11-22-2021 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes November 22, 2021 Present: Kay Yoch, Al Barkeim, Connie Dahl, Mike Becker, Rhonda Schwarze, Julie Jensen, Jeannette Meyer, Dave Husfeldt City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:01 a.m. by Chair Kay Yoch. II. Secretary’s Report: The minutes from last month’s meeting were reviewed. No corrections were brought forward. Jeannette made a motion to approve the minutes with a second from Rhonda. The motion passed. III. Monthly Sales Review: September reported that card sales totaled $84 this past month with $10 of those sales coming from Green Castle. Dish cloths and scrubbers brought in an additional $35. IV. Old Business A. Flag Pole- Flag raising ceremony for the newly installed flag pole went very well and a plaque with remaining monies from the project will be installed at a future date. September again reiterated that if the Senior Center is relocated, the flag pole will move also at the City’s expense. VI. Business A. Senior Center Tours- Julie reported that the November tour to watch the University of Minnesota Marching Band perform went well but had to take a th detour due to an accident on highway 7. The December 12 outing to Orchestra th Hall for a holiday concert currently has 30 registered. On January 20 a group will head to Cold Spring to visit their famous bakery and watch a Branson type th show at the Event Center. February 14 will bring a trip to Bloomington for lunch and a performance of love songs at a local theater. We will revisit the th Chanhassen Dinner Theater on March 16 to see “Footloose.” Tours may see an increase in fees charged to lower the breakeven point. This would take some pressure off of filling a bus and the cost is still well below what other tour companies are charging. B. Update on Programs- The movie for November was “The Miracle Season” and December’s movie will be “Queen Bees”. The movie will be presented at 10:00am and 1:00pm on December 15th. Book Club B will be meeting at Greencastle for the winter months. Decko has been a popular special event which the Center will host again in the future. C. Mini Golf Equipment- September reported that she does not have any takers for the mini golf course at this time. The biggest issue is storage for the course. Any ideas for relocating the course would be appreciated. D. Book/Puzzle Fundraiser- The successful fundraiser will be repeated at a future date. Meanwhile, there is still some cash on the Thrivent card from that fundraiser. E. Board Members- Don Schroeder has agreed to represent the Senior Center on the Park Board. Randy Kandt will fill the vacancy on the Senior Advisory Board after the completion of chairperson Kay Yoch’s second term on a motion made by Jeannette with a second from Dave. Al Barkeim is completing his first term and has decided to continue for a second term. He was approved on a motion made by Connie with a second from Rhonda. F. Other- September announced that she will be retiring at the end of the current year. Board members expressed their appreciation for her time at the Center. VI. Adjournment: Dave made a motion to adjourn at 11:10am with a second from Connie. The motion passed. The next scheduled meeting of the Senior Advisory Board will be Monday, December 20th at 4:00 p.m. followed by Christmas festivities. John McRaith, Secretary