10-26-2022 HUCMMINUTES Wednesday, October 26, 2022 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Matt Cheney called the meeting to order. Members present: President Matt Cheney, Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Don Martinez, GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora 1 Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Martinez to Appirove the Consent Agenda. Motion carried uinanimoiusl�y. 3. Approve Financial Statements I GM Carter presented the financial statements. GM Carter provided more in-d'e!pth background on particular items on the Electric Division. Salary and Benefits are trending higherthan in past years due to not capitalizing as much labor; Staff has •Me M. 4. Open Foruim 5. Communication a. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich — 1. Election in 2 weeks b, Di,vis,ions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Nothing to report H. Dave Hunstadi, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — 1. Received EV charger; looking to install NW corner of Civic Arena and Rec Center iii. Mike Gabrielson, Production Manager — 1. Unit I RFP is out for vendors to review 2. Next week Caterpillar staff from Germany will be on site to do warranty work on Unit 6. Week later the oil consumption test will be completed; still part of the retainer iv, John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director- 1 . Provided an update on the Pigging Project. T'D Williamson provided the final reports which showed there are no anomalous issues but Staff will need to, dig 3 spots, blast off the coating and inspect the pipe. Looking to have this completed in November/ December of this year v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager — 1. MRES update. Next year will be going to time of use rates. Starting, in 2024-2027 anticipating a 2.7% increase annually over the: next 4 years 2. MIRES may be in need of capacity and, are looking to partner with member utilities for generation, installation ZROMMOS= e. General' Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Starting Legislative meetings with the ramp -up of elections ii. Continuing to work on CIP and Budgets 6. Policies a. Review Policies i. Electric - Rate Schedule ii. Security Light Rental — Rate to Furnish and Maintain Fixture iii. Electric Service, Requirements & Charges iv. Temporary Service- Electric v. Temporary Service in Case of Underground Failure vi, Electric Meter Placement vii. Sealing of Meters — Electric viii. Meter Testing - Electric ix. Righit-of-Way Clearing 2 x. Tree Removal of Trimming xi, Locating Customer's Underground Utilities — Electric xii. Natural Gas — Rate Schedule xiii. Natural Gas Service Requirements & Charges xiiv, Temporary Service — Natural Gas xv, Natural Gas Meter Requirements & Placement xvi. Meter Testing — Natural Gas xvii. Natural Gas Service Work xviii. Locating Customer's Underground Utilities — Natural Gas 4,. Approve Changes i. Disconnection of Residential Services by, H U Disconnection of Commercial Services by Services by HUIC Policies to now include if no tenant occupies poperty. Along with property cannot be dliscoed or refused if the Tenant pays current month on .?ccount in landord"s name. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve the Policy Changes. Motion carried unanimously, 7. Unfinished Buisiness 8. Flew Business a. Approve Rollover of Northern Natural Gas Transportation Contract No. 21279t I& Mr. Webster presented Approval of Rollover of Northern Natural Gas Transportation Contract No. 21279. HUC maintains 100 Dth/d'ay of capacity on the Northern Natural Gas Company (NNG)i transmission system. Maintaining capacity on the NNGI system provides a secondary supply of natural gas to the City of Hutchinson in the event of a catastrophic failure to the Hutchinson Utilities' natural' gas transmission, line. Fiscal impact is $14K. Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve Rollover of Northern Natural Gas Transportation Contract No. 21279. Motion carded unanimously, b. Approve 2022 Audit Services with, Conway Deuth & Schimiiesing Mr. Martig presented Approval of 2022 Audit Services with Conway Deuth & Schmii'esing. For fiscal year 2022, Audit Services have increased over $25K,which now require the approval of the Commission. Mr, Martig provided a 10-year history for review. III W 40Y.PWIDNIMI ALVALOTERAT711111MR91 071-FrA NO 2101111118 [ollif P EM= Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve Digger Derrick Repair. Motion carried unanimously. d, Approve Req#009358 — Design of HCP Interconnect. Mr. Webster presented Approval of Req#009358 — Design of HCP Interconnect. Mr. gas directly to HCP which willi requiire an interconnect station to be designed, itted and constructed. The location has somewhat been pinned down and HCP perml is securing easements. H'CP's intention is to begin transporting natural gas on Hutchinson's piipeline as of October 1,2023. Willi be working with WSB for the design of the station. Discussion, was held on the legal paperwork that should be receiived stating that HCP will pay HUC reimbursement of costs along with ex�pectations of reimbursement. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve Req#009358 — Design of H�CP Interconnect and any necessary legal paper work to ti:e out. Motion carried unanimously. e. Discuission/Appiroval of Rescheduling the November 30, 2022 and December 28,202i2 Regular Commission Meetings if needed. Ms. Radke will send an email out to aCommissioners regarding the November Regular scheduled meeting to see if a reschedule will be needed'. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 3:48p.m. Motion carried unanimously, ATTEST: Matt Cheney, President 4 Don Martinez, Secretary