04-25-2023 Workshop (Maxfield Housing Study)HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL
TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2023, AT 4:00 P.M.
Call to Order — 4:00 p.m.
Mayor Protem Czmowski called the meeting to order. Members present were Pat May,
and Dave Sebesta. Members absent were Gary Forcier and Tim Burley. Others present
were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and other city directors and staff.
1. Review of Maxfield Housing Study
Dan Jochum, Planning/Zoning/Building Director, introduced Matt Mullins of Maxfield
Research. Maxfield Research has conducted many studies for the City of Hutchinson with
the last study being conducted in 2012.
Gary Forcier attended at 4:15 p.m.
Mr. Mullins provided a presentation on the comprehensive housing needs analysis. The
data collected was in the last quarter of 2022 with a draft report being completed in early
2023. The market area was defined as previously used, which included Hutchinson, 13
townships and five cities. This market area will account for about 80% of demand.
Hutchinson's population experienced moderate growth in the past decade or about 8.4%.
Mr. Mullins provided information on a demographic analysis, employment trends, housing
characteristics, rental housing market analysis, senior housing market analysis, for -sale
housing market analysis, housing affordability and a housing needs analysis.
Based on the study conducted, the recommendation is that within the next five -eight years
an additional 245-275 owner -occupied homes are needed (single family and
townhomes/twwnhomes); 260-315 general occupancy units of rental housing is needed
(market rate rental housing and affordable rental housing: and 420-510 senior housing units
are needed. Therefore, approximately 925-1100 units of housing are needed within the
next five -eight years.
Discussion was held on what is considered affordable housing. Mr. Mullins also noted that
detached single-family rental development are the latest hot housing product.
Tim Burley came in attendance at 5:00 p.m.
It was stressed that rental housing is what is needed the most in the community at this time.
Motion by Czmowski, second by May, to adjourn at 5:15 p.m. Motion carried