01-27-2021 HUCMMIN�UTES •Aegular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, January 27, 2021 Call to order — 3:00 President Don Martinez callled the meeting to order. Members present: President Don Martinez-, Vice President Matt Cheney, Secretary Robert Wenidoirff; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; GM Jeremy Carter-, Attorney Marc Sebora Absent: Commissioner Monty Morrow I Conflict of Interest Commissioner Hanson declared', conflict of interest in voting on agenda item 2f - Designate Depositories for Utility Funds, as he is an employee of Citizens Bank & Trust. Commissioner Hanson will be abstaining from Agenda item 2f. 2. Commission Reorganization President Martinez called for the annual Commission reorganization, Commission will be combining items a, b and c. A motion made by Commissioner Wendiorff, second by Commissioner Hanson to elect Matt Cheney to the position of President, Anthony Hanson to the position of Vice President and Don Martinez to the position of Secretary. Motion unanimously carried. fA motion made by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Cheney to designate Citizens, Bank & Trust, Wells Fargo Bank, Wells Fargo Advisors, Home State Bank, Morgan Stanley and Cetera Investment Services as depositories for utility funds. Motion unanimously carried. Commissioner Hanson abstained. 3. Approve Consent Agen, a. I Approve Minutes s b. Ratify Payment of Bill ansoin, secw w w wI ssioner Consent Agiendai. Motion carried unanimously. 39M r_rlr- =1 GM Carter reviewed the 202�Oi Load Duration Curve Contract Graph that was handed out. Mr. Lang compares the percentage of baseload coo the overall load for the year, which is done on a yearly basis, Conversations were held on the amount of load that is locked up Into contracts. Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to approve the financial statements. Motion carried unan,imously. 5. Open Forum 6. Communication a., City Administrator — Matthew J�aun,ich — Absent b. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Absent iiDave Hunstad, Electric Transmissiobution Manager — Absent Randy Blake, Production Manager — Absent John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director — Absent v. Jared g, Financial Manager-, Absent c. Human Resources - Brenda Ewing — Absent e, General Manager — Jeremy Carter j. March is anticipated time frame for the Audit 2 ii. Sent out Legislative updates Iii. Sent out template on Citizen Survey; Commission please think about framework and types of questions, Plan is to send out in Summer, compile results and have complete by Strategic Planning meeting in the Fall. iv. MMUA Legislative Rally on February 10tI v. APPA meeting coming up March 1 st and 2nd Finishing up reviews on Staff vii. Unit 6 has been fixed. A new OMD (Oil Mist Detection) system was instal�leid 3 weeks ago. 'Unit 7 should be finished up today. However, a pump seal in the water tower went bad'. Now Staff is waiting for the seal to come in before running Unit 7. Once units have 1000 hours Staff will sign off and warranty starts. Depreciation will start this year. 7. Policies a,. Review Policies I Section 1 opt Handbook Section 1 of Non -Exempt Handbol TWOT-IMOMIN1713- 9. New Business GM Carter presented Requisition #8631 — 2021 Ram,35001 Cab and Chassis. This, is a CIP item. Whena service person was added in the Natural Gas Divisiiior a vehicle is now needed, This cab and chassis did; come in lower than what was budgeted. IT —1villy Z,77111111010 N NJTT-j#,-0rM I ff ( f fb-bT,#7r Requisition #8631 — 20121 Ram 3500 Cab and Chassis., Motion carried unanimously GM Carter presented Requisition #8635 — Utility Service Body for 202111 Service Vehicle. This is the 2nd half of the above truck. 1MY 05TI—on Cy —Commissioner eniey, secono UTCommissione GAL Requisition #8635 — Utility Service Body for 20211 Service Vehicle. Motion carri unanimously. RI GM Carter presented Requisition #8632 — RDO Veermeer Directional Drill. In 2014, HUC purchased a Vermeer Directional Drill along with a trailer, mixer and water tank. This is H I main piece of equlipmenit for installing Electric and Natural Gas services, averaging 17,000 boring feet per year. Staff has determined the tra�iler, mixer', and water tank has operating Iffe and does not need to be repIlaced at this time. ThereforeStaff is requesting to only replace the drill itself along with drill rods and adapters, HUC will receive $53K in trade value for I the 20114 Vermeer Drill. A motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Hanson, to, Approve Requisition #8632 — RDO Veerimeer Directional Drill. Motion carneq unanimously, GM Carter presented Requisition #8636 — CEM Equipment. The operating permit for Unit 1 gas turbine requires Staff to perform continuous emissions monitoringi. The continuous emiissions monitoring systern (CEMS) currently has a data logger to gather and store the emission information for reporting to EPA/MPCA. The existing data logger is operated in conjunction with software from a company called VIM'I. VIM has notified HUC the software will no longer be supported. Besides the data logger, Data Acquisition Handling System (DAHS) is another option that can; be used to accompliis,h data acquisition, Thiis type of system is, used a,lmost exclusively in emission data collection systems in the Industry. Thiis is a CIP item that was budgeted and did come in under budget. 11 I OW II�IJIIIIJII M IIIIIffl!711WIT!1IT some e, Approve Requisition #8638- CE Power Plant 2 Transformer Pad December Progress Billing. A motion by Commissioner TTendorI second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Requisition #8638 - CE Power Plant 2 Transformer Pad December Progress Billing. Motion carried unanimously. 4 GM Carter presented the Interactive Photovoltaic System. GM Carter recapped the conversations that were held at the january 13, 2021 special meeitinigi. At that time discussions were held on the bid proposals, s,ize of array options and cost/kwhir olf the various bid proposals. Based on those discussions, if the Commission wouild o continue to move forward with a utility scale solar array, Staff is recommending awarding the bid to Ziegler Power Systems for theiir 766KW CD solar array at a total installed cost of #976,967.00. Ziegler Power Systems overall is the lowest project cost, is the most competitive project based on cost/kwhr, does not fill the whole area but can be added to in the future and mr=_ After discussions, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve Awarding the �Bid — Interactive Photovoltaic System to Ziegler Power Systems. Motion carried unanimously. catastrophic Tund trorn �w the designation at any time. A motion by Commissioner Hansonsecond by Commissioner Wendiorff to Approve increasing the Catastrophic Reserve Fund to $1 Mi. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held on insurance; does Staff see more competition -carriers coming in the future. Something for the Commission to think about is to hire an engineering firm to do a risk assessment, an overal�l scope of the entire facility and only insure a few items; which could reduce the premiums. Essenfially HUIC would opic of'having a study/thought process to possibly s,elf- insure should be put on a list for discussion in 2021. h, Approve Amended Agreement with the City of Browntoin for Meter Readi Services, I GIVI Carter presented the Amended Agreement with the City of Browntoin for Meter Reading Services. This is an amended agreement to now include reading 5 the water meters. i '11111 fill � 1 OTI C -TV approve Amended Agiireement with the City of Brownton for Meter Reading Services. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to adjourn the meeting at 3:58pm. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Matt Cheney, President on Don, Martinez, SecretarY�11'/