03-30-2022 HUCAHUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING March 30, 2022 3:00 p.m. 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 2. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills 3. APPROVE 2021 FINANCIAL AUDIT — PRESENTATION BY JUSTIN MCGRAW 4. APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5. OPEN FORUM 6. COMMUNICATION a. City Administrator b. Divisions C. Human Resources d. Legal e. General Manager 7. POLICIES a. Review Policies i. Section 3 of Exempt Handbook ii. Section 3 of Non -Exempt Handbook b. Approve Changes i. Deferred Compensation ii. Purchasing Policy 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Approve Requisition #009080 — 2022 Residential Meters b. Approve Requisition #009087 — Plant 1 Elevator Upgrades C. Approve Requisition #009088 - Charge Point DC Fast Charging Station d. Approve Natural Gas Facilities Maintenance Agreement- City of Fairfax e. Request to sell 5MVA Transformer for Generator #3 10. ADJOURN