11.15.22 PCM MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 15, 2022 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The November 15th, 2022 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Chairman Lofdahl, Vice Chairman Hacker, Commissioner Garberg, Commissioner Wirt, Commissioner Sebesta, and Commissioner Janssen. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, City Engineer, John Olson, City Public Works, John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora, City Attorney, Andrea Schwartz, City of Hutchinson Permit Technician and Madison Newcomb, City of Hutchinson Planning and Building Assistant. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED October 18, 2022. Motion by Commissioner Sebesta to approveOctober 18, 2022 meeting minutes. Second by Commissioner Janssen. Motion approved. 4. PUBLIC HEARING A. NONE 5. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR PARKING LOT PLAN LOCATED AT 125 MAIN ST N. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Commissioner Wirt questioned what areas are defined as City parking. Mr. Jochum noted that the City does not own any of the parking area but there is an agreement for parking. It was noted that the City owns a small parcel to the south of the MITGI building. Commissioner Lofdahl asked what the green space would look like. It is proposed to be mostly trees/shrubs. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission November 15, 2022 Page 2 Commissioner Janssen questioned the gates on the side and back of building. These will be gates and not fences to keep public from parking in the back of the building. Commissioner Sebesta asked if the Hassan St intersection would line up with the parking lot entrance. Mr. Jochum answered that the parking lot entrance will not change and this is probably for the better to reduce unwanted traffic through the parking lot. It was noted that The City of Hutchinson does not remove snow in this parking lot. Motion by Commissioner Garberg to approve the Site Plan Review with 3 staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Wirt. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 10/22/2022. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. NONE 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. UPCOMING MEETINGS – One item for the December meeting so far. An apartment building on Michael Ct. Possible CUP for used car lot also. We may be st meeting on December 21. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Sebesta to adjourn the meeting, second by Commissioner Lofdahl. Meeting was adjourned at 5:56 p.m.