09-28-2022 HUCMMINUTES
Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Call to order — 3:00 p.m.
President Matt Cheney called the meeting to order. Members present: President Matt
Cheney; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Don Martinez; Commissioner Robert
Wendorff; Commissioner Kathy Silvernale; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora
1. Conflict of Interest
2. Approve Consent Agenda
a. Approve Minutes
b. Ratify Payment of Bills
Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Silvernale to Approve
the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Approve Financial Statements
Mr. Martig presented the Financial Statements. Electric Division Salaries and
Benefits were up due to accruing some wages back and charged less to work orders.
Operating Expense up by $86K; $50K parts for unit 1 and $35K distribution on
transformers and lines. Watching interest rates; pulled out most of the savings at
Home State Bank and moved it to Citizens Bank which has about a 2% interest rate
Motion by Commissioner Silvernale, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve
the Financial Statements. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Open Forum
5. Communication
a. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich —
1. Early voting has started for the upcoming election which can be done at
the City Center
2. Leaf Vacuuming Service starts Oct 11
3. Wrapping up street projects
4. Provided PD update
b. Divisions
i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Nothing to report
ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — Nothing to
iii. Mike Gabrielson, Production Manager — Nothing to report
iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director —
1. Heartland Corn Transmission Line Project Update
v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager — Nothing to report
c. Human Resources — Angie Radke —
i. Continuing to work on 2023 health and dental insurance
d. Legal — Marc Sebora — Nothing to report
e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter
i. Working on 2023 Operating & Capital budget costs — looking at having
preliminary Workshop in November
ii. Missouri River— upgraded bond rating from AA3 to AA2 —refinancing $50M
in debt
iii. MRES Area meeting in Alexandria the last week of October
6. Policies
a. Review Policies
i. After Hours Reconnection Policy
ii. Landlord Acknowledgement
iii. Inserts with Utility Bills
iv. Identity Theft — Red Flag Program
v. MN Government Data Practices Act & Public Records Request
No changes recommended at this time.
b. Approve Changes
i. Travel Expenses — Exempt
ii. Travel Expenses — Non -Exempt
Ms. Radke spoke of the changes to the Travel Expenses Policies to now include
gratuity reimbursement to not exceed 20% of the bill and to be included in the daily
maximum meal allowance.
Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Martinez to approve the
Policy Changes. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
a. Approve Req#009328 — City of Hutchinson LED Street Lights 2022
Mr. Hunstad presented Approval of Req#009328 — City of Hutchinson LED Street
Lights 2022. Requisition is for the second year of LED fixtures that are scheduled
for delivery in February.
Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve
Req#009328 — City of Hutchinson LED Street Lights 2022. Motion carried
9. Adjourn
There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by
Commissioner Silvernale to adjourn the meeting at 3:17p.m. Motion carried
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Cron Martinez, Secret *y
Matt Cheney, President