08-10-2022 HUCM Special Meeting�MINUTES S�.Q,ci2l Meetilft — YYtCXjA%N.#1A Witil�es G*mmissi- Wednesday, August 10, 2022 Call to order — 7:45 a.mi. President Matt Cheney called the meeting to, order, Members present: President Matt Cheney; Vice, President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Don Mlartinez; Commissioner Robert Wendorff; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora so - Mem The purpose of the special meeting is to approve the Sterling Energy Contract for Removal of Units 3, 4 and 8. I Mr. Gabrielson presented the Sterling Energy Contract for Removal', of Units 3, 4 and 8. HUC had a bid opening on July 8, 2022 for removal of the units and only Sterling Energy submitted a bi'idii. The bid received was, for $2500 a,log with paying for the cost of removal; which is savi,ng H�UC $625�K-$700K in capital costs. If approved, Sterling Energy will come and remove the two Worthington Units 3 and 4 and the GE Turbine! Unit 8, out of P'lanit 1 which will be planned in phases. AMR# 072 M ON, I a, - is 111 In, .99, a owl 14 1 011 me I N ffiffl owl - al- 6111�10 0 1 WON on, 0 M, I OR 1111040M 11 44 110 111 *01N. ON, 1104. MINOR-, W!"fir-111 91 I's K`Q 11121--VA121 durzagolnolliustalsi 111repiff - A GM Carter noted this was a budgeted item in 2023 for $62547010K and will now be removed. ffooky rl IM(WgAl [mill 0211 rm 1jr-mill 0 IrawRougg I MAJ14141612awl 1, IM mile Don! Martinez, Secretary ATTEST: Matt Cheney, resident