06.20.23 PCM MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June20, 2023 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30P.M. The June 20th, 2023 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Chairman Lofdahl, Vice Chairman Hacker, Commissioner Garberg, Commissioner Wirt, Commissioner Sebesta, and Commissioner Janssen. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Mike Stifter, City Public Works Director, John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora, City Attorney,Andrea Schwartz, City of Hutchinson Planning and Building Specialist. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED April 18, 2023. Motion by Commissioner Hacker to approve April 18, 2023 meeting minutes. Second by Commissioner Fahey. Motion approved. 4. PUBLIC HEARING A. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL PLAT FOR ISLAND VIEW HEIGHTS SEVENTH ADDITION. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Commissioner Jannsen asked why was this not done initially? Mr.Jochum answered, developer probably offered different size lots (this is a guess). Motion by Commissioner Fahey,second by Commissioner Wirt close hearing at 5:37 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Janssento approve the Final Plat with 1staff recommendation. Second by Commissioner Garberg. Mr. Garberg is voting against the item based on noise, mini biffs and general overall. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 06/27/2023. 5. NEW BUSINESS Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission June 20, 2023 Page 2 A. NONE 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. NONE 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF th A. UPCOMING MEETINGS –June 27 will be the Growth Plan Study with City Council. We do not have any applications for next month at this time. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Hackerto adjourn the meeting, second by Commissioner Fahey. Meeting was adjournedat 5:53 p.m.