11-29-2023 HUCMMINUTES
Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commissi
Wednesd�ay, November 29, 2023 1
Call to order — 300 p.m.
President Anthony H'anso�n called the meeting to order, Members present: President
Anthony Hanson; Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Don Martinez-, Commissioner
1. Conflict of Interest
2. Approve Consent Agend?
a. Approve Minutes
b. Ratify Payment of Bi�ll�s
Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve
the Consent Agenda, Motion carded unanimously.
3. Approve Financial Statements
ffir. Martig presented t,he financial statements. Electric Division KWH sold increased
from last year. Total Revenue and Expenses decreased from last year. Sales
decreased in large part due to a Power Cost Adjustment in October 2022 but not in
October 202i3. Natural Gas Division Total Revenue and Expenses both increased
from last year. Mr. Martig also reviewed the Bond Payments that were made.
Motion by Commissioner Silvernale, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve
the Financial Statements. Motion carded unanimiouisly,
5. Communication
a. City Administrator— Matthew Jaunich —
L Working on finalizing budgets
ii. Truth and Taxation December 5th
iii. Starting first phase of next year's construction projects
i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Nothing to report
ii. Dave H�unstad, Bectric Transmission/Distribution Manager — Nothing to
iii. Mike Gabrieilson, Production Manager — Absent
John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director —
1. Finalizing construction season
2. Heartland Corn station is almost complete., Headand Corn pipeline Is
about 50%i complete. Pipeline is roughly 8 miles long
v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager —
1. Auditors will be here week of January 22
c. Human Resources — Angie Radke
I . Finalizing 2024 Benefits
2. Working on policies for review in December
e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter
1, Union negations meeting next Friday, December 1
2. Finalizing budgets and Cap X
3. Starting to, work on Legislative priorities for the Legislative Session
6. Policies
a. Review Policies
i. CI Rebate Level of Authority
ii, Delegation of Authority Policy
iii. Financial Reserve Policy
iv. Service Beyond City Limits of Hutchinson
v. Surplus Property Policy
4. Approve Changes
i. Payments of HUC Pa,yables
ii,, Purchasing Policy/Credit Cards/Fixed Assets
fl. Investment Policy
iv, Petty Cash, — Exempt and Non-Exem:pt
Yne criange, F, F In T ar afTA111.141777, =1(r?IFMnVioAcj7Ure( ii
Cards/Fixed Assets Policy.
Motion by Commissioner Cheiney, siecond by Commissioner Silveirnaile to Appro
I• I olicy Changes. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
Mr. Martig presented Approval of Non -Wavier Tort Liability Limits for General
Liability Insurance, which is a requirement by the League of Minnesota Cities
Insurance Trust. Staff is recommending to not waive the torte liability limits.
Completion of the Wavier Form is done annually. In the past HIUC has not waived
the municipal tort liimit.
Motion by Commissioner Martiniez,, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve
Non -Waiver of Tort Liability Limits for General Liability Insurance. Motion carried
b. Approve Customer Uncollectable Write -Offs
Mr. Marfig presented the Customer Uncollectabile Write -Offs, HUC is requesting to
approve write-offs of $4,883.37. The amount is less than last year.
Motion by Commissioner Silvernale, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve
Customer UnGollectable Write -Offs, Motion carried! unanimously,
c. Approve Interconnect Agreement for, Heartland Corn Products
Mr. Webster presented Approval of' Interconnect Agreement for Heartland Corn
Products. Heartland Corn Products (HCP) is requesting that an interconnection be
put in pilace between Hutchinson, Utilities' 12 natural gas pipeline and the 6" pipeline
that HC�P is currently constructing in Sibley County. The attached agreement
specifies construction and operational parameters that will ex�ilst between both
parties at the interconnect station.
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d. Approval of Natural Gas Firm, Transportation Capacity Agreement with Heartland
Corn Products
Moition by Commissioner Wendlorffsecond by Commissioner Martinez to ApproV4
�Iatural Gas Firm Transportation Capacity Agreement with Heartland Corn Product�q
Motion, carried unanimously.
e. Approval of Operating Agreement Heartland Corn Products Natural Gas
Transmission Facilities
Mr. Webster presented Approval of Operating Agreement Heartland Corn Products
Natural Gas Transmission Facilities. Heartland Corn Products (HCP)1 has requested
that HUC's Natural Gas Division perform all of the op;era,tion, and maintenance', as
required by DOT, on the 6" high pressure natural gas pipeline that is currenitly being
i�nstal�l�ed. The costs for developing all HCP specific manuals and programs, that are
required for the operation and maiintenance of HCP"s piipeline as welil as the cost of
implementing a Public Awareness Program, an EmiergeOfficial Liaison Program,
Integrity Management, etc. will be borne by HCP.
Motion by Commissioner Silvernale, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve
Operating Agreement Heartland Corn Products Natural Gas Tranismiission Facilities.
Motion carried ously.
f . Approve Req#009,733 — Replace 2010 Dodge Dakota
Mr. Hunstad presented Approval of Req#009733 Replace 2010 Dodge Dakota, As
part of the Fleet Management Program the, 2010 Dodge Dakota is, due for
repilacement. Original budget was to replace with a smaller truck, however there is
nothing available on the State Contract. Staff is recommending a 20124 F-150 from
the Minnesota State Contract for $44,500.92, which will result in an increase to
budget of $9,500-92.
Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Silvernale to Approve
Req#0;09733 — Replace 2010 Dodge Dakota. Motion carried unanimously.
g. Approve Req#009734 — Replace 2012 Dodge Ram
Mr, Hunstad presented Approval of Req#009734 — Replace 2011�2 Dodge Ram, As
A,art#f-t'h6 Fidet 4"lanagenniant Pr-#,g*12 W#Ige Ram is4veftr reo4ace-mi&2't,
Staff is recommending a 202i4 F-250 FTM24 from the Minnesota State Contract,
2023 budget was $55k, new replacement truck will be $4i9,784.09 which will result
in a decrease to budget of $5,215.91.
Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner, Martinez to Approve
Req#009734 — Replace 2012 Dodge Ram. Motion carried unanimously,
h. Approve Req#OiO9735 City of Hutchinson LED Street Light Conversion
Mr. Hunstad presented Approval of Req#0091735 —i City of Hutchinson LED Street
Light Conversion. Requisition is for the third year of LED fixtures that are scheduled
for delivery in February.
Motion by Commissioner Silvernale, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve
Req#009735 — City of Hutchinson LED Street Light Conversion. Motion carried
President Hanson began the discussion, of Reappointment of Don Martinez to the
Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Commissioner Martinez is willing to be re-
appointed for hissecond 5-year term.
Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Silvernale to Re-
appoint Don Martinez to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission for a full 5-year term.
Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Marc Siebora will infoor that the Commission has recomimi:enid
Commissioner Martinez to be re -appointed. Recommendation will go to the City
Council in Dec,Zber.
President Hanson discussed the Date for Performance Review of Hutchinson
Utilities General Managiler. Per the General Manger's contract with Utilities, an
annuail Performance Review is to be conducted. Generally, this, review has occurreid
in December at the scheduled" Commission Meeting or it can occuir at a Special
Ms. Radke noted that GIVI Carter •wouild have the opportunity to decide if it wouild be
Commissioners have completed; and returned review forms, all results will be
compiled for, discussion at the review.
After discussion, GM Carter and Commissioners agreed to have the review at the
regular re-schedulled Commission Meeting on December 20, 2023.
There being: no further business, a motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by
Commissioner Cheney to adjourn, the meeting at 3:24p.m. Motion carried
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Anthony Hanson„ President