To our HwWPOP 3 RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION ADOPTING REVISED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5029 LETTING NO. 4/PROJECT NOS. 99 -03 & 99 -04 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and notice of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of: Project No. 99 -03 Century Avenue SW from Sunset Street SW to Dale Street SW by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, trail/sidewalk and appurtenances; Project No. 99 -04 Dale Street SW from Century Avenue SW Extension to South Grade Road SW by construction of storm sewer, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, grading, gravel base, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, trail/sidewalk and appurtenances; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, Is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2000, and shall bear interest at the rate of 4.96 percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 1999, until the 31st day of December, 2000. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 1999; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 9th day of November, 1999. Mayor City Administrator �_7ji r� a COMPILED BYMVICE BT: C. RIC REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5029 lYR1NG NO.1/PROJECT NO. ri 3 k 9141 9901: CEMURY AVE SW FROM SUNSFT ST SW TO DAZE ST SW MM: DAIS ST SW FROM CENTURY AVE SW EXTENSION TO SOUTH GRADE RD SW BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER, SA9AI'ARY SEWER k SERVICES, WATERMARI k SERVICES, GRADING, GRAVEL BASE, BTIUMINOUS BASE, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, TRAUSIDEVALA AND APPURTENANCES 2 MM f SOLO SANITARY SEWER COST PER FROM' FOOT ' WATERMAIN COST PER PROM FOOT CHECKED 6Y: J. RODE 1 " STREET /STO11M SEWER COST PER PRONE FOOT NUMBER OF YEARS: I S IS; GRAI11NG/PREPCOST'PERFROMFOOT ADOlR®: 01/10/" III 1VIl Sf 1/1]/1919 REVISION: 11/09/" 2ed Hrbg 07/131191f 1/11/1999 INTEREST RATE I %S ACCJ GIYPmw NA1lYt ADORE OF OWNQ PROPOTT IBGAL OgOpTWN ADOHIONORILWO9VTAO N PBONT FEET A9® SAMARY S[WQ WA 97tRTk GRADING ROM TRNL RBW CXXDM TOTALACHYB Em N OoINIT O 1 12-1164042-0450 N CROW RPM APARTMENTS 975 CENTURY AVE SW LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 511 COIEFAX ST LOT I EX TRACT APPROX. NS' X 215' P O BOX 367 IN NE CORNEA OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, DA2IAON AUGUSTA WI 5/122 CENTURY COURT 70076 10076 f 21,022.80 f 21,022JO f 55,'99.10 70076 f 10311,40 f 93,106.10 2 12- 1163003-0010 CFUUSTTETEKTNGLUIIIERAN IOM SOUTH GRADE RD SW 1040 SOUTH GRADE RD SW P O BOX 369 573 AC IN NE I/5 NW 1/4 LYING EAST 23.0120100 HUTCHINSON MN 553M OF SAR U, SECTION I2 -11630 253 235 f /,050,00 f 1,03040 f 15,27500 0 $ f 29,375.00 3 12- 116X-03-00X DOUGLAS k PAULA INSELMANN 1010 DAIS ST SW 1010 DALE ST SW .76 AC OF NE 1/4 SW 1/5 23 .012.1200 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 SECTION 12 -11610 119 125 f 3)50,00 S 3750.; f 9,125.00 0 f $ 15,625.00 1 121163003-0010 1. M. k L E. DANIEISON TRUST 1060 DAIS ST SW - OSEPH k LE. DAN0ISON CO. 1060 DALE ST SW 1.50 AC OF I/2 NE 1/1 NW U1 23.012.1300 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 SECTION 12 -11630 1105 125 f 37X.00 f 3,7W.00 f 0.115.00 0 f 15 15,625.00 5 12- 116-3003-0050 1 K k L P_ DANIEISON TRUST 106 DAIEST SW OSEPH k LE DANIELSON CO. 1060 DALE ST SW 5.90 ACV I/ NE 1/5 NW 1/1 23 O12.I HUTCHINSON MN 55350 SECTION 1211630 MIS 530.91 S 16,525.30 3 16.32150 f 35702,65 55071 $ 9,262.15 f 71.113.10 6 12- 116X-03-0060 RICHARD k TERESA DOSTAL IMDALESTSW 50 1020 DAIEST SW 2.23 AC OF I/2 NE 1/1 NW 1/1 Fm Port 25.012,1300 HUTCHINSON MN 553W SFCHON 12 -11610 197,9 165 S 1,950.00 f 5 $ 10,725.00 0 f f SAXW f 15,623.; 7 H- 06)64]40)0 PEARLY k G. CIWSIENSEN IM DALE ST SW 1050 DALE ST SW IAC OF I/2 NE 1/5 NW 115 3.012.1600 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 SECTION 12 -11630 1505 125 f V%,00 f 375&W f 9,125.00 0 f f 15,62500 E I2- 1163003-0010 PEARLY k G. CBRISTEM9EN 1040 DAIS ST SW 1050 DALE ST SW 1AC O f I/2 NE 1/1 NW I/5 230121100 HUTCHINSON MN 55310 SECTION 12.11630 139.1 US f 3750.00 $ 37AM S /,DS.; 0 f f 15AZW 3 9 12- 1163003-0110 ROBERT k KAREN PETERSON 1000 DAIS ST SW 16GROVESTSW 2, 12 AC OF V III NE V5 NW 1/4 23.0122000 HUTCHVICSON MN 55350 SECTION 12 -11630 HO 363 $ 1,950.00 f 5,9X.; 3 10725.; 0 f f 2,625.00 10 12- II&W30150 WELCOME TO OUR HOME LLC IIMBLACKHAWKCOLTRTSW P O BOX 403 LOT I, BLOCK 1, 25.530.m10 REDW003F LI1 56293 WELCOME TO OUR HOME ADDITION 2157 2137 f 617.10 f 611.10 f 1,10205 21.54 f 325]0 f 51.45 f 2,96550 11 12- 116-30430160 WELCOME TO OUR HOME LLC II90BLACKHAVR COURT SW POBOX403 LOT 2, BLOCS I, 23.130.00-01 REDVOOD FALS MN 5613 JWRICOM0E TO OUR HOME ADDITION 1 21.57 219 f 61710 S "7.101 S 1,50203 1 2131 f 3230 f N.0 f 2%550 SA -6028 - POP 1 of 3 Ah Ab Ah COMPI RD BYE COMPUTED BY, C. RIC REVISED ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5029 LETTING N0.4/PKOJECT NO. "43 t rid "43: CENTURY AVE SW FROM SUNSET ST S V TO DALE. ST SW 9901: DALE ST SV FROM CENTURY AVE SW EXTENSION TO SOU IA GRADE RD SW BY CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWFR,SANITARY SEVER t SERVICES. VATPRMADIt SERVICES, GRADING. GRAVEL BASE BDUMINOU9 BASE, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, 7RAIVSIDEVASKANDAPPURTENANCES S 3000 S mm SANITARY SEVER COST PER. FROM FOOT VATERMAIN COST PER FRONT FOOT CH ECKED BYE ).RODE S 65.40 SIRPKf /STORM 3EWEA COST ffK ROM POOT NUMBER OP YPMS: 1 $ ISm ING /PI7FP COST PER ROM FOOT ADOPTED: 09/101" in /H /Iff1 /0 /1959 REVISION: 11/09/99 Ind Ner6S ID INTEREST RATE 4.x11 A(YT NO. .FIb340. NAME t ADDRESS OP WOPRTY OWNER LEGAL DIOCA"ON ADDHfON OR RiROHM1SIUN PROM PERT A59tVD mNTPM SNffARY SEVER VATGMAD4 HTIRTt SIORMSEVER (iADING RONTFRET (.IIMDIG- TRAILROW ( RE0 DVRRED ASSESSMENT TMALACTVE ACTT 12 It - 116]0-0]0170 WELCOME TO OUR I TOME LLC 1170 BLACKHAWK COURT SW P O BOX 403 LOT 3, BLOCK 1, 21.4100030 REDWOODFALLS MN 56283 WELCOME TO OUR HOME ADDITION 7137 3137 3 697.10 S 617.10 S 1,102.05 21.58 3 3D1 S 54.45 S 2,96530 13 12- 11630-03-0190 WEILOMETOOURHOMELLC I IWRLACYJMWK COURT SW P O BOX 403 LOT 4, BLOCK 1, 23.430.0010 REDWOOD FALLS MN 56213 WELCOME TO OUR HOME ADDITION 21.57 2137 S 647.10 S M7.10 $ 1,402.05 2139 3 321]0 3 54.45 S 2, 96530 14 U- 1163003-0190 WELCOME TO OUR HOME LLC 1150BIACKHAWK000RTSW P O BOX 403 LOT 5, BLOCK 1, 21. 410.0050 REDWOOD FALLS MN 56223 WELCOME TO OUR HOME ADDITION 2137 2137 S "7.10 S 647.10 S 1,40205 2159 S 323.70 S 54.45 S 2,96530 15 12- 110003-0W WELCOME TO OUR HOME LLC 1140 BLACKHAWK COURT SW O BOX 403 LOT6,BIOCKI, 23.430.0060 REDWOOD FALLS MN 56283 WELCOME TO OUR HOME ADDITION 21.57 2157 S 647.10 $ M7.10 3 1,402.05 21M S 32170 S MAS - S 2,96530 16 112 11630010H0 WELCOME TO OUR HOME LLC 1370 BLACKHAWK COURT SW P O BOX 403 LOT 7, BLOCK 1, D 430.0070 REDWOOD PAILS MN 5643 WELCOME TO OUR HOME ADDITION 2157 1 21.57 15 "7.10 S M7.10 S 1,402-05 21.59 S 32370 S MAS S 2,96550 17 12- 116.1003-0220 WELCOME TO OUR I ROME 11r 1120 BLACKHAWK COURT SW P O BOX 403 LOT I, BLOCS I, 23.430.0090 REDWOOD PAILS MN 562A3 WELCOME TO OUR HOME ADDITION 21.57 2137 S M7.10 S "7.10 S LQL05 21.59 3 3D70 $ 51.45 S 2.96310 I8 1211630434M WELCOME TO OUR HOSE LLC I ILO BIACKHAWK COURT SW P O BOX 403 LOT 9, BLOCK I, 23A30.0090 REDWOOD F IC MN 56193 WELCOME TO OUR HOSE ADDITION 21.57 2157 S M7.10 S "7.10 S 1,402.05 2138 S 32370 S 54.45 S 2,96530 19 11116X103-0290 WELCOME TO OUR HOME LLC 915 CENTURY AVENUE SW P O BOX 407 BLOCK 10110, BLOCK I. 23,430.0100 REDWOOD FAILS MN 36183 WELCOME TO OUR HOME ADDMON 524.9304 524.9304 S -0747.91 $ 15747.91 S 34,120.48 524.93 S 7,03.95 S 024.95 3 72,165-30 20 ERRT INVESTMENT NO. 91 INC Q 7301 OHMS IN F560 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55439 LOT I, BLOCK I, KAVENWOOD 32114 32414 3 972719 S 9.72719 S ZL073.90 32114 S 4,863.65 S 45,394.02 21 DERRICK INVESTMENT N0.91 INC - 7301 OHMS IN 1560 MINNEAPOLIS MN 53439 LOT I, BLOCK 4 RAVENWOOO 32414 32424 3 97H.29 S 972719 S 21,075.90 32414 3 4,963.65 S 45399.02 22 DERRICK INVFSTMFM NO. 91 INC 7 1 03-0.45 LN 1560 MINNEAPCtAS M755439 LOT 2, BLOCK 2, KAVENWOOD 27010 27010 3 8,106.00 S 9,106.08 3 17S 0.16 -00.20 S 4,053.01 3 37,921 -35 U DERRICK INVESTMENT NO. 91 INC 7301 OHMS IN 1560 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55439 LOT 3, BLOCK 2, RAVPNWOOD 16212 162.12 3 4,96165 S 1,863.65 $ 1033710 16212 S 4431-92 S 22,691.01 SA -5028 - Page 2 of 3 i • r COMF BY: CE REVI.SFD AS9FCCYPW ROLL NO. 5029 LETTING NO. 9/PKOJECT NO. 9943 Y 99x1 9941: 1TF MY AVE SW FROM SUNSET ST SW TO DAIF SS 'SW w.p1; DAI EST SW MOM CENTURY AVE SW EX IT:NSION II)u)Ifl'I I CRAUI! KD SW BY COW] KU[:I'ION OF STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER k SHKVIC }.WATERMAINM SETIVIC: , GRADING, GRAVEL BASF BITUMINOUS BASE, BITUMINOUS SUIFACSNG, T ILISIDEWALK AND APPSRITENAM( S 50.00 SANITARY SEWPIl COST PER PROW FOOT COMPUTED BY: C RIC S 3060 FAMAIN COST PER FRONT WAT FOOT Cwllc n BY. 1. RODE S 65-00 STREET /STORM SEWER COST PEA MOW FOOT Almsm OF VFARS: I S ISM GRADIN( %/PREP COST PER MOM RIOT ADOPTED: OV10/99 191 H.w /27/1999 07/13/1499 REVISION: 11/09799 2" 01/11/1999 07 /D /11ff 1WOIFSTRATE: C96Y ACCT CBIYPIDNO. NAME AAl)ORPSS OPROP®TYOW IM L LO6®IIItON ASSOPSION OR SUIM) ON PROW Pl2f Aim FROWR SANRASIY SEwB VATOIMNN 6TtFlTa SIWMSEwd G'AAgNG MR MEF TRA1LR8w DPPBfI® TOTALACTVB A9ITSSM@T W. COU MNO 24 UA10007 -0M MCLEOD COUNTY AG ASSN OW CENTURY AVE SW P O BOX 142 LOT 2 EX THE E2W, BLOCK 1, 23.319P020 HUTCH3NS0N MN 55350 FAIR GROUNDS ADDITION 680.71 61071 S X1,12130 S 20,12130 S /I 15 65071 S 10,210.65 S 95,299.10 25 12- 116- 30OVO090 JEFFREY TT I(SMAS'IRAXLER 1065 DAIS SE SW b 1055 DALE ST SW TRACT OF I/2 NE 1/9 NW 111 Fmw B.a 23,012.1100 HUTCHINSON MN 553M SEC 70N 1211630 117.9 125 S 3,75000 S 3)50-00 S 5,125.00 0 S S 5,80060 S 15,625 00 26 12- 11&1 0}0100 MARY WLBTE 1065 DALE ST SW 1065 DALE ST SW SI37 F N910.M'OF W 1/2 NE 1/1 NW 1/1 23.011.1900 HUTCHINSON MN 553% LYING E OF CSAH V. SECTION I2- 1100 137 125 S 3,750.00 S 3,750.00 S 8,12560 0 S S 15,625.00 S 661,437./0 TOTAL - ASSESSMENT ROLL 3029 5519.7{ 3 151.4145115 151,91451 S 325,05071 155,913.60 S I,tl 15.00 S 25,[25.00 I S Irw,B61./0 SA -5028 - PBOB 3 of 3 3 QPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 09 -NOV -1999 (14:40) page 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999 IMPR. CONST BRAUN INTERTEC CORP PROFESS SERV -TYLER ST $324.50 • AMSTERDAM DUININCK BROS INC. WM MUELLE & SONS L4/99 EST #4 L9/99 EST #6 $528,623.12 $32,225.46 BAHR, LYLE < *> BAUERLY BROS INC. EXTYERIOR SLAB .. $561,173.08+ 1999 IMPROV D.S. SMITH, ALMA REFUND - OVERPYMT ASSMT #5027 - $3,190.40 BROCK WHITE CO EPDXY CRACK FILLER US BANK AS TRUSTEE REFUND- OVERPYMT ASSMT #5027 $2,118.62 PENCILS < *> ELECTION JUDGE - BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS $5,309.02+ AIRPORT RENOVAT. AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING GOPHER STATE CONTRACTORS MATHIOWET2 CONSTRUCTION c *> CAP.IMPRO.FUND c h ENERGY LOAN FD c +> BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS BRANDON TIRE CO CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CITY OF HUTCHINSON COAST TO COAST DIESEL COMPONENTS FORTIS BENEFITS G & K SERVICES HARMON AUTOGLASS HART'S AUTO SUPPLY HOLT MOTORS INC HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE MN MUTUAL LIFE PENSKE AUTO CENTER RADIO SHACK RUNNING'S SUPPLY SAFETY TECHNOLOGY GROUP TERMINAL SUPPLY CO US POSTAL SERVICE W.D. COOLING CLINIC MATERIALS, LABOR- AIRPORT $2,087.30 AIRPORT CONST EST #5 - $69,495.35 AIRPORT CONST EST #5 - $298,235.01 $369,817.66+ EQUIP GATE, GLASS, POSTS "$12,949.05 $12,949.05* TUBE REPAIR, MOUNT /DISMNT RETURN OIL SEAL NOV MED DUSTER CORDSET NOV LTD TOWELS SAFETY SHEET PFC PADS, FRT ROTOR ADJUSTER SHOP SUPPLIES NOV LIFE OIL CHANGE 3.6V LI AA- STANDARD RADIO PLASTIC LENS SHRINK TERMINAL 9, ELEC SOLDER OCT POSTAGE TANK, FRT CHERYL LABAT & SEEFELDT CONSTR MATERIALS & LABOR GENERAL FUND A.J.SCHAAKE CO. PLAQUES, LOGOS, ENGRAVING AAGARD WEST NOV SERVICE AMCON BLOCK CONC BLOCKS, SPEC -MIX - AMSTERDAM MAIL LABELS ARNOLD & MCDOWELL OCTOBER COMPENSATION BAHR, LYLE REIMB- SAFETY BOOTS - BAUERLY BROS INC. EXTYERIOR SLAB .. BAVARIAN HAUS SR CENTER DINNER -26 MEALS BECK, VIRGINIA ELECTION JUDGE BENNETT OFFICE SUP. TONER BROCK WHITE CO EPDXY CRACK FILLER BRUNNER, DOLORES ELECTION JUDGE BT OFFICE PRODUCTS PENCILS BURICH, HARRIET ELECTION JUDGE - BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS CABLES, MONITOR -LESS CREDITS CAMERA SHOP DEVELOP & PRINT - CARR FLOWERS FLOWERS -E ALSLEBEN CDI OFFICE PRODUCTS LTD OFFICE SUPPLIES CENTRAL GARAGE OCT REPAIRS - CITY OF HUTCHINSON NOV MED- COBRA - DOSTAL COAST TO COAST DUST PAN CORDIE, JUDY REFUND - CANCELLED WATER SLIDE - CROW RIVER AREA QUALITY COUNCI OCT SESSION - CROW RIVER VET CLINIC - OCTOBER SERVICES • CUSTOM PRODUCTS & SERVICES _ MOWER BLADES DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DNR FEES TO STATE DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY INSPECTION - DOOR SERVICE OF ST. CLOUD SERVICE CALL DOSTAL ELECTRONIC'S CENTER SPEAKER WIRE $551.17 $225.02 $432.09 $11.71 $14.79 $21.45 $121.35 $80.73 $191.62 $168.98 $415.58 $7.56 $57.71 $84.98 $159.55 $27.86 $327.67 $13.53 $132.03 $3,045.38* $410.00 $410.00* $352.76 $823.70 $1,085.25 $89.79 $7,066.00 $39.99 -. - $1,341.27 $263.68 $83.69 $153.15 $421.00 $79.83 $10.99 $90.13 $261.74 $45.16 $38.29 $188.53 - $16,451.09 $35,696.45 $370.95 $8.00 $25.00 $275.83 $65.27 $1,298.00 $10.00 $38.00 $64.25 OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 79 -NOV -1999 (14:40) Page 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G ENERA• FUND DUSNOM, RUSSELL FIRST AID & CPR INSTRUCTOR $200.00 EARL ANDERSON ASSOC 9' SPEED BUMPS - $1,385.06 ECOLAB PEST ELIM OCT SERVICE $39.41 FAMILY REXALL DRUG FILM $37.58 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL $186.38 FASTENAL COMPANY SMALL TOOLS $98.04 FENSKE'S STUMP REMOVAL CUT TREE, CLEANUP _- $399.38 - FIX-IT PLUS CLEAN CARPETS, WINDOW REPAIR $634.23 FORCIER, GARY REIMB- MEALS, MILEAGE - $76.69 FORTIS BENEFITS NOV LTD $1,693.04 G & K SERVICES UNIFORMS $642.32 GRAMS, JODI REFUND - CANCEL TAE KWON DO $43.00 HAGEN, RUTH ELECTION JUDGE $90.13 HAMILTON, SHARON REFUND - CAN CET•T• - CHASKA SLIDE $8.00 HANSEN DEMOLITION LANDFILL 30 YARDS LANDFILL - $217.50 HARRIS COMPANIES NOV SERVICE MAINT INSPECT $499.00 HCVN -TV CABLE FRANCHISE - $6,962.76 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE / HUTCHINSON CLEANING SUPPLIES $600.71 HOYER, RUEBEN REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED $49.00 HUTCH COOP CENEX FUEL $184.53 HUTCH FIRE & SAFETY EXTING RECHARGE, TESTS $52.93 HUTCH PLBG & HTG CO _PIN, FAUCET, LABOR - - $526.04. HUTCHINSON LEADER ADS - $1,298.22 HUTCHINSON SEW & VAC VACUUM CLEANER $124.95 HUTCHINSON TEL CO NOV SERVICE - $7,583.25 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES OCT UTILITY - -,- $4,173.78 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE HOSE $45.15 ICBO RENEWAL - - $205.00 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT UNIFORMS $665.70 JEFF'S ELECTRIC MATERIALS, LABOR $54.68 JENSEN, ROXANNE ELECTION JUDGE - $77.25 JUUL CONTRACTING CO MATERIALS, BACKHOE, LABOR $1,799.00 KARG, LARRY REIMS- CONCRETE SCARIFIER $213.00 KENT, KEN REFUND -RADIO THEATRE $56.50 KNIGGE, DARLEEN ELECTION JUDGE - - $83.69 KOEHLER, ANNETTE ELECTION JUDGE $78.54 KOETTER, SHARON REFUND-BAS OVERPYMT $85.00 LADD, LARRY ELECTION JUDGE $79.83 LARSON, ETHEL ELECTION JUDGE - $83.69 - LUNDEEN, ELAINE REFUND SR TOUR $35.00 LUTHENS, MARGARET REFUND -SR COMPUTER CLASS $9.00 MAIN STREET SPORTS BAR 10 BUFFET, BEVERAGES $69.81 MARQUARDT, DIANNE ELECTION JUDGE $90.13 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER FILING FEES $59.00 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER JOINT PLAN -E &T CONTR /C.U.P. $319.50 MID -MN HOT MIX INC FINES $121,49 MILLER, SEDONA ELECTION JUDGE $90.13 MINI SIFF OCT SERVICE - PARK & ARMORY $79.88 MN ELEVATOR INC. ELEVATOR SERVICE $73.65 MN MUTUAL LIFE NOV LIFE- COBRA - DOSTAL - $599.34 MN SPORTS FEDERATION STATE TOURNAMENT HOST PLEDGE - $100.00 MN U C FUND UNEMPLOYE4ENT QTR 3 $774.98 MODERN MAZDA .VEHICLE TOW - $36.08 MORE 4 BAKERY $1,063.43 MUCKENHIRN, MARK REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED $49.00 MURPHY GRANITE CARVING PLAQUE REPLACEMENT $94.00 NO STATES SUPPLY INC HDWE, LABOR - $28,88 NOVAK ARDOLF FRAMING & PHOTOGR ID CARDS - $37.70 OLSON, MARGARET ELECTION JUDGE $79.83 OLSONS LOCKSMITH DEADBOLT, KEYS, RESET, LABOR $345.48 ORVIS, JOHN REFUND -RADIO THEATRE $56.50 PEDERSON, RYAN REIMB -MAPS - $8.00 PETERSON, SONJA REIMS -PAPER - $9.46 PINKERTON SERVICES GROUP DRUG TESTING $58,00 PIONEER QUIK STRIPE BLACK - $50.59 PLOTZ, GARY D. REIMB -MEALS $28.12 POPP ELECTRICAL INC LABOR, MATERIALS - $165.87 PRO MAINTENANCE CARPET CLEANING $141.09 PULKRABEK, BECKY REFUND - CANCELLED WATER SLIDE $8.00 QUADS ELECTRIC BULBS. $22.32 R&R SPECIALTIES INC ICE BLADE $415.35 REINER LANDSCAPING RIP -RAP FABRIC TICKET $19.17 REINHARD, WENDY REFUND -SKATE LESSONS $40.00 RUNNING'S SUPPLY DOUBLE DOOR, SIDE PANELS $756.81 SCHMIDT, HARRIET ELECTION JUDGE $83.69 SEALS, PEARL ELECTION JUDGE $82.40 ®PEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 09 -MOV -1999 (14:40) page 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G ENERAL FUND SERVICEMASTER TILE & CARPET CLEANING $894.60 SHOPKO , , ,1 - FIIM - $30.65 . SHRED -IT SHREDDING SERVICE $54.95 SIMONSON LUMBER CO DOORS, INSTALLATION $1,003.07 SITZ, HAZEL REFUND -RADIO THEATRE _ $56.50 SKEIE, THOR REIMB- MILEAGE, LODGING $136.61 SR.CENTER ADVISORY BD OCT & NOV MAILING LIST $333.00 STAR TRIBUNE PAPER SERVICE THRU 2/23/00 $26.00 SUPERIOR COFFEE & FOODS COFFEE $106.89 TAB PRODUCTS FILE SUPPORT $320.93 TEK MECHANICAL PLBG PARTS $137.57 TEMPLETON INC OCTOBER EMPLOYER CONTRIB $303.42 TEWS, CLARA ELECTION JUDGE $77.25 TOTAL SOLUTIONS GROUP RPG PROGRAMMING - - .$4,710.00 TRI CO WATER COND WATER, COOLER RENTAL - - $417.6$. UNIFORMS UNLIMITED TROOPER HAT $32.95 - UNITED BLDG CENTERS CT HNGE - $25.28 US POSTAL SERVICE OCT POSTAGE - _ $891.03 US WEST CONKUN NOV CHARGES - $166.20 VACUUM GALLERY CLEANING SUPPLIES $16.99 VASKO, RANDY REIMB- MILEAGE $65.10 - VIKING SIGNS GIRL SCOUT PARK SIGN $149.10 WAKEFIELD, TIMOTHY A. REFUND SWIM LESSONS - $10.00 WAL -MART COVERS, FRAME, TOTE BOX $216.87 WESELOH, PHYLLIS ELECTION JUDGE $83.69 WICK, JUNE ELECTION JUDGE $79.83 WIXCEY, HARRIET ELECTION JUDGE $82.40 WOODHALL, DOUGLAS PPCT SHARP INSTRUCTOR CERTIFIC - $185.00 WRIGHT, PATSY ELECTION JUDGE - - $77.25 XEROX TONER CARTRIDGE CREDIT - - - $232.00 < *> - $115,095.24* HUTCH COMM DEV.0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON NOV MED - - -- $432.09 CROW RIVER TITLE REFUND WATER BILL - - $680.41 . FORTIS BENEFITS HUTCHINSON LEADER NOV LTD - DISPLAY ADS, PRINTING - $27.24 $460.89 HUTCHINSON TEL CO NOV SERVICE $161. - 00 MN MUTUAL LIFE NOV LIFE - - $9,66 MORE 4 POP & ICE $5.59 - SUBWAY 8 BOX LUNCHES $66.94 US POSTAL SERVICE _ OCT POSTAGE - - - $115,61 c > $1,959.43* HUTCH TRANS FAC. COAST TO COAST PAINT $12.76 G & K SERVICES MATS $240.32 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE / HUTCHINSON TOWELS, TISSUE, CLEANER $152.23 HUTCHINSON TEL CO NOV SERVICE - $431.91 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES OCT UTILITY $1,728.32 KLEESPIE BARRIER BOARD, LABOR, MILEAGE $316.39 PINKERTON SERVICES GROUP SECUTITY PASSES $355.28 PUBLIC SPACE PLUS ,. SIGNS $100.61 SCHMELING OIL CO BULK OIL -- $443.28 THE SALTMAN SOFT SALT, SOLAR SALT - - $41.02 US POSTAL SERVICE OCT POSTAGE -. $18.92 - WITTE SANITATION OCTOBER SERVICE - - $100.98 - r LIQUOR STORE AAGARD WEST NOV SERVICE $46.80 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL DELIVERY $135.30 BELLBOY CORP OCT LIQUOR .. $1,518.72 BERNICKS PEPSI COLA OCT POP -- $207.45 C & L DISTRIBUTING OCT BEER $20,412.49 CDI OFFICE PRODUCTS LTD RIBBONS - $197.57 CITY OF HUTCHINSON NOV MED - $1,410.73 COAST TO COAST FURNACE FILTER, BATTERIES $50.97 DAY DISTRIBUTING OCT BEER - - $3,587.75 - DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY -OISM APPLICATION FEE $20.00. . ED PHILLIPS & SONS CO. OCT WINE - $3,5B'6.92 FORTIS BENEFITS - NOV LTD $52.16 GLENCOE ENTERPRISE OCTOBER ADVERTISING _ - $72.00 GRIGGS COOPER & CO OCT LIQUOR - $4,399.88 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE OCT BEER - - $939.90 HAROLD SANDGREN ICE SERV CLEAN ICE MACHINE $50.00 r OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT 09 -NOV -1999 (14:40) page $ ----------- -------------------------- ------------------ ------------ LIQUOR STORE HENRYS FOODS INC TOBACCO - $637.43 .$20,900.00• HERMEI. WHOLESALE TOBACCO $48.78 HUTCHINSON LEADER OCT ADVERTISING $630.35 OCT TANK & CART PICKUP HUTCHINSON TEL CO NOV SERVICE - $174.86 $15.00 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES OCT UTILITY $915.39 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. LIQUOR CREDIT - $4,388.49 NOV MED LENEMAN BEVERAGE DIST. INC OCT BEER $4,197.65 - $291.50 LEVY, NORITA 3 POINSETTIAS - LIQUOR HUTCH: -- $27.00 LOCHER BROS INC OCT BEER - - $15,500.00 NOV LTD LUNDHOLM, LORI CLEAN WINDOWS - $42.60 $3,440.95 MN MUTUAL LIFE NOV LIFE - $18.69 MORE 4 BAKERY $53.19 REIMB- SAFETY BOOTS PINNACLE DISTRIS SEPT MISC PURCHASE $934.12 - $651.61 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT SUPPLY SUPPLIES $1,139.95 SUPERIOR COFFEE & FOODS COFFEE $33.25 OCT UTILITY TRI CO WATER COND BOTTLE WATER - $47.45 $54.10 US POSTAL SERVICE OCT POSTAGE $133.65 . MATERIALS, LABOR -WATER PLANT - VFW MID - WINTER CONFERENCE PGM ADVERTISEMENT $99.00 $987.49 WEGNER,NEIL REIMS- PARKING, REGISTRATION" $26.10 WINE COMPANY, THE OCT WINE $810.00 c*> $62,00 $66,546.59• PAYROLL FUND AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. EE CONTRIB 10/30 $690.00 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. EE CONTRIB 10/30 $27.88 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. EE CONTRIB 10/30 $100.00 H.R.L.A.P.R. EE CONTRIB 10/30 $177.74 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST EE CONTRIB 10/30 - $2,343.46 MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTE CHILD SUPPORT PYMT 10/30 - $162.89 PERA LIFE INS CO. EE CONTRIB 10/30 $120.00 PERA- D.C.P. EE CONTRIB 10/30 - $52.02 PRUDENTIAL EE CONTRIB 10/30 $75.00 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS EE CONTRIB 10/30 $30.00 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES EE CONTRIB 10/30 $16,298.93 TEMPLETON INC .EE CONTRIB 10/30 $50.00 WADELL & REED EE CONTRIB 10/30 $150.00 < > $20,277.92* RU F. D SCDP 97 Hsg Reh WATER /SEWER FUND CITY OF HUTCHINSON EVEN -TEMP CONSTRUCTION AAGARD WEST ALLIED SERVICES OF HUTCHINSON ARNOLD & MCDOWELL BENNETT OFFICE SUP. BROLL, DAVID CENTRAL GARAGE CITY OF HUTCHINSON COAST TO COAST DEVRIES, RANDY ELECTRIC MOTOR CO FORTIS BENEFITS G ENERAL REPAIR SERVICE HACH COMPANY HARRIS COMPANIES HORSTMANN, BRAD HUTCH COOP CENTX HUTCHINSON LEADER HUTCHINSON TEL CO HUTCHINSON UTILITIES HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE IMPERIAL PORTA THRONES JEFF'S ELECTRIC JOHNSON, DOUGLAS K MART LAKE ELECTRONICS LAKESIDE EQUIPMENT CORP MCKIMM MILK TRANSIT INC MESERB MN DEPT OF HEALTH OCT FUEL $180.44 $180.44• WINDOWS $20,900.00 .$20,900.00• OCT SERVICE $29,562.33 REBUILD KIT, SUPPLIES,. LABOR $155.15 OCT TANK & CART PICKUP $1,715.50 COPIER COUNT $15.00 REFUND -OVERPYMT 1148 JEFFERSON $18.75 OCT REPAIRS $1,222.78 NOV MED $5,764.42 BATTERIES, PLBG PARTS - - $291.50 REIMB- MEALS, FUEL, LODGING $1,686.23 NEW MOTOR $370.61 NOV LTD _ $256.35 REPAIR KIT, LABOR $3,440.95 LAB SUPPLIES $99.10 MATERIALS, LABOR -WWTP $3,960.05 REIMB- SAFETY BOOTS :$34.99 FERTILIZER - - $651.61 FALL COMPOST $1,521.32 NOV SERVICE _ $794.89 OCT UTILITY $17,663.56 PARTS $54.10 UNIT RENTAL- COMPOST SITE $54.05 MATERIALS, LABOR -WATER PLANT - $400.00 REIMB - MEALS, LODGING, PARKING $987.49 KGB, 600 PLATINUM $31.40 REPAIRS, SHIPPING - $217.48 OIL LEVEL INDICATOR W/ PIPE $62,00 MOVE BOXES _ $45.00 REG -RANDY DEVRIES $80,00 APPLIC FEE $1,000.00 0 0 0 OPEN -HOLD COUNCIL REPORT — -- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------ WATER /SEWER FUND MN MUTUAL LIFE NOV LIFE MN VALLEY TESTING LAB LAB TESTS NOTCH'S METALS REWELD CLIPS PELLINEN, WILIARD SOIL BORING LOCATIONS P LEASANT ACRES APTS REFUND DOUBLE PYMTS PLOTZ, GARY D. REIMB- MEALS, MISC FEES RETZLAFF, SUSAN REFUND OVERPYM'T OF WATER RUNNING'S SUPPLY SPADE - SCHRAMM IMPLEMENT HDWE SORENSEN FARM SUPPLY EQUIPMENT RENTAL SOUTHERN MN CONSTRUCTION CO ORGANICS STANDARD PRINTING 2 REAMS PAPER SUBWAY SANDWICHES TER MECHANICAL PLBG MATERLAIS TRI CO WATER COND OPERATING SUPPLIES TRI- COUNTY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERV BEARING, LABOR TWO WAY COMM INC FUSE, CASE US FILTER / WATERPRO FLEXSTAKE HYDRANT MARKER US POSTAL SERVICE OCT POSTAGE USA WASTE SERVICES INC LOADS 10 /1 - 10/15 WAHL REBUILD & REPAIR INC 12' LENGTH WELCOME NEIGHBOR OCTOBER LISTING WESTERN AUTO HAMMER, TAPE, COTTERS 09-N0Y -1999 (14:40) page 5 ---------------------------- $95.34 $199.00 $50.75 $550.00 .$1,095.63 $336.88 BILL $11.36 $50.03 $20.44 $47.93 $630.00 $9.98 $25.91 $15.06 $11.08 $491.49 $46.51 $1,190.93 $1.,122.26 $12,936.45 $16.19 $60.00 $88.34 $91,258.17• $1,272,864.00+ • 0 n IMMEDIATE PAY COUNCIL REPORT 09 -MOV -1999 (14:42) page $ -------------------------------------------------------- G ENERnL FUND APCO AFC INC. --------------------- MOBILE RADIO LICENSE FEE ---------- — -------- '$486.00 DEPT NATURAL RESOURCES DNR FEES TO STATE $1,081.00 LIETZAU, DOUGLAS MIDDLE BHALL REFUND $75.00 MCLEOD COOP POWER SEPT UTILITY $509.71 MUSIC N MOTION DJ MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE -11/4 - $350.00 SHAW, MIRE DJ DEPOSIT -DANCE 11/4/99 $50.00 < *> - $2,551.71* HUTCH TRANS FAC. SCHMELING OIL CO FUEL $7,952.24 ".. < *> .$7,952.24+ LIQUOR STORE C & L DISTRIBUTING OCT BEER $826.26 CITY OF HUTCHINSON- G ENERAL FUN PAYROLL 10/22/99 $9,267.83 COLLINS BROTHERS LIQUOR PURCHASE $1,011.91 GRIGGS & COOPER TOBACCO DIV MISC PURCHASE $207.91 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. OCT WINE $7,796.22 < *> - $19,110.13* cr?,P 97 Hsg Rah HRA PROJECT ADMIN - $4,200.00 < *> $4,200.00* WATER /SEWER FUND APCO AFC INC. MOBILE RADIO LICENSE FEE - $324.00 EAST CENTRAL SOLID WASTE COMMI PROCESSING SOLID WASTE - $2,000.00 MN SECTION CSWEA REG- MARION GRAHAM $75.00 < *> - $2,399.00* " $36,213.08* n FnR YOUR INFORMATION 0 /Y2� yr: z ��ERscu 4- Ci-ry 000IUClk fYl��jIP �S 5u;9 n -r my P�Src�c,�ien( >✓i�e`l� 7�irc colYt/YlC1�(�7``/ pqy Re /,,�7 ,4-6 56rA-Ct,7 )ti4 EuP 7 �6601,urzcn4, iS A1o(V Tfi a c 7� in ) 010 or- aorfi Ph-r n!G IgIV D �n�T�,� yRST/NG Tff KA- - of OUR 504',5y S l "foP,6 you F114v • - 7 - tqi5 M Fok 17 , - VC9 tfAku,4 - t31,,t- - 11V FuTu /?E 7?f yea A:�6k Tff� 4FPo knalilry Tca 614 TfkS L ©irl`i117r , ���y jrl'YL�ti15 NOV q -1999 CITY uf- nu n UHINSM • A IAI • 04 ,. D I S P O S A L P.O. Box 119 • 124 Union Street Norwood Young America, MN 55368 -0119 Phone (612) 467 -2999 Fax (612) 467 -2043 RECEIVED CITY ul- nu I Gt1iNSON November 1, 1999 Dear Customer: FOR YOUR INFORMATION On behalf of everyone at AW Disposal, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyal support and patronage over the years. Because of you, I have been able to succeed in business, provide for my family and help to support the families of my employees. The purpose of this letter is to announce that AW Disposal, Inc. has joined the Waste Management family of companies. After 10 years of living and breathing AW Disposal, this decision was my most difficult. I have done my best to give my customers and my • employees the opportunity to work with a leader in the industry. It is my belief that Waste Management is the company best able to continue to be focused on providing you with the best possible service each and everyday. Thanks again for your dedication to AW Disposal over the years. Your commitment and dedication to my company and its employees is truly appreciated and can be continued through your support of Waste Management. Sincerely, A i Tim Schweizer President and Owner is Hutchinson Fire Department 205 3` Ave SE Hutchinson MN 55350 320- 234 -4211 Montnly Council Update October 1999 The fire department responded to 39 calls for service in October, the breakdown is: City Calls 2 Residential 15 Commercial / Industrial 3 Multi - family 1 Rescue • 4 Haz -Mat incidents 1 Vehicle Fire 1 Grass Type Rural Calls: 3 Rescue 1 Commercial / Industrial 1 Farm Building 3 Medicals 3 Grass Type 1 Carbon Monoxide Drills / Meetines SCBA Maintenance Business / Officer Meeting General Firefighting / Apparatus Use County Haz -Mat Training u Set up 28 tours or talks about fire prevention with the early childhood learning centers, schools, senior centers and industry (3M & HTI). We had contact with approximately 1400 people I would like to provide more information about a few of our calls: October 3 — House fire at the Jon Krantz residence, 345 Erie St. SE. Loss: $100,000.00. Cause: fireplace. October 7 — Fuel spill on Hwy 15, from Dassel through Hutchinson October 9 — Grain dryer fire at the Farmers Elev. Assn., On 5 1h Ave SE. Loss: $10,000 est. Cause: Faulty dryer October 15 — Workshop fire at Bud Reinert's. 1475 Hwy 22 So. Loss $105,000.00 Cause: Unknown at this time October 26 — Vehicle fire / spill into the storm sewer at Cenex, 200 3` Ave NW. Loss: $40,000.00 Cause: Engine malfunction 11 0 0 BERNICK AND LIFSON. P.A. QUITE '.-'Do. -HE COLONNADE -500 WAYZATA BOULEVARD MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416 TEL. (612) 5061200 FAX (612) 546 -1003 MEMORANDUV1 TO: FROM: DATE: .-\.0 Bernick and Lifson Triax Clients RECEIVED NOV ; - Im C1Ty OF hUTCHINSON FOR YOUR INFORMOOF Mr. Thomas D. Creighton, Esq., Mr. Michael R. Bradley, Esq., and Mr. Stephen J. Guzzetta, Esq. November 2, 1999 SUBJECT: Carrie Beckman vs. Triax Midwest Associates, L.P. Notice of Pendency and Settlement of Class Action Regarding Late Fees in Kane County, Illinois For your information, there was a class action lawsuit brought against Triax for charging excessive late fees. A proposed settlement has been reached which will affect Triax customers or certain former Triax customers who paid late fees. The attached notice explains the settlement in detail. The Notice of Pendency and Settlement of Class Action was published in the November 2. 1999 Classifieds section of the Minneapolis Star Tribune. We just wanted you to be aware of this pending action. Please call if ._ ou have any questions. U ; \cW.%TRGX \clue a .n setdm m ,wpd • 203 La�H�pf Stagy T rib�r� i! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTEENTH f JUDICIALCIRCUIT KANE COUN i t, ILLINOIS Case Plumber LK 98 46 CLASS NOTICE CARRIE BECKMAN. Plaintiff, vs, anger to rs ma k T a - cl . ax be n piro a ll o wed to k clm upon drool CI payment at one Or mare late fees for a reluna in the sum of $8.00. In return. class memeoers will release ail claims against Triax relating to hate teas crargea or or :o the Effective Date ct 're seme- :hem and 'N :.1 agr_? :o [tie standard for ' s .ate tee practices In lie 11JELS. II. WHATARE YOUROPTIONS ASACLASS MEMBER' (1) You Can Remain A Memcer of the Settlement Class. It you wish to remain a member of the crass, and have no oolec- ❑ves to the setllemenr jou do not have to do anything at this time. Your Interests as a class member will be represented by plaintiffs and their counsel. You will not be responsible for any legal fees or costs. TRIAX MIDWEST ASSO- CIATES L.P , a limited part - Cersri RIAX MIDWEST GENERAL PARTNER, L , in- dlviuually and as General Partner. and TRIAX CABLE - GENERAL PARTNER_ L.P . In- dlvlaually and as General Partner. Defendants. NOTICE OF PENDENCY AHD SETTLEMENT OF CLASS ACTION TO ALL CUSTOMERS OF TRIAX MIDWEST ASSO- CIATES. L A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, TRIAX M10- WEST GENERAL PARTNER. L.P. A LIMITED PARTNER- SHIP. AND TRIAX CABLE GEN- ERAL PARTNER. L F . A LIMIT- ED PARTNERSHIP, OR THEIR PREDECESSORS OR AFRLI -I ATES COLLECTIVELY! TRIAX ")' PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY ITMAY AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS. (2) You May Object To The TTerms Of The Sattlemerl Class members may Calera' 10 the settlement oy I ling a vil tan Oblectian antl Notice at In- tention To Appear with the Cal of the Circuit Court of The Sixteenth Judicial Circuit, Kane County, Illinois. A copy of your Objection and Notice of Intention to Appear must be ch [o C Iasscounsel: Robes M. Foote. Esa- Ma[ihewJ_ Herman. I Murphy, Hupp, Facts. Mlelke and Klnnally North Island Center 6 East Ga:ena Boulevard. Suite 202 Post Office Box 5030 Aurora. Illinois 60 5 0 7 -50 30 or are appropriate or necessary. The parties have reached a proposed settlement. The Court nas not ruled an the merits of these clams. The Court will conduct a Meeting to decide whether the settlement Is reasonable and fair on No- venr 29,1999. I SUMMARY OF THE PRO - iPOSEDSETTLEMENT Triax will provide. In full,settle- ment of me class members' claims. benefits. In the form of a Product Certificate redeem- able, under certain conditions, for Iwo (2) Pay- Per -View may- ies. The Product Certificates JI be Issued to all Current Customers. Ti ax will also oay plaintiffs' attorney's fees and costs mcurred an beriall at the class In an amount determined by the Court to be reasonable. (3) You Can Represent Your - selt It you wish to remain a member of the settlement cross but ob not wan to os rep - reser led by plaindrl5' counsel you may enter an appearance yourself (in ' orooria pareo- na') or through your awn at- torney. To do so, you must fib an Entry Of Appearance with the Clark of the Circuit Court of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit. Kane County, Illinois and de- liver copies to me attorneys listed above. It you cnoOSe tins action. you may tie solely re- sponsible for iMe tees and costs of your own attorney. and my be obligated to pay tees of class counsel. f- 4) You Can Request Exctusion rorn the SBltemenl CIds9. You can exclutle yourself IrOm the saltlament class ov sentl- rig a . ri Ren request for exC,u- slan m the class counsel Ilstea above. Your request far exclU- slon from the settlement eau MUSE be signed by YOU person- ally. must state your full name and current address, and must Grate that request axClq- SIOn tram ;re Settlement crass n Carrie Beckman v. Triax I Midwest AssaGaies. L.P Kane County Illinois Circuit Court Case No. LKA 96 46. In order to b valitl, your request for exclusicn must be made' :o class counsel at least ten (10) days n advance of the November29.1999heanng. IT WHATYOUGIVEUP I UNDER THE SETTLEMENT The settlement, if approved. will resolve class members claims against Trlax relating to its lath lees will and the current litigation against Triax relating to those fees. and will esiap- lsh a standard for fees Im- pose0 by Triax in the future. If you do not exclude yourself from the settlement class. you will oe. aeamed to have re- leased any claims against Trial relatetl to its late fees. and your will be bound by the terms of the Settlement Agree- ment and any Final Judgment entered In this action. If the settlement is approved by the Court, the litigation will and and the settlement terms will be implemented. It the eat - tiement Is not approved by the Court or does not become final for Some other reason, the liti- gation will continue. IV. FINAL SETTLEMENT APPROVAL HEARING The Court will halo a nearf on November 29.1999 at 9'.00 am in Roam 320 of the Circuit Court of me Sixteenth Judicial Circuit. Kane County. Illinois 10 determine whether the settle- ment should be approved as fair, reasonable and adequala The nearing data may be changed w to OUt further notice to the settlement class. you need not appear at this near- ing unless you nave timely filed an Collection. V. FOR MORE INFORMATION For me precise terms and can - billions of this settlement, you ara referred to the detailed S dement Agreement and Gen- eral Release on file with the Clerk of the Court. The Sal la- ment Agreement the class ac- tion complaint, and other Court papers relating to this class action are available for Inspection during regular business hours at the O ce of the Clark far the Circuit Court of me Sixteenth Judicial Circuit. Kane County, Illinois. By Order of the Circuit Court pl the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit . Kane County, Illinois. A 0 • Vincent L OlTommaso. Esq. A class action lawsuit Is now Peler S. Lubin. Es IL pending In the Kane County! DITCmmasoBAssaclales, Circuit Court. You are a mam- PC , bar of the class If you are or 1315 West 22nd Street were a Trial customer and you Oak Brack. iiinois60523 paid one or more "late fees" to Triax at any tlme because of Any Objections must state the ydurfallure topayyourmc specific grounds for your on- ly oil an rime. The class action iecilon, your to name, and Oomplalm alleges that Trlax's Your current — ailing aabress- "ate lees - are unreasonaole In oraer to considered ay :he or excessive antl requests. Court, your troterr Objection among other linings , a refund must be filed •Nlm ttie Clerk of of all or a portion at fees paid I the Court and mailed to class My Triax customers. Triax de - ' counsel at least ten (10) busl- nles that his lees are or were I ness days o advance of the excessive or unreasonable November 29. 1999heanng. ano contends that no refunds are appropriate or necessary. The parties have reached a proposed settlement. The Court nas not ruled an the merits of these clams. The Court will conduct a Meeting to decide whether the settlement Is reasonable and fair on No- venr 29,1999. I SUMMARY OF THE PRO - iPOSEDSETTLEMENT Triax will provide. In full,settle- ment of me class members' claims. benefits. In the form of a Product Certificate redeem- able, under certain conditions, for Iwo (2) Pay- Per -View may- ies. The Product Certificates JI be Issued to all Current Customers. Ti ax will also oay plaintiffs' attorney's fees and costs mcurred an beriall at the class In an amount determined by the Court to be reasonable. (3) You Can Represent Your - selt It you wish to remain a member of the settlement cross but ob not wan to os rep - reser led by plaindrl5' counsel you may enter an appearance yourself (in ' orooria pareo- na') or through your awn at- torney. To do so, you must fib an Entry Of Appearance with the Clark of the Circuit Court of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit. Kane County, Illinois and de- liver copies to me attorneys listed above. It you cnoOSe tins action. you may tie solely re- sponsible for iMe tees and costs of your own attorney. and my be obligated to pay tees of class counsel. f- 4) You Can Request Exctusion rorn the SBltemenl CIds9. You can exclutle yourself IrOm the saltlament class ov sentl- rig a . ri Ren request for exC,u- slan m the class counsel Ilstea above. Your request far exclU- slon from the settlement eau MUSE be signed by YOU person- ally. must state your full name and current address, and must Grate that request axClq- SIOn tram ;re Settlement crass n Carrie Beckman v. Triax I Midwest AssaGaies. L.P Kane County Illinois Circuit Court Case No. LKA 96 46. In order to b valitl, your request for exclusicn must be made' :o class counsel at least ten (10) days n advance of the November29.1999heanng. IT WHATYOUGIVEUP I UNDER THE SETTLEMENT The settlement, if approved. will resolve class members claims against Trlax relating to its lath lees will and the current litigation against Triax relating to those fees. and will esiap- lsh a standard for fees Im- pose0 by Triax in the future. If you do not exclude yourself from the settlement class. you will oe. aeamed to have re- leased any claims against Trial relatetl to its late fees. and your will be bound by the terms of the Settlement Agree- ment and any Final Judgment entered In this action. If the settlement is approved by the Court, the litigation will and and the settlement terms will be implemented. It the eat - tiement Is not approved by the Court or does not become final for Some other reason, the liti- gation will continue. IV. FINAL SETTLEMENT APPROVAL HEARING The Court will halo a nearf on November 29.1999 at 9'.00 am in Roam 320 of the Circuit Court of me Sixteenth Judicial Circuit. Kane County. Illinois 10 determine whether the settle- ment should be approved as fair, reasonable and adequala The nearing data may be changed w to OUt further notice to the settlement class. you need not appear at this near- ing unless you nave timely filed an Collection. V. FOR MORE INFORMATION For me precise terms and can - billions of this settlement, you ara referred to the detailed S dement Agreement and Gen- eral Release on file with the Clerk of the Court. The Sal la- ment Agreement the class ac- tion complaint, and other Court papers relating to this class action are available for Inspection during regular business hours at the O ce of the Clark far the Circuit Court of me Sixteenth Judicial Circuit. Kane County, Illinois. By Order of the Circuit Court pl the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit . Kane County, Illinois. A 0 • 0 HUI CHINSON AREA HEALTH CANE Comparative Balance Sheet As of September 30, 1999 ASSETS Gwent Assets I Cash and investments - Operations 2 Cash Will investments - Self Insured 3 Subtotal cash 8 Investments 4 PatienUResidenl receivables 5 Aaowances for bad debts 6 Advances and contractual allowances 7 Net patien9resident and thhd party 8 payor receivables B 10 Other receivables - net 11 Invenlones 12 Prepaid expenses 13 Total Current Assets 0 (A) (B) (A) - (B) SEP AUG SEP Change 1999 1999 1998 CY vs PY $4,311,429 $4,218,219 31,445,519 2.865,910 557,832 543,989 758,432 (200,600) $4,869.261 $4,762,208 $2,203,951 2,665,310 9,823,132 9,953,298 11,047,349 (1,224,217) (2,686 641) (3,001,876) (2,684,131) (2,510) (1,871,526) (1,604,802) (2,462.246) 590 $5.264,965 55,346,620 $5,900972 (636,001) 102,912 98.630 49,722 53,190 630,271 627,521 530,420 99,851 263,379 201,140 114,812 148,567 $11130,788 $11.036,119 $8,799,877 2330,911 I IU,., 1 U 039 PM Final Total Current LiablNes 14 Board Devonated /Fu0dod Depreoation (A) 56,908,936 (B) (A) iB) 15 Inveslmenl in Joint Ventures SEP AUG SEP Chage _ Plant Assess I6 LW 1999 1999 _ 1998 CY vs PY I (ABILITIES AND FUND 13ALANQLS 22,079,096 22,077002 18,483,985 3,595,111 Current Liab (8.262,730) (8,163,007) (7,512,571) (750,159) Low -berm Debt (less current Current mabu"s of $13,816,366 $13.893,995 $10.971.414 2,844.952 maturities) Long term debt $347,613 $347 333 $372,965 (25. J52) Accounts payable - trade 1,605,731 1.608.527 1,512,534 93,197 Estimated contractual $4.051,030 $4,086,975 $3,552,373 498,657 se8lements -n0l 1.219,772 1045,677 763,855 45b j17 Accrued expanses - 715.689 420,066 531,260 184,429 Salaries 816,U95 796,250 794,869 e122b PTO 942.317 940,782 943,574 (1.257) Interest 99,552 174,948 305,874 (206.322) Self- Insured programs 424,041 454,G41 347,409 76,632 MN Care tax payable 50,225 56,239 53,857 (3.632) Deferred liabilities 30,618 28,328 40,825 (10.207) Deferred revenue 0 (9 613 _ j61�j Total Current LiablNes 14 Board Devonated /Fu0dod Depreoation Investments 56,717,807 56,908,936 $5,927,983 789,824 15 Inveslmenl in Joint Ventures S98 $93 $94,273 3,887 _ Plant Assess I6 LW $165696 $165696 $165696 0 17 Buildings 22,079,096 22,077002 18,483,985 3,595,111 18 Accumulated depreciation (8.262,730) (8,163,007) (7,512,571) (750,159) Low -berm Debt (less current 19 Buildings less depreciation $13,816,366 $13.893,995 $10.971.414 2,844.952 maturities) 20 Equipment 12,251,151 12,866,684 11.507,467 743,684 21 AccumuWted depreciation (8,200,121) (8,779,709) (,955,094) (245,027) 22 Equipmem less depreciatm $4.051,030 $4,086,975 $3,552,373 498,657 23 Cashronstrucl,on 8 equipment 0 0 0 0 24 Construction in progress 715.689 420,066 531,260 184,429 25 Total Plant Assets $18,748,781 $18,566 315.220 743 3,528,038 Fund balanw O918r Assets 26 Dalarned finaru4ng costs $114,034 5115.349 $103.675 10,359 27 Total Funds 336,808,570 536.720.296 330,146,551 8,663,019 Taal Funds $5 964 $5,442 263 35,136,375 459 589 $14,675,713 $14668644 $10,764,615 391 u98 $16537893 $16609389 $14,245561 2.292. $36,809,570 336,720,296 5 30,146,551 5,563019 G Fu41mn1 Pam Larson • • 338 PM Filial HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE Statement or Revenues and Expenses Month and Period Ended September 30, 1999 Finstmnt Pam Larson CURRENT MONTH YEAR -TO -DATE YEAR -TO -DATE Over (Under) Budget Over (Under) Budget VARIANCE % R, evtM ACWaI Budget Dollars Percent Actual Budget Dollars Percenl Sep-98 1989 vs 1998 1 In patient revenue $1,258,242 $1,533,850 ($375,608) -23.0% $15,143,294 $14,932,694 $210,600 14% $13.764455 100% 2 Out patient revenue 1,988,309 2,142,346 (154,037) -72% 18,755,594 19,257,797 (502,203) -26% 17,114070 98% 3 Resident Revenue 429,76 387,721 42,039 108% _ _ 3,5 276 .200 _ _ 7 7 %_ 3,504,5311 _ _ 96% 4 lotWpatienihesidenl revenue _ SO.ri76.J11 $4,183,911 (54HI606) -117% _3 $37,740,161 $37755,584 ($15.403) 00% 534,383,656 n8% Div Gwntjl 5 Govennmenlal b Policy Discount 1,358.178 1.568.725 (211,547) -135% 14.250,996 14,262.540 (11,544) -01% 11,637,670 22 5% 6 nee Care 0 6,667 (6,667) - t00.D% 10.600 60,000 (49,400) -821% 39.550 .732% 7 1 otal deduction from revenue 51, 358178 $1576392 ($218214) -13.8% $14261596 $14322,540 ($60944) -82.4% $11,677,220 221% 8 Nei patienttre:udenl revenue $2,318,133 52,587,525 ($269.392) -104% S23,470,585 $23.433.044 $45.541 02% $22706,436 34% 9 "her operating revenues 20,900 24,587 (3,687) -15.0% 175.842 222,368 (48,726) -21,0% 223.477 -214% 10 Not operating revenue $2339,033 $2,612112 ($273,079) -10.5% $23,654227 $23655,412 ($1,185) 0.0% $22,929,913 3.2% Fx penses 11 Salaries $1.207.752 $1,140,640 $66,912 51% $10,805,320 570,400.052 $405,268 39% $10,043.597 76% 12 Employee Benefits 269,628 258,825 10,801 42% 2,404,732 2,345,934 58.798 25% 2.150908 118% 13 ProleuWnal and Medial Fees 244,696 249,349 (4.653) -1.9% 2,520482 2264,983 265,499 11 8% 2,829,916 -109% 14 UtIllles, Mb" Conlrads 6 Repairs 127,668 143,191 (15,523) -10.8% 1,169,989 1.251,236 (81,247) -65% 1.072.659 91% 15 Food, Dngs b Supplies 304,285 345,032 (40,747) - 11.8% 3,145,813 3.120,342 25,471 08% 3,096,261 16% 16 Other algense 73,121 87,245 (14,124) -18.2% 689,177 795,356 (105,179) -133% 630,342 93% 17 Minnesota Care 21,088 21,069 (1) 0.0% 179,523 189,616 (10.093) -5.3% 156,608 148% 18 Bad debt 22,302 39,652 (17,350) -43.8% 322,792 366,903 (44,111) -120% 276.465 168% 19 Interest 40,594 40,565 29 01% 372,307 371,844 463 O1% 405,918 -83% 20 Depreciation 147.902 159.747 (11.845) -7.4% 1,252,965 1348,745 (95,780) -7.1% 1.210,500 35% 71 1alai expenses $2_.459, $2 ,485,5_15_ ($76.5_0 -1.1% $22._663,100 $ 22445,0 1_3 54180 19% 521,873,182 4 5% Fxcees of net operating revenue 2 over(unde) Opel Bring n,pen%es (5119_9BIL $126.597 (5746.578) = 1948% $791 127_ $ 1,210,399 (S41B277 -348% S1,056,731 _ _251% N Z000eredn9 Revenue 23 Investment W.COrr10 $80,906 $37,500 $43,406 1157% $169,491 $337,500 ($168,009) -498% 5359,550 -529% 24 other nonoperatirg revenue (net) (32.420) 684 (33,104) -48398% (25,73-4) 24,715 (50.449) -204 1% 19,056 . 235.0% 25 Total norloperaling revenue $48,488 $38.184 $10,302 27.0% $143757 5382,215 ($218458) -00.3% $378,606 -620% 26 Net Intone ($71495) $164,781 ($236 ,276) - 143.4% 5934,884 $1,572,814 ( -40 $1 4 35,337 -349% 27 Patient days - 701 834 (133) -15.9% 7,557 7,449 108 1.4% 7,021 76% 28 Residentdays 3,384 3,513 (129) -3.7% 31,863 32,288 (425) -1.3% 32,282 .1 3% 29 Percell occupancy - budget beds - Hospital 389% 463% -7.4% -15.9% 46 1% 455% 0.7% 14% 42.9% 76% 30 Percent occupancy- budget beds - Nursing Home 88,8% 89.2% -04% -0.5% 91.9% 93.1% -1.2% -13% 93,1% -13% 31 FTE'S 386.3 3892 -20 -0.7% 396.1 3892 61 18% 392.5 09% 32 Adrdesiorls (adjusted) - H ospBal only 449 511 (62) -12.2% 4,269 4.569 (301) -66% 4,254 04% 33 Expetsas (net) per admission (adjusted) - Hospital only 4,451 3,901 550 14.1% 4,295 3,922 373 9.5% 4,126 4 1% 34 Revenue per admisslon (edJusled) - Hospital only 7,149 7,229 (80) -1.1% 7,790 7.313 477 65% 7,084 100% 35 Net Reverl per admbsion (84USted) - Hospital only 4.158 4,214 (56) -1.3% 4,543 4,250 292 6.9% 4,411 3 0% 36 Discounts as a percent of revenues 36 9% 379% -09% -24% 37.8% 37.9% -0.1% -04% 340% 11 3% 37 FTE's par 100 admluiors (adjusted) - Hospital Only 51 44 07 170% 4.8 4.4 CA 10. D% 4.6 13% 36 Days In Net Ao is Receivable 64.5 52.3 122 233% 69.8 76% 39 rase Mix - Hone only 268 245 021 86% 259 245 014 57% 243 86% Finstmnt Pam Larson ASSETS UTILITY PLANT - AT GMT LAND 6 LAND RIGHTS DEPRECIABLE UTILITY PLANT TOTAL UTILITY PLANT LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION TOTAL ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION CONSTRUC13 N1 IN PROGRESS IOIAL CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS FOIAL IOTA ITY F'1 ANT DFPREC VALUE RESFRICIED FUNDS 8 ACCOUNTS FUTURE EXPANSION 6 DEVELUPMENT INVESTMENT - GAS RESERVES MEDICAL INSURANCE BOND 6 INTEREST PAYMENT 1993 BOND RESERVE - 1993 CATASTROPHIC FAILURE FUND IOIAL RESIRICIE:D FUNDS 11 ACCOUNTS CURRENT 6 ACCRUED ASSETS CASH IN BANK INVESTMENTS 6 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - 3M INVENTORIES PREPAID INSURANCE ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE CLEARING ACCOUNT 1 OI AL C1IRREN F d ACCRUE D ASSETS DEFERRED CHARGE BOND DISCOUNT 1993 TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE TOTAL, ASSETS BALANCE SHEET SFF'IFMBFR 30, 1999 M w w w TU it w w w 891,734.75 56,617,961,57 57,509,696.32 (23,130,556.35) (:3,130,556,35) 1,14.3,091.`.9 1,143,091.59 35,522,231,56 ,00, 000.00 544,853.73 100,000.00 1,187,141.66 1,389,320.00 1,:!50,000.00 4,971,315.39 3,502,810.93 76,404.4: 2,000,598.77 694,764.00 827,206.70 56,156.01 35,013.00 283,544.75 - 1, 476, 498.6R l03, 870.:[5 1.03,870,35 411, 0 73, 915. 78 0 BALANCE SHEET 9Ef'TFMBFR 30, 1999 MUNICIPAL E011ITY 6 L.IASILIITES MUNICIPAL EOIIIIY . _ MUNICIPAL EQUITY UNAFfROPRIAIFD RETAINED FARNINGS 101 - AL MUNICIPAL EQ1111Y LONG TERM LIABILITIES -NET OF CURRENT 14A'TLIRITIES 1993 BONDS 101AL LONG, TERM LIABILITIES CONSTR CONTRAC16 ✓!, ACCTS FAY RETAIN IOIAL CONSTRUCTION 6 ACCTS PAY (11PRENI d ACCRUED LIADIL_ILIF'S ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTEREST ACCRUED ACCRUED PAYROLL ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE ACCRUED MEDICAL FUND ACCRUED REC PAYMENT CUSTOMER DEF'O9119 O111ER CURRFNI 6 ACCRUED LIADILITIFS 1111 AL CURREN I h ACCRUED I.. IAD M M M M TOTAL M M M Y 14,852,188.11 1,637,780.44 36, 4R9 968.-71 9,950,000.00 9, 9 000.00 00 1, 187, 727.28 166,725.35 34,784.17 162,204.: (39,806.13) 2,668.24 74.910.00 44,734.07 1, 633, 94 7.23 E TOTAL_ MINICTG'AI. F0UI1Y 6 LTAR 4R,073,91°,. 7R i 81A II'ML N1 01 INCOME 6 L XI I N1:L8 SEF "ILMBER 30, 1999 INCOME STATEMENT OPERATING REVENUE SALES - ELECTRIC ENERGY SALES FOR RESALE. NET INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES SECURITY LIGHTS POLE RENTAL SALES - GAS TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSES PRODUCTION OPERAIION PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE PURCHASED POWER TRANSMISSION OPERATION TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION OPERATION ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE MFG GAS PRODUCTION OPERATION MFG GAS PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE PURCHASED GAS EXPENSE GAS DISTRIB111ION OPERATINN GAS DISTRIBIJIION MAINTENANCE CUSIOMER ACCOUNTING & COLLECTIONS ADMINISTRATIVE h GENERAL EXPENSES DEPRECIATION TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES PREVIOUS YEAR TO DATE 9,971,855.14 1,400,139.34 69,071.17 9,230.00 2,678.00 3,890,311.85 15,343,205.50 1,200,098 -50 238,495.21 1,644,347.52 609.18 16,502.97 197,233.14 108,710.65 650.05 1,12 *.93 7,263,826.10 151,698.03 4Q,548. 169,245.08 1,045,178.40 1,111,905.00 13,190,175.09 CURRENT YEAR TO DATE 10,720,0`0.32 967,873.12 71,2^01.0* 8,847.50 2,595.75 3,994,880.71 15,765,449.45 893,8U9.16 550,6 27.76 2,578,444.57 383..56 39,895.90 217, @30.14 145,027.27 439.60 1,241. ^_0 6,683,789.53 165,703.91 70,403.19 185,562.96 1,076,248.93 1,312,499.08 13,922,067.96 BUDGETED YEAR TO DATE 9,659,950.00 920,000.00 55,967.50 9,750.00 4,000,00 4,507,800.00 15,157,467.50 922,602.44 495,456.00 11612,875.00 .00 49,930.00 195,680.00 148,335.00 715.00 3,020.00 7,457,464.00 171,280,00 46,499.00 171,434.50 1,067,400.00 1,286,600.00 13,629,370.94 BUDGET DEVIATION 1,060,101.32 47,873.12 1 (902.50) (1,404.25) (512,919.29) 607,901.9°, 20,793 -20 (55,171.76) (965,569.57) (303.36) 10,034.10 (22,150.14) 3,307.73 275.40 1,778.80 773,674.47 5,576.09 (23,984.79) (14,128.46) (8,848.93) (25,899.08) (292,697.02) ANNUAL, BUDGEI 12,850,000.00 1,000,000.00 73,250.00 13,000.00 4,000.00 6,202,500.00 20, 142, 7':,0.00 1,191,34, -00 1,150,800.00 2,150,500.00 3,400.00 75,000.00 265,900.00 187,700.00 1,250.00 4,500.00 91580,800.00 233,500.00 55,400.00 234,B50.00 1,486,700.00 1,750,000.00 18,371,694.00 OPERATING INCOME 2,153,110.41 1,843,381.49 1,528,096.56 315,284.93 1,7'11,0.`, — 00 OTHER INCOME OTHER - NET 69,241.12 93,656.09 68,130.00 25,526.09 92,000.00 INTFREST IN(A)ML 235,128.01 234,.',17.19 241,300.00 (6,7H2.61) 317,500.00 MIST: INCOME 17 ",, 0:'l. 10 300, 44.1 i6 406.00 61.(1117..16 '?i:,, ['., fll 00 GAIN ON DISPOSAL .00 .00 .00 ,00 1,600.00 MISC INCOME - GAS WELLS 161,065.07 160,8:;7.'75 186,150.00 (25,292 25) 255,000.00 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 640,455.96 795,524.39 740,986.00 54,538.39 941,600 -00 Ol HiER EXPENSES DEPLETION - GAS WELLS .00 .00 .00 .00 85, ouu.00 MISC EXPENSES @7,324.20 @3,239.96 67,140.00 (18,099.96) 88,000.QQ INTEREST EXPENSE 414,844.27 375,470.48 379,285.00 3,814.52 508,125.00 TOTAL- OTHER EXPENSES 502,168.47 460,710.44 446,425.00 (14,285.44) 673,1 25.00 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY 521,665.00 540,415.00 540,000.00 (415.00) 720,040 -O0 TOlrA. CONTRIBUTION TO CITY 521,665.00 540,415.00 540,000.00 (415.00) 720,000.00 NON -- OP'ERAT'ING INCOME (383,377.51) (205,601.05) (245,439.00) 39,837.95 (451,525.00) NET INCOME. 1,769,732.90 1,637,700.44 1,282,657.56 355,i22.88 1,319,531.00