10-30-2023 HUCM Special MeetingMINUTES Special Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities, Commission Monday, October 30, 2023 Call to order President Anthony Hanson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Antihiony Hanison; Vice President Matt Cheney', Secretary Dion Martinez; Commissioner Robert Wendori Commissioner Kathy Silvernale; GM Jeremy Carter, Attorney Marc Seboiry GMI Carter and Mr. Gabrielsoin recapped information that was provided at last week's Regular Commission Meeting along with new information that was received from E. Discussion was held on HUC's current PA model moving to a PC model', would emissions/permitting be the same andwould HUIC need to go out to Bid. Mr. Seibora stated going out for bid would not be needed since the generator itself would be the same ,2ndi only a component would be repilaced. An update was given, on the PC option. The PC engine is an Overhauled (OH'd) engine that would be ready to ship in May 2024 with an estimate of 15-251 days for turnkey installation, Costs of the OH'd unit was also discussed along with a new PC engine being available in December as an, option., Consideration on the age of the OH'd unit, costs of what HUC has already put into the Unit, and trade-in value of HUC's current PA model were also discussed Commissioners, would like to have Jeff Fassett review GE's responises andl see if a second opinion is needed. Discussion was held about recessing the meeting. Meeting is recessed until Wednesday, Noivember 1, 2023 at 7:30am, iii 1,111111F.Ril [All 11 1, Don Martinez, Secretary ATTEST: Anthony Hanson, President