cp12-12-2006 c AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12,2006 .. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION - Rev. Scott Daniels, Vineyard United Methodist 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 28, 2006 Action - Motion to approve as presented 6. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2006 2. FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2006 3. HUTCHINSON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 23, 2006 4. CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 13,2006 5. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2006 . . (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES I. RESOLUTION NO. 13087 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (VIDEO SYSTEM, SQUAD CARS, ARREST & BOOKING SOFTWARE AND INST ALLA TION AND BIODIESEL) . I I 2. RESOLUTION NO. 13088 - RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF STATE AID FOR MINNESOTA'S REGIONAL LIBRARIES . 3. RESOLUTION NO. 13090 - RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION FOR WATER POLLUTION CONTROL REVOLVING FUND 4. ORDINANCE NO. 06-0448 - ORDINANCE V ACA TlNG 10 FEET OF A 20 FOOT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1, HANSON'S SUBDIVISION OF PETERSON ESTATES, 320 JEFFERSON COURT WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND MCLEOD COUNTY ( d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF FUNDING FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON HOLIDAY PARTY (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CHANGE ORDER NO.4 - LETTING NO.8, PROJECT NO. 01-21 (SCHOOL ROAD NW) (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CHANGE ORDER NO.2- LETTING NO. II, PROJECT NO. 06-13 (T -HANGAR) (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE FOR LAMPLIGHTER LOUNGE 11 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - DECEMBER 12, 2006 . (h) 2006 LICENSE RENEWALS I. MASSAGE LICENSES 2. PAWN SHOP LICENSE 3. TOBACCO LICENSES 4. TAXI CAB LICENSE Action - Motion to approve consent agenda 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 6:00 P.M. - NONE 8. COMMUNICATIONS, REOUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) UPDATE ON HOSPITAL PRlV ATIZATION No action. (b) REVIEW OF CITIZEN SURVEY CUSTOMIZED QUESTIONS (material will be distributed at City Council meeting) Action - 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CREATING CITY FUND TO BE KNOWN AS THE "TAX RELIEF FUND" Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve .-i O. NEW BUSINESS . (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROV AL OF 2007 COMPENSATION PLAN (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13089) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF WAGE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ON HEALTH AND DENTAL INSURANCE FOR 2007 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 TAX LEVY FOR HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13091) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 TAX LEVY FOR HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13092) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 CITY OF HUTCHINSON TAX LEVY (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13093) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve . (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 CITY OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND BUDGET (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13094) . Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - DECEMBER 12, 2006 . (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2007 LIQUOR FUND BUDGET Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF POSITION DESCRIPTION FOR PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (i) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 06-0449 - A SMOKE-FREE WORKPLACE ORDINANCE (W AWE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION FOR DECEMBER 26, 2006) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve (j) DISCUSSION OF TOBACCO LICENSE AT LIQUOR HUTCH Action - (k) CONSIDERATION OF SETTING MEETING WITH STATE LEGISLATORS FOR DECEMBER 19, 2006, AT 4;30 P.M. Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 11. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS 12. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS .3. ADJOURN . 3 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2006 .. . . CALL TO ORDER - 5:~ P.M. Mayor Steve Cook called e meeting to order. Members present were Jim Haugen, Casey Stotts and Bill Arndt. Member absent was Kay Peterson. Others present were Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Seborn, City Attorney. . 2. INVOCATION - Rev. Brian Brosz, First Congregational- UCC, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS 5. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 14,2006 Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSENT AGENDA (a) REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS I. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 17, 2006 2. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT BOARD AUTHORITY MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 17, 2006 3. CITY OF HUTCHINSON INVESTMENT REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2006 4. CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2006 (b) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 13080 - RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FROM W ASTEW A TER, WATER DEPARTMENTS AND 2006 IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION FUND TO GENERAL FUND AND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FOR ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION FEES 2. RESOLUTION NO. 1308I-RESOLUTIONTRANSFERRING$12I,000 FROM WATER, SEWER & REFUSE FUND TO GENERAL FUND & 2002C REFUNDING IMPROVEMENT BOND FUND 3. RESOLUTION NO. 13082 - RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND AND ENERGY LOAN FUND TO HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (EDA) FUND 4. RESOLUTION NO. 13083 - RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING $321,500 FROM LIQUOR FUND TO GENERAL FUND 5. RESOLUTION NO. 13084 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE (PUMPS & LABOR, UNLEADED GASOLINE) (c) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS 1. CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY BRUCE NAUSTDAL LOCATED AT 1150 BLUEJA Y DRIVE SW WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13075) 2. CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUESTED BY PAUL BETKER LOCATED AT 235 OTTAWA AVENUE SE WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13076) 5(cj CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 28, 2006 . . 3. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITlONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW TOWING COMPANY OFFICE WITH IMPOUND LOT LOCATED IN THE C4 (FRINGE COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT AT 700 AIRPORT ROAD WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13077) 4. CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF 10 FEET OF A 20 FOOT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1, HANSON'S SUBDNISION OF PETERSON ESTATES, 320 JEFFERSON COURT WITH STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13078 AND WANE FIRST READING AND SET SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 06-0448 FOR DECEMBER 12,2006) 5. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITlONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW OVER 1000 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL IN FLOOD PLAIN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF W ASTEW A TER TREATMENT F AC11L TY EXPANSION WITH"ST AFF RECOMMENDATION AND FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 13079) . (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AIRPORT HANGAR LEASE POLICY (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH LIFELINK AT THE HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT (f) REAPPOINTMENT OF DON WALSER TO HUTCHINSON UTlLITlES COMMISSION TO DECEMBER 2011 Items 6( c )2, 6( c)4 and 6( c)5 were pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Stotts, second by Arndt, to approve the consent agenda with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. . I Item 6(c)2 had further discussion. Paul Betker, applicant, spoke about some issues he has ha~' .th his development in this area. Mr. Betker feels that he has received miscommunication related to tree lantings and tree costs. He also has issues with the lot split procedure. Mayor Cook noted that the pI ' ing and zoning department is trying to provide consistency amongst all contractors and developers. Infe future sOl!le ordin.ances may be reviewed for revisions, however at this time the rules must be followed t. hey are wntten. Motion by Haugen, second by Stotts, to approve Item 6(c)2. Motion carried unanimously. i' Item 6(c)4 had further discussion. Mayor Cook clarified whether or not the'written agreement Jtween the property own. er and the City allowing City crews access to the stormwater pond for maintenancje would be binding on all property owners. Marc Seborn, City Attorney, clarified that it would. II Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to approve Item 6(c)4. Motion carried unanimously. ", Item 6(c)5 had further discussion. Kent Exner explained that the City had applied for t~e Wetland Conservation permit and has received written exemptions from wetland requirements from tpe Corp. of Engineers, the State and the County. : Motion by Haugen, second by Arndt, to approve Itern 6(c)4. Motion carried unanimously. 7. PUBLIC HEARlNGS-6:00 P.M. - NONE .. 8. COMMUNICATIONS, REOUESTS AND PETITIONS UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR PROVIDING NOTICE OF OPEN ENROLLMENT FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON TOWING SERVICES AND ESTABLISHING GUIDELINES OF ELIGIBLITY FOR 2 !5{ a.-) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 28. 2006 OPEN TOWING . Mayor Cook noted that at the last meeting both towinS service providers had an ample amount of time to provide their input. Ml\fc Sebora, City Attorney, remmded the Council that the City has had an existing contract with Modern Mazda for the past 10+ :tears for towing services. Several rnonths ago, another towing provider contacted the City about the possibility of providin~ services for the City. At the last Council meetin!\, the topic of opening up towing services to other proViders was discussed. Mr. Sebora stated that a few optIOns could be considered by the Council. They would be to renew the contract wjth Modern Mazda, advertise for a Request for Proposals or have "open" towing services, with multiple providers. It was noted that the current contract with Modern Mazda is outdated and non-compliant WIth federal law, so it would need to be rewritten. Mayor Cook feels the best option is to have an open towing service provider list. Ca.;>ey St~tts and J~ Hauge~ noted that having an open towing service list would fit the best with the Police Chiefs View oftoWmg services. . ,Motion by Cook, second by Stotts, to approve open enrollment for City of Hutchinson towing services. Motion carried unanimously. (b) DISCUSSION OF TRUNK HWY 7/15/22 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASSESSMENTS AT 465 NORTH MAIN STREET Kent Exner, City Engineer, noted that he and Kelly Brunkhorst, Mn/DOT Project En(!ineer, met with Jim Riley regarding his concerns. During that meeting, the project was reviewed and explluned how it was paid for. Mr. Exner clarified that the City had costs associated with water mains, sidewillkltrail work, drainage improvements, sewer m!rins, etc. A portion of these costs are assessed to property owners. Jim Riley, 465 North Main Street, presented before the Council. Mr. Riley stated his issues with the storm sewer is the fact that the Mn/DOT informed him that they would be paying for the storm sewer pipe. . No action was required as the assessments have already been levied. 10. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF PROPERTY ACQUISITlON OF LOT 8, BLOCK 2, CEDAR ACRES SUBDIVISION AS REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE Mary Ellen Wells, Hutchinson Area Health Care President, presented before the Council. Ms. Wells explained that this property is currently being housed by an eye clinic on Freernont Avenue. The asking pnce is $700,000 and IS adjacent to the hospital property. Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to approve property acquisition of Lot 8, Block 2, Cedar Acres Subdivision for Hutchinson Area Health Care. . (b) CONSIDERA nON FOR APPROVAL OF CREATING CITY FUND TO BE KNOWN AS THE "TAX RELIEF FUND" . Mayor Cook noted that an idea he has come up with is to create a separate fund called a Tax Relief Fund. This fund would be comprised of a portion of any excess monies left over after improvement bonds are closed out. Mayor Cook IS proposing to take $500,000 from the Special Assessment Fund and put into the Tax Relief Fund for reducing the tax levy. Then, in 2007, 50% of any new excess bond funds would be deposited into the Tax Relief Fund and 50% would be depos.ited into the Special Assessment Fund primarily for capital projects. Not more than 25% of the Tax Relief Fund could be withdrawn annually and no decisions about withdrawals from the Tax Relief Fund could be formally made prior to November of each year. Council Member Hau!\en noted that he was not clear on the necessity for this type offund, as the Council is responsible for managmg all funds, and should be diligent in keeping taxes down by not spending excess money. Mayor Cook clarified how this type of concept is advantageous and has not been done before. Mayor Cook noted that this is a stipulation on the excess bond funds. . 3 rsLaj CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 28. 2006 . General discussion was held regarding how to fund various projects. Motion by Cook, to approve creation of City fund to be known as the Tax Relief Fund. Motion failed due to lack of a second motion. . .' . Motion by Stotts, second by Haugen, to table this item and review the necessity of such a fund. Motion carried unanimously. (c) DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CITY OF HUTCHINSON COMPENSATION PLAN Mayor Cook noted that when the new compensation plan was adopted last year, he had raised some issues with the open salary range in that it rewarded some mediocre performance. The mayor noted he does not feel that there was enough distinction between good performance and those that exceed expectations. Mayor Cook presented a proposal that places higher expectations on the lower performers, yet suitably rewards those who meet and exceed. expectations. This proposal was presented to the Wage Committee lastweek. Jim Haugen, member of the Wage Committee, stated that the Committee had studied the proposal at great length. The Wage Committee would like to evaluate the current plan for an additional year before making modifications to it.. . Btenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Ewing shared charts showing appraisal scores for employees the first and second quarter. On average, employees have received a 3.29"10- 4.25% increase, with the potential average increase being 4.36% - 5.75%. Motion by Arndt, second by Haugen, to deny the proposed amendment and keep the current plan for 2007. Council Member Stotts suggested that the proposed amendment be reviewed for possible benefits for 2008. Roll call vote was taken: Haugen - aye; Arndt - aye; Stotts - aye; Cook - nay. Motion carried 3 to 1. 11. MISCELLANEOUS . (a) COMMUNICATIONS :j Bill Arndt - Council Member Arndt commented on a trail that has been set up near South Grade ~tad. He is hoping it will be utilized by snowmobilers. . . i I " Casey Stotts - Council Member Stotts asked that the Council Members think of ways to s port the Snowmobile Club, A TV Club and other users to utilize the trail on the old railroad bed. Gary Plotz - City Administrator Plotz noted that the Council had set the Truth in Taxation aring for December 4, 2006, however the notices that went out state December 11, 2006. I' Motion by Haugen, second by Cook, to reset the Truth in Taxation hearing to December 11. 2QP6, at 5;00 p.m. at the Event Center. II Mr. Plotz also noted that he had received a telephone call from Council Member Peterson who has been out ill. Ms. Peterson noted that she feels restaurants that hold liquor licenses should have the abilit;' to have smoking allowed in ~ir establislu11ents. She wanted that on the record prior to the public h~ng being held on November 30 . . : Kent Exner - Mr. Exner commented on the opening ofHwy 7. Additional striping and signage may be added early next year when it starts to warm up. I Steve Cook - Mayor Cook asked that the Council think about whether or not the regularly scheduled City Council meeting would be needed on December 26,2006. Marc Sebora also talked about holding a meeting with the State Representative and State Senator. Gary Plotz will check with their offices about having a meeting in December. .2. CLAIMS. APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS Motion by Arndt, second by Cook, to pay claims appropriations and contract payments. Motion carried 4 6Lo) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - NOVEMBER 28. 2006 unanimously. ..ADJOURN " Motion by Cook, second by Stotts, to adjourn at 7;20 p.m. Motion carried unanimouSly. . . 5 5l9) CITY OF HUTCHINSON COllNT OF BUILDING/PLUMHIN';;/MECHANICAL PERMITS ISSUED AND VALUATION November 2006 No. of Permits Valuation . . Gara e Sin Ie Famil Townhouse Unit Window Re lacement - Residential Reside - Residential Reroof - Residential Residential Addition/Re air/Remodel Porch Accesso BId s sheds Deck'- Residential Fence Basement Finish Commercial - New Commercial Addition/Remodel Industrial- New Industrial AdditionlRemodel Buildin 5 Demolished Miscellaneous Mechanical Plumbin Si ns TOTAL PERMITS ISSUED AND VALUATION 150,500 17,000 3 4 5 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 4 1 6 3 3 4 7 18 15 3 88 469,000 482,000 1,514,380 837,020 1,744,000 1,268,000 75,075 I 6,556,975 I I' c,(Cl)\ . Hutchinson Fire Department Memo To: Mayor and City Council Members From: Brad Emans. Fire Chief Date: 12/01106 R... Monthly Update on Activities of the Fire Department The fire department responded to 26 general alarms in the month of November. Response Time (First Emergency Vehicle Out of the Door): . November - 4 minutes 35 seconds Example of a few of the calls: . . A homeowner in a northeast township was buming brush around one of his buildings, the building caught fire, burned down and the heat from that building melted the siding on the north side of the house, . We suspect that spar1\s from a spot welder started insulation and then the wall on fire in one of our manufacturing buiidings, . We responded to a report of gasoline leaking out of the ground at a residence in a township in northeast of Hutchinson. We were not able to determine where the gas was coming from so we shut down the power and contact the MPCA . We responded to a possible hazardous material leak in a residential property, the occupant and the animals were sick. We shut the gas off, and contacted medical services. . We responded to a manufactured home fire in a township northeast of Hutchinson. The home was heaviiy damaged by fire; the State Fire Marshall's Office is investigating. This Is the breakdown of the calls for the month: City: Residential 1 CommerciaVlndusbial 6 Multi-family 1 School 0 Carbon Monoxide 0 Hazardous Material 5 Vehicle 0 Rescue 0 Medical 1 Grass 0 Sky-Wam 0 Good Will 0 Mutual Aid 0 Structure FIres 1 Arson 0 . 1 ltJl a) :A . Rural: Rescue 4 Grass Type 2 Medical 1 Residential 2 Farm Building 0 Hazardous Material 1 Carbon Monoxide 0 Vehicle 0 Commercialllndusbial 0 Good Will 0 Structure Fires 2 Arson 0 Orilla I Meetings IOther Infonnation . We held our "Oath of Office" for the three new firefighte~s that completed Firefighter I certification, and 1- Responder certification. They each completed about 160 hours of training in the firefighting field. ' . All of our firefighters have completed the Federal Homeland Security "Incident command 100" and "Incident Command 700" series. . The officers conducted the annual firefighter reviews, each firefighter was reviewed on response. response participation, training, training participation, and skills competency. . Fire Prevention I Public Relations . . We escorted the high school swim team out of town on their way to the slate meet This is our way of saying that the FO is proud of their outstanding accomplishments. . We brought Santa Claus to town in a fire truck! . } I~ ;1 We conducted "basic fire safety - get to know the FO" classes for 8 different classes of pre-school age children. We participated in "Children's Book Week" at the elementary school by reading to the classes we were assigned to, . . . Page 2 t.Aa0 d-- Mnutes Hutchinson Public Ubray Board October 23. 2006 .Members present Julie Jensen, John Hassinger, Janet Vocek. Ann Vance and Mary Henke, Ex..()fficio Members absent Kay Peterson. John Paulsen. and Yvonne Jotnson President Julie Jensen caned the meeting to order. John Hassinger moved to approve the September 25tl1 minutes and Ann Vance. seconded. Motion passed. Reports: 1. Ploneerland Libray System (PLS) meeting on Oct. 19, 2006: Notes from Jade Sandberg were shared. Health insurance rates are going up with PLS paying $45O/month for single coverage and $653/rnonth for family coverage. PLS Is subscribing to the Rosetta Stone computer progam for 3 years for $4.600 from Mardag grant funds. Consultants from the PIoneer\and/ SAMMIE/Plum Creel; partnership project led a discussion among the PLS board for a final bit of input. 2. PLS Technology Committee report on Oct. 19. 2006: Mary reported that the committee continues to work on Internet and regstratlon poIides that wil be presented to the fuI . board for approval in the upcoming months. Beth Lunn, the Information Technology person shared with the commttee her priority list for wO/l( assignments for the IT department and invited suggestions and comments. 3. Minnesota Ubray Conference on Sept. 27-29: Julie Jensen. Sherry Lund end Mary Henl::e attended and found the sessions very Interesting and informative. Mary attended the public library administrative trocl::. Sherry the children's services tracl:: and Mia the Friends of the Ubrary trade. . Old Business: 1. Capital improvement projects A. Mary and Juie saw fabric samples from Faye and Dave's Upholstery and Kottl::e . Upholstery for the reupholstering of the libray's~. Kottl::e's Upholstery was chosen i because of thei' bid was lower and they had an attractive. suitable fabric for the pro]e!:t. B. A quote of $1.200 was recelved for refinishing the wooden chairs In the meeting roorn! We will delay action on this item. .' , C. Crow River G.IOSS wi be repladng the east entrance on Nov. 1, 2. and 3. I D. Meeting room decor. We brainstormed for ideas that would rnalce the meeting roorf1 interesting and inviting.. We decided to 1001:: into historical photographs of the IbrCI)/ and Library Square. Julie will hunt up some plcfures and the McLead County Museum. MPry and Julie will visit with Corby's for suggestions and will come bacl:: to the next meetin~ with examples. We need to have funds encumbered for this project by the end of the YEllOr and have the project cornpleted by Feb. 28, 2007. I 2. Community Forum on Alternative Energy on oct. 24. 2006. Board merrbers wII come at 6: 15 for set-up. The program wi be from 7:00-8:30 p.m. John Hassinger wi. serve as emcee. The event has been well publicized throughout the community and to the schools. John Hassinger Is arranging to have the program videotaped for the local cable br0ad- casting. Refreshments of coffee, apple cider and cool::ies will be served. ' New Business: ' 1. HaRdey gifts for the staff. Last year. Friends of the ll:Jrary funded gifts of Hutch BucI::s for the staff from $1 ()-4() depending on the number of hours worked per weel:: and Julie wrote a note for the cards. Julie will tall:: to the Friends about funding agaln this year. 2. The December board meeting will be cancelled because It fals on Decernber 25. John Hassinger moved to adjoum the meeting and the motion was seconded by Ann. Mation passed. Our next meeting wi. be on Monday, November 27 at 4:30 p.rn. . Respectfuly submitted, Janet Vacek. Co-Secretary ~l0.J3 . . . Charter Commission Minutes November 13, 2006 Members Present; Chair Mike Cannon, Deb Roepke, Linda Remucal, Roger Stearns, Judy Simons, Virgil Voight and Walt Clay Members Absent; Ron McGraw, Roger Peterson, Mark Cormier Mike Cannon called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Mr. Cannon noted that the meeting was called today to meet statutory requirements that the Charter Commission meet one time annually. Mr. Cannon further noted that an annual report needs to be submitted to the First Judicial District Chief Judge. He will contact City Attorney Marc Sebora to ask for his assistance with this as he has done in the past. A motion was made by Stearns, seconded by Simons, to approve the Charter Commission meeting minutes of October 3, 2005. Motion carried unanimously. The group noted that there are two seats open on the Charter Commission. The City has not received any interest to date from persons interested in serving. If any Commission members know of individuals that they think should be considered by the Chief Judge for appointment, they may forward them to Melissa Starke at City Center. However, the group felt that they will not actively seek candidates now, due to the fact that there are no issues before the Charter Commission and it may be another year before the Commission meets again. With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Remucal, seconded by Clay to adjourn at 4; 15 p.m. (p LQ) L.{ . ." 1-0 I U Za: <UJ -'al <0 all- U o . .' .! .1 .1 gl :[ .i l I- to >- Otol- UI-~ J:.JI-i ~l~ ~ ~i i a: :J -1 ~ jl a..: 10 "' I- Z -l)-i 2:1< "'I- '<C...J <( 0-1' -'I ~ Ji CL.~ol-li ) WI-' >10 a: ::>; I- Z 0.. , :JI:J ~ i: to~1 1-'. 1-..., 01 lJj ::> 1-1 ~ 1 r -" J' ~I g! .Ill, -I "I ", "I iii! ~ 01 '" ~. , ~ " " " '" " -N o ~ r-: ClJ 1 0 r .~ ~ iz < J Q. " o r-: '" o .,; " ~ I t 1 , I ~! ',~ 0' r' III I III oi lXl ~ I ci ct! ..... ....: q- -I - nM} r!: i I ~ -[ :!; I' M I i I I I Z I gzl I- 0' <~I O~I' UJ~ a:u Q.UJ U-Io::i o ful :iJ01 1-0' << UJ' ....J 1-: i!S ""I u iE, u :5: <~I to <I to I LLlJ: -' <<I 1-: 0' ....: ml (0 Q:' tf]eJ: UJol 0::0::: Cia.: o , 0:: z: D...>-li Z Z' 1-1 o~ ~, ZI- ou ~'" I-a:' Ul- ::>r.ni a: ZI I- o~ to u. 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'-.... ~.f') III flDoo , ~o 0 il(')lf) :nirJ ,~~ irdnl rdru ,j"':: '~~/'i~ , , . L :~ I~ ~I .~ l~ ~i ':::: Ii ~I 00 ..0 o-i - , ~ , 1- i i ! '1 I ii > I- H >u I- HO 01- OZ 1-0 H ZI- '0 ::;) H'" I-H ::;)a: ; I%l ?- HZ a:0 I-U Z O...J U.. I- o I- . . ........,...... I 'j I 1 1 I o If) ~ .. " ~ 1>, ~, _I l\I ~i ~r ~i I I r ~ 10 I~ I; I I I iR 1~ o '" o .. ~ If) .. .. ..;i I I I RI ~I ~I ..' -I 1'J. I I ! W '" o u Z H " Z H I- 4: '" l1.I W' .. r o 0; I I U. Z z, , o H I (Pli \ 5: RESOLUTION NO. 13087 . CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following; ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Video System 25,678.05 Squad car video system Central YES Digital Ally Garage Squad Cars $42,828 Replacement Central YES ELK River Garage 2007 Arrest & Booking $34,733 Replacement System Police See Police Central softrware & install Attached , , . .e following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR 7,003 Biodiesel 17,053 Use by MnDOT, McLeod HATS YES Cenex County & City vehicles Date Approved; Resolution submitted for Council action eMotion Made By; Seconded By; by; (j1)\ ....---- . . . a MEMORANDUM POLICE I EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: FROM: Mayor & Council. . ,/]/ Dan Hatten, Director of Poli~e / Emergency Management Servic~ DATE: Decemb(lr 5, 2006 RE: Booking System & Evidence Bar Coding .' . This memorandum is to request approvalirom the council to purchase a booking system and evidence bar coding system from Police Central at a cost of $34,733. Funding for this equipment I software in the amount of $20,000 was included in the 2005 budget. That money \Nas not spent in 2005 .and authorization was granted by Ken Merrill to be carried over to 2q~'Jhe additioQClJ~t.!Hd~ eI1.(lc::essary to cpJnplete this purchase will come from the followl~(<~R<!~l!dtPf~)'O"1jjQ~~/~ii!~Eltl~the police 2006 Capital Improve~ent bUdg~Wt.;;;~s'~g~~ailr:~r~etWfcf:~~cUOnIC~l?9l'8des. The remaininq $5,000 Will be m~"a,~o~t" II'l'th~<~Q06' Cap,~}f' l.trProY~nt budget to repla~ ~~~~~:s n~t t~e.~~~t~~~z~$~~~p~~?t~t~~i~;~t;'pyn:~ t:~m~~i~:;m B~:~ ;:nke authonZlng;~~~il~~,(l,;~,~s.;;~. ..<;i<i;';fF:t:.....?....... 2006-01-0008 Attachment 'I I, " [I (d'b)} . . . Dan Hatten From: Mary Henke [mar'y@hutchinson.lib.mn.us] Sent: Thursday, November 30,2006 9;35 AM To: Ken Merrill Cc: Dan Hatten Subject: 2007 Capital Improvements funds Page 1 of 1 Ken, Lee Wright talked to me about Dan Hatten's need for funds for a Police Depl project to be done this year. Because the Library Board, custodians and I decided not to do the $13,000 West Window Replacement project, I would like to offer these funds for Dan's project with my approval. We will be under budget on the library's other two projects; Library Door Replacement ($13,000) Ilnd Fumiture Replacement ($16,600). Mary Henke Head Librarian ~. .' . " ;' (Plb)) . ~1 ]\l( .i\ 1\11 The new software package form Police Central, based in Atlanta Georgia, will manage the . booking and arrest records along with and interface to our LiveScan finger print system. This software package will satisfy the needs of the Police Department along with the compatibility needed for our existing IT structure. . N 't;. L ~ t. :ii-" u f" i'<\ .!I~ () ",€"',\ .i<".~' ~~~. TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Tom Kloss, Director ofInformation TechnoIogy.yL RE: Police Booki"glMug Shot Software and Evidence Management DATE: 12/12/2006 Staff began research for a replacement of the current booking system in the fall of2005. A vendor and software package were chosen and presented to the council for approval on November 8111, 2005. During the detailed review of the software and services proposed by Image W~e Systems, prior to the purchase, it was determined that the services they would provide could not meet our requirements. We started the search again and found the vendor presented in this P.O. covers all aspects of our needs. We also had the vendor visit Hutchinson for a full demo. Police and IT staff ar~ requesting Council approval to move ahead with the project. loLb) \ Administrative Office 410 Fifth Street SW P.O. Box 327 WilImar, Minnesota 56201-0327 .hone: (320) 235-6106 nioneerland rLlBRARY SYSTEM I11111111111111111111111 Fax: (320) 214-0187 Date; November 17, 2006 To; City and County Administrators in the Pioneerland Service Area From; Jolm Houlahan, Director, Pioneerland Library System At their November 16th meeting, the Pioneerland Library System (PLS) Board directed me to seek cities and counties' support for the enclosed resolution. The PLS Board is asking each city and county in the Pioneerland Library System service area to approve and implement these resolutions. You are being asked to present this resolution to your respective governing body for their considemtion at their next scheduled meeting. As it states in the resolution, basic state and federal aid for Minnesota's regional public libraries has remained flat for over a decade and in the case of PLS it has declined. In 1992, Pioneerland received $447,749 in basic state and federal aid. In 2006, that same basic aid is expected to be $369,406 or a reduction of $78,343. Your support of this resolution is important in the communication necessary to inform legislators of the serious fiscal needs of Minnesota's regional libraries and those in . particular of the Pioneerland Library System. In behalf of the Pioneerland Library System Board, I thank you for you consideration of this matter and your continued support. Sincerely, P:: (-LQJL Jolm Houlahan, Director Pioneerland Library System . G, lb )~ Resolution No. 13088 . City Resolution in Support of State Aid . for' '. Minnesota's Regional Libraries Hutchinson (Name of City) · Whereas the regional public library systems In Minnesota provide an important service through library operations to the entire population of the State of Minnesota, and '. · Whereas, the regional public library systems are funded primarily through local tax levies, and by the State of Minnesota through Regional Library Basic System Support, and · Whereas the State of Minnesota has not Increased Its contribution to Regional Library Basic System Support In over a decade, and . · Whereas, the funding for regional public library systems has Increasing fallen on local property tax dollars, therefore, · Be It revolved, that the H,,~("hinAnn City I Council hereby requests Its legislative representatives and the . Governor to place a high priority on a substantial Increase In the' Regional Library Basic System Support appropriation during the 2007 leQlslative sessions, and, · Be It further resolved that the Hutchinson City Council hereby requests that the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) join the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) In supportln this Increase during the 2007 Legislature session. ATTEST 'I !I Ii Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Steven W. Cook, Mayor,' . f.t,t b)~ . . . Hutchinson City Center lU_StreetSE HatcbIoooa, MN S5350-ZSD 320-S87.S1S1IPu 320-234-4240 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: RANDY DEVRIES AND KENT EXNER SUBJECT: RESOLUTION OF APPUCATION FOR WWTF SRF FUNDING DATE: 12/6/2006 City staff recommends approval of the Resolution of Application for the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund in the amount of $15,011,000 (see attached). This is our application for a low interest loan through the State Revolving Fund (SRF) that will be utilized to fund improvements/upgrades to the Wastewater Treatment Facility. .PriDtod""=rcJcdpope<. (,(b)3 . Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Application Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund RESOLUTION NO. 13090 RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson ~s hereby applying to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for a loan from the Water Pollution Control Revolving. Fund for improvements to its municipal wastewater treatment system as described in the loan application. BE IT FURTIiER RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson estimates the loan amount to be $15,011,000 or the as bid cost of the project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Hutchinson has the legal authority to apply for the loan, and financial, technical, and managerial capacity to repay the loan and ensure proper construction, operation and maintenance of the project for its design life. . Reimbursement provision I BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED that the City of Hutchinson herby expresses its official intent to use proceeds of this loan to reimburse construction . expenditures made prior to the issuance of its general obligation bond to the Public Facilities Authority. I CERTIFY THAT the above resolution was adopted by the Hutchinson City Council on p.,,,,,,,mhPr 1 ?t-h 2006. SIGNED: WITNESSED II d ;1 I Steve Cook Mayor of Hutchinson Gary Plotz City Administrator . ... (oL1) :::> . . . PUBUCATION NO. ORDmANCENO. 0~0<<8 AN ORDmANCE OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA VACATING UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1, HANSONS SUBDIVISION OF PETERSON ESTATES, 320 JEFFERSON COURT &E. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of thl: City to vacate utility and drainage easements located in Hanson's Subdivision of Peterson Estates. Section 2. That the utility and drainage easements to be vacated are described as follows: Description for proposed easement vacation Lot 4, Block 1, Hanson's Snbdlvislon of Peterson Estates In Hutchinson: , Vacate the North 10.00 feet of the dedicated 20.00 foot wide drainage and utility easement lying northerly of and adjoining the south line Lot 4, Block 1, Hanson's Subdivision of Peterson Estates, according to the recorded plat thereof. The westerly line of said part of the easement to be vacated being the being the southeasterly line of the Northwesterly 10.00 feet of said Lot 4 and the east line of said part of the easement to be vacated being the west line of the East 10.00 feet of said Lot 4. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 12'" day of December,2006. ATTEST; Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor (., Cb) L{ . CITY ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN LOCAL UNIT AND COmITY THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the City of Hutchinson and the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, this 20th day of October . 2006 WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson wishes to abolish the Office of Assessor fur said City, under the provisions of Minnesota Statues Sections 273.024, and enter into an agreement with the County of McLeod to provide fur the assessment of the property in said City by the County Assessor: and WHEREAS, it is the wish of said County to cooperate with said City to provide for a fair and equitable assessment of 1" uyerty; . NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERA nON OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS HEREIN CONTAINED, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: L That the City of Hutchinson which lies within the County of McLeod and constitutes a separate assessment district, shall have its property assessed by the County Assessor of McLeod County, beginning with the assessment of the year 2007 . 2. It is further agreed that the office of local assessor of the City of Hu tchinson is hereby abolished, pursuant to this agreement and that such office shall cease to exist for the duration of this agreement, which shall be until December 31, 2007 3. In consideration fur said assessment services, the City of Hutchinson hereby agrees to pay the County of McLeod the annual sum of $ 51 , 885 . such payment to be made to the County Auditor 011 or bdOre December 1, 2007 5765 parcels @ $9.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement this day of In Presence Of; For City: Signed; By~~ Attest In Presence Of: ~~~~j Attest . I I I II :1 jl II I , ~lC:) . . . Memorandum TO; Mayor and City Council Brenda K. Ewin~an Resources Director City Employee H7t:ay Party FROM;' RE; DATE; December 7, 2006 . I The City of Hutchinson Employee Holiday Party is scheduled for Friday, December 15. Historically, the cost for the party has been covered by funds paid by the attending employees and retirees ;md funds collected by the employees through snack sales. The cost for the 2006 party is $7.00 per person plus tax and the required 15% Event Center catering fee. It is requested that the Council consider covering $3.00 of the cost of the party with the remainder of the cost to be paid with the employee snack funds. The City of Hutchinson Personnel Policy - Employee Handbook does allow the following in regards to employee events and the use of City funds; Unless approved by the city administrator, no employee shall receive pay from the city in addition to the salary authorized for the position to which the employee has been appointed. However, compensation in the form of an annual picnic, holiday activity, or tribute at a funeral, may be authorized by the city council to recognize the contributions of employees and/or board rnembers. It is requested that you review and consider this requested use of City funds. I will be in attendance at the Council rneeting on December 12 if you have any questions. eo0 ) . . . M E M () R A N o TO: Mayor & Ci!f Council FROM: Kent Exner, City Engineer RE: Consideration ofImprovement Project Change Orders DATE: December 12, 2006 u M As construction has proceeded on the below listed projects there have been additional work, project scope revisions and construction staging revisions. All of these items have been identified and deemed necessary to satisfactorily complete these projects. The following Change Orders are proposed to address these items: . Change Order No.4.,.. Letting No. 8/Project No. 01-21 - School Road NW (S.A.P. 133-117-10) Deduction of$0.25/ton for aggregate material not meeting the minimum crushing requirement of25%, Tbb total deduction is $3,127.22. This project has now been reconciled and can be finalized. I We recommend that the above Change Orders be approved in the amounts listed. . cc: Gary Plotz - City Administrator j 'I ! ~ II I. .' &A~) CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 '. ." CITY OF HUTCHINSON- ENGINI:ERING DEPARTMENT , , ' 111liMSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON .MN . 55350' (612)234-4209 . . ShHt h, 1 WTRACTOR: R & R E~cavatlnll . Lettlnll No. S Pro1~ No. 01-21 SAP. 133-117-10 805 Hwv 7 West, H'utchlnson MN 55350 ProIect Location: School Road NW . DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Deduct of$0.25/ton for aggregate material not meeting the minimum crushing reQuirement of 25%. Dated: 12/2312003 Item No. Spec. Ref. Item Name Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount . DECREASE ITEMS: t4, 2211.503 AGGREGA1E BASE (ev) CLASS 5 CUYD 6873.00 ($0.455\ ($3,127.22 . . TOTAL DECREASE ITEMS 1$3,127.22 . INCREASE ITEMS . , TOTAL INCREASE ITEMS $0.00 . . I I TOTAL DECREASE "$3,127.22 NET DECREASE 1$3,127.22 . , In accordance with the Contract and Specifications, the contract amount shall be adjusted In. the amounJ of $ 3,127.22 deduct\. An extension of -0. day shall be allowed for completion. New Completion Date I ORIGINAL CONTRACT PREVIOUS THIS TOTAL AMOUNT -;' ADDITIONS/DEDUCTIONS .A,llllmONlDEDUCTION $613,636.75 / ~ ~ ($7,393.79) ($3,127.22) $603,115.75 ,.,pPROVED; 1'~ ~ '/ APPROVED; I ~ QOndaetor Mayor ,~ : DATED;' /' /- ;i'- .;:? /? tJ & ij?;/f-~ , DATED: , - APPROVED: C d: ~ ,) _____ APPROVED; . Director of t'nolneerlno c~mlnlstrator //-/?:".,.b6 ;/,?- . DATED; . ~l~) . . . Chan2e Order No.2 Soonsor City of Hutchinson CHANGE ORDER LETTING NO. 11!PROJECT ~ TKDA Hutchinson Project No. Municinal NO. 06-13 AIP. 3-27-0056-06 SAP. 4304-21 ill21 Contractor Midland Bi-Fold Doors Inc. Soonsor's Address 1400 Adams Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 56258 Date Preoared 11/28/06 Amount of Contract $283,137.00 (original) $286,792.00 (revised) Contractor's Address IllO 7'" Street NE West Fargo, N.D. 58078 Comnletion Dates Contract Revised 120 Calendar Same Davs CHANGES ORDERED After bidding, the Owner elected to move the T-bangar building 50-feet to the northwest to facilitate aircraft circulation. Tbis move required installation of additional 3-inch PVC electrical conduit to the new location of the hangar meter center. This change includes sawing bituminous pavement, trenching, conduit installation, backfW and aggregate base, and bituminous patching to match the existing'surface. The requested price for this change is $3,655.00. This price has been reviewed and determined to be reasonable in accordance with the Contract Documents. APPROVED: CITY OF HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA By Title By Senio APPROVED: Date APPROVED: MnDOT AERONAUTICS S-PLANNERS I 2 /t.J !eX.. Date By. Regional Airport Engineer Date. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION IP I' i ~(-f) 0f;i~~~~Y~m~!~~n~~1~:W~~i~~~N~~~}~~;;B~ :>;'{{i.;,~~~:f1(~~$0~ii~~'L~J;\";' dH.ANG'E;fORDER~'NO'?Ji;!l(~'; ';"' l);;~~'I'~ SI"le8t 1 OfJt_,:-,.-_." -,' '~""<''":';''~;--t::i' ;,,\y:<1:,.l'.~ ,~;~!'.-,'- "',: _ -, ' ,~?;' _ ''';;Y''':O> _1 Midland BI-Fold Doors Letting No. 11 I Project No. 06-13 TRACTOR: 1110 7th St NE- West Fargo ND 58078 Project Location: Airport T-Hangar DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: "dditional cost for moving T-Hangar Bldg 50' to the NW, including additional 3" PVC electrical conduit, sawing bituminous pavement, "enching, conduit installation, backfill and aggregate base and bituminous patching to match existing surface. I Item No. II Spec. Ref.11 Item Name II Unit I Quantity Unit Price Amount INCREASE ITEMS: Additional costs associated wItI1 moving T -liangar Bldg 50' to I 1110 NW Lump Sum 1 $3,655.00 $3,655.00 $0.00 . TOTAL INCREASE ITEMS $3,655.0C . DECREASE ITEMS: TOTAL DECREASE ITEMS $0.00 NET INCREASE - - .. . $3,655.00 In accordance with the Contract and Specifications, the contract amount shall be adjusted In the amount of $ _3.655.00 (add)/(llell\lGtj. An extension of -0- days shall be allowed for completion. The original completion date shall not be changed. ORIGINAL '.; CONTRACT . PREVIOUS ADDITIONS/DEDUCTIONS THIS ADDITIONlC&CUCTlON TOTAL AMOUNT . . ..' ... .... ...' $277,300.00 $5,837.00 .,' ..... , $286.792.OQ $3,655.(JQ APPROVED BY CITY COU NCI L ON TH E 1 2TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2006 to ({) ~. , . . .-.--- Minnesota Department <>fPublic Safety' Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 Telephone 651-201-7507 Fax 651-297-5259 TrY 651-282-6555 Certification of an On Sale Liquor License. 3.2% Liquor liceose, or Sunday Liquor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types; I) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2%..on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or Co uing Liquor License \\ ura\'l\So'\\ License Period From: tu.. .4-1, ~~0;~7 . Circle 0 . New License ice';~ Transfer La"'\l\i~\\~r 'JL Suspension Revocation Cancel .: (former licensee name) . " (Give daLes) , License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale Intoxicating ~~ 3.2% On sale 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): Qn Sale License fee:S Sunday Lic nse ~ : $ \ aD 3.2%On Sale fee: $ 3.2% Off Sale fee: $ Licensee Name: LrAVl\ \i "leX lO~1\ 11. eM. DOB \\)-'3.nO Social Security # L\,\~- ,1{-l\C\i),l\ Lo..."'f\('\i5h4e<"JI (co~ration, artne!'Ship. LL .orlndividual) ,...w"B?sin~~~~'41'\)\~\\~\ 1\- Business Address \0\\ ~\l\'ll\ \S City ~u~NOf\ Zip Code 5SSS:0 County Ntot\ _B~siness Phone So <;!;,-\O\O Home Phone S<cv "t.S\\ Home Address \C\b ~b f\~~~ c. \{(,\~City \\ u\t\il\ iOf\ Licensee's MN Tax lD # (J ') S<~ ::;}.. (ToApplycaJ16S1-296-6181) . Licensee's Federal Tax lD # (To app1y call IRS 800-829-4933) I f above named licensee is a co'l'oration, partnership, or LLC, complete the followinll for each partner/officer. 'S~ -ThQlI\\). L(),"\'\OYlV-\\\l \0-1\-\0 Ln'3,-,!.t l.\l\o-<\ \C\~~b 1l'~1" Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # (Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # C;f c\Q. Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance ce ificate must contain all of the following; I' I) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license, 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the licensei! I' Circle One: (Yes No) During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Li~bi1ity Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: Policy # I Certify that this license(s) has been approved in an official meeting by the governing body of the city or county. City Clerk or County Auditor Signature Date (title) On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To obtain the . application for the Buyers Card, please call 651-215-6209, or visit our website at WWW.dDs.state.mn.us. (Fonn 901 )-5/06) [pL~) . Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, SI. Paul, MN 55101-5133 Telephone 651-201-7507 Fax 651-297-5259 TIY 651-282-6555 Certification of an On Sale LiQuor License. 3.2% LiQuor license. or Sundav LiQuor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this fonn to certify the issuance of the following liquor license types: I) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% ,on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or Co uing Liquor License VtutLl,\1\SOf\ License Period From: ty.,.. J-1, }6l)~0: Ma ,('J" -3 lJ1JD7 Circle 0 , New License icense Transfer Lo"'\l\i~\'\ti -:II. Suspension Revocation Cancel (fonner hcensee name) (Give dates) ~ License type: (circle all that apply) On Sale Intoxicating \..2unday Liquor ~ 3.2% On sale 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License fee:$ Sunday Lic~nse fe : $ \ CiO 3.2% On Sale fee: $ 3,2% Off Sale fee: $ Licensee Name: LD\K\ \i V\~{ LO\\l\ Q./.:'" 0-\ DaB \0-1\-,0 Social Security # L\\~-\l.\-l\C\d.~ i ()...>"t\I'\ iSh1e.c.IL (corporation, artnership. LL , or Individual) ~'B&ln~;:-T~J~~'I~"fo\l\;~~\:\\ Business Address \0\\ ~\\\l.~ \S City \-\llr~~\\.SOf\ Zip Code ~SSSO County \,\c\toi\ Business Phone 50 S(y. \0 \0 Home Phone S ","Y 'is \ \ Home Address \(\,6 't,D f'-<).W~l<.t C,((,\~ City \\ \.l\i\\l\ ~O\\ Licensee's MN Tax ID # () ') :;<:C) d-- (To Apply call 651-296-6181) . Licensee's Federal Tax ID # (To apply call IRS 800-829-4933) If above named licensee is a corporation, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner/officer: -S~i '\\Qlt\iJ..;. L()."ch~v'\\\~ \0-1\-\0 1.\'\"3,'--\1\- L\l\o..(\ \tJ,~8b '{t\~:i"Ql\j Partner/Omcer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address C;l (h (Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DaB Social Security # Home Address Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DaB Social Security # Home Address Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability I nsurance to this fonn. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: I) Show the exacllicensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completel~e license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license, Circle One: (Yes @louring the past year has a summons been issued 10 the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: E;~r .. i ('(1<'1 tll O~.) , Policy # r II) e . (/> Lj lJ!(/ q1 ;)... I Certify that this license(s) has been approved in an official meeting by the governing body of the city or county. City Clerk or County Auditor Signature Date (title) . On Sale Intoxicating liquor licensees must also purchase a $20 Retailer Buyers Card. To ohtain the application for the Buyers Card, please call 651-215-6209, or visit our website at www.dos.state.mn.us. (Form 9011-5/06) (p (~~> ~u\~ :.IIIJ":.I..~t- ii~.&"'.l'ltI~R'....,;,. ~.t:.-..lIE'i"I.I. ....'_.I~il1.l..i.u....l.JL' Robert Schneider Wed 29 Mar 2006 07:22:28 AM CST Page 2 of 2 , FURTH- MElLE INSURANCE INC PO BOX 635 ISSUt DAn (MWDOtYY) ,03/2:9/06 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INPORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICAlE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR AL TEA THE COVERAGE AFFORDED 8Y THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Fl' ~R NEW ULM MN 56073 ~~~~~N'" A FOUNDERS INSURANCE COMPANY NSURED f~~~NY B LAMPLIGHTER II FAMILY SPORTS BAR & GRIL DBA: LAMPLIGHTER II lOa HWY lS S Em~~NV c f~~i~'" 0 HUTCHINSON MN 55350 f~~;n E THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POlICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITlOI>I OF ANV CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCU~ENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUB.JECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDlTIONSOF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN ,REDUCED BY PAID C~IMS., TYPE: OF INSURAMaE POLICY NUMBER POLICY ~FFE:CTIV~ !'OLleY tJl,PIflATION OAn IMMtOPfnl O.lI\T"E IMMIOOI't'YI UIIII'I. GENER.I\L. AGGREliATE I PRODUC1S-COMPIOP I\GG, . PERSONAl .. ADV. . INJURY I EACH OCCURREMCE . 'IHI; DAMAlJt (Aft'{ .... lire) I IolEO. OPENSE CAnt one.....-.nJ . AUTOM08ILE LIABIUTY .IoNY AUTO .loLL OWNED AUTOS SGHIEDULED .l\UTOIl HIRED AUlOS N()N.OWMED AUTOS GARAGE UAIIIUTY UloISREUA FOAM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM COMbiNED SINGLE . LlloIlT llOOIL.Y INJURY . C Pel pe,lO/l) BOOIL V l,.jt/l'lY . IP., ..c~nl) PROPERTY PAM.l\GE I EACH OCCURRENCE , AGGREGATE' . ~~ as LIABILITY WORK!R'S COMPEN$A'TIOH AND ,EMPLOYERS' UMIlUTY DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT I DISEASE-EIICtt EMPLOYEE . OTH!!R A LIQUOR LIABILITY LLMNO00365 4/01/06 04/01/07 $1,000,000 PER OCC $1,000,000 AGG DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONS/VIEHICl.ES/SPEClALITlEMS LOCATION: lon HWY 1.S s., HUTCHINSON,. MN 55350 ITY OF HUTCHINSON 1.11 HASSAN STREET SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES 9E CANCEllED lIEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER N~MED TO THE LEFT,Xl>>%~XIl~}'4! ~~ m~~~~ AIITHOIll%ED REPRESENTATIVE ~~.~~j:' .~' . ~. ~ ~. :.~..' ~. ~:i. l" " : ~... :' i" .; lnl5) . . . TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Melissa Starke, Administrative Coordinator DATE: December 7, 2006 SUBJECT: License Renewals for 2007 The following business/organizations have submitted applications and payment for 2007 licenses; 2007 LICENSE RENEWALS Taxi Cab License I. Quality Transportation, Inc, Tobacco Licenses I. American Legion Post 96 2. Casey's General Store 3. Cash Wise (Coborn's) 4. Econo Foods #333 5. Food-n-Fuel 6. Freedom Valu Center 7. Hutchinson Outpost, Inc. 8. Lamplighter Lounge II 9, Little Duke's (Coborn) 10. Murphy USA 11. Phillips 66 12. Pipe Dreams 13. Speedway Super Arnerica #4315 14, Walmart Pawn Shop 1, Security Coin & Pawn Shop Massaee Licenses I. Hutchinson Therapeutic Massage Center 2. Red Clover Massage & Wellness i! ,I ! ,f II f c.oL h ') : / . 1. The City of Hutchinson is looking into a local sales tax option. A local sales tax would have to be used for specific purposes, sunset after projects are paid and be approved by local voters, Knowing this would you be open to the idea of a local sales tax for the following? Strong! y Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don't Support Support Oppose Onnose Know Street Imnrovements Recreational Facilities Sewer Improvements Park Improvements Water Improvements Trail Development Crow River Clean-up Aquatic Center Industrail Park Development Storm Water Improvements Joint City - School Facilities . 2. As the City of Hutchinson establishes funding priorities please rate the following service areas and your willingness to support them with tax dollars? Public Safet Police - Fire) Parks & Recreation (Senior service, Libra ,Families Infrastructure (Streets, Water, Sewer City Services (Planning, Environment, Code Enforcement, Livibili ) Economic Development (Housing, Downtown) Strongly Don't ose Know . : .~ . 3, Relating to the City of Hutchinson taxes, fees and charges. Would you be willing to pay more, less or about the same for City services~ . Somewhat More About the Same Somewhat Less Don't KnO\v 4. Students are often given the grades of A,B,C,D and F to denote the quality of work, Suppose the public schools in Hutchinson were graded in the same way. Please grade the following areas related to Hutchinson Public Schools? A B C D F Don't Know Overall Delivery of Educational Services Condition of Hutchinson Public School Facilities Financial Management of the School District 5. Would you favor or oppose a School District Referendum to accomplish the followina? . Favor 0 ose 6. A local referendum would increase your local property taxes, At what level of increase would you be willing to pay~ $100 a ycar $150 a year $200 a year $250 a year $300 a year Not willing to pay any additional cost . j " . 7. Do you believe City Services are heading in the right direction or are they on the wrong track? Right Track Wrong Track Don't Know Please comment on your answer. . . .. , 'I I -I I I i i I ! - . The City of St. Cloud Citizen Survey SURVEY BACKGROUND -_._~---------~---"'-------'---'--'-"--'-'"~--'-'-~",-----~_.__._._----~,._._---_..~-,~~. - ",'---_._.'-----~-"_.,-~ About The National Citizen Survey ™ ---~----~-----~-----'--- The National Citizen Survey~ (The NCS~) is a collaborative effort between National Research Center, Inc. (NRC) and the Intemational City/County Management Association (ICMA). The survey and its administration are standardized to assure high quality survey methods and comparable results across The National Citizen Surveym jurisdictions. Participating households are selected at random and the household member who responds is selected without bias. Multiple maJings give each household more than one chance to participate with self-addressed and postage paid envelopes. Results are statistically re-weighted to reflect the proper demographic composition of the entire community. The National Citizen Surveym customized for this jurisdiction was developed in close cooperation with local jurisdiction staff. The City of St. Cloud staff selected items from a menu of questions about services and community problems; they defined the jurisdiction boundaries NRC used for sampling; and they provided the appropriate letterhead and signatures for mailings. City of St. Cloud staff also determined local interest in a variety of add-on options to The National Citizen Survey'. Basic Service. ~ " ~ o u -;-; c o ;:f , '" ~ ;i E , ,.~. '0 > '; " fl (5 ~ c ~ ( __~~~ of Normative Compariso~~ 1 . , r: T I -I I I I I i I ! -i i I I I i I I i = I. & C I " I' .~ ~ rr: ~ c Ig Il i }; I !g I - 1 ~ I' '~, ?; .I~ ,- The City of St. Cloud Citizen Survey ApPENDIX B: SURVEY METHODOLOGY The National Citizen SurveyN was developed to provide local jurisdictions an accurate, affordable and easy way to assess and interpret resident opinion about important community issues. While standardization of question wording and survey methods provide the rigor to assure valid results, each jurisdiction has enough flexibility to construct a customized version of The National Citizen Surveym that asks residents about key local services and important local issues. Results offer insight into residents' perspectives about local govemment performance and as such provide important benchmarks for jurisdictions working. on performance measurement. The National Citizen SurveyN is designed to help with budget, land use and strategic planning as well as to communicate with local residents. The National Citizen Surveym peirnits questions to test support for local policies and answers to its questions also speak to community trust and involvement in community-building activities as well as to resident demographic characteristics. S~mpli~__________ Approximately 1,200 households were selected to participate in tI,e survey using a stratified systematic sampling method.3 An individual within each household was selected using the birthday method" Survey Administration ..._._-----~--_.._----- Selected households received three mailings, one week apart, beginning November 23, 2005. The first mailing was a prenotification postcard announcing the upcoming survey. The next mailing contained a letter from the city administrator inviting the household to participate, a questionnaire and postage-paid return envelope. The final mailing contained a reminder letter and another survey and postage-paid rerum envelope. Completed surveys were collected over the following five weeks. !tesp011:se Rate and C_onfidenc~ Intervals of the 1,133 eligible households, 440 completed the survey providing a response rate of 39%. Approximately.77 addresses sampled were "vacant" or "not found.5" In general, the response rates obtained on citizen surveys range from 25% to 40%. The sample of 3 Systematic sampling is a method that closely approximates random sampling by selecting every Nth address until the desired number of hooseholds is chosen. ~ The birthday method Is a process to remove bias in the selection of a person within the household by asking the ~person whose birthday has most recently passed~ to complete the questionnaire. The underlying assumption in this method is that day of birth has no relationship to the way people respond to surveys but leaving selection of respondent to household members will lead to bias. ~ "Eligible" households refer to addresses that belong to residences that are not vacant within the City of 81. Cloud. ____,_--E~ort of Results 46 r' ,I 1 I I 1 . I I 1 . c C ~ u -::t I 6 .~ ill ! r- , i ! The City of St. Cloud Citizen Survey Appendix B: Survey f..1e,hodQ1ciJY households was selected systematically and impartially from a list of residences in the United States maintained by the U.S. postal service and sold to NRC through an independent vendor. For each household, one adult, selected in an unbiased fashion, waS asked to complete the survey. In theory, in 95 cases out of 100, the results based on such samples will differ by no more than 5 percentage points in either direction from what would have been obtained had responses been collected from all St. Cloud adults. This difference is also called a "margin of error.6" This difference from the presumed population finding is referred to as the sampling error. For subgroups of responses, the margin of sampling error is larger. In addition to sampling error, the practical difficulties of conducting any survey of the public may introduce other sources of error. For example, the failure of some of the selected adults to participate in the sample or the difficulty of including all sectors of the population, such as residents of some institutions or group residences, may lead to somewhat different results. Weighting and An_alyzing the Data The surveys were analyzed using the SPSS statistical package. Frequency distributions and average (mean) ratings are presented in the body of the report. The demographic characteristics of the sample were compared to those of the City of St. Cloud as reflected in the information sent by staff to National Research Center, Inc. When necessary, survey results were statistically adjusted to reflect the known population profile, :;.! Generally, only two variables are used in a weighting scheme. Known population characteristics are compared to the characteristics of survey respondents. Generally, characteristics chosen as weighting varia1les are selected because they are not in proportion to what is shown in a jurisdiction's demographic profile and because differences in opinion are observed between subgroups of these characteristics. The socioeconomic characteristics that were used to weight the survey results were gender/age and tenure. Other discrepancies between the whole population and the sample were also aided by the weighting due to the intercorrelation of many socioeconomic characteristics, although the percentages are not always identical in the sample compared to the population norms. The results of the weighting scheme are presented in the table on the following page. ~ 8 ~ D:: ~ > -'.:J A ~ > 'i '0 e The margIn of error was calculated using the following fonnula: 1.96 .. square root (0.25/400). This margin of error is calculated in the most conservative way. The standard error was assumed to be the greatest for a bi.nomial distribution: 50%150%. ____m~_~~_~g-P~~_~{.g':.~l..lh~____.___.,_~__ 47 . r I .1 I I I I I I .1 I I I ,L' ~ I (fi i '= ! ~ i :.e 1 r~ .I!~ i I! The c;~ty of St. Cloud Cltizen Survey ApPENDIX C: SURVEY MATERIALS _ _~~_,___,_~~_m ""____,__._,__.~__________.. ,___..__._,._______,____,.___~________.________.__~____ The following pages contain copies of the survey materials sent to randomly selected households within the City of St. Cloud. All households selected for inclusion in the study were first sent a prenotification postcard informing them that they would he receiving a questionnaire within the following week. A week later, a cover letter and survey were sent, with a postage paid retum envelope. Two weeks later a second cover letter and survey were sent. The second cover letter asked that those who had responded not do so again, while urging those who had not yet retumed their surveys to please do so. .2 5 o (., :;; ~ Q: " ~ " i ~ D , Report of Re,ult, 49 , . Cltyof~t t ~ ~~:'StCloud ..... Minnesota omCE OF THE MAYOR November 2005 Dear St. Cloud Resident: The City of St. Cloud wants to know what you think about our community and municipal government. You have been randomly selected to participate in St. Cloud's 2005 Citizen Survey. Please take a few minutes to fill out the enclosed Citizen Survey. Your answers will help the City Council make decisions that affect our community, You should find the questions interesting and we will definitely find your answers useful. Please participate! . To get a representative sample of St. Cloud residents, the adult (anyone 18 years or older) In your household who most recently had a birthday should complete this survey. Year of birth of the adult does not matter. Please have the appropriate member of the household spend a few minutes to answer all the questions and return the survey in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. Your responses will remain completely anonymous. Your participation in this survey is very important - especially since your household is one of only a small number of households being surveyed. If you have any questions about the Citizen Survey please call (320) 255-7201. Please help us shape the future of St. Cloud. Thank you for your time and participation. Sincerely, ./V'-V'- , ""V\ L- Michael Williams City Administrator . 320255,7201 - Fax 32.255.7293 - TOD 320.6503383 400 2"Street Soolh- Sl aoud, MN 56301-3699 htto:lfcLstcloudmn U.'l "'I'bl City of St Cloud, Minnesota will not discrirninde on the basis of color, creed, reli~Q1l:\mional origin. ge\, disability, age. IllIri1aI status, sllItus with reprl to public assistance. farilialSlatus or ...ua1 orienIation.' Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with dl:!l8.bilitiel to participate in an city services, JX'OtPI1IS and activities. r THE CITY OF ST. CLOUD 2005 CITIZEN SURVEY I I 1. Please circle the number that comes closest to your opinion for each of the fallowing questions: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know How do you rate S1. Cloud as aplace to live? .......................................1 2 3 4 5 ,H.-o.....,.,.W'<;.1 o'''"Z''~u-' .r.''Ka"te'''''['y.'.'o-'u'''r..'''n..~e.l.g..'fib.'.om'o'.o'd. "a' s....a R'lac"e''f't'o''''live''? ,~'""t/'t"['['ij},~ "'I'~1 :ft~1,':3tf:f!2" ~ .', ,~, ',~ .:r3',,~~4i:.,':t1;fK1'~1!t':!1'5..'11ii.J,0"i;f . ".___J..H, .,YQ...,.; _.,J ~.,..,,\...., ~~. '. J ..~,,' ,,,=,'_. . ..,,' ...,..........,...'c:.:..~f;;;1i'liN'" '~';S&0 ;,;, ,,~;JtJ!' ....&""',;;..dtJ..kd&.>a;~~!$L...~,16 How do you rate St. Cloud as a place to raise children?....................... 1 2 3 -1 5 :Hqyrd?7Y.O'uEitel s.t~:<;~jg:@;@~Cj~'R~J9;y;,21~~C. .~.... :'..... ..:'.. ..J.t, ,;.~.:::~".':j1~~;;.1:j,;f:. .~:~~tm~~~~1f[,~~flTI:;W~Jr5~:;. How do you rate S1. Cloud as a place to retire? .......... ..........................1 2 3 4 5 ,B9:w~'QI:tycrn:'f~~tb~'~qy:ef~lr:qTl~Jify:QLI(tELI~~t:.G!qu:g?,W':.~;'!?~.. .~~ .'~ ]~~~1r .~18~1JJ[t~1EF. '~3~~E4~~'::'....1i$ditt:~ 2. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to St. Cloud as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know .lfiiji91~~~~;.~i~W~;fJ~~ 1 2 3 4 5 Overall appearance of St. Cloud ............ ...............................................1 2 3 4 5 :QrRrQ.Ij::yQtl~irt(j~!i~rig;ful.~LJ.ra,!:~.~JiyiM.~1'PJ~!;i'?;~'hE!:'J';';;"~~l'f;~:;,,~.:.~:.~1i!;1;7t~1~lt.;i2.:1i\"'s;:~i~lf~j;i'S~V~1~a~ Shopping opportunities..........................................................................1 2 3 4 5 tt}ill:'91:ia!LtYi~~':~;~~:~]~1[":ar2~J1~~~~~~~.:i;141~~~3~~;);:{k'r!:~.... ,~'!:~. .~.1~~;y11~.!t1~llir?y~~2_"af~r!~~~!f,:j~~~~~~t~~$j~'yJ ~~~~ir~~~~~~~,i~.~;:,~~~'!,~i~[~.~i~~~t-t~~ .~~'1}Th'}[ffora~ple:qm{QjY::fnH~]a~~J~:~):;I?~~:W5'?;.:,.'". .If.. " !::;j,:i';:,jr~0?t~:1];t1;;,lki:'SS;~f1~$0ii~"~$j;j!f;~~:.1:4.]'JI~!.~5j,;:triJ Access to affordable quality health care.....................,............________...__.1 2 3 4 5 8Qs:.~2?jp:~tfQ[C!9~iffi1:(m~..~IjJY:tfQg~;ff.~~iri;,i1~;t(tJ~:;RJ~.::..,.;-;. y; ;::l~Nt;,~:'f::~::;:;~:1~::~;;j~{~~;?j;t2iil'fjf~jlk~~w~,~4~m;t1&Il:t?:Dtsi Ease of car travel in S1. Cloud ...............................................................1 2 3 4 5 ~E^a~e!Qt1t;J!m^(@T~]ill~$.1KGI.~lJ.~JD;':I;)l:'li~~;~~~.; .~~?!:,. :;:\'{'~~~f0!~~:;~;i~&;~~~~~bf2~]!~t\~~i.~~~]~);Thm~)r.~;r~~~ ;~~g~~f~~~[[qJ,f~~~f.21~J~~~~~~~j~~ri,~(j~;i:';.:~;:~~~:~;if,j~:-::h~&-f~~~,:':~~~'~:'::~ ::':.!:k~0;~!1gii~1~::1~,~1f.:::'&,Ll,;lili~~tj[~ir;rr~~~]u!~~ :8~~r3!~~g7Jl~fR1i;it6(~ttQi~G.~~i;,:.:~:~~~l~~~.:~:[t~.:',:'[~.j:i: ::!i,:~),: ~!~~:Sft~1il!~]j~~'i:<\.~;;,:;."~~ljf;i~l~'4'ii~jp~i~{1~;r~'f.~~~]:'1i1W~~ Overall quality of new development in St. Cloud ............................... ....1 2 3 4 5 3. Please rate the speed of growth in the following categories in st. Cloud over the past 2 years: Much Somewhat Right Somewhat Much Don't too slow too slow amount too fast too fast know Population growth..,......................................................... 1 .... 2 3.. 4 . . 5. 6 Bej~!L'9fQ~Jll.(~Jqffi~.~r~stai.it~I.lt~~etq:):'1f:::Ji!t~;~~r.r~;~::'}~.~r~~fj:~~i~1l~flr21l~~\f;:~~3ii1Atr~0:iJ;1-41f...L5.,~t.~ji!Ji Jobs growth .........................................."............."..........1 2 3 4 5 6 I I I i i i I i I i II' ~~ National Citizen SurveyTM 1 A _1_11___ ... -. u__ _ ____.u__ Page 1 of 5 The City of 51. Cloud 4. To what degree, if at all, are the following problems in St. Cloud: Not a Minor Moderate Major Don't problem problem problem problem know Crime ................................................................ ..................... ................1 2 3 4 5 [QI1J9[~i;it;:~[:~c~.zt:~j~~Z'::;,i,J;i~~~~;~~:.~t;.~~D:~~tjfN:l~~~~t~~~t~~1"1~~~1~:[f11:1!BI~mr:i;~i~ Too much growth ................................... ........... ..................... ................1 2 3 4 5 h?FK!Qf;fjlli~f'~;'~;l~:1i~[~~..~.=.~l~~~Iitt~t~];~~J:~.;,:~;.~~~d'1~f~~j~gl:fL~IT1~.;j~~Y:"'4.,~. ~\~.1~13~ GrClmti ....................................................................................................1 2 3 4 5 Run down buildings. weed lots. or junk vehicles ...................................1 2 3 4 [?&~:~j~~~~~~~~~~~:;.~~i;~.fit~~~,._.~~~~f ~:~~~~.!'.J:~.~~~~I~~\~~;,~:;~;:~:?~~~:~~~. .~::~~~:~~7-~~ . ;~jl:1M~~~~~~j:!;rf.w.~r~I:~~r~~~~~~.~~~ ~~~~f~[~:~~Gt~:~~tt~rf~~~~;~~~ijJ~~~~i,~if'~~~~k~f:t~~:t~~~~t~d~~~i~8;;I~~~~JJit,~t:,.j~~(~Ui~J~~4!ili!~~r;ill[i'Jl; ':::l'~ Homelessness .................. ..........................................................1 2 3 4 5 ,,4 Absence of communications from the City of St. Cloud translated into ~C!rni~{~~~~~Ji~~~)~~,~~~~~:lJ1TI:~~~i~f~~:1!1~~1;~~:~3i~,i: ~~;~iil~;~i~'f~~r~~J~~~!~~l"'f'[~? i"~~~~"; Toxic waste or other environmental hazard(s) ..............:.......................1 2 3 4 5 ~~~~~':;,p,;~40~r:k~ ~5L'*~~ 4 5 5. Please rate how safe you feel from the following occurring to you in St. Cloud: Very Somewhat illIfe safe Violent crime (e.g., rape, assault,robbery) .....................1 2 )emj:[ltr1Y[~fiiTl~~'(~~:g.H/.q.t!tgJ~tY;!tff~h):~~~;?tf.t%~~lq~f:t::;:Zl'rj~\,;fiitB? Fire .................................................................................. 1 2 Neither safe nor unsafe 3 Somewhat unsafe 4 Very Don't unsafe know 5 6 '5,a~;]t.~,~1f19,~~ 5 6 3 4 6. Please rate how safe you feel: Very Somewhat Neither safe safe safe nor unsafe In your neighborhoCld cfuring th~ day,:..:..,..:.,~:.:.............: 1.. . .... 2....,..,...3 rlQ!.yQ]ti.i]Jgl;JiqIn99:.qI?,@f:q~[~stJ~~lJ'~~~~'tJ:#~~~s;;'~i1~ .!::;I1~~qf~ri[2;10:1'~i':1?t~~~Wff>~lt In St. Cloud's downtown' area during the day... ............... 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 In Sf. Cloud's parks during the day.................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 :mllit;sGj~~~iRa.rgs~~efsJaI~:t:~~!!~~~:,:;~~'!:~:.;:'fsj~.j~~:~~'~;"'7~2 .,.~.;~ Somewhat unsafe 4 Very unsafe 5 Don't know 6 7. During the past twelve months, were you or anyone in your household the victim of any crime? o No -+ Go to question #9 0 Yes -+ Go to question #8 0 Don't know 8. If yes, was this crime (these crimes) reported to the police? o No 0 Yes 0 Don't know <3 .E ai' c Ql o J:; <.J ffi Ql <n Ql e::: c;; c .!2 ro z \() o o C';'l ~ o <:> N @ 9. In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members participated in the following activities in St. Cloud? Once or 3 to 1 2 Never twice times Used Sf. Cloud public libraries or their services....................................1 2 3 ""'i1I'_:,>4.........- 'If . ...... ~ .~w.,_.~~.t>.: -c ~ ~l...r.ro:'i't.'t:r.JP"~,,..: -~:o- 'i~ , I ~l.'-~~q~$l~~r.CIQuQ' recreatI9f1~~fJtgrs*'~~:!::. 6. ,-:~;;~i* :\~. ':~. __ ~::?_.~~i;~:~~~~', 1,"!,.f:3 ,f'~r,ticip.~te?J.n..?. re.zreat~<?C' prog,ram or a~tiv.ity ......:....;.:::::.:.:.::.:.:.:;.:..;.;...;;.1 ~ .' 2. ,".' ,3... ." 4, . ..... 5.. . :gi~il~La,IIf~g5,RQfIiQmf9I:..G!!Y.::'P[(~Jh't:~::r;'.;}.:~~:;~1;i;?i':?~.';';};~1;,,: ~.;E~~~f,J~d:~",~;;:i4:i'J,f,ft~!,Gm~ii'3. Lt~~I..,..,~~x,4:;~)~(!~~:~~f))mf0jl Ridden a local bus within S1. Cloud.......................................................1 2 3 4 5 AttencTea'a'rneetin.~ol r9C~eel~ctea:offfGJa[sfor,otl1~~: localj5ublic: ~~flfffi,@~iillg~!t~l~ ,t!:t~Hrr1}~Jf~~;t~~~~}~~~~f:~::~~~t~<<;~~l~{{!~~i;"!:~~j\t,,,,.,,.;.,., Watched a meeting of local elected officials or other local public meeting on cable television.............................................................1 2 3 4 5 .B~rC1e.((J[~~Jff;1p.~r,~f>~~riR:Q[f..l?Q!flE?~Ji::c5.m ;YQutDQme ';~:i:::.~:;7.':..Jt:~, ~1~::1~~1~[',1~;,'c\ii2,Lt\.~ ~1j,~~ ~E~Z~~;ji1.:.4'~ffi;-,::i:.~~:~ ~;iffJ. Volunteered your time to some group/activity in S1. Cloud.................... 1 2 3 4 5 L8!ia'd~$J~g.lQy~J1N~)Y~It[ft~r,tJ.:?!~'!Y::~.~.:r~';~:~:f!gij': {::~ :~8;,~:?j,~,~!~i"~!;.;~~,,',,:::J:!~Wo~r~:.:h:,~$.i:\i\;fu~4,,;~i'}s,n;~~:3M~l.....~;~4:~;~:iilt;!f,lkk~l!?1~'~r0iM Used the Internet for anything ,.............,..........,..,..........,.......................1 2 3 4 5 ;Q~~(~1tf~~lnH~m~ft(?fq?r~:[c:fJ5.p~Ille~.s:wftr(',~GCI()1jcG~~:;:~l.:;';1?:rzi~;~~~:;}'Z~n:ii:;:::':::~~~:415~ 5u6~~\:~.3 Purchased an item over the Internet ........................................."..........1 2 3 I I I i I I I I ; i I I I I I I , I I I !b; Na~~3.!..~~~e.~_~.rv~yTM ~_._~_._~.__..__.___ _" _.___,_,__._.._ I 13 to 26 times 4 More than 26 times 5 ~ >. <ll 2: ::l (f) c Ql ~ U ro c .Q ro z <ll J:; J- 4 Page 2 of 5 The City of S1. Cloud 10. How do you rate the quality of each of the following services in S1. Cloud? , Excellent ~ooq Fair Poor Don't know Police services.......................................................................................1 2 3 4 5 ~.I....re~s..erv."'.I..ce'.,-st';~5j;;\~70,ITt$;::"~~~~i::;;Td:iicj",~j{\jly~l>':\',~(,gi~1'$.''lJl:'.~1.'',..~''rj''';fi2t4S*!Nj~3' ~~~1.'"h. ..~~m'5 ~"~"I ~~.......~~J.6..~.::.:~:~~i~:ij::~,;:~..:..:.::~.,....7.:...~~~;\::.!'iT~~~.~~.!i~~~li..~~~~~].~..~~~~~~~~~~.~,...:.&JK1Et~~~~., ~..l., ~,~t~..~~;~~ Crime prevention ...................................................................................1 2 3 4 5 ~i:i~QleyentiQiJThhQ:'ea~~~jioJ:l~~'~r'f!~~!f,'l~~r;\~~(i.~lj!}~2:!Iz~1D~iif[~~i~f31It~1f4jl_iMl5i1t;~ Traffic enforcement ...... ......... ...... ........... ...................... .......... ........... .....1 2 3 4 5 G~i'g'@]91lect.LOl1}~if~'G~~~l:';~~~!~~r:~~~f~ir~~!~~~[f,~~;~;J;;.:~[l?!j~3?~r;t~j~;jf~1~~~g,:L~ ~~:.~Ji11fj;,~1t:~n:~::!';lfu:.~'.. Recycling ............................................... ..................... ........... ........... .....1 2 3 4 5 ~Y ar9J.~a1(~~piS!<..1!p~11..7~~:~6::.:..~FiJ~~~~~;~f~:{:~~::m.~;:~ ~ .~~~~~g!~lt!.. '0' :.~':'~. .:~:~f~;.:~1.~~:?~1~~fi~mI~~~~~~Wi~1f:3IJb]~~;~1l~~J1~ ,~1f~k~l*~ii'b~i~~j~~~.~&fj~tf~~~,~~~~~~#.;~~~;['~~;,iri; tf~,~t~~~~.J~~~~~~h:~~t~;.~,~[,:,~}t;;~" 1.'; ',~~ :':!~[t. L~'~~; Street lighting......................................... ................................ ........... .....1 2 3 4 5 .Soqw7e{li0l~~~1!~~:~~~:,~~!~~:.'~~~.~~E~J;:~~~~~~~~. .:~~.;~~:~..~:.,:{.~.~~~~~?k1.~[il:~lt?1f01J~~~~r~~1f~Jr~~li~~,.~:ri:!ill Sidewalk maintenance.. .................... ..... ..................... ........... ................1 2 3 4 5 Qt~ffiQ~~Jg1i~I.~~lfijJ.r.rgf~~~~~:~~~'~~i;~~~~~~~1~,~~~~~~ti?~1~~~({-~~:~4:~~~;~~.: ~~;.~~J::\~i~~;~~1ff~~~~:!~1:,~~l?j[~ ~~fj.' ~3 F$:~. .~~Mr' ~1:;;;[~~~;r .~l.q.,' ~:i\ '::~: Amount of public parking ....................... ..................... ...........................1 2 3 4 5 .eQ[lfrjf[~ts.:~lYl9:es.,;;~~ff~1i~;~."7J~i~91~~~J!!:~;~.~~;1l:~~{.~;;~1~(ffI~~~:~~,~.~~g~1'i..~ ~E~t.i1f~~~l~~U~~m::.:~~~,5jf~i Storm drainage ......................................................................................1 2 3 4 5 ,RB..QK!oo:w!gr~~!.*~:~':~:~t:~~;:J~~~ :~~f\~:~~~:~~'~~:~l~~~~~~~~. ~..~/~'~:. :~~:~:~.~ ~ .;r~~~~f1 '~~t.:!~i~Zli~~~~'jJ~l~lJ~~-:i~~:i~:ij~p~~!if~ Sewer services ......................................................................................1 2 3 4 5 Recreatiun prugri:lrm; or dClsses............................................................1 2 3 4 5 :B~ng~~~iYr9tir~g[~~iqn~'p:f.9g@m~:~Q9;9!~~fi~~~~~'1'f;;'i~.::0: ;2:~~~'f!!;~y~]~~~}ff~~~:i~~1fjI1i~i~a1illll~~]t;1fl;,~~1i'$<~. Recreation centersffacilities.............................................................. .....1 2 3 4 5 ~F~~~i~{*iiii~B~;~LFal[~;J,~;l~~~~tEi~,ir1f;j:~1~,j~~~~~:;r~;~;~i~i~~d]~~;[~~tr~:r~f~Wi~Tr~' it~.~3,;~,..~~~;~~, (!~~ '.\ ;fi;~~~'r~r~~~~d~~~ili1I~~~~;~~~~~~~f~j~tj3j~.~~~~!,~~~i,fu~ti~~,~i!~ti~I2!~t;~~J~,~ "~~~ii$J';~~i ~~ilj~gfff~~i~~i~1%~~;,~~~~~~!g"f~~~~rW~~~;1~:~!~$~~~!'j~~{:~~;:~~~~~:~~l1i~;~~iB~~Th:;'~!BI~lr~~;:~ft1~1[~~]~~ Economic development ......................................................."................1 2 3 -1 5 )1~~J.t~:f~~lfi~~~1~~t~J;~~~;~~~i.~~~~~~~~ .:~.~I~~~~lr.;~~:~~~.f~;~~~:1~~.:.:;r~J~~J11JIrkD1J3.?]J!11~~1~~~~i0!rt4.~~~r!f~~t~1~i~~J~ Services to seniors .............................................................."................1 2 3 4 5 $.~~,y19isJg;y9PtJi:t;~~j:~~~~~ ~llX .~)"~~~: :~~:~.~~1~: ;J'. ~ .::;~.~:.L:~f}~l::~.~~iy;~~~~~. :..{1;1~~~~~~4tt~:1~:11]~~~i~~~:r~~~~~;~,<<~~u1.3~j~i1(~11~~~~;l~~~~!j,~sJ~r~~ii~ :~~illi&jffiri&ii&f~m~;~1.~r.0~;ti;f~;(~~~;;i;~i~tt~~~~~!~~tt~i~:i~jra~~'L~~~~;.if~~~~i~~~f:~~J;:~:~~twT!~~jti=j Variety of library materials ......................................................................1 2 3 4 5 w~1l9:InfQf"rir[ljQ['SF&~$)~;t~~f~~~~f~~~1~tl;'~~t~~;~f~~?f1j~~r:~~~1l~~~f?~1!I.t3~1I~~~~;W;lJ~lt~Jm~5J& J Public schools......"..............................................................".........".....1 2 3 4 5 ~~~i~~~jQDt~~:.~1TIjit~~:Jf:~~zf';~~,~~n~~;!;J~;'m~:t~;~:fTAtFf.~{f:~;1!tlz~~;::Jll~~11!i~~;;;:~i.;J~~2~~~~il~1~~~~~1J <..i c: 11. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by... Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know The City of St. Cloud? ................:~:...~.1;.........?......~.................................1 2 3 4 5 ~ttie.:.EgQ,~1~!:G9y~ftirri~Dt.?t,:i;'t{r~~~~~:'~'.1~~~~i~~~:';J,;;~:~H;j;~':~;;.~':}~::ri..f~:;L:.1:.!F!:';,.~'t;~6i~~t~t~)"~:~~~r';::' 4~4" :!It~~:p~l~\~l The State Government? ........................................................................1 2 3 4 5 .- '; 12. Have you had any in-person or phone contact with an employee of the City of S1. Cloud within the last 12 months (including police, receptionists, planners or any others)? o No -+ Go to question #14 0 Yes -+ Go to question #13 a; E Ql U .r::. u to Ql C1) Ql cr: 'iU c: o ~ z U") o o <';J o CO> N @ 13. What was your impression of employees of the City of S1. Cloud in your most recent contact? (Rate each characteristic below.) Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know l~]r~~%!Ii<i6,~,~.~~,+"~:~~~~,>!!~.f;j::.~~;fi,;: ~j:~:~0E~~~~i~~~~~\i~~i~j{:~~t~,:.i:~.if,~~{;~!~.m~~~1';~~~~E:el~,.,i:~~tt~:'~~~J~kt~laili!1.~l~~,~;:! Courtesy.......... ................. ...... ......... ................................................1 2 3 -1 5 ~p~j:'rirtlp:[~~'si9~n:[jr~;i~~~;~~~1:~~~~~;t~~~~~?~f~~~;~~~7l:;t~;'~.~~~;~:;~:.:~1~c;~~1~~. ~~1~~i~~J~J~1;~~~1~1~J!}~~1~4~!~~~U~~:~~J~~~~~j ~ >. Ql 2: :J '" c: Ql ~ U rn c: .Q 1ii z i I i , I I II: ~~ National Citizen SurveyTM A ~.~~__~._____v___ Ql .r::. f- Page 3 of 5 ._~--~-~~-,~, r ! '---: The Ci~ of 51. Cloud 14. Please rate the following statements by circling the number that most clearly represents your opinion: Strongly Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly Don't aaree aaree nor disaaree disaaree disagree know I receive good value for the City of St. Cloud taxes 1~~il.~~~;It;~lt3~~1~L 1 The City of Sf. Cloud government welcomes citizen involvement............................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ttl!"..Qi!Y,Q(~t'iG1Q.4MO:V'em'ri1~nt'listehg,t9J;.<:;mZ~Qs:::;,;'lif:~t:~~~b]Ji1~::j)f~t~!fl\;;~';~'i~~l~ l~:?;::'~~,~';i::01~9lli~2lGMj 2 3 4 5 6 15. What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: o Very positive 0 Somewhat positive 0 Neutral 0 Somewhat negative 0 Very negative 16. Please check the response that comes closest to your opinion for each of the following questions: a. The City is considering using tax funds already in place to finance the expansion of the 51. Cloud Civic Center. To what extent do you support or oppose a 60,000 square foot expansion to the 51. Cloud Civic Center? o Strongly support o Somewhat support o Somewhat oppose o Strongly oppose o Don't know b. Please rate the degree to which you are satisfied or unsatisfied with 51. Cloud winter parking regulations: o Very satisfied o Somewhat satisfied o Somewhat unsatisfied o Very unsatisfied o Don't know c. Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a tobacco ban for the following locations in 51. Cloud: Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don't support support oppose oppose know City Parks ..................................................;..................... 1 . .. 2 3.. . 4 5 L~~&I~~J[QD~ill~f[!t~I~~i;'f~:';~l:~~;i:;'~: ..~~;';:;)~:r~~::~-r~?~l~;~.,:;~~2'!~Jl,j~~~:r~~g 't;.m;~1~f3i~11ii~~0;u~~!~~' ,..~~q~[$'~ii~~ Bars and restaurants ....................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 U E ..: Q) 'E (l) u .s::: u c;; OJ VJ (l) a: m r: .2 ro z U"} o o ~ <'" Cl o N @ d. Please rate the ease of air travel in the 51. Cloud airport: o Excellent o Good o Fair o Poor o Don't know ! I I , i I I I I I i I I I i l~- The National Citizen 5urveyTM I -----.---....- -- -- ...- ~..._-_.._-..--- I ~ >- OJ 2: ~ (JJ c OJ N 0:;:; U co r: .2 ro z OJ ..c: I- Page 4 of 5 -_._._~~-_._-_._--~.~ 1=-=----- The City of St. Cloud '~'--"----~"-"--"'----"'-'---"--'-'---'--' -_..._---~._-~------~----.-._..----.- -.----.-------..---.--..-----.--.----.---.... 17. Do you live within the City limits of the City of St. Cloud? o No 0 Yes 18. Are you currently employed? o No -+ Go to question #19 o Yes ~ Go to question #18a 18a.What one method of transportation do you usually use (for the longest distance of your commute) to travel to work? o Motorized vehicle (e.g. car, truck, van, motorcycle etc...) o Bus, Rail, Subway, or other public transportation o Walk o Work at home o Other 18b.lf you checked the motorized vehicle (e.g. car, truck, van, motorcycle, etc.) box in 18a, do other people (adults or children) usually ride with you to or from work? o No 0 Yes 19_ How many years have you lived in St. Cloud? o Less than 2 years 0 11-20 years o 2-5 years 0 More than 20 years o 6-1 0 years 20. Which best describes the building you live in? o One family house detached from any other houses o House attached to one or more houses (e.g., a duplex or townhome) o Building with two or more apartments or condominiums o Mobile home o Other 21. Is this house, apartment, or mobile home... o Rented for CClS~l or uccupieu wiltJoul CaStl payment? o Owned by you or someone in this house with a mortgage or free and clear? 22, Do any children 12 or under live in your household? o No 0 Yes 23, Do any teenagers aged between 13 and 17 live in your household? o No 0 Yes 24. Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? o No 0 Yes 25. Does any member of your household have a physical handicap or is anyone disabled? o No 0 Yes 26. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? (mark one box) o 12th Grade or less, no diploma o High school diploma o Some college. no degree o Associate's degree (e.g. AA, AS) o Bachelor's degree (e.g. BA, AS, SS) o Graduate degree or professional degree 27, How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your total income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) o Less than $24,999 o $25,000 to $49,999 o $50,000 to $99,999 o $100,000 or more 28. Are you Spallish/Hispanic/Latino? o No 0 Yes 29. What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be) o American Indian or Alaskan native o Asian or Pacific Islander o Black, African American o White/Caucasian o Other 30. In which category is your age? o 18-24 years 0 55-64 years o 25-34 years 0 65-74 years o 35-44 years 0 75 years or older o 45-54 years 31. What is your sex? o Female 0 Male '32. Are you registered to vote in your jurisdiction? o No 0 Yes 0 Don't know 33. Did you vote in the last election? o No 0 Yes 0 Don't know 34, Are you likely to vote in the next election? o No 0 Yes 0 Don't know ":''''"''Ieii'n''''i''thi'~ Imrve"'~; p le~'~eiretu ;:MtH'e"i:brrr'i~t~'l:i" ~uri(t"1:1H1i~pc'()'$ta''''~'''\'u''.'',;'';n'./':''':'.,iJ,;:::; ,~-..' ~~1I'Nlltr8it~I,:Re~ea~th:~c~iiter'mlCr&3i105t36fhv'sf:rBOlHd~iYC()~~'3()jf' :"C.:a~.",:;>; ..0:.. ...:',: ,-,':?>",,"":, ',"'.,""~::.' :'..:." :,_, _ ':.~ ""...,.....-.~."" ,>'.. . .."'.,,....... ..,';('..:_. ''', :~ .~::.. .<,.~-,. :~.'- . "-', '''"'''. ._.', '-,' .- ..~ .:. ",. "".". ,~;; ,'"......' . ~'.:".; ,'v, i I I I I I Ib- : The National Citizen SurveyTM I .-.--.-.---.-.~-'-_..__.-----..- I Page 5 or 5 ci c 0:;- C <ll U .s:: !; C1l <ll <fJ <ll n::: <Ii c .Q Cij z l!) o o c:s ~ o o N @ ~ >. <ll ~ ::> (fJ c <ll ~ () <Ii c ,2 m z Q) .s:: f- . . RESOL1,JTION NO. 13085 RESOLUTION CREATING A CITY FUND TO BE KNOWN AS THE. "TAX RELIEF FUND" WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson ("City") periodically lets bonds for the construction of City improvements; and, WHEREAS, the City makes annual payments to defease these bonds; and, WHEREAS, the City is able to make these bond payments through the collection of assessments to individual property owners and tax levies; and, WHEREAS, assessment payments accumulated between bond payments and excess assessments have not heretofore been specially designated in a fund by the City; and, WHEREAS, due to state law and other factors, from time to time there are excess funds available after an improyement bond is closed out, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: I. THAT all excess monies from the City's improvement bond funds be accumulated in a fund to be known as the 'Tax Relief Fund". THAT $500,000 of the Special Assessment Fund monies are to be transferred to . the Tax Relief Fund for the purpose ofreducing the levy of the City's taxpayers. THAT beginning in the year 2007, 50% of any new excess bonds funds shall be Ii deposited into the Tax Relief Fund and 50% shall be deposited into the Special Assessment Fund for primarily capital projects for the City. I . I THAT the City Council may use or not use the accumulated Special Assessmen~ Fund and Tax Relief Fund monies in its sole discretion and as it deems I . ' appropriate. However, with regard to the Tax Relief Fund, not more than 25% 0f that fund may be withdrawn annually. I THAT so that the City Council can have as an accurate assessment of the City's finances as possible, no decisions about withdrawals from the Tax Relief Fund may formally be made prior to November of each year. 2. 3. 4. 5. Adopted by the City Council this day of ,2006. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: . Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator 9L~) . . . Memorandum TO: Mayor and c,ne: Brenda Ewin~uman Resources Director FROM: RE: 2007 Annual Compensation Plan Resolution No. 13089 DATE: December 6, 2006 Attached is Resolution No. 13089, the draft of the proposed 2007 Compensation .Plan for the City of Hutchinson. Please note that this policy, proposed to be effective on January 1,2007, will replace the 2006 Compensation Plan adopted last December. The Merit Increase Guide contained in the plan is the matrix that was approved by Council action on November 28, 2006. The pay grid included in the policy reflects the 2.9"10 annual market adjustment that has been recommended by the Wage Committee and incorporated as part of the General Fund Budget. If you have any questions, please contact me at City Center, and I will be attending the December 12 Council meeting. Encl. I I IDLCL) . CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2007 COMPENSATION PLAN Effective January 1,2007 RESOLUTION NO. 13089 RESOLUTION ADOPTING POSITION CLASSIFICATION ASSIGNMENT TABLE AND CORRESPONDING PAY GRID EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,2007 WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the existing classification of positions for the City of Hutchinson and the current economic conditions, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Position Classification Plan is hereby adopted. All positions covered by this Resolution shall be grouped in grades having a definite range of difficulty and responsibility. For each position there shall be a title; and there shall be shown examples of work which are illustrative of duties of positions, as well as requirements as to knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for performance of the work; and a statement of experience and training desirable for recruitment into a position. A. Plan Obiectives . To establish and maintain a compensation plan that enables the City of Hutchinson to be highly competitive within our defined market. . . To lead or exceed the market in attracting and retaining qualified, reliable and motivated employees who are committed to quality and excellence for those we serve. To ensure, subject to the financial condition of the City, that employees receive fair and equitable compensation in relation to their individual contributions to the City's success. To follow the principles of pay equity in establishing and maintaining pay relationships among positions based on the categories of the Stanton Point Factor System. To ensure program flexibility necessary to meet changing economic, competitive, technological, and regulatory conditions encountered by the City. To balance compensation and benefit needs with available resources. . I I . . . I i i I The compensation plan specifies salary range minimums and maximums. The intent of each I salary grade is to fall within 80 % and 115 % of identified market for positions within the grade. (See Attachment B) . B. Plan Structure . Each numbered pay grade in the basic table consists of the following: I. Salary Minimum: The lowest amount paid to an employee in a specific job grade or, class. No employee will receive less than the minimum rate. (80% of market) 2. Salary Mid-point: The middle of the salary range. (97.5% of market) 3. Market Rate: The market rate represents the competitive rate for an employee who is fully functional within their current position. (100%) 4. Salary Maximum: The difference between the salary market rate and the salary maximum represents merit pay for employee performance above that expected of a Ib L CC) . particular job. No employee will be paid above the maximum of the salary range. (115% of market). C. Open Salary Ranee' The City shall adopt an Open Salary Range compensation plan that will allow for maximum' flexibility and in-rage salary administration since there are not defined or pre-calculated "steps". Employee movement within the pay grade range to which their position is assigned is based solely on performance. The open salary range concept rewards good and exceptional performers and advances employees to the market rate more quickly. (See item H. [4]) D. Position Classification Assienment The assignment table shall assign all of the various positions in the Position Classification Plan to the appropriate pay grade (See Attachment A). The City Administrator and Human Resources Director may jointly approve a reclassification of a position provided the reclassification does not exceed two grades upward or two grades downward from the current pay grade. To initiate consideration of this type of reclassification, the department director shall submit in writing the specific reasons for the reclassification. . Any changes to the classification of a position of more than two pay grades shall be approved by the City Council. Requests for reclassification are normally brought be fore the Council each January, and at other times of the year, as needed. To initiate such a reclassification request, the department director shall submit a written request for consideration to the City Administrator and, the Human Resources Director. The request shall include a description of significant or I considerable changes to the position that warrant a reclassification.' The City Administrator and Human Resources Director will determine if the reclassification request is to be forwarded to th City Council for consideration. E. Allocation Of New Positions When a new position is created for which no appropriate description exists or when the duties f an existing position are sufficiently changed so that no appropriate description exists, the City~ Council, after recommendation of the Human Resources Director, shall cause an appropriate j b description-specification to be written for said position. F. Pay Grades 1. Exempt Employees . I Each position is assigned a pay grade. The normal beginning rate for a new employee will be the minimum rate. After satisfactory completion of twelve months probation, an increase may be granted as warranted by the annual performance appraisal. Thereafter, consideration for increases will be given annually on a standardized date established by the City. The City Administrator reserves the discretion to adjust individual rates within the assigned pay grades as required. The Council will determine any pay increase for the City Administrator. Consideration for market adjustment for all pay grades will be made each January 1. I DlO) . . . 2. Non-Exempt Empioyees Each position is assigned a pay grade. The normal beginning rate for a new employee will be the minimum rate. After satisfactory completion of twelve months probation, an increase may be granted as warranted by the annual performance appraisal. Thereafter, consideration for increases will be given annually on a standardized date established by the City. The City Administrator reserves the discretion to adjust individual rates within the assigned pay grades as required. Consideration for market adjustment for all pay grades will be made each January 1. 3. Police Patrol Positions The position of fulftime police patrol officer is assigned to Grade 5 on the pay plan. Temporary assignments will be made from these positions as needed for the investigative function for the department. With said assignment, there will be an additional $200.00 per month premium on top of the employee's patrol officer pay grid assignment. 4. Part-Time Liquor Store Clerk, Part-Time Custodial and Part-Time Compost Site Monitor Positions The part-time positions ofliquor store clerk, custodian, and compost site monitor have been placed in separate pay plans that recognize the specific industry labor markets in which they work. The City Administrator and the Human Resources Director, as directed by the Administrator, shall maintain the discretion to hire at any point within the range based on the qualifications, experience, market conditions or other relevant factors, to secure the best candidate for the position. G. Apprenticeship Proeram The City has implemented an apprenticeship program for those Water and Wastewater Department positions subject to identified employee development including required licensuresldemonstrated skills, experience /longevity, and maturation in a position that directl affect the department's ability to deliver municipal services. H. Performance Evaluations I I. For all regular full time and part time employees, a performance appraisal or evaluatiqh will be made on, at minimum, an annual basis. An evaluation made by the employee'~ supervisor shall be submitted in writing to the employee and to the City Administrator, All evaluations will be forwarded to Human Resources for filing in the employee files. 2. Evaluations shall be based upon the performance of the individual in the position measured against established job performance criteria Such criteria may include level of knowledge, skills, ability, and quality of work, personal work traits, compliance with established City or departmental rules and regulations or any other criteria that is indicative of performance. 10LO-) . 3. The performance appraisal process is the application of performance standards to past performance. In appraising an employee; these are the basic levels of performance: Outstanding - Performance is exceptional in all areas and is recognizable as being far superior to others. Exceeds Job Requirements - Results clearly exceed most positions requirements. " Performance is of high quality and is achieved on a consistent basis. Meets Job Requirements - Competent and dependable level of performance. Meets performance standards of the job. Needs Improvement - Performance is deficient in certain area(s). Improvement is necessary. Unsatisfactory - Results are generally unacceptable and require immediate improvement. 4. Results The results of the employee's evaluation will normally have the following effect on his/her salary per the following Merit Increase Guide: , Merit Increase Guide for Open Salary Ranges Achievement Level o to I.] to 2.0 to 2.76 to 3.51 to 4.26 to .LQ 1.99 2.75 3.5 4.25 5.0 Comoa-Ratio. 80.0 - 84.9 0% 0% 4% 5% 6% 7% . 85.0-89.9 0% 0% 4% 5% 6% 7% 90.0 - 94.9 0% 0% 3% 4% 5% 6% 95.0 - 99.9 0% 0% 2% 3% 4% 5% 100.0 - 104.9 0% 0% 0% 2% 3% 4% 105.0-109.9 0% 0% 0% 1% 2% 3% 11 0.0 - 115.0 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 3% 'Compa-ratio refers to the location of the individual in the range relative 10 the market, 5. Market Conditions Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, the City Council retains the right to deviate from the pay plan when, in the sole judgment of the City Council, market conditions or other circumstances dictate such a decision. The City Administrator and Human Resources Director maintain final approval responsibility for salary increases I. Annual Market Adiustment Consideration . The Wage Committee recommends an annual market adjustment, expressed as a percentage increase, to the City Directors for review and to the City Council for review and approval. The amount approved, if any, is applied to the wages of all eligible employees on the first payroll day of the year. \DLa) Eligible employees include all regular full time and regular part time employees except those who have been subject to disciplinary action per Section 22 of the City of Hutchinson Employee . Handbook - Personnel Policy as follows: ' An additional consequence of disciplinary action more severe than level a - oral reprimand - will be the permanent loss of the January 1 market adjustment in the calendar year following such disciplinary action. This wi\l occur unless the director in charge and the City Administrator decide otherwise. Any market adjustment on January 1 of any year shall be separate and apart from the individual anniversary increases. In determining a recommendation for an annual market adjustment, the wage committee shall consider, at least the following information: 1. U.S., Midwest, and Minneapolis/St. Paul consumer priced index changes (CPill & CPIW) . 2. Social Security calculation of cost of living increase 3. Unemployment rate 4. Employee turnover rate 5. Area wage survey 6. Legislative growth factor constraints J. Modification oftbe Plan . The City Council reserves the right to modify any or all of the components or to vary from any of the components of the Compensation Plan at its discretion and at any time. K. Review of tbe Plan j I As often as necessary to assure continued correct classification, the Position Classification Plan ' shall be reviewed by the Human Resources Director and necessary adjustments recommended t the City Council. It isrecommended that a comprehensive review be completed at least every three years. L. Filing oftbe Plan Upon adoption of the Resolution, a copy of the Position Classification Plan approved by the ty Council shall be placed on file with the City Administrator. The plan so filed and subsequent y adjusted by the Council shall be the Position Classification Plan of the City. I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON I I That the following table is hereby adopted as the City Position Classification Assignment Table, to be reviewed from time to time, assigning the various positions in the Position Classification Plan to the appropriate pay grades in the table. Pay grades for regular part time (PT) positions are assigned according to job responsibilities at the discretion of the City Administrator and Human Resources Director. . IDLa) 'f 2 3 . 4 . City of Hutchinson Position Classification Table 2007 Position Title Grade Office Specialist (PRCE) " 4 PT Cemetery Maintenance Worker PT Water Maintenance Worker PT Compost Scale Operator PT Custodian (Fire StationlLibrarylEvent Center) Administrative Secretary (Public Works) 5 Senior Office Specialist (Building) Utility Billing Specialist PT Accounting Specialist PT Administrative Technician PT Human Resources Technician PT Liquor Sales Clerk PT Licensing Clerk PT Senior Office Specialist (PRCElWastewater) 6 Administrative Secretary (Engineering/Planning/Police) Arena/Civic Center Maintenance Specialist Compost Equipment Maintenance/Operator 7 Compost Equipment Opelator General Maintenance Worker (City Center/Event Center) Heavy Equipment Operator Help Desk/Imaging Technician 8 Licensing Specialist POlice Records Specialist Police Supplemental Services Specialist Parks Maintenance Equipment Operator Plant Equipment Mechanic I 10 Public Works Maintenance Specialist Senior Liquor Saies Clerk Water Plant Operator Wastewater Services Operator 12 PT Senior Accounting Specialist PT Recreation Specialist Accountant Building Inspector Cemetery Supervisor Compost Operations Specialist Emergency Dispatcher (FT/PT) Engineering Specialist 14 Environmental Specialist Equipment Mechanic Fire Inspector Lab TechnicianIWW Operator 16 Lead Compost Equipment Operator Lead Parks Maintenance Worker 17 Parks Maintenance Specialist 19 Attachment A Position Title " Payroll/Benefits Specialist Police Investigations Specialist Plant Equipment Mechanic II " Senior Public Works Maintenance Specialist Senior Wastewater OperStor Event Center Coordinator Executive Assistant/Paralegal GIS Specialist Information Technology Specialist Natural Resources Specialist Police Officer (FT/PT) Senior Engineering Specialist Assistant Liquor Sales Manager City Forester Recreation Services Coordinator Building Official Compost Supervisor Water Systems Supervisor Motor Vehicle Deputy Registrar Parks Supervisor Police Sergeant Recreation Facilities Operations Manager Police Lieutenant Public Works Superintendent Wastewater Superintendent City Engineer Economic Development Director Fire Chief Human Resources Director IT Director Liquor Sales Manager Planning Director. WaterlWastewater Director Finance Director Police Chief/Emergency Management Director PRCE Director City Attorney Public Works Director City Administrator IDLQ) . , . "<t 0 0 0 <0 0 <0 C"l N Cl'l It') N It') It') It') It') "<t (2; "- CO N ~ :oR 0 <0 C"l CO C"l 0 It') ..... <0 ..... "- C"l Cl'l ~. 0> <0 ..... N 0 0 0> ~ CO CO OC! "- "- ~ ~ It') It') "<t. C"l <"! <"! N C"! ": "- I- It') roo: <0 N ..... ..... <0 C"l ..... 0> "- It') C"l ..... 0> "- It') C"l ..... 0> It') C"l ..... 0> ..... It') It') It') "<t "<t "<t "<t ~ C"l C"l C"l C"l' C"l N N N N N ..... ..... ..... ..... ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ffl ~ ffl ffl . :oR r-- C"l ..... <0 N co "<t 0 It') ..... <0 N 0> C!; CO <0 ..... <0 C"l 0 0 It') 0 (2; Ol C"l CO C"l "- N <0 ..... It') "<t Ol C!; CO C"l It') "- C"l 0 N. Ol It') N CO It') ..... CO. "<t. ..... 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Memorandum TO: " Mayor and Council Brenda EWingWn Resources Director . 2007 EmPIOyee~ealth and Dental Insurance Renewal Information FROM: RE: DATE: December 7, 2006 The City of Hutchinson is finalizing the process for establishing the 2007 employee health and dental insurance programs. After numerous discussions with our risk manager at Berkley Risk and with our local agent who, in turn, have had considerable contact with our current and potential providers, the City has been presented with the cost proposals for the health and dental insurance programs for 2007. The Wage Committee has also had the opportunity to review the proposals for the health and dental insurance coverage. Council member Jim Haugen, as the Council representative to committee, has been part of the Wage Committee discussions regarding this matter. The recommendations from the Wage Committee to the City Council are as follows: 1. Dental Insurance Plan Adopt the proposal to continue with the self-insured program with Midwest Dental as the third party claims administrator. The renewal for 2007 includes a funding level increase of 1.7%. The single funding level rate i'1creases from $36.95 to $37.53/month and the family funding level rate increases from $82.75 to $84.14/month. Employees are responsible for 20% of the premium amount, and the City's responsibility is 80% ofthe premium. 2. Health Insurance Plan Consider and adopt the fully insured proposal from Medica. Medica has proposed a two-year proposal that caps the second year increase at 19% above the proposed 2007 premium rates. The plan design offered by Medica is very similar to that which is currently in place. Plan design includes items such as deductible amounts, out-of-pocket maximums, percentage of covered services paid by the plan, lifetime maximum, and prescription costs. The premiums proposed for 2007 are approximately 12.9% and 11.5% below the respective single and family coverage self-funded premium rates currently in place for 2006. The health insurance costs for the Medica proposal are included in the various City budget proposals to be presented, to the Council both at the December 12, 2006, and subsequent Council meetings. I have also attached a spreadsheet that illustrates the current health insurance plan summary and premium costs as compared to the Medica proposal. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Ken Merrill or me at City Center. I will also be in attendance at the Council meeting. Enel. 'Deb) T I ! 1 ! I I ! , I i I . , , ! i I _...;.~___L ---t.- i I ! : i i i i , I i 5 1.l._U~ i I 0 , '0 i 1)1 ~ I ~ I I' ::I _---.l...-_l_ u.. , , , , l: i ' I I -iTT~ 1-1- I i , l~-~ i >; ~i -I ~I ~: , e: i : ~i--i-- I 8' I' c' , I 1!1 ! i" ::II I I !!' 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CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 13091 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SETTING 2007 TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a special laxing district for lhe purpose of Hutchinson Housing Redevelopment Authority (Hutchinson HRA) and the financing of such district as authorized under Minn. Slat. 469.033 . Total Tax Levy Adopted by the City Council this 12h day of December 2006 '. $108,095 . ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator Steve W. Cook Mayor \ O(C) . . . CITY OF HUTCHINSOIiI RESOLUTION NO. 13092 CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SETTING 2007 TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the City of Hutchinson hereby establishes a special taxing district for the purpose of Hutchinson Economic Development Authority (Hutchinson EDA) and the financing of such district as authorized under Minn. Stat. 469.107 Total Tax Levy Adopted by the City Council this 12h day of December 2006 ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz . City Administrator $140,000 Steve W. Cook Mayor ,/ II , I i: IDcd) . CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 13093 2007 TAX LEVY FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED BYTHE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT A FINAL NET tax levy for the City of Hutchinson for 2007 is hereby set in the amount of $5,367,326 The detail for this levy is as follows: LEVY Amt. Total General Fund 3,786,665 General Obligation Bond HAT.S. Facility Total Gen. Obligation Bond 156,800 156,800 . Improvement Bonds 1999 2000 2002 2002 Refunding 2003 2004 2005 Total Improvement Bond TOTAL TAX LEVY 493,100 180,200 80,700 451,828 23,700 55,400 138,933 1,423,861 ~~~~~ Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of December 2006 Steve W. Cook Mayor ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator . \tee) . . . CITY OF HUTCHINSON MEMO Finance Department December 7, 2006 TO: MAYOR' CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN MERlULL, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: 2007 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Monday night, the City of Hutchinson's Truth in Taxation Hearing will be held. If the City Council agrees following that hearing the general fund budget can be adopted for 2007. The order of approval would be the City's tax levy for 2007, moving the EDA levy to a special district levy. The General Fund is reduced by this amount as discussed with the council previously. It has also been agreed to make this change for taxe payable 2007 by the County Auditor. There have been some adjustments outlined on the attached list that have been ~ade and are incorporated in the resolution. If there are not any questions council action would be to appro e the 2007 General Fund Budget resolution. H:\DOC\City council memo l.doc " " ii " , , I{J({J . 'DCf-) . . . CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 13094 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the annual General Fund budget of the City of Hutchinson for the fiscal year 2007which has been submitted by the City Administrator and approved by the City Council is hereby Adopted; the total of said budgets and the major division thereof being as follows: GENERAL FUND REVENUES AVAILABLE CURRENT REVENUE Taxes License Perm Its Inter-Governmental Revenue Charges for Services Fines Interest Transfers from other Funds Refunds & Reimbursementa TOTAL AVAIlABLE REQUIREMENT APPROPRIATIONS Personal Services Supplies Cons lilting Other Services & Charges Principal and Interest Transfers Miscellaneous Capital Outlay TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of December 2006 ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Administrator 3,800,665 . 48,400 320,700 2,764,451 1,690,312 68,000 70,000 1,673,100 290,616 $10,726, 44 I I I Steven W. Cook Mayor 10(f) . CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 13095 ADOPTING 2007 LIQUOR FUND BUDGET " BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT the annual Liquor Fund Budget for the City of Hutchinson for the fiscal year 2007, which has been submitted by the City Administrator and approved by the City Council is hereby adopted. The total of said budget and major division thereof being as follows: REVENUES AVAILABLE CURRENT REVENUE Liquor Wine Beer Miscellaneous Discounts Interest 1,458,503 634,932 2,387,897 119,624 (85,956) 3,000 $4,518,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE REQUIREMENT EXPENDITURES Personal Services Supplies Consulting Other Services & charges Debt Service Depreciation Cost of Sales Transfers Miscellaneous LIQUOR FUND TOTAL .' 448,872 14,150 o 117,150 129,568 78,000 3,478,261 321,500 3,800 $4,591,301 Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of December 2006 ATTESTED: Gary D. Plotz . City Administrator Steven W. Cook Mayor lb(~) . Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council Brenda K. Ewi~an Resources Director .. Position DescriP~io( PT Administrative Technician FROM: RE: DATE: December.g, 2006 Attached is the description for the position of Part Time Administrative Technician. This '.' , position is proposed to address the current level of the work load in the Legal and Administration departments of the City. Up until October of2006, one of the Police Department positions of Police Records Specialist dedicated four hours per day to the City legal functions. At that time, it was determined that the needs of the Police Department required that this work assignment be changed and left the Legal department with a vacancy or a need for a four hour per day, part time position. . The description before you for consideration includes a combination of duties, as follows: 1. Legal department duties previously covered by the Records Specialist position. 2. Those administrative duties resulting from the Executive AssistantlParalegal absorbing. the more complex duties related to the legal department previously addressed by the Police position. 3. Administrative.duties related to the Administrative Citation process which the City Council recently approved. It is proposed to advertise for this position, immediately, with a start date in January 2007. Th funding for the position is included in the 2007 general fund budget. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Marc Sebora or me at City Center. We will also be in attendance at the December 12 Council meeting. J ~ 'I I, Encl. . Itih) . . . C~of,Q ~ '. TITLE , PART TIME ADMINISTRATIVE TECHNICIAN jobdesc1 B 1 ,2006 DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION/LEGAL . SUPERVISED BY CITY ATTORNEY SUMMARY THIS IS GENERAL AND CLERICAL WORK WITH THE CITY ADMINISTRATION AND LEGAL FUNCTIONS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Administration a. Provides clerical support to the City Attorney and the City Administrator as directed. b. Receives and receipts fine payments for City Administrative citations issued by the Hutchinson Police Department. Maintains related records. c. Copies and distributes the bi-monthly City Council packets as prepared by the Executive Assistant /Paralegal. d. Assists the Executive AssistanVParalegal with maintenance of the central file system. Prepares labels for new file folders and files documents. e. Receives and processes City licensing and passport applications. f. Provides miscellaneous clerical support to Administration department employees including typing, filing, copying, collating, mailing, faxing, etc. as assigned. g. May serve as the recording secretary to the City Council, Charter Commission, and other committees in the absence of the Executive AssistanVParalegal. 2. Leaal a. Completes legal department work as assigned, including but not limited to, typing legal documents and forms, civil forms (deeds, affidavits, and easements), complaints, resolutions, ordinances, contracts, agreements, and general correspondence, transcribing correspondence from dictation, scheduling interviews, and maintaining legal department records and schedules. b. Provides the necessary documentation to the prosecutorial contract firm as directed. 3. General Duties a. Assists the Executive AssistanVParalegal with election related duties including the absentee ballot process. b. Maintains confidentiality of all sensitive legal, administrative and other information. c. Assists with the sorting and distribution of incoming mail. d. Provides reception duties for Administrative and Legal customers. 4. Performs related or required duties and special projects as required. EQUIPMENT Personal computer and software, printer, copier, scanner, calculator, fax machine, typewriter, postage machine, and telephone. Related computer software includes Microsoft Office and Peoplesoft Financial/Payroll software. \t(~) Administrative Technician 2006 . . DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Two-year post-secondary degree in office/secretarial program. Minimum one year administrative work experience. Excellent Clerical skills. Working knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and database software. General knowledge of legaVprosecutorial proceedings helpful. Attention to detail and the ability to schedule and complete work without direct supervision. Ability to handle all administrative duties with total confidentiality and impartiality. Excellent customer service and telephone skills. Ability to deal effectively and courteous~ with the public, office staff and administration. Willingness to leam new tasks. WORKING CONDITIONS City Center office conditions. Twenty hours per week, generally Monday through Friday, four hours per day, or as scheduled and determined by the Director. Grade 2 position. Minimum Starting Pay Rate: $14.377 / hour CITY OF HUTCHINSON ADDENDUM TO JOB DESCRIPTIONS 1995 TO COMPLY WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) FOR POSITIONS: Administrative, Clerical. . The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an # 'I employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable , accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. PHYSICAL DEMANDS While performing the duties of this job, the employee is frequently required to sit and talk or ear. The employee is occasionally required to walk and use hands to finger, handle, feel or oper te objects, tools or controls, and reach with hands and arms. i The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 25 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision and the ability to adjust focus. , I WORK ENVIRONMENT i The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. I The noise level in the work environment is usually moderately quiet. . I ()( h) . . . " ORDINANCE NO. 06-0449 Smoke-Free Workplace Ordinance " The City of Hutchinson, Minnesota ordains: . SECTION 1. FINDINGS OF FACT AND PURPOSE. The City Council finds that: Tobacco smoke is a leading cause of disease in nonsmokers and a major source of indoor air pollution. Secondhand smoke causes premature death and disease in children and in adults. Secondhand smoke causes heart disease, lung cancer, respiratory infections, decreased respiratory function, and other health problems. In a 2006 Report of the United States Surgeon General, U.S. Surgeon General Carmona concluded that "exposure to secondhand smoke remains an alarming public health hazard" and that "more than 126 million nonsmokers are still exposed." Numerous, nationally recognized medical and scientific authorities, including the American Medical Association, the U. S. Surgeon General, the National Institute on Occupational Safety and Health, the National Cancer Institute, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Toxicology Program, and the World Health Organization, have issued reports and health advisories addressing the adverse effects of exposure to secondhand smoke. It is estimated that between 24,300 and 71,900 low birth-weight or pre-term deliveries, about 202,300 episodes of childhood asthma (new cases and exacerbations), between 150,000 and 300,000 cases of lower respiratory illness in children, and about 789,700 cases of middle ear infections in children occurin the United States each year as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke. It is estimated that in the U.S., secondhand smoke causes about 46,000 (a range of 22,700 to 69,600) deaths per year from cardiac-related illnesses (including 700 to 1,240 deaths among Minnesotans),and 3,400 deaths per year from lung cancer. There is no known safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke; neither the separation of smokers and nonsmokers nor the introduction of new ventilation systems can eliminate the health hazards caused by secondhand smoke. The scientific evidence indicates that there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Eliminating smoking in indoor spaces protects nonsmokers from exposure to secondhand smoke. Separating smokers from nonsmokers, cleaning the air, or ventilating buildings cannot eliminate exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke. The only means of effectively eliminating health risks associated with indoor exposure is to prohibit smoking. Objective evidence does not support fears that restricting smoking in enclosed, indoor areas will harm a community's economy. On the contrary, many independent economic studies have shown that the elimination of smoking has no material economic impact on a . community. These studies have drawn from the experience of hundreds of communities leli, . . . that have successfully eliminated smoking in workplaces and public places. Numerous U.S. cities, counties, and states, and many nations, have adopted laws ending all smoking in bars, restaurants, and other public places: Business owners have no legal or constitutional right to expose their employees and customers to airborne toxins, such as those found in secondhand smoke. On the contrary, employers have a common law duty to provide workers with a workplace that is not unreasonably dangerous. Restricting smoking in public places and places of work can h~lp to model smoke-free . behavior and to reduce youth exposure to secondhand smoke. Public health policies, ordinances, and other laws are part of the system by which people learn behaviors, guide youth, reduce health threats, and reinforce community norms that support the public's health. Accordingly, the City Council finds and declares that the purpose of this Ordinance is to: ;... (1) Protect vulnerable populations, including employees, children, the elderly, and those with chronic health conditions; and (2) Affirm that the right to breathe has priority over the desire to smoke; and (3) Protect the public health, welfare and safety by better ensuring the ability of citizens to breathe safe and uncontaminated air; SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. , l / I As used in this chapter: (1) "Food Establishm"ent" means any establishment, however designated, engaged in t e preparation or serving of food or beverages for consumption either on or off the premis s, or anywhere consumption of food occurs on the premises. This term includes any establishment, however designated, that has an on-sale non-intoxicating malt liquor Ii nse, an on-sale intoxicating liquor license, an on-sale wine license, and/or a strong beer liq or license issued by the State of Minnesota, the municipality within which it is located, or McLeod County. , (2) "Other Person in Charge" means the agent of the Proprietor authorized to provide I administrative direction to, and general supervision of, the activities within a public place or place of work at any given time. I (3) "Place of Work" means any enclosed, indoor location at which two or more individuals perform any type of a service for consideration of payment under any type of employment relationship including, but not limited to, an employment relationship with or for a private corporation, partnership, individual, or government agency. This term includes any location where two or more individuals gratuitously perform services for Which individuals are ordinarily paid" Examples of a place of work include, but are not limited to, enclosed, indoor areas of an office, a factory, a hotel or motel, a vehicle, a warehouse, and other locations 2 loc0 . where services are performed under an employment relationship. Enclosed, indoor areas of. a private clubs and rooms used for private meetings or social functions are .places of work. if two or more persons acting under an employment relationship provide'cleaning, catering, food or beverage service, maintenance, or other support services in such locations. , (4) "Proprietor" means the party who ultimately controls, governs, or directs the activities within the public place or place of work, regardless of whether the party is owner or lessee of the public place or place of work. The term .proprietor" may apply to a corpo'ration as well as an individual. (5) "Public Place" means any enclosed, indoor area used by the general public or serving as a place of work including, but not limited to, arenas, auditoriums, bars, bowling alleys, bingo halls, commercial establishments, educational facilities other than public schools, as defined in Minnesota Statutes S120A.05, subdivisions 9,11, and 13, hospitals, offices and other commercial establishments, pool halls, public conveyances, restaurants, retail stores, and common areas of rental apartment buildings. "Public Place" also means the outdoor dining or bar area of food establishments. (6) "Smoking" means the inhaling, exhaling, or combustion of any tobacco product, weed, plant, or any other similar article, including any cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other similar article. Smoking includes possessing or carrying a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other lighted, smoking equip'ment. The term "smoking" does not include the use of tobacco by an enrolled member of a federally-recognized Indian tribe as part of a traditional Indian spiritual or cultural ceremony. . SECTION 3. PROHIBITIONS. Subd. 1. Except as provided in Subdivision 2, smoking is prohibited in the following locations: A. Public places and places of work, including outdoor dining or bar areas of food establishments; B. Within fifteen (15) feet of entrances, exits, open windows, and ventilation intakes of public places and places of work; and C. Within fifteen (15) feet of any outdoor dining or bar areas of food establishments. Subd.2. The prohibitions of this Section do not apply to the following places,or situations: A. Private residences; B. Motor vehicles in private use; C. Motor vehicles that serve as a place of work for no more than one employee; . D. Outdoor areas, except as provided in subdivision 1; and 3 \tL) . . . This Ordinance is intended to complement the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 144.411 to 144.417, as amended from time to time. Nothing in this Ordinance authorizes smoking in any location where smoking ,is prohibited or restricted by other laws. SECTION 9. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. Subd. 1. Smoking Where Prohibited. It is a violation of this Ordinance for any person to smoke in an area where smoking is prohibited by this Ordinance. Subd. 2. Proprietor or Other Person in Charge. It is a violation of this Ordinance for the proprietor or other person in charge of any premises subject to this Ordinance to fail to . comply with the requirements of Section 4 of this Ordinance or to retaliate against an employee, applicant for employment or customer, as prohibited by Section 6 of this Ordinance. Subd. 3. Penalties. A. Violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall be a petty misdemeanor for the first offense. Any additional violation of any provision this Ordinance shall be a misdemeanor. Each day of violation constitutes a separate offense. B. Violation of any provision of this chapter by a licensee shall be adequate grounds for the denial, refusal to renew,suspension, or revocation of any food, liquor, or other business license. , Subd. 4. Enforcement The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the HutchinJin Police Department or other enforcement agency designated by the City. l . ' 1 Subd. 5. Injunctive Relief. In addition to the penalties provided in subdivision 3 of this' Section, the City Attorney may bring a civil action against the proprietor or other person charge of a public place or place of work to enjoin repeated or continuing violations of t s Ordinance. I SECTION 10. SEVERABILITY. I If any portion of this Ordinance, or its application to any circumstances, is held invalid, he remaining provisions shall be considered severable and shall be given effect to the < maximum extent possible: SECTION 11. EFFECTIVE DATE. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become effective June 1, 2007. Dated: December 26, 2006 AlTEST Steven W. Cook, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator 5 1(:)('1) . MEMORANDUM From THE LIQUOR HUTCH To: Mayor and Council From: Candice Woods, DirectorlManager Liquor Hutch Date: December 11, 2006 Re: Liquor Hutch Tobacco License Listed below are the sales and profit dollars for tobacco products at the Liquor Hutch: . 2005 sales 2005 gross profits $26,192.48 $ 6,970.98 2005 net profits (approx 9%) $ 627.39 2006 sales to date 2006 gross profits to date $25,224.15 $ 5811.57 2006 net profits to date (9%) $ 523.04 Tobacco sales profits account for approximately 0.2% of the annual net profits at the Liquor Hutch. Because of the low volume of tobacco sales, we have always carried tobacco only as a convenience for our customers without regard to competitive pricing, Loss of these sales would have a minimal impact on the store's ability to transfer profit dollars to the City of Hutchinson General Fund, . \bGJ R55A,\,PYRV I CITY OF HUTCHINSON By Check Number AP Payment Register with Voids Check Dates 12/12/2006 - Ck Date Typ, Check # Vendor Name Amount 12/12/2006 PK 139814 105651 AAA STRIPING SERVICE CO 6,625,01 12/12/2006 PK 139815 102202 ABDO, EICK & MEYERS 150.00 12/12/2006 PK 139816 102271 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 1,199,84 12/12/2006 PK 139817 102126 ACE HARDWARE 591,62 12/12/2006 PK 139818 102217 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC 508.18 12/12/2006 PK 139819 123644 AES-ASSESSCO ENVIRONMENTAL SER 800,00 12/12/2006 PK, 13\)820 108765 ALEXANDRIA TECHNICAL COLLEGE 200,00 12/12/2006 PK 139821. 105048 ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP 569.62 12/12/2006 PK 139822 101863 AMERICAN WELDING SUPPLIES 24,00 12/12/2006 PK 139823 107549 AMERICINN 179,89 12/1212006 PK 139824 102430!AMERIPRIDE LINEN & APPAREL 300,21 12/12/2006 PK 139825 123698 ANDERSON, RACHEL 34,32 12/12/2006 PK 139826 105204 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC 94,60 12/12/2006 PK 139827 111041 ARROW TERMINAL LLC 374,64 12/12/2006 PK 139828 121810 AT & T 42.92 12/12/2006 PK 139829 102303 AUGUSTA BUILDING CORP 19,419,83 12/12/2006 PK I 139830 102480 B W, WELDING 84,67 12/12/2006 PK. 139831 121462 BARN YARD, THE 1,120,00 12/12/2006 PK 139832 120853 BAUERL Y BRO, INC 20,889,25 12/12/2006 PK 139833 102367 BELLBOY CORP 1,388,50 12/12/2006 PK 139834 102039' BENNETT OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES 46.00 12/1212006,PK 139835 120738 BERTELSON'S 165,87 12/12/2006 PK 139836 103288 BLAKE, IRENE 10.00 12/12/2006 PK 139837 101987 BRANDON TIRE CO 355,87 12/12/2006 PK 139838' 118880 BROOKS, DOUG 65.00 W1212006 PK 139839 122816 BURMEISTER, JOEL 60,00 12/1212006 PK 139840 121089 BUSHMAN, RAQUEL 160.47 . 12/12/2006 PK 139841 102136 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS i 750.40 ! 12/12/2006 PK. 139842 102456 C & L DISTRIBUTING I 36,290,20! 12/12/2006 PK 139843 123539 C,H. ROBINSON CO, i 660,00 12/12/2006 PK 139844 102092 CARR FLOWERS 27.6$ 12/12/2006PK 139845 104391 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 66,00 12/12/2006 PK 139846 102143 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 521,63 12/12/2006 PK 139847 102253 CENTRAL MCGOWAN 50,96 12/12/2006 PK 139848 104163 CHIEF SUPPLY CORP 219.40 12/12/2006 PK 139849 122887 CHISAGO LAKES 1,298,11 12/12/2006 PK 139850 105423 CINDY'S HOUSE OF FLORAL DESIGN 160,67 12/1212006 PK 139851 119859 CITI-CARGO & STORAGE 2,130,00 12/12/2006 PK 139852 102741 COBORN'S INCORPORATED 1,875,30 12/12/2006 PK I 139853 120914 COMPOSTING CONCEPTS, INC 14,400,00 12/12/2006 PK 139854 102484 CORPORATE EXPRESS 1,513,36 12/12/2006 PK 139855 121640 CREEKSIDE SOILS. 44.76 12/12/2006 PK 139856 103123 CRONATRON WELDING SYSTEMS INC 222.59 12/12/2006IPK 139857 102289 CROW RIVER GLASS 27.50 12/1212006 PK 139858. 102220 CROW RIVER PRESS INC 124,87 12/12/2006, PK 139859 102121 CROW RIVER VET CLINIC 725,39 12/12/2006 PK 139860 102186 CULLIGAN WATER COND 37,28 12/12/2006 PK 139861 104377 CUSTOM PRODUCTS & SERVICES 11,40 12/12/2006 PK 139862 103139 D2 SERVICES INC, 1,524,96 12/12/2006 PKi 139863 102488 DAY DISTRIBUTING 3,395.99 12/12/2006 PK 139864 119437 DEHN, PETER 34,08 12/12/2006 PK 139865 102275 DPC INDUSTRIES INC 625,14 12/12/2006 PK 13986q 123699 DRAHOS, TROY 35,00 12/12/2006IPK 139867 113181 DROP-N-GO SHIPPING, INC 9,93 12/12/2006 PK 139868 102236 DUININCK BROS INC. 12,102,27 12/1212006 PK 139869 102236 DUININCK BROS INC, 86,025,78 12/1212006 PK 139870 102236 DUININCK BROS INC. 3,67500 12/1212006 PK 139871 102647 DYNA SYSTEMS 251,68 12/12/2006 PK 139872 104415 EARTH TECH 79,625,00 12/1212006 PK 139873 123714 EBERT CONSTRUCTION 226,855,25 12/12/2006 PK 139874 102354 ECONO FOODS , 247,96 12/12/2006 PK 139875 102326 ELECTRIC MOTOR CO 255.00 12/12/2006 PK 139876 109225 ELLIOTT, TIM ' 80.00 12112/2006 PK 139877 120911 EMERGENCY TRAINING ASSOCIATES 501.15 12112/2006 PK 139878. 102339 EWING, BRENDA 29,00 12/12/2006 PK 1 139879: 120767 EXNER,KENT 93.45 12112/2006 PK. 139880 110034 EXTREME BEVERAGE 300,00 12112/2006 PK: 139881 ' 102223 FARM-RITE EQUIPMENT 354,02 12112/2006 PK I 139882' 104137 FASTENAL COMPANY 162,31 12112/2006 PK: 139883 102808 FIEDLER, RICH 70,00 12112/2006 PK: 1398841 102094 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 314.62 12112/2006 PK 139885: 111199 FORKLIFTS OF MINNESOTA, INC 497.10 12112/2006 PK' 139886 102526 G & K SERVICES 4,110,19 1211212006 PK: 139887' 103340 GEB ELECTRICAL INC 140,00 12112/2006 PK 1398881 105021 GENERAL TRADING CO 257,17 1211212006 PK 139889 103029 GLENCOE ENTERPRISE 220,00 12112/2006 PK: 139890 : 123363 GMS INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES INC 313,15 1211212006 PK 139891 123710 GNET GROUP LLC 7,600,00 12112/2006iPK i 139892 105562 GRAN IT BRONZ 144,93 12112/2006: PK : 139893: 123681 GREEN TREE BY NORTHLAND CHEMIC 138,58 12112/2006: PK 1398941 122907 GRIDOR CONSTRUCTION 1,566,451,00 12112/2006 PK 139895 101874 GRIGGS & COOPER & CO 15,387,82 12112/2006 PK 139896 123626 GUTHRIE 60,82 1211212006iPK 139897 103179 HANSEN DEMOLITION LANDFILL 16,00 12112/2006IPK 139898 1024511 HANSEN DIST OF SLEEPY EYE 1,148,70 12112/2006:PK 139899 1097991HARRIS COMPANIES 1,256,63 12112/2006 PK 139900 121923:HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP 1,521,34 12/12/2006 PK 139901 122308:HATTEN, ASHLEY JO 40,00 12112/2006 PK 139902 123700:HAUSER, ROB 35,00 12112/20061 PK 139903 123715:HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD 829,80 12112/2006' PK 139904 103240'HEMMAH, KATHY 15,17 12112/2006 PK 139905 123701 ! HOEL, CRAIG 35,00 12112/2006 PK 139906 117921: HOMETOWN SPORTS 520,00 12112/2006 PK 139907 111066IHOTSY EQUIPMENT OF MINNESOTA 152,22 12/12/2006 PK 139908 102319 HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE 6,609,82 12/12/2006 PK 139909 102530 HUTCHINSON CO-OP 30,097,37 12/1212006 PK 139910 102537 HUTCHINSON LEADER 5,104,26 12/1212006 PK 139911 102538 HUTCHINSON MEDICAL CENTER 139,00 12/1212006 PK 139912 102541 HUTCHINSON TELEPHONE CO 8,477,36 12/1212006 PK 139913 103846 HUTCHINSON TOWNSHIP 221,75 12/1212006 PK 139914 105161 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 110,196,39 12/1212006 PK 139915 105515 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES 1,791,23 12/1212006 PK 139916 102543 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE 922.00 12/12/2006 PK 139917 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 1 60,500.00 12/12/2006 PK 139918. 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 60,500.00 12/12/2006 PK I 139919' 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 115,733.00 12/12/2006 PK' 139920 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 63,353.00 12/12/2006 PK 139921 : 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF . 105.326.00 12/12/2006 PK 1399221 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 64,548.00 12/12/2006 PK 139923T 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF . 166,090.00 12/12/2006 PK 139924 ! 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF . 111,876.00 12/1212006 PK 1399251 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF i 321,500.00 . . . 12/12/2006TpK . 139926 102633 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 75,969,92 . 12/12/2006IPK 139927 102635 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 6,905.07 12/12/2006! PK 139928 103099 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 128,500.00 12/12/2006 [ PK 139929 103246 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 11,062.60 12/12/2006 PK 139930 105160 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 18,650,84 12/12/2006 j PK 139931 110991 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 110,000,00 12/12/2006 PK 139932 103606 INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES 75.00 12/12/2006 PK 139933 102779 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST. #423 12,112,00 12/12/2006 PK 139934 119359 INTERSTATE POWER COMPANIES, I 79,09 12/12/2006 PK 139935 103520 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEMS OF 10,60 12/12/2006 PK 139936 102062 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT 155,79 12/12/2006 PK 139937 115855 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. 1,307,80 12/12/2006 PK 139938 101938 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO, 15,464,59 12/12/2006 PK 139939 123702 JUHL, MATT 45,00 12/12/2006 PK 139940 104093 JURGENSON, STACY 65.00 12/12/2006iPK 139941 102555 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 4,740,00 12/12/2006~PK 139942 104292 KOBOW, BECKY 449,72 12/12/2006, PK 139943 104347 KOSEK, ANDREW 21,28 12/12/2006!PK · 139944. 102561 L & P SUPPLY CO 639,54 12/12/2006 PK 139945' 123703LAMBA, CHERI i 35,00 12/12/2006 PK, 139946 113179 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES-INS TRUST 400,00 12/12/2006 PK, 139947 101984.LOCHER BROTHERS INC i 13,665.65 12/12/2006 PK! 139948 102564,LOGIS I 26,370.38 12/12/2006 PK 139949 1219241L YNN TOWNSHIP 256.89 12/12/2006 PK 139950 102145 M-R SIGN ~ 620.99 12/12/2006 PK 139951 102572 MANKATO MOBILE RADIO 90.79 12/12/2006 PK 139952 123716 MASON-CUTTERS 2,573.22 12/12/2006 PK 139953 123704 MAX,MARC 80.00 12/12/2006 PK 139954 115861 MCLEOD COUNTY BAR ASSOC 40.00 12/12/2006 PK 139955 102489 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 350.00 12/12/2006 PK 139956 102489 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRA 500.00 12/12/2006 PK 139957 113893 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER 11,20 12/12/2006 PK 139958 102064 MCRAITH, JOHN 251,75 12/12/2006 PK 139959 105666 MECA 75,00 12/12/2006 PK 139960 122584 MEEDS, SHARON 2,153.40 12/12/2006 PK 139961 112400 MENARDS - HUTCHINSON 742.52 12/12/2006 PK 139962 102131 METRO ATHLETIC SUPPLY ! 2,961.02 12/12/2006 PK 139963 102575 MINI BIFF , 73.32 12/12/2006 PK 139964 119345 MINNESOTA CHAMBER BUSINESS SER , 1,212,72 12/12/2006 PK 139965 122403 MINNESOTA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE 100,00 12/12/2006 PK 139966 101992 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH 7,323,00 12/12/2006 PK 139967 101947 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & INDU 1,260.00 12/12/2006 PK 139968 102582 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR INC 106,70 12/12/2006 PK 139969 112260 MINNESOTA GREEN EXPO 20,00 12/12/2006 PK 139970 102911 MINNESOTA LANDSCAPE ARBORETUM 80.00 12/12/2006 PK 139971 105157 MINNESOTA SHREDDING 55,95 12/12/2006 PK 139972! 122286 MINNESOTA TRUCK LEASING INC 4,137,54 12/12/2006 PK 139973 102583 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB 983,25 12/12/2006 PK 139974 104731 MOON, PATTI 575,00 12/12/2006 PK 139975 114445 MOTION INDUSTRIES INC 83,87 12/12/2006 PK 139976 122563 MTD COMMUNICATIONS, INC 529,00 12/12/2006 PK 139977 118643 NAPA AUTO PARTS 15.46 12/12/2006 PK 139978 102438 NATIONAL CAMERA EXCHANGE 73.46 12/12/2006 PK 139979 102650 NCL 168,25 12/12/2006 PK 139980 115871 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 176,53 12/12/2006 PK 139981 123717 NORDPAL CORP, 42,42900 12/12/2006 PK 139982 103014 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS 374,14 12/12/20061 PK 139983 102180 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY 670,29 1211212006 i PK 139984 119452 NORTHLAND CHEMICAL CORP 11943 1211212006: PK 139985 122214 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS 117,02 1211212006. PK 139986 123718 ODLAND PROTECTIVE COATINGS 272,100,00 1211212006 PK 139987 119358 OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOG 189,37 1211212006' PK 139988 123652 OLD COUNTRY BUFFET 495,00 1211212006: PK 139989 102155 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO. 1,119.10 1211212006: PK 139990 123569 OSTLUND SUPPLY 535.00 1211212006' PK 139991 123705 PASCO, JEFF . 45,00 1211212006 PK 139992 102187 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO 4,566.97 12112/2006 PK 139993 122185 PEAT INC. 7,135.52 12112/2006: PK 139994' 120797 PEDERSON, JASON 60.00 1211212006'PK ' 139995 123706 PETERSON, MELISSA 35,00 12112/2006 PK 139996 101853 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 11,827.75 12/12/2006 PK 139997 102445 POSTMASTER 1,240,00 12/12/2006 PK 139998 102157 PRINCE OF PEACE SENIOR APT. IN 9,076,45 12/1212006 PK 139999 114391. PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR 1,061,05 12/1212006 PK 140000 102598iQUADE ELECTRIC 847,74 1211212006 PK 140001 102212 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS 443,56 1211212006 PK 140002 102052 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO, 10,702,76 1211212006 PK 140003 121518 QWEST . 62,46 1211212006 PK 140004 102604 R & R SPECIALTIES INC . 140,20 1211212006 PK 140005: 123682 RADISSON HOTEL & CONFERENCE CE 812,63 1211212006 PK 140006 104421 RDJ SPECIALTIES 376,92 1211212006 PK 140007 102384 RDO EQUIPMENT CO, 5,68840 1211212006 PK 140008 121176 REINER ENTERPRISES, INC 1,617,88 12112/2006PK : 140009 105266 RESERVE ACCOUNT 1,668,20 12112/2006 PK 140010 102358 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE 45,00 12112/2006 PK 140011 123287 ROECKER, DONALD 1,800,00 12/12/2006 PK 140012 1 03049: ROTO ROOTER . 85,00 12/1212006 PK 140013 121677:RUCKS, CAMERON D, 1,759,20 12/1212006 PK 140014 102225 RUNNING'S SUPPLY 1,08745 1211212006 PK 140015 122933 RW FARMS, LLC 4,207,50 1211212006 PK 140016 120907 SAL TMAN LLC 314,97, 1211212006 PK 140017 102436 SARA LEE COFFEE & TEA 344,44' 1211212006 PK 140018' 102606 SCHMELING OIL CO 35,00' 1211212006 PK 140019 109801 scon's WINDOW CLEANING SERVlC 63.9 1211212006 PK 140020 121932 SECRETARY OF STATE 120.0 1211212006 PK 140021 101892 SEH 1,713.6 1211212006 PK 140022 115821 SEPPEL T, MILES 148.6 1211212006 PK 140023 102637 SEVEN WEST WASH & DRY 440,90 12112/2006 PK 140024 102719 SHAW, KAREN 80,00 12112/2006 PK 140025 102609 SHOPKO 102.22 12112/2006 PK! 140026 119913 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES COR 8,565.79 12112/2006 PK! 140027 104607 SMITHEE, BRYAN 65.00 12/12/2006 PK' 140028 105492 SOUTH CENTRAL TECH COLLEGE 55.00 12/12/2006 PK 140029 120410 SPECIALTY WINES 653.87 12/1212006 PK' 140030 1 02747 ,ST. JOSEPH'S EQUIPMENT INC 5,099,89 12/12/2006 PK 140031 102612 'STANDARD PRINTING 731,39 12/1212006 PK 140032 123292 STATE OF MINNESOTA-DEPT OF LAB 227,18 12/12/2006 PK 140033 123387 STElLE CONSTRUCTION 28,200.00 12/1212006 PK 140034 123707 STENZEL, GWEN 35.00 12/1212006 PK 140035 123568 STOCKMAN TRANSFER, INC. 2,584.16 12112/2006 PK 140036 118862 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT 747.20 1211212006 PK 140037 123663 STRUCTURAL BUILDINGS INC 82,400,00 1211212006 PK 140038 103220 SWANSON, MARILYN M, , 12,12 1211212006 ! PK 140039 103096 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEM , 44,73 12112/2006 PK 140040 102618 TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE 20,60 12112/2006 PK ! 140041 102620 TRI CO WATER 786,14 . . . 12/1212006 PK, 140042 102619 TWO WAY COMM INC 1,189,02 12/12/2006 PK 140043 102624 UNITED BUILDING CENTERS 66,17 12/12/2006 PK 140044 102625 UNITED LABORATORIES 884,58 12112/2006 PK 140045 119701 UNUM LIFE INS COMPANY OF AMERI I 3,170,95 <<211212006 PK 140046 101974 VIKING BEER 4,171.20 211212006 PK 140047 108598 WAL-MART 12,96 1211212006 PK 140048 105122WASTE MANAGEMENT 34,590,60 12112/2006PK 140049 120852 WASTE MANAGEMENT-TC WEST 1,110,52 1211212006 PK 140050 102639 WEST PUBLISHING PAYMENT CTR 1,311.83 12/1212006 PK ~ 140051 102960 WICHTERMAN, KEN 60,00 12/1212006 PK 140052 103452 WINE COMPANY, THE 1,236,00 12/12/2006 PK 140053 102452 WINE MERCHANTS INC 1,501,65 12/12/2006 PK 140054 102632 XEROX CORP ! 1,829.39 12/1212006 PK 140055 103980 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS l 34,61 12112/2006 PK 140056 105571 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO , 422.59 12/12/2006 PK 140057 102634 ZIEGLER INC , 1,820.98 4,393,013.01 Account Number . . . R55APPYRVI CITY OF HUTCHINSON Bv Check Number AP Payment Reaister with Voids Check Date 11/30/2006 - Ck Date Tvoe Check # Vendor Name Amount 11/30/2006 PK 139781 . 123672 BLACK BOX CORPORATION 1,707,11 11/30/2006 PK 139782 122919 BRYAN STREICH TRUCKING 1,640,64 11/30/2006 PK 139783 123675 CREATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 12,356,25 11/30/2006 PK 139784 102647 DYNA SYSTEMS 126,84 11/30/2006 PK 139785 103743 GE CAPITAL 60,62 11/30/2006 PK 139786 102533 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITO 6.356,89 11/30/2006 PK 139787 102208 JEFF'S ELECTRIC 2,854.99 11/30/2006 PK 139788 122584 MEEDS, SHARON 1,692.20 11/3012006 PK 139789 119858 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF 1,070,59 11/30/2006 PK 139790 102449 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 177.68 11/30/2006 PK 139791 110969 PRIMARY PACKAGING 3,982,53 11/30/2006 PK 139792 120861 SKYVIEW DAIRY INC 45,257,10 11/30/2006 PK 139793 123676 STREAMLINE CONSULTING INC 312,50 11/30/2006 PK 139794 105122 WASTE MANAGEMENT 34,590,60 112,186,54 Account Nu 112.186,54 . Void Amou . . . . . . . R55APPYRV I CITY OF HUTCHINSON I Bv Check Number AP Payment Reqister with Voids Check Dat 12/0412006 - C k Date Type Check # Vendor Name Amount 12104/2006 PK 139795 . 120176 BEST WESTERN 138.46 12104/2006 PK 139796 102649 MPCA 270.00 408.46 Account N # 408.46 Void Amou Payment Type Check Payment Check Payment 408.46, 408.46 , R55APPYRV CITY OF HUTCHINSON By Check Number AP Pavment Register with Voids Check Dates 12/0712006 - Ck Date Type Check # Vendor Name Amount 12/0712006 PK 139797 101919 AMERICAN FAMILY INS CO. 184,73 12/0712006 PK 139798 122919 BRYAN STREICH TRUCKING 191,84 12/0712006 PK 139799 101872 H,R.LAP.R. 313,25 12/0712006 PK 139800 102038 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 182,300.23 12/07/2006 PK 139801 102633 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 8,513.41 12/0712006 PK 139802 102635 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF 767.61 12/0712006 PK 139803 101873 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 4,001.53 12/0712006 PK 139B04 101876 ING LIFE & ANN CO. . 1,350.00 12/0712006 PK 139B05 1027B7 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER 428,50 12/0712006 PK 139806 102449 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMEN 648.83 12/07/2006 PK 139B07 123694 NATIONAl CITIZEN SURVEY, THE 4,200,00 12/0712006 PK 139BOB 101914 NCPERS LIFE INS. 524,00 12/0712006 PK 139B09 101875 ORCHARD TRUST COMPANY, LLC 300,00 12/0712006 PK 139B10 102096 PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL FUNDS 30.00 12/0712006 PK 139811 122301 STATE OF MICHIGAN 725,00 12/0712006 PK 139812 123568 STOCKMAN TRANSFER, INC. 369,52 12/0712006 PK 139813 123663 STRUCTURAL BUILDINGS INC 60,000,00 264,84B.45 Account NUrT 264,84B.45 . Void Amou . . . PAYROLL DATE: Period Ending Date: December 8, 2006 December 2. 2006 FOR COUNCIL LIST ONLY. ELECTRONIC TRANSFER . TO STATE AND IRS DO NOT ISSUE CHECKS FOR THIS PAGE ,MOUNT ACCT# NAME DESCRIPTION $23,052.70 9995.2034 WITH. TAX Employee Contribution - Federal Tax ACCOU NT Employee Contribution - Soc, Security $12,024,39 9995,224 $3,450.28 9995,2242 Employee Contribution - Medicare $38,527,37 Sub-Total- Employee Contribution $12,024,39 9995.224 Employer Contribution - Social Security Per Journal Entries $3,450,28 9995.2242 Employer Contribution - Medicare $15,474,67 Sub.Total- Employer Contribution Fica Medicare Withholdin9 $54,002.04 Grand Total - Withholding Tax Account Total ~ 9995.2035 MN DEPT OF REVENUE State Tax $13,894,61 9995,2241 PERA Employee Contribution - Pension Plan $16,590,61 9995.2241 Employer Contribution - Pension Plan $30,485.22 Sub-Total- PERA $15,86 9995,2243 PERA-DCP Employee Contribution - Pension Plan $15.86 9995,2241 Employer Contribution - Pension Plan Para $31.72 Sub - Total - DCP DCP $30,516.94 GRAND TOTAL - PERA Total Finance Direc10r Approval . $ 24,048,78 $ 6,900,56 $ 23,05270 $ 54,002.04 Difference $0.00 $ 10,047.31 $0.00 $ 30,501,08 $ 15.86 $ 30,516.94 $0.00 .. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS 12-12-06 WATER/SEWER MN DEPT OF REVENUE-USE TAX GENERAL MN DEPT OF REVENUE-SALES TAX . RATS DEPT OF REVENUE-FUEL TAX LIQUOR MN DEPT OF REVENUE- JULY TX . $10,053.00 $ 754.00 $1,180.00 $27,661.00 . .