07-28-2021 HUCMMINIUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, July 28, 2021 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Matt Cheney called the meeting to order. Members present: President Matt Cheney; Secretary Don Martinez; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Robert Wendorff, Attorney Marc Sebora Absent: Vice President Anthony Hanson; GM Jeremy Carter 1. Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a, Approve Minutes bi. Ratify Payment of Bills I row to approve the Motion by Commissioner Martinez, second by Commissioner Mor Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements I Mr. Martig presented the Financial Statements. Accounts past due by 30i days has increased from pre Covid. Started disconnections in July, customers were able to call in and set up payment arraingemenits on past due amounts, Electric Division Net Income decreased by $228,940 due mostly to an increase in Expenses and a drop in Other Revenues. In 2020, Other Revenues included the transformer fire insurance proceeds. Customer Revenue and usage were up due to almost a 50% increase in cooliing degree days. This will be the last month without a power cost adjustment. Natural Gas Division saw a large decrease in Other Revenues related to a large customer service connection instaliled in 2020. Commissioner Wendorff inqui�red about Invoice Cloud. Mr, Martig, noted that Staff is looking at sending out E-bills a couple of days earlier. Overall customers seem to like Invoice Cloud better than the previous application. Pill 11111!� MW F, 'i en (Q 91-1r4 11 IN [Q 41019119w. 199 r-10 AII If 1,1211111 RAIZA111T. �1& 5. Communication a, City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich — i. Looking to fill council seat Work on new Police Station to start soon Going through Rate study on Water/Waste Water rates b. Divisions i., Dian Lang, Engineering Services Manager — June was a busy month with temperatures and market prices up. Generated 4 times more over last year, Load was up 13% more over last year., Highest June in over 10 years. Transmission and Natural Gas fuel costs were also up from last year. Budgeted for $2.25 gas andl average was over $3 (last month. Thilis, month gas is almost at $4. iIi. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distributiion Manager — 1. Had 6 outages in June, 4 of which were heat related, 2. Solar project update; continuing to be ahead of schedule 3. Project update iii. Randy Blake, Production Manager — Absent iv. Jared Martig, Financial Manager - 1 . New Accountant will be starting Aug 91 v. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director — 1. Dept has been down a person since this Spring, hopefully back to full staff this, fall. 0 a a•, 0 " - * AIN e. General' Manager — Jeremy Carter- Absent 6. Policies a. Review Policies I. Appendices of Exempt Handbook Appendices of Non-ExempIt Handbook No changes recommended at this time. 7. Unfinished'! Business I I III I l I Mr. Sebora presented Re -adopt the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request Policy. The State of Minnesota requires that political subdivisions like, HUC adopt ,?. data practices policy, which guides both the HUC a,nid members of the public in Iobtaining information from HUC. State of Minnesota also requires that HUC adopt the data practices policy annually prior to August 1. There are no changes. the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request Policy. Motion carried unanimously. 9 Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Martinez second by Commissioner Morrow to adjourn the meeting at 3-110p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Matt Cheney, President K Martine,, Secretary4'.Jr