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06-28-2023 HUCCP
HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING June 28, 2023 3:00 p.m. 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 2. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills 3. APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. OPEN FORUM 5. COMMUNICATION a. City Administrator b. Divisions C. Human Resources d. Legal e. General Manager 6. POLICIES a. Review Policies - None at this time b. Approve Changes 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Approve Requisition #009571 — Primary Metering Cabinet b. Approve Hutchinson Substation 83 MVA Transformer — Advertisement for Bids C. Discussion of Rate Track 9. ADJOURN MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Anthony Hanson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Anthony Hanson; Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Don Martinez; Commissioner Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Kathy Silvernale; Attorney Marc Sebora; GM Jeremy Carter 1. Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements Mr. Martig presented the financial statements. Electric Division Sales for Resale up due to Dynasty Contract which will be going away soon. The average cost of MISO power was $19.63/mwh (3,073 mwh's purchased), compared to $41.45/mwh (3,224 mwh's purchased) in April 2022. Natural Gas Division Net income increased by $168K led by decreased purchased gas costs. GM Carter elaborated on MISO power prices. Balance sheet is tracking as it should be. Conversation was held on the rate stabilization fund. GM Carter discussed the US Treasury Note that is listed on the Investment report. Motion by Commissioner Silvernale second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve the Financial Statements. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum 5. Communication a. City Administrator —Matthew Jaunich — 1. Middle of Construction season 2 2nd Ave bridge should be open by end of week 3. Century Ave Overlay will be done in June 4. PD any day b. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Nothing to report ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager 1. Finishing LED project 2. Starting reconductor project on Hwy 15 N iii. Mike Gabrielson, Production Manager — 1. MPCA stopped at Plant 1 for an Unannounced audit on our Air permit. Went well. 2. LMC was here for O&M incentive program audit. Went well. 3. Sterling Energy will be on site June 5 to start the removal of unit 8. iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director — 1. MNOPS Pipeline Safety Audit has started a. Tomorrow will be auditing the pipeline b. June will be reviewing the manuals 2. Service line hit today and was fixed v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager — Nothing to report c. Human Resources — Angie Radke — i. Working on 2 Natural Gas positions - Meter Service and Welder Service Person, along with Account Coordinator position. ii. Currently there are no changes to the attached policies, however there will be changes coming in the future with the Paid Leave policies. d. Legal — Marc Sebora — Nothing to Report e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Wrapping up Legislative items. ii. Juneteenth is an official Federal and State holiday. HUC will be closed this year and Staff will be making changes to the Holiday policy in the future for both Exempt and Non -Exempt. iii. Changes will be coming to the Paid/Sick Leave policies in the future. iv. Public Comment period on Carbon Free 2040 v. Governor Salary Cap has been repealed vi. EPA Greenhouse Gas Emission Update 6. Policies a. Review Policies i. Section 5 of Exempt Handbook ii. Section 5 of Non -Exempt Handbook No changes recommended at this time. b. Approve Changes 7. Unfinished Business 8. New Business a. RP3 Designation by Hutchinson Utilities Commission Mr. Hunstad reviewed the RP3 Designation by Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Mr. Hunstad noted this is the 18t" consecutive year that HUC has been awarded this designation and that the designation is in place until 2026, recognition demonstrates proficiency in four key disciplines: reliability, safety, workforce development, and system improvement. HUC is recognized at the gold level through the APPA. It was noted that this designation is used in the economic development marketing materials for commercial/industrial entities. 2 Commissioners thanked the Staff for the hard work that is done. b. Approve Req#009550 — Phase 3 Cooling Tower Repair Mr. Gabrielson presented Approval of Req#009550- Phase 3 Cooling Tower Repair. Initially there were only 2 phases to this project, however there is a repair to the Dog House and the East Cell structure of the cooling tower at Plant 1 that needs to be done. During this time, an emergency ladder will be added to be compliant with OSHA standards. Motion by Commissioner Cheney second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve Req#009550 — Phase 3 Cooling Tower Repair. Motion carried unanimously. c. Approve Req#009551 — Phase 1 Tuck Point Repair Plant 1 Mr. Gabrielson presented Approval of Req#009551- Phase 1 Tuck Point Repair Plant 1. Repair work will be done by American Masonry and this project may require 3 phases over the next few years. Motion by Commissioner Silvernale second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Req#009551 — Phase 1 Tuck Point Repair Plant 1. Motion carried unanimously. d. Approve Req#009552 — Hutchinson Substation Transformer LTC Repair Mr. Lang presented Approval of Req#009552 — Hutchinson Substation Transformer LTC Repair. Mr. Lang noted the repair work is a continuation of what began in the fall of 2022. Upon inspection and replacement of the LTC motor in 2022, it was determined that further repairs were required however the parts were not available until now. If a portion of the kit is not used, HUC will be credited with any parts that are returned. Motion by Commissioner Wendorff second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve Req#009552 — Hutchinson Substation Transformer LTC Repair. Motion carried unanimously. e. Approve Req#009557 - Unit 1 and BOP Controls Mods 2023 Mr. Gabrielson presented Approval of Req#009557 - Unit 1 and BOP Controls Mods 2023. HUC is recommending to have Lone Star Controls, which is a single source vendor, address issues with the control systems and the balancing of unit#1's boiler system at plant 2. Some of the work can be completed off site while other portions of the work will be done on -site. This project will be completed in 2 phases. First phase will be completed in 2023 and the second phase will be completed in 2024 once the unit has returned from the depot. Motion by Commissioner Cheney second by Commissioner Silvernale to Approve Req#009557 — Unit 1 and BOP Controls Mods 2023. Motion carried unanimously. 3 Reject Bids — Filter and Meter Skids for Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station Mr. Webster presented Rejection of Bids — Filter and Meter Skids for Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station. There were 2 bids that were received. Both bidders submitted bids that did not meet the full requirements of the specifications. Motion by Commissioner Martinez second by Commissioner Cheney to Reject Bids — Filter and Meter Skids for Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station. Motion carried unanimously. g. Approve RFB and Re -Advertisement for Bid — Filter and Meter Skids for Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station Mr. Webster presented Approval of RFB and Re -Advertisement for Bid — Filter and Meter Skids for Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station. Attached is the Re -Advertisement for Bid along with the RFB. Motion by Commissioner Silvernale second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve RFB and Re -Advertisement for Bid — Filter and Meter Skids for Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station. Motion carried unanimously. h. Approve Req#009559 — 2023 Ford F-350 Cab & Chassis Mr. Webster presented Approval of Req#009559 — 2023 Ford F-350 Cab & Chassis. Back in 2021, a 2021 Ram 3500 Crew Cab and Chassis along with a utility body was ordered. Crysteel Truck Equipment received the utility body in the fall of 2021, however HUC had to cancel the purchase order for the 2021 Ram in December 2022 due to the fact that the order still had not been accepted by the manufacturer. Natural Gas Department Staff has been working hard to find a replacement. A 2023 Ford F-350 Super Cab SRW 44 Cab Chassis at Tom Masano Ford Lincoln in Shillington, Pennsylvania has been found and is available for purchase. The utility body purchased in 2021 from Crysteel Truck Equipment will fit the 2023 Ford. Motion by Commissioner Martinez second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Req#009559 — 2023 Ford F-350 Cab & Chassis. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion of Rate Track Guidance GM Carter recapped the Cost of Service results. The last rate increase was back in 2006 along with the last reclass being completed a few years ago. When the reclass was completed, a 6-year glide path for Electric and a 9-year glide path for Natural Gas were chosen. Both paths did what they were intended to do. At the time, it was also discussed to have another Cost of Service Study before another move was to take place if needed. Electric Division - In summary, 2023 Revenue rate adjustment options show: 1) no rate adjustment and funding all electric division projects 2) increase 2023 revenue by 2.5% assuming a $5M bond in 2025 and annual increases of 2.5% through 2027, 3) increasing rates 3.6% and funding projects with cash. There is also minimal need to adjust monthly charges towards 12 cost of service. Additionally, 3 options to move the various classes were presented utilizing a bandwidth of +/- 2.0%. Conversations were held on the different options. Option A is more of a balanced increase in moving every class. Option B and C — consider being less aggressive on Large General Customer and Large Industrial classes. Discussion was held on the comfort level of which rate change along with how long to develop out a rate track. GM Carter recommends a 3-year window. President Hansen looked to each Commissioner to see the comfort level with a rate increase, if so what option is preferred along with how many years for the track. Commissioner Martinez, though not excited about increasing rates does realize an increase needs to be addressed which is verified with the research that has been completed, prefers Option B. Option B seems to move the classes that are furthest away from the Cost of Service a little more aggressively with also maintaining equitability but is not as aggressive as option C. Commissioner Wendorff believes a rate change is necessary and better now than later. Option B for same reason. Commissioner Silvernale was leaning more towards Option A. Either way it is not considerable. Commissioner Cheney was leaning more towards Option C or a compromise to Option B. President Hansen summarized from the Commissioners that it is a yes to a rate increase. President Hansen was leaning towards Option A or B. Option A was more preferred but if Option B is more down the middle and the one that the Commissioners mostly agree on and are comfortable with, Option B is the preferred option. Commissioners all agreed. President Hanson verified that the 3 years is what is recommended at this time. GM Carter will provide Dan Kasbohm at UFS the information which then will be dialed in so the impacts can be shown to the Commissioners. Discussion was held on the next steps in the process. GM Carter presented the Natural Gas Financial projection and COS summary. Assumptions are the same for inflation and growth. In summary, 2023 Revenue rate adjustment options show 1) utility revenue neutral adjustment, 2) adjust monthly charge towards cost of service and 3) ability to reduce class to class subsidies utilizing a bandwidth of +/- 1 % (no customer will see an increase less than -1 % or over 1 %). GM Carter did state that there is disparity with the Large Industrial class. Residential class is correct and is right where it needs to be, along with the Commercial class. If Commission would like to stay revenue neutral, there would be an increase of 1 % to the Large Industrial, and slight decreases to the Residential and Commercial classes. President Hansen looked to each Commissioner to see what version if any is recommended along with number of years An option exists to stay revenue neutral as well. Commissioner Silvernale opinion is to leave the Residential and Commercial alone and to increase the Large Industrial by 1% Commissioner Cheney agreed with Commissioner Silvernale. Commissioner Martinez is also in favor of that option Commissioner Wendorff also agreed with that option. 5 President Hansen supports that option as well. President Hanson recapped that there would be no change on Residential and Commercial but a 1 % Large Industrial change along with a 3-year track. All Commissioners agreed. j. Discussion of Financing Unit 1 Repairs and Hutch Sub Project GM Carter recapped information that was provided to the Commissioners earlier. Cash flow projections were provided out to 2030. Projections include Debt Service, Reserves, Fleet and Substation upgrades. Each Division along with a combined cash flow projection were provided. Conversation points were to use an internal loan from Natural Gas Division or to issue external financing. Options include flexibility in reimbursing HUC back through issuing bonds but does require the council to pay a resolution reimbursing itself for past project expenses. GM Carter also stated that HUC only reserves 60 days of Operating Cash. GM Carter feels comfortable with monitoring the next 2 years with the amount of cash balances HUC has and assessing cash needs as the projects move forward. Discussion was held about internal borrowing or external borrowing. All commissioners agreed to finance internally along with having this well documented. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Martinez to adjourn the meeting at 4:19p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Anthony Hanson, President 0 Don Martinez, Secretary 06/22/2023 10:25 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Page 1/26 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 05/26/2023 GEN 1405(E)I ALERUS HEALTH INSURANCE 401-926- 08 390.94 05/26/2023 GEN 1427(E) ALERUS HEALTH CARE - LANDFAIR 242-000- 00 13.00 HEALTH CARE - VAN MAREL 242-000- 00 555.50 HECK GEN 1427(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 568.50 05/30/2023 GEN 1442(E) BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION 2017 BOND INTEREST 237-000- 00 226,428.13 05/30/2023 GEN 78877*4 ACE HARDWARE Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.59 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.38 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.59 Generator 47 Material 402-554- 01 8.59 Generator 47 Material 402-554- 01 5.58 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 8.59 HECK GEN 78877 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 24.32 05/30/2023 GEN 78878*4 ANIXTER INC Tray cable. 18ga/2c 402-554- 01 70.91 TAX & FREIGHT 401-588- 02 42.65 HECK GEN 78878 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 113.56 05/30/2023 GEN 78879* AUTO XPRESS LLP DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 715.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78881* BERNICE RUIZ OR ERIC KLIMA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 58.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78882* BILL GAINES Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 150.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78883*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY FUSE, ACORN, 5 AMP, GLRS 154-000- 00 109.25 DISPENSER, TAPE, SLW WRITE -ON WITH SMP 154-000- 00 92.68 CEMENT/SOLVENT, PVC 154-000- 00 11.69 KIT, SPLICE, QS4-15SP-QCI-2-4/0-BCA 154-000- 00 2,483.76 TERMINAL BLOCK, 3 PLACE, "COVERED" CSB 154-000- 00 199.64 SPLIT BOLT 48 KS-15 Cu BURNDY 154-000- 00 8.80 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 199.78 06/22/2023 10:25 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 1 ELECTRIC TAX 401-588- 02 SAFETY VEST, RVZ2410SEXL, SIZE XL 401-588- 02 SAFETY VEST, RVZ2410SEL, SIZE LARGE 401-588- 02 HECK GEN 78883 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 05/30/2023 GEN 78884* BRIAN OR CAROL CARLSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78885* BRITTANY SCHMIDT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78886* BRYAN EASTEP DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78887* CASSANDRA BENSON OR CARTER MAIERS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78888* CELINE URICK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78889* CHAD OR GINA MILLER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 788904 CHAMBERLAIN OIL COMPANY INC AERO SHELL TURBINE OIL 500 154-000- 00 DRUM DEPOSIT 401-550- 01 TAX 401-588- 02 HECK GEN 78890 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 05/30/2023 GEN 78891* CHRIS GORKA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78892 CHRIS MARQUEZ OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78893* CHUCK HEIL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78894*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 HECK GEN 78894 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: Page 2/26 Amount 5.25 25.46 50.92 3,187.23 195.00 195.00 32.50 45.50 123.50 48.75 6,101.92 80.00 227.50 50.52 48.75 261.69 250.94 151.33 151.33 815.29 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 3/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 05/30/2023 GEN 78895* CITY OF HUTCHINSON IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 75/25 401-921- 08 3,813.37 05/30/2023 GEN 78896* COREY FINK OR ASHLEY BERWALD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 175.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78897* COREY KURTH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 188.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78898 COUNTY OF MCLEOD Street Lighting - Materials 402-596- 02 255.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78899* DANE THOMAS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78900* DAVE VOLD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 58.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78901 DESIGN ELECTRIC, INC Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 54.88 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 53.43 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 151.17 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 4.91 HECK GEN 78901 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 264.39 05/30/2023 GEN 78902* ELAINE DAHLKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 61.75 05/30/2023 GEN 78903 ELIZABETH RICHMOND OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 75.11 05/30/2023 GEN 78904 FASTENAL COMPANY Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 70.84 05/30/2023 GEN 78905 GREAT RIVER ENERGY TRANSMISSION EXPENSE 401-565- 03 152,932.45 05/30/2023 GEN 78906* GREGREY MURCH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78908*4 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Supplies 401-550- 01 123.44 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 197.86 HECK GEN 78908 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 321.30 05/30/2023 GEN 789094 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 107-392- 00 360.17 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 13.56 06/22/2023 10:25 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 1 ELECTRIC Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 Structures & Equipment - Mater 402-592- 02 HECK GEN 78909 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 05/30/2023 GEN 78910* JEANNIE SCHULTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78911* JEFF BURICH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78912 JIM MILLS Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 05/30/2023 GEN 78913* JOSE OR JEANETH RUIZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78914 JOSEPH WERTISH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 05/30/2023 GEN 78915* KAREN DUHN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78916* KAREN TROCKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78918* KENDRA OLSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78919* KRISTIANA BEAVERS OR ANDREW LYREK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 789204 KURITA AMERICA INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 HECK GEN 78920 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 05/30/2023 GEN 78921* LARRY OR CAROL MAIERS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78922 LEANDRO OR ELOISA VASALLO OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78923*4 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC SAFETY GLASSES, P/N 19GB79 401-550- 01 SAFETY GLASSES, GRAY, SILVER MIRROR, 401-550- 01 TAX & FREIGHT 401-588- 02 TAX & FREIGHT 401-588- 02 Page 4/26 Amount 18.16 15.69 407.58 156.00 247.00 30.00 195.00 30.00 130.00 78.00 130.00 45.50 15.88 214.50 39.76 39.90 39.90 40.25 it.79 06/22/2023 10:25 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 1 ELECTRIC SAFETY VEST, MLK-FM389Z-3XL 401-588- 02 SAFETY VEST, MLK-FM389Z-M 401-588- 02 SAFETY GLASSES, GRAY, SILVER MIRROR, 401-588- 02 HECK GEN 78923 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 05/30/2023 GEN 78924* LORI OR CLARK RIEKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78926* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 05/30/2023 GEN 78927* MARK DEROCHER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78928* MICHAEL KUSICK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78929* MICHAEL OR ELIZABETH KNIGHT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78930* MICHELLE OR ALAN REDDING DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78931 MISSOURI RIVER ENERGY SERVICES Line - Materials 402-594- 02 05/30/2023 GEN 789324 MRC GLOBAL COUPLING, THRD, SA105, 3/4", ELK CS, 154-000- 00 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 HECK GEN 78932 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 05/30/2023 GEN 78933 NERC Purchased Power 401-555- 02 05/30/2023 GEN 78934* OLD REPUBLIC SURETY GROUP PROPERTY INSURANCE 401-924- 08 05/30/2023 GEN 78935*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Supplies 401-550- 01 Supplies 401-550- 01 HECK GEN 78935 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: Page 5/26 Amount 168.00 219.00 39.90 558.74 143.00 521.68 130.00 48.75 48.75 276.25 4,877.73 13.02 1.79 4,440.02 55.00 63.24 05/30/2023 GEN 78936* PAIGE STURGES OR ANDREW NELSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 78.00 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 6/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 05/30/2023 GEN 789374 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR Vehicles - Material 402-554- 01 771.97 Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 212.10 HECK GEN 78937 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 984.07 05/30/2023 GEN 78938 QUALUS SERVICES, LLC Reinhausen RMV-LTC Motor 402-574- 03 3,260.00 Labor to R&R LTC Motor 402-574- 03 2,545.00 HECK GEN 78938 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 5,805.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78939 KID EQUIPMENT Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 4,369.75 05/30/2023 GEN 78940* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 1,632.73 LIFE INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 1,029.12 HECK GEN 78940 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 2,661.85 05/30/2023 GEN 78941* RHEA EWALD OR IAN GONZALES VEGA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78942* ROBERT BARTHOLOMEW DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 214.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78943*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 9.33 Generator 47 Material 402-554- 01 118.48 HECK GEN 78943 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 127.81 05/30/2023 GEN 78945* RYAN HEILMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 185.25 05/30/2023 GEN 78946* SANDY ZITZLOFF DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78947*4 SHARE CORP Line - Materials 401-581- 02 119.86 05/30/2023 GEN 78948* SHARON SABACKY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78949* SHRED RIGHT OFFICE SUPPLIES -SHREDDING SERVICES 401-921- 08 15.24 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 7/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 05/30/2023 GEN 78950 STATE OF MINNESOTA Regulatory Expenses 401-928- 08 3,837.03 05/30/2023 GEN 78951* SUSAN HALLAHAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 162.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78952 SYDNEY DENNIS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 68.86 05/30/2023 GEN 78953 T & R ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO INC Transformer - Materials 402-595- 02 5,884.24 Transformer - Materials 402-595- 02 11,759.24 HECK GEN 78953 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 17,643.48 05/30/2023 GEN 78954* THAD JOHNSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78955* TINA OR DAVID GRANDIA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 146.25 05/30/2023 GEN 78956* TODD ROBINSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 243.75 05/30/2023 GEN 78957* TOTAL COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS INC DRUG/HEARING TESTING SERVICES 401-923- 08 5,625.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78958* TRANS LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 4,132.20 05/30/2023 GEN 78959* TYLER MELCHERT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 175.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78960* TYLER OR MADISON JOHNSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 113.75 HECK GEN 78960 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 243.75 05/30/2023 GEN 78961* UNITED INFORMATION SERVICES, INC COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,921.96 05/30/2023 GEN 789634 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC KIT, CYLINDER HEAD WITH STARTING VALVE 154-000- 00 918.66 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 69.15 FREIGHT & DUTIES 401-588- 02 87.17 HECK GEN 78963 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 1,074.98 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 05/30/2023 GEN 78964* ZACHARY FLANNIGAN Account Dept DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78965 ZIEGLER POWER SYSTEMS ACTUATOR, 347293-028 154-000- 00 NUT, HEXAGON, 1.2007-038 154-000- 00 VALVE, WASTE GATE CONTROL, 347260-007 154-000- 00 ROD, 3477293-030 154-000- 00 NUT, 327293-009 154-000- 00 HECK GEN 78965 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 06/01/2023 GEN 1428(E) ALERUS HEALTH CARE - VAN MAREL 242-000- 00 06/02/2023 GEN 1439(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 06/02/2023 GEN 1440(E)* PAY MENTECH collection - Materials 401-903- 06 06/06/2023 GEN 1447(E) MISO Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 06/10/2023 GEN 1441(E)* INVOICE CLOUD collection - Materials 401-903- 06 06/13/2023 GEN 1429(E) ALERUS HEALTH CARE - JJ CARTER 242-000- 00 06/13/2023 GEN 1448(E) MISO Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 06/13/2023 GEN 1449(E) MISO Accounts Payable - Miso 232-000- 00 06/13/2023 GEN 78966*4 ACE HARDWARE Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 HECK GEN 78966 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 06/13/2023 GEN 78967 AL MOLINA OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 06/13/2023 GEN 78968 ALISHA HANSEL OR HUNTER BISCHOFF OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 06/13/2023 GEN 78969 ANGIE CZECH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 06/13/2023 GEN 78970 ANNIE RIVERA OR PEDRO PEREZ OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 06/13/2023 GEN 78971 ARROW GLASS Vehicles - Material 402-554- 01 Page 8/26 Amount 91.00 10,112.50 3.26 5,762.50 221.26 211.26 16,310.78 139.17 97.90 1,912.27 832.75 1,879.04 155.96 34,107.27 912.74 30.98 22.41 53.39 119.39 175.45 25.00 36.63 485.65 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 9/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 06/13/2023 GEN 78972 ASH PETERSEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 115. 94 06/13/2023 GEN 789734 ATLAS COPCO COMPRESSORS LLC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 135.58 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 1,972.00 HECK GEN 78973 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 2,107.58 06/13/2023 GEN 78974 ATLAS TOYOTA LIFT OF MINNESOTA Outside Services 402-554- 01 164.00 06/13/2023 GEN 78975 BETTY THEURINGER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 48.07 06/13/2023 GEN 78976 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Line - Materials 401-581- 02 1,346.62 Line - Materials 402-594- 02 888.26 HECK GEN 78976 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 2,234.88 06/13/2023 GEN 78977 BRIAN KALENBERG OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 383.39 06/13/2023 GEN 78979 BRUCE ROSENOW Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 30.00 06/13/2023 GEN 78980 BRYANT OR PAIGE NORDBY OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 226.43 06/13/2023 GEN 78981 CANDANCE STOFFLET OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 63.80 06/13/2023 GEN 789824 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 0.58 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 8.39 HECK GEN 78982 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 8.97 06/13/2023 GEN 7898414 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 250.94 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 250.94 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 151.33 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 151.33 HECK GEN 78984 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 804.54 06/13/2023 GEN 78985*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -POWER 401-550- 01 90.58 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ELEC 401-588- 02 1, 905.84 Meter Reading - Materials 401-902- 06 1,247.60 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 31.03 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 10/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC HECK GEN 78985 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 3,275.05 06/13/2023 GEN 78986 COUNTY OF MCLEOD Street Lighting - Materials 402-596- 02 3.00 06/13/2023 GEN 78987 CYPREXX SERVICES LLC OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 328.21 06/13/2023 GEN 789894 ENPRO INC FILTER, GENERATOR L/O 154-000- 00 669. 90 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 55.72 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 37.55 HECK GEN 78989 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 763.17 06/13/2023 GEN 78990 ERIKA GREGORY OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 196.19 06/13/2023 GEN 78991 EUGENE BROOKS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 264.19 06/13/2023 GEN 78992 EVAN FOLEY OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 62.27 06/13/2023 GEN 78993* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 202.50 06/13/2023 GEN 78994*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC Line - Materials 401-581- 02 252.45 06/13/2023 GEN 78995 GWEN BADKE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 30.00 06/13/2023 GEN 78997 HER ENGINEERING INC Outside Services 402-554- 01 359.82 06/13/2023 GEN 78998* HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 102.27 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 142.48 HECK GEN 78998 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 244.75 06/13/2023 GEN 79000* HUTCHFIELD SERVICES Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 1,093.21 Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 1,093.21 HECK GEN 79000 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 2,186.42 06/13/2023 GEN 79001*4 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Line - Materials 401-581- 02 44.62 06/13/2023 GEN 79002*4 HUTCHINSON FIRE & SAFETY Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 138.05 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 11/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 112.95 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 117.70 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 96.30 GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 335.07 GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 106.15 HECK GEN 79002 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 906.22 06/13/2023 GEN 79003* HUTCHINSON JAYCEES WATER CARNIVAL CIP - MARKETING 401-916- 07 937.50 06/13/2023 GEN 79004*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 56.63 06/13/2023 GEN 79006* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 247.78 06/13/2023 GEN 79007 JACK RETTIG OR LILLIAN BEARINGER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 46.83 06/13/2023 GEN 79008 JACKSON FABEL OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 143.01 06/13/2023 GEN 79009 JENNIFER HAUGEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 47.27 06/13/2023 GEN 79010 JESSE BUCKLEY OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 37.92 06/13/2023 GEN 79011 JLAW-04 LLC OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 214.93 06/13/2023 GEN 79012* JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 352.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79013 JOHN ARLT Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 30.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79014 JOHN HUEBERT OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 243.03 06/13/2023 GEN 79016 KRANZ LAWN & POWER Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 32.00 06/13/2023 GEN 790174 KURITA AMERICA INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 10.59 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 154.00 HECK GEN 79017 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 164.59 06/13/2023 GEN 790194 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 13.31 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 193.60 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 12/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC HECK GEN 79019 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 206.91 06/13/2023 GEN 79020 MATT LYNAUGH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 30.00 06/13/2023 GEN 790214 MCC ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC I AM MANAGEMENT FEES 401-555- 02 3,900.00 IAM USAGE FEES 401-556- 03 3,050.00 CHECK GEN 79021 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 6,950.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79023* MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Doc - Cip Assessment 401-916- 07 5,174.24 06/13/2023 GEN 79024 MISSOURI RIVER ENERGY SERVICES Transformer Oil Testing Labor 401-588- 02 3,721.75 06/13/2023 GEN 79025 NAN CRARY Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 30.00 06/13/2023 GEN 790284 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC NUTS, WIRE, BLUE, IDEAL 430072 154-000- 00 4.60 NUT, WIRE, ORANGE, IDEAL 430073 154-000- 00 3.42 NUT, WIRE, GRAY, IDEAL 430071 154-000- 00 2.00 NUT, WIRE, YELLOW, IDEAL 430451 154-000- 00 8.80 NUT, WIRE, RED, IDEAL 430452 154-000- 00 12.00 NUT, WIRE, BLUE, IDEAL 430454 154-000- 00 5.07 NUT, WIRE, ORANGE, IDEAL 430073 154-000- 00 2.98 NUT, WIRE, BLUE, IDEAL 430454 154-000- 00 3.38 TAX & FREIGHT 401-588- 02 15.73 TAX 401-588- 02 0.48 HECK GEN 79028 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 58.46 06/13/2023 GEN 79029* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 1,883.74 06/13/2023 GEN 79030*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Supplies 401-550- 01 94.80 Supplies 401-550- 01 81.52 HECK GEN 79030 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 176.32 06/13/2023 GEN 79031 PHIL STUEMKE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 30.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79032* QUADIENT-POSTAGE POSTAGE 401-921- 08 3,000.00 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 13/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 06/13/2023 GEN 79033 REBECA CHACON REYES OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 130.50 06/13/2023 GEN 79034 RILEY CARTER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 198.49 06/13/2023 GEN 7903514 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 45.18 06/13/2023 GEN 79038 SUBSURFACE SOLUTIONS Line - Materials 401-581- 02 32.36 06/13/2023 GEN 79039 T & R ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO INC Transformer - Materials 402-595- 02 4,507.72 06/13/2023 GEN 790404 TANI DIVISION -BD SHIFFLER INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 860.06 U5 Wartsila Header 402-554- 01 8,500.00 Unit 6 Cat Exhaust Modification 402-554- 01 250.00 Unit 6 Cat Expansion Joint 402-554- 01 1,680.00 Unit 7 Cat Expansion Joint 402-554- 01 1,680.00 Unit 7 Cat Exhaust Modification 402-554- 01 250.00 FREIGHT 401-588- 02 150.00 HECK GEN 79040 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 13,370.06 06/13/2023 GEN 79041 TAYLOR MADSEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 149.59 06/13/2023 GEN 79042 TIM CLARK OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 116.26 06/13/2023 GEN 79043 TIM GOETTL OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 200.19 06/13/2023 GEN 79044 TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION Outside Services 402-554- 01 315.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79045* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 224.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79046* VERIZON WIRELESS TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 1,035.79 06/13/2023 GEN 79047* VIDEOTRONIX INC GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 334.12 GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 165.00 HECK GEN 79047 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 499.12 06/13/2023 GEN 79048 WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP BASEMENT, FIBERGLASS 1 PH TRANS 154-000- 00 2,550.00 BASEMENT, FIBERGLASS 1 PH TRANS 154-000- 00 510.00 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Description Account Dept Page 14/26 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 175.31 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 35.06 HECK GEN 79048 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 3,270.37 06/13/2023 GEN 79049*4 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC GENERATOR 41 WATER & SEWER -INDUSTRIAL 401-547- 01 109.14 WASTE DISPOSAL-4TH AVE 401-550- 01 176.19 UTILITY ESP - WATER/WASTE 55/45- 401-930- 08 266.26 HECK GEN 79049 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 551.59 06/13/2023 GEN 79050* WILD FLOWER PROPER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 250.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79051 WILD FLOWER PROPERTIES OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 432.29 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 590.94 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 445.99 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 588.96 HECK GEN 79051 TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 2,058.18 06/14/2023 GEN 1434(E) MISO SCHEDULE 1 401-565- 03 5,616.58 SCHEDULE 2 401-565- 03 7.33 SCHEDULE 26 401-565- 03 649.79 SCHEDULE 26E 401-565- 03 0.27 CHECK GEN 1434(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 6,273.97 06/14/2023 GEN 1435(E) MISO SCHEDULE 26 401-565- 03 22,195.96 SCHEDULE 26A 401-565- 03 27,528.17 SCHEDULE 26E 401-565- 03 22.18 HECK GEN 1435(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 49,746.31 06/14/2023 GEN 1436(E) MISO SCHEDULE 10 401-565- 03 7,713.75 06/16/2023 GEN 1431(E)*4 VISA Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 3.91 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 1.09 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 6.23 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 17.67 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 1 ELECTRIC CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 06/20/2023 GEN 1432(E)I MINNESOTA REVENUE 06/21/2023 GEN 1433(E) MRES Description Page 15/26 Account Dept Amount Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 11.12 Generator 47 Material 402-554- 01 49.60 GENERATOR 47 MATERIAL 23.42 402-554- 01 340.60 Generator 47 Material 402-554- 01 13.78 Generator 47 Material 402-554- 01 141.15 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 224.34 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 79.16 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 18.29 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 163.15 MAINTENANCE OTHER - MATERIALS 1.83 402-554- 01 26.62 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 1,079.50 MAINTENANCE OTHER - MATERIALS 11.72 402-554- 01 170.45 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 112.27 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 566.35 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 188.78 Line - Materials 402-594- 02 39.80 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 16.28 GROUNDS - MATERIALS 11.03 401-935- 08 80.19 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 (72.48) GROUNDS - MATERIALS 52.28 401-935- 08 380.25 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 163.76 HECK GEN 1431(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 3,821.86 STATE SALES TAX 242-000- 00 61,448.00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 4,445.00 COUNTY SALES TAX 242-000- 00 4, 445.00 HECK GEN 1432(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 1: 70,338.00 Purchased Power 401-555- 02 787,840.32 Total for fund 1 ELECTRIC 1,510,975.37 06/22/2023 10:25 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS 05/26/2023 GEN 1405(E)* ALERUS HEALTH INSURANCE 401-926- 08 05/30/2023 GEN 1443(E) BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION 2012 BOND INTEREST 237-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78877*4 ACE HARDWARE Materials 401-874- 04 Materials 401-874- 04 Materials 402-892- 04 HECK GEN 78877 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 05/30/2023 GEN 78878*4 ANIXTER INC Belden 18ga/4c cable. 107-370- 00 Belden 18ga/2c cable. 107-370- 00 TAX & FREIGHT 401-874- 04 TAX & FREIGHT 401-874- 04 HECK GEN 78878 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 05/30/2023 GEN 78879* AUTO XPRESS LLP DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78880 AV8 FLIGHT SCHOOL Line - Outside Services 401-856- 05 05/30/2023 GEN 78881* BERNICE RUIZ OR ERIC KLIMA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78882* BILL GAINES Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 05/30/2023 GEN 78883*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELL, STREET, 90 DEG, 3/4", BM, CLASS 154-000- 00 COUPLING, 3/4" IPS, EF, MDPE 154-000- 00 TEE, TRANSITION, 3/4" X 3/4", PERT 154-000- 00 ELL, FEMALE THRD, 90 DEG,1/2", BM, 154-000- 00 PIPE, 3/4", ELK STEEL, BARE, A106, 154-000- 00 TAX 401-874- 04 TAX 401-874- 04 TAX 401-874- 04 TAX 401-874- 04 TAX 401-874- 04 SAFETY VEST, RVZ2410SEX3, SIZE XXXL 401-880- 04 Page 16/26 Amount 130.31 166,775.00 18.15 29.90 51.27 99.32 629.55 692.96 86.24 105.85 1,514.60 385.00 2,446.52 31.50 350.00 7.08 149.75 178.20 10.32 435.54 0.51 10.30 1.75 12.25 30.65 25.46 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 17/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS HECK GEN 78883 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 861.81 05/30/2023 GEN 78884* BRIAN OR CAROL CARLSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 105.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78885* BRITTANY SCHMIDT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 105.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78886* BRYAN EASTEP DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 17.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78887* CASSANDRA BENSON OR CARTER MAIERS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 24.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78888* CELINE URICK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 66.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78889* CHAD OR GINA MILLER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 26.25 05/30/2023 GEN 78891* CHRIS GORKA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 122.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78893* CHUCK HEIL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 26.25 05/30/2023 GEN 78894*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 185. 90 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 82.04 HECK GEN 78894 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 267.94 05/30/2023 GEN 78895* CITY OF HUTCHINSON IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 75/25 401-921- 08 1,271.12 05/30/2023 GEN 78896* COREY FINK OR ASHLEY BERWALD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 94.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78897* COREY KURTH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 101.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78899* DANE THOMAS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78900* DAVE VOLD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 31.50 06/22/2023 10:25 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Page 18/26 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 2 GAS 05/30/2023 GEN 78902* ELAINE DAHLKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 33.25 05/30/2023 GEN 78906* GREGREY MURCH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 50.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78907 GROEBNER & ASSOCIATES INC TAX & FREIGHT 401-874- 04 27.59 Sensus IN 0064644438000 402-892- 04 29.17 HECK GEN 78907 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 56.76 05/30/2023 GEN 78908*4 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Materials 401-874- 04 138.24 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 197.84 HECK GEN 78908 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 336.08 05/30/2023 GEN 78910* JEANNIE SCHULTZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 84.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78911* JEFF BURICH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 133.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78913* JOSE OR JEANETH RUIZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 105.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78915* KAREN DUHN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78916* KAREN TROCKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 42.00 05/30/2023 GEN 789174 KDUZ/KARP Public Awareness - Material 401-874- 04 55.00 Public Awareness - Material 401-856- 05 55.00 HECK GEN 78917 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 110.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78918* KENDRA OLSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78919* KRISTIANA BEAVERS OR ANDREW LYREK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 24.50 06/22/2023 10:25 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS 05/30/2023 GEN 78921* LARRY OR CAROL MAIERS DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78923*4 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC PAINT, LOCATING, AER-252 154-000- 00 Materials 401-874- 04 TAX & FREIGHT 401-874- 04 TAX & FREIGHT 401-874- 04 SAFETY VEST, MLK-FM389Z-3XL 401-880- 04 SAFETY VEST, MLK-FM389Z-L 401-880- 04 SAFETY GLASSES, GRAY, SILVER MIRROR, 401-880- 04 SAFETY VEST, MLK-FM389Z-3XL 401-880- 04 HECK GEN 78923 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 05/30/2023 GEN 78924* LORI OR CLARK RIEKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78925 MAIERS, MATTHEW Training - Expense 401-870- 04 05/30/2023 GEN 78926* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 05/30/2023 GEN 78927* MARK DEROCHER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78928* MICHAEL KUSICK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78929* MICHAEL OR ELIZABETH KNIGHT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78930* MICHELLE OR ALAN REDDING DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 05/30/2023 GEN 78934* OLD REPUBLIC SURETY GROUP PROPERTY INSURANCE 401-924- 08 05/30/2023 GEN 78935*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 Materials 401-874- 04 HECK GEN 78935 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 05/30/2023 GEN 78936* PAIGE STURGES OR ANDREW NELSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 Page 19/26 Amount 115.50 599.04 157.56 26.15 18.31 168.00 73.00 39.90 84.00 1,165.96 77.00 140.71 173.89 70.00 26.25 26.25 148.75 45.00 63.15 16.86 80.01 42.00 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 20/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 05/30/2023 GEN 78940* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 408.00 LIFE INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 257.28 HECK GEN 78940 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 665.28 05/30/2023 GEN 78941* RHEA EWALD OR IAN GONZALES VEGA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 28.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78942* ROBERT BARTHOLOMEW DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 115.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78943*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Materials 401-874- 04 20.47 Materials 402-892- 04 10.98 HECK GEN 78943 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 31.45 05/30/2023 GEN 78944 RUSCH, BRYCE Training - Expense 401-870- 04 821.28 05/30/2023 GEN 78945* RYAN HEILMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 99.75 05/30/2023 GEN 78946* SANDY ZITZLOFF DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78947*4 SHARE CORP Materials 401-874- 04 119.87 05/30/2023 GEN 78948* SHARON SABACKY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78949* SHRED RIGHT OFFICE SUPPLIES -SHREDDING SERVICES 401-921- 08 5.08 05/30/2023 GEN 78951* SUSAN HALLAHAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 87.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78954* THAD JOHNSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78955* TINA OR DAVID GRANDIA DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 78.75 05/30/2023 GEN 78956* TODD ROBINSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 131.25 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 21/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 05/30/2023 GEN 78957* TOTAL COMPLIANCE SOLUTIONS INC DRUG/HEARING TESTING SERVICES 401-923- 08 1,875.00 05/30/2023 GEN 78958* TRANS LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 1,377.40 05/30/2023 GEN 78959* TYLER MELCHERT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 94.50 05/30/2023 GEN 78960* TYLER OR MADISON JOHNSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 61.25 HECK GEN 78960 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 131.25 05/30/2023 GEN 78961* UNITED INFORMATION SERVICES, INC COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,572.51 05/30/2023 GEN 78962 VERIZON WIRELESS UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-SCADA 401-856- 05 421.65 05/30/2023 GEN 78964* ZACHARY FLANNIGAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 49.00 06/02/2023 GEN 1439(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 97.89 06/02/2023 GEN 1440(E)* PAY MENTECH collection - Materials 401-903- 06 1,564.58 06/10/2023 GEN 1441(E)* INVOICE CLOUD collection - Materials 401-903- 06 1,537.39 06/13/2023 GEN 78966*4 ACE HARDWARE Materials 401-874- 04 6.40 Materials 401-874- 04 29.90 Outside Service - Painting 402-892- 04 6.40 Materials 401-856- 05 5.13 HECK GEN 78966 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 47.83 06/13/2023 GEN 78978 BROWN COUNTY RURAL ELECTRIC Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 195.91 06/13/2023 GEN 78983 CENTURYLINK Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 67.16 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 22/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 06/13/2023 GEN 78984*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 82.04 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 82.04 HECK GEN 78984 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 164.08 06/13/2023 GEN 78985*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -GAS 401-880- 04 1,729.28 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 25.38 HECK GEN 78985 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 1,754.66 06/13/2023 GEN 78988 DESIGN ELECTRIC, INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 52.83 06/13/2023 GEN 78993* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 67.50 06/13/2023 GEN 78994*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC Materials 401-874- 04 252.45 Line - Outside Services 401-856- 05 36.45 HECK GEN 78994 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 288.90 06/13/2023 GEN 78996 HANSEN GRAVEL INC MAINS 107-376- 00 40.61 MAINS 107-376- 00 40.61 SERVICES 107-380- 00 60.92 HECK GEN 78996 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 142.14 06/13/2023 GEN 78998* HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 102.27 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 142.48 HECK GEN 78998 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 244.75 06/13/2023 GEN 789994 HUBBELL GAS UTILITY SOLUTIONS METERS AND ALL FITTINGS 107-381- 00 386.08 Materials 401-874- 04 197.05 HECK GEN 78999 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 583.13 06/13/2023 GEN 79000* HUTCHFIELD SERVICES Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 894.44 Grounds - Outside Services 401-935- 08 894.44 HECK GEN 79000 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 1,788.88 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 23/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 06/13/2023 GEN 79001*4 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Materials 401-874- 04 44.63 Materials 402-863- 05 59.50 HECK GEN 79001 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 104.13 06/13/2023 GEN 79002*4 HUTCHINSON FIRE & SAFETY GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 274.14 GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 86.85 HECK GEN 79002 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 360.99 06/13/2023 GEN 79003* HUTCHINSON JAYCEES WATER CARNIVAL CIP - MARKETING 401-916- 07 312.50 06/13/2023 GEN 79004*4 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 51.17 06/13/2023 GEN 790054 IMAC SYSTEMS, INC PN- 100, Neoprene, 1/4" MNPT, 1 1/2" 107-381- 00 752.00 FREIGHT 401-874- 04 32.63 HECK GEN 79005 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 784.63 06/13/2023 GEN 79006* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 82.60 06/13/2023 GEN 79012* JLR GARAGE DOOR SERVICE INC Misc Other - Materials 401-935- 08 288.00 06/13/2023 GEN 790154 KDUZ/KARP PUBLIC AWARENESS - MATERIAL 401-874- 04 82.50 PUBLIC AWARENESS - MATERIAL 401-874- 04 82.50 Public Awareness - Material 401-856- 05 27.50 Public Awareness - Material 401-856- 05 27.50 HECK GEN 79015 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 220.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79018 LANDSKAPINGS SERVICES 107-380- 00 405.00 06/13/2023 GEN 790224 MCLEOD COOPERATVIE POWER ASSN MISC EXPENSE -GAS LINE PUMP 401-880- 04 54.88 UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-MCLEOD 401-856- 05 38.66 HECK GEN 79022 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 93.54 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 24/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 06/13/2023 GEN 79023* MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Doc - Cip Assessment 401-916- 07 1,945.99 06/13/2023 GEN 79026 NELSON TECHNOLOGIES INC TAX & FREIGHT 401-874- 04 98.13 PN-E3-1006, N-300 Battery Pack 402-892- 04 338.00 PN- A4-0003, N-200 solenoid valve 402-892- 04 879.00 HECK GEN 79026 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 1,315.13 06/13/2023 GEN 79027 NORTHERN BORDER PIPELINE CO LINE - OUTSIDE SERVICES -INTERCONNECT 401-856- 05 2,000.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79029* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 627.92 06/13/2023 GEN 79030*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 94.79 Materials 401-874- 04 81.51 HECK GEN 79030 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 176.30 06/13/2023 GEN 79032* QUADIENT-POSTAGE Postage 401-921- 08 1,000.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79035*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Materials 401-874- 04 19.07 Materials 401-874- 04 43.14 Materials 402-863- 05 12.90 HECK GEN 79035 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 75.11 06/13/2023 GEN 79036 SOUTH CENTRAL ELECTRIC ASS'N UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE 401-856- 05 51.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79037 STEVE RANNOW Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 350.00 06/13/2023 GEN 79045* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 74.66 06/13/2023 GEN 79046* VERIZON WIRELESS TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 345.26 06/13/2023 GEN 79047* VIDEOTRONIX INC GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 273.38 GROUNDS - OUTSIDE SERVICES 401-935- 08 135.00 HECK GEN 79047 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 408.38 06/22/2023 10:25 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 Payee Description Account Dept Page 25/26 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 06/13/2023 GEN 7904914 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC UTILITY ESP - WATER/WASTE 45/55- 401-930- 08 217.85 06/13/2023 GEN 79050* WILD FLOWER PROPER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 350.00 06/13/2023 GEN 790524 WSB WSB to provide design, engineering 107-366- 00 25,847.87 STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS 107-366- 00 50.70 Line - Outside Services 401-856- 05 380.00 HECK GEN 79052 TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 26,288.57 06/14/2023 GEN 1430(E) TOM MASANO FORD Transportation Equipment 107-392- 00 57,208.00 06/16/2023 GEN 1431(E)*4 VISA MATERIALS 36.16 401-874- 04 526.00 Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 101.54 Materials 402-863- 05 3,984.48 Materials 402-863- 05 161.54 Office Supplies 401-921- 08 10.73 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 163.75 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 380.25 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 (72.47) Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 80.19 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 16.27 HECK GEN 1431(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 5,352.28 06/20/2023 GEN 1432(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 16,276.00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 1,178.00 COUNTY SALES TAX 242-000- 00 1,178.00 HECK GEN 1432(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 18,632.00 06/20/2023 GEN 1438(E) PUBLIC ENERGY AUTHORITY OF Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 176,079.85 HTI 401-807- 04 62.00 HECK GEN 1438(E) TOTAL FOR FUND 2: 176,141.85 06/21/2023 GEN 79055 DMV VEHICLES - MATERIAL/ TAXES 401-935- 08 3,742.00 06/22/2023 10:25 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Page 26/26 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 05/26/2023 - 06/22/2023 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 2 GAS Total for fund 2 GAS 493,667.54 TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 2,004,642.91 --INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE FUND '#'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE DEPARTMENT HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION COMBINED DIVISIONS FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MAY, 2023 2023 2022 Di %Chna 2023 2022 Di %Chna Full Yr Bud %of Bud Combined Division Customer Revenue $ 2,514,188 $ 2,603,331 $ (89,143) (3.4%) $ 15,913,626 $ 16,802,912 $ (889,286) (5.3%) $ 38,930,509 40.9% Sales for Resale $ 535,359 $ 318,931 $ 216,428 67.9% $ 2,165,987 $ 1,423,150 $ 742,836 52.2% $ 4,230,000 51.2% NU Transportation $ 86,424 $ 86,498 $ (75) (0.1%) $ 435,094 $ 436,489 $ (1,396) (0.3%) $ 1,354,349 32.1% Electric Division Transfer $ 59,960 $ 59,724 $ 236 0.4% $ 299,799 $ 298,618 $ 1,181 0.4% $ 719,517 41.7% Other Revenues $ 54,329 $ 37,796 $ 16,533 43.7% $ 223,739 $ 206,003 $ 17,735 i / $ 484,081 46.2% Interest Income $ 74,960 $ 16,098 $ 58,862 365.7% $ 349,068 $ 155,581 $ 193,487 124.4% $ 533,457 65.4% TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,325,219 $ 3,122,377 $ 202,841 6.5% $ 19,387,312 $ 19,322,754 $ 64,558 0.3% $ 46,251,913 41.9% Salaries & Benefits $ 614,098 $ 560,628 $ 53,470 9.54% $ 2,966,571 $ 2,847,786 $ 118,785 4.2% $ 7,510,583 39.5% Purchased Commodities $ 1,238,402 $ 1,451,984 $ (213,582) (14.7%) $ 9,219,651 $ 9,805,402 $ (585,750) (6.0%) $ 21,566,760 42.7% Transmission $ 311,544 $ 207,743 $ 103,800 50.0% $ 1,163,451 $ 974,062 $ 189,389 19.4% $ 3,325,000 35.0% Generator Fuel/Chem. $ 143,374 $ 124,600 $ 18,774 15.1% $ 383,495 $ 524,318 $ (140,824) (26.9%) $ 1,760,606 21.8% Depreciation $ 375,183 $ 378,242 $ (3,059) (0.8%) $ 1,876,227 $ 1,892,718 $ (16,491) (0.9%) $ 4,400,000 42.6% Transfers (Elect./City) $ 218,671 $ 215,323 $ 3,348 1.6% $ 1,093,355 $ 1,076,615 $ 16,741 1.6% $ 2,624,053 41.7% Operating Expense $ 224,147 $ 208,870 $ 15,276 7.3% $ 1,179,965 $ 1,349,114 $ (169,148) (12.5%) $ 3,209,835 36.8% Debt Interest $ 65,534 $ 75,076 $ (9,542) (12.7%) $ 327,669 $ 375,378 $ (47,708) 12.7% $ 786,406 41.7% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,190,953 $ 3,222,467 $ (31,514) (1.0%) $ 18,210,385 $ 18,845,393 $ (635,008) (3.4%) $ 45,183,243 40.3% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 134,266 $ (100,090) $ 234,355 (234.1%)l 1,176,927 $ 477,361 $ 699,566 146.5% $ 1,068,670 110.1% May May YTD YTD 2023 HUC 2023 2022 Change 2023 2022 Change Budget Target Gross Margin %: 35.4% 30.3% 5.1% 33.3% 30.8% 2.4% 31.3% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%): 2.7% -2.0% 4.7% 5.4% 3.0% 2.4% 2.3% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 4.0% -3.2% 7.2% 6.1% 2.5% 3.6% 2.3% HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRIC DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MAY, 2023 �yg� g ,��y��ry�� ppr� yyy 0 41.7r6 of Year Comp. 2023 2022 2 %Chna 2023 2022 2 %Chna Full YrBud %ofBud Electric Division Customer Revenue $ 1,907,892 $ 1,893,596 $ 14,295 0.8% $ 9,215,973 $ 9,544,298 $ (328,325) (3.4%) $ 25,750,654 35.8% Sales for Resale $ 535,359 $ 318,931 $ 216,428 67.9% $ 2,165,987 $ 1,423,150 $ 742,836 52.2% $ 4,230,000 51.2% Other Revenues $ 25,155 $ 14,566 $ 10,590 72.7% $ 88,984 $ 69,661 $ 19,323 27.7% $ 187,047 47.6% Interest Income $ 38,874 $ 9,443 $ 29,431 311.7% $ 181,504 $ 84,761 $ 96,743 114.1% $ 283,457 64.0% TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,507,280 $ 2,236,536 $ 270,744 12.1% $ 11,652,448 $ 11,121,870 $ 530,578 4.8% $ 30,451,158 38.3% Salaries & Benefits $ 472,100 $ 432,596 $ 39,504 9.1% $ 2,253,139 $ 2,149,560 $ 103,579 4.8% $ 5,465,303 41.2% Purchased Power $ 884,171 $ 1,008,135 $ (123,963) (12.3%) $ 4,969,822 $ 4,931,127 $ 38,695 0.8% $ 12,862,000 38.6% Transmission $ 311,544 $ 207,743 $ 103,800 50.0% $ 1,163,451 $ 974,062 $ 189,389 19.4% $ 3,325,000 35.0% Generator Fuel/Chem. $ 143,374 $ 124,600 $ 18,774 15.1% $ 383,495 $ 524,318 $ (140,824) (26.9%) $ 1,760,606 21.8% Depreciation $ 284,495 $ 286,913 $ (2,418) (0.8%) $ 1,422,784 $ 1,436,072 $ (13,288) (0.9%) $ 3,300,000 43.1% Transfers (Elect./City) $ 169,911 $ 167,519 $ 2,392 1.4% $ 849,555 $ 837,594 $ 11,960 1.4% $ 2,038,931 41.7% Operating Expense $ 155,978 $ 128,404 $ 27,574 21.5% $ 854,439 $ 938,256 $ (83,817) (8.9%) $ 1,954,789 43.7% Debt Interest $ 37,738 $ 40,071 $ (2,333) (5.8%) $ 188,690 $ 200,357 $ (11,667) JLaL $ 452,856 41.7% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,459,310 $ 2,395,981 $ 63,329 2.6% $ 12,085,374 $ 11,991,348 $ 94,027 0.8% $ 31,159,485 38.8% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 47,970 $ (159,445) $ 207,415 (130.1%) $ (432,926) $ (869,478) $ 436,551 (50.2%) $ (708,327) 61.1% n 41.7r6 f 0 :::Year Comp. . ;. ,. 2023 2022 2 %Chna 2023 2022 2 %Chna Full YrBud %ofBud Electric Division Residential 4,013,113 3,770,738 242,375 6.43% 20,407,665 20,425,366 (17,701) (0.09%) 54,834,787 37.2% All Electric 121,446 128,361 (6,915) (5.39%) 1,254,582 1,417,195 (162,613) (11.47%) 2,716,035 46.2% Small General 1,444,305 1,334,205 110,100 8.25% 7,412,467 7,377,811 34,656 0.47 o 18,332,200 40.4% Large General 6,690,080 7,099,500 (409,420) (5.77%) 31,165,140 33,847,010 (2,681,870) (7.92%) 84,325,256 37.0% Industrial 10,104,000 9,910,000 194,000 1.96% 42,521,000 45,905,000 (3,384,000) (7.37%) 120,422,724 35.3% Total KWH Sold 22,372,944 22,242,804 130,140 0.59% 102,760,854 108,972,382 (6,211,528) (5.70%) 280,631,002 36.6% May May YTD YTD 2023 HUC 2023 2022 Change 2023 2022 Change Budget Target Gross Margin %: 30.8% 24.1% 6.8% 27.7% 25.8% 1.9% 26.7% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%): 1.4% -5.9% 7.2% -4.0% -7.0% 3.0% -1.9% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 1.9% -7.1% 9.0% -3.7% -7.8% 4.1% -2.3% Customer Revenue per KWH: $0.0853 $0.0851 $0.0001 $0.0897 $0.0876 $0.0021 $0.0918 $0.0918 Total Power Supply Exp. per KWH: $0.0759 $0.0760 -$0.0001 $0.0805 $0.0751 $0.0054 $0.0786 y'yar; Notes/Graphs: Net Income increased by $207,415 over May 2022. This is mostly due to our increased sales for resale with the Dynasty contract, higher interest rates, and lower power supply costs. Transmission costs increased due to the high heat at the end of May. Sales for Resale of $535,359 consisted of $58,252 in market sales, $98,000 in capacity sales to Rice Lake, $146,250 in capacity sales to AEP, and $232,857 in Tolling agreement sales to Dynasty Power. May 2022 Sales for Resale of $318,931 included $74,681 in market sales, $146,250 in capacity sales to AEP, and $98,000 in capacity sales to Rice Lake. May 2021 Sales for Resale of $423,338 consisted of $179,088 in market sales, $146,250 in capacity sales to AEP, and $98,000 in capacity sales to Rice Lake. Overall Purchased Power decreased by $123,963. MRES purchases decreased by $39,372 and market purchases/MISO costs decreased by $84,591. The average cost of MISO power was $21.82/mwh (5,771 mwh's purchased), compared to $44.16/mwh (3,280 mwh's purchased) in May 2022. Power Cost Adjustment for May 2023 was $.00000/kwhr bringing in $304,953 YTD. Power Cost Adjustment for May 2022 was $.00000/kwhr bringing in $243,139 YTD. Gas Division Customer Revenue Transportation Electric Div. Transfer Other Revenues Interest Income TOTAL REVENUES Salaries & Benefits Purchased Gas Operating Expense Depreciation Transfers (City) Debt Interest TOTAL EXPENSES NET PROFIT/(LOSS) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION GAS DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MAY, 2023 2023 2022 Di % Chna 2023 2022 Di . $ 606,296 $ 709,734 $ (103,439) (14.6%) $ 6,697,653 $ 7,258,614 $ (560,961) $ 86,424 $ 86,498 $ (75) (0.1%) $ 435,094 $ 436,489 $ (1,396) $ 59,960 $ 59,724 $ 236 0.4% $ 299,799 $ 298,618 $ 1,181 $ 29,174 $ 23,230 $ 5,944 25.6% $ 134,754 $ 136,342 $ (1,5811) $ 36,086 $ 6,655 $ 29,431 442.3% $ 167,564 $ 70,820 $ 96,743 $ 817,939 $ 885,841 $ (67,902) (7.7%) $ 7,734,864 $ 8,200,884 $ (466,020) % Chna 41.7% of Year Full Yr Bud $ 13,179,855 Comp. % of Bud 50.8% (7.7%) (0.3%) $ 1,354,349 32.1% 0.4% $ 719,517 41.7% (1.2%) $ 297,034 45.4% 136.6% $ 250,000 67.0% (5.7%)l $ 15,800,755 49.0% $ 141,998 $ 128,032 $ 13,966 10.9% $ 713,431 $ 698,225 $ 15,206 2.2% $ 2,045,280 $ 354,230 $ 443,849 $ (89,619) (20.2%) $ 4,249,830 $ 4,874,275 $ (624,445) (12.8%) $ 8,704,760 $ 68,169 $ 80,466 $ (12,297) (15.3%) $ 325,527 $ 410,858 $ (85,331) (20.8%) $ 1,255,046 $ 90,689 $ 91,329 $ (641) (0.7%) $ 453,443 $ 456,646 $ (3,204) (0.7%) $ 1,100,000 $ 48,760 $ 47,804 $ 956 2.0% $ 243,801 $ 239,020 $ 4,780 2.0% $ 585,122 $ 27,796 $ 35,004 $ (7,208) 0.0% $ 138,979 $ 175,021 $ (36,042) 20.6% $ 333,550 $ 731,643 $ 826,486 $ (94,843) (11.5%) $ 6,125,011 $ 6,854,045 $ (729,035) (10.6%) $ 14,023,758 S 86.296 S 59.355 S 26.941 45.4% S 1.609.853 S 1 346 839 $ 263 015 19.5% $ 1 776 997 90.6% 2023 2022 Di . % Chnq 1 2023 34.9% 48.8% 25.9% 41.2% 41.7% 41.7% 43.7% 41.7% of Year Comp. 2022 Di % Chnq Full Yr Bud % of Bud Gas Division Residential 11,274,469 14,371,794 (3,097,325) (21.55%) 254,320,149 289,866,801 (35,546,652) (12.26%) 449,212,000 56.6% Commercial 10,807,089 13,197,027 (2,389,938) (18.11%) 185,631,838 212,818,466 (27,186,628) (12.77%) 350,057,000 53.0% Industrial 54,246,037 55,926,847 (1,680,810) (3.01%) 402,292,325 448,478,243 (46,185,918) (10.30%) 919,535,000 43.7% Total CF Sold 76,327,595 83,495,668 (7,168,073) (8.58%) 842,244,312 951,163,510 (108,919,198) (11.45%) 1,718,804,000 49.0% May May YTD YTD 2023 HUC 2023 2022 Change 2023 2022 Change Budget Target Gross Margin %: 50.5% 46.6% 3.8% 41.8% 37.7% 4.0% 40.4% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%): 7.0% 8.1% -1.0% 19.7% 16.7% 3.1% 10.6% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 10.6% 6.7% 3.8% 20.8% 16.4% 4.4% 11.2% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Contracted Customer Rev. per CF: $0.0056 $0.0065 -$0.0009 $0.0067 $0.0061 $0.0005 $0.0063 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111°'� uuuuuuuuuuuu Customer Revenue per CF: $0.0129 $0.0115 $0.0014 $0.0090 $0.0088 $0.0002 $0.0091 $0.0091 Total Power Supply Exp. per CF: $0.0049 $0.0055 ($0.0006) $0.0052 $0.0052 ($0.0001) $0.0053 Notes/Graphs: May Net income increased by $26,941 despite lower customer revenues due to decreased expenses as well as increased interest income. There was no fuel cost adjustment for either May 2023 or May 2022. Current Assets UnrestrictedlUndesignated Cash Cash Petty Cash Designated Cash Capital Expenditures - Five Yr. CIP Payment in Lieu of Taxes Rate Stabilization - Electric Rate Stabilization - Gas Catastrophic Funds Restricted Cash Bond Interest Payment 2017 Bond Interest Payment 2012 Debt Service Reserve Funds Total Current Assets Receivables Accounts (net of uncollectible allowances) Interest Total Receivables Other Assets Inventory Prepaid Expenses Sales Tax Receivable Deferred Outflows - Electric Deferred Outflows - Gas Total Other Assets Total Current Assets Capital Assets Land & Land Rights Depreciable Capital Assets Accumulated Depreciation Construction - Work in Progress Total Net Capital Assets HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED MAY31, 2023 Electric Gas Total Total Net Change Division Division 2023 2022 Total (YTD) 4,223,362.60 11,687,219.12 15,910,581.72 17,688,899.82 (1,778,318.10) 680.00 170.00 850.00 850.00 - 2,750,000.00 700,000.00 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 - 1,319,414.00 585,122.00 1,904,536.00 1,867,192.00 37,344.00 739,200.24 - 739,200.24 395,204.99 343,995.25 - 557,142.59 557,142.59 596,246.44 (39,103.85) 800,000.00 200,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 - 1,064,999.98 - 1,064,999.98 1,049,999.91 15,000.07 - 912,500.02 912,500.02 864,999.98 47,500.04 522,335.64 2,188,694.02 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - 11,419,992.46 16,830,847.75 28,250,840.21 29,624,422.80 (1,373,582.59) 2,401,997.52 829,347.46 3,231,344.98 2,999,052.10 232,292.88 59,141.99 59,142.00 118,283.99 94,415.01 23,868.98 2,461,139.51 888,489.46 3,349,628.97 3,093,467.11 256,161.86 1,735,942.69 519,510.71 2,255,453.40 2,260,886.66 (5,433.26) 32,659.98 93,467.06 126,127.04 417,701.06 (291,574.02) 259,176.20 - 259,176.20 164,805.59 94,370.61 1,221,397.00 - 1,221,397.00 1,630,746.00 (409,349.00) - 407,133.00 407,133.00 543,582.00 (136,449.00) 3,249,175.87 1,020,110.77 4,269,286.64 5,017,721.31 (748,434.67) 17,130,307.84 18,739,447.98 690,368.40 3,899,918.60 112,481,292.40 42,872,726.46 (68,384,753.44) (20,717,818.60) 1,255,177.79 476,202.44 46,042,085.15 26,531,028.90 35,869,755.82 37,735,611.22 (1,865,855.40) 4,590,287.00 4,590,287.00 - 155,354,018.86 153,784,276.80 1,569,742.06 (89,102,572.04) (84,751,699.10) (4,350,872.94) 1,731,380.23 580,786.77 1,150,593.46 72,573,114.05 74,203,651.47 (1,630,537.42) Total Assets 63,172,392.99 45,270,476.88 108,442,869.87 111,939,262.69 (3,496,392.82) Current Liabilities Current Portion of Long-term Debt Bonds Payable Bond Premium Lease Liability - Solar Array Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Accrued Interest Accrued Payroll Total Current Liabilities Long -Term Liabilities Noncurrent Portion of Long-term Debt 2017 Bonds 2012 Bonds Bond Premium 2012 Pension Liability- Electric Pension Liability - Electric OPEB Pension Liability - Nat Gas Pension Liability - Nat Gas OPEB Accrued Vacation Payable Accrued Severance Deferred Outflows - Electric Deferred Outflows - Nat Gas Total Long -Term Liabilities Net Position Retained Earnings Total Net Position HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED MAY31, 2023 Electric Gas Total Division Division 2023 730,000.00 19, 546.00 2,120,452.84 93,328.95 2,963,327.79 13,300,000.00 485,125.92 4,021,396.00 77,480.00 514,998.51 109,985.36 98,554.00 18,607,539.79 1,825,000.00 185,608.32 478,127.80 29,532.09 2,518,268.21 5,955,000.00 464,020.43 1,340,466.00 25,827.00 185,601.83 30,300.18 32,851.00 8,034,066.44 41,601,525.41 34,718,142.23 41,601,525.41 34,718,142.23 2,555,000.00 185,608.32 19, 546.00 2,598,580.64 122,861.04 5,481,596.00 13,300,000.00 5,955,000.00 949,146.35 4,021,396.00 77,480.00 1,340,466.00 25,827.00 700,600.34 140,285.54 98,554.00 32,851.00 26,641,606.23 Total 2022 2,430,000.00 185,608.32 2,752,457.59 106,021.73 5,474,087.64 14,030,000.00 7,780,000.00 1,168,211.63 2,219,565.00 94,162.00 739,855.00 31,387.00 595,141.98 123,254.85 2,041,393.00 680,464.00 29,503,434.46 76,319,667.64 76,961,740.59 76,319,667.64 76,961,740.59 Net Change Total (YTD) 125,000.00 19, 546.00 (153,876.95) 16,839.31 7,508.36 (730,000.00) (1,825,000.00) (219,065.28) 1,801,831.00 (16, 682.00) 600,611.00 (5,560.00) 105,458.36 17,030.69 (1,942,839.00) (647,613.00) (2,861,828.23) (642,072.95) (642,072.95) Total Liabilities and Net Position 63,172,392.99 45,270,476.88 108,442,869.87 111,939,262.69 (3,496,392.82) Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Combined May 31, 2023 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest May 2023 April 2023 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 28,250,840.21 28,113,555.09 137,285.12 Total Operating Funds 28,250,840.21 28,113,555.09 137,285.12 Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds Operating Reserve Rate Stabalization Funds PILOT Funds Catastrophic Funds Capital Reserves Total Designated Funds Min 60 days of 2023 Operating Bud. Charter (Formula Only) Risk Mitigation Amount 5 Year CIP (2023-2027 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 1,977,500.00 2,092,252.61 (114,752.61) 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 4,688,529.66 4,803,282.27 (114,752.61) 6,797,207.17 6,797,207.17 - 1,296,342.83 1,024,273.25 272,069.58 1,904,536.00 1,904,536.00 - 1, 000, 000.00 1, 000, 000.00 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 - 14,448,086.00 14,176,016.42 272,069.58 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Target Debt to Asset 34.9% 32.3% 30.8% 31.4% 29.6% Current Ratio 5.11 5.67 5.22 4.47 5.41 RONA 2.25% 3.62% 0.41% -1.38% 1.22% Change in Cash Balance (From 12131114 to 413012023) Month End Electric Elec. Change Natural Gas Gas Change Total Total Change 5/31/202 3 11, 419, 992 16, 830, 848 28, 250, 840 12/31/2022 11, 633, 212 15, 450, 554 27, 083, 766 1,167, 075 12/31/2021 12,870,253 (1,237,041) 15,086,000 364,554 27,956,253 (872,487) 12/31/2020 14,239,233 (1,368,981) 15,019,173 66,827 29,258,406 (1,302,153) 12/31/2019 12,124,142 2,115,092 13,837,040 1,182,133 25,961,181 3,297,225 12/31/2018 15,559,867 (3,435,725) 12,335,998 1,501,042 27,895,864 (1,934,683) 12/31/2017 23,213,245 (7,653,378) 10,702,689 1,633,309 33,915,934 (6,020,070) 12/31/2016 8,612,801 14,600,444 9,500,074 1,202,615 18,112,875 15,803,059 12/31/2015 6,170,790 2,442,011 9,037,373 462,701 15,208,163 2,904,712 12/31/2014 3,598,821 2,571,969 6,765,165 2,272,208 10,363,986 4,844,177 * 2017's Significant increase in cash balance is due to issuing bonds for the generator project. Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Electric May 31, 2023 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest May 2023 April 2023 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies Total HUC Operating Funds tiectric iI Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds varies 28,250,840.21 28,113,555.09 137,285.12 28,250,840.21 28,113,555.09 137,285.12 1,064,999.98 1,192,856.76 (127,856.78) 522,335.64 522,335.64 1,587,335.62 1,715,192.40 (127,856.78) Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2023 Operating Bud. 4,643,247.50 4,643,247.50 - Rate Stabalization Funds $400K-$1.2K 739,200.24 476,071.95 263,128.29 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 1,319,414.00 1,319,414.00 - Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 800,000.00 800,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP (2023-2027 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 2,750,000.00 2,750,000.00 - Total Designated Funds 10,251,861.74 9,988,733.45 263,128.29 YE YE YE YE YTD APPA Ratio HUC 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 5K-10K Cust. Target Debt to Asset Ratio (* w/Gen.) 34.1% 32.6% 32.2% 34.8% 34.1% 39.8% Current Ratio 5.26 6.18 5.70 4.96 4.83 3.75 RONA -0.4% 2.5% -1.2% -4.2% -0.8% NA >0% Notes/Graphs: Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Gas May 31, 2023 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest May 2023 April 2023 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies Total HUC Operating Funds Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds Operating Reserve Rate Stabalization Funds PILOT Funds Catastrophic Funds Capital Reserves Total Designated Funds varies 28,250,840.21 28,113,555.09 137,285.12 28,250,840.21 28,113,555.09 137,285.12 Min 60 days of 2023 Operating Bud. $200K-$600K Charter (Formula Only) Risk Mitigation Amount 5 Year CIP (2023-2027 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 912,500.02 899,395.85 13,104.17 2,188,694.02 2,188,694.02 - 3,101,194.04 3,088,089.87 13,104.17 2,153,959.67 2,153,959.67 - 557,142.59 548,201.30 8,941.29 585,122.00 585,122.00 - 200,000.00 200,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 - 4,196,224.26 4,187,282.97 8,941.29 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 AGA Ratio Target Debt to Asset 36.1% 32.0% 28.8% 26.5% 23.3% 35%-50% Current Ratio 4.96 5.18 4.79 4.06 6.05 1.0-3.0 RONA 6.4% 5.3% 2.9% 3.0% 4.1% 2%-5% Notes/Graphs: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Investment Report For the Month Ended May 31, 2023 Interest Current Date of Date of Par Current Purchase Unrealized Premium Next Institution Description Rate YTM Purchase Maturity Value Value Amount Gain/(Loss) (Discount) Call Date Wells Fargo Money Market 4.370% 4.370% NA NA - 32,535.26 - - - N/A Wells Fargo FHLB 5.000% 5.000% 05/31/2023 11/26/2025 1,000,000.00 996,200.00 1,000,681.44 (4,481.44) 681.44 02/26/2024 Wells Fargo FHLB 4.750% 4.750% 02/01/2023 02/01/2024 1,000,000.00 992,830.00 1,000,000.00 (7,170.00) - N/A Wells Fargo FFCB 4.250% 4.250% 12/20/2022 12/20/2024 1,000,000.00 990,680.00 1,000,000.00 (9,320.00) - N/A Wells Fargo FFCB 4.000% 4.000% 40/10/2023 03/10/2025 580,000.00 574,072.40 580,000.00 (5,927.60) - N/A Wells Fargo FHLB 0.400% 0.587% 01/29/2021 01/29/2026 295,000.00 266,538.40 295,000.00 (28,461.60) - 07/29/2023 Wells Fargo FHLB 0.400% 0.525% 02/09/2021 02/09/2026 470,000.00 423,037.60 470,000.00 (46,962.40) - 08/09/2023 Wells Fargo FHLB 0.750% 1.432% 04/29/2021 04/29/2026 400,000.00 368,748.00 400,000.00 (31,252.00) - 06/29/2023 Wells Fargo FHLB 0.650% 1.069% 06/30/2021 06/30/2026 300,000.00 270,471.00 300,000.00 (29,529.00) - 06/30/2023 Wells Fargo FHLB 0.700% 1.281% 09/30/2021 09/30/2026 250,000.00 225,772.50 250,000.00 (24,227.50) - 06/30/2023 Wells Fargo CD's 2.550% 2.550% 06/17/2022 12/18/2023 245,000.00 241,391.15 245,000.00 (3,608.85) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 0.300% 0.300% 01/08/2021 01/08/2024 245,000.00 237,713.70 245,000.00 (7,286.30) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 0.450% 0.450% 04/14/2021 04/15/2024 245,000.00 234,756.55 245,000.00 (10,243.45) - 08/14/2023 Wells Fargo CD's 2.800% 2.800% 06/17/2022 06/17/2024 245,000.00 238,610.40 245,000.00 (6,389.60) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 0.550% 0.550% 08/02/2021 08/05/2024 245,000.00 231,618.10 245,000.00 (13,381.90) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 4.800% 4.800% 11/16/2022 11/15/2024 245,000.00 243,147.80 245,000.00 (1,852.20) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 1.100% 1.100% 01/31/2022 01/31/2025 245,000.00 228,739.35 245,000.00 (16,260.65) - 07/31/2023 Wells Fargo CD's 1.600% 1.600% 02/23/2022 02/24/2025 245,000.00 230,155.45 245,000.00 (14,844.55) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 4.650% 4.650% 04/12/2023 04/07/2025 245,000.00 242,275.60 245,000.00 (2,724.40) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 4.650% 4.650% 40/14/2023 04/14/2025 245,000.00 242,260.90 245,000.00 (2,739.10) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 3.100% 3.100% 06/15/2022 06/16/2025 245,000.00 234,883.95 245,000.00 (10,116.05) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 3.100% 3.100% 06/15/2022 06/16/2025 245,000.00 234,883.95 245,000.00 (10,116.05) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 3.300% 3.300% 08/26/2022 08/26/2025 245,000.00 235,084.85 245,000.00 (9,915.15) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 1.000% 1.000% 05/19/2021 05/19/2026 245,000.00 217,234.15 245,000.00 (27,765.85) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 1.000% 1.000% 07/28/2021 07/28/2026 245,000.00 215,254.55 245,000.00 (29,745.45) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 1.050% 1.050% 08/08/2021 08/25/2026 238,000.00 209,299.58 238,000.00 (28,700.42) - N/A Wells Fargo CD's 1.000% 1.207% 07/31/2021 07/13/2028 245,000.00 203,075.60 245,000.00 (41,924.40) 12/13/2023 Broker Total 49.4% 9,453,000.00 9,061,270.79 9,453,681.44 (424,945.91) 681.44 Cetera Investment Services Money Market 0.500% 0.500% N/A N/A - 25.97 - - - N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.075% 3.236% 12/20/2018 06/01/2023 50,000.00 50,000.00 49,746.15 253.85 (253.85) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.290% 2.724% 04/18/2019 06/01/2023 260,000.00 260,000.00 291,059.96 (31,059.96) 31,059.96 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.500% 3.181% 12/20/2018 08/01/2023 35,000.00 34,829.20 34,320.05 509.15 (679.95) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 125,000.00 123,823.75 126,376.25 (2,552.50) 1,376.25 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 65,000.00 64,388.35 65,715.65 (1,327.30) 715.65 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.854% 3.173% 12/20/2018 02/01/2024 100,000.00 98,058.00 99,605.96 (1,547.96) (394.04) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.977% 3.246% 12/20/2018 03/15/2024 250,000.00 245,647.50 248,743.99 (3,096.49) (1,256.01) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.940% 1.821% 01/13/2020 05/01/2024 65,000.00 62,979.80 65,570.70 (2,590.90) 570.70 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.742% 3.658% 04/11/2019 08/01/2024 190,000.00 190,583.30 208,924.00 (18,340.70) 18,924.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.000% 4.253% 02/09/2023 08/15/2024 270,000.00 269,516.70 279,454.50 (9,937.80) 9,454.50 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.400% 2.908% 08/05/2022 08/15/2024 50,000.00 48,419.50 50,070.17 (1,650.67) 70.17 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.402% 2.926% 08/05/2022 10/01/2024 125,000.00 120,558.75 124,674.19 (4,115.44) (325.81) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.200% 4.710% 02/21/2023 11/01/2024 30,000.00 29,977.20 30,711.27 (734.07) 711.27 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 4.000% 4.689% 05/19/2023 12/01/2024 50,000.00 49,159.00 50,428.33 (1,269.33) 428.33 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.528% 1.918% 01/13/2020 12/01/2024 100,000.00 96,112.00 102,999.53 (6,887.53) 2,999.53 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.319% 4.407% 09/26/2022 12/01/2024 50,000.00 47,019.50 47,238.35 (218.85) (2,761.65) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.922% 3.429% 12/20/2018 12/01/2024 204,000.00 199,397.76 208,181.10 (8,783.34) 4,181.10 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 4.415% 4.516% 02/21/2023 05/01/2025 60,000.00 59,437.80 59,907.79 (469.99) (92.21) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 4.400% 3.221% 04/11/2019 07/01/2025 500,000.00 490,205.00 539,101.11 (48,896.11) 39,101.11 07/01/2023 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 0.824% 4.678% 01/09/2023 08/01/2025 100,000.00 91,924.00 91,160.64 763.36 (8,839.36) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.640% 3.007% 04/18/2019 08/15/2025 205,000.00 182,117.90 169,737.95 12,379.95 (35,262.05) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.743% 2.740% 04/18/2019 09/15/2025 215,000.00 210,205.50 228,334.53 (18,129.03) 13,334.53 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.379% 1.934% 08/19/2019 10/01/2025 310,000.00 298,635.40 339,739.18 (41,103.78) 29,739.18 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.727% 2.271% 03/03/2022 12/01/2025 335,000.00 313,402.55 342,781.72 (29,379.17) 7,781.72 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.600% 1.186% 07/28/2020 12/01/2025 45,000.00 45,951.75 55,250.55 (9,298.80) 10,250.55 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 4.250% 3.258% 04/11/2019 01/01/2026 500,000.00 491,930.00 529,769.03 (37,839.03) 29,769.03 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.420% 1.175% 10/06/2020 03/01/2026 100,000.00 93,179.00 106,734.28 (13,555.28) 6,734.28 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.609% 1.124% 09/24/2020 04/01/2026 285,000.00 261,775.35 292,370.10 (30,594.75) 7,370.10 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 6.690% 3.356% 04/18/2019 04/15/2026 60,000.00 51,528.00 47,545.20 3,982.80 (12,454.80) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 5.900% 1.451% 07/28/2020 06/15/2026 75,000.00 77,652.00 93,741.75 (16,089.75) 18,741.75 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 0.000% 1.415% 08/13/2020 07/01/2026 100,000.00 85,488.00 92,037.00 (6,549.00) (7,963.00) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.250% 2.903% 04/18/2019 08/01/2026 500,000.00 476,070.00 514,790.69 (38,720.69) 14,790.69 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.116% 3.307% 06/07/2022 08/01/2026 75,000.00 69,494.25 71,565.00 (2,070.75) (3,435.00) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.150% 2.203% 07/01/2019 12/01/2026 40,000.00 37,224.40 40,150.64 (2,926.24) 150.64 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.664% 1.150% 08/27/2020 09/01/2026 225,000.00 204,270.75 231,696.00 (27,425.25) 6,696.00 N/A Interest Current Date of Date of Par Current Purchase Unrealized Premium Next Institution Description Rate YTM Purchase Maturity Value Value Amount Gain/(Loss) (Discount) Call Date Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.375% 1.816% 09/04/2019 12/01/2026 90,000.00 83,714.40 93,395.70 (9,681.30) 3,395.70 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.350% 2.191% 07/01/2019 12/01/2026 500,000.00 465,450.00 505,385.00 (39,935.00) 5,385.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.000% 1.991 % OS/19/2019 OZ01/2027 50,000.00 47,520.50 53,551.00 (6,030.50) 3,551.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.150% 2.034% 08/19/2019 03/15/2027 100,000.00 95,504.00 109,138.50 (13,634.50) 9,138.50 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.332% 3.120% 04/1 8/201 9 04/15/2027 500,000.00 479,355.00 507,783.94 (28,428.94) 7,783.94 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.865% 2.470% 08/1 9/201 9 05/01/2027 55,000.00 54,210.20 60,986.48 (6,776.28) 5,986.48 05/01/2025 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.553% 2.289% 08/1 9/201 9 05/01/2027 55:000.00 52:628.95 60:468.04 (7,839.09) 5:468.04 05/01/2026 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.230% 1.828% 08/1 9/201 9 05/15/2027 145,000.00 138,154.55 160,827.31 (22,672.76) 15,827.31 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.925% 1.719% 11/23/2021 06/01/2027 310,000.00 276,935.40 313,447.46 (36,512.06) 3,447.46 Make -Whole Call Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.861% 1.254% 06/07/2021 07/01/2027 410,000.00 367:593.70 412:336.71 (44,743.01) 2:336.71 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.000% 3.101% 05/18/2020 09/01/2027 65,000.00 63,518.65 69,180.58 (5,661.93) 4,180.58 09/01/2025 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.817% 2.817% 09/25/2019 10/01/2027 35,000.00 28,368.90 27,969.55 399.35 (7,030.45) 05/01/2025 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.415% 1.793% 11/23/2021 03/01/2028 100,000.00 87,755.00 98,088.31 (10,333.31) (1,911.69) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.270% 2.141% 08/19/2019 03/15/2028 155:000.00 144:627.40 170,805.09 (26,177.69) 15,805.09 09/15/2027 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.974% 2.574% 11/07/2019 04/01/2028 75,000.00 69,332.25 77,253.00 (7,920.75) 2,253.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.125% 1.904% 11/23/2021 06/01/2028 110,000.00 96,707.60 111,525.06 (14,817.46) 1,525.06 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 2.547% 1.240% 08/10/2021 07/01/2028 125:000.00 114,122.50 136,101.16 (21,978.66) 11,101.16 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.140% 2.004% OS/19/2019 08/01/2028 500,000.00 467,595.00 547,105.00 (79,510.00) 47,105.00 08/01/2027 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.000% 2.199% 05/19/2020 08/15/2028 90,000.00 88,091.10 95,401.80 (7,310.70) 5,401.80 08/15/2025 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 1.692% 1.813% 11/24/2021 10/01/2028 180,000.00 153,766.80 179,188.74 (25,421.94) (811.26) N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.000% 1.942% 08/19/2019 06/01/2029 115,000.00 107,181.15 125,961.80 (18,780.65) 10,961.80 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 4.000% 3.214% 03/22/2021 09/01/2031 60,000.00 59,908.80 64,292.00 (4,383.20) 4,292.00 09/01/2024 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.500% 2.699% 11/23/2021 02/01/2033 50:000.00 49:756.50 54:390.44 (4:63194) 4:390.44 02/01/2025 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.250% 2.655% 08/1 9/201 9 06/01/2029 75,000.00 75,081.00 79,860.31 (4,779.31) 4,860.31 02/01/2025 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.125% 2.303% 11/23/2021 10/01/2034 50,000.00 48,574.00 54,773.69 (6,199.69) 4:773.69 04/01/2027 Cetera Investment Services Municipal Bonds 3.125% 2.456% 11/23/2021 OZ01/2035 50,000.00 4$102.50 54,236.11 (6,133.61) 4,236.11 OZ01/2026 Broker Total 50.6% 9,799,000.00 9,294,543.78 10,153,686.09 (859,168.28) 354,686.09 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 100.0% 5/31/2023 % of 4/30/2023 % of Monthly Maturity Current Value Product Type Total Value Total Total Value Total Change Less than 1 year $2,678,979.23 14.6% MH Money Market $32,561.23 0.2% $51,193.69 0.3% ($18,632.46) 1 - 2 years 4,331,741.51 23.6% CD's 3,920,385.63 21.4% 3,932,290.67 21.3% (11,905.04) 2 - 3 years 5,507,465.35 30.0% Government Bonds 5,108,349.90 27.8% 5,136,018.20 27.9% (27,668.30) 3-4years 3,287,534.63 17.9% Municipal Bonds 9,294,517.81 50.6% 9,300,952.98 50.5% 6,435.17 4 - 5 years 1,038,131.30 5.7% TOTAL $18 355 814.57 100.0% $18 420 455.54 100.0% $64 640.97 5+ years 1,511,962.55 8.2% TOTAL $18,355,814.57 100.0% Money Market Municipal Bonds 0.2% CD's $6,000,000.00 50.6% $5,507,465 I21.4% $5,000,000.00 ....... .... .... .... .... .... .... $4,331,742 $4,000,000.00 ....................... ..... ,..... .,.,.,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.. $3,287,535 $3,000,000.00 �����$2,678,979���� ...........979 _ ....._ ....... ........................................................ $2,000,000.00 ., ___ ______ ____ _____ _____ ------------- __ ____ $1,511,963 $1,038,131 $1,000,000.00 ..... .. ..... .. .... ..... .. ....... ........ .... $0.00 .. m . FA .. Less than 1-2years 2-3years 3-4years 4-5years 5+years Government Bonds year 27.8% ELECTRIC DIVISION Operating Revenue May 2023 CLASS AMOUNT KWH /KWH Street Lights $20.44 375 $0.05451 Electric Residential Service $423,686.95 4,013,113 $0.10558 All Electric Residential Service $13,963.79 121,446 $0.11498 Electric Small General Service $142,893.35 1,444,305 $0.09894 Electric Large General Service $596,639.97 6,690,080 $0.08918 Electric Large Industrial Service $730,687.36 10,104,000 $0.07232 Total $1,907,891.86 22,373,319 $0.08528 Power Adjustment $0.00000 Rate Without Power Adjustment $0.08528 Electric Division Year -to -Date M2023 $A--t 02022 $A--t ■2023 KWH110 02022 KWH110 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 ,I IIWIIWIIu � i IIWIIWIIII IIWIIWIIII I i IIWIIWIIu I i IIWIIWIIII Street Lights Residential All Elec. Small Gen. Large Gen. Large For Resale Resid. Srv. Srv. Industrial NOTE: Sales for resale includes capacity sales and energy for resale Total NATURAL GAS DIVISION Operating Revenue MAY 2023 CLASS AMOUNT MCF /$ MCF Residential $171,091.77 11,274 $15.17578 Commercial $123,703.80 10,807 $11.44664 Large Industrial $19,829.18 2,267 $8.74688 Large Industrial Contracts $291,671.09 51,979 $5.61133 Total $606,295.84 76,327 $7.94340 Fuel Adjustment $0.00000 Rate Without Fuel Adjustment $7.94340 Natural Gas Division Year -to -Date ® 2023 $ Amount 0 2022 $ Amount ■ 2023 MCF 13 2022 MCF 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Gas Residential Gas Commercial Large Industrial Large Industrial Total Contracts HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form �r�turscti mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Approve Req#009571 - Primary Metering Cabinet Presenter: Dave Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 5 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: This is for replacement of a failing metering cabinet for the Main Waste Water Lift Station on Ontario St. Attachments: WESCO Quote Border States Quote Req 9571 Photos BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Req 9571 Fiscal Impact: $25,976.20 Included in current budget: No Budget Change: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiak° tt ni'i ni'it II Ewa s�io ni WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP LOCKBOX 771751 1751 SOLUTIONS CENTER DR CHICAGO, IL 60677 Note Description: Priamry Metering Cabinet PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 Date Requisition No. 06/07/2023 009571 Required by: Requested by: dhunstad Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount BOM PR13PHPADR PRIMARY METERING CABINET - 1 MFG. PART: 1.00 EA $24,305.22 $24,305.22 Total: $24,305.22 Tax: $1, 670.98 Total: $25,976.20 Date Printed: 06/13/2023 Requisitioned By: dhunstad Page: 1/1 2208 S. 14th Street Mattoon, IL 61938 Phone: 217.235.0546 www.anixterpowersolutions.com Fax: 217.258.6630 To: Hutchinson Utilities Commission Issued Date Attn : Phone: Fax: BOM PRI3PHPADR PRIMARY PADMOUNTED 3 ELE 4WYE 5/15 KV MSC RAID FD 15KV PRIMARY METERING CABINET; APMP3-2-15-12 3PHASE 15KV 200AMP BUSHINGS 1 LINE 2 LOAD PER PHASE; 3- 756200007-H 50:5 ARTECHE CT'S; 3-757030119-H ARTECHE 70:1 PT'S; WIRED WITH #12 THHN WIRE WESCO COLOR CODE (RED YELLOW BLUE POTENTIALS BLACK ORANGE GREEN CURRENTS WHITE RETURNS AND NEUTRAL) WIRED WITH #12THHN; DEL: CURRENTLY CABINET DUE IN LATE DECEMBER; WIRED AND SHIP 1-2 WKS AFTER Special Notes 1) All items are In Stock unless otherwise noted. 2) All item pricing on this quote is valid for thirty days unless otherwise specified. 3) All applicable taxes apply. HUTCHINSON- PREWIRED PRIMARY METERING Quotation: 000727488.00 Jun 08, 2023 24, 305.220 EA 24, 305.22 SECTION TOTAL: $24,305.22 QUOTE TOTAL: $24,305.22 Anixter Power Solutions offers the industry's most extensive and dynamic portfolio of products, services and solutions for the Public Power, Investor -owned Utilities, Construction and Industrial markets. The impacts of COVID-19 cannot be reasonably determined at this time. This quote/proposal does not account for any potential adverse impacts COVID-19 may have on Anixter's performance or obligations herein. In the event of any delays or adverse impacts, Anixter reserves the right for an equitable adjustment of the delivery schedule and prices herein to offset the effects of COVID-19 delays, without fault or penalty of any kind. Powered by www.proquote-solutions.com Page 1 of 1 BORDER STATES Border States Electric - ABV 11927 53rd Street NE Albertville MN 55301-3964 Phone: 763-497-6800 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350-1905 Cust Item BSE Item Material MFG - Description Quote Page: 1 of 3 BSE Quote: 27095169 Sold -To Acct #: 5004 Valid From: 06/20/2023 To: 06/27/2023 Payment Terms: Net 25th prox Created By:.larid Schmidt Tel No: 763-497-6816 Fax No: Inco Terms: PPA PREPAID & ALLOW FREIGHT Ship -to: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON MN 55350-1905 Quantity Price Per UoM Value 000010 1 EA 34,358.24 / 1 - ME311233THFXGM - PRI METER,3PH,15kV,RF,2 LEAD TIME 45 - 47 WKS AFTER DWG APPROVAL PADMOUNT DEADFRONT PRIMARY METERING EQUIPMENT 15kV 95kV BIL Three Phase ENCLOSURE: 12 ga A60 Galvanneal (Welded outdoor enclosure) 54"W x 54" D x 52" H Munsell Green (7GY 3.29/1.5) paint finish Door and phase barriers Slide out rail mounted tray for CT mounting Stainless steel and plated hardware Three point latching with penta bolt Front and rear access Meets ANSI C57.12.28 standards Elbow compartment 18" deep Ground bus provided FEATURES: (3) Line 25kV - 200 amp bushing wells with inserts (6) Load 25kV - 200 amp bushing wells with inserts (3) 15kV - CRB-17 Arteche CT 50:5 756204010 (3) 15kV - URJR-17 Arteche PT 70:1 1500VA 1 B (1) None Factory primary wiring of CT's, PT's, and 200A bushings ITEMS NOT INCLUDED Meter socket and test switch are NOT included EA 34.358.24 Border States Electric - ABV 11927 53rd Street NE Albertville MN 55301-3964 Phone: 763-497-6800 Quote Page: 2 of BSE Quote: 27095169 Sold -to Acct #: 5004 Valid From: 06/20/2023 To: 06/27/2023 Cust Item BSE Item Material Quantity Price Per UoM Value MFG - Description 000020 1 EA 28,082.42 / 1 EA 28,082.42 - 15kV, 95kV BIL, 200 amp, Deadfront Prm LEAD TIME 40-42 AFTER DRAWING APPROVAL *****NOTE SECONDARY WIRING WOULD BE REQUIRED BY CUSTOMER— 15kV, 95kV BIL, 200 amp, Deadfront Primary Metering Cabinet, NEMA 3R Outdoor Construction Per The Description and BOM Listed Below. Equipment Type: Pad -mounted dead -front primary metering Voltage Class: 15kV Nominal system voltage: 7970V BIL Rating: 95kV Enclosure construction: NEMA 3R outdoor weatherproof Approximate overall dimensions: 54#H X 72#W X 54#D Enclosure material: 12 gauge galvanneal steel Bus bar material: Silver-plated copper Compartment barrier material: GPO-3 Phase barrier material: GPO-3 Parking stand material: Stainless steel Number of line side bushing wells: 3 Number of load side bushing wells: 6 Number of bushing well inserts: 9 Bushing well rating: 15kV, 95kV BIL, 200 amp Current transformers: (3) 15kV, 50:5 ratio, rating factor:1.5, metering accuracy: 0.313-1.8, relay accuracy: T150, Arteche CRE-11 #756231010 (Supplied and installed by SPS and wired by customer) Potential transformers: (3) 15kV, 8400/14550GY:120, 70:1 ratio, metering accuracy: 0.3W,X,M,&Y, Arteche URJ-17 #757061070 (Supplied and installed by SPS and wired by customer) Meter socket: N/A Test switch: N/A Door handle type: Pad -lockable with penta head bolt Powder coat paint finish: Munsell green Paint standard: C57.12.28 Additional features: No drip compound applied to the underside of roof, screened tamper proof louvers, warning & safety labels One Pad Mounted Dead -Front Primary Metering Cabinet Shall Be Supplied With The Following: 3 # Line side bushing well, 15kV, 95kV BIL, 200 Amp, Reuel UBW-95 or equal 6 # Load side bushing well, 15kV, 95kV BIL, 200 Amp, Reuel UBW-95 or equal 3 # Line side bushing well insert, 15kV, 95kV BIL, 200 Amp, Cooper #LBI215 or equal 6 # Load side bushing well insert, 15kV, 95kV BIL, 200 Amp, Cooper #LBI215 or equal 3 # Current transformer, 15kV, 50:5 ratio, rating factor:1.5, metering accuracy: 0.313-1.8, relay accuracy: T150, Arteche CRE-11 #756231010 (Supplied and installed by SPS and wired by customer) 3 # Potential transformer, 15kV, 8400/14550GY:120, 70:1 ratio, metering accuracy: 0.3W,X,M,&Y, Arteche URJ-17 #757061070 (Supplied and installed by SPS and wired by customer) 1 # Lot silver-plated copper ground bus Border States Electric - ABV 11927 53rd Street NE Albertville MN 55301-3964 Phone: 763-497-6800 Quote Page: 3 of 3 BSE Quote: 27095169 Sold -to Acct #: 5004 Valid From: 06/20/2023 To: 06/27/2023 Cust Item BSE Item Material Quantity Price Per UoM Value MFG - Description 000030 1 EA 40,909.89 / 1 EA 40,909.89 - PMDF-315-L9-200-LBI - 15KV, 95KV BIL, LEAD TIME 40-42 WKS ARO 15KV, 95KV BIL, Three -Phase, Dead -Front, Air Insulated, Primary Metering Cabinet for Loop Feed. Includes the following: 3 - 200-Amp bushing wells on the line side (one (1 ) per phase) 6 - 200-Amp bushing wells on the load side (two (2) per phase) 3 - Outdoor rated Current transformers-ABB -50:5 ratio 3 - Outdoor rated Voltage transformers- ABB # 70:1 ratio 9 - Load Break Inserts (LBI215) Total $ 103,350.55 State Tax $ 6.875 % 7,105.35 County Tax $ 0.000 % 0.00 Local Tax $ 0.000 % 0.00 Other Tax1 $ 0.000 % 0.00 Other Tax2 $ 0.000 % 0.00 Other Tax3 $ 0.000 % 0.00 Tax Subtotal $ 6.875 % 7,105.35 Net Amount $ 110,455.90 To access BSE's Terms and Conditions of Sale, please go to https://www.borderstateselectric.com The quoted sales tax is an estimate only based upon the information provided in this quote and will be finalized at the time of Invoice based upon the material purchased, quantity purchased, and delivery location. Shipping and handling fees in this quote are an estimate only and will be finalized at the time of Invoice. All clerical errors contained herein are subject to correction. In the event of any cost or price increases from manufacturers or other suppliers, caused by, but not limited to, currency fluctuations, raw material or labor prices, fuel or transportation cost increases, and any import tariffs, taxes, fees, or surcharges, BSE reserves the exclusive right to change its pricing at the time of shipping and will provide notice of any such change to its customers prior to costs being incurred. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form �r�turscti mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Hutchinson Substation 83 MVA Transformer - Advertisement for Bids Presenter: D. Lang Agenda Item; Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 5 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Staff is requesting Board approval to advertise for bids for a transformer to be installed at the Hutchinson Substation as part of the 115kV expansion project. HUC will receive sealed bids at the Hutchinson Utilities office until 2.00 pm on August 1, 2023 and then publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following equipment: "One (1) 50/66.7/83.3 MVA @65°C rise ONAN/ONAF/ONAF, autotransformer, 115GY/69GY kV with LTC and accessories" Attachments- -Hutchinson, MN - Furnishing AutoTransformer Hutch Sub - 428507 June 2023 BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve advertisement for bids - Hutchinson Substation 83 MVA Transformer Fiscal Impact: TBD Included in current budget: Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: BIDDING DOCUMENTS FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERY OF A 115 / 69 kV AUTOTRANSFORMER HUTCHINSON SUBSTATION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA July 2023 DGR Project No. 428507 BIDDING DOCUMENTS FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERY OF A 115 / 69 kV AUTOTRANSFORMER HUTCHINSON SUBSTATION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA July 2023 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. LOW Alexander M. Richter, P.E. License No. 59098 Date DGR Project No. 428507 DGR Engineering 1302 South Union Street Rock Rapids, IA (712) 472-2531 dgr@dgr.com C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc BIDDING DOCUMENTS FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERY OF A 115 / 69 kV AUTOTRANSFORMER HUTCHINSON SUBSTATION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Contact persons for this Project are as follows: Owner's Representative: Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan St. SE Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Telephone: 320-587-4746 Daniel Lang Engineering Services Manager Email: DLan Lhutchinsommn.gov Engineer: DGR Engineering 1302 South Union Street Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246 Telephone: 712-472-2531 Chad Rasmussen, P.E. Project Manager E-mail: chad.rasmussen(j ,dgr.com Alex Richter, P.E. Project Engineer E-mail: alex.richter(ydgr.com C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc BIDDING DOCUMENTS FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERY OF A 115 / 69 kV AUTOTRANSFORMER HUTCHINSON SUBSTATION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Advertisement for Bids.......................................................................AB-1 Instructions to Bidders.........................................................................IB-1 — I13-5 Bid Bond.............................................................................................00430-1 — 00430-2 BidForm..............................................................................................BF-1 — BF-3 Performance Bond..............................................................................00610-1 — 00610-2 General Requirements........................................................................GR-1 — GR-7 Technical Specifications......................................................................TS-1 — TS-28 Material Agreement.............................................................................MA-1 — MA-4 Appendix • Appendix A — Bid Data Sheet — 50/66.7/83.3 MVA ................A-1 — A-3 C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that on the I" day of August 2023, until 2:00 p.m., sealed bids will be received by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the city of Hutchinson, Minnesota, at the Hutchinson Utilities office, 225 Michigan St. SE, Hutchinson, MN 55350 and will be publicly opened and read aloud. The material required to be furnished, delivered, and installed is as follows: One (1) 50/66.7/83.3 MVA @65°C rise ONAN/ONAF/ONAF, autotransformer, 115GY/69GY kV with LTC and accessories. The above equipment shall be in accordance with the Specifications and proposed form of Contract now on file at the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, Hutchinson, Minnesota by this reference made a part hereof, as though fully set out and incorporated herein. Bidders desiring a copy of the bid forms and Specifications for individual use may obtain them from the Office of the Engineer, DGR Engineering, 1302 South Union, PO Box 511, Rock Rapids, Iowa 51246, telephone 712-472-2531, fax 712-472-2710, website www.dgr.com, e-mail dgr@dgr.com, no deposit required. Each bid shall be made out on a bid form furnished by the Engineer and shall be accompanied by either a bid Bond issued by a Surety authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota and made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, or a certified check, cashier's check, or bank draft drawn on a state or national bank made payable to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission in a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid. The bid security must not contain any conditions either in the body or as an endorsement thereon. Such bid security shall be forfeited to the Commission as liquidated damages in the event the successful Bidder fails or refuses to enter into a Contract within fifteen (15) days after the award of Contract and post satisfactory Performance and Payment Bonds. The successful Bidder shall furnish a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the Contract Price and a Certificate of Insurance with appropriate limits to the Owner prior to the approval of the Contract. Bid envelopes must be clearly marked Bid Enclosed — Hutchinson Sub - Furnishing 115/69 kV Autotransformer. Upon shipment of the completed equipment, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner a detailed statement of the equipment shipped and installed. The Owner shall, within thirty (30) days after delivery receipt of the material and associated invoice, pay the Contractor ninety-five percent (95%) of the Base Price of the material. The Owner shall within thirty (30) days after final completion, field assembly, testing, required test reports, record Drawings, final documentation, and certification by Engineer, pay the Contractor the remaining five percent (5%) of the Base Price. All materials shall be delivered by the dates set in the Specifications. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Hutchinson Minnesota reserves the right to defer acceptance of any bid for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date bids are received and no bid may be withdrawn during this period. The Commission also reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any or all bids as it shall deem to be in the best interest of the Commission. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc AB -I President Date ATTESTED Secretary Date C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonner Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc AB-2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.01 FAMILIARITY OF CONDITIONS. A. Bidders are required to examine to their satisfaction, the Plans and Specifications and to make sure that the requirements are fully understood. The failure or omission of any Bidder to examine any form, instrument, or document shall in no way relieve any Bidder from any obligation regarding their bid. 1.02 BIDDERS QUALIFICATIONS. A. Bidder must be capable of performing the work bid upon. The lowest responsive Bidders will be required to satisfy the Owner as to their integrity, experience, number of Employees, equipment, personal, and financial ability to perform and ability to finance the cost of the work. The Bidder shall submit an Experience List with their bid, showing that they have successfully built transformers of a similar size and complexity in recent years to the US market according to IEEE Standards. B. If the information and data requested by the Owner is not furnished, the Owner may consider the Bidder non -responsive or non -responsible. The Owner reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to accept the bid of a Bidder despite the fact that said Bidder has not submitted any information, list, data or statement requested. C. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid if the Owner determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that the Bidder is not properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and/or to complete the work contemplated by the Contract. Conditional bids will not be accepted. 1.03 METHOD OF BIDDING. A. Bids shall be submitted on a unit price or lump sum basis as stated on the Bid form. In preparing a bid, the Bidder shall specify the price, written legibly in ink or typewritten, at which the Bidder proposes to do each item of work. The price shall be stated with respect to each and every alternate item, whether an add alternate, or a deduct alternate. Failure to state a price for any alternate bid item shall constitute a non -responsive bid that will not be considered. The prices shall be stated in figures. In items where unit price is required, the total amount for each item shall be computed at the unit prices bid for the quantities given in the estimate. In the event of discrepancies in the unit price extensions listed in the bid, unit prices shall govern. B. For all work let on a unit price basis, the Engineer's estimate of quantities shown on the bid is understood to be approximate only, and will be used only for the purpose of comparing bids. For work let on a lump sum basis, any estimate of quantities provided is furnished for the convenience of Bidders and is not guaranteed. 1.04 BID SECURITY. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Furnishing AutoTransfonner Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc I13-1 A. Each bid shall be accompanied by bid security as specified in the Advertisement for Bids and made payable to the Owner. Should the Bidder receiving the award fail to execute a satisfactory Contract and file acceptable bonds within fifteen (15) days after the award of Contract, the Owner may consider Bidder to be in default, annul the Notice of Award, and the bid security of that Bidder will be forfeited. Such forfeiture shall be the Owner's exclusive remedy if Bidder defaults. B. The bid security of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned promptly after the award has been made. In no case will the bid security be held longer than thirty (30) days without written permission of the Bidder, except that the bid security of the Bidder to whom the Contract is awarded will be retained until he or she has entered into Contract and filed an acceptable Bond. 1.05 TAXES. A. The prices for material items in all bids shall not include provisions for the payment of any taxes to the State of Minnesota. The Owner will issue a tax exemption certificate to the successful Bidder. 1.06 ALTERNATE MATERIALS. A. Requests for approval of `or -equal' materials and equipment shall be submitted to the Engineer in writing at least fifteen days prior to receipt of bids. Each request shall conform to the terms and conditions of the bidding documents and to the type, function, and quality standards of approved materials and equipment. The burden of proof of the merit of proposed `or -equal' materials and equipment is upon the Bidder. The Engineer's decision of approval or disapproval of a proposed `or -equal' item will be final. No substitution shall be approved except by a written addendum issued to all prospective Bidders. B. Bidders may submit bids for alternate materials which do not meet all the detailed requirements of the Specifications. Such submissions shall be in addition to the basic bid which shall comply with all requirements of the Specifications. Bid evaluation and Contract award will be made on the basis of the base bid. Alternate materials will then be considered, and the final Contract amount adjusted accordingly if the Owner decides to accept bids for alternate materials. In submitting bids for alternate materials, Bidders shall submit manufacturer's data and note the exceptions to the requirements of the Plans and Specifications. 1.07 TERMS AND CONDITIONS. A. The Bidder is invited to attach their standard patent protection and liability limitation conditions, but shall not include any other terms and conditions to this bid. Attachment of additional terms and conditions shall be grounds for disqualification of the submitted bid. 1.08 CHANGES IN QUANTITIES. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Furnishing AutoTransfonner Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc I13-2 A. Not used. 1.09 SUBMISSION OF BIDS. A. Bidders will be furnished with bid form(s) giving the estimate of quantities needed to complete the work. Two copies of the completed bid form(s) and all supporting documentation shall be included with the bid. B. If the bid is made by an individual, his or her name and post office address must be shown. If made by a firm or partnership, the name and post office address of the firm or partnership must be shown. If made by a corporation, the person signing the bid must name the state under the laws of which the corporation is chartered, and the name, title, and business address of the executive head of the corporation. Anyone signing a bid as agent may be required to submit satisfactory evidence of his or her authority to do so. C. Any changes or alterations made in the official bid form, or any additions thereto, may result in the rejection of the bid. No bid will be considered which contains a clause in which the Bidder reserves the right to accept or reject a Contract awarded by the Owner. Bids in which the unit prices are obviously unbalanced may be rejected. D. Should the Bidder find discrepancies, ambiguities or omissions from these documents, they should immediately notify the Engineer and an addendum will be sent to all known entities holding copies of the Bidding Documents. E. Two copies of each bid form and all supporting documentation shall be provided. Bids shall be placed in an opaque envelope and the envelope sealed and marked "Bid Enclosed — Hutchinson Sub - Furnishing 115/69 kV Autotransformer" to indicate its contents. If forwarded by mail, the envelope shall be mailed to the following address: Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-1905 F. Receipt of any Addenda must be acknowledged on the bid form or a copy of any Addenda relating to the bid shall be signed and attached to the bid. G. No oral, facsimile machine, telegraphic or telephonic bids or modifications will be considered. 1.10 MODIFICATION OR WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS. A. A bid may be withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed in the same manner that a bid must be executed and delivered to the place where bids are to be C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Furnishing AutoTransfonner Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc I13-3 submitted prior to the date and time for the opening of bids. Upon receipt of such notice, the unopened bid will be returned to the Bidder. B. If a Bidder wishes to modify its bid prior to bid opening, Bidder must withdraw its initial bid and submit a new bid prior to the date and time for the opening of bids. C. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the scheduled date and time for the receipt of bids. 1.11 CONTRACT AWARD. A. Award of the Contract, if an award is made, will be on the basis of the Contract Price as is in the best interest of the Owner. It is the intent of the Owner to award one (1) Contract for the Autotransformer as is deemed to be in the best interest of the Owner. The effect of the Contract Price and evaluated costs, guaranteed delivery date, dimensions, and the experience record of the Bidder on units of similar size and rating will be considered in evaluating the bids. This may also include location of manufacturing and assembly, and preference may be given to units manufactured and assembled in the USA. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of the Owner. In addition to cost, other items that will impact the award decision include the following: 1. Relevant experience with installations of similar size and type. 2. Support capabilities. 3. Ability to meet specified delivery schedule. 4. Conformance to Project Specifications. 5. Life cycle and maintenance costs. 6. The Owner's and Engineer's past experience with either the Bidder or Autotransformer manufacturer. 1.12 PERFORMANCE BOND. A. The Bidder to whom the Contract is awarded shall furnish a Performance Bond in an amount equal to the Contract Price of the bid guaranteeing the faithful performance of the work in accordance with the terms of the Contract. Such Bond shall be with a Surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota and in form acceptable to the Owner. Any costs associated with procuring the necessary Bond shall be included in the bid prices. 1.13 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Furnishing AutoTransfonner Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc I13-4 A. The Bidder to whom the Contract has been awarded shall enter into Contract with the Owner within fifteen (15) days after the award has been made. B. No bid shall be considered binding upon the Owner until the Contract is properly executed by both parties and all required Bonds are filed and certificates of insurance are in place. C. The Contract, when executed, shall be combined with all the Contract Documents identified in the Material Agreement representing the entire agreement between parties. The Bidder shall not claim any modification resulting from representation or promise made by representative of the Owner or other persons. 1.14 PROJECT SCHEDULE. A. The delivery date for the Autotransformer is desired to be no earlier than September 1, 2024 and no later than July 31, 2025. Based on current material availability, both later and earlier delivery dates will be considered by the Owner. B. The Bidder shall provide in his bid a guaranteed delivery and assembly date. Offloading and placement on the pad will be completed by the Contractor. The Owner reserves the right to deduct from the Contract Price $500 per day for each calendar day after the contracted delivery date that the transformer is not delivered to the site. This price reduction shall be in lieu of proving an actual loss via legal or arbitration proceeding. C. Field installation and testing work shall be completed by the Contractor or an appointed representative within fifteen (15) days of delivery to the site. The Owner reserves the right to deduct from the Contract Price $500 per day for each calendar day after the contracted field installation and testing date that the transformer is not installed and tested. This price reduction shall be in lieu of proving an actual loss via legal or arbitration proceeding. D. The Owner agrees to indemnify the Contractor for circumstances beyond his control, including acts of God, acts of government, and related circumstances. Actions that cause delivery delays that are under the control of the Contractor are failure to allow sufficient time for manufacturing, failure to inform the Engineer of changes in the manufacturing schedule, or lack of cooperation in establishing effective measures by which delays could be minimized. E. The Contractor shall provide monthly progress reports to the Engineer during the manufacturing of the transformer. * * * END OF SECTION * * * C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Furnishing AutoTransfonner Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc 113-5 EX G;. NGINI.,I R,", f0fNf CON IRAU DOCUMENT: COWAlTIEE:. PENAL SUM FORM Any singular reference to Bidder, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. BIDDER (Name and Address): SURETY (Name, and Address of Principal Place of Business): OWNER (Name and Address): BID Bid Due Date: Description (Project Name— Include Location): BOND Bond Number: Date: Penal sum (Words) (Figures) Surety and Bidder, intending to be legally bound hereby, subject to the terms set forth below, do each cause this Bid Bond to be duly executed by an authorized officer, agent, or representative. BIDDER SURETY (Seal) Bidder's Name and Corporate Seal By: Signature Print Name Title Attest: (Seal) Surety's Name and Corporate Seal M Signature (Attach Power of Attorney) Print Name Title Attest: Signature Signature Title Title Note: Addresses are to be used for giving any required notice. Provide execution by any additional parties, such as joint venturers, if necessary. EJCDC® C-430, Bid Bond (Penal Sum Form). Published 2013. Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee. Page 1 of 2 EXI)CiF PENAL SUM FORM G NGINI f R! f0fNP CON IRAU DOCUMENT!', COWAlTIEE:. 1. Bidder and Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to pay to Owner upon default of Bidder the penal sum set forth on the face of this Bond. Payment of the penal sum is the extent of Bidder's and Surety's liability. Recovery of such penal sum under the terms of this Bond shall be Owner's sole and exclusive remedy upon default of Bidder. 2. Default of Bidder shall occur upon the failure of Bidder to deliver within the time required by the Bidding Documents (or any extension thereof agreed to in writing by Owner) the executed Agreement required by the Bidding Documents and any performance and payment bonds required by the Bidding Documents. 3. This obligation shall be null and void if: 3.1 Owner accepts Bidder's Bid and Bidder delivers within the time required by the Bidding Documents (or any extension thereof agreed to in writing by Owner) the executed Agreement required by the Bidding Documents and any performance and payment bonds required by the Bidding Documents, or 3.2 All Bids are rejected by Owner, or 3.3 Owner fails to issue a Notice of Award to Bidder within the time specified in the Bidding Documents (or any extension thereof agreed to in writing by Bidder and, if applicable, consented to by Surety when required by Paragraph 5 hereof). 4. Payment under this Bond will be due and payable upon default of Bidder and within 30 calendar days after receipt by Bidder and Surety of written notice of default from Owner, which notice will be given with reasonable promptness, identifying this Bond and the Project and including a statement of the amount due. 5. Surety waives notice of any and all defenses based on or arising out of any time extension to issue Notice of Award agreed to in writing by Owner and Bidder, provided that the total time for issuing Notice of Award including extensions shall not in the aggregate exceed 120 days from the Bid due date without Surety's written consent. 6. No suit or action shall be commenced under this Bond prior to 30 calendar days after the notice of default required in Paragraph 4 above is received by Bidder and Surety and in no case later than one year after the Bid due date. 7. Any suit or action under this Bond shall be commenced only in a court of competent jurisdiction located in the state in which the Project is located. 8. Notices required hereunder shall be in writing and sent to Bidder and Surety at their respective addresses shown on the face of this Bond. Such notices may be sent by personal delivery, commercial courier, or by United States Registered or Certified Mail, return receipt requested, postage pre -paid, and shall be deemed to be effective upon receipt by the party concerned. 9. Surety shall cause to be attached to this Bond a current and effective Power of Attorney evidencing the authority of the officer, agent, or representative who executed this Bond on behalf of Surety to execute, seal, and deliver such Bond and bind the Surety thereby. 10. This Bond is intended to conform to all applicable statutory requirements. Any applicable requirement of any applicable statute that has been omitted from this Bond shall be deemed to be included herein as if set forth at length. If any provision of this Bond conflicts with any applicable statute, then the provision of said statute shall govern and the remainder of this Bond that is not in conflict therewith shall continue in full force and effect. 11. The term "Bid" as used herein includes a Bid, offer, or proposal as applicable. EJCDC® C-430, Bid Bond (Penal Sum Form). Published 2013. Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee. Page 2 of 2 BID FORM TO: Hutchinson Utilities Commission Hutchinson, Minnesota FROM: Bidder's Name Address Pursuant to and in compliance with the Advertisement for Bids and the Instructions to Bidders relating thereto, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference thereto, the undersigned as Bidder offers and agrees, if this offer is accepted, to furnish and deliver the equipment and materials in strict conformance with the Specifications forming a part of these Contract documents and in accordance with following Addenda for the sum indicated on the following bid schedule. Addendum Number Addendum Date The prices set forth herein do not include any sums which are or may be payable by the seller on account of taxes imposed by the State of Minnesota upon the sale, purchase or use of the equipment. If any such tax is applicable to the sale, purchase or use of the equipment, the amount thereof shall be paid by the Owner. 2. The prices included herein are firm without regard for time of delivery, increase in cost from Bidder, or any other factor. 3. The price of the equipment set forth herein shall include the cost of delivery to the job site and offloading, assembly, and field testing as set forth in the Specifications. The guaranteed delivery date of the transformer shall be included in this Bid. Field testing of the transformer shall be completed no later than fifteen (15) days after delivery. 4. Title to the equipment shall pass to the Owner after all required field testing has met the requirements of the specification and the test results have passed the requirements. 5. This bid is void unless a materials Contract based on this bid is entered into by the Owner and the Contractor within 30 days after the date hereof. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc BF-1 6. We the undersigned agree to furnish one (1) new, 115GY/69GY kV autotransformer with load tap changer and other accessories as specified with the following maximum guaranteed loss characteristics for the following amount: a. Base Price* $ b. Field Services Price = $ C. Contract Price (6a + 6b) = $ • Transportation and offload to the pad shall be included in the Base Price. • Field services (assembly and testing) shall not be included in Base Price. 7. The following evaluation price shall be used for evaluation of bids for award of Contract. a. No -Load Loss, 20' C kW** b. Total loss @ base MVA, 85' C C. Load loss (7b-7a) kW** kW** d. Contract Price (6c) _ $ e. (7a) x $7,400 = $ f. (7c) x $2,000 = $ g. Total Evaluation Price (7d+7e+7f) _ $ ** Guaranteed maximum (see Specifications). 10. Standard Warranty length included in the base price: 11. Guaranteed Delivery Date: 12. Alternate Pricing: Price reduction from Base Price for alternate payment terms. Base Price shall include the payment terms defined in the specifications. Attach alternate payment terms associated with this price reduction: $ 13. Attachments to this Bid: The following documents are submitted with and made a condition of this Bid. Indicate "yes" for each item included with this Bid Form. All items are required for this Bid. 14. Recommended Spare Parts and Price list attached (yes/no): 15. Bid Bond attached (yes/no): C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc BF-2 16. Appendix A — 50 MVA Autotransformer Bid Data Sheet attached (yes/no): The undersigned Bidder certifies that this bid is made in good faith without collusion or connection with any other person or persons bidding on the work. The undersigned Bidder states that this bid is made in conformity with the Specifications and agrees that, in the event of any discrepancies or differences between any conditions of this bid and the Specifications the provisions of the latter shall prevail. Dated this day of , 2023. Bidder Address Authorized Officer Signature Title Telephone No. E-mail C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc BF-3 ' C " ENGINEERS ,MIN CON] 1 ACT DOCUMENT, COMMITTEE CONTRACTOR (name and address): OWNER (name and address): CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Effective Date of the Agreement: Amount: Description (name and location): PERFORMANCE BOND SURETY (name and address of principal place of business): BOND Bond Number: Date (not earlier than the Effective Date of the Agreement of the Construction Contract): Amount: Modifications to this Bond Form: ❑ None ❑ See Paragraph 16 Surety and Contractor, intending to be legally bound hereby, subject to the terms set forth below, do each cause this Performance Bond to be duly executed by an authorized officer, agent, or representative. CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL (seal) Contractor's Name and Corporate Seal By: Signature Print Name Title SURETY Surety's Name and Corporate Seal By: Signature (attach power of attorney) Print Name Title Attest: Attest: Signature Signature Title Title (seal) Notes: (1) Provide supplemental execution by any additional parties, such as joint venturers. (2) Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner, or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. MCDC® C-610, Performance Bond Copyright © 2013 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies, and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved. 1 of 2 4. 6. The Contractor and Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to the Owner for the performance of the Construction Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference. If the Contractor performs the Construction Contract, the Surety and the Contractor shall have no obligation under this Bond, except when applicable to participate in a conference as provided in Paragraph 3. If there is no Owner Default under the Construction Contract, the Surety's obligation under this Bond shall arise after: 3.1. The Owner first provides notice to the Contractor and the Surety that the Owner is considering declaring a Contractor Default. Such notice shall indicate whether the Owner is requesting a conference among the Owner, Contractor, and Surety to discuss the Contractor's performance. If the Owner does not request a conference, the Surety may, within five (5) business days after receipt of the Owner's notice, request such a conference. If the Surety timely requests a conference, the Owner shall attend. Unless the Owner agrees otherwise, any conference requested under this Paragraph 3.1 shall be held within ten (10) business days of the Surety's receipt of the Owner's notice. If the Owner, the Contractor, and the Surety agree, the Contractor shall be allowed a reasonable time to perform the Construction Contract, but such an agreement shall not waive the Owner's right, if any, subsequently to declare a Contractor Default; 3.2. The Owner declares a Contractor Default, terminates the Construction Contract and notifies the Surety; and 3.3. The Owner has agreed to pay the Balance of the Contract Price in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract to the Surety or to a contractor selected to perform the Construction Contract. Failure on the part of the Owner to comply with the notice requirement in Paragraph 3.1 shall not constitute a failure to comply with a condition precedent to the Surety's obligations, or release the Surety from its obligations, except to the extent the Surety demonstrates actual prejudice. When the Owner has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 3, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's expense take one of the following actions: 5.1. Arrange for the Contractor, with the consent of the Owner, to perform and complete the Construction Contract; 5.2. Undertake to perform and complete the Construction Contract itself, through its agents or independent contractors; 5.3. Obtain bids or negotiated proposals from qualified contractors acceptable to the Owner for a contract for performance and completion of the Construction Contract, arrange for a contract to be prepared for execution by the Owner and a contractor selected with the Owners concurrence, to be secured with performance and payment bonds executed by a qualified surety equivalent to the bonds issued on the Construction Contract, and pay to the Owner the amount of damages as described in Paragraph 7 in excess of the Balance of the Contract Price incurred by the Owner as a result of the Contractor Default; or 5.4. Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new contractor, and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: 5.4.1. After investigation, determine the amount for which it may be liable to the Owner and, as soon as practicable after the amount is determined, make payment to the Owner; or 5.4.2. Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the Owner, citing the reasons for denial. If the Surety does not proceed as provided in Paragraph 5 with reasonable promptness, the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond seven days after receipt of an additional written notice from the Owner to the Surety demanding that the Surety perform its obligations under this Bond, and the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. If the Surety proceeds as provided in Paragraph 5.4, and the Owner refuses the payment or the Surety has denied liability, in whole or in part, without further notice the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. If the Surety elects to act under Paragraph 5.1, 5.2, or 5.3, then the responsibilities of the Surety to the Owner shall not be greater than those of the Contractor under the Construction Contract, and the responsibilities of the Owner to the Surety shall not be greater than those of the Owner under the Construction Contract. Subject to the commitment by the Owner to pay the Balance of the Contract Price, the Surety is obligated, without duplication for: 7.1. the responsibilities of the Contractor for correction of defective work and completion of the Construction Contract; 7.2. additional legal, design professional, and delay costs resulting from the Contractor's Default, and resulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 5; and 7.3. liquidated damages, or if no liquidated damages are specified in the Construction Contract, actual damages caused by delayed performance or non-performance of the Contractor. 8. If the Surety elects to act under Paragraph 5.1, 5.3, or 5.4, the Surety's liability is limited to the amount of this Bond. 9. The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the Construction Contract, and the Balance of the Contract Price shall not be reduced or set off on account of any such unrelated obligations. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any person or entity other than the Owner or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 10. The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, including changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders, and other obligations. 11. Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located and shall be instituted within two years after a declaration of Contractor Default or within two years after the Contractor ceased working or within two years after the Surety refuses or fails to perform its obligations under this Bond, whichever occurs first. If the provisions of this paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum periods of limitations available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction ofthe suit shall be applicable. 12. Notice to the Surety, the Owner, or the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the page on which their signature appears. 13. When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. When so furnished, the intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. 14. Definitions 14.1. Balance of the Contract Price: The total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract after all proper adjustments have been made including allowance for the Contractor for any amounts received or to be received by the Owner in settlement of insurance or other claims for damages to which the Contractor is entitled, reduced by all valid and proper payments made to or on behalf of the Contractor under the Construction Contract. 14.2. Construction Contract: The agreement between the Owner and Contractor identified on the cover page, including all Contract Documents and changes made to the agreement and the Contract Documents. 14.3.Contractor Default: Failure of the Contractor, which has not been remedied or waived, to perform or otherwise to comply with a material term of the Construction Contract. 14.4.Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has not been remedied or waived, to pay the Contractor as required under the Construction Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other material terms of the Construction Contract. 14.5.Contract Documents: All the documents that comprise the agreement between the Owner and Contractor. 15. If this Bond is issued for an agreement between a contractor and , the term Contractor in this Bond shall be deemed to be Subcontractor and the term Owner shall be deemed to be Contractor. 16. Modifications to this Bond are as follows: EJCDC® C-610, Performance Bond Copyright © 2013 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies, and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved. 2 of 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DEFINITION OF TERMS Addenda: Changes or information applying to the Plans and Specifications. Addenda are issued prior to opening of Bids. Bidder: Any individual, firm or corporation submitting a Proposal for the Work under their own name. Bond: The Performance/Maintenance bond and the Payment Bond executed by the Contractor and the Contractor's Surety in favor of the Owner, guarantying the faithful performance of the obligations assumed by the Contract and the payment of all debts pertaining to the Work. Change Order: A written order by the Engineer for changes or alterations in the Work. Change Orders are issued after the opening of Bids. Clerk or Secretary: The one who keeps the records and correspondence of the Owner. Contract: The written agreement between the Contractor and the Owner setting forth the terms and conditions under which the Work is to be accomplished and all documents incorporated therein by reference. Contractor: Any individual, firm or corporation contracting as the Parry of the Second Party in the Contract. Employee: Any person employed on the Work to which the Specifications apply and who is under the direction or control of or receives compensation from the Contractor or a Subcontractor. Engineer: DeWild Grant Reckert and Associates Company, dba DGR Engineering, 1302 South Union Street, Rock Rapids, IA 51246. The Engineer is the general administrator of the Contract. Notice: Advertisement for bids, advertising the date and time for hearing objections and/or opening and reading bids on the Work. Owner: The Party of the First Part as represented by Council, commission, or Board of Trustees of the City, Utility, or the individual or firm for whom the Work is performed. Plans (Drawings): Graphic and pictorial representations of the design, location and dimensions of the Work. Project: The total construction authorized by the Owner as a single program of which the Work may constitute a whole or a part. C;:AUser4,Aaradke\AppData\ Loca IN icrosoti.AwirydoN7s,A[ (,,tC'ache\Content.0ut1ookJJZC'3070L\1Iutchir son Ned - Furnishing Auto [ran Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc G R I Proposal (Bid) Guaranty The security, required by Notice and the Proposal, to be furnished by the Bidder as a guaranty that the Bidder will enter into Contract for Work awarded to the Bidder and furnish an acceptable Bond. Specifications: The Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Conditions and Technical descriptions of material, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship applicable to the Work. Subcontractor: Any individual, firm or corporation who has, with the approval of the Owner, contracted with the Contractor to execute and perform in the Contractor's stead all or any part of the Contract. Superintendent: The Contractor's authorized representative in responsible charge of the Work. Surety: The corporate body bound with and for the Contractor for the acceptable performance of the Contract. The Work: The materials, equipment and labor necessary for the construction of the improvement as indicated in the Specifications, on the Plans, or as set forth in the Contract. Treasurer: The duly designated Treasurer of the Owner. 1.02 SUMMARY: A. Materials shall be supplied as specified herein, and shall be in accordance with the applicable NEMA, ANSI, IEEE, IPCEA, ASTM Standards, NEC, and the Standards of the Underwriter's Laboratory. 1.03 CONTRACT AWARD: A. The Owner will award one (1) Contract for the Autotransformer as deemed in the best interest of the Owner. The following dates represent the proposed schedule for this Contract: Aug 1, 2023 Bid Opening Aug 2023 * Owner Awards Contract Jul 31, 2025 + Delivery of Autotransformer Sep 15, 2025 + Field assembly and testing complete * Date subject to change. + Contract Price deductions (liquidated damages) apply to these dates. C;:AUser4,Aaradke\AppData\ Loca IN icrosoti.AwirydoN7s,A[ (,,tC'ache\Content.0ut1ook\IJZC'3070L\1Iutchir son Ned - Furnishing Auto [ran Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc G R 2 Delivery of the transformer is desired to be no earlier than September 1, 2024 and no later than July 31, 2025. Based on current material availability, both later and earlier delivery dates will be considered by the Owner. 1.04 SUBMITTALS: A. In addition to any Drawings and data submitted with the bid, the Contractor, after award of the Contract and before proceeding with the manufacture of the material, shall furnish the Engineer electronic copies of all design calculations, data sheets and Drawings covering the design and installation of the material for approval. B. The Contractor shall supply transformer modeling compliant with PSSE .sav or .raw format or the requested data for the Owner to create the appropriate files. The Contractor shall also supply the appropriate sequence model information and any other pertinent information to support NERC TPL-001-04 and NERC TPL- 007-02. C. The Contractor shall submit structural details and Drawings of the transformer outline, schematics, and wiring diagrams for approval. All Drawings shall be approved prior to fabrication. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for all Drawings required to fully document the function of all equipment internal to the control panels. The Contractor shall also note external equipment connections on the wiring diagrams. E. The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer an electronic copy in .pdf and an AutoCAD compatible format of each of the above -mentioned Drawings for all submittals. F. Drawings submitted shall be in 11" x 17" format. G. Drawings shall be transmitted with a cover letter and such letter shall indicate the submittal numbers, Drawings included in transmittal, and date sent. H. Approval of final Contractor's Drawings or data by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of any part of his responsibility to meet all the requirements of this specification or as to the correctness of his Drawings and data. Further, approval of the Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the adequacy of the design. I. Shop Drawings for all material shall be submitted within 8 weeks of award. J. Allow 2-3 weeks for the Engineer's review of the shop Drawings. K. See the Technical Specifications for additional submittal requirements. C;:AUser4,Aaradke\AppData\ Loca W icrosoti.AwirydoN7s,A[Nf,tC'ache\Content.0ut1ook\IJZC'3070L\1Iutchir son Ned - Furnishing Auto [ran Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc G R 3 1.05 SHIPPING AND DELIVERY PROCEDURES: A. The Bid(s) shall include F.O.B to the transformer pad at the Project location in Hutchinson, MN. The Project site address is as follows: Hutchinson Substation 10 Garden Rd NE Hutchinson, MN 55350 B. Contractor shall notify the Owner when equipment is ready for shipment at least 7 days prior to delivery. In addition, seller shall advise the Owner of method of shipment, projected routing and estimated time in shipment. C. Title to the equipment shall pass to the Owner upon acceptance testing and checkout of the equipment and receipt of all required documentation. D. Deliveries Accepted: Monday -Friday, 8:00 AM — 3:00 PM, working days only. E. Contractor shall also coordinate delivery in advance with the Owner's substation construction Contractor to ensure that site preparations are complete and the Contractor can schedule to be on -site during delivery of the equipment. F. The Contractor shall coordinate delivery locations with the Owner and Engineer. G. The transformer must adhere to the size constraints laid out in the technical Specifications. H. The seller shall investigate all limitations in regard to shipping and offloading the equipment and include the costs for such limitations in the Bid. The transformer shall be shipped as completely assembled as transportation limits allow. I. The transformer shall be shipped on a cushioned low -boy truck recently inspected and determined to be 100 percent operable, or other means agreed to by Owner. If rail delivery is used, the Contractor shall furnish transportation and loading of transformer from the appropriate rail siding to the job site. J. A minimum of two (2) separate three -directional impact recorders shall be installed on the truck, railroad car, or any other means of transportation for the transformer during the entire shipping process. The impact recorders shall be mounted on the truck, railcar, or other transportation means prior to shipment. Correct operation of all impact recorders shall be confirmed before shipment leaves the factory. Impact recorder results shall be provided to the Engineer, in an electronic file format via E-mail. K. The transformer shall be shipped with the vacuum/pressure gauges installed and connected. Prior to shipment, the seller shall affix signed and dated weatherproof C;:AUser4,Aaradke\AppData\ Loca W icrosoti.AwirydoN7s,A[Nf,tC'ache\Content.0ut1ookJJZC'3070L\1Iutchir son Ned - Furnishing Auto [ran Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc G R 4 tags to the vacuum/pressure gauges listing the gauge readings, the ambient temperature, and the barometric pressure at the time of reading. Transformer shall be shipped with a dry -air or dry nitrogen sealed tank oil preservation system to assure positive pressure. L. Prior to shipment, all gauge and indicator glass shall be thoroughly cleaned and covered with non -adhesive shipping protectors. M. Insulating oil, if shipped separately, shall be delivered to the construction site F.O.B. destination, freight prepaid. For transformers shipped dry, oil shall be delivered by tank truck. For transformers shipped oil filled, any make up oil of quantities less than 1,000 gallons shall be provided in 55 gallon non -returnable drums. N. If the transformer is shipped without oil, the transformer Contractor shall include in their base bid price the cost of vacuum oil filling the unit in the field. O. Bushings shall be shipped in crates suitable for long term storage, either in an upright position or at an incline as specified by the manufacturer. These storage requirements shall be clearly marked on the shipping container. 1.06 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: A. General - The Contractor shall secure and maintain such insurance policies which will protect that Contractor and unless otherwise specified, the Owner and its agents, from claims for bodily injuries, death or property damage, which may arise from operations under this Contract whether such operations be by the Contractor or anyone employed directly or indirectly by them. The Contractor shall not commence work under this Contract until the Contractor has obtained all insurance required herein and such insurance has been approved by the Owner. The Contractor shall deliver to the Owner executed copies of all policies or a certificate of insurance. No policy shall be canceled until thirty (30) days after notice of cancellation is given to the Owner in writing. The Contractor agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the Owner and its agents from all loss and damage, including damage to person or property, arising from any act by, or negligence of, Contractor or its Subcontractors or the officers, agents, or Employees of either while engaged in the performance of this Contract, or while in or about the building or premises, or rising from accident or any injury not caused by act of Owner or Owner's agents, its agents or servants, or anyone employed by Owner, other than this Contractor, to any Contractor or officer, agent, or Employee of a Subcontractor while engaged in or about the performance of this Contract, or while in or about Owner's premises, or arising from liens or claims for services rendered or labor or materials furnished in or for the performance of this Contract. B. Coverages and Limits: The Contractor shall provide insurance to include a minimum of the following coverages and associated limits: C;:AUser4,Aaradke\AppData\ Loca W icrosoti.AwirydoN7s,A[Nf,tC'ache\Content.0ut1ookJJZC'3070L\1Iutchir son Ned - Furnishing Auto [ran Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc GR 5 Coverage 1. Worker's Compensation Employer's Liability 2. Comprehensive General Liability - Combined Single Limit 3. Automobile Liability - Combined Single Limit 4. Umbrella (Excess) Liability Limits Statutory $500,000 each Employee $500,000 each disease $500,000 each accident $1,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate $1,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 each occurrence B. Additional Insured: The Owner, Engineer, and each of their employees, officers or agents shall be named as an additional insured under the prime Contractor's insurance policies and the Owner and Engineer shall be listed as an additional insured on all certificates of insurance. Owner: Hutchinson Utilities Commission its employees and officials 225 Michigan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-1905 Engineer: DeWild Grant Reckert and Associates Company dba DGR Engineering 1302 South Union Street Rock Rapids, IA 51246 C. Casualty Insurance: Except when the risk of loss of the Equipment is with Owner, Contractor shall maintain on the Equipment insurance against loss or damage by fire, lightning and all other risks covered by the so-called extended coverage insurance endorsement in an amount equal to the full insurable value of the Equipment. Upon the request of Owner, Contractor shall deliver to Owner a certificate of insurance evidencing the insurance required by this section. 1.07 WARRANTY: A. Contractor shall furnish a standard warranty package with the material. B. The warranty shall be in effect 60 months from date of energization. C. Shall be comprehensive, without deductibles, and shall cover all equipment furnished by Contractor, whether or not it was manufactured by the Contractor. C;:AUser4,Aaradke\AppData\ Loca IN icrosoti.AwirydoN7s,A[ (,,tC'ache\Content.0utIookJJZC'3070L\1Iutchir son Ned - Furnishing Auto [ran Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc G R 6 D. Warranty shall be a 60 month in/out warranty, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Removal of transformer from service. 2. Disconnecting primary and secondary conductors and control cables. 3. Draining of oil. 4. Loading, hauling and delivery of transformer to repair facility. 5. Inspection and repair of the transformer. 6. Loading, hauling, and delivery of the transformer to the Owner's site. i. Warranty shall be extended for the time the transformer is out of service for repairs. 7. Unloading transformer and filling oil. 8. Reconnecting primary and secondary conductors and control cables. 9. Completing all necessary field-testing services. E. All repair parts, labor, and travel expenses necessary for repairs at the job site shall be included. F. A warranty certificate shall be provided in the instruction manual identifying the warranty expiration date and any special terms or conditions. 1.08 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: A. The Bidder is invited to attach their standard patent protection and liability limitation conditions, but shall not include any other terms and conditions to this bid. Any terms or conditions submitted with the Bid other than the terms or conditions herein listed shall be grounds for disqualification of bid. All additional costs required to meet this specification shall be deemed to be included in the base price. * * * END OF SECTION * * * C;:AUser4,Aaradke\AppData\ Loca IN icrosoti.AwirydoN7s,A[ (,,tC'ache\Content.0ut1ookJJZC'3070L\1Iutchir son Ned - Furnishing Auto [ran Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc CAS 7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: A. The Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, and General Requirements of the Contract are hereby made part of this Section. B. Work under this Section includes supplying, assembling testing and completing field services of the power transformer as herein specified. 1.02 PAYMENT: A. Payment shall be at the Contract unit prices as shown on the Bid Form. B. Purchase Price Adjustment: 1. The Contract Price of the power transformer shall be adjusted to reflect the difference between actual transformer test losses and the guaranteed transformer losses submitted with the Bid. 2. The adjustments shall be made in accordance with the per KW "cost of losses" submitted. 3. No adjustment in purchase price shall be made if either of the test losses is less than the guaranteed losses. 4. The load and no-load losses will be evaluated independent of each other. 5. If one of the loss factors meets or is below the guaranteed losses the resultant evaluation assessment will be zero and no credit will be added to the other loss evaluation assessment. 6. Reported losses shall be tested at the ONAN base rating of the transformer. Winding losses shall be corrected to 85 ° C; no-load losses shall be reported at 20 ° C. C. Payment Terms: 1. Payment to the Contractor for the equipment shall be made on the basis of ninety five percent (95%) of the Base Price for the equipment, within 30 days of receipt of the equipment on Owner furnished pad in acceptable condition and associated invoice. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc Ts I. 2. Payment to the Contractor for field assembly and testing shall be made on the basis of 100% of the Field Services Price, within 30 days after completions of the field services and associated invoice. 3. Payment shall be made for the remaining five percent (5%) of the Base Price, less calculated penalties, within 30 days after final completion, including but not limited to: removal of any protective coverings and devices used during shipment, reassembly of parts removed for shipment, field testing, and receipt of test reports, final Drawings, certification by the Engineer, and associated invoice. 4. The Owner may consider alternative payment terms (down payment, etc) offered with the bid. The alternate payment terms shall be submitted with a price deduct from the Base Price as indicated on the Bid Form. The Base Price on the Bid Form shall include the payment terms listed above. 1.03 DRAWINGS AND MANUALS A. Approval Drawings: 1. Submit as electronic files in AutoCAD and .pdf compatible formats via e- mail to the Engineer. 2. Drawings shall be no larger than 11" x 17" 3. Drawings and instructions shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to manufacture of the transformer. B. Final Drawings and Images: 1. Furnish three (3) paper sets and one (1) electronic .pdf and AutoCAD files of the following: a. Nameplate drawing. b. Outline of main tank and associated equipment. C. Control schematics and wiring diagrams of all equipment. d. Connection diagrams. e. Outline of arresters and bushings. f. Instruction books for transformer and all equipment. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 2 2. Provide maintenance schedule of all the transformer components. The Contractor shall furnish a complete schedule of the maintenance items. The schedule shall state how often and what steps shall be performed during maintenance. 3. Furnish all final Drawings no later than 10 days following the final test of equipment. 4. Submit electronic files on a CD or via a secure cloud file sharing service. 5. High resolution digital color photographs of the core and coils before installation in the transformer tank shall be taken from each side, each end, and the top for all transformers. Photos shall be submitted to Engineer after assembly of core and coils. Prints of photos shall be included in each instruction book furnished. Pictures shall also be provided to the Engineer promptly after being taken. C. All Drawings, manuals, nameplates, including nameplates for auxiliary devices shall be printed in English. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SERVICE CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS: A. The autotransformer shall be a newly manufactured unit and comply with, and meet or exceed all applicable standards of IEEE C57 and NEMA TR1. The latest revision of these standards shall apply. B. The autotransformer shall be designed and built to meet the requirements outlined in IEEE Std. C57.12.00, IEEE Standard for General Requirements for Liquid Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers and IEEE Standard C57.12.90, IEEE Standard Test Code for Liquid Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers. Usual service conditions shall apply, except as otherwise given herein. C. The autotransformer covered by this specification shall meet the Short -Circuit Qualification Requirements given in IEEE Std. C57.12.00. The autotransformer design shall be adequate to withstand short circuits, with the fault current limited only by the impedance of the transformer itself, assuming an infinite bus capacity. A copy of the final design short-circuit strength calculations (including basic calculations and reference) shall be supplied at the pre -award and design review meetings. Rectangular wound transformers will not be accepted. The short-circuit design shall be based on a pre -fault voltage of 1.05, since this is a possible operating condition. The Bidder shall submit, with the Bid, certified C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS short-circuit test data for an autotransformer of the same manufacturer, similar design, same type and style, with similar size and voltage ratings. D. The transformer oil supplied with the transformer covered in this specification shall be Type II inhibited oil and shall comply with the most recent version of ASTM D3487, "Mineral Oil Used in Electrical Apparatus", and D3612. E. The design of the equipment must conform to current OSHA and NESC regulations and requirements. F. In the event of a conflict between industry standards and this specification, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and secure clarification resolving the conflict before proceeding with the work. G. The equipment shall be designed for satisfactory service for the ice and wind loads of NESC heavy loading district. H. The equipment shall be suitable for outdoor service at an elevation of not more than 3,300 feet above sea level in a climate with ambient temperatures ranging from -40' C to +40' C. The ambient to be used for design is 30°C average and 40°C maximum in any 24 hour period, as defined in IEEE C57.12.00. I. The equipment shall be designed to withstand the seismic loads of Zone 1 as defined in the seismic zone map in the Uniform Building Code and shall conform to Annex D of IEEE 693, Low Severity. The equipment shall continue to perform its intended function during and after such seismic stresses. Any anchor bolt requirements shall be clearly identified on the outline drawing. J. All components shall be readily available in the United States and identifiable by manufacturer's name and part number. 2.02 TRANSFORMER RATINGS: A. The general purpose shall be for use as an outdoor, three-phase, 60 Hz, oil immersed, autotransformer in a bulk power application. The transformer shall be designed for arithmetical loading for step-up and step-down operation. It shall be suitable for simultaneous three -winding loading provided that the rated capacity of any winding is not exceeded, and that the arithmetic sum of the loads on any two windings do not exceed the rated capacity of the third winding. The common winding shall be designed for maximum current, which usually occurs in step-up mode when YV and LV are fully loaded. B. The autotransformer shall be 115-69 kV rated 50/66.7/83.3 MVA ONAN/ONAF/ONAF 65°C rise with a 13.8 kV tertiary and the following ratings: C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 4 High Voltage Low Voltage Tertiary H-Winding X-Winding Y-Winding Basic Impulse Level (BIL) 450 kV 350 kV 110 kV Winding MVA @ 50 MVA 50 MVA 7.2 MVA 650C ONAN ONAF (lst Stage) 66.7 MVA 66.7 MVA 9.6 MVA ONAF (2nd Stage) 83.3 MVA 83.3 MVA 12 MVA Winding Grd Wye Grd Wye Delta Connections System Neutral Grounded Grounded The BIL of the neutral shall be 150 kV. The phasor relationship shall be IEEE standard where the YV Delta lags the HV by 30 electrical degrees, YNaOdl. C. External phase -to -phase and phase -to -ground clearances shall not be less than clearances for 450 kV BIL for 115 kV rating and 350 kV BIL for 69 kV rating as required in Table 10 of C57.12.00-2021. D. The high voltage winding shall be equipped with de -energized taps of ± two (2) 2- 1/2 percent above and below the high voltage nominal rating. E. The low voltage winding shall be equipped with load tap changer of ± sixteen (16) steps above and below the nominal rating, 5/8 percent each. It shall be electrically located in the LV line. It shall be full capacity above rated tap and reduced capacity below rated tap. F. The transformer shall be designed for operation within standard excitation limits. These are defined in C57.12.00 as 105%E at full load and 110%E at no load. G. Standard impedance shall be furnished according to ANSI standard C57.12.10. H. Noise level shall not exceed 72/74/75 dBA at ONAN/ONAF/ONAF 650C ratings at the highest sound -producing tap position. L No current path components, ancillary equipment or other design aspects shall limit use of full peak -load capabilities as defined in the loading guide IEEE Std C57.91-2011. The hot spot gradient of all leads and cables shall not exceed the hot spot gradient of the winding to which it is connected. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.0utlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 5 J. The transformer shall have overload capability of 125% for 30 minutes, without exceeding the standard hot spot and top oil temperature limits. K. The use of internal surge protection devices such as metal -oxide varistors (MOV) should not be used. This includes across tap windings and contacts, and any other winding section. L. Transformers shall have GIC/GMD capability and be capable of operating at full load while subjected to either of the following two signatures of GIC without exceeding the corresponding temperature limits indicated in the table below: 1. A GIC pulse of 100 amps/phase magnitude and a two (2) minute duration. 2. A GIC base value of 20 amps/phase magnitude and a thirty (30) minute duration. Short Duration GIC Base GIC Pulse (2 minutes) (30 minutes) Windings 1600C 1400C Structural Parts 1800C 1600C M. The Contractor shall provide the calculations, modeling, and analysis performed that demonstrate the effects of short-term and long-term GIC events at nameplate ratings. 2.03 CONTROL POWER: A. Control power for the rapid rise relay shall be ungrounded 125 VDC. All equipment shall be capable of being operated at 139.9 VDC when the station battery is being equalize charged. 2.04 AUXILIARY POWER: A. All auxiliary equipment shall be single phase and shall be supplied from a 120/240 VAC single phase, 60 HZ source. 2.05 SURGE PROTECTION AND GROUNDING: A. Station class metal oxide surge arresters as specified below shall be supplied and installed on each phase and mounted to the transformer tank. All insulators shall be polymer. Arresters shall be light gray in color. Arrester ratings shall be as follows: C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 6 1. High side - 96 kV, with MCOV rating of 76 W. 2. Low side — 60 kV, with MCOV rating of 48 kV. 3. Tertiary - 18 kV, with MCOV rating of 15.3 W. Furnish Ohio Brass or ABB, no equal. A cutsheet of the proposed arresters shall be included with the bid documents. B. A copper ground bar (1/4 x 3" minimum) shall be provided for connecting the surge arresters to the ground grid. The bar shall be mounted to the tank and routed from the bottom of the tank to the surge arresters and back to the bottom of the tank in a looped configuration. The copper bar shall have holes for connecting a 2-hole NEMA pad at each end and at each surge arrester. The copper ground bar shall be on both the high and low sides. The system neutral shall be connected to the low side ground bar with 4/0, 19 strand class B copper cable (bare). The copper ground bar for each side shall terminate at a grounding pad. The arresters shall be tied to the copper ground bar with 4/0, 19 strand class B copper cable (bare). C. Grounding pads shall be located at each corner of the transformer. Each pad should be suitable for a NEMA 2-hole grounding terminal. The only additional ground connections required in the field shall be the installation of ground connectors to the substation ground grid. D. HOXO bushing shall be grounded to the grounding pad with a 1/4" x 4" copper ground bar. The bar shall be mounted to the tank and routed from the bottom of the tank to the HOXO bushing. 2.06 COOLING EQUIPMENT: A. Cooling equipment controls, cable and mounting accessories shall be provided, ready for connection of the power supply. B. The transformer shall be equipped with fans and radiators. C. The fan power supply shall be 240 volts AC single phase. D. All conduit, wiring, and automatic controls shall be pre -wired at the factory and controls located in the transformer control box. E. The controls shall include a 240 volt power supply breaker, control contactor, "manual" -"off' -"automatic" switch, and a loss of voltage relay with one set of contacts open when the relay is energized for use in relaying "loss of voltage" signal to a transformer annunciator. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.0utlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 7 27-AC Main Loss of AC = SEL-2414 F. Furnish an AC current sensor on each stage of fans, to signal to a remote location when the fans are operating. 4X-1 — Stage 1 Fans Running = SEL-2414, Customer TB 4X-2 — Stage 2 Fans Running = SEL-2414, Customer TB G. Cooling selector control switches shall be included: 43A-1 — Stage 1 Cooling. MAN -OFF -AUTO 43A-2 — Stage 2 Cooling. MAN -OFF -AUTO 43C — Cooler Sequence. STAGEl-STAGE2 H. An alarm for loss of AC Power for each cooling system stage shall be provided. 27-1 Stage 1 Fans Loss AC = SEL-2414, Customer TB 27-2 Stage 2 Fans Loss AC = SEL-2414, Customer TB L Sensing for the fan control shall be from the HV and LV hot spot winding temperature indicator and via the SEL-2414 RTD input. J. Forced air cooling fans shall have plug-in type connectors. Furnish Krenz Vent, or Waukesha Electric, no equal. K. Removable radiators shall have oil tight valves on the tank at the inlet and outlet connections of each radiator. Inlet and outlet flanges shall be sealed with steel plates for shipment. Removal of radiator shall not require draining of oil from any device other than the equipment being removed. Radiators shall be fully assembled and attached to the tank during testing at the factory, to assure proper alignment prior to shipping. All radiators shall be interchangeable and hot dipped galvanized. Each radiator section shall have a drain valve (with end -plug) and a top fill plug. L. Radiators shall be located on Segment 3. If additional space is needed, radiators shall be added to Segment 1. 2.07 CURRENT TRANSFORMERS: G. Current transformers shall be factory installed. H. The current transformers shall be multi -ratio with five primary taps and relaying accuracy class of C800, with fully distributed windings where the turns are equally spaced around the circumference of the core and a thermal rating of 2.0. Available ratios shall be in accordance with IEEE C57.13. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 8 L Furnish CTs as follows: Bushings CT Position Ratio H1,H2,H3 1 1200/5 MR 2 1200/5 MR 3 1200/5 MR X1, X2, X3 1 1200/5 MR HOXO 1 1200/5 MR T1, T2, T3 1 1200/5 MR J. Separate CTs shall be provided for the winding hot spot temperature indication circuit and the LTC line drop compensator circuit. K. Acceptable CT manufacturers are ABB, Associated Engineering, General Electric, or Meramec. 2.08 BUSHINGS: A. Bushings shall be standard condenser bushings in accordance with IEEE Std. C57.19.00 and C57.19.01. B. Bushings shall be porcelain ANSI No. 70 light gray color. Only ABB and PCORE bushings are acceptable on this transformer. C. High voltage bushings shall be porcelain, cover mounted and installed in Segment 3. A NEMA 4-hole aluminum terminal pad shall be provided for each of the three (3) bushings for connection at 115 kV, 550 kV BIL. Current rating shall be at least 800 amps. Draw -lead type is preferred. D. Low voltage bushings shall be porcelain, cover mounted and installed in Segment 1. A NEMA 4-hole aluminum terminal pad shall be provided for each of the three (3) bushings for connection at 69 kV, 350 kV BIL. Current rating shall be at least 1200 amps. E. One (1) HOXO bushing shall be 25 kV, 150 kV BIL, porcelain, bottom -connected. It shall be mounted on the cover. Current rating shall be at least 2000 amps. F. Three (3) Tertiary bushings shall be porcelain, cover mounted and installed in Segment 4. A NEMA 4-hole aluminum terminal pad shall be provided for each of the three (3) bushings for connection at 15 kV, 150 kV BIL,. Current rating shall be at least 600 amps. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.0utlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc Ts 9 G. Bushing general requirements and testing shall conform to IEEE Standard C57.19.100. Bushings shall have a C1 power factor of <0.5% and a C2 power factor of <1.0% at 20°C. C1 and C2 power factor values and capacitance shall be indicated on the bushing nameplate. A certified test report shall be supplied for each bushing. Bushings shall be tested after mounted in the oil -filled transformer and results compared to the bushing nameplates. H. The transformer shall be tested with the bushings that will be shipped with the unit. Test bushings are not allowed. 2.09 TEMPERATURE SENSING AND RELAY EQUIPMENT: A. The manufacturer shall provide a transformer monitor to be used for temperature monitoring, automatic cooling control, and alarm collection. Unit shall include fiber-optic serial, and Ethernet option, and 125 VDC control power. Unit will require RTD's and current inputs for top oil temperature, bottom oil temperature, ambient temperature, and winding temperature. B. Manufacturer shall recommend settings for control/alarm and unit shall be completely wired, programmed, and implemented at the factory. C. Provide SEL 2414, part number 241421ADA9XDACA1130, Item Number 241444YHR, part number to be verified by manufacturer for compatibility with other supplied equipment. 1. Slot A = 125-250 Vdc (120-240 VAC) 1 125 VDC/VAC OUT 101 = Fans Stage 1 OUT102 = Fans Stage 2 OUT103 = Alarm = Customer TB IN101 = 4X-1 Stage 1 Fans Running IN102 = 4X-2 Stage 2 Fans Running 2. Slot B = Port 1: Ethernet (Single 10/100 Base-T), Port 2: Fiber -Optic Serial, TRIG Connector, Port 3: EIA-232, SEL Protocols, Modbus, DNP3 3. Slot C = 14DI (125VDC/VAC) IN301 = 27-1 Stage 1 Fans Loss of AC IN302 = 27-2 Stage 2 Fans Loss of AC IN303 = 27-AC Main Loss of AC IN304 = 27-L LTC Ctrl Loss of AC IN305 = 27-M LTC Motor Loss of AC IN306 = 27-5 Sudden Pressure Loss of DC IN307 = 43A-1 Stage 1 Cooling Auto IN308 = 43A-1 Stage 1 Cooling Man IN309 = 43A-2 Stage 2 Cooling Auto IN310 = 43A-2 Stage 2 Cooling Man C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc Ts 10 IN311 = 43C Cooler Sequence Stage 1 IN312 = 43C Cooler Sequence Stage 2 IN313 = 49T1-1 Hot Spot Stage 1 Fans IN314 = 49T1-2 Hot Spot Stage 2 Fans 4. Slot D = 10 RTD RTD1 = Winding Temp (X2) RTD2 = Main Tank Top Oil Temp RTD3 = Main Tank Bottom Oil Temp RTD4 = LTC Tank Top Oil Temp RTD5 = Ambient Air Temp RTD6 = Spare RTD7 = Spare RTD8 = Spare RTD9 = Spare RTD10 = Spare 5. Slot E = 14DI (125VDC/VAC) IN501 = 26Q1-1 Main Tank Hot Oil Alarm IN502 = 49T1-3 Hot Spot Alarm IN503 = 71Q1-1 Conservator Low Oil Level Alarm IN504 = 63PR1 Main Tank Pressure Relief IN505 = IN506 = IN507 = IN508 = 26Q2-1 LTC Tank Hot Oil Alarm IN509 = 71Q2-1 LTC Tank Low Oil Level Alarm IN510 = 63PR2 LTC Tank Pressure Relief IN511 = 63X1-1 Main Tank Sudden Pressure Alarm IN512 = 71Q1-3 Main Tank High Oil Level Alarm IN513 = LTC Max Raise IN514 = LTC Max Lower 6. Slot Z = 4DI (125VDC/VAC) / 3 DO (Standard 2 Form C and 1 Form B) IN601 = LTC Controller/DHB Alarm IN602 = LTC Lockout Alarm IN603 = LTC in Local IN604 = LTC in Manual OUT601 = Spare OUT602 = Spare OUT603 = Spare 7. Chassis = Vertical Panel Mount TOO LED = Alarm TOLLED = Liquid Temp C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.0utlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc Ts I. I. T02_LED = Winding Temp T03_LED = Oil Level T04_LED = Pressure Relief T05_LED = RTD Failure T06_LED = Loss of AC PBOl_LED = Running PBO1 = FANS STAGE 1 PBOIB_LED = Blocked PB02_LED = Running P1302 = FANS STAGE 2 PB02B_LED = Blocked P1303_LED = Enabled P1303 = STAGE 1 XRCISER PB03B_LED = Disabled P1304 LED = Enabled P1304 = STAGE 2 XRCISER PB04B LED = Disabled D. A standard magnetic type liquid level gauge, with 6 inch diameter dial shall be provided for the main tank/conservator (71Q1). Gauge face to be graduated to indicate critical low, low, 25' C, and high oil levels. Gauge shall have three sets of SPDT contacts, one for critical low oil level for tripping, one for low oil level alarming, and one for high oil level alarming. All alarm leads shall be connected with a quick disconnect connector routed through conduit and landed on terminal blocks located in the transformer control cabinet. Provide Qualitrol or Messko, no equal. Provide auxiliary relays as indicated. 71Q1-1 Low Oil Level Alarm = 71QIX-1 71QIX-1 Low Oil Level Alarm Aux = SEL-2414, Customer TBIQI-2 Low Oil Level Trip = Customer TB 71Q1-3 High Oil Level Alarm = Customer TB E. Liquid temperature indicator shall be furnished for the main tank (26Q1) and LTC tank (26Q2). Indicator shall be Qualitrol or Messko with 6 inch diameter dial. Gauge shall have two sets of SPDT contacts, one for alarming and one for tripping. Gauge shall have a manual resettable drag hand. Switch leads shall be connected with a quick disconnect connector and routed through conduit to the transformer control cabinet. Manufacturer shall preset alarm and trip set points. Provide auxiliary relays as indicated. 26Q1-1 Hot Oil Alarm = 26QIX-1 26QIX-1 Hot Oil Alarm Aux = SEL-2414, Customer TB26Q1-2 Hot Oil Trip = Customer TB 26Q2-1 Hot Oil Alarm = 26Q2X-1 26Q2X-1 Hot Oil Alarm Aux = SEL-2414, Customer TB26Q2-2 Hot Oil Trip = Customer TB C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.0utlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 12 F. Winding hot spot temperature indicator (49T1) shall be furnished. Indicator shall be Qualitrol or Messko with 6 inch diameter dial. Gauge shall have four sets of SPDT contacts, two for fan control, one for alarming, and one for tripping. Gauge shall have a manual resettable drag hand. Switch leads shall be connected with a quick disconnect connector and routed through conduit to the transformer control cabinet. Manufacturer shall preset alarm and trip set points. Provide auxiliary relays as indicated. 49T1-1 Hot Spot Stage 1 Fans = Fan Control Stage 1 49T1-2 Hot Spot Stage 2 Fans = Fan Control Stage 2 49T1-3 Hot Spot Alarm = 49TIX-3 49TIX-3 Hot Spot Alarm Aux = SEL-2414, Customer TB49T1-4 Hot Spot Trip = Customer TB 2.10 RAPID PRESSURE RISE AND RELIEF DEVICES A. A rapid pressure rise relay (63X1) shall be furnished and prewired to a seal -in relay located in the transformer control box. The rapid pressure rise relay shall be flange mounted to a shut off valve. The seal -in relay shall have a 125 VDC operating coil with a minimum of 3 normally open contacts for sealing -in, target indication, and trip. A reset button shall also be provided. Provide Qualitrol 900 Series Rapid Pressure Rise Relay and 909-300 seal -in relay or approved equal. An alarm for loss of 125VDC power shall be provided. Provide auxiliary relays as indicated. 63X1-1 Main Tank Sudden Pressure Alarm = 63XIX-1 63XIX-1 Main Tank Sudd Pressure Alarm Aux = SEL-2414, Customer TB63X1-2 Main Tank Sudden Pressure Trip = Customer TB 27-5 Sudden Pressure Loss of DC = SEL-2414 B. A pressure relief device with standard alarm switch and a visual indicating flag for each oil filled compartment shall be supplied for the main tank (63PR1) and LTC tank (63PR2). One set of normally open contacts shall be provided for signaling operation to SCADA. Switch leads shall be connected with a quick disconnect connector and routed to the control cabinet. Provide Qualitrol XPRD Pressure Relief Device or approved equal. Provide auxiliary relays as indicated. 63PR1 Main Tank Pressure Relief = 63PRIX 63PRIX = Main Tank Press Relief Aux = SEL-2414, Customer TB 63PR2 LTC Tank Pressure Relief = 63PR2X 63PR2X = LTC Tank Pressure Relief Aux = SEL-2414, Customer TB C. The Contractor shall supply and install steel or aluminum piping to direct the flow of oil from each pressure relief device to a point 1 foot above the base of the C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 13 transformer. Support the piping as required. Piping and supports shall be painted to match the color of the transformer. 2.11 OIL AND OIL PRESERVATION: A. The transformer shall be furnished complete with mineral insulating oil. B. Oil shall be Type II (oxidation inhibited) mineral insulating oil of petroleum origin for use as an insulating and cooling agent in power transformers with 0.3% inhibitor content. C. The oil shall meet all applicable requirements of Type 11 mineral oil as defined in the latest revision of ASTM Standard D3487. Transformer nameplate shall contain manufacturer's certification that the insulation oil used meets all federal requirements for PCB concentrations. D. A certified test sheet shall be furnished to the Engineer with the shipment. E. A pressure -vacuum gauge and bleeder shall be provided on the main or conservator tank. Gauge display shall have safety glass cover; polycarbonate or other polymer composite display covers are not allowed. F. The Contractor shall furnish a certified report at the time of delivery of the transformer indicating compliance with all regulations concerning polychlorinated biphenyl's (PCBs). G. Contractor shall provide the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the oil to the Owner upon delivery of the transformer. H. Oil preservation shall be maintained by a conservator system, consisting of an integrally mounted conservator (expansion) tank, with a bladder. Conservator tank shall be designed to withstand full vacuum. L Conservator System: 1. A system of piping and valves for oil expansion from the main tank to the conservator shall be included, including control and monitoring equipment required to safeguard and protect the transformer. 2. The oil level in the expansion tank shall be designed to maintain positive pressure on the main transformer tank including bushing pockets and/or adapters. 3. The conservator system shall be designed to prevent direct contact between the oil and the atmosphere. This shall be accomplished by C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 14 means of an air cell used in the expansion tank, which shall vent air to the atmosphere through an auto -recharging dehydrating breather. 4. The air cell shall be nitrite rubber or an equivalent material and shall not affect nor be affected by contact with hot oil. Neoprene rubber and similar materials are not acceptable. Pronal is the preferred Contractor. 5. The expansion tank shall be of sufficient capacity to operate through an oil temperature range of -40°C to +110°C without causing the low-level alarm contacts at the lower limit and without exceeding the recommended full oil level at the upper limit. The air vent for the air cell shall be provided with a suitable desiccant, using an auto -recharging dehydrating breather. 6. A low oil level gauge shall be mounted on the conservator tank designed such that the rupture of the air cell shall not prevent operation of the oil level indicator or cause the low oil level alarm to fail to operate. Gauge display shall have safety glass cover; polycarbonate or other polymer composite display covers are not allowed. 7. A section of stainless steel flexible pipe and isolation valves on both ends shall be furnished between the transformer tank and conservator tank. All piping and valves shall be capable of full vacuum. 8. The design of the conservator system shall be such that thermal siphoning of oil between the transformer tank and the conservator shall not occur due to density changes. 9. The transformer shall be equipped with a Buchholz gas detector relay equipped with a form C contact. The form C contact shall be pre -wired to a seal -in relay located in the transformer control box for alarming. The seal -in relay shall have a 125 VDC operating coil with a minimum of 3 normally open contacts for sealing -in, target indication, and trip. A reset button shall also be provided. Provide Qualitrol 900 Series Rapid Pressure Rise Relay or approved equal. Provide auxiliary relays as indicated. 63BH1-1 Gas Detector Relay Alarm = 63BHIX-1 63BHIX-1 Gas Detector Relay Alarm Aux = SEL-2414, Customer TB63BH1-2 Gas Detector Relay Trip = Customer TB 10. A gas sampling valve (mounted within 70 inches of the base) shall be provided to evaluate transformer gassing. A sampling syringe kit shall be provided to facilitate gas collection. Provide Qualitrol gas detector relay and sampling valve. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 15 11. Provisions shall be made for application of full vacuum or equalization of pressure/vacuum to the expansion tank when oil filling is required. 12. Vent valves located on the transformer cover shall be located to avoid tripping hazard and guarded to prevent damage. 13. The transformer shall be equipped with a Sergi non -return valve to isolate the conservator from the main tank for abnormal conditions. The valve shall be provided with one (1) alarm contact. 80TF-1 Sergi fire protection valve alarm = Customer TB 14. Conservator tank location shall be installed in segment 2. 2.12 CORE AND COILS: A. The core shall be constructed using low loss cold -rolled grain oriented silicon steel. Steel is to be cut to width, annealed and coated with an inorganic insulating material. The core hot spot temperature shall be below 130°C, at maximum ambient, full load and 105% excitation, or no-load and 110% excitation, whichever is worst case. Maximum flux density at 100% voltage shall be 1.7 Tesla. B. Cores shall be constructed using stepped circular cross -sections with fully mitered step lap joints. No section of the core assembly shall be bolted together for support. Core bolts are not allowed. Core legs shall be bonded with epoxy cement after assembly. C. The core shall be insulated from its support frames and connected to ground at only one point. The insulation between tie -plate and core shall not be pressboard. It shall be a high temperature material such as Nomex or equivalent. There shall be no pressboard in direct contact with the core steel anywhere. The core ground strap is to be brought out through the tank cover and grounded using a low voltage bushing in a weatherproof junction box. The core ground for the PA shall also be brought out. D. All windings shall be made of copper rectangular magnet wire with thermally upgraded paper used for turn to turn insulation. The preferred paper is Dennison 22HCC. Continuously transposed conductor can be used where appropriate. The conductor is to be tested prior to insulation wrapping through the use of burr detectors or similar device to ensure that there are not any burrs or nicks in the conductor. The insulating paper shall be applied in either single or multiple strands in such a manner that there is a 30% overlapping of the paper surfaces. Sufficient tension shall be maintained during the insulation application to prevent loose wraps. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 16 E. Insulation components such as winding cylinders, barriers, channels, sticks, spacers, etc., shall be manufactured by Weidmann. Cylinders shall be made from a single piece of high density material. All coil spacers shall be keyed to the winding cylinder and to vertical key strips on the outside of the coil. F. Coils shall have their full circumference supported by the frame assembly. Coil supports and full circumference clamping rings shall be fabricated using high density material as manufactured by Weidmann, Rochling Manufacturing, or approved equal. Rings shall be one-piece and uniform thickness. The control of inward buckling forces on inner windings shall not depend on bracing to the core, i.e., the winding itself shall withstand "free -buckling". G. The transformer, including all core and coil assemblies, shall be power class, circular core/coil design. H. The regulating winding, if used, shall be fully distributed and be electrically independent from or placed in a separate winding tube from the high and low voltage windings. L The core and coil assembly shall be dry enough to obtain a power factor of 0.5% or less at 20°C. J. Core and coils shall be dried using a "vapor phase" system prior to filling. K. For disc windings, the disc -to -disc crossovers shall be made between columns. L. The lead support structure shall not use maple wood. It shall be made of laminated wood or pressboard product. Leads at 450 kV BIL or greater shall be supported with high density pressboard. All leads shall be clamped with blocks. String ties or plastic ties shall not be used. 2.13 MECHANICAL FEATURES — MAIN TANK: A. The de -energized tap changer on the high voltage side shall have the operating handle(s) brought out to the side of the tank with provision for padlocking. B. A magnetic liquid level gauge with two-step normally open contacts shall be furnished. The first step shall alarm on a low oil level condition, with the second step initiating a breaker trip upon a critical low oil level. A minimum of two contacts per stage shall be wired and accessible in the transformer control cabinet. Manufacturer shall recommend settings for the transformer supplied and implement these at the factory. C. A tank valve shall be provided to serve as drain valve, bottom filter press connection, and liquid sampling valve. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 17 D. A valve shall be furnished for top filter press connection. E. Provide lifting hooks on the tank, lifting eyes on the cover and provision for j acking. F. The transformer base shall have members forming a rectangle which shall permit rolling in the directions of the centerlines of the segments. The points of support of these members shall be located so that the safe angle of tilt of the base shall be at least 15 degrees from the horizontal with or without oil in the transformer. Arrangement for pulling the transformer parallel to centerlines of segments shall be provided in the base. A flat -bottom unit also may be furnished. G. The main tank cover shall be domed to ensure water runoff and welded to the tank. The cover shall be welded, not bolted. An inorganic gasket shall be permanently installed between the cover and the tank to prevent weld splatter from entering the tank. A minimum of two (2) manhole covers shall be provided with a raised rim to discourage entrance of moisture. Manhole covers shall have a handle and be of the bolt -on type. H. All seams and joints shall be welded on the inside and outside. The tank and radiators shall be designed to withstand an internal operating pressure of 10 psi with a margin of at least 25% over pressure. The main tank and radiators shall be designed to withstand full vacuum. All external tank supports and stiffeners shall be box beam construction, continuously welded, and shall not be pressurized to provide sufficient support. Contractor shall furnish certified test report that the tank meets or exceeds these requirements. I. A complete stainless steel instruction nameplate shall be furnished and mounted on the transformer. J. The surface shall be washed with an iron phosphate conversion with a chrome seal before priming and painting. K. The exterior surface shall first be primed with a two-part zinc chromate epoxy primer. Then a force cured two-part urethane enamel topcoat shall be applied using plural component equipment that automatically measures and mixes the paint system. The exterior coating shall be a minimum of 5 mils dry film thickness and capable of meeting IEEE C57.12.28. L. Tank finish shall be ANSI 470 gray. The top of the tank shall be coated with a nonskid surface. The tank bottom shall be covered with an asphalt undercoating, and it shall extend around the corner and at least 4" up the sides. Extra touch-up paint shall be furnished with the transformer. Inside of the control compartment shall be painted white. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 18 M. The interior of the transformer tank, tank cover, and LTC compartment shall be coated with white oil resistant epoxy enamel compatible with transformer oil per ANSI 3455. The interior coating shall be a minimum of 3 mils thick. N. All auxiliary wiring shall be terminated in a NEMA 4 cabinet mounted on the side of the transformer tank tentatively located in Segment 1. Final segment location to be coordinated with Engineer prior to transformer design and construction of the transformer. The option for Engineer to change segment locations prior to design shall be included in the price of the transformer and shall not result in additional expense to Owner. Cabinet shall be completely weathertight, gasketed, with a three point latching mechanism. Cabinet shall have swing doors with lock down in open position, padlockable in the closed position. All equipment shall be provided with marked terminal blocks for interconnecting wiring with remote control panels. A drill plate on bottom of control box shall be provided for conduit entrance. A copper ground bus shall be provided, tapped for grounding of current transformers, etc. O. The tank and radiators shall be fabricated from steel with sufficient strength to withstand normal service stresses without distortion or damage. P. All joints in the tank and radiators shall be made oil tight and gas tight by welding inside and outside. Seams on tank wall corners will NOT be acceptable. All tank seams shall be double welded (inside and outside) and be a minimum of six (6) inches from any corner. The tank steel at the corner shall be bent. Q. All exterior wiring shall be placed in weather-proof UV -resistant conduit, rigid or flexible for short distances as appropriate based on the applications. Conduit shall be securely attached to the transformer. R. The control cabinet shall be rated NEMA 4, dust tight, rain tight, and sleet and ice proof with a three-point latching mechanism. Provide anti -condensation heater(s) as required. S. Minimum and maximum control cabinet heights above ground shall be 24 inches and 72 inches, respectively. 2.14 LOAD TAP CHANGER: A. The LTC mechanism shall be tentatively mounted in a separate compartment in Segment 2 as defined by IEEE Standard C57.12.10 (not in the main tank), that will permit completely draining all the oil in the compartment without draining the oil in the main transformer tank. Final segment location to be coordinated with Engineer prior to transformer design and construction of the transformer. The option for Engineer to change segment locations prior to design shall be included in the price of each transformer and shall not result in additional expense to Owner. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc Ts 19 B. The tap changer shall provide voltage regulation of 10 percent raise, or lower, in (16) 5/8 percent steps, both raise and lower. C. The LTC compartment shall be capable of withstanding full vacuum in the main tank without damage to the LTC compartment or components. D. The LTC shall be vacuum type and shall be sized to fit the ampacity requirements of the transformer. 1. Vacuum type shall be Reinhausen Manufacturing, Inc. type RMV-II. A vacuum bottle protective circuit shall be provided with a set of contacts for alarm purposes with the RMV-II tap changer. E. Tap changer shall consist of a motor operated tap changer. The tap changer shall also be provided with a weatherproof compartment for all control components needed for automatic LTC control, terminal boards, conduit entrance and circuit breaker for control power. F. The tap changer shall have full rated kVA taps above normal and current rating corresponding to full load current at rated voltage on all taps below normal voltage. Tap changer shall be designed to regulate the low voltage side and shall be installed in the LV line. High voltage LTCs are not acceptable. G. The tap changer shall be rated for 500,000 operations before contact replacement. The tap changer motor shall be rated for 120/240 VAC single phase. H. The tap changer controller shall be digital with remote monitoring and control capabilities intended for a substation integration scheme, mounted inside the control cabinet. Furnish Beckwith type M-2001D. The unit shall be capable of communicating in DNP 3.0 communications protocol. Furnish the Beckwith S-2001D TapTalk® software that will be used to connect the unit via a remote laptop or other device(s). Also provide M-0329B backup control. The M-0329B shall be mounted in a cutout so the dials and lights on the unit are visible from the front panel of the transformer control cabinet. Alarm contacts for both units shall be wired to customer terminal blocks. 1. The controller settings will be furnished by the Engineer for testing at the manufacturing facility. Provide the Engineer 2 weeks notice prior to testing of the LTC controller settings. 2. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a brief report verifying testing has been completed, whether the settings are satisfactory for proper controller operation, and recommendations for final setting implementation and commissioning. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 20 I. The tap changer controller shall be M-2001D-6-V-4S-20-C-0-D-0-0 equipped with the following accessories: 1. Voltage test terminals. 2. Alpha -numeric Vacuum Fluorescent Display VFD. Option V. 3. Communications equipment. Front -panel local data port for connection to a portable computer, USB I.I. Include communication software for installation on Owner's computer. 4. Communications port (COM1-top) shall interface with fiber optic (ST) and RS-485. Option 4S. 5. Communications port (COM2-top) shall interface with standard RS-232. Option 20. 6. Ethernet port (COM3-top) shall be RJ-45 jack. Option C. 7. Communications protocol shall be MODBUS and DNP 3.0. Option 0. 8. Paralleling methods: DVar2 method. Option D. 9. Include a separate 43T-4 paralleling/independent toggle switch. Wire the independent position to the Beckwith to disable paralleling. Spare contacts of each position shall be wired to a customer terminal block. J. Tap changer shall be equipped with the following accessories: 1. The Contractor shall furnish a dual column breather (DCB) or auto recharging dehydrating breather system to the LTC of the transformer. The system shall remove moisture from incoming air into the LTC tank. DCB shall be shipped as a single, integrated assembly along with accessories necessary for installation. The DCB controller shall have indicating LEDs of breather status and hardwired alarm contact to terminal block in primary control cabinet. Power for DCB shall be integrated into the 120/240 VAC supply for transformer and not require an independent power circuit. 2. Manual tap changing crank or handwheel. 3. Position indicator with drag hands and electric reset momentary switch. The reset switch shall be located in an easily accessible location in the control panel compartment. Indicator shall be located in a position that is easily seen by a person standing on the ground directly adjacent to the unit, with the control cabinet doors closed. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 21 4. Interlock to prevent electrical operation with crank installed. 5. Current source for compensator. Provide an LDC-CT as required. 6. Liquid level indicator for LTC compartment with two-step normally open contacts shall be furnished. The first step shall alarm on a low oil level condition, with the second step initiating a breaker trip upon a critical low oil level. A minimum of two contacts per stage shall be provided. Manufacturer shall recommend switch settings for the transformer supplied. 71Q2-1 Low Oil Level Alarm = 71Q2X-1 71Q2X-1 Low Oil Level Alarm Aux = SEL-2414, Customer TB71Q2-2 Low Oil Level Trip = Customer TB 7. Drain and filter valves for LTC compartment. 8. LTC control cabinet shall be equipped with a 120 V, 20 A weatherproof receptacle. 9. LTC control cabinet shall be equipped with a door -activated LED light. 10. LTC control cabinet shall be provided with a positive temperature coefficient heater to minimize condensation. Provide High Voltage Supply 1030 or equal. Quantity and size of heaters shall be determined by Contractor. 11. Static voltage sensing device. 12. Non-resettable operation counter. 13. The operations counter and neutral position contacts shall be wired to the Beckwith. 14. 43T-1 Lower -Off -Raise switch for lowering and raising the tap changer. 15. 43T-2 Local -Off -Remote switch with spare contact for remote switch position indication located inside the transformer control cabinet. 16. 43T-3 Man -Off -Auto switch for switching control modes. Spare contacts for each position shall be wired to a customer terminal block. 17. Provide terminal blocks and provisions for remote auto -manual switching and remote raise -lower switching, located inside the transformer control cabinet. Remote switches by Others. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 22 K. Provide all necessary selsyns and contacts to provide remote position indication. Furnish a solid state remote position indicator and transducers in the transformer cabinet (INCON 1250B). Also furnish a current loop interface (Beckwith M- 2025B) to connect the 0-1 mA output of the 1250B to the Beckwith M-2001D controller, which will provide tap position indication in the controller. Locate devices inside the transformer control cabinet. INCON shall be factory programmed. L. An alarm for loss of AC Power for the LTC control and motor shall be provided. 27-L LTC Ctrl Loss of AC = SEL-2414, Customer TB 27-M LTC Motor Loss of AC = SEL-2414, Customer TB M. The load tap changer mechanism is to be furnished with its own nameplate which fully describes the system. Items to be included, but not limited to, are manufacturer, model number, year of manufacture, maximum rated through current, type of mechanism, and the amount of oil (gallons). N. Minimum and maximum control cabinet heights above ground shall be 24 inches and 72 inches, respectively. Control cabinet shall have swing doors with lock down in open position, padlockable in the closed position. 2.15 CONTROL WIRING REQUIREMENTS: A. All taps of the multi -ratio BCTs shall be brought to an accessible shorting -type terminal block in the control cabinet. Shorting type terminal blocks shall be General Electric Type EB-27, no equal. B. All wiring shall be identified at the terminal blocks to designate its source and function. Terminal blocks shall be General Electric type EB-25 or equal. C. All wiring in the cabinet shall be neat in appearance. All control cable wires shall be labeled. Wires shall be terminated with ring type insulated lugs, with both lug and insulation securely crimped. D. All control circuits shall be protected with appropriately identified breakers or hinged knife blade disconnect switch and clip mounted fuses. E. Control and auxiliary circuits shall be wired with 412 AWG, minimum, switchboard wire. All current transformer wiring shall be 410 AWG, minimum, switchboard wire. All switchboard wire shall be XL or ETFE (Tefzel 750) insulated, stranded wire, type SIS. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 2 F. All alarm and auxiliary contacts shall be suitable for use on an ungrounded 125 VDC. The contacts shall be individually wired out to terminal blocks and shall be electrically isolated. G. All control wiring between compartments and/or cabinets shall be enclosed in metal raceways. 2.16 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: A. A transformer from the following list of manufacturers only shall be furnished, unless written permission is obtained from the Engineer or Owner via addendum. 1. Delta Star Inc. 2. Hitachi Energy (ABB) 3. Hyosung HICO 4. Hyundai 5. Prolec-GE 6. Siemens 7. WEG PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.03 TESTING AND REPORTS A. All tests shall be made in accordance with the latest revision of IEEE Standard C57.12.00 and C57.12.90. Certified test reports shall be provided electronically. Any and all factory and field tests that are required by the manufacturer and are required so as not to void any part of the warranty, shall be made by the manufacturer and its personnel. Any and all costs as well as equipment required for and associated with these required tests shall be the responsibility of this Bidder. Standard tests include but are not limited to the following tests: 1. Resistance measurements of all windings on all tap connections. 2. Ratio tests on all tap connections. 3. Polarity and phase -relation tests on rated voltage connections. 4. No load loss at 90, 100, and 110% rated voltage. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 24 5. Exciting current at 90, 100, 110% rated voltage. 6. Impedance and load losses on all tap connections. 7. Mechanical leak test on tank and radiators. Minimum 10 PSI for 12 hours. 8. Applied potential tests for 1 minute. 50 kV for HV / LV. 34 kV for YV. 9. Class 11 induced potential tests in accordance with C57.12.90-2021 Clause 10.8 & 10.9, with partial discharge measurements in uV and pC. The limit during the one -hour test shall be 80 uV and 250 pC. The limit during the 7200 cycle enhancement level is 200 uV and 500 pC. 10. Impulse tests on all line and neutral terminals. 11. Insulation power factor test. Power factor test shall be made on each oil filled bushing, individual winding to ground, and between windings. The values of bushing and winding power factor shall not exceed 0.5 percent, when corrected to 20°C. 12. Single Phase Excitation Current measurements shall be made at 10 kV. 13. Temperature rise test for minimum and maximum stage of cooling specified. Thermal images shall be taken during the stabilization of the 3-hour segment of all heat runs. With reference to 2.02.J, do not overload the unit to test the overload capability of 125% for 30 minutes, but do provide calculations to show the capability. The temperature test shall be conducted in such a way as to simulate the worst case service condition of 3-winding arithmetic loading, step-up or step-down. For the oil rise test: the H-X, H-Y, and X-Y load losses must have been separately measured, and be mathematically combined to get a load loss equivalent that can be injected with one winding shorted. Additional losses for the measured no-load loss contribution must also be included, as is normally done. For the gradient run on the LV winding, the maximum common winding current in step-up mode should be circulated or adjusted for. 14. Sound tests at each stage of cooling ONAN/ONAF/ONAF, in the maximum sound producing tap position. 15. Auxiliary losses shall be measured. 16. Zero Phase Sequence Impedance Voltage Test. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 25 17. After all other tests, SFRA (Sweep Frequency Response Analysis) shall be performed on the fully assembled and oil -filled unit. The Contractor shall include the original electronic test results in Doble software format and with the certified test report. 18. A corrosive sulfur test in compliance with ASTM 1275, Method B shall be made prior to filling the transformer for factory test. A copy of the test report shall be provided with the final certified transformer test report. 19. Functional testing on controls, accessories, and auxiliary equipment is to be completed at the manufacturing facility prior to shipping. This shall be documented in the test report. The LTC shall be functionally tested twice throughout its full tap range; once with full voltage and once with full current. 20. Gas Detector test. After the completion of all dielectric tests, the gas detector system shall be tested by injecting 500 ml of dry air into the transformer. The air to be injected shall be from the top of a calibrated chamber of at least 1000-ml capacity. The bottom of this chamber shall be piped via a valve to a larger chamber containing transformer oil, and capable of being pressurized in order to drive the required 500 ml of air into the transformer in a few seconds. The injection point shall be as far as possible from the main gas detector system collecting point on top of the tank. After a duration of 15 minutes, at least 250 ml of the air shall have been collected in the gas detector relay in order to verify it is properly functioning. 21. LTC and LTC controller function tests. 22. The transformer design shall be adequate to withstand short circuits, with the fault current limited only by the impedance of the transformer itself. B. Oil screen tests for the main tank and LTC include the following. 1. Liquid Screen Analysis: a. Dielectric test (ASTM D877 and D1816-2) b. Neutralization [Acid Number (D-974)] C. Interfacial Tension (D-971) d. Moisture (D-1533) e. Color Number (D-1500) f. Visual and Sediment Examination (D-1524) g. Power Factor @ 25°C and @ 100' C (D-924) h. Specific Gravity (D-1298) 2. Gas -In -Oil Analysis: C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 26 a. Hydrogen b. Oxygen C. Nitrogen d. Methane e. Carbon Monoxide f. Carbon Dioxide g. Ethane h. Ethylene i. Acetylene *Gas -In -Oil Analysis tests shall be performed before all electrical testing. C. The Contractor shall provide all test reports capable of meeting all NERC requirements. There will be a need to provide the modeling of the new transformer in PSSE sav or raw format or at minimum the data to do so. D. The Owner or Engineer reserves the right to witness the tests at the manufacturer's facilities. Provide a minimum of 2 weeks notice prior to factory testing. E. The Owner or Engineer reserves the right to inspect the completed core and coil assembly prior to tanking. The manufacturer shall notify the Owner and Engineer not less than five days prior to the date of tanking to allow the customer to witness tanking, if so desired. 3.04 FIELD SERVICES: A. The Contractor shall include the cost of installation services for the transformer in the Contract Price of the transformer. The services shall include the following items at a minimum. The Contractor shall also attach a detailed description with the Bid of the services to be performed. B. The services shall include receiving the transformer, unloading, placement of unit on concrete pad, attachment of all radiators and accessories, and filling of oil as required. The Contractor is responsible for dressing out the transformer for a complete assembly. The Contractor shall inspect the unit and repair any damage experienced during shipment. C. The services shall include testing the unit. The minimum tests shall be standard field test, including, but not limited to TTR, megger check, core ground check and SFRA, and shall include all tests required in order not to void the warranty. Certified test reports shall be supplied. Attach a complete list of tests proposed with the Bid. D. In addition to standard field tests, the Contractor shall furnish certified oil tests covering the oil tests listed below. The Contractor shall send the samples to lab C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 27 approved by the Owner. These tests shall be done in the field after the transformer is placed on the pad, not at the manufacturer's site. Also furnish a copy of the transformer "standards" of the tests shown below. 1. Liquid Screen Analysis: a. Dielectric Breakdown (ASTM D877 and D1816-2) b. Interfacial Tension (D-971) C. Moisture Content (D-1533) d. Specific Gravity (D-1298 e. Color Number (D-1500) f. Visual and Sediment Examination (D-1524). g. Power Factor @ 25°C and @ 100' C (D-924) h. Acid Number (D-974) 2. Gas -In -Oil Analysis: a. Hydrogen b. Oxygen C. Nitrogen d. Methane e. Carbon Monoxide f. Carbon Dioxide g. Ethane h. Ethylene i. Acetylene 3. Polychlorinated Biphenyl's (PCBs) Analysis. 4. Corrosive Sulfur test per ASTM D1275 Method B. E. The Contractor shall perform testing on the bushing current transformers and furnish certified tests covering the following tests for each BCT. All tests shall be performed from the BCT terminal blocks in the control cabinet. F. Bushing Current Transformers: 1. Polarity Test 2. Megger Test to ground 3. CT ratio test 4. Saturation (secondary excitation) test and check tests against curve test data 5. Verify CT terminal block wiring matches Contractor's Drawings G. Submission of a Bid with per diem or hourly rate without including a total or limit to this section will be grounds for disqualification of the bid. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 28 H. The Contractor shall include hourly or daily rate for additional work beyond the scope of this contract in the event these services are required. L The field services shall be completed within 15 days after delivery of the transformer. * * * END OF SECTION * * * C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc TS 29 MATERIAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made as of , 2023 between (hereinafter called the "Contractor"), and Hutchinson Utilities Commission - Hutchinson, Minnesota (hereinafter called the "Owner"), WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner for the considerations hereinafter named agree as follows: 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK. A. The Contractor agrees to sell and deliver to the Owner and the Owner agrees to purchase and receive from the Contractor equipment in strict accordance with the documents entitled "Furnishing and Delivery of a 115/69 kV Autotransformer" for Hutchinson Utilities Commission - Hutchinson, Minnesota 1.02 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. A. The Contract Documents shall consist of this written Agreement, Bid Form, Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Addendums issued numbers , Insurance Policies and Certificates, General Requirements, Performance Bond, Drawings and Specifications, tests and engineering data, approved Change Orders, Contractor's Requests for Payment, and all Addenda issued by the Owner prior to the awarding of the Contract (collectively, the "Contract Documents"). All of the Contract Documents listed in this Material Agreement are hereby incorporated by this reference as fully as if they were set out in this Agreement in full, all of which documents and instruments are incorporated by the signature of the parties hereto. 1.03 TIME OF COMPLETION. A. The work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced upon execution of this Agreement. Material shall be fully delivered by [To be updated with Contractor's guaranteed delivery date], and onsite Field Services shall be fully completed by[To be updated with date IS days after delivery date]. 1.04 THE CONTRACT SUM. A. The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the equipment, in current funds: The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for performance of the work encompassed by this Agreement, and the Contractor will accept as full compensation therefore the lump SUM of $ , subject to adjustment as provided by the Contract Documents, to be paid by progress payments in cash or its equivalent in the manner provided for in the Contract Documents. C;:JJse 4,Aaradk(, App Data\G (.)uaI N9icrosoffi:AWrndowsA[NetC;acheAContent:.(7utloolcTA'3070L\1Jutchinson MN -Furnishing Autc[ran sfformer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc MA I 1.05 PAYMENT. A. Payment to the Contractor for the equipment shall be made on the basis of ninety five percent (95%) of the Base Price for the equipment, within 30 days of receipt of the equipment in acceptable condition and associated invoice. Payment shall be made for the remaining 5 percent (5%) of the Base Price, less calculated penalties, within 30 days after final completion, field testing, and receipt of test reports, final Drawings, certification by the Engineer, and associated invoice. B. Payment to the Contractor for field assembly and testing shall be made on the basis of 100% of the Field Services Price, within 30 days after completions of the field services and associated invoice. 1.06 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: A. Contractor and Owner recognize that time is of the essence and that Owner will suffer financial and other losses if the Work is not completed and Milestones not achieved within the times specified, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the Contract. The parties also recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by Owner if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, Owner and Contractor agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty): B. Contractor shall pay Owner $500 for each day that expires after the time (as duly adjusted pursuant to the Contract) specified in the Instruction to Bidders for completion until the Work is complete. 1.07 TERMINATION. A. This Agreement may be terminated by either parry upon seven (7) days written notice should the other party breach the terms of this Agreement and, that parry fails to initiate and diligently pursue a cure to such breach within the seven (7) day period after receiving such written notice. 1.08 ASSIGNMENT. A. The Contractor shall not assign all of his rights or obligations under this Agreement without the express written consent of the Owner. Upon any assignment even though consented to by the Owner, the Contractor shall remain liable for the performance of the work under this Agreement. 1.09 PARTIAL INVALIDITY. C':ATJse 4,Aaradk(, App Data\G (.)uaI N9icrosoffi:AWrndowsA[NetC;acheAC'ontent:.(7utloolcTA'3070L\1Jutchinson MN -Furnishing Autc[ran sfformer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc MA2 A. If any provisions of this Agreement are in violation of any statute or rule of law of the State of Minnesota, then such provisions shall be deemed null and void to the extent that they may be violative of law, but without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof. 1.10 WAIVER. A. No waiver of any breach of any one of the agreements, terms, conditions or covenants of this Agreement by the Owner shall be deemed or imply or constitute a waiver of any other agreement, term, condition or covenant of this Agreement. The failure of the Owner to insist on strict performance of any agreement, term, condition or covenant, herein set forth, shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of the Owner's rights thereafter to enforce any other default; neither shall such failure to insist upon strict performance be deemed sufficient grounds to enable the Contractor to forego or subvert or otherwise disregard any other agreement, term, condition or covenant of this Agreement. 1.11 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. A. The within Agreement, together with the Contract Documents, constitute the entire agreement of the parties hereto. No modification, change, or alteration of the within Agreement shall be of any legal force or effect unless in writing, signed by all the parties. 1.12 COUNTERPARTS. A. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts and each such counterpart shall be deemed an original. 1.13 GOVERNING LAW. A. Venue for any and all legal actions regarding or arising out of the transaction covered herein shall be solely in the District Court in and for McLeod County, State of Minnesota or the United States District Court for the State of Minnesota. This transaction shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 1.14 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. A. The Contractor shall secure and maintain such insurance policies as specified in the General Requirements of this Contract. 1.15 NOTICES. A. All notices, requests, demands and other communications given or to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when served if served personally, or on the second day after mailing if mailed C':AUs,f,a4,Aarad:lc(,,,AAppl)at:a\G(.)ual\Microsoti.AWindol o,UNf;tC'achPAC'ontPrnt:.(7utlook\IJZC'3(i7OG.AIlutchinsonMN-FurnishingAutc[ransfformer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc MA 3 by first class mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid, and properly addressed to the party to whom notice is to be given as set forth below. C':AUs,f,a4,Aarad:lc(,,,AAppl)at:a\G(.)ual\Microsoti.AWindol o,UNf;tC'achPAC'ontPrnt:.(7utlook\IJZC'3(i7OG.AIlutchinsonMN-FurnishingAutc[ransfformer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc MA 4 If to Owner: Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan St. SE Hutchinson. MN 55350 1.16 RISK OF LOSS. If to Contractor: A. Risk of loss of the Equipment shall remain with Contractor until the Equipment has been unloaded, inspected, and accepted by the Owner or Owner's Representative, at which time risk of loss shall pass to Owner. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Owner rejects the Equipment as non -conforming, risk of loss of the Equipment shall be and remain with Contractor until Contractor corrects the non- conformity or Buyer accepts the Equipment. N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives all as of the day and year first above written. Hutchinson Utilities Commission Owner Sign: Print: ATTEST Sign: Print: ATTEST Sign: Sign: Print: Print: Contractor C':AUs,f,a4,Aarad:lc(,,,AAppl)at:a\G(.)ual\Microsoti.AWindol o,UNf;tC'achPAC'ontPrnt:.(7utlook\IJZC'3(i7OG.AIlutchinsonMN-FurnishingAutc[ransfformer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc MA 5 APPENDIX A: BID DATA SHEET-50/66.7/83.3 MVA Appendix A — Bid Data Sheet — 50/66.7/83.3 MVA Contractor: Quote 4: Dated: Location: Hutchinson Substation Project 4: 428507 Load Tap Changing, Autotransformer Ratings HV Winding LV Winding TV Winding kV 115GRDY/66.4 69GRDY/39.84 13.8 MVA g 65°C Rise 50/66.7/83.3 50/66.7/83.3 7.2/9.6/12 Taps ±2 of 2.5% via DETC ±16 of 5/8% via LTC - BIL Line Terminals kV 450 350 110 BIL Neutral Terminal kV 150 - Cooling Class: ONAN/ONAF/ONAF Phasor Relationship: YNaOd 1 3-phase, 60 Hertz Impedance guarantee (%) H-X at 50 MVA base H-Y at 50 MVA base X-Y at 50 MVA base Zero Sequence at 50 MVA base Negative Sequence at 50 MVA base Sound Level Guarantee, dBA ONAN/ONAF/ONAF Loss Guarantee, kW No Load loss, at 20°C kW Load Loss, at 85°C, 50 MVA base (kW) Total Loss (b-a) (kW) Auxiliary Losses, ONAF/ONAF (kW) Does the design meet the overloading conditions of the specification? Are there any exceptions to the general or technical requirements? Experience List for past 5 years attached Core Steel Supplier Core Type, Number of Legs C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc Flux Density Type of Joint Configuration Blocking on all steps Winding Copper Supplier Winding Type, HV, LV, YV (Layer, disc, or helical? Infinite source used for short circuit calculations Insulation Supplier Lead Support Material Type of Factory Drying Equipment Cooling Equipment Fan Supplier Number of Fans, and ratings Number of Radiators, and Supplier Auxiliary Power Requirements for Cooling at Top MVA Rating Bushings HV Bushing, Supplier and part number LV Bushing, Supplier and part number YV Bushing, Supplier and part number HOXO Bushing, Supplier and part number Tap -Changer DETC Supplier, type, and part number LTC Supplier, type, and part number Surge Arresters HV Arrester, Supplier and part number LV Arrester, Supplier and part number YV Arrester, Supplier and part number Cutsheets attached Technical Data Weights, in pounds Core & Coil Tank & Fittings Oil Total Shipping Weight Total Oil Volume, in gallons Dimensions, in inches Length x Width x Height, Overall Length x Width x Height, Shipping Length x Width, Tank base Length x Width x Height, Untankin Preliminary Outline Drawingsprovided? C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc Manufacturer Transformer Manufacturer Location and Ownership of Manufacturing Facility Deliver Truck or Rail Delivery* Shipped with or without oil* F.O.B. Drawings Outline Drawing Date Review Drawings (Date) Record Drawings (Date) Optional Cost Extending Warrant Five 5 more years *If rail delivery is used, the Contractor shall furnish transportation and loading of the autotransformer from the appropriate rail siding to the job site. **If the unit is to be filled in the field, the cost of performing this task shall be included and completed by the Bidder after delivery. C:AUsers\aradkeAAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheAContent.Outlook\UZC3G70L\Hutchinson MN - Fumishing AutoTransfonuer Hutch Sub - 428507 (002).doc HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Board Action Form 41ri ars mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Approve awarding the bid to Nelson Technologies, Inc. for Filter and Meter Skids for Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station 0 Presenter: John Webster Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes):; 10 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: HUC received two bids from responsible bidders on the Request for Bids for the Filter and Meter Skids for Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station. Nelson Technologies, Inc bid $403,959.49 which includes the Meter Skid, Filter Skid, Delivery of Both Skids, and the expense of the Performance Bond. Delivery is 16 weeks ARO & drawing approval. Northland Industrial Specialties, LLC bid $392,252 which includes the Meter Skid, Filter Skid, Delivery of Both Skids, and the expense of the Performance Bond. Delivery is 22 weeks ARO. Although Nelson Technologies, Inc is $11,707.49 higher than Northland Specialties, LLC I am recommending that Nelson Technologies, Inc receive the bid for two reasons; 1. Delivery is to be six (6) weeks sooner, and 2. Nelson Technologies, Inc is providing a complete SGM4 meter while Northland Specialties, LLC chose to provide a SGM3 meter requiring HUC to upgrade the SGM3 to a SGM4. As a reminder, all expenses for the construction of Hutchinson Utilities' side of the Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station will be expensed to Heartland Corn Products. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Nelson Technologies, Inc. Bid for Filter and Meter Skids for Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station Fiscal Impact: $403,959.49 Included in current budget:Yes Budget Change: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $875,000 Remaining Cost: $471,040.51 BID TABULATIONSHEETf �t�!jf !k!ft ............................... f COMPANY NAME Bid Amount BID BOND CERT OF INS Northland Industrial $392,252.00 Yes - 5% -No $ amount Listed Specialties LLC No Nelson Technologies $398,559.49 which includes $9720.96 for Performance Yes - 5% -No $ amount Listed No Bond Excepted Duration 22 Weeks ARO 16 Weeks- Lead Times subject to Prior Sale- Freight not included in this price Bidder Northland Industrial Specialties, LLC Nelson Technologies, Inc. Meter Skid Fabrication $ 236,101.00 $ 270,165.88 & Testing Subject to Prior Sale: Duration 22 weeks ARO 16 weeks ARO & drawing approval Filter Skid Fabrication & $ 150,151.00 $ 118,672.65 Testing Subject to Prior Sale: Duration 22 weeks ARO 16 weeks ARO & drawing approval Delivery of Both Skids $ 6,000.00 $ 5,400.00 Duration 7-10 days after completion Subject to Prior Sale Performance bond in the amount of 100% of 0 $ 9,720.96 the contract price. Bid Total $ 392,252.00 $ 403,959.49 Specific Gravity Meter: The SGM3 was subsituted for the bid Specific Gravity Meter: after clarification with John Webster, a Duration estimate is 30 weeks -subject to stand-alone sample conditioning system prior sale will be assembled with parts supplied by Owner. Filter Skid: Gas Filter: Customer to verify 1440-psi rating. The The gas filter qas quoted with flanged 158 F design temperature rating of the Exceptions & end caps. After discussion with John filter requires a design derating to 1406 Clarifications Webster, this is an acceptable psi for 600 ANSI flanges. This will be true configuration. of all the flanges in their piping system that are subjected to a design temeprature of 158 F. Meter Skid: No maximum temperature given on coriolis meter spec sheet. If temeprature is above 100 F, flanges will be de -rated. (See note on filter portion for details.) Customer is responsible for all crane costs at job site. Concerns: Specifies Baylon valves. Is the bond price included in the total price? (YES) Don't call out the valve brand. Doesn't specify filter brand. (Nowata or Filter Fab, HUC's Choice) Quoted 2 Rosemont smart pressure gauges. HUC has choice of either Nowata or Filter -Fab horizontal filter. No cost difference All large Ball Valves are Delta from Quarter Turn Resources 214C is transmitter and sensor in one package Small valves are DSI and PBV. 22 weeks ARO Subject to Prior Sale: 16 weeks ARO & drawing approval Difference (Northland - Nelson) (34,064.88) 31,478.35 (11,707.49) 9� NELSON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 6300 Bury Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55346 - (952) 835-1895 - Fax (952) 835-4614 NELSON TECHNOLOGIES QUOTATION Date: 6/20/23 Quoted To: Quotation: 40623-10637MAC.Rev3 Hutchinson Utilities Application: Filter and Meter Skids for the 175 Michigan Street SE Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Hutchinson, MN Location: Interconnect Station Requisition: Bid MR-001 Attn: John Webster F.O.B.: Origination Terms: See Below Notes Section Page: 1 of 4 Item Qty Description Unit Total Estimated No. Price Price Shia Date Filter Skid 6" Filter Skid per Dwg. HUTCHINSON-PIP- $118,672.65 $118,672.65 Subject to Prior 1 1 2200. Project Sibley County, MN Hutchinson to Sale Heartland Piping Plan Filter Skid Dated 3-20-23 and Data Sheets dated 2-21-23. Consists of the following: (1) Nawata or Equal- Model P6H-14-1410E- ASME-Modco-Legs Two Stage Horizontal Gas Line Filter Separator with Complete with: • 6" ANSI 600# flanged inlet and outlet • 14" OD shell rated and ASME U-Code stamped for 1,410 psi @ 158 F • X-Ray per code • Stress relieved per code • First stage coalescing filter element rated for 99.9% of 0.3-micron • Second stage stainless mesh demister pad • Underslung dual chamber liquid holding sump • All appropriate ports for accessories • 2-layer, 2-part epoxy coating in customer's color choice after SP6 sandblast • Leser Relief Valve Model 4592-2472 with 1480 psi set point, Inlet %4" MNPT, Outlet 1" FNPT • MTR's f•n �ii'l..�lll�u� lii sling",, The .,m.artnuuaara° imm� aa.mr°:t t,4.. 1133 F design l mamperalnmia ra °:nb of tile, blirr requires r desiburm derating to 1,4115 Ilpsi ror 600, ANSI Ii Illianges. i Irma °arill Ill:an Irnr of all Ilar flanges :n their piipimmg sysi:nmr: that are aaab,jected to mmadesign teiingwratu rrr of 158 Illht. 27') 6" x 0.280 wall ERW Pipe, API 51, PSL2, X52 Gr., ASME B36.10M, Bare; (4) 6" 600# RF Ball Valve, F.P. G.O., CS/ENP/NACE/FS MODEL: KFM317199N6AG6 (4) 1" Gate Valve, FS/NACE SEXSW BB 800 (1) Rosemount Coplanar Transmitter 3051 CD3A02A 1 AM5E5 SSQ4T1 (1) Rosemount 305 Integral Manifold 0305RC32B11B4 (1) IN -LINE PRESSURE TRANSMITTER 3051PA4A2B21AS5K5M4 (1) Rosemount 306 In -Line Manifold 0306RT22AAI I Notes: • Associated Weld Fittings (All Y52 Grade) per Dwg. BOM • B-7 Studs and Nuts • Spiral Wound Gaskets • MTRs are included • X-Ray to API 1104 • 8 Hour Hydrotest to 2220 psig Sandblast • Standard Primer and Paint ... Coriolis Meter Skid Dual 3" 600# Micromotion Coriolis Meter 2 1 Station per Dwg. HUTCHINSON-PIP-2210. $270,165.88 $270,165.88 Subject to Prior Project Sibley County, MN Hutchinson to Sale Heartland Piping Plan Meter Skid Dated 3-17-23 and Data Sheets dated 2-21-23. Consists of the following: 2 3" N80 600# Micromotion Elite Coriolis Meters; 316L SS Model: CMF300M357N2BAEZZZ (3 Yr. Extended Wty.) 2) Micro Motion 5700 Field and Integral -Mount Multivariable Flow and Density Transmitter Model: 570OR12ABAAZZZAAZZAMVTG (3 Yr. Extended Wty.) 16') 6" x 0.280 wall ERW Pipe, API 5L PSL2, X52 Gr., ASME B36.10M, Bare; (9) 6" 600# RF Ball Valve, F.P. G.O., CS/ENP/NACE/FS MODEL: KFM317199N6AG6 (1)6" 6004 Wafer Check Valve, CS/ss/Viton Model: 7859-1139KC3221 (14) 1" Gate Valve, FS/NACE SEXSW BB 800 (3)1/4" Gate Valve, FS/NACE SEXSW BB 800 DSI (1)'/z" Gate Valve, FS/SWXT WB 800 TRIM 8 OMB 1*pgcw max kamiummum tonpn,irstmmme given aumm Cmmm°mdis w�?teter. aimm.m iuheek. Troemmmlll!m�w�mtur is alll ove 100 F Flanges 1011 IN de rMed. See inwmite oil fillNer ffmuwm°6inn dill"swm mWm^taflsg (2) Rosemount Smart Pressure Gauge SPG451,I5G11A001500S5 (3 Yr. Extended Wty.) (2) Rosemount 306 In -Line Manifold 0306RT22AA I 1 (2) IN -LINE PRESSURE TRANSMITTER 3051 PA4A2B21 AS5K5M4 (2) Rosemount 306 In -Line Manifold 0306RT22AAI 1 (2) Rosemount 214C Temperature Sensor 14CRTSMB 1 S3E0055 SLE5AR1 C 1 TBXW (2) Rosemount 114C Thermowell 114CE003 5 TAB 2 SCO20AR21 X W (2) Rosemount 114C Thermowell 114CE003 5 TAB 2 SCO20AR06R21 (1) Micromotion Specific Gravity Meter j SGM3AAAAC2BEBZZTG with components to make SGM4 (without sticker rating on enclosure) (1) 1 Day Start up Assistance (Price includes 3 Yr. Wty.) Notes: • Associated Weld Fittings (All Y52 Grade) per Dwg. BOM • B-7 Studs and Nuts • Spiral Wound Gaskets • MTRs are included 1 • X-Ray to API 1104 • 8 Hour Hydrotest to 2220 psig Sandblast. • Standard Primer and Pain Subtotal: $388,838.53 Performance bond in the amount of 100% of the 3 1 contract price. �. $9,720.96 Fns�^ht Estimate:$5,400.00 ......._ � � ---� T_otal: $398,559"9 9.4 Above pricing does not include any applicable taxes. This is ALL LEAD not an invoice. TIMES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE NOTES: 1) Delivery: Filter Skid:16 weeks After Receipt of order and Drawing Approval - Subject to Prior Sale. Meter Skid: 16 Weeks After Receipt of order and Drawing Approval - Subject to Prior Sale, Specific Gravity Meter: 30 Weeks- Subject to Prior Sale 2) Availability Subject to Review at Time of Order. 3) All Above Materials Subject to Prior Sales. 4) Prices Valid for 60/Days 5) Payment terms shall be as follows: a. Upon receipt of the Two (2) Week After Receipt of Order (ARO) Items 50% b. Upon shipment confirmation of Work to Project Location 40% c. Upon receipt of all Job Data Book Information and work completion 10% 6) Customer responsible for all crane related expenses. 7) Bid Bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid price included. 8) Warranty: Contractor services 24 months, Contractor parts 36 months. NOTE: If this quotation should turn into an order please address and send purchase order to the following: Nelson Technologies, Inc. 6300 Bury Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Fax 952-835-4614 Missy Carlson Remit To address is the following: Nelson Technologies, Inc. 6300 Bury Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Fed ID # 41-1829593 Note: Any returns will be accepted solely at the Minimum Shipping, discretion of Nelson Technologies and/or the Purchase Handling, Prices Firm for manufacturer. Restock fee may apply. Order and Sales 60 Days $150.00 Tax Not Included All orders placed by you, and any shipments made by Sales Representative: Nelson Technologies, Inc. as a result of such order, shall be Missy Carlson subject to the terms and conditions above, as well as the q� standard Terms and Conditions of Nelson Technologies, Ina (t� i,55a., Get �•Stxt attached hereto, notwithstanding any inconsistent or additional terms that may be embodied in your purchase Signature order NELSON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Terms and Conditions Version 1.0392015 1. Definitions. "Buyer" shall mean the party purchasing Products pursuant to these Terms and Conditions. "Company" shall mean Nelson Technologies, Inc. a Minnesota corporation. "Products" shall mean the products manufactured by third parties and resold or otherwise provided by Company to Buyer pursuant to a Company quotation and these Terms and Conditions. 2. Contract of Sale. All Products are offered for sale by Company subject to the prices and other terms specified in (a) the applicable Company Quotation, proposal or pricelist, and (b) these Terms and Conditions, all of which are subject to the correction of clerical errors. A Buyer's purchase order, written or verbal, shall constitute an acceptance of the offer to sell. Any inconsistent, additional or different terms contained in a Buyer's request for quotation or purchase orderI"Additional Terms") are hereby rejected by Company. 3. Pricing. All pricing is valid for 30 days from date of original quotation. All prices are subject to change due to errors and omissions. Prices quoted for blanket orders are subject to review at intervals mutually agreed upon priorto blanket order acceptance. 4. Taxes. All prices quoted are exclusive of federal, state and municipal taxes. Buyer shall be liable for all sales, use and other taxes (whether local, state or federal) imposed on the sale or provision of Products and/or services to Buyer hereunder. S. Shipment Terms. All Products are shipped FOB point of origination, freight prepaid and added to invoice. All title to and risk of loss in the Products shall pass to Buyer upon shipment. 6. Payment Terms. Buyer shall pay all invoices within thirty (30) days of the date of invoice. Company may require full or partial payment prior to shipment of any Products provided hereunder. Company reserves the right to establish credit limits for Buyer. Any invoices not disputed in good faith by Buyer which Buyer does not pay within the time provided in these Terms and Conditions shall bear interest at the lower of (i) one and a half percent (1.5%) per month up to a maximum of eighteen percent (18%) per year; or (ii) the highest rate permitted by applicable law. Should Buyer become delinquent in payment of sums due hereunder, Company shall not be obligated to continue performance. 7. Packaging. Company reserves the right to select the manner in which Products are packaged. Quoted prices include regular packaging. Special requirements for packaging may be subject to additional charge. 8. Delivery and Acceptance of Products. Shipping dates quoted by Company are made in good faith and are not guaranteed; Company reserves the right to extend shipping dates as it deems necessary in its sole discretion, without liability to Buyer. In the absence of shipping instructions from Buyer, Company will use its discretion as to the selection of shipping services and routings. Installation of Products is the responsibility of the Buyer unless quoted separately. Shipment discrepancies or Products received damaged must be reported to Company within 10 days of receipt of shipment. 9. Force Majeure. If Company becomes unable, either wholly or in part, by an event of Force Majeure, to fulfill its obligations under these Terms and Conditions, the obligations affected by the event of Force Majeure will be suspended during the continuance of that inability. Company will take reasonable steps to mitigate the Force Majeure. "Force Majeure" means an event beyond the reasonable control of Company, including acts of God, hurricane, flood, volcano, tsunami, tornado, storm, tempest, mudslide, vandalism, illegal or unauthorized radio frequency interference, strikes lockouts, or other industrial disturbance, unavailability of Products from the manufacturer, acts of public enemies, wars, blockades, insurrections, riots, epidemics, commission or agency of the United States or any States, any arrests and restraints, civil disturbances and explosions. 10. Cancellation. Orders submitted to Company may not be canceled or amended, or deliveries deferred, by Buyer except with Company prior written consent, and then only upon terms as shall be acceptable to Company. Custom or specialty products are non-refundable. 11. Returns. No Products may be returned for credit or repair without prior written authorization of Company or applicable manufacturer. Authorized return shipments must be returned in good condition in accordance with the instruction in the Return Material Authorization (RMA), must b e accompanied by a packing slip, including the applicable RMA, and must have a transportation charges prepaid. Correspondence concerning all returned Products must be addressed to the Companies Corporate office. Company reserves the right to charge a service fee of 30% or more, determined by the product in question, of invoiced Product price to cover all inspections, testing, handling and restocking. 12. Warranties. Company does not warrant orguarantee Products sold by Company. Company's sole responsibility with respect to warranties of products is to make a bona fide effort to transfer to Buyer, the manufacturer's warranty where available. Company expressly disclaims any and all other representations and warranties, express, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, warranties as to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, non - infringement and title. 13. Limitation of Liability. a) Company's aggregate liability in any and all causes of action arising under, out of or in relation to these terms and conditions, its negotiation, performance, breach or termination (collectively "CAUSES OF ACTION") shall not exceed the total amount paid by buyer to company under these terms and conditions. This is so whether the causes of action are in tort, including, without limitation, negligence or strict liability, in contract, under statute or otherwise. b) As a separate and independent limitation on liability, Company's liability shall be limited to direct damages, company shall not be liable for (1) any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages; nor (II) Any revenue or profits lost by buyer or its affiliates from any end user irrespective of whether such lost revenue or profits is categorized as direct damages or otherwise. c) The limitations on liability set forth in these Terms and Conditions are fundamental inducements to Company entering into these Terms and Conditions. They apply unconditionally and in all respects. They are to be interpreted broadly so as to give Company the maximum protection permitted under law. 14. Confidentiality. Buyer shall (and shall cause its employees and contractors to) keep all Company Confidential Information strictly confidential and shall not disclose it to any third party or use it, except to the extent reasonably required to perform and enforce these Terms and Conditions or as required under applicable law, court order or regulation. As used herein, "Company Confidential Information" means any and all non-public information of Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Company Confidential Information shall not include: (i) any information that is in the public domain other than due to Buyers breach of these Terms and Conditions; (ii) any information in the possession of the Buyer without restriction prior to disclosure by Company; or (iii) any information independently developed by the Buyer without reliance on or access to the information disclosed hereunder by Company. 15. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota, without regard to conflicts of law principles. Any and all disputes arising under, out of, or in relation to these Terms and Conditions or its performance j"Disputes") shall first be resolved by the parties attempting mediation in Minnesota. If the dispute is not resolved by the parties within sixty (60) days of the commencement of the mediation, it shall be litigated in the state or federal courts located in the State of Minnesota. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the parties agree t o a bench trial and that there shall be no jury in any disputes. 16. Severability. In the event any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be void, unlawful or otherwise unenforceable, that provision will be severed from the remainder of the Agreement, and replaced automatically by a provision containing terms as nearly like the void, unlawful, or unenforceable provision as possible; and the Agreement, as so modified, will continue to be in full force and effect. 17. Non -Waiver. Failure or delay of Company to exercise a right or power under these Terms and Conditions shall not operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of a power preclude any other future exercise thereof. Version 1.0 392015 Exhibit 2 Form of Bid 1 Firm Price Work Scope Description Price (US Dollars) Expected Duration Meter Skid Hutchinson Utilities to $270,165.88 Fabrication & Heartland Corn Meter Testing Skid Filter Skid Hutchinson Utilities to $118,672.65 Fabrication & Heartland Corn Filter Skid Testing Delivery of Both 16 weeks after receipt of Skids order & approval drawing Total of Bid $388,838.53 $9,720.96 performance bond 2. Additional Contractor Disclaimers, Terms, Conditions, Notes Customer is responsible for all crane costs at job site. Exhibit 3 C_Iarlflcations & Exceptions tions Location in RFB Issue Comment Sheet 1 of 4 Hutchinson-MDS- Customer to verify 1,440-psi rating. The 158 F design Please confirm derating is acceptable FL200 temperature rating of the filter requires a design de�rating to 1,405 psi for 600 ANSI Flanges. This will be true of all the flanges in their piping system that are subjected to a design temperature of 158 F DS-FIT-300-01 No maximum temperature given on Coriolis Please confirm max temperature Meter spec sheet. If temperature is above 100 F, Flanges will be de -rated Bond Number: 2545314 Bid Bond KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, Nelson Technolorlles,,inc LL as Principal, and WEST BEND MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin and having its principal office in West Bend, Wisconsin, in said State, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Hutchinson Utility Commission as Owner, in the full and just sum of .._..... Five Percent--,,., 5 _... %) of amount bid for the payment whereof said Principal binds its heirs, administrators, and executors and said Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns firmly by these presents WHEREAS, said Principal has submitted to said Owner a bid or proposal for Natural Gas Meter Skid NOW THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if within Sixty days hereof and in accordance with said proposal a contract shall be awarded to said Principal and the said Principal shall enter into a contract for said work and shall furnish bond with surety as required for its faithful performance then this obligation shall be void, otherwise remain In full force and virtue. Signed and Sealed this 17 day of nrta ..�. , 20 23 Principal: Nelson Technologiess Inc ��.� ..... (SEAL) Witness: 1wL4 Name T red Ck+W Title �, rx"AI 01' Witness: Surety: West Ben utual Insurance Company (SEAL) Name T ed. NIcoLE M. COTY ....�_.____— . .. ...� ...,�:......_.........gym................._..... Title _NORTH RISK, PARTNERS LLCm_,,,,_ 2010 CENTRE PO„INTE BLVD. ..._. SEND,,, OTA HEL —7— MN 56120 _��� ...�...�_... .—_...... ... Phone Number: f6511379-7800 MICHIGAN ONLY: This policy is exempt from the filing requirements of Section 2236 of the Insurance Code of 1956, 1956 PA 218 and MCL 500.2236. NB 0192 04 22 Page 1 of 1 1900 S 18th Avenue I West Bend, WI 53095 1 Phone: (800) 236-5010 1 Fax: (877) 674-2663 1 www.thesilverlining.com CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF 11�l�tilLCio' COUNTY 0 ___..._._�_ ...���.�..�..�.... F�,�n, to me, who being duly s On the �'' d dld�.. t ay of _....._ . _ ..... before me personally appeared , G A. .. worn, did depose and say: that s/he resides m jkPo L44o that s/he is the of the Nelson Technologies, Inc. the core ation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that s/he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation; and that s/he signed her/his name thereto by like order. (SEAL) �j ��'�'Ci LAUR(E LYNCH SMITH *14.,m),a~� Nota PublicMinnesota My C fssi n Expires Jan ACKNOWLEDGMENTOFCORPORATE SURETY STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Dakota On the 17th................ day of May ......... ...... � 2o23_..............� before me personally appeared, Nino IP M_ coty to me known, who being duly sworn, did say: that s/he resides in Minnesota that s/he is the aforesaid officer or attorney 1n fact o West Bend Mutual Insurance Coman _ a corporation, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said g g p d corporation; and that said instrument as signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by the aforesaid officer, by authority of its board of directors; and the aforesaid officer acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corpo mion. .. _.' (SEAL) JbH. �...�..� _...mm��.�.�_.. ...._ � Notary NICOLE MARIE SAJI Notary Public Minnesota My Commisslon Expkes Jan. 31, 2024 A MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY' POWER OF ATTORNEY THE SILVER LINING® Bond No. 2646314 Know all men by these Presents, That West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, a corporation having its principal office in the City of West Bend, Wisconsin does make, constitute and appoint: NICOLE M. COTY lawful Attomey(s)-in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on Its behalf as surety and as its act and deed any and all bonds, undertakings and contracts of suretyship, provided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed in amount the sum of: Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000) This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of West Bend Mutual Insurance Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 218I day of December,1999. Appointment of Attorney -In -Fact The president or any vice president, or any other officer of West Bend Mutual Insurance Company may appoint by written certificate Attorneys -In -Fact to act on behalf of the company in the execution of and attesting of bonds and undertakings and other written obligatory instruments of like nature. The signature of any officer authorized hereby and the corporate seal maybe affixed by facsimile to any such power of attorney or to any certificate relating therefore and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the company, and any such power so executed and certified by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking or other writing obligatory in nature to which it is attached. Any such appointment may be revoked, for cause, or without cause, by anysaid officer at any time. In witness whereof, the West Bend Mutual Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed by its president undersigned and its corporate seal to be hereto duly attested by its secretary this 17th day of August, 2021. Attestb 1'.ot C Christopher C. Z gait Secretary State of Wisconsin County of Washington . ......... .. f �OR 1Kevin A. Steiner V-AL Chief Executive Officer/President � On the 17th day of August, 2021, before me personally came Kevin A. Steiner, to me known being by duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in the County of Washington, State of Wisconsin; that he is the President of West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that is was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Matthew E. Carlton X 0 Senior Corporate Attorney p�•'• Notary Public, Washington Co., WI w"=wO" My Commission is Permanent The undersigned, duly elected to the office stated below, now the incumbent in West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, a Wisconsin corporation authorized to make this certificate, Do Hereby Certify that the foregoing attached Power of Attorney remains in full force effect and has not been revoked and that the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney is now in force. Signed and sealed at West Bend, Wisconsin this 17th day of May 2023 )RPOI%A� % oU . SEAL. rl Heather Dunn ?+ ! Vice President — Chief Financial Officer Notice: Any questions concerning this Power of Attorney may be directed to the Bond Manager at West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, 1900 South 18th Avenue I West Bend, WI 53095 1 Phone: (608) 410-3410 1 Fax; (877) 674-2663 1 www.thesilverlining.com PO Box 1886 —1088 Robertson Circle - Gillette, WY 82717 Tel: 307-682-2063 Fax: 307-682-0977 E-mail info@nisprocess.com June 20, 2023 Proposal # 2023.1016U1.1 Northland Industrial Specialties, LLC is pleased to provide the following proposal for the Hutchinson to Heartland Gas Meter System as specified in your request. Pricing Schedule 1. Firm Price Work Sco a Description Price US Ex �ected Duration Meter Skid Fabrication & See Description in Scope of _Dollars $ 236,101.00 22 Weeks ARO Testing, on followinE pae Filter Skid Fabrication & _§yEpjy See Description in Scrape of $ 150,151.00 22 Weeks ARO Testing Supply on followin a =e Delivery of Both Skids Delivery to Hutchinson MN $ 6,000.00 7-10 Days after completion Area Total of Bid - $ 392,252.00 - 2. Additional Contractor Disclaimers, Terms, Conditions, Notes Disclaimer. Due to supply chain limitations our schedule may shift based on component availability. We will do everything we can to maintain our schedule and yours. Exhibit 4 — Clarifications & Ex�ons Location in RFB Issue Comment The 3 was tuted for the Hutchinson-MDS SK100 had a hod on quotes Eo the afters clarification n fromlJohn Webster, a At the time of quote, m n Sheet 1 of 3 Line 20. SGM4 due to hazardous area stand-alone sample conditioning system approval issue. will be assembled with parts supplied by Owner. Hutchinson-MDS-FL200 Nowata identified the domed The gas filter was quoted with Sheet 1 of 4 Line 37 head as a special -order item Flanged end caps. After discussion with long lead time. with John Webster, this is an acceptable configuration. *Add to table as needed Design Parameters • Flow rate: 15 MMSCFD. • Operating discharge pressure: 1,440 PSI Max. • Fluid: Natural Gas. Major Systems Descriptions Filter Skid Construction 8'-33/4" W x 12'-6%" L skid with four lifting eyes. • 8" x 24# WF beam for main frame. • 6" x 15# WF beam cross -members. • Floor to be 1/4" deck plate (A36). • Surfaces prepared per SSPC-SP3 specifications. Then coated with an acrylic primer and acrylic alkyd enamel paint (White). Filter System Components • (1) Nowata dry gas filter vessel, carbon steel construction, two element, 304 stainless steel internals, 6" 600# RF flanged connections. • (4) 6" 600# RF flanged Balon trunnion mounted ball valve, carbon steel body and ball. • (1) Rosemount 3051 Coplanar differential pressure transmitter, -2000 to 2000 PSI range, Class 1 Division 2, 4- 20mA/HART, with LCD display, coupled with a Rosemount 304 conventional manifold. — filter discharge. • (1) Rosemount 3051 In -line pressure transmitter, 0-4000 PSI range, Class 1 Division 2, 4-20mA/HART, with local operator interface LCD display, coupled with a Rosemount 306 in -line manifold. — inlet line pressure. Piping Installation • (1) Lot of carbon steel welded piping and fittings selected and installed per ANSI B31.3. o System connections to be 6" CL 600# RF flanged. o All necessary threaded ports with required''/2"-1" Bonney Forge threaded gate valve. Meter Skid Construction 8'-33/4" W x 19' — 9 1/8" L skid with four lifting eyes. • 8" x 24# WF beam for main frame. • 6" x 15# WF beam cross -members. • Floor to be 1/4" deck plate (A36). • Surfaces prepared per SSPC-SP3 specifications. Then coated with an acrylic primer and acrylic alkyd enamel paint (White). Meter System Components • (2) Micro Motion CMF300M Elite Coriolis meter, 316 stainless steel construction, 3" 6004 RF flanged connections, Micro Motion 5700 integral mount multivariable flow and density transmitter, dual rated power supply, MODBUS RS485 communications. • (1) Micro Motion SGM3 gas specific gravity meter Class Division 1, 4-20mA + Hart communications (Need MODBUS per DS-FE-302 line 33), 2-line display. • (2) Rosemount 3051 in -line pressure transmitter, 0-4000 PSI range, Class 1 Division 2, 4-20mA communications, with local operator interface LCD display, coupled with a Rosemount 306 in -line manifold. — inlet line pressure. • (2) Rosemount 3144P temperature transmitter, 4-20mA/HART, FM explosion proof, with LCD display, coupled to a Rosemount 214C RFD temperature sensor with an additional test SS thermowell. • (9) 6" 600# RF flanged Balon trunnion mounted ball valve, carbon steel body and ball. • (1) 6" 600# RF flanged Balon swing check valve, carbon steel construction, NACE trim. Piping Installation 0 (1) Lot of carbon steel welded piping and fittings selected and installed per ANSI B31.3. o System connections to be 6" CL 6009 RF flanged. o All necessary threaded ports with required ''/2" to 1" Bonney Forge threaded gate valve. Facility and Pump Control (1) Lot of all required interconnecting conduit and wiring installed per NEC 2023 electrical standards. • (1) Communications junction box mounted on skid. QA/QC Testing • 100% X-Ray on pipe welds • Hydrostatic Testing, 220OPSI for 8 hours. Reviewed by: DRA * * Or Bid Bond Conforms with The American institute of Architects, A.I.A. Document A310 (2010 Edition) CONTRACTOR: (Name, legal status and address) Northland Industrial Specialties, LLC. PO Box 1886 SURETY: (Name, legal status and principal place ofbttsiness) Old Republic Surety Company Gillette, WY 82717 P. O. Box 1635 OWNER: Milwaukee, WI 53201-1635 (Name, legal status and address) City of Hutchinson, MN 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 BOND AMOUNT: 5% Five percent of Amount Bid PROJECT_ (Name, location or address, and Project mrmber, if any) Filter and Meter skids for Hutchinson/HCP Natural Gas Interconnect Station This document her. important legal consequences. Consultation with an attorney is encouraged with respect to Its completion or modification, Anysingularreference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. The Contractor and Surety are bound to the Owner in the amount set forth above, for the payment of which the Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, as provided herein. The conditions of this Bond are such that if the Owner accepts the bid of the Contractor within the time specified in the bid documents, or within such time period as may be agreed to by the Owner and Contractor, and the Contractor either (1) enters into a contract with the Owner in accordance with the terms of such bid, and gives such bond or bonds as may be specified In the bidding or Contract Documents, with a surety admitted in the jurisdiction of the Project and otherwise acceptable to the Owner, for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof; or (2) pays to the Owner the difference, not to exceed the amount of this Bond, between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Owner may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in fill]. force and effect. The Surety hereby waives any notice of an agreement between the Owner and Contractor to extend the time in which the Owner may accept the bid. Waiver of notice by the Surety shall not apply to any extension exceeding sixty (60) days in the aggregate beyond the time for acceptance of bids specified in the bid documents, and the Owner and Contractor shall obtain the Surety's consent for an extension beyond sixty (60) days. If this Bond is issued in connection with a subcontractor's bid to a Contractor, the term Contractor in this Bond shall be deemed to be Subcontractor and the term Owner shall be deemed to be Contractor. When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location of the Project, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. When so furnished, the intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. Signed and sealed this 12th day of May, 2023. No "" and Industrial ecia : s LLC. 0 (Seal) (Witness) 00�� Old Republic Surety Company Surea .. L x Hess —A-A- y�+ s Ysal ORSC 21328 (6111) * OLD REPUBLIC SURETY COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That OLD REPUBLIC SURETY COMPANY, a Wisconsin stock Insurance corporation, does make, constitute and appoint Gloria Fugatt Its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority for and on behalf of the company as surety, to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the company thereto (if a seal is required), bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof, (other than ball bonds, bank depository bonds, mortgage deficiency bonds, mortgage guaranty bonds, guarantees of installment paper and note guaranty bonds, self -Insurance workers compensation bonds guaranteeing payment of benefits, or black lung bonds), as follows: ALL WRITTEN INSTRUMENTS Principal: Northland Industrial Speclaft:es, LLC. Obligee: City of Hutchinson, MN and to bind OLD REPUBLIC SURETY COMPANY thereby, and all of the acts of sold Attomeys-in•Fad, pursuant to these presents, are ratified and confirmed, This appointment is made under and by authority of the board of directors at a special meeting held on February 18, 1982. This Power of Attomey Is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the board of directors of the OLD REPUBLIC SURETY COMPANY on February 18,1982. RESOLVED that, the president, any vice-president or assistant vice president, In conjunction with the secretary or any assistant secretary, may appoint altomeys-in-fact or agents with authority as defined or limited in the Instrument evidencing the appointment In each case, for and on behalf of the company to execute and deliver end affix the seal of the company to bonds, undertakings, recognlzences, and suretyship obligations of all kinds; and said officers may remove any such attornWri-fact or agent and revoke any power of Attorney previously granted to such person. RESOLVED FURTHER, that any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or suretyship obligation shall be valid and binding upon the Company (i) when signed by the president, any vice president or assistant vice president, and attested and sealed (If a seal be required) by any secretary or assistant secretary; or (ii) when signed by the president, any vice president or assistant vice president, secretary or assistant secretary, and countersigned and sealed (if a seal be required) by a duly authorized attorney -in -fact or agent; or (ii) when duly executed and sealed (if a seal be required) by one or more attorneys -In -fact or agents pursuant to and within the limits of the authority evidenced by the Power of Attorney issued by the company to such person or persons. RESOLVED FURTHER that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligations of the company; and such signature and seal when so used shall have the some force and effect as though manually affixed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed this 20th OLD REPUBLIC SURETY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer, and its corporate seal to be _ day of September 2022 a�`p6e BUgp"'W 4d AlwosetSEAL j1£ ,..�.,.�. � net f •8r u Asslatent SearelaV' F V y4qu_N,n m,.n,VJ STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY OF WAUKESHA - SS OLD REPUBLIC SURETY COMPANY ._..."._.�.._.�...._ President._-.._.m.�.,,.�.,.._.___�..�._.__w.. On this 20th day of . Se, tember _ 4 2022 , personally came before me, Alan Pavlic and Karen J Haffner , to me known to be the Individuals and officers of the OLD REPUBLIC SURETY COMPANY who executed the above instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, did severalty depose and say: that they are the said officers of the corporation aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the above instrument is the seal of the corporation, and that said corporate seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said Instrument by the authority of the board of directors of said corporation. _.Notary Public My Commission Expires: Seratember 28, 2026 CERTIFICATE (l;xpiration of notary's commission daes not invalidate this Instrument) 1, the undersigned, assistant secretary of the OLD REPUBLIC SURETY COMPANY, a Wisconsin corporation, CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that the Resolutions of the board of directors set forth In the Power of Attorney, are now in force. a ¢ ¢ 12th May 2023 Signed and sealed at the City of Brookfield, WI this __. mW.-......_- day of—.�.__uu__ , ton / *o ORSO M68 uno� u —Q-y— Aseielant Searstoll