10-25-2023 HUCMMINUTES Wednesday, October 25, 2023 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Anthony Hanson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Anthony Hanson; Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Don Martinez; Commissioner Bob Wendorff; Commissioner Kathy Silvernale; GM Jeremy Carter Absent: Attorney Marc Sebora President Hanson noted adding a new business item 8g - Unit 1 LM6000 discussion 1. Conflict of Interest Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion bommissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements Mr. Martig, presented the financial statements, Transmission for the month was over estimated by $133k, which was based on a typical September. G,RE charges HUC based on HUC's usage at GRE's peak. GRE's peak was Labor Day due to the hot weather, however 3M was shut down over Labor Day weekend so HIIUC's usage was lower during that timie. GM Carter noted even though there was a savings of transmission expenses, HUC then lost KWH sales with 3M being down. K,WH load for the month of September was down 6.5%, with Industrial class being down about 13%. 3M was down 3 extra, days from last year due to, additional maintenance that was needed. This equates to a reduction of slightly under 1. 1 M kwh sales. With load being down purchase power was do�wni, HUC did not have to procure off the market. Operating expenses were also down by $1�16K, last year HUIC had higher boiler insurance, purchase of street light materials along with building maintenance in the production facilities. in the Natural Gas Division with 3M being do�wn, CF Sold was also down, Total CF Sold for September was down b96% with Industrial class being down,25.82%; which consisted of 3M being down for 5 days and Minnesota Yeast being down for 2 weeks. Motion by Commissioner Silvernale, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve the Financial Statements. Motion carried unanimously. 01101-mm= c. Human Resources — Angie Radlke 1 . Have a new Employee starting Monday in the Natural Gas Division asa Welder/Service Person. This will bring, HUC back, to full staff. 2. Finalizing Benefits. Looking to have an Open Enrollment meeting for employees mid -November. 3. First round of Union Negiations was last Tuesday, October 17, Follow up negotiation meeting schediulled for Thursday, November 2. 4Jeremy and I are working on draft language for the ESST Policy to make sure HUC will be in compliance for January 1, 2024 deadline. 5. Reminder that the Commissioners wilill need to set a date and time for the General Manager annual review, which can be a separate date or in conjunction with the December reguilar Commission meeting. i 11I 111111 EZ4M! � VAFffq� 1 1111;1 1 ]a yN e, General Manager — Jeremy Carter 1, Working on budget and CIS' 0 a. Review Policies 1, Natural ;as Service Requirements & Changes ii. Temporary Service — Natural Gas iii. Natural Gas Meter Requirements & Placement iv. Meter Testing — Natural Gas v. Natural Gas Service Work vi. Locating Customer's Underground Utilities — Natural Gas bi. Approve Changes None h1111111111111fril w it .............. P111"FrOMONAMITO MUZZ 0 -191AN6121 11 Iloilo, KI Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Silvernalle to Approve Natural Gas Firm Transportation Capacity Agreernent—United Farmers Cooperative. Motion ca,rried unanimously. d. Approve 2023 Audit Services with Conway Deuth & Schmiesing Mr. Martig presented Approval 2023 Audit Services with Conway Deuth & Schmiesing. For flIscal year 2023, Audit Services have increased to $2,8,500. Mr. Martig provided a 1 0-year history for review. oI b� 1Oo,;o pil.1i ',ir � I _JjQiej, secAd b0 A&� Cio,rl IsAiin r Siilveri.2le "'m . e. Approve Setting a Special Budget Workshop Meeting at 2pm on November 29, 202�3 Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve Setting a Special Budget Workshop Meeting at 2pm on November 29, 20otion carried unanimously. f. Approve Rescheduling the December 27, 20�23 Reguilar Commission Meeting to December 20, 2023. Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Rescheduling the December 2i7, 2023 Regular Commission Meeting to December 2iO, 2023. Motion carried unanimously. mot Mr, Gabrielson started the Unit 1 LM6000 Discussion. Currently the tuirbi�ne is at GE waiting for HUC to decide on repairs that GE has identified. There are a list of Non- serviceablie/'Repaiir (NSR's) that do not meet GE"s minimum specs. Mr. Gabrielson recapped an ema,il that was sent to the Commissioners providing backgroundand the pros and cons to 3 options that are available, Along with providing a Mid -Shaft finding update. GM Carter provided additional in ormation on the options. Discussion was also held on time frames, permitting, safety concerns and capacity contracts. GM Carter spoke of additional change orders that may come up and how those should be handled. 4 . . . . . . . WI a 0--l- 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Silvernalle to adjourn the meeting at 3:50p.m. Motion, carried unanimously. o-n Martiinez,Secretary ATTEST: Anthony Hanson,lPresident 0