01-05-2022 (Dec Mtg) EDAM EDA Board Meeting Hutchinson Enterprise Center th 11:30 AM Wednesday, January 5, 2022 (December Meeting) ____________________________________________________________________________ MEETING MINUTES Economic Development Authority Members present in bold. Financial Summary as of November 2021 Operations EDA Board Members Cash Available $175,030 Reserved $56,736 Mike McGraw Unreserved $113,580 Jonny Block Mike Cannon Economic Development Loan Fund Corey Stearns Cash Available $138,550 Daron Vanderheiden Ashwill Industries Balance $614 Chad Czmowski Zephyr Wind Services $76,448 Mary Christensen Laser Dynamics Balance (forgivable) $23,000 Jeremy Carter Innovative Foam Balance (forgivable) $14,355 Advances to other funds (Enterprise $255,423 Center) Staff Downtown Revolving Loan Fund Miles Seppelt, EDA Director Cash Available $338,148 Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Loans Receivable $413,404 Andy Reid, Finance Director Capital Assets $201,329 Maddie Newcomb, EDA Program Manager Total Assets $1,085,135 MIF Loan Fund I. Call to Order Cash Available $6,156 Meeting called to order at 11:32 AM. MOXY Loan Receivable $11,194 Enterprise Center Fund II. Review Agenda Cash Available $40,376 SHOPKO TIF District (TIF 4-5) III. Review Minutes Cash Available $197,919 th Interfund Loans Receivable $474,085 a. November 17 Finance Team meeting MEDICAL CLINIC TIF District (TIF 4-16) b. M/S/P: Stearns, Cannon to approve the minutes as written. Passed Interfund Loan Payable $333,863 unanimously. th c. November 24 EDA Board Meeting M/S/P: Czmowski, Block to approve the minutes as written. Passed unanimously IV. Review of EDA Financial Statements Finance Director, Andy Reid provided an update on the EDA financials. (Please refer to table) M/S/P: Block, Christensen to approve the financial report as presented. Passed unanimously. V. A. Marketing Plan: FB = 618, T = 99, Facebook updates = 13, Twitter updates = 13, Website updates = 1 B. Business recruitment / expansions Staff provided an update on recent prospects and ongoing conversations. C. BR & E Visits meeting with Resonetics next week. D. FEMA Grant / Uptown Commons / Franklin House update closing on two lots in January, removal of the Franklin house to happen the third week in February. Hoping to hear an official word from FEMA in March, homeowners to update them, will touch base with them next week. 3-story building option may be out due to construction costs, developer is trying toestimate costs with a 2-story option now this could look similar to the Century Court West development. Upcoming tasks include: new appraisals for 5 houses, negotiate purchases, expand TIF district, demo properties, meet with DNR, and many more. Discussion on new overlook for handicap accessibility by the dam. E. Jorgenson Hotel not feasible to add 2 stories so developer will renovate the existing building into a 24- room upscale hotel. Currently working on getting cost estimates done for the project. Public hearing to th consider the TIF District will be continued at the City Council meeting of January 25. Project would include: new elevator, tuckpointing, roof, windows and extensive interior renovations. F. Site Selector Marketing Initiative Outreach to site selectors has been positive. Newsletter is going out quarterly, added 5-6 more site selectors to mailing list. G. JumpStart Downtown Updates Staff reached out to Gold Coin, waiting on a response. Flank Steakhouse is doing better. H. River House Kitchen + Drinks Contractors goal is to finish by April. I. McLeod County Economic Development Position has been downgraded from Director to Coordinator, interviewing their one internal applicant today. J. Systems West Rite Way has occupied and is using their new addition, however there were a couple of permits and inspections that were not applied for and completed. Building Dept and other staff are working through this to remedy the situation. th K. TigerPath Update Uponor donated another $20k to TigerPath, this is the 74 gift received totaling $1,677,024 from 23 companies and 2 grants. Jennifer Telecky is the new interim HS Principal. VI. Consider Enterprise Center Lease Terms Finance Team recommending a 1-year extension for Innovative Foam and $1 psf annual rent escalator. Both incubator tenants asked for additional time on their leases to recover from the pandemic. Staff will communicate that this will be the last extension given. Will update loan forgiveness terms to include leasing within the city limits of Hutchinson. Staff to market the Enterprise Center well before each of them move out. St. Cloud MBA program wrote a marketing plan for Laser Dynamics. Good connections made. Discussion on extending the leases and implementing the rent escalator with the next batch of clients. M/S/P: Stearns, Block to approve extending leases for both Innovative Foam and Laser Dynamics to the end of 2023. Passed unanimously. VII. Julie Elder Loan Consider interest only payments for six months Consensus to leave already accrued interest hanging, Julie Elder can bring this back for reconsideration after 6 months. M/S/P: Cannon, Block to approve interest only payments for six months for unanimously. VIII. Consider EDA 2022 Work Plan & Goals Reviewed 2021 work plan and accomplishments and set/discussed new goals for 2022. IX. EDA Board Vacancies Terms are up for both Daron Vanderheiden and Mike Cannon A. Consider options to fill vacancy (Vanderheiden) Discussion on the importance of having a connection with the education sector. Will brainstorm/put out some feelers and bring back next month for further discussion. B. Consider recommendation of Mike Cannon for a new 6-year term M/S/P: Czmowski, Stearns to recommend reappointing Mike Cannon for a 6-year term. Passed unanimously. X. Grant & Loan Program Applications Sign & Awning Grant Program River House Kitchen + Drinks Eric Labraaten $2,000 122 Main St S M/S/P: Cannon, Block to approve the Sign & Awning grant application in the amount of $2,000. Passed unanimously. Wildflower Properties Ian McDonald $2,000 48-50 Main St S M/S/P: Czmowski, Christensen to approve the Sign & Awning grant application for $2,000. Passed unanimously. Façade Improvement Matching Grant Program River House Kitchen + Drinks Eric Labraaten $7,500 122 Main St S M/S/P: Czmowski, Block to approve the Façade Improvement grant application in the amount of $7,500. Passed unanimously. Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program River House Kitchen + Drinks Eric Labraaten $100,000 122 Main St S ΛЊЉΏǤĻğƩƭ θ Ћ͵ЋЎіΜ Some uncertainty as to how the overall project financial package will be structured. Staff will bring this back at next months meeting. XI. Other Business elections for EDA Board officers will be at the next meeting. th XII. Set Next Meeting 11:30 AM Wednesday, January 26, 2021 XIII. Adjourn M/S/P: Stearns, Cannon to adjourn the meeting at 12:46pm. Passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Madison Newcomb EDA Program Manager