10-27-2021 HUCM Special MeetingStrategic Planning Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, October 27, 2021 WITILT117rx-IN-T-15TWITIT. "I, Members present: President Matt Cheney; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Don Martinez; Commissioner Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Monty Morrow; GM Jeremy Carter Others present: Dave Hunstad, Dan Lang, Jared Martiig, John Webster, and Angle Radke. Pres,erviing/Attracting/Developlinig a skilled w,orkforce The GM! & Managers have identified critical positions in their respective areas through succession planning which is reviewed and considered annually. Some positions have, better ability for succession planning & cross -training then others.. 0 Where applicable internal employees are identified for potential movement up within the organization and in other areas external candidates may need to be considered. • Continued training, conferences, and education continues to be a part of the organizations focusto ensure a skilled and educated workforce at HUC. Management will continually evaluate personnel and recommend adljustments and organizational change where appropriate based on industry trends, the needs of HUIC's current operations, and as, HUC will continue to cross -train, provide back up, and have an action plan in place for critical areas so that chilly operations are minimally affected by personnel changes, retirements...etc. Management continues to evaluate daily operations and look at filling potential vacancy with internal, external, or a combination of staff and consulting firms in situations where it may be needed. Management recognizes the continual need in the future for more technical skill sets as technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, There needs to be a renewed effort on how HUC wiEl advertise, attract, and bring new employees into the organization as the labor force shrinks. There may need to be more direct recruiting, attending job fairs, or various other methods used. Managing, HUC's Future Finances/Business Board and staff discussed where Federal and State legislation is at and what can be ainticipated over the next S years. There was discussion about a deregulated environment and the constraints or opportunities that HUC has within that environment. There was also discussion about Transmission opportunities now and into the future as well as looking into an adidlitional Joint Action Agency arrangement to improve the purchasing power for transmission projects. Duiring the strategic planniing meeting there was a review and discussion on the S-yeah forecasted budget, the wholesale generation model, and additional opportunities, on the Natural Gas Transmission line. • Acceptable Balance sheet cash was discussed aind:, various, options reviewed. The board and staff discussed designating Hi full 5 — Year CIP plan on, an, annually basis versus 5 years of project maintenance expenses and fleet. Also, there was discussion on HUCs outstanding debt and potential retiring debt early where it maikes financial and economic sense. There was also discussion about designating additional dollairs in the, Natural Gas Rate stabilization fund to protect customers against another severe polar vortex/storm Uri in, future winters. Various strategies have been discussed includling increasing the dollar value range. The board and staff also, considered various, city pirojiects that could be funded or partially funded to help the city reallocate, resources to other priorities or pressing need's. Several items were identified that made sense and fit the mission of HIUC, Resource Plianining/Programs Discussed whether or not a Community Solar Garden should be considered within HUCs service, territory. The residential survey should shed some light on the willingness or interest of residents to participate in, a community solar garden. In addition, there was discussion on a continual presence by developers to add distributed generation resources in town and that HILIC needs to establish a solar buy back electric rate. Discussed industry trends and how HUC can continue to be involved in adding Electric' Vehicle (EV) charging stations in town in destination areas. There was also diiscussion on the in -home charger program using Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) dollars to help defray some of the customers cost. Briefly talked about continuing to move HUCs fleet towards electric vehicles where it makes sense to do so. Briefly discussed being a part of a Community Climate Action Plan andl partnering with the city to lead an effort towards sustainability. Battery Storage technology was discussed. Part of the discussion centered on how different battery storage applications in the, industry are working. Staff continues to monitor battery storage tec�hinology and if there are any applications worthwhiile in the future to investigate HUC staff may bring it forward to the commission for consideration. Briefly discussed the strengths and skiHs sets of new commissioners comiiing on the board in the future. Adjourned at 3:00 p.m. Don Martinez, Secretary ATTEST: � \4��' � )�J\ \ IV "V \J'A ��att`Cheney, president