05-25-2022 HUCMMINUTES
Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Call to order — 3:00 p.m.
President Matt Cheney called the meeting to order. Members present: President Matt
Cheney; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Don Martinez; Commissioner Robert
Wendorff; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora
Absent: Commissioner Kathy Silvernale
1. Conflict of Interest
2. Approve Consent Agenda
a. Approve Minutes
b. Ratify Payment of Bills
Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Hanson to approve the
Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Approve Financial Statements
GM Carter presented the Financial Statements. Electric Division is trending well.
KW H Sold was down 1 % from prior month, and up 1 % YTD. Nearly all expense
categories increased. GM Carter reviewed the different areas and what contributed
to the increase; which include Natural Gas Contract to hedge, RATA and stack
testing, and the pigging project. Natural Gas Division net income decreased by
$26,521. Usage and revenue were both up due to much colder temperatures but
higher gas prices led to a much larger increase in purchased gas.
Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Hanson to approve
the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Open Forum
5. Communication
a. City Administrator— Matthew Jaunich —
i. Aquatic Center opens next week
ii. Police Department is moving along
b. Divisions
i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager —
1. Reviewed Results of Transmission Study
ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager —
1. Construction Season
2. Starting reconductor projects next week
iii. Mike Gabrielson, Production Manager —Absent
iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director —
1. Last week TD Williamson was here. There were 2 in -line inspection runs
that were done; Run #1 received 100% of the data, Run #2 provided
only 80 percent of data- this run will be performed again on June 27th
and 28tn
2. Pipeline Safety Audit was just completed today
v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager - Absent
c. Human Resources — Brenda Ewing- Absent
— Angie Radke
i. Continuing to work on the Welder/Service Person position in the Natural
Gas Dept
d. Legal — Marc Sebora —
i. Nothing to Report
e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter
i. Legislative Update
ii. Discussion was held on MISO Load Shedding
6. Policies
a. Review Policies
i. Section 5 of Exempt Handbook
ii. Section 5 of Non -Exempt Handbook
No changes recommended at this time.
b. Approve Changes
i. Pregnancy and Parenting Leave Policy Exempt & Non -Exempt
1. Adding the word Leave behind FMLA — FMLA by itself is the act.
Clarifying that it is a FMLA Leave.
2. Under a new law that took effect this year, Employers are now required
to provide Nursing mothers with paid breaks vs unpaid breaks. Updating
the policy to match. Would also be updating the title to the word "Paid"
vs "Unpaid"
ii. Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) Policy Exempt & Non -Exempt
1. Adding the word Leave behind FMLA — FMLA by itself is the act.
Clarifying that it is a Family and Medical Leave Act Leave
Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Martinez to approve the
Pregnancy and Parenting Leave Policy and FMLA Policy for both Exempt and Non -
Exempt. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
a. Approve Disposal of Surplus Property at Plant #1
GM Carter presented Approval of Disposal of Surplus Property at Plant #1. These
are miscellaneous pieces that are not being used. GovDeals will be used to try
and sell the equipment.
A motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Wendorff to
Approve Disposal of Surplus Property at Plant #1. Motion carried unanimously
b. Declare a Special Meeting for HUC's Cost of Service Study Workshop Being
Held on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at 11:00a.m. at Hutchinson Event Center,
1005 Hwy 15 South, Plaza 15, Hutchinson, MN
Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Martinez to Approve
Setting a Special Meeting for HUC's Cost of Service Study Workshop Being Held
on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at 11:00a.m. at Hutchinson Event Center, 1005 Hwy
15 South, Plaza 15, Hutchinson, MN. Motion carried unanimously.
c. Approve Rescheduling the June 29, 2022 Regular Commission Meeting to
June 22, 2022
Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Wendorff to
Approve Rescheduling the June 29, 2022 Regular Commission Meeting to June
22, 2022. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Adjourn
There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by
Commissioner Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 3:42p.m. Motion carried
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