cp05-11-2010 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5 :30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — faith Lutheran Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MFFTING OF APRIL 27, 2010 (b) SPECIAL MEETING OF MAY 4, 2010 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: unlyfur items requiringgCouncil approval by external entities that would otherwise rave gate a eGa1e 101 e City Administrator. Tradition y, items are not discussed.) (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1, RESOLUTION NO. 13737 - RESOLUTION ESTABI,ISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 2. ORDINANCE. NO. 10 -0547 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING REZONING RECENTLY ANNEXED 5.6 ACRES OWNED BY HUTCHINSON EDA FROM R -1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO 1 -1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK) LOCATED EAST OF CUSTOMER ELATIONS, 1 150 5'H AVENUE SE WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOP'T'ION) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REQUEST FROM AIRPORT COMMISSION TO CLOSE AIRPORT FOR AIR SHOW ON AUGUST 7, 2010 (d) APPOINTMENT OF VERNE MEYER TO POLICE COMMISSION TO MAY 2013 (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUPPORT OF DAIRY DAY CELEBRATION ON JUNE 11, 2010 (t) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF DANCE PERMIT FOR CONNECTCARE AT THE MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS ON OCTOBER 29, 2010 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF DANCE PERMIT FOR AMERICAN LEGION POST 96 ON JUNE 19, 2010 (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SAFE AND SOBER GRANT AGREEMENT (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF MINIMUM STATE BUILDING PERMIT SURCHARGE C.'ITYC:OUNCIL AGENDA —MAY 11, 2010 Q) CONSIDE'RAT'ION FOR APPROVAL OF 2010 FEE SCHEDULE REVISIONS — ENGINEERING — PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS (k) CONSIDERA'T'ION FOR APPROVAL, OF ISSUING CARNIVAL PERMIT TO J &K AMUSEMINTS FROM JUNE 4 — JUNE 6, 2010, AT' THE HUTCIINSON MALL (1) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CON'T'RACT PAYMENTS 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS -6:00 Y.M. (a) ASSFSSMENT HEARING FOR ADAMS STREET AND WASHINGTON AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION PROJLCT - LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 10 -01 (ADOP ASSESSMENT AND AWARDING CONTRACT) Action - COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra t wise po icy. ways ou ing towar t e uture, not monitoring past) (a) RECOGNITION OF DONATION FROM STFARNSWOOD COMPANY FOR TREE STORAGE GRAVEL BED CONS IRUCTION No action. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF AND UPDATE ON AMERESCO PROJECT Action — (b) DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE CITY CHARTER AMENDMENTS (NUMBER OF COUNCIL MEMBERS; FOUR -YEAR TERM FOR MAYOR) Action - 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SALE OF GF.,NF.RAL OBLIGATION MEDICAL FACILITIES REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIFS 2010A AND TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION MEDICAL FACILITIES REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2010B Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION TO APPROVE HUTCIINSON HRA ADMINISTRA'T'ION OF NORTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD SMALL CITIES DEVELOPMENT' PROGRAM, APPROVAL OF PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR OWNER OCCUPIED REHAB NORTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD, APPROVAL. OF CITY OF HUTCHINSON SECTION 3 PLAN RELATING TO NORTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECT AND APPROVAL OF EXECUTION OF SMALL CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT CRAP -09- 0077- 0 -FY 10 Action Motion to reject — Motion to approve (c) DISCUSSION AND REVIEW OF ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0548 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 93 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE PERTAINING TO ANIMALS Action — CITYCOUNCIL A(iFNDA —MAY 11, 2010 (d) CLOSET) SESSION PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 13D.05, SUBD. 3(C) TO DISCUSS MN /DOT TRUNK HIGHWAY 7/15 PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS (442 MAIN STREET NORTI1, 454 MAIN STREET NORT11, 466 MAIN STREET NORTH, 480 MAIN STREET NORTH, 2564 1H AVENUE N W, 264 4" AVENUE NW, 9 4 NE, 11 4TH AVENUE NE, 13 4TH AVENUE NE, 15 4TH AVENUE NE, 17 4TH AVENUE NE, 25 4TII AVENUE NE, 35 4TH AVENUE NE, 45 4TII AVENUE NE & 426 PROSPECT STREET NF.) Action - (e) CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE, 13D.05, SUBD. 3(C) TO DISCUSS MONTANA STRL'E'I' NW PLAT AND POTENTIAL PROPERTY T'RANSFF.RS (620 HWY 7 WEST) Action - 11. GOVERNANCE ( Purpose: toassesspastorganizationalperformance, developpolicyy that guides the organization and ounci�e the logistics of the Council. May include monitoringreports, policy development and governance Process items.) (a) FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR APRIL 2010 (h) PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 22, 2010 (c) RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FROM MAY 4, 2011 No action required for Items I I(a) — I I(c). 12. MISCELLANEOUS 13. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — 11UTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Protern Bill Arndt called the meeting to order. Members present were Jim I Iaugen and Chad Czmowski. Members absent were Steve Cook and Eric Yost. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Kent FFxner, City Engineer, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION - Pastor Wayne Morrison, Seventh Day Adventist Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE, OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 13, 2010 Motion by Czmowski, second by Haugen, to approve the minutes from April 13, 2010. Motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSENT AGENDA ( Purpose: onlyfor items requiringg Council approval by external entities that would otherwise rive een a egader to t e (:ity Administrator. Traditiona!!y. items are not discussed) (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0544 —AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING APPROXIMATELY 36.8 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 7, HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERA'T'ION OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF "HUFCHINSON MALL PLAT 3" SUBMI'T'TED BY GUS WURDELL, CHIEF MANAGER, SOUTHERN PRAIRIE DEVELOPMENT LLC WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13723) 2. CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE TO ALLOW REPLACEMENT OF PRESENT PARKING LOT UP TO PROPERTY LINES AT ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER INC., LOCATED AT 405 CALIFORNIA STREET NW AS REQUESTED BY DR. JOHN FRONING WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13724) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY THE CITY OF HU1'CHINSON TO RELOCATE EXISTING LIFE LINK TRAILER AT THE I1UTCHINSON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13725) 4. CONSIDERATION OF REZONING RECENTLY ANNEXED 5.6 ACRES OWNED BY HUTCIIINSON EDA FROM R -1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO 1­1 (LIGHT DO- 07 "YCOUNCII MINUTES APRIL 27, 2010 INDUSTRIAL PARK) LOCATED EAST OF CUSTOMER ELATIONS, 1150 5'" AVF,NUF SE WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13726 AND WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0547 FOR MAY 11, 2010) (d) APPOINTMENT OF STACEY NASS TO PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD TO APRIL 2012 (FILLING VACANCY OF YVONNF, JOHNSON) (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF I'T'EMS FOR ADAMS STREE'r AND WASHINGTON AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT (LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 10 -01) INCLUDING A PROJECT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVALS AND PERMITS FOR THE 67`" ANNUAL HU 1'CHINSON JAYCEE WATER CARNIVAL FOR JUNE 14 — 20, 2010 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL Ol' ISSUING TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE TO DEAN SCIILUETER TO OPERATE., A SEASONAL GREENHOUSE, LOCATED AT 1350 HWY 15 SOUTH (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUl' -OF -STATE TRAVEL FOR TOM KLOSS TO ATTEND CITY WORKS (GAS AND ELECTRIC INFRASTRUCTURE SOFTWARE) TRAINING IN ST. GEORGE., UTAH (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT TO SILVER I.AKF., CAPITAL PARTNERS (j) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SE'TT1NG VARIANCE WORKSHOP PRESENTED BY THE LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES ON MAY 18, 2010, AT 6:30 P.M, (k) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Items 6(c)l, 6(c)2, and 6(c)3 were pulled for separate discussion, Motion by Haugen, second by Czmowski, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 6(e)1 had further discussion. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, read comments provided by Mayor Steve Cook in his absence. Mayor Cook expressed concern about approving the plat at this time. 'These concerns are in the areas of increased traffic at uncontrolled entrances, insufficient information about new parking lot in the west lot, and snow storage. Kent Exner, City Engineer, spoke about snow being stored near the drainage ditch. The snow should not be stored in the ditch flow line. Mr. Exner also noted that a dimension drawing has not been received yet relating to drive aisles and parking stalls. Gus Wurdell, applicant, presented before the Council. Mr. Wurdell explained that he was not aware that the City was requesting further information related to dimensional drawings other than what he presented at the Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Wurdell noted that the snow will be stored /removed accordingly. Mr. Wurdell noted the traffic concerns should be mitigated by the site plan. Mr. Exner noted that the Drawing provided still shows parking going beyond the existing pavement, which is not allowed. Parking is the main issue related to this plat. Council Member Eric Yost arrived at 5:50 p.m. Motion by Czmowski, second by Haugen, to approve Item 6(c)2 pending the receipt of dimensional drawings from the applicant showing the parking configuration. Motion carried unanimously. Joe Fredrichs, Bufl'alo Wild Wings, presented before the Council, Mr. Fredrichs provided a sketch drawing CITY COUNCIL MINUTF,.S — APRIL 27. 2010 of the site Item 6(c)2 had further discussion. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, read comments provided by Mayor Steve Cook in his absence. Mayor Cook noted that a revised Resolution has been provided that better defines the items of the hardship. The hardship is due to the uniqueness of the irregularly shaped lot. The footprint of the building is not changing, the applicant did not create the hardship and the character of the neighborhood is not being altered. Motion by Czinowski, second by Haugen, to approve revised Resolution No. 13724. Motion carried unanimously. Item 6(c)3 had further discussion. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, read comments provided by Mayor Steve Cook in his absence. Mayor Cook expressed that he feels conditions should be placed on the conditional use including paved parking for the Life Link trailer, paved parking should be provided for the civil air patrol trailer since their access and room will be cut off with the placement of the Life Link trailer, the property that the Life Link trailer used to be should be restored and landscaped to original condition, a driveway must be added to access the hangars to the south and utilities must be restored and maintained as appropriate. John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson noted that a well /septic system is in place for utilities service. Those services will be extended to the placement of the trailer. Mr. Olson explained the location of the structures on the site along with parking configurations. Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to approve Item 6(c)3. Motion carried unanimously. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6:00 P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION OF COMMENTS AND INPUT ON THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN John Paulson, Environmental Specialist, presented before the Council. Mr. Paulson explained that per the requirements ofthe MPCA, the City must have a public hearing and consider comments on the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Annual Report for 2009. This regulation applies to all cities that are determined to have and maintain a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. Mr. Paulson provided an overview of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System report. Mr. Paulson reviewed public education and outreach of the program, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site stormwater runoff control, post construction stormwater management, and pollution prevention/good housekeeping Motion by Czmowski, second by Haugen, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. No action required. 8. COMMUNICATIONS RF UES'PS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with irrfornrution necessary to crq t wise po icy. ways on ing lowara [ e uture, not mortbring post) (a) DISCUSSION OF THE KEEPING OF BEES WITIIIN HUTCHINSON CITY LIMITS Council Member Bill Arndt noted he has received several comments on this topic. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, read comments provided by the Mayor in his absence. Mayor Cook has expressed that he feels raising bees should be allowed, however there should be restrictions and requirements included in the ordinance such as having to register with a fee, direct neighbors must sign off with their permission, 80% of neighbors within 100 feet of the property must approve, limit of two hives, yard must be fenced, hives should be at least 15 feet from the fence, hives must be maintained, constant water source must be provided, Flyway of at least six feet must be provided to direct bees up over people, City has to be held harmless, and there should be a sign -off that the applicant understands that the City sprays for mosquitoes and there will be no claims against perceived or actual harm to the hives. Marc Sebora, City Attorney, noted that several regulations could be put in place in the current ordinance. Mr. Sebora explained that a honeybee is considered an animal due to the product it produces, which is considered agricultural. 5tk) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES— APRIL 27. 2010 Council Member Czmowski suggested that Attorney Sebora draft an ordinance amendment mirroring regulations contained in the ordinances of Minneapolis and St. Paul. IIe does feel that 100% of the neighbors within 100 feet of the property should be in agreement versus 80 %. Dan Hatten, Chief of Police, presented before the Council. Chief Hatten asked that the Council consider how the City will have the ability to regulate stringent controls that may be contained in a new ordinance. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CITY OF IIUTCHINSON RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Ewing explained that staff has held informational meetings with employees pertaining to this item and a health care savings plan as directed by the Council. Ms. Ewing explained that some feedback has been received from employees who attended the informational meetings. Ms. Ewing reviewed the eligibility requirements for an employee to be part of the retirement incentive program. Employees must meet age and service requirements necessary to collect a pension benefit from PERA, have a certain number of years of service with the City (option to be decided by Council), retire from current full time or part time employment with the City by December 31, 2010, and make a decision to accept the retirement incentive program by June 30, 2010. Ms. Ewing then reviewed the components of the retirement incentive that were presented at the last Council meeting. Council Member Yost asked if any computations have been configured in order to see when savings will be had. Ms. Ewing explained that those computations really depend on when an employee quits working and is officially off the City's payroll. Jeremy Carter, Finance Director, spoke on the variables that will equate to dollar savings of this program. Motion by Czrnowski, second by Haugen, to approve City of Hutchinson retirement incentive program choosing Option #4 (15 years of service with PF.RA employers, with a minimum of 10 years service with the City of Hutchinson). Gary Plotz, City Administrator, read comments provided by the mayor in his absence. Mayor Cook noted that he felt there should be an established deadline when employees need to state their intention. I Ie liked Option #3 (at least 15 years of service with the City) and he noted involuntary lay -off's may also be a possibility. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDING PERSONNEL POLICY AND ESTABLISHING AND ADMINISTERING A HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN WITH TIIE MINNESOTA STATE. RETIREMENT SYSTEM (ADOPTING RESOLUTIONS 13714 AND 13715) Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Ewing explained that the consensus of those that attended the informational meetings were mainly in favor of this plan. The plan that was proposed included a sick leave severance whereby all employees eligible for retirement severance payments would contribute 100% of the employee sick leave retirement severance for the IICSP; a retirement incentive severance whereby all employees eligible for a retirement incentive severance payment would contribute 50% of employee retirement incentive severance based on years ol'service to the HCSP and would receive 50% in cash $20,000 maximum) and 100% of the retirement severance payment in the amount equal to six months of employer provided health and dental insurance premiums to the HCSP. Based on feedback received from those eligible for the retirement incentive program, the proposal has been modified as follows: a retirement incentive severance whereby all employees eligible for a retirement incentive severance payment would contribute 25% or employee retirement incentive severance based on years of service to the HCSP and would receive 75% in cash ($20,000 maximum) and 100% payment of annual sick leave payout will go into IICSP. The options whereby 100% of the employee sick leave retirement severance and 100% of the six months of employer provided health and dental insurance premiums going to the HCSP will remain the same. The program approved will need to remain in place for two years before any changes are made to it. Motion by Yost, second by Czmowski, to approve amending personnel policy and establishing and 4 �J CITY COUNCIL AHNUTF,S — APRIL 27, 2010 administering a health care savings plan, adopting Resolution Nos. 13714 and 13715, with the revisions presented this evening. Motion carried unanimously. 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAI.OF PROPOSAL TO RELOCATE FARMERS MARKET TO FIRST AVENUE SE Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, presented before the Council, Mr, Sepppelt explained that the Farmers' Market was held in the VFW parking lot last year after spending more than 30 years on l St Avenue SF., Due to the pending construction at the intersection of Adams Street/Washington Avenue, a new location will need to be sought for this year. Various locations have been reviewed. The recommendation of the Hutchinson Downtown Association is to relocate the Market to its previous location, which is I'` Avenue SE (between Main Street and Hassan Street). Chief Dan Hatten presented before the Council. Chief Hatten noted that the proposal is workable with the revision of closing the entire street and leaving no portion open (which has been proposed to give access to the alley for delivery trucks). if any delivery vehicle would need to get to neighboring businesses, the police department will assist with delivery vehicles. Bryce Gnmdahl, Drop -n -Go, neighboring property, presented before the Council. Mr. Grundahl raised concerns with closing 1 5i Avenue, especially on Wednesdays. Judy Kopesky, Crown Financial, neighboring property, presented before the Council. Ms. Kopesky raised concerns over the location of Farmers' Market on I" Avenue as well. Council Member Arndt noted that since this project is that of the Hutchinson Downtown Association, they obviously wish to keep it in the downtown area. Council Member Arndt further noted that the Council needs to be cognizant of the business owners on Main Street. Mike Cannon, Hutchinson Downtown Association, presented before the Council. Mr, Cannon explained the space needs for the Farmers' Market. Visibility from Main Street is an important marketing point for the farmers in the market. General discussion was held regarding alley access. Various other locations for the Farmers' Market were suggested such as Hassan Street between 1'` and 2 id Avenue, city parking lot between Citizens Bank and Park Elementary, and I" Avenue SW. Mark Cormier, Hutchinson Downtown Association, presented before the Council. Mr. Cormier expressed that the Farmers' Market is very viable for the downtown area and they need to have a permanent location. Gus Wurdell, Hutchinson Downtown Association, presented before the Council. Mr. Wurdell also expressed the viability of the Farmers' Market to the downtown. Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner did note that the Washington/Adams Street is a one -year project, so i I'the Council wishes, a one -year term could be placed on the new location. Motion by Czmowski, second by Haugen, to close IS` Avenue SE completely and relocate the Farmers' Market for one year to that location and begin to work on locating a permanent location in late 2010 /early 2011. Roll call vote: Haugen aye; Yost — nay; Czmowski — aye; Arndt -- aye. Motion carried 3 to 1. (b) DISCUSSION OF AND UPDATE ON AMERESCO PROJECT Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to table this item to May 11, 2010. Motion carried unanimously. (c) DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE CITY CIIARTE,R AMENDMENTS (NUMBER OF COUNCIL MEMBERS; FOUR -YEAR TERM FOR MAYOR) Motion by Czmowski, second by Haugen, to table this item to May 11, 2010. Motion carried unanimously CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -- APRIL 27. 2010 11. GOVERNANCE ( Purpose: toassesspast organ izationalpar rmance, developpolicythatguides the organizationand (.ouncr an manage the logistics' of the Council. May include inonitoring reports, policy development and governance process ilems.) (a) CITY OF IIUTCIIINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCII 2010 (b) CITY OF IIUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR MARCI 12010 (c) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM MARCH 16, 2010 (d) JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 17, 2010 (e) I IUTCI IINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM MARCH 16, 2010 No action required for Items I I (a) — I I (e). 12. MISCELLANEOUS Bill Arndt — Council Member Arndt commented on the fencing at the cemetery. Neighbors have expressed that they would rather view the cemetery as opposed to a fence. Kent Exner will attempt to work with property owners on this issue. Kent F.xner — Mr. Exner explained that bids were received today on the Washington/Adams project and came in approximately 10% less than the engineer's estimate. McLeod County is administering the project. General discussion was held regarding construction and detour routes. Mr. Exner reviewed other projects being conducted in the area by Mcleod County and Mn/DOT. 13. ADJOURN Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 6 5 6-) MINUTES HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010 - 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER — 6:00 P.M. Mayor Steve Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Jim Iiaugen, Bill Arndt, Eric Yost and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. PUBLIC HEARING (a) SIIERWOOD STREET SE EXTENSION (LETTING NO, 2, PROJECT NO, 10 -02), TRUNK HWY 15 WATERMAIN LINING (LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO. 10 -08 ) AND STREET SEALCOATTNG (LETTING NO, 12, PROJECT NO, 10 -13) PROJECTS (ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS) Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that the Sherwood Street project will be assessed, however the other two projects will not be assessed. The Sherwood Street project is estimated at $1,020,000 with $760,000 being assessable. The remaining costs of the project will be covered with bonding and water /wastewater /stormwater funds. General discussion was held regarding the road extension and other future roadways on various properties in the area. Mr. Exner then reviewed the Trunk Hwy 15 Watermain lining project. The watermain will run from 4 Avenue South to Oakland Avenue SF, by cured- in-place -pipe liner method construction. The estimated project cost is $524,000 with funding coming from bonding and water /wastewater / stormwater funds. Mr. Exner noted that the cities of Golden Valley and Fridley are instituting the same type of pproject, so it is being proposed to bid the three cities' projects as one with an established schedule. F,ach city would have the authority to revise their own project. Lastly, Mr. Exner and John Olson, Public Works Manager, reviewed the street scalcoating project The estimated total project costs are at $348,000. The identifying street segments will be determined by the Pavement Management Program analysis and staff review. Mr. Olson reviewed the specific streets that are proposed to be included in the sealcoating project. Mr. Olson also reviewed the project process. Motion by Arndt, second by I3augen, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to approve proceeding with the projects noted above. Motion carried unanimously. 3. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITII SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. FOR TRUNK HWY 15 WATERMAIN LINING PROJECT Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that since the cured -in- place -pipe liner method of the pipe rehabilitation (or the Trunk Ilwy 15 watermain lining project is a relatively new method, it is being proposed to utilize the services of SEH to collect 5(,6) data, prepare bid documents, provide bidding process assistance and administer construction services for the project. The not -to- exceed total fee amount is $68,509. Mayor Cook recommended re- evaluating the consultant pool and trying to utilize other firms when available. Motion by Czmowski, second by Arndt, to approve engineering services agreement with Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. for Trunk Hwy 15 watermain lining project. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT -OIL -STATE TRAVFL FOR KENT EXNER TO ATTFND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION IN BOSTON, MA, FROM AUGUST 15 - 18, 2010 Mayor Cook clarified the policy on out -of -state travel being every other year. Motion by Haupon, second by Cook, to approve out -of -state travel for Kent Exner to attend the American Public Works Association International Public Works Congress and Exposition in Boston, MA from August 15 - 18, 2010. Motion carried unanimously. (c) RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CITY OF HUTCHINSON WEB SITE AS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that the Construction Bulletin recently closed its operation. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 429 (improvement pro ects) , advertisements for bids must be placed in a trade paper, which the Construction Bulletin was. Mr. Exner explained that according to the League of Minnesota Cities, a city can designate their web site as the official publication in place of a trade paper. Motion by Ilaugen, second by Arndt, approved Resolution No. 13733. Mr. Exner noted that a notice will be sent to the City's typical contractors informing them of the new advertising medium. Motion carried unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS KENT EXNER - Mr. Fxner noted that construction may begin the middle of next week on the Washington/Adams Street. MAYOR COOK - Mayor Cook suggested puttin together a five -year budget and making annual adjustments as needed. The general consensus of tKe Council was to move forward with compilation of a five -year budget. Mayor Cook updated the Council on the status of the sales tax proposal at the legislature. Mayor Cook also noted that Lindsay Whalen Day is Friday, May 7, 2010. Several events are being planned at the Event Center beginning at 5:00 p.m. 4. ADJOURN Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to adjourn at 6:55 p.m. �L6) RESOLUTION NO. 13737 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the Police Chief, City Engineer and Public Works Manager agree that the following areas have traffic control concerns which warrant traffic control devices, and; WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Council has the authority to establish locates as points where traffic control devices shall be erected, pursuant to Section 7.04, Subdivision l of the Hutchinson City Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: That the Council hereby establishes the following traffic control devices shall be installed and enforced: L Washington Ave W (Grove St W to Glen St W) a. "NO U- TURN" on Washington Ave W between Grove St W and Glen St W. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 14UTCHINSON: Adopted by the City Council this l Ith day of May, 2010. Steven Cook Mayor ATTEST: Clary D. Plotz City Administrator 1, C�3) PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0547 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, TO REZONE A 5.6 ACRE PROPERTY FROM R -1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO I -1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK), REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF CUSTOMER ELATIONS,1150- 5 AVENUE S.E. TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to rezone the property from R -1 (Single Family Residential).to 1 -1 (Light Industrial Park) Section 2. That the property to be rezoned to I -1 (Light Industrial Park) is described as follows: That part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 116 North, Range 29 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter with the south line of McLeod County IIighway Right of' Way Plat No. 47, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence southerly, along said east line 565.94 feet to the northerly line or the Railroad right of way in said West Half of the Northeast Quarter; thence westerly, along said northerly line of the Railroad right of way 445.13 feet to the centerline of Arch Street as shown on said McLeod County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 47 (formerly the Glencoe and Hutchinson Road); thence northwesterly, along said centerline 74.78 ('eel to the southeasterly corner of I lutchinson Fifth Avenue Industrial Park, according to the recorded plat thereof; thence northerly, along the east line of said Hutchinson Fifth Avenue Industrial Park 536.25 feet to said south line of McLeod County Highway Right of Way Plat No. 47; thence easterly, along said south line to the point of beginning. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 11 ° ' day of May, 2010. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor t-'�( k)a April 26, 2010 10: Honorable Mayor & City Council From: Airport Commission, Chuck Brill, Chair Subject: Request to close airport For air show HUTCH (NSON MUNICIPAL AIRPOWV Operations & Maintenance 1400 ADAMS q'R-EET SE 1 -iUTCI IINSON, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234 -4287; Fax (320) 234 -6971 Hutchinson Aviation (320) 587 -7615 Mr. Robert Hantge, 1210 Lewis Ave SW, Hutchinson, on behalf of a group of aviators, has requested permission to close the Hutchinson Municipal Airport from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday August 7, 2010 in order to conduct an air show, with the rain day schedule being 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday August 8, 2010. A motion was passed unanimously at the April 22 Airport Commission meeting requesting that the City Council grant permission for the air show. All notification requirements to Mn /DOT, FAA and other appropriate agencies will be the responsibility of Mr. Hantge or his employees, agents, or contractors. We request you authorize City staff to sign a letter allowing the closure and that you adopt the following motion at your May 11, 2010 City Council meeting. Proposed Motion: Permission is granted to Mr. Robert I lantge to close Hutchinson Municipal Airport between 2:00 p.m, and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday August 7, 2010, and, if necessary for weather delays, on Sunday August 8, 2010, Mr. I lantge is responsible for fulfilling all requirements necessary for conducting these activities on a public airport. tit C) May 11, 2010 Mr. Robert I lantge 1210 Lewis Ave SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 You have been granted permission to conduct an airshow at Hutchinson Municipal Airport on Saturday August 7, 2010 between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. and, if necessary for weather delays between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Sunday August R, 2010. You are responsible for fulfilling all requirements and notifications necessary for conducting such operations on a public airport and must present such notifications to the City upon request. Sincerely, John Olson, Public Works Manager Airport Manager � hr-) May 5, 2010 Dear City Council Members, I would like to appoint Verne Meyer to fill the vacancy on the Police Commission. Verne's past experience as an HR director at HTI, current work as a search consultant and his experience and leadership on a variety of community boards makes him well qualified for this position. Verne has also met with Chief Hatten and the Chief has stated that Verne would be a good choice. I would appreciate your support of his appointment. Sincerely, Mayor Steve Cook FrIVIPA MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Chief Dan Hatten DATE: May 4, 2010 RE: Dairy Days I am in receipt of a letter from the Chamber CVB's Agri Business Committee in reference to the Dairy Days Celebration on Friday, June 11, 2010. My staff and I have reviewed their request regarding the closing of 1" Ave SE between Main St. and Hassan St. between 9:00 a.m. and 3 p.m. on June 11, 2010. I am comfortable that the police department can safely accommodate their request. However, it is my suggestion that 1 "Ave. be closed from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This would allow my department to close the street minimizing the effect to the citizens who normally use this street on a day to day basis. /lkg 2010 -01 -0010 c, (e) L Moon Street tiOLIth I Inahlnson, MN 55350 Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau April 15, 2010 Sergeant Eric Kilian Hutchinson Police Services 10 Franklin St SW Hutchinson. MN 55350 Dear Sergeant Kilian, 320.5!17.52 52 80(7.572.0689 Fax 520.587.4752 III fu(`)cxp l„ roh a tr hin.son.com www.cxplor hutchin.son., oin On behalf of the Chamber CVB's Agri- Business Committee I would like to make a request to close First Ave SE between Main Street and Hassan Street. 'Phis request is for our annual Dairy Day Celebration on Friday, dune 11, 2010 in Library Square. We would like to use First Ave SE for the tractor club and equipment displays. We currently have Library Square reserved from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm. The tractors would be brought in Friday morning after 9:00 am. The event is scheduled to run until 1:30 pm, but we are requesting 3:00 pm to allow for clean -up. If you have any questions, or if the committee can be of any assistance, please give me a call at 320- 234 -0786 or email me at an�elg,(de xnlorchutchinson.com . Thank you for your help. Sin Wely, AngelaBrandel Membership Services I�i5N wAy ah � fhI -5 yerhov� khdw fo 1G.r4 c �� O a;v y �• y 5 , � .tr /— A V'9 v[-J' + ��C15 �C�v r 5� - r�a JA �5 c� C�) POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Chief Dan Hatten )o DATE: May 4, 2010 RE: Connect Care Dance I am in receipt of a dance permit from Connect Care in reference to a dance at the McLeod County Fair Grounds on October 29, 2010. My staff and I have review the permit and recommend approval with the stipulation that Connect Care contract security with the McLeod County SherrifYs Posse due to the fact that the event will be held at the McLeod County Fairgrounds. 1lkg 2010 -01 -0009 (" (-0 Ppr 19 a010 11:4anm CITY OF HUTCHINSON APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC DANCE PERMIT FEE $55.00 * 54,0 -7� N 1! 10 ; iv- ME �r -f) Jim I19I:01 I1 POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Chief Dan Hatten DATE: May 6, 2010 RE: Legion Dance I am in receipt of a dance permit from American Legion Post 96 in reference to an outdoor dance on June 19, 2010 from 8:00 p.m. to Midnight. The dance would be held in the back parking lot of the American Legion. My staff and I have review the permit and recommend approval with the stipulations that the Legion, comply with city ordinances including but not limited to stipulations regarding their liquor license, contract with Hutchinson Police Department for 2 officers for security. They would also be required to in close the parking lot with adequate fencing and monitor the fence in are in insure all alcoholic beverages remains within the approved area. /Ikg 2010 -01 -0011 (,,1,_0 APPLICATION FOR P[JBL[C DANCE PERMIT FEE $55.00 Si f,Applicant I MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Dan Hatten, Director of Police / Emergency Management Services DATE: May 6, 2010 RE: Consent Agenda - Safe & Sober Grant Agreement Attached to this memorandum is the resolution authorizing this department to participate in the Minnesota Department of Public Safety - Office of Traffic Safety project entitled Safe & Sober. This agreement requires the authorization of the Hutchinson City Council. This department has been a participant of the Safe & Sober projects offered by the State over the years. If you have any questions regarding this please contact me. /Ikg 2010 -01 -0012 (a ( 4 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT Be it resolved that Hutchinson Police Services enter into a grant Agreement(s) with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety or the Minnesota State Patrol for Traffic Safety Enforcement projects during the period from October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2012, T Sheriff of McLeod County is hereby authorized to execute such agreements and amendments as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of Hutchinson Police Services and to be the fiscal agent and administer the grant. I certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Hutchinson City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota on SIGNED: WITNESSETH: (Signature) (Signature) (Title) (Title) (Dale) (Date) t'(�) Minimum state building permit surcharge changes for a year The Minnesota Statutes §3268.148 "SURCHARGE" has been changed for one year effective July 1, 2010, until June 30, 2011. The change only applies to the "Permits based on Fixed Fees, Part I" and "Permits based on Fixed Fees, Part 2" portions of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry's (DI,I) surcharge reporting form. 1'he minimum surcharge for a "fixed fee" permit is $5, beginning July 1, 2010 • Municipalities must begin collecting the $5 minimum surcharge fee July 1, 2010, and continue to collect the new minimum through June 30, 2011. • If the fee collected for the "fixed fee" permit is less than $10,010, the surcharge is $5. Fixed fee permits with a fee of less than $10,010 are reported in "Permits based on Fixed Fees, Part 1" of the surcharge form. If the fee collected for the "fixed fee" permit exceeds $10,010, the fee is multiplied by .0005 because $10,010 is the point where the surcharge would increase to $5.01. Fixed fee permits with a fee of $10,010 or more are reported in "Permits based on Fixed Fees, Part 2" of the surcharge form. The remainder of the surcharge law did not change (h ttps://www.revisor,mn.gov/st,itute s/?id= 326B. 148 The change to the surcharge law is underlined below: Minnesota Statutes 2008, section 3266.148, subdivision I, is amended to read: Subdivision 1, Computation. To defray the costs of administering sections 3266.101 to 326B.194, a surcharge is imposed on all permits issued by municipalities in connection with the construction of or addition or alteration to buildings and equipment or appurtenances alter June 30, 1971. The commissioner may use any surplus in surcharge receipts to award grants for code research and development and education. If the fee for the permit issued is fixed in amount the surcharge is equivalent to one - half mill (.0005) of the fee or 50 cents, except that effec July 1, 2010, until June 30, 2011, the permit surchar to one -half mill (,0005) of t he fee or $5, whichever amount is greater. New surcharge forms online Aug. 2 New surcharge forms with the change will be available for reporting on the DLI Web site Aug. 2,2010.Goto http:// www - dli.mn.gov/CCLD /Surcharge.as to access the report firms. The current reporting lorms will be available until Aug. 2, 2010. To complete or change a surcharge report after Aug. 2, 2010, for a month or quarter before July 2010, contact Cindy Chapel or Eileen McNiff at (651) 284 -5411, or via e- mail at Cvnthia.Chaoel�u)state.mn.us or Eileen.McNiff a state.mn.us C TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer RE: Consideration of 2010 Fee Schedule Revisions — Engineering — Plans & Specs DATE: May 11, 2010 Due to the closing of the Construction Bulletin last week, we have been researching options for advertising and providing on -line service to perspective bidders. In addition to advertising in the Hutchinson Leader, we will be advertising upcoming projects on the City's website, the Mn /DOT eAdvert site, and the QuestCDN.com site. Advertising on both the cAdvert site and the QuestCDN.com site are at no charge to the City. In addition to advertising on the QuestCDN.com site, we will be uploading our plans and specifications. This will enable perspective bidders to download the plans and specs for a tee of $20.00. Half of the $20.00 fee will he retained by QuestCDN.com and half will be paid to the City. Perspective bidders will still be able to obtain a paper copy of the plans and specs through the City at a fee of $80.00. Therefore the proposed revisions are as follows: Public Works Engineering Plans and Specifications: Download $20.00 Paper Set $80.00 We recommend approving the revisions to the 2010 Fee Schedule. cc: Gary Plolz— City Administrator Cit of Hutchinson, MN Public Works Rates - 201 Indic-a#e s chan from 2000 rate :s Indicates unknown '09 rates Item Final desi _ Rates 20091 0 2011 ENGINEERING Desi review* 15% 3.0% 10% Final desi _ 6.0% 13,0% Construction review and stakin 6.0% 6_0% Project AdmInistration Pre Urnin a ry de velopnie ot # 7% I , 0% 1,0% Cantract administration Z0% 2.0% Co.rnpr&hensive nn1f)-a* '(Download Set) per sial fee 1 Testin services 0.0 $ 20 -milljoverla of street 0 needs fund* Hatisin 1,0% 1.01.1/0 Finance/Le Financial services L services Fis-cal 3% 1.0% 1-0% 1.0% 1,070 1.0%1 1,0%1 Standard it Rate R e cf ev e I o p mentMewl Annexed 24.0% 24,0% New Development 25.0% 25.0% Developer Desi & Financed Rate Unimum Rate 7.0%1 T0% EILI g ineerin g : Plans & Specifications (Paper Set por set too $ $ 80.00 En Plans & Specifications I $ 60.00 $ .6000 '(Download Set) per sial fee 1 $ - 0.0 $ 20 - Me City fetuinz tf7e right to en a consultant ro complete a potilon of file En and Pro Admirlistratfon. The coveloper shall nave tne preliminar and final plat approved prior to work co m me n cin on Anal d&si Financial assurancelbodin m e b e re uired for micro vem e r) t b e dre completed b private de velopers. The de ve toper sh au meet all desi standaras ancr finan vial suret re me n is of the Cit TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT RATES Total street reconstruction Per,gusted front foot $ W 00 $ 80.00 Partial street reconstruction Per adjusted front foot $ 60.00 $ .6000 Street rehabilitation adjusted front foot $ $ 4T50 -milljoverla of street - Per Per adjusted front foot _4T50 $ 30.00 $ X00 Water service lateral L epl a ced d u ri n _ co ast ru cV reco instruct $ 30000000 $ 3tomoo Sewer service lateral replaced durin con-struct/reconstruct $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00. Storm sewer service lateral replaced durin con strucVreconstruct Water service lateral - new _t; P to 'Into e �VC water main $ 14425.00 $ 1,425,00 Sewer service lateral - new to tap into existin PVC sewer main $ 2 $ 2 Storm sewer service lateral tap into existin PVC sewer main CITY OF HUTCHINSON woltl►R1 »I CVA-11-mol ❑ FAIR ❑ CIRCUS ❑ SHOWS /EXHIBITIONS ❑ DF,MONSTRA'1'IONS ❑ OTHER (Describe)__ ❑ CARNIVALS [] AMUSEMENT DEVICES AMUSEMENT RIDES /GAMES Please complete the following information (ink or typewriter, please) and submit the appropriate fee along with this application to the City of Hutchinson, 111 Hassan Street, SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. Full Name of Person Filing Middle Last Business Name & Address: \� Business Telephone -. °1 ��� ti Alternate Telephone: 40Q - ;9SD - b 0 e42 9 _ If business is a partnership, please provide name of officers or if corporation, please provide corporate name. Partnership_ Corporation Mail permit to this address: LOCATION OF GIVE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EVENT: v DATES AND HOURS OF OPERA'T'ION: ,"�k �(, , \ �' e— 5 10 :CID wren - li3,L J ARE STRUCTURES TO BE ERECTED? es L] IN No ❑ N/A If yes, please describe: (JP (�-) INSURANCE: Submit proof of SPECIAL EVENTS PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE, NAMING THE CIT, Y OF HUTC14INSON AS "ADD m "ADDITIONAL INSURED" in amounts not less than $500,000 per person and $1.000.000 per accident. CLEAN UP/DAMAGE DEPOSIT (Refundable) Large Events $1,000 BOND ❑ $1,000 CASH ❑ CLEAN UP/DAMAGE DEPOSIT (Refundable) Smaller Events $250 CASH ❑ N/A ❑ INDEMNIFICATION: 1 hereby indemnify and hold harmless the municipality and the City Council from any liability in whatsoever manner arising which may be incurred by the licensee and the municipality as the result of the operation of amusement rides, amusement devices, carnivals, fairs or demonstrations. DA fE: 5 I � - 11) Signature Office Use Only: Fee Approved: Insurance Police Dept Bond Inspection Council License Issued Special ConditionK It G ( V--) r� # # ## # # ## # ### #### CITY OF HUTCHINSON R55CKREG LOG22001VO Counci I Check Register Check# Ck Date AMOUNT Vendor /Explanation Account Description 159888 4/28/2010 45 -51 ALLTEL COMMUNICATIONS 159889 4/28/2010 135 -45 ARROW TERMINAL LLC EQUIPMENT PARTS 159891 4/28/2010 945.00 381 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 159892 4/28/2010 4,254.71 BRYAN STREICH TRUCKING FREIGHT - IN 159893 4/28/2010 115,813.31 HEALTH PARTNERS EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 159894 4/28/2010 2,500.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF MISCELLANEOUS 159895 4/28/2010 5,501.26 MARLIN LEASING RENTALS 159896 4/28/2010 5.00 MI NNESOTA D EPT O F MOTOR VEH I CL CENTRAL GARAG E REPAIR 159897 4/28/2010 184.00 MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMIN HEAR MISCELLANEOUS 159898 4/28/2010 32.00 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AG LICENSES & TAXES 159899 4/28/2019 275.34 SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS 159900 4/2812010 1,920.00 STREICH TRUCKING FREIGHT - IN 159901 4/28/2014] 22,139.05 TREBELH OR IN &ASSOC MOTOR FUELS& LUBRICANTS 159902 4/28/2010 20,092.27 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 159903 4/28/2010 4314 WAL -MART COMMUNITY OPERATING SUPPLIES 159904 4/2812010 106,373 -07 WASTE MANAGEMENT- WINSTED REFUSE - HAULING 159906 5/11/2010 543.58 ACE HARDWARE POSTAGE 159907 5111/2010 392.07 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 159908 5/11/2010 188 -40 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO COST OF SALES -MISC 159909 1 5/11/2010 3,39810 AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORP OTHER CONTRACTUAL 159910 5/11/2010 264 -91 AMERICAN MESSAGING COMMUNICATIONS 159911 5/11/2010 550.00 APWA TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFEREN CE 159912 5/11/2010 34.63 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE SHOP MATERIALS 159913 5/11/2910 354.88 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC COST OF SALES -MISC 159914 5/11/2010 38.81 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE EQU IF MENT PARTS 159915 5/11/2010 9.13 . 6 & B SPORTS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 159916 5/11/2010 75.00 &C PLUMBING & HEATING INC REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 159917 5/11/2010 4,910.95 1 BAILEY NURSERIES LANDSCAPE MATERIALS 159918 5/11/2010 1,870.85 1 8 EACON ATHLETICS OPERATING SUPPLIES # # ## # # ## # ### #### V i1 159919 5/11/2010 405.14 B EN N ETT MATERIAL HAN DLI NG RECEIVIED NOT VOUCH ERED 159920 5/11/2010 2,583.69 BERNICK'S FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION 159921 5/11/2010 26.67 BLADE PHOTO IMAGING & PORTRAIT OPERATING SUPPLIES 159922 5/11/2010 4,040.00 BRYAN STRETCH TRUCKING FREIGHT - IN 159923 5/11/2010 2,236.13 BUS] NESSWARE SOLUTIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 159924 5/11/2010 890.00 BUYSSE ROOFING OF ST. CLOUD BUILDING REPAIRS 159925 5/11/2010 40,767.25 C& L DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER 159926 5/11/2010 125.00 C &C MACHINE INC CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 159927 5/11/2010 231.20 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPUE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 159928 5/11/2010 21 -99 CARR FLOWERS MISCELLANEOUS 159929 5/11/2010 100.00 CARTER, RON UNIFORMS & PERSON AL EQU I 159930 5JIV2010 398.28 CENTRAL H YDRAU LICS SAFETY SUPPLIES 159931 5/11/2010 83 -29 COLLINS BROTHE RS COST OF SALES -MiSC 159932 5/11/2010 199 -91 COMDATA CORPORATION OPERATING SUPPLIES 159933 5/11/2010 104.47 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP CLEANING SUPPLIES 159934 5/11/2010 45.00 COREY, NiCHOLLE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 159935 5/11/2010 1,256 -19 CORPORATE MECHANICAL CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 159936 5/11/2030 95.26 CREATIVE DETAILS UPHOLSTERY CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 159937 5/11/2010 737.49 CREEKSIDE SOILS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 159938 5/11/2010 424.64 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 159939 5/11/2010 412.63 CUMMINS NPOWER, LLC CONTRACT REPAIR& MAINTENANCE 159940 5/11/2010 42.00 DAAK REFRIGERATION OPERATING SUPPLIES 159941 5/11/2010 6,154.50 DAY DISTRIBUTING COST OF SALES -BEER 159942 5/11/2010 827.86 DETROIT INDUSTRIAL TOOL SMALL TOOLS 159943 5/11/2010 96 -00 DOLEZAL, JANET OPERATING SUPPLIES 159944 5/11/2010 6,759.96 DPC INDUSTRIES INC CHEMICALS & PRODUCTS 159945 5/11/2010 2,300.00 DUANE BLOCK TRUCKING INC FREIGHT 159946 5/11/2010 104.02 DYNA SYSTEMS RECEIVED NOT VOUCH ERED 159947 5/11/2010 368.91 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 159948 5/11/2010 10.68 EBERT, PAT TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 159949 5/11/2010 125.04 ECOLAB PEST EL1M RECEIVED NOT VOUCH ERED 159950 5/11/2010 88.68 ECONO FOODS MEETINGS 159951 1 5/11/2010 200.00 ECONOMIC D EVELOP ME NT ASSN OF M TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 159952 1 5/11/2010 124.00 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE OPERATING SUPPLIES 159953 5/11/2010 592.83 FASTENAL COMPANY SAFETY SUPPLIES 159954 5/11/2010 38.00 FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGES OFFICESUPPLIES 159955 5/11/2010 452.48 FISHER SCIENTIFIC OPERATING SUPPLIES 159956 5/11/2D10 15,374.79 FREMONT INDUSTRIES, INC CHEMICALS& PRODUCTS 159957 5/11/2010 365.51 FRONTIER PRECISION INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 159958 5/11/2010 47.35 G & KSERVICES OPERATING SUPPLIES 159959 5/11/2030 44,996.36 GARICK CORPORATION RECEIVED NOT VC) UCH ERED 159960 5/11/2010 612.05 GEECO RECEIVED NOT VOUCH ERED 159961 5/11/2010 216.86 GENERAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT CENTRAL GARA13 E R EPAIR 159962 5/11/2010 119.95 GOEBEL, JOSH UNIFORMS& PERSONALEQUIP 159963 5/11/2010 1,680.00 GREAT LAKES ENTERPRISES INC FREIGHT -IN 159964 5/11/2010 99.99 GROEHLER, FLOYD SAFETY SUPPLIES 159965 5/11/2010 775.00 HAGEN TRUC KI NG INC FREIGHT 159966 5/11/2010 1,853 -50 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE COST OF SALES -BEER 159967 5/11/2010 175.54 HANSEN GRAVEL OPERATING SUPPLIES 159968 5/11/2010 8,495.75 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 159969 5/11/2010 275.00 HARTMAN, CHARLES VARIANCE FEES 159970 5/11/2010 203.06 HEWLETT - PACKARD CO 0FFI CE SUPPLIES 159971 5/11/2010 125.27 HILLYARD/ HUTCHINSON OPERATING SUPPLIES 159972 5/11/2010 1,315.50 HIERPE CONTRACTING CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 159973 5/11/2010 74.58 HUTCH CAFE OPERATING SUPPLIES 159974 5/11/2010 6,681.83 HUTCH SPORT SHOP OPERATING SUPPLIES 159975 5/11/2010 100.00 HUTCHI NSON AREA CHAM B ER OF COM RECEIVED NOT VOUCH ERED 159976 5/11/2010 2,136.38 HUTCHI NSON AREA HEALTH CARE COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE 159977 5/11/2010 882.72 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SMALL TOOLS 159978 5/11/2010 7,077.68 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF EM PL. HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 159979 5/11/2010 1,500.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF MISCELLANEOUS 159980 5/11/2010 5,389.71 JEFF'S ELECTRIC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 159981 5/11/2010 14.79 JENSEN, JULIE MISCELLANEOUS 159982 5/11/2010 1,017.80 IJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN COST OF SALES -BEER 159983 5/11/2010 523.60 IN MACHINING & REPAIR RECEIVED NOT VOUCH ERED 159984 5/11/2010 16,917.83 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF SALES -M ISC 159985 5/11/2010 1,413.60 JOHNSON, DOUGLAS W TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFER ENCE 159986 5/11/2010 150.00 JOHNSON, IULIE RECREATION ACTI VTTY FEES O 159987 5/11/2010 175.00 IORDAHL, MICHELLE OTHER REVENUES 159988 5/11/2010 38.57 JUNG CLAUS IMPLEMENT INC CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 159989 5/11/2010 7,080.10 IUUL CONTRACTING CO CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 159990 5/11/2010 37.03 KNIFE RIVER OPERATING SUPPLIES 159991 5/11/2010 100.00 KOSEK, RICHARD UNIFORMS & PERSON AL EQUIP 159992 5/11/2010 935.00 KRISTiCO, INC FREIGHT 159993 5/11/2010 3,211.32 L & P SUPPLY CO CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 159994 5/11/2010 52.90 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES OPERATING SUPPLIES 159995 5/11/2010 638-44 LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY OF AMER EMP L.H EALTH & €NS. BENEFIT 159996 5111/2010 20,595.48 LOCHER BROTHERS INC COST OF SALES -BEER 159997 5/11/2010 2,772.00 LYNDE & MCLEOD INC RECEIVED NOT VOUCH ERED 159998 5/11/2010 1,980.52 M -R SIGN SIGNS& STRIPPING MATERIALS 159999 5/11/2010 2,993.57 MACTEK SYSTEMS INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 160000 5/11/2010 9.62 MARQUART, TRESSA UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 160001 5/11/2010 178.00 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURE LICENSES &TAXES 160002 5/11/2010 3,357.46 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR - TREASURE LICE NSES & TAXES 160003 5/11/2010 867.00 M CLEOD COUNTY AU DITOR-TR EASU R E LICE NSES & TAXES 160004 S /1112010 1,835.00 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR-TREASURE LICENSES &TAXES 160005 5/11/2010 352.00 MCI.EOD COU NTY AUDITOR- TREASURE LICE LASES &TAXES 160006 5/11/2010 1,816.00 MCLEOD COU NTY AU DITOR TREASURE LICENSES &TAXES 160007 5/11/2010 2,354.00 MCLEOD COU NTY AUDITO R- TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 160008 5/11/2010 919.00 MCLEOD COU NTY AUDITO R- TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 160009 5/11/2010 368.00 MCLEOD COU NTY AUDITO R- TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 160010 5/11/2010 420.00 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 160011 5/11/2010 440.00 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 160012 5/11/2010 2,423.98 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR- TREASURE LICENSES & TAXES 160013 5/11/2010 46.00 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER MISCELLANEOUS 160014 5111/2DI0 80.50 WLEDD COUNTY RECORDER MISCELLANEOUS 160015 5/11/2010 274.00 WLEDD CO U NTY SHE Ri FF'S OFFICE MISCELLANEOUS 160016 5/11/2010 59 -50 MEHR, BRIAN TRAVEL SCH 00 L CONFERENCE 160017 5/11/2010 299.11 MENARDS HUTCHINSON OPERATING SUPPLIES 160018 5/11/2010 6.18 MESSNER, KEITH TRAVEL SCHOOL CO N FE RENCE 160019 5/11/2010 78.05 METRO FIRE OPERATING SUPPLIES (60020 5/11/2011) 58.50 MIES, MIKE TRAVEL SCHOOL CO N FE RENCE r� 160021 5/11/2010 83.34 MINI BIFF RENTALS 160022 5/11/2010 1,245.00 MINNESOTA CLE T RAVEL SOHO OL CO NFEREN CE 160023 5/11/2010 14,350.00 MINNESOTA REVE N U E PERMITS 160024 5/11/2010 149.52 MINNESOTA SHREDDING REFUSE - RECYCLING 160025 5/11/2010 3,734.63 MINNESOTA LINE MP LOY MENT I NSU RAN UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 160026 5/1112010 2,671.40 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB OTHER CONTRACTUAL 160027 5/11 /2010 150.00 MN GIS /US CONFERENCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 160028 5/11/2010 85.50 MODERN TOWING OTHER CO NTRACTUAL 160029 5/11/2010 8,347.81 NATIONAL BARK SALES RECEIVE D NOT VOUCH E R ED 160030 5/11/2010 268.95 NORTH CE NTRAL LABORATORIES OPERATING SUPPLIES 160031 5/11 /2010 125 -00 NORTH SHO R E ANALYTI CAL I N C OTHER CONTRACTUAL 160032 5/11/2010 229.40 NORTHERN STATES SU PP LY I N C SMALLTOOLS 160033 5/11/20101 1,917.13 NU- TELECOM MISCELLANEOUS 160034 5/11/2010 786.69 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 160035 5/11/2010 150.49 OFFICE OF ENTE R PRI SE TECH NOLOG COMMUNICATIONS 160036 5/11/2010 540.00 OSTLUND SUPPLY FREIGHT 160037 5111/2010 61.83 OVERHEAD DOOR OF ST.CLOUD INC OPERATING SUPPLIES 160038 5/11/2010 17,588.68 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF SALES -WINE 160039 5/11/2010 21.44 POSITIVE ID INC UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP 160040 5111/20101 585.00 POST BOARD D U ES & SUBSCR I PTION S 160041 5/1112010 1,440.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 169042 5/11/2010 50.00 POSTMASTER POSTAGE 160043 5/11/2610 53.44 PRIEVE LANDSCAPING & LAWN CARE CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 160044 5/11/2010 109.72 PRO AUTO &TRANSMISSION REPAIR CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 160045 5/11/2010 19.20 PRO -BUILD OPERATING SUPPLIES 160046 5/11/2010 270.93 PROMAXX TRUCK PARTS EQUIPMENT PARTS 160047 5/11/2010 1,500.00 QUAUTY CONTROL &INTEGRATION PRO FESSI ONAL SERVICES 160048 5/11/2010 14,638.65 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. COST OF SALES - LIQUOR 160049 5/11/2010 817.79 RBSCOTT EQUIPMENT RECEIV €D NOT VOU Cif ERED 160050 5/11/2030 8,492.00 READY WATT ELECTRIC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 160051 5 /12 /2010 277.98 REED BUSINESS INFORMATION ADVERTISING 160052 5111/2010 826.08 REFLECTIVE APPAREL FACTORY INC SAFETY SUP PUES 160053 5111/2010 18,516.43 REINER ENTERPRISES, INC FREIGHT 360054 5/11 /2010 210.00 REINER IRRIGATION & SEPTIC INC CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 160055 5/11/2010 285.00 RUNKE, DOREEN OTHER CONTRACTUAL 160056 5/11/2010 381.01 RUNNING'S SUPPLY REPAIR & MAI NTENANCE SUP PU ES 160057 5/11/2010 60.91 SALTMAN LLC OPERAT €NG SUPPLIES 160058 5/11 /2010 69.77 SCHMELING OIL CO MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 160059 5/11/2010 109.50 SEPPELT, M€LES CAR ALLOWANCE - TRAVEL 160060 5/11/2010 23,258.14 SHI INTERNATIO NAL CORP OPERATING SUPPUES 160061 5/11/2010 71.98 SHOPKO RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 160062 5/11/2010 180.62 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 160063 5/11/2010 609.16 SOUTHERN MINNESOTA INSPECTION CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 160064 5/11/2010 1,704.90 ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 160065 5/11/2010 204.74 STANDARD PRINTING OPERATING SUPPLIES 160066 5 /11 /2010 1,031.07 STAPLES ADVANTAGE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 160067 5/11/2010 3,360.00 STREICH TRUCKING FROG HT - €N 160068 5/11/2010 233.96 STURGES, MATT TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 160069 5/11/2010 92.72 SUBWAY WEST OPERATING SUPPLIES 160070 5/11/2010 9,263.50 SUNCOAST GARDEN PRODUCTS, INC. RECEIVED NOT VOU CHERED 160071 5/11/2010 2,983.23 SUPERVALU INC REFUNDS & REI MBURSE MENTS 160072 5/11/2010 20.00 TAPS -LYLE SCHROEDER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 160073 5/11/2010 166.74 TEN MECHAWCAL REPAIR& MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 160074 5/11/2010 1,685.55 THE HARTFORD EM PL. HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 160075 5/11/2010 18,867.75 THE BELHORN &ASSOC MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 160076 5/11/2010 978.56 TRICO TCWI NO, INC EQUi PM ENT PARTS 160077 5/11/2010 3,848.00 TWIN CITY PALLETS INC. RECEIVED NOT VOU CHERED 160078 5/11/2010 181.59 U.S. WATER SERVICES CHEMICALS & PRODUCES 160079 5/11/2010 1,701.18 USPS- HASLER POSTAGE 160080 5/11/2010 74.76 VERTECH SOLUTIONS & SERVICES OPERATING SUPPLIES 160081 5/11/2010 11,006.30 VIKING BEER COST OF SALES -BEER 160082 5/11/2010 814.75 VIKING COCA COLA COST OF SALES -MISC 160083 5 /11 /2010 411.00 VINOCOPIAINC COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 160D84 5/11/2010 815.78 WASTE MANAG EM ENT-TC WEST REFUSE - RECYCLING 160085 5/11/2010 833.33 WELLS FARGO INSURANCE SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 160086 5/11/2010 562.02 WEST PUBLISHING PAYMENT CTR OPERATING SUPPLIES 160087 5/11/2010 95.25 WINE MERCHANTS INC COST OF SALES -WINE 160088 5/11/2010 9,446.61 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA COST OF SALES -MISC 160089 5/11/2010 6,327.20 WORK CONNECTION, THE OTHER CONTRACTUAL 160090 5/11/2010 755.46 XEROX CORP COPY MACHINE 160091 5/11/2010 502.31 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC CENTRAL GARAG E R E PAIR 160092 5/11/2010 273.36 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO SHOP MATERIALS 160093 5/11/2010 63.50 ZWI LLING, TROY TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE 160094 5/11/2010 133.01 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE 160095 5/11/2010 502.64 H.A.R.T. ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP 160096 5/11/2010 2,216.15 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP 160097 5/11/2010 1,709.60 ING LIFE &ANN CO. ACCRUED DEFERRED COMA 160098 5/11/2010 528.00 NCPERS LIFE INS. ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE 752,658.38 Grand Total Payment Instrument Tota 15 Check Total 1 752,658.38 Total Payments 752,658.38 PAYROLL DATE: 05/07!2010 Period Ending Date: 05/1/2010 FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY - ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO STATE AND IRS DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PACE AMOUNT ACCT# $22,570.85 9995.2034 $12,453.82 9995.2240 $3,685.31 9995.2242 NAME DESCRIPTION WITH. TAX Employee Contribution - Federal Tax ACCOUNT Employee Contribution - Soc. Security Employee Contribution - Medicare $38,709.98 Sub -Total - Employee Contribution $12,453.82 9995.2240 Employer Contribution - Social Security $3,685.31 9995.2242 Employer Contribution - Medicare Per Journal Entries Difference Fica $ 24,907.64 $16,139.13 Sub -Total - Employer Contribution Medicare $ 7,370.62 Withholding $ 22,570.85 $54,849.11 Grand Total - Withholding Tax Account Total $ 54,849.11 $0.00 $10,583.05 9995.2035 MN DEPT OF REVENUE State Tax $ 10,583.05 $0.00 $17,190.94 9995.2241 PERA Employee Contribution - Pension Plan $21,809.80 9995.2241 Employer Contribution - Pension Plan $39,000.74 Sub -Total - PERA $26.01 9995.2243 PERA -DCP Employee Contribution - Pension Plan $25.01 9995.2241 Employer Contribution - Pension Plan Pera $ 39,026.75 $52.02 Sub - Total - DCP DCP $ 26.01 $39,052.76 GRAND TOTAL - PERA Total $ 39,05178 $0.00 Finance Director Approval cs, ( I) r� TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Fxner, City Engineer RE: Consideration of Assessment Hearing for Adams St. & Washington Ave. Reconstruction Project (Letting No. 1 /Project No. 10 -01) DATE: May 11, 2010 The McLeod County Highway Department received five (5) bids for the Adams St. & Wahsington Ave. Reconstruction project letting that were opened on Tuesday, April 27' (see attached Bid Tabulation)- R & R Excavating of Hutchinson, MN, submitted the apparent low bid in the amount of $4,350,145.44- This bid is approximately 10% lower than the final Engineer's Estimate this project. Also, the total bid amount includes the City's watermain and sanitary sewer improvements at a total construction cost of $685,536.68 (also approximately 10% lower than estimated). Due to these lower construction costs, City staff recommends that the assessment rates /amounts for this project be slightly lower than previously communicated estimates (see attached Assessment Roll for recommended rates /amounts). Based on City staffs review, the bid by R & R Excavating appears to be complete and responsive. Also, the McLeod County Board of Commissioners has approved the award of this project at their May 4'" meeting. Attached is the final Assessment Roll and necessary Resolutions to award this project- City staff will provide a brief overview of the bids and project prior to the Assessment Hearing. At this time, we have received very limited feedback or questions from adjacent property owners since the January 12' Public Hearing for this project. We recommend approving the attached Assessment Roll and Resolutions. cc: Gary Hotz -City Administrator �]c�k_) RESOLUTION NO. 13735 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 5093 LETTING NO. 1 /PROJECT NO, 10 -01 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and waiver of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of: Adams St (CSAH 25) & Washington Ave Reconstruction Project by new roadway construction and utility infrastructure installations including construction of trunk and lateral storm sewer and treatment/drainage improvements, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, trunk and lateral watermain and services, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, trail /sidewalk, concrete surfacing, lighting, landscaping, streetscaping, restoration and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period often (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2011 and shall bear interest at the rate of percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 2010, until the 31st day of December 2011. To each subsequent installment when due, shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Finance Department, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 2010; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Finance Department the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31 st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 11th day of May 2010. Mayor City Administrator I �-X) RESOLUTION NO. 13736 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO. 10.01 Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement of: Adams St (CSAH 25) & Washington Ave Reconstruction project by new roadway construction and utility infrastructure installations including construction of trunk and lateral storm sewer and treatment/drainage improvements, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, trunk and lateral watermain and services, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, trail /sidewalk, concrete surfacing, lighting, landscaping, streetscaping, restoration and appurtenances; and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Amount Bid R & R Excavating Inc $4,350,145.44 Wagner Construction Inc $4,450,256.25 Mathiowetz Construction $4,492,356.52 Duininck Inc $4,588,815.13 Nodland Construction Co Inc $4,783,971.51 and whereas, it appears that R & R Excavating Inc of Hutchinson MN is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. 1. The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with R & R Excavating Inc of Hutchinson MN in the amount of $4,350,145.44 in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Engineer. 2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained until satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 11th day of May 2010. Mayor City Administrator 9(�� D110113ELED BY: P VAnnigia vecN. AS Adbma Sa SE ASSESSMEUT ROLL II SM Lai 8 &oacS SaLdh HA C , - Ningi;mn V V KA� COST PER FRONT FOOT OR PER EACH so OG it DMPUTEDBY P VANID�R VEEN $000 LETTING NO. 1.9110JECT NG. 1041 � j S4,60 STAUT COU nA FAW t1;56 V 32AM-00 66JI16 S2,MAO HiECKeD VY. K EMER 1 2 23 MA UM 26 Ma., St SE 113.50 MILLJOVER LAY 3 Of OAK AND CU 5 T PER FRONT FOOT 53.25, 54.196 m JMDE0 OF YEARS: 10 in A4wm 51 JG3AH 25) & Wa6hin$om Ava Earl RaG;mff trua,*A Pmpm b Z1,420M s1a•100 $T REET50ARE U05T PER F ROINT FOOT 37-11-9.25 3.06 S7.1 TERIEST JUTE: HL40W" PO 455334 11.8 �a � q 10 a 23 = 700 new dq" tweLtomm IM uhik ihdrAuvucwre inmaJiafiorm mcILFU1 MCh" J A DIM L dm*omgu VMDA� 1 -M- WATER SERVICE COST RE EAGHI &3.39750 1 soon 5T HEARING: 01 1202610 Wco c4?u4rwc1Hm of Itunk Md bVhmW Klmm6ewer and biwman•irara mprc%crqcMr, SIAMOD $2.5D0.0F ps Jfir WAT I- f� S F RVIC E COS I PER EACH di t� r94 1 Adams St-SE Hk4chmW500 MIN 40 HEARING: Dril(l 1121,10 T40 H UChMIXiCh Uur-K ardd Uftw* -Mrrna- am jqrorA*. j -4mN� 4g~e tie* .4§w*N cu� ma q uaw. W-W 1.42 .0 G C 5 fiVJER SC0Fd E GOS-C PER EACH sow a $000 001IPTIED: KIM I MAIXI.Oc A 95,"2.m corwism surfadi fil in Imrdscxorg, wmffmapwi -iw-.arabDn ariv appumararcc-& F5 k ITOTAL DE FERRIED ASS E,9,9 MEYTS-" 3 1.5,42a 'TOTAL ACTrVE A&GESSME NT: 5523,01WU 5 23 ow 14W ITOTAILASSESSMENT AMDUL4T U-M.81 0.4 0" PIC) NOL "M 32;M00 KAME & AMUEn UPGAL M-tCAMION 1 Surreal: Assowsma $000 MiL.Lt M11" JL ibyx* ,A &TRE.ETS4r.AJb1E 3TREETV-41E 1-w WAUFC 6titVICS 6 . WATER a amwA HWraniraon MN TDTA� TOTAL [ TOTAL 9 �� lbl� � &1^ PROPERTY AMIRESS 52mm -bp� Fk0pERTy 0wpigR ADDITKM OR 5UEO ICN AS M Frafttk&i AMEASNIIINT Uidff *VULAY FROWAGE Assa"MINT 1r*"1 Ad4 S14JPWF I k%5ESSMUT ii Fs #4kS1F3M09T sl samor-Ac," SERVICE $z4Dd-%AF-x SERMIE %1,J2V1EAC4-,4 Chz* MCLAU Vr-W PW NW5 Aa4c$"po *MDUhT DKFEFd= A615955AWW AtTryr; ASSESSMEN7, 59 1345 29 M M40 $ 21 aw lm AS Adbma Sa SE Nor 3umem Lai 8 &oacS SaLdh HA C , - Ningi;mn V V KA� 0.0 so OG it c $000 �1.ioo 00 3000 S1.42000 32AM-00 66JI16 S2,MAO 702 1, lady; 7; R R aNW M+1 553 2 23 MA UM 26 Ma., St SE 0.00 Lnt 7 $27-2 of " k 049ck S. swA Hvip or HwQhdam 53.25, 54.196 m c W.00 in so co Z1,420M 3C1O0 3IA2nGD 37-11-9.25 3.06 S7.1 M Amara St ,%E HL40W" PO 455334 11.8 �a � q 10 a 23 = 700 -Ee- Aijams Sa ME MCh" J A DIM L dm*omgu to 11 EX UM L 5. Ell XR 115 3 @4AK d1ja M af hQIGh4mm 75.W &3.39750 1 soon 11 WOM U.w Wco som SIAMOD S"17.w IMJ* di t� r94 1 Adams St-SE Hk4chmW500 MIN 08 1 id 29 02 0220 -4 23 OW t"—ti IM Mams M M T40 H UChMIXiCh 5- of uK 7, Egock is "5"h HjfCDcd HwNr"N W-W 3;2.54250 ic sow a $000 $1.59Q.4Q' KIM I MAIXI.Oc A 95,"2.m $0.0 F5 k 135 Ad&= StSE Hwmmw, MN 5 23 ow 14W 125 Adftni a Sr rE 32 3M',7� L 9, AkW.4 119. tOUth '40 0-4 4A *"WL14M "M 32;M00 $000 MOD 13 $000 $1.wo.00 Wgo 51A2Q.DG mm.w S&M suw-ca 1' 5 Anarns &M HWraniraon MN 21§ W am 6- 23M 1RO 115 Adaris St EE Ralph CAmh Lcif �. AkxK it, L-A6 400 C! Q1 r Go 52mm t A&M 8 $040 t13W.W to.00, M.A20.0c. m'slam late so, M.M 115 Aawm =E Chz* MCLAU Vr-W PW NW5 I 08 1 14 24 0 0258 7 ' 1 23 OW 151,0 — I-D5 Adams St SE FaIGm Am& 14�. gq4F4 W& i-liff iv qfmft"" 0.99 TQ00 it sagg M. IM.GQ COO 61,420.0c 12,wo.oa UiA 31 . 16718 C*rKm MN $Ux 08 116 29 m Wo 8 250# MO 243 Adamb St -SE cksmy & Ad WA" Node" 0.00 38130 c $0.05 0 sm $1,W0.00 30.91) Z1,420M $2.31D.DQ 3D -E18 32.920.00 243 Adwrw -St U Hgb:ilvw*q MN 08 111& 2S M Ono 9 23 M* 190 231 Aftm 51-SE Dws* & Dwih Mmkmn Lck 11 & Jul V2 ag LW 7, Mm* 24, 49Ah 1HgO " ft 4p 100 34 in "M 13 sm 11 WOM U.w 51.420.00 $7.3r&.00 AO ID 67,375.DD. 211 Adamm -M SE hffb;+ivrl<an M11 06 29 m 116 000 10 23 0150 1%0 21SAdarm St SE R i1b K*d LNng T(wit 215 Adams S! Lad 0. &4k;k 24, $4ruth Half CA of R04h-nw ".00 32-97GJ30 43 Mix. 0 5000 11. wo 00 3C.00 Z-1.42-0.4O 98.8"Loa $5,u9+0.00 F5 k 11 230501%5 205MMUSI-SE Lc4 110. MWk 24. S" HW ON od HAVAIMW 616.0c 32 3M',7� a $000 31 -%xm 3C.DG -s1.420m tz, MM CD 55.M.W 12 naal am 2444 lane 84 SE ALjlnLwffr Pan or Lou 4 5, EMw 5, SoLM HaN D1 ►IA-mrAwm Lava 1, 2 A 3, 6, South HAIr Ca rd diLawwaom f P**M g LA on Numb EnQ 3Z 7!: 66.DQ :4:1 so.ix -D smoo 111,5ww $c PO 41.420,00 44,"31715 WOO 54,E-03 7s aye 'rim Sma aA$ 2nd Arta 50 Fkactmew Mw 5&W 00 116 29 m wo 1$ 23 ON 0310 0 A*wm U &E Chz* MCLAU Vr-W PW NW5 52.970D0 a wbc 132 32.176,00 a $11 A)GLOU S25M,03 v ±�Lap sto,79sm "1420" 55.�" 00 247 Ft AVG BE Hmichormw MM 55" 96 11 29 w om 14 23 OW 03AG 1 247 30 AA*" M SO Ck� I&dLmL VFW PW M90$ Lae 4 EX 1 r ;; 34'. Ekeocit 6, -qaah Hag CA c9 Pur-mmum {Psd*� tA SixA-h at Narlh LDtI, "M 5 0 WAX 10 WO 3000 u 00 30.00 32-AT6.06 sa.m $2.%74 Q0 lid A" OIE Iivittwman PAR 55350 96 115 29 w 4050 15 2"3 = ow I 247 Ist Ava $4, 1 CAmm Mc-aL& VFW PmMA*M L6t 5 & 1-W K 3C Of Ut 4- E[W-k 0. SaLIM HSU C49Y af Wfthff sm M111" SM) "M szwmw 0 Munc 0 $0,00 $000 31.4 OD f"Do.aD sq.cl) 56MM 00 2 47 l ;j r1yuhinam MM 515WA w - 1R 20 D) 0 16 2-3 C150 ["DG S -kmu-&m $t $c Roggr mamin LU 10, 6, ScAM W City cd IMLIcilinson D 00 50.00 0 w Inc 132 SIM* %G go K Do $1 AM $3,71+6.0a Sam $3.73640 F a a" 105 arm M N MM? 46 1115 29 ix oil I 17 #3 130W 0F A" E L& I A Nr of LOCI. 5MJ( 7, � HIN OV, V HdkA"& U15 $171 8 STIMD5 3ism.611 42. um � $1.416 00 377%00 -52. ,(Q 02"m H&JIMM MLM 5SM le 116 29 rD,1 OL230 18 23 OW 0610 10D Ave E A~ & Am Eummt WJ)Z OT OF 1 0 6 Wa;r of 1446' V Lm 9. Mock 7 S KAM C" M 144 9 C.6 Nil T HWNr&wn M w 553-W 06114 20 w 0240 1,i N� 000529 '26MVingiar Ave E Owdu few awk MMEMAmpub" LLO EW. Err -Look 10. &C" 7. ; wdl Ijbir -; of JHL&GtjrH6Gr $0.1m $2.2' JZ 13 SoDiSC 50 go 11,420LOD $"TO. a 6 SOX0 MLVii Locl 4M Mimr,-51 5 P 3 BaK 233 H:, r` 11�4 5535G G GM III LED BY- P VAN DER VE EN X5 t � 5 M E NT ROLL NO. 603 216 Adarna S L .9 E COST PER FRONT FOOT OR PER EACH L01 2. efixk 25, ScuM Ralf C4cy a? kdfrPmbw C6,00 311,07000 0 [ COM FLITEDRY P DANDER VEEM - C LEnKG NO. 1.'PROJ ECT NO, 104H FU4 Capd SOJ30 WM BTAEET C09T FIER FRONT FOOT $1.4,2000 W830.110 $&W &5.99111 =dc NECKED OY; K EXNER hwb:inwLe*) J646 55350 .24 I.A.So M LL}DVERLAY 9 13F OAK-A MD C04T PER MNT FOOF Summ L Meac!L-ffi-glar LW 3. Ut** 25. 5041h HIMP ca or Hu1k;hwiuW ".00 N LAM BER OF YEARS. 10 Ad&-ft S4 (C-SAH 25 & WazKn Ave 9W FtewMrw-t13w r-wopw 4 D SIN-00 $TREETSCAPIF ZMT PER FRONT FOOT X01) S1.42000 S5.0-ltd- 00 $GA-b I N V E REST RATE, ftw rwdem AW mrr*"tWrQ jn6U"W4 dKk4N 25 M ^49 $-14- WATER �ERVKE 4-.05-t F E R EA�K CW11S P*J[&Dr R*LKWA6tft nWM La 4. B46:k 25. &X0 Half (Nf or jiurtct-�nLa•. ".00 $19V.00 I ST HEARING: 30.cc c*mbuGuan d trunk and im�!raj istwm sawibr aw jwAm*nV4rana jp M00 S240,00 16' WYAtERBEFMIC E 01ST PER E ACk 51.42D1D0 56.00-00 10.0 Kamm ZND HEARING: i 05F1 e2c 1 il %m* 4n4 L"jW Y4W-r4A AIM 4 ri ds. yI arlaf , H R b:h5&j OfthCfeN CUFb and U Rrtbw. ca lie 29 rm(; 13 050 2 1 $1 42d 00 IV SEWER SEAVIC 1: CO5 T PE R EACH L64 1. Bkck 35, Swth KV CAv of lflutcwtwa ".w 52,970.04 0 ADOPT E D: 0511 112{ 1 0 Itakmkirmik, ooncrew st0minip. Im andscApin wousr-apin a fstaralwi arod ap 51.420 W TtTtft E F F A R 1E D A 3 8 E 8 8 &$ E Y T S. S15-420.00 TOTAL A-GTVE ASSESSMENT: $623 -A2 TOTAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT $J1,Z1,51 4 A2 Lot 2- Ek4i 35- South hwr City *F Wfthirman CITY Pip PRZ*�ERT't ADDRESS KAJM A ADCOMSS LE13AL IDE$CRIVrIGN 0 I T RE L IYIIL� a MIL- & OVERLAY STREETSC4PE YrREETICApg I-1.7AWTER ASEWItE f° 1NATER ir EEWER 7 Q TAL TOTAL TOTAL Z5 GOUN'FY 1013 F011 32GAdwm • 4 $6 OF PROMAry CYAWFIR ADEKTkON OR SUBDIVIS.Y"'N d4 A85954ME67 14fiaIL7 CMENAV FRONTAGE ALSESSMEJO fighwip FFI.WCAGE k-k&F-*!&mIj0 !&VLTF P &S ESS PAL, P4 MMIACE S2450IVEACm 50tVICE AMELSbWKT Z:fJERRED AISJ SSIVIENT At•rllffl, AZ5B5M1wr i '3;)5 ArJorrb 515E lis 29 Da OM 29 ps 1118 29 W, ONO marm; $1 OC MLW.e--;ip Pawn Lot 4, Bk3ck 35, SaLgh Had Cit M HLkcnirAm 6649 S2.97DW 0 sbim. 0 $aw 31-5m.00 3(LOO $1,420,01} w.cm sff�Bmm rF4 61t -13 M 25170 10" 11 2 10 Part VLOU 45- T. E A 9 a1.aww -059.376 a1cftm• 30 00061116290050 230602960 34A 8 06 6%f laahm A PA Umck kA!5. BkwA M, SmAh Hag CA am Kutmwhum 6600 5F- .S7" :50 0 95% a so Do 11.5w.D4 SGOD S1,42O.Co I&M.00 ism Noah FRA ut sloo 449 4VfW 4- H11 32'*f VS�.&M dry, 614MA 15, SmAh M3111 CA 34 - - A - 4 w V 5 c Kkt 1p a ^ M4 55350 31 06 116 Zp go 91 IQ 23050007`0 341 Adams St M Trim & oa I - roft LCK 18, fkim 319, 86uM Had C41 c9 Hutcbiffmm c.ca 51, 1-0 D $0.00 a 20 n ON I= 11,5 Jamermn Sksg M W*a,-,Dl* MN W401 - 34 Ai%we� 51 SE %Vd 55350 05 lie 29 T, 0120 23 ow 3460 $0011 E r " Sharma m mccwlk IKI 00 30.01) Wla-ac = S5.9".00 0 06 116 29 0 3 0820 111,500.04 Kon R L Omm M Gacwj4i $1.00M 95.100.041 SGAD 16j"Ic" 335Aaa� SO SE Hft' MN 55350 33 061115 2p 01 0130 239wam 325 Adames $1 SE & swnw"w IkA 161" W 8. &kXz A Uka mwf 5& of Famhcw "-@a 52.-97050. 0 $0.00 0 168.4x5 90 Fw4pw rid mw MIX 1F1,420m 1 S500-00 $aim Is be -,-4 54 sw Hktrhwom IVIII 5&350 34 06116 29 07 G14D 23 05031W 3 A9air4 5t -5E wharmi 493wy ik4� ;A $Qum mof UY OT I•lufthe" 94.00 $2 -7[ 20 21 23 bw 1 10 1114d Adam■ St U H004mmin VIN 553W W5 & 54' *r Lat 4. Bkdk 15. !,rAA-. I w Cory c9 macamaw 71),00 $3.115090 c 30.00 a $000 kdr-hinsm MO 55M go D5 116 29 01 M50 23 Gm 3110 XdAdwm At SE Div"Al VVNtwv IcA 10� aWotk:)&. �Mh FMK C" gd H 0.00 06 1 it, 29 0® 0070 1) I&txa M Lodh -D sa x $11 w 00 soca S1.42CLOO A2-0 26.61) *GJw 117:1120.410 .117:1120.410 305 Adama Si SE Hidrtwip PA SS _A 36 W 116 29 071 069D 436A 5t 5E -bmw E PwAwt Jr 4 L FinrAwt AAA .-- a -' - -- - - 1710 GhP" RK®9 Ad NIN F- -- -- -- ..1. - .. -- -1 -- - - .. .. - ... I -- -- I salm $1 -M&GO som #1 AM W $A.636.& WAD &5,1110.N 4 -MA Sa 31 SE 2� IM JZ10 WlEhnim MN 5= 23 2:I OSO 1*0 216 Adarna S L .9 E Mr,-Hm A A Mu A Cia L01 2. efixk 25, ScuM Ralf C4cy a? kdfrPmbw C6,00 311,07000 0 $O.OG 0 SOJ30 #1,540 00 $1.4,2000 W830.110 $&W &5.99111 =dc 16M5V3rI3 kM hwb:inwLe*) J646 55350 .24 11 Ql 23 OW 1190 226AnImff&-St-1E Summ L Meac!L-ffi-glar LW 3. Ut** 25. 5041h HIMP ca or Hu1k;hwiuW ".00 l2r_07000 0 IQ.% D 50im 4 1, 5W 0 X01) S1.42000 S5.0-ltd- 00 $GA-b ",mm h4tehv4w MW 5535D 25 06 115 2% 03 011100 23 M ZM 2M Anwm St SE CW11S P*J[&Dr R*LKWA6tft nWM La 4. B46:k 25. &X0 Half (Nf or jiurtct-�nLa•. ".00 $19V.00 a 30.cc 0 M00 11.500 00 sc,00 51.42D1D0 56.00-00 10.0 Kamm 2-V Afimu:U SE FwitlmK116dI"I mif 55350 26 ca lie 29 rm(; 13 050 2 1 2W 3M Ave 06 Dariel R & Urk" M TvFrmr L64 1. Bkck 35, Swth KV CAv of lflutcwtwa ".w 52,970.04 0 WAX 0 50.00 311.500 go 5c.0c) 51.420 W ifflmi5a 95,1 ,00 %Us ag.":u aw Hylchcmkwi MA 55350 27 05 om Sl 6 A;IaTr so CMr L Lot 2- Ek4i 35- South hwr City *F Wfthirman ".w szonw a sm 0 $0.1)0 11 4;W 00 :K 100 31.420.00 41SAM-00 Wco Kmom = 6 5#$E mom dkr.r.I• n5-4-4 MW SS M Z5 06 116 29 71 am 29 M ZM 32GAdwm • 4 $6 1--L�irnn ci,c UX � ffiNk 3,5, South Haff " ud liuk"nam $6,m $2.50yujoo 0 3= 0 $ODO 31-WIMUCI SEX S1,420M ssmmam W.00 15.950.80 i '3;)5 ArJorrb 515E 7m-hrflrti mil wm 29 ps 1118 29 W, ONO marm; $1 OC MLW.e--;ip Pawn Lot 4, Bk3ck 35, SaLgh Had Cit M HLkcnirAm 6649 S2.97DW 0 sbim. 0 $aw 31-5m.00 3(LOO $1,420,01} w.cm sff�Bmm rF4 61t -13 M 25170 H Lct 1-, 11 -AI'm MIN 55m 30 00061116290050 230602960 34A 8 06 6%f laahm A PA Umck kA!5. BkwA M, SmAh Hag CA am Kutmwhum 6600 5F- .S7" :50 0 95% a so Do 11.5w.D4 SGOD S1,42O.Co I&M.00 Sam mumi0o 34 - - A - 4 w V 5 c Kkt 1p a ^ M4 55350 31 06 116 Zp go 91 IQ 23050007`0 341 Adams St M Trim & oa I - roft LCK 18, fkim 319, 86uM Had C41 c9 Hutcbiffmm c.ca 51, 1-0 D $0.00 a x20 51.1%W.DG SdOD 61.4m.00 34 Ai%we� 51 SE %Vd 55350 05 lie 29 T, 0120 23 ow 3460 :=AaamtsOt 5E E r " Sharma m mccwlk Lot 7, EbmA W. SbLdh lHaff CA of Flirt rmw 6600 32-978.30 = $0.00 0 $030 111,500.04 $ftf* $1.00M 95.100.041 SGAD 16j"Ic" 335Aaa� SO SE Hft' MN 55350 33 061115 2p 01 0130 239wam 325 Adames $1 SE & swnw"w IkA 161" W 8. &kXz A Uka mwf 5& of Famhcw "-@a 52.-97050. 0 $0.00 0 168.4x5 #1,x+4004 MIX 1F1,420m 1 S500-00 $aim Is be -,-4 54 sw Hktrhwom IVIII 5&350 34 06116 29 07 G14D 23 05031W 3 A9air4 5t -5E wharmi 493wy ik4� ;A $Qum mof UY OT I•lufthe" 94.00 $2 -7[ 20 W.w 0 35,50 31.w0 00 saw 31.42DW $8.w-lm $090 ".00.0 315 Adams S4 SE kdr-hinsm MO 55M 35 D5 116 29 01 M50 23 Gm 3110 XdAdwm At SE Div"Al VVNtwv IcA 10� aWotk:)&. �Mh FMK C" gd H 0.00 $0.30 1) sn Df, -D sa x $11 w 00 soca S1.42CLOO A2-0 26.61) *GJw 117:1120.410 .117:1120.410 305 Adama Si SE Hidrtwip PA SS _A 36 W 116 29 071 069D 436A 5t 5E -bmw E PwAwt Jr 4 L FinrAwt Lol T. 8W 47. 51 Wh mwr c4 or -•wcKmw a salm $1 -M&GO som #1 AM W $A.636.& WAD &5,1110.N 4 -MA Sa 31 SE 2� IM JZ10 WlEhnim MN 5= 37 Q6 1 115 ZR 07j 0500 425Ad St SE W*fthaw P; S~a Gftm" Lt4 0, Bbck 47. &xpth Ham CA of PLAcw-*m -".00 12.0m.% cl a TD 7.9 .9 KIN -31 15M 00 420-99 1 -0 pammaa 425 Adams :M SE Fkftlloam Y-N 55350 23 055 31125 38 ca I 16 20 0; 0610 dit&Admm 31 V GrLm K & Sawwi j !J.rr. sDi 415 Aaams a4 ae. Lo. 9. 64Dck 4?. ticpj&I Kgf of iFLft tb.n&pn ".w "070-50 $1.5m00 $000 61,42D100 1406�w mm l0.00 d�" 23 050 XV KkKnmn MIT 552ti- 39 08 116.291157 0620 - GSG37j4oD 14M 405Aftm St SE Axon j �W,.L LC4 10. Blok 47,56kAK hx? C. M Hbmi.. 0.00 , $4.10, 4 S0.3D, 31.50GLOD $000 $1.42000 S-Voxa SOAR 92,5213 W_1 Adamg $4 $4 [ *Uhwmm MR WJ% COMMILIED BY' P VANDER VE'- ASSESSMEWT ROLL NO. 6092 VEEN LETTING NO. VPRWEa NM 1041 10 Adams St qCrSAK 21SO A Wgumm Aom gait Prgpw c ryearaa kww -&ucd- arid Umt!f inifraWmLwo aArIVIALan imAxIng 01 ?1 Vzol 0 MUrizcbw mA trunk and brteFal storm sewmir " tWm*f*wwq wp-cA� 05e1 1 !207 0 (Pd* WW WWaJ VQ1WrWWtft W4 -kVrkKJFb, f * blli�. pbftNge cw3i and g LAter, . lscpm DV1 1 MID L,&Vs�k cuncralesurFar-M, ij i lard a 3 , streAsraLavi resioraf-an arie appur.firtwe*A COST PER FRONT FOOT 01; PER EA C H: COWOT ED BY- P VANOER S46.00 STRE ET COST PE R FRO NT FOOT C14ECKED BY.- X USER S13,50 tAIIJI-00VERLAY 3 OF OAKLAND COST PER- FRONT FOOT NUMBER Of YEALAW 11B.00 STIR E ETSCAPIE COST PER FRO AST FOOT 11,500.0z :1 -1 12 " WATCR. SERVIC E 006 PE R EACH 4NTERE-ST RAT:. -ST KEA III N G: S 2,$00,0; 5- WAT E R 3 E RVIICE COST PER EACH 3 1 .420.Mf 6" &FIVE R -S ERVECE COST PER EACH . 1 1 2 ND HEARNG. �AD O FTED: TOTA L DEF E RR E 0 A&SE53MEhJTS� 515,420.00 jTQTAL ACTIVE ASSESSMENT' S523.090.42 ITOTAL AS8ESSMENT AMOUOrT CITY PIDNO. PFCPF RTY AbOM NMF- AL ADOR"S of: PRomwy cveNJEIR LE,:CA,. W.5CR1FTQN AWITIONOR SuRONIS1,C-N ffbi&t A:u*Lzdnm nr !; I K K L � 01*4E-5:5MENT S45:FF M-1 a OVEPJ.AY F46tirAdE Mal a UVEYdAY A&SBUMEW tj %AWP �TREETSGXFE $ 7KIFAV-Sc-RPE k55E55M.Ei%T FRDN-,AGE $1 1prp i d q wArrIq SERVICE ASSMSSMENT e- w0kr" 39XV94 irsawLA SEWCE TUTA.. AMSEWWWr TOTAL TUT DEFE ACTNE ASSES-SMEN' A-!S L IS S W L kr coumw PC NO. 401 X 116 29 of 01530 my "ms St Se CWV L K30LIM A 011wt Lot 1. Uk" Q. 5 CJX HW cAy or h. 1,:.`r ib*n 9CO nl)7000 No W.015 c sc 00 ;1.5W Do SA.00 $41.00 $1.420i0] 5s.R90 ®Q so,vj S5.,a:W.w 44 A4wft S1 SE 23 OW 3 "Uftkwm MIA 55" 41 11E QF 23 OW WOO dig Adawriiii. St -Se l ainr y J & JoML WVWgw-ha Lcil 2. 5Lw 48. 30uM Half CAY -Or Hukhriwn ".06 $2,10000 0 $GOD 1.50,30 $1,42(1 $45.8,,00 3p, 00 15.890.00 4"6 Aawn 34 3c IVAC419MIX! M14 51`" 42 .7$ 176 2* ot OW F - 2'30 3 f ? 0 42 A. ti S E Andmw Fokpom LN 3. mw 4e. zouth -wr c A y crr m6atNnf,4r'r ".C* 22A7005 t so(v C WDG 5 7,500 00 UZO Ji A20 00 iSAKda 1U-00 s5.aao,no 4 V .darns $4 M Fmer Mg 593w 43 8 219 bf 01160 ow SP416 43r Anwm WSE t. s C & hAreW KrmGko 4.0 4- Dhx-r 4. $wM "lo I S2,9 000 r $000 0 Uw $1-5w.00 SDJ30 41.42nOD $5,21110-01) QU Ad... St SE Hwrp-rwp 0*4 56 AA 16 29 Of OM 23 0 0 IMO 44 Adamt M SE 6pmm#f 43 clabm Lint A. Slix-r 46- Swth -Wtr C pd kiwtvman. 96-00 52,97000 20,00 in $ow 00 31A2G.0D_ $6,MM.06 86.00 $5.099 QG AdzrrLL St SF, MN N 45 lie 29 07 ow 23 " 40M 5W Adbrul SA W D & WtrJfmd Dkg LQt 1, Bft( $0. SKAIII -41t crly ad HiAwrilmoft 99.00 S2.971)(M - c f 2000 0 $Ow $%.500.13D Um 21.4m.w MOWN SIA SUM 00 5M Adams StU HWAL1740111 MN sm 4fi 08 110 24 dy ow 23 = 4910 -5116 Aziame. Ski 44E Jdhw A UffW UA 2. OW 60, p 4a" C � Hokimmm-1 G&W -$2.97-000 t $004 a 3000 $1,5w.00 PM ; 1.4 ; 0.0 0 M 516 Adarrts St-S[ HWAr*m PAN 5W 47 06 %14 " 0f 0?w 23 M 4920 SM Adams S1 IE Dw tam A S milust Fam Trist Lvt �. blov W. 5WN *W Clil -0 H1MfthVid4m 6&00 T2.970.00 0 00 0 $000 $1.500.00 KOD S%.420.00 OW.00 35-4 .06 1-1009visco. JWN 55350 481 06 1.16 29 01' WIG 23 43110 SM Adams St SE Pauline A Jiliman 66 -60 $21s7ow t logo a sow S1,51M.013 SO.00 St.420.00, 55VO.G1111 3Q.M �I tlkaW.OG �A Aanm 54 4 HOMWwan ININ 55350 Aa W20 23 OW 4WO 542 Adams St 99 wawbMA HE" Lot 5. Bib" 6D. c0JA1% ISK CNV of WifthA&W f4m $2.$7450O -c 64.0 a woo si.Ew.cio Vkoo 61.420,[4", - Ad.. St-SE Hwaiim= UN 55350 2#mo goo 5" mama St SE, BwmM McRaith Lot 130 Ut 14 EX -w or LOU, %N* 60. &064h -HM C* of HWOk 72" U2 0Q t w go 0 #000 S1.500.ca 6[k00 sl.gqqzP w1wN Sam oklu,w SIM Twief IS1 SN HAWqrmm MN 51 06 L10 $ 0'0740 2309050 0 SEA Adams St SE Tkill'idS J & Ul%dM PeM6ek SW co UDI 14. &A" ipo. Soulh Hal' CA or likxlhwiW6 SOLO W.01) a 3CU00 si.ffwoD $0.00 61,410.00 1 ws"Ac :94 AWN -5t $11 Hp=Uwwi MN 553W 52 06 $16 29 0' 0020 547 Adams St -SE Hu6ld 1H & Stebe Etitratch Lot 13, Mock 61. SotaK HiN CA of RuLthinaw 96" $207000 is W.00 a $000 $1."M sc-.00 #i1 420-w 35,M.00 i 80-0 N? Anwra St:SE FkU*jjn44yi MN 230O 5 M S3 0dT 11d 29 0¢0 2�11WIIW UJI Admu St SF EftAP1mftkjn& L94 9. 8W,61, UUM UP UY -6f HAchm&w a WAY. 8 0M K!mb 456 kw 41.420.00 Kmm Wim N4 Adarniii. -$4 SE wamaw MH -9mo 54 x fWAdarrm ST $E Lei A a Jeft4 D -%mh U4 10, BWk 61,SOLAh H*A Dil MM"nmm $9,99 N.W9901 a 40.0c' 0 to 00 $1 pp.00 F{.Dr, -$1.42°0,00 $8,fft§AX1 7&"? Ad;irns $4 23 $100 hmirt6haupri MR 5535D 55 ix 16 20 0! om 23 OW $110 SW Adairra &1. JAmLa E & Mutm E RaLn LC4 11. 19Wk 61. 56uth Fkkff .11 Huibctiimi. 66,00 U,979.010 a W.1cc .0 $000 '1104D= Irc 00 S1.42CLW S5,698,31) #4e Ji�5,B81D.00 Flvlthvltw PAM 5535D 56 a$ 1 i6 25A 4' 4060 2SM 5 20 515Ar--rs Sr Sii Le. - 2. Back 61 - sztflt- iia,2 Ca of Hiu;tcjnwwFcm 0 SURD 3115MOD 4CAM $1.42000 3!5 on az *U,Ck sa."0.00 515 Adamjp:U $I Hutchoum MW 553W 57 73 ON 513G $11 A4-W`4 51:5E A 1. KV an 511 AWN 54 SE Lot 13. ftA 51. &ROAM HOR C41Y of I-kitchWom ".w a 30.06 0 $0J00 11 low 00 SC.00 11,4MOD 35.9*0.0b "16 $6.Mw KutrKnZon Mk 58360 55 0611 6 28 N ww 3 6q;' 40 SM Ad.. S4 SE ROW A yahaln Fwwa Lcl 14, 1811W 61. SMU Miff Ct of Nutdninaw 0.010 a $0 cc D sow 111-50111131) , vim $1,420 W S7!3-10 On S2.9210.00 513 Adams &t Se Humfw7ban MU 55350 95 11-5 29 W OMO WO A4&T4 -515 E Ap--6G Llghft ww Chwch Lot 1. Gtwk 1. U cirlmaw% Add". ".w $2.970,00 a 30.0c 0 00 sc go 51.420_GD sfiw-0 No W- AdAiiiik!U SFF- 231390010 Fii"ctonw M16 ftM Ll P16W,.r-Z1AS8E1:•%mENT NOLL AN -5fflJ L I "J916 CO UPIL ED IM P VANDER VEEN ASSESSMENT ROLL 40. W93 LETTING NO. IjPRDJIECT NO. 1"I Awns k (CAAH 2f & Waarun Ave JzFt Aamnauu-ftan Pto new raal% cAvv&UucW " uW bn1T"hnXjW4 ticia I�,QrLG _;_v" cpnisLrLrA&an cf kmnk and Ldnmd skirm &ewacr and vc2lrnarawanap 1MkW410Qf "risdevak, cmcrctc j6urfw_ivn1g bn W.nutsi-apinf, 'COST REIR FRONT FOOT O R P E R or A Ci- Ca PUT E 0 UY. P VA40ER VEEK U6,00 07RW COWr PER FRONT FOOT C H E CK ED E;Y- K EXWF R 61$.50* WULIOVERILAY 5 40 F OAK -A 4 D COST FRD K T FOOT ISTIPMETSCAPIE COST P E P FRONT FOOT N U ME E R 0 F YEA-RIB- 10 S16.00 - INTEREST RATE: 51 "500 -G0 1 .1 W PvokT" KKK (;O%%T POR W" %3T HEARING' 01 el Z;f2cl 0 $2,600.6.0 6- WAY ER SERWE COST PEA EACH M 1 ,420.0 0 6- SIEWER SERUCIE COG7 PER EACH 2ND FEAAJNG- 0511 V2C1 0 AGO Fr-ED: 13511 W2CI 0 TOTAL DEFERRED ASSESSIVIE4TS: .61 1$14218." TOTAL ACT VE ASSESSMIEN t; ssn 99-42 TOTAL &&SESSIVIENT AMOU NT 34111.516A2 o CrN FM NO. PRW1qSkT'Y Ab&?ESS KAAM & ADM-ist. OF PROPER Cf;"ER EGA.L DESOR09-LON ADDIT ION OR &IJBDrVISICN 51f H SWFF a rte:- -S rovERIA OVIIIIALAY UZE5451-40" FROWADE [I a.SdfF]r iMccx1&&A*1t F Ft 014'!A9 9 STREET-SQLRE AS-SE34MEP47 $1 "0 STVWqE VIVATER E ASSESS BFAVk�E 31, M' 5(GfEACH SZOXMLACH W&EIjAR 61 AMSACH IrbTALL A:$%IV%3McNT AWO"T TOTAL CUERRF-D TOTAL A-1 COUNTY PD #40 60' 45 116 29 10 0029 23 ISO =0 570 Adams St SIE Vaqwma Ver* Lot 2. Obvix 1. bWienj&Mk Addhlo 4 _00 52,978.0 c $0.06 a K.09 31.470.00 +� ISAW.W 014 $!& EMLafl 5 AAWn St.SE Hw;:Mnam MW 55350 61 D61'16 20 ow OW Adipr4 $I -BE Lams 3�4-5 Bk3ck i, Mattaten a jbdubm - Z41 7 SO.W. 0 30J50 WM $20K.to $000 $13,3i3• so $Do 511349.50 1470 Adqrm Zt 59 23 130 OM PO Bw 158 hmLchmmum MW SESW OZ 4A 1-16 2* it 000 UN AftM 5166 Fwchffam 6c-" LcA I EX SPAY. CW&SubdMaicrhaf Lot 6, EWttk 1, Wourzam's AM60 TO X .1) 10111D - SO-OD - Xca sow so CD 11.531130 1420 Admins St SE Za 149 OnO F Dam 158 IlYirhnum Mk 500 63 66 11.6 29 10 Cr3dW M Adam-no S4 M 11910-WM C4-0 1" 3_+ , Park eubovsw 0M SOW a 1") a: in Sabo $1300 00 Sc co 51.42D 00 32-92D 0c 12,w2r, u0 142D Adtarna. _q SE 231-02 MG p 00 DW 156 Hulrfwwo 1414 66 I&A 04 1"20 loom WABNM lu M Nmrwn S car lufthnLEW Me Lcks 2-3-&S EX 6 2 Pads 514W40 LO 1. CLaft Svw- ot L,0 6. 9106 1. M &UAW':& A44W 222.79 !910.02420 - 1 a _6 ID 0 W jcW &D 00 II&M416 &b. C' t- Jhb.bjc D "' Adami6 & SE 23140(020 NuIpp'non PAU 5b 85 oe 116 20 10 O%e*, 643 Adurns &I a MN MWW & 4!f M -of L0026 S R 112 *t LQt 11. Eu*GX 2. McL'­-j­`k relo WDG 0 W cc WW 4 1PO- OP :9Q4 4'.42099 42,110.0 S-ICD $4 "10 3M C~ - Wo 22,4 ON 4D 23 130 0'0? 54 Paul IWIN 55114-1DW BB 116 25110 0150 631 Adarno S4 GE iWN minim & im� Lot 12 EX 5W IL L4?t 1.3. OWA2. M*rNrd44ft AddKWM 74.00 W.330.DG 0 M_ :K Go 51.420'00 49 .00 SQ ca scufa 00 3M Car mr • OAP@ 224 S N 134 0 M 54 FW IWIN 561 IA-1 OW 67 to lie 29 IQ mco 6143 Adam& SA SE MW uwng A My LOt 14, OWA I- WWWWO PoNFIKA "10 0 0 $OX* 11-sw 00 $c 00 31.420.08 35-1114.08 20.0 KA"Ah 3M C*nsw • Skig 224 SN 40 151 paw Mpq $011 &1000 68 6A 114 2� Ib 6�115 60 7 AdMETLIL 99 SE MH mwrg 514M Lot 15, Ok" 1. W4W"r1?@.Add99D i4 S2.970 DO 0 Wot 0 11300,00 .5''70 SIAM.CN) 35-SK-00 Wrb $d, 08 31% Cefftr - Bklg 224 SN 40 to F MN 531 14-JWO E& 525 Adams kBE MW Mining A MID Am WA 66-00 S2,970W 0 ZDAC $OJX 11=.00 !k 00 51-420L00 SUM.M same Me" co 311 C"tw - Rkig 224 E" ,n 54 l MH 551 t&i= 70 96 1116219 190230 5M Adam na St S F Gay H & DpaP16 L Ekwn Lot 17, 01** 2, M*fiwwm1L.Addp,*rL &&W 12. 9 7.0 M a 80.01 a SOLO U-68Q.08 W W 31.420.015 Mgbd.*D $0.0 S5.13"'00 W AAaru il 5F 2313902%0 Huft "Iv r- Wj `15,3w LAZY R"ve-c 71 06 119 10 CM 23138" ONO Wt Aidanrm & So Lat 1 1. 010* 2, MOM noft % art 71 .10 77-10 $aAta so Mot a sow 315W.co Woo, S1,420.015 V4,3cs.su • $9m2 .50 1 AdW% St M H*AINCA MLI 72 06 11629 it *M %7 Min= 9t IE Rty B016M Jr ik Aniria M&vwL L0 It bkKIf 2.Jjw6n:pw14 A*km "im $2,4JM58 b 30 Do 51.5W.DG saw 7 sl.4m.014 _30.00 90 44 $&B90.00 &tr Alown $t $S 2319 � V, Acwm. rd & � -chn KTL -rac 713 45116 23 130 OC40 551 Adams St . 699 M &0 2, Mqffvw1 AAA-v 42:97030 0 9 3020 11,500.00 $affi $1. .ix _W!Ti.K IP0.00 161 A*&rr14 51 Sk 1.1L19CMlkw on MR 55a50 '24 0Ed 1152# 15 IE0 1(W Adwm* 2 Sc M"I & Lper& SF 6mbea LN 12, Lon G -SLbdnnrdzn 0.00 W x 4AQ55 W 947.43 0 $GLW $0 *0 $uW 30-W M.047-43 I= Hirer 22 25 2fn 01" F ktdhiuum MPI 55" 75, 07116 29MG010 1054 Adams Sj M 4 Lyn ow Wendiew Ap $, fir} kx** of W 3. ku&" F4&1 R 0T -1 10. 29 O.W 235 U = .1 72.50 D sow $000 $=- 13j-, 2-50 s PA71LIP IOSO HWIN 22 u 23 2.W 0060 P 0 BOX 198 Hktchatban MM 23 205 913D I C!V- A4 o 51 E JAYiet W Kwmm Tmwt Lcd 1:1 La G $L94yM" 0.00 $0.50 1 E?9ag 6',147•72 0 X70 ZD.W Saco $10m $2.14,712 $Q= &2A47.77 P 0 Do :M Wbdiff"On Mil 55= 77 tG1 IS 2915GISO 1M5 Ad&nb & W l Lol 14- Lc4 G 5.4AMoM 0.00 90)0, '1 M1 32,287.04, 0 10-M S000, saw , sow:, S2.2117.t.& 14M RArtpff Or 2S 205 014115 06n,�o* MN MM L c.� - L7 F%Wr-P '' MWGN7 RQLL AR-*'M L I 1 " I . ADO W'iA20V- Al f I Fl 4. vt§ S. COWMLIED M' P VMDilR Vae" A�5t;55MLNT ROLL 40, 5053 LETnWG NO. liPROJECT NO. I M l Adams St (C-SAN 2ffp & Wammir Ame Ow P mmion Pp*atv new rGa&NW c4asU=mr. arad " in.JrA*LrkrAW-* dMaWiGm jrKiJAp tom rucai cf trur* and Wirca& Morm mwr and bmMrrwfWdrw�.m ffr6prQWrMWft. IM% " 1MV41 W@f MMIM AFA 4MrVO;ft, 9lMdMV- 4k M&a. fbftrd� ax� MW q Lmer. ca44Kkwak, con?ziadir zjrfacm lw-id&-;3plrV. s:J-b-;kpLqUr MADr-aLan aric apixim.-riarc-ar. • CO 5T PEP. FR,0ldT r-OOT OR PER EACH CO TED BY: PVANGERVEEN SUM 25TA E E T COST PE R F IZO NT FOOT Sl 3Ag MIL UOV E RLAY S O OAK -AN C 05T P-FR- FROUT FC10T C14ECIKE• BY. KIEX04,ER MUMMER OF YEAPS. 10 513.00 STR&ETSCAPIF GOSIF Pf R FRO 47 F&DT 3 1 .500--DD 1 112 "Tifft WtVr, E CQJ$T PE R L AC H INTEREST RATE., . i,ST HEARING: ,2 h 0 - i - E - A - [N G DI tl 2j2c1 0 - 0 $1,600.001 16- ViAtER SMICIE COOT PER EACH 5 f 1 1 � C I D $1,420.00 116" SEWER 4SERMICE COST PER EACH ADOfrrED: DSM 112CI D TDTA L DEF E RRED "Be "MMMMM ri f 35M. 0.42 GUY Pio yo. PROPERTY MUM A AMMUS QF PRWER-Y CMER EGAL DE.SCRIPTKM ADDITION -OR SUaDMEMN gh%a d6ft. r"wLA S-T,!;E-5�MEM7 ffl S- 5,;:F pro F&L. a OVEFILAY FRO AM mil- -a Uvotu- ASSE32ACENT 91 16".7 STREETaGAFIE STAAMCAP E XESESSMEW. FRONTAGE 51 WF 1 -2- WATER SE;c-Ace e-wArks *ERV)47E ASSEESMENT 51644E CH 4r Saw" YOTAL SIMME A� 11�4MIIEACW AAMM TOTAL 707AL CEFERRED -k" T! 14-r- fi�SSESSMEkl ASSELSMEWT CIOUNTY NO No. .713 96 1115 219 16 470 915 Adorns SL -SE m%l m1wo 8 PAN LCU M-OL-F 6 PV :d C. Aw:W" NO 3 1J2 SwAo;,i 0x116-29 327-90 117 Ew� 50 4 21 0 MOM00 so w 0 132 :000 32-376JO0 SOM W.00 w.co, Sc LX $0.0 $4E.Si6 50 52JTE DO sow ^ Ufi.:M&6� SG W 92.516.0 0 C4ffrW • bft 2241 %4 40 23202 -0 St P2J M-N 55114-IOW 70 1014040 106INasr. � 4L-.m i,�ie L 4:5 mmdl ub Ave 9. Uvvm 201 & M DKV MDtarigs LL LN E$ L* 7 EX NIT. Nw* 48. No-h Fbif City of Hul,;.timor. 0.m $0co , cS was]-.,r " E 23 ow azio - Hqtd*~ MM 55350 80 117 2v 1$ 0572 22 OU *W - IrWa qperbm d-LC- Fr LMM Wl & 2W, C4wKwwmjjm No. 4, 45 Lib?" SjWwa-, A CAXMPMWVJM 71M $-533.15 a so ix 1145 321326 23;2Q59 $MC 97 32" 75 $7,15773 $J50.47 11,46316 !! WMNF A" -HgkbWFbM MH 5535D 61 31 117 29 1$ inn 23 (54 MO 4.6 Wmhmtpm.xm E- Lhn Am 3M &3M lHosaft Street Ptopa" LUI UrAs Wl A :X Q, C4ndowme M. L, 16 L&Tiiy Sima. A G*Fg*mv4Mw6vM 11-70 0 a *D 0c 71;N. S212DA L3f 35 W47-25 SM Y 6A S2,US,37' $Z47.�,5 $1,49012 'Z Haan Si 'g- P C IW 0 H UKALrom m4 53 4 82 �l 117 26P 1$ OM 45 wbshff Aw E, Lmha 101 A 102 Mtbwja LmVimfiam Irv- kir" 1101 102, CWAIMWMWD No A. dS Libra 54 A c*n4amn"n 10-34 3465.11 10 so,ac 1p,i it $186DA V340.74 35$ ,17'1 6922.57 S,., HL2 27 1 7.51 W317 31.9I4,46 $1,467. m lwj-"7vow 13 054 (1013 HLMMKWI UN 553M - 53 -- 0 %1% 29 160M 23 054 OM jS % mhjta An E. UMN103 Hww SVWPnvpwty LLC "Wp PMPWIM LLG qJrd 7 02 Ca•,3ammnkuT No A 45 Lbrm Squwv, A Condwwwm 11.-A $51 L A 0 30.0C 4i_i0l 3wss SWIM $633 7 7 33W.04 32.161.02 1C HOL-An A WE, P 0 00 40 Hmc"raam MI 55350 aA 31 117 29 15058+( 23 OE6UW 3.5 1';' aahT Aye E �Nw C9 Lg§ � A t & S.*V 91 IN54- *f L94 �. aNVA il�. NOM MV Efts cd HL"mmm IKM S3,Dww 0 so fm I". $1. W 54.D3 SLZ-SWOD 51 .00 W)"M Wim 15 00 35 wmmgm AA* E HLWunw)n Mbl MM w 3, 1 7. 7 29 15 C630 23 Me "M 25'am!,r.r kft E WA A A MMikL QMM c 01 Via. 01 Lgt 6. gock da mom Him RV a Fktchmbm 5&" U=30 0 $0 oc w poD Dn 11.500.00 SUPD 91,4210.m womom # $1-070.041 -4aY:PD 705m Am OHL" MN 913M 31 177 29 156M 23 Md amo j miirb 5114 01M US-VW IRO::h 10x12'gf S24' A L21 SX& 40, NUM Me k!, PI "60wwp 0.02 Mau -D to m $1476 w X X X00 34.00 $1.411FI.D.0 SIA76.00 30 4 Hk4c&nb& Ave wjh4u 4N *OW 47 3111729150740 23 OW 0010 24NW&&h Aye E ErckwWa Dhwt.4pmd wm2w cd I. Bklak 1. HL hkk 2 '60wroew. Dgw►Tlqwn R.q4wiwQprwLt Pw 20300 39-$35.30 0 54.00 20! $3.404 DO Sow 515MOD SOM I $15,219M p 0 Bin 355 Mmripsapcos 6A%j 5544MM6 AR 3$ 117 291-5 G761 23 07'2 fril D �Ao* E Owp UnR 1, CJXd,06T.rwjm. hh. 5. Exkc4mm)L Dawmto%wn Ram-•"WmgnA Undwinimm & Lai i EYL W2ffV. " i- Hutcrivison �kwavmm% ReDffeeapreft Plar No 2 296,75 &1335375 Z� $0 0c. 2iicrt 35.34 !4 $1.5M -00 &2..SMCO S1.420 M OCR, SrX1 IUIII"&w Wimapcmr. Mli 554404J5,5 `TOTAL ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 6093 Mi'36-D5_ 3251.82224_ 315RO W.9313." 142&25 S2&.fiS1.4,% 3R9.M0 131 MQUON 399 Q0.D0 MM.610.42 lli&4aM 07,34080.42 0 V6SSEgAilEmT FtCxLjf*ftLaUDim&&amz-L i P90437Ir-73Aaa4-'ZWli67 PNXI, A+46M 0 iMb - AMP7EO MI-MD - Lb I il - P4 6 00 i SAP 1343 -625 -021 - Projmt Bld Abalw LETTING We. 1,YR0JrECT me. 10.01 KWY DEPT. Project Bid Abstract Project fie CSB.t1. Street a" Washington Avenue 17 Client M � Hiohwv Bid Opening: 4)2]1301010:00 LM Contract No.: Pf4ieCt NO.: SAPO43. 625421 Owner: McLeod CwnW Hiohvrav Oeoarlment 4127)2010 http: llmision. co. nlcleod. L us1 RIAECrRepmmkpt_ A6streccasp? Wmk0rderl D - 75&EnVneuEs-- Y&N=PerPage =4&.L. Pt Pagr35 Page 1 of 12 4,2712010 V Prgct SAP 043-625 -021 - CSAH 251Ade Street SEy 8 Waviington Avenue E. ' Quantity Engvleere Es tir^°.a R &R Eresre g Wagxr Construction Inc IAalhrowuU Caw0uc0on INrn No. Item M US Unil Price Total Prior UM Pnoe Toad Pnce Unit Pnm :Total Pete Unit Price TDW Prim 4 2021.501 MOBIUUTION LUMP SUM 1 SIOG- 000.00 $100,000.00 $90,5013.110 $90.5DIO0 $72,000.00 $72,000.00 $248,180.53 $246,180.53 l 2031.501 FIELD OFFICE TYPE O EACH 1 528000.00 3211,006.00 $6,500.00 $6500.00 $50000,00 35,000.00 $6.0011.00 56.DDG.W 2 2101.502 CLEARING TREE 147 StW-W 322,1350.10 $66.85 56,]97.55 575.00 $11-25.00 $59.00 66,673.00 3 2101.507 GRUBBING TREE 147 5150 -00 $22,050.DD $49.00 $1,2133.130 $25.m 324.00 53,528.00; 5 2104.5M1 REMOVE WATER MlNN .UN FT 4333 $3.00 $12,999.00 32.00 58,666.00 $2.00 $8666.80 52-0 $6,666.00 8 2104.501 REMOVE SEVkR PIPE (STORM) UN FT 529% $4.00 $21,164.00 $3.00 515,873.00 53.170 515073.00 $3.00 $15,873.00 9 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE {SAWARY UN FT 4882 $3.00: S14.6 348.82 $1.00 54.882D) $O.Ot $48.82 1 11 2104.501 REMOVE CURBAND GUTTER LIN FT 11355 53.00! 534,065.013, $3-w $94,065.00 $2-0 522,710.130 $230 528,307.50. 6 2104.501 REMOVE STEEL CASING 16' LIN FT 120 $12.00 $6.110 $720.00 $10.00 $1200.00' 46=0 $720.00 :7 2104.501 REMOVE STEEL CASING 24' LIN FT 30 $35.00 $1,050.00 $6.00 $180.00 $10.00 $300.001 $6.00 L780.00 10 2104.561 REMOVE RAILROAD TRACK UN FT 100 $10.00 41,1700.00 520-0 $2,000.00 $ 10AG 51,000.00' 510=0 47,000.00 12 2104.503 REMOVE BRICK SIDEWALK SO FT 152 42.00 $304.00 St.DDI 5152.00 63AD $456.0 42.001 5304=0 113 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SG FT 53194: $0.75 539.895.50 $0.40 $21,277.60 ;DSO $26,597.0 $0.60= 531.916.40 18 2104506 REMOVE PAVEMENT SO YD 46035 $230. 175.00 55.10 5234.778.50 54.50 $207,157.50 $4.5016207.167.50 14 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SO YD 1221 $6.00 $7.326.00 55.00, $6,105.00 S5.00 $6,105.00 $6.00 $7.326.00 15 2104506 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRNEYlAY PAVEMENT 90 YD 260 $6.00 $1,560.00 $3.00 57811.00 32.D0 $520.00 $640 51,580.00 17 2104500 REMOVE RAILROAD TIES UNFT 20 $50.00 51 -CWO0 $20.00 PAO-00 $10.00 $200.00 550.00 51,00000 18 2104.509 REMOVE LIGHTING UNIT EACH - 12 $200-0 52,400-0 $404.17 $1,855.04 $ 12D.DO 41,440.00 $127.00 51,524.00 20 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE ISANITARYI EACH 10 $400.00 $COW-00 $100.00 57.000.00 5300.0) $3,000.00 $1DO.OD $%.DDG.00 19 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN EACH 58 5250.00 $14,500.00 $100.00 $SAW -OD $200.DD 311,600 -00 3150.00 58,70090 22 2104.509 REMOVE GATE VALVE&BOX EACH 14 $175.00 52.450.00 $50.00 $700.00 $100.00 (1,400.00 SSO=D 3700.00 23 2104509 REMOVE HYDRANT EACH 10 00 $3-00 $3.000.06 $50.00 5500.00 4500.001 45,000.00 $50.00 550QO0 21 2104.509 REMOVE GATE VALVE AND MANHOLE EACH 2 5550.00 51,100.03 $350.00 $700.1301 4500.001 $1.000.001 $350.00 3700.00 26 12104.5D9 I SALVAGE SIGN TYPE C EACH 91 556.00 $4,550.01) $25.00 S2275.13DI 525.00 $2.275-001 525.00 62,275.00 28 J21D4.511 SAYING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH} IUN FT 1 W4 $5.50 53.047 -OD $1 5 $2.188.301 $4.00 32.216-001 $3.33 43,644.82 http: llmision. co. nlcleod. L us1 RIAECrRepmmkpt_ A6streccasp? Wmk0rderl D - 75&EnVneuEs-- Y&N=PerPage =4&.L. Pt Pagr35 Page 1 of 12 4,2712010 V SAP 043-625-G2 1 - PlgecL Bid Ahsur Pruws[ SAP 03925-021 - CSAH 254Ada n Street SE] 8'NJ Kmnaun AVeiue E. I I Enoinaers Estanate I RH R E=ava no OVa9ner Construction Inc Mat " tz Conalruc jham No hem UM Ouanlity JMPnoe Total Pace 'Unit Pnoe Tmal Pnoe Une Pnce Total Pace JLW Pnce T" Pnce 1. 20 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH', LIN FT 1458 53.00 $4.488.00; $1.95 42,91720 P.00: $4,46840 51.98 $2.962.08 27 2104.523 SALVAGE BOLLARD EACH 3 $150.00; $450.0 $75.0 5225.00 $100.00 $300.00 $250.0. $750.00 24 2104.523 SALVAGE HYDRANT EACH t $550.00, 4550.00 MOM $500.00 $1.00.00 $1.00.0 $500.0 $500.00 25 2104.523 SALVAGE LIGHTING UNIT EACH 13 $250.00 $3.250.00 $43838 $5.698.94 $130.00 31,690.0 $137.0 $1,78190 31 2104.603 ABANDON W SANITARY SEVER LIN FT 60 $7.50 $450.00 $20.00 $1,20.0 570.00 MOM 320.0 $1200"00 32 2104.603 ABANDON 4 WATER MAIN ; UN FT 109 $5.25 557225 $3.50 $381.50 $690 $65440 $3.50 538%.50 33 2%04.603 ABANDON 6 WATER MAIN "LIN FT 883 $6.85 $6.08.55 $350 $3490.50 $6.00 $5298.00 $3.50 $3.090.50 34 2104,603 ABANDON B' WATER MAIN :UN FT 94 $7.50 5705 -00 $3.50 4328.0 510.60 554090 $3.50 $329.00 35 2104.618 SALVAGE MCK PAVERS SQ FT 896 $5.00 $4,430.00 $2.00 $1.772.00 52.00 $1.772.00 $2.00 51,772.00 36 2105.604 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE V SQ 1'D 2861. $1.50 $4291.50 Sl.DO; $2.861.00 $2.0 55.722.D0 $1-96 $5.607.56 37 :2105.507 EXCAVATION SPECIAL Cu YD 10i $10.00 $1"000.00 510.0` $1.000.00 510.0 51900.00 55 -00 $50D.0 36 2]05.609 HAUL d DISPOSE OF CONTAMINATED MATEF&AL TON 20j 530.00 $6.000-1)) 522.0] $4.400.00 $25.0. 55.000 -0 524.00 54.80.00 Page 2 of I2 hup.rlmision.co.Lw.leod rnn.iu+R[AECIRepor>sirp[_A6sa L. asp' WorkOrd erll- 75 &EngiaemEst= Y &NumPelPage 4 &Lir sPerPagr35 4rz717ALO \f SAP 643-6625 -021 - Pro}ear Brd Absu= . 63 2503.511 27' RC PIPE SELLER CLASS III 'LIN FT 4183 540.00 $47.320.00r $41.48 549,070.84 $42.00 549,686.006 5 %.06 546.137.00$ 64 2503.511 30' RC PIPE SELLER CLASS IN LIN FT 78 555.00, $4,290.00 $72.13 $5, 826.14 $18.00 $3.744.50= i4`u.00 $3,510.00 85 2503.511 42' RC PIPE SE CLASS III LIN FT 46 570.00 $3,220,00 StOOM $4.. 113.12 $W.00 $4.140.00 $80.50 $3.680.00 fifi 2503521 51' SPAN RC PIPE ARCH SELLER CLASS IIA LIN FT 64 $120.00; $7.680.00 SEW.% $8,446.72 S1t0.00 57,040.00 5106.00_ j6.78406 79 2503.601 CONNECT TO EXI5RNG SANITARY SEWER EACH 7 $985.00 $5,896.00 5250.00 51.750.00 3100.00 $700.00 $250 .D0' $1 .750.OG 74 2M&6D2 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SELLER EACH B $500.00 $4.W-OD $275.00; $2,475.00 $200.00 $1.000.00 $350.00 53,150.m 75 2503.8 02 CONNECT TO EXISTING SATARY SEVER MANQLE W EACH 1E $1,850.00 L7,656.00 51,010.00 j1.01G.6D 31,500.00' $1,500.00 $1,010.00 51,010.DD 76 2503.02 �B'XB'PVC WYE EACH 39 $1950GI $7, 805.00 $550.001 $21,450.D0 $175.00; SSA25.00 $550.00 $21,450.00 h¢p llmislon w m leod m wRtAFC.?t ponslrpt_Ahst a t asp ^WorkOrder1Lk75&Eagbn rFs[= Y&NwnPzrPag�4 imsPuPage 35 Page 3 of i2 4.27 +2010 SAIP 043- 25+G21 - Ptoseel Bid Absizact httpJlmisioar.. rncieadmn. usrRL9EC:' ReporLw 'ryt_AMtrattasp?N'mk0rderlf)`75 F�° nr erFs[= Y&NumPerPag�1&.LinesPzrPagz =35 Page 4 of 12 V21-L21) 10 f ' Projed: SAP 093 - 625-021 - CSAH 25 (Adams Srreat SE) & Weshiglon Avenue E. Engine EsBmate R 8 R 6mavaling Wagner Canstroction Inc 'MalBgweR Cmso-udwn ;gam �. IGazn Units Quantity UMPure !Total Puce LAlA Puce Total Pnm Unrt Pn. TD1al Pnce Lllit Pure Tola1 P nce 130 2564.662 METAL WASTE RECEPTACLE EACH 5 S4,P26' .DD $9.000.00 $1.6W.00 $8,430.00 51,200 -W $6.0D0.00 $2.500.0 $12,500.0 98 2564.896 4' WATERMAIN PIPE PVC C-900 LIN FT 66 $25.00: 51,fi60.00 540.00' S2.WOA0 $20 -OD 51,320.00 540.00 #.840 -W 59 2504.6«1 f WATERMAIN PIPE PVC C-900 -LIN FT 468 521.00 $9.828.06 $28.40 57324120 616.00, 57,488.00 528.40 513.29120 l00 2504.603 B' VYATERMAIN PIPE PVC C-900 LW FT 593, $23.00 $13.834.1)) $19.46 541 54978: 518.00 510,674.00 519.46 111.539.78 101 2504.603 I 12' WATERMAIN PIPE PVC 0400 L1N FT 4976' 527.00 5134,352.00 $26.76 $133,157.76 $25.00 124.400.OG $28.76 $133,157.76' % 2504.603 11 -5' COPPER SERVICE PIPE LIN FT 2540 $18.00 545,720.00 $8 -00 520,320.00 520.00 $50.800 -Da $8-0O $20,320.00 57 2504.603 2" COPPER SERVICE PIPE LIN FT 15 530.0 $450.00 $20 -00 $300.00 530.0 5450.00 $20 -00 5300.0 1102 2504.604 T POLYSTYRENIE INSULATION SCI YD 846 S14M $12,267.0 $1 I.D0 $9,306.00 $15.001 $12.690.00 $11 - OD 59,306.00' 103 2504 -604 4' POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SO Y9 14 229 -01) W6.001 #1.00 5286.00 530 -00 5420.00, #1 -00 5294.00 :104 2564 -608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS (COMPACT 153) POUND 6895 $4.85 533.19825 $SB8 $27, 243.76 $5.00 534,24 M $3.98: 527243.10 112 2506.501 CONSTRUCT MANHOLE DEBIGN 4007, 8' DEEP 148' DIAMETER) LIN FT 92A 5265.001 #4.486.00 5'162.00. 518,816 -80 5250-OD1 $23.100.001 8162.00 516376.80 113 2506.501 EXCESS MANHOLE DEPTH •LIN FT t3 -8 S95.GG 41311.00 565.00 5897 -OD 3lZD.DDj $1.656.001 W.001 5847 -00 165 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN N LW FT 101.51 5300.90 330,450.00 $111.68 611.n5.52 $130.00 $13.195-COI 5167.001 $18,950.50 106 25G6.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 454020 LIN FT 298.31 5700.6 $88,890.00 $13915 $41,259.78 $180.01 553.334 -06 $204.00 $60,445.20 107 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN W4020 LIN FT 27.1 5350.00 59,485.00 $193.51 $5, 245.75 6350.00 59.485.00 $329.6 58,915.90 108 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 724020 UN FT 17.4 $4-W 58, 980.00' 00 5247.24 54,301.98 0400.00 $8.9M.W $373 -00 $6,490.20' '1D9 2508.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 844020 LIN FT 8.3 $650.00' $5,395.00 $354.83 $2, 945.09 $55G.00 54.565.00. $536.00 $4.448.80 .110 2506502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 964020 LIN FT 33.31 5700.0) $23,310.0 5390.00 $12,987.00 W-001 $21.978.131) 1 $21.811.50 111 2506502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 1061020 ILIN FT 9 -3 $1300.00 $7- 440 -06 5594.00 $5 524.20 51.400.00, $13.020.001 3937.01 $8,114 -10 114 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH B71 W0.001 555.550.00 $585.00 549-155.00 $620.00' $53.940.001 $625.Ml $54,375.00 115 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH 1 t $300.00 $300.00 5400.00 5400-00 5500.00 $5OG-0Gj $500.Wl 5500.00 118 2508.802 SEAL MANHDLE EACH 1 3 $200.00 $60000 VAG $0.00 $0.901 50.00 $Om 50.00 117 2511.501 ; RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IV CU YD 11.6 $100.00 51,160.00 59100 $522.0 $75.00 $871001 $60.00 5696.00 118 2521.501 4' CONCRETE WALK SQ F€ 92291 33.50 $323.016.50 $3 -02 $278,718.192 52.70 5244185.70 $3 -02 $278,718.82 30 2521.603 SAVSNG CONCRETE WALK UN FT 345 $3-00 $1,035.00 $238 $924.60 $2 -00 5690.00 $268, $924.601 ,119 2521.603 SEAL CONCRETE WALK JOINTS (SILICONE) LIN FT we 54.00' $2,264.00 $2.33 $1,318.78 52.50 $1,415.00. $2.331 51.316.78 120 2521.618 4' CONCRETE WALK SPECIAL 50 FT 4676 $6.00; #19.056.00 $4.82 322,538-32 $6 -00 #8,056.00 $4.821 #2538.32 121 2531507 CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER DESIGN 8612 LIN FT 140 575.00 52,100.06 612.04, $1,685.60 St7.00 51,540.00 S12.D4 St,685 -60 122 2531501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 8618 -LIN FT 625 511.00 36.875.0 $14.55 $9.093 -75, 510.00 $8,250.00 $14.55 69.09375 123 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB 8 GUTTER DESIGN 8624 ILIN FT 10923 $12.00 3131,87690 $10.84 5118.405.32 510.00:$109,230.00 $10.64 3118,405.32 124 2537.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN D418 LW FT S 131' $15.00 L1,965.D0 $16 -46 #,158.88 $18.011 52,358.00 $16.48 $2,156.68 125 2531.501 CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER LIN FT 239 $20.00 $4,780.00 $19 -73 61,715.47 321.001 $5,019.00 $19.73 $4,715.47 126 2531.507 e'CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 614 $35.00 $21,480.00 331-16 519,132.24 $32.00 $79.6419.00 $31 -16 519,132.24 127 2531.507 8' CONCRETE DRNEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 1351 $40.00 $54,060.00 $36-32 $49,066.32 $42.00 558.742.00 $36-32 $49,068.32 128 2531.818 TRUNCATED DOMES SO FT 592 $10 -00 323,fi80.00 535.88 321,122.58 534.00 526.128.00 $35.68: $21.122.58 httpJlmisioar.. rncieadmn. usrRL9EC:' ReporLw 'ryt_AMtrattasp?N'mk0rderlf)`75 F�° nr erFs[= Y&NumPerPag�1&.LinesPzrPagz =35 Page 4 of 12 V21-L21) 10 f ' SAP 0043 -62_s-02L - Protect Bid A6skr= httplhtviu nw.m,Imd.mn=R1AEC,'Reponshpt Absumtap! WorkOrderID- 7i&EngitwaFSr- Y&N=PerPage Pe Pag�35 Pegs ] of L2 4R 72010 ' 'S V Prgeq: SAP 093625-021 - CSAH 25 (AOarns Skeet SE] d Washirgmn Avenue E. ESginems Esama[e R d R Excavating WagnerCmsln.c0on Inc •Afshwwe2 Construrlian ![ern No. 131 129 132 :2545.511 133 !135 llt m 2540.602 25 -b'6 2545.511 2545.515 METAL BENCH INSTALL BRICK PAVERS LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL 1 LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL 2 LIGHT BASE DESIGN E U&IS EACH 50 FT EACH EACH EACH DuwUTy 4 758, 35' 12 28 Unit Pnoe Total Pnae 31,400.00 $5,600.00 54.00 33 032 -W $2,000.00 $70,000.00 54,500.00 554, 000.00 $65GAG 578,200.00 U ,t PH. 51 %1.00 39.03, 51,472.79] $5.119.00 $487.46 Tack Pace Z.354.W $6.44.]4 $51,547.65 $73,428.00 513,648.88! Unit Prix Total Pica 51,530.00 $6.129.00 550.00! i7,560.W 51,590.00 $55.650.00 $6.375.00 376,500.06 $610.00 417 080 -00 UNU7 Film $1.522.WI 510.00 51,821.00 56,067.0 $44700 Tout Pace 36-4196-00 57,5110.001 556,735.0 572,804.00 $12,516.00' 134 2545.515 LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL 3 EACH is $9,Doam 3144,000.0 310,099.52 5181,592. 32 570.525.6 5168,/00.00 $9, %7.00 $159,952.00 136 2545.521 2' RIGID STEEL CONDUIT UN FT 135 $12.00 $1,620.00: $6.14 $826,90 $15 .6 $2.025.01) $8.07 $1,089.45 ;137 2545.523 2' NON - METALLIC CONDUIT LIN FT 589 54.01) $3,956.00 3115 $1, 335.15 $4.00 $3,966 DO $3.07 $3,036.23 13B 2545.531 15 DUPLEX[ LIN FT 6440 5250 $16,100.00 $120 $7,726.0 $1.70 540.998.01): 57.17 57,539.80 139 140 741 2545. 531 2560572 2554.509 I6 OUPLEX(DIRECTIONAL BORE} HANOHOLE TYPE-PVC METAL COVER GUIDE POST TYPES UN FT EACH EACH 2496 14 1 55.00 $12.490.00 580.00 $1,720.00 4150.0 $150.0 $427 5675.67 $40.00 $10,666.46 $9,459.38 $40.00 $9 -00 5750.00 WOOD $0.984.O0i $10,500.00 5100.0 $6.77 5507.00: 540.0? 574,413.46 TT W-00 142 2561601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $30.00.00; 530.005.00 6t3,5D0.00 $13.500.00 313,500.00 513,500.00 513.500.00 $13,500.00 143 2564 -618 SIGN TYPE C 50 FT 4131 335.00 574.455.0 $31.50 371009.50 $32.0 313,216.00 $31.50 313.009.60 144 2564.818 SIGN TYPE D SO FT 209 $37.00 37.733.00 532.00 166.138"D 534.00 37,106.00 $32.00 00,686.0 146 2565.602 SPLICE LOOP DETECTOR EACH 2 5150.00 6300.00 51.33.54 $2.67.08 $120.00 $240.00 S20700 $414.0 146 2565.602 NMC LOOP DETECTOR VXF EACH 3 515W -05 54,500.0 $565.83 $1,697.49: $1,100.00 $3,300 -00 $917-00 $2,751.00 147 2565.603 2CS14 LIN FT 135 5200 $270.00, $3.51 $473.85 $2.06 527690 $107 $144.45 1148 2571.501 CONIFEROUS TREE 6' HT B86 TREE 89 $360.00 $32.040.00 $133,32 $11,885.48 $165 -0 514,665.0 $164.40 $14,831.60 149 2571.502 DECIDUOUS TREE 2' CAL B" TREE 135 WOOD $69,380.00 $198.73 $26,755.28 5475.90 523,800.00. $169.76 $23.067 -36 150 2571.502 DECIDUOUS TREE 2.5' CAL Bd6 TREE 35 $650.00• $22.750.00 5394.73 313,815.55 3200 -DD 57,000.00 $184,60, $6,878 -00 751 2571.502 DECIDUOUS TREE 3' CAL BRIM TREE 51 $850.0 $33,150M 5279.97 $14.27847 5320.01) 516,320.00 $315.42 51 fi.F37.42 752 2577506 DECIDUOUS SHRUB NO S CONT SHRUB 91 $83.0 $7,553.06 526.56 $2,426.06 632.00 $2,912.00 $29.681 $2,700.58 153 2572501 TEMPORARY FENCE UN FT 500 $500• $2.500.00 5740: 5700.00 $2.00 31,000.W $1.75 567500 154 2572.504 SANDY LOAM FILL CU YD 2009 1 $35.00 676.375.00 67.50 515,1)6750 520. W' $W,180.W $15.00 630.135.W, 155 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED UN FT 3211 $2.00 564200 $1.85 $529.85 $2.00; $642.00 $1.65 $529.65 156 2573.50.5 FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN TYPE MOVING WATER LIN FT 60 520.00 S1,2D0.0 514.25 $855.00 $20.00 $1,2W.00 $14.25 5855.00 157 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 174 St25.0O $21,750.00 325.0 $4,350.00 S7 W.W $17. 400 -00 5200170 $34,8W.W' 158 2573.550 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR LUMP SUM 1 $5.00.00 55,01)0.00 3500.00 $500.00 $2,5W.00 $2.5W.00 52500 -00 52,5111W 159 2573.602 TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EACH 6 51.000.00 56,00D,W. $300.05 61,8OO.W 51,000.00 $6.0W.131) WO -00 41,8W.05 .160 2575.501 SEEDING E 2.3 3700.00 3230.00 5350.00 3805.00 [150,00 5395.00 5350.00 3805.00 161 2575.502 SEEDMIXTURE110 ND POUND 233 $2.50 $ 582.50 $0.35 $81.55 5200 $9 %.W; 50.35 $81.55 162 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN D 11299 53.00, $33,897.00 $2A5 $27. 682.55 63-50 349,596.50 $2.45' $27,682.55 1fi9 2575511 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 7 0.23 $120.00 WAG 52W.DO $57.56 $200.00 546.00 $250.00 3L57.00 164 2575513 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE fi D 12 55.00 W0 C7 $21 971 5260.4 $100.00 S1.21)).001 $42.DDI $3014.0) httplhtviu nw.m,Imd.mn=R1AEC,'Reponshpt Absumtap! WorkOrderID- 7i&EngitwaFSr- Y&N=PerPage Pe Pag�35 Pegs ] of L2 4R 72010 ' 'S V SAP 043-625 -021 - Prulecl Bid Absn t hap flmuwn m mclead.mn.usrf[t4EC'Aei ox rpt Absl 1. asp Wod.UrderID-75 &EnginurEsr -Y &Nw PzrP 4 &L1nesPerPag�35 Page 6 of 12 :872010 �J f\ ProAa SAP 043 - 021 - CSAH 25 (Pn s SVeer SE} & Ylashingwn A... E. i Engineers Esdrmte :R & R Escaraueg Wavier Conslmc m Inc tMarhb Cons amn Item No. llem Unds QuarmH UM Pace ToW Price ,Unit Pn iToial Mince UnR Pars ToW N. Vnt Price Total Pace tfi5 2575.519 DISK ANCHORING JACRE 2.3 850.00 5115.00 5150.00 3345.D0 $150.00 3345.00 315F1.u0 3 166 2575.532 FERTILIZER TYPE 1 !POUND 467 §0.50 3233.50 30.75 3350.25 $1.00 3467.00 30.75 $350.25 167 :2575.604 GEOTEXTILE VOUD BARRIER FABWC SQ YO 94 51.50; 3141.00 $038 554.52 33-W $282.00 $1.35 3128.90 X153 2575.604 MULCH MATERIAL FYPE SPECIAL (ROM SQ YD 94 $15.00 $1.410.00 3&09 3780.48 342.00 33,fW8.CO 340.501 E3.607.00 hap flmuwn m mclead.mn.usrf[t4EC'Aei ox rpt Absl 1. asp Wod.UrderID-75 &EnginurEsr -Y &Nw PzrP 4 &L1nesPerPag�35 Page 6 of 12 :872010 �J f\ SAP 013 -625 -021 - Projea Bid.4bsna '12 2104503 REMOVE BRICK SIDEWALK 'sO FT t52 $2m 3304.00 SS.no 37fi0.00. 52.00 5304.00' 1 13 2t04503 IREMOVE CONCRETE WALK SO FT SMS4 9075 $39, 895.50 50.83 $44,151.02 87.7E $99.JA5.50 16 2104505 REMOVE PAVEMENT SO YO 45035 $SDO $230,175.00 $5.00 5230,175.00 $6.20 $255.417.06 14 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT 50 YO 1221 $6.D0- $7,326.00 311.00 313,431.00 $6.20 $7.57010 15 2106.505 REMOVE ffiR]MINOIIS ORFVEWAY PAVEMENT SO YD 260 $6.00 $'1.5/0.00 $8.00 $1,560.00 $6.20 St.6U.00 17 2104.509 REMOVE RAILROAD TIES LIN FT 20 $50.00 31. 000.06 310.001 $200A0 $125.00 $2,500.00 18 2106.509 REMOVE LIGHTING uNIT EACH 12, 5200.00 52.400.00 $127.00 $1.524.00 $120.00 $1,140.00 20 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE(&WTARY) EACH 10 8400.00 $4,000.00 SM-00 $1 Nam $250.00 32,500.00 1S 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE OR CATCH RASIN EACH 58 5250.00 $14,500.D0 $100 -OD ¢ $250.00 $14,500.ODI http:h}n•1slon.co.mclead m[ L US fRt.4EClRepDrb'rpt_Absuactasp'? W ork0rderilN758EngweaEsl =Y &NumPerPagr- i &LinzsPerPag�35 Page 7 of 12 4,27. `1 SAP 043 -61-15 -021 - Prolen Bid Alasua0t hap Ilrmjsjoa w.nIclwd mn u R1AEC+ReporBirpr_Ab6u= WWorkOrduID-75&agin uFs- Y &NumPerPagr•ABcl.mmPerPagr35 Page 8 of 12 4,2712010 Project: SAP L 625-021 - CSAH 25 (Adams Sheet SE) 8 WJa g[oa Awnue E. Engine Emma D."ck Inc. Nodiand ^wnstructim; Co Inc item No. 71am Units Ouanliry Unit PTi I Total Pnce Unit Pnce Taal Pace Uml Pnm Total Price 37 2105.607 EXCAVATION SPECIAL CU YD 100 510DI) 51,009.00 320.00 $2.DOO.D0 $45.00 54500.DD 38 2105.609 NAUL $ DISPOSE OF CONTAMINATED MATERIAL TON 200 330.00 $6,000.00 350.00 51D.OD.0 ua-ml $8,000.00 39 2106.607 EXCAVATION - COMMON CU YO 25784 %.001 $154,734.00 $4.00 $103,158.00 $560 5141,636.50 41 2108.607 COMMON EMagdK 4ENT (CV) CU YD 2350 52.001 $4,700.10 $15.00 $35,25D.D0 $5-SD $12,925.00• 42 ;2106.607 GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CVL -CU YD 2169 $8.00 577.572 -01 $1390 328,457.00 $1 t.OD $24,079.00 43 2106.607 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT {CV) iCU YD 8791 512.00 $105.452.00 613.0 $114,283.00 $11.00 396,701.00 40 21D6.607 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CU YD 2189 38.00 $17.512.00 51.00 $2,189.00 $6.75; $14,115.75 44 2118.502 AGGREGATE SURFACING CLASS 5 CU YD 1 963 $22.00 II21.186.1))t 514.52 573.982.76; 516.65, $18,033.95 45 2123.610 1.5 CU YD BACKHOE HOUR 20 5175.00 $3.500.00= S125.DDI $2.500.00! $300.0 56,000.00 46 2130.501 4'd4TER M GALLONS 250 $35.00 59.750.00 625.131, $6,250.00 525.00 $6,250.00 67 2131.502 CALCIUM CHLORI DE SOLUTION GALLONS 2500 $150 $3.750.00 Sim $3.750.00 $1.00 32,500.00 d8 Y211.503 AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5 Cu YO 8092 512.00 $176,024.00 $21.001 5169.932.00 518.65 5134.731.80 160 2311.529 REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPDXY COATED) POUND 17400 51.70 89,580.00 $1.58 527,492 -00 51.6(1 527.640.00 49 2301.531 EXPANSION JOINTS DESIGN E1 -1 UN FT 398 $3.DD $594.00 $2.67 5528.88 52 -70 $554.60 X50 2301531 EXPANSION JOINTS DESIGN ESS UN FT w $70.0 $3,920.0 $47.60 $2,665.88 $48.00 $2.888.00 51 2301.602 1.25 - DOWEL BAR (EPDXY COATED) EACH 2833 $10.00 828,330.0 $12.33 534,930.86 $1250 $35,412.50 52 2301 -604 CONCRETE PAVEMENT BA' $0 YD 38685 827.0 51,01(495.00 $30.65 51,185,695.25 831 -DO 21 .i 95.235.00. 53 2380501 TYPE SP 9.5 NEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) TON 634 $85.09i 553.890.00 $92.0 $58,328.00 $78.00 666,452.00' 54 2383.502 TYPE SP 125 NON WEAR] NG COURSE MIXTURE R,B) ION 134 $75.00 $10.050.00 $91.00 $10,854.00 578.00 $1D,452.0' 56 2451.509 GRANULAR MATERIAL FOUNDATION [LVI CU YD 100 825.01 R 500.00 57.00 $700.0 520.0. B,DDO.00 56 ;2451.607 ROCK BEDDING (CV) CU YD 150 $15.00 $22w.OD $20.00 $3,000.00 Pam $4,500.00 57 2501.515 2T RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 5900.00 S".DD 5611.00 5800.00' 1500.90 5600.00 58 2502.541 4' PERF PE PIPE DRAIN LIN FT 8618 $6.0 $51,708.00 $250 $21.545.00 65.65 $48,691.70 88 2503.511 g PVC SANITARY SEVER PIPE SOR 3519.14' Lin FT 368 $23.00 $8.464.00; 519.00 $6.992.001 $30.00 $11,040.00 2503.511 10" PVC SANITARY SEVER PIPE SDR 35 0 -10 Lin FT 78 $33.00 $2,574.00 525.OD, 51 550.0 $31.50 $2,457.0 R 7012 2503.511 10' PVC SANITARY SEVER PIPE SDR3510 -14' Lin FT 1 63 $3700 52.331D0 325.13; S1 575.9 $31.50 $1,98.1.50 2503.511 12' PVC SANITARY SEVER PIPE SDR 350 -10' Un FT 2555 50.5.00 $114,975.00 $21.00 553,656.0 $33.50 585.59250 , 250 3. 511 8' PVC SANITARY SEVER SERMCE PIPE SOR 35 Lin FT 3370 86 -50 $69,085.01 $17.00 $57.290.00 $22.60 576 -16291 .87 2503.511 W PVC SANITARY SEWER PIPE SM 35 0' -10' Lin FT 1754 $21.0 836,896.0 $19.00 $33,326.00 $30.00 552.620 -00 59 2503.511 15' RC PIPE SEWER CLASS V LIN FT 1861 S27.D0 $50,247.00 $22.00 540,942 -00 $30.00 $55.830.00' 60 2503511 18' RC PIPE SEWER CLASS III LAN FT 1230 $30.00 $3$,700.0 324.00 $30,980.00 $32.00 641,280.00 81 2501511 21' RC PIPE SEWER CLASS III UN FT d96 $32.00 $13,952.0 $28.0 311,336.00 334.00 $14.824.OD 62 2503511 24' RC PIPE SEWER CLASS III LIN FT 973 335.00[ $34, 055.00 $31.00 $30,163.00 536.00 $35.28.00' 63 2503511 27'RC PIPE SEWER CLASS BI LIN FT 1183 $40.00 547. 320.00 $36.50 543,179.50 342.00 549,686.0; 64 2503.511 30' RC PIPE SEWER CLASS III ,LIN FT 78 355.0 $4.290.00 $47.00 33,666.00 545.0➢ $3,510.00 hap Ilrmjsjoa w.nIclwd mn u R1AEC+ReporBirpr_Ab6u= WWorkOrduID-75&agin uFs- Y &NumPerPagr•ABcl.mmPerPagr35 Page 8 of 12 4,2712010 SAP X13- 625 -021 - Projw Bid Ahsu= 95 2504.602 Y CURB STOP & BOX .EACH 1 5350.00 S35OA6 S: OM $500.00 $450.00 s/ -oa 93 2501.602 12'N+ET TAP MK GATE VALVE EACH S $3,700.00 $3,700.0 56,850.001 $4,850.00 $3,800.00 $3,600-UO .81 2W4A02 6 WATERMAIN OFFSET EACH 2 $1,850.W 53,70000 $1, 000.00 $2,000.00 $3.550.00 {7,100.00 82 2501.60] S W TERMAIN OFFSET EACH 1 $2.3DD-DDI 52,300.00 $1,000.00 21.000.00 $3.700.001 53,703.0 83 2506.602 tY 6'64Tmmm OFFSET EACH 4 32,850.001 $11,400.00 $2,000.00 38.000.60 54,400.00 537,600.00 85 2504.602 S' MJ HUB HYDRANT 85 BURY EACH 7 $2,850.00;, 318.550.00 $2,900.0 520,300.0 62.660.001 517,850.0 86 250L 10' M3 HUB HMRANT I0.P BURY EACH 4 $3,200.00 $12,830.00 53,200.00 $12,600.00 S2.700.0al $10,800.00 130 2504.602 MET% WASTE RECEPTACLE EACH 51 V.&H]MI $8.000.00 31,000.0 $5.DOO.DO si.mo.oGI $6,750.00 98 2504.603 4 WATERMAIN PIPE PVC C-WO UN FT 68 $25-Ml 31.650.0 $25.00 S1,B50.00 $1&.06 $1,254.00. httpJhn•sroaw.mc]ead.m .u'AtAY'.CIRepons�rpt_AhsttW. asp orkOrderIE)- 75&EriginmEsrY &N=Pe Ngc 4 &Lkn sPerPng 35 Page 9 o ] 2 5127 +2010 �J SAP 043. 625 -021 - Pro7ut Bld Abstract PR ea: SAP 043- 625-021 - DSAH 25 [Ftlam^, Street SEI81VashmgmrtArenl.e E. 1 1E°9ineers Esbnale � Duiningt, Inc. �NO01aiW CanSWa Ca Inc i�.., .i,, o..,. Um1s Ouanhry Unh Pnre Total Pnce ;Unit Pnce Told Pnce Un1t Pnre Trial Pnce $12.474.DD crCEQS unuury E DEPYW I"N FT 1 13.81 S95.ODI $1.311.01 MOM $1.188.801 5156.01 $2.152.801 10.5 2506.502 !_CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN N UN FT 1 101.5: 3300.00 $30,450.00 5230.00 523,345.00 $12600 552.788.00 106 '2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 484020 JUN FT 1 296.3 3300.00 $88.890.00 $210.00 582,223.0 $125.0 $37.D37.50 107 2508.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60 -1020 LIN FT 27.1 2.350.00( 55.485.D0 3320.00 38.872.00 $210.00 15,887 AG 108 2506,502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE CESIGN 724020 :LIN FT 17.4 5400.00 $6.960.00 3340.00 SS.Ht6.00 5250.0 54.350-00 109 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 84 -4020 1 1-IN IN FT 8.3 0.00 $5,3&5.0 $440.0 53.652.00 5370.0 53,011.00 110 2506.502 ICONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 964020 LIN FT 33.3 5700.00 523,370.00 $590.00 519,647.00 $450.0 S14,985.00 111 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 10&1 G LIN FT 9.3 5&00.00 57,"0.00 50.90.00 $8,277.0 $675.00 $8,27].60 114 2506576 1 CASTING ASSEMEW-Y EACH B7 MOM $56. 550.0; 5650.00 $56.550.00 3590.00 550.460.0: 134 2545.515 LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL 3 EACH 16 $9,000.00 $1",000.00 S10AOO.Oj5160.000.00 $10,000.00; 138 2515.521 .2' RIGID STEEL CONDUIT LIN FT 135 $12.DO $1.620.00 59.0 $1.215.00 $&10 $1,093.50 137 2545.523 2' NON - METALLIC CONDUIT LIN FT 989 $4.00 $3,0600 $4.00 $3,956.00 $3.10 53,065.90 138 12W.531 1#6 DUPLEX LIN FT 6 "0 $2.50, $16,100.00 5120 $7 728.00 $1.20 $7.72600 139 12545.531 INS DUPLEX (DIRECTIONAL BORE) UN FT 2498 $5.G0 $12,490.60 $5.75 $14.35350 $6.00 $14.988.00 Pave 10011 httpPubvluon.comckodmnus+R[ AEC,' Aeporttirp[_ Abs¢ accup' W' od. 9rderl75& F. ngmeerFxt= Y&NuroPrrPagHRLulesPerPage= 35 4272030 r SAP 043625-021- Projett Bud Abstract http.hYn•ssmn.c0.mcle0d.mn. us'lit.4EGReponsirp[_A6s[ roc[. asp?WarkOrderli>- 75& EngmeerFsr- S ' &YuroPrrPage= +1&5.inesPerPag�35 "s Page 11 of L2 4,:72010 ProjeU: SAP Od %25021 - CSAH 25 {R.tlams 51rer1 SE] S Washington AVen,ie E. 'cnginrtrs Estimate Ouininrk, Ire;. Noukantl Consrw.eori Co Inc llem No. Item Units !Quamlty UM Prire ITotal Price -Unit Price Total Pnw Unrt Pnce Total Price 140 2550.512 FNNDHOLE TYPE.PVC METAL COVER EACH 14 586-0 $1,121).0• WO DO 57,003.07 5525.00 37,350.00 141 2554.509 GUIDE POST TYPE B EACH 1 $150.00 $150.00 540.00 540.00 $75-WI $75.00 142 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL .LUMPSUM 1 S30,DD0.00 338000.00 $13.507.DO 513,500.00 $13,500.-00 $13,500.00 143 2564 -618 SIGN TYPE C DSO FT 413 $35.00 314,455.00 631.50 sls.D .50' 531.50 $73.009.50. 144 2564.648 SIGN TYPE D SO FT 209. $37.00 $7,733.00 S32.DD: $6,688.00 531.50' $6.5&3.50 145 2565.802 SPLICE LOOP DETECTOR EACH 2_ $150.00 $300.00 $207.00; $414.00 3210.00 $420.00 146 2568.802 NMC LOOP DETECTOR 6'X6 EACH 3: 51 ,500.00 $4,506.00 $920.00 32,760.00 $1,000.00 $3.000.30 147 2585.603 270114 UN FT 135 $2.00 S270.D0 $1.10 5148.50 $1.10 $143.50 146 2571.501 CONIFEROUS TREE 6' HT B&B TREE 89 $380.00 $32.040.W $182.0 $16,198.00 $165.00 $14,665.30 149 2571.502 DECIDUOUS TREE 2' CAL B&B TREE 136 $510.00 599,360.00 $180.00 524.480.00 $170.00 $23,126.00 150 2571.502 DECIDUOUS TREE 2.5' CAL 818 TREE 35 6850.00 522,700.00 52 1 310.290 -0 $195.00 56,825.00 451 2571.502 DECIDUOUS TREES' CAL B&B TREE 51 5656.00 $33,150.001 Una O6 513,mhoo $320.00 518,320.00 152 2571.505 DECIDUOUS SHRUB NO 5 CONT SHRUB t 91 583.00 $7,553.00' W.Do 63,640.Do SM-00 32,730.00 153 2572.501 TEMPORARY FENCE UN FT 500 i`.m 62500.00 sl .40 37DO.OD. $1.40 370D.DD. 154 2572.500 SANDY LOAM FILL CU YD 2039 535.06 370,315.00 $34.00 $68,300.00'. 635.00 570,315.00. 155 2573.562 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED LIN FT 321 $2.130 5642.00 $1.65 $529.65 5529.65 156 2573506 FLOTATION SILT CURTAIN TYPE MOVING WATER LIN FT 60 $20.D0 $1,200.00 574.25 W5.001 $14.251 $W5.00 157 2573530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 174 $125.20 $21.75 1 575.01] $13,050.00 $175.00 158 2573.550 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR LUMP SUM 1S 55,000.00 35.000-0 $2,500.011 $ZWO 0 520,000.00 $20.000.00 759 2573.802 TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EACH 8 $1,000.00, $6.OWDO $500.00 $3- o S1 000.00 W.o30.6 160 2575.501 SEEDING ACRE 2.3 5100.00 5230.00 $350.00 s605.00 $350.00 $W&W 161 2575.502 SEED MIXTURE 110 POUND 233 $2.50 5562.50 $0.35 58755 $0.35 $67.55 162 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN SO YD 11299 69.6 533,897 .00, 32-45 1127,682 -55 $2.45 327,662.55 163 2575.517 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 1 TON 0.23 $126.00 527.60. $250 -0 S57 SM-00 $5750 164 2575.513 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 6 CU YD 12 15.00 $60.00 $42.06 5504.00 $42 -00 $504.00 165 2575.519 DISK ANCHORING ACRE 2.3 SM-00 $115.00 $150.00 $345.D0- 5750 -00 5345.00• 166 2575.532 FERTILIZER TYPE 1 POUND 467 0.50 3233.50 50.75 33513.25 00.75 5350.25' 167 2575" GEOTEI(TILE IVIED BARRIER FABRIC So YD 94 111.50 $141 AG $2.00 $188.00 S1.35_ $126.90 .168 2575.004 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE SPECIAL {ROC K) SO YD 94 315.00, 31,410.00 $9.501 5893.00 540.50 $3,807.0 1169 2582501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) EPO1 - GROUND IN EACH 6: $200.00 31,600.00 $175.001 $1,400.00 $175.00 $1,100.00 2552501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RGHT ARROWI EPDXY - GROUND IN EACH 14 $200.00 $2- 800.00 $175.00 32450.0 $175.00 $2.450.0 2562.501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT -THRU ARROWI EPDXY - GROUND IN EACH 1 $250.00 5250.00 32]5.00 $275 -0 5275.00 327506 Et74 2582.007 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT-THRU ARROWI EPDXY- GROUND IN EACH 1 $250.00 $25u.DO $27500 527556 $275.00 3275 -0 2582.501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (HANDICAPPED SYMBOL} EPDXY- GROUND IN EACH 1 $4,50.00 s45D.DD $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 3250 -0 2582.502 4 SOUD LINE WTE -EPDXY (GROUND IN} UN FT 12978 $0.50 $5,489.00 $0 -70 69,1)84 -00 30 -70 39,064.60 http.hYn•ssmn.c0.mcle0d.mn. us'lit.4EGReponsirp[_A6s[ roc[. asp?WarkOrderli>- 75& EngmeerFsr- S ' &YuroPrrPage= +1&5.inesPerPag�35 "s Page 11 of L2 4,:72010 SAP 043-625 -021 - Projw Bid Ab=¢= I hereby cortify that this Is m exact reproducliun o} bids received. Certified By: Dale: License No. http. ;htvmomw.m Icad.mn.0 RtAEC/AcpG"rpt_ Abstract .up?WwLOfderID= 75&.Engm=EsL =Y3N umNrPagt 1@ uwsPuFag�35 NW 12 of I2 487;2010 J Project: SAP 043-&25 -021 - CSA 25 [Adams SI SEF & Mstiingwn Avenue E. Engineers Estimate Dunne. Inc. midland Con,rn.c0an Co W te Im No. [Earn UN'18 Ouanbty UnR Pace Tote1 Pace UM Pnce jT" stmt Pace To1eA Price .195 2582.502 4' SOLID LINE YELLOW -EPDXY (GROUND IN LIN FT 2200 50.50 $1,10090 50.71 $0.75 31,650.00; 176 2582.502 4' BROKEN LINE YE OVFEPDXY [GROUND IN} LIN FT 8t0 30.50 M M $0.71 $0.75 $457.50 177 2582- 502 '4' DOUBLE SCUD LINE YELLOVV.EPDXY (GROUND IN) UN FT 41&1 31.00 $4.180 -00 $1.42 $1.45 36p61.00 178 2582502 24' SOLID LINE YELLOW -EPDXY [GROUND IM UN FT 360 $630 $2210 -00 $8.00 $890 $2,720.170 179 2582503 CROSSWALK MARKING -EPDXY (GROUND ft FT 2770, $7 -00 $19,30.00; 3520 $520 $14- 404.00 _ SO i Totals fw Project SAP 043 - 625-021 54, 856, 006.15; S4.588.815.131 54,783,871.51; %of EsWate IM Project W 043.625-021 1 -5.50% -1.48% I hereby cortify that this Is m exact reproducliun o} bids received. Certified By: Dale: License No. http. ;htvmomw.m Icad.mn.0 RtAEC/AcpG"rpt_ Abstract .up?WwLOfderID= 75&.Engm=EsL =Y3N umNrPagt 1@ uwsPuFag�35 NW 12 of I2 487;2010 J 0 rhood Meeting Information Sheet Letting No. 1 /Project No_ 10 -01 Washington Ave /Adams St Reconstruction Tuesday, May I1 th, 2010 ♦ 6: 00 PM (Assessment Hearing) City Council Chambers ♦ 111 Hassan Street SE INTRODUCTION The City of Hutchinson appreciates the opportunity to review the upcoming Washington Ave /Adams St reconstruction project to be administered by McLeod County and the City. At this time, the project is anticipated to start in the spring/summer of 2010. The intent of this meeting is to provide a general project review and discuss the preliminary roadway corridor layout. There will be some initial information regarding potential property assessments associated with the project provided at this meeting. PROPOSED PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS The project area consists of Washington Ave (TH 15/Main St to Adams St) and Adams St/CSAH 25 (north of Washington Ave to "3M Bridge "). This project is a direct result of McLeod County and the City • receiving partial funding from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) due to this corridor previously being Trunk Highway 22 and Mn/DOT turning back the roadways to the local agencies. The project will consist of a full reconstruction of the roadway surface, complete utility replacements /upgrades, signing/striping, street lighting, sidewalks /paths, downtown streetscaping, and restoration /landscaping/plantings. Obviously, the current pavement condition is evidence that the proposed improvements are necessary and timely. Unfortunately, the work required to accomplish this extensive project will not be completely funded by Mn/DOT and require additional City funding. At this point, the proposed project area has been established, but the details of the anticipated improvements are subject to change depending on City funding limitations. HEARINGS/PROCESS This Neighborhood Meeting is the first step in the process. This meeting will be an informal discussion regarding the project with City staff, to get preliminary information regarding what the project is proposed to include and to receive a very preliminary estimate of what assessments may be. Due to the project being in a fairly early stage, these estimates may be fairly broad. This informal discussion will allow individual questions /comments to be heard and for a general review of the project to occur prior to the first official hearing required by project assessment procedures. Due to the community impacts /interest that this project entails, a Community Open House will most likely be held sometime in late November or early December. Adjacent property owners again will be specifically mailed a notice of this meeting beforehand. This gathering will probably not include a formal presentation, but give individuals an opportunity to review drawings and provide comments. Prior to this open house, the project team will potentially be meeting with specific property owners and businesses (possibly a Business/Downtown Meeting will be initiated). • The first official hearing, the Public Hearing, is anticipated to occur at a City Council meeting on January 12th, 2010. All properties proposed to be assessed will receive mailed notice. This meeting will be televised and is the formal presentation of the proposed project to the Council. Public input time is included and welcomed at this meeting. Approval at this hearing does not mean that the project will be constructed as ?rqp) presented. This will be the point at which a formal decision will be made by the City Council as to whether • or not staff should continue the assessment process and move on to the next step of completing the plans /specifications with the understanding that actual bids for completing the work will be requested. The second official hearing, the Assessment Hearing, would be for another City Council meeting after receiving the bids (most likely in March or April). Staff would prepare final assessment amounts for each property, and send them out in advance of the meeting. At this hearing, property owners will then be given the opportunity to comment on the merits of both the project and the proposed amount of the assessments. Questions, thoughts and concerns regarding the project or associated assessments would be heard by the City Council, and official action on whether or not to award the City's portion of the project work for construction would be taken. To formally contest an assessment, a written/signed objection letter must be provided to the City Administrator prior to or at the Assessment Hearing. This action then allows you, the property owner, to appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Administrator within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment (typically the Assessment Hearing date) and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or City Administrator. ASSESSMENTS As described above, this project is considered to be a full reconstruction project, thus a portion of the total cost of these improvements will be assessed to the adjacent private properties. Similar to the TH 7 Reconstruction and TH 15 Roundabout projects, this work is being administered primarily by another agency, but a significant portion of the overall cost is being incurred by the City. Thus, public improvement assessments are a justifiable and fair funding alternative to accomplish the proposed work. At this time, City staff estimates that adjacent properties' assessments will include all or a portion of the following items: • General Assessment - $40 to $60 ($50 avg. - $45 actual) per lineal foot of roadway frontage • Downtown Streetscaping Assessment - $15 to $25 ($20 avg. - $18 actual) per lineal foot of frontage • Water Service Assessment - $1000 to $2000 ($1500 avg. - $1500 actual) per service line • Sanitary Sewer Service Assessment - $1500 to $2500 ($2000 avg. - $1420 actual) per service line • Commercial/Industrial Water Service Assessment - $2000 to $3000 ($2500 avg. - $2500 actual) per line • Mill/Overlay - $10 to $20 ($15 avg. - $13.50 actual) per lineal foot of roadway frontage At the above estimated average rates, a typical 60' -wide residential lot would incur an assessment of about $6500 - $5620 actual and a 80' -wide downtown - commercial lot would incur an assessment of about $9100 - $7960 actual (potentially $2500 - $2500 actual more if a 6" water service is needed). SCHEDULE & CONSTRUCTION ITEMS As previously mentioned, construction is anticipated to start in the spring/summer of 2010. The project should be substantially completed within one construction season (weather dependent) with final restoration and landscaping potentially occurring during the following year. At this time, we encourage adjacent property owners to begin to relocate irrigation systems, invisible dog fences, personal landscaping features, etc. from the roadway right -of -way (typically immediately behind the existing sidewalks). Also, project staff will be contacting specific property owners to request permission (right -of -entry form) to properly construct a grading match to your lawns/buildings /driveways /landscaping features. GENERAL INFORMATION Please feel free to contact Kent Exner /City Engineer at 234 -4209 or kexner@ci.hutchinson.mn.us ci.hutchinson.mn.us if you have any questions, comments or concerns that you would like addressed. We would be willing to meet on -site to discuss the proposed improvements. Thank you for your time and consideration! 0 • 0 HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Center /111 Hassan St SE/Hutchinson MN 55350-2522/320-234-4209/FAX 320 - 234 -4240 ENGINEERING REPORT & FEASIBILITY STUDY TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer DATE: December 8, 2009 (revised 05/11/10) SUBJECT: Letting No. 1 /Project No. 10 -01 I have studied the following proposed improvements and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed: L1 /P10 -01 Adams St (CSAH 25) & Washington Ave Reconstruction Project by new roadway construction and utility infrastructure installations including construction of trunk and lateral storm sewer and treatment/drainage improvements, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, trunk and lateral watermain and services, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, trail /sidewalk, concrete surfacing, lighting, landscaping, streetscaping, restoration and appurtenances. 44 ✓ C 'to: Mayor & City Council Frorn: Mark Schnobrich, City Forester City of I lutchinson Forestry Department 1400 Adants St SE l lutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234 -4459 ltF: University of Minnesota Emerald Ash Rorer Grant Project Fax (320) 234 -6971 The City of Hutchinson is participating in a University of Minnesota Emerald Ash borer Grant Project in 2010. The $1,500.00 grant to the city is a cooperative endeavor between the University of Minnesota and the City of Hutchinson. Part of this project is the construction of 4 above ground gravel beds, used to store bare root trees. These trees will eventually be used to replant Hutchinson after the loss of ash trees due to Emerald Ash Borer. Stearnswood of Hutchinson has generously donated and constructed all the beds as part of this project at a value of over $300.00 dollars. The Hutchinson Tree Board wanted to acknowledge this donation and thank the Stearnswood Company for their generous contribution to this project. The University backed project also includes volunteer training of citizens to assist us with tree identification and tree inventorying to help us better prepare for the consequences of the effects of Emerald Ash Borer when it does come to Hutchinson. Newt Potter Corey Stearns Dale Redetzke Steve Cook Laura Poser 985 Therms saved /yr $2,243: Electric saved /yr based on average cost per kWh in 2009 $ 918: Nat Gas saved /yr based on average cost per therm in 2009 $3,151: Total Savingslyr +r1H Milnw If ru 1.5' a tkt, Illr•t'I n,ahruafe of '3 If ngwj)"Wol m,Lhlrrrrl .Intl 6+h e,od ... Wh•d,' "t v:r h:+dnt1 ^f Ld5„r 4pu,q h w rnmpfwh[ar 'r,e pre /e:t't [2 of Vhed Fiblrl YMnla F Fn Q. .tbn Me ,d f f *lu 6 6wmlala I I ft- Ib C CommlSalPrin I IYP eh 1 E E meerin I I,RW 1 1y N N cr.4 W'.lOk L L WWOAN i i ]f Yn i i I107 1 1 .n 2 21..41 2 201 3 31r] n,xul.,wnnrw �� s.wti.. u ul nmMU x x reel] a a r.WB i i 100 r r 1.0 s s r20 r r hs 0 0 1 1.174 2 221 — reo.nnn y ..- 'OI,$'t6 !'rnvrcle 01d 6,is(1 hnC :) „r]�r /Y Ic;a h)r fha hmlrllrl,.ry ur 1.1Cd,ly Lnw ;hn HnHr�y e(hnHncy nlCJSUR'S he:nq luy(allrx[7 Lvill • Ilfn, f Nor HI J1, 1mr1 y Hnl +l q), ass Ihn M most rHCr ^nl yF•'as of mm"taly 6te; rind oivd"vay use an, '1 the IOuV I'A"?f 9:3 %evvH It Ihu :Iprltllnrl See attached two -year base line energy use for the following seven facilities CreekSide Soils, Hutchinson Area Transportation Services, Police Department, Library, Evergreen Dining Hall, Event Center and the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Also attached is the most recent S3 score for all buildings, except the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The State of Minnesota's B3 Program Manager suggested the City of Hutchinson not enter data for the Wastewater Facility due to this skewing the City's data and reports. the benchmark Information is included for the facility even though the benchmark calculations may not be accurate. Evergreen Senior Dining has not been benchmarked due to Its small size (4000 (t`) and it is part of a much larger apartment complex that Is not city owned. Section Three — Budget The following is a detailed budget that includes the overall cost for each improvement and a breakdown of equipment costs and labor costs for installation. This includes any and all other associated costs (i.e., consulting, commissioning, travel, and other related expenses). [I oI M.Itl11nbMI F96hI�Wm! Cr.gilu. SAar M�w:nr AwA lrrrvy,IV ... Ydk. 4rlwr eve Iwn n... Ir Crlrt CuR� , blc.l] alnlnl FPa CalwwRyW.I Mel re Ries FYII a`a r4[ In Comm,mnln Ao M t FA In la OPr MPUn L M HtlrvOb L d YM F 7262 i +2Y 1 I +N i 1 AOa i �eII r 21..44 20 HmWte _ 1 28512 1 +Wa a +n 1 1,10+ "14 S 717 a RO.rar 202 b H Rmwn'�” 5 wt s ]W6 F b 1 120 i M5 Iba f ON n In RW 1 rIn s jwt i air 1 Ve 5 20r I I HWMI. L 2fW i _Lev L m 5 164 5 ar S 74 a " b aa,dt, s woo a 6w $ 5u a AA. 1 ea9 1 rw a 41q se V�dAe A, n P•w a /f wo i aA Ina ! w ! 1— Cry 4 a s ) W 0 up1 5 s 121 1w 1 ",n0 a %1 li w I i1d Section Four -- Attachments I foffuwrny Is 12 51 n/nnr try (lf fh,• firmnaClnf L:Crrnnutrrrr,'niti for the rnatrh w& bavo. lJruposed. The City of Hutchinson has been working for a number of months with Ameresco, Inc., an independent energy solutions provider, in the development of a Guaranteed Energy - Savings Contract (Energy Savings Performance Contract) per MN Statute 471.345, Subd. 13, Energy Efficiency Projects. In October, 2009, the City of Hutchinson awarded a $34,500 Project Development Agreement to Ameresco to complete a S Ut q u-) 10_5 y 5 .y,9 3.4 4,M 15.6 9�1 1.a Section Four -- Attachments I foffuwrny Is 12 51 n/nnr try (lf fh,• firmnaClnf L:Crrnnutrrrr,'niti for the rnatrh w& bavo. lJruposed. The City of Hutchinson has been working for a number of months with Ameresco, Inc., an independent energy solutions provider, in the development of a Guaranteed Energy - Savings Contract (Energy Savings Performance Contract) per MN Statute 471.345, Subd. 13, Energy Efficiency Projects. In October, 2009, the City of Hutchinson awarded a $34,500 Project Development Agreement to Ameresco to complete a S Ut q u-) 10_5 y 5 .y,9 3.4 4,M 15.6 9�1 1.a Debt Issuance Services I w May 5, 2010 Pre -Sale Report for $7,245,000 General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2010A $800,000 Taxable General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2010E City of Hutchinson, Minnesota r� v.vv (.Jh er; - ii E H L E RS Minnesota phone 851.897.8500 3050 Centre Pointe Drive UADEAS IN suave FINANCE of , C04 also In Wisconsin and llindi9 fax 851- 897 -8555 Roseville, MN 55113 -1122 Y Details of Proposed Debt Debt Issuance; Services Proposed Issues. $7,245,000 General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2010A $800,000 Taxable General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2010B Purposes The intent of the 2010A Bonds is to provide funds sufficient for an advance refunding of the City's callable G,O. Medical Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2002 (maturing February 1, 2012 through 2023). Based on current interest rates, the estimated savings as a result of the advance refunding is approximately $441,983, after all fees and expenses. Savings as expressed in present value terms are equivalent to 5.1 % of the refunded Series 2002D Bond principal. The intent of the 2010B Bonds is to provide funds sufficient for a current refunding of the City's callable Taxable G.O. Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1998B (maturing February 1, 2011 through 2013). Based on current interest rates, the estimated savings as a result of the current refunding is approximately $29,406, after all fees and expenses. Savings as expressed in present value terms are equivalent to 3.9% of the refunded Series 1998B Bond principal. Authority: The 2010A and 2010B Bonds are being issued pursuant Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 469 and 475. Although Hutchinson Area Health Center is a separate 501(c)(3) organization, Dorsey & Whitney has confirmed that the City may issue general obligation refunding bonds to refund the 2002 and 1998B Bonds. Bond counsel will further ensure that the refunding bonds comply with all federal requirements of qualified 501(c)(3) bonds. Funding Source(s)' 'The City will pay debt service on the 2010A and 2010B Bonds with I IAHC revenues, as is the case with the existing 20020 and 1998B Bonds. Busk Factors: None. The proposed refundings are structured to achieve interest cost savings within the existing bond maturities, and will not increase the City's G.O. pledge exposure. Rating: The City has an "AA" rating from Standard & Pacts. A rating request will be made for these issues. Bank Qualification: The 2010A and 2010B Bonds will be designated as "bank qualified" obligations. Bank qualified status will broaden the market for the Bonds, which can result in lower interest rates. {= 'rQsale Report May 1 , 2009 Page 2 oC�) Debt Issuance Services - ..... . ............. ....... - .._.._....... Call Feature The 2010A Bonds due in 2021 and later will be callable on February 1, 2020 and any date thereafter. Because of their relatively short maturity schedule, ending February 1, 2013, the 2010B Bonds will not be subject to prepayment. Proposed Debt Issuance Schedule Pre -Sale Review by Council: Distribute Official Statement: Conference with Rating Agency City Council Meeting to Award Sale of the Bonds Estimated Closing pate: Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors Bond Analysts: Bond Sale Coordinator: Steve Apfelbacher Bruce Kimmel Diana Lockard Debbie Holmes Alicia Aulwes May 11, 2010 Week of May 19 Week of May 26 June 8, 2010 July I, 2010 (651)697 -8510 (651) 697 -8572 (651) 697 -8534 (651) 697 -8536 (651) 697 -8523 Fresule Report May 7 2009 P )qe '3 CAA-) . Debt Issuance Services Resolution No. Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $7,245,000 General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2010A $800,000 Taxable General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2010B A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $7,245,000 General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2010A and $800,000 General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Rel'unding Bonds, Series 2010B (the Bonds); and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ( "Ehlers "), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BF IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, as follows: I. Authorization; Findings The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting; Proposal Opening; The City Council shall meet at 5:30 p.m. on June 8, 2010, for the Purpose of considering sealed proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this day of City Clerk C) [P-) Iola) a b-) Hutchinson. MN $7,000,000 General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2002D Prior Original Debt Service Date Principal Coupon Interest Total Pil Fiscal Total O8 /O 12010 - - - - - U2 /01/2011 - - 201,54833 201,54833 201,54833 08/012011 - - 151,16125 151,16125 - 02/012012 345,00000 4200% 151,16125 496,16125 64722.50 08/0112012 - 143 91625 . 143,91625 . .... ... ............................... ... 02/012013 463,00000 4200% 143,91625 608,91625 752,83250 08/012013 - - 134,15125 134,15125 02/012014 485,000.00 4200% 134,15125 619,15125 753,70250 08/012014 - - 123,96625 123,96625 - 02/012015 510,00000 4200% 123,96625 633,96625 757,932.50 0810112015 - - 113,25625 113,25625 - 02/01n016 535,00000 420000. 113,25625 648,25625 76151250 08/012016 - - 102,02125 102 02125 - 02/012017 565,00000 4.250% 102,02125 66702125 769,042 50 08/012017 - - ')0,01500 90,015.00 - 02/012018 595,000 00 4.300% 90,015110 685,01500 775,03000 U8 /012018 - - 77,22250 77,222.50 - 02/012019 625,000 00 4 350% 77,222.50 702,22250 779.445.0() 08/012019 - - 63,62875 63,62873 - 02./012020 660,0()0.00 4400% 63,628.75 723,628.75 787,257 50 08/0112020 - - 49,108.75 49,10875 - 02/01n021 700,00000 4400% 49,108.75 749,10875 799,21750 081012021 33,70875 33.7U8.75 - 02/012022 735,00000 4450% 3370875 768,70875 802,41750 08/012022 - - 17,35500 17,35500 - 02/01/2023 780,00000 4450% 17,35500 797,35500 R14,71000 'I '91w1 57,000,000.00 - S2,4WS70.83 S9,400,570.83 Yield Statistics Average Life 7 SO Years Weighted Average Maturity (Par Bases) 7 865 Years Average Cuupon 4 3605779% Refunding Bond Information Refundug Dated Date 6/012010 Refunding Delivery Date 6/012010 Sv, 02097M GO Mnd F. Re I SINGLE PURPOSE 18l 3/20101 7.37 AM I D(9-) Hutchinson. MN Proposed Crossover Refunding of $7,000,000 General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2002D Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 06/01/2010 - - - - - 02/012011 - - 12504000 125,04000 125,04000 08/012011 - - 93,78000 9378000 - 02/012012 425,00000 0900% 91,78000 518,78000 61256000 08/012012 - 91,86750 91,86750 - 02/012013 530,00000 1200% 91,86750 621,86740 713,735.00 08/012013 - - 88,68750 88.68750 - 02/01/2014 540,000 00 1550% 88,68750 628,687.50 717 ,37500 08/012014 - - 84,50250 84,50250 - 02/012U15 550,000 00 1 800% 84,50250 634,50250 719,00500 08/012615 - 79,55250 79,55250 - UZ /U 12016 56500000 2300% 79,55250 644,55250 724,10500 08/012016 - - 73,05500 73,05500 02/012017 .585,0(X)00 2.600% 73,05500 658,05500 731,11000 08/01/2017 65,450.00 65,45000 02/012018 610,000 00 2800% 65,45000 675,45000 740900.00 08/012018 - 56,91000 56,910.00 - 02/012019 530,000 00 3100% 56,91000 686,91000 743,820.00 08N 12019 - 47,14500 47,145.013 - 02/012020 655,00000 3200% 47,14500 702,145.00 749, 08/012020 - 36,66500 36,665.00 - 02/012021 h90p0000 3300% 36,66500 726,66500 763,33000 08/012021 - - 25.280 UO 25,28000 02/012022 715,00000 3400% 25,28000 740,28000 76556000 08/012022 - - 13,12500 13.12500 - 02/01g023 750,000 00 3 500% 13.125.00 763,12500 77625000 'rolal $7,205,000.0 - .$1,67 $ 8,882 ,080,00 Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $55,44000 Average Lilo 7 652 Years Average Coupon 2 9528860% Net Interest Cost (NIC) . .... .... ......... .. 3 1097042% True Interest Cost (TIC) 3 1064217% Bond Yield For Arbitrage Purposes . ........... ... .......... 2 9267724% All Inclusive C09t(A I(;) 32026601% IRS Form 8078 Net Interest Cost 2 9528860% WcighW AvemRC Maturity 7 652 Years 08 rover 3er 020 $7M CO M I SINGLE PURP03E I 'n' W0 1 / J7 AM oc') Hutc hinson, MN Proposed Crossover Refunding of $7,000,000 General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2002D Debt Service Comparison Total $8 (7,125,040,0) $7,201548.33 $ 8,958 .588.33 59,400570.83 S441,982W Const Loan Cross PV Dent service savmys ................ . 358,797.82 Date Total P +I Pmt Existing DIS Net New DIS Old Net DIS _ _ __ Savings 02101/2011 125,040.00 (7,125,04000) 7,201,54833 201,548.33 201,54833 (000) 021D 12012 612,560.00 Kefunding Dated Date - 612,56000 647,322 34,762 40 02/018013 713,735.00 - - 713,735.00 752.832.50 39,097.50 02/012014 717,375.00 - - 717,37500 753,302.50 35927.50 02/012015 719,00500 - 71900500 757,932.50 38,927.50 02 /U 121/16 724,105,00 - - 724,10.500 761,51250 37,40740 02/012017 731,11000 - - 731,11000 769,04250 37,932.50 02iU 12018 74090000 - - 740,900.00 77503000 34,130.00 021012019 743,82000 - - 743,82000 77944.500 35,625.00 021012020 749 29000 - - 749,290.00 787,257 50 37,967.50 02/01 /2021 763 330,00 - - 763 3.3000 798,217 50 340730 02/012022 765,56000 - - 765,56000 802;41750 36,85730 0 2/ 0 12 0 23 77625000 - 77625000 814,710.00 38,460.00 Total $8 (7,125,040,0) $7,201548.33 $ 8,958 .588.33 59,400570.83 S441,982W PV Analysis Summa Net to Net Cross PV Dent service savmys ................ . 358,797.82 Net PV Cashflow Savings (]u 3.203 358,797.82 Contingency or Roundumg Amount. ............. ... .... . 86248 Net Present Value Benela 5759,66030 Net PV Benefit/ $7.487,417.84 PV Refunded Debt Sem" 4 804% Net PV Benefit / $7,000,000 Refunded Principal ... ... 5 138 Net PV Benefit/ $7,245,000 Refunding Principal 4964% Refunding Bond Information Kefunding Dated Date 6/012010 RA,ndino IMJwery Date 6/0121118 09 cover her rr1P $1M OO M I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 112010 1 7 37 AM I (� tp) Hutchinson, MN Proposed Crossover Refunding of $7,000,000 General Obligation Medical Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2002D Crossover Escrow Fund Cashflow Cash Data Principal Rate Interest_. _Receipts Disbursements Balance 0610112010 - 052 0s2 02/012011 7,111,197 00 0290% 13,842.48 7,125,039.48 7,125,040.00 - Total %7,111,197.00 - S13,842AS $7,125,040.00 $7,125,040.00 - Invu6imunl Model IPV, GIC, or Sccuriticsl SCLMIIlies Default mwsnnent yield target Bond Yield Cash Deposit 052 Cost at Investments Purchased with Bond Proceeds 7,11 1,197 00 'total Cast uflnves'tmenls $7,111,197 52 Target Co9t Investments at bandymld $(+,988 }53 05 Actualposiuvc or (ncgntive) arbitrage (122,84447) Yield to Receipt 0 2919153% Yield for Arbitrage Puglosc.5 2.9267724% Slate and I.ocal (3oyernment Scne%(Sl.(iS) rates for 4/272010 09 weer Ser 02D 57M GO M I SINGLE PURPOSE I ft 32010 1 7.37 AM � ota) J -bcA� � C) Co--) 1 #utchinson, MN $2,730,0001'axable G.O. Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Ser 19988 Prior Original Debt Service Data Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fisca Total 02/012010 - - - - 08/012010 - - 24,937 50 24,937.50 - 02/012011 245,00000 6650% 24,937 50 269,93750 294,87$00 08 /012011 - - 16,79125 16,79115 - 02/01I2012 255.00000 6650% .......... 16,79125 ...... 271,79135 288,582.50 08/01/2012 - - 8,312 50 8,312 50 - 02 /01RO13 250,00000 6650% 8,31250 258,31250 266,625,00 Total $750,000,00 - 5100 SPS%Gfi2 A11 - Average I.Ifc 1 fi73 Years Weighted Averagc Maturity (Par Basis) I 673 Year¢ Average Coupon - - -. .. .. fi 6500000% Refunding Bond Information Ref'undirig Dated Dale 6/012010 Refunding Delivery Date ._ _._ „ „...r 6/012010 Ser 98862,730N TAeeale G I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 5192010 1 7.58 AM I6LQ-) $800,000 G.O. Taxable Medical Fac Revenue Bds, Series 2010 (Proposed Current Refunding of $2,730,000 Taxable G.O. Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Honds, Ser 1998B) Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total PA Fiscal Total 06/01/2010 1 629 Years _ _ _ _ 02/0112011 280,00000 0.800 7,166.67 287,166.67 287,16667 06/012011 - - 4,255 00 3,25500 _ 02/012012 270,00000 1.300% 4,25500 274,25500 278,51000 08/012012 - 2,50000 2,500.00 - 02/012013 250,00()00 2 0 2,50000 252,500 00 2525 000 00 Total S800,000U0 - $20,676,67 5820,67667 Yield Statistics Band Ycar Dollars .$1,303.33 Average Lde 1 629 Years Average Coupon 1 5864453 Nctlntcrost Cost(NIC ..... .. _ ...._ ........ ...... ...... .... . 22002560% True Interest Cost (TI(;) 2 2 9667% 12 Band Yield thr Arht[ragc Purpnscp 15831662% All Inclusive Cost (A IC) 3 9319691% IRS Form 8038 Nct Interest Cost 1 5864453% Weighted Average Maturity 1 6 29 Years 011wlof ar88892,730K I SINGLEPURPOSE I SI3w2Ur01 1:50AM � DIP-) Hu tchinson, MN $800,000 G.O. Taxable Medical Fac Revenue [ads, Series 2010 (Proposed Current Refunding of $2,730,000 Taxable G.O. Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Ser 1998B) Debt Service Comparison Net New Date Total P +1 DIS Old Net CIS Savings 02/012011 287,16667 287,166137 294,87500 7,70833 02/012U 12 278,51000 278,51000 288,58250 10,012511 02 255,00000 255,00000 266,62500 11,62500 Total 5820,67667 $ 5850,08250 $29,405.83 PV Analysis Summa Net to Net Gross PV Debt Service savings ... Net PV G 3 . 0 /dA1C) ...:.. ..... 28,26864 28,26864 Contingency or Roundnlg Amount.. . Net Presenl Valoe Beneft Net PV Benefit / $828,92134 PV Refunded Dolor Service Net PV Benefit / $750,000 Refundod Principal .. Net PV Benefit / $800,000 Refunding Principal 1,301.09 $29,569.73 . 3.567% .. .. _ 3 743% 3 696% Refunding Bond Information _ Refunding Dated Date ... . Refundi Dclhvcry Date 6/0112010 6/012010 06 wr or Stir 98B $2,730K I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 51 W010 1 7.56 AM � c"-� Hutchinson. MN $800,000 G.O. Taxable Medical Fac Revenue Bds, Series 2010 (Proposed Current Refunding of $2,730,000'1'axable G.O. Medical Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Set 1998B) Current Refunding Escrow Cash _ Data Principal Rate Interest Receipts _ Disbursements Balance 06/012010 - - - ...091 - 0.91 07/012010 770,69800 0130% 8234 770,78034 770,78125 - 'rota) S770,69820 - 182.34 $ $ 7711,78126 - Investment Parameters Investment Model IPV ❑1C, or Sccunteel Default i nvusift r it yield target . . Cash Deposit Cost of Illvestlnent.4 Purchased with Bond Proceeds focal Cost oflnvestmcnta 9'arget Cast of Investments at bond yield Actual positive or (negative) arbitrage Yield to Receipt V geld for Arbitrage Purposes Local Government Series ISL(7S1 rates lur e6cu I SINGLEPt1RPOSE 15187201➢I 7.56AM Securities Unrestricted 0.91 770,69800 $770,69891 $769,76902 (929 R9) 0 1282401 % I Sflllfifi2 %� ola� Memo To: Mayor and City Council Fnartx Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director Date: May 4, 2010 1! Re: Consideration of Resolution to approve Hutchinson HRA administration of NE Neighborhood SCDP, approval of Procedural Guidelines for Owner occupied Rehab Northeast Neighborhood, approval of City of Hutchinson Section 3 Plan relating to NE Neighborhood Project and approval of execution of Small Cities Development Program Grant Agreement CRAP -09- 0077- 0 -FY10 The Department of Employment and Economic Development has approved our SCDP application to rehab twenty homes in the Northeast Neighborhood of Hutchinson. In order to proceed with the project, we need to execute the grant agreement, approve the administrative contract between the City of Hutchinson and Hutchinson HRA, approve updated Procedural Guidelines for the Northeast Neighborhood, and approve a Section 3 Plan relating to implementation of SCDP Grant CDAP -09 -0077 -0-FY10. Attached for your review and consideration is: 1. An updated administrative contract between the City of Hutchinson and the Hutchinson HRA for administration of this grant and all program income. 2. Updated Procedural Guidelines for the NE Neighborhood 3. City of Hutchinson Section 3 Plan related to SCDP Grant #CDAP -09-0077 -0-FY10 4. The State of Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Small Cities Development Program Grant Agreement # CDAP -09 -0077.0 -FY10. S, Resolution to Approve Administrative Contract, Approve Procedural Guidelines for owner occupied Rehab Northeast Neighborhood, approve Section 3 Plan, and execute Grant Agreement for SCDP CDAP -094077 -0-FY10. The next steps are to invite pre-applicants In the target area to submit a full application and obtain project environmental clearance. Our goal is to start owner occupied rehab construction In mid -summer. Thank you for your consideration of these Items. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 13734 APPPROVING AND AGREEING TO ENTER INTO AN ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACT WITII THE HUTCHINSON HRA FOR T'HL-' SCDP NORTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING REHABILITATION PROJECT AND APPROVAL OF PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR SCDP OWNER OCCUPIED I IOUSING REHABILITAITON PROGRAM FOR THE NORTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD AND APPROVAL OF CITY OF HUTCIIINSON SECTION 3 PLAN RELATING TO THE SCDP NE NEIGIBORHOOD PROJECT AND APPROVAL OF EXECUTION OF SMALL CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT CDAP -09- 0077- 0-FY10 WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota submitted an SCDP owner occupied rehab application on behalf of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, which has been approved for funding; WHEREAS, the Northeast Neighborhood Housing Rehabilitation Project will be funded via the Small cities Development Program administered by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota hereby approves the Administrative Contract Amendment with the HRA to administer the SCDP NF. Neighborhood project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Tutchinson approves the Owner Occupied Rehab Procedural Guidelines for the SCDP Northeast Neighborhood project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson approves the City of Hutchinson Section 3 Plan relating to the SCDP NE Neighborhood project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson approves execution of the Small Cities Program Grant Agreement CDAP -09- 0077- 0-FY10. Adopted by the City Council this 11` day of May 2010. Steve Cook Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator G. /I IRNDTED & SCDP Programs /2010 /CC Resolution for SCpP NP. Neighhurhuod I W6) CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SCDP OWNER OCCUPIED HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM NORTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES The City of Hutchinson through the NE Neighborhood SCDP owner occupied housing rehabilitation program will provide assistance to eligible applicants for the rehabilitation of properties utilizing Small Cities Development Program funds. The methods of program distribution and eligibility criteria are incorporated in this procedural guide. No person or business will be denied participation in the rehabilitation program due to their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, reliance on public assistance, age, disability, or familial status. The Hutchinson IIousing and Redevelopment Authority, on behalf ol'the City of IIutchinson, has been appointed Project Administrator. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES FEDERAL OBJECTIVE: The primary objective is to provide financial assistance to low to moderate - income individuals who reside in the target area whose homes are in need of rehabilitation. 2. SECONDARY IMPACTS: Secondary impact is to encourage the preservation of housing and to improve the Northeast Neighborhood. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION GENERAL ADMINISTRATOR: The City of Hutchinson is contracting with the Hutchinson IIousing & Redevelopment Authority.(HRA). The Hutchinson HRA is responsible for all phases of the administration of this Small Cities Development single purpose program. The City of IIutchinson will be the Fiscal Agent and responsible for all financial and progress reports. The Hutchinson HRA will have principle responsibility for completion of the Environmental Assessment and development/submission of all required policies and procedures prior to commencement of program delivery. 2. FIELD ADMINISTRATOR: The Hutchinson HRA will be providing the field administration services. The Hutchinson HRA is responsible overall for program delivery including: determination of household eligibility, application completion and loan approval, and rehab loan administration. The Hutchinson HRA has a contract with the City of Hutchinson Building Department for IIQS inspection services, work write -ups, rehab project interim and final inspections. The Hutchinson HRA also has a contract with R & S Inspection, Inc. for lead inspections or lead assessments and lead clearance tests. 3. FEDERAL COMPLIANCE: The City and the Hutchinson HRA will share responsibility to comply with Federal Regulations regarding the implementation and administration of this Small Cities Development Project. 4, DATA PRIVACY: Information on program Applicants shall be gathered and released in accordance with the Minnesota Data Practices Act. All information including names, addresses, and the amount of assistance received are considered public data under the Minnesota Data Practices Act. Any other information provided to the program is considered private data. Private data may be released to the following agencies or organizations: City Council of Hutchinson, City of I Iutchinson auditors, the Hutchinson HRA, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, Greater Minnesota Housing Fund, Rural Page 1 of 19 ( O (.,i )) Development, S WMNHSP, Lending Institutions and other matching fund agencies, DEED, and HUD. Private data cannot be released to anyone else unless a consent form is completed granting permission. 5. EVIDENCE OF FRAUD: Any administering party participating in the Program shall refer evidence of fraud, misrepresentation, collusion or other misconduct on the part of the Applicant or contractors in connection with the operation of the Program to the State of Minnesota Attorney General for investigation and possible legal action. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 1. GENERAL CONDI'T'IONS: No current or member within the last twelve months of the governing body of the locality and no official, employee, or agent of the local government, not the Hutchinson HRA, who exercises policy decision- making function or responsibilities in connection with the planning and implementation of the program shall directly or indirectly benefit from this program with the following exception: The authority may make a grant or loan from these funds to a member of the local governing body or public officer of the authority who applies, if the public officer first discloses, as part of the official minutes of a meeting of the authority, that the public officer has applied for the funds, the public officer abstains from voting on the public officer's application and that the City Attorney and DEED have approved an exception to the conflict of interest rules. This prohibition shall continue for one year after an individual's relationship with the Local Government or the Hutchinson HRA ceases. Specific prohibitions are as follows: a. Program Participation: No member of the governing body of the locality, no official, employee, or agent of the local unit of government or the Hutchinson IIRA, as defined above, shall accrue direct or indirect program benefits. b. Contractual Relationships: No member of the governing body of the locality, no official, employee, or agent of the local unit of government or the Hutchinson HRA, as defined above, shall obtain direct or indirect interest in any contract, subcontract, or agreement in any activity in this program that provides financial compensation for services. C. Prohibition Extensions; This prohibition extends to contracts or direct benefits in which a spouse, minor child or business partner may have personal or financial interest. 2. DETERMINATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST: When questions arise or a situation is unclear an initial Opinion of Conflict of Interest shall be sought from the City Attorney. That Attorney's Opinion will utilize the Conflict of Interest Worksheet (Appendix A) attached to these guidelines and will outline areas that the situation is within or outside applicable Federal Regulations 24 CFR 570, Uniform Administration Requirements and Stale Statutes 412.311 or 471 -87 through 471.89. The Attorney's Opinion shall be forwarded to DEED Staff, and at DEED's discretion, shall be forwarded to the Minnesota Attorney General for the State's regal Opinion. ELIGIBLE PROPERTIES SCDP funds will be used to improve properties that meet the following criteria: Page 2 of 19 1 D (i>) The property must be located in the Northeast Neighborhood Housing Rehabilitation Project Area. The specific project boundaries are shown in Appendix B of this procedural Guide. 2. The property must be a homeowner occupied residential structure. 3. Owner Occupied Duplex Housing: Where SCDP funds are granted for rehabilitation of owner occupied duplex units, funds may only be used for: a, Rehabilitation of the structural components of the dwelling b. The internal components of the Owner Occupied portion of the dwelling Funds may not be used for the internal components of the non -owner occupied rental unit of the duplex, If the rental unit is in need of rehabilitation, the owner will be referred to the MHFA HOME Rental Rehabilitation Program or the MHFA 6% Rental Rehabilitation Loan Program. 4. The property to be improved must be a permanent structure. 5. The property to be rehabilitated must be considered suitable for rehab under local definition. No property deemed to be not suitable may be rehabilitated with SCDP funds. Rehabilitation is not remodeling. Remodeling is for convenience or cosmetic purposes. Rehabilitation deals with, in order of priority: (1) health issues and safety issues, including identified lead hazards; and (2) energy conservation, as well as certain long -term preservation of structures such as siding, roofs and foundations. Certain types of rehabilitation can be viewed as lack of maintenance or deferred maintenance. Other types of rehabilitation needs can be viewed as items that wear out or need replacements because of obsolescence. Rehabilitable Building: A building is suitable for rehabilitation when it is structurally sound. To be rehabilitable, a building should be vertically plumb within three degrees and shall have no significant rot on the majority of the floor joists, studs or rafters that are weight bearing. Foundations and basement walls shall not be deteriorated to the extent or so nut of alignment that they do not adequately support the building and can not be corrected without complete replacement. Any proposed rehab /modifications to a pre - manufactured home will need prior approval by the manufacturer. If the improvement costs for a structure are 50% more than the County Assessor's Office market value, the dwelling may be deemed not suitable for rehabilitation, at the discretion of the City of Hutchinson Building Department and Hutchinson HRA. An unsuitable unit is a substandard unit with serious defects and is not able to meet a majority of local standards and rehabilitation is neither practical nor economically feasible. Page 3 of 19 1 D(.k) The City /IIRA would be placing the following two restrictions as to the use of SCDP funds: a. Maximum SCUP funding per property is $24,999. b. The structure must be suitable for rehabilitation. 6. The property must be occupied by low /moderate income households as defined herein. 7. Property that is rehabilitated under this program will meet HQS as a minimum standard. Rehab work will also need to meet the current State Building Code adopted by the City of Hutchinson. 8. No property located within a floodplain will be rehabilitated under this program. 9. No property may receive SCDP rehabilitation project funds if the property has real estate taxes due and payable. 10. No property may receive SCDP rehabilitation project funds unless the home is insured. ELICIBIY IMPROVEMENTS Improvements made with SCDP funds shall satisfy the following requirements: Health and safety needs and concerns within the housing units to be rehabilitated will always be considered the top priority for funding using SCDP funds. 2. F,ach improvement must be a permanent general improvement. Permanent general improvements shall include alteration, renovation or repairs upon and in connection with existing structures, which correct defects and deficiencies in the property affecting directly the safety, habitability, energy consumption, or aesthetics of the property. 3. Upon completion of the improvements, the structure must comply with the requirements of the current State Building Code adopted by the City of Hutchinson and HUD Section 8 Housing Quality Standards. 4. If the structure has been determined historically significant by the Minnesota Historical Society, plans for exterior improvements to the structure must be reviewed and commented on by the Minnesota Historical Society. Buildings participating in the program and constructed 50 years prior to the current calendar year will be evaluated in accordance with the guidelines received from the Minnesota Historical Society. 5. Each improvement must be made in compliance with all applicable health, fire prevention, and building codes, provided, however, that no application shall be denied solely because the improvement will not bring such property into full compliance with these codes. 6. No SCDP funds shall be used in whole or in part for the purpose of refinancing or paying off an existing indebtedness. All such funds must be used to finance improvements begun alter program application. Page 4 of 19 Other Eligible Project Costs Homes built prior to 1978 are required to have a lead hazard risk assessment or lead paint inspection at the discretion of the HRA; this cost as well as lead clearance costs are considered eligible project costs. INELIGIBLE COSTS The following list of items is examples of what can not be funded with SCDP funds as part of the rehabilitation program. Ineligible improvements include, but are not limited to: I _ Air conditioning; except if verified by a physician ordered for a medical condition. • Central, new installation. • Room air conditioning. 2. Landscaping. *F..xcavation to correct drainage around the house will be considered an eligible cost. 3. Fireplaces. 4. New construction. S. Wind generation devices. 6. Window /Door coverings: blinds, curtains, drapes, shades. 7. Outbuildings, including sheds, utility buildings, barns, silos, new garages, etc, 8. Wood burning stoves. 9. Heat systems located outside the living space of the structure. 10. Recreational or entertainment facilities including swimming pools, tennis courts, saunas, decks and patios. 11 Assessments for public improvements. 12. Improvements begun prior to approval of the program application. 13. Upgrades to specifications above standard grade for rehabilitation. 14. Appliances 15. Other items deemed not appropriate to the program. ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS Ownership Requirements: The homeowner must individually or in aggregate have a qualifying interest in the property consisting of at least: a. A 1/3 interest in the Fee 'title. Such interests must be subject to a mortgage, and must demonstrate (he ability to secure the signatures off all remainder men and spouses with interest in the property as loan guarantors and must appear on record with McLeod County; b. A 1/3 interest as Purchaser in a Contract 1'or Deed. Such interests must secure the signatures of all parties and spouses that have interest in the property both as Contract Vendor(s) and Contract Vendee(s) and must appear on record with McLeod County; C. A valid Life Fstate. Life Estates must appear in the records of McLeod County with all remainder men listed. Two Thirds (2/3) of the remainder men must sign the mortgage as loan guarantors; Page 5 of 19 I Ul Ownership by a Trust does not meet the ownership by an individual criteria. 2. The housing rehabilitation program is designed to be of 100 percent benefit to households of low to moderate incomes. This will be achieved by following the gross income limits as set by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Section 8 Existing Housing Program. The 2009 income limits as adjusted for family size are listed below. These limits shall be adjusted periodically upon HUD notification of income revisions. 3. Eligible recipients for housing rehab must have household incomes that do not exceed current 80% HUD McLeod County income limits adjusted for family size, revised yearly by I -IUD. The current income guidelines are listed below: 4. Household Size Maximum Household Income 1 $39,650 2 $45,300 3 $51,000 4 $56,650 5 $61,200 6 $65,700 7 $70,250 8 $74,800 5. Income for the purpose of this rehabilitation program shall be defined as gross annual income projected for the next twelve months, whenever possible, including salary, commissions, bonuses, interest, dividends, tips, capital gains or sale of securities, annuities, pensions, IRAs, rental property income (adjusted as allowed by the IRS), partnerships, estate or trust income, child support, alimony, social security, aid for families with dependent children and miscellaneous income. Gross annual income from self employment shall be deemed to be the average net profit from said self employment, as declared by the applicant in Schedule C, F or E, Part III, as appropriate, of the United States Internal Revenue Service Form 1040, or any other such schedule as may be hereafter promulgated, but including all depreciation as income, for the past two years. 6. All income shall be verified in writing, The following examples listed below are considered acceptable. a. An income verification sheet that is signed by a third party at the source of income. Pay stubs may be used as a back up source of verification if the third party income verification form needs further clarification. b. The previous two years tax returns shall be used for those applicants who are self= employed or having variable incomes. c. Signed third party verifications from banks, savings and loans, insurance companies, etc. d. There will be no asset limitation associated with the SCDP loans. Page 6 of 19 D(16) IMPROVEMENT PRIORITIES The main and foremost improvement priority for this rehabilitation program is directed to the health /safety of project residents. The priorities are as follows: Priority No I Health and safety improvements are the primary emphasis of the rehabilitation efforts to he conducted in the project area. As such, they are mandatory requirements. These improvements are as follows in their sub - categorical ranking: I, Fire detection/safe and obstructed egress Electrical code violations Lead based paint hazards Surface impermeability to weather, water and rodents Plumbing violations /deficiencies Adequate and sanitary food preparation areas Accessibility modifications for physically handicapped household member(s). Prinrity No. 2 Energy improvements are also a primary improvement to be conducted in conjunction with health and safety improvements. Improvement priorities are based upon the improvement's estimated energy cost savings per year that will be provided to the household after rehab. *1, Furnace replacement 2. Attic insulation 3. Wall insulation 4. Storm doors 5. Storm Windows 6. Rim joist insulation 7. Door /window weather - stripping * Furnace replacement could, very well, be placed as a No. 1 Priority depending upon the nature and severity of the existing defects. If it is deemed to be a threat to health /safety of the housing occupants, it will receive a No. I Priority. Priority Basic housing quality components are secondary improvements to be conducted after the health/safety and energy improvements are addressed. These improvements are generally deferred maintenance items and major improvements which will need attention in the immediate l'uture, but which are functional at the present time. They include items such as the following: *1 Roofing 2. Painting 3. Window replacement * Rooting could be a No. 2 Priority depending upon the nature and severity of the project. Page 7 of 19 OAA APPLICATION AND APPLICATION SELECTION The City /HRA will be approving applications from homes/homeowners, on a first come first served basis based on the date and time an executed application is received by the HRA office. Immediate health/safety emergency housing deficiencies determined by the Project Coordinator may receive priority, depending upon severity of deficiency and whether the emergency can be abated temporarily. (Failing furnace in winter, elevated blood lead levels in children etc.) PROJECT FUNDING LOW TO MODERATE INCOME - up to 80% of Area Median Income adjusted for family size. 70% Deferred SCDP Loan - 0% interest; 10 Year term. (10% forgiven per year) 30% owner snatch required. Nun -SCDP financing shall be funds or financing received from private lenders, weatherization programs, City of Hutchinson revolving rehab loan program, MHFA rehabilitation loan program funds, community action agency funds, RD grant/loan funds, MFIFA home improvement loan funds, matching funds through SWMNHSP, or any combination of these and other sources of financing or funding. The use of Non -SCDP financing will help promote the cost- effective use of SCDP City Revolving Funds. a. Coordination of available funds will be done by the HRA. b. The decision, as to which Non -SCDP funds may be available, will be based on each applicant's individual financial situation and the requirements of the Non - SCDP funding source. 2. The owner must agree to have all Non -SCDP funds I'or the rehabilitation work deposited in an escrow account controlled by the project administrator for disbursements to the contractor when the work is satisfactorily completed. Withdrawals can be made only upon written authorization from both the property owner and the Project Administrator. An exception is made if matching funds require direct disbursement to the contractor. REPAYMENT OF SCDP FUNDS SCDP Deferred Loan /Grants shall be secured by a Mortgage and Repayment agreement. 2. ht the case of the deferred loan/grant, all persons who signed the application for a deferred loan/grant must enter into an agreement with the City of Hutchinson for repayment of the loan/grant. The agreement shall provide that: In the event that the improved property is sold, transferred or otherwise conveyed within ton years from the date of SDCP loan closing, the recipient shall repay all or a portion of such SCDP deferred loan /grant in accordance with the schedule below: a. 70% Deferred SCDP Loan up to $24,999 30% Owner Match (this includes costs of all changes orders) Page 8 of 19 �� �/ Owner responsible for project costs $25,000 and over If the recipient sells or vacates the property, the repayment terms are as Hollows: 1) 0 •- 12 months 100% Repayment 2) 13 — 24 months 90% Repayment 3) 25 — 36 months 80% Repayment 4) 37 — 48 months 70% Repayment 5) 49 60 months 60% Repayment 6) 61 - 72 months 50% Repayment 7) 73 - 84 months 40% Repayment 8) 85 - 96 months 30% Repayment 9) 97 - 108 months 20% Repayment 10) 109 - 120 months 10% Repayment 11) 121 months forgiven b. That deferred loan/grant funds due upon sale of the property prior to the official close -out of the grant shall be paid directly to City of Hutchinson, to be used for further rehabilitation projects and shall be deducted from the draw down requests as required by DEED. c. That deferred loan/grant funds due upon sale of property after the official closeout of the grant shall be paid directly to the City of Hutchinson. d. The repayment agreement shall be subordinate to funds provided by private lending institutions and other leveraging sources. e. That if the SCDP funds are used for purposes other than an eligible improvement upon an eligible property, or if the application is found to contain a material misstatement of fact, then the recipient of the deferred loan/grant shall be liable for 100 percent repayment of the deferred loan/grant. f. That the recipient of a deferred loan/grant shall be required to notify the City of Hutchinson immediately upon the sale, transfer or conveyance of the improved property. g. That if the recipient no longer occupies the property, the recipient would be obligated to pay the deferred loan/grant in full at that time, 3. SCDP deferred loans /grants shall be secured by a mortgage. Page 9 of 19 I o `'--) MARKETING The program administrator, on behalf of the City of Hutchinson, will conduct outreach in the targeted area and will solicit applications for the Northeast Neighborhood Housing Rehabilitation Program utilizing the below listed methods as necessary and/or appropriate: a. issue press releases advertising community meetings regarding project both to local print and broadcast media. b. Direct mail program information to the homeowners in the target area, regarding program availability. c. Develop posters and brochures and post them in prominent areas in the community. d. Place program flyers door to door in project area. INSPECTIONS OF PROPERTY Process for Lead Hazard Reduction a. At the time of the homeowner's application, each applicant must receive the lead hazard brochure "Renovate Right" Rehabilitation files must indicate that homeowners have received a copy of the brochure. b. All houses built before 1978 must have a risk assessment, performed by a certified lead risk assessor or a lead paint inspection at the discretion of the HRA. The Risk Assessment Report or Lead Inspection will be part of the rehabilitation project tile. The I lutchinson IIRA has contracted with R&S Inspection, Inc. to conduct the lead risk assessments, but the 1 -IRA reserves the right to contract with the lowest responsible provider, if the contract is terminated. C. All homeowners must receive the HUD Notice "Summary Risk Assessment Notice ". Rehabilitation files must show receipt of the Notice. d. Work write ups /specifications will incorporate (or reference by addendum) the required lead hazard reduction options identified within the Risk Assessment Report. The write up /specification will include language on required lead safe work practices, site preparation, prohibited practices and cleaning. This can be accomplished in the work write -ups by reference to MN Rules 4761.1170 -1190, Hazard Reduction Methods. C. Owner- contractor contract language must include prohibition of use of lead -based paint; requirement for trained workers /supervisors and conducting work by MN Dept of Health approved training providers. P. According to the lead paint Final Rule requirements for lead safe work practices the following circumstances do not require occupant relocation: 1) Treatment will not disturb lead -based paint or lead contaminated dust, or 2) Treatment of the interior will be completed within one period in eight daytime hours, the site will be contained, and the work will not create other safety, health, or environmental hazards, or Pale 10 of 19 3) Only the building's exterior will be treated; the windows, doors, ventilation intakes, and other openings near the worksite are sealed during hazard reduction activities and cleaned afterward; and a lead -free entry is Provided, or 4) Treatment will be completed within five calendar days; the work area is sealed; at the end of each day, the area within 10 feet of the containment area is cleared of debris; at the end of each day, occupants have safe access to sleeping areas, bathroom, and kitchen facilities; and treatment does not create other safety, health, or environmental hazards. 5) The Risk Assessor will make a recommendation, based upon the above criteria and the ages of children residing in the household, whether temporary relocation is required. g. Residents must receive a Hazard Reduction Completion Notice, when lead hazard work has been carried out on the property. The rehabilitation files must show receipt of the Notice. h. Only licensed workers and supervisors will carry out lead hazard reduction work. i. All units must receive clearance examination, where risk assessment was conducted and lead hazard reduction was carried out. Trained Sampling Technicians may conduct clearance examinations. A copy of the clearance must be in the project file. j. if temporary relocation is required f'or homeowner occupants, the homeowner is asked to make arrangements to stay with family or friends. If arrangements with family or friends are not possible, rehabilitation funds may provide for hotel /motel stay for up to 5 nights and is paid out of the total cost of rehabilitation. Therefore, SCDP will pay for 70% of the cost incurred. The homeowner is limited to $100 per night for hotel/motel and mileage at the Federal rate. k. For emergencies whereby high levels of lead have been found or children are contaminated, the City will provide up to $3,000 per household, using program income, for immediate evacuation, temporary shelter, additional housing costs, and mileage costs. 2. 1IQS inspection Once an applicant has been determined eligible for SCDP funds: a, The IIRA contracted Housing Inspectors will conduct the Lead Risk Assessment and a IIousing Quality Standards (HQS) property inspection. b. The Housing Inspectors will determine the work necessary to bring the property into compliance with: 1) Generally Accepted Community Standards 2) Minnesota Energy Efficiency Standards as is practical 3) Other standards as required by the Grant Agreement C. The HRA Housing Coordinator will then prepare a Scope of Work (work write - up) that will rectify violations to the housing standards, and local codes. The Scope of' Work shall contain the following: Page 11 of 19 o(l) I ) Instructions to the bidder 2) Bid proposal 3) Program warranties 4) General conditions S) Language for the use of Lead Safe Practices C) Special Conditions 7) Diagrams and layouts as appropriate or needed S) Cost estimate for the file Any ineligible cost (not stated in the Scope of Work) that is done during the rehabilitation process shall be paid for by the owner, over and above what the SCDP funds are being used for. REHAB LOAN REViF,W PROCEDURE Each individual rehabilitation project will be presented to a Representative of the HRA Loan Review Committee for approval after eligibility requirements have been investigated, the property has been inspected, work write -ups have been completed, bidding process is complete, project cost has been determined and, if necessary, outside financing for owner match secured. The IIRA Loan Review Committee will be presented with a Project Presentation Form that will discuss the project, but not divulge any information that would violate privacy requirements. The Project Presentation Form is attached to the back of the procedural guide. 2. An HRA Loan Review Committee member and the HRA Executive Director will sign the Project Presentation form, which will be presented to the HRA Board for formal loan approval. 3. After approval by the IIRA Board, a date for loan closing shall be set. If the project fails to meet an eligibility requirement or is not approved by the HRA Loan Review Committee, the applicant shall be informed in writing by the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Coordinator within ten working days and shall be informed of the appeal process. At the time of loan closing, the owner match will be required and put into an escrow account. ELIGIBLE CONTRACTORS AND BIDDING PROCEDURES 1. All General Contractors must complete a Contractor's Application to participate in the Small Cities Development Program and must furnish the IIRA with copies of. Certificate of Insurance and Contractor's Licensing or Certificate of Exception. Upon IIRA review and approval of the above documents, the contractor may then be awarded a contract. 2, When lead hazard reduction is required by the risk assessor, lead trained workers will be required on the project. Certification of training must be on file at the HRA office. 3. The contract is between the applicant and the contractor. The applicant will be provided a list of the HRA approved contractors to choose from. However, an applicant is free to choose any licensed contractor whom the applicant may desire. Page 12 of 19 ) b b) 4. Contractors will be allowed to bid on any and all rehabilitation projects. However, no single contractor will be allowed to work on more than three rehabilitation projects at one time. 5. The contract shall be awarded to the lowest base bid unless one of the following circumstances occurs: a. The bid is determined to be unrealistically low by the HRA and the contractor agrees to withdraw the bid. b. The contractor has failed to follow the procedures as outlined in the instructions to the bidders. C. The homeowner does not want the low contractor to perform the work and agrees to pay the difference between the lowest bid and the preferred contractor's bid, d. There appears to have been collusion between two or more contractors in which case all bids under question will be thrown out and different contractors solicited for bids. e. The contractor fails to bid according to the specifications and it proves impossible to compare that contractor's bid with the other contractor bids. f, if two bids are tied, preference will be given to the Section 3 Certified Contractor, unless the homeowner refuses. 6. A minimum of two bids shall be solicited for each improvement project. Bidding shall be done on a general contractor basis, unless under certain cases, it will be a significant cost benefit to the homeowner to bid out the individual projects separately. The HRA Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator will make this decision, In the event only one bidder responds, the bid will be compared to the cost estimate to determine whether the bid is reasonable and can be accepted. The HRA Housing Rehab Coordinator /Inspector will make this decision on a case by case basis. 7. The HRA will periodically do press releases about the project to encourage contractor participation. Encouragement of women and minority -owned business to participate will be included in the press releases. 8. All portions of the work must be performed by a contractor. RTD SUMMATION AND FINANCIAL PACKAGING 1. Rids will be presented to the property owner. 2. Upon acceptance of a bid by an applicant, the HRA will, working with the property owner, package the project according to: a. Eligibility of the property owner b. Availability of Non -SCDP program funds Page 13 of 19 Io(�) C. Other available funds, and d. The appropriate level of SCDP funding 3. The loan package shall include: a. The applicant's household composition b. Applicant's gross income c. Estimated market value of the property d. Property location e. Applicant's equity in the property f. Proposed rehabilitation activities g. SCDP funding requested h. Other funding to be used in the project 4. The necessary repayment agreements, mortgage and other legal necessary documentation are prepared by the IIRA staff. 5. A mortgage shall be placed on the property for the full amount of the SCDP dollars spent on the project. There is a limit of $25,000 of SCDP funding per project. Change orders resulting in a project cost over $25,000 will not be covered by SCDP funds. Homeowners will be expected to finance project costs over $25,000. The IIRA Loan Review Committee, during review of a project, reserves the right to where appropriate, waive the $25,000 SCDP limit, Justification will be documented in the file. Sources of owner matches include the MHFA Deferred Loan Program, USDA Rural Development 504 Home Repair Program, Heartland Community Action Agency, Inc, Weatherization Program, AI-IP, GMHF, City of Hutchinson Housing Rehabilitation Revolving Loan Fund, Hutchinson HRA Deferred Rehab Loan — NE Neighborhood, MHFA CFUF and FUF and any other leverage sources that may become available through the Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership. Financing packages will be assembled by the HRA Program Coordinator based on income eligibility, financing amount available with various sources, and financing terms. City of Hutchinson Revolving Rehabilitation loan funds will be reserved for families between 60 -80% of AMI, because other rehab financing sources will be used first for families at or below 60% AMI. 6. The property owner shall be responsible for paying the recording fee of the mortgage. 7. Closing will then take place with the property owner and other appropriate parties to the closing, 8. Three days after closing the HRA will issue a Notice to Proceed to the accepted contractor(s). CONTRACT PERFORMANCE The Notice to Proceed allows the contractor 90 days to complete, except that weather dependent work on projects where the notice to proceed is issued too late in the building season will allow additional days as determined by the IIRA. Change Orders are required to extend ALL contracts. Change orders to the contract: \J Page 14 of 19 I a. Require the signatures of the: 1) Homeowner 2) Contractor 3) I -IRA Housing Program Coordinator 4) The Housing Inspector b. Will be allowed only for the following reasons: 1) To rectify hidden deficiencies that are discovered once the work has begun. 2) To change an approved work specification due to unforeseen difficulties arising after the work has begun that force a delay. 3) To address a deficiency that was inadvertently dropped from the project during project packaging. 4) The work is weather dependent and weather conditions have not allowed the completion of the work. 5) The homeowner preferred contractor is too heavily committed to perform the work within the allotted time and the contractor requests an extension along with a work schedule acceptable to the homeowner and HRA. 6) Unforeseen difficulties develop with the approved work and force a delay. C. Any additional Owner Match funds will be required to be deposited in an escrow account. 2. Interim inspections may be performed by the IIRA or City Building Department to monitor work progress and quality of workmanship. 3. If a dispute arises between a property owner and a contractor, the HRA Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator will advise the properly owner and contractor to resolve the issue according to the contract and work specifications. If a clarification of the contract and specifications is needed, the IIRA Housing Program Coordinator will render an opinion based on the facts presented and the contract. If a solution cannot be found, either party may then appeal the HRA Loan Review Committee and the Project Director - their decision will be final. 4. A contractor's contract may be terminated for any of the following reasons: a. Poor work performance on the job site and the demonstrated inability to rectify the poor workmanship. The cost of repairing poor workmanship shall be deducted from any amount owed to the initial contractor for work completed. b. Causing undue damages to a homeowner's property and the inability or unwillingness to correct the damages. The cost of repairing the damages will be deducted from any money owed the contractor for work already completed. C. The contractor lacks sufficient insurance coverage. d. The inability of the contractor to perform the work within the allotted time. Page 15 of 19 I uh- e. Irreconcilable and unreasonable differences between the contractor and the property owner. £ The contractor requests to be removed from the contract. 'There will be no penalty associated with this request as long as the request is made within 30 days of receiving the Notice to Proceed, g. Contractors who are removed from a contract shall be removed from the approved contractor's list and shall be prohibited from being awarded any contracts with this program until such time as the problem has been corrected and HRA might reinstate their approved status. PAYMENT All contractors will agree to the payment schedule contained within the contractor's application, which is as follows: a. No pre - payments are allowed for any reason. h. Partial payments will be allowed only for completed portions of the project. c. Payments will be made only after the work is completed according to the specifications contained within the Scope of Work and meets with the approval of the applicant and the HRA after inspection. d. Payments will be made only upon presentation of the following documents: Billing statement 1) Lien waiver 2) Sworn Construction statement 3) Completion Certificate 4) Lead Clearance PROJECT FILES The Housing Rehab Coordinator shall maintain files on each applicant throughout the duration of the project. 'Those files shall include the following: 1. Section A - File Checklist a. IIomeowner Application b. Property Presentation Form /Approved by HRA Loan Review Committee C. Application and Rehabilitation Process Form d. Income Verification Form 1) Employment Verification 2) Second Employment Verification 3) Self - employment Income 4) Bank Verification 5) Ul /General Assistance /AFDC Grant Verification 6) Social Security Verification Page 16 of 19 iot�� 7) Pension/Retirement Verification 8) Child Support e. Historical Society Clearance f. Property Tax Verification g. Title Verification Form h. Property Insurance Verification i. Photo Release Form j. Lead Based Paint Statement/Lead Based Paint Assessment Requirement k. Property Owner Conditions 1. Property Inspection Completed m. Guidelines for Subordination Requests n. Fair Housing Certification Form o. Eligibility /Non - Eligibility Letter 2. Section R - File Checklist a. Change Orders (if applicable) b. Specifications E'or Rehabilitation (Notice to Rid) C. Notice to Proceed d. Contractor /Property Owner Agreement/Property Owner Conditions e. Contractor Award Notice I'. Contractor Non -Award Notice g. Proposal Form /Bid Specification It. Copies of Proposals Received i. Bid'fabulation 3. Section C - File Checklist a. SCDP Deferred Loan Mortgage and Repayment Agreement b. Documentation of Non -SCDP Finances (if applicable) • Escrow Agreement for Owner Match C. Notice of Right of Recission d. 'Truth in Lending Statement 4. Section D - File Checklist a, Preconstruction Conference Report b, Notice to Proceed C. Contractor Payment Request d. Sworn Construction Statement e. Completion Certificate f. Lien Waiver g. Field Inspection Report 5. Section E - File Checklist a. Owner Evaluation b. Lead Clearance c. Hazard Reduction Completion Notice d. Copy of Filed Repayment Agreement 6. Copies of forms as appropriate are appended. Page 17 of 19 7. HRA at its option may accept documentation and verification from other agencies working with the same applicant. Other agencies at this time are: a. MHFA b. IIeartland C. Rural Development d. Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership APPEALS If an applicant/property owner's application is denied for any reason or is dissatisfied with the level of assistance received, the following procedure is to allow for a standardized appeal /complaint process for all applicants of the Small Cities Development Program, 2, In the event of denial or a complaint, the applicant/complaint: a. Will be informed of the appeal process. b. Will be given a copy of the appeal process. C, Will be given a written notice clearly stating under what condition that the application was denied. 3. The applicant who wishes to appeal the denial of benefits must submit their appeal within 14 days of receipt of denial either orally or in writing to the Housing Rehab Loan Coordinator. That appeal must state: a. The reason(s) fir the appeal. b. Information that the applicant believes is pertinent to the appeal. 4. If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the Housing Rehab Coordinator, an appeal may made in writing to the Project Director within 14 days of decision by the Housing Rehab Coordinator. The Project Director_ shall review all written appeals with the HRA Loan Review Committee. 5. Further appeal may be made to the HRA Loan Review Committee by appearing in person before the committee. The Project Director shall respond to the applicant in writing within 15 working days of appearing before the committee: a. The results of the review b. An explanation of the findings C. The next step the applicant can take if not satisfied with the response 6. If the applicant is denied assistance by the IIRA Loan Review Committee; final appeal may be made to: Page 18 of 19 ►D(JO Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development I" National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street Suite E 200 St. Paul, MN 55101 -1351 GENERAL CONDITIONS No project may be started until: a. Grant dollars are made available b. The program is officially up and running C. The application process has been approved d. I IRA /homeowner has issued a Notice to Proceed Any work done on a project prior to these steps will mean that part of the project is ineligible for funding, 3. The proceeds received from the repayment of Rehabilitation loans originated SCDP funds will go into a revolving loan fund to provide funds for rehabilitation projects on an ongoing basis. AMENDMENTS These procedural guidelines may be amended in whole or in part or supplemented by the Hutchinson Housing and Redevelopment Authority as deemed appropriate and/or needed and will be effective on the date of issue. GAIRA/DTED & SCDP Programs /2010 SCDP NE Neighborhood/Proccdural Guide 2010 Page 19 of 19 oc�> Appendix A CONFLICT OF INTEREST WORKSHEET Date: Grantee Name: City of IIutchinson Grant #: CDAP -09- 0077- 0-FY10 Is the individual within the last 12 months or currently, an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or appointed official of the state, or unit of local government, or any designated public agencies, or sub - recipients that are receiving assistance for the SCDP program? If No, no further action is required. If Yes, the local unit of government must provide to DEED the following: Describe the conflict: • Disclosure of the nature of the conflict. • Assurance that there has been a public disclosure of the conflict, • Describe how the public disclosure was made. • An opinion of the attorney for the local unit of government that the interest for which the exception is sought would not violate State or local law. I . Has or does this individual exercise any functions with respect to the SCDP grant? Describe. 2. Does this individual participate in the decision- making process? Ifyes, they must officially announce that they remove themselves from the decision making process. 3. Is this individual in a position to gain inside information? 4. Does this individual have, or will obtain a financial interest or benefit from the activity? 5. Does the individual involved have an interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement, or the proceeds there under for themselves, their family, or those with whom they have business ties? The fallowing will be completed by DEED and returned to the Grantee. Based on all the information gathered and the answers to questions above, I recommend: ❑ Approval of the request for an exception to the conflict of interest rules. ❑ Denial of the request for an exception to the conflict of interest rules. DEED Business and Community Development Representative Date ulj� 2010 SCDP Target Area - NE Neighborhood xn " 'a w � arge A rea ,2oa x% e s )5 195 - vo, 9 . IB 2B 9B /B 59 99 ie ICe Ile 118 I >8 tl° 156 $IB ,5 RS 95 .S se % ]0 105 115 tYi 195 1.5 155 HO M 3/0 YM FLLVI:NIII AVF NF 1t M 'A N IMO 166 110 Ixe lab 1.0 158 106 w 1093 WI 24 .° M 6e )e 105 n5 123 195 1.5 155 ,% r IM ' ICN)H -wL NE 9W M .. M 64 ]. 1M 110 130 M 150 100 6 1 ] 43 35 W l3 VIN I11 FVF NF. 101 � 6 680 61 eN eev %e e% erB " 062 eea e62 a% eia e]e e]9 e]e 930 en e]5 en B°5 NnarHwnu05 AVE NF �% /1s 126 SSS ue 1% 1 axe eae ,� 0 ° eeo 10A ew 2M eeD 1-1 s ey eae °� o eee 150 eat le e elo elo Ma e{9 ioo e25 eaa eae ese -1 e20 exa ego r e,e elo e16 Gov a 30e 9% t5 ,eS 2.5 w5 e00 )60 l )% °10 1 16 eoe 5 _ .iHIFFIN 1F Nl 4 . )50 1 ].6 U740 106 ).. 9M 310 )% iy 1]1° /a ]. ]ae I {0 � L u fle Its )]o /M 11 )15 m 9 ]2e 2 )% ]9 ]06 iO3 313 1e5 I" .% ]x0 ]36 )10 ]le no 1 01 1 FOF Ayk NF Ih 115 ]% 'its zse ]w >M �g. 6x es] a 5{ ]21 w0 65 6e v 6 /OI an 0�3 e�2{ °36 g9° °55 111 "a ]00 � 706 fiVC NE ON 615 10B 11 b6 TT �/ M-4 % i) 83 69 V � 690 fiP J64 - ..._ m ... .E' 61e °55 ._ °n _— 44 31 _ 510 z5 5M e as �] 1s IVF 5 % 99 F 'N 3 {90 Y ! 1P 51 {5 53 1 19 — Is Iw J {{ a00 01 an saan 205n % 0 z 22z0 xve 3 1.F �4 3 911 VF.v 5% eae 9e ti• t] ]0 5 a n 525 SaD ) N 501 2% 219 e q1, 215 221 I)e 2% 251 5% 2{ 19{ 1e1 x9l zm t9a S) 25D 25r t95 ao an 92] 511 91] 21 11 r9 200 a10 Sze 532 T t0 h 2 1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHOROITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON THIS CONTRACT for Administrative Services is between the City of Hutchinson, MN hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority In and For the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "HRA ". WITNESSETH: In consideration of the mutual convenience and agreements contained herein, the City and the HRA agree as follows: I. This contract will commence on May 11, 2010 and will continue until terminated by either party according to Paragraph XVII. TI, The HRA agrees to act as the administrative agent for the City of Hutchinson to implement the City's Owner Occupied Housing Rehab Program for the Northeast Neighborhood funded through the Small Cities Development Program, CDAP -09- 0077- 0-FY10. In addition, all program income /generated income from all Housing SCDP programs will be administered by the HRA. III. The HRA will receive financial reimbursement from the administrative fees associated with the grant from the City of Hutchinson's Small Cities Development Program funds. 1V. As the administering agent for the above described grant, the HRA agrees to perform all tasks enumerated below in a manner which will meet or exceed the terms and conditions imposed upon the City in the Small Cities Development Program Grant Agreement dated the 16th of April, 2010, copies of which are attached as Exhibit A. A. Citizen Participation. Comply with all State and Federal participation requirements. B. Compliance with Federal Regulations. Ensure that the following Federal acts or regulations are complied with: 1. Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L> 88 -352) which provides that no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, he excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. 2. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1968 (P.L. 90 -284), known as the Fair Housing Act of 1968, stating that it is the policy of the United States to provide, within constitutional limitations, for fair housing throughout the United States and prohibits any person from discrimination in the sale or rental of housing, the financing of housing, or the provision of brokerage services, including in any way making unavailable or denying a dwelling to any person because of race color, religion, sex or national origin. b(o Page 1 of C. Project Planning. Coordinate the preparation of program guidelines, contacts, budgets, and other agreements in a manner consistent with applicable State and Federal laws and regulations for all project activities. D. Implementation. The HRA will implement programs authorized under the Small Cities Development Program Grant within the respective limitations of the grant monies provided and/or in accordance with State and Federal requirements. Homeowner Rehabilitation Financing; Develop procedural guidelines for homeowner rehabilitation and implement them in accordance with Federal and State Standards. This would include, but not be limited, to determination of eligibility, and coordination with housing partners; i.e., lenders, contractors, and homeowners. E. Coordination of other funding sources for the project. The HRA will coordinate other applicable programs for the project such as, but not limited to, rehab funds from Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, Greater Minnesota Housing Fund, Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership and Rural Development. F. Compliance with Equal Opportunity Regulations. Ensure that compliance with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Act and Executive Orders, and Civil Rights Acts of 1964 is maintained. Also responsible for all Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity recordkeeping requirements by the State of Minnesota. G. Financial Recordkeeping and Control. Keep complete and accurate records of all claims and disbursements in accordance with the following procedures: 1. The HRA will examine each claim and verify that the work has been done and /or materials actually provided for the project. 2. Requisitions for the checks will be prepared by the HRA and submitted to the City Finance Director for payment. 3. The City will issue all checks. 4. The HRA will submit a voucher and supporting documentation to the City Finance Director for review who will obtain proper signatures and submit requisitions to the State. V. The City and HRA mutually agree that a mortgage shall be executed in the name of the City of Hutchinson as mortgagee for each loan of monies provided under the Small Cities Development Program to individuals for the purpose of home rehabilitation. In regard to such mortgages and assignments, the HRA shall prepare all documents and obtain all necessary signatures required �b Page 2 o for proper execution of such documents and file a secured interest with the McLeod County Recorder's Office. VI. For the purposed of this contract, the HRA shall be deemed an independent contractor and not an employee of the City. Any and all employees of the HRA or other persons who engages in the performance of any work or services required by the HRA under this contract, shall not be considered employees of the City and any and all claims that may or might arise on be half of said employees or other persons as a consequence of any act or admission on the part of said employees or the HRA shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City. V11. The HRA will subcontract with the City of Hutchinson Building Department to provide inspections, work write -ups, and construction oversight in the implementation of the grant program. The HRA will subcontract with R & S Inspections, Inc. for lead inspections or lead assessment and clearances. VIII. The HRA specifically agrees to comply with the requirements of 24 CFR 135.20 and to provide such copies of said regulations as may be necessary for the information of parties to contracts as required to contain the Section III clause as set forth in 24 CFR 135.20. IX. Any alteration, variation, modification, or waiver of the provisions of this contract shall be valid only after is has been provided in writing, duly signed by both parties, and attached to the original of this contract. X. The waiver of any of the rights and/or remedies arising under the terms of this contract on any occasion by either party hereto shall not constitute a waiver of any rights and/or remedies in respect to any subsequent breach or default of the terms of this contract. The rights and remedies provided or referred to under the terms of this agreement are cumulative and not mutually exclusive. XI. This contact shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and shall supersede all prior or written negotiations. X11. The City shall have full access to all records relating to the performance of this agreement. X111. In performing the provisions of this contract, the HRA agrees to comply with all Federal, State, or local laws all applicable rules, regulations, or standards established by any agency of such governmental units which are now or hereafter promulgated. XIV. In consideration of the prompt and efficient carrying out of the above, the City agrees to reimburse the HRA, for project administration related costs in carrying out the above activities up to an amount not to exceed the maximum allowable as specified by the State of Minnesota, Department of Employment and Economic Development, Community Development Division. During the term of the contract, said monies are to come solely from the Administration funds totally available for the administration for the City of Hutchinson's Small Cities Development (A Page 3 o Program, Northeast Neighborhood Rehabilitation Project. For the purposes of this contract, project administration related costs are defined as follows: A. Approved project administration fee of $2,600 per owner occupied rehab project to cover project administration duties including, but not limited to, applicant and loan file, HQS inspection, work write -ups, construction inspection fees, bid solicitation, contract administration, and draw requests. Lead inspection and lead clearance tests are included in the project loan costs. After close out of the grant, project administration fees to administer the rehab revolving loan fund, may be amended by revising the fee schedule on a yearly basis. XV. Should any of the above provisions be subsequently determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be in violation of any Federal or State laws or to be otherwise invalid, both parties agree that only those provisions so adjudged shall be invalid and that the remainder of this contract shall remain in full force and effect. XVI. ANTITRUST. Contractor (HRA) hereby assigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and /or services provided in connection with this contract resulting from antitrust violations which arise under the antitrust laws of the United States and the antitrust laws of the State of Minnesota. XVII. The City reserves the right to terminate this contract if the HRA inexcusably fails to perform any of the provisions hereof. Such termination shall occur thirty (30) days after receipt by the HRA of written notice specifying the grounds thereof, unless, prior to that date, the HRA has cured the alleged non - performance of the provisions of this contract. The HRA may terminate this contract with thirty (30) days written notice. IN WITNESS WHERE OF, the parties here to have caused this contract to be duly executed. CITY OF HUTCHINSON BY: MAYOR, CITY OF HUTCHINSON ATTEST: 13Y CITY ADMINISTRATOR IM j HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN & FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN REVI ff. RYTTO o HRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR � b� Page 4o G: /HRA /DTED & SCDP Programs /2010 SCDP /ADMINCONTRA(:T Page 5 of 5 City of Hutchinson Section 3 Plan The City of Hutchinson, in conjunction with Small Cities Development Program Grant #CDAP- 09 -0077- 0-FY10, has the following plan to direct employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD financial assistance for housing and community development programs, to the greatest extent feasible, toward low and very low income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing. Section 3 is a HUD requirement that is intended to ensure that when employment or contracting opportunities are available on HUD funded projects, preference is given to low and very low income persons or businesses, whenever possible. The City of Hutchinson will attempt to recruit Section 3 Businesses and low income area residents as new hires for the project through: signs regarding the project placed at City Center, the Hutchinson library, Park Towers Apartments, and contact with the local workforce center. The City of Hutchinson will require that all contracts between the homeowner and the contractor providing rehab services will contain the following Equal Opportunity provisions: • Equal Employment Opportunity: "The contractor shall provide equal employment opportunity to all persons without discrimination as to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability." • Affirmative Action: "To the extent possible and practical, the contractor will take affirmative action to provide employment opportunities to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability." • Section 3: "1'o the extent feasible, the contractor shall provide opportunities for training and employment to lower income residents of the area, particularly residents of public or federally assisted housing." The City of Hutchinson will require all contractors to complete and submit the Section 3 Business Certification Form prior to awarding contracts. While being a Section 3 business is not required for the program, the City of'Hutchinson will give preference, whenever possible and within the guidelines of the City of Hutchinson procurement policy to qualified, competitive Section 3 businesses. C) (b) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PMENT IVIS ON ENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND Small Cities Development Program Grant Agreement CDAP -09- 0077 -0-FYI O This Agreement is made on April lb, 2010 between the State of Minnesota acting through the Department of Employment ute in hinson this and Economic Development (hereinafter the Grantor) and the City of Hutchinson, l 11 Hassan Street t SE SE, , Hutchinson, M 55350 -2522 (hereinafter the Grantee). The city of Hutchinson will be responsible for fiduciary responsibilities grant. Projects tunded under this grant can only come from eligible cities. fhe Grantor has been allocated funds by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development under the C ommu 1(2) D evel pment B l o c kG6Jn402o theGrandtor is em powered toe ter nto contracts as neces Minnesota perform the Statutes Commissioner's duties. The Grantee has made application to the Grantor for the purpose of administering a Small Cities Development awarded is incorporated into this project for the City of Hutchinson in the manner described in Grantee's "APPLICATION, " which agreement by reference. In consideration of mutual promises 'set forth below, the parties agree as follows: The Grantor shall grant to the Grantee the total sum ofTWREE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE to the THOUSAND TWO Community DRED Developme t Gra t Program. The Grantee hall perform he act vities of are proposed in r he 2012 c in accordance ad further are s p e cified under Grant o di e 1 the Housing and Commun Developmentt Apt of 1974, as during the period from amended, its implementing regulations particularly federal statutes identified in Title 24 of the Code o£ Federal Regulations, Part 570, guidelines provided by Grantor and all other applicable state and federal laws. the t ime frames s pecified in Grantee agrees to c the Any p change in the scope of the ect, the budget, ordthetcompletion date must be approved e ect in accordance with Pp in writing by the Grantor. crises Funds made available pursuant es and this a mentg shall be used the grant period described above. u Notwithstanding t all other provisions accomplishing such pure of this agreement, it is understood that any reduction or termination o f Housing and Urban Development funds provi e to the Grantor may result in a like reduction to the Grantee. Where provisions of the Grantee's application are inconsistent with other provisions of this agreement, the other provisions of this agreement shall take precedence over the provisions of the application, I 10(1) Grant Number: CDAP -09- 0077.0 -FY GRANT CONDITIONS 1. The following activities, goals, and budget costs are approved by the Grantor. Any modifications to the budget must have written Grantor approval prior to implementation. Number of Number of LMf households households Fed. Activity Unit /persons /persons SCUP Other Obj Code Activity Title Goal served served Funds Funds Total 5347,200 $148,800 $496,000 LMH 14A Res Owner Rehab 20 52,000 0 52,000 2IA Administration Totals $399,200 $148,800 $548,000 2. Successors and Assignees The Grantee may neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this grant contract without the prior consent of the Grantor and a fully executed grant agreement executed and approved by the same parties whom executed and approved the grant, or their successors in office. This agreement shall be binding upon any successors or assignees of the parties. 3. Amendments Any amendment to this grant contract, with the exception of Grant Adjustment Notices (GANs), must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by those parties authorized by resolution to enter into this contract, their successors and assigns, or other party authorized by the Grantee through a formal resolution of its governing body. GANs must be approved by the Grantor in writing, and require a written change request by the Grantee. A GAN may be used for the purposes of transferring budget amounts between line items which do not change the contract value, or other grant status activity. All other changes require a formal amendment as stated above. 4. Waiver If the state fails to enforce any provisions of this grant agreement that failure does not waive the provisions or its right to enforce it. 5 Pre - Agreement Costs Grantee may incur administrative costs for this grant prior to the executed grant agreement. This does not include the award of construction contracts prior to environmental clearance. 6. Environments Com lion e: Unless the Grantor indicates otherwise, the Grantee is required to conduct an environmental review on project activities, to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended. Disbursement of funds will not occur until Grantee has provided assurances that all NEPA requirements will be met. Environmental clearance must be received by the Grantor and other agencies prior to committing funds for activities. Grantee must maintain environmental review documentation and records. The Grantee may enter into a programmatic agreement with the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (MnSHPO) that allows the grantee to not seek further consultation from MnSHPO on eligible properties in eligible rehabilitation projects. 7. Timeliness The Grantor may cancel this Grant Agreement if it determines that the progress towards completion of the activities is not reasonable. 8. Dru -free Work lace /Dru -Free Work lac Awarenes Program: The Grantee agrees to provide a drug -free workplace by notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the Grantee's workplace and specifying actions that will be taken against 2 1 b LV)\ ernployees for violation of such prohibition. fhe Grantee must also establish a drug -free workplace awareness program to inform ernployees about the dangers of drug abuse, the availability of drug counseling and penalties for violations of the drug -free workplace policy. ). Prohibition of Excessive Force Pol icy : The Grantee agrees to adopt and enforce a policy to prohibit the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations (P.L. 101 -144, Section 519). 10. Residential Anti -pis Iacement and Relocation Assistance Plan: The Grantee agrees to adopt, make public and follow a "residential anti - displacement and relocation assistance plan" in accordance with Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. This plan must include steps to minimize displacement of residents caused by project activities. [L Fair Housing Grantee agrees to abide by and promote all Fair Housing Regulations during the grant period. Activities must be reported on forms provided by the Grantor annually. 12. Rehabilitation Policies When applicable, Grantee must approve policies and procedures which are consistent with the grant application. In addition, all policies, procedures and forms must adhere to federal and/or state requirements. 13. Federal Labor . tandar s: When applicable, Grantee must comply with all federal Davis Bacon and Related Act requirements and must submit "Notice of Contract Award" required by the Grantor before using grant funds to pay contractors or subcontractors. 14. Re rtin : Grantee shall submit reports annually during the grant period, to Grantor. All other reports must be in accordance with the reporting requirements set forth in Minnesota Rule 4300.3200. Grantee shall use the forms provided by the Grantor. 15. Accountin : For all expenditures of funds made pursuant to this agreement, Grantee shall keep financial records, including invoices, contracts, receipts, vouchers, and other documents sufficient to evidence in proper detail the nature and propriety of the expenditure. Accounting methods shall be in accordance with "The Common Rule," Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments, at 24 CFR, Pan 85, as amended. 16. Procurement of Professional Services The Grantee must maintain documentation that shows that professional services were procured in accordance with "The Common Rule," Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments, at 24 CFR, Part 85, as amended. Services obtained from units of government such as HRA, RDC, or for - profit and/or nonprofit organizations do not have to be procured by competitive negotiation, but contracts for these services must only be on a cost - reimbursement basis, accounted for in accordance with "The Common Rule." 17. Audit and Inspection The Grantee shall comply with the requirements of the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (P.L. 104 -156). Accounts and records related to the funds provided under this agreement shall be accessible to authorized representatives of the Grantor for purposes of examination and audit. In addition, Grantee will give the U.S. General Accounting Office, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, State of Minnesota, Department Of Employment and Economic Development, the Legislative Auditor, and State Auditor's Office, through any authorized representatives, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, and documents related to the grant for a minimum of six years from the end of this Grant Agreement. 18. Liability: Grantee agrees to indemnify and save and hold Grantor, its agents and employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action arising from the performance of the Grant by Grantee or Grantee's agents or employees. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies Grantee may have for the Grantor's failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 19. Data Practices A "the Grantee shall comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Chapter 13. 3 ,��� 20. Conflict of Interest The Grantee shall comply with the conflict of interest provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sections 471.87 - 471.88, and Subpart K of 24 CFR, Part 570.611 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 21, Payment/Disbursements Grantor shall disburse funds to the Grantee pursuant to this agreement, based upon a payment request submitted by the Grantee and reviewed and approved by the Grantor. Payment requests will be processed on a bi- weekly calendar provided by Grantor. 'the amount of grant funds requested must be two thousand dollars ($2,000) or more (except for the final draw). Grantor has authority to hold back administrative funds if project goals are not being completed. 22. program Program income is any income received by a grantee or a sub - recipient as a result of the activities supported by State of Minnesota Small Cities Development Program (SCDP) funds. Program income must adhere to the following conditions. a) Program income can only be used for SCDP approved activities, or returned to Grantor. b) All program income earned on the activities when the grant is open must be used on grant activities, by subtracting the amount earned from the next disbursement. c) Grantee agrees to have a plan on file for the use of program income earned after grant closeout. d) After closeout, any program income and interest earned must be tracked and reported by year received on a form . provided by the Grantor. e) After closeout, any program income that is not used within two years from the reporting year received must be returned to the State of Minnesota, Small Cities Development Program. 23. The Grantee must comply with Minnesota Statutes, Section 290.9705 by either: A. Depositing with the State, eight percent of every payment made to non - Minnesota construction contractors, where the contract exceeds $100,000; or B. Receiving a waiver from this requirement from the Minnesota Department of Revenue. 24. Anti - Lobbying The Grantee must not use SCDP funds to pay any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of a federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or any employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of a federal grant, the making of a federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. If the Grantee uses non - federal funds to conduct any of the aforementioned activities, the Grantee must complete and submit Standard Form LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying." Further the Grantee must include the language of this provision in all contracts and subcontracts and all contractors and subcontractors must comply accordingly. 25. Goual Employment Qpportunity_ Grantee must include Executive Order 1 1246 (Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications) in all direct Grantee bidding documents and contract documents for which construction costs exceed $100,000. 26. Section 3 : Grantee must include the Section 3 Clause § 135.3 8, notice regarding economic opportunities for low and very low income persons in all Grantee bidding and contract documents for which the construction costs exceed S100,000. 27. Uniform Relocation Assistance, and Real Pro ert Acquisition Policies Act: Permanent easements of land required for any public facilities improvement made using SCDP funds, or in conjunction with SCDP activities, must be acquired in conformance with the provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition 4 ��) Policies Act of 1970, as amended (49 CFR 24). Budget modification, if necessary to achieve compliance, must be approved in writing by the Grantor. Unless otherwise approved in writing by Grantor, use of SCDP funds to purchase real property is limited to the value established by appraisal(s) conducted in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. Reuse of real property that is acquired with SCDP funds must be approved by Grantor. 28. S ecial Assessme t : No public facilities activity funded in whole or in part with grant funds may be financed through assessments. 29. Provision for Contract and Subcontracts: Grantee shall include in any contract or subcontract such provisions as to assure contractor and subcontractor compliance with applicable state and federal laws. 30. Eligible Contractor .: Grantees are required to verify that all contractors, subcontractors and sub - recipients are not listed on the Federal publication that lists debarred, suspended and ineligible contractors. Evidence of this determination must be readily available to the Grantor throughout the life of the project. 31. Reduction in Actual sts: On projects that involve construction of public facilities or new housing, if bids are significantly lower than estimated project costs, Grantee must contact Grantor. Grant amount may be reduced. . 32. Termination and Cancellation This Grant may be cancelled by the Grantor at any time, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Grantee. In the event of such cancellation, Grantee shall be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. 33. Worker's m ensatio : The grantee certifies that it is in compliance with Minnesota Statute 176.181 Subd.02, pertaining to worker's compensation insurance coverage. The Grantee's employers and agents will not be considered state employees. Any claims that may arise under the Minnesota Worker's Compensation Act on behalf of these employees and any claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of these employees are in no way the State's obligation or responsibility. 34. Governing Law. lurisdicti4r and Venue Minnesota law, without regard to its choice for law provisions, governs this grant contract. Venue for all legal proceedings out of this grant contract, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 35. Monitoring Grantee will be monitored through an on -site visit at least once during the grant period. The Grantor and Grantee acknowledge their assent to this agreement and agree to be bound by its terms through their signatures entered below. GRANTFE We have read and we agree to all of the above provisions of this agreement. By Title Date By Title Date STATE OF MINNESOTA by and through the Department of Employment and Economic Development By Title DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Date ENCUMBERED Department of Employment and Economic Development By (Name) Date Encumbered [Individual signing certifies that funds have been encumbered as required by Minnesota Statute 16A.] City of Hutchinson Grant #CDAP -09- 0077 -0 -FY 10 A.., &2010Awerdy201 UContwu.d. 6 , o(-�) ORDINANCE NO. 10- 0548 — AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE KEEPING OF HONEYBEES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF HUTCHINSON THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON HEREBY ORDAINS: § 93.50 RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE KEEPING OF HONEYBEES A. Permit Required 1. No person shall keep, maintain, or allowed to be any hive or other facility for the housing of honeybees on or in any property in the City of Hutchinson without a permit. 2. The permit applicant must be the owner of or be the bona tide tenant of the real estate in which the permit is issued. 3. The animal control unit of Hutchinson Police Services may grant an annual permit pursuant to this section only after the applicant has met any educational requirements as established and published by Hutchinson Police Services and has received the written consent of 100% of the property owners and occupants within 150 feet of the applicant's real estate. In cases where the premises sought to be permitted is leased, consent must also be obtained from the owner of the real estate. The applicant shall cause forms giving consent fzom neighboring landowners to be recorded in the office of the McLeod County Recorder in order to provide notice of subsequent purchasers of neighboring property of the existence of beekeeping on the applicant's premises. The applicant shall be responsible for all recording fees. Occupants or owners of neighboring property may revoke their consent at any time and in such case the affected beekeeping permit will be terminated 30 days thereafter. Any person desiring a permit for the keeping of honeybees shall apply for such permit to the animal control unit of Hutchinson Police Services. Approval of any application for the keeping of'honeybees is subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by the Hutchinson animal control unit. The authority to issue, revoke, suspend, or reinstate a permit for the keeping of honeybees rests with the animal control unit of Iutchinson Police Services at any time that, in the sole discretion of Hutchinson Police Services, the permitted activity constitutes a nuisance under any city ordinance or state law B. Beekeeping Standards of Practice. 1. In addition to any reasonable conditions placed on a permit for the keeping of honeybees by the animal control unit of Hutchinson Police Services the minimum requirements of any permit are as follows: A. Only bees of the Genus and Species Apes Mellifera may be kept. B. There shall be a maximum of one colony of bees per 4000 square feet of lot space up to a maximum of 6 colonies. All colonies are to be kept in hives with removable frames which shall be kept in sound and usable condition. o (C -) C. The permit holder shall ensure that a convenient source of water is available to the colony prior to and so long as colonies remain active outside of the hive. D. All bee colonies are to be located in as close to the center of the permit holder's property as possible and in any case at a minimum distance of 25 feet from any lot line. E. The permit holder shall establish and maintain a flyway barrier at least b feet in height. The flyway barrier may consist of a wall, fence, dense vegetation or accommodation thereof to insure that as bees enter or leave the hive they assume a vertical flight pattern. R The permit holder shall have in force and effect at all times a policy of liability insurance in an amount not less than $300,000 specifically insuring the beekeeping activity on the permitted premises. The permit holder shall provide proof of this insurance at any time it is requested by Hutchinson Police Services. A copy of such insurance coverage is required at the time that a beekeeping permit is applied for. C. Inspection. 1, Hutchinson Police Services is authorized to conduct such inspections as it deems necessary to insure compliance with all provisions of this chapter, and shall have right of entry at any reasonable hour to the bee hive for this purpose. D. Hold Harmless. The permit holder shall hold the City of Hutchinson harmless and shall indemnify the City of I Iutchinson from any claims brought against the City related to the permit holder's beekeeping activity. Adopted by the City Council this day of ATTEST: Mayor Steven W. Cook Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator � O,L) To: Citizens of the Hutchinson Fire District, Mayors, City Councils, and Town Board Supervisors From: Brad Emans, Fire Chief Dam: 05(03(2010 Rae Monthly Update on Activities of the Fire Department Fire Department Response: The Fire Department responded to 34 calls for service in the month of April. Fire Officer Only Response: A "fire officer only" responded to 16 calls in April, saving the Hutchinson Fire District the cost of a "general' alarm estimated at $2,848.00 for the month, and just as important, kept our "paid -on -call' professional firefighters at their full -time employment an additional 240 hoursl Response Time First Emergency Vehicle Out of the Door): April— 3 minutes 32 seconds Example of a Few of the Calls: • The FD responded to a call that a semi trailer was burning inside of a commercial building in the southeast part of the city. The employees were able to pull the trailer out of the building and the fire department extinguished the fire. The building suffered only minor smoke damage; • The FD responded to a residential property in the southwest part of the city to assist with an environmental employee safety situation for a person that had been deceased for approximately three weeks; • The FD responded to a vehicle rollover into a retention pond located in the northwest part of the city. The victim was heroically removed by local citizens, then firefighters searched the vehicle for any additional victims and then removed the vehicle from the pond; • The FD responded to a call of a missing person. The missing elderly person was located without harm; • The FD responded to a call that a person was in the Crow River and now missing. The firefighters searched the river for 90 minutes in the rescue mode before turning the situation over to the Sheriffs Office; the Sheriff is responsible for all waterway incidents. The Sheriffs Office and Fire Department conducted recovery operations for 5 days and a total of 220 personal hours before recovering the missing person; • The FD responded to a mutual aid call to Dassel when a vehicle struck and severed a high pressure natural gas line; 1 1 t -,) A Fire Officer responded to a recreational fire that was burning illegal material in the central part of the city. The fire officer required the owner to extinguish the fire; The FD responded to a mutual aid call to Cosmos FD for a three vehicle fiery crash, the crash involved two semi tractor /trailers and a passenger vehicle resulting in a double fatal; • The FD responded to a roof fire on a unoccupied barn in the rural fire district, the fire started from burning brush in a field pit; Breakdown of the Calls for the Month: City Type of Call Number for the Month Residential 3 Commercial /Industrial 0 Multi - Family 1 School 0 Grass 0 Medical _ 1 CO 7 Rescue 7 Haz -Mat Leak/Spill 6 Vehicle - .. 1 - ------ ...... Sky-Warn 0 Mutual Aid 0 Total 26 Structu Flres 0 Arson 0 Rural: T.. a of Call Number for the Month Residential 0 Commercial / Industrial 0 School 0 Farm Building 1 Grass 0 . -- Medical 1 co 0 Rescue 3 m _ Haz -Mat Leak/Spill 0 Vehicle 1 Mutual Aid 2 Total Structure Fires - 8 1 Arson 0 • Page 2 LQ� Training: Firefighters trained on the following topics/equipment in April: • Firefighters trained on emergency response procedures at the training site with the goal of improving incident command, and firefighter tactics, • Firefighters trained on wild land firefighting procedures and tactics, the training was given by the Minnesota Department of Forestry; • Firefighters trained on two story and basement fire attacks with the aid of the live burn trailers at the training site, Fire Prevention ! Public Relations / Other Information: • Firefighters participated in the annual "We Care About Our Kids" located at the Hutchinson Mall; • Firefighters assisted the Hutchinson Parks Department with their required native prairie restoration bums located around the city; • Conducted a general safety class for the Jaycee's Babysitting Clinic; • The FO started the 2010 re- registration of all residential rental property with -in the city limits of Hutchinson in the first week of December 2009 and finally finished the process with 100% participation in the middle of April 2010. Other Information: Number of calls that required more than one engine, one IC, and four firefighters for April: 13 Estimated dollars lost to fire for the March: $45,000 Estimated dollars saved for the March: $500 • Page 3 Hutchinson Public Library Board Minutes February 22, 2010 Present: Roger Vacek, John Paulsen, Abby Dahlquist, Guy Stone, Janet Vacek, Bev Wangerin, Pioneerland Library System (PLS) board member, and Mary Henke, Ex- Officio Absent: Eric Yost, Yvonne Johnson President John Paulsen called the meeting to order. The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. A motion by Guy was made to approve the minutes as submitted with a second from Abby. Minutes approved. Report: Bev Wangerin, PLS treasurer, reported that library funding is looking good. The county's share of library funding will be paid according to Maintenance of Efforts requirements. Mary said the city is funding the library at the level requested. There was a discussion with Bev about Hutchinson's unfilled position on the PLS board now that Herman Hannemann's term has expired. Our other Hutchinson representative, Jack Sandberg's term ends in December 2010. It was this board's recommendation that Hannemann's term remain unfilled at this time. Roger Vacek volunteered to fill the position as needed. Mary will let Eric know. However, the final responsibility to fill the positions lies with the City Council. Old Business: 1. Lorna Landvik Visit on April 13 The $575 fee for her visit will be paid for by the Friends of the Library or with a Legacy Fund grant. Mary spoke with her booking agent who ok'd arrangements. 2. Legacy Funds program Nancy Carlson, a children's author /illustrator will be coming the library on Saturday March 20 at 10:00 am. Mary needs help at 9:30 with set -up in the upstairs area. The McLeod County librarians are working on a project with the McLeod Co. Museum on a traveling trunk program that would be suitable for all ages plus a re- enactor. We will contract with Lori Pickell- Stongel, the museum director to plan and develop this program. Several trunks each with a different theme could circulate throughout McLeod Co. to libraries, schools, senior centers, etc. Other possible projects are a bookbinding class sponsored in cooperation with the Scott Miller and the Craw River Arts Center and a trip to the Benjamin Franklin exhibit at the Minnesota History Center. McLeod County libraries get $7,000 to spend by June 30, 2010. 3. Reappointment of Abby and Guy to local li br bgord Mary has submitted the paperwork and the City Council will deal with the appointments at a March meeting. New Business: 1. Yvonne Johnson's rest nation Due to health reasons, Yvonne has submitted her resignation. Mary suggested asking Yvonne if she has any recommendations to fill the position, especially someone with Ridgewater ties. Abby suggested looking for someone with young children or in contact with children as a good balance for our board. Names will be brought to the next meeting. Roger volunteered to fill Yvonne's position as co- secretary. 2. Custodial position filled Mary reported the custodial position temporarily being shared by Jerry Tews and Lee Wright has been filled. Phil Forcier has been hired to work 2 `` - hours at the library and also at the Fire Station not to exceed 20 hours /week. Next meeting: Monday, March 22, 2010 at 4:30 pm. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Roger with a second by Guy. Motion carried and meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Janet Vacek, Co- Secretary 1 I (�� Resource Allocation Committee May 4, 2010 4:00 PM Hutchinson City Center Attendees; Steve Cook, Bill Arndt, Gary Plotz, Jeremy Carter, Kent Exner (Committee Members) Dolf Moon, John Olson (Contributing Participants) Meeting Minutes 1, 2010 Project Worksheet Sherwood St Extension, Seal Coating, Plaza 15 Parking Lot, etc. Kent E. provided and reviewed the most recent version of the 2010 Project Worksheet The focus of the discussion was identifying projects to he constructed during 2010 along with the Adams/Washington, Sherwood and TH 15 WM Lining projects. Following significant discussion, the RAC agreed that Seal Coating and Les Knobs, Parkway projects (Plaza 15/Parking Lot B not identified by the RAC) should be developed and potentially administered with the bonding target being $1.5 - 1.65 M. Kent E. explained that since the City is not allocating typical funding amounts from the Water, Wastewater or Slormwater Funds for the 2010 projects and with the possibility of not meeting the bonding target value, the amount of Engineering fees generated might not meet the General Fund Budget department revenues. However, Engineering staff continues to develop and deliver a significant volume of project work (while supporting many other City departments/functions), but due to funding/prioritization unknowns, many projects are not constructed in a timely manner and no fees arc collected within the current budget year. 2. TH 15 Watermain Lining Project — consultant proposal & City contract partnership possibility - Kent E. reviewed the proposed consultant proposal and project partnership possibilities relative to the TH 15 Watermain Lining project. RAC agreed that the potential cost savings and City staff learning opportunity results in the Engineering Services Agreement being acceptable. 3. Frost Boil Repairs —review situation & determine funding source - John O. presented information regarding the frost boil issues within several City streets. At this point, the budgeted street maintenance funds will absorb this unforeseen cost of $68,450 and, essentially, he exhausted with the other seal coating and crack scaling work. I Iowever, it additional unforeseen street maintenance repairs are deemed necessary during 2010, the Public Works Dept. will work with the Finance Dept. to identify potential funding sources and /or amend the appropriate budgets. 4. Montana St NW Right-of-Way Plat — review draft plat boundaries & potential property conveyance - Kent E. provided a brief description of a potential street right plat along the existing Montana St. NW segment south of TH 7. This potential plat would create an outlet along the easterly side of the roadway right -of -way. the potential property conveyance of this oullot will be discussed at an upcoming City Council closed meeting. 5. TH 7/15 Mn/DOT Properties —review property appraisals & transfer feasibility - Kent E. reviewed the recently finalized appraisals for the TH 7115 project remnant properties. RAC Cell that acquiring these properties at the appraised amounts would be beneficial to the City. The potential property transaction with Mn/DOT will be reviewed at an upcoming City closed meeting. 6. 2011 2015 Public Works CiP —review draft info - Due to time constraints, this item was not discussed and no information was distributed. This item will potentially be reviewed at the .Tune 0 RAC meeting. 7. Other Discussion - Kent E. described the situation of the colored and normal concrete sidewalks within the Downtown area and along TH 7/15 having some pop -out and surface deterioration issues. City staff has acquired a quote of approximately $25,000 to administer the re- sealing of the colored sidewalk within these areas- Steve C. stated that City shufshould work to identify a funding source to address this work. � I (C)