cp01-25-22HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2022 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections 2. INVOCATION — Hunter's Ridge Community Church (The invocation is a voluntary expression of the private citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previous y reviewed or approved by the Council or stafj) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Resolution No. 15411 — Resolution Accepting Cash Donation to Hutchinson Police Department from Thomas Kennedy (b) Resolution No. 15412 — Resolution Accepting Cash Donation to Hutchinson Police Department from Village Ranch (c) Resolution No. 15417 — Resolution Accepting Cash Donation to Hutchinson Police Department and Hutchinson Fire Department from Lillian M. Nemitz Estate PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be acceptingpublic comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to e recognized by the mayor — state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of January 11, 2022 CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (a) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling License to Shady Lane Sportsman's Club on June 18, 2022, at McLeod County Fairgrounds (b) Consideration for Approval of Engineering Services Agreement with Erickson Engineering for Bridge Decks Rehabilitation Project CITY COUNCIL AGENDA January 25, 2022 (c) Consideration for Approval to Rescind the City of Hutchinson COVID-19 Vaccination, Testing and Face Covering Policy (d) Consideration for Approval of Resolutions to Donate Surplus Property 1. Resolution No. 15413 — Dispatch Console to Blue Earth County 2. Resolution No. 15414 — Dispatch Console to McLeod County (e) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15418 — Resolution Adopting Findings of Fact and Reasons for Approval of Conditional Use Permit to Allow a Tattoo Establishment in the C-3 (Central Commercial District) at 18 Main Street South With Favorable Planning Commission Recommendation (f) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15419 - Resolution Adopting Findings of Fact and Reasons for Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to Move a Structure Larger Than 200 Square Feet From 135 Franklin Street North to 225 Washington Avenue West With Favorable Planning Commission Recommendation (g) Consideration for Approval of Addendum to Development Agreement Between City of Hutchinson and Hutch Uptown Commons, LLC (h) Consideration for Approval of Addendum to Development Agreement Between City of Hutchinson and HutchCobble, LLC (i) Reappointment of Mike Cannon to EDA Board to December 2027 0) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. MODIFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 AND THE CREATION OF A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TIF DISTRICT NO. 4-22 (A REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) (a) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 15383 — Resolution Approving a Modification of the Development Program for Development District No. 4 and the Creation of a Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Establishment of TIF District No. 4-22 (A Redevelopment District) (b) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 15384 — Resolution Approving the Terms of a $30,000 Tax Increment Interfund Loan in Connection with TIF District No. 4-22 9. ASSESSMENT HEARING AND PROJECT AWARD FOR 2022 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT (LETTING NO. 1, PROJECT NO. 22-01) �a) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 15415 - Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract b) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 15416 - Resolution Adopting Assessment purpose o t is portion o t e agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Ides items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA January 25, 2022 10. CREEKSIDE YEAR END REPORT UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 11. APPROVE/DENY ISSUING TATTOO LICENSE TO DOUGLAS MOULTEN OF VALHALLA TATTOO LOCATED AT 18 MAIN STREET 12. APPROVE/DENY ADOPTING LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES FOR 2022 13. APPROVE/DENY SETTING CANVASSING BOARD MEETING GOVERNANCE e purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) 14. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Public Arts Commission Minutes from December 8, 2021 �b) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from December 21, 2021 c) 2021 Residential Leaf Vacuum Service Annual Report (d) Planning Commission Minutes from September 21, 2021 MISCELLANEOUS 15. STAFF UPDATES 16. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 15411 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATION WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is generally authorized to accept donations of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 for the benefit of its citizens, and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational services pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17-1 and WHEREAS, the following persons or entities have offered to contribute the cash amounts set forth below to the city: Name of Donor Amount Donation Date Thomas Kennedy $50.00 1/6/2022 WHEREAS, such a donation have been contributed to the City of Hutchinson Police Department towards the Law Enforcement Memorial Park Fund. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is appropriate to accept the donation offered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: THAT, the donation described above are hereby accepted by the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of January 2022. ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator APPROVED: Gary T. Forcier Mayor CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 15412 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATION WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is generally authorized to accept donations of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 for the benefit of its citizens, and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational services pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17-1 and WHEREAS, the following persons or entities have offered to contribute the cash amounts set forth below to the city: Name of Donor Amount Donation Date Village Ranch $2,000.00 1/11/2022 WHEREAS, such a donation have been contributed to the City of Hutchinson Police Department towards future equipment purchases. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is appropriate to accept the donation offered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: THAT, the donation described above are hereby accepted by the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of January 2022. ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator APPROVED: Gary T. Forcier Mayor CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 15417 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATIONS WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson is generally authorized to accept donations of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 for the benefit of its citizens, and is specifically authorized to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of recreational services pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 471.17; and WHEREAS, the following persons or entities have offered to contribute the cash amounts set forth below to the city: Name of Donor Amount Donation Date Lillian M Nemitz Estate $146,836.10 1/18/2022 Lillian M Nemitz Estate $146,836.10 1/18/2022 WHEREAS, such donations have been contributed to the City of Hutchinson Police and Fire Departments towards future projects or purchases. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is appropriate to accept the donations offered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: THAT, the donations described above are hereby accepted by the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of January 2022. ATTESTED: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator APPROVED: Gary T. Forcier Mayor HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2022 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: Citypolicy and practices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Chad Czmowski, Dave Sebesta and Pat May. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Matt Jaunich noted a couple of changes to the agenda. He noted that Item 7(f) — Regional Radio Board appointment - can be removed as the City is no longer a member of the board. In addition, he noted that it has been suggested to add Item 15.1 — discussion of virtual City Council meetings. Motion by Czmowski, second by May, to approve the agenda with the revisions noted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION Hunter's Ridge Community Church (The invocation is a voluntary expression of theprivate citizen, to and for the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preference for, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previous y reviewed or approved by the Council or staff 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Resolution No. 15407 — Resolution Accepting Cash Donations to Hutchinson Police Department for Future Equipment Purchases Motion by May, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 15407. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be acceptingpublic comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to e recognized by the mayor —state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of December 28, 2021 Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedjor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 11, 2022 (a) Resolution No. 15409 - Appointing Matthew Jaunich as City Administrator for 2022 (b) Resolution No. 15410 - Designating Official Newspaper as Hutchinson Leader (c) Resolution No. 15406 - Designating Depositories of City Funds in Commercial Banks and Institutions (d) Selection of Council's Vice President — Chad Czmowski (e) Designation of Council Representatives to Boards & Commissions: I . AIRPORT COMMISSION — Gary Forcier 2. HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) — Chad Czmowski and Mary Christensen 3. HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (HRA) — Gary Forcier 4. LIBRARY BOARD — Mary Christensen 5. PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD — Chad Czmowski 6. PLANNING COMMISSION — Dave Sebesta 7. PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION — Pat May 8. BICYCLE -PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE — Pay May 9. SUSTAINABILITY BOARD — Pay May (f) Designation of Council Representatives to Other Standing Boards/Committees: I . MID-MINNESOTA COMMISSION — Dave Sebesta 2. JOINT PLANNING BOARD — Dave Sebesta 3. HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION — Gary Forcier 4. FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION — Fire Chief Mike Schumann, City Administrator Matthew Jaunich, Mayor Gary Forcier 5. RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE — Gary Forcier and Chad Czmowski 6. WAGE COMMITTEE — Pat May and Dave Sebesta 8. LABOR UNION NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE — Gary Forcier and Mary Christensen 9. MARKETING AND BRANDING COMMITTEE Mary Christensen and Pat May (g) Designation of Council Representatives to Other Temporary Committees: 1. NEW POLICE/PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY CORE PLANNING GROUPS — Gary Forcier and Mary Christensen 2. LAKES/RIVER BASIN STUDY TECHNICAL ADVISORY PANEL (TAP) — Gary Forcier and Chad Czmowski (h) Consideration for Approval of 2022 City Calendar (i) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15405 — Resolution to Sell at Auction Surplus 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 11, 2022 Property (Creekside Semi -Trailer) (j) Consideration for Approval of Resolution 15408 — Resolution Amending the Minnesota Municipal Gas Agency Agreement (k) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments Motion by Czmowski, second by May, to approve consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE COMMUNICATIONS REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (The purpose o this portion oJ the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities) 8. HUTCHINSON PARKS & TRAILS MAP — JOSIE MYERS PRESENTATION Council Member Czmowski introduced Josie Myers, a Hutchinson native who is a graduate student at Kent University. Myers has developed a map of Hutchinson parks and trails as part of a project she did for her studies. Josie Myers presented before the Council. Ms. Myers explained that she is a graduate student studying geography and cartography and created a map of Hutchinson's parks and trails. Ms. Myers explained how she created the map, which included watercolor depictions. Ms. Myers explained that she was able to share her map at a cartography expo and share a lot of information about Hutchinson and its parks and trails system. Ms. Myers noted that she is donating the map to the City. 9. LIQUOR HUTCH YEAR END REPORT Candice Woods, Liquor Store Manager, presented before the Council. Ms. Woods provided a brief update on the year 2021 at Liquor Hutch. Information presented was on sales, transfers to the general fund, sales by department, current trends, 2021 challenges, advertising tools, successful promotions, 2022 challenges/goals, and 2022 capital improvements. Ms. Woods spoke about legislative issues related to the liquor industry. Ms. Woods also spoke about 3.2% malt liquor and noted that beer producers are making many products that meet the 3.2% law. These products are in liquor stores and grocery stores/gas stations. Information has been spread throughout the community that 3.2% malt liquor is not available from vendors, which is simply not true. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. APPROVE/DENY SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 21-828 — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 31.25 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE — LIBRARY BOARD Marc Sebora, City Attorney, noted that the revision to this ordinance allows for one member of the Library Board reside outside of city limits. Motion by Christensen, second by Czmowski, to approve second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 21-828. Motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 11, 2022 NEW BUSINESS 11. APPROVE/DENY AWARDING BID FOR BURICH ARENA — EAST RINK RE -ROOF AND FAQADE PROJECT Matt Jaunich noted that this project has been included in the City's capital improvement plan for several years and bids were recently opened. Mr. Jaunich introduced Pete Filippi from Contegrity Group, project manager. Mr. Filippi noted that two bids were received for general construction and three bids were received for the masonry think brick portion of the project. The general construction portion of the bid had two alternates included. The low bid on the general construction portion of the project came in from Vos Construction Inc. in the amount of $1,595,500. The two alternates included in the bid totaled $264,150 for a total bid amount of $1,859,650. The low bid on the masonry thin brick portion of the project came in from Matt Rausch Masonry in the amount of $371,201. The cost of this project is approximately $1 million higher than estimated in November 2020. However, the bids do appear to be fair and the significant increase in costs is in direct relation to the increase in material costs that have been seen over the past year. With these increased costs, and large projects scheduled for 2022, the Council has to make some tough decisions on projects to proceed with. The new police facility is currently under construction and cannot be halted. The other project recently discussed and contemplated for 2022 is the proposed splash pad. Staff is recommending that the Council proceed with the Burich Arena East Rink Re -roof and Fagade project as it has been delayed three times for other projects. The need to replace the leaking roof will not go away and needs to be addressed. This project is in the system that needs to be repaired/upgraded and should be a priority over building something new. This facility is in use year- round. Therefore, staff is recommending that the splash pad project be delayed to 2023/2024. Staff is proposing to use funds from one or some of the following sources to make up the difference in the estimate to the bids received: reserve funds; capital projects fund; facility plan currently has $650,000 allocated to this project and will have another $700,000 allocated to this project in 2022; and there may be some use of COVID-ARP funds. Although there are funds available to do all three projects in 2022 (including the splash pad), it could be detrimental to the City's bond rating. Mr. Jaunich noted that if the splash pad project does not proceed in 2022, staff will continue on plans and development and looking at private funding sources. It will also allow staff to determine funds available after the sale of the old police facility, the EOC and potentially the Event Center. Council members felt that the City needs to take care of its current facilities and assets and make improvements/repairs as needed. Motion by May, second by Christensen, to approve awarding bid for Burich Arena. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Filippi provided an update on the new police facility project. 12. APPROVE/DENY CITY OF HUTCHINSON COVID-19 VACCINATION, TESTING AND FACE COVERING POLICY Matt Jaunich presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich provided an updated policy to the Council with recent updates provided by the CDC. Mr. Jaunich explained that on January 10, 2022, OSHA put into effect a COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard to protect unvaccinated employees of large employers (100 or more employees) from the risk of contracting COVID-19 by strongly encouraging vaccination. The ETS requires that employers develop, implement and enforce a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, with an exception for employers that instead adopt a policy requiring employees to either get vaccinated or elect to undergo regular COVID-19 testing and wear a face covering at work in lieu of vaccination. The City is not mandating vaccines for all employees so the proposed policy includes the regular testing and face covering requirements for unvaccinated employees. Face coverings are required as of January 10, 2022, and regular testing is required to begin February 9, 2022. Motion by May, second by Forcier, to approve City of Hutchinson COVID-19 Vaccination, Testing and Face Covering policy. Council Member Sebesta noted that it is difficult for him to adopt a F1 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 11, 2022 policy when it is something he does not need to comply with because he is an elected official and not an employee and clarified that this policy requires Council action. Council Member Czmowski suggested that perhaps the Council set a policy for themselves that mirrors what is required for employees. All Council Members had concerns with the liability and OSHA fines for non- compliance. Mr. Jaunich explained that a City policy isn't necessarily required, however the City still needs to comply with the OSHA ETS and a policy assists with expectations/requirements of the City and employees. Roll call vote was taken: Christensen — aye; Sebesta — nay; May — aye; Czmowski — aye; Forcier — aye. Motion carried 4 to 1. 13. APPROVE/DENY AMENDING CITY POLICY NO. 3.27 SICK/VACATION LEAVE DONATION Mr. Jaunich noted that this proposed policy expands the definition of immediate family to be consistent with the language in the City's sick leave use policy in the City personnel policy. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve amending City Policy No. 3.27. Motion carried unanimously. 14_ APPROVE/DENY SETTING DATE FOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW Motion by May, second by Christensen, to set City Administrator's annual performance review for January 25, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 15. APPROVE/DENY RESCHEDULING FEBRUARY 8, 2022, CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO 4:00 P.M. Mr. Jaunich reminded the Council that the City special election is being held February 8, 2022, and no public meetings can be held between 6:00-8:00 p.m. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to set February 8, 2022, City Council meeting to 4:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 15.1 DISCUSSION OF VIRTUAL CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Council Member Czmowski asked Mr. Jaunich the process to use if the Council should desire to go back to virtual Council meetings due to the rise of COVID-19 numbers. Mr. Jaunich explained that if the entire Council wants to meet virtually, or a majority, the Council needs to take action for that. If just one or two members wish to attend virtually, they can attend remotely and it will be noted on the record. The majority of the Council noted they prefer meeting in person and can wear masks if they desire. GOVERNANCE (Thep urpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) 16. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS �a) Hutchinson Utilities Commission Minutes from November 24, 2021 b) Economic Development Authority Board Minutes from December 1, 2021 MISCELLANEOUS 17. STAFF UPDATES Matt Jaunich — City offices will be closed on Monday, January 17, 2022, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 11, 2022 18. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE 19. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE §13D.05, Subd. 3(c) TO DISCUSS SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1005 HWY 15 SOUTH Motion by May, second by Czmowski, to convene into closed session at 7:13 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Christensen, second by May, to reconvene into open session at 7:43 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Czmowski, second by Sebesta, to adjourn at 7:44 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 71 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C`ty'fl Request for Board Action 7AL Zwl,7 Agenda Item: Short -Term Gambling License - Shady Lane Sportsmens Club Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Shady Lane Sportsmens Club has submitted a short-term gambling license application into administration for review and processing. The application is for an event the organization is holding on June 17 & 18, 2022, at the McLeod County Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, Minnesota. The applicant has completed the appropriate application in full and all pertinent information has been received. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing short-term gambling license to Shady Lane Sportsmen Club on June 17 & 18, 2022. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: L' 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587-5151 Fax: (320) 234-4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance Chapter 114 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications are to be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered Iication Type 7 ❑ Short Term Date(s) juye_ SuAM Fee: MonthlAVZYear — Month/Day/Year Organization Information Spa 1 L .,ems C4" Z ame 7 % 52Y vl Address where regular meeting are held Federal or State ID: city 77 $30.00 'L slit Phone Number :;&V� s 336 State Zip Day and time of meetings? C�thhe B i P!/1" -'OWL < �% �? Is this organization organized under the laws _e of Minnesot . Ef yes ❑ no How long has the organization been in existence? Af r— How may members in the organization? What is the purpose of the organization? /- Uj In whose custody will organization records be kept? Name e— Address Duly Authorized Officer of the Organization Information n True Name Phone Number State Zip Phone Number 07 Plr -* &S7- Residence Address city State Date of Birth: /;V / .�� Place of Birth: CJIIyC�C. Month/day/year city Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes o If yes, explain: ;36-A/ State City of Hutchinson Application for Gambling Devices License Page 2 of 3 L.Licarsr�-.:\pi9icaii.�n dGatnL•li::;; Dar.:_r..urn: under Minnesota Statute §349 i/1 ` True Name dD1C' �c Residence Address City Phone Number - 3_-73C State zip Date of Birth: V'lZ % l / ��o Place of Birth: ilL�2 Monthlday/year City State Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes �no If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? Game Information ion # 1 J _ Name of location -ihere game will be played �� Phone Number L ed,'Urny '4 � �'- -5(�f/ _ /fu�lfii�l/Sd rJ �4-1 SS3S-Q Address of location where game will be played City State zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: through AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From _ �Q� Aigr) To `o,' OO /-PW Maximum number of player: ✓r!y Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? Xmoney ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? If Les, will a charge be made for such refreshments? Ayes ❑ no Game Information Location #2 Name of location where game will be played Address of location where game will be played Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: Ileyes ❑ no Phone Number City State zip through AM From pM To Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? If ves, will a charge be made for such refreshments? ❑ yes ❑ no ❑ yes ❑ no AM Residence Address Name Residence Address Officers or Other Persons Paid for Services Information Name Residence Address Name Residence Address Name Residence Address City of Hutchinson Application for Gambling Devices License Page 3 of 3 Officers of the Organization (if necessary, list additional names on Name Title S74- '4 est ence Address City State Zip Name ritle AV City State Zip Title City State Zip racy, list additional names on separate sheet) Title City State Zip Title City State Zip Title City State zip Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager Aryes ❑ no -� Authorized Officer e6 yes ❑ no / "/ Initial Initial I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful, and I authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, I have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and I will familiarize myself with the contents thereof Signature of authorized 6ricer of organization Signature of gat .ling manager of organization Internal Use ~/t/— L-"? Date Date City Council ❑ approved ❑ denied Notes: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=y�f 000h Request for Board Action 79 =- M_7 Agenda Item: Engineering Services Agreement with Erickson Engineering (Bridge Decks Rehq� Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Per discussions at a recent Resource Allocation Committee meeting, City staff requests that the City Council approve an engineering services agreement with Erickson Engineering (see attached agreement) to provide project development/design support as City staff potentially delivers a bridge deck rehabilitation effort. Please note that the need for this work was identified during our recent bridge inspection program. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Agreement with Erickson Engineering in the not -to -exceed amount of $31,160.00. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Erickson Engineering Co., LLC 9531 W 7811 St Ste 100 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 ph 952-929-6791,800-545-8020 fx 952-929-2909 info@ericksonengineering.com www.ericksonengineering.com Tom Wilson, P.E., Vice President 612-249-0839 twilson@ericksonengineering.com CONTENTS ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT between CITY OF HUTCHINSON and ERICKSON ENGINEERING CO., LLC for Rehabilitation of Bridges 43514, 43531, 43532, 43539, and 43559 Erickson Engineering Agreement 21089, December 22, 2021 J A PROJECT DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................................1 BSERVICES....................................................................................................................................... 2 1.0 Inspection................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.0 Bridge Rehabilitation Plans.....................................................................................................................2 C COMPENSATION............................................................................................................................2 DTIMELINE........................................................................................................................................ 3 E TIME AND MATERIALS RATES.................................................................................................... 4 F GENERAL CONDITIONS................................................................................................................4 G AUTHORIZATION........................................................................................................................... 6 A PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Hutchinson is planning to rehabilitate the following bridges: ■ 43514 on School Road SW ■ 43531 on Adams / Bluff Street ■ 43532 on 5th Ave SE ■ 43539 on 2nd Ave SE ■ 43559 on South Grade Road The scope of each rehabilitation will vary depending on bridge condition. Bridge elements that may be repaired will include: 1) patch delaminated deck areas, 2) replace deteriorated expansion joints, 3) replace pourable deck seals, 4) crack sealing on decks and sidewalks, and 5) install epoxy chip seal on decks. Erickson Engineering is proposing to perform engineering services for each bridge rehabilitation. Our services will include an inspection of each bridge to assess the extent of needed repairs and design / plan preparation for the repairs. - 1 - City of Hutchinson Bridges 43514, 43531, 43532, 43539, 43559 Erickson Engineering Co., LLC, Engineering Services Agreement 21089 B SERVICES In this document, "Client" refers to the City of Hutchinson and "Consultant" refers to Erickson Engineering Co., LLC. The Consultant agrees to provide the following services to the Client in connection with the aforementioned project, according to the terms of this agreement. 1.0 Inspection 1.1 The Consultant shall conduct a visual inspection of each bridge to verify the scope of the planned repairs. The Consultant shall also perform chain dragging on the decks of Bridges 43514 and 43532 to determine extend of delamination. 1.2 Anticipated bridge repairs include: ■ Patch delaminated deck areas on Bridges 43514 and 43532 ■ Replace expansion joints on Bridge 43514 ■ Clean and refill joint seals on Bridges 43531 and 43532 as needed ■ Seal cracks on decks and sidewalks of all 5 bridges ■ Apply epoxy chip seal to decks of all 5 bridges 2.0 Bridge Rehabilitation Plans 2.1 The Consultant shall prepare preliminary rehabilitation plans for each bridge. The plans will include general features, dimensions, and basic design requirements. The Consultant shall prepare the preliminary plan according to MnDOT State Aid Standards and submit to the Client and MnDOT for review and approval. 2.2 The Consultant shall prepare an engineering design for each proposed rehabilitation. The design will conform to current AASHTO Design Specifications and MnDOT standards. 2.3 The Consultant shall prepare final detailed rehabilitation plans for each bridge. Plans will be prepared in digital format and submitted in pdf format to the Client and MnDOT for review and approval. Hard copies will also be submitted if necessary. The Consultant shall prepare the plan according to MnDOT Bridge Design Specifications and MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction. 2.4 The Consultant shall prepare the Division SB special provisions and a construction cost estimate for each bridge. C COMPENSATION Compensation in full for the work described in section B Services will be on a Cost Plus (Time and Materials) basis, which includes the Consultant's profit. Section E shows the Consultant's Time and Materials rates, and these rates are a part of this agreement. A task, labor hours, and fee breakdown has been prepared and is listed below. -2- City of Hutchinson Bridges 43514, 43531, 43532, 43539, 43559 Erickson Engineering Co., LLC, Engineering Services Agreement 21089 Rehabilitation of Bridges 43514, 43531, 43532, 43539, 43559 Engineering Services Cost Breakdown Erickson Engineering Co., LLC Services 1.0 Inspection 2.1 -->2.3 Bridge Rehabilitation Plans 2.4 Special Provisions, Estimate Subtotal / Hours Conditions and Payment Schedule 77- Q c c z CD 0 0 0 CD 0 R 00 M 0) Hours Fee �12 8 1 24 $3,000.00 12 104 72 188 $25,040.00 24 24 $3,120.00 16 140 72 8 236 TOTAL FEE: $31,160.00 The Consultant may request progress payments for "Cost Plus" services while the work is in progress, based on time and materials provided within a specific timeframe. The progress payments are due upon receipt of invoice. Cancellation: If the Client cancels this agreement, the Consultant may request payment for all work performed up to the cancellation date. The Client shall pay for fully completed work as outlined above. The Consultant will invoice partially completed work on a Time and Materials basis, according to section E Time and Materials Rates. The total amount invoiced for the partially completed work will not exceed the amount which would have been due had the work been fully completed. Additional Services: If the Client requests that the Consultant provide services not listed in this agreement, or if any additional services are required due to revisions in MnDOT, AASHTO, or Client standards or specifications, then the Consultant may request reimbursement for such services. The Client shall pay the Consultant on a Time and Materials basis, according to section E Time and Materials Rates, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both the Consultant and the Client. D TIMELINE Task Completion Date 1.0 Inspection.................................................................................................. January 2022 2.0 Final Bridge Rehabilitation Plans, Specs, Estimate.......................................April 2022 —3— City of Hutchinson Bridges 43514, 43531, 43532, 43539, 43559 Erickson Engineering Co., LLC, Engineering Services Agreement 21089 E F TIME AND MATERIALS RATES Task Vice President Senior Project Engineer / Manager Project Engineer Design Engineer Senior Technician Engineering Technician Certified Inspector Mileage Rate Lodging Meals Rate / Hr $ 180.00 $ 110.00 - $ 145.00 $ 95.00 - $ 110.00 $ 80.00 - $ 90.00 $ 130.00 $ 80.00 - $ 90.00 $ 90.00 - $ 100.00 $ 0.585 / mile $ Actual Cost (room charge / night, per person) $ 36.00 per diem, per person Rates may be adjusted annually to reflect cost of living increases. GENERAL CONDITIONS Scope of Professional Engineering Services The Consultant agrees to provide the services described in section B Services when the Client requests and authorizes the Consultant to provide the services. The Client shall pay the Consultant for these services on a Time and Materials basis, at the rates stated in section E Time and Materials Rates, unless otherwise stated in this agreement. II Responsibilities of the Consultant The Consultant shall maintain Professional Liability Insurance for $2,000,000 (two million dollars) during the life of this contract. If the Client requests additional insurance, the Consultant will purchase such insurance if available. The Client will pay the cost of the additional insurance. The Consultant is not responsible for the failure of others to perform in accordance with other contracts. The Consultant's services do not relieve others of their responsibilities. III Responsibilities of the Client The Client shall make available to the Consultant all known information applying to the site and services provided by the Consultant. The Client shall immediately inform the Consultant of new information which may be in conflict with previous information regarding the site or Consultant services. The Consultant has a right to depend on documents and information supplied by the Client. IV Other Damages The Consultant and the Client will not be liable to each other for any incidental, consequential, or special damage relating to the Consultant's services. This includes business interruption, good will, or loss of anticipated profits. —4— City of Hutchinson Bridges 43514, 43531, 43532, 43539, 43559 Erickson Engineering Co., LLC, Engineering Services Agreement 21089 V Termination Either party may terminate this agreement by giving fourteen days written notice to the other party. Upon termination, the Client will pay the Consultant for costs incurred to the date of termination, including termination costs and other obligations and commitments incurred in providing services. All obligations and liabilities between the parties will terminate upon payment. These costs are payable under the contract when invoiced. VI Document Ownership The Client acknowledges the Consultant's construction documents as instruments of professional service. Nevertheless, the plans and specifications prepared under this Agreement will become the property of the Client upon completion of the work and payment in full of all monies due to the Consultant. The Client shall not reuse or make any modification to the plans and specifications without the prior written authorization of the Consultant. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Client agrees to indemnify and hold the Consultant harmless from any claim, liability, or cost (including reasonable attorney's fees and defense costs) arising or allegedly arising out of unauthorized reuse or modification of the construction documents by the Client, or by any person or entity that obtains the plans and specifications from or through the Client, without written authorization of the Consultant. VII Party Relationship The Consultant shall act solely as an independent contractor. The Client and the Consultant may not enter into any agreement or assume any obligation for the other. VIII Force Majeure The Consultant shall not be liable for failure to perform due to circumstances beyond the Consultant's control. These may include, but are not limited to, wars, floods, strikes, riots, fire, acts of nature, or inability to obtain equipment or material. In the event of such circumstances, the Client will agree to extend the performance time sufficiently to overcome the effects of such events. IX Successors and Assigns The Consultant and Client each binds itself, its successors, and assigns to the other party of this agreement and to the successors and assigns of the other party with respect to all provisions of this agreement. X Entire Agreement This agreement represents the entire understanding between the Client and the Consultant. No change of the terms or conditions of this agreement will be binding on either party unless these changes are in writing and signed by an authorized representative of both parties. XI Applicable Law The laws of the State of Minnesota will govern this agreement. XII AA / EEO The Consultant is an Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. -5- City of Hutchinson Bridges 43514, 43531, 43532, 43539, 43559 Erickson Engineering Co., LLC, Engineering Services Agreement 21089 XIII Dispute Resolution In the event of a dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the services the Consultant renders or will render hereunder, the Client and Consultant agree to attempt to resolve such disputes in the following manner: First, the parties agree to attempt to resolve such disputes through direct negotiations between the appropriate representatives of each party. Second, if such negotiations are not fully successful, the parties agree to attempt to resolve any remaining dispute by formal non -binding mediation, conducted according to rules and procedures agreed upon by the parties, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. Third, if the dispute or any issues remain unresolved after the above steps, the parties agree to allow the mediator to help select an alternative resolution method. G AUTHORIZATION The Client and the Consultant agree as set forth above. For the Client: City of Hutchinson Public Works 111 Hassan St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Signature Title Date Signature Title Date For the Consultant: Erickson Engineering Co., LLC 9531 W 78th St Ste 100 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Thomas J. Wilson, P.E. Vice President Title December 22, 2021 Date Client: Please review the following and correct if necessary: Invoices should be delivered to: X Email address: kexner@ci.hutchinson.mn.us address: HutchAP@ci.hutchinson.mn.us Postal Mail attn: -6- HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Consideration to Rescind the City of Hutchinson COVID-19 Vaccination, Testing Agenda Item: and Face Covering Policy Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The City Council approved this policy at the January 11, 2022, Council meeting. On January 13, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court stayed the federal OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) regarding employee vaccinations, testing, and face coverings. This means that the ETS is also stayed for Minnesota employers, including the City of Hutchinson, because MNOSHA adopted the federal ETS in its entirety. Because this policy related to City employee vaccinations, testing, and face coverings was based on implementing the requirements of the ETS, the City has suspended communications and implementation of the policy pending further legal proceedings on the ETS. This means the City will not require compliance with nor will employees need to comply with the requirement of the policy. If subsequent legal or other proceedings change this, City Administration will provide further updates. Employees will still be required to comply with any other City requirements related to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Consideration to rescind the City of Hutchinson COVID-19 Vaccination, Testing and Face Covering Policy Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Resolution to donate surplus property. Agenda Item: Department: Police Services LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Thomas D Gifferson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Thomas D Gifferson Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Requesting approval of resolution #15413 to donate surplus property to Blue Earth County Sheriffs Office. Requesting approval of resolution #15414 to donate surplus property to McLeod County Sheriff's Office. Surplus property: MCC7500 used dispatch consoles that are no longer of use to the City of Hutchinson but can be utilized by other member agency's of the South Central Region. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A RESOLUTION TO DONATE SURPLUS POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY Resolution No. 15413 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Department has accumulated surplus property. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Section 91, Subdivision 3, Paragraph C for the donation of surplus property. AND WHEREAS, the police department has determined that it is in possession of surplus property. AND WHEREAS, the surplus property was originally purchased with grant funds from the South Central Region. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the donation of a Motorola MCC7500 Dispatch Console, Model No. B 1933A, Serial No. 443CNBO581 to Blue Earth County. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of January, 2022 Mayor City Administrator RESOLUTION TO DONATE SURPLUS POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY Resolution No. 15414 WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Police Department has accumulated surplus property. AND WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Code provides pursuant to Section 91, Subdivision 3, Paragraph C for the donation of surplus property. AND WHEREAS, the police department has determined that it is in possession of surplus property. AND WHEREAS, the surplus property was originally purchased with grant funds from the South Central Region. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA. That the Hutchinson City Council hereby approves the donation of a Motorola MCC7500 Dispatch Console, Model No. 131933A, Serial No. 443CNBO580 to McLeod County. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of January, 2022 Mayor City Administrator Blue Earth County Sheriff's Office Brad Peterson Sheriff January 10, 2022 Chief Tom Gifferson Hutchinson Police Department 10 Franklin St SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 Chief Gifferson: Michael J. Meurer ChiefDeputy As was discussed on the phone with our PSAP Administrator, Blue Earth County Sheriff's Office is willing to accept one MCC7500 radio console and all associated equipment from your 911 PSAP. We are doing this with the understanding that this is done at no cost to us by your department. Blue Earth County will work with Alpha Wireless to pick up all associated equipment and relocate it to the Blue Earth County PSAP. Blue Earth County will coordinate work with Alpha Wireless at our expense. Any questions and coordination can be directed to Blue Earth County Communications Center Administrator Tim Peterson at 507-304-4860 or tim.peterson@blueearthcountymn.gov. If you need any further information from us, please don't hesitate to contact me or Tim Peterson. zp Sheriff Brad Peterson Blue Earth County Sheriffs Office 401 Carver Rd PO Box 228 Mankato, Minnesota 56002 507-304-4809 brad. Peterson CQ, blueearincoun tymn.g ov 401 Carver Rd., P.O. Box 228, Mankato, MN 56002-0228, (507) 304-4800, FAX (507) 304-4818 e-earth.mn.us Blue Earth County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation or age in employment or the provision of services. Aiv Serving McLeod County Sheriff Tim Lange Meld Hutchinson Police Services 10 Franklin Street SW Hutchinson, MN 5550 January 12, 2022 Chief Gifferson, The McLeod County Sheriffs Office would like to add an additional PSAP position in our Communication center. This additional PSAP position is necessary due to the transition of Hutchinson Communications center to McLeod County Sheriff's Office. It has been brought to our attention that the City of Hutchinson has a PSAP console that is not being utilized because of the transition. If the City of Hutchinson does not need this equipment and would be willing to provide it to the McLeod County Sheriff's Office we would definitely be able to utilize it. If you have questions or need anything further, please let us know. Sincerely, ff Sheriff Tim Langenfeld, McLeod County Sheriff's Office 801 10' St E, Glencoe, MN 55336 Phone (320) 864-3134 Fax (320) 864-5920 c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a Tattoo establishment in the Main Agenda Item: Street area district located at 18 Main St. South. Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The applicant, Douglas Moulton, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a tattoo establishment in the C-3 (Central Commercial) district located at 18 Main Street S. which currently is a hair salon. He states that he intends to provide tattoo and body art in accordance with state and local laws. Nobody from the public spoke regarding this request. The applicant, Mr. Moulton, answered some questions from the Planning Commission regarding State license and inspection requirements. The Planning Commission voted to unanimously to recommend approval of this request to the City Council. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 15418 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A TATTOO ESTABLISHMENT IN THE C-3 (CENTRAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT AT 18 Main St So. FACTS 1. Douglas Moulton, applicant, has submitted a conditional use permit request to allow a tattoo establishment in the C-3 District at 18 Main St So. 2. The proposed property is legally described as: SOUTH HALF, HUTCHINSON BLOCK 8 S 4' OF LOT 2 & N 1/3 OF LOT 3 3. The Planning Commission met on January 18, 2022, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the conditional use permit request. 4. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the request at its meeting on January 25, 2022, and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and recommends approval with the following conditions: a. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. b. The business must remain in accordance with MN State Statues and meet all health standards for tattooing, piercing, body art, or similar services per the State of Minnesota and/or City of Hutchinson regulations. c. The applicant must apply for City of Hutchinson license to operate a tattoo establishment within the City. d. Any signage for the business will require a sign permit. e. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. APPLICABLE LAW 5. The conditional use permit request meets the standards of Section 154.063 in the City Code. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 6. The requested conditional use permit is consistent with the City Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a conditional use permit to Douglas Moulton to allow a tattoo establishment in the C-3 (Central Commercial) District at 18 Main St. So. is hereby approved. Adopted by the City Council this 25' day of January, 2022. ATTEST: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP Planning Director Date: January 13, 2022, for January 18, 2022, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A TATTOO ESTABLISHMENT IN THE C-3 (CENTRAL COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT AT 18 MAIN ST SOUTH Applicant: Douglas Moulton CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT — The applicant, Douglas Moulton, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a tattoo establishment in the C-3 (Central Commercial) district located at 18 Main Street S. which currently is a hair salon. He states that he intends to provide tattoo and body art in accordance with state and local laws. WASHINGTON AVE W * Indicates property described in this notice L� C0 �1 t . .. Q ' 4 1STAVE SW Conditional Use Permit Tattoo Establishment in C-3 District Planning Commission—1/18/22 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C-3(Central Commercial) Property Location: 18 Main St. South Lot Size: A portion of the building at 18 Main St. South Existing Land Use: Salon Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: C-3 (Central Commercial) District Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Downtown Commercial Zoning History: The zoning ordinance was amended on July 10, 2012, to allow tattoo establishments by conditional use permit in the C-3 District. Mr. Mouton previously operated a tattoo/body art business at the corner of Main St. N. and Washington Avenue. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.063, Hutchinson City Code Analysis and Recommendation: Staff believes that the proposed application is an appropriate use for this zoning district. Approval of a conditional use permit (CUP) is required in order to allow a tattoo establishment in the C-3 (Central Commercial) District. A CUP shall be granted only if evidence is presented to establish the following: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Staff finds that the request would meet the requirements of granting a conditional use permit (Section 154.063) and recommends approval subject to the findings and conditions listed in the draft Resolution, including these specific conditions: Conditional Use Permit Tattoo Establishment in C-3 District Planning Commission—1/18/22 Page 3 1. The proposal would meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The business must remain in accordance with MN State Statues and meet all health standards for tattooing, piercing, body art, or similar services per the State of Minnesota and/or City of Hutchinson regulations. 3. The applicant must apply for City of Hutchinson license to operate a tattoo establishment within the City. 4. Any signage for the business will require a sign permit. 5. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Consideration of a conditional use permit to move a structure larger than 200 Agenda Item: square feet from 135 Franklin St N. to 225 Washington Avenue W. Department: Planning LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Dan Jochum Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Dan Jochum Reviewed by Staff ❑� Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The applicant requesting a conditional use permit to move a structure larger than 200 square feet. The structure that is proposed to be moved is the old barn from the Harrington -Merrill House that had been moved off the site many decades ago. The barn was moved to 135 Franklin Street and was remodeled into a home that most recently was a youth home for the McLeod Treatment Program. The plan is to move the barn portion of the structure back to the Harrington -Merrill Property and return it to its original condition and location. Please see attached graphic to see the location the barn will be placed. Nobody from the public spoke regarding this request. Jim Fahey spoke on behalf of Historic Hutchinson and explained the project and the significance of the building being moved. The Planning Commission asked for clarification on where exactly the building would be placed. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of CUP. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 15419 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE MOVING OF A STRUCTURE TO 225 WASHINGTON AVENUE W. FACTS The City of Hutchinson is the owner of a parcel of land located at 225 Washington Avenue W, Hutchinson Minnesota; and, 2. The subject property is legally described as: NORTH HALF, HUTCHINSON BLOCK-040 LOT 9 & LOT 8 EXCEPT S 8 RODS OF W 3 RODS Historic Hutchinson has applied to the City for a conditional use permit to allow the moving of structure larger than 200 square feet to 225 Washington Avenue W. The structure is the former 28'x 28' barn that was previously located on this lot. 4. The Planning Commission met on January 18, 2022, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. b. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R-2 district and the Zoning Ordinance. c. The Applicant must obtain all necessary permits for any construction that would be needed. d. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested conditional use permit at its meeting on January 25, 2022, and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. b. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R-2 district and the Zoning Ordinance. c. The Applicant must obtain all necessary permits for any construction that would be needed. d. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Findings of Fact — Resolution # 15419 225 Washington Ave. W. Conditional Use Permit Page 2 APPLICABLE LAW 6. The conditional use permit request meets the following standards as required in Section 154.057 of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 7. The requested conditional use permit is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 8. The proposed use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. 9. The proposed use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a conditional use permit allowing the moving of a structure larger than 200 square feet to 225 Washington Ave W, Hutchinson MN is approved. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of January, 2022. ATTEST: Matthew Jaunich City Administrator Gary T. Forcier Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT - PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP, Planning Director Date: January 13, 2022, for January 18, 2022, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO MOVE A STRUCTURE LARGER THAN 200 SQUARE FEET FROM 135 FRANKLIN ST N TO 225 WASHINGTON AVENUE W. Applicant: HISTORIC HUTCHINSON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO MOVE STRUCTURE Brief Description The applicant requesting a conditional use permit to move a structure larger than 200 square feet. The structure that is proposed to be moved is the old barn from the Harrington -Merrill House that had been moved off the site many decades ago. The barn was moved to 135 Franklin Street and was remodeled into a home that most recently was a youth home for the McLeod Treatment Program. The plan is to move the barn portion of the structure back to the Harrington -Merrill Property and return it to its original condition and location. Please see attached graphic to see the location the barn will be placed. * Indicates property described in this notice 7V00., 1ST�1/E NW t +225 rcn. LjJ Z a i AD WASHINGTON AVE W Conditional Use Permit 225 Washington Ave. W. Planning Commission - 1-18-22 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: R-2 Medium Density Residential Property Location: 225 Washington Ave. W. Lot Size: 1.6 Acres Existing Land Use: Historic Property - Harrington -Merrill House Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: R-1 and R-2 Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Medium Density Residential Zoning History: Single Family Home, Apartments in home, Historic Site Applicable Regulations: City Code of Ordinances Sections 154.057 Transportation: Property is accesses by Washington Ave. W. Physical Characteristics: Typical large lot residential site. Site is one of the higher sites in Hutchinson. Conditional Use Permit The Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required for moving structures larger than 200 square feet in residential zoning districts. The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Conditional Use Permit 225 Washington Ave. W. Planning Commission — 1-18-22 Page 3 Conclusion: 1. The proposed structure is desirable and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood in the subject location as it will be consistent with other uses in the R-2 zoning district. 2. The proposed building is not anticipated to have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities, and other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare as the use of the property will remain very similar to the existing use of the property. 3. The proposed building will be designed, arranged, and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations, just as they are used today. Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval of this request to the Planning Commission due to the fact that the applicant's request meets the standards for approving a conditional use permit provided above. If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the applicant's request, staff suggests the following conditions be part of the approval: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R-2 district and the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The Applicant must obtain all necessary permits for any construction that would be needed. 4. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. December 20, 2021 Dear Mr. Mayor and Hutchinson City Council Members. On behalf of Historic Hutchinson, we would like to thank you for allowing us to update the City Staff during the tours conducted October 28, it was great to see the council take the time to attend. As previously stated, Historic Hutchinson appreciates our partnership with the City. We have raised close to $500,000 to protect Hutchinson's historic assets and entrusted them to the Citizens of our great community. The foresight of previous Mayors and Councils has placed the assets within the parks system to ensure their continued protection. The discovery of the Harrington Merrill barn which was moved from the original site in the 1940s and ended up serving the community as a group home and now purchased by the Hutchinson EDA is a most interesting chain of events that brings this historical asset back full circle. The fact that the City owns the Harrington Merrill Property which is on the National Register of Historic Places and the original barn is now owned by the Hutchinson EDA, an arm of the City, gives our community a once in a lifetime opportunity to save this historic structure and place the final piece of the puzzle back where it belongs. Historic Hutchinson has secured the funding to complete the barn move and has made application for a conditional use permit as required by city ordinance. The application requires the ownership of the property to sign off on the application. We are asking you to take action to approve the move as outlined with City Staff. In addition, as an update, Historic Hutchinson has raised the funds to complete the restoration of the Historic Seth Thomas Clock. We expect the restoration and reinstallation to be completed in late 2022. The people of Hutchinson have been very supportive of preserving historic assets. With the help of the City, private donations, several families and estates, community and private foundations, business and leadership groups, we have set the stage for Hutchinson to be able to capitalize on the wonderful story of how we came to be, how we came back after the Dakota conflict of 1862 and how we continue to thrive as a community with a rich history. It is our hope that the partnership between the City of Hutchinson and Historic Hutchinson will continue to flourish to tell our story and serve our citizens with everyone doing their part. Respectfully submitted, Historic Hutchinson Plan to Recreate Estate Landscape ! RACx YARD � 1 � I BARN � %CARRIAGE � WEST IiOUSE EAS'\ GARDEN � H-H HILT 1 HOUSE i I � 1 � 1 ! 1 l l t FKOW i ( LAWN 1 t ,4 6x�8 6alu 0cAto, PPLVVZ�- Oul-(mac 0 r&� {- Fou'-04-rla t ,,I, 0� L co,- t L) t r- O N S vc—nu ^v HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C`ty�fl Request for Board Action 7AL Zwl,7 Agenda Item: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ADDENDUM TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT g Department: EDA LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Miles R. Seppelt Agenda Item Type: Presenter: none Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Late last year the City Council approved the sale of two city -owned lots (126 and 135 and Franklin Street North) to Hutch Uptown Commons, LLC for the development of downtown housing. Upon review of the Development Agreement between the City and Uptown Commons, LLC, it was determined that a change of language was needed to clarify that the "Franklin House," located at 135 Franklin Street North, is to remain the property of the City. The enclosed Addendum makes that clarification. The change has been reviewed by the City Attorney and found to be in proper order. If you have any questions or need additional information, please give me a call anytime at 234-4223. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the Addendum to the Development Agreement Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Addendum to DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT by and between City of Hutchinson Minnesota Hutch Uptown Commons, LLC This Addendum is made by and between the City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and Hutch Uptown Commons, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Corporation ("Developer") as of this _ day of January, 2022 ("Effective Date"). 1. Developer acknowledges that the building located at 135 Franklin Street North, Hutchinson, Minnesota, 55350 is and shall remain the property of the City. 2. The City shall arrange for the removal of the building, with such removal being completed no later than June 30, 2022. 3. Developer authorizes the City to complete this removal. SIGNED HUTCH UPTOWN COMMONS, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company By: Name: Matt Ward Title: Sole Member CITY OF HUTCHINSON Bv: Name: Gary T. Forcier Its: Mayor Bv: Name: Matthew Jaunich Its: City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C`ty'fl Request for Board Action 7AL Zwl,7 Agenda Item: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ADDENDUM TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT g Department: EDA LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Miles R. Seppelt Agenda Item Type: Presenter: none Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Following a public hearing on December 14, 2021 the City Council approved revising the Business Subsidy Goals (specifically job creation) for HutchCobble LLC (the Cobblestone Inn Hotel) from 11.5 full-time equivalents to 7.5 full-time equivalents. Enclosed for your review is an Addendum to the Development Agreement the City has with HutchCobble, LLC to put that change into effect. The proposed addendum has been reviewed by the City Attorney and found to be in proper order. If you have any questions or need additional information, please give me a call anytime at 234-4223. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the Addendum to the Development Agreement Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Addendum to AMENDED AND RESTATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT by and between City of Hutchinson, Minnesota WI HutchCobble, LLC This Addendum is made by and between the City of Hutchinson, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and HutchCobble, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Corporation ("Developer") as of this day of January, 2022 ("Effective Date"). 1. City and Developer hereby agree that the job creation requirement specified in Section 2.1 (h) of the Amended and Restated Development Agreement by and between the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota and HutchCobble, LLC is changed from 11.5 full-time equivalent jobs to 7.5 full-time equivalent jobs. SIGNED HUTCHCOBBLE, LLC a Minnesota limited liability company Bv: Name: Brian Forcier Its: Managing Partner CITY OF HUTCHINSON Bv: Name: Gary T. Forcier Its: Mayor Bv: Name: Matthew Jaunich Its: City Administrator CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 01/12/22-1/25/22 Check Date ----------------- 01/14/2022 Check ---------------------- EFT1618 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------ EFTPS Description Payr ll 12/26/------/8/2-------------------------------------------- Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 Amount -------------69.4 -- 71,069.46 01/14/2022 EFT1619 Child Support Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 415.78 01/14/2022 EFT1620 MN Dept of Revenue Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 13,421.26 01/14/2022 EFT1621 Provident Life Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 501.36 01/14/2022 EFT1622 PERA Payroll 12/26/21 - 1/8/22 55,827.90 01/14/2022 EFT1623 Further HSA Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 15,011.51 01/14/2022 EFT1624 Mission Square Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 3,619.80 01/14/2022 EFT1625 VOYA Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 460.00 01/14/2022 EFT1626 MNDCP Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 350.00 01/14/2022 102133 Manual Employee Check Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 156.54 01/14/2022 102134 Manual Employee Check Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 81.44 01/14/2022 102135 Manual Employee Check Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 102.73 01/14/2022 102136 Life Ins - NCPERS Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 288.00 01/14/2022 102137 HART Payroll 12/26/21- 1/8/22 331.40 01/25/2022 102138 ABDO EICK & MEYERS AUDIT SERVICES FOR YE 12-31-2021 5,000.00 01/25/2022 102139 ACE HARDWARE - 1315 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 141.50 01/25/2022 102140 ACE HARDWARE - 1825 GRAIN SCOOP - POLICE 34.99 01/25/2022 102141 ADVANCED ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTA WWTF & WTP SCADA DESIGN THRU DEC 7,096.03 01/25/2022 102142 ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER ON CROW RIVER DEC BOARDING/PROCESSING FEES - POLICE 491.00 01/25/2022 102143 ARAMARK 1/10 SUPPLIES & SERVICE - LIQUOR HUTCH 196.09 01/25/2022 102144 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 520.15 01/25/2022 102145 ASCAP 2022 LICENSE FEE -ARENA 390.00 01/25/2022 102146 AUTO-CHLOR SYSTEM JAN SERVICE - SR DINING 220.00 01/25/2022 102147 B & C PLUMBING & HEATING INC CAR WASH & BOILER REPAIRS - HATS/WWTP 994.32 01/25/2022 102148 BACKEN, JACKIE UB refund for account: 1-085-1460-1-00 30.92 01/25/2022 102149 BELLBOY CORP COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 2,031.01 01/25/2022 102150 BENEFIT EXTRAS INC DEC COBRA/STATE CONTINUATION LETTERS 351.50 01/25/2022 102151 BLACK HILLS AMMUNITION AMMO - POLICE 1,078.00 01/25/2022 102152 BNO SHEET METAL INC FABRICATE DRIP PAN - HATS 376.73 01/25/2022 102153 BOLTON & MENK INC. OTTER & CAMPBELL LAKES DESIGN & EAW 9,810.50 01/25/2022 102154 BRANDON TIRE CO TIRE MOUNT - PARKS 181.50 01/25/2022 102155 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP NEW POLICE FACILITY THRU 12/31/21 15,426.00 01/25/2022 102156 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 25,455.73 01/25/2022 102157 BUREAU OF CRIM. APPREHENSION CJDN FEES - POLICE 390.00 01/25/2022 102158 BW WELDING WELDING SERVICES - WWTP 220.00 01/25/2022 102159 C & L DISTRIBUTING COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 57,858.89 01/25/2022 102160 CARD SERVICES SUPPLIES - POLICE 53.58 01/25/2022 102161 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC VEHICLE REPAIRS & TOWS - POLICE 1,608.23 01/25/2022 102162 CENTRAL MCGOWAN ACETYLENE, HIGH PRESURE - WWTP 34.72 01/25/2022 102163 COAST TO COAST SOLUTIONS SHIELD SHAPED STICKERS - POLICE 295.55 01/25/2022 102164 CROW RIVER PRESS INC SR NEWSLETTERS - SR CTR 38.36 01/25/2022 102165 DLT SOLUTIONS, LLC SUBSCRIPTION RENEWALS - IT/ENGINEERING 3,143.25 01/25/2022 102166 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC REPLACEMENT OF VFD - WATER WELL 7 2,899.22 01/25/2022 102167 ELECTRO WATCHMAN 2022 FIRE & SECURITY ALARM SERVICES - PRCE 1,320.00 01/25/2022 102168 ERICKSON ENGINEERING CO LLC DEC REPAIR TO BRIDGES - ENG 1,322.72 01/25/2022 102169 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT PARTS - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,190.05 01/25/2022 102170 FASTENAL COMPANY REPAIRS & MAINT SUPPLIES - PARKS 136.20 01/25/2022 102171 FIRST ADVANTAGE LNS OCC HEALTH SOLU VARIOUS EMPLOYEE DRUG TESTING 593.70 01/25/2022 102172 FORMS & SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA CITATIONS - POLICE 1,423.96 01/25/2022 102173 FOSTER MECHANICAL REPLACE BOILERS AT CITY CENTER 2,000.00 01/25/2022 102174 FIR SECURE LLC FACT SYSTEM 3 YR - IT 10,972.50 01/25/2022 102175 GEMPLER'S INC JACKETS, RAINSUITS, BAGS - PARKS 320.40 01/25/2022 102176 GRAINGER AIR FILTERS - LIBRARY 188.76 01/25/2022 102177 HANSEN GRAVEL INC. PUSHING SNOW @ BASS POND - STREETS 1,040.00 01/25/2022 102178 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION 12/29 SNOW REMOVAL - STREETS 405.00 01/25/2022 102179 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON OPERATING SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,285.89 01/25/2022 102180 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC DEC GROWTH AREA PLANNING/SPLASH PAD PROJ 9,810.00 01/25/2022 102181 HOLT MOTORS INC 2018 FORD EXPLORER CYLINDER REPAIR - POLICE 390.53 01/25/2022 102182 HOLT-PETERSON BUS WINTER SENIOR TRIPS 1,355.00 01/25/2022 102183 HUSKY SPRING SPRINGS, PINS, RODS, NUTS, WASHERS - STREETS 1,487.34 01/25/2022 102184 HUTCHINSON CO-OP DEC FUEL & SERVICES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,979.77 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 01/12/22-1/25/22 Check Date ----------------- 01/25/2022 Check ---------------------- 102185 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------ HUTCHINSON FIGURE SKATING ASSOC Description 2021-SERVICES------------------------------------------------------- 2021 SERVICES -ARENA Amount -------------78.6 -- 3,778.63 01/25/2022 102186 HUTCHINSON HEALTH VARIOUS EMPLOYEE TESTING 748.00 01/25/2022 102187 HUTCHINSON LEADER DEC ADVERTISING - MULTIPLE DEPTS 1,035.48 01/25/2022 102188 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES UTILITIES 12/1/21-1/1/22 141,563.91 01/25/2022 102189 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES INTERIM PAYROLL HELP 4,117.00 01/25/2022 102190 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1550 REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 188.77 01/25/2022 102191 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE #1552 BLISTER PACK CAPSULES - PARKS 37.98 01/25/2022 102192 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF DEC WATER & SEWER - MULTIPLE DEPTS 5,707.79 01/25/2022 102193 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF REPLENISH ATM 4,000.00 01/25/2022 102194 1 & S GROUP, INC. RENOVATION BURICH ARENA EAST RINK: THRU 12/31/21 8,075.00 01/25/2022 102195 INGSTAD BROADCASTING DEC ADVERTISING - POLICE 187.00 01/25/2022 102196 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINNEAPOL BATTERIES - HATS 119.95 01/25/2022 102197 INTOXIMETERS INC SCRNR, KITS, MANUALS, MOUTHPIECES - POLICE 1,150.00 01/25/2022 102198 ISD #423 REFUND OF DUPLICATE ICE TIME PAYMENT 58,500.00 01/25/2022 102199 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 48,968.20 01/25/2022 102200 JUUL CONTRACTING CO 12/29 SNOW REMOVAL - STREETS 855.00 01/25/2022 102201 KOSEK, JEFFREY 12/29 SNOW REMOVAL - STREETS 427.50 01/25/2022 102202 KRANZ LAWN & POWER SUPPLIES - PARKS 36.98 01/25/2022 102203 KTREES & NURSERY LLC 14' BLACK HILLS SPRUCE - PARKS 219.52 01/25/2022 102204 L & P SUPPLY CO LINE MARKERS FOR PARKS GATOR, MISC SUPPLIES 4,878.41 01/25/2022 102205 LAND EQUIPMENT OF NORWOOD ROCKER SWING - STREETS 60.50 01/25/2022 102206 LOCHER BROTHERS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 40,720.51 01/25/2022 102207 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP DEC LABOR RELATION SERVICES 1,586.08 01/25/2022 102208 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC DEC CONTRACTS - MULTIPLE DEPTS 381.73 01/25/2022 102209 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC DEC CONTRACTS - MULTIPLE DEPTS 249.15 01/25/2022 102210 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC HIGH PRESSURE - WWTP 28.37 01/25/2022 102211 MEDICA JANUARY MEDICAL INSURANCE 140,100.58 01/25/2022 102212 MENARDS HUTCHINSON REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 397.15 01/25/2022 102213 MESSNER, SANDRA HEM & REPAIR PANTS - POLICE 45.00 01/25/2022 102214 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE ETI FULL CON - POLICE 1,020.00 01/25/2022 102215 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH 2O22 LICENSES RENEWAL - REC BLDG 765.00 01/25/2022 102216 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY ELEVATOR ANNUAL OPERATOR - ARENA 100.00 01/25/2022 102217 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB LAB SAMPLE TESTING - MULTIPLE DEPTS 467.40 01/25/2022 102218 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY ANNUAL ELEVATOR OP - LIBRARY 100.00 01/25/2022 102219 MN DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1968-0209 WATER PERMIT 9,164.31 01/25/2022 102220 MN TRANSPORTATION ALLIANCE 2022 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - ENG 595.00 01/25/2022 102221 MRPA 2022 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL- MULTIPLE DEPTS 2,094.00 01/25/2022 102222 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY LIGHTBAR - ENG 244.76 01/25/2022 102223 NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT STRAP, INSULATOR - STREETS 73.50 01/25/2022 102224 NUVERA JAN PHONE SERVICES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 5,844.97 01/25/2022 102225 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS ANTIFREEZE, MUSCLE MAGIC - PARKS 157.92 01/25/2022 102226 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 8,349.90 01/25/2022 102227 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 29,786.45 01/25/2022 102228 PLUNKETTS PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL - ARENA 651.12 01/25/2022 102229 PORTFOL SOFTWARE DATABASE CONVERSION - EDA/HRA 597.50 01/25/2022 102230 PREMIER LIFT PRODUCTS LLC 1/6 GENERAL MAINT - ARENA 340.00 01/25/2022 102231 PREMIUM WATERS JAN SERVICE - PARKS 49.50 01/25/2022 102232 QUADE ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT PARTS - MULTIPLE DEPTS 87.50 01/25/2022 102233 QUILL CARP PAPER TOWELS - ARENA 208.74 01/25/2022 102234 REGION V EMERGENCY MGMT ASSN 2022 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - POLICE 15.00 01/25/2022 102235 RICE LAKE CONSTRUCTION GROUP EMERG CLARIFIER MECHANISM REPAIR - WWTP 4,177.77 01/25/2022 102236 RUNNING'S SUPPLY REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 502.11 01/25/2022 102237 SAM'S TIRE SERVICE TIRES - POLICE 447.20 01/25/2022 102238 SHATTER TACTICAL LLC SHATTERBALLS - POLICE 1,080.00 01/25/2022 102239 SHAW, KAREN DEC CLASSES - SR CTR 120.00 01/25/2022 102240 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP IPAD - DUE FROM HUC 852.00 01/25/2022 102241 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 43,483.29 01/25/2022 102242 SRF CONSULTING GROUP S GRADE RD @ DALE ST IMPV THRU 12/31/21 8,652.27 01/25/2022 102243 STANDARD PRINTING-N-MAILING POSTAGE & SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 722.36 01/25/2022 102244 STAPLES ADVANTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 285.19 01/25/2022 102245 STREICHER'S LESS LETHAL LAUNCH SYSTEM - POLICE 7,993.60 CHECK REGISTER A FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON CHECK DATE FROM 01/12/22-1/25/22 Check Date ----------------- 01/25/2022 Check ---------------------- 102246 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------ SUN LIFE FINANCIAL Description -------------------------CLAI------------------------------------------- DECEMBER DENTAL CLAIMS Amount -------------27.4 -- 7,427.40 01/25/2022 102247 TALL SALES COMPANY DEC 2021 CREEKSIDE COMMISSIONS 4,064.67 01/25/2022 102248 TEK MECHANICAL BOILER REPAIR - WWTP 135.00 01/25/2022 102249 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO HOSE CLAMPS - HATS 52.13 01/25/2022 102250 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST DEC ONLINE/SOFTWARE SUBS - POLICE 149.90 01/25/2022 102251 TITAN MACHINERY FENDER, BRACKET -STREETS 401.41 01/25/2022 102252 USA BLUE BOOK CHLORINE, NITROGEN -NITRITE - WATER 287.19 01/25/2022 102253 VEGA AMERICAS INC VEGAPULS,MOUNTINGBRACKET -WWTP 1,148.00 01/25/2022 102254 VERIZON WIRELESS DEC PHONE SERVICES - MULTIPLE DEPTS 3,710.48 01/25/2022 102255 VIKING BEER COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 13,905.00 01/25/2022 102256 VI KING COCA COLA COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 309.20 01/25/2022 102257 VINOCOPIA INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,010.25 01/25/2022 102258 VIVID IMAGE DOMAIN NAME & LOGO CHANGE - CITY, HUC 1,357.50 01/25/2022 102259 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE INC LEAK LOCATE - WATER 996.97 01/25/2022 102260 WELCOME NEIGHBOR NEW RESIDENT VISITS - LIQUOR HUTCH 540.00 01/25/2022 102261 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC. DEC RESIDENTIAL REFUSE 50,563.97 01/25/2022 102262 WINE COMPANY, THE COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 1,187.45 01/25/2022 102263 WINE MERCHANTS INC COST OF GOODS SOLD - LIQUOR HUTCH 2,273.61 01/25/2022 102264 WOLD ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS NEW POLICE STATION THRU 12/31/21 5,373.47 Total - Check Disbursements: $ 1,027,312.92 Department Purchasing Card Activity - December 2021 Date Department Vendor Name Description Amount 12/30/2021 ADMIN ICMA ONLINE 2022 ICMA Membership $1,104.00 12/16/2021 ADMIN LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 2022 MCMA Winter Workshop $125.00 12/24/2021 CREEKSIDE QDOBA Staff lunch/meeting $116.34 12/12/2021 CREEKSIDE CASH WISE FOODS Breakroom coffee $25.22 12/12/2021 CREEKSIDE CASH WISE FOODS Office coffee $25.21 12/8/2021 CREEKSIDE NI NDA FFALRENEW Nebraska Dept of Ag; Fert License Renewal $15.37 12/5/2021 CREEKSIDE SPS COMMERCE Nov 2021 SPS fee; UH & Bomgaars $293.95 12/17/2021 EDA MUDDY COW HUTCHINSON Lunch for Finance Team $165.98 12/3/2021 EDA JIMMYS PIZZA Lunch for EDA Board $77.63 12/31/2021 FINANCE EZBUSINESS FEE Credit card service fee $15.00 12/31/2021 FINANCE AMAZON Legal - new office chair $1,000.00 12/24/2021 FINANCE AMAZON City Center - facial tissues $62.86 12/23/2021 FINANCE CASH WISE FOODS City Center - supplies for office potluck $19.67 12/22/2021 FINANCE AMAZON Library - liquid hand soap refills $43.54 12/14/2021 FINANCE AMAZON DMV - Dry erase markers $12.80 12/8/2021 FINANCE AMAZON Fire - Jacket zippers $83.93 12/7/2021 FINANCE AMAZON Fire - Jacket zippers $227.81 12/6/2021 FINANCE AMAZON Legal -trial analysis & practice book $97.51 12/6/2021 FINANCE AMAZON City Center - ten -key paper rolls $14.84 12/3/2021 FINANCE AMAZON City Center - Green printer paper $13.92 12/3/2021 FINANCE AMAZON City Center - Calculator ribbons $19.87 12/2/2021 FINANCE TARGET City Center - soda for vending machine $5.28 12/23/2021 FIRE A H STOCK MANUFACTURING Tanker 6 discharge chute parts $105.79 12/21/2021 FIRE HUTCHINSON PIZZA RANCH Food for annual officer strategic planning mtg $87.38 12/19/2021 FIRE DU -HA INC NEW Rescue 8 - under seat storage $164.12 12/17/2021 FIRE CULVERS Food for crew working fire at creek side soils $42.47 12/16/2021 FIRE WALGREENS Surgical masks $14.99 12/16/2021 FIRE CASH WISE FOODS Cases of drinking water & plants for front entry $33.94 12/9/2021 FIRE DOMINO'S PIZZA Food for crew working fatal house fire $51.72 12/1/2021 FIRE www.golfireshields.com Leather helmet fronts $80.97 12/29/2021 JT AMAZON USB charging cable for iPads $34.49 12/29/2021 JT AMAZON 2022 Calendar $8.49 12/9/2021 IT BESTBUY ipad for HUC $517.79 12/9/2021 IT BESTBUY iPad for LH $517.79 12/8/2021 IT WEB NETWORKSOLUTIONS URL for EDA $549.78 12/7/2021 IT FLIPBUILDER.COM Flip Book update $430.42 12/5/2021 IT AMAZON USB hubs $68.99 Department Purchasing Card Activity - December 2021 Date Department Vendor Name Description Amount 12/2/2021 IT SERVER SUPPLY.COM INC Raid Controller battery block $44.10 12/27/2021 LIQUOR HUTCH AMZN Mktp US*VP6UT1VJ3 Counterfeit bill pens $21.56 12/26/2021 LIQUOR HUTCH MENARDS HUTCHINSON MN Misc operating supplies $72.61 12/23/2021 LIQUOR HUTCH EIG*CONSTANTCONTACT.COM Direct mail advertising $70.00 12/22/2021 LIQUOR HUTCH TRUE FABRICATIONS Misc items for resale $19.20 12/22/2021 LIQUOR HUTCH TRUE FABRICATIONS Misc item for resale CREDIT ($17.67) 12/19/2021 LIQUOR HUTCH TRUE FABRICATIONS Shel label strips $135.00 12/17/2021 LIQUOR HUTCH TRUE FABRICATIONS Misc item for resale $17.67 12/16/2021 LIQUOR HUTCH RITE Software maintenance $267.19 12/1/2021 LIQUOR HUTCH ENTERTAINING ESSENTIALS Misc items for resale $161.20 12/1/2021 LIQUOR HUTCH FACEBK L4G8H7KG22 FB advertising $90.68 12/2/2021 MOTOR VEHICLE ACI NMLS Service fee for using CC for payment $2.50 12/2/2021 MOTOR VEHICLE ACI NMLS Annual service fee for ATM $100.00 12/29/2021 PARK & REC AMAZON Plastic badge holders, document holder for computer (2) $46.19 12/26/2021 PARK & REC WALMART.COM Youth sports photos for sponsors $3.06 12/23/2021 PARK & REC AMAZON Pickleballs, pickleball paddles $89.57 12/19/2021 PARK & REC WALMART.COM Youth sports photos for sponsors $87.17 12/16/2021 PARK & REC TRACFONE Data for senior trips tracfone $10.00 12/15/2021 PARK & REC CLEAN ITSUPPLY.COM Supplies for senior center crafts $87.92 12/14/2021 PARK & REC OLIVE GARDEN Senior trips meal at Olive Garden $540.00 12/12/2021 PARK & REC WHENIWORK.COM Staff scheduling app $84.00 12/10/2021 PARK & REC AMAZON Popcorn for holiday ice show $12.99 12/9/2021 PARK & REC AMAZON 3 ring -binders, popcorn buckets for ice show $11.99 12/9/2021 PARK & REC AMAZON 3 ring -binders, popcorn buckets for ice show $13.99 12/9/2021 PARK & REC AMAZON Candy canes for holiday ice show $25.25 12/3/2021 PARK & REC EPIC SPORTS Soccer net supplies, basketballs $472.58 12/12/2021 PLANNING DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY Boiler license $20.00 12/2/2021 PLANNING AMAZON Pest control supplies $102.50 12/30/2021 POLICE AMAZON Calendar $5.09 12/30/2021 POLICE AMAZON Calendars $29.98 12/20/2021 POLICE AMAZON Replacement Gloves Fenrich $32.37 12/15/2021 POLICE AMAZON Flashdrives $41.77 12/5/2021 POLICE BCATRAINING EDUCATION DMT refresher B. Erlandson $75.00 12/1/2021 POLICE FRAMEBRIDGE Department Photo $179.61 12/31/2021 PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLYHOUSE.COM Replacement parts for Reznor in WTP RO room $93.85 12/30/2021 PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLYHOUSE.COM Replacement fan for Reznor in WTP garage $186.07 12/28/2021 PUBLIC WORKS WEF MAIN WEF Annual Membership & CSWEA $105.00 12/21/2021 PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLYHOUSE.COM Boiler Fire -eye $283.46 12/17/2021 PUBLIC WORKS DAVIDHPAULI Apprenticeship course for Jim Navratil $348.00 12/17/2021 PUBLIC WORKS AMAZON Airport - emergency fuel shut-off sign $29.95 12/17/2021 PUBLIC WORKS AMAZON Substitue Chart Recorder Pens $46.53 12/16/2021 PUBLIC WORKS AMAZON Returned Kickeson Replacement Pen ($22.01) 12/15/2021 PUBLIC WORKS GEMPLER'S INC Gloves $390.20 12/14/2021 PUBLIC WORKS PAYPAL Motor for Heater Fan $170.00 12/13/2021 PUBLIC WORKS AMAZON Raffle Tickets for Parties and Chart Recorder Pens $32.96 12/10/2021 PUBLIC WORKS SHERRILLTREE Repair damaged helmet $155.67 12/9/2021 PUBLIC WORKS BERNARD J MULCAHY COMPANY WWTF boiler parts $112.89 12/8/2021 PUBLIC WORKS BERNARD J MULCAHY COMPANY WWTF boiler parts $64.31 12/2/2021 PUBLIC WORKS SCHALLERCOR Plastic parts bin $233.66 12/2/2021 PUBLIC WORKS BERNARD J MULCAHY COMPANY WWTF boiler parts $423.89 Total - P-Cards: 1 $11,884.36 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C`ty�fl Request for Board Action 7AL Zwl,7 Agenda Item: REQUEST FOR A CONTINUANCE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPS Department: EDA LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Miles R. Seppelt Agenda Item Type: Presenter: none Reviewed by Staff ❑ Public Hearing Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: For several months now City staff has been in conversations with Brian Forcier (the developer for the Cobblestone Inn hotel) about the redevelopment of the Jorgensen Hotel located at 2 Main Street South. Mr. Forcier's plan is to redevelop the upper two floors of the building into an up -scale hotel. Due to the age and poor condition of the structure, redevelopment of the property would not be feasible economically unless public assistance is provided in the form of a Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. Originally the public hearing to consider the TIF District was scheduled for December 14th, 2021, but then was "continued" to January 25th at the request of the Developer so that additional research on project costs could be done. The Developer has since requested an additional continuance of the public hearing to February 8th, 2022. This is to give the Developer more time to pull together project cost information. If you have any questions or need additional information, please give me a call anytime at (320) 234-4223. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to "continue" the public hearing until 6 PM, Tuesday, February 8, 2022. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=y�f 000h Request for Board Action 79 =- M_7 Agenda Item: Assessment Hearing & Award for 2022 Pavement Management Program Project Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ Public Hearing Time Requested (Minutes): 15 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The City received five (5) bids (see attached Bid Tabulation) for the 2022 Pavement Management Program project letting on Wednesday, December 15th. The apparent low bidder is Landwehr Construction Inc. of St. Cloud, MN, with a bid of $2,395,966.62 (approximately 7% higher than the final Engineer's Estimate). This project's total cost and associated funding contributions were reviewed by the Resource Allocation Committee and are accounted for within the City's proposed 2022 Infrastructure Improvement Program. Please note that escalating roadway/utility construction costs continue to be significant concern and will be an issue as the City's improvement purchasing power is eroded. City staff will provide a brief overview of the project scope, bids and associated improvement special assessments prior to opening the public communication portion of the Assessment Hearing. City staff has worked closely with adjacent property owners as this project has proceeded to address any construction and assessment questions. The final Assessment Roll and necessary Resolutions to award this project are attached. We recommend approving the provided Assessment Roll and Resolutions. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Assessment Roll & Resolutions Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 2,919,120.00 Total City Cost: $ 2,765,304.00 Funding Source: Bonding & Utility Funds Remaining Cost: $ 153,816.00 Funding Source: Improvement Special Assessments RESOLUTION NO. 15416 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. SA5127 LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO. 22-01 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution and notice of hearing the Council has met and reviewed the proposed assessment for improvement of: 2022 Pavement Management Program: Keith Street SW (South Grade Road to Neal Avenue), Neal Avenue SW (Keith Street to Sunset Street), Sunset Street SW (South Grade Road to Linden Avenue), Laura Avenue SW (Approx. 150 LF West of Sunset Street to Sunset Street) and Linden Avenue SW (Dale Street to Harrington Street); roadway reconstruction by construction of grading, water main/services, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, street lighting, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2023 and shall bear interest at the rate of % percent per annum as set down by the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 1, 2022, until the 31 st day of December 2023. To each subsequent installment when due, interest shall be added for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Finance Department, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by the 15th day of November, 2022; and owner may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Finance Department the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to the 31 st day of December, of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest will be charged through December 31, of the next succeeding year. 4. The Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of January 2022. Gary Forcier, Mayor Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 15415 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO. 22-01 Whereas, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement of: 2022 Pavement Management Program: Keith Street SW (South Grade Road to Neal Avenue), Neal Avenue SW (Keith Street to Sunset Street), Sunset Street SW (South Grade Road to Linden Avenue), Laura Avenue SW (Approx. 150 LF West of Sunset Street to Sunset Street) and Linden Avenue SW (Dale Street to Harrington Street); roadway reconstruction by construction of grading, water main/services, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, curb and gutter, draintile installation, bituminous surfacing, sidewalk, street lighting, landscaping, restoration and appurtenances, and bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder Total Bid Landwehr Construction, Inc. of St. Cloud MN $2,395,966.62 Wm. Mueller & Sons, Inc. of Hamburg MN $2,485,625.29 Duininck, Inc. of Prinsburg MN $2,538,738.18 R & R Excavating, Inc. of Hutchinson MN $2,547,713.34 Northdale Construction Company, Inc. of Albertville MN $2,961,680.11 and whereas, it appears that Landwehr Construction, Inc. of St. Cloud MN is the lowest responsible bidder; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: The mayor and city administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Landwehr Construction, Inc. of St. Cloud MN in the amount of $2,395,966.62 in the name of the City of Hutchinson, for the improvement contained herein, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Engineer. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed, and the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained until satisfactory completion of the contract. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this 25th day of January 2022. Mayor, Gary Forcier City Administrator, Matthew Jaunich CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320-234-4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO.22-01 2022 Pavement Management Program BID OPENING: 12/15/2021 @ 11:00 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $2,232,511.25 COMPLETION DATE: 09/16/2022 i _� i DESCRIPTION It Engineer, Estimate lantlwelr Construction, Inc Es5ma5ng Safi South 33M St PO Box 1086 Saint Cloutl MN- Phone 3.112-1490 Wm. Mueller 8 Sons Cory Hoernemann B31 Park Ave PO Box 2A] Hamburg MN 55339 Phone 952d8]-2]20 coryhLwmmueller.om Duininck Inc Proleft Manager 408 6th st PO Box 208 Prinsburg MN 56281 Phone 920-9]8011ITEM � R 8 R EXcavating, Inc. Brent Reiner 1169 Hwy 22 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone 3205875918 michelle@rting.nat Norihtlale Construction Company Inc Phil Lesnar 9]fig ]1st St NE Albemille MN 55301 PM1one I. - ^orthtlalebitls@ haalewncc BID PRICE I BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BASE BID $2,232,511.25 $2,395,966.62 $2,485,625.29 $2,538,738.18 $2,547,713.34 $2,961,680.11 DBE GOAL 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% BASE BID UNIT QUANTRY BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL 1 2021501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 100 $7250000 $72,50000 $10450000 $104,500 OF $126000 OF $126,00000 $12000000 $120,00000 $6687077 $66,87077 $4811050 $4811055 2 2101524 CLEARING TREE 5800 $32500 $18850.00 $28500 $16530.00 $25000 $14500.00 $27500 $1595000 $21500 $1247000 $22575 $1309350 3 2101524 GRUBBING TREE 5800 $13500 $7,830.00 $10800 $6,26400 $95on $5,51000 $85on $4,930.00 $85K $4,93000 $8925 $5,17650 4 210 w2 DISCONNECT WATER SERVICE EACH 400 $SK_00 $3,400.00 $38000 $1520.00 $50000 $2,000.00 $1500.00 $6,OW 00 $143255 $5,730.20 $188167 $7,526.68 5 21Mw2 REMOVE MANHOLE EACH 1200 $350.00 $4,200.00 $25000 $3,000.00 $40000 $4,800.00 $57500 $6,9W 00 $280.42 $3,36504 $80000 $9,6fi0.05 6 21Mw2 REMOVE CATCH BASIN EACH 2500 $250.00 $6250.00 $24000 $6000_00 $25000 $6250.00 $37500 $937500 $31651 $]91275 $59988 $1499]00 7 21Mw2 REMOVE GATE VALVE EACH 1300 $18500 $2,40500 $17000 $2,21000 $10000 $1300.00 $30000 $3,9W 00 $71627 $9,31151 $20000 $2,6fi0.00 8 21Mw2 REMOVE HYDRANT EACH 700 $5K_00 $3,500.00 $34000 $2,380.00 $10000 $70000 $40000 $2,8W 00 $2.32 $1624 $40000 $2,800.05 9 21Mw2 REMOVE SIGN EACH 2100 $45.00 $94500 $2800 $58800 $4000 $84000 $4000 $MO 00 $4000 $84000 $4200 $88200 10 21M 502 SALVAGE SIGN EACH 400 $55.00 $22000 $2800 $11200 $10 no $16000 Slow $16000 $40on $16000 $4200 $16800 11 21Mw2 SALVAGE MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 2800 $60.00 $168900 $5500 $154000 $50on $140000 $50on $14W 00 $2500 $70000 $5250 $147005 12 21Mw3 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH LIN FT 798.00 $6W $4,788.00 $5.10 $4,06980 $4.55 $3,630.90 $4.55 $3,630.90 $4.55 $3,630.90 $4.78 $3,81444 13 21Mw3 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTFULL DEPTH LIN FT 60800 $350 $2,128 on $2.00 $121600 $1 So $1,0M 40 $1 no $1894.40 $1W $1,0M40 $189 $114913 14 21Mw3 REMOVE WATER MAIN LIN FT 21600 $500 $1080.0n $600 $1296.00 $10on $2160.00 $2.50 540 $00 $1326 $2864.1fi $10on $2160.00 15 21Mw3 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STOW) LIN FT 2220K $900 $1%9W.on $18So $41 736.00 $1000 $22200.00 $650 $14,430.00 $584 $12,954.80 $2000 $44401).00 16 21Mw3 REMOVE SEWER PIPE SANITARY LIN FT 4500 $6no $27000 $4.K $18000 $500 $225 Do $6K $29250 $0W $1620 $10W $450.00 17 21MI REMOVE CURB B GUTTER LIN FT 6343 00 $3 95 $25,05,1 K $2.20 $13,95 60 $2 W $17,760.40 $4.00 $25,372 00 $4.09 $25,942 87 $lo W $63,430.05 18 2104_503 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB LIN FT 2500 $800 $20000 $5.10 $12750 $10K $25000 $5W $12500 $034 $6K $10W $25000 19 21Mw,[ REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SO YD 87600 $1200 $10,512 OF $525 $4,599.02 $640 $5,6W 40 $1200 $10,51200 $953 3482 $8,8 $2000 $17,52000 20 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SO YD 2500 $1000 $2WOU $1600 $40000 $525 $13125 $2000 $SUODU $6849 $1,11225 $1500 $31bw 21 21M 518 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SO FT 50610D $1 85 $9,37395 $370 $18,74] 90 $1 W $5,06700 $1 25 $6,33375 $1 02 $5,16034 $2.50 $12,66] 50 22 21Mw4 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE SO YD 1737600 $170 $2953920 $155 $2693280ff$4525 $30406.00 $150 $26064.00 $105 $18244.N $143 $2484768 23 21M 507 COMMON EXCAVATION EV P CU YD 672600 $15W $11142530C $1340 $9812840$117,36870 $1450 $97,52]00 $1952 $13129152 $2275 $153,01650 24 21M 507 SUBGRAGE EXCAVATION EV CU YD 550.00 woo $24,750.OF $44.70 $24,58500$24,88]50 $400D $22,OW.00 $023 $12650 $5143 $28286.50 25 21M 507 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW CV CU YD 35O00 $26.00 $92,300.00 $2840 $100,820K$Ktim 00 $2750 $97,62500 $2691 $95,530.50 $2427 $WJ58.K 2fi 21M604 SOIL STABILIZATION GEOGRID SO YD 1564600 $4.35 $660W.1n $4.50 $7040]00$7275390 $4.W $7197160 $4.39 $67903.fi4 $470 $73536.2027 21M607 EXCAVATION SPECIALEV P CU YD 41U00 $12W $52275 OF $1200 $58184.00$37,6W 00 $1450 $60,63900 $1275 $53320.50 $20W $83,890.92 28 2112604 SUBGRADE PREPARATION SO YD 1737600 $165 $32j1 60 $145 $25,19520 $29,53920 $125 $21T20.00 $174 $3023424 $350 $60,81600 29 2211607 AGGREGATE BASE CV FROM STOCKPILER CU YD 3882W $14W $56289 OF $1170 $45,41940 $65,41170 $1750 $67,935.00 $1294 $50233.08 $20K $77,87292 30 2215 w,1 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION SO YD 15461 00 $165 $25510 65 $0 95 $1468] 95 $20 717 74 $135 $20872 35 $0 79 $1221419 $314 $4854] 54 31 23316K JOINTADHESIVE LIN FT 7590Do$0W $6107200 $078 $5,92020 $4,85760 $065 $4,93350 $070 $5,31300 $067 $5,08530 32 2357502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 96500 $340 $3,28100 $2.50 $2,41250. $3,8W 00 $3K $2,895.00 $2.25 $2,17125 $2.10 $2,026.55 33 23Ww,[ TYPE SP 95 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE 2B 0-THICKSO YD 1441W $2100 $30,38]0n $1895 $27,4.n5 $2805 $40,588.35 $21. $3167483 $1695 $24,526.65 $22. $32,7 nl 34 23Ww,[ TYPE SP 95 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE 2C 15'THICK SO YD 1346100 $825 $1111U275 $6W $119856K $735 $9898245 $1048 $141134.1 $795 $10706265 $940 $126589W 35 23Ww,[ TYPESP125NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE 2C 25'THICK SO YD 1346700 $1225 $164,97075 $1440 $193,924W $1245 $167,664.15 $1659 $223,417 53 $1290 $173,724W $1423 $19163541 3fi 25M 503 4" PERF PVC PIPE DRAIN LIN FT owl 00 $685 $46,929.K $670 W4 901 70 $6 89 $47,203 39 $725 $4%669.75 $732 $58149 32 $2016 $138116 U 37 25M 602 4" PVC PIPE DRAIN CLEANOUT EACH 1200 $250.00 $3,0011.0n $27000 $3,24000 $25000 $3,000.00 $250.00 $3,OW00 $6535 $784.20 $35214 $4,22568 38 25M 602 4" PVC PIPE DRAIN SERVICE EACH 4200 $28500 $11970 OF $32100 $1348200 $29500 $12390.00 $350.00 $147W.00 $139.65 $5865.30 $531]fi $22333.92 39 25M 602 CONNECT PIPE DRAIN INTO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 900 $350.00 $3,1W00 $46000 $4,14000 $45000 $4,05000 $35000 $3,1v000 $655.50 $5,906.50 $50000 $4,500_00 40 250w36"PVC PIPE SEWER LIN FT 2500 $5200 $13011.0n $60K $1500.00 $50on $1250.00 $7500 $187500 $12667 $3,166.75 $5727 $143179 41 250w38"PVC PIPE SEWER LIN FT 1200 woo $57600 $6800 $81600 $50on $60000 $10000 $1200.00 $25598 $3,07176 $6202 $74424 42 250 w3 17 RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN W06 CIF V LIN FT 615 00 WOO $29 520.00 $51 30 $31 549 50 $70 K $43 050.00 $55 K $33 825 00 W814 $54 2K.10 $74 97 $46 106.55 43 250w31S RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN W06 CIF V LIN FT 32000 $58.00 $18,SW.00 $47 75 $15,280.00 $60K $1%200.00 $7000 $22,400.00 $7003 $22,409.60 $7556 $24, 17920 44 250w318' RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN W06 CIF V LIN FT 43300 $7200 $31,17600 $5200 $22,51600 $62K $26,846.00 $7000 $30,31000 $7422 $32, 13726 $8364 $36216.13 45 250w324' RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN W06 CIF V LIN FT 2800 $85.00 $2,380.00 W340 $2,33520 $98on $2,744.00 $12500 $3,500.00 $17621 $4,93388 $11709 $3,27852 46 250w32T RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN W06 CIF V LIN FT moo $11000 $3850.00 $12700 $41, 500 $14200 $497000 $17500 $612500 $20317 $711095 $15530 $543550 47 250w3 36-RCPIPESEWERDESIGNW06CLV LIN FT 338.00 $13500 W4 630.00 $18120 $6124 60 $20000 $67,600.00 $20000 $67,60[).00 $24217 $81853.46 $20439 $69,083.82 48 250w347RCPIPESEWERDESIGNW06CLV LIN FT 90800 $15500 $140,740K $25400 $230,fi32K $26000 $23808000 $25500 $23154000 $31115 $282,52420 $26078 $23878624 49 250w348' RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN W06 CIF V LIN FT 3900 $19500 $7,605.00 $31000 $12,090.00 $36700 $14,31300 $40000 $15,60[).00 $477.74 $18,fi3166 $32933 $12,843.87 50 250w360" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN W06 CIF V LIN FT 1800 $38500 $6930.00 $59000 $106m 00 $488.00 $8784.00 $62500 $11250.00 $94358 $16984.44 $48353 $870354 51 250 602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH 400 $1W0.00 $7,6011.00 $67000 $2,680.00 $750.00 $3,000.00 $10Uo_00 $4,0011.00 $154892 $6,19568 $1560.91 $6,24364 52 2563609 OONNFOT TO EXISTING MANHOI FS VAN]EACH 7no $32nn no $6,400.00 $1150011 $2,300.02 $"'noon $5,000.00 $20noon $4,0011.00 $1670 2fi $3,34952 $.Sono on $10,0W.00 53 250602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 1900 $210000 $3%9W.00 $68000 $12,920.K $16W 00 $30,400.00 $112500 $2137500 $74776 $14,20]44 $2500.00 $4Two 02 54 250602 CONNECT INTO EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 500 $180000 $900000 $1020.00 $S OOU_00 $3000.00 $15000.00 $15U0.00 $7520.00 $252136 $12606.80 $2500.00 $125K.00 55 250602 CONNECT TO EXISTING DRAIN DISCHARGE EACH 200 --On $1300.00 $70000 $1400.00 $450.00 $90000 $1000.00 $2,000.00 $385.12 $77024 $2509.03 $5,01806 56 250 602 6"CLEAN-OUT ASSEMBLY EACH 100 $350.00 $35000 $32000 $32000 $350.00 $35000 $60000 $600 U0 $190.it $19011 $55108 $55108 57 2503_fiO3 CLEAN AND VIDEO TAPE PIPE SEWER LIN FT 3132W $100 $5850.80 $1 70 $5,32440 $3K $10,W200 $150 $4,698.00 $125 $3,91500 $156 $4,948.56 58 250603 8"PVC PIPE SEWER I LINFT 1 4500 1 $65.00 1 $292500 $100001 $711000 $9000 $4050.00 $21 301 9508.50 $11657 $524565 Pagel oft CITY OF HUTCHINSON, 111 HASSAN ST SE, HUTCHINSON MN 55350 320-234-4209 BID TABULATION - CITY OF HUTCHINSON LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO.22-01 2022 Pavement Management Program BID OPENING: 12/15/2021 @ 11:00 AM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $2,232,511.25 COMPLETION DATE: 12/15/2021 i _ i � ITEM DESCRIPTION Engineeh Estimate lantlweh Construction, Inc Es—n 9 B4fi South 33rtl S[ PO Box 1096 Saint Cloutl MN 5Wg2 Phone 320-25&1494 "'""°�""° "'"`°"`° Wm. Mueller 8 Sons Cory Hoe PO B.n 891 Park Ave PO Box 2A] Hamburg MN 55939 Phone 9524674720 co h eller.com tr@—u Duininck Inc Project Manager Ull 6th St PO Box 208 Prinsburg MN 56281 Phone920-9]8 011 estimator@tluininck.com R 8 R Excavating, Inc. Brent Reiner 1169 Hwy 22 South Hutchinson, MN 55950 Phone 320b87b918 michell cavatin t e(�rrex g.ne Norihtlale Construction Company Inc Phil1M St 9760 ]is[ S[ NE Albertville MN 553g1 Phone]W42a-08fie onhaalebias hdalecons4c ^ @^o^ BID PRICE I BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BASE BID $2,232,511.25 $2,395,966.62 $2,485,625.29 $2,538,738.18 $2,547,713.34 $2,961,680.11 DBE GOAL 0.00% O.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% BASE BID UNIT QUANTITY BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL BID PRICE BID TOTAL 59 2504.602 WATER MAIN OFFSET 6" EACH 400 $510000 $20,40000 $270000 $10,80000 $380000 $15,20000 $450000 $18,00000 $873991 $34,95964 $617270 $24,690R 60 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH 2400 $160000 $38400.00 $140000 $33600.00 $250000 $60000.00 $200000 $4800000 $58609 $14LOM 1fi $2844.25 $6626200 61 2504_602 HYDRANT EACH 800 $480000 $38,400.00 $500000 $40,000.00 $632700 $50,fi1600 $5000.00 $40,000.00 $638630 $51090.40 $589327 $47J46.16 62 250602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH 300 $42500 $127500 $30000 $90000 $42500 $127500 $25000 $750.00 $30102 $90306 $50000 $1500.00 63 250602 1" CORPORATION STOP EACH 400 $i65000 $6,60000 $65000 $2,60000 $780.00 $3,120.00 $75000 $3000.00 $165252 $6,61008 $51125 $2,04500 64 250602 4"GATE VALVE EACH 100 $180000 $180000 $190000 $190000 $17000 $179300 $3750.00 $3750.00 $589129 $589129 $371413 $3714.13 65 250602 6" GATE VALVE EACH 1800 $195000 $35,10000 $2050.00 $36,900.00 $25H 00 $45,738.00 $30110.00 $S4,OW.00 $421578 $75,884.04 $39388fi $70,NO 48 66 250602 8"GATE VALVE EACH 100 $260000 $2,60000 $280000 $2,80000 $3M00 $3,822.00 $4750.00 $4,750.00 $6858.65 $6,858.65 $484258 $4,84258 67 2506021T GATE VALVE EACH 100 $480000 $4,80000 $450000 $4,50000 $66700 $6,677.00 $65110.00 $6500.00 $10242 65 $10242 65 $63H 98 $6,3H 92 68 250 602 ADJUST CURB STOP EACH 100 $30000 $30000 $20000 $20000 $45000 $45000 $17500 $17500 $45151 $45151 $25000 $25000 69 250 602 1"CURBSTOP ANDBOX EACH 400 $85000 $3,400.00 $76000 $3,040.00 $67500 $2,7U0.00 $65000 $2,60000 $33032 $132128 $66277 $2,65108 70 250603 1"TYPEKCOPPERPIPE LIN FT 16000 $2300 $3,68000 $3000 $4,80000 $2600 $4,160.00 $4500 $7,200.00 $5022 $8,03520 $7369 $11190.40 71 250603 6" WATERMUN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 LIN FT 23100 $65.00 $15,01500 $8000 $18,480.00 $22500 $5197500 $8000 $18,480.00 $11638 $26,883.78 $13305 $30,734.55 72 250603 17 WATERMAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 LIN FT 800 $23500 $188000 $26000 $2080.00 $404.00 $323200 $17500 $1400.00 $3871fi $309728 $17057 $1364.56 73 2504 NO DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 44900 $1200 $5,38800 $1400 $6,28600 $1500 $6,73500 $1800 $808200 $932 $4,184.68 $1743 $7,826.07 74 25W6 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 4007 EACH 100 $460000 $4,60000 $8 ON 00 $8,00000 $610400 $6,104.00 $700000 $],000.00 $16283.37 $1622M $663594 $6,63594 75 250602 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL EACH 100 $14600.00 $14,fiW.00 $37 ON 00 $37,000.00 $45000.00 $45,000.00 $31500.00 $31500.00 $43288.87 W288.87 $35938.92 $35,938.92 76 2506502 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN TYPE A EACH 2400 $230000 $552W.00 $1 ON 00 $47760.00 $2029.00 $486%O $235000 $56400.00 $265108 $6362592 $265501 $63720.24 77 2506502 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN TYPE C EACH 100 $180000 $180000 $180000 $180000 $184000 $1840.00 $250000 $2,500.00 $316788 $3,16788 $2604.91 $2,604.91 18 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-402C EACH 500 $310000 $15,sw 00 $275000 $13,ISO .00 $2350.00 $11, 1w 0U $3511000 $1/SW.OU $422828 $21IJ4140 $344537 $1/220.85 79 2506502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 6"02C EACH 200 $420000 $8,40000 $464000 $9,280.00 $483]00 $9,67400 $525000 $10,500.00 $684940 $13,fi96.80 $52979fi $10,595.92 80 2506502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 72d02C EACH 600 $650000 $390W00 $677000 $40620.00 $665900 $39954.00 $825000 $49500.00 $9FMO0 $54864.30 $7536.55 $ 921930 81 2506502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 84402C EACH 200 $710000 $14,20000 $940000 $18,800.00 $921100 $18,422.00 $975000 $19,500.00 $123M6 $24,66926 $10283.16 $20,566.32 82 2506502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 96402C EACH 300 $930000 $27,9W.00 $22000.00 $66,000.00 $1731]00 $5195100 $17750.00 $53,250.00 $2 ,630.55 $67,8916 $1806188 $54,185.fi4 83 2506502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 108402C EACH 100 $1430000 $14,300.00 $33000.00 $33,OW.00 $2701600 $27,01600 $270U0.00 $27,000.00 $3652527 $36,52527 $27647.19 $27,647.19 84 2506502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 300 $100000 $300000 $102500 $307500 $131500 $394500 $110000 $3300.00 $135270 $4058.10 $141375 $424125 85 250602 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH 1200 $92500 $11,100.00 $85000 $10200.00 $88500 $10,62000 $50000 $6,000.00 $99259 $1191108 $88163 $10,579 SO 86 2521518 4"CONCRETE WALK SQFT 2935 DO $900 $26,4150C $675 $1%81125 $645 $18,930.75 $6 DO $1]fi10.00 $747 $2192445 $827 $24,27245 87 2521518 6" CONCRETE WALK SOFT 7500 $1400 $10,850.00 $208C1 $16J20.00 $1210 $9,377.50 $1175 $9,10625 $140 $11353.75 $2143 $16,60825 88 2531503 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT 7084.00 $2100 $148764.00 $2040 $14451360 $1805 $12786620 E1705 $120782.20 $1705 $12078220 $1916 $13572944 89 2531509 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SO, YD 96�00 $7300 $72,0510F $8002 $78,97974 $6990 $66,99130 $6575 $6,HIM 25 $7240 $71458.80 $8434 $832<l SO 90 2531604 8" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER SQ YD 1800 $65.00 $117002 $11100 $199800 $11470 $2,06460 $11500 $2,07000 $11470 $2,064.60 $12649 $2,27683 91 2531618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQFT 18000 $65.00 $11700.00 $4200 $7,560.00 $7000 $12,fi00.00 $7500 $13,500.00 $7000 $12,fi00.00 $4292 $7,72560 92 25 602 MAILBOX EACH 5100 $60.00 $306000 $83 INR$42�00300 $75X $382500 $7500 $382500 $5000 $2550.00 $7875 $4016293 25 602 INSTALL MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 2800 $7500 $2,10000 $140000.00 $2800 $784.00 $12500 $3,500.00 $10000 $2,80000 $13125 $3,67500 94 2545501 LIGHTING SYSTEM LUMPSUM 100 $17500.00 $1],500.00 $14400.000.00 $16000.00 $16,000.00 $12-00 $12,750.00 $1261]7fi $12,fi1]76 $1589303 $15,893.03 95 250601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMPSUM 100 $13000.00 $13,00000 $1 LON 000.00 $15000.00 $15,000.00 $83110.00 $8300.00 $830000 $8,30000 $840000 $8,400096 25M 518 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT 8975 woo $493625 $55901703 $5500 $4936.25 $5500 $493625 $5500 $4936.25 $5040 $4523497 25M 518 SIGN PANELS TYPE D SQ FT 2400 $7500 $18000C $5590100 $13500 $3,24000 $13500 $324000 $13500 $3,24000 $22050 $5,29202 98 25M602 INSTALL SIGN EACH 400 $18500 $74000 $22300200 $25000 $1000.00 $250.00 $1ON 00 $250.00 $HOW 00 $26250 $1050.02 99 2571524 DECI DUOUS TREE 15"CAL BBB TREE 400 $485.00 $19400C $675000.00 $60500 $2,42000 $60500 $2,420.00 $wI 00 $2,20000 $63525 $2,54100 100 2571524 DECIDUOUS TREE T CAL BBB TREE 1600 $57500 $920000 $758002800 $66000 $10560.00 $66000 $105fi0.00 $60000 $960000 $69300 $11LON 0101 2571524 DECIDUOUS TREE#25 CONT TREE 3500 $47500 $16,62500 $7580030.00 $63800 $22,330.00 $638.00 $22,330.00 $40000 $14,OW.00 $66990 $23,446.50 2573502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 54.00 $17500 $9,450.00 $183008200 $16500 $8,91000 $12500 $6,750.00 $9500 $5,13000 $35002 $18,90108 103 2574507 COMMON TOPS OIL BORROW LV CU YD 1051 DO $4500 $47,295.00 $330083.00 E3300 $3H68300 $4000 142,040.00 13050 $32,055.5O 14225 $44,404.75 104 2575505 SEEDING ACRE 195 $8100.00 $15795.00 $,t OW02 $787412 $7 ON 00 $1557270 $8000.00 $i5fi00.00 $1200.00 $234000 $1260.00 $245705 105 2515—E RAP ID STABILIZATION METHOD 2 ACRE 195 $210000 $4,095.00 $483400 $9,426.30 $100000 $1950.00 $How 00 $195000 $3750.00 $7,31250 $393]50 $7,678.13 T. 2582503 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE PAINT LIN FT 30000 $350 $1050U0 $3. "Ouuu $280 $84000 $2.811 $840 U0 $4.00 $120000 $2.94 $88200 107 2582518 CROSSWALK PAINT SQ FT 10800 $1150 $124200 $670 $72360l 87 $633.96 $587 $fi339fi $2.00 $21600 $616 $66528 TOTAL - LETTING NO. 1/PROJECT NO. 22-01 1 $2,232,511.25 $2,395,966.62 $2,485,625.29 $2,538,738.18 $2,547,713.34 $2,961,680.11 Paget.2 2021 Year End Report Refuse Fund & Compost Fund 1/25/22 u HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. am p"' CreekSide Soils -- Wo o c�oE Mission Statement CreekSide will provide an environmentally responsible alternative to disposing of city and county organics in area landfills. This will be done in a manner that is self-sustaining and provides optimal benefits, economic and otherwise, to the residents of Hutchinson. CreekSide values innovation, market flexibility, incorporating best business practices, establishing partnerships, meeting or exceeding customer requirements, maintaining good relationships with neighbors, and being recognized as a community asset by the residents of Hutchinson, and McLeod County. Refuse Fund Defined Through the Refuse fund, the City charges its residents a monthly garbage fee for the collection and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) and source -separated organic material (SSOM). The garbage fees collected from residents are used to pay the contracted hauling/collection service for both MSW and SSOM, landfill disposal charges for MSW and expenditures for the source -separated operations; including building improvements and capital equipment purchases. The MSW material is disposed of at a local landfill at the expense of the Refuse fund based on a cost per ton contract rate. The source -separated organic material collected is received at CreekSide where it is composted into a soil product and is currently being used by City departments. 3,000 2,500 A_ 2,012 2,000 MSW & SSOM Tonnages 1,669 1,559 1,512 1,559 1,500 starts Fall 2010 _..-_.---- .._.-.---._-- g SS Tons Single Sort �� Incoming Recycling starts tResidual SS Tons May 2015 tMSW Tons 1,000 *Since the Facility 589 opened in 2001, a total of 39,116 tons soo367 of residential SSOM 284 289 243 222 235 229 219 has been tipped and 149 154 199 processed 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Year Refuse Budget 2020 Actuals 2021 (prelim) 2021 Budget % Change Year End Revenues $1,318,422 $1,332,012 $1,302,100 1.03% Year End Expenditures $1,302,716 $1,283,716 $2,191,053 -1.46% Net Revenue $15,706 $48,296 -$888,953 207.50% Depreciation $135,386 $162,000 $162,000 19.66% Capital Outlay $40,138 $66,771 $865,500 66.35% Transfer Out* $55,000 $55,000 $55,000 0.00% *$660,000 has been transferred to the Tree Disease/Infestation Mitigation Fund since 2010 Compost Fund Defined Creekside's Compost Fund serves as a drop-off site for compostable and recyclable materials such as logs, brush, yard waste and clean concrete & blacktop at no charge. With these materials, Creekside produces, markets, and distributes bulk and bagged compost mixtures as well as a variety of bulk and bagged colored mulches to local customers and to distributors with a current sales territory of 13 states from the Midwest to the Intermountain West. Creekside sells bagged products in three labels; SplendorGro TM CreekSide TM WonderBlendTM 01 CREEKS/pE (,�oKder �le�d -t, 5 Creekside also supplies horticultural materials, along with aggregates, to various City departmental projects at reduced costs. Incoming Raw Materials Tonnages Yard Waste & Wood Waste 14,35L, 13,950 .. 13,44E 13,715 12,177 12,57� 6,194 4,201 4,596 4,652 4,289 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 i 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year 2021 Incoming Materials by Type and Generator Total City of Hutch- 39% of total McLeod County- 17% of total City of St. Cloud- 33% of total 49% yard waste 1,975 tons yard waste 1,375 tons yard waste 3,375 tons yard waste 51 % wood waste 3,425 tons wood waste 900 tons wood waste 1,175 tons wood waste Total Tons Hutchinson Tons tResidual Tons 5,398 0 f 2021 City of Willmar- 11 % of total 1,500 tons wood waste 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Bagged Sales Volume 2020 2021 Year Yards of material needed for bagging 52,000 — 51,000 50,000 49,000 48,000 47,000 46,000 2022 Projection 45,000 50,910 2020 2021 2022 Projection Year Baaaed Sales Volume Breakdown 2020 Creekside Brands vs Private Labels 2021 Creekside Brands vs Private Labels 12,260 (0. %) 8,330 I(0.5%) 316,636 247,980 (19.3%) (15.6%) Creekside Brands 1,332,440 h 1,311,592 (83.9%) (80.0%) ■Private Labels Allied Products 00 *Private Labels consist of several products for various customers, most of which supply Creekside with their bulk products to be packaged ■ Creekside Brands ■ Private Labels Allied Products 2021 Mentionables Bagged sales once again exceeded projections in 2021 due to ideal spring weather & lingering effects of consumers staying at home. No Bit -Con sales in 2021 due to no inventory, accounted for an approximate decrease of $245,000 in bulk sales. A crushing event occurred in Dec 2021, inventory will be available for 2022! Bagging feeder line upgrades; hopper, conveyor, volumetric Re -design of SplendorGro brand mulch bags o a Colored MULCH SpI,.&,ORO MULCH ❑ Compost Budget 2020 Actuals 2021 (prelim) 2021 Budget % Change Year End Revenues $3,241,042 $2,888,077 $2,391,000 -10.89% Year End Expenditures $3,464,539 $3,194,903 $3,030,746 -7.78% Net Revenue -$223,497 -$306,826 -$639,746 -37.28% Gross Profit Margin % 33.52% 36.81 % 30.87% 3.29% Depreciation $263,490 $282,500 $282,500 7.21 % Capital Outlay $488,438 $340,896 $376,000 -30.21 % Transfer Out* $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 0.00% *$1,236,928 has been transferred to the General Fund since 2009 2022 Objectives Implement new composting process & equipment for SSOM Covered Aerated Static Pile (CASP) system Currently awaiting MPCA permit approval Formulate an Educational Campaign for curbside SSOM program to increase participation & minimize contamination, 3-4 year campaign Applied for MPCA Greater MN Composting Grant to assist in covering expenses, currently awaiting response Continue to strive to increase bags per hour production rates through staff training & equipment upgrades 2021 overall production rates increased by 16.4% over 2020 to 873 bph; 123 bags per hour (653 bph in 2019; T33.7%) Stay Healthy! Questions/Comments? HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL C`ty'fl Request for Board Action 7AL Zwl,7 Agenda Item: Tattoo License - Douglas Moulten, Valhalla Tattoo Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete Yes Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Douglas Moulten of Valhalla Tattoo has submitted a tattoo license application into administration for review and processing. The application is for Mr. Moulten to provide tattoo services at his business located at 18 Main Street #2. A background check was completed of Mr. Moulten and the police department does not object to the issuing of the license. The applicant has completed the appropriate application, including the Conditional Use Permit application process, in full and all pertinent information has been received and approved. Mr. Moulten previously operated a tattoo establishment in the City of Hutchinson. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing tattoo license to Douglas Moutlen of Valhalla Tattoo to provide tattoo services at 18 Main Street #2. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FEE A iC;'TY ODm K"'''�tRl OSE. 111 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320)587-5151/Fax:(320)234-4240 City of Hutchinson Application for Tattoo Service License (Under Ordinance No. 118) License Fee: 1$ 75.00 Operating Year:Z Goa -!�2-40281 licant Information Do. a -7Zo 3z.o Applicant Name Phone Number _-- rite State zip � Business Information A 1 D1"C\ Business Name Business Address Zoning District *verify the proposed use is allowed in this zoning district Corporate Information fff Corporate Name Corporate Address ►• Phone Number flole • K Sd Y1 ti 0 S- v City State Zip State Phone Number Owner(s)/Corporate Officer(s) (list names and addresses of all persons have a beneficial interest in the Name: `! �o 6 -- Address City State Zip Name: Address necessat7!, list additional owner City State Zip on a separate sheet of a er all individuals involved in ivin tattoo services Name: '6-5 MOO i OO ©LI �L zoaAer S�• u `h ok�5S 3 S o , Address City State Z►P Name: Address list additional operators on a City State Zip sheet of paper City of Hutchinson Application for Tattoo Service Page 2 of 3 I Checklist (all items must be checked "yes" in order for the application to be processed) I The following items need to be completed and/or attached in order for the application to be processed: Certification from licensed physician that applicant and all technicians are free from communicable disease: ❑ X yes ❑ no Application fee paid in full (check or money order): 1, 1 yes ❑ no Application completed in full and signed: 02 yes ❑ no Release of Information completed and signed: V yes ❑ no I hereby certify that I have completely filled out the entire above application and that the application is true, correct, and accurate. I fully understand that any person who violates any provision of the Tattooing Services Ordinance No. 118 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus, in either case, the costs of prosecution. t -� I2,17,1 �Si ature ofApplicant Date ft\ Llsl..A-VA— A, . ✓✓ Print Name Title NOTE. No application will be forwarded to the City Council unless received two weeks prior to the regular Council meeting, filled out in completion, and fee payment is attached. Internal Use Only Zoning/Building lidapproved ❑denied Notes: Police C3approved ❑denied Notes: City Council ❑approved ❑denied Notes: H:LiccaseslApplicatious/f attoo.doc HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Consideration of Adopting Legislative Priorities for 2022 Agenda Item: Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: With the 2022 Legislative session about ready to start, and as we have done in previous years, I would like the City Council to consider adopting a set of legislative priorities for the upcoming year. As in past years, this would be a document that we would use to communicate our legislative concerns/issues both to the public, and to our local legislators, and could be a document to use when you make your trips to the State Capitol. Included in your packet is a proposal for our legislative priorities for 2022. Many of these are carry overs from last year's list and include input from department directors. I'm looking for direction from the Council on what you would like to see set aside as legislative priorities for 2022. With that being said, this is really a document the City Council should be comfortable with. If you are comfortable with what has been put together, I would ask that you officially approve the list. If you would like to see some changes, you can table the item for us to make changes to the list. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Legislative Priorities for 2022. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A u HUTCH 1 N SO N Office of the Mayor and City Council 111 Hassan Street SE A CITY ON PURPOSE. Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 320-234-5151/Fax 320-234-4240 2022 Legislative Priorities The City of Hutchinson has identified the following legislative priorities for 2022. The City generally supports the platforms of the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities and the League of Minnesota Cities and these policies are not generally re -stated here except where they have unusual relevance or purpose for the City of Hutchinson. To better assist our State legislative leaders, we have identified certain legislative priorities and general policy statements that are of specific impact and interest to the residents and business community of Hutchinson. These legislative priorities are intended to advocate on behalf of the City in a responsible manner that strengthens the partnership between our City and the State and brings forth our vision of an involved, progressive and innovative community that promotes our regional prominence while preserving our hometown character and delivering quality, cost- effective services. I. GENERAL GOVERNMENT A. Local Control. Over the past couple of years, the State Legislature has proposed several bills that attempted to eliminate or weaken local control. The City opposes any legislation that erodes local decision making and control, and believes that decision - making happens best at the local level. B. Deputy Registrars. In 2020, with the State's conversion to their new MNDRIVE program, the State shifted substantial clerical and auditing responsibilities onto the deputy registrar network, which includes Hutchinson. This shift includes no funding from the State of Minnesota, despite the fact that the State receives over $1 billion annually in state fees and taxes collected through the deputy registrar network. The City of Hutchinson supports any legislation that provides deputy registrars with proper compensation by reallocating from existing state fee structures or other appropriate filing fee adjustments to ensure the valued service and continued presence it remains in Hutchinson to serve our citizens. C. Local Government Aid. The City of Hutchinson supports restoring the annual inflation and population growth adjustments to the LGA appropriation. We also note than any changes in the LGA formula should be agreed upon by all city organizations before passage in the legislature. On top of that, we oppose artificial, non -formula -based limits on aid to individual or groups of cities and we would oppose any measure to reduce current LGA levels for the next biennium. D. Airport Legislation. The City of Hutchinson supports legislation that clearly indicates maintenance and operation of an airport is deemed an essential public service; clarifies when state airport funds can be used for airport planning; allows for the approval of obstructions, without variance, if FAA analysis deems the obstruction non -hazardous; and updates to Airport zoning that deal with boundary limits, the integration of airport zoning with local planning/zoning, allows for flexibility to enact airport zoning, and aligns the process with the municipal planning process requirements. E. Controlling the Sale of Strong Beer, Spirits and Wine. The City of Hutchinson opposes any legislation that would make it easier for the sale of strong beer, spirits, and wine in grocery and convenience stores. The City of Hutchinson supports existing regulations controlling the sale of alcohol to minimize the risks associated with youth access to alcohol, and believes allowing the sale of strong beer, spirits and wine in grocery and convenience stores could increase the public health risk of youth access to alcohol and alcohol -related motor vehicle accidents among youth. On top of this, the City of Hutchinson believes that the economic impact of allowing grocery and convenience stores to sell strong beer, spirits, and wine would be devastating impacting local taxpayers. F. Hutchinson Area Transportation Services (HATS) Facility. The city of Hutchinson supports any funding efforts by the legislature to support improvements to the Hutchinson Area Transportation Services (HATS) facility to provide adequate vehicle & equipment mechanics bays utilizing existing facilities and adding additional tempered vehicle & equipment storage building, upgraded fueling facilities, outdoor wash station, bulk water station and wastewater collection station. G. Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Facility. The city of Hutchinson supports any funding efforts by the legislature to fill the financial gap to assist in the construction of the State's Civil Air Patrol Facility that is planned to be installed adjacent to the Hutchinson Municipal Airport. II. TRANSPORTATION A. Highway 212. The City of Hutchinson strongly supports the inclusion of funding from the Corridors of Commerce program to support the $110 million of needed improvements that will complete the highway to a continuous four -lane highway to Norwood Young America and that any maps or lists of Corridors of Commerce highways include US Highway 212. B. Highway 15. The City of Hutchinson supports any legislation that provides for additional funding to make improvements to Highway 15 between Interstate 90 and 94. In particular, we support funding to provide additional passing lanes on Highway 15 from TH 7 to I-94. C. Highway 7. The City of Hutchinson supports any legislation that provides for additional funding to increase safety measures on Highway 7 east of Hutchinson. In particular, we support funding to provide an additional bypass lane adjacent to the Crow River Winery. D. Transportation Funding. The City of Hutchinson supports a comprehensive transportation plan with appropriate long-term funding. We also support funding for Corridors of Commerce and city streets independent of a comprehensive transportation package. In regards to the Corridors of Commerce, we support the current 50-50 split between Greater Minnesota and the metro area, and we reject a scoring system that allows more points for corridors that run through the metro area over those that connect Greater Minnesota cities. III. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A. Increased Funding. The city of Hutchinson supports increased funding for state programs to assist local economic development such as the Greater MN Business Development Infrastructure (BDPI) grant program, MN Investment Fund, Job Creation Fund, Redevelopment Grant Program, Demolition Loan Program, and greater MN workforce housing and child care programs. B. Skilled Workforce. The city of Hutchinson supports legislation that enhances skilled 2 workforce development throughout the State. C. COVID 19. The city of Hutchinson supports any funding efforts for programs to support workers and businesses impacted by the pandemic and any mitigation efforts should be done without doing unnecessary damage to local economies. IV. PARK AND RECREATION A. Dakota Rail Trail. The City of Hutchinson supports any legislation that provides funding to fully extend the remaining Dakota Rail Trail from eastern McLeod County to the City of Hutchinson. B. Parks & Trails Legacy Funding. The City of Hutchinson supports the current formula that allocates 20% of the Parks and Trails Legacy funding to greater Minnesota and oppose changes that would reduce that share. V. PUBLIC SAFETY A. Forfeiture Preservation Act. The city of Hutchinson supports legislation that preserves city's police departments ability to utilize the federal forfeiture sharing program, maintains a reasonable cash threshold that protects communities from ongoing drug trafficking and keeps habitual drunken drivers off of our roads. B. Permit to Purchase Fees. The city of Hutchinson supports legislation that would allow local police departments to charge a reasonable fee for processing permit to purchase applications. VI. ENVIRONMENT A. Water Ouality Regulation. The City of Hutchinson states that water quality regulations, permits, and other restrictions affecting cities must be grounded in solid peer reviewed science and must be established in a manner that respects the due process rights of cities and other interested stakeholders. B. Labeling. The City of Hutchinson supports legislation that requires manufacturers of consumer products, including flushable wipes that could otherwise cause environmental harm and/or damage wastewater infrastructure to label their products with appropriate usage and disposal information. C. Funding for Hutchinson Lakes/River Basin Improvements. While the city of Hutchinson appreciates bonding efforts to support our Lakes and River Basin Improvement project, it's important to reiterate that this is a phased project with additional future bonding needs. The city of Hutchinson supports any additional legislation that provides funding to make improvements to the water quality, habitat, and recreation possibilities of Hutchinson's lakes and river basins both within and surrounding the community. D. Permitting for Wastewater Plants. The city supports legislation that would provide the same regulatory certainty for cities currently paying off debt on previously required wastewater plant construction to meet effluent limits as was provided for with new and future plant construction in state statute 115.455, which was adopted in 2018. E. Recycling and Composting Programs. The city of Hutchinson supports any legislation that continues to make funding available annually to further assist in expanding and improving recycling and composting programs and facilities in Greater Minnesota. c HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL HUTCHINSON Request for Board Action A CITY ON PURPOSE. Setting Date to Canvass Special Election Results Agenda Item: Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/25/2022 Application Complete N/A Contact: M. Jaunich/M. Starke Agenda Item Type: Presenter: M. Jaunich/M. Starke Reviewed by Staff ❑� New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Minnesota Statute Section 205.185 requires that the governing body of the municipality canvass the returns of the municipal general election. Minnesota law states that between the third and tenth days after an election, the governing body of a city conducting any election , including a special municipal election, or the governing body of a town conducting the general election in November shall act as the canvassing board, canvass the returns, and declare the results of the election. Therefore, the Council needs to set a date for canvassing the special election results between February 11 - February 18, 2022. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Set municipal canvassing board meeting for a date between February 11 - February 18, 2022. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: New Bu Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: N/A Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: N/A Public Arts Commission Dec 8 2021 Zoom - 5:30 PM MINUTES In attendance: Justin Beck, Morgan Baum, Jackie Fuchs, Patrick Hiltner, Pat May, Jeri Jo Redman Not in attendance: Kay Johnson, Dan Jochum (ex-officio), Lynn Neuman (ex-officio) • Call To Order at 5:36pm • Approve Minutes, motion by Pat, second by Jackie • Financial Report o All financials current, no updates to report. • Sculpture Stroll Updates o Call for Art Updates ■ No submissions received yet ■ Added our CFA on the website "Forecast Public Art" which is MN based. ■ MN Artists has approved call ■ Make updates and notes in the spreadsheet o Ballot box removal ■ Justin has not yet spoken to park staff regarding removal of the ballot boxes. ■ Let's ask Randy to wait until the new pieces get installed and remove the boxes at that time? o Drop off and Pick Up Discussion ■ Justin spoke with Randy Carter who is responsible for assisting the artists with (de)installation of sculptures. There are some adjustments we should make to simplify the process for him: • Establish timeline • If a piece cannot be picked up, he can uninstall and store it at the Park's garage. Need to make space for the new artwork coming in. • Ok to do on weekends with advance notice. • Give him a spreadsheet with pieces by owner, location, etc. [Morgan will create it] • Website Discussion o Shift responsibility for website update requests to Dan Jochum. o Should we explore a website redesign? ■ Need to find simple, evergreen photos and language so there's not so many changes. • Gateway Park Mural Update o Pat spoke to Dave W. o Can't be fixed, will continue to deteriorate. o How much would it cost to be redone? • Open Discussion/New Business o All sculptures have enough brochures, we have spares for restocking in Spring. o Work with Crow River Press on next year's brochure o We should brainstorm ways to use the QRcode (e.g. artists bios, voting, etc) o Add plaques to permanent pieces and include install date. o Justin will reach out to Ridgewater about this year's selection process. • Adjourn, 6:27pm motion by Jackie, second by Jeri -Jo !r � HRA HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Regular Board Meeting Teleconference Call (GoToMeeting) Tuesday, December 21, 2021, 7:00 AM Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Steve Jensen called the meeting to order virtually in GoToMeeting. Members Present: Robin Kashuba, and Kimberly Merwin virtually in GoToMeeting, Gary Forcier in person. Staff Present: Judy Flemming and Jocelyn Jacobson. a. Approve the Hutchinson HRA Regular Board Meeting agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections. Gary Forcier moved to approve the agenda as presented and Robin Kashuba seconded. Roll Call: Jensen — Aye; Forcier — Aye; Kashuba — Aye; & Merwin — Aye. The motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON NOVEMBER 16, 2021 Gary Forcier moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting and Kimberly Merwin seconded. Roll Call: Jensen — Aye; Forcier — Aye; Kashuba — Aye; & Merwin — Aye. The motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS Gary Forcier moved to approve the: a. City Center General Fund payments of $13,232.31 for checks 9230 to 9233 b. November 30, 2021 City Center financial statements c. Park Towers operating account payments of $74,295.29 for checks 15540 to 15578 d. Park Towers Security Deposit account payments of $516.18 for checks 1601 & 1602 • Sections a through d Robin Kashuba seconded. Gary Forcier moved to approve the: e. October 31, 2021 Park Towers financial statements • Section a approved with follow up statements at next meeting. • Kimberly Merwin seconded. Roll Call: Jensen — Aye; Forcier — Aye; Kashuba — Aye; & Merwin — Aye. The motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS a. Consideration of Resolution #2021-6 to Approve Removal of Items from Depreciation Report • Gary Forcier moved to approve Resolution #2021-6 and Kimberly Merwin seconded. Roll Call: Jensen — Aye; Forcier — Aye; Kashuba — Aye; & Merwin — Aye. The motion carried unanimously. b. Consideration of Resolution #2021-7 to Write off Bad Debt/Uncollectable Accounts • Gary Forcier moved to approve Resolution #2021-6 and Robin Kashuba seconded. Roll Call: Jensen — Aye; Forcier — Aye; Kashuba — Aye; & Merwin — Aye. The motion carried unanimously. c. Park Towers December Newsletter - FYI d. Park Towers Vacancy Report e. Management Update: December 21, 2021 Minutes Page 1 of 2 1. 3 Non -Renewal of Leases Issued 2. January HAP Payment Requested 3. Requesting Reimbursement from Replacement Reserves for the Front Entry Door Opener Replacement 5. OPERATING RESERVES LITIGATION UPDATE Funding pending all Federal ID's supplied. 6. ISLAND VIEW HEIGHT LOTS INFORMATION Holding until Maxfield Housing Needs Assessment report for more information. 7. SET PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR DIRECTOR JANUARY 18, 2022 Gary Forcier moved to set review date and Kimberly Merwin seconded. Roll Call: Jensen — Aye; Forcier — Aye; Kashuba — Aye; & Merwin — Aye. The motion carried unanimously. 8. COMMUNICATIONS a. Tax Forfeited Land • Holding until Maxfield Housing Needs Assessment report. b. Apartment Guide, Vacancies & Rents 9 Gary moved to approve the Apartment Guide and Robin Kashuba seconded. Roll Call: Jensen — Aye; Forcier — Aye; Kashuba — Aye; & Merwin — Aye. The motion carried unanimously. c. Updated HRA Board & Staff Contact List 9. ADJOURNMENT Robin Kashuba moved to adjourn and Kimberly Merwin seconded. Roll Call: Jensen — Aye; Forcier — Aye; Kashuba. — Aye; & Merwin — Aye. There being no other business, Vice Chair Steve Jensen declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Judy Fl ming, HRA Executive Director r,.. Gary For ier, Secretary/Treasurer December 21, 2021 Minutes Page 2 of 2 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci=y�f 000h Request for Board Action 79 =- M_7 Agenda Item: Annual report - Residential Leaf Vacuum Service Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 11/23/2021 Application Complete N/A Contact: John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff ❑ Governance Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: 2021 was the 12th year that the City offered Residential Leaf Vacuum services. Dry conditions in 2021 led to less leaves being on trees. Loads hauled were close to a typical dry year, while persistent dry conditions resulted in lower tons being hauled. Equipment costs have increased significantly over the years, leading to a recommendation that future consideration be given to offsetting service costs with a revenue source, either in Storm Water or Refuse. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: None. Report presented for City Council information. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: u HUTCHINSON A CITY ON PURPOSE. January 25, 2022 City of Hutchinson Public Works Department Operations & Maintenance 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone (320) 234-4219 Fax (320) 234-6971 To: Honorable Mayor & City Council members From: John Olson, Public Works Manager CC: Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Kent Exner, DPW/City Engineer Subject: Residential Leaf Vacuum Service - 2021 Service Report Tons & Loads 2021 was the 121h year of the residential leaf vacuum service program. In 2021, there were no interruptions of service due to snow and inclement weather. The last time that happened was in 2020 and 2014, when we had 2.6/6.0 weeks and 4.1/6.0 weeks of service, respectively. In reviewing trends on the graph of tons and loads hauled, it appears this service has 'hit its stride'. Both tons and loads hauled have plateaued in recent years. Tons increased by only 2% in 2021 because of dry conditions this year, while loads hauled increased by 21%. 1 1 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 2012-2021 Residential Leaf Vacuum Service 'I 875.3 LOADS 1P ir N N N E E I IP I 11 11 0 IF F0 ir g- IF o 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Operations For safety, all units are equipped with mirrors, backup cameras and warning signs. All three primary leaf vacuums are equipped with top exhaust hoods, making them narrower and easier to see around. The spare vacuum has side exhaust hoods, so the trailer is significantly wider. There were no accidents in 2021. In 2021, there was no overtime. One leaf vacuum was replaced in 2021. The former spare vacuum was traded in and one older vacuum was retained as a spare. We have found that having a spare vacuum is critical, since there are always service/repair issues that affect at least one of the other vacuums. Having a spare unit allows operators to continue when primary vacuums are unavailable. The spare unit has also been used in the past to supplement primary vacuums during heavier weeks, reducing or eliminating the need for overtime. Again, a few homes were notified to remove leaves from the street after service period ended. Cost of service In the future, I recommend the City consider collecting revenue through either storm water or refuse to offset the cost of this service. The cost of service is approximately $30 per residence. It would take a charge of about $2.50 per month to cover the service's costs, based on 4,260 residences. Collecting revenue to cover the service cost would free up over $125,000 per year, which could be directed to storm water system infrastructure maintenance. Conclusion I would like to thank Public Works staff for their dedication. I appreciate the ongoing efforts by Public Works staff to improve this valued service. Plans are to continue this service into the foreseeable future unless directed otherwise by the City Council. Primary Equipment STWT-524-HEQ 2020 REFS-104-HEQ 2018 STWT-106-HEQ 2018 STWT-184-HEQ (spare) 2013 STWT-524-TRC STWT-104-TRC STWT-106-TRC STWT-879-HTK 2021 2021 2021 ODB Leaf vacuum, self-contained ODB Leaf vacuum, self-contained ODB Leaf vacuum, self-contained ODB Leaf vacuum, self-contained John Deere Tractor, 6145R John Deere Tractor, 6145R John Deere Tractor, 6145R Diesel Gasoline Gasoline Diesel 2003 Sterling Truck w/ Vac -All Vacuum sweeper Three tractors are leased each season to tow the leaf vacuums. The standard rental per tractor is based on 200 hours/year for leaf vacuuming and 100 hours/year for snow removal. Excess hours are paid on an hourly basis, as necessary. The Sterling Vac -All truck is used throughout the year. As a vacuum sweeper, it is more efficient at picking up lighter, organic materials such as seeds, twigs and leaves. The Vac -All has a 13 cubic yard debris body. It is typically used during the pre -season and later in the season to cleanup before the season ends. Other Equipment STWT-496-TK1 2019 Elgin Broom Badger sweeper Mechanical sweeper The Elgin mechanical sweeper is more efficient at picking up heavier materials, such as dirt and aggregates, so it isn't used as much during leaf season. The mechanical sweeper has a hopper capacity of about 3 cubic yards. The plan is to purchase a large, truck -mounted regenerative air street sweeper and a wheel loader -mounted pickup broom in the future, to fill the roles of both the Vac -All and Elgin. This is anticipated to take place in 2027. RESIDENTIAL LEAF VACUUM SERVICE ANNUAL SERVICE REPORT Service period 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Service began 10/12/2021 10/13/20 10/15/19 10/09/18 10/10/17 10/11/16 10/13/15 10/14/14 10/15/13 10/09/12 Service ended 11/22/2021 11/23/20 11/25/19 11/19/18 11/20/17 11/21/16 11/23/15 11/07/14 11/25/13 11/19/12 Weeks of service 6 2.6 6 6 6 6 6 4.1 6 6 Loads Hauled 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 STWT-524-HEQ ODB Leaf Vacuum 66 4 - 7 75 79 71 88 105 116 STWT-014-HEQ ODB Leaf Vacuum - - - - 89 89 83 77 115 116 STWT-104-HEQ ODB Leaf Vacuum 67 49 83 58 STWT-106-HEQ ODB Leaf Vacuum 54 50 73 68 STWT-184-HEQ ODB Leaf Vacuum 7 53 87 82 70 70 70 74 47 - STWT-024-HEQ Challenger Sweeper - - - - 2 5 - - 4 - STWT-879-HTK Vac -All Sweeper 31 30 13 10 53 14 9 - 84 104 Total Loads Hauled 225 186 256 225 289 257 233 239 355 336 21% -27% 14% -22% 12% 10% -3% -33% 6% 4% Tons Hauled STWT-524-HEQ ODB Leaf Vacuum 191.8 11.8 - 23.3 211.4 244.4 258.5 229.2 321.1 307.0 STWT-014-HEQ ODB Leaf Vacuum - - - - 213.6 207.6 241.9 197.0 306.5 264.9 STWT-104-HEQ ODB Leaf Vacuum 192.1 173.6 251.4 186.2 - - - - - - STWT-106-HEQ ODB Leaf Vacuum 151.4 184.6 249.5 239.9 - - - - - - STWT-184-HEQ ODB Leaf Vacuum 37.4 176.4 255.4 263.0 173.4 189.1 219.4 168.0 139.5 - STWT-024-HEQ Challenger Sweeper - - - - 9.8 8.1 - - 16.8 - STWT-879-HTK Vac -All Sweeper 35.7 48.6 20.7 30.6 115.3 31.2 15.1 - 91.4 208.8 Total Tons Hauled 608.4 595.0 777.0 743.0 723.5 680.4 734.9 594.2 875.3 780.7 2% -23% 5% 3% 6% -7% 24% -32% 12% 57% RESIDENTIAL LEAF VACUUM SERVICE ANNUAL SERVICE REPORT 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Regular Hours 626.50 347.50 518.50 477.75 482.50 563.50 596.00 450.25 727.00 842.50 Overtime Hours - - 13.50 - 7.00 - 2.00 18.50 14.50 54.50 Total Hours 626.50 347.50 532.00 477.75 489.50 563.50 598.00 468.75 741.50 897.00 Regular Pay 17,635.51 9,160.46 12,764.54 11,507.42 11,854.77 14,197.39 14,423.15 9,938.32 16,215.78 17,143.96 Overtime Pay - - 486.58 - 251.21 - 57.76 734.77 494.74 1,721.70 Total Direct Labor 17,635.51 9,160.46 13,251.12 11,507.42 12,105.98 14,197.39 14,480.91 10,673.09 16,710.52 18,865.66 Indirect Labor Regular) 7,813.83 3,260.40 4,351.66 5,609.86 5,779.20 6,921.23 6,561.97 4,526.80 7,905.19 8,357.68 Indirect Labor (Overtime) - - 104.02 - 56.77 - 13.05 166.06 111.81 389.10 Total Indirect Labor 7,813.83 3,260.40 4,455.68 5,609.86 5,835.97 6,921.23 6,575.02 4,692.86 8,017.00 8,746.78 Total Labor 25,449.34 12,420.86 17,706.80 17,117.28 17,941.95 21,118.62 21,055.93 15,365.95 24,727.52 27,612.44 Direct & Indirect Labor- Per Hour 40.62 35.74 33.28 35.83 36.65 37.48 35.21 32.78 33.35 30.78 RESIDENTIAL LEAF VACUUM SERVICE ANNUAL SERVICE REPORT 2021 Hours Repairs 2009 ODB Leaf Vacuum (013/524)* 49.0 4,155.16 2018 ODB Leaf Vacuum (104)* 46.0 852.09 2018 ODB Leaf Vacuum (106)* 15.0 4,078.42 2013 ODB Leaf Vacuum (184)* 39.0 - John Deere Tractors (rented, 3 ea. @ $6,000/season)** 246.0 - LEAF VACUUMS 395.0 9,095.67 2003 Sterling/Vac-AV 36.0 1,627.65 75.0%= 1,220.74 2019 Elgin Sweeper' - 2,297.00 16.7% = 383.60 SWEEPERS 36.0 1,604.34 Total Equipment Operating 25,590.38 431.0 10,690.01 Cost per hour Capital 68,549.00 Fuel Operating Refurbish Capital Total 514.46 4,669.62 - 4,669.62 506.39 1,358.48 4,100.00 12,500.00 17,958.48 159.34 4,237.76 4,100.00 12,500.00 20,837.76 317.58 317.58 4,100.00 12,500.00 16,917.58 889.24 889.24 18,000.00 18,889.24 2,387.01 11,472.68 12,300.00 55,500.00 79,272.68 200.69 (0.11) 221.91 1,849.56 - 12,500.00 14,349.56 166.43 1,387.17 - 9,375.00 10,762.17 281.01 2,578.01 - 22,000.00 24,578.01 46.93 430.53 - 3,674.00 4,104.53 213.36 1,817.70 - 13,049.00 14,866.70 2,600.37 13,290.38 12,300.00 68,549.00 94,139.38 Cost per hour 218.42 . Leaf Vacuums ($100,000 replacement cost.'8 years); Tractor rent per year; Vac -All ($225K replacement cost a 18 years) (assume 75% far leaf season); vvSweeper ($220K replacement cost., 10years) (assume 16.7% for 2 cf 12 months) RESIDENTIAL LEAF VACUUM SERVICE ANNUAL SERVICE REPORT 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Direct labor 17,635.51 9,160.46 13,251.12 11,507.42 12,105.98 14,197.39 14,480.91 10,673.09 Indirect labor 7,813.83 3,260.40 4,455.68 5,609.86 5,835.97 6,921.23 6,575.02 4,692.86 Equipment operating costs 25,590.38 17,629.75 29,203.42 25,590.38 30,120.66 25,590.38 18,223.20 9,993.90 Equipment capital costs 68,549.00 68,549.00 68,549.00 68,549.00 83,252.38 68,549.00 68,549.00 78,747.00 Total program costs 119,588.71 98,599.61 115,459.22 111,256.66 131,314.99 115,258.00 107,828.13 104,106.85 21% -15% 4% -15% 14% 7% 4% 6% Cost per load 531.51 530.11 451.01 494.47 454.38 448.47 462.78 435.59 Cost per ton 196.56 165.71 148.61 149.74 181.50 169.40 146.72 175.21 Cost per hour 190.88 283.74 217.03 232.88 268.26 204.54 180.31 222.09 Cost per curb mile 175 est. 683.36 563.43 659.77 635.75 750.37 658.62 616.16 594.90 Cost per house 4,260 est. 28.07 23.15 27.10 26.12 30.83 27.06 25.31 24.44 Cost per week 19,931.45 37,922.93 19,243.20 18,542.78 21,885.83 19,209.67 17,971.36 25,570.10 2013 2012 16,710.52 18,865.66 8,017.00 8,746.78 12,967.80 14,502.36 60,211.00 60,401.49 97,906.32 102,516.29 -4% -11% 275.79 305.11 111.85 131.31 132.04 114.29 559.46 585.81 22.98 24.06 16,317.72 17,086.05 MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 21, 2021 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The September 21, 2021 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. Members in bold were present Chairman Lofdahl, Vice Chairman Hacker, Commissioner Garberg, Commissioner Wirt, Commissioner Sebesta, Commissioner Hantge, and Commissioner Janssen. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Kent Exner, City Engineer, John Olson, City Public Works, John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora, City Attorney, Andrea Schwartz, City of Hutchinson Permit Technician and Madison Newcomb, City of Hutchinson Planning and Building Assistant. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED August 17, 2021. Motion by Commissioner Wirt to approve August 17, 2021 meeting minutes. Second by Commissioner Garberg. Motion approved. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A MURAL IN THE MAIN STREET AREA DISTRICT LOCATED AT 22 1sT AVE NE_ Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Chairman Lofdahl noted that the colors may very subject to availability. Also noted that the artist will be Zachary Chilisin (not Mr. Wegshied). Morgan Baum (2" d Ave and I st Ave, Owner), confirmed the comments. Motion by Commissioner Sebesta, second by Commissioner Wirt close hearing at 5:39 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Hacker to approve with 1 staff recommendation. Second by Commissioner Sebesta. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 09/28/2021. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission September 21, 2021 Page 2 5. NEW BUSINESS A. NONE 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. NONE 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. UPCOMING MEETINGS — staff has nothing at this point. B. Growth Plan Study Workshop to follow this meeting. C. Police Station — Dan Jochum gave an update on the project. There was a slight delay due to elevation changes that were needed. D. Proposed Apartments on the river are still being looked at pending a FEMA grant. E. Discussion on not having to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for murals. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Lofdahl to adjourn the meeting, second by Commissioner Wirt. Meeting was adjourned at 5:57 p.m.