09-26-23 Workshop (Ends Statements-Core Values Document)HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2023 - 4:00 PM
1. Call to Order
Mayor Forcier called the workshop to order at 4:00 p.m. Members present included Tim Burley,
Pat May, Dave Sebesta and Chad Czmowski. Others present were: Matt Jaunich, City
Administrator, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and other city directors.
2. Ends Statements/Core Values Document
Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich noted that today's
workshop is to review and update the City's Ends Statements/Core Values document. Mr.
Jaunich noted that the Ends Statements is a current document that went into effect in 2010 and
was last revised in 2014. Ends Statements come from the Policy Governance system of
organizational governance. They are basically a set of goals that designate the results for which
the City exists and help drive the mission and vision of the City.
When these were last reviewed, it was decided that mainly terminology needed to be changed
such as Mission Statement vs. Global Statement and Core Values vs. Ends Statements. It was
also discussed that a housing section should be added to the Core Values document as well as to
add the Vision Statement. Council Members suggested a minor change in the Mission Statement
revising "out -state Minnesota cities" to "regional centers". Mr. Jaunich then reviewed each
section of the Ends, which will now be entitled Core Value Statements. These Core Value
Statements include:
1. Public Safety — no suggested changes/additions by Council Members.
2. Health and Recreation — Council Member Burley suggested adding language into 2.3.2 to
include mental health; Mayor Forcier suggested adding "citizens" to 2.3.4; Council Member
Sebesta suggested adding language to 2.4 to include businesses.
3. Transportation and Mobility — no suggested changes/additions by Council Members.
4. Economic Development — Mr. Jaunich added a section to address childcare with recruitment
and retention of employees. He also suggested a section related to diversity with businesses.
5. The Environment — no suggested changes/addition by Council Members.
6. Good Government — Based on a conversation held in 2017 following a wage study, Mr.
Jaunich added language to this section to address attracting and retaining quality employees.
7. Housing — Mr. Jaunich added this entire Core Value Focus related to Housing: "The City
will advocate for safe and affordable housing, and encourage collaboration with other
agencies and the private sector to meet community housing needs." 7.1 and 7.2 were
included within this Core Value: 7.1 The city of Hutchinson, along with the HRA, will
encourage programs and projects that will provide a comprehensive approach to addressing
housing availability and affordability so that all can have a safe, secure place to call home.
7.2 Explore the availability of housing programs and projects that will address identified
housing needs of Hutchinson.
Mr. Jaunich suggested in the future perhaps there will be an additional line on the Board Action
Form included in the Council packets that links the action item to a specific Core Value. He also
noted that a Resolution adopting the Core Values will be before the Council at a future meeting.
3. Adjournment
Motion by May, second by Burley, to adjourn the workshop at 4:55 p.m. Motion carried
Gary T. Forcier
Matthew Jaunich
City Administrator