cp02-09-2010 cAGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Bethlehem United Methodist Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 25, 2010 Action - Motion to approve as presented 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: onlyfor items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise ave een e egate to t e City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13693 - RESOLUTION REVISING 2010 FEE SCHEDULE (SEWER RATES, LIQUOR LICENSES) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETTING BOARD OF REVIEW HEARING FOR APRIL 14, 2010, AT 4:30 P.M. (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AIRPORT HANGAR LEASE POLICY (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AIRPORT AGRICULTURAL LAND LEASE (I) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE FOR CROW RIVER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC. ON AUGUST 22, 2010 (g) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6:00 P.M. 8, COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra wise po icy. ways oo ing towara thetuture, no monitoring past) 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0540 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 90.03 — OBSTRUCTIONS IN STREETS (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR FEBRUARY 23, 2010) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve CITY COUNCIL AGENDA — FEBRUARY 9, 2010 (b) DISCUSSION OF PURCHASING NETBOOKS FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Action — (c) OVERVIEW OF 2009 FINANCIALS — JEREMY CARTER, FINANCE DIRECTOR Action — (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESETTING FEBRUARY 23, 2010, CITY COUNCIL MEETING Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve (e) CLOSED SESSIOIy NURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 13D.05 TO DISCUSS THE SALE OF PROPERTY (450 4 STREET NORTH — DASSEL, MINNESOTA) Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 11. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: toassesspastorganizationa !performance, developpolicy thatguides the organization and Council the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items (a) PRESENTATION BY MARILYN HID, DEPUTY REGISTRAR, REGARDING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLE DEPARTMENT IN 2009 WITH MEASUREMENTS (b) REVIEW OF CITY - SCHOOL - COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING (c) FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JANUARY 2010 (d) HUTCHINSON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 23, 2009 (e) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 15, 2009 (f) RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 2, 2010 (g) PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION BOARD MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 7, 2009 (h) SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR JANUARY 2010 No action required for Items I I (a) — 11(h). (i) R EAFFIRMATION OF COUNCIL'S ENDORSEMENT OF STAFF WORKING WITH STATE LEGISLATORS ON LOCAL SALES TAX Action — Motion to reject — Motion to approve 12. MISCELLANEOUS 13. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. Mayor Cook ca e t e meeting to order. Members present were Jim Haugen, Bill Arndt, Eric Yost and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION - Due to the absence of Rev. Howard Anderson, Hunter's Ridge Community Church, the invocation ioTas dispensed. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 12, 2010 Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: onlyjor items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise a e een delegated tot a City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13691 - RESOLUTION REVISING 2010 FEE SCHEDULE (CEMETERY RATES) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13692 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (LEAF COLLECTORS) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 3, LETTING NO. I/PROJECT NO. 09 -01 - ENERGY PARK IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 1 (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AIRPORT AGRICULTURAL LAND LEASES (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ASSESSMENT ROLL REVISIONS (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL FOR GARY PLOTZ AND DOUG JOHNSON TO PRESENT AT THE 25 YEAR BIOCYCLE CONFERENCE FROM APRIL 12 - APRIL 15, 2010, IN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (g) REAPPOINTMENT OF CLIFF SWANSON AND LOUISE JESSEN TO THE SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD TO JANUARY 2013 (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE TO LAMPLIGHTER LOUNGE, II INC. (i) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Items 6(b)l, 6(b)2 and 6(f) were pulled for separate discussion. ,5 -) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES — JANUARY 25, 2010 Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 6(b)1 had further discussion. Mayor Cook explained that a new option is available at the cemetery, that being the option of family estate lots. These lots will include a larger memorial with flush stones for the individual lots within the estate lot. Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to approve Item 6(b)l. Motion carried unanimously. Item 6(b)2 had further discussion. Council Member Yost asked about the equipment itself and whether or not the equipment had been specified out or if Hutchinson is simply using the same model as that of Mankato. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, noted that much discussion was held with the manufacturer of the equipment and staff feels confident that the model proposed will be a good fit for the operations being proposed. Mayor Cook also suggested only allowing leaves in the gutter for a specific time period. The leaf vacuum will also alleviate street sweeping that will be necessary. Motion by Yost, second by Czmowski, to approve Item 6(b)2. Motion carried unanimously. Item 6(0 had further discussion. Gary Plotz, City Administrator, noted that he and Doug Johnson, Compost Site Manager, had been contacted by the organizer of the 25 Biocycle Conference requesting that they present at the upcoming conference in April. A feature article will be in the Biocycle magazine in the near future. Doug Johnson presented before the Council. Mr. Johnson explained that the cost for he and Gary Plotz to attend will total approximately $2000. This includes air fare, room, meals and transportation at the conference. The registration fee will be waived by Biocycle. Motion by Arndt, second by Yost, to approve Item 6(f). Motion carried unanimously. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6:00 P.M. 8. COMMUNICATIONS RE UESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to cra wise po icy. ways oo ing towara the jutue, not monitoring past) 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. NEW BUSINESS 11. GOVERNANCE (Purpose. , to assess past organizational performance, developpolicy thatguides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) (a) UPDATE ON ICMA BALDRIGE PROGRAM— GARY PLOTZ Gary Plotz, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Plotz provided an overview of a webinar he and other staff members attended related to the Baldrige Quality Program. According to the webinar, attributes of a Baldrige organization include clear direction from senior leadership, purpose and mission are understood, customer focused, loyal workforce — understand how they fit in/contribute, informed evidence based decision making. When using Baldrige as elected officials staff reports are to include data/information, participate directly in development of strategic plan, using a business plan as Administrator's work plan and receiving regular reports regarding constituent requests and complaints. When using Baldrige as a city manager you reinforce vision, mission and values, review results on key strategic outcomes and performance measures, get out of the office and build relationships with customers and stakeholders. In order to obtain the Baldrige award, an organization gains points in seven categories: leadership, strategic planning, customer & market focus, measurement, analysis & knowledge management, workforce focus, process management and results. Success in this program is measured by satisfied customers, low tax rate, ow crime rate and happy, motivated employees. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REVISED ENDS STATEMENTS 'D CITYCOUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY25, 2010 Mayor Cook stated that a workshop was held prior to the last Council meeting in reference to input received from various community members on revisions to the ends statements. These ends statements are basically goals of the city. The goals are broken up into the areas of public safety, health and recreation, transportation and mobility, economic development, environment and good government. Mayor Cook suggested a couple of ends to add to the long term ends, which include updating the City's Comprehensive Plan, advocating for a County EDA, building a recreational bike terrain track, completing reconstruction of Les Kouba Parkway, and cleaning up and marketing train depot area for redevelopment or transform into a city park. Council Member Yost commented that in sections 3.1 and 3.2 it may be confusing as to why there is no explanation behind the rankings of the subcategories. Mayor Cook noted that the subcategories are mainly to prioritize. Motion by Czmowski, second by Yost, to approve revised ends statements with the additional revisions noted above. Motion carried unanimously. (c) RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FROM JANUARY 5, 2010 (d) PLANNING /ZONING /BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2009 (e) CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2009 (f) CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2009 (g) CITY OF HUTCHINSON WEB SITE STATISTICS REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2009 No action required for Item I I (b) — I I (f). 12. MISCELLANEOUS Gary Plotz — Mr. Plotz reminded citizens that the new snow emergency ordinance goes into effect February I, 2010. Kent Exner — Mr. Exner noted that the grant application that was presented at the last meeting was submitted today. This is an energy efficiency grant application mainly related to lighting at various city buildings, as well as a few other energy matters. Mayor Cook — Mayor Cook noted that applications will be available later this week for those interested in serving on the City /School District Joint Committee. The applications will be available at the City Center and the School's District Office as well as each respective web site. Mayor Cook also mentioned that the Luce Line Trail has a bill in the legislature pertaining to improving it. Mayor Cook suggested holding a joint meeting with the McLeod County Board, perhaps transportation, Fairgrounds marketing, City /School District Committee, etc., could be items on the agenda. Gary Plotz will bring dates back at the next meeting. Mayor Cook suggested having a policy on the percentage of debt levy versus the total levy. Perhaps a policy on use of one -time money would be beneficial as well. Mayor Cook mentioned that the McLeod County Board is going paperless. He noted that some council members have issues with attachments that are received electronically. He mentioned that maybe now is a good time to review again whether or not the Council should use laptops for City business and Council packets. Gary Plotz noted that the cost per laptop is $825 with a life of 5 -6 years. There are additional licensing and software fees. The costs will be paid out of capital outlay funds. Council directed staff to research further. 13. ADJOURN J LOL) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —JANUARY 25, 2010 Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 4 5 / \ RESOLUTION NO. 13693 REVISING 2010 FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is empowered by previously passed ordinances to impose fees for services, and WHEREAS, based upon the recommendation of costs for providing the services for various city departments NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT THE FOLLOWING FEE SCHEDULE IS REVISED AND THAT THIS FEE SCHEDULE REPLACES ANY FEE SCHEDULE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL: 2.15(i) 2010 Liquor Licenses 2.15 (1) 2010 Sewer Rates *Fee schedule attached Adopted by the City Council this 9" day of February, 2010. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator City of Hutchinson 2010 Liquor License Fee Schedule 2.15(i) Policy 222(h)(2) ce"atpermft Type 2010 Fee Amount License Dmtes Notes 2009_jees Club Liquor License Under 200 Members $300.00 April 1 - March 31 $325.00 201 - 500 Members $500.00 April 1 - March 31 $525.00 501 - 1000 Members $650.00 April 1 - March 31 $700.00 1001 - 2000 Members $800.00 April 1 - March 31 $850.00 2001 - 4000 Members $1,000.00 April 1 - March 31 $1,100.00 4001 - 6000 Members $2,000.00 April 1 - March 31 $2,100.00 Over 6000 Members $3,000.00 April 1 - March 31 $3,200.00 Bottle Club (Set -Up) $100.00 April I - March 31 $100.00 Wine License $425.00 April 1 - March 31 $425.00 On -Sale Intoxicating Malt Liquor & Wine License $600.00 April I - March 31 $600.00 On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License $3,700.00 April 1 - March 31 Pro -Rate; Refundable $3,700.00 On -Sale Sunday Intoxicating Liquor License $125.00 April 1 - March 31 $125.00 Off -Sale Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquor License $300.00 May 1 - April 31 Nonrefundable $300.00 On -Sale Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquor License $425.00 May 1 - April 31 Nonrefundable $425.00 On -Sale Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquor License $125.00 Short Term $125.00 On -Sale Intoxicating Sunday Temporary License $100.00 One Day $100.00 Temporary Liquor License $35.00 Per Day / $75.00 Minimum $35.00 Intoxicating Liquor Investigations $375.00 $375.00 Non - Intoxicating Liquor Investigations $125.00 $125.00 Caterer's Permit - New $100.00 Per Event $0.00 `� H:Feemr Base CATEGORY A) Pt m.wum S 6.10 15.10 man o.o%Pararomtx- Danelue g W. wa4.w l Pa moored lB rm t N w Usage (CATEGORY A) estli J- -O-N'7 w 4 a tes " 35.55 $ 15.11 W. 10.1%Pwrm,.w.. Lm a r,P COs Baee (CATEGORY B) Pe anrdim 38.10 $ 6.10 w man 10%Parm eWea -OarMe (O W.OPf1.w) I Pm modloi TS rrle gtll. I W Usage (CATEGORY B) 35.48 3 548 P<man 0.0%PSm.rewmv- oavhe(as•SS4e W65.00)IPa modAeaW �esaf. wtoluigeW Loetl otagao P.r mn nMrw 33.10 33.93 W.. 2.5% Pa Yrll� Biod.m O Donald (BOD) o,Wo -1w S 01 3 043 Wn,ebx 0.0%PS.re4ev -DaW.e 0,•304*, oieo.0 lPm mPalsa VS reb tartanangeW Tatd Kpdhi N - ardr 50 S 1.te 3 118 wtaelman 0.0%P.ti mine - Oarlu o ,m;o 11s IPm mO®.a U ma laaawgow SuspwKW $did, Ore.W 310 S 0.40 S 0.40 w� 0.0%Pw Mrm c Donne OYSO.Jn;OP60.w)IPa nM1eEWMerW/. W W P a..6 S 5.82 $ 5.82 .uNm,er No Pw rm r.4rw- Dmnne(,m4z u; waa,w Pa imdred Wren r3tdi. LWdme.W ' On the iniG+t fee schedule, tla usage fee for Catagor B accounts (HT1, 3M, Ohty) was Inadvertenity Increased 10%, setting Me fee Deck to no 2005 rate. 21TORSI WATER UTLITY 1. Golf Cass* Park O eemrc S 3.38 S 1.44 waoelnan 2.4 %Pe sJrnr.. 2. Singk d Two-FaMty R„ltlerft 0.0%Pa.Ml in 385 W uiMwM 23%Pwmll 19.]9 3, Pb.Pdvals Stl1ad 8 lnsdtt4loral 19.79 13.02 13.33 -n 2.5%Pwmn- S9n10r plRal reo l l rate Iba htmn 4. Mulll-Falli Re9ide all B CINHtl1 la,0 4 10.96 we',mn 25% ParYnr1W.w 5. Cc, clsl B lrlDu a P.r mn nMrw 33.10 33.93 W.. 2.5% Pa Yrll� 10.94 I mva, a.0%Pm Wn,ebx Senor Wrmrlledrmd G -aeekl valet 2A Lots l to2eaos $ eel S 448 S 4.59 wtaelman 2.51 � 2B. Lots 2 to 3 eves 7.R 8.01 w� 2.4% Ps ma aNee 2C Ldts3104o 11.16 11.43 .uNm,er 25% Pr me iwbx 2D. Lds4m5acres 1449 14.95 .W,mar 2.5 %PrmlleWw 2E. Lots m 5 aces sea Res0Wti0n 11637 see Ret . *1183] .roman Ne "- BW.eck stnrgerd service eemrc S 1416 14.16 mom 0.0%Pa.Ml mlea Bi+le9k w9I aerVFa bMra:MN arYl,a 19.]9 19.79 mvtM1 DO%P.r m111.Mex S9n10r plRal reo l l rate Iba htmn 2.50 2.50 ma.M1 o" P.r mn nMrw Smixp wreduced v919t lom 10.94 I mva, a.0%Pm Wn,ebx Senor Wrmrlledrmd G -aeekl valet $ eel 3 9.87 mom 0.0%P^mnr..lev O V Sue Schulz COUNTY ASSESSOR January 22, 2010 Office of McLeod County Assessor Court House 2383 Hennepin Ave N Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 TO THE CLERK OF CITY OR TOWN BOARD TELEPHONE 320 -864 -1254 FAX 320 -864 -1295 Enclosed is the notice of time set for the meeting of your local board of appeal. Also enclosed are the necessary notice blanks, which must be posted and published at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. If this meeting date and time set for your jurisdiction conflicts in some way, please let this office know at once so that a new date may be set. This is important because all "Notices of Assessment and Egnalization" forms that are mailed to the taxpayers will include the meeting date and time on them. A review date cannot be changed after the notices are mailed. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. Thank you Sincerely, � _ - , 4. Sue Schulz McLeod County Assessor Enc: Equal Opportunity Employer 0 (C) OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR TO THE CLERK OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON McLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the 14th day of April 2010 at 4:30 o'clock P.M., has been fixed as the date for the meeting of the Board of Appeal in your City for said year. This Meeting should be held in your office as provided by law. Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 274.03, you are required to give notice of said meeting by publication and posting, no later than ten days prior to the date of said meeting. Given under my hand this 22nd day of January , 2010 ,tj,y/ J/1- , / Sue SIcRulz, County ssesso McLeod County, Minnesota Filed in my office this day of 20 Clerk (, (c. EA City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Maintenance Operations 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 2344219 Fax (320) 234 -6971 January 22, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council members From: John Olson, Public Works Manager Subject: Airport Hangar Lease Policy After recent construction of an 8 -unit T -Hangar, the Airport has enjoyed having available hangar space. As of December 2009, all available hangars are full. Other potential tenants have since contacted the airport regarding available hangar space. Commissioners evaluated the current policy at a recent Airport Commission meeting. Their desire was to clarify and simplify the policy by making several changes, including: 1) Clarify language regarding special use hangars. 2) Identify where advertisements for available hangars would be posted. 3) Eliminate refundable deposits for being on the airport hangar waiting list, as refundable deposits have been an administrative problem in the past. 4) Maintaining one waiting list for all parties interested in obtaining hangar space at Hutchinson, regardless of whether hangar space is open or enclosed. The lower in -town and higher out -of- town resident lease rates remain intact. The attached draft of proposed amendments to the policy should make management of the waiting list simpler, more efficient and the waiting list will be a more true indication of the need for additional hangar space in the future. CJ t' a l AHIPORT HANGAR LEASING POLICY The City of Hutchinson is responsible for management, general operations, maintenance and repair of Hutchinson Municipal Airport — Ken Butler Field. The City of Hutchinson has constructed, at Federal, State and City expense, a series of aircraft storage hangars that are available for lease to house aircraft. There are not sufficient hangars to accommodate all who wish to lease hangars. Therefore, the City desires to establish a policy governing the offering of available hangars for lease to interested parties. To assist with management of the Airport, the City has established an Airport Commission and the City Council has delegated the duties and responsibilities outlined in this policy to the Airport Commission. When the Airport Commission is unable to perform described duties and responsibilities, the duties and responsibilities revert to the City Council. Disclaimer. This policy describes intended procedures for offering available hangar space for lease. The City Council and/or Airport Commission may deviate from this policy at any time to offer available hangar space in a manner deemed most beneficial to the Airport or City. Leases for available hangar space are made only by the Airport Commission. Lease agreements are valid only after having been approved by the Airport Commission. The City Council has final authority on any matter relating to this policy. Special Use Hangars The City may designate certain hangars for special use. Generally, these hangars are not charged lease rates or are charged reduced lease rates. Tenants of special use hangars are not eligible to accept any other available hangar space without approval from the Airport Commission and then must enter into a paying lease agreement at full rates. The vacated special use hangar becomes available to others when vacated by the special use tenant. Available Hangar Space. Hangar space usually becomes available when an existing hangar tenant voluntarily terminates their lease with the City. Available hangar space can also result from eviction of an existing tenant, either for non -compliance with the lease agreement or by other action of the City deemed to be in the best interest of the Airport or City. All available hangar space will be reported to the Airport Manager and the Airport Commission Chair. Written notice of available hangar space will be posted in a prominent place or places at the Airport. Available hangar space will be first offered to existing hangar tenants, then to persons or entities on the waiting list, and finally to the general public. The Airport Manager may, at his/her discretion, use the available hangar space for any municipal purpose or may offer any available hangar for short-term rental from the time it is vacated until it is leased by another tenant. Existing Hangar Tenants. No tenant may lease more than two hangars without permission from the Airport Commission. Specific authorization granted by the Airport Commission for more than two hangars may not exceed one year. Existing hangar tenants shall have first priority to move into available hangar space. Upon posting notice of a vacancy, existing hangar tenants will have until the next Airport Commission meeting to make application for the available hangar. If notice of the vacancy is posted less than one week prior to the next Airport Commission meeting, the deadline will then be the following Airport Commission meeting. The Airport Commission will review all applications for available hangar space at their next regularly COW) scheduled meeting or at an advertised meeting open to the public. Advertised hangars and meeting dates will be posted on the Airport's bulletin board. Should more than one existing hangar tenant make application for the same available hangar space, priority will be given to the existing tenant with the longest lease relationship with the Airport. If longevity prioritization is unable to be determined, the Airport Commission will determine an appropriate manner for selection, considering the best interest of the Airport. Upon selection for the available hangar, existing hangar tenants must sign a lease document and provide all necessary documentation. The tenant must prepay one month lease rate on the new hangar before vacating their existing hangar. If prepayment is not made within two (2) weeks, the hangar will again be considered vacant. Tenants will have no more than two (2) weeks to move out of their old hangar into the new hangar. No Application from Existing Hanear Tenants. If no existing hangar tenant makes application to move to the available hangar space, the hangar is then considered to be available to persons or entities whose names appear on the hangar waiting list maintained by the City. Waiting List. The City maintains a waiting list for applicants. It is the City's intent to use the waiting list to determine eligibility for available hangar space. The City reserves the right to establish procedures other than those described herein they deem necessary and beneficial to Airport operations. Applicants for the waiting list may be individuals, corporations, flying clubs, non -profit organizations, and entities other than private individuals. Names are added to the waiting lists when applicants notify the City of Hutchinson of their desire to be placed on a waiting list for an available hangar, provide contact information and other required information established by the City of Hutchinson. Names are removed from waiting lists once applicants leases a hangar. Names are removed from the list when applicants voluntarily withdraw their names. Names are removed when a person/entity refuses to rent a hangar three consecutive times. Names may also be removed by action of the City Council for any reason deemed to be in the best interest of the Airport or the City. Existing hangar tenants with one hangar are eligible to reapply to be on a waiting list as soon as they lease their first hangar. Upon leasing a hangar, tenants desiring a second hangar will be required to reapply to be on a waiting list. Upon application, their name will be listed on the waiting list by the date of their reapplication, not their original date of application. Once a tenant has two hangars, they are ineligible to reapply for placement on a waiting list. Waiting List Prioritization. Applicants are listed on waiting lists in ascending order by the date on which their application was made. Priority for available hangars is generally given to the person/entity whose name has been on a waiting list the longest time. Offerine Available Hanear Space to the Persons/Entities on the Waiting Lists. In priority order, by date of application, persons or entities on the waiting list will be offered available hangar space. Reasonable attempts will be made by City staff to contact applicants, using contact information supplied by the applicant. (_0 U) Applications for available hangar space are made to the Airport Commission. The Airport Commission will review applications from waiting list applicants at their next regularly scheduled or advertised meeting open to the public. The Airport Commission may accept or deny the application. This process will continue until the available hangar space is leased, or until the names on the resident/property owner list are exhausted. No Application from Waiting List Applicants. If no waiting list applicants lease the available hangar space, the hangar is then considered available to the public. Offering Available Hangar Space to the Public. The Airport Manager will advertise the available hangar to the general public in any manner deemed reasonable. The Airport Manager may offer the hangar to any person or entity able to comply with lease provisions. The Airport Commission may authorize an incentive reduction to lease rates for the available hangar, provided the lease rate does not drop below seventy -five percent (75 %) of the existing lease rates for comparable hangar space and provided that offer does not last more than one year. As a last resort, the City Council may authorize leasing hangar space for uses other than aircraft storage on a month -by -month basis until the hangar is able to be used in a manner complying with the standard hangar lease agreement. Hangar Trades. Existing hangar tenants may make application to the Airport Commission to trade hangar space. Applications shall indicate agreement by both parties. The Airport Commission retains the authority to allow or deny hangar trades, based on the Airport Commission's consideration of issues surrounding the proposed trade. Rules and Regulations. All persons and entities on waiting lists shall comply with rules and regulations established by the City of Hutchinson and other government agencies with jurisdiction over airport operations. Failure to comply with rules and regulations may include, but not be limited to, forfeiture of the privilege of remaining on the waiting lists. No Property Right. Nothing in this policy shall be construed as creating any property right, under any State or Federal law, by any individual or entity applicant by virtue of inclusion on or exclusion from any waiting lists or offerings for hangar space at the Hutchinson Municipal Airport — Ken Butler Field. m C City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Maintenance Operations 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234 -4219 Fax (320) 234 -6971 January 11, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council members From: John Olson, Public Works Manager Subject: Airport Agricultural Lease The City Council recently approved airport agricultural leases for the majority of agricultural land. Based on Airport Commission recommendation, staff is recommending signing a new lease with David Kirpatrick, terminating in the fall of 2012. By doing this, all airport agricultural leases will be on the same schedule for renewal in the fall of 2012. Mr. Kirkpatrick takes hay only off of about 24 acres in several small fields located west of the runway. Per agreement, the land will be used for hay and will be used by the City's Wastewater Treatment Facility to spread biosolids. These 24 acres are broken up into several small fields because of access necessary to airport equipment and because of significant grade and drainage issues. The value of these fields is lower because it is unfeasible to use large, more efficient equipment. Mr. Kirkpatrick is currently under agreement for these acres through the fall of 2010. This new lease extends the period covered by lease for two years. To better manage airport agricultural land, the Airport Commission and staff recommends entering into this three -year agreement with David Kirkpatrick for the 24 hay acres. I am available should there be any questions. (C) AGRICULTURAL LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 9' day of February, 2010, by and between the City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation, ( "City"), and David Kirkpatrick, 16918 County Rd 7, , Hutchinson, MN 55350, ( "Tenant "). 1. Property Description The City hereby rents to the Tenant in consideration of the rents and promises hereinafter described the following property located in the County of McLeod and State of Minnesota, described in Exhibit A. The property contains 24 acres, more or less, of tillable hay fields. 2. Term. The term of this Lease is for 3 hay crop years commencing on the I' day of February 2010 and terminating on the last day of November, 2012. 3. Rent. At the Tenant's option, periodic payments may be made, providing full payment is received by November 15 of each year. Rents are calculated on the basis of $65 per 24 tillable acres. For and during the term of this Lease the following sums are payable by November 15 each year as follows: 2010: $1,560.00 2011: $1,560.00 2012: $1,560.00 a) Tillable acres used for the basis of this document were calculated using the City's Geographic Information System equipment. Any dispute related to tillable acres shall be determined by mutual agreement between the tenant and the City using sound geographic information procedures. The City's Public Works Manager must make adjustments in writing. b) The tenant waives any right to withhold rent in any claim against the City. c) The tenant grants permission to the City to construct municipal service improvements as necessary. In the event construction shall take land the tenant has planted, a credit shall be negotiated between the City and the Tenant not to exceed the crop loss prices paid by the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the crop planted when land is taken. Credits shall be applied to rents due. The tenant shall not plant any land staked by the Owner or its agents or representatives for construction. d) Rent shall be paid at Hutchinson City Center, 111 Hassan St SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota and be credited to appropriate accounts. (0 C-E� 4. City's Responsibilities The City shall be responsible for paying or doing the following: a) The City's Public Works Department shall cooperate with the Tenant to the fullest extent possible to coordinate the application of biosolids from the City's Wastewater Treatment plant, should that action be determined in the best interest of the City by that Department. b) The City's Wastewater Department shall comply with all local, state, and federal regulations pertaining to the application of biosolids on fields leased, c) The City shall peaceably allow the tenant to occupy the land for normal, customary agricultural practices. 5. Tenant Responsibilities Tenant shall he responsible for paying or doing the following: a) The tenant shall occupy the premises for agricultural purposes only. The tenant will use normal, customary farming practices in the care and maintenance of the property and, without limiting normal practices, keep the premises free of noxious weeds to the extent possible. b) The tenant shall pay rent in a timely manner as prescribed herein. c) The tenant agrees to comply with all statutes, ordinances, rules, orders, regulations, and requirements of the federal, state, county, and municipal governments regulating the use of the premises. d) The tenant shall coordinate with and allow, at the City Public Works Department's discretion, the application of biosolids from the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant on fields leased by the tenant. e) Any applications of fertilizer made after the City's Public Works Department has identified a field for deposition of biosolids shall be coordinated with the City's Public Works Department. The tenant shall not apply fertilizer at quantities greater than those determined by the Public Works Department. f) The tenant shall allow access to the property by the City and its agents during all reasonable hours for the purpose of examining the property to ascertain compliance with the terms of this Agreement and for the purpose of carrying out operations and functions necessary to the operation of an airport or municipal and any other lawful purpose including, but not limited to, exhibiting the property for sale. g) The tenant shall not remove or move any existing structures or improvements made to the property by the City. The tenant may not store equipment on the property for periods exceeding one week without coordinating such storage with the City. (c) h) The tenant shall pile rocks or other items taken out of any field in areas designated by the City. i) The tenant shall plow back all fields prior to the termination of this lease. j) The tenant shall not hunt, nor allow hunting on this property. This property is in the corporate limits of the City of Hutchinson 6. Indeoendent Entities. The City does not retain the tenant as an agent of the City nor of the municipal airport. The tenant does not retain the City as an agent of the tenant. The City shall not provide to the tenant, its agents or employees, any benefits or expenses, including, but not limited to insurance for liability or property, or ordinary business expenses. 7. Costs associated with this Lease. The City is not responsible for paying any of the tenant's costs associated with this Lease, including preparation of the property for farming. The tenant shall pay all costs related to farming the property, including the cost of plowing property back at the end of this lease. 8. Insurance. The tenant shall acquire and maintain property and/or liability insurance adequate for operations conducted on the property. The tenant shall provide proof of insurance upon request by the City. The tenant, while performing any service or function related to this lease, agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless, defend the City and all its agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of functions provided in accordance with this agreement. 9. Assignment and Subletting Prohibited. Tenant agrees to assign or sublease the premises only with the written consent of the City. If the City does not consent, it may, at its option, terminate the lease. 10. Surrender of Possession. The tenant shall surrender the property to the City in good condition and repair upon termination of the Lease, whether by lapse of time or otherwise. (0 (e) 11. Termination by the City. The City may, after providing 90 days written notice to the last known address of the tenant, take possession of the property for any purpose deemed in the best interest of the City. The City shall allow the tenant to remove crops with normal, customary farming practices or return all rents paid for the year and compensate the tenant at rates not to exceed the crop loss prices paid by the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the crop planted when land is taken. 12. Remedy If the tenant fails to pay the rent when due or fails to perform any of the promises contained in this Lease, the City may re -enter and take possession of the property and hold the property without such re- entering working a forfeiture of the rents to be paid by the tenant for the full term of the Lease, after furnishing the tenant with a thirty (30) day written notice, to the last known address of the tenant, specifying the default. 13. Quiet Enjoyment The City promises that the tenant shall peaceably and quietly have, hold, and enjoy the leased property for the term of this Lease provided tenant pays the rent and performs the promises described herein. 14. Tenant's Default. Rights and remedies of the tenant are cumulative. None shall exclude any other right or remedy allowed by law or other provision of this agreement. In the event of one of the following acts, the tenant shall be in default: a) Tenant fails, neglects, or refuses to pay any installment of rent or any other monies agreed to be paid, as provided in this Lease when those amounts become due and payable, and if such failure continues for five (5) days after written notification by the City. b) Any voluntary or involuntary petition or similar pleading under any sections of any bankruptcy act shall be filed by or against the tenant or should any proceeding in a court or tribunal declare the tenant insolvent or unable to pay debts. c) Tenant fails, neglects, or refuses to keep and perform any other conditions of this Lease, and if such failure continues for a period of 30 days after written notification by the City. d) Should the tenant make any assignment of any interest in this Lease to any entity without the written consent of the City. co te-) In the event of any default or violation of this Lease continuing more than 30 days after written notification by the City to the tenant of default, the City may enter into and take absolute possession of the property. Possession of the property in these conditions does not relieve the tenant of the obligation to pay the rent or abide by other conditions of the Lease. In the event of any default or violation of the Lease continuing more than 30 days after written notification by the City to the tenant of a default, the City may return any rents paid by the tenant for that year and lease the property to another tenant. 15. Lease Agreement is Binding, This Lease Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their heirs, successors and assigns. 16. Venue for Causes of Action. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota and the venue for all causes of action shall be McLeod County, State of Minnesota. c' (e) 17. Notification. Notification related to lease shall be sent to the following addresses: Tenant: David Kirkpatrick. 16918 County Rd 7 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone(320)587 -5103 Owner's Representative: John Olson Public Works Manager 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone(320)234-4473 Fax(320)234 -6971 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the City and Tenant have set their hands as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF HUTCHINSON By: Steven W. Cook, Mayor Attest: Gary Plotz, City Administrator DAVID KIRKPATRICK 7 (o (C- Exhibit A Agricultural Property Map (L (e� Airport Ag Fields _ - Renter Kirkpatrick 4P _: 1 ` Scott Rickeman Skyview Dairy a W E `f P' Z -1 -1(7 I t 1 Ha ssan street Southeast Hutchinwn, MN 55350 (320) 587.51511Fm:(320) 2344240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered Application Type Q �(1 Short Term Date(s) Fee: $30.00 MonthlD /Year — Month/Day/Year Organization Information 1 y C ,Jer tt f z0-Sg7 - $$ Name Phone Number ) i s m4 S} S S+e /lip 4:n5on r ri 5535 I Address whe a regular meeting are held City State zip Day and time of meetings ? Rrn(dn -,eJ5 Nei 3fk Wcrdty ® 5.`30 Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? Oyes Q no How long has the organization been in existence? How may members in the organization? l What is the purpose of the organization? No er'� att f CLW h O+t Sk (4 In whose custody will organization records be kept? JgGof Lo�dakt Exrcuiiv,e '(ejoc J20 - 5$ 1-g$IoFS . . Name Phone Number al 1Y�atn 5. Sfie Itb 4 w t c k.ri San r\ 55356 Address City State zi 3 - 587 - ig9 Phone Number IdL".. calla i aiCe �ooK Rd �t� t, Wl ss3so Residence Address City State zip Date of Birth: /U / ) / 5 Place of Birth: Slee 6 Y e— Ma MontWday /year clity State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? I] yes 0l no If yes, explain: (Orf) Cuy of Hulchmson Application for Bingo Gambling Devices License Page 2 of 3 Minnesota S xr, 1 A C�xjcrl Ida �? /nn -(L$� // II C True Name hone Number 135 ` ty) Ay'e 5 F, _ i Residence Address City State zip Date of Birth: 9 /Q /(l Place of Birth: Wra)br -l Month/day /year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes Q-r(o If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? Game Information Location #1 m; SC - Kaxffe - K* Off -t - 0- 3X - 59 Name of location where game will be played Phone Number a�g matr\ '3.s 7P , II( " n ,so Address of location where game will be played City State zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: 3 -1U through ZZ -1 M A AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used- From j\34 pM To PM Maximum number of player: ►� I YYto'fL° Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money Inerchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ yes J no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes 4 no Game Information Location #2 Name of location where game will be played Phone Number Address of location where game will be played City State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: through AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From pM To PM Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ❑ yes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes ❑ no U , f\ 55331 City State Zip - T((fa Sut�e� Title 1,410 56 fM 5535 City State zip Y't IA` VI I 1 SAh mt1 553 YD �Lenee tJf - Sif c( e- +( f City of Hutchinson Application for Bingo Ga bBng Devices License Page 3 oJ3 I Dxm y X66 (N P S a Name Title 1017 Zo�loa Cr�en Lo � � �san mr� X535 Residence ence Address City State Zip Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Information ( necessaM list additional names on separate sheet Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Name Title Residence Address city State Zi Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager 0"yes ❑ no Authorized Officer yes ❑ no Initial Initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof. City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: - -d' oro Date U�) Signature of auth&ized officer of organization 0 Hutchinson An E conomic 0eve ?04)mentAuthorlty MEMORANDUM Date: February 9, 2009 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council From: Miles R. Seppelt Economic Development Director RE: Contract with County for Economic Development Services First, I apologize for the very late notice This opportunity came up rather quickly and we are dealing with many aspects of this project "on the fly." is BACKGROUND • In late December EDA staff was contacted by a company that wanted to do a project in McLeod County • The project is estimated to create 60 jobs within two years, paying $15 / hour with full benefits. • It could be classified as a "renewable energy / bio- science project." • The project location would be in McLeod County, but not in Hutchinson • Hutchinson will obtain significant benefits if this project happens. COUNTY • EDA Staff notified the county about this opportunity. • After meetings with County board members, the county has approached the Hutchinson EDA about providing assistance for the coordination and implementation of this economic development project. • Both the EDA Finance Team and the full EDA Board have reviewed project in detail and are recommending approval of this request. If any council member would like to meet with me individually, I'd be happy to share more about the project • and answer any questions you might have. My number is 234 -4223. Thank for your time and consideration. 0 RESOLUTION # 13694 AUTHORIZING THE HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) TO CONTRACT WITH THE COUNTY OF MCLEOD FOR A SPECIFIC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT • WHEREAS, a specific economic development opportunity has arisen that will occur outside the corporate limits of the City of Hutchinson, and; WHEREAS, the project, if successfully completed, will result in significant economic benefits for the City of Hutchinson and its citizens, and; WHEREAS, the County of McLeod has approached the City of Hutchinson requesting assistance for the coordination and implementation of this project, and; WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Hutchinson Economic Development Authority has reviewed this request in detail and are recommending its approval, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, Hereby au thorizes the Hutchinson Economic Development Authority (EDA) to enter into a contract with McLeod County for the provision of economic development services for this particular project. Adopted by the City Council this 9` day of February, 2010. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz Steven W. Cook City Administrator Mayor • REVIEWED Marc A. Sebora City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 10 -0540 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 90.03 — OBSTRUCTIONS IN STREETS § 90.03 OBSTRUCTIONS IN STREETS (A) Obstructions. It is a misdemeanor for any person to place, deposit, display or offer for sale, any fence, goods or other obstructions upon, over, across or under any street without first having obtained a written permit from the Council, and then only in compliance in all respects with the terms and conditions of that permit, and taking precautionary measures for the protection of the public. An electrical cord or device of any kind is hereby included, but not by way of limitation, within the definition of an obstruction. (B) Fires. It is a misdemeanor for any person to build or maintain a fire upon a street (C) Dumping in streets. It is a misdemeanor for any person to throw or deposit in any street any nails, dirt, glass or glassware, cans, discarded cloth or clothing, metal scraps, garbage, leaves, grass or tree limbs, paper or paper products, shreds or rubbish, oil, grease or other petroleum products, or to empty any water containing salt or other injurious chemical thereon, except for leaves raked into the gutter line specifically for and in compliance with a municipal leaf pick up program. It is a violation of this section to haul any material of this type, inadequately enclosed or covered, thereby permitting the same to fall upon streets. It is also a violation of this section to place or store any building materials or waste resulting from building construction or demolition on any street without first having obtained a written permit from the Council. (D) Signs and other structures. It is a misdemeanor for any person to place or maintain a sign, advertisement or other structure in any street without first having obtained a written permit from the Council. In a district zoned for commercial or industrial enterprises, special permission allowing an applicant to erect and maintain signs overhanging the street may be granted upon terms and conditions as may be set forth in the zoning or construction provisions in Title XV of this code of ordinances. (E) Placing snow or ice in a roadway or on a sidewalk (1) It is a misdemeanor for any person not acting under a specific contract with the city, or without special permission from the City Administrator, to remove snow or ice from private property and place the same in any roadway. Snow or ice on driveways, sidewalks and the like shall not be pushed across traveled portions of roadways and may only be stored on private property or on rights -of- way adjacent to the private property. The city may assess the cost of removal of snow or ice against the affected property owner pursuant to the provisions of § 90.01(C) of this code. (2) Where permission is granted by the City Administrator, the person to whom that permission is granted shall be initially responsible for payment of all direct or indirect costs of removing the snow or ice from the street or sidewalk. If not paid, 106-) collection shall be by civil action or assessment against the benefitted property as any other special assessment. (F) Continuing violation. Each day that any person continues in violation of this section shall be a separate offense and punishable as such. (G) Condition. Before granting any permit under any of the provisions of this section, the Council may impose insurance or bonding conditions thereon as it, considering the projected danger to public or private property or to persons, deems proper for safeguarding those persons and property. The insurance or bond shall also protect the city from any suit, action or cause of action arising by reason of the obstruction. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this day of Steven W. Cook Mayor 2010. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Tom Kloss, Director of Information Technology�� RE: Paperless Packets DATE: 219/2010 Following is an estimate to compare the costs between the printing and distribution of the Council packets to the five Council members and using low cost net books to distribute the packets electronically. The costs are calculated over a six year period based on the projected life 6f1iITM', me Iry ns The plan is for the City of Hutchinson to purchase the netbooks and the licensing to match what is used at the City Offices. All hardware and software would be owned and managed by the City IT department. In an effort to integrate Council communications with City staff all Council members would also be set up with a City of Hutchinson e-mail address on the City e -mail servers. The estimated outcome is a savings of $1342 over the 6 year period. One of the costs that are more subjective but very real are the cost of missed communications along with staff time of resending, converting or troubleshooting issues when non -City e-mail systems fail. Cost Comparison Estimate of Paper versus Non -paper Packets over a 6 year period Paper Packets Net Books Copying of Packets $7,992 Net Book Purchase $40D Packet Transport and Delivery $3,780 Anti -Virus and Pest Patrol ($24 per year x 6 Years) $144 Printing Charges $540 Core CAL ($75 per year x 6 years) $450 Office Package Licensing ($200 peryear x 6 years) $1,200 Total Estimate over a 6 year period /Council Member $2,194 Total Estimate over a 6 year $12,312 Multiply the above cost by 5 for the total 6 year $10,970 period Estimate for all 5 Council Members GENERALFUND 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 % of Description Adopted Budget Actuais Adopted Budget Actuate Budget Remaining Budget REVENUES Taxes 11 31981,000 $ 3,952,163 $ 4,184,810 $ 4.166,093 $ 26,717 99.36% Delinquent Taxes 12,000 41,653 12,000 42,803 (30,803) 356.69% Licenses 56,300 63,140 57,989 51,280 6,709 88.43% Permits 336,180 233,369 304,696 245,205 69,490 80.48% Intergovernmental (Aids, Grants, School Liason..elc) 424.575 495,924 378,471 472,662 (94,181) 124.88% LGA 2,180,166 1,862,494 2,205,753 2,062.773 152,980 93.06% Charges for Services 1,778,073 1,923,457 1,757,664 1,863,977 1106,313) 106.06 Fines 8 Forfeitures 45,000 46,578 45,000 43,790 1,210 97.31% Interest Income 70,000 117,095 70,000 16,360 54,640 21.94% Refunds B Reimbursements (stme< Lighting, . °& R- u1huus, school Reim. of emend., ATMI 402,950 468,290 406,632 661,373 (172,741) 142.27% Tf2ASfeTS Tamar Fin A.., P R,Poliu,R.Exinimu, Tree Program, N3A Res 6 I.. Rely 20011) 194,774 190,100 81,000 127;516 (411 16) 157.43% Sag Insurance Transfer - - 76,000 - 76,000 0.00% WIS Fund Transfer 129,800 129,800 136,290 136,290 - 100.00% Creekside Transfer - - $2,600 62,500 - 100.00% Liquor Transfer 332,000 332,000 348,600 348,600 100.00% HospitaP Transfer 150,000 160,000 157,500 168,000 (10,5001 106.67% Utilities Transfer 1,105,000 1,105,000 1,160,250 1,160,250 - 100.00% Surcharges 1,000 339 11000 389 611 38.90% Fund Balance 10,000 - 47,168 - 47,168 0.00% Total Revenues S 11,208,818 S 11,111,402 $ 11,486.323 $ 11,620,852 $ 136.529) 2.47% EXPENDITURES Salaries$ Benefits $ 7,405,549 $ 7,024,120 $ 7,727,061 $ 7,038,018 $ 689,043 91.08% Supplies 8 Maintenance 572,811 765,296 615,630 700,514 (84,894) 113.79 Consulting (Professional 8 Contractual Serv[cosi 386,849 403,046 429,858 420,870 8,988 97.91% Services S Charges 2,105,515 2,243,491 1,965,735 1,977,383 (11,648) 100.59% Utilities Transfer 436,000 436,000 457,800 11 - 100.00% HATS Transfer 87,060 83,700 87,050 90,352 (3,302) 103.79% Water Cann val/Safety Council Expense 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,260 - 100.00% Mlso Expenses (Lodging Tax, LMC, Coalition, Taxes, ATM Fees) 149,394 141,352 150,739 182,018 (31,279) 120.75% Capital O utlay ( Trse Program, Perpetual care- cemetery) 63,400 - 49,200 6 6,6 0 0 ( 1 15.04 1 /a Total Expenditures $ 11,208,618 It 11.,099,2$5 $ 11,486,323 $ 10,926,805 s $49,518 2.47% Total Revenues ovarl(under) Expenditures - $ 12,147 $ $ 595,047 C71 2009 Accomplishments -- Marilyn Hed 1 -ATM- negotiated the purchase and permitting for a new machine. Researched fees and set user fee. Net income from this machine has paid Y. the cost of the machines purchase price in 10 months. The useage is increasing as more people realize it is available. MN DEPT OF COMMERCE - obtained approval of authorization to process transactions. 2- Participated in the process of increasing our motor vehicle user fee at the state level by attending deputy association meetings, writing our legislators, and obtaining a signed resolution to support this increase. Participated at the state capitol finance committee to request fee increase. 3- Exceeded annual budget goals after cutting staff hours and expenses to meet the demands of the present economy 4 -State variance from Commissioner Campion obtained. Cost analysis and survey done twice to study the effects on customer services and revenues. We close Mondays and stay open later on Thursdays without a decrease in services. Surveys rated a high (98 %) satisfaction even with the surveys of a few citizens that would like us open on Mondays. Received a one year variance to continue a short work week; at the end, the results will be reviewed again by the state commissioner as well as the city. 5- Managed to continue to direct and supervise a well trained staff over a long recovery period from major surgery. 2010 GOALS — Marilyn Hed 1- Maintain a high service satisfaction for our citizens. Service box option set up for Mondays to drop off bill. 2- Measure results of a cost analysis and survey for the state commissioner. 3- Participate in legislative campaign for deputy user fee increases. 4- Host Minnesota Deputy Registrar Association meeting -June 5 -DNR -Fish and Game new computer and program set up. 6 -Train staff on all law changes and recertify them on titles for the state . 7- Ongoing training of staff on Homeland Security updates regarding passports and licensing. 8- Continue to search for increase revenue and control department costs while improving Citizen satisfaction . 6 Minnesota Department of Public Safety - Driver and Vehicle Services -��• 445 Minnesota Streer, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone. 65t296.3290 Fax: 651.797.1220 TOD: 851.262.6555 2008 Deputy Registrar Review Region: AREA 2 1 Deputy #: 053 I Location /City: HUTCHINSON Performance Key: -•1 —Above Satisfactory 2— Satisfactory 3 —Below Satisfactory 2008 Overall Performance A. Phone Calls to MV Total ° /a a. Calendar Year" ransactlons 2008 2007 General 5, 0.32 Long Applications 7,418 7,778 Research 22 0.15 Renewals 22,971 22,888 Impounds 17 039 Duplicate Titles 281 335 . Procedures 41 0.15 Total Transactions 30 31 Dealers 0 0.00 % of Statewide Transactions 0.62 0.63 Prorate 0 000 Fast Track 1 0.68 Total Phone Calls 86 C. De artment Reference D. Office Invento Verify Attended Fall Seminar .� Inventory Secured Number of Staff Certified Obsolete Sticker Inventory Fast Track Chat'Titles Processed Stickers Issued in Sequence Fast Track Chat Titles Denied - Check Inventory Routinely - Comments: Thanks for your good work Deputy Contact Name Deputy Contact Sig ature _Sheila Tatone Reviewer(s) Name Date Revlewer(s) Signature I 1 t-Q-) Year End Recap M -DL- Passports -DNR -Fish & Game 2009 2008 Grand Totals: $4,341,828.79 Grand Totals: $4,355,881.46 City Fees: $232,216.18 City Fees: $245,014.2 Transactions: 42871 Transactions: 43,353 Motor Vehicle Motor Vehicle Total: $3,864,133.83 otal: $3,846,619.65 City Fees: $156,353.00 City Fees: $162,877.75 Transactions: 30,528 Transactions: 30,680 Drivers License Drivers License Total: $129,837.50 Total: $142,021.25 City Fees: $36,585.00 City Fees: $41,300.00 Transactions: 7,407 Transactions: 8,331 Passport Passport Applications: $14,530.30 pplications: $16,525.00 Photos: $9,860.00 Photos: $10,120.00 Postage: $1,124.78 661 Transactions: (Apps & Photos) 1,285 DNR DNR Total: $100,990.28 Total: $104,014.31 City Fees: $11,924.50 City Fees: $13,502.5 Transactions: 2,777 Transactions: 3,027 F &G F &G Total: $14,651.00 Total: $18,212.00 City Fees: $598.00 City Fees: $689.00 Transactions: 874 Transactions: 654 ATM 10 months $1,240.60 A B C D E I F I G H )I 1 I K ILI M I N 1 T 5 Year End Reca Comparison 2009 2008 2007 — 2 — -- — 006 ! _ 2005 2 3 4 Grand Totals: $4,341,8 Grand Total _' $_4,355,881.46 C ity Fees: $245,014.25 Motor Transact ions: Vehide- 43,353 Total T $3,846,619.6 Ci Fees ty $162,877.75 Transactio 30,680 G rand To $4,463,168.32 C ity Fees: _ $239,466.5 42 Tran sactions: MO[or Vehi Total: $4,126,681.89 - Ciry Fees: $165,211.75 Transactions: T— 30,854 Grand Totals: _ $4,450,448 .00 City Fee $244,856.0 Trans 44 Vehicle Total ; $4,159,607.00 - - — - City Fees: $166,70 Trans actions :_ 31,19 Grand Totals: City Fees: _ $241, 619.88 Tra nsactions: 44,165 Motor Vehicle Total: 1 $4,194,463.02 _— - - C lty Fees: $158,881.70 Transactions: I _ 30 ,8 . 58 Dr yers License To tal: $146,6 G Fees $33,749.50 ty — __- —_ Transactions: T 8,326 _. —. _- Passport City Total _ $34,662.18 ci Trans _.- 728 - - — _- — DN R _— Total: T_ $1 City Fees: $13,527.50 Transaction _3,214 Total: $20475.00 City Fees $799.00 Transactions: '. 1,039 5 City Fees: $232,216.18 Transactions: 9 Motor Vehicle 9 Total: $ 3,864,133.63 10 City Fees: $ 156,353.00 - _ 11 Transactions: ' 30528 _ 13 Drivers License Drive Licens _ Total: $ 142,021.25 City Fees: $41,300. - Transactio 8,331 —� —. Passport_ Applications: $16,525.00 Photos: _ — $10,120. __ Transactions: 661 � i Dri vers License _ T otal: 51 69,020.00 City Fees: —� $40,470. Tra nsactions: 8,047 - - Passport Appli cations: _ $7,110.00 Ph otos $11,73 Tra nsactions: � 2 - _DNR Total: $130,244. City Fee s: $14,243.00 Transactions: —� 3,217 - Drivers License Tota _ $155,149.00 City Fees + ty $39,660.00 _ Transactons: 8,207 Passport Pic tures City Total: i $23,261.00 Transactions: : 1 775 - 14 Total: $ 129,837.50 15 G Fees- $ 36,585.00 16 Transactions: 7407 18 Passport 19 A "cations: $ 14,530,30 20 Photos: $ 9,860.00 21 Postage: $ 1,124,78 22 Transactions: (Mwaana�) 1285 D _ NR Total. �— $93,494.00 City Fees: $14,516.00 Transactions: 2,957 _ &G Total: $18,937.00 Gty Fees: $806.00 Transactions: 982 23 _ _ _ DNR Total._ � $104,014.31 _ Ci ty Fees: $13,5 02.5_0 Tra nsactions: { 24 DNR 25 Total: $ 100,990,28 26 City Fees: $ 11,924,50 27 Transactions: 2777 28 _ _ - 3,027 _ 29 Fish &Game F &G; Total: _ $ 18,212.0 0 Clty Fees: $ 689.00 Transactions 654 F &G Tot $18, 381.25 City Fees: j $701.75 Transactio i 642 - 30 Total: $ 14,651.00 31 City Fees: $ 598,00 32 Transactions: 874 —_ - - - 33 34 35 ATM Fees 10 Months $1,240.60 Funds Collected for Total Funds Employee Hours The State by the City Collected for City Jan. l- Dec.31 2008 $4,110,867.20 $245,014.25 7,767.39 2009 $4,109,612.60 $232.216.18 7,202.28 Difference ($ 1,254.60) ($ 12,798.07) ( 565.11) One time adjustment: Full time employee extended sick days approx. 395,00 Estimate savings of hours in normal circumstance 960.11 Projected labor savings $27,564.76 PER CENT CHANGE IN EACH CATEGORY FROM 2008 TO 2009 Motor Vehicle Driver's License Dept. Natural Resources Fish & Game Income -4% -11.4% Transactions -0.5% - 11.1% Funds collected for the State by the City: - 11.7% - 8.3% • Remained constant inspite of an economic slow down. • Shows little to no effect of closing Mondays Funds collected for the City: • Shows 2009 decrease of approximately 5.2% from 2008. - 13.2% +33.6% • This is hard to analyze because of a combination of things, such as: the economy, people holding vehicles longer before trading, or cheaper vehicles. • MN State Drivers license Bureau has noticed a delay in parents letting young drivers on the road because of the added expense of driving school, an added car and additional insurance cost. • We have seen more "no fee" transactions, especially in Department of Natural Resources. These transactions take a lot of labor for which we are not compensated. • Passport application fees have been reduced to $25.00 from $30.00. I I t-Q-) 5 Year MV /DL City Fees $180,000.00 $160,000.00 $140,000.00 $120,000.00 $100,000.00 $80,000.00 $60,000.00 $40,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 y= /uues 2009 DL City Fees MV City Fees r— $4,500,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $3,500,000.00 $3,000,000.00 N a $2,500,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $0.00 Yr S Iar S lf DL & M1 2008 2009 DL $tate Total MV $tate Total iuu5 2006 — I— - - -- z— z0o7 r - - -_. 5 Yr Dollar Sales of Passports /DNR /Fish and Game $140,000.00 ° Ln N - A $120,000.00 - tn %0 A tD �' N A 00 $100,000.00 $80,000.00 - $60,000.00 A IV w 01 A $40,000.00 00 � n 0 O C Q $20,000.00 ° $0.00 r City Passports ■ 2006 2007 ■ 2008 � - 00 00 0~0 {� ■ 2009 y A A y W N A N N A^ 4^ tK A O 04 04 O p Q V 00 �j 0� 4 4 t � G O w O O DNR State DNR City Fees Fish & Game State Fish & Game City Fees City - School- Community Advisory Committee Statement of Understanding Purpose: The City of Hutchinson and the Hutchinson School District recognize that both entities contribute to the quality of life in Hutchinson and to the economic vitality of the community. Both entities also recognize that the same tax payers provide funds to help each entity offer their programs and services to the community. To that end, both entities desire to work cooperatively together to help maximize and achieve the best use of those tax dollars and maximize the benefit each entity provides to the community. Responsibilities: The committee will serve an advisory role to both the City Council and the Hutchinson School District. The committee will focus on the following areas: • Engage in long -range comprehensive joint facilities planning • Suggest future public facility priorities • Identify and suggest ways to maximize shared use of existing and future public facilities • Identify and suggest financing options that minimize the tax impact of future public facilities. • Identify and suggest possible collaborative service arrangements. Limitations: • The committee has no authority to speak on behalf of either entity, make decisions on behalf of elther entity, enter into contracts, or expend funds. Time Commitment: Members will be expected to attend regular quarterly meetings on the third Wednesday of each quarter at the Central District Office from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. • March 17, 2010 • June 16, 2010 • September 15, 2010 • December 15, 2010 Committee Membership: • Voting Members • Two city council members, appointed by the City Council • Two school board members, appointed by the School Board • Six community members, approved jointly by the city council and school board • Term limits: two full consecutive terms • Advisors /Facilitator • City Administrator • School District Superintendent • Finance Director from City of Hutchinson and School District • District Building and Grounds Director • Community Education /Parks and Recreation Director Terms: • Council and school board members — status permanent • Community members — two - or three -year terms At Large Community Member Personal Characteristics: • Comprehensive faclllty planning expertise • High level of decision and problem solving skills • Community Involvement • Finance experience • School District resident • Leadership capabllitles • Organizational and strategic planning experience R"v edJunuury 21, 2010 Wt) TO: Citizens of the Hutchinson Fire District, Mayors, City Councils, and Town Board Supervisors Frorrc Brad Emans, Fire Chief Data 02/01/2010 Re: Monthly Update on Activities of the Fire Department Fire Department Response: The fire department responded to 41 calls for service in the month of January. Fire Officer Only Response: A "fire officer only responded to 18 calls in January, saving the Hutchinson Fire District the cost of a "generar alarm estimated at $3,204.00 for the month, and just as important, kept our 'pad-on-call" professional firefighters at their full -time job an additional 270 hoursl Response Time (First Emergency Vehicle Out of the Door): January — 5 minutes 31 seconds Note: Remember that our paid-on-call firefighters must drive to the station for an emergency call, and January presented some rather interesting driving oondit;o s with regard to the icy roads! Example of a Few of the Calls: • The FD responded to a fire in an apartment building in the southeast part of the city when the renter placed a candle on the kitchen stove top and accidentally turned the burner on. The fire was contained to the appliance, however, the entire third floor sustained moderate smoke damage when the apartment door was left open during evacuation; • The FD responded to a single family residential kitchen fire in the northeast part of the city when the property owner had a grease fire in the oven. The house sustained moderate to heavy smoke damage throughout; • The FD responded to a possible single family residential fire in the southwest part of the city when a neighbor noticed heavy black smoke coming from the house. Upon arrival it was determined that the property owner was burning "questionable" material in the wood burner, • The FD responded to a "water flow" alarm in a vacan commercial building in the southeast part of the city, upon arrival fire officals found a frozen pipe that had ruptured, flooding the rear storage area; • The FD responded to a possible residential structure fire in a township southwest of the city, upon arrival the fire department found smoke coming from under the shingles on the second floor. With the aid of the thermal imaging camera, it was determined that the property owner did not have an attic fire, but did have a failed chimney fire. The home sustained minor stricture and minor smoke damage; (C-) • The FD responded to an industrial fire in the southeast part of the city, upon arrival the fire department found moderate to heavy smoke coming from one of the buildings. Firefighters entered the building and found a large manufacturing machine on fire, the machine suffered fire damage and the building had moderate to heavy smoke damage; • The FD responded to an apartment fire in the southwest part of the city when a resident was using the oven in the apartment for storage and accidentally turned the oven on. The appliance was a total loss, the apartment and first floor of the building suffered moderate smoke damage; • The FD responded to a call at one of the high rise apartment buildings in the city when a hot water heat pipe burst on the fifth floor flooding one of the units. Breakdown of the Calls for the Month: City: Residential CommerciaVlndustrial 6 Multi Family 3 School 1 Carbon Monoxide 9 Hazardous Material 3 Vehicle 1 Rescue 0 Medical 2 Grass 0 Sky -Wam 0 Mutual Aid 0 Structure Fires 4 Arson 0 Rural: Rescue 3 Grass Type 0 Medical 6 Residential 1 Farm Building 1 Hazardous Material 1 Carbon Monoxide 0 Vehicle 0 CommerciaDlndustrial 0 Mutual Aid Structure Fires 1 Anton 0 Training: • The firefighters trained on three topics presented by the Minnesota State Fire Marshal's Office: Legal requirements at the fire scene, basic Arson detection, and fire death investigation; • The firefighters completed the new CPR/AED requirements presented by Ridgewater College; • The firefighters completed the annual "equipment inventor}' on the trucks and in the station. Fire Prevention ! Public Relations: • The FD completed a safety class and station tour for a Cub Scout troop; • The FD completed a safety class and station tour for a Girl Scout troop. Other Information: Number of calls that required more than one engine, one IC, and four firefighters for the month: 8 Estimated dollars lost to fire for the month: $18,000 Estimated dollars saved for the month: $2,375,000 • Page 2 Hutchinson Public Library Board Minutes Monday, November 23. 2009 Present: John Paulsen, Abby Dahlquist, Guy Stone, Roger Vacek, Eric Yost, and Mary Henke, Ex- Officio Excused: Yvonne Johnson, and Janet Vacek John called the meeting to order. The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. Roger made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, with Abby seconding the motion. Passed Report from Pioneerland board member Jack Sandberg: Major issues are revising Health insurance options and developing options for Phased retirement. Policies for Test Proctoring and a Patron Code of Behavior were passed by the Pioneerland Board and are out to the area libraries for review. Old Business: Fall Community Forum Oct 27 at 7 PM was attended by about 25 people. The overall impression was positive. Interesting presentations and discussions by Deb Brandt, Donna Krauth, Bev Bonte, and Marietta Neumann were followed by questions and comments from the audience. One helpfiil addition would be the Local Job Service. New Business: The General Election Legacy Amendmen passed Nov 4, 2008 is beginning to provide funds —the first years funds of $7000 are assigned to McLeod Libraries. These funds are to be used for programs in the area of Drama, Art, History, Culture and require that the program be defined in advance by completing applicable forms. This will be discussed further in the Pioneerland Librarians meeting. "Legacy Sampler" is one of the suggested first year themes. The Norita Levy family sent a card of Thanks for the Levy Memorial ($90) to be used for Children's books. Library News from around the region is reported in the Pioneerland "Happening" Newletter. Next meeting is Dec 28 at 4:30 PM. Topics: 1. Legacy Programs 2. Budget Guy moved to adjourn the meeting, with Eric seconding the motion. Motion carved. Submitted, Roger Vacek, Acting Secretary iii) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 7:00 AM Minutes I . CALL 1'0 ORDER: Vice Chairman LaVonne Hansen called the meeting to order. Members Present: Bill Arndt, Becky Felling, and Ruth Kimball. Staff Present: Jean Ward and Judy Flemming. 2. MINUTES OF THE HRA BOARD MEETING ON NOVEMBER 17, 2009 Bill Amdt moved to approve the Minutes as written. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS a. Bill Arndt moved to approve the City Center General Fund payments of $30,229.17 for checks 7514 to 7525 and November 30, 2009 Financial Statements and Park Towers October Financial Statements and payments of $139,912.21 for checks 10951 to 10985. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS UPDATES , a. ARRA funds - Parking Lot Project: The engineer put the final specification together. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the estimated budget. Bill Arndt moved to authorize up to $72,500 in operation reserve funds for the project and to hire an excavation supervisor to monitor the soil remediation. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Bill Arndt moved to approve Resolution #09 -13 to Write Off Uncollectable Account. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unanimously. c. Becky Felling moved to approve the AT & T cell antennae lease modification according to original lease agreement. Bill Arndt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSDIERATION OF RESOLUTION #09 -14 TO ADOPT PROCUREMENT POLICY Ruth Kimball moved to approve Resolution #09 -14 to adopt procurement policy with the recommendation for the Board. Bill Amdt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSDIERATION OF APPROVING UP TO 521,000 IN LEVERAGE FOR 2010 CASA APPLICATION $3,000 X 7 HOUSEHOLDS Bill Arndt moved to approve up to $21,000 in leverage for the 2010 CASA application. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 7. REVIEW OF NEW FIX UP FUND /COMMUNITY FIX UP FUND ENERGY REBATE PROGRAM Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the new Fix -Up Fund/CFUF Energy rebate program. 8. 2009/2010 SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION HOUSE UPDATE Bill Arndt moved to continue waiting for Wells Fargo's to respond even with the delayed time] ine/closing. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 9. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION #09 -15 ADOPTING 2010 CITY OF HUTCHINSON COMPENSATON PLAN Becky Felling moved to approve Resolution #09 -15 adopting 2010 City of Hutchinson compensation plan. Bill Arndt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 10.OTHER/FYI: Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Foreclosure Sate Report. December 15.2009 A4inules Page 1 of I1. ADJOURNMENT Bill Arndt moved to adjourn. Ruth Kimball seconded. There being no other business, Vice Chairman LaVonne Hansen declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director December 15. 2009 Minuits Page 2 "F2 � � (e) Resource Allocation February 2, 2010 4:00 PM Committee Hutchinson City Center Attendees: Steve Cook, Gary Plotz, Jeremy Carter, Kent Exner (Committee Members) Dolf Moon, John Olson, Miles Seppelt, Dick Nagy (Contributing Participants) Meeting Minutes 1. Automatic Meter Reading/HUC Update — Sensus/HD Supply to provide review Paul Thom of HD Supply ( Sensus regional vendor) provided a presentation reviewing the functionality and applications of their FlexNet automatic meter reading system. Some of the significant points of the presentation included the compatibility with Hutchinson Utilities Commission's current meter reading implementation, the elimination of nearly all manual activities associated with our current meter reading process, potential leak detection/water loss minimization, "snow bird "/foreclosure property protection services, 20 -year warranty period (estimated 25 -30 battery life), Sensus' willingness to hold prices for up to a 3 -year timeframe, and Sensus' ability to protect local vendors during a public bid process. Also, Paul T. mentioned that the City's potential project would he similar to what has been accomplished in other regional cities (Crystal — MN, Fairbault — MN, Menominee — WI, Plattville — WI), should typically have a 7 to 8 year payback period, would usually he administered "all at once ", and won't be eligible for significant Federal grants. Jeremy C. mentioned that an "end- user" review with another City could he beneficial and that a discussion with City IT staff regarding potential customer information interfaces should occur. Possible project funding alternatives including Water/Wastewater Funds, City bonding, and a temporary user fee were discussed, with City staff being asked to generate some financing options. Dick N. mentioned that 18 man/days have been invested into this month's meter reading activities which doesn't include compilation efforts and upcoming re- reads. At this point, the RAC outlined a potential project schedule of presentinI on the feasibility/funding at the February 23"" City Council meeting, requesting City Council bidding authorization at the March 23 meeting, possible project award at the April 27 meeting, and addressing the installations/programming during the summer months. 2. Washington Ave & Adams St Project — review status, assessments, proposed improvements/layout, etc. - Kent E. stated that McLeod County has established an April 19' bid opening for this pmject. Thus, the assessment hearing and project award would most likely occur at the May 1 I City Council meeting. A brief discussion regarding project assessments occurred with the outcome being that any assessment amounts and terms won't be established until after the actual construction bids are received and reviewed. 3. Sherwood St SE Extension Project — review status, assessments, proposed improvements/layout, etc. - Kent E. provided a brief review of the discussions occurring with property owners adjacent to this project. The RAC recommended that if any assessments are deferred, then the properties that are benefitting from the project in the near -term should incur the costs of the deferrals with potential future compensation. The RAC decided that no City Council closed meetings should occur until further discussions with adjacent property owners takes place. 4. Mn/DOT TH 7 Property Transactions — review recently provided appraisal information - Kent E. reviewed the recently provided Mn/DOT property valuation appraisal documents of three grouping of remnant properties along TH 7 and/or TH 15. The RAC thought the appraisals appeared to be favorable to the City and recommended that they he discussed by the City Council. However, per Mn/DOT, the appraisals still need to be certified by their Central Office before actual City acceptance can occur. Thus, the documents will be brought forward when Mn /DOT notifies the City of their certification. Also, the RAC directed City staff to inquire on the status of MnMOT's Water Street truck stop property valuation appraisal as previously requested. 5. Mn/DOT Stimulus 2 Projects — review potential project eligibility - Kent E. discussed the potential of additional "stimulus" projects through a Federal "jobs bill ". Mn/DOT has solicited projects that could be designed, bid and constructed in a very timely fashion. Thus, City staff has identified 2o Avenue SE (Main St to the Crow River bridge) as a potential deliverable project. Also, during this project design process, the 2 Avenue bridge will be reviewed within a loading evaluation/upgrade feasibility study . The RAC was accepting of 2°" Avenue SE being chosen as the project for this potential funding mechanism. 6. Other Discussion MINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board December 7, 2009 Members present were Chad Czmowski, Scott Scholl, Mary Christensen and Jay Bartholomew. Also present were Doff Moon and Karen McKay. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm. A motion was made by Chad Czmowski and seconded by Mary Christensen to approve the minutes dated November 2, 2009. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Luce Line Trail Update — The trail project has 16 supporting agencies. A hearing will be held in early 2010. Senator Dille and Representative Shimanski will author the bill. NEW BUSINESS High Tides Swimming Program Update — In 2008 the High Tides swim program had 46 participants in the Novice and Silver levels for ages 6 -12 years. The number of participants rose to 104 in 2009 after promoting the program in the PRCE brochure. The cost of using the High School Pool was $1,000 /month and was too expensive for the small number of participants. Now the number of hours the pool is being used has been adjusted and High Tides is making use of the larger Middle School Pool. There was a swim meet at the Middle School Pool December 5th and 6th; there were 600 participants. The facilities and staff were overwhelmed by such a great turnout. Next year the swim meet may have to be held on separate weekends to accommodate the boys and girls. Prairie Presentation Power Point — There were over 20 participants, mainly from the metro area, in Hutchinson for the Prairie workshop November 19 The workshop consisted of a tour of Hutchinson's prairie projects, a panel discussion with DNR and city staff and a power point presentation. AMERESCO Engineering Assessment —The board received a copy of the preliminary engineering assessment for the City of Hutchinson. AMERESCO evaluated the city owned facilities identifying energy use and ways to reduce costs. They will provide a list of projects that will reduce the energy and operating costs as well as increase overall efficiency. The heating and cooling systems in the ice arena and Recreation Center could be converted to geothermal. The City is focused on energy cost reduction and is the owner of the process they will decide what changes will be made. PRCE Budget Update — The City Council may authorize the budget in December. Expenses rose by $39,982 from 2003 to 2010 while revenues increased by $204,149 in the same period. Fees remained the same. The net difference is $164,167 less in 2010 from 2003; there are eight less staff members. There were also two full time parks employees that took an early retirement package offered by the city in June of 2009. The department provides more park trail programs than in 2003 and relies on part-time seasonal employees and parent volunteer coaches rather than paid staff. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:03 pm by a motion made by Chad Czmowski and seconded by Jay Bartholomew. The Board unanimously agreed. Sidewalk Snow Removal Monthly Report January 2010 Monthly Summary of Sidewalk Snow Removal Noncompliance A summary of sidewalk snow removal notices left at properties not in compliance with Chapter 90.01 Ice and Snow on Public Sidewalks, of the Hutchinson City Code of Ordinances can be found below. 24 hours were given to those receiving notice to remove snow deposited onto the public sidewalk. Number of properties that received snow removal notice 2 Number of properties cleared by City order 2 Number of properties pending compliance at month's end 0 Properties that were ordered to be cleared by the City House strwt Quadrant Property Owner City PID BIII Wallace LLC Trustee 36 Jefferson St SE 8001 E Bloomington Fwy aH 06. 118 -28 -03 -0160 Bloomington. MN 66423 Deutsch* Bank National Trust Co. c/o Options One Mortgage 400 Lynn Rd SW 6601 Irvine Cantor Dr 01- 11 6-30- G8 -OMO Mall Stop-08-RE Irvine CA 92618 0 CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 2010 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REPORT r- . L. • 2/312010 12 .08:12 Page- 1 Business Unit PAYROLL FUND B/S PAYROLL FUND B/S PAYROLL FUND B/S 2,969.93 DECEMBER 2009 COLLECTION 108137 20091231 2850.6906 LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT UNALLOCATED GENERAL 2,969.93 158581 2/1/2010 102635 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 108109 0127101724448 99951244 158582 • 103099 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF • R55CKREG HU20000V 923.37 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 8 SEWER 108141 0152040003 -0110 3450.6360 Council Check Register WATER 8 SEWER 108143 0151500509 -0110 2650.6360 2/3/2010 — 2/3/2010 1,049.09 Check# Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 158577 211/2010 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 101919 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 1,500.00 133.01 108139 108105 0127101724444 9995.2038 ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE 1,500.00 133.01 158678 21312010 128602 GURSTEL, STALOCK 6 CHARGO PA ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 57.15 WAGE GARNISHMENT 108133 20100203 9995.2042 ACCURED GARISHMENTS 0127101724442 9995.2036 57.15 2,156.15 158579 21312010 101872 H.A.R.T. 21312010 101876 ING LIFE & ANN CO. 490.21 108102 0127101724441 9995.2036 ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP 490.21 0127101724443 9995.2036 158580 21312010 102533 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITO • 2/312010 12 .08:12 Page- 1 Business Unit PAYROLL FUND B/S PAYROLL FUND B/S PAYROLL FUND B/S 2,969.93 DECEMBER 2009 COLLECTION 108137 20091231 2850.6906 LODGING TAX REIMBURSEMENT UNALLOCATED GENERAL 2,969.93 158581 2/1/2010 102635 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 108109 0127101724448 99951244 158582 2/1/2010 103099 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 923.37 WATER 8 SEWER 108141 0152040003 -0110 3450.6360 125.72 WATER 8 SEWER 108143 0151500509 -0110 2650.6360 1,049.09 158583 21312010 128299 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 1,500.00 REPLENISH CASH MACHINE 108139 20100201 1116.6909 1,500.00 158584 2/312010 101873 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 2,156.15 108103 0127101724442 9995.2036 2,156.15 158585 21312010 101876 ING LIFE & ANN CO. 1,709.60 108104 0127101724443 9995.2036 1,709.60 158586 2/312010 128004 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMER 50.07 108110 0127101724449 9995.2038 50.07 158587 2/3/2010 127494 M -K GRAPHICS DUE TO EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PAYROLL FUND B/S UTILITIES HATS OPERATIONS UTILITIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. MISCELLANEOUS ATM MACHINE ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP PAYROLL FUND B/S ACCRUED DEFERRED COMP ACCRUED LIFE INSURANCE PAYROLL FUND B/S PAYROLL FUND B/S R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/3/2010 — 2/3/2010 Check# Data Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Descnption 691.09 AP CHECKS 108144 5574 1060.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING MISCELLANEOUS 2/3/2010 12',08:12 Page- 2 Business Unit FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL ACCRUED MAND. CHILD SUPPORT PAYROLL FUND B/S ACCRUED MAND. CHILD SUPPORT PAYROLL FUND B/S ACCRUED MAND. CHILD SUPPORT PAYROLL FUND B/S TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION PRINTING & PUBLISHING PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 0 0 691.09 158588 213/2010 103046 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER 1.65 DEED TAX SR HOUSING TO HAHC 108147 20100201 1125.6909 1.65 158589 213/2010 102449 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 149.51 108106 0127101724445 9995.2040 222.88 108107 0127101724446 9995.2040 242.27 108108 0127101724447 9995.2040 614.66 158590 2/312010 103133 MN SECTION CSWEA 60.00 CONFERENCE REG PAULSON 108152 20100209 4200.6320 60.00 158591 213/2010 104787 MNAPA 25.00 ADVERTISE PLANNING DIRECTOR 108150 20100128 1130.6340 25.00 12,283.24 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 12,283.24 Total Payments 12,283.24 MISCELLANEOUS 2/3/2010 12',08:12 Page- 2 Business Unit FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL ACCRUED MAND. CHILD SUPPORT PAYROLL FUND B/S ACCRUED MAND. CHILD SUPPORT PAYROLL FUND B/S ACCRUED MAND. CHILD SUPPORT PAYROLL FUND B/S TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION PRINTING & PUBLISHING PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 0 0 0 0 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page - 1 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Dale Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # DOC No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 158692 2/912010 118447 10,000 LAKES CHAPTER 210.00 REGISTRATION RUTLEDGE 108444 20100129 1475.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE BUILDING INSPECTION 210.00 158593 2/912010 126889 ABSOLUTE CATERING 416.00 SENIOR FELLOWHIP DINNER 108498 20100127 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 416.00 158595 2/912010 102126 ACE HARDWARE 8.00 BELT 108271 1315 - 197822 2610 6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 11.80 CABLE 108272 1315- 197849 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 6.94 COVER 108273 1315- 197924 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 8.54 BATTERY 108274 1315- 197910 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 46.66 DEADBOLT PLAT LABOR 108275 1315- 197996 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 12.56 COUPLE PIPE ADAPTER 108276 1315- 197997 4100.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WATER ADM 40.59 BRUSH & PAINT 108277 1315- 198011 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 13.88 DRILL BIT 108278 1315- 198041 1900.6245 SMALL TOOLS PARK ADMINISTRATION 11.07 NUTS BOLTS NAILS 108279 1315- 198058 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 21.34 PAINT & TAPE 108280 1315- 198100 1700.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 12.28 DRILL BIT 108281 1315- 198065 4100.6245 SMALL TOOLS WATERAOM .71 NUTS BOLTS NAILS 108282 1315- 196126 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 5.12 DOOR STOP 106283 1315 - 196212 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 42.70 SANDBELT 108284 1315- 198224 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 4.80 BATTERY 108285 1315 - 198239 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 10.97 PLUGS COUPLE PARTS 108286 1315- 198310 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 32.46 STRIPING PAINT & FILTER 108287 1315- 198402 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 30.97 BULB 108288 1325- 198446 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 46.07 Spry Primr Gray 12oz Bagger 00002251 108348 198280 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 22.41 SpryKrylon Smoke Gry 12oz9agge 00002251 108349 198230 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 31.50 HOOKS 108385 1825- 197532 1175.6245 SMALLTOOLS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 20.57 SUPPLIES 108386 1825- 197990 1175.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4.37 TIPS NUTS BOLTS NAILS 108387 1790 - 197473 1452.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 36.22 SHOP SUPPLIES 108388 1790 - 197959 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 4.47 LAWN GARDEN TOOLS 108389 1790- 198040 1453.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 11.73 TAPE 108390 1790 - 198232 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 6.40 TAPE 108391 1790- 198233 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 8.54 OIL 108392 1790- 198258 1453.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 6.39 CEMENT & ELBOW 108439 1315- 198534 4100.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WATER ADM 3.20 HOOK PIC /CUP 108440 1315- 198602 4200.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 2.65 NUTS BOLTS NAILS 108441 1315- 198605 1110.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 9.68 AIR HOSE SUPPLIES 108504 1315- 198566 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 35.46 PAINT CAULK NUTS BOLTS NAILS 108506 1315- 198609 1900.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE PARK ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 219/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 571.07 158596 2/912010 1,677.38 1,677.38 158597 2/9/2010 340.16 340.16 158598 21912010 158599 21912010 158600 2/912010 122547 ACTIVE NETWORK MAINT & SUPPORT 108497 4100000758 102217 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC HUMIDIFIER & PROVING SWITCH 108296 29407 119542 ALBERTS, MARK 5.00 PARKING 5.00 122030 ALPHA WIRELESS 53.44 MONTHLY UHF DISPATCH 53.44 108486 20100130 108503 635060 120851 AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORP 262.50 MN CODE OF ORDINANCES 108295 73939 26250 1710.6385 2700.6370 1450.6320 3150.6310 1125.6901 Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2/9/2010 13.50:50 Page- 2 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIBRARY TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION COMMUNICATIONS COMPOST MANUFACTURING DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LEGAL 158601 219/2010 124950 AMERICAN MESSAGING 1172 RENTAL PAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1403.6310 COMMUNICATIONS School Liaison Officer 16.30 RENTAL PAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1171.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 25.44 RENTAL PAGERS 106468 D2080919KB 1175.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 38.15 RENTAL PAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1173.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 50.87 RENTAL PAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1171.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 63.59 RENTALPAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1177.6310 COMMUNICATIONS INVESTIGATION 89.03 RENTAL PAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1174.6310 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS - ADMINISTRATION 228.93 RENTAL PAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1172.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 3.27- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 14.73- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 2.45- 108466 02080919KS 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 5.73- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 1.64- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 4.09- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND .82- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 1.04 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 491.26 158602 219120 101867 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSN . • 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 219/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account N Subleoger Account Descri 71.00 2010 MEMBERSHIP DUES 108443 7000187258 4200.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4100.6901 3000.6370 3000.6370 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 3 Business Unit WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WATER ADM CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3450.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES 71.00 1600.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS 158603 21912010 STREETS &ALLEYS 101867 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSN SHOP MATERIALS STREETS &ALLEYS 173.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES EXNER 108501 7000188807 173.00 158604 2/9/2010 102430 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL 72.43 MOPS MATS 108293 N585459 72.43 TOWELS MOPS MATS 108294 N581410 144.86 168605 2/9/2010 126788 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE 26.51 MATS TOWELS MOPS 108290 629- 6914898 .49 TOWELS 108291 629 - 6914899 .86 TOWELS 108291 629 - 6914899 6.77 TOWELS 108291 629 - 6914899 34.63 158606 21912010 105204 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC 41.84 ICE 108292 421002605 41.84 158607 219/2010 127889 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO 376.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 108442 28810 376.00 158608 219/2010 124747 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE 10.67 SHOP PARTS 108289 D205733 10.67 158609 2/912010 104077 B & C PLUMBING & HEATING INC 709.62 ROOFTOP UNIT 108112 15622 709.62 158610 2/912010 101916 BERNICK'S 123.25 WATER 108111 33591 600.00 POP 108298 91202 723.25 158611 2/9/2010 123672 BLACK BOX CORPORATION 78.35 HUC REMODEL 108305 309537 4100.6901 3000.6370 3000.6370 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 3 Business Unit WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WATER ADM CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3450.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 1600.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS 1600.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP STREETS &ALLEYS 1600.6214 SHOP MATERIALS STREETS &ALLEYS 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 2650.6370 2610.6217 2610.6217 9001.1210 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE EVENTS CENTER ADM. FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL DUE FROM UTILITIES GENERAL FUND R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 4 2/9/2010 — 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Suhledger Account Description Business Unit 78.35 158612 2/9/2010 101838 BLACK HILLS AMMUNITION 1,931.23 AMMUNITION 108502 179470 1172.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 124.23 108502 179470 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERAL FUND 1,807.00 158613 2/9/2010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108378 4749 9270.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES 20061MPROV BO DEBT SERVICE 450.00 158614 2/9/2010 123969 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 100.00 AGENT SERVICES 108379 4743 9271.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES 20071MPROV BOND DEBT SERVICE 100.00 158615 2/9/2010 123969 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108380 4744 4100.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES WATERADM 450.00 158616 2/9/2010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450 AGENT SERVICES 108381 4745 4200.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 450.00 158617 2/9/2010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108382 4746 9272.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES 20081MPROV BOND DEBT SERVICE 450.00 158618 2/9/2010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108383 4747 9270.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES 20061MPROV BD DEBT SERVICE 450.00 158619 2/9/2010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108384 4748 4100.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES WATERADM 450.00 158620 219/2010 124054 BREYER, TODD 75.00 BBALL OFFICIAL 108484 20100127 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 99.00 BBALL OFFICIAL 108484 20100127 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 174.00 158621 2/9/2010 120227 BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION COMPA • 670.00 ANNUAL SPRINKLER INSPECTION 108299 3676 0 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADfATION 0 • • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13'.50:50 Council Check Register Page- 5 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description Business Unit 670.00 158622 2/912010 129110 BROYER,TODD 66.00 OFFICIAL FOR BASKETBALL 108300 20100120 1758.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL CO -REC FLOOR HOCKEY 82.50 OFFICIAL FOR BASKETBALL 108300 20100120 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 150.00 OFFICIAL FOR BASKETBALL 108300 20100120 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MIENS BASKETBALL 298.50 158623 21912010 102136 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS 141.61 TONER 108297 150409 4100.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES WATER ADM 101.53 TONER 108301 150231 1900.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 303.53 ADOBE ACROBAT 9 108302 150396 1510.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY ENGINEER 8.23 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 3150.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE COMPOST MANUFACTURING 16.90 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1125.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LEGAL 27.07 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 2650.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE EVENTS CENTER ADM. 33.36 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1600.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE STREETS & ALLEYS 40.60 JAN COST PER PRINT 106303 150721 1110.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 44.28 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WATER ADM 56.64 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1030.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 90.58 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 9001.1207 DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND 101.96 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1475.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE BUILDING INSPECTION 101.96 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1130.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 127.72 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1450.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 151.86 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 4200.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 189.62 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 2950.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE HCDC -EDA 192.90 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1510.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CITY ENGINEER 220.86 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1060.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 223.94 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1710.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 464.97 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1171.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE ADMINISTRATION 84.43 KINGSTON 2GB UNBUFFERED 108304 150592 9001.1210 DUE FROM UTILITIES GENERAL FUND 101.53 BLACK TONER 108394 150858 1177.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES INVESTIGATION 342.01 RENTAL 108469 3860 1756.6380 RENTALS TOURNAMENTS Supplier 121184 HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 3,168.09 158624 2/9/2010 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING 34.85- JANUARY PURCHASES 108175 228261 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00- JANUARY PURCHASES 108175 228261 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 38.40 JANUARY PURCHASES 108175 228261 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 218.65 JANUARY PURCHASES 108175 228261 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 154.05- JANUARY PURCHASES 108177 228454 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00- JANUARY PURCHASES 108177 228454 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS R55CKREG HU20000V Check # Date Amount 83.95 180.00 24,350.15 90.00 - 18.20- 30.00 229.55 184.61 - 30.00- 85 60 26,157.85 50,802.44 158625 219/2010 74.71 319.34 20.54 - 4.81 368.70 Supplier / Explanation JANUARY PURCHASES JANUARY PURCHASES JANUARY PURCHASES JANUARY PURCHASES JANUARY PURCHASES JANUARY PURCHASES JANUARY PURCHASES FEBRUARY PURCHASES FEBRUARY PURCHASES FEBRUARY PURCHASES FEBRUARY PURCHASES 104512 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIE BATTERY 108333 43054 SAFETY VESTS 108333 43054 108333 43054 108333 43054 158626 2/912010 102092 CARR FLOWERS 63.98 FLOWERS WITTE & AMENT 108306 80 -33532 63.98 168627 2/9/2010 104391 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 45.73 ST 962 PARTS 108310 0014606 80.24 PARTS 108313 0014608 97.75 Filter for Grinder 00002234 108350 0014623 223.72 158628 21912010 102143 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 300.15 SUPPLIES 108113 192988 300.15 158629 2/9/2010 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 62.62 Council Check Register 62.62 21912010 - 2/912010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 108177 228454 3000.5103 . 108177 228454 3000.5105 108177 228454 3000.5102 108183 229029 3000.5105 108183 229029 3000.5102 108183 229029 3000.5105 108183 229029 3000.5102 108446 229259 3000.5102 108446 229259 3000.5105 108446 229259 3000.5103 108446 229259 3000.5102 104512 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIE BATTERY 108333 43054 SAFETY VESTS 108333 43054 108333 43054 108333 43054 158626 2/912010 102092 CARR FLOWERS 63.98 FLOWERS WITTE & AMENT 108306 80 -33532 63.98 168627 2/9/2010 104391 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 45.73 ST 962 PARTS 108310 0014606 80.24 PARTS 108313 0014608 97.75 Filter for Grinder 00002234 108350 0014623 223.72 158628 21912010 102143 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 300.15 SUPPLIES 108113 192988 300.15 158629 2/9/2010 102253 CENTRAL MCGOWAN 62.62 HIGH PRESSURE CYL 62.62 158630 219/2010 124878 COMDATA CORPORATION 2.88 GREETING CARD 5.09 FOAM CUPS . 36.89 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES 108395 00025678 Suhledger Account Description COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS CASE DEPOSITS COST OF SALES -BEER CASE DEPOSITS COST OF SALES -BEER CASE DEPOSITS COST OF SALES -BEER COST OF SALES -BEER CASE DEPOSITS COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS COST OF SALES -BEER 1600.6245 SMALL TOOLS 1600.6216 SAFETY SUPPLIES 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE 1900.6909 MISCELLANEOUS 1600.6388 1900.6388 9442.2021 1900.6210 4200.6230 108479 HB469 -0110 1600.6205 108479 HB469 -0110 2650.6210 108479 HB469 -0110 1 03450.6205 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 6 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED OPERATING SUPPLIES Business Unit LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS STREETS & ALLEYS STREETS & ALLEYS GENERALFUND GENERALFUND PARK ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS PARK ADMINISTRATION REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S PARK ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS EVENTS CENTER ADM. HATS OPERATION 0 0 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13'.50:50 Council Check Register Page- 7 2/912010 - 219/2D10 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subtedger Account Description Business Uni 49.68 COOKIES 108479 HB469 -0110 2650.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION EVENTS CENTER ADM. 58.60 CONCESSIONS 108479 HB469 -0110 2610.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 308.33 SUPPLIES 108479 HB469 -0110 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 20.30 SUPPLIES 108508 7- 107 -2- 3011 -02 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 0210 481.77 158631 219/2010 129120 COP SHOP LLC 1,155.28 NEW SQUAD SETUP 108398 120 1172.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 1,155.28 158632 2/912010 128450 CORPORATE MECHANICAL 89.09 PARTS 108332 138765 4200.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 5.73 108332 138765 9445.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE WASTEWATER B/S 83.36 158633 2/912010 129119 CORRA GROUP 11.00 CREDIT REPORTS 108396 16357 1450.6909 MISCELLANEOUS FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 22.00 CREDIT REPORTS 108396 16357 9001.1210 DUE FROM UTILITIES GENERAL FUND 6800 CREDIT REPORTS 108396 16357 1172.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 101.00 158634 219/2010 120246 COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE 1222.65 FLAGS 108334 2010004 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 78.65 108334 2010004 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERAL FUND 1,144.00 158635 21912010 102050 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR 21.00 OIL CHANGE 108309 39732 1172.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 58.76 CHECK ENGINE LIGHT 108314 39676 1171.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR POLICE ADMINISTRATION 79.76 158636 219/2010 129111 CROW RIVER EYECARE CENTER 2,000.00 SIGN & AWNING GRANT PROGRAM 108312 20100129 8000.6650 LOAN Downtown Grant Program 2,000.00 SIGN & AWNING GRANT PROGRAM 108509 20100208 8000.6650 LOAN Downtown Grant Program 4,000.00 158637 21912010 102289 CROW RIVER GLASS & SIGNS 2.48 Tempered Circle x 1/8" Pattern 00002244 108351 45971 3150.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS COMPOST MANUFACTURING 36.00 Tempered Circle x 1/8" Pattern 00002244 108351 45971 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 2.48 00002244 108351 45971 9442.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 36.00 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13'.50:50 Council Check Register Page- 8 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 158638 21912010 102220 CROW RIVER PRESS INC 52.28 SNOW EMERGENCY NOTICES 108308 28234 1172.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 128.07 SENIOR NEWSLETTER 108481 28314 1825.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 180.35 158639 2/912010 102121 CROW RIVER VET HOSPITAL PA 481.01 BOARDING & EUTHANASIA 108397 68139 1172.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 481.01 158640 219/2010 103791 CUMMINS NPOWER, LLC 1,055.77 SERVICE CALL 108307 100-43973 1175.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 204.70 SERVICE CALL 108311 10044220 1175.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,260.47 158641 2/9/2010 102178 CURTIS 1000 INC -MN 55.28 ENVELOPES 108478 2501634 3500.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION 55.28 ENVELOPES 108478 2501634 4099.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING REFUSE& RECYCLING 55.28 ENVELOPES 108478 2501634 4100.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING WATER ADM 55.29 ENVELOPES 108478 2501634 4200.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 160.14 ENVELOPES 108480 2500689 3500.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION 160.14 ENVELOPES 108480 2500689 4099.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING REFUSE& RECYCLING 160.14 ENVELOPES 108480 2500689 4100.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING WATER ADM 160.14 ENVELOPES 108480 2500689 4200.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 861.69 168642 2/9/2010 123984 D & S WHOLESALE, INC 'To' 6.70 AMMO 108335 10024 1172.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 65.40 108335 10024 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERAL FUND 951.30 158643 2/9/2010 102488 DAY DISTRIBUTING 236.75 NOV BEER CREDIT 106399 221069 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS Supplier 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING 5,187.90 JANUARY PURCHASES 108176 537635 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 108189 538372 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 36.80 JANUARY PURCHASES 108189 538372 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,546.70 JANUARY PURCHASES 108189 538372 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 7,038.15 158644 2/912010 103793 DLT SOLUTIONS . 187.80 AUTO CAD 2010 RENEWAL 108500 51107112 .2962.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES STREETS & HIGHWO OTHER REVENUES 0 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 9 Business Unit CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS B/S RECREATION BLDG. & POOL FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE POSTAGE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED POSTAGE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REFUSE FUND B/S WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMMUNICATIONS REFUSE FUND B/S POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES MEETINGS HCDC-EDA POLICE ADMINISTRATION 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# D oci Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description 2.54 108500 SI107112 9301.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE OTHER REVENUES 0 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 9 Business Unit CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS B/S RECREATION BLDG. & POOL FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE POSTAGE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED POSTAGE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REFUSE FUND B/S WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMMUNICATIONS REFUSE FUND B/S POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES MEETINGS HCDC-EDA POLICE ADMINISTRATION 185.26 158645 21912010 129112 DOBRATZ, MURIEL 15.00 CANCEL CLASS 108318 123160 2610.4730 15.00 158646 21912010 102710 DOMINO'S PIZZA 205.00 TOWRNAMENT CONCESSIONS 108317 20100120 2610.6217 205.00 158647 21912010 104084 DONOHUE &ASSOCIATES 1,451.31 WWTF BLOWER OPTIMIZATION 108477 11661 -07 4200.6301 1.451.31 158648 219/2010 103024 DRIVERS LICENSE GUIDE CO 28.95 ID CHECKING GUIDE 108448 568893 1110.6901 28.95 158649 2/912010 113181 DROP -N-GO SHIPPING, INC 18.45 UPS TO ST PAUL MN 108315 74994 4200.6311 8.60 SPEE DEE TO DULUTH MN 108316 74747 4200.6311 44.20 Returned New Remote to TIP 00002246 108352 74372 9443.2021 12.25 SPEE DEE TO MANKATO MN 108449 75099 4200.6311 83.50 158650 21912010 102647 DYNA SYSTEMS 132.63 PARTS 108399 20332402 4200.6230 132.63 158651 21912010 102495 EBERT, PAT 5.33 MEETING LUNCH 106452 20100203 1150.6320 5.33 158652 2/912010 102726 ECOLAB PEST ELIM 125.04 Rodent Program for the Year 00002264 108353 4286570 9443.2021 56.64 RODENT PROGRAM 108451 4409378 1175.6310 181.68 158653 2/912010 102354 ECONO FOODS 12.83 POP 108320 26 -0110- 012610 2950.6210 10.47 STRUDLE & COOKIES 108321 20- 0110 - 012810 1171.6325 OTHER REVENUES 0 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 9 Business Unit CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS B/S RECREATION BLDG. & POOL FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE POSTAGE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED POSTAGE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REFUSE FUND B/S WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMMUNICATIONS REFUSE FUND B/S POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES MEETINGS HCDC-EDA POLICE ADMINISTRATION R550KREG HU20000V 182.91 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/912010 106666 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 11.98 STRUDLE & COOKIES 108322 20- 0110 - 012110 1171.6325 MEETINGS 10.47 STRUDLE &COOKIES 108323 20- 0110 - 011410 1171.6325 MEETINGS 9.07 STRUDLE & COOKIES 108324 200110- 010710 1171.6325 MEETINGS 12.98 DONUTS 108400 55 -0110- 012810 2700.6909 MISCELLANEOUS 9.49 STRUDLE & COOKIES 108450 20- 0210 - 020410 1171.6325 MEETINGS 86.36 SUPPLIES 108475 20- 0110 - 011910 3000.6325 MEETINGS 1926 BREAD & CHEESE 108476 20- 0110- 012110A 3000.6325 MEETINGS PAYING AGENT FEES PAYING AGENT FEES 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 10 Business Unit POLICE ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY POLICE ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS WATERADM WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE STREETS & ALLEYS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS FIRE - ADMINISTRATION CITY FIRE RURAL FIREFIGHTo 182.91 158654 2/912010 106666 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 50.00 CONTINUING DISCLOSURE REPORTNG 108331 60388 4100 6615 50.00 CONTINUING DISCLOSURE REPORTNG 108331 60388 4200.6615 100.00 158655 21912010 110034 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC 212.50 RED BULL 106319 842204 3000.5103 212.50 168666 219/2010 102223 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT 111.34 WIPER ARM & BLADE 108326 S- 0023666 1900.6388 111.34 158657 2/912010 128584 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 215.70 COFFEE & TEA 108330 52650582 1171.6210 215.70 158658 21912010 104137 FASTENAL COMPANY 12.40 PARTS 108327 MNHUT76930 1900.6210 1.54 PARTS 108328 MNHUT76910 1900.6210 13.94 158659 21912010 101896 FENSKE'S STUMP REMOVAL 335.60 TREE REMOVAL 108329 0913 1600.6370 335.60 158660 219/2010 121017 FIRE MARSHALS ASSN OF MN 35.00 MEMBERSHIP JAMES POPP 108511 20100209 1450.6901 35.00 158661 2/912010 122555 FIRE SAFETY USA, INC 400.00 FIRE GLOVES 108325 33721 1451.6245 400.00 FIRE GLOVES 108325 33721 1456.6245 PAYING AGENT FEES PAYING AGENT FEES 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 10 Business Unit POLICE ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY POLICE ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS WATERADM WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE STREETS & ALLEYS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS FIRE - ADMINISTRATION CITY FIRE RURAL FIREFIGHTo 0 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/912010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description 547.00 TRUCK CHARGERS 108510 33852 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 11 B usiness Unit FIRE DEPT SHARED COST REFUSE& RECYCLING COMPOST MANUFACTURING COMPOST MANUFACTURING RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL BUILDING REPAIRS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM IMPROV OTHER THAN SLOGS CEMETERY DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS OTHER CONTRACTUAL RENTS -BLDGS OTHER POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT TOURNAMENTS EVENTS CENTER ADM. 1,347.00 158662 2/912010 102526 G & K SERVICES 25.90 MATS TOWELS MOPS 108405 104340259 4099.6210 29.10 MATS TOWELS 108406 1043397384 3150.621( 22.26 MATS TOWELS 108512 1043407310 3150.621C 77.26 158663 2/912010 128562 GARICK CORPORATION 455.00 DISTRICT COMPOST BULK 00002250 108354 390031 9442.2021 455.00 158664 2/912010 120284 GAVIN, OLSON & WINTERS, LTD 487.50 LEGAL SERVICES 108404 2004069 -003M 1125.6301 487.50 158665 21912010 103340 GEB ELECTRICAL INC 51867 INSTALL 108401 3016 1175.6232 518.67 158666 21912010 102524 GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICES 200.00 REGISTRATION STARKE 108453 20100127 1030.6320 200.00 158667 21912010 105562 GRANIT BRONZ 165.66 NICHE PLAQUE 108402 12- 02341 -A 2725.702E 165.66 158668 219/2010 101888 GRINA, LISA 140.00 NOTARY RENEWAL 108403 20100127 1173.6901 140.00 158669 21912010 129122 HALONEN, RITA 88.00 GIRLS BBALL OFFICIAL 108425 20100125 1756.630: 88.00 158670 21912010 120467 HALTER, JOAN 140.00 CHINA FLATWARE FEE 108514 20100202 2650.4312 140.00 168671 21912010 102451 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 11 B usiness Unit FIRE DEPT SHARED COST REFUSE& RECYCLING COMPOST MANUFACTURING COMPOST MANUFACTURING RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL BUILDING REPAIRS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM IMPROV OTHER THAN SLOGS CEMETERY DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS OTHER CONTRACTUAL RENTS -BLDGS OTHER POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT TOURNAMENTS EVENTS CENTER ADM. R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 12 Check # Dale Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 243.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 108181 73413 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 243.00 158672 2/9/2010 109799 HARRIS SERVICE 1,234.20 PREVENTIVE MAINT 108411 027036 1175.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,234.20 158673 219/2010 102546 HCVN -TV 10,871.25 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 108114 20100126 9001.4332 CABLE TV GENERAL FUND 10,871.25 168674 219/2010 129064 HEALTH PARTNERS 416.50 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 2650.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EVENTS CENTER ADM. 416.50 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 2725.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CEMETERY 416.50 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 2950.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT HCDC -EDA 499.80 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 4099.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT REFUSE& RECYCLING 520.62 Cobra- Gregor 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra -Gray 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra - Dascher 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra -Karg 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 620.62 Cobra -Winter 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1110.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1125.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT LEGAL 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 106457 20100201 1130.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS, BENEFIT PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 3450.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT HATS OPERATIONS 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1700.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1710.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1750.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION 1,301.23 Cobra- Edandson 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 1,301.23 Cobra - Haarstad 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 2,081.96 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1150.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 2,081.96 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1850.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CIVIC ARENA 2,08196 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1450.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 2,498.46 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1475.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT BUILDING INSPECTION 2,581.76 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 4100.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT WATERADM 2,914.96 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1900.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT PARK ADMINISTRATION 3,122.94 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1030.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 3,122.94 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1060.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 4,018.42 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 3000.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 4,163.92 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 2855.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT HRA 4,580.42 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1510.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CITY ENGINEER . 6,454.40 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1600.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT STREETS & ALLEY16 • 0 • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page - 13 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Ch eck # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Acc Description Business Unit 6,975.02 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 3150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT COMPOST MANUFACTURING 7,786.66 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 4200.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 22,329.99 Employee Contribution 108457 20100201 9995.2244 DUE TO EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PAYROLL FUND B/S 25,817.06 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1171.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT POLICE ADMINISTRATION 116,854.55 168675 2/9/2010 101988 HED, MARILYN 48.00 LUNCH & MILEAGE 108412 20100127 1110.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 48.00 168676 21912010 129121 HELLER, NICK 5.00 REFUND CLASSES 108421 20100128 1772.4280 RECREATION ACTIVITY FEES MINI SOCCER 34.00 REFUND CLASSES 108421 20100128 2610.4730 OTHER REVENUES RECREATION BLDG.& POOL 39.00 158677 21912010 102246 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE 120.00 ART OF READING SMOKE 108513 00195246 1450.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 120.00 158678 21912010 116866 HEWLETT- PACKARD CO 892.40 COMPUTERS 108422 47047438 2961.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PUBLIC SAFETY 788.73 COMPUTERS 108423 47056696 9001.1210 DUE FROM UTILITIES GENERAL FUND 8,715.84 COMPUTERS 108424 47009965 2960.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 10,396.97 158679 219/2010 102618 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON 13.92 Germicidal Bowl Cleaner 00002262 108355 6180425 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 49.24 SUPPPLIES 108420 6171930 1700.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 63.16 158680 21912010 114928 HOLT TOUR & CHARTER 495.00 SENIOR TOUR 108515 20100202 1825.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 495.00 158681 21912010 102544 HUTCH CAFE 97.79 MEAL 108454 41818 2950.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES HCDC -EDA 97.79 158682 21912010 102139 HUTCHINSON AREA CHAMBER OF COM 30.00 MTG & AWARDS BANQUET SEPPELT 108427 1580 2950.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE HCDC -EDA 60.00 MTG & AWARDS BANQUET COOK 108428 1589 1020.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY COUNCIL 90.00 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 219/2010 135050 Council Check Register Page- 14 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Suhledger Account Description Business Unit 168683 2/912010 102319 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTHCARE 1,339.00 4TH OTR EAR SERVICE 108432 ST2100310035CO 9602.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SELF INSURANCE FUND B/S 1,339.00 168684 2/9/2010 122061 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTHCARE 2,144.00 COMMON AREA MAINT 108429 8550- 1- THUTCOM- 2650.6372 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE EVENTS CENTER ADM. 0210 2,144.00 158686 21912010 102530 HUTCHINSON CO-OP 478.79 E85 FUEL 108407 201284 -0110 1172.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 60.00 LP & OIL 108408 201283 -0110 2725.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS CEMETERY 19.70 LP 108409 349028 -0110 3450.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS HATS OPERATIONS 52.12 OIL 108410 200782 -0110 4200.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 33.70 JANUARY PURCHASES 108474 200765 -0110 4099.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS REFUSE& RECYCLING 621.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 108474 200765 -0110 4099.6211 MOTOR FUELS &LUBRICANTS REFUSE& RECYCLING 2,484.02 JANUARY PURCHASES 108474 200765 -0110 3150.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS COMPOST MANUFACTURING 3,749.33 168686 2/9/2010 102537 HUTCHINSON LEADER 80.00 ADVERTISEMENTS 108470 300071 -0110 2650.6330 ADVERTISING EVENTS CENTER ADM. 102.17 PUBLICATIONS 108470 300071 -0110 1130.6330 ADVERTISING PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 143.28 PUBLICATIONS 108470 300071 -0110 1030.6909 MISCELLANEOUS CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 199.69 HELP WANTED 108470 300071 -0110 4200.6330 ADVERTISING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 199.69 HELP WANTED 108470 300071 -0110 4100.6330 ADVERTISING WATER ADM 343.90 HELP WANTED 108470 300071 -0110 1125.6909 MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL 660.24 ADVERTISING 108471 300205 -0110 3000.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,728.97 158687 2/912010 121987 HUTCHINSON SENIOR ADVISORY BOA 674.70 TOURS 108473 20100128 1825.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 674.70 156688 21912010 105161 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 36.98 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 4100.6308 ONE CALL SERVICE WATER ADM 63.26 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1420.6360 UTILITIES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 666.43 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 2725.6360 UTILITIES CEMETERY 1,153.69 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1450.6360 UTILITIES FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 1,165.84 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1600.6365 STREET LIGHTING UTILITIES STREETS & ALLEYS 1,165.99 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 2698.6360 UTILITIES EVERGREEN BLDG ADM • 1,736.42 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 2810.6360 UTILITIES AIRPORT • • 0 0 R65CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register 219/2010 - 2/9/2010 Page- 15 Check If Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,849.84 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 2700.6360 UTILITIES LIBRARY 2,386.39 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 3150.6360 UTILITIES COMPOST MANUFACTURING 3 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1700.6360 UTILITIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 3,355.42 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1900.6360 UTILITIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 3612.15 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 3000.6360 UTILITIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3,931.21 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 2650.6360 UTILITIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. 4,514.50 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 2610.6360 UTILITIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 4,672.10 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 4099.6360 UTILITIES REFUSE& RECYCLING 4,812.46 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1175.6360 UTILITIES POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 11,109.48 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 3450.6360 UTILITIES HATS OPERATIONS 18440.16 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 4100.6360 UTILITIES WATER ADM 20,114.52 JANUARY UTILITIES 106393 20100131 1850.6360 UTILITIES CIVIC ARENA $1,609.48 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 4200.6360 UTILITIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 139,733.08 158689 219/2010 102543 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE 14.80 PTex Hi -Temp RTV 3oz Semi 213 00002235 108356 063990 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 7.60 0 Ring for Loader 00002235 108357 063994 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 64.14 Elbow for Stacking Conveyor 00002235 108358 064181 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 21.17 Oil Filter for Semi 213 00002235 108359 064124 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 48.40 Oil Filter for M85 Conveyor 00002235 108360 064273 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 11.75 HO Chain Lube for Maintenane 00002235 108361 062791 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 43.36 AIR FILTER 108413 062955 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 11.76- CORE DEPOSIT 108414 063719 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 59.72 ALTERNATOR & CORE DEPOSIT 108415 063718 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 4.45 AIR FILTER 108416 064608 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 10.20 R -5 PART 108417 064536 1452.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 13.83 L -1 PART 108417 064536 1451.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CITY FIRE 4.48 SILICONE SPRAY 108418 064537 1453.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 81.94 E -7 LIGHTS FOR POWER IN CAB 108419 064560 1452.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 19.23 TUBE 108472 063996 1900.6230 REPAIR& MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 393.31 158690 21912010 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 175,000.00 NET PAYROLL 02 -12 -10 108455 20100208 9995.1020 PAYROLL ACCT - MARQUETTE BANK PAYROLL FUND B/S 175,000.00 168691 21912010 102636 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 31.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 2950.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT HCDC -EDA 31.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 2650.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EVENTS CENTER ADM. 31.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 2725.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CEMETERY 38.90 Cobra - Dental -Haasl 108456 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 135050 Council Check Register 219/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 38.90 Cobra -Gray 108456 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA 38.90 Cobra - Dental- Blackwell 108456 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA 38.90 Cobra- Erlandson 108456 20100201 9001.1060 SAVINGS- INVESTMENTS 38.90 Cobra - Baasen 106456 20100201 9001.1060 SAVINGS - INVESTMENTS 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1700.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1710.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1750.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 106456 20100201 1110.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1125.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1130 6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 3450.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 77.34 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 4099.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT 88.90 Cobra - Barkeim 108456 20100201 9001.1060 SAVINGS - INVESTMENTS 142.24 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1450.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 142.24 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1850.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT 173.36 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1475.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 213.36 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 213.36 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1030.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 213.36 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1060.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 219.58 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 4100.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 280.27 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 3000.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 284.48 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 2855.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 355.60 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1510.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 386.72 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1900.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 456.75 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 3150.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 535.18 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 4200.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 600.08 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1600.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 1,955.84 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1171.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 7,124.36 158692 21912010 103246 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 32.13 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1475.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 32.53 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 3150.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 34.98 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1456.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 38.09 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1150.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 78.60 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1177.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 89.90 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1171.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 132.56 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 2725.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 148.07 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1450.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 162.91 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1510.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 240.70 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 2810.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS Page- 16 Business Unit GENERALFUND GENERALFUND GENERALFUND GENERALFUND CITY HALL MAINTENANCE PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS REFUSE& RECYCLING GENERALFUND FIRE - ADMINISTRATION CIVIC ARENA BUILDING INSPECTION INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION WATER ADM LIQUOR OPERATIONS HRA CITY ENGINEER PARK ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION COMPOST MANUFACTURING RURAL FIREFIGHTERS INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. INVESTIGATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION CEMETERY FIRE - ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER AIRPORT E 0 • ! R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 17 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description Business Unit 271.04 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 4100.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS WATER ADM 437.83 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1452.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 714.95 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 4200.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 730.73 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1900.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS PARK ADMINISTRATION 1,954.59 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1172.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 4,440.52 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1600.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS STREETS & ALLEYS 9,540.13 168693 2/912010 103520 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINN 51.83 SHOP PARTS 108430 990026637 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 51.83 168694 219/2010 101851 INTOXIMETERS INC 101.53 MOUTHPIECES 108431 294618 1172.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 101.53 158695 219/2010 102062 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT 61.66 GOLD NAME PLATE 108372 20047A 1174.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS - ADMINISTRATION 71.93 GOLD NAME PLATE 108372 20047A 1172.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 108.40 UNIFORMS 108373 20147A 1172.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 241.99 158696 2/912010 124666 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN 61.50- JANUARY PURCHASES 108182 972978 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 108182 972978 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1 459.20 JANUARY PURCHASES 108182 972978 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,400.70 158697 21912010 101938 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 1,662.27 JANUARY PURCHASES 108170 1767975 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,467.60 WINE 108171 1768903 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 227.40 JANUARY PURCHASES 108172 1768902 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 869.75 JANUARY PURCHASES 108173 1767976 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 120.00- JANUARY CREDIT 108178 445702 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -1MNE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 69.99- JANUARY CREDIT 108179 446064 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 11.96- JANUARY CREDIT 108180 446979 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 2,331.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 108184 1772469 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 8,086.15 JANUARY PURCHASES 108185 1772470 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,114.77 JANUARY PURCHASES 106186 1771615 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 34.40 JANUARY PURCHASES 108187 1771616 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 8,051.85 JANUARY PURCHASES 108188 1771614 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 23,643.24 R55CKREG HU20000V Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation 158698 21912010 Council Check Register 105024 JORDAHL, JIM Page- 18 _......... 200.00 _..._...... JAN ADAPTIVE REC DANCE 200.00 Inv No 158699 219/2010 Business Unit 102665 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 20100119 1825.6210 2,036.80 WATER LEAK JEFFERSON ST 108374 09 -536 62.52 PVC PIPE WATER ADM 108375 1,387.00 WATER MAIN LEAK MILWAUKEE OPERATING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS 357.50 TRUCKING SNOW 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 3,843.82 108377 168700 2/912010 SNOW REMOVAL 129106 KANTOLA, JENNA 108120 20100125 88.00 BBALL OFFICIAL TOURNAMENTS 108485 88.00 3000.6330 158701 2/9/2010 108482 102986 KARP RADIO 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 48.00 VIKINGS GAME AD 20100116 1797.6305 48.00 MENS BASKETBALL 158702 21912010 1756.6305 104575 KLITZKE, LUKE TOURNAMENTS 108483 44.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 7500 B -BALL OFFICIAL 4100.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 119.00 108458 168703 219/2010 COMMUNICATIONS 113940 KLITZKE, RICHARD 108499 20100106 44.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION B/S 75.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL • 119.00 158704 2/9/2010 128036 KLM ENGINEERING INC 3,100.00 WATER TOWER INSPECTION 3,100.00 158705 219/2010 103114 KLOSS, TOM 33.00 FEBRUARY DSL 33.00 168706 2/9/2010 128950 KUE CONTRACTORS INC 70,492.85 EST #2 L10/09 -11 70,492.85 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 18 2/9/2010 — 2/9/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 108371 20100119 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 108374 09 -536 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WATER ADM 108375 09- 298 -3297 1600.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS 108376 09-537 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WATER ADM 108377 09- 297 -E -1 1600.6387 SNOW REMOVAL STREETS & ALLEYS 108120 20100125 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 108485 10010765 3000.6330 ADVERTISING LIQUOR OPERATIONS 108482 20100116 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 108482 20100116 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 108483 20100116 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 108483 20100116 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 108337 3883 4100.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WATER ADM 108458 20100203 1150.6310 COMMUNICATIONS INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 108499 20100106 9305.7020 BUILDINGS AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION B/S • • • R55CKREG HU20000V Check# Dale Amount Supplier /Explanation 158707 21912010 102561 L & P SUPPLY CO 5.00 SHARPEN CHAIN 5.00 158708 21912010 101991 LAKES GAS CO. 973.78 HEATING FUEL 973.78 158709 2/9/2010 129106 LARSON, GARY 25.00 SOUP CLASS CANCELED 25.00 PO# 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Doc No Inv No Account No 108121 285368 1900.6370 108122 160853 2810.6360 108123 123190 168710 21912010 102660 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST 769.73 1ST OTR WORKER'S COMP 108124 17226 3,757.28 1ST QTR WORKER'S COMP 108124 17226 39,237.24 1ST QTR WORKER'S COMP 108124 17226 43,764.25 158711 2/912010 110862 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST 568.63 CLAIM DEDUCTIBLE #11071065 108125 11071065 568.63 158712 2/9/2010 110852 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST 160.00 NOV 2009 CLAIM SEWER BACKUP 108433 11070786 160.00 158713 21912010 128004 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMER 4.37 Cobra- Barkeim 108459 20100201 6.22 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 6.22 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 7.00 Cobra- Erlandson 108459 20100201 7.00 Cobra- DeVnes 108459 20100201 7.66 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 7.98 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.14 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 15.66 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 15.82 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 2610.4730 9001.1207 1451.6170 9995.2043 2850.6356 28506356 9001.1160 1130.6160 3450.6160 9001.1160 9001.1160 1700.6160 1750 6160 1710.6160 2725.6160 2950.6160 1110.6160 1125.6160 4099.6160 2650.6160 1850.6160 • 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 19 Subledger Account Description Business Unit CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PARK ADMINISTRATION UTILITIES AIRPORT OTHER REVENUES DUE FROM HRA WORKERS COMP INSURANCE ACCURED WORKERS COMP RECREATION BLDG. & POOL GENERALFUND CITY FIRE PAYROLL FUND B/S INSURANCE - DEDUCTIBLE COST UNALLOCATED GENERAL INSURANCE - DEDUCTIBLE COST UNALLOCATED GENERAL ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLAEALTH & INS. BENEFIT ACCTS REC -COBRA ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLAEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLAEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT GENERALFUND PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS GENERALFUND GENERALFUND CITY HALL MAINTENANCE RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION CEMETERY HCDC -EDA MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL REFUSE& RECYCLING EVENTS CENTER ADM. CIVIC ARENA R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 219/2010 13'.50:50 Council Check Register Page- 20 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 15.98 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1450.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 19.98 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1475.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT BUILDING INSPECTION 24.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1030.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 24.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1060.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 24.78 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 4100.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT WATER ADM 27.84 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 2855 6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT HRA 29.90 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 36.44 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 3000.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 38.86 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1900.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT PARK ADMINISTRATION 38.88 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1510.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CITY ENGINEER 56.39 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 4200.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 65.12 February Life Insurance 106459 20100201 3150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT COMPOST MANUFACTURING 72.90 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1600.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT STREETS & ALLEYS 207.14 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1171.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT POLICE ADMINISTRATION 810.28 168714 21912010 101984 LOCHER BROTHERS INC 30.00- RETURN /DEPOSIT 108126 215421 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 29.00- CREDIT BEER 108126 215421 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00 DEPOSIT 108126 215421 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 48.75 MISC 108126 215421 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 9,070.85 BEER 108126 215421 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 14.10- CREDIT BEER 108127 215931 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00 DEPOSIT 108127 215931 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 149.65 BEER 108127 215931 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 174.00 MISC 108127 215931 3000.5103 COST OF MIX &SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 4.00- JANUARY PURCHASES 108174 215305 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 255.20 JANUARY PURCHASES 108174 215305 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 9,681.35 158715 2/9/2010 102564 LOGIS 7.42 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1850.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CIVIC ARENA 14.84 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 2725.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CEMETERY 14.84 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1130.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 14.64 DECEMBER BILLING 1OB115 31714 1825.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 14.84 DECEMBER BILLING 100115 31714 2950.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL HCDC -EDA 14.84 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 9001.1207 DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND 22.26 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1750.6385 DATA FROG EQUIPMENT RENTAL RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION 22.26 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 2650.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL EVENTS CENTER ADM. 22.26 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1475.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 22.26 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1125.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL LEGAL 29.68 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1110.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL MOTOR VEHICLE - 0ISTRATION 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 219/2010 Check# Date Amount R65CKREG HU20000V 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 219/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 29.68 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1700.6385 29.68 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1710.6385 29.60 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1900.6385 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1510.6385 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1600.6385 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4100.6385 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 3150.6385 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1060.6385 51.93 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1150.6385 51.93 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1030.6385 51.93 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1450.6385 51.94 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 3000.6385 59.35 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4200.6385 125.00 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1030.6385 192.00 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 9001.1210 229.99 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1171.6385 418.80 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1510.6385 418.80 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1710.6385 2,044.80 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1475.6385 2,163.90 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4200.6385 2,567.55 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4100.6385 6582.00 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1060.6385 7,059.85 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1171.6385 27,367.10 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 2960.7030 49,948.80 158716 21912010 125394 LOKENSGARD, THOMAS 88.00 YOUTH BASKETBALL 108116 20091212 1758.6305 88.00 158717 2/912010 102671 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC 265.91 AIR CYLINDER 108128 2100925 4200.6388 1,418.47 CONTROL CABLE COMPLETE 108434 2100782 1600.6388 1,684.38 158718 2/9/2010 123417 MADINA HOSPITALITY GROUP LLC 150.00 ROYALTY ROOM FOR GRAPEVINE 108129 1962 3000 6325 150.00 158719 219/2010 103091 MATHWIG, BARB 140.00 NOTARY RENEWAL 1DB130 201000592 1177.6901 140.00 Subledger Account Description DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUE FROM UTILITIES DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROD EQUIPMENT RENTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT OTHER CONTRACTUAL CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR MEETINGS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS M 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 21 Business Unit CITY HALL MAINTENANCE PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER STREETS & ALLEYS WATERADM COMPOST MANUFACTURING FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM FIRE - ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM GENERALFUND POLICE ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WATER ADM FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION GENERAL GOVERNMENT CO -REC FLOOR HOCKEY WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS LIQUOR OPERATIONS INVESTIGATION R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page - 22 2/9/2010 - 219/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 158720 219/2010 101986 MCKAY, KAREN 19.38 BULLETIN BOARD SUPPLIES 108131 20100122 1750.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION 19.38 158721 219/2010 102489 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 400.00 BAIL MONEY- HOLMSTROM 108132 148818 1171.4730 OTHER REVENUES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 400.00 158722 2191 103046 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER 46.00 SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE 108460 20100202 2950,6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HCDC -EDA 46.00 158723 21912010 101942 MORA 334.00 2010 DUES 108156 20100129 1110.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 334.00 158724 219/2010 112400 MENARDS HUTCHINSON 190.48 KEYPAD FLEXLOCK 108134 78536 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 67.20 SUPPLIES 108135 78198 2650.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. 5.64 OUTLET PLATES & HINGE 108136 77555 1175.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 29.02 JUMBO STORAGE HANGERS 108138 79970 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 16.66 SUPPLIES 108140 79678 1700.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 103.35 NUMBER KITS & POST MOUNTS 108142 78385 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS &ALLEYS 19.18 NUMBER KITS, GUIDE 108145 79540 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 22.55 END ICE, BATTERIES, SOAP 108146 80683 1453.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 20.74 BOOKLITE TRIMFLEX 108148 81101 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 7.45 NOZZLE 108149 80933 1453.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 86.78 ROUTER BITS, HDWE 108151 80519 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 23.78 41b Sledge Hammer 00002240 108362 79802 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 592.83 158725 21912010 129126 MIDWEST MICRO IMAGING INC. 651.08 APT CRD CREATION 108507 009993 4200.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 41.88- 108507 009993 9445.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE WASTEWATER B/S 609.20 158726 219/2010 109387 MIDWEST PLAYSCAPES INC. 312.05 CLEVIS, CONNECTORS, HDWE 108153 4118 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 312.05 158727 219/20 102668 MINNESOTA CHAPTER IAAI • • • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 23 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Am ount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No S ubledger Account Description Business Unit 225.00 CONF REG- J.POPP 108157 20100120 1450.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 225.00 158728 2/912010 102724 MINNESOTA CRIME PREVENTION ASS 45.00 2010 DUES -E. KILIAN 108161 2010195 1172.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 45.00 158729 21912010 128576 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & IND 89.12 PLAN REVIEW FEE -PEACE SPRINKLE 108160 20100129 1475.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING INSPECTION 89.12 158730 2/912010 123811 MINNESOTAGFOA 60.00 RENEWAL- S.HEINTZ 108158 20100129 1060.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FINANCE- ADMINISTRATION 60.00 RENEWAL- J.CARTER 108159 20100130 1060.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 120.00 158731 2/912010 103504 MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSN 175.00 REGISTRATION CZECH 108447 20100127 4200.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 175.00 158732 21912010 105157 MINNESOTA SHREDDING 56.45 SHREDDING SERVICE 108162 253610683 1030.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 56.45 158733 2/912010 102583 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB 68.00 COLIFORM TESTING 108163 481497 4100.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WATER ADM 61.40 COLIFORM TESTING 108164 480794 4100.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WATER ADM 79.60 COLIFORM TESTING 108165 481481 4100.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WATER ADM 46.80 BOD CARBONACEOUS 108166 481748 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 240.60 LAB TESTING 108167 481383 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 46.80 BOD CARBONACEOUS 108166 481589 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 138.00 TECH TIME 108487 480191 7675.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL CLOSED BOND FUNDS 681.20 158734 21912010 109234 MINNESOTA WANNER COMPANY 70.89 PLATE & HEAD GASKETS R -8 108154 0082703 -IN 1452.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 70.89 158735 219/2010 104454 MINNESOTA'S BOOKSTORE 145.14 LAWS, VALUE GUIDE & TAX MANUAL 108155 20100129 1110.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 145.14 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page - 24 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Dale Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 158736 2/9/2010 124133 MODERN TOWING 74.81 TOWTO IMPOUND 108169 596 1172.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 74.81 158737 2/9/2010 129123 MUMFORD SANITATION 250.00 10 YARD ROLL -OFF 108435 47337 9115.6909 MISCELLANEOUS ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S 250.00 158738 2/9/2010 129125 MY -LOR INC. 413.61 IC BOARDS 108505 9620 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 26.61- 108505 9620 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERAL FUND 387.00 158739 2/9/2010 125502 NORTH CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL 203.31 Motor for Semi 213 00002261 108363 82628 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 203.31 158740 2/9/2010 122031 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES 292.97 LAB SUPPLIES 108191 264307 4200.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 292.97 158741 2/9/2010 103014 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 108.98 INK CARTRIDGE 108192 165181 -0 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 118.43 INK CARTRIDGE AND LABEL TAPE 108193 165198 -0 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 16.02 STAPLER 108194 167025 -0 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 243.43 158742 2/9/2010 122292 NORTHERN GREEN EXPO 603.50 BOOTH FOR 2011 GREEN EXPO 108195 20100125 3150.6330 ADVERTISING COMPOST MANUFACTURING 603.50 158743 2/9/2010 102591 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 112.79 SHOP SUPPLIES 108196 529933 1600,6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 112.79 158744 21912010 129011 NU- TELECOM 55.2 FEBRUARYINTERNET 108461 0148318 -0210 2810.6310 COMMUNICATIONS AIRPORT 55.29 158745 219/2010 122214 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 13.18 V -BELT 108199 1522- 330270 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION is 5.93 AIR FILTER 108200 1522- 331002 •1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATjb • • • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/912010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 25 2/9/2010 - 2/912010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 198.48 IMPACT REPAIR 108201 1522- 328705 3450.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS HATS OPERATIONS 235.02 HVD FILTERS 108202 1522- 330986 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 56.63 TRUCK WASH 108203 1522- 331120 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 128.70 FILTERS 108204 1522.331122 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 70.20 FILTERS 108205 1522- 330074 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 708.14 158746 219/2010 120549 ODEGAARD, EVELYN 17.00 DRIVER SAFETY CANCELLED 108197 123325 2610.4730 OTHER REVENUES RECREATION BLDG. &POOL 17.00 158747 2/9/2010 122948 OFFICE DEPOT 33.65 NOTARY STAMP 108198 504941314001 2810.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES AIRPORT 33.65 158748 21912010 129030 OXI FRESH CARPET CLEANING OF M 67.33 CLEAN STAFF OFFICE 108206 1238 1175.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 67.33 158749 219/2010 101853 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 174.95 WINE 108207 2864184 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,319.93 LIQUOR 108208 2863514 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 551.25 WINE 108209 2863515 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 5.73 - WINE 108210 3429908 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 5.73 - WINE 108211 3429909 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 283.75 WINE 108212 2861472 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 33.00 MISC 108213 2861473 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 2,908.19 LIQUOR 108214 2861471 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 5,259.61 158750 219/2010 102593 PLOTZ, GARY O 6.51 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES 108215 20100125 1700.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 6.51 158751 2/9/2010 103313 PLYMOUTH PLAYHOUSE 100.00 HOW TO TALK AN DEPOSIT 108216 20100120 1825.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 100.00 158752 2/9/2010 102445 POSTMASTER 250.00 WS R BILLS POSTAGE 108462 20100205 4099.6311 POSTAGE REFUSE& RECYCLING 250.00 W S R BILLS POSTAGE 108462 20100205 4100.6311 POSTAGE WATER ADM 250.00 W S R BILLS POSTAGE 108462 20100205 4200.6311 POSTAGE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION R66CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13'.50:50 Council Check Register Page- 26 2/912010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description Business Unit 250.00 WS R BILLS POSTAGE 108462 20100205 3500.6311 POSTAGE STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION 1,000.00 158763 2/9/2010 114391 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR 18.42 SERVICE 2005 DODGE DAKOTA 108217 2033495 1450.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 42.59 FORD EXPLORER OVERHEATING 108436 2032794 11506388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 61.01 158754 219/2010 126871 PRO CARE SERVICES INC 1,333.80 JANITORIAL SERVICE 108218 5685 3450 6370 CONTRACT REPAIR 8 MAINTENANCE HATS OPERATIONS 1,333.80 168766 21912010 102698 QUADE ELECTRIC 60.75 BULBS 108219 79400 3450.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 60.75 158756 21912010 102062 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. 95.00 BEER 108220 261364 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 140.80 MISC 108221 261360 3000.5103 COST OF MIX 8 SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 2,548.50 WINE 108222 261359 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 8,634.14 LIQUOR 108223 261364 -00 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 155.00 BEER 108224 258346 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 4,518.75 LIQUOR 108225 258360 30005100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 240.00 WINE 108226 258420 30005101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 597.00 LIQUOR 108227 258422 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 16,929.19 168767 21912010 102384 RDO EQUIPMENT CO. 539.67 Lock -out Box for Grinder 00002238 108364 P44232 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 539.67 158768 2/912010 129108 REVIER, CHANCETON 93.50 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108230 20100120 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 88.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108488 20100130 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 181.50 168769 21912010 129107 REVIER, CORDERRO 82.50 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108229 20100120 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 88.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108489 20100130 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 170.50 158760 2/9/20 124057 REVIER, SHANE • • 0 • • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 27 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Su bleoge r Account Description Business Unit 93.50 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108228 20100120 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 150.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108228 20100120 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 75.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108490 20100127 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 99.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108490 20100127 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 417.50 158761 2/9/2010 102358 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE 80.00 FIT TESTING APR MASKS 108338 00126802 1177.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INVESTIGATION 300.00 FIT TESTING APR MASKS 108338 00126802 1172.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 360.00 158762 2/9/2010 122769 RODEBERG, NANCY 64.00 DRIVER TRAINING REFUND 108231 123317 2610.4730 OTHER REVENUES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 64.00 158763 2/9/2010 119208 RUNKE, DOREEN 210.00 GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR 108463 20100205 1754.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL GYMNASTICS 210.00 158764 2/912010 102225 RUNNING'S SUPPLY 4.89 LETTERS & NUMBERS 108339 950507 -0110 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 10.58 HOSECLAMPS 108339 950507 -0110 2810.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS AIRPORT 14.41 ICE MELT, LIGHTER FLUID 108339 950507 -0110 2725.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CEMETERY 7.68 BELT 108340 950511 -0110 2610.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 64.07 AIR FILTERS, MIXER HOSE 108341 950516 -0110 1453.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 33.92 VISE GRIPS 108347 950513 -0110 4200.6245 SMALL TOOLS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 306.64 Caster, Swivel -6" Polyflex 700 00002247 108365 950514 -0110 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 16.00 ANTI -ICE 108491 950505 -0110 2650.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. 99.97 PANTS, COVERALLS 108491 950505 -0110 1900.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP PARK ADMINISTRATION 69.98 CANVAS PANTS 108492 950512 -0110 1510.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP CITY ENGINEER 146.95 JEANS 108493 950510 -0110 4100.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP WATER ADM 775.09 158765 2/912010 126643 SAM'S CLUB 105.00 3 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS 108233 3410445538010 1900.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION PARK ADMINISTRATION 463.60 CONCESSIONS & SERV FEE 108494 0402439664624 -0 2610.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 110 568.60 158766 21912010 102606 SCHMELINGOILCO 120.72 NOZZLE 108234 111125 3450.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS HATS OPERATIONS 522.57 CHEVRON DELO 108235 41487 3450.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS HATS OPERATIONS R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13'.50:50 Council Check Register Page - 28 219/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 643.29 158767 2/912010 109801 SCOTT'S WINDOW CLEANING SERVIC 64.20 ENTRY, DOORS 108342 030112 3000.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR B MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 64.20 158768 2/912010 112355 SEBORA, MARC 44.00 MILEAGE 108464 20100208 1125.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE LEGAL 44.00 168769 21912010 101892 SEH 5,461.60 DEC MISC END SERVICES 108437 226476 7718.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LET #2 10 -02 SHERWOOD EXTENSIO 5,461.60 158770 2/9/2010 115821 SEPPELT, MILES 18.50 TRAVEL 108236 20100127 2950.6321 CAR ALLOWANCE - TRAVEL HCDC -EDA 18.50 158771 21912010 125016 SIBLEY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 50.00 SUBPOENA CR -09 -2051 108237 2010- 00000044 1125.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL LEGAL 50.00 158772 219/2010 102106 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP 587.59 PHONE SYSTEM CHANGE 108117 65203814 2650.6230 REPAIR 8 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. 587.59 158773 2/912010 102611 SORENSEN'S SALES S RENTALS 26.50 81X Conn Link for Blending Lin 00002258 108366 00561 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 26.50 158774 2/9/2010 102747 ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC 60.17 ANTENNAS 108232 S1760636 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS 8 ALLEYS 60.17 158775 21912010 102612 STANDARD PRINTING 4.28 COLORED PAPER 108238 7448 4100.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES WATER ADM 22.71 NOTARY STAMP -RUNKE 108239 7490 1060.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 26.99 168776 2/912010 102484 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 1,512.85 TISSUE, PAPER TOWEL, LINERS 108240 99896693 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 330.97 HANDSOAP 108241 99896670 •1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATJQ9L 0 0 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 29 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 292.47 GLOVES, CLEANERS 108242 99696663 1900.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 55.79 CALC RIBBONS, ENVELOPES 108243 100192672 1060.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 49.01 WRIST REST, WASTEBSKT 108244 100029492 1175.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 18.53 LGL PADS, CALENDARS, PAPER 108245 99996418 1171.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 223.54 LGL PADS, CALENDARS, PAPER 108245 99996418 1173.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 15.07 KEYTAGS 108246 100062293 1700.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 86.18 FLDRS, MARKERS, FLAGS 108246 100062293 1060.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 56.57 PAPER TOWEL, BATTERY, CLEANER 108247 99963384 1700.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 154.49 HAND SOAP 108248 99929265 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 89.41 COPY PAPER 108343 100251023 1173.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 28.80 STAPLER, MEMO HOLDRS, LGL PADS 108344 100251055 1173.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 66.66 STAPLER, MEMO HOLDRS, LGL PADS 108344 100251055 1173.6245 SMALL TOOLS POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 107.65 STAPLER, MEMO HOLDRS, LGL PADS 108344 100251055 1175.6233 BUILDING REPAIRS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 128.25 PURELL DISPENSER 108345 99762522 1700.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 149.22 Paper Plates 00002259 108367 100163469 9443.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 41.77 Multifold Towels 00002259 108367 100163469 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 3,407.23 158777 21912010 122382 STARTRIBUNE 1,160.00 PLANNING DIRECTOR AD 108249 1000059601 1130.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 1,160.00 158778 21912010 118862 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT 706.56 BROWN BAGS 108250 1548852 3000,6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 706.56 158779 2/9/2010 105075 T.I.P. INC 2,165.00 LL Filer Remote Potato Conveyo 00002217 108368 340122 9443.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 1,699.06 Credit for New Remote 00002217 108369 340503 9443.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 465.94 158780 2/9/2010 121020 TAPS -LYLE SCHROEDER 20.00 CLEANED LINES &TAPS 108251 468646 2950.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HCDC -EDA 20.00 158781 21912010 102669 TEK MECHANICAL 38.49 SLOAN REPAIR KIT 106346 30841 1175 6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 5.83- 10" Round Galy Pipe 00002255 108370 30832 4099.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS REFUSE& RECYCLING 90.63 10" Round Galy Pipe 00002255 108370 30832 9443.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 10 68 5.12 MOVE WATER & SEWER LINES 108438 9412 2810.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE AIRPORT 10,808.41 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 30 Check # Date 168782 2/9/2010 Amount Supplier/ Explanation 128328 THE HARTFORD 10.83 February LTD Insurance 13.38 February LTD Insurance 14.53 February LTD Insurance 14.87 February LTD Insurance 17.44 February LTD Insurance 20.25 February LTD Insurance 23.71 February LTD Insurance 27.38 February LTD Insurance 28.10 February LTD Insurance 28.97 February LTD Insurance 33.27 February LTD Insurance 3134 February LTD Insurance 37.88 February LTD Insurance 39.29 February LTD Insurance 50.26 February LTD Insurance 52.82 February LTD Insurance 59.36 February LTD Insurance 68.26 February LTD Insurance 69.54 February LTD Insurance 74.34 February LTD Insurance 78.34 February LTD Insurance 82.98 February LTD Insurance 107.61 February LTD Insurance 121.35 February LTD Insurance 142.87 February LTD Insurance 402.08 February LTD Insurance 1,653.05 Subledger Account Description EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH B INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT Business Unit PLANNING -ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL MAINTENANCE REFUSE& RECYCLING CEMETERY RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION HCDC -EDA PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION EVENTS CENTER ADM. LEGAL HATS OPERATIONS CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION WATER ADM FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION HRA INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM LIQUOR OPERATIONS CITY ENGINEER WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 158783 219/2010 158784 21912010 158785 2/9/2010 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 108465 20100209 1130.6160 108465 20100209 1700.6160 108465 20100209 4099.6160 106465 20100209 2725.6160 108465 20100209 1750.6160 108465 20100209 1110 6160 108465 20100209 2950.6160 108465 20100209 1710.6160 108465 20100209 2650.6160 108465 20100209 1125.6160 108465 20100209 3450.6160 108465 20100209 1850.6160 108465 20100209 1450.6160 108465 20100209 1475.6160 108465 20100209 4100.6160 108465 20100209 1060.6160 108465 20100209 2855.6160 108465 20100209 1150.6160 108465 20100209 1900.6160 108465 20100209 1030.6160 108465 20100209 3000.6160 108465 20100209 1510 6160 108465 20100209 4200.6160 108465 20100209 3150.6160 108465 20100209 1600.6160 108465 20100209 1171.6160 Subledger Account Description EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH B INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT Business Unit PLANNING -ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL MAINTENANCE REFUSE& RECYCLING CEMETERY RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION HCDC -EDA PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION EVENTS CENTER ADM. LEGAL HATS OPERATIONS CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION WATER ADM FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION HRA INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM LIQUOR OPERATIONS CITY ENGINEER WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 158783 219/2010 158784 21912010 158785 2/9/2010 168786 2191218 129124 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA . DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SMALL TOOLS CASH DISCOUNTS HCDC -EDA CITY FIRE COMPOST MANUFACTURING • 124419 TRUNK HWY 15 COALITION 50.00 HWY 15 COALITION MEMBERSHIP 108253 20100125 2950.6901 50.00 102619 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC 529.03 RADIO 108254 6013 1451.6245 529.03 120590 UNITED HARDWARE DISTRIBUTING C 50.00 SURVEY CREDIT - LECENTER HDWE 108255 20100202 3150.4470 50.00 168786 2191218 129124 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA . DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SMALL TOOLS CASH DISCOUNTS HCDC -EDA CITY FIRE COMPOST MANUFACTURING • • • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/912010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 31 219/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 50.00 WORKSHOP REG- J.PAULSON 108495 20100131 1510.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY ENGINEER 50.00 158787 2/912010 124019 USPS - HASLER .44 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 4099,6311 POSTAGE REFUSE& RECYCLING .44 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1020.6311 POSTAGE CITY COUNCIL 1.05 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 2950.6311 POSTAGE HCDC -EDA 3.25 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1150.6311 POSTAGE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 3.96 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 2725.6311 POSTAGE CEMETERY 4.84 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1825.6311 POSTAGE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 6.60 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 2650.6311 POSTAGE EVENTS CENTER ADM. 8.36 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1850.6311 POSTAGE CIVIC ARENA 8.36 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1900.6311 POSTAGE PARK ADMINISTRATION 8.50 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3450,6311 POSTAGE HATS OPERATIONS 10.90 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3450.6311 POSTAGE HATS OPERATIONS 12.29 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1130.6311 POSTAGE PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 17.57 JAN UARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1510.6311 POSTAGE CITY ENGINEER 20.94 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3450.6311 POSTAGE HATS OPERATIONS 24.71 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1600.6311 POSTAGE STREETS & ALLEYS 25.04 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 2810.6311 POSTAGE AIRPORT 2559 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3000.6311 POSTAGE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 29.04 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1450,6311 POSTAGE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 35.27 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3150.6311 POSTAGE COMPOST MANUFACTURING 40.92 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 9001.1207 DUE FROM HRA GENERALFUND 51.32 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1030.6311 POSTAGE CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 51.91 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1125.6311 POSTAGE LEGAL 55.14 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 2950.6311 POSTAGE HCDC -EDA 61.64 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1475.6311 POSTAGE BUILDING INSPECTION 66.35 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1510.6311 POSTAGE CITY ENGINEER 76.12 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1750.6311 POSTAGE RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION 84.79 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1458.6311 POSTAGE RENTAL UNIT REG. & INSP. 128.64 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1171.6311 POSTAGE POLICE ADMINISTRATION 130.11 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1060.6311 POSTAGE FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 170.90 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 4100.6311 POSTAGE WATER ADM 170.90 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 4200.6311 POSTAGE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 170.90 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 4099.6311 POSTAGE REFUSE& RECYCLING 170.91 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3500.6311 POSTAGE STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION 389.36 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1110.6311 POSTAGE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 2,067.06 158788 2/9/2010 101974 VIKING BEER 30,00- RETURN /DEPOSIT 108257 48660 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 32 2/912010 - 219/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 23.50- CREDIT MISC 108257 48660 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 23.50 MISC 108257 48660 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3,899.95 BEER 108257 48660 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 556.50- CREDIT BEER 108258 48618 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 16.80 MISC 108258 48618 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00 DEPOSIT 108258 48618 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 5,161.35 BEER 108258 48618 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 8,521.60 158789 2/9/2010 102132 VIKING COCA COLA 198.00 MIX/POP 108259 23801939 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 118.50 MIX/SOFT DRINKS 108260 0023801968 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 316.50 158790 21912010 128665 VINOCOPIAINC 2.50 FREIGHT 108261 22615 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 144.00 WINE 108261 22615 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 146.50 158791 21912010 128875 WASTE MANAGEMENT -TC WEST 7.10 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 2700.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING LIBRARY 14.20 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 2698.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING EVERGREEN BLDG ADM 14.20 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 1453.6363 REFUSE- RECYCLING FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 28.37 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 11756363 REFUSE - RECYCLING POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 42.56 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 4200.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 56.75 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589 - 1593 -7 1900.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING PARK ADMINISTRATION 56.75 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 1700.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 56.75 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 1850.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING CIVIC ARENA 56.75 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 2610.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING RECREATION BLDG. &POOL 56.75 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589 - 1593 -7 1850.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING CIVIC ARENA 85.12 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 4099.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING REFUSE &RECYCLING 170.24 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 4200.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 170.24 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589 - 1593 -7 1900.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING PARK ADMINISTRATION 89.25 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108467 5304590- 1593 -5 3000.6360 UTILITIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 905.03 158792 219/2010 105122 WASTE MANAGEMENT- WINSTED 1,190.00 119 REFUSE BINS CHANGED 2009 108445 20100202 4099.6362 REFUSE - HAULING REFUSE& RECYCLING 1,190.00 158793 2/9/2010 129089 WEIS, GREGORY 132.00 YOUTH BASKETBALL 108119 20091219 1758.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL CO -REC FLOOR HOW R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Dale Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description 1758.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 2850.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3000.5106 FREIGHT 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 3000.5106 FREIGHT 132.00 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5106 FREIGHT 168794 21912010 3000.5100 102929 WEIS, MARK 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5106 FREIGHT 66.00 YOUTH BASKETBALL 108118 20091219 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 66.00 FREIGHT 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 158795 2/9/2010 126043 WELLS FARGO INSURANCE SERVICES 833.33 JAN AGENCY FEE 108262 400629 833.33 158796 2/912010 103452 WINE COMPANY, THE 33.00 FREIGHT 108252 234997 1,761.60 WINE 108252 234997 1,794.60 158797 2/9/2010 102462 WINE MERCHANTS INC 957.15 WINE 108263 303971 957.15 158798 2/9/2010 128866 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 6.00 FREIGHT 108264 352593 539.55 LIQUOR 108264 352593 58.00 FREIGHT 108265 349451 140.43 MISC 108265 349451 6,409.61 LIQUOR 108265 349451 75.49- LIQUOR 108266 794642 .95- FREIGHT 108266 794642 46.00 FREIGHT 108267 352592 89.93 MISC 108267 352592 4,261.34 LIQUOR 108267 352592 13.00 FREIGHT 108268 349452 675.78 WINE 108268 349452 12,163.20 158799 2/9/2010 129109 WURDELL, GUS 25.00 PRESCHOOL SWIM CANCELLED 108269 123606 25.00 158800 2/9/2010 112411 WURZBERGER,TOM 6.43 FIRE SCHOOL TRAVEL 108496 20100130 6.43 1758.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 2850.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3000.5106 FREIGHT 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 3000.5106 FREIGHT 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5106 FREIGHT 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5106 FREIGHT 3000.5106 FREIGHT 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR 3000.5106 FREIGHT 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE 2610.4730 OTHER REVENUES Business Unit 0 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 33 CO -REC FLOOR HOCKEY UNALLOCATED GENERAL LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 1450.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG HU20000V Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation 158801 219/2010 122932 XEROX CORP 755.46 JAN COPIER SERVICE 755.46 B76, 351.47 Grand Total CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 — 2/9/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 108270 045783911 1060.6207 Subledger Account Description COPY MACHINE Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 876,351.47 Total Payments 876,351.47 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 34 Business Unit FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 0 • • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 219/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 1 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Dale Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 158592 2/912010 118447 10,000 LAKES CHAPTER 210.00 REGISTRATION RUTLEDGE 108444 20100129 1475.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE BUILDING INSPECTION 210.00 158593 21912010 126889 ABSOLUTE CATERING 416.00 SENIOR FELLOWHIP DINNER 108498 20100127 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 416.00 158595 21912010 102126 ACE HARDWARE 8.00 BELT 108271 1315- 197822 2610.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 11.80 CABLE 108272 1315 - 197849 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 6.94 COVER 108273 1315 - 197924 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 8.54 BATTERY 108274 1315- 197910 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 46.66 OEADBOLT PLAT LABOR 108275 1315- 197996 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 12.58 COUPLE PIPE ADAPTER 108276 1315- 197997 4100.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WATER ADM 40.59 BRUSH & PAINT 108277 1315- 198011 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 13.88 DRILL BIT 108278 1315- 198041 1900.6245 SMALL TOOLS PARK ADMINISTRATION 11.07 NUTS BOLTS NAILS 108279 1315 - 198058 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 21.34 PAINT & TAPE 108280 1315- 198100 1700,6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 12.28 DRILL BIT 108281 1315- 198065 4100 6245 SMALL TOOLS WATER ADM .71 NUTS BOLTS NAILS 108282 1315- 198126 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 5.12 DOORSTOP 108283 1315 - 198212 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 42.70 SANDBELT 108284 1315 - 198224 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 4.80 BATTERY 108285 1315- 198239 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 10.97 PLUGS COUPLE PARTS 108286 1315- 198310 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 32.46 STRIPING PAINT & FILTER 108287 1315 - 198402 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 30.97 BULB 108288 1325- 198446 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 46.07 SpryPrimr Gray 12oz Bagger 00002251 108348 198280 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 22.41 SpryKrylon Smoke Gry 12ozBagge 00002251 108349 198230 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 31.50 HOOKS 108385 1825- 197532 1175.6245 SMALL TOOLS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 20.57 SUPPLIES 108386 1825 - 197990 1175.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4.37 TIPS NUTS BOLTS NAILS 108387 1790 - 197473 1452.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 36.22 SHOP SUPPLIES 108388 1790 - 197959 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 4.47 LAWN GARDEN TOOLS 108389 1790 - 198040 1453.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 11.73 TAPE 108390 1790- 198232 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 6.40 TAPE 108391 1790 - 198233 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 8.54 OIL 106392 1790- 198258 14516210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 6.39 CEMENT & ELBOW 108439 1315- 198534 4100.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WATER ADM 3.20 HOOK PIC /CUP 108440 1315- 198602 4200.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 2.65 NUTS BOLTS NAILS 108441 1315- 198605 1110.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 9.68 AIR HOSE SUPPLIES 108504 1315 - 198566 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 35.46 PAINT CAULK NUTS BOLTS NAILS 108506 1315 - 198609 1900.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE PARK ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG HU20000V Check# Date Amount Supplie I Explanation 571.07 168696 219/2010 122547 ACTIVE NETWORK 1,677.38 MAINT & SUPPORT 1,677.38 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description Business Unit 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page - 2 108497 4100000758 1710.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 158697 2/9/2010 102217 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES, ING 340.16 HUMIDIFIER & PROVING SWITCH 108296 29407 2700.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIBRARY 340.16 158598 219/2010 119542 ALBERTS, MARK 5.00 PARKING 108486 20100130 1450.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 5.00 158599 21912010 122030 ALPHA WIRELESS 53.44 MONTHLY UHF DISPATCH 108503 635060 3150.6310 COMMUNICATIONS COMPOST MANUFACTURING 53.44 158600 2/912010 120851 AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORP 262.50 MN CODE OF ORDINANCES 108295 73939 1125.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LEGAL 262.50 158601 2/9/2010 124950 AMERICAN MESSAGING 12.72 RENTALPAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1403.6310 COMMUNICATIONS School Liaison Officer 16.30 RENTALPAGERS 108468 02080919KB 1171.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 25.44 RENTALPAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1175.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 38.15 RENTAL PAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1173.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 50.87 RENTALPAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1171.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE ADMINISTRATION 63.59 RENTAL PAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1177.6310 COMMUNICATIONS INVESTIGATION 89.03 RENTAL PAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1174.6310 COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS- ADMINISTRATION 228.93 RENTAL PAGERS 108468 D2080919KB 1172.6310 COMMUNICATIONS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 3.27- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 14.73- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 2.45- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 5.73- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 1.64- 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 4.09- 108468 O2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND .82- 108468 02080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 1.04 108468 D2080919KB 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 491.26 151102 219120 101167 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSN 0 • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Account Description 71.00 2010 MEMBERSHIP DUES 108443 7000187258 4200.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4100.6901 3000.6370 3000.6370 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS • 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 3 Business Unit WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WATERADM CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3450.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES 71.00 1600.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS 158603 21912010 STREETS & ALLEYS 101867 AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSN SHOP MATERIALS STREETS & ALLEYS 173.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES EXNER 108501 7000188807 173.00 158604 2/9/2010 102430 AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL 72.43 MOPS MATS 108293 N585459 72.43 TOWELS MOPS MATS 108294 N581410 144.86 158605 2/9/2010 126788 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE 26.51 MATS TOWELS MOPS 108290 629 - 6914898 .49 TOWELS 108291 629 - 6914899 .86 TOWELS 108291 629 - 6914899 6.77 TOWELS 108291 629- 6914899 34.63 158606 21912010 105204 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC 41.84 ICE 108292 421002605 41.84 158607 2/912010 127889 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO 376.00 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 106442 28810 376.00 158608 21912010 124747 AUTO VALUE- GLENCOE 10.67 SHOP PARTS 108269 D205733 10.67 158609 21912010 104077 B &C PLUMBING & HEATING INC 709.62 ROOFTOP UNIT 108112 15622 709.62 158610 219/2010 101916 BERNICK'S 123.25 WATER 108111 33591 600.00 POP 108298 91202 723.25 158611 21912010 123672 BLACK BOX CORPORATION 78.35 HUC REMODEL 108305 309537 4100.6901 3000.6370 3000.6370 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS • 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 3 Business Unit WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WATERADM CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3450.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 1600.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS 1600.6213 UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP STREETS & ALLEYS 1600.6214 SHOP MATERIALS STREETS & ALLEYS 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 2650.6370 2610.6217 2610.6217 9001.1210 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE EVENTS CENTER ADM. FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL DUE FROM UTILITIES GENERAL FUND R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 4 2/9/2010 — 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 78.35 158612 2/9/2010 101838 BLACK HILLS AMMUNITION 1,931.23 AMMUNITION 108502 179470 1172.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 124.23 108502 179470 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERAL FUND 1,807.00 158613 2/912010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108378 4749 9270.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES 2006 IMPROV BD DEBT SERVICE 450.00 158614 2/9/2010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 100.00 AGENT SERVICES 108379 4743 9271.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES 2007 IMPROV BOND DEBT SERVICE 100.00 158615 2/912010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108380 4744 4100.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES WATER ADM 450.00 158616 219/2010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108381 4745 4200.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 450.00 158617 2/9/2010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108382 4746 9272.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES 2008 IMPROV BOND DEBT SERVICE 450.00 158618 2/9/2010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108383 4747 9270.6615 PAYING AGENT FEES 2006 IMPROV BD DEBT SERVICE 450.00 158619 2/9/2010 123959 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATIO 450.00 AGENT SERVICES 108384 4748 4100 6615 PAYING AGENT FEES WATER ADM 450.00 158620 2/912010 124054 BREYER, TODD 75.00 BBALL OFFICIAL 108484 20100127 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 99.00 BBALL OFFICIAL 108484 20100127 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 174.00 158621 2/9/2010 120227 BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION COMPA 0 670.00 ANNUAL SPRINKLER INSPECTION 108299 3676 •4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADWATION • 0 ! R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50.50 Council Check Register Page- 5 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 670.00 158622 2/912010 129110 BROYER, TODD 66.00 OFFICIAL FOR BASKETBALL 108300 20100120 1758.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL CO -REC FLOOR HOCKEY 82.50 OFFICIAL FOR BASKETBALL 108300 20100120 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 150.00 OFFICIAL FOR BASKETBALL 108300 20100120 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 298.50 168623 2/912010 102136 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS 141.61 TONER 108297 150409 4100.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES WATER ADM 101.53 TONER 108301 150231 1900.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 303.53 ADOBE ACROBAT 9 108302 150396 1510.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY ENGINEER 8.23 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 3150.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE COMPOST MANUFACTURING 16.90 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1125.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES LEGAL 27.07 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 2650.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE EVENTS CENTER ADM.. 33.36 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1600.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE STREETS & ALLEYS 40.60 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1110.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 44.28 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WATER ADM 56.64 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1030.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 90.58 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 9001.1207 DUE FROM HRA GENERAL FUND 101.96 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1475.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE BUILDING INSPECTION 10196 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1130 6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 127.72 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1450.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 151.86 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 4200.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 189.62 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 2950.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE HCDC -EDA 192.90 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1510.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE CITY ENGINEER 220.86 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1060.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 223.94 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1710.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 464.97 JAN COST PER PRINT 108303 150721 1171.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE ADMINISTRATION 84.43 KINGSTON 2GB UNBUFFERED 108304 150592 9001.1210 DUE FROM UTILITIES GENERAL FUND 101.53 BLACK TONER 108394 150858 1177.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES INVESTIGATION 342.01 RENTAL 108469 3860 1756.6380 RENTALS TOURNAMENTS Supplier 121184 HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS 3,168.09 158624 2/912010 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING 34.85- JANUARY PURCHASES 108175 228261 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00- JANUARY PURCHASES 108175 228261 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 38.40 JANUARY PURCHASES 108175 228261 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 218.65 JANUARY PURCHASES 108175 228261 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 154.05- JANUARY PURCHASES 108177 228454 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00- JANUARY PURCHASES 108177 228464 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS R55CKREG HU20000V 102253 CENTRAL MCGOWAN CITY OF HUTCHINSON 62.62 HIGH PRESSURE CYL Council Check Register 00025678 4200.6230 62.62 2/9/2010 - 2/912010 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Descrip0on 83.95 JANUARY PURCHASES 108177 228454 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 1600.6205 180.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 108177 228454 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS 2650.6210 24,350.15 JANUARY PURCHASES 108177 228454 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 03450.6205 90.00- JANUARY PURCHASES 108183 229029 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS 18.20- JANUARY PURCHASES 108183 229029 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 30.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 108183 229029 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS 229.55 JANUARY PURCHASES 108183 229029 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 184.61- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 108446 229259 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 30.00- FEBRUARY PURCHASES 108446 229259 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS 85.60 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 108446 229259 3000.5103 COST OF MIX& SOFT DRINKS 26,157.85 FEBRUARY PURCHASES 108446 229259 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 50,802.44 158625 2/9/2010 104512 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIE 74.71 BATTERY 108333 43054 1600.6245 SMALL TOOLS 319.34 SAFETY VESTS 106333 43054 1600.6216 SAFETY SUPPLIES 20.54- 108333 43054 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE 4.81 108333 43054 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE 368.70 168626 2/9/2010 102092 CARR FLOWERS 63.98 FLOWERS WITTE &AMENT 108306 80 -33532 19006909 MISCELLANEOUS 63.98 158627 2/912010 104391 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 45.73 ST 962 PARTS 108310 0014606 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 80.24 PARTS 108313 0014608 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 97.75 Filter for Grinder 00002234 108350 0014623 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED 223.72 158628 219/2010 102143 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 300.15 SUPPLIES 108113 192988 19006210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 300.15 158629 2/9/2010 102253 CENTRAL MCGOWAN 62.62 HIGH PRESSURE CYL 108395 00025678 4200.6230 62.62 168630 2/9/2010 124878 COMDATA CORPORATION 2.88 GREETING CARD 108479 HB469 -0110 1600.6205 5.09 FOAM CUPS 108479 HB469 -0110 2650.6210 • 36.89 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES 108479 HB469 -0110 03450.6205 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 6 Business Unit LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS STREETS & ALLEYS STREETS & ALLEYS GENERALFUND GENERALFUND PARK ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS PARK ADMINISTRATION REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S PARK ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS EVENTS CENTER ADM. HATS OPERATION 9 R55CKREG HU20000V Check# Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation CITY OF HUTCHINSON 49.68 COOKIES 108396 Council Check Register 58.60 CONCESSIONS CREDIT REPORTS 2/912010 - 219/2010 308.33 SUPPLIES PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 20.30 SUPPLIES 108479 HB469 -0110 2650.6217 481.77 EVENTS CENTER ADM. 158631 2/9/2010 FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION 129120 COP SHOP LLC 108479 HB469 -0110 1825.6210 1,155.28 NEW SQUAD SETUP 108508 7- 107 -2- 3011 -02 1825.6210 1,155.28 SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 158632 219/2010 108334 128460 CORPORATE MECHANICA 1,144.00 89.09 PARTS 108398 120 108332 138765 108332 138765 158633 219/2010 9 129119 CORRA GROUP • CITY OF HUTCHINSON 11.00 2/912010 13:50:50 108396 Council Check Register Page - 7 CREDIT REPORTS 2/912010 - 219/2010 16357 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 108479 HB469 -0110 2650.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION EVENTS CENTER ADM. 108479 HB469 -0110 2610.6217 FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 108479 HB469 -0110 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 108508 7- 107 -2- 3011 -02 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 78.65 0210 108334 2010004 108398 120 108332 138765 108332 138765 158633 219/2010 129119 CORRA GROUP 11.00 CREDIT REPORTS 108396 16357 22.00 CREDIT REPORTS 108396 16357 68.00 CREDIT REPORTS 108396 16357 101.00 168634 219/2010 120246 COUNTRYSIDE FLAGPOLE 1,222.65 FLAGS 108334 2010004 78.65 108334 2010004 1,144.00 158635 2/9/2010 102050 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR 21.00 OIL CHANGE 108309 39732 58.76 CHECK ENGINE LIGHT 108314 39676 79.76 158636 2/912010 129111 CROW RIVER EYECARE CENTER 2,000.00 SIGN & AWNING GRANT PROGRAM 108312 20100129 2,000.00 SIGN & AWNING GRANT PROGRAM 108509 20100208 4,000.00 168637 2/9/2010 102289 CROW RIVER GLASS & SIGNS 2.48 Tempered Circle x 1/8" Pattern 00002244 108351 45971 36.00 Tempered Circle x 1/8" Pattern 00002244 108351 45971 2.48 00002244 108351 45971 36.00 1172.6388 4200.6231 9445.2230 1450.6909 9001.1210 1172.6305 1900.6210 9001.2230 1172.6388 1171.8388 8000.6650 8000.6650 3150.6231 9442.2021 9442.2230 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT PARTS SALES TAXES PAYABLE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER B/S MISCELLANEOUS DUE FROM UTILITIES OTHER CONTRACTUAL OPERATING SUPPLIES SALES TAXES PAYABLE CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR LOAN LOAN EQUIPMENT PARTS RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED SALES TAXES PAYABLE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION GENERALFUND POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION GENERALFUND POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION Downtown Grant Program Downtown Grant Program COMPOST MANUFACTURING REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 8 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Dale Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 158638 219/2010 102220 CROW RIVER PRESS INC 52.28 SNOW EMERGENCY NOTICES 108308 28234 1172.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 128.07 SENIOR NEWSLETTER 108481 28314 1825.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 180.35 168639 21912010 102121 CROW RIVER VET HOSPITAL PA 481.01 BOARDING & EUTHANASIA 108397 66139 1172.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 481.01 158640 2/912010 103791 CUMMINS NPOWER, LLC 1,055.77 SERVICE CALL 108307 100 -43973 1175.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 204.70 SERVICE CALL 108311 10044220 1175.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,260.47 158641 2/9/2010 102178 CURTIS 1000 INC -MN 55.28 ENVELOPES 108478 2501634 3500.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION 55.28 ENVELOPES 108478 2501634 4099.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING REFUSE& RECYCLING 55.28 ENVELOPES 108478 2501634 4100.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING WATERADM 55.29 ENVELOPES 108478 2501634 4200.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 160.14 ENVELOPES 108480 2500689 3500.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION 160.14 ENVELOPES 108480 2500689 4099.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING REFUSE& RECYCLING 160.14 ENVELOPES 108480 2500689 4100.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING WATER ADM 160.14 ENVELOPES 108480 2500689 4200.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 861.69 158642 219/2010 123984 D S S WHOLESALE, INC 1,016.70 AMMO 108335 10024 1172.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 65.40 108335 10024 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE GENERALFUND 951.30 168643 2/912010 102488 DAY DISTRIBUTING 236.75 NOV BEER CREDIT 106399 221069 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS Supplier 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING 5,187.90 JANUARY PURCHASES 108176 537635 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 108189 538372 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 36.80 JANUARY PURCHASES 108189 538372 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,546.70 JANUARY PURCHASES 108189 538372 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 7,038.15 168644 2/912010 103793 OLT SOLUTIONS 0 187.80 AUTO CAD 2010 RENEWAL 108500 S1107112 2962.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES STREETS & HIGHWO 0 • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 2.54 108500 S1107112 9301.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE OTHER REVENUES • 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 9 Business Unit CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS B/S RECREATION BLDG. & POOL FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE POSTAGE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED POSTAGE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REFUSE FUND B/S WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMMUNICATIONS REFUSE FUND B/S POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES MEETINGS HCDC -EDA POLICE ADMINISTRATION 185.26 158645 2/9/2010 129112 DOBRATZ, MURIEL 15.00 CANCEL CLASS 108318 123160 2610.4730 15.00 158646 2/9/2010 102710 DOMINO'S PIZZA 205.00 TOWRNAMENT CONCESSIONS 108317 20100120 2610.6217 205.00 158647 2/9/2010 104084 DONOHUE & ASSOCIATES 1,451.31 WWTF BLOWER OPTIMIZATION 108477 11661 -07 4200.6301 1,451.31 158648 2/9/2010 103024 DRIVERS LICENSE GUIDE CO 28.95 ID CHECKING GUIDE 108448 568893 1110.6901 28.95 158649 2/912010 113181 DROP -hi SHIPPING, INC 18.45 UPS TO ST PAUL MN 108315 74994 4200.6311 8.60 SPEE DEE TO DULUTH MN 108316 74747 4200.6311 44.20 Returned New Remote to TIP 00002246 108352 74372 9443.2021 12.25 SPEE DEE TO MANKATO MN 108449 75099 4200.6311 83.50 158650 2/9/2010 102647 DYNA SYSTEMS 132.63 PARTS 108399 20332402 4200.6230 132.63 158651 21912010 102495 EBERT, PAT 5.33 MEETING LUNCH 108452 20100203 1150.6320 5.33 158652 21912010 102726 ECOLAB PEST ELIM 125.04 Rodent Program for the Year 00002264 108353 4286570 9443.2021 56.64 RODENT PROGRAM 108451 4409378 1175.6310 181.68 158651 21912010 102354 ECONO FOODS 12.83 POP 108320 26- 0110 - 012610 2950.6210 10.47 STRUDLE & COOKIES 108321 20 -0110- 012810 1171.6325 OTHER REVENUES • 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 9 Business Unit CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS B/S RECREATION BLDG. & POOL FOOD PRODUCTS - CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE POSTAGE RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED POSTAGE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REFUSE FUND B/S WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED COMMUNICATIONS REFUSE FUND B/S POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE OPERATING SUPPLIES MEETINGS HCDC -EDA POLICE ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG HU20000V 182.91 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 158654 Council Check Register 106555 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier / Explanation P O# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 11.98 STRUDLE & COOKIES 108322 20 -0110- 012110 1171.6325 MEETINGS 10.47 STRUDLE & COOKIES 108323 20- 0110 - 011410 1171.6325 MEETINGS 9.07 STRUDLE & COOKIES 108324 20 -0110- 010710 1171.6325 MEETINGS 12.98 DONUTS 108400 55- 0110 - 012810 2700.6909 MISCELLANEOUS 9.49 STRUDLE & COOKIES 108450 20 -0210- 020410 1171.6325 MEETINGS 86.36 SUPPLIES 108475 20 -0110- 011910 3000.6325 MEETINGS 19.26 BREAD & CHEESE 108476 20- 0110- 012110A 3000.6325 MEETINGS PAYING AGENT FEES PAYING AGENT FEES 2/9/2010 1350.50 Page- 10 Business Unit POLICE ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY POLICE ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS WATER ADM WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE STREETS & ALLEYS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS FIRE - ADMINISTRATION CITY FIRE RURAL FIREFIGHTO 182.91 158654 21912010 106555 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 50.00 CONTINUING DISCLOSURE REPORTNG 108331 60388 4100.6615 50.00 CONTINUING DISCLOSURE REPORTNG 108331 60388 4200.6615 100.00 158655 2/9/2010 110034 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC 212.50 RED BULL 108319 842204 3000.5103 212.50 158656 21912010 102223 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT 111.34 WIPER ARM & BLADE 108326 5- 0023666 1900.6388 111.34 158657 219/2010 128584 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 215.70 COFFEE & TEA 108330 52650582 1171.6210 215.70 158658 2/912010 104137 FASTENAL COMPANY 12.40 PARTS 108327 MNHUT76930 1900.6210 1.54 PARTS 108328 MNHUT76910 1900.6210 13.94 158659 2/9/2010 101896 FENSKE'S STUMP REMOVAL 335.60 TREE REMOVAL 108329 0913 1600.6370 335.60 158660 2/912010 121017 FIRE MARSHALS ASSN OF MN 35.00 MEMBERSHIP JAMES POPP 108511 20100209 1450 6901 35.00 168661 2/9/2010 122555 FIRE SAFETY USA, INC 400.00 FIRE GLOVES 108325 33721 1451.6245 400.00 FIRE GLOVES 106325 33721 0 1456.6245 PAYING AGENT FEES PAYING AGENT FEES 2/9/2010 1350.50 Page- 10 Business Unit POLICE ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY POLICE ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS WATER ADM WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE STREETS & ALLEYS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS FIRE - ADMINISTRATION CITY FIRE RURAL FIREFIGHTO • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subletlge Account Description 547.00 TRUCKCHARGERS 108510 33852 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES 2/9/2010 13:50'.50 Page- 11 Business Unit FIRE DEPT SHARED COST REFUSE &RECYCLING COMPOST MANUFACTURING COMPOST MANUFACTURING RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL BUILDING REPAIRS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS CEMETERY DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS OTHER CONTRACTUAL RENTS - BLDGS OTHER POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT TOURNAMENTS EVENTS CENTER ADM. 1,347.00 168662 2/912010 102526 G & K SERVICES 25.90 MATS TOWELS MOPS 108405 104340259 4099.6210 29.10 MATS TOWELS 108406 1043397384 31506210 22.26 MATS TOWELS 108512 1043407310 3150.6210 77.26 158663 2/9/2010 128662 GARICK CORPORATION 455.00 DISTRICT COMPOST BULK 00002250 108354 390031 9442.2021 455.00 168664 2/9/2010 120284 GAVIN, OLSON & WINTERS, LTD 487.50 LEGAL SERVICES 108404 2004069 -003M 1125.6301 487.50 158665 2/912010 103340 GEB ELECTRICAL INC 518.67 INSTALL 108401 3016 1175.6233 518.67 158866 219/2010 102524 GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICES( 200.00 REGISTRATION STARKE 108453 20100127 1030.6320 200.00 168667. 219/2010 106562 GRANIT BRONZ 165.66 NICHE PLAQUE 108402 12- 02341 -A 2725.7025 165.66 158668 2/9/2010 101888 GRINA, LISA 140.00 NOTARY RENEWAL 108403 20100127 1173.6901 140.00 158669 2/912010 129122 HALONEN, RITA 88.00 GIRLS BBALL OFFICIAL 108425 20100125 1756.6305 88.00 158670 2/912010 120467 HALTER, JOAN 140.00 CHINA FLATWARE FEE 108514 20100202 2650.4313 140.00 158671 2/912010 102461 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES 2/9/2010 13:50'.50 Page- 11 Business Unit FIRE DEPT SHARED COST REFUSE &RECYCLING COMPOST MANUFACTURING COMPOST MANUFACTURING RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL BUILDING REPAIRS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDGS CEMETERY DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS OTHER CONTRACTUAL RENTS - BLDGS OTHER POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT TOURNAMENTS EVENTS CENTER ADM. R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date 158672 21912010 158673 219/2010 168674 2/9/2010 Amount S upplier/ Explanation 243.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 243.00 PO # Doc No Inv No 108181 73413 Account No Subledge Acc Description 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 109799 HARRIS SERVICE 1,234.20 PREVENTIVEMAINT 1,234.20 108411 027036 219/2010 13:50:50 Page- 12 Business Unit LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1175.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE • 102546 HCVN•TV 10,871.25 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 108114 20100126 9001.4332 CABLE TV GENERAL FUND 10,871.25 129064 HEALTH PARTNERS 416.50 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 2650.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EVENTS CENTER ADM. 416.50 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 2725.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CEMETERY 416.50 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 2950.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT HCDC -EDA 499.80 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 4099.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT REFUSE& RECYCLING 520.62 Cobra- Gregor 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra -Gray 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra - Dascher 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra -Karg 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 520.62 Cobra -Winter 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1110,6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1125.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT LEGAL 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1130.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 3450.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT HATS OPERATIONS 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1700.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1710.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 1,040.98 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1750.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION 1,301.23 Cobra- Edandson 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 1,301.23 Cobra - Haarstad 108457 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND 2,081.96 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1150.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 2,081.96 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1850.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CIVIC ARENA 2,081.96 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1450.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 2,498.46 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1475.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT BUILDING INSPECTION 2,581.76 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 4100.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT WATER ADM 2,914.96 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1900.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT PARK ADMINISTRATION 3,122.94 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1030.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 3,122.94 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1060.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS. BENEFIT FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 4,018.42 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 3000.6160 EMPLHEALTH &INS, BENEFIT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 4,153.92 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 2855.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT HRA 4,580.42 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1510.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CITY ENGINEER 6,454.40 Employer Contribu0on 108457 20100201 .1600.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT STREETS & ALLEY* • • R55CKREG HU20000V Check # Date 158675 2/9/2010 158676 219/2010 168677 21912010 158678 2/912010 168679 219/2010 158680 219/2010 168681 21912010 158682 21912010 Amount is CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page - 13 219/2010 - 2/9/2010 6,975.02 Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 6,975.02 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 3150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT COMPOST MANUFACTURING 7,786.66 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 4200.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 22,329.99 Employee Contribution 108457 20100201 9995.2244 DUE TO EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PAYROLL FUND B/S 25,817.06 Employer Contribution 108457 20100201 1171.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT POLICE ADMINISTRATION 116,854.55 101988 HED, MARILYN 48.00 LUNCH & MILEAGE 108412 20100127 1110.6320 48.00 129121 HELLER, NICK 5.00 REFUND CLASSES 108421 20100128 1772.4280 34.00 REFUND CLASSES 108421 20100128 2610.4730 39.00 102246 HENNEPIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE 120.00 ART OF READING SMOKE 108513 00195246 1450.6320 120.00 116866 HEWLETT - PACKARD CO 892.40 COMPUTERS 108422 47047438 2961.6210 788.73 COMPUTERS 108423 47056696 9001.1210 8,715.84 COMPUTERS 108424 47009965 2960.6210 10,396.97 102618 HILLYARD /HUTCHINSON 13.92 Germicidal Bowl Cleaner 00002262 108355 6180425 9442.2021 49.24 SUPPPLIES 108420 6171930 1700.6210 63.16 114928 HOLT TOUR & CHARTER 495.00 SENIOR TOUR 108515 20100202 1825.6305 495.00 102644 HUTCH CAFE 97.79 MEAL 108454 41818 2950.6210 97.79 102139 HUTCHINSON AREA CHAMBER OF COM 30.00 MTG & AWARDS BANQUET SEPPELT 108427 1580 2950.6320 60.00 MTG &AWARDS BANQUET COOK 108428 1589 1020.6320 90.00 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION RECREATION ACTIVITY FEES MINI SOCCER OTHER REVENUES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION OPERATING SUPPLIES DUE FROM UTILITIES OPERATING SUPPLIES PUBLIC SAFETY GENERALFUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED OPERATING SUPPLIES OTHER CONTRACTUAL OPERATING SUPPLIES REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S CITY HALL MAINTENANCE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER HCDC -EDA TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE HCDC -EDA TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY COUNCIL R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 219/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 158683 21912010 102319 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE 1,339.00 4TH QTR EAP SERVICE 108432 ST2100310035CO 9602.6301 1,339.00 158684 21912010 122063 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE 2,144.00 COMMON AREA MAINT 108429 8550- 1- THUTCOM- 2650.6372 . _........._. _.. .... 0210 2,144.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SELF INSURANCE FUND B/S COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE EVENTS CENTER ADM. 168685 21912010 102530 HUTCHINSON CO.OP 478.79 E85 FUEL 108407 201284 -0110 1172.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 60.00 LP & OIL 108408 201283 -0110 2725.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS CEMETERY 19.70 LP 108409 349028 -0110 3450.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS HATS OPERATIONS 52.12 OIL 108410 200782 -0110 4200.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 33.70 JANUARY PURCHASES 108474 200765 -0110 4099.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS REFUSE& RECYCLING 621.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 108474 200765 -0110 4099.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS REFUSE& RECYCLING 2,484.02 JANUARY PURCHASES 108474 200765 -0110 3150.6211 MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS COMPOST MANUFACTURING 3,749.33 168686 219/2010 102537 HUTCHINSON LEADER 80.00 ADVERTISEMENTS 108470 300071 -0110 2650.6330 ADVERTISING EVENTS CENTER ADM. 102.17 PUBLICATIONS 108470 300071 -0110 1130.6330 ADVERTISING PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 143.28 PUBLICATIONS 108470 300071 -0110 10306909 MISCELLANEOUS CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 199.69 HELP WANTED 108470 300071 -0110 4200.6330 ADVERTISING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 199.69 HELP WANTED 108470 300071 -0110 4100.6330 ADVERTISING WATER ADM 343.90 HELP WANTED 108470 300071 -0110 1125.6909 MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL 660.24 ADVERTISING 108471 300205 -0110 3000.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,728.97 168687 2/912010 121987 HUTCHINSON SENIOR ADVISORY BOA 674.70 TOURS 108473 20100128 1825.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 674.70 158688 21912010 105161 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 36.98 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 4100.6308 ONE CALL SERVICE WATER ADM 63.26 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1420.6360 UTILITIES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 666.43 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 2725.6360 UTILITIES CEMETERY 1,153.69 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1450.6360 UTILITIES FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 1,165.84 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1600.6365 STREET LIGHTING UTILITIES STREETS & ALLEYS 1,165.99 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 2698.6360 UTILITIES EVERGREEN BLDG ADM 40 1,736.42 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 •2810.6360 UTILITIES AIRPORT • 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 14 Subledger Account Description Business Unit �J R55CKREG HU20000V • CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page - 15 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Dale Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 1,849.84 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 2700.6360 UTILITIES LIBRARY 2,386.39 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 3150.6360 UTILITIES COMPOST MANUFACTURING 3,336.76 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1700.6360 UTILITIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 3,355.42 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1900.6360 UTILITIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 3,612.15 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 3000.6360 UTILITIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3,931.21 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 26506360 UTILITIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. 4,514.50 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 2610.6360 UTILITIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 4,672.10 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 4099.6360 UTILITIES REFUSE& RECYCLING 4,812.46 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1175.6360 UTILITIES POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 11,109.46 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 3450.6360 UTILITIES HATS OPERATIONS 18,440.16 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 4100.6360 UTILITIES WATER ADM 20,114.52 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 1850.6360 UTILITIES CIVIC ARENA 51,609.48 JANUARY UTILITIES 108393 20100131 4200.6360 UTILITIES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 139,733.08 158689 21912010 102543 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE 14.80 PTex Hi -Temp RTV 3oz Semi 213 00002235 108356 063990 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 7.60 0 Ring for Loader 00002235 108357 063994 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 64.14 Elbow for Stacking Conveyor 00002235 108358 064181 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 21.17 Oil Filter for Semi 213 00002235 108359 064124 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 48.40 Oil Filter for M85 Conveyor 00002235 108360 064273 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 11.75 HD Chain Lube for Maintenane 00002235 108361 062791 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 43.36 AIR FILTER 108413 062955 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 11.76- CORE DEPOSIT 108414 063719 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 59.72 ALTERNATOR & CORE DEPOSIT 108415 063718 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 4.45 AIR FILTER 108416 064608 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 10.20 R -5 PART 108417 064536 1452.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 13.83 L -1 PART 108417 064536 1451.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CITY FIRE 4.48 SILICONE SPRAY 108418 064537 1453.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 81.94 E -7 LIGHTS FOR POWER IN CAB 108419 064560 1452.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 19.23 TUBE 108472 063996 19006230 REPAIR& MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 393.31 158690 21912010 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 175,000.00 NET PAYROLL 02 -12 -10 108455 20100208 9995.1020 PAYROLL ACCT - MARQUETTE BANK PAYROLL FUND B/S 175,000.00 168691 21912010 102636 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 31.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 2950.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT HCDC -EDA 31.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 2650.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EVENTS CENTER ADM. 31.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 2725.6160 FMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT CEMETERY 38.90 Cobra - Dental -Haas) 108456 20100201 9001.1160 ACCTS REC -COBRA GENERAL FUND R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 38.90 Cobra -Gray 108456 20100201 9001.1160 38.90 Cobra - Dental - Blackwell 108456 20100201 9001.1160 38.90 Cobra- Edandson 108456 20100201 9001.1060 38.90 Cobra- Baasen 108456 20100201 9001.1060 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1700.6160 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1710.6160 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 17506160 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 11106160 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1125.6160 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 11306160 71.12 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 3450.6160 77.34 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 4099.6160 88.90 Cobra - Barkeim 108456 20100201 9001.1060 142.24 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1450.6160 142.24 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1850.6160 173.36 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1475.6160 213.36 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1150.6160 21336 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1030.6160 213.36 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1060.6160 219.58 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 4100.6160 280.27 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 3000.6160 284.48 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 2855.6160 355.60 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1510.6160 386.72 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1900.6160 456.75 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 3150.6160 535.18 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 4200.6160 600.08 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1600.6160 1,955.84 .__.. 7.124.36 FEBRUARY DENTAL 108456 20100201 1171.6160 168692 21912010 103246 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 32.13 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1475.6211 32.53 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 3150.6211 34.98 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1456.6211 38.09 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1150.6211 78.60 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1177.6211 89.90 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1171.6211 132.56 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 2725.6211 148.07 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 106426 FUEL -0110 1450.6211 162.91 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1510.6211 240.70 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 2810.6211 Council Check Register Subledger Account Description ACCTS REC -COBRA ACCTS REC -COBRA SAVINGS - INVESTMENTS SAVINGS- INVESTMENTS EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLHEALTH B INS, BENEFIT EMPLHEALTH S INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT SAVINGS- INVESTMENTS EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT Page- 16 Business Unit GENERALFUND GENERALFUND GENERALFUND GENERALFUND CITY HALL MAINTENANCE PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS REFUSE &RECYCLING GENERALFUND FIRE - ADMINISTRATION CIVIC ARENA BUILDING INSPECTION INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION WATERADM LIQUOR OPERATIONS HRA CITY ENGINEER PARK ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION COMPOST MANUFACTURING RURAL FIREFIGHTERS INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. INVESTIGATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION CEMETERY FIRE - ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER AIRPORT 0 • MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS 11 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 219/2010 Check # Dale 0 R55CKREG HU20000V 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 219/2010 Check # Dale Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No 271.04 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 437.83 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 714.95 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 730.73 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 1,954.59 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 4,440.52 HATS FUEL FOR JANUARY 108426 FUEL -0110 9,540.13 158693 21912010 101520 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINN 51.83 SHOP PARTS 108430 990026637 51.83 158694 21912010 101951 INTOXIMETERS INC 101.53 MOUTHPIECES 108431 294618 101.53 168696 2/912010 102062 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT 61.66 GOLD NAME PLATE 108372 20047A 71.93 GOLD NAME PLATE 108372 20047A 108.40 UNIFORMS 108373 20147A 241.99 158696 21912010 124666 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN 61.50- JANUARY PURCHASES 108182 972978 3.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 106182 972978 1,459.20 JANUARY PURCHASES 108182 972978 1,400.70 158697 2/912010 101918 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 1,662.27 JANUARY PURCHASES 108170 1767975 1,467.60 WINE 108171 1768903 227.40 JANUARY PURCHASES 108172 1768902 869.75 JANUARY PURCHASES 108173 1767976 120.00- JANUARY CREDIT 108178 445702 69.99- JANUARY CREDIT 108179 446064 11.96- JANUARY CREDIT 108180 446979 2,331.00 JANUARY PURCHASES 108184 1772469 8,086.15 JANUARY PURCHASES 108185 1772470 1,114.77 JANUARY PURCHASES 108186 1771615 34.40 JANUARY PURCHASES 108187 1771616 6051.85 JANUARY PURCHASES 108188 1771614 23,643.24 Account No 4100.6211 1452.6211 4200.6211 1900.6211 1172.6211 1600.6211 1600.6231 1172.6210 1174.6213 1172.6213 1172.6213 3000.5102 3000.5106 3000.5102 3000.5100 3000.5101 3000.5100 3000.5101 3000.5101 3000.5100 3000.5100 3000.5100 3000.5101 3000.5101 3000.5103 3000.5100 Sublebge Account Desc ription MOTOR FUELS &LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS MOTOR FUELS & LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT PARTS OPERATING SUPPLIES UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP COST OF SALES -BEER FREIGHT COST OF SALES -BEER COST OF SALES - LIQUOR COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES - LIQUOR COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES- LIQUOR COST OF SALES - LIQUOR COST OF SALES- LIQUOR COST OF SALES -WNE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS COST OF SALES- LIQUOR • 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 17 B usiness Unit WATERADM FIRE DEPT SHARED COST WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRATION POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION STREETS & ALLEYS STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION COMMUNICATIONS-ADMINISTRATION POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS R55CKREG HU20000V Check is Date Amount Supplier /Explanation 158698 2/9/2010 Register 105024 JORDAHL, JIM Page - 18 200.00 JAN ADAPTIVE REC DANCE 200.00 Inv No 158699 2/912010 Business Unit 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 20100119 1825.6210 2,036.80 WATER LEAK JEFFERSON ST 108374 09 -536 62.52 PVC PIPE WATER ADM 108375 1,387.00 WATER MAIN LEAK MILWAUKEE OPERATING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS 357.50 TRUCKING SNOW 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 3,843.82 108377 158700 2/912010 SNOW REMOVAL 129106 KANTOLA, JENNA 108120 20100125 88.00 BBALL OFFICIAL TOURNAMENTS 108485 88.00 3000.6330 158701 219/2010 108462 102986 KARP RADIO 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 48.00 VIKINGS GAME AD 20100116 1797.6305 48.00 MENS BASKETBALL 168702 21912010 1756.6305 104575 KLITZKE, LUKE TOURNAMENTS 108483 44.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 75.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 4100.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 119.00 108458 158703 219/2010 COMMUNICATIONS 113940 KLITZKE, RICHARD 108499 20100106 44.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION B/S 75.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 0 119.00 158704 21912010 128035 KLM ENGINEERING INC 3,100.00 WATER TOWER INSPECTION 3,100.00 158706 219/2010 103114 KLOSS, TOM 3100 FEBRUARY DSL 33.00 168706 2/912010 128950 KUE CONTRACTORS INC 70,492.85 EST #2 L10/09 -11 70,492.85 • CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9 12010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page - 18 2/9/2010 — 219/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subleoger Account Description Business Unit 108371 20100119 1825.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 108374 09 -536 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WATER ADM 108375 09- 298 -3297 1600.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES STREETS & ALLEYS 108376 09 -537 4100.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE WATER ADM 108377 09- 297 -E -1 1600.6387 SNOW REMOVAL STREETS &ALLEYS 108120 20100125 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 108485 10010765 3000.6330 ADVERTISING LIQUOR OPERATIONS 108462 20100116 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 108482 20100116 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 108483 20100116 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 108483 20100116 1797.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL MENS BASKETBALL 108337 3883 4100.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WATERADM 108458 20100203 1150.6310 COMMUNICATIONS INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 108499 20100106 9305.7020 BUILDINGS AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION B/S 0 0 Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation 158707 219/2010 102561 L & P SUPPLY CO 5.00 SHARPEN CHAIN 5.00 158708 2/9/2010 101991 LAKES GAS CO. 973.78 HEATING FUEL 973.78 158709 21912010 129106 LARSON, GARY 25.00 SOUP CLASS CANCELED 25.00 PO # 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Doc No Inv No Accoun No 108121 285368 1900.6370 108122 160853 2810.6360 108123 123190 168710 21912010 • R55CKREG HU20000V Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation 158707 219/2010 102561 L & P SUPPLY CO 5.00 SHARPEN CHAIN 5.00 158708 2/9/2010 101991 LAKES GAS CO. 973.78 HEATING FUEL 973.78 158709 21912010 129106 LARSON, GARY 25.00 SOUP CLASS CANCELED 25.00 PO # 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Doc No Inv No Accoun No 108121 285368 1900.6370 108122 160853 2810.6360 108123 123190 168710 21912010 102560 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST 769.73 1ST QTR WORKER'S COMP 108124 17226 3,757.28 1S7 QTR WORKER'S COMP 108124 17226 39,237.24 1ST QTR WORKER'S COMP 108124 17226 43,764.25 168711 219/2010 110862 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST 568.63 CLAIM DEDUCTIBLE #11071065 108125 11071065 568.63 158712 21912010 110862 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST 160.00 NOV 2009 CLAIM SEWER BACKUP 108433 11070786 160.00 158713 21912010 128004 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMER 4.37 Cobra- Barkeim 108459 20100201 6.22 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 6.22 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 7.00 Cobra- Erlandson 108459 20100201 7.00 Cobra- DeVries 108459 20100201 7.66 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 7.98 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 8.14 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 15.66 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 15.82 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 2610.4730 9001.1207 1451.6170 9995.2043 2850.6356 2850.6356 9001.1160 1130.6160 3450.6160 9001.1160 9001.1160 1700.6160 1750.6160 1710.6160 2725.6160 2950.6160 1110.6160 1125.6160 4099.6160 2650.6160 1850.6160 219/2010 13:50:50 Page- 19 Subtedger Account Description Business Unit CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE PARK ADMINISTRATION UTILITIES AIRPORT OTHER REVENUES DUE FROM HRA WORKERS COMP INSURANCE ACCURED WORKERS COMP RECREATION BLDG. & POOL GENERALFUND CITY FIRE PAYROLL FUND B/S INSURANCE - DEDUCTIBLE COST UNALLOCATED GENERAL INSURANCE -DEDUCTIBLE COST UNALLOCATED GENERAL ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT ACCTS REC -COBRA ACCTS REC -COBRA EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT GENERALFUND PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION HATS OPERATIONS GENERALFUND GENERALFUND CITY HALL MAINTENANCE RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION CEMETERY HCDC -EDA MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION LEGAL REFUSE& RECYCLING EVENTS CENTER ADM. CIVIC ARENA R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 219/2010 13:50'.50 Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 219/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 15.98 February Life Insurance 106459 20100201 1450.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 19.98 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1475.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 24.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1030.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 24.00 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1060.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 24.78 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 4100.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 27.84 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 2855.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 29.90 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 38.44 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 3000.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 38.86 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1900.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 38.88 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1510.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 56.39 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 4200.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 65.12 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 3150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH S INS. BENEFIT 72.90 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1600.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 207.14 February Life Insurance 108459 20100201 1171.6160 EMPLHEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 810.28 158714 21912010 101984 LOCHER BROTHERS INC 30.00- RETURN /DEPOSIT 108126 215421 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS 29.00- CREDIT BEER 108126 215421 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 30.00 DEPOSIT 108126 215421 3000,5105 CASE DEPOSITS 45.75 MISC 108126 215421 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 9,070.85 BEER 108126 215421 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 14.10- CREDIT BEER 108127 215931 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 30.00 DEPOSIT 108127 215931 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS 149.65 BEER 108127 215931 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 174.00 MISC 108127 215931 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS 4.00- JANUARY PURCHASES 108174 215305 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 255.20 JANUARY PURCHASES 108174 215305 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER 9,681.35 158715 2/912010 0 1850.6385 2725.6385 1130.6385 1825.6385 2950.6385 9001.1207 1750.6385 2650.6385 1475.6385 1125.6385 .1110.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA FROG EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUE FROM HRA DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA FROG EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL Page- 20 Business Unit FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION WATER ADM HRA INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. LIQUOR OPERATIONS PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS CIVIC ARENA CEMETERY PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER HCDC -EDA GENERALFUND RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION EVENTS CENTER ADM. BUILDING INSPECTION LEGAL MOTOR VEHICLE - 0STRATION 102564 LOGS 742 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 14.84 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 14.84 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 14.84 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 14.84 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 14.84 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 22.26 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 22.26 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 22.26 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 22.26 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 29.68 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1850.6385 2725.6385 1130.6385 1825.6385 2950.6385 9001.1207 1750.6385 2650.6385 1475.6385 1125.6385 .1110.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA FROG EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUE FROM HRA DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA FROG EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL Page- 20 Business Unit FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION WATER ADM HRA INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. LIQUOR OPERATIONS PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ENGINEER WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS CIVIC ARENA CEMETERY PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER HCDC -EDA GENERALFUND RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION EVENTS CENTER ADM. BUILDING INSPECTION LEGAL MOTOR VEHICLE - 0STRATION 0 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 21 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Acc ount No Subleoge Account Description Business Unit 29.68 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1700.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 29.68 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1710.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 29.68 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1900.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARK ADMINISTRATION 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1510.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY ENGINEER 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1600.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL STREETS & ALLEYS 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4100.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL WATER ADM 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 3150.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL COMPOST MANUFACTURING 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1060.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 51.93 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1150.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 51.93 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1030.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 51.93 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1450.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 51.94 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 3000.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL LIQUOR OPERATIONS 59.35 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4200.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 125.00 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1030.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 192.00 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 9001.1210 DUE FROM UTILITIES GENERAL FUND 229.99 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1171.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 418.80 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1510.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY ENGINEER 418.80 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1710.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 2,044.80 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1475 6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 2,163.90 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4200.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 2,567.55 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4100.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL WATER ADM 6582.00 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1060.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 7,059.85 DECEMBER BILLING 106115 31714 1171.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 27,367.10 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 2960.7030 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT 49,948.80 158716 21912010 126394 LOKENSGARD, THOMAS 88.00 YOUTH BASKETBALL 108116 20091212 1758.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL CO -REC FLOOR HOCKEY 88.00 158717 219/2010 102571 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC 265.91 AIR CYLINDER 108128 2100925 4200.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 1,418.47 CONTROL CABLE COMPLETE 108434 2100782 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 684.38 158718 21912010 123417 MAGNA HOSPITALITY GROUP LLC 150.00 ROYALTY ROOM FOR GRAPEVINE 108129 1962 3000.6325 MEETINGS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 150.00 158719 21912010 103091 MATHWIG, BARB 140.00 NOTARY RENEWAL 108130 201000592 1177.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS INVESTIGATION 140.00 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Acc ount No Subleoge Account Description Business Unit 29.68 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1700.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 29.68 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1710.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 29.68 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1900.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARK ADMINISTRATION 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1510.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY ENGINEER 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1600.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL STREETS & ALLEYS 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4100.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL WATER ADM 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 3150.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL COMPOST MANUFACTURING 44.51 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1060.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 51.93 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1150.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 51.93 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1030.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 51.93 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1450.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 51.94 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 3000.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL LIQUOR OPERATIONS 59.35 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4200.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 125.00 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1030.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 192.00 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 9001.1210 DUE FROM UTILITIES GENERAL FUND 229.99 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1171.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 418.80 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1510.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL CITY ENGINEER 418.80 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1710.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 2,044.80 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1475 6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL BUILDING INSPECTION 2,163.90 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4200.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 2,567.55 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 4100.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL WATER ADM 6582.00 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 1060.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 7,059.85 DECEMBER BILLING 106115 31714 1171.6385 DATA PROC EQUIPMENT RENTAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 27,367.10 DECEMBER BILLING 108115 31714 2960.7030 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT 49,948.80 158716 21912010 126394 LOKENSGARD, THOMAS 88.00 YOUTH BASKETBALL 108116 20091212 1758.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL CO -REC FLOOR HOCKEY 88.00 158717 219/2010 102571 MACQUEEN EQUIP INC 265.91 AIR CYLINDER 108128 2100925 4200.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 1,418.47 CONTROL CABLE COMPLETE 108434 2100782 1600.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR STREETS & ALLEYS 684.38 158718 21912010 123417 MAGNA HOSPITALITY GROUP LLC 150.00 ROYALTY ROOM FOR GRAPEVINE 108129 1962 3000.6325 MEETINGS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 150.00 158719 21912010 103091 MATHWIG, BARB 140.00 NOTARY RENEWAL 108130 201000592 1177.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS INVESTIGATION 140.00 R55CKREG HU20000V 190.48 KEYPAD FLEXLOCK CITY OF HUTCHINSON 78536 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION Council Check Register 108135 78198 2650.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. 2/9/2010 - 2/912010 OUTLET PLATES & HINGE Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 158720 21912010 79970 101986 MCKAY, KAREN OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 16.66 SUPPLIES 19.38 BULLETIN BOARD SUPPLIES 108131 20100122 1750.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES 103.35 19.38 108142 78385 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 158721 21912010 19.18 102489 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 108145 79540 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 40000 BAIL MONEY- HOLMSTROM 108132 148818 1171.4730 OTHER REVENUES 1453.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 400.00 20.74 BOOKLITE TRIMFLEX 108148 158722 2/9/2010 OPERATING SUPPLIES 103046 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER 7.45 NOZZLE 108149 80933 46.00 SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE 108460 20100202 2950.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ROUTER BITS, HDWE 108151 46.00 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 158723 2/9/2010 79802 101942 MDRA RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 592.83 334.00 2010 DUES 108156 20100129 1110.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2/9/2010 334.00 158724 21912010 651.08 112400 MENARDS HUTCHINSON 108507 009993 4200.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 22 Business Unit RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION POLICE ADMINISTRATION HCDC -EQA MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 190.48 KEYPAD FLEXLOCK 108134 78536 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 67.20 SUPPLIES 108135 78198 2650.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. 5.64 OUTLET PLATES & HINGE 108136 77555 1175.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 29.02 JUMBO STORAGE HANGERS 108138 79970 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 16.66 SUPPLIES 108140 79678 1700.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 103.35 NUMBER KITS & POST MOUNTS 108142 78385 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 19.18 NUMBER KITS, GUIDE 108145 79540 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 22.55 END ICE, BATTERIES, SOAP 108146 80683 1453.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 20.74 BOOKLITE TRIMFLEX 108148 81101 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 7.45 NOZZLE 108149 80933 1453.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 86.78 ROUTER BITS, HDWE 108151 80519 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 23.78 41b Sledge Hammer 00002240 108362 79802 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 592.83 158725 2/9/2010 129126 MIDWEST MICRO IMAGING INC. 651.08 APT CRD CREATION 108507 009993 4200.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 41.88 108507 009993 9445.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE WASTEWATER B/S 609.20 158726 21912010 109387 MIDWEST PLAYSCAPES INC. 312.05 CLEVIS, CONNECTORS, HDWE 108153 4118 1900.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 312.05 158727 2/9/200 102668 MINNESOTA CHAPTER IAAI • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 23 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Supplier/ Explanat PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 225.00 CONF REG- J.POPP 108157 20100120 1450.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 225.00 158728 2/9/2010 102724 MINNESOTA CRIME PREVENTION ASS 45.00 2010 DUES -E. KILIAN 108161 2010195 1172.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION 45.00 158729 2/912010 128676 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & IND 89.12 PLAN REVIEW FEE -PEACE SPRINKLE 108160 20100129 1475.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING INSPECTION 89.12 158730 2/912010 123811 MINNESOTA GFOA 60.00 RENEWAL- S.HEINTZ 108158 20100129 1060.6901 DUES& SUBSCRIPTIONS FINANCE- ADMINISTRATION 60.00 RENEWAL- J.CARTER 108159 20100130 1060.6901 DUES& SUBSCRIPTIONS FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 120.00 168731 2/912010 103504 MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSN 175.00 REGISTRATION CZECH 108447 20100127 4200.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 175.00 168732 21912010 105157 MINNESOTA SHREDDING 56.45 SHREDDING SERVICE 108162 253610883 1030.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR& MAINTENANCE CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM 56.45 158733 219/2010 102683 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB - 68.00 COLIFORM TESTING 108163 481497 4100.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WATER ADM 61.40 COLIFORM TESTING 108164 480794 4100.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WATER ADM 79.60 COLIFORM TESTING 108165 481481 4100.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WATER ADM 46.80 BOD CARBONACEOUS 108166 481748 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 240.60 LAB TESTING 108167 481383 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 46.80 SOD CARBONACEOUS 108168 481589 4200.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 138.00 TECH TIME 108487 480191 7675.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL CLOSED BOND FUNDS 681.20 158734 21912010 109234 MINNESOTA WANNER COMPANY 70.89 PLATE & HEAD GASKETS R -8 108154 0082703 -IN 1452.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT SHARED COST 70.89 168736 21912010 104464 MINNESOTA'S BOOKSTORE 145.14 LAWS, VALUE GUIDE & TAX MANUAL 108155 20100129 1110.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 145.14 R55CKREG HU20000V 203.31 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 158740 21912010 Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 LAB SUPPLIES Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subleoge Account Descnpbon 158736 219/2010 124133 MODERN TOWING 168741 2/9/2010 103014 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 74.81 TOW TO IMPOUND 108169 596 1172.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 108.98 74.81 108192 165181 -0 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES 158737 21912010 119.43 129123 MUMFORD SANITATION 108193 165198 -0 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES 250.00 10 YARD ROLL -OFF 108435 47337 9115.6909 MISCELLANEOUS 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES 250.00 243.43 158738 219/2010 129125 MY -LOR INC. 219/2010 122292 NORTHERN GREEN EXPO 413.61 ICBOARDS 108505 9620 1452.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES BOOTH FOR 2011 GREEN EXPO 108195 26.61 3150.6330 108505 9620 9001.2230 SALES TAXES PAYABLE 603.50 387.00 168743 158739 2/912010 102591 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 125502 NORTH CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL 2/9/2010 13:50'.50 Page- 24 Business Unit POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION ENERGY LOAN FUND B/S FIRE DEPT SHARED COST GENERALFUND 203.31 Motorfor Semi 213 00002261 108363 82628 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS COMPOST MANUFACTURING STREETS 8 ALLEYS AIRPORT PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRA& 203.31 158740 21912010 122031 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES 292.97 LAB SUPPLIES 108191 264307 4200.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 292.97 168741 2/9/2010 103014 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 108.98 INK CARTRIDGE 108192 165181 -0 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES 119.43 INK CARTRIDGE AND LABEL TAPE 108193 165198 -0 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES 16.02 STAPLER 108194 167025 -0 3000.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES 243.43 158742 219/2010 122292 NORTHERN GREEN EXPO 603.50 BOOTH FOR 2011 GREEN EXPO 108195 20100125 3150.6330 ADVERTISING 603.50 168743 2/912010 102591 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 112.79 SHOP SUPPLIES 108196 529933 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS 112.79 158744 2/912010 129011 NU- TELECOM 55.29 FEBRUARY INTERNET 108461 0148318 -0210 2810.6310 COMMUNICATIONS 55.29 158745 2/9/2010 122214 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 13.18 V -BELT 108199 1522 - 330270 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR 593 AIR FILTER 108200 1522 - 331002 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS COMPOST MANUFACTURING STREETS 8 ALLEYS AIRPORT PARK ADMINISTRATION PARK ADMINISTRA& • 708.14 a 0 R55CKREG HU20000V 158746 2/9/2010 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register DRIVER SAFETY CANCELLED Page- 25 123325 2610.4730 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 17.00 Check# Dale Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Sublerlge Account Descriptio Business Unit 122948 OFFICE DEPOT 198.48 IMPACT REPAIR 108201 1522- 328705 3450.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS HATS OPERATIONS 33.65 235.02 HYD FILTERS 108202 1522 - 330986 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 56.63 TRUCK WASH 108203 1522- 331120 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 158748 128.70 FILTERS 108204 1522.331122 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION 70.20 FILTERS 108205 1522 - 330074 1900.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR PARK ADMINISTRATION OTHER REVENUES OFFICE SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL AIRPORT CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES- LIQUOR COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE OTHER CONTRACTUAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER POSTAGE REFUSE &RECYCLING POSTAGE WATER ADM POSTAGE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 708.14 158746 2/9/2010 120549 ODEGAARD, EVELYN 17.00 DRIVER SAFETY CANCELLED 108197 123325 2610.4730 17.00 168747 2/912010 122948 OFFICE DEPOT 33.65 NOTARY STAMP 108198 504941314001 2810.6205 33.65 158748 2/9/2010 129030 OXI FRESH CARPET CLEANING OF M 67.33 CLEAN STAFF OFFICE 108206 1238 1175.6370 67.33 158749 2/9/2010 101853 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 174.95 WINE 108207 2864184 3000.5101 1,319.93 LIQUOR 108208 2863514 3000.5100 551.25 WINE 108209 2863515 3000.5101 5.73 - WINE 108210 3429908 3000.5101 5.73 - WINE 108211 3429909 3000.5101 283.75 WINE 108212 2861472 3000.5101 33.00 MISC 108213 2861473 3000.5103 2,908.19 LIQUOR 108214 2861471 3000.5100 5,259.61 158750 2/9/2010 102593 PLOTZ, GARY D 6.51 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES 108215 20100125 1700.6210 6.51 158751 21912010 103313 PLYMOUTH PLAYHOUSE 100.00 HOW TO TALK MN DEPOSIT 108216 20100120 1825.6305 100.00 158762 2/9/2010 102445 POSTMASTER 250.00 W S R BILLS POSTAGE 108462 20100205 4099.6311 250.00 WS R BILLS POSTAGE 108462 20100205 4100.6311 250.00 WS R BILLS POSTAGE 108462 20100205 4200.6311 OTHER REVENUES OFFICE SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL AIRPORT CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES- LIQUOR COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF SALES -WINE COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS LIQUOR OPERATIONS OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE OTHER CONTRACTUAL SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER POSTAGE REFUSE &RECYCLING POSTAGE WATER ADM POSTAGE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 26 2/9/2010 - 2/912010 Check# Dale Amount Supplier Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 250.00 WS R BILLS POSTAGE 108462 20100205 3500.6311 POSTAGE STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION 1,000.00 158753 2/912010 114391 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR 16.42 SERVICE 2005 DODGE DAKOTA 108217 2033495 1450.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 42.59 FORD EXPLORER OVERHEATING 108436 2032794 1150.6388 CENTRAL GARAGE REPAIR INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 61.01 158754 2/9/2010 125871 PRO CARE SERVICES INC 1,333.80 JANITORIAL SERVICE 108218 5685 3450 6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE HATS OPERATIONS 1,333.80 158765 2/9/2010 102598 QUADE ELECTRIC 60.75 BULBS 108219 79400 3450.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES HATS OPERATIONS 60.75 158756 21912010 102052 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO. 95.00 BEER 108220 261364 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 140.80 MISC 108221 261360 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 2,548.50 WINE 108222 261359 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 8,634.14 LIQUOR 108223 261364 -00 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 155.00 BEER 108224 258346 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS - 4,518.75 LIQUOR 108225 258360 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 240.00 WINE 108226 258420 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 597.00 LIQUOR 108227 258422 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 16,929.19 158757 21912010 102384 RDO EQUIPMENT CO. 639.67 Lock -out Box for Grinder 00002238 108364 P44232 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 539.67 158758 2/912010 129108 REVIER, CHANCETON 93.50 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108230 20100120 1756,6306 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 88.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108488 20100130 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 181.50 158759 21912010 129107 REVIER, CORDERRO 82.50 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108229 20100120 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 88.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 108489 20100130 1756.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL TOURNAMENTS 170.50 158760 219/20 124067 REVIER, SHANE . • Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation 93.50 B -BALL OFFICIAL 150.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 75.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 99.00 3-BALL OFFICIAL 417.50 158761 2/912010 102358 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE 80.00 FIT TESTING APR MASKS 300.00 FIT TESTING APR MASKS 380.00 158762 21912010 122769 RODEBERG, NANCY 64.00 DRIVER TRAINING REFUND 64.00 158763 21912010 119208 RUNKE, DOREEN 210.00 GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR 210.00 158764 219/2010 4.89 10.58 14.41 7.68 64.07 33.92 306.64 16.00 99.97 69.98 146.95 775.09 102225 RUNNING'S SUPPLY LETTERS & NUMBERS HOSE CLAMPS ICE MELT, LIGHTER FLUID BELT AIR FILTERS, MIXER HOSE VISE GRIPS Caster, Swivel -6" PolyBex 700 ANTI -ICE PANTS, COVERALLS CANVAS PANTS JEANS 158765 219/2010 125643 SAM'S CLUB 105.00 3 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS 463.60 CONCESSIONS & SERV FEE 568.60 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 108228 20100120 1756.6305 108228 20100120 1797.6305 108490 20100127 1797.6305 108490 20100127 1756.6305 108338 00126802 108338 00126802 108231 123317 108463 20100205 108339 950507 -0110 108339 950507 -0110 108339 950507 -0110 108340 950511 -0110 108341 950516 -0110 108347 950513 -0110 00002247 108365 950514 -0110 108491 950505 -0110 108491 950505 -0110 108492 950512 -0110 108493 950510 -0110 1177.6320 1172.6320 2610.4730 1754.6305 1600.6231 2810.6231 2725.6210 2610.6230 1453.6230 4200.6245 9442.2021 2650.6230 1900.6213 1510.6213 4100.6213 108233 3410445538010 1900.6217 108494 0402439664624 -0 2610.6217 110 Subledger Account Description 0 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 27 OTHER CONTRACTUAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL Business Unit TOURNAMENTS MIENS BASKETBALL MIENS BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INVESTIGATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION OTHER REVENUES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL OTHER CONTRACTUAL GYMNASTICS EQUIPMENT PARTS 0 R55CKREG HU20000V Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation 93.50 B -BALL OFFICIAL 150.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 75.00 B -BALL OFFICIAL 99.00 3-BALL OFFICIAL 417.50 158761 2/912010 102358 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE 80.00 FIT TESTING APR MASKS 300.00 FIT TESTING APR MASKS 380.00 158762 21912010 122769 RODEBERG, NANCY 64.00 DRIVER TRAINING REFUND 64.00 158763 21912010 119208 RUNKE, DOREEN 210.00 GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR 210.00 158764 219/2010 4.89 10.58 14.41 7.68 64.07 33.92 306.64 16.00 99.97 69.98 146.95 775.09 102225 RUNNING'S SUPPLY LETTERS & NUMBERS HOSE CLAMPS ICE MELT, LIGHTER FLUID BELT AIR FILTERS, MIXER HOSE VISE GRIPS Caster, Swivel -6" PolyBex 700 ANTI -ICE PANTS, COVERALLS CANVAS PANTS JEANS 158765 219/2010 125643 SAM'S CLUB 105.00 3 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS 463.60 CONCESSIONS & SERV FEE 568.60 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 108228 20100120 1756.6305 108228 20100120 1797.6305 108490 20100127 1797.6305 108490 20100127 1756.6305 108338 00126802 108338 00126802 108231 123317 108463 20100205 108339 950507 -0110 108339 950507 -0110 108339 950507 -0110 108340 950511 -0110 108341 950516 -0110 108347 950513 -0110 00002247 108365 950514 -0110 108491 950505 -0110 108491 950505 -0110 108492 950512 -0110 108493 950510 -0110 1177.6320 1172.6320 2610.4730 1754.6305 1600.6231 2810.6231 2725.6210 2610.6230 1453.6230 4200.6245 9442.2021 2650.6230 1900.6213 1510.6213 4100.6213 108233 3410445538010 1900.6217 108494 0402439664624 -0 2610.6217 110 Subledger Account Description 0 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page- 27 OTHER CONTRACTUAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL Business Unit TOURNAMENTS MIENS BASKETBALL MIENS BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTS TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE INVESTIGATION TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE POLICE PATROL ADMINISTRATION OTHER REVENUES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL OTHER CONTRACTUAL GYMNASTICS EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS &ALLEYS EQUIPMENT PARTS AIRPORT OPERATING SUPPLIES CEMETERY REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES RECREATION BLDG. & POOL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT SMALLTOOLS WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER WS REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP PARK ADMINISTRATION UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP CITY ENGINEER UNIFORMS & PERSONAL EQUIP WATER ADM FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION PARK ADMINISTRATION FOOD PRODUCTS- CONCESSION RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 158766 21912010 102606 SCHMELING OIL CO 120.72 NOZZLE 108234 111125 3450.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS HATS OPERATIONS 522.57 CHEVRON DELO 108235 41487 3450.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS HATS OPERATIONS R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 28 2/9/2010 — 219/2010 Check # Dale Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 643.29 168767 219/2010 109801 SCOTT'S WINDOW CLEANING SERVIC 64.20 ENTRY, DOORS 108342 030112 3000.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 64.20 168768 2/912010 112355 SEBORA, MARC 44.00 MILEAGE 108464 20100208 1125.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE LEGAL 44.00 158769 21912010 101892 SEH 5,461.60 DEC MISC ENG SERVICES 108437 226476 7718.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LET #2 10 -02 SHERWOOD EXTENSIO 5,461.60 168770 2/912010 115821 SEPPELT, MILES 18.50 TRAVEL 108236 20100127 2950.6321 CAR ALLOWANCE - TRAVEL HCDC -EDA 18.50 158771 21912010 125016 SIBLEY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 50.00 SUBPOENA CR -09 -2051 108237 2010 - 00000044 1125.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL LEGAL 50.00 158772 2/9/2010 102106 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP 587.59 PHONE SYSTEM CHANGE 108117 65203814 2650.6230 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES EVENTS CENTER ADM. 587.59 158773 219/2010 102611 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS 26.50 81X Conn Link for Blending Lin 00002258 108366 00561 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 26.50 158774 21912010 102747 ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC 60.17 ANTENNAS 108232 51760636 1600.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS STREETS & ALLEYS 60.17 158776 21912010 102612 STANDARD PRINTING 4.28 COLORED PAPER 108238 7448 4100.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES WATERADM 22.71 NOTARY STAMP -RUNKE 108239 7490 1060.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 26.99 158776 21912010 102484 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 1,512.85 TISSUE, PAPER TOWEL, LINERS 108240 99896693 1900 6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 330.97 HAND SOAP 108241 99896670 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRA16 0 • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 29 2/912010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 292.47 GLOVES, CLEANERS 108242 99596663 1900.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 55.79 CALC RIBBONS, ENVELOPES 108243 100192672 1060.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 49.01 WRIST REST, WASTEBSKT 108244 100029492 1175.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 18.53 LGL PADS, CALENDARS, PAPER 108245 99996418 1171.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE ADMINISTRATION 223.54 LGL PADS, CALENDARS, PAPER 108245 99996418 1173.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 15.07 KEYTAGS 108246 100062293 1700.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 86.16 FLDRS, MARKERS, FLAGS 108246 100062293 1060.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 56.57 PAPER TOWEL, BATTERY, CLEANER 108247 99963384 1700.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 154.49 HAND SOAP 108248 99929265 1900.6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARK ADMINISTRATION 89.41 COPY PAPER 108343 100251023 1173.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 28.80 STAPLER, MEMO HOLDRS, LGL PADS 108344 100251055 1173.6205 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 66.66 STAPLER, MEMO HOLDRS, LGL PADS 108344 100251055 1173.6245 SMALL TOOLS POLICE CLERICAL SUPPORT 107.65 STAPLER, MEMO HOLDRS, LGL PADS 108344 100251055 1175.6233 BUILDING REPAIRS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 128.25 PURELL DISPENSER 108345 99762522 1700.6212 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 149.22 Paper Plates 00002259 108367 100163469 9443.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 41.77 Multifold Towels 00002259 108367 100163469 9442.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE WATER SEWER B/S 3,407.23 158777 2/9/2010 122382 STAR TRIBUNE 1,160.00 PLANNING DIRECTOR AD 108249 1000059601 1130.6340 PRINTING & PUBLISHING PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 1,160.00 158778 2/912010 118862 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT 706.56 BROWN BAGS 108250 1548852 3000 6210 OPERATING SUPPLIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 706.56 158779 21912010 105075 T.I.P. INC 2,165.00 LL Filer Remote Potato Conveyo 00002217 108368 340122 9443.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 1,699.06 Creditfor New Remote 00002217 108369 340503 9443.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 465.94 158780 219/2010 121020 TAPS -LYLE SCHROEDER 20.00 CLEANED LINES &TAPS 108251 468646 2950.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HCDC -EDA 20.00 158781 219/2010 102659 TEKMECHANICAL 38.49 SLOAN REPAIR KIT 108346 30841 1175.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 5.83- 10" Round GaN Pipe 00002255 108370 30832 4099.6231 EQUIPMENT PARTS REFUSE& RECYCLING 90.63 10" Round Galy Pipe 00002255 108370 30832 9443.2021 RECEIVED NOT VOUCHERED REFUSE FUND B/S 10 685.12 MOVE WATER & SEWER LINES 108438 9412 2810.6370 CONTRACT REPAIR & MAINTENANCE AIRPORT 10,808.41 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 30 Check# Date 158782 21912010 158783 21912010 168784 219/2010 158785 21912010 Amount Supplier /Explanation 128328 THE HARTFORD 10.83 February LTD Insurance 13.38 February LTD Insurance 14.53 February LTD Insurance 14.87 February LTD Insurance 17.44 February LTD Insurance 20.25 February LTD Insurance 23.71 February LTD Insurance 27.38 February LTD Insurance 26.10 February LTD Insurance 28.97 February LTD Insurance 33.27 February LTD Insurance 33.34 February LTD Insurance 37.88 February LTD Insurance 39.29 February LTD Insurance 50.26 February LTD Insurance 52.82 February LTD Insurance 59.36 February LTD Insurance 68.26 February LTD Insurance 69.54 February LTD Insurance 74.34 February LTD Insurance 78.34 February LTD Insurance 82.98 February LTD Insurance 107.61 February LTD Insurance 121.35 February LTD Insurance 142.87 February LTD Insurance 402.08 February LTD Insurance 1,653.05 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 124419 TRUNK HWY 15 COALITION 50.00 HWY 15 COALITION MEMBERSHIP 50.00 Subledger Account Description 108465 20100209 1130.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1700.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 4099.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 2725.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1750.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1110.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 2950.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1710.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 2650.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1125.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 3450.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1850.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1450.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1475.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 4100.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1060.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 2855.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1900.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1030.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 3000.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1510.6160 EMPL.HEALTH B INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 4200.6160 EMPL.HEALTH S INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 3150.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1600.6160 EMPL.HEALTH & INS. BENEFIT 108465 20100209 1171.6160 EMPL.HEALTH &INS. BENEFIT 108253 20100125 2950.6901 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 102619 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC 529.03 RADIO 108254 6013 1451.6245 SMALL TOOLS 529.03 120590 UNITED HARDWARE DISTRIBUTING C 50.00 SURVEY CREDIT - LECENTER HOWE 108255 20100202 3150.4470 CASH DISCOUNTS 50.00 Business Unit PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL MAINTENANCE REFUSE& RECYCLING CEMETERY RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION HCDC -EDA PARK RECREATION ADMINISTRATION EVENTS CENTER ADM. LEGAL HATS OPERATIONS CIVIC ARENA FIRE - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING INSPECTION WATERADM FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION HRA INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. PARK ADMINISTRATION CITY ADMINISTRATOR - ADM LIQUOR OPERATIONS CITY ENGINEER WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION COMPOST MANUFACTURING STREETS & ALLEYS POLICE ADMINISTRATION HCDC -EDA CITY FIRE COMPOST MANUFACTURING 151716 219120 129124 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA • 0 0 • 0 R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/9/2010 13:50'.50 Council Check Register Page - 31 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check# Date Amount Su pplier/ Explanation PO# Doc No Inv No Account No Subledge Ac count Description Business Unit 50.0 WORKSHOP REG- J.PAULSON 108495 20100131 1510.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE CITY ENGINEER 50.00 158787 2/9/2010 124019 USPS- HASLER .44 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 4099.6311 POSTAGE REFUSE& RECYCLING .44 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1020.6311 POSTAGE CITY COUNCIL 1.05 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 2950.6311 POSTAGE HCDC -EDA 3.25 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1150.6311 POSTAGE INFORMATION SERVICES ADMIN. 3.96 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 2725.6311 POSTAGE CEMETERY 4.84 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1825.6311 POSTAGE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER 6.60 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 2650.6311 POSTAGE EVENTS CENTER ADM. 8.36 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1850.6311 POSTAGE CIVIC ARENA 8.36 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1900.6311 POSTAGE PARK ADMINISTRATION 8.50 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3450.6311 POSTAGE HATS OPERATIONS 10.90 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3450.6311 POSTAGE HATS OPERATIONS 12.29 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1130.6311 POSTAGE PLANNING - ADMINISTRATION 17.57 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1510.6311 POSTAGE CITY ENGINEER 20.94 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3450.6311 POSTAGE HATS OPERATIONS 24.71 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1600.6311 POSTAGE STREETS &ALLEYS 25.04 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 2810.6311 POSTAGE AIRPORT 25.59 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3000.6311 POSTAGE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 29.04 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1450.6311 POSTAGE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 35.27 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3150.6311 POSTAGE COMPOST MANUFACTURING 40.92 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 9001.1207 DUE FROM HRA GENERALFUND 51.32 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1030.6311 POSTAGE CITY ADMINISTRATOR -ADM 51.91 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1125.6311 POSTAGE LEGAL 5514 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 2950.6311 POSTAGE HCDC -EDA 61.64 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1475.6311 POSTAGE BUILDING INSPECTION 66.35 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1510.6311 POSTAGE CITY ENGINEER 76.12 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1750.6311 POSTAGE RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION 84.79 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1458.6311 POSTAGE RENTAL UNIT REG. &INSP. 128.64 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1171.6311 POSTAGE POLICE ADMINISTRATION 130.11 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1060.6311 POSTAGE FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 170.90 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 4100.6311 POSTAGE WATER ADM 170.90 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 4200.6311 POSTAGE WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 170.90 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 4099.6311 POSTAGE REFUSE& RECYCLING 170.91 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 3500.6311 POSTAGE STORM WATER ADMINISTRATION 389.36 JANUARY POSTAGE 108256 20100131 1110.6311 POSTAGE MOTOR VEHICLE - ADMINISTRATION 2,067.06 168788 2/912010 101974 VIKING BEER 30.00- RETURN /DEPOSIT 108257 48660 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/912010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 32 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 23.50- CREDIT MISC 108257 48660 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 23.50 MISC 108257 48660 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 3,899.95 BEER 108257 48660 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 556.50- CREDIT BEER 108258 48618 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 16.80 MISC 108258 48618 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 30.00 DEPOSIT 108258 48618 3000.5105 CASE DEPOSITS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 5,161.35 BEER 108258 48618 3000.5102 COST OF SALES -BEER LIQUOR OPERATIONS 8,521.60 158789 21912010 102132 VIKING COCA COLA 198.00 MIX/POP 108259 23801939 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 118.50 MIX/SOFT DRINKS 108260 0023801968 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 316.50 158790 2/912010 128666 VINOCOPIA INC 2.50 FREIGHT 108261 22615 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 144.00 WINE 108261 22615 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 146.50 158791 219/2010 128875 WASTE MANAGEMENT - TC WEST 7.10 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 2700.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING LIBRARY 14.20 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 2698.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING EVERGREEN BLDG ADM 14.20 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 1453.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING FIRE DEPT BUILD MAINT 28.37 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589 - 1593 -7 1175.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING POLICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 42.56 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 4200.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 56.75 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 1900.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING PARK ADMINISTRATION 56.75 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 1700.6363 REFUSE- RECYCLING CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 56.75 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 1850.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING CIVIC ARENA 56.75 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 2610.6363 REFUSE- RECYCLING RECREATION BLDG. & POOL 56.75 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 1850.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING CIVIC ARENA 85.12 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 4099.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING REFUSE &RECYCLING 170.24 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108466 5304589- 1593 -7 4200.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION 170.24 FEBRUARY SERVICE 106466 5304589- 1593 -7 1900.6363 REFUSE - RECYCLING PARK ADMINISTRATION 89.25 FEBRUARY SERVICE 108467 5304590- 1593 -5 3000.6360 UTILITIES LIQUOR OPERATIONS 905.03 158792 219/2010 105122 WASTE MANAGEMENT- WINSTED 1,190.00 119 REFUSE BINS CHANGED 2009 108445 20100202 4099.6362 REFUSE- HAULING REFUSE& RECYCLING 1,190.00 158793 2/912010 129089 WEIS, GREGORY . 132.00 YOUTH BASKETBALL 108119 20091219 •1758.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL CO -REC FLOOR Hie 1 0 • R55CKREG HU20000V CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2/912010 13:50:50 Council Check Register Page- 33 2/9/2010 - 2/9/2010 Check # Date Amount Supplier/ Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 132.00 158794 219/2010 102929 WEIS, MARK 66.00 YOUTH BASKETBALL 108118 20091219 1758.6305 OTHER CONTRACTUAL CO-REC FLOOR HOCKEY 66.00 158795 2/912010 126043 WELLS FARGO INSURANCE SERVICES 833.33 JAN AGENCY FEE 108262 400629 2850.6301 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UNALLOCATED GENERAL 833.33 168796 21912010 103452 WINECOMPANY,THE 33.00 FREIGHT 108252 234997 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,761.60 VINE 108252 234997 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 1,794.60 158797 2/912010 102452 WINE MERCHANTS INC 957.15 WINE 108263 303971 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 957.15 158798 219/2010 128866 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 6.00 FREIGHT 108264 352593 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 539.55 LIQUOR 108264 352593 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 58.00 FREIGHT 108265 349451 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 140.43 MISC 108265 349451 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 6,409.61 LIQUOR 108265 349451 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 75A9- LIQUOR 108266 794642 3000.5100 COST OF SALES- LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS .95- FREIGHT 108266 794642 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 46.00 FREIGHT 108267 352592 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 89.93 MISC 108267 352592 3000.5103 COST OF MIX & SOFT DRINKS LIQUOR OPERATIONS 4,261.34 LIQUOR 108267 352592 3000.5100 COST OF SALES - LIQUOR LIQUOR OPERATIONS 13.00 FREIGHT 108268 349452 3000.5106 FREIGHT LIQUOR OPERATIONS 675.78 WINE 108268 349452 3000.5101 COST OF SALES -WINE LIQUOR OPERATIONS 12,163.20 158799 219/2010 129109 WUROELL, GUS 25.00 PRESCHOOL SWIM CANCELLED 108269 123606 2610.4730 OTHER REVENUES RECREATION BLDG.& POOL 25.00 168800 219/2010 112411 WURZBERGER, TOM 6.43 FIRE SCHOOL TRAVEL 108496 20100130 1450.6320 TRAVEL SCHOOL CONFERENCE FIRE - ADMINISTRATION 6.43 R55CKREG HU20000V Check# Date Amount Supplier /Explanation 158801 21912010 122932 XEROX CORP 755.46 JAN COPIER SERVICE 755.46 876,351.47 Grand Total CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 21912010 — 2/9/2010 PO # Doc No Inv No Account No 108270 045783911 1060.6207 Suhledge Account Description COPY MACHINE Payment Instrument Totals Check Total 876,351.47 Total Payments 876,351.47 2/9/2010 13:50:50 Page - 34 Business Unit FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION PAYROLL DATE: 1/29/10 Regular and Sick Leave Period Ending Date: 1/23/2010 FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY - ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO STATE AND IRS DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PAGE AMOUNT ACCT# NAME DESCRIPTION $23,450.15 9995.2034 WITH. TAX Employee Contribution - Federal Tax ACCOUNT $13,652.02 9995.2240 Employee Contribution - Soc. Security $3,963.26 9995.2242 Employee Contribution - Medicare $41,065.43 Sub -Total - Employee Contribution $13,652.02 9995.2240 Employer Contribution - Social Security $3,963.26 9995.2242 Employer Contribution - Medicare Per Journal Entries Fica $ 27,304.04 $17,615.28 Sub -Total - Employer Contribution Medicare $ 7,926.52 Withholding $ 23,450.15 $58,680.71 Grand Total - Withholding Tax Account Total $ 58,680.71 1 184.03 9995.2035 MN DEPT OF REVENUE State Tax $ 11,184.03 $16,454.09 9995.2241 PERA Employee Contribution - Pension Plan $20,789.62 9995.2241 Employer Contribution - Pension Plan $37,243.71 Sub -Total - PERA $26.01 99952243 PERA -DCP Employee Contribution - Pension Plan $26.01 9995.2241 Employer Contribution - Pension Plan Para $ 37,269.72 $52.02 Sub - Total - DCP DCP $ 26.01 $37,295.73 GRAND TOTAL -PERA Total $ 37,295.73 Finance Director Approval Difference $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 • MEMO - WIRE TRANSFERS & ACCOUNT INFORMATION 01126110 0: CITY STAFF & BANK OFFICIALS FROM: JEREMY CARTER, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FEBRUARY WIRE TRANSFER The following funds need to be wired - INTEREST payments on 01/31/10 Bremer Bank, N.A., St Paul, MN ABA # 096010415 BNF Bond Trust Services Corp Account 6685514 2006A GO Improvement Bonds 2006B Wastewater Bond 2006C Water Revenue Bonds 2007A Improvement Bonds 2008A Improvement Bonds 2008B Stormwater Revenue Bonds 2009A Sewer Revenue Refunding Bond 2009B Water Revenue Refunding Bond 53, 877.50 38,826.88 38,256.25 6,980.00 43,068.75 28.582.50 43,742.42 41,421.92 TOTAL INTEREST 294.756.22 • The following funds need to be wired - PRINCIPAL payments 01/31110 Bremer Bank, N.A., St Paul, MN ABA # 096010415 BNF Bond Trust Services Corp Account 6685514 References: 33260, 34316, 35132, 35133, 34317, 31790, 31791, 31792 2006A GO Improvement Bonds 85,000.00 20066 Wastewater Bond 120,000.00 2006C Water Revenue Bonds 115,000.00 2007A Improvement Bonds 45,000.00 2008A Improvement Bonds 155,000.00 20086 Stormwater Revenue Bonds 100,000.00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 620,000.00 TOTAL Bremer Wires $ 914,756.22 • MEMO - WIRE TRANSFERS & ACCOUNT INFORMATION 01/26/10 � 0: PRINCIPAL CITY STAFF & BANK OFFICIALS 405,000.00 FROM: JEREMY CARTER, FINANCE DIRECTOR 135,000.00 SUBJECT: FEBRUARY WIRE TRANSFER 675,000.00 The following funds (interest payments) need to be wired on 02/01/10 210,000.00 Chase NYC ABA # 021 - 000 -021 to credit the account of Cede & 405,000.00 Co. c/o THE DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY for Dividend Deposit 215,000.00 Account # 066 - 026776 for 2/1 City of Hutchinson, MN 120,000.00 OBI FIELD - PA 50317951 180,000.00 2004C Tax Increment Refunding Bonds INTEREST 2002D Med Fac Rev Bonds 151,356.25 2003A Med Fac Rev Bonds 16,432.50 1995B General Obligation HATS 7,912.50 1999 Improvement Bonds 30 2000C Improvement Bonds 13,612.50 2001 Improvement Bonds 19,275.00 2002A Improvement Bonds 17,763.75 2003C Improvement Bonds 15,956.25 2004A Improvement Bonds 53,631.25 2004C Tax Increment Refunding Bonds 6,550.00 2005A Improvement Bonds 40,337.50 20058 Water Bonds 3,245.00 2005B Wastewater Bonds 32,800.00 • TOTAL INTEREST 409,160.00 The following funds need to be wired - PRINCIPAL payments on 02/01/10 Chase NYC ABA # 021 - 000 -021 to credit the account of Cede & Co. c/o THE DEPOSITORY TRUST COMPANY for Redemption Deposit Account # 066 - 027 -306 2/1 City of Hutchinson MN OBI FIELD - PA 50317950 C , J PRINCIPAL 2003A Med Fac Rev Bonds 405,000.00 19956 General Obligation HATS 135,000.00 1999 Improvement Bonds 675,000.00 2000C Improvement Bonds 210,000.00 2001 Improvement Bonds 405,000.00 2002A Improvement Bonds 215,000.00 2003C Improvement Bonds 120,000.00 2004A Improvement Bonds 180,000.00 2004C Tax Increment Refunding Bonds 60,000.00 2005A Improvement Bonds 205,000.00 2005B Water Bonds 25,000.00 2005B Wastewater Bonds 240,000.00 TOTAL PRINCIPAL 2,875,000.00 TOTAL Chase Wires $ 3,284,160.00 C , J MEMO - WIRE TRANSFERS & ACCOUNT INFORMATION • 01/26110 TO: CITY STAFF & BANK OFFICIALS FROM: JEREMY CARTER, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FEBRUARY WIRE TRANSFER The following funds need to be wired - PRINCIPAL & INTEREST payments on 02/01/10 BBK: U.S. Bank, N.A. (091000022) BNF: U.S. Bank Trust N.A. AC: 180120521620 OBI: TFM References: 000015350550 1998 G O Taxable Medical Facilities Bonds Interest 68,268.75 1998 G 0 Taxable Medical Facilities Bonds Principal 355,000.00 423,268.75 The following funds need to be wired - PRINCIPAL & INTEREST payments on 02/01110 BBK: U.S. Bank, N.A. (091000022) BNF: U.S. Bank Trust N.A. • AC: 180120521620 OBI: TFM References: 000015077450 1998B G 0 Medical Facilities Revenue Bonds Interest 32,418.75 1998B G O Medical Facilties Revenue Bonds Principat 225,000.00 257,418.75 TOTAL U.S. Wires $ 680,687.50 • MEMO - WIRE TRANSFERS & ACCOUNT INFORMATION 02/09110 O: CITY STAFF & BANK FROM: JEREMY CARTER, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FEBRUARY WIRE TRANSFER The following funds (interest payments) need to be wired on or before 02/22/10 MN Public Facilities Authority U.S. Bank, 101 5th St. E #2, St. Paul, MN 55101 ABA# 091000022, Acct Name: B24 Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Acct# 180120013305 r1 �J TOTAL INTEREST 323,287.91 �J INTEREST Drinking Water Revolving Fund Loan (PFA 2005) 37,056.39 Drinking Water Revolving Fund Loan (PFA 2006) 143,030.75 Clean Water Revolving Fund Loan (PFA 2007) 143,200.77 r1 �J TOTAL INTEREST 323,287.91 �J