09-27-2023 HUCMMINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilibes Commission Wednesday, September 27, 2'023 Call to order — 3:00 pmi. President Anthony Hanson, called 'the meeting to order. Members present: President Anthony Hanson; Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Don Martinez, Commissioner Bob Wendorff; Commissioneeiriniale, GM Jeremy Carter, Attorney Marc Seborai 1. Coinflict ofinterest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes, b. �Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements Mr. Martig presented the financial statements. Electric Division Net Income increased by $28K over August 2022 even with reduced sales and sales for resale. PCA for the year is down $70OK; HUC has not charged PCA due to the low prices. Tran;sm,ission costs was over estimated'by $4k. Mr. Marfig also discussed the Work Orders. GM Carter also spoke of the work orders with, the long lead times and cost of materials, Usage/consiumption trends compared to cool ing/heating days and behavioges out inthe community was also discussed. Motion by Commissioner W'endorff , second by CommissionerSilvernale to Approve the Financial Statements. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Communication a. City Administrator- Matthew Jauinich - Absent i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — 1 . Hutchinson Substation 83 MVA Transformer Bid openiing was Sept 7. 4 bid's were received and are being reviewed. Dave H�unstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — Nothing to report iii. Mike Gabrielson, Production Manager 1. Uni�t 1 LIM6000 has been removed 2, 3rd phase of cooling tower will begin the week of October 161 iv, John Webster, Naturail Gas Division Director — Nothing to report c. Human Resources — Angie Radke 1. Starting to work on 20124 benefits 2. Working on Natural Gas Division Weld'ier/Servicei Person poor I3NRZMV1Z= e. General Manager —Jeremy Carter 1 . Provided a City of Hutchinson update — working on budgets and RFP Poo lice Statin 2. Business update email was sent out fl old I Union negotiations will be starting in October 4. Sitting on Working Groups for APPA, Public Power Energy Transition a Evolving Technoogies on Rate Design 5. Budgets and 5 Year CIP is ramping up 6. Working with Dan Lang on looking, ait Ancillary services for the generati units to generate additional revenue. Conversations were held on a Plant Tour along with the Rate Changes that will be on the next bill cycle. Rate changes have been posted on Facebook and HUC Website along with being in the paper and will allso be noted on everyone's bill. 6® Policies a. Review Policies i,. Electric Service Requirements and Charges ii. Temporary Service iii, Temporary Service in Case of Underground Failure iv. Electric Meter Illlacement v. Sealing of Meters vi. Meter Testing vii. Right -of -Way Clearing viii. Tree Removal or Trimming ix. Locating Cus,tomer"s Underground Utilities, b. Approve Changes ii. Security Light Rental — Rate, to Furnish and Maintain Fiixture iii. Rate Schedule — Electric iiiii. Rate Schedule — Natural as Ms. Radke spoke of the policy changes to match what was approved by the City Council and Commission. IMM5 T ter" Changes. Motion carried unanimously. N NNI V. 721 0MR506"ne RTAI VEN (OXIIII IdULur, 1107TUTUrrM IF arraj, Gil" at a capacity factor of 19.4%. For the year 2022 the array operated at a capacity factor, of 18.7%. For the, first 6 months of 2023, the array operated at a capacity factor of 20.9%. Discussion was, held on the mia, in factors as to, why the array is operating better than expected along with the equipment functionality. 4Approve the Amended and Restated Operations and Maintenance Agreement with G,RE - NO gi n e th "e I e"N a 0N-r 1ve.1 a111 11 - ". M 114 M 1 i g c t M M I I 1 1 1 0 -r 1 #1 1 1111, 11 M ! 1 -91 1M I N I 0 - 1 � R I I I ! I I I t MM h oe t i Ao nm eb ny d 0 eod m a mnd iss Rioens etar teCdheOnpeeyr, a st ei o cnosn d a n b dy MC oa min otoced tm e nisas nio c n e e Ar Wg r eee ndmoernfft two iAt h p pG rRov ,E ( .- unanimously. raw-AT*T*Tr*=- Mr., Webster presented Approval of Req#009681 — Construction of a Filter-ITieter Building. The building is a 30'x30'x10' pole style building that is required for the HUC/HCP' Interconnect Station. Haggenmiller Lumber was the lowest quote at $34,255.74. Expenses will be recovered from Heartland Corn Products upon completion of the project. III NXKLIMI 11�11 mail] ISME (024 t;IIIII&I 0101 an IN111111 9 Station, HLIC must have a Hot Tap performed on, the Hutc,hinson's, 12," diameter pipeline. Motion by Commissioner Silvernale, second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve Req#009667 — Hot Tap of Transmission Line to TDW (US) Inc. Motion carried unanimously. e. Approve Req#0096ody for 2023 Service Vehicle Mr. Webster presented Approval of Reqi#009682 — Utility Service Body for 2023 Service Vehicle. The utility body will be installed on the 2023/24 Chevrolet 3500 Cab and Chassis that was ordered in the Spring of 2022 Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by, Commissioner Wendorff to Approve Req#009682' — Utility Service Body for 20123: Service Vehiclei, Motion carried unanimously. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Martinez, second Iby Commissioner Cheney to adjourn the meeting at 3:32p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 'ILI on Martinez, Secretaiy ATTEST,� Anthony Hanson, President IV