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10-24-2022 SAM
Senior Advisory Board Minutes
October 24, 2022
Present: Al Barkeim, Connie Dahl, Rhonda Schwarze, Julie Jensen, Mike Becker,
Randy Kandt, Jeannette Meyer, Dave Husfeldt,
City Staff: Jenny Behrendt, John McRaith, Lynn Neumann
Absent: None
I. The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by chairperson Rhonda Schwarze.
II. Secretary’s Report: The minutes from last month’s meeting were reviewed. Jeannette
made a motion to approve the minutes with a second from Al. The motion passed.
III. Monthly Sales Review: Card sales amounted to $60 for the month of September and
another $6 was brought in from the sale of pot holders. The tour also netted $99.75
for October.
IV. Old Business
A. None.
VI. Business
A. Senior Center Tours- Julie reported that the visit to the Minnesota History
Theater to see a presentation on Buddy Holly followed by a buffet lunch at
Joseph’s Grill sold out. This was also the case for the upcoming November 8
tour to the Old Log Theater to see “Once Upon A Mattress”. The final offering
for this year is a December 10 excursion to the Paramount Theater in St. Cloud
for a presentation of “White Christmas” and a chance to dine at the Coyote
Moon Grill. We will be advertising soon for a January 25 visit to Cold Spring
to enjoy some music involving performers from Branson. Valentine’s Day will
bring a trip to the Ives Auditorium in Bloomington for a Beatles review.
B. Update on Programs- The movie for October was “Dog”. Twenty people
attended the screening. The plan is to show “Elvis” in November. A movie is
presented on the third Wednesday of the month at 10:00a and 1:00p. An AARP
driving class was held with 12 people attending. A couple sets of the bean
bag/corn hole game have been purchased for the Senior Center. We’ll need to
determine a good time to have them set up in the facility. Jenny has had several
requests for a DECKO party so that may take place sometime during the
Christmas season.
C. Other- Jeannette will be leaving the Senior Advisory Board at the end of this
year. Jenny will check with Melissa Starke on the status of the other board
members. Suggestions for additions to the board should be brought to the
November meeting.
VI. Adjournment: Connie made a motion to adjourn at 10:22 am with a second from Al.
The motion passed. The next scheduled meeting of the Senior Advisory Board will
be Monday, November 28 at 10:00am.
John McRaith, Secretary