06-15-2022 BPAC CITY OF HUTCHINSON Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee th Wednesday, June 15, 2022 @ 3:00 p.m. Oddfellows Park Shelter Meeting Minutes Members present: Mark Hanneman, Michelle Kiefer, Deb Card, Dave May Others Present: Lynn Neumann (PRCE Director), Sara Witte, Brett Nelson (SHIP) Absent: Pat May (CC Rep), Kent Exner (City Engineer), John Olson (PW) 1. Review of last meeting minutes ā€“ March 2022 Motion to approve made by Mark H, seconded by Deb C. 2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness th a) Bike/Walk to Work/School- State Walk/Bike to School day is set for Wed. May 4. Both Park Elementary and New Discoveries participated- over 100 kids total. Both the Fire & Police Chief participated, along with Mayor Forcier and Hutchinson th Health President Jim Lyons. Group consensus is to try for a Fall event on Oct. 5, 2022 to include School Board members. b) Bike Rides/Events- Lots of events coming up this summer: Tour of Saints, St. Paul Classic, Mankato River Ramble, Tour De Tonka c) Friends of Luce Line- Dakota Rail trail project put on hold d) SHIP-Brett-Glencoe received a community grant to do a demonstration project from the Glencoe hospital to the downtown area. This demo project will happen in September 2022. e) Walk, Bike, Fun program updates-Deb ā€“ Bike MN fleet of bikes was used this spring. Deb will talk with Rhoda about going through the program and Lynn will talk with Bonnie Hahn at Park. 3. Trail Counts New cameras will get placed along the Luce Line this summer to track counts. th Physical Counting at Eheim will take place again in July 12-14-16 2022. Will need volunteers to help on those evenings and Saturday morning. 4. Trail Projects 2022: Linden to Grove-new trail replacing 6ā€™ sidewalk Improvements to trail along Sunset St. SW (early May) *Please let John know of any maintenance issues-needed crack filling, etc. Infrastructure Fund is on hold until Federal project payments are received 5. Street Crossings/Bike racks/Repair Stations/Etc. Committee members have commented on the great use of the Hwy 7/Montana HAWK crossing and hope that more people continue to use it as a safe place to cross Lynn will talk with Chief Gifferson on bike racks for the new police station Discussion was also had about signage to promote walkers/bikers on School Rd. to use the Museum tunnel instead of the intersection crosswalk 6. Committee Goals for 2022: Bike Fleet Project- bikes, trailer and helmets have all been purchased. Next step is to come up with lettering/logos for the trailer. Trail Lighting- 2022 demo project on School Rd. bridge th Bike & Blade Event- was held on Monday June 13 @ Library Square- the group felt like the event was a success and will plan to participate next year. Sara will reach out to the JCā€™s to let them know. 7. Misc: Open Position to Fill: Suggestions were given to reach out to Hutchinson Health or Ridgewater- Sara will follow up with this. Bike Rentals/unique rentals along Luce Line- Put on hold as the Bike Fleet project is being worked on. Also, PRCE is revisiting the Paddle Sport operation. BIRDZ scooters- Lynn will send additional info out to the group st NEXT MEETING: September 21, 2022 @ 3pm @ TBD Park Location