10-22-2024 (Strategic Planning Session - Good Government)STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION — GOOD GOVERNMENT
OCTOBER 22, 2024 @ 3:45 P.M.
Members present: Mayor Gary Forcier called the session to order. Members
present were Tim Burley, Dave Sebesta, Pat May and Chad Czmowski. Others
present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and other city directors and staff.
1) Introduction to the Topic
Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, noted that today's agenda topics will include a review
of the programs and services and the people that provide them, policies and planning in
Hutchinson, partnerships/volunteering/advocacy, examining elected officials when it
comes to providing "good government" and the next steps/action items/developing a
Mr. Jaunich reviewed the core value statements of providing for good government. The
core value of Good Government states "Citizens believe that the City is progressive and
innovative, delivering quality services at a reasonable price and that visionary planning
for the future is taking place".
Mr. Jaunich reviewed community survey feedback regarding good government. The
results showed that 74% rated the overall feeling of quality of services provided by the
City as excellent or good; 82% gave the City's customer service a positive rating; 70%
gave a positive rating in regard to the value of public information services; 52% gave a
positive rating in regard to value of services for taxes paid; 59% rated the overall
direction of the City as excellent or good; 54% feel the City is welcoming of citizen
involvement; 51% stated they were confident in City government; 61% stated that the
City was acting in the best interest of Hutchinson; 61% felt the City was being honest;
58% felt the City treats all residents fairly; 55% felt the City has been open and
transparent to the public; 51% stated that the City was informing residents about issues
facing the community; 66% stated the City was treating residents with respect; 42% of
residents have contacted the City for help or information; 11% have contacted a
Hutchinson elected official to express their opinion; 11% have attended a local public
meeting; 27% have watched a local public meeting; 44% have volunteered their time to
some group/activity; 13% have campaigned or advocated for a local issue, cause or
candidate; and 76% have voted in the most recent local election.
Mr. Jaunich also reviewed the price of providing services and noted that the City has the
second lowest tax rate in the county.
Council Member Czmowski noted that the citizens of Hutchinson are generally happy
with the City and local governing and there are typically no major issues.
Council Member May spoke about the low participation in the community survey and it
concerns him that at times council members are only approached when something
personally effects an individual or their property.
Council Member Burley expressed that he proactively engages the public and asks for
solutions to problems that they see. He feels that council members need to be willing to
engage with the community.
Mayor Forcier expressed that he wants the public to approach the council members with
questions they have.
2) Programs and Services and the People that Provide Them
Mr. Jaunich reviewed the current system of the city which includes administrative,
financial and legal programs and services; economic development programs and
services; housing programs and services; park/rec/community education programs and
services, planning/zoning/building program and services; public safety programs and
services, public works programs and services, water/sewer/storm services, garbage
services, compost and Creekside services, Liquor Hutch services and electrical/gas
Council Member Czmowski expressed he does not feel that there is any program or
service that the City could discontinue that citizens would not care about and he
commended all city staff on the work they do.
Council Member May noted that if there are items that are getting too expensive for the
City, perhaps they need to be reviewed to make adjustments and/or see if the public is
willing to pay fees for things. He also noted that he wished there was a solution to keep
the aquatic center open later in the season but cannot due to staffing issues.
Council Member Burley spoke about the issues of recruiting for police officers and even
Council Member May also commended leadership on retaining employees and offering
competitive wages and benefit packages.
3) Policies and Planning in Hutchinson
Mr. Jaunich spoke about all the documents that help guide city staff and the City
Council. These include: City Charter, Core Values statement document, Strategic Plan,
Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Plan, Airport Master Plan, Complete Streets Policy,
Financial Management Plan, Master Park Plan, EDA Strategic Plan, Marketing and
Branding Plan, Housing Plan, Growth Planning, Emergency Operations Plan and
Downtown Plan.
Council Member Czmowski expressed his gratitude for all of the plans put in place by
staff as they are very resourceful tools.
Mayor Forcier expressed that he feels the City is proactive in the development of the
policies it currently has.
Council Member Sebesta expressed that there are times when policies have to be
developed based on specific activities or actions.
Council Member May noted that a policy on cannabis, as well as other policies, will need
to be revised over the years due to state requirements.
Council Member Burley noted that the Council needs to be open to revising and/or
developing policies based on needs or requests.
It was noted that some of the city's development policies and the fees noted within
them may very well need to be revised in the near future as they have not been
updated for many years.
4) Partnerships, Volunteering and Advocacy
Mr. Jaunich noted that city staff prides itself in the various partnerships that it has
throughout the organization. Opportunities for both volunteering and the use of
volunteers is felt throughout the organization. Many city staff volunteer on various
boards and committees that have an impact on regional and statewide issues and the
city is partners with statewide advocacy groups.
Council Member Czmowski suggested perhaps the EDA could partner more with the
Chamber of Commerce which could also include revitalizing the Hutchinson Downtown
Council Member May spoke about the important relationship the city has with the school
Mayor Forcier spoke about the benefits of holding meetings with the county board and
other local governments.
Staff spoke about partnerships with HUC as well as the McLeod County Soil and Water
Conservation District.
5) Examining Yourself (Elected Officials) When it Comes to Providing "Good
Council Member Czmowski asked if staff was aware of municipalities that have staff
evaluate Councils — no one was aware of any.
Matt Jaunich encouraged council members to attend the League of Minnesota Cities
annual conference and the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities annual conference.
6) Next Steps/Action Items/Developing a Plan
Council Member Burley suggested reviewing city ordinances and policies on a more
routine basis.
Motion by May, second by Czmowski, to adjourn at 5:20 p.m. Motion carried
Gary T. Forcier
Matthew Jaunich
Mayor City Administrator