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cp02-08-2005 c
AGF,NDA REGULAK MF,ETING - IIUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY S, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MARLIN'I'ORGERSON DAY 2. INVOCATION -Rev. Sam Grocdanov, Shalom Baptist Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 25, 2005 (b) BID OPENING MINUTES FROM JANUARY 27, 2005 Action -Motion to approve as presented 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. HUTCHINSUN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 22, 2004 2. HUTCIIINSON AREA HEALTII CARE FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2004 3. HU"I'CHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2004 4. BUILDING DEPARMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JANUARY 2005 S. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY RL'PORT FOR 7AN[JARY 2005" (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES RESOLUTION NO. 12619 -1~IRST AMENDMENT TO TI-TE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN llOC[7MENT 2. RESOLUTION NO. 12620 - RESOLUTION ADOY"PING NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT' SY51'EM 3. RESOLUTION NO. 12621 - RESOLLITION FOR PURCHASE 4. RESOLUTION NO. 12643 -- RESOLUTION APPROVING DONATION OF REAL PROYER'fY (c) LETTING NO. 8, PROJECT NO. 05-]0 (GOLF COURSE ROAD NW) - ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMEN'T' AND RF,CF,PJING REPORT AND CALLING IIEARING ON IMPROVEMENT (d) LETTING NO. 11, PROJECT NO. OS-13 (WATER PLANT -FILTRATION SYSTEM - ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT' - RECEIVING REPORT AND WAIVING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY CO UNCILAGENDA -FEBRUARY 8, 2005 (e) LETTING NO. 12, PROJECT NO. OS-14 (WATER PLANT -REVERSE. OSMOSIS 5Y5'FEMS) - ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT' - RECEIVING REPORT' ANll WAIVING IIEARING ON IMPROVEMENT - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICAT'TONSRND ORDERING ADVERTTEMENT FOR BIDS (f) LETTING NO. 13, PROJECT NO. OS-15 (WATER PLANT - WELL NO. 8) - ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMEN'T' - RECEIVING REPORT AND WAIVING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT - ORDERING IMPROVEMF..NT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DRDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (g) LETTING NO. 14, YRUJECT NO. OS-16 (WATER PLANT -GROUND STORAGE RESERVOIR) - ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT - RECEIVING REPORT AND WAIVING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT - OKI]EK1NG 1MYROVEMEN'1' AND YREPARAT'ION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REJECTING ALL BIDS POR 2005 FORD TRUCK CHASSIS (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SIIORT-TERM 3.2 MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOA HUTCHINSON JAYCEES ON FF.BR[IARY 19 & 20, 2005, AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGRDUNDS (j) CONSIDERA'I'lUN FOR APPROVAL OF 'TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR AMF,,RICAN LEGION POST 96 ON APRIL 9, 2005, AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS (k) CON5IDERA'I'lON FOR APPROVAL OF'fEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR MCLEOD CO[JN'I`Y VOITURE 414 40 & 8 FOR APRIL 16, 2005, AT MCLF.OD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS . (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT-TERM CAMBLING LICENSE FOR CROW RIVER HABTT'A'f T~ OR HUMANITY ON AUGUST 23, 2005, AT MCLEOD COUNTX FAIRGROUNDS (m)CONSIDERA'1'lONFOR APPRUVAL OF RENEWAL OF HU'T'CH BOWL SET-UP LIQUOR LICENSE (n) CONSIDERA'1'IONEOR APPROVAL OF SHORT-TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR 3M CL.UB ON APRIL 30, 2004 (o) C:ONSIDERA'1'lON FOR APPROVAL OF EN'I'EA1NG INTO AGREEMENT WITH MIDWEST WIRELESS FOR CELL PHONE SERVICES Action -Motion to approve consent agenda 6. PUBLIC FIF.ARINGS - G:00 P.M. (a) 2ND AVENUE. SW FROM LAICF.. STRF.,IT SW TO DALE STREET 5W - LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO. US-D9 Action -Motion io close public hearing Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (b) DOWNTOWN STREETSCAYE AND WASI-IINGTON AVENUE WEST-LETTING N0.4, PROJECT NOS. OS-04 & OS-05 (DEFERRED AND RESCHEDULED FROM JAN[JARY 25, 2D05) Action -Motion to close public hearing Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve CITY COUNCIL AGENDA -- FEBRUARY 8, 20Q5 7. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS ~. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUPPORTING PURSIII'F OP PUBLIC EMPLOYEES KETIREMENT ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA AUGMEN'1'A"1"TON LEGISLATION (INFORMATION PRESENTED AT JANUARY 25, 2005, CITY COUNCIL MEETING) Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (b) CON5IDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2005 RECLASSIFICAI'lUN REQUESTS Action _ Motion to reject -Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ASSF.SSMENI' AGREEMENT FOR ROLLING MEADO W S EAST (HRA/FIRST-TiMF.. HOME. BUYF.,R DEVELOPMENT) Action - Motion to reject -Motion to approve (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ENTERING INTO CONTRACT WITH TKDA FORDESIGN SERVICES FOR HUTCIIINSON MUNICIPAL. AIRPORT CAPI'T'AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Action -Motion to reject -Motion to approve (e) CONSIDERA"1'lON FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING JOINT MEE"PING WITH IIUTCIIINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT BOARD FOR MARCH 15, 2005, AT 8:OD A.M. • Action -Motion tp reject -Motion to approve 10. MISCF,LLANEOUS (a) COMMlNICATIONS 1. PRESENTATION FROM HOSPITAI. RESTRUCTURING TASK FORCE MEETING _ GLENCOE REGIONAL HEALTH SERVICE5/MORRIS MEDICAL CENTEK: THE CASE FOR PRIVATIZATION AND INTEGRATION WITH PHYSICIANS No action. 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 12. ADJOURN C~ MINUTES . REGULAR MEETING - I-IUTCIIINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2005 I . CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. Ma or teve oo ca e c meeting to order. Members present were Bill Arndt, Kay Peterson, Jim Ilaugen and Casey Stotts. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and John Kodeberg, Director of Public Works 2. INVOCATION -Rev. Gerhard Bode, Peace Lutheran Church, delivered the invocation, 3. PLEDGF. OF ALLEGIANCE • PROCLAMATION DECLARING FEBRUARY 8, 2005, AS "MARLIN '1'OAGERSON DAY" Motion by Peterson, second by Amdt, to approve proclamation declaring February 8, 2005, as "Marlin Torgerson Day". Motion carried unanimously. 4. MINUTF,S (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 11.2005 Motion by Stotts, second by Peterson to approve minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. POLICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 9, 2004 AND JANUARY 4,.2005 2. IIU7'CHINSON FIOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBEK 16 AND DECL•'MBER 21.2004 3. HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 21, 2004 4. HU'1'CHINSON AREA HF,ALTII CARE BOARD MINU'T'ES FROM DECEMBER 21, 2004 5. CITY OF IIUTCHINSON GENERAI, FUND FINANCTAI. REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2004 6. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR DECEMBER 31, 2004 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLIJTION NO. 12618 - RESOLU'I'IUN FOR PURCHASE 2. AMENDED ORDINANCE NO. 04-0398 - AN ORDINANCE SETTING CITY OF HUTCHINSON PEE SCHEDULE -STORM WATER UTTILTY RATES (SECOND READING ANb ADOPTION) (c) CONSIDERAT'lON FOR APYKUVAL OF SHORT-TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR THE hIU'1'CHIN5ON ROTARY FOUNDAI'lUN ON APRIL 22, 2005, AT HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER (d) LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. OS-O1 (NORTII CENTRAI, TRUNK SANITARY SEWER) - ORDERING PREPARATION OF RF,PORT ON IMPROVEMENT - RECEIVING REPORT AND WAIVING HEARING • - ORDERING IMPROVEMENT & PREPARATION OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS - APPROVING PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS & ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ~~~~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -.IANUARY 25, 2005 (e) LETTING NO. 7, PROJECT NO.OS-09 (2ND AVENL]E S W hROM LAKE ST. SW TO DALE ST. SW) - ORDERING PREPARATION OP REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT - RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OP KEN MERRILL ATTENDING TIIE NATIONAL GFOA CONFERENCE IN SAN AN'T'ONIO, "TEXAS FRUM JUNE 26 - 29, 2005 (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CART; FINANCING AU'fHO1tILATTON Items 5(d) and S(e) were pulled liar further discussion. Motion by Stotts, second by Ilaugen to approve the consent agenda with the exception ol'Items 5(d) and 5(e). Motion carried unanimously. John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works, expplained that Item 5(d) does not require a public hearing because this project is not assessable, whereas Item 5(e) is being funded by property owner assessments. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve Items 5(d) and 5(c). Motion carried unanimously. 6. PLIBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. (a) DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE AND WASHINGTON AVENUE WF.,ST- LETTING N0.4, PROJECT NOS. US-04 & 05-US (TO BE POSTPONED AND RESCHEDULED TO FEBRUARY 8, 2005) Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Seppelt stated that initially a public hearing was scheduled for tonight on this issue, but due to unforeseen circumstances, as well as the acquiring of additional information from downtown property owners, it has been recommended that this public hearing . be deferred to February 8, 2005. Mr. Seppelt distributed to the Council the materials he will be distributing to downtown property owners to explain factual information related to the streetscape and lighting project. Motion by Peterson, second by Haugen, to reset public hearing for February 8, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 7. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) UPDATE ON 682"~ BATTALION AND YELLOW RIBBONS CJ Schochenmaier presented bcfore the Council. Ms. Schochcnmaier explained that the 682"d Battalion has returned to the United States from Iraq. Ms. Schochenmaier further explained that National Guard policy requires that no formal meeting of the Battalion be held for some timc to allow the soldiers time to adjust back to civilian life. The official Welcome Home Ceremony will be held at a later date this year. Ms. Schochenmaier asked of the Council that the yellow ribbons that werc authorized to be ticd onto public pproperty last summer, remain until at least 2-3 wceks after the Welcome Home Ceremony. Ms. Schochenmaier will then form a group to remove them from public property. Council Member Arndt stated that he will contact the Rotary Club and sce if they can find an organization that could assist in taking down the ribbons. Motion by Arndt, sccond by Stotts, to allow the yellow ribbons t~ remain on public property until three weeks following the official Welcome Home Cercmony ofthe 682" Battalion. Motion carried unanimously. 8. L7NFiNISHRD BUSINESS .9. NEW BUSINESS ~~~a~ CITY COLINCIh MINUTF,S -JANUARY 25, 2005 • (a) CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FROM R2 TO C 1 SUBMITTED BY CHRIST THE KING CHURCH LOCATED AT 1040 SOUTH GRADE ROAD SW WITH FAVORABLE STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND UNFAVORABLE. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator, presented before the Council. Ms. Baumetz explained that the Planning Commission voted 4-3 to deny the rezoning request. The C 1 zone allows 1'or more permissible uses as opposed to an R2 zoned property. Christ the King made a request to continue this item to research it further. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to return this item to the Planning Commission for reconsideration, with the contingency that the applicant signs a 60-day waiver. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL. USF, PERMITS AND VARIANCE REQUESTED BY THE CITY Oh HU'1'CHINSON FOR CUN,~'RUC'FION OF A WA"1'ER TREATMENT PLANT LOCATED BETWEEN HIGFIWAY 7 AND 5 STREET NE AND BETWEEN PROSPECT AVENUE AND BLUF~ STREF,T AND TREATMENT WETLAND LOCATED AT 30 AND 40 ARCH S1'REE1" NE ANia 300 4 STREE"ENE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE KECOMMENDATION (ADOP"f RESOLU'f1ON NOS. 12647, 12608 & 126D9) John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works, explained that a neighborhood meeting was held, as well as a public hearing. No negative comments were received. Mr. Rodeberg explained that the bass pond on the property will crease a drainfield area that will go into a wetland treatment area. This will be a great enhancement from the current ponding system. Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson, to approve Resolution Nos. 12647, 12608 & 126D9, conditional use permits and variance requested by the City of Hutchinson for construction of a water treatment plant. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CON5IDERA'I'lON FOR APPROVAL OF OFFF,R FSY SOUTHWEST MINNE5O1'A FOUNDATION FOR PURCIIASE OF CITY-OWNED PROYERT'Y AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR FEBRUARY 8, 20D5, TO DiSCiISS SALE OF SAID PROPERTY John Rodeberg stated that the S W Minnesota Foundation has asked that this item be deferred for ai least two weeks or longer. Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson io table this item indefinitely. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDF.,RATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUPPORTING CHANGE TO THE WATER CARNIVAL PARADE ROUTE Dan Hasten, Police Chief; presented before the Council. ChiefHatten staled that the Hutchinson Jaycees have requested that the Water Carnival pparade route be revised to run on Main Street this year in~relebration of IIutchinson's 150'h Anniversary. ChiefI3atten illustrated the entire route which will start on 3 Avenue onto Main Street onto 4th Avenue io Lynn Road, onto Linden Avenue to the Recreation Center. This is somewhat of an issue since Main Street is a state highway and will require more signage and manpower. Additionally, changing the rouse could cost the Cily approximately $10,000 more than in past years due to the signage and manpower issues. The resolution for consideration is authorizing the Council's support to be submitted to MNDOT to use a portion of Hwy 15 (Main Street) for the Water Carnival parade. Motion by Arndt, second by Peterson, io approve supporting changing the Water Carnival pparade route to be relocated along Main Street and authorize staff and the Hutchinson Jaycees to work with MNDOT on gaining authority to change the route, adapting Resolution No. 12617. Additionally, staff will then report back to the Council firm expenses on the costs associated with this project. Motion carried unanimously, (e) CONSIDERATION FOA APPROVAL OF SET'F1NG JU1N'1' MEETING AND BUS TOUR WITH HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL FOR FEBRUARY 1 p, 2005, AT 3:30 ~~1~~ CITY COUNCIL MINUT E5 -JANUARY 25, 2005 P.M. • Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator, explained that the Planning Commission would like to discuss projects that have been approved in 2004. Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to approve setting joint meeting and bus lour wish the Planning Commisston for February 10, 2005, at 3:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING OPEN MOUSE APPRECIA"I'lON EVENT FOR MARLIN TORGF.RSON DN FEBRUARY 8, 2005, AT 4:00 P.M. AT THE I IUTCI IINSON CITY CENTER Motion by Peterson, second by Stotts, to approve setting open house appreciation event for Marlin Torgerson on February 8, 2005, at 4:00 p.m. at the City Censer. Motion carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF SCHEDULING OF ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW OF CITY ADMINIST'RA1'OR GARY PLOTZ Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to schedule annual performance review of City Administrator for February 22, 2005, at 4:30 p.m. Mottpn carried unanimously. Marc Sebora noted that Mr. Ylotz has the authority io decide whether or not he would like the meeting opened or closed. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNIL'A"PIONS 1. YRESENTA'110N FROM HOSPITAL RE51'RUC'1'UR1NG TASK FORCE MEETING -PERA ENABLING LEGISLA'I'lON REQUEST (PHIL GRAVES AND TOM SCHROEDER) Steve Snapp, Chair oP Hospital Restructuring 'Task Force, presented before the Council. Mr. Snapp explained that this task force has been studying the issues of privatizing Hutchinson Area Health Care. Phil Graves, President I3AHC, explained that a driver I'or privatization of the hospital is mostly related to market competitiveness. This would include collaborative partnerships and quick response to competitors. Discussion was held about strategic planning and how much ofthat should he open to the public due to competitors. Discussions of the Task Force are to try and determine the best model of Hutchinson Area Health Care for the benefit of the community. Council Member Stotts asked about whether or not a dollar figure has been targeted Fora "buyout" of the hospital. Phil Graves explained that that has not been discussed yet. Tom Schroeder, Hutchinson Area Health Care legal counsel, presented to the Council. Mr. Schroeder explained that he had been re uested to make a presentation to the Council regarding a privatization model. Mr. Schroeder outlined the items chat would need to be accomplished to privatize which would mainly include creating a new entity, transferring the assets, and addressing the City's current obligations. Mr. Schroeder continued by detailing each item and what each would entail. In creating a new entity the City would need to incorporate a Minnesota non-profit (317A), write articles and/or bylaws, obtain federal tax exemption of 5 1(c)(3), obtain Medicare provider numbers, transfer licenses and establish employee benefits. In transferring the assets the land/building/eyuipment would need to be leased or assigned and an asset assignment agreement adopted. Mr. Schroeder further outlined how employee benefits would be impacted by the organization becoming private, s ecifically related to the PERA retirement plan. The employees would have a choice between a refund of the accumulated employee contributions under PERA with 6% interest, or a deferred annuity benefit accrued as of date of termmatron as a public employee. The deferred annuity is based on either a "high five" concept which is the participant's average salary as a public employee for the five consecurive years that produces the higghest average salary or the "Rule of 90" which is the participant's age plus the years of service totaling 90 or mare. In order for the current hospital employees to have the above-described options related to PERA if the 4 ~.ica~ CI'T'Y COUNCIL MINUTES -JANUARY 25, 2005 hospital is privatized, Hutchinson Atea Health Care's name needs to be added to the PERA Enabling Leg~slahon which is indicated in Minn. Statute 353F. If IIAHC's name is added to the list and the City decides not to privatize, no harm is done. This simply allows it to happen should privatization occur. Mayor Cook noted that the Task Force's plan is to have a representative from PT~RA make a presentation to them on this issue. Tom Schroeder continued by covering current bond debt of the organization which totals $7.65 million in exempt debt and $2.25 million in taxable debt. The bond objectives would be to make/keep the City whole, ne the debt to the source of revenue, reduce transaction costs, satisfy legal duties, and keep rt simple. Three options to deal with the bonds would include guarantee, assumption or defeasance. To guaranty the bonds accompplishment could be done under a lease ur other agreement. To assume them would be a privatized HAIIC "stepping in the shoes" of the City. Defeasance would be HAHC "caking out" the City's bonds. Steve Snapp stated that a resolution for consideration of submitting the PERA Enabling Legislation would be before the Council at the next City Council meeting. Casey Stotts -Council Member Stotts motioned to set a Visionary Workshop for February 8, 2005, liom 9.DD a.m. -- 12:U0 noon at the City Center, second by Peterson, Motion carried unantmously. Council Member Stotts also stated that a resident had asked him about the lack of snowplowing that occurred last weekend. John Rodeberg explained that the snow began at 12:00 noon on Friday and plows went out at 1:U0 a.m. on Saturday morning. The plows also went out two additional times that weekend. John Rodeberg estimated that it costs approximately $50,000 in labor and equipment for each snowplow event. Gary Plotz - Mr. Plotz noted that the Creekside Advisory Board meeting will be held at 4:15 p.m, on February 16, 2005, Motion by Peterson, second by Arndt, to set all Creekside Advisory Board meetings for the third Wednesday of each month at 4:15 p.m. at the City Center. Motion carved unanimously. Mr. Plotz also noted that some concerns have ariscd regarding the contractual arrangements with Earth Tech for design and construction of the water treatment plant. Mr. Plotz stated that meetings have been held with representatives fiom Earth Tech and language regarding project specifications will be added to the contracts. Mr. Plotz noted that an appreciation event for Marlin Torgerson is being planned fur March 4, 2005, at the Fvent Center. John ltodebcrg - Mr. Rodeberg stated that a very good meeting was held with MNDOT regarding the Hwy 7 Project. A public hearing will be held in March. Communication issues have been worked out and things look to be progressing well. Steve Cook -Mayor Cook reminded everyone of the Sesquicentennial Kickoff at the Event Center this weekend. Mayor Cook also noted that the American Legton National Commander was in Hutchinson today. 11. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve claims, appropriations and contract payments. Motion carried unanimously. 12. ADJOURN With no further business io discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. -~<«~ MINUTES BID OPENING 2005 FORD TRUCK CHASSIS JANIJARY 27, 2005 Present: john Olson, Public Works Superintendent and Patrice Vander Veen, Recorder John Olson, Public Works Supcrintendent, called the bid opening to order at 1:00 p.m. Mr. Olson dispensed with the reading of Advertisement for Bids, Ford Chassis. The following bids were opened and read: Flolt Truck & Trailer Bid Amount Cokato, MN $48,032.00 Boyer Ford Trucks Bid Amount Minneapolis, MN $50.465.60 The bid was referred to staff for review. The bid intends to be awarded at the February 8, 2005, City Council meeting. 1'he bid opening adjourned at 1;05 p.m. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATT);ST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator ~.~ Minutes Hutchinson Library Board Meeting November 22, 2004 Members present: Kay Peterson, Newt Potter, Connie Lambert, Mary Henke (Librarian), and Larry Ladd Members absent: Julie Jensen, Kay Johnson The meeting was called to order by President Connie Lambert. The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and approved. Report: Jack Sandberg gave a report on the PLS Board meeting of Nov, 18. PLS has developed a contract with Appleton Correctional Facility Decrease in book budget from $200, 000 to $158,000 for PLS libraries PLS has issued a grant to Granite Falls Library so they apn maintain acceptable level of service. PLS has developed procedure for selling books on E-Bay. Librpries, based on budget, are designated small, medium and large. An adjustment to reflect Midwest Consumer Price Index was made. PLS did not approve mileage for librarians attending Labor Management Committee meetings. Willmar Library received a $25,000 anonymous gift. Committee is working on method of evaluating Director. bisaster plan being developed to aid local libraries. Foundation grant from Mardag implemented. Old Business: 1. Jack Sandberg was reappointed to PLS Board. 2. Librarian Porhaits-No new porraits have been located. Even though unable to locate portraits of all pest librarians, we'll proceed with display. Fiends of the Library will be consulted About funding the project. 3. New Century Charter School computer instruction grant is proceeding. Student has been appointed to take leadership in program development. 4. Reshingling of old section of library roof completed last month. 5. Entry area light fixtures bid has been received. The two fixtures are uniquely designed for the areas. Motion made by Larry Ladd, seconded by Newt Potter to purchase two fixtures for entry at a cost of $3,390. Passed. 6. Discussion of 2005 city and county budget requests. Both city and county supportive of request for 3~ increase. New business: 1. New employees joining the staff are Mary Ann Price and Sally Menton. Next meeting: Monday, December 27at 4:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned. The following donations were received for Sept. and Oct. 2004: Hutchinson Lioness Club $150 Joel Sheggeby $ 15 Harlan Ackland $ 50 Barbara Remund $ 1D Scope Resource Center 150 Total $375 ;(~~ ~ ~ga1G PGM Preliminary HUTCHIT15ON AREA HEALTH CARE Comparative Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2004 fA} IB1 IA1-IB} DEC NQV DEC Change 2004 2004 2003 CY vs PY ASSE75 Curren[ Assets 5 Cash and irneslmen[s-Operations 58,286,887 $9,358,290 $71.367,896 (3,OB7,009j 2 Cash and investments-Self-Insured 1,988,438 1,664,723 1,424,530 563,908 3 Sutnotat CashEtnves[menls 510,275,325 $11,023,Ot3 St2.792,428 (2,517,161) d PalienllResident receivables 22,814,533 21,513,496 16,513,901 6,300,632 5 Allowances for bad debts ;5,009,580) (5,022,616} {4,604,491} {206,689) 6 Advaxes and contractual allowances {7 947 280} p 128,422} I4 71l B9B} ;3,229,382) 7 Net patientlresident and Nirtl-party B pay« nswivaUles 59.657,873 59,360,458 56,991,512 2,666.161 9 1^ Other receivables-net 327,621 546,408 309.370 76451 11 7nvenlnrie5 929.118 787,077 730,985 198,133 i2 Prepaid expenses 364,074 378,855 302,648 51,423 l3 Total Curcent ASSe1s $27,754,008 $22,095,805 521,126,941 627,067 14 Board Des a[edlFuntletl Deprecation Investments 55413 2l0 45948 208 E95B2 939 {4,169,729} 15 Investment in Joini VenNres 5907.912 $635,667 S4G5,131 5W,781 Plan[Asse[s 16 Lard 17 6u'.Itlings 18 Accumuated tleprecia5on 19 6uadings less depreciation 20 Equipment 21 Accumulated depredation 22 Equipment less depreciation 23 Cash~wnslructiwr 8 equipment 24 Cpns[ruc[ion in progress 25 Total Plan[ Assets Other Assefs 26 Defemed finanang casts 27 Total Funtls '•.R v ~~ ~~ FINSTAtNT.xls Pam Larson 51,019,788 51,019.788 51.019,788 LIABILITIES AND FL`ND BALANCES Current Liabilities Curren? malunlies of Longterm deb[ AcW anFS payable - Vade Esmnated contractual Settlemerns-net Accrued expenses Salaries PTO In:eresi Self-Insuretl programs Otner Deterred liahdi[ies Deferred revenue Totat Curren[ Liab~li[ies 34,a03,682 31,824,337 27,098,258 7,30.5,424 (l3 701 297} 513 598 118] {12 399.920} {1,301,377} LOnv~lerm Deb[ Hess current 520,702,385 518.226,219 $14,698,338 6,004,047 maturitiesl 18,792,718 18,201.172 16.063,237 2,729,481 {13,112,607} {13,002,390] ;52,048,451} (4,064,150) $5,680,111 $5,198,782 54,014,780 1,565.331 6 0 0 0 3436748 5679341 6101,781 [2,665,033] 530,839,032 $30,724,130 525,834,687 5,p04,345 Fund balance 588 131 589 242 5104 467 513,338} 559.002.293 559.093,052 $57,051,165 1,951 128 7o[al Funds {A} IB] fAi-IB1 DEC NOV DEC Change 2004 2004 2063 CY vs PY 51,219,600 $1,137,981 2,382,269 2,299,274 51,158,164 61436 1,633,555 T49,11C 1,320,534 1,578.403 1,304,968 15,566 793,614 1.357,908 1,441,910 {348,296) 1,574,242 1,536,530 4,340,663 233,579 408,929 317,610 426,552 (17,623) 432,057 417,502 343,597 86,460 176,914 575,043 132,328 44,586 24,505 24,505 95.575 (71,070) 5,371 3,204 2,127 3,244 58,338,035 $8,SG7.56G 57,579.039 758,996 52100579' 521090320 $22223436 (1217,645) 529,656,467 529,}95,172 $27,248,690 2,409,777 $59,002,293 $55,093,052 $57055,165 1951,128 . ~1B12CA5 4 20 PM Preliminary Hl1TCHIN50N ARFJ+HEALTH CARE Statement of Revenues and Expanses Monb1 and Period E:Med Oecemaer 31, 2004 CURRENT l90NTH YEAR~To-OATE PEAR-TO-DATE Over {Under} Budget Over [Underl Budget VARIANCE % R egenu° AduaY Budge[ Dollars Percent AUual Budget Dollars Percent ITecemaer 2083 CY vs PY 1 _ In patient revenue E3 d66,636 53,397,108 5759,530 6.8°.4 536,926,094 $38,843,358 (51.977,252} A.9% 537,219,676 18.3% 3 2 Cv[palien[revenue 4,680,897 4,311,049 369,648 8.6% 51,281,987 50,593,636 688,349 t4% 92,342,556 21. % 3 Residen[Rerenue 633,419 612,121 21,298 3.5% 7,577,506 7,228,523 348,963 4.B% 7,029,306 7.8% 4 Total paliantlresben[ revenue 58.760,954 58,230,278 5550,576 6.7% 595,785,587 596,665.517 {$679,930} -0.9% $60,591,538 18.9% 5 Discounts Governmental 8 Policy Discount 4,058,676 d,00B,009 50,867 1.3% 46,663,900 46,993,625 (329,925} -0.7% 36,412,d16 28.2% 551 4 167 fi76) f3 -86.8% 14630 50.000 (35370r -70.7% 1,227 1092.3% 6 7 Free Care To1a1 deduction from revenue 34,059,227 , $4,072.176 . 347,051 1.2% 546 676 530 547 043 825 {5365 295; -0.8% 536,413,643 28.2% 8 Net paisenVresidenl revenue 54.721,727 54,218,102 5503,625 11.9% 549,107,057 549,621.692 {$514,635} -1.9% 544,777,895 71.2% 4 % 9 Other operating revenues 256,534 91,234 165 3CO 181.2% 4031,319 966-741 62,576 6.5% 690,856 9 3 7% 336 4 309 5668 925 15 5% 376 550138 433 $50 590 f5d52057} -0.9% 544,868,751 11. 10 Ne[~erating revenue E4.978,261 , - $ , . . . , ]7 ExgeO~g Salaries 52067,362 $1,918,1 i8 5149.244 7.8% 522,831.996 $22,044,668 $787,328 3.6% 520,390,052 120% 12 £mplcyee Benefits 670,288 429,173 41,175 9.6% 5,029.300 4,999.695 29,695 9.6% 4,179,142 20.3% 13 Pmfesswnal arW Medical Fees 702,998 523.326 179-872 34.3% 6,077 135 6.219,123 (191,988} -2.3% 5,585,307 e.e% 14 i1Lli[ies. M1nce Contracts 8: Repairs 272,115 166,738 705,377 63.2% 2,242,829 2.046,972 195,857 9.fi% 1,958,566 7 14.5% 25 3% 15 Ongs d Supplies Fond 665,780 555,60'4 510,096 19.8% 7,041,002 6,400,267 640,715 m.o-% 5,621,23 . 6% , 541 1&3 149 214 16 327 9.fi% 1?19,443 1,739,614 {20,171} -t2% 1,660,280 3. 76 Other expense , 727 54 , 943 53 , 784 1-5% 617,022 647,38 [39,295] ~4.7% 393,901 56-6% 17 RtinnesMa Care , {15114} , 490 102 {117,604} -114]% 870,455 1,065,889 1195,434) -16.3% 623,842 39.5% 16 Sad deti[ 41 374 , 68 660 306} [27 -39.8'5 565,757 766,832 {291.075) -26.2% 487,349 16.1% 19 Interest . 178985 , 179344 , {359] -0.2% 2-056077 2t38025 {61,948) 3.8% 1813,853 13.9% 20 Depreciation $4 602 036 146 690 54 $455 346 11 0% 055 $49 016 Sd8,068,422 5962.594 2.0% 542,713,829 14.8% 21 Total expenses , , , , , . , . Excess of net operating revenue 5375 225 Si62fig6 5243 579 43} 3% 51087368 52522911 {51,d35,651) -56.9% 52.154,922 49.5% 22 over [urMer)eperahng expenses , , . Nonoperating Revenues 231 36 E1d OW {57 769) 85.5% 5206,791 $168,000 538,791 23.1% 5196 n59 5.3% 23 24 Investment income Other nonoperating revenue {net) , 65,638 , 25,737 , 35,901 139.5°/. 509.263 304,325 2A,938 67.3% 334,390 52 3% 25 Plaza 15 Income 7 (LOSS) 39,206 10,405 8,801 84.6% 95,818 122,327 ' [26 509] -2L7% 83,351 15.055 26 Talairwnopera6ng rerenue 587,975 SSO,l42 536,933 737% 5811872 5594,652 5217,220 36.5% $614,200 32.2% 27 Net income 3453,300 3272,768 5250,572 177-7% 51,899,232 53,Nfi,6fi3 [$1,2x7,431} -39.1% E?769,122 -31.9% 28 Patient tlays BTS 1,020 [145] -14.2% 10,470 12,196 [1,696y -14.0% 10,120 29% 29 Residen[days 3,689 3,632 57 1.6% 62,560 42,917 (757) -l.8% 41,413 4.8% 30 Percent occupancy -Nudge[ beds - Hospital 47.0% 54.8% -7.6% -14.2% 47A% 55-1 % -7.7% -14.0% 46.2% 2.6% 31 Percent occupancy-0udget beds ~ Nursirg Ficme 96.7% 95.3% 7_5% l.6% 93.7% 95-3% -1.745 -7.8% 92.2% 1.5% 32 fTiPS 9857 479-3 6.6 f.3% 476.7 479.3 -2.6 -0.5% 451.3 5 6% 33 Adndssions {adjustetl]-HOSpiIaE Only 596 623 [27) 4.3% 6,887 7,511 [704) -9.6% 6,550 3.9% 36 Expenses (rteq per admission[adjusted]-HOSpifai only 6,195 5,544 653 17,7% 5.982 5.336 646 121% 5,384 11-1% 35 Revenue per admission(adjusted}Hospital only 73,595 12,158 1,436 11-8% 12,889 11.832 1,0.57 6.9% 11,174 15.3% 36 7pe! Revanue per admission [adjusted} ~ Hpsq'laF only 6,937 5,860 1,057 18.0% 6.228 5,732 996 e.fi% 5,781 77% ° 37 tAsccun[s as a percent ,af+evenues 462% d6.7% -2.5% -5.2% 48.7% 68.7% 9.7% 0.1% 45.246 7.9 .6 38 F7E's per 100 atlmissions [adjusted] - Hospital Doty 5.1 4.7 0.6 67% 5.1 4.fi 0.5 9-9% 5.0 3.1% 39 Days sn Nel Accounts Receivable 69.0 55.0 14.0 25-5°,5 58.6 1T-7% i i~ 7 FINSTNNT.xIS fff Pam Larson s ~ . C~~ 4 a ] c ASSETS UTILITY PLANT -_ RT CQST _ --- ~ ~ - LAMD b LANG RIGHTS 1 = DEPRECIAId_E llTILITY PLANT TOTAL UTILITY P9~lT )~: LESS ACCUUiULATED DEPRECIATLQN I~,! i TOTAL ACCL3i^illl-A7ED DEPRECIRTI6N _ _ . ]~: CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS - TOTAL CON57RUCTiQt~! IN PR6GRE55 7..~ TOTAL UTILITY PLANT DEPREC VALUE !,I ~~ RESTRICTEi) FUNDS 6 ACCWNT5 }': FUTURE E%PANSIQN A DEVELOPMENT REFUNDING FUND 2003 __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ BOND 3 INTEf[E5T PAYiSFJ~fT 2063 }.~: ; 7QTAL RESTRICTED FUND5 & ACC©UNTS i:. j:J CURRENT E ACCRUED ASSETS )'-~ CASH IN BANK ACCUUPiTS RECEIVABLE .;~ INVENTQRLES ] .- VREF'AID INSURANCE CLEARING ACCWNT _ __ _ SALES TA)I RECEIVABLE ]:~ TOTAL CURRENT A ACCRUED A85ET5 DEFERRED CHARGE ] .: POND DiSCS7[F1T 2003 TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE J TOTAL AS6ET5 ]., 1 J :_ )' 1 I~ ~~, U1 - i B 5FIEET DECE1, 2004 x x x x TOTAL x x x x _ __. _.. __ _ _ __--.-_- _- 1.996.423.25 - 94,U84,78?.A7 SOS, 075,295.72 L29, 281, 775.98) 529,281,775.98] ___ .-_ __-._ 2,-rso,6e2.76 2,7so,6a2.7o __ 79,544,112.44 1,593,7?2.46 2,795.415.95_..__ _ _. _ - _- - --_.- ~, - - _ -- ~ 203, 153.39 ' 4,592,341.70 1,934,119.45 3,471,557.59_ .._ _- '. _ - - - - ~1 , 472.292.8 77,033.27 d8, 390.34 _ .. .. _ _ .... _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _.._.- -_ - - _ - 73,986.50 7,102,374.96 626,525_3s 624,525.35 ____ _ __ ___ Bfi, 865.359.45 ~ 8A SHEET DECElf3, 2004 S 1 rt w x • TtlTAL +r fr x~ +~ __ -_ - ___- 5~ MUNICIPAL EflUITY S LiA82LITIES ~ MUNICIPAL_EdUITY -- - ~ ---- - - - - ~ ___ -- -~~~_--43,387,136_98 _ MUNICIPAL EQUITY 5,665.640.38 ~= CtlNTRIBUTED E4n1ITY 707.47 878 UNAPPROPRIATED RETRINED Z=ARNING5 --- , _ - --- - -49,935,494.83 .- _ - TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY }' LONG TERM LIABILITIE5-NET OF __ _.____- - _ - -~ __ -~ - - -- --_-- - ~~~ - - --- ~ - CURRENT MATURITIES 2,725,000.00 ~ ~ 2001 B BUNDS 29, 750, OOf).00 _- 2x0.3 8UND5 _ __ - -- - - - - -- - -- - ~---~-- -- --~----- - 32,875,000.00 -- - TOTAL LTING TERM LIABILITIES ~ ~ ., ~: CE]NSTR CUf'FTRACTS & ACCT5 FRY RETAIN -- - _ -___- -- ----- ___ __ ---._-_ 107, 671 _7A _ .~_ _- ~ - - -- - - ---- ~~ ACCRUED E)(PENSES - RETAINAGE 107,671.74 ),~ 'fUTAL C:tlN3TRUCTIUN S ACCTS PAY -- ,-- _ __ _ ------ - ~ --~~~-CL17.`REN!T La ACCRUED LIABILITIES 3,913,495.46 ~~~ ACCOUNTS PAYRBLE 218,651.91 _.. _ FN7ERE8T_ ACCRL~D - _- - -.. __- _ -- -~~- - - _ - __ 54,007.03 ~ ACCRUED PAYROLL 188, BL9_93 ~ , ACCRUED VACRTIDN PAYRBLE S 223, 191 .50) -- _._-- RCCRLIED MEDICAL FUND _ ._ - - _ - - -- - - - _ -_..- _ _ -- - _ ~33, 817.67 _ .. _-- _ .. . ___ ACCRUED SEVERANCE 5,708.56 ~.; ACCRUED SICK 74, 060. U0 _-_._ - ~: _ ----. _ ...__- CUS'T'OMER DEPF15IT5 ~ ..__- _- - 85 634.82 .. tlTHER CURRENT 3 ACCRUED LIABILITIES , 4,351,202.86 ): Ttl7At CI~RENT 6 ACCRUED LIAR - ~ - - - - ~ ~- --~ - - 86, 865,359.45 -- - - - _ TOTAL MUNICIPAL E(?LEITY S LIAR 1 ~ _ __ ] °' 1 ~ _ i } _._ _ -_ 1 ~ _ . - __ - - --.. L1" ---- - -- ------- _ 5TAFEMENT E) F OME & E%PENSES • DECEMT~.3L. 2044 -~ PkEVIflLi6 CIJRRENT BUDGETEA_ __ - BUDGET _ - - ~ ANNUFN---_ ~-- - - _ ~~~- ~ - - -- ~ - _ YEAR TO DATE ~ _ -- YERR TO DATE YEAR TO DRTE DEVIATION HUDGST .- INCOME STATEMENT __ ____ OPERATING REVENUE - _ _- 119.71 19 627 59,994,765.'74 16,667,873.34 3,326,892.44 _ (5,667, 873.30 SALES - ELECTRIC ENERGY , , 613.40 583 278,352_20 500.400_00 (221,547 .80) S(Hi,000.80 7 SALES FOR RESALE , 647.80 &:+5 9 10,256.24 L 93 8,026,485.55 2,231,755_78 8,026,465.55 ~_ ____ _ 5ALE5 - GAS . , 430.51 066 30 30,531,359.87 25.144,358.45 5,337,00(.42 25.(94,358.45 ' TOTAL OPERATING REVEI+~IE , , f- _ _ _ OPEf3ATING_EXPENSE5 _ ' 388.32 2 982 - ~- ~- 1.952,197.26 - ~ -- 2,576,668.53 -- 624,691.27 2,376,688.`53 ERATYON PRODUCTION OF . , 64 420 345 282.351.77 255,500.04 (15,851.77) 266,500.00 1.~ PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE - , . 642.72 561 10 805,628.70 11 7,000,000.04 __ -L4,805,d26.70) 7.OD0_, 000.40 - pU~}fAy ~ pp~k -~~-- TRANSH IBSION OPERATION , , 1,734_28 __ 783_43 0,68 12 52 .00 8,004.00 (783.437 (44,066.12) .Ofl 8,000.()0 I~ TRAN5M I55ION MAINTEhFFWCE N 2(0,814.48 92 462 027 . , 400,907.61 434,984.84 34,077.23 A34,984.84 .. ELECTRIC IIISTRI&LIT iON OPERATIO E , . 707 9/ 176 123,565.50 _ _ 151,000.00 27,814.50 151,00(•).00 ~ ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION i~SAINTENANC . , 76 770 087 8 8,058,319.03 6,254,847.52 (4,803,47 L 51) 6,254,847.52 3 ~ PURCHASED GAS E%PENSE , . , 60 210 36.296_34 40,749.04 4,452.64 40, 749 .0U GAS TRANSMI55ION OPERAT ION -~- ~ . 04 _ 455.06 3 _ 71,710.60 -- - 68,254.94 71,710.00 GAS TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE . 97 402 966 , 441,061.56 449,534.Lfl 8,472.52 449,534.10 I:-~ GA3 DI5TRIBUTION OPERATION ' ' , . 97 501 588 68,574.62 ~ 94,750.00 24,175.38 94,750.D0 _ EFbANCE 3 __ _ GA5 DISTRIBUTION MAI N LECTION5 OMER ACCOUNTING S Cfi4 , . __ 371,333.94 ___ _ _ 344,633.68 ____ __ 337,195.73 _ 57,537.95] 337,195.73 ' !-~ _ CUST ADMINISTkATIVE 6 GENERAL E)ff'EN5E5 i, 521,637.24 5,585,817.54 1,855,225.27 269,407.53 00 25.27 1,855,2 004 00 240 3 . _ __ DEPRECIATION 2,325,464.16 046.95 3(1 28 3.200,000.00_ 28,355,480.36 _ 3,200,000.00 22,741,384.99 _ . 45,614,095.37) . _ , , 22,74 L 384_99 TOTAL OPERATINL EXPENSES , , !• 383.55 5 755 2,175,879.51 2,452,9'73.46 (277,093.45) 2,452,973.__ _ .~ OPERATING INCOME , , 1~~ OTHER INCOME 2b7.47 132 534,352.41 94,000.00 44.3°12.41 99,000.00 ~ __ OTHER MIS( INCOME ~~ ~ , 557_52 (0 _ 1(,053.50 13,000.40 LL,945.50) 43,A430.00 ~ 5ECLIRITY LIGH75 , 649.00 1 1,736.50 4,004.00 (2,263_50) 4,000.00 Y: ~ pOLE RENTAL , 756.44 120 67,498.94 50,000.00 7,498.94 60,D80.00 .. OTHER - NET , 528.17 233 74,23(.84 70,000.04 4,23(.86 74, 01)O.Dfl _ IHTEkEST INCOME , 757.14 (94 7(8,797.37 625,610.40 93,187.37 525,510. 1. :: MIS( INCOME AI5F'OSAL - ELECTRIC GAIN ON , 901,931.17 - _.._ --04_-_ _-__---_ _. .fl0 _ _ .UO OU 00 .__ - _ __ .UO . _ _ __ _ __ GAFN ON DISPOSAL - GA5 134,557.58 .0U DO .04 OO _ .00 .00 Ir. MIS( INCOME - GA5 WELL5 5.285.09 289.55 733 5 . 5,007.670.56 . 862,410_00 545.040.58_ 862,5(0.40_ i ~~ TOTAL OTHER INCOME , , ' OTl1ER EXPENSES 739.43 109 56,765.32 .00 (65,755.321 .OU _ - _____.. __MIBC E%PE_NSES , 796_14 329 L,340,67T.3fl L, 191,713.62 ~ (118,963.681 1,195,713_62 INTEkEST EXPENSE , 537.54 439 1,377,442.62 1,191,713.62 fi85,724.fl03 1,191,7(3.62 I.- TOTAL OTHER E%PEN5E5 , --- TU CITY T O 882.4D0.00 -- -927,400.00- -927.000.00 --~~------C40~.b0) 927, b4T6-80 00 0 _ I N CONTRIBU 00 882 4F)0 927,440.00 927,004.00 (400.007 . 927,00 I TOTAL CONTRIBUTION TO CITY . , --- 35'2.44 411 4i,297,172.fl43~ C1,2v6,103.627 C4L,~06$.927 (1,256,(83.62) NON-OPERATING INCOME , I 156,735_54 2 878,707.47 5,596,859.64 _(318,542.37) 5,196,86 _ NET INCOME - ... . Jai :: -- --- _- B,~~ld~r ~t~~^,»ritti~ bar Tyae ,~"r,r flap ~It,r,rlr ~~/ e'xJ`P~iGClr4y, '?/ri~S ri ~~ I ~ •, -- IU f,~:,cylCYf..rlllfl~Ftif=sIIfNGI.F r, 15 ...u.. RFSIf~N"fIA~.6?~~IDE. __ .. q I~FS'iC7IP~TIA~~..~., 4lYJIra ~3~°V'~+ ~z~ ~ r ~~; ~ rns~;rv r 2~ F'CjA!JA~1~7M1! ~~C~_ ~0)t N~F~K FIRE ~t1hJKN~FR PFRMI G __~.~ . _ .~ _......... e.m.. ANL-FAMILY DEIr~,~;HIL~ C7THEFt NGNRESIDEfd1"fA~ _e....,.... _ __ _ F~E~9CIENTIAI_ HOME ADbI"7"IC7tyS __ RF.tilf?~ NTIA1. ~ ,'.~ AGE nnnlTlr"r~.! r dV~, :~,~r [rt +sp~~t~ . far r ~, ~ ,~,rrrd:: = ~ , lV~r~b~r c~f,~l~rrrblr~ ~1N1ts fir ttae o,at~ ~ °~ 2 $O.~Ck 4i 5„O(9C?.CM~3` ... ... ..,,._. ..,m .. ~ $337 p~~l.tJC7 4i ~77,6C9t7,~p ; ~ 1 $4 A]s]0.4~~ __~. C~ Mema To: Mayor and City Council Members From: Brad Emans, Fire Chief Hate: 2102/05 Rg: Monthly Update on Activities of the Fire Department The fire department responded to 24 general alarms in the month of January. Example of a few of the calls: 1. We were called to the Elks Lodge where the boiler back rafted sending flames up to the exposed rafters. The building suffered only minor damage. 2. We responded to an apartment fire located at 970 Jefferson, the fire started outside the building in a storage shed and spread through a window into the building. The fire was contained to one bedroom in the building. 3. We responded to a water flow alarm at 3M, we found afrozen/broken water pipe in one of the office areas. 4. Wa responded to three false alarms I pull station problem at the Americlnn. This is the breakdown of the calls for the month: City: Commercialllndustrial 7Multi-family 3 Cari>on Monoxide 5 Hazardous Material 4 Rural: Rescue 1 Medical 2 Residential 1 Carbon Monoxide 1 Drills 1 Meetings 1 Other Information We have completed our first month of a duty crew. The duty crew works from 5:00 PM to 10:DD PM, Tuesday through Friday. The duty crew has three certified frefighters and one incident commander on duty, it is our belief they can handle over 95% of the calls during that time period allowing our other paid-on-call people some free time while saving money in the budget. • We attended a federally sponsored response to domestic terrorism class at the Event Center. _Sl.r~~ • We conducted an inventory of all of nur equipment. • We participated in a tabletop emergency exercise at the Hutchinson Airport. • We conducted a locate and pump exercise to test the new computer system on Engine 3 and to practice laying a water supply line into Engine 3. • We attended the regional fire department meeting held in Cokato. Fire Prevention /Public Relations 1. We conducted an in-service fire safety class for the new employees of the Mary Burich House. 2. We conducted a tour and fire prevention class for a Girl Swut troop. • page 2 )(~)S ~ Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Co cil PROM: Brenda K, Ewing, ctor of Human Resources RE: Resolution No. 126 1-First Amendment to the City of Hutchinson Flexible Benefit Plan Document DATE: January 24, 2005 The City of Hutchinson Flexible Benefit Plan document addresses the optional benefits plans both the Ciiy and the Hutchinson Utilities Commission offer to our eligible employees in regards to premium conversion for health and dental insurance plan premiums, the health care reimbursement program, and the dependent care reimbursement program. From time to time, amendments to this document are proposed, primarily because of federal law/rule changes that affect these programs. The proposed amendment presented for consideration by the City Council was necessitated by . changes to the definition of "dependent" made by the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004. The attached Resolution No. 12691, as recommended by FlexCompensation, our Flexible Benefit Plan administrator, iFadopted, will officially amend our plan as required. Upon approval of the resolution and amendment, the enclosed Summary of Material Modification to the City of Hutchinson Flexible Benefit Summary Plan Description will be distributed to all employees eligible to participate in the plan to keep on file with the current Summary Plan Document with which they have previously been provided. If you have any questions, I will be attending the February 8, 2005, Council Meeting, Encl. `7 ~~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12619 FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN DOCUMENT WHEREAS, Section 11,1 Amendment and Termination of the Flexible Benefit Plan authorizes the City of Iutchinson ("8mplpyer") to amend the Plan, at any time by a duly adopted resolution of its appropriate governing body or written instrument executed by a duly authorized individual; and W1IEREAS, the Working Families 1'ax Relief Act of 2004 created a uniform definition of dependent for purposes of certain employer sponsored employee benefit plans; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson Flexible Benefit Plan is hereby amended effective Jan 1 2005 as follows: The definition of Dependent in Section 2.3 is deleted and replaced with the following: Section 2.3 Dependent for purposes of Premium Conversion under Article VII and I-Iealth Care Flexible Spending Account (Health PSA) under Article VIII means the spouse of a Participant or any individual who is a dependent of the Participant as defined in Section 1S2 of the Code without re and to Section 152 1 Section 152 2 and Section 152 d 1 and • any Alternate Recipient under a Qualified Medical Child Support Order ("QMSCO") as defined in LRISA Section 609. 2. The definition of Qualifying Dependent in Section 2.24 is deleted and replaced with the following: Section 2.24 uali in De endent for purposes of the Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account under Article IX means any individual who is, (a) A shi]d-det>ettdent of the Participant as defined in Section 152 a 1 under the age of thirteen (13 (b) A dependent or spouse of the Participant who is physically or mentally incapable of self- care who has the same principal place of abode as the Participant for more than one-half of the calendar year and, in the case of anon-spouse dependent, who does_not have income in excess of the exem tion amount defined in Code Section151 d . An individual shall not be treated as having the same principal place of abode if at any time during the year the relationship between the individual and Participant is in violation of local law. (c) Where the parents are divorced, legally separated or separated under a written separation agreement, a child (as detned in Section ,, ~152(fl!1) of the Code) who: 1) is under age 13 or is physically or mentally incapable of self-care, 2) receives over half of his or her support during the calendar year from his or her parents who are divorced or legally separated under a decree of divorce or separate mainienancc or who are separated under a written separation agreement, . and ~~~~ 3) is in the custody of one or both of his or her parents for more than one-half of the calendar year, is treated for any taxable year beginning in the calendar year as a Qualifying Dependent of that parent °•~-~'-°° • •°'^•'-~ c^~ °'^•°°- -°=-i:,:: d.....6 with whom the child shared the same rorinciroaI rolaee of abode for the ereater roortion of the calendar year. Accordingly, a child may be treated as the Qualifying Dependent of a parent even though that parent is not entitled to a dependency exemption for the child under Code Section 152. Only one parent may treat the child as a Qualifying Dependent. BE YT FCJRTTIER RESOLVED, that City Council of the City of Hutchinson and the appropriate officers are authorized and directed to take such action as may be necessary or advisable to effect the adoption and implementation of this amendment. Dated this day of , 2005. City of Iutchinson By: . Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Glary D. Plotz, City Administrator ~~~~~ . SUMMARY OF MATERIAL MODIFICATION TO TIIE CITY OF HUTCHINSON FLEXIBLE BENEFIT SUMMARY PLAN pESCIiIPTION The Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 created a new definition of dependent for purposes of certain employer sponsored employee benefit plans. As a result, the Flexible Benefit Plan Document has been amended effective January 1, 2005 and the Summary Plan Description has been updated as described below. Please keep this information with your Summary Plan Description for future reference. The Following definition of dependent has been added to the Health Care Flexible Spending Account section of the Summary Plan Description: Eligible Dependents )/ligible dependents are your spouse, qualifying children and other qualifying relatives for whom you provide more than one hal f of their support. Qualifying children include your natural, adopted, ('oster and step children, brother, sister, stepbrother or stepsister and any descendent of these who: 1.) live with you for more than half o1'the calendar year, 2.) are less than age 19 as of the end of the calendar year (less than age 24 if a fulltime student) or are permanently and totally disabled, and 3.) do not provide over half of their own support. The description of eligible dependents in the section of the summary Plan Description titled Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account has been revised to read as follows; Eligible dependents are: • your dependent children and other dependent relatives under age 13; or your spouse or other dependent relative who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care who lives with you for more than one-half of the calendar year and, in the case of a dependent relative, who does not have income in excess of the exemption amount. ,stF~~ . Resolgtion No. 12b20 KESOLUTION ADOPTING THF. NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMF,NT SYSTEM WHF,RRAS, Emergency Response to critical incidents, whether natural or manmade, requires integrated professional management; and, WHEKEAS, Unified Command of such incidents is recognized as the management model to maximize the public safety response; and, WHEREAS, The National Incident Management System, herein referred to as NIMS, has been identified by the Federal Government as being the requisite emergency management system for all political subdivisions; and, WHEREAS, Failure to adopt NIMS as the requisite emergency management system may preclude reimbursement to the political subdivision for costs expended during and after a declared emergency or disaster and for training and preparation For such disasters or emergencies, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THF. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF kIUTCHIN50N, MINNESOTA: • THAT, it shall be the public policy of the City of Hutchinson to adopt the NIMS concept of emergency planning and unified command. It shall further be the policy of the City of Hutchinson to train public officials responsible for emergency management. Adopted by the City Council this 8`h day of February, 2005. Steven W. Cook, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 12621 CITY OF HUTCHINSON n LJ RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST' PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR WaterTanker/flusher $19,224 Rcplacement Central Yes Aspen Equipment Garage Plow & Snow control $43,762 Replacemcnt Central Yes Aspen Equipment Equipment Garage Hook Lift System & $46,622 Replacement Central Aspen Equipment Truck Hydraulics Garage ~he following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR F7505 2005 Ford $51,856 Replacement Central Yes Boyer Ford Garage *Order place under state contract that expired February 4, 2005 Date Approved: February 8, 2005 ~otion Made By: Seconded By: Resolution submitted for Council action by Kenneth B. Merrill Finance Director 5~~~~ C~ c Office of the City Attorney 111 Hassan Street 3E Hu[chlnson, MN 55350-2522 37A-587.5151/pax 320.234.4240 TO: Mayor & City Council IiROM: Marc A. 5ebora, City Attorney I~ATF.: February 4, 2005 SUBJECT: Ilonation of Land from Doris Laatsch You may recall that two or three years ago the Harrington-Merrill House in Hutchinson was obtained by the City of Hutchinson because the property was tax Forfeited to the City. Shortly after news of that was contained in the I-Iutchinson Leader, the City was contacted by Doris Laatsch of Alexandria, Virginia, regarding a parcel of land she owned adjoining the Harrington-Merrill House. She donated the land to the City of Hutchinson last year and state law requires the City of Hutchinson to pass a resolution accepting the gift to make the transfer complete. Should you have questions concerning this, please contact me. Printed nu rttyclvd papm - ~ ~~h) ~ . Resolution No. 12643 RESOLUTION APPROVING DONATION OF REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, 'The City of Hutchinson is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statuses Sections 412.21 and 465.03 for the benelil nl'its citizens and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational service pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17; and, WHEREAS, Doris Laatsch has offered to give real property to the City of Hutchinson, specifically described as: Lot 7, Harrington Subdivision, Cily o1~Hutchinson, McLeod County, Minnesota WHEREAS, The City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the property offered, NOW THERF,FORR BE iT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COiINCIL OF THE CITY OF hIUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the property described above is hereby accepted by the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council this 8`h day of February, 2005. Steven W. Cook, Mayor C'~ary D. Plotz, City Administrator 5~~~~~ RESOI_uTION No. ~z5zz RESOLUTIQN ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. B PROJECT N0.05-10 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve: Golf Course RoadNW/5th Avenue NW from Schogl Road NW to Kouwe Street NW & Golf Course Road NW Extension to TH 7 -complete street reconstruction, new roadway construction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of lateral storm sewer and treatment improvements, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, trunk and lateral watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, trails, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. WHEREAS, it is proposed to assess the benefited property for all qr a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSDN, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement be refereed to the City Engineer for study and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with same other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adapted by the Council this 8th day of February 20D5. Mayer: Steven W. Ccok Ciry Administrator: Gary D. Plotz 5<<~ HUTCHINSON ENGINEERING~PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR'T'MEN'T' Hutcttineun City Ccnter / tt t f fansan Sttcct S.E / t-iuh:hinson MN 55350-2522 / 320-2344209 / Fnx 320-2344240 ENGTNEERTNG REPORT AND FEASTBTLTTY STUDY TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer DATE; January 25, 2005 SUBJECT: Letting Nc. 8/Project No. 05-10 OBJECTIVE To determine the feasibility of reconstructing Golf Course Road/5"' Avenue NW from Schcol Road to Kouwe Street, constructing the Golf Course Rcad extension to TH 7, and installing new utility infrastructure. PROJECT DESCRIPTION STREET Existing Golf Course Roadl5'" Avenue NW is a 24' wide rural design with ditch sections. Per the geotechnical evaluation the pavement section consists of 4" of bituminous over 7" of gravel. The pavement surface condition varies along this length of roadway- Recently there has been the need for multiple surface repairs and additional street maintenance in several areas. Due tv the existing roadway design, pavement section and surface conditions, preventive maintenance measures would not be appropriate at this time. Golf Course Road/5'" Avenue will be an official detour route during Mn/DOT's TH 7 project. Currently, the roadway would be too narrow and unsafe for the increased traffic levels. Reconstruction of this street to accommodate the anticipated traffic and loading increases must be completed prior to 2006. Tha additional costs to increase the structural strength of the pavement secticn will not be assessed to the adjacent property owners. Extending Golf Course Road to TH 7 would provide an alternative route tc many developing areas. The construction of this extension must precede foreseeable developments such as expanding Rolling Meadows and the froemming property. The proposed roadway design would include widening the existing street from the 24' width to 32', constructing a new 44' wide roadway extension to TH 7, grading tq minimize the ditch sections, implementing concrete curb and gutter, installing storm sewer and constructing trails. Due to the anticipated traffic patterns, a roundabout design is being considered at the intersection of Golf Course Road and 5'" Avenue. In order to provide pedestrian and bicycle safety along these collector streets, a 10' wide bituminous trail will parallel the southerly and westerly sides of the respective streets. UTILITIES The amount of existing utility infrastructure within the current roadway right-af-ways is relatively minimal. Only watermain at the west end of Golf Course Road and a storm sewer culvert crossing would be impacted. The existing utilities' age, condition, sizing and location have been reviewed to determine if they should be replaced, rehabilitated or left in place. The existing watermain is 6" cast iron pipe that does not meet current sizinglcapacity standards. The existing storm sewer culvert consists of a 48" reinforced concrete pipe to drain a substantial drainage area north of Golf Course Road. The Golf Course Road extension provides a corridor for the installation of trunk sanitary sewer and watermain lines to service developing areas. Watermain will be installed along certain lengths of Golf Ccurse Road/5"' Avenue NW to provide service to existing neighborhoods and connect areas to the trunk water distribution system. ,(~ Any existing water dr sanitary sewer services that are impacted by the project construction will be replaced up to the property lines. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS Other than providing sufficient planning and implementation of erosion control measures throughout construction, the project does not contain any significant environmental impacts or wncerns. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The location and scope of the following proposed improvements is shown on the project location map and general layout plan (see appendix): STREET • Completely remove the existing pavement, gravel and unsuitable subgrade materials. • Grade the new GDIf Course Road extension. • Construct 32' and 44' wide madways with bituminous surfacing and concrete curb and gutter. . Increase the new street section to provide a 1 t)-ton roadway design. . Install a 10' wide bituminous trail along the southerly and westerly sides of the respective roadways. • Construct a roundabout intersection at the junction of Golf Course Road and 5'h Avenue NW. UTILITIES • Install an 18" PVC sanitary sewer trunk main within the Golf Course Road extension. • Install 8" and 12" PVC watermains within Golf Course Road/5`h Avenue NW and the Golf Course Road extension. • Replace impacted water and sanitary sewer service lines up to the property line. • Install a storm sewer system to collect, convey and treat drainage within the roadway corridors. COST SUMMARY The following cost and funding estimates are based on previous experience with similar projects, current funding alternatives, and estimated construction costs (see appendix). Final assessed costs would be based on final plans and actual bid prices. Tha estimated costs are expected to be conservative, so that final costs are not expected to exceed these amounts. Accordingly, these estimates are not guaranteed amounts. ESTIMATED COST TOTAL Construction Cast $1,TOO,OOD.00 Land Acqulsltlan $D.00 Englnaering/AdminiatrationlFiscal $153,000.00 Consultant ~ $255,000.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL $2,108,000.00 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL AsaessablB Cost $250,0110.110 Deferred Assessable Cost $0.00 City 9ondad $0.00 City -Wastewater Fund $200,000.00 City- Water Fund $16D,000.00 City - TIF $0.00 M5A $1,498,000.DO Mn/DOT $D.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL $2,108,000.00 SL~~ SCHEDULE The following proposed schedule is subject to change depending on the project approval process, constructicn timing, and other outside factors: • January 31, 2005 -Neighborhood meeting at City Center • February 8, 2005 -City Council receives Report and orders Public Hearing • February 22, 2005 --Public Hearing and Resolution Ordering Plans & Specifications • March 22, 2005 -Resolution Approving Plans & Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids • April 1 S, 2005 -Receive Bids April 2fi, 2005 -Resolution for Hearing on Proposed Assessment • May 24, 2005 -Assessment Hearing & Council Awards Bids • June to October 2D05 -Construction This proposed schedule achieves the completion of this project prior to the start of Mn/DOT's 7H 7 project in the spring of 2006. PROJECT FEASIBILITY 1 have studied the fallowing project and Flnd that the proposed improvements are feasible and recommend they be constructed: Letting No. 8/Project No. D5-10 Golf Course RoadNWlSth Avenue NW from Schcvl Road NW to Kauwe Street NW & Golf Course Road NW Extension to TH 7 -complete street reconstruction, new roadway construction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of lateral storm sewer and treatment improvements, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, trunk and lateral watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, trails, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. APPENDIX Estimate of Construction Costs Project Location Map General Layout Plan 5 << RESOLUTION NO. 12823 RIw5OLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 8 PROJECT NO.OS-10 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted February 8th, 2005, the City Engineer has prepared a report with reference to the improvement of: Golf Course RoadNW/5th Avenue NW from School Road NW to Kouwe Street NW & Galf Gourse Road NW Extension to TH 7 -complete street reconstruction, new roadway construction and utility infrastructure installations by construction of lateral storm sewer and treatment improvements, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, trunk and lateral watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, trails, landscaping, restoratign and appurtenances. said report was reviewed by the Council previously, and officially accepted by the Council on February 8th, 2005. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvements of such streets in accordance with the reports and the assessment of benefited property for all or a portion of the costof the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $2,108,000.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the 22nd day of February, 2005, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center at 6:00 P.M., and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. Adapted by the Hutchinson City Gouncil this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W. Cook Gity Administrator: Gary D. Plotz ~c~~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12624 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT DN IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 11 PROJECT N0.05-13 WHEREAS, it is proposed to: Furnishing a biological iron and ammonia filtration system to be installed in the water production facilities. The Goods and Services consist of furnishing a complete biological iron and ammonia filtration system and installation, instructional, and post start-up services during installation of Goods. Installation will be by others. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED eY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHIN84N, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement has been referred to the Director of Public Works for study and that he has worked with EarthTechConsulting to review and complete a report, and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best 6e made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of February 2005. C~ Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Gary D. Plotz J `(nJ HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Center/I 11 Ilassan St SE/Hutchuison MN 55350-2522/320-234~209/FAX 320-23A-4?AO ENGINEERING REPORT TO: Mayor and Gity GDUnCII FROM: John Rodeberg, Diroctor of Public Works DATE: D2/08/2D05 SUBJECT: Letting No. 11/Project No. p5-t3 I have studied the following proposed improvement and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed. D5-13 Furnishing a biological iron and ammonia filtration system to be installed in the water production facilities. The Gcods and Services consist of furnishing a complete biological iron and ammonia filtration system and installation, instructional, and post start-up services during installation of Goods. Installation will be by others. lJ ESTIMATEb COST TOTAL Construction Cost $1,600 000.00 En lneerin 5240 000.00 Administratlgn $96 000.00 FiscallLe alllnterest $48 000.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL 51,984 000.00 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessable Cost $D•OD Deferred Assessable Cost $D.OD Ci Bonded $0.00 CI -Water/Sewer Funds 51,984,000.00 Ci -Parkin Lat Fund $0.00 Ci -TIF $0.00 MSA $0.00 MNIDOT $0.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL $1 984 OOD.00 `J ~~~) RESOLUTION NO. 12625 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND WAIVING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 11 PRDJECT NO.OS-13 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resaluticn of the Gcuncil adopted February 8th, 2005, the City Engineer has prepared a report in reference to the following improvement: Furnishing a biological iron and ammonia filtration system to be installed in the water prgduction facilities. The Goods and Services consist of furnishing a complete biological iron and ammonia filtration system and installation, instructional, and post start-up services during installaticn of Goods. Installation will be by others. WHEREAS, said report was received by the Council on February 8th, 2005. WHEREAS, this improvement is 100% City Funded with no assessments to property owners and therefore no public hearing is required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvements in accordance with the reports at an estimated total cast of the improvement of $1',984,000.00. 2. The public hearing is hereby waived as this improvement project is 100% City funded. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Gary D. Plotz sc~~) RESOLUTION NO. 12fi2fi RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS LETTING ND. 11 PROJECT ND. 05-13 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 8th day of February 2005, waived Council Hearing on the following improvement: Furnishing a biological iron and ammonia filtration system to be installed in the water production facilities. The Gcods and Services consist of furnishing a complete biological iron and ammonia filtration system and installation, instructional, and post start-up services during installation of Goods. Installation will be by others. NOW THEREFORE, eE IT RESOLVHp BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 8th day of February 2005. 2. John Rodeberg is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor City Administrator LJ S ~~~ RESOLUTION NO.12627 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING ND. 11 PROJECT ND. 05-13 WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has prepared plans and specifications for the fallowing improvement: Furnishing a biological iron and ammonia filtration system to be installed in the water production facilities. The Goads and Services consist of furnishing a complete biological iron and ammonia filtration system and installation, instructional, and post start-up services during installation of Goods. Installation will be by others. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL DF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, acopy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The Director of Public Works shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements undersuch approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the City Administrator until 11:00 am on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005, at which time theywill be publicly opened in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center by the City Administrator and/or Director of Public Works, will then 6s tabulated, and will be considered by the Council at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, March 8th, 2D05 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Director of Public Works and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson far 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W Cook City Administrator Gary D Plod ,. 5~~) RESOLUTION N0.12fi28 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 12 PROJECT N0.05-14 WHEREAS, it is proposed ta: Furnishing Reverse Osmosis Systems to be installed in the water production facilities. The Goods and Services consist of furnishing complete reverse osmosis systems and installation, instructional, and post start-up services during installation of Goods. Installation will be by others. NOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED BY 7HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement has been referred to the Director of Public Works for study and that he has worked with EarthTechConsulting to review and complete a report, and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with same other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W. City Administrator: Gary D. Plotz `~~~) HUTCHINSON PUBLIC W012KS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Center/111 Hassan St SF~11ntC}LIL90n MN 55350-2522/320-234-4209/FAX 320.234~24D ENGINEERING REPORT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works DATE: 02/08/2005 SUBJECT: Letting No. 72/Project No. 05-14 1 have studied the following proposed imprgvement and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed. 05-14 Furnishing Reverse Osmosis Systems to be installed in the water production facilities. The Goods and Services consist of furnishing complete reverse osmosis systems and installation, instructional, and post start-up services during installation of Goods. Installation will be by others. ESTIMATED COST TDTAL Construction Cost $2,000,000.00 En Ineerin $30D,000.OD Administration $72D,000.00 FiscallLe alllnterest $60 OQO.OD ESTIMATED TOTAL $2 480 OOO.OD ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessable Cost $0.00 Deferred Assessable Cost $0.00 Ci Bonded $0.00 C - WaterlSewar Funds $2,480,000.00 C -Parkin Lot Fund $D.00 C - TIF $0.00 MSA $D.00 MNIDOT $D.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL $2 480,D00.00 ~~ ~~~~ • RESOLUTION NO.12629 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND WAIVING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 12 PROJECT N0.05-14 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted February 8th, 2005, the City Engineer has prepared a report in reference to the following improvement: Furnishing Reverse Dsmosis Systems to be installed in the water production facilities. The Goods and Services consist of furnishing complete reverse osmosis systems and installation, instructional. and post start-up services during installation of Goods. Installation will be by others. WHEREAS, said report was received by the Council on February 8th, 2005. WHEREAS, this improvement is 100% City Funded with no assessments to property owners and therefore no public hearing is required. NOW, THEREFORE, 13E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvements in accordance with the reports at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $2,480,000.00. . 2. The public hearing is hereby waived as this improvement project is 100% City funded. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Ccuncil this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W. Cook Ciry Administrator: Gary D. Plotz CJ r ~~~. RESOLUTION NO. 12630 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS LETTING NO. 12 PROJECT NO. 05-14 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 8th day of February 2005, waived Council Hearing on the following improvement: Furnishing Reverse Osmosis Systems to 6e installed in the water production facilities. The Goads and Services consist of furnishing complete reverse osmosis systems and installation, instructional, and post start-up services during installation of Goods. Installation will be by others. NOW THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED eY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSDN, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 8th day of February 2005. 2. John Rodeberg is hereby designated as the Engineer far this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor City Administrator C~ ~(e~ • RESOLUTION NO.12631 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR 81DS LETTING NO. 12 PROJECT NO. 05-14 WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has prepared plans and specifications for the following improvement: Furnishing Reverse Osmosis Systems to be installed in the water production facilities. The Goods and Services consist of furnishing complete reverse osmosis systems and installation, instructional, and post start-up services during installation of Goads. Installation will be by others. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, acopy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The Director of Public Works shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements undersuch approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the . work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the City Administrator until 1:00 pm on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005, at which time they will be publicly opened in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center by the City Administrator and/or Directorof Public Works, will then be tabulated, and will be considered by the Council at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, March 8th, 2005 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Director of Public Works and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W Cock City Administrator: Gary D Plotz _~{~-~ PUBLICATION N0.73D3 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING N0.12 PROJECT N0.05-14 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Hutchinson, Minnesota Dated: February 8th, 2005 The City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will receive bids at the Office of the City Administrator, 111 Hassan St SE, Hutchinson MN, until 1:00 pm on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005, for the making of the following described local improvement: Furnishing Reverse Osmosis Systems to be installed in the water production facilities. The Goods and Services consist of furnishing complete reverse osmosis systems and installation, instructional, and post start-up services during installation of Goods. Installation will be 6y others. • • all in accordance with the Plans and Specifications on file in the Office of the Director of Public Works. Immediately following expiration of the time for receiving bids, the City Administrator and the Director of Public Works will publicly open bids, in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center. The Council, will consider said bids at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, March 8th, 2005 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center. The approximate major quantities of work involved are: UNIT QUANTITY All bids shall be made on the Proposal Forms of the City and shall be accompanied by a cashier's check, bid bond or certified check, payable to the order of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, for not less than five percent (5%) of the amount bid. All bids shall also be accompanied by the required Insurance Certificates as noted in the specifications, and Certificate of Compliance with the Minnesota Worker's Compensation Law. Bids shall be directed to the Director of Public Works, securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper "LETTING NO. 12/PROJECT N0.05-14". The City Council reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities. ~~~~ PUBLICATION NO. T303 LETTING NO. 12 PROJECT NO. 05-14 PAGE 2 Copies of the Plans, Specifications and Proposal Forms are on file and are available from the Office of the Director of Public Works, 111 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350, and will be furnished on request to any prospective bidder upon oavment of 553.25 ner set (NON- REFUNDABLE). The successful bidder will be furnished free of charge, additional adequate number of specifications. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH 2005 AND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH 2005 AND IN THE CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH 2005 AND FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH 2005. C~ r~ 5~?~ RESOLUTION NO. 12632 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT DN IMPROVEMENT LETTING ND. 13 PROJECT NO.OS-15 WHEREAS, it is proposed ta: Construction of a new Municipal Well No. 8. The project includes a new municipal well drilled to an unconsolidated sand formation. The well has a total anticipated depth of 460 feet, includes approximately 380 feet of 18 inch diameter inner casing and approximately 80 feet of stainless steel screen. NOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement has been referred to the Director of Public Works far study and that he has worked with EarthTechConsulting to review and complete a report, and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Ccuncil in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Gary D. Plotz • ~f-E=~ C~ HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IIutchinson City Center/11 l Hassan St SE/Hutchinsnn MN 55350-2522/320-234-4209/EAX 320-234-A240 ENGINEERING REPORT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John Rodeberg, ^irector of Public Works DATE: 02/08/2005 SUBJECT: Letting No. t3/Project No. 05-15 I have studied the following proposed improvement and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed. 05-15 Construction of a new Municipal Well No. 8. The project includes a new municipal well drilled to an unconsolidated sand Formation. The well has a total anticipated depth of 460 feet, includes approximately 380 feet of 18 inch diameter inner casing and approximately 80 feet of stainless steel screen. C~ ESTIMATED COST TOTAL Construction Cost $2D0 000.00 En ineerin $30 OOD.DD Administratign $12 OOOAO Fiscal/Le alllnterest $8,000.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL 5248,000.00 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessable Cost $0.00 Deferred Assessable Cost $0.00 Ci Bonded $0.00 Ci - Waterl5ewer Funds $248 DOD.OD Ci -Parkin Lot Fund $D•00 Ci -TIF $0.00 MSA $0.00 MN/DOT $0.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL $248 DOO.DO ~~ (_~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12633 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND WAIVING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING N0.13 PROJECT N0.05-15 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted February 8th, 2005, the City Engineer has prepared a report in reference to the following improvement: Construction of a new Municipal Well No. 8. The project includes a new municipal well drilled to an unconsolidated sand formation. The well has a total anticipated depth of 460 feet, includes approximately 380 feet of 18 inch diameter inner casing and approximately 80 feet of stainless steel screen. WHEREAS, said report was received by the Council on February 8th, 2D05. WHEREAS, this improvement is 100% City Funded with no assessments to property owners and therefore no public hearing is required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHIN5ON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Cvuncil will consider the improvements in accordance with the reports at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $248,000.00. 2. The public hearing is hereby waived as this improvement project is 100% City funded. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Gary D. Plotz s~~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12634 RESDLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS LETTING NO. 13 PROJECT N0.05-15 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 8th day of February 2005, waived Council Hearing on the following improvement: Construction of a new Municipal Well No. 8. The project includes a now municipal well drilled to an unconsolidated sand formation. The well has a total anticipated depth of 460 feet, includes approximately 380 feet of 18 inch diameter inner casing and approximately 80 feet of stainless steel screen. NOW THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 8th day of February 2005. 2. John Rodeberg is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of February 2005. Maynr City Administrator L_ J ~~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12fi35 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 13 PROJECT N0.05-15 WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has prepared plans and specifcatiens for the following improvement: Construction of a new Municipal Well No. 8. The project includes a new municipal well drilled to an unconsolidated sand formation. The well has a total anticipated depth of 460 feet, includes approximately 380 feet of 18 inch diameter inner casing and approximately 80 feet of stainless steel screen. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA; 1. Such plans and specifications, acopy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The Director of Public Works shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the City Administrator unt112:00 pm on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005, at which time theywill be publiclyopened in the Ceuncil Chambers of the Hutchinson Ciiy Center by the City Administrator and/or Director of Public Wortcs, will then 6e tabulated, and will 6e considered by the Council at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, March $th, 2005 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Director of Public Works and accompanied by cash deposit, cashiers check, bid band or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W Cook City Administrator: Gary D Plotz ~~£~ . RESOLUTION NQ. 12636 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 14 PROJECT NO. 05-16 WHEREAS, it is proposed to: Construction of a new 1.5 million gallon ground storage reservoirforthe municipal water system. The project includes a wire wound, prestressed concrete water storage reservoir with a side water depth of 20 feet, including piping and accessories. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the proposed improvement has been referred to the Director of Public Works for study and that he has worked with EarthTech Consulting to review and complete a report, and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Ccuncil this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W. Cook City Administrator: Gary D. Plotz ~~ HUTCHINSON PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Hutchinson City Center/111 IIassan St SE/Hutchnson MN 55350-2522/320.234.4209/FAX 320-234-4240 ENGINEERXNG REPURT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works DATE: 02/Ot3/2D05 SUBJECT: Letting No. 14/Project No. D5-16 I have studied the following proposed improvement and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed. 05-1 t3 Construction of a new 1.5 million gallon ground storage reservoir for the municipal water system. The project includes a wire wound, prestressed concrete water storage reservoir with a side water depth of 20 feet, including piping and accessories ESTIMATED COST TOTAL Construction Cost $7 000 000.00 En Inesrln $150 000.00 Adminlstratlon 560,000.00 Fiscal/Le alllnterest S3D,DOO.OD ESTIMATED TOTAL $1,240,000.00 ESTIMATED FUNDING TOTAL Assessable Gost $0.00 Deferred Assessable Cost $0.00 Clt Bonded $0.00 Ci - Waterl5ewer Funds $1 240,D00.00 Ci -Parkin Lot Fund $0.00 CI - TIF $D.OD Mgp $0.00 MN/DOT 50.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL 57,240,000.00 ~~~ RESOLUTION N0.1283T RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND WAIVING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT LETTING NO. 14 PROJECT NO. 05-16 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Council adopted February 8th, 2005, the Director of Public Works has prepared a report in reference to the following improvement: Construction of a new 1.5 million gallon ground storage reservoirfor the municipal water system. The project includes a wire wound, prestressed concrete water storage reservoir with a side water depth of 20 feet, including piping and accessories. WHEREAS, said report was received by the Council on February 8th, 2005. WHEREAS, this improvement is 100% City Funded with no assessments to property owners and therefore nc public hearing is required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNHSOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvements in accordance with the reports at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $1,240,OOO.DO. • 2. The public hearing is hereby waived, as this improvement project is 100% City funded. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W. Cook Administrator: Gary 4. plotz _~r~j RESOLUTION NO. 1263$ RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS LETTING NO. 14 PROJECT NQ. 05-16 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 8th day of February 2005, waived Council Hearing on the following improvement: Construction of a new 1.5 million gallon ground storage reservoir for the municipal water system. The project includes a wire wound, prestressed concrete water storage reservoir with a side water depth of 20 feet, including piping and accessories. NOW THEREFORE, BH IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 8th day of February 2D05. 2. John Rodeberg is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. • Adopted by the Council this $th day of February 2005. Mayor City Administrator C~ j ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 12639 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 14 PROJECT N0.05-ir3 WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has prepared plans and specifications for the following improvement: Constructien of a new 1.5 million gallon ground storage reservoir for the municipal water system. The project includes a wire wound, prestressed concrete water storage reservoir with a side water depth of 20 feet, including piping and accessories. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, acopy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The Director of Public Works shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper; an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received 6y the City Administrator until 10:00 am on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005, atwhich time theywill be publicly opened in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center by the Gity Administrator andlar Director of Public Works, will then be tabulated, and will be considered by the Council at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, March 8th, 2005 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Director of Public Works and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the Gity of Hutchinson for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 8th day of February 2005. Mayor: Steven W Cock City Administrator: Gary D Plotz 5 `~} C Hutchinson Citv Center City of T-Iutchinson 111 Hassan Street SE Public Works De artment tlutChinann, MN 55350.2522 P 320.587.5151lk'ax 320-Z34-4240 Maintenance Operations 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phnne(32D)234-4219 Fax (320)234-6971 CJ C~ January 27, 2DD5 To: Honorable Mayor & Ciry Council Protn: John Olson, Public Works Superintendent CC: John Rodeberg, Dir. of Public Works Ken Merrill, Finance Director Ken Wichterman, Mobile Equipment Maint. Iaead Melissa Starke, Admin/Council Secretary Subject: Bid Opening-'t'ruck Chassis 01/27/05 A bid opening was held at l :0U p.m. on Thursday January 27, 2005 fora 20D5 Ford truck chassis. T}tere were two bidders: 1) Boyer Ford Trucks, Minneapolis $48,032.00 2) Holt Truck & Trailer, Cokato $SU,465.60 Considering that Fnrd is limiting both dealers to an order time prior to February 4 at 2:30 p.m., I am recommending the City Council reject all bids. The limit on ordering does not allow adequate time to process the proposal according to City policy. We will he working with dealers to put proposals together for 2006 model trucks, which will allow adequate time to consider all proposals in accordance with City policy. I expect this process to begin in early spring this year. Nrin~eJ nn recycled paper - soh) Yorm No. 286-~~~..~.• m. ~w.. RETAIL a0N SALE" Mate at ~Iinnesata, COONTY OA....._MCLeod.... ....~~........Ci[%...._...__.._..._..OA......._Hu[gh.~4.8.q.^ ........................... Ta the.... ........Citg, Council .....................Of }~M.,.,,,....CitX.......................Uf. Hu~£h~4RR61................-. .........,.~ ... .........................................................................st6te Of Otl: hereby appt.laa..J a dieaRee /or Ehe Eerm o/...'I~F~ °.:w....R.1..-._......._...._.,._... Jnm. Eha .............~ lq .LP..r~.....................................~-......~~.kS~......~_.~.........._... At Retail ()rtly, Nart-Iatoxicating A(alt Liquorn, a the some ore rlaJtned by law, far eat4Rmpdon "ON" Ehwe oarentae p»neixe iR demribed ar Jodlaws, EwwiE eo eeu W which place .atd aPA7~eanl......ap.raQa......lJoe 6wdRar oJ......5!~.~1F4--.~~-.--~s~n...c~.~....a,.r... and Ev lha2 end ropraea4.,,~.~aRd etate......w Jauowe: That said applraand ..................... ..is••a.,.........,,......_..dtduR., .,....aJ the Onitad,9tataet of dvod mated ahmrnadn and reptaEc; and ha...........altained 674 a$e of $I lEear+f E74.E ..................................................................propr[etar.........vf f74 seEnbliahmnnE for which she tiaaras will be iaruad !J Shia appdiaaldaR de Frag4d. Ttwl no manes/mcltcrer o/ eavh norointacdaaliR~ mal6 6iquorv hat wey awnerrhdp, iR 4holy ar !» pmrd, dR eaYt buedneee Of eafd 6ppl[amRE.....Ar any iRldreet lAen{q, Tho! said appdioan<.,...,Raaka......lhl! aPpdicalloq pmrNan! aRd aa6fvaE iv mdE the daau v/ the $Eate of M{nnwoEa and Ehc ordiRaaoae and rejuda![ae4 of sold,.....,.....C.iC7r .............._.._.....-...-..................._..............-._-..__..._...... applicab[a EherylA, wh 4:h are hereby made a pmn! 7.aravJ, and hemby m$nea._...Eo aWarns and ahoy the vmnM: la.. w... wb.. nar....r a ..r..~ ._... e.egW~.) Recommend approval. Uriver'e liceoae X.D. required for purchase. Police Chie Farb npp[iront further atatea [hat Jae is no! now the balder af, nor has Jte mach application for, our does Jae intend tb make application for a Federal Retai! Dealer's 3peciat tax stamp for the sak of tntnxica[inq liquor. , Y __ ~'.~....~.._~_.___. 7 ~~ J _ Minnesota Aepartment of Public Safety ::,, LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION ,,_:_~~~ _ 444 Cedar St./Suite 100E _ St. Paul, MN 55]01-2156 _` (612)296-6439 TDD (612)282-6555 ~~~, APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A I TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION OF ORGANIZATION [)A'l'F.: ORGANIZED TAX EXEMPT NLJMEER y [ ~ ~U S'I'RFF.T ADDRESS 15 3 ~ ~/-t, ~ ~. C STATF. ZIY COl]Y. 5- S ~~ NA ~ OP PF.RS MAKI (~LICATION [3LJSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE DATE, 1.1 UOR ILL BE SOLD (Ito 4 days) ;gip U _`~ TYPE OF ORGANiZA'I'ION CLUB ^ CHARITAIILE ^ RELIGIOUS CI OTHER NONPROFIT O A~TIZA'1' N Of•'I''I '}•:R'S NAME ADDRESS , ORGANI7.A ION OFFICER'S NAME: rT ADDRESS ~ [ S f ~ LG { ~ .ja .~~d (~ ORG TION OFFICER'S NAME ADI)EtF,SS I.cx%abon w crc cease w bg used. an outdoor area, describe W itl the applicant contract for iutoxicating liquor services? If so, give the name and addrexs of the I.iyuor license providing tho service. P~ Will the applicant carry liquor liability inxuranW? If xo, the narri ' s namc and amount of coverage. (NOT'E: Insurance: is not mandatory) '' 7ti, C i~~va~-,~L'L ,~~V ~i~'t ~ APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY Olt COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO LIQUOR CONTROL CITY/COUNTY DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT LICENSE RATES DATE FEE PAID , - ~~ \- ~S SIGNATURE CITY CI..H:RK OR CO[7NTY OFFICIAL AYYROVED LIQUOR CONTROL I)IItECTOR NOTE: Do nut separate these two parts, send both parts to the address shove and the original signed by this division will be returned ae the license. Submk to the City or Cuunty at least 30 days before the event. PS-09079(6195) ~~~~ r_ Minnesota Department of Public Safety LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION 444 Cedar St./Suite ]OOL St. Paul, MN 55101-2156 (b12)29b-b439 Tbb (612)282-6555 . .~ APPLICATION AND PERMTI' FOIL A I TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION Uo u,~- ~-(a1y DATE ORGANIZED TAX EXEMPT NUMBER STREET prt~DRES ( S r~ S L. C l~l ST~ITB ZIP CODE )~YVYI j N OF PERSO G//APPLICATION BUSINESS PHO HOME PHONE DATES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD i to 4 days) TYPE OF ORGANIZATION () Uli ^ CHARITABLE ^ RELIGIOUS ^ OTHERNONPROFIT ORO NIZ TION OFFI ER'S NAME DRESS OR ANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ~U er Q S~11 A~]DR~ SyS - , 8s ~ ~~ ~ ADDRESS aUan w w as ou ,area, Will the applicant contract for mtoxicatmg liquor services? IE so, girvo dte name and address of the Liquor license providing the service. D Will the applicant carry liquor liability insurance? if so, the carriers s name and amount of coverage. (NOTE: Insurance is not mandatory) `~ .< ~ i ~: rn-~ APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED $Y CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO LIQUOR CONTROL CITY/COUN'T'Y DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT LICENSE DATES DATE FEE PAID ~~ a~\` dS SIGNATURE CITY CLERIC OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED LIQUOR CONTROL DIRECTOR NOTE: Do not separate these two parts, seed both parts to the address above and the orlglnal dgned by thb divblon wID be returned as the license. Submft to the City or County at kaat 30 days before the event. PS-119079(8/95) 5~~~ ~C~ I ~ ~ `~ ~- 1 Ciry of ~ ~~~~~ 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (720)587-5151/Fax: (320)234.4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 6S5 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at ]east 3U davs before event in order to be considered t# IjCarion'T "e. ^ Full Year January I -- December 31, Fee: $100.00 `~ Year Id Short Term Date(s) Cl~ / - Gam` - O~ ~/,j ~ d~~ Fee: $25.00 Mnnth/Da /Year-Month/!la /Year NCame t9~r~ / ~ J [J. r~ /L'' urn H~.t.15a,C~ Address where regular meeting are held Ciry Day and time of meetings? d /j'~ F~ . . Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? 7~ yes ^ no Haw ton has the nr anization been in~~e--x--i~~st~ence? T How ma membe in the anit n? ~ What is the purpose of the nrganizatio~Fr ~ L9~F11.~E~yyF ~~ o f !' ~L~' ~l /~ In who c custody will organization record c kept? Na/me Phone Number !,l ~ ~ / 47. ~c~r rte' ~D ~ . iv na3f?.cJ ~iL( or7.~`J ~ -C Address Ciry Slate Tip ,, ",- id~lit pntid Infortnation _; , The following information is provided concerning a fidelity bond given by the gambling manager in favor of the organization: Name of bonding company Address of bonding company Amount of bond: Application is hereby made for waiver of the Ciry Duration of bond: luirements':~ ~~~,,,. Phone Number '~'/~ ~J State 'Lip V 7"~/ State Tip O no \ J 5c•) Ci(v of Hutchinson gppli~tion fur Bingo rumbling thrones Urense Page 2 of 3 T)'hly Authorized Officer of fhe gr>;agiaatinn Inforttiatibh' ' i°' ' ' `" °' -i''!' '~'°'G-'' ` ~' ' /~~ -J ~/ True Nume /, P/tone Number Residence Address City State yZ~ip Date ofBirth: %~ / ~ / Place of 13ixth: ~P C /r!~ Month/day/year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ^ yes [~no If yes, explain: resolntian nr ~ Prue Name Phone Number Residence Address City State Zip Date of Birth: / / Place of Birth: Mnnth/day/year City State Have you ever becn convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ^ yes ^ nn If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? Gar}t01nf"ormatiop - „ ~ , „~ ,,,,,, .;~, .;~ ,;.. ,,.wc; 'I' Hume of location where game will be played " ~ Phone Number ~DO ~ E Nru ~ rJE Hu, ~~i~u~e~ a7~ 5'~ Address of location where game will be played q City State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: // (~ ~_ through ~-'~~ AM ~ AM Hours of the day gambling devices will he used: From To /P _ ~LvL Maximum number Uf player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ^ money ~) merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ^ yes ,~ no • If yes, will a char'e be made far such refreshments? ^ es ^ no Officers of tats Ur anizatibp i net ersa ,list additional names un se orate sheet ,' '' ! 'i' '~' ' ,~. F i Name .e Title ~ f RespidenceAddress ~ City ~/zE~JS State Cl.~ L Zip ~ ~~ ~J V ~ , _ ,t / , Nunte ~Tgitle kesidence Address ~tty ~ / //State Zip ~ ,~ ~~-,ear` ~ ~~o~ /I/iG! .,7 [/ a ,~T O , Q!t j Name ~ ,(. I _~ l Title ~y Residence Address City State Zi ~~~ Ciry of Hutchinson Applicvtivn for Bingo GatnGling Pevi['es license Pagr 3 of 3 Persons C~ Name Title nl5" .L c S~ r.~`~ .c) ~~ ~~5~ esidenceAddress Ciry State 'Lip ,~o,v /y~ ,roV ~~~-,ea ,r3'J // Name ,~T~ittl'e/ !'~ L o ~ ~ .~iLciEX ~AR'~ 'v/N ~~ ResidenreAddress City Slate __7ap n Name t ttae Residence Address try State The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be ~~of the`o~]'isialxcsoiutiorn~raffictal aC ~ na -^~o -~~ °Evpy_n " ran e~that~ ds ' tablished in s no A list atllve.mernbcrs o a t yew s f3 ~+F>-- Application fee paid in full (check or money order): ^ yes ^ no ~ ~=-;~ in full and signed by both authorized officer and A yes ^ n0 Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager ^ yes ~no /nitial Authorized Officer ^ yes ^ no Initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and 1 authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. ~~~`~ Date Signature of gambling rnarrager of organization City Council ^ approved ^ denied Notes: ~~ Uate ~~~) ~, n Minnesota Department of Public Safety ~:,,,, ~~ ;;~: a ALCOHOL & (,AMBLING ENFORCEMN:NT DIVISION 444 Cedar St., Suite 133, St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 (G51) 296.6439 TTY (651) 282-6555 N„a~ www.dps.state.mn.us/alcgamb/alcgamb.hunl ~s,~;:...y .,; ,,,,. KENEWAL OF CONSUMPTION & DISPLAY PERMIT Permit Fcc $1 SO (Renewal Date: April I) MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ALCOIIOL & (;AMBLING ENFOKL'EMENT DIVISION I__i.ttl.e Craw Bawling L_anns :[nca. H~.a'l';[tht Y-)owl f iSiZi I-iwy ! W%Box ~tZi? Flutthtinsonq h'IN`i:`i;~,`S~ IF NAME ANTI ADDRESS SHOWN ARE NOT CORRECT, MAKE CHANGES BELOW Worker's Comp Ins. Cu.~ l L~~'C. ,-F~'lG~ U"~a'Fulicy No.. O I ~1 D 4 7 • ~ ~olicy Period 1 ~Q~ " ~ D City/County where pcrmit:ipproved: y}>a~~C~ ^y Permit Name: ~ I }•~ ~ e. l X A 6~( _ .. ~ I oti ~~ '~_ ~hL'. _.._. Trade Name: -- .~. Cti~ ~©VJ ~.,_.,.._.. ... _.,.. I•ncxlion address: I +~ "'I ~ ~~ W~-, "T Q7 ~ _.. City, State. ZIP Code: - I r'ISDn m N 5 u 35Z~ _.._ Business Phone: C3~j ~ ~'~ - a,~~-- _ _ By signing this renewal application, applicant certilies that there has been nu change in ownership, corporate officers, hylaws, membership, partners, home addresses, or telephone numbers. If changes have occurred during the past 12 months, please give details nn the hack of this renewal, then sign below. Annlicxnt's 5igtr~tre on this renewal confirms the following: Failure tq.,rcnort uny of the follOtrinc will result in tines. 1. Applicant confirms that it has never had a liyuor license rejected by any city/township/county in the state of Minnesota. If ever rejected, please give details nn the back ul• this renewal, then sign below. 2. Applicant confirms that for the past five years it has not had a liyuor license revoked for any liquor law violation (state of local). if a n:vocation has occurred, please give details on the back of this renewal, then sign below. 3. Applicant confirms that during the past five years it or its employees have not been cited for any civil or criminal liquor law violations. If violations have occurred, please give details nn back of this renewal, then sign below. 4. Applicant confirms that Workers Compensation insurance is in effect fur the full license period. 5. Applicant continns, no club on-sal mkrxicating ' license is held. (i. Applicant confirms business ren ses ar sep• arc om any other business establishment. ~~ Applicant Signature ~"--~---- ~ Date ~ ~ 5 (Signature certifies all abov nformation be correct and permit has been approved by citylcounty.) City Cacrk/County Auditor Signature ~ Date m_____ (Signature certifies that a consumption and display permit has been approved by the city/county as stated above.) PS(19n9~ (Oval) Amount Received 1 C~ L J r~ U City of Hutchinson FEE:. $25.D0 APPLICATIQN FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE approved by: Building _ Fire Application shall be submitted at Police least ~ days prior to the Gambling occas/ion / / I. ~~ n/n/ ~`• sld ~ .... ~~ ~P/y AND I. ~oV~'~~¢~/~~ir''/P6~~9 1~ e of Autho ized Didficer of Name of Designated Gam~lino - Drganization Manager Hereby submit in duplicate this application for a license to conduct the game of gamblingin accordance with the provisions of the City of Hutchinson Drdinarce ND. b55 and M'nnesota Statutes Chapter 349 for the license year ending a ,3/ Sig tures: _ ~ A horized icer f rganization esignate ambli Manager of organization A The fallowing is to be completed by the duly authorized officer of the organization: 1. True Name: 2. 3• 5 (~1ast) Residence Address: (street) ~ (city) (state) (zip) Date of Birth: ~®?3' /9y~ 4. Place of Birth ,. `.v wy.r~ (mo/day/year) (city/state) Have you ever been convicted of any Grime other than a traffic offense? Yes No ~. If Yes, explain B. The following is to be completed by the designated gambling manager of organization: , 1. True Name: rna~ 4ra`~ ~~- (last) ~ (first) P `(middle) 2. Residence Address:" _/~~57 ~~ /gr~ Ld ys ~/-'/i/ ``~ ~ZZ$ (street} (city) (state) /®,,(zip) 3. Date of Birth: ~a19-/9~ZJ 4. place of Birth• r~'i~/s .tom (mo/day/Year) (city/state} ~~ 5. Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? Yes R'o ~. If yes, explain ' 6. Hqw long have you been a member of the organization? ~tiQg 7. Attach a copy of the official resglution or official action designating you gambling manager. C. Game Information: 1. Place where gambling devices will be used ~~mc%1 ~~~4 __ 2. Date or dates gambling devices will be used ~~ ~-won ~ __ (date and/or day(s) 3. flours of the day gambling devices will be used: of week) From ----~A.M. To A.M. P.M. a~ P.M. 4. Maximum number of players `1 ~ 5. Will prizes be paid-in money or merchandise? fYfe,e.~„~s~~ b. Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? Yes No _~. If so, will a charge be made for such refreshments? Yes NO ^~. D. Organization Information: 1. Address where regular meetings are held ,s'~i,so 2: Day and time. of meetings ~! a` . ~7 ,~ne~ 7ji~r s -P^A ~ /~ _ _ 3. Is the a pplicant organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Yes ~~ No ~. How long has the organization been in existence? 4a. How many members in the organization? ~ a 'S. What is the purpose of the organization? ~~~ 6. Offigers of the Drganization: ~~/°~ ~~' Name Addres Tithe 7. Give names of"oiSScers or any oLne to the organization: Name ~ Address Title ~~n D. Organization Information: (Continued) ' 8. In whose custody will organization records~lbe kept? Name ~i ~.e Address ,y~~s_ ~r .~a, 9. If the organization carries sufficient insurance to compensate the players in the event any in3ury is sustained by players while gambling devices are used, or while on the lioensed premises, please state the Name of Insurer y3~3) G'o, - and Policy No. S - ~.~e 10. Have you (Manager & Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices? 11. Attach a list f all active members of the organization. E. The follo ng informatien is provided concerning a fidelity bond given the gamblin onager in favor of the organization. 1. Name of b nding c any 2. 3. 4. • r~ U Address of on ng company Amount and a n on of bond Applicati is ereby made for waiver of the bonding require nts. Y No 1 declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and 2 authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 655 relating to gambling, and 2 will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. Signature oi' a~ithor zec~6Si-lcer oi- organa.zation Date: .~?~ /-©~ Subscribed and sworn to before me a notary public an this day of x9 ~~ Signature of Notary Public Commission expires on Subscribed and sworn to efore e a notary public on this day of 19 Signa of Notary Public Commis ion xoires on Social Security Number:' PIIV Business ID Number: >~~~~ Hutchinson CirV Center 111 Irassan Street SE Flutchlnson, MN 5535U-2522 32U-387•5151/Fax 32Ud34.424U C TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Gary Plotz, City Administrator DATE: February 4, 2005 SUI3JECT: 1'wo-Year Contract with Midwest Wireless The attached contract is for atwo-year period. The contract includes a rate reduction from $.10/minute to $.07/minute. The total savings are estimated at $1881.29 for a six month period. Also, Midwest Wireless has agreed to update older phones to digital at no cost. The City Attorney has reviewed the contract and approval is recommended. Printed nn n'yded pspcr- 5~~~ City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson Utilities & Hutchinson Area Health Care - Preferred Service Plan Plan Requirements: This plan requires a minimum of 5 lines per account a minimum usage level of 1,000 minutes per month of corporate use only, and approval from the Midwest Wireless District Sales Manager. This Plan requires that at least 60% of minutes used are in the Midwest Wireless Licensed Service Area. A two-year contract is required and up to a $ I50 cancellation fee per line will be applied for disconnects within the contract period. Termination fees are reduced proportionately by the number of months remaining in the term of the agreement. A one time activation fee of $35.OD will apply to new lines only. Monthly Rates (per line) Alrtlme (per minute) KBT Per Llne K63 Per Line LOw High Access Access Law Wlgh CasUMinute 5 10 $25.00 $15.00 D 1000 $0.50 11 15 $24.00 $14.00 1001 3000 $0.10 16 25 $23.D0 $13.00 3001 5000 $0.09 26 50 $22.00 $12.00 5001 15000 $0.08 51 + $21.00 $11.00 15001 30000 $0.07 30001 + $D.O6 Included Features: Premium Features: (per line) Caller ID No Charge Premium Voice Mail $1.951mo. Basic Voice Mail No Charge Voice Dial $2.95/mo. Voice Mail Retrievals* No Charge ClearWaveT'" Mobile Numeric Paging No Charge 10 Megabyte $9.95/mo. Call Forwarding No Charge 25 Megabyte $24.95/mo. 3-Way Calling No Charge Unlimited Data $79.95/mo. Call Waiting No Charge Suspend $S,OO/mo. Detailed Billing No Charge Group Ring (pilot) $1,95/mo. Toll-Free to anywhere in U5 No Charge (member) $ I.00/mo. 8-State Wome Area No Charge Text Messaging Mobile to Mobile Calling * No Charge (2D0 messages) $3.95/mo. (400 messages) $7.951mo. *Available on the KBT plan only (2000 messages) $13.95/mo. (Unlimited messages) $19.951mo. Picture Messaging $5.95lmo. Nationwide Flat-Rate Roaming $O.I5lminute Free Mobile co Mobile Calling includes all calls from any Midwest Wireless phone to any other Midwest Wireless phone in the Midwest Wireless Licensed Service Area. Note: This feature and these minutes are provided free of charge, therefore the minutes are not included in the total tiering. 5 ~~~ City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson Utilities & Hutchinson Area Health Care Account Nos. 7-53-2, 7-470-8, 7»2161-I, 7-178055-9, 7-410717-I, 7-410734.1, 7.410752-9 & 7-410755-3 Re-rate to KeTIKB3 Current Total Bill Date: Sept 04 Plan KBT/K83 Savings Total # of Lines 127 Mnthly Chi $1,242.69 Suggested # of KB3 Lines III KB3 Mnthy Chg= $1,121.00 Suggested # of KBT Lines 16 KBT Mnthly Chi ;336.00 K63 Total Minutes 14982 KB3 Add'I Airtime= ;1,048.74 KBT Total Minutes 7359 Add'I Airtime= $2,089.30 K8T MM & VM 2237 ICD $= $0.00 KBT Billable Minutes 5122 K8T Add'I Airtime= $358.54 Nat'l Mins 37 Total Roam S= $18.50 Nat'I Roam $_ $5.55 Total= ;3,350.69 $2,969.83 5380.86 6111 Date: Aug 04 Total # of Lines 106 Mnthly Chg= $803.99 Suggested # of KB3 Lines 91 K83 Mnthly Chg= $1,001.00 Suggested # of KBT Lines 15 K8T Mnthly Chg= $3I 5.00 K83 Total Minutes 12348 K83 Add'I Alrtlme= $864.36 KBT Total Minutes 7119 Add'IAirtime= $1,945.90 K8T MM & VM 2184 ICD S= 50.00 KBT Billable Minutes 4935 KBT Add'I Airtime= 5345.45 Nat'l Mins 70 Total Roam $_ $39.00 Nat'I Roam 5= $10.50 Total= $2,788.69 $2,536.31 §252.58 Bill Date: Jul 04 Total # of Lines 104 Mnthly Chg= $789.99 Suggested # of KB3 Lines 89 KB3 Mnthly Chg= $979.00 Suggested # aT KBT Lines 15 K8T Mnthly Chg= $315.00 K63 Total Minutes 13585 K83 Add'I Airtime= $950.95 K8T Total Minutes 7235 Add'I Aircime= $2,082,00 K8T MM & VM 2145 ICD $_ $0.00 KBT Billable Minutes 5090 K8T Add'I Airtime= $356.30 Nat'l Mins 126 Tool Roam $_ $63.00 Nat'I Roam $_ $18.90 Total= $2,934.99 $2,620.1 S ;314.84 Bill Date: Jun 04 Total # of Lines I OI Mnthly Chi $768.99 Suggested # of K83 Lines 86 K83 Mnthly Chg= $946.00 Suggested # of K8T Lines 15 K6T Mnthly Chg= $315.00 KB3 Total Minutes 13638 KB3 Add'I Airtime= $954.66 KBT Total Minutes 7148 Add'I Airtime= $2,076.20 KBT MM & VM 2555 ICD $_ $0.00 KBT Billable Minutes 4593 KBT Add'I Airtime= $321.51 Nat'l Mlns 272 Total Roam $_ §136.00 Nat'I Roam §_ $40.80 7vtal= ;2,981.19 52,577.97 $403.12 ~r ~~ ~~~ I~ M M M w w r r r r i Btu pate: May 04 Current Plan Total KBT/KB3 Savings Total # of Lines 107 Mnthly Chg= $685.00 Suggested # of KB3 Lines 92 KB3 Mnthly Chi $1,012.00 Suggested # of KBT Lines I S KBT Mnthly Chi $315.00 KB3 Total Minutes 19382 K83 Add'I Airtime= $1,356.74 KBT Total Minutes 6278 Add'I Airtime= $2,566.00 KBT MM & VM 1650 ICD $_ $0.00 KBT 6111ab1e Minutes 4628 KBT Add'I AlrClme= $323.96 Nat'l Mins 151 Total Roam $_ $75.$0 Nat'I Roam $_ $22.b5 Total= $3,326.50 $3,030.35 Bifl Date: Apr 04 Total # of Lines 107 Mnthly Chg= $755.00 Suggested # of KB3 Lines 92 KB3 Mnthly Chg= $1,012.00 Suggested # of KBT Lines I S KBT Mnthly Chg= $315.00 KB3 Total Minutes 14909 KB3 Add'I Airtime= $1,043.63 KBT Total Minutes 5648 Add'I Airtime= $2,055.70 KBT MM & VM 1709 IGD $_ $0.00 KBT Billable Minutes 3939 KBT Add'I Airtime= $275.73 Nat'l Mlns 198 Toral Roam $_ $99.00 Nat'I Roam $_ $29.70 Total= 52,90970 $2,676.06 Total Savings____ Six Months= $1,881.29 (taxes NOT Included) 5296.15 5233.64 lJ RESOLUTION NO. 12840 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIQNS LETTING N0.7 PROJECT N0.05-09 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 25th day of January 2005, fixed a date for a Council Hearing on the improvement of 2nd Avenue SW from Lake Street to Dale Street -complete street reconstruction and replacement of existing utility infrastructure by construction of storm sewer lateral, trunk and lateral sanitary sewer and services, lateral watermain and services, grading, gravel base, concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances. NOW THEREFORE, l3E IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 25th day of January, 2005. 2. John P. Rodeberg is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. • Adopted by the Council this t3th day of February, 2005. Mayor City Administrator I~ ~-~ ~``~ M F M [J R A N ~ ~T M TO: Mayor and City Couucil FROM: Kent k',xner, City Engineer RE: 2"" Avenue SW Neighborhood Meeting PATE: February 2, 2005 We held a neighborhood meeting on Monday, January 31``, to discuss the proposed 2nd Avenue SW project between Lake Street and Dale Street. Over half of the property owners that were notified attend the meeting. There were many issues raised that we will be discussing at the Public Hearing. These issues, and our responses to date, are as follows: Why is this project being completed at this time? There has been increasing surface deterioration during recent years causing the City to invest a significant amount of maintenance dollars and manpower into the roadway. This segment of roadway has been . identified by the pavement management program as being rated at a PCI (Pavement Condition Index) of 37 on a scale o£ 100. This rating falls within the marginal category and indicates that corrective measures should be done at this time. City staff is open to input from the residents at this point and willing to possibly entertain other street improvement methods such as milling and overlaying the street. A mill and overlay project would be a short-term fix (10 - 15 years). The cost of doing the mill and overlay would be assessed to the property gwners on a 50%:50% basis (approximately $15 - $20 per front foot). IJltimately, when the street is reconstructed the property owners would incur assessments for both the milUoverlay and the future reconstruction project. Reconstructing the roadway at this time would provide along-term solution (40 - 60 years). Why are the utilities being replaced at this time? The condition, age and capacity of the existing utility infrastructure must be considered and addressed when the street is reconstructed. Sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer systems are all over 40 years old and have some deficiencies. Attempting to stretch the lifecycle of the existing utilities beyond the expected life of a new roadway would not be pmdent. Why are you narrowing the roadway from 4D' to 32' in width? Narrowing of roadways has been proven to provide a traffic calming effect on the increasing traffic levels and speeds. A street width of 32' is typical for a residential street. The assessments tv adjacent property owners for replacing the street would be lowered if the width of the proposed street is narrowed. • Why are you Installing a sidewalk along the south side o1'the street? If the roadway is narrowed as proposed, there would be an opportunity to extend sidewalk to the west along the south side of 2"d Avenue without significantly disturbing the existing boulevard and landscaping. ~(~:~ Sidewalk in this area would provide pedestrian safety and could eventually be a section of a continuous walkway all the way to School Road. Due to the existing grades and number of private utilities along the north side of the street, switching the sidewalk location to the other side does not appeaz to be feasible. Should parking be designated on one side of the street? A 32' wide street would provide sufficient clearance for two vehicles to meet and another vehicle to be parked along one side of the street. A number of residential streets do not have specific parking regulations or striping that designates parking. If there is an abundance of on-street pazking occurring, it may be justified to establish one side of the street for parking. From a traffic flow standpoint, parking should be on, the north side of the street to match the lane arrangement along 2"d Avenue to the east of this area. Why are you increasing the thickness of the pavement section? Currently, this length of sheet is utilized by school buses and some truck traffic. This traffic has contributed to the decay of the existing pavement. There will be additional haffic demands on this street during the TH 7 project. The City has proposed to slightly increase the pavement section thickness to account for this additional haffic, at no additional assessment cost to the property owners. Also, the Police Departement has been contacted and stricter regulating of the non-truck route status will be enforced. How are assessments calculated? Do I pay for improvements that I don't need? The assessments are based on the determined value of the benefit provided to the adjacent property, and therefore the assessments are not necessarily based on the actual cast for adjacent work. Per City policy, properly owners will be assessed for replacement of their sanitary sewer and water services and the cost to construct a standard residential street with an appropriate storm water collection system. The oasts associated with the replacement of the lateral (main line) sanitary sewer and watermain systems, irtereasing the street section thickness beyond the City's standard, and the installation of the sidewalk are paid for by the City. When will this construction happen? Based on our cuaent project schedule, construction is scheduled to start in late May or early Tune. Depending on the Conhactor's construction schedule and weather conditions, the project would be completed in August or September. We will discuss these, and other, comments in detail at the .Public Hearing. ~J ~(~~) ~~..~~ Fv~e~n~ Ir~a+~rr~~tt. + wConstructed' Ln 19fti' - rnirai maf sectic + P1 caf 3 tan ~ ~ q scs~e • t?~rcr r~radbed drain;~~e end questinnuble soup has aeceYerated the dtet~ioration ~ kfigh maintenance teats + Significant curb sekt~etnent & cracking + ~w'J';ster s~rsterrt a~+~er 4~tt years. old artid ~t!~der'i~ed + :R,~lc~ituonafl ~yda•ants f`"or faro protectirrn * C l pry sanitary sewer pups w°t~a s~an~ae , , at 1: i, ~s iratiutrakztan issues, and sag~;in pi,e. ~'~•c~t z~~+~r + I~hetzriortatirrp~ street, high n~~ir•tten~atce + ht ~ad~vat~ secti~rn thicl~ne5s anust be irtcre~se • Stt~~ t4~ ;~~v+r~a- ~va~uY~aa~~tti~prp vfa~d ~~^st~t~rs • 11'atayr systean txnecsuzed anti old tiarrit~r~ s+~er syst~rrt wvith cracks and t~ip~s + P,~ de s tti an deficiencies - sici'ew~lk « 'tra f~ic Baia?gun ~~,aa~ "~~tr N~~t~.er~~tt * Una~teeessar storm sewer pii~~ exis° « f'ipaag and structr~re dctcraoration. + L.tafi~ecf drairtnge situations arlcYressed'by draintile and ~tradn~. * Storm sewer ssterrr n°rrast lie reconazred f°or new ronci'way width acrd f;~rading. ~°t~~r~asd ~r~a~~v~~a~,~.s • ~, .~~t t_e,n,}I :~tly~ rca ~~~~¢Bz~Carsrin~y~s'w"etpnerrr, agt,i ~,2,c ~~z=.a and w.aar~~retc ca~r~i~s~. ~tDd1StCL~I a ';2' wvrde rs~udrw~y w~t~ bittatniwaruurs say tees""rah, e+n~rurete evrh urnsd Mutter, ~n~ eirruenti~s. . fm~PC~:u~ Rlvle new ~¢ce~t ~rh~aniro pnava~le to lm-t~rsa r,d~~y a.,~~,,. . ltryst~t a .. i~lr ce~o'serer~e ~id~waEk sauraa~~ ~reurn tdr~ street Y~y~ to S" tiwude gcas~ ~Saaul~errard, • erect ret~twauti~ wrr~]-s rtnr prGa~~i acu;e~rtatafl~e ~r~~t~u~ t~ulrBlt9.Lat1.S. ~ fr ~~a~~aY~sY~ ~~ar~w~~~~ae~a I_. l • G.}'t~lrti . ~epG ace ~,a a to t n~ tl 5' ~~Yagr C~Ye pipe sa~rutarv sewer '1fi'lk~p ~ ~ f'"Ig~~' k F ® h"v~yalacrr'qugasoa;t f ~< <<xrsRin~ ~"' e;asq ucaroua watcrrli~oirw rw~aaYa "' Y?V~ papa. . keYiY~cz aakritury ssw~r s:rkd wratar wrr~°ices xa Rye pP'~' Yzkue. w Yeeakr~fa~aae aYx~ suraaka 5~wer systeram to aa•~rsrroakrurstate ahe 'vxrruv~u.~ear amakYway anf.Y adcikm:sx 1rsc:aiaxe4a kYratruatl,~ Yss~aes. ~~star~~t .~s~sm~~~~, + Pra~rerty Winer Fa~~ fora. M~reu er ..r & wean semct 1wrrrnenna '~'. 4'?:,r. i.Yn~;ty,~~sewwecrcptl;mcemcna ~7:,~Y(M,7-• ~. 7ty _ a ~4rr ~t 6txik Y"YU4n N1Rh~=~}s ~8n.a 4~~SBS Qta33e3'8d'G1C9Ak su6gec[rors ~thiYlGNg~ .~ ~s4i.coam4cktl eygro'r..~~ai "fi[W° evirYe~ 8cn ~,>-.E~:54klsexwicaa R 5: D't r i ~'T,R~(ti r q::surnaa.`a. kypheaV ' wn 4ok ~~. , 5 aVa-, ~ i~b & gui ~~ F F1 '~~'.~,ASG.. Lri~nacra'9 typ~iC&V d2GJ rn l-. I,~I '~¢ruutc ~SEG ti="~ 'fit ayBSGU ~sroonam~ tl,}^pri~el 3 "~fM +w«i: u;rc r ~ ~~ wicea fie, 4'~]~rg~k) ~-N„'~.SIg I ~.~f[~~;s~l~~~„+~,Yetartiti .n.,jC_GibesaplamcY~GCata4'.:a,._~. ahC~~ , ~~d ~,t t"~ryt•ij,_ ~ laae4~~ (S"obnrtt~ry^ ~'"'"). .,. -, ss .. „ ; ~ ~ ~ : ~ :~:rYaxa is ara kke YkeY~ aaa taYds, peaarr tka awaa~~d nl ci]tl1M~.. t at;uslY"inatlaavessrarentieraaa~,.~~.csk~u.. ~ 4ssessra~~tka 1~Iearng Yrased rkm aYx~ a~r~atl pro}ecc t ,,, rs. I -,tee exk rate waYY lx deaerranaaed b,. r~~? Ikia~ . iiv , ~~~~ ~: es i'ar r~,e pa,e~eet ~vrrids ~ r~ era wwsor +~ ~ ~ ~~~a~ err r. , ~c ~,~, ae. s.ro~erry. "t~~~~t 1?ara~e~t ~C~ats ~z~Y~~a, xM Lstiin;tt~rl L'~,nsn~nctiaan +[~k ~ 3~+5, r~tirjk;~t~Yi L.x~~ense~_, _~ ~, 4 ~ hstimwkcki 1'rn}nCt C tS+`t ~~Y5~,000 r~te~,4c aakritxry ~r ~^atat,~ ~ S2,tY Ttutr.~ "'~::tLnataao Faaaral ~ 4~,q[NJ C"rty}3an~'lTa 5i Y52„p~p0 h5 tS 51I3 L1'ttg ~~ ~. pl~~_.~._..~ EStbrnatec~ Praj~a~'t ~"u ou~atalx~; '£ ~:54,~Y46f~ r. .._,~, 4 Pc~~~!1k ?~GIa~11 pull !orI: ,~rl ~~p gra}invent nith_ i ~u~i'.T2.Sa ~,My ~ik.MYe~~O;~ .. ~,r.~r ~~ ~elrCCaer isaYr, aYae asee..,mtiaaa are eeraatYe~Y as tax rarlta ~+ritM1 E01ICI`~Sa. ~W~.weRS~~r~C X07 tax r~~Y t~r'YCw y<n, :.ids egWaY p~a'oeuc6paN atad +Yecreasmkg irkaerest Irfer~r~tiyyY~ avaYabte liar p'k~afkerrY utw GxL~~;, rkae~tiva~ ukacrarrue ~u~cielaates, wlrea are eY~r a++~er ~5 yeah zrld arr da~abYed 1 , . '` I C~ J C~ RECE~~3c°~ //]/ ~~//~,(..( ~y FEB 0 3 2005 V ~~~ '" - - ~~ 1^~ Ciey of Hutchinson V// eng ~ ~ # a~Jo ~ l/> ~.~~ --~r ~~, ~ ~~ r/~~J, l ,//~ ~~WJJC~C_ q.~µ.rc~.,e~~ / ~Iiet<u Maureen F. Flantge 9552nd Me. S5Y HuMld~mon, MI9 553SU-2~B C~ ~o ~~-~ City Council public open hearing, February 8, 2005 Znd Avenue SW Neighbors Opinion of proposed Project No. 05-09 Presented by Tim Smith representing 24 residents. On Monday, February 7th, 2005, 24 residents of 2nd Ave SW gathered at the Library meeting room to discuss the issues relating to Project 05-09. The following summarizes their consensus. We appreciate the information presented by Mr. John Rodeberg and staff at the neighborhood meeting conducted on Monday January 31 g~, 2005. Although it was obvious to us that the street will soon need resurtaced we were not prepared for the extent of the proposed project. We are especially surprised by the substantial cost to be assessed each property owner. Therefore after this meeting a few residents gathered to discuss issues and agreed to invite all neighbors to a group discussion on February 7"'.at the library. Meanwhile several residents were charged with fact finding regarding the issues and extent of assessments. Jointly we offer the following statements 1. We propose that project 05-09 be delayed until after the main street bridge and highway 7 road project is complete. We feel that the extra traffic on second avenue during these detours will be detrimental to a new road and cause undo wear and tear. We understand that this increased traffic will hasten the need for resurtacing. • Delay of the project gives us more time to ascertain the design and scope of the project. • Delay of the project allows residents time to prepare for an assessment. None of us is prepared to pay the 8 to 14 thousand dollar assessment. 2. We want more time and information to evaluate the true condition of the road surtace and underground utilities, pipes etc. We want to know mare about the option of "mill and overlay" or reconstruction. 3. We formally ask council and city administrators to review the assessment policy as we feel the amounts expected are unreasonable. • What did the residents on the eastern portion of Second Avenue pay? We have heard that their amounts were significantly less. Was it because of a federal grant? Preliminary evaluation of other communities indicates varied assessment policies for similar work. Hutchinson's policy appears to be very high. For example, the City of Bloomington pays for seal coating and overlay projects. Reconstruction projects are assessed at 25%. The City of Glencoe only assess water and sewer services at $700 each ($1400} in reconstruction projects. Silver lake's last assessment in 1997 was $15 per • front foot. ~~ 4. The residents do not favor a sidewalk as proposed. Further we wish to maintain the present width of the roadway. We notice that some new developments such as those in the vicinity of Menards do not have sidewalks. 5. We request °no trucks" signage to reduce the increasing amounts of large truck traffic. 6. We feel that there should be mare advance notice of projects such a5 these in order for the residents to meet with the City Staff to discuss needs and review options of design. We espenially would like long term notice of anticipated assessments. 7. We would also like to bring up a separate but related issue; sewer backup. Last year a power failure caused the lift station on Harmony Lane to shut down. This resulted in raw sewage flooding several homes. We ask that consideration be given to measures that would prevent this type of event in the future. ~~ tL.J Downtown Streetscape Project Executive Summary Prepared for Honorable Mayor & City Council C~ $y Miles R. Seppelt 1DA Director J February 3, 2005 ~p (~~ I, 11~i,. "ur+~je~k ~v~eYwi l~riel~;y, the precasal is try: I~e~lace all tl~~ light pales ai~ng .Main kreet in the six ~rle~clcs ~rern the Grew l~iw~~° l~rid,~ t~ 4;~ avenue Scr~th anal: ~n one 1ala~el~ el 'ashin7taan ~we~ue west. a~~ lyP l *^ l~avplace the wiring liar the light ~raales ~ ~ala3 a.alalitiaanal, ~aealestriarr-~;a~ale lighting • eplaa;e all thaw siala:walks an the ~rra`~ja~et ara~a (raeawess•aryr i ~~ral~~' tc~ replace the wring anywa~~ +~ l~eal~~a~e c~ a~~~n,sa~lialate signae lmpreti-e sign~age 1aar the existing parkitz~; lots • bald sasrne sirr~ple lanalsa;a~ing el e~tlexlt "1('he ga~al is tc~ taka~ c~x-aM ~f a rr~~~h raeeala~el tai~~te~~arace ~rt~~~ject while at the same tune irr~plenlentirlt; a,r~.e cal" the cla~rnnt a'~f tl~ la~wnta~wrr l~evtali~ati,a~n l~astee plan in a a~a~st eFfea;~yve wvay~. r~~r~-~nr ~~k~at~+~ra ... ....~ ,.._4_ a C;~ .ter ~~ ~ . , r ,CSa ' ai ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ 4y.. `~ + ~j ~m•~ ~ ~* ~ m~ ~ d- ~ ~' .~ A ~, . ~;. ~ > ~ '~ ~ a~ ~ m .~ ~ - ~ S,7 ^ M ~ 4 r ~~ .~ ,~ .~, ~ y 1YII1'V~ ~ d ~~ ~ 9" +- ~# r+~5~ "~ tnf R ~ w ~, q~'<'~.~ 9 +.,.~ u. ~ Q ~ ' ~ q "~'l~~ e,~ is~ing strea~tlihts in the a~ve+~ntrrtv~~ were taut ula iaa e~~;:rnbt.r a~i" 1G8, with a ~iesiy~rr li~"e a~l`tJ~- years.. ^ Currently, the streethhts ~~~ na~w ~+~ dears a~lal _ well fast theiir desa~ life. nurm~ber a~f light ~a~les lave keen tested anal sigi~riticant structural araa~ra~sia~n rablerns heave been iclentitieal. T:n saan~e instana;es a~arra`a~sia~t~ is ~~~ cru. +~ ~"a~rr~clecl and aging. stra~etlight wi~•i~~rg has also been clearly ialentifieal. 1~~r e.xarnplc, Ilutchinsn Utilities has ra;p~rtea~ that a~~~~aw wale has l~aua~a~eal a~ut (near l~dial ~a~untry lank;) anal carrnc~t bs~ prat ksa in serviee wvtha~ut raja~r rewiring (at a~ rnr~it~„_,), • nua-~x~rer rat'sal`et~y cancers h.ava~ hee ideti~ieai: ~ "rime. l~a~th tha; aMurrent and fa~r~~ner l~'a~lice C;hiets ?~aave ra~a~~°ta~al that aver the years. al~-ug sales 1 gang aawtivity have kaeen a~l~ser~eal in the evening, alaang with sigm~ificant l~ _, Map of rojiecl r"~r~a l~aiteri~ aci ~~ruis~t:nc~ ti;~.irracs. 1"~'iar~ studies th~~ h~v~ i~er~ dcgrr~ shc~w~r ~ r~duct~~ ire, ~ritir~ixa~i lc~~ls why li~;latim~~ is siu~trd~ntl~r inc~~°;~sed. lt''~;i~~~t~i~.n atety. '~h+~ ~ustan~ 1%~~htii~~ ~~ir~ ~ ft a.roa the ~sr, is Tali d~i~t~d ~'~~- ~utc~rtj~i,i.le trt`~;. s ~a resuit, it ~, c itt"i~rrf~ f`r~r p~~rpi c1~~iwrr~ t+a s~ ~d~stri~~a; wliCi ,~r°au~d -- this had Ind to xzurrti~t° c~# "+~l~s u~rVis" aav~r~ t1~ y~~rs ~r<s isle ~:~e rassi~~ `•ti~ct~~ ti;, Addti~r~ai ~~d~str~~ s~a.l~ lahtira~ is ue~d~d. u t~~ ~~ar r ~~~icn~ nr id ties tart tint tl~~ lit pules r~ si~iiuctl i~~yud their desist life, the p~terati,:rl t *.rti~~ ft~r the eststrsatshie f,j~iure jai" ~ li~~rt peal. ~e by ~vritku dacurt~c°~~tatic~n 1`rs~:r~~ ~fae r,arai~ct~ar~r cif thr` ~c}l~~ ~t~itin r"If ~ r~~} ~~,~~"t,~a~ ~al~.s ~~ r'~~ two ~,k~ jaecf by ~ca~~'~r~ i~+ta ~r slaat~t~ .~~arr: cad" rrr.~~°l~r.~„ ie;~~l s,tr~s~s~, Gl~~y~ ~~~Ceax~1~" ~a~ ~u~;r~ urvn ~yrryte~fdulc~ly ~c},frrr~~ ,~J~+w~l'. °, Sidewi~s, `while eatet-atil~ ita treat tau ~t~el eai" sia;~pe, dea used to lee r r~i~l~rced iii se~rer~l Arrea~. T'hre ~~+~ sevt~~i atreas nt ve,t- pax sidewai'1~, and ~n~rt5~ with, mild te7 ~3`~nifi~,~nt prulai~rrts. ~acarne utilities f lattild~t7~s have mr~t.tits ttrtdet° tfae sidewaii~ tlfa~t lave f~r~vt:tlted ~f~lat~ealari~te rclaairs~ Ittdividul Mattel replaeeraretats e txteare eatpe~tsi~e per s~.i~tar~ 1`~crt rhea etarrtprchensive, ee~tlete repl~~ernent. T'h+er~ as si~tifie~tat stu ~;lutter. ~ l't;ik~iie i~aa~icita reeds 4~etke~ edrititieutie~art. ~.~ ~. Pr~~~~ed ~a~~~tli~~au 'Tee add~°ess these issues the t`~alleawixt is larcapcasc:d ~ ~t~,'C~ee ~ re~.r~~~iat-e~ li~;ftt ~aiales ~~ Add la~e~i~stri~n cc:rlc; li~hrin Add rrtid~ie"~: t~.~iri ~>'r1 tcrllerl~~aies ""° Add shunter penes with twee light ~xtetres • cl ~tn+~r li~;htin~; un each b~rac>f~ ~ Dive itht pvlus cart sash lalrie:l~ tm~stead rrl~ ti~ur "I'l~is is prrayeutGd tee irterease li~hti~t levels in the d~awrtte~w~t f~ ~ - ~i~'/u N~:.. ~ kt~r~~ Vr~i. k : ~ ~ •`S 6 K ~; ~,:.. ~~, , n a a'~~• r ~t~tit ga~~~strin sad"et:;~ "xmntprr,~oernte~t~~s ~~~~ "~1'.~~Irrr~ta~~. ~1.e~u~e Itt ac~d~#~srt. SirtCe the ,ri~`~#'fi~.~n~~ <jrlri sc~lc°~ti,r#h~ seed tea ~ reRpl,aeed ire ~~n cage. tl~e ~,a~gti,~,,rir~-rrtt~ f~r~:-~~~~t~ it~~lr ~~) rilipl.e-rr~.rr_i[~ c,tlr~, aafarr~t rat tl~e 4~ca^~~it~~,vn 1;.~:'vit~ai!zatiu'a. ~l~sk~r F''lart i3, ~ c,u~r. `1"i",W:e ±i~ e ~ :,.~,~ ,~.~: ~;~a~h, t1- I'iaileav~ ink is iaeit~t reap~asr~~:l: ~w~a~~e~ s+oi~e~~~l,^~g aaldi~n a ~~ e~r,lrar°~~+~, sta~r~p~ seeie~r~ ~~ Ilae e.unta-side I~I~;;„s~~°y'tr~ Y~rpl,~~~~ slrrrtl ~t+.f~t s~ it 3t~ ~ Adds a~ta a,iet~r~-r~t #'~+~~r37 tfr~ 1~Caw~iil~r~,'~~ l~lata. -~ ~~sitt ~, ill. _rzr.a~r;h ~,~ ltt pl~~tr:rte~~ fir: idle i-iw,~ ~' iii:.~~r.~,~i~. i~„~) ~ ~~1~ c°vrrrew ~arnts~~~i~~, ~+er ~~r~ ll+~w~t~an ll'l~n ~lxS~~t "J~ at~ ~rr~aj~ct ~ud,~t, d~edira c~ ul~rlic; int. ~"o~tsolic~at+~ ~r~~r~~r~t~rr~rt s~l;~a~ to r~x~c~v ei~ii, sirs ~lr~t~~~° ~~al ~a~~~e mdean~lilfi~atu~~r~~u ~~" public g~~°Ek~~, lads. ins laciu ~~~~l~~tie~ 1I'q~r~ ~~~ha i~cat~~ ~ucl~t as n~ l~a~lid~;~ ~ccaz°~tic~a~s, a~~e~`~;, ~~~1 l~a~rcl ~ull he t:,~r~~:rr~l ~hrr~„L,l, l~?-iv~ie rl~wr~~ti~:~n. ,~, ~" I:. ~'~ra~r~~t: G~a1s ~y ilaleax~er7rl:ia tlac ~~rGfx~tir~~, ~.~'eet:sca~c pt°~~~: n~tr~l~~r c.~ti a~rls Fill b ttai~~e~l: +~ atl' mill lac irrri~rav ~l, rclae~:rir~~ ~.~i de~a~ri~ lilac pales ~~~ cxi~ti~~, satei~f 1~a~ar ., axxs~re li;~hti~~ ~lc~~atr~° k;i it ~-~r.~i~:~~ i~~r lat~ic;;~ri;~rat; to ~~. &. ~~~ ~, better S~t'e~t-~~°~r~~1~7 t,(:$i<<,t~,5 4'7'1 '"st~;lii~,i_icr~ e'~i1 Gll~d~,;~ aaapr4aing ?pe4le~l~ian s~,L`~ky~ Va;laaer~bilid-y to r.e c~ va.~l~lis~aa 'mall 1,~; i~_Glua:_~:c_' clue ~a ianpr47vctl li,,latil~l; * flew l i ht~a gill.. b~ aaa~re eaaer'Y e~"$i r ; ~; r ~ t, +- a4acla rlc4~+~4:4i 1'rada'ttr_~ii~~~~°z~ r~~~c~ ~c a l~a~: ele:~~x~t a~f` ~h~ l~~c~~r~~a~vr 7"~ste~ l~.earital~artaara l~l~~a uriil ~~ ~4an~ple~e~l ~ 474$-cl"fectiv ~ ~ iaa %aa~r~s~C: rra~l~in, ~ via-~ue 4744t ai" aaeuesst~, ~~ +~ A r~n~re estrfi~ 1~ric~nclly~ t1~r~w~r~t~vw~~ try e~aer~1. f il~•~p~ 1c~e'~ the ~1~r~t~n s~r~n 1~y ereati~~ r~~c~re ~ ~tt~et~~°e ~laec; lr~~° 1~u~i~e~~, ~4ixt~pp~~r~ ~i~~1~ _.. entei't~i~rraet. ~ 1~eiral'~rce the 1<<~~~~i~wvr~ ~:h~r~~ter ~1'the ~t~~~rr~G~_,« n itt7p~~'~ve tC~-it~.l~iz~~,t:,E~'~ ~t~r7ald~~ ~~ ~, r~aar~a~l e~t~-~•. Chests 1"car cm~tc~+a~~ pt•+~pe~t~r ~rrters i11 1~ t~ni~~rrnt:cl b;;, ~1,~~~in~; u~ try (1~fa r~1" the la~~rject c+~sts eity-~1e ~se~, Prea~4et Fin~~c~i~~,1~el~~~ ~ &1c~e1"~a11y, the rev~itali:~e~ ~~~ta~«vrx ~rt11.1~+~1 ~ro1"fiset s+~mne ~wl`tl~e i~n~~~ut taftl~+~ 1~l~ra;¢~d ~t7~6._ C1~~ t~r1d~ ~;lt:,s~-rr°~,.. P~~ajct c-st 1~;slw~ms~~ts I i i'e°ap+~s~~ slde~vallc ~r~~,i,t ~:'~ ,~.~., 'l~~ti cstirxz~zted ~c-+~jet cysts 1et~er,~.~ ~n tie desi~za ~r~tic~~x ~hc~sen fs~r a~plr~ratatii~t~, '~"l~rcc ~lesXr~ c~~tt~t~ts a~~~ ~r~~a;~ru~1, ,<<~~•1~ 1~avu c1:if~rtnt feat~~s a~ts~ r~e~sts. l~a~~e~i~-tu~rru T"a~t~~ 1'st~rru~~~~ C'~a:~t 4 wyf'V7~ ~p nl ,,'tJ'',,<7 11.~ Rased u~a tasxl7lc i~~~~~.~;~cl~, ~t ins 1~1~1y t1~st suz~r~e elerx~c~ts r~11 e t~l~e 1'r~ar~'~ e1z c~~t'the ~~ss~ble pr~jcct t~pti~;rts. ,~ secitic g~rc~~ect dcsi~r~ ~~°a~>~a~1 ee~t ~1i~~t r~i11 rese~ite t tYae'~'rae~c~y 4'-~;~it~r ~c~t~.rtc,il rt~~~^ti~ ~~~~° yc~~u?N° c~zaslderatl~r~. ~"r+~~t 1F"~a~~iar~, ~3cca~ns~ t1~u~c is ~. ca~r~~urtit_~vt¢1e ~etaefit t'7-c~~'rt ~is;si~t~; li~~~, }?reject, amid t~ a~ninrrti~e 1•ae lI~"iY~Da~t G~TI dC~I7,t(7'w~Y~ ~"~e~' CY'~'J"I'IeTS:, It 'lS t)~EP~,; ~~ 4:rj~4}Se( th~l~ ~7~~~w'G`t ~JS~'S 1~e aa~~ticaX~ed as 1'crl~rs: r~ssess~°nets ~ ~1c~nt~r ra~~a~:rl~e,s C~`~/c~ Ct-xde share '~~~~ ssessrnents ~ar~~uld be ~~:cluded rrr~ t1~.e r~rerty~ ta;~ 1ai11 awr~d ~u~auld 1~e laid aawe~° l-yeas` l~ricd, with tltc ~t~ca~.~1t eut°e;sin ea~;1~ ~e,z~r.. r j' , 4 ~ ~ ,l C~ Residential Homestead n Assessment, Annu O lion "A" ",~+r ,C1 ioit"~'~`I""'-;~~ _ Project Cost $2,030,000 $1,673,883 t.ot Size 2"1_' Int $285 $235 44' lot $571 $471 66' lat $856 $7D6 de Share, C~ Gommercial 1 Industrial ""* Estimate Only *** Property Estimated Tax Impact Valuation per year ~ $100,000 $17.94 __- $125,OD0 , $22.42 .. $150,000 $7.6.91 $175,000 $31.39 $2DO,OOD _._ __ $35.SF1 _ $300,ODD $53.82 _ $4DQ000 $71.75 $750,000 $255.(1:1 $1,OD0,000 $345.32 $1, 500, 000 $52471 $2, ODD, OOD $704.09 *" Please note that these figures are estimates only'*" 1"he arhial assessment and property tax impact depends upon: a) How the bids come in. h) Interest rates when the project is bonded for. c) The essessmenl lormula chosen by the City Gounril (currently it's beintl proposed lhat 20% of the project costs would be assessed to Main Street property gwners) d)'I he design option chosen by the Gity Council. e) f low the debt is structured. • Inelurlud as part of properly liax hill • Not a separate bill ,' • Not necessarily an increase to tax (the city bands for projects every year - if one of . those is paid u~(j'when this one gets added, [he net effect could be zero,) ^ There are an estimated 8,000 taxable parcels in the city, so the impact on any given parcel is fairly minimal. VII. Public Feedback • Great efforts were made to educate and gain feedback from the public: -~ Open house at the Event Center July 2004 ~ Open house at Yark Elementary November 20D4 ~ Open house at City Center January 2005 ~ EllA Director visited downtown property owners 7anuary-February 2005 (I couldn't reach them all, due to time constraints, but I did reach well aver half) Opposition • On January 18, 2005 the city received a "Letter of Objection" from Sharon Gruenhagen and Jill Corson. This is enclosed for your review. • Also included is a petition listing 41 individuals who are "opposed to the sidewalk and lighting project assessment.,," • Among these 41 individuals, at least 9 (so far as we can tell) arc downtown property owners. • in addition, it has been noted that there appear to he multiple signatures representing the same properties (e.g. 2 Ciruenhagen, 3 (:orsgn, 2 Wacker, 2 7unousek and 2 Oman) • The remaining 32 signatures do not appear to be property owners, although some appear to 6e business owners renting from than property owners listed -the rest we just don't know. This petition is attached for your review. • As of the writing of this report, and based upon the information we have, it is our understanding that the following downtown property owners are against any sort of project: Property Owner Sharon Gnaenhagcn Jill Corson Barbara DcMars Char Schlueter Cheryl Lcbat Nancy 7anousek Lisa Kamrath John neynolds (Hassan Vplley Ladgc) Maria Oman TOTAL Front Owner Comments Foota¢e 20' Division needs to be mended downtown -1 am in favor of project if postponed for a few years. 24' No more taxes -~ can't afford 22' Want to review master plan 24' 22' 20' 30' 44' 6R' 274' ~~~~ • To better ascertain the desires of downtown property owners, I personally visited as many as possible to answer any questions, clear up mis-understandings, and collect feedback for the City Council. • Summary of findings: Property Owners Percentage Front Feet Percentage Favor Prn'ect _ 36 49.3% 2,355 58.b% O osed 9 8.2% 274 6.8% TJnknown 28 42.5% 1389 34.G% TOTALS 73 _ 100% 4,018 _, 100% • "Unknown" includes a variety of things: A) Have not been able to contact property owner R) Owner lives out of town and we haven't heard back yet (First Minnesota Bank) C) Leadership is changing (First Federal Dank) 17) The property is in the process of being sold (Rix corner gas station) E) Property owner simply has not decided yet • Included in your packet are copies of the survey results I've received thus far. • i will continue my efforts to meet with as many properly owners as possible and will provide updated copies of my survey at the Council meeting on Tuesday evening. ~ (4~~~ L. J In Favor Desi n Preference Pro~terty (honer Front "A" "n" "C" Uwner Comments Foota e Neil J cnsen 22' X A terrific ba ain! _ Bill Corby 25' X Great for downtown, my building, our community as a whole! Tom Da et 216' X Sels the d8cor far downtown for the next 2D-30 ears Rahn Hoseek 44' X Goad idea, will benefit long term, concemcd about foot naffic - I et none Hutchison Leader 88'~ X No hesitation - ad idea. Steve [larton 44' _ _ X X Lights were discussed years ago they were bad & past usable life, u adin in the csrnt is leas[ ex enaive Steve Ward 22' W X X Use a h hrid / combo of a lions B & C Janet Valen 24' X Hutchinson needs a face lift, this will hcl Mary Lyr n Cox ~ 44' X Hal to sec it Woody & Doris I,am recht 22' X It's about time this happens! Mike McGraw 33' X Great project -now is the time! Safety & looks will be enhanced. , Linda Pnirer 50' X Ilmce Christiansen 20' X Coordinate far businesses far timin . Richard Peterson 25' X Good idea Clean u downtown Robert Mc(:arth 22' X I like li htsl An eta Jer ens 29' X llutch Cafe Faith Lutheran Church 330' ~ X X Joe Schulte a4' X Nina Mc ers 26' X Mark Comdcr 22' X w Buzz Burich 75' X t'irst Congregational Church _ _ _ GG' ~ X __ Will support any level of the project _ Lynette Jcnscn a2' X Think it is an opportunity to improve Hutchinaott a[ a very and rice/ _ Wells Far o Bank 2D0' _ X We will support the ro~ect / an solution Joanne Willmert 25' X So ha to sec this_move ahead, IDO%behind pr1ect ^ou Welser 22' _ X I'm sure that when it is dune everyone will be glad we did itl Ver much in favor. _ John Schutt 36' X Nu brainer ~Rand~Lany, 33' X X __ Geor a uasi GO' X Get started as soon as possible. _ _ _ Jerald Jones _ 5l' X undecided Ski uade 222' X Uo it!1 _ Murk Schierman 371' X ,~ '1'O'rALS T2355' 19 7 la • in addition, 1 have received resolutions of support from: Hutchinson Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Hutchison Area Chamber of Commerce I lutchinsnn Economic Development Authority Hutchinson Downtown Association . • Copies are included for your review. ~~b~ h~v~ ~:~a~ dicu~~~cl thfs ra~jeat vu~t than ~I~P~ !C~~rpa,~-~ta: a~f~~~:ar aid tk~it° staten°t~nt s "`,S"~,rur<ts life cx raeacu~ c~~~x. " ['ve u-ec~ati~:~tard ~,~iitt~~~l r_Ir~c~u.uentat:~arrru, but h~rr u~~~t m'c:arada:c zl~, ihin,~ as yi. * A~~, ia:;Ic ~ ~'ir~'il ~a~~be ~r~°t,3a~ai~a~l ~i~atu.ur~ ira~iar~t~a~ their ~uapa~t°t a~fthis f>r~,acut.. ~- ~wltl~a~u;r~i they. are na~~ iru the ial~arlrMai t'c•aj~'t ire ~ day naaw that deal ~• ~~irrala la;N~a~~°t~~e (I-~ista~ria: Mate ~11~•«tcr~ at~,d f~ave ~ru~r~,~r (Pa.C;~ Harr rare} are ~ul~a~ in tva7u° a~f' k~ti~ ~~nj~a;t. ~r~ ~a~r ~aa~lw,~t 1, auu~~ i~clua~i~~ ,a la:tter° t~zt Dave ra~~~ ~aara~te tcu tote ~~u'rutashi~saan ~~ea~er. "~,"ha: desi,~ pra~erer~~es ~~ata~a~ ac~~re are: ~,,.~,~ Sid~~valk r. `~` ~~~ ,~ 4 ,s _ _ - s .s ~I. Sidewalk 9u~ K ~i ''AL~C'1N~Y ° 4PTIC~N . ._ _--.- orr~~r - ca~ncer4triaa a;irr~le uv/runruirugi '~~und ~7'~tad#"r~ _ ~"VBrS ~,~....._ 8auar~eurrd - ' wrnd~, st~rme~ colaru! ner~t~ ;~..~-_ F`ea~~^s~ri~n Zr~~se - a7vth trowl+elr:d ea~r~er~ete _,,,.~--,~"~ift~mg ~"rrt`ry - concerutriaa eire~+~s wlraau~nen~ band pattern - pavers _~.-~- Garner M raa sp~~i~~ tr~3~tr~u~r~k .~--~..~~ ~3at~feur,~rd - ' wide, t~nn~p~i raAcrred arrcr~ete ~- ~Bdr~S'~~°!n Zane - sr~a~a~tlh tru~weled vonr~r~t ~-- ~uitding n~ - stemp~d alar~d eorucrete ~~fl~~!d` - r~t~ 'S'81,'~ ~~°~@,~trTl~Tlt. ~acrtevard - '" wide„ strmpeat' e~ir~reci ~;anc~LLete I~"letrr,~n Zane w iightt~ra~m furtisi~ c~t~rrcra;t rrwrft "" Land at ~ui~~ing ~crltcari L~tay _ na ~peci~i treat~r~t t~ n ~ 1 U VIiI, Building Bridges /Reducing Division • Tn an effort to bring the downtown together, the Hutchison Downtown Association is currently working on a plan to provide a "Streetscape Assistance Grant" to those businesses that would face a tnae hardship from the proposed assessments. • This grant program would be funded by the Hutchinson Downtown Association itself, no public dollars would be involved. • The !/llA would administer the program so as to maintain confidentiality. • The program would 6e funded by the Downtown Association at a level of $1,000 per year. Maximum grants would be limited to $250 and would be renewable every year. • The program is intended to assist only very small businesses, where the owner of the building and the owner of the business is the same person (Owner /Operator businesses) • PLEASE NOTE: Final approval of this program is still pending -but we're working on it. IX. Project implementation • if approved by the City Council, the project would move ahead on the following schedule: Febmary 8°i Presentation to City Council & Public Hearing Council authorizes plans & specifications and orders bids May 2005 Bid opening & Contract Awarded August 2005 Construction Aegins October 2005 Project completed • Construction would begin nn August 1"` • This will be after the various downtown festivals, parades and the sesquicentennial. • Construction is estimated to take about 6 weeks total. • Work will he done nn a block-by-block basis, to minimize disruption. • Construction on any given black should nut last for more than two weeks. • Rusinesses will have access through their front doors during most of this time, with the exception of the I or 2 days when concrete is physically being poured. • The EDA would coordinate carefully with downtown businesses so they have advance notice of when work will be done on their block. C~ • Working with the Chamber of Commerce and the Hutchinson Downtown Association we may look at putting together a downtown sales promotion during this time - maybe a "Construction Daze Sale" or something similar. X. k'inal Notes • 1' II have a short Powerl'oint presentation of the project at the City Council meeting. c~-(~~ R~CE~EO ,lPN ~' $ ~p05 7anuary 14, 2005 ~H~M~' C7~1 . Letter of Objection Dear Mr: Sebora: This letter is to advise you that we object to the "downtown lighting and sidewallc project" (OS-04 & OS-O5) being brought to the city council as a public hearing on January 25, 2005. We have spoken to a municipal attorney, Mr. William Dolan. He advised us that pursuant to MN Statute 429.05 1, the cost of any improvement must be based upon the benefits received. First of all, it has repeatedly been told to the downtown property owners that our property value will increase and that appraisers could come out. Enclosed is a letter from the McLeod County Assessor's office stating that property values are not increased duo to new sidewalk or lighting update. It has also not been proven how ow' business will sell any more merchandise because of a colored sidewalk or a different lamppost. We already have working lights and a sidewalk in very good condition in from of our buildings. Secondly, we also object to the timing of the proposed project. Three years in a row of construction downtown and then again in 2009 - 2012, when MnDot comes through, is a severe hardship far the small business downtown. Thirdly, the "special service district" was defeated last year with a veto by the property owners. The Hutchinson Downtown Association and city staff have the gall to bring this back as an assessment. Miles Seppeh was quoted in the Hutchinson Leader, M "We want to take that downtown plan anti bring it to life:' This project isn't all about the lights. It's about trees, tree gates, shrubs, ornamental traffic signals, freestanding planters and litter receptacles -all of the extras we vetoed last year. Enclosed are signatures recently gathered thus far against the proposed lighting and sidewalk project. Lastly, we object to Councilmen Haugen and Stotts voting at the January 25m Public Hearing. Both of thex councilmen were board members of tbe Hutchinson Downtown Association who came up with this plan,. Also, Mr. Haugen's mother-in-law owns property in the defused area. Both of these men have a conflict of imerest and should excuse themselves from the vote. The proposed project, we assume, was brought forth to better the dowmown_ Let us tell you, it has backfired! Extreme animosity and division have infiltrated the downtown business people against each other and the city staff Severe mental stress and anguish have been brought to the small business downtown via city hall We urge the city council to abide by the veto last year and reject this proposal It is not our wish to file for a court hearing. However, we will not sit back idly and let the city run over the small businesses of Hutchinson. Our voice was made very clear last year in the veto. In conclusion, according to MN Statute 429.051, it has not been proven that our properly will benefit from this assessmem in proportion to its cost to us. Sincerely, Sharon Gruenhagen and Jill Corson ~ ~ ~~ gal T{]rchoff County Assessor Office Of McLend County Assessor Cqurt House $30 lla' Street Fast-suite 112 Glencoe, Ivlinnesota 55336 Monday, Aecember 20, 2004 To: Sharon Gruenhagen 27 Main 5t N Hutchinson, MAI 55350 Telephone 320-$64-1254 Dear Sharon, As per our conversation on 12/20/04, we do nat increase value due to sidewalk . repair or street lighting update. We categorize these as maintenance items. 1 hope this answers your questions, but i£ you have any more question please give me a call. Sue Schulz Sr. Property Apprarser 320-8641255 ~~~ We, the undersigned, are opposed to the "sidewalk and lighting project" assessment to the downtown pro owners. %1. ~`~ '~~i~ll a. `~a~-:~ G ~-` 5. ~~ ~~- ~. s 1 • C~ 14. ~~ `~i~`°1...~ 17. 18. ~(,~/~~l,,.t.IUL~- 19. i c~ U 2~.~ ~- 15. ~ ~~t.~yN(.1~ ~~~•C' W 21. 22. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~~ g..~~.;.~~, We, the undersigned, are opposed to the "sidewalk and lighting project" assessme~ to the dowirtown property owners 23. / ~ 24. ~~~~~~~ m' r, n e Sa-~~a ~ ~i ~ e l~ 5 5 25. ~6~ ~~ S e w s ~~ I~ a 5 Ke`i`. z6~~~~/ 'l~er~`~u I h~ic~aa', r 5~0~ ~` y~a6er--~- m,GhaErs ~o~. (ass ~~re zs. ~ ,~, z9. rn ~ts~~-c~r.1---~- ~--I ~,-kl, ca~-F'c F ~,~ , ~ [orSonS S~or~, 30. ,, ~, !/~,~rs ~ /nom . 32. . ,~ ~A.c.SS ~~"""' "' ~ )(Amrq.Eh Cl1fr~Pr4a'hG ~' Dwhs 33. ~ ~,roPerFi s' • 34 "~ S0.~oR J 35. ~,~ C,C-fP~-~ 36. `~h n ~~ndds 40. ~~Gc~ ~~' 41. ~~ ~~vc~~ 42. 43. 44. C~ ~~.~o~y /~~.~ ~I/eel f v 9 ~icf-dml2. /~-Cod-r b~ GC~r~zx--E?,e- CQ1.ttz7~~ki~e ~lb~'m~) c~(-~ R~C~1V~G SiI~TE FRRM MICHAEL R. MCGRAW, LSC ~ 22581 JAN 2 7 20D5 „SIIRR„CF Auto-Life-Health-Home and Business SOUTH MAIN o HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 PHONE (320) 587-2565 FAX (320) 567-2256 January 26, 20D5 C, J MAYOR STEVE COOK 111 HASSAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Dear Mayor Cook, We are writing today in support o~ the Downtown Lighting Project. My wife, Karla, and I are property owners at 34 Main St. South. We can not be in attendance at the February Bth meeting, but we wanted to make sure you and the rest of the City Council were aware of our position. We are in favor of the Lights and Sidewalks being redone as proposed by Miles Seppelt in his pzesentations. This project is much needed and will enhance the appearance and safety of Downtown Hutchinson. Sometimes the silent minorty wins. Please hear our voice through this letter so that won't happen this time. Sorry we can't be there, but we hope this letter will serve our purpose. Sincerely, Michael R. McGraw Karla McGraw 39 Main St. South Hutchinson, MN 55350 ~~~ c _ ~~ ~:: S i ~~ Sinnsfure ~ Prin[ Name ht ~ Sidewalk P Procerty 7 Business lam not in I supPOn this favor of improvement antl I thls PrOPerrY Business favor opllon- project Owner Owner A B C Nnne r ~ ..,e ~ 1~ (i.'i~~.ir+^ L_ ~m~ ~_ i>~i YP'7b`~'l..lras2a~i ~ 1 r~.h . ~ rXr /ii~.w.~9 kl E Y• ~ ~~ i GVA ~~'~r~ ~_ ']L E ~ f~ / s7>i 7C2F... CC r ~ .J Wr ~ ~ :cX+ ~ ~ i ~ 1" , s ~ ~ i 1:: ~-1 N J 1 5 f C 'f ~ rS F4['i 2QG' 4W' 114a ~-r.C'.1 4 ~F p. y_ ~.~!T i'" YIL>V v. ~~.. C'.. Y'. J~ S(1~~Y5 ~• u l ~[_~. .~er1 c :1 fe_ 'Magic-?EQ{ Ts:.a - ' y'~ii~h:rt5ch Leader ~k,'/6~II~r1Wi;•r~7f2h. ~,{y1i. r.~ c D'/i ~t[e« j~a :}: ~/, cr.1+ r k, v, , jb 1J45d+~ ' 7~n fF+IP- d~. n ~l ~ Y - I I i FIB ~r =5 ~.3 t'.~c 6o-ss~~ i£.us '• , S L--. INS o-/~ ~~ frs^r Ur? ' r-R Y', r~ [L ~ ~K ~, C~ ~~~YW'P /~!~/1~/_-~i /~GL/.~-~..J u.s' S'"'I f= " i/Ci i ° i ; 1'~~!'~l.~{ ~ ~.~`~, ~' `, a ~X, %~~~ . .. -' ill. ~s~` r'~. ~ + ;i'iy-sdf'vti _ .{.,, ~~ t' I'! ' ~`~ ^-s"' 'Vr'r,. 43+'!f l.u~•3,:~_ 7'~cie'L ;+ It /~py~~~ { r /~ 3 ~ +~ ~ ..a , u~~; 4f ~r -.__ i~ '~ ~ r t : ~~~~~ }( ,/ . ; •.Yrs`~..~F'~~~ ,+;s' ~'~L"-+r ~• Y I i G - "r `_- n rc1L 'Ci -:/~ r` ~ ~d~ul~ts~ ~ SnSm >~"~ ~v~Z T~~ - I~ ~j~~ y ~,(j~~ l~ L~I ~ LLf!r+'l~'llil..._C1 ~ i ,~ 1 L ps • ~~• I Streetlight & Sidewalk Protect Survev I am noe Irt 3 supPOrt this raver of improvement and I tlris Property Business favor option: proJeet Signature Print Name Property 7 Business Owner Owner p 6 C None CnmmnrKc r l ~! !~ r G ~/ l . Ar' i ^.'.^r /1~+ ~~ ;~J ~~ ,~f- l,o n ^2n :J' J~~~ X / / ~ ` ~.y~ /~ L _ ` r /~ • ~l'/.~G~ Y3'a./U/nJf~~ ~] J-q' [lu~ra~ LG ~we.lr eC ~~~'Ii] ~ i kJ-I/ SK~f snr lt.rs ey 1 e..e 6! 7,k~'~lfb~I-'C i_ ~~-..f' i^G_-~4P ~lei'I~?4~ ~~;r?1` ~1L i~11~~"i Fit-- X ~ ~r~',~ /~ I S ~ bl 6~i'fXT'f4%N €%` n .. ~~ c ~ c.~.Si~c Ci.rS c, z J 50 ~-- ~ o i z ~ e~ G~n _ _ __ ~ -~. - ~ =may ~//~1L~'~ ,r,~~an%ni" !L~ i"1'L~/ec-dT '?fr~di[ti`~'~ ~"~ ~ K K +s+t f i. ,~ffA/]ixy Yo Sfc TrrrS iGb p hFifruC ~r'¢ule-=Ci q>r 4 ~~ ~~ in ~C'w' ~.~ S/~: v_n_! ~ ?I ~~a ~' S tr Kyel~ !iec SeY L-4w •JT'~ce x 7C 7< ' =T- , .r.._-.,L_ .C -~. J- ~~ .l I ~ ~ l-->-~ ~ ~O F! 1~ i~i ~r a~iT V1 ~E~Z"iYJI-~5 ~~ C~Tc2!'~1~7- 6~ ~ ~ ~'; ~ ~ ~~~ ~ v U 4~ 1 ~ V / ~w I' YFb: r • `: 5 Streetlight 8! Sidewalk Project Surrrey $In na(llne Procerty! Business S~ ~.. /I~.syr,r Property Owner ~~ ~I~ 4~NQ1„ ~ ~~~~.6i~~h.~.~ ` ~' 2,ic~ 5l~,ixa~,~~t~ ~,~ x ~ / /~ ~ i ',~ (i,~l~/.i"% I Cr l~~ Cza«ma.SCci ~Gfc~DO~ 1~'iy~T~n ! am no! In I support the favor of impraremen[ ana I this Business favor option: project. Owner A B C X ~~ ~- ~' K +f 1'/°e- /ip~ ~$?~¢r75~:• ~r ~ ~^j S~16rS ~L- r. 1 IrC ~ ~ ~-{F'~/C U ~~ . i ~c~CX-v+~'J ~.~PJ LNG i.{-1.L~' L~': u ~ I \ ~-c-,`~i ~l~` 1V ~ctikr,tir '!~,~a~i ~ i c~,,.;,~i`, X ~? /J -~ ,~ ~ T//~ip~ ~ 1 P~SF~S li-~ ,., TAG. ~ y{,c..vt~ ~ cT 6~ L/+~ ~~t t~ ~ ~~,~ X 1 ~-~` ~i `J Ski R+~i 1" ~3'~ 11+1,M1~e to ?_:5..._lc v~Y 2y ),Ae{ ~, 1 ~~- of ;.I: ~/ x Commerrts l ~:.~.,_ AJi11r /twar -pa.' u-nc nrs ? ~r f Ccdr~~ri,~ Fcr bas;:.srf ~nr f »Nr~ r r ~ ~ ~~AT~Y Goo ~ ?rte 5 ~.~o-^a v0 • . Print Name ~. ~ Streetlight & Sidewalk Project Survey ~ ~+ i ,) Signature Print Name Property f Business I sepport Nis improvement and I Properly Buslness fares option; Owner Owner p $ C lam not in famroF tha project Nane Commence rL. ~~ ~'ei ,ter. ~, I~14~t4r N ST. 4S vro kuF ~'E~RL- ; K4 T~ 131 iN4i ~r 54. 13bffR5G+rx S' r+ x G-ET 577kL'TEU FK SGO~ !Fb a l~wts - - ~ ~ .~~o~i~ r?r ~~uP%.N y I ~ ~?7CLi;J 5~ ~ \ /)Wr.,' U u ' ~ ,~~~ ~ ~' rr ~ ~~~ li iLt i ~JCC~ '~ _ ._'J4i`f74i4 c ~~L'4':4!'S ~;ENiC ~ LCr 4 Fc. .~' /I?~.k h1 7 .. /JO~1L /t ~ /.~ST.R.,G 7 `~ L~~ { ~ l 'l.i~ IL ~'r~arcti ~ ~'-t°.-n'4~ ~ 1 n arl ~~~ n S-!. IV X X ~ 17 ~ V t-S .Oh rice~S '~ ~ me c4~lrtt{puai- ~ em 1h '4'qv; OOTT fy ~-°Ja ^` UQ~4 h.rSL 1. rlr°YI P_S lyOfU;"~'1a+n ~ ~ c~„~P.~~r~ / 4 ! G~ ~ t IJ ~e..L~l ~-,.- ~Li '7!8 Z"~-~ 2"5 a 1-t1-- ~C ~[ ~ X 3. 3 J v t~~ ~Tr~ ~o2.~n ~C ,~'a ~ n S~ S r~ /Y]C~'2Q--~X~S i • • Hutchinson Area Convention & Visitors Bureau 12 Main Street South • Hutchinson, MN 55350.1810 320.234-0789 • 800-572-6689 • Fax 320.587-4752 www.hutchlnsoncvb.com • e-mall keith~hutchinsonchambeccom RESOLUTION N0.2004 -1 RESOLUTION pF SUFPORT FOR THE DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE PROJECT W HEREAS, a vibrant and attractive downtown is critical to the community and will positively impact all area businesses and citizens, and; WHEREAS, the existing downtown streetlights and sidewalks are well past their design life and are in urgont u need of replacement, and; WHEREAS, improved lighting is needed for pedestrian safety and to enhance the security of downtown businesses, and; WHEREAS, during the planned 2006 / 2007 reconstruction of Highway 7 and replacement of the Main Street bridge, short-term adverse impacts on downtown businesses will benefit from proactive steps to strengthen the district, and; WHEREAS, the proposed Downtown Lighting & Sidewalk Project addresses all of these concerns in a cost effective manner, and; WHEREAS, the recently completed Downtown Revitalization Master Plan has identified this project as a key initiative for the revitalization of the city's downtown, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HUTCHINSON AREA CONVENTION AND VISITORS BllREAU, Hereby endorses and recommends implementation of the proposed Downtown Lighting & Sidewalk Project; HE IT FURTHA;R RESOLVED THAT THE BOARp OF DIRECTORS OF THE HUTCHINSDN AREA CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, Hereby requests that the City Council Smplement this project in the summer of 2005 so as to offset the impacts on the downtown of other planned reconstruction projects. Adopted by the Hutchinson Area Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors this 20th day of December. 2004. ATTEST: r G~ Teresa Pejsa Director t~' ter y Watzk Chair GANVfNIENT soum ca:tmwt. t.OCATtON { . st.gbee SJ lllm We're expecting youd , ~~c~ti~~ Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce "~afaking 3futchinson a betterpCace to bve, ~w~rk andda business!" 12 Main Street South, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-5252 -- Fax:320-587-0.752 Email: infoQhutchinsonchamber.com- Wcbsite: www.hutchinsonchamber.com .,,.~, RESOLUTION N0.2004 -1 CJ RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE PRO.IECT WHEREAS, a vibrant and attractive downtown is critical to the community and will positively impact all area businesses and citizens, and; WHEREAS, the misting downtown streetlights and sidewalks are wall past their design life and arc in urgent need of replacement, and; WHEREAS, improved lighting is needed fnr pedestrian safety and to enhance the securiTy of downtown businesses, and; WIi1wREA5, during the planned 2006 / 2007 reconstruction of Highway 7 and replacement of the Main Street bridge, short-term adverse impacts on downtown businesses will beneftt from proactive steps to strengthen the district, and; WHEREAS, the proposed bowntawn Lighting & Sidewalk Project addresses all of these concerns in a cost effective manner, and; WHEREAS, the recently completed Downtown Revitalization Master Plan has identi5ed this project as a key initiative for the revitalization of the city's downtown, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF DH2ECTORS OF TIIE HUTCHINSON AREA CHA11'IRER OF COMMERCE, Hereby endorses and recommends implementation of the proposed Downmwn Lighting & Sidewalk Project; RE IT FURTHER RESOLYEII THAT TH)E BOARD OF AIRECTORS OF THE HUTCIIINSON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Hereby requests that the City Council implement this project in the summer of 2005 so as to offset the impacts on the downtown of other planned reconstmctivn projects. Adapted bye the Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors this 21" day of December, 2005. C~ ATTEST: Pegg ass Chair of the Board G~'t/C~i~l a~ ~'~' Michael R. McGraw Chair Elect Commitment to Ct7mmunity Since 1948 ~ ~ ~~ An Economic Development Autnorrfy av~w,vMn1A~MwWWfM~fW'•wxta~:. wv xvwuwwvir~N ~ bxn~aw:.,.+x ppy~M;vewxc~wwrv ~ux~•~.rf. r PYrn'roMF bMkWi11GMNnIM RESOLUTION 2004 - I r~ u RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE PROJECT WHEREAS, a Main Street and Washington Avenue Streetscape project has been identified as a key initiative in the Downtown Revitalization Master Plan, and; WHEREAS, a vibrant downtown is vital to the maintenance of a strong local ecgnomy, and; WHEREAS, one key to a strong downtown lies in providing a safe and attractive place for the conduct of business, recreational and community activities, and; WHEREAS, the project will make Main Street a more attractive location for businesses, thereby increasing the value of downtown properties, and; WHEREAS, signi£cant private investment is presently occurring in the downtown that should be supported by the community as a whole, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Hereby supports the proposed Downtown Streetscape project and recommends its approval by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. ATTEST: J Tim lric President ®~~ Miles R. Seppelt Executive Director City Center Building - 111 Hassan Street Southeast -Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 320-234-4229 Fax 320-234-4240 • www.hutchineoneda.COm (~ ~ ~~ ® ,~00~I p m~ Qo ~3j, 1``/~Maol~~ J I~oWKkoW~` ~~~...]]] A sso~~wY~~N RESOLUTION NO. 1-2004 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE DOWNTOWN LIGHTING & SH)EWALK PROJECT WIIEREAS, the planned reconstruction of Ilighway 7 and replacement ofthe Main Street Bridge in 2006 / 2007 will adversely impact downtown businesses, resulting in the need far preventative measures, and; WHEREAS, the existing downtown streetlights and sidewalks arc well past their design life and are in urgent need of replacement, and; WHEREAS, improved lighting is needed For pedestrian safety and to enhance the security of downtown businesses, and; • WHEREAS, the proposed lowntown Lighting & Sidewalk Project addresses all afthese concerns in a cost effective mamrer, and; WIIF,REAS, the recently completed Downtown Revitalization MasterPlan has identified this project as a key initiative for the revitalisation of the city's downtown, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE IlU7'CHINSDN DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION, Hereby endorses and recommends implementation of the proposed Downtown Lighting & Sidewalk Project; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE BOARA OF DIRECTORS OF THE HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION, IIereby requests that the City Council implement this project in the summer of 2005 so as to offset the impacts on the downtown of other planned reconstrnction projects. Adapted by the HDA Board of Directors this 4`~ day of November, 2004. AT'T'EST: _~~~'~~ . Matt McMillan President ~~ «~ f' I'ruice, t.7itici.~frt rz~ul cUZr~l?sJ:s. frr~rri ortr tr~cutexs f , „~. ~~~~ ~ .~ .: z ~ ,,. ~,-, = .. - ~` - TLltchfield-area resld~nts l'n, ~d tll tl~c.ti~iy .tic~ttnd food fcir`';,,r ~ ~iutrtrit=tsar! <lt]d the lornl, tlrntirttowrt }tttsi. '>' urged to Vote `yes' Oh bond rie~.s owners. ' ~ "" : • + i .: • _ 1 ~, F~~ ~ Dne hit of mew', _. _ - ~.-b.~ trrC3iftelrt ~ '.., L)riL3Et.: 1•i, citiii:nsErfSchoolDi~tri,ct~&5 Can Snuff oll~ ~ lrfe y s . ° . The prsrrl he~irig a<r'd ctlrrt'ntly tti }~t~ry old, inc:lficicnt <uId (r .i~iv to I ~r• r r~j,l ,r ~ r1.:~ {arg- i:r, rttc,rr <,reessible ar]d rttult-#ttttctirn]al {?anl tvc ~ uici b e desirable far tia cliff ril; y ou ng r:itildren; fnr ~~virrtriYin~, trams [bnrh 5ttnx- (rtr:r .u]rl ~ti inter} anti Ca, i'CelGise. ty ni'bv ~uul,~c,ulii I~r,~'~ihl~• hE• (,~( rt fnr rPh.ibilita- linn in lihvsic:t{ thersil~vprc~t;r(]ms. I~ l Itnl]e t'veryone re~tliz[:s t}Iii ~v(ntld lac a i ;;real addition €or the _schcrQl dirstrict and I ~ dSE: r(71T1ITtUil7ty:~lec"tSE' tilt'~liart 1?Cull €?:lr-LS Cat 111E' rNlil(1 I.tiCYie 1h'!41 ~'~'l'.S ~ l'(.)tEy-, v~rllhn~eillt:+'i]t?i.ulus]ltytayatefr~rd~cr}, i -. front klir~y Dam4vyl } i nY 1?c in ~1 r tt :~chooi izi~l]tavernent bpn d i tst I c• EtutallySUltporta"yes''voteforbntht3x~ Nz~tr•hirztir,rr ~ ;' >ti first part of the petition and alsri rltr: sc:cortd l w~t5 titi ritinl, rt] ri'I;~rd to the };rot+tr]~ . ~ l trt.',ti•hictt inti(,lve~ the canstrtrctinn of a concerti i1] t}te tist~~r£rtict}>itrnlitietatrxSi]i~: I 1, nr w swil]]n(inl; lxu,l at I ltcltfiti iii I fill] cvnuld li[~i° pr apl~ t(~ ~t,'trt, grnwtrtg rt]ore ' . ~~~'~~ ~ , <;. i - - c(,iicx rn(,i'fo rite aA~Se~h~f f~~{i~lr 3tritttt7; ~ ~-:, ' ' ~,c-hnir~: i r ,r~ { nfh •o u~th r~ e e c:n rr i - improvements will mare ~ downtown saferi attractive 4 ~ ~ ,From 4awd 1(ralr s~ rruich(nsoir £tecenth' i!~(: 1 tutcliinsan City Cnuticil, `,.~ . had a heal inl; to discuss the'neru do~~ru rrivn , _~ lig}]tingartd sidewail:project.Thispnlect entails rel>lacir]1; old°streetlight`s that any 3ti j years old, it:tving outlived-their original lire , ea`p~etan~-y cYf2S-30 dears. The streetlights; l ~v1I}.alsa br• usingrnadern light poles'with energy effi4-ient Iigliting, instead t~f four: . lights. on r. a rh block they will be five ligftts on each Iiltac;k.. They will ~Lsa be replacing the sideways with a 3-foot vide-strip of co}aced starmped ~~ concrete on the edge closest to the street~ l There vv~.l be some Iandscapirrg done such. . f _; as I]lantsrs; some txees, and plantings. Onyh'asl~-itagton .Avenue there will be f pedestrian crossing improve>rents: 'I'he ~ project will cover ail of Main Street from the ~ Crow Inver Bridge to Pottrth Avenue south, p}us ante hlpck af~VL'asbirigtan Aveztue k ~I txterntling vs!est ftuul Highway 15. 'The pray ect will be paid far, if approved, with a band being paid 8D percent by the city and 20 percent being assessed back to t}ie property owners tin Main Street ~r~d Wastsington Avenue: `. This is the least e~ensive way for dawnto~vvftbtasiness owners to achieve a t]]t~re attractive and safe dowrxtawn. It is tinii. (rr.n xnt ~,. Gr pc. } ~ ~,r,~; ~ muruty reel! to he itrare ki;rn>,v~ri4t;Eahj~i = , I'enple in the. sc hoitls ttet'irl to lock aTrnlnt~ , ; ; ;~ ,tnd bi' ['cmc:erttE~cL'fttb "s# },TUu~.nj; eltrd[ niic. . ;'lnd ti42 need tU Erlrit~tt Yli~rcP ~,vi~n riritt'!''t , 1.iwwthepowcraCrx]crlraixtCa}]tstan(trr~ :; l'hrz~e kids neE:cltit ~zlrivtlrat ortt t?it Sri, this stztff cotdtl r:ttilxge~Freir live; farever:'So° help tx]r. Sl~rtad ttte wus~l etnd.iriC~rttt, `'. . Flutt:hirtson that nn ~,rit is imnttint.; <u1d;~~. - ih~tt t111S t`I)ICIE'rrlli' }1Ct5llit t1lrS CUCI]rnurlit~ r,nd eve tu:rr3 to €ig}rt it off before its too' - }~ite. , . - Advice to motorists: Defrost beforQ driving From AI•~on Doe4~ , f-Jrrlr3Yirr_uur ~ , ...'The Liec.. e L~•:ic}cr t;timt d a I[:.tter Crum ~ s Sgt: Jacalyn Stiche cnnt~erning drivjrt~; safely- ~ and beingalhle ro tiee t'ii~~(ly uitt your-wiry- dnws.Iagree stronl,~tywitfS the cninrlietit ,, she made alxprit it being our job itt the morning tcl (:lertrh ~,nd cnt]]pleteiy scrape.• or defrn~t' our v:indc~ws tita ~r'e clcrn't t:ittlat%- ger our lives rtr tile-: livt:s trf vrlrerrs . . 'Nolvthal vvir]tt;r is al]prtiachinl, arid. it grts cnlde~ anj} cnlderevery txtorT]ingwe will have to take tl-le rrsponsrhilityto"n]ak.e stare that our earls contiiderttl safe tci drives T[r preverttaecldt=ntsfrotrllt~tt,}rt'rrij]gwedeed to farce otuselves to make: that r~xtt~t strip to gPt tlf, each mot~i ng scrape atrr zvinti[na~ OCf and rum the "defn,st" nn. if is ottr job tti.}~ safe on the roadartd it's' just ai](~t}ter thiny;to . t'ezllertiher and tluri4c ahaut ~ti'It€r tliE• l r~rr six winter' cr[=r,pinl; ulx]rt irk , County should pay more :attention to sr~aw removal fro~a ~s}iua f ahoy . green I.si'e ' MclreoEl Cuttr.ty is rite worst for-show plowing on their t r~ads_ I a[it currnily ~t . RESOLUTION NO.12841 RESDLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS LETTING N0.4 PROJECT NOS. 05-04 & 05-05 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Ccuncil adopted the 25th day of January 2005, fixed a date for a Council Hearing on the improvement of OS-04 Main Street between 1st Avenue N and 4th Avenue S by construction of concrete sidewalk, street lights, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances, and 05-05 Washington Avenue West between Main Street S and Franklin Street SW by construction of concrete sidewalk, street lights, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNH5OTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 25th day of January, 2005. 2. John P. Rodeberg is hereby designated as the Engineerforthis improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the Council this 8th day of February, 2005. Mayor City Administrator c~(~~ Resolution No. 12642 A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT THE PURSUIT OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RE1'IREMF,NT ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA AUGMENTATION LEGISLATION WHFRF,AS, the City Council of the City of Hutchinson has appointed a task 1`orce to gather information concerning whether and how the scope, availability, efficiency, and/or integration of health care services available to the community might be enhanced in the long term by transferring ownership or operation of Iutchinson Area Ilealth Care ("HAHC") to a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) entity; WHEREAS, at this date neither the task force nor the Council has completed their consideration of this matter, and further information, meetings and public input will be sought prior to any final recommendations or decisions; WIIEREAS, certain HAHC employees currently participate in the Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota ("PERA"), and their participation would be affected ii' a decision were ultimately made to transfer HAHC's ownership or operation (including its employees) to a private, nonprofit entity; WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 353E augments the PERA benefits that would otherwise be available to employees of governmentally-owned hospitals listed in the statute that have privatized, and provides exceptions to certain requirements that would otherwise restrict the level or availability of their benefits; WHEREAS, any governmentally-owned hospital that is planning or considering conversion to private, nonprofit status can seek a legislative amendment to Chapter 353E adding its name to the list of hospitals in Section 353F.02, subd. 4 whose PERA participants have previously qualified thereby to benefit from the statute's augmentation provisions; WHEREAS, although neither the task force nor the Council has made any determination regarding the possible privatization of HAHC, the Council is mindful of the tact that i['some form of privatization is ultimately recommended, the hospital's inclusion in the PERA augmentation provisions of 353E will help ensure that its employees, which constitute its greatest asset, are not adversely impacted with respect to their PERA beneiils; WHEREAS, the Council is also mindful of the fact Thai the calendar of the Minnesota Legislature is such that the City must arrange as soon as possible, through its legislative sponsors and other supporters, for the introduction of its PERA augmentation bill in the 2005 Legislature, in order to preserve the possibility of HAHC's privatization (if it is ultimately decided) several months or a year from now; q ~~> WHEREAS, if the City obtains passage of a PERA augmentation bill listing IIAHC, it will in no way be obligated to pursue privatization ol'or any other changes regarding HAHC. Securing this legislation preserves the opportunity of privatization while safeguarding its employees, but it does not suggest or compel this outcome; TIIEREI~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON That the City Council of the City of Hutchinson strongly supports the pursuit of PERA augmentation legislation adding Hutchinson Area Health Care to the list of hospitals in Minnesota Statutes Section .353F.02, subd. 4, in connection with the possible future transfer of Hutchinson Area Health Care's ownership or operation to a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) entity. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Iutchinson this day of .2005. ATTEST; Steven W. Cook, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator . nniaiaosaaoi q r~~ 02/08/05 TL'E 18:08 FAR 5205870940 HAHC ADMIN fdjD02 FF;~M ;'AEGRE & 9ENSON fTHll) 1. 6'OZ 9,11/ST. 9;1~/N0.4B6429b481 P 2 l Mi^n~e~ St~h?tes ZOfIg,~'ah-e of chuntcr, ~It,4P'1'flR :.53 F PRIVATIZFI) PI1H-,XC Ht75PITAL, PERA PRNSIpN BENEFITS ose ana intent. eSnitions_ estin rule for r:crtain em U entatinn II1teCC9t talc 13hori ZdtlOn for additlpnt ~IItinuation of disabilit7r c licationofsurvivin s lication ofreemployed Cad on refund- services. ~~ C J ~r terminated medical allawahlc service for Ouse, d endent child rpvisio annuitant earnir~s Iimieationy, rehremtnt ~~ ~~~ 02/09/0$ T'Lii; 18:08 FAR 9205879944 FA~1~ ;AEGRE ~ 6ENSON innesota 5~ tee ~ Table pfChaolers_ ~ahle~f contents for C,hancer 35~ 3531?,>1 Yusyowe sad intwpC_ HAHC ADNIN 1THU1 1. 6'05 9:11/ST. 9~i0/NG.4664296481 P 3 The pu~~ppee of ch,is chapter is to ensure, to the extent Ppaaible, that pcrevnw employed ae public medical facilities and other pllb~,ic employing units rho are privatized and coneequen tly era exrlucied Yrom retirement coverage by the Public Zlnployeea Retirement: aaebciation Ni11 be entitled tp receive future ceCiremgnl. benefits under eha gercral employees retirement plan pf the I?uY~lia ~loyeew Retirement ]laeoCiatiDn rop7nensurate with [be prier contributions made by them pr made on their hrhwlE upon the F.rivat ir.atton of the medical facility or ether public employing ,,,,i r,. Mx3 S: 1999 C 222 art 1 B 1 Copl7fght 20s~ by the office pf 1¢rvieor of Statutes, 9eate oP M7;me9pta, CJ ~ooa a~a~ 02/OB/05 TDE 18:08 FAR 52D587DD40 FROM F.AEGRI: k BENSOA' Min rota Statwe; 2q OO4~Zable of Chapters ~ah a of eontene~ for Chanter 353E 353s,o] aaEaaitiona. HAHC ADM1N ~ D04 _ (THi;) 1. 6' 05 9 ~ 12/ST. 9:10/NO. 4864296481 P 4 subdivision 1, oeaerally. Ae usaa in chic chapter, unless kh~~ Carik ext clearly indicates vthwxri ^e, each oC the terms in the fallawiraq aubdivieions has r,he maaniny indicated, S~d• ~' nllawaLla e~tvia.. ^allowable service" the meaning px4viaed ~' a-ri seetivv 35a•ai, yubdiviaion 16, of the edicivq oj; Min(leavta St~ltvtes Dvbli~hed iK the year bePare the year in Which the brivatizaeion occurzed. su4d- ?. BPraetive dsea. "Y,f icaxive date" me date thAt khe vparaticn of the medical pacilitY or otherhe employing unit ie assumed by another employer or the date rl sal t r' the madi[al facility er nthar puyliv ~,plvy~g unit Ss purchaeee by anothez a+aplvyer and are.ive mrmhoXehip i~, the Fuhlic ~plvyees Ite[irement ABBOCiatica cvneequently terminates. gvhd, q. 4redicel Pacility_ ^Modical Pacillty^ means: ll) tlly Faiz gakc l,adga, Rodeos; (2) she Glevcoe Area Health Center; f31 the Xanabe^ Iicepital; (q) khe Laverne public 3toapital; (SI tha Aenvilla Iduroivg Home: (s) thu Reaville County Hospital is glivia; (~1 tae st. Peccr community Healthcsxe Canter; and (al ChB liacoriia-N1dgCVieW ModiCal CeaCer. eubd_ 5. Other pnplic employiag uaik. ^Othvx employing unit„ meen4: public (1) McCra SI, a joint p4ware organiCacion rarmcd uz7,dar section g71.59p and (2) the 5t_ Paul Civic Canter authaxi Cy. 3USd, 6, TnrR{a4[~a +s~dicnl PaciXity or otY~e; pvbl;a ~Plvyinq wait eaplcryee, "Termiadted medical facility or atb,ec publi~~ employing unit emplrryae^ means a poravn who. (i) 'MaB ^+mplayed vn the day before Cho e!leCtive date by the medical Pacility at other public P_IBplvyj.,ng v.,; t_ er 12) tezml.nated employment with thw medical facility or other public cnplcying uric on the day before the effective date; a~ ` (3) was a p~iGipene in the geaoral employees retlrament ~n of the p~,~yliC 8mpl c~yeea Re ti7tament AnaOCiation at the Cime ~ ~~) D2/08/OS TUE 18;08 FAR 9205879940 HAEIC ADMIN ~ 005 FROM rr"AFGRI; & BENS6N (THU) 1. 6' 05 9:17/5T. 9:10/N0. 4864296481 P 5 of terminatiop or employment with the medical facility or ether public eaployibg unik. 3,ibd. 7, Y~•;p of •llor~ble tlrr'~icr. ~'Yeare pf allowable service" means the tof al number of years of ailowa67,e agrvjce under section ?5~, subdivision 16, of the edition of Minoee ota 8[aty te® punished in the Ye.9t before [he year S.n which the privatization occurred. M29T` ~L 999 c 227 art 3 e 2; 20pp r. qr+1 arc 8 s 1; gpD2 c 3y2 art 5 y 1; 13pa0p3 C 12 aXC S tl 1; ippq a 267 art 12 a x • daTE: dubdivision 4, elautles lll, (5), and (7), are effectivq •iubjQCt Lo local approval requiremrante and other •candition,:. See Lawg ,zoo), Fi ret spacial 3ebAiot. chapter 1z, article s, +section 2, end Law6 2pp9. chapter 267, ar[icla 12, eeeti ply q_ CvPyrlyhk :'00} by the office pp Revleor of sututea, 6tata oI MSnnesaLa. ~ (~~~ 02/08/05 TL~E 18:09 FAY 9205875940 cAOM r:4ECR3 & BENSON ~;it~ic~?004. Tab a ot~Ch°~trr5 able of cnut~i s for C.'h ~ntcr..353 ~ HAHC ADNIN ~ 006 (Thll) 1. fi' 0~ 9 12/ST. 9:10/N0. 48b429b4B1 F 6 353 s.03 veatlaq svla !or cerkeio espleyeu. Hotvithatanding any pXevieien of Chapter 353 to ete oenetrary, a terminated medical facility or ocher puylic employing unit employee is eligible to receive a retirement aunulcy unsex aectiou 353,zg of the ediciary pf bt{~pgota seatutea pVbliahea in the year 6efare ehe year !n Wsich ebc privata¢a tiox~ octurxed, wikhaut regard ko the tequi cameo r, for e1u'e4 yca.rZ of allowa63e eexvxce. HI$T: .l9yg c 273 art 1 e 3 [°PYx~i9bt .3oPQ yy C7fe Offieg of R4 ri sna ap SCaCUta_y, ghats a; Minnee°ta, `~~~~> 02/08/05 TUE 18:08 FAX 0205870940 FRvM FAECAIs & 4ENsaN Sia~tcs_~04, Table of Chapters ~G of contenrc for Chnr,lcr 359 f FIAIIC ADNIN X007 (TH111 1. 6' D5 9:12/ST. 9:10/NO, 4864296481 P 7 353 F. D~ hug~~nin t-ion 1oe~r~FC rice for EareioaEad medical facility p®ployeea. The'de~ferred annuity of a termicwted medical fACility or other public employing unit employee i^ aubjoet tv augmentation in accord+tnee wi eh section d53.~1, evbdiyisiva 2, of. the edition oP Mime9nea Statutes published in the year in which Cho pryyAtizdl;ion omdurxe d, cxcepC that the rate of interest kor folldwin these 5 5 Percent Gompvunded annvaliy until ~7anuary y 4 year in which such Berson attains aqo S5. From the! date to the ePPeetive dace oR reciremenk, the race is 7.5 Yx+rcent. Thcae inareaarsd aligmeptakion taEOS are no longer applicable for any time after the terminated medical facility yr other public employing un;t a,aployee becomes covered again by a retirement Puad enwneratOd in BOCt j,pR 356 ._311 ,~ iUl?diVielOh 3, xhcee increased deferred annuity augmentation tares do nok apaly to n terms udted tranefekred medical facility ar other public employing ,T:t employee rho begino recaapt of a retirement of tkeymedice Toyed by the ataployer ~rbi~ asswned operations al facility ox other public artplvying unit or purchased :ha medical facility a>" other public employing unit. fiI6T~ L79g c zaa ark 1 e 4 Copyright 2uD4 by the OPFice of Revisor of 9tatutee, State of tidnnesvta. • ~ C~~) 02/08/05 Ti'E 18:09 FAY 8205879840 1[AIIC ADMIN X006 FRDNi F9EGAF & BENSOtit (THU) i. 6' 0~ 9:12/ST. 9:10/NN. 4864296481 P 8 in esota Sautes 2 Tab e o Cha Sari ~.I.c of c~nten[s fps ~_ llanrer a5 i~ 3aap,>s Authoxisati qn for °$dieiorrl allwshl• r0rvlva Ror csxu~ia early .r~tirryp°n! purpvsr°. Par the purpose alE detexmiaing eligibility fP: eazly retirement bengfita provided under section 3S3,3o, Aubdiviaion l°, Pf chn ealci on of Minnesota 9ta[utes published in the year before thc: yesx in xhich thr privatization occurred, and npkwithecsnding any provision pf ohapter 353, tq the contrary, the years oX allowable service for a terminated medical facility or other public employing unit employee vhp transfwre emlalgymcge tan the e££ective date and does apC~,apply for a refund of poneribuei an.e ..navy aeetiPn ]59.51, subd,iv edition of hinnescta Statutes isien i, pf the yarn in which the Hubliabed in the year beEote thv privatization occurred, yr ady similar ,provision, included aervi pe wSxh the sueceeros tmploycc cp the medical facility or other public employing unit following the elfrctir,e, ]acq. The successor employer ah~ll prrnide any reports [h ac [ha executive director oR the public EmplPyees Ret.irRment hadaciation may zCadpnably request to permit aalcmlatiwa of benefits. To be eligible for early retirPmenc bcsxefic~s under this aectioa, tY~e individual muse separate from aervi ce wikb the nuGCeseor employer cp the medical facility. The terminated eligible .individual, pr an individual authorised to ask pn f of that individual, may apply for as annuity Lollpwing lapaciet prpceaures under section 353.29, eubdivigipn 4. HIST: 1999 c a22 art 1 e 5 Cow-right Zpv~ by the CFpi cp or Revlspr of 3taCuteg, State of M;nnesotr, CJ ~ C~`~ 02/08/05 TCE 18:10 FAR 9205877940 IIAHC ADM1N ~ DOB FROM FAF.GA? & BENSON (THU) 1. 6'05 9:13/5T. 9:10/Na.4B64296481 ? 9 innrgnta „rarutcs ~yyTable oX' rr ~c of enr~t is (ar 'hapter35:iF 3$3F,(7$1 CDatiOUw[iea qP 4laebiliCY CDVetq~e. subaivleion 1. Blipibllity, w terminated medical facility Dr gcher publ$c employing vast employee Whv za vocally sad perynaaently disabied updcr Minnesota 9catute9 1998, section 35a ,O1, s+bdivislen 19, and who had a medically documented praexlatiug eepdition of the disability bpfora the eertninnciah of cpvera~le, may apply for a disability bepefit. Subd, ;?. Ca14Ylatler, n! benefits. A person qua_1tfY~`f under subdivision 1 ie entitles to receive a diaahil}ty benerlt calculated undeF Minnesota statutes 1y98, Sectlap 3:~, avLdivi9loa 3. Thn disability beneFit meet be augmerlCed under Minnaaeta Statutes 1998, Bectian 359.71, aubdivisiun a, from the date of termination Co the dote c}~e aiaabil,it}~ benefit begins to accrue. Bubd. 3. ippllaDbilicY of general law. Except as atherviae prpyidad, Minnesota sracucas 1996, section 353.33, applipa [o a person why elual;;~,ea Pus dieabi,l lty uhdar aubdivisiob 1. HSST: 15pZOp1 c 10 art 9 s 2 cgAl'Y.tgbt aytlq by the o,ff3 re oP Revisor v,E Statutes, 8ta to of Minnesota, • ~, ~~) 02/De/O5 TUG 16:10 FAX 9205879940 FaoM rAECAIs ~ 36NSON ~M~~~1a4bles Z() Table of~~ ~a¢~.~CUi en fn~Cha tR cr 3.g3F HAIiC ADNIN I~DID ITHUI 1. 6' 05 9 13/ST, 9 10/N0. 4Bfi4296481 P 1U 353!.054 11Pplicetlvn pC nu-rvi Ving eppyee, dependent child pz o..igioq, NpCwithstahding :„y pFpvielgnB 4f ~G.~ to ch@ GoAtrpy"y, euhdivislax+® within aectlon 3s~.32 of the edition ^f MiMeeoL•a Statutes '>ubllshed in the yga,r baFoze the pxivatzxaCivq occurred, a Year in which a dependent children of a pplica4le to tH~ eux-vlvinq spouse ^r 353.01, a~+bAlyjelpn 7d, avrleTtoetmhhe rs uxvaw~s ecfin section medical P~iCil£Cy or othenPpublic em >,, in un1C a tex7utinated P P Y~ 9 employee. HZ9T: ::OOp c 267 are 9 s 16 Cayyright :!OP9 by tke Offs ce of Revisor of 8takuces, $tw to of Ml+lnesota, ~ Cad 02/08/05 1'L'E 16:10 FAY 3205873340 FROM.FAEGHE & BEtiSON ' esota S tutes 2 pq h of ~ ters ~a~Qf vou~},y for Chi 4ti er 35aF HAHC ADM1N ~ 011 (THli) 1. 6' D5 4: ? 3/ST. 9 10/NG. 4864246481 P 1 ? 753 ^.06 Application a! reemployed CaauiCant eerningn lioltationo, The reemplnyed pnnultanc earnings lim iCaelang of section 353.3~~ apply ko any service by a terminated medical facility or other public es~playin~ unit employee as an oucce66or employer to cbe meth re.7. Facility, employee of the HTSi: L999 c 222 aTt 1 s 6 Copyriglak .700[ by ehe pffige o~ Revisor at Stdcv L-es, Sta to of Minnesota. • \ ~~ OE/08/05 TL'E 18:10 FAR J2D587334D FROM FAEGRE ~ HENSDN in a :ifstufes 2004 'f b~f C. a [erg able n"contenfg fur Ch,apflr 3 3F 363 P. o7 kCleet oa rrlugd. RAMC AOMIV fQD12 (THU) 1. h' ~Z 9 13/ST. 9:10/ND. 48fi4296481 P 12 iVgtw~,[hatanding soy provision oP chapter ]5] co the Conty'ary, terming tmd mrdf sal >•a eility pr other public employing unit employees may zacmivo t refund ar employee accumulated cantnbutions plus ihterese at the rate vC six percent per year comF.qupded annua],ly in aacgrdancH rich eavtiea 353.31, eubdiviaign Z, of cho edition of Minnesota statutes the year. in vhiph Cho pxivatizaCivn OCCµ7rzod, aC anypcyme6aXteth the ttangfer of ,,,,,plgym~,t to the successor emplvydr to the medical facility qr other public employing unit. IE a terminaca~d medical facility employee has regeived a refund from ~ pegaivn plea enumerateG in aecrivn 356,30, svhdivigiva 3, the person ma,~ not repay that refund unless the peison again hecomee a aieenber nt one of those enumerated plena ~d cgmpl ies With Beetf on 3!:6.3a, subdiviBivn Z, HI9'1`: ;,999 c Z22 arC 1 a 7 ~PYri-9'4t .'OOd jay the OfftCE Gf Revi sok of 6Cd tlttCe, Std to of (qi ntyesatA. CJ CJ ~` ~~/ 02/08/DS TUG LB:LO FAX 7205879940 FROM F,~EGRE & BENSUN Minneso ,salutes 2, p4 Table of Chanters 1 of cyin'el ,for Chaprg 35..iF 3 $3><', D9 CoLLnow~yyQ YarVfeee. HAHC ADMIti ~ 019 ITHU) 1. 6' 05 9;13/ST. 4 • is/Nn. 406429fi4B1 P 13 The meclical facility ax ath~; puLlic cmyl~ylnq Iwit and the ~eeukivQ daregiax of ehc Fublic Employees Rmtirement Aseopiaticm shall provide t~rfiinated medical facility ar other }~ublit em~~loying unit emplpyeeg pith counseling on their beaePita available undex the general e~loye¢e zatiremene plan daysh.[ellc win 8mpleyeeS Retirement A+apeiation duriny the 9a 9 grivatiSaLi hn. RI6T: 1999 C zaa art 1 e e Copyrtgbt 200 by the oPPi ve of RQvzam of sra tu[eo, St+to of M1717'iAelota- ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ Memorandum TO: Mayor and Council FRUM: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Brenda K. );wing, llirector of Human Resources RF: 2005 Reclassification Requests DATE: February 2, 2005 Each year, typically in January or February, the City Council considers and reclassitcation requests (grade changes) for City positions. Therefore, it is now appropriate for the Council to consider any and all reclassification requests that have been presented to administration by the various department directors and the recommendations from Administration as ipllows: 1. Information Tcchnoloev Director . The position of Information Technology (1"1') Director has been evolving steadily over the past two to three years in regards to additional responsibility and scope of authority. The 1T Director directly supervises two full time employees and is directly involved in the enforcement of and disciplinary issues relating to the Information ' Technology policies. Additionally, the position is generally the project manager for major software implementations, for example, the Print"1'rak system for in the Police Department, and is vital to the Functions of the integrated financial and payroll systems and wide area network through LOGIS (Local Government Information Systems). The position is also involved in all decisions and 6udgeiing 1'or technology related issues in all departments. The position has also assumed the responsibility of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission (HUC) network and has successfully consolidated the IIUC and City networks. Phis consolidation includes expanded responsibilities including the management of the incorporation of the HUC infrastructure into the City Geographic Inlornaation Systems (GIS) system. This consolidation also provides HUC funds for the position of Computcr/Network Technician It is appropriate and recommended the position be reclassified from a Grade 10 position to a Grade 12 position. The incumbent employee is Tom Kloss. • 2. Computer Network Technician The position of Computer Network Technician was initially created as an entry-level ~(~~ technician position to address routine software installations and general end user . support. Due to the increases in the City's use of technology and the development of technology in general, the position has evolved, since its inception in 2001, by necessity in scope of responsibility. The position has taken on the responsibility of maintaining the majority of the web pages related to the City and, in the near future, will maintain all the sites. The position has also changed to require specialized knowledge, well beyond the previously required basic end user needs, to support several City used software packages. l~or example, with the Police department, the position manages and maintains a critical link between the State of Minnesota criminal records system and the Hutchinson dispatch function. Specific responsibilities include maintaining security, software updates and employee training, and troubleshooting. In regards to the position's role with new information technologies, the position has gone beyond simply assisting the IT Director to being directly responsible for accomplishing the research, planning, implementation and integration for specific projects assigned. Lastly, the position is critical in the ability of the IT department to provide professional and comprehensive support to not only the City departments but also to Hutchinson Utilities • Based on these developments of the position, it is recommended that the position be reclassified from a Grade 3 to a Grade 5 position. The incumbent employee is Jackie Penke. 3. Compost Site Coordinator Specifically, the position has assumed the day-to-day general supervisory function for CreekSide Compost as of the change in oversight in late 2003 from a City director position to the contracted manager function. Direct reports, in cooperation with the general manager, include seven fulltime and upwards of seventeen temporary employees. In addition, the position assists in the management of the largest multi-product line compost facility in North America, and is directly responsible for the production of over 1.3 million bags of soil products. Staff recommends a reclassification o1'this position from Grade b to Grade 7 on the City Position Classification Table and a change in title CreekSide Compost Supervisor. The position will be monitored throughout 2005, and if appropriate, the position may evolve further to require an additional consideration for reclassification in 2006. 17oug Johnson currently holds the position. 4. Resa_ urce Recovery Coordinator The position of Resource Recovery Coordinator is currently a Grade 5 position on the Position Classification 'fable. This position had duties in both the compost and park maintenance departments, The employee who previously held the position has been ~ (~) transferred to the Parks Maintenance Area and assumed the position of Natural . Resources Coordinator per the adoption of the 2UU5 budget. As a result of the transfer the Resource Recovery Coordinator compost related duties including sales, marketing in conjunction with the marketing consultant, inventory control, and the public information and education programs for CreekSide are not officially assigned to a City position. This majority of customer contacts, specifically the product shipments customers, are also yet to be officially assigned. It is the recommendation of staff that the position of Kesource Kecovery Coordinator be reclassified from a grade 5 to a grade 4 position and that the position be retitled, Sales and Marketing Coordinator. Upon reclassification of the position, it is the intention to appoint ]3ecky Kobow to the position. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. Brenda Ewing and I will be available to address any questions at the Council meeting. Encl. ~~ (~) "CITLE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIRF.,C'1'OR jobdes86 -1=2992 2005 . DEPARTMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLDGY -7Q- SiJPF..RV15t~1J 13Y CITY ADMINISTRATOR SUMMARY THIS IS ADMINISTRATIVE AND SKILLED TECHNICAL WORK RELATED TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Computer Network and PC Services, Web Site, Engineering, etc.] DUTIES AND RESPONSI131LITlES Information 'Technology (IT) Department Management. a. Manages duties and staff related to municipal infonnativn technology systems, for both City departments and Hutchinson Utilities, as necessary. b. Attends Management Team meetings. d. Responsible far reviewing, developing and/or proposing the implementation or update of policies and procedures related to the use of municipal information technology. e. Responsible for setting appropriate schedules, timelines and budgets for implementation and update of municipal information technology. f. Develops Capital Improvement Program (CIF) related to hardware and software needs, and identifies items required far technological support of City departments. g. Responsible for short and Inng term technology development to enhance department . efficiency. h. Responsible for Technology budgets in the following departments: Water, Wastewater, Liquor blotch. Hutchinson Utilities, and CreekSide Compost. i, Attends Hutchinson Utilities Management meetings. j. Responsible for the Local Security Administration for MiSO and OA'1'1(organizations related to the buying and selling of electrical power). k. LOGIS representation for the Strategic Advisory Committee, Security Committee, Network Administration, and Geographical Information Systems. 2. Local Area Network (I,AN) and Personal Computer (PC) Management. a. Responsible far the operational and maintenance management ofthe LAN and WAN. b. Serves as the lead agent for all LOGIS (Local Government Information Systems Consortium) computer hardware and software applications. c. Directs and manages all maintenance and repair operations for personal computers for the City of Hutchinson and Hutchinson Utilities. Utilizes I'I' staff and/or consultant services where necessary. d. Coordinates software upgrades periodically for all municipal applications. e. Responsible for inventory and licensing of all City hardware and software applications. f Provides technical support for all City department hardware and software. 3. Coordinates and manages Geographic information System (G1S). a. Manages the overall operation ofthe GIS system. ' ~g b. Works with the Engineering and Planning Departments to develop and maintain the GIS system. Supervises employees in related work. c. Responsible for daily maintenance and long-term development of the GIS system. 1 ~-~ (.h d. Coordinates the continual update ofthe PID system and implements the linking of City and County land records. . c. Provides support and coordination of Resource Management systems for the City. f. Coordinates the development and implementation of G1S-based inventory control systems for all municipal infrastructure. 4. City Web Site Development and Management. a. Coordinates the development and regular update of the City's website. b. Works with department staff and consultants to set up and support the new Web-based applications for both internal (Intranet) and external (in[ernet) clients. 5. Serves as Police Special Tnvestigator (Technical Specialist) for compuier-related (cyber) crimes. a. Provides support to the Police Department, as needed on request, for computer-related crime investigation. b. Serves as a member ofthe Special Response "C'eam (SR'I') upon request of the Police Chief. 6. Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) Management for the Engineering Department in coordination with the Director of Engineering/Public Works. a. Provides AutoCAD support and training for Engineering Department personnel, b. Coordinates software integration and use For AutoCAD and EIS. 7. Performs related duties as required. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS • Bachelors Degree in computer sciences, management information systems or related field and Associates Dcgrcc in Civil Engineering'T'echnology or GIS related education or equivalent education and experience. Experience and training in managing systems, staff and budgets desired. Minimum tour years of relevant experience in a related field. Thorough knowledge of network and personal computer operations (hardware, software and maintenance). Thorough knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), municipal engineering, land surveying principles and geometric analysis. Thorough knowledge of end user operations as well as background program operations to accomplish trouble-shooting ofthe following software packages: Windows 2D00, NT, 98, and 95 operating systems, MS Office 97 and MS OlTice 2000, WordPerfect, Lotus, AutoCAD, Arcview and Netware along with various support packages related to daily operations and LOGIS. Knowledge of Netware network and architecture and troubleshooting skills on both the operating system and client sides. Thorough knowledge of Netware administration is also required. Ability to work effectively with personnel, management and others. Supervisory experience. Ability to manage time and budget effectively. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. WORKING CONDiT1ON5: Mostly inside work. Requires daily travel between various City building and departments. Lifting and moving equipment of up to 5D pounds. Evening meetings and unscheduled work for network problems and Police Special Investigator duties. Grade tB 12 position 1 ~~ TITLE COMPUTER/NETWORK TECHNICIAN jobdesc106 ~9UU 2005 . llEPARTMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY -79- SUPERVISED BY INFORMATION TECIINOLOGY COORI7INAT'OR SUMMARY THIS IS TECHNICAL WORK WITII THE CITY AND HUTCHINSON UTILITIES INSTALLING AND MAINTAINING CITY SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE AND SUPPORTING END USERS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBiI,iTiRS 1. Provide desktop and printer support far hardware and sofrware. 2. Install and set up hardware including workstations and printers. 3. Install software including upgrades. Assist departments and the IT Ceer~inater Director with research, planning, implementation, and integration of new information technologies. Complete projects without assistance as assigned. 5. Provide basis end user training for City and Hutchinson Utilities software applications including but not limited to word processing, spreadsheets, data bases, and desktop • publishing. Provide end user training and support for other specialized software as assigned. 6. Responsible for the creation and maintenance of all L'ity related web pages. 7. Set up database projects for departments using Access. 8. Assists the director with troubleshooting problems with the information technology system. 9. Assist the 1T Coordinator with the maintenance of the hardware and software inventories. 1 U. Peri'orm ocher duties that are consistent with the tasks of the position and as may be assigned by the City. EQUIPMENT All City and Utilities computer hardware, sofrware, and printers. Telephone, cellular telephone, pager, copier, and fax machine. City vehicles as needed. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS High school diploma or GED and Associates degree in ]nfarmation'1'echnology or equivalent experience. Ability to troubleshoot computer hardware, software and printer problems. Working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and Operating Systems. , "'~ ~Yrsrl:~tu~~ ;° ..n ya,~,,,~. oc „~.~ w:~.,....... 04 Understanding of Inter-s-and network printing, .., Ability to create and maintain web pages. Employee training experience. Ability to multi task and prioritize projects, to communicate effectively and clearly with persons with limited computer knowledge, and to maintain effective working relationships with City and Utilities ~~,~ ~ Jobdesc106 Page 2 ~ ~ LJ staff and vendors. Ability to lift and move equipment up to 50 pounds, to sit for extended periods of time, and io use a keyboard 1'or a high percentage of the work day. Possession of a valid Minnesota drivers license. DISIKABLE QIJALIFICA"PIONS n ....,.,.:.,.e.. a~.._~., ..~ ,r ........... :.. . ~,.....,....«e_ _e,..«ea r.,.,a Familiarity with wr,...en wTe.....,..e c .. Microsoft Servers and network architecture. I~TML/Cold fusion or web site development and maintenance experience. WQRKINC3 CONDITIONS Inside work. Some variation in hours For evening and weekend work or call-ins. Grade 3 5 Position r~ ~ ~~~ TITLE: COMPOST SITE COORDINATOR jobdesc103 • ~eea-zoos DEPARTMENT: RESOURCE RECOVERY -19- SUPERVISED BY: nrocr"~rnn nr~vn~n<<vnc•rcn~n-r~ninccniiQr~r-l'.yC^VE.DY CI'T'Y AOMINISTRA'fOR Wl'I"H OVERSIGHT BY TIIE COMPOST MANAGER (Contracted Position) SUMMARY: THIS IS WORK OPF.RA1'1NG'I'HJ/ CITY COMPOST SITE AND TRANSFER FACILITY DU1'lE5 AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1, Operates and maintains the overall compost facility/transfer station, including the process building and bagging building operations. 2. Meets regularly with n:.°~•°° °~ ",•••°-"" •°•°•° •'°°1°°•°~•~^° °°^°•'°~°~ Compost Manager to inform the diree~er manager of operating needs and concerns. 3. Directly supervises all full time, anEl part time, and temporary employees of the compost site and transfer facility. 4. Performs compost office functions, including general correspondence and record keeping. Coordinates the actions of the Creekside support staff with the City 1~ finance Department in regards . to the general accounting process (accounts receivables, payahles, and daily receipts) for the facility. 5. Plans and coordinates the repair and maintenance of all composting, bagging, transfer, weight scale, and rolling stock equipment. Uses the wastewater computerized maintenance software for maintaining facilities and equipment. 6. Collects and supplies all sampling to the city testing laboratory, as required under the MPCA Permit and the U.S. Composting Criteria for the "Seal of Assurance Program." 7. Determines the most opportune timing to turn windrows, based on both sampling tests from windrows and measurement of wind speed and direction for the purpose of limiting any potential odor event(s). 8. Coordinates with the city contract marketing firm to determine product production schedules. 9. Operates heavy equipment as needed and serves as back-up Equipment Operator(s). lU. Assists the n:..°...°_ °r w.,«°-nv....«°....,.°_ :...._.,...,_^r.°.. °,•.~,° ~~:,ur~.~c:,v~ry °:.:.::.•y Compost Manager with the development of the Creekside annual budget 11. Performs related duties as required. • EQl11PM)N'T: ALL COMPOST/TRANSFER FACILITY EQUIPMENT, including computerized communication equipment, personal computers and related software, computerized scale, office machines, and cellular and desk telephones. Practical knowledge of computerized financial and inventory computer system. and heavy equipment as needed. a~~~ REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: High School diploma or UED plus three or more years experience operating a compost facility. Certification from a recognized composting training program. Possession of a valid driver's license. Manufacturing and manufacturing related supervisory experience. DESIRABLE QUAI.,IFICATIONS Experience with computer software applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, and databases. Field Odor Investigator 'T'raining or training completed within one year of employment. Comprehensive Air Quality Training or training completed within two years of employment. Experience operating heavy equipment. Verbal and written communication skills. Ability io work well with officials, staff, and the general public WOKKING CONDITIONS: Daily office conditions. ~igni€ieattt exposure to outside working conditions and extreme temperature conditions. and Exposure to air quality/odor conditions associated with compost facilities, as needed. Variable work hours as needed. On-call for emergencies or other contingencies. Grade ~ 7 position r~ ~ J ~~~ • ~J TITLE: RESOURCE RECOVF,RY CUORDINA'I'OR jobdesc99 8-2001 DEPARTMENT: WASTEWATER AND PARKS/RECREATION/ -18- CUMMUNITY EDUCATION ACCOUN'T'ABLE "FO: ]]iRECTOR OF WATER/WASTEWATER OPERATIONS AND DIRECTOR OP PARKS/RECREA'I'lON/COMMUNITY EDUCATION SUMMARY: THIS IS ADMINISTRATIVE, SUPERVISORY AND TECIINICAL WORK WITH THF, RESOURCE RF,COVERY, FORESTRY AND PARK MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS DUTIES AND RESPONSTI3TLITTES 1. Coordination of the Resource Recovery Program. a. Compiles data, maintains records and prepares all necessary reports. Develops and maintains a computerized customer tracking system, supplemental to the scale sotifware, to accurately reflect total site usage and a centralized filing system for all aspects of the compost facility. b. Coordinates the collection of biodegradable food products from sources (schools, businesses, grocery stores, etc.) and develops new sources of organics. c. Arranges for the transport of the refuse materials with refuse haulers. d, Develops specifications i'or compost related products. Markets in conjunction with the contract marketing broker all compost related products for Creekside Soil Products including contacting the local and regional wholesale landscape supply markets and the local landscape material retailers, and sustains these relationships. e. Works to prepare and to secure grants (federal, state, county, etc.) for the Acsource Kecovery Program. £ Serves as a resource for the program participants. Acts as the primary customer service contact in response to customer questions/complaints. Serves as the liaison between the refuse/compost operations, City Center billing personnel, and the City Center receptionist. Arranges for the procurement and delivery of compostable bags and updates the resident database. r1 lJ g. Assists the Compost Site Manager in all phases of the operation of site equipment, including the computer functions of the bagging and palletizing equipment. Assists with the coordination of scheduling, collecting and delivery of compost samples/readings with the Wastewater and other laboratories. 2. Assists with the administration and the supervision of the park maintenance programs. a. Assists with the maintenance of existing landscape projects. ~«~ b. Assists in the supervision of the mowing and turf maintenance seasonal employees. . c. Coordinates assessments for and assists with landscape designs. Supervises landscaping projects. d. Assists in the implementation of the Geographical Positioning System (GPS) program in the tree inventory program. e. Participates in snow removal. 3. Assists the Director of Water/Wastewater and the Parks Resource Coordinator with the preparation of the resource recovery and park maintenance program budgets. 4. Coordinates a public information and education of the program through flyers, ads, newspaper and radio releases, local fair displays, public presentations and classroom instruction in all aspects of the resource recovery program and assists with these duties for forestry and park maintenance. 5, Performs related duties as necessary and appropriate. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIGNS Twp year degree in T-Iorticulture or related field or equivalent work experience. Understanding of personal computers. Ability to operate medium/heavy equipment. Ability to supervise individuals. Ability to work independently with limited direction and good public relations skills. Minimum lifting capability of 50 pounds. • DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Experience in arboricultural practices, landscape designs and solid waste recycling and composting. Understanding of GPS & C3IS systems and software/hardware. SPECIAL R)QUIREMENTS Herbicide/pesticide application license and a Class B CDL or the ability to obtain within six months of employment. WORKING CONDITIONS Full time position. Inside and outside work. Some evening meetings and commitments as required. Grade 5 Positipn • ~.~ ~: ~) '1'1'I'LE SALES AND MARKE'I'1NG AND CUORDINA'I'OR jobdes157 2005 DEPARTMENT COMPOST (Creekside Compost Facility) SUPERVISED BY COMPOST SITE COORDINATOR SUMMARY THIS IS ADMINISTRATIVE, LIMITED SUPERVISORY, AND TECHNICAL WORK IN THE SALES/MARKF,TING AND ORGANICS/RECYCLING OPERATIONS OF CREEKSIDE SOILS DiJTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1 Sales, Marketing and Inventory Control of Finished Gaods a. Serves as the primary contact for sales and marketing, and supervises sales shows. Writes orders with the Marketing group and serves as the direct contact with customers. b, Arranges for the distribution of finished products between sales consultants, distributors, and trucking firms. c. Prepares the sales and marketing budget in conjunction with the General Manager. d. Works with the Site Coordinator and General Manager to determine costs of bulk and bagged product. e. Compiles inventory projection spreadsheets based on in-house orders. f Processes salts orders from startio finish -including receiving orders, entering orders into the accounting sollware program, and finishing order upon shipment. g. Serves as the main contact with trucking firms. h. Prepares and submits the bi-yearly reporting to the Department of Agriculture on fertilizer and soil amendment registration, i. Works with graphic design group on new product bag designs. Coordinates a public information and education program thrpugh fliers, advertisements, newspaper and radio releases, local fair displays, public presentation and classroom instruction in all aspects of the resource recovery program and Creekside Marketing/Sales. 3 Orders and maintains the office supply inventory. 4 Serves as the back-up to the site monitors. 5 Supervises seasonal office employees. 6 Performs other duties as assigned, EQUIPMENT Personal computer and related word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and database soliware. Computerized financial system software and hardware. Computerized scale and associated software. Printer, copier, fax machine, calculator, telephone and two-way radio. Other miscellaneous department equipment. City vehicles as needed. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS Two year (AA) degree in business, sales/marketing, or related . field; or high school diploma or CEll and three years relevant experience. Proficiency in word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software and Internet use experience. Effective written and oral communication skills, Ability to deal courteously with staff and the public and a sarong customer service orientation. 5«) Sales and Marketing Coordinator Page 2 . DF,SIRED QUALIFICATIONS Experience in business, solid waste recycling and composting. Knowledge of sales and marketing procedures. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Valid driver's license. WORKING CONDITIONS );ull time position. Generally office hours and conditions. Some variation in hours due to workload. Some evening meetings and weekend trade shows as required. Public contact. Grade 4 Position r~ ~~~~ 70: Mayur and City Council From: Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director John Rodeberg, Director of Public Works Date: 2/2/2005 Re: Consideration of Assessment Agreement fnr Rolling Meadows East (Request to set limit of assessment costs fur Golf Course Road I mpravements far Rolling Meadows Nast Building Better Neighborhoods Projec[) In 2002 because the Rolling Meadows development was so successful, the HRA began working on an application to the GTCatl7 Minnesola Housing Fund Building Better Neighborhoods program for an extension of Rolling Meadows, now called Rolling Meadows East. On June 25, 2002 a resolution by the City Council supporting the Extension ofR.alling Meadows was passed. The financial contribution required from the City of Hutchinson, as part of the application, was structured to come from assessment credits for Qplf Course Road. After credits were applied, the expected Rolling Meadows East assessment fnr Golf Course road was preliminarily estimated aL $62,954 in January of 2003. Since that time, the road construction was delayed, construction costs have increased dramatically and a more complete design and cost estimate were prepazed. The eslimated assessment to Rolling Meadows East was updated in June 2004 to $76,469.48 to reflect these changes and previously approved cost participation/assessmentoolicy. (An increase of 21%). If the current policy and cost estimaus were applied for 2005 construction, the assessment is estimated at over $]00,000, or a 59% increase over the initial estimate of $62,954. Because of the delay in constructing Golf Course Road and because the BBN purchase price limits cannot accommodate additional assessment costs it is requested that the assesstents for this project be lltnlted to no higher than $7fi,4fi9.48. With that assessment number, the houses can he purchased for $153,000 that meets the BBN purchase price maximum for Hutchinson. Currently, there are twelve houses under construction in Rolling Meadows Sast; affordability gap funds have been reserved for seven hnmebuyers so there has been very strong demand for affordable homes in this development. By your action of agreeing to an actual number of $76,469.48 for the road assessments, the purchase price limit for the BBN program can be met and an application to MHFA and the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund for additional affordability gap funds can be submitted. ?'jh,, ,u':mi~,. _, ;,w,ru;i!U'i''p'~f<';; a ql; cP;. i~ .n ~, y:,ibiepil~,~ d,.~~,~iwi~.!f iV r;~',i; ipiN,'~ ~'~Illi ~~~ ",^1~ i!~~~~. ~~~!({10~, ,,V'v1~~,,~~L~~, ~~i;; ~au>1X~;~.oa~il,I,~iI~J ',i?'.` !,~f,4lk„.p;;,m~;,fu;1.,.,,~'s~~rf':I~!~pi~M<',,; .'~j~'i?fr.~\~'lll~i~',IP~I~i(~~„~(~"~„iU;~~., u,:U~~~~,p!!~Y~~".V,~~~~,.~~1r~r'i;f,^J i~ ~o.,{{. i, e.~~„fir ~o 11~''`q'': ,~Y.,i',~ 9c~) l J L~ February 2, 2005 Mr. John Rodcberg Director of Engineering Hutchinson City Center 1 ] 1 Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 TKDA ENGINEERS • ARCHITECTS • PLANNERS Re: Hutchinson Municipal Airport 2005 Capital Improvement Plan Design Engineering Proposal TKDA Commission No. 12535-03 Dear Mr. Rodeberg: 1500 Piper Jatfray Plua 444 CBdar $trBB7 Saint Paul, MN 55101-2140 (fi57)292-4400 (857)292-0083 Fax www.lkda.com At the request of the City, we are providing two copies of a design engineering contract for your 2005 C1P. "1'he design engineering contract includes the following two components: Project Formulation - Plans and Specifications - Total - $ 6000 (htmp sum) 37 000 (hourly, not-to-exceed) $43,000 As we have discussed, the project formulation effort was necessary to determine the scope, justification, CIP assistance, etc. This is needed before a design contract can be tailored to the work. Much of this $6000 cost has already been incurred by TKDA. The remainder, $37,ODp is for the design effort through the bidding phase and contract award. The total can also be separated into "basic" services and "special" services. Basic services (approximately $23,000) are preparation of contract documents. Special services (approximately $20,000) provide for the project development, Airport Layout Ylan update, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, CIP assistance, hclipad airspace review, and other planning or coordination necessary for the regulatory and funding agencies. The project has been defined as follows: • Ditch Cleaning • Jei Fueling • Hardstand • Helipad • Wash Pad • New Primary Power . • New REILs & Circuit • EDB Modifications • Hangar Area Lighting An Employes Owned Company Promoting Aryirrnatlve Action and fqualOppartuniry ~ (~~ n LJ Mr. John Rodeberg TKDA Commission No. 12535-03 February 2, 2005 Page Two The total estimated project cost is $280,000. All project elements should qualify for 95% federal funding, which makes the City's share $14,OOD. The City's share of this design engineering contract would be $2150. The only questionable element is the eligibility of the new primary power. This issue has been posed to FAA, and although the initial opinion is favorable, they would like to review the associated cost versus cost savings. If this proposal is acceptable to the City, please execute both copies and return one copy Ior our files. As always, we appreciate the opportunity io work with you, Please contact me with any related questions or comments. Sincerely, Lyle W. Kratzke Senior Project Engineer Enclosure c w/o enclosure Jahn Olson -Airport Manager An Employee Owned Company Promatinp Anirmative Action and Equal Opportunity ~~~~~~ I R55APPYR CITY OF HUTCHINSON B Check Number AP Pa ment Re Ister with Voids Check Date D7/27/2005 - Ck Datg Type Check # Vendor Name Amount 01/27/2DD5 PK 127524 " 121035 GFOA HOUSING BUREAU 200.00 01/27/2005 PK 127525 102823 GDVERNMENT FINANCE CFFICERS AS 310.OD 510.00 ACCOUntNu # 510.00 h'l.f"YZ-eC~CC~~2 ~ .S /-~~--d5 • • R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSON By Check Numper AP Pa ment Re ister with Voids Check pate 02/022005 - Ck Data T e Check # Vendor Name Amount 02/02/2005 PK 127526 " 118907 BUSINESS JOURNAL, THE 89.00 02/02/2005 PK 127527 104879 CROW RIVER TITLE 10,000.00 02/022005 PK 127528 104022 EVEN-TEMP CONSTRUCTION 2,000.00 OZD2/2005 PK 127529 102823 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS AS 155.00 02/02/2005 PK 127530 102089 HANSEN GRAVEL 880.00 02/02/2005 PK 127531 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 188,868.97 02/02/2005 PK 127532 102489 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 60.00 02/02/2005 PK 127533 101992 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH 600.00 02/02/2005 PK 127534 101892 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH 300.00 02/02/2005 PK 127535 101992 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH 250.00 0202/2005 PK 127536 101941 MINNESOTA GOV FINANCIAL OFFICE 40.00 02/02/2005 PK 127537 103504 MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSC. 200.00 02/02/2005 PK 127538 117434 R & J TOURS 250.00 02/02/2005 PK 127539 102606 SCHMELINGpILCO 14,304.58 02/022005 PK 127540 119799 STEVE'S OK SERVICES 4,929.39 0202/2005 PK 127541 108598 WAL-MART 55.93 0202/2005 PK 127542 102037 WALL STREET JOURNAL 245.00 201,007.85 Account Nu # 201,007.85 ~ ~wUS • L J PAYROLL ACCOUNT -February 4, 2gp5 Period Ending: January 29, 2pp5 FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY -ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO STATE AND IRS DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PAGE AMOUNT PEID ACCT# NAME DESCRIPTION $21,037.43 9995.2034 WITH. TAX Employee Contributlon -Federal Tax ACCOUNT $11,355.02 9885.2240 Employee Contribution -Soc. Security $3,216.98 9995.2242 Employee Contribution -Medicare $35,809.43 Sub-Total - Emplcyee Contribution $11,355.82 $3,218.98 $14,572.00 50,181.43 $9,488.72 $11,667.85 $25,478.70 $15.88 $15.88 531.72 $26,510.42 9885.2240 9995.2242 Sub-Total - Emplcyer Contribution Grand Total -Withholding lax Account Employer Contribution -Social Security Employer Contributlon -Medicare 9996.2035 MN DEPT pF REVENUE 102615 9995.2241 PERA Employee Contribution -Pension Plan 102615 9995.2241 Employer Contribution - Pensicn Plan Sub-Total -PERA 102615 8995.2243 PERA-DCP Employee Contribution -Pension Plan 102615 8885.2241 Employer Contributlon - Penaion Plan Sub -Total -DCP GRAND TOTAL -PERA Finance Director Approval r~ R55APPYRV CITY OF WUTCHINSON By Check Number AP Pa ment Re Ister with Voids Check Dale 02/08/2005 - Ck Date Type Check # Vendor Name Amount 02/08/2005 PK 127543 ' 102126 AGE HARDWARE 987.71 02/08/2005 PK 127544 102217 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC 89.83 02/08/2005 PK 127545 108765 ALEXANDRIA TECHNICAL COLLEGE 100.(70 02/08/2005 PK 127546 101867 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN 284.00 02/08/2005 PK 127547 102430 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL 288.14 02/08/2005 PK 127548 111041 ARROW TERMINAL LLC 270.40 02/08/2005 PK 127549 118738 ARROWHEAD SCIENTIFIC INC 170.45 02/08/2005 PK 127550 102367 BELLBOY CORP 2,325.44 02/08/2005 PK 127551 118505 RENNIN, BRADLEY 36.00 02/06/2005 PK 127552 102255 BERKLEY RISK ADMINISTRATORS 800.00 02/08/2005 PK 127553 101918 BERNICK COMPANIES, THE 54.40 02/08/2005 PK 127554 120738 BERTELSON'S 1,964.00 02!08/2005 PK 127555 104427 BEST WESTERN 75.00 02/08/2005 PK 127558 119212 BLOCK FARMS & TRUCKING 4,102.00 02/08/2005 PK 127557 121076 BORKENHAGEN, JEFF 25.00 02/08/2005 PK 127558 101987 BRANDON TIRE CO 683.28 02/08/2005 PK 127559 103349 BRANDY GARMET LETTERING 80.24 02/08/2005 PK 127560 103018 BROWN, JANET 100.00 02!08/2005 PK 127561 121089 BUSHMAN, RAgUEL 65.00 02/08/2005 PK 727562 102736 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS 781.37 02/08/2005 PK 127583 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING 33,484.30 02/08/2005 PK 127564 104391 GENTRAL HYDRAULICS 567.73 02/08/2005 PK 127585 121079 CHRISTENSEN, JOAN 100.00 02/08/2005 PK 127588 105423 CINDY'S HOUSE OF FLORAL DESIGN 52.72 02/08/2005 PK 127587 102179 CLAREY5 SAFETY EQUIP 226.22 02/08/2005 PK 1275fi8 102741 COBORN'SINCORPDRATED 39.66 02/08/2005 PK 127569 111838 COFFEE CDMPANY, THE 46.86 02/08/2pp5 PK 127570 102484 GORPORATE EXPRESS 779.56 02/08/2005 PK 127571 121080 CRDSBY, STACY 60.00 02/08/2005 PK 127572 102288 CROW RIVER GLASS 43.90 02/08/2005 PK 127573 102220 CROW RIVER PRESS INC 331.84 02/08/2005 PK 127574 102488 DAY DISTRIBUTING 5,797.$0 02/08/2005 PK 127575 709388 DEPT OF ADMINISTRATION 37.00 02/08/2005 PK 127576 102698 DEVRIES, RANDY 326.26 02/08/2005 PK 127577 102275 DPC INDUSTRIES ING 881.61 02/08/2005 PK 127578 113161 DROP-N-GO SHIPPING, INC 74.55 02/08/2005 PK 127578 121101 DS PERFORMANCE GROUP 7,000.00 02/08/2005 PK 127580 104095 DUECO 1,278.79 02/08/2005 PK 127581 104415 EARTH TECH 24,200.00 02/08/2005 PK 127582 102354 ECONO FOODS 164.77 02/08/2005 PK 127583 121091 EDINA, CITY OF 50.00 02/08/2005 PK 127584 702358 ELEC7R0 WATCHMAN 274.77 02/08/2005 PK 127585 119798 ELLEFSON,TIM 65.00 02/08/2005 PK 127586 104340 ELLIOTT, JEAN 50.00 02/08/2005 PK 127587 108587 ENGINEERED COMPOST SYSTEMS 1,433.50 02/08/2005 PK 127588 110034 EXTREME BEVERAGE 300.00 02/08/2005 PK 127589 102223 FARM-RITE EQUIPMENT 595.81 02/08/2005 PK 127590 104137 FASTENAL COMPANY 9.92 _~ ~~ 02/08(2005 PK 127591 120740 FINKEN'S WATER CENTER 60.00 02/08/2005 PK 127592 121092 FIRE INSTRUCTION & RESCUE EDUC 360.00 02/08/2005 PK 127593 103905 FORCE AMERICA 493.70 02!08/2005 PK 127594 102672 FORCIER, GARY 10.18 02/08/2005 PK 127595 119718 FOSTER MECHANICAL 305.77 02/08/2005 PK 127596 101945 GALL'S INC 89.97 02/08/2005 PK 127597 103340 GEB ELECTRICAL INC 1,654.80 02!08/2005 PK 127588 102316 GENE'S TOWING 186.14 02/08/2005 PK 127599 1D5D21 GENERALTRADINGCO 70.09 02/08/2005 PK 127600 103972 GIFFERSON, TDM 100.00 02/08/2005 PK 127601 102994 GOVERNING 16.00 02/08!2005 PK 127602 102087 GRAINGER PARTS OPERATIONS 81.09 02/08/2005 PK 127603 102686 GRAY, JEAN 100.00 02/08/2005 PK 127604 101874 GRIGGS & COOPER & CD 11,708.14 02/08!2005 PK 127605 101888 GRINA, LISA 100.00 02/08/2005 PK 127606 102528 HAGER JEWELRY INC. 60.41 tl2/DB/2DD5 PK 127607 121081 HAMLIN, JAMES 315.68 02/08/2005 PK 127608 102451 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE 533.40 02/08/2005 PK 127609 102089 HANSEN GRAVEL 1,458.00 02/08/2005 PK 127610 109799 HARRIS COMPANIES 818.80 02/08/2005 PK 127611 102546 HCVN-TV 6,502.44 02/0$/2005 PK 127612 102246 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE 2,398.73 02/08/2005 PK 127613 102531 HENRYS FOODS INC 443.28 02/08/2005 PK 127814 101915 HERMEL WHOLESALE 181.76 02/08/2005 PK 127615 102518 HILLYARD FLOOR CARE/WUTCHINSON 753.53 02!08/2005 PK 127616 121tl93 HOFFMAN, WENDY 30.84 02/08/2005 PK 127617 102119 HOLT MOTORS INC 15,666.06 02/08/2005 PK 127618 117197 HOMETOWN REALTY 29.68 02/08/2005 PK 127619 127082 HUBBELL, TASHA 28.40 02/08/2005 PK 127620 121094 HUPFMAN, JOEY 28.40 02/08/2005 PK 127621 102544 HUTCH CAFE 80.00 02/08/2005 PK 127622 102139 HU7CHINSON AREA CHAMBER OF COM 308.00 02/08/2005 PK 127823 102319 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE 41,417.75 02/08/2005 PK 127624 108389 HUTCHINSON AUTO CENTER 84.14 02/08/2005 PK 127825 121083 HUTCHINSON BASKETBALL ASSOC. 150.00 02/08!2005 PK 127626 105329 HUTCHINSON BUMPER 70 BUMPER 210.37 02/08/2005 PK 127627 102530 HUTCHINSON CO.OP 873.37 02/08/2005 PK 127628 102537 HUTCHINSON LEADER 2,327.97 02/08/2005 PK 127629 102538 HUTCHINSON MEDICAL CENTER 156.00 02/08/2005 PK 127830 102540 HUTCHINSON PLUMBING & HEATING 567.56 02/08/2005 PK 127831 102541 WUTCHINSDN TELEPHONE CO 9,285.01 02/06/2005 PK 127632 105181 HUTCHINSDN UTILITIES 91,772.89 02/08/2005 PK 127633 105515 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 36,126.00 02/08/2005 PK 727634 102543 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE 1,249.79 02/tl8/2005 PK 127635 102633 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 87,432.43 02/08/2005 PK 127836 102635 HUTCWINSON, CITY OF 5,222.44 02/08/2005 PK 127637 103246 HUTGHINSON, GITY OF 11,081.67 02/08/2005 PK 127838 105160 WUTCHINSON, CITY OF 36,283.24 02/08/2005 PK 127639 103606 INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES 187.50 02/08/2005 PK 127640 102812 INTERNATIONAL ASSC OF CHIEFS O 100.00 02/08!2005 PK 127841 103520 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 202.19 02/08/2005 PK 127642 119359 INTERSTATE COMPANIES, INC 1,472.82 C~ I L~ 02/08/2005 PK 127643 102665 J-CRAFT 1,587.07 02/08/2pD5 PK 127644 102062 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT 160.94 02/08/2005 PK 127845 115855 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. 92.73 02/08!2005 PK 127846 102208 JEFF'S ELECTRIC 3,600.60 02/08/2005 PK 127647 102652 JERRYS TRANSMISSION 110.39 02/DB/2005 PK 127648 104564 JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE 169.57 02/08/2005 PK 127649 101938 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 10,848.49 02/08/2005 PK 127850 102045 JOHNSON, DOUGLAS 1,1p7.3D 02/08/2005 PK 127651 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 1,110.00 02/08/2005 PK 127652 120122 KOSEK, JEFF 780.00 02/08/2005 PK 127853 105697 KQIC-Q102 396.25 02/08/2005 PK 127654 102561 L & P SUPPLY CO 1,332.50 02/08/2005 PK 127855 101991 LAKES GAS Cp. 913.13 02/08/2005 PK 127656 121095 LAMP, GERI 48.00 02/08/2005 PK 127657 121102 LE CORDON BLEU 150.00 02/08/2005 PK 127858 102560 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES-INS TRUST 49,421.50 02/08/2005 PK 127659 110652 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES-INS TRUST 868-94 02/08/2005 PK 127660 101974 LENNEMAN BEVERAGE DIST. INC 1,673.10 02/08/2005 PK 127661 118506 LJUNGREN, ALEX 36.00 D2/OS/2p05 PK 127662 101884 LOCHER BROTHERS INC 18,180.43 02/08/2005 PK 127663 120802 M. AMUNDSON LLP 241.98 02/pB/2005 PK 127664 102571 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC 287.35 02/08/2005 PK 127665 121103 MARK SCHIERMAN & SELA ROOFING 128,701.00 02/0812005 PK 127686 103091 MATHWIG, BARB 100.00 02/08/2005 PK 127667 121084 MCGRAW, NANCY 75.00 02/08/2005 PK 127888 120468 MCLEOD COUNTY CHIEFS ASSOC 100.00 02/08/2005 PK 127689 102489 MCLEOD GOUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 5.00 02/08/2005 PK 127670 102489 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 161.00 02/08/2005 PK 127677 104297 MCRAITH, CALLEIGH 77.00 02/08/2005 PK 127672 116886 MDT 424.00 02/08/2005 PK 127673 112400 MENARDS-HUTCHINSON 1,327.96 p2/08/2005 PK 127674 104034 MESSNER, KEITH 10.68 02/08/2005 PK 127875 119912 MIELKE, AARQN 78.00 02/08/2005 PK 127676 119358 MINNESOTA DEPT OF ADMINISTRATI 135.31 02/08/2005 PK 127677 112260 MINNESOTA GREEN EXPO 1,120.00 02/08/2005 PK 127678 103093 MINNESOTA SECTION CSWEA 80.00 02/08/2005 PK 127679 105157 MINNESOTA SHREDDING 109.90 02/08/2005 PK 127680 102583 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB 863.75 02/08/2005 PK 127861 120302 MUCHOW, CHAD 1D-12 02/08/2005 PK 127882 102590 NALCO CHEMICAL CO. 8,025.28 02/08/2005 PK 127883 118843 NAPA AUTO PARTS 408.99 02/08/2005 PK 127884 110383 NASH FINCH COMPANY 343-76 02!08!2005 PK 127685 121086 NEW ULM AREA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS 225.00 02/08/2005 PK 727686 114460 NORMISKA CORP 6,294.00 02/08/2005 PK 127887 102591 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 270.59 02/08/2005 PK 127688 119452 NORTHLAND CHEMICAL CORP 154.19 p2/OS/20D5 PK 127689 103014 OFFICE 1 ONLINE 341.53 02/08/2005 PK 127690 102187 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE Cp 4,981.68 02/08/2005 PK 127691 102596 PETERSON BUS SERVICE 1,175.00 02/08/2005 PK 127692 105644 PETERSON, LARRY 75.00 02/08/2005 PK 127693 107853 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 3,312.99 02/08/2005 PK 127894 102373 PINNACLE DISTRIBUTING 236.93 C~ `..~ `J 02/08/2005 PK 127695 105428 PIZZA HUT/SKY VENTURES LLC 38.80 02/08/2005 PK 127696 104888 POLICE MARKSMAN, THE 18.95 02/08!2005 PK 127697 101803 POPP, JIM 55.00 02/08/2005 PK 127698 102445 POSTMASTER 1,180.00 02/08/2005 PK 127699 103919 POWDER RIDGE SKI CORP 6,321.00 02/08/2005 PK 1277pD 102598 OUADE ELECTRIC 34.75 02/08/2005 PK 127701 102052 QUALITY W INE & SPIRITS CO. 10,028.58 02/08/2005 PK 1277p2 121090 RANDT-BUTLER, DEBRA 200.00 02/08/2005 PK 127703 121085 RAVGOR, LISA 75.00 02/08/2005 PK 127704 102432 REED BUSINESS INFORMATION 155.54 02/08/2005 PK 127705 102358 RIpGEWATER COLLEGE 729.00 02/08/2005 PK 127708 104148 RIVER VALLEY TRUCK CENTERS 43.49 02/08/2005 PK 127707 121096 ROBERT MICHAEL'S SALON & BERGS 4,873.58 02/08/2005 PK 127708 121104 RUMPCA COMPANIES, INC 2,032.00 02/08/2005 PK 127709 119208 RUNKE, DOREEN 150.00 02/08/2005 PK 127710 102225 RUNNING'S SUPPLY 792.35 02/08/2005 PK 127711 102436 SARA LSE COFFEE & TEA 122.00 02/08/2005 PK 127712 101940 SCHNOBRICH, MARK 150.00 02108/2DD5 PK 127713 109801 SCOTTSWINDOWS 42.60 02!08/2005 PK 127714 112355 SEBDRA, MARC 24.30 02/08!2005 PK 127715 120291 SETTER & ASSOC LLC 1,203.75 02/08/2005 PK 127716 102637 SEVEN WEST WASH & pRY 341.07 02/08/2005 PK 127717 102605 SEWING BASKET 18.10 02/08/2005 PK 127716 101910 SHARE CORP 234.84 02/08/2005 PK 127719 ip2719 SHAW, KAREN 80.00 02/D8/2DD5 PK 127720 102609 SHOPKO 31.94 02/08/2005 PK 127721 120160 SIEVERT,GINA 57.51 02/08/2005 PK 127722 10261p $IMDNSON LUMSER CO 3,963.31 02/08/2005 PK 127723 115865 SMITH, CARLA 60.00 02/08!2005 PK 127724 101809 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL 47.09 02/08/2005 PK 127725 102611 SORENSEN'5 SALES & RENTALS 48.50 02/08/2005 PK 127726 120514 SPRINT 384.07 02/08/2005 PK 127727 102812 S7ANDARp PRINTING 14.95 02/08/2005 PK 127728 102584 STAR TRIBUNE 27.95 02/08/2005 PK 127729 121097 STIFTEN,SARAH 118.75 02/08/2005 PK 127730 118862 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT 700.86 0 2/0 812 0 0 5 PK 127731 105474 STREETER, LAURA 70.00 02/08/2005 PK 127732 121098 TCW 181.00 02/p8/2005 PK 127733 102659 TEK MECHANICAL 458.25 02/p8l2005 PK 127734 121021 THAYER, EDNA 50.00 02/p8/2005 PK 127735 102620 TRICO WATER 250.43 02/08/2005 PK 127736 102819 7W0 WAY COMM INC 308.89 02/08/2005 PK 127737 102624 UNITED BUILDING CENTERS 14.28 02/08/2005 PK 127738 119701 UNUM LIFE INS COMPANY OF AMERI 2,723.12 02/08/2005 PK 127739 102069 VESSCO INC 531.30 02/08/2005 PK 127740 102132 VIKING COCA COLA 271.15 02/08/2005 PK 127741 101857 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS 95.43 02/08/2005 PK 127742 105122 WASTE MANAGEMENT 43,989.30 02/08/2005 PK 127743 121087 WERNER,CHUCK 75.p0 02/08/2005 PK 127744 102639 WEST PUBLISHING PAYMENT CTR 370.76 02/08/2005 PK 127745 114902 WHITE,JULIE 50.p0 02/08/2005 PK 127746 102452 WINE MERCHANTS INC 96.65 ~~ ~... I J 02/08/2005 PK 127747 119211 WORK CDNNECTIpN, THE 3,743.33 02/08/2005 PK 127748 121088 YAHOO! 20.37 02/08/2005 PK 127749 101919 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 97.91 02/08/2005 PK 127750 101875 GREAT WEST LIFE INS. CO. 300.00 02/08/2005 PK 127751 101872 H.R.L.A.P.R. 292.77 02/08/2005 PK 127752 102633 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 7,438.88 02/08/2005 PK 127753 102635 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 587.72 02/08/2005 PK 127754 101873 1CMARFTIREMENTTRU8T 3,675.75 02/08/2005 PK 127755 101876 ING LIFE & ANN CO. 880.00 02/08/2005 PK 127756 102449 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 554.94 02/08/2005 PK 127757 101914 NCPER5 LIFE INS. 540.00 02!08/2005 PK 127758 102096 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS 30.00 789,481.71 Account Nu # 789,48171