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07-25-2022 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes July 25, 2022 Present: Al Barkeim, Connie Dahl, Rhonda Schwarze, Julie Jensen, Mike Becker City Staff: Jenny Behrendt, John McRaith Absent: Dave Husfeldt, Randy Kandt, Jeannette Meyer I. The meeting was called to order at 10:07am by chairperson Rhonda Schwarze. II. Secretary’s Report: The minutes from last month’s meeting were reviewed. No corrections were brought forward. Connie made a motion to approve the minutes with a second from Mike. The motion passed. III. Monthly Sales Review: Card sales amounted to $61.20 for the month of April and another $15 was brought in from the sale of dish cloths. IV. Old Business A. Flag Pole Plaque- We are still waiting for the stone to be delivered. It is now scheduled to arrive sometime in the next few weeks. If it continues to be delayed we may look for a different stone of the same cost. VI. Business th A. Senior Center Tours- Julie reported that the June 29 trip to the St. Paul Saints game was well received by the participants. The bus coming back was delayed due to one person getting lost upon exiting the stadium. A cruise down the St. th Croix river took place on July 13. The weather was good and the meal at the th Afton House Inn was excellent. August 29 is our annual visit to the State Fair th on Senior Day. A September 15 tour is scheduled to visit the Minnesota Arboretum and will feature an open-air trolley ride and a flower pot lunch. A visit to the Minnesota History Theater to see a presentation on Buddy Holly th followed by a buffet lunch at Joseph’s Grill is set for October 6. B. Update on Programs- Jenny reported that the kayaking group went out last week th and has another event scheduled for this Wednesday, July 27. The movie for July was “Midway” with 25 people in attendance. “King Richard”, the true story of the tennis stars Serena and Venus Williams will be the featured movie for August. An AARP July driving class was held with 20 people attending. The foot care clinic is up and running again. More seniors are taking advantage of a free one-day pass to try out the fitness swim time at the Water Park. Volunteers are still needed for the Book and Puzzle Sale scheduled for August thth 29 and 30. C. Other- One board member asked whether there was any new information on the sale of the Event Center. Jenny told the board that nothing further has been decided at this time but that we should plan on being at the Center for the foreseeable future. VI. Adjournment: Mike made a motion to adjourn at 10:38am with a second from Connie. The motion passed. The next scheduled meeting of the Senior Advisory th Board will be Monday, August 29 at 10:00am. John McRaith, Secretary