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04-25-2022 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes April 25, 2022 Present: Randy Kandt, Connie Dahl, Julie Jensen, Jeannette Meyer, Dave Husfeldt City Staff: Jenny Behrendt, John McRaith Absent: Al Barkeim, Mike Becker, Rhonda Schwarze I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00am by vice-chair Dave Husfeldt II. Secretary’s Report: The minutes from last month’s meeting were reviewed. No corrections were brought forward. Connie made a motion to approve the minutes with a second from Randy. The motion passed. III. Monthly Sales Review: Card sales were good in March with a total of $112.80 in revenue between the Center and Greencastle. Button sales brought in $5.00 and the dishcloths/scrubbers added $10.00. IV. Old Business A. Flag Pole & Plaque- The plaque that will be placed next to the flag pole at the Senior Center is ready to go but the weather hasn’t been great for placing the stone to which the plaque will be attached. This should be accomplished in the near future. The current flag on display was stitched up and is no longer in tatters. B. Active programming- Jenny has gotten requests for providing more active programming at the Center. Currently the Center offers ping pong, pickleball, kayaking, and SAIL exercise classes. Jenny hopes to promote river walking and lap swimming at the pool this summer. Julie also suggested walks or bike rides with a theme in mind like a sculpture walk or a bike ride involving historic sites in the community. VI. Business A. Senior Center Tours- Julie reported that the trip to the Old Log Theater for a show featuring Jimmy Buffet music had to be cancelled due to Covid issues th among the cast. On May 17 we will be visiting the Paramount Theater in St. Cloud to listen to the “Killer Vees” who are some friends and relatives of Bobby Vee. Lunch will be served at the Coyote Moon Grille. This tour is sold th out. June 29 will bring a second visit to a St. Paul Saints game including a pre-game picnic. There are currently 18 people registered. The always popular cruise is back again this summer and will feature a meal at the Afton House Inn th followed by a float down the St. Croix river. August 29 is the date for this year’s visit to the State Fair and is also Senior Day. B. Update on Programs- The movie for April was “Harriet” which was about the life of Harriet Tubman. The movie for May will be “Belfast”. Jenny has had several requests for the card game Hand and Foot. This will be advertised in the May newsletter. C. Other- No other items were brought forward for discussion. VI. Adjournment: Jeannette made a motion to adjourn at 10:20am with a second from Connie. The motion passed. The next scheduled meeting of the Senior Advisory rd Board will be Monday, 23. John McRaith, Secretary