06-22-2022 HUCMMINUTES
Regiular Meeting - Hutchinson Utilities Commission
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Call to order - 3:00, p.m.
President Matt Cheney called the meeting to order. Members present: President
Matt Cheney; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Commissioner Robert Wendorff;
Commissioner Kathy Silvernale, G,M Jeremy Carter
Absent: Secretary Don Martinez; Attorney Marc Sebora
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Conflict of Interest
-2. Approve Consent Agenda
a. Approve Minutes
b. Ratify Payment of Bills
3. Approve Financial Statements
Mr. Martig presented the Financial Statements, In June invested $5M in short-term
CD's ($1M) and Tre,asuries,($4M). Electric Division did not have a Power Cost
Adjustment in May, may start charging in June.,
Motion by Commissioner Silvernale, second by Commissioner Hanson to approve
the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Open Forum
5. Communication,
a. City Administrator - Matthew Jauinich - Absent
b. Divisions
I. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager - Absent
ii. Dave, Hun:stad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager -
1. Construction Season 2nd Ave, North Highway 15
2. Routine maintenance at HTI substation
iii. Mike Gabrielson, Production Manager -
1. Run season
iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director -
1. Performed a preliminary reviews iew of 4 sites proposed by Heartland
Corn Products for Pipeline Interconnect Station
v. Jared Martigi, Financial Manager - Nothing to report
c. Human Resources — Brenda EwiAbsent
— Angie Radke
i. Hired a Welde�r/Service Person position in the Natural Gas Del
d�. Legal — Marc Sebora — Absent
e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter
i. Reviewed Emergency Load Shed Event
6. Policies
a. Review Policies
i. Section 6 of Exempt Handbook
ii, Section 6 of Non-Exemipt Handbook
b. Approve Changes,
No changes
7. Unfinished Business
8. N�ew Business
a. Approve Requisition #9187 — Re -Tubing of Aux Boller at Plantl
Mr. Gabriel on presented Approval of Requisition #9187 Re -Tubing of Aux Boiler
Plant 2. Staff recommends using Twin Cities Boiler Repair, Inc (TCBR). TCBR
guarantees the use of OEM Manufacturer replacement tubes and understands
the scope of the work.
A motion by Commissioner Wendolrff, second by Commissioner Hanson to
Approve Requisition #918,7 — Re -Tubing of Aux Boiler at P'lant 2. Motion carried
at Plant 1. This is phase 2 of the Asbestos Abatement project. Replacement of
the windows and frames is a better option of removing, cleaning and re -installing
the ex�i�isting window and frames. The new windows will provide energy efficiency,
is an estimated savings of $30K in asbestos abatement removal on existing
windows and frames and has a better coordination and timing on the Asbestos
Abatement project.
A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Silvernale to
Approve Requisition #9199 — Replacement Windows at Pilant 1 . Motion carried
c. Approve Requisition #9200 — Soil Corrections of Parking Lot and South Side of
Plant 1
Mr. Gabrielsoin presented Approval of Requisition #920O - Soil Corrections of
Parking Lot and South Side of Plant 1. Looking to remove old filil and replace with
crushed granite in the main parking lot, south side of the plant and switch gear
buildings. This will help correct the slope to get water away from the building and
switch gear buildings and fix basement waterissues.
A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Silvernale to
Approve Requisition #9200 — Soil Corrections of Parking Lot and South Side of
Plant 11 . Mobon carded unanimously.
d. Approve Dynasty Power Tolling Agreement
GM Carter presented Approval of Dynasty Power Tolling Agreement. GM Carter
recapped conversations from workshop about finalizing another tolling agr,eement
similar to the one entered back in 2015.
A motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Hanson to
Approve Dynasty, Power Tolling Agreement. Motion carded unanimously.
e. Approve Advertisement for Bids, - Generator Removal
GM Carter presented Approval of Advertisement for Bids — Generator Removal.
GM mmi;!sion mieetiny and Board
approval of disposing the 3 old generators in Plant 1 (Unit #3, Unit #4, and Uinilit
A motion by Commissioner Silvernale, second by Commissioner Wendlorff to
Approve Advertisement for Biidator Removal. Motion carried
f. Approve DER Resolution, for Interconnection Process
Mr. Hunstad presented Approval of DER Resolution for Interconnection Process.
Currently HUC already has a process that was, adopted in 2018. Since that time
Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association has updated the process. HUC now
needs to approve the updated process. This interconnection process document is
designed to be custolmer-centric when expilaining the steps and details to
interconnect DER systems to the distribution grid.
A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Silvernale to
Approve DER Resolution for Interconnection Process. Motion carried
g. Adopt DER Resolution Tariff
Mr. Hunstad presented Adoption of DER, Resolution Tariff. This is in relation to
item number 8f and needs to updated as well.
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Mr. Gabnelson presented Requisition #9212 — Removal of Asbestos at Plant 1
This is phase 1 of the Asbestos Abatement project. Asking for Board approval to
remove asbestos in the window glazing, wall ring insulation and units 3 & 4
Exhaust insulation at Plant 1.
A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to
Approve Requisition, #9212 - Removal of Asbestos at Plant 1, Motion carried
9. Adjourn
There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Silvernia,le, second by
Commissioner Hanson, to adjourn the meeting at 3:56p.m. Motion carried
M6tt Cheney, Presid'ent