12-15-2021 BPAC
Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, December 15th, 2021 @ 3:00 p.m.
Depot Farmers Market Building
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Mark Hanneman, Michelle Kiefer, Dave May, Pat May (Council Rep)
Others Present: John Olson, Sara Witte, Brett Nelson (SHIP)
Absent: Deb Card, Kent Exner (City Engineer), Lynn Neumann (PRCE Director)
1. Review of last meeting minutes – June 2021 Motion to approve made by Pat May,
seconded by Dave May.
2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness
a) Bike/Walk to Work/School- No Update
b) Bike Rides/Events- Michelle was at Tour of Saints- St. Joseph, Mankato River ramble
event did happen this year as well
c) Friends of Luce Line- No Update
d) SHIP-Brett-Funding of $2-3K for 2022 for Hutchinson- review of acceptable projects
SHIP funded this year for ISD#423 a Bike Fix It Station, along with 6 Spike Ball sets
e) Walk, Bike, Fun program updates-Michelle – Both one HHS & MS PE teachers are
trained in the WBF curriculum. Dawn & Deb used Bike MN fleet of bikes for one
week in the fall.
Conversation was had on possibly looking into a MNDOT grant for Hutchinson to have a
Bike Fleet that could be shared among the school, Community Ed., Hutchinson Health,
etc. A fleet of bikes usually consists of 20-30 bikes for 3/4 graders on up
Michelle will try to locate a copy of a MNDOT completed grant submission
3. Trail Counts
Physical counting was conducted at Eheim first part of July. Numbers will be tallied
during the winter months and shared with the group
Sara is researching new trail counting equipment since the current TrafX trail counting
equipment is out of date and the docking system does not work.
Lynn & Sara will look for other sources to possibly fund
replacement equipment
Brett obtained two MNDOT counters for data collection at Bluff and Oddfellows areas
late August until beginning of September
4. Trail Projects
2021: HAWK crossing completed- Bike Sharro markings did not get done as paint
supplies were limited and unavailable
John Olson spoke on 2022 projects:
Linden to Grove-new trail replacing 6’ sidewalk
Improvements to trail along Sunset St. SW
Dakota rail trail corridor
*Please let John know of any maintenance issues-needed crack filling, etc.
5. Street Crossings/Bike racks
Hwy 7 & Montana update- HAWK system-Completed. Michelle’s hope would still be to
get a bike train from the neighborhood north of the crossing to go
to Park Elementary
At the June meeting Deb Card had brought up concern of McDonald Dr. and HHS
parking lot for a crosswalk-conversation was had that there are no
pedestrian facilities on the west side along McDonald Dr and until
a sidewalk/trail is installed
Check on the Safe Routes to School plan to see if that area was even noted
6. Committee Goals for 2022:
*Group wants to see the Bike/Walk to school events (May & October) happen again as in
years past- start conversations with district-possibly talk with Doug Hanneman as he was
involved pre- COVID
*Trail Lighting review- Luce Line behind sanctuary and Linden Park loop. Look at
different styles and obtain quotes
*Rotary/JC/Hutchinson Health- bike helmet giveaway, family event
7. Misc:
John Hassinger’s second term expired in August. Suggestions were given. Sara will
follow up on.
Bike Rentals/unique rentals along Luce Line- Submission into City Information/Park
board member: Bike/Ped group does like the idea of the “street strider" trail ellipticals or
something different that could be used on the trail, but will need to research costs
NEXT MEETING: March 16, 2022 @ 3:00 p.m.
Depot Farmers Market Building