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HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2022 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS ('The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: Citypolicy andpractices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections 2. INVOCATION — Harvest Mission ('The invocation is a voluntary expression of the private citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Council or stafJ) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be accepting public comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. If you have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor— state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, but please refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of April 26, 2022 (b) Council Workshop of April 26, 2022 CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15454 — Resolution to Elect the Standard Allowance Under the Revenue Loss Provision of ARPA (b) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Carnival Permit to J&K Amusements at Hutchinson Mall from June 3 — 5, 2022 (c) Consideration for Approval of Change Order No. 1 — Letting No. 6, Project No. 21-06 (Water and Wastewater SCADA Systems Improvements) (d) Consideration for Approval of Out -of -State Travel for Kent Exner to Attend National Local Technical Assistance Program Conference in Seattle, WA from July 18-21, 2022 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA May 10, 2022 (e) Consideration for Approval of Concert for Ukraine Event in Library Square on May 19, 2022 (f) Consideration for Approval of Memorial Day Parade on May 30, 2022 (g) Consideration for Approval of RiverSong Music Festival on July 15 & 16, 2022, in Masonic West River Park (h) Consideration for Approval of Minnesota Pottery Festival on July 30 & 31, 2022, in Masonic West River Park (i) Consideration for Approval of Party in the Park Event in Library Square on August 27, 2022 (j) Consideration for Approval of Library Board Appointments 1. Reappointment of Kathryn Hultgren to April 2025 2. Appointment of Sue Griep to April 2025 (k) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. 9. 2022 STREET MILL AND OVERLAYS PROJECT — LETTING NO. 2, PROJECT NO. 22-02 (a) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 15456 - Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications (b) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 15457 - Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids purpose o t is portion o the agen a is to provi e t e ounci with information necessary to craft wise policy. des items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) 10. HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY YEAR END REPORT UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 11. APPROVE/DENY ISSUING MASSAGE LICENSE TO A TOUCH OF TRANQUILITY, LLC LOCATED AT 903 HWY 15 SOUTH 12. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 15458 - RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - BURICH ARENA HVAC IMPROVEMENTS 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA May 10, 2022 13. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 15453 — RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON THE INTENTION TO ISSUE GENERAL OBLIGATION STREET RECONSTRUCTION PLAN BONDS 14. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 15455 — RESOLUTION DECLARING INTENT ON BONDING REIMBURSEMENT 15. APPROVE/DENY SETTING BUDGET WORKSHOP ON MAY 24, 2022, AT 4:00 P.M. GOVERNANCE (Thep urpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) 16. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Hutchinson EDA Board Minutes from March 23, 2022 MISCELLANEOUS 17. STAFF UPDATES 18. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2022 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS ('The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: Citypolicy andpractices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Chad Czmowski, Dave Sebesta and Pat May. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — Oak Heights Covenant Church (The invocation is a voluntary expression of the private citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Council or staff) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Proclamation — John Mons Week Mayor Forcier read a Proclamation in honor of John Mons who is retiring from the local radio station after 46 years of service. Mayor Forcier proclaimed April 24-30 as John Mons Week. (b) Resolution No. 15450 — Resolution Accepting Cash Donations for Law Enforcement Memorial Park Fund Motion by Czmowski, second by May, to approve Resolution No. 15450. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of thepublic to address the City Council. I.f the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be accepting public comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. If you have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor —state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, but please refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL Don DeMeyer, 864 Merrill Street, presented before the Council. Mr. DeMeyer is representing the Jaycee Water Carnival as the Vice Commodore. Mr. DeMeyer provided information to the Council on additional events that have been added to Water Carnival week that were not originally outlined. 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of April 12, 2022 Motion by Czmowski, second by Sebesta, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —April 26, 2022 unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedJbr consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (a) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling License to Upper Midwest Allis Chalmers Club from July 27 — July 30, 2023 (b) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling License to Saturday Night Cruisers Car Club from June 1 — December 31, 2022 (c) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Temporary Liquor License to RiverSong Music Festival on July 15 & 16, 2022, at Masonic West River Park (d) Consideration for Approval of Improvement Project Change Orders — Letting No. 3, Project No. 21- 03 (Wastewater Treatment Facility Headworks Improvements) (e) Consideration for Approval of Purchasing Bicycles for Hutchinson Bicycle Fleet Project (f) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15451— Resolution Transferring from Community Improvement Fund to the 2013 Debt Service Fund (g) Consideration for Approval of Approve Resolution No. 15452 — Resolution Amending the Established Income Guidelines & Asset Limitations for Senior and Disabled Citizens, Active Duty Military Reserves or National Guard Deferred Assessments and/or Seniors Reduced Refuse Rate (h) Consideration for Approval of Dairy Day Celebration on June 3, 2022, in Library Square (i) Consideration for Approval of Hutchinson Jaycee Water Carnival Requests 0) Consideration for Approval of Relay for Life Event Being Held August 5, 2022, at West River Park (k) Consideration for Approval of 48th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival to Be Held September 16 & 17, 2022, in Library Square/I` Avenue SE/Hassan Street (1) Consideration for Approval of Letter of Support for Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership's Application for Low Income Housing Tax Credits for North Place Apartments (m)Consideration for Approval of 2022 Street Repairs (n) Consideration for Approval of Pishney Neighborhood Pipe Lining (o) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —April 26, 2022 Item 7(e) was pulled for separate discussion Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve consent agenda with the exception of Item 7(e). Motion carried unanimously. Council Member Czmowski noted that his business was one of the bidders on this project so he will be abstaining from voting on it. Motion by May, second by Sebesta, with Czmowski abstaining, to approve Item 7(e). Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE purpose o this portion o the agenda is to provide the Councilwith information necessary to craft wise policy. des items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY YEAR END REPORT Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Seppelt provided an overview of the EDA's annual report. Mr. Seppelt spoke about strategies of the EDA, how population effects the work force and work force challenges, talent development, downtown redevelopment and programs associated with it, Hutch Uptown Commons, Jorgensen Hotel, update on Jump Start Downtown program winners, other downtown activity, business retention/expansion, manufacturer census information, current company expansions, business incubation (enterprise center), business attraction, marketing Hutchinson, update on McLeod County Economic Development and working on placemaking (splashpad, trails/parks, public art, community amenities, etc.). Discussion was held on the importance of manufacturing companies in the community, as well as the issue of child care. Mr. Seppelt also spoke about all of the involvement the EDA has with the TigerPath program through Hutchinson Schools. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 9. APPROVE/DENY SETTING JOINT MEETING WITH MCLEOD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON MAY 9, 2022, AT 3:00 P.M. AT MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS COMMERCIAL BUILDING Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to set joint meeting with McLeod County Board of Commissioners on May 9, 2022, at 3:00 p.m.at the McLeod County Fairgrounds Commercial Building. GOVERNANCE e purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES —April 26, 2022 10. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Snow Removal Report for 2021-2022 (b) City of Hutchinson Financial Report and Investment Report for March 2022 (c) Public Arts Commission Minutes from March 9, 2022 (d) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from March 15, 2022 MISCELLANEOUS 11. STAFF UPDATES Tom Gifferson — Chief Gifferson mentioned that the police department will be testing the warning sirens over the next few days. Lynn Neumann — Ms. Neumann noted that all parks will be officially open on May 2, 2022, and the campground opens May 6, 2022. Ms. Neumann also noted that there is a Safe Routes to School bicycle/pedestrian event on May 4, 2022, involving city officials and school district personnel. The event begins at 10:00 a.m. She also noted that aquatic center passes will be available to purchase beginning May 1, 2022, and the aquatic center will officially open on June 1, 2022. The Library Square fountain should be up and running by this Saturday, April 30, 2022. John Olson — Mr. Olson noted that grading work on alleys and hydrant flushing have been challenging due to the cold weather and are getting a slow start. Frost is still in areas with such an unseasonably cool spring. Kent Exner — Mr. Exner provided a project update on the pavement management program near the Rec Center which is officially underway starting on Sunset Street and Keith Street. Century Avenue work is on the schedule for this season however project administration is not guaranteed at this point. 12. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE 13. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE §13D.05, SUBD. 3(c) TO REVIEW CONFIDENTIAL OR PROTECTED NONPUBLIC APPRAISAL DATA (1025 Highway 15 South (Event Center); 10 Franklin Street SW (Police Station); 44 Washington Avenue West (E.O.C. Building) Motion by May, second by Christensen, to convene into closed session at 6:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by May, second by Czmowski, to reconvene into open session at 7:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously_ ADJOURNMENT Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, to adjourn at 7:21 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 4 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2022, AT 4:00 P.M. CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS Call to Order — 4:00 p.m. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Pat May, Chad Czmowski, Mary Christensen and Dave Sebesta. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and other city directors and staff. DISCUSSION/REVIEW ITEMS 1. Review of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich explained that in March of 2021 President Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The bill was a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus package to assist the United States in its recovery from the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program, part of ARPA, delivers $350 billion to state, local and Tribal governments across the United States to support their response to and recovery from COVID. As part of that package, Minnesota is set to receive about $8.5 billion to address COVID-19 response and recovery efforts. Minnesota counties, towns and cities will receive about $2.1 billion of the ARPA funds with $377 million going to local governments with populations below 50,000. Hutchinson is set to receive about $1.51 million, half of which has been received in 2021 with the remaining amount expected to be delivered some time in 2022. The U.S. Department of Treasury lists three main goals of the funding: 1.) To fight the pandemic and support families and businesses struggling with its public health and economic impacts; 2.) To maintain vital public services; 3.) To build a strong, resilient and equitable recovery by making investments that support long-term growth and opportunity. Ideally, funds should be used in a way that have a "significant and lasting" impact on the community. Any allocation of funds should be mindful of creating new programs, or add-ons to existing programs, that would require a lasting financial commitment. The federal government has noted five eligible uses of funds which are as follows: 1.) responding to the public health emergency; 2.) responding to the negative economic impacts of the pandemic; 3.) premium pay for essential workers; 4.) revenue replacement for the provision of government services to the extent the reduction in revenue is due to COVID-19; 5.) investments in water, sewer and broadband infrastructure. The federal government has noted that funds cannot be used for the following: 1.) to offset a tax cut or delay a tax/tax increase; 2.) deposit in pension funds; 3.) replenishing of financial reserves; 4.) debt service payments; 5.) to the satisfaction of settlements or judgements; 6.) use of funds to undermine COVID-19 mitigation practices in line with CDC guidance and recommendations. The timeline to spend the funding for costs incurred is through December 31, 2024. This means that ARPA funds may be utilized for eligible expenditures incurred between March 3, 2021 and December 31, 2024. Mr. Jaunich went into more detail of each eligible use defined by the federal government. Mr. Jaunich explained that staff's plan is to use the funds for revenue replacement for the provision of government services to the extent the reduction in revenue is due to COVID-19. Mr. Jaunich explained that this gives us the greatest flexibility when it comes to spending the money and it is the easiest reporting requirement. The items in this report are not exclusive and other expenses may be eligible. However, staff still needs to develop a plan for how the money will be spent. Mr. Jaunich noted some additional things to consider: 1.) The City's non -recurring revenue policy; 2.) This is one-time money; 3.) Funds should be used in a way that have a "significant and lasting" impact on the community; 4.) Funds should go to investments that support long-term growth and opportunity within the community; 5.) What will have the greatest impact on the community?; 6.) Funds should not be used for "operational or reoccurring expenses"; 7.) Core values, strategic plans and long-term community needs should be considered; 8.) Staff is looking for direction from the Council so that a formal plan can be brought back for action. Mr. Jaunich then reviewed potential projects within all departments: Administration, Creekside, Economic Development, Information Technology, Fire, Housing, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, and Community Requests. Council Member Czmowski asked what staff would see as a priority within the facility projects. Mr. Jaunich noted that HVAC systems are a priority with other east rink improvements, as well as the Franklin Neighborhood redevelopment. He expressed that he feels these two projects would impact the most people/users. Mayor Forcier expressed that he would like to see the funds used on infrastructure and HVAC systems. It was noted that the third priority of staff might be security upgrades. Dan Jochum, Planning Director, expressed that he feels infrastructure should be expanded to Hwy 7/22 and/or east on 5th Avenue toward Hwy 22 and is a significant, lasting impact on the community. The Council asked for final cost estimates on the Franklin Neighborhood Redevelopment, HVAC upgrades and infrastructure expansions. Mr. Jaunich reminded the Council that the projects selected should have the most significant and lasting impact on the community. Council Member Christensen liked the idea of touchless drinking fountains within the parks and throughout the community as well as security systems within the parks. Council Member Christensen asked for costs associated with these two items. Discussion was held regarding security systems within the parks system. Judy Flemming, HRA Director, requested that the Council not forget about affordable housing. General discussion was held regarding the housing needs in the community. The intention is to approve a plan by the end of May/June. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to adjourn at 4:55 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Resolution #15454 to Elect the Standard Allowance Under the Revenue Loss Agenda Item: Provision of ARPA. Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Andy Reid Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 1 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As discussed at the April 26, 2022 Council workshop regarding how best to handle the City's $1,528,093.53 American Rescue Act Funding, the City is electing to accept the standard allowance available (our entire amount) under the Revenue Loss provision of the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. It has been recommended as a best practice by our auditors for Council approve the attached resolution electing the standard allowance and take our full ARPA funding under the Revenue Loss provision. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution #15454 Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 15454 A RESOLUTION TO ELECT THE STANDARD ALLOWANCE AVAILABLE UNDER THE REVENUE LOSS PROVISION OF THE CORONAVIRUS LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUND ESTABLISHED UNDER THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT WHEREAS, Congress adopted the American Rescue Plan Act in March 2021 ("ARPA") which included $65 billion in recovery funds for cities across the country. WHEREAS, ARPA funds are intended to provide support to state, local, and tribal governments in responding to the impact of COVID-19 and in their efforts to contain COVID-19 in their communities, residents, and businesses. WHEREAS, The Fiscal Recovery Funds provides for $19.53 billion in payments to be made to States and territories which will distribute the funds to nonentitlement units of local government (NEUs). WHEREAS, The ARPA requires that States and territories allocate funding to NEUs in an amount that bears the same proportion as the population of the NEU bears to the total population of all NEUs in the State or territory. WHEREAS, $1,528,093.53 has been allocated to the City of Hutchinson ("City") pursuant to the ARPA. WHEREAS, The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds ensures that governments have the resources needed to fight the pandemic and support families and businesses struggling with its public health and economic impacts, maintain vital public services, even amid declines in revenue, and build a strong, resilient, and equitable recovery by making investments that support long-term growth and opportunity. WHEREAS, In May 2021, the US Department of Treasury ("Treasury") published the Interim Final Rule describing eligible and ineligible uses of funds as well as other program provisions, sought feedback from the public on these program rules, and began to distribute funds. WHEREAS, on January 6, 2022, Treasury issued the final rule. The final rule delivers broader flexibility and greater simplicity in the program, responsive to feedback in the comment process. WHEREAS, the final rule offers a standard allowance for revenue loss of up to $10 million, allowing recipients to select between a standard amount of revenue loss or complete a full revenue loss calculation. WHEREAS, recipients that select the standard allowance may use that amount, in many cases their full award, for government services, with streamlined reporting requirements. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, THE CITY ELECTS THE STANDARD ALLOWANCE AVAILABLE UNDER THE REVENUE LOSS PROVISION OF THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACE IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,528,093.53 TO BE USED FOR THE GENERAL PROVISION OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES. Adopted by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota this loth day of May, 2022. APPROVED: Gary T. Forcier Mayor ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator League of Minnesota Cities American Rescue Plan Act Resolution Page 2 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL City�fl Request for Board Action 7AL Owl,7 Agenda Item: Carnival Permit - J&K Amusements Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: J&K Amusements has submitted a carnival permit application into Administration for review and processing. The applicant has completed the appropriate application in full and all pertinent information has been received. J&K Amusements has put on their carnival in this same location for the last several years (not including during the pandemic). The Hutchinson Mall management has granted permission for the carnival to occur again this year on their property. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve carnival permit application. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: ❑ FAIR [] CIRCUS ❑ SHOWS/EXHIBITIONS ❑ DEMONSTRATIONS ❑ OTHER (Describe) CITY OF HUTCHINSON LICENSE/PERMIT APPLICATION CARNIVALS ❑ AMUSEMENT DEVICES AMUSEMENT RIDES/GAMES Please complete the following information (ink or typewriter, please) and submit the appropriate fee along with this application to the City of Hutchinson, 111 Hassan Street, SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350. Full Name of Person Filing Application. Kimberly Kay Pack First Middle Last Business Name & Address: J & K Amusements_4496 235th Lane NW St Francis, MN 55070 Business Telephone: 612.250,0068 Alternate Telephone: If business is a partnership, please provide name of officers or if corporation, please provide corporate name. Partnership_ Corporation Mail permit to this address:_J & K Amusements 4496 235th Lane NW St. Francis, MN 55070 LOCATION OF EVENT: Hutchinson Mall Parking lot GIVE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EVENT: Mall Carnival with 6-8 rides 3-4 games and 3-5 food concessions DATES AND HOURS OF OPERATION:_ am to 10:00 pm 6.5.22 11:00 am to 6:00 pm ARE STRUCTURES TO BE ERECTED? June 3-5, 2022 Hours 6.3.22 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm 6.4.22 11:00 Yes 0 No ❑ N/A❑yes, please describe: Carnival rides and concessions INSURANCE: Submit proof of SPECIAL EVENTS PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE NAMING THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AS "ADDITIONAL INSURED" in amounts not less than $500.000 per person and $1,000,000 pgr accident. CLEAN UP/DAMAGE DEPOSIT (Refundable) Large Events $1,000 BOND ❑ $1,000 CASH ❑ CLEAN UP/DAMAGE DEPOSIT (Refundable) Smaller Events $250 CASH ❑ Carnival $525 CASH ❑ N/A 0 check on file INDEMNIFICATION: I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the municipality and the City Council from any liability in whatsoever manner arising which may be incurred by the licensee and the municipality as the result of the operation of amusement rides, amusement devices, carnivals, fairs or demonstrations. DATE: 4.20.22 Kimberly Pack (electronic signature) Applicant's Signature Office Use Only: Fee Approved: Insurance Police Dept Bond Inspection Council License Issued Special Conditions: :hinson 111ailL, J & K Amusements has permission to set up a carnival in the Hutchinson Mall parking lot located in Hutchinson, MN on June 3, 2022 until June 5, 2022. Than ou, Nicki Martineau Midwest Portfolio Manager Lexington Realty International Hutchinson Mall I.. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) 4-22-22 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WANED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONT Thomas Plouffe PRODUCER NAMEAME: Specialty Insurance, LTD. '._N PHONE203 931-7095 FAX ,.No; 203-931-0682 P.O. Box 16901 E-MAIL SS: Certificates@specialtyinsuranceltd.com West Haven, CT 06516 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER A: Certain Underwriters @ Lloyds of London AMB0483 INSURED Kim Pack dba J&K Amusements 4496 235th Lane NW Saint Francis, MN 55070 E: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURE INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBE 1 TYPE OF INSURANCE POLIC A x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CC/20-0121 CLAIMS -MADE � OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: 1 POLICY ❑ JE C LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS NON -OWNED HIRED AUTOS AUTOS UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE DED 1 RETENTION WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERIEXECUTNE ❑ N I A OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If ves. describe under 10/6/21 1 10/6/22 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached If more space Is requl City of Hutchinson and Lexington Realty International are added as an addit endorsement CC-GL-BLAI (01/17) as respects the event located at Hutchin Hutchinson, MN 55350 from June 3-5, 2022. CERTIFICA CANCELLA' REVISION NUMBER: D EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. 1 TYPE OF INSURANCE POLIC A x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CC/20-0121 CLAIMS -MADE � OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: 1 POLICY ❑ JE C LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS NON -OWNED HIRED AUTOS AUTOS UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE DED 1 RETENTION WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERIEXECUTNE ❑ N I A OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If ves. describe under 10/6/21 1 10/6/22 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached If more space Is requl City of Hutchinson and Lexington Realty International are added as an addit endorsement CC-GL-BLAI (01/17) as respects the event located at Hutchin Hutchinson, MN 55350 from June 3-5, 2022. CERTIFICA CANCELLA' REVISION NUMBER: D NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 A RENTED300 000 PREMISES Ea occurrence $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ 5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ Ea accident BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ er accident EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ PER OTH- STATUTE I iER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ red) ional insured per the attached son Mall 1060 MN 15, City of Hutchinson SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 111 Hassan Street SE ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Hutchinson, MN 55350 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE—_— ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 26 (2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD City of Hutchinson SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 111 Hassan Street SE ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Hutchinson, MN 55350 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE—_— ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 26 (2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD RA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Approval of Project Change/Work Orders and Supplemental Agreements Agenda Item: Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff Fvl Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As construction has proceeded on the below listed projects there has been additional work, project scope revisions, and/or construction completion date changes. The items specified below have been identified and deemed necessary to satisfactorily complete the projects per the intent of the original construction contract. The following Change Orders, Supplemental Agreements and/or Work Orders are proposed as noted: - Change Order No. 1 — Letting No. 6Project No. 21-06 — Water & Wastewater SCADA System Improvements Project. This Change Order addresses the long lead times for critical control equipment resulting in a change to the Contract completion dates.. This action will change the Substantial Completion Date to December, 2, 2022 and Final Completion Date to January 20, 2023. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Change Orders Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MN CHANGE ORDER HUTCH INSO)4 Engineering Dept, 111, Hassan St SE, Hutchinson MN 55350 A CITY ON PURPOSE. 320-234-4209 05/10/2022 SP/SAP(s) NA MN Project No.: NA Change Order No. 1 Project Description: Water & Wastewater SCADA Systems City Project L6P21-06 Project Location Local Agency Contractor Water & Wastewater SCADA System Improvements Project: In general, work consists of the removal of existing programmable logic controllers (PLCs), operator I interface terminals (OITs), radios, and the supply and installation of new PI -Cs, OITs, radios, and other appurtenances for improvements to existing control panels within the Water and Wastewater systems. This also includes providing new supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) servers and software and implementing system monitoring City of Hutchinson Local Project No. Primex i Contract No. 13005 16th Ave N Ste 100, Plymouth, MN 55441 Total Change Order Amount $ $0.00 Issue: Long lead times for critical controls equipment. Thus the original substantial completion date of April 15, 2022 and final completion date of May 27, 2022 can not be attained. Resolution: Extend contract dates to substantial completion December 2, 2022 and final completion January 20, 2023. Estimate Of Cost: (Include any increases or decreases in contract items, any negotiated or force account items.) . . -.. Quantity Net Change this Change Order r rr "Group/funding category is required for federal aid projects Approved by Project Engineer: Kent Exner Approved by Contractor: Primex Signed: Signed: Date: 05/10/2022 Phone: 320-234-4212 Printed Name: City Council Approval: 05/10/2022 Date: Phone: 763-559-0568 :; n 8 www.ae2s.com March 25, 2022 Kent Exner Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Hutchinson I I I Hassan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Project Contract Dates Revision Water and Wastewater SCADA System Improvements Project (L6/P21-06) City of Hutchinson, MN Dear Mr. Exner, The current contract dates between the City of Hutchinson and Primex (Contractor) for the Water and Wastewater SCADA System Improvements Project (L6/P21-06) have a Substantial Completion of April 15, 2022, and a Final Completion of May 27, 2022. While Primex proactively placed orders for the critical controls equipment immediately after signing the contract with the City of Hutchinson, the lead times for critical equipment has extended past the contract dates. The market started seeing longer lead times for this type of equipment around the time this project started. On behalf of the City of Hutchinson, Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC (AE2S) has reviewed project equipment availability and delivery dates with Primex. In addition to equipment lead times, the water treatment plant upgrades need to be scheduled during off-peak times. Based on current equipment lead times, scheduling requirements, and the time necessary for Primex to assemble, install, and startup control panels for this project, we propose modifying the contract dates to the following: • Substantial Completion of December 2, 2022 • Final Completion of January 20, 2023 AE2S genuinely appreciates the opportunity to continue working with you on this very important project for the City of Hutchinson. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, AE2S Anthony Pittman Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC 6901 East Fish Lake Road, Suite 184 • Water Tower Place Business Center • Maple Grove, MN 55369 • 763-463-5036 RA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Out of State Travel for Kent Exner to Attend National LTAP (Local Technical Agenda Item: Assistance Program) Conference Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff Fvl Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Per City Policy, it is requested that the City Council formally approve the out of state travel for Kent Exner to attend the National LTAP Conference in Seattle, WA from July 18 - 21, 2022. Please note that no conference related or travel costs will be incurred by the City, due to the attendee being seated on the Local Road Research Board (administered by MnDOT with dedicated State funding). BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Request Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Concert for Ukraine Agenda Item: Department: Police Services LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Thomas D Gifferson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Thomas D Gifferson Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Crosspoint Church's Young at Heart Group requests permission to hold a concert in Library Square on May 19th 2022 at 6.30 p.m. to benefit Ukrainian Refugees. Event Time: 6.30 pm to 8 pm. Requests: Sound amplification for the duration of the event. Closure of First Ave SE between Main St and Hassan St. Attached memo. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Honorable Mayor Gary Forcier and City Councilors FROM: Chief Thomas D. Gifferson DATE: 5-3-2022 RE: Concert for Ukraine This memorandum outlines the Crosspoint Church's Young at Heart Group's request to hold a concert in Library Square on May 19t" 2022 at 6.30 p.m. Event Name: Concert for Ukraine Primary Contact: Adam Krumrie 320-296-5266 Event Location: Library Square Park Event Times: 6.30 p.m.- 8 p.m. Brief Description: Local Church Groups providing music in a fundraising effort to provide financial relief for Ukrainian refugees Alcohol -No Alcohol will be served at this event Security -No security provided. Will monitor the with Regular Patrol Amplified Sound- Amplified sound for music Tents and Canopies -None Other -N/A Stages/Platforms-use of the band shell Garbage -Current containers in park no extras planned for. u == HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. Restrooms-Current facilities in park no extras planned for. I have recommended extras Street Closures- Partial closing of 1st Ave SE between Main St and Hassan St. City Departments affected - Police -traffic control, street closer, monitoring intersections, planning and organization Parks -Library Park Maintenance, set up and clean up Streets- N/A u == HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. 2022 Memorial Day Parade Agenda Item: Department: Police Services LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Thomas D Gifferson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Thomas D Gifferson Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The VFW Post 906 in partnership with the American Legion Post 96 and the Disabled Americans Veterans are requesting a permit to conduct the 2022 Memorial Day Parade. This request requires Hassan St be closed to public traffic between 3rd Ave SE and 1st Ave NE during the hours of 9:00 am to 10:00 am for the Annual Memorial Day Parade. My staff and I have reviewed the request and are confident that we can meet the needs of VFW Post 906 and American Legion Post 96. The following is a synopsis of the request: Event Name: Memorial Day Parade Primary Contact: Colby Mickolichek 320-583-3791 Event Location: Hassan St. from 3rd Ave. SE- Veterans Memorial Park 255 1 St Ave NE Event Times: 8:30 a.m. parade staging Faith Lutheran Church, 9 a.m. Parade, 10 a.m. program Vets Park. Amplified Sound- PA system during the program A map of the propose parade route is attached. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Honorable Mayor Gary Forcier and City Councilors FROM: Chief Thomas D. Gifferson DATE: 5-3-2022 RE: Memorial Day Parade This memorandum outlines the Hutchinson American Legion's / Hutchinson VFW's request to hold a parade on Memorial Day May 30t" 2022 Event Name: Memorial Day Parade Primary Contact: Colby Mickolichek 320-583-3791 Event Location: Hassan St. from 3rd Ave. SE- Veterans Memorial Park 255 1st Ave NE Event Times: 8.30 a.m. parade staging Faith Lutheran Church, 9 a.m. Parade, 10 a.m. program Vets Park. Brief Description: 20-unit Parade celebrating Memorial Day with a program to follow. There is no charge for this event. Alcohol -No Alcohol will be served at this event Security -No security will be required; however, officers will monitor intersections during the parade. Amplified Sound- PA system during the program Tents and Canopies -None Other -N/A Stages/Platforms-None u == HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. Garbage -Current containers along route and in park no extras planned for. Restrooms-Current facilities in park no extras planned for. Street Closures- Hassan St. from 3rd Ave. SE to 1st Ave NE. and 1st Ave NE to Adams St NE. City Departments affected - Police -traffic control, monitoring intersections, planning and organization Rain Location. Faith Lutheran Church. Parks -Veterans Memorial Park Maintenance set up and clean up Streets- Placement and pickup of barricades N u == HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. 2022 RiverSong Music Festival Agenda Item: Department: Police Services LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Thomas D Gifferson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Thomas D Gifferson Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: RiverSong Music Festival is requesting permission to hold an event in West River Park on July15th and 16th, 2022. The event includes live music and vendors with crafts. Food and beverages will also be served on site. Event Contact: Jan Johnson 320-583-0092 mpf@claycoyote.com Location: West River Park Requests: Allow amplified music in the park both days. Approve sale of food and alcohol in the park on both days of the event. Security by Hutchinson Police. See attached memo for additional details. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Honorable Mayor Gary Forcier and City Councilors FROM: Chief Thomas D. Gifferson DATE: 5-3-2022 RE: RiverSong Music Festival This memorandum outlines the RiverSong Music Festival's request to hold an event in West River Park on July 15t" and 16tht" 2022. The event includes live music, and vendors with crafts. There will also be food and beverages on site. Event Name: RiverSong Music Festival. Primary Contact: Jan Johnson 320-583-0092 mnpf@claycoyote.com Event Location: Masonic West River Park 103 Les Kouba Parkway Event Dates/Times: June 15t" 5 pm -Midnight and 16th 11 am -Midnight 2022 Brief Description: Alcohol -The organizers plan is to allow an outside vendor/trained RiverSong volunteer to serve/provide alcohol at the event. They were instructed to work with Mellissa Starke in administration for permits. Security -Security will be present during the festival hours. Security will be provided by Hutchinson Police Service and the organization will be invoiced for the associated costs. Amplified Sound- Amplified sound will be on the "RiverSong" stage and a 2nd Stage located on the west side of camping area near the river. Tents and Canopies -Vendors will be using tents and canopies to help display and store their merchandise. u == HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. Vendors -Food, alcohol and craft vendors. Stages/Platforms-Use of the "RiverSong" stage Garbage -Current containers in park/campground, plus additional services contracted through an outside vendor Restrooms-Current public facilities plus additional services contracted through an outside vendor. Street Closures- Les Kouba Parkway City Departments affected: *below is only a snap shot of what city department contribute to this event. I can provide a more detailed list upon request. Police -Monitor Events, provide security, monitor weather and aid with planning and organization. Parks -West River Park maintenance, set up and clean up. Parking lot mowing and striping Streets- Road Closure. Administration -Liquor license and other misc. permits u HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. H UTCH I NS014 A CITY ON PURPOSE. MULTI -VENDOR SPONSORED EVENT LICENSE APPLICATION This license application is for events hosted by an individual/entity/organization that will have three or more vendors in attendance. Name of Individual/Entity/Organization Sponsoring Event: �v f, (So c V-ALkS 1 C> �—C SH V"Ck-P (please print) Address of IndividuaUEntity/Organization Sponsoring Event: PC) &x (P co ---I 1-3 r OT SL'J -1�c,1 +G i.-� r hsv i� MN S S 3 `,)—D Contact person sponsoring event: �\-O ( I V-eX c lease print) Contact person phone number: 1. Name/Type of Event: ts� c= ^ e.,5 vE 2. Location of Event: 3. Date(s) of Event: 4. Time of Event: _ (� Vy1 _ ; t Vy\ 5. Number of food vendors at event: 6. Number of transient merchants at event: U 1 l �V`ZI'41 Printed N e of Event Organizer Date Signature of Event Organizer *By signing this application, the event organizer affirms that they will/have confirmed that all vendors at event are licensed by the State of Minnesota if required and that the event sponsor will assume responsibility of the vendors at the event. The event organizer also agrees to comply with all requirements of Chapter l I l of the Hutchinson City Code pertaining to transient merchants and food vendors. ** This license will not be issued to the same applicant or for the same location more than four times in a calendar year and each license is limited to a period of up to three consecutive days. Checklist (all items must be checked "yes" in order for the application to be processed) The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Copy of certificate of insurance that meets or exceeds limits established in the ordinance: Dyes ❑ no Application fee paid in full ($30.00): 0 yes ❑ no Application completed in full and signed: © yes 0 no Release of Information Form completed: ar es ❑ no c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. 2022 Minnesota Pottery Festival Agenda Item: Department: Police Services LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Thomas D Gifferson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Thomas D Gifferson Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Organizers of the Minnesota Pottery Festival are hosting their event at Masonic West River Park on July 30th and 31st, 2022. The event will include vendors of ceramics, food and alcohol. Organizers are requesting approval of the following items: Sound Amplification equipment on the River Song stage. The sale of food and alcohol within the boundaries of West River Park Parking on the green space north of Les Kouba Parkway A document outlining the event is attached. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Honorable Mayor Gary Forcier and City Councilors FROM: Chief Thomas D. Gifferson DATE: 5-03-2022 RE: 2022 Minnesota Pottery Festival This memorandum outlines the Minnesota Pottery Festival's request to hold an event in West River Park on July 30t" and 31st 2022. The event includes vendors with handmade ceramics. There will also be food and beverages on site. A synopsis of the event follows: Event Name: Minnesota Pottery Festival. Primary Contact: Betsy Price 320-587-2599 mnpf@claycyote.com Event Location: Masonic West River Park 103 Les Kouba Parkway Event Dates/Times: July 30t" 10 am-5 pm and 31st 11am-4 pm 2022 Set up: July 28t" and July 29th Brief Description: Alcohol- The organizers plan is to allow an outside vendor(s) to provide alcohol at the evert. Organizers have been advised to work with Melissa Starke for permits. Security- Hutchinson Police will provide overnight security for the event. Organizers will be invoiced for this expense. Amplified Sound- Amplified sound will be on the "River Song" stage. This will be for announcements and demonstrations throughout the day. Tents and Canopies -Vendors will be using tents and canopies to help display and store u HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. their merchandise. Vendors -Food, alcohol and craft vendors. Stages/Platforms-Use of the "River Song" stage Refuse -Current containers in park/campground, plus additional services contracted through an outside vendor Restrooms-Current public facilities plus additional services contracted through an outside vendor. Street Closures- Les Kouba Parkway City Departments affected: *Below is only a snap shot of what city department contribute to this event. I can provide a more detailed list upon request. Police -Monitor Events, provide security, monitor weather and aid with planning and organization. Parks -West River Park maintenance, set up and clean up. Parking lot mowing and striping Streets- Road Closure. Administration -Liquor license and other misc. permits I.. u HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. 2022 Party in the Park. Agenda Item: Department: Police Services LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Thomas D Gifferson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Thomas D Gifferson Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: David Demenge of Hutchinson is asking to host an event in Library Square on August 27th, 2022. Mr. Demenge is calling the event "Party in the Park". The family friendly event will be free of charge and will include music, contests and lunch being served by organizer free of charge. Event organizers are requesting approval of the following items: Sound amplification equipment throughout the duration of the event. The closure of First Ave SE from Main St to Hassan St from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm on the day of the event. Approval is recommended. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Honorable Mayor Gary Forcier and City Councilors FROM: Chief Thomas D. Gifferson DATE: 5-3-2022 RE: Party in the Park This memorandum outlines David Demenge's request to hold the "Party in the Park" event on August 27t" 2022 in Library Square. Event Name: Party in the Park Primary Contact: David Dememge 120 Century Ave SE Hutchinson Mn 55350 763-222-9648 Event Location: Library Square Event Dates/Times: August 27t" 2022 from 2 pm-4pm (10 am -6 pm set up and teardown) Brief Description: Event including music, contests and lunch being served by organizer free of charge Alcohol -No Alcohol will be provided Security -No security will be required; however, officers will monitor the park on their regular patrol Amplified Sound- Amplified Music in the Bandshell Tents and Canopies -Tents for vendors Other -N/A u == HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. Stages/Platforms-Use of the Bandshell Garbage -Current containers in park, will contact parks department for additional direction. Restrooms-Current facilities, will contact parks department for addition direction. Street Closures- 1st Ave SE. from Main St. to Hassan St. City Departments affected Police -Monitor park, weather and aid with planning and organization. Will also close 1st Ave. Parks -Park Maintenance, set up and clean up. Streets- None u == HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 4/27/22 - 5/10/22 Check Date ----------------- 04/22/2022 Check ----------- EFT1683 Vendor Name ---------------- --------------------------------------- EFTPS Description ----------------------------------------------------------------- Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 Amount ------------------- 67,597.84 04/22/2022 EFT1684 Child Support Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 415.78 04/22/2022 EFT1685 MN Dept of Revenue Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 13,176.64 04/22/2022 EFT1686 Provident Life Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 480.93 04/22/2022 EFT1687 PERA Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 57,489.75 04/22/2022 EFT1688 Further HSA Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 13,832.59 04/22/2022 EFT1689 Mission Square Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 3,967.36 04/22/2022 EFT1690 VOYA Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 460.00 04/22/2022 EFT1691 MNDCP Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 350.00 04/22/2022 103370 Manual Employee Check Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 116.36 04/22/2022 103371 MNPEA Union Due Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 585.00 04/22/2022 103372 UNUM Life Ins Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 1,199.18 04/22/2022 103373 LELS Union Due Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 325.00 04/22/2022 103374 HART Payroll 4/3/22 - 4/16/22 363.32 05/10/2022 103375 A.M. LEONARD INC TREEDIAPER SQUARE, ROOT POUCH - STREETS 798.70 05/10/2022 103376 ACE HARDWARE - 1315 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 666.64 05/10/2022 103377 VOID VOIDED CHECK - 05/10/2022 103378 ACE HARDWARE - 1790 TAPE, LADDER 1 PARTS - FIRE 23.39 05/10/2022 103379 ADVANCED POWER SERVICES, INC INSPECTION/SERVICE ON GENERATOR - POLICE 3,206.00 05/10/2022 103380 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 161.20 05/10/2022 103381 ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER ON CROW RIVER APR PROCESSING/BOARDING - POLICE 887.16 05/10/2022 103382 ARAMARK 4/18 SUPPLIES & SERVICE - LIQUOR HUTCH 223.96 05/10/2022 103383 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,206.20 05/10/2022 103384 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE PIPE, FLARES, GREASE CAPS, 0-RINGS - HATS 96.22 05/10/2022 103385 BEACON ATHLETICS BASES - PARKS 650.00 05/10/2022 103386 BELLBOY CORP COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 3,816.44 05/10/2022 103387 BERNICK'S COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 351.20 05/10/2022 103388 BERRY, AARON REIMB: SAFETY FOOTWEAR - POLICE 172.19 05/10/2022 103389 BRANDED SOLUTIONS LIQUOR HUTCH COOLER BAGS, REC JERSEYS 8,265.00 05/10/2022 103390 BRASS FOUNDRY BREWING CO COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 445.14 05/10/2022 103391 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 4/23/22 185.00 05/10/2022 103392 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 18,652.57 05/10/2022 103393 BRETH-ZENZEN FIRE PROTECTION 2022 SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSPECT - LIQUOR HUTCH 425.00 05/10/2022 103394 BS&A SOFTWARE 5/1/22 - 5/1/23 ANNUAL CONTRACTED SERVICES 22,065.00 05/10/2022 103395 BUFFALO CREEK ENTERPRISES COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 70.56 05/10/2022 103396 C & L DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 43,175.57 05/10/2022 103397 CARD SERVICES MISC SUPPLIES - POLICE 77.47 05/10/2022 103398 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC 4/27 TOW 2015 ENCLAVE TO HPD - POLICE 135.00 05/10/2022 103399 CINTAS CORPORATION SUPPLIES & SERVICE - MULTIPLE DEPTS 104.31 05/10/2022 103400 CODE PACK LLC PERF LABELS - CREEKSIDE 1,452.04 05/10/2022 103401 COKER COMPOSTING AND CONSULTING APR CASP IMPL PROJECT - CREEKSIDE 1,062.50 05/10/2022 103402 CORE & MAIN LP METERS - WATER 4,539.90 05/10/2022 103403 CREEKSIDE SOILS BROWN MULCH - STREETS 171.50 05/10/2022 103405 CROW RIVER OFFICIALS ASSN APR/MAY GAMES: 4TH-6TH GRADE SOCCER - REC 420.00 05/10/2022 103406 CROW RIVER PRESS INC SR NEWSLETTERS - SR CTR 40.81 05/10/2022 103407 CROW RIVER WINERY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,344.00 05/10/2022 103408 CZECH, RANDY REIMB: MWOA MTG - WWTP 20.00 05/10/2022 103409 DELEGARD TOOL CO WRENCH, GEARBOX & TORX SETS, TORX DRIV - HATS 65.78 05/10/2022 103410 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC VARIOUS REPAIRS & SERVICES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 10,654.49 05/10/2022 103411 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION PEST CONTROL - MULTIPLE DEPTS 252.03 05/10/2022 103412 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOC NUTRIENTS, PH, HARDNESS - WWTP 423.32 05/10/2022 103413 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT NEW PARKS SKID LOADER, MISC REPAIR SUPPLIES 30,435.42 05/10/2022 103414 FASTENAL COMPANY REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,273.55 05/10/2022 103415 FLAGSHIP RECREATION PNL ATCH BLOCK WIRE BARR - PARKS 28.50 05/10/2022 103416 1 FOSTER MECHANICAL HEATER INSTALL - EV CTR 4,510.00 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 4/27/22 - 5/10/22 Check Date ----------------- OS/10/2022 Check ----------- 103417 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------ FUZE LOGISTICS SERVICES USA INC Description ----------------------------------------------------------------- CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS Amount ------------------- 4,750.00 05/10/2022 103418 GAVIN, JANSSEN & STABENOW, LTD MARCH PROSECUTIONS - LEGAL 3,500.00 05/10/2022 103419 GEIKEN'S GUIDE & GUARD, LLC DARE TEACHING - POLICE 225.00 05/10/2022 103420 GOLDSTAR PRODUCTS INC ASPHALT PRIMER - STREETS 3,630.15 05/10/2022 103421 GRAINGER REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 447.28 05/10/2022 103422 GRATKE, TIM REIMB: SUPPLIES FOR CAREER FAIR, REG FEE - WWTP 40.23 05/10/2022 103423 HACH COMPANY CHEMICALS FOR WATER & SEWER FACILITIES 24,441.62 05/10/2022 103424 HAWKINS INC HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID - WATER 2,777.81 05/10/2022 103425 HCVN-TV 1ST QTR MEDIACOM & NUVERA FRANCHISE FEES 26,221.07 05/10/2022 103426 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 713.93 05/10/2022 103427 HOTSYMINNESOTA.COM HOTSY REPAIR - WWTP 2,030.73 05/10/2022 103428 HUTCHINSON CHAMBER & TOURISM MARCH 2O22 LODGING TAX 4,377.79 05/10/2022 103429 HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPT RELIEF ASSN REIMB FOR STATE PENSION FUNDS REC'D 3,000.00 05/10/2022 103430 HUTCHINSON LEADER SUBSCRIPTION & ADVERTISING - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,740.38 05/10/2022 103431 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES EZJACKPLUNGER- STORMWATER 487.09 05/10/2022 103432 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1551 EQUIPMENT PARTS - CREEKSIDE 647.56 05/10/2022 103433 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1552 EQUIPMENT PARTS - PARKS 328.73 05/10/2022 103434 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC. KYLE DIMLER MEMBERSHIP - BLDG INSPEC 145.00 05/10/2022 103435 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINNEAPOL BATTERY- HATS 61.95 05/10/2022 103436 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT SHIRTS, PANTS - POLICE 720.49 05/10/2022 103437 JAY MALONE MOTORS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR & MAINT- MULTIPLE DEPTS 2,773.72 05/10/2022 103438 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 19,016.55 05/10/2022 103439 KERI'S CLEANING & HANDYMAN SERVICES APRIL CLEANING - MULTIPLE CITY LOCATIONS 5,281.06 05/10/2022 103440 KRANZ LAWN & POWER STRT-626: PULLY, SPACER, BEARINGS - STREETS 98.50 05/10/2022 103441 L & P SUPPLY CO PRE -MIX FUEL - PARKS 35.70 05/10/2022 103442 LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION INC L1P22-012022 PAVEMENT MGMT PROGRAM #1 71,963.26 05/10/2022 103443 LOCHER BROTHERS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 36,163.20 05/10/2022 103444 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC MAR COST PER PRINT- VARIOUS DEPTS 764.83 05/10/2022 103445 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC APRIL PRINTING CONTRACTS - VARIOUS DEPTS 1,768.06 05/10/2022 103446 MAVERICK WINE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,082.08 05/10/2022 103447 MCLEOD COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURER PROPERTY TAXES ON MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 33,544.37 05/10/2022 103448 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL CLASS 5 - PARKS CAMPGROUND 547.96 05/10/2022 103449 MENARDS HUTCHINSON REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 78.35 05/10/2022 103450 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY MISC FEES - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 445.00 05/10/2022 103451 MINNESOTA UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 1ST QTR 2022 UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 7,168.30 05/10/2022 103452 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB LAB SAMPLE TESTING - MULTIPLE DEPTS 905.60 05/10/2022 103453 MYGUY INC. CONCENTRATE, GRAPE X- HATS 1,021.00 05/10/2022 103454 NELSON, AMANDA REFUND: MASSAGE SERVICES LICENSE 175.00 05/10/2022 103455 NORTH CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL CONNECTORS, ELBOWS - WWTP 100.00 05/10/2022 103456 NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES LAB SUPPLIES - WWTP 594.22 05/10/2022 103457 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC PLOWBOLTS - HATS 15.84 05/10/2022 103458 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS REDUCER, FUL-THANE - PUBLIC SITES 267.75 05/10/2022 103459 OFFICE DEPOT #10 ENVELOPES - STREETS 8.71 05/10/2022 103460 OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE REGISTERED VOTER LIST ORDER FEE - ELECTIONS 30.00 05/10/2022 103461 PAULSON, JOHN REIMB: MNRWA CONF, HAZWOPER CLASS - WWTP 101.48 05/10/2022 103462 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,683.00 05/10/2022 103463 PEOPLEREADY INC CREEKSIDE TEMP STAFFING 2,362.08 05/10/2022 103464 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 23,368.92 05/10/2022 103465 PIONEER ATHLETICS / PIONEER MFG BRITE STRIPE, QUIK STRIPE - PARKS 2,808.35 05/10/2022 103466 PLUNKETTS PEST CONTROL 4/13 PEST CONTROL - ARENA 108.92 05/10/2022 103467 POSTMASTER POSTAGE - UB BILLING 1,585.00 05/10/2022 103468 PREMIUM WATERS 5 GALLONS - PARKS 33.99 05/10/2022 103469 PRIMEX L6P21-06: W & WW SCADA SYSTEM IMPRVS#1 121,977.72 05/10/2022 103470 PRO AUTO MN INC #177 2009 SILVERADO: OIL CHANGE, CHASSIS - FIRE 45.11 05/10/2022 103471 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS SERVICE CHECK OF 12 STATIONS & INSTALL- WWTP 3,260.00 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 4/27/22 - 5/10/22 Check Date - i- T6---------- OS/10/2022 Check ----------- 103472 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------ RDO EQUIPMENT CO. Description ----------------------------------------------------------------- LOADER REPAIR - REFUSE Amount ------------------- 830.48 05/10/2022 103473 RECREONICS BOTTLES, HAGER, PACKS, MASKS, TUBE - WATERPARK 3,386.07 05/10/2022 103474 REINER ENTERPRISES INC CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 13,798.24 05/10/2022 103475 RICE LAKE CONSTRUCTION GROUP L3P21-03 WWTF HEADWORKS IMPVS #10 272,672.78 05/10/2022 103476 RIDGEWATER COLLEGE EMR REFRESHER COURSE 1/27/22 - POLICE 1,440.00 05/10/2022 103477 RNLTRANSPORT LLC CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 29,962.58 05/10/2022 103478 ROSENBAUER MOTORS, LLC ENGINE 2 - ENGINE COOLANT SENSOR - FIRE 42.51 05/10/2022 103479 ROTOCHOPPER EXHAUST BELLOWS - CREEKSIDE 211.36 05/10/2022 103480 RUNNING'S SUPPLY ROCKER SWITCH, TOGGLE WIRE, LID - FIRE 41.35 05/10/2022 103481 SALAZAR, MICHAEL REIMB: SOTA TRAINING - POLICE 216.24 05/10/2022 103482 SERVICEMASTER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WATER CLEANUP & DRYING - EV CTR 36,637.45 05/10/2022 103483 SHERWIN WILLIAMS WALLPAPER - EVENT CENTER 505.80 05/10/2022 103484 SHORT-ELLIOT-HENDRICKSON, INC GROWTH AREA PLANNING STUDY THRU 3/13/22 1,392.82 05/10/2022 103485 SJM CONSTRUCTION LLC INSTALL WALL IN LOBBY AREA - EVENT CENTER 1,500.00 05/10/2022 103486 SMALL LOT MN LLC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 304.08 05/10/2022 103487 SOLUS LED LIGHT BULBS/FIXTURES - ARENA EAST RINK 1,650.00 05/10/2022 103488 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 36,398.81 05/10/2022 103489 STANDARD PRINTING-N-MAILING POSTAGE & SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 698.85 05/10/2022 103490 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 336.11 05/10/2022 103491 STOCKERT, ED UB refund for account: 2-670-3190-1-02 88.44 05/10/2022 103492 STREICH TRUCKING CREEKSIDE FREIGHT TO MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 2,515.00 05/10/2022 103493 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 2/16 - 3/15 GROUND HEATER RENTAL - NEW PD 4,634.40 05/10/2022 103494 SYLVESTER CUSTOM GRINDING, INC WESTERN RED CEDAR - COMPOST 4,050.00 05/10/2022 103495 TALL SALES COMPANY MAR 2022 CREEKSIDE COMMISSIONS 25,906.15 05/10/2022 103496 TAPS-LYLE SCHROEDER 4/27 SERVICE - EVENT CENTER 50.00 05/10/2022 103497 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO EQUIPMENT PARTS - HATS 362.22 05/10/2022 103498 TITAN MACHINERY #925 CASE 621F: 1500 HR SERVICE - COMPOST 2,163.65 05/10/2022 103499 TRI COUNTY WATER BOTTLE WATER DELIVERY - MULTIPLE DEPTS 219.65 05/10/2022 103500 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS UPM COLD MIX - STREETS 396.90 05/10/2022 103501 USA BLUE BOOK OPERATING SUPPLIES - WATER 337.87 05/10/2022 103502 VERIZON WIRELESS MAR 24 - APR 23 PHONE SERVICES 3,368.09 05/10/2022 103503 VESSCO INC TUBING - WWTP 314.89 05/10/2022 103504 VIKING BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 13,004.95 05/10/2022 103505 VIKING COCA COLA COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 356.20 05/10/2022 103506 VIKING SIGNS & GRAPHICS INC SIGNS & SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,225.00 05/10/2022 103507 VINOCOPIA INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,634.01 05/10/2022 103508 VIVID IMAGE SETUPS & UPDATES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 503.25 05/10/2022 103509 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN REFUSE DISPOSAL FEES TO LANDFILL 5,560.50 05/10/2022 103510 WATERVILLE FOOD & ICE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 219.15 05/10/2022 103511 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,590.67 05/10/2022 103512 WINE MERCHANTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 3,733.01 Total - Check Register A: $ 1,218,643.48 CHECK REGISTER B FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 4/27/22 - 5/10/22 Check Date - i- T6---------- OS/10/2022 Check ----------- 103404 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------ CROW RIVER GLASS INC. Description ----------------------------------------------------------------- WINDSHIELD REPAIR - POLICE Amount ------------------- 741.78 Total - Check Register B: $ 741.78 CHECK REGISTER B FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 4/27/22 - ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 05/10/2022 103404 CROW RIVER GLASS INC. WINDSHIELD REPAIR - POLICE 741.78 05/10/2022 103516 OUT MOTION BIKE FLEET 18,009.60 Total - Check Register B: $ 18,751.38 2-eU �seo� O RA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Public Hearing for 2022 Street Mill & Overlays Project (L2/P22-02) Agenda Item: Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff Fvl Public Hearing Time Requested (Minutes): 15 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: City staff will be administering a Public Hearing for the 2022 Street Mill & Overlays project. Attached for your reference are the the project meeting notice, project area map and project engineering report document with the current costs/funding estimations. Following a brief project overview by City staff and possible public comments, staff will request that the City Council move forward with the final preparation/approval of project plans/specifications and the ordering of the advertisement for bids as referenced within the attached Resolutions. The scheduled bid opening date is Wednesday, June 8th (11.00 AM). BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolutions Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A RESOLUTION NO. 15456 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS LETTING NO. 2/PROJECT NO. 22-02 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 12th day of April 2022, fixed a date for a Council Hearing on the following improvements: 2022 Street Mill & Overlays: Century Avenue SW (Dale St. to Boston St.); surface milling, concrete curbing, bituminous surfacing, pavement markings, restoration and appurtenances. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the resolution adopted the 12th day of April 2022. 3. Such improvement has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan. 4. Kent Exner is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. 5. The City Council declares its official intent to reimburse itself for the costs of the improvement from the proceeds of tax exempt bonds. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of May 2022. Mayor: Gary Forcier City Administrator: Matthew Jaunich RESOLUTION NO. 15457 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 2/PROJECT NO. 22-02 WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering/Public Works has prepared plans and specifications for the following described improvement: 2022 Street Mill & Overlays: Century Avenue SW (Dale St. to Boston St.); surface milling, concrete curbing, bituminous surfacing, pavement markings, restoration and appurtenances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The Director of Engineering/Public Works shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, the City of Hutchinson Web -Site and in Finance and Commerce, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the Director of Engineering/Public Works until 11:00 am on Wednesday, June 8th, 2022, at which time they will be publicly opened in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center by the City Administrator and Director of Engineering/Public Works, will then be tabulated, and the responsibility of the bidders will be considered by the Council at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, Hutchinson, Minnesota. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Director of Engineering/Public Works and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 10th day of May 2022. Mayor: Gary Forcier City Administrator: Matt Jaunich PUBLICATION NO. 8461 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 2/PROJECT NO. 22-02 S.A.P. 133-125-003 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Hutchinson, Minnesota Dated:05/10/2022 The City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will receive bids at the Hutchinson City Center, Engineering Office,111 Hassan St SE, Hutchinson MN, until 11:00 am on Wednesday, June 08, 2022, for the making of the following described local improvement: 1-2/1322-02: 2022 Street Mill & Overlays: Century Avenue SW (Dale St. to Boston St.); surface milling, concrete curbing, bituminous surfacing, pavement markings, restoration and appurtenances, and all in accordance with the Plans and Specifications on file in the Engineering Office. Immediately following expiration of the time for receiving bids, the City Administrator and/or Director of Public Works/City Engineer will publicly open bids, in the Council Chambers at the Hutchinson City Center. The Council, will consider said bids and responsibility of the bidders during the Council Meeting at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022 in the Council Chambers of the Hutchinson City Center. The approximate major quantities of work involved are: ITEM UNIT QUANTITY Mill Bituminous Surface (Profile Mill/Cold Plane 2.5% Cross Slope) SO, YD 14571 Joint Adhesive LIN FT 6990 Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (2,C) 1.5" Thick SO, YD 15613 Traffic Control LUMP SUM 1 4" Solid Line Paint LIN FT 5330 All bids shall be made on the Proposal Forms of the City and shall be accompanied by a cashier's check, bid bond or certified check, payable to the order of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, for not less than five percent (5%) of the amount bid. Bids shall be directed to the City Engineer, securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper. Plans and Specifications are expected to be available 05/20/2022 Complete digital project bidding documents are available at www.questcdn.com.You may download the digital plan documents for$30.00 by inputting Quest project #8200137 on the website's Project Search page. Please contact QuestCDN.com at 952-233-1632-or info@questcdn.com for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of project documents is available fora nonrefundable price of $80.00 per set, which includes applicable sales tax and shipping. Please make your check payable to City of Hutchinson and send itto Hutchinson City Center, Attn: Plans &Specs,111 Hassan StSE, Hutchinson MN 55350. Please contact us at 320-234-4209 if you have any questions. In order to bid on this project, you must be a "registered" plan holder. To be a "registered" plan holder, you must purchase the digital bidding documents from QuestCDN or purchase the paper set of the bidding documents from the City of Hutchinson. Any bids submitted by contractors not on the Plan Holder List will not be considered at the time for opening of bids and will be returned to the contractor. The City Council reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any informalities and irregularities. Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator PUBLISH IN HUTCHINSON LEADER ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 18TH, 2022 AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 25TH, 2022. PUBLISH IN FINANCE & COMMERCE ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 18TH, 2022 AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 25TH, 2022. 1AAA• SOUTH GRADE RD SW r L CHICAGO AVE DH� h FREEMONT < CLEZND AVE GW O CENTURY AVE SW CENTURY AVE SW ATIANTA AVEOF SW BIACKBIRD , f g _ [.L]T..AVE BLUEJAY DR. SW c DENVER AVE SW CONSTRUCTION LIMITS .w axE MY oknmi cen OE uws av OE sT I AM A DULYx a M EmT V 2022 STREET MILL AND OVERLAYS PROJECT AREA sxEEr v o m . cx Ox A . A —_ S.A.P. 133ET MILL A NO SCALE Or HUTCHINSON lET➢NG NO. 2 / CITY PROJECT 22-02 1 IS . lww.. 11- IN NHIMN-2 L2 �, ME L—G-21 —= 2032 Wlland Parley May 3, 2022 ♦ 5:00 — 6:00 PM ♦ City Center Proiect Scone 2022 STREET MILL & OVERLAYS — Century Avenue SW (Dale St. to Boston St.); surface milling, concrete curbing, bituminous surfacing, pavement markings, restoration and appurtenances. Estimated Proiect Costs & Funding Estimated Roadway Construction Cost $ 284,740 Estimated Project Expenses (Engineering, Administration, Geotechnical, etc.) $ 59,795 Estimated Total Project Cost $ 344,535 City Bonding $ 0 Improvement Assessments $ 72,251 Municipal State Aid $ 272,284 Water Fund $ 0 Wastewater Fund $ 0 Stormwater Fund $ 0 Estimated Funding $ 344,535 City Pays For ■ Street Rehabilitation — about 50% of pavement, curb replacements, draintile, storm sewer and restoration costs ■ Partial Street Reconstruction — about 50% of pavement, curb installation, draintile, storm sewer and restoration costs ■ Full Street Reconstruction — about 50% of pavement, curb installation, draintile, storm sewer and restoration cost ■ MiWOverlay — about 50% of pavement, curb replacements, structure adjustments and restoration costs ■ Alley Reconstruction — about 50% of pavement, grading, drainage improvements and restoration costs ■ Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Improvements — 100% Property Owner Pays For ■ Residential/Commercial Streets — about 50% of Street Rehab, Partial Street Recon, Full Street Recon, Mill & Overlay and Alley Recon costs ■ Water/Sanitary Sewer Services - in areas of new main construction ■ Proposed Assessment Rates o Street Rehabilitation $52.50/Frontage Foot o Partial Street Reconstruction $65.00/Frontage Foot o Full Street Reconstruction $80.00/Frontage Foot o MiWOverlay $30.00/Frontage Foot o Alley Reconstruction $40.00/Frontage Foot ■ Estimated Total Assessment for Typical City Lot (66' width) o MiWOverlay $1,980.00 ■ NOTES: 1. Methods and amounts of estimated assessments are subject to change. 2. Assessments allocated to properties over a 10-year term (interest rate estimated to be 4 to 6%). HUTCHINsoN A airy a" PURPOSE. 04/25/2022 Project Neighborhood Meeting Notice Letting No. 2/Project No. 22-02 2022 Street Mill &� Overlays Project Tuesday, May 3'"d ♦ S: 00 to 6: 00 PM (open house format) Hutchinson Citv Center (III Hassan St. SE — Council Chambers, INTRODUCTION The City of Hutchinson would appreciate the opportunity to review the planned 2022 Street Mill & Overlays project with you. At this time, project construction is anticipated to start during the summer/fall of 2022. The intent of this meeting is to provide a general project review and discuss the proposed roadway improvements. There also will be information provided regarding the proposed property assessments associated with this project. PROPOSED PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS The project area consists of the Century Avenue SW corridor from Dale Street to the Boston Street intersection. This street has been identified as needing moderate surfacing repairs by the City's Pavement Management Program and existing condition observations. The proposed project primarily consists of the milling and overlaying of the existing bituminous pavement surface, concrete curbing replacements, pavement markings and minimal turf restoration. At this point, this proposed project is being formally considered, but still may not be addressed this coming construction season depending on City Council approvals and/or funding limitations. In regards to project financing, a portion of the planned work required to accomplish this project will most likely be funded by Municipal State Aid allocations. However, the remainder of the work will need to be funded by City bonding and property improvement special assessments. HEARINGS/PROCESS This Neighborhood Meeting is the first step in the process. This meeting will be an informal discussion regarding the project that allows City staff to communicate preliminary information regarding what the project is proposed to include and to provide a preliminary estimate of specific property assessments to property owners. This informal discussion will allow individual questions/comments to be heard and for a general review of the project to occur prior to the first official hearing required by the formal project assessment process. The first official hearing, the Public Hearing, is scheduled to occur at the May 10' City Council meeting (6:00 PM). This meeting will be televised and is the formal presentation of the proposed project to the City Council. Public input time is included and welcomed at this meeting. Approval at this hearing does not mean that the project will be constructed as presented. This will be the point at which a formal decision will be made by the City Council as to whether or not City staff should continue the special assessment process and move on to the next step of completing the project plans/specifications with the understanding that actual construction bids for completing the work will be requested. The second official hearing, the Assessment Hearing, would be during another City Council meeting after receiving the construction bids (most likely in July). At that point, City staff will prepare final assessment amounts for each property, and mail them out in advance of the meeting. At this hearing, property owners will then be given the opportunity to comment on the merits of both the project and the proposed amount of the assessments. Questions, thoughts and concerns regarding the project or associated assessments would be heard by the City Council, and official action on whether or not to award the project work for construction would be taken. To formally contest an assessment, a written/signed objection letter must be provided to the City Administrator prior to or at the Assessment Hearing. This action then allows you, the property owner, to appeal an assessment to District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Administrator within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment (typically the Assessment Hearing date) and filing such notice with the District Court within ten days after service upon the Mayor or City Administrator. ASSESSMENTS As described above, this project's roadway work is considered to be primarily a mill/overlay project, thus a portion of the total cost of these improvements will be assessed to the adjacent private properties per the City's Special Assessment Policy and adopted 2022 Fee Schedule. The anticipated assessment amounts/approach appear to be consistent and fair with respect to past City improvement projects. Per currently identified funding sources and recent assessment calculations, a significant portion of the overall project cost will still be incurred by City related funding sources. SCHEDULE & CONSTRUCTION ITEMS As previously mentioned, construction is anticipated to start in the late summer of 2022. The project should be completed within one construction season (weather dependent) including final paving and turf restoration work. GENERAL INFORMATION Please feel free to contact Kent Exner/City Engineer at 234-4212 or kexner e,hutchinsommm.gov if you have any questions, comments or concerns that you would like addressed. If desired, City Engineering Department staff would be willing to meet at your property to further discuss the proposed project improvements. Thank you for your time and consideration! HUTCHINSON HC REDEVELOPMENT CITY CENTER OFFICE 2021 ear End ■ ■ PARK TOWERS ■ APARTMENTS 111 Hassan Street SE 133 Third Ave. SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 Hutchinson, MIN 55350 (320) 234-4251 (320) 587-2168 Fax (320) 234-4240 FAX (320) 587-3748 Website www.hutchinsonhra.com 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% Market Rate General Occupancy Vacancy Rate in 2021 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2021 October 2021 Apartment Guide Survey Data O 2021 General Occupancy - Market Rate Rents (October 2021) Pagel AptName #of Efficiency Effie. Rent: Dawson Property 2 $400 Colonial Apt. 1 $415 Gateway Central 1 $445 Alexander 1 $500 South Dale Apt. 2 $500 AptName ■oF 1 BD 1 BD 435 California Apt. 1 $395 Mansard Apt. 1 $475 Apollo Apt. 3 $500 Dawson Property 2 $500 Twin Apt. 14 $500 Parkwood 8 $515 Colonial Apt. 3 $530 South Dale Apt. 7 $550 Gateway Central 3 $575 Valley View Apt. 2 $592 Golfview Apts. 1 $590 Olson Apartments 2 $600 Dale Street Apt. 7 $600 Fairlane Apt. 9 $605 565 Jefferson Apt. 1 $605 Echo Manor Apt. 2 $625 Cedar Acres Apts. 21 $650 Bartco 3 $749 Park View Terrace A 1 $695 Country Club Manor 26 $695 Ridgedale Square 2 $705 Townhomes 8 $750 LLC 2 $750 Highfield 1,20 30 $750 Deer Park 20 $850 Century Court Apt. E 21 $890 Highfield 4&5 24 $895 AptName #of 2 BID 2 BD Rents 435 California Apt. 2 $475 Mansard Apt. 11 $550 Colonial Apt. 4 $570 Apollo Apt. 7 $600 Apartments 16 $610 Valley View Apt. 32 $655 Golfview Apts. 9 $670 Gatewa Central 13 $675 OlsonA artments 25 $700 Alexander 10 $700 Bradford Apts. 2 $700 Cedar Acres Apts. 15 $700 South Dale Apt. 30 $700 Southview Terrace 18 $700 Fairlane Apt. 15 $705 Park View Terrace A 17 $710 Echo Manor Apt. 28 $745 565Jefferson Apt. 11 $725 Country Club Manor 50 $755 Ridgedale Square 34 $775 Hutchinson A is 34 $800 Bartco 8 $825 Hi hfieldl,2&3 51 $850 win a Townhomes 64 $880 Deer Park 105 $975 Highfield4&5 46 $935 Century Court Apt. East 47 $1,060 Century Court Apt. West 84 $1,060 Some above listed rents may include utilities; see the Hutchinson Apartment Guide for details. Information is deemed correct at time of survey but not guaranteed. AptName ■of 3 BD 3 BD Rents 435 California Apt. 1 $600 Valley View Apt. 2 $713 Olson Apartments 6 $750 Golfview Apts. 2 $750 South Dale Apt. 1 $750 Bradford Apts. 2 $875 Ridgedale Square 12 $945 Highfield 1,20 6 $350 Townhomes 8 $1,100 Deer Park 12 $1,100 Bartco 3 $1.200 Century Court Apt. E 28 $1,280 HDurlyrate Yearly 30% Monthly Income $10 $20,800 $520.00 $12 $24,960 $624.00 $15 $31,200 $780.00 $18 $37,440 $936.00 $20 $41,600 $1,040.00 $22 $45,760 $1,144.00 $27.727 $57,672 $1,441.80 Affordable Rental Housing Standard: Housing should cost no more than 30 % of the household gross income. ' Median H.—Wd Income in fl 6ir— from USCB 2015: ACS Syr E:t. Ta61c I October 2021 Apartment Guide Survey Data 2021 HUl'CHINSON HOME RESALES: The McLeod County .,assessors Office 2021 Hutchinson median home resale was $215,400 compared to the NILS median of $235,000, Home Resales (ityof Hutchinson 2010throuRh 2021 Year 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Price Range No. Pd. No, Pct. No, Pct. No. Pct. No. Pd. No. Pct. No, Pct. No. Pct. No. Pd. No. Pd. No. Pd. No. Pd. Under$50,000 4 1.1% 7 2.0°% 1 0.3% 7 1.9% 9 2.7% 10 3.0% 15 4.2% 18 5.7% 29 10.2% 44 15.3% 30 12.4% 24 11.1% $50,000to$74,999 5 1.3% 10 2.9% 5 1.6% 11 3.1% 10 3.0% 15 4.6% 26 7.3% 17 5.4% 35 12.3% 33 11.5% 31 12.8% 16 7.4% $75,000 to $99,999 13 3.5% 10 2.9°% 8 2.5% 15 4.2% 22 6.6% 38 11.6% 39 11.0% 34 10.8% 36 12.7% 62 21.6% 46 19.0% 32 14.8% $100,000to$124,999 10 2.7% 19 5.5% 27 8.6% 46 12.8% 46 13.8% 54 16.4% 58 16.3% 59 18.7% 49 17.3% 52 18.1% 48 19.8% 38 17,6% $125,000 to $d9,999 29 7.8% 49 14.4% 50 15.9% 67 18.7% 70 21.0% 76 23.1% 68 19.1% 68 21.5% 59 20.8% 41 14.3% 33 13.6% 38 17.6% $150,000to$174,999 34 9.1% 51 14.9% 64 20.3% 70 19.5% 73 21.9% 55 16,7% 60 16.8% 51 16.1% 29 10.2% 16 5.6% 22 9.2% 23 10.6% $175,000to199,999 58 15.5% 55 16.0% 59 18.7% 55 15.3% 39 11.8% 23 7.0% 27 7.6% 21 6.6% 16 5.6°% 13 4.5% 9 3,7% 12 5.6% $200,000+ 220 1 59.0% 1 142 1 41.4% 1 101 1 32.1% 1 88 1 24.5% 1 64 19.2% 58 17.6% 63 17.7% 48 15.2% 31 10.9% 1 26 9.1% 23 9.5% 33 1 15.3% Total 1 373 1 100.0% 1 343 1 100.0% 1 315 1 100.0% 1 359 1 100.0% 1 333 1 100.0% 329 100.0% 356 100.0% 316 100.0% 29 100.0% 287 100.0% 242 100.0% 216 1 100.0% Median I $215,400 I $186,000 1 $175,000 1 $161,900 1 $153,W I $140,000 1 $138,750 1 $133,500 1 $121,000 1 $101,400 1 $109,950 1 $121,600 • The construction of Single Family Dwelling Units - 35 units. ■ 2021 Mortgage Rates: 30-year fixed rates at the beginning of 2021 were 2.65 % and ended at 3.1 % according to Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors. Currently the rates are on the rise. ■ The construction of General Occupancy, Multi -Family Dwelling Units at: ■ Century Court West Luxury Town homes (continuing into 2022) ■ Highfield Apartments ■ Will need more residential lots. '� 200 150 100 50 0 I' f McLeod County and Hutchinson Foreclosure Counts 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ■ McLeod County ■ Hutchinson Sheriff Sales were delayed because of the moratorium for part of the year. W Pill "Jim Park Towers Apartments Management: ■ RAD Conversion from Public Housing to Multifamily, Section 8 Project Based Rental Assistance Program (PBRA): Park Towers management was in two worlds in 2021. We still received operating funding from the Public Housing Program but all the requirements for the Multifamily, PBRA program had to be followed. 11 OJAI I 1 *1 Owner Occupied Rehabilitation City Home Improvement Gant Program (TIP): Match Finds: Live and Work Personal Weatherization Total Project Cost $5,000.00 Windows/Doors $5,000.00 $5,000.00 A/C & Plumbing $5,000.00 Total $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 Home hWrovement-Grant Personal NM Fix Up Loan Total Project Cost $10,000.00 BathroomU dates $25,822.00 $35,822.00 * $9,848.34 Windows/Doors $9,848.34 $19,696.68 $10,000.00 Decking $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $1,280.00 Sewer $1,280.00 $2,560.00 $4,537.00 Boiler & Electrical $4,537.00 $9,074.00 $10,000.00 Siding $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $4,104.00 Windows $4,104.00 $8,208.00 $4,272.00 Furnace & A/C $4,272.00 $8,544.00 $10,000.00 Windows $10,000.00 $20,000.00 Total $64,041.34 $49,937.34 $29,926.00 $143,904.68 *Project combined with L&W program 2021 Total Owner Occu iedRehab Projects 10 11 Rental Rehabilitation ■ Completed the rehabilitation of 907 Dale Street Apartments (South Dale) and closed out the 2019 Minnesota Small Cities Development Program Grant (SCDP) . $469,751.00 - $105,249.00 - $214,286.00 $31,715.00 $789,286.00 $31,715.00 $469,751.00 Met small cities goals $105,249.00 $246,001.00 Exceeded leverage goals $821,001.00 Q. What do you see for the housing market for Hutchinson in 2022? A. Buyer demand will continue to put pressure on the already low listing supply. I believe the number of overall sales will be lower than last year due to this (based on 1st quarter numbers). Q. What are the most influential factors affecting housing in Hutchinson? A. Supply, affordability, and interest rates. Q. There were 35 houses built in 2021. What do you think will happen to new housing construction in 2022? A. Similar to 2021. I believe new construction will be limited by the availability of lots, rising construction costs, and limited workforce in the trades. '* Park Towers Apartments Many ement. • Continue implementation of RAD Multifamily, Section 8 PBRA program at Park Towers. • Continue staff training. • Follow legislation that may require sprinklers in high rise residential buildings. 11 City Center Operations, Owner Occupied Rehab: ■ Administer the City Home Improvement Grant Program (TIF available funds), Minnesota Housing Rehab Loan Program and the Fix Up Fund Home Improvement Loan Program. ■ Market available programs throughout the community. City Center Operations, SCDP Rental Rehab Program: •Identify and determine interest of potential rental rehab projects. 00 City Center Operations, Rental Development • Obtain a Comprehensive Housing Study/Market Analysis for Hutchinson after the 2021 Census Data is available. Develop a subsequent housing plan including potential resources for needed housing development. City Center Operations - After Housing Needs Study Completion • Determine best uses of the HRA Island View Heights lots. •Develop a housing plan including potential resources available. ,* QUESTIONS??? Information will be at www.hutchinsonhra.com 11 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL City'fl Request for Board Action 7AL Zwl,7 Agenda Item: Massage License - Kelly Nelson, A Touch of Tranquility, LLC Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Kelly Nelson of A Touch of Tranquility, LLC has submitted a massage license application into administration for review and processing. The application is for Ms. Nelson to provide massage services at her business located at 903 Hwy 15 South. A background check was completed of Ms. Nelson and the police department does not object to the issuing of the license. The applicant has completed the appropriate application in full and all pertinent information has been received. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing massage license to Kelly Nelson of A Touch of Tranquility, LLC to provide massage services at 903 Hwy 15 South Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: City °f 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587-5151 Fax: (320) 234-4240 City of Hutchinson Application for Massage Service License (Under Ordinance No. 119) Business Information Business N �ti, sin ss Address Zoning District *verify the proposed use is allowed in this zoning district )orate Information (if Corporate Name Address License Fee: $175 Rv—' a ' Operating Year: "191 4i Phone Number 4�l3f;Ci City State Zip State Phone Number Owner(s)/Corporate Officer(s) (list names and addresses of all persons have a beneficial interest in ttie business/coraoration) Name: a Name: Zip Zip Address City State Zip *If necessary, list additional owner(s)/corporate officer(s) on a separate sheet of paper Name: Address all individuals involved in givi Name: `4 i ( t i '� L City State of X c"� L�[A -Z-L iJLc� 1�7�S I,�i� {P&Jlr) !"► k LL �5�) Address City State Zip Name: - Address City State Zip *Tfnecessarv. list additional operators on a separate sheet ofpaper City of Hutchinson Application for Massage Service Page 3 of S I hereby certify that I have completely filled out the entire above application, together and that the application is true, correct, and accurate. I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of Chapter 119 of the Hutchinson City Code pertaining to Massage Services is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $1000 00 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. (. Signature of Applicant Date Print Name Title NOTE. No application will be forwarded to the City Council unless received one week prior to the regular Council meeting, filled out in completion, and fee payment is attached. Internal Use Only Zoning/ Building:approved ❑denied Notes: j (/�� __ 1 " Fire 9 approved ❑denied Notes: Police approved City Council ❑ approved H:Licenses/Applications/Massage.do c ❑ denied Notes: _(A—L "/\. 0 ❑ denied Notes: City of Hutchinson Application for Massage Service Page 5 of 5 MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT Ordinance 119.06 requires that the manager of the establishment be "a natural person who is a resident of the City". Please complete and sign the following confirming the above. Establishment Information Establishment Name Phone Number 1S Establishment Address City State Zip Tnformation C-\1� �zoP2��C_ �bn `3eete.rt CL.:RCr �aD -S"-1- LPL. Owner/Corporate Name Phone Number iT 5, 1-��_N Sc,J Q_ 5S3�;-& Owner/Corporate Address City State Zip Manager Information Manager Name Phone Number T Manager Address City State Zip I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. owner or authorized officer of establishment Date MEMORANDUM POLICE / EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO: Stephanie Nelson FROM: Chief Tom Gifferson DATE: 04-12-2022 RE: Touch of Tranquility, LLC / Kelly Jo Nelson Please review the attached memorandum from Officer Fenrich. He has completed the background investigation on Kelly Jo Nelson. It is my recommendation to approve the Massage Service License for Touch of Tranquility, LLC. Please contact me if you have any further questions. Thank you. HUTCH SO A CITY ON PURPOSE. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL City�fl Request for Board Action 7AL Zwl,7 Agenda Item: Burich Arena heating and ventilation systems replacement - east rink Department: PRCE - Burich Arena LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Mary Haugen/Lynn Newrrd Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: City staff has been working with mechanical engineering company Nelson-Rudie creating plans and specifications for Burich Arena - east rink heating and ventilation replacement. We have included the basic plans and specifications that the team has created. The plans include replacement of: #1 - The systems required to heat and ventilate the locker rooms and bathrooms. #2 - A separate system that will provide heating, ventilation and dehumidification for the main arena and spectator area. Some of the current components of these two systems have been in place since the building's original construction in 1977. Other HVAC parts and projects have been cobbled together over the years, working to provide increased comfort/temperature control to spectators and participants. The building currently has no controls for monitoring or adjusting ventilation/pressure based upon spectator load or a comprehensive building climate control management system. When our re -roofing and sidewall replacement project is complete, the building envelope will be sealed, allowing no further "natural" ventilation. This project will work toward solving these deficiencies. The Facilities Committee believes that these improvements are necessary and will help protect and preserve the building envelope for the next generation. The cost for this project is estimated to be $500,000. The facility fund has had this amount in reserve for this project. This cost is in addition to the $2.6 million re-roofing/sidewall replacement project that is in progress. The original cost of that was estimated to be be $1.6 million, but because of delays and market conditions, the budget number grew. Another funding option to consider instead of the stressed facilities fund is the American Rescue Plan fund. Some of the goals of this COVID related federal funding are to provide improved infrastructure creating "significant and long lasting" benefit to the community, and to improve ventilation in public buildings. This project addresses all of those requirements. For this project to move forward, your approval is requested to approve the plans/specifications, advertise for bids and to set a bid opening date of Thursday, June 9th. us BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Request council approval to approve plans/specifications, advertise for bids and set bid opening date for Burich Arena - east rink HVAC replacement. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Facilities fund/ARPA FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 500,000.00 Total City Cost: $ 500,000.00 Funding Source: Facilities fund/ARPA Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 15458 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BURICH ARENA HVAC IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, Nelson — Rudie and Associates, Inc. and the Contegrity Group (Construction Manager) have prepared plans and specifications for the following described city project: Burich Arena HVAC Improvements. Work will be accomplished through multiple contracts that include a HVAC and Electrical Package. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. Contegrity Group and Nelson — Rudie and Associates, Inc. shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper, the City's website, and in the Minnesota Builders Exchange and/or similar -like trade magazines, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by Mary Haugen until 2:00 p.m. on June 9, 2022, at which time they will be publicly opened at the Hutchinson Parks, Recreation and Community Education Office, 900 Harrington Street, by Mary Haugen and the Construction Manager, will then be tabulated, and the responsibility of the bidders will be considered by the City Council at 5:30 p.m. on June 14 or June 28 in the council chambers of the Hutchinson City Center, I I I Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, MN. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the City Council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with Mary Haugen and accompanied by cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Hutchinson for 5 percent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 1& day of May, 2022. Gary Forcier, Mayor Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator SECTION 00 1113 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PROJECT IDENTIFICATION: Sealed bid proposals will be received in accordance with the construction contract documents, as prepared by Nelson — Rudie and Associates, Inc. for: Name of Project: Burich Arena HVAC Improvements Address of Project: 950 Harrington Street SW, Hutchinson, MN 55350 The work will be accomplished through multiple contracts with the City of Hutchinson, with Contegrity Group Inc. acting as the Construction Manager. The following categories of work will be bid: 1. HVAC Package 2. Electrical Package BID TIME: Bids will be received at the office of Mary Haugen, 900 Harrington Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 until 2:00 PM on Thursday, June 9th, 2022. All late bids received will be returned unopened to the submitter. No faxed bids will be accepted. BID LOCATION: Sealed Bid Proposals for the Burich Arena HVAC Improvements construction work to be provided in accordance with the construction contract documents, as prepared by Nelson — Rudie and Associates, Inc, will be received at the office of Mary Haugen, 900 Harrington Street, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 until the date and time as stated above. Bids will then be publicly opened and read aloud. No faxed or electronic bids will be accepted. Sealed bid envelopes shall be marked with the Bidder's Name and Category of Work being bid. EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS: Contract Documents for this construction work may be examined in the Hutchinson Parks, Recreation and Community Education Office, Minnesota Builder's Exchange, Builder's Exchanges listed: St. Cloud, Duluth, Willmar, Albert Lea, Rochester, Austin, Mankato, South Central, Southwest, Fargo -Moorhead, Grand Forks, Aberdeen, and Sioux Falls Builder's Exchanges, iSgFt, Dodge Data and Analytics, and CMD Group; Nelson-Rudie & Associates, Inc, 9100 49th Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55428; and Contegrity Group, Inc., 101 1st St SE, Little Falls, MN 56345. BID DOCUMENTS: Bid documents will be available to contractors on or about May 18th, 2022. Bid documents can be obtained online through Contegrity Group's plan room at www.cqiplanroom.com where electronic download of these documents is free. If ordering printed bid documents, a plan deposit check in the amount of $100.00 per set, made payable to City of Hutchinson and a separate non-refundable check in the amount of $35.00 per set made payable to Contegrity Group, Inc. for mailing fees will be required. No partial sets of bidding documents will be issued. Plan deposit will be returned upon receipt of all bidding documents returned in useable condition within (20) days after the date bids have been received. Plan documents are to be returned to Contegrity Group, Inc., 101 1st Street SE, Little Falls, MN 56345. PRE -BID CONFERENCE: A pre -bid conference for all interested contractors will be held on Wednesday, May 25th, 2022 at 1:00 pm at the Burich Ice Arena (project site), 950 Harrington Street SW, Hutchinson, MN 55350. BID SECURITY: Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or corporate surety bond in an amount equal to five (5%) percent of the base bid, as bid security. If awarded a contract, each successful Bidder shall be required to furnish both Performance and Payment Bonds covering faithful performance of the contract and the payment of all obligations arising under such contract. Such bonds shall be the latest edition of the AIA Document A312/CM, in the amount equal to 100% payment. If the contract is less than $75,000 an irrevocable Letter of Credit from a financial institution will be acceptable under the same terms and conditions of Performance & Payment Bonds. City of Hutchinson reserves the right to reject any or all bids received and to waive any informalities and irregularities in the bidding. Bids may not be withdrawn or modified within forty-five (45) days after the closing time and date Section 00 1113 — Page 1 of 1 Burich Arena HVAC Improvements A �mmm®®ov �mmms®ov �mmm®®ov �mmm®®ov �mmm®®ov �0mmv®ov v®mms®®® �mmmss©v �mmmssov H �0m©ss®v �mmmss®v �0mmss®v �®mmssov - • . �mmmssov o0mmsso© m0mmsso© alil� 4' rA HURICH ARENA HVAC msRovEmENTs ua. W.4- PERMIT /BID SET MECW IG MEBNEEI INOEXSMBOlBANO ABBREVIATIONS M0.1 -------------- 0 0 H AC nI II r RvIPROVEMEMLs 0 i i i i i x.,wneso'rw re T" - J ifie b o 0 o� P �6 P 0 O O O O osnoizazz y (W MECHANICAL PLAN- LOWER LEVEL DEMOLITION o 0oomweemwununuxmxomww.eumiarneaus �omw,rwaarnemairwwamaxrmm.wroirwmawim. 0 maiwunniuiaxom,m.w,.aEme�naoa.nea.w.xrmm ©omnorawmarn..w�amama.awwm. PERMIT BID SET m•r°£ciwNMPLAN- o LMER LEVEL \ r�BURICHARENA HVAC _ r IIvIPROVEMEMLS - ---- - -- - - -- - -I - - - --- - --- MR— in %IY \ MECHANICAL PLAN - UPPER LEVEL DEMOLIT10N oe/.4— o� om�.roh Omsix.wenwnEr,crm. PERMIT /BID SET sn..MECHANN:NL PLAN g 9 UPPER LEVEL OE UTIUN Y M1.2 TVz o wEuw",ro..,F.F.roww.�rou, o�.�nwo.w�w.ww.»�..ffo.",A»ua IIJ o MECHANICAL PLAN - LOWER LEVEL NEW°, „'' �.-�a o o SECTIONS AT DHU-1 it - - - - TI - - - r / iT IIvIPRO AVEMEMLs is %IY+\ NECNMIIAN CAL PL- UPPER LEVEL NEW :I iss �.v.v oo� o "°'� .a:. F.o....�..,E. .a.,....�...» os/io/zazz rERnTiHm SET �••MECNANMALPLr1N- UPPER UWELNEW M2.2 ------------------- L------------------- Rff RZ ME rA B[1RICH ARENA H AC IMPROVEhffiJTs me0et LECKMIGAL OE ALS x M3.1 4 S - DEHUMIDIFICATION UNIT SCHEDULE-s�wuaw.a.,ax>a.w ENERGY RECOVERY UNIT--.. wva . 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I 'J III -- - - --� 0 of r ❑ 0El ELECTRICAL PLAN LOWER LEVEL DEMOLITION o O e��r-.x.woo�RaawEoa..�i-w <ro () u MR�LIpi IIEMEElM2l wvxrnouvumrt. -------------------------- r — - — - -- - — - - - — - — - i - — - -- ----- ----- i --- L ----- i --- i- ---- 0 — -- -- ---- -- --- - ----- i --- -- -----r == u----- - - ----- --- - -----' - -- - - o J w o�� 0 ELECTRICAL PLAN LOWER LEVEL NEW Jorx� xEv rvorEs. xEr xmEs: ¢innuna xortswsx[Ei[o�. o �ir.r.��"amiwn�:ssaEai"n. muix� �xwasuuuuues.vsamuiwner _ REY PLAN © vsix�x.vvoigax[au�iia uww ro"cxmoeus ix useix i.zc.xo"zxiwh I� - -- - - -- - - --- -------_----- ---- _ --__ _ _ _ _ __ ____ __ _ ° T---T ELECTRICAL PLAN -UPPER LEVEL NEW i� .r-�a O � i�m�roa O �w.nw�o�Pµaix iow[vutrt�xuv�i�»�a �. m�x�iwp.-.wnnuFiiov[wvx. pp �.wru U = 1 0 © PAONEL PAONE�,,,�, � MCCO uE MSB MSB "u_ '�' mixx: J 3 \ BEVIS srExuE ® I, c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Resolution 15453 Calling Public Hearing on the Intention to Issue General Agenda Item: Obligation Street Reconstruction Plan Bonds Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: We typically issue General Obligation Special Assessment Improvement Bonds to finance a major portion of our annual street improvement costs. This is allowed under Minnesota Statute 429, which provides for the debt issuance without a voter referendum. An important item to note under Statute 429, is that our bond proceeds are limited based on the level of special assessments charged against benefiting properties. Essentially, the amount of special assessments must be at least 20% of total bond issue, plus bond issuance costs. Our 2022 improvement project is not generating sufficient assessments to utilize the 429 bonding process, therefore we will need to use Statute 475 as we did in 2021. The end result is basically the same with a slightly different process than under 429. We will need to hold a public hearing on June 14 to discuss the bond issuance and then a 30-day reverse referendum period will commence. The 30-day period allows the public an opportunity to contest the bond issuance with a petition signed by voters equal to 5% of the votes cast in the last City general election. After the 30-day period, the City may issue the bonds if a valid petition is not submitted. We will have more information regarding the bonding at the public hearing. At this point I am planning on a bond issuance of around $2.1 M. Additionally, we will need to bond for the remaining costs of the new Police Facility, which I'm estimating at $5M at this time. The plan is to bring more information to council in July, with council's approval on July 26 to sell the bonds. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution 15453 Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A Resolution 15453 RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON THE INTENTION TO ISSUE GENERAL OBLIGATION STREET RECONSTRUCTION PLAN BONDS AND THE PROPOSAL TO ADOPT A STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND OVERLAY PLAN THEREFORE A. WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.58, Subdivision 3b the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the "City") may issue bonds to finance capital expenditures under its street reconstruction and overlay plan (the "Plan") without an election provided that, among other things, prior to issuing the bonds the City adopts the Plan after a public hearing thereon and publishes a notice of its intention to issue the bonds and the date and time of a hearing to obtain public comment on the matter; and B. WHEREAS, the City Council will hold a public hearing on its intention to issue general obligation street reconstruction plan bonds (the `Bonds") and to adopt the Plan therefore pursuant thereto on June 14, 2022; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the City Council hereby calls for a public hearing on its intent to issue the Bonds and to adopt the Plan therefore, such hearing to be held on the date and time set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. The City Council is hereby directed to cause the notice to be published at least 10 but not more than 28 days before the hearing in the official newspaper of the City or a newspaper of general circulation in the City. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council This 1 Oth day of May, 2022 Gary Forcier, Mayor Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator EXHIBIT A FORM OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF HUTCHINSON COUNTY OF MCLEOD STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND OVERLAY PLAN AND THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS THEREUNDER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the "City"), will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at or after 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the Hutchinson City Center, I I I Hassan Street SE in the City, relating to a proposal concerning: (1) the adoption of a five-year street reconstruction and overlay plan (the "Plan"); and (2) the issuance of general obligation street reconstruction and overlay bonds (the "Bonds") to finance the reconstruction and mill and overlay of certain streets in the City, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.58, subdivision 3b. The Bonds will be issued in a principal amount not to exceed $2,150,000. A draft copy of the Plan is on file with the City Administrator and is available for public inspection at City Hall during regular business hours. If a petition requesting a vote on the issuance of the Bonds, signed by voters equal to five percent of the votes cast in the last City general election, is filed with the City Administrator within 30 days after the public hearing (i.e. by July 14, 2022), the City may issue the Bonds only after obtaining approval of a majority of voters voting on the question at an election. At the time and place fixed for the public hearing, the City Council will give all persons who appear at the hearing an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal. In addition, interested persons may direct any questions or file written comments respecting the proposal with the City Administrator, at or prior to said public hearing. Dated: May 10, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator City of Hutchinson, Minnesota HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Authorizing Resolution 15455 Declaring Intent on Bonding Reimbursement Agenda Item: Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: On an annual basis, the City of Hutchinson administers street and capital improvement projects that are financed by G.O. Improvement Bonds. The City's current business practice is to issue bonds in the fall after the projects have been bid, awarded to contractors and the contract costs are determined. The biggest benefit of this practice is that the City bonding amount is more accurate than if we bonded earlier in the year based on engineering estimates. The downfall to waiting later in the year to issues bonds is that the City must cash flow the project costs during the summer and reimburse itself when the bond proceeds are received. This process has worked well for the City and there are no current issues with continuing this practice in the future. When we use bond proceeds to reimburse costs already paid, IRS regulations require the City Council to approve a resolution declaring its intent to reimburse itself with the bond proceeds. Please find attached, Resolution 15455 "Declaring the Official Intent of the City of Hutchinson to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of Bonds to be issued by the City". The resolution itemizes the various projects expected to be financed by bonds this year, and sets the maximum cost reimbursement at a conservative amount of $7,500,000. For 2022, we will issue bonds for the pavement management roadway improvements in addition to bonds for the final construction of the Police Facility project. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution 15455 Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. _15455_ DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has issued Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2 (the "Reimbursement Regulations") providing that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WHEREAS, the City expects to incur certain expenditures that may be financed temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a tax-exempt bond; WHEREAS, the City has determined to make this declaration of official intent ("Declaration") to reimburse certain costs from proceeds of bonds in accordance with the Reimbursement Regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON AS FOLLOWS: The City proposes to undertake the following improvements in 2022: a. Finalize the construction of the new police facility at 205 Washington Avenue SE b. Roadway improvements per the 2022 Pavement Management Program 2. The City reasonably expects to reimburse the expenditures made for certain costs of the Project from the proceeds of bonds expected to be sold in July 2022 and settled in August 2022, in an estimated maximum principal amount of $7,500,000. All reimbursed expenditures will be capital expenditures, costs of issuance of the bonds, or other expenditures eligible for reimbursement under Section 1. 1 50-2(d)(3) of the Reimbursement Regulations. 3. This Declaration has been made not later than 60 days after payment of any original expenditure to be subject to a reimbursement allocation with respect to the proceeds of bonds, except for the following expenditures: (a) costs of issuance of bonds; (b) costs in an amount not in excess of $100,000 or 5 percent of the proceeds of an issue; or (c) "preliminary expenditures" up to an amount not in excess of 20 percent of the aggregate issue price of the issue or issues that finance or are reasonably expected by the City to finance the project for which the preliminary expenditures were incurred. The term "preliminary expenditures" includes architectural, engineering, surveying, bond issuance, and similar costs that are incurred prior to commencement of acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of a project, other than land acquisition, site preparation, and similar costs incident to commencement of construction. 4. This Declaration is an expression of the reasonable expectations of the City based on the facts and circumstances known to the City as of the date hereof. The anticipated original expenditures for the Project and the principal amount of the bonds described in paragraph 2 are consistent with the City's budgetary and financial circumstances. No sources other than proceeds of bonds to be issued by the City are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside pursuant to the City's budget or financial policies to pay such Project expenditures. This Declaration is intended to constitute a declaration of official intent for purposes of the Reimbursement Regulations. Approved by the Hutchinson City Council this 1 Oth day of May, 2022. CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Mayor — Gary Forcier Attest: City Administrator — Matt Jaunich HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Calling a Special Budget Workshop Meeting for 4 p.m. on May 24 Agenda Item: Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 5/10/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 1 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No 0 BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Staff is getting set to begin the 2023 budget season. To assist us with that process, I would like to have a workshop meeting with the council to discuss the process that is being used to establish the budget and to get some feedback from the Council on budgetary goals for 2023. This meeting will be similar to the annual budget kick-off meeting I've conducted the past several years. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of calling a special workshop meeting for 4 p.m. on May 24 Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No 0 Included in current budget: Yes 0 PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A EDA Board Meeting Hutchinson Enterprise Center 11:30 AM Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022 MEETING MINUTES Members present in bold. EDA Board Members Mike McGraw Jonny Block Mike Cannon Corey Stearns Chad Czmowski Mary Christensen Jeremy Carter Staff Miles Seppelt, EDA Director Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Andy Reid, Finance Director Maddie Newcomb, EDA Program Manager Guest Jenny Zhu I. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 11:31 AM. II. Review Agenda III. Review Minutes a. February 161" Finance Team meeting M/S/P: Stearns, Cannon to approve the minutes as written. Passed unanimously. Economic Development Authority Financial Summary as of February 2022 Operations Cash Available $125,168 Reserved $56,736 Unreserved $64,927 Economic Development Loan Fund Cash Available $155,560 Zephyr Wind Services $73,101 Laser Dynamics Balance (forgivable) $23,000 Innovative Foam Balance (forgivable) $14,355 Advances to other funds (Enterprise $246,052 Center) Downtown Revolving Loan Fund Cash Available $420,684 Loans Receivable $332,853 Capital Assets $201,329 Total Assets $1,091,779 MIF Loan Fund Cash Available $6,888 MOXY Loan Receivable $10,480 Enterprise Center Fund Cash Available $40,359 SHOPKO TIF District (TIF 4-5) Cash Available $206,221 Interfund Loans Receivable $482,422 MEDICAL CLINIC TIF District (TIF 4-16) Interfund Loan Payable $345,065 b. February 23rd EDA Board Meeting M/S/P: Block, Czmowski to approve the minutes as written. Passed unanimously IV. Review of EDA Financial Statements Mr. Reid provided an update on the EDA financials. (Please refer to table) M/S/P: Christensen, Stearns to approve the financial reports as presented. Passed unanimously. V. Director's Report A. Marketing Plan: FB = 731, T = 97, Facebook updates = 14, Twitter updates = 14, Website updates = 1 B. Business recruitment / expansions — Staff provided an update on recent prospects and ongoing conversations. C. Jorgensen Hotel — closed on March 18t", project moving ahead. D. Employee Retention Workshop — April 13t" , will focus on best practices for employee retention. E. Civil Air Patrol Project - moving forward in 2 phases, phase 1 to be the hanger and taxiway — summer 2022 project. They are currently seeking additional funding for phase 2 — barracks & classroom. F. ISD 423 Superintendent Search — down to 5 candidates, interviews/community member meetings taking place next week. Decision expected to be made around April 15t G. Tiger MFG Workshop — small group from the high school (teachers/students) will take a trip to Eleva-Strum High School to tour Cardinal Manufacturing. This will help gain some momentum to take Tiger Mfg to the next level. VI. Potential Industrial Park Projects A. Quade Building — currently Quade leases to a seed genetics company that needs to expand. Quade is looking to build a 30,000-sf building to accommodate this company as warehouse/office space. B. McClure Building — an option for this 16,000+ sf building is the lot west of Customer Elation, utilizing our 2/3 land write down program. C. Beverage Company — will connect with us in June. D. FireLake Manufacturing — need to get out of their current location, looking to either lease or build. VII. Hutch Uptown Commons (Franklin Redevelopment) A. Appoint advisory team o Carter and Cannon volunteered to be a part of the advisory team to assist with property owner negotiations. B. Potential project funding model o FEMA grant was approved, updated appraisals came back for the 5 houses, overall the appraisals were 35% higher from 2019. o Discussion on sources/uses for the project, including: acquisition costs, relocation expenses, inspection fees, title & utility work, etc. o Question is, how do we front the higher cost of this project? o One possible model is to fund with ARPA money (EDA would call CENEX site contribution satisfied), put that into the Downtown Revolving Loan Fund, fund the project from the Downtown RLF, then the TIF district would reimburse the Downtown RLF. o This model would create a renewable resource for future projects, and would be a strategic use of the ARPA funds. o Discussion on the property being set up as a Planned Unit Development and how the possible trail segment could be used as public use as per requirements of the PUD. o Next step in this process is negotiations with homeowners. Vill. "Imagine Hutchinson" Downtown Plan Review / Discussion o Currently we have 7 projects happening downtown o Plan is to filter through each segment of the "Imagine Hutchinson" Downtown plan to determine what our next projects need to be. o Discussion on two of the segments: Strengthen Tourism through Enhanced Parks and Recreation / Foster Sustainability & Stewardship o Pulled a few items from each segment to bring back for further discussion. IX. Grant & Loan Program Applications — NONE X. Other Business — NONE XI. Set Next Meeting — 11:30 AM Wednesday, April 27", 2022 XII. Adjourn — With no further business to attend to, the meeting adjourned at 12:43pm. Respectfully Submitted, Madison Newcomb EDA Program Manager