03-16-2022 BPAC CITY OF HUTCHINSON Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee Wednesday, March 16th, 2022 @ 3:00 p.m. Depot Farmers Market Building Meeting Minutes Members present: Mark Hanneman, Michelle Kiefer, Deb Card Others Present: John Olson, Sara Witte, Brett Nelson (SHIP) Absent: Dave May, Pat May (CC Rep), Kent Exner (City Engineer), Lynn Neumann (PRCE Director) 1. Review of last meeting minutes – December 2021 Motion to approve made by Mark H, seconded by Deb C. 2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness th a) Bike/Walk to Work/School- State Walk/Bike to School day is set for Wed. May 4. Sara has an email into Dan Olberg for an event leading to Park Elem. Both the Fire & Police Chief are willing to participate. Deb will talk with Nikki Juergensen (PE teacher @ Tiger Elem) about pairing up with th her 6 hour HHS aerobics class to do something to support the day. Maybe a walk around the school campus? b) Bike Rides/Events- No Update c) Friends of Luce Line- Planning an Earth Day clean up event along the trail Saturday rd April 23. Bags/gloves can be picked up at the Recreation Center. Contact the Friends of the Luce Line group if you or anyone you know is interested in participating. DNR Staff will collect bags of litter that following Monday. d) SHIP-Brett-Funding of $25K for 2022 for Bike Fleet Project. Brett, Sara & Lynn have met on the project and working on obtaining quotes and additional funding. Deb mentioned that the Elks would possibly fund something on the Bike Fleet project. e) Walk, Bike, Fun program updates-Michelle/Deb – Dawn & Deb are going to use the Bike MN fleet of bikes this spring. CJ from Bike MN was out the end of February and held a bike maintenance class with Dawn, Deb and Pete Travis (MS PE teacher). 3. Trail Counts New TrafX counters will be supported by grant dollars from Hutchinson Health -Health and Well Being community program. Counters will be ordered in the next week for implementation along the three locations in June: Bluff, Eheim and Oddfellows/Museum tunnel Physical Counting at Eheim will take place again in July 2022. Sara will ask for volunteers at our next meeting in June. 4. Trail Projects 2022: John Olson spoke on 2022 projects: Linden to Grove-new trail replacing 6’ sidewalk Improvements to trail along Sunset St. SW (early May) *Please let John know of any maintenance issues-needed crack filling, etc. Infrastructure Fund is on hold until Federal project payments are received 5. Street Crossings/Bike racks/Repair Stations/Etc. Sharros to be done this year. The hope is to do at least ½ and prioritize the ones that did not get done in 2021- due to the paint shortage Solar Lighting project with HUC along School Rd. Bridge (4 to be installed this summer) PW will monitor how these preform and possibly order more for locations along other trails in the community down the road. 6. Committee Goals for 2022: Bike Fleet Project- see item 2d Bike/Walk to School- see item 2a Trail Lighting- see item 5 th Bike & Blade Event- set for Monday June 13 @ Library Square- Sara will keep the group updated. Friends of the Luce Line wants to participate as well. 7. Misc: Open Position to Fill: John Hassinger’s second term expired in August. Sara followed up with Bev @ Common Cup and suggestions were given. A connection with a larger business in our community was talked about. Mark H. suggested a 3M individual- he will follow up and keep the group updated. Bike Rentals/unique rentals along Luce Line- Put on hold as the Bike Fleet project is being worked on. Also, PRCE is revisiting the Paddle Sport operation. Civil Air Patrol – will have a training facility at airport. This will be additional people/events to the community that will more than likely be utilizing our trail/park system. th NEXT MEETING: June 15, 2022 - 3:00 p.m. @TBD Park Location