03-27-2024 HUCMMINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Don Martinez called the meeting to order. Members present: President Don Martinez; Vice President Matt Cheney; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; Commissioner Robert Wendorff; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora; Justin McGraw with Conway, Deuth & Schmiesing Audit Firm Absent: Secretary Kathy Silvernale 1. Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve 2023 Financial Audit — Presentation by Justin McGraw Justin McGraw with Conway, Deuth & Schmiesing Audit Firm presented the 2023 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Independent Audit Report. Mr. McGraw also provided Financial statement packets that show more detail along with how the review went. Mr. McGraw stated the audit was conducted in accordance with the Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and Government Auditing Standards. The financial statements of the Commission are presented fairly in the firms' opinion. Mr. McGraw reviewed the Statement of Net Position. Total Assets decreased in 2023 with liabilities decreasing as well. Mr. McGraw reviewed the Cash and Investment Balances. Mr. McGraw reviewed the Electric and Natural Gas Divisions Operating Revenues and Expenses. Mr. McGraw summarized the Communications portion of the report and the General Recommendations that consist of continuing to watch the Earned Sick and Safe Time Law as the law continues to evolve. Mr. McGraw stated the audit went well and the Staff was very helpful. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve the 2023 Financial Audit. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Approve Financial Statements Mr. Carter presented the Financial Statements. GM Carter spoke of the Rate Stabilization fund and how it effects the Customer Revenue. Expenses are tracking consistent. Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve the Financial Statements. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Open Forum 6. Communication a. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich — Absent b. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — 1. Working with Staff and Miso on Unit 1 capacity ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — Nothing to report iii. Mike Gabrielson, Production Manager —Absent iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director — 1. 1 sc MNOPs Audit — passed. Will be back in June for Fields and Records Audit President Martinez and the Commission thanked Mr. Webster for his many years of service and that his dedication and hard work is appreciated. v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager- Absent c. Human Resources — Angie Radke - i. Working on a couple of Job Postings- Welder Service Person and Account Coordinator d. Legal — Marc Sebora — i. Nothing to report e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Provided a VMF Lighting Bid Opening Update from the City ii. Regional MMUA Meeting to be held on June 6 iii. MMUA Legislative Rally was canceled due to weather but did have virtual Legislative Updates iv. Thanked John Webster for his years of service and leadership in the Natural Gas Division. Thanked Commissioner Wendorff for his years of Service on the Commission Board. 7. Policies a. Review Policies i. Section 3 of Exempt Handbook ii. Section 3 of Non -Exempt Handbook No changes recommended at this time. 8. Unfinished Business 9. New Business 2 a. Award Contract for Hutchinson Substation 115kV and 69kV Circuit Breakers Mr. Lang presented Awarding the Contract for Hutchinson Substation 115kV and 69kV Circuit Breakers. On March 13th, HUC had a Bid opening for the circuit breakers. Three bids were received. After reviewing the bid proposals, Staff and DGR Engineering are recommending awarding the bid to Border States for a total contract price of $760,936.17. Border States would be furnishing circuit breakers manufactured by Siemens. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Awarding the Contract for Hutchinson Substation 115kv and 69kV Circuit Breakers as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. b. Approve Req#009860 — Purchase of Cooling Tower Recirculating Pumps Plant 1 GM Carter presented Approval of Req#009860- Purchase of Cooling Tower Recirculating Pumps Plant 1. The current pumps running the cooling tower were originally installed when Unit 3 and 4 were new back in 1968. The pumps are wearing out and parts are no longer available or supported. Staff is recommending replacing the pumps for a total of $52,460.72. HUC had budgeted $60k. Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Req#009860 — Purchase of Cooling Tower Recirculating Pumps Plant 1. Motion carried unanimously. c. Approve Req#009861 — Renegade Professional Services Agreement GM Carter presented Approval of Req#009861 — Renegade Professional Services Agreement. Renegade Energy Advisors (REA) provided a proposal to assist HUC and HCP in meeting annual Federal and State regulatory compliance items. HUC and HCP are required annually to assess and delineate the HCA and MCA areas and perform a class location assessment under the Federal Department of Transportations Office of Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). HUC has budgeted for the portion of costs associated with HUC's transmission line. HCP will be responsible for the portion of costs in order to stay in compliance with the transmission line they now currently own. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve Req#009861 — Renegade Professional Services Agreement. Motion carried unanimously. 3 d. LM6000 Update GM Carter provided an LM6000 Update. There are 3 options available on the LM6000. 11 Option; Staff is still waiting to hear the results of current midshaft on NDT testing and possible recoating that is needed. If midshaft can be recoated what possible concerns will there be. 2"d Option; if current midshaft is not an option, there is an after market midshaft that can be purchased for an additional cost and can be ready in about 8 weeks. 3rd Option; PA Engine Exchange. Option 1 and 2 are running in parallel right now, Staff is waiting to hear more information on the 2 options. Discussion was held on engine exchange with air permitting, warranty, insurance, costs up front, and what HUC would get for current engine. Commission would like to know more about equipment coverage and Duty to Warn. Conversations were held on all 3 options and the future of the unit. A few items for Staff to check into are 1) Is a Bid opening required for the PA Engine 2) Staff to calculate a breakeven amount to have option 3 pay for itself and 3) Insurance updates. Ms. Radke will send an email about availability on having a Special Meeting. 10. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Cheney to adjourn the meeting at 4:09p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Kathy Sirernale, Secretary ATTEST; on Martinez, President 4