09-21-2022 BPAC CITY OF HUTCHINSON Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee st Wednesday, September 21, 2022 @ 3:00 p.m. Oddfellows Park Shelter Meeting Minutes Members present: Deb Card, Dave May, Pat May (Council Rep.) Others Present: Sara Witte, John Olson Absent: Mark Hanneman, Michelle Kiefer, Lynn Neumann 1. Review of last meeting minutes – June 2022 Motion to approve made by Pat M., seconded by Deb C. 2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness th a) Bike/Walk to Work/School- Fall event with Park Elementary is on Oct. 5, 2022 to include School Board members, ISD423 Superintendent and Administrative Staff b) Bike Rides/Events- No one attended any organized rides this summer. Mankato River Ramble coming up in October c) Friends of Luce Line- No news d) SHIP-Brett-Glencoe received a community grant to do a demonstration project from the Glencoe hospital to the downtown area. This demo project will happen in September 2022- Brett was absent from meeting, but can update the group in December on how the demonstration went e) Walk, Bike, Fun program updates-Deb – The new Bike Fleet bikes are being used by HHS and HMS students and being stored at the high school. Training is taking place th on October 19- Deb said there might be a couple teachers interested in attending and will get in touch with Brett 3. Trail Counts th Physical Counting at Eheim took place in July 14-16-19 2022. Spreadsheet was shared with the data comparing previous years. Thank you again to those that volunteered to help with this activity! 4. Trail Projects 2022: Dale to Sunset St. SW is complete New ped crossing to be looked at Century and Sunset Cement is going to be looked at for future trail projects *Please let John know of any maintenance issues-needed crack filling, etc. Infrastructure Fund is on hold until Federal project payments are received 5. Street Crossings/Bike racks/Repair Stations/Etc. Lynn will talk with Chief Gifferson on bike racks for the new police station Discussion was also had about signage to promote walkers/bikers on School Rd. to use the Museum tunnel instead of the intersection crosswalk 6. Committee Goals for 2022: Bike Fleet Project- bikes and helmets are being used, trailer design is being worked on. Roll out of complete Fleet is set for spring 2023 Trail Lighting- 2022 demo project on School Rd. bridge th Bike & Blade Event- was held on Monday June 13 @ Library Square- the group felt like the event was a success and will plan to participate next year. Sara will reach out to the JC’s to let them know. 7. Misc: Open Position to Fill: Tracy at Hutchinson Health is interested and will complete an application Bike Rentals/unique rentals along Luce Line- Put on hold as the Bike Fleet project is being worked on. Also, PRCE is revisiting the Paddle Sport operation. John O. mentioned the Trails plan needs to be reviewed-will ask for input from this committee NEXT MEETING: December 21, 2022 @ 3pm @ Depot Farmers Market building