11-1-2023 HUCM Special MeetingMINUTES Special Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission i Wednesday, November 1, 2023 Call to order — 7:30a.m. �Pres,ident Anthony Hanson, called the meeting to order. Members present: President Anthony Hanson, Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Doin Martinez-, Commissioner Robert Wiend�orff; Commissioner Kathy Silivernale; GM! Jeremy Carter- Attorney Marc Sebora 500 2`1111151121! The purpose of the speciail meeting is a continuation, of Uniit 1 LM6000 Discussions from the October 30, 20i23 Special Meeting that was recessed. Mr. Gabrielson started the discussion regarding the Unit 1 LM60010. There is always a risk of fire! with gas turbines, no matter the condition of the hardware, Mr. Gabiriellson stated that Staff would section off an area around the engine during operation that employees could not pass,. Also, since the engine is in an enclosure, this mitigates the potential safety hazard of liberations, or catastrophic failures. Mr., Gabnelson also stated that Staff would like to proceed with fixing the Mid -Shaft and other critical NSR's. Along with the Mid -Shaft that needs to be sent out and tested by a 3rd party for continued use, there is also a Balance Piston which was not on the origina' l�ist but now needs to be sent out and tested. GIM Carter noted that Brian Hulse from IEM Energy Consultants asked GIE if Commercial -Aviation parts can be used. GE does not use Commercial parts, but wi,ll discuss offl!ine and work intemally to see what alvenues can be done. tqvj the "s,print" package. The Sprint package provides an additional 11 MW's of power. The OH�'d unit is a 1998 model and was put into service in 1999. The warranty of the OH'd; unit is I year, could possibly get 2-year warranty on a new unit. Permitting requirements are also being looked into by HUC Staff on replacing the existing PA model with a new unit. =1�70ommenas proceeoing Re 7r1ffMn1%16K fe tIff'07MM and balance pisto,n. If it is deemed that the mid -shaft or balance piston, is, not repalirabli�e and/or new parts cannot be procured then looking at an OHI'd or new engine may be an option. Any costs incurred on improving be valued into the traide- in value on a PC model if that is the only viable option. There was a consensus from the Commission, to, send out the mid -§haft and piiston. Commissioners do not need to be invoilved in every change order and are comfortable I with having Mr, Gia;brilelson and GM Carter make those decisions up to a dollar amount ?.�Iong with, GIVII Carter documenting the charges and providing an update on a, regular basis to the Commissioners. i m rx no -a i with the oil lieak along with GM Carter to give additional updates to the Commission on a regular basils. Motion carried unanimously. There being no furthier business, a moon by Commissioner Cheney, second biy Commissioner Martinez to adjourn the meeting at 811a,m, Motion carried unanimously `-fin-Martinez, Secretary r ATTEST: Anthony Hanson, President 2