cp02-11-2003 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING - IIIITCHINSON CITY COUNCIL . TUESbAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2003 1. CALL TO ORDER - S:,~O p•M• 2. INVOCATION -Rev, Greg Nelson, Bethlehem United Methodist Church 3. EO E a. ~~ (a) REGULAR MEETING OF 7ANUARY 28, 2003 (b) BID OPENING MINLI'TFS FROM JANUARY 28, 2003 Action - Mofion to approve as presented 5. E (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PARKS, RECREATION 8c COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM JANUARY 6,2003 2. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTI-ILY REPORT FOR JAMJARY 2003 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES • 1. ORDINANCE NO. 03-331 -- AN ORDINANCE VACATING UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS LOCATED BETWEEN LOT 1 AND LOT 2, BLOCK 2, OLSON'S ADDITION 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12112 -RESOLUTION GRANTING APPROVAL TO CHANGE STREET NAME FROM EAST GATE AVENUE TO GATEWAY AVENUE SE LOCATED IN THE SELTZ SUBDNISION 3. RESOLUTION NO. 12113 -RESOLUTION RELEASING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM FIRST FEDERAL 4, RESOLUTION N0.12114 - RESOLUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PRDPERTY (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF WASTEWATER TREAMENT FACILTI'Y BECOMING MEMBER OF MINNESOTA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ECONOMIC REVIEW BOARD (d) CNNESOTA WATERFOWL ASSOCIATION ON APRIL ~ 2003 AT VFW POST 905 (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AWARDING BID FOR HVAC RENOVATION PROJECT AT WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT BUILDING (fl ADVISOR BOARD TO 2006~ME~ OF JOFIN & JUNE LYMAN TO SENIOR • (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CIIANGE ORDER NO, 2, LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 02-06 CITY COUNCIL AGENAA -FEBRUARY 11, 2003 . Action -Motion to approve consent agenda 6. PUBLIC FiEARING5 - 6:00 P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUTDOOR RECREATION GRANT PROQRAM Action -Motion to rojeCt --Motion to approve 7. CQMMUNICATIONS. ItEOUEST5 AND PETTTIQNS (a) REQUEH FOR A STREET LIGHT ON GROVE STREET AT 430 GRACE LUTIIERAN Action -Motion to reject, Motion to approvo 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE N0.03-332 - AN ORDINANCE GRANTING FRANCIITSE TO CTI7zENS BANK FOR THE USE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAX (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) Action -Motion to reject - Motion to approvo 9. NEW BUSYNESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REVLSIONS TO UNIFORM POLICY Action _ Motion to reject -Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PROCEEDING WITH NEW LIQUOR STORE STI'E Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approvo (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AWARDING SALE OF PUBLIC UTIISTY BONDS Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMiJNICATIONS 11. RIA (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment of Verif od Claims A from appropriate ftutds (b) VERIFIED CLAIMS B Action - Motion to approvo an authorize payment of Verified Claims B from appropriate funds . 12. ~ OURN 2 MINU'T'ES REGULAR MEETING - I3UTCIIINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2003 1, CALL, 'I'O ORDE - 5:30 I'.11~I, ayor arm orgerson c e e meeting to order. Members present were Hill Arndt, Jim Haugen and Duane Hoveraten. Member absent wars Kay Peterson. Othors present ware Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and John Rodeborg, Director of Engineering/Public Works. 2. TNVOC Due to the absence ofPatherHill Sprigler, St. Anastasia Catholic Church, the mvoca ron was ispensad. 3. PLEDGE~F~,J,~GIAIYCE 4. ~~ (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 14, 2002 The members in attendance were corrected to include Bill Arndt and romove John Mlinar. Minutos were approved as presented with tho abovo-statod correction. 5. CONSEN'T' AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, HOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. PIONEERLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2002 2. HUTCHINSON HOUSING 8c REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MIN UTTES FROM OCTOBER 1 S, 2002 3. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 17, 2002 4. HUTCHINSON HOUSING, INC. ANNUAL BOARD MEETING MINU'T'ES FROM JANUARY 15, 2003 5. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 17, 2p02 6. HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE BOARD MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 17, 2002 7, CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2002 8. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2002 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VACATION OF EASEMENTS RE UESTED BY HANTGE FUNERAL CHAPEL AND CREMATORY FOR CONSTR CTION OF ADDITION AND EXPANSION OF • PARKING LOT LOCATED IN THE C4 DISTRICT AT 899 HIGHWAY 15 SOUTH WTTI-T STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12109 AND SET SECOND READING AND y~~) CITY COUNCIL MINLTTFS _ 7ANUARY 26, 2003 ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. FOR FEBRUARY 11, 2003) . 2. CON5IDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PPRMTT REQUESTED BY DAN HUEBERT TO OPERA' A CONSTRUCTION OFFICE IN THE CS I]ISTRICT LOCATED AT 225 - 3 AVENUE NW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 12110) (d) CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER N0.4, LETTING NO. 1, PROTECT NO.02- 02 (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF HUTCHINSON AREA HRAT.TFI CARE PURCHASING CHEMLSTRY ANALYZER (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF POLICY WAMNG FEES AT HUTCHIN5ON EVENT CENTER Item 5(a)7, 5(c)1 end 5(f) were pulled fvr further consideration. Motion by Hoversten, second by Arndt, to approve consent agenda with the exception of Iteme 5(a)7, 5(c)1 and 5(f). Motion carried unanimously. Item S(a)7 was pulled for further discussion. Kon Morrill, Finance Director, explained that these numbers on the financial report are preliminaarryy and there may be necessary adjustments. Mr. Merrill explained the reasons fvr the prelianinary numbers, conveying that much of the reasoning ie due to the homestead credit that applies this year. Motion by Hoversten, second by Haugen, tv approve the City ofHutchinavn financial report for December 2002. Motion corned unanimously. Item 5(c)lwae pulled for further discussion. Council Member Haugen will be abstaining firm voting on this item. Motion by Arndt, second byy Hovereten, with Haugen abstaining, for the approval of the conditional use permit for Hantgo Funeral Chapel. Motion carried unanimously. ItemS(f). DolfMoon,DirectorofParks/Recreation/Community Education,~resentedbefore the Council. This item relates to the Event Canter waiving foss for cortarn gvvernniental depermients end entities. After conductingg research on this topic, staff decided to draft a policy waivln$ fees for City of Hutchinson departments and organizations, but that all other non-profit entities would not be allowed to have a fee waiver. Motion by Hoversten, second by Arndt, to approve the waiving of fees policy for the Event Center. Motion carried unanimously. 6, PUBLIC FILA.RINGS - 6:lTU P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE N0.03-332 - AN ORDINANCE GRANTING FRANCHLSE TO CITIZENS BANK FOR THE IJSE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (WAlYEFIRSTREADINGAND SETSECOND READINGANDADOPTtONFOB FEBRU Y11, 2003) . Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator, presented before the Council. Me. Baumetz 2 explained that Citizens Hank is requesting tv place a canopy and vostlbulo on the public y~a~ CITY COUNCIL NIINUTES -JANUARY 28, 2003 right-of--way which requires a franchise agreement which is adopted by ordinance. Ms. Baumotz, lluther explained the plans and drawings ~or the canopy. Mayor Torgorson asked . whether or not there will be enough space to walk straight through on the sidewalk and not have to walk around the vestibule, The architect for Citizens Bank spoke reggarding the path for pedestrian traffic. Tho arohitect did state that pedestrian tratlic would shll be in a flowingg pattern, however they would have tv walk around the vestibule to a certain degree, Duane Hoveraten asked ifthe canopyposts could be moved out further to allow a more direct route along the sidewalk and not have to make a point to walk around the vestibule doors. The architect stated that that would be attainable, Marc Sebom, City Attorney, stated that City Charter allows a maximum of 2p years on a franchise agreement. Tho agreement could be renewed after 20 years, dependent on the Council's pleasure at that time. Mr. Sobora also noted that if any road construction needed tv bo conducted, the vestibule could possibly have to be taken down because it does lie in the public right-of--way. John Rodeberg, City Engineer, orated that he would look into rho idea ofmoving the canopy out two feat as related to any maintenance iseuea. Buzz Burtch, President of Citizens Hank, stated that the reasoning for this design is to accommodate the handicapped patrons. Marc Sobora suggested pputting the number of years for the franchise aggrreemeut into this motion and to consider cher~ing Citizens Bank a foe for the use ofthe rip]it-of--way. Duane Hoversteu suggested charging Citizens Bank the same amount that the restaurants are charged for the franchise agreements for outside cafes. . Motion by Arndt, second byy Hoversten to approve the first reading and sot eocond reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 03-332 izor February 11, 2003, Motion carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF DALE STREET AND 2t'ro AVENUE SW IIvIPROVEMENT5 (LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 03-01), ORDERING IMPROVEMENT ANf~ PRl?PARATION OF PLANS John Rodebergg; Director of Enginooring/Pubhc Works, ~rreaentod before the Council. Mr. Rodebergg oxplainod that staff had met previously with neighborhood residents regarding thin project. Mr. Rodeberg explained how street unprovement projects are selected and the point system used to detetrtine what level of improvements need to be made. Mr, Rodeberg explained rho drivers or rho reasons for the need of implementing this improvement prefect, which include deterioration, frequent service repairs, old sower and water ]niee and a substandard storm sower. Mr. Rodeberg continued to give an overview of the management of the pavement, storm newer, water works and sanitary sewer systems. Mr. Rodeberg explained the proposed improvements as pert of this protect would bo to reconstruct all utility and street improvements and would include phasing a construction to match school hours and provide emergency across. The coat of the prefect will be in the area of $3.2 million. The trunk sewer & water fund, federal aid, state aid and city bonding would cover the majority of rho project with approximately $580,000 assessed to the residents, Mr. Rodeberg went on to cover the coats the City pays for and the estimated assessments to the residents which will range from approxmately $5600 - $B 100 dependent on the size of the lot. Mr. Rodeberg continued to review the process used if rho project is approved and the payment options avazlable to residents. ~ ~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -JANUARY 28, 2003 Mayor Torgerson road a letter from Joe and Cheryl Dooley who were unable to attend the hoarmg. The Dovlays had no opposition to the projxt. Elroy Dobratz, 603 2"d Avonuo S W, resented before the Council. Mr. Dobratz oxpressed tha# ho and hie wife are in favor of the project. Mr. Dobratz also commonted that no one likes to spend money on these items, but the services provided aro necessary. Mr. Dobratz commented that approximately 12 years ago this project was proposed and rejected with the costa being half of what they are now. Ryan Hoining, 500 2nd Avenue 5 W, prosontad before the Council. Mr. Heine expressed that he has safety concerns in thin area and he requested that these concerns be addressed. Mr. Rodeberg responded by saying that there aro some improvements being proposed near the elementary school which include safety enhancements. Tom Schwarze, ] 40 Grove Street, presented before the Council, Mr. Schwarze commented on the left turn lane being proposed at Grove and 2" Avonuo. Mr. Schwarze requested that this not bo included in~ho proJoct. Mr. 5chwarLe requested that afour-way atop be placed at the intersection of 2 Avenue and Lynn Road. Mayor Torgorson requested that these concerns bo addressed. John Rodeberg atatod that the consultants on the project have recommended the left-turn lane and he would be privy to their rocommendahon. Mr. 5chwarze requested that his sidewalk not be replaced, as he doesn't fool that it is necessary. john Rodeberg explained that it is more cost effective to replace the whole sidewalk versus patching pieces of the current aidowalk. Mr. Schwazzo asked what will happen if the state aid is not supppplied for this project. john Rodeberg explained that if the monies from the State would happen to fall through, the coats would not bo applied to aseoesments. Bill Arndt stated that he agrees with Mr. Schwatze regarding the danger of the left-hand turn lane at the intersection of Grove Street and bale Street. John Rodeberg suggested that Dale Street may need to be narrowed at thin intersection to dissuade drivers from paeaing fuming vehicles and buses on the right hand side. Loo Moore, 440 Dale Street, presented before the Council, Mr. Moore voiced that he would like to have the road nazrowed at the comer of Grove and Dale ae opposed to aloft-hand turn lane. Mr. Moore also requested that thls project not be conducted at this time due to the state budget deficit and the poor economy. Mark McCaleb, resident at comer of Piehney and 2nd Avenue, presented before the Council. Mr. McCaleb voiced conceeee about where the funding svurcea are. He wants to be able to have a guarantee that federal and state aid will bo provrdod. Mr. McCaleb voiced concerns about damaging trees along this project. John Rodebergg stated that the mortality rate oftroes after these types ofprojecte are generally low. Mr. McCaleb requested concrete ulfomu;tion proving that the improvements need tv be done. Duane Hoversten commented that he has seen videotapes of thin area and this system does need replacement. John Rodeberg explained that Quentin Larson would bo able to provide Mr. McCaleb, or any other residents, videotapes and reports showing the test results of the systems vn the project. Mr. McCaleb oleo commented that this past summer, even with all of the hard rainfalls, his newer system was able to take all of the water down with no problems. Mr. McCaleb also raised concerns that those roaidonts would have to pa a higher rate because it is a "showcase" street. Duane Hoversten clarified that Mr. Rodeberg had mentioned that no additional costa would be added to this project, but that the residents would be assessed just like it is any other street. A resident at 805 2'~ Avenue S W, presented before the Council. This resident expressed that he is in favor of the project. This resident voiced that his conce~ri relates tv the safety of the childron. He also questioned whether or not the curve at 2 Avenue and bale will be y Lam) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 7ANUARY 28, 2DD3 widened. Mr. Rodeberg explained that it will be slightly wider. Dennis, 647 2"d Avenue, presented beforo the Council. Dennis voiced that ha is al] for the project but again commented vn the safety of the childron. Sharon Rolander, 41D 2"d Avenue, presented before the Council. Ms. ]dander also requested that afour-way stop be placed at the mtorsoction of Lynn Road and 2 Avenue S W and she requested that the safety of the children be a priority. Ms. Rolander stated that she has learned that old gas tanks mig~hht bo on her propperty and what might happen if a contractor might dig into them, John Rodeberg stated that he would research the issue, Linda Miller, 633 2"d Avenue, presented before the Council. Ms. Miller also requested a four-way stop at the intersection of Lynn Road and 2nd Avenue. Too~n Schwarze requested again that the left-hand turn lane at the comer of Grove Street and 2 Avenue be taken out of the design plan. Andrea Walling, 642 2nd Avenue, presented before the Council. Ms. Walling questioned if thorn is any way tv pproJ oct what the costs may be in the flrture if the protect should bo rejected flue year. Mr. >todeberg stated that that is hard to predict, but it maybe ffnancial unacceptable rink to take. Duane Hovereten commented that he felt that the costa of a sewer backup are incomparable to street improvement costs. Motion by Arndt, second by Hovereten, to close public heating. Motion carried unanimously. Motion byy Hovereten, second b Haugen, to order improvement and p oration ofplans of Letting No. 1, Project No. 03-D 1 and research the possibility of adding afour-way stop to thr~ intersection of Lynn Road and Second Avenue and romovtngg the loft-hand turn lane at 2" Avonuo and t3rovo Stroot in the design plans. Motion carried unanimously. 7. ~QMMUNICATIQNS. REOiJESTS AND PETITIONS (a) REpUEST EY STEVE COOK TO HAVI; CI'1'7' EMI'LOYEE(S) VIDEOTAPE LEA ERSHIP MI?ETINOS AND WORKSHOPS FOR PUBLIC V1E G Steve Cook presented before the Council, Mr. Cook expressed that he feels it's the City's duty to provrde this type of service, versus the Hutchinson Loader hiring someone to videotape these meetings. Mr. Cook requested that the City have a city em~lvyee vtdeo record lleeadership Meetings and Council workshops. If it's not possible for a ctty employes to perform these flmctions, Mr. Cook suggaeted that the City contract with the Hutchinson Leader to pay £or the em ]oyes video recording the meetings. He felt by doing this, the City would project how willing they are to include the public in those important business meetings, Mayor Torg~rson stated that he had spoken tv the Publisher of the Hutchinson Leader and they are willing to provide their employee to videotape the meetings. Mayor Torgereon further stated that the importance is that the meetings get videotaped, regardless of who tapes thorn. Steve Cook requested that the City Council make a motion to pay for the Hutchinson Leader employee to vtdeotape the Leadership Meetings and City Council workshops. He feels that it would be a gnod gesture on the part of the City to show that it' a important to the Council that the public be involved in these meetings. Duane Hoversten noted that the City is not looking to add additional expenses at this time, such as paying an additional employee to videotape those meetings. . Mofion by Hoveretan, second by Arndt, to roject this request. Motion carried unanimously. y ~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 7ANUARY 28, 2003 8. ~D (a) DISCUSSION OF ENTITIES IMPACTED HY OPEN MEETING LAW RELATING TO EXPANDEb INSURANCE COVERAGE Marc Sebora, City Attorney, commented that at the last meeting in December the Council had directed him to research whtch committees of the City are susceptible to violating the Open Meeting Law. Mr. 5ebora has detemunod that all committees and sub~ommitteea of the city are subject to the Open Meeting Law. Duane Hoverston commented that the Boards of the City are sometimes unaware that the Open Meeting Law applies to them and he expressed that this coverage will protect all these boards. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve purchasing additional inrairance coverage to cover board and comariseivn members for Open Meeting Law violations. Motion carned unanimously, 9. NEW BUSTNES;~ (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2002 PAY EQUITY REPORT Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, explained that every threw years the City of Hutchinson is required to submit a pay equity report to the State of Mmnesota rolating the number of female employees to male employees. Motion by Haugen, second by Hoversten, to approve 2002 pay equity report. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RECLASSIFICATION REQUESTS Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Ewing explained that this request ie made each year for various positions that are requested to be rovrewod for reclassification. Me. Ewing stated that the throe ppositions under conaidoration for reclassification are the Admirustrahve Secretary, Custodian/CSO, and Water System Supervisor. Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, tv approve roclassiffcation requests. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONS-]ERATION OF SETI`ING DATE FOR CLOSED MEE'T'ING FOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR PERFORMANCE REVIEW Motion by Haugen, second by Hovereten to sot closed meeting for City Administrator performance rovrew for Febmary 11, 200, following the City Council mooting. Motion carnad unanimously. (d) DIOSCUSS DEPARTMENT TANNUAL REPORTSEETINO WTI'H CITY DIRECTORS TO Oary Plotz, City Administrator, commented that the City Directors would like to set a meeting in order to cover their department annual ropoxts. Mr. Plotz also commented that in years past a Visioning Workshopp has occurred to rovlew the past year's accomplishments and the future years goals. Oenerally, this meeting is scheduled for half a day. Motion by Arndt, second by Hoversten to set mooting with City Drcectors to review department annual reports at a Visioning Workshop for February 25, 2003, at 9:00 a.m.. It was recommended that thta meeting be video recorded. Motion carned unanimously. yc~.~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 7ANUARY 28, 2003 10. MISCELLANEOiTS (a) COMMiINICATIONS Mayor Torgeraon noted that the American Legion Poet 96 had submitted an plication to conduct annual off-site gambling. The Legion ie hoatin~ a raffle for a benefit for Colton Damlow on February 2, 2003, at the McLeod County Fatrgrounds. Mvtion by Haugen, second by Amdt, to approve the OfF-site gambling licence for American Legion Poet 96 for February 2, 2003, Mvtivn carried unanimously. Jlm 13an~en - Mr. Haugen comment~rd on the lively and constructive public heaxing held this ovomng on the Dale Street and 2 Avonuo SW. Sill Arndt - Mr. Arndt commented on sumo improvements on the Dale Street/2nd Avenue project. Mayor Targeraon suggested that Mr. Arndt sit down with John Rodeberg tv discuss safety tseuea. Mr. Arndt also commented that the Fairgrounds were signed over to McLeod County and the property and facilities are now property of McLeod County. Gory Plotx - Mr. Plotz covered the items discussed at the Isaderahip Meeting earlier that day. piecussion wan hold regarding the liquor store expansion and an Elm Street improvement project. John Rodeberg - Mx. Rodeberg commented on the constructive public hearing and thanked the residents for their feedback. Mr. Rodeberg also gave an update as to the condition of Jefferson Street, which at this point, everything to looking good. . Mayor Torgereon - Mayor Targerson publiclyythanked the Hutchinson Leader for televising the Leadership Toam Meetings and Council Worksho s. Mayor Torgar~on also noted that, at the invitation of Employer Support for the Guard and Reaarve, a volunteer organization, he had the opportunittyy to reppresent the City of Hutchinson at a National Guard/Reaervea conference m San 17iego, CA, aponsorod by the Department of Defense. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS ANA CONTRACT,PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A Motion by Hvvoraton, second by Haugen, to approve and authorize payment of Verified Claims A from appmpnate flmde. Motion carned unanimously. 12, ADJQiIRIY With no further business tv discuss, the meeting adjourned at B;00 p.m. ~~~~ riIINUTE5 BID OPENING FIVAC SYSTEM - WAHTEWATEIt TREATM)iNT PLANT January 28, 2003 Prosont: Ken Momll, Finance Director, George Bonder, Earth Tech, and Melissa Starke, Recorder. Ken Morrill, Finance biroctor callod the bid opening to ordor at 2:05 p.m. Mr. Merrill read the pfficial Notico to Bidders, Ivlr. Merrill notod that the City Council reserves the right to reject all bide and to waive any informalities and irregularities ae signod by Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator. The following bide wam opened and read: BnvironCon, Inc, Bid Amount St. Cloud, MN $184,900.00 Bid Bond Includod Addandume 1, 2, 3, & 4 acknowledged i Feder Mechanical Bid Amount Modilia, MN $219,057.00 Bid Bond Included Addendums 12, 3, & 4 acknowledged Sontra-Sofa Shoot Metal Bid Amount Waite, Park, MN $188,000.00 Sid Bond Included Addendums 1, 2, 3 &4 acknowledged TEK Mechanical Bid Amount Flutchineon, MN $165,900.00 Bid Bond Included Addendums 1, 2, 3 & 4 acknowledged The bide wore referred to staff for roview, The awarding plans to be before the City Council for considoration on February 11, 2003. The bid opening adjourned at 2:1 S p.m. ATTEST: Merlin Torgereon, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator y(b~ MINUTES Parks, Recreation $~ Community Education Advisory Board . January B, 2003 Members presont: BIII Arndt, Jay Beytien, Todd Ertsgaard, Ralph Johnson, Klrk Kosel, Claire Lena, Bemle Miner, Bruce Peterson, Mlke Schleal. Dolf Moon and SonJa Muellerleila, Mark, Schnobrlch, Lawrence Winter, and three membero of the Tree Board were also present. Minutes datod Decembor 3, 2002 were approved by Todd Ertsgaard end seconded by Bruce Peteroon. B E Mickey Mantle: Decided by the VFW not to hoot the tournament this year due to the age restriction problems. The state of Minnesota likes our iacllltles and would Ilke us to submit bide In the future. We do plan on having toumamanta for ages 10-18 in Hutchinson In the future. Hockey Association: PRCE has been meeting with the Mite hockey level. We would manage the equipment, coach' s training coach's recruitment, and scheduling. More meetings are scheduled to work out the details. Park & Recreation Budget: The budget hae bean approved for 2003; however, there are stipulations with the state's funding. Capital expenditures, hiring, and movement on the pay scale have all been frozen, We are waiting for the Governor's budget, which should be out by the end of . January. PRCE Is operating status quo. NEW Bl1Sld_E$$ Parks Annual Report - Lawronce Winter (Rseource Recovery Coordinator) Pictures Shown: Tartan Park; Veteran's Park Memorial Day; Tartan Park Minl Shelter; Tartan Skate Park; Tartan Playground; Northwoods Park before, In progress, and after; Riverolde Parts Earth Work; Police Evidence Offices; EOC Remodel; Women's Club Swing Addition before and after; Mowing; Landscaping HHS Football Field; HHS Landscape Class Protect; and Belffeld Melntenance; Riverside Shoreline; Low Dam Rebuild Protect; Downstream Sectlan of River, Library Square; Veteran's Memorial Park Summer Blooms. 2002 Protects: Veteran's Park Phase 2 (pavors & pond); 7ertan Park Orant; Northwood's Shelter Remodel; Riverside Shoreline Protect 6equn; Police Evidence Offlcea. Y003 Proposed Protects: Complete Rlverolde Shoreline Project; Complete Low Dam Reconatructlon Protect; Commence 2nd Avenue River Stablllzation; Library Square Landscape Restoration; Continue Rotary Park Development; Begin Rrift Riders Park Troll and Parking. Forestry Annual Report -Mark $chnobrich (City Forester) Y002 Action: Tree planting, tree removal, grants; Utllfties and Forestry nave partnered up replacing trees near high electrical Iinea; New boulevard planting on 8~ Ave SW; Funding from general fund, utility's grants, and engineering protects; Over 344 traea planted on public boulevards end private lots; Over 100 trees planted on engineering projects; Juul Road; Retention ponds; Sewer Ilne Inatallatlons. 5~~~ i MINUTES PRCE Advisory Board r January 8, 2003 Page Two (Continued) ~nsrpy Program: Begun In 1993, 3,717 trees have been planted on public end private (54b homes) property. School/For'ostry Partnvrshlp: Together elnce 2001; School Forest deslgnatlon; DNR protect; Rollie Johnson Ecology Sfte; Millers Wands; HHS received energy trees which students planted. Removal and Pruning: Lost 89 trees in 2002; Joint effort with Street Department on pruning and removal of street and parts trees. Millers Woods: Buckthorn the predominant problem; Sentence-to-Serve has helped to clear Buckthorn, non- native trans, and weed control; Planted prairie flowers. Sell Amendment ProJ~ct: Attempting to teach builders to work with Forestry Department in conserving soil so as to ski In tree planting after construction la complete. Arbor Dsy: Involves Park Elementary students; "Find the Biggest Tree In Hutch" Contest for 3~ graders; Starting in 2002, each student participating will receive a button; Wlnnerwill getthalrname put on a plaque. 2003 obJectlvvs: Continue to work with schools; Expand sell amendment; Continue with Energy Trees protect; Raadslde Enhancement Grant for Mwy 15 S; Pruning; Revise and complete tree ordinance; Arbor Day kids; Library Square project. ~,QA D ME BER ITEMS QuQatiOna: 1. Bruce: Any plane on reetoring South Park? Adding lighting, creased path, sidewalk, etc.7 Increasing safety? 2. Jay: South Park needs new lighting. Anawsr: There are a few residents who are Interested In the forestry side of South Park, but we need a group tc sponsor the South Parkin order to get things completed. Smell picnic tables and extra lighting have already been added an the vast side, Question: 1. BIII: Will a Martin house be put back In Library Square after the renovation Is complete? Anawsr: This la something we will look Into when renovating. SC~~~ T~`crala#~~ Pr-rar'ts ,~ tae .~~L+My° J,IIr:' dP7(Ail~Jt {,~",,~,,+rrl~r~1"~ ,_'q,111_} { ~~~ ~ c~ r~~sic~~r~T~r~r~ ~I~;~~-:Ir~ra.~L ~. ~5~~~. . E~~`~IC}~IJ~T9A{., WAhdC~~7''a"~ f"~EI~Pwd1E~-T _ ,. _. _mv,m....~ ....._ 4~~~' ~~ .e.... C~65 ~hCL~ CDr~ ,nm, ... INk a~i f~i;SF~a~ChJT - ____~__.__m..~ ~_...~.~.. .. .. _ -- ..., m m ........ _.__ _..~ _......~.~,. 14'd IDLE-FAMILI' C~TAN T (~ 4;~-~ REfl'CMEM1~TflAB.. I~~h!~~ F.DDI SIC-~6d5 . NUI'J~C~IDCl~T1,41_ ~S fJ~_~P~ I it ill._EI~CE:f IN{a ~'4CJCJITi~S'fil~ T.)T„f: ITEMS: Arl~r~rr caf rrrs~~ctdcans fir the rraa.rrtlr = "f ' esnabea° cat ~°l~rrrrbirr~ P~rrsnr'ts fog try rrrarrt~fi~ ~=~ ~~ ~, ~o ou, e.~..~,...~ a j ~ ~. ~., ....~ ~.~~ I ~~ $~4~~C~~~ 1; ~(l iJ( ..... ~ asp ~ ~r~F;~r~sJt3.Cat~ -- ~~.r._...... ~..... ~6~,sr,~[Js~i OtJ °tl~ 3,'~,UUla.u~ " :.~~ ~" ~ .. "~~ a~~~,LL PUBLICATION NO. bRDINANCE N0.03-331 AN ORbINANCE 4F THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING UTII.TI'Y AND DRAINAGE EABEMENTS LOCATED BETWEEN LOT I AND LOT 2, BLOCK 2, OLSON'9 ADDITION TH)? CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing wa6 duly Given and publication of said hearhtg was duly made end was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be is the heat interests of the City to vacate utility and drainage easements located between Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 2, Olgon's Additiou for the purpose of constructing a perking lot across the property line. SactlDn 2• That the utility end drainage easements to be vacated ere dascn~ed as follows: The easements lying northerly of and adjoining the southerly line of Lot 1, Block 2, Oleon'e Addition according to the retarded plat thereof; except the wear 6 feet thereof. And The easements lying southerly of end edJohilng the northerly line of Lot 2, Block 2, of avid Olson's Addition; except the west 6 feet thereat . $1~3. this ordinance shall take affect ffom and altar passage and pu6licatlon. Adopted by the City Council this 28"' day of January, 2003. Marlin Torgeraon Mayor ATTEST: 4ary I]. Plotx City Administrator 5«~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12112 J BE TT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF HUTCHINSON, MN: WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is requesting a change of street name for East Gate Avenue located WHEREAS, the street ie recorded ae East Gate Avenue; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the street name shall be changed as follows: RESOLUTION APPROVING GRANTING APPROVAL TO CHANGE STREET NAME FROM EAST GATE AVE. TO GATEWAY AVE. S.E. LOCATED IN THE SELTZ SUBDIVISION in the Seltz Subdivision Plat, and; From -East Gate Avenue To -Gateway Avenue S.E. Adopted by the City Council this l lu day of February, 2003. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin D. Torgereon Mayor ~~~~ i RESOLUTION NO'. 12112 RESOLi1TION APPROVING GRANTING APPROVAL TO CHANGE STREET NAME FROM EAST GATE AVE. TO GATEWAY AVE. S.E. LOCATED IN TIIE SELTZ SUBDIVISION BE IT RESOLVBb BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY 4F HUTCHINSON, MN: WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinsbn is requesting a change of street name for East Gato Avenue located in the Seltz Subdivision Plat, and; WHEREAS, the street is recorded as East Gate Avenue; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; the etrect namc shall be changed as follows: From - Eaat Gate Avenue To - Gattway Avenue N.E. Adopttd by the City Council this 11 `h day of February, 2003. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin b. Torgorson Mayor RE6OLUTION NO. 12113 RELEASING PLEDGED SECURITIES FROM FIRST FEDERAL F$$, HUTCHIN$pN, MN WHEREAS, First Federal fsb of Hutchinson, Minnesota, A city depository, has requested release of the following security under the collateral agreement with the City oP Hutchinson: FN~2A 07-25-23 X2,000,000 Reference Ntiml~ar 9307ZBYCD001p HE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Finance Director ie hereby authorized to release said security. Adopted by the City Council this 11th day of February 2003. C~ Marlin Torgerson Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plptz City Administrator 5~~~3 • RE80LUTION TO SELL AT AUCTION UNCLAIMED PROPERTY Rosolutlon No. izii4 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Palace Services has accumulated various unclalmed Items. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Clty Code provldea purauant to 5ectlon 2.70, Subdivision 2, Paragraph C for the appropriation and sale at auctlon of unclaimed property, AND WHEREAS, the unclalmed property has been In the poasesalon of the police services for more than sixty (60) days; NOW THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED eY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That the Hutchlnaon Clty Council hereby approvea the sale et auctlon of unclalmed Items Identified on "Attachment A." C~ Adopted by the City Councll this day of February, 2003. Mayor City Adminlatrator • 5 (~~~.~ ,~tthnr~nt ~e ~ '' Case # Descri ti~on -"~1~ _.~~.~....__.~_.~ ~ 5chwinn 24" Mn' Si;~y~le ~ __ 2~1~ ~ . ___m.__ __.... WMa~n ~rnd I~'yn 1" ~~ I~~~yeV ._...~ ..~.._.. ~_q ~~ Neu ata~- Q°'' OJ~f'c~rm~ns ~ ale 'V ~~ Y V'~~ ~4.J~'°w np 4. k.J'p I,.~YILY,~I ~w t~2-2t~~ .~..~ ..~... ........_ ~~'I, n ~~acir''~'rr~en" ~~r~i_ ..... {~, ~j ~} .._._... LJ aG. °°G.~~ ! 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'video ~'~ es ~~wC~ ate _...~,~.. _ ~14~~~ _.._....~.~,m~.~....._.....,a.~.._...._....__,~_..~..._...._~_~,.....~.~~.~.... ...,.~_ ..~~..~ `~ ~~ ~...~ ~.~~....._ _._ . ~.._...~. ~.. w~~rst, ..............~.~.~~...__...,_A,_.~.........._~w..~ _...__~.~~.....~~..~,mm... ._.,..~~ ~1'~4~i ...__ ~......._..~... _~~ .....~..... _~~.~.__.__._.._ ~..._. ~....~. ~__.~......~~ .mm_m..~.~.. ...~~~.~~ tim.mm ~Jv'aiiet ~....~ _.~_.... .. ~.... _.....__..~._ ..~. _.._~..,. ~~_._~....._._ ~_-m m__ ........._ ~...~., ~._..~._ _...~ ,.m...~.._ ___m. ~....~~..... m_...w_ .~ ~. _ww~w. ~...~..... m~_....._ _~ ~__ _ ~..~__. ~~._..~_.~~.__._.. ,...m_.~.~ .............~ ._~._ ~.__ ~.. _~~,.~.,,,~.. _ ....~...._ _. _ °~ ..m..,,,,. .~. ~ _..... ~,,,,,....... ~ .......~ ~~ ,...._......_.. ~~_ ..............~_~a m._~._..._ ~en~r Csrm~~corder Memorandum ~~~ 7b: Honorable Mayor and City Council Waror/Wastewaur Dapnrtrnent 1300 Adams Street South N'rom: Randy DeVriee Utility Director Hutchinson, MN 35350 Dxte: 2J6/03 Phone: 320-234h233 Fax:320-234-7485 Re: Membership in MESERB I am requesting that the City of Hutchinson Wastewater Treatxnent Facility become a member of MESERB, Minnesota Environmental Science and Economic Review Board. Enclosed is the resolution approving membership, and naming a representative, Randy DeVries, and Mike Mics as alternate to the board. The TMDL rule will change . the way effluent standards are set, and could be very costly for us. Also Phosphorus standards are in ow future. I have budgeted for membership in our 2003 budget, and I recommend approval. Total cost will be $2,117.00 for 2003. ~C~~ ,•Y ~,~~~ P4~unrues~uta r~r-ircanwo~nta1 SCi~nC+~ end cvnv~e ~keva~w B~u~~c~' aG~ uravexnenTaT !~niT "high c~q~eraTe air i ~~T ~~ a ~bluwT_or~ed aTe°te~' T~e,~TeT ~~r~t~IIn may ~jcaTn Thin 1h~T~»n~°snt~u "n~i~c~ru~run~afl ~cienc.~. and sari Tee T~aarT. ~ ~u~~n .e Tr~a~a~~ The ~ve~~e~~t~7 ~xua:~ ~~ana~st ccar~~TTe The f~~llt~T~ ~TeTra "~`~e ~°err~~ ~~~Thu~rit,~ . „ ei~ ~u=u~unT car s~~~ar dtr.~t. Ts~rd~ ~~t ~.deT a ~e~~aTu~T~c~~~ aThc~r~~~a~ The ~a~errental ~niT Ts~ ~n The ~~~uT p~~e ~.reu~r~uu~t. ~h u~rr~r°r~urouv~ud~l uz~a~i~ ~~z.~~t ~lsc~u de.~n,Te rune ~T~ dire~,t~u~` ~`e~a~`esenT~.T~ve aid a~ae ~1} ~1TernaTe t°e~`eu~T~.TT'~e T~ sere u~t~ The jt~ir~T goers 6~ard. '1 he ", e~ ~~r~icr~t~.~ r~~T rrw~.T sign Thhaw ~~uiT g~wers areerrunT. TT rru?~s~ men subxT The i~it~sT-dear a~e~r~bershg ~sessr~~er~T 1~ r~>aTTgTied lad The tTa~. ru~~x~~er asTe~Ter hTT~~, u:CuTS ~~ The u~sT x~eeenT~ rrtgTetecT fsel year, ~~ T a ~r~aa~°~~ f T5~4f~ a~~:e~Ts Tai The jc~ir~T goers T~c~arc ~. sTy (~ Oyu ~~~ c>rat the ~ rr~er~ershrg Thr MTh The awes T` The d~reeT~ur d~t~:z't~at ~e~grserlitaTies. ~a~l These ~Texr~s t~ Tie jx~T p~vr ~a+~ard~s Tres>.~re; T The u~err~i ~aTh~Tt's ~xthu~r~~ res~lw.~u~~a, ~ The shred ~u~ara g~r~ers areerr~er~t~ ~ The .~~~.~ r~~erriershi fcu~ and 4 The ~u~~~~~bershig aes,~~°~er~T a~ra~~e t t~~e "firTir~nesTa ~~~ e~TaT e~eee arrd. T~~+~r~a~atr~e Tt.ever Baard,,, aT The ~TTwn address: ~°~ ~ra~e ~~~~e~~, "Twreau~e ~~nt~~ Er~~'~r°c~rrrtr~err~t~T ei~e a~ad en~~i 1~.~~~i~~ ~~~. el~r T~iTy ~f "'~'in~a~a P.+. err 373 ~~r~~r~a~ ~~~ Tyr rre iT`~r~~aTa~, c~nTa~.T hr~;~ T~Tr~ uwuT" I~laherT TTc~rd., T~.~ T ~~) ;-~~ " ~, - .~.~~~~ ' ~~~~~ rr~ ,~ ..,_~~.. ~ _ _ ~iw~, airre ar~d aarr i~~r~~av s~r~~r~i~~e~~rrrr~ta ~ ti ~~Jlrrn~s~ta ~nuiu~anrrner~t~i S~ien~:e and Ecan~arn'~~ Mu°i~w Beard ~~ 1"ar~r<° 7:1~o~arla.rr ""axrWaean ~a"II:~,at~,l~zrran. 11.1 a~~r~~ ~'~tr~~;t T~~: l~r~>~re~~rta :rnvfor~tffie~ta~ 4~:Ie~rer arr~d Ee~irt>t~n~i~ ice i~~v ~Q~ar+~ (fiE~' L7ex v'l~y-ax ~a~xc~t~; 1 ~xra rxarCa yam Pxr=~icierrf a BIZ ri~r_rr~sotr~ 1~ r1~ ir~rttrrr~ae~l elece r ~'eaaxr~le 1~,~~ i~,~ Ira~r~ ~~~;1 t~~ rf ise II~e a~~t~?e n~e~~:r~l~~p at tie LI~~' a~f ~~tah~~~at~ ii~t ~ 1, ~ k:~. r<rc~d ~'rei~~~e:. i~ a °p~ai~at pcsr~e>rs ~wr~za~la rn,a~e ~ +~~`eit+ ~~tetex Rre~,te~~~ f~ailtl~, ~~I~~a° ~v~er dls~xt an+`I ~saai~te busln.e~~ Il~r~bex~, It ~ n arni~ia~ clec~i~~,ter~ to errvxa~xrr~rea~tal. ~ri~a~a;ta~a~ aa~~1 ~ruuanrtil ~efea~c;e, C~~x ~etl~tle lnrelude a~ar;litaru, ex~v~xa..er~t~l a~i~ntae at r! Otte end 9aaa1 l~e+~el and ~rxa~vudian eaxa:rr~e~ts~ c1 reaaxanexr~r~aax>. ~a ~~t rer~~l~~ar r~~,t~-c~ir:r Ise Iar~r~i~~ca~>, of ~t~ter ~ax~rv~ a~a acr~,aaa~ta~iilty Icy Ira ~f far ~ sfd.r ~~~y ~1c~~Glctp ~d nxrgase are te:reulter~ p~k~lla. 1"~~R.B' ~ae~a Is to enrarr'e ~~,t ~e ~te~tex dl-eutlir!etr~ recl~uarna+w;xut~ arMe ~cIler>:t~f~Gallv~pus~:i1~rw ~~ uF111 xeult 1 ~~~~ar~l~l xa'~~~tni°r~ts to a~ea~ ~.l'~t~r rabllc~ Iltaa~~. ~~~ A~et'Itie. 1 xeeexrr~l.y xeeeie~l rr~~,~rc: ~rr~~ae of ;~ ~: ~.rr~Ilt ~+~~fsr~aG I~r~f the 1-~w.,~ta>ir~a~~~ ~M~ ~~~-,~~ iti,it~ r ~~I~rec~ItLr'~~]L I~IdI'lt ~zr~:1~.~~~'~1), tJ~lfv a~ ~11~ ati:I~:'~e~ t11,t ~~ } ~'. ra'rJl¢Ie ln,~ l`t~slit~c't5 1 ~ ~"'"ale a~`xaasec~ 1~~ p;,r~i~~: a~a~x x:~i-t er~'~lt,t~ ~~~.r~~ t-1~,~1 of 1~alll s5~.,s~iafe~~ ~al~ir~~rri, T).", "1Ty'l~a~ ~ xever~ l~ell~ tc~ rix~ ee" ~ L ~ ~ ~ xetraixee~~:~ ~~ +~;-, r f ~=1~ r~~ ll~. ra~ex r~rstc~aater fre~tret ~aeil~tae ~""~"'"""), tl ait r"he~hr xeixea~ % i~i~-.ritif3c xri e ea'~~~i, ~~ t~.~~t ~tr~r~~ r~~a a-~e~~, x~~;a~~reer~t ~rleecl 1 axz m~ri~rlclrual e~°rr~~ I~ew~.-~,~cl ~I~ae xe~~xe x~le ~-x l~v°~ r~xrle~~, ~~ ~.,1 ~_rr~l,ir~ly reel ~a h the ffe~te ^"".. 1?E s~~~d~t~~.~~ to t17f~ ~ra~°rn~t x~~, ~ ,v i rrrr~ 3 s~ err, P~1'1~1 Ala ~~t~ ~~ a 1~~an ~meaeer~ ~, ~~r-t_ ,~::,t,:~;r. t~-e~trr~~r. rl,~ a~ax~,tax z~ the ~viirrt7r~soc~~ ~'altutua Car ~r-~:,I ~,,~;~~.r~a~ (~~ta). It f r~~~r a;~l to e~:t. ~~~ath ex~a. ta'f~a~~ a xer laawis ~a fluke earr~~, et~x~s eaeerr~ and a~ke xeearr~?r~~rr+~~Q~ax~~ xex~lmr~ vlaus ~;~a ~i>tlt~~re °~rrd ~l~ea°~• iu~~et apart tie r~°;~~leal ~r~r rr~az~:~~ty. ~e ~~e Ia ~lmaf l~n~~r~ ~aetex a~ rrar~ tote ltet ~vay ~a a~,t ~,-~~, ,° r:~~~~~~rit~,~~ ~~ ~;att6~;tet~t lala~a. g: ~~ ~atta~f. ~~ ,.° lrape ~I~~tn a~ ~ill~a~~~~ ~~'fll ~~ in ~1 i~~m°~,rr,rrn e1"fiart. ~~.a ~~ v Currently, MESERB has been and continues to be a key player in the TMDL stakeholder process, • which resulted in the MPCA going through rulemaking in order to establish sound and scientifically justified criteria for establishing TMDL'e and listing waters as impaired. MESER13 has also been directly involved in making comments and recommendations on mercury monitoring and proposed mercury policy, the state phosphorous strategy and criteria, and the NPDES permitting process in addition to identifying and responding to new issues ae they arise. MESERB is also now currently in the process of developing a statewide phosphorus reduction initiative and seeking grant funding from the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources. The handout we are using to proceed with this project is enclosed for your review. Funding: As mentioned, MESERB is a joint powers organization. The MESERB brochure listing the current MESERB members and containing information about participating in the organization is enclosed for your review. MESERB is funded by its members through an assessment based on a charge of $0.50 per wastewater billing account in the first year of membership, which increases to $0.75 per wastewater billing account in subsequent years. I have also enclosed a copy of the joint powers agreement and other membership information for your review describing the organization and how to participate. Get Involved anti Hove o Voice: To have an impact at the state level, it ie important for cities affected by proposed regulatory . changes to band together and have one consistent voice to collectively comment on and be involved in the state regulatory process. It is also very important for us as wastewater treatment facility operators to communicate with the Agency about our concerns and recommendations for altemativo courses of action, which in some cases maybe more cost~ffective, less onerous, and achieve the same objective, MESERB is the only organization in the state dedicated to this objective and we need your help to continue to provide these services. I believe strongly in the merit of this organization and have enlisted the support of my city to contribute and be a member of MESERB, I hope that the City of Hutchinson will seriously consider joining MESERB, Should you have any questions about the organization or like additional information, please contact mo at (320) 650-2g 12. Also, please visit our website located at www.mtserb.or¢. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yo , Ken Robinson, President cc: Cary D. Plotz, City Administrator Randy DeVries, Wastewater Superintendent Enclosures 5C~~ ' ~. '~ v~ ~ ~.cr ill City of Hutchinson . FEE:, 25.00 APPLICATIDN FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE Approved by: Building _ Fire Application shell be submStted at Police least ~ days prior to the Gambling ocdaslon ~' I, I~,v Q.&g AND I, .Name o Authorize Officer of ame o eeigna ed Gam ling Organization Manager Hereby submit in duplicate thSa application for a license to conduct the game of gamblingin accordance with the provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance NO. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 Tor the license year ending o~0~3 natutea: ''JJ L/• uthor zed Scar o rganization esign to b ing anager o organization A. The following Ss to be completed by the duly authorized officer of the organization: . 1. True Name: (last) (first) (middle) 2. Residence Address: ~~~ L.9F~3"ori .T M ~ G~ (street) (city) (state) (zip) 3. Date of Births /~ ~ /9GS 4• Plaee of Birth R ~ (mo/day/year) (city/state) 5. Have you ever been cony cted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes No If Yee, explain L B. The following ie to be completed by the dealgnated gambling manager of organization: 1 +.,'.` 1. True Name: J~~~'~ ~~',u,,~~ _ ~~;~p_ (last) (first) (middle) 2. Residence Address: D S "W IAl~dA1 YI1fS ~~$~ GG~~ {at set) (city) (state) (zi ) 3, pate of Birth: G ~~ 7 .y. Place of Birth:4~ (mo/day/year) (city/state) 5 Cd) ... ~. Have you ever been convicted o~ ~,ny crime other than a traffic offense? Yea No ~. If yea, explain 6. How long have you been a member of the organization? ~3 mnNTY1S 7. Attach a copy of the official resolution or official action designating you gambl~.ng manager. C. Game Information: 1. Place where gambling devices will be used ~ 1.}_u-tGu~N;~a VF1+V ~~qa 2. Date or dates gambling devices will be used ~ 2~~.~~ (date end/or day(s) 3, flours of the day gambling dev will be used: of week) From 1'Z'_~U tel. To r2.: era . ~t ~ P.M. ~. Maximum number of players 5. Will pr;zea be paid Sn money or merchandise? ~-rN 6. Will refreshments ba served d ring the time the gambling devices will be used? Yea ~ No IF eo will a charge be made for ouch refreshmen a Yea NO ~. D. Organization Information: 1. Address where regular meeti~/ga are held _lh.~ ,esq.. I/Fw,~ 2.. Day and time of meetings ~11~~~-__L~aer,,~~/ ~ ~lD~/S 3. I® the applicant organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Xea ~~ No 4_ How long has the organization bean in•exiatence7 ~~-'~oH'rrt-S fie. How many members In the organization? ~~ Gac~~ CHk(F~ y(k1Q 5~~ 5. What is the purpose of the orgnnization7 ArCer-~C- ~M 2al/e~enr 6. Officers of the Organization: W W~TM"'c•4srur„ me Addreaa Titls ~ ~~ r ~r-~ ~ ~~~INt~.g S4U ~a+2ce~ ~w ;y~HreN VP .M.,y,~,.~c.+~nw~ +R .~-ta wit 7. Give names of officers or any other persons paid for aervicae to the organization: Name Addreaa Title 5 Cd~ D. Organization Information: (Continued) 8. In whose custody will organization records be kept? Name~,ylASiZs1GNn1AC~. ~ Address 5WQ (~PV STJ(~ 9• If the organization carries sufficient insurance to compensate the players in the event any lnfury is sustained by players while gambling devices are used, or while on the licensed premises, please state the Name of Insurer ~~ ~r (r;,.,~,Atnd Policy No. (~ .5'J`~, ld. Have ycu (Manager & Dfficer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of nil laws, ordinances, and r gul t governing the operation and use of gambling devices? 11. Attach a list of ell active members of the organization. 1. Name of b ding c any 2. Address of on ng company 3. Amount and ation of bond 4. Applicati is ereby made for waiver of the bonding require nts. Y No E. The follo~ng Information is provl$ed concerning s fidelity bond given the gamblin onager in favor of the organization. I declare that the informat n I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of $utchinson to investigate the Information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Drdinance No. 6$g relating to gambllmg, and I will familiarize myae~lf with th cont is r f. r Si re of sut orize o ficer of organisza ion Date: S o before me n no~ary public on this y`L day of .. .___ .~~d-.....~ M n MOT+Ir1Y PllNtlo - MINNF Ay Canrn. ~. ,Mn. af, Subscribed and sworn 19 Qnatiur• oz rvotary Yublia mmieaion expires on ~~ ~~~~~ ~efoxe 7" a notary public on this day of Signet Commis Social Security Number: Z•IN Business Ip Number: ry Publio a on 5 C~~ ~.. ~.. vu •a.ii rnA rodoouare r;Anrn 1ti1:M fib o02 7o~y Campus Drlr~ Nort h, 9u:u 17J, M:nn•.peH~. Mlno•. ota ff4~~ February 4, 2003 Randy DeVriea, Director Wstcr, WartewaterandResouroelteoovcry City of kIutahvaean 111 Hessnn Street Southeut Tltrtahirlson, lu~mnesota 55330-2522 SubjecC Tteoommendadoq OlWork Pretreatment Building - HVAC Ranevadon add 17pgrade bent Mr. beVries: On 7enuary 28, 2003, bide wire opened tD renovate and upgrade the heating snd ventilating oquipment servutg the Preliminary 1Yeatment Building at the WWTP. Four bids were received, ranging in eom fmm 5165,900.00 W 5219,057.Op, TES Meahenioal submitted the lowest, responsible bid at s ooet of 5165.900,00. Tn addition to replacing the HVAC unit, the parojoot includes duct cleaning, safety upgrades far operations personnel, and rooftop hoods and hatohea. The existing equipment is operadng but at the end of its design lift. The unit no longer provides a saib woTldng environment. The unit was budgeted for rcplacpnlent in 2003. TEK Meohan{oat pre'viowly porfo~ed wot'k for the City at tho composting faorlity. 'T'hp work ie operadug and effectively met project requirctnente. Based upon the above summary, &uthTecb rooommende the wprk be awarded to 1F[C Mechenio6l. Ifyou have any questions, please ooritact our office. Very truly yours, Earth Tech, TnD_ ,4 ~ 5t'ott L_ Xoungfl Section Manager Enclosure: Bid Tabulation co: Mike Mies, City ofHutnhineon L5WO1t1C~HUtCItlT701Q1CORll]79UWARp 1lbCOMA~IDATTDN -YINA1ZDpC E A R T H~ 7 g 0 N A try MilNlanfuW~1 LTG. COM611Nr Salopho o• rsi,e~~.:oo. P ac.lmlla 763.71••»99 j 5 (e~ CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 CITY OF HUTCHINSON -ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 111 HA33AN 3T SE, HUTCHIN$ON MN 5S3S0 B12 234-4209 9lMSrt ~t CONTRACTOR: Dulnlnck Bros Inc Lsttln No. 3 Pro act No. 02-00 408 Cth 8t, P O Box 208, Prlnsbur MN 68281.0208 Pro act Location: Juul Road 8W1Falr Ava 8E DESCRIPTION OF CHANC3E: Juul Rd SW -Reconstruct Manhole Base Sections - 8anltery 8awsr MHNS & Storm 8swar MH 8ta 10+30. Fair Ava SE -Lower Sanitary Sower MH et Fslr & Jsffsrson & Lower B" Watarmaln to clear new storm sewer. Dated: 0210712003 Item No. Sec. Ref. Item Name Unlt Quantl Unlt Prla Amount INCREASEITEMB 1 2503 Reconstruct Sanitary Manhole Baee Sectlon Lum Sum 1 $492.00 $492.00 2 2503 econstruct Stonn Manhole Baee Sectlon Lum Sum 1 $340.00 $340.00 3 2fi03 Lower Exlstln Sanlta Manhole Lum Sum 1 $188.00 $188.00 4 2504 Lower Exletin 8" Wetermaln Lum Sum 1 $1,927.84 $1,927.84 TOTAL 62 827.84 10'h P 8~ O 10X 52la2.78 S21a2.78 NET INCREASE ----------------------------------------------------------- 53 220.62 In accordance with the Contract and 8paclflcatlons, th• contract amount shall bs adJustad In the amount of 53,220.02 dd)/{d~duct)~ An extension of -0-days shall b• allowed for completion, Th• original camplstlon data shall not ba than ed. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIOUS ADDITIONS/DCDUCTIONif THIS ADDITION/DCDUGTFON TOTAL E607 I171.o0 >j1,130.Z6 f3,2Z0.eZ i311,82Z.77 PROVED: Contractor DATED: APPROVED: Mayor DATED: PPROVED: Dlreator of En9lneerlnp DATED: APPROVED: Clty Adminletretor DATED: r ~~ Raealution No. 121L5 ITEM 7 -LOCAL GOVERNMENT RE50LUTION act as legal sponsor for the cam) projxt contained in the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program Application to be submitttd BE TT RESOLVED that on and that is hereby audloriud ro.r. Mwm, r...) (TxM a ti.4ar.a amp) to apply to the Depamnant of Natural Resources for funding of this project on behalf of c.u BB ri' FURTHER RESOLVER that hea the legal authority uar~~ to apply far finencial asaiatance, and financial capability to meet the match roquiramant and enstrro adequate construction, operation, nutintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its design life. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that has not incurred uov~) any coats described on Item 5 and has not enteral into a written purchase agrnetttent for the property described on Item 4. SE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon appmval of its application by the stets, may enter into an agreenrant with tirc State of Minnesota certifies that it will ~~aa~-+) comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the grant agreement including dedicating the perk property fur outdoorrncroation ueeginto perpetuity. c~ncu~) for the above-roferenced project, and that NOW, THERF.['ORE HB TT RESOLVED that is hereby crwr nti~m..a oenwry authorized to execute such agrtxnxnts as ere necessazy to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. I CERTll'X THAT the above resolution was adopted by the of on ucr~+1 SIGNED: ap-~) rrwr) (nn.) (pry CoaaiL Cyr Ilwd rc) twd) WITNESSED: te~rr-) rn~r) tnd> fo(~~ Request For a Street Light on Grove Street at 430 Grace Lutheran Church Petition for a street light (Acorn style) to be placed on Church Solavard by the church steps, on the south side of the church, next tp the parking lot. If in agreement please sign. ~ ~ a~~ ~3s ~'~'/ a3~- ~ ~5y s~ c/~ ~ ~ /~.1 J ~~~ C~ Uc 4$"3'x- ~' •f'r~ C!~ 3~o.5-fi~Av~Sw s~7 sz3 ~ a,~ _~ FS~ lam. ~~,~~/~~ ~ ~1 ,• ,JIt'/-~Z -~?. ~~~ ~~~+s~.~.O . ~.~ /G . ~ ~~• p~t,tb, Cr~d[.~7e/ ,, /lj y .s' TBvt,v $ Trwv+~+~n a ov.-r,/ ~~„~ 6rr p ~ CrrM~r ,~~c.•.. C./1vru~ , 1 ~ ~cc[~~tl~ prrc.lr L.ca~`iw Ti 6e c~eftr-.rr:~r ~y /~vl~cl~l.,~ V T. l/GS and Govnc,'I /rrt~-r~/^~ u ~ C~v~c.t. A"Y ~' . e~// 5~7-767 5'T.e~c /Il3Io~ Dxdinnnce No. 03-372 publication Nc. AN' ORDINANCE ON"1'HH: <;I'I'Y OF HUTL'HINSGN, MINNESOTA, GRANTING CITIZENS BANK AND TRI15'f COMPANX THF. RIGHT TO ENCROACH IN PUBLIC R1GH'1' OF WAY ON 1~ AVENUE SW, WEST OF MAIN STRF,ET THF. CITY ()F HiTTCHf.PI5ON ORDAEVS: Section 1. The City ofHutchinson, in the Conuty of McLeod, State ofMinnesuta, herenIlcr refcmed to as (iranlur, hereby grants the Cibens Aattk pod Tmst Contpazty, hereeller referred to as Gmntec, u franchise to pines and construct acanopy/overhaug 12 feet into the right of way and n vealibule 5 fact into the right of way of 1° Avenue SW, as drawn ly Exhibit A, un certain property owned by the City of Hutchinson, described es follows: The soutltern poniou of right of way on 1" Avenue S W, approxinuttely 59 feet west of Maiu Street right of way, adjacent to the Citizen park and Trust building, for a length of approximately 22 feel. Scetiun 2. The franchise is granted for a term of up to 20 years (see section 8) curmncncing un the dale of the accrylancc of the frnnchisc. Grantee shall file a written acceptance of the franchise with the Clry Adulinlstratoi of the City of Hutehinaun within ten (10) days after the affective data of this ordinance. Tha fkanchlae shrill become effective only when the ncecptance has been filed and evidence oTgenernl comprehensive and GablIlty hraurauce provided for in thin grunt of franchise has been flied and approved, In addition, a yearly tlllag fee of must be paid Section 3. Grantor reserves the right to enforce reasonable regulatious coucerrilng catsttvctron, . operation and maintenance of facilities located along, over sod under the public premises hcfnrc mentioned and the placement of such facilities. Section 4. Grantee shall indetttuify and defend Grantor, ila boards, cummisninns. officers, agents and employees, in any and all other public agencies, aztd their me mbcrn, otYicers, agents and employees, against any and all liabilities for injury to or death of atiy person or any darwtge to any pmpcrty caused by Grantee, its officers, agents or employees in rile consu'uclion operation ur maintcnancc of its property, or arising out of the exercisn of any right or privilege under the frnnchisc. Section S, At all [Imes during the term of the frnnchisc, Grantcc will, at its own expense, maintain th force general contprehensivc liability insurance, with an insurance company approved by the City of Hutchinson, with Guilts approved by the policies being fur the protection of C3rantor and its officers, agents and employees, against GabW[y far loss or daruage for bodily injury, death ur property damage nccanioned by the activities of the Grantee under the f}aucltise. Section 6. Grantee shall not hpve the right to aaslgn [he traztchlse otherwiac trnnnfcr it in any manner whatsoever nr nail, lapse, license, Mortgage, or permit others [o use transfer in any manner whatsoever any interest in all or any pert of its facilities that are htstalled or operated under this grant, except nn prior written nppxoval by ordinance of the City Council of the Ciry of Hutehiruon. Section 7. In the event that the Citizens Bank and Tn>st Company should cease to exist or shotild fail w uac the franchise for one calendar year, this franchise shall be deemed nttll and void and shall revert to the City of Hutchinson without any action nn the part of the City of Hutchinson whatsoever. Section g. The City Wray nt the point of expiration of clue fntnchiee ur fur public purposes request khnt the encroachments be removed from the rlghta of way at the Grantees expense. . Section 9. 'T'hin ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication aubjcet to the provision above requiring wrirten acceptance by the Citizen's Rank and Trust Company. D ~~~~ Adapted by the City Council, ttila day of , 2003. Mayor Attest: City Administrator Published in the Hutchinson i.eader an Fire[ C~ C~ Second Reading: 8~~~ y 7^' C.' - 6 ~~ ~ rre~wew wauvKOaamw~ ~nm x~, n.., cwt rw wuvti .~ a~aaun uaa~arr a~~r ~-wn~m m urr a ~wwa. 'wn.:~~ ~ai«~ xw w mM ~, ~ar+rwa srw twr~e rc Y+~M77Ne ^tmu ~cn.: [»a ,Maa wuw~x r ~ t7 7,s 'r 41~0.t' ~d~'ad~MPY;,r~M tT~"6 __ i ~'~?y'~y y,,r~~ ~y~f~.~'~'~I ~~ I ~.FI~ATA~M] (LaG ~I ~~ I' f I N 1 q, 1 M 1 f x,.~ N ~ ~. I M ~ ~, f ~_~~ k x ~ ~ ~~ II i w~~p ~ _.....»~ ~~~ '~^~w p;p ,~ ~ Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Brenda 1C. Ewing, for of Human Resources RE: Amendment to Uni onnt Policy No. 3.17 AAT1?: February 7, 2003 The City maintenance dopartmente have researched the cost comparisons for providing uniforms internally versus contracting with a third party provider. As a result of this undertaking, it hae been detomunad that an internal uniform program is more cost effective, and the maintcnance departments are proposing to implement said program. The attached policy, No. 3.17 Uniforms -Maintenance Personnel, has bam amended to address the establishment and unplementation of an internal uniform program. It is requested that you review the policy and consider it for adoption at the Council meeting . scheduled for February 11, 2003. If you have any questions regarding the policy, please contact me or bolf Moon and john Olson who have been instrumental in drafting this program and policy. Encl. ~~~ C~ RESOLUTION NO. 12116 RESOLUTION AUTHORI7ING CITX STAFF TO PROCEED WITII DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW MUNICIPLE LIQUOR STORE FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON J • and; WHEREAS, the municipal liquor store provides en important sourco of revenue for the city, end; WHEREAS, the existing municipal liquor etoro has been found to 6e inedoquate for this purpose, WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson desires to promote the continued rodevelopment pf the city's downtown, and; WHEREAS, a number of potential downtown locatiens have boon reviewed and analyzed in terms of cost, visibility, traffic flow, parking and impact on surrounding 6usinassas, and; WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Counoil that ono particular site ie advantagoous in these respects, THEREFORE I?;F, TT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, Authorizes and directs city staff to proceed with development of the new municipal liquor stare on the corner of Main Shcct and 1"Avenue NW m Hutchinson; HE TT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, Horcby ostablishes a Comm ittec of two City Council members, the city administrator, the city's fjnance director, I iquor store manager, planning di rector and ccanomic development dimdor to oversee tho protect for the bonefit of the city end directs that committee to provide regular project updates to tho City Council. Adopted by the City Council this I lm day of February 2003. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Marlin Torgerson Mayor ~~ h~ i L__J • C Hutchlnsou Clty Center ~.~~ 111 Hwuu 8lreel 9E Hulsl,l~ypp, D11Y 9 5 3 9 0.1311 310.957.9191/Fuc 310.214+1y10 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Ken Merrill, Finance Diroctor BATE: February 7, 2003 SUBJECT: Sale of Public Utility Bands The FTutchineon Utilities Commission is holding a meeting prior to the City Council meeting on Tuesday to approve a resolution authorising the issuance of said $31,725,000 Public Utility Revenue Bonds. A representative from Ehlers & Associates will be in attondanco at the Council meeting to provido information regarding the Salo of the bonds. l'.1nW ~n ~vcyclrl p~prr - q ~~~ Resolution Na. 12117 C~ Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent, and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO $31,725,000 PUBLIC UTILITY REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2003B; AUTHORIZING TEIE ISSUANCE; AWARDING THE SALE, EDGING THE FORM AND DETAILS, PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION AND I7ELP/ERY THEREOF' AND THE SECURITY THEREFOR BE TT RESOLVED by the City Councll of the City of Hutchinson, Minncsota (the "City"), as follows: 5oction 1. ,p~uthprization and Salo. n 1J 1.01. Public Utility Systeln. The City of Hutchinson now owns and operates through the Hutchinson Utilities Commission (the "Commission"), as arevenue-producing convenience, a system for the generation and distribution of electricity and natural gas for the use of the City and its inhabitants and other customers, The City Council on October 28, 1986 adopted a resolution designating the Commission a municipal power agency pursuant to Minnesota Statutce, Chapter 453, and the Commission by a rosoluHon adopted October 7, 1986, as amended by a resolution adopted November 3, 1986, has determined to proceed to exercise any and all power granted to a municipal power agency pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 453. 1.02. Authorization of Bonds..It is necessary and expedient for the City to issue at this lima its Public Utility Revonuo Bonds, Series 2003B in the principal amount of $31,725,000 (the "Bonds"), upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, to construct improvements to its natural gas system and to reflmd all of the Public Utility Revenue ReHuiding Bonds, 5ories 2001B, dated December 15, 2001 of the City (the "Refunded Bonds"), which are presently outstanding in the principal amount of $4,010,000. It ie in the hest interest of the City and Commission that the Bends be payable primarily from the net revenues of the electric system and natural gas system of the City operated and managed by the Commission. 1.03. 5~. Tho City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., as independent financial advisor in connxtion with the sale of the Bonds. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, subdivision 2, paragraph (9), the requirements as to public sale do not apply to the issuance of the Bonds. A proposal For the purchase of the Bonds has been received (the "Purchaser"), to purchase the Benda at a pricy oF$ ,plus accrued interest from the date of the Bonds to the date of delivery thereof, the Bonds to boar interest at the rates set forth in Section 3.01. The proposal is hereby accepted, and the Mayor and the City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract on the part of the City for the sale of the Bonds from , of q ~~~ certified mail addressed to MSIA Insurance Corporation, 113 King Street, Armonk, New Xvrk 10504 Aitention: Surveillance. (k) The City agrees to reimburse the Insurer immediately and unconditionally upon demand, to the extent permitted by law, for all reasonable expenses, including attorneys' fees and expenses, incurred by the Insurer in connection with (i) the enforcement by the Insurer of the City's obligations, or the preservation or defense of any rights of the Insurer, under this resolution and other document executed in connection with the issuance of the Bvnds, and (ii) any consent, amendment, waiver or other action with respect to the resolution or any related document, whether or not granted or approved, together with interest on all such expenses from and including the date incurred to the date of payment at Citibank's Prime Rate plus 3% or the maximum interest rate permitted by law, whichever is less. In addition, the Insurer reserves the right to charge a fee in connection with its review of any such consent, amendment or waiver, whether or not granted or approved. Section 14. FIcsdig~. Headings in this resolution are included for convenience of reference only and are not a part hereof, and shall not limit or define the meaning of any provision hereof. Adopted: February 11, 2003 C~ Mayor Attest: City Administrator 28 ~ ~~~ Hutcttinson City Center ~ J m Hrrn street sE Hotchhuou, MN ~d3d0.Il21 32A.TR7-!lff 1/Fu 310.13/110 TO: Mayor & City Council p~ FROM: Oary D. Plotz, City Administrator Jl'W O DATE: February 11, 2003 SUB]ECT: Authorization to Attend and Bid at Minneapolis Auction (Ritchie Auctioneers) on Stacking Conveyor The City has boon leasing 8 36" X 60' stacking conveyor at Crooksido to pile product, after the screening process, just ahead of the blending/bagging line. The cost was $1000/week and totaled approximately $4500 in 2002. h1 calendar year 2003, wo will ba doing substantially more screening and piling finished screen products. Currently, we have 28 windrows of materials that need to bo screened and piled by a "stacking conveyor". We will need to start screening in late March and early April. In view of this, the City budgeted m their 2003 enterprise fund the amount of $30,000 for the acquisition of a stacking conveyor. There is a large auction of heary equipment put on onto a year by Ritchie Brothers Auctioneers in the Twin Cities. The suction ie March 5, 2003, and hoe £ve conveyors of a length that would meet our needs, We request authorization to attend the auction and use our discretion to bid, not to exceed tha budgeted amount. )-Topefully, we can experience some savings in this process. Prloled on reayolod piper - iaCRJ R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSON 8 Check Number AP Pe ent Re Istor wtth Volds Check Det 1/31/2003 - Ck Date T hack # Vondor Name Amount 1/31/2003 PK 114995 ' 103972 IFF A3ON TO 100.00 1/31/2003 PK 114988 102531 HENRYS FOODS IN 438.48 1 31/2003 PK 114987 102881 HFIA 5b0.00 1/31/2003 PK 114880 116472 KANDIYOHI COUNTY URTA M N 150.00 1/31 2003 K 114898 102488 M LEO^ CO NTY COURT ADMINISTRA 150.00 1/31/2003 PK 115000 102848 MP A 120.00 1/31/2003 PK 115001 102849 MPCA 210.00 1/31/2003 PK 116002 116471 SCHUETT THERESA 7776.00 1/31 2003 PK 116003 106081 YEARNS COUNTY COURT ADMINISTR 30D.00 1/31/2003 PK 115004 105122 WA TE MANA E NT 21 800.83 31 584.29 Account N # 31 594.29 IMMEDIATE PAYS `J ~~ ITY OF HUT HINSON AP Pa ent Re I8ter with Volda Check Pat 2/6/2003 - heck # Vendor Name Amount 115005 " 101837 CRAQUN'S CONF.CENTE 492.00 11 Q008 103001 EDAM 26.00 115007 110729 FIRE MARSHALS ASSOCIATI N F M 150.pD 115006 101888 HUT HIN N CITY OF 4 180.50 1160DB 101868 HUTCHINS N ITY OF 23.00 115010 103083 MI NESOTA SECTI N 45.p0 115011 1 D4317 PRAIRIE UNTRY RC & D COUN IL 20.00 118012 102062 DUALITY W INE & PI ITS CO. 3006.41 115013 103832 R H 11102.34 115014 110001 WA HBUR RICHARD 40D.OD 19 423.26 Account N N 18 423.25 IMMEDIATE PAYS LJ ~~ i AMOUNT $1®, 600.57 52,961.98 PAYROLL ACGOUNT - PAYROLL pF FEBRUARY 7, 2003 Prriod Ending: Frbrurry 1, 2003 FDR COUNCIL LIST ONLY -ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO STATE ANp IR$ OQ NOT 188UE CHECKS FDR THIS PAGE PEID ACCTN NAME 9995.2034 WITH. TAX ACCOUNT 9996.2040 99962242 $32,467.06 Sub-Total -Employee CanMbutlon $10,014.61 9996.2240 $2,661.86 9996.2242 $12,876.48 Sub-Total - Employer ContMbutlon Onnd Total - Wkhholdlnp Tax Account DESCRIPTION Employer Cantrlbutlon - Frdrral Tax Employer Contrlbutlon -Soc. Srcurity Employrr Contributlon - MrdlCrre Employrr Conbibutlon - Sodrl Security Employrr Conlributlon - Medicare i8.4TB.20 9996.4036 MN DEPT OF REVENUE 910,387.78 102815 9995.2241 PERA Employrr Conbibutlon - Penelon Plen 912,389.01 102616 9885.2241 Employrr Canbibutlon - Penrlon Plpn i22,79E.79 5utr7otal - PERA 916.89 102816 9885.2243 PERA-DCP Employrr Contribudon - Penrlon Plen $15.68 102816 8886.4241 Employer ConTrlbutlon - Peneton Plan (31.72 Sub -Total -DCP 924,828.61 GRAND 70TAL - PERA Finance Dlrrctor Approval C~ ~~ R55APPYRV CITY OF HUT HINSON B Check Numbe r AP Pa ant Re later wlth Volda Checks k Deta T e Check # Vendor ame Amount 2/11/2003 PK 115018 ' 101915 A.H. HERMEL MPANY 98.58 2/11/2003 PK 115017 102126 ACE HARDWARE 778.98 2/11/2003 PK 115018 1D1844 AMf;RICAN PLANNIN AS N 315.00 2/11/2003 PK 115019 1 D1897 ANDERS N'S DECORATINQ C NTER 3008.84 2/11/2003 PK 115020 103492 ANDER ON CINDY 30.p0 2/11/2003 PK 116021 116856 ANDERSON DIANE 20.00 2/71/2003 PK 115D22 116847 ANDERSON U AN 5.00 2/11/2003 PK 115023 1D2280 ASHBR K 835.96 2/11/2003 PK 115024 102480 B. W. WELDING 406.64 2/11/2003 PK 115025 101840 BEAGON BALLFIELD 688.87 2/11/2003 PK 115028 112572 BECKER UNDERWOOD INC 8 337.60 2/11/2003 PK 115027 118846 BEILKE CHERYL 20.00 2/11/2003 PK 116028 102039 BENNETT OFFICE TE HN LOGIES 15.98 2/11/2003 PK 116029 113316 BERNHAGEN EDWIN 778.87 2/11/2003 PK 116D30 113317 BERNHAGEN HERBERT & DONNA 776.87 2111/2D03 PK 115031 113319 BERNHA EN JOHN & LORETTA 778.87 2/11/2003 PK 115032 101918 BERNICK MPANIES THE 88.85 2/11/20D3 PK 115033 102458 C & L DI TRIBUTING 33 418.56 2/11/2003 PK 115034 102088 CADD/EN INEERING SUPPLY 90.98 2/11/2003 PK 115036 102083 CAMERA HOP 11.78 2111/2D03 PK 115036 102082 CARR FLOW R 82,41 2/11/2003 PK 115D37 103014 CDI FFI E PRODUCTS LTD 2 108.47 2/11/2003 PK 116038 104381 ENTRAL HYDRAULI 618.39 2/11/20D3 PK 115039 103003 CENTRAL MN FIREMEN'S REGIONAL 80.OD 2/11/2003 PK 11504D 105423 CINDY'S HOUSE OF FLORAL DE I N 36.46 2/11/2D03 PK 115041 105318 CINTA 122,80 2/11/2003 PK 115042 102741 C B RN'S INCORPORAT 1 139.0f5 2/11/2003 PK 115043 114510 C MPA COMPUTER CO 1 810.81 2/11/2003 PK 115044 102484 CORP RATE EXPRESS 64.94 2/11/2003 PK 11 fi045 103802 pUNTRY DINER ATERING INC. 118.47 2/11/2003 PK 115048 102121 GROW RIVER VET CLINIC 135.42 2/11/2003 PK 115047 102178 CURTI81000 1 051.06 2/11/2D03 PK 115040 116850 CZECK KATE 5.00 2/11/2003 PK 115049 102488 DAY DISTRIBUTING 2 642.05 2/11/2003 PK 115060 102688 DEVRIES RANDY 410.88 2/11/2003 PK 118061 103783 DLT SOLUTIONS 878.00 2/11/2003 PK 116052 102710 DOMINO'S PIZZA 228.98 2/11/2003 PK 116053 10245D DOSTAL ELECTRONIC' GENTER 8.41 2/11/2003 PK 115054 104433 DOUBLETREE PARK PLACE HOTEL 87.98 2/11/2003 PK 115066 102275 DPC INDUSTRIES INC 416.88 2/11/2003 PK 116058 113161 DROP-N-GO SHIPPING IN 57.88 2/11/2003 PK 115057 102236 DUININCK BRO INC. 8 170.88 2/11/2003 PK 115058 102647 DYNA SYSTEMS 286.80 2!11/2003 PK 115059 1D4415 EARTH TECH 2887,50 2/11/2003 P K 116060 102354 E ONOFOODS 308.38 2/11/2003 P K 115081 102368 ELECTRO WATCHMAN 178,37 2/11/2003 P K 115062 118871 EMMA DEE'S BUFFET 103.68 2/11/2pD3 P K 115063 108681 ERKENBRACK MART 20.00 r~ I~ 2!11/2003 PK 115084 109887 EY TAD I 10.OD 2/11/2003 PK 115085 102278 FABRIGARE LEANER 21.38 2/11/2003 PK 115068 118832 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 82.78 2/11/2003 PK 115087 104137 FASTENAL MPAN 175.55 2/11/2003 PK 115088 106371 FENSKE BRUCE 80.OD 2/11/2003 K 115089 115884 F RTIN MAT 10.OD 2/11/2003 PK 115070 102838 FORTIS BENEFIT 2 774.91 2/11/2003 PK 115071 1D2443 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE & RESCUE 3 318.33 2/11/2003 K 115072 1D2628 & K ERVI 2 154.48 2/11/20D3 PK 115073 101945 GALL'S INC 83.88 2/11/2003 PK 116074 106021 QENERALTRADINGCO 1D0.38 2/11 2003 PK 115075 102881 L BAL I C 3 238.85 2/11/2003 PK 116078 104483 GOPHE CAMPFIRE LUB 250.00 2/11/2003 PK 115077 103871 VER ME 7 INFORMATION SERVICE 298.00 2/11/2003 P 115076 118872 GRAHAM ARY 50.00 2/11/2003 PK 115078 101893 GRAHAM MARI N 152.64 2/11/2pD3 PK 116080 111229 QREIVE BARRY 158.76 2/11/2003 PK 116081 101674 GRIGGS & COOPER & GD 8 072.82 2/11/2D03 PK 116082 110031 GRISWOLD SARA 88.08 2/11/2003 PK 116083 112859 QRUBER PALLETS ING 4 690.00 2/11/2003 PK 1160&4 104446 QULF STATE DISTRBUTORS 283.86 2/11/2003 K 115085 108781 HAA K MARIA 10.00 2/11/2003 PK 116088 102529 HACH COMPANY 181.08 2/11/2003 PK 115067 102461 HANSEN DIET OF SLEEPY EYE 398.90 2/11/2003 P 115088 103918 HARD DEDE 10.00 2/11/2003 PK 116088 109789 HARRIS COMPANIES 1 281.83 2/11/2003 K 115090 103240 HEMMA KA 48.34 2/11 2003 PK 115091 102701 HENRY & A A 1 25D.97 2/11 2003 115092 102631 HENRY F D IN 818.45 2/11 2003 115093 118868 HEWLETT-PA KAR 3348.24 2/11/2003 P 116084 116856 HIETALA TERRI 1D.00 2/11/2003 PK 115086 102618 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE/IiUTCHINSON 2 128.47 11/2003 PK 115098 111036 H I INQTO KOEQLER GROUP INC 1p 177.23 2/11 2003 115097 102981 HRA 55D.00 2/11/2D03 PK 115098 105329 HUT HIN N BUMPER TO BUMPER 189.82 2/11/2003 PK 116098 102530 HUTCHINSON -pP 404.28 2/11/2003 PK 116100 115652 HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER 10.00 2/11/2003 PK 116101 102545 HUTCHINSON FIRE & SAFETY 116.60 ?J11/2003 PK 116102 102080 HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPT GENERAL A 160.00 2/11/2003 PK 116103 104988 HUTCHINSON HOCKEYASSOC 897.00 2/11/2003 PK 115104 102537 HUT HINSON LEADER 1 920.88 2/11/2003 PK 715105 102540 HUTGHINS N PLUMBINQ & HEATINQ 24.00 2/11/2003 PK 116108 102541 HUTCHINSON TELEPHDNE B 337.17 2/11/2003 PK 11fi107 102542 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 6D 221.33 2/11/2003 PK 115106 105616 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 33889.00 ,2/11/2003 PK 115109 102543 HUTGHINSON WHOLESALE 2 826.44 2/11/2003 PK 116110 102072 HUTCHINSON CITY OF 28 401.00 2/11/2003 PK 115111 102833 HUTCHINSON CITY OF 51 540.24 2/11/2D03 PK 115112 102635 HUTCHIN N CITY OF 5049.06 2/11/2003 PK 115113 103248 HUTCHINSON CITY OF 7838.69 2111/20D3 PK 115114 1D5180 HUTGHINSON CITY OF 39,848.14 7J17/2003 PK 116116 102662 INDEPENDENT INFD SERVIGE 180.00 L J J r~ L J 2/11/2003 PK 115118 102702 INDUSTRIAL MAINT UPPLIE 51.43 2/11/2003 PK 115117 103051 INFRATECH 660.00 2/11/2003 PK 115118 118848 IVES CHUCK 5.00 2/11/2003 PK 115119 102062 JACK' UNIF RM & E UIPM NT 226.80 2/11/2003 PK 116120 111836 JACOBSEN SEPTEMBER 17.79 2/11/2003 PK 115121 102208 JEFF' ELE TRI 248.fi8 2/11/2003 PK 118122 116863 JEFFERSON FIRE & SAFELY, IN 243.50 2/11/2003 PK 115123 102554 JERABEK MA HINE ERV 39.30 2/11/2003 PK 115124 101938 JOHNSON BROTHER LI U R 8404.83 2/11/2003 PK 115125 116859 JOHNSON FEED INC 250.00 2/11/2003 PK 115128 102124 J HN N D L. 101.70 2/11/2003 PK 115127 10204fi JOHN N D U LA 888.68 2/11/2003 PK 115128 118845 JOHNS N PAULA 6.00 2/11/2003 PK 116129 105024 JORDAHL JIM 400.00 2/11/2003 PK 115130 102988 KARP RADIO 421.80 2/11/2003 PK 115131 118853 KENNEDY L RI 20.00 2/11/2003 PK 115132 105521 KINNEY & LANGE 80.00 2/11/2003 PK 116133 102468 KKLN 1 000.00 2/11/2003 PK 118134 113280 KLITZKE DAVE 150.00 11/2003 PK 115138 104282 KOBOW BECKY 68.09 2/11/2003 PK 115138 104819 K EB ICK QALE 10.00 2/11/2003 PK 715137 118881 K NERZA MARY 10550.00 2/11/2003 PK 115138 104949 K EK RI HARD 88.09 2/11/2003 PK 116138 105897 KOIC- 102 387.50 2/11 /2003 PK 115140 102581 L & P SUPPLY CO 184.84 2/11/2003 PK 116141 102563 LEAGUE OF MN GITIE 240.00 11/2003 PK 116142 104521 LEIDER THERESA 100.00 2/11/2003 PK 115143 101974 LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIET. INC 4 564.20 2/11/2003 PK 115144 101984 L HER BR THERE INC 22 834.90 2/11/2003 PK 115145 116858 MANDER HELD RENE 10.00 2/11/2003 PK 115148 102572 MANKAT M BILE RAD 71.82 2/11/2003 PK 115147 116880 MARION MIXERS IN 197.88 2/11/2003 PK 115148 103023 MATHWIG JASpN 22.90 2/11/2003 PK 116149 102716 MAY JAKE 9.58 2/11/2003 PK 115150 102489 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 140.00 2/11/2003 PK 115151 113893 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER 9.00 2/11/2003 PK 115152 103783 MCLEOD PUBLISHINQ INC 288.00 2/11/2003 PK 115153 118888 MDT 378.00 2/11/2003 PK 115154 116882 MEASURED PLASTI 946.47 2/11/2003 PK 116166 103934 MELLIES ROSE ANN 85,00 2/11/2003 PK 116168 112400 MENARDS - HUTGHINSON 169.27 2/11/2003 PK 116167 118869 MERCHANT SERVIGES 1 859.27 2/11/2003 PK 115158 102987 MID CON SYSTEMS INC 98.04 2/11/2003 PK 115159 104957 MIKE CHAVES TRUCKINQ B 288.26 2/11/2003 PK 116180 116835 MILLER LYNETTE 30.50 2111/2003 PK 115181 108770 MINNESOTA DEPT OF ADMIN INTERT 139.11 2/11/2003 PK 115182 101947 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & INDU 10.00 2/11/2003 PK 116183 102369 MINNE<S TA FIRE SERVICE CERTIF 185.00 2/11/2003 PK 115184 102589 MINNESOTA MUTUAL LIFE 932.61 2/11/2003 PK 115165 102588 MINNESOTA REC & PARK ASSC 322.80 2/11/2003 PK 115166 102758 MINNESOTA SHERIFF 64.98 2/11/2003 PK 116187 105157 MINNESOTA SHREDDIN 234.77 i u i 11/2003 PK 115168 102840 MINNES TA TRANSPORTATION ALLIA 385.00 2/11/2003 PK 115188 102581 MINNE TA U C FUND 3 383.11 2/11/2003 PK 116170 102583 MINNESOTA VALLEY TE TING LAB 781.50 2/11/2003 PK 115171 104454 MINNESOTA' BOOKSTORE 30.78 2/11/2003 PK 116172 1D19B6 NA Y, RICHARD 88.09 11/2003 PK 115173 102821 NATIONAL ARBOR DAY FOUN ATI N 16.00 2/11/2003 11&174 102860 N L 195.90 2!11/2003 PK 115175 118064 NEMITZ MA 10,00 2/11/2003 PK 115178 118852 NIEL EN HOCK 2D.OD 2/11/2003 P 116177 114480 N RMISKA CORP 3 000,00 2/11/2003 PK 115178 118867 NOUWEN PI ER 1p,pD 2/11/2003 PK 115179 02682 OLSON'S L K MITH 140.96 2/11/2003 PK 115100 11p174 ONDE NALCO CO 4988.23 2/11/2003 PK 1181 B7 118887 PARKSON CORP 12 283.84 2/11/2D03 PK 115182 102187 PAUSTIS & NS W INE CO 366.00 2/11/2003 PK 115183 101853 PHILLIP WINE & SPI 12 744.77 2/11/2003 PK 118 84 102373 PINNACLE DISTRIB 38.76 2/11/2003 PK 116186 101908 PI NEERLAND LIBRA Y YSTEM 28204,75 2/11/2003 116188 102583 PLOTZ GARY b. 25.98 2/11/2003 K 116187 102446 POSTHASTE ggp,pp 2111/2D03 PK 116188 103818 POWDER E KI CORP 8,798.00 ?!11/2003 PK 115189 102698 QUADE E TRIC 191.73 2/11/2003 PK 116190 102052 UALITY WINE & SPIRIT 3 849.76 2/11 2003 PK 115191 102804 R & R SP IALTIES INC 119.61 2/11/2003 PK 115192 116848 RADUNZ JUDY B,pp 2/11/2D03 116183 102432 REED BUSINE INF RMATION 522.72 2111/20D3 PK 115194 103830 RELIABLE 214.&7 11/2003 PK 115195 106286 RES RVE AGGOUNT 2 138.00 2/11/2003 PK 115188 112501 RE UR E RECYCLINQ 62.00 2/11/2003 PK 115197 116838 R N JANE 110.00 2/11/2D03 PK 115190 108702 RIVER CITY PACKAQI IN 1 268.91 2/11/2003 PK 116199 102021 R DEBERG JOH 422,22 2/11/2D03 PK 115200 116039 ROYAL C EMI AL INC 331.63 11/2003 PK 115201 102225 RUNNIN SUPPLY 342.39 2/11/2003 PK 115202 105081 RUTLEDGE LENNY 26.43 2/11/2003 PK 1152D3 1D5208 SA E PUBLICATIONS 25.00 2/11/2003 PK 116204 102438 SARA LEE COFFEE & TEA 9.27 2/11/2003 PK 116206 116838 CHAUBERGER LEA 25.00 2/11/2003 PK 11B2D6 115154 CHAUER & SONS NST 275,00 2/11/2003 P 116207 102808 CHMELING OIL C B 761.36 2111/20D3 PK 116208 113318 SCHWARZE RUTH & MALCOLM 778.87 2/11/2003 PK 115208 1098D1 SCOTT'S WINDOWS 42.80 2/11/2003 PK 11521D 102749 SENT R CENTER ADVISORY BOARD 285.00 2/11/2003 PK 116211 103800 SENN RUTH 105.OD 2/11/2003 PK 115212 116821 SEPPELT MILE 82.43 2/11/2003 PK 115213 102837 SEVEN WEST WASH & DRY 245.75 2/11/2003 PK 118214 102808 S EWING BABKET 18,17 2/11/2003 P K 115215 102809 S HOPKO 38.93 2/11/2003 P K 115218 118833 S ICHENEDER RICHARb 150.00 2/11/2003 P K 116217 102810 S IMONSON LUMBER 45.78 2/11/2D03 P K 115218 103987 S PECIAL OPERATIONS TRAININQ A 228.00 2/11/2D03 P K 115219 103383 S T. CLOUD RESTAURANT UPPLY 850.89 4..J r~ L 11/2003 PK 115220 102465 STACEY TUCCO & DRYWALL 2 20D.OD 2/11/2003 PK 115221 102812 STANDARD PRINTINQ 50.57 2/11/2003 PK 116222 102584 TAR TRIBUNE 27,95 2/11/2003 PK 115223 102708 STARKE RANDY ~•~ 2/11/2003 PK 115224 105091 STEARNS COUNTY COURT ADMINI R 20D.00 2111/2D03 PK 115225 105881 STORAGE CENTER ~•~ 2/11/2003 PK 115228 102871 TOTTS CASEY 18.00 2/11/2003 PK 116227 118834 STRE ANN, OTTO 21.83 2/11/2D03 PK 115228 103094 SUBWAY 38.10 2/11/2003 PK 115229 106640 TONY FORGIER TRUCKING 1 312.50 2/11/2D03 PK 115230 10282D TRI CO WATER 388.33 2/11/2003 PK 116231 102454 TRI- OUNTY BEVERA SUPPLY 558.40 2/17/2003 PK 116232 102447 TRIC UN Y ELECTRIC M T R 5ERVI 751.6D 2/11/2003 PK 115233 118837 TRIMB KATHY 86.00 2/11/2003 PK 115234 102019 TWO WAY COMM INC 159,71 2!11/2003 P 115236 102824 UNITED 9UILDING CENTER 108.53 2/11/2D03 PK 115238 104397 VACUUM GALLE 88.46 2/11/2D03 PK 115237 102132 VIKINQ COGA C LA 77.25 2/11/2003 PK 115238 10481D ELKER KATHIE 5.00 2111/2003 PK 115239 118861 WILLARD RAMONA 18.00 2/11/2003 PK 115240 102462 INE MERCHANT INC 283.50 2/11/2003 PK 115241 106208 W LD ARGHITECT & NGINEER5 2845.51 513 744.40 Axount N # 513 744.40 R55APPYRV CITY pF HUTCHIN N B Chock Number AP Pa mant Re Inter with Volda Checks - Ck Date T Check N Vendor Name Amount 2/11/2D03 PK 115242 " 101676 AETNA VARIABLE LIFE ASS. CO. 866.00 2/11!2003 PK 115243 101818 AMERI AN FAMILY INS CO. 165.03 2/11/2003 PK 116244 101875 QREAT WE T LIFE IN9. CO. 300.00 2/11/2003 PK 115245 101872 H.R.L.A.P.R. 248,pp 2/11/20D3 PK 115248 102833 HUTCHINSON TY F 5 886.47 2J11/2003 PK 115247 102835 HUTCHINS ITY pF 680.06 2/11/2003 PK 116248 101873 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 3 571.94 11!2003 PK 115249 102449 MINNE TA CHILD SUPP RT PAYMEN 291.88 2/11/20D3 PK 115250 101814 NCPERS LIFE INB. 688.00 2/71/2003 PK 115261 101677 PRUDENT A 76.00 2/11/2003 PK 115252 102D96 PRUDE TIAL MUTUAL FUNDS 30.00 12 680.38 Account N M 12 580.38 l J J • R55APP RV CITY OF HUTCHINSON B Check Number AP Pe ment Re later with Volda hanks - Ck Dete T e heck # Vendor Name Amount 2/11/2003 PK 115253 " 102430 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL 68.11 2/11/2003 PK 116264 109215 BLUE OCEAN SOFTWARE IN 495.00 2/11/2003 PK 115255 101987 BRANDON TIRE CO 49.78 2/11/2003 PK 115258 102117 CAROUE T AUTO PARTS SB.74 2/11/2003 PK 115257 102484 RP RATE EXPRESS 273.33 2/11/2003 PK 115258 102060 CROW RIVER AUTO 38.92 2/11/2003 PK 115259 102188 GULLIGAN WATER COND 144.46 11/2003 PK 116280 102647 DYNA SYSTEM 87.53 2/11/2003 PK 115261 104541 EMERQEN Y APPARATUS MAINT 3 851.78 2/11/2003 PK 115262 104137 FA TENAL COMPANY 221.84 11 2003 PK 115283 105582 GRANIT BRONZ 96.92 2/11/2003 PK 115264 102119 HOL7 MOT RS ING 308.72 2/11/2003 PK 115285 108389 HUTCHINSON AUTO CENTER 181,41 2/11/2003 PK 115208 101889 HUTCHINSON I Y F 5 583.00 2/11/2003 PK 115287 101889 HUTCHINSON ITY F 37.00 2/11/2003 PK 115288 103099 HUTCHINSON ITY F 85.07 2/11/2003 PK 115289 102581 L & P SUPPLY 14.53 2/11/2003 PK 115270 101991 LAKES A 585.22 2/11/2003 PK 115271 110865 MAR UARDT MIKE 763.58 2/1 112 0 0 3 PK 115272 102084 MCRAITH, JOHN 327.18 2/11/2003 PK 115273 116434 MSC INDUSTRIAL UPPLY CO 12.87 2/11/2003 PK 115274 103806 PRECISION LINE BORINQ 1 929.00 2/11/2003 PK 116276 104149 RIVER VALLEYTRU K ENTER 18.50 2/11/2003 PK 116278 102436 SARA LEE COFFEE & TEA 85.80 2/11/2003 PK 116277 102248 SOUTHWE T MINNESOTA FOUNDATION 5,000.00 2/11/2003 PK 115278 105122 WASTE MANAGEMENT 2045.73 2/11/2003 PK 115279 105571 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 163.78 21 818.35 Account N N 21 818.36 J