cp12-26-2006 c AGENDA . REGULAR. MEETING - HUTClUNSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2006 1. r.AU.TOORDER-5:30P.M. 2. INVOCATION - Rev. Scott Danie18, Vmeyard United Methodist 3. PLItDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ~UBUC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 12, 2006 (b) TRUTH.]N-TAXAnON HEARING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 11, 2006 (c) BID OPENING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 19, 2006(W ASTEW AlER TREATMENT FACILlTY MAIN LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS AND WASTEWATER lREATMENTFACILITY SCADA SYSTEM) Action. Motion to approve IIlI presented 6. CONSE~ AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. HUTCHllIISON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 21,2006 2. CITY OF HUTCHllIISON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2006 3. CITY OF lIUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2006 4. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 21,2006 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES L RESOLUTION NO. 13100 - RESOLUTION SUPPORTING HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION TRANSFER FORMULA 2. RESOLUTION -NO. 13101 - RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2007 CITY OF HUTCHINSON FEE SCHEDULE 3. RESOLUTION NO. 13102- RESOLUTION APPROVING TIlE GROUND LEASE FOR THE DASSEL MEDICAL CENTER 4. ORDINANCE NO. 06-0449 - A SMOKE-FREE WORKPLACE ORDINANCE (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR DECEMBER 26. 1006) . S. ORDINANCE NO. 06-04S0-AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING TIIE HOURS OF ON-SALE LIQUOR SALES ON DECEMBER 31, 2006 (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERA nON OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ADDING LANGUAGE TO CONOmONALLY PERMIT STORAGE UNITS IN I-I DISTRICT WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 06-0451 FOR IANUAR Y 9. 2006) . . 2. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO CLARIFY ALWWED 'I . . CITY COUNCIL AGENDA. - DECEMBER 26, 2006 ENCROACHMENTS AND PROJECTIONS INCLUDING OVERHANGS AND EGRESS WINDOWS INTO SE'rnACKS AND DRAINAGE AND UTIUTY EASEMENTS wrrnSTAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (WAIVE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO.' 06-0452 FOR JANUARY 9, 2006) (d) SUMMARY OF CLOSED MEETING PROCEEDINGS FOR DiE CITY ADMINISTRATOR , PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SESSION HELD ON DECEMBER 12, 2006 " (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT WTIH LU1lIERAN SOCIAL SERVICES TO PROVIDE SENIOR DINING SERVICES AT EVERGREEN APARTMENTS (f) CONSlDERA TION FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO.1 - LETTING NO. IS, PROJECT NO. 06-17 (REVERSE OSMOSIS MEMBRANE ELEMENTS) (8) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ENGINEERING AGREEMENT AMENDMENT WITH SEH CONSULTING FOR NE TRUNK STORM SEWER PHASES 2 & 3 WETI.AND SERVICES (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSIENT MERCHANT UCENSE FOR TAP: ENTERPRISES ON JANUARY 24, 2007, AT TIm BEST WESTERN VICTORIAN INN (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF APPUCATION FOR MNIDOT LIMITED USE PERMIT G) APPOINTMENT OF JOHN OLSON TO HATS JOINT POWERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Action - Motion to IIJlprove consent agenda 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. - NONE 8.COM~JCA nONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) PRESENTATION BY MARC VAILLANCOURT OF HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU ON 2004-'2005 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND 2007 BUDGET , Action. I I . I I I ii 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF TIIE CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2007 CITIZEN SURVEY Action - Motion to reject :-- Motion to approve 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF EMPLOYEE LIFE INSURANCE PROPOSAL Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERA TIONFOR APPROVAL OF JOB DESCRIPTION FORPUBUC WORKS MAlNTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT " , Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF INSTALLATION OF CELLULAR ANTENNAS AND EQUIPMENT ON PARK TOWERS ' Action - Motion to reject - Modon to approve (d) DISCUSSION OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT STATUS AND UPCOMING START-UP Ii !!! i ... No action. ;;;; .. 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - DECEMBER 26, 2006 . (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR MAIN UFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS (LETIING NO.9, PROJECT NO. ~11) " ' Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SETIING CITY COUNCIL VISIONARY WORKSHOP Action . 11. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 1~. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS 13. ADJOURN I I I ~ I - Ii - !!!! - - .. = , I i I .. I . ~ I , - !! - i : 3 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HlTfCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 21106 1. CALL.IO ORDER -~ P oM. ~ve Cook called ihe meeting to order'. Members present were Jim Haugen, Casey Stotts, and BiD Arndt. Member absent was Kay Peterson. Others present were Ga1y Plotz, City Adnlinislmtor, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. " 2. INVOCATION - Rev. Orea Nelson, Bethlehem United Methodist, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBUC COMMENTS Robert Han~, 1210 Lewis A venue, presented before the CounciL Mr. HantBe asked what the City is dollut to take the City out oftlie state's ''Top 10" of1he hiahest taxed cities. Mliyor Cook noted that as a Councir, the exact mechanism bus not been earmarked, however it is part of the vision tiH' next year, IIlI well as . incorporating the budgeting for outcomes program. Mr. Hantgealso asked how the $1.7 million in excess ' bond fund monies wilT be used. Mayor Cook stated that is being discussed tonight IIlI part ofthe,proposaI of 1he Tax Relief Fund, in which elCce8S funds can be placed to reduced the IeV)' on an ongoing basiS. Other JlTojects being considered for use of these funds are the dam replacement, HATS cold storage Ouildlng arnIIor !be Hwy 7 underpass. Mr. Hantge encouraged a public debaic related to the use ofthesc funds or have the money be returned to the citizens. ~. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETINO OF NOVEMBER 28. 2006 Motion by Stotts, second by Hangen, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion cmried unanimously. 6. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2006 2. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2006 I 3. HUTCHINSON PUBUC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 23, 2006 I' I 4. CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 13, 2006 I , I 5. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR OCTOBER 20</6 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES I 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13087 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (VIDEO SYSTEM, SQUAD CARS, ARREST &. BOOKING SOFTWARE AND INSTALLATION AND BIODIESEL) , ! 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13088 - RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF STATE AID FOR MINNESOTA'S REGIONAL UBRARIES 3. RESOLUTION NO. 13090 - RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION FOR WATER P0LLUTION CONTROL REVOLVING FUND 4. ORDINANCE NO. 06-0448-0RDINANCEVACATINO 10 FEET OF A20 FOOT DRAINAGE AND , UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1 HANSON'S SUBDMSION OF PETERSON ESTATES, 320 JEFFERSON COURT WiTH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READINO AND ADOPTION) SLa,) crrr COUNCIL MINUI'ES - DECEMBER 12, 2006 (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND MCLEOD COUNTY . (d) CONSIDERATION FORAPPROV AL OF FUNDING FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON HOLIDAY PARTY (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CHANGE ORDER NO.4- LElTINO NO.8, PROJECT NO. 01-21 (SCHOOL ROAD NW) (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CHANOEORDER NO.2- LETTING NO. 11, PROJECT NO. 06-13 (T -HANGAR) (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR LAMPLIGHTER W~OOll ' (h) 1.2~~f~~r~ 2. PAWN SHOP LICENSE 3. TOBACCO LICENSES 4. TAXI CAB LICENSE Motion by Stotts, second by Anidt, to approve COllllellt agenda. Motion carrled unanimously. 7. l'UJlLIC HEAJUNGS - 6:00 P.M. - NONE 8. COMMUNlCA nONS. REOU~TS AND PETITIONS (a) UPDATE ON HOSPITAL PRIVATIZATION Marc Seborn, City Attorney, ~nted befon: the Council. Mr. Sebora informed the Council that the privatization process Is movmg forward with lIllIIlY meetings beinl! held between hospital and CI~ representatives. One major charige dwing the procc:B:l is the fact that Phil Graves, HAHC President; retired and a new president WB8 hired who had to get IIp to speed with the process. The representative!i will be meetlni agBin next ~ With each meeting the $fOOP gets closer to having a document pre~ for the City's consideration. The PERA enabling Iciislation WB8 extended to December 31, 2007. 'i ' (b) REVIEW OF CITIZEN SURVEY CUSTOMIZED QUESTIONS (material will be distrlbutt# at City Council meeting) 'I ' Dolf Moon, member of Budgeting For Outcomes committee presented before the Council. E' Moon distributed a set of questions for the Council to consider that will be included on a citizen survey t will be circulated next year. 34 questions on the survey are pre-subscribed, however the City is allowed t add on lU1 additional set of questions customized for the City. These questions evolved from stnall focus groups that were held in 2006. ThCllC questions will be sent to the survey company next week for their l'e'Jiew. , 9. YNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CREATING CITY FUND TO BE KNOWN AS tHE "TAX RELIEF FUND" , Mayor Cook explained the bonding procedure and how cities can end up with excess funds from improvement projects. Historically these fimds have been only used for other projects. Mayor Cook is proposing to use part of these funds to help reduce the taX levy. General discussion was held regarding the use of tax dollars and how decislollll are made on what to spend tax dolllll'll on. Mayor Cook noted that be would like to have public input on large projects that are being considered by the Council Motion by Arndt to deny creation of city fimd to be known as the Tax ReJiefFund. Motion failed due to lack ofa second motion. Council Member Haugen voiced concerns that Ifftmds are designated in a Tax Relief Fund, and projects come up that are not on the radar screen, the City could be hurt by having funds available but not accessible. 2 5l~ I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER J 2, 2()()6 Council Member Stotts voiced some of the same concerm. Council Member Stotts Iibd the thought of receiving public input on large projects the City is considering. . " Motion by Cook, second by Stotts, to approve creation of city fund to be known as the Tax Relief Fund. Council Member Haugen noted some concerns yet with the cstabllshment of the fund. Mayor Cook suKiested putting a question on the citizen survey related to the establishment of such a fund. Roll call vote was takcn: Haugen - nay; Arndt - nay; Stotts - nay; Cook - aye.' Motion failed 3 to I. " 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERA nON FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 COMPENSA nON PLAN (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. , 13089) Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, presented before the CounciL Ms. Ewing presented the few changes to thc plan. Thc pay grid reflects the Z.9% annual market adjustment that has beC:ri reconunencie4 by the \V age Conunittee. ' Mayor Cook noted that he still feels that the way the open sa1ary mnge scale is Bet up allows all employees an mcrease In pay even if their perfonnance is very poor. Tbe Wage Committee will review the Mayor's proposed changcs to the open salary range In early 2007. . Motion by Stotts. second by Haugen, to approve 2007 compensation plan, adopting Resolution No. 13089. Motion carried Wlanimously. (b) CONSIDERA nON ,-OR APPROVAL OF WAGE COMMfITEE RECOMMENDATION ON HEALTH AND DENTAL INSURANCE FOR 2007 ' Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, ~ted before the Council. Ms. Ewini explained that Rich Westlund. of Westlund & ASllOCiates, is aVal1able toniiht to review the health iMUIance COVeIllllc plan. A 1.7% increase is proposed for the dcntallnsurance plan. It has been proposed for the City to convert from a self.insured plan to a fully-Insured plan with Medica for health coverage. It was noted that Medica has propoml a two-year proposal that caps the second year Increase at 19% above the proposed 2007 premium rates. which are approximately 12% below the current single and family covera&e premlwns for 2006. . Motion by Stotts, second by Haugcn, to approve wage committee recommendation on health and dental insurance for 2007. Motion carried unAnimously. , (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 TAX LEVY FOR HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTIIORlTY (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13091) Ken Merrill, Finance Ditector, presented before the Council. Mr. Merrill explained that the request of the HRA is to establish a levy in the amount of$108,095. . Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to approve 2007 tax levy for Hutchinson HRA, iuloptini Resolution No. 13091. Motion carried unanimously. ' (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 TAX LEVY FOR HUTCIUNSON ECONOMIC , DEVELOPMENT AUTIlORITY (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13092) Ken Merrill, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Merrill explained that the request of the EDA is to establish a levy In the amount ofS I 40,000. The Ci!r's tax levy will be leduced by this amount 110 that the taxpayer sees no Increase related to this ncwly established levy. Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, 10 approve 2007 tax levy for Hutchinson EDA, adopting Resolution No. 1309:2. Motion carried nnan",'Ously. - i - ! (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 CITY OF HUTCHINSON TAX LEVY (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13093) 3 5'-00 crrr COUNCIL M1NUI'ES - DECEMBER 12. 2006 Ken MerriIl, Finance Director, presented befOre 1he Council. Mr. Merrill explained that the proposed tax levy amount for 2007 is $5,367,326. This levy amowrt takes into llCCOunt the recently refunded Oonds and distributed. The debt service funds remain constaDt. Aiain. this does not include the ~ 140,000 for the EDA I~. ' Motion by Stotts, second by Cook, to approve 2007 City of Hutchinson 18X levy, adopting Resolution No. 13093. Motion cllITied unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND BUDGET (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13094) '. Ken Merrill, Finance Director, presented before the CoUIICIl. Mr. Merrill explained that some adjustmenlll were made to the 2007 geneml fund, which brings the proposed lImount to ~ 1 0,726,244. Motioll by Stotts, seCond by Haugen, to approve 2007 City of Hutchinson general fund budget, adopting Resolution No. 13094. Motion carried unanimously. . (g) I7DNSIDERA TION FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 UQUOR FUND BUDGET Ken Merrill, Finance Dlrector, presented before the Council. Mr. Merrill presented the proposed liquor fund budget at $41591 ,30 1. Council M=.bcr Stotts noted that the liquor fund makes an annual transfer to the City lleneral funl1, which is a very big benefit to the City taxpllyer8. In addition, the extra sales revenues are paying the debt of the addition and not aeneral tax donan. Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to approve 2007 liquor fund budget, adopting Resolution No.. Motion ,carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF POSmON DESCRIPTION FOR PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Ewing explairied that previously 8 part-time position within the police department provided 20 hours per week to tJie lep department. The police department expresseil a need [or that posItion to become full-time within ~ {lOlice deparlIllellt, Ieavmg those work hours vacant. The proposal is to hire a permanent part-tim1SitlOD to support the ,legal and administration departments. . ' Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to approve position description for part-time A 'strative Technician. Motion carried unanimously. /. (i) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 06-0449 - A SMOKE-FREE WORKPLACE ORrl,INANCE (WAIVE FIRSI' READING AND SET SECOND READING ANDADOPTION FOR DECEMB~ 26. 2006) Mayor Cook noted that he had received a letter from Gail Plaisance, owner of Hutch Bowl, te1a.L to the alr unit for his proposed smoking room. Mayor Cook noted that he has received a letter from the ~ Club, IIlI wellllll a few letters from health organizations on this topic. Milyor Cook noiM that his feelin& folJowing the public hearing is that it is the City's responsibility to fro~~~lic health. He has also ~ived an overwhe1ming reSpOIl8C of supporters of adopting a smoke-free 0 ceo Mayor Cook ~ that the rights of srnoiers bas been talked about, however he does not fecI that rlllhts arc necesswilyJlc?i~ taken away from smolen, but reinforcing the riaJrts of workers in work places. Smokers can still smoke m their homes, cars and on public streets. Mayor Cook also noted that it aJlPC8fS the State of MinneSota may be enacting a state-wide smoking ordinance in the 2007 legislative sessIon.. COUIICil Member Stotts noted that he will look into the 1nf000000000on Mr. Plaisance provided on the air exchange unit for his proposed smoking room. Motion by Stotts, second by Cook, to approve first reading ofOrdlnance No. 06-0449, setting second reading and adoption for December 26, 2006. Motion carried unanimously. 0) DISCUSSION OF TOBACCO LICENSE AT LIQUOR HUTCH 4 5-c9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - DECEMBER J 2,' 2006 Mayor Cook noted that a discussion that came from the smokinl! ordinance public hearing is the fact that the city-owned liquor store sells cigarettes, supportitJg the tobacco indUBtry, yet pl'OpOlling a SmoIdng ordinIlnce bllIllling smokilli in work plllCeS. Candice wooas, Liquor Store MlIllllier, preseIlted bcfQ1'C the Council. Ms. Woods explained that tobacco products are not a big profit for the store, out ratbct' a convenience for the customers. Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to phase-out tobacco sales at the Liquor Hutch until t1ie end of 2006. Motion carried ~mously. ' . (k) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING MEETING WTIlI STATE LEGISLATORS FOR DECEMBER 19, 2006, AT 4 :30 P.M. , Motion by Stott<!, second by Arndt, to approve setting meeting with state legislators for December 19, 2006, at 4:30 p.m. at the City Center. Motion carried WIIIlilnously. ' 11. MISl'1l'.T .1.ANF.OUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS Gene Wilenius, 1040 Elm Street NE, presented before the Council. Mr. Wilenius noted that he does not view excess funds as a "slush" ftmd as described earlier by a.resident. ' He commented that he feels the members of the Council are elected officials held with the responsibility of spending tax dollars wisely. Mr. Wilenius suggested setting a percentage each year that can be utilized for projectB and a percentage that can ' be used for tax relief. ' Becky Felling, Director of McLeod County Public Health, presented before the C01.Ulcll. Ms. Felling applauded the Council for passing the smoke-free workplace ordinance. Ms. Felling requellled that the COWlCll Members distribute the recently adopted ordinance to the legislators on December 19, 2006. Mayor Cook asked if the old fire truck could possibly generate any revenue ifit would be sold. ChiefEmans is open to the idea of seeing how much would be offered on it. The Council agreed to put the truck on the market for sale. City Attorney Sebora commented that the organizational meeting should be set for 2007. I i Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to set the organizational meeting for 8:30 a.m. onJanuary 2, 2()()(), at the City Center. Motion carried unanimously. 12. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACf PAYMENTS 13. ADJOURN Motion by Haugen, second by Stotts, to adj01= at 7:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 5 5Lo) CITY OF mITCHlNSON TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING MONDAY, DECEMBER 11,1006 MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:00 P oM. Mayor Steve Cook called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. Members present were Jim Ha\l2en. Bill Amdt, lIIld ClISe)' Stotts. Others present were Gary Plotz, City Administrator; Ken MerrlIl, Finance Director; and Sue Schulz, Mcleod County Assessor. 2. PUBLIC HEARING - TRUTH IN TAXATION (a) Truth in T~ation Hearing Ken Merrill, Finance DIrector, presented a video put to~ by the Association of Minnesota Counties, Minnesota School Board Association and the League of Minnesota Cities. The video outlined rcasons why property taxes go up and down from year to year. . !! Mr. Menill then reviewed the 2007 real estate tax collected for commercialfmdustrlal property and non-commercial plOpertles. Other ! benchmarks Mr. Merrill reviewed Included setting the general fund levy increase at 3% plus new growth for the City as well as Implementini II special tax levy for ' the Hutchinson Economic Development Authority. I I I , i / I The proposed tax levy for 2007 is $5,507,326 which is 114.9% increase from 2006. Mr. Merrill then reviewed the numbers related to the Aasessor's market value, tax capacity, tax levy and tax rate. The tax rate proposed for 2007 is 57.547%. The 2006 & 2007 general fund revenues were reviewed as well as the expenses. . :: Mr. Merrill then reviewed the general fimd changes, which include funding for an entire-year finance person, entire-year police officer, fourth quarter start for a park maintenance position, wage adjustment and road maintenance money reducing bonding need. The tax refund programs were then reviewed. Sue Schulz, County Assessor, commented that it is looking like valuations may have a 5% increase from last year, with lakcshore properties having an even · high<< increase. She WIllI un8\1l'e at this point on the impact to conunercial properties. .:,Lb) , No other public comments were received. , Motion by Arndt, second by Stotts, to close the public hearing. Mooon carried unaniJnously. 3. ADJOURN With no further business to discuss, a motion VIlIS made by Arndt, seconded by Stotts 10 adjourn at 5:45 p.rn. Gary D. Plotz City Adminislrator ATTEsT: Steven W. Cook Mayor I 5Gb) BID 0PEHlN0 LETT1NO NO. 9IPROJECT NO. 01-11 WWTF MAIN LIfT BTAnoN IMPROVEMeNT8 1211812001 at 2:00 pm PreIeIIt Ken MenlR. Finance Dlfector Kent Exner, City E~ MeUsse Starke, Rll<XIt'der The Bid Opening was called to order at 2:08 p.m. by Ken Merrill. The reading of the Advertilement for Bids was ,waived and the fOllowing bids were opened lII1d reed aloud: ' . Dl-Mar Construction Inc. 3 Water St. ste 8 ExceIsklr, MN ~31 Gridor Construction 1886 Berkshire Lane Plymouth, MN 65441 KHC Construc:tlon Inc. 703 Ontario Rd N PO Box 460 ~haIl, MN 66268 Total Bid: $11"',436.00 ToW! Bid: $12MoP;00 Total Bid: $128.000.00 Magney ConstructIOn Inc. 1401 Park Road Chanhusan, MN ~e317 . ToIal Bid: '136,StlO.00 Shenk Conslnlclors Inc. 3601 86" Ave. N Brooklyn Park, MN i55443-1W7 Total Bid: '1"'3.i500.00 i I , I BID OPENtNCa I LETTING NO. 131PROJl!CT NO. 08-16 WWTF SCADA SYSTI!III L The reading of the Advertisement for BIc>> wee waived end the follOWing bid. were opened end ad eloud: I Eleotlic Installation and Maln&enance Compllll)' Total BId: $812,8911.oo MapkI PllIIine. MN ' Weltdor Pump & Equipment Co. TOIal Bid: '1"'9,880.00 El700 Humboldt Ave. S Bloomington, MN 66431 Closed: 2:11:1 p.m. ATTEST: Steven W. Cook, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator 5( c-) Hutchinson Housing & RedevelopmenJ Authority Regular J30ard Meeting Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 7:00 AM M"1II111es 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Casey Stotts called the meeting to order. MeII1bm Present: Becky Felling, LaVonne Hansen, Ruth Kimball and Joel Kraft. Staff Present: Jean Ward and Judy Flenuning. 2. MINUTEs OF THE HRA BOARD MEETING ON OCTOBER 17, 2006 Becky Felling moved to approve the Minu~s as written. Joel Kraft seconded and the motion carried unaniInously. 3. FrnANCIAL REPORTS a. Joel Kraft moved to approve the Financials. Ruth Kimball se<:onded and the lIlOtion carried unanimously. I I I 4. CONSIDERATION OF RETIREMENT CONTRIBt.ITION RA'IE CHANGE Joel Kraft moved to follow the retirem.ent contribution rate cha.nie the SlIII1eas the City for the same period oftlme.LaVonne HlIIIlICn seconded and the motion carried unanimously. I ~. PARK TOWERS a Jean Ward reviewed with the Board a memorandum outline the chaniea to the 2006 Park Towers Budget. LaVonne Hansen moved to approve Resolution #06-1~, Revised 2006 Budaet Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion catried unmimous1y. b. Jean Ward updated the Board on the some energy Improvements suggested by the Center for, Energy & Environment She also reviewed with the Board two proposals to chanBC out the:t12 lights to TS's and the exit lights. Joel moved to approve the Proposal from Quade's for ChBhae out Tl2's - TS's and Exit Lights. Becky Felling seconded and the motion canieCi unanimously'; c. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the 2007 Housing & Services newregulatlollJ. BeckY,Felling moved to approve the reviSed Holl8ing with Services Leas Addendum, Joel Kraft seconde~ and the motion catried unanimously.' 'I " d. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Cinaular contract. Marc Schora gave his approval La V onne Hansen suggested Checking if Cingular is self insured and if that will increase o/n- liability. Joel Kraft moved to approve the Cingular contract contingent to Jean Ward chetklng if CingUlar is se1finsured and if that will increase our liability. Ruth Kimball seconded and/1he motion canied unanimOU8ly. 'I e. Becky Felling moved to approve Resolution #06-16 for Disposition of Management Office Desk. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion camed unanimously. I i I i 6. CASA WORKFORCE HOUSING INITIATIVE UPDATE a. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the approval from MHFA of CAS A Funds for the City of Hutchimon CASA Wmtforce HoU8ingInitiatlve. LaVonne Hansen suggested stating jMhe auidelines the criteria ofrchab. Jean Ward stated that a checklist will be created and she will bring it to next month's board meeting. ' 7. ROLLING MEADOWS ASSOCIA. TION UPDATE Jean Ward updated with the Board on the meeting she went to in regards to the Rolling Meadows Association Iisuc:. November 21,2006 MInulcI Papt of2 L,L~\ 8. UPDATE ON REHAB APPLICATION TO DEED '. Jean Ward updated the BOlll'd on the status of the pre-application and gave thezn a timeli.ne for ~ neJC1 steps of the application process. 9. HOUSE CLEAN-UP EMERGENCY LOANS Fire Chiet: Brad Ee~ and Planning DiJector Rebecca Bowers gave the backsi'oUnd to the issues that they were facing and~ need for house clean-up emergency loans. , a. La Vonne Hansen moved to approve Resolution #Q6-17, Approval of HRA Fundina for House CIC4IHIp Emergency Loan Pro~. Becky Felling seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the draft proifaIn guidelines. There was some di8cussionand some additions made to the guidelines. Ioel Kraft moved to approve the newly revised House Clean-up Emergency Loan Pro&ram Guidelines. Ruth Kimball seconded WId, the motion carried IInan; rn ously. ' c. Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the proposed housekeeping standards stated. in the proaram guidelines. ,d. Joel Kraft moved to approve the loan administration fees contingent to Marc Sebora's review and approval. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unanimously. , 10. HOME RENTAL REHAB UPDATE Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the Contract Monitoring with Carver County HRA. After the Board IIlIked some questions, Becky Felling moved to approve the contract with the Carver County HRA for HOME RentBl Rehab monitoring. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unanimously. ' II. SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM UPDATE a. Iudy Flemming reviewed with the Board the revised Hutchinson High School Cabinetry contract. LaVonne Hansen moved to approve the contract. loel Kraft seconded and the motion cani,d unanimously. ! , 12. FRANKLIN GROVE SCDP LOAN, SUBORDINATION REQUEST t " Judy Flemming presented to the BOlll'd the subordination request for a Franklin Grove Loan at the Loan review conimlttee reviewed and approved. Becky Felling moved to approve the Frankl Grove SCDP loan, subordination request. Ruth Kimball seconded and the motion carried unacimofly. 13. APARTMENT VACANCY UPOA TE I Jean Ward reviewed with the Board the apartment vacancy update. I 14. COMMUNICATIONS a.' "Soldier Visits Park Towers Residents" newspaper article. Ruth Kimball told the Board about the vi~ ! b. Conversion to QulckBook8 is In process for the City Center finances. 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business, Chairman Casey Stotts declared the meetina adjourned. Recorded by J can WanI, BRA Excoutlve Dlrelltor ~~ . '1 Becky lllng, SecrelalyfI'reasurer November2l, 2006 MinuIeI Pqe2of2 &l00\ G__-b~I- __f-----.--- .__.CiTY~~~~CH1NsoN-F=~L~I'O~I--' ":-:",~in. N":'.~~r- ~~!~~~ ~~~~=-GENERAl -: - ~~.~ ~~ -:-;Ei;~~L:__A~~ ,~~!~N~~f~~~:~~: !~Pl:l .. ___-..::~_=-1:666,204.77. :'~-==:. )",723,055.89..1 _3J7M~~J~12.01?,~.~1,. 4&.4_~; LICENSES __. l 40,387.21 4,222.00 ~ 43,OOh~l, ,4-4,~900,'OO __l,S9~.~L_, __,,115,' .77, %, PERMITS~DI'I!~._ . '371,~1 __51.16~l!G' '+.4,7,837.86 i__..~87.100.,C!!h_(160~~7.~1 . .....J.6.5.J2% INTERGOVER.NMENTAL REVENUE 1,488.~.1 OS ..~&47.8611 1,733.!I!lc~2_ 2,63~mJ~OI !1~!~,48. ,~~&l!~: CHARGES FOfHIERYICES 1062,;61:08 _ 73,073.48 1.178,647.81 ,1.1lOO,81~.!lQ: 4~21.7-'-1H=-' 7~-,~~",,-, fiNES, & FORF~_ _.. u ,. _ ~e63.31 -~.,1!51!~,~i'" 43.6~1.B6 ,_~,ooo.OOI ,,24,408.12 __" 6-4.11~,: INTEREST, .. (13.332.88 1\16.83 15652.74 _ _ 55,!lOO.oo 60~~52"74f- -10.2~%" IiEiMBURSEMENTS22z.180.~ 11 m.86 1'- -2S7,775.03 243.422.@l14,363.03), _1 06.90% i, TRANSFERS-' .,.. , ,.___ 790.947.~1 ," . ,~.'188.25 82i 522,~ I 1.&43,500.~I.., ~~.t 977.68 .., 49.99% SURCHARGES - BLOG PERMITS 2.734.35 2.582.90 4372.66 4.372.6BJ! TOTAL --- _ J704 i80.9ll 15,1,893.45 6277 603cSl! 10 345:037.00 4,QS.J:533:~L::--1l4~~ _'n.. n _ __, .. --:1=:='::"--\ N,"",= .,- No.tm~ ~"NoOF.._3H'NfICl~_F=ClAL~ - ~,~. I EXPENSEREPORT.CENEiiAL---t- _ YEARTO--roorni) , ,~ ~i'~' ! -f ,- "" ':,:-~ YTD, .__.:MONT~rA~_:::!liAL BUDGETREMAIN'NGU~~ .~; I.IAYOR 3. CITY Zqu/IICIL : ~_'Q!!1'~ --2'~~}r- 63~~.2" t:--5B'6~~~."'--:~_~~~'2.~>J--_.l~.;~j iio2 CITY ADMINIS:rfY'...IOR 25?,,564.78 -.....J.3.192.~~: -2~.708.tJ_',." 315,87.8-,QO__~.lle9'BVj.,8385%! "~ ELECTIONS ;, . __._. ,_ __ 570.!5I! _ 3~ 15718 ~8.318~ ___".J7.J_OO.OO _ _..1:l..'!.l,,~ ,_ 9,;z"~i i.!!..04FINANCE DEPARTME,~T , 393.537.88 ~___~.1.680~ _417.J.!1~,09 .ffi!~Z4,-Q<l, es,~~t9,l f' 88.~'I(,; ~OTORVEHICLI! __ ___178.1~l!,~18.66l>J141.90.291,0l,l 21~4i~99_+ 24.1~Q,~J 88.74%,;, ~_A8SESSIN9 F' 4-4,216,00." - ____~1!?5.lX! 48,000,00:.. 825'001 ;6.28%, 007 LEGAL ,,"._. i 182,490.56' _. 12258,91 1I14J47.311 _,_175.078,00 i __. 19,,630.84 I 93.81%, ooe 'pLANNING ." ,__._ _. 171.926.8'- ...t2,,183"~1-.146,537,e,9 ........ill.!'!'Soo I "'_ ?~,_3.17,40 _ 81.83% I-\!O,~ ,INFORt.!ATlON SERVICES " 134.see.:!!. __~MII4,94~__208..1~.~ ~~..3.11.Q!l. 46,1..62..4~ 81.84% ~9L'CE{)~.I\.RTMENT __ ?.J~A2Q.~~ _. 25(1&4.'1..~ ,2,~~~9.97 2.715,467.00 212,507,031 9217%. 116 EMERGENCY~AGEIl!ENT 18,DD8.1~, 600.81 9,836.66 - 14.000.00 - 4,48'1'34- S 13% 01!..SAFEIVCOMMrTTB: _,... 8.796.99 , ._ 16.539.3.7 _-17-850;00 - .1,310.63 .__, -- ~.&ll% 120 FIREDEPAATMENT 398516.59 206904,41 4OS473,&7 427.637.00 22.163.13 ~.82%1 J=!ll. ~.I:!OTECTM! INSPE9TIONS lJ~~ 16,1~.73 193.980 77 248708 00 84,627.23/77.;6%1 ~g .EfIl(lINEERING I 534,314.27 35.(j78,62 457:216:87 .5~~:oO - 116,-~8S:1t :-u 17i64'!, 0-62 STR~~S &A!-lEY8 780.553'~_1-_ 86.~-,0& 1,04U06,24 ,1.,lSl!,2e6.00 __.1..411,1!!lO.76 __ .~186~. _160 CITY HAll BU!L,o.'I'-lQ, I 128196.16 9-'-87.62 124,ll6B.61 151J13.00, 26~7,3! " _e;!..31%1 201, PARKlRECREATlONADMINI~ 178634.5(1 ,13.530.46; 171.971'08_._ 189,526.00 ......!L.564.92 1!O,,!.4%' ~'R€CREATION 'r-' - " ,-, -181,996.so 11.596,78 193902.'1.1'_,201,996.00, ,8095.43 95,~j 203 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER' ~9.397,~ 8.192:53 60 717.24_ 61,0.13,00 ' _J!.9~7Q'q4 132}~! 204CMCARENA T ...____ 253255.ii6'__~2~11.06---'261..030~ 291,115.00" 10,084.80._ ,,!l8~ 205 PARK Of:PARTMENT U5866,03 52,675.85 712 166,42. .." 755 374.00 _,.J.3~5.!l8_f!.0'611~1 200 'RECREATION BUILDlNG&POO "118,205.56 7334.05 104 494.99 133 561,QO, 29.068,01" n.l.l!,~%; 207 EVl!NTS-CENTeR 118353.78 15.366.47 210.596.08 ~.Q,4T6.oo 9878.i4 95.5.2Jl!, 208 EVERGREEN BUILDING 1191S.24, -8-4822 118li9.66 14.3lIll.OO "2,890.44 81.2~"': 250 LIBRARY' - - 148.436.14 267;.06 1~.!lil.49 159.644:00 9,50i51,_-:' 94.0-4%i 301 CEM~L______ 137,567.84 6 973.63 1.~M73.27 133 Bge.OOj__ (12,476.27)._ Ii, 1~.3~ 310 DEeT SERVICE ,__. __ 17182.64 11941.29 14 73.2,~ 182.641.00 J~"808.46 ....,~.~. IF,", ,AlRPORT._. __,.., '" 1.26,~~,..3~,"_, ":'1,S,'~',39, n~c3}3"-,8"l,,, "l~~1.~,'OO, "., .17.ll62-'-~'f---.82, .44~.: l350 UNALLqcAtE_DGENI?lAL_ _,_" ,~9,903.63 _J1Q,403.79' ~.~7~ i B07.2~.OO,.. 114.556.26, I 85.81% _JJ:.9.T~'=-__L_.__,. ._... . 8,741,12:z...~ B30,!83.~L_9,!24,15~,0l1..cl.o,34~,Q37.oo' 1,,229,8,~.,OO. I, ~,.2~ u La0;).. I I I I . ~ .", ii . I i i I ! ! CHARGESFOFfsERVlCES - --- J...Q82.96IQ~ ---=-'-~'-'- -' ,,- FINES !. FORFEim '"' 73,07~i8 1, 17S,,~7,81 - -- _,,_ 50 883,31 _6.1S1!.711 43.5&1,88. INTEREST 1-- --- -- (13332.88 196.83 (5.652.74 REIMBUR5~ENTS ' - 222.18Q,4E1 11.167:80 ~57, 775.03 TRANSFERS 790 &47:4'1 488.25 821 522.32 SURCHARGES. 8LOG PERMITS'" " 2..734.35 2582.90 4372.88 TOTAL --T I 5 704.180,99 151 693.45 6277 503.~ I ~-_. .. -, '" -, ., 200s _. __---L- - -, - Nov.m~T-_t 2008 - 2005 ,-::. EXPENSE R!l'ORT - G~N"RAL November - -Nc.......bor YEAR T SUMMARIZm YTtl MONTH >>.TE- AC-ru:'; ___J _~ ." .._'. -- 1,542.2S11.10 _,136.~~~ 1 ,642.2!8_27, General Gov!. -- I~_S.~_ , ,- 2,930.5116.67 -. 2116,19O,41 _;1.128.3S2.e4 Streela !. A1l1Wo 1 314,S88.20 12~1!64,67 1,41l8.B22.11 ,,~. "_00 - 1 ,,'M,~~,"''''~ .~-"<.. Mlocellarle"'o _ ___ _ __ _1.6M.7~,88, 130~~,iL_?~V80.1Q. ----:c-.'''~' · ''',ml m~''': .,~"..oo , , - - ______ - - . - - - - I j . t- "-. --- -,- ---- .__. ____u._., -j , f----- - - - -...- I - ------ -- --. -.--... i L_____. __ , '---.-.'- - -- -.---.-- -. --.. ----- __ __~901 CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINAIlC\M.IW'ORT , " ' '-~..- NO.OInbe. 2G05 -- 200. ii'" , 2008 -- - 2008 - , , REVENUERiPQRT.GENEiW. - ,.., " ACTuAL Novemt>e.' -YEARTO-..'....ooPTsD -IIAlAHcE RCENTAGI! ___:_=j---=+= - _Y.~~~--.MONTH TE.~, .U.C__~UDimkREMAIN"O+_.~.~,1?1 ~.,.,:..F=:3-' . _~,~'""n l--::-.~ij,*.....t'm;..co,j :,i,_.."",..t--.....~ ~1~~~~Si\ND FEES :_~-:~_-: -- --3K:~;i_L-- 6~:~~:' -.J},~t~~.11 2~;,:~~','" (l~,::r,t:~jl~', 1_:,','~, -, INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 1466401 05 ' 3647851 1733 851 62_,_~,~~1.300,oo i ~7,848_4B"" _ ~.6~%i _1,~6.!~00 I _~,~2e7,1_e,' ,,7~.~,2.'l;, ",,~e,ooo,oou, ~4',~J_2'.." 84,11%,:., ) ~,ooo,oo_ _ 8O,'!O2,74 ___ _'.10.28%, 243,422.00 14 ~,031 _____1Q5,IlO%j , J 643,- eoo.oo_ ,6211177,.88 _. 49~,' _, _, 0.00 _~372.66 O,ll.Q.'.l> I 10,345.037.00, .. 4.067,533.32, ~~~~I ] -- I , , .. "..----j November' RC~~~ ..----1 ---e&:iW.41 , ""~,f:~,.~1 94.16% "'73:85%i '-.8B20~1 2001 o AL 2GOe zoM ADOI'TIO'-- BAIJoNCf B~DGET" REMAINING_ ..1.~~~~00 ; 3,423.852.00 ; 1,7tl2.m.00 L 2,1~L~Lbo ri~:~~:B~;..~ I 253,626.73 TQ6,2e9:3s 263,ooe.89 I - -127,BBG.12 - , '260.328,1lO "1:22Q~7~._00 , l.P L00 d.. CITY OF HUTCtlN80N CERTlFtCA TES 01' DEPOSIT 21-0&0-06 November 30, 20lHl Date Date Interest Of Of InstKutlon Desorlption Rate Purchase Maturity Amount US BANK FHLB 4.10% I 11312004 11/19/2008 a75,000.00 Smith Barney FHLMC mad ' 4.00% 7/3012004 7/27/2012 300,000.00 step up , Smith Bamey FHLB C 4.50% 1/7/2004 7/30/2009 300,000,00 Smith Barney FHL8 C 4.500% 4/28/2005 1 0/2812008 750,000.00 Smith Barney FHLB C 5.010% 4/2612005 4126/2010 270,000.00 Smith Barney FHLM .c 4.MO% 11/21/2001 5/21/2007 300.375.00 Smith Barney FHLM .c 5.550% 3/1/2006 3/1/2011 500,000.00 SmRh Barney Rhlnlend (...".,.... 5.200% 9/26/2006 1 0/2612008 3.520,444.24 Wellslnvllslmen'FHLN 5.279% 03/22/06 01129107 500.000.00 Wachovia FHLB 4.00% 5/22/2003 5/22/2013 300,000.00 Waohovla FHLB 4.00% 6/12/2003 6/12/2013 300,000.00 WlIchovia FHLB 4.000% 6126/2003 06/26113 400,OOO'F Wllchovie FHLB 4.000% 7116/2003 7/1612013 200.00d.OO Wachovia FHLB step 4.500% 21912005 219/2007 ~.~oo slep up Wachovia FHMA 5.350% 0311610ll 09114107 200. 0.00 Wechovia FHLB = s1epuI 5.330% 10126106 10/26109 300.obo.00 ' step up I First Minnesota 2.670% 11/16/04 12119106 400'fO.00 First Minnesota 4.650% 11/21/06 11/21/07 750,000.00 Home State <4.950% 10/13/06 12112/06 5OO.1ilO0.OO , I $10,799.619.24 &'L9-~ MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 21, 2006 Hutchinson City Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 1l:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Kirchoff at 5:30 p.m, with the following members present John Lofdahl. Jim Haugen, Lynn Otteson, Mike Flaata, Farld Currimbhoy. Robert Hantge and Chairman Kirchoff. , Absent Also present: Rebecca Bowers. Planning Director, Kent Exner. City Engineer, Marc Sebora. City Attorney and Bonnie Baurnetz, Planning Coordinator 2. CONSENT AGENDA ('I) CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 17, 2006 b) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY BRUCE NAUSTDAL LOOATED AT 1150 BLUEJAY DRIVE SW. Mr, Haugen moved to approve agenda Items 2 (a) and 2 (b) with the folloWing staff recommendalion5 for 2(B): 1. The proposed lot split would meet the standllrds of the R~2 zoning district. subject to the conditions stated and airport zone building square footage requirements. ' 2. ,Moving or removing of services will be lit property owner's expenle. 3. Separate services ere required for each lot 4. Lots at 50% cover9ge will not be allowed to add sheds. patios, decks or gazebos. 5. Atlhe time of platting, money was escrowed for two trees par lot. 11le new lot division will require one additional tree per lot at $2QOJlO per tree.' This will be collected with the building permit flMlll. Seconded by Mr. Hantge the consent agenda items were approved un('lnlmously. Item 2 (c) was moved to New Business on tI1e agenda for fu rther discussion. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO REZONE LOTS 2-6, BOYLES ADDITION FROM R4 (HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) TO IIC (INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL) FOR A 9 LOT COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION ~~L\ ~inut.. Planning Commission - Novemll<< 21, 20015 Page z Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:45 p.m. witl'l the reading of publication #7526 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on November 21,2006. Ms. Bowers commented on the request and current zoning. She stated a business pam is proposed. She explained the location and surrounding property uses. She presented background on the considerations of rezoning. She explained the Comprehensive Plan Is the guida for future land use. She stated rezoning should be consistent with the CIty's long range plans. Ms. Bowen> stated the latest sketch plan and the revised access Is more preferable to the staff. She commented on the process after the properly is rezoned. She reported staff recommended denial because the property is guided for residential and because of the impacts to the surrounding residential properties. She commented on the staff report which lists conditionally permitted uses. She explained In the IIC District each use must go through the conditional use permit process. There is 00 minimum lot area requirement In the IIC District and only recommended setbacks. She commented on the following staff concerns: 1. The proposed IIC zoning is not consistent with ComprehenSive Plan and the future land use guide plan. which identifies this property as Mixed Use Residential. 2. There are no adjacent or nearby IIC zoned properties that would provide for a logical zoning transition. There is an existing commercial area aaoss Highway 15 that it Is zoned C-4. 3. The number 01 lots proposed to be developed (9 lots) is too dense for b~ /1 4. Rezoning to IIC would negatively impact the edJacent residential. areas due to increased industrial andlor commercial traffic. 5. Review and approval of the County Engineer is required regarding access off county Roed 121North High Drive. 6. :there are wetland areas to the north of the existing llp8rtment building that could determine potential lor development of these areas. 7. Increasing commercial andlor industrial traffic could negatively impact I the township gravel roadway and residences to the north. I' Ms. Bowers commented on the potential for a round-about on Hwy 15 and North High Drive and possible chenges to the plat. Discussion' followed on spot zoning. There is C4 across Hwy 15 but the uses, would not fit the development. She stated IIC made more sense for the: proposed uses in this development. I Gus Wurdell, applicant, stated he does understand the comprehensive 'plan guides for residential. He explained nothing has happened with this property for 29 years and he would like to see it developed. He stated the lie district would give the City control with the conditional use proc::ess. Mr. Hantge made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy. The hearing closed at 5:56 p.m. Mr. Flaata made a motion to recommend denial of the reQuest because of staff concerns 1-7. I ! (g [Go. J L\ Minutes Planning Commission - November 21, 2006 Page 3 Seconded by Ms. Otteson, the motion carried unanimou!lly. M6. Baumetz stated this Item will be placed on the City Council regular agenda at their 'meeting held November 28. 2006 In the Council Chambers at 5:30 p,m. unless the applicant withdraws the request. b) CONSIDERATION OF CONOmONAL USE PERMIT TO AllOW TOWING COMPANY OFFICE WITH IMPOUND lOT LOCATED IN THE C4 (FRINGE COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT AT 700 AIRPORT ROAD Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5;57 p.m. with the reading of publication #7523 as published in the Hutchinson Leeder on November 9, 2006. MIS Bowers commented on the IllQUElSt and the previous amendment to the ordinance to allow towing companies with Impound lots by conditional use permit In the C4 District. She explained the site plan shows part of the fence over a portion of the parking lot. She would recommend changing the staff conditions on placement of the fence. She reported there are more parking spaces than required by the ordinance. She stated the request meets the conditions for the conditional use permit Lowell Baumetz, applicant, commented on the southern porUon of building he would be renting for the business. He stated there are existing studs for the office area and an existing, area for bathroom facilities is available. He explained the septic tank plEicement and the need to clear the septic area. He stated the proposed fence placement will give the area the beSt screening of the back portion of the area, Discussion followed on the placement of the fenced area. Mr. Baumetz explained the need for enough maneuvering area with the truck. He ' stated the I!IW allows impounded vehicles for 45 days before they are junked. He stated he tries to move them as soon as possible. He commented on the good job the police department does at cleaning up abandoned cars. He explained he Is working with the Car Shop to get the dead beat cars moved. Mr. Lofdahl made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Haugen the hearing closed at 6;11 p.m. Mr. Lofdahl made a motion to recommend approval with the following staff recommendations 1,2 and 6: 1. City Counc~ has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, exlsting and anticipated traffIC conditions, and the effect on values of properties In the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Council has determined thai the proposed use Is In harmony with the general purpose and Intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. 6. ' The property owner shall combine the two lots at the County. Seconded by Mr.Flaata, the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Btlumetz stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held November 28, 20076 In the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m_ lot o..)Y Minutes Planning Commiuion ,. November 21, 2006 Page 4 cJ CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF 10' OF A 20' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1, HANSONS SUBDIVISION OF PETERSON ESTATES. 320 JEFFERSON COURT Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:1,3 p.m. with the reading of publication #7524 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on November , 9, 2006. Ms. Bower explained the Iocatlon of the property. She explained the property was develOped prior to being annexed Into the City. The County easement requirement when platted was 20'. The property owner Is requesting to vllcate 10 feet of the easement. She stated there are ~s to wor1< around. Engineering and utilities met with the applicant on site. Mr. Exner stated the City must be able to get to the pond to the rear of the property until property to the south develops. Ms. Bowers commented on the folkming staff recommendations: 1. Subject to a written agreement between the property owner and the City to allow and make accommodations for the City crews to access the stormwater pond adjacent to their property if maintenance of the pond Is necessary by the City. This arrangement would end when the parcel to the south is developed and appropriate infrastructure with corresponding easements is constructed. : 2. The detached garage may not be placed in the remaining , easement area and all regulations must be followed / regarding detached garages. I . ~ Mr. Exner commented on the meeting with the applicant on-slle. He I" commented on the land locked pond. He stated. in the Mure; there wilL be an outlet pipe when the property to the south develops. We have no, easement along the dty limits line. He explained there Is an old tile IIIlf:l which is presently a limited outlet. Discussion followed on who built the pond. Mr. Padrnos stated the pond to the south was built as a result the pond to the west. He explained the developer went to the p owner to construct the pond. Mr. Exner stated there Is an agreement wi the property owner. He explained the placement of the large shed which Is the only area to place the shed on the property without moving trees. i Mr. Hantge made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Lofdatll the hearing closed at 6:22 p.m. Mr.Currlmbohy made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations 1-2- Seconded by Mr. Haugen. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Baumetz stated this Item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held November 28, 2006 In the CouncH Chambers at 5:30 p.m. toL~~ Minute. Planning Commission - Novembar 21,2006 Page 5 d) CONSIDERATION OF VARIANCE TO REDUCE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 20 FEET TO 5.6 FEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OFA SMOKING ROOM AT THE HUTCH BOWL, 1150 HWY 7 WEST Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:39 p.m. with the reading of publication #7525 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on November 9, 2006. .. Ms. Bowers explained the applicant Is requesting to table the item. Atty. Sebors commented on hi!> meeting with Mr. Plaisance regarding the proposed nonsmoking ordinance. Discussion followed on establishing a portion of the building a emoklng area. Hutch Bowl is presently exempt under the County Ordinance. The proposed city ordinance is more comprehensive than what is req uired presently. Mr. Plaisance commented on his reasons to table the request He explained he is constructing an inside version of the ouisldesmoking room. , Mr. Hantge made a motion to close the hearing, Seconded by Ms. Otteson. The hearing closed at 5:44 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to table this request Seconded by Mr. Hantge. The motion carried unanimously. e) CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAl USE PERMIT TO ALlOW OVER 1000 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL IN FLOOD PLAIN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WASTE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY EXPANSION Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:25 p.m. with the reading of pUblication #7527 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on November 9. 2006. Ms. Bowers explained the location of the request and the need for 3,600 ~~~~ofM ' Mr. Mehr, Sr. Waste Water Operator, commented on the requeet and the , expansion to handle additional flows. He explained tile pond was a borrow pit used to construct the present facility. He commented on the need for additional space. They looked at other arel'ls on the site to locate the facility. The high voltage lines and costs made other areas difflCUJl. Mr. Exner explained the joint notification process to the DNR. County Environmentalist and Army Corps of Engineers. He stated he had a verbal approval from the DNR and County and written emell approval from the Corps. He explained this is not a wetland but the City did go through the epplicalion process. He stated the facility must be above the LoL '04 . ! Minutes Planning CommIssion - November 21,2006 Page 6 100 year flood plain. Discussion followed on the changes' to the new dam and changes to the 100 Year flood elevations. . , Mr. Exner showed ltle building footprint, He explained 8400 sq. ft. of wet area wiN be Impacted. Discussion followed regarding placing documantatlon from the Corps of Engineers in the Planning Commission packet. He stated construction wlU begin In early spring. He Bxplained the construction process will take over a year. It was suggested the Corps of Engineers documentation be given to the City Council. Ms. Otteson made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. LofdahL The hearing closed at 6:37 p.m. Mr. Hahlge made a motion to recommend approval of the request with ,staff recommendations and edding documentation from the DNR, County and Corps to ,the CIty Council. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The motion carried unanimously. Ms.. Baumetz stated this Item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held November 26. 2006 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.rn. 4. NEW BUSINESS a) CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY PAUL BETKER LOCATED AT 235 OTTAWA SE Ms. Bowers explained the application was submitted past the deadline but, because of ltle time of year. we put It oM the agenda. She I commented on the request for a twin home reporting It does meet the I requirement. This building is at 50% coverage and no 8ddltions would be I allowed. She commented on the following staff recommendations: , ,I 1. The proposed lot split would meet the standards of the I' R-2 zoning district, subject to the conditions stated and airport zone building SQuere footage requirements. 2. Moving or removing of services wUl be at property owner's expense. I 3. Separate services are required for each lot. 4. Lots at 50% coverage will not be allowed to edd sheds, I patios, decks or gazebos. ' 5. At the time of platting, money was escrowed for two I trees per lot. The new lot dMsion wAI require one additional tree per lot at $200.00 per tree. This will be collected with the building permit fees. Discussion followed on verifying the property does not go over the 50%. The question was asked the if the second phase will the stormwater system have to be revisited and pipes and ponds sized accordingly? Mr. Lofdahl would propose tabling to the next meeting. Chairman Kirchoff slated this is not an automatic these lot splits will not be ,the same as bllfore. lr, Lo.) 4 Minutos Planning Commission - November 21, 2006 Palla 7 Mr. Betker stated he is trying to keep on schodule. He explained the plat was approved for twin homes and he understands he has to have lot splits. He does not agree with the process. He stated lot spl" surveys are expensive to pay twice. He stated he will stay under the 500/. coverage. Discussion followed on the past and present process. Mr. Betl<er commented on his perception of the process from the City. Council meeting. He stated cost factors are an Issue and he has 8 lots left,to split. Meyor Cook staled Mr. Betker could have lIsked for a special meeting. Ms. Bowen; explained the past procedure was contrary to the ordinance according to the City Attomey. She stated this is legal procedure and staff is comfortable with, the Planning Commission's decision. Consensus of the Planning Commission was the applications must be submitted In a timely manner. They suggested the remaining lots could be spilt ahead of time so Mr. Betker does not have future problems with building his twin homes. They would not require a fun blown survey however leglll descriptions are necessary. Mr. Betker asked about the tree issue. He stated tree escrow was provided per ordinance of 2 per lot. Discussion followed of where the trees were to be planted. Mr. Betker stated he Is upset with the changes. Ms. Bowers stated she inlends to revise the ordina'nce to mllke things easier for the developer. Mr. Betker asked staff and planning commissioners to talk to the developers before the dedsions are made when revising the ordinances. Mr. Lofdahl made a motion to recommend approval of \he lot split. Seconded by Mr. CUnimbhoy. The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Baumetz stated this will go to the City Council consent agenda November . 28, 2006. 5. OLO BUSINESS There was discussion of where storega units would fit in the City. Ms, Bowen; stated IIC was Intended for exisllng sites. She stated Mr. Knisely will be back for an amendment of the ordinance and series of applications. 6. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Mr. Exner commented on requests for timed parking in the Main Street area. He stated thaI would be difficult to enforce and difficult to monitor. It was suggested the Downtown Association discuSS the I'f:lquest and decide how It should be handled. 7. AOJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. loL cY L\ Mh....tes Planning Commlaelon - Novemb.... 21,2006 Page 8 I I . , ! I ! II I' I I ,I I I ,to Ld04 December 20. 2006 '. Dear City Council Members, At the December 2611> council meeting the council will be asked to approve a . Cennula for the annual transfer from Hutchinson Utilities, The idea of having some kind of formula to base the transfer has been talked about in the put, but became a priority this year. Having a formula would make it easier for both the City and Hutchinson Utilities to plan wben developing their respective budgets and also makes it easier to explain the transfer to the public. As explained at Iut years joint Utilities and City Council meeting, mostpubllc utilities make a transfer to their local government. As a city enterprise it is fair to expect a return on investment. In addition if the utility was a private enterprise they would pay taxes to the city, In essence then transfen such as thilI are often called a payment in lieu of taxes (pILOT). This fall a committee of both Hutchinson Utilities and City representatives met several times to come up with a formula that was mutually agreeable to both groups. Members of the committee were Utilities Manager Mike Kunnn, Utility Commission President Craig Lenz, City Administrator Gary Plotz, City Fmance Director Ken Merrill, and myself. ' , As a starting point the American Public Power Association (APP A) had Identified seven methods used by utilities as a basis of their transfers. Mike K.umm looked at these various formulas to see which ones could provide the 5% increase that the city has asked for in the past using actual numbers from Hutchinson Utilities. That analysis is included in your packet and showed that using a percent of gross operating revenues Willi the best option because it met the 5% target the most consistently. Furthermore when actual numbers were used it was determined that 2.75% of the gr08ll operating revenues would be an appmpriate percentage to use fur Hutchinson going forward. It should be noted that the APP A survey found that using a percentage of gross operating revenues was the most common formula used by public utilities. In addition, a survey done by APP A showed that the average of aD net payments and cootnl>utions made by both public utilities and investor owned electric utilities to their local governments U a percentage of operating revenues averaged 5.8%. In our region the averaae was S.20/0. The formula that is recommended will use the last audited financial numbers to determine the transfer for that particular year_ That means for the 2007 budget, the gross operating revenues from 200S wiD be used. Usinll the last audited numbers enables both the city and the utility to know in advance what the amount will be and provide the opportunity to plan accordingly. It is the recommendation of the committee that both the Utilities Commission and the City Council adopt resolutions approving the recommended transfer formula. The Utilities Commission passed a resolution at their November 2~ meeting and the resolution before you will do so on beha1f of the City CQunciI. Sincerely, Mayor Steve Cook ~~j LPLb) ) , " I PILOT MethodI The following mechanisms are employed by cliffereot utility oompany's u it rdates to establ;~hill8 a formula approad1 with . ...~ to the PILOT. or General Fuoda transfer: 1. Aas.......'nel1t ofUtlllty and City Budeeu 2. Property Tu EquiviICIIlt 3. Perceot of Net UtIllty Plant in ServIce 4. Charge per KWH and MCF aold 5. Pa-cent ofNCIt Incomo 6. perceot of Operating Inoomo 1. perceot of Gross Electric and Natural au Operating Revenue , Other aiteria that was used to 'IlIlltOW' the selKcll of 1he sbove 1 mCllhods Was to evaluate based on a 5% growth fiIctor in the PILOT,u requested by 1he City. All the data . conlained in the tables are from the audited financiRl statcmem& A""""""'ent ofUtIlitv Itnd CltvBud_ This is what is currently done. RecommeDdatiOllll have been mIIde by RW Beck 1hat we come lip with same type of formula be used. Approximately 26 % ofMuniciplll Bleotric Systems surveyed by AmeriClll1 Public Pow~ A880ciBtion use this melhod. Plu...,.t~TIX ~ This was evaluated, however no decision WIllI made as to If the committee wIshc& to proceed in thi8 fBshion. . This does not grow at a 50/. growth rate. P"""",t of Net Utilitv Plant In S<<vice ,This is similar to the Property Tax EquIvalent mentioned above, with the only difference being the moltiplier is different. ' . This does not grow lit a 5% growth rate. , " Change , Ywr Aooumulilted Net UtHIIy PlBnlln C1O/fII Yew Plant In SllI'Vice . lion Service Y.. 1997 $ 55.296,614.00 S 20.464.093.00 $ 34.841,421 ,00 - 1998 . 67,515,8111.00 S 21,818.058.00 $ 36.697,669.00 2.5% 1999 $ 59.564,161.00 S 23.289,208.00 ' $ 36,274,943.00 1.8% 2000 $ 65.066,987.00 $ 24.458,870.00 $ 40,(198,117.00 11.9% 2001 $ 67,768.747.00 S 28.191.697.00 $ 41,576,8&0.00 2.4% 2002 $ 75,048,281.00 $ 26.061.46Cl.00 $ 49,9BCl,77(1.00 20.2% 2003 S 99,014,778.00 $ 28,081.778.00 $ 72,933,002.00 45.9% 2004 $103,398,827.00 $ 28,728,787.00 $ 74.670,040.00 2.4% 200(1 $105 447 834.00 $ 31.636107.00 $ 73 811 727.00 -1.1% Note: ThI8 table lnclude8 the pipeline. ; , i . I I I i lJ,Lb) I ,. Charl!e pel" KWH and MCP Sold ' This iswh<<o a multiplier is estabJiBhcd for both the KWH end MCF sold. VtM KWHR Sdd CF eoId 1996 279,897,253 1,6117.1 :W,ll22 1997 310,838.24l5 1.894,882,402 1Q98 343,817,687 1,319.814,188 ' 1M 319.831,260 1 ,342,088,ll87 2000 309,llSlI,0lI4 1,367.108,4&4 2001 340,55Ci.447 1,31l8,()05,lM3 2002 307,904,510 1,396,704,638 2003 310,316,178 1,413,824,448 2004 304,207,747 1,283,1llIQ,317 2006 312,948.411 1284 317 60B % ina'e88e or decreese from VIlQI' KWHR Sold 1Qll7 11% 1993 11~ 1999 -7% 2000 -3% 2001 10% 2002 .10% 2003 1% 2004 -2"- 2005 3 CF sold 6% .22% 2% 2% -1% 3% 6% -13% 0% At most, the electric utility unit sales grow by approximately I % per year, and the natural ; gllll unit sales il'Owth is fIat. . , , I I I , , i I (pLbj I " . , Pet'lllIllt DfNet InMme This was discussed. however only to the e:dent as to II dividald payment, 81 it would relate to the Propmy Tax EquivaIcul Payment method. By itself; this compolKllrt doeI not grow at S% annually. y- 19r1l5 . 11197 $ HIlle . 19119 $ 2000 $ 2001 $ 2002 $ 2003 $ 2004 , 2005 827,888.00 2,26liI,129.00 2,084,24l1.oo 3,097,837.00 1.786,044.00 1,401,221.00 502,23ll.oo 2, 1l1UM.oo 906,1187.00 9 ~OO In addition, tills number can vary oonaiderably b..t"'...... year>>. PtJrCllnt ofnn..n.tinl( Income This grows at 5% annually. To use this method would require mum cnativity to establlah ' a multiplier to work. Pwcenl ChlInge Year Inc ($'a) Y811/'~Y_ 1998 $ 1.563,643.00 1997 $ 2,681,363.00 71.5% 1998 $ 2.619,254.00 -2.3% 19l19 $ 2,654,463.00 1.3% 2000 ' $ 2.365,724.00 .10.9% 2001 $ 1.768,l1l12.oo -25.2% 2002 $ 1.389,272.00 -21.11% 2003 $ 1,8404,845.00 32.8% 2004 $ 2,427.622.00 31.6% 2005 895 602.00 19.3 (,pLb J \ , Percent ofOross Electric ~ Natural 0lIlI o.-&tin.. 'R_ This grows at S% lI1IllU8IJ.y. Twenty Four pscent of the MUDicipal E1ecttiC Utilities in the . United States uae this method. What is driving this growlh isilicteues In ~ty prlces.For this'to grow at five paOOlt ......""Ity, then you would bavc to usumethat commodlty prices will COlItlnue to in~ Some risk is assumed with this model, for CllIIIPle in year 2002 ...-.nmnrlity prices fell. Perollnt C/lIInge Yes: SaIM $'a Yes: 0V8t Yes: lQll8 S 17,444,880.00 1997 " 18,eeo.o48II.OII 1U% 11195 S 20,406,768.00 2.8% 11199 S 2O,lI&e, 774.00 2.7% 2000 S 27,1 eo.480.00 2D.7% 2001 , 29,204.338.00 7.4% 2002 . 23,G27,&4G.OII -18.1% 2003 S 30,210,9015.00 2ll.3% 2004 S 3O,ll78,l102.oo 1.5% 2006 S 39170 1 27.7% , Beoefl.ta are this method is very straightforward. in lIlIditiOl1 aIlllOlllCea of~l!IIlue are taklll, into acoount. If this model were selected, we would likdy WBIlt to go along with the audited number from the previous year. For example, for 2007 we would want to UlIe the 200S audited financial statemeata. Ifwe tried to use the 2006 numbers, theo at budget time, we would be speculating lIll to the final numba:. This would have to be di\lcusBed further, howeva: if we wanted to uae the 2006 numbm, that would work, and we QOuld make an adjustmeat at year end as to the actlJa1 2006 numbcn. After reviewina the seven models to select from, this onels the only one 1hat we CBn easily attnbute a mlnlmum of 5% growth rate to. If we would have used the 200,! sales numbers for 2006, then the arithmetic would work like thiB: q %- (1,022,103 I 39,170,3S1) x 100~ 2.6 % With that said, then we would be able multiply 2.6 % to each year salell dolllll'll to come up with the PILOT. The result for 2007 would be: 200,( Total HUe Forecasted Salcs" $42,089,720 '5 So then; 2.6 % x $42,089,720 - $1,094,332; this is approximately a 7 % increase. ~ If the transfer were 2.5 % then; 2.5 % x $42,089,720" $1,052,243; wbich is a 3 % increase. ~ i I I I I I lD lb) \ Examule CaJeuJalioJI--Wl~ method" 7 lPereent of GrOll Onerlitbat Revellu) - !! I II I ! The recommended 'formula approach will be: Payment in Lieu of Taxes - 2.7~ % x Gross Opetatinj: Revenue The infonnatlon in the handout is not accurate. This 11 how the formula wal arrived at: Transfer in 2007 will be $1,073,283 Audited Operating Revenue for 2005 was $39,170,351 The result is '" S 1,073,283 I $39,170,351 ~ .0274, or npproximately 2.75% Enmule Calculalion So then for 2008, the calculation will look somethina like this: Assume Audited 2006 Operating Revenue" Projected 2006 Operating Revenue = 542,747,3 74 General Funds Transfer for 2008 = .0275 x S42,747,374 = $1,175,552 As mentioned in the handout, we are recommending using the audited financial num~ from previ0U8 years statements. As shown above, the transfer in 2008 would be based on Opcratina Revenues established in 2006, and the audited numbers would be used, since they would be I accurate for ca1aular year 2006. I ~Lb)1 RESOLUTION NO. 13100 A RESOLUTION DEFINING THE HUTCJDNSON UTILmES COMMISSION'S ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON IN LIEU 011 TAXES WHEREAS, the HutchinSon City Charter and the Hutchinson Utilities Commission By-laws contain provisions fOT the transfer of surplus Utilities funds to the City in lieu of the payment of taxes; and, WHEREAS, heretofore the amount transferred from year to year has been undefined and subject to annual renegotiation between the Hutchinson City Council and the Hutchinson Utilities Commission; IIlld, WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Council and Hutchinson Utilities Commission have detennined that a defmite payment formula for this transfer is fiscally prudent and in the best interest of both entities; and, , WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission unanImoUllly approved the following defmite formula on November 29, 2006, NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE,HUTCHINSON lJIlLITIES COMMISSION: THAT the contribution to the City of Hutchinson in lieu of taxes shall be an amount equal to 2.75% of tile total operating revenue oftbe Hutchinson Utilities Commission as determined by the second preceding years' financial audit of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. The contribution in lieu of taxes shall be paid to the City each year in four quarterly instaIlnten1s. Adopted by th~ Hutchinson City Council this 2ti' day of December, 2006. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, Cil)' Administrator I Ji f ! I lPLh J \ ;; I i I . '. RESOLUTION NO. 13101 ii ADOPTING 2007 FEE SCHEDULES WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is empowered by previously passed ordinances to impose fees for services, and ;; . WHEREAS, based upon the reconunendation Of costs for providing the services for various city departments ' ;; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT THE FOLLOWING FEE SCHEDULES ARE ADOPTED: ' (a) 2007 Bullding Pennlt Fee Schedule (b) 2007 Compost/Transfer Facility Gate Fee Schedule ( c) 2007 Evergreen Reservation Fee Schedule (d) 2007,Flre Department Fee Schedule (e) 2007 HRA Fee Schedule (f) 2007 Licenses and Pennits Fee Schedule (g) 2007 Liquor License Fee Schedule (h) 2007 Mapping and Printing Service Fee Schedule (i) 2007 Pe.rlcs, Recreation, and Community Education Fee Schedule (j) 2007 Planning and Land Use Fee Schedule (k) 2007 Plumbing Permit Water Meter Fee Schedule (I) 2007 Police Department Fee Schedule . -Fee schedules attached Adopted by the City Council this 26TH day of December, 2006 Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator l.p Lb)d.-. f) {r y City of HutchiosoD 2007 Building Permit Fee Scbedule Fixed Fee Permit Schedule 1 & 2 FamiI Residential Reroo 1 & 2 FamiI Residential 1 &; 2 Family Residential Wmdow Replacement Manufactured (Mobile Home Install ' Deck Permit Uti!' Sheds ExcavationIT Permit Sign Permit Sandwich BlKlld S' Permit $30.00 $100.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $050 $25.00 Portablelfemporary Sign Permit $30.00 Moving Permit $100.00 Demolition Permit $50.00 Curb em. Driveway Apron, and Hard Surfacing Driveway Pennit Fence Permit Finish Basement - $0.30 $15.00 $25.00 , $30.00 plus surcharge fee $30.00 $60.00 - "'1~1 ,.....'''.-_..,,_......_..._ . 111,.,.,-. I 11..'_..__ III. ~ ~ ){ . . City of Butchinson 2007 Building Pel'lllit Fee Schedule Permits with Fixed Fees I $0.50 I e (mobile home, demolitioo, fence, sign, moving. excavation, curb cut, residential rerQOt; residential reside, residential windo replacement, decks, driveway, and sheds) I Valuation UP to SI,Ooo,OOO mil (.0005) X Valutions Sl,ooo,ooo to $2,000,000 Valuation ~ $1,000;000 X .0004 + SSOO.OO $2,000,000 10 $3,000,000 Valuation - $2,000,000 X .0003 + $900.00 $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 Valuation - $3,000,000 X.OOO2 + $1,200.00 $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 Valuation - $4,000,000 X .0001 + $1,400.00 $5,000,000 and over Valuation - $5,000,000 X .0005 + $1,500.00 H-" ,.. 20/7 . .(;" 'Er Y . . City of HukhinSOD 2007 Building Pennit Fee Schedule Miscellaneous Fee Schedule N~ provided upon m:eipt of written and signed complaint letter to the City Fire Chief see Wa1er em construction water Ii for fees Rental Complaint Inspection Construction Water Existing Home Ins . on (FMHA) Parkland Dedication Other .om; and Fees. $47.00 Inspections outside of oormal business hours, (minimum tharge two hours) Relnspection fees assessed under vision of Section 108.8 Jnsr,.edions for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimwn char e. one-half hour Additional plan review required by thanges, additions, or revisions to approved plans (minimum char e - onc-balfbour . Or the totaI hourly costs of the j urisitation, whichever is the greatest. The cost shall include supervision, overhead, eq\Iirment. hourly wages, and fringe benefits of the employees involved. $50.00 see 8&leement between MCP A, City ofHutcbinson, and Hutclrinson Utilities Fire Spriuker S stem Permit Fee Schedule New or AdditiOnal Fin: SPWk!e! S Fee is equa1lo 1% (.01) of the total firesprinkJer contract amount, pins cl1 oU.50 PIau Review Fee Schedule H~. ht/OJof1 . ~ 'i -= u = v.J i II .8 rao. -=.1:: ~ ! =~ .... Q ~ ;... .9 .1::." u::: ::I = r-- g N " ... '10 .. 1 :os a:I .! .... o ';/!. .,.. \Q .!!l, ~ 't Ii:: Jl ~ .. l '" ~LbJ~ E;"" ~ ~ . . . City or Hutehimon 2007 Building Pennit Fee Schedule Plumbin Permit Fee Schedule Fixture or hem Fee Construction Water S' dfwo Fami Residence All Other Coostruction Mechanical Fee SewerlWlII.er Hookup & Access Fee , ",.,..... 1111 $8.00 per roughed in fixture $50.00 1100.00 As Water $100.00 plus surcharge fee $30.00 us fee Vahwionx 1% - plus surcharge ofS.50 for set fees up to $1,010 or more than $1,010 x .0005 Applicable to poreels not previously assessed, confirm with City En" artment -' -'-----~-~=:_~- ""5011 1111 11II1 11111 III I 111111_1111 1111.1111I ~ r- '? . . City ofHutdliosoD 2007 BuDding Permit Fee Sc:hedule uare Feet Constrlldion Valuation (E""luIWd An.wlly by BuUdiDC CodOJlDd Studards DirilIoD) Dm:lIings Basements Finished $60.00 Semi Finished ' $60.00 Unfinished $15.00 ace Valuation Maso $6,000.00 O-Clearance 54 000.00 Po<<:hes 3 Season Porch $50.41 uare foot 4 Season Po<<:h $67.96 uare foot Screened Porch $32.48 foot cs Attached $33.68 uare foot Detached $17.00 uare foot $1 - $500 $23.50 $501 - $2.000 for the finIt $500 plus $3.05 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof $23.50 to and inelud' $2,000 for the first $2,000 plus $14.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction $69.25 thereof to and iDe . $25,000 for the first $25,000 plus $10.10 for each additional $1,000 ar fniction $391.25 thcn:ofto and incl . 550,000 for the first 550,000 plus $7.00 for each~additional $1,000 or fraction tereofto and incl . S I 00,000 for the first $100,000 plus $5.60 for each additfOJllli $1,000 or fniction $993.75 tbcreofto and ine . $500,000 $2,001 - 525,000 $25,001 - $50 000 $50,00 1 - $ 1 00 000 $100,001 - $500,000 Ii~ ,..~ of? . $n09 $0.00 t) ~ v y . . City of Hutchiason 2007 Buildiag Permit Fee SchOO.1e , fOl'tbe first $500,000 plus $4.75 for each additional $1,000 01' fraction $500,001 - $1,000,000 $3,233.75 fto and inclnding $1,000,000 b the first $1,000,000 plus $3.15 for each additional $1,000 or $1,000,001 and Up $5,608.75 fraction thereof. PENALTY FEE Double the Permit Fee - per City Administrator's memo of 5-17-88 ; ------ ~- ~7"'1 . I I 111111 . . . IULDINCl VALUA lION IlATA . Illy _ t. _~.IJ'Mnl!llr.F P' .' _ Bo.NIIog V_ DIIIII. ..,. 2lIOIl lABOR a: INDUSTRY The datalo proIotiod... .0.-1000 ..... ..._..-... by.... 1pjlftc8nt Io,,,,,rmb. - , ' Tho unit coOlS _ __ to Ioc:bIo .u-.ill. slnIcbnI, -. ......... end __olaol""rt 0I0up ....... 1-8 U n-8 I...... 8J.a rv V-A V-8 A-1 Aaaembly. t!lea*ere with sI9ge 16Q.05 160.99 156.30 148.85 137.82 137.03 ~13 126.31 121.44 Aalenmly. Ihoslln wilhoit IIl8ge 154.84 146.117 141.82 135.06 123..91 123.14 128.27 112.51 107.15 .t ~ ABMfllbly, n1gh1clubs 119.07 115.59 112.22 108.95 104.76 97.91 1111.98 90.24 . ee.n t Auembt{. R111m1rant&, bars, banquet ha. 113.04- 109.75 106.55 103.45 95.78 95.59 99.58 87.35 85.64 * A-3 All l ,lbIy. llllnl!lll. corrrnunily hal, IIIIarIes ' 128.37 119.97 114.26 107.79 96.23 95.88 102.00 86.00 80.95 .. l"bI1. churches 103.24 97.38 94.55 90.04 82.60 81.78 B5.11!l 74.71 71.16 A-4 .......mJly. -- 124.38 120.76 118.10 112.71 104.36 104.10 108.43 94.28 91.53 B Busin_ 120.89 116.23 111.75 107.45 102.33 1Gl.n 1G9.42 90.42 86.94 E Educ8IioIllll 105.73 101.66 8ll.89 93.99 86.23 83.n 89.06 75.47 n.S6 1'.1 Faclory ~ lndu5IriIoI, mod!lnlle hamrd 86.39 63.23 59.09 56.81 48.97 49.46 53.76 41.ll3 ' 38.71 1'-2 Fac*lry and IndIlllrtaL law hazard 63.69 60.66 SUi? 54.92 48.19 48.17 52.35 ' 40.58 37.58 ...1 HIgh '-". elCploelwl 60.73 57.29 54.04 50.98 44.33 44.32 48.16 37.05 M.P. H-2,3, & " High hazard 60.73 57.29 54.04 50.98 44.33 44.32 48<16 37.00 33.88 H-6 1-PN 119.87 115.25 110.82 105.54 94.23 93.66 100.71, 8323 80.02 b ~ -------- -- '" r-- .tf: c::.-r 'f-l . - ~:-.,---- . . ("' ~ 111111 ..-... 111111 1111 City of Hutchinsou Compost/Jr.nsfer Facility 2007 Gate Fee Schedule . Policy 2.12(p) McLeod County Resident Leaves, Omss Clippings, and Brush (under 6" in diameter - ID required and bags emptied) Commercial Leaves and Grass Clippings (bio-c()rp/paper ba - no plastic) Commercial Leaves and GTass Clippings (plastic.) Commercial Brush (under 6" In diameter) Logs (6" diameter or greater) Pallets ami Crates StmJp Chips Clean Wood Mixed ResidentiaVCommercial Food Residuals Concrete (Dirty) Asphalt (Dirty) · Plastic determination is at tM discretion of the monitor and ' deUrmined (Hla per load basis. -- -- 111111 11.11 III 1- 1111 11_1111 III 11_ 11111_11111111111 111_1 I. 1...111_1 1.11 DO cheo-ge $10.00 per ton $31.00 per ton no charge per ton no charge per ton $24.00 perton no charge per ton $10.00 per ton $40.00 pcr~n $5.00 perton $5.00 per ton $20.00 $ 14.00 $24.00 $34.00 $5.00 .r;;- g ~ City of HutcbiD50n 2007 Evergreen Reservation Fee StlteduIe 2006 Fee Dining Room $70.00 $50.00 Kitchenette $15.00 $10.00 Carpeted Room $35.00 $20.00 After H~ $25.00 $20.00 D 't. $50,00 $25.00 · Separate check to be returned when keys are retmled and if rooms are cleaned-up and no damage bas occurred . -------- -------- a_ 1111 11111I...111111__1.11_11111111111__11_11_1 11I1111_1111..._11_1111 11_111I.._111_1 - b b:: <...:::/ ~, . . . PoIlcJ 2.22(n} City of HukhinsoD ZOO7 Fire Departmeat Fee Schedule - -- - ..II, - ~ De-Con Trailer $100.00 nla P1Ul1 material used and/or clean"up - Engine S100.00 S75.00 nla $75/$50 Grass Unit $100.00 $50.00 nla HERT (Haz-Mat TrL) $50.00 nla Plus material and/or equipment used Ie S50.00 nfa nla $200 (combined w/firefighters) Firefighters $25.00 $200 (combined wI Ie) MERe (Command TrL) $50.00 nla Plus material and/or equipment used platform Truck $275.00 $130.00 nla $250/'125 Rescue S7S.00 $40.00 nla $64/S4O Tanker S135.00 $70.00 nla Fee F"rreworks Fireworks Only Business & Tent Sales Other Retailers S3S0.00 January 1 - December31 January I - December 31 license fee is nonrefundable, cannot be prorated, and cannot be waived License fee is IlOlIIciUndable, cannot be pro1llled, and cannot be waived $100.00 · NOTE: tramient merchant's 1InISt obtoin a fireworks lictme and a tronsient merchant license. lfJWulo . . . City of IlutebiPSOD 2017 BRA Fee Schedule Hard Copy of2OO4 Maxfield Study , $ 100.00 Revolving SCDP Rehab Loan Admin Fee S 1,000:00 Does 110I include Ic8d Iesling oc in5pection fees to mnidc agt.IlCIe3 lleVolving SCDP New Construction Gap Loan AdiiUn Fee S 700.00 s- r-- "&-': V ~ --- ----- I 11I11 I II1111111 111111111111111 I 1111111I11 I 1111 1111 11111111111 III 11111.11111111111 III s- ~ . . . 1'<&y2.22(!lXl) City of HutchiosoD 2007 LiceDSe:lJaod Permits Fee Schedule ----- -- -- - - , - - Carnival (refundable deposit) $500.00 Dance Permit $50.00 Short Term Gambling Licmses - Bingo License $100.00 January 1 - December J 1 Gambling Devices $100.00 January I - December 31 Gambling Short Term $25.00 Short Term Gambling License Investigation $100.00 One Time Garbage and Refuse Haulers Commeldal 5100.00 January 1 . December 31 Residential ' $100.00 January 1 . December J 1 Recycling $50.00 January 1 - December J I Recycling (short term) $2j.00 Per Day Massage Services $150.00 January 1 - December 31 Motorized Golf Cart Permit $5.00 JaniJary 1 - December 31 Notary Fee $1.00 Per Notarized Item PlII1Ide Permit $25.00 Short Term PeddlerlSolicitorffransient Merchant Permit $100.00 Per LicellSe , Popcorn Stand Permit , $50.00 Public Auction Permit $25.00 - Pawn SbqJs and PrecIOUS Mot.!-Dcalers $100.00 January 1 - December J I Public Property Use , - If>"o<uO ~ ~ \:/ Y . . No Alcohol Use $500.00 Alcohol Use $1,000.00 Second Hand Goods DealelS 5100.00 January 1 - December 31 Tattoo License $150.00 January t - December 31 Taxi Cab License (per cab) $3.00 January 1- De=nber 31 Tobacco License $150.00 January 1 - December 3 t - ---- 1f:FrD.m . PllUo:y2.22(1o~I) . ~ y ~F_. 11..11 . City of Hutchinson 2007 Liquor Ucense Fee Sclledule -- - - - - -- - - Club Liquor License Undcr200 Members $300.00 April! - March 3! 201 - 500 Members $500.00 April 1 - MarcIl 31 501 - 1000 Members $650.00 ' April 1 - March 31 1001 - 2000 Members $800.00 April 1 - March 31 2001- 4000 Members $1,000_00 Apri11 - March 31 4001 - 6000 Members $2,000.00 AJrill - March 3! Over 6000 Members $3,000.00 April 1 - March 3! Bottle Club (Set-Up) $75.00 Apri!l - March 31 Wine License $400.00 April 1 - March 31 On-Sale Intoxicating Malt Liquor & W"Ule License $550.00 Apri!l - March 31 On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License $3,500.00 April! - March 31 Pro-Rate; Refundable On-Sale Sunday Intoxicating Liquor License $100.00 April 1 - March 31 Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating MlIlt Liquor License $250.00 May 1 - April 31 Nonrefundable On-Sale NoIrIntoxicating Malt Liquor License $400.00 May 1- Apri131 NomdUndable On-Sale Non-lntoxicatiDg Malt Liquof License $100.00 Short Term On-SlIle hrtoxicating SW1day T ,,,"pOlary License $75.00 One Day -- Temporal)' Liqoor License $25.00 Per Day I $50.00 Minimwn , Intoxicating Liquor Investigations $350.00 IIIIII 11111.11111 IIIII 1.1111 1.1111111111 III III Pdi'l' U2lhX2l . III. ~ ~ ! 8, .:; <:> - .... i I I I r I' h I' I: g 'il t>O ' ',;:l I J >-l :1 ~ ~ ! ~Lb)~ b r- ~ ",..... City of HutclIioson 2007 Mapping and Printing Servia Fee Schedule ManualsIBooks 1'- .-' - -.- ---,--. - -c-' - - --- ,::: - ! [l . __ _ ..: ~ n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Manual: Comprehensive Plu (per book) 525.00 teach On CD" $15.00 teach Color Copy with Foldouts (4 books)" $75.00 leach Web Copy" Free leach Manual: Subdivision Onlinuce $20.00 teach Manual: Zoning $20.00 leach Manual: ZoninglShordudfSubdivisioD $40.00 leach Manual: Joint Planning Ana Zoning $20.00 teach Subdivision Agreements $1.00 pel page " New version is dramatically larger with significant color pages and foldmlfs (achial cost to copy is app_ $100). People may also copy off the Web with 110 City charge or get a copy on CD for a rwminal fee. g 112" X 11" (Black & White) g 112" X II" (Color) Lega1 or Tabloid Size (Black & White) Legal or Tabloid Size (C%r) 18" X 24" (Black Ii White) 18" X 24" (Color) 24" X 36" (Black & White) 24" X 36" (Color) (small city zoning map) 36" X 36" (Bk1cl Ii White) ~____ 36" X 36" (Color) 36" X 48" (Blad & White) 36" X 48" (Color) $0.25 $1.50 51.00 $3.00 $150 - $450 $3.00 $9.00 $4.50 514.00 $6.00 518.00 per page per page pel page per page per page pel page per page per page per page per page per page per page 11111 b' if C/ 'jJ . . N..~ IRoIl Paper Printing $1.50 I per sq foot I ~ Stlecialtv Map PIePWlllion. $27.50 per hour .Map printing at charges noted above .1 hour minimum, 1/4 hour increments thereafter .Must be approved by IT Director 8112"X 11" Legal or Tabloid 18" X 24" 24" X 36" $5.00 $9.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 36" X 36" 36" X 48" Planimetrics Minimum charge $55 Minimum charge '$55 Minimum charge $2 . mile notto exceed a ma;rimum char 0 $18,100 I Special Mapping requests = Data Price +S501hr 1.AII dJJta is provided in Arcview Shape File 10"nol on a CD An additional $50 c wiBbe a converted to a . I The City reserves the right to waive fees by Council direction for other gO'VQ.wuelltal I I ] ~l ~~ l~ C" .~ :g ~,~ 8,s. !.s j-I l~ ~~ 01 0 '0: . ~~ ~ .~ ~~ , '1'~ .~] Q I I I I i LPL~)~ . . City of Hutcmll50n 2007 PIIBnine and Land Use Fee Schedule . I - - - --- ------ -- -- - ---- -- I 2006 Fee --, -- Variances $250.00 Plus reco.-ding $225.00 fees ' Conditional Use Permits $250.00 Plus recording $225.00 , fees Rezoning 5300.00 $225.00 Vacation of street, alley, or easement $250.00 PIm recording $225.00 . _ fees , Plus recording, Lot Splits (Single and Two Family) $125.00 administrative, and lef{al fees PIm recording, Lot Splits (Multiple Family, Commercial, Industrial) $200.00 admin/strome, $175.00 and lellal fees Planned Unit Development 5250.00 Plus recording $225.00 fees , , Platting 5300.00 (plus Plus $10_00 per lol $225.00 $10 per lot) tmd recordingftes Site Plan , $150.00 $0.00 Annexation Determined by Stale Planning' - per Stale Agency After the Fact Double permit fee DoliJle permit fee (includes 530.00 payment to Planning Commission Special MeetinJ1; , members attending) {;" r- ~ y Notes: A typical application for variances or conditional use permits cost the City between $230 and $275. This amount includes public hearing publication, preparation of ~pub1ic"Dotice IDiiiling'h,,,,, -" 1 ~1~f"'1J!-lioD, meeting time, discussions with the land ownec, si1e visits, filing fees for the C~. (County fiJlDl fees iureued from 519.51 to $46.01 in 1105). . . . Oty of Hatchinso. 2007 Police Departmeat Fee Schedule -- -- -- -- -- ! Alarm Monitoring Fee Residential $12.00 Iper month Commercial $12.00 lper Industrial $12.00 lper month AnimaI License Tag (Dow'Cat) $7.00 Animal Impowxl , $40.00 Anima1 MaintenancelKemel Fcc $10.00 la day Vehitle ~ Storage SI0.00 la day Cow1 Ordered Breath Tests S10.oo la week Finger Printing $10.00 Police Report Copies $025, fDt:c D8I!e Walk In $0.25 /oer ))lIlI;e Mail or Fax $5.00 Police Service of Papers $25.00 I'botognlpbs $200 /rier IJal!e AudiaIVJdeo Magnetic Media $30.00 !per item Bicycle Licenses $5.00 $0.00 I 2006 Fee I ~ ~ H_ II 1111.111_11 City of HutchinsOD Parks, Recreation & Community Eduction 2007 Fee Schedule Policy 2.24(a} ~ ~ (;/ F -- - - -- - -- - -- - , -- - --- -- - - -- - -- - -- Adaptive Recreation $3.00 per session T -BalJ/BaseOOll (Kindegarten-Second Grades) $30.00- 14 sessions Girls Softball (rust - FOUJ'th ai-oks) $30.00 14 sessions Baseball (Second - Fifth Grades) $30.00 14 sessions Foo1bal1 Hill!: $20.00 7 sessions Tackle $40.00 14 sessions Rex Soccer (Indoor/Outdoor) $20.00 6 sessions Girls V olleybaJl $25.00 6 sessions Gymnastics t:4~$ 4 -15) $25.00 8 sessions Figme Skating 2004-2005 Season Tots-Delta $48.00 14 sessions Smday Practice $60.00 14 sessions Open Skating PlIS!I StudentslSeniors $35.00 Adul IS $45.00 Families $65.00 Open Skating Sunday $2.00 lper youth per day Non-School Davs $3.00 per adult per daY 'School Davs $2.00 per adult De< day School Davs $3.00 ,per fumily. per day FamiIV Hour $3.00 'per adults Fmnilv-Honr $5.00 De< tinily. Swimming Lessons -'- ----- - $32.00 10 lessons ~ Swim I, $3.00- Del l per dav Youth Sports/Activities N:Fft:&* pqo hIS 1111111111 III. 111111 I II I I I I I _'.11 11_11111111111_111111.111111_.._111 ~ ~ 'f City of Hutcllinson Parks, Recreation & Conunnity Eduction 2007 Fee Schedule Pdk:y 2.28(a} Open Swim Family Hour $6.00 per familv Swim Package $25.00 10 swims Swim Package $30.00 senior citizen Household Swim Package 1 member $40.00 2 members $50.00 3 members S60.00 4 members $10.00 5 members $80.00 6 members $90.00 7 members $100.00 "'........ hie; of 5 E) s ~ y City ofHutc:hlnson Parks, Recreation & Comm.nity Eduction 2007 Fee Schedule 'Poloy 2-26(01 Adult Sports ---- - --- - --- - - -- -- -- - -- - -- Men's Basketball $10.00 lper game per team Adull Touch Football $10.00 per game per 1eam Slowpitcb Softball (Umpired Leagues) $10.00 per game per Ieam Volleyball , Co-Rec $tO.OO per match per team Men's $10.00 per match per team Sand $35.00 per team 10 matches Women's $10.00 pennatch per team I Open Basketball $2.00 per person Open Hockey , ' $5.00 per person per day ~- -----=-:--- .a:,.--... ~eJ(JfS (;"'" ~ ~ . . City of Hutchinson Parks, Recreation & Community Eduction 2007 Fee Schedule Other Fees I --- -- --- -- -- --- - -- -- --- __ - _n _ - West River Park Camping Electric Hook-Up $10.00 W Mer, Sewer, Electric $15.00 Field Rental $7.50 1 1/2 hOIml Shelter resenration $15 or $25 per day Bleachers $20.00 per 3 rows Picnic Tables $10.00 4 table minimum (wUh 3-Jay rental, wiU I1ItWe tables) Open Gym Daily $2,00 per person Open Gym Pass $40.00 per person Indoor PIaygrotmd Child $1.00 per child Family $2.00 per family Family Playground Pass $J{).OO I Rcc Center and Civic Arena (dry floor) FIrSt Full Day $600.00 per day Half Day $300.00 112 day Additiollal Day $300.00 each additional day Yooth $30.00 per hour Rec Center Basketball Rental $15.00 per court per hour Volleyball Rental $15.00 per court per hour """"'" '.4,,/S . Policy 2.2a(a) ~ -5 J.l . . City of Hutchinson Parks, Recreation & Community Eduction 2007 Fee Schedule Swimming Pool S50.00 per hour Lobby S1S.oo per hour Civic Arena keTime $120.00 per hour Summer Ice S120.oo per hoar Roberts Park Tournament Fee $30.00 per field per day Transfers S2.00 Del oerson per class Cancdlations $2.00 deduc1ed from refWll Team Fees Are Non-Refundable --" ~-------- : 11._ P-xe S of' . Policy 2.23(0) Marc A. Sebora, city Attorney Office of the City Attorney lU__SE JlIllclIInooo, MN 5!3so..= 3lC-587 -515l1Fos 32>>-:IJ4.42fl TO: Mayor & City COImcil FROM: Marc A. Sehora, City Attorney DATE: December 21, 2006 SUBJECT: Approval of Ground Lease for the Dassel Medical Center As you may recall, back in June 2006, the City of Hutchinson approved a purchase agreement wi1h Miller Manufacturing topW'Chase a parcel of real estate in the City of Dasselto conslnlct II new clinic for Hutchinson Area Health Care. HutchinsOn Area HeaJ1h Care lClOked at several alternatives to have 1he clinic built IIlI expeditiously and economically as possible. After a review of several alternatives the hospital determined that the best course to use was to lease out the relll estate for the purpose of having a clinic built on it and then lease the building back from the builder. After reviewing different such proposals, the hospital entered into a cOntract wi1h L&L Dassel, LLC, to construct the building in this manner. The clinic is nearing completion and the enclosed resolution is needed primarily as II requirement of the closing company for title insurance purposes. Should you have questions concerning this, please feel free to contact me, or I can address them at the meeting. - Pr/rIlod on _)'Clod popor - tJ.b~ RESOLUfIONNO.13102 A RESOLUTION APPROVING TIlE GROUND LEASE FOR THE DASSEL MEDICAL CENTER WHEREAS, on June 27, 2006, the City of Hutchinson approved a purchase . agreement with Miller Manufacturing to purchase property for,the construction of a new medical center as requested by Hutchinson Area Health Care; and, WHEREAS, Hutchinson Area Health Care ~ entered into a contract with L&L DlIlIsel, LLC. to construct the clinic buildinll; and, WHEREAS, Hutchinson Area Health Care has deterininc:d that it is financially prudent to allow 1&L Dassel, LLC, to lease the property from the City and lelllle back the constructed building; and, WHEREAS, because the land is titled in the name of the City of Hutchinson, the City must IIpprove leasing the land to 1&L Dassel, LLC, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: lHA T the ground lease: for the Dassc:l Medical Center be: approved IIlI attached as Exhibit A hereto. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 26111 day of December, 2006. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator I Ii 'I t II II il I (pL1')3 " GROUND LEASE CITY OJ' HUTCHINSON TO L & L DASSEL, LLC This Lease is made and executed as of the day of November, 2006. by and between The City of Hutchinson. a municipal cmporation existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, having its principal office at 1095 Highway 15 South, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350, herein referred to as "Landlordn, and L & L Dassel, LLC, a limited liability company existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, having its principal office at 11 East Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55802, herein referred to as "Tenant." SECTION ONE DEMISE AND TERM Landlord leases to Tenant the real property in the City of Das!e1, CountY of Meeker, State of Minnesota, described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (herein sometimes called the "demised premises") to hold for a term ofthirty.five (35) years from and after the date hereof. SECTION TWO RENT Tenant shall pay the Landlordrcnt for the demised premises as follows: a, Basic Rent The basic annual rent, to be paid in equal monthly installments, during the initial term hereof shall be One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per year. b. Tenant to Pav Taxes and Assessments as Additional Rent. Tenant ,hall pay and discharge promptly as the same become due llI1d before delinquency, all taxes payable durina the term of this Lease; and Tenant shall pay assessments, whether general or special, of every kind, which may be due and payable during the term of this Lease. 416016.2 toLb)3 SECTION THREE WARRANTIES OF TITLE AND QUIET ENJOYMENT The Landlord covenants that it is seized of the real property in fee simple at the commencement of the Lease term and has full right to make this Lease, end that Tenant shall have quiet andpellCalble po~session of the demised premises during the term hereof, and shall have the right, power and authority to sublet with improvements. SECTION FOUR. ' USE OF PREMISES The demised premises and the improvements thereon may be used by Tenant for ally purposes permItted under the laws, regulations and zonIna ordinances of the City, of, Cassel, including without limitation the medical officelbospital purposes. SECTION FIVE IMPROVEMENTS Tenant shall have the right to make improvements on the premisell; at Tenant's option, but pursuant to plans and specifications approved by Landlord, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, and to make necessary and appropriate altemtions and additions thereto. All improvem~nts located on the premises shall be and remain Tenant'~ property until the termination of this T'", . Landlord hereby approves construction of the improvements dCllCribed in Exhibit B. , , , , SECTION SIX i COMPUANCE wrrn LAWS; PROHJBmON AGAINST WASTE .I During the term of this Lease, Tenant shall comply with all applicable laws affec a the demised premises, the breach of which might result in any penalty on the Landlord or fOOe ture of the Landlord's title to the .k:mlsed premises. Tenant shall not commit waste on the demised p mises except /IS necessary for the removal or construction of any buildings and improvements the n, but shall not be liable for any damages to or destruction of any buildings or improvements!,on the demised premises, nor be required to repIIir or rebuild the same. ' SECTION SEVEN UTILITIES All water, gllll, electricity, telephone, telegraph and other public utility services used on or furnished to the demised premises during the term hereof shall be paid by Tenant. ~ 16016.2 2 lbLb)~ SECTION EIGHT LIENS Tenant shall kec:p the fee eslllte of the demised premises free and clear from all inechanics' and materialmen's and other liens for work or labor done, servicesperfonned, materials, appliances, steam or power supplied, used or furnished or to be used in or about the premises for or in connection with any operations of Tenant or any alteration, improvement, repairs or additions which Tenant may make or pennit or cause to be made or any work or oonstruction by, for or permitted by Tenant on or about the demised premises. Landlord may demand project perfonnance bonds or other appropriate protection as a condition of consenting to further improvements or alterations. SECTION NINE CONTESTING LIENS AND TAXES If Tenant desires to contest any lien of the nature set fonh in Section Eillht hereof or if Tenant desires to oontes1 any tax or assessment to be paid by it \U1der Section Two hereof, it shall notifY the Landlord of its intention to do so within thirty (30) days after the recording of such a lien or at least thirty (30) days prior to' the delinquency of such tax or IIlIsessment. In either such case, Tenant shall not be in default hereunder until ninety (90) days after the fmlll detennination of the validity thereof, within which time Tenant shllll satisfy and discharge such lien or pay and discharge such tax, assessment, charge or other item to the extent held valid and 1lI1 pem\lties, interest and costs in connection therewith, IIlI the case may be; but the satisfaction and discharge of any such lien shall not in any case be delayed 1.nltil execution is had on any judgment rendered thereon, nor shall. the paYment of any such tax or assessment, t02ether with penalties, intere3t and costs, in any ~ be delayed 1.nltil sale is made of the whole or any part of the demised premises on accowrt tbereofj end any such delay shall be a default of Tenant here1.nlder. In the event of any such contest, Tenantlshall , protect and indemnifY the Landlord against alllosB, expense and damage resulting therefrom. ' SECTION 'TEN INDEMNIFICATION OF LANDLORD The Landlord shall not be liable for any loss, injury, death or damage to persons or~perty which at any time may be suffered or sustained by Tenant or by any person whatsoever who may at any time be UBing or occupying or visitilll: the demised premises or by, in, on or about SIlIl1e, ' whether such Joss, injury, death or damage shall be caused by or in any way result from or arise out of any act, omission or negligence of Tenant or of any occupant, subtenant, visitor or ~ of any portion of the premises, and Tenant shall indemnifY the Landlord again3t all claims, liability; loss or damage whatsoever on account of any such loss, injury, death or damage. Insurance bf such obligation shall be maintained by Tenant with companies satisfactory to Landlord and licensed in Minnesota. Coverage shall be no less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000). 41tKlIU 3 ~LbJ3 SECTION ELEVEN ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING Tenant shall have the right to assign or transfer thls Lease or to sublease the whole or any pm of the demised premises, provided that it may not do !IO for use of the demised premises for any use deemed a "sexually oriented business" pursuant to Hutchinson City Ordinance Section 121.03 in effect on September 1, 2006. SECTION TWELVE ENCUMBRANCE OF LEASEHOLD INTEREST a. :renoot's Rillht to Encumber Leasehold Interest. Tenant may, upon prior, written approval of the Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, It being understood that it is not unreasonable to withhold approval if (in the opinion of counsel for the Landlord) such encumbrance would violate any covenant, agreement or contract to which the Landlord is a plllty, encumber by mortgage or deed of trust or other proper instrument its leasehold interest and estate in the demised premises, together with its interest and estate in all buildings and improvements currently located on the premises or subsequently placed on the premises by Tenant as security f~r any indebtedness of Tenant. Landlord shall execute and make its interest in the Property subject to such mortgage, deed of trust or other instrument placed.on the premises by Tenant but not by any assignee or subtenant of Tenant, provided that Landlord shall be entitled to its own sepinate notice of and right to cure any default of Tenant thereunder. , b. Notice to Holder of Encumbrances: Right of Holder to Cure Tt;'11Hnt's Defa1!ll' If Tenant shall encumber its lellSChoJd interest and estate in the demised premises and if Tenant Qr the trustee or other holder of the indebtedness secured by such encumbrance shall give notice the Landlord of the existence thereof and the address of such trustee or other holder, then the dlord will mail or deliver t6 such trustee or other holder, at such address, a duplicate copy of any d all OOtices in writing which the Landlord may, from time to time, give to or serve on Tenant un er and pursuant to the provisions hereof; such copies shall be mailed or delivered to such trustee other holder at, or as near as possible to, the same time as notices are given to or served on TenOO1:j\ICh trustee or other holder may, at its option, at any time before the rights of Tenant shall ha e been terminated liS provided herein, pay any of the rents due hereunder or pay any U1Xes and lIlI8e ents or do any other act or thing required of Tenant by the terms hereof oc do any lICt oc thi.na whlch may be necesSllT)' and proper to be done in the observance of the covenants and conditions hereof or to prevent the tennination hereof; all payments 90 made and all things so done and performed ~y such trustee or other holder shall be as effective to prevent a forfeiture of the rights of Tenant hereUnder IIlI the same would have been if done and performed by Tenant. Any subtenant of Tenant, as to whom Landlord has consented, shall have comparable rights to cure and, in turn, shall have the right, on ten (10) days' written notice, to cure any default of Tenant hereunder. 416016.2 4 (Plh~ SECTION THIRTEEN 'PROHIBITION OF INVOLUNTARY ASSIGNMENT Neither this Lease nor the leasehold estate of Tenant nor any interest of Tenant hereunder in the demised premises or any buildings or improvements thereon shall be subject to involuntary assignment, transfer or sale by operation of Jaw in any manner whatsoever (except through a statutory metl:er or consolidation), and any such attempted involuntary assignment, transfer or sale shall be void and of no effect. SECTION FOURTEEN EFFECT OF BANKRUPTCY Without limiting the generality of the provisions of the precedinl: Section Thirteen, Tenant agrees on behalf of itself, its trustees, representativ~ and assigns, that in the event any proceedings under the Bankruptcy Act or any amendment thereto shall be commenced by or against Tenant, Tenant hereby waives, and agrees that it will not assert in any action brought by any person having any right, benefit or claim under this Lease, any right, defense or other benefit it may have wjth respect to this Lease arising under Section 365(c) (2) of the Bankruptcy Code oftbe United States, or any successor provision thereto. SECTION FIFTEEN PARTIES BOUND Subject to the provisions of Sections Eleven, Twelve, Thirtccn and Fourteen hereofJ this Lease shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefrt of and shall apply to the respective succeilsors and assigns of the Landlord and Tenant, and all references in this Lease to Landlord and Tenant'shaH be deemed to refer to and include successors and assigns of the Landlord or Tenant without ific mention of such ~ssors or assigns. , I I SECTION SIXTEEN I I DEFAULT I a. Landlord's Rild1ts in the Event of Tenant's Default. If Tenant shall fail or ne~ect to observe, keep or perform any of the covenants, terms or conditions herein contained on its pM to be observed. kept or performed and such default shall continue for a period of sixty (60) days after , written notice from the Landlord setting forth the nature of Tenant's default, then, and in any such event, the LandJord shall have the right, lit its option, on written notice to Tenant, fortHwith to terminate this Lease, and all rights of Tenant hereunder shall thereupon cease, and the Landlord, without further notice to Tenant, shall have the right immediately to enter the demised premises and take possession thereof with or without process ofJaw and to remove all personal property from the premises and all persons occupying the premises and to use all Dece5i5ary force therefor and in all respects to take the actual, full and exclusIve possession of the premises and every part thereof lIS of the Landlord's original estate, without incurring any liability to Tenant or to any persons occupying , 416016.2 5 lolb 13 or using the premises for any damage caused or sustained by reason of such entry on the premises or such removal of such persons or property tbereftom. , b. RilZhts of Holder of Encumbrance In Event Tenant Defaults. If Tenant falls or neglects to observe, keep or perform any of the covenants, terms or conditions contained herein on its part to be observed, kept or performed, the holder of any indebtedness secured by an encumbrance on the leasehold estate hereunder who shall have boen given the notice provided for in Section Twelve hereof shall have ninety (90) days after receipt of written notice from the Landlord setting forth the nature of Tenant's default, and a ~nab1e time thereafter if it shall have commenced foreclosure or other appropriate proceedings in the nature thereof within such ninety (90) days and.is diligently prosecuting the same, within which to endeavor to make good or remove such default or cause for termination,of,the LcIlllC; all right of the Landlord to terminate this Lease on the failurepr neilec:t of Tenant to observe, keep and perform the covenants, terms and conditions thereof is, and shall continuc to be, at all times prior to payment in full of such indebtedness to such trustee, or other holder of Tenant, subject to and conditioned on the Landlord having first given such trustee or other ,holder written notice thereof and such trustee or other holder having failed to cause such default or ,. cause for termination to be made good or removed within ninety (90) days after receiving such written notice of default or cause for termination. or within a reasonable time thereafter If It shall have commenced foreclosure or other appropriate proceedinJ:s In the nature thereof within such ninety (90) days and is diligently prosecuting the SlIme. Prior to payment in full of such indebtedness, a default of the clwllCier described In Section Thirteen hereof shall not operate to terminate this I,..ease if, within ninety (90) days after receivins written notice from the Landlord of such default or cause for termination under Section Thirteen hereof, :mch trustee or other holder shall have commenced foreclosure or other Ilppt'Opriale proceedings in the nature thereof and !\hall diligently prosecute the same to completion. If and so long IIlI such trustee or other hOld,r is prevented, by any process or injunction Issued by any court or by reason of any action by' any fPurt having jurisdiction of any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding involving Tenant, from commeb/:ina or prosecuting foreclosure or other appropriate proceedlnill In the nature thereof, It shall , t be deemed for that reason to have failed to commence such proceeding! or to have failed to dili ' tly prosecute such proceedings; provided, however, that such trustee or other holder shall W1CreaB Ie efforts to contest and appeal the issuance of lUlY suc:h process or injunction. II II ,I Tenant shall be the owner of any building or improvements on the demised premises,;,subject . to the terms hereof. ' ,I I SECTION SEVENTEEN OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS ON TERMINATION OF LEASE SECTION EIOHl'BEN NOTICES Wherever in this Lease it shall be required Of permitted that notice be i1ven by either party to this LeIIlIe to the other, such notice must he in writing lll1d must be given personally or forwarded by certified mall addressed all follows: 416016.2 6 L,Lt>)3 To the Landlord: . City of Hutchinson H utchinllOD. Area Health Care 1095 Highway IS South HutchiMOll, MN 55350 To the Tenant: L & L Dassel, LLC 11 East Superior Street Duluth, MN 55802 Such addresses may be changed from time to time by notice ilven hereunder. SECTION NINETEEN INSURANCE Tenant I\ifCCs to purchase and to carry in full force and effect the following insurance: a. "All risk" property insurance covering the fulf replacement value of all of Tenant's leasehold improvements, trade fixtures and personal property within the' leased premiseS. Landlord shall be named IIlI a loss payee under all such policies. b. Commercial General Liability Insurance providlna coverage on an 'occurrence': rather than a "claims made" basis, Which policy shall include coverage for Bodily lI\lury Property DlIUlllie, Personal Injury, Contractual Liability and Independent Contractors in Current Insmance Services Office form or other form which provides coverage at least as broad. Tenant shall maintain a combined policy llmit of at least Two Million DolllU's ($2,000,000) applyinll to Bodily Injury Property Damage and Personal Injury, which limit may be satisfied by Tenant's basic policy or by the basic policy in combination with umbrella or excess policies as long IIlI the coveralle Is at least IIlI broad as that required herein. Such liability, wnbrella and/or excess policies may be subject to aggregate limits so long as the aggregate limits have not at any pertinent time been no<!.!Oed to less than the policy limits stated above, and provide further that any wnbrella or excess policy provides ' coverage from the point that such aggregate limits in the basic policy become reduced or exhausted. Landlord shall be named IIlI an additional insured under all such policies. c. At least ten (10) days prior to entry by Tenant on the leased prenil8es, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord evidence that the insurance required by this lease is in full force and effecL At least ten (10) days prior to expiration of any such coverage, Tenant shall deliver evidence that the coverage in question will be renewed or replaced upon expiration. Such eYidence of insurance shall contain sufficient information to enable Landlord to detennine whether Tenant's insurance complies ' with the requirements of this Lease. Upon request, Tenant shall also furnish Insurer-certified copies of all pertinent policies. All policies used to provide the coverage required by this Lease shall (1) be endorsed to require the insurer to provide at 1_ ten (10) days' notice to Landlord prior to 41eo16.2 7 L,Lb 13 cancellation or nonrenewal, and (2) be issued by financially sound comparue!l having an A.M. Best Company rating of at least A:VII. d. If any insurance required hereunder ceases to be available, or is available on terms so unacceptable that prudent Landlords and tenants, IIlI the case may be, gcnernIly do not ClIIT)' such insurance then in lieu of such insurance the pertinent party may carry the most compl!table insurance which is available and generally carried by prodent parties. SECTION TWENTY EFFECT OF EMINENTDOMAIN a. Effect of Total Condemnation. In the event. that the entire premises shall be appropriated or taken under the power of eminent domain by any public or quasi-public ajrthorlty, this Lease shall terminate and expire as of the date of such taking, and both parties shall thereupon be relellSCd from any further liability to the other thereafterocCUITing therel,lllder. b. Effect of Partial Condemnation. In the event that a portion of the premises shall be so appropriated or taken and the remainder thereof shall not be suitable for the use tiH:n being made thereof by the Tenant, the Tenant shall have the right to temrinate this Lelllle as of the date of such taking on givlnll to the Landlord written notice of such termination within twenty (20) days after the Landlord has notified the Tenant in writing that the premises has been so applopriated or taken. Any other partial condemnation shall not be grounds for the termination ofthis Lease by the Tenant. . , ' In the event of such partial takinll and the Tenant does not so tcrminate this Lease or irf. the event of any other such partial taking, this lease shall continue in full force as to the part no~ ~en. and the rental to be paid by the Tenant during the remainder of the term shall be determined' the manner hereinabove provided for in such rental adjustment provisions, and any such dete . tlon shall not affect or change the times at which the Landlord may require an adjustment in rent er such provisions; provided, however, that the words "which In no cvcnt shall be less than the rental then being paid by thc Tenant" appearing in such rental adjustment provision shall not app with respect to such detennination, but shaIJ apply with respect to any subsequent adjustment und such rental adjustment provisions. 1 c. Condemnation Award. In the event of the termination of this Leaole by reaso of the total or partial taking of the premises by eminent domain or in the event of a partial taking which does not tenninate this LeIIlIe, then in any such condemnation proceedings the Landlord and the Tenant shall be fu,e to make claim against the condemning or taking authority for the amo~ of any damage done to them, respectively, as a result thereof. ' In the event of a partial taking of the premises and this Lease is not terminated, the Tenant shall have the right to make claim against the condemning or taJdlli authority for only the unamortized cost of the improvements placed on the premises by the Tenant and located thereon at the time of the taking or appropriation, which improvements shaIJ be deemed to amortize in equal annual amounts over the period commencing with the date of completion of such Improvements and ending at the conclusion of the term or this Lease. 416()1~ 8 toLb:J3 SECTION TWENTY-ONE MISCELLANEOUS a. Governinll. Law. This Lease shall be governed by Minnesota law. b. ,Parties Bound. This Lease shall be binding on the heirs, successors and IIlIsigns of Tenant and Landlord. ' c. parties. Entire AilJ'eement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the d. Amendment. This Lelllle may be amended only by an instnnnent signed by each of Tenant and Landlord. IN ,WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease at . the day and year first above written. LANDLORD: CITY OF HlITCHINSON, HUTCHINSON AREA HEAL TII CARE By: Its: , , , , COUNTY OF ) ) 98. ) I I I , , STATE OF MINNESOTA I The foregoing instrument was, acknowledged before me this ~ day of November.i 2006, by , the of City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson Area Heal~ Care, an enterprise fund of the City of l'Iutchinson, Minnesota, a municipal corporation., . Notary Public 41fi016,2 9 c,L'b J3 TENANT: L & L DASSEL, LLC By: Michael E. Link, Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) 55. COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of November, 2006, by, Michael E. Link, the Chief Manager of L & L DlISscl, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of said limited liability company. NolMy Public ~16016::l 10 LLb')3 EXHIBIT A I =al Descrilltion : , I I I I I I 416016.l , Iolb13 . ORDINANCE NO. 06-0449 Smoke-Free Workplace Ordinance The City of Hutchinson, Minnesota ordains: SECTION 1. FINDINGS OF FACT AND PURPOSE. The City Council finds that: Tobacco smoke is a leading cause of disease in nonsmokers and a major source of indoor air pollution. Secondhand smoke causes premature death and disease in children and In adults. Secondhand smoke causes heart disease. lung cancer, respiratory Infections, decreased respiratory function. and other health problems. In a 2006 Report of the United States Surgeon General, U.S. Surgeon General Carmona concluded that 'exposure to secondhand smoke remains an alarming public health hazard" and that "more than 126 million nonsmokers are stili exposed: . Numerous, nationally recognized medical and scientific authorities. including the American Medical Association, the U. S. Surgeon General, the National Institute on Occupational Safety and Health, the National Cancer Institute, the Environmental Protection Agency, the , National Academy of Sciences, the National Toxicology Program, and the World Health Organization. have issued reports and health advisories addressing the adverse effects of exposure to secondhand smoke. It is estimated that between 24.300 and 71 ,gOO low birth-weight or pre-term deliveries, about 202,300 episodes of chlldhooclll5thma (new cases and exacerbations), between 150.000 and 300,000 cases of lower respiratory illness In children. and about 769.700 cases of middle ear infections In children occurin the United States each year as ,21 result;of ' exposure to secondhand smoke. It is estimated that in the U.S.. secondhand smoke causes about 46,000 (a range of 22,700 to 69,600) deaths per year from cardiac-related illnesses (including 700 to 1,240 deaths: among Minnesotans), and 3,400 deaths per year from lung cancar. . There is no known safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke; neither the separation 'of smokers and nonsmokers nor the introduction of new ventilation systems can eliminate the health hazards caused by secondhand smoke. The scientific evidence indicates that there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Eliminating smoking In indoor . spaces protects nonsmokers from exposure to secondhand smoke. Separating smokers from nonsmokers, cleaning the air. or ventilating buildings cannot ellmlnate exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke. The onty means of effectively eliminating health risks associated with indoor exposure is to prohibit smoking. Objective evidence does not support fears that restricting smoking in enclosed. indoor areas will harm a community's eco'nomy. On the contrary, many independent economic studies have shown that the elimination of smokIng has no material economic impact on a ' community. These studIes have drawn from the experience of hundreds of communities 4-Lb)L{ that have successfully eliminated smoking in workplaces and public places. Numerous U.S. cities. counties, and states, and many nations, have adopted laws ending,all smoking in bars. restaurants, and other public places. ' I' ~ i -- Business owners have no legal or constltut\onal right to expose their employees and customers to airborne toxins, such as those found in secondhand smoke. On the contral)', employers have a common law duty to provkle worKers with a workplace that is not ' unreasonably dangerous. Restricting smoking in public places and places of work can help to model smoke-free behavior and to reduce youth exposure to secondhand smoke. ii Public health policies, ordinances, and other laws are part of the system by which people learn behaviors, guide youth, reduce health threats, and reinforce community norms that support the public's health. ' Accordingly, the City Council finds and declares that the purpose of this Ordinance Is to: (1) Protect vulnerable populations, including employees. children. the elderly. and those with chronic health conditions; and (:?) Affirm that the right to breathe has priority over the desire to smoke; and (3)' Protect the public health, welfare and safety by better ensuring the ability of citizens to breathe safe and uncontaminated air. , , , I I , ' ' As used in this chapter. I (1) "Food Establishm~nt" means any establishment, however designated, engaged in t~ preparation or serving of food or beverages for consumption either on or off the premlsej;, or anywhere consumption of food occurs on the premises. This term includes any I establishment. however designated, that has an on-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor IIcehse, an on-sale intoxicating liquor license, an on-sale wine license, and/or a strong beer liqubr license issued by the State of Minnesota, the municipillity within which it is located, or I Mcleod County. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. (2) 'Other Person in Charge" means the agent of the Proprietor authorized to provide : administrative direction to, and general supervision of. the activities within a public place or place of work at any given time. (3) 'Place of Work" means any enclosed, indoor location at which two or more individuals, perform any type of a service for consideration of payment under any type of employment relaHonshipincludlng, but not limited to. an employment relationship with or for a private corporation, partnership, individual, or government agency. This term Includes any location where two or more individuals gratuitously perform services for which individuals are ordinarily paid. Examples of a place of work include, but are not limited to, enclosed, indoor areas of an office, a factoI)', a hotel or motel, a vehicle, a warehouse. and other locations 2 l.oLb)-\ . . . . where services are performed under an employment relationship. Enclosed. Indoor areas of' . a private clubs and rooms used for prlvate meetings or social functions a~ "places of work" if two or more persons acting under an employment relationship provide cleaning. catering,' food or beverage service. maintenance, or other support services in such locations. (4) "Proprietor" means the party who ultimately controls, govems. or directs the activities within the public place or place of wOr1<, regardless of whether the party Is owner or lessee of the publiC place or place of work. The term 'proprietor" may apply to a corporation as well as an individual. (5) "Public Place" means any enclosed, indoor area used by the general public or serving as a place of wor1< Including, but not limited to, arenas. auditoriums, bars, bowling alleys, bingo halls. commercial establishments. educational facilities other than public schools, as defined in Minnesota Statutes ~120A.05, subdivisions 9, 11. and 13. hospitals, offices and other commercial establishments, pool halls. public conveyances, restaurants, retail stores. and common areas of rental apartment buildings. 'Public Place" also means the outdoor dining or bar area of food establishments. (6) 'Smoking" means the inhaling, exhaling, or combustion of any tobacco product, weed. plant. or any other similar article. including any cigar. cigarette. pipe, or any other similar article. Smoking includ'ils possessing or carrying a lighted cigar. cigarette, pipe or any other lighted, smoking equipment. The term 'smoking" does not include the use, of tobacco by an enrolled membar of a federally-recognized Indian tribe as part of a traditional Indian spiritual or cultural ceremony. I I I . I I III III - SECTION 3. PROHIBITIONS. Subd. 1. Except as provided in Subdivision 2, smoking is prOhibited In the following locations: A. Public places and places of wor1<, including outdoor dining or bar areas of food establishments; B, Within frfteen (15) feet of entrances. exits. open windows, and ventilation intakes of public places and places of work; and C. Within flflean (15) feel of any outdoor dining or bar areas of food establishments. Subd. 2. The prohiblllons of this Section do not apply to the following places or situations: . I A. Private residences; - B. Motor vehicles in private use; C. Motor vehicles that serve as a place of work for no more than one employee; - i - D. Outdoor areas, except as provided in subdivision 1; and 3 . . - ~Lb ) L\ . . . E. The use of tobacco by an enrolled member of a federally-recognized Indian tribe as part of a traditional Indian spiritual or cultural ceremony. SECTION 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PROPRIETORS AND OTHER PERSONS IN' CHARGE. The proprietor or other person in charge of a public place or place of wor1<; where smoking is prohibIted shall: 1. Post "No Smoking" signs that comply wlth,the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act Rules, Minnesota Rules Part 4620.0500, as amended from time to time; 2. Ensure that ashtrays. lighters. matchbooks. or other smoking paraphernalia are not provided in areas where smoking is prohibited; . 3. Place any receptacles for the deposit of extinguished cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, and other smoking materials more than fifteen (15) feet from entrances, exits. open windows. and ventilation intakes of public places and places of work; and ' 4. Ask any person who smokes in any area where smoking is prohibited to refrain from smoking and, if the person does not refrain from smoking after being asked to do so. ask the person to leave. If the offending party refuses to leave, the proprietor or other person in charge shall handle the situation consistent with lawful methods for handling other persons acting in a disorderly manner or as a trespasser. Appropriate action shall include calling the Hutchinson Poli~ Department for assistance. I I SECTlON!S. PRIVATE PROHIBITIONS. , : Nothing in this Ordinance prevents the proprietor or other person in charge of any Place~, including. without limitation. any residence. motor vehicle, or outdoor space. from prohi ~ing smoking in any such place. , i SECTION 6. RETALIATION PROHIBITED. fi No person or employer shall discharge, refuse to hire, penalize, discriminate against, d~ in any manner retaliate against any employee, applicant for employment. or customer because the employee, applicant, or customer exercises any right to a smoke-free environment I : afforded by this Ordinance or other law. , " SECTION 7. EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS PRESERVED. An employee who consents to wor1<; in a setting where an employer allows smoking does not waive or otherwise surrender any legal rights the employee may have against the employer or any other party. SECTION 8. OTHER LAWS. , ' 4 LoLb~y-\ . . . This Ordinance is intended to complement the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 144.411 to 144.417, as amended from time to time. "lothing in this Ordinance authorizes smoking in any location where smoking is prohibited or restricted by other laws., " SECTION 9. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. Subel.1. Smoking Where Prohibited. It is a violation of this Ordinance for any person to smoke in an area where smoking is prohibited by this Ordinance. Subd. 2. Proprietor or Other Person in Charge. It is a violation of this Ordinance for the, proprietor or other person in charge of any premises subject to this Ordinance to fail to ' comply with the requirements of Section 4 of this Ordi,nance or to retaliate against an employee. applicant for employment or customer. as prohibited by Section 6 of this Ordinance. Subd. 3. Penalties. ..' A. Violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall be a petty misdemeanor for the first offense. Any additional violation of any provision this Ordinance shall be a mis~emeanor. Each day of violation constitutes a separate offense. ,B. Violation of any provision of this chapter by a licensee shall be adequate grounds for the denial. refusal to renew, suspension, or revocation of any food, liquor, or other business ~cense. Subd.4. Enforcement The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the Hutchinson Police Department or other enforcement agency designated by the City. / Subd.5. Injunctive Relief. In addition to the penalties provided in subdivision 3 of this f Section, the City Attorney may bring a civil action against the proprietor or other person il' charge of a public place or place of work to enjoin repeated or continuing violations of thi Ordinance. . SECTION 10. SEVERABiliTY. I If any portion of this Ordinance. or its application to any circumstances, is held invalid, the remainIng provisions shall be considered severable and shall be given effect to the 'I maximum extent possible: ' ' SECTION 11. EFFECTIVE DATE. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become effective June 1, 2007. Dated: December 26, 2006' ATTEST Steven W. Cook, Mayor Gary D. Plotz. City Administrator 5 (p l.b)'1 Ordinan~ No. 06-0450 Publication No. 7536 AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE HOURS OF ON-SALE LIQUOR SALES ON DECEMBER 31, 2006 WHEREAS, ~ber 31, 2006 - New Year's Eve - falls on a Sunday; and, WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City ordinance prohibits the sale oflntoxicating liquor after 12:00 midnight on Sundays; and, WHEREAS, State Statute allows intoxicating liquor to be sold until 1:00 a.m. on Mondays for Sunday liquor license holders; and, WHEREAS, extending the bours for the sale of intoxicating liquor would enable Hutchinson Sunday liquor license holders to sell alcohol legally until 1 :00 a.m., Monday, January 1,2007, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON THAT Holders of licenses permitting the sale ofintoxicatinllliquor on Sundays may serve intoxicating liquor untill :00 a.m. on Monday, January I, 2007. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of December, 2006. Attest: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor I , i I I I I {o(bJS . . . PUBLICATION NO. \ , ORDINANCE NO. 07-11451 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 154.004 AND 154.067 OF THE HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL CODE TO DEFINE AND ALLOW STORAGE UNITS IN THE I-I (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK) DISTRICf THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice ofhearin& W8$ duly given and publication of said bearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the beat interests of the City to amend Section 154.004 and 154.067 of the City Code to allow storage units by conditional use permit in the 1.1 District as follows: Section I 54.004. Definitions Stora!!e Uniu. A buUdin/l or "'ou" of bulId1n1!S tltllt mar ""VB indlv/dUIII comlHlrtmental/ud stilUs or unit. that aU us,d for th, .to"'/l1 o(/I(JDds. materials. or tillli",,,enl ollth, ",,,,,ius. Section 154.0671-1, Light lruJustrial Parle (C) Conditional uses. (1) Motor vehicle body shops; (2) Dog kennels.- (3) Buikstorage ofilquid; (4) A.tltletlc c/ub.1; (5) Restaurants.- (6) Recyclable material collection center; (7) Grain elevators (8) Tattoo establishments and adult-oriented businesses; and (?) Sttm,!!, Units. EFFECIlVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon is adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of January, 2007. Attest: Steven W. Cook Mayor Gary D. Plo~ City Administrator (PlC) \ SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM DECEMBER 20, 2006 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL, HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT ADDING LANGUAGE TO COI\JDITIONALL Y PERMIT STORAGE UNITS IN 1-1 STEVE KNISLEY DATE: TO: FROM: APPLICANT: Reauest: The applicant's proposal for a storage garage development in the 1-1 (Light Industrial Park District) has prompted an amendment to the ordinance to add .storage units" as a conditional use In the 1-1 District. The City Council has provided Ihformal feedback on the sketch plan, however an amendment to the ordinance to allow storage units In the 1-1 district is required before the development moves forward. Although the applicant's interest In the amendment Is for a specific site, the ordinanpe amendment would apply to all properties that are zoned 1-1.' ! I " " plannina Commission Meetlna: The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their ber 19. 2006, meeting. There was no one present to comment on the amendment. Staff expllned that although the amendment is requested to allow a speCific storf.lge developme ' , the Commission should review the request in view of all 1-1 zoned properties. The Comml sion recommended adding a definition of.storage units" for clarity. Staff will draft a definlt'9 and present It to the Council In the proposed ordinance. The Commission also discuss, that constructing any .storage units" would stili require a conditional use permit application ~Ild the City would still be able to review the specific site and add conditions depending u~ the location with the 1-1 district. After discussing the proposed amendment. the Com~ission unanimously recommended approval of the ordinance amendment. ' I , Recommendation: The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the ordinance amendment. as stated in the attached Ordinance. ' toLe-,:> \ ".1 ~ ~__'.".""'....,""'~r' _~ , DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT J ~_."'t'~- r~'"..,.....~.""__",,~.'~"'" r"",...~....,_' ."-,"~'" r. ~..: ......,.~~,..IoOI_ 1."",....._'..~..~,., > - ,~___,_.--J '..' -~.""',-~"'" . __,I'~'''' ""_"_~_M1l'" ~ ...'~ .".'.~ -., ....,#.N~ To: Hutchinson Planning Commlssio. Brad EmaDS, Dolf Moon, Dave Hunstad, Miles Seppelt, Dan Sexton, Jean Ward, John Webster, John Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle Dlmler, Kent EIDer, Mark Sclmobrich, Marc Sebora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Rebecca Bowers and Bonale Baumetz (persoDs in att,eDdaDce at Plumg Staff Meeting (In bold) " From: Subject: December 4, 2006 - Meedng Date: December 19, 2006 Zonlnl: Ordinance Amendment to Add Storage Units as a Conditional Use ba the 1-1 (Lll:ht Industrial Park) District Date: Applicant: Steve Knisley ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT: Mr. Knisley's proposal for a storage garaKe development in the I-I (Light Industrial Park District) has prompted an amendment to the ordinance to add ~storage units" as a conditional use in the I-I District. The City Council has provided informal feedback on the sketch plan, however a,n amendment to the ordinance to allow storaKe units in the I-I district is required before the development moves forward. Although the applicant's interest in the amendment is for a specific sire, the ordinance amendment would apply to all properties that are zoned 1-1. A one stop shop meeting with Mr. Knisley Willi held on Wednesday, November 29th to review City requirements and the next steps in the , development process. Proposed Amendment: Section 154.067 (C) Conditional uses. (1) Motor vehicle body shops; (2) Dog 1re1l11els; (3) Bulk storage of liquid; (4) Athletic clubs; (5) Restaurants; (6) Recyclable material collection center; (1) Grain elevators (8) Tat/oc establishments.and adult...orlented businesses; and (9) StotaRe Units. lPLc-) \ Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sections 154.067 Planning Commission- December 19, 2006 Page 2 Analysis: ' In reviewing the proposed ordinance amendment, the Commission should consider wheth!:f the , proposed use is consis~ent with the purpose of the zoning district and the Comprehensive Plan. Section 154.067 of the Zoning Ordinance states the purpose of the I-I (Light Industrial Park) as: Purpose. It is the purpose of the I-I district to create industrial areas that will be acceptable within the city and will not adversely affect adjacent business or residential neighborhoods. Industrial developments should be either: 1. Those whose operations are relalivelyfreefrom objectionable influences; or 2. Those whose obje<:tionable features will be obviated by design or appropriate devices. The areas that are zoned 1-1 are identified in grey below: , , I I I I I , ! The Comprehensive Plan describes uses within the industrial land use category as "including: manufacturing, warehousing, assembly, truck terminals, mining, quarries, and other businesses that provide goods and services, but not directly to the public." The Commission should consider whether adding storage units to an induslrialland use category is consistent with the purpose of the Comprehensive Plan. ' Conclusion: A draft ordinance adding "storage units" 80S a conditional use to the I-I district is attached for the Planning Commission's review. The Commission should hold a public hearing and provide a recommendation to the City Council. Wle-) I PUBLICATION NO. ORDINANCE NO. 07-0452 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECI10N 154.024 OF THE HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL CODE TO CLARIFY ALLOWED ENCROACMENTS AND PROJECTIONS, lNCLUDING OVERHANGS AND EGRESS WINDOWS, INTO SETBACKS AND DRAINAGE AND Ul1LTY EASEMENTS ' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly givon and publication of said hearing was duly made and was ll1lIde to appear to the SIItisfaction, of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City 10 amend Section 154.024 oftbe City Code to clarifY allowed encroechmentB and projectioI15, into setbacks and draina~e and utility easement!; as follows: ~ 154.024 YARD SPACE; ENCROACHMENTS; STEEP SLOPES. (A) Yard space requirimenl, Any building, stMid",e or use hereafter erected, altered or established shall comply with the yard space requirements of the distrtct in which if is located. except as specified belaw. The required yard spa~ for any building. structure or USe shall be comalned on the same lot as the building, structure or use and the required yard space shall fail entirely upon land in a district or districts in which the prin<:ipallise is pennlUed, Any required yard space shall be open from 30 Inches a!JcJw the ground to the sky except as specified elsewhere in this c1Japter. (B) Yard space encroachments; project/a... into yards and easements. Encroachments or lJroiections Into lirainalle and utilitv ea.semmlS are not lJennitted. with the exceotlon that overhan!!. UD two feet are allowed for Planned DevelODment Districts that received final Dial aDDrovol Drior to 2007. Thefollow/JJg projectlollS may be perm/JIed i1lJo.,.. the reoulredfro1lJ, rear or exterior side yard setback. DT'OVided there is no encrrxu:hme1lJ or lJrolectlon /nIo the dralna~ and utilitv easements. l14/6illbtg Ii _leur fat liltel (1) CorniCes. sills. eaves and other omamentalfeatures to a distance o[nol more than two feet. six illChes; (2) Fire escapes to 0 distance of not more than four feet, six inches; : (3) Decks. In residential districts, to a distallCe of not more than one-half the : dlsta1'lCe Into yards. ~'ArtJ Nl811ftSlft a.1.aP''6"elt'''81't..~& P21J1Htit,ed; . i (4) Bay windows, window wells. chimneys andftreplaces to a dlslQ1U;e of not more than Ihree feet, provided that these JBfJtUres do not occupy, In the : aggregale, more than one-third Ihe length of the building wall on whil:h : thl!)' are localed: and ' (5) Retaining walls ~nd landscaping timbers within easements by conditional use permit. (C) Yard space exception: .<Ieep slopes. In any resldenrlal districts where the natUral grade of a lot within the requiredfro1lJ yard has an average slope, nonnal to thefrollt 101 line 01' every polnl along tho1 line, of such 0 degr"" or percent of slope tha! II L< not prtrelJco.ble to provide 0 driveway with a grade of I 2% or less to a private garage confonning to the requlremenrs (~f this chapter, the garage may ~ located within the fronl yard. but not in any Case closer Ihun 12 feel 10 the street Jine. lR LC )~ . OrdlnllDee II y...d Spa.. EncroachJJJellI January 9, ~007 Page Z EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. Tbis ordinance shall take effect upon is adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 9111 day ofJanuary, 2007. Attest: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor ' . . , ,/ ! i I lpLc)~ . . . " MEMORANQUM , . DATE: TO: ' FROM: December 20. 2006' Hutchinson City Council Hutchinson Planning Commission " CONSIDERATION OF A ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO CLARIFY ALLOWED ENCROACHMENTS AND PROJECTIONS INTO SETBACKS AND DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS CITY OF HUTCHINSON SUBJECT: APPLICANT: Plaonlnq Commission Meetlna: The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered the request at their December 19. 2006. meeting. There was no one present to comment on the request. The Planning Commission and staff discussed the need for the amendment to protect easements and noted' the amount of newer developments where small setbacks have become common. The Commission asked how this would impact older parts of town. Staff stated that It would apply to all properties. except for the exemption for PODs that have been final platted before 2007 . It was discussed that some older properties do not have drainage and utility easements and most have a 6' or 8' side yard setback requirement. The smallest setbacks were those granted under newer PODs. Recommendation: The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the ordinance amendment as stated and recommends approval of the attached Ordinance. loLc J~ '.'.........'..__..~..,.,.~,....~t '~'..'~'I...l>. . -'r ...C4....,_... .'___"'-".."~""__""" ......'.....p..~....,. , . % DI~S:!5~~~~!-O~I: ,!r.:;\~N~N.E2!!~~~N!,_J To: Hutchinsou Planning CommiSJioll From:' Brad Emaus, DoH Moon, Dave HUD$tall, Miles Seppelt, Dan Sexton, Jean Ward, John Webster, Joh. Olson, Lenny Rutledge, Kyle DhnJer, Kerd Exner, Mark Schnobrich, MlITC Sehora, Gary Plotz, Ken Merrill, Jim Popp, Dan Hatten, Dick Nagy, Rebecca Bowen and Bonnie Baumetz (persons I. attendance at Pl81lldng Staff MeetJna (in bold) Date: December 11, 2006 - Meeting Date: December 19, 2006 Applicant: City of Hutcblnson ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT: The zoning ordinance does not clearly address the requirements for encroachment of ovemwgs, cantilevers, egress windoW$, and other projections into the setback and elllIem<mt areas. TIle Planning Commission discussed the need to clarify the ordinance in Ootober, durinll the review of a proposed addition that would encroach into the dnlinage and uhnty easement. The Commission and City Council approved vacating a portion of the easement. however, did not allow the proposed cantilever to extend into the remaining portion of the easement. Staff is proposing the ordinance amendment to specify that encroachments are not allowed into drainage and utility easements. With the smaller side yard setbacks that have becOme connnon in new Planned Development Districts, encroachmen15 into easements have become a concern. r However, as there are a couple PDDs that allow 6' side yard sethac~ along with 6' drainage and / utility easements, an exception is recommended to allow overhangs such as roofs and window ' , Ii bays for buildinll plans in progress. The proposed exception in the draft ordinance would allow , overhangi into the easement for PDDs that received final plat approval prior to 2007. FN -. """"""" "" Ci.~,.... to __ .,....., """ ,on! ","'ok""'""",,,, t allow adequate!lP8ce for overhangs without ellOToaching into dnlinage and utility easements. !,i PropoHd Amendment: f 154.024 YARD SPACE; ENCROA.CHMENTS; STEEP SLOPES. I (A) Yard space requirement. Any building, slruclvre or use hereafter erected. i altered or eslablished shall comply with the yard space requireme1lts of the dtrtrict ill which it tr : located, except as specified belew. 111" required yard spacefor any building. stnu:lvre or u:;e I shall be contaiMd On lhe Same lot as the building. structure or use and the required yard space ~ shall fall entirely upon land in a dtrtrlct or districts in wltlch the prinejpallL'le Is permitted. Any I required yard space shall be openfrom 30 inches aha"" the ground to the sAy except as specified' elsewhue In this chapter. (B) Yard space encroachments; projections into yards and easements. Encroachments or oroiections inlo lira/no". and utillt\! easements are not oermltted. witlt the e:tceNion Ihat overlwn"s up two reet are allowed onlv (or Plann<!d DeveloDmtnt Distric/s thai received final Dial aDoroval Dr/or to 2007. The fallowing projections may be permitted inlo /OIlY Ihe reouired fronl, rear Or exterior side yard setback. IJrovided Ihsre tr nO encroachment or Droiectum into t~ drainau and utilitv easements. tit/jsiPlio.g s str.Ml16i !i,ur (I) Cornices. sills, eaves and oIhu ornalllentalfearures to a distance of not mare tha" two feel, six inches; (2) Fire escapes to a distance ofnat more tltanfolD' fUI. six incites: ~lc)~ . Amendment to Ordinance Sections 154.024 Planning Commlsslol- December 19, 2006 Page 2 (3) Decls, In resldtmtlal districts, to a dista~e of not more than ane-half.the distance into yards. .\18ea:Jeltte,d Ste.~(lehfIfL~ Jlerrttillefl,. (4) Bay windows. window welb. chimneys andfireplaces to a distallce (Jfnot more than three feet, proYilkd that these features do not occupy, In the aggregate. more than one-third the lenglh if the building wall on whJch they are located; and (5) , Relalnlng walls and landscaping timbers within easements by condiJionaJ use permit. (C) Yard,space excepl/on; steep slopes. In any residential districtll where the natural grade (Jf a lot Withiri Ihe requlredfront yard has lI1I average slope. norma/to thefrolltlot Ii". at every point along that line, of such a degr<< or percent of slope thot it Is not practicable 10 provide a driwrway wilh a grade if] 2% or less to a private garage conforming to the requirements of Ihis chapter, the garage may be located Within the front yard, but not In any ca,<e closer than 12 feet to the strut line. . ., ',' Anlyd.: ' StatTreviewed the proposed ordinance at the December 4'" plsnning staffmeetin& and supports the amendments. Public Works, Engineering, and Utility dep.uh.......,t staffexpr=cd 5!rol1& support for the ordinance clarification as then: have been CQncems raised regardin&: the difficulty to get between houses with equipment needed for utilities and drainage maintenance. . The proposed exception for PDDs was added after the: stiff meeting when building and planning staff disroveted the need for an exception for PODs that have the: same setbaob a& the euemenlls. Without this exception, developments with a 6' sideyard setback would need to:revise buildina plans so overhangs would not encroach into the easement. In CBSeS of very narrow lots, this could be a economic hardship for developers. Therefore, slaffrecommen& approval of tile propooed ordinance with the exception for PDDs planed before 2007. Concluslon: StatTreeommen!ls approval of the attached proposed ordinance. I I I I (pL,,-)~ . HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SUMMARY OF CLOSED MEETING PROCEEDINGS CITY ADMINISTRATOR PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL December 12, 2006 On December 12,2006, the HUlcWnson City COWlCil closed its meeting at 3:51 p.m. to conduct the annual performance appraisal for the City Administrator, GIlT)' Plotz. Individuals present included the Hutchinson City Council (Mayor Steve Cook, Bill Arndt, Jim Haugen and CIISe)' Stotts), City AdministratorOary Plotz, City Attorney Marc Scbora, and Brenda Ewing. Human Resources Director. Mr. Plotz exercised his riiht to close the proceedlnss to the public. The Council reviewed with Mr. Plotz his pcrfonnance for the period of February 2005 10 present. Perfonnance was reviewed in the following pcrfonnancecompetencies appli~ble 10 the position: Communications, Cost Consciousness, Dele&Btion, Job Knowledge,Judgment, Innovation, Leadership, Managins People, Teamwork, Planning & Oreanization, Problem Solving. Use ofTeclmo1ogy, and Quality. The appraisal syslem allows an individual to be rated in each competency on the scale 'ofratines ranging including UnsatisfBCtory, Needs Improvement, Meets Job Requirements, Exceeds Job Requirements, and Outstanding. The consensus oftbe Council is thai Mr. Plotz' performance fOT the review period was found to , be exceeding job requirements or outstanding in all of the competency categorics. Mr. Plotz , , presented to the Cotmci1 specific achievements for the review period. The list of achievements I included the following: . I 1. Creek Side Soils Management , , 2. ICMA Performance Measurement Process I 3. Budgeting for Outcomes 4. Hospital Privatization S. Solld WlIlIte I 6. Special projects . · Employee Health Insurance Program I · Liquor Store chwlgeslproject I · Employee satisfaction survey. I . Police Department staff iSS\te8. The Council identified goals and priorities for the City Administrator for 2006/2007. These include the following: 1. Budgeting for Outcomes 2. VIsioning Process 3. Hospital Privatization 4. Prioritization of City issues 5. Creek Side strategic plan 6. Performance Measurement program follow up and inclusion of more comparisons in the executive swrunary 7. Financial issue - maint~ of the City bond rating ~LrJ ) Motion by Casey Stotts, second by Jim Haugen to grant a 3% performance/merit increase per the 2006 City of Hutchinson Compensation Plan as the overall 'appraisal ratin& for Mr. Plotz is between 4.26 and 5.0. ' , ' Motion by Bill Arndt, second by Casey Stotts to reopen the meeting at 4:25 p.m. The motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bill Arndt, second by Casey Stotts to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 4:26 p.m. (pld) DATE; ~E"'ORAN.DUM December 20th' for the December 26, 2006 Council Meeting TO: Hutchinson City Council FROM: Rebecca Bowers, Planning Director SUBJECT: LEASE FOR EVERGREEN SENIOR APARTMENTS Lutheran Social Services has obtained the contract to provide senior dining services for the area and would like to use the kitchen and senior dining area at Evergreen Apartments. The kitchen would continue to be used as a regional kitchen to prepare food for other dining sites and Evergreen Apartments. The rent has been at $900 a month for several years, however dueto Increases In utilities and maintenance costs. staff Is recommending increasing the rent to $1,000 monthly. We have discussed with LSS the possibility of LSS staff taking over some of the dally cleaning, responsibilities that are currentiy clone by City staff, such as cleaning bathrooms., mopping kitchen and dining room floors, etc, in exchange for keeping the rent at $900. After considering the proposed change to take on more housekeeping responsibilities, LSS has agreed to the $1,000 monthly lease and having the City continue to do the cleaning. ' Attached is the lease with Lutheran Social Services for the senior dining site for your revieW. I . I ! I I . I Reauested Action: Approval to execute the attached lease with Lutheran Soelal Services to rent the sen' dining site at Evergreen Apartments. I . I l I' I, ! , " I ! . I ~te) LEASE AGREEMENT . This agreement is made and entered into by and between the City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota municipal corporation,(ULessor") and Lutheran Social Service Senior Nutrition Program ("Lessee") for Lessee to use the premises described as Senior Center, Evergreen Apartments. 115 Jefferson Street, Hutchinson, MN 55350 I. Terro. This lease shall be in effect for the calendar year 2007 and renewable annually thereafter until either party provides 60 days written notice of intent to terminate. 2. Reimbursement. There shall be monthly payments of $1 000.00 paid to the Lessor for reimbursement of utili tics and maintenance expense directly associated with Lessee's use of the premiseS. 3. Use of the Premises. bessee shall have the right to use the dining area from 9:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and the kitchen from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., or reasonable time of completion daily, Monday through Friday. In the event the Lessor must unavoidably use the premises during these hours, the Lessee shall be notified two weeks in advance and provide an aCl:eptable alternate option if available. 4. RepairlMaiDtenancelUdUtles. . A. The Lessor win be responsible for major housekeeping chores, such as cleaning bathrooms, washing windows, scrubbing kitchen floors and shoveling snow at' main entrance. B. I I The Lessee will conduct daily light housekeeping as follows: sweeping of floor).' i daily, taking out garbage, recycling (*Lessor provides container). wiping down cupl;lOards, shelves, countertops, dishwasher, freezers, refrigerators, keeping stoves and ovens in clean order (inside and out), keeping itetnJl off the floor spa e, keeping kitchen in generally good appearance and in neat order and shoveling I snow at kitchen errtrance. ' Utility payments to the vendors shall be the responsibility of the Lessor. Lessee Property. All goods, foodstuffs, fixtures, equipment and personal property oflhe Lessee shall remain the property of and reserved for the Lessee at all times. Any i damage/disappearance, mysterious or otherwise, during the Lessor's use of the piemisbs shall be the Lessor's responsibility to reimburse Nutrition Services, lnc I s. I 6. Lessor Provided Trade Fixture!. The Lessor shall provide oven, washing and storage fixtures as well as place settings, table and chairs, and cleaning utensils for meal site operation at the level described in "special conditions". This property remains the Lessor's if provided at the Lessor's expense. . loL~) '7. Insurance. The Lessee agrees to carry personal property insurance to cover all its contents and personal property on the leased premises. 8. Assigns. The terms and agreements oftbis lelllle shall extend to and bind the heirs, assigns and executors of both parties. 9. Food License. The Lessee will maintain a MilUle80ta Food License for program operations only. The Lessor is responsible to enSure that any other food preparation activities in the facility are in compliance with Minnesota State Law. 10. Special Conditions., A. The Lessee will maintain telephone service for program use only. The Lessee will pay for long distance telephone calls made by program staff. B. The Lessor will provide adequate place settings and other tnIde fixtures for an average meal service capacity of7S persons. In witness whereof both parties have executed this agreement with their signature below as dated. LESSEE LESSOR Monica Douglas, Senior Program Director Lutheran Social Service Senior Nutrition Program Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor Date Date i / I lo (t- ) . IVI 1-: ~1 o H, .:\. ,'~ D ~ ' ;~,:,"~ TO: Mayor &I City Co.aell FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer RE: ConslderadoD ofImproveme.nt Project CbBDie Orden DATE: Docembcr 26. 2006 "" C(IIlSlIUCtIon bas pro<ee<Ied <In tho below lined pn>joclll1ber. have been Jddlllcmal work, proje<:l1lCOJ'C rcvialonalJld ' coDOtruCti"" I1aglng revIo:iODl. All of1hcoe items have been idontlfIcd and deemed necc!loary to oati8faOlOriIY"""'4'lele thMc projoclll. The foIlowlna Cbangc Orden arc propooed 10 allclrca the"" items: . Chl"lle Order No. 1- uttina No. 15lProJe<t No. 06-17 - Reverse Oemook Membratle ~lemenll Addltlo1l 0[$2/,970.00 worth of sales /4): /() 1M original Revers. OlttIM/s M_lmme EJe1M1ltl e<>lIIract amolUlt Per 11M Firum<< Departmmt. ultfmaJ6ly tAl City may "., able to /unte tJoi3l4itsltJx refimd<<i <rJU:r I.. proJed if completed This cha"81 ordu results in "" incU4.Ie of $21,970.00 /() t/,e arigintil oo../nIt;/j(fJl cq,Uract 0_ ' I I I I I . We ree<>mmend lhattbc .boye CbIJlIt Orden be .pproved In the l"""untellJted. oe: Oary Ploil: - Clly Admin_or . It-f ) I; .' \~~;;,,;:\,:,,' . CONTRACTOR: GoldeneV" SoIul1on1lno 602 13th Ave NW Revelle OsmosIs Memb..- llllfe FeR. MN ~ Prolotet LOCl'tlon: Bemenlll DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: AddIllol1 ot $21.970.00 worth of Sea To on \he origin.1 R""erse Oamoals U8mb1lIll8 EIB_ contract emo~ Per FlI1ence Director. \he City mllY be 8I>IB to have this ... "'" I1lfundotd ellft( \he projeCt It complel1ld. C;IT)'OF HUTCHINSON"ENGINEERINGDEPARTMENT'-,' ,'\>', ,'" 11'.~M!~S!~.I;.HU'rCHJ~SONM~~t~!)~(32012,;~208 - ,'.,',' "" ,.,'. .',',.''''''.''.r", " ,'..0' .i,C' 'H' A' N' ,;.l,;~nR'D'riK'\ji'O'" , '--. ':,',',..,>,'..,,:,.,."..,:.,...,,;,.~ ..'>:,',-".,..,'",'..~".:,..;,',..','.:"..:,:,:,.,:i.'.:',.":..""'...,,,..,,,:...".' " ..,.:'..:~!.~;.f/;~~:.><.j;.;\., :,:,;.~,::.;':}, ' ~.~;~.u ~~~,~ "~'. , "";:::':":~::'" - ~ .. ,. lettlnll No. 16 I PI'OI8c:t No. 06-17 , !tom No. Spec. R",. ItQm Neme Unit QuftnUIY Unit PriCll ' Amount INCREASE ITEMS: SaIM T.,.. lump Sum 1 $21 970.00 '. $21.970.00 , " , . TOTAL INCREASE ITEMS : '21 970.011 DECREAllE 'ITEMS: TOTAl DECREASE ITEMS $0.00 INET INCREASE '21.870.00 n eccardenee wtth the Cont"",t and Spaclfk:8tlone, the contnct e..ount eh8llbll edjll8l8d in the amount of $ 21.879.00 ~dd)l(II"1Ictl An exienMlon of -4- ~ ehell be .11owed for completion. Ttw original campletlon dete ..... not be ~ I , ,', $2t ,070.00 i " ,.' ,/. TOTN; ", ",', '. . '.m.1I71t.00' ',' , , ,',' ," ' ,i::O~frr ,'", ,', ',' ',:,:.'.'". "', ,'-- ~38~j(lO;cio .. .PPRDVED; ,.,' '" " ~US AcDlTlONSlDI!DUCTION8 ."", '" '0.00', , " ." ." TltIS ADDlllOrWsIlllCllO/'l t<PPROVED: )ATED: .PPROVED: Con'Acllor 1212612006 DATED; APPROVED: Mayor 1212e12OO8 :JA TED; Director or EngIneering 12f.l6l2OO8 DAlEO; Clty~ 12121l12Ol16 l.J -f) . f\il E 1\-'1 N I) {i 1\-1 n I~ /\. , TO: Mlyor & City Co.nen , FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer IU:: Consideration for Approval of Engineering Agreeme.t Amendment with SEH Consulting for NE Trunk Storm Sewer Phases 2 & 3 Wetland Servkel DATE: December 26, 2006 City statfh.. determlned thllllt would be in tIHl city'. best Inten:Irt 10 identify exiAtlng wct1and ~ and potential iIqlaCII usociated with tho NE Ttunlc Storm Sewer Phue;3 projoct. The llMt to be examined is tho .outhwest comet of tho 1M I S and North Hizb Drive (CR. 12) ~roeclion. Thla wetland Oetmmlnatlon wlllanow staff to better diocuos any wetland Iu_ with DNA personnel ud private property owner&. The total cost of the Wetland l>etennination and LeUer ~ it not 10 exceed S 1,440.00. : We retOtI1IIItDd approvlna tbls Enelneerlna Aereement Amendment wltb BEH Consllltllllln the not-t4 amu.t ofSl......O.lll. " "'" Gory Plott - CIty Admlnlttrotor I ) (p~ ~ . , . Wetland Services City of Hutchinson TH 15 Roundabout SEH # A- HUTCH0702.00 Scope of Work December 12, 2006 Task 1. Wetland Determination; Farm Services Administration Crop SUde Review The Local Government Unit (LGU) for McLeod County was contacted for guidance on the appropriate methods for conducting an out of season wetland determination on the subject area. It was agreed that a review of the Farm Services Agency (FSA) annual crop slides would be sufficient for detennining if a wetland was present, and for estimating an approximate wetliUJd boundary. The results ofthisrewcw would be acceptable fllr preliminary planning, but will require a spring field B.SBessment to map the boundaries. SEH will conduct the crop slide review with the LGU and a representative from the Technic,al Evaluation Panel at the McLeod County United States Department of ' Agriculture Service Center in Glencoe on December 13. 2006. . *Nou: The LGU informed SEH that this slide review wiJI be considered a ",dIm detel7tllmltlon, and that a follow up field wetland deJinelltwn will need to be completed during the growing season in advance of any wetland permitting and development of the ' site. Wetland determinations are suitable for planning activities, includ.ina for land acquisition purposes. Wetland delineations are usually required for pennitting PUlJlo&es., The content of this &Cope represents eervices for the wetland detennination exclusively. SEH can provide a &Cope and cost for wetland delineation and permitting upon request. Task 1 Deliverable..., Wetland DeterminatloJl; Farm Services Agellcy Crop Slide Review Wetland determination of wetland boundaries and locations through review of the FSA crop slides. Task 2 - Wetlllnd Determination Letter Report A Wetland Determination Letter Report will be prepared summarizing the methods and results of the wetland detemlination using the FSA crop slides. The report will include an aerial photograph figure showing the locations and boundaries of the wetlands that were mapped though the crop slide review. Usma rectified aerial photographs, an approximate wetland boundary will be drafted and submitted in electronic format for inclusion on preliminary plans. ' Dellverables . TlIlik 2 1. Wetland Determination Letter Report 2. Electronic submittal of approximate wetland boundary (AutoCAD) . lA~ , . . WeUand Services City of Hutchinson TH 15 Roundabout SEH # A-HUTCH0702.00 Estimated Budget December 12. 2006 Task 1 - Wet,laDd Determlnatloll; FSA Crop Slide Review Staff Senior Scientist Scientist Expenses ( vehicle) Subtotal' Hours 3 hours 8 hours Cost $336 560 . 83 $979 Rate $112 $70 Task 2 -Wetland Determillation. Letter Report Staff Hours Rate Manager 1 hour $106 Scientist 4 hours $70 Technician 1 hour $75 Subtotal Cost $106 280 75 $461 Total Tasks 1 alld,2: $ 1,440 I I /: II I' , L>L~ T .A.P. Enterprises, Inc. r,{, ,~Dlp dllblll. ~ 1kmlhl' , 343 N. Main Street · Framont, Neb,.ska n025 , . 'AttIE Melissa Starke City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St. S.E. Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 Dear Sir or Madam: Per our conversation, please find enclosed a check for the license we need to hold a Tool & General Merchandise Sale in your community, in the amount of$100.00. ' The Tool & General Merchandise Sale will be held at The Best Western . , Victorian Inn on Wednesday, January 24, 2007 and will be from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. . I appreciate all your help in this matter, If you have any questions or need to reach me concerning this sale, please feel free to contact me at the number ' referenced above, Monday thru Thursday between the hours of7:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and on Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. CST. Sincerely, Sandi Miller Licensing Department Encl. (Ah] No" 21 2006 1, 10PM , " . . . CITY OF HUTCHINSON p.2 1 J 'QOOo\, 1 ;", ! III H.",n SIrtc. 5_ fl"'",",",",- loIN '",0 ( 2-0) ~B7.~lll/h.: (3<0) ~ ~ 1 I ; I I 1 , l I I i 'j ( I , ~ 32023'1'1240 City" H utc:hlUJOll APPLlCA nON FOR I'EDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS ~ '; .. ~~: ':'.!:"i."ik;;",r.:i, ',': ;..~/, "", '. '~m:'ltii o .. o Solicitor lrmlJi.nt Merdumt Peddlm OPBrade Poddlor SIOO,OO S I 00.00 :&100.00 $2'-00 'Dal. of AppHclti... \ Q... \~ ()l..., , . ::lL\ -c"'rl DolcCI) orSIlI. ,-'.'1 '.'~ ~ ~:~:;"" t.' ','__"i< .;-.,.. Teniporuy Tolop/lolle Access: , ave you n ccmv ~I;m)' crim~ misd~eanor, or VIOIltiOTl ofany mUll 1r1Ime violation.? 0 yes \1I.no . If~!, staI.1h. nawr. of "ft'...." and punilhment 0< panalty _sod thorIIfOl'.: t tpL0 . . ~O~ 21 200B 1,10PH , I .... CITY OF HUTCHINSON 3202344240 p. :, CltyaJ__ . . Af'plicatiNlp P.an.rJ, $o.JtcUQI''' mY ~~" P"", 1 0/4 I I' .. . , I I I '.'\ ., ',,' . ....:'~:-.':":..~,;~r,"' L;~:~~;" "~,,:~; '~r ,,<,~,~,,';',:,~'.~:~ 'F'- ",_"' , .' ,.~. "~ . ! I ! i ! ! , 1 t .J 1 I j I I 1 I I I I i I ; I i , Dellcribw re\otio..hlp between opplioaN: and employer: ~~A . ~~ O..crlbe nlltUre ofbuoino.. and d~ item(s) offered: - - \c- r-.\ ~ qr ~j ~ ~,(Q-,~\"SP Doscribe mothod Ofdcl:A . .~ \~ ,~v . t s.pplo,P"- _ S'oIo ZIp ~,.-- s.... Zlp s..pp"" PbtJM Nw1rh.r .Deierlbe 00""'. of supply: \~OS . $uppliu "'- City ~- . .sa.,plIr1' HIIIW ~- C/IJ' ~- C SIfIIII <II' , ..:'(". 'I!,:.~:~:.; (;'. .., ~.' ~" , , Provide two (2) proporty own.... ~y in Mo:Leo<I Couorty) tor cba1'oa... n;f_";_. ~d ~ i9! P~o._'/i_ ~~~:!.:.~~ ~OJ ~(;~_~ ~'\"~W"0. ~. -~~ 'J}J~~~\~?~~Y- .~~~ . \-\v.~~rt=:.L-N. s... ~~O .. loL~) II,,",V &..... 1t.........O ...~.&U,..... T , , 1 ! CllyaJH.t_ ,. Applt_forP.-'.s.lId...._r_._ t Pop Joj.; L~I' U~ MUI~Mjl'bU" <I~U~;!44240 ".~ I I i ! ! ! i 1 j I I I . , I _ .'1 . . :,.;~, .":;" 1.:t.;.~, .... I,' ,", '.~...: "... '0 List Jut (up to three (3)) previous clly(~) wh," you CIII1ied OIl .......lIOtlvlty: . ~~~S \-\q-~l 10 \'~-D , ~ CiII. 0 818 . .~) of'AOH;i;: ~\~. ,~ . \~g..\-tJ\ to \-;:}.\-Di ~ s_.. ~)ol"'OIrylJy '2>~\( r-,\;( 0 _ \-&l91)~...<1I~~:+::l.~ .1_','.. ; ~ >.\:.;.:_.,~1...:' ::~;'~t . ~~';~" ~" ",,0::':,- ., "t... ..,:~ '0 ":~~"_ ~.:.>.:~ :'.: r:';: >:i-'::,: );....';:'::',i,~. ." :'.'.. . n'~' Cho oppUcatlcm 10 be proc....d: (Jy.o Ona The followJn& item. ..cd to be completed andIo, ......" in 0 ... Applicllllonll.......updon ~ pold In full (eheelt or IIIOM)' ord<<); A IIcotlon 'eom leted in !'ull and Ii IJ CJ.no I hereby ccrtlfY I have <<>mp!cuoly lined out tho entln >bow appllcallon and thot the application II ~ cornet, pd _cell..tC. 1 fully undel'ltand thm an)' pe,.."" who vioboteo any provi.lon nfl.... Poddlor., SollcllOl"S, and Tranoi....t Mor<hnu Ordln""c. No. 673 h JU!l1y of. miod.m....or and upon c.n"lctiob .bono! obaIl be pwrl.bcd by . 11... no' cx..Mln~ $1,000.00 or by -1[.,mil-:J....."'~.._-~-;:-: - ~i~N~~~ D~~ I /: :'!'Il;'I':~ii,~' ~y: '~I:'~:.:,;.,-{-'':':'' l'olk:e CJ owro-.ed '0 dcniod Not..: City Cou1l1l11 Cl appn>-.ed 0 denled N"",,: , , I. i ~,,'i ' NdItl",~.1~~. 0 I , . ~ j 1 1 I ~L~) . M E 1"\1 0 RAN I) U IVl . I TO: Mayor & City COUDd) FROM: Kent Exner, City Enginea' RE: CODsldcl'8tlon of Application for MnfDOT Limited Use Permit DATE: December 26,2006 I i Thlo Umlled UIlO Permit i. required for the City 10 own and malntoin. .\l'IletUrC ouch.. the Sohool Road Pedmriall Underpau _I within State hlahway right-of-way. At thIr; point, MnIDOT hao requcrted approval of the draft permit prior to our final dol.ign plan review. Per my diacusd_ with Mn/DOT otaft", the permit iaJIguaac lA WrJy ...ndatd slid Mn/DOT would be very beaillmllo dcvim> from it. TIie City Attorney hu reviewed the draft permit If oignificant reviaiODl occur prior to oiana-. City olaffwlll revlew with the City Attorney aDd potcntially prcoeDt the fino1 draft to the Cmmcil. . We reeomn>end thot Ill. obovo Applklldon for MnIDOT UmIted Ute PormIt be apprev.... ..:: OIly Plocz - City Adm!nIobulr . I , I .I I I U-~) ~?- STATE OF. MINNESOTA /2/aA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIMITED US~ERMJI In i3ccordance with Minnesota Statutes Sec. 161.434, Sec. 161.433 and Federal Aid Highway Program Manual Volume 7. Chapter 4. Section 3, a Limited Use Permit Is granted to the city of Hutchinson, Minnesota. This pennit is for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and supervising a pedestrian' and bicycle crossing via a 14'x10' box culvert (Bridge No. 43X04), adjacent retaining walls with rail system and trail as shown on Exhibit "A", Construction Plan for TH 7122 7 School Road Pedestrian Underpass. Exhibit "An, Construction Plan for TH 7/22 & School Road Pedestrian Underpass, is attached and incorporated as a part of this pennit. In addition, the following special provisions shall apply: I, SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. This pennit Is granted solely for the purpose of construction, and maintenance of a pedestrian and bicycle underpass. retainlr'lQ walls with rail system and trail. It shall not include the construction of any permanent buildings. structures or other ooswct~M. . 2. The construction, maintenance aod supervision of the underpass and ancillary : facilities will be at no cost to the Minnesota Department of Transportation. / 3. This permit Is non-excluslve and Is granted subject to the rights of others, including, but nolllmlted to public utilities which exist at present or may be pennittedJn the future. 4. The City will preserve and protect all utilities located on the lands covered by permit at no expense to the Minnesota Department of Transportation, 5. No advertising devices in any fonn or size shall be constructed or pennitted tot constructed or placed upon the lands covered by this permit. 6. The City shall provide necessary regulatory signing and enforcement relating the safe and proper utilization of the pedestrian and bicycle underpass and . approach ways. Signing is to be In accordance with the Minnesota Manual of; Unifonn Traffic Control Devices and construction and maintenance shall be Inj accordance with the Minnesota Bicycle Transportation Planning & Design Guidelines. 7. All design will be done by the city of Hutchinson and approved by the Minnesota Department of Transportation prior to letting. 8. Before construction of any kind, the plans for such construction shall be approved In writing by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. through the District Engineer and Bridge Office. Approval by the Minnesota Department of Transportation will be required for any changes from the approved plan. l.PC0 . 9. Construction inspection will be done by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The City has arranged with the,Min,~esota Department of Transportation to have the underpass structure and a retaining Wall built using a supplemental agreement. The City of Hutchinson shall reimburse the Department of Transportation for all costs related to the construction Inspection. . 10. When completed, the structure, retaining walls with rail system and trail wlll be owned by the City. All future maintenance and repairs will be performed by the City with the concurrence of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The City sh~1I obtain all necessary permits from Mn/DOT to perform maintenance and repair when working on State Right-of-Way. 11. The City, upon completion of construction of the retaining walls with rail system and trail, shall ~estore ail disturbed slopes and ditches In such a manner that drainage, erosion control and aesthetics are perpebJated. 12. The required periodic bridge safety inspections will be done by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The City will be Informed of any deficiencies ' found during inspection. . 13. This permit does not release the City from any liability or obligation imposed by federal law, Minnesota Statutes, local ordinances, or other regulations relating to noted underpass. The City will be responsible for obtaining all permits and complying with all regulations, laws and ordinances. ' 14.Any use permitted by this permit shall remain subordinate to the right of the Minnesota Department of Transportation to use the property for highway and transportation purposes. This permit does not grant any interest whatsoever In land, nor does it establish a permanent park, recreation area or wildlife or " waterfowl refuge facility that would become subject to Section 4(f) of the Federa~! Aid Highway Act of 1968. ,,! I 15. This permit shall be subject to cancellation and termination (for any cause or I reason) or in the event that any portion of the lands subject to this permit are 'I' required for transportation purposes, by giving the City written notice at least ' days prior to the date when such termination shall become effective. 16.Upon canCellation otthe said permit, or any portion thereof, the City will be , required to return and restore the area in a condition satisfactory to the I ' Minnesota Department of Trensportation's District Engineer. I 17. The City shall assume all liability for and hold harmless and Indemnify the s1 of Minnesota, its Department of Transportation, Its Commissioner of " Transportation and its employees from liabilities and claims of damage beca of bodily Injury, death, property damage, sickness, disease or loss and expense arising from the City's operation on the lands over which this permit is granted. 18. The City Itself, Its heirs, its personal representatives, successors In interest, a~d assigns, agrees to abide by the provisions of the Title VI Appendix C of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. . I 19. No commercial activity or activities shall be allowed to operate upon said State of Minnesota right of way. 20. The Permittee will hold harmless and indemnify the State of Minnesota, its Commissioner of Transportation and employees from claims resulting from temporary or permanent changes in drainage patterns resulting in flood damage. ':", :~j '.!!M, ':-l':':'r;: (,:. :<-.' .. "I"',.'I,....~~ Page 2 014 tpL'0 .' 21. The Permittee shall not dispose of any materials regulated byany,govemmental or regulatory agency onto the ground, or into any body of water, or Into any container on the State's right of way. In the event of spillage of regulated materials, the Permittee shall provide for cleanup of the spnled material and of materials contaminated by the spillage in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, at the sole expense of the Permittee. 22. The Permittee (for itself, its contractors, subcontractors, Its material men, and all ' other persons acting for, through or under It or any of them), covenants that no laborers', mechanics', or materialmens' liens or other liens or claims of any kind whatsoever shall be filed or maintained by it or by an subcontractor, materialmen or other person or persons acting for, through or under it or any of them against the work and/or against said lands, for or on account of any work done or materials furnished by it or any of them under any agreement or any amendment or supplement thereto: agrees to Indemnify and hold harmless the State of Minnesota from all such lie.ns and claims. 23. if the City of Hutchinson desires to abandon said trail in the future, the City will remove trail, retaining walls, box culvert and restore roadway according to MnlDOTs requirements at no expense to The State of Minnesota. . ;:i:~,(~~n:,~: . Page 3 of 4 v;c0 . . . MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL By: CITY OF HUTCHINSON By: Dave Johnston - Region Engineer And: Date: Date: APPROVED BY: By: Dave Trooien . District Engineer Date: The District Engineer by the execution of this permit certifies that this permit is necessary In the public interest and thaI the use Intended Is for public purposes. <""'';>::.~E:~'.. . ;,' ~..J\.l:t. ..;.1-:-<. Its City Engineer Its City Administrator Page 4 0( 4 i I . 'I. I - it; c0 ' . PUBLIC WORKS. GROUP Engineering, Str'eol!t$ &. Alleys, waterl\NiIl8Ww.l.( MEM01::tAN n U M TO: Mayor Cook and City Council Memben FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer John Olson, Public Works Superintendent RE: Appointment to HATS Joint Powen Board DATE: December 18, 2006 When John Rodeberg left the City's employ, an opening was created in the HATS Joint Powers &w ' According to the Joint Powers Agreement for Operation, the City of Hutchinson is to have ,two mcmbeTs on the Joint Powers Board. C=tly, Ken Merrill, Finance Director, serves as one of the City's members., . After discussions related to reorganization of the Public Works Department, it is recommellded thaI John Olson be appointed to replace John Rodeberg as the other City member on the HATS Jomt Powers Board. cc, Gary Plott - City AdmbllstralOr bndy DcVri<:. - WBlerlWost.....m Director . t,S) . RESOLUTION NO. 130H RESOLUTION APPOINTING, JOHN OLSON TO HATS JOINT POWERS BOARD WHEREAS. the Joint pllWfJIll AgrMlTlefrt for Operation requlrN twomember8 from the City of Hulchln8Ol1 to nrve on the HATS Joint Powers Board; and WHEREAS, oomll'lfly, Ken Merrill &efVell8ll one of the City'. membenlllnd Q vacancy has cxx:urrfJd, WIth the deperllMEI of John Rodeberg; ood WHEREAS, R 19 propoSfld to appolnl John Olson to flllthe YIIClIOCy on the HATS JoInt POWMI BQerd. NOW, TH!R!I'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, John 018011 is hereby appolnted IllI the second City represenl8llve on the HA T8 Joint Powers Board. Adopted by the Counclllh18 26th duy of Ollc8mber, 2006. , . Mayor: Steven W. Cook I . I I I i I " City Admlnlatrlllor: Gary D. PlOtZ . ~(~) THE CITY OF" HUTCHINSON 2007 CITIZEN SURVEY 1. Please circle the number that comes closest to your opinion for each of the following questions: Excellent ~ f1ir ~ Q.2n1~ ~~~,.........'...n...........,...1 ;2 3 4 _ .. 5 How do you rate Hutchinson a~~, lace to raise children? ............,.....,1 ;2 3 4 5 !Ew~~~..~~ i How do you ~te Hutchinson as a place to retire?,................................ 1 2 3 4 ~ ~~""'B~flWJ~f1' -?ll'"""""""'" 2. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Hutchinson as a whole: ~llo1l1 ~ Eiic Sense of communit 1 2 3 , . ,'. . ""'" ,"_'i"'-":"-'-- -, '~l'" .... .. ~ . .""..,..... ~.~ J,. :.'_,...:f'.... -.... ll' - .~,' .i'l......., - ,'" ':-. .. ~ -'~ ,,""'~M)'. .. ...t ~4..11:'1'rI'>..;J--J~~t1J.{. ......,l..-~. ,,1._.~t;.c:t...l;.I"I..,f~~~..~ '5.t-:fJr.;~!.~f"l: ./:....... ,:,. ---,' . .... ... ... .:....'"'l.f....... 1" ~ . .' . ~~ ':.......;;! . r"" .. .. M ,-.. '.,1~"" 'y .~.::~. ,~~. .~~,:..~=:~'f~:. ~~t?~;ti~r::^:~:.~:~~~'.: :.~ :..~<~~.~~7\~~~.~j::t:i~~~~~~:~f.:~:ft:~.. ~~~r.<:~~.. . ~,../~.~.~~1~1;~.;~\.:.~~ :~~ " '."::~ ;:.:~: 1;:~~:~.,~ ~.~. :<.: :~~)-~~.:~~:~~~;~ ~ 4 1 I ! i I I I I I ! I I ~ > ; 1 i 3. I I I I i j 1 4. Overall appearance of Hutchinson .................___..,...... ...,.......................1 ~~J~nfll~~-.- __J~J.l ~ortunltles. ..............,...'.... .......,.... .........,., .... ,..... .........,...,..1 =~~&Uniti~s...................__.....,...........".,....".....................1 Access to affordabl~OU5ini'" ....................... .... ...........,...........1 ~ ~ ~d~T Acce33 to affor~ual!ty heaHh care..................... ........... ......, ......... 1 Blht*wa~~1llI ~~~1~L Ease of car travel in Hutchinson... :........... ................ :.... ..........................1 I Ease of rail/subway travel in Hutchinson.......,........:;,:.,..............,............1 ~__ll ._.ml~ ~.,~___ :~~inson......,....._........,......~~~............1 Overall im~e/reputBtlon of Hutchinson ...................,... 1 ~~I~~<alfililB!!~... v-~~- --.Bel Please rate the speed of growth In the following categories In Hutchln$on over the past 2 yearS: Much SumltWllllt. Right. SomllWhat Much 122 'illlYi ~ a.I:t:lW .iJ))glIDt tQ.Q tu1 122 fIW ~~~;;.r'...iiI......'mt~~~_ 2 3 _~~~5 Jobs growth :.....:...............................,........,......,..............1 2 3 4' 5 To what dogree, If at all, are the following problema in Hutchinson: Nota ill2.I2Iwn Clime ..... ......__ "",m,, .....................................'..mm'..'.. .... ... ...,.....,...........1 ~~ T~;.:.:..:;::.;..,........,.. .........................,......,., ...,.....,..........,......1 ~~~ M~.i~ Graffiti ........... ......,:................. ,..,. ,... :... ...... ,.......,....""....... .." -........ .......1 . '"'-~ ~,."."i\<{(\"~;l~~ ~ ~e.r ~r~';:!rJ:~ Run down bUil~, .e,d lots, " or junk vehicles ....... .........;...;._~..~....:..,....1 m ~1Ja". ._e~t~,:.~~". I!sffic congestion ",~,.,,,........ ............ '.,................ ........,.. .... ...... ..........,1 !~~ .~~~?J Homele5SneS$ ............. ......,................ ...,.....,.................."...."" ."......', ,.1 !:lil':&W.H , ..."14 d","..'(ou,-';: Absence of communications from the Cily of Hutchinson translated into Ian ua es other than En lish....... ..............,.............. ......." ....... ......1 ~' .. . . . ,,' ..~.::;;.';~1imW( Toxic waste or other environmental hazard(s) ................................ ......1 2 3 ];ri::: . .. ',; .....:' . .::N:.:.~f.76:'t?'j;~ '.' . .~. .:~'~"':~.~~..l.~ ...:....,~~::~ -.~:I.:., ~(,:;~:.:i.i: :.:;;-:1..;-:.. <{:. .~... ". '~.:~\":.....:t:'.. . ....... ,I:" .' ~., . ". '. ~ .:i> ".=~<I'" 5 w:&l1liII QQn:1 ~ 5 _~:_',~~., n_~':' , . ,N ,.~;",~' :.. ~',,:;'~.~'.:: '. -,;; .~-_.:~....'.1. 4 ~ 1 4. 5 2 3 :.. ~..._...::T.. :.. .:....... "," . "...: .~ ..:::~;/:J.;~/;......:;~,:.::..'~~..:::. i ~]...~~~..\.~~:-: .:.., ~ .~:~..~..-...' '..,.' - ~--'~~~.,,~ 4 5 2 3 "',,,.,:, .,~... /,.:.,'....:~;::.;....~~..'\::.........;,,' n',: ''',.:..:...:...'>...:~,..,~ , .'..~. ',. .--;-J/'~_.:\ 2 3 I! ~ r 2 3 lliH ... TI"RrlJiAlr-,-7""'"'"' 2 3 4 5 11111111.-; 4 5 JII 4 5 ':,'."';.-~": :..:.~~,_.~.:v ~ _ Ur~,l.l:'" '.. , .. ..: ,',)~ :~. ,. .,....-,: Ilo '~~~:\;ir"'~i:...r::r~h:(.." - _ .'-_L'" ~..{~~~~.;""'i~~.~ ',r~~'",:,;'.(I'" ~~: .~'''::'~6:_..~:-;.:'''': 4 5 ~ 5 2 3 r; _; -;_~ '. . :., ~:i.~.:;~..,\,. ',~:' ."- \ ._~ ~_., :-";1.(L.:..~~,: ... ".~tl.~. 2 3, 4 2 3 -;:~I:==;':- ~:.. ~ ~.,.:..'.'...,,: ';'}''f.~~.- ,.,1.-':." ~:'~:_.':.:.'. . .>', '~~ 4 , i5 l....;:;~-.a""~..;,..:.~', ~ .'~ ;.' '., ':,t- -.' " '''~,.' ~':.':: ." ~. '-~";'\-~-''''' Minor ~ 2 Moderate ~ 3 Major ~ 4 iI , /pon'l ,Fr- .,.,.. :, 11 6 ,I il. Don't II~ I, 5 ,:.,~,1;: '. ,_ ~."': '."~:,:_.'f ~if- ;'-~w~;,-~....:'-. ...../ :_' ., .- .; I-r)~ 3 ~iY#.:-;";~~~~.'" ..~ ~"." "-~:-::.:.~'-.:~;~--.~~~.~ ~.' ." .~~~....~~ 4 5 5 '~:IliOOi; ~,!1 5 2 _ ~",,~/.a"_ :.~, . _-".. _.j, ,~! '~t~. _;~f~ ~li.:.'~ ..~ ~ ~, . .~,,:~~ 234 rl'Si~~~~ _ ~I.r,.&;1;~~.;r:i.t~~,"-...ti: 2 3 4 ",' ,. ;. '-./1;;'l;f ~~~:~ . ...:. 2 3 ~L'~~"'~ ..v.t" ;i' .;.:- .' J,-\o~,~!~ 'Ii. 4 5 ~ . ~ 1. ~" -:'!~\~~:. -~, ,:,,~. . ~ '.~,'!;., -.,,;. . " ::~, ';:.J~.::jl 2 3 ~i! ,: t:;;,~_ _, ,~.: I .'J:...::.~~t:.~? t~..,,:!~':' .. :..M ~ '"::1. ~~~ ~ 2 3 4 ~."'~-l"_ ~;!<fQ.~ . 3 4 y '1<__ '. " ,~f'b~M~' .. :. 2 , .b;".~~tIO!!.~I._~i!!,~~~ S~r:'eyTJol 4 5 T 5 B,JdnF 5 Page. t, ,~! ~ qL~ The City of Hutchinson. , , I'.~::~\','~:':'.' . ,1: .-.~.:.;,._"..I..::.t:,?1:'~' \:~:~:;':~:-;'\\' ------..----...-.. - 5. Please rate how safe you feel from the following occurring to you In Hutchinson: , . Very Somewhat Neither 5<1~ 'Hf! lift !!2! unsafe ~.entcrlme(e. .,ra e,aS~ult,~.....................1 2 3 '.,'" .~'.- .I~ Fire ................ .....,...:........:......... ...... ........... .....................1 .2 3 6. Please rate how safe you feel: Very Somewh<Jt Nei\hl;lr sara ~ _ M(~ ~_neighbmh~~~.....,......,...,........ 1 2 3 m~...(a1b..........~~~-- In Hutchinson's downtown aretlA~ring the da~......,........ 1 2 3 ~~~~~ I .~ · I'~ I.n Hutchinson's parks during the day ..............................1 2 3 ~...i~iDIIlRlrt~~~:Mi~~~ ~'-'I,~AIt'1.IlI<:l Somewhat Very Don't ~,~ ~' 4 5 6 1j~.ItJPRI,~ 4 5 e I . B Somewhat .~ 4 4 . 'w ..~.. ~~ ~~," f ;/';!' .'_:...~,:.!:' Very ~ 5 II 5 Don't know 6 'WI 6 .~:. ~ . ." .:-.:..:).~~..t"ll~~..: .. -:";i" - ..Q~~,... ' .;:"",::": 4 5 '~ ~ 7. During the past twelve months, were you or anyone In your household the victim of any crime? . o No ~ Go to question #'9 0 Yes ~ Go to question #a '0 Don't know 8. If yes, was this crime (these c.rimes) reported to the police? o No 0 Yes 0 Don't know 9. In the last 12 months, about h~w many times, if ever, have you or 'other household members partlclpilted In the following activities In Hutchinson? ~!:..- ~~~..:~ ~~;.\.(".~:'. '. ~~"~"r:~:~-:'J. ~t~.~~R_""~" A Once or ~ 2 ~ used,Hutc_I::raries or their services...................:.... ...___...1 ~. p-~ . Participated In a recraooram or ~..................................1 " 2 ~_tJ,. .~ '?l!- ~~~~ Ridden a local bus within McLeod County ...",......,..........................,....1 2 3to 12 ~ 3 3 ~~,.'~s~' . - .. -~~~. ~ 3 13 to 26 More, than 1lDliA' ~ lI.rmI 4 5 4 5 ~M. 4 5 .'t'(~ t"::\ ",:.,t_,w;-'\;..,_~ .'~"'':' ~"i'j':lj..: T~'j:l.-:;:.{"...... ':,',.-''',''''::'..-..._ ..........;.,.: . ....:., ;,_ ..'~..r.~. _"~' ~\.:o'.~"'I~"'~ ~~ 1)....v II ~,,;.),... ..I.' ~..l-.~;k.j~.\~ ~~.:~.. .:.-::f.;..~r-.;t _).:., '.,,~ .' 'le: ~,' ',~.::' J t4~ .:;.~'* ~.,..-": ". ;.~ I ~ ~- {t.. -,~: .::A._. . .;~:~~t~~ ) .,~~!;.::.:;:,~~~"~/:' ,;' _"'~:{.::'t__:..:.;, ::~",: r~ . ,. . ',':' ;f't:~- t~.~~.t"'~~w,,~,:;,. . . :"";~':r :'':~y:;'1:~I~ ~;:.. . 2 3 4 5 ~.: ": ~:. ~.'" t:~~ _"':~.~\.~ (~.-t..._. ~,-. 4 5 2 4 ~ Used the Internet 10 conduct business with Hutchinson........................, I1:imfftiID ~_ 2 ~~.e_J~.. .', t:~<'f:,~~~...."'!t)~f'b. ~<;;.} _. -- 10. How do you rate the quality of each of the following services In Hutchinson? l;!lpetlent Q.QQQ Police services ....:................ ......,...._............ ..__~...... ............. ...................1 2 e~elli:\J;:!~1r;W&.;t!:i , . " ,. ~"u..,~!(.U i!liJ~LJ:!I;~J!:IJ.~.!;..~ . . ,:l,~1$$~f'''' AmbUlan.ce/e_~mcy medical services .............,..............,..,..............1 &f.;pJ.~liJ j a~ r~ ~ir, e revention and education .....,..................., ..... .................................." 2 f ""'..1'1<11"[ :r,tI~* :!l;:i~".mnll'i~ .. !W~~ ,~. 'i6~ ~~.'/ti..~~~~~~ Garbage colleclion..............."..........,......-..................................."......,...1 ' 2 tf!I~"'"lr~ljtl;1:.'..'., "I, . ". ," ", ~!l! :,'.,'~~'il<11! iR.~.~I,J..\lYflf~~ " . .,.' . .. ~~ ~~~.t?Jl~lt Yard w, aste PICk.~ ......... ..... ................ ...................... ....... ................;....1 2 MNl'i;1i!l"-'.:.il<j:;'".w.:';il1IO;:::~1l :;'\;~\l)' ;,tt<!<iI!~'-l!o ~Eg'! ;~~.2ll~:1:~ I~ t~tc~.~ ~!v;~~4)~~~~1 ~:ii'J~~~~~~~:~""'" ....., .... ..... .....,.. "::~~i~~;~;~'" '... ...,. o. ..,:...., ......'". ';.i;~~;;~~r.~~ 2 bl....~I';f~~ .~'~iH~:to 2!.,...~~..Qi:" ,j ,\......;l~1~~:~ Snow removal ........____,.............,..................... ...... ....................,..".......,1 2 M1~l~81ii-'l"~~.fli ~':'4~l.Wi"'t'~~.11 vl~l,<~';:;;:*'ful lE'J~,_^"I')t.lI!lH j<'l~,ov:;)!i;l. .1 "'.",:W,f; ~.a~ff~~~,12~~_~. ,..,...... ,.... ~iBffli~~i?,~"""""" ,. ., ........... ,.,.., ..~,~.~~~:".lJJ;?J 2 ~WHl:'..l4H~RH""H. ,.1 ,. ~I(~~~~ T1..~l.1.'h...d~~1: Busltransit services....,......... ........... ,..... ...... .........., ...,..,..,. .______..............1 2 ~~.k.~~'kwg~ ~"';~I~':i,..;,.:."JI; 1:';'-'1:'>i'-.e.~~.~: :t;~l!Rd18. til~'~;~;i..,.f.f3,I:N,~rs~~ Si.~.~~i~~~..J..i .~'f~.~.~~~<r:...'~,ho ~;~~ . (List continued on next page) ~~~ "th.:- r;:~~J-:!=;~::""r~;. .i!h":~'t~(:': -::"*;::t:*..:tf..,f~~tl.:r"'~T - . '.':A ':"-~!, 3 3 EaIr 3 2 ~""" ,..~.k, . : 0'" " ,,~,? _~ ':!t'l" {;;~~~~' ~!.,~~"7. "~ ~ 4 . ~!Y1w . 5 ~ f ~ ~ j i g rt 8 N o 3 .~,c,.,~".; . .- ~,'~-;~ , 4 5 ~ 4 5 3 ~rr 'J',~' -,. '.. -. ~-.~~:~~,~ r ... 1.- v~':.t~.~, ~it:"~~' I 3 tJ,H':.. ". ~ :', ~:*:.. .:~ .' .. 4 5 ~~ 4 5 3 r/ ,,:":' ~ . ~"~f :-."~ ~ ... Ir~_ - ~~~I(J;.\~t: 3 5 BiB'i! 4 5 f ~~~ 4 5 ~. ;W~ ,l:l 5 U 1i j .. z .! I- 4 ;...r~ ~~~-:;. _.' :. ~.~ 'rt~;l.'- .~.. -" 3 . " ~~~~: . - : " - - "J .. ;..:.. ~ 3 . . ' . , " - ,':-'~1f,;. ~ 'J,r I I.E,~ Na.ona,' ell"!!, Surveym , ,3 4 ~1I11e.~,~!~ ~L~ ._'"_,_'____.___._~'-..''',m,... ..----.. -- ....... ., ..._..,_...~ ~ ...._m..."...____~ City of Hutchi~;o~,-- '"1C),,'--Hl)w do you'rate' th~"q.ualitY..of'eac:h -Oftil'e-foilowfng'se-iVi'c;;ln Hutchinson? -. - .-.~-_._---- -.-.---.., , ~\Ie"t ~ fa.ic ~ Q2!!1 ~ DrinkinQ water.......................................... ..............,................... ......."....1 2 3' 4 5' .~~~"10'~~...".'~~~)I1"j;o.hi:~"Jimw ,~'"i'l'~~~:!\i:l<'~!l;1l;1"41~fj~!!}~~: ).?r;;,~R~~n~l;,~;'ffiR~~~.....~:O,~';':;""~:;."',;i~Y. i,5~ill.:;;;:;>J~Fl'~!o!i?illiiJIf~ C, ~o/~~!~:;.:::~~::.........,..\.....,..............................,......,.....:........:............1 2 3 4 5 fE~B~~~~~~~LtW~]jJf~ ~iJ - ,~,elVarie i:recreatio~;Jii;iiii!i.~ilre,s,......".........................1 2 ,3, 4 5 l~'-" '."'~w..<.oi'~" . Wp:~,'?~6~:l!;Il~~IlV~_ ~~~,~~~'l.~~~~ , ~.... ..' ,~l!~!1J.I'~ __ . ~ ~.Jr~"-i..::s~~v.t.f..,:~f!.~~.JI!I_~'-;~~~~;~l~j!/~~Wgr~]e AcceS~lbilit of rks ......................,.....,..............,...................................1 2, 3 4 5 "'^"~~'J:l . " ".' ;a\~......,...-A~}!\-;-'\1~W'iW~~S!:l;: ~~~p ~g:. _, . .. ,iin~3ntu::HUM8Mmd~~~)~~l . ~~;\t-~}n~ ~~na~~smr...'...".............................1 ,2 3 4 5 .' ' .~. '=". '. . .~r;l-.1;l:m.l:'ITI!l:',.=~'I1'.!>!'lWl~i'iflBilRil\.ill.aill&Jf.rm.:l,,~...,,~-f."'"JWil1:.~~W '. . ,., ;!IS .... ' '.,' ~~t~~~lN~~~~~fll!R!~J~~~~"!ftl' la~l"ldUSe lanning~andzonin................'..........................,.............."...1 2 3 4. 5 ~' .' ",. . ". "'? "'. " , , "i ,r~..~<;Z.!l-071i:!..:-'f..~:>''~'1l'.l'i!:''J~~.,\~~~'"~.?~:;mJ:;(7<.....~~1.\$1~ Iffl. .:. " ." . ~.ll.;1m~~;~~~'B~""~~1.~~ Animal control ..................................."...........,,,...,,..................,............1 2' 3 4 5 ~_~r' "~~ initV~lIU~~ Health services ..""......"...,......:........,..........,...........:...........,.................1 2 3 ' 4 5.. ~~~mi1~~.u~lil _~_~~~-~ ~,icesto out.h...........,...........................h...................Uh.....................1 2 3 .' 4 5 ~,.. . "~~~-~ ~~~-.,...~~ ~,PUb~liC libra~ Se!Y.rveiCEl.:'~.~.~~~i::..:.:.:::,:.::=:..I.:r.'. '~;;r~~l~~ -~~~~~~~~~"~~~;r~~~;w~~~_..~ Public information services.".."................:....................,..,...--m,..h........1 2 3 4 5 rMl~~"{t~~i81l91 ~~~~~ --.,.,'~~~: Public schools.m___....'...... ........................................... "" ........... .............1 2 3 4 5 ~ml..d1lJIU.~~~_~1r' l ~~.s~ . ",p 11. Overall, how would you,rate the quality ofthe se.....lces provided by each ofthe following? fxcellenl ~ EJlli ~ QQn:1 ~ .~inson.....m...................................,.........,....................1 2 3 ,4 5 .' . ~~'Ii~~~~~~'~ l5\t=;r~"'~~~I!'flIr-.~~@; . ~ . ,::m~.rM~~~;~~1.,ft'Y~l:2b~..,;~).~jtJ3:~K.;~1}'ti r;v~;~~.~~";l!lftr~~'~~...~ ~.1"tl,. '1 . The State Government ................,..........................................................1 2 3 4. 5 It;..~ :;. ,-4'. ....;,. ::-.~~',;~ -:.R1~.:...':.~.\"" }~ .~ , 12. Have you had any In-person or phone contact with an employee of the City t>f Hutchinson wtthln the last ~ 2 months (Including police, receptIonists, planners or any others)? I o No -+ Go to question #14' 0 Yes ~ Go to question #13 . ,', 13. =~:i~~,~:~. ~1.".I..m":",:".~f:~".~=".f~.~';;:". in y; ~..t. ;'"' c.":~:t? Ii know, .' , "ll.~i~!~::;;~ll.('&~"1.~~~l\j;:~;a;~~""'l,I.>..(:~~.w~;tttil""'-.,'IA~~~m9.~,~1"l~<';'J!iiff~i1!".ff(:!-;I~~.!'-- -'~Mi1 . . ~m~i:;;:;;:~~l~~~~.",I,k,..!ileB~~~i'><.;;~~,lI>i- ~_....,........,.......................................................,.u..............1 . 2 , ,3 4 5' . . ~ii~j%~~~~3rj~2~&J}'t~~__~~~~..i!l!rZ~~~!m~~~ ~4. Please rate the following statements by circling the number that most clearly represents your opinion!' SttOl'l!lly Somewhat Neither egree Somewhlll Strongly I Don'l ~ ~ ~~ W!ill!! ~'kno'rll' I receive good value for the City of HutchInson taxes I a ......__........................,...................................... 1 i The City of Hutchinson govemment welcomes citizen Involvemenl..............,...,.........................,........"........1 2 :3 4 5. 6 ~~~lIr.w...a;~..^~.:;;.;rtjI~~"'''''~~,t;'t'':~,cil'ij.{,~''~'{~~) ,'. .;I",:\!,:,~j~li~-\.1~'1I1AA~B;.: ~"jf:~~m~~~!"~~:':'lI.:W.~:a.udn " .' ~~~~~~~.,~1.{:~~:.~~~~~~tt'. ',":(:.' '~h:~~J1m~' .. .' I~Y." 1 S. What Impact, If any, do you think the economy will have on your family Income in the next 6 months? Do you ,th Ink the impact will be-: o Very positive 0 Somewhat positive 0 Neutral 0 Somewhat negative 0 very negative ;:~~ National S:,I.t!~en Survt;Y.~~. _...___".. . P.3~L~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ll: I g r-t o c '" @ i! >-- ~ " (f.) c: '" .~ (3 .. r:: o ~ Z d) .r. r- r~- i I I ___ The ~~~ ~!_!:'Iutchlnson 16a. The City of Hutchinson Is exploring a local sales tax to be usee for specific projects and services. Please IndIcate to what {jlltent you would support or oppose ,m Increased aales tax (..of...1) for opch of the following projects and services: strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strol1gty Don't ~ . ~ .2MQ.H ~ !ill2n ~ii1''''~''''''''''''''''''''(i~::~::';~''''''''''''''''''''''aR 2 3 4";i~m .s.e~~~ry}j~. v!.':!1em~ents ........:;:;.....~_~.:..:..:.:.:.:....:.;,..:.;..:.:..;;.......;...........................1 2 3 4 5 .~~ ~~~JJ'I. ~!D.~'.~u~striaj arkdevel.O ment...............................................................1 2 3 4 . 5 ~~ lm'1lMB'apI- '"...._~j lrail Develop~~t ......_.......>>~:~:q~~i?,j~..................~.:.:::~~~ 2 3 ~_~ ~ ~J("4~--11111 _!~f~ ~ ~ ~.~~~...m~......................~ 2 3 _~ ~ri~l--~~....'....................~~~... ;... 3.~__ .~.. ~.H9blin.C~_~ SS.J f~e~ :E2 o!lice and fire......,.........................__..........................,....1 2 3 4 5 li~-~"'~~;m".. . " Infrastructure: streets, water, sewer.. .................................................1 2 3 4. ~~~~ ~'-A.~ ~ 1 L~ Economic development: jobs, tax base, Industrial park, downtown...1 2 3. 4 5 III 5 16b. Please Indicate to what extent you would support or oppose the City privatizing some city services or programs If they could be done less expensively but lit the same level of quality: ''''what respond do you anticipate from this question other than support? Is It worth a$klng? o Strongly ~upport O. Somewhat oppose 0 Don't know o Somewhat support 0 Strongly oppose ' 16c. Sometimes money is left over after projects, like street Improvement, hav$ been fully paid. How would you like to see the money used? o Continue to use all t~e money for other projects . o Split the money between reducing your property tax levy and funding other proj~Gts o Use it all for reducing your property tax O. Don't know 16d. Please indicate to what degree City services are Improving or worse-nlng: o Greatly Improving 0 Somewhat worsening o Somewhat improving 0 Greatly worsening o Not changing 0 Don't know 168. How do you rate the quality of eacll of the following areas related to Hutchinson public: schools? !;~~~nt ~ EiIr ~ Q2Jl1 Mml o.veralldeIiV~f!...f}:'.-E O~fedUCi!l.llonalservlco~..........................................".....1 2 3 4. . 5 ~jjjiJ1$f~~ijRJ_ ~~lgj~~ Finencial management of the school district .........................................1 2 3 4 5 161. Please Indicate the degree to which yOU would support or oppose a school district referendum to accomplish each of the follOWing: Strongly Somewhat SomewhQI ~ !!!Im2!1 ~ ~".P.r.9.ve';,and r~.C~in;C?n eu."b"c school facilit~es ....J ~~ 2 3 fi'ffiPiPjlrg~ . ... mff..~I~OOI"~, .~,!..{. Improve tech nolo resources for students ....................................... 1 ! ~, mlii;tP. '~.i!tiI. . ."".''i1''r<1li~;lf . .. ij1'!~~~~.~j~ SlllOngly Don't ~ ~ 4 . 5 ~:~1~:~:},W;~~!ft_ . 4 5 :.l ..~:~.'~.,.I .... ',: ,.:~~ 'I 169. A local referendum for any of th~e school improvements would increase your property taxes. At what level, If at all, would you be willing to pay per year? o $100/year 0 $200fyear 0 $3001year o $150Jyear 0 S250fyear 0 I am not Willing to pay any additional COlit l.b;, Na.tl<<:mal ,Clt!~en Survey ~,___. ! P.~~,~,?!!.. qL~ . ' ~ ! t! ~ t'i ., o ""' ;i! g ~ ~o ~ ~ = en .. i u j ~ GI F l" The City of Hutchinson " , 17. Do you live within the City limits of the City of Hutchinson? o No 0 Yes 18. Are you ~urrenlly employed? o No + Go to questlon'#19 o Yes -+ Go to question #1 Sa 18a.Whal one method of transportation do you USUilUy use (for the longest distance of your commute) to travel to work? o Motorized vehide (e.g. caft truck. van, motorcycle etc...) . o Bus, Rail. Subway', or other pUblic transportation' o Walk o Work at home o 'Other 15b.lfyou checked the motorized vehicle (e.g. car, truck, van. motorcycle, etc.) box in 183, do other people (adults or children) usually ride with you to or from work? o No 0 Yes 19. How many years have, you lived in Hutchinson? o less than 2 years 0 11.20 years o 2-5 years 0 More than 20 years o 6-10 years 2Q. Which best describes the building you live In?, o One family house detached from any other houses ' o House attached to one or more houses (e.g.. a duplex or townhomc) o Building with two or more apartments or cond'Clminiums' o Mobile home o Other 21. Is this house, apartment, or mobll&.home... o Rent~d for cash or occupied without cash payment? o Owned by you or someone in this house with 8' mortgage or free and clear? 22. Do any children 12 or under live In your household? o No 0 Yes 23. Do any teenagers aged betweel113 and 17 live in your househol<l? o No 0 Yes I :~; National <?},~"~z:.cm Surv,eYlM 24. Are you or any other members of your household age,d 65 or older? o No 0 Yes 26. Does any member of your household have a physical handicap or Is anyone disabled? o No 0 Yes , 26. What Is the highest degree or level of school you have (fomplcted? (mark one box) o 12th Grade: or less, no diploma 0, High school diploma o Some college, no degree o Associate's degree (e.g. AA, AS) o Bachelor's degree (e.g. BA, AS, B$) o Graduate degree Of professional degre.e 27. How much do you anticipate your household's total Income before taxes will b&, for tho current year? (Please Include In your total Income money from all sourC85 for all persons living In your household.) o Less'lhan $24.999 o $25,OOO,to $49,999 o $50,000 to $99,999 0, $100,000 or more ' 28.' Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino? o No 0 Yes ' i I :29. What Is your race? (Mark one or more races/to indicate what race you consider yourself to ibi't) o American Indian or Alaskan native ;' o Asian or Pacific Islander o Black, African American o WhltefCaucasian o Other 30. In which categorY is your age? o 18-24 years 0 55-64 years o 25.34 years 0 65-74 years o 35-44 years 0 75 years or older o 45-54 years 31. What 15 YOLlrS9X? o Female 0 Male ... E -i Cll c.> ~ j -.;; '" .!! 10 z' .... 8 "'! .c; 0, N -@ a >- -~ " tI) "- III ..r:! Ci ;;; c: 2 '" z OJ .t: .... ppge ~.~:, 5 qL~ . Memorandum FROM: Mayor and City ~~cil Brenda K. Ewi~ Resources Director TO: RE: Employee Life IpsurBJK:e Propoul DATE: December 20, 2006 Our current employee life/accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage provided by INGlMinnesota Chamber terminates on December 31, 2006. Westlund Asso<;lates, OUI local agent, have completed the process to obtain quotations from a number of eligible providers to secure coverage as of January 1,2007. . The rates for our cunent coverage recently Increased from $ 0.22 to $ 0,24 per $1,000 ofllfe insurance coverage per month. Enclosed is the employee life insurance prOlVll!Il proposal from The Standard as presented to the City by Westlund Associates that indicates a rate of $ 0.165 per $1.000 of coverage. As compared to OUI current rates, the proposed rate from The Standard would result in an approximate life insurance premium savings to the City of$390 per month.. The rates included in the proposal are gllllJ'lllltted for a period of two years. As noted in the proposal documentation, the City has completed the required applicatiOn for coverage with The Standard, It Is requested that the Council conllider this proposal. and, If acceptable, authorize entering into a contract with The Standard to provide coverage for the employee life il1Burance progTll!Il as of January 1,2007. If you have any questions, I will be at the December 26 Council meeting. Encl. . \ ol oj . ... ThaStandard- Poo/IMlIy dll!eront, An Employee BenefItS Proposal for: City of Hutchinson, Presented By: Westlund Associates. . I I // 'I II Standard Insurance Company , ! " " , December 15, 2006 . \OL~ . . . BasIc Life and AD&D P.lan 1 ~ City of Hutc;h/~on An active employee of the Employer workina: 30 hours per week ~ Benefit Formula 1 X Annual Earnin&a Rounding Up to next $1,000 Maximum Benefit $SO,OOO Age Baeed Benefit To 65% at age 65; To 50% Reduction at age 70; To 35% at age 75 Guarantee Issue , Full Benellt Employer Contribution 100% ~ Hemben All ElIJfI>lI We 119 AD&D 119 Volume X $5,245,850 $5,245,850 , Total Rate: Per $1.000 0.135 0.030 'MoirthJv Prembam $708 $157 $865 = . The pollcyholder will be notified of renewal rate. 31 daya prior to the renewal ef!"ective date. . The rate will be guaranteed for'Sl year.. ~ . Wlrlver Of Premium is included. Elielbl1lty to age 60; enda at age; 65. ~2 5randard !n&uranDB Cqinpang Benefll and Cost SUIlIIII81Y Proposal 691088 I I I I I I \OL~ CIfy of Hutchinson ~ . AD&D include. a Drug and Akohol cxcluelon. . AD&D docs not include coverage for Private t)yIng. . An Accelerated Benefrt up to 75% of Life and Supplementallnsurance is included. . MEDEX<il Travel Asslm Is Included, offering plan participanta accen to appropriate medical care and other emergency service.'i when traveling at least 100 mil.... from home or Internationally. MEDEX Travel Assist offl:J'll a full range of professional 24-hour medlcal, legal and travel liAaiatance serVice.. . AdmlnEASE service Is included, offering online resources for doy-Io-day administration of employee benefit plan.. . Until coverage has been in force for 2 yeaTS, death which result. from mrldde or other intentional !dr-inflicted injury is not covered (In force for 1 year In CO, not available In WA.) , . E-Contract Documents service is included, offering online efficiency lUld convenience in contract document delivery. ~ . The rates assume billing Is centralized. . Proposal aasumes coverage Is currently in force. , , , I ./ I I { P&ge 3 S/Qndmd NuT"""" Co/npaIw Benefit IlIK1 Cool Summai}' Proposal 691088 \ ()llL) . . . CIty of HutchInson . , Producer Compensation Disclosure \ . The Standard recognizee the valuable role of inlnlrance advi80rs in helping their clients dellign an employee beneflu. program, and we support rea.sonable and fllir compenll3.t!on for thelle ~s. Any , questions regarding the compensation connected with this propoll3.1 should be directed to the lneul"lUlce advioor or broker. Plea8e visit our web$ite at htto;/ /www.8tandard.com/producer/comm ocales.html to view our normal commission scales. If this proposal Ie quoted with a non-standard scale or override It is noted below. Please consult with your agent or broker for details. Non-standard commission scale: Ifl A Override: KIA Subject to partJclpation and eligibility requirements, contingent compensation may be paid based on performance factors, for example volume and persistency (unl..... participation ie declined by the producer or client.) For information about our culltomary producer rewards prognun visit htto; / /www.standard.com/producer / bonus.htmL Additionally, f.es for administrative, marketing or consulting serv:lctlS may apply. If applicable, feea are noted below. Feea;lf/A Page 4 691088 Standard 111.!UTlU1D8 Company B_fit and Cost S1llllmllIY Proposal \ DC aJ City of Hutchlmson .' We appreciate Ihc opportUnity to pro,,* y"U with this benefit and coot 811l11lnaty propooal from The StaDdard. ")1lis dOCWDCllt outlinco certain important fuwres of !be group lmuraDCe coveraiCS available. TblIIo not a COJllraCI or an offer to contract for . """h cov....Il... Detailed information about otbel iIIlpottIDI f.._ of the coverqe proposed 10 available on rcqucot: SUfI ask your brokcr/cououltant or Standard repnl..olative. ,I I , A eemp letod Ilpplicalion ml1llt be mJbmilled before a group con be considered f", covcnJIC. InsuroIJce will be eff""ti~ after the applicotion i. accepted by The Standard. If approved, """ wiU issue a contract conlaininll our customary JanPSc. Ii will not duplicole """'tin; policy language, If any. The group conlnlct will contain provIDOW and defined _ not dcocn'bld in this Benefit and COOIlwmnary proposal The ilOUP C<lIltract win CQIlltOI ifthorc lIe diocrcpancics betwee1l1t and !hi. P'Wosal. I The propoocd premium rale and plan design for each coverage arc based on the Wlderwritine dall received by The s;tandard. Filial promium ratca and plan provisiona will be dctcnnined by'The Standard on the basis of. applicable stale laws, ' policyholder contributions, confinnatiOD of occupalioJl$, the actnal composition of the ll'ODp of peraonI who will b<Icome insured, and our current IUldcrwriting rules and practicea. This benefit and cOft $UIltIllUY propoul expires ~ December 26, 2006, WIles. rephlced or withdrawn by The SIIndard. Page ~ Standcud Jnswc""" Company Benefit and Cost Summary Proposal , 1591088 , 1JLoj . . Memorandum TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Encl. Mayor and City Council ' Brenda ~. Ev.in~an Resources Director Consideration of Maintenance Superintendent Position Description December 21, 2006 I I I I I I i I IDlb) December :z()O(j , ' DRAFT .' . III Banan St SE Hutcbluson, MN. 55350 TITLE MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT jobdesc 183 2006 ' DEP ARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISED BY PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER SUMMARY TI:IIS IS SUPERVISORY WORK TN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILmES I Coordinates and oversees day-to-day maintenance operations of the Streets & Alleys, Forestry, lIJld Distribution/Collection system functioDll. Coordinates use of all department personnel, materials, equipment and other resources to support effective maintenance operations. Routinely inspects infrastructure and systems to det=ine necessary maintenance work. Ensures maintenance schedules , are followed and assists in updating and maintaining schedules. Maintains and assim in developini reports for departmental use. . 2 Assistll crews by performing work on infrastructure, as necessary, to ensure appropriate production. 3 Coordinates and oversees daily operatioDll and use of vehicles/equipment Ensures maintenance ' schedules for vehicles/equipment are followed. Ensures vehicle/equipment records are updated and maintained. Maintains a dispatching system and coordinates interdepartmental Use of vehicles/equipment. Assists with specifYing appropriate replacement vehicles/equipment. 4 Coordinates use of perso1Ulel, materials, equipment and other resources to support effective Cemetery operations. Arranlles work schedule of personnel to support Cemetery functions as needed. 5 Coordinates use of per801Ulel, materials, equipment and other resources to support effective Airport operations. Arranges work schedule of personnel to support Airport functions BlI needed. 6 Coordinates and oversees general l1UIintelll\llOC services. Identifies needs and prepares general maintenance schedules. Provides diIection regardinli: routine maintenance activities to Sr. Public Works Maintenance Specialists and Leads. Assists the Public Works Manager In coordination of speciall1Ulintenance projects. ' 7 Assists with training Public Works employees in their respective positions. 8 Sees that machinery, equipment, structures, and vehicles used by the departments are accollilted for and properly maintained. 9 Represents City employees in coordinating activities at the HA T5 Facility between City, County, and . State supervisory employees. May act as a resource to the HATS Joint Powers Board, \ D U::) 10 Assists in preparation of job evaluations and perfomumce pay l"e(;ommendations for employees under ' slIpervislon. 11 Recommends, hire5, and tenninates sellSOllal personnel as neededJor operations under supervision, In accordance with d.cp8rlment budeet and polley. . . 12 AssiSts with development of the annual budget requests. Makes adjustments to maintenance activities sO departmentll operate within their budgets. bnmediately reports emergency needs or significant budget deviations, ' 13 Ensures management goals and obj~ves related to maintenance are carried out, 14 Ensures employees attend required safety and job-related training required to efficiently and safely operate in their respective .position$. IS Supervises prescribed snow removal operations including: coordination of contracted services, continuously monitors weather and street conditions, calls employees in for iee control, light snow events, and arrartges ligJu snowlice routes and priorities. Assists Public Works Manager in planning, coordinatina and executing operations durii1g heavy snow events, Serves as an equipment operator during snow events. ' 16 Coordinates routine and emergency maintenance 8ctivities with C{lntraCtors and/or other City departments as necesSary. 17 Acquires and disposes of materials, supplies and equipment in accordance with the City policies. , , 18 Routinely reports maintenance activities to the Public Works Manager, including roll call, daily I activities, pending absences, etc.' , I 19 Recommends improvements to related policies, proceduI1ls, guidelines and schedules. PerfOrmJI ~lated duties as assigned or as apparent. f . EQUIPMENT . ' I City vehicles and equipment, shop tools, supplies and materials used by Maintenance Operations. Personal C{lmputer and related software and hardware. Communications equipment including telephone, ceIJ phone, and two-way radio. ,I ! DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Three to five years Public Works maintenance experience and training, Substantial working kno"'edge of Public Works maintenance operations, equipment, supplies, and preventive and emergency maintenance . techniques. Supervisory ability, Organizational skills and ability to quickly prioritize under emergency condltions. Knowiedge and understanding of common maintenailce management principles. Basic computer skills. Ability to communicate effectively and to maintain good working relationships. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Valid MilUlesola Class B Commerciai Drivers Ucense WORKING CONDmONS Work generally during normal hours of city operations. Work in all weather conditions. Unscheduled and early hours for snow removal and other emergency maintenance. , aL?) . . . CITY OF HUTCHINSON ADDENDUM TO JOB DESCRIPTIONS 1995 TO COMPLY WITH THE AMERICANS WITIJ DISABlUTIES ACT (ADA) FOR MAINTENANCE POSITIONS: Parks/Arena Maintenance Equipment (}puIItor, Parks Malnt""tuU:e Specialist, Heavy Eiu/pnumt Operator, WQter and WastrlWllter Operalqr Qlfd MQlntenQnu, PllUlt Equipment Mechanic, Equipment MtrchQnlc, Ce_tel)' MQlntenQn€:e, Engineering SpecWist, Compost Equipment Operator, Compost UQd, Senior Pubilc Works M,,zntenanu Speci4liist, Trans/"r Sit" Equipment Operator, Public Works MQlntelllUlu Specialist. ' PHYSICAL DEMANDS The physical demands described here lITe representative of those that must be met by an employee 10 successfully perform the essential functions of this Job. ReailOnable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functiOlll. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to reach with hands and anns. The employee fiequctJtly is required to stand; walk and l1se hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objeets, lools or controls. The employee is occasionally required to sit, climb or balance, sloop, kneel, crouch or crawl, and talk or hear, and smell. The employee must frequently lift andlor move up to SO pounds and occasionally lift andlor move up to 100 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, disunce vision, color vision, peripheral vision. depth perception. and the ability to adjusl focus. WORK ENVlRONMENT The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable Indivl~ls wIth disabilities to perform the essential functions. , While performing the duties oftbis Job. the employee regularly works near moving mechlUlical part:I and ~ outsIde weather conditions. The employee occasionally works in high, precarious places and is frequentlr exposed to weVor humid conditions, fumes or airborne particles, toxic or caustic chemicals, and vibration. The: employee is occasionally CXJXllled to risk of electrical shock.' : The noise level In the work environment is frequently loud. , , , . ' " , The duties IL\Ied in job dnaiptions ore intended only as IIlus1ratkmo of the voriow typeI ofwork dIIt IIllI)' be perl'~ The omiaiOll of opecltk 5latemenll of d~ docs not exclude them from the potltlon lethe work is .imilar, related or. a Iosical assignment to the position. I The Job dcllCrlption docs not constitute an en>pIoymcnt qreement berwecn the employ.. and employee and Is !IUbJect to clwJ&e by the employer lIS the needl of the employer.and rcquiRments Or the job c:ban&c. \ tib) . . . Dec-06 I JOB EVALUATION DATA FOR THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON - DECEMBER 2006 IIl<Ib'& KnOwledge Ac<:owtIBbIIty ___~ EffoIt ~rp._ SId.. WorIcIng CondIlIans Toa.! Job Title Ra1iAll PoInts PolMs f'OIII1a ~na Pointll PaInts M.L.h::.1ll11Ce rltellded 40 80 .cCS 160 .cc 80 4C+ 93 3B 52 <165 7 -c- - o r---- ~ Coordinate daily activities of maintenance crews. Respond to customer service requests, oversee completion of work orders & planned maintenance. Coordinate equipment, materials and staffin j Coordinate lar e crews, as neceBsa . 1m) . . . DATE: TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM December 19th for the December 26, 2006 Council Meeting Hutchinson City Council RebeCca Bowers, Planning Director , ., SUBJECT: REQUEST TO INSTALL CELLULAR ANTENNAs AND EQUIPMENT ON PARK TOWERS PrODOS81: , Clngular Wireless has' applied for approval to Install antennas, lines and transmlssl6n, equipment on the rooftop of Park Towers. The H.R.A. is currently negotiating a lease with them to Install the equipment on the building. The antennas would be attached to the side of the building along the stallWay column and would not extend beyond the top of the column. A radio cabinet would be installed on the roof in a 15'-x 20' lease 'area; The attached plans identify the location ,of the antennas, cablne1. and equipment. Analvsls: The Zoning Ordinance allows installation of antennas on public structures in all districts by resolution approved by the City Countll. Staff from the Planning, BuildIng, H.R.A,. Police and Fire Departments has reviewed the proposal. Some concerns were raised by Fire Dept. staff regarding interference with public safety radio communications. If the Council approves the request, staff recommends the following conditions: 1. Approval is subject to obtaining a signed lease from the H.RA. to Install equipment o~ t~e buildIng. .' , i ! 2. Cellular antennas' or equipment shall not Interfere with public safety telecommuni~, s. Before the introduction of the new servica or changes In service, the applicant shall qt/fy . the City at least. to days In advance of any changes and allow the city to m . or interference levels during the testing process. Approval may be revoked if interfere '/IIlth . public safety telecommunications occurs. ' ~' · 3. Approval of a building permit Is required prior to Installation of, any equipment. ~6 a condition of the permit. a structural analysis Is required, including snow l08dand rifting from the cabinet and equipment. Building plans shall be signed by a licensed Profe sienal Engineer. ' I 4. The antennas and cabinet shall be painted to match the building. : I 5. Approval by the Council Is limited 10 the 6 proposed and 6 future antennas and equipment as shown on the plans dated 2/24/06. Prior to installation of the 6 futura antennas, testing shall be completed 10 demonstrate that it wnl not interfere with public I safety communications. Any future antennas, modifications. or equipment In addition to the equipment .shown on the plans dated 2/24/06 will require separate testing and approval by the City Council and HRA. All testing will be provided at the applicant's expense.l BeaU8$ted Action: Approval of the attached resolution, subject to the conditions listed, authorizing installation of-callular equipment on the rooftop of Park Towers. \ ~l~) . RESOLUTION NO. 11m RESOLUflON ALLOWING l'LACEMENT OF CELLULAR EQUJl'MENT ON THE PARK TOWERS BUILDING LOCATED AT 133 3RD AVE. S.W, WHEREAS, the City Code, Section 154.119 (C) allows antennas on structures by resolution of the City Council and; , WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and approves the request by Cingular Wireless to install antennas, lines, and transmission equipment on the rooftop of Park Towers, located at 133 3'" Ave. S.w. with the following legal description Lots,6, 7, 8, 9, Block 29 South 1/2 Hutchinson and part of the east balf of vacated Glen Street lying adjacent to Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9.._ .', ._ WHEREAS, the request is in compliance and consistent with the City of Hutchinson codes and regulations; subject to meeting the conditiollA stated. BE IT RESOLVED; the Hutchinson City Council recommends approval of the request t~ install antennas,lines, and transmission equipment as showil on plans dated Pebruary 24, 2006, subject to the following conditions: ' 1. Approval is subject to obtaining a signed lease ftom the H.R.A.to install equipment on the building. 2. Cellular antennas or equipment shalloot interfere wi1h public safety telecommunications. Before the introduction of the new service or changes in service, the applicant shall notify the City at least 10 days in advoDce of any changes and allow the city to monitor interference levels during the testing process. Approval may be revoked if interference wi1h 'public safety telecommunications occurs. 3. Approval of a building permit is required prior to installation of any equipment. As a condition of the permit, a structural analysis is required, including snow load and drifting from the cabinet and equipment. Building plans shall be signed by a licensed Professional Engineer. 4. The antennas and cabinet ahall be painted to match the builrlin&. S. Approval by the Council is limited to the 6 proposed and 6 future antennas and equipment as shown on the plans dated 2124/06. Prior to installation of the 6 future antennas, testin& shall be completed to demonstrate that it will not interfere with public safety communications. Any future antennas, modifications, or equipment in addition to the equipment shown on the plans dated 2124/06 will require separate testing and approval by the City Council and HRA All testing wi II be provided at the applicant's expense. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council on this 26th day of December, 2006. ATIEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor IDle) - o ~ v . DRAWlNllINDEll REY. --- I'UII_ . -- ...- . -- --..... .. -.- c.u.-.~.......~ . --- .__,_MRII .. -.- _._~~ . -- . . ...&MalIIfICI ..... .. --- -....----..-.. . ~1. ~............ . 1IfIUIBI1--"1 VN'...... . ~...1i - ... . ~III.bIlta .... I'UII .. ~_._,A ......- .. -- . .....- . -- _1.....EmM.1. .. .......-I~ :ImIOIII A & . .. .., [II __C.."...._ WT TlIRM. . --- DOOll.- .. .-r!.o.....! ...1I8D HlITCIIINIOIlI 5 . ... ' ' '='cingular - ^ mElESS NEW ClNG\JlAR MRElESS HEAOQUARl'ERS, W;: SITE NUMBER: MPLSMN1156D ,SITE NAME: HUTCHINSON I DlAl!CTlOtlI"" M ____ ~.... 1iIIf:~_.""'l'. .__r_.____"'" __.... _.._.w__ _1_....._.._..IllICIa._.~.. - Y1C1lf1Y _ -. -. fJtfr_ -..- ~cIng~ ---- ---...-...-.- - - .- . J --:--- ',AfiCENED DEe . 4 2MIi ~ =1lI_f;.'Z... -..- -- -- r '-- - -- - -- - ............ .. -- -... . - :I!=- :!l_ o - - l-~ AAA--E=I pllOJECl" INFORMA1lON c ~.. 1IIai&.-r.&. ' Ed..-'r& -...... r6 ~ _ .- - ......,. ~;::v. V'IZ'" .. """"'.r __ 0.- .. M'InIJ"wm." lIl1lr__fIwO'" -..- --- -- . --......" . .Ift QtIALIf1CA11ON I'MmclIWfrI .,. .. - - - -- ...~.... ....._ mE_""" - -"'- _'LIIII_ .. - -- -- - .- - ~ - . ...- ...-,- . , Q I.l .. <( . . #: ~L III If o~ ~ Ii I I I .., I' I ~fi Clll. c: II . l5 14 , r\ ?: I . ! ' 'I MS .llI ....-.. I i_ .1 il .. ~ Ii , ' , ~~ i ~ Ii J; ~. -- 1 .. . \ble) , <> u . . . .. ~ . i '.. 11- I . I I .. I' I !i Ilii . I; ~II. , I \ Dlc) , " <C I.., I' I . \ Ji .' 0 , :sIll ' . , I; I , I 1M / ti: Ii . lil= . I II! 0 , I I, I I II I ",' ,. i I II I.. i ~ i I i I ~r. ~~ If i iiJ, (f II ' . ~ 'II ~;. il UIII'II f ..: ..1 f ~I~f I , ~I! ~ ~ ~i tl;,i;: ~ f . .....--- , D&:-) . , , ?' 0 . I ) o o~ , I H o . ' . , . . * . I ,. I . 1\-1 1-: M 0 RAN I) IJ 1\1 TO: Mayor & City Coundl FROM: Kent Exnm, City Engineer RE: D1seuuJon of Water Treatment PInt Project Status and UpeomiDg Start-Up DATE: December 26, 2006 City ltaff will provide a brlcf update OIl the C\UlflDI .1&11II of the Watt:r Treatment PIIlIll projeal Alan, 1bc upcnmIDa start-up of 1bc plant and asoociatcd ""bile education clli>rto will be disculocd. Attached, fur informational purpnoos only, i111bc upcon-Ons start-up schcdu1c with ......iall:d.-. A ~h InOIll cond&c SUIIIIIIIl')' will be provided by City IIlalf at the CouncI1 mcctiDg. . ce: CIIry Plotl- City Admlniltnlor , I 1/ II II I. I, . \DLd ) ~ . I ; ~ I : ~ I I .. i I TT~ :'1 r ",. 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Process EquIpment Start-up Water Treatment Plant Improvements Hutchinson, MN Notes and Comments from Schedule " Note 1: TestJDisinfect Pipini Piping will he tested to the pressures required by Specification Section 15200. Gridor will have test verified by Earth Tech and Earth Tech will keep log of all pipe tested. Pipes requiring disinfection will be filled with chlorine, held for 24 hours and then tested for proper le...els. Water from pipes will be drained and sent to sanitary. Note 2: Well Pump#7 Week of December 26, 2006 Start well pump #7; coordinate with Goulds, US Filler, Gephart. Water will be pumped from wells to mt;ler room and then mn water to 14" bypass line and out to waste. Make sure 10" butterfly valveS are closed, (BFV 1-7-1) Pneumatic Valves (FV 1-3-1) must be in open position, can be manual or automatic. Check out of valves (nianuallU1d pneumatic), meters and instnrmentation can be done at this timt;. Water will be flushed thru the 14" line to sanitary; at .this time Jines can be checked for bacteria and chlorine levels. Water will be flushed during this proct;SS until adequate levels are achieved. . Note 3: Well Pump#8 Week of January 2, 2007 Start well pump #8; coordinate with Goulds, US Filter, Gephart. Water will be pumped from Wt;lls to meter room and then run water to 14" bypass line and out to waste.. Make sure 10" butterfly valves are closed. (BFV 1-8-1) Pneumatic Valves (FV 1-3-8) must be in open position, can be manual or automatic. Check out OfvalVCII (manual and pneumatic), meters and instnrmentation can bt; done at this time. Water will be flushed thru the 14" line to sanitary; at this time lines can be checked for bacteria and chlorine levels. Water will be flushed during this process until adequate levels are achieved. Note 4: Backwasb Pumps Week of January 2, 2006 Check Backwash pumps for Rotation; this should be coordinated with Goulds, US Filter and Gephart. Fill Filtered water basin with clean water from the city, this water will be used to backwash the Biofilters. Backwash ofBiofilters will take place durinll the end of this week. Sequence for backwashing is provided by IDJ and is included in attachment "A". lOJ will be scheduled during this week to monitor this, air blowers/compressors (note 5) and preliminary checkout of valves and instrumentation. Air for the backwash system is detailed in note 5. In order to backwash Biofilters the following valves on the filters must be closed, FV 3-12-1, -]2-2; FV 3-15-1, -15-2; FV 3- 28-1, -2, -3, -4, -5; FV 3-31-1, -2, -3, -4,-5_ The following valves must be~ FV 3- 17-1, -2; FV 3-16-1, -2; FV 3-33. I, -2, -3, -4, -5; FV 3-32-1, ~2, -3, -4; -5; This allows the water to come from the backwash pumps into the Biofillers and then wasted to sanitary. . It)(d) . Note 5: Air Blowers/Compressors Week of January 2, 2007 Start-up blowers!compressol"$, this should be coordinated with IDr, US Filler, Gephart and Gridor. Piping to valve locations should be done before this time or have valves installed to isolate piping. Air will be used in the backwash process, see attaclunent "A". Compressed air will be used to operate/checkout pnewnatic valves. Note that all pneumatic valves can be nm in manual to allow water or air thru. Note 6: Introduce water to Iron Filters week of January 2, 2007 Q:Jw1 valves FV 3-12-1, -2 to allow water into th~ Iron FilteIS. Make sure to close valves FV 3-15-1, -2 and open valves FV-23-1, -2 to allow water to be wasted to the sanitary. All of the backwash valves should also be closed Continue running water based on the flow Tates around half operating flow (900 gpm) (Approximately 1 week)' IDI will be scheduled to be onsite during the start of this process. Water will be wasted to Sanitary Sewer, during this time a Bac- T test will be performed to check bacteria levels to Inake sure the piping and tanks were properly chlorinated. If test fails, re- chlorination will occur. . Note 7: Introduce water to Amonia Filters Week of January 8, 2007 Use water from wells 7 & 8 to supply help seed the filters, this should be approximately 3 - 4 weeks to complete. Open Butterfly Valves BFY 1-7-1, -2 to allow water into the 18" RW line. Make sure BFV 2-1-1, -2 are closed. these are the valves that allow water" into the cartridge filters. ~ valves BFY 3-1-1, -2-1, -2c2, -2-3, -2-4, FCV 3-2-1, -2. QJ:!m.FV 3-20-2 & 3 to allow water from the iron lilten!. Water can now flow to the ammonia filters; Make sure to smm valves FY 3-28-1, -2, -3, -4, -5 to allow;' water into the Biofilters. QJ1:gj the Filter to Waste Valves FY 3-36-1, -2. -3, -4; -5 and ~ Finished Water Valves FV 3-31-1, -2, -3, -4, -5. This allows the water to be wasted I to the sanitary. All of the backwash valves should aIM be clOsed. Continue running , water based on the flow rates around half opeI8ting flow (900 gpm) IDI wil1 be I' scheduled to be onsile during the start of this process. IDI will be seeding filters with approved material to help the biological process faster. The dosing rates and procedures are detailed in A.ttachment "B" Water wj11 be wasted to sanitary sewer, during this time a Bac-T test will be performed to check bacteria levels to make sure the piping and tanks I were properly chlorinated. If test fails. re-chlorination will occur. . I ;/ Note 8: Sampleffest water from Blofilters week of January 29, 2007 Samples of the water can be taken anytime from the air gap in the pipe from the waste line before it goes to the aanitary lines. At this time we can establish if the water is!. , ' mecls the standards of the cOntract. Coordination with RO System can IXlgin, water can Ii be sent to distribution system once water is ok and RO system is producing good water. I ~ , , Note 9: System Performance Test See Specification 01814. . \ rid) . ,.-- . Note 10: Test pve Piping to and from RO Skids, Piping will,be tested to the pressures requiIed by Specification Section IS2oo. Oridor will have test verified by Earth Tech and Earth Tech will keep log of all pipe tested. Raw Water Pipes will be disinfected with chlorine, held for 24 hours and then . tested for proper levels. Water from raw water pipes will be drained and sent to sanitary. All other pipes will be pressure tested and disinfectionwil1 occur during GE start~up of RO's.. . Note 11: Test CIP Piping' , Piping will be tested to the pressures required by Specification Section 15200. Oridor will have test verified by Earth Tech and Earth Tech will keep a log of all pipe tested. . ' ' Note 12: Testing of High Service Piping Piping will be tested to the pressures required by Specification Section IS2oo. Gridor will have test verified by Earth Tech and Earth Tech will keep a log ofpi:>e test. Pipes will be disinfected with chlorine, held for 24 hours and then test fOI proper levels. Water will be drained and sent to sanitary. . Note 13: Disinfection of Clear Wells Clear well "A" will be filled, with water and a high dose of chlorine. Chlorinated water will be transferred from ~ A" to the other clear .wells to make sure they are all disinfected. Chlorinated water will then be distnouted equally to each basi1t and then fill the tanks with city wllter to dilute the chlorine. Water will be removed when the high service pumps are tested. Note 14: Disinfect Reservoir In the I'Clservoir all contact areas will be sprayed with chlorine to diBinfect the I' tank. Note 15: Test and Start-up High Service Pumps I Start-up of High Service Pumps shall be coordinated thru Goulds. Oridor, Gephart I and US Filter. Pumps will be checked by using water in clear wells. This water will be ' sent thnl the plant and to each of the hydrants on the north and south ends of the plant I The water will be blown off at these points and chlorine and bacteria levels will be . checked. Once water tests have passed, system is ready fOT s)'litem demonstratlol1ll and ' full plant operation once water source is available. Note 16: Water to be sent to Distribution System Water can be sent to Distribution system once all chlorine tests and bacteria tests have passed for each system. Plant may produce water and possibly split the water to the I reservoir and send some to the hydrants outside the plant and check water levels one' more time, ifrequired. Ifnot systems demonstrations can being and start running plant in full operation. . I ! lb(d) . IVI F lVl0HA~ D ti 1\:1 TO: Mayor & City Coundl FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer Randy DeVries, WaterfWastewater Director RE: Consideration of Award of Contract for Mabl Lift Station Improvement. (Letting DATE~O';::~.) . Six bids for the above rcfcm>ced Lettine were IeCCived by the City and opened on Tueoday, Dccetnber 19"' (see attached Bid Tabulation). Di-Mar ConstructIon Inc~ ofExce1sioc, Minnesota, submitted the appsrent \ow. bid in the IlIllOWlt of$114,436.00. This bid is OV\% 8% lower than the EarthTech's Engineer', Estimate of S125,OOO.00 for this project The bid by Di-Mar Comtruction Inc. appears to be complete and responsible, The Resolution Accepting Bid & Awardins ConlnoCt is attached. This project WlLIIlCCOunted for within /be 2006 Wastewater FWlds Budget. . ! City staff will briefly discuss the ovcmll project lICOpC, budget and schedule dur!nj !be Coonon oc: Gary Plotl- City AdmiDl_ We r~ommeDd approving the Resolntloa Accepting Bid & Awardbla Contrad. . )OL~) -- . RESOl~ON NO. 13011I RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETIlNG NO, i PROJECT NO. 06-11 .. Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bld6 for the furnishing of an labor llnd I'YI8tertal for the lfl1lrovement of: WWTF Main Lift Station - This Project consists of removal and replecement of two dry-pit centrlfugal wastewater pumps In the Eest Wetwell of Building 20 at the Westawal8r Treatment Facility for the CIty of Hutchinson. The existing controls and variable frequency drtves for Building 20 were updated in 2004 and wll be reused; bids were received, opened and tabulated according ,10 law, and the following bids W8IlI received complying with the advertlllement Bidder Di-Mer Construction IncofExcel8lor MN' - Grldor Construction of Plymouth MN KHC COn8tructlon Inc of Marshall MN Magney Construction Inc of Chanhas8en MN Shllnk Constructors Inc of Brooklyn PllrK MN Waldor Pump & Equipment Company of Bloomington MN Total Bid $114,436.00 $125,400.00 $128,000.00 $136,950.00 $143,500.00 $14Q,880.oo . llnd whereas, It appears that DI-Mar Constructloo Inc of ExcelslorMN Is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: ' 1. The mayor and city liIdministrator ere hereby authortled and directed to enter Into a contract with Di-Mer Construollon Inc of excelsiOr MN In the emount of $114,438.00 in the name of the CIty of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans Md specifications tt"""lur approved by the City Council and on IIle In the office of the Director of Engineering. 2. The Director of Engineering is hereby authorixed and directed to return forthwith to all biddenl the deposits made with their bids, except lhatthe deposita of thlil successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained unllla contract has been signed, and the deposit of the sucoessful bidder shall be retained lWll satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopllld by the Hutchlnson City Council this 26th day of December 2008, Mayor City Adrmlstrator . \r{~ . @ EarthTech aQ33 CamPII' om. -. ~uill 290 MIIl_~. illN 55041 ,763,&51.1001 , 763,~51.2"99 WW\'Il,Mrtl'ltlCn,C()rll Afqcal__LIol._r, D9C8mber 20. 2006 Randy DeVries. Dlrector Water, Wastewater and Resource Recovery CIty of Hutchinson 111 Has&8n Street SouthealJl Hutchinson, Mlnn,88Ota 55350-2522 Subject: Recommendation of Work WWTF Main uti StatIon Improvements ProJect No. 06-:11, letting No. II , DeAr Mr. DeVries: . On Dec8mber 19, 2006, bids were opened for the removElI E\I'ld replacen'l8nt of two dry-plt centrifugal wastewater pumps In the East Wetwell of Building 20. In adcltlon, the Contractor will be required to ver~y vibration requirement& as part of the Installation. The project was advertised for three and half weeks and the CIty received siX bids. The apparent low bidder Is Di-Mar Construction, Inc. from Excelsior. MN with 8 bid of $114,436. Tha second low bidder is Grldor Construction from BuffElIo, MN with a bid amount of $125,400. Our construction asthnat8 for the project wae $126,000. , Earth Teo/) has had sewral projactB with Ol-Milr Construction and has had wry good Ik working with them. AddltlonaUy, par a phone convllrsatlon with Dj-Mar Construction alter the bl~ opening, they Iterated to me thBY Intended to Install1h8 ITT Aygt FPO pUrnpll (lorm$l1y ~II,,$' Chalmers), which Is the same as tha existing pump$. But ~ should be note<I their bid InoIu es the cost 01 one fl1 the three pump manufacturers listed. FairbanKS Morse, Cornell or IlTgt FPO and thllY may eIeot 10 insttdl any of thelie mMufeotureu. i I It Is our opinion that the low Bidder, Di-Mar Construction, Inc., submitted a respOl1Slve! ~nd qualified bid, and we recommend that a contract be awarded to Di-Mar Construction, Inc., ijl ,It he II.mount of $114,436.00. If you have any further questions regarding this, please 110 not he+t!ate to contact me a1763-651-2425 or eric.mllflSlerOearthlech.com, , I I Slncar8iy, . I i i I ~~~ Eric MesSler P.E. Project Manager co: Mike MiltS, City of HutchInson Pal Vanderveen, CIty of Hutchinson L:\WORK\HUTCH\ee27l!\PI\OJMQTVoINnlD AECQMIJENDAT1ON.DOC . \ oCR) . \,;11 T TCH HUTCHINSON CITY CENTER, 111 HASSIJt ST SI!, HUTCHINSON 11IM 113IO (320-2~2081 PLAN HOLDERS LIST & BID TABULATION LETTING NO. II/PROJECT NO. 06.11 " WWTF MAIN LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS (Eng. Est. $60,000.00) (Completion Date 06-16/2007) .., ,.,.."..'."..,E3IP.PPENING DA . :Tuesday; . cel11ber1 ,,20()6Jlt2: " pm,Jnthe Couooll '".."., '..., ,. ',. .','" :Chambe'n18t HutchlMbrlCitvCenter111Has'sanSf SE. Hutchinson MN ' NAII!AHOA~ ...".. I i I TOTH." 110_ AIlI_Cofl1lOl'l ...,.. m-3ol2-tl170 __......S1t""1 Ail:. 7eu43-l1013 . _VoIIoyMN&6427-3&1l1 Ico,,: """'" HMI; ~~.._ 0"'"'" 510_ Co, - ee1~1.e005 POlaK 1203&8 """ eel~1.oov . ~400_Coun4y~O ""'" !It PoulllH 00112 melt t-JnOII: anet :lC6C~ PHONE S51-AV-123$ POlloo<12l1711 .,. esl_,m I' . 21604_1AI<Oll<'" caI.; _llt\1DlllH 00112 01HElt , .......~ot.not 0THEIt Dl-Mlt ConMrudlon m - H2""'1442Q2 p 3_Sl,Stt. ,JOt 152-47...2681 i .. ~IO('" 66331 ~ I lI'lOo 0Ttte< BId ~ltrhC..O,...it'~ 0TItBI: - '114,~,(IO , Eng!MMng & eo.-. -"",(Eel) - 86t -2Q8.0111 M<__PE,'IIcoo""""",,, Ail:. ..,-2OU113 . POlaK7OIl>, 7I01lotgo~1l<I CIi~ S1,Po" MN 0010'/ ~ o-moi: ~_..... ~1HI!I< -~ ........ 1~ - 111I 8II'imWN lMlIi 'Ail:. _Ill i . PIymO\ltlllH _, c~ lI'lOo 0Ttte< lIIll _t anet ....... 1126,400,00 2 HD 8uppIy wa........'" ~- ,HOO__lll ,... 1 Edeol_.... &Ga44 CftJe, ~ .....1: OnlEft KIlO eon_1no - 801___ p --- 'AiI:. 6lIl_ i . 703 onwoo Ad H, PO Baoc 400 IC8l: '" _IMN_ ~ lid ......, ,not ""'"'" - "21.000.00 3 _~Ino - 082-474-11174 - , 140' """''''' Ail:. 8624701-1878 i . IoINm17 CB.L: ft 0THEIt IIIll ~~..... ""'"'" - "36,110.00 4 _eo.,1I'IC """'" :11..-.0747 i-: Tim_ FAil:. 2111'30 nee to 111CQ2 220th Ave CILL: 1lOlI'OI~ IIN _, O1HI!O: ~t. l'!'lL-.... .1 0- ontJ< (D~~) . \,;11 Y HU-I HUTCHINSON CITY CENTER, 111 HASllAN S1 Sf;, HUTCHINSON MN H3IO (320-234-420111 PLAN HOLDERS LIST & BID TABULATION LETTING NO. 9IPROJECT NO. 06-11 WWTF MAIN LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENts (Eng, Eel. $60,000.00) (Completion elite 08-15/2007) " ~DA: . "", y~ ',,' t2~tI:ii. 'l.lh~""""'-"1'~. ' ' ....._ '" m "':a ,.', ' It-. ", ',", ':r'>'.~~'r :1..,' ;', ":" '-',' . ,',," ,~'i~<'. ' '.. . 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IlCI -~ <m!!It i -, '1.u,MIO.OD 6 T_'_C._1nO - M1-G1-lH3O o,un,,,,,,,_ .,. M1___ .. -., -..!II "'.. N, ComploJ< T - """ ... ODOl2.1017 I)lH!lt _: _,o.......oom 0-.. Van IloIvon & _ ... HONE ml''M.~ ....., 8ud P...., I!Jt ~ I 11 ".~"''''..- CEI" I ""....poII.... 06427 (7THEO< _-m.1 t-nIIII; b.-petllt~G L .__an ~ I WW_A...,........Ino - 002_..... , 12eO_7~"Gl NO toM..... I " MIl. . ~.... ~1t8-ZlH ......, 0"'"'" ' ! _1:Jgol~""" 0.- ~Pump&~~'. I.....lt~ """"E ...--.oau - , DTOOH..-_a .'" -"'70 i ,. L......~I~ 5543' ~ no T"'" ,Me.toO Ie13 IlCI -~,""" """'" - 114,""UIO . . \ cle )