11-24-2021 HUCM Special MeetingMINUTES Special Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, November 24, 2021 Call to order — 2:00 p.m. President Matt Cheney called the meeting to order. Members present: President Mat) Morrow, GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc: Sebora 4 11.1 "a14 11 "a14 11 �4r z 111MINIUM-AIR a UA=1 I The purpose of the special meeting is to have a Budget Workshop, GM Carter presented, HUC's 2022 preliminary budget. GIVI Carter first noted that these are preliminary budget numbers and Commissioners will have 5 weeks to review before final budget numbers need to be approved. Currently there are a few moving parts regarding the budget numbers and some, areas may need to be revised, Staff is waiting on receiving quotes regarding a few significant projects that will need to be completed in 2022. Union negotiations are also in process, currently included in the budget numbers are a 4% wage increase for union emiployees and moving the pay grid for non -union employees by 4% GM Carter highlighted for combined division, revenues are at $43.5M with expenses at $42.8M with a Net Profit of $740K, which was a decrease in net profit over last year. Electric Division Revenues are at $29.3M with expenses at $297M with a Net Loss of $368,K; thiis is about $100K worse than last year. Gas Division Revenues are at $14.2M with expenses at $13.11M with a Net Profit of $1.1M which is about $400,K worse than last year. Electric Division, Retail Customer sales is at $25.2M which, is fairly consistent with last year. Power Cost Adjustment is 1 A M compared to 1.3M in, 2021 which means HUC wiilll not need to, collect as much as the past year. Residential, Small General, Large General and Industrial Sales are fairly consistent with past years; which means HI:UC's loads are fairly consistent. Overall kwhr sales are essentially flat. Commissioner Hanson inquired about any companies going into a different rate class for next year, GIVI Carter noted there is nothiing that shows that type of movement for 2022. GM Carter pointed out that Sales for Resales is ticked up, due to increased market sales. HUC is currently ruininiinig the units into the fall. There has been unplanned downtime; which has increased the market prices. HUC has been able to capitalize on this by runniingi into the Fall, Other Revenues, of $39!7K is made up of Additional customer charges which include 12 months of collections, Interest Earnings and Bond Premiums. GM Carter reviewed the Pictorial Graphs; these graphs show the overall comparison as to how the revenue is derived. The Consumption History graph shows a snapshot of each customer class, loads, which is fairly flat, As long as consumption stays consistent HUC is, right on track with Glide paths. Overall consistent. GM Carter spoke on the Electric Division Expense Budget Highllighits, Health Insurance will be staying with Medica at a O�% increase/decrease. Dental Insurance will remain with Argus but at a 19% increase. HUIC did shop around for both Health and Dental Insurance. LTD, Basic Life and AD&D benefits remain the same, PILOT remains the same as the 2021 Budget, GM Carter reviewed on Expense of a $125K increase, along with the MRES Baseload Contract Expense of a $493K decrease. Additional Operating Expenses of $20K for Cost of Service Study, $42K for Equipment Breakdown Coverage, $70K for Asbestos Removal, $37K for Borescope Inspection, RATA & Emissions Testing, Permitting, $30K for LED Light Retrofitting Project and $300K for Increase in Depreciation Budget were a,lso highlighted. GM Carter reviewed the; pictorial graphs, of the Electric Division Expenses. After discussion of the Electric Division preliminary buidget, GM Carter gave an: overview I Division. Retail Customer Sales has an increase of $268K,and shows, R illy, t & P opeirationi/maintenance Agreement. GM Carter concluded by reviewing the pictorial graphs and expiense budget highiliglhts of the Naturail Gas Division, GM� Carter noted that the Retai�l Customer Gas purchases show 14 M Study, $300K for Transmission ROW Maintenance, Painting, diation following In - line pectioin and $I OOK for Material following Ini-line Inspection. Discussion was held on how the PILOT is based and if HUC is being fairly compensated. GM Carter spoke of some capital projects that may need to be done at Plant 1 which include Cooling Tower repairs, Elevator, and asphalt/concrete work in the parking lot, Along with the LED Conversion, Natural Gas High Consequent Area and the Fleet Schedule. Budget Presentation. There were no concerns from the Commissioners. There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Martinez second by Commissioner Hanson, to adjourn the meeting at 2:54pm. Motion carried unanimou:sly. ATTEST:' Matt heney, president 0 Don Martinez, Secretary