08-28-2024 HUCMMINUTES
Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Call to order — 3:00 p.m.
President Don Martinez called the meeting to order. Members present: President Don
�Marti�niez,, Vice President Matt Cheney-, Secretary Kathy Silvernale; Commissioner
Anthony Hanson; Commissioner Troy Pullis; GM Jeremy Carter; Attomey Marc Sebora
Conflict of Interest
2. Approve Consent Agenda
a., Approve Minutes
b. Ratify Payment of Bills
Motion, by Commissioner Pullis, second by Commissioner Silvernale to Approve the
Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Approve Financial Statements
Mr. Martigi presented the Financial Statements. Electric Division, customer revenues
were up due to an increase in Industrial usage and PCA, There was not a PCA last
'Year. Sales for Resales and' Market Sales were down from last year. Natural Gas
Division, increased mostly due to increase revenue and usage from the Industrial
GM Carter noted divisions are staiblei. Consumption is trending downi. GM Carter
reviewed Investments.
Motion by, Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve the
Financial Statements. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Communication
a. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich —
i, Street projects are wrapping up
ii. VMF lighting project update. Grandstand to start later this week
b. IDivisions
i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager —
11. Nothing to report
iii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager —
1. August 161t1, Feeder #17 wire faulted!, and later that day a Switch failed
on Feeder #22.
2. August 11, Residential Transformer fuse blew from the heat
iii. Mlike Gabrielson, Production Manager —
1. Unit I Update —Fleeting is, scheduled with GE Leadership tomorrow,
Commissioners please send questions you may have
iv. Jared Martig, Financial Manager-
1. Nothing to report
c. Human Resources — Angie Radke -
L Natural Gas Division Manager position has been posted
MNOPS Audit went well.
le, General Manager — Jeremy Carter
i. Business Update
ii, Working on, Contracts
fli. Power Sales Agreement
Commissioner Hanson shared some positive feedback from a rate payor on a,
manufacturing project that was going on and how well the process went, Electric
Division Staff did a great job.
6. Policies
a, Review Policies
Hutchinson Utilities Commission,
Establishing a New Electric/Natural Gas Account
Terminating Electric/Natural Gas Service by Customer
Definition of Your BIN
Errors in Billing
Payment of Your Biiill
Automatic Bill Payment Plan,
Budget Payment Plan
Explanation of Billing Procedure
Disconnection of Residential Services by HUC
Disconnection of Commercial Services, by HUC
After Hours Reconnection Policy
Landlord Acknowledgment
Inserts with Utility Bills,
ldentity Theft — "Red Flag Program"
Minnesota Cold Weather Rule
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and Public Records Request
b, Approve Changes
Deposit Requirement — Residential
fl. Deposit Requirement— Co,mimiercial/Industrial
Mr. Martig presented approval of piolicy changes. For efficiency reasons, Sta
recommends changing the method! of how refunds are given. Customers stj
have an o:pition to receive a check.
7. Unfinished Business
8-low Busiinessi . F
a. Award Contract for Hutchinson Substation Group Operated Switches to
Southern Electrical Equipment Co Inc
ff-ir, Lang presented Approval of Awarding Contractfor Hutchinson! Substation
group operated switches to Southern Electrical Equipment Co, Inc. Five bids were
received at the bid opening on August 14th, After reviewing the bids, Staff and DG,R
Engineering is recommending awardiing the bid to Southern Electrical Equipment
Co. Inc for a total contract price of $456,476.04.
Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Silvernale to Awaird
Contract for Hutchinson Substation group operated switches to Southern Electrical
Equipment Co. Inc. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr, Lang presented Approval of Awarding Contract foon Substation
steel to Galvanizers, Inc, Five b�ids were received at the bidopening on August,
14th. After reviewing the bids, Staff and DGIR Engineering is recommending
awarding the bid to GaIvanizers, Inc for a total contract price of $414,077.67.
Motion by Commissioner Silvernale, second by Commissioner Hanson, to Award
Contract for Hutchinson Substation steel to Ga,lvanizers, Inc, Motion carried
c, Award Contract for Hutchinson Substation Steel Transmission Poles to
Galvanizers, Inc.
Mr. Lang presented Approval of Awarding Contract for Hutchinson Substation
Steel Transmission Poles to Galvanizers, Inc, Four bids were received at the bid
opening on, August 14th. After reviewing the bids, Staff and DGR Engineering is
recommending awarding the bid to Galvanizers, Inc for a, total contract price of
Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Pulilis to Award
Contract for Hutchinson Substation Steel Transmission Poles to Galvanizers, In
Motion carried unanimously'. I
Commissioners congratulated GM General Carter as the new Secretary/
Tre,qsurer of 1,111U.4.
There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by
Commiissioner Pullis to adjourn the meeting at 3:18p.m. Motion carried unanimously,
Don Martinez,